#But then he sees that Billy starts crying and he feels bad
cerealboxlore · 1 year
How long has it been since Billy Batson had a hug?
This kid has been a superhero, fighting against horrors beyond the minds of humanity and far from home in the abysmal depths of space and hell, for so long. He has not only the courage of Achilles, but the courage of Billy Batson, a kid who is constantly sacrificing his childhood to save the lives of others who will never know him.
He endures so much pain, all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, because he chose to do good with the powers he was granted by someone who died in front of him, their last wish to see the Champion of Magic rise again to save the world. And he does save the world, but he doesn't save himself.
Billy won't hesitate to save someone, to help them whenever he can, and do whatever he can, and that's what makes him pure of heart. He is a pure soul in a world that forgets he exists when he is not someone else.
I just need Billy Batson to be loved and cared for. He's so precious and in need of someone to tell him, "it's going to be okay". He needs someone to give him a hug, and he needs to learn that it's okay to want to feel safe.
As Captain Marvel he's given all this praise and glory for being a superhero, but as Billy Batson, he is the hero no one knows or thanks. A child abandoned by the village who burns himself to keep them warm.
I'm in a mood rn, haha
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a billy hargrove x reader where they’re at a party (i’d like the whole crew to all be friends robin, steve, nancy, billy, eddie) and reader wanders off for a minute. she somehow gets in the middle of a fight and someone hits her. she comes up to billy crying and he goes into super protective mode? idk i thought it sounded kind of cute i love your writing!!
I miss Billy. And thank you so much!!! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
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Billy and Y/N have been together for almost two years. They met when he moved into town, she was swept away by his charming smile and blue eyes. She was a grade younger, now finally in her senior year alongside Eddie and Robin. Billy graduated with Steve and Nancy, but they all still hung out. And since Y/N was in high school knew the popular crowd, and was King Billy's girlfriend, she got invited to a lot of parties. And the group was always happy to tag along.
Billy, Steve, and Eddie were hanging outside, passing around a cigarette as they leaned against the back of the house. Robin, Nancy, and Y/N were inside, dancing and getting drinks. The boys were chatting among random things, then Robin came rushing out. She stood by the back door and searched the crowd. Once her eyes landed on Billy she screamed for him.
"JASON! RELAX!" Y/N yelled, Jason was yanking Chrissy around the party, another fight that Y/N didn't know what about. She wanted to protect her friend, Chrissy.
"This doesn't involve you," Jason growled, his grip still on Chrissy but he got in Y/N's face. Robin and Nancy watched nervously, a bad feeling in their gut.
"Y/N, just leave it!" Nancy tried, a crowd forming around the arguing couple.
"She's not going home with you. She said no and that means no." Y/N snapped, she didn't back down, holding her head higher as Jason looked down at her.
"She's my girlfriend, so butt out," Jason said, turning around as he dragged Chrissy with him. Y/N stepped in quickly, grabbing Chrissy's other arm. Y/N yanked her back, Jason lost his grip and his hand flew back smacking Y/N right in the nose. Y/N yelped and covered her nose, feeling warm blood dripping from her nose.
"BILLY. ITS Y/N!" Billy, Steve, and Eddie all jumped into action, Billy smashed the cigarette under his shoe and raced to Robin.
Steve and Eddie knew if it involved Y/N, Billy wouldn't think rationally.
"WHAT'S WRONG?" Billy yelled, following her into the house. Robin didn't try to explain, just racing to the bathroom.
Billy felt nervous, was she sick?
Billy walked in to see Nancy holding ice to Y/N's nose, the front of her dress had spots of blood. He softly pushed Nancy aside, grabbing the ice as he held it for Y/N. Chrissy was silent in the corner.
"What happened?" He whispered, gently rubbing her cheek as he looked at her nose. It wasn't broken, which he was thankful for.
"Nothing, I'm fine, baby," she said, rubbing his arm. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were soaked. Her lip trembled as she silently cried.
"Baby, you have a bruised nose. Did you slip or something? Nothing to be embarrassed about." He joked, a smile on his face. But the atmosphere told him it wasn't anything that would be funny in a day from now.
"She was helping me and Jason flung his arm and he smacked her in the nose," Chrissy said, drowning in the amount of guilt she felt.
Billy's expression went hard in seconds. Steve and Eddie immediately blocked the door as Billy started to breathe heavily.
"He hit you?" Billy snarled, dropping the ice in the sink as he took in her face.
"It was an accident, Billy! Just relax. I'm okay!" She tried, but all Billy could focus on was the fact that she had blood on her dress because of Jason.
"You're okay? You have a fucking bloody nose! I'm going to kill him!" Billy growled. He turned and glared at Steve and Eddie.
"Move." He demanded, but both boys shook their heads.
"Billy, not a good idea. She's okay and she doesn't want you to get involved with it." Steve explained. But Billy didn't care.
"Move or I move you." Billy tried again.
Steve and Eddie looked at each other, knowing the result would land them in pain or Jason. Both boys moved away from the door, Billy yanking it open as he raced out to the party.
"BILLY!" Y/N screamed, running after him. The gang followed behind, all rushing to see what was going to happen.
By the time they caught up, Billy had Jason pinned against the wall. His blue eyes were dark as he growled at Jason.
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! SHE PUT HER NOSE WHERE IT DIDN'T BELONG. MAYBE KEEP YOUR LITTLE SLUT OF THE WEEK ON A TIGHTER LEASH!" Jason yelled, barely realizing his mistake until Billy landed a knee to his stomach, over and over.
Jason screamed in pain as Billy dropped him, his body crumpling to the floor as he held his stomach. Now on his knees, Billy landed a punch right across his face. Blood poured out of Jason's nose as he dropped completely to the ground this time. He wrapped his arms around his face as he tried to surrender.
"Enough" Eddie demanded, stepping in front of Jason as Billy went to land a kick to his stomach.
"Hey, hey!" Eddie said, snapping his fingers in Billy's face to catch his attention. Billy finally looked at him, breathing heavily as he tried to calm down.
"He got the message. Y/N is fine and needs you now. Okay? Walk away."
Billy listened to Eddie's words and took a deep breath. His body relaxed when he felt Y/N's hand slip into his. She squeezed it gently as she stood next to him. She gave him a look and he understood everything. He nodded and walked with her. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her nose as they walked to his car.
"My bodyguard." Y/N swooned, giggling as she snuggled into his body, reaching his car.
"Precious things like you need extra protection," Billy said, smiling as he leaned down to peck her lips softly.
The gang races out, Robin laughing as she held empty bottles of beer, along with Nancy.
"GET IN! GO GO!" Steve yelled, Eddie running behind.
A soaked Jason came limping out, his white shirt now drenched as he held his nose. Cursing as the gang raced into the car and sped off.
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thevoidstaredback · 30 days
Every man has his breaking point. Danny's is just a bit higher than everyone else's because he's a king and has a high tolerance for absolute bull shit. No matter how strong that bar is, though, one can only bend so far before snapping.
Unfortunately for everyone around him, Danny has reached his breaking point.
"I wish I could get drunk," he stared into his drink longingly, "Or high. But mostly drunk."
"Why do ya say that?" Billy asked, tilting his head curiously to the left.
Danny sighed, "It's a long story."
"I've got time." he shrugged.
"Are ya sure?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "You don't think any emergencies are gonna crop up? Nothing you'll need to go take care of?"
Billy backed off a little, folding into his seat. "What're you talking about? I'm just some kid on the street. I ain't going anywhere."
Danny rolled his head from side to side. "Mostly, I'm talking about the JL meeting the both of us are gonna skip out on tonight."
"C'mon, Captain, it won't do to talk here," he stood, picking up his coffee and waiting for Billy to do the same.
Billy's eyes narrowed as he looked Danny up and down. "I don't recognise you," he whispered, "Who are you."
Danny produced another calling card from his sleeve as he sipped his drink, holding it in front of himself but not handing it over. When Billy was looking at it, he flipped it over. The white background turned matte black, all the runes in the Ouroboros turning so white that they glowed. The DP in the very middle tinted blue, pulsing with toxic green energy, slightly cold to the touch. The edges started to frost over.
Quickly, Billy pulled the card Danny had given him before from the inner pocket of his jacket. It, too, had changed to match the one Danny held, though there was no longer a DP in the middle. Instead, it said 'Phantom' in fancy calligraphy.
"No way," the kid muttered, his expression awestruck, "Phantom? That's you? No shit?"
Danny chuckled, tucking the card away again, "No shit, kid. Don't tell anyone, though. You're the only one who knows."
"Really?" he squeaked.
Having someone know his whole story was refreshing, just as he's sure Billy felt good to have someone know his, too. That didn't stop him from feeling bad about dumping it all on the poor kid.
"I still wish I could get drunk," Phantom lamented."
Constantine looked up from the book he was reading. "You can't get drunk?"
"How'd ya figure that one out, kid?"
"Please don't call me a kid."
That's not good. The blond marked the page before setting the book to the side. Phantom had never actually asked him to stop calling him a kid. "What's wrong?" He didn't normally do the whole 'feelings' things, but the was an exception.
Phantom sighed long and sad. He didn't look up from the carpet. "I told you they were going to ask invasive questions."
"Who was it?" It was more of a demand then a question.
"Red Robin,"
"Red- I thought you would've skipped town when we were done there? I sure as hell did."
"I know you did, but I decided to stick around for a bit. Wander, y'know? Red Robin caught up to me and would leave me alone."
Oh, oh no. Those were tears. Were they? Yeah, shit, they are! John is not equipped to handle this!
Phantom sniffled. "He asked me how I died."
John Constantine is not easy to anger. Sure, he gets tired, and irritated, and a whole slew of emotions, but he is very slow to anger.
Phantom, he knows, is not a child. The ghost can very much take care of himself in basically every way one could think of. He saved the world on his own, several times, when he was fourteen. He became a King and Protector when he was fourteen. He died when he was fourteen.
Right now, all he could see was the child who hadn't ever been properly laid to rest. It was hard not to call Phantom a child when he seemed so small, seeking comfort from anyone. Phantom was crying. He'd retreated to the House and locked himself in Constantine's room, only talking when he was ready to, but he'd waited to cry.
Phantom didn't like crying. Every person in the JLD knew this.
No. John Constantine is not quick to anger, but he is scary when he reaches that point. Batman might be the night and vengeance and all that shit, but John Constantine was wrathful.
He sat beside Phantom and let the ghost lean into him and cry. He didn't like dealing with feelings, but this was a child in need of comfort and he was the only one around to offer it. "Do you really want me to stop calling you 'kid'?"
A sniffle and a small head shake. "No."
"Can I ask you a question?"
"How old are you really? As a ghost, not as a human or a halfa. How old are you?"
"Fourteen." he mumbled, "I'll never be any older than fourteen, John," he was getting a bit hysterical now, "I'll never be any older than fourteen! I-I died and-and now I have to rule and-and people keep asking and no one believes me and-!" A sob cut him off, heavy with grief and wet with tears. He cried for hours, giving up on trying to form words. Constantine let him, ignoring the wet patches on his shirt. Eventually, Phantom's sobs died down into hiccups. "I didn't...I'm- I'm sorry."
"It's alright, mate," he meant it, really and truly.
Phantom rubbed his eyes, "I'm gonna go hide somewhere."
"Not gonna share where?"
"No, I want to be alone for a while." He paused at the door, "Whatever you're gonna do, will you leave Captain Marvel out of it?"
Odd request, but, "Alright," he nodded, "I'll talk to the others." And by 'talk', he means lecture. There are boundaries that one shouldn't cross, and not asking the dead how they died should've been obvious! With his League issued communicator, John called an emergency meeting in one hour, required attendance, barring Captain Marvel. First things first, though, he needed to talk to Deadman.
Part 7 Storyboard
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amomentsescape · 9 months
The Slashers React to You Bringing Home a Kitten
A/N: This is purely for fun. I've only included the Slashers I've written fics for so far. But these types of fics tend to put a smile on my face so I'd be happy to write more of these for whoever wants them (for whichever Slashers people want to see too)!
