#(just an innocent researcher now 😊)
pridepoisoned · 1 year
<- officially 'arrested' for her Galactic involvement...and then swiftly released days later with total immunity from the Sinnohan courts.
The woman formerly known as JUPITER has always had a way with words, and Interpol was so desperate for any crumb of information surrounding Galactic's operations. It was a pathetic display, really...she had the hot-headed interrogators wrapped around her finger in a matter of minutes.
While she kept her closest colleagues' involvement under wraps (you're welcome, Mars & Saturn), Jupiter was more than happy to spoon-feed the police Charon's reputation along with other juicy Galactic secrets. For a price, of course. (Interpol was so hungry, so hasty, that they readily agreed to the former Commander's terms without thinking twice. They snapped up every morsel that she fed them, unaware that they just freed a monster with simple strokes of a pen.)
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Consequences? Jupiter, now ERIS EVANS, doesn't know--and has never--known them.
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pearl-blue-musings · 28 days
Aaaah no worries. I'm socially awkward and feel like I bug people if I reply too quickly so I just...exist and reply after some time. And never feel rushed to reply to me, I get it!
He looked bent outta shape and I wanted to cuddle him SO BAD!!! Like come here baby lemme make you feel better 🥺 I hope he rests up tho! And YES HIS VA is such a cutie!!! 😩
Hmmm~~~~~~ idk what to think of, so I'll just say make it Childe related, make it a flirty sparring session and I'm happy 😊 Your writing is fabulous btw. Hope you've had a great day! - 💙
His voice actor has my heart and I’m not upset about it hahaha
But!! What if we expand a little bit on the bow and arrow thing we talked about before?
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You never wanted to admit defeat or bend to anyone, your will and pride wouldn’t allow it. You were next in line to become an elite assassin within Liyue. Your travels around Teyvat had left trail of bodies within busy cities. But now, your target is out in the middle of open land. Which is not suitable for your stealth and lethal way of a quick bypass. So now you have to learn how to aim from afar and be undetected.
And that’s how you ended up in your current predicament.
Near the Chenyu Vale village, a series of practice targets are set up across a river bend. You had done all the research necessary to learn the basics of wielding a bow and arrow and set out to practice on your own. However, you’ve been unsuccessful. Not once had you hit a bullseye and you had managed to get some burns on your forearm. You let out a grunt in frustration which caused local fauna to flee and a chuckle to emerge from behind you.
“Heh, seems like you could use a hand.”
You grip the bow tightly as you know that voice too well. On more than one occasion, Childe has tried to win you over with good food, beautiful jewelry, and whatever else he knew you liked. You had originally taken a liking to him, but once you realized he’s part of the Fatui and a Harbinger to boot, you began to loathe him. Unfortunately for you, that made him pursue you harder.
You’re about to run over to the other side of the river to fetch the arrows when you breathe out, “nope. I’ve got it. Aren’t there some innocent children you need indoctrinate into working for you?”
Childe hisses at the implication before tutting at you. “Hey I’m just trying to help!” He raises his hands in defense as he watches you trek to the other side of the river to fetch your practice arrows. His arms cross over his body as he watches you in disbelief. For once he’s trying not to bother you, he genuinely wants to help you out. Upon your slugged return, he pulls out his own arrow, lines up a bow, and almost effortlessly hits the bullseye. And then he walks to the side and does it again, hitting two bullseyes Inca row. You stand there wide eyed and slack jawed as he cocks out his hip.
You pout and grunt at him. Damn him for being so good. You sign and lower your shoulders. “Ugh, fine! Can you please help me?” Childe snickers and nods, motioning for you to get in aiming position. The Harbinger looks over your technique and almost wants to puke. Who taught you?
“Okay first of all, your position and technique are terrible. Did some court jester teach you?” You turn around and elbow him in the gut. Childe retches and keels over in pain. “Okay, okay! Sorry princess.”
You place your bow down and open up your satchel. Out come all the books you’ve read up and Childe almost wants to throw them into the river. “I read these books,” you say sternly, “and they taught me everything I need to know. Well,” you start to relent, “I guess not…”.
He takes pity on you and closes your book. “Alright c’mon, get up and put your bow in your hands.” You put the books down and pick up your arrow. You take a deep breath and pull it up, all tension in your body going straight to your back and shoulders, your fingers straining on the string. Childe approaches you carefully, “whoa whoa. Hold on, let me help you.”
He gets up behind you, and gently places one hand on the underside of your hand holding the bow to steady it. His other on your shoulder to straighten it. His touch send jolts of electricity through you; had he always smelled that good? Why is his breath fluttering by your ear? And why are you suddenly nervous. Childe lowers his head to whisper in your ear to calm you down. “Okay,” he says slowly, “you need to have more strength in your base. You won’t be able to shoot anything without any strength,” he pauses to run his hand up your arm to your bicep, “here.”
You tense your arm to do as he says, but also at how close he is. The pads of his fingers on your shoulder lower down to your mid back as he keeps calmly instructing you. “Now that your shoulder is less tense, keep your core strong.” His voice and eyes trail toward your arm holding the arrow. Swiftly, he repositions himself slightly as he places a hand on your waist and the other lifting your elbow. His voice is like hypnotic honey, “you need to be strong yet relaxed. Yes, that’s it.”
Your heart is running at a mile a minute and you’re worried your composure will be lost any minute. Childe’s touch is fiery and icy all at once. You want more yet you don’t. With your eyes focused on the target ahead of you. You release a breath and widen your stance at his insistence. His body is practically pressed against you, fixing your angles with the lightest of touches that leaves you craving more. The cherry on top is when he finally tells you to, “let go.”
You release the arrow and watch it fly across the water, straight into the bullseye. You let out a small scream in excitement as it lands directly where you wanted it. Any tension you held is dropped as you do a little giddy happy dance, smile as wide as the ocean. A blush comes to the Harbinger’s face as he sees your reaction. If he wasn’t smitten before, this sealed the deal. You turn around in his fleeting hold, barely registering his hands on your hips as you look up at him happily. “That was,” you breathlessly say, “exhilarating! I’ve never felt like that before!”
“Heh, I bet you haven’t.” His hold tightens and for some reason you don’t back away. His eyes bore into yours and the space between you two lessens.
You swallow a lump in your throat and feel small. “I, I wouldn’t mind if you helped me feel that way,” you brush your nose with his, “again.”
Childe breathes against your lips, his own brushing against yours. “I don’t think we’re talking about archery anymore, sweetheart.” He leans in and just barely kisses you before he pulls away.
“We still have more targets to hit. Reload.”
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YN Ackerman: Dating Jean Kirschtein
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Jean Kirschstein featuring the whole AOT gang x Yn Ackerman (Levi Ackerman's sister; she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, kissing 😍
AN: This is a request from @lilacveiledsea! I figured we need a tiny change in fandoms for the day 🥰 also this is kind of modern remix with some of the wording. I can’t and won’t be stopped on my emoji usage 😂
Oh my dearest YN
Dear dear, innocent YN
You precious angel I'm so sorry 🤣
Not only are you related to this 👇🏻
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But you are also besties with the chaotic duo known as Hange and Erwin 😃
Thoughts and prayers YN 🙏🏻
Because wow is your life hectic!
Seriously I'm not sure how you do it
You basically wake up and your life is in shambles
"YN WAKE UP!" Hange screams, banging on your door
"It's 4am!" You yell
"Get up YN you're late," your brother shouts
"Late for what?!?! It's 4AM!" You again
"If you have to ask YN then you're already behind," Erwin shouts
You 👉🏻😐 dear god why me?
