#Pulls the kid into a hug and Billy learns that this is his first hug in years
cerealboxlore · 1 year
How long has it been since Billy Batson had a hug?
This kid has been a superhero, fighting against horrors beyond the minds of humanity and far from home in the abysmal depths of space and hell, for so long. He has not only the courage of Achilles, but the courage of Billy Batson, a kid who is constantly sacrificing his childhood to save the lives of others who will never know him.
He endures so much pain, all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, because he chose to do good with the powers he was granted by someone who died in front of him, their last wish to see the Champion of Magic rise again to save the world. And he does save the world, but he doesn't save himself.
Billy won't hesitate to save someone, to help them whenever he can, and do whatever he can, and that's what makes him pure of heart. He is a pure soul in a world that forgets he exists when he is not someone else.
I just need Billy Batson to be loved and cared for. He's so precious and in need of someone to tell him, "it's going to be okay". He needs someone to give him a hug, and he needs to learn that it's okay to want to feel safe.
As Captain Marvel he's given all this praise and glory for being a superhero, but as Billy Batson, he is the hero no one knows or thanks. A child abandoned by the village who burns himself to keep them warm.
I'm in a mood rn, haha
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roboenthuser · 6 months
Hello! I was wondering if I could request some fluffy relationship headcanons of Billy Kid with a shy GN reader please?
YEAHH! I gotcha anon, thanks for the request🫂
(ZZZ) Billy kid x shy GN! Reader
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‼️This is going purely off the few character trailers and gameplay clips there are for Billy so I may not get everything right!‼️
•Billy would love to show off to a shy s/o any chance he gets! He thinks it makes him look cooler to you (he ends up forgetting to reload and jumps into fights without ammo, or misses all his shots because he’s too busy looking at you LMAO)
•LOVES to show you off (much to your dismay) in more of a “Look at my s/o! Aren’t they so pretty/handsome!” Way. Definitely tries to build up your confidence a bit but he won’t force it
•Date nights with him would probably consist mostly of cuddling up on the couch/bed, binging shows (mostly starlight knight) at each others homes or going to eat in a secluded part of the city.
•Billy is DEFINITELY going to struggle picking up on behavioral cues from you, he may not be able to tell straight away when something’s wrong so communication is extremely important for him! You’d have to speak up about any issues you have with him or he’s gonna be clueless until it hits him in the face.
•As for physical affection, he LOVES holding you/having some sort of physical contact with you most of the time. Whether it’s a hug, hand holding, cuddling, as long as he’s close to you he’s content. He’s a bit down about his lack of lips in a relationship which means he can’t really kiss you, but alternatively he’ll (gently) touch the lower part of his faceplate/visor to your skin in his own little form of kissing<3
•If you’re not comfortable with PDA that’s okay!!! He respects that, but every once in a while he’ll lightly brush his hand against yours when no one’s looking
•THE TEASING!! He will tease you a bit for your shyness (playfully ofc) if he ever goes too far with his teasing he’s quick to apologize and bring you your favorite snacks/drink :)
•Most likely introduces you to Nicole and Anby, although he probably doesn’t want you too involved in his line of work he would like it if his two best friends met his s/o, he’d be especially happy if you ended up befriending them!
•If you ask nicely he’ll let you borrow his jacket, only for a little while though 💔
•I feel like nicknames would be a big thing for him too, Both for you and himself! His names for you would be cutie, handsome/beautiful, sweetheart, and baby, whereas for himself he would refer to himself as your “Starlight knight”
•Tries to be a gentleman (fails)
Pulling your chair out for you? Whoops he pulled it too far and you fell on the floor.
Need help carrying something? He fumbles and drops it.
He tries!! Doesn’t always succeed but he definitely tries his best!
•Overall a great partner with a shy s/o, he’s definitely not perfect but he’ll learn! You’ll have to help him out but he gets the hang of how to adapt to your shyness eventually❤️
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RAHH!! Hope that was alright for a first HC post, once again thanks for the request anon! Reminder to everyone my request listing and rules are still open, I’ll try to get to everyone’s requests asap! Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!🫶
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latelyanobsession · 1 year
Hii! Could you please do H and R for billy? I adore those posts omg im dreading the time when all of the letters are taken 😭
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thanks so much babe! 🥰 i love writing these, and luckily there's 26 letters in the alphabet, so we still have some time.
H - Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it, and what are they like?)
I would say that at least initially, Billy is not fond of hugs. He tolerates them but he gets this rather confused look on his face anytime you come up and wrap yourself around him. It's like he doesn't know what he should do with himself. Should he hug you back? Are you gonna stop hugging him? Are you gonna hang on him like a leech? He just has no clue. So he kinda awkwardly wraps one arm around you and gives you this little half-assed pat on the back, like someone would give to a puppy or a little kid. He gives you this tight-lipped smile, with eyes that almost say "are ya happy now?" He didn't grow up in a huggy-type family, so for him, this is totally foreign.
Most likely as things move along and he learns to expect hugs from you and grows more comfortable with it he'll settle into it. He'll do things like throw his arms open ahead of time if he sees you walking towards him, he may sigh in annoyance, but still wrap you up and give you a small kiss to boot depending on how much of a brat he wants to be for the day. If he sees you talking with your friends, he may hang back but then walk up and sling his arm over your shoulder and pull you in as they leave. He definitely starts initiating contact more frequently the longer that you two stay together.
On nights when things are tough, it may be hard for you to gauge how much you're allowed to touch him. You don't want to overwhelm him because he seems so upset, but increasingly he'll reach for you, grabbing at your hands and curling himself up in your arms.
R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)
His favorite memory is when you made him laugh so hard that he cried. It's probably pretty sappy of him to have this be his favorite memory with you, but Billy doesn't have a whole lot of bright shining happy memories so when a good one appears, he really wishes he could jar it up so he could keep it and look at it on repeat whenever he wanted.
The pair of you were fighting actually, and it was reaching the point in the argument where someone was just a breath away from saying something that would probably be regretted when you belched right in his face. The argument ended right there. With you trying to hide your face and stay mad at him, and Billy doubling over with laughter. You ended up laughing with him and giving yourself hiccups, which only made him laugh harder, tears coming out of his eyes.
By the end of it, neither of you two even remembered what you were fighting about in the first place.
H - Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Billy is pretty damn well-groomed, the boy doesn't have that mirror and vanity in his room for nothing. Overall he takes pretty good care of his appearance year-round, but once summer comes then he especially pulls out all the stops. This boy is a Californian after all, he thrives in the sunshine.
I would say that he definitely has a beauty/haircare routine, that may or may not be as extensive as Steve Harrington's. He shaves his face and likes to keep his budding lil mustache well-shaped. Everything you see outwardly he carefully crafts because Billy wants his appearance to do a lot of heavy lifting for him. He wants people to think he looks good, he looks fit, and he looks sexy. So he does everything he can for that.
Does the carpet match the drapes? Yeah pretty close, most blondes tend to have pubic hair that is slightly darker than the hair on their head though. So of the times he's au natural he'd probably be medium brown, chestnut-colored. I would say Billy's typical mode of operation though is to trim down or shave completely. I'm not certain if waxing was available or trendy in the 80s but it was probably just as expensive as it is today, so any 'manscaping' Billy does is probably all undertaken at home and on a budget. Nothing that a bottle of Nair can't fix...
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I truly believe that Billy is a big-time experimenter. If he sees some odd article mentioned on a porn rag cover in a gas station, he will full-on stop and read it like it's the Sunday Times. If he overhears about some great position or little move that Dick Mackey is spilling about while the guys are talking in the locker room after basketball practice, he's gonna listen. He wants to know, he wants to learn. If there's potential to learn new tricks and feel good at the same time, Billy is sold sold sold.
When Billy hits 18 he definitely visits the adult novelty shops and video stores. Lets his eyes wander and takes it all in. Maybe buys himself a little starter set with handcuffs and a blindfold to use on his partner. Maybe for them to use on him if he's feeling really generous.
In terms of risk, I think Billy is a conditional risk taker, but above all Billy is much more impulsive than he is risky. His propensity to do impulsive and at times stupid things can then turn the situations he and his partner partake in into risky ones. For example, hurriedly finding a supply closet on school grounds but then completely forgetting to lock the door. Or pulling onto the shoulder of the highway for a hot second but then getting wrapped up in the moment and leaving the car door open. Billy has a tendency to think only in terms of "this'll be great if we..." and then all other parts or the logistics are completely gone from his mind. So there may be a time when he's definitely been caught or interrupted to a full stop.
Billy may seek out some risks on purpose like messing around in the school library or study hall. But in those instances, his play is much lighter and teasing. Or he'll just focus on his partner's pleasure, making the payoff more likely and the risk of being caught at least slightly lower than if you both fully participated.
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ctrl-alt-em · 8 months
I have a lot of Thoughts about Delacy.
On detail that stood out to me was that Delacy doesn’t have a proper holster for his gun Rooster. This whole time I pictured him having a simple but nice holster that stood out from the straw hat and worn overalls, something that showed he spent what little money he had on his gun or that he got it someone in his home life like his father. But no, it’s homemade from scrapes of leather. Delacy left home with only the clothes on his back, his gun, three crumbled dollars, and a holster he made himself and then got on a train for the first time in his life while not even knowing if he needed a ticket to ride. Delacy ran away.
And after it all and he got his $2000, his home life and parents weren’t something he was in a rush to get back to. The idea of the group going their separate ways was upsetting to him. While he would like his parents to know if he died, he didn’t leave home with the intention of earning money to provide for his family and then returning home. (I would like to note, despite having parents, Delacy doesn’t use a last name. He’s only ever just Delacy, whereas all the other members of the posse have full names.)
While he doesn’t want to go home to his biological family, Delacy still wants a family and to be cared for. He found that with the posse. In the first episode, Delacy intimidated the saloon owner into giving him a bottle of whiskey, which he then found out tasted awful. In multiple instances after that, he requested whiskey or implied he drank it. But when the group was at the saloon after the bounties were done, he doesn’t force himself to drink whiskey because he thinks it’s gross and feels like he can acknowledge it aloud. During their adventure at the World’s Fair, Delacy felt safe enough to act his age with Edie. He’s excited to meet his hero. He takes Edie’s word seriously at the hall of oddities and assumes she has all the answers. It didn’t occur to him that she might not have all the answers to his questions. In their forced duel, trigger-happy Delacy refused to harm Nate and instead of pulling his gun, he sat down like a kid. He trust that the real Nate wouldn’t hurt him and they’d only known each for, what? A week? At Dead Man’s Worth, Garnet didn’t think Delacy was the kid of kid you could hug, but after the duel Nate picks him up into a hug. When Delacy first met the others, he’s putting on a forced act, pretending to be what he thinks an adult is (or acting how an adult in his life actually is, a heavy drinker that solves problems with aggression perhaps), but by the end, he feels safe enough around them and shows much more of his true personality and age.
While he is a bit of a cold killer and hasn’t fully developed an understanding of death yet, he still believes in honesty (see threatening a sideshow barker about the hand), justice in a way (people shouldn’t be lied to in any way and the hand should be buried with its proper owner) and is rather genuine when he feels like he can be. He was starstruck meeting Billy Joe and delighted to just catch a glimpse of Buckthorn the horse. He likes cotton candy and a gun tricks. He liked that Billy Joe liked cotton candy too (at least as far as he overheard). He didn’t even hesitate signing a contract when Billie Joe asked and only changed his mind when Edie reminded him of Nate. He takes what everyone he trusts says at face value (to the point of being ready to shoot someone due to a metaphor).