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Michael Myers
Probably the most angry of the Slashers included here
He's not going to kill the kitten by any means, but he isn't happy about it being here
It's another mouth to feed, another thing that needs to be quieted
If you're able to keep the kitten quiet and away from Michael, then the killer will more so become indifferent to it
It makes you happy and doesn't bother him? Cool, do what you will
However, if he feels that it's becoming a nuisance, he'd happily leave a door open on "accident"
It was already difficult enough for him to create a bond with you
But with a kitten that can't even talk to him?
Yeah, he'd rather not
Jason Voorhees
Oh my
A cute innocent creature that is super sweet to him?
It's basically just another you
And he likes you, so he immediately likes the kitten
This man wreaks havoc and leaves behind human blood trails all the time
However, he doesn't really want to hurt any animals
These furry creatures have caused him no harm
They never judged him based on his appearance
They were never cruel or bullied him like other people did
In fact, he was fascinated with all sorts of animals as a child
Kittens were no exception
So you come home with a cuddly little cat that enjoys to cuddle up with him?
He'll take it happily
Brahms Heelshire
He's kinda eh with this at first
The house is huge, and it's not like a tiny kitten is going to take up much space here
But what this kitten does take up is more of your attention
And Brahms being Brahms, he starts to become jealous
Your attention went from being solely on him to now being divided with this animal that could clearly fend for itself
You need to feed it, cuddle it, and give it attention?
That's what you should be doing with him
He definitely has a few moments where he debates "getting rid" of the kitten
But then he pictures your crying face and decides against it
But he still considers it from time to time
However, if you are able to turn kitten time into Brahms-and-kitten-time, then he might learn to like it
Animals freak him out slightly since he's not really used to having them around
But he could learn to deal with it eventually
Just make sure you divide up your attention equally
Billy Loomis
He's more of a dog person honestly
But you were swooning and aw-ing over this poor little thing so Billy gave in
You were probably just going to keep nagging him about it anyways
He's definitely like one of those dads that insist they don't want a pet but eventually fall in love with it
Billy will never admit this though
But you can see it
Over the span of a couple weeks, Billy went from just eyeing the kitten to letting it crawl and sleep in his lap
He tries to act all nonchalant about it
But the moment you look away
His eyes are on the kitten and a gentle smile graces his features
Okay so maybe the kitten isn't that bad
But maybe you're just making him all soft
He's secretly not complaining though
Stu Macher
Literally all for it
He loves cats, dogs, hamsters, all animals pretty much
He might honestly become more obsessed over this little kitten than you
He most definitely wants to dress it up like Ghostface
Like are you kidding?
How adorable is that
You can hear loud footsteps in the middle of the night
And when you check, Stu is chasing the kitten back and forth during it's zoomies
Buys (and steals) all sorts of toys for the little thing
Lets it sleep on his chest at night
He's obsessed with this kitten and you
It's like his own little family
And he's honestly super happy with that
Eric Draven
Have you learned anything about Eric?
He loves cats
He does want the kitten and Gabriel to get along though
But if they make quick friends, then great
He plays around with the kitten pretty often
And he's overall just happy to have another something in his life to bring a little joy
The kitten chills with Eric outside while he plays guitar
The only issue is that the kitten would rather spend more time with Eric than you
Tries to play with the crow
The bird just caws annoyedly and flys off
Eric and you both cuddle up at night with the kitten in the middle
It's a pretty relaxing domestic life to be honest
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ihni · 7 days
What if ...
... Hopper and Neil Hargrove had been in the army together?
I don't know anything about the army and all I know is that the war at least Hopper went to was the one in Vietnam, but let's play with the thought that the two of them were there together. And did NOT get along, like at ALL; Hopper thought Neil was deceitful and untrustworthy, too proud and manipulative. Overestimating his own importance and competence, and too happy to cause pain in others.
They both survived the war and went back to their own lives, only like 20 years later or so, the Hargroves show up in Hawkins and Hopper meets Neil Hargrove again.
Despite telling himself that they're older now; that they're adults who have had time to grow into themselves, Hopper STILL doesn't like Neil. Like, his skin is crawling when he sees the man, even after all these years. But it's not like he has a good reason to dislike him now; outwardly, Neil Hargrove seems to be just a normal family man, setting down in Hawkins with his family. No one else has had any complaints. And either way, Hopper can't explain it, it's just a feeling. He just doesn't LIKE him.
And the thing is, that the guy has KIDS now, too. Or - as Hopper learns, as soon as he gets the documents he pulled from California - a son, at least (the girl being Neil Hargrove's new wife's kid). And by the file that Hopper has to pull some strings to get his hands on, the kid is shaping up to be a bad seed, just like his dad. Reports on fights, trespassing, shoplifting, underage drinking, reckless driving.
Hopper doesn't want that kind of bad influence in his town. So what, if he wants to nip it in the bud? So what, if he pulls the kid over as soon as he gets the chance, just to get a feel of him? The kid is tense, obviously hiding something, and speaking so respectfully that it borders on sarcasm - strike that, it's definitely sarcasm.
So what, if Hopper feels the need to put the fear of god into the kid? He's here, and his father is not - Hopper can't touch Neil, who never officially puts a toe out of line, but a teenager with a bad attitude? It's basically Hopper's JOB to do something about that.
So he goes hard on the kid. Tells himself it's for the kid's own good; keeping him on the straight and narrow and teach him what's right and what's wrong. And hey, if he gets to bring the kid home to the Hargrove doorstep sometimes and look Neil Hargrove in the eye while he lets him know what his son has done now (Not so perfect now, are you Hargrove?), well, then that's just a bonus. Perks of being the Chief of Police.
It becomes personal, in the way that he will take any chance to gte on the kid's case for SOMETHING. But also the opposite of personal, because the kid - Billy - isn't really a person in his own right in Hopper's eyes. He's just an angry kid. Neil Junior. A chip of the Hargrove block. He is simply a means to an end. The best way to get to Neil in a way that doesn't seem unreasonable, or petty, in the eyes of everyone else.
And of course, I want the Moment of Realization. I don't know where or when; maybe Hopper stumbles over Billy's car parked out at the Quarry, or maybe he nabs him after a party, or maybe he sees him out walking by the side of the road late one night and pulls up next to him.
And maybe that's the time when Billy has had ENOUGH. When he either gets angry and starts yelling, 'What do you have against me, man?? What have I ever done to you?", or maybe he tries to run because he can't do this right now, or maybe it's a Bad Night and he's tired and terrified and he breaks down crying (but tries to hide it).
Maybe it's all three.
And, I don't know, but maybe Billy's hurt and wincing and Hopper notices, and maybe when Billy refuses Hopper (not very gently) demands to see, and -
Maybe there are bruises. Maybe there's a burn scar somewhere on Billy where he couldn't have put it himself (like between his shoulder blades), the one you get from a red-hot lighter. A mark that Hopper remembers from his time in the the army, from when a buddy of his made a bet with Neil and lost, and Neil let his lighter burn for a long time and then pressed the hot metal against the guy's back. That too scarred, and it looked just like this.
And maybe that's when Hopper lets his memories boil over, and his voice is rough when he asks what happened, who did that, and maybe that's when Billy mutters something about Hopper and Neil being army buddies and Hopper doesn't have to worry, Billy isn't a snitch, he can keep his mouth shut.
And that's when things slot into place in Hopper's brain, and he realizes that the kid is just a KID, that the anger comes from hopelessness, that the attitude is a mask to hide his fear. Because even now, he's cowering in Hopper's grip - but still keeping eye contact, back straight, hands to the side. Learned behaviour.
And that's when Hopper realizes he has Fucked Up.
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rad-batson · 1 year
Billy who can still perform the same amount of magic as Captain Marvel when he’s his kid self, but due to the limits of his mortal body, he would literally burn up from the inside if he does too much or doesn’t allow himself to cool off first.
For a long while, he didn’t even notice. To be fair, it’s not like the wizard had time to give him the whole run-down before dying, and he never mentioned anything about performing magic outside of the Champion’s form. But sometimes, weird stuff would just happen out of nowhere?
He’ll only perform magic unintentionally when he’s extremely emotional. Not for everything, like “Man, I wish I could fix the holes in my socks.” But if he’s had a super bad day, and he just needs a good cry, he sees his hole-ridden socks and thinks, “Goddamnit, why can’t I just have nicer socks?” suddenly, they’re good as new! But he also feels the urge to lie down for a nap.
Some cops are sniffing around his neighborhood, and Billy is praying that he’ll be left alone. He doesn’t want to get kicked out of another semi-safe refuge. But right when the cops are about to discover his hideout, they’re called back to their precinct. Without warning, Billy’s chest feels hot. He suffers dizziness spells for a few hours and needs to wait a day before he’s back on his feet.
The real tipping point, however, is when he walks to school and it starts pouring with rain. He’s already had a rough morning so he just curses and ducks into the next bus stop. But before he can take cover, it’s sunny again, and out of nowhere, he’s running a dangerously high fever. He almost collapses in exhaustion. His hair is literally smoking, and that’s when he realizes what’s going on.
Now, Billy needs to be extremely careful with his emotional state. If he even thinks of something he wishes could happen, he might die. That’s why he can’t use too much magic, and it’s also why he talks to himself out loud so much. It’s easier to catch himself if he’s constantly reciting his inner monologue.
Later on, he gets some help with regulating his magic. Maybe John Constantine comes in and goes, “Okay buddy, we need to get you some breathing exercises,” because he’s in genuine mortal danger if he does. Maybe Billy tests his luck a few too many times and has to go MIA for a week because if he turns into Cap one more time, he'll burst into flames the moment he turns back.
But idk I am just so fascinated by the idea that this preteen who is literally the Champion of Magic harnesses the ability to level mountains while knowing nothing about magic because he has no real mentor, but he’s holding the potential to cause an avalanche if he sneezes the wrong way at the risk of his own life and he doesn’t have a clue.
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strangersmunsons · 4 months
Eddie, My Love! eddie munson x reader // valentine's day special series Day 8 Prompt: Rom-Coms 🎟️ ~ 2,400 words Watching a romantic comedy on TV brings back some memories for Eddie. (angst, w/ a hopeful ending)
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Eddie taps the lit end of his cigarette into an ashtray, staring at the television screen with tired eyes. The bluish light casts an eerie glow about the room; it feels cold, sterile. 
This has been his ritual for far too long now: go to work, come home, and watch some mind-numbing program alone until he falls asleep. Wash, rinse, repeat. 
He yawns, and rubs his stubbly face with one hand. He should get in bed before he passes out on the couch — save his back the trouble — but instead he picks up the remote again, flicking through channels, waiting in vain for something stimulating.
Coca-Cola ad. Late night talk show interview. Some black and white picture from MGM. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. Sitcom rerun. 
He pauses, thumb hovering over the button.
Eddie switches back to When Harry Met Sally. He rented it from Family Video once upon a time, but he hasn’t watched it in years. It feels like an eternity has passed since then and yet, he remembers it like it was yesterday.
That’s what every memory with you feels like to him; it’s both an old scar and a fresh wound. He doesn’t know what feels worse — the hot, gut-wrenching ache of longing that pains him now, or the knowledge that those memories, no matter how agonizing they may be, might start to fade one day.
But it seems an impossibility; he can recall every detail. He wets his lips, remembering how you had pleaded with him in line to rent this particular film, even though he’d been hoping to see the new Indiana Jones movie.
“Rob Reiner doesn’t make bad movies, Eddie. He did The Princess Bride, remember? Besides, it’s Valentine’s Day!”
He relented, as he always did. Who was he to deny you anything?
But oh, how things change.
Pipe dreams turned to reality. Demo tapes turned to albums. Dive bar gigs turned to international tours. You, bravely avowing that he had to grab hold of every opportunity he could — you told him that no matter where in the world he went, you would always be here, loving him. All the while, secretly, the small pit of fear planted in your stomach was sprouting and unfurling as the distance between you two grew further, and the silences louder. 
He should have tried harder. Came home more. Picked up the Goddamn phone. He’d always had to call you; it was too difficult to get a hold of him yourself, to keep track of where he might be, when he was traveling constantly.
