balkanradfem · 1 year
Lindsay Ellis actively disavows and dislikes radfems. Re-evaluate yourself.
Any female public figure who cares about her physical safety will disavow radfems (with few very brave exceptions! you know who they are and what they're going thru), if I picked who I like based on who is approving of radical feminism, I'd be left with 3 women I'm allowed to like. I would absolutely hate for all female public figures to be harassed, doxxed, threatened and smear campaigned because they let out they're accepting of a group who puts women before m*n.
That being said, being a radfem is not why I love Lindsay Ellis, I loved her way before I started up my radfem beliefs. I love her because she is incredibly intelligent, witty, insightful, brave, reckless and passionate, I love her because she made media that was so iconic and educative, I watched her videos in awe even without being specifically interested in the subject! She made me interested in things I would never even bother to learn about, because she spoke of them with so much insight and knowledge, it was invigorating and irresistible! She taught me about storytelling, about how movies are made, about 3 act structure of an animated film, why film and musical directors make the kind of choices they do and what they're trying to convey. These are things I would otherwise never seek out in my life!
The thing about Lindsay is that she speaks about these subject with so much confidence and knowledge, it was easily observable that she is better equipped and better fit to speak on it than any m*n who was also trying to speak on the subject. She also has better sense of humor than any m*n on youtube. I sometimes still think of some of her one-liners in real life and burst out laughing.
She is one of the very rare women who dared to speak confidently, passionately, on a topic that is male-dominated, that is highly valued and supports a rich industry that m*n usually bank on - she dared to out-do them in every aspect of it, and be a woman online, who makes jokes, has fun, and doesn't back down when being stepped on. She presented not only a strong inspiration to any other woman wanting to speak on academic, Hollywood, movie-producing and video-essay making topic, but a threat to any m*n she proved to do it better than. For the crime of doing that, she had to be erased from youtube, and it's a loss for women above all. This does not happen to prominent m*n who make jokes on the internet - not even if they go as far as admit they're rapists and pedophiles, not even if there's a recorded history of racism, fascism, bestiality, violence. She got cancelled for a tweet that compared one movie to another, with zero ill intent or malice. The same sentence made by any m*n, would be supported and extremely well liked - and she found this to be the case too, when m*n made the same comparison, they were very well liked for it.
Cancelling Lindsay Ellis was a message to all of us, to what will happen if we relax a little and speak confidently and make money while making jokes and educative, incredible useful and passionate content online. She was one of the best on youtube and they're showing us what will happen to rest of us if we dare to be so good we pose a threat to them, and inspiration to other women.
I miss her so much. One final reason I love her is her hair. Her hair looks like a normal human hair and every single time I saw her, I felt so much better about my hair looking exactly the same. I wish every woman just came online on video with hair like that!!!! That is how it should be.
Lindsay Ellis did not deserve what she was put thru, and no woman who was put thru any of that deserved it either. I don't care if those women are in support or opposed to radical feminism, I love all women. Lindsay made me laugh and made me learn and get interested and inspired like few other women did. Her way of storytelling and putting together an essay was unique and so highly enjoyable, she was the first to do it! With her segments she did like news reports, it made me think of the old times and television and it felt so good. I am already seeing it stolen by the male youtubers. They're the only ones that benefited from the situation.
I don't want to lose any more prominent women, I want us all to defend them with all our might when they're attacked by the mob. Let's make cancelling women prohibited. Only m*n should be cancelled - and all of them should be.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
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Fandom Problem #3956
"Wait wasnt this content creator cancelled"
Yes but they can still make content, its not like being cancelled removes all your content.
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tabethawithane · 6 months
Genuinely WHAT does a show need to have to get renewed on Netflix. Make it make sense.
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potatotalksculture · 1 year
Watch Lindsay Ellis and Contrapoints also: why canceling JKR is more than just cancelling
To observe that canceling someone is a try to retrieve the power over some narrative is probably nothing new. And we’re talking about JKR here, of course.
As I’m watching the newest video essay by Contrapoints, I’m remembering all the other essays about cancel culture and about JKR and canceling her specifically. Those were brought to us, among many other, by the internet intellectual royalty: Contrapoints and Lindsay Ellis, who’s lengthy essay about a personal struggle this specific case of canceling causes and how it’s so much complex than just saying “this gal said this. this gal bad. let’s cancel”.
