#you're the gin to my tonic
jackfrostsander · 2 years
Happy third anniversary to the most mind-blowing piece of TV history: WTFOCK S03!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Sobbe's love story is one of those extremely rare occasions when a story moves you so deeply that it becomes a permanent part of your heart ❤️ The story has been, for many people, a warm comforting blanket in difficult times, a beacon of hope for people struggling with themselves, and a source of heartwarming joy for everyone!
Their love is so pure, so deep, so sweet, so tender, so perfect, that it made us all burst in tears, even years later. It has been an inspiration for all of us, to love our loved ones with equal potency and passion. S03 has made us become better humans!
We all owe a massive debt of gratitude to the actors, the crew, the extras, Sputnik Media and everyone else involved for bringing all this joy and happiness to us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ❤️
I hope you will all join me on the Discord server (DM me for access) for the re-watch party each Saturday at 8 PM UTC and Sunday at 8 AM UTC starting this Saturday!
Also stay tuned for the daily celebratory posts that me and @annadriesen2121 will make! Also later today in honor of S03 I will post the second chapter of "The Chemistry of Love" on AO3!
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Alt er love! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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talentforlying · 9 months
thinking about it as i re-read the original sins volume, and i know i say constantine enjoys pissing people off, but really it's more like? not letting people get away with the small shit? the snide side-comments, the sideways looks, the baldfaced assumptions, the microaggressions — he likes to rub people's nose in their own shit, make them face it, own it, try to defend it. which, as an openly queer, working class, actively anti-racist man in the 80s, does end up causing a lot of fights.
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ferrstappen · 3 months
SLUT! l MV1 imagine
a/n: hey! I’m alive, I hope some of you are alive as well and willing to read something 💘 this is short and just a random idea I had before diving into writing some longer pieces with more plot, but I really hope you like it and as you know, feedback is very very welcome!!! Also I’m sorry if it’s weird or any mistakes bc I wrote this on my phone 💘
Summary: this isn’t your first time being a WAG, but people don’t seem to like the idea of you ending your relationship with Joe Burrow and falling in love with Max.
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Looking around, you could tell that this wasn't an ordinary place. The sound of engines revving, the vivid colors of various vehicles, and the hustle and bustle of multiple teams, engineers, sponsors, drivers, and fans walking around the paddock all added to the excitement. It was a truly remarkable sight to behold. The energy was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe taking it all in.
In your previous relationship, your boyfriend would make grand entrances at the stadium, sporting his fancy Cartier sunglasses and jamming to his favorite tunes. He wouldn't pay much attention to the photographers snapping away as he strolled past them, and you'd catch a glimpse of him from afar in a lavish suite. That was quite a contrast to your current situation, which you're still adjusting to.
You were greeted by a well-dressed individual who was sporting the logos of Red Bull, Oracle, and Honda all over their outfit. They handed you a VIP all-access paddock pass which had your name and headshot printed on it, along with details of whose guest you were. To top it off, they also put a Red Bull credential on your wrist. The assistant then guided you towards the power station, where you were hopping to finally catch Max after weeks of not seeing each other.
You never meant to be in this position. You were in a happy, stable, loving relationship, truly. But last year one night in Las Vegas, your boyfriend, Joe, was invited to the Las Vegas Grand Prix, and of course, you both attended, curious and excited about the event. Neither of you knew it would be the beginning of the end.
Your first meeting with Max was captured on camera.
Max and Joe, the reigning Formula 1 champion and the Cincinnati Bengals quarterback together was gold content for the Red Bull socials, and there you were in the back, knowing your place smiling at the interaction, but when you were least expecting it, the champion stretched his hand and introduced himself, catching you and your boyfriend off guard.
As soon as he spoke, I noticed his friendly yet polite tone. "Hi, I'm Max," he introduced himself with a warm smile. His simple gesture of introducing himself made him instantly likable and set him apart from the others in the crowd.
“Hi Max, I’m (y/n). Thanks for the invitation,” you shook the hand that wasn’t holding a can of Red Bull.
“Right. Max, this is my girlfriend. She’s the happiest here because she’s a Red Bull addict,” Joe added, earning a soft laugh from you and a smile from Max.
“Then you came to the right place, (y/n). The mini fridges are all yours, and I’m pretty sure the ones on the second floor have limited editions,”
You thought that was all you were going to see of him, barely catching him after his win to congratulate him, but oh were you wrong, seeing him with a warm gray pull-up hoodie and styled blond hair, sipping gin and tonic and waving his hand as people chanted his name to the tune of a song.
Tu Tu Du Du, Max Verstappen
Or something along those lines.
The moment he recognized you, a sudden rush of excitement and anticipation sent a buzz through your stomach that was impossible to ignore. You felt a mixture of nervousness and elation as he leaned in for a short cheek kiss, the scent of gin lingering on your nose as you briefly noticed the small mole on his upper lip. Despite the presence of your boyfriend standing behind you, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of emotions inside.
“I heard you ransacked the energy station,” A drunk Max Verstappen told you.
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and at the same time you felt Joe’s arms tight around your waist.
“There weren't any Red Bulls left on the building after you left, maybe I'll have to send a PR package your way,” Max slurred, taking a new sip from his gin and tonic glass.
You couldn’t answer because Joe was faster: “we’ll sure enjoy that, thank you. Wanna go mingle, babe?”
That was almost five months ago as you made your way in sunny Melbourne, doing your best to avoid prying eyes who were aware of the events that took place last November and how you left Joe Burrow the quarterback for Max Verstappen the racing driver.
But it’s not like you wanted to.
After the first box full of sugar free Red Bull arrived with a note, you left a message on his Instagram before posting a story, tagging him and the team.
The he started sending silly memes, followed by the description of the Red Bull ingredients written in Arabic while on Abu Dhabi.
In February, things had reached a point where it was impossible to ignore any longer. You knew it was time to end things with Joe, and when you did, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Suddenly, you were free to do as you pleased, to go where you wanted to go. And so, when Max invited you to go to Bahrain for testing, you jumped at the opportunity.
It was on this trip that you experienced your first date with Max. You both had such a great time together, laughing until your stomachs hurt. You tried your best to hold back your wandering eyes, but you couldn't help noticing the adorable mole on his lip. And then, when the night sky had blanketed the Middle East, he leaned in and kissed you, sending shivers down your spine. It was a magical moment that you would never forget.
But the next day, your first day on the track, a random person recognized you and rumors went crazy, name-calling, attacks, fans carrying signs “What happened with #9”, grown men calling you a bitch, a whore, a gold digger, jumping from one dick to another. It was so much that Max decided to send you to his home in Monaco, not even caring if you were there for the first Grand Prix of the season, he just needed you to be okay.
As you walked towards the energy station, the ground beneath your feet felt firm, yet your steps were hesitant and shy. You were not alone, though, as someone from the team was following your every move, as per Max's orders. The team wanted to ensure that you were safe and secure as you made your way towards the Red Bull hospitality. Once you arrived, a collective sigh of relief was released, and you waited patiently for Max to arrive. The anticipation in the air was palpable as everyone eagerly awaited his arrival.
You vividly remember that moment when he finally arrived at the paddock, dressed in his Red Bull shirt, shorts, and cap, looking so handsome and sporty. You couldn't help but rush towards him, feeling a surge of excitement and joy. As you hugged him tightly, he smiled and hummed softly, clearly enjoying your touch and warmth. You noticed that he was trying to register your scent, perhaps to make the moment even more intimate and memorable.
You knew he was about to lean in for a cheek kiss, but something inside you urged you to do something bolder and more passionate. So, without hesitating, you turned around, making sure his larger frame was facing the outside, away from prying eyes. Then, you carefully grabbed his face with both hands, feeling his strong jawline and stubble under your fingers. You looked deeply into his eyes, savoring the moment, before leaning in and kissing his full lips.
The kiss was electrifying and unexpected, taking him by surprise, but he quickly responded with equal passion and tenderness. You felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, as you lost yourself in the blissful moment. It was a moment of pure connection and love, one that you would always treasure in your heart.
