#Chance Meeting
winchesterwild78 · 2 months
Chance Meeting Masterlist
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Individual chapters carry warnings.
18+ Minors DNI
A/N: This is my first fan fiction. All thoughts are my own. I adore Jensen and his family. Absolutely no disrespect. This is fiction. Please do not take or copy my work as your own. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome
Not sure why I didn’t create a Masterlist before now. Here you go 🥰
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10.1
Part 10.2
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Forever tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573
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infynin · 5 days
Our chance meeting <3
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I had drawn this at school with no reference for either character and also a chance meeting was playing in my earphones soo
I have another ff7 art work I wanna post but idk cause it’s rebirth spoilers :(
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
When the whumpee is somewhere with their friends/family and they meet the whumper and the whumper can't do anything to them but they talk to them in way that would hit the exact sore spots they know are there and the whumpee pretends everything is fine so that their family/friends wouldn't be worried and the whumper wouldn't know just how much power they still have over them and than when the whumper leaves they can't hold it anymore and break down and their family perhaps knew that they have bad memories of the whumper but they didn't know it was that bad and now they're like "oh. oh. What the fuck have they done to you"
Urrrgh, whumpers like that are infuriating when they get away with it! Hopefully the loved ones can provide some comfort
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savingthrcw · 15 days
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@okiedokiegoosey - chance meeting
She emptied her rifle on the yao guai, and was grateful she didn't have to make a show of her ghoul strength because the animal had finally died, not without the help of what had to be another happy traveler. "Holy moly, that was one tough cookie!" Rose rested her empty rifle against her shoulder and smiled at the woman, blinking when she took in the surprising outfit, "Were you also after it or was it a coincidence, miss?"
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blankdblank · 2 years
I Now Pronounce You Mud Monsters
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“Sham!! For two ages now all I have heard is that a bride I neither have need of, as I have an heir already, nor time or skill to woo without means of an arranged union and here I stand 15,000 years old without such bride in sight! Now you grant me a correct prophecy of my near future or is said bride to come falling out of the sky?!” The King with arms in a swing out dramatically in front of him, as if to say what now, stood staring at the seer near to being ousted from his lands for being a fraud.
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Years so you were told by your superstitious mother that you would find a King who will woo you while on a hike. So naturally you must be at your best at all times as you step foot outside your door.
Dressed to the nines after a particularly wet spring on a pathway littered with mud puddles you eyed a particularly deep puddle and smirked. Just once you would break the rule and show her that psychic was lying and you were tired of hoofing it in ridiculous clothes, shoes and primped to the best possible doing it. Years you had been ridiculed by anyone who saw this luring you to more and more secluded rougher paths to avoid such interactions that also left out to little or no friends. Again you heard the warning, and then you heard her gasp at a particularly loud stomping splash.
Mud everywhere stunningly somehow you now were in someone’s arms to lock your eyes on a particularly wide icy blue pair that stuck out brilliantly through the mud soaking both you and this statuesque stranger.
“So, what brings you here?” Came out in a broken try for confidence at a hello from you.
“I am King of these lands.”
“You don’t say. My mother warned me about you.” The statement only making his mud soaked brow twitch up in wonder as to what warning his supposed bride could have been given about him. After an awkward moment of staring at one another you asked, “Do you always walk around coated in mud?”
And plainly he answered concealing his shock at the notion, as he’d spent centuries dressed to his finest waiting for the moment of meeting his future bride, “You brought the mud with you.”
“Ah,” you answered awkwardly, “Sorry for that. You have some sticks in your hair too.”
“That is my crown.”
“Ah,” you said with a nod, “I bet it’s lovely, underneath, the mud.” After another moment of staring you say, “If you put me down I’ll get out of your hair and find my way home now.”
“You cannot leave we are to be wed.” He said and you let out a stunned squeak at the bold statement. “I shall escort you to the public baths and we shall dine and make pleasantries afterwards when I have clear look of you without your cloud of mud you use for transportation.” Unable to speak anymore he simply carried you inside and through the palace to take you where he promised to see just who he was meant to marry underneath all this mud. Only drawing the eye of every person he passed to inspect the odd spectacle their usually pristine King had found himself in with an unknown stranger who sat in his arms.
