#& she went off in my PMs & literally said 'last time i checked a hurt leg doesn't impair your reading. i have Real disabilities--'
rosesradio · 1 year
#different but similar concept of wattpad & the minors/adults conversation#i'm glad most of my interactions with adults online in fandom spaces has been good & normal but man some have not#& not even in like a creeper way but i remember i was like 14 & i put my little fanfic in a contest & the host was a lady in her 30s#& she was nice & chatted with me for a while before asking if i'd be a judge in the contest (for a section my fic wasn't in)#& i didn't want to/didn't feel i had the time but i agreed because i felt compelled to#but then i ended up suffering a traumatic leg injury (purposely vague so as not to bring up bad memories)#& i told the woman i was unable to judge because i was just struggling with a lot#& she went off in my PMs & literally said 'last time i checked a hurt leg doesn't impair your reading. i have Real disabilities--'#& then proceeded to go into sharp detail of her ailments. which like. of course i don't want to dismiss anyone with disabilites#if anyone was likely to understand an injury requiring crutches it'd be another disabled person you know?#but yeah you don't cyberbully a child to tears & then vaguepost about them so your followers can talk shit lol that's wild#idk i don't care at this point because that was literally five years ago. i will say i thought i'd just understand when i'm older--#& that never happened. i'd still not cyberbully a child or try to flatter them into doing you favors bro that's weird#anyways is this a vent?#all that to say i hope if i have minors following me now & into the future that i'm like a good/nice/safe adult to interact with#i guess that's all lol#rose.txt
0 notes
nyctophilin · 4 years
Fake Affection | III
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Epilogue
Description: Han Jisung has been rejected by the girl he likes one to many times. He decides that he has had enough and is set on making her want him back. What could possibly make her want him more than seeing him with her rival after she boldly assumed he can’t find anyone better. That way Jisung and Y/N are stuck in a fake relationship until Jisung’s crush falls for him. Or he falls for someone else.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Han x fem!Reader, Hyunjin x fem!Reader
Word count: 5.1k
Genre: College!AU, Fake dating!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: swearing, mild groping, mild violence
Pearl note -> This got long. Yeah, things got interesting in this part. :)) Also, I realized I forgot to add something so I had to come back last minute and edit it. Yeah, sorry for the delay. :/ I hope y’all enjoy it! Feedback is very much appreciated.
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      The sun was shining brightly despite it being almost 6 PM. The temperature outside reached unusually high numbers for that time of the year, and Y/N decided to take advantage of that. Dressed in a forest green spring dress that reached her mid-thighs and offered a modest view of her cleavage, she was waiting for Jisung in front of her apartment complex. The dress she was wearing had short sleeves, but she decided not to take any jackets with her thanks to the weather forecast that predicted the temperatures to be high until later in the night.
      She was clutching the strap of her purse tightly and impatiently checking the time on her phone every few minutes. It has been such a long time since she went on a date. Just because she was going there to make Mina jealous didn’t mean she couldn’t have fun. What better way to convince the other girl that she missed on a lot of fun than have fun?
      Coming from the left side, she heard the sound of an engine approaching. Soon, a black Range Rover came to a gradual stop right in front of her, the front wheel almost climbing the sidewalk. From inside the car, Jisung gestured her to get in. She opened the door and climbed in, placing her purse over her knees before fastening her seatbelt.
      Without much of a word, Jisung turned the steering wheel and started driving to a destination unknown to Y/N.
      “I didn’t know you had a car.” She spoke, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.
      Jisung threw her a look before concentrating on the road again.
      “It’s Chan’s. He let me borrow it for today.” A long sigh left his mouth. “After a long talk where he told me that if I hurt his baby, I’m dead.”
      Y/N let out a chuckle, and Jisung smiled as well, as the memory of the silly conversation he had with the older man flooded his mind. Another minute passed, and the silence in the car was being filled by the pop music coming from the radio.
      “You look pretty!” Jisung complimented, stealing another glance at her.
      A bright smile invaded her facial features at his words. 
      “Thank you! I didn’t know where we were going, but I figured a dress would be appropriate for many activities.” She chirped, the tiniest bit of excitement rolling off her tongue.
      “What if we are going hiking?” Jisung said, and a smirk appeared on his face when he noticed her rolling her eyes from the corner of his eye.
      “Then you can turn the car. I’m not coming!” Y/N crossed her hands under her chest and her mouth formed into a small pout.
      “I’m joking. We are going to an outdoor cinema.”
      She gave him a side look and raised an eyebrow.
      “No offence, but how do you know when outdoor cinemas are happening? They don’t seem…” She eyes him up and down on the driver’s seat. “...your style.”
      Jisung resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her comment. After a moment of silence, he sighed silently accepting her words.
      “Mina told me about it three weeks ago. She said it was a rom-com she really wanted to see. We planned to go together.” He explained taking a right turn.
      “Then how do you know if she’s going to come if you planned to go together. I don’t know if you realised, but you are supposed to be dating me, and she’s dating no one. Girls don’t usually go to this kind of thing without a boyfriend or a potential one.”
      “There’s this guy from Theatre and Film that she used to hook up with when I wasn’t around. I know from someone that they are coming together.” 
      Y/N let a pitiful smile involuntarily invade her features. It was kind of pathetic how he knew about her whereabouts and still didn’t say anything. She understood that they weren’t together, but they were heavily flirting and behaving like a couple, hence why she and a lot of other people thought they were actually in a relationship.
      She let her teeth sink in the flesh of her bottom lip holding back from telling him a piece of her mind. He was old enough. He knew what he was doing. Or at least she hoped he did.
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      The rest of the way to the outdoor cinema was spent in silence. The only audible sounds being the radio and Jisung’s soft humming from time to time. When they reached, their destination Y/N got out of the car and let Jisung find a parking spot somewhere further away from the location of the cinema due to the parking there overflowing with vehicles.
      Checking her phone, she noticed the time indicating 7:17 PM, and only then she realised how much time they spent in the car. Walking lazily on the pathway to where space was designated for blankets and chairs she saw a sea of people. Maybe not really a sea but there were enough people to fill two of the auditorium in their university.
      For a second she thought she'd lay out the blanket, but then she remembered the only thing she had on her was her purse. On top of that, they needed to ‘accidentally’ bump into Mina and her date and hope they end up sitting next to each other.
      Just as she was thinking about that a squeal deafened her and a pair of delicate arms wrapped around her. When the girl let go of her, and she met Mina’s face, she grimaced, but she regained her composure fast. She smiled at her and her date, a guy she had seen occasionally in some of her classes.
      “What a coincidence you are here!” Mina’s fake excitement was pissing her off. Coincidence her ass. Y/N was sure she knew they were going to be there.
      “Yeah, what a small world.” She gave the two a visibly fake smile and prayed for Jisung to hurry.
      “Are you alone?” The girl asked, moving her head in different directions as if she was looking for the person she came with.
      “No. I actually came with Jisung.” As if on cue Jisung appeared from behind the two, a blanket in hand.
      “Are you looking for me, princess?” A jolt of surprise went through her at the new nickname he used, but she didn’t let it show.
      Observing the angry expression on Mina’s face at his words, she figured that was how he used to call her before they broke up whatever they had going on. She surpassed a smirk from painting her lips.
      “Mhhm.” She extended her hand, which he gladly held and went in for a short kiss. “Look who I found. Isn’t it lovely seeing your friends here?” She sarcastically said, smiling up at him.
      “You guys should come sit with us!” Mina’s date said, and a victorious smile spread across her face.
      “We’ll love to if that is okay with Mina, of course. We wouldn’t wanna disrupt you!” Y/N faked concern and gave Mina doe eyes.
      Mina’s jaw slightly clenched before immediately relaxing and letting out a forced giggle.
      “Of course you can. Why wouldn’t I be okay with that?”
      After that, the four of them went and found a place at the back of the crowd where they could sit. It wasn’t exactly the back of the crowd since there were some more people behind them, but they were reasonably behind. 
      Jisung spread the blanket on the fluffy grass, and Mina’s date, whose name she found out was Jay, did the same as Jisung. Their blankets were almost touching, the distance between them millimetric. 
      There were still 20 minutes before the movie was supposed to start. They sat down on the blankets, and Y/N stretched her legs, finally relaxing for not having to stand on the platform shoes she was wearing.
      “So, are you guys dating or…” Jay asked, fixing his body position so he could see them better.
      Y/N rolled her eyes at his question. The guy wasn’t the best at reading the room.
      “Of course we are. Why would we be here together if we weren’t?” Annoyance was dripping off her tongue. She only wanted to relax for a bit before having to spend two hours watching some boring rom-com.
      “Oh…” His voice sounded almost disappointed as his gaze lingered a second too long on her exposed legs. “Mina and I are not a couple. And since she and Jisung have had a thing before, I thought...” He bit his bottom lip while looking at her thighs that were pretty much bare thanks to her dress riding up when she sat down. “Never mind!” 
      Y/N shifted uncomfortably and placed her hands on her thighs in an attempt to cover them even a little. Mina wasn’t aware of her date’s actions as her eyes were concentrated on Jisung and on the way he looked under the golden rays of the sun that was preparing to set.
      Jisung, however, was burning holes with his eyes into the other man’s head. Upon seeing him biting his lip while looking at Y/N in a less than appropriate way, he felt an unexplainable feeling of rage penetrate his body. What he wanted to do at that moment was to get up and punch that pig into next week for daring to look at her like that. But he kept his composure and decided not to make a big deal out of it. 
      There was literally no reason for him to get that angry. Besides the apparent reason that it made her uncomfortable and he shouldn’t allow something like that, especially when he is playing her boyfriend. But the sudden feeling to rip his head off filled him with turmoil.
      Jisung decided to ignore it for now, and he took his jacket off and placed it over her legs. Her head shot in his direction, confusion and at the same time relief present in her eyes.
      “What is that?” She asked, trying to act unaffected by Jay’s actions.
      “I just thought you might sit more comfortably with this over your legs. It stops unwanted attention.” He subtly glared at Jay, but he didn’t seem to pay him any mind as his eyes were now fixed on Mina’s chest.
      “Thank you!” She said, bringing the jacket further up to cover her thighs better.
      Jisung inched just a little bit closer to her and cupped her face. Placing his lips on hers, he forcefully pushed his tongue in her mouth, taking her by surprise. He made sure their heads were positioned in such a way that the two on the blanket next to them will be able to see the exchange of their mouths. 
      Mina was watching Jisung drag his tongue inside Y/N’s mouth, his eyes closed in satisfaction. The exchange wasn’t rushed, and the way his thumb would caress her cheek so gently had her bursting with jealousy. Jisung had never kissed her like that. Their kisses were always rushed and sloppy, driven by sexual needs.
      When she first heard about their little relationship, she laughed. She thought it was some kind of stupid joke. But then she saw how they behaved. The kisses, the hugs, the hand holding, how he would always have a hand around her shoulders. In the three days, they dated he showed Y/N more love than he showed her in a year and a half.
      Her initial plan was to tease him a little bit, then finally accept to be his girlfriend. She didn’t think he'd go and find himself a girlfriend. And especially not her. From all the people he could choose it had to be her. Looking at them now, Mina regretted her decision.
      Jisung broke the kiss and looked into her fluttering eyes before placing a peck on her nose. Y/N was sitting there dizzy from everything that happened. His sudden boldness left her speechless and burning hot from the embarrassment of being seen doing something like that.
      She wanted to question him. Ask him why he suddenly did something like that. However, a loud sound erupted from the speakers surrounding them, signaling the start of the movie. So she focused her vision on the big cloth in front of her and decided to ignore it.
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      She shivered discreetly as a wave of cold hit her body. The movie was only half done, and with the midnight approaching slowly, a chilly air adorned their surroundings. The weather forecast predicted high temperatures, but at that moment she was far away from her city, and so the weather was different.
      Y/N rubbed one of her arms with her hand, regretting not taking a jacket with her just in case something like that was to happen. From the corner of his eye, Jisung noticed her actions, and he leaned in close to her to whisper in her ear.
      “Hey, are you ok?” His hot breath on her ear made the hair at the back of her neck stand up.
      “Yeah, I’m just a little bit cold. I’ll be fine!” She whispered back giving him reassuring eyes.
      Jisung thought for a second of what he could do. He didn’t have another jacket, and he didn’t want her to uncover her legs. At least not when Jay was around. An idea finally struck him, and he softly called her name, catching her attention again.
      When she turned to look at him, he tapped the space between his spread legs. Y/N raised an eyebrow at his gesture.
      “What does that mean?” She sounded a little bit annoyed.
      “Come sit here. I’ll cuddle you so you won’t be cold anymore.” Y/N threw him a weirded out look. “We are ‘dating’. No one will find it weird. Or you could just stay there and freeze to death.” The man explained his voice a little bit louder than before.
      She pondered his offer for a bit before getting up and making her way between his legs. She let herself fall backwards until her back hit his chest softly. Jisung put his arms around her, and warmth started enveloping her almost instantly. Y/N let out a purr at the newfound comfort, and her eyes shot open at the realisation of what she just did.
      “Hey, don’t get too comfortable, you hear me? I’m doing this just because Mina might be watching.” She warned, her voice stern hoping he missed her last action.
      Jisung rolled his eyes but decided not to bring up the sound she just let out. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the newfound proximity. Only so they can make Mina jealous. Right?
      They sat like that, none of them daring to move. For some reason, Jisung found the position really comfortable. A few days prior at the start of their relationship he found skinship really awkward but now it wasn’t like that anymore. It felt almost natural. Like they have been doing it for a long time.
      Some more time passed, but Jisung wasn’t sure how much. The movie was approaching its climax, and the man felt bored out of his mind. Was it really worth going through that only to get his dick wet? But then he remembered who he was doing it for. He was doing it so he and Mina, the girl who he has been in love with for the longest time, could finally be together. And when it happens, he will be able to slide his hand through her silky hair, and feel her smooth skin and kiss her soft lips without having to call it a friendly gesture.
      His trail of thoughts was interrupted by a quiet mumbling coming from Y/N. Her voice was so small that Jisung couldn’t hear her.
      “What?” He leaned his head down in order to hear her when she talks.
      For a minute, there was silence. Thinking that she didn’t hear him, Jisung wanted to repeat the question when a puff of air left her mouth. Right after, she turned slightly to the side, pushing her head more against his chest, and that is when he realised that she fell asleep.
      An involuntary smile tugged at his lips, and his heart started beating faster. He couldn’t explain why he was so happy about it. It was going to be a pain in the ass. Having to wake her up and wait for her to recover from her dazed form. They were going to be the last ones to leave after the movie was over.
      A whistle-like noise left Y/N’s nose when she expired the cold air of the night, and his smile turned into a grin. Jisung moved a few strands of hair from her face before wrapping his hands better around her to keep her warm. He placed a kiss on top of her head and rested his chin on her head, swaying slightly while continuing to watch the movie.
      If you were to ask Mina what has happened so far in the movie, she couldn’t give you an answer. As much as she wanted to see the film, the girl’s eyes seemed to be more interested in whatever was happening on the blanket on her left. 
      She watched as they were cuddling and whispering to each other things she couldn’t hear. Then Y/N fell asleep, and Jisung seemed to be even more loving, hugging her even tighter and kissing her. She was wondering if he has ever done that to her on the many nights they shared a bed.
      Mina never thought she would be that affected by the fact that Jisung has found himself a girlfriend. After all, he was just one of the many boys she was hooking up with. She never thought she would have feelings for him, but here she was, being jealous of the last person she ever thought she would.
      She had to somehow get the boy back. She wanted to see it as a challenge, but she couldn’t. It had barely been two weeks since they ‘broke up’ and scarcely four days since he started dating that perfect little missy. Love doesn’t fade away that fast. She’ll have him back in no time.
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      Y/N felt someone shaking her arm gently, and she mumbled some incoherent words, pushing the hand away. She was sleeping so well, she didn’t want to wake up. A hand pushed a hair strand that was ticking her nose out of the way before grabbing her shoulder and shaking it again. She groaned in annoyance.
      “Wake up, Y/N! You have to go home. Unless you want me to take you to my place.” Someone whispered close to her face, and her eyes fluttered open, trying to make up her surroundings.
      The first thing she saw when she finally managed to blink the sleep away was Jisung’s smirking face. God, he was so annoying. Ignoring him and looking around, she noticed she was in his parked car in front of her apartment complex. She vaguely remembered falling asleep, but she doesn’t remember waking up to get to the car.
      “How did I get here? Did you wake me up?” Y/N asked, straightening her body and inhaling the cold air of the night.
      Jisung held her hand and helped her out of the car before slamming the door closed. He let her lean against the front door and opened the back door to fish her purse from the back seat.
      “I didn’t. You were way too cute when you shut up. Like a little obedient kitty. I had to enjoy the moment a little bit longer.” He teased, putting a hand around her waist and making their way to the entrance in the complex.
      Y/N scoffed at his childish remark but decided to ignore it. She didn’t have the necessary energy to argue with him.
      “So you carried me to the car? What about the blanket and the other stuff you had there? Did you go back for them?”
      “No, I had Jay get them for me, so I don’t wake you up.” 
      Stopping in front of the elevator, Jisung pushed the button, and they waited a few seconds for the doors to open. Stepping inside, Y/N pushed the button for the third floor before leaning back against Jisung.
      “Talking about Jay. Thank you for today!” The man threw her a questioning look, acting as nonchalant as he could.
      “What do you mean?”
      “Don’t act dumb! I know you didn’t give me your jacket just because you are nice like that. You saw how he looked at me.” She wanted to sound more aggressive, but her voice came out soft and calm since she was still sleepy.
      Jisung found that adorable but surpassed a smile. Adopting a disinterested expression, he spoke.
      “He did? I didn’t notice. I just thought that, as your boyfriend, I shouldn’t let everyone see your underwear.” Y/N punched him in the stomach lightly, and Jisung dramatically bent down, letting out a fake grunt.
      “You are such an asshole!”
      A loud ding echoed in the restricted space, and the doors opened, revealing the dirty wall of the third floor. They stepped out of the elevator and slowly walked down the hallway to where Y/N’s apartment door was. Taking her purse from Jisung’s hand and finding her keys, she unlocked the door and opened it.
      She leaned against the door frame and looked up at Jisung, giving him a bright smile.
      “I'd like to say that I had fun, but I fell asleep halfway through the date.” She giggled, trying to mask her embarrassment. “But it was nice getting out of the house. Thank you for today!”
      The man put his hands in his jean’s pockets and scoffed.
      “You are lucky Mina got upset by you sleeping on me. Otherwise, I would have gotten angry. My shoulders are so stiff from having to support your weight. I might not recover for a few days.” A fake pained groan left his throat, and Y/N rolled her eyes.
      Lifting herself on her tiptoes, she placed one hand on his shoulder and brought his head lower. She connected her lips with his in a short kiss. Breaking the kiss, she stepped inside her apartment and kept the door open enough for her head to be visible.
      “See you on Monday!” With that, she closed the door all the way and made her way into her bedroom.
      She wasn’t sure what was the time, but it must have been well past 11 PM. Taking off the dress, she discarded it on the floor before grabbing the oversized t-shirt from the back of the desk chair. She put it on and threw herself on the bed, letting the sheets envelop her body before falling asleep.
      Y/N’s eyes shot open, and her mouth fell open as the realisation of what she did only moments prior sank in. Putting the back of her hand over her forehead and exhaling deeply, her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. Why did she kiss him? She’ll never interact with anyone while she’s still drunk on sleep.
      Meanwhile, Jisung that just exited the complex couldn’t contain his smile. He couldn’t understand why that was happening. They kissed before to make Mina jealous. But maybe that was precisely the reasons such an insignificant gesture brought him so much joy. Mina was nowhere near. A spark erupted in his stomach at the thought that the girl might have a crush on him.
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      “Do it again! With more love this time. Come on. You want me! You desire me!” Y/N ordered to Jeongin.
      The man let out a frustrated groan, using the script to cover his eyes from the brightness of the sun.
      Both of them, Hyunjin and Jisung, were outside, in front of the university. They had a free period and decided to practice the script for the short movie they were playing in. Hyunjin, although not part of the film itself, was always with them thanks to Mrs. Bae’s affinity towards him. 
      Jisung, however, was new in the picture. Ever since they went on that date a week and a half ago, he seemed to be spending more time with her. She felt mildly suffocated by that but decided not to question it. As long as he wasn’t distracting her from her usual activities, she didn’t mind him tagging along.
      “You don’t make desiring you really easy. We’ve done it four times already. We will start filming in three months. I don't have to be perfect right now!” Jeongin exclaimed letting his body fall on the bench on which Jisung and Hyunjin were seated.
      “Hey! Be careful of what you say. My girlfriend is very, much desirable!” Jisung said in a jokingly offended tone earning disgusted groans from the other two men.
      “Really dude? I could have lived my life without knowing that information.” Jeongin started fanning himself with the script. It was a sweltering day.
      “I don’t understand why you are here. You are only four-wheeling us.” Hyunjin remarked, earning himself a dirty look from Jisung.
      “A car needs all four wheels to be functional.”
      “Yeah, babe, but we are a tricycle.”
      Hyunjin, Jeongin and Y/N erupted into laughter at Jisung’s dumbfounded expression. From behind Y/N, they heard even louder laughter and Hyunjin scoffed at the scene unfolding under his eyes. 
      “I swear to God! Mina has been so annoying lately. Much more than when she used to hang out with Jisung. It’s as if she’s following us around.” The man rolled his eyes as he remembered how many times Mina ‘coincidentally’ happened to be in the same place as them the past week.
      “Tell me about it. And how she is always with Jay from our major. If I wanted to watch live porn, I would have signed up on one of those porn sites.” Jeongin seemed as annoyed as the other man.
      “Don’t stress about that guys. I’m pretty sure these are just coincidences.” Y/N tried telling them, even though she knew everything they said was right.
      “No, I’m pretty sure they are not. There’s someone between us whose attention she’s trying to catch.” Hyunjin gave Jisung a side look.
      “You can’t be sure of that.” She played dumb, wanting more than anything to change the subject.
      “ Oh, please! She’s always watching him. In the cafeteria, when we are hanging around on our free periods, when she’s kissing that loser. It’s like he’s a good movie she can’t tear her eyes from.” Jeongin snapped, tired of the whole situation.
      “Then let’s give them something to look at!” Jisung smirked smugly.
      “What do..”
      In the next second, Y/N has been pulled on Jisungs lap, and he captured her lips in an urgent kiss. One hand was on the nape of her head forcefully holding her in the kiss, and the other one was on her ass cheek, squeezing it. 
      She heard someone awkwardly clearing their throat from her right, and all her senses heightened. Y/N placed her hands on Jisung’s shoulders and tried lightly pushing him away while uncomfortably shifting in his lap. As a response, the man groaned lowly and slid his hand from her neck to her chest, cupping it.
      Her eyes widened in shock at his action and mustering all the force she had in her, she pushed him away, finally breaking the kiss. A loud bang ringed around them as her hand made contact with his cheek. Jumping off his lap, she gathered her bag from the leg of the bench.
      “You are a fucking asshole!” She shouted in his face before storming off inside the university.
      The stomping of her boots was echoing in the empty halls, and the few students that were around decided to make her space to pass. Her thinking was clogged at the moment, and all she could feel was rage and shame. She was angrily making her way down the halls, but her destination was uncertain. She just wanted to be as far away from him as possible.
      Y/N heard quick steps from behind her, and a hand pulled at her shoulder. Without turning around, she shrugged it off and started walking faster. The person behind her also increased their walking speed, but this time around, they grabbed her wrist.
      Just as she was preparing to scream in their face, she was pulled into a hug, her face forced into a firm chest. Y/N felt herself calm down as the smell of a cologne she grew accustomed to in the last week invaded her lungs. His hand was gently rubbing her back, and she relaxed under her touch.
      “Are you okay?” Hyunjin whispered softly in her ear.
      She hid her face more in his chest, feeling shame overcome her.
      “I’m sorry you had to see that. I swear it’s not what you think! We’ve never…” Her voice was shaky, as if she was about to cry. Hyunjin cupped her face forcing her to look in his eyes. She could see concern and sadness hiding behind his brown orbs.
      “Why are you apologising to me? You are the one who’s been wronged here. I just wanna make sure you are okay.” His soft voice was acting as a calmative for her racing heartbeat.
      Y/N felt her insides flip at his caring words. His hands on her cheeks were hot, and she decided to blame them for the blush that acaparated her face.
      “Hey! Step away from my girlfriend, you motherfucker!” Jisung’s voice filled her ears, and she saw Hyunjin roll his eyes.
      The warmth of his body left her, and he crossed his arms as Jisung finally arrived in front of them. Hyunjin was looking down at the other man, and both their expressions were filled with anger.
      “I was just making sure she’s fine. It looks like you took your time deciding to do the same.” The taller man spat venom dripping off his tongue.
      “It’s none of your business how I handle my relationship!” Jisung adopted a louder tone bringing his face closer to Hyunjin’s.
      “But it is when you decide to act like a bitch in heat and make your girlfriend uncomfortable. This is why Mina never dated you and why you and Y/N won’t last long!”
      Jisung clenched his jaw upon hearing the other man’s words, and before anyone could register what was happening, he plunged his fist into Hyunjin’s face.
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teeswrites · 3 years
what about feeling homesickness and Calum comforting her?
thaxxx! i changed a bit, hope you like ❤
He was standing in front of her house, it's was a fresh end of the afternoon in LA, with a cool wind and a pink-shaded sunset. He had a cigarette between his fingers in one hand and the other one was resting at his side after he knocked on the door. She opened and locked it with her key "night" he checked his iPhone '5:57 pm' "almost night. And you are gorgeous. As always" "thanks, you are too" she directed her gaze to the cigarette quickly, but not quickly as he dropped it onto the ground and stubbed his foot in it. She hated when he smoked. "thought you were going to quit" "I will" "yeah and I will fly away from this damn city" "what is wrong with LA?" "It isn't home" he knew she missed her hometown, Milwaukee, and he also knew she had duties in LA and she knew that too "babe..." "It's alright" she breathed deeply before look at her boyfriend and smile "thought we were going, huh?" "Yeah, sure, let's go" "let's go" he took her hand in his empty one and they walked to her car. She had a glowing conversible candy apple red 1966 Ford Mustang that Calum was never allowed to drive "why I cannot drive?" "You know why" "oh, come on. It's old shit, honey" "no! Almost kill me isn't 'old shit'" "was an accident and you just broke an ankle" "A leg" she sat on the driver's seat and he watched how good she looked in the sunset "hey!" She snapped her fingers "aren't you coming in?" "fuck! Sorry. it's your fault!" he jumped into the car and put on the seat belt "I will not apologize for you having a terrible sense of beauty" she had low self-esteem sometimes "my sense of beauty is perfect" he leaned closer and cupped her face "just as you" "you are perfect" she smiled and pulled his neck to a passionate kiss. A calm and warm, but passionate kiss "but, seriously babe, let me drive" "no!" she turned on the engine, adjusted the mirror and backed up the car from the driveway without taking her gaze from the mirrors "that's how you back up the car with safety" he groaned, throwing his head back "It happened once! And it was an accident" "I know, just recalling" she winked and made the way for the downtown.
Last year, before they started dating, she asked Calum to back the car out of the driveway, but he did it without looking in the mirrors, according to himself "who the fuck know the right side of pen drives?" and ran over her. Accidently, of course. For luck, she just broke a leg and he took care of her, and due it, they become closer. "You know, there're some bad things that happen for good reasons" "I thought we were done with this subject" he squeezed her right hand "if I haven't given all my attention to the damn pen drive and ran over you, maybe we'd not become closer as we did" "yeah... fine, I will let you drive" she parked the car left the driver's seat "move on, Cal!" he stood up and gave her a deep and quick kiss before sat down in the driver seat and squeeze the beige leather steering wheel "I love you" "love you too, but now I'm fucking dying to know where we're going" "you were driving and I have to know?!" "yes, Mr. driver" she teased, he giggled "fine. Know a place" "good".
They were on a road that she didn't recognize "Calum" "my name" he loved when she said his name "where are we going?" "It's a surprise" "oh no. Please, don't do this to me" "sorry, babe. I didn't make the rules" "which rules?" they laughed together "okay" she turned on the radio and tried to connect with some decent station "fuck" "you know you can use your pen drive, right?" she had taken the pen drive off the car "not with you in the wheel" you know, just for caution. he rolled his eyes and she finally connected with some Latin radio station
'Once de la noche y todavía no contesta'
'Un de la mañana y todavía no hay respuesta'
"Oh, no! No way!" "What?" "I am not bilingual like you" "and...?" "Not listening to something I do not understand" "so are you graduated in Korean now?" "No..."
'Cómo hacerte entender...'
he swallowed dryly a little "don't know what are you talking about" "no? What about that time you got drunk and sang out loud BTS's songs, huh?" "Only the English parts! Now just change it" "but it's Maluma!" he looked at her without blinking and pouted "fine" he smiled like a kid
'... eres muy bonita pa' llorar por el...'
She changed the radio station once more and found a random one
'Day to night to morning, keep with me in the moment
I’d let you had I known it, why don’t you say so?'
"You got to be kidding me" she giggled "I hate this song!" "I know" she kept laughing
'You got to keep me focused, you want it? Say so'
"Just turned it off" "oh, but I like it" Calum turned off the radio "no songs for you" "hey, that's my car! Spent lots of money on it" "But I am driving" "don't make me feel more regret than I already am" he laughed and leaned quickly to kiss her cheek "hey, Cal" "hum?" "I am bored" "you're acting like a fucking kid" "no. I am a fucking kid" "well, it's not a long ride. We'll be there soon" "where is 'there'?" "Nice try, nice try" she pouted and laid her head on the window so she could stargaze and think about how lucky she is to had been run over by the man driving at her side. She was so so in love with him.
Some friends had texted her. Bon Jovi was going to be in town and they have two tickets more. They gave it to her of course expecting she'd invite that guy she hanged out a few times, definitely her new crush. Calum. Such a beautiful name 'thanks Roy' he had introduced them. For some miracle, she got the guts to invite him.