Despite being called all sorts of names by people, you refused to let it get to you. You were determined to continue showing your deep admiration and affection for Max, no matter what others thought or said. You believed that your feelings were genuine and authentic, and you were not going to let anyone else's opinion sway you. Despite the challenges and obstacles you faced, your love for Max remained unwavering and waiting to grow bigger.
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sinswithpleasure · 6 months
The Devils Send Their Regards — Giselle
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Warning: Coarse Language, specifically in the liberal use of it while disrespecting women. A lot of the use of "slut".
Finally finished because @midnightdancingsol complained there weren’t enough Giselle fics, which I agree.
A very early Christmas fic <3
"Tis the season to be slutty, fa la la la la~"
Uchinaga Aeri admires the throng of drunken revelers dancing beneath her feet from her balcony. She drinks from her wine glass, the alcohol sending warmth down her throat as she swallows. Loud techno beats blast from the overhead speakers, the multi-colored lasers waving in their arcs across the walls. The dance floor is as full as always, just as it is every night. 
"Miss Uchinaga."
A waiter appears behind her with a bottle in hand. Aeri raises her glass, and he refills it with more red wine.
"Mm. Thank you, dear."
"My pleasure, Miss Uchinaga."
Even on Christmas, the club is just as busy as it would be on other days. Aeri giggles to herself—it just meant more prime specimens to scout out for. She takes a glance at the giant neon sign bathing her club in a deep red. 
La Fontaine De Jouvence
Aeri downs the glass of wine and leaves it on the parapet of the balcony. She takes in a deep breath—multiple scents register in her senses. Nothing escapes her notice, not when she owns the entire building. She has eyes on every nook and cranny of her club. 
'Oh, the folly of youth. Drugs, alcohol…'
Eyes flash bright green.
She'll definitely have her share of the fountain tonight. 
Christmas Day means nothing to the wild youths of the party scene—it is nothing but another excuse to live hard, party harder. After all, holidays should be celebrated to its fullest extent, right?
You step into tonight's nightclub of choice—'La Fontaine De Jouvence'. You scoff at the idea of the pretentious name. The Fountain of Youth? It's just a nightclub, nothing fancy about it. Who, in their right mind, would name a club like that? 
A shake of your head, and you dismiss the thoughts. You're not here to ponder the intricate thought processes of a nightclub owner anyway; you're here to drink, maybe do some drugs, show your moves on the floor, and pick up a bitch whose pussy you're going to fill with your cum for tonight. It is with that thought that you step down to the bar for your first drink of the night. 
Reach the bottom of the stairs. Take two steps to your left to move past the couple making out. Take another two to the right to slide between two partygoers with snow still on their nostrils, dancing. You're right at home in this chaos. Christmas parties at the clubs are always pure fun due to the relaxed societal restrictions—the women are allowed to dress as slutty as they want to, and you're definitely leering at any of the Santa girls dancing around you. You drool at the sight of one of them drunkenly twerking to the loud bass emanating from the speakers, your cock hardening as her skirt rises up to reveal bare skin, her pussy out for all to view. Another girl next to her grinds against a man, and you're wishing you'll be as lucky as he is when she grabs his hand and slides it under her top. You reluctantly tear your eyes away from the free porn and hop onto one of the seats at the bar. 
"Gin and tonic, please."
You eye the bartender up and down when she turns to prepare your drink. Light brown locks cascade down her back. She's dressed in a Santa outfit, just like most of the other girls here are wearing, and you stare at the little strip of skin between her top and skirt. Your eyes roam next to her thighs—the skirt she has on ends mid-thigh, and you smirk at the thought of this girl, bent over the counter as you fuck her with that skirt on. 
When she turns around to you, you're met with one of the prettiest faces you've seen. Bright doe eyes above a cute button nose, with a pair of red luscious lips, you're instantly enamored with whoever this bartender is. The cherry on top is the red bunny ear headband she wears, topping the look off with a seductive finish.
"Here's ya gin and tonic, handsome!"
The wink she sends you has you almost drooling. 
"Thank you, beautiful."
The bartender giggles, and she bats her eyelashes, a coquettish grin across her angelic features. 
"You're welcome!"
When she busies herself with other orders from other patrons, you sip your first drink of the night slowly as you check her out. Your eyes follow her every step of her way—you whistle softly at the sway of her hips in that sinfully short skirt, your eyes devour the peek of cleavage whenever she bends over to pick up something from under the counter, and her long legs have your cock twitching as you imagine them wrapped around your waist during sex. Sure, she has knee-high boots on, but you're damned sure she's definitely fucking hot from top to toe. You grin at the bartender when she turns back to you, and she returns a seductive smile, her eyes somehow bright in the dim venue.
What escapes your notice were her eyes flashing orange when she looked back.
The more time you spend sitting at the bar, the more you feel your lust growing. All of it is directed at the bartender whose name you still don't know, and you're feeling exceptionally warm. The cool air of the strong air conditioning helps a little, but you're definitely feeling hot and bothered. 
"Is there somethin' wrong, dear?"
The bartender appears in front of you when you're wiping your sweat. The shock has you jumping, and the girl giggles. 
"Oh, sorry~. Ya looked a lil' sick, are you okay?"
You're drooling way too much at the way she bends over the counter, her deep cleavage right in your field of vision. 
"Mm, you're quite warm…"
She raises her arm, the back of her fingers resting against your skin. You're inhaling copious amounts of her sweet scent—the fresh smell of tangerines is all you can register… 
God, you want to lick her armpits so badly. 
"I'm gonna getcha some water…
"Are ya sure ya okay?"
"S-Sure I am, beautiful."
There's a tinge of disbelief in her grin, but she doesn't bother to call you out. Instead she passes you a cup of iced water, and bends over in front of you again, her chin resting on her palm, a smirk over her face. 
Her eyes flash orange—
No, that must be a trick of the light.
"You've been staring a lot, handsome…
"Do ya like what’cha see?"
The scent of tangerines grows stronger—
You're drowning in it—
"How about you come meet me at the back after my sh—"
Both you and the bartender look to the source of the interruption—
Your jaw drops.
Straight dark brown… or red—no, that's the light—hair flowing down to mid-back, framing a round face with wonderfully done makeup. You're enthralled by the eyeliner and lashes, the glossy lips, but her eyes—her gaze is mesmerizing…
The call from your left brings you back to reality, the sounds of the loud techno music suddenly blasting around you once more. You stare at the two beautiful women as they look at each other—the bartender's—Ning's—grin never faltering, and the other nameless woman maintaining her impassive gaze. You take the chance to check the other hottie out.
A dark choker around her neck, adorned with gems of some sort. A short… dress-corset mix, maybe, is her clothing choice for the night, which leaves her meaty thighs exposed for your viewing pleasure. You gaze at the knee-high stockings she has on, the two bows at the top where it ends giving it a little seductive vibe. Black boots complete the look, and you want this fucking slut on your cock already. 
"... but—Un~nie!"
You return from your lustful adventure to Ning's whining. Ning’s pouting and stomping the ground like a petulant child, a far cry from the seductress earlier. She folds her arms and sulks.
"No, Ning."
"Fiiiine…" Ning somehow sulks even more when she gets her answer from the lady in front of you, and she gives you a little flirty wave and wink as she leaves to go serve another customer. You're starstruck by how hot she is again, and you resolve to come back and finish the job in the future, after you're done with the lady in front of you. 
"Hi, dear."
This woman's voice just drips sex—
"Are you having a wonderful night?"
She sinks into the empty seat next to you, and you sip on the water given earlier. 
"Well, I was… until Ning left—"
"Don't worry about her, dear…"
She reaches out a hand to shake.
"I'm Uchinaga Aeri, but you can call me Giselle."
Oh, a Japanese slut?
The smirk she has when you shake her hand unsettles you—
Did her eyes just glow green—?
You're left with no time to ponder the thought when she begins to speak. 
"And your name…?"
You're drowning in pussy, you think, as you join the youths on the dance floor. Giselle leads you in, your hand in hers, and the both of you start moving to the beats. However, you're more preoccupied with checking out the women around you. Being in the middle of all of these sluts has your cock straining against your pants, and you just want to tear the Santa dresses off them—
"Quit staring at them and just focus on me, dear."
