#(also sorry for the sarcasm my hands slipped)
beenbaanbuun · 3 months
cockwarming w/ san
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words - wordcount? not round here, partner 🤠
genre - fluff, nsfw
warnings - stressed!reader, dom!san, sub!reader, subspace, guidance, soft!san (both him and his penis), cockwarming, clothed, san manspreading…
thinking about cockwarming sannie… am i absolutely feral? definitely! ANYWAYS!!!!
you’re sitting on the floor, glasses slipping down your nose as you stare at the documents in front of you
not many of then make sense, but that could just be the tediousness of reading them setting in and slowing down your weary brain
all the words are moulding into one and entire paragraphs are jumbling together as you desperately try and focus
you so desperately want to reach for your phone and give yourself a break
but you remind yourself that you’re just looking for distractions which is really not what you need when you’re struggling to focus anyway
so you start from the top, attempting to read the paper from the beginning
and you don’t get very far when you hear the front door open and your attention once again slips away from the paper
you turn slightly, just enough to see san step into the apartment and take his shoes and coat off
the way his shoulders sink in relaxation is visible and he lets out a long, deep sigh of relief at finally being home
your papers are almost forgotten as you watch him make his way towards the armchair in the corner of the room and take a seat
in fact, as he relaxes, spreading his thighs out until there’s a perfect you-sized gap between them, the papers are the last thing on your mind
“hi, pretty,” he croons as he shuffles to get himself comfy, “good day?”
you nod, mouth going dry at the way his hand naturally falls to rest just inches from his crotch, his pretty fingers flexing a few times before settling against his thigh
his beautiful, thick thigh that is almost fully exposed by those little gym shorts he insists on wearing
you stare at it for a moment or two, noticing the way it flexes slightly against the hem
his honey skin is still slightly shiny from the residual sweat of his evening workout
just the thought of him using his pretty thigh muscles to lift himself up from a squat is enough to send your brain into a dizzy haze
“looks like you’ve been working hard,” he smiles, head dipping to gesture to the pile of forgotten papers on the table, “is that research for your thesis?”
it is, you think to yourself, not that you’d actually learned anything from reading, sorry, trying to read any of it
“yeah,” you answer him, “but it’s all so boring than i can barely even look at it without wanting to die. i’ve been at it for hours and i can’t tell you a single thing i’ve read.”
there’s a pout on your face as you mumble out your complaints; you’re adorable when you’re all moody like this
“learning isn’t linear, baby,” he chuckles, “the fact that nothing’s sticking in that little brain of yours probably my just means you need a break.”
“i’d love a break,” you admit, “but i’d also love to get through this pile of research by the time we go to bed, so…”
“so… take a break and go back to it later,” san shrugs, “not like all that paper is suddenly going to grow legs and run away, right?”
you scoff at his sarcasm and the smug look on his face, but you know he’s right; you probably should take a break…
“but i know if i take a break i won’t want to do it anymore,” you say, although the excuse sounds weak even to you
“then do it tomorrow; it’s not like it needs to be done tonight, honey,” and he’s right, so you nod, and he smiles
but the feeling of stress doesn’t go away as you pile up the sheets of paper in the centre of the coffee table
and it doesn’t go away as you save your thesis draft and close the lid to your laptop
your shoulders are still very stiff, and your head is still feeling weary from just how hard you’d been trying to focus
even when you slip your glasses off, a physical weight lifting from your face, your brain doesn’t slow down
it just doesn’t let you settle like you and san so badly want you to
he watches you fidget with your surroundings, eyes flicking to the pile of papers every so often whilst your fingers drum against the table restlessly
he sighs; clearly you’re going to need some help with this
“baby,” he says softly; you look at him and all he can see is stress written across your features, “do you want me to help you relax?”
your eyes flick over to him, still manspreading in the chair and looking the the picture of masculinity itself
you know it wouldn’t take long for him to silence your brain; not when he already has your brain feeling a little on the foggy side
you nod, mumbling out a small ‘please’ that he can barely hear
“come here then, baby,” he pats the inside of his thigh with his palm, the sound ringing around the room, “come sit with me, yeah?”
it takes a second for you to register what he’s asking you to do, but when it finally does, you feel your breath hitch in your throat
he hasn’t closed his legs for you to sit on, and the hand that rests on his thigh doesn’t shift to make space for you
why would it when there’s already a you-shaped space between his thighs?
you watch as he reaches behind him to grab the cushion from the chair, pulling it out and placing it on the floor between his feet
you cant stop the soft whimper that leaves your throat
“come on, pretty thing,” he coos, “you know it’ll help you.”
and you do know that, you really do
it’s exactly the push you know you need to take your mind off of everything, and holy fuck do you want it
so you shuffle towards him on your knees, inching closer and closer to that spot that seemed to be just made for you
he smiles at you as he watches you settle in on the cushion, the plush material taking the pressure of the cold, hard floorboards off of your delicate knees
you shuffle around a little, trying to get comfy before looking up at him, wide eyes looking into his own
and he can’t help but brush a hand across your cheek, chucking as you lean into his gentle touch
“my precious girl, aren’t you?” he whispers, running a thumb over you cheekbone, “working so hard; you’re so good, aren’t you?”
he shifts his hand until two of his fingers press against your lips
you separate them to allow his digits inside of the warm, wet cavern; he can’t help but fill with pride when he sees just how good you’re being
the tips of his fingers slide to the back of your tongue, caressing it slightly until he feels your throat constrict around them
he pulls them back slightly, instead pushing them down on the centre of your tongue to make your drool puddle up around them
“just let yourself stop thinking, okay?” he says as he plays with your tongue, “you’re too stressed, baby, and it’s not good for you.”
he caresses your wet muscle with his fingertips; you let your eyes flutter closed at the sensation
“turn your brain off for me,” his voice is soft as he talks you down into an all-too-familiar headspace, “be good for your big boy, hm? let me take care of you.”
and with the combination of your position between his legs, the fingers in your mouth, and his pretty words, you find it so incredibly easy to just… slip away
any thought of your thesis is gone and replaced with san
the worries about finishing on time, and the concerns about the reading you don’t quite understand; san
everything is just… san
you let out a small sound as you push your head down onto his hand, taking more of his fingers into your mouth
the weight of them on your tongue was nice, you decide, but not quite enough
they don’t quite hold the warmth and heaviness that your tongue is craving
it’s not quite enough to completely ground you like you know you need
“you want more?” he always has been so good at reading you; you nod around his fingers, “want your big boy’s cock in your mouth?”
you moan at the thought, desperately moving your head up and down to tell him yes
“does my precious girl want to warm her big boy up? is that it?” yes, yes, a million times yes, “want to wrap your pretty lips around me while you relax, hm?”
he chuckles when you pull off of his fingers and sit there looking at him through your lashes with a slack jaw
so pretty, he thinks when you stick your tongue out and blink up at him through those fluttery lashes of yours
pretty enough that you have him wrapped around your pinky finger
he really would do anything to make you happy, and it seems that what would make you happy right now is him in your mouth
so he wastes no time in reaching for his waistband and pushing it down his thighs to reveal his soft cock
he takes it in hand and holds it out for you, waiting patiently as you lean forwards to press a kiss to his pretty pink tip
“no teasing, baby,” he taps the blunt head against your lips, “open for me. warm me up like a good girl.”
his voice is smooth and buttery, and it makes you want to listen
you open you maw, rolling your tongue over your bottom lip and waiting for him to feed himself into your mouth
there’s a hand at the back of your head as his tip makes contact with the pink muscle
the hand pets your hair softly as it guides you onto the cock, pushing you further and further down until your mouth is stuffed almost completely full
“breathe through your nose, baby,” san instructs you as he pushes the tip of his cock to the back of your tongue, “come on, pretty girl; i know you know how.”
you don’t need the reminder, having done this plenty of times before, but you still like the guidance he gives you in that low cadence
you like his voice, and the way he tells you what to do because he knows just how much you don’t want to think right now
you close your eyes as you feel your nose brush against the smooth, sticky skin of his lower stomach
his freshly shaved pubes prickle you, but that’s the least of your concerns when your senses are just overloaded by the comfort of your boyfriend
the smell of his cologne mixed with his natural musk settles in your nostrils filling you to the brim with the familiar scent of home
and the way he sits in your mouth, hot and heavy and full makes you melt against his muscular thigh like it’s your own personal pillow
his hand on your head threads its fingers through your roots, fingernails scraping against your scalp in the most comforting way imaginable
a deep sigh leaves your mouth; one of relaxation and contentment
san hears it and feels his body ease into the chair
“good girl,” he hums, “so good for me.”
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writesleah · 9 months
not a chance ౨ৎ m. riddle
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౨ৎ mattheo riddle x fem!reader
౨ৎ angst/fluff
౨ৎ you and mattheo are sworn enemies, but everything changes when he becomes your tutor
౨ৎ one sex reference, use of y/n
౨ৎ 1.9k words
౨ৎ this is way longer than i was planning on making it but once i started writing, the words just flowed. this hasn’t been proofread either so i apologise if theres any mistakes that slipped through. i’m also fairly new to writing mattheo, but i’m so obsessed with him right now that i just had to do it for my first published fic!
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enemies should never spend time together - that’s just a fact - and mattheo riddle was your worst enemy. you had never met someone more infuriating in your life, someone so incredibly cocky that it made you want to pitch yourself off the astronomy tower. he did all of that for you, and more.
you were in your potions class, watching the hands on the clock tick by every second, every minute, waiting to finally be released from the hell professor snape held you in for a full hour every tuesday and friday.
potions was never really your strong suit, so you knew doing your O.W.L for the class wasn’t going to go so well, but your friends convinced you to go. of course they did.
your eyes darted to the door as you heard it swing open, a boy with curly, brunette hair stalking in.
“you’re late, mr riddle.” snape glared at mattheo, his voice it’s usual stern tone. “forty-five minutes late.”
“sorry, professor. i was helping professor moody with something for defence against the dark arts.” he sneered back, emphasising the fact that mad-eye moody was teaching the class and not snape, who gave him a sharp look before continuing on with his class.
“surprised to see you here.” the familiar voice scoffed as he took a seat on the table next to yours, where all of his friends were conveniently sitting. how pleasant.
“riddle.” you murmured, eyeing him as he took his seat and pulled out his quill.
“awh, greeting me?” he smirked, his head tilting just slightly in a way that was so incredibly frustrating. “did you miss me over the summer?”
you scoffed at the idea, rolling your eyes. “miss you? not so much.”
“ouch. that one hurt, not gonna lie to you.” he laughed to himself, scribbling down the date on the top of his parchment.
“cute.” you spat. you never really bothered to give him full replies, not in the way that he did, unless you felt it was absolutely necessary. “why’d you even turn up? the lesson ends in fifteen minutes.”
“i was going to just skip, but then i remembered my favourite person would be here.” he smiled warmly, though it was laced with that familiar sarcasm you knew all too well.
you give him a small glare, quirking a brow at him. “yeah? who’s that? me?”
“is that a joke?” he scoffed, his expression turning serious as he glared at her. “no, daphne.” he motioned to the girl on his right. you had noticed they had grown closer over the last few weeks of third year, but never really thought much of it. he wasn’t really the type to get into serious relationships, more just little flings or girls he would snog and then never speak to again.
you felt a pang of emotion in your heart, but you weren’t sure why, or what it was. a smirk slowly made its way onto his face as he watched your nose screw up, his brows raising in amusement. “why? you wish it was you?” he laughed again, sarcastically, as always.
“course. whatever will i do now that i know i’m not mattheo riddle’s favourite person?” you scoffed, shaking off the feeling and giving him the glare you always did. why did you care? you didn’t, right?
he gave you a small chuckle in return, before the conversation quickly ended, along with the lesson not so long after.
“miss (y/l/n), mr riddle, please stay seated when everyone else leaves.” snape demanded, causing you to roll your eyes and let out a quiet groan.
when everyone else had left, the professor stalked towards the two of you, eying you both up cautiously before he spoke.
“as you both know, you begin to prepare for your O.W.Ls in fourth year, this year.” he began, the mention of the tests making you want to curl up in a corner and never think again. “given miss (y/l/n)’s frank inability to brew a single potion over the last few years, she will need a tutor to give her any chance of passing the test.”
you screwed your nose up at the slight dig, but continued listening to him nonetheless. “now, mr riddle has proven himself to be quite talented in my class, so he will be your tutor. i trust that i can leave you two here for the hour to begin your first session?”
you groaned loudly, watching a smirk spread on mattheo’s stupid face, but nodded in defeat. “yes, professor.” you mumbled, your head in your hands.
snape swiftly left the room, leaving the two of you alone.
“you reckon we can just lie and say we did the hour?” you murmured, your eyes peeking through your fingers to look at the brunette.
he scoffed quietly. “kind as ever.” he retorted, shaking his head. “you might as well do it. we all know you’re hopeless when it comes to potions, so it might do you some good.”
“myeh, kind as ever.” you mimicked, rolling your eyes. “fine. hurry it up, though.”
he moved to sit next to you, beginning to ask you questions to gauge where you were at with your knowledge in potions. of course, you managed to get every question wrong, or do something that put him off.
“you don’t know anything?” he groaned, his eyes narrowing in frustration. “you’re so fucking stupid, merlin. i’ve never met a fourteen year old girl as dumb as you.”
you furrowed your brows, a small pout on your face. “i’m not stupid. it’s the subject. it doesn’t make any sense.”
“i’m going through first year stuff right now. you’re ridiculous if you think you’re going to pass your O.W.L.” he scoffed, waving his hands around frantically as you laid your head on the table, your tongue between your teeth as you held back a snarky comment.
“whatever.” you groaned. “i give up. i’m expecting myself to fail at this point. i know i will. there is no point in us doing this.”
“i mean… you’re probably right, but you should at least try.” he shrugged slightly, his tone still full of annoyance. you watched his fingers brush through his dark curls, your head tilting just slightly as he did so. his brows furrowed as he looked at you, muttering a small “what?”
“why are you so insistent that i stay with you right now?” you blurted, voicing your thoughts before you could take it back.
he didn’t say anything, glancing away for a moment before looking back at you, his eyes tracing your body just long enough for you to notice. you squirmed slightly at the sudden tension between you, shooting him a dirty look.
“stop looking at me like that. it’s weird.” you spat, attempting to shake off his gaze, if that was even possible.
“like what?” his eyes shot back up to yours, his nose scrunching slightly, his smile frown lines more visible than ever.
“like i’m one of the girls you try to snog up in the astronomy tower. stop it.” you had witnessed and interrupted his shameless make out sessions far too many times, the tower being a place you both frequented, though for reasons of the complete opposite. you went there to be alone, he went there to have company.
his hand shifted to your thigh, landing on top of your pleated school skirt the uniform required you to wear, a smirk on his face. “do you want to be?”
your gaze was fixed on his hand, squirming slightly at the sudden contact, though not making any effort to stop it. “uh, no. not really. what the fuck?” you let out a half-laugh as you looked back up at him, seeing his brows furrow slightly. “what? was that not the right answer? want me to get on my knees and beg for you to make out with me under the stars?”
he scoffed to himself, rolling his eyes. “yeah, you’d definitely do that.” he retorted sarcastically, giving you a small glare.
“you have the wrong idea of me.” you shook your head, biting your lower lip just slightly as you felt his thumb move to the hem of your skirt. “what are you doing?”
“showing you how much i want you.” his voice took on a low and serious tone, before crashing his lips into yours. you didn’t move for a moment, before quickly coming to your senses and shoving him off.
“are you high or something?” you looked him up and down, rubbing your lips together in an attempt to make the strange sensation they held go away.
“no. completely sober. i don’t smoke weed.” he laughed quietly, looking at you in amusement. you gave him a small huff, knowing that he wasn’t exactly telling the truth. “was that your first kiss?”
your lips parted in amusement, the tip of your tongue held just between your front teeth. “what?”
“was that your first kiss?” he repeated, his eyes tracing every inch of your face. “because, no offence, but if it wasn’t, you’re a pretty shit kisser. i doubt you have experience.”
you scoffed at his words, shaking your head with a small pout. “no, it wasn’t my first kiss. it was just ‘shit’, as you so elegantly put it, because i didn’t fucking kiss you back, idiot.” you felt the overwhelming urge to spit as many swear words and insults you could muster at him, but held back when you saw the look in his eyes.
“wanna actually kiss me, then?” he huffed, rolling his eyes, before they settled on the pillowy, pink flesh of your lips.
you hesitated for a moment, before leaning in to give him a small kiss. his lips were soft, and the slow motions gave you a better feel of him than the first kiss. it felt safer, more intimate.
the second you went to pull away, he pulled you in closer, the kiss growing slightly more aggressive. you felt the edge of his fingertips slide just slightly under your skirt, going no further than the edge of the hem. the movement was enough for you to pull away, though.
“riddle…” you whispered, your eyes shooting down to his hand. “look, i don’t know what you get up to with half your little girlfriends, but i don’t wanna, like, do anything, so…” you shrugged slightly.
he looked at you with a furrowed brow for a moment, before letting out a small chuckle, which just confused you further. “oh, wait, no.” he shook his head, which tilted as a sly smirk came across his face. he removed his hand from your thigh and let out another short laugh. “i wasn’t trying to- sorry. yeah, no, i’m in the same boat as you. i may get with a lot of girls, but i’m still fourteen at the end of the day. i’m not really doing anything other than make-outs yet.”
you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding at his words, a small smile settling on your face. “okay, good. i was panicking a bit there.” you added with a single laugh.
it was silent for a while as you both relished in each other’s company, or rather, didn’t know what else to say.
“so…” you spoke up after a couple minutes, your eyes darting back to his, “do we still hate each other?”ll
he raised his brows in amusement, a small, almost disgusted scoff coming from his mouth.
“not a chance.”
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kuro4thegays · 4 months
- Relaxation
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[Word count: 2.9k] [Alhaitham x male reader] [Content: nsfw, slight angst, Alhaitham but with cat features(mostly just ears and a tail), overworked reader, researcher reader, massages, bath sex, frotting, in short: Alhaitham treating his husband after a long expedition in the desert]
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“You’re late.”