Delacy is young, naive, a bit dense, and ready to shoot, but he is, at his core, a good kid who just needed adults in his life that will encourage him to find less violent solutions and to act on his kindness in productive ways. Garnet and Nate have helped him learning more about interacting with people. Edie acknowledges his young age but still takes him seriously and trusts him and in the end, she offers him a way to use his shooting skills to help people. She takes him as her monster-hunting apprentice. Even Silas, who barely interacted with Delacy, grew to like the kid enough he would acknowledge Humble Ned (a devious, spindly legged beast, no matter how humble he is) as good people for Delacy’s sake.
Delacy might have left the farm with the help-wanted ad seeking adventure and fortune, but I think he found something he needed a lot more.
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allabouttaleblr · 2 months
some rambles on my takes on the acachallas <333
papa acachalla is very much a tired dad who doesn’t really care all too much about anything. any which way. he’s hooked up with a guy before to experiment, went “eh” and completely forgot about it. sally puts him in dresses and makeup for her tea parties and he surprisingly never complains. he instantly accepted sue as his daughter, even though he did complain about getting another child. sally told him one day she likes girls and he went “huh. well i guess you got that from me” and then took her out for ice cream. he’s perpetually tired and over time, has become hard to phase. billy sprouts wings and flies around? well, that’s to be expected, it’s tuesday after all. sally’s eyes turns black and she starts screaming for waffles? no big deal, he keeps a freezer of waffles for this. he loves gertrude but doesn’t show it as much as he should, but he’s trying. he does the universal dad stance and squints his eyes whenever the kids show him anything on their phones. his idea of a romantic date is going to the nearest burger place on a busy friday night. he got himself a nice comfy couch in the living room and falls asleep on it regularly. he’s such a dad, but refuses to admit it.
gertrude is tall and thin, with slightly bony features and liver spots scattered across her body. her face wrinkles whenever she laughs, smiles or cries. her shoulders are broad and thick, her hips are blocky and her build is stocky but thin, like a twig. she casually mentions her memories of putting on a dress for the first time and realizing she was a girl the whole time. she still tucks her kids in, even though they’re in their twenties, thirties and forties. she buys ice cream for any kid she sees without enough money for the ice cream truck. she watched hours upon hours of youtube tutorials for afro-textured hair when they took sally in, and now she can do dozens upon dozens of hairstyles for her. she hand-sews dresses for sue and repairs billy’s work clothes. she buys a new computer for spencer every two-three years and leaves it at his door with a snack plate. she takes her beloved granddaughter, ivy, out for ice cream and movie dates so maddie and/or billy can have a day off. she pulls a blanket over papa when he falls asleep in his chair, and fixes hot cocoa for everyone on cold nights. she has a self care day every week where she rests and watches her favorite movie/shows.
sue loves everything feminine, and simultaneously embraces everything non-feminine about herself. she wears pink dresses with frilly lace and bows, and proudly displays her thick arm and leg hair wherever she goes. she works out and shows off her thick muscles and abs. she’s not fluent in spanish, but speaks it regularly regardless. she carries sally on her shoulders and clumsily makes little dresses for her niece, ivy (they’re always messy, but ivy loves them anyways). she grows her hair out to her shoulders and ties it up with the same bow sally got her every day. she has a partner, rebecca, who she even tried to learn how to cook for just to bring her goodies (they’re often burnt, but rebecca never complains). she loves chick flicks, romcoms and comedies, and hides at horror movies. she’s set up a really cozy room for herself and rebecca in the house, with all of rebecca’s things in it that she bought with weeks of saved up allowance money. she loves and loves and loves. her hugs are warm and all-encompassing, and she’ll hug just about anyone for any reason. she’s enthusiastic and genuine in everything she does.
billy is much smarter than he lets on. he has abandonment issues and often hides behind a childish, “dumber” facade as a way to cope. he sometimes can’t look in the mirror because all he sees is his mother’s face staring back at him. he’s lanky but not quite tall. he’s close with his twin sister, charlie, despite being separated for much of their childhood. he goes out to movies and aquariums and zoos with her, and is fully fluent in sign language. he’ll do it so naturally that he sometimes uses sign language at home, because he forgets he’s not around charlie anymore. he never even thought he’d want to be a dad but he is so, so utterly taken with his daughter, ivy. he takes lots of pictures of her and proudly displays each and every single drawing she has ever made for him. he carries her on his shoulders and impulse buys clothes and toys for her all the time. he’s grown to find comfort in maddie’s presence, now that the two are in a healthy relationship. he irons his shirt and picked up sewing from gertrude. he’s started watching shows with papa every sunday evening as a way to bond. he’s indescribably close to sally; the two just understand each other in a way no one else does. they’ll sit in silence watching a movie together. he’ll play tea parties with sally every single time she asks without fail. he’s learned how to do her hair just to spend quiet evenings braiding it. he and sue go to zoos together, and he helps coach her on the few recipes he does know- and gets very proud when she outshines him. he prefers to be around people, but often takes an hour or two in the evenings to just have his own time, and he sits listening to music.
sally is larger than life and makes sure everyone around her knows it. she’s energetic, she’s fun, she’s loud and bright and bubbly and talkative and cheerful and so, so much more. she’s as bright and warm as the sun, and simultaneously just as brutal when she slips into her more monstrous form. she likes all things pink and purple and sparkly and glittery. she likes frills and laces and beads and pearls. she likes dresses and skirts and pretty shoes. she likes just about anything and everything pretty. she’ll befriend any animal she comes across, even dangerous ones, and they never harm her. she’s a complete and total optimist through and through, but isn’t nearly as oblivious or naive as she once was; still, it’s something she struggles with on occasion. gertrude takes her out and helps sally build her confidence and as much independence as possible, and sally loves it. she loves going to new places and exploring- zoos, aquariums, art galleries, museums, lighthouses, libraries, everything. she's become incredibly eager to learn and absorb new information, and her curiosity is limitless. she spends so, so, so much time with her siblings and spencer (even if spencer likes to pretend he hates it most of the time). she's almost never without either one of her siblings, or gertrude. she's a mama's girl and daddy's girl at the same time.
spencer doesn't like to be alone nearly as much as he claims he does. in reality, he hates being alone so much and fears being abandoned again- but he would never admit that to anyone. still, gertrude notices, and goes out of her way to do nice things for him and give him quiet reassurances that he belongs here, that he has a home here now. the basement was completely renovated so spencer can have a nice bedroom, and gertrude got him a complete gaming setup too. he plays video games a lot and streams them, and gertrude, sally and billy all watch every single stream he does (unless they're working). spencer has gradually warmed up to the other family members, and can even be spotted on sunday nights curled up on the opposite couch to papa acachalla, intently watching the movie on screen (which he insisted needed to be some mystery, action or horror movie, and papa always lets spencer have the remote). spencer will happily infodump for hours about computers and video games and computer mechanics and everything in between, to anyone who will listen.
maddie is incredibly passionate over anything and everything she puts her mind to. she used to obsess over billy, until she found out she was pregnant and began therapy- now she obsesses over making sure her daughter is healthy, happy, has everything, is learning everything, and can grow up to be a wonderful person. she sews clothes for ivy, cooks her all three meals a day, bakes her goodies for school, crafts and carves toys for her, and heavily researches all the best places nearby to take her. she's an extraordinarily loving mother who always does her absolute best in everything. she did quit her job for a while, but now finds purpose outside of motherhood in crafting furniture and toys to sell to others. she's learned to enjoy having her own time, and has rediscovered herself- she's learned she likes rock music and occasional heavy metal, she's learned she prefers savory over sweet things except on special occasions, she's learned she has a good eye for fashion and that she enjoys window-shopping whenever possible. she goes to therapy every week and has even taken a handful of community college classes purely to learn new things rather than to get a degree. she's loud and super energetic when she's excited. she has incredibly steady hands and surprisingly sharp focus. she's learned asl fluently, and is learning spanish alongside her daughter so they can talk to each other. she likes museums and art galleries because she gets to learn new things and see new things. she's grown into her own person, and has become an incredible mother as well.
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the-kr8tor · 25 days
Shortest satan's waterfall ever- it finished today Anyways- in celebration of Mother's day... Daily Hobie HC! Bringing out step-dad Hobie for this one hehe.. still Billie and Ramona though! They're a bit older here:) Imagine waking up and it's...oddly quiet. Your kids haven't woken you up, nor has Hobie. Concerned if they've possibly blown up your kitchen (again), you quickly get up, walking into the kitchen. You didn't care if you looked like an absolute mess, you needed to see if something hadn't exploded. You'd already learnt that, although a good cook, the babyproofing needed to be kept on for Hobie. The girls, however? They egged him on, as usual. As your eyes adjusted to the bright lighting of the kitchen, the sight tore practically ate your heart whole. Billie was sitting on Hobie's shoulders, and Ramona on the counter, both excitedly chittering as Hobie simply just smiled at the girls. You remember bringing Hobie to our home the first time, anxiety knotting your stomach as thoughts of how he would react to the kids swirled around in your mind. You remember Hobie first meeting the girls, how timid they were around him, swearing to themselves and each other that they'll never call Hobie their dad. The girls and Hobie have come so far ever since the first meeting. You remember the day one of them finally called him dad, with Hobie practically being so overjoyed that he had grabbed both of them and threw them up in the air, swiftly catching them both as they laughed loudly. And now, with this sight, it felt perfect. A full family. Billie and Ramona calling Hobie 'dad'. Him always making sure he's spending time with his daughters. Not wanting to ruin the moment, you sneak away. You're positive Hobie heard you, but he must've ignored it for the sake of having the girls be excited of surprising you. You wait in bed, covers thrown until your wide smile wasn't visible anymore. After around 20 minutes, you're sure you were at least half asleep before you hear the door creak open. Ramona blows air into your ear, a trick learned from Hobie to wake you up. You playfully bat her away, faking your tiredness with an overexaggerated yawn. As you're greeted with a plate full of pancakes and fruit, you couldn't help yourself from beckoning Billie to join up on the bed, wrapping your arms around your two daughters. Hobie carefully joins you on the bed as well, watching your plate so it didn't collapse. Your smile widens as he kisses your forehead, wishing you a Happy Mother's day. Tears brim at the edges of your eyes and he hugs you close, sandwiching Ramona and Billie as they loudly giggle, letting out synchronized 'ewwwww's as Hobie presses his lips against yours. I like how I don't have baby fever at all but I'm giving you guys baby fever PFFT Children don't like me very much- they pull on my hair:( -🐦‍⬛
Oof this just reminded me that it's mother's day 😬
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Hobie is the best step dad fr fr 😭
Billie and mona saying they'll never call him dad in their angry squeaky voice then a year later they're making breakfast with their Hobie aka their only dad 🥹🥹🥹 Imagine b and r slowly adopt Hobie's mannerisms and his style 😍😍😍 that's his babies now
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Billy and Chrissy as Cousins AU
This started off as a wild and random idea but I wanted to see what would happen if I took it seriously
Imagine Neil moving back to Hawkins because he and his sister grew up there and he knew he could straighten his boy out if he took him away from all of the temptations California has. His older sister loves bragging about her daughter Chrissy so he wanted to see what her influence would do to him since they were the same age and maybe, he hoped that Chrissy would set Billy up with another good Christian girl like her and he’d be able to be as Neil wanted him to be. It’s been years since they last saw each other in person but he knew that they’d been talking for a while, and it may have been what kept his son away from some of the harder drugs and parties.
Imagine tiny chubby Billy meeting baby gymnast Chrissy at every other Thanksgiving and Christmas and all of the major holidays because they used to live in Indiana before Neil moved Billy to California to keep him away from his mother. Imagine Billy writing to Chrissy when they moved after he cries about missing his best friend and his dad just shoves him a piece of paper and a pen to shut him up since he can mail to his sister since he has things to send her anyway.