And then that awful night, when he’d lost everything. Everything that mattered, anyway. 
It was the last time he ever saw or spoke to you. Hours of arguing, pleading, crying; it was the death rattle of the most important relationship of his life. You finally told him what you were afraid of, what you had been afraid of, and that it had come true.
“I’m just a girl from back home, Eddie.”
Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You were never just a girl to Eddie. Not then, not now. Not ever. But what difference had it made? When the time had come for him to make a choice, he had still walked out the door. 
The world was being presented to Eddie Munson on a silver platter. He was young, up-and-coming, successful. A talented musician — gifted, even. He had the right look and the attitude.
Being his partner wasn’t easy. Your support was unwavering, but your lives were going in different directions, it seemed. You both loved each other enough to want the other person to have what they wanted, which were…no longer the same things. 
But it was still horrible. 
He spent the next few weeks in a near-fugue state, numb and inconsolable. His bandmates whispered to each other in the studio, casting furtive glances over at their supposedly-invincible leader, while the rest of their team offered him pseudo-smiles tinged with impatience, and suggested that he focus on channeling the pain towards his music.
After that, when he had the time, he’d leave LA and come back to the city he’d initially dragged you out to after graduation. He had no idea if you still lived there, but it didn’t matter. It was the last place he knew you to be and so he wandered those familiar streets, looking for you in every person he passed, as though it were likely that he might bump into you at a bus stop, outside the grocery, sitting on a park bench.
It was a luxury he could afford until Corroded Coffin started to fall apart. Disputes between band members, both personal and professional. Declining album sales. Bad management. Once sold-out venues were a struggle to fill. The once-steady flow of cash turned into a trickle, and then the boys were unceremoniously dropped from label, the execs deciding that keeping them around wasn’t worth the expense.
He supposes he could have stayed in the industry if he really wanted to. Formed a new band or begged to join another that was in need of a guitarist, but Corroded Coffin was his baby. The idea of starting all over again or leeching off of another group’s success left a bad taste in his mouth. And the producing gigs and session work somehow felt even worse; he dreaded having to watch others succeed at what he had ended up failing.
Fame had chewed him up, decided it didn’t like the flavor, and promptly spit him back out. His music career felt like a fever dream now. His life before that, with you, was the realest thing he’d ever had. 
As he watches Harry and Sally dine together at Katz’s Deli, his mind wanders to the slip of paper stowed carefully away like a sacred jewel, all alone in a drawer of his bedside table. 
No, he won’t.
Harry and Sally fall apart.
He won’t dare.
Harry runs through Manhattan to find his girl. 
Not after everything he’s done, after all this time.
Harry tells her all the reasons that he loves her…
Eddie abruptly switches the TV off, unable to hear anymore. He sits in the darkness for a moment, aching with bone-weary sadness. What had Dustin told him, as he passed the paper to him across the table over lunch one day?
“It couldn’t hurt to try.”
But Dustin was wrong about that. It could hurt him very, very much.
Eddie stands, and pads through the apartment to his bedroom. He sits on the side of the bed, and pulls open the drawer that holds his very last tie to you — a scrap of old receipt bearing your name and phone number. He picks it up with trembling fingers, then lowers it again, terrified that his clammy hands with smudge the ink. The phone seems to taunt him from where it sits atop the nightstand. As though he’s having an out of body experience, Eddie’s arm reaches out beyond his control and picks it up, the dial tone emitting a low buzz in his ear. He stares down at the number in the drawer, as though he didn’t memorize it the second he got it. He doesn’t even know how Dustin found you; but the geeky little shit has his ways. 
He punches in the number, heart racing faster with each digit he puts in.
It rings…and rings…and rings…
Eddie’s mouth falls open in a low gasp. Your sweet voice is the same, only slightly marred by the bewilderment you must feel at receiving a call this late in the evening. Embarrassingly, his eyes sting with tears; he can’t speak.
“Hello? Anyone there?”
Eddie slams the phone back into the receiver, white as a sheet. He gets up, paces a lap around the room, chugs a glass of water, and finally takes his seat again, trying not to hyperventilate. 
Taking a deep, steadying breath, he picks up the phone again, and re-dials.
His heart is in his throat now, swollen and beating so violently it threatens to choke him. 
Your voice again, slightly more annoyed, though you still sound like an angel. “Hello?”
“H-Hi,” Eddie says hoarsely, and tries to swallow his fear. 
There’s a brief silence on the other end. “...who is this?” 
“It’s me. It’s…it’s Eddie. Munson,” he tacks his surname on at the end, as though he needs to specify.
Muffled noise through the speaker. The seconds tick by, and Eddie waits with dread for you to hang up. 
Finally, you whisper, “Eddie?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“H-How did you get this number?”
He has the phone in a vice grip. “Dustin gave it to me.” 
“Why…why are you calling?” He wishes he could see your expression. You sound terrified, like he’s going to bite you through the phone.
How can he answer that? What is there to say, after so much time, after so much pain? I miss you. I love you. None of it was worth it, even when I was on top. Losing you was like being cut in half.
“I wanted to see how you were. How you are, I mean.”
“I’m okay.” The response is quick, automatic. But you don’t elaborate any further than that, and awkward silence prevails again.
Eddie deserves that, he supposes. Sweat trickles down his back, under his arms, breaks out on his forehead. He pushes his damp bangs back out of his eyes. “That’s good. I’m glad to hear it, sweetheart,” the term of endearment slipping out as though a day hasn’t gone by where you haven’t been his sweetheart.
“Don’t call me that,” you tell him tersely, sounding pained.
“I’m sorry,” he replies, ashamed. He had no right to do this to you. Drudge up old memories that you probably wanted to forget, or had so already.
“What is this about?” you ask him again, voice shaking.
“I told you,” he mumbles, “I want to know how you are. And I guess…I want to apologize.”
“You want to apologize,” you repeat skeptically, with an incredulous huff. “Now? Really?”
“Yes, really. I’m sorry,” he repeats, eyes glazed and wet. A dry sob rattles his chest. “I don’t what I was thinking. I shouldn’t have called, I shouldn’t be…I’m sure you hate me and I don’t blame you, because I do too.” He wets his lips and presses on. “But if I can take this time to say one thing to you it’s that I’m sorry. For everything. I am so fucking sorry. For leaving, for hurting you, for every stupid little thing I did. That’s why I really called. To tell you that.”
“Oh God,” you say, almost to yourself, voice suddenly small. “I — I’m not ready for this.”
“You don’t have to say anything back,” he whispers, voice breaking, closing his eyes, letting the tears slip over his lashes.
“Are you crying?”
He wipes furiously at his nose. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does to me.”
Eddie can’t lie to you, certainly not now. “Yes. I’m sorry, I can’t help it. Your voice…”
“That — that came out sharper than I meant it to —”
“No, I mean it’s beautiful. I missed it.”
You start to speak and then falter, struggling to articulate what it is that you’re feeling. “I’m sorry, I have no idea what to say.”
Eddie laughs brokenly. “Funny, because there’s a million things I want to say to you. I just don’t know if I should or not.”
You swallow with an audible click. “I don’t know if you should, either.”
Another silence. Eddie thinks he could pick out the sound of your breathing from a mile away, he’s still so in tune with it. After hundreds of nights spent laying next to you in bed, no other sound could send him to dreaming so quickly or peacefully.
“But why call now? After all this time?” 
“I miss you.” The words escape before he has a chance to stop them; he bites his tongue against the rest of them. He considers his next words carefully before continuing.
“I never reached out before, because I made my bed and now I have to lie in it. I didn’t deserve to ask you for another chance, and I don’t think I do now, either, but…I was thinking of you tonight. Even more so than usual.”
Your voice shakes. “Does…does that happen often?”
He sucks in a sharp breath. “All the time.” The floodgates open; all his woe and regret from the past spills forward. “I am always, always thinking of you. Even when you thought I wasn’t. I know I was a shitty partner, but that didn’t mean — that I didn’t love you more than anything.”
“Eddie —”
But he can’t stop now. “I’ve missed you like hell since that very last night. I loved you so much, a-and I threw it away! How could I bring myself to speak to you after that? Especially after I lost it all? I would — God — I would hate for you to think that I was only coming back to you because I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I couldn’t do that. I didn’t wanna hurt you again, baby, and I know it would’ve.”
There’s a quiet sniffle on the other line. “It broke me when you left. And now this hurts, too.”
“I’m so sorry,” he breathes. “I wish I could make it better. I would do anything to make you not hurt anymore. I won’t ask you for a second chance, but just know,” Eddie takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and seals his fate. “I’ve loved you for more than half my life,” he whispers. “I’ll love you until I die.”
And with that, the line goes dead.
Eddie stares at nothing, doesn’t move. He doesn’t know how long he sits there for; eventually, his body moving on autopilot, he hangs up the phone and crawls under the covers. He’s done sobbing, but tears drip down his temples as he lays back in bed, dampening his hair.
Time doesn’t exist anymore, but he hopes he’ll fall asleep soon anyway.
Breathing, quiet and even. Eyelids slightly heavier. He thinks maybe it’s finally within reach.
He’s almost there.
The phone rings.
Eddie blindly feels with one arm, and picks it up from the receiver for the third time tonight.
“Hello?” he asks hoarsely, not daring to believe it.
An angel answers.
“E-Eddie? It’s me again…”
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thank you for reading!! xoxo Valentine's Day Special Masterlist
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spideyhexx · 5 months
fem!reader saccharine
Billy knows your whole thing is being one big tease to him, to other too, but mostly him, and he is close to losing it.
He already had a rough morning after getting barely any sleep. Why, he wasn't sure, but the heaviness in his head was weighing down on his day from the very start. He forgot to pay the innkeeper, borrowing money from Jesse to pay off his room, but now he owed Jesse money. Billy planned on going to the saloon later that day to play poker, but he was dreading it. He knew his tiredness would make it harder for him to play and play well at that. Most of the gang left him alone, seeing the permanent furrow in his brow and the way his shirt wasn't even buttoned right, it was clear it was an off day for him.
But then there was you. You knew he was having a bad day, but you couldn't help it. You always teased him and he always bit back. Not as hard as you would hope, but the game was always a thing. You follow him around that day, having nothing of importance to do for yourself.
He thought it akin to a puppy following you around and every time he turned and saw your smiling face, he'd roll his eyes, his jaw clenching so tight, you were sure he was gonna break his teeth any minute.
"Bonney, do you think I'd look better with your hat?" You run up to catch up to him as he walks.
"No," he replies, his eyes looking anywhere but you.
"Really? Cause I was thinkin'-"
"Can you stop followin' me?" Billy interrupts, his gaze still ahead, so he misses your eye-roll.
"Listen, I have nothin' else to do so I-"
"Well, 'm goin' to take a piss, so I don't think you should follow me," he says, his tone sharp and he looks at you, giving you the quickest, fakest smile he could have. It only brightened your grin.
"Oh, c'mon, I'll just look the other way, I've been around you guys far too long to get weird about that," you tell him, and he seems to know it's the truth, he can’t fight it. He shakes his head. "Leave," and he points back to where his and your horses were.
You're not that easy. Billy knows it too, but he prays to God that you'll see how annoyed he is in this moment and how he wants his time alone. You poke his arm, then jab your elbow at him, "I think I'll stay with you, Bonney."
"I need-"
"I can keep quiet if that's what you really want, but I think it's best if I stick around, what if-"
"Will you just shut up?!" His voice raises, stilling his walking to turn fully towards you. Your eyes are widened a little, but you don't answer his question.
"There's no way in hell you can keep quiet, 'cause all you do is talk. You bother me so much like...," he trails off, then lets out a harsh chuckle, swallowing his words before he spits them out at you, "you're...you're like a pest. I don't get it one bit how anyone likes you. ‘M…’m done with it, I can’t I…you really are a fuckin’ pest.”
His words sink into you. It stings, though you know he's got merit to his words. That you shouldn't have bothered him as much as you were today, that you should have just left when he told you to, but you thought it as much a game as playing poker would be. But Billy is fuming. You can see the anger in his eyes, the way his words rolled harsh on his tongue, the only time you've heard him speak like that was to people the gang was rivaling.
