#zeus au
dream--interrupted · 2 months
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Started as a random crossover between Proseka and Greek mythology/PJO. Then it went out of control. And then halfway I got lazy.
My personal favourite is Shiho's design. And Nene's, but does it really count as my design if half of it is literally from the game?
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I'm going to summarize the dynamic between Zeus and Astyanax for y'all
Zeus: how are you so small yet so full of spite?
Astyanax: wouldn't you like to know weather boy?
Odysseus in the background, tearing up: that's my boy
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
   “Did you seriously have to choose ‘usernames’ for this?” Billy blinked in utter befuddlement at the words in the corner of his vision, even if he knew it was all in his head. All in his magic or something. It wasn’t like the wizard had exactly explained anything. 
   Several voices responded with far too much smugness or delight, save for Marvel. Actually- “Um, why is the cap’ labeled as moderator?” he knew he shouldn’t have told them about streaming and chats, he knew he shouldn’t have. “Hold up, why is my name showing up in… uh, chat?” 
   Well, at least it wasn’t his full name or something, because he had no idea if other magic users or telepaths could see it. The fact he could both hear and see the gods- even if half of them actually weren’t- was just another thing he’d get used to. 
   He’d gotten used to hearing Solomon after all, even if it took a solid week to stop jumping whenever they piped up. So it couldn’t be much different to get used to the rest and well, the Marvel that was pretty much the amalgamation of all the past users. 
  Oh no did this mean he counted as haunted? Would someone try to exorcize him? Oh no, he didn’t have to avoid everyone for the rest of his life, did he? That would suck, especially seeing as how he needed to get food somehow, even if it was through the trash-
 HeralKeys: I will give you temporary super strength in your mortal form if you punch one of those blue boys you don’t like
   Nevermind, he’d have to be a hermit because of the dead egging him on-
 IAMSPEED: Do it and I’ll give you my speed for the day, no questions :) 
   Billy… was probably going to regret this, but honestly Solomon was the only one protesting. If the marvels thought it was fine, then it’d be okay, right? Besides, what was the worst that could happen, someone catches a street kid using super speed on video?
Also known as where Billy can use the powers he has in Marvel form at different points because the divine twitch chat did the equivalent of a donation. $5? They can't do that, but what about 5 hours of Solomon's wisdom while he tries to figure out magic?
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Captain Marvel whenever he needs to drive any vehicle: I don't know what to do, there's a little voice inside of me saying "This is a bad idea!" But I can barely hear that little voice because an even louder little voice is screaming "LET THE 12 YEAR OLD DRIVE!!!"
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Not sure if this would be amusing or horrifying. But I’m imagining a Trials of Apollo AU where Apollo is sent down to Earth in the same physical form that he was in when he fought Python the first time. Which in my mind, for whatever the reason, makes him appear about 7-8 years old.
Most things end up happening the same but no one takes Apollo seriously because he looks like a second-grader. (However, Apollo doesn’t get beat up by Cade and Mikey, and Diana spends a few minutes cuddling Apollo because that’s HER baby brother and she misses him.) Plus, Cabin Seven has more than one moment where they are holding back hysterics and the urge to wrap their Father up in bubble wrap because Apollo is a tiny fragile mortal who supremely overestimates what he’s capable of doing in child-form (and don’t get him started on talking about their mortal parents, this situation is already too weird). Chiron is also despairing because he already dealt with young Apollo being weirdly paternal once before, and now he has to deal with it again (Dionysus is outwardly laughing but inwardly panicking because he’s seen far too many children die and he knows what Zeus is like when it comes to letting other gods try to help someone he’s decided to punish)
Meg is suffering from cognitive disonnance because she was half-joking when she claimed Apollo’s service and is now stuck with a child-like ex-god who has a bunch of children of his own.
Bonus: Zeus is questioning his life-choices because child!Apollo keeps getting himself almost adopted by random strangers for some reason (and a part of him is furious and intending to strike them all down because Apollo is HIS son, not THEIRS) and this was not the punishment the king of the gods intended for him (and all the other gods are quietly side-eyeing him nervously). Leto is furious because that’s her baby and she wants him safe and not to go fighting that evil snake again (at least he isn’t a four-day old baby this time) but Zeus refuses to listen to her.