Life in the scouts is anything but boring for you
Seriously being the baby sister of Levi is a full time job
Mans needs someone to just chill him out Ok ✋🏻
"Levi will you please just calm down," you say exasperated
"YN we have alot to do before the next mission," your brother says
"Yes and we have time so stop running everyone ragged if you expect them to fight off 15 meter titans!" You argue back
Levi 👉🏻😐😑
You 👉🏻😠
Please YN you are the only one (besides Historia) who can talk back to him
Not that he takes you seriously 😒 but still
Not only do you hold major control over Levi but also you are the calm Hange needs
"Yes but it can wait for you to sleep for a few hours," you say, pulling your friend from their station
"YN I'm so close to a breakthrough!" Hange exclaims
"That's great but it can wait for you to take a nap," you say full on grabbing your friend and dragging them from their workshop
Literally YNs job is not to fight titans, it's to babysit the scouts 😅
Even Erwin relys on you to keep him sane
"Alright times up, put the pen down," you say, bursting into your friends chambers
"Just a few more minutes," Erwin says, scribbling on some papers
"No! The timer went off and the pen GOES DOWN!" You say going up to grab the pen from Erwins hands
"Just a few minutes YN," he says quickly pulling it away as you glare 😑
"I swear to god Erwin I will set fire to this entire office if you don't put that pen down right now-" you 😡
Erwin 👉🏻😐 you wouldn't dare....
You 👉🏻 🕯 try me....
The pen goes down as Erwin stands up, moving past you
"You are ridiculous," he says
You 👉🏻😊 🤗
But you see YN, your efforts don't go unnoticed...
Because a certain someone is always watching 👀
Kind of creepy but listen, his intentions are good ok
You see, a certain Scout member just so happens to have a MAJOR crush on you
Literally he's hard-core in love with you YN
Jean has always thought you were perfect and an all around amazing person
He respects everything about you from the way you kill titans to the way you care for your friends and family
You've sort of formed an interesting friendship with Jean
While we all know he can act a bit "childish" we also know he is super reliable and helpful
Hrs always there when you need him 🥰
So much so that you sort of, kind of, develop a teeny TINY crush on the man's
Honestly, do not blame you YN 🥵
But you had always thought Jean liked Mikasa
I mean, would wouldn't be entirely wrong YN but he still had more feelings towards you than anyone else
In fact 👀 he'd often get a little jealous when he say you talking a certain someone
"Hey YN!" Eren would say as you turned and smiled
"Hey Eren! What's up?" You asked
Jean rn 👉🏻 >:(
"Not much just taking a break," Eren would say sitting next to you
As in, RIGHT next to you...
Less than an inch apart 😑
So leave it to our buddy Jean to waltz right up to Eren and tell him off!
"Aren't you suppose to be cleaning Titan boy?" Jean would growl
You 👉🏻👀 🍿
"I'm just taking a break and I thought I'd spend it talking to a pretty girl," Eren said as you blushed heavily
Oof Jean was not impressed in the slightest!
"Maybe YN doesn't want to talk to you? She looks busy," Jean said, bending down in front of Eren and glaring at him
You are still just like 👉🏻😃
"Well if I'm bothering YN she can tell me herself," Eren says back, standing up and facing off with Jean
Alright nows definitely the time to interfere YN
Too bad your big brother has that taken care of
"YEAGER get your ass back to cleaning! KIRSCHTEIN pick up a mop, if you have time to talk you have time to clean!" Levi yelled as you giggled at both men
“YN WHY ARE YOU INCITING A RIOT?!?” Levi yells at you
You 👉🏻 🧍‍♀️literally existing
You see, Levi knows Jean had a crush on you
And he also knows you have a crush on jean 👀
And he doesn’t like it one bit
Jean also knows that Levi knows that he has a crush on you
Phew 😮‍💨 it’s like a game of telephone over here
But Jean isn’t deterred
He does everything and anything to impress you
From finishing his cleaning first to helping you clean to killing 15 meter titans
“Did you see that Yn?” Jean boasts as you smile and nod
“Everyone saw that brat,” Levi says, swinging by and killing two more 15 meters right in front of Jean
However Jean just takes that as a challenge to win your brother over
So when your ODM malfunctions as you are swinging through the forest, you panic
“Crap crap!” You scream as you fall
“YN!” Erwin and Hange both shout as they race to get you
Fortunately for you, a knight in shining armor comes to your rescue 💅
That’s right, Jean is there to save the day!
He catches you, carefully swinging to a branch and setting you down
“Are you ok?” He asks as he checks you over intently
“YN!” Hange and Erwin shout as they land next to you
“I’m fine, thanks Jean!” You say as your brother swings by
“YN your lucky there weren’t any titans around or you would have been a goner,” Levi says as you glare
“Well thankfully Jean saved me!” You spit back as your brother rolls his eyes and continues on
Poor Jean isn’t going to get Levi’s approval that easily
Good thing your an independent woman and you don’t need your brothers blessing
So when you get back to base, you confront Jean
“Jean, I just wanted to say thanks for today,” you say, playing with your fingers as he looks at you
Suddenly, you lift your head and your lips graze his softly
Jean rn 👉🏻😐😳
“I like you Jean and I was kind of wondering if maybe…” you say before you are immediately cut off, his lips on yours again
“I like you too YN, a lot actually!” He says as you smile
And everyone lives happily ever after 😌
The end.
Just kidding 🙃
Because one thing about being in the scouts in that you literally have zero alone time
Every time you and Jean think you can be alone, someon interrupts
Once it was Armin, another time Mikasa, then Eren
Literally there is no safe space
Thankfully you manage to find a safe space behind the stables
That is, until 👀
“HOLY CRAP I KNEW IT!” You hear shouting as you and Jean quickly seperate to see Hange and Erwin staring at you
You and Jean 👉🏻😳😳
Erwin and Hange 👉🏻😐😍
“Please please don’t say anything to Levi!” You immediately beg
Hange rn 👉🏻😐😏
“Don’t worry YN, your secret is safe with us,” Erwin says as you sigh in relief
“Thanks commander,” Jean responds as he smiles at you
“You two really like each other huh?” Hange says as you both nod
“You really think Levi would disapprove if you were happy Yn?” Erwin asks
You, Jean and Hange 👉🏻😐 really?
“Ok noted but I really think you should tell him,” Erwin says walking away
Sure, you’ll tell Levi one day
It might be on his deathbed but you’ll eventually tell him right?
Well unfortunately for you, things don’t happen that way
You see, Jean is kind of, well he’s a possessive guy
Literally he gets so jealous and so incredibly easily
So when Eren is innocently flirting with you in the dining hall 👀
Everyone including Levi
“This is fine just don’t make eye contact don’t make eye contact… CRAP,” you think as you accidentally look at your brother who is now glaring at you over his tea
“YN, Kirstein my office NOW!” Levi screams as he stops out
Hange 👉🏻🫡 fair well YN
Jean 👉🏻😃 crap-
You 👉🏻🙏🏻 counting your days
You and Jean enter Levi’s office and sit down
Not only is he sitting at his desk but he’s staring at both of you
“Levi I can explain-”
“It’s not Yn’s fault-”
Levi 👉🏻✋🏻
You and Jean 👉🏻🤐🤐
“I just want to know one thing… why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Levi asks
You and Jean 👉🏻🤨🤨 wait what-
“I knew you two liked each other for a while and I suspected you were dating but I’m just wondering why you wouldn’t tell me?” Levi asks
“I- I just thought you wouldn’t approve,” you say
Levi sighs, “are you happy Yn?”
“Im happy,” Jean says : D
“I didn’t ask you Kirstein! YN?”
You grab Jeans hand and smile, “I am!”
“Ok well that’s all I need,” Levi says, “now get out of here.”
You and Jean stand, quietly moving quickly to the door
“Kirschstein, I’m not done with you yet!” Levi says as Jean gulps
You just smile, turning to kiss you boyfriend
“Thoughts and prayers” ✌🏻
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viviennes-tears · 8 months
The talk (Tom Hiddleston, X reader wife and son drabble)
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18+ blog: It is YOUR responsibility, as a reader, to think about the content that you consume at your own discretion. 
A/N: In this one I decided not to specify a name for Tom and Reader's son, that way you guys can name him if you so wish. Also thank you to anonymous who sent me this ask, I hope it turned out alright 😊 x
Prompt by anonymous on Tumblr: Hi happy you are taking requests! Request, Tom has to give his son the talk and his wife is cackling away in the hall as he's getting flustered.