Once Billy figures out how to send mail, he and Chrissy keep up their correspondence all throughout their childhood and well into their teens. They tell each other everything and she’s the first to know he’s gay and she doesn’t mind at all. She makes sure that Billy gives Max a chance and that they grow to become real siblings because she’s always wanted a sibling so Billy needs to treat his sister the way she would or else she’d stop writing to him. She tells him all about her boyfriend whom Billy says is a complete tool and when she finds out he’s headed to Hawkins after a big beating, she promises to help him in any way she can and that she’ll make him learn to love Hawkins too. She also can’t wait to officially meet Max because Billy’s like her twin so Max is essentially her little sister too.
Imagine Chrissy eagerly telling her cheerleader friends about her cousin who was supposed to transfer to their school today. She hasn’t seen him in years and they don’t send pictures because it costs money to develop. She tells them that he’s a nice choir boy who ran a mini business with baked goods out of his best friend’s kitchen who’s always been on the honor roll and everyone was expecting this fat kid to arrive, looking like every single typical nerd since that was the last picture she had with Billy when all of a sudden a blue Camaro comes roaring into the parking lot and Chrissy squeals because Billy had told her he drove a blue Camaro. She runs to his car and out comes this literal Blond Adonis who immediately pulls her into a spinning hug, straight out of the movies without any difficulty whatsoever. Everyone there just stared in shock for a good minute.
“Chrissy Cat!”
“Billy Bear, you’re here! You look a lot different than you did before.”
Chrissy wrinkled her nose, looking up at him which was odd since the last time they met, they were the same height.
“I told you I got into the gym and working out, but you didn’t believe me.”
“Sorry but you told me you loved to cook and bake. How can you look like that and still cook and bake?”
“My best friend, Argyle and his family eats most of it, so they deal with the weight gain and the washing up while I just do the cooking and baking.”
Just as Billy finished speaking, they heard the first bell ring so Chrissy grabbed Billy’s hand and tugged him to the office, barely letting him lock up his car properly.
“Come on, Billy! We’re going to be late!”
“Hold your horses, Chris. Let me just lock ‘er up.”
“Hurry! First period starts in 15 minutes.”
“I walk fast. Done!”
Since Chrissy was also in all honors classes with her mom’s pressure, she made sure that she and Billy had the same schedule, so they didn’t have any problems. She’d also talked to the teachers in advance, telling them about her cousin and how she’d really appreciate it if they could sit together for the time being while he adjusted to moving to a new town from the city. He had no problem charming the teachers with his knowledge and his smile and by lunch time, Billy Hargrove was the name on everyone’s lips. The old-fashioned teachers pursed their lips at his attire but none of them couldn’t deny that the kid was intelligent, easily assimilating and actually reciting which threw the teachers into a loop since they didn’t expect it. All the girls were wondering who the hell he was and if he was single and honestly, so were some of the boys.
Chrissy didn’t even give Billy the chance to check out the other tables before she yanked him to her table with just the cheerleaders there. Chrissy had been dragging him around the school to every class and he’d just went along with it even if she was a whole head smaller than him. She was very strong even if she was tiny and she was also excited because she got to spend time with her favorite cousin who also happened to be her best friend. Chrissy didn’t even give them the time to interrogate Billy since she speed introduced everyone before asking him about lunch.
Since Chrissy and Billy were the last ones to the table, Chrissy offered to get Billy some food from the cafeteria since everyone else had already gotten food but Billy had declined since he’d packed a lunch and he’d immediately offered to share his with Chrissy once he saw what was offered. After years of wondering what his cooking tasted like, Chrissy happily took the offered sandwich and ate it. Billy had long since gotten used to sharing his food since his best friend in California preferred his food instead, even paying Billy to make his lunch instead of buying from the cafeteria.
 “Hey, Bills, do you want me to get you lunch too? I know what’s good here so I can steer you in the right direction.”
Billy brought out his food containers and water jug, meticulously packed in his bag to avoid being crushed.
“No need, Chris. I brought my own. Who knows what they consider food down here?”
Chrissy slapped Billy jokingly on the arm.
“Hey! Don’t insult our food.”
“Seriously, look at my food and compare it to their lunches.”
Chrissy honestly knew that Billy’s would be better just from looks alone but she was also stubborn about proving that Hawkins was alright, so she didn’t budge.
“Come on, I’ll even give you some,” Billy wheedled. “I brought too much anyway since Max wanted to try the cafeteria food. Bet she’ll be begging me to make her lunch tomorrow.”
“That’s a sucker’s bet, Bills but I’ll try it anyway. You brag about your cooking enough that this better be something amazing.”
“Trust me, Chris. It’ll blow your socks off.”
Chrissy definitely wasn’t disappointed since she finished the sandwich in record time, and she was ecstatic when Billy brought out a Tupperware with cookies for dessert since she’d told him a long time ago that chocolate chip cookies were her favorite. She squealed again and hugged him before sharing the cookies with the rest of the cheerleaders whose eyes all widened at how good it was. Chrissy was in the middle of bragging about the different types of things Billy said he could make when a shadow casts itself over her.
“Babe, who’s this?” Jason grounded out.
Billy was immediately on edge, already puffing up his chest, raring for a fight.
“Oh, Jason! Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. Billy, this is Jason Carver, my boyfriend. Jason, this is Billy Hargrove, he’s my cousin on my mom’s side.”
All of a sudden, Jason’s demeanor changed with a flick of a switch. Billy didn’t trust it.
“Oh! Nice to meet the cousin that Chrissy speaks so highly about.” He said, offering his hand out.
Billy stood up, very obviously noting the height and muscle difference between him and Jason before shaking his hand a touch too firm for most people to handle. Jason winced but didn’t pull away.
“Pity I can’t say the same. Chris, is this the best you can do?” Billy asked, pointing at Jason.
Jason took offense to that but he didn’t dare make a scene.
“Jason’s a good man, Billy. He goes to the same church as us and he’s the best basketball player in our year.” Chrissy protested.
Billy laughed after looking Jason up and down while Jason tried to intimidate him.
“Him? Sorry, sweetheart but I’d mop the floor with him on the court in a heartbeat. Let me guess, his GPA’s a 2.”
“It’s 2.5 actually!” Jason interjected.
Billy scoffed.
“Like that’s any better.”
“What’s yours then, hotshot?”
Billy smirked.
“It’s 4.0, Carver. See you on the court later. Let’s see if you can keep up good enough that I’ll allow you to keep dating my cousin.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.”   
Jason huffed before returning to his table. Chrissy slapped Billy on the arm, for real this time.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Don’t pick a fight with my boyfriend, Billy.”
“Chris, I know for a fact you can do so much better than that asshole. Why are you even with him?”
Heather, Chrissy’s best female friend finally interjected.
“He’s the next in line king of the school after Steve Harrington dropped the crown. She’s the Queen of Hawkins High as long as they’re together and I’m guessing you know how much Sharon loves those things.”
“You’re telling me that Aunt Sharon likes that creep? It makes sense though. He’s the kind of asshole your mom would’ve gone for had she been your age.”
“Ew, Billy.” Chrissy crinkled her nose.
“It’s true though. Don’t deny it.”
“Anyway, lunch is about to finish. We need to get to our next class.”
“Let’s bounce. It was nice meeting you girls.”
“Likewise, Billy.” A few of the girls shouted as Chrissy dragged Billy away.
After classes, Billy had already been asked by Neil to bring Chrissy home after she had been picked up by Jason to go to school so Billy waited for Max before bringing her with him to the cheerleading practice where Heather was training Chrissy to be her replacement for the next year. During the water break, Chrissy officially met Max who was surprised at how bubbly and light Chrissy was. Max didn’t think she could be that type of girl but she couldn’t help but admit she was curious about it all. With Chrissy officially taking Max under her wing, she doesn’t really have time to deal with the boys until a demodog attacks her and Chrissy while they’re on their way to the town. Billy hears their screams and he immediately deals with it and he’s surprised when a bunch of kids in Max’s year show up and explain what the hell that was.
Billy’s been too busy threatening Carver to straighten up his act after he caught him getting handsy with another girl and making sure he stuck to it to properly befriend Tommy. Sure, they were teammates but nothing more than that. Billy still flirted with Steve at practice though but he never pursued the rivalry thing that everyone thought would brew between them. It was pretty much guaranteed that Billy was the new reigning King of Hawkins High after he’d embarrassed Jason and everyone else on the team on the court. Tina’s Halloween party only cemented it when Billy beat out the Keg record Steve had set even though Billy still tried to comfort Steve after watching his girlfriend kind of break up with him in front of everyone. The cousins ruled Hawkins High without giving a damn about it since Chrissy was so focused on making Billy and Max learn to love Hawkins too. She would constantly take them out of the house, always asking Neil politely if she could show Billy and Max around the town, making sure that she would keep them out of the house as much as possible.
Somehow, Chrissy and Billy ended up getting involved with the Upside Down way earlier when a demodog attacks the girls right outside of the Hargrove house and Billy doesn’t hesitate to protect his girls when push comes to shove. Afterwards, Chrissy also takes El under her wing and the trio of Max, Chrissy and El take over Billy’s life. Chrissy acts as their older sister and guru for all things teenage girl and she even helps them shop and get ready for the Snow Ball with Billy’s help. Billy’s also forced to teach El and therefore, also Max and Chrissy how to make all sorts of food and desserts whenever the mood strikes them and he’s their resident chauffer for trips while the boys rely on Steve. Since he can’t exactly cook or bake at their house or Chrissy house and Hopper’s cabin is out of the question, El usually asks Steve if they can use his kitchen. Steve’s fine with it as long as he gets some food out of it and after some time, he starts hanging around while Billy messes around in the kitchen.
With both Chrissy and Billy taking their grades seriously, Steve’s forced to study too and they replace Nancy as his support to apply for colleges. With Billy’s help, he even manages to get accepted into a couple of them but he decides to take a gap year to wait for the majority of his friends. Strangely enough, it becomes pretty normal for the students of Hawkins High to see Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunningham and Steve Harrington all together with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers occasionally joining the trio. It becomes a normal thing for the five of them to study together at Steve’s house while Billy whips up either a snack or dinner for the entire group. Sometimes, the kids would play D&D at the basement with Billy trying his best to get the kids to eat some healthy food instead of just pizza while the older teens would either study or smoke together.
When summer begins, Chrissy encourages Billy to apply for the vacant lifeguard position that Heather told her about and when she notices the moms staring weirdly at Billy, she plots and gets her very Christian mother to loudly rebuke all of the women for lusting after a teenager and almost committing adultery. With that problem out of the way,  Billy’s free to enjoy teaching the tiny tots how to swim and to watch as the kids he’d slowly grown fond of play around in either the public pool or Steve’s pool. Chrissy had gotten a job at the mall so she’d loved having lunch with Steve and Robin who quickly became her lunch buddies. Billy would always pick her up and drop her off, usually with lunch and dessert to share.
When the girls enter their dump his ass phase, they get Chrissy to dump Jason too who heads to the motel to meet up with a girl to feel better about himself. The mindflayer gets him instead but when he immediately goes to flay Chrissy, she realizes something’s wrong and Billy’s there to stop him. They get El to figure out what’s wrong and they quickly get it out of him without killing him. Then, they have to deal with the Russians but with Chrissy and Billy there, things go much easier. After everything, everyone is alive and relatively okay, but Jason is traumatized, and he convinces his family to move away instead after being paid to keep silent about everything.
When Vecna starts his bullshit, Chrissy is in a much better place and so are a lot of the teens, all except Billy who might have friends but is still living with his abuser. Somehow, Eddie is still witness to the first victim but so is Chrissy who was there to support a friend of hers who wanted to try drugs. Eddie and Chrissy still flirted but when her friend started floating and going all weird, they didn’t know what to do! Chrissy immediately got to Billy who let everyone know what happened. All the while, she was dragging Eddie with her to make sure that what she saw actually happened.
