#🍁 dust draws
dustofthedailylife · 10 months
I'm back for a sec to yell (the usual, you know me) because WHAT THE HELL?!?
Why the heck ??? Does he look like??? My OC???
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I made this concept sketch in April, I have proof because discord timestamps (and no I still haven't finished it because I'm a procrastination queen™️)
His name is Aiden btw 😭
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helloheyhihowdyheya · 2 years
Fall, For You
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Peter Parker x fem!reader
Summary: Your family didn’t really celebrate Halloween growing up, but Peter is about to change that by doing everything autumn with you 🧡🍁
Word count: ~5.2k
Warnings: Slightly spooky stuff at the beginning? Terrible Halloween puns. Some adorable fluff. Reader uses she/her pronouns.
A/N: I hope you all love this! It’s been a bit stop and go writing this, but it’s inspired by my own fall activities this year! I love autumn, Halloween, and chilly weather, so enjoy this domestic cuteness with Peter <3 As always, please let me know if you enjoyed it! I love hearing from you
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The way the autumn sun beat down on you from the late afternoon sky should have been comforting in the chilling air, but a breeze brushed past you, leaving goosebumps in its wake and rustling the imposing stalks of corn surrounding you. As your head whipped around and around, you could have sworn Peter had just been right next to you, but the gravelly whispering of the corn and faraway talking of families traversing the maze were the only noises you heard.
“Peter?” you called, your voice falling flat into the air. No response.
You dug the toe of your shoe in the dirt, drawing a heart while you waited, hoping Peter had just fallen behind and was about to turn the corner. But as the stalks in front of you started swaying back and forth, something moving through them, your doodle washed away in the kicked-up dust you made as you backed away.
“Peter, is that you?” The words felt thin, straining on your vocal cords. Halloween wasn’t exactly your thing, but going to a corn maze doesn’t really count as a Halloween activity. You weren’t so sure anymore, though, as your back hit the other side of the path, the brittle ears poking against your body in sharp points.
You watched a figure jump out from the corn, your muscles tense until his foot hit a rock and drawstring bag caught on a stalk, your mind having no doubt of who can be so clumsy. Peter bobbled something between his hands, and any fear that was in your body a second ago was replaced by laughter as your shoulders shook.
By the time he composed himself, you were able to see it was a bag of kettle corn in his outstretched arms, an embarrassed grin on his face. You grabbed the bag from him, unable to stop the laughs from escaping your mouth while turning away from Peter. Going on a surprise horror movie date was not initially part of your autumn plan. As you opened up the bag and took some, relishing in its sweet and salty taste, you said, “You know this is what you get for trying to scare me, right?”
Your feet carried you along the path, ready to keep going whether your boyfriend was keeping up, but you heard Peter scurrying along behind you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him scratching a hand along the back of his neck once he caught up. “I know… I meant it to be more of a surprise than a recreation of Children of the Corn. I’m sure you’re regretting making this list with me now.” Gesturing to the bag, he said, “But at least I got us a snack while we’re in here!”
You continued to crunch on the popcorn, motioning for him to take some. Peter, having heard your childhood experience with Halloween (or lack thereof), had decided to make a must-do list of Halloween/fall activities. It wasn’t that the holiday had somehow scarred you or left you with bad memories; it was just that your family never really got into it, so neither did you.
The list included going to an apple orchard, carving pumpkins, watching spooky movies, and everything that you usually enjoyed from a distance each autumn — like traversing a corn maze. 
Catching a glimpse of his mouth stuffed full, you said with a grin, “I didn’t know your surprises came with Texas Chainsaw Massacre recreations. Maybe skip the surprise party idea for my next birthday, please.” You nudged your elbow against his arm, hoping the brief touch conveyed that you were kidding and grateful for the snack.
“Hey, I’m just trying to get us in the spirit of things…” he said, a satisfied look on his face as his hand reached into the bag to grab some more.
Pursing your lips, you let out a tired hum. Corny (ugh) puns weren’t on your list either. “I didn’t know I was dating a vampire. Cause that sucked.”
A giggle escaped your mouth as Peter gasped, his hand clutching his chest. “Bubeleh! Mon cher! Mon amour, querido…” he declared, turning his body toward you and training his gaze on yours. “My darling. You drive a stake through my heart!”
He reached for your hand, pulling you in close, your head resting against his as laughs shook through you. Looking into his eyes, you said, “Peter, do you know you’re the most dramatic person ever?”
The breath of smile that graced his face outshined the sun’s warmth and erased any fear you’d had before – erased everything besides him for that brief moment. You’d had reservations about this list at first, already wiping your hands clean of Halloween at this point in your life. But as Peter kissed each of your knuckles, the warmth of his body infusing into your skin, you knew you’d follow him anywhere. Match your pace with his and spend a lifetime unraveling his mind and soul to see the world from his beautiful point of view, even if that included his corniness.
His eyes seemed to unfocus as his lips traveled up, eventually finding yours. Every movement was slow, how his mouth moved against you and the way his hand crept down your back. Your body pressed tight against him, threading your fingers into the hair sticking out from his hat.
A deep breath filled your lungs, your mind fuzzy as it inhaled the earthy smell of Peter and the feeling of his body against yours. But before you got too lost in the spell Peter seemed to always put you under, you felt a pinch on your butt, a yelp escaping your mouth.
“Peter!” You whisper-yelled at him, swatting his chest. The boyish smirk on his face matched your own, making you feel like stupid teenagers again.
He just grabbed your “attacking” hand, swinging your arms back and forth as you began walking again. “You still love me though.”
You let out a scoff, shaking your head. “Sometimes I think you love my ass more than you love me, though.”
“Well, your ass…” he said, bringing his hand to rest in the back pocket of your pants, “never called me dramatic or said that my jokes suck.”
With a laugh, you said, “You’re lucky I love kettle corn, or I’d be throwing this all over you.” You grabbed another handful before letting Peter have some, your feet walking in step together as you traversed the corn maze.
“I love you.”
A gentler breeze pushed past, bringing you closer to Peter.
“I love you too.”
By the time the two of you found the exit, not that you were studying the map very closely, the sun had started its dipping journey toward the horizon. You’d already had plenty of apple and pumpkin flavored drinks and junk food, picked some apples for home, and Peter even convinced you to ride the giant slide. Your constant giggles were lost to the wind whipping past you, but the wide grin on your face was unmistakable, even if Peter had beat you to the bottom first.
You strolled along the pumpkin patch at the end of the day, the sounds of families and vendors a bit quieter now. The wafting smells of the concession stands still filled the air, lingering and mixing with the distinct scent of autumn. Your hands turned pumpkins this way and that to find a good one when Peter came up next to you, his arms wrapping around your body. His chest held your back as you swayed side to side.
“Find anything good?” he asked, his cheek coming to rest against yours.
“Peter, I don’t know what a good pumpkin for carving looks like,” you laughed out. “I’m basically just admiring them.”
“Hmm… let's get these two.” He pointed to two medium-sized pumpkins in front of you, both having a few bumps on them and leaning to the side, but they didn’t look too bad to your limited knowledge.
Turning your head, you looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Why those two?”
His arms squeezed you tighter. “Because you’re cold, and those were the first ones I saw. Let’s get you back in the car.”
Your jaw dropped just a bit before saying, “We can’t just get any old pumpkins for my first carving!” You crossed your arms. “And I’m not that cold…”
He raised an eyebrow at you, his arms releasing you. You tried to hide the way your body missed the heat of his already. Peter shrugged off the drawstring bag from his back, pulling out a thick piece of clothing. “Here, put on your sweater.”
“I’m fine. I already have my flannel,” you said, fingers coming to play with the red flannel hugging your body. Of course, none of that stopped him from thrusting the sweater toward you again.
When you didn’t budge, he raised your arms up and started putting the sweater on you himself. Your lips pressed tight when the warmth of it felt nice on your skin, its softness not too far off from the feeling in your chest for Peter at the moment. As he straightened it out here and there, he said, “I don’t want to brag or anything, but I happen to know my incredible, but very stubborn, girlfriend pretty well.” His eyes softened when he looked at you, his gaze seeming to take all of you in. “I brought the sweater for you to wear when you got cold.
He wrapped his hand in yours and said, “And… if you knew your boyfriend, the love of your life, your true love, you’d know that I didn’t bring any sweater for me – I get way too warm no matter what I do.”
You stopped the giggle rising in your throat to let out a gasp this time, mimicking him from earlier. “Are you implying that I don’t know the moon and stars of my life?” At Peter’s laugh, you continued, “I just thought you were trying to blend in as a normal person with a normal body temperature, but I see that didn’t work.”
“Hey, someone has to take over your role as the hot one in this relationship,” he said, giving you a cheesy wink.
Ready to be done with his puns, you agreed on bringing home those pumpkins. Peter heaved them onto his shoulders with ease and carried them to checkout and the car, not hiding his incredible strength as much as you would’ve liked. But you just trailed alongside him, other goodies in hand.
After loading up the car and taking your seats, you rested your head on his shoulder. A long exhale left your lungs, wondering whether missing out on Halloween as a kid was that bad when it meant spending a whole season living like this.
“People do this for fun?!”