Giselle raises a hand to push your head back to her. She's close—very close. Her body brushes against you as she dances, and you swear it's on purpose—her ass is definitely pressed against you, and she grinds herself against your bulge. With how close she is, all you're smelling is her. You don't know if it's perfume, and neither do you know if it's her natural scent. Whatever it is, Giselle smells fucking amazing, and you have to resist the urge to bury your nose into her neck and take a deep whiff. As you dance with her, your hands slide down to her hips, and Giselle turns and grins at you. She presses even closer, and soon enough, you're grinding against her, right there on the dance floor. It's warm, it's crowded, and it's a little uncomfortable, but you don't care—you're grinding against one of the hottest women you've seen, and she's reciprocating, even moaning softly as your hard cock glides between her fucking thick asscheeks. 
"Fuck, you're so damn hot, Giselle."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, you're making me wanna fuck you right here, baby."
Giselle bites her lip and grins, and your cock twitches at such a sexy sight. 
"Do it."
Your jaw drops.
"Do it. Fuck me right here."
"But the people—"
"I don't care, and neither should you."
Giselle reaches a hand around to your bulge, and she runs her hand along your clothed length. Her fingers grip onto the zipper, and you feel the vibrations of the track being undone, then her hand sliding under your pants to rub your shaft over your underwear. 
Giselle turns around, and without warning, her lips are on yours. You waste no time in making it an openmouthed kiss, and when Giselle's tongue glides against yours, lust envelops you. The kiss feels so amazing—Giselle kisses amazingly well, and you can't help but moan into the kiss when she grabs your bulge. Fingers slide beneath your pants again, but this time, Giselle pulls at your underwear, and soon enough, she has your cock out of the zipper. 
"You're so big, dear, wow… You'll stretch my pussy good, won't you?"
Her lips reconnect with yours, and you groan again when she begins to jerk you off. You don't care that it's on the dance floor. You don't care that people might notice—not that they do, magically. In fact, you don't even care about any ramifications. Hell, you don't even know or care about how you can hear Giselle under all that loud music without her even raising her voice at all. All you care about is that you're about to have sex with one of the sexiest sluts you've ever met.
"Oh wow, you're really wet, aren't you?"
Giselle raises her hand. Her fingers glisten with your pre-cum, and she licks it off while staring at you. 
"Mm, healthy…
"Come on, fuck me."
You watch in sheer lust as Giselle turns around and bends over. She pulls at the hem of her dress, and your cock twitches at the sight of her dripping pussy exposed for your viewing pleasure. 
"Surprise, dear. I didn't wear any underwear tonight."
Giselle grabs your shaft and leads you to her entrance. She rubs your cockhead against her slit, and she smirks when your cock presses against her hole, almost entering her.
"Put it in, baby. I wanna see how men like you fuck sluts like me."
Without any warning, you thrust into her with one hard stroke. You groan loudly in pleasure, as does Giselle. She arches her back when you push in, and you wrap your arms around her body to pull her close. Finally, you push your nose right against her nape and take in deep breathfuls of her scent. 
An impossible heat takes over your body—you feel so warm, almost too warm, yet very comfortable right where you are. Dimly, in the back of your mind, you know you're still in the club, right on the dance floor, but somehow, it doesn't matter. No one has noticed you and Giselle, and no one's filming anything. Everyone is dancing and drinking as per normal, even when right next to them, you have Giselle in a standing doggy position, your cock hilted deep in her pussy, your connection to her exposed right for everyone to see. You don't know how or why no one's noticed—but it doesn't matter at all, not when your cock's deep in a slut's pussy. That's all you care about—no one's looking, and you can fuck her in peace. In fact, it's even better if no one's looking.
"Stop thinking and just fuck my slut pussy, baby."
And fuck her, you do.
You pull yourself out from her cunt, then shove it all back in with one stroke. You can't help but moan loudly once more, as does Giselle. Giselle's pussy feels like paradise—you've never fucked a cunt that somehow molds around your cock just right. Every time you thrust in, her walls magically feel heavenly—she's warm, tight, wet, divine. The world around you melts away and the pleasure of sex with Giselle becomes the only thing you care about. Gradually, you begin to pound her right where you stand, which draws the sexiest and most wanton, obscene moans you've ever heard a woman moan. It only fuels you to fuck her faster, harder—you can feel your abs burn, your thighs almost cramping up. None of it matters—the pleasure that Giselle's tight body brings you overpowers the discomfort. 
"That's right, fuck me just like that! Fuck my slut pussy just like that! I love it, I love the way you fuck me! Keep fucking me, fuck me until you fill my slut pussy with cum! Empty your balls in me, pump me full of your cum! Feed me all of your cum!"
Giselle's words fuel the flames of your lust—what was already there is only empowered, and you take the chance to give her thick ass a hard slap, which draws even louder moans from her. 
"Yes, yes, spank me, make it hurt! Punish me, punish me for being such a slut! Punish me for fucking you right here in front of everyone, show them all how you're taming me!"
With a loud roar, you spank Giselle over and over. However, the thought you taming her sits right in your mind and you only last another three hard thrusts—
"Yes, yes, yes, YES!"
On the third thrust, you force your entire length into Giselle, and you explode into her cunt. You've never had an orgasm so intense—your knees nearly buckle and send both you and her tumbling to the floor. While you fight to keep both of you standing, your cock fires off shot after shot after shot of thick, hot semen right into Giselle's cunt. You don't know how many jets of semen you deposit into her waiting pussy—all you know is that it is enough to overflow around your connection and drip to the ground where you stand. At the same time, Giselle moans and shudders, her hips bucking intensely, her body convulsing under your touch as her orgasm arrives right after yours. Her pussy milks your cock for every shot of your cum, and you can hear the loud hisses of release as she squirts all over the floor and on your pants. Gush after gush after gush of squirt sprays all over the dance floor, and her juices mix with your semen in a puddle below your connection. 
You have no idea how long your orgasms take to pass, but when you finally pull your softening cock out of Giselle, you see that your cum runs down her thighs and stains her stockings. The girl in question turns around and crashes her lips to yours in a torrid kiss, then she asks you the question you've set out to hear for tonight. 
"My place or yours?"
"Nngh, fuck, that's right, keep fucking me like that, yes!"
The taxi ride back to your place isn't free of sin either—Giselle's naked and bouncing on your cock. You're naked under her too—your clothes and hers mix in a pile to your right—and you thrust up into her over and over. 
Once you'd gotten into the taxi with her, somehow the driver only focused on driving. Even as Giselle suddenly mounted you and started undressing, the driver didn't seem to notice. You were wondering why earlier, but once Giselle's pussy enveloped your cock again, none of that mattered any more. 
"God, fuck, your slut pussy feels so good, oh fuck…"
"I'm gonna cum, baby!"
Giselle screams out loud when her sentence ends. She shudders and falls back on you, and your cock springs out of her pussy as she squirts hard against the front seat of the car. Gush after gush of her juices drench the leather—your fingers rubbing her clit extend and strengthen her orgasm, and the pleasure she draws from it. You don't even wait for her orgasm to subside before you shove your cock back in her and start thrusting again—nothing can and will tear you away from being balls deep in Giselle's perfect cunt.
"Oh God, yes, that's right, it's your turn, cum for me, cum inside me!"
With a low growl, you rail Giselle with your hard cock. You can feel the exertion across your body—sweat drips from your forehead and chest, your heart pounds against your ribcage, and your muscles work overtime to keep up with the fucking you're giving Giselle. You have no idea where this energy comes from—you're fucking her harder than you have any girl and you feel like you're on top of the world, no exhaustion at all.
You don't even bother announcing your orgasm—you just let yourself burst deep into Giselle again. Her walls almost seem to massage your cock, as if to coax more and more of your load deep into her. Giselle shudders as spurt after spurt of your warm cum is fired deep into her womb with every thrust of your cock deep into her cunt. 
"Oh God, yes, fill me more, fuck yes!"
Your orgasm might as well be never-ending, with how much cum erupts from your cock. Your thick semen overflows from Giselle's cunt, and with each burst of fresh cum, you feel your load drip out of her cunt and stain your skin, as well as the floor of the taxi.