With more minds working on the problem, they realize everything earlier leaving them time to prepare but Billy then realizes he’s been dealing with the symptoms. Chrissy is extremely horrified to find out that Billy was still a target after everything she had gone through to save him and she belatedly realizes that he also saved her from being a target so she’s angry at herself because she couldn’t save him. Strangely enough, it’s Eddie who comforts her about it.
Billy gets them to make peace with the fact that he’s a target, something that Steve is strangely bothered extremely by and he agrees to get them to set a trap for Vecna. Without Jason around to ruin things and with the town in chaos over the people dying of unnatural reasons, they manage to successfully deal with him with an especially irate Chrissy throwing Molotovs with uncanny aim and eventually stabbing him when she’s threatened after saying that you don’t scare me. She was almost meant to be a victim but she ends up beating him literally and figuratively. They manage to expose the Upside Down and to finally end things.
Surprisingly, as soon as things settle, Billy tells Chrissy that Steve had kissed him and that they were now dating. She also had news to share since Eddie was dating her now too. The quartet soon makes plans to move to California, far away from all of this nonsense with the Byer-Hoppers and with the rest of the kids promising to meet them there soon. Weirdly enough, all things worked out for the cousins because they had each other to rely on and they didn’t let each other down.
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teddyrb · 2 years
It’s not mine.
Billy Hargrove x Reader
Max Mayfield x Platonic!Reader.
Genre - Angst.
Warnings - Swearing, pregnancy, yelling.
Summary - Billy doesn’t react well to the news that you’re pregnant and Max has to comfort you.
A/N - I hope you like it.
Word count - 770
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You didn't know how he'd react, the both of you were young and had aspirations for your lives. You we're sat in his bathroom with a positive pregnancy test on your lap, Billy was in his bedroom waiting for you to come back in but you needed to calm yourself down before you did. You placed the pregnancy test in your back pocket and made your way towards his room.
"Where'd you go?" Billy spoke, looking over at you.
You stayed in the doorway. "Bathroom."
He nodded his head at your answer and rolled himself a joint to smoke. "You took a while, you okay?"
"No, not really." You wanted to lie but you couldn't, tears were in your eye's and Billy looked concerned. "Billy, I'm pregnant."
"What? Who's is it?" He looked mad, his accusatory tone made you feel sick. How could he ask something like that?
A tear streamed down your face at his reaction. "It's yours, Billy." You felt a lump in your throat. "I haven't... I haven't been with anyone else. Why would you think that?"
His mouth conformed into an evil snarl. "No. It's not mine, your fucking lying. Y'hear me, that is not my fucking kid."
You didn't think Billy could be any scarier than that moment. "Billy, please."
"No, Y/N. That's not my kid, I don't care what you say. I don't want anything to do with this Y/N." He was moving himself around like a lunatic before he finally opted to storm out of the house.
You sat yourself on the floor next to the wall and began to cry, you pushed yourself up to the wall and pulled your legs towards yourself. After you heard his car drive away you heard a door open and somebody holding you. Max was the only person left in the house and she moved herself to comfort you. There was no doubt in your mind that Max knew what had happened, Billy hadn't been the quietest person when he lost his temper and Max was only in the room next door. She sat besides you as  you cried and she patted your back, whispering comfort into your ear.
"It's okay, Y/N. You're okay." She spoke softly, like she was talking to a small animal. "He's not mad at you, trust me Billy loves you."
You whimpered, Billy didn't love you. Nobody act's like that with someone they love. "It's okay Max, you don't have to lie." It was loud enough for her to hear but your voice was tired from the crying.
"He does, he just doesn't know how to react. It's big news Y/N, he need's to process it." Max spoke more firmly, as if she knew.
"I know it's big news, I had to find out in your bathroom. I didn't learn how to handle this in school." You were annoyed that Max was brushing over how you felt about this. "Why do I have to act like this is okay. I'm freaking out, this is nowhere near okay, Max." You stood up and grabbed your bag.
"Where are you going?" She was stood in the door way so you couldn't get past her.
"Home." Was all you said.
"Y/N, it's raining and Billy drove you here. You cant leave now." You tried to make your way past her. "At least wait until my mom gets back, she can drive you."
You shook your head. "Max, move out of my way. I can't stay here, I don't want to see him if he comes back soon."
Max let you past her, she disapproved but she couldn't do anything to stop you.
You made your way home, in the rain. The first thing you did when you got home was shower, you changed into some fresh pyjamas before a knock came from your front door. You made your way over and opened it. Billy was stood there, a lot calmer than he had been the last time you saw him.
He brought you to himself in a hug. "I'm sorry, I was so worried about turning into my dad I didn't realise that's exactly what I was doing."
"Billy I don't wanna hear it." There were now tear in your eyes. "You said you thought I could cheat on you."
"I said that because I thought it was better for you to have cheated on me than me being a dad." He rushed to explain.
"I know it's scary but we have to do this together Billy. I don't wanna have to raise a kid alone."
"And you won't. But believe me, Max wasn’t lying when she said I love you because I do."
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sakannaz · 2 years
Hey! I have a request for Vance hopper if that’s ok! So the reader is the niece of the grabber and max so she living there for a while but what they don’t know is she can see ghosts after a while she learns what is happening and tries to help maybe the grabber kills her or something but the reader gets very close with ghost Vance. Thank you don’t feel like you have to do this request if you don’t like it :)
Yes! I can definitely do this! I’m still watching a bit of the movie since I don’t know much but I do know who the grabber and max are! Thank you so much for the request!
(Update): I watched the rest of the movie and I enjoyed it!
Warning(s): Cussing, violence, and death.
Spoilers below for the blackphone(?)
Btw I changed it up with just the reader living with the grabber, hope you don’t mind! I’m sorry it this took long.
Note ! : Albert Shaw is the grabber’s real name.
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You’ve been living with the grabber for awhile now. You’re clueless about the cruel things he’s done, you wonder why he cause himself ‘the grabber’, what for exactly?
He doesn’t like you going outside. But for what? There has to be a reason why he doesn’t want you going outside..you swore you heard a kid screaming downstairs the other night.
Tonight is where you had to go to sleep early, you didn’t want to see him again. You were his niece and you didn’t know what he was doing, as you were thinking you heard something drop from in the corner of your room, you stood up and walked over to it.
The lights went out, you grew scared as you looked around, why’d the lights just go out?
Once the lights came back on, you saw a figure in the corner of the room, you let out a little scream, you noticed their was blood on his face and he had blond curly hair.
Who was this?
“H-Hello? How’d you get in here?” Was your first question, The male titled his head to the side and looked you up and down, “You’re his niece, aren’t you?” The male asked.
“Yeah, I am, why? Who are you?” You questioned, The male walked forward and revealed himself, “I’m vance. Vance hopper. And you?” Vance asked, “I’m..(Y/n).” You answered.
He turned to the door, why was he looking there for? Did he need something?
“Tomorrow night. You need to go down there tomorrow night. You’ll finally find out about him. And you know exactly who I’m talking about.” Vance whispered to you before disappearing, ‘What’s down in the basement?’ You just decided to go to sleep that night.
So, you woke up that day. Determined to go downstairs, maybe uncle Albert wouldn’t be home today.
Oh. But you were wrong. So wrong.
You walked downstairs and into the basement, and what your seeing now is a lot at the moment. You don’t know what to say.
Finney Shaw, what was he doing here? In The basement? Why was he here? There was a reason why Vance told you to go down there.
“F-Finney?” You said, his head perked up when you called his name, “(Y/n)?” He replied, You ran towards him and pulled him into a hug. How long has he been down here? Has he even ate anything?
Then, Finney’s eyes widen when he saw the grabber behind you, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you out of here, ‘kay? I promise. He won’t hurt you anymore.” You explained, Then, you saw him point behind you.
“(Y/n), you need to run.” Finney said, but instead or listening you ignored him and slowly turned towards Uncle Albert, you weren’t scared of him.
Not anymore.
“What? You gonna kill me like you did your other victims?” Yeah, that’s exactly what he was about to do. Cause next thing you know, he had wrapped a phone cord around your throat and started strangling you to death.
Everything felt dark. Why was it so dark? You felt someone carrying you and placing you softly on the bed. Once your eyes opened you checked your surroundings.
You were still in that nasty ass basement.
But…with some unfamiliar people. No- no, you recognized them. You knew who they were.
Billy, griffin, robin, and vance. Plus Bruce.
You would be the 6th victim. And you were his niece. He didn’t seem to care who he killed, long as they didn’t know what he was up too.
“Guess you joined us now.” Billy said, crossing his arms and leaning on the wall, you couldn’t process what you were seeing at the moment. Everything just felt…blurry. You couldn’t remember who you were but you knew these people. You couldn’t remember your name.
“Who- who am I?” You asked, over the past few months the bond you’ve created with Vance, he felt kind of bad for you. You didn’t know any better, you were just trying to help.
So, now it would be his turn to help you.
“Here, take my hand.” He said, you stared at him for a minute before taking his hand, he helped you up and told you all about what happened, something about someone named the grabber? Who was he?
You lost your memories. You didn’t know who he was talking about.
Since he couldn’t protect himself…now he would have to protect you.
Cause you deserved better.
And you deserved to live.
And so did the others.
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I have this head cannon, y'see and I can't really talk about it in real life, so now it's tumblr's problem. Yaaaaay.
Okay, here it is. This is an a/b/o au. The upside down has its own scent, right? And it scents COLD. And only a select few in Hawkins know that scent. Of course, Steve Harrington is one of them. That day in the field, in s2, when the Mind Flayer was taking over Will, what if the high school gym was close enough to that field that everyone could smell it? That overwhelming scent of dark, cold, evil. Steve is the only one who recognizes it .
He'd never run so fast in all his life.
Steve is the first on the scene, sees Will just standing there, his own pup scent overwhelmed by cold. Steve has always run hot, and he learned a long time ago, due to absent parents, how to scent warmth.
He goes up to Will, and just hugs him, scents warm, because it makes sense, right? The upside down was making it cold, so Steve had to warm him up. When the rest of the crew find them, Steve is just holding Will close, scenting warm, and encouraging him to fight off the upside down.
"it's okay, Will, you're doing great, you're so strong, pup, you can do it, you're so strong, stronger than anything that place can throw at you, come on, kiddo, you got this..." Etc., Etc.
When the others arrive, he tells them to scent warm like he is, cause it'll help pull Will out of this dark place. They all end up in this big group hug: Steve, Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Joyce. Then, when the basketball team shows up looking for Steve, he just looks at Hargrove, and is like, you're basically a human furnace, get over here and help us get this pup warm.
Fyi, Steve is obviously an omega, and Billy is an alpha, so who is he to refuse.
Finally, Will wakes up mind flayer-free, and he just clings to Steve while sobbing. He accidentally calls Steve mama, which just makes him melt, and then Steve and Joyce and the kids, including Max, take Will home and just gives him all the love he deserves. The next day, Steve takes all the kids to meet the Hawkins High Dungeon Master, Eddie Munson, to help Will feel better
And that, my friends, is how Steve adopts all of the kids in this au. Of course, D'art is still around, so that's how Steve bonds with Dustin specifically. Dustin and Will are his favorites. Billy just kind of fell for Steve after seeing his mama bear side, as did Eddie, because I am a sucker for Harringroveson.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
quileute pack x reader - family forever
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Can I request platonic Pack x Malereader who old friend Sam’s came to visit with like his mate and kid (who they pup) - Anon💜
You hadn’t visited the pack in a long while, not since you had decided to move away with your mate in order to live a quieter life.
Sam had asked you to come visit since everything had quietened down, and after talked to your mate you decided to finally go down.
Pulling up outside, you turned to your partner and smiled at them.