It's hard to stop the tears from welling in your eyes. Your chest burns and you feel the familiar ache in your heart. You try to stop it, but you've never been very good at that. "Pest...okay. 'M sorry, Billy," you say, your voice breaking on his name as your tears start to stream, falling to your cheeks as you sniffle. Once it’s starts, you know you really can’t stop it. You turn your heel and walk away from him. Part of you didn't want him to see that side of you, but it was also too late. Billy's heart drops at the sight. His words echo in his own head, realizing how bad they sound. "Shit, wait," he says, but you keep walking.
Billy's shoulder slump. He's never seen you cry, let alone speak so quietly. He was beginning to think nothing ever upset you until now. He knows he lashed out, but he hopes you at the very least understand why he did. However, to him, he knows he shouldn't have said that. You're a piece of glue for the gang, even he could admit that. Your pure nature was friendly, he knows why people like you so much, but he still said what he said. He thinks about going after you, but he can't. His feet are stuck to the ground as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"Shit," he mumbles to himself, rubbing his hand over his face, pinching at the bridge of his nose.
let's chat about billy, here :)
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pastelspoon31 · 5 months
Chapter 1: What a nice neighbour! (Older!König x Younger!Reader) - NSFW
tw: age gap (early 20s reader, AT LEAST mid-40s König), manipulation, non-con, somnophilia, a little bit of pseudo-incest pretty much dead dove
A/N: Made a new account just to post this lmao
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | > Masterlist
"Liebling, I already told you that boy was no good for you." König's fingers gently caressed your hair as you sobbed into his chest.
"I know- I should have listened to you.." You sobbed into his chest, his large hand gently resting on the back of your head as he tried to console you.
"What did I tell you about boys like him?" He asked you.
You sniffled, trying to gather yourself enough to answer. "Th-they're no good.." You mumbled, and he nodded.
"That's right, mein liebchen. They only want one thing from girls like you." He told you, and you knew it was true. You knew that's all Billy wanted. But the way he had been talking to you, looking at you, touching you..
You cried for a few more minutes before finally gathering yourself, König still gently stroking your hair and soothing you with his words.
"What am I going to do?" You sniffled. "He's all I had and.. now-"
"You have me." König cut you off, pulling back so he could look into your eyes. "You've always had me, liebling. And I would never treat you like that."
You looked at the older man- Old enough to be your father, hence the way you treated him like your own.
"You're right.. You've always been here to take care of me.." You sniffled lightly and wrapped your arms around his neck.
König smiled at you and stroked your hair back again.
"Why don't we go to the living room and have a glass of wine and a movie, ja? Order in some food?" He suggested, and you nodded with a soft smile.
"I would like that."
"Good." König smiled back, gently tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear.
You were just a freshman in college when you first bumped into your neighbour, König. 
"O-oh, sorry!-" You quickly apologized, having run into a wall- Or so you thought.
"It's alright, liebling." You heard a low, smooth voice come from the man you had run into, and you looked up at him.
A foreigner, you noted to yourself- and though masked, you could tell he was smiling down at you.
"S-sorry, I'm so clumsy." You chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of your head.
"You're not the clumsy one, I wasn't paying attention." He assured you.
"Oh.." You chuckled softly, "Well, sorry, anyway."
"No harm done, liebling." He replied, and you found yourself smiling softly.
"I'm Y/N." You gave an awkward smile.
"Unit 309?" He asked, and you nodded in confusion.
"How did you know..?"
"We share a wall." He chuckled and gestured to the unit number, 308, beside him.
"Ah.." You laughed, "My bad."
"König." He introduced himself and held out a hand to you, which you shook with a smile.
"It's nice to meet you."
"And you." He replied, and it was in that moment that you realized how much older he was than you.
"Well, I have to get going, I have class soon.." You gave an apologetic smile and a small wave. "See you later, König."
"Goodbye, liebling."
With that, the two of you went your separate ways.
From that day forward, you ran into him regularly.
Whether it was just the two of you leaving your houses at the same time, or running into each other at the mailbox, you found yourself seeing more of König. After a while, you've gotten used to having him around and he even told you what that 'liebling' meant! It's something parental figures call their younger ones as a term of affection- a fuzzy feeling filled you when you first heard him explain that.
You have come around to figure out that he was a good person to look up to- always giving you useful advice and looking after you.
He had always told you to keep your doors and windows locked, to not go out late, to keep a can of mace on you at all times.
And when your boyfriend had started cheating on you, König had been there for you.
The older man would let you cry to him and would give you comforting hugs, assuring you that you were too good for someone like him.
"You're an intelligent, beautiful girl. He's an idiot for not realizing how wonderful you are."
"You're always so nice to me, König.." You sniffled as you hugged him tightly, resting your cheek on his chest as you stood on your toes to do so.
"Because you deserve it, liebling,”
After a while, the tears stopped and you had fallen asleep, the older man taking it upon himself to carry you to his bed.
After placing you down, he took note of your knocked out state and smirked lightly.
Perhaps the crushed pills he slipped into your drinks worked a little too well.
"You won't mind if I have a little fun with you right, mein hase?" He asked, gently brushing some hair from your face as he climbed into the bed next to you.
You didn't reply as you were out cold, and König chuckled.
"You were such a tease when we first met, always showing off your perfect little body.." He mused, his gloved hands slowly caressing up your legs and pushing up your dress as he spoke.
Once you were bare in front of him, he reached into his dresser and took out his camera, beginning to snap pictures of your sleeping form.
"You are so beautiful, liebling." He praised, moving the camera up to your face.
Once satisfied, he moved it back down and spread your legs, moving his camera between them and taking a couple pictures.
"Haven't had pictures of you from this angle before.." He smiled, his hand caressing your inner thigh as he kept his camera trained between your legs.
"I hope you won't mind if I do this from now on.." He hummed and took a few more pictures before moving the camera aside, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your clit.
You shifted slightly in your unconsciousness at the sensation and let out a quiet sigh, your thighs squeezing around his head slightly as he began to eat you out.
"You're so sweet, liebling." He moaned against you, the sound making your breath hitch.
If you were a wake, you'd have felt him chuckle, his gloved hand sliding up your stomach to palm at your breasts, the sensation feeling odd and making you shift.
"Are you awake, mein liebling?" König asked as he pulled away and looked up at you, smirking when you didn't reply.
"I suppose not." He chuckled and went back to work.
König ate you out until you were coming against his mouth, and he eagerly lapped up every bit of your juices, his own cock hard and begging for release.
He sat up and unbuckled his belt, taking it off and letting it drop onto the bed before he pulled out his cock, jerking himself off.
"Look at you, so pretty and wet.. Just for me." He panted and reached for the camera again, snapping a few more pictures of your pussy, leaking juices and swollen from arousal.
He moaned and leaned in, kissing your thigh as he continued to stroke himself.
"You taste so good.." He hummed. "So sweet and juicy.."
König continued to stroke his cock and groan against your skin, your thighs squeezing around him as your hips shifted.
"Liebling.. I'm going to cum.." He moaned, "Where should I.."
He trailed off, the idea hitting him before he even finished the question.
Quickly, he grabbed his cock, pressing it right against your pussy as he stroked himself.
"So sexy, liebling.." He grunted, "Your little body is just too good, I can't hold back.."
With a loud moan, he came right against your pussy, the tip of his cock nestled right up against your clit.
"That's right, hase, take my cum." He panted and groaned.
König jerked himself through his orgasm, and when it was over, he sat back and snapped a few more pictures, smirking.
"I should have done this sooner." He chuckled. "It would have been worth getting rid of the other boy."
You shifted and whimpered quietly, the older man taking a few more pictures before gently rubbing his cum into your pussy, making sure not a single drop was left.
"Shh, shh, it's alright, Y/N." He assured you and placed the camera aside.
"Everything is alright now."
König leaned down and pressed a kiss to your pussy, licking his lips and tasting himself.
"You're perfect, liebling."
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
I can’t get over the way you write it’s delicious. I was wondering if you could write a Stu x reader where Stu catches the reader in the act of doing things with themselves, and it just kinda escalates from there?
Thank you so much for the request! I got way too carried away with this one 🫣
I Can Help
Summary: A little joke is all it takes to hurt someone's feelings. You think you're broken but Stu thinks he can help fix you.
Pairing: Stu Macher x Fem!reader
Warnings: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️ fingering (fem!receiving), foul language, thigh riding, loss of virginity, p in v, cum, slight begging
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"It's was so bad. I literally went to the bathroom to finish while he smoked a cigarette." Tatum popped a grape in her mouth. "You would think college boys would be better." Billy said looking up at the sky. You shifted uncomfortably, the conversation was a touchy one. "What about you Y/n? Any man ever leave you high and dry?" Tatum asked as the group stared at you. You didn't feel as cool as your friends. Tatum stayed getting drunk or laid having many fun stories to tell. Sydney and Billy were a comfortable couple not sharing too much of their love life. Stu got around more than anyone. The stories he told would make a sailor feel ashamed.
"No thankfully. I've never done that so I don't have much to compare." Tatum seemed shocked at the admission. "You've never had sex?" She asked completely missing your point. You trusted you friends with the dark secret you've had for awhile. "No but I've never done the other thing either." It was embarrassing how ashamed you were to even say the words. "You've never what? Had an orgasm?" Stu and Billy started giggling making you feel worse about yourself. "Shut up doofus." Tatum shoved Stu lightly. "I'm sorry It's just funny. Have you asked a doctor what's wrong with you?" Stu laughed making you get up. "Oh come on sweet pea it was just a joke." You walked away hearing Sydney and Tatum fussed at the teenager.
You've read books, watched videos, you've done everything you could think to do. At some point you started to believe you were broken. Tatum went on and on about how good sex was but you couldn't even please yourself. The amount of times you've tried and somehow got bored of it was humiliating. Now for your friends to know and openly laugh at you it made you want to disappear. You wanted to cry in shame.
The car you called your own was just a few steps away. You decided to ditch school not being able to see your friends anymore today, especially Stu. He was your best friend. For him to humiliate you in front of everyone really just felt like a knife to the gut. You turned on the car driving towards your house. With everything you've tried there was little you knew to do. Maybe you'd have to buy a toy? A machine to help you do what you couldn't do yourself.
You pulled into the driveway seeing your parents were still at work. Atleast you wouldn't have to have an argument when you walked through the door. You threw your bag down heading straight for your room. Crying was always an option but you decided to try to get yourself off one more time. It couldn't be that hard women do it all the time. You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down from the day you've had. Grabbing the lighter off your nightstand you lit a couple candles. Maybe mood lighting would help.
The curtains were drawn as you laid on top of the bed. It was a dramatic set but it was a last resort. Taking another deep breath you closed your eyes. Slowly you exhaled letting your hands slide over your clothes. The button on your jeans popped before you carefully slid them off your legs. You pretended your hands were not your own as they crept up your thighs. A simple porn like scenario played in your head as you mimicked what you had seen before. Your hand grazed your underwear in an attempt to tease yourself.
Your breathing was steady while you pulled down your underwear tossing them to the side. The act it's self was intimidating. You felt as if your future as a woman depended on your ability to perform for yourself. Shaking your head a little you found your way back to the tacky video in your head. The women you saw on film always immediately started moaning. You've tried it before. Soft little moans actually helped turn you on more than any screaming ever did. Your fingers traced your lips trying to figure out what place to go next.
Slick slowly started to flood your folds telling you that whatever you were doing was working. Wetting two fingers you slowly trailed them up towards your clit. A small jolt of energy passed through you as you circled the bundle of nerves. You focused on that spot knowing penetration only ever felt uncomfortable. A half hearted moan fell from your lips as verbal encouragement.
As you tried to work your hands around yourself Stu walked right through the front door of your home. The locks were the only thing that ever stopped him and lucky for him you completely forgot to flip that little switch. He wasn't sure what to say to you. Tatum and Sydney practically yelled at him for making a simple joke. Even Billy told him he took it too far. Now he had a freshly picked flower in his hand with no idea of what to say.
