#show: fallout
savingthrcw 1 month
@bucketofdrugs is ruining Hank's day
Lucy had been nervously clutching at her little bouquet while Overseer Jackson stepped in to discuss the exchange with her dad, happy to reunite with a friend. "So... who am I marrying?" she asked playfully, but with a hint of nervousness, and the Overseer moved aside to let her future husband come in. Oh. He was a charming looking man, now that was sure. Older than her, which raised a few questions - had he chosen to not marry? had he not been given the chance before because there was something wrong with him? He was married and divorced or widowed? - but she noted with relief that there was nothing scary or immediately displeasing about him. He was not a cannibal or full of tumors either, no matter what Norm said. She hadn't seen his butt yet, to finish refuting everything her brother had suggested. Plus, since he was handsome, it would not be difficult to do her part in repopulating America, and that was great.
So Lucy smiled, her wide, happy, friendly smile, "Hi, I'm Lucy. Do you have a name?"
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ladiemars 2 months
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okey dokey 馃憤
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todoroki-tina 2 months
Imagine being such a pathetic incel loser you are being roasted in multiple languages.
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moonbasetycho 2 months
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Never before have I identified with a tv character so much.
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The brotherhood of steel respecting pronouns was not on my fallout bingo card
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quibbs 2 months
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just had SO much fun with the fallout tv show... i love you missus okey dokey
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alyssaforevermore 2 months
I鈥檓 more invested in the vault storyline than I thought I would be 馃憖 This show is so good all around.
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deputyrook 2 months
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exhalcyon 2 months
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I can鈥檛 wait to see Lucy realize who this jackass actually is 馃ぃ
based on the meme in the read more section by @flam-kish
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aboredgremlin 2 months
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Did Fallout casually drop a non-binary character out of the blue like that? I love them, very gender. But I did not expect that from the Brotherhood?!?!
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elisefrost 2 months
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FALLOUT (2024) - Episode 7: The Radio
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savingthrcw 2 months
@aamusedly asked for a Lucy starter - warning: spoilers about the finale ahead.
It had taken Lucy a couple of days to feel like talking again: seeing her mother as a feral ghoul, learning that her father was behind that and Shady Sands, leaving Maximus behind, and everything else that Moldaver had told her was simply too much to digest. Everything about her life had been one lie after the other, or at least it felt that way. Still, there was a part of her that refused to believe there was only misery in this world: Norm had nothing to do with her father's choices and was waiting for her in the Vault, Maximus was still breathing, and there had to be hope for a better life now that cold fusion was active.
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She was still quiet, besides a few words here and there to the Ghoul and to a few merchants they met on the road, but what truly snapped her out of her silent sadness was the dog, finally sitting close to her during a break to eat. It was a rather adorable animal when it wasn't consuming cockroaches, one she had only seen in old movies and journals, and she found herself rubbing his back, at first with caution but then more comfortably as the dog seemed all too happy to receive attention. See, hope.
"Did you hear what that merchant said this morning?" she piped up, but her voice sounded off to her own ears; a bit of forced enthusiasm there, in her attempt to stop feeling like she was still being kept underwater. "If all this energy reaches the laboratory, it may be able to clean irradiated water. Clean water should be in everyone's best interest and it's just on our way." People steered away from it because the place was 'infested by cockroaches and other things', the merchant had also said, but they had faced worse, and surely the Ghoul would also agree that drinking more dirty water would harm him as well as her. What she really wanted to ask him was how did he know her father exactly, and what had happened to his family, but Lucy knew she needed to talk a bit more about something else, anything, before she could take whatever awful answer he'd give her.
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wrr000 2 months
my love for y'all (and him) is infinitive
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eupheme 1 month
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ghoul of the week
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germanich 9 days
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Ain't no grave gonna hold him down
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lesvegas 2 months
"Bethesda/Todd Howard doesn't actually hate FNV 馃檮"
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They have stated the show is apparently 100% canon and they're using it to retcon the only good Fallout game to come out in decades. It wasn't even enough to ruin West Coast lore post-FNV, they're literally saying FNV never happened.
No wonder Pete Hines resigned back in October; even he thought this was stupid.
Bethesda haters stay correct. Anyone who somehow still had hope for this franchise despite the last ten years, now you can finally let go.
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