When the taxi slows to a halt, Giselle pulls out her wallet and throws a few bills in the direction of the driver. She grabs the pile of clothes and steps out of the taxi naked. She pulls your hand to lead you out of the vehicle, and when the door closes, it drives off into the night. Neither of you care about the mess you've made—it's not your issue to bother about. The only thing that is important to you is to get into Giselle's home—you're going to have sex with that slut all night. 
"Let's get in quick, baby. I miss that cock already."
Giselle's had fuckings like the one she's getting right now from you. She's no stranger to sex, that much you know from how hard she fucks herself back on you. You have her bent over her couch, the bottle of lube she had lying around thrown onto the other side of it. The expensive leather bends under her knees, and you pump harsh thrust after harsh thrust of your cock deep into Giselle once more. 
"Mgh, fuck, that's it, fuck my ass harder, fuck it like you fucked my pussy!"
You're buried balls deep in Giselle's asshole now. Her idea, really—she wanted you to use her body fully, and she's also the one who led you to the couch. Your cock twitched hard watching her spread her ass for you, and you'd wasted no time lubing your cock up and pushing it deep into her. Right now, you're well on your way to thoroughly using her asshole—you make good on her instructions and fuck her just as hard as you did earlier. Dimly, you wonder how you can keep going like this—you're not tired at all.
In fact, you feel like you're on top of the world. 
The thoughts that keep you occupied are broken when you orgasm again, unexpectedly. Once again, jet after jet of semen is pumped deep into Giselle's ass, and you thrust recklessly into her to fuck your load deeper into her. When you slip out of her ass in one of your strong pulls backward, you stroke yourself as you give her backshots, leaving her skin glistening as you stain her body with your semen. 
"Shower, baby?"
Even in the shower, you can't escape Giselle's clutches. 
You have the Japanese girl pinned against the glass, one of her legs lifted up as you thrust with reckless abandon into her perfect pussy. The water doesn't even hit your body—you're wasting all of it right now, but you don't care at all. Trails of white cum stains the glass and Giselle's skin as it leaks out of her ass and cunt with every thrust you send into her body.
"God, yes, make me cum, yes, make me—!"
Giselle's broken moan is accompanied by the strong geyser of squirt that gushes against your skin. Her orgasming cunt spits your cock out, and you waste no time forcing yourself back in her and fucking her through her orgasm. Hot spray after hot spray of the Japanese girl's squirt drenches your skin every time you pull out, and her tight, warm walls mold so perfectly around your cock. You're not far from another orgasm, and Giselle's pussy feels like heaven as usual, with its sole purpose to milk you dry of all the semen you had. Two more hard thrusts, and you explode deep into the creamy mess that is Giselle's cunt. Your semen overflows and drips off your cock, every spurt you send into her pussy displacing more and more semen from all of your past sessions. 
"God, that felt so good, Giselle."
"As it should, baby. I'm the best fuck a man will ever have."
You're feeling a little dizzy from the hedonistic activities of the past few hours. The elevated heart rate probably does you no good, and you're feeling a little hungry after expending so much energy fucking the slut that clings to your arm still. You have no idea how she's still so insatiable. 
"Come on, baby, you've only cum once in my ass. I want more of it!"
Neither you nor Giselle have bothered to get dressed—you knew you were definitely having more sex with her, but you just want a break for now. You’re definitely not getting that break though—Giselle somehow has unlimited stamina, and she’s hell-bent on unleashing all of it on you. You’re seated on a chair in her room, and she bounces on your lap, impaling herself over and over on your cock with her tight, lubed asshole. Your hands rest on her hips, and you thrust upwards into her slick hole, grunting with each time you hilt. The pleasure that Giselle’s ass gives you is comparable to that of her cunt—somehow, you swear it’s just as tight and feels almost similar, though you have no idea why or how. All you know is that Giselle’s the best fuck ever, and you’re more than happy to keep filling her body with cum. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
With a loud shrill cry, Giselle orgasms for the umpteenth time. A huge gush of juices spray from her pussy as she squirts all over the floor, semen and slick dripping from her thoroughly used hole. At the same time, you release yet another thick load deep into Giselle’s ass, fucking spurt after spurt of hot pearly white cum deep into her once more. You’ve lost count of how much cum you’ve pumped into her tonight, but you don’t want to stop at all. You want to fill this goddess with your cum over and over and over.
Before you can move to get up from the chair, Giselle’s already a step ahead of you. She has your slick cock, stained with cum and lube, in her hands, and you stare in burning lust as she deepthroats your shaft, uncaring that it was just in her ass earlier. Giselle stares right into your eyes, and you swear she’s reading your mind with the way her gaze screams “that’s right, i’m a filthy, filthy girl that’s addicted to your cock tonight”. You can’t resist grabbing her head, and next thing you know, you’ve risen to your feet, your hands gripping her head to steady it as your fuck her face. Drool drips from her lips, down your balls and down her chin, but you don’t care, not even if Giselle sounds like she’s choking. All you care about is emptying another load into her mouth and down her throat. Of course, it doesn’t take long before the familiar sensation comes, and you’re filling the Japanese girl’s mouth with another thick load, which she swallows almost greedily, as if she can’t get enough of it. 
“Thank you my dear~,” Giselle’s sweet smile as she rises has you grinning back unconsciously. When she draws close, you don’t even care that she still has your cum on her lips—you’re kissing her back harshly, your tongue swirling around hers as she sits on your lap, a hand guiding your cock towards her pussy once more. When she sinks down on you, you can’t help but moan out loud, and that’s when she takes the chance to pull you in for another kiss. 
“I’m going to fuck you dry, babe.”
Make good on her promise she does. 
You’re lost as to which round it is with Giselle. 
Right now, you have her bent over your desk now, her hair gripped in your palm tightly as you yank her head back with it, your hips slamming relentlessly against the Japanese girl’s ass. However, you’ve had her in that position in many other places now—on the countertop, in bed, on the couch, in the bathroom, in bed again, and the list goes on and on and on…
Your heart pounds in your chest as sweat drips from your brow, down your body, all from exertion. You’ve gone without a break ever since the club, and you still feel fresh, as if it were the first round. At least, you’re still fucking Giselle as if it were the first round. The desk beneath the both of you crashes against the wall with every thrust.
“Fuck me harder, harder! Use me, fuck me, fuck my pussy like I’m a fleshlight! Shoot your cum deep into me again!”
Giselle’s demands are your instructions, and you follow them to a tee. You force yourself to go faster, harder, quicker, even more than before, and the pleasure you derive has you delirious. Giselle’s pussy is the best you’ve fucked, and you don’t want to stop—you want to keep fucking her until you die. 
“That’s right, fuck me, fuck me until you’re dead! Fuck this pussy until you milk yourself dry! Feed me!”
It is with Giselle’s words that heralds your orgasm—this time, you feel bursts of cum explode out of your cock, and the excitement comes to a head when you feel the same bursts in your chest. You can’t breathe, no matter how hard you try, as sparks fly in your vision, the pleasure overwhelming you with every shot of cum that explodes deep into Giselle’s thoroughly used cunt. 
The last thing you remember is seizing up, then falling backwards, then black.
“Thanks for the meal, baby. You were such a great fuck.”
Aeri stares at her now former partner for the night, lying on the ground behind her. He still twitches as the last of his life force evaporates from him, and then he stops moving. Forever.
With a snap of her fingers, the corpse beneath her feet bursts into green flame. Flesh begins to char underneath the extreme heat of the soulfire, and in a matter of seconds, any evidence of the man’s physical existence is erased, as if he never came over to her home. With a wave of her hands, her usual sweatshirt and pants combination clothes her bare body, and she leaves for her in-house bar to pour herself another glass of wine.
Her phone vibrates.
[Jimin | 03:15am]
Meeting. Now.
