#billy hargrove and eddie munson are smitten
I have this head cannon, y'see and I can't really talk about it in real life, so now it's tumblr's problem. Yaaaaay.
Okay, here it is. This is an a/b/o au. The upside down has its own scent, right? And it scents COLD. And only a select few in Hawkins know that scent. Of course, Steve Harrington is one of them. That day in the field, in s2, when the Mind Flayer was taking over Will, what if the high school gym was close enough to that field that everyone could smell it? That overwhelming scent of dark, cold, evil. Steve is the only one who recognizes it .
He'd never run so fast in all his life.
Steve is the first on the scene, sees Will just standing there, his own pup scent overwhelmed by cold. Steve has always run hot, and he learned a long time ago, due to absent parents, how to scent warmth.
He goes up to Will, and just hugs him, scents warm, because it makes sense, right? The upside down was making it cold, so Steve had to warm him up. When the rest of the crew find them, Steve is just holding Will close, scenting warm, and encouraging him to fight off the upside down.
"it's okay, Will, you're doing great, you're so strong, pup, you can do it, you're so strong, stronger than anything that place can throw at you, come on, kiddo, you got this..." Etc., Etc.
When the others arrive, he tells them to scent warm like he is, cause it'll help pull Will out of this dark place. They all end up in this big group hug: Steve, Will, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Joyce. Then, when the basketball team shows up looking for Steve, he just looks at Hargrove, and is like, you're basically a human furnace, get over here and help us get this pup warm.
Fyi, Steve is obviously an omega, and Billy is an alpha, so who is he to refuse.
Finally, Will wakes up mind flayer-free, and he just clings to Steve while sobbing. He accidentally calls Steve mama, which just makes him melt, and then Steve and Joyce and the kids, including Max, take Will home and just gives him all the love he deserves. The next day, Steve takes all the kids to meet the Hawkins High Dungeon Master, Eddie Munson, to help Will feel better
And that, my friends, is how Steve adopts all of the kids in this au. Of course, D'art is still around, so that's how Steve bonds with Dustin specifically. Dustin and Will are his favorites. Billy just kind of fell for Steve after seeing his mama bear side, as did Eddie, because I am a sucker for Harringroveson.
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plistommy · 9 months
Eddie loves taking long walks during chilly autumn nights.
One of his favorite places to walk is Lover’s Lake. The quietness of the forest and the fog coming from the lake are the rare few things that he enjoys. That makes him calm.
But Lover’s Lake is not a place to come during the spring or summer if you want to be alone. It’s full of drunk screaming teenagers with their little parties and get-togethers with their so-called ’best friends’ that they’re gonna leave once they go to college.
Eddie didn’t give a shit about any of that.
Sure, he went to parties, couple of times, but even when he still wasn’t called Eddie ’The Freak’ Munson, no one cared about him. They still thought he was weird, unfitting. Maybe it was the clothes he wore or the buzzcut, but Eddie always knew even if he looked like them, he would never be accepted.
After that, he just stopped caring at all. He kept to himself and went on these stupid little walks that actually ended up making him somehow feel better.
He’d usually take a couple beers with him so he could sit on his favorite spot, a rock right next to the lake where he sometimes dips his feet even if it’s freezing.
That was the plan for tonight as well.
Eddie was about to arrive at his usual spot, smoking his third cigarette when he spotted something unusual.
A car. And not just any car. Billy’s Hargrove’s blue fucking camaro that the guy drives around like a damn maniac.
Eddie let out a frustrated sigh.
No way Billy had brought some girl here to fuck with. Out of everywhere, to Eddie’s spot.
This was just his fucking luck. Of course Billy out of everyone would choose this place just to fuck with him.
Sure… the other man didn’t know this was his spot, but fuck did it still annoy Eddie. Now he had to leave and forget his relaxing night just because Billy Hargrove wanted to get his dick wet with some random girl.
Eddie dropped his finished cigarette to the ground and stepped on it, cracking his neck a little before turning around and starting to walk off.
But then he heard it. A little muffled, but still clear.
”Stop fucking around, Harrington. No one’s gonna find us.”
Eddie quickly turned back around and tried to think if what he had just heard was right.
”Harrington?” He whispered.
”Ah, but— but someone could be taking a w-walk or something. I can’t be too lou- FUCK!”
”Sorry, Pretty Boy.”
Eddie heard deep laughing after that. And he knew whose it was.
It was Billy Hargrove’s.
A knot was forming in his stomach. He didn’t want to think what he was thinking, but something in Eddie knew he had to go and look, just in case. He had to know what was going on, even if it was wrong.
So, he took a small step. Careful not to stupidly step on a branch and expose himself slowly walking to the clearing from the forest walls.
He walked closer to the camaro, slowly creeping next to it, the sounds becoming louder and louder of the other two as he finally made it.
Eddie heard deep moans and grunts. A noise of something hitting something repeatedly and a small but clear sound of the radio playing from the camaros open window.
Eddie cursed at himself a couple of times before building the courage to slowly peek from behind the camaro.
He felt his heart skip a beat when he finally saw the source of the ongoing noises and who were the people making them.
There they were.
Billy Hargrove on his back on top of a raggy looking blanket with… Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington who was riding the other man, head thrown back and making loud little ah ah ah’s with every hard thrust Billy was meeting him with.
The blond man looked smitten by the other. Moving his hands up and down Steve’s waist, thighs, ass that Eddie only had the side view of. He sometimes even pinched the other’s nipples that had gotten hard from the cold weather.
Billy was saying something to Steve, something that made the brunette laugh before letting out a moan again when he moved his hips just right.
Eddie could swear he had somehow died, because this couldn’t be real.
The whole view was out of a dirty porn he had once watched that he stole from his dealer's house. Something to do with the bad boy fucking the town’s good girl or some cliché like that. But that shit never actually happens.
Eddie had to pinch himself to try and wake the hell up, but nothing happened. Here he still was, dumbfoundedly staring as Billy pushed Steve down and quickly put himself between the other’s thighs.
Eddie knew the moment he pushed his cock back inside Steve because that’s when the brunette whined loudly and started to beg for more.
And shit… did Hargrove go fucking fast.
When the moans got more obscene and when he finally saw the other two kiss, that’s when Eddie bolted.
He ran as fast as he could, his heart in his throat and once he reached his van, he jumped in and drove off, breaking a couple of laws while he was at it.
When he got back to his trailer and to his room after quietly walking past Wayne who had fallen asleep on the couch he quickly took his shoes off and went straight to bed with his clothes on.
He didn’t sleep that night, not really.
He didn’t sleep the whole weekend. He couldn’t, with all the things going through his head.