He mumbled little apologies as he twirled the flower in his hand. With a push he opened your bedroom door. "I was a dick at lunch today so I'm sorry- oh my god!" You screamed at the man as you threw your covers on top of your lower half. "I didn't see anything! Actually I saw a lot but I'm fine with pretending I didn't see anything." Stu babbled on outside the now closed door with his eyes shut. At first he took your silence as a loss of words for what just happened. It wasn't until he heard the quiet sound of your crying that he really felt awful. This was the second time to today he made you upset. "Good going Stu." He whispered to himself in pity.
"Are you covered?" He asked holding the handle of the door. Only opening it if you give him the word. You tried to sniffle away the sadness but it hardly worked. "Yes." Was all you could muster. "I'm opening the door now." He said as a warning just in case. You almost smiled. "It's half way open you still have time to cover anything that's out." He narrated making you actually cough out a laugh. "I'm good you can come in." Stu breathed a sigh of relief seeing the comforter cover everything below your waist. He knew by your tears that this had to be more embarrassing for you than it was for him.
Stu sat down on the edge of the bed. "I got this for you. I came over to apologize but I'm guessing I should've waited a little longer." He handed you the flower which you appreciated but watching you cry again made Stu think he did something else wrong. "I really am sorry. Are you allergic to those? I picked it up off the side of some person's house I didn't know." You shook your head willing yourself to get a grip as you sat the flower on the nightstand. "No, that's not why I'm upset. It wouldn't have mattered if you waited any longer. It wouldn't have done me any good."
Your hands held your face keeping your eyes away from your friend. "What do you mean?" Stu didn't really understand why you were upset. You looked up at the confused boy ready to vent all your problems to him. "I mean I don't work like I'm supposed to Stu. Guys have it easy. Your dick comes with basic instructions. It seems I can't do the one thing every other girl can." His lips formed an 'o' realizing what this was all about. "You're upset you've never had an orgasm?" Stu said it like it wasn't incredibly embarrassing.
Heat rose to your face forcing you to look away. Stu grabbed one of your hands not really knowing how to comfort you. "Hey I'm sure other women have trouble too. Most of the time it's the guys fault though." He shrugged. That was the problem. This was supposed to be a guy issue. You were supposed to be able to get yourself off when a guy falls short. You were just as bad as they were. "What all have you tried doing?" He asked with a casual tone. You wanted to fling yourself out of a window. "I'm not talking about this with you." You laid back turning your eyes towards the ceiling.
"I can help. We can figure this out." It wasn't sexual he was just helping out a friend. "How? you're a guy." His hands went to his face in shock. "Oh my god! I'm a guy? This can't be happening!" His little stunt made you laugh which in turn put a smile on his face. "I know that I'm a guy but I'm sure we can talk our way through this. Process of elimination or something." It wasn't a terrible idea but it wasn't the best one either.
"Okay." You sighed scared of the uncomfortable conversation you were about to have with your childhood best friend. "Alright. What all have you tried to do?" Now that you were actually listening to the question it didn't make any sense. "Everything? I did what they do in the movies nothing works." The tight lipped expression on his face made you think you did something wrong. "What? That's what porn is for." You defended thinking he was going to make fun of you for doing something all men do.
"No, porn is for entertainment not learning. If you want to see a dumb blonde with big tits bounce around for 30 minutes then you watch porn. If you want to learn how to treat a woman, you read." You laughed making his smile falter. "You, Stu Macher read books about pleasing women?" It wasn't something he flaunted around but the women he slept with sure appreciated it. "Yeah so? Maybe I could give you some recommendations." You started to realize that Stu really just wanted to help. He hated seeing you hate yourself over something you couldn't control.
"I've done that Stu. I've read and I've watched. It doesn't do anything good." You were giving up but he wasn't about to allow it. "When do your parents get home from work?" He asked, his eyes more serious this time around. "Um around four o'clock why?" It was unethical. Stu knew that but what's the harm in helping a friend in need? "You said I could help you right?" He double checked making sure nothing changed. "Yeah and so far you haven't been much of a help." Stu stood up from the side of the bed going to shut and lock your bedroom door.
"What's your plan?" Your voice gave away that you were nervous. "If it's alright with you I want to help." He looked towards your covered legs and that's when it clicked. "Oh no. Ha! Uh no thank you. I'm fine, it's okay, I haven't shaved or um-" You tried to think of another excuse. "No one's been down there and I just, no thank you." Stu sat back down on the bad letting his hand sit on top of your stomach. A small feeling of warmth bubbled underneath his hand. "Y/n I've never judged you and I'm not going to start now. Besides it not like I'm going to take your virginity or anything."
It dawned on you that this might actually help. The fear that this might ruin the friendship you had with Stu was more important to you than your need to feel normal. "I don't want anything to change between us." He laughed. "And it won't. I hate seeing you this way and if I can be useful then I'm at your service." He saluted making you laugh. "Okay but please no more jokes I don't want to feel worse than I already do." Stu nodded. "No more jokes." From this moment forward Stu was going to do whatever you told him to. His hand slowly slid down your abdomen that warmth never disappearing.
"I'm going to need your direction. I don't know what you like and don't like." Funny thing was you didn't either. This was all brand new to you. "Okay." You said as you tried to relax. Stu's hand slowly ran down the outside of your exposed thigh. You would have thought he'd go straight for what you've been struggling with. His fingers danced around your skin leaving little goosebumps behind. "Just focus on my hand okay? Don't worry about anything else." You nodded keeping your eyes closed.
His fingers made their way to your inner thigh still dancing around to a silent tune. You couldn't help but giggle at the sensation. Stu smiled loving that cute little noise. "Does that tickle?" He asked moving closer towards your heat. "A little bit but I'm fine keep going." Stu's smile never faltered as his eyes stayed on you. With your eyes closed you tried to picture your crush doing these things but all that could come to mind was your best friend, Stu. You let out a shaky breath feeling his hand graze your folds. "Are you okay?" He asked a little worried. "Mhmm, I'm fine."
Stu carefully traced little lines on your lips not ready to dive into anything serious. "Does that feel okay?" The feeling was a little funny. It wasn't as intense as anything you ever did. "Yeah it's fine." You said quickly not wanting to miss any sensation he provided you with. Stu decided to abandon the pattern, instead moving his finger to slowly trail up and down over your your folds. His touch was only pressured enough to let you know he was there. He felt your hips move involuntary wanting to grind on his hand. This new information gave him an idea.
His hand disappeared and for a moment you could still feel his fingers tracing your skin like phantom touch. You opened your eyes confused. "Why'd you stop?" Your voice cracked making him smile. "I have an idea but it requires you to stand up. Are you okay with that?" You weren't sure about the change in position but if it got him to touch you again you'd do it. "I guess so." You slowly got off the bed standing in front of Stu with your hands covering yourself. Stu started to unbuckle his jeans making you panic. "Calm down I'm not getting naked." It sure looked like he was. You watched as he pulled his pants off sitting them in the floor beside the bed.
His boxers were still on leaving little to the imagination. "Come here." He beckoned with spread legs. You walked a forward not prepared for how intimate this would be. "I want you to straddle my leg like you would a horse." That sentence alone was laughable and a little alarming. "I'm heavy." You protested making him laugh. "I've got you, would you just trust me?" That stupid smile he sent you made you do as you were told. His thigh was warm against your cunt. Stu blinked a few times trying hard to keep the focus on you. His hands gripped your hips making you feel a whole new emotion. "Now I want you to slowly move your hips like this." He helped you move against him. The new friction made a small noise leave your mouth. It was embarrassing but you had no time to worry about it.
Stu started to blush, the erotic scene in front of him turning him on more than he hoped. "Does that feel okay?" By the look on your face he knew the answer. His thigh quickly became wet with your slick making it easier for you to rock back and forth. "I feel.. great." You pushed the words out as you continued to ride his thigh. Stu wanted to kiss you but he had promised this wasn't about him. "Stu.." You moaned holding onto his shoulders for support. Hearing his name fall from your lips like that was now and forever engraved in his brain. "Say my name again please." The slight whimper your friend made only increased the speed of your hips. "Stu, please." You weren't quite sure what you were begging for but it pleased Stu.
His grip on your hips only grew tighter as your abs started to burn. A foreign pressure began to build making you panic. You hips slowed down making Stu look up at you. "What wrong?" He asked almost as out of breath as you were. "I- something..." You tried to put the feeling into words. Stu knew exactly what you meant. He continued moving your hips for you making your whole body seem to tremble. "Just keep moving you're almost there." Stu reassured hoping that he was right. "I can't." You repeated in-between moans.
Your hands locked up squeezing Stu's arms as your whole body trembled. Stu held on to you before you fell. Your breathing was intense but this was arguably the best you've ever felt. You looked up at your friend as your hand cupped his jaw. "How was that?" He asked smiling down at you. Stu lit up at the dopey grin on your face. You leaned up just enough to press your lips against his. Stu froze for a moment in shock. Before you could pull away and apologize he kissed back.
The kiss was more electric than the feeling you had just moments ago. You moved so you were straddling his lap now having more room to kiss him. Carefully you rolled your hips against him. "Fuck..." He shuddered into the kiss. Stu broke the kiss still holding you. "Y/n I didn't do this to sleep with you." Stu was a little worried you were trying to repay him for something he did for free. "I know." You rolled your hips again as Stu threw his head back. If there was a God, Stu was thanking them for this moment. "Y/n don't do that-" He was going to tell you he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.
"Or what?" You bit your lip getting turned on again just by pushing your friend's buttons. In one swift motion Stu stood up his arms holding you in position. With a small squeal from you he spun you around so you ended up on your back on the bed. Stu hovered above you his face nothing but serious. Your smile was playfully dangerous. He contemplated the idea that he might've done you a favor and himself a disservice. Your hands ran along his clothed torso heading straight for the painful bulge in his boxers. "Ah!" He moaned quickly grabbing your hands holding each one down on the bed next to your head.
"What has gotten into you?" He asked wanting to know what the responsible thing to do here was. In actuality you weren't sure. You just wanted- no, needed to hit that high again. "If I play my cards right hopefully you." Stu laughed nervously. Earlier you said no jokes but here you were breaking down Stu's defenses with humor. Your hips bucked up at nothing as Stu thought of his options. "If we do this it would really fuck up our friendship." You knew things wouldn't be the same the moment his hand fell between your thighs. "We'll figure it out. I need you Stu, please." There was that word again that made Stu absolutely melt.
Stu sat up on his knees pulling off his shirt. You watched the muscles under his skin contract as he pulled the cloth over his head tossing it to the side. You didn't know why you hadn't noticed how hot he was before this. He looked at your shirt waiting for you to do the same. "Oh!" As if your life depended on it you tore the shirt off your frame letting it hit the floor with Stu's.
His boxers were the last thing to disappear leaving you both completely naked. "Do you still want to do this?" Stu asked as his fingers once again found your cunt. "Yes." Was all you could say as his middle finger slipped into your heat with ease. Slowly as to not hurt you Stu added his ring finger. There was that uncomfortable feeling again. It didn't hurt but it wasn't a pleasant experience. With his left hand on your hip he held you down as his fingers searched for that spot. Not many guys knew where the clit was let alone the g-spot. Stu however got an A when it came to anatomy.
Your lungs seemed to stop as a random warmth spread over your thighs. The warmth began to turn into a pleasurable fire. His fingers continued that beckoning motion as you writhed underneath him. Stu added one more finger making you wince. "You alright?" He asked seeing your eyes scrunch shut. "Yeah it's just weird." You responded trying to get used to the stretch. It only lasted a few moments before you focused back on the pressure building once again. Before you could do anything about it his fingers slipped out. You looked down seeing him drag his cock up and down your folds collecting your slick on the tip.
Stu grabbed intertwined his fingers with yours making you smile. Slowly he pushed his cock into you and you were thankful for the previous warm up. Stu squeezed your hand trying not to cum right then and there. You always heard how annoying it was when men finished quick. However if you got Stu to get off that easy it would probably be the hottest complement you've ever received. "Are you okay?" Stu asked more to himself than you. "I'm lovely." You smiled looking at the boy.