 Your husband's voice was the first thing that greeted you upon entering your house. His sharp feline eyes stared you down, expression akin to the inexpressive resting face of an actual cat. If it wasn't for the gentle sway of his tail that only seemed to raise up at your arrival you would have thought that he was mad at you.
You stumbled into the house, arms giving up and letting the bags ungraciously slip from your hold. “I’m sorry.” Your tongue moved faster than the rest of your body, immediately jumping to defend itself. “I knew that I was going to be away on a whole expedition, but I hadn't expected it to last this long.”
You looked up at the man opposing you, yet only found that his eyes weren't even looking up at yours, instead they pierced down through your body, examining your torn clothes in search of any injuries underneath while his pointy ears only dropped lower with each new finding. The desert was undeniably a hard place to explore, the wide stretch of nothingness occasionally broken by indescribably complex structures watched over by the raging sun was no fool’s land.
The sensation of sand in your shoes must have been driving you insane for at least a few hours, or at least one would assume that upon seeing the relieved expression that graced your face once you had taken them off. Your thighs felt like they have been suffocating under the tight material of your pants, the sweat making them stick to your legs like they were your second skin. You sure were quite the admirable researcher in the Akademiya, but field work really wasn't your strong suit.
“You also smell.” Alhaitham didn't even bother to hold any punches back, observing your every action with an attentive gaze. “You should probably eat something… and definitely take a bath.” He sat at the table, inviting you to do the same.
You, of course, did just that. “Not even a ‘hello’ or ‘how was the expedition’? Even an ‘oh, I hope my husband wasn't hurt’?” You pointed out. 
“Were you?” Alhaitham's sharp ears perked up, the tail that was previously gently swaying back and forth now swinging from side to side in concern. He was always like this, face painfully inexpensive while his body did all the talking.
“Not much. Maybe a few bruises, a cut at worst.” You shrugged it off as your hand reached to grab a piece of the cooked fish laid on the plate in front of you. The leftovers felt cold upon meeting with your tongue, a cruel reminder of how late you actually were. “I know that I said this already… but I'm sorry. I told you that I'd be home a few hours ago, but the desert is an unpredictable place and-”
“I know.” Alhaitham's voice cut through your sentence, stopping you from falling into the trap of endless explanations and excuses before it was too late. It only mattered that you came home in one piece, even in your roughed up state. “But you have to eat everything on your plate while I prepare us a bath.” 
“‘Kay, boss.” You said, words thickly coated with sarcasm. Alhaitham just gave you his signature ‘annoyed’ look before standing up and exiting the room. 
You were now alone. Alone with the cooked corpses of fish, Alhaitham's favorite, in front of you and alone with your aching feet and the sunburn over your back that just wouldn't let down. You took a bite out of the fish's cold, yet soft, meat, its fragile bones snapping upon contact before being swallowed together with the rest of it. You repeat the action again, and then again, until the plate was left empty. Food was meant to be shared, at least you saw it that way, but today you came too late to share. Today Alhaitham waited for you with warm cooked food on the table, yet now you're eating that same food, cold for how long it was waiting for you.
“[name],” Alhaitham's voice snapped you out of your spiraling thoughts. “The bath is ready.” He called out to you and before you could even find the words to respond he had already scooped up the empty plate and carried it to the sink. “Are you feeling okay?” His eyes met yours, sharp feline irises feeling like they were staring through your body and right into your being.
“I’m fine.” You finally got the chance to utter a few words out. “Just tired.” You got up to stretch your sore muscles before a pair of bulky arms wrapped around your waist, holding you in place. Alhaitham's hand found your chin, lifting it up to get unrestricted access to your neck before nuzzling his own scent glands into your skin, marking you as his. It was his usual method of relaxing, leaving what was basically a scent bomb of your neck while purring, using that deep voice of his to lull you into a state of pure bliss and tranquility like no one else could. 
“I don't think you're being honest with me.” Alhaitham's hips rocked gently in soothing motion, guiding yours as he kept on nuzzling that warm spot on your neck while his fluffy tail wrapped around your soft thighs almost unconsciously.
“Why so clingy all of a sudden?” You asked a question of your own, averting the attention from Alhaitham's statement. Of course, Alhaitham was no fool and immediately noticed the tactic you were trying to pull off, yet instead of digging any deeper he settled for letting it go this time.
“I just don’t want you to spiral again.” Alhaitham's words reverberated in your ears, occupying your thoughts more than they were intended to. 
Though the soft kiss he left on your ear certainly did bring your attention back to reality. “Oh, bath. Yeah.” You mumbled, escaping Alhaitham's grasp without putting up a fight. He simply sighed before leading you to the bathroom where the warm bath stood, waiting for someone to dive into the tranquil water. His hands expectedly moved to remove his clothing and you did the same with yours. The shirt came off in one swift motion, but your pants clearly wanted to put up a fight. You peeled them off like you would pieces of dead skin, the layers of sweat that had built up in the desert definitely not helping you. At last, you were left naked in the bathroom with your husband, throwing every single restraining piece of cloth in the hamper with a sigh of undeniable satisfaction. “Finally.”
 Alhaitham noted the change in your attitude, yet did nothing to acknowledge it, instead his eyes seemed focused on something else. How could he think of anything else when faced with a red patch of clearly sunburned skin that spread over your back like paint poured over a flat canvas? 
“Maybe I remember it wrong, but I’m pretty sure you hadn’t mentioned any sunburns when I asked you about what happened?” He retorted, hands gently creeping up your back to inspect the damaged skin. He was quick to notice how you faintly hissed at the lightest touch of his fingertips or how your shoulders tensed up with just a slight press.
“It’s not that bad. I can manage it.” You tried to cover up your quite readable body language with rational words, yet your husband had no problem shushing you with another press of his hand, proving you wrong in an instant. Maybe you could have acted a little better if it weren’t for the current circumstances, but the tiredness did not help your attempt at deception.
“Sure you are.” Alhaitham didn’t even bother to hide his sarcastic nature, moving his hand from the sunburn and down to inspect the bruises and cuts that were splattered around your body. 
“We had an encounter with the Eremites.” You tried to defend yourself, afraid of seeing the kind of expression Alhaitham must have had. You knew that he wasn’t mad, he would never get mad over something like this, yet disappointment or even concern wasn’t something you wanted to be met with either. “No major injuries, not on me and not on any of the team members… just a few scratches.” You tried to hide the guilt and shame that flew through your body, yet wasn���t able to escape, holding in your breath to not let anything spill out.
There was a moment of silence between the two of you before Alhaitham’s hand finally drifted away, letting go of the issue so as to not overwhelm you after an already rough day. “Come, the bath will get cold.” He directed your attention back to the still warm bath he specifically prepared for you, only you. He took the first step, gesturing you to join him all while trying to keep the most of his fluffy fail out of the way, it was always a pain to dry.
You followed, placing both feet into the tub before descending into water, feeling warm as its heat enveloped you. The water levels only rose up further, the bubbles dancing on the surface, following the rhythm set by the water's motion. The air you have been holding in your lungs escaped through your lips, the shame and guilt dissolving into the water together with all the sweat that coated your body. “I was not meant for on-field research.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have accepted the offer and rather stayed at home with me.” Alhaitham leaned in until his chest was firmly pressed against yours, moving his hands gently behind your back to scrub all the filth away without irritating the burn. His feline eyes were practically begging for your attention while still retaining that mysterious allure that attracted you to him all those years back. His ears pointed upwards, attentive to your every reaction to the slightest of touches. “Maybe then I wouldn’t need to be walking on eggshells while doing things as simple as washing your back.”
“Aw, admit it. You just missed me.” You cooed in response, the shrinking distance between you two allowing you to direct your attention to his sensitive ears. You wrapped both of your hands around the back of his neck, not allowing him to even think for a moment about backtracking. And he had no problem with that.
“Yes, I do.” At this point why even try hiding it. His hands glided all the way from the back of your neck down along the path of your back carved out for him until they settled somewhere above your rear before repeating the process all over again. He was gentle yet meticulous when it came to your body, all its little secrets and history making the scholar remember what it was like to be young and thirsty for knowledge.
“You’re not even trying to deny it.” You hummed into his pointed ears, smirking to yourself at the subtle way his ears dropped only slightly. “I missed you too.” You couldn't hold your feelings back either. “I missed you really bad.” You swore you didn't mean to say it like that, yet the sudden shift in the mood brought by your honesty was undeniable. 
He didn't hold back. Before you could take back what you said his lips were already all over yours. And that was for the better. You felt the slightest vibrations of his soft purring as his tongue tried to break into your mouth and you allowed him full access. His ears only dropped lower on his head, that combined with the intense purring telling you all you needed to know about where you were headed.
Alhaitham's hands moved up to your shoulders, massaging the sore spots before pushing you down so that you were conveniently placed below him. It took you no time to sense how warm his skin was becoming under your hands, it was starting to feel more like you were in a sauna than in your own bathroom. “My kitten is so needy today.” Unfortunately, the consequences of your words followed up in the matter of mere seconds after you had spoken them, served to you in the form of water being splashed directly in your face by none other than your own lover.
“Hey…” You rubbed the water out of your eyes, chuckling at your little antics while Alhaitham still wore that signature unamused expression that you just wanted to wash off of his face. “You're mean.” You considered throwing one of your attacks too, but that wouldn't help the image of a mature and scholarly young man you had build for yourself.
He shut you up with another heated kiss, pretending he hadn't heard any of your mindless teasing. His hands moved under the water levels, pinching your sensitive nipples between his thumb and index finger. The sensation made you let out a whimper that Alhaitham than gladly swallowed with grace. His tail moved slowly, almost hypnotically swinging from side to side as he bit down on your earlobe, purring turning into a sound that was closer to a growl. 
Under the tranquil, soapy waters your dick stood up proud, only the blushing red tip poking out slightly from the water levels. Joining it, Alhaitham's cock was too found facing upwards and taking its own peek out from the water's surface, yet before you could even notice it your husband had already grabbed your shaft, pumping at a slow pace.
You didn't even have the time to figure out what exactly you were feeling before a soft moan escaped your lips on its own. That was enough for Alhaitham to know what he should do. He grabbed both his and your cock with one hand and made a few experimental strokes, looking up to catch the absolutely adorable way your face twisted in pleasure.
Yet you couldn't let him do all the work. No, you leaned in and attacked his poor ears with kisses, watching as they dropped down and twitched against your ministrations. It might have just been your excited brain making stuff up, but you swear you felt his member harden against you in response to your actions and the fact alone was enough to convince you to continue.
And Alhaitham hadn't stopped stroking for even a second all that time, accelerating at a continuous pace as your cocks molded together under the water. Yet even for someone as strong as him it became hard to stroke through the volumous water. 
That’s why it was no surprise when he roughly grabbed you by your waist, lifting you up from the tranquility of the water and sitting you down on the edge of the tub. The sudden change of temperature certainly made you more sensitive and the way that you were biting your lip definitely didn’t help hiding it. Alhaitham was now standing up, his frame towering over your sitting one as the warm droplets of water trickled down his muscular body. Within seconds he has already gotten back into action, his tail possessively moving up your body and wrapping itself around you like a snake while he stroked both your cocks.
“Hah… ah.. gonna cum.” Your eyes fell shut, knees buckling as you took your last look at the man providing all this pleasure. If it wasn't the moaning that warned Alhaitham of your climax it certainly was the way your muscles tensed up or how your teeth that have been biting so hard on your bottom lip suddenly let go in place of a wide open mouth. Your voice raised in pitch just the moment before the explosion of your orgasm swept every last thought away, the sticky white cum spurting out of your dick, landing on your stomach. Unfortunately for you it so happened that Alhaitham needed to still be finished off, and so he continued the merciless pace while you could only squirm in overstimulation.
In a daze you tried to crawl back into the tub and to escape the feeling of the cold air brushing against your wet skin, but Alhaitham was there to hold you in place. Though your torture didn't last long before Alhaitham too shot his load onto your body, his bodily fluids mixing with yours until it became an inseparable substance, the liquid symbol of your love.
“‘m sorry.” He mumbled, though his words almost got lost in the series of pants that followed along. His tail was now nuzzling into your face, trailing under your nose as the little fluffy thing left its tiny hairs on your lips. Truly it was one of the most annoying habits of your husband, to shed his fur all over your body or the couch, but in the moment your brain was still stuck in the post-orgasmic fog so who really gave a shit.
Before you got the chance to crawl back into the tub, Alhaitham has already wrapped his hands around you and did all the heavy lifting, dragging you down with him back into the warm waters. Thankfully the water hadn't dropped much in temperature, otherwise you might have been left with a really unsatisfying conclusion.
“Sorry? I don't know, you don't look the part.” You pointed out with that drained chuckle of your's. You weren't exactly bustling with energy when you first got home and the orgasm must have been the last straw.
“I’ll wash you, ‘kay? Will that make you feel better?” He was quick to change the topic, yet you knew damn well where his intentions were.
“Apology accepted.”
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[Writer's note: Overall wished I played more into the cat anatomy. Like it feels a bit too normal if you know what I mean, kind of like the cat features were an afterthought. I went back to try to add a bit more while staying close to the og plot (this is a rewrite of my older work so I already had a general outline of the plot). Overall pretty good if you asked me, but could use some improvements in the future. While I'm not usually into cat boys, It is just kinda funny to me that Alhaitham has all the personality traits of a spoiled cat so I made an exception with him. I have some plans for my next work that I talked about in some of my previous rambles, but honestly I don't know what I'll work on next. Maybe expect something with Kaveh? idk. That all. Bye-bye] [titles are hard]
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big-tiddy-bi · 1 year
This is part 2 of the Danny yelling at the justice league fic. It was going to be a one shot but @phoenixdemonqueen called one of the lines I wrote cool, and I started squealing, flapping my arms and jumping around my kitchen so I had to write more <3 also hydrate or  diedrate
Tw for body horror, idk if it counts but better safe than sorry <3
Greek mythology has many myths on of which is Theseus and Pirithous. Pirithous full of hubris decided, with the help of Theseus to kidnap the goddess Kore and try to forcefully marry her. Before they can enact this honestly genius plan, that was sarcasm by the way, her husband traps them in chairs with snakes and leaves them there for the furies to torture.
Most stories have a lesson And the lesson of this one is very important. Don’t Be Stupid, Stupid. 
Currently John Constantine was trying and failing to tell the justice league. “Are you fucking stupid” and deadman told them “to fight someone from the infinite realms is suicidal”.
After Danny’s stunt most of the non-magical justice league wanted to hunt him down to “set the record straight”, when they said that John and deadman left the room.
On the day the justice league stated in the email, they stood at a sign stating “welcome to Amity, the most haunted place in America”.
One of the most loved groups of people, the justice league walked through the city like ghosts. They were used to stairs and whispers, but usually of worship and maybe small insults but not like this. Could feel the distain in the air, like the city itself was trying to strangle them.
A tall blonde teen in a varsity jacket screamed at them to leave, that they weren’t wanted, but with much more explicit language.
Flash tried to make a joke, and the resulting glare from the rest of the league could have killed him on the spot, and several of the residents through things at him after they heard him.
They walked up to the building that held mayor’s office. Batman’s face was unreadable, unlike Superman’s whose expression told all his feelings of worry.
In the building they heard several voices, on of which matched phantom, ridiculing the mayor. Who just kept sighing in utter annoyance.
Wonder Woman opened the door to the office to be met with a comedic scene. Phantom floating in one corner of the room flipping of the mayor, who was also flipping him off in return. A goth girl with vine tattoos trailing from her wrist up her arms was slipping some papers onto the table, with the title mandatory vegan in bold letters while the mayor was distracted. two boys one with a tattoo around his eye similar to the eye of Ra, the other had on a shirt that said “I know all your secret identities, don’t test me” both sitting on beanbags playing a video game that was projected on of the walls of the office. one girl with beautiful curly hair was coming through the window arms filled with take out bags, a couple from a Chinese restaurant and the others a fast food place. A woman with red hair was helping her in, holding a tray full of drinks.
All of them turned their heads in unison, phantom and the two tattooed individuals eyes glowing green. the mayor and the redheaded woman’s glowed green.
The window person finished coming through, and set the bags down on the mayor’s desk next to the drinks. The pulled a toxic green knife from behind her back, the redhead woman got into a defensive position her cheeks torn open so she could her hundreds of teeth, razor sharp. The mayor leaned forward in his chair, placing a hand on his desk, mouth turned up in a grin, showing of his sharp canines.
The red headed boy quickly moved to the back of the room, while his video game partner stood up, holes appearing on his body, one of his eyes rolling back into his head leaving another hole, all dripping with sand. The goth woman slowly grew liken and moss in her shoulders, it slowly crawled up one side of her face, she opened her mouth and vines sprung from it, wrapping around her head ripping her skin a flower came out replacing her face.
Phantom was the worst, he grew into a vaguely human shape thousands of mouths opened up on his body, some in other places around the room.
Phantom asked in a distorted voice “ were our warnings not enough for you?”
Batman spoke up “we came here to” but he was interrupted.
The sand being spoke this time. Angerly “ to gravel at our feet for forgiveness, to beg in a futile attempt to win back fame?”
Batman responded again “no, we are here” but he was interrupted again this time by the flower woman
“Without our permission, without the permission of the public, you governed by none.” The flower petals began to pulse “ you who could be saving people, come here to plead like dogs praying for table scraps” she yelled.
“We are here to talk” Batman finally got to say.
The redheaded boy responded this time. “ Bruce Wayne, these actions are unbecoming of you”
The entire justice league was taken aback. “Don’t be surprised” the redheaded woman said “you and your kin’s bodies may be living, but you belong to death the same as us”
“Let’s hear them out” the mayor said “after that you can end them in anyway you wish” he was bluffing of course, none of the heroes on team phantom would ever kill someone, but the justice league didn’t need to know that.