'Be here at 6pm'
'Your place is so far from where I am now'
'You can drive my car'
'will be there in 40 minutes'
She grinned, shook her head lightly and blocked her phone to finish her makeup 'he will never desire me' she thought even knowing she will try to impress him anyways. Was 5:55pm when he arrived "I have exactly 2 minutes in advantage" "you made it, next time I will let you have a rest" "thanks" he pecked her cheek out of breath "are you ok?" "Yes, you are just breathtaking" he laughed "oh, I am not" "yes, you're. Always" she blushed "thanks" "you're welcome. Can I have a glass of water? The bus stop is far from here, you know?" "Yeah, sure come in". She gave him a glass of water and dropped on the sofa "thanks" "how can I refuse water for someone? Especially someone like you" he arched an eyebrown "someone like me?" "Yeah" "how is someone like me?" he dropped next to her "ridiculously healthy" "oh" he giggled "thanks. I really appreciate" "so, where were you?" "someone is interested in where I was" he teased, she rolled er eyes "you love annoy me, don't you?" "And you still have to ask? Anyhow, I was hanging with a friend" "'hanging with a friend' means banging with a girl?" "What?!" He started laughing "are you jealous or something?" "No..." She blushed "just trying to know you better" "so why are you blushing?" "I..." "Relax, I was with Luke. He is planning a trip to our home country with Ash and Mikey too. So we went out to lunch, but he lives far from here..." her body relaxed and she smiled "Australia is very nice" "is the best place in the world" "yeah, except the fact that is not Minnesota" he laughed "keep dreaming, kid" "I am two months older than you" "whatever, ms. jealousy" "'m not jealous!" "you looked so relieved when I said I was with Luke" "I didn't" "it's ok, I already admitted to myself that my love life is a joke anyways" "I bet it's not true" "trust me, it is" "thought you were the kind of guy that spent the night in 3 parties and in this 3 parties, hook up with at least 2 girls. At the same time" he laughed out loud "oh, honey, I used to be that guy, and now I am feeling very proud of myself" she giggled "why you are not that guy anymore?" He cleaned his throat "well, I met this lady, some months ago, and now all I do is think on her. I made out with someone a few days ago and couldn't finish the job, because was thinking on her" 'wow that hurted' "wow... You should be with this girl right now, not with me" he looked at her, 'unfreakingbelievable' "I literally made an hour and a half trajectory in 40 minutes to go in a concert just to be in your company cause' honestly I am not going to this concert because I want to see old Jon Bon Jovi sing 'bed of roses' and take ladies to Heaven..." she giggled "why do you think I did that?" "'Cause you're an idiot" he grinned "you are right, I should be with the my romantic interest" she frowned a little and they just stayed looking inside each other's eyes for a minute "I-I think we should go" it felt like he raped her with his gaze "are you ok?" "I dunno" "alright, tell me if you will need an ambulance" "okay" "so, where is that bad boy keys?" she chuckled "here" she gave to Calum the key "please, be careful" "my middle name is safety" "really? I thought was Tomas" "details, details". They were on the driveway ready to go when she saw Ginger, her cat, with the paw stuck in the water drainage grid "oh! wait a minute" she left the car "what's wrong?" "My cat. you can back the car while I help Ginger?" "no problem. Am I allowed to listen some music, too?" "Sure. The pen drive is in the glove compartment" "'kay". she ran to Ginger to help her little baby "my God, love, I am here" Calum grabbed the pen drive in the glove compartment and started back the car slowly without looking in the mirrors "well, it's done, Ginger. You are free now" she freed her cat that ran back to the roof. Calum was fighting with the pen drive's USB entrance "why I never put that shit on the right side?" and he forgot that he was backing the car. She turned to went back to the car or they would be late and all she could see was the car's trunk colliding with her hip. When he stopped the
car she was already on the floor. She definitely needed that ambulance now.
He took her to the hospital and then back to her place. He locked the front door and she dropped onto the sofa, now with a broken leg "that was the last time you drove my car" "you're sure?" he joined her on the sofa "you will need someone to help you during the next two weeks" "I have other friends..." "So we are still friends?" "Yes" "I am sorry for ran over you" "yeah, be mad with you will not change what happened" "it's because of this that I will be the one who will take care of you. Remember? My middle name is carefulness" "Wasn't safety?" "Is a long full name, see? Calum Safety-Careful Tomas Hood" "hum, I don't think so" they laughed "sorry, again" "stop apologizing and start looking for a driver costume" "I will not do that" "why not? Would be so sexy" she bit her bottom lip "you think?" "You are already sexy so..." "I'm" they laughed "okay, you don't need a costume, but I will need help in the shower, instead" "I will love to help you with the shower" "I was thinking in call Roy" "call Roy?!" he looked a little angry "you should see your face. And I am the jealous one here" "well, I just maybe, just very very maybe am into you" she smiled and blushed a little "I am into you too" "you are saying that only because do not get turned on by Jon Bon Jovi tonight" she laughed "And you are saying this only because you ran over my leg" he turned his grin to a line "No. I really mean it" "me too" she bit her bottom lip and he smiled again "but… unfortunately, you are not literally into me" "not for too long" soon the distance between them became minimum and in a blink of eye, they kissed. They kissed like already did that for years, like their lips met each other already before, even being the first time. Calum laid her back on the sofa and things started to get hotter, soon her Bon Jovi's tank top flew across the living room. She broke the kiss "what are you doing?" "I am trying to make up, because of the concert. Do you mind?" she smiled "you really know how to fix up the things" and they kissed again, now his black tee was off and...
"Honey, 're you alright?" Calum took her off the flashback "oh, yes. Was thinking in the first time we fucked" he laughed "so delicate" "sorry, the first time we 'made love'" "uh, that was bad" she laughed "thanks for ran over me, by the way" "only you for thanks the idiot that ran over you" "well, you are an idiot, but you are my idiot" "possessive" but he was hers and he loved that "oh, shut up" he laughed "so, was thinking in the week after your leg was better, huh?" "That wasn't the first time we fucked" "It was" "no, we fucked after you took me home in the night it happened" "no, no. I fucked you that night and I thought we had fucked, but three weeks later I discovered that I was wrong" "I am not..." "The way you move, babe, when you were with the broken leg wasn't sex with you, was sex for you" she laughed "It should be a compliment?" "Yes. And a good one" "well, in that case, thank you very much" she directed her gaze back to the sky and he looked at her, he was so in love
About 30 minutes later, Calum was taking the exit on the road to Santa Monica, she had read that in a sign. "Santa Monica!" "yup" "the pier?" "Yes" "oh, you know I love a pier, is…" "…so romantic" she laughed at him pretending to be her "but, we are not here specifically because of the pier" "so why?" "You will see" "please, stop. It's killing me" "oh, you're such a drama queen" he parked the car and turned off the engine "let's go". He tugged her to the amusement park "that's so exciting! what are we gonna do?" "fucking kid" she giggled "we'll play hockey" "what?!" he guided her to the Playland Arcade "that's..." she was confused that couldn't even talk "there's a lot..." "air hockey tables? yes" "but..." "Look, I know that do not have ice and is not real hockey, but I thought you'd enjoy" he rubbed the side of his neck "hockey remembers you home, right?" she had some water on her eyes and a true smile "I would like everything since it came from you" he smiled and flipped the disk "so, let's see if the Milwaukee girl still in flames" "you definitely know nothing about Winsconsin"
She won, of course "Badgers rocked your ass Aussie boy!" as she said, and they decided to rest on the pier, her head on his shoulder and his arm around her body "that was lovely" "me losing or your very kind comment about it?" she giggled "no. You remembered the air hockey here and tried to diminish my homesickness" "I understand how bad it is" "thank you" "no, thank you" "for what?" "To be with me, to love me, I was taking the wrong way before met you, you know?" "Well, shout out to Roy" "shout out to Roy" he repeated and they laughed "I was thinking in buy a ticket for you. To go home for a few days..." she looked into his eyes "what do you think?" "don't" she said smoothly "you sure? I have been saving money to paying the first tax to a car mortgage, but it can wait..." "No, Cal. Buy your car" "but you miss home" "yes, I miss it, but..." she cupped his face "I have you here and I realized... my home is you" he smiled and dipped to kiss her. She rested her head back on his shoulder and watched the moonlight reflecting in the ocean "and you are mine" he whispered against her hair. she smiled and enjoyed his company, she was so in love with him and he was so in love with her.
suggested playlist:
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 7
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Scarlett woke up quite early this morning. She was feeling pretty good, apparently talking with someone and going out were pretty much what she has needed. She wanted to return the favour by preparing Severus's breakfast this morning. She dressed up and headed to the kitchens. She wasn't the brightest chef so just made cheese toast, scrambled eggs, cherry tomatoes to the side and fresh orange juice. She took the tray and headed to Severus's room happily. It was hard to hold the tray and knock on the door at the same time but she managed to do it without causing a mess. Severus opened the door couple of minutes later with a sleepy look on his face and a messy hair.
"Oh, i guess i woke you up this time..."
"We are even now. Come in." Severus showed her the table and she put the tray on.
"Today's breakfast is from me, hope you like it."
"It looks delicious, thank you." He sat down after her and took a bite of his toast.
"I did improve my kitchen skills tiny bit, i can show you sometime." Scarlett grinned proudly. She was not the best in the kitchen since her family always had house elves for the cooking. And when she was together with Severus, he was doing most of the cooking and he had a talent for it. His caramel brownies were Scarlett’s favourite.
"If you say so, i am excited to see then."
"Don't get your hopes too high tho."
"Ah i already did, they changed from 1 to 1,5." Severus smirked at her.
"You are a jerk Severus!" Scarlett chuckled and slapped his leg lightly.
He laughed, he loved to annoy Scarlett like that. "Jokes aside thanks for the breakfast Scarlett."
"My pleasure." She smiled softly. "I better leave so you can do whatever you want, i already woke you up early on a Sunday morning." She stood up to leave. Her mood has started to change, she felt like she’s being a burden for him.
"It is totally fine, i normally wake up early anyways. Last night i marked some papers so i went to bed quite late."
"Rest then. You already spent the last two days with me and i was pretty tiring with my nonsense."
Severus shook his head in disapproval. "I like spending my time with you Scarlett. We can all have problems time to time, life is not always easy and fun so don't feel guilty or anything."
"You do me good Severus, i feel better when i am with you..."
Hearing those words made his heart melt. He was very happy that he was actually being helpful to her.
"I will take the dishes and come back then. And meanwhile you can get dressed." She smiled and fixed his messy black hair slightly.
"Thanks..." Severus smiled shyly while she was leaving.
    Scarlett was walking back to Severus's chamber when she came across with Professor McGonagall.
"Ah Scarlett i was looking for you! You need to go to Albus's room; you have a guest."
"Guest? Who is it?" Not many people knew she was staying at Hogwarts so she wasn’t expecting any guests.
"The new deputy minister."
Now Scarlett had a even more confused look on her face so McGonagall continued. "I know you are not in the mood for such meeting, so i tried to send him back but he was pretty persistent."
"That's weird but i guess i have to meet him... Thank you Minerva." She smiled and headed to Dumbledore's room. She knocked and walked in after hearing the headmaster’s invitation.
"Oh hello Scarlett! Someone wants to meet you, i will leave you alone." Dumbledore greeted her and then left, leaving her alone with the new deputy minister. The tall man has stood up, Scarlett took a look at him and first thing came to her mind was he was looking like a human version of a husky dog with blond hair. His light blue eyes were so piercing and made her feel uncomfortable in a way.
"Hello Miss Rose. I am Amos Langley, the new deputy minister." He held his hand out for her to shake.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Langley." She shook his hand but his grip was strong enough to hurt her hand.
He looked at her head to toe attentively. He has seen her before but mostly on newspapers and magazines. She was the type of woman who so many men would dream of to be with. Even though she wasn’t looking her best right now, she still had the captivating aura. "I heard the news. It's such a shame you've been cheated on, you are such a beautiful and intelligent woman Miss Rose." Amos sent a tiny smirk to her way while sitting down. She was feeling extremely uncomfortable with him and just wanted this meeting to end as quickly as possible.
"My personal life is none of your business and I am asking you to be respectful. Beside that I am guessing you didn't come here just to meet me Mr. Langley, may i ask what's the real reason? Because i don't have much time." Scarlett replied firmly.
"I thought you have plenty of time Miss Rose since you are unemployed now. Anyways, the real reason is that i want to abolish a law which you legislated."
"You know you can do it without asking me, right?"
"I know but the minister wanted me to consult you first, he is still very fond of you Miss Rose." He made an unamused expression.
"Which law is that?"
"The one that causing death eaters to serve in Azkaban for rest of their lives."
"Why would you want to change that one?" Scarlett raised her eyebrow questioningly.
"I think it is very cruel to put someone in jail because they chose a different side than the majority."
"It is not about choosing a different side but the side they chose murdered innocent people and caused a war."
"Everybody deserves a second chance Miss Rose, even the "bad" ones."
"I am not the decision maker anymore; you can do whatever you want since you are the new deputy minister but if you ask me i don't think this law should be abolished." Scarlett stood up, she had enough of this man.
"Thank you for sharing your opinion Miss Rose but like you said, you are not the decision maker anymore. I just come here because the minister wanted it."
"Well okay then. Have a good day."
"You too Miss Rose, you too." Amos Langley watched her go with a challenging look on his face.
Scarlett was so confused and annoyed, it was such a weird conversation and made her extremely uncomfortable. She went to Severus's room directly after it ended.
"I thought you got lost on the way." Severus said while letting her in.
"New deputy minister came here to "meet" me. But it was actually a showdown." She sat on a chair while murmuring angrily.
"By looking at your face, i am guessing you didn't like him?" Severus sat in front of her.
"I hated him. Severus he was just... so weird."
"What do you mean?"
"He kept calling me "Miss Rose" in an annoying tone, literally crushed my hand while shaking it, mentioned the cheating situation and he wants to abolish the law that i made about death eaters."
"I wasn't expecting that much fuckery to be honest. What is his problem?"
"I don't know but i got such a bad vibe from him, something is off with him but i can't put my finger on. I will write a letter to the minister later."
"That's a good idea. Don’t think much about him, probably he was just trying to annoy you."
"He was so weird..." she mumbled to herself once again.
    Around 8 pm Carina and Remus turned back to Hogwarts after spending their weekend with Sirius.
"I will come with you, i want to see Scarlett as well." Remus followed Carina to her chamber.
"Sure, uncle Rem, hopefully she is doing better. I couldn't stop thinking about her."
"Her letters sounded good though. I think she is doing okay."
Carina nodded and walked in her chamber but it was dark and Scarlett was not here. She immediately started to worry, thought the worst and run to the Professor Snape's room, knocking it in hope to find her there. Nobody answered the door, now that made her even more worried if it’s possible.
"Where are they!? Did something happen to mum and he had to take her to the hospital...?" Carina was panicking and pacing around. Remus held her softly to stop.
"Don't worry if something has happened Severus would let you know for sure. Maybe he is in his class, marking papers? Let’s check there."
He walked her to the potions class and Carina rushed in with worried eyes. Severus and Scarlett turned to see the person who interrupted them.
"Mum!" Carina run to her. "I couldn't find you in the room, i was scared!"
Scarlett hugged her daughter and caressed her hair to calm her down. "I am fine, we are playing chess here."
"Oh... i am sorry that i rushed in Professor..."
"It is okay." He smiled slightly.
"How are you doing Scarlett?" Remus asked her while kissing her cheek. That caused him getting a deadly glance from Severus.
"I am good, pretty good actually. Thanks to Severus, he took care of me really well." She smiled softly at him.
"No doubt he did... Anyways, you are having the dinner with me tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay, i would like that."
"Okay then, good night everybody." Remus waved at them before he left the classroom.
They wished him good night except Severus.
"Mum i will be in the room, okay? You can continue your game. Good night professor and thanks again."
"Good night Carina." Severus smiled at her and turned his attention back to Scarlett.
"I was taking your queen." Scarlett grinned and knocked his queen down. "Aaaand checkmate!"
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brelione · 4 years
After (The Best Boys)
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Series Masterlist
Warnings:Smut, hospitals, mental breakdowns/panic attacks.
After the three weeks that Topper was in the hospital everyone was  in pure agony.None of you were really sleeping properly, your days spent at the hospital with your friend, voices never going above a whisper.
He was getting better, able to sit up in his hospital bed and play uno with you and Rafe while Kelce napped on your lap.Kelce was getting the least sleep, the stress all catching up with him.
You didnt know how to bring it up, instead helping him in the only way you really knew how.That was by extra hugs, a shit ton of forehead kisses and sleeping in his bed with him when he stayed at your house.You had no idea what was happening with you and Rafe.
When Kelce would leave whether it be to the grocery store or to pick up McDonalds you would find yourself on the couch with Rafe, sharing feather like kisses with your arms wrapped around eachother.You still hadnt figured out all your feelings.
You knew that you liked kissing Rafe but you werent sure why.He was gentle and it calmed you but that didnt mean you loved him, right?Sometimes when you were kissing Rafe you’d start to worry about Kelce.
You would usually go with him when he went grocery shopping but he now preferred to go alone, figuring that it would help him clear his head and get lost in the music from his radio.
You laid with your chest pressed against Rafe’s, your hand twirling his hair with his head resting against your neck, arm around your waist.You were still wearing Topper’s hoodie, switching between the gray hoodie you had took from him and the black one with a rabbit sillouhette on the back.
You still felt scared of touching Topper, way too worried about hurting him even when he was practically begging for hugs and forehead kisses.It killed you to not be able to, wanting nothing more than to hug him and kiss him and laugh at how stupid he was.
Rafe sighed, lifting his head from your shoulder, the tip of his nose resting against yours, letting out a small sigh. “You excited to take Topper home tomorrow?”He asked, his eyes only half open as he spoke.You hummed, a small grin on your face. 
“Mhmm...Ive missed him a lot.”You glanced down at Rafe’s lips, looking back up at his eyes.A small smile tugged at his lips, leaning towards you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, smiling a bit.A dozen of gentle pecks later and he had ended up on top of you, elbows on either side of your waist, sighing against your lips. 
“The nurse said we can do movie nights again soon as long as its not too loud.”He informed you, placing a gentle kiss on your nose, smiling when you let out a small laugh. “Thats good...I think he has to have like infinite movie picking nights.”You replied, leaning up to kiss him again.
He nodded, biting his lip. “Yeah, definitely.But the no horror movie rule still stands, right?”He asked, looking down at you with a big smile.You rolled your eyes, pulling his head down so you could kiss his forehead. 
“Yeah, the rule still stands.”You grinned, your hand going back to play with his soft hair.He had washed it today.You could tell because it was nice and soft, well conditioned with some high end conditioner.
Out of curiosity you sniffed it, face heating up when he lifted his head, raising an eyebrow. “Are you sniffing my hair?”He asked, trying not to laugh.You rolled your eyes.
 “Shut up.”You grumbled, tugging lightly at the dark hair.He let out a low moan, surprising you both. “Did you just…”You trailed off, noticing how red his face had gotten, his face burying itself into the soft fabric of the hoodie. “Shut up!”He exclaimed.
You simply laughed, sniffing his soft hair again, trying to figure out what the scent was.He laughed, holding onto you tightly.His hair smelt like maraschino cherries and roses. “Your hair smells really nice.”You told him, inhaling the scent again.
He let out another laugh, biting his lip. “Yeah?”He asked, trying to remember which shampoo he had used that morning.You nodded, not able to feel your legs from his weight on top of you.The door swung open, Kelce coming in with a brown bag of Chinese food, setting it down on the table.
He didnt say anything, just sat down on the floor and started to take the food out, placing the boxes on the table.You frowned, Rafe getting off of you so you could move across the couch, hugging Kelce from behind. “You okay?”You asked, pressing a light kiss to his cheek.
He sighed, leaning back against you and letting you wrap your legs under his arms. “You seem stressed.Do you need to talk about something?”You asked, quiet enough that only he could hear it.He shook his head, opening one of the boxe and handing you a crab rangoon, laughing when you took it in your teeth right from his hand. 
“We need to save rice for Topper.”You reminded Rafe as he scooped it onto a paper plate with a spoon.He frowned, shaking his head. “Nope, Topper drove off a bridge.He gets no rice.”he replied, staring up at you as you glared down at him.
It took a few seconds before he hummed, putting some of his rice back into the container. “Should we get him cake or something?They wont let us smuggle him McDonalds so maybe we should get him that.”You thought out loud, grabbing another crab rangoon.
They shrugged, not really knowing. “My mom wants me to be home more often because she’s convinced i’ll crash like Topper did.I dont know, she just wants me home tomorrow for a family day or something.I’ll probably just stop by Topper’s house after you guys drop him off tomorrow.”Kelce fixed himself a plate, the two of you ending up switching positions so that you were on the floor while he sat on the couch with his legs on either side of you.
You sighed, resting your elbows on his knees while you bit into a piece of shrimp.Rafe turned on the tv, staring at you and Kelce.He wasnt sure what was happening with you.He didnt really understand why you two did what you did or why you guys never talked about it.
He ended up turning on Nickelodeon, glad when Victorious started playing.Rafe was grumpy the whole night, up until three in the morning as he scrolled through his phone.You and Kelce were cuddled up at the end of the couch, your arms and legs wrapped around him with your nose pressed against his chest, loud snored escaping the two of you.
Eventually he fell asleep, his phone on his chest and his head on the arm rest.He was woken up by you jumping up and down on the couch, grinning when you saw his eye open. “You gotta get up, bubs.We have to go get Topper.”You reminded him, hopping off the couch.
Rafe groaned, shifting on the couch and resting his face against the cushion.He dozed off again, grumbling when you climbed on top of him, demanding that he get up. “Hmm...where’s Kelce?”He asked, eyes half open. “He went home, its almost three in the afternoon, Topper can leave by four.”You kissed Rafe’s forehead, noticing how confused he was. 
“Three?”He asked, looking over to check the time on his phone.You nodded, getting off of him and heading upstairs to change your clothes.He groaned, finally getting off your couch and stretching his long limbs.Dragging himself up the stairs and into your guest room he had nearly fell on the stairs twice, closing the door behind him.
His clothes were scattered all over the room, groaning as he searched for his yellow shirt, cursing.He forgot to knock, walking straight into your room. “Hey, do you have my yellow shirt?”He asked, watching you tie your shoes.You bit your lip, glancing over to your closet.
 “No.”You lied, standing up straight once you had your shoes on.He chuckled, walking over to your closet.You quickly grabbed his arm, trying to prevent him from opening the door.He easily held you back, seeing the yellow shirt hanging in the closet.
He grabbed it, running past you. “Rafe!You cant have that!”You shouted, running through the house.He laughed, running into your kitchen before realising he had cornered himself.You ran at him, trying to take the shirt back.
 “Rafe-thats mine!”You exclaimed, clinging onto his arm and trying to bring it back down so you could take it from him. “No, no its not.”He answered, holding it high above his head.You sighed, wrapping your arms around his torso.
He frowned, eventually giving in and hugging you back, forgetting that he was holding the shirt when you swiped it from him, holding it to your chest. “thanks.”You grinned, stepping on your tiptoes to kiss him lightly.He sighed, arms tight around your waist, knowing it would be the last kiss he got that morning since you two would most likely be with Topper for the rest of the day.
 “Hmm...we gotta go.”He mumbled against your lips, not really wanting to pull away.You sighed softly, kissing him again. “Let me just grab my backpack really quick.”You kissed his nose, noticing how tired he looked.You grabbed your small leather backpack before coming back into the kitchen, seeing Rafe eating a handful of frozen berries right out of the bag.The two of you got into the car in silence as you texted Kelce.
You:Hows family day going?
Bean:we cant decide on a movie
Bean:hows Topper doing?
You:We’re on our way to the hospital rn.My heart is literally pounding im kinda nervous ngl
Bean:felt that.How’s Rafe doing?He seemed mad last night
You:Rafe’s fine he just slept weird
You:Are you ok?You’ve been really stressed lately
Read at 3:43 pm
You sighed, placing your phone between your thighs.Rafe raised an eyebrow, wondering whether or not he should ask about your sudden mood change.You were out of the car before it even stopped, speed walking to the hospital entrance with Rafe close behind you.
You took in a deep breath as you walked through the motion activating doors, the cool air conditioned air hitting your skin.Rafe came up quick behind you, not wanting to lose you in the hospital.
Topper was sitting at a little waiting area on a red couch, reading something from a magazine.He was wearing loose gray sweatpants and a white T Shirt, squinting as he tried to read.You ran over to him, grinning when he looked up at you, slowly standing up and letting you hug him.
You closed your eyes,arms tight around his torso, his nose in your hair. “Hi.”He grinned, trying not to laugh.You were acting like you hadnt seen him in months, cautious of his casted arm. “Hi.”You replied, feeling your eyes moisten.
You refused to let go even when Topper lifted up his head to greet Rafe.His forehead wound had healed nicely, a stip of medical tape over the area.The stitches had been removed a few days prior, the tip of his tongue fully healed so he could eat better foods.
 “(Y/N).”He mumbled, a red blush across his face.You took in a big breath, looking up at him curiously. “I asked the nurse and she said I can have forehead kisses now.”He replied, flicking your hip lightly.
You sighed, cupping his face so he’d lean down a bit, placing a gentle kiss to his forehead.A weight lifted off his shoulders, letting out a low sigh.He had missed that feelin so much, glad he could finally enjoy your touch again.He sighed softly, resting his head on your shoulder.
 “We’re gonna get McDonalds and Kelce said he’d stop by your house later.Do you need to check out with the nurse or something?”You asked, feeling his hot breath against your collarbone. “Noo...we can just go.”He replied, most of his weight on you.You sighed, rubbing his back. “Are you sure?”You asked.
He nodded, kissing your jaw lightly.You looked over to Rafe, seeing him just standing there nervously.Once Topper had picked up the magazine and slid it up his shirt you guys walked out, Topper holding your hand tight, the sun causing him to squint.
You sat in the backseat with Topper, making sure that his seatbelt was secure. “Its scary to be in a car again.”He admitted, holding onto the door handle.You sighed, squeezing his hand. 
“The ride to your house from here is pretty smooth, no bridges or anything.”You reminded him, feeling his good hand on your thigh. “Can I turn on the radio?”Rafe asked.Topper sighed, kissing your temple. “Low volume.”He told the brunette, leaning against you with his eyes squeezed shut as the car started moving.
Your hand was running though his hair, rubbing at the back of his neck and avoiding his hairline.You placed a kiss on the top of his head, feeling yourself blushing a bit. “Hey, hey what do you guys want?”Rafe asked as he pulled up to the drive thru, stopping the truck.Topper grinned. 
“Uhh...a quarter pounder with extra pickles and large fries.”He replied, noticing how you were staring at his blue cast.Rafe pulled up to the window, handing you the large brown paper bag.You were quick to unwrap Topper’s burger halfway for him, letting him hold it. 
 “What about meds?Do we need to pick them up for you?”You asked, taking one of his fries.He slowly shook his head, slurping down his burger, nearly dropping a pickle. “No, they’re getting dropped by my house.”he replied, offering you a bite of his burger.
 “Thats good.”You mumbled, taking another fry. “What kind of meds?”Rafe asked, shutting up when he saw you glare at him. “Just like, pain meds.I dont know.Ive gotta take like three a day for two weeks I think.”He replied, halfway done with his burger when he quietly asked you if you could wrap it back up for him so he could save it for later.
Your heart dropped when Rafe pulled into his driveway, knowing that you wouldnt be able to see him again until tomorrow.You got up, helping him inside the house and shutting the door behind you, sighing. “Its been a while.”You muttered, taking in the white tile of the opening room, a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
He nodded in agreement, slowly walking into his living room.It wasnt too different from yours except for the gray carpet and the different couch.He sat down on it, seeming confused.You placed the McDonalds bag on the side table, looking down at him. 
“Hey, can I tell you something without you freaking out?”he asked, shifting in his spot so he could look at you properly.You hummed, hoping it wasnt something too bad. “Yeah, yeah I guess.”You replied, waiting anxiously.He gulped, taking in a large breath.
It took him a second to finally form words, his legs tingling. “Um...so im in love with you and I have been for a while now.I dunno, when I called 911 the last thing I thought about was you.I just thought you should know.”He confessed, his heart thumping so hard that if he were still in the hospital the nurses would come rushing in.
Your eyes widened, trying to think of something to say.That wasnt what you were expecting him to say, taking in a large breath that hurt your ribs. “um...uh….I um….”You stuttered, taking in another breath.You let out a nervous giggle, covering your face.
 “Im sorry, this is just crazy….um….so can we just….can we talk about this another time, please?”You asked, not sure you could handle everything that was being thrown at you.Topper nodded, grinning.
 “Yeah, yeah its fine...we dont have to talk about it.I just wanted you to know.”He muttered, avoiding your gaze. “Alright...um...im gonna go but i’ll see you tomorrow.”You left quickly, shutting the door and hopping into the passenger seat, still shaking.
Rafe frowned, trying to figure out what had happened. “Whats wrong?”He asked, hand on your thigh to get it to stop bouncing.You sighed, looking over at him. “Topper just….he’s talking weird.Its stupid, hes drugged out of his mind anyways.Can we just go home, please?”You asked, wanting to focus on something else.
Had all those hugs and kisses meant something different to Topper this whole time?Or did they just mean something different to you?Now things were starting to make sense.Why Topper had left that night three nights ago, why he had always glared at Kelce whenever the two of you were cuddling.
Now you felt all the guilt.You were hurting Topper this whole time by being so close with Rafe and Kelce when he was supposedly in love with you.And now you would be hurting Topper now because of how often you and Rafe did things that shouldnt be done between best friends.
Everything was so fucked up now.Rafe was pouting, trying to understand what possibly couldve happened in the five minutes that you were inside Topper’s house. “Are you okay?Did something bad happen?”He asked, reaching for your hand.
You sighed, lifting your hands so your elbows were on the armrest, resting your head against his hand. “No, just weird shit.Its fine, Rafe.”You replied, sighing when he pulled into your driveway.It was already 5:30.You got out of his truck, going inside quickly. “Hey, why are you walking so fast?”Rafe asked, struggling to keep up with you even with his long legs.
You simply huffed, going up the stairs.He was confused, following you anyways. “I just…”You trailed off, groaning as you flopped onto your bed.He pouted, sitting at the foot of your bed after closing your door. “What?”He asked, not understanding.
You rolled onto your back in a starfish position, staring at the ceiling. “Im just stressed is all.Do you want to watch something?”You asked, looking over to see your remote on your night stand, surprised when his hands gripped your hips. “Do you want me to help with the stress?”He asked, hovering over you.
You knew where he was getting at, not sure how to think about it.It had been nearly a month since he had touched you like that but it had lead to something bad happening.But thinking something bad would happen everytime you messed around with someone was crazy, right?
You slowly leaned up, kissing him lightly.It didnt take long for his hands to move down to your pants, carefully pulling them down your legs.He looked up at you before pulling down your light blue underwear, making sure that you were okay before dipping his tongue into you, holding your thighs down as he pressed a kiss to your clit.
You let out a low moan, fingers squeezing at your comforter as he licked a stripe up your folds.One of your hands moved down, tugging lightly at his hair.He let out a moan, letting you direct him the way you wanted, his tongue plunging in and out of you, eyes closing.
He sucked on your clit, trying not to smile at how loud you were, slipping a finger into your entrance.He wasn't sure how this would end up, remembering your promise from last time.You moaned loudly when he added another finger, pumping them in and out of you.
He could feel you getting close, kitten licking your clit to tease you.A shiver ran up your spine, moaning loudly as your eyes clenched shut. “Rafe-please.”You whimpered.He smiled up at you, adding another finger to stretch you out a bit, slowly moving.
 “Rafe.”You whined, trying to get him to move faster.He simply chuckled, giving you what you wanted and beginning to speed up, your moans only making him move faster.You climaxed with a loud, high pitched moan, letting go of his hair as you panted.
Feeling his tongue moving again you let out a soft moan as he cleaned you up, your fluids on his chin and fingers as he licked them clean.He wiped his chin off with the back of his hand, looking up at you. “Rafe.”You whispered, knowing how crazy you were about to sound.
He leaned back over you, his nose touching yours. “yeah?”He asked, not sure what to expect.You let out a soft sigh, kissing him gently. “I want...I want to go all the way.”You told him, noticing his breath hitch in his throat.He gulped, not sure if he could do it.
He didn't want to hurt you. “Are you sure?”He asked, looking into your eyes.You nodded slowly, anxiety building up in you as he slowly pulled down his pants, letting you palm him through his boxers.He let out a moan, wanting you to apply more pressure.
 “Are you sure that you want this?”He repeated his question, biting his lip.You let out a shaky breath, nodding. “Im sure.”You replied, eyes widening when he pulled down his boxers.He was huge.You just had to hope it wouldn't hurt as bad as it looked.
 “Its gonna hurt a little, alright?I need you to tell me what you want.If you want me to stop I need you to tell me.If you want me to slow down I need you to tell me, okay?”He asked, wanting to make sure that everything would be okay.You nodded, touching his hair lightly.