A few days later, you sat on your newspaper-covered floor in some old sweats, plunging a knife into the top of your pumpkin. By the time you’d carved out the lid, your muscles ached from cutting through the pumpkin’s thick skin— of course messing up a few times and having to redo it again and again.
Your tired arms then reached inside. A couple of handfuls of slimy pumpkin “guts” is what led to your outburst, your mind a bit confused as to why people enjoyed this mess.
“Yeah… I can’t really blame you for thinking that,” Peter said, the back of his hand coming to wipe away stray pumpkin on his cheek. A borrowed headband laid on his head, pushing his messy hair back and away from his face. “But, most of the time, they turn out beautiful. Like you.”
A small smile creeped onto your face as you said, “Did you just compare my beauty to a carved pumpkin?”
Peter, a bit a head of you, put his marker down and looked between his pumpkin and you. Clicking his tongue, he pondered, “Yeah, I’m definitely seeing a resemblance.”
When you tried peeking over at his design, he turned it away from you, hiding it against his body. “Hey! No cheating!”
You shook your head at him, going back to emptying the pumpkin. Once you scraped enough out, you fixed the lid back on and grabbed a book of carving stencils Peter had picked up. Flipping through, you stopped on one in particular, a grin spreading from ear to ear.
“Sweetheart, I’m not sure I like that look.” You lifted your head at Peter’s voice, seeing his raised eyebrows. But since two could play at this game, you tore the page from the book and held it close as you taped it onto the pumpkin.
You didn’t have to peek over at him to know what his face looked like when a sigh came from his direction.
The two of you worked in a comfortable silence accompanied by a playlist of spooky and Halloween-themed songs. Your wrist started to ache after a bit, but you kept going until the final section was cut through and fell away.
As a proud smile grew and you did a little dance back and forth, Peter said, “I take it you’re done then?”
“Yep,” you said, popping the “p” as you wiped away any debris. “And I think it definitely bears resemblance to you as well.”
Letting out a snort, he grabbed the candles to put inside (electric so you didn’t burn anything down, because you could absolutely not afford it). You took it from his outstretched palm, making sure he didn’t catch a glimpse of your design.
He settled on one side of the dinner table while you stood at the other. “Okay, you ready?” he asked. At your nodding, he said, “One, two… three!”
His hands grabbed the sides of his pumpkin as you grabbed yours, spinning them around at the same time.
“Really?” Peter groaned, his face unamused. You’d found a relatively easy template to work with, one of a cute little spider sitting in the corner of a web. “That’s a bit on the nose, don’t ya think?”
You widened your eyes, giving him an innocent look. “I think you two are twins.” Your finger pointed at his pumpkin, your other hand coming to rest on your hip as you studied the design. “And how exactly do I resemble Jack Skellington, Peter?”
He had carved the face of The Pumpkin King, quite well you observed. You two had just watched The Nightmare Before Christmas last week, Peter singing along to all the songs while you both drank mugs of hot apple cider.
“Well…” he started, his top teeth digging into his bottom lip to stop from smiling, “I wouldn’t mind boning you, darling. Y’know, like a skeleton.”
“Yes, I get it.” Rubbing a hand down your face, mostly to cover the creeping smile, you asked, “Did you spend all night thinking of that one?”
Peter came around, grabbing one pumpkin in each arm and walking toward the door. “C’mon, let’s go look at them outside.”
Your mouth twisted, very aware that his lack of an answer probably meant “yes.” Following him outside onto the front porch, your feet padded against the wood, your skin chilling in the air.
As soon as he set them on the porch ledge, you snuggled up into his side, bringing his arm around your shoulder. Your designs flickered into the dark night side by side, surrounded by the few orange and black decorations you had put up out here.
You felt the deep inhale and exhale of Peter’s breath, the only noise to accompany the sounds of a distant owl. He squeezed your arm, his fingers rubbing back and forth along your skin. Maybe all this was worth the pumpkin guts.
Like all the other activities on the list, Peter had come up with this idea — to go out and have a little fall photoshoot. You weren’t one to volunteer yourself as a model, but you were weak once he had brought out his camera and the puppy dog eyes.
You’d put together a nice fall outfit, complete with a thick cardigan of course. Peter himself wore a hooded flannel that made him look like autumn and home brought to life — which made you hesitate for a second on planning to “borrow” it at some point, but only a second. 
He drove you out to a park a little north, the two of you holding hands as you walked through. Families and couples sat around on the grass or throwing a ball around, but Peter led you farther back as the growth got a bit thicker.
After a few minutes, the conversations of people growing quieter, you walked into a small clearing. You were surrounded by a canopy of fiery reds, yellows, and oranges as the trees swayed back and forth in the wind. You’d never really taken a silent moment to just watch the world change as it got colder.
You were admiring the beautiful ceiling of leaves above you when a click sounded from behind. Turning, you saw Peter with his camera in his hands and a smile plastered on his face.
“Hey, I didn’t know we were starting already!” You crossed your arms, but he answered with more clicks of his camera.
“I’m an artist, sweetheart. Don’t question my methods.” He walked around you, trying to get good angles you assumed, but the attention felt a bit stifling.
“Peter, I don’t know what I’m doing. I mean, where do I put my arms?” you asked, flopping your arms against your side.
He lowered his camera, his eyes connecting with yours. You let out a huff as he walked toward you, your body feeling awkward and unsure of what he wanted you to do.
As he got close, he raised his hands to your face, fingers curving around your jaw and cheeks. His breath came out just above a whisper, his nose brushing yours. “I only want to take beautiful pictures, so just be yourself. Okay?”
Your warm cheeks felt nice in the chilly air, your chest blooming as you turned your head away from his gaze. At your hesitation, he pulled away and brought the camera strap up over his head, putting it over yours instead.
“Here, take some of me first,” he said, cupping his hands around yours, bringing them to wrap along the camera and placing your finger on the button. He gave your hands a final squeeze before backing up near the edge of the trees.
Peter made a bunch of funny poses, sticking his tongue out and flexing just to make you laugh. And it worked, some of the pictures probably coming out blurry from your shoulders shaking. Your grin slowly lowered when he turned to actually posing, leaning against a tree or sitting on a rock surrounded by the beautiful leaves.
You never ceased to be surprised by Peter’s looks, somehow always being caught off guard by how angelic he looked. He wasn’t always confident, but with the air he carried about himself these days, it was hard to keep your breathing even when he looked like this. Each of the warm autumn colors surrounding you two made his eyes look so intense, you welcomed the separation of the camera between your bodies.
Hoisting himself up, he trotted over to you, his cheesy smile right back on his face. His hand reached out to grab the camera, lifting it over your head as he said, “Got any good ones? Hope you captured my ‘Blue Steel’ look. I’ve been practicing.”
“Oh, I got it. That one’s going right above our bed.” Your giggles joined his along with the sound of birds chittering in the branches above. Before you could distract him anymore, he pointed with his head, motioning for you to pose as he did.
Pursing your lips, you backed away from him, steps moving slow as they dragged among the fallen leaves and dirt. Swallowing any awkwardness itching in your stomach, you stood and smiled for the pictures Peter took of you. You moved around, trying little differences to see if they felt any more natural. As you leaned against the same tree that Peter did, your smile grew just a tiny bit at feeling the warmth he left behind.
Though it comforted you, he must’ve still seen your apprehension because, still with his face behind the camera, he said, “Hey sweetheart?”
He lowered the camera to show you his dumb Blue Steel impression again, pouty lips and all. You wanted to roll your eyes at him, but a wide grin broke across your face, your eyes shutting for a second as your cheeks squished high. More clicks sounded into the air, but you were laughing too much to care.
Peter grabbed a few more photos before motioning for you to come back toward him while he kneeled to put his camera away in his bag. Fidgeting with your fingers, you asked, “So, how’d I do?”
Looking up at you, the softest look gracing his features, he stood and grabbed your hands. He brought them to wrap around his neck and let go, bringing his to rest on your waist. “You’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever photographed.”
“Peter…” you said, your words mumbled as you curled against him.
He brought his head up, looking past you as he declared, “I know you’re usually the right one in this relationship, but not today. Let me bask in this moment of being 100% correct for once.”
You just shook your head, your cheek brushing along his body. “Fine, I’ll let you have this one. But only if we watch The Addams Family when we get home.” A beat of silence passed. “And drink hot chocolate. With whipped cream!”
Peter barked out a laugh, his rumbling chest shaking your body. “Easiest decision I’ve ever made, darling. Besides loving you, of course.”
You snuggled in closer to him one more time before pulling away, wanting to walk through the park a bit more before it got dark. Your hand, wrapping in his, swung back and forth as your feet crunched on the leaves littering your path. You let out a whispered, “I love you too.”
You adjusted just slightly the heavy wig resting on your head, removing your hands slowly as to not mess anything up while stepping back, admiring yourself in the mirror.
The blonde wig, scattered with pastel flowers throughout the braid, hung down to your legs. As you turned this way and that, it swung through the air, brushing past the purple dress that went past your knees.
A sing-song voice came from the hallway, its comforting tone bringing a smile to your face. “Is my Rapunzel ready?”