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AU where Hades just takes Percy prisoner before he could ninja-vanish his way out of Sanctuary. Slowburn Oh-Fuck-I'm-An-Uncle-Now while the war between Zeus and Poseidon gets worse and worse.
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annie-also-draws · 15 days
Hades Charmes brain rot dump
Domestic Charmes Modern Au for my needs bc there’s not enough art of them HNNNNG (bless you AO3 writers)
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Some designs for Hermes. (Charon’s still in the backlog in my head rn). Hermes with glasses anyone??? 😭
I’m in the deep trenches of making my own Au where Hermes and Charon are finance bros (god of commerce and the god who collects gold, duh, ain’t no way they’re dirt poor).
There’s plenty of fics that display Hermes as the black sheep of the family who’s running his own life away from his family doing odd jobs and barely hangs on (no hate I love them!!!) but there’s not enough Rich! Hermes out there so I just gotta insert my own brain rot. Charon and Hermes working for rival finance companies (one deal with future investment and one deal with settlement money/clauses after one’s death (idk if it’s a real thing but meh)
Check the tags for the synopsis lol AO3 style
Bless Jen Zee for long hair Hermes bc all the hairstyle I can conjure from this 😩🙏
The glasses started as a goofy accessory and ended up staying. Longsighted-Hermes who can’t see things that are close to him and uses contact lenses at work 👁️👁️. Only wears glasses at home (with Charon). Grows very little beard and is perpetually tired bc overworked! Hermes is so canon.
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son of apollo eddie child of aphrodite steve so true
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sm-baby · 7 months
Imagine angus sits on his high throne up a series of steps and somehow he’s just EYE LEVEL of Elaine- Elane? the prebby tall woman :))
Lady of Cloud- :))
Everyone else- .///.
Angus- .//////////.
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Silvy: You would not beleive how much wool in takes to make clothes for her! It gets so expensive!
Angus, internally: I CAN AFFORD WOOL-
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100 followers special! Ty all so much <3
Yandere ceo hera x reader (headcanons)
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you worked as an assistant to hera, you had gotten the job after a friend of yours was fired claiming that hera was a live version of devil wears prada. but you needed a job so you had applied anyway.
on your first day it was as you expected, hera hardly payed attention to you instead pawning you off on other workers to train you on what to do. as weeks went on though and you proved to be useful and a good worker hera began to talk to you more, it wasn't much just simple things or small complements if you did a good job which was rare from her.
even though she hardly payed attention to you when you weren't in her presence you couldn't help but notice her stares from across the room or through the glass walls of her office when she saw you talking to another worker at olympus co. especially if it was one of zeus's children that wasn't her own.
the longer you worked there the less people talked to you and the more hera talked to you. you noticed a few glances from others but they quickly looked away as soon as hera would go near you. she began sending you on more personal tasks like fittings for an outfit for the new charity gala shes hosting. after all her personal assistant cant just show up in poor clothing.
eventually when you get to work she doesn't even let you out of her office, she sets up your own little desk claiming its so that she doesn't have to go through the building looking for you if she needs you but truly its to keep you from others.
you would walk into work everyday with new gifts on your desk from expensive chocolates to cute jewelry (with purple diamonds of course), and just anything else to show that you are hers.
if however she catches you outside of her office talking to someone she has forbid you to talk to then you will no longer be able to do that. she is one of the richest people in the world with vacation homes around the world. and billions of dollars to pay off anyone who may come looking for you when she takes you.
she'll hide you off in one of her vacation homes on her private island so that theres no chance of you escaping when she isnt there. she gives you only the most luxurios things and food and has plenty of personally approved maids to help you and make sure you dont go mad being alone on an island.
hera comes to visit you every weekend and schedules a bunch of unamed buisness trips (or atleast thats what she tells everyone else) where she will visit you. the mansion that you are kept at has everything you could ever need so you wont ever try to escape. you also wont ever try to escape because of the cruel punishments promised if you do.
life with hera is quite lovely once you accept that youre never aloud to do anything without her knowledge. and maybe if youre lucky she may even let you back on the mainland, as long as you obey her alone.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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raphael-angele · 2 days
If Hades raised Nico and Bianca Part 33 (feat other Hades)
"Hades" Hades: Hello, little ones.