The curly haired woman spoke “ so, if you want to talk then talk”
Superman answered this time “ we never got your messages, we only found them while cleaning out the servers”
What sounded like every voice ever heard replied “what do you mean” the voice, voices? Sounded surprised.
“Exactly that” Wonder Woman answered.
“Someone hacked into our system and deliberately hid all communications from amity” the flash continued
Phantom appeared behind Batman. Intangible hand going into his throat and wrapping around his trachea “if you are lying, I will destroy each of your families”
Phantom floated through Batman to get back in front. In the blink of an eye everyone was back to normal.
“Tell us about this breach” the mayor said crossing his arms. “ so we can take care of it”
Tell me what you think <3 this is my first part two
@skulld3mort-1fan @mynameisnotlaura @justwannabecat @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @thegatorsgoose @yjfk @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @iglowinggemma28 @bleuyellow93 @aconitewolfsbane @fox-sama97 @catmeowbored @stargirl1331

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helaelaemond · 9 months
Before The Storm - Aemond x sister!reader
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Pairing: Aemond x sister!reader
Word count: 3.6k
this was the second winner in this poll / osferth fic that also won the poll
Summary: Alicent and Otto have decided that Aemond will be used to broker an alliance with House Baratheon. As the only unwed adult child of Viserys, First of His Name, a betrothal with Aemond One-Eye is a commodity bound to secure alliances for the wars to come. Fuck the wars to come, though.
Aegon might be your husband and king, but it is Aemond that belongs to you.
Oral sex (male receiving, female receiving), penetrative sex, elements of possessiveness, jealousy, canon-typical incest, slightly nasty sex, little brother isn't so little anymore
Content warning(s): mentions of child marriage/rape (very brief), brief mentions of Lucerys' death
Rating: E
Tag list: @sylasthegrim / @arcielee / @myfandomprompts / sorry I forget who might want to be included
You keep your head down as the Small Council leaves the meeting chamber. Past you walks Lannister and Wylde and Orwyle. Beesbury is dead. Cole killed him, everyone knows it, but Mother protects him. And he protects you, you know. When Meleys had erupted from the depths of the dragonpit, he had shielded you with his body and had been ready to sacrifice his life for yours. He can be a cruel man, but he loves you. Just like Grandfather.
Just like Aemond.
The men in your life are not good. But they love you. Selfish though it is, that's enough for now.
You enter the chamber and find your brothers there, your mother and grandfather, too. Ser Criston keeps his place behind the queen. The dowager queen, that is.
"My dear, sit down," Grandfather says quietly. You take Orwyle's seat opposite Mother. It's strange to see Aegon at the head of the table now. At least he doesn't wear the crown now - it had looked so strange on him.
Aegon and Mother are talking. "... matter which, so long as it's one of them. Let him choose."
Alicent frowns. "It should be the eldest, as is tradition."
Aegon smirks. "And what if the youngest is prettiest?"
"The youngest is but thirteen-"
"Plenty of girls are ready for marriage at thirteen."
"Don't be obscene."
Aegon laughs, and shrugs. "My own wife was not much older."
Aemond taps his finger slowly on the wood of the table. You look at his long hand, his elegant digits, and it gives you butterflies. He hasn't touched you since the coronation, but he's looked. Gods, he's looked.
You slip into the seat next to Grandfather as he watches them talk. Opposite you, Aemond avoids your gaze.
"It should be the eldest," Grandfather agrees. You don't look at anyone but your younger brother, but you listen closely.
"But what if he doesn't like her face?"
"Her face is of no consequence; it's her father's forces we want, as you well know, Your Grace." The sarcasm with which Otto spoke the last phrase is lost on no one at the table. Aegon's expression sours.
"I suppose he can always fuck her from behind if she's ugly," he says spitefully.
Alicent looks down at her lap in despair. "Gods, Aegon."
You stare at Aemond. Understanding what they're talking about makes you want to shrink into nothing, to disappear between the cracks in the floor. Aemond is to have a wife. A wife.
"When do you wish for me to go?" Aemond speaks at last. He looks at Aegon with his own good eye, his expression blank.
"Tomorrow will do." Some of the bravado leaves the king when he shares a gaze with his little brother. "Take Vhagar, not a ship. She speaks louder than any of us."
Aemond nods stiffly. He looks between Grandfather and Mother. "Aegon will have Storm's End, and I will have this girl."
The smile that your brother gives Aemond is more genuine now. When he is truly happy, Aegon is quite pretty. It's a shame he refuses to find happiness, then, for the most part. Perhaps his Flea Bottom girls get to see that smile more than you. "Thank you, Aemond. Truly."
He's punishing you, you think. Your spiteful, inattentive husband is punishing you for finding your own happiness.
No one in the chamber has paid you any mind yet, but when you stand up and the chair loudly scrapes against the stone, all gazes are on you. The pressure of it makes your cheeks flush. Say something. Anything.
"Congratulations, brother," you say stiffly. Not that. "I wish you luck in the wars to come."
You sweep out of the council chamber as quickly as you arrived. Only Grandfather calls your name, but you ignore him. Panic swells in your chest. Only when you arrive back in your chambers od you allow yourself to cry.
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There is a secret passage that connects your rooms to the maze of corridors hidden in Maegor's Holdfast, and over the years, you and Aemond have learned it well. Through a concealed door behind a bookcase, he peeks now.
You sit cross-legged in your windowseat as you look across the city beyond the castle walls. A hundred thousand lights flicker under the night sky, orange against the ink of night. Atop the Hill of Rhaenys, the dragonpit looms mighty and foreboding. Your dragon is in there with Aegon's. Vhagar makes her lair on the coast, or in the Kingswood. She comes and goes as she pleases without restraint.
Aemond walks closer to you.
You wonder where Vhagar is tonight.
"You cannot ignore me forever."
"Why not?" you ask quietly. Don't look at him. Don't cave. "You're to have a wife soon. She will give you all I cannot."
Aemond's long strides bring him to your side in an instant, and he kneels before you. Taking the patch off his eye, sapphire and purple bear into you, you can feel it. It makes your skin prickle. "You give me everything."
"Not everything. I do not give you my hand. I do not give you children."
"We don't know that," he murmurs. "The babe in the cradle may be mine, we do not know."
You sigh. "That's the first time you've admitted that in so many words."
"Perhaps tonight is a time for firsts."
You snort. "Like proposals?"
"I begged Mother, the day she betrothed you to Aegon, to let it be me." He squeezes your hand. "I begged her, and Father, to let us wait until I was older so that I could marry you. You know this."
"You didn't try hard enough."
He kisses the back of your hand, your fingers. "I know. I know. Forgive me, sister. Please, please."
You pull your hand out of his and stand up, flitting over to another window and out of his grasp. He rises to his feet and watches you. He licks his lips and glances down in shame.
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"Everything will change, Aemond."
"No. No, it won't."
You hug your arms around yourself. "It will. You'll have a wife." Anger suddenly boils in you. "A fucking wife! And what will I be then? You'll set me aside for some Westerosi bride who will give you trueborn heirs and her father's army and-"
Long strides bring him back to you and he takes your face into his hands. He forces you to look at him. The sapphire glints in the light of the fire. Shadows make his scar even deeper, rawer. "Look at me, sister."
All air has gone from you. You're powerless under him. Your eyes meet his.
"I'm yours, and you're mine. I will never love another as I love you."
"You don't know that, Aemond."
"Only a Targaryen can love a Targaryen." His voice is rich and warm, heat simmering beneath the surface. "That I know."
"For now."
He wraps his arms around you possessively and pins your body to his. He is tall and lean and strong against the softness of your curves. He has his place against you. "Forever.'
"You will swear yourself to a stranger and you will bed her, too. I will have to share you."
"As I share you now," he practically growls.
"That's not fair," you protest. But then his hand is in your hair and pulling it to turn your head to the side. His lips press against the slope of your neck and you bite back a sigh.
"No, it's not fair. Our brother gets to bed you and hold you and kiss you without worry."
"And I hate him for it."
Aemond gently bites over your pulse. "As do I."
"Perhaps when you bring your bride here, you can give her to him as a distraction while you have me."
He moves his lips to your ear and darts his tongue inside to make your knees weak. "You want that? Your husband to give my wife his bastards while I give you mine?"
Your fingers dig into his shoulders. He won't have you that easily. "Is that all I am to you? Some mare in heat for you to breed?"
When Aemond pushes you against the stone wall, you grip his sharp jaw and press until his lips open. When you spit into his mouth, he swallows gratefully. "You're everything to me," he groans. "Do that again."
"Yes, sweet sister?"
"When you marry her, and when you fuck her, think of me."
His jaw is slack when your hand moves to his throat. "No."
You tighten your fingers slightly. "No?"
"I won't debase you like that."
A small noise comes from your nose that is close to a moan. You fumble with the buckles on his leather jerkin while he pushes your heavy dressing gown off. Underneath, you wear only a linen shift, thin enough for him to see your nipples peak. Since your children have come, your body has been much softer, wider and suppler, than before. You wondered, once, if he would desire you less now there is more of you. But it was nothing to worry about; as the years have gone by, Aemond's need for you has grown more and more desperate.
An addiction.
Before you can even push the leather off him, his hands are clutching you. He runs them up and down your back as he kisses you. His lips and tongue are wet and needy, coating yours with his taste. The pressure of his tongue against yours always makes you dizzy, and when it fills your mouth, you cling onto his waist.
"No one compares to you," Aemond whispers against your mouth. You swallow his moans gratefully.
"I want you to fuck me even when you're married."
The words are mumbled against his kisses, but he hears enough to understand. Letting you go only for a moment, he turns you to press your front to the stone wall, and he traps you against it with his body. Strong hands find yours, and he covers them as he pins them either side of your head. Trapped, all you can do is drop your head back against his shoulder.
"I'll never stop," he promises against your ear. Sharp teeth bite it, and familiar lips press below it. "I can't."
"Keep your hands there," he tells you.
You're tempted to disobey him, but you don't want him to stop. His touches are firm down your sides, and when you lean back against him, he presses his hands between your chest and the wall. Aemond grasps your breasts and squeezes them, rolling them in his hands. Between his fingers, your nipples are caught, and the stimulation sends bolts of pleasure between your thighs.
"This is mine," he whispers. His long nose runs up the side of your neck and into your hair. It's so like his, almost silver. The blood of the dragon runs thick. It's in you, and it's in him.
Baratheon blood will not come between you.
"And what is mine?" you ask breathlessly.
Aemond groans softly. He slips so easily into High Valyrian, and the words roll off his tongue naturally. "Mirre yno, mandia. Qogralbar, mirre yno." All of me, sister. Fucking all of me.
"Pār ivestragī nyke emagon jemome, lēkia." Then let me have all of you, brother.
Hearing you speak the tongue of your ancestors always makes him hard. When you were younger and in the same lessons, it had made him blush, and sometimes he had to excuse himself when you practised - especially when you got fluent. How few things change. Except this time, he doesn't leave. This time, he moans out loud.
You turn around and force him against the wall this time. His jacket hangs open, and you fumble with the laces of his breeches. Inside, you find his familiar warmth. "Issi ao qopsa syt nyke?" Are you hard for me?
Aemond drops his chin, pleasure washing over his face. "You don't have to do that."
"Let me," you plead. "You never let me."
"You're worth more than this."
"Jaelan naejot sylutegon ao, ñuha jorrāelagon. Kostilus?" I want to taste you, my love. Please?
"Qrugh." Shit.
And then Aemond's hand is in your hair, and he's guiding your head closer, and you sink to your knees worshipfully. His cock is so pretty, you think. Pink and flushed, a thick vein running up the underside. You trace it with your tongue, a feather-light touch that has him tilting his head to the side. He doesn't let you suck his cock often. Sometimes, you practice on the wooden cock he gave you on your nineteenth nameday. It has a sapphire buried in the hilt.
"Ah, mandia." Ah, sister.
You wrap your hand around the base of him to hold him steady, and your lips seal around the tip. You swirl your tongue around his head; it's impossible to hold back the moan at the back of your throat when you taste the salt of his skin, smell the musk of his body. Tomorrow, a stranger will have claim to this part of Aemond. But for tonight, he's all yours. You suckle on the head and it earns you praise from your little brother.
Not so little anymore.
The taste of him fills your mouth. Your hand strokes his length and you remove your mouth only to gently pull back his foreskin. The tip of his cock is flushed and shining. Looking up at him, you press the flat of your tongue against his slit. His one good eye rolls back.
"Gods, sister."
"Gaomagon ao hae bona, Aemond?" you ask coyly. Do you like that? You kiss down his length, and press him against your cheek in careful slaps. His cock jumps in your hand, and you smile.
When your mouth takes in his balls, he groans and his head drops back against the wall. You stroke him as you suck him, setting a rhythm that he ends up matching with his hips. It's beautiful, the way Aemond lets go with you, how he trusts you. In his most intimate moments, it's you he needs.
"Sister, stop, stop, I'm-"
You release his balls from your mouth, heavy and wet, and look up at him with shining eyes. Gripping the base of his cock, you watch him as he pants and his face constricts. "Come on my face," you tell him with a heavy gaze. "Show me you own me."
He shakes his head. "I can't."
He thinks it's dirty and debasing, he's told you before. But you want his filth tonight. "Please," you beg shamelessly. "I want it, brother. Please, give me your seed."
His cock twitches in your hand. His body wants it so bad, you can tell. The muscles in his stomach are so tense, and his breathing is laboured. He's fighting it.
"I want it so bad," you whimper. You kiss his flushed head, and you lick the seed that has already leaked there. "Please. Please?"
"Sister," he groans.
You're wet between your legs just from sucking him. It's such a treat to be allowed this that you don't know how to be sensible anymore. Suddenly, you kneel up and pull off your shift. You spit on his cock, and with one hand you hold his base hard to stop him from finishing, and with your other you coat him. He's wet, now, when you press him between your bare breasts. Your fingers catch your nipples as you hold yourself, and you open your mouth to lick his tip.
"Oh, gods," he swears. "Fuck, I'm- I'm-! Sister, I'm-!"
He gives you what you want. As he fucks your breasts, he comes with a strangled cry of your name. Seed shoots from him in hot spurts and it splatters across your chin and nose and chest, some sticking to your hair. He paints you, and it makes you feel drunk on love, on power. This is magic of the old freehold, the blood of the empire. He's your god, and you're his queen.
Aemond is still shaking from his orgasm when he falls to his knees and claims your lips in a deep kiss. His seed is passed between your lips and tongues, rubbed into your noses and cheeks. He tastes slightly sweet under the salt, warm and familiar. You fucking love it.
His trousers are still around his knees when he lies on the flagstone floor and pulls you atop him. Now this is a treat that is often indulged - where he is hesitant to let you use your mouth, he is desperate to use his own. He wastes no time in pulling you to sit astride his face. Your knees are either side of his ears, and your thighs are his crown. Whilst his mouth takes care of your cunt, his hands never remain still. When he kneads your breasts, you lean back and brace your hands back on his thighs. He moans so prettily between your legs. You like it best when he licks and sucks on your wet folds but holds his head still enough for you to find a rhythm on his nose.
His perfect nose.
Aemond can barely breathe under you. It's his heaven. You grind down as his lips carefully pull on your folds and his tongue swipes between them, devouring you. His nose catches your clit with well-practiced movements. Long fingers play with your nipples, and it makes you crash around him. Your whole body shakes as you come, the silence of your open mouth scarcely hiding from Aemond how hard he's had you.
After, you undress him and push him onto the bed you've shared with him countless nights before. He fucks you hard. He starts behind you, pounding into you relentlessly, but it's not enough. Aemond likes to watch your face. So then, he pulls your legs to the end of the bed while he stands and fucks you with a hand around your throat. His seed is still on your face and in your hair. In a moment of depravity, he catches flakes of it dried on your skin between his teeth and lets them dissolve on his tongue.
But tonight is about you, too. About reminding him that his wife be damned, he's yours. Aemond Targaryen is your love, your property. And so you pull him on his back and settle on top of him.
"You belong to me," you tell him in a low voice. His cock is red and pulsing as you grind it between your cunt lips. His fingers dig into your sides. "You'll always be mine."
"I swear it. Yours. Please, sister. Be good to me."
When you grind up his stomach and reach behind to hold him in place, he groans again. You hold each other's gaze as you guide him back inside you.
Your heart leaps every time he slots into you like this. It's the one true place that is home. "I'll always be good to you, Aemond."
And then you fuck him, hard. He pulls on your hair and you slap his face, and he drags his nails down your back and you suck on his neck until bruises flower. Proof of your ownership. Proof he's yours.
His high collar will hide it tomorrow, until he undresses. Then his Baratheon wife will see. Perhaps she won't understand, though, if she's a maiden with her virtue. She'll learn soon enough, though.
Only a Targaryen can love a Targaryen.
Neither of you even think about stopping to let Aemond pull out. When he quietly whines your name and his stomach tightens and his chest turns red, you encourage him and chase him into oblivion. He finishes inside you, and you feel his spend fill you. With his cock in you and his fingers pressing hard against your clit, you follow quickly.
You see stars, you see fire, you see storms. You see him.
You collapse onto his chest and sink into a state of nothingness.
After a while. the feeling of him returns. He's soft inside you now, keeping himself warm in the depths of you. His hands are stroking patterns on your back, and his cheek is against yours. You can feel his spend leaking from you. No, you think. Stay inside me, give me his child.
"Stay," you murmur quietly. "I command it."
"I will stay until dawn, if you'll have me." Aemond kisses your cheek.
You nod. With a wince, you carefully lift your hips and he slips out with a wet noise. When you roll off him, his strong arms stop you from going too far, and he hugs you close to him.
"Nothing will change," he whispers after a moment of peaceful quiet. He rests your foreheads together. This close, it's impossible for you to see him properly. All you can really see is the blurry glitter of the sapphire.
"Everything will change, Aemond."
"No," he insists. Sleep is coming for him "I would sooner have a dead wife than one who stops me from loving you."
"Do not jest."
He kisses you sweetly. "It's no jest. You are my priority, always. I will take a wife, yes, but she will never come close to you."