Peter appeared in the doorway, crossing his arms as he leaned against its frame, his eyes never leaving you. His hair was swooped back, complementing the blue vest and tall boots he wore.
“As ready as she’ll ever be, Flynn Rider,” you said, giggling as he pulled you close, his arms wrapping around your back.
As he kissed your forehead, you let out a soft sigh. “Are you sure we’re allowed to do this?” you asked, your stomach turning in on itself.
Peter’s final item on the list, on a Halloween-themed notepad hung up on the fridge, read “Go trick-or-treating” in his scribbled handwriting. As you were both adults, a pit had been building inside you as the days got closer — would people even be okay with this? Would they just laugh at you?
“Say no to the prettiest person they’ve ever seen? No way,” he said, leaning in ever closer. “And if they do, a certain friendly neighbor may have to pay a visit. Add some cobwebs here and there…”
You pulled back, your jaw slightly ajar. “Peter!” You are not being very responsible with your great power.”
With a laugh, he said, “Come on!” and pulled you away from the mirror and toward the front door. He handed you a spare pillow case to hold all your candy (he said it was more authentic this way than buying a trick or treat bag from the store).
A deep breath filled your lungs as you stepped outside, Peter ushering you through like charming Flynn himself. The chilling air pricked at your throat, but as you walked past your flickering jack o’ lanterns with Peter right by your side, it didn’t feel all that cold anymore.
The night, illuminated by house lights and the last glimpses of the setting sun, was filled with running kids and their trailing parents going from house to house. An instant smile found its way on your face, loving the range from cowboys and dragons to home-made costumes to even a few Spider-Man suits.
Peter grabbed your hand, taking you to a side street that had a little bit less traffic, and they weren’t your direct neighbors seeing you trick-or-treating as an adult, which you were thankful for.
Walking up to the first house had your heart pounding in your throat all the way down to your feet. You were certain he could hear its frantic pace. Looking back, Peter was only a few steps behind you, motioning you to ring their doorbell. He gave a thumbs up and toothy smile fit for his costume.
You nodded, almost imperceptibly, as your fingers reached out, just barely pressing the doorbell. You heard it ring, muffled inside, and saw a moving figure obscured through the windows.
As the door opened, a middle-aged man appeared, a large pumpkin-themed bowl of candy in hand. His face, neutral for a moment, scanned the two of you before his eyes trained behind you.
Swallowing hard, your crackling voice said, “Trick or treat?” You held out the pillow case, fingernails picking at the stitching as you waited.
When his gaze returned to you, he had a warm smile and said, “Of course!” As he dropped some candy into your bag, he said, “And a few extra for the princess.” He gave you a few more pieces of candy before you said thank you, letting Peter get his fill.
The man shut the door as you two walked down the pathway back to the street, your pillow cases just a bit heavier now. Walking in step, he wrapped an arm around your waist. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You leaned your head against him, letting out a quiet hum. “It was a bit scary at first, though I guess that’s what Halloween is all about,” you joked. “And we have candy now, so it was worth it.”
Peter let out a laugh and squeezed your hand before letting you ring the next house’s doorbell. Each house still made you chew on the inside of your cheek or fidget, but it got easier as the night went on and the moon rose higher.
Toward one of the remaining houses left in the neighborhood, you were greeted by an older woman. With squinting eyes and a bucket full of king-sized candy bars, she said, “Oh, aren’t you two so adorable!”
You turned back to look at Peter, wanting him next to you like a proper prince and princess, but you saw him holding his phone up. You read the large, typed-out words he was holding up on his phone, the text reading “First time trick or treating!” with an arrow pointing toward you.
You were certain his wide eyes matched your own, both of you too stunned at that moment to say anything. Only the weight of a few heavy pieces of candy landing inside your case brought your attention back to the woman. You gave a closed smile to her own grinning face, saying your thanks before letting Peter come forward.
As you two walked back to the street, you saw his raised shoulders and cringing face from the corner of your eye. He said, “Darling… Mon cher, love of my life, my Rapunzel…”
“Yes, Eugene Fitzherbert?” you replied, using his character’s real name. You weren’t upset with him, mostly shocked that he did this and didn’t tell you.
“I thought people would be a little nicer if they knew it was your first time trick-or-treating, ‘s’all.” He adjusted his costume this way and that, letting out a sharp breath.
You snorted out a small laugh. “I mean, it’s not really my first time. I went with friends a few times, but I was pretty young,” you explained, your words coming out rambling.
“Well I can’t really write all that on my phone, now can I?” He said, hints of sarcasm and joking laced in his voice.
Laughing, you said, “I guess not. You’re a bit sassy, but thank you, Peter.” His smug grin turned soft and grabbed your hand.
His pace quickened as you approached home, his boyish giggling ringing into the night. Opening the door, he pulled you inside and sat you both down in the living room. Your heart felt happy at his excitement, and you weren’t sure anymore who this was for.
“Ready?” he asked, his eyes raised expectantly at you.
You took off the heavy wig and nodded furiously, holding your heavy pillow case high up. As he said, “Go!” you tipped it over and watched a heaving pile of candy build in front of you.
Peter began organizing all of them, putting Snickers here, Skittles there, so you did the same, feeling a childish fun fill you.
“Ready to trade?” he asked, still looking around at the different stacks.
You’d never traded candy so seriously before, but he looked determined as he asked. “Uh, sure?”
Grabbing a handful of candy, Peter said, “Okay, how about two Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for two of your Kit Kat’s?”
Taken aback, you put a hand to your chest. “I might be a little inexperienced in all this, but I am not clueless. Those are full-sized Kit Kat’s — you’re getting one for two Reese’s cups.”
Peter pursed his lips, eyebrows scrunching together. As he looked around, he said, “Okay Rapunzel. You drive a hard bargain. I’ll throw in a pack of M&M’s too.”
You pretended to think for a bit, resting your finger against your chin. Only when you saw his unamused look did you give in, not that you were too worried. You’d be mixing candy together by tomorrow anyway. “Fine, you have a deal.”
His face broke out in excitement, his hands quickly coming forward across the piles to make the exchange. You went back and forth like this for a bit before you couldn’t stare any longer and dug into your treasure of candy.
It wasn’t until halfway through Hocus Pocus, the two of you in pajamas and surrounded by discarded candy wrappers, that you turned to look up at Peter, your head laying on his chest, and whispered, “Thank you, for everything.”
He looked at you, his eyes soft and smile gentle as the now forgotten movie cast dancing shadows across his face. “Yeah, ‘course,” he said, never taking his gaze off of you. “I just remember my parents taking me around, and then May and Ben. They always made sure I got to experience what all the other kids did, and I loved it, so I thought someone should do that for you too.”
You nodded along, unable to stop the way the corners of your eyes stung at his words. You already couldn’t wait for next year, having no doubt it’d make you just as happy as this Halloween. Leaning into him even more, you gave a tight-lipped smile, unable to keep the emotion from your voice. “They definitely taught you well, Peter.”
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Thank you again for reading! Please let me know your thoughts, questions, etc. Love you all <3
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little-paperboat · 2 days
Get to know me (tag game)
I'm super late for this one, but I've merged two sets of questions, thank you @savriea & @dutifullylazybread for the tag! I'm very happy 🌸
Do you make your bed? —I do - or I try to, I feel better when it's done and it makes me feel like I can move on with my day 🫡 Exceptions are for when I'm late, but then I would do it before going to bed!
Favourite number? — 5 (but 3 or 7 also work) (I like odd numbers in general)
What's your job? — I quit my job a few weeks ago sooo at the moment unemployed fanfic writer I guess 🤠
If you could go back to school, would you? — I think so! I would love to go back to study something I really like without the pressure of earning the degree since I already have one, and then take the time to actually learn and discuss the topics rather than to focus on grades.
Can you parallel park? — In theory, yes, I can. In practice... maybe? I don't drive often, so when I have to park I try to make it as easy as I can for myself (so not parallel park)
Do you think aliens are real? — Yes, I think it'd be quite sad if we were the only form of life in the universe
Can you drive a manual car? — Yes!
What's your guilty pleasure? — Cheesy romance and romcoms, I'm down baaaad for it, especially the 90s ones
Tattoos? — Not yet, mostly because I'm too indecisive on what to get and where haha
Favourite color? — Red, then shades of purples, blues and greens :)
Favourite type of music? — Taylor Swift definitely, but otherwise I love pop-rock and instrumental/classical soundtracks from games and movies
Do you like puzzles? — Ehhh, I can do puzzles to pass the time but I'm not drawn to them otherwise. If I can't get it quickly it tends to annoy me 🥲
Any phobias? — Yeah, spiders :(
Favourite childhood sport? — I had a complex relationship with sports as a kid so I don't think I had any really? But I loved to run around and play hide and seek if that counts lol
Do you talk to yourself? — Occasionally, when I need to "hear" the steps in a process or to guide myself through something step by step. Sometimes I do it when I'm in a very good mood too!