Outside a privacy nook within the public baths that granted a single user a space to get clean without worry of being spied upon if shy he let you down. “After we are bathed together we shall dine and make pleasantries before talks of a follow up brunch and mood for the musical entertainment to follow to your preference from our famed orchestra.”
“I don’t know you,” you blurted out simply out of nerves. “I could be anyone. You could be anyone. How am I supposed to know you without the mud?”
“Ah,” and his head turned to look at an Elleth who followed him here. “This is Marya, she will measure you for clothes and escort you to the meal. Also, you are the first new citizen here in 4000 years. I would know you anywhere.”
The sentimentality was not lost but simply nudged aside as you asked, “Are you going to eat me?” Causing Marya to hold back a smirk at the flinch of his eyes wider.
“Pardon me?”
“Only Vampires live that long and they drink blood.”
“No one here is going to eat you, life is very sacred to our people we are Elves.”
“Oh, there’s a lot of trees does that mean you’re the kind that bakes cookies?” Perhaps the dumbest thing that could have come out of your head just did and it was your turn to stare up at him wide eyed for a peculiar moment for him at the intensity of the look of panic on your muddy muddy face. “Don’t answer that. We have packages back home of cookies and they draw Elves on them, don’t answer that, that was a dumb thing to say.”
“We do, in fact. Live in trees and are quite fond of baking cookies. There shall be some at our meal.”
“Do we trade names now or later?”
“Names, yes, I am Thranduil Orophereon King of the Greater Greenwood and the Silvan Elves who dwell within its borders.”
“I’m Bunny,” you said and paused making his brow twitch, “Full name Jaqiearae Pearisiayiae, but no one can ever say that so I go by Bunny.”
“Might I ask your parents’ names?”
“Ninque and Elmo,” you said parting his lips a moment. “Never got to meet my dad, but mom said he was an amazing painter, so I tried at that. Mainly paint pictures of horses, only I’ve never actually seen a horse in person so they usually end up not very realistic. But I can make ladybugs that look like they come right off the easel.”
“It is a terrible weight to bear to lose ones father. I understand the pain.”
“Oh no, he’s alive, we just never met. Mom wouldn’t let him know about me, something about a psychic and he would only bring bad tidings to her career and whatnot, so just her and her no puddle jumping rule.”
“We should bathe before continuing this discussion.”
“Right, tub,” you said turning for the stall Marya joined you inside of and heard as you gestured to your back, “Could you, there are ties on my back.”
“With pleasure.” She said finding through a layer of muddy hair ties and lacings that were loosened to help remove the ribbed off the shoulder top before you had to get your shoes and pants off revealing clear glimmering patches of near clean skin enabling her to bring out a measuring tape to measure various parts of your body and then recede from the stall to go fetch you a new set of clothes with said measurements. So stripped bare you simply climbed into the round bee hive shaped tub to dunk down and get started removing the mud and anything else that had gotten stuck on you to keep the startling truth that wherever you were your old life seemed just entirely gone now.
Later again found caked in mud
Thranduil, “Ah, I see you have been traveling again. You have returned in time for lunch.”
“I fell off a bridge. No one travels by clouds of mud.”
But of course cue their first fight getting to know one another and he had guards posted at each puddle to ensure she cannot leave before he finds a way to remedy the misunderstanding.
@jesevans @lilith15000 @theincaprincess @devilishminx328
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alindakb · 6 months
Title: 25 Years of Christmas - 1999 Author: AlindaKB Word Count: 1090 (for now) Rating: Teen and up Prompt: Wooden Sleigh with Red Runners An old dark wooden sleigh is stationed in a snowy field. It has bright red painted ornate metal runners that curl up toward the front panels. Snow covers the seat of the sleigh and its backrest. The sky is overcast with clouds and fog, and fresh snow blankets a large group of spruce trees that stand around and behind the sleigh. The snow on the ground around the sleigh appears worn with light foot traffic. Warning: No warnings apply Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. Author's Notes: This story is ongoing but mostly already finished (thank you NaNo) - tags on AO3 will update accordingly.