Contrapoints opens her second essay about the JKR case with the recollection of a similar case that was about Anita Bryant and took stage in the 70s. If you don’t know this story, just watch the first like 15 minutes of Contra’s video [link below] as this is my main source of information about this case anyway. In this section of the essay Contra draws a parallel between sending death threats, feces and others, some a bit less harmful, things to Anita Bryant per physical mail. As much as I find this crass and do condemn this kind of behavior, I kind of can see where is it coming from. Please do not cancel me, yet.
Narratives are about control and about people. Michel Foucault talks in, if I remember correctly, one of his lectures about the production of truth. Or truths, whatever the English translation says. I’ve read it in German. The production of truth is a process of creating sentences that are considered truth by some or many or even make it into the common sense. Gay rights are a good example for this process: once it was widely believed that “the homosexuals”, as every news reporter cited by Contra drawls in the original audio, were perverts, living astray from the laws of nature or rather the christian world order. It was common sense to either ostracise them or “heal” them. Nowadays we know, don’t we????, that homosexual people are people (see what the news reporters were doing in the 70s with their use of the language?), who are part of the normal life and do not need to be “fixed” because there was nothing wrong with them in the first place. This a paradigm shift that occurred party because enough people have fought for enforcing this truth in the place of the old one. It was produced. And this is nothing pejorative about it.
But before homosexual people had the power over the narrative regarding themselves, they were very f. much discontent about the way other people spoke about them. This discontent was one of the forces that put them in a position of fighting for their rights. And part of this fight was reclaiming the narrative and so being able to shape the way they were talked about, so that the way the society views them follows. And changing any dogma spread in a society, carved into a stone of common sense is not an easy task. So sometimes it requires stronger tools than writing a letter to your representative. That’s were protest come in. And sometimes - poo.
If you’re living in a democratic country and are not happy with what the politicians in your government do while being payed with your tax money, you have the possibility to take to the streets. But what do you do when it’s not a politician but an other public figure that is the one causing your irritation. How do you protest a pop star? An entrepreneur? A writer? You can put up a banner or two. You can try to shout out your dissatisfaction during a march or a demonstration, preferably a one regarding a subject your dissatisfaction is connected to. Like the people including paroles critical of Anita Bryant during demonstrations for rights for homosexual people. But what if the person you want to protest is so present, so powerful, so loved by the society, that you feel practically powerless in your fight to express your own irritation caused by their actions? How many “JKR is wrong” marches could there have been? Enter the cancel culture. And before cancel culture was a thing - poo.
In the case of JKR, and I cannot stress enough the fact that I am focusing on her case and not the cancel culture as a general phenomenon… In the case of JKR, as Lindsay Ellis expressed it well, one is dealing with an extremely influential figure. She shaped and still is shaping minds of oh so many children. Probably everyone living in the realm of western culture knows who she is. So how do you express your discontent with her actions? You can’t ship some feces to her doorsteps. It’s too 70s. You cancel her. In this case the act of canceling is an extreme act of call to arms in the fight of trans people for their narrative and so their rights. It’s not about people wanting you to burn HP books and not play Hogwarts Legacy. This is not the point here. It is rather about using any possible mean there is to make the public aware that, what JKR is saying and so representing and so normalizing with her f. huge presence in the public opinion, is wrong, hurtful, twisted, turned, irresponsible and hateful. And a single not well known person does not stand a chance in a fight for their right to, first, publicly express their anger about the statements of JKR. There is an imbalance of power: a private trans person with a Twitter account doesn’t have the same power in the public sphere as a world renowned writer with a Twitter account. In other world: the Tweets do not have the same range. So you need more than one person tweeting the same thing to overcome this first imbalance. Then the fight for the range starts: how many people will support which side. Who will win the public debate? It’s not exclusively on Twitter now. It’s everywhere. News articles, podcasts, video essays, views, buys, complete run through a, downloads, streaming hours… numbers, numbers, numbers. How many people are on which side. So the call to canceling JKR is, at least in my opinion, a cry for help that has been resonating in the public sphere for a few years now. By keeping the conversation surrounding JKR being a f. TERF is putting the discussion of the current narrative regarding trans people in the public spotlight. And maybe, just maybe, if enough people get behind respecting the very human right to being perceived in a way that is in accord with their own truth, it might become ok to play Hogwarts Legacy. But as long a Joanne is being vocal and relevant, the canceling will continue. And maybe, if there is some justice in the world, there will be some feces at her doorstep some day.