"That does not mean you should joke about killing her."
"It is no joke, sister. If she tries to come between us, she will die."
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When Aemond leaves the next morning, Aegon is proud, and Grandfather is hopeful. Even Mother smiles. Only you watch with a blank stare.
When he returns, it is not news of a dead wife he brings you. No wife at all, actually, but a dead nephew.
You have to hide your smile. It is a fair exchange.
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gaysindistress · 7 months
Hiya ❤️ would you maybe do buck imagine for my bday tomorrow for me? I'd really need some distraction atm. One where you have a crush on each other but of course don't talk about it. Then one night you enter the living room all dressed up for a date and buck is totally flashed by you, until you ask for his opinion for it. When he realizes this is for another guy he gets all bad mooded and leaves. Then instead of your date, you head to Buckys room and decide to finally make a move and kiss him and admit your feelings, which leads to also sleeping together and lots of cute Bucky afterwards? 🙊
Hi babes!!! Im so sorry I didn’t reply to this sooner. I wanted to wait until I finished the fic before I answered. I left it more suggestive but there’s plenty of cute Bucky!!
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Warnings: cursing and suggestive content
“I told you to stay back! Do you ever listen?” Bucky sneers when he spots a furry of black rush past him into the open courtyard.
“Yeah just not to you. I’ve learned to tune out your voice,"I plainly state back, tucking myself behind a cement pillar after making a mad dash across the courtyard.
“Would it kill you to put your ego aside for one mission? For…” he’s interrupted by the rain of bullets coming his way and he drops down to the ground, “Sam do you copy?”
“Loud and clear,” he answers through their earpieces, “It looks like there’s about five guys shooting at you. Want Redwing to take them out?”
Bucky’s nose flares at the mention of the godforsaken machine but concedes, “Cover her and I’ll do it.”
“Excuse me? I don’t need anyone’s…” a shriek cuts me short and the sound of my own bullets confirms that I do, in fact, need help and Redwing is on it within seconds, taking out the offended men.
“What was that?” Bucky tries not to sound mocking but it’s just too good of a moment to miss.
“Shove it, Barnes. You’re the one who doesn’t immediately think of his bionic arm because he’s right handed.”
“Sam you told her about that? That’s it. Both of you are fired when we get back.”
We chuckle at his false threat and focus on the task at hand; getting inside of the looming concrete building, extract the intel, and get out in one piece.
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The man glances up from the book he is reading at the sound of his name being drawn out, “yesssssss y/nnnnnnn?”
“I need to talk to you,” I nervously whisper, twisting around to see if anyone is in the room. Slipping his bookmark into the book, Sam sets it down and sits back against the couch, gesturing for me to take a seat.
“I swear to god if this has to be with robo cop, your free therapy sessions will come to an end,” he teased me but comes off harsher than he intended and he cringes when my face falls.
“Oh it’s okay. I’m sorry to bother you,"I quickly try to recover the social blunder I’ve made but he grabs my wrist and tells me to sit my ass back down.
“You’re not bothering me and you know better than to take me seriously,” he gently chides me as he pulls me into his side, “what did he do now?”
Fingers twist in uncomfortable angles as I ring my hands together in my lap. Regret starts to fill me and pushes against me like the strong coastal winds, trying to shove me off of the couch and out of the room.
“Nothing. I just…I just hate it, ya know? I hate the whole shitty back and forth we have and how he’s always such an asshole but only to me. I hate that…” I trail off and lean my head on Sam’s shoulder, “I hate that I can’t just tell him how I feel. At this point just getting it off my chest is all I want; I don’t care if he feels the same. I wouldn’t even care if he rejected me, as long as I just didn’t have to live with this disgusting school girl crush.”
Sam chuckles, “have you tried talking to him?”
“We are talking about the same person here, right?”
Although I can’t see him, I can feel the eye roll and heat it in the sarcasm that drips from his voice.
“I will shove you off this couch, I’m trying to HELP you,” he jokingly pushes me away causing us to both laugh, “if you won’t talk to him, then why not move on?”
My laughter dies instantly.
Move on?
Move on?
Move fucking on?
“It’s not that simple,” I snipe at Sam and he hisses from the fake burn of my words.
“It was a suggestion. You don’t have to listen to it,” he says with mock defensiveness.
Another fit of laughter overcomes us and I fall into his lap, completely unaware of how this might look to others. That is until we hear a snort of disgust from the doorway.
The owner?
The one and only Bucky Barnes.
I scramble off of Sam and clear my throat, embarrassed that Bucky walked past.
“Come on, Sam. You can do better than her,” he says with a scowl before striding down the hallway again.
Sam’s jaw tenses and he’s muttering to himself as he stands, taking off after the super solider. He pauses at the door, “I’m sorry for him.”
“It’s fine,” I mumble but it’s not convincing enough.
“No it’s not and I’m going to kick his ass for it. And for the record I think you should at least try and date other people.”
I give him a small smile as he turns and takes off after Bucky, shouting the whole way that he better be ready to get his ass whopped.
Try and date other people.
Try and date other people.
Try and date other people.
It feels deeply wrong to even think about dating other people but Bucky clearly isn’t in a place to even hear my feelings for him.
I pull my phone out and open the most god forsaken app to ever exist; Tinder.
The profile that Yelena and Natasha helped me make has several matches and unread messages but I haven’t had the heart to respond or even open them. Scrolling aimlessly, I pick someone random and message him back.
I have to at least try no matter how loud my heart is screaming at me.
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Nelly Furtado and Megan Thee Stallion have been on repeat for the last three maybe four hours. I’m sure everyone is annoyed and would be banging on my door, shouting at me to turn it off if Sam hadn’t told literally every single person in the tower that I had a date. Tony clapped me on the shoulder, congratulating me for getting out there while Yelena and Natasha demanded to know every detail about this mystery man. I promised Sam that I wouldn’t forget this and he better be ready to lose next time we spar during training. His usual smile dropped as the fear of god struck him. Well the fear of ME struck him.
Smoothing my dress down, I cock my head at my reflection in the mirror. I have to admit that I look stunning in the simple fitted dress that Natasha practically ordered I wear. It’s a tie dye pattern of cream and red with thin straps and a scoop neckline that shows off the star pendant necklace that Tony and Pepper gave me when I first moved in. A “welcome to the tower and good luck” gift as he put it with a teasing smile. Simple hoops line my ears and two matching bracelets adore my wrists however the simplicity of my outfit feels over the top. I’d changed my shoes about 40 times and settled on a pair of tan platform sandals but something is nagging at me to change again.
I check the time and curse under my breath when I see that I need to leave in 5 minutes, which certainly isn’t enough time to change everything. The thought of canceling occurs to me but I know I’ll never hear the end of it.
Checking my reflection one last time, I grab my phone and shove it in my purse before leaving my room. Normally I’d be able to tell if someone was in the common living room but I’m too distracted by hyping myself up for this date to notice that there is someone sitting on the couch.
A certain asshole who never fails to piss me off but also makes me fall for him even more to be exact.
I come to a halt when I feel his presence and duck behind the wall, praying he didn’t see me. Peaking my head out, I’m relieved that he hasn’t and my heart clenches at the sight. Bucky looks so peaceful sitting on the couch dressed in a hoodie and joggers with a well loved book in his lap. Although his hood is pulled up, his ruffled hair peeks out, having grown longer and longer with each passing day. When I first met him, he was damn near bald with his short cropped hair but he’s let it grow long enough that he has to push it back every now and again. I jokingly offered him a hair tie during training one day after I saw how frustrated he was getting with it. He snatched it from me with a grumble and sported a unicorn hair for the remainder of training. Sometimes I think I see that black hair tie on his wrist but he’s all too eager to get away from me for me to properly look.
“I can feel you staring, pervert,” his voice cracks from not being used in hours and I flinch at the sudden noise.
“I’m not staring,” I weakly mumble and step back into the living room.
He hasn’t looked up from his book, still reading the pages as he speaks to me, “yes you were.”
I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him which of course, he somehow sees. It’s beyond me how he can literally sense everything except for my feelings towards him.
His piercing eyes flicker up at me for a brief moment and back to his book before doing a double take.
“Where are you going?”
His question catches me off guard and I scowl at him, “what are you? My dad?”
His jaw twitches but he says nothing.
Satisfied that I got the best of him, I push my luck and ask him, “how do I look? Would you want to go on a date with me?”
Apparently that’s a big fucking mistake because he’s up and storming out of the room like a fucking child without a single word.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mumble under my breath and go after him, “Barnes! I asked you a question, don’t you know it’s rude to storm off and not answer when someone asks you something?”
The behemoth of a man still says nothing as he continues to stomp down the hall.
“Bucky!” I shout at him and he stills right at his door. His left hand is gripping his door knob and I can hear it crumble under its strength. He doesn’t turn to look at me. No no he turns his head just enough to side eye me as he spits out, “fuck off, Y/N.”
The use of my first name takes me back. He never calls me y/n, not even when he’s furious with me for not falling orders. It’s always my last name, Agent, or some rude nickname and on very rare occasions when he’s flirting with me to be a dick, doll.
“Excuse me?” I scoff at him, crossing my arms over my chest.
“I said fuck off,” he grits out as he rips the door open and tries to slam it shut but my hand stops him.
“You don’t get to talk to me like that, no matter how much you hate me. What is your deal anyways? All I did was ask if you liked my outfit which shouldn’t matter to you anyways,” I tell him as I shove into his room. It’s his turn to be taken aback and he stumbles backwards when I push through.
“You’ve made it very clear that you despise me and I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why,” my pent up frustration and anger come spilling out as I continue to tell him off, “I was nothing but kind and friendly when I first got here but you? You were a dick from day one and only to me! You didn’t treat Yelena or even fucking Sharon that way. It was just me and it got worse! Oh my god it’s gotten so much worse and whether or not you want to believe it, I’m a person who has feelings! I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve cried in the shower because of you. It got so bad that I would cry myself to sleep like a fucking idiot and someone had to sit with me until I fell asleep so I wouldn’t throw myself into a goddamn panic attack. Poor Sam almost moved in because he was the only one that could calm me down. Did you know that?”
He’s staring at me with wide eyes but not a single emotion crosses over them. It makes me unbelievably angry that my outburst doesn’t even phase him.
So I keep going, “and you want to know the worst part? The day I got here, Tony was showing me around and he brought me into the kitchen where everyone was eating. You were there, flirting with Sam just to piss him off but you looked so happy. You were laughing and smiling so much that Tony, fucking Tony made a comment about how that was the happiest he’d seen you in a while. You hadn’t seen us yet but when you did, you gave me that charming Brooklyn smile and it was all over for me. From that single smile, I knew I was screwed because I’d caught feelings for you. Not that it mattered though because within a matter of hours, you lost that smile and were so awful. I tried so hard to make you like me but nothing. If anything it made you hate me even more but no matter what, I’ve always had these…feelings for you that I don’t want anymore. I don’t want to look at you and feel my heart breaking because you don’t feel the same way. I don’t want to pick apart every person I talk to because they’re not you and I hate that they’re not. I don’t want to cry to Sam about how it feels like a piece of me is dying when I’m not around you but you want nothing to do with me. I don’t want to feel like this anymore, Bucky. I can’t… I can’t feel like this.”
By the end of my confession, the tears I swore I would never shed again have fallen. They ruin the makeup I spent an hour putting on, pretending it was a date with Bucky because thinking about Miguel makes my skin crawl. I know I look like a mess but I don’t care. I’ve said my peace finally and while it’s embarrassing and I know I’ll regret it later, it’s done. Maybe now I can move on or at least find comfort in knowing that I won’t have to face Bucky again and live with these disgusting unrequited feelings.
He’s still said nothing, hasn’t moved or otherwise acknowledged that he’s heard me. He just stands there, staring at me with a clenched jaw and completely still. The only noises that fill his room are my sniffles and the subtle whirring of his arm as he clenches his hands into fists.
Of course he wouldn’t say anything. Why would he? It’s not surprising but hurtful regardless because I would’ve hoped he’d find a shred of kindness to show me under all of that hatred.
I shake my head as I turn to leave, unable to deal with him and with the fact that I’m now late for my date. My phone buzzes and I’m greeted with a rather rude message from Miguel about how unattractive it is that I’m late and didn’t even give him a heads up. It takes everything in me to not scream as loud as I can and throw my phone against the wall. Instead I settle for angrily shoving it back into my purse while more than a few foul words fall from my lips.
A cold metal hand clasps onto my wrist as I pull open the door and I look down at it in shock.
“I don’t know what to say,” Bucky whispers, his grip gentle but inescapable all the same. I want to tear myself away but he’s touching me. My heart begins to pound at the connection between us and I let out a shuttered breath.
“You can start by apologizing for how you talked to me,” I manage to say with a voice that is steadier than my breathing.
“I’m sorry, doll. Not just for that but for everything. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I’m sorry I made you cry and made you think I hated you. I’m sorry I ever treated you the way that I did. No one deserves that and especially not you,” he says in a low voice while slowly closing the distance between us. His hand slides up my arm until it rests on my bicep and he asks for me to come closer too with a soft squeeze.
“I know actions are louder than words and if you’ll let me, I will do anything you ask of me to make it up to you. All you have to do is ask, doll and I swear I’ll do it,” his voice cracks with emotions that I never thought he could feel. Tears brim his eyes as he looks at me with such hope that I feel my own threaten to start falling again.
“No,” it shocks me just as much as it shocks him. His hand loosens and falls to his side.
“No,” I breathe out, “I can’t…that’s….Bucky I just admitted that I’m in love with you and that’s all you have to say? I appreciate the effort but it’s not…no it’s not enough.”
“You’re in love with me?”
Disbelief laces his words and I let out a scoff because he can’t be fucking serious right now.
“Don’t… don’t make me say it,” I stammer over my words as my sobs get caught in my throat.
He blinks at me for a moment before repeating it more to himself than me, “you’re in love with me.”
I wait with bated breath as he processes the revelation. He takes a sudden step forward and I take one back out of habit. Pain explodes onto his face as he steps back again and I swear to god I’ve never felt my heart break as much as it is now.
“Don’t play with my emotions, Bucky,” I hiss, the words harsher than I intend
“Jesus fuck,” he mutters while running a hand through his hair, “do you really think I’d do something like that?”
An answer materializes on my tongue but I can’t say it and he learns it from the struggle in my eyes.
“Wow, I…I can’t believe that you think that low of me.”
“No, I don't because I think the world of you.”
He shakes his head, “don’t play with my emotions either, doll.”
“Considering that I don’t know what they are most of the time, I don’t think I could even if I tried.”
There’s a shift in the tension and I can’t place what. Bucky straightens his shoulders and looks at me with a new intensity. He attempts another step in my direction and when I don’t back away, he begins to prowl towards me.
“I’m not good with words.”
“Trust me I’m aware.”
“I haven’t been able to think about my own wants and needs until recently.”
He backs me into the door but stays a foot or so away from me.
“Where are you going with this?” My voice is whinier than I’d hoped and I pray to god he doesn’t notice.
But he does and the smile that hooked me in the first place overtakes his face.
“Anywhere you want me to, doll. If you want me to give you space, I’ll give it to you even though it’ll break me,” he whispers seriously, “If you want me to grovel until we’re both old and forget why, I’ll gladly get on my knees for you right now. If you want me to show you how I feel, all you have to do is say yes.”
Hesitation creeps up on me because I know what I want and what I want is not what I need.
Bucky takes the final steps and pins me against the door, both arms caging me in so I have nowhere to go. My hands fly up to his shoulders as he leans in, not quite letting our lips touch.
“I’m in love with you too,” he whispers against my lips before his descends upon mine. I half expected him to devour me but it’s unhurried, slow and languid as our lips move in sync. I can feel his love in the way that his tongue slides against my bottom lip before slipping in. He’s gentle with me as his hands move to cradle my head and pull me impossibly closer. He's apologizing for the tears and angst I’ve felt as my phone rings and he silences it without breaking our kiss. He’s showing that he’ll spend as long as it takes to show his love for me as he urges me to wrap my legs around his waist and takes me to his bed.
My phone rings again and he lets out a frustrated growl as he breaks our kiss to answer it. He rolls his eyes at the name that flashes and presses the answer button with a little too much aggression.
I can’t hear what Miguel says but Bucky’s replies are very clear.
“This is her boyfriend.”
“Since when? Since right fucking now.”
He hangs up and tosses my phone to the other side of his bed.
“Boyfriend, huh?” I tease however it falls short when he dips his head to my neck, licking and sucking at my skin.
“Have a problem with it, doll?”
“Not at all.”
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pearbunny · 8 months
Itty Bitty
Or Stray Kids' reactions to their significant other being insecure about their small chest size.
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paring: ot8 (separately) x reader. genre: Domesticated fluff, humor, comfort, but also contains a tad bit of explicit content [minors do not interact]. warnings: obviously talks about reader's insecurity (having a flatter chest than what they would like), boobies, cursing, playful teasing, sarcasm, pet names: baby, kitten, love, angel baby/babe, bubs/bubby, baby love. (sappy I know sorry) suggestive themes/explicit content... kind of? Idk Chan grabs some ass and Han gropes some titty. [again, minors do not interact]. word count: each member ranges from 300 - 600 words. a/n: First of these I've done so seeing this as a writing exercise but also something to hold over since ch 8 of TBL has been postponed lmao. Also, sorry for the excessive pet names, I just think its fun to imagine what they would call their s/o.
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Bang Christopher Chan
The water pressure from the shower head above subsides as you turn it off. You grab the towel you had prepared for yourself on top of the sliding door, patting yourself dry before wrapping it around your frame. You tuck the end of the towel between your breasts and slide the shower door open, landing your feet on the fluffy bath mat. 
“Chris,” you call to your boyfriend just feet away from you at the bathroom sink. 
“Yes, baby?” He looks at you through the reflection of the mirror, bent forward over the sink to examine his shaving work on his face. 
“Mmm,” You pause and look for the towel you typically use to dry your hair. The Australian man hands you the microfiber towel that was on your side of the double vanity sink to which you take it with a smile. “Thanks.”