Draco, who hates Christmas, spots Harry among some spruce trees when he's out to find the perfect Christmas Tree with his friends Pansy and Blaise. Over the years they find themselves drifting together and building a life together. And somewhere along the way, Draco finds out that he loves Christmas.
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modmatuk · 5 months
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Continuing my series of random Björk happenings.. this cd just appeared to me at a charity shop and I immediately gave her the warmest greeting and took the cd to the cashier.
Sitting here listening to the album reminded me of my first and most beloved of my random Björk happenings when I bumped into her at London Zoo, one quiet midweek visit out of season many years ago. The zoo was practically empty, especially at this, the furthest point from the gates. We were at one of the many cafes, sitting outdoors on a bench under a big leafy autumnal tree when I turned to my right and she was sitting there doing the same with a coffee in a paper cup and her child in her pushchair beside her. I recognised her but I didn't say anything I didn't approach and I saw in her eyes that she recognised that I had recognised her - a fleeting glimpse - A miniature connection. I raised my coffee up to her.. a silent cheers.. a mute and distant thanks for her music. She reciprocated simply a small and welcome gesture . Then I turned back to my party and we all carried on with our day. Like her gentle public persona, it was like stumbling across a deer randomly in the deep forest, we both stopped, recognised each other, showed respect and then moved on.
Maybe, I'll tell you all about the other times our paths crossed after that another time. But this gentle silent meeting with all its tiny unspoken moments will always be my favourite.
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whispersofsilence · 12 years
A Parting Memory
I like how you smiled and walked away Like a hero of an action movie, Like someone who's cool. Yes, I like you being cool like that.
Awkward at first, didn't know how to approach you. Went on and did anyway, armed only with this shy smile.
It's so unexpected, this feeling in my heart. Like I had just won the lottery, Like some "Eureka" moment.
Oh how good indeed, oh how light. If we were to part from this day forward, I wouldn't mind, for your last deed brought unending ripples in my heart.
How fortunate I was to see, This side of you, so bright, so full of life. I wish you would see it too. Then perhaps, we can be friends not just in spirit, but also in life.
If only we can wander together, what a life that would be. But perhaps we understood each other too much, It's impossible like that. Life wouldn't allow it. we are too alike, yet too different.
I missed you, and I felt you also felt the same. Surely this meeting of not more than five minutes, Will be etched in my memory forever. I will never forget you, oh dearest wandering friend.
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winchesterwild78 · 5 months
Chance Meeting
This is my first ever fan fiction. I adore Jensen Ackles and have no hate towards his family. In this he’s single. I’m not sure exactly how to do this so any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Please be kind and all mistakes are my own.
Please don’t take my work. 18+ Only!
Warnings: fluff, angst, smut (later on), Jensen being a sweetheart
You guess in order to tell your story you have to start when you and Jensen first met. It was a chilly day in October. You were so excited about your first ever Supernatural Convention. You had been a fan of the show since it started and watched every single episode, several times over. Like everyone else, you have your favorites and of course like everyone your least favorite being the very last episode.
Anyway, you’re rambling. You tend to do that when you think back on moments where your world turned upside down. Like you said before, this was your first convention. You’ve seen videos on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, but nothing could have prepared you for being there in person.
You spent the money for the gold admission, because hey go big or go home, right? You had every outfit picked out for each photo op and panel you knew you were going to attend. You had paid for single photo ops of Misha, Jared, and of course the green eyed angel himself, Jensen. You’ve always been a “Dean” girl, and a fan of Jensen. Between his shows, movies and his music. Damn is he a talented man. You also had a photo op for Jared, Jensen and Misha. *swoon* The photo ops were all scheduled for Saturday as were most of the panels. You didn’t know exactly what to expect for Friday, but the air was electrified with anticipation, excitement and curiosity. You opted to stay at the hotel that was hosting the convention because you seriously didn’t want to have to Uber back and forth. Plus you wanted to come and go when you got tired or needed a break you’d head to your room then back down again.