The first few inches didn't hurt but when he was about half way in you hissed in pain, gripping his shoulders.He came to a halt, looking down at you with a concerned expression. “Baby, hey, hey.Do you need me to stop?”He asked, preparing to pull out when your fingernails dug into his skin. 
“no...no.Keep going.”You replied.He began to move again slowly, biting his lip.He was nearly fully inside you, trying not to moan as you kept clenching around him due to his size.You were whimpering, eyes becoming watery as he was finally inside of you.It stung a lot, scratching up his back.You sniffled, glad he was taking things slow.
You took in a deep breath, a few tears rolling down your cheeks. “Shh...I know, I know.It’s okay, you’re okay.”Rafe whispered, cupping your face and wiping away the tears. “It hurts.”You whispered, sniffling.He bit his lip, kissing his forehead as he tried to help with the pain or at least distract you from it.
He wanted to pull out and run you a bath, trying not to make himself cry. “Do you want me to stop?”He aksed, trying his best to stay completely still.You shook your head, holding onto hims tighter, his  face in the crook of your neck with his chest pressed against yours.
 “Baby- I indeed you to try and relax, alright?Tensing up only makes it worse, take deep breaths, ready?Breath in, breath out.”He pressed a gentle kiss to your collarbone, listening to your breathing. “Good girl...in and out, just keep breathing.Im gonna start moving a little, okay?”He asked, feeling you nod against his shoulder.
He took in a deep breath, pulling out ever so slightly before pushing back in, clenching his eyes shut. “You okay?”he asked, pulling his head from your shoulder, looking down at you.You nodded, taking in a deep breath. “Yeah-it hurts a little but im okay.”You confirmed, kissing him lightly.He let out a soft sigh, squeezing your waist lightly.
 “Ready?”He asked, keeping his hands on your hips, waiting.You let out a shaky breath, nodding.He was careful, only pulling out a quarter of the way before slowly moving back in, jaw dropping when you moaned.His heart was thumping fast as he moved slowly, groaning.
 “Shit.”He whispered, leaning down to kiss your cheeks, nose and lips. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”He asked, pulling out halfway this time before pushing back in, watching as your eyes widened and a moan came from you.
  “Shit, Rafe.”You moaned, nails digging further into his back.He took a deep, shaky breath. “God, youre so fucking tight.”He moaned, letting out a low whimper, repeating the action of pulling out halfway before pushing in again. “Rafe-”You couldn't even form a full sentence before you were moaning again.
He was pleased with your reaction, moving a little faster and pulling out almost completely before pushing back in. “You want me to slow down?”He offered.You shook your head, running a hand through his hair. “Faster.”You muttered, seeing a surprised look spread across his face.
He began to speed up his actions, pulling out nearly completely before plunging back into you, both of you moaning loudly,He was panting, a light layer of sweat covering his face, going as fast as he could. “Rafe-im gonna-”You moaned, your head rolling against your pillow as you clenched around him,cumming all over his cock.
He licked his lips, slowly pulling out of you.He picked up a towel from your floor, carefully wiping your thighs clean. “You did so well, baby.How are you feeling?”He asked, picking up his boxers from the foot of the bed and pulling them back up, laying down next to you.
The sun was just going down, red and purple hues covering the sky like a wonderful painting, the golden light coming through your blinds.You held onto his arm, resting against his bicep. “Im fine...im tired as shit but im fine.”You replied, hearing your phone ringing from your shorts.
You sighed, too tired to move.Rafe grabbed it for you, telling you that Kelce was trying to call you.You were panting too hard to answer, Rafe gulping and licking his lips before lifting the phone to his ear. “Hello?”He asked.You noticed the way his eyes widened, eyebrows knitting together. 
“Chill, man.Just- what do you mean you broke it?Well dont-hello?”Rafe asked, realising his friend had hung up.You looked up at him with a confused expression, trying to figure out what was wrong. “So Kelce broke his door and he’s on his way now.He really doesn't sound too good.”Rafe answered, slowly sitting up.
After the call about Topper you thought you had heard the worst news you’d ever recieve.But hearing that Kelce had broke something made you want to vomit.Kelce freaking out was how you knew the world had hit rock bottom but it didnt help that you didnt know what he was freaking out about.Shit.
@sweetlittlegingy    @nicolefarley603 @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @newsies-yeet​ @butgilinsky @jjjmaybank @gracelovesbroadway  @stellariddle @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off @spn-marvel-nerd @lovelyelinor @chinamolina602  @sexytholland @28cnn  @popcrone818 @fttayla @cherryobx @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @drewstarkeyobx @poguestyleskye @judayyyw @jjtheangel @jj-iz-bae@sunwardsss @meaganjm  @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @natalie-kate-98 @nxsmss @broken-jj @joshy-obx @classygirlything  @annmariek8 @stupidpendeja @killjoyybsinner @teenagekook @i-love-scott-mccall
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley VI
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
     “Why is there a missing flower you ask? I have left it out for only you could complete me.”
Release Date: 06/05/20 @ 7 pm
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         It had been three days since YN had broken the fever and experienced her heat. The past days had been uneventful mainly, as most of the alphas remained hidden away in the main house. Like a routine, each of the men would swing by to check on her: Taehyung in the morning, Jimin for lunch, and Yoongi at dinner. It had been annoying at first, but YN had become accustomed to their presence which after dwelling on it for some bit she surmised was their plan. Then there lay another issue which had entirely slipped her mind until earlier this morning when she had received a call from her mother.
           “Hi, Mom.”
           “Oh, it’s so nice to hear your voice. You really should call more often we all miss you.”
           “I know. Sorry, I’ve just been busy.”
           “I was just calling to remind you about your sister’s engagement brunch. Seeing as you didn’t rsvp.”
           Shit. “Yeah, um, about that -”
"No excuses. You promised you would go." There was a brief pause before her mother spoke again. "I know you're worried, but it's the 21st-century darling. Mates aren't as important as they used to be. People are a lot more open-minded nowadays."
           “I know, Mom.”
           “I just miss you so much, YN. It would mean a lot to the family if you showed up. You might regret not being there and your sister has promised that they’ll be no unmated alphas so you don’t have to worry.”
           “Alright, mom. I’ll be there.”
           Now YN had a little over twenty-four hours to convince her mates to allow her to go alone. It would be easier to steal the crown jewels. Though she appreciated it, the men had been noticeably tenser since her heat and she couldn’t predict how they would react. So, perhaps it would be best to wait this out. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. No point in damaging the delicate peace that had been established between her and the pack.
            "You seem distracted," Jimin commented as the two of them sat at the edge of her bed watching some random sitcom YN had settled on. In front of her was a bowl of ramyeon that had been cooked by Seokjin. It hurt her pride to admit that it tasted delicious as if the man needed any more positive qualities to be attributed to him. "I was just wondering how everyone is." If the alphas were still out of commission, it would be an easier escape. The betas were still protective over YN, but less so.  
           “Ah, about that. We were wondering if you wanted to join us for dinner tonight? I promise everyone will be on their best behavior.”
           YN doubted that sincerely, but it wouldn’t hurt her to show up. It would better her chances of convincing them, by demonstrating that all the effects of her heat were gone. Though there was one thing to account for. “Is that okay? So soon after their ruts?” YN was sure hormones were bound to be raging and it might not bode well for her either, but Jimin gave her the sweetest of smiles when he said. “Of course, we’d never do anything to put you in harm's way.” How could she not believe him? Even when deep down she knew it was a lie.
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          It stank. To be entirely honest it wasn't a bad smell, but it was so intense that YN could practically choke on it and that's what made it unpleasant. The manor was less polished than the first time she had been there, but not so. Before it looked like something one would find in the cover of architectural digest, now it simply looked lived in. Even if it was warmer these days, YN still covered up drowning herself in jeans and a large wool sweater. Yoongi hadn't commented anything when he came to pick her up, merely intertwined his hands in hers, and led her towards the dining room. The second she crossed over the threshold, arms swept her up into the air. Jungkook's musky scent filled her senses.
           “I missed you.” He said, before placing her back on the ground. It took all her will power, not to recoil from the young alpha and he seemed greatly pleased at that. “Yah, Kookie. Let her be, you stink.” Hoseok scolded, as he helped set the dishes. As YN glanced around she saw everyone settling into their seats, her eyes met Seokjin’s briefly and he flashed her a smile. One that, subconsciously or not, YN returned. However, someone was missing as there were only six in the room.
            "Where's Namjoon?" YN asked, looking around. Everyone seemed to stiffen a bit but refrained from answering. Suddenly, YN felt hot breath caress her ears causing her to jump slightly. Namjoon chuckled before placing his arms on her hips, "Right here, Lily." Before she could respond, he moved away towards his seat at the front. YN went to sit between the beta's like last time but found the only available space was between Jungkook and Hoseok. Great. This is going to be a long night. From what little she knew about ruts, YN knew that alphas tended to be a bit needy afterward - especially if they were mated. YN hadn't assumed this would matter much since her partial bond was tied to Jungkook and not the lead alpha, but it seemed to affect them all nonetheless. On the one hand, there were the peering eyes of Namjoon and Jungkook moving his chair ever so slightly closer to hers whenever he thought she wasn't looking. On her other side was Hoseok, whose legs would brush hers under the table.
           Then there was Seokjin, who simply smiled at her whenever their eyes met - which was a lot. Even though the atmosphere wasn’t as tense as the first night, it still felt suffocating to her. She was beginning to look forward to the trip, preferring to stay a weekend with her stingy relatives rather than the men.
           “Are you alright, YN? You’ve barely touched your food.” Suddenly all eyes were on her, she nodded meekly trying to play it off but the damage had been done.
             Hoseok’s palm came to rest on her forehead and she wasn’t sure how he was supposed to check her temperature given how warm he was. “You are a bit warm.”
            “Do you not feel good?” Jungkook spoke up beside her, as he tucked a loose strand behind her ear.
             “I’m fine. Just a bit warm that’s all.” Immediately Namjoon gestured for the air conditioning to be lowered. All eyes were on her now and despite how uncomfortable it made her, it did present an opportunity. Here goes nothing. "I wanted to speak to all of you about something." The change was minuscule, blink and you'll miss it sort of thing, but had YN been paying attention she might have noticed the darkened look that crossed over then men's faces. How their eyes became hooded in anticipation.
             “My sister is engaged and I’m supposed to be attending a family brunch is her honor.” At this all seven of them visibly slackened, tension exiting their bodies.
              "That's fantastic," Jimin spoke, lips pulled upward into a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Unfortunately I've got work, so I won't be able to meet the family just yet."
             Wait. What? “Uh -”
             Taehyung's baritone voice echoed loudly, "I can't either. Have to help Jimin." It was then that YN realized she'd been misunderstood. They thought she was asking for accompaniment when all she had been doing was informing them. Cautiously her eyes turned to Yoongi, who merely shrugged. "I'm overdue for a deadline." No.
            “Well,” Namjoon cleared his throat. “That settles it then, you’ll be going with us.” If the smile he flashed her was meant to be reassuring, it accomplished the opposite of its goals.
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               "Promise me, you'll behave." Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck puckering his lips as the lead alpha leaned down to kiss him. "No promises." He smirked, before placing the last of his luggage in the trunk. YN could swear it was a week-long trip with the number of clothes the men had packed, not to mention all the last-minute wardrobe changes they had forced on her. There was a bigger issue that hung over YN's head, much larger than her being stuck with only Alphas for the entire weekend, it was that her family wasn't aware of her current living situation. All they knew of her 'mates' was the incident and YN didn't think they'd be so inclined to welcome them into their home.
                So, they had booked a hotel. It didn't really address the issue but considering YN was certainly going to arrive late, her childhood home was bound to be taken up by relatives. Once in the car, the atmosphere was quite tense though that was mainly because Jungkook had almost thrown a temper tantrum when he saw that YN was sitting between Seokjin and Namjoon. Not him. "Jungkook if you don't quell your hormones, I will buy you a literal dog house for you to sleep in." Seokjin threatened, earning a few snickers and a pout from the young alpha.  
           YN stared out the window seeing the houses move by as Namjoon scrolled on his phone. Whenever YN was in cars she always thought of what she should do if an escape needed to be made. The fault of that might be on all the spy movies she grew up watching. The other might be the Omega protection course she was forced to take in college which engrained survival skills such as: covering up, self-defense, and how to escape a kidnapper. Fun things. She was beginning to wonder whether or not escape was possible when it dawned on YN that her eyes had been situated on Namjoon’s phone the entire time. The man in question had noticed as well.
           “Sorry, I zoned out.” She rushed to apologize.
           Namjoon smiled, “Don’t worry I noticed. I was just setting up an appointment with Dr. Lee.” Who? "She's an OB. I spoke with her to get you off suppressants." Ah, right. YN had yet to tell them that her prolonged heat was more her due to misuse than the suppressants. Sensing her discomfort, Seokjin grabbed her hand and squeezed it tenderly. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out." YN couldn't figure out if he'd been referring to the suppressants, the family visit, or everything that was happening. It didn't matter, YN didn't believe him for a second.  
              Instead, YN took a deep breath and closed her eyes, preferring sleep than having any more interactions with the alphas. She knew once they arrived, she would need all her strength. Her family wasn't bound to be happy at not being informed at their daughter's mating status - not to mention who her mates were. It seems Jungkook was wearing headphones for YN could barely pick up the rhythmic thumping of bass, but that was enough to lull her into a nap.
               When YN awoke, she found herself strewn across the laps of the men. Though she had not opened her eyes, she sensed her head was resting on Hoseok's with her feet at Namjoon's. Delicate hands weaved themselves through her hair, their calming nature causing YN to shift in order to feel the sensation more. She swore she heard the muttering of a 'cute' before the glare of the sun hit her face, forcing her awake. "C'mon, baby. Rise and shine." Yn grunted and stood up, the back passenger door had been opened but all of them had remained in place. In her groggy state, YN rubbed her eyes and asked. "Why'd you move me?" Instead of an answer, she got a pat on the back and Jungkook tugged her off the car.
                YN's eyes widened in recognition as she saw Yeong-gwang's school grounds in front of her. It had been years, but the school's arches remained as pristine as she remembered them. Its Rococo inspired architecture is a clear demonstration of its wealth and status. YN's parents could just barely afford tuition and only received a scholarship because her grandfather attended. "What are we doing here?" She wanted to move her eyes away, but they remained frozen on the platinum gates. A place that once held such fond memories was now only a place of tragedy for her.
           “Your sister wanted to meet here.” And as if having called on the devil herself, she appeared.
             “What the fuck are they doing here?!”
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Sorry this update is short, but that’s because the next one is going to be long and important.
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leggomylino · 4 years
Vibe So Hot | Han Jisung
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Genre: Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Han Jisung x fem!reader
AU: neighbor au, prank war au
Word Count: ~11.7k
Warning(s): mild language (censored)
A/N: inspired by the song “Vibe So Hot,” Priscilla Ahn
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
There were times when you weren’t really sure about Han Jisung. 
The day you moved from your parent’s house into your new home, life was a dream. A delight. A living fantasy. You and your closest friend of twenty-odd years had been visualizing it for ages- a home for just the two of you, where you could make and break all the rules you wanted, eat dinner out of the cookie jar, throw paint and crayon all over the walls, and dump all the grease, homework, and leftover brussel sprouts down the garbage disposal that you wanted. It would be your kingdom with the two of you at equal pedestal on the throne, and no one could say or do anything about it.
While your visuals and ideals did change over time, what with hormones and taxes and a general understanding of how the world worked, you and F/n never stopped dreaming of the day you each held one half of the kingdom between your fingers. One half of freedom. It was a blissful, beautiful Tuesday morning. Exactly five months ago. Birds chirping in the small tulip trees. The sweet spring breeze ruffling the surrounding azaleas. The simple but water-efficient sprinkler system the two of you had worked a summer job to afford that was...spraying…...coke… 
...Yes, it had been a beautiful Tuesday morning. And also the arrival of hell next door.
“HAN JISUNG!” you yelled, banging on your neighbor’s front door. “Han Jisung, I know you’re home!” You stamped your foot. “Open this door right now!”
It was now five months later. Five months since you’d moved into your dream home, something small and sweet and affordable that you and your friend worked hard for years to achieve. Just something small to start the two of you out, while you finished up school and figured out what the heck the two of you wanted to do with the rest of your lives. 
It had easily become five months of back-and-forth hell. “HAN JISUNG!!!”
Click. The door slowly creaked open. It was dark inside, far too dark for 2 pm, like something out of a horror movie.
Oh, but you weren’t falling for another one of his tricks. Not this time. “Han Jisung, I know you’re there…” You called...weakly. “C-Come out this instant. I know it was you who stuffed cereal into the birdfeeder and left glue on the door handles. I was almost late for work this morning and F/n is stuck on the back porch.”
There was no response. You agitatedly sighed, running a hand through your hair and taking a handful of strands with you thanks to the faint remainder of krazy glue that simply wouldn’t come off.
“Han,” you called, poking your head inside. “Han? Han Jisun-”
The moment you stepped inside, a loud whrr! resounded, your body hoisting upwards. You spun around in the flimsily thin netting, falling into a fetal position backwards.
Han and a few of his cronies came out cackling at your expense, watching you gently spin and sway in their ridiculous trap. “I caught Y/n!” one of them cheered. “That’s 1,000 points.”
Another scoffed. “You didn’t do anything,” he said, blowing long blonde locks out of his face. “The points go to me for setting up the...project.”
“Shouldn’t they go to Han?” Yet another asked. “It’s his house.”
You rolled your eyes, attempting to adjust. Han tromped over proudly and swung his arm around the boy. “Exactly!” he cheered, pinching his cheek. “I’m glad you see it my way.”
The kid squinted his fox-like features in disgust, shoving the ringleader away from him. Han merely laughed, smirking up at you next. He sent a flirtatious wink your way. You scoffed.
“S’up, gorgeous?”
“Drop dead.”
“Ouch,” he playfully winced, pretending to take literal damage. “Didn’t like the glue, or the cereal? I told Hyunjin no one wanted his bland raisin garbage. But,” He shrugged. “He insisted it was good for the birds. The raisins, anyway-”
“Screw you,” Goldilocks groaned. “Shove off, I never said I ate the stuff. I just said it was better than wasting Lucky Charms or something actually good.”
“...Yeah, so there’s that.” He spared a passing eye roll before putting back on his deceitfully charming smile. Disgusting. “What brought you to swing by? Just dropping in?”
The other boys laughed again, causing you to turn an annoying shade of pinkish-red, some cross between coral and rouge. “I don’t have to tell you anything!” you snapped in your anger.
Unfortunately, Han Jisung needed to know the facts. “Then...how am I supposed to help you? Oh, oh! Hold on a minute.” He simpered. “Are you maybe trying to tell me that you came by unannounced because...you wanted to get caught up in my web?”
Han’s crew all made catcalls and whistles along with nervous smiles and suggestive expressions. The nerve of him. You fought yourself into an upright position, clawing angrily at the seams. “I meant you already know what you did wrong! Get me out of this stupid thing and get over to my house so you can fix it.”
“Oooo,” A freckled-faced boy you recognized as Felix cooed. He’d often been a leading officer in many of Han’s classic pranks and schemes. “I think she wants you bro.”
The heat on your face was intensifying, whether from rage or embarrassment, you didn’t care. Your prison shook. “That’s not what I-”
“Well then,” Han (classically) interrupted. “Guess I better get over there and fix it.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a salacious manner, padding around the clamour of boys and taking the stairs three at a time like a gazelle. When he reached the top, he revealed a rope from around the corner, lowering you gently...at first.
After three careful tugs, he dropped the rope entirely. Your eyes went wide, screaming as you fell--
...Right into Han Jisung’s arms. The boy glided down the stair rail and caught you at the last possible second. “Plenty of time to spare,” he insisted, showing you his teeth.
You slapped them away, wrestling your way back to your feet. “...You’re such an asshole, Han Jisung,” You dusted yourself off, smoothing out your attire single handedly. “I--”
...You yanked your hand down. Away from his face. Hard. Harder.
It was stuck. Your hand was stuck to his cheek. Krazy glue.
“OW! Ow ow ow okay! That hurts! Sh*t!” He cursed. You rolled your eyes, kicking his leg. 
“That’s what you get for gluing my door! Now come on!”
To make things less awkward, you gripped his left ear, yanking him like a mother would a misbehaving child. The others crowded around and followed, laughing as—
The door slammed in their face. “OW!” You heard Hyunjin yelp. His watered-down image through the distorted window showed him covering his nose, the other two goons frantically asking if he was okay.
...Well, Felix did, anyway. Fox-face merely stared and shook his head a little. “Let’s go. You’re cleaning the glue off both doors and changing out the birdfeeder. If you screw it up, you’re buying me a new one.” A harsh gaze fell over your shoulder. “After you unstick F/n!”
Han grunted, his groans and whines a feeble echo of white noise along with the ridiculous passes he occasionally made on the way over.
After spending an hour and a half watching Han unstick glue from around your house (after unsticking your hand from his face) and taking a trip down to the hardware store for a new birdfeeder that 100% came out of his pocket, you sighed, trudging yourself through the front door and collapsing onto the nearest sofa by a front-facing window. You leered, observing Han shuffle up his own walkway and exchange harsh words with his friends before they all piled inside.
That bastard. He was always coming after you, ever since you first moved into the neighborhood. After the first week of assaults (from moving day) you’d asked the other neighbors if any of them had any bad experiences from house 117, but they all gave a generally same response: “Who, Han Jisung? Oh, heavens no! He’s such a nice boy! A little quirky, sure, but such a nice boy! ...Are you sure it wasn’t a raccoon or a stray cat?”
Heh, yeah. Like a stray cat was capable of impersonating your friend to have the locks on your house changed. Didn’t they have to do security checks for that stuff?!
Speaking of locks, the sound of keys ricocheted from your left, and you turned your head to see F/n enter...very strangely. They looked spooked, their eyes wide as they turned their head this way and that, creeping into the house like an Egyptian wall painting.
“Is the cost clear?” they asked. “Is he gone? Nothing’s missing? Nothing’s amiss?”
“Relax, F/n,” you said, scratching your head. You desperately needed a shower, but that had been rather hard with the pipes spewing nothing but Mr. Pibb for the past three days. It’d apparently be a fourth until they cleared out. “The menace is gone, back to his evil layer. I made sure he cleaned up his mess and got him to replace your grandmother’s birdfeeder.”
F/n scowled, back to normal as they tromped into the room, throwing their bags down. “She made that birdfeeder from scratch, Y/n. With her own two arthritis riddled hands, that birdfeeder may as well have been an ancient relic. It was one of a kind.”
“I know, I know,” you insisted, peacefully trying to calm them down. “Just relax. I got it under control and taken care of.”
“You said that last time. Now look at the place.”
You looked around. “...It looks spotless. Han actually did a really nice job with that extra work he put in.”
“Well it wasn’t before! ...Wait, you let him into the house?!”
Whoops. “Only to do some extra chores. To make up for outside. And many other times he’s screwed us over.”
Your friend grabbed the sides of their hair, practically seething. They regarded you like you’d gone insane, and they were just on the brink. “Y/n have you lost your mind? Are you stupid? I thought you were smart! What was that 3.5 GPA for?!”
“Hey, GPA isn’t everything. It’s just a matter of getting on a teacher’s good side and paying attention. Also, I’m aware that...that may have not been the best move. But it’s fine!” you insisted, now following your friend into the kitchen. “I was watching him the whole time. He didn’t leave my line of sight once!”
F/n opened the fridge, glaring perplexedly. “...Not once?”
You thought. Oh wait...well…
You smiled sheepishly. “...Actually...ahaha...he may have asked to go to the bathroom once…”
F/n’s jaw dropped. “And you let him?!”
Your hands found their way into the air. “What was I supposed to do, F/n? Follow him into the bathroom? That’s creepy and gross and uncalled for.”
Your friend grabbed a beer from the fridge, slamming the door shut after. “No, Y/n. You tell him to go next door and use his bathroom.”
“But what if it was an emergency?”
“I think he can hold it.”
“But what if he couldn’t?”
They paused just beside you, giving you a harsh glare. “After all he’s done? I’d say that’s a real shame and another mess he’d have to clean up.”
“NO, Y/N,” Your friend of twenty-odd years turned to you, making it halfway back to the front door. “You don’t get it! It has been five years--”
“Five months.”
“...It has felt like I have had my guard up for five years. I can’t relax in my own home. I can’t relax at work, I can’t relax at school-- I can’t relax anywhere!” They polished off the beer, crumbling the can and tossing it aimlessly into the kitchen. You ducked, the can soaring over your left ear and colliding with a kitchen cabinet. “URGH!”
They grabbed their bags, beginning to march out. You were faster, sliding on sock-clad feet across Han-polished floors to beat them to it, blocking the exit. “F/n, listen. Please. I agree it’s bad, but I think you’re overreacting just a little.”
“Overreacting?! …” S/he crossed his/her arms, glaring at you skeptically and in disbelief. “Okay, fine. Which bathroom did he use?”
“Which bathroom?”
You swallowed, thinking again. “...Uh...the upstairs one.”
F/n deadpanned. Cold and hard. “Great. Thank you for that. All my school supplies are up there. My office and workspace is up there. That’s where I sleep, Y/n.” You blinked. 
“You sleep in your office?”
They pushed you aside, storming into the wide, open world. Hysterically you followed, snagging your keys off the side table by the front door and making sure to lock up behind you. “F/n- ...F/n wait…! Ah, stupid locks…!”
“Don’t follow me, Y/n!”
From the corner of your eye, a silhouette of dark brown hair and overly-white teeth made its way toward your property line. “Hello F/n, Y/n.” The careful fall breeze blew the shade from his eyes, where evil and mischief still resided. “Having a little back and forth banter, are we? A disagreement, perhaps?”
Han-bleeping-Jisung. Your vision narrowed, a scowl aimed directly at him. When he was around, it’s all you could focus on. Your senses heightened, and not in a good way. He couldn’t be trusted.
You shouldn’t have let him into your house. Your sensors were picking up on something. He seemed too happy for someone that was just forced into doing chores in a house that wasn’t their own. And willing so…
A hot vibe was residing along the back of your neck, between your shoulder blades. A sinking, sensationally bad feeling. “What can we help you with, Han?”
“Oh,” he piped, brows raised. “We’re on a single name basis now. That’s rare.”
F/n cast him a dark look and continued down the sidewalk to their car. You sighed, trying to relax and having little success; F/n was right, it was hard to remain calm with a hellion next door. “What do you need?”
Han Jisung shoved his hands in his pockets. “Need is a strong word. I need a lot of things. Food, water, air--”
A groan escaped your lips. “Fine. Forgive me. What do you want?”
“Hmmm…” He smirked, listing his head. “I want a lot of things, princess. Depends what you’re referring to.”
You’re pretty sure you could hear the gag coming from F/n’s car as they started the engine, shifting into reverse. Han chuckled, letting you know he heard it too.
“Alright, fine.” He held his hands up in surrender. “You caught me. I came to warn you.”
“Warn me about what?”
“......” He pursed his lips. “...I may have gotten a bit carried away and...well, I couldn’t resist, really. But I was thinking and, maybe it was in bad taste. Since Hyunjin did break your grandmother’s bird-thing.”
A rustling came from the bushes. “That wasn’t me! That was you!”
Han cringed, turning over his right shoulder. “Shhh!”
You faltered, zoning in on Han’s shrubbery. “Who is that? Is that Hyunjin hiding in your flowers?”
Han rolled his eyes, tossing...some junk from his pockets. A coin or something. “I told you not to say a word!” 
Blonde hair revealed itself from the viburnum bushes on Han’s property. “Cattywampus.”
Hyunjin scoffed. “Oh, so when we’re playing Scrabble, it’s not a word. But now that we’re probing Y/n for information, all of a sudden, it’s a word!” 
The air left your lungs, quite dramatically, and you took a step back farther into the safety of your porch. “...What is he talking about? What information?”
Tensions spiked like never before. Han simply groaned. “Dammit...thanks a lot, Hyunjin.” He turned to you with a sour face. “Yeah, okay, whatever, just...I wanted to know when your birthday was.”
He shrugged, trying to pull off the most innocent, blow-it-off look possible. You weren’t buying it. “What were you saying before? What did you do to my house?”
“Oh yeah,” He clasped his hands behind his back, sending another classic trademarked wink your way. Hyunjin freed himself from the viburnum flowers, along with Fox-face, who’d gotten himself tangled up in the next-door rose bush; he tripped over an illy placed hoolahoop and ran into Hyunjin, the two of them taking turns removing literal thorns from their sides. “I left you a present inside.”
I left you a present inside.
I left you a present inside.
He left you a present inside your house. A surprise. A bad one. You had invited him into your living space, your relaxation hub where relaxation was scarce, and gave him just enough alone time to leave something behind.
Something terrible. Something rotten.
Han Jisung was no longer looking like Han Jisung to you; what you saw before you was his true form: a plotting, overzealous, sadistic little impish demon of a man, no...a demon pretending to be a man. Someone like Han Jisung couldn’t possibly be human. There was no love at all in his heart.
“F/N!” You yelled, chasing after them as they drove down the street. “F/N, WAIT! STOP THE CAR! PLEASE!!!”
You could feel Han Jisung’s eyes as he trailed you all the way down Maple Street, his friends watching as F/n hit the brakes a hundred feet shy of the stop sign and let you clamber in the back. 
“Step on it.”
S/he nodded, slamming the accelerator and getting the two of you safely out of Dodge. “I’m going to a friend’s house. I have to return a few things I borrowed before Han Hellion ruins them,” They looked over their shoulder. “Where are you headed?”
Your eyes glared proudly through the rearview mirror. F/n drew back, nervously looking between you and the road unassured.
But there was nothing for it. They could yell and pitch a fit at you later. Today, this very moment, everything was going to end.
“The craft store,” you said. “And you’re coming with me.”
“We’re taking our house back.”
The car rolled to a stop at the cross section of Water and Runway Boulevard. If it was the friend you were thinking of, F/n would have to make a right here. Your local craft store was the opposite direction.
With a unanimous nod through the rearview, the two of you made a left down Water Street.
Hobby Lobby had to be your favorite store, next to Fye’s Music Records where you occasionally went for your music collection and your favorite restaurant. ...Though a store wasn’t really a restaurant, and vice-versa.
You and F/n scoured the many aisles of arts and crafts, decor and gifts, candles and knick-knacks, searching high and low for everything on a messy-scribbled list the two of you put together in the parking lot. Revenge was going to be so sweet. Total bliss.
“Buckets?” A young employee repeated back to you. “Yes, let’s see, they should be near the back of the store, on the right-hand side. If you pass the glitter and pipecleaners, you’ve gone too far. I believe they’re on Aisle 13.”
“Thanks,” F/n said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you behind them. They almost seemed more excited about this whole revenge-war than you did. “Aisle 10...Aisle 11...Aisle--”
S/he stopped, pale-stricken. “What is it?” You tried peering around the corner. “What’s wrong? Are they sold out or somethi--”
Your heart nearly stopped. There, in the middle of the aisle, stood Lee Felix, perusing a wide selection of glitter glue. A bucket (not a basket) hung from slack fingers, carrying a barrage of other craft equipment as well as a plastic bag from the Home Depot next door.
Some kind of rage was flooding through your system. You could sense it in F/n as well. The two of you were in sync, fed up with the Hellion Clan’s crazy antics and batsh*t ideas that only brought you pain and suffering. Enough was enough.
You practically shoved your friend aside. “LEE FELIX!”
Felix jumped, startled, frantic, eyes zooming in on you like a deer in headlights.