Chan leans back over the sink, this time washing his face to get rid of the shaving cream. You observe the muscles of his exposed back flex and tense under his tanned skin, momentarily forgetting everything on your mind. With his face patted dry, he turns around to you and reaches his hand to gently take your wrist, pulling you close to him. 
You chuckle sadly at yourself, a little embarrassed to even be speaking the words out loud. “Do you think my boobs could be bigger?” 
A beat passes before Chan tugs you closer to him and positions you in front of the mirror. "Come here." He grabs your leave-in conditioner off the vanity and applies it into your hair. You’ve talked to him about the importance of hair care enough times that he’s taken the initiative to pay attention to your hair care routine. He works it through your hair and you can’t help but close your eyes at the gentle massage he gives your scalp in the process. “Baby, where in the world is this coming from?”
You shrug your shoulders and hold onto your towel, feeling it slip a little. “Shower thoughts, I guess?”
Chan points at the wide tooth comb over your shoulder and you hand it to him. He gently runs it through your hair, starting at the bottom. “Well I think you’re beautiful no matter what, but if that’s something you want to look into, I support you.” 
You think about the possibility and turn to him, placing your hands on his chest, fingers grazing gently over his skin. “Even if I want to get them done?”
Chan nods once and looks down at you, warmth in his eyes. “Of course.” 
You give him a silly pout. You’ve never considered it seriously, but it was nice to know he supported you. “But what if it's expensive?”
He places his hands on your waist, rubbing gentle curls against the fabric of your bath towel with his thumbs. “Then we save up.”
You thank whatever higher being allowed you to live in the same lifetime as this man. “Really?”
“Of course, babe. It’s whatever you want.” 
You melt into his arms and place a chaste kiss on his lips. 
The corners of Chan’s eyes crinkle as he grins widely, his hands sneaking to the curve of your ass, giving it a rough squeeze. “More of an ass man anyway.” 
Lee Minho
“Kitten.” Minho attempts to grab your attention as he stirs the curry sauce in the pan in front of him, preparing dinner.  “Hmm?” You slant your head over in his direction, looking up from your research paper on the laptop in front of you. 
“Why would you want bigger boobs?” He’s not even looking in your direction, instead focusing on his multiple cooking tasks. He goes back to making sure the chicken breast is thoroughly coated with panko bread crumbs.
“Wh-what?” You stuttered, slightly taken aback. You’re not sure where he's coming from.
“You were talking with your friend earlier and I overheard you saying that sometimes you wished you had bigger boobs.” Again, he’s not looking at you. Instead, he puts oil into a pan and heats it up until it’s sizzling to put in the coated chicken. 
“Oh, yeah.” You laugh a bit, closing your laptop before joining him at the stove. You do your best to keep out of the way whenever Minho’s cooking in the kitchen, instead delegating yourself the task of clean up. “Well, it’s just sometimes I think having bigger boobs would be fun.”  He stays quiet and you know from being with Minho long enough that his silence means he wants you to continue that thought. 
“Like bikinis for example or dresses.  Or how I could put stuff in my bra whenever I don’t have pockets and I don’t wanna carry a purse.” You give a very relaxed shrug of your shoulders. Your chest size is an insecurity of yours, sure, but it’s never really in the forefront of your thoughts. 
“Well then,” He takes the chicken breast in a pair of tongs and drops it into the oil. “I want a bigger dick.” 
“Minho, what?” You look at him incredulously. “Don’t be ridiculous. Why would you want a bigger dick?”
As the chicken breast sizzles, he stirs again at his curry sauce. “You wouldn’t like me if I had a bigger dick?”
You don’t even have to think about the answer, “I think your dick is perfect.” 
Minho takes the fried chicken katsu out of the oil and places it on a plate with a napkin on it, draining it of the excess oil. “You like my dick the way it is, then?”
You nod at him and take a taste of the curry in the ladle that he holds up to your lips. “Yes. I like your dick the way it is.” The curry is perfect, just the way you like it and it’s just then you realize what he’s done. 
“Oh… I see what you did there.” You give him a small shy smile. 
Minho gives you a toothless smile, his lips very akin to how you think a cat would smile. He takes the apron off from around his waist and prepares your plate, placing it in front of you. 
“Good.” As you take a bite, he gently pats the top of your head.
Seo Changbin
Changbin comes through the door at 8am on a Sunday morning, dropping his gym bag by the door next to his shoes. He shuffles on over to your form in the kitchen, hugging you from behind. “Good morning.” He presses a kiss on your temple. You hand him his post workout protein shake and he simply sets it aside, opting to hold you instead. “It was so hard to leave you in the morning.”  He does a little dance behind you, one he did whenever he was extremely excited to see you.
You smile gently and turn around in his hold, trapping yourself between him and the counter. “And yet you still did.” 
“I never skip chest day, you know that.” He gives you a small smirk.  
“Hey, Binnie. This is random but do you like my boobs?” 
Changbin stares at you with a very serious look. “Yes.” 
“Even if they’re small?” Lately, you've been noticing other people around you with a bigger bust size. The fact that you're noticing it at all was a sure sign to you that you were a tad bit jealous of their features. You've even noticed the work that Changbin has been putting into his pecs paying off.
“Yes.” Changbin places his hands on your boobs suddenly. “I’d like them if they were any size at all.” 
You roll your eyes, “You have to say that. You love me.” 
“I do love you.” He squeezes his arms around you tight and lifts you into the air momentarily, earning him a laugh from you. “But I mean it.” He brings you on top of the counter and settles himself between your legs. 
“Good.” You wrap your arms around his neck loosely and bring him closer to you to press your lips on his. 
Changbin is eager to kiss you back. He pulls away from you and gently pokes at your sides. “And I’ll love you when we’re old, happy and saggy.” 
Your eye twitches slightly in annoyance at his last added adjective. You quickly take one of your hands and gently jab at his pecs, knowing he would be sore. He pulls back, yelping in pain. He rubs at his chest, soothing the assaulted area. “What was that for?”
“Saggy is not a word I want to hear when talking about my boobs, big or small… But also for having bigger boobs than me.” You stick your tongue out at him playfully. 
Hwang Hyunjin
Hyunjin sits on the floor across from where you are laying on bed, head propped up in your palm as you stare off blankly. The soft hum of an orchestral piece playing over the Bluetooth speaker accompanies Hyunjin’s pencil sketching against the parchment paper of his Moleskine sketchbook. 
You adjust the thin bed sheet over your naked form, suddenly a little insecure. Realistically, you know that it’s a little silly. Hyunjin had drawn you multiple times, in the nude, totally covered up, everything in between, but you couldn’t help the intrusive thoughts from being well.. Intrusive. You look down at your form, the small vein on your forehead prominently showing as your insecurity grows with the passing seconds. 
Your boyfriend glances up at you quickly before his eyes dart back to his sketch, but he pulls his eyes back up to you when he notices that vein. “Hey, love. What’s on your mind?”
You sigh through your nose, hugging the sheets closer to you. “Sometimes I wonder if I’d look better with bigger boobs.”
Hyunjin, with his flare of dramatics, crawls over to you with a highly raised brow. He places his elbows on the bed, his hand at your shoulder. “You look perfect.” He’s staring into your eyes and it sends shivers down your spine. He still has that effect on you even after years of dating. It’s the way it seems like he’s looking straight into your soul. 
He twists to grab his sketchbook off the floor then gets up to sit on the bed with you. He leans against the bed frame and motions for you to sit against him. You do so and he wraps one arm around you to cradle you between his arms, opening his drawing book to show you all the sketches he’s done. 
“You’re perfect. And I mean that. Here.” He flips to a page that depicts you in the moonlight, washes of gouache paint for shadows and highlights. His finger traces your body on the paper. “This is my favorite curve.” It's the curve of your backside as you lay on your stomach. He turns the page past paintings and drawings of vases, streets, sunsets. “Ooh, this one is good.” It was a sketch of you in a dress from the waist up, looking over your shoulder with a large sun hat on your head. 
Hyunjin shows you all his sketches of you. He’s depicted you in numerous poses in multiple mediums. He turns back to the page he was drawing on moments before. You focus on the sketch noticing your messy bun, the details of your shoulder and collar bone and the small dimple on your cheek. He closes the book and places it on the nightstand. 
"You make me look so beautiful, Hyun." You crane your head back up at him, smiling softly. It’s a wonder to you how he is able to pull you out of your insecure thoughts. It’s clear that he’s so in love with you, enough to never be bored drawing you. 
He cups your cheek and brings your lips close to his. He whispers to you and he hopes you understand everything he says. “You are beautiful. I love every single curve, slope, line of your body. You might not love it, but I hope that I can love you enough to make up for it.” Hyunjin’s lips press against yours and you melt into his touch. “My perfect, perfect muse.”
Han Jisung
“Bubs.” You hold the phone to your ear, thankful that your boyfriend had picked up. 
“Baby love?” Han talks to you through the phone. 
“I’m coming over. We’re going on a date and you’re going to be okay with what I’m wearing.” You’re already in the elevator up to his apartment. You start to pace back and forth, waiting for the bell to ding to signify you reached the 8th floor. 
Han laughs over the receiver, his voice a little unsure. “Okay?” 
You walk down the hall and adjust your bag on your shoulder. “I’m outside.” 
Han opens the door to find you with a pout on your lips, a little bit sulky. Your shoulders droop as you walk through his door, enveloping you in a hug before shutting the door. “What’s wrong?” 
You place your bag on the kitchen counter and turn to his full length mirror above his small shoe rack next to the front door. “I was going to try to surprise you with a really cute date and I wanted to look really cute when you opened the door but instead I look like this.” You’re wearing a brown unzipped hoodie, black baggy cargo pants and a cropped tank top. 
Han leans against the counter of his kitchen, biting his lower lip as he looks you up and down. “I mean, you still look cute to me.” 
You sigh and turn around, crossing your arms over your stomach as if to hide your torso. “But I look like a small boy in this outfit.” 
“No, you definitely do not.” 
You sigh again, but this time louder, more dramatically, in frustration. He didn't seem like he understood where you were coming from. “Han Jisung! I have no titties.” You uncross your arms, showing him your lack of cleavage. 
Han scoffs and pulls you against him, slipping his hand into your back pocket. “You have titties, baby love. Do I need to remind you?” 
No answer comes to your lips, simply watching as he tugs the low scoop neckline of your tank top down past your boobs. He takes your left breast in his hand and squeezes it gently. A small sound moves past your lips and Han chuckles low. You push him away, tugging your top back over your boobs. All the insecurity you felt about your body image at that moment leaves you and is replaced with a giddiness in your stomach. 
“We’re supposed to go out today.” 
Han groans and buries his face into your neck, breathing you in. “Or we can stay in and I can remind you over and over again.” 
You purse your lips, his fingers slip under the fabric of your cotton top, his feather-like touch building a knot within you. He places a kiss on your neck and you can’t help the shaky breath you exhale through your slightly parted lips. 
Han can feel your body relax and that’s all he needs to pull your tank top over your head as you shrug your hoodie off your shoulders and onto the floor. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he takes you towards his bedroom. When he sits the both of you down, he places you in his lap and brushes your hair away from your face. “Now don’t you ever make fun of my baby love’s titties. I love them.” 
“Okay, bubby.” You whimper as he shows you just how much he truly loves them.
Lee Felix
You had bought a new dress online and tried it on as soon as you received the package, excited to wear it out on a date with your boyfriend. You stare are your reflection, a small frown set on your lips. A knock comes through the door. 
It’s Felix.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He strides on over to you, immediately wrapping his arms around the small of your waist. You turn into him and embrace him back. 
“I just bought a new dress.” The crease in between your brows deepens and that is enough to cause concern for Felix. 
He takes a step back, his fingers still latching onto your own. “You look great.” He gives you a genuine smile and you can’t help but let your frown up, even just a little. 
“Thanks, but...” You look back towards the mirror and reach behind you to cinch the dress so the loose fabric gathered around your chest sits tighter on your body, the way you’d like it to. “It would look better if I had bigger boobs.”
Felix clicks his tongue at you and takes hands off your dress. The fabric falls slack against you again as it was originally. His arms snake around your form again as he rests his chin over your shoulder. “Angel baby,” His voice is low as it tickles your ear. “Look at yourself.” 
You look directly at your self-diagnosed problem area in the reflection of the mirror. 
Felix nudges his head against yours. “No, look at yourself.”
With a defeated sigh, you comply and look at yourself. Not just your chest, but the length of your legs, your thighs, Felix’s arms around your waist, your exposed shoulders, and your face, which Felix presses a kiss against the highest point of your cheek. “You’re beautiful, you got that?”
You turn in his arms, resting your head on his chest as you hum a reply. 
“I mean it. You are more than just your beauty though.:” He leans back and presses a kiss on your face again, this time on your forehead. “You’re brilliant,” He pauses to peck at the lid of your left eye. “You’re funny.” Another on your nose. “You’re kind.” On your lips. This time, you attempt to chase the kiss, but he expertly dodges your request and puts his lips on your jaw. “And you’re all mine.”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes you. You lean against him and he gladly supports your weight before he starts to sway your bodies to the imaginary music playing in your heads. 
Kim Seungmin 
Seungmin walks out of the bathroom to join you at your dining table for breakfast after his shower. He rubs the towel in his hair, attempting to get as much water as he can out of it. You’re sitting at the table, cross legged in the small chair with a large pout on your lips. 
Seungmin rolls his eyes, sighing. It’s a bit mean, but you know he’s just being dramatic. Plus, if it really bothered you, he would stop. No questions asked. “What is it now?”
You send a glare at him. Again, it was how you showed your affection towards each other. “I have small boobs.” 
Seugmin simply stares at you, deadpanning. The statement was so random and yet he would not expect anything less from you. Things like this would happen often. You would let him know what insecurity ailed you that day and he would tell you how silly you were being. Had it been any other two people in a relationship, you don’t think that the way you and Kim Seungmin communicated would be considered romantic. But the two of you understand each other the way no one else does. 
Hey ugly really means I miss you. You’re here again? means I’m happy to see you. I’m hanging up now means it’s late and you need to sleep for work tomorrow. You’re stupid means You’re perfect and I can't possibly be more in love with you than I am this second. 
“They’re fine.” 
That wasn’t very convincing.
Seungmin drapes his towel over his shoulder, sitting down on one of the dining chairs. He places his hands out in front of him, staring at his palms. 
You stand up and make your way over to him at the other end of the table, confused. “What are you doing?”
He looks up at you and shifts his whole body towards you, hands still out, palms up. “Your boobs are small, but they fit in my hands so I don’t see the problem.” 
Before you can walk back to your seat in a huff, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you into his lap, showering your face and neck with kisses. 
Your laughter, loud in his ears, brings a huge grin on his lips. “Now stop being so stupid.” 
Yang Jeongin
You lay on your back in bed, holding your phone above you while Jeongin rests his head on your chest, scrolling on his own phone. Your routine on Sunday evenings consisted of doing exactly what you were doing now, winding down by watching and sharing Tiktoks. 
Jeongin laughs and it vibrates your chest. You take a peek to look at his phone and jealousy springs up on you, noticing that the woman in the Tiktok had a low cut shirt, showcasing her cleavage. Lately, you’ve been noticing things like that everywhere you go, how clothes seem to just look better on people with a larger chest size, or that maybe people would stop assuming that you were a 12 year old because of your flatter-than-average chest size. 
You huff loudly, causing Jeongin to tilt his head in your direction, though his eyes were still on his phone. “What?”
You shrug your shoulders, pretending to scroll on through your own FYP. 
Jeongin tosses his phone aside on the bed and sits up, bringing you with him. You sit across from each other, your small hands in his much larger ones. You can’t look him in the eyes, ashamed. 
“What is it?” He ducks his head low, trying to catch a glimpse of your eyes. 
“Myboobsaresmall.” You blurt out quickly. 
Jeongin raises a brow. “Sorry, again?”
“My boobs are small.” You give a heavy sigh, your shoulders sagging in the process. 
It’s quiet for a while until Jeongin gives a chuckle, gently flicking your forehead. 
“Ow, what the heck?” You rub at the reddening spot. 
“You’re so dumb.” He places his arm across your stomach and pulls you back down onto the bed with him. 
“You’re calling me dumb after I tell you what’s been bothering me?!”
Jeongin moves his head in a nod then rests his head back on your chest. “I like them.”
“You do?” Your brows furrow together. 
“Yeah. They’re cute.” The way he says it is so matter-of-fact that it’s a little endearing. 
“Plus, if I wanted to date someone with bigger boobs I would.”
You roll your eyes and give him his own flick to his forehead which he happily takes, laughter from his whole chest filling your small room. Jeongin leans up to place a kiss on your lips, one that has you chasing after him once he pulls away.
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a/n: idk just something quick. didn't wanna think about it too much but honestly, these are a lil difficult for me to do without sounding redundant. likes, reblogs, comments always appreciated!
pearbunny's masterlist
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Hello! Could you please write a story where the reader disobeys orders given by Eris, and then she is hurt and Eris is angry? Thank you!
Didn’t Listen
Eris x reader
A/n: over protective scared Eris
Warnings: some angst and blood
The current situation you and your guard, Alfie, are in is your fault. You had talked Alfie into going out to the rock wall just behind the Forest House. Eris had told you a thousand times, ‘stay off the rock wall, it’s dangerous.’
You were currently hanging from a ledge on said rock wall, your foot slipping. Alfie was yelling at you to get down, but you honestly didn’t think you could get down. It also didn’t help that you were hanging over the Deep Lake. Another part of nature in Autumn you were told to never go near.
The myth of the Deep Lake was that the bottom was never ending. Not even the water nymphs came back from exploring the blackness of the bottom.
You were trying to your hardest not to panic and to do that you needed Alfie to shut the hell up. “ALFIE! I need you to be quiet so I can focus!” “Yes my Lady!” You rolled your eyes at the sarcasm lacing his tone. You inched one of your hands over slowly. Feeling the rock crumble you snap your hand back, you let it dangle before putting it back on the ledge.