You finally arrived at the check in desk and got my room key. The front desk clerk was super nice but gave you a weird smile and wink when she told you your room and floor. “You’re on the 7th floor, room 714” *grin and wink* Um, thanks you said as you grabbed the key and your stuff. As you waited for the elevator you heard some fans talking about the actors who were already there. One of them asked about Jared, Jensen and Misha. The first girl who was obviously a Dean girl by the look of her outfit said they don’t get there until late tonight so they shouldn’t expect to see them at all today. You laughed at the disappointment on their faces and put in your earbuds and turned on Radio Company to just relax. Something about Jensen’s voice just made you relaxed. Of course one of your favorite songs started right up and you couldn’t help but sing along. “Ain’t No Tellin” was playing as the elevator opened up.
*Ding* went the elevator and you stepped in. You couldn’t believe you were alone in the elevator. Or so you thought. You must have missed the man standing in the corner. In your defense he had on a dark pullover and a baseball cap. You continued singing this time louder because again, you thought you were alone. Then there was a tap on your shoulder and you screamed. The man standing in the corner threw his hands up apologizing for scaring you. It was then you realized you knew that voice. Oh my god! It was Jensen Ackles!! You pulled your earbuds out and told him you were sorry you screamed and you didn’t see him there. He smirked that half cocked smirk and said I figured since you started singing louder once you got in. Your face instantly turned three shades of red. He extended his hand and said “Hi, I’m Jensen, and you are?” You take his strong calloused hand in yours trying not to melt and trying to remember your name. Oh my god, my name, what’s my name?!?!? His beautiful green eyes staring straight into your soul. You felt his thumb rub circles on your hand and you suddenly remembered how to speak. You smile brightly with your y/c eyes and finally say My name is y/n, nice to meet you. Your hands held on just a few seconds longer before you both pulled away. Well nice to meet you y/n I hope you have a great time this weekend and I get to see you again soon. Yeah, thanks you too is all you could say with a smile.
The elevator stopped on floor 7 and you stepped out looking at the signs on the wall for which direction your room was in. You were talking to yourself when you heard that honey whiskey voice in your ear “Find your room yet?” His warm breath was on your ear and neck and it sent shivers down your spine. You spin around and you realize just how close you two really are. Damn his eyes are beautiful you think to yourself and those plump lips. Mmm I could get drunk off of those you thought. You manage to whisper out “yeah, I’m in 714, it’s this way.” Jensen smiles and nods as you walk away.
You make it to your room and go around checking everything before you start to unpack. You’re halfway through unpacking when there is a knock at your door. You sigh walk over and look out the peephole and see Jensen standing there with a grin on his face. You start to panic thinking you did something wrong. With a deep breath you open the door and smile. “Jensen, what are you doing here?” He looked at you smiled and asked if he could come in for a minute. You step aside and let him in before closing the door and locking it. This was a habit you picked up long ago being single and living alone. He came in and took a seat at the foot of the bed. You stood near the door trying to figure out what was going on. The silence seemed to go on for hours, but it was really seconds. Jensen told you he really enjoyed hearing you sing and he wanted to know if you would join everyone tonight for the Karaoke party and maybe sing something with him. I’m sorry what? Was all you could say. He chuckled and said it again. I don’t really like singing in front of people, if I knew anyone was on the elevator I wouldn’t have sang. You said and shyly smile at him. He stood up and took your hands in his. Y/N, please consider coming. I really would love to sing just one song with you. You look up into his emerald green eyes and look away. You take your hands out of his and sit in the chair at the desk.
“Why” you ask him in a very low voice. Why would you want me to sing with you. I’m nobody. Hell I don’t even look like the right type of woman to be standing next to you. I’m not a model, I have extra weight every where, stretch marks and I love chocolate. I don’t think it’s a good idea. Jensen sighed and bent down in front of you taking your hands again. Y/N please look at me. He spoke softly this time. You could smell his woodsy cologne and the mint gum he was chewing and it drove you wild. God he smelt like heaven and every time he touched you it was like electricity shooting through you. You kept your head down to hide the tears that pricked your eyes. You’ve never been beautiful in the eyes of the world and you’ve always carried extra weight. You’ve had your fill of insults and people judging you for your looks and you really didn’t want to stand up in front of a room full of strangers next to one of the most gorgeous men on the planet and judged. When you didn’t lift your head, Jensen slowly took his hand and placed it under your chin to lift up your face. He saw the pain in your eyes and you saw the regret and sadness in his. Hey sweetheart, don’t cry. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to push or upset you. If you don’t want to I’m okay with it. I don’t want you to feel pressured. I just wanted the world to hear that beautiful voice I heard. A single tear left your eye and you felt his thumb wipe it away. You looked in his eyes and you have no idea what or why, but you both started to move towards each other. Your lips were inches from his and he smiled. Jensen whispered “can I kiss you” and you nodded. He placed a sweet kiss on your lips then pulled away. You looked at him and smiled. As he walked towards the door Jensen turned around and said I hope to see you later y/n, even if you come just to enjoy the show. Then he turned around and left you standing in your room. Your head was spinning and you could feel the ghost of the kiss still on your lips.