When Monday came along and it was school again, he got himself up and was at school earlier than usual.
He went about his day as usual. Did the things he always did.
Except maybe he focused more on other things now.
Like how Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington looked at each other during lunch when they thought no one was watching. Or when they were both leaving at the same time and saw each other at the school’s parking lot while Billy pretended to flirt with a girl.
When Steve drives off with his car, leaving Billy to look after him with a frown.
And maybe… maybe when Steve finally looked at Eddie during their shared class that week, Eddie looked at him differently.
Maybe now he didn’t give him his usual glare. Maybe he just stared at him, telling him that he knew.
Knew that that chaste kiss they shared during the 1980 summer camp wasn’t just ’stupid mistake’ and ’wrong’ like Steve had said the next morning.
That it had meant something to that small and big eyed boy that had been giggling at everything Eddie had joked about during those days.
That those small touches and when he held Eddie’s hand when they kissed wasn’t just because he thought it would be a mistake.
He had meant it.
”What are you staring at, man?” Steve had said to him, giving him that small pout Eddie honestly wanted to kiss off of him.
”Nothing. Don’t worry your little head, Pretty Boy.” Eddie had said mockingly, making Gareth laugh next to him.
But Steve didn't laugh. Eddie loved watching his pout turn into a small shock and just as he was about to ask something, the bell rang.
He gave Steve a wink, making the other blush and that’s when had taken off, leaving confused and nervous Steve Harrington behind.
Sure, maybe he got some angry looks from Hargrove after that and maybe the stronger man sometimes pushed him a little harder on the cramped school halls, making him stumble, but they never mentioned it.
Never said anything.
Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be. Maybe it was better this way.
But Eddie still couldn’t get the image of Steve off his head.
And how he sometimes wishes to have been Billy then. Been the one to make Steve feel that way.
To make him scream.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
The Roger to her Jessica.
Hey, Jadey! So heres my Eddie Munson x Female!Reader one shot request for you! Reader is the new girl at Hawkins High & shes super hot, like Victoria's Secret Super Model hot! Naturally all of the popular guys (aka Steve, Billy, & Jason) at Hawkins are trying to get her to go out with them, but she's very much not interested in them.
Because none of them are her Type... Until she sees Eddie 'The Freak' Munson; turns out she into the 'Rockstar' thing...
Also, because Munson looks like a younger Eddie Van Halen, she's instantly zeroing in on him. Basically Reader is Jessica Rabbit & Eddie Munson is her Roger Rabbit!
Requested by @m00nlight101
Warnings; slightly suggestive, fluff, the reader is smitten with Eddie and vice versa.
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The guys in Hawkins were all the same. Being the new girl in a small town she was immediately the star attraction.
They took one look at her and suddenly she was the most sought out girl in town.
Even before school started officially she was approached by guys.
Billy Hargrove was the first to ask her on a date but she had heard enough shit about him to immediately shut him down.
He was hot but she wasn't getting involved with him, he had graduated Hawkins High and worked as a lifeguard in the community pool, he was also a hit with her mother's friends, clearly loving the older women and according to his sister Max a violent bully.
She was definitely steering clear of that one.
Steve Harrington was the next one to approach her and try to get a date. Now he was very handsome but still not her type.
Plus she was sure he was still making eyes at the girl Nancy Wheeler so she didn't want to get involved in that.
They met at Family Video when she was picking some movies for her Saturday movie night, Nancy was there too and while he was making eyes at y/n he was also pining after Nancy.
So he was a pass too.
Then finally when school started Jason Carver set his sights on her before she even sat down for her first class.
The guy was arrogant, cocky and a douche, he loved himself a little too much and those cringy inspirational speeches he did made her want to vomit.
The kicker though was that he already had a girlfriend. What a sleazeball. She wasn't stealing some girl's man.
"You know I'm the most popular guy in school right?". He leans into her and she raises an eyebrow moving away from him invading her personal space.
"Yeah, that's cool and all but I really don't give a shit about popularity. Also, you're not my type and I know you have a girlfriend so you hitting on me is gross".
He looked furious but she ignores him and carries on with her work wondering if she would meet anyone who was her type.
Jason pipes up again.
"You seriously expect me to believe you care I have a girlfriend?". Anger burns in her gut. She's fed up with men assuming things about her because she looks a certain way.
"Yes, I do very much care. Congratulations you're officially the worst guy I've met here".
Jason looks affronted and she turns away from him still pissed.
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At lunch, she walks into the cafeteria and Chrissy and a few other cheerleaders call her over to sit.
She scans the crowd at lunch and her heart flutters as she spots the most gorgeous guy she's ever seen.
The curly brown hair, the leather jacket and the denim vest combo? She's smitten. He looks like Eddie Van Halen. There are major similarities.
Now this guy? This guy was her type.
What's Hellfire about she wonders as she stares at his t-shirt. The other boys sitting with him are wearing it too.
Stacy one of the cheerleaders she's sitting with snorts as she follows her gaze.
"That's the freak's table, they play this game called Dungeons and dragons or some shit. Eddie Munson the leader, the one sitting at the head of the table is the biggest freak of all, stay well clear".
Bitch. She thinks in her head and turns back to him. Noticing the guitar picks and chains too she sighs.
Oh yeah, Eddie Munson, you are fucking hot, ignoring Stacey's laughter she gets up and walks over to him. The group of guys he's with gawk at her as she approaches the table.
"Hi, I'm y/n and you Eddie Munson are exactly the type of man I've been looking for". He quirks an eyebrow and smirks.
"Yeah? Why's that princess? Move". He orders one of the guys next to him and he pulls out the empty seat for her.
"Such a gentleman". She coos and smiles at seeing him up close. His eyes are beautiful, big and a gorgeous shade of brown and those dimples when he smiled? Swoon. Surely he was aware of how hot he was?
"Well, I have all these boys wanting to date me and they are cute yes but not my type, you, however, are the sexiest man I've ever seen darling and I very much want you all to myself". She bats her eyes at him and his widen.
"Jesus H Christ, I'm dreaming right?". He whispers to the others and they gawk at her.
She's distracted by the tattoos on his arm, the visible one peeking out of his Hellfire top and waves of desire crash over her.
Lord help her this man was perfect.
"Are you free tonight handsome?". He shakes his head looking disappointed.
"I have practice with my band tonight but you're welcome to come, princess?".
"I'd love to, she murmurs, you play the guitar I presume?". He nods and she's delighted.
"Will you teach me how to play Eddie? I'd just love to see how talented those fingers are". Lust flickers in his eyes and she just realised how it could be taken and feels flustered.