Summary: After last night's interruption, your eight year old son is left wondering about the strange noises he heard and has many questions. You and Tom both know it's time to have the talk with him, also ever since you found out you were having a boy Tom felt as though it's his responsibility, just like his own Dad did for him. The problem is Tom is struggling as his nervousness gets the better of him.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and explaining to a child (mild)
Tom found himself pacing up and down the length of the living room, his eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully, as his mind wandered into its own world. The time has finally come, your son must have a lot of questions, important questions that means having to have the talk with him. You both knew the day would come, Tom had even said since you found out you were having a boy eight years ago that it felt like his responsibility to have the talk with him, after all his own Dad did the same for him. Tom is old fashioned like that when it comes to parenting, not that you would argue with him about it, in fact you encouraged him to.
Before now you have seen Tom gradually over time prepare for this exact moment, you've seen him researching about how best to bring up the subject, you've even read the little script Tom tried to write. Only talking about it and having some preparation for it clearly was the easiest part, whereas actually having the talk and doing it in the best way to deal with the subject was an entirely different matter, especially after your son had heard noises last night.
Of course last night wasn't the first time since having your son that you and Tom have been intimate, however recently your son has been getting out of bed more during the night, and last night was one of those nights.
You moaned softly before both you and Tom stopped abruptly, hearing a tapping sound on your bedroom door, which was quickly followed by another louder one. Tom stares worriedly down at you, as you hear your son say, 'Mummy, I...I've been hearing strange noises."
You cleared your throat, although it couldn't hide your reddened cheeks, but it was enough for you to sound somewhat like yourself. "Don't worry sweetie...Daddy and I are having a bit of grown up time." You called out to him.
"Oh...like what?" You hear his small sweet innocent voice from the other side of the door ask.
"A-a grown up game...just go back to bed sweetie and I'll come tuck you in, okay?" It may have been a painfully thin answer, but neither you or Tom were planning on explaining to your son what you were doing whilst actually in the middle of sex.
"Okay." He replied before both of you heard the pitter patter of his feet walking back to his bedroom.
"Daddy?" Tom stops spacing as he hears the little boy's voice as he enters the room, causing him to break his train of thought, then takes a deep breath before turning to face his son. Putting on his usual famous smile and gesturing to him to come and sit down with him.
"About last night...you must have a lot of questions?" Tom began to speak gently once the pair settled down on the couch and your son nodded his head slowly. What he doesn't know is that you're hovering just outside the door listening in."Well Mummy said that she and I were having...grown up time, which is true. There's a lot you need to understand about it, because it's a part of growing up...with me so far?" He adds, as he rests his elbows on his knees and clasps his hands together, slightly sat turned towards the boy making sure to not make him feel like he's in trouble when he's not.
There's a moment of awkward silence until the boy speaks up, "Daddy, why…why was Mummy making those strange noises last night?" The question caused Tom to become a little pale, his lips slightly parted, and the words lost somewhere in translation from his brain to his mouth.
Slowly Tom manages to suck in a breath as an attempt to collect himself together. "Well the thing is...er...when erm...when two people..." He hesitates while he adjusts his glasses and then his hands nervously move about in the air. He's always been very expressive with his hands whilst explaining things, however when he is nervous he shows it out of habit, a nervous tick he's had all his life.
"What kind of grown up game makes Mummy sound like that?" The boy attempts to ask again, it's no surprise really, your son has always had a very inquisitive side to him. He gets it from Tom.
"The kind of game...the kind of game you should never be ashamed of." Tom says, confusing your son further.
As you continue to spy on Tom having the talk with your son you can tell he's not getting any better at it. Every attempt only causes his cheeks to heat up, he constantly runs his slender fingers through his bed-hair, adjusts his glasses, or nervously fiddles with his hands. Although after several failed attempts and your inability to keep quiet, you end up making your presence known by laughing at Tom, embarrassing him further.
"Y/N, I will make you pay. I swear!" Tom calls out to you in the hall, making your laughter sound more like a cackle, not that his words sounded all that threatening, and your son peering over the couch on his knees looking at you confused due to your sudden outburst didn't make any sense to him. "Right that's it." Tom adds sternly before he stands up.
Your laughter dies down when Tom opens the living room door wider, his expression firm, daring you to laugh one more time. The slightest hint of laughter appearing on your face only causes Tom to start chasing you around the house. Your son quickly jumped off the couch to join in, teaming up with Tom. He wasn't sure what prompted the chase, but he wasn't going to miss out on this game.
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Tom Hiddleston Masterlist
Source: @viviennes-tears
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
for Dead Mall Dare and Taken Under Wing - 📝 - What do you find most challenging when creating this AU?, and 😊 - What do you find the most fun about creating it? - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
📝 - What do you find most challenging when creating this AU?
Dead Mall Dare Nothing much, so far! Already having a special interest with the 70s has been a big help, but I'm always learning more, and there's obviously areas I'm less familiar with, like the upcoming indoor parkour scene. If anything, though, I'd say the hardest part so far is learning how mall blueprints work lol
Taken Under Wing You'd think the answer would be something more practical, like "figuring out how YN gets around with the blindfold", but I already have that sorted out (the short of that explanation being that I'm somewhat of a freak and once spent a week as a teenager doing everything with a blindfold on because my OC was blind and I wanted a more in-depth feel for the experience).
The most challenging part of this AU is, in reality, how much side-stepping I've been doing to avoid coming off as offensive. Creating a cult from the ground up has been a lot of fun but there's only so many elements I can (innocently) incorporate before I fear someone will tell me it's a sacred part of their real religion. I've been doing my dutiful research, of course, but yeesh does that make the process take a while.
😊 - What do you find the most fun about creating it?
Dead Mall Dare Aside from the fic being one big self indulgent dip into a special interest, I'd say the best part of it so far is how moldable it is. I guess the same can be said for most fics, but there's something about DMD that helps it maintain an ever-changing appearance. I can just decide Sun has flower petals for rays now, and easily come up with a viable excuse for why that is. Several ideas which I had prior to the first chapter have already changed just in the few months I've had the AU, and without it losing any steam, because this AU is a gift that keeps on giving and there is so much flexibility at its roots, which I plan to continue taking full advantage of!
Taken Under Wing Okay I know this is going to contradict everything from the last question, but... creating the cult 😂 Everything from the practices, garments, and symbolisms has its place, and the two certainly-not-gods already have associated details planned out, like the specialties and deity specific offerings. It's been a lot of fun!
Something else to mention is the writing style. I have had a blast writing the first chapter of this au already because I've decided to take a more...enchanting approach (dare I use a more provocative word), which is to say that everything feels a little more personal. If my writing for other AUs is warm soup, then this style is rich, melty chocolate. Each word drawn out to be savored. Not sure how else to describe it beyond that so you're just gonna have to trust me on this one.
Thank you for the questions!!
DCA AU Ask Game
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
The Avenger Initiative, Chapter 4
Word Count:  3.5k
Warnings:  manipulation, dubcon, noncon, underage drinking, sexual situation/sexual tension, drugging.
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Mira’s POV
"It's been like a week since those guys came around," Danielle sighed longingly, "only Sam comes around for Brittany."
I shrugged, eating a piece of toast with my eggs, "good for her.  It seems like he likes her a lot."
"But that cute one. Steve. He hasn't come back at all," she replied with a frown, staring across the island at me, "did you do something that night?"
"Me?" I asked nervously, "No. I didn't do anything. You, however, were kind of a bitch...if that's what you want to know."
She rolled her eyes, "I'm sure you're just being dramatic."
"I'm not," I replied, putting my toast down.  I got up from my spot and went over to put my plate in the sink, "but its whatever. You can keep trying to play innocent."
"Where are you going?" she asked, "we have to start working on the routine."
"How much can we really get done without Brittany?" I asked in response, "she spent the night at Sam’s...remember?"
"Well, when is she going to be back?"
"I don't know," I shrugged, "you have her number. Why don't you ask her?"
I threw my napkin into the garbage and took a glass of orange juice out of the kitchen with me. It wasn't until I reached the stairs that I heard her yell about me being 'an unbearable bitch.' Making sure to slam my door I put the juice on my nightstand as I grabbed my book. Flopping down on the bed, I opened it back up to my marked spot. Getting lost in The Hobbit, I forgot my troubles with Danielle, and the loss of company with Brittany now being occupied by Sam these past few days.
Right as I reached the part where the adventure was really picking up my phone dinged. It was a message from an unknown number. Clicking into it I blushed, instantly recognizing that it was Bucky.