“Hold on, I’ll get Sam to come out first.” You smiled.
“Of course.”
They smiled and got out the car, walking to the back to wake up the sleeping boy.
Heading inside, you stuffed your hands in your pocket as you looked around.
“Oi!” You yelled.
There was a small thud, and someone came running down the stairs.
Emily rushed around and she grinned happily at you as she saw you standing in the doorway.
Rushing over, she quickly hugged you and you laughed softly, hugging her back with a smile on your face.
Sam came around the corner and smiled at you, walking over, he pulled you in for a hug as well.
“It’s about time.” He sighed.
“I know, it’s been so long. I’m sorry, come meet Jessie and Ryan.”
Leading him out to the car, you introduced everyone, and held your hand out to Ryan who was hiding behind Jessie’s leg.
“It’s okay, come now.”
Ryan looked at you unsure before he came toddling over to you, taking your hand in his as he looked up at Sam.
Sam knelt down and offered a soft smile and held out his hand.
“I’m Sam, I’m a friend of your dads.”
“I’m Ryan.”
Ryan shook Sam’s hand, and you introduced him to Emily.
You let Ryan settle in and get used to the two you would be staying with before you decided ti introduce him to the rest of the pack.
As evening came, you took Jessie and Ryan to the party going on, you smiled as the whole pack turned to you.
They all cheered and rushed over to greet you, happily hugging your and tackling you to the ground.
That’s when they all noticed your partner and child and they all immediately turned to you in shock before looking at them.
“Hey.” Jacob waved.
“Hey.” Jessie smiled.
Ryan offered a shy wave, hiding behind Jessie once again.
You introduced everyone, and you sat Ryan on your leg as you all sat around the fire to listen to Billy tell the story of how you all became to be werewolves.
“Are you a werewolf?” Ryan whispered.
“Yeah.” You nodded.
He then turned to Jessie.
“Are you?”
“No.” They smiled.
He nodded and turned back to you again.
“Will I be one?”
“Maybe Buddy.”
He nodded and looked around, trying to figure out who was a werewolf and who wasn’t.
Deciding he couldn’t figure out it all, he wondered up to everyone and started asking them much to everyone’s amusement.
Once he was happy, he decided to encourage Seth to play a game with him, and the youngest members of the pack shuffled away to join in, so did a few others.
You couldn’t help but smile as you watched them all laugh and play and run around.
Jessie leant into your side and you wrapped your arm around their shoulder, pressing a kiss to their head.
“Maybe we should move back.” They whispered.
“It’s not safe.”
“We’ll be protected, you know that.”
You hummed and nodded your head.
You knew the pack would protect you all, and you did miss them all, so maybe you should move back and Ryan could fully learn about everything.
He could stay with his new found friends, and grow up to learn his heritage
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babe332 · 2 days
Twilight - a cailee spaeny x reader x Lottie Matthew’s fic
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Warnings : cursing
Summary : y/n swan has just moved back home to forks, seemingly going to live a normal life, until she meets cailee Cullen and her life changes forever, and she rekindles with an old lover, Lottie Matthew’s
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Heat, that’s all Arizona was, heat and cactuses. I moved away from forks about three years ago to live with my mother, my father and mom split when I was little. Sadly my mom is moving in with her creepy boyfriend so I have to go back home to live with dad, don’t get me wrong I love my dad it’s just he didn’t understand me, we are so different, it’s hard to have small talk with him, but oh well it will be nice to go home. “Come on honey we need to leave now so we can get you home by night time” mom said yelling at me from the car. “Coming” I said grabbing my backpack and suitcase, I’m a small traveler, I’ve always been. “Cmon sweetie your mom is waiting” my mom’s boyfriend said to me with an odd smirk. We got in the car and made our way out. Something I’ve learned about Arizona is the lack of anything. For about an hour in all I saw was rocks. “Honey I think this is going to be really good for you, I know you’re upset but remember how much you liked forks when you were younger? And you can visit whenever you like” mom said, I just nodded as she looked at me through the rearview mirror. She was right, I was happy to go home, I just was going to miss mom and our home in Arizona.
“Babe wake up we are here” mom’s boyfriend said shaking me awake. I got out of the car and looked around at the rainy road and the tall trees, just like I remembered. “Hey baby” Charlie aka my dad said “hey dad” I tried my best to fake smile. “Bye hun we have to get back so we miss traffic. I love you so much, call me as much as you can” mom said smothering me in hugs “alright love you mom, by Dan” I said to moms boyfriend. As they drove off me and my dad just looked at each other for a minute “you look beautiful y/n so mature” dad said, dad was always good at making me feel good about myself “thanks dad you look… older” I said laughing “oh wow just old huh” dad said laughing “well let’s go kiddo” we got in his police car and drove home. The view was much better than Arizona, big trees and lots of rain, huge mountains. “I’ve enrolled you at forks high hun, first day is tomorrow” dad said “sounds good” I said. “It’ll be fun I promise, guess who’s still around?” Dad said “hmm I’m not sure” I really wasn’t sure “Lottie black, she’s a real good kid, goes to a private school and everything, she’s real excited to see you” dad said with a smile. Gosh Lottie black brings back some memories, we grew up a few houses away, her dad worked with mine, she was my first kiss, I wonder what she looks like now? “Is she still the same giraffe?” I said jokingly, her nickname used to be giraffe on behalf of the fact that she was almost a foot taller then everyone. “Yea still the same, taller” dad said laughing.
“Home sweet home” dad said opening the door for me to get out. “Looks the same” I said staring at the house I grew up in “yea I haven’t done many renovations” dad said a little embarrassed. “Alright hun I’m going to go put your bags in your room-oh look who it is” dad stoped mid sentence as a blue truck pulled up, the same truck I remember as Lottie’s dads car. “Well hello there y/n” Billy black said getting out of the car and wheeling over to us “hi Mr black” I said, all of a sudden I saw Lottie coming out from the passenger side “ we decided to drop by, Lottie couldn’t stop talking about seeing you” Billy said “thanks a lot dad” Lottie said. She looked different but in a good way, taller, her arms were toned, not the same noodle arms I remember, her hair was longer and she had bangs. “Hey y/n I’ve missed you” Lottie said “hey lot I’ve missed you too” Lottie came in for a hug, “so how was Arizona?” Lottie said “warm, nothing like forks that’s for sure” I said “well I’m glad your home,we can hang out whenever you want, I go to a private school so we won’t be going to the same school but we can hang out after” Lottie said rubbing her neck nervously “sounds good” I said blushing, I’ve always had a little crush on Lottie, how could you not. “Alright black stay away from my daughter” dad said to Lottie jokingly “what are you going to do old man” Lottie said back teasingly, they always had a funny relationship. “Well bye guys we gotta go home, I got to take my evening nap” Billy said “bye Billy” me and my dad said. “I almost forget, I know you need a form of transportation so you get my old truck, I know it’s not the coolest but it’s something” dad said “it’s great thanks dad, I’m going to go get some rest and unpack, love you dad” I said “love you sweetie” dad said
“It’s great mom everything is good, I saw Lottie, she looks good” I said on the phone to mom “that’s good honey, maybe you two could become more?” Mom said “oh mom I don’t know, I’m not really looking for a relationship right now, I’ll call you tomorrow mom I’m so tired” I said yawning “goodnight baby please have a good day tomorrow”. My alarm rang and I got up and got ready. I headed downstairs and told dad goodbye and headed to school. I pulled up to the high school, my stomach felt heavy, I’m not really a nervous person but I am today. I parked the truck and got out. As I walked to class all I saw was unrecognizable faces, I bumped into someone and my books dropped on the ground. “Oh gosh I’m so sorry, hey are you new? I’m Eric” the boy said “yes I am, it’s okay, my name is y/n Swan, do you happen to know where science is?” I asked “yeah I’ll walk you there” Eric walked me to science and told me where he sits at lunch, as if I’m going to want to sit with a bunch of people I don’t know. When I walked in all eyes were on me but one pair was different from the others, they looked hazel but also blue and almost golden, they were beautiful eyes. “Well hello ms swan please take a seat” the teacher said, the only seat not taken was next to the multicolored eyes girl. I sat down. I observed the girl out of the corner of my eyes, she had short hair with bangs, she had a sharp jawline, she was hot- no don’t say that y/n she could be a creep. We didn’t talk all class, there was this odd tension I couldn’t place……
ALRIGHT IF YALL WANT PRR 2 LEMME KNOW I’ll probably make one anyways cause I love this fic okay luv u guys
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kaylans-imagines · 2 years
tulip hoppers driving school
synopsis: in which y/n 'tulip' hopper teaches her kids to drive and gets roped into a competition with steve.
disclaimer: this can be read as a standalone, but the character 'tulip' is part of the mini series i may or may not be writing :) there will be other parts to this (they arent connected but yk)
warnings: cursing. a hissyfit from both dustin and steve. lowkey kinda repetitive :) not proofread
word count: 3026
It was common knowledge that Steve and Y/N were the group’s drivers. If it wasn’t Steve, it was Y/N, and vice versa. Sometimes they would even split up. Y/N would take the girls while Steve dealt with the boys. That had been the way they functioned until the kids got their Learner’s Permits. Max had been the first one, then Lucas got his, followed by Mike, Will, and finally Dustin. When they had presented their id’s to her and Steve, she couldn’t help but reel in shock, wondering where the time had gone. It seemed as if it were only yesterday she was running around with them, fighting off a band of evil interdimensional dogs. Now her kids were sixteen and eager to get their licenses. 
Max had been the one to approach her first, blue eyes blinking at her as she asked her if she would be willing to teach her to drive. Her heart swelled at her query, nodding excitedly at her question and pulling her into a tight hug. Hopper had tasked himself with teaching El while Mike and Will had obviously been given lessons by their families. The thought of Max asking her to teach her the basics of driving solidified the importance Y/N had on the younger girl's life. Her asking Y/N basically implied that Max saw her as a sister. 
She had told Steve about it that same night, excitement and appreciation coursing through her. It left a bittersweet taste in her mouth. While she loved Max and saw her as nothing short of a sister, she couldn’t help but think about Billy. He was an ass, but she was sure, given the time, he would’ve been Max’s first choice. In his own Billy way, he cared about Max. The sound of Max’s cries was a sound she would never forget; it played on repeat in her mind as she slept sometimes. Haunting her. 
“Maxine, Lucas,” she called their attention to her as they stood in the middle of an abandoned parking lot, “you two ready?” 
“Wait!” Steve’s voice called behind them, causing them to turn their heads and look at Steve and Dustin, who was trailing after him. When they finally reached them, hands on their knees to catch their breath, Steve wheezed out, “We wanted to join.” 
“Dustin, you don’t wanna learn?” Y/N asked, looking at the boy hanging behind her boyfriend.  
“Steve already said he would show me,” Dustin shrugged. Y/N pouted her lips. 
“Well, I mean, my car’s here and I’m already teaching Max and Lucas. I don’t mind teaching you too.” 
“Wait, wait, wait. Hold on,” Steve interrupted, “are you poaching my kid?” 
“Your kid?” she asked, arms crossing against her chest. 
“Yeah,” he answered seriously. “My kid. You know what, Max. Lucas, I can teach you guys. Since, you know, I’m the better teacher.” 
“Excuse me.” Y/N spit out, “you are not taking my Maxine or my Lucas. They’re better off with me as their instructor than with you, Harrington.” 
“You think so, Hopper?” he asked, stepping closer to her. 
“I know so.” She said unwaveringly, keeping her eyes locked on his. “I mean, you’re the one with tickets to your name.” 
“You don’t have any tickets cause of your dad!” He exclaimed in his defense, Y/N just shrugged. “You know what, how about you put your money where your mouth is?” he proposed, stepping away, “let’s make a bet.” 