"I'd love to show you just how talented I am sweetheart". The bell rings and she huffs disappointed and stands up.
She leans down and kisses his cheek, resting her hand on his shoulder. Her Scarlett red lipstick leaves an imprint of her lips on his cheek.
"Until later". She winks at him and is well aware of how his eyes trail down her body as she gets up.
Loving his attention she walks out of the cafeteria slowly making sure he savours every inch of her.
When she looks back at him his eyes are burning with need.
Don't worry darling she thinks and blows him a kiss. I'll drive you wild later...
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Believe ~B.H ~Prologue 
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Summary : After surviving by the Mind Flyer, Billy decides to leave Hawkins. Leave you. Max. He goes back to California, has a new look and a couple years later he's back. He's looking for you, this time he gets a surprise of his life. You're a mother of a little girl, and she calls Eddie Munson daddy.
Billy Hargrove. He used to be the love of your life. He used to be your safe heaven. That man was your everything. He caught your eye as soon as he stepped out of his blue Camaro, all the girls wanted him and the guys wanted to be him. But, he only wanted you. Tommy H had told him all about you, how you were best friends with Steve Harrington and he didn't like that. He tolerated Steve when you were around, he wanted to make you his.
He did.
He felt like you understood him like no other. When he showed up at your door with a bruise on his face, his body shaking, tears in his eyes in just a tank top and jeans. He rose his eyes to meet yours. Once you saw how vulnerable he was and when he stopped into your house, he collapsed into your arms. You held him all night, the next morning he hesitantly told you about Neil and told you how his mother left him.
He promised to never leave you.
Here you were all the years that passed watching as you little daughter, Lilly ran around the trailer you move into with the man that captured your heart. He was chasing after her through the trailer to her room, her blonde curls and those blue eyes weren't hard to miss knowing who the real father was.
Eddie and you met a year later after everything at StarCourt Mall, Billy leaving and you were piecing yourself back together. Dustin had told him all about how lost of a sheep you were. When his brown doe eyes met yours, he gasped at how beautiful you were and he immediately was smitten by you.
Lilly was about two years old, she was the light of your life. The reason you breathe and walk. Eddie was more than happy to step into her life, spend time with her, teach her things, and love her like she was his.
It brought you so much happiness in your life.
But then, you were working at Benny's diner when the bell above the door told you that a new customer had walked in. Your heart stopped when you saw those blue eyes, hint of freckles on his nose, the mane of blond dirty curls are no longer there, just one curl hanging on his forehead but it's his smile that hits your face. It's him.
Billy eyes set on you and like a light bulb appears above his head as he knows who's he staring at. He pauses in chewing the gum he has in his mouth as his mouth drops open. His eyes roam the way your hair was longer but held in a braid on the side, the way your eyes looked brighter than they were, the way you looked better than ever and his heart sped up seeing you.
After all the years, you were here in Hawkins.
" Pretty girl" he used your old nickname to call you, a wide smile on his face as he sits in the booth. You make your way over to him with a notepad in your hands ready to take his order.
" You look good" he says.
" What will it be?" he frowns as you avoid him and seem like you want to get it over with. " Doll" he uses the other nickname he used to call you. The audacity of him calling you that after all this time. He feels the tension.
" I'm sorry" he says like it would matter if he didn't say it. " I'm working, what will it be?" he tells you what he wants and when you walk away, he can't help but look. His heart sinks knowing leaving you was his mistake.
But it's when the door opens again and there is a small giggle from a little girl that catches his attention. The way she runs around up to you and watches as you lift her up in your arms, he looks down at his hands but look back to see the little curl has blue eyes and those curls. The same curls he used to have. His breath hitches seeing you interact with her, the way you kissed her cheek, the way you tickled her and the way she called you mama. His heart sinks further into his chest when he sees a guy with long mane of curls walk up to you and lean in to kiss you.
You had moved on and you were a mother. He would tell you that he wanted to have kids with you one day. In California. He wanted to marry you. All those broken promises.
The plate hits the table causing him to wince seeing the little girl on your hip. His eyes go wide at the sight of her, she has freckles just like him too. She looks exact copy of him but she has your smile.
" Y/N" he calls out to you and you stop in your tracks hearing your name. " Eat up, Hargrove" Eddie's ears pick up the last name, he knows all about Billy. You didn't keep anything from Eddie. You dropped Lilly by Eddie.
Eddie eyes you seeing if you were okay but you walk to the back door, leaning against the wall with your hand on the wall of the diner, clenching your eyes feeling the tears.
He was back. You were going to have to tell him.
You hated him. You had to, why was he here? Why now?
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not-close-to-straight · 11 months
Hi! Sorry if this is weird but I love basically all of your fics, and your writing as whole, so I was wondering: which fic of yours can I, as someone who's never really watched Stranger Things and has no desire to, read with the LEAST amount of confusion? Just curious, thanks <3
Hi! Super excited you're going to try out ST fics!
SO. The first thing to know about my ST fics is that my Steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson) pairing is very Winteriron coded, and my BillySteve (Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington) pairing is super Spideypool coded. You've read lots of my fics, you'll recognize the themes when you see them!
That being said, as far as reading sort of fandom blind, here's the fics I think you could get through without needing to know much more than the gist of the show:
"Dirty Little Secret Verse"-- Steddie. It's three parts, but they are all short and it starts out a little angsty but gets really smooshy good by the end. All you need to know for this one is that there's monsters in Hawkins but not everybody is aware of it, and you only need to know as background info for why Steve is a little bit...dark.
"Indecent"-- Steddie. Short story, sort of a slice of life peek at their flirty non angsty dynamics. No need for background knowledge in this one.
"Golden" -- Steddie. Just started this one! It's Omegaverse and will be ultra super fluffy soft with lots of non sexual intimacy (and definitely some romantic sexy intimacy). The only show knowledge required is that post- Season Four, both Eddie and Steve are scarred up after fighting the monsters, and have the expected nightmares and fear of intimacy that comes along with the PTSD.
"Mr. Harrington Gets a Massage"-- BillySteve. No show knowledge required. They're just horny boys. It's fun cos Billy is so cocky and smitten and Steve is a little bit shy and smitten? Feels very Spideypool.
"Safe" -- BillySteve. Omegaverse. Omega!Billy comes to Alpha!Steve's house needing a safe place to work out his heat. Only show knowledge needed is the canon of BillySteve being enemies in Season 2 and Billy's dad being an abusive POS. Excellent Spideypool style Alpha/Omega dynamics.