'I hope you don't mind. Brittany gave me your number. I think I might have left my shirt in your room last week.'
I blushed even deeper when I remembered our encounter last week. How his body felt against my fingertips. While one of my hands was exploring the miracle that was his vibranium arm, the other one had managed to drift down along his abs and settle on the button to his jeans. It wasn't until I realized my hand was a few inches away from his partially erect member did I put the hand on his shoulder.
As he shifted to catch my off-balanced, clumsy self, I felt his hardness poking my inner thigh. In a slew of apologies, I all but ran off of him and ran downstairs to re-join the group.
What do I say?  Do I admit that I'd found his shirt the day after Steve left and that I'd slept in it already?  Do I offer to wash it before giving it back?
'Oh...you left a shirt here? I don't remember seeing it. But I'll keep an eye out?'
Hitting send I quickly put my phone on the nightstand and looked to the shirt that was currently next to my pillow. It'd been a week, but his scent was still extremely strong on it. Quickly I opened the drawer to the nightstand and put it in there.
My phone dinged again, and I rushed to open it.
'Guess I misplaced it...oh well. It's a good excuse to use to talk to you again. Were you still interested in that research paper you'd been talking about?'
I smiled, realizing that he had been paying attention when I talked about the paper. Maybe all the sexualization was in my head. Maybe he was just a nice guy that wanted to help me out.
' 😊 Yeah. If you are up for it, I'd love to submit a paper on you. Do you have any free time?'
It felt like almost instantaneously my phone dinged.
'I'm on vacation, doll. All my time is free.'
I couldn't help but break out in another smile.  My phone dinged again.
'My place? Tonight? I can make up for last week and make you dinner?'
I blushed as I bit my lip. When I didn't respond for a few minutes, I saw his name pop up against my screen. My phone started vibrating wildly. I hit the accept button and put the phone up to my ear.
"I didn't mean to freak you out," he sighed breathlessly, "If you don't want to come over...I don't know. I can come over to your place...we can hang out in an open space. No pressure."
"It just sounds like a date is all," I admitted as I felt a blush rising on my cheeks, "and to be honest, it's the week before Thanksgiving. I'm surprised you all didn't have to go back to the city to do some big Avengers party or something."
I could hear him chuckling on the other side of the line. Finally putting the mark in the book, I laid back against the bed as he started, "well I mean, even if we did have to throw a party, they don't particularly care for us little guys. They usually want Thor. Cap. Stark. Hulk."
"Don't forget Hawkeye and Romanoff," I laughed, “you can’t forget them!”
I could practically hear the smile appear on his side, "sounds like you know something about the Avengers after all."
"Just the big six," I admitted, "my best friends Jade and Kenzie are pretty heavy followers."
"But not you?"
"I follow Dr. Banners' work, obviously," I laughed with a shrug, "and of course Tony's work in engineering and tech is always ground-breaking...but Dr. Banner's path is the one I track most. His medical work is the gold standard."
"Got it," he laughed, "keep you and Bruce separate."
"I would never do anything unprofessional," I laughed, rolling onto my side, "I think he's just a great person to learn from."
"He's alright," he agreed after a second, "...so...does this mean that you'll agree to coming over tonight since I don't have some big Avenger party?"
"And you're gonna cook?"
"Don't sound so surprised by that," he laughed, "I may be an old-world man, but I am modern enough to know how to step inside a kitchen."
"I can definitely appreciate that," I smiled. I began playing with one of the quilts on the edge of the bed, "if I do say yes to this...can we eat after I do some research?"
"Whatever you want, doll."
"Okay," I agreed. I bit my lip, "does-does this count as a date, Sergeant Barnes?"
"If it does, you need to stop calling me that," he chuckled, "it feels different coming from non-military personnel."
"Okay," I smirked, rolling over so that I was on my stomach, "I'll see you at six then, Bucky?"
"Six is perfect." 
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I checked myself again in the mirror. It felt like my heart was beating a million miles a minute as I thought about walking over to the boys' house.  It'll be fine.
"Hey Sergeant Barnes," I practiced in the mirror, "Bucky."
I flopped myself down on my bed. My dress fluttering around my body, "god, why is this so hard?"
"Are you okay there, crazy?" a voice asked from the door. I looked up to see Danielle, a glass of something clear in her hand.
"Don't worry about it," I groaned, sitting back up, "I'm just freaking out."
"About robo-boy?" she asked.
"His name is Bucky."
"You're freaking out about him?"
I nodded, "yeah."
"So, you really like him," she smirked, stepping over the threshold of the door. I nodded again and she put her drink down on the dresser, "and you're gonna wear that?"
"What's wrong with my dress?"
"Nothing," she said quickly, "are you wearing a cincher underneath?"
"Come on," she sighed, taking my hand. Leading me over to the mirror she unzipped the front of my dress and I rushed to cover myself. She laughed as she headed into the closet, "don't worry virgin Mary I'm trying to help."
Before I could respond she was back with a waist cincher and had begun wrapping it around me.
"I don't need this," I scoffed, "I don't have like any fat on my body."
"No," she said quickly, continuing to wrap around my body. I could feel it start to tighten against my waist, "you don't. But you also only have slight curves. Put this on and robo-boy will be drooling."
"You think?"
She only nodded in reply as she finished up, and then I pulled the dress back on. Even I had to admit, looking at myself in the mirror my waist looked even tinier, and it made my hips, and my breasts stand out.
"How did it make my boobs look bigger?"
"The magic of beauty is pain," she laughed. She grabbed my hand again and pulled me to her room. Tossing me a pair of heels, I began to put them on as she worked on my hair. Half an hour later I had a cute half updo where some tendrils fell along my face to frame it, and a face full of very natural looking makeup. I gasped at myself, and Danielle smiled, "I know. I do amazing work."
"Thanks," I said slowly. I turned in the chair and looked at her. She seemed genuinely happy for me, "not to ruin the moment, but why are you helping me?"
"Brittany hasn't been around much this week," she sighed, "and well with just me and you in the house it made me realize that maybe I haven't been as nice to you as I could have been. I feel like every time I've seen you, you're avoiding me."
"I kind of have been," I admitted, "just...after what you said when we met the guys...it really hit me hard. It made me think that maybe I hadn't gotten over Jack as much as I thought."
"Don't even worry about him," she smiled reassuringly, "I mean hell, you have a date with an Avenger...nothing in the world could be safer."
"You're right," I smiled, suddenly feeling a burst of confidence rushing through me, "Thanks Danielle."
She smiled and left her room. I hurried up and grabbed my purse and my phone. It was almost six. Grabbing my coat and throwing it on I bolted out of my room.
I gotta go.  Running down the stairs, I was stopped at the door by Danielle. She had a bottle of wine, "here, bring this. I'm sure he'll appreciate it."
"This is from your parents stash."
"Oh well," she shrugged, "I doubt they'll miss it."
I laughed and took the wine, making sure to thank her as the door closed. Checking my hair and makeup one more time as I walked over to the house, I felt my anxiety building. The house's main floor was lit up and as I got closer, I could make out Bucky's figure moving through the house.
Is he as nervous as I am?
"Here goes nothing," I whispered more to myself than anyone else. As I reached the final steps and came onto the deck, it felt like a swarm of butterflies released themselves inside my stomach. My nerves were going off the deep end.
I knocked on the door.  A few seconds later the door opened, and I was hit with not only the warmth of the house, but I could smell Bucky's cologne from my spot on the porch.
"H-hi Sergeant Barnes."
"Bucky, doll," he purred, opening the door more so that I could walk past him, "you can call me Bucky.  Remember?"
I nodded, now feeling my heart beating in my throat as I pased him. He closed the door behind me and locked it. I turned to him, "I uhm. I brought over some wine to go with dinner."
He smiled, "you didn't have to do that, doll."
"I know."
"What am I doing?" he laughed. He put a hand on my waist, "let me take the wine for you. I'll pour us a glass. Take your coat off. Make yourself at home."
"Okay," I smiled. I watched as he took the wine and disappeared into the kitchen. I couldn't help but feel sad at the loss of contact he'd put on my waist. I took off my coat and began looking around, but I didn't see a coat rack. So, I followed the path he'd gone through and found myself in the kitchen with him. He was opening the stove, checking on whatever it was that he'd decided to make. Two glasses of a dark red liquid stood on the counter beside him.