“A bet?” Y/N asked incredulously. Of all the things Steve could come up with, a bet was the last thing she thought about. 
“Yeah,” he confirmed, hands going to his hips, “the kids have their driving tests on the same day; if your kid or kids pass with less markings than mine, we’ll go to the concert of your choosing, but if mine passes with less markings than yours, we get to go to a concert of my choice.”
“You’re ridiculous,” she deadpanned. Steve nodded his head in agreement. 
“So?” he asked, “unless you’re too scared.” 
Y/N turned to look at Lucas and Max and then at Dustin, but received shrugs in return. After all, this bet had nothing to do with them. She scoffed, “as if. You’re on, Harrington.” 
He extended his hand out to hers, meeting in the middle to shake. As smoothly as possible, he gripped her hand just as she was about to pull away and pulled her into a hasty kiss. The kids groaned, disgusted at their affections. They separated with a laugh before turning serious at the thought of their bet. A sense of determination passed through her. She needed to win. Not even because of what she would get out of it, but because she wanted to make Steve eat his words. 
“Okay, but I’m keeping Max and Lucas,” she said quickly. 
Steve’s face fell, “what? No. I wanted one of them. I can’t be stuck with just Dustin!” 
“Dude!” Dustin cried in offense. The two disregarded him. 
“My Maxine. My Lucas.” she spat out, stepping back to them and pulling them into her by the shoulders. “Your Dustin.” 
“Ugh, fine.” He agreed petulantly. She shared a laugh with the two after Dustin reached up and smacked Steve in the back of the head, offended by his outright rejection. 
“Okay, kids,” she smiled, finger holding the keys to her beloved car, “who’s ready to learn?”
A week into what the kids dubbed ‘Tulip Hopper’s driving school’, Dustin was calling for a meeting. They all met up in the same parking lot, both adults leaning against their cars as they listened to the younger kid. 
“I want to switch,” he declared, glaring at Steve. Steve flinched back in shock, hands crossing over his chest, “I cannot stand being in the car with Steve. He doesn’t let me touch the steering wheel or the gears, he just rambles on about driving safety. And he’s always listening to shitty music. I can’t stand it. Tulip, please, I beg. Let me trade with one of them.” 
Y/N bit back a laugh and licked her lip in amusement, “I can’t decide for them, Dustin. You can ask Lucas or Max to trade places with you, but I can’t force them.” 
The curly haired boy turned to look at his friends in exasperation, his face falling at the sight of them rapidly shaking their heads. 
“No. Not a chance. Tulip’s cool,” Lucas said, remaining beside her. 
“Don’t even think about asking me, dork,” Max shut down, “my Tulip.”
“Tulip,” Dustin begged, disgruntled at their refusal, “please. Save me from your boyfriend.”
“Okay, dude,” Steve murmured, “ouch.” 
“Sorry, buddy,” Tulip said unapologetically. Dustin’s exasperation had her confident in her ability to win their competition, “you’re stuck with Steve and his shit music taste.” 
Motioning the kids back into the car, she stepped off the hood and walked toward her boyfriend. He was still leaning against the burgundy of his car, mugging at his younger friend who pouted at him. Upon noticing her in front of him, he let his eyes soften. “Hi, Amaryllis.” 
“Hi, Steven,” she greeted, drawing into his charm, “I’d ask you how the teaching’s going, but…”
“Yeah,” he agreed with a laugh, “that little shit.”
She wrapped her arms around him, “you know, you can still back out. No point in facing extreme humiliation when Max and Lucas pass with flying colors.” 
“Not a chance,” he retorted, “I have full faith in Dustin. Things are slow right now, but he’s gonna blow them away with his superior driving.”
“If you say so,” she said disbelievingly, opening her mouth to say something else before the horn of her car interrupted. She dropped her head with a shake, humor in her eyes. She pulled away from him, planting a kiss on his lips which he happily returned. Before he could get lost in the softness of her kiss or she could paint it in her memory, another honk startled them. This time from the red BMW they were leaning on. 
“Let’s go!” Three voices demanded, each from their respective cars. Chuckling, they met in the middle, foreheads pressed together. 
“I’ll see you at home?” He asked, looking at the flowers in her eyes. If he looked closely, he could see a beautiful field of sunflowers. 
“Yeah,” she confirmed, looking into his eyes. A honey pot with specs of emerald was all she saw. “Italian for dinner?” 
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll bring it home.” He confirmed, being the first to pull away, “I’ll see you then.” 
“Bye,” she waved, walking to her car and slipping into the drivers seat. 
“You know, for two people who are meant to be competing, you guys suck,” Lucas snarked from the back seat. Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled out of the parking space. 
“He’s still my boyfriend, you know,” 
“Well, until we take our driver’s test,” Max cut in, fiddling with her stereo, “he’s the enemy. There will be no loving on the enemy.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” she laughed, turning up the volume. The DMV had been gracious enough to grant them a month and a half to learn how to drive. Y/N prided herself on her kids. Max was a natural behind the wheel; confident in her skills–despite how minimal they may have been–and unwavering when the assholes who thought they owned the road became, well, assholes. It was a comical sight–watching a sixteen-year-old Max flick off a thirty-something-year-old man. And Lucas. You wouldn’t have known he was petrified of being behind the wheel his first time. He was suave in the driver’s seat, a level of coolness with an air of calm seemed to seep out of him. 
She hadn’t heard anything about Dustin from Steve, though. Y/N didn’t know if she should have perceived that as a good thing or a bad thing. Secretly, she wanted all her kids to succeed. The feeling of getting your driver’s license was a freeing one. It opened the door to an independence one would have never known existed. She thought about the first time she drove. It was as stressful as one could imagine with Hopper as their driving instructor. Screams of fright and brusque directions were hurled into her ear, leaving her a tense mess in her father’s car. She had sworn that day to never get behind the wheel of another car again. Until it was her mom teaching her. Her approach was a lot nicer and gentler. 
The 20 year old thought about the first time she drove without anyone with her. She drove for miles upon miles, getting lost in the landscape New York had to offer. The bright green trees of Upstate New York and the bright yellow of the taxi cabs in Lower Manhattan all kept her company in the driver’s seat of her moms sedan. She had felt a freedom she didn’t know she was missing that day, and she wanted nothing more than for Dustin, Lucas, and Max to all feel it too. Even if they were technically on opposing sides. 
She found herself sitting beside her boyfriend in the hard chairs of the DMV, legs shaking in nerves. From her seat, she could see Max’s fiery red hair, Dustin’s curls, and Lucas’ neatly styled flat top. They had all dressed to the nines that morning, eager to get their own IDs. Max had even asked Y/N to help her with the littlest bit of makeup she had. Steve had driven them to the government building, motioning them off with a thumbs up and an excited ‘good luck’ as he passed the keys to the worker. The three of them were the first in their group to attempt to get their licenses, so everyone was riding on one of them to come out successful to drive them around and stop relying on their friends or parents. 
“Relax,” Steve whispered in her ear, grabbing the hand she had resting on her knee and stopping tapping, “they’re gonna do great.” 
“You think so?” she asked, nerves still wracking her. She turned to where they’d been waiting. Lucas and Dustin had remained. Max was taken to the road. One down, two more to go. 
“Yes,” he assured, “Dustin has to pass. I will not miss the opportunity to take you to the U2 concert coming up.” 
Y/N blinked, giving him a blank look and prying her hand out of his, “I swear to God, Harrington, if you win and we go see that godforsaken band, I’ll leave you.” 
Steve laughed, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. “Then, Aster, you better hope you were a decent teacher. Otherwise, we’re going.” 
“I can’t wait to wipe that smug look on your face,” she muttered, turning away from him and keeping her eyes locked on the entrance, waiting to catch sight of her ginger friend. She bit her lip in anticipation, cursing Max for her stoic expression, wishing she would give something to ease her worry. The two watched as the girl walked to the counter behind her instructor, turning her body purposefully to block their view. 
Y/N muttered expletives under her breath, slumping against her seat and impatiently waiting for Max to join them. Only when the younger girl was sitting down did she smile at her pseudo older sister, proudly displaying her temporary paper license and the test paper the instructor had used. No red slashes covered her paper, in fact, the instructor had drawn a smiley face on the corner of the paper. 
“You passed!” Y/N exclaimed happily, stretching her body over the arm of the chair and pulling her in, “I’m so proud of you.” 
“I had a pretty damn good teacher,” Max complimented. She straightened her back, giving Lucas a look of encouragement after he’d been selected. The next thirty minutes that went between them dragged on. Suspense looming over them as they waited for his return. When he walked through the doors, it was obvious that he’d passed. He was practically skipping behind the employee, offering his fist to bump. Once he had signed the necessary paperwork, he grinned at them, displaying them to them. 
“I’m two for two, Harrington,” Y/N gloated, nudging him with her shoulder and shoving the paper into his line of sight. He moved it away from him, shaking his head. 
“Just wait, Hopper,” he replied, “Henderson’s gonna get a star, not some measly smiley face.”
“Sure,” sarcasm laced her voice as she responded. She hoped Dustin would pass, but she wasn’t going to admit that. But she also didn’t want to go to that godforsaken U2 concert with Steve or listen to his pompousness. When their curly haired friend walked through the doors, downtrodden and slightly bitter, they knew. The air around them had turned icy, matching Dustin’s feelings towards Steve. They frowned as Dustin walked back to them.
“I’ll kill you, Harrington,” he announced, standing before his older friend and shoving the paper into his hands. Red coated the paper, and in the corner was a sad face. Dustin Henderson had failed his driving exam, and Steve was the one to blame. As upset as she was for the boy she had come to know as a brother, she couldn’t help but silently rejoice in the fact that she wasn’t going to have to go to that stupid concert with her smug boyfriend. She had won the bet. And she was going to make Steve regret his arrogance. 
“Did you fail on purpose?” Steve had the nerve to ask after they’d taken their respective seats in his car. 
Dustin stared at him, “do you really think I would do that? Just so you could win a stupid competiton with your girlfriend? No! Now I’m stuck relying on you guys and my mom for rides until I can retake that fucking test. It’s all your fault, Harrington. If you had just let me drive like Tulip had done for Lucas and Max, I would’ve passed. But no, you had to be Momma Steve about it.” 
Steve took offense to his words, “then why did you let me teach you?”
“I didn’t!” Dustin remarked in vexation, “you practically forced yourself as my teacher.”
“Fine,” Steve said childishly, “have Tulip teach you.” 
“That was my plan from the beginning,” Dustin snapped, glaring at Steve. Steve met his gaze through the rearview. 
The ride back to Hawkins was a comical one. Dustin doing everything in his power to refrain from speaking to Steve while Steve attempted to drown out any conversation he started with his friends by turning the volume up. Y/N thought it was hilarious when Dustin refused to say bye to Steve after they had pulled up to his house. He had made it a point to only say it to Y/N, even going as far as to give her a hug. The only acknowledgement from the younger boy to Steve was in the form of a middle finger. 
“I can’t believe that little shit blamed me for his failing,” Steve rambled later as they lay on their bed. “I’m a great driver. I have never once, well no, I’ve only ever gotten two tickets. I have been driving since I was fourteen. That little shit just doesn’t listen to instructions. It is not my fault he failed. I mean Eddie trusts me enough to drive around Beth, surely that speaks for itself.” 
“Sure, Steve,” Y/N agreed offhandedly, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she skimmed through a magazine, “you still have to make good on your promise, Steven.”
“Fuck,” he cursed, rubbing a hand across his face. “Who do you wanna see?”
Y/N grinned at him, pointing a black manicured finger at the band decorating her magazine. “AC/DC, Harrington. We’re going to see AC/DC.” 