Nico: Hehe Hehe Papa! Papa! *running to him*
Bianca: Papa! *running to him*
Hades: *carries them* There we go. *kisses their foreheads*
"Disney" Hades: Hey there, kiddos.
Nico: *throws a pomegrenate at him*
Hades: OW!
Bianca: Why is your hair on fire?
Hades: Cuz...I don't know.
Bianca: Why is it blue?
Hades: I don't know
Bianca: Why is your face so long? Why are your eyes yellow? Do you have jaundice? Why is your skin blue? Why are your teeth pointy? Why is your nose pointy? *keeps adding questions*
Nico: *throws a pomegrenate at him*
"PJO Series" Hades: Hey, kids!
Nico: You look old.
Bianca: Like a grandpa
"Blood of Zeus" Hades: Hello, children
Nico: *cries loudly*
Hades: No no no no no, Nico, don't cry *picks him up to try and comfort him* Shh, shh, don't cry.
Bianca: *hesitantly takes a step forward*
Hades: Come here, angioletta. *picks her up*
Bianca: *feels his head* Where's your hair?
Hades: *chuckles*
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Astyanax, like every child out there, would totally give Odysseus mini heart attacks. Not only the usual ones (climbing somewhere too high for a kid, eating something he shouldn't, etc), he would also quote parts from Zeus' prophecy in The Horse and The Infant.
Picture this, Astyanax, 6 years old, they're playing tag you're it, Odysseus is chasing him (and letting the kid run away).
Odysseus: come here!
Astyanax: No! I'm faster than you! You can't outrun me!
"Odysseus trips in a cartoonish way*
Or this other possibility.
Astyanax, smol, shitting on a barrel, curious and distracting everyone from their duties on deck: we should play something
Eurylochus: Can't. We are all working
Astyanax: why?
Eurylochus: so we get to Ithaca faster
Astyanax: Hm, that's your motivation?
Eurylochus: that's what fuels me
Astyanax: then I fueled with rage
Odysseus drinking water in the vicinity: *almost shocks*
Astyanax: Perimedes said that's a good motivator
*Odysseus sighs in relief*
Eurylochus: don't listen to Perimedes
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hoegender · 1 year
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athena kid!leona infected my brain for a while and i decided to expand. here have a twst pjo au
i might get to assigning the others soon but for now i'm happy with my scrunklies
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ukelele-boy · 10 months
Going crazy thinking about Hephaestus TV and how it probably aired everything TOA Apollo went through.
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rarepears · 11 months
AU Idea: what if during a mission Shen Jiu found himself victim of a magical artifact which spirited him away in ancient Greece and he get unintendedly involved with some of the greek myths's plots?
The moral of this story ask is that any prompt related to Ancient Greece will lead Pears to immediately jump to "and [name] finds himself getting smashed by Zeus".
Shen Jiu gets smashed by Zeus.
Shen Jiu, through his (theoretical) knowledge of dual cultivation, cauldrons, and demonic cultivation based on human body fluids and more ends up becoming a minor deity by sucking up (literally as well as figuratively) some of Zeus' godhood.
Congrats Shen Jiu! You are the first of the Qing generation to ascend!
Unfornuately for Shen Jiu, he's got a very pissed off Zeus gunning for him as Zeus finds himself so weakened that he's no longer the top dog among the Greek pantheon... Oh and Hera would like a word too.
(Hm, would Zeus see about somehow tricking Shen Jiu into eating some Underworld fruits so that Shen Jiu is banished to live in the dreary underworld?
Add in a Luo Bingge who's jumping through dimensions for a nice shizun he can keeps and... things are interesting.
Just some thoughts to consider...)
[More in #Shen Jiu gets spirited away to Ancient Greece AU]
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Terribly sorry for the inconsistent updates (will happen again though) but here's some Sun of Magic memes, some (most) of it has yet to happen
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