When he turned to me, he took a sharp intake of breath, "wow. You look really beautiful tonight."
I blushed, "thank you."
He shook his head and smiled, "I'm sorry. Let me take your coat."
I handed it off to him and he put it in a closet down the hall.
"So where do you want to do it?"
My eyes went wide, "excuse me?"
He smiled, "you said you wanted to examine my arm more. Do you want to go to the living room? The library? My room? We could stay here in the kitchen?"
"The living room is fine," I replied, feeling my nerves come down. For a second, I had thought he was asking me to 'do it.' I was grateful for once to be wrong. He handed me a glass of wine, and took my hand, leading me back down the hall. I took a few idle sips of the wine as we found our way towards a very spacious living room, "how long do we have? I mean, how much time before dinner?"
"I'm making ossobuco," he chuckled, "I could braise it all night if you wanted me to...but it'll be done in about an hour."
"Oh fancy," I giggled, "who knew Bucky Barnes was a man who knew how to work a kitchen."
"I'm a multi-talented man, doll," he smirked, sending me a wink, "but I'm sure you'll find that out the more time you spend with me."
"I'm looking forward to it." 
"So uhm, where would you like me?" he asked, "I can sit on the couch or a chair. We could sit on the floor."
"The floor is fine," I replied quietly. He chuckled and nodded, then pulled off his dark Henley, before sitting in the middle of the floor. I kneeled beside him, and he chuckled again, "what's so funny?"
"Come here," he said, holding out his hands to me. I sighed, knowing that he was right. If I was going to do an up-close examination of his arm, I'd have a better vantage point from his lap. I took his hands and he led them to his shoulders, and his hands went to my waist so that he could help me onto his lap without me falling. As I sank onto his lap, I couldn't stop the thoughts that ran through my mind.
His scent wrapped around me, and I felt my eyes closing to inhale it even deeper. Trying to keep my legs as close together as I could to stop the friction between our hips, I failed as I felt his jean covered crotch against my own lace covered one. I took a deep breath as I opened my eyes and was met with his own crystal-clear blue eyes. His face was a lot closer to mine than I would have thought possible.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," I nodded, lying. Trying to keep in mind my objective, I took another breath and backed up slightly, which caused more friction between my thighs as his jeans slid against me. I could practically feel the pool that had been gathering in my panties in the few short moments I'd been on his lap, "do-do you remember anything around the time they installed it?"
My fingers grazed along the base of his arm, right where the shoulder joints would have been.
"No," he said breathily, "HYDRA wiped my mind so many times though I-"
"I'm sorry," I sighed, forgetting that he'd also undergone a lot of brainwashing and torture. I sat up slightly so that I could observe the line along his back. While it obviously included the deltoid, it looked like there were connections into his back along the spine of the scapula, the scapula inferior angle, and teres major, "does this go further into your back?"
As I leaned up more, he put his right hand on the small of my back, pushing our bodies flush with one another. I shivered as his breath hit my collarbone. Then I froze as I felt his lips against my skin. I let go of an involuntary moan as his teeth grazed a sweet spot at the base of my neck.
My hands immediately gripped onto the sides of his chest, riding just above his jeans as I gasped, "Bucky."
He nipped at my neck again, and I felt my chest heave. His stubble tickled the tops of my breasts and his soft lips feathered them with even softer kisses. I gasped again, this time dragging my hands down until they caught on the waistband of his jeans. Breathing heavier, and feeling my arousal grow I leaned back down, only to be met with his hips bucking up to meet mine.
I yipped at the feeling of his enormous, clothed bulge bumping against my clit, which was already sensitive and wanting more friction. My heart raced as his lips captured my own in an impassioned kiss. Instinctively my hands reached up to tangle themselves into his hair. His hands explored my body furiously. One gripped my waist so tight that it had my body melting into his thick, muscular chest. The other was shoved between our bodies as it fondled one of my breasts.
"Say my title," he pleaded between kisses, "call me. Sergeant. Barnes."
I playfully bit his bottom lip as we kissed again, and he growled against my lips, before bucking his hips against me again. This time the friction was unbearable as he made sure to grind his hips against mine," Bucky!"
"Say it."
He held my hip with one hand as he grinded into me again, "Sergeant. Barnes."
"Again," he whispered, moving his lips down my jaw and back to my neck. He pushed his hips up against me again, "say it again."
"Sergeant," I moaned as he bit my sweet spot. He began licking and sucking on my neck, causing me to grind my hips against his without assistance. My hands dragged themselves back down his chest and he moaned. One of my hands kept going past his jeans as he bucked against me again. I gripped his thigh and he shuddered.
"God, doll," he moaned, "you're fucking perfect."
"Sergeant. James. Buchanan. Barnes," I moaned, palming him through his jeans. He bit down on my neck after I finished moaning his full title. I forgot why I was here. I forgot all about being objective. The only thing I wanted was to feel him, "how far away is your bedroom?"
His lips stopped attacking my neck and he looked at me, breathlessly. His lips were puffy and pink, no doubt from the intensity we'd been functioning at, "upstairs."
"I want you," I whispered, kissing him lightly again, "please James."
There was a fire in his eyes that ignited when I called him by his first name. His breathing got heavier. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me softly. But this kiss was different. The passion was still there, but there was another emotion I was used to. Hesitancy. When he pulled away there was a sadness. He shook his head, "I-I can't. Not like this."
"Doll you've had a glass of wine," he said slowly, nodding to the wine glass, "that's your second glass...you're drinking mine. I-I can't take advantage of you like that."
"What?" I asked, not remembering that I had drank a glass already, "I-I'm not drunk though. You wouldn't be taking advantage of me. I promise."
He sighed and kissed me one more time. I closed my eyes, trying to think of when I'd had a glass already. My few idle sips had been enough to drain the glass when we were in the hall. He'd offered me his glass when I started examining his arm.
How did that all blur together?
"You okay doll?"
I looked up to him and felt really dizzy, "ma-maybe I had too much.
There was a look of concern that crossed his features, "Mira?"
"I think I need to lie down," I replied. I put a hand up to my face, "James?"
My body felt heavy.
Something didn't feel right.
"What's going on?"
"You'll be fine doll," he whispered, "just sleep it off."
"We'll talk in the morning," he shushed me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying on the couch, "hey-hey. Don't try to get up. We don't want you hurting yourself."
"What's going on?"
"It's okay doll," he cooed. I felt his lips on my own. My arms felt too heavy to swat him away. My legs felt like they were encased in concrete, and I couldn't move. But I felt Bucky's hands slide along the curves of my body, "just get some sleep. Be a good girl. Be my good girl. Get some rest." 
Chapter 5
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mizutoyama · 2 years
For the ask game can I have 🛒✨😈🤡 please?
Thanks for the ask!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Outfits? Ok, besides that, I would say various info about Alice so that people get to gradually know her or see her evolve. (You'll notice there are no character profiles for my girl, so the only way to get to know her is to read my fics 😊)
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 
I am the Queen of research!
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
No, not consciously at least, as I don't know who my readers are. Having been in this fandom since 2018, the crowd has changed so much that some who were reading my shit in the early days are no longer with us (in this fandom, I mean). So, the only constant reader I have is future me. And the only way I can be mean with myself is by posting too soon so that when I go back to it, I curse at myself for the typos I've left.
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
One that comes to mind is the Cluedo game scene at the beginning of "Killing Innocence"
Fanfic Writer Emoji Asks
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biiedwin8 · 3 months
Maladaptive Daydreaming: Can Astral Projection Enter Your Daydreaming?
Today, I'll be answering the question someone asked in a Facebook group: "Can astral projection enter your daydreams?"
Actually, this is a very interesting question. At the same time, I'll answer the question by simply reading a comment from the same Facebook group. I believe it was from a Facebook group. So, someone asked, "Can astral projection enter your dreams?" Astral projection is this kind of spiritual experience where you feel as though you're outside your body, experiencing something called the astral plane. It's a belief system because not everyone believes in it, much like religion. But now, because someone believes in astral projection or similar things and they're also daydreaming, they end up asking, "Can this happen to me?" It's a classic question that complicates life. It's okay; I'll explain the complication.