And maybe one of the best fics I've ever ever written--
"The Risk in the Kiss." -- BillySteve. Omegaverse with that slightly unhinged Spideypool-style vibe. Fangs and biting and growling oh my. After the first half of the first chapter, it is completely canon divergent. All you need to know to read it, is the 'monsters but not everyone knows' vibe, everything else is pretty well explained as the fic moves on. I'm obsessed with it. I hope you love it.
After you read these ones (if you read them!) I have others on my AO3 that will be easier to read once you've at least gotten familiar with my version of the characters too!
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ethanesimp · 2 years
could you write eddie x metalhead reader hc maybe??? and like reader has that 80’s puffy hair and mean looks but is actually a sweetheart?? thanks in advance <3
Sure thing nonnie! Thank you for requesting :) I hope you like the lil headcannon, it’s my first in a while so I tried my best 
Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN! Reader (Reader is described to have long-ish hair tho)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drugs, smoking
Masterlists & Taglist
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You’ve been dating Eddie for quite some time now. 
At this point, apart from being partners, you’ve also become best friends. You’re both so similar to each other and trust the other enough to talk about anything, any time.
Funnily enough, it wasn’t always this way. 
You moved to Hawkins when Eddie was just about to begin his second shot at senior year and shared a few classes with him here and there
And holy shit, when I tell you he was a goner from the moment he saw you, I mean it. Not only did you make a sick entrance into his life while Iron Maiden was blasting through the stereo of your car, you also had the coolest hair Eddie had ever seen.
Even Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove would have NOTHING on your hair.
Your volumionus hair would graciously fall down your shoulders and bounce slightly as you walked, which had Eddie in a trance every time lakjdfgj. Despite being puffy, it was always styled in a way that made it look neat.
You would confidently strut around Hawkins High, returning any mean stare anyone would send your way while also keeping your distance from others.
Eddie’s witty and sarcastic persona would suddenly puff out of existence every single time you were around. It wasn’t often, but whenever you approached the Hellfire table to ask him something about class, the boy was rendered speechless and would have to put up with endless teasing as soon as you left. 
He kept telling himself time and time again that he’d talk to you the next time he had the chance, but it never happened. In all honestly, despite how ubothered and cocky Eddie seemed to be, you intimidated the fuck out of him. Even Jason Carver knew better than to disturb you or piss you off. 
While he was already completely smitten with you, his crush only grew when you defended him against a prank he was about to be the subject of. Eddie had been distracted that morning and had missed Jason’s evil smirk as he approached where Eddie was standing. What he did see, however, was when you tripped him over and he ended up on the floor, wet with cold water he was supposed to pour on Eddie.
He promised himself that this would be the ocassion where he’d approach you, even if it was just to say thanks for saving him from being wet and miserable all day. 
Much to his surprise, you beat him to it when you showed up at his spot in the woods, asking to buy some weed. He obviously offered you a discount without thinking about it twice and made an effort to keep his cool and not embarrased himself.
He was delighted to learn just how much of an amazing person you were, and even more delighted to see you smile for the very first time ever since he’d met you. It was a sight he hoped with all his heart that he’d get to see many more times in the future. 
Conversation came so easy with you that all of Eddie’s worries melted into nothing. Especially when he noticed how you’d laugh at EVERY SINGLE ONE of his jokes.
After that day, both you and Eddie would jump at any opportunity you had to hang out with each other. 
You quickly became close to each other until Eddie eventually gathered enough courage to ask you out on a date. 
Everything only went uphill after that and it wasn’t long until he dragged you along to your first Hellfire meeting. To say the reactions of the other members were funny would be an understatement. 
As much as they liked to tease Eddie about it, they were all scared of you too. So when you showed up, there was nothing but silence for a w h i l e until Gareth said something that made you laugh so hard you almost started crying. 
The guys easily adopted you into the group. It was apparent to everyone just how much you loved them all, and that if anyone dared to do as much as send a nasty glare their way, that they’d have to get through you first.
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cha0ticspacebi · 1 year
You're An Image Caught in Time: Chapter 17
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You got your soulmark when you were very young. You knew who you hoped had left their mark but since they never said anything to you, you resigned yourself to a life of bitter unrequited love. As much as you wanted to meet your soulmate you knew after all these years they must not want to meet you. Though the mark never faded some days you wished it would. Especially after meeting Billy.
☆ You can find me over on A03 as Cha0ticBi ☆ Master list link!
Childhood Friends! Eddie Munson X Reader
Tags: 18+ NSFW MDNI, slowish burn soulmate AU, reader is in an abusive relationship with Billy Hargrove, Dark! Billy, Eddie is a sweetheart but bad at feelings, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, eventual happy ending
Warnings: rape/non con elements, emotional and physical abuse, graphic depictions of violence, suicidal thoughts
Chapter 17/28 Previous chapter → Next chapter
Going into the lunchroom with Eddie felt so good. You didn’t have to go sit alone and spending time with the hellfire club over break helped relieve the anxiety of sitting with new people. Eddie pulled a chair up to the head of the table and motioned for you to sit next to him. 
“Hey cleric!” Everyone greeted you and continued their conversations.
“Eddie!” Dustin spoke, “When are we ever going to get back to playing the Cult of Vecna? Not that one shots with your girlfriend aren’t great, but I need some long term play man!”
Eddie chuckled, “How about this weekend?”
“That sounds fun,” you smile after finishing a bite of your sandwich, “Can I watch?”
Eddie’s hand rubbed the top of your thigh under the table, “Of course you can but sweetheart you know you don’t have to do everything I want to do right?”
You think about it for a minute. You really did want to go watch them play because you had fun last time but Eddie’s question definitely hit home. Billy forced you to do everything he wanted and left you no time for the things you liked or spending time with your friends. Were you saying yes because you actually wanted to go watch a dungeons and dragons game or because you felt obligated to do what your boyfriend was doing?
“Hey! Overthinker!” Dustin was to your left as you sat between him and Eddie, “You’re thinking so hard there’s steam coming from your ears. Relax! Bottom line, would spending time with Eddie while we play make you happy?”
The words flowed right from your heart, “I could spend every minute of every day with him.”
Eddie blushed and the whole table laughed at him, teasing his clearly smitten face. He yells at them, “Shut up! You jerks are just jealous.” He turns back to you,  “You sure you won’t get sick of me after a while?”
“Never,” you return his hidden touches as you lean up to kiss him, “Thank you for giving me the option to do something else Eddie. Maybe we could go to Steve’s again and I could spend some time with him and Robin while you boys play?” 
Eddie’s lips parted from yours after sending butterflies through you with his kiss, “Sounds like a plan, who’s going to tell Harrington that we’re using his house again?”