His hips began to move slowly which did absolutely nothing for you. You didn't want to seem rude so you let him continue doing what he was doing. He noticed the lack of enthusiasm on your part. "What's wrong?" You shook your head. "Nothing, just... Can you go faster?" He almost laughed. Here he was doing everything in his power to go slow and you needed him to go faster. Without another word his hips began to speed up.
Moans started to naturally come out as the feeling of him pump in and out of you became addicting. It wasn't until you heard him moan that you actually began to feel that pressure like before. "Keep on making those sounds." You encouraged as your head fell back against the pillows. It was the first time any girl wanted to hear him during sex. In fact moaning at all felt embarrassing to him. Stu obliged feeling you squeeze around him with every noise he made. "Fuck Y/n, I'm not going to last." He moaned through gritted teeth.
That feeling of intense pleasure came and went never staying long enough for you to enjoy it. It didn't matter though seeing and hearing Stu come undone for you was enough. He begrudgingly pulled out knowing he didn't have much longer. The veins in his arms were prominent as he pumped himself over your stomach. His hair was wet with sweat sticking to his forehead. "Please Y/n.." Stu whimpered and moaned over and over as ropes of cum littered your abdomen. His head fell back while he tried to catch his breath. The sight was beautiful. You cursed yourself you couldn't capture the moment on film.
His limp body fell next to you as he tried desperately to breathe. Once his lungs fell back into their normal rhythm he spoke. "Where's the bathroom?" It wasn't a very romantic question and it kind of broke your heart. "Um.. it's down the hall to the right." You pointed as Stu got up and disappeared. Stu frantically searched for a wash cloth not wanting to leave you alone for too long.
You could hear the water running for a few seconds before he returned, warm rag in hand. "Hey." He spoke softly not to scare you. "Hi." You said back the awkwardness in the room was rather cute. "I'm just going to clean you up okay?" That same heat returned to your cheeks making you avoid his gaze. "That's fine." The cloth started between your thighs. The warm rag felt great against your skin. You winced the moment the rag slid over your core. "Sorry." He mumbled cleaning off your stomach next.
Once you were decent Stu returned the rag to the bathroom. You tried not to laugh as you watched his ass as he left the room. Stu returned finding his boxers quickly pulling them back on. You however were content with just snuggling underneath the covers. Stu climbed in the bed on the vacant side snuggling up next to you. The clock on the wall said you had a good amount of time before you parents got home. You played with your friends hand as you thought of words to fill the silence. "Thank you Stu. I needed this." A sense of pride warmed up his chest. "You're welcome. I'm glad I could help."
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glimmerlofsea · 1 month
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning : mentions of blood, fluffy fluff!
WC; 1,7k
#TALKISSA; hear me out... what if you were Billy's girlfriend and you guys had an argument a few days ago before he almost died because he was possessed by a mind flayer... Did he make it?
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It feels like it was just yesterday when he said that dumb thing to you that he was in love with you. Do you believe that Billy Hargrove loves you? What is the reason? But little by little he proved it.
He's in love with you, and you're in love with him.
And a few days ago you two had a fight because Billy was distancing himself from you for no reason. You hate him when he suddenly shut himself off from you and doesn't let go of his true feelings. You hate it when he carries his heavy burden alone. You are with him to carry his burden together, not to add to his burden.
But it turns out there was a reason, you are Y/N Hopper, you know all that little Upside Down stuff, you know it very well since you were the one who helped your father solve the case of Will Byers who disappeared. And now your boyfriend is affected. Maybe you shouldn't have dragged him into this in the first place? You just wanted to stick his relationship with Max since the fight with Steve at the Byers house, but things got out of hand.
You went through everything with a heavy heart, you didn't want to hurt Billy but he hurt El, she wasn't just a supernatural girl who was saved by your father, but she was also your sister.
When you realized Billy was standing in front of the mind flayer, you were too busy looking for firecrackers to distract the mind flayer, but it was too late. When Max shouted Billy's name, your whole body shook, you immediately took the stairs to run down, ignoring Steve who shouted your name.
As much as you want to throw your body on the floor, your heart hurts too much to see Billy who is lying on the mall floor with blood flowing from his stomach and coming out profusely from his mouth. You remember very well when he said, "I would risk my life for you. Even with all these interdimensional problems." You wouldn't think he really proved what he said.
Tears streamed down your face and you ran fast towards Billy,
"Mike, help her!" You said in between your runs for Mike to help Eleven while you propped Billy to lie on your thigh.
You held back the bleeding with your hand, your whimpers echoed throughout the Mall, even the huge monster's groans were almost overshadowed by your voice.
"No, no, no, please, please, hold on." You whined looking at Billy's face and at his wound in turn, "Please."
Billy coughed, "It's okay. I'm sorry."
You shook your head, pressing your forehead against his, "Don't fucking act like these are your last words." Your breath hitched, "I won't let that happen. To you."
You looked around, looking at Mike who was hugging El while looking at you, "What are you doing?! Call 911, ask someone for help, or— Or call my Dad! Call my dad! Or anyone!" You felt guilty for yelling at Mike but Billy really needed help.
"I won't— I won't make it." Billy stammered.
"Don't. Don't say that. Don't you dare to say that, Hargrove."
"I love you. And tell everyone I'm sorry, especially Max."
You really did what you could to stop the bleeding, you couldn't help him and you hate yourself for that, you promised to help him through the difficult things in his life but even you yourself dragged him into this difficult thing?
"Dad! Please, where are you, I need you!" You scream in your tears.
Some time later the government arrives with the police and an ambulance, you're not sure but you really have to hold on if Billy is going to make it.
You came out of the mall while holding Billy's hand tightly, who was already on the patient's bed with a nebulizer to help him breathe, with Max running behind you.
You saw Eleven who was crying accompanied by Joyce, your bad thoughts started to nest in your head, you looked at Max, "Watch him, okay? I'll be back." With an unsteady breath, Max nodded, you kissed the side of her hair and walked slowly towards Eleven and Joyce.
It's raining there, but you don't care anymore, what's worse than rain? You've been through it all.
"El, what's going on?" You asked El but she didn't answer, you looked at Joyce who was looking at you with pity, "Oh, Y/N, honey, I'm sorry—"
You shook your head, taking a deep breath, "No. Tell me."
"Hopper is dead."
The words echoed in your ears, you fell silent, not allowing your eyes to blink even once to process Joyce's words once again, you felt like you heard wrong but you hoped you didn't hear those words, never in your life. You couldn't hear what Joyce said next.
You looked at the ambulance where Max was waiting there, you let out a cry, does there have to be a victim every year? And should those be the two people you love most in your life? Life isn't fair. You're despiteful.
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The funeral for your father had passed, when the Byers family and El went back to California you just locked yourself in your father's cabin. Yes, it was a mess because of the mind flayer, but that cabin was the only beautiful memory you could remember with your father.
You just curl up yourself at the corner of the cabin and cried. After the funeral you don't dare to meet anyone. Max called you but you ignored her. You are too lost in thoughts that are against you, you think that everything you touch will slowly leave you, will die.
The phone rang, you immediately stood up quickly and wiped your tears, what you thought was maybe it was your father who was faking his death, right?
You picked up the phone, “Dad?”
You expected to hear his voice, but you didn't, "Y/N... I'm sorry. I'm Max. I just wanted to let you know that Billy is awake and I know some things are really hard for you to go through, but we need you, Y/N. Please."
You hold back your tears, maybe your father is really gone, the one precious person in your life, but you still have one more precious person and you won't let him go like you neglected to let go of your father.
You immediately go to the hospital in minimal clothes, saw Max who was sitting in front of the room, you were standing in front of her, she got up from her seat and hugged you, "I'm sorry." You shut your mouth tightly so you wouldn't cry.
As soon as she let go of the hug you tried to smile and nodded, "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."
Max smiled faintly, "Lucas will pick me up, there's only Billy inside." You nod.
As soon as Max left, you immediately opened the bedroom door to see Billy's condition. He had opened his eyes and immediately looked at you, as if he had been waiting for your presence. He smiled, how could it be that a few moments ago he almost lost his life and now he was smiling?
You smiled in relief and approached him,
You took a chair and sat next to him, holding his hand and kissing it, “Hey,” Your voice was shaky.
He took his hand from you to wipe your tears, "I heard the news, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you cry, Princess. Come here,"
You shook your head and caught your breath, "About me it could be another day, but today you're awake and that's a really good thing. Let's make this your day, okay? I can hold it."
"Are you sure? I hate seeing you like this."
"You think I don't hate seeing you ridiculously act like that in front of a big giant monster?" You asked, pursing your lips.
You lost your father, but that is a sign that he is in a good place, a place where he can rest from the problems that make his life complicated.
Billy chuckled, "Give me your kiss, I miss them. I can't wake up, my body still hurts."
You smiled and wiped away the remaining tears that Billy had not had time to wipe away moments before. You got up to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head so that your lips met.
"I love you." He said in between your kisses, "I love you too."
When Hopper allowed your relationship with Billy you were very happy, on the condition that Billy would protect you at all costs. And he really did. Your mind has gone too far when you think about starting a small family with Billy and Hopper becoming really great grandfathers. But what happens if you live in a city full of curses, right?
A few weeks later you sent a letter to California where El and the Byers lived, apologizing for not being there when they were away, and also conveying your longing for El or now preferring to be called Jane.
Since the incident at Starcourt Mall an unexpected incident occurred, Neil was arrested following a suggestion made by your father before all this happened. Making you live at the Mayfield residence, apart from helping to look after Billy, you also help Max with her homework and Susan with daily household activities.
You heard Billy shouting from the room, you who were washing dishes turned off the sink, "A minute!"
Max is at school and Susan is trying to blend in with the Mother of Hawkins, so for now you're the only one you can rely on at home.
You dry your hands briefly with a small towel and then walk towards the room. Billy can walk, but the doctor said it would be good if he did bed rest for a while so that the stitching wound in his stomach could really heal.
"What do you need, baby?" You asked landing yourself in front of him who was leaning on the edge of the bed.
Billy sighed, he pat the side of the bed next to him, signaling for you to sit next to him, you did as he said and he buried his head on your shoulder, "I hate being useless. I'm sorry if I bother you."
You pushed his body gently and cupped his cheeks, "Hey. You're not useless, okay? Why do you think like that, huh? Throw those thoughts away, I'm not here to feel you think like that, I'm here because now what I really prioritize and care about is you, Billy. I almost lost you, because of myself and I won't let that happen again."
Billy raised the corners of his lips, you pecked his nose, "Besides, I like you like this, it's like taking care of a big baby, you know?"
Billy chuckled, "Oh, so now my nickname is big baby?" He started tickling your stomach, making you laugh in amusement, "Stop it,"
Billy smiled and kissed all over your face. You love him, really love him.
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Author Note : Okay! I know I said I would upload a Sebastian Stan fanfic, but it takes a lot of will to release it... sorry for the delay, but don't worry, it will come! for sure! I just need to give up my freedom to write as many Billy Hargrove stories as I can! Thank you, issea! :D
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imtryingbuck · 2 months
Fifty Five
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 1,280
Warnings: angst, heavy use of pet names. fluff. swearing. short and pretty much a filler sorry
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
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It's been ten years since Grace and Bunny's Haven opened, since then the manor went under construction adding another floor for more rooms, they had more women and children seeking safety than they had room for.
Robin was the only one that was still there from when the doors opened, the others finding freedom when their abuses went to prison or by moving far away with the help from Y/n. Robin asked to stay saying that she seemed to have found her calling, who was Y/n to say no to her?
Y/n was proud of who the young woman had turned into over the years. She had even paid for Robin to go to school, Robin got her degree in psychology and became a counsellor at the Haven, Y/n threw a party when Robin graduated, sitting front row and centre when the girl went onto stage. Robin would sometimes call her mom, apologising straight away but Y/n would wave her off.