Then, unlike a deer in headlights, he ran.
“AFTER HIM!” F/n cried, shoving the list in their pocket. S/he ran farther towards the front of the store to block the entrance, while you followed in hot pursuit of the freckled boy’s trail.
Your phone buzzed as you ran, and without taking your eyes off your target you shuffled it out of your purse, slamming the receive button a little too hard. “What?!”
“He’s going towards the back of the store! He’s heading for the emergency exit!”
You gave a quizzical look toward your friend’s voice coming out of your phone, then back at your target’s backside. “What? How do you know that? Where are you?!”
“Look up. Aisle 1. Holiday crafts.”
Carefully your eyes scanned the tops of the shelves near the entrance, and after doing a double take on a statue you found F/n squatting among some Santa Claus and Christmas angels, a pair of high-grade binoculars in their mits.
You had no idea when they’d gotten those. “Where did you get those from?! How the heck did you get up there?”
“That’s not important right now! Just SEIZE HIM! He’s getting away, run faster!”
With an aggravated grunt you hung up, shoving your phone away and pushing your legs to hit the tile twice as hard. Some twenty feet in front of you Felix squeaked, making a surprise turn down Aisle 2 and knocking over a stack of decorative boxes. You cursed, calling forth your skills from high school gym to hurdle yourself over the monstrosity and skid to a temporary halt before barreling down the half-storage half-Christmas decor aisle. 
“He’s getting away!” F/n yelled. “Move!!!”
“Why don’t you help me?!” You called back. Felix made a 90 degree turn, charging farther back into the store in the opposite way you were anticipating; unless…  
A store manager suddenly appeared at the end of the aisle, holding her hand out to stop you. “Excuse me, I don’t think so; there’s no horseplay allowed in the store.”
Though she tried to grab you, you dodged like a badass, perrying right, then left, then spiraling after a mop of retreating orange hair down Aisle 7. “Can’t! Sorry! I’ll pay for this later!”
“I’m sorry?!”
“Hold that thought!”
The sound of static and muffled voices crackled behind you as the manager called for backup, but you didn’t care. This would all be over once the little coral pipsqueak was in your grasp; you’d make sure to make him sing everything that was going on.
Somewhere on the opposite side Felix squealed, either running into something or barricading another path to ensure his freedom. You slid to another halt, straining your ears to pick up on the sound.
Maybe you could sneak up on him. You were getting pretty tired, and running all over the store wasn’t a very good strategy for either side. Tiptoeing down Aisle 6, buttons and sewing equipment, you held your breath, carefully peering down both directions of the aisle.
Empty, minus a mom and her kid. You dropped down on all fours, crawling to the next aisle-- except--
“Ow!” you hissed, pricking yourself on something sharp. It was a discarded sewing needle.
It gave you an idea. After sucking on the injury a moment, you snagged the discarded object, pinning it to the side of your bag. 
You hopped to your feet and gathered the strongest thread and yarn you could. After diving into a pile of fabrics when a few security guards walked by, you got back to work setting up your ingenious idea. A little thread here. Some fabric there. A weight right here…
You quickly sewed (loosely) a few strips of fabric together, finally finishing your creation. “Sorry, this aisle is closed right now,” you said to a few customers, spreading slime over each end of the hall. It was showtime. “I’m ready,” you told F/n, uttering the words through your phone.
F/n had done well to keep their disguise as an oddly-put Santa, peering through their binoculars when no one was looking. “Okay. I sort of lost him after the cops started lurking by here. Let’s see…”
Another curse left your lips. “He didn’t leave, did he?”
“No, I didn’t hear the doors open or close. He’s gotta still be here somewhere…..aha!” Their cry made you jump. “Found him!”
“Opposite side. Aisle 18. He’s hiding around the picture frames.”
“Dang it,” you groaned, “I need him over here!” You looked around hesitantly. “Can you get him over to this side? I’m on Aisle 7. Additional Sewing and Craft Supplies. Fabrics, yarn, etc.”
“I’m scared to leave my post, but…” F/n sighed. “...I guess if you have a plan, I can chase him that way.”
“Great, okay. Hurry.”
You hung up, taking another deep breath. Waiting. Ducking when the cops circled back around.
Suddenly, you heard a familiar battle cry from the other side of the store, followed by a man’s scream. The security guards and management started racing that way, but by the time they’d get there the source would be long gone…
Because he was headed straight for your trap. You scaled to the top of the aisle, keeping low with a blanket of fabric over your head as you watched Lee Felix weave in and out of craft stands and passing customers, buzzing toward Aisle 7 like a bee to a honey hive.
“RwARGH!” F/n cried, their Santa disguise flying with a full-powered shove. Felix went plunging for the nearest aisle, your aisle, and the moment his sneakers hit Elmer’s Color Slime Kit, he slipped, spinning out of control right into the giant DIY net you created. Yes! Score!
“HIYAH!” You screamed, jumping off the aisle shelf and tackling him. Gave over. You’d won. 
Felix squirmed and fought with all the strength he had left in him, his abs, his arms, his quads, but alas, twice his body weight from you and your friend combined was more than enough to stop him. He gave out with a long sigh just as an employee rounded the corner, crying for assistance.
You were out of time. Tying his hands behind his back and bundling the rest of the fabric around him, your friend threw a couple twenties from their pocket at the young man before the two of you slipped out the emergency exit.
“You’re going to tell us everything!” You demanded, carrying his torso. Felix scowled, rolling his eyes. Despite his obvious anger, he was sweating bullets and looked rather afraid. 
“I’m not telling you anything. You made me drop my stuff.”
“You can go back for it later. F/n, open the door.”
F/n shook their head, placing your captive’s feet down and unlocking the back of their car. “Nuh-uh. He’s riding back here.”
“In the trunk?!” The boy cried.
“In the trunk.”
F/n was dead serious. You stifled a laugh, even if it was kind of mean. Felix whined and bowed his head as the two of you placed him inside, F/n smacking a bow on his head that’d stuck to them during the chase.
“Okay. Let’s get out of here.”
The two of you slammed the door shut.
The moment light hit your captive’s eyes, he squinted, groaning from the bumpy ride (as F/n insisted on hitting every speed bump and pothole). Lifting the boy on the count of three, he made sure to cry out for help- “HAN!!! HYUNJIN!!! JEONGIN!!! I’M OVER HERE!!!”- but, as it was expected, F/n simply dropped the boy on the driveway and threatened to stomp over a...delicate area...before smirking at his wide-eyed response and stuffing the bow in his mouth.
“Um, F/n…” You muttered, hoisting your prize up the porch steps, “don’t you think maybe you’re being too-”
“Don’t,” they warned, casting you a glare. “I’m not being too anything. These jerks deserve way worse.” They shifted Felix’s weight in order to allow you room to open the door. “Besides, it’s not like we’re gonna torture him or anything. Just ask a few questions.”
Felix gave a sigh of relief.
“...We can figure out what to do with him after that.”
...He took a sharp breath, beginning to sweat.
Inside the house the two of you tossed Felix onto the couch, running around the lower level to gather equipment before shifting him to a dining room chair. You were adjusting his bindings when the phone rang, F/n scampering off to answer it after sharing a look.
They smirked at the familiar caller I.D. “Y/n and F/n residence,” S/he answered in an overly-pleasant tone. “How may I help you?” Quickly they pulled the phone away, placing it down on speaker. The two of you, and Felix, glared at the voice coming out from the other side.
“We know you have him,” Han’s voice echoed throughout the living room. He sounded serious, demanding almost, sending a shiver down your spine. That was new. “What do you want?”
“Oh, what do we want?” F/n asked. They scoffed, peering out the blinds on the opposite side of the fireplace, just next to the kitchen. Directly at Han’s estate. “That’s something you don’t hear everyday.”
Han huffed, sounding disgusted. Suddenly, Felix erupted, spitting out the bow you’d forgotten to secure. “HAN! HAN I’M OKAY!!! BUT I LOST THE STUFF AT--”
Frantically you pounced, stuffing a fistful of Kleenex in his mouth. A chorus of anxious whispers filled the other line from Jisung and his goons, before Han silenced them and got back to business.
“Felix, if you can hear me, it’s okay. I need you to take one for the team right now until I come up with something.”
Ironically and unneeded, Felix nodded, as if Han could see him. You and F/n rolled your eyes. 
Suddenly, a loud splat! sent them squealing backwards. 
Your jaw dropped, watching rotten egg dribble and creep down your immaculately-just-cleaned window. Felix chuckled, falling on a sour note after you elbowed him. When two more assaults hit, you ducked for unnecessary cover behind Felix, F/n plastering themselves against the fireplace. 
“What do we do?!” you whispered, cringing every time an egg bomb made contact with the glass. What if by some crazy law of nature those things actually broke the window and leaked into the house?! It could take days to get the smell out. Heck, given that it was right next to the fireplace, and you had yet to test the installation of the seams...it’d likely start leaking into the house within the coming hours.
The pelts were slowly getting louder, rising in a horrifically drawn-out crescendo. “GIVE HIM BACK! GIVE HIM BACK!” you heard the goons chanting.
Were they on the roof?! You couldn’t bear this much longer. Your house was being eggified. Sullied. Disgraced. Finally cracking under the pressure, you flew some hand signals F/n’s direction that didn’t really mean anything and army-crawled to a yet-to-be-ambushed window, examining the battle situation outside before rolling back to your feet and sprinting for a backroom.
“Where are you going?!” F/n whispered harshly. S/he and Han bantered back and forth a bit, his demands of Felix’s release rattling the warfront before you returned with exactly what you’d been looking for: a megaphone. Ah, camp counselor days.
F/n saw what you were doing and instantly, wildly, vehemently shook their head no. But you were taking matters into your own hands now. 
“Han Jisung,” you stated, loudly enough so your voice could travel over the massive egg-pelting outside. “Hold your fire and I’ll bring Felix outside.”
You waited a few seconds, and the firing stopped. Han’s voice practically purred over the speaker. Very disgusting. “You’re starting to see things my way. That’s good.”
“Oh yes. I’m most certainly starting to see things your way.” The phone lifted between your fingers. “We’ll meet on the roofs in five minutes. If I hear or see one more egg on my property, the meeting is off.”
“......” There was an uncomfortable silence on the other line. 
You tilted your head. “Han Jisung? No deal?”
Felix whined a few feet behind you. Han sighed, clearly hearing it. “...Fine. We’ll meet you there.” Click.
You tossed the phone to F/n, who scarcely caught it, juggling it a few times on nervous butterfingers. “Alright, look,” s/he said, pacing across the room and slamming it down on the receiver. “I don’t know what kind of cockameme scheme you have planned, but…”
You smiled. “Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”
They sighed exasperatingly. “I’m sure you told yourself that when you let him into the house earlier, too.”
“......” You faltered, crossing your arms. “Touche. But this time, I really know what I’m doing.” With the utmost confidence and summoned strength you tilted Felix’s chair back, causing him to panic. “C’mon. Help me get this up through the attic.”
Glitter glue. Hair dye. A bucket.
Truth be told, you actually did manage to go back and secure Felix’s belongings. It was around some point during the creation of the gigantic net at Hobby Lobby: F/n had seen them while running around, snagged it, and stashed the goods in the car without telling you. 
Now, you were going to use them against the enemy. If only you knew what the wrench from Home Depot was for… “Okay, listen up,” you stated, standing proudly on your roof. F/n stood at your side, Felix in between you two, still strapped to the dining room chair. Though the Kleenex were now gone, his pie hole remained shut...with Puffs. Not the good brand, F/n had said. “We have your friend, and as you can clearly see, he’s fine. We haven’t done anything to him.”
“Yet,” Hyunjin sneered, standing atop Han’s roof. He crossed his arms at Han’s right, Fox-face (Jeongin) on the left. “I fail to see how tying him up and stuffing his mouth shut equates to not doing anything.”
“Hyunjin, enough big words,” Han moaned. “We get it, you’re good at Scrabble, and you should have won. Lay off already.”
Hyunjin growled, making a face. From the opposing roof, you lowered your mic, extending your hand left. F/n glanced sideways, placing the box of hair dye in your hand. The situation on the other side swiftly grew stiff, everyone’s eyes watching you expectantly.
“Y-Y/n...what are you doing?”
It came out as more of a statement than a question. A fretful smirk played on the corner of your lips. “Oh my, what am I doing? …”
Yours fingers got right to work tearing open the packaging. Felix turned his head as far as his binding would let him, his eyes widening and brows sinking beneath his coral-colored bangs the moment he recognized the object...and the word permanent etched within a warning sign. “Mmm! Mm-mm mmm! MMM!”
“Wait, Y/n,” F/n said, reaching out. They suddenly looked hesitant, unsure. “We never questioned him first. Shouldn’t we…”
You paused, tossing the box and plastic wrap over your shoulder. With any luck, it’d blow into Han Jisung’s yard; if not, you could just pick it up later. “What, now you’re getting cold feet?” You huffed. “You’re the one that was getting carried away before. I thought you were sick of all this crap.”
“I am...I am. I’m just saying, maybe we should have pressed him for answers before running up here.”
“After they started egging our house?! What, was I supposed to wait for toilet paper to fly through the trees and spray paint to stain our front door?!”
“No, I’m just saying—”
“I’m done talking!” Your eyes narrowed, focusing on Han’s. He was staring right back at you, an intense look residing. “I want revenge. I want action. This ends today.”
You popped the cap off the bottle of murky green liquid, Hyunjin and Jeongin both seeming to lose their posture as the cap flipped through the air, bouncing to the ground below. They started to squirm, much to your delight; though perhaps a little overdramatic; but it was about time the other side felt the same pain and turmoil you had. It’d been far too long an unjust imbalance.
But Han held his hands at peace, calming his soldiers and taking a step forward; sending the imbalance back where it was, in his favor. He cupped his hands around that loud mouth of his. “Y/n!!! Listen to me, you don’t wanna do this! ...I-I don’t think, anyway!”
He seemed nervous. Flustered. You actually had Han Jisung, Hellion of 117 Maple Street, in a nervous fluster. 
The moment was sweet, rich, decadent and savory. In the air, a cool breeze blew by. 
“I’m sorry? What was that?” You lifted the bottle over Felix’s head. His whole body tensed, slightly leaning away like a magnet that didn’t attract. 
Han bit his lip, gaze flitting between your hand and the boy below. Behind him, Hyunjin and Jeongin watched with battered breath, biting their nails and covering the lower half of their faces. Han sighed, suddenly waving his hand behind him. “Jeongin, you shouldn’t see this. Cover your eyes. I don’t know if I can stop her.”
The boy frowned, shakily turning from Han’s voice back to you. “I-I can’t, Han...it’s too horrible, but I can’t look away.”
“Then get back inside. I’m sure Y/n will at least allow that much.”
Raising his brow at you in question, you carefully gave a single nod, watching the young fox-face go. Jeongin had never done anything to you, except for maybe participate in the egg-throwing debacle eight minutes ago. Otherwise, as far as you could tell, he was clean, just a bystander in Han’s antics.
As the roof door shut above Jeongin’s head, F/n gave you a worried look. “Y/n…” s/he said, turning to you sideways. “...Something’s not—”
“Shhh!” You spat. Your hand holding the bottle teetered towards a horizontal slant. “Not now. This makes things easier. One less groupie to worry about.”
“But Y/n—”
Felix could practically sense your movements, starting to squeal. “HAN! Please! I have an interview tomorrow and I don’t think they allow unnatural hair!!!”
F/n grunted, crossing their arms at being ignored. You listed your head to match the angle of the bottle. Revenge was so sweet. “Well, Han?”
It felt like an eternity went by. Everything was still, calm, the only noise to be heard the rustling of the trees. A distant clicking that was probably just the other neighbor’s cat. You felt like you were in a Shonen anime, where the characters face off for episodes at a time with nothing but empty heated stares and uselessly repeated banter (usually flashbacks).
“......” Han Jisung swallowed. “Okay, Y/n, stop.” He sighed. “...You win.”
A heaviness released from your chest. You...won? That was it? Was he really just surrendering right now? No surprise counterattack? No negotiations?
Instead, Han Jisung and his last remaining sidekick glared pitifully in your direction, like all hope had fleeted from their grasp. Meaning… 
You won. You actually won... 
The biggest smile took over the lower half of your face, so happy you could have cheered, overjoyedly so, kissing your friend’s cheek. You squealed in delight, tossing the bottle in the air and not really caring where it landed, so excited, so stoked, so—
“Ow!” a young man’s voice said.
Gasp. What was that?! That didn’t sound like Felix or...your friend...that was...wasn’t...
You whirled around, just in time to see Jeongin standing at the height of your roof, stuffing your friend down the ladder. He paused, similar to how Felix had in Hobby Lobby; that deer in the headlights look; and with terrified effort kicked F/n down the attic, hopping in and letting the door drop after him. 
Laughter could be heard bellowing along the wind, a hurricane billowing your direction. You whirled around, flabbergasted, horrified to see Han Jisung with that coy smirk on his face, that evil glint in his eye, the long-legged Hyunjin doing a memey sort of dance, as the two of them laughing it up at your expense. Even Felix, still bound to the chair, was…
...Well, actually, he looked rather annoyed and a little pissed. “HEY!” he griped, stamping his feet. “What happened to releasing me first?! I thought that was part of the plan!”
Plan…? …… 
“You mean…” You glared expressionless. “This was all setup...from the beginning? Even Hobby Lobby?”
“Duh,” Hyunjin piped, giving you an incredulous look. “We saw you and F/n heading that way, so I called Felix while Han coached Jeongin on the art of...sneaking onto other's property. We knew the two of you were probably at your breaking point, given how you were screaming all the way down the street…” He shrugged. “We figured you’d try to retaliate. It was too good to pass up.”
Anger wasn’t enough anymore. You were downright enraged, seething...and also, a bit heartbroken. A lot heartbroken. It was all planned. Your revenge was just another part of their game. They anticipated it, adjusted to it, even arranged it. It was all for not...and, what’s more…
Now they had F/n. The Fox-faced demon would be scampering out of your house and into the devil’s layer at any minute.
But he’d made a fatal mistake. You still had one of their own in your grasp.
With the utmost vexation and irritability you screamed, grabbing the bottle of hair dye from where it got caught between two shilling panels and tore the whole lid off, dumping the entire bottle into Felix’s hair. Han and Hyunjin froze in the middle of their victorious dance ritual to watch in horror as Felix screeched, trying to shake the substance out and make any feeble attempt he could to get away. You ripped open the glitter glue next, aiming it right at his scalp.
“Give F/n back right now or I’m adding glitter. Lots of it.”
Han Jisung and Hwang Hyunjin just continued to stare at you dumbfounded. Because they didn’t respond, you emptied the entire container, not caring if it seeped into the boy’s eyes as you dropped everything else for the attic door. 
The roof latch clicked behind you.
Flying down the ladder and around the hall you ran with all your might for the front door. Surprisingly enough, however, Jeongin was having a tough time getting there himself, wrestling with F/n for a position that allowed him to keep them quiet while having the freedom to move quickly. Unfortunately for him, F/n wasn’t going down without a fight.
“Let...go…! Get…off…...ahh! Y/n!!!”
They were wrestling at the end of the hall, just above the stairs. You pushed yourself harder, faster, ready to pulverize this kid you once found cute and adorable.
Something was off, though. You noticed as you got closer. The way they fought— it was almost too carefully, like they were trying to avoid hitting something.
You found out too little too late. F/n’s eyes widened. 
“Y/n, no, look out—!”
Your foot tripped over a wire, and the three of you went tumbling upwards.
You couldn’t believe you fell for the same trick twice.
“Hold still,” Hyunjin groaned, clawing at Felix’s bindings. The boy practically refused, squirming with all his might.
“I’m holding still! I can’t see!”
“What does that have to do with being still?!”
Felix fumed.
Han Jisung made his way to the top of the ladder, rolling onto his back to catch his breath. It wasn’t like he wanted to drive Y/n to do this. Rather, he was just having a little fun, passing time, and essentially, getting to know her. 
She was the girl he thought about spending quite a bit of his life with, after all.
He turned his head sideways, taking in the view of the mountains, the small forestry area, the big city on the other side. Dang it, he knew Y/n’s roof had a better view of the area. “Both of you...quit whining...for a sec…”
He fought to catch his breath. Normally he thought himself to be in pretty good shape, but maybe eating a whole cheesecake and slacking off last week for that Netflix marathon put him back a few steps. Diagonally above him, Hyunjin sighed, removing the last of Felix’s restraints. “Okay, there. You’re free now.”
Felix stood, immediately rubbing his shirt over his face and stretching his arms out wide, then his legs. He looked around. 
“Something wrong?” Hyun asked. Felix began to sweat, visible from a mile away.
“Oh, gosh, you guys. I still can’t see. I think I’m legally blonde.”
“......” Hyunjin blinked. “You mean legally blind? Legally Blonde is a movie.” He glanced up at his sparkling dishwater-green hair. “Also, your hair’s green now. An ugly green. And shiny. Too shiny—”
“Both of you shhh,” Han griped, sitting up sideways. He pushed himself up all the way, stumbling diagonally as he hiked up toward the other side of the roof. “Has Jeongin come out yet? Where’s Y/n?”
“I don’t know,” Felix spoke, swatting at his surroundings. “I can’t see anything.”
“He obviously wasn’t talking to you,” Hyunjin piped. He leaned over the edge, examining the front porch, then the lawn. “...I don’t know either. I didn’t hear the front door but, then again, I couldn’t hear anything with Whines-A-Lot back here blubbering so loud.”
“Why are you in such a bad mood today? Normally you’re really sweet and chill. And why is everyone attacking me all of a sudden?! I’m the one that agreed to be the bait of this operation! Me!”
“Okay, okay,” Han waved his hands. He really hated being the responsible one, but with these two at each other's throats and Jeongin nowhere to be found, he really had no other choice. “Felix, go inside and see if you can find Jeongin. Or Y/n. Anyone.”
Felix scoffed, throwing his hands in the air like a tossed salad. “Oh, yeah. Send the blind guy in. That plan always works. Makes total sense!”
“Oh, right...uhh, Hyunjin?”
Hyunjin scrunched up his face. “No way. I’m not going in there. Breaking and entering is not going on my personal record. Pranks are fine, but I’m not violating the law. That’s your department, Mr. Fifteen-Unpaid-Speeding-Tickets.”
“......” Groaning, Han made his way to the top of the roof, kneeling just short of the peak to pull the lever. However, the door wouldn’t budge. “...It’s locked.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Locked.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Shoot, why would she stop to lock the door? Now wh—”
All three college boys froze. Crouching, they whipped their heads around wildly. Even Felix. “What was that?!” He asked. “Was that Y/n?!”
“HAN!!!” Another called. Smaller, lighter, yet contradictingly more masculine. Hyunjin gasped. 
“That sounded like Jeongin!”
Then, suddenly, all three missing voices meshed together, the chorus dark and booming: “LET US OUT! LET US OUT LET US OUT LET US OUT!!!”
Hyunjin jumped to his feet, kicking and pounding at the door. “Quick, open the door! We have to rescue Jeongin!”
Han’s jaw fell a little. “What about Y/n?”
“What about her?!” He grunted, hitting the door harder. “Jeongin is our first priority!”
“I thought you didn’t like breaking and entering,” Felix sneered from the back, still waving at the air like a recently-blind person would. His elder tsked, scowling.
“It’s not breaking and entering if someone’s life is in danger! Han, what the hell kind of trap did you put in there?!”
Han blinked, trying to process. Everything had gone South so quickly, curved in a direction he wasn’t expecting— he couldn’t think. His mind drew up blanks. Never in his thirteen years of pranking history had he ever not been in control of his own crafty work. 
Now his work was playing a joke on him. “Han! Hello?! Earth to Jisung?”
“What did you do in there?!”
“......” He swallowed, barely regaining his composure. “I set up another net. Just a quick one, like the one from earlier today.”
“What?!” Hyunjin roared. “But that took me all morning! How did you do it in five minutes?!”
“I didn’t,” he replied. “I did it in four.”
Hyunjin deadpanned, smacking a hand over his face. “‘Kay…how did you manage to pull that off?”
His superior in the art of mischief fell back on his behind, staring out seamlessly at nothing in particular. Obnoxiously calm for the circumstances. “I’ve been sneaking into her house every now and then when she left the back door open. I’d set up a small part here, or a spring wire there, just small stuff out of the way that no one’d notice. They’ve hardly been home with midterms going around.”
“......” Hyunjin shook his head in disbelief. “Han, there’s no way they wouldn’t notice or not accidentally set something like that off until now.”
Han turned back to him in earnest. “I just set the final wire down this afternoon. The activation one. One of them— probably Y/n— tripped over it.”
“...If that’s true, then…”
Another sonorous from down below reached the canopies above: “LET US OUT!!!”
Hyunjin dropped back on all fours. “LET US IN!!!” he cried, pounding on the hardwood door. “Jeongin, buddy, it’s going to be oka—”
“Come on!” Han said, leaping to his feet. He grabbed Felix by the wrist, tugging the two along behind him before making a crash landing for the bushes. No time to waste now. He needed to get his act together, take a leap of faith that, maybe, if he played his cards right, Y/n could see him in a whole new light.
It would be a long shot. If he remembered to jump from the right spot, anyway. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Both boys screamed, clinging to each other’s sides. They hit the shrubs, bouncing forward and rolling into Y/n’s front yard.
“...Was that a trampoline???” Felix asked. Han scoffed, shoving the two off of him.
“I planted an emergency escape device in her bushes last week, just in case.” He dusted himself off, screwing his head on straight while jogging to the front porch. “What do I look like, stupid or something?” 
“......” Hyunjin watched him cross to the front door, lying upside down. “Do you want us to answer that?”
Han rang the doorbell. Stamped his foot. Remembered all house guests and tenants were currently tied up at the moment, slapped himself, panicked. He banged his fist against the door. 
“Y/n?! It’s okay! Daddy’s going to fix this!”
Hyunjin made a noise (he was full of noises), tromping up the steps while Felix rolled himself around in the yard, trying to figure out which way was up and what he should do with himself. “Did you just call yourself—”
“Yes, now shut up.” Han dug around in his pocket, pulling out a key. “Heh heh heh…” 
He jimmied the lock, twisting and turning the key this way and that. But the door wouldn’t budge, not even an inch.
“Sh*t!” He grabbed his hair. “Why isn’t this working?! I made copies of her keys three weeks ago!”
Hyunjin glared sideways. “You changed out her locks two weeks ago.” 
Shoot, that was right. Han kicked the door, fuming. “Dang it! ...Ow!” 
He was spent. Gone. Energy depleting. And now, his foot hurt. Spinning around he banged his head against the door, sliding down to sulk on his backside. 
He hadn’t meant for things to go awry. He’d just wanted to mess with Y/n, see what made her tick, have some fun. Find out what she liked, what she didn’t like, maybe get up the nerve to ask her what she was doing for dinner next Saturday so he could mess with the food at her favorite restaurant and force her to come to a candle-lit dinner in his backyard instead, where he’d have her second-favorite takeout waiting on plates of gold he’d “borrowed” from Hyunjin’s aunt.
If only things would have worked out that way. “LET US OUT LET US OUT LET US OUT!!!” the house called.
Hyun and Han shared a pitiful look, plastering themselves to the walls and door. They had no choice. There was nothing left. “LET US IN LET US IN LET US IN!!!”
“HAN JISU— …” 
Quiet. That was strange. What was it quiet?! What happened?! What could have—
...Oh no. What if…!
“DON’T HURT JEONGIN!” Han screamed, pressing his nose to the glass. “PLEASE! Y/N F/N PLEASE HYUNJIN WILL KILL ME IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO HIM!!!”
“WHAT?!” Hyunjin yelled, pressing against the glass as well. “Move over, I can’t see! WHAT ARE YOU FIENDISH PEOPLE DOING TO HIM?!”
There was no response. Han began sweating profusely, feeling his heart ready to burst in a bad way. This was it. It was over. He’d have to call the cops to have them released, and then Han would probably go to jail for twenty-seven misdemeanors and a couple felony charges. Not to mention those unpaid speeding tickets.
Chink. Clunk. Creek.
A force against him gave way, the front door magically opening. As Han and Hyunjin fell forward, a blind, sparkling, green-haired man smiled down at them, standing at the other side.
The clamouring coming from your front door set you on edge, wiggling and slashing at the ties that bound you. And F/n. And Jeongin.
The three of you piled on top of each other in an awkward heap, you being fortunate enough to have flipped on top. “Ow! Y/n, get your foot out of my eye!” F/n cried.
Apologetically, you shifted your weight, trying to give them room in the small net. Jeongin huffed as you did, making the most cumberous and uncomfortable face as you shifted your bottom over his backside, close to his head. “This is your fault for sneaking in here and trying to kidnap F/n,” you scolded, only feeling a little sorry given the circumstances.
He blushed, perplexingly so, carefully trying to claw his way to a corner that didn’t exist. “I, um...I’m sorry…”
Like that was enough to get the three of you out of this arrangement. Rolling your eyes, you focused your attention on the front door you could just barely see, tuning your ears to adjust and pick up on anything.
“What are they saying?” F/n asked. You shrugged, huffing and puffing disorderly.
“I don’t know. I can barely hear anything. They’re whispering. They keep looking over here, though.”
“Who opened the door?! How did they get in here???”
F/n was currently squished with their head facing the opposite direction, explaining their heighted insecurity and naggingness. You sighed, squinting and rocking your weight in order to make the small flexible cage sway to better see around the corner. “I think...Felix let them in. He must have used the back door or something.”
“Son of a b*tch, Y/n!!!” F/n quietly fumed. “This is why I always tell you to make sure both doors are locked! You never think to check the back door and it drives me crazy!!!”
“I know, I know okay?! Calm down! You’re gonna draw attention!”
“HAN!!!” Jeongin suddenly screamed. “FELIX! GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!!!”
Both you and F/n panicked. “SHHHHHHHH!!!”
He regarded the two of you like you were crazy. “Just five minutes ago you were screaming too!”
F/n hissed. “Yeah, well that was five minutes ago, and this is now!”
Jeongin sighed. “Listen, this is really uncomfortable for me, especially because you’re sitting...entirely too close to me,” he spoke, “so how about I make a deal with you two?”
“No way. I don’t make deals with demons. Or vipers, or monsters, or Fox-faced devils that sneak into our house and try to kidnap me!!!”
Jeongin sighed again, letting out a slight hiss of annoyance at the end. At the base of the stairs, Han and Hyunjin started making their ascent, Felix stumbling around a bit with a bandana now over his eyes before following after them.
“Oh shoot,” you whispered. “Here they come.”
Making his way around the net once, Han paused right square before you; and there it was, that evil flirtatious wink, tongue sweeping over his lips scarcely so. “S’up, gorgeous?”
Shoot me. I want to die.
Han poked your nose, making a little annoying sound effect and laughing when you teetered backwards, swatting away at the germs he left on your face. “Aww, I think someone doesn’t like their situation very much.”
“Lay off. Get us out of this stupid thing and then get the hell out. If you don’t, I’m calling the cops.”
Han chuckled and slapped his leg like you were just the cutest little thing to him. “Oh, alright, calm down princess. You’re just sour over falling for the same trick twice.”
It burned you how much truth there was to those words. You would have spit at him if F/n wasn’t at risk of being in the line of fire. “Just shut up and get us out of here. Take your friend with you.”
Tangled up behind you, Jeongin sputtered; you could feel him roll his eyes. “Gladly,” he muttered.
After admiring your pissed-off look for a few seconds, and Han taking a few selfies for his own selfish gain, Han and Hyunjin got right to work, snipping wires here, tugging at rope there. Eventually, after a few moments of unblissful trepidation and embarrassment, the net lowered gently, falling lifelessly about a foot above ground. 