What movie(s) do you adore? — Oh! Lords of the Ring trilogy is my absolute fave of all time, then the Ghibli movies, Pride & Prejudice (2005), and I cannot think of others at the moment although I'm sure there's at least like 20 more haha
Coffee or tea? — Tea always, but in recent years I've learned to like coffee (although I love the smell more than the taste)
First thing you wanted to be growing up? — A teacher! And I'm kinda glad I didn't choose this path now 😬
Last song I listened to — guilty as sin 🤍
Current obsession— Rolan 👀 and BG3 in general ❤️
Last thing I Googled — my dentist's phone number lol
Favorite Season — Autumn, when the leaves are red and gold and the sky is still blue 🍁
Skill I'd like to learn — Drawing! I've just started to take art classes and I'm super motivated (and to finally be able to draw all my Tavs! and their partners hihi)
Best advice — trust yourself and do things for yourself first and foremost (drawing, writing, etc etc); don't try to match people's expectations and do things at your own pace, life's not a race :)
Currently watching — waiting for Bridgerton part 2, so in the meantime I'm rewatching the classic period drama movies (P&P, Emma, etc.)
Currently reading — Quoting this from @savriea because it's exactly my answer too lmao
— A stupidly long list of BG3 fanfics as my "to read" books sit gathering dust on my bookshelf.
Relationship status — taken, four years already :)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy — sweet all the way with a side of savoury, spicy food is a no-go however, I cannot handle spices 😱
no pressure tags for the lovely @sleketon666 @kimberbohwrites @poetryvampire 🌸 (feel free to ignore if you've already done it!!)
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
22 and 23 for Canada or America or both? I adore your writing so much.
🥺🥺🥺 thank you!! I'll do both.
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
With a very low tolerance for boredom, America snatches the paper before Canada has a chance to react. His first instinct is to make a paper airplane and doodle some designs on it; an eagle on one wing, perhaps a catchphrase on the other, and a wreath of flames as an outline. Before letting it soar, he asks Canada if he wants to add something to the little plane. Canada draws a maple leaf and he paper airplane flies perfectly.
But I'd be wary of leaving America with nothing to do for too long. Now, Canada? Not a problem. He can easily slip into dreamland and imagine himself in a canoe, fishing for rainbow trout along freshwater, backcountry rivers for hours at an end. But America craves stimulation and if he's in a rather bad mood, he'll try playing Five Finger Filet with the pencil and his own hand. He's immortal and if he makes a mistake, it'll heal quickly anyways, right? Canada nags him as soon as he starts playing, and with enough passive aggressive fuss, America rolls his eyes and flips the pencil eraser-side down.
However, if America's in a good mood, and there's still nothing to do, he'll explain how worm holes work, by folding the paper in half and poking the pencil through it; a trademark method that appears in every Hollywood sci-fi film. Slightly forgetful, he doesn't realise that he's explained this to Canada many times before, but Canada doesn't interrupt. Instead, he offers up a few questions and lets his brother babble about the spacetime continuum until the sun goes down, not because it keeps America occupied, but because America loves the topic, and has a wonderful habit of turning anything he loves into something genuinely interesting through his own sheer excitement. Even when said topic involves a lot of heavy math.
23: How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
I'd give them both a 5/10 when it comes to their organizational skills. Part of this is because they're physically younger than their Old World counterparts; college-aged nations with some college-aged habits. However, I think it's also woven into their personalities a bit.
⭐ America ⭐
Leaves empty soda bottles in his pickup truck
100+ tabs open in his internet browser
No sorting system to the catalogue of video games on his shelves
Bad habit of buying gadgets he won't use
Sports & Hollywood memorabilia cluttering the walls
Unpaid credit card bills
Low-priority government docs MUST be labeled, otherwise he'll lose them
"It's fine, I'll clean it later," and "I know where everything is," are his mantras. His mess doesn't bother him and it rarely impacts his daily life. However, if certain people are coming to visit, (senators, the President, certain nations that make him uncomfortable, etc.,) then America will definitely tidy up.
🍁 Canada 🍁
Often 5 - 20 minutes late to everything
Forgets to do his laundry; wears dirty blue jeans
Some fresh fruits and veggies go bad before he uses them
Cannot fit a car in his garage because it's filled with hiking gear and old woodworking tools
Too many canoes
Unless it's important, he forgets to respond to text messages
Spaces out during meetings, asks for notes, misplaces the notes
Unlike his brother, Canada's disorganization gives him anxiety and he chastises himself for it. He'll tidy up in a panic at the last minute when guests are on their way.* Then, he's the type to say, "Sorry, my place is a mess right now," even if he just finished cleaning and only forgot to dust one bookshelf. Truly, he should cut himself some slack once in a while.
*The only exception is America. If he's the guest, Canada won't panic-clean. He'll just sort a few things out and welcome his brother inside no matter the state of his house.
Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme
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sserendipity129 · 2 years
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🍁 "Jimin Visits in a Maple Tree", November 2022, colored pencils.
"Good to see you again! Thanks for coming to get me! The Fall Feast completely slipped my mind. Yeah, I'll just wear this."
Jimin, a dancing talent fairy, has been taking a rest high up in the Pixie Dust Tree after practice for his display in the Harvest Festival. The sun sets over the sea, showering him and his bower of leaves with gold.
I treated this drawing like a painting and really wore down my warm-colored pencils. Took me days to compose and weeks to color. Each leaf was painstakingly rendered to translucence in the deep autumn dusk.
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sleptwithinthesun · 1 year
i don't really have any specific prompts, but i did just watch top gun today for the first time and i want to say that if you wrote anything for ice i'd love to read it 😊 allergies or cold or even just a plain fic--i really like your writing!
DUDE IT'S SO GOOD. t/op g/un is on my mind all the time i cannot let go i'm obsessed. anyway. this is hopefully good? i really have no clue bUT. if you ever want general t/op g/un recs i'd be happy to talk and share stuff!! i'm really into the rarepairs (h/ollywolf my beloved) lol and i've rambled for too long. onto the fic!
(fill for 🍁 on the fall snz prompts list... written for i/ceman & s/lider. s/lice, babey!! ~1.1K words.)
Slider wakes up, and the other side of the bed is cold.
He rolls over sleepily to remain in his own body heat, staunchly avoiding the area of the bed that once contained his boyfriend, then fights against the comforter as it tangles around his legs. Propping himself up on his elbow, Slider uses his free hand to rub absently at his eyes as he calls, "Ice?"
Slider sighs to himself as he finally opens his eyes, groaning a bit as he's met with the light that streams in from the windows. Ice sneezing in the autumn is never a good sign; the only thing that really gets to him around this time of year is the leftover ragweed pollen from the summer and dust. "Bless you."
"Thangks," Ice breathes, sniffling. His voice is already laden with congestion, Slider notes, and he forces himself to sit up against the headboard, finally getting a good look at his boyfriend as he walks into the room, eyes red and puffy, even from a distance.
"Shit, honey," he blurts, surging forward to the foot of their bed. "What happened?"
Ice's breath hitches for a second before settling back to normal, and he rubs at his nose aggressively. "Ragked the leaves," he explains, and then every piece of the puzzle falls neatly into place.
"I could've done that," Slider protests, brow furrowing. Before he can even finish the sentence, though, Ice is shaking his head.
"You were stdill asleep," he argues, then gasps. "ukT'SHH!"
"Bless you. I still could've raked them, Ice, if you'd just woken me up. You're going to be all sneezy and miserable for the rest of the day." He slides out of the bed, moving to stand next to Ice in his T-shirt and boxers and thumbs at Ice's eyelashes to wipe away an allergic tear. "Your eyes are swelling."
Ice just sniffles, rubbing harshly at his nose again as he presses his lips together. "I kdnow. I jusdt wandted to help."
"Aw, honey," he murmurs sympathetically, rerouting his finger across Ice's cheekbone and towards his sinuses. His boyfriend learns into the contact, posture relaxing slightly when his thumb presses into the side of his nose. "Does that feel good?"
"Yeah," Ice sighs, and Slider starts rubbing in circles, massaging his sinuses gently. "Oh... hold on."
He draws back, twisting away from Slider and pressing his face deep into his shoulder. "kt'SCH! TSHH! h'kSHuu!"
"Bless you, Ice." He kisses him lightly, then goes back to rubbing at his sinuses. "I'm serious, let me do it next time."
"You were sleeping," he tries to argue, but the point is moot.
Slider sighs, then moves to pull Ice's shirt off. He's already covered in whatever shit the leaves have kicked up; there's really no harm in dismantling him so he can take a shower. All the same, it sends Ice's breaths into wild hitches once more, and Slider pauses with the shirt in his hands. "Going to sneeze again?"
"Noht yet..." Ice breathes, shaking his head as if it'll dislodge the tickle in his nose. "Keep goigg. I'll be fide."
"Alright," Slider murmurs, getting it over Ice's head and doing his best to avoid letting it touch more of his body then necessary. His chest is already starting to break out in a rash, just a bit, but it's enough that he's concerned. "Almost there," he soothes.
Ice nods, but ends up brushing his nose against the shirt fabric. Normally, he's not sensitive at all, but when he's already itchy and losing control and the shirt is covered in leaf bits?
It's more than enough to set him off again.