Y/n walked down the hallway smiling as she heard the children laughing in the playroom, Lily and Rose eight year old twins of one of the women who had come to the Haven a few months back were sitting on the stairs smiling and waving at her when she walked past. 
As she came outside her steps halted at seeing Georgia and Billy kissing.
Yep that was happening. When Georgia turned fifteen Billy asked her out, Y/n, Bucky, Wanda and Vis watched as the sixteen year old turned bright red as he asked Georgia to be his girlfriend. Georgias face was bright red too as she nodded and said yes.
A year ago they had moved into an apartment together and from what Georgia had told Y/n everything was perfect between them. Y/n promised Billy that she wouldn’t say anything about him getting Georgia an engagement ring.
“Kissing on the job is really bad you know?” She said laughing when the pair jumped apart from each other.
“Hi mom didn’t see you there”
“Because you was busy trying to eat Bilbos face off that’s why”
“S-sorry Y/n” Billy spluttered nervously.
“Sure you are. Anyways get back to work we’ve got a new family coming today”
“Where’s dad?” Georgia asks following behind Y/n hand in Billy’s.
“Probably trying to eat the cake I told him specifically not to eat”
And sure enough that’s how they found him.
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“Bunny where are you?”
“Is Georgia with you?”
Bucky strolls in with a box with a new cake after he and Steve ate the other. Kissing Y/n on her cheek before placing the box on the side. “How’s the new family settling in?”
“Good, I’ve rang Graham to see if they have an electric wheelchair I can buy as the youngest child’s wheelchair is damaged and I was thinking if he had an electric one that he could feel more free, you know?”
“What did Graham say?”
“Dropping it off tomorrow, I told Kim about it and she burst out crying, I felt so bad”
Wrapping his arms around Y/n he started dancing with her. “That’s good and probably because she’s overwhelmed Bunny, I read her file and it was bad”
“It was. Anyway what are you up to?”
“Dancing with my beautiful wife, what about you?”
“Dancing with my beautiful husband?”
“Aw you think I’m beautiful? That’s so sweet”
“Oh shut up and hold me closer”
Complying with her wishes he holds her closer to his chest, her head on his chest listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart they continue to dance around the kitchen.
Both completely unaware that Georgia was standing at the archway to the kitchen. Ever since she was little she loved seeing her parents dance, Bucky would always have his fingers playing with her moms long curly hair as they slow danced together. Half of the time there was never any music playing.
“I love you Bunny”
“I love you Ducky”
“I love you Georgia, aw I love you too mom and dad” Bucky looks up to see their daughter standing there, he gives her an amused smile before sticking his tongue out at her.
“You know we love you Georgie moo”
“Mom” Georgia whined at the nickname.
“Aw Bunny our Georgie moo don’t like it when you call her that”
“Oh no what will we do?”
“I don’t know you know? How about you go left and I’ll go right?”
“You got it”
When they look over at Georgia her eyes widen at seeing the mischievous glint in their eyes, before she has chance to back away her parents separate from each other, her mom going left and her dad going right.
Georgia starts to run whilst laughing at her parents who chase after her, loud giggles fill the empty house when Y/n grabs her and tickles her until they both fall on to the ground. Bucky joins in by tickling Y/n, knowing how ticklish she was.
They all go quiet when the front door comes open and Billy pops his head around the wooden door. “A-are you all okay?”
“Mom go left, dad go right and I’ll go straight” Georgia says quietly, all three get up and slowly walk towards Billy.
“No no no leave me alone guys please” Billy pleads but it was no use. He screams when all three of them practically pounce on him.
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Bucky, Steve, Sam and Vis were on grill duty whilst the women talked about everything and anything. It was Georgias twentieth birthday and they were having a barbecue just like she asked for.
“Auntie Y/n c-can I talk to you for a second please?”
“No she’s my wifey!”
“Ignore your mom Billy Bob, of course what’s up?”
“P-privately please”
“Okay, help me up though I’m old” Billy takes her hand and helps her stand and they go inside into the kitchen. “What’s up bubs?”
“I-I-I was thinking about proposing to Georgia today, what do you think?”
“Do it! Oh Billy that’s amazing, do you have the ring with you?”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, are you sure?”
“I love her more than anything Y/n, I swear”
“Then do it darling because I know she loves you just as much”
“O-o-okay I’m g-going to do it”
After agreeing with Y/n that he should do it after they’ve had something to eat they step back outside together, both ignoring the questioning looks from everyone.
An hour later when everyone’s bellies were full and satisfied Billy starts to stand, his eyes going straight to look at Y/n he releases a stuttering breath when she nods and smiles.
“G-Georgia can you come here a second please?”
“Okay, you alright?”
“I love you, I really love you and I was wondering i-if you would-“ Billy lets go of her hand kneeling as he pulls out a box out of his pocket “-Georgia Maria Grace Winnie Barnes will you marry me, please?” Billy asked as their family watched from the background, Wanda and Y/n clinging onto each other waiting for Georgia’s reply.
“Billy…this is awkward” hearing Georgia’s voice everyone’s hearts dropped to their stomachs, Y/n wanted to go over to hold Billy in her arms as soon as she saw his eyes glisten with tears.
“O-oh I-I’m sor-“
“No no no, it’s awkward because well-“ everyone gasped when they see Georgia getting down on one knee too, pulling a box out of her pocket “-I was going to ask you the same thing”
“Ah, well ask me then”
“Billy Maximoff will you marry me, please?”
“Yes. What about you?”
“Of course I’ll marry you”
The whole backyard erupts in cheers as the young couple exchanges rings and kiss.
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chiwhorei · 7 months
OOOOH THE BOYS uhmmm what abt gross daddy butcher ! butcher who's possessive of his little girl, keeping her locked up tight, hidden away from anything and everything that could hurt her.
Now Daddy Billy is a goOD DADDY. I feel like went a little crazy with this but the bugs in my brain wouldn’t let me stopp. Cough cough, my fatherless behavior, that’s the bugs.
Tags: incest, stalking, debugging, noncon, manipulation, daddy issues for REAL ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა♡
Daddy Billy who would would have Grace looking after you your whole life so no one hurts you. That means he was never around, but that was for the best- that’s what he’d tell himself at least. You aren’t just the most important thing in Billy’s life, your the only thing important to him. Billy is motivated by your existence alone, running towards a finish line, checking off names on a kill list to make it safe enough of a world for you.
The first time you meet Billy Butcher is at a bar close to campus, you’re out from Grace’s nose for the first time in your life, trying to have all of the normal-young-adult experiences.
That’s when you meet a man old enough to be your father.
He’s rough around the edges for sure but there’s something about the older man that seems to be dragging you towards him. Maybe it’s the fatherless behavior your friends always rib you about. He’s tall, undeniably handsome and has a sexy accent. His black hair and beard is peppered with gray, he’s got a jagged scar above one eye and his hands are covered in bruises and scratches.
Billy introduces himself with his real first name, testing the waters to see if Grace had told you anything she shouldn’t have. You introduce yourself with a clueless, glossy smile. He buys you a fruity drink and you laugh at his jokes. He lets you bitch about the stupid frat guy that just broke your heart, he even offers to kill ‘em if you give Billy his address. You laugh that off too, but there is intent behind his words that you don’t pick up on.
For a second Billy feels like the most normal person in the world. You’re not the daughter he’s been keeping tabs on since you moved to the city— now mere inches away from him instead of states apart. And he’s not the bastard everyone else knows him as, crawling around in your peripherals looking for a chance to pounce.
He shouldn’t have invited you back to his place, but you were far too drunk to walk home alone- plus his apartment is just around the corner! You wobble on your heels following him inside, and Billy catches you.
You start babbling and hiccuping and squirming in his arms. You’re body is feeling heavy and your head is foggy, usually just one drink doesn’t get you more than a little tipsy.
“How’s about Daddy takes care of you tonight, sweetheart?” And you giggle into Billy’s neck, nodding and running your fingers through the rough hair on his face.
“You- you wanna be my daddy?” You look up at him with lidded eyes, he brushes a fallen eyelash from your cheek.
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” You don’t catch the subtext between slow blinks, looking up at your father with no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.
Billy makes a mental note to not dose you this strong next time, he almost feels bad at how out of it your are. But you also fall into the mattress so easy and you arch your back so pretty when Daddy’s hands paw at your ass.
He fucks you raw and deep. You cry out for your daddy and beg to be his good little girl. You want nothing more than to be a daddy’s girl, even barely conscious. That burns in Billy’s blood, pumping into your poor pussy even harder. He’s got a lot of making up to do.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Saw that your requests are open!
How would the Sinclairs brothers, Brahms, and Billy Lenz react if their s/o places flowers in their hair? Like flower crowns, daisies, wildflowers.
Thank you! Have a good day/night :3
OMG THATS THE CUTESTS REQUEST EVER!! You didnt say what pronouns to use so i'll go with they/them! Its fully SFW! Request open
Slashers with s/o that makes flowercrowns!
This guy, he will litteraly cry pls why is s/o so nice to him😭😭😭
I swear this guy will treat his flowercrown like the most delicate and important thing is his life pls😭
Like he will feel bad when flowers die and started looking all ugly :((
But except that! He will beg for tutorial! Pls teach him how to make those, and he will give them one too
Also he probably loves drying flowers becasue they look pretty forever! Also he totally needs to learn how to sculp flowers in wax
Vince is gonna to give flowercrowns to Lester and Bo! Sharing is caring
Bo Sinclair
This dude will pretend like he doesnt care about it, actin all tough, but omygod if s/o wont give him next flowercrown when this one gets old? He be offended
Wym you thought he didnt like last one??? Pff
Nah but fr he will be like 'woah thanks sunshine'
Also he thinks that s/o should be the one wearing those pretty crowns. And vincent would totaly love them too.
He will tell them 'can you make one for Vince too? He gotta love this type of stuff'
Lester Sinclair
I forgor this guy exists and I almost posted without him
He will hang all the flowers they gave him in his epic truck! Will show them off too!
Im not going to be surprised if this guy already knows how to make flowercrowns and give some to s/o and by some i mean A LOT
He will come back home with hands full of wild flowers just for them!
Brahms Heelshire!
This guy will giggle and blush when he sees what they put on his head
Bro prefers to look at flowers outside than inside really. But If its a gift he guesses he will keep it? Next time give him dried flowers pls
he will be so mesmeraised and stunned, especially if s/o has her own crown too! They both deserve it!
to be honest this guy looks like one of those pollen allergies mf, so he will sneeze and die. 'you wanted to poison me!!' 'Man idk I just like flowers'
Billy Lenz'
No Billy you can't eat flowers
He probably destroys it by accident tbh, hes very chaotic. But please give him more!!
In summer he probably goes outside, especially when yall have house with garden, he probably just sits there looking what s/o is up to. Aslo probably hugging them tightly
When s/o manages to put one crown on him without him moving and bouncing all around the place hes going to look up and grab it every 5secdons to make sure its still there
Also he will sniff the flowers before allowing them on his head he likes to know how they smell
Jason Voorhees
Ik hes not in request but he's litteral definition of this prompt
This guy will come back home with hands full of wildflowers!
Putting random singular flower on his head>>
He wants to learn how to do crowns!! (I mean he knows he just pretend he doesnt so he can spend more time with his s/o)
Also he will decorate house with rest of flowers! Now whole home smells like meadow!
Live laugh love Jason
Yall have no idea how happy I am when I get requests!! Thanks for all of them!! I post it at 2am! Have lovley day yall🥰
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differentlovelover · 8 months
Knife Play
Billy Loomis x Reader
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Now imagine your boyfriend that you thought was shy as it is start to slowly get more and more touchy and affectionate towards you. He starts to get more worried about your safety because of the “ghost face killer” out there. You really didn’t pay him no mind. Billy was always paranoid anyways..that was until one night you were walking alone down the street…
You walked feeling a weird conscience behind your head as you kept looking back, but only to see nothing. You inhale and exhale as you ignored yourself from being paranoid “fucking billy always getting in my head” you huff as you hug yourself.
 as you approach to alleyway where you would have to cut through since your house was on the other side, you are having a feeling of a weird aroma around you. You look over as someone grabs you and pins you to the wall. You gasp and go to scream only to had a cold blade pressed against your throat. “Scream and I’ll dig this knife into your vocal cords” the person warned with a growl.