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
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midnights, 3 * mv1
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max just won his third championship, but the sinking feeling starts to settle in
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol
notes: yall i have like 3 different drafts of this, i got no idea what's up with my writer's block... i've also rewritten my fem!driver series like 3 times based on a request like what is going on
(prev) // (next)
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max verstappen wouldn't give anything up for the third title he's just won. but he would turn the world upside down if it meant having you around.
the interviewer had caught him off guard earlier, congratulating him for winning on a saturday evening. and then suddenly bringing you up and noting how strange it is that you have not been around for a while.
he had to tame his shock, arguing with himself in his mind about the privacy of your relationship. on one hand, he hasn't had to talk about you openly while he's still in mourning. but on the other, everybody just assumes you're too busy to attend races and they bring you up nonchalantly.
he has to go around pretending he doesn't want to break down in tears at the mention of your name.
christian had brought the team into a nearby bar to celebrate, not forgetting to remind everybody that the main race is still tomorrow.
max knows that he misses you. he recognises it in the way his hand reaches out for nothing when he walks into the paddocks by himself and looks out for your face in the crowd when he's on stage. he just tries to push it away as much as he can.
but it hurt the most when he jumped out of his car at parc ferme after the sprint, marking his third title in 3 years. he searched desperately for your face within his team, wanting to share the championship with you.
he wants to share this with you, truthfully having you to thank for his all that he's achieved in the past 3 years. at the end of all this, he just wanted to stumble back into you and celebrate quietly.
max had been the centre of attention, taking his mind away from you for about an hour. he was singing and dancing, drinking and having fun until the sinking feeling started to eat him away.
now he's tucked away at a corner booth of the bar, his fourth glass of gin and tonic on the table. he's staring blankly at the table, the bass from the speakers thumping away in his chest.
"mate, congratulations again." he looks up to meet daniel's eyes, who is now sliding into the empty seats opposite him. daniel puts his drink down and leans back to get comfortable. "shouldn't you be celebrating?"
"already did. this is my fourth," max grins forcefully, tapping on the rim of his cup. he leans forward to rest his elbow on the table, drawing shapes on the table with the droplets of condensation from his drink. "just a little tired, that's all."
daniel doesn't answer right away. he just nods understandingly then looks around briefly. "so where's (y/n)? she's never missed a championship weekend." max's eyes trail up to meet him again.
the mention of your name forms a lump in his throat. max wishes he knew where you were, then maybe he'd have the courage to find you and take you into his arms once more.
"did you split up or something?" daniel follows up immediately, raising an eyebrow at max.
the dutchman blinks, tears quickly swelling in his eyes. realistically, only victoria knows of the split. he's more shocked that alexandra and kika have kept it so lowkey that the news hasn't flooded the media and gossip sites.
for that, he's truly thankful.
"yeah, in singapore," max shrugs. he picks up his drink, taking a big gulp to wash your name off his tongue.
daniel nods and sinks into his seat, not asking max to further elaborate. he appreciates that as well. he's not in the spot where he's ready to talk about it either.
he tried to with victoria, but it only ended with him in a sputtering mess of tears before he fell into a deep slumber. he woke up that morning on the floor by his couch with victoria not very far off.
"have you talked to her since?"
max shakes his head dejectedly, lips pouting into a genuine frown. his eyebrows furrow as his frustration starts to grow.
why hasn't he reached out? more importantly, why haven't you?
"i think she hates me, mate."
"why would you even say that?" daniel tilts his head, raising his eyebrows to encourage max to elaborate. he's quite curious on this one, truly.
daniel had never seen a love like the one you shared with max. the privacy of your relationship made whatever he witnessed all the more special and he loved watching you both grow with the relationship.
he heard of the fights from his girlfriend who was suspiciously more aware than him, but he could have sworn that you two would have made it out of the great war. he hadn't seen you since saturday night in singapore and he simply thought you'd taken a break.
his guess that you'd split up was random, but he never expected max to confirm it.
max shrugs. "we were fighting all the time. we somehow lost each other. we were too far gone to save, i think."
"you asked for the split?"
"she did," max confirms with another sigh. he presses the cold glass onto his lips, "i didn't say anything, she just walked out."
"mate, you didn't say anything?" daniel exclaims in disbelief. he drops his drink on the table, watching max calmly sipping on his gin and tonic. "why didn't you?"
"i don't know," max answers with another shrug, running a hand through his hair roughly. he tugs at the roots and drops his drink on the table with a thud. "i don't know, maybe we're better off not together."
maybe. maybe, maybe. and maybe if he'd just fought for you that night, you would be here celebrating with him.
that, or you'd still be fighting every 3 days over every little thing. he recognises the toxic cycle, but he'd honestly rather have that with you around than be in this position.
max shakes his head, finishing whatever is left of his drink. abruptly, he crawls out of the booth seat. he hears daniel scrambling after him.
max holds up a hand and turns to face daniel with a frown. "i'm heading back to the hotel. i just want to be alone. please."
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taglist: @merchelsea (comment to be added)
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eternally-racing · 5 months
off limits | logan sargeant
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pairing: logan sargeant x Leclerc! reader
genre: fluff, maybe angst if you squint
wc: 1.6k
warnings: none (i think)
summary: Your brother Charles always likes to say you're off limits, but what happens when you finally meet a driver who doesn't know who you are?
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“You remember my little sister, Y/N right?”
You roll your eyes as Charles keeps a protective arm around your shoulders. He’s acting like you’re in a room of men who all want to get in your pants, when in reality your brother has kept you locked away from the rest of the grid as best he can over the last few years. It made sense when you were younger, but it’s definitely gotten on your nerves, especially on days like today. It was the end of season party, and having your brother attached to your hip at the club was I’m sure not your or his ideal plan. You had begged for him to let you come - you said it was only fair as a trade off since he made you listen to his rants pre and post-race all season long. You get that motorsports is his world and you’re only a guest, but a little more friendship on the grid wouldn’t hurt. 
You’ve noticed yourself get a couple more looks over as you’ve grown up over the years, and when Lando walks over and wolf whistles as he shamelessly checks you out, your brother is already telling him to watch it while he watches the British driver give you a hug. “You know where to find me, pretty girl” Lando finishes with a wink before he heads off to join the rest of his friends. It’s all good fun between you two and you know it’s nothing but playful banter as you both like to get under your brother’s skin, but Charles doesn’t seem to quite feel the same as he’s shooting daggers at the curly haired boy walking away from you both. 
Charles has always been overprotective of you, especially around the other boys in motorsport. He’d say that none of them would ever be worth your time,  that he sees the way they go through women like crazy and that the way they treat their partners would never be good enough for his darling baby sister. Through his years on the grid he had made it clear to everyone that you are and will always be off limits, something that has always irked you to no end. You were more than old enough to make your own decisions, though it seems like Charles will always see you as his little sister.
There’s only one other boy that Charles let you get close to over the years ("let" is a stretch, it was more a reluctant acceptance as it happened), and you can’t help but smile as he walks towards the two of you with open arms. Max and you became friends one day as kids when you scraped your knee on the pavement at a karting race while running away from Charles and he stopped to help you find your parents while you were sobbing - the rest was history.He may have had his ups and downs with your brother, but Max was someone that you knew you could always count on when it mattered. He puts on his best fake bodyguard voice as he comes up to you and Charles and says “Is this man bothering you, young lady?”, earning a laugh from you and an eye roll from your brother.
Soon you’re begging the Dutchman to save you from Charles’ wrath, and luckily with the promise of being his padel partner in the new year he quickly agrees. Charles tries to put up a bit of a fight but before you know it he’s yelling “make good choices” as he’s being whisked away to get a gin and tonic with his self-appointed drinking buddy for the night. 
It’s been so long since you’ve been at one of these events, let alone been able to walk around without your brother, so it feels very much like unfamiliar territory. A vodka cran seems like a good place to start, and you settle in easily at the bar while surveying the scene in front of you. Maybe Charles was right, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into - there’s so many people everywhere and everyone seems to know everyone. There’s got to be a few faces you know in this sea of people, like George’s girlfriend or Danny’s sister, the only problem is getting through it. You’re doing a good job staying under the radar as you squeeze through the crowd until you find yourself colliding head first with someone, your drink absolutely flying into their chest. 
All you can think is “fuck, I should’ve drank a gin and tonic instead too” as you rub mercilessly at the red liquid on the mystery boy’s chest with the one flimsy napkin the bar gave you. It’s only when he replies back with “It’s seriously okay, gin and tonics taste like shit anyways.” in an accent that you can’t quite pin down do you realize that you accidentally have been talking out loud. Your cheeks are beet red and you’re starting to miss the comfort of having your older brother around you. 