"h'uHD'TSH!" Slider can hear the attempt to stifle in that one, and the way Ice gives up midway through, clearly seeing that there's no point. "ut'SHHH! KSHH! KSHH! huh'SHH-TSHH!" Ice pants for a second, catching his breath, and yanks the shirt the rest of the way off, revealing just how irritated he is. God, his entire expression is still twisted with the need to sneeze, and Slider feels himself melt in sympathy as his breath hitches yet again.
"You're not done, are you," he murmurs, standing and taking the shirt away from Ice before forcing his boyfriend to lean into him, pressing his face gently into his shoulder. "It's alright, honey, I've got you. Just clear all that shit out from your system, okay?"
Ice only gasps and sneezes again, this time, directly into Slider's collarbone. The first one is muffled, but harsh enough that his entire body shakes with the force of it against Slider's. "hmp'TSH! ut'SCH! h'USHH'uh!"
"Bless you, honey," Slider says, pulling away and ignoring the damp spot on the shoulder of his sleep shirt. "Come on, let's start that shower for you." He tugs Ice toward the bathroom.
"I'mb sorry," Ice murmurs, a pink flush beginning to creep up his neck towards his cheeks. Slider only kisses him below his ear, right at the sharp hinge of his jaw, even as he says, "Thatd was gross."
Slider kisses him again, moving a little closer to his mouth. "Don't apologize," he says, "it's normal. And further proof that you should let me rake the yard next time, instead of trying to do it yourself."
Ice laughs a little at that, sniffling while Slider starts the shower. While it looks like he might be done, Slider knows it's only a temporary state; with the way his sneezes have progressed from singles to entire fits, Ice definitely has some left in him.
"Fide," he concedes, although begrudgingly. "You cand ragke the yard fromb now ond."
"Ice, I hate to say this, but I can hardly understand you. Get in the shower once it's ready," Slider says, grinning when his boyfriend only flips him the bird then strips out of his pants and boxers. "I want to take a look at those hives, too, once you're done."
"You're so demandigg," Ice teases, but obliges. Slider leaves to change into day clothes, grateful that they still have shore leave for another week before they head back out.
He can hear as Ice dissolves into another rapid fit while in the shower, this one far less merciful than the last as the steam wreaks relieving havoc on Ice's sinuses. He sighs to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. Leave it to his boyfriend to do something he knows will set off his allergies just to make Slider's day a tad easier.
God, what did he do to deserve him?
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sofysdaylife · 1 year
🍁Semana del 27 y 29 de marzo 🍁
"Remember this practical piece of advice: Never come into the theatre with mud on your feet. Leave your dust and dirt outside. Check your little worries, squabbles, petty difficulties with your outside clothing - all the things that ruin your life and draw attention away from your art - at the door."
- Constantin Stanislavski
🍀Clase del día 27 de marzo de 2023🍀
Lo primero que hicimos el día de hoy fue hablar de las obras que podíamos ver para realizar nuestra experiencia artística. Siendo lo principal de lo que se habló fue la obra de 404 not found, una obra la cual habla de temas serios y la violencia hacia la mujer. Algunas cosas que se notaron fue la diferencia de las opiniones con respecto al público, puesto que por ejemplo un compañero mencionó que de acuerdo con la obra habían ciertas cualidades dictadas para caracterizar a una persona, cuando en realidad nuestra "sociedad" no lo percibe de ese modo, es decir, la diferencia de edades o generaciones dentro del público es la manera en que percibe de diferentes maneras la obra, consiguiendo una opinión propia.
Después se nos trató de mostrar un video de un mensaje debido a que el día de hoy es el día Mundial del Teatro, sin embargo, debido a que las traducciones no eran las más adecuadas, la miss decidió leérnoslo pues fue escrito por la actriz egipcia llamada Samiha Ayoub, donde también se menciono a Stanislavski, y a los acontecimientos que están pasando hoy en día, puesto que muchas veces pasan cosas de las que no nos damos cuenta en el mundo: guerras, y eso hace que se le quite la esencia a la humanidad, sin embargo el teatro está basado en esta esencia: la vida.
Por otra parte, lo principal en lo que consistió el resto de la clase fue en hacer nuestras escenas, las cuales se habían encargado la clase pasada y en donde teníamos que hacer una escena con unos diálogos dichos por la maestra.
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El día de hoy, alcanzamos a cubrir 9 grupos: para el primero lo que más se me complicó fue el tratar de deducir la situación, para el segundo se me hizo muy visual o como que se notaban que querían hacer, para el tercero lo que más se me complicó fue la relación. Después siguió mi equipo, al principio estaba nerviosa, pero al momento de estar frente a todos eso no resultó en un problema y se me quitaron, sin embargo, lo que estaba a punto de suceder, era reírme, porque hubo un momento en nuestra escena en dónde hubo un silencio muy largo, por lo que se me estaba a punto de salir una risa, sin embargo, recordé como era mi personaje y se me quitaron las ganas de reírme, la escena a mi parecer salió muy bien, logramos lo que queríamos pero no confío realmente en que los demás hayan sabido interpretar la situación. Para el siguiente lo que más se me complicó fue la relación, pues escuché a unos compañeros hablar acerca de esa y resulta que era diferente a lo que yo había pensado, el siguiente también se me hizo algo visible, sabía aproximadamente de que estaban hablando, para el séptimo creo que también me pareció visible lo que querían hacer, pero si tenía aproximadamente una historia, una razón y una consecuencia a por qué se comportan así. El siguiente no lo entendí muy bien, pero descubrí en que le atiné al lugar, puesto que creo que era un funeral o algo parecido. Por último, también me pareció visible lo que trataban de hacer, pues creo que hasta cierto punto, se me había ocurrido algo parecido.
Para finalizar, la miss comenzó a dar retro, y al comparar las respuestas e ideas de todos en conjunto, descubrí que muchos tuvimos las mismas perspectivas e ideas acerca de los mismos aspectos, y dudas en los mismos puntos, sin embargo, también se retroalimentó a los equipos conforme a aspectos especiales o detalles para que sea más fácil para el público adivinar la situación. Pero mi equipo no alcanzó a recibir retroalimentación por lo que la tendremos en la próxima sesión, y la miss nos dijo que volveríamos a hacer las mismas escenas la próxima clase, ya que también gracias a la retroalimentación de los otros equipos, podremos mejorarlo.
🍀Clase del día 29 de marzo de 2023🍀
Para empezar la clase del día de hoy, hicimos algo que comúnmente hacemos para hacer clases teóricas, y es darnos un baño de energía, es decir, recorrer nuestro cuerpo y despertar nuestros huesos primero con palmaditas, luego con masajes y luego estirándonos; creo que el día de hoy necesitaba esto un poco más que las otras clases, puesto que todo el día había estado teniendo mucho sueño, y había estado muy cansada por lo que no tenía muchas ganas de hacer una clase práctica, sin embargo, me hizo muy bien estos ejercicios.
Después, lo que hicimos fue juntarnos con nuestros equipos con los cuales estaríamos haciendo las escenas, y juntos hacer diversos ejercicios, el primero de ellos, fue quedarnos viendo fijamente el uno al otro; esto, con el fin de que nos acostumbremos a ser mirados y podamos, así mismo, tener una conexión con nuestro compañero, puesto que los ejercicios fueron los de espejo que habíamos estado haciendo anteriormente. Creo que al intercambiar entre que el líder sea A y B, lo hicimos muy bien. Al principio, en especial al hacer los ejercicios de las miradas, si nos reíamos de vez en cuando, pero conforme lo fuimos haciendo más y más, estas risas fueron disminuyendo y lo fuimos logrando; por otra parte, al hacer los ejercicios del espejo, creo que lo hicimos bastante bien, puesto que incluso cuando se agregó una indicación más: seguir al que sigue, la cual consistía en que ninguno de los dos sería el líder, y tendríamos que hacer lo que ambos compañeros propongan, a nosotros nos salió, en mi opinión, bastante bien, aceptábamos lo que se proponía o lo que salía; sin embargo, noté que en una ocasión si sucedió que nos mantuvimos haciendo ciertos movimientos, pero pudimos continuar naturalmente, e incluso, cuando se nos indicó que podíamos jugar con los niveles y las velocidades cuando creyéramos que estuviéramos listos, la maestra nos dijo que nosotros ya podríamos hacerlo.
Ahora, después de estos ejercicios, seguimos con las notas de las escenas. Una de las cosas de las que me di cuenta, fue de que muchas veces hay problemas de comunicación, puesto que un equipo estaba en desacuerdo con que por un lado, el lugar era una oficina y era una ex pareja, y por el otro que era una casa y que era una pareja que estaba peleada.
En nuestro caso, les sorprendió cuando les dijimos el lugar, porque la mayoría de las personas dijeron escuela, aunque hubieron algunas que dijeron que era una cafetería. Después se les explicó lo que estábamos representando, en especial la relación de los personajes. Y empezamos a desarrollar con que había que agregarle también un motivo a los personajes, en este caso, nos dijeron que podía ser por
deseo de vinculación
obligación familiar
deseo de atención
la hermana era una muy mala persona.
La miss nos pidió volver a hacer la escena, pero esta vez inclinándonos más hacia el deseo de atención como un motivo de mi personaje, y por consecuencia, el personaje de mi compañero sentiría aún más desagrado por estar mi personaje actuando como si de verdad me causara tristeza. Nos salimos del salón para discutir estos detalles y poder volver a realizar la escena después de acomodar el lugar de una manera en que se noté un poco más que era un funeral en dónde estábamos.