The three of you groaned, F/n having the wind knocked out of them for a second. Scampering and shoving off of each other, you turned away the moment you found your legs, brushing yourself off and walking down the hall a few paces. Your feet prickled with numbness, then faded and blood rushed through. 
When you turned around to check on F/n and kick everyone else out, Han Jisung had already found his way to your face. “Hey there, gorgeous. All better?”
You scowled most irately, placing your hands on his chest to push him off and startling yourself when he wouldn’t budge, and your hands just...stayed there. “Get out of here. You got us out, now you’re no longer welcome.”
“Oh, was that all you needed from me?” He smiled. Almost tenderly. Or maybe it was, you didn’t know. “I’m hurt, Y/n. I thought maybe we could...talk more. Get to know one another.”
“What?!” You tried to see around him, but he mirrored your every step and movement. When you pulled your hands away, he latched onto your wrists, placing them back. His fingers smoothed over the backs of your hands, intertwining with yours. You gulped, a feeling in your gut exploding.
“This is nice,” he said softly, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. “Isn’t it?”
It most certainly was not nice. Not nice at all! ...Yet, you were having quite a bit of trouble telling him that. His hands were so soft and...rigid...even the small calluses that sprouted along his palms and outline were somehow oddly alluring, inviting you to stay. 
You shivered, bristling all over. No, no. Get ahold of yourself Y/n. This can’t happen. I can’t go down like this. 
Shaking your head you shoved yourself back instead, running two steps to the right...and slamming gently into the adjacent wall. Gently. Softly. Softly slamming.
What the hell, why was everything with Han Jisung so soft all of a sudden?! You bore your eyes up at him, seeing as he was now just...inches away from you...again...g-getting closer…
His nose brushed right up against yours. A breath caught in your throat, begging to scream. Everything else in your body was. He had slithered himself to press up against you.
You’re pretty sure, even if you couldn’t feel it, your face was the darkest shade of red right now. Han undoubtedly noticed too, simpering just a fraction from your lips. “What should we do now, princess? Should we…” He inched your waist forward. “...go next door?”
Next door. Next door, where the hellhole of disasters had started. 
...Something about that line just didn’t sit right with you. Feeling as if the whole moment had been ruined (and good gravy you had to get out of this), you shimmied yourself a bit of wiggle room and shot your knee skyward, wincing as a howl of pain rang out in your ear. You kicked Han back, making a run for F/n…
...Who was again, gone. Everyone was gone.
Turning around, Han gave you a childish salute, that flirtatious wink following him all the way out the front door. You couldn’t do anything. Just observe him leave in shock.
Until you heard a thump from downstairs, and raced to find Felix feeling his way around the kitchen. 
“Now, I know there’s a backdoor somewhere...it was in here when I came in…”
You bore your eyes into him. Smirked.
Five minutes later, his whines echoed all through the house and down the porch steps.
It may not have been high noon, but that didn’t stop Hyunjin and Fox-face Jeongin from turning on an old western showdown score. 
You stood on your side of the property line, Felix rebound though now standing at your side. If he was miffed about his hair and the overzealous glitter drawing attention to it, he didn’t say anything. Possibly because being temporarily blind was pulling all his attention away.
On the other side, about ten or twelve meters from the line, stood Han Jisung, in all his hellion, dark-profiled glory. F/n was bound and gagged beside him, looking like a tick about to pop. You’d never seen that vein before, throbbing above their forehead. Hyunjin and Jeongin observed from afar, amongst the safety of shade and porch railing.
You lifted the megaphone you’d brought back with you from the roof. “On the count of three,” you instructed, gripping Felix’s sleeve tight. 
Han Jisung cackled, or his eyes did anyway, a sparkle of humor at play. “Alright. Hostage exchange on three.”
You both paced exactly twenty-something steps until you were only two feet from the line.
Your mind did a little flip, attention spiraling upward. “What?”
The hellion next door smirked. “I have one condition.”
“Oh?” You sputtered. “So do I.”
“Ladies first.”
You deadpanned. “Stop intervening and disturbing my life and F/n’s sanity and I won’t call the cops.”
He laughed, a very hearty, joyful sound. It sort of...made your heart spin. “That’s fair. I can agree to those terms...if you agree to mine.” You scoffed.
“And what would that be?”
Han Jisung smiled. Brighter than the sun. For once, it was almost as if he was revealing a side of his persona to you he’d kept locked away all this time; he suddenly appeared to be genuine, sincere, and oh-so benevolent. Not to mention handsome. “Go on a date with me. Saturday, at five.”
The world came to a crash. Everything just seemed to stop, the birds even dropping like flies to gawk at the enigma that was Han Jisung. Behind him and to the left, Jeongin and Hyunjin stared at each other in bewilderment. Felix muttered some kind of disbelief beneath his breath. F/n looked like s/he really would pop.
“Mmm?!” They shrieked. Han chuckled, ruffling his hair away from his face and casting squinted eyes out over the neighborhood. 
“Yeah, uh...I’ll pick you up at five, if you like. I mean, you have to, because this is a condition. My deal. Where we’re going is a surprise, but I can give you a hint.” He leaned forward, twitching his nose a bit. “There’s a lot of action going on in the color department, and it usually gives me an allergy attack. But, I figured you may enjoy watching my face fall apart.”
Slowly, you adjusted your gaze over to F/n. They were shaking their head wildly, though limitedly, so as not to tip off anyone. 
“.........” You turned your face back to Han Jisung. “...Make it five-thirty. I have an errand to run that day.”
He bit his lower lip to keep from smiling too much. “Deal. Okay, on three. One…”
You each pushed your captives over at the same time, Felix and F/n stumbling forward over the property line. Hyunjin and Jeongin raced down into the lawn while you quickly got to work untying and freeing your housemate. 
S/he turned and looked to you with the utmost confusion and disappointment in their eyes. You smiled, sadly, and turning away watched as three of the four boys embraced and spat at each other, Hyunjin and Jeongin poking and teasing Felix about his hair, and Han Jisung watching you back with stars in his eyes. Once a hellion, it was as if a great fog had lifted over the valley, and now you could see he was both day and night. A myriad of sunlight, and a mischievous moon.
“You’re not really going on a date with him,” F/n scolded, walking in sync with you up the porch steps and in through the front door. You waited until they were safely inside and halfway to the kitchen for another drink, waving and even winking in Han Jisung’s direction. It caught him off guard, and you snickered at his confused stare. 
“We’ll see,” is all you said, shutting the door behind you.
Saturday, 5:25 p.m.
Your house mysteriously felt like the Island of the Lost.
“F/n! Have you seen my hairbrush?!”
Running back and forth in front of the TV, up and down the stairs, rummaging through both bathrooms, F/n sighed, annoyed at having their early-evening talk show interrupted. They set the TV on mute. “What are you looking for? Your hairbrush?”
You nodded, heading back towards the upstairs bath. F/n jumped up from a commercial break, following you.
“How did you manage to lose your hairbrush? Sheesh, Y/n, you’ve been forgetful all day.”
You turned toward the mirror, staring worrisome eyes at the curlers in your hair, the sloppily-applied two minute makeup job on your face. F/n noticed as well, giving a small pout as s/he crossed their arms, leaning against the doorframe. “Where are you going, anyway?”
Uh-oh. “Hmm...?”
You pretended not to hear that. F/n blinked, their face falling to an unimpressed state. “I asked, where are you going?”
Downstairs, the doorbell rang. Crap. It wasn’t five-thirty yet!
F/n turned toward the sound, their brows lifting in minor surprise. “Who could that be? Are you expecting a package or anything?”
They began wandering in the direction of the staircase, but you cringed, throwing yourself as a blockade. “Ahahahahahahaha! …” Sweat. “...I-I’ll get it. You should get back to your show!”
F/n gasped, pushing past you and gracefully making a sharp left just a few feet from the door. Phew. 
You peered around the corner, trying to make out the silhouette through the foggy glass. 
Tall-ish. A bit on the short side. Skinny? Seemingly masculine.
It had to be him. Panic struck you like a bat out of hell, scrambling to the bathroom and ripping the curlers out of your hair. You fought through three bottles of creams and mascara while juggling your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, rinsing, spitting, and finally flipping your hair down, shaking it loose and flipping back over.
Oh yeah. Messy-chic look. Perfect. With a touch of gloss (or lipstick) you smoothed out your casual-dressy outfit before skipping downstairs and slipping on your favorite dress shoes at the door, purse slung over your bodice.
This was it. You discreetly shifted your eyes to the left. F/n was still inthralld in their talk show. Now was your chance for a clean getaway without any awkward accusations or encounters.
Taking a deep, measured breath, you gingerly opened the door, blowing it out on the exhale. Han Jisung stood in all his new-lighted glory, his back turned to you as he examined the neighborhood, waiting.
You gave a small cough, stepping out and locking up behind you. Han turned around, his eyes widening when he saw you. “Whoa...uh…”
“Yes?” Your gaze traveled down to the flowers in his hand. “Are those for me, or an apology to F/n?”
You both laughed, Han thrusting them forward a bit forcefully. An awkward color painted a ring around his face, across his ears and along the curves of his cheeks. “Uh, b-both, I guess. ...But, mainly for you.”
He was nervous. For real this time. You smiled, taking the small bouquet and burying your face into the petals. You inhaled deeply. “...Mmm...they smell really nice!”
You beamed. For maybe five seconds. After that, a spout of water soaked your forehead.
Han Jisung pressed his lips together, trying his darndest not to laugh. His eyes avoided you entirely, observing everything but your face. A moment later, he bolted, signalling for his groupies to turn on the sprinklers. Coffee rained down on both of your lawns, dyeing both sides murky Vanilla Latte.
You chased him down the porch steps, through the caffeinated shower, laughing.
“...And that about wraps up our show for today!”
F/n flipped the TV off, turning their gaze to the window. Is it raining already?
As they approached the window, their jaw fell. They opened the window. “Y/N!!! HAN JISUNG!!!”
...It was no use.
Pulling up a chair, they fell to their knees, observing the bizarre weather in a moment of acceptance. They extended their mug over the windowsill, sighing as the caffeinated shower refilled their morning latte.
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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You accidentally total your Dad’s precious car, but that’s not what he’s worried about.
           “Be careful,” your dad told you as he handed you the keys to his precious black Audi. It wasn’t the first time he was letting you drive it, but it was the first time he was letting you drive it alone. You’d had your license for over a year and he still barely even let you get something from the inside if you left it. But you’d literally begged him, just this once, to drive it to the movies. And he’d finally agreed.
           “Thank you!” You said, throwing your arms around his waist. He chuckled.
           “If you crash this car, you will literally never see another set of keys as long as I’m alive.” You nodded.
           “I’m not a bad driver.”
           “I know you’re not, ‘cause I taught you how. I’m just messing with you, alright?” You let go of him and took the keys from his hand. “Really, though. Drive safe, sweetie. I’ll see you tomorrow if I’m not up when you get back.”
           “Okay. Good night.” He watched you as you went to the couch and grabbed your favorite fuzzy blanket, your wallet, and your phone. And then he watched you get into the car, set your phone up with Bluetooth, and drive off. He turned toward the dog on the couch, sat down with him, and turned on the TV.
           He wasn’t lying, and you weren’t either. You were a good driver. He’d trained you well before letting you get your license – one of the first times you drove he had forced you to go up Mulholland. That had terrified you, but you were prepared for anything after that. So he didn’t feel bad about letting you have the car for the night. Besides, your own was there if he needed to go anywhere. It was just the fact that you were seventeen – it was less scary than sixteen, but not quite old enough yet to be on your own. And it was also the fact that you were going to the movies, at night, with a friend, on back roads that were hard to navigate in the dark. But you could handle it, he kept telling himself. He had to let go every once in awhile. This was one of those times.
           You made it to your friend’s house, pulling into her driveway and getting out. You did a mini-photoshoot with it, just to send to your dad to make him laugh, and it got a few chuckles out of him. And then you were on your way to the movies.
           “Dude, it’s fuckin’ creepy out here,” your friend said as you drove through the state park. You were going to the nicer theater a town over, and you were actually a little surprised your dad was okay with it. But your friend was right. It was creepy. The road was unfolding in front of you in a set of headlights, foggy as hell, and there were the occasional times your headlights would catch the bright red eyes of a deer. But you had it under control.
           “Yeah, I know,” you said, adjusting your leg and bringing it up to rest in the seat. “Maybe next time we shouldn’t try to make a 10 PM showing.”
           “It’s more fun, though.”
           “Oh, definitely.” You made it through the park and to the theater. Nothing bad happened there – you grabbed popcorn, chose your seats, took pictures of your tickets, and watched the movie. It was good, but there were a few things you wanted to remember to tell your dad later.
           Movie is over! You texted him. Heading home!
           See you soon!
           You walked out of the theater and threw away the last remaining bits of popcorn and soda, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. And then you started the way home. The town was smaller than the one you lived in, but you knew it pretty well, and you took the back way out of the theater so there was less traffic. You were determined to make it through the night without crashing your dad’s precious car.
           “Here we are again,” you said as you entered the park. This time it was darker and even foggier, but there were no jumping deer or drunk drivers. Everything was fine. You and your friend talked and laughed about the movie, turned your music down so that you could focus better, and just enjoyed being with each other. You didn’t get to see her much in the summer because your dad usually dragged you out to California, but the past few weeks you’d been back in Boston and trying to spend every minute with your friends.
           You dropped your friend off at her house, still reeling from how tense you’d been driving through the park. You checked your phone – your dad hadn’t sent you anything to indicate that he was going to bed, so you assumed he would still be awake to talk a little bit about the movie. Your house was only ten minutes away, but you know what they say – most accidents happen when someone is ten minutes away from home. You took the neighborhood streets, the same streets you’d grown up on. You would know them with your eyes closed in a thunderstorm. And you knew that the entrance to your neighborhood required a U-turn. You slowed down and got in the correct lane, putting your signal on, and waited for a few cars to pass. There was a Camaro, one that was loud as hell, coming toward you, so you waited. But the car started veering away from their lane and into yours, and, oh, shit. You looked in your blind spot and tried to move, but the Camaro made it to you before you could.
           You didn’t quite know what happened at first. Where the other car hit you. Later on you’d find out it hit the front of the car and they were drunk as well as going 70 in a 35. You could feel pain in your leg first, and then you felt the wheel hit your chest. Your head crashed into the airbag, but it wasn’t working right, it couldn’t have been, because the last thing you felt was a crack before your head hit the back of the seat. You tried to breathe, but in those few seconds all you wanted was your dad.
           Your dad was still up, waiting for you, honestly. He wanted to see what you thought about the movie, but he also wanted to say goodnight. You always waited up for him, so he tried to do the same for you. He looked at the clock, and then back down at your text. You should have been home for about ten or fifteen minutes, and he knew you weren’t going to go anywhere that you weren’t supposed to go because he trusted you. He opened the tracking app and checked your phone, seeing that you were sitting at the neighborhood entrance. You probably just got caught in traffic, he thought.
           Ten minutes later and you hadn’t moved. You were still not home. Something was wrong, your dad could feel it, and he decided to just call you. Usually he didn’t call you if you were driving, but he wanted to know where you were. His call went unanswered and he stood up, grabbing the keys to your car to go out and find you because maybe the transmission had shot again and your phone died or something, but before he could, he got a call.
           “Hello?” He asked, looking out at the driveway to see if you would pull in while he was on the phone.
           “Hi, are you the owner of a black Audi with the plates AZL-X32?” Chris hadn’t exactly memorized his plate numbers, but he was definitely the owner of a black Audi.
           “Yeah, but my daughter should be driving it. Is everything okay?” He was sure you’d just gotten pulled over or something. Like he did, you sped just a little bit, but cops tended to go harder on kids than they did with adults.
           “Unfortunately I’m at the scene of an accident involving the vehicle.” Chris’s heart dropped. “Another car hit hers head on while they were speeding.”
           “Is she alright? Is she okay?” He asked. He started walking out of the house, locking the door, and climbed into your car.
           “She was unresponsive when they pulled her out, but they’re speaking with her now. They’re taking her to Boston Memorial, is that alright?”
           “Yeah, of course. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
           “Can we get her name and date of birth? And is she allergic to any medications or have any conditions?”
           “Yeah, her birthday’s March 13th, 2003. She’s not allergic to anything that we know of besides peanuts. Her name is Y/n.”
           “Thank you. I’ll be there at the hospital to get some more information from you.” Chris started driving toward the hospital, tears in his eyes, freaking out.
           You were freaking out, too, only a different kind. Your entire body was bloody when you looked down. Your head was swimming and the only thing you could do was throw up when you realized where you were. You could see your cracked phone in the cup holder and wanted to reach for it, but your arm was in so much pain. You were in so much pain. Your head was hurting, your leg was hurting, and you could feel liquid dripping down. You knew it was bad. But suddenly a rush of air came toward you and someone was lifting you up.
           “Dad?” You asked, wishing it was him. Your eyes were glazed over, unable to focus on anything. You saw the night sky.
           “What’s your name, sweetie?” A voice asked. It was a woman’s voice.
           “Y/n,” you said. “I want my dad, where’s my dad?”
           “We’ll call him, honey, don’t worry. I’m gonna give you a mask and check over you, alright? Don’t fight me, I know you’re scared.” You were. You were terrified. You didn’t even really know what happened. But you could smell burning rubber and oil and blood. It only took you a second to come to the conclusion that you’d totaled your dad’s car because someone else had veered into your lane. You tried to say that, out loud, but the woman put a mask over your face. You felt the soft bed of a stretcher and then a clanging noise. You were in the back of an ambulance. The lights were what made you finally pass out. They were just too bright.
           “I’m looking for my daughter, Y/n Evans, she was in a car crash, she would’ve been brought in half an hour ago,” Chris said hurriedly as he walked up to the front desk, nearly slamming your car keys down.
           “She’s being looked at right now. If you could fill out some papers and consent forms, that would be the most helpful thing right now.”
           “Of course.” Just as long as you were alive, he thought. But they wouldn’t be talking like that if you weren’t okay. So he sat down, filled out a shit ton of papers, and gave them back to the nurse. He called the neighbor, asking if they could lock the house up and make sure Dodger had some water because he was sure you’d be there all night and there was no way he was leaving you.
           They finally let him in to see you half an hour later, when they’d moved you over to the pediatrics wing. He had to walk the entire length of the hospital, but at least they were letting him see you. He strode over to the front desk, asking for you, and they told you that you were the first door on the right and they’d send a nurse in to talk with him. He was quiet as he walked in, trying not to spook you, and sighed when he saw you. He couldn’t help but almost start crying; there were scratches on your face, a huge bruise on your neck, your leg was wrapped up but your wrist already had a cast on it, and most of all, he could see dried tears in your eyes. There was an IV giving you blood and that was what nearly broke him. You’d lost so much blood that they had to give you more.
           “Hey, y/n, honey,” he said softly, walking toward you. He laid a hand in your hair, kissing your forehead. Your eyes didn’t quite open, but your hand started moving and he took it.
           “Daddy,” you murmured. That actually made the tears fall from his cheeks. You hadn’t called him that since you were twelve.
           “I thought I was gonna lose you, sweetheart.” He was incredibly gentle as he pulled the covers up over you when he saw the chill bumps on your arms. “Do you know what happened?”
           “I was trying to turn and this car just came over into my lane. I tried to move, but I was too late.” He sighed. So it wasn’t your fault. That was good. But he was about to sue the shit out of somebody. “Don’t go all papa bear on me,” you murmured as if you knew what he was thinking.
           “Hey, I get to go all papa bear on you.” You opened your eyes, finally, and he smiled at you. You couldn’t do much, but you wanted to be closer. You needed to be closer. You did what you could do scoot over into the corner of the bed, right next to where your dad was sitting. A nurse walked into the room and asked your name.
           “Yeah, that’s us,” your dad responded. He squeezed your hand, looking down as your eyelids shut again.
           “She’ll be just fine. Her ankle is fractured, she broke one of her wrists, and she lost two pints of blood from a cut on her thighs. But she’ll be perfectly fine. We can’t let her go home tonight, we need to monitor everything, especially the cuts and the blood transfusion.” Your dad nodded.
           “Thank you.”
           “I’ll be around to check for her vitals every half an hour for four hours, and then we’ll change to once an hour if things are getting better. How does that sound, Y/n?” The nurse asked. You didn’t really answer. You just stuck your thumb up.
           “Thank you,” Chris said with a smile. The nurse started checking you over and left a few minutes later. Chris sat in the silence for a few minutes as you slept, only able to hear the ringing of a telephone and a siren down below. He got up, making the rounds and calling the insurance company, then calling the police to get access to the crash report for insurance, and then calling your grandparents to tell them what happened. He must have been on the phone for a few hours because the nurse only started coming once an hour and the sun was finally starting to rise. You woke up with it, opening your eyes and looking around the room.
           “Dad?” You asked. He turned his eyes toward you and walked over, sitting back down in the chair.
           “Hey, honey,” he replied. “How do you feel?”
           “A car accident will do that to you, huh?” His voice was soft and his eyes lit up when he watched you. They always did.
           “I’m sorry I lied to you.”
           “I told you I wouldn’t crash your car.” He chuckled.
           “That wasn’t your fault, hon. None of this is.”
           “But I crashed your car.”
           “Cars can be replaced, sweetie. You can’t.  But there’s no way in hell I’m ever letting you drive it again.”
           “Yeah, I ruined that didn’t I?”
           “Maybe. Are you hurting at all? We can get you some more pain meds if you are.” You shook your head. He brushed your hair out of your face, his thumb rubbing against a cut on your forehead.
           “I’m just tired. And I wanna go home.”
           “They need you to stay for a few more hours and then I can take you home, alright?” You just nodded this time. “You can go back to sleep if you want.”
           “Where’s my phone?”
           “I don’t know if they found it or not, we’ll get you another one if it’s messed up.”
           “I wanted to watch Netflix.” He chuckled and handed you his phone, pulled up to Netflix. You laid down on your side, as close to him as you could get, and started watching your favorite show. You fell asleep half an hour later, right before your grandparents called to check in. Your dad gave your forehead a kiss before standing up to answer the phone.
           “How is she doing?” Your grandmother asked right away.
           “She’s alright, she’s sleeping right now,” Chris said softly, letting go of your hand to walk out into the hallway so he wouldn’t wake you up.
           “That’s good. We’ll come over and let the dog out and feed him. And we can bring you both some clothes and chargers.”
           “That would be amazing. Can you bring me her laptop, too? She can’t find her phone.”
           “Of course.” His mom paused. “You’re doing so well with her, Chris. You always have. We’re so proud of you.”
           “She’s doing it all on her own. I saw a picture of the car last night. It’s hard to believe anyone made it out of there, much less her.” He saw you waking up. “Hold on, she’s waking up.” You were just stretching, but it nearly gave him a heart attack. He really needed to get some sleep or he just might go crazy. 
           “You okay?” He asked you. You didn’t answer. You were asleep.
           “Is she?” Your dad sighed.
           “She’s asleep. She was just stretching, I think.”
           “I’ll let you go then. I’ll see you soon.”
           “Bye, Ma. Love you.” Chris hung up the phone and walked back over to you, sitting down again, and took your hand. There were two things he was absolutely sure of; he was staying with you, and he was never, ever letting you drive his car again.
A/N: I hope this was fluffy enough because I am in overload right now! Thank you for the request because I loved writing this one!
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elatedmarvel · 4 years
All Tied Up
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Steve Rogers comes to your rescue.
Work Count: 2k
A/N: Hello! Long time no chat! This was written for @wkemeup​‘s 4k follower celebration! Thank you for hosting this Kas! It was so much fun to write! If you have yet to check her out, go do it! Her stories are always soooooooooo emotional and good. Literally one of the best writers ever! My prompt was “ “Can you stop fidgeting? I’m trying to untie you.”. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: hints of sex, talks of having children (in the future)
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“Agent, what’s your status?” Steve whispers into his comm, somehow, it still sounds loud and echoes down the hallway.  
He stands in the shadows, trying to hide his giant frame, his eyes flicker to a new location every few seconds. He can’t risk getting caught, especially since he lost communication with you. 
You had told him you were going to acquire the target, and slinked off into the shadows before he could tell you it was a bad idea. Now, here he stands, worried they had captured you. 
Not that you couldn’t handle yourself. It had been a beautiful sight the day you brought Bucky Barnes to his knees when sparring. He swears he saw a few tears in Bucky’s eyes, which of course he vehemently denied. 
Hell, you’ve even taken him down. But usually, you would just bat your eyelashes at him and kiss him till he saw stars before claiming your victory. He doesn’t mind though, getting to kiss you was his consolation prize. 
The comm floods with static noise when he checks it again, never a good sign. Sighing in frustration, he checks his watch. It reads 2:30 PM, 10 minutes past when you said you would check in. 
His gut tells him something is wrong, and it is rarely wrong. Except maybe the one time he had convinced you to eat 4 day old pizza that had been sitting on the island in the common kitchen. He’ll never forget the hours you spent throwing up, crying in a ball, and cursing his name. You still cringe a bit whenever the team orders pizza. 
Sighing and resigned to his fate, he moves as quietly as possible down the hall. He can hear the targets chattering in the next room, noisy for people that were supposed to be discreet, but he hardly blames them, they were able to secure an Avenger. Slowly, he peaks around the corner, trying to hold his breath.
All four hostiles were in the room, too occupied by their tablets to notice him. 2 of them sat with their backs to the open door, the other 2 were huddled in the corner laughing about something or other. Scanning the room, he feels hope blooming in his chest when he doesn’t find you among them.
The common space is the only other place you could be. Tiptoeing across the open doorway, he pauses on the opposite side of the door. The noise is the same, no indication that they heard or saw him pass by. Hoping his luck holds out, he maneuvers almost silently down the rest of the corridor.   
Stepping into the room, he finds you exactly how he thought he would. Hands tied behind your back, legs and torso tied to the chair. Duct tape covers your mouth, and your eyes glower in a deadly manner. It would be almost cute if you weren’t in the middle of a mission. 
“Mmmmm, hmmmm” you hum as you see Steve in the doorway. Your body starts to wriggle about, and Steve is pretty sure you’re gonna knock yourself over if you continue moving with as much vigor as you do.
“Shh, be quiet, you’re gonna give us away with all that noise.” he scolds as he walks closer. He won’t admit it, but he takes great pleasure seeing you struggle against the restraints. And not just because he tries to get you to go to escape training seminars. He bet’s you’ll go with him now. It’s actually an impressive set up, better than he would have expected from the enemy. 
“I’m gonna take off the duct tape, but you have to promise me not to yell.” The cold look you give him makes him chuckle under his breath. You were always so fiesty, one of his favorite pastimes was riling you up. 
The chair starts to scrape against the floor with your thrashing. Finally, he takes pity on you and gently peels the duct tape from your mouth.
“Motherfucker! That hurt!” you whisper yell. He rolls his eyes at that, he knows for a fact that the duct tape was mostly coming off anyways. You had a slobbered all over it, he’s pretty sure, in an attempt to break yourself free. You could never wait for someone else to rescue you, it takes a few seconds to remember the last time you needed help on a mission was. 
“You’ve been shot before.” he reminds you as he kneels down in front of you, quickly he releases your right foot. It almost kicks him in the face before he jerks out of the way in the last second. 
“Finally!” you shout, and wiggle the foot around. “My feet have been asleep for 10 mins now.” You stomp the foot on the ground now, trying to release the static feeling. 
“Maybe if you listened to me, you wouldn’t be in this position.” Steve says, smirking up at you as he unties your left foot. This time, your foot hits him square in the chest. 
“Shut up Rogers, you know you loved me tied up.” you wink. His cheeks feel warm and he thinks about things other than you naked and tied to the headboard of your shared bed. The thought of Bucky and Sam’s last attempt in the kitchen takes care of his problem. 
Clearing his throat, he slides on his knees behind the chair. Both your hands were tied together and your torso was tied to the chair. Knowing you would jump free the moment your torso was free, he grabs your hands to work on the knot first. It would be a disaster if you went running around with your hands tied together, trying to take down the hostiles. 
The chair keeps moving with your excessive wiggling, making his hands slip from the surprisingly sturdy knot. If this wasn’t time sensitive, he would have let you struggle a while longer, just to see how long it would take you to get yourself out of the mess. 
“Can you stop fidgeting? I’m trying to untie you.” Steve reprimands and gives a slight tug on your restraints. 
You stick your tongue out, but realize he can’t see it from behind you. Instead, a middle finger on both hands proudly stands out from behind your back. A smirk finds its way onto his face as he sees them and swats the fingers away. 
“Be nice.” he breathes close to your ear, tugging one last time to get your hands free. The shiver that ran down your spine as you remember when those exact words were last said. With him on top of you as he kisses every part of your body. Sweaty body on sweaty body, moving together towards the grand release. You reprimand yourself in your head, you promised yourself you wouldn't turn into someone that daydreamed about her boyfriend over everything else. Mission now, sex later.  
“I’m always nice.” you reply, struggling out of the torso restraints harder now that Steve has untied your hands. The sound of disbelief escapes him before he can trap it, many examples come to mind, almost making him laugh if he wasn’t trying to be discreet and quiet.
Your breath gets knocked out of you for a second as you accidentally choke yourself trying to get free. With a small “hum”, you finally fall complacent and let Steve work on the final knot in peace. 
A minute, maybe two passes by before you feel the ropes slack. The moment you do, you jump up, giving a victorious cry and shove the chair back with your knees. Steve gets up in the exact moment, and misses catching the chair by a millisecond. 
Blue eyes meet your wild, shocked ones as the sound echoes throughout the hallways. He can hear the moment the rascals register what the sound was, as they frantically run out of the room. 
With nowhere left to run, Steve shifts slightly in front of you, preparing himself for the battle he knows is to come. 
“No!” they scream as they stampede into the common room. 
“We tied you up so good!” Morgan Stark yells, running at full speed straight into Steve’s arms. 
“We even used the heavy duty rope we found in Uncle Tony’s lab.” Lila Barton states as she jumps and climbs up Steve’s legs. With both girls in Steve’s arms, they start talking a minute a mile about how they need to change the tactic next time. 
Nathaniel rubs his eyes sleepily as he walks into the room, almost an exact replica of Clint after a long mission, and holds out his arms, silently begging to be picked up. You take pity on the young boy and swipe him into your arms, holding him almost like you would a newborn baby. 
You both giggle a moment, before you right him in your arms and he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. You’ll ignore the drool on your shirt for now.
Only Cooper Barton seems to care about the scene of the crime, and gathers up the rope that limply lays on the ground. 
He takes a handful of rope in both hands and tugs for a moment. Steve swears he murmurs something about using vibranium handcuffs next time. He’ll make an excellent agent one day. 
“So, what do we get for winning? Ice cream?” Morgan asks with a sly smile on her face, gaining Steve’s and your attention. The exact look was copied straight from one Tony Stark, and it shocks Steve just how much she looks like the billionaire. 
Lila nods furiously next to her, and both the boys hum in agreement. 
“Technically, I freed myself. So you didn’t win.” you counter. Steve snorts at your comment, and you stick you tongue out at him. 
“Right, the knots magically slipped away. Not like I had anything to do with it” he counters. The girls giggle, and you shoot them your best mean face. 
“You’re on my team, and my boyfriend so that’s allowed.” you explain, slightly swaying side to side with a sleepy Nathaniel. You hope if you sway enough, he’ll fall asleep and that’ll be one less kid hyped up on sugar running around. 