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
This is the truth.
___________ Footnotes: [1] the first video of Contapoints regarding Joanne [2] the second video of Contrapoints regarding Joanne [3] the first video of Linsday Ellis regarding Joanne [4] the second video of Linsday Ellis regarding Joanne
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hjellacott · 5 months
The problem with diversity, Woke and Cancel Culture in TV & film (written by an actual filmmaker)
These days you surely have noticed plenty of attempts to "mend history". People destroy Christopher Columbus memorials, pretend like their ancestors didn't violently conquer territory that was already occupied (by either native tribes or other established civilizations), and try to rewrite history in a way that is less offensive, as if that undoes the "wrongs" that were done. And I say "wrongs" because of course the past is always going to look wrong if you look at it with the lenses of the present. For example, think of the most embarrassing thing you ever did in childhood; the reason why you think it was embarrassing is only that you're looking at it now as a grown-up, and grown-up you wouldn't do that thing - doesn't mean it was wrong for a child to do it, nor even really embarrassing.
The same goes to history. Imagine if Germany had spent its post WW2 years destroying every evidence of the holocaust, Nazism and WW2 and pretending it didn't happen. Not only would it have been incredibly offensive and hurtful to the victims and their descendants, but also, erasing history means forgetting history, and when you forget history, you're doomed to repeat it. Yet somehow, it's been OK to do this with literally anything else, leading to the phenomenom of "Cancel Culture".
Now everyone's getting hurt, offended and ashamed by things that are well in the past, and instead of looking at them like a repressentative of the past, people seek to erase them, pretend they never happened, cancel them, try to vanish them from the Earth. For example when they throw Columbus' monuments into the ocean, or rewrite school books and neglect to inform children of how truly sad our past as human race is (and all these things have actually happened, I'm not exaggerating).
But when it comes to TV and film, you can't make them disappear, specially not in the era of Netflix, so what do they do? Try to redo them but "better". And then, legendary products of TV and film, such as Charmed, Friends, and so on, get either rebooted or attempted to be repeated in some similar fashion, and the "copy" sinks abysmally, while the popularity of the original rises.
There's a reason why the Charmed reboot hasn't been even a third of well-known as the original, why HIMYF sank after only two seasons, why there has never been anything quite like Friends, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, why the new Star Wars movies don't get as popular as the original six, why Modern Family couldn't be done today, why TV and film are running out of original ideas and getting stupider and stupider, why Woke and Cancel Culture are setting fire to the world of good film and TV, or why the only good reboot I can think of was The Ghostbusters (women's version). Spending life trying to do the past again but "better" (or what you think is better according to your present lenses), instead of accepting the past as it is and coming up with new, original things that revolutionise film and TV, doesn't lead to anything but boredom and failure.
I've been working in film for years, it's what I studied, what I devoted my life to, and over and over, we all in the industry keep discussing the same thing: there are no new ideas, and this "diversity" thing is a farce. Diversity cannot come from non-diversity. Until you have diversity in production companies, script writers, show creators, directors... there won't be diversity. Not for real. Taking a show as great as Charmed for example and do it again "but with POC actors" is NOT diversity, is a joke. Same can be said about HIMYF.
And thing is, there is nothing wrong with having shows without diversity, or with barely any. There is nothing wrong with having shows or movies where everyone is white or male, I mean, look at the Marvel Universe, it's mostly built around grown-up white men with good looks playing superheroes. Men like it because it's got superheroes and action, women like it because the men look great, and children like it for the great special effects. Thing is, the writer's mantra is "write about what you know". So if you're white, went to Harvard in the 1980s, and grew up in say, Ohio, you should totally be writing about white people, because anything else is dishonest, with yourself and everyone else. How are you going to write about the lived experiences of people who you aren't even friends with? who you don't know anything about but stereotypes? No. If what you know about is a bunch of white men in NYC, then that's what you fucking write about. Yes, you do your research, but you, white boy from Arizona, don't start to do research about a lesbian girl from Sri Lanka to make her your main character in your new TV series, because all the research in the world won't make it right, unless you actually know well a real lesbian girl from Sri Lanka (or a country with a similar culture). Because your research will end up in stereotypes, trust me. And it'll suck.