The request you just made would have sent Billy through the roof. You’re trying so hard to remember Ms. Kelly’s words not to compare the two but in this moment Eddie’s response made it so much more obvious that Billy’s jealousy and controlling behavior just wasn't normal. 
Dustin raised his hand, “I’ll do it. He can’t say no to me. I’m too cute!”
Everything was going well and lunch was nearing an end when a familiar face came up to the lunch table. 
Max walked up and gave Lucas half a smile and then looked at you, “Hey can I talk to you for a sec?”
You swallowed hard and nodded. You got up to go talk to her and Eddie grabbed your hand, “You want me to come along?” You shook your head no.
“I’ll be right back Eddie,” you kissed the side of his head.
You and Max left the loud lunchroom and stepped into the hallway. Your mind was racing with what she could possibly want. Of course you knew who it was about but the message she carried was a mystery. She looked uncomfortable which set you on edge. Grabbing her arms, she started talking really quickly.
“So the cops came again and talked to Billy this morning as I was leaving,” she looked like she wanted to smile but was conflicted because Billy was still her brother, shitty as he was. You felt numb. You hadn’t spoken with Hopper once since Christmas when you had told him you weren’t sure about filing assault charges against him. 
Max fidgeted with her arms and bit her lip before continuing, “I overheard a little of their conversation and Hopper said that he was coming to inform Billy that he wasn’t allowed to be near the high school or Forest Hills Trailer Park while their investigation is still active.”
Your heart stopped. It clenched and ached, feeling like a ticking time bomb in your chest that would explode at any moment. Your breathing felt like it was moving in reverse as you tried to exhale but could only suck in more, filling your lungs well beyond capacity. He would know it was your fault, of course he would, who else would it be? He wouldn’t listen to them, he was going to come for you just like he said he would.
“Hey breathe,” Max tried to snap you back, “I figured I’d tell you because he’s been pissed off more than usual since you left and I’m worried he might try something.”
The floor melted from beneath your feet and you fell backwards against the wall sliding down slowly until you hit the floor. Panic set its way into your brain and you felt like you might scream. Your hands held your skull and you curled in on yourself. Completely unaware of your surroundings, your consciousness holding tightly to only one fact. Billy was pissed at you and he was going to come back and kill you this time. Tears slid silently down your cheeks and voiceless screams left your mouth. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, can you hear me?”
Eddie’s voice and his arms around you came into focus. Max must have gone to get him. He felt so warm as he held you there on the floor. You lifted your head up and looked at his worried face.
“Billy’s- ” he stopped you.
“That bastard isn’t going to do anything princess! Max told me everything. I will make sure he doesn't come anywhere near you. I swear to you, he won’t lay another finger on you!”
You wiped your eyes with your sleeves and looked up to see Max still standing there. You cleared your throat and spoke to her, “Thanks for the heads up.”
She nodded, “No problem. Take care of yourself, ok?” 
“You too,” she grabbed her backpack from the floor and headed off.
“Yes love?”
“I know I just said no skipping anymore but, can we go home? I - I don’t think I can make it the rest of the day.”
He held your hands and guided you up, “Sure sweetheart.”
You and Eddie left school and headed back home where you proceeded to fall asleep from that exhausting emotional rollercoaster. Eddie tucked you in and then hurried to find that slip of paper Hopper had written his number on. Trying to be as quiet as possible he celebrated a silent victory when he found it tucked in your bag.
The ringer went to the answering machine and Eddie left a quick message for Hopper to call him back because he didn’t know what to do. Billy hadn’t actually done anything yet but both of you knew it was only a matter of time before he showed up here looking for a fight. After hanging up Eddie felt even more powerless because all he could do was sit and wait. He didn’t want to wake you up and he couldn’t go back to school leaving you alone. He tried to be quiet as he opened the bedroom door and looked at the black lunchbox in the corner. He hadn’t smoked since you moved in but he needed to fucking relax right now and while you were sleeping was better than while you are awake. 
He grabbed the box and went to the living room. He sat there smoking for a few hours alone. Taking slow drags off the same joint making a little go a long way. He noticed the lighting change as the afternoon sun had already begun it’s early descent. You’d been sleeping all afternoon. He went outside to sit on the porch and finish smoking but he wasn’t out there very long before he shot up and hurried to lock the front door. A blue Camaro pulled up. Billy was here. 
Billy got out of the car, he must have been able to smell the joint that Eddie had tossed in his haste, “Man, is she already driving you so crazy you gotta skip class and get high at 4 pm?” 
“Leave. Now,” even high Eddie’s voice was demanding, “I promised her I wouldn’t kick your ass like you deserve. Don’t make me break that. You put her through enough broken promises, bastard.”
Billy leaned against his driver's side door with a snide laugh, “You wanna know what she told me about you? When we first met she said her soulmate abandoned her. She showed me her mark and said she didn’t know who left it but that they wanted nothing to do with her. You’re calling me the bastard but that was cold man. Living right across the street and you didn’t have the balls to man up and take what was yours? Maybe you didn’t want her, I mean she is kinda broken.”
Eddie had been slowly stepping forward while Billy ran his mouth, he grabbed him by the shirt and pulled his face right up into his own, “You fucking prick! Do you have any idea how long it’s going to take me to undo all the damage you did?” 
Billy laughed harder as Eddie shoved him into the car door, “You? You’re just the same as I am Munson. You think you’re all high and mightier than I but deep down, you’re a monster just like me.” Eddie’s fists tightened in the fabric and he felt his promise to you that he wouldn’t fight back slipping further and further away from his mind. 
Billy kept running his mouth, “I bet she fell right into the palm of your hands, doing everything just the way you like it? It’s nice isn’t it? The way she’s so easy to control. You should be thanking me for all my hard work, you get to benefit from my discipline-“ Eddie cut him off with a hard hit to the jaw.  He snapped listening to him talk about you that way and he hit him again!
Billy spit blood and continued yelling as they fought. Eddie hit him so many times his fist was sore and bloody. Billy nearly fell to the ground laughing. Whipping his hair back, Eddie tried to catch his breath. His neck was sweating despite the cold January air, “What’s so funny now you piece of shit?”
Billy wiped his mouth with his sleeve, “Turn around.” Eddie did and his heart sank. There you stood on the porch, hair still messy from your nap. You had heard them outside and now stood there paralyzed watching them fight. 
Eddie started to speak but you beat him to it, “Discipline?” You wanted to move forward but speaking was taking all your energy. The only thing keeping you standing was the railing, gripping it so tightly your hand hurt, “Is that what you thought you were doing? Like a dog or a child Billy? Is that all I ever was to you?”