“I think we earned the ice cream by simply being able to capture you and tie you up.” Cooper bargains, a huge grin on his face. The girls nod furiously at the statement, and even Nathaniel gives a weak noise of approval.
You lock eyes with Steve once more, you were both pretty sure this was how it was going to end anyways, but you always wanted to be on the same page as him. He nods slightly, and his lips curl up so minutely, you wouldn’t have caught it if you hadn't spent hours staring at his beautiful face.   
“Fine, but only one scoop.” you finally give in. 
The resounding scream of happiness they give out nearly deafens you. The girls scramble down from Steve’s arms, desperate to get to the kitchen. Even Nathaniel perks up from your arms, and wiggles his way down. Taking his brother’s hand, they follow the girls to reap their prize. 
“I can’t believe they actually managed to tie you down, we were supposed to be babysitting them.” Steve chuckles as he swings an arm around your shoulder and leads you to the kitchen.
“In my defense, you can’t kick and punch wards in your charge, so I let them.” you say and give his butt a pinch. 
He jolts away from you momentarily before laughing and spinning you in front of him. Lips drawn to yours, he kisses you slow and happy before moving away and pecking other parts of your face. 
“Stop,” you laugh, “you’re getting your spit on me.”
“You’ve never complained before.” he smirks at you, and laughs when your cheeks grow warmer. Giving you one last kiss, he takes your hand and drags you to the kitchen. 
It’s hard for his mind not to wonder what it would be like if this wasn’t babysitting. If this was really his everyday life, kids and a wonderful kick ass wife to share his days with. 
Would the kid have his eyes and your face? Maybe the serum would counteract the sickly boy he once was. He knows for certain that if he had one kid, he would want another. Being an only child, Bucky was his only savior for boredom and love after his mom passed away. 
As if you could read his mind, you rub your thumb across the back of his hand, catching his attention. 
“I’m glad Clint and Tony asked us to babysit, good practice for when we have some.” you smile at him. His heart races when he sees the excitement in his eyes. That’s just how you were, you complimented him perfectly. 
“Yeah?” he asks, elation growing in his body the more he thinks about his future with you.
“Yeah” you nod. Smile growing as wide as your face.
Steve leans in slowly, eyes still alight with joy and takes your face in his massive hands. The breath in your body leaves you for a moment, seeing the happiness in Steve Rogers is all you ever wanted. Having a front row seat was sometimes too much. 
Before your lips can touch, a shatter rings from the kitchen, shortly followed by a scream. A laugh leaves his mouth as he pulls you in for a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
“I didn’t do it!” little voices yell, and it makes the both of you chuckle even more. 
You bury your head into his chest as he yells out that you are both coming and to stay where they are.
“We probably need more practice though before we have our own.” you say as you look up at him. 
“Ours will be more well behaved than that right?” he asks back, unfolding you from his arms and walking towards the kitchen.
“Sure, keep telling yourself that.” you laugh.
The second crash and screams makes you both lightly job towards the commotion. 
As he watches you calm down a crying Nathaniel and Lila while mopping up the spilled ice cream, his heart feels so full it could burst.
He can’t wait to share in the chaos of life with you.
Thank you so much for reading! Always open to comments and feedback!
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
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Shaw Smut
It’s 11:49 pm and I’m running out of time because Shaw’s birthday ends.
I’ve literally fallen for this lilac bad boy and I’m ready to have his babies
*Smut and NSFW Below Cut*
Just over a month you had been away from your lavender haired, bombshell of a boyfriend as you were away on a scouting location tour. It was torturous, painful and just seemed to last forever. Throwing your bag into the airplane cabin, all you wanted to do was be back in the arms of your chaotic lover.  The plane ride was excruciating, a dullness kicking into your stomach that made you double over slightly in pain.
“Boss? You okay?” A concerned Minor asked, tearing his way away from the in-flight magazine and you gave him a nod. You knew this pain too well. 
“Motherfucker,” You sighed heavily in the bathroom, mother nature decided to bless you with the reassurance of nothing being pregnant, nearly a week earlier than expected. God-damn it, your sexy plans of a reunion with Shaw, went flying out of the window. Seeing him was going to kill you, that eat-shit grin, how his clothes hung perfect to his skin, the scent of him was just another to drive you over aboard. Not only was hugely pent up from a lack of physical activities between the two of you due to your time away, now you would have to prolong it even further whilst your hormones sent you in an impassioned rage. 
You had such wonderful plans for tonight, mind blowing plans, the lace lingerie you picked up whilst you was away was just the start. The plan to wear it under one of his band tops as a little surprise would hopefully be enough for his ravage you on the spot, not that it wouldn’t happen anyway, he literally couldn’t get enough of you and your touch. In-fact he was so desperate to get his fill of you, that you A. never got a wink of sleep the night before you left, B. was late to the airport, C. so sore the following day you almost couldn’t get up from the airplane seat. You didn’t just want him physically, god no, you missed everything about him. He missed you as well, his apartment just seemed empty without you in it, not that he would admit this to you. You groaned through your head against the plush leather in front of you, this was going to be a nightmare.
“Shaw, are you here?” You asked down the phone, leaving the airport, suitcase in hand. 
“No, I’m outside parked up, they wanted to charge stupid amounts and I refuse to pay it,”. You sighed in response.
“Shaw, how far is ‘outside’?”. There's a brief pause.
“Like a mile… or five,”.
“I’m not walking five miles to the car with a suitcase,” You huff, and a small chuckle comes down the phone.
“If you didn’t take half your apartment with you then it wouldn’t be such a struggle,”.
“I’m sure Victor will gladly give me a lift,” A teasing smile on your face as you hear the engine start before you even finish your sentence.
“Be ready, I’m not paying for more than two minutes,” You could tell he was lightly pouting as he said it. 
Shaw wasn’t joking, the second he pulled up he threw your case into the car and sped off before you barely sat in the chair.
“Shaw!” You gasped as he raced out the car park, throwing the change into the machine, giving you a few seconds to do up your belt. 
“Sorry babe, but fuck the corporation for the fees,” He chuckles, his hand glinting over your seatbelt to check it was done up properly before speeding away. You chatted pleasantly on the way back to his, him teasing you relentlessly when you blurted out Anna nearly walking in on the pair of you having phone sex.
“It wasn’t funny!” You playfully bash his arm with a blush.
“Imagine if she walked in and saw you, legs spread with them fingers doing what you described,” He wiggled with his eyebrows a little towards you, “Maybe she might have joined you, now that would have been a good phone call,”. He chuckled as you hit him again, calling him a pervert. He gave you a I missed you smile, even if he wouldn’t admit it you could tell that was how he felt, as he leaned a hand off the steering wheel to place it on your thigh.
“You know, we do have a long trip home,” He smirks mischievously, the feeling of his fingertips sending shivers up your body. Although you did take a few heart warming seconds to melt when he reference his place to ‘home’. You were already a hormonal wreck from your period, the slightest touch from him was about to send your hornieness sky-rocketing. Right now, all you could think of was straddling his lap and riding him until either of you could take no more. But you refused to do anything whilst on your period, it just wasn’t something you were comfortable with. It was a blessing and a curse; the slightest touch or even look made took you to a new level of turn on but you were unable to accept any pleasure from the situation.
“Shaw,” You whined, grabbing his wrist as he tried to trace his fingers up your skirt.
“What’s up baby?” He questioned, still-in his hand at your movement. 
“I got my period,” You pout, turning your head as you hear him chuckle slightly.
“That's fine, we’ve had to wait how long anyway, a few extra days won’t hurt,” He would later live to regret that comment. The night was tortuous when you got home, sweet welcome back kisses turned into a heavy make-out session on his couch, tongues fighting with each other as he lowered himself against the fabric, you coming on to straddle his lap. It was agony, your core was burning, lust and desire pumping through your veins from every kiss. You found yourself mercilessly grinding against his growing bulge under his skin tight jeans, his hands guiding your movements as he thrusted up to you when you moaned into his mouth. He delivered to you every sense of pleasure he could as you dove your hips further and further against him, delivering a slow release to your unholy frustration. Almost ripping your shirt from your body, Shaw’s hands hastily remove the clothes from your top half, cupping your bouncing breasts, tugging at your nipples in a motion that almost made you cry out. He pulls you gently to lean down as your breasts rock freely in front of his mouth, leaning up to embellish them with his lips, sucking before releasing with a wet pop as he moves to the other. The touch of him, sending over stimulated senses through your body was enough to push you to the edge, your fingertips digging into his chest.
“I~I~I~... c-oming!” Was all you cry out, your head thrown back as your hands leaned back to grasp his thighs, riding yourself against him to a release, you clenching relentlessly over nothing. He kept his mouth against your breasts, helping to ride you down before pulling himself away. A few beads of sweat trailed over your brow as you leaned down on his chest with a slight pant. 
“Barely even touched you,” He smirked teasingly, “I hope you're ready to put that pretty mouth to work baby after that delightful teasing,”. He thrusted up so you feel his painful erection press against you. Sitting back up and leaning on his thighs, your hands so slowly snake their way to undo his belt and sipper. 
“How can I say no to you,” You giggle with a light wink.
Just a little over a week later, you lay in bed with Shaw pressed up cuddling you from behind, your eyes opening as the light rays began to poke through the curtains. You needed to get up without disturbing Shaw but every time you moved he let out a little ‘hmph’ in disapproval in his sleep. Your eyes scanned the bedroom floor until you saw ‘Bruce’, the plushie shark Shaw had won at a carnival (And yes he was named after Bruce in finding nemo), he had been lobbed onto the floor at some point in the night. That poor shark had seen some horrific sights between Shaw and you, poor baby, how he still had that sewn on gaping smile you’d never know. 
Shuffling yourself forward slowly, your hand just about grasped his and you pulled him on the bed. After some carefully planned manoeuvring, you were able to climb out of bed and swap your body for Bruce’s, watching as Shaw snuggled the plushie close to him. Everything about him melted your heart, you felt nothing but pure love for the young lilac haired man currently spooning a toy shark. Even though he never he said it, he loved you deeply back, he had done since the day he first saw you on the bus determined to make you his forever. 
Finally getting to wear the cladded set of underwear you brought from your trip, you had kept it a surprise, feeling fresh as a daisy and more than ready to actually get physical with Shaw (It had been the longest and most frustrating few days of your life, no amount of dry humping and blowjobs could relieve either one of your lusts). With a gentle cough as you stood at the end of the bed, Shaw murmured in his sleep before kissing the head of Bruce causing a fit of giggles from you.
“Hmm?” He sleepily asks, his eyes opening slowly before he jolted back, Bruce being launched into the air.
“You two make a cute couple,” You tease, watching the plushie crash back down on the bed as Shaw rested against the headrest admiring the view in-front of him. You crawl on to the bed and over him.
“Happy birthday Shaw,” You breathlessly whisper, straddling him and pressing gentle kisses to his lips.
“You are the best present I could ever wish for,” His lips coming up meet yours. 
Poor Bruce lay on the side of the bed watching for hours as Shaw and you ravished each other's bodies, unable to get enough of each other. That poor plushie had seen enough to make the kamasutra look tame. 
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iateyourdoggo-part2 · 3 years
Chapter 4 (this chapter will probably be the sadist chapter and could be a smoll surprise at the end)
so im trying to make a chapter every 24 hrs... i think. so um thnx for reading my previous stories and pls enjoy this one!
red = violence or de@th
orange = tw that arent violence (could be violent for u)
blue = able to read for everyone i hope
tw: violence (kidn@pping, @buse (slightly), r@pe (slightly, dw its not too much)), caps, de@th mention, siblings
There was only 1 day until Saika's mother came home and it was today, and Saika obviously wasn't excited for that. Saika went for a walk until she got dragged into an ally by a masked person and was knocked out. She felt her surroundings as she was being dragged away. She couldn't see anything though. The floor was cold and the room was dark.
Saika's blindfold was taken off and there stood an old man who looked like a huge creep. Duct tape was on her mouth and her hands were tied. The old man walked up to her and started to touch her legs seductively. Saika was powerless. She tried to prevent the man by keeping her legs shut and kicking him. The creep was mad. He put up his fists when the creep fell to the floor. It was Aori! Aori helped untie Saika and took the tape off her mouth. Saika jumped into Aori's arms and cried. Aori started to cry too. They both felt a huge amount of pain of one person who was hurt.
Other footsteps were heard, slowly coming towards them. A small figure stood at the entrance.
"S-Saika-chan!?" Kinako cried. Tears were already falling down her cheek and ran up to Saika.
Saika let go of Aori and hugged Kinako. They both were relieved that they both were safe. Kinako was small and vulnerable. Saika hated that and didn't want anyone to force themselves onto her. Saika wanted Kinako to be hers more desperately than ever to protect her. The two loosened the hug and were now inches away from eachother's faces. Both quickly let go and turned around blushing very hard.
"W-we should go now," Kinako suggested, "It's very cold now..."
Everyone left the place and was back in the sun. The sun warmed them up until they were satisfied. Saika went back home to see her mother is already there.
"WHERE WERE YOU?!" her mother screamed.
"I-I w-was k-kidnapped," Saika replied stuttering. She still was crying a bit and her eyes were red.
"This is why I told you to marry a man. You're too weak to fight men off. Girl's are not fighters either. That is a man's job. You're so weak you couldn't even bribe the man with money instead!"
"COULD YOU STOP CALLING ME WEAK?!" Saika cried. Her eyes were filled with more tears. Tears of anger.
She felt a pain on her cheek to realizing her mother had slapped her.
Saika's rage fell down by that last sentence. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Saika darling, I am very most sorry." her mother said, acting like nothing happened, "I have gotten a little non-ladylike. How silly of me!"
"W-what do you mean dad is dead?" Saika muttered.
"I-I.... um.. Don't worry! You can forget about him. He is already dead, and is the least successful of the family.", her mother replied calmly.
Saika stormed into her room went on her phone.
Hiya saika chan!
May I stay over your house for a bit?
of course!
Thank you!
get packed! i will meet u at the park!
Saika got ready and packed her stuff. She walked downstairs and already saw a note on the kitchen bench.
Dear Saika,
I have left for a small break. I will be back and do not go anywhere.
Kind Regards,
Your mother.
Saika ignored it because she knew that her mother was going out to a fancy restaurant. Saika got to the park and saw Kinako again. Saika followed Kinako to her house and before they entered, Saika was warned.
"Be prepared, Saika. I promise you, it's not that bad but prepare. Your. Self."
Saika gulped and went inside. What she needed to prepare for wasn't really what she expected.
"I'm home!" Kinako called out.
A bunch of kids started running up to her and a commotion of loving siblings made Saika giggle a bit.
"Onee-chan! Who is that?" one of them asked.
"Kisaki! It's her date remember!!!" the other said which looked like the other boy's twin.
Saika blushed a bit.
"AHHHH! SHUSH!" Kinako blushed so hard.
After getting everyone under control, Kinako made dinner with Saika.
"Where do you want to sleep?" Kinako asked, "I don't have a spare room sorry!"
"D-do you think I can sleep with you?" Saika asked still blushing.
Kinako looked away from the cooking pot into Saika's eyes. She blushed again (so much blushing) and replied with a simple "Sure!".
Dinner was done and all the kids were done showering. They all finished eating and went to do their own things but Kai went to bed.
Kinako and Saika took turns to shower. Kinako showered first, then Saika. Kinako waited in her room staring at her ceiling fan. She replayed Saika asking to sleep with her. She was so inside her imaginations she didn't realize Saika was waving her hand infront of Kinako's face.
"Kiiiiiiinaaaaakoooooooooo!" Saika whispered.
"What are you doing...?" Kinako asked.
"Seeing if you were alive on earth and not in spce!"
The two giggled until talked until 11 pm. Kinako checked to make sure the kids were all asleep and went back to her room. Saika was already under the covers and Kinako went under. They fell asleep to facing each other's backs both having their dreams take over.
Kinako woke up to hear pictures being taken. She slowly opened her eyes to see all the kids at the door, with a phone, taking pictures of her.
"Why are you taking pictures?" She asked flatly.
They all pointed at Saika who was hugging the smaller person in her sleep. Kinako jaw dropped and was blushing once more.
All the kids snicker until Tsubaki said, "Time to get ready now guys!"
All the kids said "aww" and left.
Kinako giggled and faced back at Saika who was still dead asleep with her arms around Her. It was very warm and Kinako slept for 10 more minutes not wanting to wake Saika nor wanting to end it.
When Saika woke up, she felt a small tight person hugging her stomach and she was hugging the person back. She then realize who it was. (Y'all know I don't need to repeat uwu!) She was staring in shock and awe that she was closer to Kinako than she could ever imagine. Literately. She felt something weird on her chest. She looked down and I wonder what she saw... Kinako's chest upon Saika's. She was hotter now and was so wrapped in the soft touch of Kinako.
"Mmmmm... Saika." Kinako muttered in her sleep.
Saika was so red, she was as red as a rose. It was really awkward when they both got up together. 0.0
They made breakfast and pretended it didn't happen. Saika and Kinako chose to skip school today. Kinako asked Aori to pick up the kids from school.
Kinako and Saika were cuddling on a couch under a blanket. They were watching movies. Saika looked at Kinako who was glued to the movie. Kinako realized and looked back at Saika. They both were now an inch away from each other's faces. They started to slowly lean closer until they both felt a pair of soft lips on their faces. It was deep and passionate until they stopped for air. They stared into the other's eyes and then looked away madly blushing. Their gazes slowly went back to each other, about to kiss again when they heard something from the window. It was Aori and the other kids taking photos. They all went to hide behind the old shed in the backyard but Kinako was already there.
"I'm taking your phones away for a week." Kinako sad plainly, "You too Aori."
The kids, including Aori, gave their phones to Kinako. They all went inside and relaxed. Saika stayed at Kinako's house for a week.
She wasn't excited to go back. She wanted to stay with Kinako. She wanted to live with her. She wanted to be with her. But she couldn't because of her mother.
If Saika could choose to spend her life for 1 thing, it would be Kinako.
And thats another chapter done! thanks for reading once more and sadly this story will end in a few more chapters :(
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perahn · 4 years
Palliative Nursing
One of my patients died today.
I first met Arthur a couple of months ago. I’m a community and palliative nurse primarily, but I was covering a shift on the ward. He’d been transferred over from another hospital. I never really worked out why, since he was only coming in overnight before being discharged home.
When I came in, his wife Anne was trying to comfort him. He had only received his diagnosis recently – prostate cancer, which had spread to his bones and his brain – and he desperately wanted to go home. He was also frustrated to the point of tears at the way his body had betrayed him. He had been strong and independent, and now he was tired and weak. The struggle to find the words he wanted left long gaps in his speech, and so often neither Anne nor I could help.
He wanted to die. He wanted – he could convey that much – to leave the world ‘with dignity’; if it was time for him to go, he wanted to go. And Anne sat there, and tried to soothe and calm him. He wanted euthanasia, and he could not have it, and I was never sure whether she wanted that for him, or if she wanted to hold onto him as long as she could.
The next time I saw him, he was home again. They’d been in the process of selling their house and downsizing, but Anne cancelled it. So Arthur came home to a warm, sunlit room with an en suite, and they moved their bed down into it. He was a different man when I saw him at home. The words that had deserted him in hospital came more easily, and he smiled, and he could enjoy food again. By about my third or fourth visit – I was seeing him twice a week at that stage, just making sure he had everything he needed to be comfortable at home – he was telling Anne it was a pity all their sons were married and he couldn’t have me in the family.
He had time and support. His daughter Eden moved in for a while; his son and grandchildren live next door. The weather turned warmer, and he sat out in the garden. The family gathered around him, and they took a photo. He was, for the most part, free of pain. You don’t expect that once it gets into the bones, but I am grateful for it.
There is a distance, and there has to be. You aren’t there for every step of the journey, and you come into it as a stranger. Anne woke every time he did, and walked him to the toilet. She coaxed him to eat, helped him use the walker, rubbed ointment into his swelling legs and reminded him to elevate them. She nursed him, and so did Eden. I… stepped in for the other parts. The paperwork. The questions you never think about until someone you love is dying. How do you, and what if, and when, and what do we do about -?
There were changes, last week. Words began to slip away again, and sitting up grew harder. I asked Anne if they wanted a bedside commode for him, so she didn’t have to walk him all the way to the toilet three times a night. She said no, that the exercise was good for him, and they were managing. Then she rang the next day, told me he’d slipped while trying to sit on the toilet, and maybe they’d better have one after all. So my boss Sam and I got one out to their house on Friday. Eden followed me out to the car. She didn’t want to ask in front of Anne, but what needed to happen if, or when, Arthur died? Who did they call, what did they do about his body?
It was a long weekend, and we had the Monday off. Anne rang Tuesday morning. Arthur had significantly deteriorated over the weekend, she told us. She and Eden couldn’t get him up, and they’d been nursing him in bed. His painkillers didn’t seem to be helping as much, because he was restless, turning in bed and plucking at his clothes. My boss covered two of my patients so I could go see Arthur as soon as possible.
Anne was curled up beside him in their bed. Other family members were gathered around, and one of them left the bedside so I could go talk to him. “Here’s Katherine,” Anne said, and Arthur opened his eyes and reached out his hand. He tried to say something as I took and held it. I know he recognised me, even if I couldn’t understand what he wanted to say.
Later I came back with a syringe driver. We use these a lot in palliative care: little machines that very slowly administer a dose into the subcutaneous tissue over 24 hours. Usually, like this one, they’re loaded with morphine, for the pain; midazolam, for agitation and the restlessness that comes over the body in dying; and metoclopramide, for the nausea the morphine can cause. They’re smaller, simpler, and less invasive than an IV line, or repeatedly sticking someone with needles. Arthur didn’t even flinch as I put the first line in, or the second one. The second one is for top-up doses; I used it immediately to give him a loading dose, then taught Eden and her brother how to access it if they needed to give him more pain relief. I left an envelope with the verification of death form at the house.
I left the house not long before seven pm. According to the roster, I’d been supposed to finish at 4:30. That was all right.
The syringe driver runs over 24 hours, but I stopped in to see Arthur and his family around 11am. Arthur was lying on his side. Eden had needed to give him some extra, and so had Anne, but on the whole he’d had a good night, they told me. He didn’t respond this time, although he called out hoarsely a few times. I gave him another top-up, and told Anne I’d be back to change the syringe driver once I’d spoken to the doctor.
I discussed how much top-up Arthur had needed with the doctor, and then one of the other nurses made up the new syringe with me, and my boss covered a patient appointment I had, and I went out to Arthur around 2pm.
Eden was in the front room, continuing to work from home; Anne was on the lounge with a laptop. Arthur had been so peaceful and quiet, she thought she’d get the laundry and a few other things done. Anne and I went in, and she told him I was here to change the medicine, and she’d help him roll over so I could reach. She reached out and touched him, and then she turned to look at me.
“He isn’t-” and she backed away.
I checked the carotid artery.
“I’m sorry,” I said to Anne. “He’s gone.”
And then I held her as she wept.
She was so devastated. She hadn’t been there for him as he died. He’d been alone and she’d been sitting outside, and she hadn’t known.
And it doesn’t matter how many hours she lay beside him, how poorly she slept, half-listening and ready to help the moment he stirred, night after night, the literal around-the-clock nursing she gave him, the long years they lived together. It doesn’t matter how hard, physically and emotionally, it is to support someone you love dying at home, how much she and Eden had gladly sacrificed to give him what he wanted. It doesn’t matter how many people do die alone, waiting for the moment everyone’s back is turned to slip away in privacy. None of that softens the pain, not in a moment like that.
I pray they will eventually.
I got Eden for her, slipped out to the car to get what I needed, and to give them time to themselves.
They had him cuddled between the two of them when I came back, and eventually they chose to leave the room so I could do the necessary things.
I rolled him onto his back, heard the faint groans. Wiped his mouth and crusted eyelids. Removed the lines I’d put in yesterday, straightened his shirt. I was talking to him, every step. It’s just something you find yourself doing. “Sorry, Arthur. I’ve just got to roll you over and get these lines out. I’m sorry if this hurts...”
It’s… not an easy thing, verifying a death. I had thought he was dead the moment I came into the room, and I’d checked for a pulse. Even so, part of you almost refuses to be sure. His hands were so cold, but his throat was still warm. I couldn’t feel a pulse, but maybe that just meant I was doing it wrong (I knew I wasn’t, but what if? What if I had hurt these people so much, and I was wrong, and I had to go tell them he was still alive, and however would they cope with that?) I put a stethoscope to his unmoving chest and listened for a heartbeat, or for breath. I couldn’t hear anything, but I was breathing very loudly myself in my mask – would I hear it? Wasn’t his chest moving, just the tiniest bit? I had to rub his sternum very hard to see if there was any movement away from the stimulus, and I apologised.
Then I lifted his eyelids. ‘Fixed and dilated pupils’ is what the form says, clinical terminology that is accurate as far as it goes. What it means is that you look into those eyes, and they are still and glassy, and the soul behind them is gone.
I could doubt the rest of the tests. Not that one.
I went out, told them I was finished. We talked; I told them what an amazing job they’d done, how proud they should be, all the things that don’t mean anything to them right at the moment, but might later. I stepped into another room to ring the doctor and let her know. I filled out the verification of death form and hid it away in a plain white envelope. Eden rang her brother, and again we went over the final things to be done. Here’s the form. Ring the funeral directors when you’re ready for them to come pick Arthur up. There’s no rush. Call anyone else you think will want to come say goodbye. Give yourselves as much time as you need.
Eden’s brother arrived. She’d sent him a text to come over, but hadn’t wanted to say why. So he came striding in with a cheery ‘hello’, and Eden said ‘He’s gone’, and she choked, and he crumpled. He went softly into the room where Anne was lying beside Arthur, stroking his face and murmuring to him. Too softly; he touched Anne’s arm and she jumped.
Clearly despite herself, Eden laughed.
“I thought for a moment,” Anne said, “that he’d fooled us all. That he was just pretending.”
Which hurt, and still hurts, and I shall remember.
When I left them, it was with the three of them clustered around the bed, the son trying not to cry. They didn’t need me, but I’d drop by in a couple of days if they wanted, I said quietly.
Anne would like that, she told me, and she thanked me for all I’d done. That Arthur had always been glad to see me. “He had his favourite nurse,” she added. “Beautiful Katherine, he said.”
I don’t understand the depth of grace that lets you say something like that in the midst of such terrible grief, but I shall remember that, too.
The last time I made a post a bit like this, I had a little bit of a moral to share. I don’t, this time. I am writing because it helps me process, and I shared it because…well, I still think we need to talk about dying, I suppose, and this is a way to add to the conversation. Because it is such an honour and extraordinary privilege to be a palliative nurse. Because some of you might, like my patients and their families, have questions you don’t know how to ask. Because it touched me, and it might do the same for you. Because love and grief and service to each other are such essential parts of our humanity.
Eternal rest grant unto him, o Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
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noladyme · 4 years
The Crown Princess of Charming - part 8
Welcome to Charming - its name says it all. Cat needed a fresh start; and though she hadn’t planned on that being in the arms of the crown prince of this little town’s bikerclub - that was what happened. Charming CA would either be the death of her - or a whole new life.
Rated M
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My heart felt like it literally broke in my chest. I fell onto the couch, and heaved for breath. Was this even my home anymore? Was Jax mine? What am I doing here? My car was parked outside. I could just get in; drive far away from here. But I had nowhere to go anymore. All my things where at the clubhouse. All I had was one suitcase with a few clothes. My job, my belongings, dancing – all that had made me, me… none of it was in my hands anymore.
Joshua had done his best to rip away from me all that was mine; and now that I was supposed to be free of him – free to build the life I wanted – it seemed like there was nothing to build on.
Jax texted me around noon.
- Held up. Back tomorrow morning. - Ok. Breakfast then? - No thanks. See you. - When can we talk? - We talked. Get some rest.
I sat and looked at the tv for a while before I realized I hadn’t turned it on. I laughed quietly to myself. You’re going stir crazy, Cat. I decided to ignore what Jax had said about not driving; and left the house. I just needed to get out.
I made my way to the diner, and ordered waffles; but changed my mind last minute. “Mac’n’cheese”, I smiled at the waitress. That always made me feel better. I was enjoying my meal, when Chibs and Tig came in, ordering lunch for an army. Tig noticed me in my booth. “Hey, pumpkin. I thought you were on lockdown at home”, he said. “No lockdown”, I smiled. “At least I haven’t seen any prospects around”. He smiled back at me. “I’m sorry about what happened to you”, he muttered. “Thanks. I’m ok. I got my faithful crutches with me”, I said. “And the chevy is purring like a cat. Thanks for fixing her up”. He grinned. “No problem. But you’re driving?”. Chibs came over. “You should be resting that knee, luv’”. “It’s fine, Chibs”, I said. “If you say so”, he muttered.
I shrugged of their worried expressions. “Lunch for church?”. “No church today”, Tig said. “Just business later on. Gotta fuel up”, he grinned, and patted his belly. “Remember extra chocolate syrup for Jax”, I said, trying to smile. “Will do”, Chibs said. Their order came out; and Tig went over to get it. “Go home, Cat”, Chibs said meaningfully. “I will. Just gotta hit the library first. Return a book I don’t need”. He nodded, and smiled.
They left soon after.
I drove myself to the library, and returned my book. When I came outside again, Jax was leaning against my car. I sighed; and hobbled over to him on my crutches. “Hi”, I muttered. His face was cold. “Get in the car”, he muttered. I rolled my eyes; and went for the driver’s seat. “No. Other side. I’m driving”. “Jackson…”. He walk up close to me; suddenly towering over me much further than his height should make possible. Ha grabbed my arm; and held me still in front of him. “Get in the goddamn car, Cat”, he snarled.
I hobbled over to the other side; and he took my crutches from me; throwing them into the back seat. I opened the door, and got in the car; and Jax closed the door after me with a bang. He drove me home; not speaking a word the whole way there.
Once inside the house; he slammed the door shut behind us – making me jump from the sound.
“I thought I told you to stay here”, he yelled. “When are you going to learn to do as you’re told?” I was flabbergasted. “What the hell, Jax?”, I said. “You were just beat to shit – and now you’re running around town like nothing happened”. “I needed some air. I can’t stay cooped up in here”, I tried.
He stepped towards me with a menacing look on his face – pointing a finger at me. “You need to learn…”. “What?”, I snarled. “To be a good old lady? To do as you say; clean your house; wash your clothes and spread my legs whenever you want?”. He huffed; and shook his head. “Right… we don’t do that these days”, I hissed.
He spread out his arms with a resigned expression. “What do you want from me, Cat?”, he said. “Your ex is dead. You have a nice house to live in; food on your plate; and I’m paying for a lawyer to keep you out of jail”. I threw one of my crutches at him. “I want you, you asshole!”, I yelled. He shook his head. “I can’t do this right now…”, he said; and began to move for the door. “Don’t walk away from me. Talk to me!”. “Not now. I have shit to take care of”, he sneered. “I’m your shit, Jackson!”, I said. “Take care of me!”. “I am”, he snarled. “I’m making sure you’re staying here, and healing up. Now, go sit down”. I shook my head. “I won’t”, I croaked.
He walked up to me, picked me up; and carried me to the couch – planting me there. “You keep your ass on this couch!”, he roared. “You can’t control me like this, Jax!”, I yelled. “Watch me”, he said.
He took my crutches, and left the house, with a slam of the door. I heard him start up my car and drive away.