And you definitely don't write about diversity behaving and pretending to be white men. For example, HIMYF. A show that attempts to be the diverse version of HIMYM. But it's not funny. It's not half as great. Why? Because it's too Woke. It showcases POC and women trying to behave like white American men, and it doesn't work.
I could go on about this for years and years (and please do feel free to ask anything) because it's such a massive issue, truly, and as a filmmaker, my ovaries are fucking huge with rage about the whole thing. But I'll leave it at this. We as a civilization need to develop thicker skin and learn to laugh at ourselves. No kidding the new generation is being called "crystal", damn, it's so bloody fragile. We need to be OK with jokes and even insults, and take them as what they are: the real repressentation of somebody's lived experience. I'm not saying racism is OK, but I am saying that I'd much rather someone is true to themselves so I know they're racists and choose not to be mates with them, than creating a fake world where everyone's fake and dishonest and pretending to be what they're not. Fake it until you make it never works. Not even actors do it.
What we see today in film and TV with the reboots and the "correction" is precisely that: fake and dishonest. Pretending like black actors have it as easy as white actors to get cast, like black stories can be identical to white stories, like producers and big companies aren't racist and sexist and homophobic because they make rainbow T-Shirts and say Love is Love like they're being paid for it (because they are), is fooling yourself and giving money to actual assholes pretending to be angels. We're forgetting what it means to have actual principles set in stone, and we're being content with people simply "pretending" for the sake of money and fame.
And I'll tell you one last thing: consume things and accept them and love them for what they are. I'm a woman and I come from minorities, but do I laugh when Barney Stinson says a sexist joke? yes. Because I accept he's a sexist asshole and I don't pretend to change him, I laugh and roll my eyes and think "typical Barney", and so far, having seen HIMYM several times, I haven't heard him say something so hurtful and inconsiderate that I actually got offended, mostly because I understand he's not a bad guy, he's just a product of the way he was raised and that's the whole point. To put it simple: don't get angry at a cat because it won't bark. And when I want to watch something that's feminist and all about female empowerment, I watch Charmed and see guys like Barney getting their arse handed to them by ferocious women.
And when I want badass POC or LGBT stories, guess what? Nothing, because we're yet to give POC or LGBT people enough of a platform as producers, script writers and creators to create badass LGBT or POC stories, so all we have is white people dressed as LGBT/POC in white shows dressing-up as diversity shows, and that's ladies and gentlemen how Sex and the City the reboot was born.
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omegansamurai · 4 months
Guys...I had a thought... (ATLA Related)
There's this talk about a potential Warner Bros. Discovery and Paramount merge, and...well...for someone who does not like Bryke...
What if this merge falls through and David Zsalav cancels Avatar Studios?
...That...That would be the most glorious thing ever, to me at least.
Like I honestly don't care about Bryke's Avatar Studios and their content...in fact, now that I think about it, the whole animated grown-up ATLA movie being updated to 'undated' actually...lines up to what's happening...
Meaning...this merge could go through...
Now, I know, everybody hates David Zsalav, but...I'm actually rooting for this to happen...I mean, I just don't care anymore, man. Avatar has run its course, and with the Netflix Live-Action of ATLA showing new pics, I want to like...kind of explore the whole show again through a different lens...I really love it to be told differently than how Bryke could tell it.
But I don't know, I just feel giddy about Avatar Studios being shut down because of this merge and Bryke not making any content for their so-called 'mega-franchise'.
What do you all think? :O
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alarrytale · 2 months
...honestly wish him to be cancelled eventho I love him....
That's messed up. You can't claim to love him and want him cancelled at the same time
Hello, anon!
You have to take it up with the anon who said it, not me. Also, i think i disagree with you. It depends what you mean by "cancelled" and what the anon means by "cancelled".
If "cancelled" is fans and the general public distancing themselves from a celebrity that holds views they can't support and don't want this celebrity to have a platform to spread their views anymore (like J.K. Row*ing), then i disagree with you. I don't think we as fans should help promote a zion*st or a zi*nist-sympathiser while there is an ongoing genocide in Gaza. If he isn't willing to listen or change his behaviour when confronted with this, then he shouldn't be able to have this platform as a celebrity and be a role model for impressionable fans who would want to emulate his behaviour or adopt his beliefs. You can still love someone and disagree with their actions and beliefs they hold. Especially if you know these beliefs are out of ignorance.