One of the comments was, "I don't need to believe anything to understand that I have a disorder or a problem." That was a very innocent, simple response, and actually, it's a very good way to look at life. You don't need to link up theories, beliefs, and ideas because the moment you try to find answers, you'll get stuck playing around with things you don't even understand. What we do understand is that you're addicted to an imaginary world. That's a good place to start, not trying to bring in astral projection, lucid dreaming, or other things because your mind will want you to do so to make you feel good about yourself. But when you're truly in a state of knowing, you'll get stuck because you think you know what's happening, when actually, you don't. Someone else is just telling you what to do.
What we know is that you're addicted to something; that's a fact. You have a behavior that's out of control, and that's a good place to start asking why you're addicted to this thing. Not even the contents of the imaginary world matter because analyzing whether astral projection enters dreams is just a distraction from the addiction itself. Sometimes, we complicate our healing journey by trying to find associations between things or complex explanations when the truth lies in the addiction itself.
The focus should be on why you're addicted to an imaginary world or what's missing in your real life. How can you manage your anxiety and stress? Focusing on the simple things can lead to healing. Don't complicate things by bringing in theories or ideologies you don't understand. If you can feel the anxiety or the emotions you're trying to escape from, then you can heal and overcome your addiction.
Don't try to get too intellectual or spiritual with these things when, in reality, you're just suffering from an uncontrollable behavior. At some point, it was controllable. Understanding the disconnect between controllable and uncontrollable behavior is where your healing journey lies.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with overcoming and managing your maladaptive daydreaming without spending years in therapy, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.
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floofusloofus · 1 year
This weeks (months? I don't think my hyperfocus actually changes weekly 🤔) hyperfocus is RC! Specifically RC crawlers.
What started off as an innocent look at a marketplace ad for an RC Ural 375 lead to a rabbithole of scaled vehicular dopamine. However before we get to that I need to mention my favorite video game for some context.
For those who haven't played it, Snowrunner is an off-road driving game where you do just that. It is not a racing game, rather speed is hardly present as stomping on the gas pedal will usually lead to your truck getting flipped or stuck in the bog (this is why off-roading is often known as crawling). Getting from point A to B is a lot like solving a puzzle, as you need to carefully plan your route to ensure your rig and cargo stay upright over the rough terrain. On paper this sounds extremely boring, and for a lot of people it is. But for myself this shit is my comfort food. Nothing is more relaxing than popping on a podcast and taking my time traversing rivers and muddy roads at my own pace.
Now let's return to that marketplace ad. The Ural 375 is one of the trucks featured in Snowrunner, and here I was looking at a highly detailed RC version. So I bought the thing......and promptly resold it the next day when I realized it couldn't do any offroading AT ALL. What's even the point in making an RC Ural if it can barely crawl across carpet?? So gone was the truck, yet the daydreams of traversing hazardous trails at the local park with my 1:18 scale wheels remained. It could not stand. I NEEDED a replacement to fill the void left in my heart.
After a week of vigorous research, scrolling through RC posts on Reddit during bathroom breaks, and dancing back and forth between assembling my own build or buying a prebuilt, I had made my choice: A tiny blue Land Rover no bigger than a shoe, that somehow cost more than all my shoes.
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Yet for it's size they still managed to cram a lot of details into it, and unlike the marketplace special I briefly owned this thing can actually crawl! And oooohh how the dopamine flows when you drive it. Nothing beats the satisfaction of successfully crawling up the side of a rock face, through a brook, or whatever route/obstacle it is you've picked. It's a little like playing Snowrunner, but it actually gets me out of the house. And there's just something I find more enjoyable about controlling a physical thing (even if it's just a toy 😛) vs. a video game vehicle.
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And that's just the experience of driving it. The amount of tinkering you can do with these things is insane. Everything from swapping out wheels and tires, lower or higher ranged transmissions, stronger motors, functioning headlights, etc. You name it, and I guarantee there's some guy on eBay selling the exact part. Heck you can even be the local small penis and add mini truck nuts to your rig (please don't).
Honestly I shouldn't be surprised at how I latched onto this, as RC builds and components are very similar to PC builds and hardware. Both feature endless nights spent researching parts for your build, fanboys fanboying, and components that will fuck you up it mistreated (don't mess with LiPos or PSUs kids). Both are hobbies that require knowing the ins and outs of your machine, the skills to build/maintain it, and involve constant tinkering.
Anyways, I realize I just spent way too much time on this block of text lolol. But I would highly recommend this hobby as your next hyperfixation. Just be mindful of your wallet 😅 I've since bought a 2nd truck, a significantly larger Ford Bronco, and am eager to take it hiking with me this summer 😊 thanks for reading! (If anyone ever does lol)
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ladykissingfish · 2 years
Hi!😊👋 I'm not sure if you currently take requests but if you do... Can I ask a HC of how the Akatsuki members would react to a new recruit (reader) who joins the organization at a very young age,like idk at 10-11yrs old? (And ofc reader woud be still little and look innocent but is strong and totally capable of fighting)
I’m not so good with doing the Reader x thing, so I’m just gonna HC it how different Akatsuki members reacts to a new young recruit.
Pein and Konan:
They recruited the new member, and, as they did with the others, they did their research on the youngster first. Tactical ability, chakra control, likes and dislikes, even blood type … there’s barely a thing that these two don’t know about the newest addition to their “family”. Well, one thing: who to pair the newbie up with? Pein’s initial thought was to put them together with Deidara, both being young and extremely talented, and leaving Deidara’s partner Sasori to work alongside Hidan and Kakuzu. However Konan, who’s decidedly better at picking up on emotions, correctly communicates to Pein that putting Deidara with the new person would only wreak havoc with both parties. Jealously would play too big a factor in Deidara’s thinking, and likely no missions would be successfully completed. So for the time being, they decide to have the newbie tag along with the various two man teams at different intervals, to get a feel for who they might work best with. A long, tedious process, but one they both suspect will yield great success in the future.
Instantly annoyed. Up until now, he’s held the position as the youngest member of the group, and he likes to think this makes him unique. So to see another young (younger than him! gasp!) member join really gets under his skin. He sees how small and non-threatening the new member looks and a part of him wants to just wallop this person, so that Leader sees them not worthy of joining and kicks them out. But. BUT. Deidara, although very impetuous, is no fool. He knows that if Pein recruited this person, then there’s clearly more to them than meets the eye. And the last time he underestimated an opponent was with Itachi and, well, we all know how that went. So Deidara remains sullen, but respectful. Keeps his distance. Only speaks to the new recruit when necessary, and has so far managed to avoid having to go on missions with them. For now.
A new recruit … is of no importance to him. Big or small, young or old … there was no discernible difference to the quiet Uchiha. Another body, another mouth dispelling useless words, another person to be sent on these endless inane missions with. 
Hm, another new member? What for? Didn’t they have more than enough mindless fools manning this sinking ship? But this one … is quite young. Younger even than the blonde brat was, when Sasori was first partnered with him. Sasori has long given up on the idea of turning Deidara into one of his creations, but this new person … were they at all vulnerable? Were they the type to be easily persuaded into something … or easily caught off guard? This poses an interesting game for Sasori: to carefully observe this new brat, study his habits and interests, and, possibly in the near future, the redhead would have a new toy to add to his collection.
Another plaything! Hooray! Kisame was a big guy, and intimidating, with his shark-like appearance and massive muscles. When he had first met Itachi, he had tried his hardest to scare the quiet brunette, only to be met with an almost frightening indifference. Since that day, a chip has remained on Kisame’s broad shoulders: maybe he didn’t have “it” anymore. Maybe the accolades he’d acquired as a former swordsman of the mist … didn’t amount to a hill of beans. If a child with pale skin and dying eyes didn’t so much as flinch at his voice, then who would?  But this new recruit looked rather … soft. And delicate. Surely a crier and, Kisame would bet his meager paycheck on, definitely a jumper. So he spends all his free time thinking up ways to terrify the new person into an uneasy respect for him. He doesn’t do anything yet; his first strike must be quick and decisive, otherwise no future tactics will work against them. So he hides his time and thinks, and waits. Hearing that kid scream out in fear was going to be music to the blue-skinned man’s ears.