“I mean what’d you think sugar? Why’d you think I liked calling you my bitch,” Billy wasn’t able to finish that thought because Eddie was through listening to his mouth. He’d had enough. He threw Billy to the ground and kicked him in the stomach forcing his body to roll on its back. All the rage Eddie felt towards Billy came rushing out at once as he beat him into the dirt.
Sirens echoed through the trailer park as Hopper’s police car pulled up. He left the door open as he ran over to break up the fight. Putting his hands on Eddie’s shoulders and pulling him off Billy he spoke, “Let it go son! Get off of him or I have to arrest you too.”
Billy spat blood on the ground. His nose and mouth were a bloody mess, “Good the freak needs to be locked up. He’s the one who started it, I didn’t do shit! Didn’t like hearing the truth, I guess,” as Hopper twisted Billy around trying to get cuffs on him he looked right at you, “I always knew you were a slut! I bet all he had to do was finally admit he marked you and you fell right to your knees for him!”
Eddie tried to retaliate but you ran over, grabbing his arm and stood in front of him, “Eddie please, stop! Don’t listen to him.”
“You really thought I abandoned you?” You could hear in his voice how hurt he was as suddenly Billy didn’t matter to him in the slightest, all he cared about in that moment was you. In the background Hopper arrested Billy for violating his order of not being allowed within the trailer park limits. He put him in the back of the squad car and then came up to the both of you. 
“What was I supposed to think Eddie? You never said anything even when I tried to ask you about it!” You start crying thinking about it, “None of that matters now! Don’t let Billy get in your head. He’s already in mine. I need your help to get him out remember? You're supposed to help me take back my power! This is me trying to take that back. Please,” you hugged him tightly pleading with him. 
He rubbed your hair, helping himself calm down. Hopper broke the brief silence, “I’m so sorry I didn’t have a chance to tell you that I spoke with him, that’s why I was here actually to let you know. I thought about it this morning that you’d be returning to school and that he might go up there and try something. But now since he violated my warning he’s going to spend the night in jail and  even if you’re not ready-“
You cut him off. This was the last straw, Billy could torment you for the rest of your life and you’d probably just deal with it but now he was going after Eddie, “I'm ready. I want to file charges against that monster.”
Eddie looked up from your hair, “Really? I’m so proud of you sweetheart!” He smiled and hugged you tighter. Then he turned to Hooper, “Sorry about that Chief, he was just pissing me off so bad I didn’t know what else to do.”
Hooper sighed, “I’m going to let you off with a warning this time especially since I can tell you’re high,” Eddie tightened his face. Ashamed that not only did he break his promise not to fight back but he’d been smoking while doing it. Hopper continued, “I’m going to file the paperwork charging him with domestic assault and then the really tough part begins,” he put his hand on your shoulder, “You ready?”
Anxiety flowed through your veins thinking about the fight ahead, “Ready as I’ll ever be.”
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bdudette · 2 years
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☁︎︎ = Fluff
↯ = Angst
☕︎︎ = Suggestive
⚠︎ = Smut
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Billy Hargrove
Weird Love - One Shot || ☁︎︎ [tba]
Moving Clouds - One Shot || ↯
Girl Advice. - One Shot || ☁︎︎ ⚠︎ [ tba ]
Gentle Touch || ☁︎
Calm Down, My Love || ☁︎
billy hargrove blurbs
Billy and Type of Kiss He Gets From Lover || ☁︎︎
Billy With A Affection Lover || ☁︎︎
Billy With A Lover Who Is Utterly Smitten With Him || ︎ ☁︎︎ [TBA]
Eddie Munson
Caving Love - Two - Shot || ☁︎ ↯ ?
1 | 2
Romantic Genre - One - Shot || ☁︎
Hyperfixation Towards Eddie Munson || ︎☕︎︎
Sweet Lips || ☕︎︎
eddie munson blurbs
Eddie and Type of Kiss He Gets From Lover || ☁︎︎
Eddie With A Affection Lover || ☁︎︎
Eddie With A Lover Who Is Utterly Smitten With Him || ︎ ☁︎︎ [TBA]
Steve Harrington
steve harrington blurbs
Steve and Type of Kiss He Gets From Lover || ☁︎︎
Steve With A Affection Lover || ☁︎︎
Steve With A Lover Who Is Utterly Smitten With Him || ︎ ☁︎︎ [TBA]
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sweetandsourfics · 4 years
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Everything Sweet and Sour
This blog is for those who are 18 and over. Sexual themes and simping will be shown on this blog. Minors DNI.
Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Read the warnings before veiwing the content on this blog. 
Re-blogging is allowed but reposting on here or on other sites. I only have tumblr and Ao3.
♡ = Smut
☆ = Frisky
◇ = Dark
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Loose ♡
She knew what she was getting into when she started messing around with Billy Hargrove. The two of them had fallen into friends with benefits arrangement.
“Romance” Novel ♡ 
Girls love trashy romance that was given fact. She was no exception. A romance novel in hand 24/7. Her undivided attention given to these books, and Billy hated it. He wanted her attention like he wanted no others. 
Look This Way (Request)
If he had, to be honest, he had never looked her way. Not even when Coral and her little friends made fun of her. He wishes that he looked her way a lot sooner.
Cherry Flavoured Favour ♡ (Request)
He's smitten, and Max doubts that he is aware of it. Who has gotten Billy acting like this? A neighbour from a couple doors down. A pretty thing. Carefree with a heart of gold. Always can be found helping babysit the kids 3 doors down
She is smart. She would shoot him down as soon as a greeting passed his lips. He would have to do this slowly. Inch his way into her bubble. That was going to be easier said than done.
Bedroom ☆ | Front Seat ♡ 
Californian Friends ♡
The two California teens had officially started dating when Billy received the news that his Dad was tearing his family out of California and dumping them in Indiana.
Teaser | One | Two | Three 
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Fuck (Me) Toy ♡
Her teammates have stolen her alone time, and now her vibrator decides to play a cruel joke, but luckily, a certain man is perfect for the job.
The Roger-Barens Family
School runs are an organised operation in the Roger-Barnes family though some parents don't make it easy.
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Sway with Me (Request) 
She loves to dance and he’s a wallflower on the best of days
Give an Inch (Request) 
She isn't the tallest woman around, hell she's the shortest in Alexandria. The teens are starting to surpass her in the height department and Daryl. Well he just likes to remind her.
Wine & Stubbornness (Request) 
A fight breaks out. Liqour is called to cure the wounds. With a false braveness our Daryl's love sets out for a stroll of sorts.