If "cancelled" means hate on him and not let him learn from this, amend his views, grow from this and not forgive him when he apologises then i agree with you that he shouldn't be cancelled.
It honestly shouldn't be that hard to say you don’t support genocide...like it's genocide...
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flannyjanny · 11 months
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tower-of-hana · 4 months
"You're upset because you're a Harry Potter fan?"
No you don't understand, I was a Harry Potter, Minecraft, Tribe 12, and JJK fan!
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sweetpyxels · 2 years
Can we please stop? And play sims and share the things we do? After all that is why we are here for, isn’t it?
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starscleaved · 1 year
hi netflix you have 7 days to give us new sonic prime episodes or else you will die.
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Today a friendly announcement from the venue Westfair Amp and host 89.7 River Riot, Council Bluffs/IA appeared on Facebook and alerted people about Falling In Reverse show being cancelled.
Not much later an official announcement from the band was posted on Twitter:
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After being accused of not taking their live shows serious enough and assumingly having no health issues at all, Ronnie Radke posted a statement on Twitter about:
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At least we can sit back and ease Ronnie's problem is not worse than vocal strain because of the dry air, and hope for a quick healing before Rock Fest and Upheaval Festival on July 14th and 15th.
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usbotthrills · 11 months
I feel like some people are missing out something vital when talking about cancel culture.
I was talking with my friends about this and they were at the general standpoint that one thing a celebrity does should not ruin their life and that if they acknowledge and apologise for what they did, it should be forgiven, which I completely agree with. They then went on to say that many people falsely accuse celebrities of things in order for attention and (here’s where I disagree) they said that if then they trust the celebrity more than these accusers.
Now, what I realised is that (especially in the example my friend gave) they idolise these celebrities and so don’t think that they can genuinely be bad people or cause harm. They say that celebrities are normal people and make mistakes too but that “my (celebrity name) would never do that”.
And I think that this is where we have to realise the flaw in our thinking. We need to simultaneously realise that celebrities can make mistakes but they can also bad people, despite how they portray themselves to the public (eg, being really nice).
Anyway, maybe this is just a little thought of mine. It’s an interesting topic though, maybe I’ll write more about this.
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fancywordology · 11 months
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Accusing someone of pedophilia has become the excuse for people to be "justified" to speak against someone's social opinions, thus weakening the true label of an actual pedophile or child abuser.
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astertimberwolf · 1 year
This is why I don't buy into the whole mob mentality / gut reactionary content anymore. It's so damn f*cking toxic- like- people need to find better ways to spend their time than find people to hate or be angry at. If you're frustrated with your life, go get help or try to start helping yourself. Don't constantly cling to social media and externalize your negativity on someone who has seemingly done worse than you. It doesn't make you a better person. It makes you just as shit as the person you end up harassing without evidence. This sh*t needs to stop.
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griaustinis · 1 year
The Neighbourhood situations
I just heard (from Brandon Fried's own story) about what he did and all I can think is what the fuck.
What happened was he groped Maria Zardoya from the band The Marias, which is obviously disgusting and awful. And, just to be clear, I'm in no way defending him, I'm not a stan or anything. But y'all are just a bunch of hypocrites. There are so many celebrities that did so so so much worse and nothing happened to them, we talked ab it for a short moment and then it was forgotten and they went on with their lives. I mean, at least the man apologised and it seemed genuine, way better than some of those who don't face any consequences. I wish y'all kept this energy for every shitty thing a celeb does.
Jesse Rutherford is dating someone 11 years younger than him, 20-year-old Billie Eilish, whose just freshly not a teen anymore, her brain hasn't even fully developed yet. And y'all are not opening your eyes wide enough to see how wrong this is. THEY FIRST MET WHEN SHE WAS 15 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!! And y'all still creating your silly little moodboards?
So, umm, yeah. Brandon Fried was fired as the drummer of The Neighbourhood... It's big except for the fact that the band has been 'taking a break' since the beginning of this year. Which, I don't think anyone was expecting them to come back from, I certainly wasn't. So is it just a PR move? This all The Neighbourhood drama is just so weird.
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