“I’m getting Eris!” Alfie yelled, sprinting back to the house. You were panicking because now you were alone. And if you fell alone, with no one to potentially pull you from the lake before you drifted into the darkness scared the living hell out of you.
Your heart was thundering. You were doing everything to keep from shaking. If anything, you were disappointed in yourself right now. You knew Eris could climb the wall no problem. But that was because Eris and his brothers climb it when they were younger.
You just wanted to prove to Eris that you weren’t some fragile thing that always needed to be watched over. Lost in thought, you feel your hands sweating causing you to slip. “Oh no, no, no no.” You couldn’t get your grip back. You tried with all your strength to grip the rock, your nails breaking from scratching at the hard surface. You feel blood leaking from your cracked nails.
The mix of blood and sweat coating your hands forced you to let go. A blood curdling scream leaves your lips and your stomach drops. All you can do is close your eyes and try to force your body to a safe space.
As you fall a few more feet you hit a wide ledge. You hear your bones crunch, landing on your side. You let out a whimper. Tears prick your eyes as you roll onto your back, clutching your arm to your chest. The pain was burning your skin.
Your vision was going in and out, your eyes threatening to close. You force them open. If you closed your eyes you were afraid you would die. In your battle for consciousness you didn’t hear Eris and Alife sprinting to the wall.
The last thing you saw before you closed your eyes was Eris’ face.
When you finally opened your eyes you were in bed. Eris was sitting in a chair holding your good hand. His long red hair tousled from the amount of times he ran his hands through it from stress. Tears ran down his cheeks silently. He hadn’t noticed you were up yet. You could tell Eris was zoned out, his eyes had a distant look.
You squeezed his hand, his head snapping to you. His mouth set in a frown as he focused on you. “Hey,” you forced out, your throat dry from screaming, “Eris I’m ok.” He shakes his head slowly. “No. How can you say that? Why? Why did you do that? I’ve told you so many fucking times to stay away from the wall. And you blatantly disobey me.” His words were too calm. You went cold at his tone, the realization finally hitting you of how dangerous the wall truly was.
Eris’ tongue darted out, wetting his lips. He turned his face from you, closing his eyes and squeezing out unshed tears. “Eris, I’m sorry. I just wanted to show you I was strong…b-but it didn’t go how I wanted.” Eris scoffed his eyes opening. “Really?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “What did the healer say?” You wanted to change the subject before it turned into another fight. Eris takes a deep breath. Trying his best to stay calm. “You have a few bruised ribs, a broken arm but she fixed it, and a concussion. A few scrapes. Other than that you’re ok.” You nod against the pillow.
“Have I ever told you why I wanted you away from the wall?” Avoiding his gaze you answer, “No.” still clinging to your hand he rests his forearms next to you. “When my brothers and I were younger our father made us climb it. He told us whoever got to the top was the strongest and would be worthy of inheriting his power and title. We knew it was another bullshit competition he had come up with between us, but we couldn’t risk not participating.
He didn’t tell us that the rock was frail in places. It looked like it would hold us but was unnaturally thin. If we didn’t climb fast enough or grab the right places we’d fall, like you did. All seven of us were climbing one afternoon, I was almost ahead when Lucien slipped. I couldn’t let him drop. So when he slipped again I went back down and helped him.
I lost and was punished that night for showing compassion. For not taking what was rightfully mine and letting my heart get in the way.” Now you were crying. You had no idea. There was a lot Eris still hadn’t talked about when it came to Beron. There were decades of trauma he was working on sorting through.
You hated how this was how it came out. You scared him, probably sent him back to that moment when he saw you laying on that ledge. “I -“ His voice cracks, you cut Eris off by bringing his hand to your lips leaving a gentle kiss on the back of his hand.
“I’m sorry I scared you. That wasn’t what I wanted. I was just mad about yesterday and I didn’t know that was why, about the wall. And I’m so sorry he made you do that. But thank you for telling me, I know it’s hard to talk about it. Any of it. It’s just another weight off your chest my love and I’m proud of you.”
Eris gives you a small smile. “And I’m sorry about yesterday. You are strong, I’m just so scared to lose you.” You scoot over patting the spot you were just in. Eris climbs into bed and you rest your head on his chest.
“You’ll never be rid of me my love.” He lets out a breathy chuckle. “Good.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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moongoopy · 24 days
hiii could u write abt fluff language barrier with suguru x reader? Ty
walls that break down
c/w: fluffy :33
a/n: so errmmmm i wanted to put a whole apology list for how crap this scenario was BUT i decided against that, i just hope you atleast enjoy this to some extent (rips hair off)
bold is in english btw!
c: teacher!geto x florist!reader
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jujutsu high needed some renovation especially the flowers. the climate in tokyo had been erratic for a few months now and the poor greens had seen better days. he thought it was best to look for the principal's opinion but decided against it.
why not, seek the help of a florist himself?
hm, he wonders what kind of flowers would make the school more welcoming, a symbolic approach would be much greater or should he worry more about colour? flower arrangements can be completely different too, that might be the main issue to this.
he made some quick calls to the gojo and yaga. saying to yaga that he'll take a quick trip to check out the florist whilst with gojo to take care of the first years which he already was doing a good job at (sarcasm intended with how nobara and itadori was screaming in the background). there was no requests from gojo suprisingly since the flower shop was close to the pastry shop.
he slipped his phone into his pocket and spawned his stingray curse and hopped on, making himself comfortable before they flew right over.
he never really stepped into the flower shop before, it was charming but there was no reason to check it out. the place was aesthetically pleasing and the row of flowers decorating the front of the shop wasn't overwhelming and smelled just right.
"hello, welcome!"
geto smiles to the friendly greeting, greeting them back and stepping to the counter and conversed a bit with you
you caught on to most of his words and it was a bit visible that you looked a bit nervous, he excuses himself, saying that he'll check the flowers first
you were probably a new worker at this shop so he understood, not trying to pressure you too much with questions. he wonders if he was able to tell you what he likes though eventually
meanwhile, you let out a breath you were holding. his japanese was pretty easy to understand up to an extent and your boss wasn't back from her stop at the corner store so you just prayed that his request wasn't that difficult
you did your best to not skimp over the lessons and books you had but you forgot the part where you can get confused and it alarms you when you had stuttered to him. well other than being a newbie at japanese, he was also such a handsome man and quite gentle at that
recognizing the symbol of jujutsu high, he was a sorcerer, you wondered if he was a strong one at that. if so, that added to the list on how attractive he was. you sneaked a few glances at him, he was dissappearing right into the corner of the shop right next to the flower pots
clutching the language book in your hand, you wonder if you should move away from the counter to help him, was that required too? damn, this would've been easier if you asked the boss. you did work behind the shop but never the front!
"excuse me?"
you were immediately snapped out of your thoughts when his soft voice called out for you and you opened the counter board to get to him. oh boy, here goes.
you walked to him with a steady gait and popped right next to him. he was looking between two flowers before he looks at you and smile so prettily that you clutched the side of your apron.
"yes sir?"
his smile reached his eyes as he shifts to one foot to another.
"its okay, dont be nervous."
oh, was it that obvious? you felt your cheeks burn and embarassment flood your system and you try to keep a calm facade. you are so gonna grip your head in your hands after this.
"sorry sir, i'll try my best."
he then waves, hopefully for you to not get too flustered over this and pointed to the flowers and the first thing he asked was which looked better in rows and you nodded, you could do this.
you eased yourself into explaining and was grateful that he understood what you were talking about. you tried to use simpler terms but when it reached the language of these flowers, he chuckled boyishly.
"sorry, i dont understand you.. this part i mean.."
you had him holding his chin and thinking of what to say and you felt another wave of embarassment bubble over. were you too fast? was it too complex, you wanted to scream. you chewed on your bottom lip, looking at him tentatively.
the bell of the shop saved you and it was the sweet old boss that gasped to a face of a customer. she fusses over you a lot, being in a different country from your own is something she understands and it was endearing of her to care.
she had put down her groceries and rushed on over to the man and chirped to him to which he bows politely to her.
you were ushered to take care of the cash register, the old lady winking to you that she could handle it and you sighed.
walking back to the counter, you heard just how talkative your boss was with the man to which he humoured with chatter. inhaling, you swore to yourself to practise more; the book on the counter thrust open and ready for you to read in.
geto was back in his apartment, scrolling through the pictures of the flowers he took today and yawned. he had preferred the blue flowers, the colour and meaning was perfect for the school but the principal preffered the yellow ones more.
he put his phone away, not in the mood to debate flowers right now. he could be lenient and go with yaga's choice but the blue flowers just call out to him.
he drummed his fingers against the table and thought of his day today,
he thought of you.
your sweet smile as he called you over and how you carried yourself. your voice was soothing to his ears and when you started explaining he was hooked onto every word. just how you described these flowers with such adoration is admirable
its just that he felt like the bigger fool when your explanation gets more deeper and he hated to stop you, seeing you pause when he held his hand up made him want to mentally slap himself to stopping you so abrumptly
with the way you bit your lip and scratched the back of your head in embarassment, that makes two of you
he snickered in amusement to himself when he thumbed a book in his hand
the granny had uttered that you would be working at the flower shop daily and in order to communicate with you better, he held an english dictionary
his english had gotten so rusty like a box of nuts and bolts, he remembered shutting away at his dictionaries in his student years for the 'last time' and sighing in exasperation to how he can stop learning such a language
it tickles him how hes now opening a dictionary back up
"what you need that for, you seeing somebody?"
his dictionaries and helping material were all back at his family home in the quiet old village. it was defitenely stored away in the basement, a small box tucked away in a corner
he went and borrowed gojo's one, the one he never stores away just because he doesnt want to clean it up
all gojo got from geto as a response was a grunt as he was waved off
the books were all so clean, that show off probably scanned all the books that he read and called it a day, he was smart after all; annoyingly so.
geto then studied again, feeling the nostalgia of his teen years rushing back to him and spends the night learning the language. his beloved students wondered where geto-sensei was and it was up to gojo and his ridiculous tomfoolery to answer that
the next day, geto went back to the flower shop to see that you weren't near the counter but busy tending with new flower arrivals. he saw you whip your head around as granny greeted him.
he made a beeline towards granny first to idly cht with her first.
"hm, y/n looks like they haven't had that much sleep.."
granny waves her hand before looking back at you who was still so attentive with your work and worries on how you had stayed up to memorize japanese eventhough she herself could help you with that but you had rejected her, telling how you needed to do this yourself.
geto comforts granny that its not out of ill intention, some people are just like that, they dont want to burden people. eventhough that slightly ease the boss of the flowershop, she still couldn't help but be a worrywart for the darling across the flowershop. the brunette then shifted the conversation to the flowers he was supposed to check again and thats where you pop in again.
"granny, geto, may i show you the fresh batches today?" you wiped off some sweat off your brow as you fiddle with the gloves in your hand and glance towards the spot you were working at and they both nodded immediately.
there was a lot of flowers than he presumed and he nodded, tapping his phone to make a few calls. blue it is. he'd mentally prepare himself for an earful from yaga
he'd sign a few papers and in a few days the flowers will soon be arranged at jujutsu high. this was great, the school wont be as bleak as before
granny went to the back to grab a few things and he was now left alone with you, you tried to busy yourself and shoulders so tense from being alone with him
"so why have you decided to work in japan, y/n?"
you look up at him with a sparkle in your eyes and shyly shifting close to him to be polite and chuckle softly. strangely, he was enamoured of your precense and maybe this little interaction blooms into something more than flowers.
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Spider-man!Hobie Brown x Reader
Side note: I did my best to keep reader gender neutral for everyone 🫶😍. Also made it more friendly than flirty. 😔 sorry y’all. (Basically more platonic, BUT if I make another I may make it romantic.)
Summary: Just reader and Hobie hopping dimensions and taking out bad guys.
Warnings: None? A little violence ig. Just reader and him bickering. Not proof read 🙁 I got lazy as hell.
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“Yo Hob, where’s my mask at?” You asked as you watched yourself in the mirror. Your tooth brush sudsy with toothpaste as you quickly brushed at your teeth.
Crashing with Gwen and Hobie was certainly a risky decision to make, but with you always traversing the multi-verses you never stayed anywhere for too long. Which is why you were staying with the two. Well, staying with Hobie. Gwen was currently out on the hunt for a new anomaly, and you were eager to get to work with her.
“Didn’t you leave it on the couch?” He responded as he slipped his ripped leather jacket over his shoulders. The man was already geared up and ready to go. “I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you.” You retorted with the roll of your eyes. You soon rinsed your mouth out with water and tossed your toothbrush into a cup. As you went to exit the bathroom, you took notice of the lack of toilet paper (courtesy of living with two other people), and sighed. “We need more toilet paper Hobie, we’ve already run out.”
He peeked his head throw the doorway, taking a glance at what you had mentioned and laughed. “Ain’t that something. We’ll buy some from a different universe, I’d rather not provide to this crappy economy. Now hurry it up mate, we’ve already got a mission.” You scoffed at his stubbornness as you headed towards the cluttered living area. Per-usual, it was a mess. But you didn’t have time for that now. You dug under piles of junk and gadgets until finally you got your hands on your mask. “Ew..” You grumbled as you stared at the ink stain on the side of your mask. Shooting a look towards Hobie, he only returned it with a grin before pulling his mask over his face.
“We’re cleaning this place up when we get back. Now let’s go.”
The two of you departed, a portal appearing in front of you. The dynamic shapes and colors had grown to be something of a norm to you, though you couldn’t say the same as you hopped through it and shot through the tunnel. It still managed to twist and turn your stomach up.
“I believe this is the place.” Hobie chimed as the two of you clung to a building side. “Ya think?” Hobie only chuckled at your sarcasm, having already grown quite used to it.
The evening sunset was almost as mesmerizing as the large mountain of houses. They followed along a road that spiraled all the way down to where they stood. It was like staring up at a giant version of the Aztec temples. “Sometimes I forget how different these universes can be. Alright Hobie, you know who we’re looking for so lead the way.”
He gave you a pat on the back before shooting out a web and pulling himself in the air. You could only smile at his playfulness and follow his movements, now swinging yourself towards the top of the mountain. The area was vibrant with warm colors, reds, blues, and green accenting the bright gold of the buildings. You’d been to plenty of universes, but none quite as beautiful as this. Smells of food, and seasonings flooded your nostrils, as well as the chattering of the busy streets. “Cool innit? Went here once with Gwendy, was a little preoccupied though.”
“With?” You questioned as you worked your way to the top of the mountain.
“This wild variant of the lizard. He was huge! More of a crocodile I’d say.” His enthusiastic attitude seemed to infect you, another smile creeping it’s way onto your face. “That sounds cool as hell. Yo is that who we’re looking for?” Your eyes widened as your spider sense raised your alert. Up ahead stood a large statue, though unlike usual statues, this one was moving. It worked at ripping a large jewel that stood at the very top of the mountain. Hobie, who had been swinging backwards, spun around, the lenses of his mask widening. Then they narrowed. He pulled his guitar from over his shoulder, holding it in one hand as he swung himself towards the golden statue. “Taking that as a yes.”
You webbed the side of two buildings, tugging at the webbing and slingshotting yourself towards the chaos. “I’ll get its legs, you- do whatever. I know you don’t like to listen.” You huffed out.
“You know me so well, love.” He said as he went to taking out the giant. You went to do the same, now swinging your webs around the statues legs. While at first your idea was working, the giant seemed to have a mind of its own. It ripped the webbing in half, but in doing so lost its balance. It tumbled, falling backwards and heading straight for the edge of the cliff. You tried not to panic, and Hobie was now joining you in stopping the giants potential destruction of the golden city. You worked at making a canopy between two poles, the wide wall of webs ready to catch the giant in its grasp.
Hobie stood at the top of a building, webs shot out to slow the giants fall. He strained, pulling back at the web lines. And it worked. The giant was caught in their web.
The two of you met up, now standing in the orange dirt with a victorious look. Then you glanced at one another. “High five?”
Their hands met, the sound of victory ringing in their ears. “High five. Hell yeah Y/N!” His arm found its way around your shoulders, tugging you closer as he spouted jokes. However, you interrupted, “We still have to clean up when we get back.” Hobie’s jubilant expression turned unamused, and he sucked his teeth sighing at your seriousness.
“We really gotta loosen you up love. Now let’s get this guy back in his universe.” His thick accent made it difficult for you to comprehend at first, but once you did, you nodded. The two of you had completed your mission, unscathed, and with time to spare. You were certainly impressed with your efficient work.
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cherryxsapphic · 6 months
So, I have a request! (If you don’t like this request idea, you don’t have to write it!)
Marilyn x fem!(can be a student or a teacher)reader, where Marilyn is extremely overprotective over reader. R is used to her pritective nature, but it sometimes goes a bit too far, when Marilyn won’t let r hangout w her friends or go out in a certain outfit. Or when someone tries to hit on r, she would immediately come over and wrap her hand around r’s waist.
So basically just overprotective Marilyn, maybe some angst! You can choose how it goes!
Take your time <3
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This is for the lovely @m1lflov3rrr I am dreadfully sorry that it took me literal months to even put this out, but I do hope you enjoy!!🍒
Also a special thanks to my pookie bear @h-doodles for helping me with this, I couldn't have done this without you!! 🥰
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You were sitting down peacefully in the quad by yourself. Sandwich in hand as you jam out to some music blaring through your earbuds, bobbing your head slightly to the rhythm when you suddenly feel a sharp fingernail aggressively tapping your right shoulder. You jumped slightly at the sudden interruption, whipping your head towards the person in question, setting them with an annoyed look only to soften when you realized it was just Enid, Enid Sinclair, the local colorful werewolf. You take a moment to pause your music and pull out your earbuds, setting them down gently on the table alongside your forgotten sandwich. Spinning your body around the school bench, finally giving the very excited wolf your full attention, looking up at her from your seated position, you give her a sheepish smile before speaking.
“Sorry, Enid! I was so caught up in my music that I didn’t notice you there!”  