I screamed out in rage; before calling him up on the phone
“What?”, he answered. “Bring back my car”, I said. “No”. “Bring back my car, Jackson. I swear to God…”. I was grinding my teeth in rage. “You’ll get the car, when you start behaving like you’re supposed to”, he said. “I’m not a child!”, I yelled. “Then stop behaving like one. Stop running away; and stop getting hurt, and putting yourself in danger”. “Jax…”. “I have business at Cara Cara. I’ll see you tomorrow. Either you’re on that couch or in bed when I get there; or I’m crashing this piece of shit chevy into a tree; and making sure you never drive it again”. “Jackson…!”. He’d hung up.
He didn’t call or text the rest of the day. I tried reaching out. - Please come home. Talk to me. No answer. An hour later I tried again. - I’m sorry I pissed you off. I just needed air. Nothing.
At 10 pm; I tried one last time. - I’m naked in bed. I miss you, and I want you here. Either come yourself, or send Juice. Someone should be getting some action. I thought the joke would lighten the mood. A message popped up. - Go to sleep. Will come by tomorrow. I smiled. ­- Should I be naked then? The answer came quickly. ­- Don’t have time for this. Go to sleep. It was like a slap to the face.
I went to bed; quietly sobbing.
After a night of restless sleeping; I woke to my phone ringing. “Jax?”, I said. “Nah, it’s Opie”. I sighed. “Hey… what’s up?”. “Jax wanted me to check in on you”, he muttered. “I’m… fine. Why isn’t he calling me himself”, I asked. “He had to take care of something”. “You at the clubhouse?”. “No… We’re still at Cara Cara”, he said. They’d spent the whole night there. “Opie?”, I croaked. “Yeah?”. “Is he… ok?”, I asked. “He’s better”, Opie said. “I’m sorry; I gotta run. We’re going back to the clubhouse now. Do you want Lyla to come by?”. “She’s… No. It’s ok. Tell her I said hi”. “I will”, he muttered. “Bye”. “Bye”. I hung up.
Jax had spent the whole night at Cara Cara. I felt sick. I had to see him. Now.
I threw on a button up dress; and called a cab. The driver smelled like old sweat, and I rushed out of the car as fast as my knee would allow – paying him while holding my breath.
The TM lot was almost empty. It was only 10; so I figured the rush hadn’t started yet. There was only one bike parked – not Jax’s. I’d made it to the lot before he had. Limping towards Gemma’s office; she met me in the door; holding Abel on her arm. His little face made me smile. “Hey, sweetheart”, Gemma grinned. “Jax said you were on bedrest”. “Yeah, I wish”, I muttered. “That bad, huh?”, Gemma said. I shook my head. “It’s nothing”.
Abel grabbed for me; and I sat down in Gemma’s chair; putting my foot up on the couch. She handed me the baby; and I held him to my chest; kissing the top of his head. “I missed you, baby boy”, I whispered. “He missed you too”, Gemma said. “Coffee?”. “No thanks”, I said. “I’m too amped already”. She nodded.
There was a roar of engines on the lot; and I got to my feet gingerly – Abel still in my arms. I limped towards the door; and saw Jax drive up with Opie, Chibs, Juice and Tig. Lyla was riding with Opie; leaning against her old man with pure love in her eyes.
I noticed a set of arms around Jax’s torso as well. It was Ima. I limped out the door; and towards the group. Jackson gestured for Ima to get off; and parked his bike – getting off it himself. She stepped over to him again; and kissed his cheek. He seemed indifferent; but smiled at her. Ima got back on his bike; putting her hands on the gas tank; as if she was straddling his own body; and smirked at him. She said something I couldn’t hear. “Not today, Ima”, he smiled back at her.
Juice patted Jax’s shoulder, and gestured towards me. When he saw me; Jackson’s face dropped. I turned to Gemma. “Can you take the baby? I don’t want him to see this”. She nodded; and brought Abel into the office; putting him in his car seat.
I limped closer to Jax. “I was just giving her a ride”, he muttered. “Yeah, I can see that. Seems like she enjoyed it”, I said. “Cat…”, he tried. “Not now”.
I stepped up in front of Jax’s bike; and looked Ima square in her smirking face. “Get your rancid pussy off my old man’s bike”, I said calmly. She looked at me in mock surprise. “Excuse me?”, she said.
Opie stepped towards us; but Lyla held him back. “Don’t, Ope”, she muttered. He stood down.
“I said; get of the bike, before I drag you off it”, I snarled. Ima slowly slid of the bike; and stepped towards me. “Jax, you better tell your babysitter to back off. I don’t want to break my nails on her face”. I smiled, and shook my head.
I could feel Jax’s eyes on my back. He didn’t come closer.
I didn’t move. Ima looked at me incredulously, before pouting. “What? Nothing to say?... Why don’t you run along, now, hmm?”.
Before she knew what had happened; I raised my fist; and punched her hard in the chest. She bent over; and held a hand to her left breast – screaming in pain. I looked at her calmly; as she heaved for breath “He is mine”, I said. “If you so much as look in his direction again; I’ll go Jack the Ripper on your diseased cunt”.
Jax came running over. “Cat!”, he yelled. “What the hell?”. I turned to face him. “You better wipe that seat with a gallon of disinfectant; before you so much as think I’ll ride with you again”.
I limped away from the crying porn-star. Passing Lyla; I looked at her, and mouthed an I’m sorry. She shrugged uncomfortably; and walked over to Ima; to help her upright.
Jax followed me in to the clubhouse. It was mostly empty; save for Rat – who’d been watching the exchange on the CCTV. “Get Ima to the hospital”, Jax muttered. The prospect nodded, and scurried of quickly.
I walked down the hall to the room with my boxes. Jax followed me. “Babe”, he tried. “Kiss my ass”, I snarled. His chin dropped. “Woah, what the hell, Cat?”. I looked at him; rage streaming through my body. “You haven’t touched me since they let me out of that police station”, I growled. “Now I see her grinding all over you?” He shook his head. “I’ve been trying to give you space…”. “Bullshit, Jax. You’ve been avoiding me”. “What the hell are you talking about?”
I was grinding my teeth in anger. “You hardly look at me… It’s like the thought of being in a room with me makes you sick to your stomach”. He stepped towards me; reaching out for me. “I was gonna come home when I could…”, he said; and put a hand on my shoulder. I slapped it away. “You left me in that house; alone! I wanted you there; practically begged you to come home – and you ignored me. Why?”.
He sighed. “I didn’t know how to face you, after what happened – what I said…”. “So you just decided not to?”, I said. “You were safe. That was all I cared about”.
I nodded; and scoffed a laugh. “Yeah. Safe… that’s the key word; isn’t it?”, I said. “You got rid of the competition; and realized you were bored with me”. “Cat…”, he said warningly. “I’m a necessary evil at this point”, I chuckled. “You need me in that house, to keep up the façade of the strong guy who has his shit together, and his family in order”. “That’s not what you are to me; you know that Cat!”, he yelled. “Why do you treat me like that, then?” “I don’t!”. “Yes you do. It’s like I somehow became less to you the second I took that gun from your hand!”.
He shook his head. “You weren’t supposed to take that fall. That was on me”. “Why?”. “Because you’re my responsibility!”. I nodded. “Right. The toxic masculine bro code. Touch my girl; and I kill you”, I smirked. “Did it make you feel like less of a man, to have your old lady go down for something you did?”.
Jax clenched his jaw. “You’re stepping on thin ice, darlin’”, he growled. I spread my arms; inviting him in. “Why don’t you smack me around a little. Might make you feel better”. His lips furled back in a snarl. “Like he did? Look where that got you!”. He gestured to my knee. “I’m trying to protect you”. “From what? The amount of porn-stars on your dick?”
He stepped towards me slowly; his body tense. “Now you’re just spewing venom”. “Yeah? Why don’t you put my mouth to better use, then?”. I pushed him towards the wall; and slammed the door closed. It took him by surprise; and for a second, he didn’t seem to know what to do. I took advantage of it; and dropped down on my good knee; letting my other knee touch the floor more gingerly.
I pulled his belt open; and pulled down his pants a little – giving me access to his dick. “Cat…”, he hissed. “Shut up”, snarled; and grabbed his member; sliding it into my mouth. I sucked at it; feeling it harden in my mouth. With one hand, I stroked the inches I couldn’t take – and with the other; I cradled his balls – massaging them. I heard Jax groan above me; and his hands went to my head. I released his testicles; and slapped his hands away. This was my project.
I massaged the underside of his penis with my tongue – sucking him to a full erection. I pulled back. “You like this?”, I purred. “Yeah…”, he breathed. I returned my lips to his cock.
I licked over the tip; tasting the precum coming from it. I slid my tongue down the side of his hardness – and then put him back in my mouth; bobbing my head up and down; drawing him closer to his end. Jax’s breath became erratic; and I could feel him tensing up. “Baby, I’m…”, he panted.
I released him from my mouth and grasp; and stood up – wiping my mouth. I stepped backwards. “What are you…?”, he croaked. I smiled. “Don’t like being left hanging?” He shook his head; and gestured towards his penis. “Could you maybe…”. “What? Finish the job?”. I narrowed my eyes. “Why don’t you make me?... Tell me you want me, Jax. Show me!”.
Jax growled; and grabbed my arm; pulling me towards him. Within a second; I was locked in his arms; and his mouth was on me – kissing me with a fervor.
I pulled down my panties; getting one foot out of them; but didn’t get any further, before Jackson lifted me up to straddle his waist. With a hand sliding under my bottom; he felt for my wetness; and held his member to my entrance – sliding me down over it. We moaned simultaneously. Jackson grabbed a firm hold of my left ass cheek; squeezing it hard, and making me yelp in pleasure. “I want you”, he growled into my ear; sending shivers down my back.
He pressed me against the wall and began thrusting into me hard; without mercy. Jax wasn’t making love to me; he was screwing me – letting out his frustration – and I was in that same boat with him.
I put my hand in his hair; pulling his head back hard; and attacked his lips and tongue with my own. He groaned almost angrily; and slammed into me harder – bottoming out. Jax put his hand around my throat; squeezing gently – but when he noticed the bruising from Josh’s attack to it – he frowned; and moved his hand back down under my bottom.
It wasn’t long before I began unfurling; clenching my muscles around him – and drawing him with me into extasy. My orgasm came like and explosion; and I screamed out – feeling Jax bottoming out in me one last time. With a raspy groan; he came inside me – and held me against the wall for a few seconds more, before pulling himself out of me; and lowering me to the floor.
I stumbled for a second; and Jackson held me upright. “Your knee…?”, he muttered. “It’s fine”, I breathed – still panting.
Jax adjusted himself; and put his pants back on properly – before leaving the room for a minute – coming back with a wet paper towel; for me to clean myself up. I was suddenly embarrassed, and couldn’t meet his eyes. I put my panties back on without a word.
“Cat…”, Jackson said quietly. “I’ll go home… let you finish up”, I whispered.
He walked over to me; and wrapped me in his arms – holding me impossibly close. “I love you”, he said into my hair; and kissed the top of my head. “When Bobby called and said you’d split… it was like you ripped my heart from my chest”. “I had to…”, I said quietly. “I had to protect you. I was afraid…”. He sighed. “I know, baby”, he breathed. “I know”.
I pulled back. His face was pained. “I can’t be a…”, I tried. “I have to be my own person. Make my own decisions”. He blinked and let out a short breath. “You want to leave…”, he whispered. I shook my head. “No! No, Jax… Never”. “Then what?”, he croaked. “I want us… But I’m not going to fit in to your idea of the perfect old lady”, I said. “I have to have a life that’s not just… this. But I want you in it”.
He sighed. “So what do we do?”, he said. I shrugged. “I think… we move on”, I said. “Together… without you controlling my every move”. He nodded. “I want that”, he said. “But… you asked me not to make decisions that involved you with out us discussing them first… You need to make me that promise as well. Leaving like that…”. I shook my head. “I made a call”, I said. “A shitty one”, he smiled softly. I stifled a smile. “I know you think that… but I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t see a way out that wouldn’t hurt you. Either prison or death”.
He sighed. “Leaving me hurt more than either of those…”, he breathed. I pulled him towards me again; putting my cheek to his. “I’m sorry…”, I croaked; beginning to weep silently. “Me too”, he said. I felt tears – his and mine – running down my cheek “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there”. “I didn’t tell you I was going…”, I tried. “No… after”, he said. “You needed me. You needed to heal more than just your body – and I just split… I should have been there for you”.
I began sobbing. “He hurt me… I thought it was over…”, I wept. “Everything I… we were; and had… gone”. Jackson was rubbing soothing circles on my back. “First; he ripped it away… then you…”. “I’m sorry”, he sniveled. “Now… I’m going to prison, Jax!... She’s sending me away… I can’t…”. I began heaving for breath.
Jax pulled my head back so he could look at me. “That’s not happening, Cat”, he said pointedly. “I’m not gonna let that happen!”. “But I don’t want you to go away!”, I heaved. He shook his head. “We will fix this. Together”, he said; and kissed my forehead. “Breathe, baby…”.
I tried to control myself. I took a deep breath. “Ok”, I said. He smiled softly at me; and wiped the tears away – first from my face; then his own. “This storage room smells like old socks. Can we get out of here?”, he said. I chuckled; and nodded.
Jax supported my weight; and we walked into the main area of the clubhouse. I winced from the pain in my knee and ribs. “You need to go to the hospital”, he muttered. “Nah, that’s not a good idea”, I said. “Putting me within reach of Ima; might end in another murder. Hers”, I snarled. He chuckled. “I was just giving her a ride”, he said. “She could have ridden with one of the others”, I grumbled. “Yeah…”, he muttered. “She just climbed on… I won’t let it happen again”. “Good”, I said.
We stepped outside. Chibs came over to us. “We all good here?”, he asked. “Yeah”, Jax said. “Good”, Chibs said. He looked at me. “You’ve got a fine lass here; Jackie. You mess this up; I’ll kick your ass myself”. I blushed.
Lyla and Ima were gone from the lot; along with the tow-truck. “They’re up at St. Thomas… Ima needed to get her tit checked out”, Juice said. Chibs chuckled. “That gash should be used to that by now…”, he snorted.
Jax transported me gently onto the picnic-table; and offered me a cigarette – which I gratefully accepted. He sat down next to me; and slipped his arm behind me – squeezing my hip for a second; and sending me his trademark Teller smirk.
Opie was on his phone; talking quietly into it. “… yeah, baby. I’ll call you back”. He hung up and came over to us. “Ima has a burst implant”, he muttered. Juice stifled a laugh. I shook my head. “Great…”, I said. “I’ve already got potential murder charges hanging over my head – and now I’ve committed assault”. Jax bit his lip. “Call Lyla”, he said to Opie. “Tell her, if Ima so much as thinks about pressing charges; I’ll come over there and burst the other one myself”. Opie sighed. “Yeah… I’m not doing that”, he chuckled. “Not exactly the conversation I want to have with my fiancée, the day after I just proposed…”.
All of our faces dropped. “What?”, Jax gasped. He sprang at his friend; and embraced him. “You son of a bitch! Congrats, man!”. All the guys embraced Opie; before I gave him a tight hug. “Congratulations, Opie. Lyla’s amazing”. “Yeah, I know”, he muttered. “Drinks!”, Chibs called out.
A roar of bikes entered the lot; and soon all of the members of Samcro where gathered around us. “What’s with the gang-hug?”, Tig said. We all looked at Opie. “I’m… getting married”, he muttered. A roar of congratulations began again.
Celebrations soon commenced; with all that involved. I found myself carried to one of the couches in the clubhouse; with my leg raised on the table; and an ice-pack on my knee. Jax was like glue to me; only getting up to get me fresh drinks; and helping me to the toilet – waiting outside the bathroom for me to finish. “I’m not running”, I smirked at him. “I know”, he smiled embarrassedly. “Just give me back my crutches”, I said. He looked down. “I, uhm… kind of threw them in to an incinerator with a dead Nord…”, he muttered. I gasped. “Jax!”, I breathed. “It wasn’t Ollie!”, he said. “We had a situation… it’s unrelated to you”. I nodded solemnly.
He stroked my cheek. “Do you want to know?”, he asked. “Later… let’s just go back out there and celebrate Opie”. He nodded; and turned around. “Come on, peg-leg. Piggy-back time”. I laughed; and climbed onto his back.
Juice passed us in the hallway; and looked at my dress - which was riding up. “I see London; I see France. I see Cat’s…”. “Finish that sentence; and I’ll kill you, brother”, Jax snarled. Juice chuckled; and went into the bathroom.
“Don’t ever joke about screwing Juice again…”, he said over his shoulder to me. I laughed. “Ok… can I screw Tig? I hear he’s hung”, I joked. “Careful, darlin’”, Jax chuckled.
He got me back on the couch; and took Abel from Gemma – handing the baby to me. We sat there together – like a little family. We were a family.
Lyla arrived with Rat about an hour later. The tiny woman was lifted into the air to a roar of applause. She looked flabbergasted; as she was carried over to Opie; who received her in his arms; and whispered something in her ear. Lyla instantly flushed red; and kissed him deeply. The pair were attacked with hugs and well wishes. I was grinning from ear to ear; and pulled Abel tighter to my chest. Jax stepped over to greet Lyla.
Bobbie came and sat by me. “You ran”, he said. “I had to”, I muttered. He sighed. “I know…”, he said; and smiled at me earnestly. “Thank you, sweetheart”. He kissed my cheek; and joined Tig and Piney at the bar.
Gemma and Clay sat down in the couch next to mine. Clay took my hand. “What you did for our son… our club”, he said. “We owe you. You were family before, but this… If you ever need anything, sweetheart…”. “Thanks”, I smiled. “For now, I just need to get over this… Kohn situation”. Clay nodded. “We’ll take care of Stahl”, he said.
Opie, Lyla and Jax came to join us. Jax took Abel from me; and put him to his chest. The baby was yawning. Gemma looked at me solemnly. “How’s the knee?”, she asked. “Numb”, I said; gesturing at the icepack. “My ribs are hurting though”. “And your hand?”, she said. I looked down at the bruising on my knuckles, from my incident with Ima. “I washed the silicone off”, I smirked; and looked towards Lyla. “Sorry…” “Ima’s a bitch”, she said. “I only eat her out; because it pays well”. Opie winced.
Jax chuckled. “All right. I don’t think this is baby-friendly talk”, he smiled. “I need to get my boy, and my girl home and into bed”. “No, Jax”, Lyla said. “Stay… celebrate with us”. Gemma smiled. “I said I’d take him for a few days. One more night won’t hurt”. “You sure, ma’?”, Jax said.
Gemma stepped over to him; and took Abel. “I got him, baby”, she smiled. Clay looked at her. “I’m gonna stick around for a while. Pour one out for Ope”, he said. Gemma smirked at him. “Don’t be to late. I’ve got something cooking…”, she said. Jax winced. “I didn’t need to hear that”, he muttered. I squeezed his hand.
Gemma left the clubhouse with Abel; and we spent the next few hours enjoying the perfect bliss on Lyla’s and Opie’s faces; as they cuddled up next to each other. Jax pulled me close. “I love you”, he breathed into my ear. “Yeah?”, I whispered. “Enough to get me a new air freshener for my car?”. He put his hand on my thigh; and stroked it gently with his fingertips. “I’ll get you two”, he smiled. I put my hand around his neck; and kissed him deeply. His hand travelled up my thigh; and under my dress.
“Do you wanna…?”, he breathed. “Yes, sir”, I smirked. He frowned slightly. “You don’t have to do that… I don’t want you to feel like I’m controlling you”, he said softly. “I don’t mind it if you’re a bit bossy”, I smirked. “It’s kind of hot…”. Jax raised a brow at me; and grinned. “Then get your ass into that dorm”, he snarled in mock menace. I pouted. “I’m hurt… I can’t walk; and a very mean man burnt my crutches”. He chuckled; and stood up. “Come on, doll-face”, he said; and pulled me up – letting me climb onto his back again.
He carried me down the hall; leaving behind the partying crowd. I had him back.
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xx-autmnlvr-xx · 4 years
Is this embarrassing? Chapter 1
PAIRING: KEVEDD (Kevin x Edd) [Ed, Edd n Eddy]
Rating: T (for cursing and violence)
This is really exciting because I have been working on this story for almost a week now and I didn’t want to post the first chapter until I finished the whole thing. I’m so happy to finish such a long fanfiction! I hope you all enjoy!!! If you like it please feel free to reblog so others can read it!
    It was a cool autumn day and peach Creek high was out at the football field for a pep rally. The Ed's, who are now in 10th grade, were on the top of the bleachers. Edd shifted in his seat in discomfort. Eddy was sitting, leaning against the back railings and Ed was laying down beside Eddy.
    "so, I said to Rolf 'I know where you should stuff your salami' I mean, it wouldn't have hurt for some of it to be sold! I was gonna give him 25 percent of the profit!" Eddy yammered in a huff. Edd shook his head with a slight smile before looking out at the football field. His eyes raked over each player until he saw him.
   With the number twelve spread on his uniform, Edd knew that underneath was a tall and slightly muscular Kevin. Kevin has grown a bit since they were 12. He began talking more to them in a friendly way and has stopped the bullying. He still calls the Ed's dorks, but now it's in a kinder way. Double D's smile widened as he watched.
   "Hey! Earth to sock head! Are you listening?" Eddy yelled, waving his hand in front of Edd's face.
    Double D snapped out of it and looked at Eddy, "o-oh I'm sorry, Eddy. I must have dozed off."
    "Are you fawning over shovel chin again?"
    "Wh... what? No! I was... just thinking of quantum physics! Very intriguing!" Edd claimed, a blush spreading on his cheeks.
   Eddy rolled his eyes, "why don't you just talk to him, Edd?"
   "Oh no no no! I would never!" Double D's cheeks grew redder.
   Then he sighed, looking out at the field, "Kevin would never go out with me. I mean he's obviously straight."
"So?" Eddy asked, "why don't you convert him? Isn't that what people like you do? Make straight people gay?"
Edd glared at Eddy, "sometimes I really wonder why I'm friends with you."
"Oh, I know! It's because we all have the same name and have been hanging out since we were kids!" Ed said loudly, smiling wide.
Double D smiled and ruffled Ed's hair, "yes. That is a few of the reasons, Ed."
 Suddenly the conversation was cut short with a loud voice, "Okay, peach Creek high! Pep rally is over so get your asses home!" Sarah screamed in a megaphone at the students.
"But be sure to come by tomorrow at 6 for the football game!" Nazz cut in with her own megaphone, "Let's come show support to our team!"
Eddy stood up, "come on, guys! Let's get going." The three made their way down the bleachers and began trekking back to the cul-de-sac. Edd glanced behind him and saw Kevin looking at him. As their eyes met double D made a flustered noise and looked in front of him. When the Ed's made it to the cul-de-sac, Eddy yawned.
"Well, boys, I would say let's hang but that stupid football rally wore me out."
"Aww but Eddy! I wanted to show you my new 'poinder monster blood' movie!" Ed pouted.
"We can watch it tomorrow, Ed. I promise." Eddy patted his shoulder.
"Yeah I agree. Today was most strenuous! I'll see you both tomorrow!" Edd smiled and waved as he went up to his house. Double D closed the door behind him and sighed, looking at his home. It was just as he left it with no sign or hair that his parents came home that day.
"It must have been another triple shift." He muttered to himself.
 He walked to the kitchen and drunk some water. Double D put his bag on the table and looked through his books. He whispered a mental list of all that he must get done that weekend that includes two essays, a page of math equations, and a thesis on ancient Aztec inventions. he began to head upstairs when someone knocked on his door. He checked the time, it was 5 pm.
"Weird. Who could that be?" Edd made his way to the door and opened it. He nearly passed out.
"M-m... Marie! What are you doing back in peach Creek?" He asked, his knees shaking slightly. Marie kanker and her sisters were taken away back in 8th grade when May came to school with multiple bruises. The human resources department found out the kanker sisters were being beat by their fathers and found multiple signs of malnutrition. Marie still had her blue hair, cut so one of her eyes were covered up she wore a black crop top with some Jean shorts. She had on some fingerless gloves. Marie rubbed the back of her neck.
"Our mother got custody of us and talked to us about where we wanted to finish school. We all chose peach Creek. We're living close to the shops."
Edd nodded, "Oh. I see." He was a little confused. Why is she acting so different?
"Do you... Want to come in?" He asked, moving aside for her.
She nodded, "yeah, thanks." She sat down on the couch and looked down at the rug.
"Would you like something to drink?"
She looked up, "do you have any sweet tea?"
"Yes, I certainly do! One moment."
 Edd came back and handed Marie the cup and sat down in a lounge chair.
"Thank you, Edd."
"It's no problem. You seem different than last time I saw you. What has happened?"
She took a sip, "well after the people took us away, they tried to put us in a foster home. Lee made a fuss and we shanked some of the kids there. They called us a danger to society and threw us in a mental hospital. While we were there, they talked to us about internalized obsessive disorder and abuse. They gave us medicine and had us talk to so many therapists. I didn't even know what we did as children was wrong. I guess that's what happens. We all began to listen, and I found out something about me. I realized that my love for you was false. I didn't love you I loved your sensitivity. I wanted to be as hopeful as you. I should have realized that I wasn't straight when I started sneaking to look at my dad's magazines."
"You mean you're...?"
"Yeah, I'm a lesbian. I didn't realize because I honestly thought that I NEEDED a man."
She took another sip and put down the drink, "but that's not why I'm here." Marie looked at him. He looked back at her.
"Double D, I want to apologize. How I acted two years ago was very ridiculous and I understand that you must have been very scared. No one should be forced into any kind of romantic interaction. I understand that now. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just want you to know that I am working to improve myself."
"Oh... oh wow, Marie. That is very admirable of you! I must admit I never expected this. I accept your apology." Edd smiled.
She smiled back, "I hope we can be friends."
"Of course!" Edd nodded. Suddenly, Marie's pocket buzzed. She took out her phone and looked at it.
"Oh shit. I have to get home. I'll talk to you later?"
 After Marie and Edd said their goodbyes, she left his home and ran down the street. Double D watched for a moment and closed his door.
"Isn't that interesting. I never would have thought that someone like the kankers would work to better themselves. I'm happy for them." Edd said to himself as he walked up the stairs and into his room.
He took off his clothes and slipped on his pajamas. He even completed most of his homework. Edd laid on his bed and looked at the ceiling. He thought about how he should come clean to Kevin but at the mere thought of confessing made him shiver.
"Eddward this is ridiculous..." He told himself aloud, "what do you have to lose?"
He thought about it and bit his lip, "he could laugh at me... Distance himself... What if he starts beating me up?" Edd felt tears well up and he made a noise of desperation. He suddenly got an idea and went over to his desk.
"Of course! I'll just write a love letter and just never give it! I'll have the emotions released and I won't get rejected!" Edd sat at his chair, grabbed a pen and blue paper and started writing.
'my dearest friend, Kevin,
It may come as a shock, but I can contain this no longer--' double D began. He smiled and kept writing the letter, letting out all his hidden desire. After he completed the whole thing he felt better. He folded it up and put it in a tin can. He debated throwing it away, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, so he decided to put it in his pants. He slept well that night.
Edd awoke at 10 am that Saturday to the sound of his alarm blaring. He sat up with a stretch and turned it off. He groggily went to his closet and grabbed his toiletries before going to the bathroom. After his shower he was brushing his teeth while trying to avoid looking in the mirror.
'why hasn't it gone away? I've tried everything but the scar is still there.' Edd thought. Finally, after he rinsed his mouth, he looked up in the mirror. There, in the middle of his head, with a haphazard pattern was a large scar. No hair grew around it so there was just a bald spot. The scar is a constant reminder of the worst point in his life. He sighed, rubbing a pea sized amount of cocoa butter lotion on the scar before putting on his hat.
Eddward left his house after doing his chores and locked the door.
"Hey, double D! Finally, you came out!" Eddy yelled from across the cul-de-sac. Eddy and Ed began bursting into a fit of laughter. Edd rolled his eyes and chuckled, walking up to them.
"You know, I may stop hanging out with you if you keep up with the gay jokes, Eddy." Edd teased.
"Aw puh-leese sockhead you know I'm just teasing." Eddy smiled, lightly nudging Edd.
Ed lifted the other two and hugged them tightly, "guys are we gonna watch the movie now?"
 Ed was sitting cross-legged in front of his couch, his eyes glued to the TV. Eddy was spread out on one side of the couch, typing on his phone. Edd was on the other side of the couch with his ankles crossed, watching the movie. After Ed's parents bought a new couch, they threw it down the basement for Ed since double D and Eddy are always over.
Edd tilted his head, "so the monster is literally a sentient glob of blood? Who comes up with these things?"
Ed turned toward double D and smiled happily, "I know! Isn't it awesome?? It could roll and wobble and gobble everyone! And it would grow each time!!! What if it happens?"
Edd smiled and patted his shoulder, "it's highly impossible, Ed. They said in the movie that they made it using 'a vial of hubirous' and there is no such thing as a hubirous. You have nothing to be worried about."
Ed nodded, "yes! You're right, double D! If it was real Godzilla would probably eat it anyways!"
Edd shook his head and smiled, "you're so imaginative."
Eddy stretched, "if I had that vial, I wouldn't waste it on some stupid experiment. Science is lame. Oh! Hey, guys, that new game came out last night! It ended up being free! Do you wanna play it sometime this week?"
"Ooh ooh yeah! That sounds cool!" Ed said, jumping up and down in his seat. A loud noise came from the television and Ed went back to watching it
Edd rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't know, Eddy. We have a big test coming up this week. Maybe we can do it next weekend."
Eddy groaned, "sockhead, you're too uptight. One test won't kill us."
Double D raised an eyebrow, "Eddy, you didn't pass the practice ACT two weeks ago. You NEED to take school more seriously."
"School is for chumps! I'm gonna make a NAME for myself! I don't need no damn geometry!"
"School is the beginnings of all business and careers. You won't last."
"WATCH ME, SOCKHEAD!" Eddy huffed, crossing his arms. Edd rolled his eyes and continued watching the movie.
 After a while Edd remembered something.
"Remember the kanker sisters?" At the mere mention of them, Ed and Eddy looked at Edd with wide eyes.
"W-what... What about them?" Eddy asked nervously.
"They came back to peach Creek!" Ed was about to scream but double D covered his mouth, "BUT they aren't like they were before! They changed!"
"How do you know?" Ed asked behind being muffled. Edd cringed and took off his hand, wiping it off on his shorts.
"Marie came over to my house last night and apologized for what happened when we were in jr. High."
"Woah you serious?" Eddy asked, shocked.
"Yeah! They got help and now they aren't obsessive or aggressive like they were."
"Cool!" Eddy and Ed said in unison. The movie ended then, and double D looked at the time. 5 pm.
"I should take my leave now."
Ed pouted, "aww but why?"
Eddy smirked, "isn't it obvious? He wants to go see Kevin throw a ball around."
Edd's entire face went red, "n...no I'm not! I just have homework!"
Eddy raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "whatever. It's your life. But you know you don't have to keep denying it, it's pretty obvious. Even lumpy can tell when you're drooling."
"Yeah! It's as clear as the little ant trying to sneak off with my cheese!" Ed chimed.
Edd looked down at his hands and fumbled with them, "you guys think it's that noticeable? Oh, my what if Kevin knows? Is he going to start avoiding me?"
"Dude, it's not that deep. My father always says, 'sell it quick before they notice' which basically means 'just go for it or you'll miss it.'" Eddy said. Double D nodded and said goodbye before climbing out Ed's window.
 The autumn wind whistled past Edd's ears. The chilly air causing fallen leaves to land near his feet. Double D looked at the ground as he walked, thinking about what Eddy said.