“I’m Logan” the boy in front of you says with a smile. “Can I buy you a drink?” 
You don’t think you’ve ever said yes to something faster in your life. 
The conversation flows so naturally between you and Logan. It makes sense that you’ve never met him before today - he’s new on the grid and doesn’t seem to be close with any of Charles' friends. The freedom you feel is refreshing - it’s been a long time since you got to know a guy like this, just one on one talking to each other. Of course there had been the blind dates that your friends had tried to set you up on but there were all just a little bit off. None of them felt like this.
“I meant to ask you earlier, did you come with someone to the party tonight?”
The question makes you freeze up because you’re having to face the reality that Logan may be one of the only people who don’t know that Charles is your brother in this entire party. Is it selfish that you want it to stay that way? 
“Oh, um, I came with a friend of a friend who dragged me here tonight.” The lie falls off your lips all too easily and you’re not even sure why you did it. Logan had been nothing but a gentleman all night and you don’t think he would treat you differently for being Charles’ little sister. Maybe you just wanted to see it for yourself, what could happen when people didn’t feel threatened around you because of your older brother. Luckily, Logan doesn’t think twice about your response and you’re grateful for that. 
The bass booming through the club is making you start to wiggle in your seat, and it’s enough to make Logan laugh and ask you if you want to dance. Who could say no to that American smile? You’re dragging him up to dance, shimmying your shoulders in a way that only confirms that you’re as bad of a dancer as you mentioned to Logan earlier in your conversation.  At first it’s all so playful, Logan twirling you around and hyping you up, but as the music gets more sultry you and Logan do as well. It’s like there’s two magnets pulling you both together until you’re pressed chest to chest. Logan’s hand around your waist just feels so right. Your heart is beating so fast you’re worried that he might actually be able to hear it himself - he’s so close to you that you can feel the heat from his breath on your neck. The conversation has slowed between you two but you feel like you understand him perfectly. You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the boy in front of you that’s making your cheeks so red, but you know that you don’t want this feeling to stop. 
“Will you kiss me, Logan?” you’re looking at him like you can see the universe in his eyes, and simultaneously hoping that he can't see how nervous you are in yours. 
You’re trying not to get carried away, but it’s hard not to. Kissing Logan just feels so right. You grab his shirt by the front in an effort to get closer to him, you want to feel him, and Logan reciprocates by pressing his hands even further into the dimples on your back. You’re not sure how long you go on like this, you both making out like love-sick teenagers. All you know is that you can’t get enough of him, and based on the way Logan reaches out to caress your cheek, you hope he feels the same. You’re trying to memorize every single part of him, just in case this is all you get to have of him. As his hands start to dip lower and lower your heart beats even faster, and you let your hands trail further down his chest along with the tempo of the music. This moment feels infinite. 
It’s not until you feel a hand on your shoulder that the spell is broken as the two of you are shoved apart. Logan reaches to pull you behind him, but once you see a pair of green eyes that are identical to yours staring you both down, it’s him that you want to protect. 
“What the fuck are you doing to my sister, Sargeant?"
author's note: this was such a fun one to write! i think a part 2 to this could be a lil crazy and fun so let me know if you want that too <3
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spadesolace · 4 months
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mine - college au! chaeryeong x fem! reader
chaeryeong is sweet girl with no ill intentions but you're both unsure what to do anymore once you've crossed the line of friends and dating.
warning/s: mentions of drinking, suggestive, friends with benefits
words: 2.1k
what’s it like to keep falling after being caught time and time again?
there she stood in the middle of the dance floor as you held both your drinks as your friends and hers celebrated the night before valentine’s day at a club. why did you even agree to this?
chaeryeong had to persuade you into coming, considering it was your friend group that decided to merge and go out together. oh right… partially it’s because of her.
you’ve lost count on how many shots you’ve done or how many glasses of gin and tonic is in your system. mouth sealed as people try to flirt with her and fortunately for you, she’s breaking their hearts left and right. one last attempt to celebrate valentine’s with someone.
“dude, she’s gonna melt if you keep looking at her like that.” minjeong nudges you to shake you up and not possibly start a fight in the club just because someone is flirting with chaeryeong.
“i want her to look at me. her drink is so fucking diluted now.” the cocktail she got is mostly water at this point while you’re getting another shot being offered to you.
“she’s looking at you after she rejects those losers. seriously, i thought your whole whatever the fuck is going on between you two would be settled.” you thought so as well, how did this thing even happen? you weren’t like this months ago and here you are thinking back on how the hell does she have you on a chokehold.
it was one of those nights that chaeryeong wanted to sleep over at your place, knowing that you don’t share your room with anyone or how you don’t mind her being there as you work on whatever homework you have. she’s quiet in your bed as she’s reading for her class and you’re on the verge of calling it a night. chaeryeong has been keeping track of your movement, making her lose focus when she could have been studying but she’s looking at you and averting them is she thinks you’re gonna look at her or face her way.
her face is buried in her book as you continue what you’re doing, taking quick glances at chaeryeong before you walk out of the room to get yourself something to relieve the stress. coming back holding a bottle of soju and a glass and noticing the way chaeryeong’s nose scrunches if she doesn’t understand a term or how focused she is at reading.
“do you want a drink?” chaeryeong doesn’t know how you got that bottle of soju when you were just studying a few minutes ago on your desk that was close to where she was. she lost track of you for a bit.
“on a school night, really?” you rolled your eyes as you took a glass and poured yourself some and placed it back on your desk. sitting next to her as you wait for some sort of reaction or confirmation that she wants to. her hand reaches out asking for your glass, she’s not one to finish a drink alone, knowing that she gets drunk easily.
“if you finish my glass, i swear to god, lee chaeryeong-” pouring another shot of soju, thinking if you should get a can of beer and mix it.
“you and i both know i’m going to drink whatever you have.” she’s thinking the same thing as she stands up and makes her way to the kitchen like she owns the place.
“then you complain how strong it tastes.” you follow her, holding the glass and the bottle of soju and setting it in the living room where she pours the beer onto the one glass you’ve been sharing.
“stop getting strong drinks then.” she takes the glass and chugs it as she gently places it back on the table with a smug look.
“work on your tolerance first.” pouring yourself a drink as her smug look is wiped out of her face.
chaeryeong is a lightweight, you know this as she finishes another glass and is already laughing at whatever you two are talking about but who are you to complain. getting quite touchy and leaning on you as she reaches for your glass but you stop her and finish the drink. even if you’re a bit tipsy and she’s close to being blackout drunk, your priority is to stop her from going past her limit.
she’s looking at you with a pout as you keep the glass away from her, reaching out and leaning herself onto you, faces inches away from each other, and you’re looking at her lips while she’s looking at yours. halfway through the bantering of her being a lightweight and trying to prove herself to you, now on the verge of either kissing each other or stopping entirely and calling it a night. 
whatever it was, chaeryeong made the first move, kissing you with such gentleness at first as you let the shock die down and kiss her back. in the back of your mind, you’re brushing this off as you’re both intoxicated, not in the right mind and it’s just the mood of your place. there’s also the other part of you that doesn’t care about what happens.
that wasn’t the case when you woke up the following day, seeing how you’re both holding each other close with a small headache. this is normal between you and chaeryeong who sleep next to each other when she comes over but a part of you is aware it isn’t. noticing how your clothes are scattered everywhere on the floor, and her neck is covered in lovebites. even double checking under the blanket to make sure you weren’t dreaming.
part of you was panicking because this is your friend who you’ve grown to care so much for. the same girl that you met freshman year of college who you believe is such a sweetheart and wouldn’t do such a thing if she were intoxicated let alone be the one to initiate all of this.
chaeryeong feels you moving in her embrace and tries her best to stop you while you’re in the middle of having a mental crisis. it didn’t help that she kisses you in the lips that you’ve fully stopped your thought process and look at her who is just smiling as if she doesn’t have the worst headache of her life.
“the fuck, chaer?”