Steve groaned, grabbing a pillow from his side of the bed and pushing it on his face. If he could go back in time and smother his past self for making that stupid agreement, he would. 
taglist: @farfromharry @ajdelilah @annabqths @laneysmusings @rmeddar123 @ainandra @ilovereadingfanfics @siriusblacksso @manuosorioh @ariana05sworld @thepowerstoner @copycatrry @spillthetaesissy @amortencjja @jenoslov @brinaslittlefreak @monstrosityinside
the art of promises series
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Jesus fucking christ.
We had TEN people at the bar tonight. TEN. And then a group from the theatre came over at like, 11pm, pianos stopped at 12, and THEY JUST WOULD NOT LEAVE. We had our entire cashouts done and printed and sealed, the bar torn completely down and a guy STILL tried to order a drink from me?!?!
Anyways. I’m FINALLY fucking home and it’s 2 am, but it’s “Thursday” so y’all know what that means!!!
Law & order (svu, oc/mothership maybe) spoilers under the cut!
Domestic snuggles.. imma miss this shit
Also why do people never plug their phones in overnight on tv!?
Grace that is a NICE coat, she looks great.
Noah being 12… someone remind me to do math on this later.
“I’ve been on 500 bumble dates, how different could these questions be?”
OKKKKAY now I understand more why Velasco was in the wedding shots, cause I lowkey thought it was weird he was there for the ceremony.
Nice plaid muncy… #bivibes
Jessie an billie have pink drinks (I assume Shirley temples) and it looks like Velasco just handed noah champagne… like I know it’s probs gingerale or apple juice but like… BRUH. It looked like Velasco was so distracted he just handed alcohol off without realizing it was a kid lololol
Is it REALLY that big of a surprise that johnny d has other kid out there? Also how long is it until noah asks about his dad? Like what has liv told him?
Noah knows he’s adopted, he knows his mom is dead and that he can’t see gramma Sheila anymore, he only has liv and she works so much that she definitely should let them meet.
OH okay so he knows his dad was a criminal… noted… noted….
liv…baby…. I know you’re concerned about him being johnny d’s kid, but like, so is noah… also bebe remember the time you left your kid with his “friends” and they locked him in a dog cage? Pls. let him play playstation.
Okay staying the night is a little much. Like first watching them look like a full happy family, but also FLASHBACKS TO SHIELA STEALING HIM.
FUCK Velasco in a suit… I forgot how good that looks.
Jfc. These rollins and liv grilling this guy in the hotel room?! Getting all super close power lady?! FUCK ME.
Grace m’am, you are on the stand, homegirl do up one more button pls.
Oh muncy…. You sweet summer child. I LOVE you but I hope sonny tears a STRIP off you because you deserve it. Like all im picturing rn is barba/alex/casey basically murdering you.
“on a scale of 1-10?”  “I’d say Vladmir putin.” FUCK FIN lololol
“remember I used to joke about you two in a hotel room? And now here *we* are” THAT’S GAY LADIES.
“You were a different person, you would’t let me in.” EXCUSE ME OLIVIA?!?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WAS A GIANT CUNT IN S13!! YOU were the one who kept brushing off amanda whenever she tried to talk to you or learn anything for like a year!
GOD this scene mustve been so fucking hard to film for these two….
Okay…. Okay… I said this to the discord earlier this week as I got to s8. Muncy does have some Dani Beck vibes…and her on the stand just enforces that. (minus the fact that I love grace and HATE dani)
Carisi saying “my wife” while looking all lovey dovey eyes. FUCK.
GOOD GOD. Im fucking bawling over the actual good bye scene. Fuck me. (also was that walk past then pull back into a hug a call back? Or is that just me?)
Okay. I am VERY glad honestly that Muncy was both not at the wedding and didn’t get a hug at the end (despite a random uni getting one). Not only have they only known each other 9 eps, it just wouldn’t be fucking fair to Kelli. I get it, Molly might not have known she was a replacement when she auditioned/got the job BUT, it just would’ve been a kick in the face to Kelli. Still and always love them both. But… yeah… it’s like when you have to train your own replacement right before getting fired kinda thing? Not cool. So im glad they were able to do that..
 Okay. Onto mothership… lets see how much I have to say lol.
Mechad is a fucking snack. Why must I be attracted to at least two people on every one of these shows? Three hours of tv after getting off work this late is TOO MUCH AND I still have a new criminal minds to watch. Fuck.
 Fuck…. That escalated quickly…. I mean….expected but…
Oh jesus christ…tonight really is about cops fucking up.
This is heartbreaking. The poor suspect is now gonna get extra charges because they were wrongfully arrested/sent to rikers. Fucking ouch. Why l&o gotta be like this tonight…
Okay… my stream cut out for the second time and fucked up and we ALL know Im not invested enough to care.
OC time here we go.
This purple looks great on bell!
Okay, new guy, cant remember his name rn, but him not only getting everyone gifts but having them wrapped that nicely? What do we think? Did he have the store do that or does he do it himself? The “I’ve always been that guy” makes me think he did it himself.
“merry Christmas everyone” jet’s way of saying “welp, mom and dad are fighting on xmas..”
Okay just kidding this stream died on me too… so…imma call it here, have my svu thoughts and some other tiny ramblings for tonight byyeee
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dadbodfanatic-x · 2 years
Paper Rings; part 3
Jim Hopper x Original female character
A/N: I think this is my favorite chapter so far, only one more after this to introduce everything before season 1 starts! Some TW for this chapter. Blood/angst/ some tough themes and for any Hopper fics some language
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It had been 3 months since your first shift at the Hawkins station and you had fell in love with the small town. You had babysat for the wheelers so Nancy could go on a date without worrying about Mike, you had helped Hopper out with Mrs. Henderson and her cat a half a million times, you even pulled Billy Hargrove over probably a dozen more times but the night you most remember was getting the call from the Byers residence. A frantic phone call from Jonathan while Joyce screamed in the background and you heard glass shattering, you dropped the phone immediately on Flos desk and you and Hopper hauled ass to the house. You’re not sure what happened with Hopper and Lonnie all you thought about was rushing in behind him and grabbing the boys.
“Hey, Hopps gonna get your mom out of here and handle Lonnie. You guys are gonna come with me okay?” You could see the hesitation in Jonathan’s eyes but Will clung to you, you placed your hand over one of his ears and pushed the other up against your side. Snuggling him in as best as you could you guided him right out the door. Not a minute later you heard Hopper raise his voice and you knew you needed them out immediately.
“Jonathan come on please we need you with us…” he came out the front door with you after awhile and you set off walking down the road.
“You guys hungry? I think we should grab some burgers at bennys and talk him into some ice cream…sound good?” You could tell how excited Will was but Jonathan just kept looking back down the road. Your heart hurt so much for these poor kids.
When all of you had walked into bennys you felt a little relief finally wash over you. You had them out of the house and you could at least get their bellies full and calm them down.
“Will why don’t you go wash your hands, Jonathan is gonna grab us a table and I’m gonna call the station so Flo can let Hopper and your mom know where we are” as soon as you saw Will go through the door you made a point to walk over to Jonathan.
“Hey Jonathan, what you did tonight was really brave and I’m very proud of you for calling for help.” You watched as a gloss came over his eyes and he tried to hide it quickly. “Listen, I know you’ve been really strong for you mom and brother for a long time but you’re allowed to be upset too okay? Anytime you want someone to talk to you come find me okay?” You felt your own eyes get watery and you knew he was making a point to watch for Will. You squeezed his shoulder one last time “I’m so damn proud of you kid”
When you finished letting Flo know where you had the boys and Will had exited the bathroom you grabbed him before he could reach Jonathan. Waiving him on to go “wash his hands” so he could calm down before his brother saw him. You all ordered three cheeseburgers with fry’s and chowed down as Will told you story after story about he and his friends, you were amazed at these kids imaginations truly. As soon as Benny brought over some ice cream cones you heard the bell above the door ring and turned to see Hopper and Joyce coming in. Jonathan stood quickly to check on his mom and Will almost took the little woman out with the force he gave her a hug.
“I can’t thank you enough Nora” Joyce told you with a hand on your shoulder. “I appreciate this more than you know”
You placed your hand over hers “hey don’t thank me, these kids of your are great company.” You said grinning at both boys “I learned so much today from Will the wise…right?”
Will let out a huge laugh and hugged you tight. “Mom, guess what? Nora knows stuff about D&D!! Isn’t that so cool?!” Your genuine smile could not be wiped off your face. These boys already meant the world to you in such a short time. After giving Will a hug you moved to Jonathan
“Hey remember what I said okay? Anytime you need to talk I’m here” and with that Joyce put her arms around her boys and walked them out. Thanking both you and Hopper again before she got outside.
You could see the red marks on Hoppers hands, a couple scrapes up his knuckles and you knew you weren’t going to ask questions. Lonnie deserved whatever Hopper decided to dish out. Without thinking you reached out and grabbed one of his large hands, pulling it closer to your face and examining it.
“You should get this cleaned up so you don’t get anything infected, if you don’t care to run inside my place with me I can have you fixed up in no time” you still held his hand as you looked up to notice he was already staring at you, cute little half smirk on his face.
“Yeah that’s a good idea…” he said so non chalantly.
Hopper was an infuriating man, it had been 3 months of this. Longing glances and touches that you think might have held on a little longer than normal. You never ended up comfortable enough with the town to work with anyone else, you did actually feel completely fine with the town but he kept you with him and you didn’t mind. For 3 months you spent your weekday mornings around the station with everyone but any call that came through always sent you out with Jim. You both worked so well together it felt like breathing, like something you didn’t even have to think about it just happened so easily. Once your day was done he would drive you home, you both shamelessly flirted with each other now and laughed and told stories like you were mapping out charts of each others lives. All of this had been rumbling under the surface for three months. Never to be spoke of. Which is why your heart was pounding out of your chest right now as Hopper drove you both over to your house and as you nervously played with your fingers in your lap any chance you took to look at hopper was futile. He looked so calm and collected.
When you arrived at your house you had hopper sit on the couch while you grabbed some things to clean his hands, when you came back in you sat down close and pulled one of his hands over into your lap.
“Okay this might sting a little…” you said as you began patting down his hands with the cloth and cleaning over any excess blood.
“Hey…” he used the hand you were cleaning to squeeze your thigh and you could instantly feel your cheeks tint pink.
“You did really good with the boys today, I really appreciate it” he left his hand on your thigh, as you applied the ointment onto the clean hand before you switched them you smiled up at him
“It was really easy honestly, those boys are great…okay switch hands” when you went to grab his other hand he placed it on your thigh rather than in your own hand and you hated to admit how much you loved to see his big hands there. You imagined driving down the road with his hands on your thigh as you listened to the radio and played with his fingers instead of nervously picking at your own.
“Oh hey, I uhh wanted to ask you something…” you had finished with his hand and placed the cloth down on the table and smiled up at him when he just left his hand their in your lap.
“So i uhm actually get four tickets to my graduation this weekend and since I don’t really have any family…” you started playing with his hand, sitting yours on top or using your finger to rub circles on the spot by his thumb and Hopper didn’t mind at all, he noticed early on you tended to play with the your hands when you were nervous about something and he couldn’t help the smirk that grew. He really liked that he made you nervous in this way, not scared but just nervous about what he would say.
“Do you think you could come? I was uhh just gonna leave the other three tickets at the station with an invitation and anyone could come but I wanted to ask you but you know now that I even actually think about it I mean it’s the weekend and you’re the chief so you’re probably really busy so I totally get it if you can’t you know?” You hadn’t even looked at him yet still playing with his hand and lost in a ramble that made him smile even more.
Hopper squeezed your thigh again…”hey” you looked up at him. “If you want me there then I’m there doll” and there it was. What had ingrained itself in his mind as of late. That big beautiful smile that makes your nose wrinkle and squishes your freckles all together. You only have one dimple and he really likes that.