Ink Stain
Daryl gets a teasing glimpse of a tattoo that he never suspected a girl like her having, and now it’s the only thing on his mind.
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Glitter & Gold ♡
Natasha Romanoff is a woman in a man's world, tough and brilliant she is a force to be reckoned with, and she does all of this for her one true love. A little dancer with a mass amount of talent.
Baby Widow  (3/3)
Natasha and her girlfriend are soon not going to be the only ones living in their apartment. Their baby girl is only weeks away from making them a family.
One | Two | Three
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Guilty Cravings ♡
Cigarettes and their sweet toxins are something that she swore off because she knows how much Robin hates the taste of them on her lips.
Strange For a Cheerleader ♡
But she's a cheerleader? Robin is crushing hard on one of Hawkin High's Cheerleaders. A crush that she was going to keep close to her heart and wait for it to fade away. She was not expecting anything.
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Eddie Munson:
Show Stopper (1/2)
The Freak and a Theatre kid. Who knew that Eddie would find his Princess behind some poorly constructed props?
"Love" Letters ♡
Steve Rogers:
The Roger-Barens Family
School runs are an organised operation in the Roger-Barnes family though some parents don't make it easy.
This Is What I Want ◇
He wanted her to be his precious little wife. Steve will make this dream a reality no matter what it takes. He deserves his happily ever after.
The Utopian (Sheldon Sampson): No Hero, No Man ♡
The Utopian has stood for the code for years in his work and personal life but with losing the grasp of both lives he's finding he's going back on his word, breaking the code and personal rules. Risking it all for the feel of a younger woman.
Geralt of Rivia: Tears of Love (Request)  
The Witcher travels across the country. His love also travels but not to hunt instead to dress nobles and royals in her creations. Now Geralt’s line of work stands before them threatening to ruin their limited time together.
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forever-rogue · 7 years
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Request Guidelines
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Collection of Works
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Dialogue Prompts
Eddie Munson
Frankie Morales
Javier Peña
Joel Miller
The Mandalorian
Moon Knight
Pedro Pascal’s Various Characters
Steve Harrington
Star Wars Characters
London Boy - Ben Hardy (Complete)
Unintended Consequences - Ben Hardy (Complete)
Supercut - Joe Mazzello! John Deacon (Complete)
The Edge of Thirty - Gwilym Lee (Complete)
Lover Boy - Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor (Complete)
Short Stories
Animal - Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor (Complete)
Bad Guy - Joe Mazzello (Complete)
Sweet Sounds - Roger Taylor  (Complete)
I See Right Through You - Frank Castle (Complete)
Introducing Baby Holland - Tom Holland (Complete)
One Night Later - Tom Holland (Complete)
Awards Season - Tom Hiddleston (Complete)
In Another Life - Sebastian Stan (Complete)
Mammia Mia! - Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans (Complete)
When Will the Stork Come? - Sebastian Stan (Complete)
Revelations - Steve Rogers (Complete)
Stranger Things
Lucky You - Billy Hargrove (Complete)
One Shots 
Not a Chance - Ben Hardy
The Boyfriend Mission - Ben Hardy
Paper Rings - Ben Hardy
Sexting Gone Wrong - Borhap Boys (x Reader)
Flower Girl - Gwilym Lee! Brian May
A Love in Snaphots - Brian May
And They Were Roommates - Gwilym Lee
I Love You for Beginners - Gwilym Lee
Tie Me Down - Gwilym Lee! Brian May
You Belong to Me - Joe Mazzello (smut)
Ruin My Life - Joe Mazzello
All I Want is You - Joe Mazzello! John Deacon
Little Bird - Roger Taylor
Always You - Roger Taylor
This Was a Home Once - Roger Taylor
Due Date - Roger Taylor
Under the Mistletoe - Ben Hardy ! Roger Taylor
Light it Up - Avenger!Reader
Risky Business - Billy Russo
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright - Chris Evans
The Long Wait - Chris Evans
More Than the Blues - Chris Evans
So Close - Chris Evans
Second Choice is Best - Chris Evans
Tricks and Treats - Chris Evans
Guilty Pleasure - Chris Evans
Let Me Go - Chris Evans
Rumors - Chris Evans
The Evans Boys - Chris Evans
Heat - Chris Hemsworth
Stables and Kisses - Chris Hemsworth
Wicked Little Thing - Professor!Loki
Forevermore - Loki
Lost in Translation - Sebastian Stan
Azure - Sebastian Stan
A New Day - Sebastian Stan
24 Hours - Sebastian Stan
Adventures in Babysitting - Sebastian Stan
Home For The Holidays - Sebastian Stan (Smut)
Not As It Seems - Sebastian Stan
Balance - Sebastian Stan
Too Good At Goodbyes - Sebastian Stan
Home - Sebastian Stan
Feel the Magic - Steve Rogers
Midnight Snacks - Steve Rogers
Stunning - Steve Rogers
Queen of the Damned - Steve Rogers
Romantic Getaway - Tom Hiddleston
Team - Tom Hiddleston
Our Little Secret - Tom Hiddleston
Falling - Tom Hiddleston
Bad Timing - Tom Hiddleston
Not Like The Movies - Tom Hiddleston
About Time - Tom Hiddleston
All the World’s a Stage - Tom Hiddleston
1950 - Tom Hiddleston
Delicate - Tom Holland
Alone - Tom Holland
Smitten - Tom Holland
Crosses - Tom Holland
Father of the Year - Tom Holland
Behind the Scenes - Tom Holland
The Umbrella Academy
More Than the Moon and Stars - Diego Hargreeves
Romantic Bones - Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Savior - Negan
Nighttime Strolls - Shane Walsh
Social Media Posts
Photographer - Chris Evans
Musician - Tom Holland
Camping - Tom Holland
Favorite Costar - Sebastian Stan
Watching OUAT Together - Sebastian Stan
A New Look - Sebastian Stan
Ace Comic Con - Sebastian Stan
Just Friends? - Sebastian Stan
A Little Surprise - Sebastian Stan
Vacation - Sebastian Stan
2nd Baby - Sebastian Stan
Cafe - Sebastian Stan
Flirting with the Interviewer - Sebastian Stan
Seb’s Big Interview - Sebastian Stan
Come Home Soon - Sebastian Stan
Disneyland - Shawn Mendes
Graduation Day  - Tom Hiddleston
Birthday Treats - Tom Hiddleston
Couple’s First ComicCon - Tom Hiddleston
Favorite Prince? - Tom Hiddleston
A Fast Engagement - Tom Hiddleston & Henry Cavill
TV and Wine - Tom Hiddleston
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
The Dungeon Master❤️
Summary; Au where Billy survives the events of the s3 finale and comes back to town intent on making y/n another notch on his bedpost only to find her head over heels for Hellfires leader Eddie Munson.