“don’t act like you hate it.”
that’s how it started, sneaking around and kissing each other in private, acting like a couple and lying to your friends that chaeryeong is nothing but a friend. well- that was it, a friends with benefits scenario with her and a part of you is slowly dying as this keeps on going. if it weren’t for minjeong walking in on you two kissing at a party, she wouldn’t have known this entire thing.
within the 3 months this situation you have with chaeryeong has been going on, you know you’ve grown to like the girl more than you’d like to admit. the first rule of the deal was no strings attached, no feelings, because this started because you’re both lonely, right?
a part of you thinks it’s more than just being lonely, hoping that chaeryeong has grown to like you but won’t admit it. delusional, but how could anyone explain the possessiveness when some girl flirts with you, or how she’s stuck by your side and talks about the future and telling you that you’re a part of it in some way. you’re tired of the push and pull and want her to be full on honest but how could that happen when you’re so close to each other yet it feels like she’s miles away.
you keep your gaze on chaeryeong dancing as you’re left with minjeong a bit intoxicated and having the need to go out and think things through. valentine’s was a few hours away and here you are at a club holding a diluted drink and an empty glass. placing the glass on the table, letting minjeong know you’re heading out first to get some fresh air but in reality you plan on heading home and not wallow much in the pain that is in the shape of lee chaeryeong.
she’s dancing with her friends but her gaze never left yours as she watches you take your stuff and leave your friend on the table. you’re not looking at her as the bouncer lets you out - she stops and looks at minjeong, panicking and signalling to her friends that she’s gonna head out for a bit. she hopes you haven’t walked that far or taken a bus back to your place but she’s running to you with your head low and kicking a random pebble.
“Y/N!” turning around, you see chaeryeong running at you and into your arms holding you close while you’re a bit concerned as she chased after you without a coat in the middle of winter. taking yours off and letting it drape on her shoulders as she holds you closer.
“you should head back in there.” you feel she shaking her head as you hold her close, letting the snowflakes drop as you try to find a way to make her go back and continue talking to whoever was flirting with her.
“we’re going home together. you can’t just leave me having fun there-”
“chaer, it’s fine - not like we’re dating..,”  a bit of a low blow but it’s the truth. why would she chase after you if she was the only one having fun while you’re in pain. how could you tell her that you need some sort of answer or label to whatever this is because you’re sure this isn’t just a friends with benefits when you’re acting like a couple in private without much of the benefits.
“just go back… ask ryujin to drive you home.”
“i said, we’re going home together. that’s final.”
you’re tired of the push and pull. whatever this is. because how come she’s reacting like this when there’s no strings attached.
“i wanna end this.” chaeryeong is taken aback, weren’t you happy before you left for the party? kissing her before stepping out and all of a sudden you want to stop. you also weren’t the best - chaeryeong has been nothing but confused because of you as you act clingy to her in private and ignore her in public. playing the push and pull, but that was expected because she made the rules.
no feelings. no public display of affection, and no one has to know (aside from minjeong).
“the fuck yo- hold on. you’re fine with us ending things?”
she nods and let’s go of you, there’s some space in between but not like those where the other person runs for it and you just hear nothing from them but she’s close. looking at you straight and holding you by the chin to make sure you’re looking directly at her.
“under one condition.” you raise your eyebrow, letting her continue as you can’t really think much when there’s alcohol running in your system and all you wanna do is kiss her.
“tell me that you love me. even if you don’t - just tell me that you love me.”
everything that involves lee chaeryeong leaves you confused and asking for some sort of clarity but it’s part of her charm and hearing that absurd request - it would be easy because you do love her.
“i love you.”
she let’s you go, moving back a bit with a sad smile on her face as she turns around and starts to walk away. you’re left in the cold as she slowly leaves you alone as if time stopped, contemplating on to pour your entire heart out or go home. this could be your last time seeing her if you don’t let her know your true feelings and how much you’re dying to tell her that you've fallen for her.
”i love you - to the point you take my breath away and i’m left here suffocating when you’re far away as if you’re oxygen that my body needs. it’s killing me seeing you in public and stopping myself from running towards you and just kiss you to stop them from flirting with you and - i wanted to end this because- “ you pause, taking a deep breath as chaeryeong is facing you with glossy eyes, holding your coat close to her small figure.
“i want to date you, not like this - the push and pull is killing me, chaer. please-”
“shut up and kiss me.”
she ran towards you throwing your coat on the ground and kissing you like the same way when it started. a kiss that’s so gentle but she’s pouring her heart out for you to reciprocate.
chaeryeong knows that you’re already hers, she just needed you to say it.
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sunkissed-zegras · 1 month
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౨ৎ ─ summary | almost a year ago, your whole was shattered by the one person you'd never thought would hurt you. and now you were back in the city where it all started with one simple mission ─ get him back.
─ word count | 2.5k
─ warnings | oof where do i begin, angst? obviously second-chance romance, slightly suggestive, mention of drinking/getting tipsy, jack being a cocky ass, slightly fluffy? idk just a lot of word vomit but yeah!
─ taglist |
─ ev's notes | yaya! first ttpd celly fic is out!! hoorayyeeee!!! also i've been listening to this album like on fucking repeat since friday and holy shit, this is probably my third fav now (sorry speak now). i also literally can't choose a fav but according to my music app, i've listened to so high school 72 times since it came out!!!!!!!!
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YOU SWORE YOU'D NEVER COME back to New Jersey ─ but, here you were.
How you ended up here, tipsy and alone in this bar? You're not exactly sure. What you do know is that the night started in your childhood home with your parent's very expensive bottle of wine. And now you were here, in downtown Jersey in one of your old high school dresses that fits a little tighter than it did almost 5 years ago.
Your lips were stained red as you ordered another glass of Blueberry Gin & Tonic. You didn't know when you had started drinking Gin & Tonic but a lot had changed in the last couple of months. You didn't even know who you really were anymore, it was blurry.
And you could blame all of that on your high-school sweetheart ─ the person you'd thought you'd spend the rest of your life with. Key word: thought, as in past-tense.
As you swirled the ice in your glass, memories flooded back like a tidal wave crashing against the shore of your mind. The late-night drives down highway roads, the whispered promises of forever, and the way your heart used to skip a beat at the sight of his smile. But somewhere along the way, those promises faded into echoes, and the smiles became almost bitter memories.
It all came crashing down a few months ago. The pain was like a dagger through your heart, leaving you gasping for air in a world suddenly devoid of color. You lost the one person in your life who made you, you. You had to relearn who you really were without him.
And in the aftermath, you tried to pick up the pieces of your shattered and almost confusing life, but the wounds were too deep, the scars too raw. So you ran, running from the memories that now haunted you, seeking solace in the anonymity of far-away cities and unfamiliar faces.
But no matter how far you ran, you couldn't outrun the ghosts of your past. They followed you like shadows, lurking in the corners of your mind, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike.
And tonight was no different.
When your eyes locked with his familiar blue ones, a particular ghost of your past appeared. And you didn't miss the way you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw his now grown-out hair (you'd never let him grow it out when you were together) and his soft stubble that you always made him shave. But it suited him, he looked more mature.
But you weren't surprised, it almost seemed like fate. Almost. If it weren't for the fact that you knew, in the back of your mind, he always liked spending his Saturdays playing pool with his friends, in this exact bar. You pretended like you hadn't planned this entire thing.
And so you feigned ignorance, pretending as if you hadn't noticed him at all. You kept gazing at him, taking him in. You felt the anger rise in your body as your nose flared, beginning to think sober up again. You took another swig of your drink and turned away from him, you could practically hear the wheels turning inside his head as he analyzed you right back.
A few moments pass and as you predicted, you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Y/N?"
You met his gaze and it felt so much different from the last time he'd looked at you. He looked... surprised? Is that even the right word? You felt his eyes scan you up and down, the tight dress fitting you perfectly in his mind.
You, too, had changed since the last time he'd saw you. Your hair was slightly shorter and more put together, you looked healthier and more mature. Less like a teenager and more like an adult now, but that's just how aging works, right? Not only did your looks change, but the way you carried yourself.
God, you were sexy. Jack always knew you were beautiful, it was undeniable. But after not seeing you for months now, you looked like a dream ─ a hauntingly beautiful vision that stirred something deep within him. He couldn't help but be mesmerized by the way you carried yourself, with a newfound confidence and poise that spoke of strength.