Ah, fresh meat. Quite literally. Zetsu hasn’t been able to partake of human flesh in a criminally long time, and this new recruit seems just up Zetsu’s alley. Young, with a decent amount of delectable body fat, and a tantalizing smell to boot. Zetsu sees his chance when left alone with the newbie one night, but, to his utter dismay, the kid fought back. They were no slouch when it came to physical combat, and Xetsu learned a hard lesson as the newbie dislocated their arm in a few quick movements. After that, Zetsu decided to leave the person alone … for the time being.
As Tobi, the masked idiot is exceptionally gleeful. “Oh boy! Someone to call ME Senpai!!” He asks a lot of questions (some valid, most nonsensical and few bordering on inappropriate) and hangs around the newbie until Deidara snaps at him to “Come on already, hm!” But as Obito he’s … wary. Unbeknownst to Pein and Konan, Obito has seen this young warrior in action before. Obito observed unseen from the trees as the person was attacked by a large group on a deserted stretch of road ��� and how they quickly (and mercilessly) demolished every opponent. Obito had been impressed, and was (somewhat) pleasantly surprised that Pein had managed to recruit this individual … but still. No matter the situation, and disregarding one’s own level of power, a new “teammate” was something to pay close attention to, and be cautious of.
Another paycheck, however small, to cut. Another mouth to factor into the already-tight food budget. Another cloak to sew. As with most situations, all Kakuzu can focus on is the money aspect. Also, he really disliked what seemed to be the “company policy” of bringing in kids that looked like they should still be in diapers. Itachi had proven himself to be mature and a valuable asset, but Deidara? Hidan?? Kakuzu hadn’t signed up for the Akatsuki to be a damn babysitter. He honestly doesn’t expect the newcomer to last long, especially around this group of deranged characters, so he doesn’t pay them any mind. Heard their name once, and then promptly forgot it.
Pein already knows what Hidan is thinking when he’s introduced to the newcomer; it’s obvious in the way his eyes glint, that slow, somewhat sadistic grin crawls across his face … and of course there’s the telltale licking of the lips. So before Hidan can get a word out, Pein turns towards him and says, firmly, “You will not try and convert this one to Lord Jashin, Hidan.” Hidan unleashes a litany of swear words, but Pein’s words are law and Hidan knows the consequences of disobeying said law. But … Pein hasn’t said anything about a “friendly demonstration” of Hidan’s religion. So Hidan takes the new recruit out, has them wait hidden from view, and goes to town on a couple of innocent passers-by. When the ritual is finally finished, Hidan goes to ask the new recruit what they thought … only to find that they’d fallen asleep! But this in and of itself deeply disturbed the white-haired Jashinist: who could sleep through that? Who could have such a calm reaction to such gore and horror?? Surely this new recruit was a lot tougher than they seemed … and maybe a bit scarier, as well. The newcomer has gained Hidan’s respect, so he leaves them alone. Well, for the time being, anyway.
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✨Mercury in Gatorade
🪶Pick a Card cuz we all need a cosmic timeout. To think🧠 And stuff🫀
September 27th - October 19th
Pick a Card masterlist 💞💦
Choose a circle from this Olympics logo 💖
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General message for the collective
Butterfly. Wings of change. Cruella de vils. Cruelty. Every villain has a backstory. If you walked a mile in their shoes you'd seethe at injustice too. Red riding hood and polka dots. Childlike innocence. The Before. Threads of fate are interconnected. The past, present and future are are not so hard to distinguish and separate from the other. They're enmeshed closer than you think. Cut some cords. Reflect. Review. Detach. Revise. Incorporate the horrors of the past and work your way through. We recreate that which we don't try to understand and feel.
Bad things happen when people feel unloved.
Desprate for food, attention, shelter, love.
Hate the crime, not the criminal.
Now pick a pile from the Olympic ring circle
1. Two little Witches 30 blue (volleyball)
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Cry it out. Tears clean your eyes.
Old clothes need mending.
Broom. Sweep it away. Bees.
Housewarming puja. Do a cleanse or banishment ritual .
Childhood friends. Love. Here is the church and there is the steeple. We sure are cute for 2 ugly people.
No stop. No more ugly, negative, bullying thoughts about you. I won't stand for it.
Reprogram your brain. Listen to positive affirmations before bed.
Instead of calling yourself dumb, ugly, etc, or whatever horrid inner dialogue you have with yourself say soemthing positive.
Clear out the trash talking. Bad habits always need to be replaced by something new. The easiest xamooe I can't think of is someone trying to wake up early. Instead of hating on yourself for always being late, say I beliwve I will wake up at xyz time.
Say it like a prayer if you wish. I will wake up at 8 o clock. I will wake up at 8 o clock. (or whenever/whatever you need to) the law of attraction isn't a joke.
I don't believe you can randomly manifest a billion dollars in a day. But I do believe that if you repeat soemthing often enough you star to believe it and act towards it soon enough.
That's the secret to the law of attraction action and manifesting your hearts desire. Make room for belief. Make space for positive action. It starts in the mind. Declutter toxic thoughts, spaces, clean your room. Air it out. Write down your goals. Google peopep successfully at what you do. Use wiki how. Teach yourself things. Find out.
Research ways to do your thing.
Get rid of shit that doesn't help you. Throw it away if it's bringing you down.
In the movie dear zindagi, Alia's therapist tells her that if she wanted to go climb a mountain there's no need to start with the biggest one.
And there's no need to kill yourself to make a point. Start with a small, scaleable hill. Start with the smaller, Easier, doable task. Build your confidence and Build stamina.
Small changes won't cure All your problems magically, but it will make you feel marginally better and take away the stress of having a 100 problems.
But now since you have lesser things to deal with you'd have more mental bandwidth to devote to the more tricky challenges you're dealing with. Let's get going shall we? 😊💙
2.Violet Angel 23 (weight lifting)
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Hurt and comfort. Self soothe. Picking up the pieces.
Have you seen those Insta reels that go - Everything sucks. Just kidding. Everything is great. Or maybe it isn't. But you know what? Nothing is permanent.
You're on a roll coaster. Somtimes it's fun. Sometimes it's just scary. Life is a ride you can't avoid.
There's this story about a court jester who was asked by a King to write down something that would make Kingman happy when he was sad but would upset him if he read it when he was in a good mood. Now obviously this pompous little Leo, oops I mean, brat, I mean royalty figure(sorry leos) thought he did something really cool and outsmarted the jester. But nah. This guy surprised him by doing just as he was asked to. Do you know what he wrote down?
This too shall pass.
OK, so will your sadness. It's gonna fade into happiness soon enough. You've been through the worst of the storm. Now you get to enjoy the cool breeze and flowers that follow.
I saw this psotivity quote that went ' if you're going through hell keep going, why would you stop there' and if someone chirped that to me when I was frustrated, angry, miserable I'd probably clop them in the face like ' listen you rotten excuse for A Percy Jackson, I'm tired, also my backpack has a tonne of stones and hell is literally on fire+ my feet are burnt so don't you fuckin come at me with that witticism if you're not planning to put me in a wheelchair and wheel me through hell'
There's no magickal elevator that opens up when u pass a trial in hell. But I've heard that the Queen of Hell is also a Goddess of flowers and once a year she returns to the land of the living. That day isn't far off. You can go with her.
It's gonna get better for you.
All of the hurt, pain, sadness, heartbreak will be a thing of the past. Dry your tears, drink some rose milk and go to sleep. Happy days are coming.
Have you ever watched Titanic and wondered if Rose had managed to keep Jack afloat a few moments longer? How different their lives could have been...
It's either sink or swim untill help arrives. The Violet Angel Soemtimes shows up to indicate a new love, fried ship, loving relationship or some kind of help.
I know it's dark out and all that jazz, but when the ghpusl leave and the vampires go to sleep the sky turns pink
This dark night of the soul is coming to an end. You'll be happier than you've ever been. Just you wait and see!
3.Grumpy Red Fairy 8(cycling)
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change and transformation
Get angry if anger is what you truly feel.
Are u tired of other people expecting you to live talk breathe act sing fart a certain way? Well it's no business of theirs.