Warnings: Billy is a cocky lil shit, jealous Eddie, fluff.
Pairings: Eddie x Reader
One sided Billy Hargrove x Reader
Likes, comments and reblogs are always welcome ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work
The first time y/n met Eddie was after cheer practice and she was picking up Dustin, Lucas and Mike from Hellfire.
She knew of Eddie of course from Dustin's idolisation of him, Steve's jealousy that he was certain Dustin thought Eddie was cooler than he was (which was kinda cute if you asked her, Dustin and Steve's bond was adorable)
Of course she heard the loud and obnoxious opinions (cough, cough Jason's) of Eddie, he was a freak, a weirdo blah, blah, blah. All because he and his friends played a fantasy game.
She never shared those opinions which put her at odds with Jason and his fellow teammates but she actually liked to get to know a person before judging them.
When she entered the place that Hellfire was played and was the sole focus of the group of guys and Erica Sinclair.
"Henderson! Eddie stands up from his chair, a throne and crosses his arms furious. You know the rules, no one interrupts game play".
Double shit.
She does not want Dustin or the other boys in trouble so she hurries to diffuse the situation.
"I'm so sorry, don't blame the boys. It's my fault". Eddie gets up and walks over to her staring her down.
She stands her ground but can't help looking into those doe brown eyes of his, trailing over his tattoos and getting a little bit fixated on his lips.
Wow he's cute.
His angry stance softens a bit and he nods pointing to an extra seat.
"I'll let you off this time sweetheart, we are nearly done so you can wait". Dustin relaxes and she sits down watching the game.
Her focus the whole time is on Eddie, he's so animated and funny and when he smiles she feels herself tingle all over at those freaking dimples.
When the game ends she's startled out of her reverie by Dustin watching her anxiously while Lucas and Mike snigger in the background.
Eddie looks annoyed and shrugs catching her eye.
"Let me guess staring at the freakshow right? ". he points to himself and shakes his head
Wait... What?
''I don't think you're a freak and that wasn't why I was staring". Feeling a little bold she walks up to him and eyes the game.
"Maybe I want to learn more about the game but I'm so behind I might need more private lessons". She bat's her eyes up at him, he swallows then smirks in realisation.
"Oh, sweet princess there's no way you could handle me". He saunters off and she watches him ago.
That was the moment she fell for him but really she didn't think anything would happen and expected him to write her off.
He didn't. The following day he was waiting at the school for her and when she approached him he nods to the woods.
''You wanna ditch this shit. Hang out for a while?
Hell yes.
Billy drives to the school to pick up Max. He's been back in Hawkins for a few days, the first time since the events at Starcourt mall and barely survived that shit with the mindflayers possession.
Hawkins is still a shit hole, he'd be well out of the place but that dickhead father of his insisted they were staying put.
So here he was doing just that though he supposes Max the little shit isn't so bad, she did seem devastated when she thought he was going to die so he's cut her some slack.
He grins widely just his luck the cheerleaders are practicing. He spots that hot chick y/n who was at the mall last year with Harrington and Robin and smirks.
Well maybe Hawkins might not be so bad after all especially once that babe is in his bed.
This will be a piece of cake.
It's been weeks since her and Eddie first met and she's more smitten than ever but is sure he doesn't feel the same.
She knows he's dated quite a few women and he flirts with her all the time so she's sure he isn't shy.
Is it flirting though or wishful thinking and sure they spend a lot of time together but maybe her feelings are totally one-sided.
Eddie also much to the delight of Dustin is now in the gang and after a little bit of a shaky start gets on well with Steve.
Watching how he interacts with Dustin like an older protective big brother makes her melt inside. All this tough guy shit and he's soft as a marshmallow (not that she would ever tell him that)
The peace and quiet of the gang hanging out at the movie store is shattered by the door opening and walking in even though the sign says closed.
It's Billy.
Max gets up surprised and walks over to him confused.
"What I can't visit my little sister?". Robin points to the sign.
"We're closed right now". He ignores her and takes a drag of his cigarette before turning his attention to her. Eddie moves a little closer and she is a little confused by the tension on his features.
"Hello beautiful. I'm Billy".
Oh shit. Max rolls her eyes and she feels like a dear in headlights under Billy's gaze, he's cute and all but she knows he has a temper, Steve despises him and in her eyes Eddie is it for her.
Or he would be if he felt the same.
Speaking of which Eddie tenses and when she looks up he's glaring at Billy who's hand reaches over to caress her arm.
She's a little uncomfortable as he moves closer and looks at her up and down lust in his eyes.
"Maybe we could do some exercises keep you in fit shape for cheerleading huh?".
She steps away and shakes her head.
"Actually I'm fine here". He looks stunned and there's that hand on her arm again she's about to tell him to back the hell up but Eddie having enough steps in.
"Move your arm Hargrove or I'll break it". The whole room turns silent and Steve hovers ready to step in too.
Billy bursts out laughing.
"Munson right? Fuck you her boyfriend or something? Nah... No fucking way because I highly doubt she'd date a freak like you".
This is the thing that makes her snap.
"Leave him alone, he isn't a freak". Billy sneers and turns to her
"Maybe you're into him and he doesn't like you wouldn't that be ironic huh? Fall for the freak and he doesn't want you".
It hits right in her insecurities and she heads out to the back rooms hiding her tears and getting away from Billy's cold cruel laugh.
She can hear Max and Steve pushing Billy out the door and wants to go back inside but how can she face Eddie now?
Someone joins her and she looks up to find Eddie watching her concerned.
"Why are you upset?". She wipes her tears away and avoids his gaze.
"Isn't it obvious? Billy pretty much hit the nail on the head. I've fallen for you and you don't feel the same". His breath hitches and slowly his fingers entwine with hers.
He's gentle as he cups her face in his hands and kisses her, soft and sweet which turns more passionate and it leaves her a little breathless.
"I'm crazy about you baby been working up the courage to tell you but it's terrifying because I've never felt like this about anyone".
Elated she cuddles into his chest.
"I thought you knew? Fuck I was obvious enough that Henderson the little shrimp has been teasing me about it for a while now, I very much want to be with you princess have done since you gatecrashed Hellfire".
She beams and pulls him in for another kiss, that long? They are both oblivious idiots arent they?
"I want to be with you too". He strokes her cheek and kisses her again unaware of steve groaning and handing a smug Dustin twenty bucks.
"Yeah you were right you little shit don't get cocky about it okay".
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