Al momento de realizar la escena, me equivoqué pues esperaba que mi compañero se pusiera de pie y volteara a verme, una de las decisiones que habíamos tomado, de manera en que me concentré en que esa mirada dijera que había tensión entre ellos, pero en realidad mi compañero siempre estuvo sentado y volteó, por lo que no se me presentó la oportunidad de darle un tipo de abrazo de compasión, de manera en que se note el deseo de atención que mi personaje siente, y el desprecio que el personaje de mi compañero también siente pues sabe que mi personaje no es así, por lo que decidí reemplazarlo por unas palmaditas en la espalda y expresando tristeza. Pero después de que le ofrece café, ella dice gracias, simbolizando que en realidad ella no sabe la historia detrás del café y el porque es tan importante para el difunto hermano, y debido a este cambio de personalidad o el dejar de actuar delante del hermano, es de cierta manera insoportable para este mismo, y decide irse, mientras que la hermana se saca de onda por su comportamiento, y se aleja una silla de él.
Al escuchar las opiniones de mis compañeros, pudimos notar las diferencias que encontraron, pero aún creo que pude haber hecho notar un poco más la intención de mi personaje, pues después de actuar las escenas, se me ocurrieron ciertas acciones que podríamos haber hecho y que podríamos hacer para la próxima vez que lo hagamos, como el hecho de que también podríamos usar una bolsa para mi personaje, por el hecho de que decidimos que hace como 5 minutos se vio que venía del aeropuerto, y que cuando se miren es el momento en el que queda en shock, y se le caiga al momento de que corra a ver al hermano, o algo por el estilo, así como seguir exagerando un poco estas reacciones de la hermana para actuar desesperadamente triste por mostrarse buena. De esta manera, creo que podríamos mejorar esos aspectos de la escena para que se note un poco más las intenciones que tenemos, así como lo establecido previamente: el lugar, la situación y la relación.
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flowerchildwren · 2 years
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hbprophetie · 3 years
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Snapetober 2021 Days 1 & 2 : "Autumn" & "You have to let go".
Updated version with colors, original cleaned up drawing and rought.
The original post including the drawing as it was posted on october and its description is linked above.
As I said in some of my Snapetober posts, I'll try to color most of the pics I did 2 months ago. It's longer than I expected, as always, and it may take time cause I'm currently very busy, but I hope that you'll like them whenever they will come! 🍁
Hope you all are doing well. ♡
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dustofthedailylife · 5 months
Genuine Question...
If I told you that I started working on an OC project, would you be interested if I posted some updates on that on this blog as well?  (I'm talking writing here - well partly, it's technically going to be a manga/comic)
Feel free to give me feedback on it too. Would love to hear your thoughts, or questions if you have any. Also on anon via ask if that's more comfortable for you. Thank you 💕
They posts would probably be far and few between for now since I'm not too far into it yet and am mostly just developing the story atm - but let me know your thoughts.
Would any of you want to read it as well once I release it? (still an 'if' but yeah)
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alatusxiaoo · 3 years
that summer night
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content: fluff, falling in love for a brief while only to have it left as a distant memory
character/s: albedo
note: here’s another one from the drafts :> i think this concept is really special to me. i can’t guarantee that i’ve perfectly channeled the fleeting feeling of jittery and bittersweet love that was never meant to last, but this is my own flawed rendition of it. i hope you’ll enjoy it and still bask in it’s blemished beauty the same way i did as well.
prompt is inspired by f. scott fitzgerald <33
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To whom it may concern.
“I am Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius.” The stranger introduced, staring at you intently with those teal eyes. “You carry the aura of the stars…interesting.”
You merely smile at him. “I assume that was intended as a compliment?”
“It is.”
“Strange, I’ve never heard that before.”
You told me to write to you whenever I felt lonely, or simply wanted someone to reminisce with about the events of that summer night.
“You don’t seem to be from around here.”
“I come from Mondstadt.”
“The city of freedom.” You sigh longingly. “Then I suppose you came to visit for the Lantern Rite?”
“Not exactly. I was expected to meet a friend of mine here. He’s a writer, you see.”
I thought that the stars were particularly beautiful that evening. I wanted to sketch them out, you see.
You gestured to the sketchbook in his hand. “So you’re his illustrator.”
He nodded, patting it with utmost care. “Yes, he says he likes my drawings. He thinks that we would work well together making novels.”
“Can I have a look?”
With pride, he hands over his possession to you. And he had a right to be proud. His drawings were detailed and wonderful, and you couldn’t help the awed look on your face as you skimmed through each and every one of his pages.
“Forgive me if this sounds strange, but I’ve noticed that you’ve been standing on that sidewalk for a long while now.” You say, looking back up at him.
“No, that’s alright. To be honest, I’ve been waiting for almost an hour. I’m not sure if he’ll even arrive at this point. I was hoping to sketch something here while I waited.”
“Well, since you’re free at the moment…” You cheekily smile, holding his sketchbook to his direction. “…why don’t you sketch me then?”
So when I ran into you, it dawned upon me that those stars were nothing compared to the beauty you held under the moonlight.
“You never told me your name.” He says, completely immersed in his sketch, as you sit across from him in an empty grassy plain.
Raising a tiny flower to your face, you stare at its details. “I’d prefer to keep this air of mysterious aura around me. It makes it all the more exciting, don’t you think?”
“Perhaps you only wanted my company in order to endanger me.” He hummed, glancing every other time at you before returning his focus back to the canvas.
“I guarantee you.” You respond, gently blowing on the flower’s tiny petals. “I wouldn’t hold such intention against you. If anything, I wondered what it would be like to be accompanied by someone like you.”
You grin at your next words. “After all, it’s not everyday I get to see someone intriguing around here.”
After a while of peace and quiet as you played around with the flowers, you eventually noticed that Albedo had paused for a little too long now, simply staring at the canvas without moving hands.
“Is it finished?”
You stood up from the bed of grass, dusting your clothes off. “Can I see it?”
“No.” He responded a little too quickly, catching you off guard. Strangely, he was still focused on the drawing he created.
You were puzzled. “Uh, why not?”
Albedo shook his head, eyes never leaving the canvas. “I don’t like…the way it makes me feel.”
It was truly an anomaly - one I was unsure if it was detrimental or not because of the way it made me feel.
You chuckled awkwardly, walking nearer to him. “I’m sorry, it’s the first time anyone has ever sketched me. I’m not exactly an expert at this.”
“It’s alright, it was more of my fault.” He sighed, closing his sketchbook. “I might have exaggerated some of the details a bit too much.” He said quietly. Unbeknownst to you, his ears has reddened with his own comment, knowing it was a lie and you were simply too beautiful for him to accept.
From here on, you could imagine how the night went. I ended up wandering with you around the streets of Liyue.
If things were different, I would have waited for Xingqiu. I suppose it was due to my selfishness to indulge in you a bit longer - that I eventually forgot about him the more I got lost in you.
“So, what do you do?” You hear him ask amidst the bustling crowd.
“Ah I…suppose you could call me a traveller. Although I do hail from Liyue. I came for the Lantern Rite.” You glance at him. “You should stay for the lanterns. Maybe you could even send one up into the sky. They’re quite a beautiful sight to behold.”
He nodded. “That doesn’t sound too bad. Perhaps I could sketch the view as well.”
As someone who expertises in alchemy, I may as well have been a master at making up strange excuses just to be with you.
“You don’t smile a lot.”
Albedo raised an eyebrow, looking over to you. “People have told me that I don’t exactly have the best social skills…or maintain a lot of good relationships.”
You hum in thought. “Who do you have good relations with, then?”
“I have two assistants back in Mondstadt, along with a little girl and her mother that I consider family.”
“Not blood-related?”
He shook his head at your words. “How about you?”
You turn away from his gaze to look at the distant mountains, and smile fondly. “Well…I have someone I like to think of as an older brother. He likes to trick his blood brother into thinking he’s a toy salesman though.” You chuckle. “I have another older brother figure who works as a consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. And uh…I have a close friend who prefers to stay in Wangshu Inn. I’ve been trying to get him to visit the Lantern Rite with me for a while now. That’s all I have.”
You glance back at him. “That is, of course, you’d allow me to consider you as a friend. Then maybe we’d both have more good relationships.” You speak, feeling a rush of warmth dust your cheeks on a particularly chilly evening.
Albedo smiles. And it hits you how beautiful he looks - you almost wanted him for yourself. “I would love that.” He says, but you are too lost in his intoxicating eyes that you are unable to respond to his affirmation of friendship.
It didn’t sit right in my tongue to simply call you a friend. It felt wrong to do so - but even worse to want you more than that.
Time flew by almost as if it was nothing. The next thing you knew, you were both lined up in front of a crowded booth to buy lanterns. It took a while to reach the counter, and even when you did, it was still unbelievably crowded around the area.
“Here are your lanterns. Enjoy the night, lovebirds!”
“Oh, we’re not-“ You trail off, your face a blushing mess. “Just friends.” You eventually say, glancing over to Albedo, who was busy examining his lantern. His hair however, failed to hide the red disarray splattered on his ears.