You whisper “p-please I need to get home” you gasp softly as you look up at the person seeing that it was ghost face one or the killers your always right boyfriend warned you about. “I told you so y/n..” the voice chuckles deeply as he whispers deeply “oh you’re so pretty when crying..my knife pressed against your throat..” he runs it down your chest as he stares at you. You felt his eyes pierced against your own as you look away. He chuckles softly as he rubs the tip of the blade between your legs “you did it on purpose hm?..you wanted me to find you.”.
You felt your legs shake as you stare up at him. The feeling of dominance overwhelmed you. Oh the cologne..the sound of his voice. The way his knife was inching towards your acing pussy made you cave in. “Y/n” he voice said once again. You look back up after being stuck in a trace. He sighs and pulls off his mask. “B-billy?!” You blink as he quickly covers your mouth “shut the fuck up!” He shakes his head as he stares at you. You look at him as you mumble “b-billy I-I was so scared-“ “save it y/n.” He cuts off your clothes as he tosses you to the ground. You fall back as you look up at him “h-hey!”
He cuts off your tight white top, your bra, your skirt that hardly covered anything in the first place. You gasp as you cover your chest. He grabs your hands pinning them above your head as he drags his knife down your inner thigh “fuckkk..your soaked..all for me all for me princess?” He bit his lip as he narrows his eyebrows then gently pokes the tip at your clit. You gasp and slightly moan as you look up at him. He mutters “f-fuck- fuck rub yourself with the knife” he gives it to you.
You hesitate but do as told. You rub the cold blade against your Pussy as you bit your lip. He watches you as he groans jerking himself off to the sight. “Fuck f-fuck your so hot dolly” he moaned as he went faster. You whine as you move it away then rub it against your nipples. He reached for it then takes it as he pressed it against your stomach gently cutting a light string on the side. You winced as you look up at him. He was not the billy you knew. This was beyond what you have imagined for your boyfriend to be into. And now you found out he is one of the ghost face killers…god..that’s so hot.
You were on your knees as your throat was used to a mess. You had your tongue hung out like an obedient dog you are. “Oh keep that mouth open~ fucking nasty whore for me” he pumped his cock at a fast pace as his mouth became at gaped only to be cummed on by your nasty killer boyfriend. He pants and pulls his pants up as he looks down at you. You reach for your ripped cloth and wipe your face. You turn “bi- billy?” You look around only to be alone naked and..pleased?..
Maybe it’s not so bad after all to have a mysterious boyfriend now is it?
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slashers-and-rats · 7 months
Can you please do some headcaonons on what it's like living with Billy? Does he ever leave the building? Does he leave the attic if everyone else is out? What's his favorite food? (Idk what canadians eat lol)
rat chat: this is gonna be a little long cuz i also wanna explain my own idea of how you even wound up in the house.
ok, so, my idea is that the entirety of the 2006!billy backstory happens. y’know, the usual stuff. bad childhood, fucked up situations, the killings, the being sent away- ALL OF IT HAPPENS. except, instead of the house being turned into a sorority, it gets passed around during the years that billy is away. it’s sold from person to person, it ends up in the hands of your grandparents, and after a tragedy you wind up having the house left to you in your will, along with a bit of money. voila, you have the house.
you don’t move in for awhile. the wound is fresh. instead, you work on moving the stuff out of the house and putting it into storage. during that time, you don’t even realize there’s an entire attic. billy knows that, though, and while you’re busy cleaning up the place to start living in, he makes the upstairs his brand new home. so, by the time you actually move in, he’s already there.
it’s hard at the start of you living there. after getting everything out, you gotta put all your stuff in. the house is old and creepy, and it feels like you’re being watched (duh). it’s weird. the first few nights are rough. it’s rough for billy too, of course. he had the house to himself for awhile, he had cleared out some of the cupboards while you were cleaning stuff out so he has a stash of food, he had liked wandering around when you weren’t there. now he’s stuck back up in the attic.
you go about living your life, or at least your new one. you maybe moved from a bit away and are looking for a new job in the area. you have some money from the will to keep yourself comfortable for a bit, but you still wanna get something steady. all the meanwhile, you’re exploring the new house and getting used to being there.
billy, on the other hand, is just watching you all the time. you’re his personal entertainment. sometimes you’ll hear creaks from the ceiling, but you assume it’s just the house settling. the thing is old, it’s not out of the realm of possibilities. it’s when you start getting the phone calls that things get weird.
in the dead of night, when you’re lounging on the couch, you’ll get random phone calls by some freak replaying horrible things in your ear. he sounds like he’s in pain, ranting and raving about things you don’t even really understand. the first few times, you just hung up immediately when he started. he’d call and call and call, and you’d just pretend the phone didn’t even exist. then, after awhile, you would sit and listen. it stopped him from calling for hours after you hung up, but it would also be an hour of you listening to what sounded like this very hurt man SUFFERING.
you can’t say it didn’t strike some pity in you. he sounded pathetic, like a wounded, crying animal, and he just wanted you to listen. it was wrong in a lot of ways, but part of you felt… connected? like, this guys only way of working through his shit was reenacting it all to you. maybe, in some way, it was helping? you’d try to talk him through it and ask questions, but he never really responded. sometimes he’d try to, but he’d just fall back into the same chants and rambles.
during all this, obviously, it’s billy on the other side. he sits up in his attic, laying on his mattress, torturing himself. in my head, sex for billy is a punishment at this point in his life. he doesn’t see it as anything but a way to hurt him, and he’s obsessed with harming himself. he feels like he deserves it. so, while he’s talking into the phone, he’s jerking off like a mad man, and crying, and biting himself, and drooling everywhere. he’s a mess. and he believes he deserves to be. at first, you would say he’s being disgusting and gross, and he liked it because it made him feel shameful, and he deserved it. than, after awhile, you started trying to help him, and it confused the FUCK out of him. because all of his coping is punishing himself with reliving his own fucked up traumas, and now you’re sitting here like “have you tried… seeing a therapist?” and he’s like ????? i went to an asylum and they drugged me up???? is that enough??
it becomes a routine. at some point he tells you his name, sort of. it slips out during one of this moments. as well, you start piecing together his story a bit more, and it breaks your heart. you’re worried. in a fucked up way, you start feeling some kind of sympathy. this guy clearly has issues, he has no one to talk to, and here he is spilling all of his deepest secrets to you. at some point, you ask if he wants your help. he doesn’t know how to respond. you explain to him that he needs help, that he can be better, that it’s a good idea to find someone that cares about him that can get him support, and he just gets upset because that doesn’t exist for him. he’s alone, and your pity doesn’t change that. it makes him so upset, that for awhile, he doesn’t call.
during that time, billy just stews up in the attic. during the nights he sneaks down to watch you sleep. he likes you, in his own way. he likes that you listen, and he likes that you care, even if it’s from afar. but he doesn’t like that, in other ways, you just remind him that he doesn’t ACTUALLY have anyone. you’re a reflection of his own loneliness. because even tho you’re this person that seemingly wants him to feel better, you’re still just over a phone. you’d never ACTUALLY help.
well, that’s bullshit, because one day after weeks of not calling, you’re cleaning out some of the house and stumble upon the attic door. and it’s a surprise, because you didn’t even know you had an attic. a few minutes later, you’re climbing up and finding a very malnourished, sad looking man, who sounds exactly like the guy over the phone that told you all about his issues. who would’ve guessed?
at first, billy lashes out. he’s terrified. he can’t go back to the asylum, he doesn’t want to be on the streets, he’s already struggling enough. he’s scared. you’ve successfully cornered him. on the other hand, you’re baffled that the guy that has been talking to you has been in your fucking attic this entire time. you’re concerned, he’s freaking out, and you just try to console him and explain you’re not calling the cops and getting him removed. in a moment of panic, you say he can stay. it calms him right down. you ask if he wants something to eat, and to take a shower, and you manage to coax him out of the attic and down to the kitchen. one hot meal later, and he’s sitting at your dining room table. you’re very confused, but also after hearing all the stuff he would rant about, you’re kinda glad you found him. at least you could provide him some help? maybe? or maybe just get him to not call you at three in the morning before work anymore.
over the course of a few months, you two do start living together. he gets his own room. you offer to clear out the attic and let him have that space, but it’s clear it holds a lot of bad memories for him, so you give him his own room beside yours. you cook for the both of you, since he doesn’t really know how. he does do lawn work, he seems to like picking weeds and such, and he catches all the bugs in your house. he helps clean when he can, and you he helps you make grocery lists for when you go out on errands. he doesn’t like leaving the house yet, he’s just not very fond of large groups of people.
it’s not easy. he still has his moments. he doesn’t understand what sex actually is. it’s still a punishment. in the night, he’ll come to you, and talk like he did over the phone, and you’ll hold him and try to listen but it’s so hard when he’s clearly so hurt. during these times he gets handsy, and you have to explain to him that you aren’t there to fuck him, you’re just there to listen. billy likes that. a lot of the people in his life got off on his suffering, and yet you actually want to solve it. it feels nice, but at the same time it’s very confusing. he has a lot of conflicting feelings inside of him.
it takes a long time for you two to become something normal, and even longer for you two to actually connect romantically. first, he has to get to a point where he’s healthy. you help him get back on his feet, and support him through learning some new skills and the like. he supports you by taking care of the house while you’re gone, and cleaning up, and doing any yard work or things. he especially likes holidays, and when he gets to decorate. you two have movie nights often, and go through all the films he missed growing up. he loves talking about everything that happens on screen, and you find it endearing. you read to him a lot, and he likes listening and laying with his head in your lap.
he has a hard time keeping his feelings in, and that’s fine with you. you just work on boundaries. he knows not to touch you without asking. you guys are affectionate, since it seems to really comfort him to experience affection that isn’t… bad. whenever you get home he hugs you for a long time, and he likes to cuddle you while you two watch movies, and he asks to hold your hand when he’s stressed out. sometimes he tries to make a move, just so overwhelmed that he starts acting without thinking, and you just have to explain that you’re not ready yet. he knows, and he holds back. it’s hard, but he’s learning.
then you work on actually getting him out of the house. that’s the most difficult. he is not a people person. it starts with walks around the neighbourhood, and then little trips to the store or to pick up take out. that’s all he can really manage. he’s more of an indoor kinda cat, he doesn’t like… others. he likes you, though. it’s clearly more than just liking, he’s kinda obsessed with you. you don’t notice it, just thinking you’re doing what anyone would do for someone in need like that, but he is very very very in love.
i think the first time you actually realize it is on valentine’s day. you come home and he has the kitchen set up, and he used his few cooking skills to make you guys something. it’s a little confusing at first, but the way he’s looking at you, and explaining how he really appreciates what you’ve done… it melts your heart. he’s not talking like he used to, just talking about the nasty things he wanted to put you through, he’s genuinely voicing that he enjoys you as a person. don’t get me wrong, he’s still stuttering and patching words together, and a lot of it is him using lines from romance movies to explain how he feels, but it’s the thought that counts.
you two have a nice night. he doesn’t try anything. you guys just eat and watch some romance movies and cuddle on the couch. and before you head up for bed, you kiss him on the cheek and say it’s been a great valentine’s day. and he’s smitten. he just walks you walk up the stairs and that’s when he makes it his mission for you two to be together.
obviously, down the line, he learns what romance is and what sex CAN be. it goes from him just wanting to bone because it’s all his instincts tell him to do, to him wanting to make love with someone that he loves and it’s a way for him to connect with you. and while that takes awhile, it makes the connection a lot deeper. he’s been through a lot. being able to finally see sex as not a punishment, but a way to express your feelings towards someone is super cool. obviously, before that, he’s expressing himself in other ways, but billy enjoys the fact that he took this thing that used to FUCKING SUCK and make it into something good. and you helped do that.
immsorry this was so long and maybe didn’t make a lot of sense i love you
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