"I know, silly! You've been hard to see around these past few weeks, so I just HAD to come over."
"I got busy…" You fight to keep your blush down as you think of what, or more accurately, who exactly got you busy. "My schoolwork has been slipping, so I asked a few teachers for extra work." You say, to cover it up.
Enid nods, understanding. Being a student with academic achievements, she often saw you poring over textbooks in the library OR trailing after your teachers for extra lessons during your free time, orders from your strict parents who monitored your progress over your head. “Well,” she starts, clasping her hands together. “Me and the girls have missed you a lot, so I wondered if you were free tonight?”
Guilt seeps into your bones when you hear the hope in her tone. You have been neglecting your friends and a dark whisper inside your brain–
“I suppose I’ve pestered our teachers enough, and I just finished passing the latest exam, so… I guess I'm free." 
“Yayyy!!!” Enid does a little happy dance before lifting you for a hug. You shouldn’t be surprised by the excitable werewolf’s strength, but you gasp a bit anyway. “We’re going to a party in the woods tonight; you HAVE to come!" 
When she finally puts you down, you sigh and shake your head. “The woods? Enid, you know Weems banned us from going there, right?”
“Don’t worry; the party is located somewhere TOTALLY safe—”
“Hey, girlies!” you stifle a scream when a cold hand suddenly touches your back. “Finally caught us a live one, huh?”
“Haha, hilarious, Tanaka.” your tone dripping with sarcasm as you turn around to give the vampire a playful slap on the hand.
“Don’t start. You’re going to the party, and I’m going to your dorm later to ensure you’re dressed right.”
“I haven’t said yes yet!”
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And here you are in your dorm room, contemplating your life choices before sighing, putting on something comfortable, and grabbing your comfort jacket that belongs to Marilyn. You put the coat to your nose and breathe in her wavering scent, wishing you were with her instead of going to this stupid forest party. Falling on your bed, you bend over clumsily, grabbing your shoes off the ground and putting them on as you were just finishing tying your shoes—
Yoko and the FUCKING Scooby gang burst into your room like a pile of rats searching for cheese. 
“Girliepop, you’re not wearing THAT to the party, right?” Yoko asked, looking you up and down.
While holding Mari's jacket, you looked down at your black jeans, red Converse, and a favorite baggy shirt. Then back to Yoko, who opened your closet and rifled through your clothes while Enid talked animatedly to a sulking Wednesday.
“What’s wrong with my outfit?”
Yoko pointedly looks at you and pulls out a short, skimpy dress. You blush as you remember Marilyn telling you it was a dress for her eyes only and that you would never wear it out. “You’re simply holding out on us, omg.”
"Yeah, the party's in the woods, so that's a hard NO on wearing that one!"
"Oh come on, what's the point of having that snack of a body if you aren't gonna use the right wrappers?"
"Listen, my tits spill out in one move in that one, and I'd rather die than return it to the store because of anxiety, so you can just. Pick another one… please?"
Yoko pouts but acquiesces to your pleading. Flipping through some more, she finds a similar-looking skimpy dress, but a little longer than you were confident you'd make out with your dignity half-intact.
"Oooh!" Enid moves over, done pestering Wednesday for the moment, and oohs and ahs over the dress before starting again. "Pair it with the heeled boots, and wear tights if you're concerned about the cold."
"I mean. I'm bringing along this jacket, but why heeled boots—”
“Because we said so. Now hop to it.”
Throwing your hands up, you take the new outfit and walk to your bathroom to change. 
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The party in the woods was in full swing, the rhythmic beat of music mingling with the laughter and chatter of the gathered crowd. Strings of fairy lights adorned the trees, casting a warm, enchanting glow over the makeshift dance floor. Enid, the excitable werewolf, led the charge in festivities, dragging you into the heart of the celebration.
As the night unfolded, the atmosphere grew electric, the energy contagious. You found yourself dancing with newfound friends, the pulsating music drowning out any lingering doubts. However, the borrowed outfit — a compromise between your comfort and the party's expectations — seemed to attract more attention than you anticipated.
Yoko, the lively vampire, strutted over, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Girl, you're the life of the party! Everyone's talking about that dress!"
You blushed, feeling both flattered and self-conscious. The beats throbbed louder, urging you to lose yourself in the music, and you obliged, dancing away the concerns that nagged at the edges of your mind.
But as the night wore on, a discordant note disrupted the harmony. The distant growls of the creature you encountered earlier echoed through the trees, casting a shadow over the revelry. The carefree atmosphere shifted, and hushed whispers spread through the crowd like wildfire.
Enid, always exuberant, tried to downplay the unease. "Guys, it's probably just some forest critter. Don't let it ruin the party!"
Yet, the anxiety lingered, and a subtle tension threaded its way through the crowd. The music played on, but the once carefree dancing took on a more cautious rhythm.
Suddenly, the distant growls escalated into a deafening roar, and panic rippled through the partygoers. People scattered in all directions, the fairy lights casting eerie shadows as they dashed for cover.
Enid grabbed your arm, eyes wide with fear. "We need to get back to the school—now!"
Chaos ensued as the revelry devolved into a frenzied scramble. The once lively dance floor transformed into a chaotic scene of stumbling figures, their laughter replaced by shouts of panic.
As you ran back toward the safety of Nevermore, you couldn't shake the feeling that the creature's pursuit was closing in. The enchanted woods, once a backdrop for joyous gatherings, now harbored an ominous threat.
The party had taken a turn no one expected, leaving a trail of chaos in its wake. In the midst of the pandemonium, you yearned for the familiar embrace of Marilyn's jacket, a reminder of comfort amid the unforeseen disaster that had unfolded in the enchanted night.
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‘I’m going to die. I’m going to fucking die, and it’s MY fault.’ I scream inside my head while I dart left and right through the trees. Protip: do not wear heels when going into the woods. Scratch that. Trust no one except Mari. Everyone is dumb EXCEPT Mari, especially when they say the woods are safe, there is NO monster, and you’re going to have SUCH a good time.
I could’ve enjoyed a nice cuddling session with Mari if I just stayed in bed and waited for her like usual, but no. I had to let myself get guilted and dragged to this party in these stupid heels and dress, and now I’m being chased by a BEAST, and I don’t even have my phone to give Mommy my goodbyes!’ 
The monster roars somewhere closer behind me, and I feel like I will have a HEART ATTACK! But I'll be fine once I get to the school, and look, there's the Hogwarts-looking building right there. So I just keep running. Thinking I'll be okay, my dumbass trips over a branch, and suddenly, I just want to give up. I feel like those dumb girls in those low-budget horror films.
As you scramble to your feet, panic gripping you like a vice, you hear the menacing growls of the pursuing creature drawing near. Adrenaline courses through your veins as you sprint toward the safety of the school building, your heels abandoned in the unforgiving underbrush.
The imposing silhouette of Nevermore looms ahead, a beacon of hope in the darkness. The monster's roars reverberate through the trees, pushing you to run faster, your breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Just when you think the creature is on the verge of catching you, the school's entrance comes into view. You burst through the doors, heart pounding, and slam them shut behind you, momentarily cutting off the creature's menacing sounds.
Safe within the confines of the school, you lean against the door, catching your breath. The echo of your heartbeats seems to drown out the lingering fear. The school hallway stretches before you, the familiar surroundings offering a stark contrast to the perilous adventure you just survived.
As you compose yourself, you realize that the night took an unexpected turn, and your friends might not have been entirely truthful about the safety of the woods. Thoughts of Marilyn flood your mind, and a profound longing for the comfort of her presence washes over you.
You decide to retreat to the quietude of your dorm room, shedding the borrowed outfit and slipping into the familiar warmth of Marilyn's jacket. The scent provides solace, grounding you in the reality that, despite the night's chaos, you are safe within the walls of Nevermore.
Reflecting on the events, you vow to prioritize your own well-being and not succumb to peer pressure. As you drift into a contemplative state, you can't help but yearn for the simplicity of sharing a peaceful moment with Marilyn, free from the chaos that lurks beyond the safety of Nevermore's embrace. 
To be continued…
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Sorry for the lack of Marilyn in this chapter but don't worry there will be more in part 2, if y'all want a part 2 you that is?? 🤭
Tags: @s1nful-sa1nt @sssappling2004 @marilynthornhill @proton-selfships @philip-15 @luucyyyy (and anyone else who wants to be tagged ♡)
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voxsremotec0ck · 3 months
𝐃𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐢.ᐟ
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˗ˏˋ A couple gentlemen come in for a business meeting ˎˊ˗
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It was a Tuesday so it was relatively slow
The handful of customers Beck had were regulars that were relatively kind and tipped well so it was fine
At least until her boss ran in
The whole club turned to look at the man
Beck shrugged and turned around
“Not you Beck, I meant the customers!”
Beck groaned and turned back around as the customers started to leave with pissed off grumbles
“What’s going on?”
“The owner is coming here for a private meeting.”
Beck frowned
“What? I thought you were the owner?”
Frank, the bartender, laughed and your boss glared at him
“No I just run the place, the actual owner is the head of VoxTech himself, Vox.”
Beck’s eyes widened
She’s heard of him before, obviously, since the TV demon seems to own everything and be everywhere
He seems like a egotistical asshole
“And you two are the ones that will be working and supplying the drinks for Mr. Vox and his company.”
Beck and Frank both groaned
The next half hour was spent carefully cleaning the club to make sure everything was perfect for when the owner came
Finally the door opened and Beck quickly grabbed her drink tray before walking up to the new customer
The TV demon stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow
“Hello Sir, welcome back! Your table is right this way.”
Beck held her arm out in the direction of the Table before stepping towards it
“You’re the new girl.”
Vox didn’t ask but stated as he followed behind her
Beck tensed but quickly shook it off as they arrived at the table and she pulled the chair out for the overlord
“Yes I am, I’ve been working here for three months.”
Vox just nodded before sitting down
“What can I get you, Sir?”
“I’ll have a dry martini with extra olives, and remember that as my usual.”
Beck blinked and held back an eye roll
“Of course, Sir, coming right up.”
With an exchange of nods Beck walked away towards the bar, shooting Frank an annoyed look
“Dry tini with extra olives.”
“Ooo your favorite.”
Frank smirked at her as he began making the drink and Beck glared at his sarcasm
Those little green shits are disgusting
“So? First impression?”
Frank leaned over the bar and whispered to her
Beck shrugged
“He’s arrogant just like I thought.”
Frank chuckled and placed the martini with five olives down on her tray
“Good luck.”
Subtly shooting Frank the finger, Beck turned back and carried the drink to Vox
“Here you are, Mr. Vox.”
Beck carefully set the drink on the table
She could feels his eyes watching her every move and it made her skin tingle
“What kind of creature are you?”
Beck froze and turned to him
“I don’t recognize a single animalistic trait you have, so what are you?”
She wanted to smack him just like she would any other customer who asked her intrusive questions but she knew she couldn’t
“A sea bunny.”
“A sea bunny? Weird.”
“Says the man with a TV for a head.”
The words were out before Beck could stop them and her eyes widened with fear the moment she registered the slip up
Vox seemed visibly caught off guard by her response and Beck took his quiet shock as her chance
“Mr. Vox I am so sorry-“
“Vox, you are a very hard man to get ahold of.”
Beck’s head whipped towards the new voice and was surprised to see Carmilla Carmine
Quickly Beck walked around the table and pulled a chair out for the weapons dealer
Beck was genuinely worried that the TV demon was going to fire her right then and there, especially with him still staring at her
But instead the demon turned to his quest
“Yes, well I’m a busy man.”
Carmilla just rolled her eyes as she sat down, then turned to Beck
“Red wine, please, dear.”
Beck smiled and nodded, walking back toward the bar
“I made fun of his head. Also I need a glass of red.”
Beck hissed at Frank the moment she made it back to the bar
“You what? And you’re still alive?”
Frank popped the cork off a bottle of wine and began pouring it into a glass
“I don’t want to go back over there.”
“Too bad girly.”
Frank set the glass on her tray and Beck took in a deep breath before turning back around
“Here’s your drink, Ma’am.”
Beck set the wine glass on the table and purposely avoided eye contact with her bosses boss
“If you need anything else, my name is Beck and I’ll be right over there.”
Beck pointed towards the bar before bowing slightly and walking away again
The rest of the night went smoothly
The two overlords held their meeting while nursing their drinks
And Beck and Frank sat at the bar trying to figure out just how badly she fucked up
Two hours another glass each later, the two overlords shook hands before standing up
Carmilla turned and left without sparing Beck another glance
She was honestly thankful for that
Vox however began walking up to her while rebuttoning his suit jacket
“Put the drinks on my tab.”
“Of course, Sir.”
Beck nodded and held her breath as the TV demon eyed her for another minute before turning and leaving
She let out the breath in a relieved sigh
“Holy shit.”
Frank mumbled and Beck just nodded in agreement
Going over to the table to begin cleaning it up, she stopped at the sight of a hundred dollar bill sitting underneath a martini glass
What the…
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Damn this is long
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shayyprasad · 5 months
daddy's money | peter parker
get your mind outta the gutter. also, y/n is tony stark's daughter.
summary: you don't like the idea of a new step-mother, so you take things into your own hands.
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she scowled at the woman sitting in front of her, stabbing her broccoli in hopes that it would control the pending urge of wanting to stab rachel.
filthy little woman. y/n was sure, 100% sure, that she was only here for the money. if only her father could see that, she thought, continuing to assault the veggies in front of her.
rachel was her tony's new fling. or at least that's what she had thought. until the woman sat in her eyeline, flaunting her new diamond ring.
that's a fat stone.
every single little thing about rachel just seemed to set y/n off. from the way she bugged about coffee coasters, to how she scrunched her stupidly perfect nose when she laughed. the stark girl wanted to drag that lady out the front door by her hair.
"y/n, honey," her infuriating voice called out, "is everything alright? i was just asking your father about your boyfriend. i would absolutely love to meet him!"
"no, thanks. don't need another person getting brainwashed by you," she muttered under her breath.
"i'm sorry, what was that?"
"surely you've told him about me, no?"
y/n returned the smile, except hers had sarcasm dripping from it. "it must have slipped my mind, rachel, but i'm not sure it would have come up, anyways. we really only talk about important things."
rachel opened her mouth to respond, but her father had already gotten to that. "y/n," he warned.
"yes, daddy?" she asked, her voice the most innocent it could be.
he looked at her with exasperation before turning back to his fiancée to tell her about peter.
y/n huffed and crossed her arms, debating if she should throw a tantrum or not, as childish as it was. "can i be excused?" she didn't wait for an answer as her push her chair away from the table, already hitting the button for the elevator.
she laid in bed that night, thinking of a way to show her dad she didn't want this. she didn't need another family member. their family was perfect the way it was, just the two of them, was it not?
y/n grinned to herself, formulating a plan already. she was gonna make him pick.
her or rachel?
and she hoped her answer was right.
y/n saw peter approaching her from the corner of her eye, and waved him over to her locker. "hey, angel," he greeted, the cutest smile on his face. "how was your day?"
"it was okay. as good as mondays can be. you know, i really don't like mondays. or tuesdays. or wednesdays. or thursdays and fridays."
peter snickered at her, placing a kiss on her forehead. "that's okay, 'cuz you got me here to make your life amazing."
"on the note of amazingness," she started, kicking in her plan, "i've got a date planned for us."
"you do? wait, is today something important? is it your birthday? wait, no, my birthday? anniversary? fuck- no, wait, shit, um-"
"no, pete! can't a girlfriend do something excessively romantic for her boyfriend?"
"not this one, no," he teased. y/n stuck her tongue out at him, giggling slightly. she opened the notebook that she was holding and scribbled an address down, ripping the page out handing it to him. "meet me here. at six. in a tux, babe."
"woah, tux? what've you got planned?"
"please, i'm the daughter of tony stark. i'm allowed to plan good shit."
"yes, ma'am. six o'clock sharp. won't keep you waiting," peter winked.
"you better not," she retorted, poking his chest lightly.
laying a kiss on her cheeked, he walked backwards away from her, "bye, darling, love you," he called out.
"see you, baby."
he walked up to the large building, eyes wide as he rechecked the address from what seemed to be the place y/n had told him to arrive at. and this was definitely the one. by the looks of it, this place was fucking expensive, and he knew that. peter wasn't expecting something like this. he hesitantly pushed open the door, jaw dropping as he saw the shining chandelier that was hoisted into the air.
yep. definitely expensive.
"hello, sir, do you have a name for the reservation?"
"yes- no, um, maybe? actually, you see, i-"
"he's with me," y/n smiled, intertwining their hands as she stepped into the building. "reservation for stark."
the waitress's brows shot up, presumably after hearing the girl's surname.
"of course, right this way."
y/n pulled him through to the table. and it was a nice table. that was probably the first thing he noticed. after the waitress had left them alone, he finally got a chance to admire how the love of his life looked tonight.
"you look... um, really gorgeous, angel."
"why, thank you, parker. you don't look to shabby yourself."
she glanced down at the menu, skimming through to see what she wanted. peter did the same, and she knew he'd pick the cheapest thing. but it didn't matter, y/n had it covered.
"are you ready to order?" a different waiter asked.
"um, just a sec, i-"
"yes. one of everything, please."
"woah, wait, what? y/n, we don't-"
"we do," she shrugged, not even bothering to figure out the rest of what he was about to say. his eyes were wide, and he looked back and forth, from y/n to the man taking down the order.
"angel, this is crazy expensive. besides, there's no way we can eat all of that!"
"oh, well, what we can't finish we can pack. i'm sure may would enjoy some gourmet food. who doesn't?"
peter sighed, already confused and worried as to what she was planning. "will that be all?" the man asked.
what else is there to get? it's not like we've ordered literally one of everything, he thought. peter had no idea what the love of his life was up to. but whatever it was, he figured, it wouldn't be good. it was odd because was usually so careful with how she spent money, and now she was spending so much.
"baby, baby, get that look off your face. you're totally overthinking this."
"sorry i'm overthinking how your dad will kill me when he finds out you've ordered everything there is to order on the menu when we're supposed to be on a regular date," he scoffed.