As you proceeded to pay for the lanterns, the crowd pushed up against you a little more, trapping you both near the counter. You finish pocketing your money and hand it over to the lady, only to feel a pair of warm arms encircle around your waist, and breathy words tingle on your neck.
“Excuse me.” You heard Albedo mutter lowly, and you could have sworn time slowed a little too much for your liking, the sound your heart banging against your chest faintly echoing.
It took a while to process what he said, and when he did you immediately took action. “A-ah, right! Sorry!” You exclaim, moving a little forward in order to let him pass. As soon as he’s out of the way, you turn to the lady with a flustered look, only to find her sending you a smug one.
“Just friends, huh?”
I could still remember it all like it was yesterday. You told me you had a tradition where you would write your heart’s deepest desire on your lantern before sending it up to the sky. “In hopes of letting the gods hear my pleas, you see. It would be nice to let someone other than me listen to it, for a change.”
So I ended up fooling myself into believing it too, and did the same. I wished for you that evening. I don’t know what exactly I wanted - all I know was that I felt warm and happy to be free from anything and everything the world held except you.
“Dance with me.” You breathed, catching his attention as he looked over at you.
You moved up to one of the cliffs above Liyue, where one could get the perfect view of the lanterns floating in the starry sky. You were both alone, and you figured there was nothing better to do than to bask in this fleeting moment with him.
“I’m not a very good dancer. You might be disappointed.” He says, hesitantly inching towards you.
You smile, holding out your arms. “I think I’m willing to take a risk.”
His fingers pause when they meet yours, the world seemingly stopping for a brief second - before he takes his hand into yours and latches his arms onto your waist. He pulled you close, to the point where you could stare into his deep irises and examine every single detail in them.
“You have stars in your eyes.”
He smiles, looking at you. “Strange, I’ve never heard that before.”
“Well they must be blind for not noticing.” You grin, as Albedo takes the first doubtful step.
Before you both knew it, you were twirling under the moonlit evening along with the lanterns, to the sound of Liyue’s bustling crowd and its wandering music. You could feel yourself laughing in delight, and could see how he reveled in the night’s beauty as well. For the first time in your life…
I finally felt free.
“You liar! You’re an amazing dancer.” You exclaim with an exhilarated smile, as he pulls you in to catch you in his arms once more, greeting you with a mirrored expression as well.
“I suppose it’s more of the fact that I have a great partner.” He responds, pulling you both into a slower dance, as the noise quietly fades into a gentler song.
You look back into those eyes - the ones you couldn’t stop getting lost in the entire night. He looks back into yours, and it sends you wondering if it was just you who felt something different since you first met him earlier.
“Something feels distinct about you.” He breathes, sending shivers down your spine. “You don’t look the same as you did a while ago.”
“Neither do you.” You whisper, trailing off once you realized you had both stopped dancing.
A warm gloved hand cups your cheek, and you can feel the whole world spinning just before his lips land onto yours.
The sensation sends you spiraling, and you shut your eyes tightly from the repercussions and these new emotions. You grab him by the collar to bring him impossibly closer to you, almost as if trying to memorize the way his lips felt against yours, and these fluttery feelings that kept racing around your heart.
It feels like forever before he pulls away and your eyes flutter open to meet his once more, with touched noses.
“Y/N.” You say, and for the first time it feels like you’ve been holding your breath for years until you’ve finally tasted the air that sets you free. “My name is Y/N.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
But not everything beautiful lasts forever.
You feel tears prick your eyes, hearing him say those words makes your heart do flip-flops before reality crashes down on you - and you realize that this won’t last forever.
You lean into his embrace, looking at the faraway lanterns that slowly floated higher and higher in the sky. “This is probably the last time I’ll see you though, huh?”
Sometimes all you have three years later is the sound of her laughter as it echoed through the wind and tugged at my heart, and how the moon looked that evening.
You feel his hand brush your hair away, tucking it behind your ear. “You make me happy. Truly.”
You look back at him and nod. “Its so strange. I’ve been wandering my entire life but I’ve never wanted to settle down as much as I do in your arms. I love you, Albedo.”
You both slowly release your hold, and instead choose to lock fingers once more. You stare at your hands, and look up at him.
“I’ll walk you back down.”
I don’t ask you to love me always like this…
You end up back in the place you first met him. The stalls are slowly being closed up, streets cleaned and lights dim as the aftermath of the Lantern Rite.
You stand there in silence, looking around at the area, and a wave of nostalgia hit you as if you two had just met and were stuck in that blissful moment.
You turn to face him and he does the same. Gently letting go of his hand, you smile with tears in your eyes.
but I ask you to remember.
“I should go.” He cups your cheek one last time, and you lean into his warmth.
“I will remember.” You whisper, pressing a kiss to the star on his neck, hoping he’ll remember too.
“If you ever come visit Mondstadt…or choose to settle down…I’ll be waiting. Always.”
You nod, and for the last time in a very long evening, you both let go.
Somewhere inside of me, there will always be the person I am tonight.
With regards, Albedo.
“You never showed up that day.” Albedo hummed, looking over at the blue-haired culprit that left him alone that night.
Xingqiu simply grinned as he shrugged. “Please, you should be grateful I set you both up during the Lantern Rite.”
“Ah, so you were the one who started it.” He muttered, staring at the stacks of papers filled with stories and illustrations awaiting to be told.
“I told you to go out and get inspiration.” Xingqiu leaned his head on his hands, staring at his quiet friend with a mischievous look.
“So tell me, how did it feel?”
Albedo looks down at his sketchbook, sprawled open to the page he drew of you. Basking under the stars and the glow of the moon, sat in a bed of grass and flowers, lay the image of a girl he once remembered on that lovely summer night.
“Not bad. Not bad at all.”
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levi-supreme · 3 years
I would like to request Levi *NSFW * proposed his crush in bed please >\\\\<
I'll marry you, then.
Characters: Levi x fem!reader
Genre: Modern!au
Warnings: Smut, minors and ageless blogs dni. Reader insert (y/n). Unprotected sex, breeding kink (maybe?). Kinda fluffy at the end, I guess.
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: Thank you for sending this!!! Writing this got me feeling weak in the knees while I imagined Levi to fuck me senseless. I hope you like it!!! Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated and thank you for reading my writing ^_^(b)
Summary: You went to Levi's apartment to focus on your work. Instead, Levi turns your focus onto him instead.
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It was the weekend, and you were at Levi's apartment. You had a proposal due within the next few days and you were nowhere near completing it. Flinching at the thought of hearing your manager scream into your ears, you decided to go to your boyfriend's apartment, thinking the solitude at his place would help you concentrate.
However, you were wrong.
While you were at Levi's study table working on your proposal, Levi was lying on the bed, lazily scrolling through Reddit while stealing glances towards your direction. Levi was saddened at the lack of attention from you; you hadn't spoken to him for the past two hours. He was being extra fidgety as well, behaviour akin to a child hesitant to confess to their parents for cheating in an exam. As much as he didn't want to distract you from your work, he couldn't stand being ignored any longer.
“Oi, brat, how long are you going to ignore me?”
“I'm busy, Levi, go find something to do and stop disturbing me,” you scowled while furiously typing on your keyboard. You didn't even spare Levi a glance. Levi looked offended by your lack of enthusiasm.
“Oi,” Levi called you again after a few minutes. "I'm talking to you, brat." Still, you did not answer. A magnificent idea just popped in your mind and you hurriedly typed it down before it turned to dust in your memory.
“I said, stop ignoring me,” Levi pounced across the bed and gave you a kiss on your exposed shoulder. You jumped in shock, arms nearly hitting the glass of orange juice beside your laptop.
“Hey! What was that for?!” You shuddered as goosebumps started dancing across your skin. Levi said nothing, but continued folding his arms across his chest.
“You're ignoring me, brat. It's been two hours since you said anything. Are you treating me invisible?” Levi complained with a small pout. As much as seeing him being whiny melted your heart, you turned back to your laptop, not wanting to be distracted. You really needed to focus and finish your proposal as soon as possible, and Levi being needy was not helping.
“I need to focus, Levi. Unless you want to do my work for me, if not, stop disturbing me.” You hated ignoring Levi too, but you had to prioritise. Levi, however, had other things in mind.
“L-levi, stop it,” you moaned as Levi slipped an arm through your loose t-shirt and groped your breast from behind you, giving your nipple little flicks. You forced yourself to concentrate on your screen, ignoring the itch you're feeling. The more you told Levi to stop, the faster he flicked your nipple. Levi gave you another sensual kiss on your neck as his free hand started fondling with your other breast. 
“Levi…” it was getting harder to concentrate. As Levi continued to massage your breasts and leave fluttering kisses on your neck, you unknowingly tilted your neck to give him more space. Biting your lips to hide your moans, Levi bit you softly below your earlobe.
“Didn’t you say  you wanted to focus, hmm?” Levi cooed, turning the chair around, making you face him. 
“How can I, when you’re here?” You whined, crawling onto the bed, trapping Levi underneath you and slipping your hand underneath his shirt, lazily drawing circles around his toned stomach. “I came here because I wanted to focus on my work, Levi.”