Let the facade drop. Take off the social mask. (not the physical Covid safety ones).
Pretending is tiring and drains energy real quick.
In order to be truly loved we have to go through the terrifying ordeal of being known. 😬
People who are living a lie are always irked by those who don't chop away parts of themself to fit in.
Why cut your foot to squeeze into Cinderella's shoe? That glass slipper was certainly not meant for you . And while we're on the subject you wouldn't have been happy with Cinderella's Prince Charming either. There's something out there that's more right and made for you.
Why try so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?
Be you. Be real. Be authentic. And if that pisses some people off so mote it be.
No more lies.
Reblog to save this message.
4.i am Kali chabhi 13 (javelin throw)
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Key in
Death. Change. Transformation.
Energy goes where attention flows.
Nursery rhyme - London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. (Break it down.) Build it up with iron bars,iron bars, iron bars my fair lady
Adapt or perish.Destruction. Demolition before rebuilding.
Those who resist change are the first to die out.
When the storm winds blow the stubborn oak topples but it's the willow that survives.
The old ways will not serve you in the new world. Cut your losses. And start over. Change your outlook. Accept changing circumstance and respond according to it.
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Goddess Kali hodls your hand as you cut cords with your resistance to change and she helps you walk through the flames into a new reality.born anew. Like Danaerys stepping into the flames and emerging as the mother of dragons.
Kali Maa is clearing all that is leeching off your energy, draining your strength, and abrading those relationships that cannot do anything but keep you stuck.
Test of strength. Rejoice in the purification of stale energy.
Sometimes things have to fall apart for better things to fall in place 💙 stay strong Pile 4, you'll survive 💪💯
5. ghosts of the past 42 (archery)
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I don't have my glasses
Clear the debris. You have a chance to rehash old issues and clear them once and for all. Now is a good time to let it go.
We forgive people so that we can release the pain and bitterness they left behind in our heart.
Move on from the past.
Your past shapes you but it doesn't have to define you. The present moment is always a choice. You are the author in a choose your own adventure. Some quests are scripted. But a whole lot of it is not.
When you take off your mask, you must turn around and confront others living a charade.
Where mad Men rule, it's considered out of fashion to be wise.
See, a lot of versions of us exist in other people's head but it's time to stop allowing others to write your narrative for you.
Maybe you have made some questionable or even embarrassing life choices s in thr past.so what? If you know better now, act better.
Yeah? Say if you're trying to give up a bad habit and x, y, z comes along talking about your gambling or street mugger days, you can actually say ' well actually that's not who I am anymore.' like Phoebe does IN friends. She got off the streets and made a whole new life for herself.
Make room for the person you are blossoming into. Flowers need space to grow.
Leveling up journey. You can escape poverty, your bad habits, challenges, addictions, etc. You have the power to rewrite your life story by virtue of actions and day tod at decisions. It's okay to cut off people who try to stop you from outgrowing them.
Old friends, acquaintances could be popping up in your life to remind you either of how far you've come or that there's still some work to be done in areas you that you had settled already.
It's okay be forgiving. Be greatful to yourself. Do past, present, future you a solid one and stay focused on your growth.
As long as you're learning from your mistakes, you're doing good 💕
We're only defeated when we stop trying
Abhi mujh may kahi Bali thodi so Hai zindagi - I still have a little fight left in me. 10 of swords energy. For some if you you're the first in a family line to do something great. Changing the course for someone . Showing people it's possible to improve ones situation. Inspiring them. But most of all believing in yourself enough to do the thing. And being gracious when you make mistakes along the way 🌱🌹
I'm so proud 🥺 of you, Pile 5. Keep going 👏you're doing so well
That's all the cards had to say folks. The rest is up to you ♥️good luck, and godspeed 💫
Please reblog if you think this could help someone 💕
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thescentoflavender · 4 years
Hello, i'm so sorry if i'm borthering you, but may i know more what happen with the other boys as a child in new season (except gavin). My friend was tried to translate said that something isn't good with mc and victor (Li Zeyan) ? Is it true?? I hope you have nice day always 😊
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Hello! Thanks haha, though it’s been a really bad day for me all around. I guess the only positive thing is that I’ve finally gotten some finality to the stuff I’ve been trying to resolve, for the better or worse. I hope your day went a lot better than mine did. 
I’m not sure what your friend read, but I didn’t see any problem between MC and Li Zeyan as kids...
Li Zeyan 
Summary: MC helps them to escape. This time, because MC knows about the lightning bolt, she avoids it successfully and they climb the fence together. MC decides to go back because there are other things that she has to resolve and they part ways.
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[MC]: I’m here to help you escape.
Young Li Zeyan: ...You?
Frowning, doubt clouded that serious face of his.
[MC]: I know you’re planning to help everyone escape.
[MC]: I also know that you can stop time.
[MC]: ...Li Zeyan, I can help you, I truly can. So, can you trust me?
Young Li Zeyan: Forget it. Are we leaving now? There’s no more time.
[MC]: You trust me now?
Young Li Zeyan: Your face is dirty.
Young Li Zeyan: I’ve never seen an idiot spend so much effort explaining things.  
Young Li Zeyan: I believe you, barely. 
Stunned for a moment, I then realised too late that my skirt was coated in dust. Even my hands were filthy, probably from when I had been drawing the map earlier. 
Xu Mo
Summary: MC finds Xu Mo in the garden and gives him a Chinese peace knot. Xu Mo refuses to leave with her, but shows her a sketch of a paper crane that she once gave him. He then gives it to her as an apology for missing their previous appointment and thank you for her knot. 
P.S. Xu Mo gets a longer excerpt because I’m in the mood for translating sad stuff.
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[MC]: For you.
Xu Mo: ...Thank you. 
[MC]: Xu Mo, I hope you’ll always stay safe and happy.
[MC]: Leave this place with me.
Young Xu Mo: ...
[MC]: I know this may sound strange, but this place could be dangerous. So let’s leave together, now!
Xu Mo: How do you know that it’s dangerous here?
[MC]: ...That’s a little hard to explain.
[MC]: But I don’t want you to land in danger.
Overcome with emotion, I tugged at Xu Mo’s hand. With a frown he couldn’t suppress, he pushed my hand away politely and shook his head.
After a moment, he put the peace knot in his pocket and smiled at me.
Xu Mo: That day, I didn’t miss our meeting on purpose.
Xu Mo: But I remember that you said you liked my drawings.
He flipped his sketchbook to the last page. Between the pages lay a paper crane, folded from a brightly coloured candy wrapper. Beneath it was a hastily sketched paper crane.
Tearing the page with the paper crane sketch off, Xu Mo handed it to me.
Xu Mo: For you.
Xu Mo: As an apology and thank you.
The corners of Xu Mo’s eyes crinkled. With his back facing the light, he stood up.
Xu Mo: You talk a little more like an adult today.
Xu Mo: There, go home earlier. 
Zhou Qiluo
Summary: MC catches sight of Zhou Qiluo just as he’s being wheeled back from an operation. When he wakes up, he expresses his relief that she’s okay. MC thanks him for his bear and tells him that she’ll always be friends with him. Just then, the researcher returns. Zhou Qiluo shields MC behind him, but the researcher shoots him with lightning and he falls unconscious. The researcher is about to pull MC away when a mysterious bolt of energy flows from her palm. She makes him forget about what happened and gets him to walk away. MC wheels Zhou Qiluo towards Key and asks him to protect Zhou Qiluo. 
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His head bent, Zhou Qiluo ran his hand over the bear’s ears. This time, I could hear the innocence in his voice.
Young Zhou Qiluo: I like it very much. It’s my only friend.
[MC]: It isn’t anymore. Because I’m your friend too.
Adopting a serious tone, I took one of the bear’s paws and waved it at him. Just like how he had comforted me once.
Young Zhou Qiluo: But I seem to have gotten some strange disease.
[MC]: No, you will recover, and you will become strong and shine. 
Young Zhou Qiluo: Okay, then from now we’re friends. 
Young Zhou Qiluo: Don’t cry anymore, okay?
How should I have replied him? Told him that we’d actually known each other for a long time, or simply shaken my head? I was just very, very... sad.
Now I knew how long, how cruel the dark path you undertook was. But you had never once told me any of it. 
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