“Really?! You’ll come?” You smiled up at him and he shook his head. You didn’t think about it next but you shot your arms around his neck. “Thank you so much” you almost whispered to him right in his ear. He wrapped his arms tight around you and flattened his palm down the base of your back while he held you there. He felt you relax into his before he moved his hand to rub your back and he felt the goose bumps rise on your arms. He was really enjoying this affect he had on you. When you started to pull back he thought about it. What it would be like to kiss you, not even on the mouth just right on the cheek where that dimple lay. He could get lost in it, he wanted to make you smile for a very long time. You could see his gears turning as you looked at him and then it happened
“Nora are you home?! It’s mews again!!”
“Jesus fuck” he groaned and you laughed as you placed your forehead on his shoulder. You turned your head toward the door “one second Mrs. Henderson….” He squeezed your thigh one last time before he stood up.
“You wanna slip out the back so you don’t have to deal with this? It might be awhile?” You laughed as you told him.
“Oh bless you absolutely” as he headed towards the back door and you headed towards the front.
“Bye Doll….” He yelled as he walked away and the smile couldn’t be wiped off your face no matter how long you had to talk to this woman about this damn cat.
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[6] Back in Dillon (Tim Riggins x OFC)
Warnings: none; Tim's a big flirt
Words: 2.4k
I spent my summer in Italy at the request of my parents. Each summer, my parents insisted I traveled abroad to learn new artistic techniques. It was their one condition if I was going to continue down the path to art. It was the first summer I didn't want to leave Dillon.
It was sweltering when I got back to Texas. I thought Italy was warm, but at least there was a sea breeze. Texas was like stepping into the fictionalized version of Hell.
As soon as I got back to Dillon, I called my friends. Julie didn't answer her phone. Billy didn't know where Tim was. Tyra was the only one who picked up. She barely let me speak, telling me to go to the pool to see her. Then she hung up on me. I smiled and got into my swimsuit.
Everyone I knew was at the pool. What else was there to do in Dillon during summer break? It was almost too crowded.
I spotted Tyra hanging out with Landry, her hair shorter than mine was after State. It looked good.
I started toward them, but a familiar voiced came from the pool.
"Catherine Barton, back from wine country!"
I crossed my arms and stared at Tim Riggins floating in the pool. Two girls flanked him on a float, his arms draped over their shoulders. He wore sunglasses and a white summer hat.
"Ciao. I see you've enjoyed your summer, Riggins." I smirked at the two girls. "Do you even sleep?"
"Only to dream of you, Barton."
"Are you gonna get off your culo and come give me a hug?"
He laughed. "I'm a little busy."
"Fine," I said, tossing my pool bag on the grass. My swimsuit cover followed before I jumped in the pool with the biggest splash I could muster. I grinned gleefully when the girls whined over getting wet.
Tim got off the float, causing the girls to fall into the pool. He completely ignored them as he pulled me into a tight hug. His hat almost fell off when he put his face in my hair. I patted his back when he told me how much he missed me.
I looked up at him, my hands at his sides. My reflection on his glasses threw me off, so I put them on top of my head. He had the mischievous look in his eyes that I missed in Italy. He looked happy to see me. Really happy.
"You're hair's longer," he said. "Looks good."
"You smell like booze."
"There's no other way to enjoy summer in Dillon."
I used my fingers to tick off ideas. "There's bowling, riding bikes, going to a ranch, and twenty other things to do before drinking the days away."
Tim tightened his hold again, forcing my face into his chest. He smelled like summer and chlorine. My palms pressed against his back feeling where the sun was warming his skin.
"Wanna get somethin' to eat?" His voice was a lot quieter than before.
"Sure, Tim."
Alamo Freeze was empty since everyone wanted to be in the water. It was great for us because we could sit wherever we wanted.
I scooted into a booth expecting Tim to sit on the opposite side, but he slid in beside me. I was trapped between him and the window. I raised my eyebrow.
"What? Give me a break, Barton. I haven't seen ya all summer."
"You can see me better from that side." I rested my head on my hand while staring at him.
"But I like this better." He draped his arm on the back of the seat. "I missed you a lot, Cat." Tim brushed his fingers through my hair. "I didn't think I'd ever miss a friend that much."
I smiled and patted his leg. "I missed you, too. I didn't know how to deal with the classy drunks over there. I can only handle Texas drunks."
He laughed.
Our number was called, so he got up to get our order. He set the tray down, snatching a fry from my food as he sat.
While I was teaching him a few bad words in Italian, a couple of girls walked by. They waved and winked at Tim who responded in the same manner.
"Have you slept with the rest of the ladies in Dillon this summer?" I bit my straw.
"Not quite."
"I'm surprised you're not riddled with STDs."
He chuckled. "I use protection. I don't want kids trying to find me down the road."
I rolled my eyes and tossed a fry at him telling him to get himself checked. It hit his cheek and fell onto his lap. He picked it up and ate it, reassuring me that he does every year.
"If you didn't try to have sex with every girl you see you wouldn't have to worry about it. Nothing else is 100 percent, Tim."
"Have you been talkin' to Lyla since you've been home?" I shook my head. "Well, you're soundin' an awful lot like her and her teen Christian shit."
I grabbed his chin and made him look me in the eyes. "I'm not tellin' you this to save your soul. I'm tellin' you because I wanna see Tim Riggins at his best, doing something he loves. Sleepin' with a lot of girls and drinking your life away isn't what I see for you, all right? I'm tellin' you this because you're my friend."
A grin grew on his face and he leaned over to kiss my head. "Where have you been all my life, Catherine Barton?"
"Up the road a bit."
Both of us chuckled and Tim wiped some of his shake on my nose when I turned to look at him again.
I was so damn happy to be back in Dillon.
A week later, we were back in school. I got back into classes like we never had a summer break and I even got Tim to show up on time that whole week. He made me walk him to his locker because of it. I blushed crimson seeing the photo he took of me beside the one I took of him. He smirked at my reaction but didn't say a word.
During the second week, I was walking to the art building when I saw an ambulance pull in by the football field. I changed my course, worried about who was hurt. I didn't feel any better when the paramedics removed a jersey with a big 33 on it from the person on the ground.
I didn't think. I dropped my bag and ran onto the field calling out Tim's name. Matt had to stop me from getting any closer.
"You can't do anything, Cat," he told me. "Let them take care of him and go see him at the hospital."
"What happened?"
"Coach was having him doing a drill and he collapsed. We don't know anything else." Matt let me go when he felt I wasn't going to bother the paramedics.
I bit my lip hard when they put Tim in the ambulance. That's when the new coach yelled at me to get off the field. I didn't hesitate. I waved to Matt and grabbed my bag. I never made it to my next class.
The nurses wouldn't let me see Tim the first time I got there. I paced the waiting room for several minutes until Lyla walked in. She saw me and smiled knowingly.
"You here for Tim, too?"
I nodded. "I saw the ambulance pull in and had a feeling. I'm waiting for the okay to see him."
"Mind if I come along?"
"As long as they are willing to let us both in, I'd be more than happy to let you tag with me. You might keep me from kickin' his ass for scarin' me."
Lyla's laugh was light. "You really care for him. Tim needs a friend like you. You know, someone who's going to be there."
"I'd do this for anyone."
"Tim is just the lucky one who gets your friendship right now."
I knew she was stating a fact, but it made my insides twist sickly. It didn't ease up when a nurse gave us permission to see Tim.
The doctor walked out as we walked in. I was at Tim's side in an instant asking if he was okay.
"I'm doing better now." He sat up in the hospital bed and grinned at both of us. "If I knew two pretty girls were gonna visit me, I would've passed out sooner."
Lyla rolled her eyes and I squeezed his hand hard.
"Don't joke about it, Tim," I said. "What did the doctor say?"
"I need to drink more water." He proceeded to take a sip from the cup in his hand.
"Back to drinking your life away again, Tim?" Lyla sounded annoyed. I suddenly felt protective of Tim.
"It's worked so far."
I sighed and pointed at Lyla. "I don't like your tone, but I'm also concerned." I pulled up a chair and rested my chin on the edge of the hospital bed. "None of us want to see you like this. I almost lost my shit when I saw you lyin' out on the field. I don't want to gang up on you though because that's not gonna work. I just want you to know you scared me so bad I skipped the rest of my classes."
"I'm glad to know I'm more important than your grades." Tim's sarcasm cut deep.
I glanced at Lyla who had a sad shine in her eyes. I pressed my cheek to his hand that I still held. "Of course you are. You're a thousand times more important than a letter on my report card. You're a living person – my friend – who is irreplaceable."
Tim didn't meet my gaze. Instead, he let go of my hand to touch the side of my face. I smiled and kept my eyes closed a few seconds longer when I blinked.
"I want you to come with me to church, Tim. It'd be good for you," Lyla said. "We have a service going on tonight."
His eyes sought mine for advice. I sat up and blinked.
"I'll go with you if you need me," I whispered. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."
Neither of us was surprised when he refused.
That evening there was a knock on my door. I ran over to see Tim with his shirt partially tucked into his jeans. His hair was a little messier than usual.
"Come with me," he said.
"To the church thing."
I looked down at my painting pants and t-shirt. "I need to change, Tim. I don't think I can go lookin' like this."
"If this God is all He's cracked up to be, I don't think He'll care too much."
I took in his attire again and shrugged. "All right then. Let's go."
If Tim felt uncomfortable, I felt like I was going to be struck down with the way people peered at me as I was lead down the aisle toward Lyla. It was worse than the halls at Dillon High. I should have changed.
Tim kept my hand in his during the worship, during the message, and when Lyla asked him about the service after it was all over. Of course, he was indifferent to most of it, but I could tell something struck a chord.
Lyla smiled at me. "Thanks for coming with Tim, Catherine. I know your family believes a little differently and it couldn't have been easy coming here."
I shrugged and peeked up at Tim from under my hair. "There isn't much I wouldn't do to support Riggins."
Lyla smiled when I looked at her, a warning clear in her stare. I nodded once in understanding. I knew why she was wary of our friendship and I was being cautious. It didn't mean I couldn't be there for Tim when he needed me.
Tim pulled up to the front of my house and turned the truck off. Neither of us got out. I looked over to see him burning a hole in his steering wheel.
"What's goin' on in your head?" I asked.
"I don't know," he admitted. "Somethin' happened tonight and I don't get it."
"Not to get all religious on ya, but that's probably the Holy Spirit nudging your conscious, Tim."
"I've messed up."
I took his hand. "We all have. No one's perfect. Doesn't mean God doesn't want us in the end. We're the only part of His Creation He sent Jesus to save, so that's gotta mean somethin'."
"I never thought you were religious, Barton."
"My family doesn't claim a denomination like Baptist or Methodist. We believe similar things about the Bible, but there're still differences."
"Where'd we go tonight?"
"I think the base is Baptist, but they linked into some Protestant teachings, which isn't too far off from my family's beliefs."
"Is that why you're friends with me? Because a book told you?" Tim's eyes were sharp in the darkening light.
"I'm friends with you because I want to. I'm not here to preach you into salvation or fulfill my Heaven quota. I enjoy your company even when you're hungover or when you're a brooding ass. Why do you keep questioning my friendship with you? Don't you trust that I care because I want to?"
"I don't know, okay? I'm just questioning everything."
"Know this, Tim Riggins: I'm going to be your friend no matter where you go or what you do. I don't expect you to do the same because most people don't, but I love my friends fiercely. You are no different. Stop questioning my loyalty to you, all right? You wanted this friendship all the same and you're gonna get it."
I was thrown off balance when Tim got out of the truck only to come to my side and pull me into a suffocating hug. I would have told him to loosen his hold, but his sniffle sounded wetter than normal. I squeezed back just as tight.
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