“Well now, you can focus on me,” Levi smirked and removed your shirt in one swift move. Levi lowered himself and latched onto your taut nipple, while one hand reached into your panties and grabbed your ass and the other fingered your clit. Pleasure jolted through you as you felt the itch deep within you grow, and soft moans escaped your lips while slowly ridding Levi of his shirt. As he continued exploring your bud with his finger, Levi flipped you on your back as he skilfully removed your bottom layers, leaving you stark naked, your skin a contrast to his silky sheets.
“So wet for me already,” Levi let out a breath as he positioned his mouth between your nether regions and started his administration. Feeling his warm tongue on your outer lips brought you on a sensory overdrive, and you tangled your fingers in his hair, bucking your hips involuntarily.
“Levi… mhmm…” You felt the knot in your stomach tightened as Levi’s tongue brought you closer to your release. The pleasurable sensation down south was spreading all over your body. Levi’s hands roamed across your body and squeezed your soft mounds, playing with your erect nipples. Your senses were extremely heightened and every touch of Levi’s burned like a warm fire in the winter night. 
“Levi, I-I’m… I’m g-g-onna—” your words got stuck in your throat as you let out a cry, waves of euphoria came crashing. Levi steadied your trembling hips with his hands and started lapping up your never-ending essence. Once you came down from your high, Levi pushed himself upright, hastily removing his bottoms, freeing his erection. 
“You were saying?” Levi gave his dick a few strokes before positioning himself before your entrance. “Didn’t catch your last words, brat.” You were still squirming around on the mattress, trying to regulate your breathing. Your eyes snapped open the moment you felt his dick poking you.
“No,” you hurriedly pushed Levi away. 
“No? What do you mean ‘no’?” Levi raised an eyebrow at your words.
“Wear a condom, Levi.”
“No,” Levi crossed his arms in annoyance. “You know I hate that shitty thing.”
“Then don’t cum inside me.” You answered blankly.
“I’m ovulating, Levi. Either you wear a condom, or you pull out later on,” you pushed yourself off the bed as you went to his bedside drawer, frantically searching for a condom. 
“No condoms, brat. I’m finishing inside you. I’m gonna fuck you senseless and fill you to the brim with my cum.” Levi grabbed your arm and pulled you back on the bed. You flopped on the bed with your hair sprawled across the sheets. You hastily pushed yourself up and shifted backwards towards the headboard. 
“I don’t want to risk getting pregnant, Levi! I’m not on the pill, what if we hit the jackpot—”
“I’ll marry you, then.” Levi stared at you as he crawled towards you with an expressionless face.
“I’m not kidding, Levi. I don’t want—”
“I’m not kidding too, y/n”. Levi looked straight into your eyes, reaching his hand inside his drawer. You widdened your eyes in shock as you heard Levi call you by your name. The only time Levi called you that was when he had something important to say. You took a nervous gulp, preparing yourself for what’s to come. What Levi did next took you by complete surprise.
“I’ll marry you.” Levi said as he opened a small little black velvet box in front of you. In the middle was a simple silver ring with a single diamond encased on the top. The ring looked familiar, but you couldn’t recall where you saw it before. You stared at Levi with a bewildered look. 
“It was my mother’s. It’s the only thing of hers I have,” Levi looked at the ring with a forlorn expression. “She once told me it was a family heirloom; she received it from her mother, and my grandmother got it from her mother. This was the only thing she left after she died.” 
You felt something twist your insides. It hurt you as much whenever Levi told you about his mother. You could feel your eyes stinging, tears were threatening to fall any moment. Levi’s breath hitched as he continued.
“It’s been so long,  I don’t even remember how we were when she was still alive. Instead, every time I close my eyes and try to remember her, all that comes to mind is you,” Levi spoke in a shaky voice and stared at you in earnest. 
“Whenever I think of my mother, all I can see is you with a pregnant belly, you playing with our kids, you braiding our daughter’s hair while scolding our son for eating peanut butter out of the jar. You remind me of a family more than my mother ever did,” a tear escaped your eye as you heard Levi, a rush of emotion engulfed you whole. Levi looked so vulnerable in front of you as he removed the diamond ring. 
“Y/n, will you marry me?”
You were at a loss for words. Levi’s words made your heart wrench. It meant so much to you, seeing him proposing to you with his mother’s ring; the only memento he has of her. You knew how badly Levi always craved for a family of his own. 
“Yes, silly. Of course I’ll marry you,” you answered with a teary laugh, smiling through your tears as Levi slipped the ring onto your left ring finger. Levi looked at you with adoration and he gave a tender kiss to your lips, interlocking your hands together. As your naked bodies pressed against each other, Levi brushed your fringe out of your eyes. 
“Were you planning on proposing like this?” You giggled as Levi started twirling your hair in his fingers. 
“No, obviously,” Levi rolled his eyes, pushing himself on his elbows. “I had the ring on standby everywhere I went. But the moment felt right, so I—”
“Wait. So if I didn’t say I was ovulating, you wouldn’t propose?” You laughed out loud, drawing circles on his chest.
“Like I said, brat, the moment felt right, so I just said what was on my mind,” Levi looked away embarrassed, a hint of blush creeping onto his cheeks. “I’m sure you’re the only person in the world who proposes naked, Levi.” You kissed his jaw, sitting up against the pillows. 
“So? Are you going to let me impregnate you? We could have a child nine months later if you let me,” Levi stared at you with lust clouding his eyes. You licked your lips, feeling thrilled at the thought of your cavern being filled with his load. 
“No, Levi, I have to finish my proposal,” you tried to escape Levi, but he trapped you with his body. 
“Who gives a fuck about that. Let me finish my proposal,” Levi’s voice dropped an octave lover and he claimed your lips, an animalistic instinct taking over. Your hand found its way to Levi’s dick, rubbing and fondling it while Levi’s tongue wrestled yours. 
“Fine.” You conceded defeat, feeling Levi’s lips on your nipple. You let out another hearty moan and gave Levi’s dick a squeeze. 
“I’m going to fill you with so much of my cum that it’s impossible for you not to get pregnant,” Levi growled before thrusting into you with one slick move, grabbing your legs and throwing them onto his shoulders. “You’ll be so filled you’ll beg me to stop, brat.”
As Levi continued ramming into your hole, you felt your orgasm coming. You hated how fast your high came, and wanted this blissful moment to last a little longer. As you came undone, Levi released his warm load into you as well. 
“This is just the beginning,” Levi lowered your legs as he turned you around on all fours. “Are you ready for more?” 
“Fill me up, Levi.” You said before looking back at him with half-lidded eyes. Levi gave you a knowing smile as he harshly entered you, the sound of skin slapping skin forming a melodious tune through the night. 
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thegreatobsesso · 3 years
OCtober day 12: Garden.
Based on this prompt list from @oc-growth-and-development!
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This has nothing to do with an actual garden, but it has the word so it counts. :) Callie gets to see the inside of Riley’s house.
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Callie POV
“This is… Frankenstein shit,” she breathed. “Where do you get all this stuff?”
“It’s easier than you think,” Riley said, gently wiping dust off the keys of what looked like a movie prop computer from an eighties movie. “With the equipment getting cheaper and more accessible, a lot of people in my field are setting up their own home labs.”
“Making fish with wings in their creepy basements.”
Riley laughed - no, seriously, she laughed, just a small, breathy exhale, but it happened. “I almost wish I saw things like you do,” she mused, turning the machine’s knobs with care. “Everything’s so oversaturated; so romantic. But then again, it makes you do really stupid things, doesn’t it?”
Her words carried such an unfamiliar lilt it was on the tip of her tongue to ask Riley if she’d somehow gotten high while Callie’s back was turned. But when she thought about it, Riley had noticeably uncoiled the moment they walked in the front door. She must like being home, this small world that she controlled. It might even be an improvement, if she didn’t use her freed-up mental space to play Callie’s armchair psychologist.
Fine, then: let her tend to her weird grey garden of wire and glass. She told Callie she could make herself comfortable, so she left Riley behind in what she was sure was her happy place to go explore the house.
Woot! I’m caught up on posting, now hopefully I can catch up on all the updates from you guys I missed while I was frantically, maniacally drawing...
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teresarullanglamour · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: 🍁Louis Vuitton Monceau BB multi use bag neutral.
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
🎤 *tap tap* Hello? Is this thing on? I AM BACK!!
Just came home from my last exam!! Remind me to never do this again. 6 each 5 hours long exams in the span of 1 1/2 weeks for the second time in six months. All because I hope to get a better grade this time. Fingers crossed it works and wasn't for naught!
I'll tidy up at home now before I start prepping my 2k follower event. Hopefully should be able to post it tomorrow. I can also finally write and draw and play Genshin again, guys. I'm so happy and in desperate need of some recharging. 😭
I missed you all. Hope you've been well! 💕
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
Finally got around to sketch another hour on my comic! The outline for page 1 of 2 is done! I'm excited where this is going 😂
(Kaveh exudes chaos energy and I'm living for it! Even if it's at the cost of Alhaitham's sanity)
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Ignore how wobbly my sketches still are. Gonna refine that later 🤭
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