'maybe he's right. I mean we have lived by Kevin for years. Maybe he would accept me?' Eddward smiled a little and imagined what it would be like. Kevin pulling him close and kissing him behind a tree, whispering sweet nothings in his ear.
Edd wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into someone's back. He fell backwards onto his butt.
"Ngh! Oh, how humiliating." Edd groaned in pain, rubbing his lower back.
"YO, NERD!" A voice yelled. Edd looked up at two stocky-built guys in football uniforms.
Double D's face went pale, "I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to--" The one on the right got close to Edd's face. His name was Kyle, he had bushy eyebrows and an Auburn colored buzz cut.
"You didn't mean to WHAT, loser?"
"I was- I was deep in thought and I didn't know you was there. I'm sorry."
The one on the left smirked and went behind Edd. He was named Larry and he had blonde wavy hair with a goatee. He pulled double D to his feet and locked his arm around Edd's neck to prevent him from leaving.
"What were you thinking about? Were you thinking about math? Hey, Kyle, do you think if we bust his head open, we will get a cheat sheet for school?" At the mention of a busted head Edd started squirming, gripping Larry's arm that was nearly choking him.
"Plea... please just let me go! I'm sorry!"
"Oh, you'll be sorry alright." Kyle smiled, he punched Edd in the nose. Edd screamed in pain while the two laughed. They spent the next five minutes punching and kicking him. Edd felt himself starting to pass out from the pain. The last thing he remembered was being shoved in a trashcan and them digging in his pockets.
"Shit! Doesn't the nerd have any money? I thought his parents made a lot of money!" Kyle grumbled. Double D only saw black as he passed out completely.
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pluto-art · 4 years
Out of the Cold, Out of the Cavern
Type: Fan fiction (PatB) / Self-insert/Y/N/OC (sort of...) Genre: Hurt/Comfort (what else?) Words: 4,841 Rating: K+
Fan Fiction Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13724127/1/Out-of-the-Cold-Out-of-the-Cavern
As usual, I recommend the fan fiction version, which includes all of the italicized words.
Thanks to @shuunthenonbeliever, I was inspired to finally write this. :)
“One-sixty… one-eighty… two hundred,” the plump woman said, sliding a packet of bills off her jewel-laden fingers and into yours, like water pouring out of a spout.
“Thank you,” you replied, hesitant to pocket the load with those two, round, black eyes still staring at you, burrowing into your soul. They belonged to a young girl, nine or ten in age, perhaps, with short, auburn hair, her little white and turquoise dress bouncing up and down as she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, waiting, watching.
“She’ll need watch every weekday from three to nine,” instructed the woman, barely even looking at you or her daughter as she checked her purse for something. “If you have any trouble you have my work number.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“But you’ll be no trouble. Will you, Elmyra?”
“Oh, no, Ma’am. Nopey nopey nope! We’re gonna have so much fun laughing and cuddling and playing with all my fuzzy whittle animals!” screeched the girl, in a voice that scratched like sandpaper.
“Yes, dear. Be good to your new babysitter, all right? Mommy has to go to work now.”
“Bye byeeeeeee!!” Elmyra waved, smiling widely in mock innocence as her mother stepped out the door.
“Bye,” you called out, a bit half-heartedly.
As soon as the door snapped closed, Elmyra turned to look at you expectantly, beaming.
“All right. She’s gone. You can go play with your pets,” you said.
“Yaaaaaaaay!! I’m coming, my fuzzy whuzzies!”
And off she hopped, skipping down the hall and around a corner ever so gayly, to a spot that you knew to be her bedroom, where all manner of horrible and unspeakable things happened.
You turned, leaned against the front door, and inhaled a long, deep breath of air, practically sliding against the thing as you counted out the greens in your hand -- one one-hundred, a fifty, a ten, and two twenties. Yep. Checked out.
You pocketed the loose change, paused, then got up and stuck it in your backpack instead. It’s not like it was going anywhere for a while. Besides, you hated carrying around more than you needed to in your small pants pockets.
Tossing the backpack next to the living room couch, you collapsed onto said couch and took a gander at your new surroundings.
It was a quaint little abode. Could have done with a new paint job, perhaps, but the yellow interior and old-style furniture wasn’t completely abhorrent. The whole cottage was rather cute, in its own weird way, sporting the occasional gothic chandelier that would have looked much more at home in Edward Scissorhands’ house, or a wastebasket that was far too frilly and posh to even be used for its original purpose. But the seating was comfortable, the cable was working, and, best of all, the fridge, stuffed to its seams, was, according to Mrs. Duff, 100% at your disposal. If there was anything that solidified a job offer for you, it was free food.
Not that the job was all chipper and charm. You knew what you were getting into when you took it, and the intermittent screams coming from Elmyra’s bedroom, as well as the cat that nearly bit your finger off from earlier as you tried to coax him out from under the kitchen table, were stark reminders of that. Everyone in the city of Burbank knew who the Duff family was, whether it was personally or from the horror stories passed down the school halls. Most who visited their house, unless they were a close family friend or relative, never wanted to step back in it again. It was common knowledge that you only went to Elmyra’s if you wanted a nice, long day of yelling and suffering, and all in your dorm would have rather died than take on the job of babysitter when it was posted online. But you took it. You took it… partially ‘cause you had no choice. What with a full-time college schedule and not much else in the cupboard save for ramen and three-day-old apples, cash was in short supply and desperately needed, and even though the last thing you’d rather do was keep watch over this kid, you also couldn’t find a job anywhere else. Besides, the pay was good. Excellent, in fact. Two hundred every Friday. You might even splurge on Chinese this weekend.
Sliding the remote off the thick, wooden table, you flipped through the channels, one-by-one, finally landing on National Geographic. The narrator was deep in discussion about the living habits of bats. Appropriate, you thought, as Elmyra flitted out of the room, make-shift cape trailing behind her and blindfold on, zoomed into the kitchen and grabbed a packet of cookies before zipping back into her room, sounding very much like a bat as she laughed in a loud, screeching tone the entire time. You did a double-take as she slammed the door behind her. Were there… other voices coming from the room? No. That’s silly. You shook your head. Crazy.
The next couple of hours went by surprisingly uneventfully; so much so, in fact, that you wondered if there was any basis in the rumors that floated around about the Duff residence being a literal “house of horror”. Some even said the place was haunted. It wasn’t until 6:55 PM, when you went to remind Elmyra that dinner was almost ready, that you got a whiff that things weren’t… quite what they seemed.
Of the menagerie loose throughout the house, Elmyra owned a total of one cat, a parrot, a turtle, and two white mice. The turtle hid. The parrot squawked. And the mice? The mice… talked.
“Narf! Hello there!” the taller of the two said, as you meandered into the room. You cocked an eyebrow and hesitantly lifted a hand to wave at him.
“Hi…,” you replied, a little taken aback.
The shorter mouse didn’t look up at you. His focus was heavily trained on a notepad rife with complex calculations far beyond your intellect. He was scribbling away as if his life depended on it. He also called you a “disposable hindrance”, albeit indirectly to his associate, something you didn’t entirely appreciate, but you also didn’t dare talk back. Not yet.
“Oooo. Munchie time! Come on, little mousies!” Elmyra cheered, and she grabbed both rodents tight around the neck with her short, groping fingers, stuffing them into her shirt pocket as she ran out of the room and in the direction of the kitchen.
You stood behind for a moment, nonplussed. Okay then.
A soft shuffling down the hallway made you turn. It was the cat. He still looked quite wary of you.
“Hey, kitty,” you cooed, gently but not in a childish fashion; more like you were simply greeting a friend. “You gonna let me pet you this time?” you asked, bending down and holding out a hand for him to sniff.
Tenderly, cautiously, the cat stepped up to you, wagging its tail slightly behind him. You narrowed your eyes. A wagging tail wasn’t necessarily a good thing, especially when it came to cats, but this was… different. The closer he got to you the more he wagged it, as if he was… excited? Curious? He sniffed your hand… and licked it. Odd. Then he peered up into your face, lolled out a long, pink tongue, and barked.
You sat back a little, wide-eyed, as the cat-dog jumped up onto your legs and actually started licking your face. It was… weird. Cute, but… weird.
After a few hearty licks, the cat, satisfied, jumped back down, scratched itself, and ran off to play with a ball. You wondered why he hadn’t come up to you before. Perhaps he still had more of the cat than the dog in him. You also now understood why some people claimed that this house was “haunted”. Two talking mice and a barking cat. Not exactly “spooky”, under your terms, but definitely unusual. You wondered what other treasures this quirky household held. Pirate bones? Dinosaurs? You had to admit it was rather exciting.
Shuffling back into the kitchen, you found Elmyra at the table, greedily shoveling the macaroni and cheese you’d made for her into her mouth as she watched a cartoon program on tv. The mice sat beside her in a little highchair, both now dressed as infants, the big-headed one looking absolutely miserable. Now and again, Elmyra would shovel a huge spoonful of mac and cheese into one or the other’s mouth against their will. Lanky mouse didn’t seem to mind it too much. Grumpy mouse turned to look at you with an expression that read: “shoot me”.
“Elmyra, be careful with how you feed your pets, okay? They might not like too much mac and cheese…,” you suggested, cautiously, frowning a little at the big-headed mouse in pity.
You knew, of course, about this kid’s harsh treatment of her pets. Everyone knew. But her parents were rich, and could probably buy out the police station and the A.S.P.C.A. if they’d wanted to, and so no one said anything. Still, as an animal-lover, you were curious. Just how badly did she handle her critters? Maybe you could do something to relieve their pain while you were there? And the situation was bad, certainly, but you’d seen worse, and there was only so much you could say besides, at least while she was awake. Too much rebellion and you’d probably be fired. That being said, you fully intended to assist in giving the poor things a little reprieve once Elmyra went to bed in an hour, and so you let the macaroni-shoveling slide… for now.
8:00 PM came and went, with little deviation from the norm aside from Elmyra quickly popping into the kitchen again at 7:23 PM, opening the freezer, and succinctly closing it before racing back into her bedroom. You shrugged at the gesture, barely turning around from the tv, figuring she probably just went to grab some ice cream. Thankfully, Elmyra not only went to bed early, but also was a heavy sleeper, so by the time 8:15 rolled around she was already obediently in bed and snoring, needing only a reminder from you ten minutes prior. The lanky mouse opened an eye as you peeked in. He was sleeping in the bed with her.
“Sorry,” you muttered, making to close the door, but the little mouse sat up.
“Wait! D-Do you mind checking on Brain? Elmyra said he went to Antarctica, but… he hasn’t been back in a while. You’ll go look for him, won’t you?” he asked, twisting his tail as he said it.
“Sure. I’ll look for him,” you responded pleasantly, and you meant it. The mouse smiled.
“Oh, thank you!” he whispered, tucking back into bed. “Good night!”
“Night,” you whispered back, closing the door softly behind you.
You frowned. Antarctica? More than likely, cranky mouse was simply hiding somewhere, but internally you promised to keep an eye out and check a few cupboards.
Several drawers, a pantry, numerous cupboards, and a couple of closets later and you still couldn’t find the little mouse. You even checked the higher areas of the house, wondering if “Antarctica” meant somewhere scalable and colder. Your first thought, of course, had been the freezer, but that was preposterous. She wouldn’t be that cruel. Would she…?
Out of pure curiosity, you headed back into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl from a cupboard as you did so. You were hungry anyway and figured that a hearty helping of ice cream before you left in half an hour certainly couldn’t hurt. You had free reign of the fridge, after all.
You set down your little blue bowl on the counter. You grabbed a spoon from a drawer and set it in the bowl. You even snatched a couple of Oreo cookies from an Oreo cookie box nearby and plopped them next to the bowl for good measure. Could never be too careful.
Noticing that Elmyra had left a box of frozen fruit pops on the counter without putting them back, you shook your head, grabbed it, opened the freezer door…… and dropped the box onto the floor with a loud plop. Hastily, you whipped off your red sweater, reached into the freezer, and pulled out a little white ball of frozen fur and whiskers.
“Oh, you poor baby,” you cooed, cradling the small mouse in your sweater as if he were precious cargo. You tittered. “Goodness. You poor thing. She actually put you in here??”
Closing the freezer door, you brought the mouse up close, pressing a finger to where his heart would be. His eyes were shut tight, and he was curled so firmly about himself that it took a little doing to get your finger up to his chest. He didn’t stir as you moved him about. There was a heartbeat… barely, faint as a whisper. It was a miracle he was still alive.
Almost instinctively, you cupped him in your hands, brought him over to the sink, and slowly turned on the faucet, checking that the water was lukewarm before carefully sticking him under the steady stream. You didn’t want it too hot right off the bat. Even a warm temperature might be a shock.
Two minutes later, after you’d let the (hopefully) stimulating mini waterfall wash over him, you turned off the faucet and proceeded to dry him off with a towel -- softly; slowly. He still hadn’t stirred, not even a little, and you gulped. Were you too late..?
8:35 PM. The stillness of the night, save for the now dimmed volume of the television, found you sitting once more on the couch, this time with a fuzzy occupant in hand. Big-headed mousie -- the… Brain… he was called? -- lay cradled in your arms, encompassed about with a very soft, very woolly blanket indeed. It was the fluffiest you could find in the house. Nothing less would suffice, in your mind. You could only imagine how frightening of an ordeal it must have been, shivering, cowering in a freezer for an hour, not knowing if the next breath you took would be your last….
A thumb gently stroked the snow white fur of the sleeping mouse, and you couldn’t help but massage that oversized head of his from time to time, muttering to him in soothing tones as you did so.
“You poor thing…. I’m so sorry I didn’t see you in there earlier,” you apologized, even though he probably wasn’t listening. He still hadn’t opened his eyes, the only indication that he wasn’t dead being the steady beat, beat, beat of his thumping heart every half a second.
“You gonna blink for me, sweet heart?”
And then, as if on cue, the little mouse sloooowly blinked, opened his eyes, and stared at you.
“Hey there, little one,” you whispered, smiling at him. “Atta boy….”
His eyes began to shift around, rapidly, and he frowned, as if trying to take in all at once where he was and what had happened.
“It’s all right. It’s all right,” you reassured him, readjusting your grip a touch as you continued to hold him close to your chest. “I’ve got you. Elmyra’s asleep. She can’t do you any harm. And if she tried I wouldn’t let her.”
He opened his mouth, closed it, opened it once more, and subsequently shut it again, as if at a loss for words. Perhaps he really was speechless, or perhaps he was still a little stiff from having been locked up in the freezer for so long. Whatever the reason, he continued to stare at you, almost unblinkingly. As you went to pet him again, he reeled back, breathing faster than normal.
“Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay,” you said calmingly, pausing a mite before resuming your soft massage of his head. “It’s all right, little one. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
And slowly, hesitantly, he settled.
“‘Antarctica’,” you mused, shaking your head. “I’m surprised you survived that. Poor thing….”
You continued to talk to him; comfort him. After a solid five minutes of being stroked and cooed to, he actually leaned into your hand. You could tell he enjoyed the massage, reluctant as he was to admit it. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the little fellow, even if he had been a bit of a butt to you earlier. How often did this kind of thing happen to him? Weekly? Daily? How often did he bath in this torment? You decided to ask him.
“Does she do this kind of thing to you often?”
He nodded, gaze still trained on you.
“Like… daily?”
He nodded again. You sighed.
“I’m so sorry….”
He actually shrugged.
“It’s… my life,” he coughed out, in a deep, chocolatey voice that was a little raspy. It was almost comical that a voice that low could come from something so diminutive.
“Well, it shouldn’t be your life,” you countered. “You don’t deserve any of this.” He simply blinked at you.
“How long has she had you for?”
He shrugged again.
“Over a year..?” he guessed.
“Over a year…. Sheesh…. How are you still alive?” you asked, actually chuckling a little… and regretting it immediately after. This was no laughing matter.
“I… I don’t know,” the Brain admitted, his body vibrating for a second as it released a shiver. For once, he looked away from you. “I don’t know….”
There was something in the way that he said “I don’t know”, something in the way his voice quivered a touch as it floated off into the air, that made your heart break in two. It was as if he himself couldn’t believe they’d held out as long as they had; that they hadn’t given up all hope by this time. It was a dry admittance, a sad admittance, and he blinked rather rapidly and sniffed after saying it, as if trying to bite back tears.
Any animosity you’d had for such a creature had completely dissipated by this point. His honesty. His helpless quaver…. They’d destroyed it. With all the more tenderness, you rocked him gently to and fro, taking extra care to massage his whole little body, as best he’d let you anyway, trying to iron out every last bit of pain trapped in those delicate bones. He barely even resisted, save for asking once why you even bothered to help him in the first place.
“Because I think you needed it,” was your blunt response.
He’d looked away a little shyly at this, before turning back to look into your eyes.
“Thank you,” he muttered, and it sounded sincere.
You simply nodded, smiling at him, continuing to rub out the pain as best you could.
8:47 PM. You tossed a frown at the clock. Mrs. Duff would be back in about thirteen minutes. The time you had spent with your new charge hadn’t felt like enough. You were fully aware that you couldn’t take him back to your place for extended relief. He’d have to return to Elmyra’s room, or, at the very least, be put back somewhere in the house before the mother arrived. This posed a bit of a problem, however, for by this point he’d fallen back to sleep in your arms. You stopped rocking him back and forth for a moment to simply… look at him.
He was so small. Much smaller than expected for a pet mouse. Perhaps he’d been a field mouse in the past? A body that fragile shouldn’t be thrown around in a house by a volatile little girl. He should be cared for; comforted; loved.
8:48 PM. He was actually snoring, so quietly it was barely audible. Despite yourself, you leaned down… and kissed him on the top of his head. He stirred, but didn’t awaken.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered again, swallowing thickly.
You looked at the clock. 8:49 PM. You sighed.
You couldn’t do this. You knew you couldn’t do it from the moment you opened the freezer door and saw him lying in there. Two hundred dollars a week wasn’t worth it. You were going to be fired and that was that. Screw the money. The thought of leaving the two mice in such a condition as this was unbearable. You couldn’t rescue all of her animals, of course, and you hated the idea of stealing, but this one had almost died.
8:50 PM. You groaned. This wasn’t going to be easy….
Sunday morning saw you bright and early, topping off some pancakes in your dorm room with maple syrup, cutting up a few tiny pieces, and setting aside said pieces on a small napkin on a table. Two little white mice immediately stepped up. You smiled at them as you dug into your own, much larger portion of the breakfast, watching the sun rise beyond the balcony.
In the end, you’d chosen the lesser of two evils: voluntary departure. The moment Mrs. Duff had returned home, you’d politely thanked her for the payment, but regretted that you didn’t think you could continue to operate as babysitter. She’d been disappointed, but not surprised. It wasn’t the first time a new hire had quit so suddenly. The turn-over rate with Elmyra was high.
And so you left, leaving the two mice behind at the house, but had returned the next day around 1:00 PM while Elmyra was in school and her parents were preoccupied. She had a tendency to leave her bedroom window open, you see, and it didn’t take much convincing to persuade the mice to consider new living arrangements. The taller one, whose name turned out to be Pinky, was a bit uncertain, and felt bad about ditching without even a note of thanks or apology, but the Brain said it wouldn’t matter, that Elmyra would get over it soon enough and find some other tiny rodents to torture, and so Pinky relented. Not that you could blame him for being hesitant. You also felt bad about literally kidnapping them in this way, but you couldn’t think of any alternative.
Watching Pinky happily lick maple syrup from his lips, however, and observing Brain take notes on a pad while he chewed on pancake satisfactorily, you felt it had been worth it. Pinky still felt a bit guilty about ditching Elmyra so suddenly, but he seemed to adjust to change surprisingly quickly, and sweet breakfast food every morning was a-okay in his book. Brain was still getting used to you, and spoke only when necessary, but he hadn’t forgotten the freezer incident. When he did speak to you it was fairly formal and polite, and he’d even let you scratch behind his ears now and again. Pinky was undoubtedly the friendlier of the two, and you enjoyed spending time with him, talking about movies and playing board games, but there was a special place in your heart reserved for Mr. Grumpy. You figured that would always be there after what had transpired several nights prior. All you could see whenever you opened a freezer door now was an ivory, frost-bitten body trembling in your hands.
Bright sunlight was pouring into the dorm room now, alighting the chairs, the tables, the dishware…. Smiling, you stood up, plate in hand, and stepped out onto the porch, choosing instead to rest in one of the outside seats, the better to enjoy the day’s warmth.
Several minutes later, as you popped a piece of pancake in your mouth, something, or someone, crawled up into the chair beside you. You looked down. It was Brain.
“Hello,” you greeted him pleasantly.
“Hello,” he replied. He licked his lips a little timidly. “Umm….”
“I…. Well, I… I just wanted to say that… you’ve…. Well, it’s… it’s nicer here than at Elmyra’s….”
“Glad to hear that. I would hope so,” you smirked.
“And… I…. Well, I… um…,” he stammered, scratching at his neck.
You smiled.
“It’s okay,” you said. “You’re welcome.”
He looked up at you, then back at the sunrise. A minute passed. Quietly, inconspicuously, he sidled up close to you, and leaned his entire body against yours, closing his eyes as he did so. Your heart warmed at this show of trust. Oh….
Gently, so as not to startle him, you brought up a hand and began massaging him.
“I love you, little one,” you whispered under your breath.
In response, he pressed closer against you. It wasn’t at all what you expected from him, but you gratefully accepted it all the same.
You both sat like that for a long time, enjoying the touch of the sun’s rays, Pinky finally joining in some moments later as he snuggled up to his friend. Brain actually wrapped an arm around Pinky... and smiled. Pinky hugged him back.
A grin tugged at the corners of your mouth as you watched them, before turning your attention back to the sunrise. Hot pancakes. A beautiful view. Soft mice. And no Elmyra. It was nice. 
As you petted the two little fuzzies cuddled up next to you, warm and full and far away from any girls who would put them in freezers, one thing became absolutely decided in your mind: no amount of money could ever substitute for this.
The End
Author’s Note:
I promised myself I’d never do a self-insert. Granted, that applied more to drawings, and even then I’ve made a couple of exceptions in the past, but writing out this kind of thing is still a bit embarrassing to me. I feel like it tampers too much with the canon universe, but, then again, so do AUs and even fan fiction in general. Every story is a “what if”.
This one came about, however, because I was inspired by a friend of mine, Shuun. She’d written a very sweet little story called Haven Forbid (which I suggest you check out), that was, in turn, partially inspired by a soft idea I’d had in which a young woman, taking on the job of Elmyra’s babysitter, discovers Brain trapped in the freezer and proceeds to nurse him back to health. The idea in general is one I’ve had for months and months and months. Whenever I daydream about cuddling and comforting Brain, it often comes back to this particular scenario. So, yes, it’s a flat-out self-insert. Ha-ha. I just normally don’t like sharing these things publicly, but Shuun inspired me to be brave. Heh. :)
Although this is written with a y/n perspective, the character of the babysitter is basically me. This is what I would most likely do if in this situation. Pinky, Elmyra, and the Brain is a show that I not only abhor, but that hurts my heart terribly. The pain I feel regarding Brain, watching him get beat up, tossed around, thrown against walls, choked, and all manner of other despicable things, is nigh through the roof. So dearly do I yearn to rescue him from such a predicament that I’ve literally been in tears thinking about what he had to endure in that show, even though it’s technically not canon. He can be a little butt himself sometimes, but he absolutely did not deserve any of what he was put through in that series.
Hand me a little frozen Brain and I’d do exactly what you saw in the story. Let me warm him; hold him; love him; tell him he’s not alone…. He’d probably balk at a majority of it, but, deep down, he wants to be comfortable and secure as much as the next person. I have so much love for this little fellow. A lot of the time he needs a kick in the pants, to be certain, and occasionally he’d rather be left alone than spoken to, but once in a while, even though he’d never admit it, I think he also needs a kiss to the head.
(As a side note, the title of this story was… paaaaartially inspired by the famous “Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire” chapter title in The Hobbit.)
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"Dizzy Meeting"
(AGED UP) Ray X Fem! Reader Lemon (featuring aged up emma and norman)
Warnings: nsfw (Lemon), Seggs, Hard/Rough Seggs, meeting at the bar, Emma and norman in relationship, Oral Seggs (Reader Receiving), Drunk Ray, Hooking up at bar, potty language, random dudes flirting, dirty talk, Etc, MINORS DNI.
It was like 9:30 PM when you went to the bar to get a drink. You Sat down at the counter and the bar tender slid over to you and smiled at you softly "Hello little lady, what can I get for ya?" he had an Australian accent witch was pleasant to hear, you liked different accents. they always amazed you. You brushed your h/c hair behind your ear and smiled at him. "One (FAVORITE ALCHOHOLIC DRINK) Please" You watched As the man nodded at you and rushed to go get you a drink. while you were waiting for him to return two boys and a shorter girl walked into the bar together at the same time. The girl was ginger with emerald green eyes, her beautiful orange hair was fluffy at the top but the fluff calmed down just a bit as it reached her shoulders. she had a little ahoge at the top of her fluffy hair that shaped the top of a heart at the end. The tallest boy had black hair and emerald green eyes like the girl. he looked emo.. he had hair covering his left eye, you felt your cheeks heat up with blush at the sight of him. the second tallest boy, had sapphire eyes and white hair with a little swoop ahoge at the side like half of a circle. To your luck, the three came and sat next to you. the raven haired boy with the beautiful green eyes sat to your left and the other two sat to your right. you looked down at the counter infront of you as the australian bartender slid your drink to you and began to take the three strangers orders. you smiled in awe when the white haired boy asked for a drink to share with the ginger. the girl leaned onto his shoulder and you swear you could hear her whisper i love you to him. you giggled and thought how cute that was. you look to your side where the edgy-looking boy was sitting to check him out a bit. you noticed he was looking at you and you were about to look away when you realized he wasnt looking at your face, he was looking at your chest. you blushed more and looked away and heard the couple to your right whispering about how the other was checkin' you out. the two next to you were looking at you and giggling. the girl spoke up but whispered to you. "I think our friend like you- hehe" you just giggled and looked away. the bartender gave the couple their drink but the raven haired boy got a shot of tequila.
An hour or two passed and you and the three strangers had been talking ever since. the couple were only a bit drunk as they only had a couple drinks and so had you. but the raven haired boy, his name was ray, and the couples names were norman and emma, anyways, the raven haired boy had been close to blacking out.. thats how drunk he was. you all decided to go to the threes shared apartment where you would stay the night, you had all befriended eachother. you, and emma helped ray walk to the car as norman got into the drivers seat and started the car. while you and emma strapped ray into the car both of you noticed ray was staring you up and down with a seductive smirk. you just blushed as you walked to the other side of the car and sat in the back next to ray. you were blushing the whole time and emma sat in the passenger seat and got on her phone while ray immediately fell asleep and leaned on your shoulder. emma saw this and giggled. taking a picture then getting normans attention by nudging his arm with her elbow, causing him to look at her while she pointed to the back and he looked in the mirror at the top of the car and saw ray leaning on you. he chuckled and looked back at the road. whispering to emma "Send that to me-" she nodded in agreement and you peeked at her phone screen. seeing her open messages and clicking normans profile and sending the picture, you blushed more in embarrassment and looked away as they giggled in awe. a couple hours had passed again and you had fallen asleep and your head was on rays, emma took another picture then you guys pulled into the parking lot. emma and norman got out and went to the back seats and norman got you out while emma got ray out and they took you both to rays room and put you in his bed with him and left. ray had immediately woke up, he woke you up and you looked at him then the blush you had before re-appeared. ray noticed this and smirked, he crawled over you and leaned down. pinning you to the bed and kissing you. it took a moment for you to process wtf was happening then you just kissed him back. you barely knew him for a day and you were already kissing this- beautiful, raven-haired man. he bit your bottom lip gently and you gasped, he took that to his advantage and slipped his tongue into your mouth, After some aggressive making out he pulled away because unfortunately, humans need oxygen to live. you covered your face with your hands and didnt notice he began to unbutton his shirt. sliding it off then pulling your hand away from your face and holding them above you. He started taking off his belt and when he finished taking it off he grabbed your wrists and tied them to the headboard. You blushed when he tied you up then he started taking off your shirt. revealing your black-laced bra, He removed the shorts you were wearing too which left you in your lace undergarments'. You saw him bite his bottom lip and sigh, he starts taking off his white jeans. leaving him in his boxers, you noticed a bulge and you quickly look away before ray grabs your face and turns your head to look at him, he quickly kissed you and once again and slipped his tongue back into your mouth, as you two were literally making out, ray slipped a hand behind you and unclasped your bra, tossing it to the side and revealing your beautiful chest to him- your face, if possible was even redder than before as he reached a hand to one of your breasts and began to massage it while he moved down and took the other into his mouth, you let out a moan and bit your lip to quiet it as much as possible. ray smirked as he looked up at you "Dont hold back your moans, i wanna hear your beautiful voice show off all the pleasure im giving you by moaning, for me, moan for daddy~". you did as told and moaned as he pleasured you. he scooted down more until his face was between your thighs, he kissed your inner thighs. you moaned quietly at the action then jumped slightly when you felt ray pull off your panties. he slowly licked your pussy and listened to your moans as he continued, he licked and sucked your
clit as he put a finger inside you and began to pump it in and out of you. your moans got louder and louder as he added more fingers and sped up the pace, you finally came on his fingers and he pulled them out of you and smirked, he licked you and his fingers clean of your juices. he then stood up and stared down at your fragile frame then pulled down his boxers, revealing his hard and surprising but not really surprisingly large member. you blushed harder and he aligned the tip of his member to your entrance. "Are you ok with this..?" he asked softly before you nodded. his devious smirk returned and without warning he slammed into you, it hurt for just a second and you moaned loudly. he immediately started ramming into you at a quick pace as you let out loud moans. "Say my name, no.. scream it, i want everyone in the building to know whos making you feel this good." he leaned down and growled in your ear. that action alone made you shudder. he picked up the pace and the sound of skin slapping got louder along with your moans. ray reached one of his hands down and started rubbing your clit very quickly and roughly to increase your pleasure. he bit down on your neck and sucked on your sweet spot as you moaned, all the pleasure was overwhelming and you felt your climax coming closer and closer. ray picked up the pace even more and railed you even harder. he kept biting down on your neck and collarbone along with your shoulders and chest , leaving various hickeys. "Ah! ray!" you moaned. that turned on ray more as he picked up the pace even more and growled. "R-RAY! I-AH~!" You were screaming his name as tears of pleasure pooled in the corners of your eyes. "More.. more, yell my name more.." He said with husk tone, he looked at you dead in the eye as he pounded into you. you saw the look of lust in his eyes and you moaned even more as he changed the position by placing your legs over his shoulders for deeper penetration'. While he was pounding into the deepest parts of you, he leaned down and kissed you passionately as you both reached your climax. you came together and your moans were muffled by each others kisses. ray pulled out and you both breathed heavily. his seed dripped out of you slightly and he untied your wrists and threw the belt on the floor. he lay down next to you and pulled the blanket over you two. cuddling you, ray buried his face into the crook of your neck and fell asleep, you just hugged him and played with his hair until you fell asleep with him.
The next day|
Emma and norman heard it all. early in the morning they were in the kitchen laughing together and making jokes about it. when you and ray woke up he took a shower with you then you two got dressed but you could barely walk from how hard he railed you last night, when you two went down to the kitchen the two looked at you guys. they spotted the hickeys all over you and giggled. "Did you two have fun last night? cuz it sure sounded like it" emma said, giggling more as norman was silently dying from laughter. You and rays eyes widened and you looked at each other then back at them. "Uh- Yeah- i guess-" you two were blushing then everyone just started laughing their asses off.
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