"nah, love, he won't kill you. i think."
"jeez, makes me feel so much better."
"you need to shut up and enjoy this."
"okay, okay, i'm done now!"
"uh-huh. and either way, babe," she started, a shit-eating grin plastered to her face, "it's daddy's money."
the second his love walked through the doors of the school that, he was happy, but also exasperated. every single day of the past two weeks, she had gotten his a ridiculously expensive present. he had tried so hard to tell her he didn't need it, but then she'd pull that face that made him melt. the one where she parted her lips and pouted the slightest. where her brows were upturned and her eyes were wider than normal. and then... he had no choice but to give in.
peter was slightly scared to see what it was this time. why was she spending so much on him? spending so much of tony's money.
but he did have a suspicion.
"hey, mr. stark," peter greeted, giving a small wave as he approached the older man who seemed to be tearing his hair out at his computer.
"oh, hey, peter."
"you don't normally sound that disappointed to see me," he joked.
"no... it's not that, it's just," he sighed, "god sakes, my daughter's been running up thousand upon thousands of dollars! it's ridiculous! she's already spent just over a million!" the boy winced, frowning.
"i know it's not really my place to, um, say this, but have you talked about... er- rachel to her? i-it just seems like she isn't... how do i say this? fond? she doesn't seem fond of her." fond wasn't the right word. more like hate. hate with a burning passion. the fact that y/n cursed about the lady to him was a hint. just a hint.
tony sucked in a breath, "well, kind of." he opened his mouth, trying to figure out how to explain this. "i know y/n doesn't like rachel. but i thought maybe if we got more serious, like, i don't know, engaged, she would see that rachel's here to stay. i love both them, i really do, but i can't figure out how to get them to love each other." tony paused. "is that was this is? this whole money thing, peter?"
"...yes. well, i think. look, mr. stark, y/n isn't great with change. and you know this as much as i do. try and level with her here, a heart to heart or something. honestly... i think she's just, um, scared." he knew she'd kill him if she ever heard him say that. instinctively, he looked around, just to double check. his girlfriend didn't come close to an avenger, but she scared him more than any of them ever did. definitely got that part from her dad.
"yeah, no, i think you're right." he paused. "nope, still sounds weird to say aloud."
peter shrugged, "at the end of the day, whether she likes it or not, you're still her dad. and i know y/n wants to see you happy, and if this is it... she'll understand."
"i know, i know. wait, what do you mean, 'whether she likes it or not?'"
"uh, so, i'm gonna go now. good luck, mr. stark," he rambled, rushing out.
tony took a deep breath as he enter the elevator, preparing himself to go talk to his daughter. he knocked quietly on the door, "y/n, sweetheart?"
"dad?" she asked, peeking her head out the door.
"um, yeah, can i come in? i want to talk to you."
"er- okay," y/n opened the door wider for him to come in. "what's up?"
"a lot," he pressed his lips together, "like the sky, cosmos-"
"what? wait, no, dad-"
"yeah, i know. that was the worst one yet," tony chuckled, glancing at her and taking a seat on her bed. he patted the spot beside him, motioning the girl over. she did so, plopping herself down.
"look, peanut, i know you don't like rachel. trust me, i got those subtle hints. you know, like you spending a million dollars on stupidly expensive things. but y/n, i really like her. she's it for me. it's like what you have with peter, but, like, varied. we aren't half as sappy."
she hummed in annoyance, playfully rolling her eyes before looking down at her hands.
"why do we need her? i don't want, nor need, a mom. much less a stepmom. much, much, less rachel. am- am i not enough? is that why?" her voice broke slightly, showing her vulnerability.
tony quickly took her hands in his, eyes widening. "no, no, no, y/n. of course not, sweetheart. did you really think that?" tears pooled in his eyes as he reassured his daughter. "you come first. you have always, always, always come first, from the second you were brought into this world. you come before her, and you will stay my first priority, forever. please trust that. you are everything to me, honey, everything. rachel isn't going to change anything."
"you mean it?" she cried. "promise?"
"i promise, sweetheart," he murmured, sniffing as he pulled his daughter into the safe place that was his arms. and they stayed like that for a while, until y/n pulled away.
"okay," she whispered. "i don't like rachel, and i can't guarantee that it'll change soon, but i'll try."
"that's all i need, honey. i love you 3000," he winked.
y/n hugged him again, and after a second, "did peter put you up to this?"
"you've got one heck of a boyfriend."
"i know, daddy."
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hey I was just wondering if you’d possibly do headcannons of A fic of the batfam in specific Damian getting all of readers (Damian’s biological older brother who’s a blood witch/vampire) long decade old friends killed by accident when he slips up and tells the league where they operate from and reader cannot cope with this so he goes into the forest at night to scream and cry in private but Damian follows him one night and sees reader about to end their lives and he stops them admits the truth and expects the reader to kill him with one look but instead reader hugs him and cry’s saying he should have been a better brother and he understands it’s a mistake and Damian gets upset as well and hugs reader back just them both crying saying sorry and Bruce finds them and takes them back to the mansion, the end and if you can’t do it cause of the attempted suicide I understand it’s just a personal thing but thank you for considering my request anyways.
Don't worry anon, I got you. Again, I don't know why this is short. I have entered my short era once more...
Summary: Damian makes a lethal mistake and (Y/N) suffers.
Warnings: mentions of murders, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE, if you are sensitive to it or think that it may trigger something, don't read, angst, hybrid reader.
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Out of all the children that Bruce has, (Y/N) is the only one who is supernatural one. It was one of the biggest shocks that Bruce has ever received. Turns out, (Y/N)'s mom is one of the most powerful witch and a vampire. (Y/N) turned out to be a powerful hybrid too.
(Y/N) had a lot of friends in the supernatural world and they were all a tight knit group. It wasn't easy to introduce anyone in the said group, but his friends accepted his brothers and out of them four, Damian was liked a lot. Jason too.
His friends had a knick knack for dry humor and sarcasm. The brothers were honored that they were introduced to (Y/N)'s important part of his life.
His friends were also very helpful in regards to a lot of their enemies and foes. (Y/N) didn't know what he would do without his friends, since they are the only ones that understand him and what it's like to be a hybrid.
If only (Y/N) knew what is going to transpire.
(Y/N) ran into his friend's secret place. Panic and adrenaline clouded his mind as he ran with every fiber in his being. He didn't expect to get a call from Damian, warning him about the attack.
He admitted that he slipped up and (Y/N) didn't hear anymore. He ran like a madman to here and now up the stairs to their apartment. He wanted to cry as he managed to smell the blood, but he held out hope that they were alive.
He prayed to whatever deity was listening to him right now, that they are alive.
He has never been religious, but he has hoped and prayed that they were alive. Damian was not to far behind, knowing that he needed to make things right.
(Y/N) ran in and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of his lifeless friends. He dropped down on his knees and just screamed. He started crying, leaning forward, gripping his hair.
The ground shook as if there is an earthquake. Damian stopped in the front, hoping that he wasn't to late. He knew (Y/N)'s powers got out of control when he got extremely emotional. Usually on the more negative emotions.
Inside, (Y/N) took a stake from his friend's heart. He needs to give them a burial. But can he really let go of them? His friends who are the most important people in the world?
(Y/N) stood up shakily, bloody stake in hand. He can't. He won't. He will go with them. He ran past Damian, directly into the woods. Damian turned right back, running after him. He had a bad feeling about (Y/N).
(Y/N) stopped, looking up at the moon. He took a deep breath, trying to be calm enough to say this.
" I can't go on without you my friends. " (Y/N) started, raising a stake to stab himself in the heart. " And to you Bruce, I'm sorry. But I can't go on. " (Y/N) said, about to stab himself before he was tackled by Damian.
(Y/N) let out an oof and Damian took the stake and threw it away. He started sobbing and (Y/N) blinked a few times. He has never seen Damian cry.
" Do it! Just kill me! " Damian yelled, tears falling down his face. (Y/N) was frozen before he hugged Damian tightly. Damian didn't expect it. He killed his friends. He can't really understand how somebody could consider him a brother now.
" I won't Damian. I won't. I should have been a better brother to you. And it's a mistake too. You didn't mean it. You didn't mean it... " (Y/N) repeated before he started crying softly.
Damian started crying too, hugging his older brother back. They held each other tightly, not hearing that Bruce coming.
" I know you two are not interested in moving, but it would be better if we go back to the manor. " Bruce started, helping them up. Damian and (Y/N) nodded, standing up. They were both drained and they both knew that they couldn't be alone tonight. (Y/N) pulled Damian closer by the shoulders.
They will get through this together.
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pascalpvnk · 4 months
glimpse of us
pairing: sarah miller & joel miller & ellie williams
summary: sarah was his sun. ellie was his moon. both equally beautiful in their own ways, one more sought out than the other in the darkness of joel’s mind.
word count: 647
warnings: angst, major major spoilers for tlou part II/season two, survivors guilt, mentions of insecurity, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of religion, possibly ooc, very open for interpretation.
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a/n: joel's thoughts are italicized. i'm sorry for the pain this may cause. self beta'd, all mistakes are my own. based on 'glimpse of us' by joji. dividers by @saradika-graphics
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She’s written in the walls. Swirls of pink and purple paint contrasts the similarly beige hue that matched his living room back in Austin. Joel’s eyes must’a been deceiving him. 
The remnants of a solo movie night shifted to his similar ones with his sweet girl, every one of them ending with her curled up in his lap. She would murmur in her sleep, her accent heavier than she typically allowed. 
Joel feels immense guilt for surviving this long without her. Looking down at his lap, there isn’t a mane of curls covering her beautiful face. It’s just the denim of the jeans he fell asleep in the night prior. The dark leather of his watch feels tighter on his wrist for a moment. 
His arm timidly turns. The glare of the late morning sunshine’s reflection pierces his vision. Pointed glass shards attempt to cover the battered, rusted, stilled clock hands. The battery gave out over a decade ago, but he can still hear it tick tick tick, another constant reminder of his beloved.
I’m not her, you know.
But he also feels the weighted guilt that he cannot let go and give his kiddo the father she needs. The honest, do good dad that doesn’t have to watch her from afar, doing anything in her power to be away from him. Not that he deserves more with all he’s done for himself all these years. 
Her deep greens and red splatters taint the pretty pastels on his walls. They’re not the same person, he constantly has to remind himself. The part that comes with more difficulty some nights being and that’s okay.
How can he have screwed up this bad? His first was attached to his hip, goofing around with him, gave him the time of day and then some. But she was fourteen.
He doesn’t know how to conquer mid to late teens. It doesn’t make him feel any less of a failure. Because this may be new for him, but he damn well knows this distance is abnormal. Naively, he’s still hopeful that she’ll forgive him. He’s hopeful for a second chance at what he lost rather than to accept it and move forward. 
We’re done.
Little by little, Joel’s whiskey migrates away from his coffee corner. He lets himself enjoy the natural, full boldness of his mug, lets himself live awake rather than his comforting numbness. Yet still punishing himself with the headaches he endures when his vice slips into his nightly routine instead. Failure. Failure. Failure. 
Nights when he slips back into his lost faith, kneeling and silently whispering to his fallen angel above. Begging for her guidance, her love once more.
I miss you, babygirl. 
He yearns for her wit, her sarcasm, creativity and passion used for what she loved. He finds in a different form with her, this time being used against him.
Her once genuine laughter turned to pitiful chuckles and ultimately to nothing. Multiple conversations with his sister-in-law ending with everything’s fine, it’s just a phase. But she sees him lying through his teeth, the dull heartbreak his eyes hold. Everyone does. 
Everyone witnesses his soul crumple and turn to dust in the church. Pushed away by her once more but only this time verbally. He feels the burning gazes watching his defeated form, tail between his legs as he retreats to his home, finding comfort and solidarity in his hand painted mug. Pure black coffee. He deserves to feel this weight. Deserves to stay up all night with this pain.
He expects her to yell at him once more as he sees her come into the dim light, porch rail creaking as she finds herself a spot near him, not next to him. 
“I would like to try.”
Tears flood his vision. Joel got his dying wish. Another chance to have a glimpse of her once more.
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to stay up to date on when I post fics, follow @pascalpvnk-writes and turn on notifications! i hope you enjoyed xx
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sreyaya · 1 month
|| Modern!Norton Campbell x reader FLUFF ||
Summary: Being stuck in an elevator would suck, but maybe not this time.
Word Count:
(A/n: i'm so bad at writing fluff, kinda my first time doing this. Also sorry for the bad paragraphings kekekeke)
fluff under the cut!
Late isn't a new word for the girl who's running down the halls of the building, time always seemed to slip through the fingers of the girl, sprinting across the halls with outstanding achievements, certificates and awards for how amazing the company is, making her feel smaller for being too late for everything, adding more weight to her shoulders and of course, guilty feeling.
The girl works at a heightened place and as today, an unconvinient meeting was unfortunately held at the 28th floor of the building. Stairs wouldn't do any justice, every ascending steps was a challenge, each floor being a massive excercise for the girl.
Surveying her surrounding for at least a teeny assistance, she turnes her attention towards the conviniently available employee elevator, rushing inside and without hesitation, pressed the 28th floor.
Muttering a silent 'yes', the metal door started to close, at the same exact moment, a resonant voice pierced from the other side, "Hey! Hold on!". The girl's hand darted up to the 'open' button, revealing a curly haired ravenette popping out from the door, muttering a 'thank you', bowing slightly.
someone who doesn't look like they're from here nor belong here, she noted.
The guy had multiple prominent features. He was tall, preassumably 6 foot, a charming face too. His shoulders was broad, holding a messanger leather bag, and last but not least a deep crimson scar smeared across his face.
but you dont see that face everyday, especially in an office like this, she continued her thoughts, brushing them away soon after.
He shifted his gaze towards the panel of buttons situated on the elevator's right side. His eyes slightly widened in surprise as he noticed that the button for the 28th floor was already lit from the girl standing silently next to him. He pulled his hands back, the door finally closing fully with a faint hum.
The elevator moved at a sluggish pace, frequently used multiple times by employees indifferent to punctuality. As the metal box approached the 17th floor. The lights flickered erratically before fading away into the darkness, turning the emergency lights on. The elevator came into an abrupt halt as it was ascending towards the desired number.
Startled, the occupants inside hastily reached for the emergency evacuation button, only to find it unresponsive, adding to their growing sense of unease.
"The one day I can use the elevator, seriously?" the girl muttered under her breath, signing her stroke of misfortune, looking at her mobile with an 'x' on the corner top of her screen next to the battery numerals, signaling how there was barely any service available for contact.
The raven-haired man let out a deep sigh, equally unsure of what to do in their befalling situation, slouching at their respective corners of the elevator, a shared silence settling between them. After a few moments of idle contemplation, the man decided to break the suspension.
"I'm Norton, what's yours?" he questioned, his tone warm and inviting as he extended his hand towards the girl. With a hint of hesitation, she reciprocated the gesture, offering a small smile as they shook hands. "I'm [Name], nice to meet you," she replied, preassumably making friends in such situations.
Norton chuckled lightly, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Do you rarely use the elevator? I overheard your frustration earlier," he remarked, noting the slight curse she mentioned under her breath a few minutes before. The girl nodded, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Yeah, I usually take the stairs since my office is only on the 4th floor. Climbing 28 floors just for a meeting didn't seem worth the effort," she explained, a touch of sarcasm coloring her words.
In the confined space of the elevator, their laughter with moments of shared stories as they recounted their experiences within their lives. As the conversation unfolded, it became apparent that the man was really not from here.
could be a new guy, maybe someone applying for a position? his attire seems familiar but definitely not our company's, she thought to herself.
Minutes stretched into moments of connection, each exchange filling the air with warmth, even the girl was surprised at how easily they connected, playing a couple rounds of would-you-rather questions, distracting them from the misfortunes of their situation.
Amidst the laughter, the girl ranted her frustation upon working a corporate job, mentioning the relentless demands of work as multiple deadlines and responsibilities were covering her already tight schedule. She spoke of simple pleasures, like treating herself to dinner or maybe enjoying a calming night-ride over the city. Norton chuckled at the notion, thinking how that would put his mind off from his piling work too.
As the hours passed in their unexpected situation, the distant echo of footsteps of arrival from the safety department can be heared, their reassuring presence signaling an end to their captivity. With a mixture of relief and disappointment, they exhaled.
The girl offered a slight bow, expressing her gratitude for the stories and time. With a hurried farewell, she dashed towards the meeting, her heart subtly racing with the hope of salvaging what remained of her time, only to learn that the anticipated meeting had been called off.
At the lobby, amidst the flow of chatters and ongoing activities, she encountered Norton once more. With a light tap on his shoulder, she greeted him with a cheerful hello. And so, in the fleeting moments before leaving once more, they engaged in yet another conversation.
"Would you be interested in a dinner with me? Just the two of us", He asked, a slight smile gracing his lips.
"So like... a date?". the girl quipped, a playful laughter escaped her lips.
"I suppose you could call it that", He answered, his tone filled with sincerity, "I'd like to know you better".
"haha, alright then, it's a date", her face filles with warmth yet a glint of joy can be seen from her eyes.
The girl supposedly felt satisfied with today. She reached down the pockets of her jacket, her fingers brushed on a small namecard that was left, It was his.
Norton Campbell, she muttered.
In that fleeting moment, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. He was THE Norton Campbell, the important figure whose absence had cancelled today's meeting. With a deep breath, she straightened her posture, examining the namecard once more.
Once again, something felt familiar. Moments before she noticed the missing puzzle piece. THE Norton Campbell, the important person holding the meeting today, the important person who didn't arrive at the meeting, that's why it was cancelled. She exhaled deeply, straightening her shoulders back up as she read the namecard once again.
Dinner at 8 on Friday, I'll pick you up cutie ;), just text me ur address later, the words on the back of the card read.
A flush of warmth spread across her cheeks once again as she grappled with the reality of the situation. HOW could such a man exist, let alone take an interest in her? Yet, there he was, offering an invitation to an evening she couldn't help but look forward to.
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