You stood there for a few minutes trying to gather your thoughts. Did Jensen Ackles really just kiss me, and why? You had a decision to make, go to Karaoke or not. So many things running through your head. The loudest thing was how desperately you wanted to see and kiss Jensen again.
Next part coming soon
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agent-troi · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The X-Files Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Dana Scully, Diana Fowley Additional Tags: Pre-Season/Series 01, First Meetings, Relationship Discussions, Foreshadowing Summary:
A chance meeting at Quantico in 1991.
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If She Lived in Space, Man, I’d Build a Plane
Author: @staceymcgillicuddy
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 2/2
It takes ten years, three bands, two albums and one insistent manager for Eddie Munson to start flying first class.
Ain't it funny who you run into on the other side of the curtain?
Tags: Alternate universe- no vecna, future fic, chance meeting, second chances, Rockstar!Eddie, Stewardess!Chrissy, fluff, teasing, flirting, smut, Eddie POV, two-shot, status: Completed
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myyellowhuman · 1 year
Second draft is virtually complete although the edit has gone to the beta readers already because I thought I was done.
I suddenly discovered two podcasts that I didn't know existed and it meant I've now worked out how to expand on 5 of my characters, 1 major, 4 minor, add some texture to them, and build on one chapter that felt like a slow starter. I now know what wasn't working and how to fix it.
I guess that's the goal posts repositioned - third and final draft by May, then tweaks to spelling and grammar July to October, ready to self publish in November. 💛
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hummingbird-of-light · 7 months
Finally a new part of “The Robbeah-Chronicles”! Have fun!
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renuelfallore · 1 year
From chance meetings, to a glimpse of new beginning. Wait, what? Well, not really. I’m just kidding.   Nevertheless, isn’t it cool when you suddenly feel alive because someone you’ve just met was able to make you feel a certain way… for all the good reasons? When you easily clicked and that certain connection is so strong that your conversations are filled with “oh hey, you know that too?” and “you know what? We’re the same!”   It doesn’t need to be always the cliché love at first sight kind. Heck, it could be just as simple as a blossoming friendship between you and that someone. And as you savor that very moment, you find yourself so willing to let the person in. That person is now so welcome. He or she is now your people. Ultimately, you’re dying to know if that person also felt that unexpectedly felicitous experience.
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padshiyangel · 2 years
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Time for Sherlock! I'm sorry, but I see Tony and Stephen here 😅❤️
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azurianne · 1 year
An improbable encounter
(probably between 2012 and 2015)
In this multi-dimensional virtual world, some encounters would have proved highly unlikely. Yet even unlikely is not a complete negation. Many of these encounters will only be fleeting, temporary, although for some of them, will remain for a long time or even a lifetime.
Whatever we think, life brings us disappointments all the time, but also beautiful surprises, friends who wander away in the mist and others who enter your life, changing it forever.
(it was supposed to be longer, but i never finished it)
Une rencontre Improbable
(entre 2012 et 2015)
Dans ce monde virtuelle aux multiples dimensions, certaines rencontres se seraient avérées fort improbables. Pourtant même improbable n'est point une totale négation Plusieurs de ces rencontres ne seront que passagères, temporaires, mais, pour quelques-unes d'entre elles, resteront longtemps , voir toujours.
Quoi que l'on pense, la vie nous apporte tout le temps des déceptions, mais aussi de belles surprises, Des amis qui s'éloigne dans la brume et d'autres qui entrent dans notre vie, pour la changer à jamais.
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