He was at a loss of words. But it was Jack, of course he didn't let it show. He plastered on his award-winning smirk and let his gaze fall back on to your face. "I didn't know you were back in Jersey, you shoulda texted."
Your face contorted into surprise. Was he really trying to pretend like nothing happened? Oh, two can play that game. "I was just visiting family." Your red lips turned into a tipsy smile. "But you're right, I should've texted. How have you been?"
"Awesome. Is this seat taken?" Jack didn't wait for an answer, he just pulled out a chair and sat down. He glanced down at your drink, the smirk still very much evident in face.
God, how much you wanted to just smash his face in. But you swallowed the anger with your drink, letting him study you for a few more moments.
"Since when do you drink?" His tone was amused as he watched you swallow the liquid so effortlessly, like it was water.
Since you left, you wanted to shout. "Not until recently."
You watched as he leaned back in his chair, studying you with an intensity that made your skin crawl. "And what brought about this newfound appreciation for alcohol?" He asked, his tone still but the underlying curiosity evident in his eyes.
"Life." you said simply, your voice barely above a whisper. "Life has a funny way of changing things."
He nodded, as if he understood, but you could see the doubt flickering behind his eyes. He didn't know the half of it, didn't know the pain and the heartache you had endured in his absence. And part of you wanted to keep it that way, wanted to shield him from the truth of how much he had hurt you.
But another part of you, a smaller part buried deep within all the hurt and bitterness, wanted him to know. Wanted him to see the scars he had left on your soul, to feel the weight of the words left unsaid between you. But not to burden him, to somehow reverse all the pain he'd caused you.
"So, what have you been up to?" you asked, deflecting the conversation away from yourself. "Anything exciting?" By anything, you really meant anyone.
You saw the way Jack's smirk faltered as he shook his head. "Nope, nothin' new." But he knew that you knew the real answer.
Two months, it took him two months to move on from a 4 year relationship. "Really?" you asked, your voice laced with skepticism. "No new hobbies, no new friends, no new... interests?"
Jack chuckled, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he leaned in closer to you, his gaze locking with yours in a way that sent a shiver down your spine. "Well, I might have picked up a few new hobbies," he admitted, his voice low. "But nothing as exciting as running into you here, that's for sure."
Despite yourself, you felt a small, genuine smile tug at the corners of your lips at his charming response. He had always had a way with words, a charisma that could disarm even the most guarded of hearts.
"There she is," his voice was soft as he watched the curves of your lips turn upward. "I missed that."
His words sent a warm flutter through your chest, a mixture of nostalgia and longing swirling within you like a whirlpool. Despite everything that had happened between you, there was still a part of you that missed the comfort of his presence, the familiarity of his smile.
"Well, don't let it get to your head," you teased, although the playful tone of your voice couldn't mask the vulnerability lurking beneath the surface. "I wouldn't want you thinking you can charm your way out of everything."
"I'm not trying to, trust me. I can't help it." Jack smirked as he shrugged. "And for the record, I did miss it. I don't remember the last time I've seen your genuine smile."
Your smile faltered as your stomach squeezed in anxiety. The last couple of months of your relationship was spent only arguing, and the smiles had become a rarity, buried beneath layers of resentment and hurt. You swallowed hard, the memories of those final days weighing heavy on your heart like a rock.
"Yeah, well, it's been a while," you said, your voice barely above a whisper as you fought to push aside the memories threatening to overwhelm you. "A lot has changed since then."
"I can tell," his eyes scanned your body and you felt your heart jump. He wet his lips as his blue eyes met yours again, a grin playing on his lips. "I remember this dress. You wore it at my draft party, I remember."
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, memories of that night flooding back with a rush of emotions. You remembered the excitement in the air, the pride shining in his family's eyes as he celebrated the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.
"Yeah, I remember," you said softly, your voice tinged with nostalgia. "It feels like so long ago."
Jack nodded, a wistful smile playing at the corners of his lips as he reached across the table to brush a stray lock of hair from your face, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "I never forgot that night," he said, his voice low and sincere. "Or how beautiful you looked in this dress."
Your heart skipped a beat and you felt like the air was knocked out of you at his words. Goddamn him, his smooth-talk, and that damned cologne that made you feel high off of him. "Shut up," was all you could muster as Jack chuckled.
"Let's go take a walk."
And like always, Jack didn't wait for an answer. He just grabbed your hand and began walking toward the exit. Your mind raced as Jack's touch sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins. And despite your inner turmoil and the warning bells ringing in your head, there was a part of you that couldn't resist the pull of his charm, the familiarity of his touch.
You hated how he still had this effect on you and how confident he was, he always made decisions for you. You're not sure if it's really a bad thing, because how can something so bad feel so insanely good?
"Okay," you said softly more to yourself than him, your voice barely above a whisper. You allowed him to lead you away from the dimly lit bar and out into the cool night air.
As you walked side by side, the silence between you heavy with unspoken words and unresolved tension, you couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu wash over you. It was like stepping back in time, back to a simpler era when the world was young and full of promise.
Jack pulled you into his chest as you walked, his arm wrapping protectively around your shoulders as you leaned into him, seeking solace in his familiar warmth.
Despite everything, despite the pain and the heartache, a part of you still longed for the comfort of his embrace, for the reassurance of his presence by your side.
"The dress still fits you so well," Jack finally spoke up. You could feel practically hear the grin on his face as you rolled your eyes, a smile tugging on your lips.
"Yeah, well, it's a good thing I haven't outgrown it," you replied, your voice light and teasing as you leaned into his embrace subconsciously.
Jack chuckled, his arm tightening around you. "You'd look in a garbage bag, princess. You can never outgrow anything."
"Flattery will get you nowhere, Jack." You quipped.
"It's gotten me this fair, huh?" Jack's tone was amused as you felt yourself roll your eyes at his cockiness. He let out a laugh as he squeezed your arms, the way he knew you liked.
You wanted to slap the smirk off his face but instead, you just shook your head at his teasing. He still knew you so well, even after so long. As much as you wanted to resist his charm, there was a small part of you that couldn't help but be swept away by it. Jack had always had a way of getting under your skin, of finding the cracks in your armor and worming his way into your heart.
"You're insufferable," you said, though the teasing lilt in your voice betrayed the fondness you couldn't quite suppress.
Jack chuckled, his laughter warm and infectious as he leaned in closer to press a kiss to your temple, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment longer than necessary.
"But you love me anyway," he said, his voice soft as he met your gaze with a knowing smile.
You couldn't deny the truth of his words, no matter how much you wanted to. Despite everything, despite the pain and the heartache, a part of you still loved him ─ had always loved him. Would you always love him?
You gazed back at him, his grin even bigger as his hand squeezed your arms again. The more you stared, the more you slipped back right where he wanted. Fuck, you were back.
Your hands came up to touch his soft stubble, one of the many new things about him. Something you never thought you'd like, you swore his clean-face was your favorite but he proved you wrong.
"You like it?" Jack asked, his voice low and husky as he watched you trace your fingers along his stubbled jawline. There was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the power he still held over you.
"Yeah," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper as you met his gaze, your fingers lingering against his stubble. "It suits you. You look... different, but in a good way."
A smile tugged at the corners of Jack's lips, his eyes sparkling with gratitude as he reached up to gently cup your cheek in his hand, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Thank you," he said, his voice warm with sincerity. "I'm glad you think so."
You smiled genuinely, the anger slowly dissipating as you looked into the eyes of the man you'd once loved, wholeheartedly. His face may have changed but his gaze was still the same, the same blue eyes you'd been drawn to from the beginning.
"Let's head back to the car, yeah?" His voice came out hoarse and low, you could hear practically hear the need in his voice. And again, you let him lead you back to his car and eventually, to his home.
Your lips curved into a smirk, you'd had gotten exactly what you'd sought out to do. You'd gotten him back, but who ever doubted you?
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Slow Down, You're Gonna Crash
Chapter Three
Summary: Being a Verstappen means realising that you'll never be as good as her brother. She knew it. That was why she ran away to California. Of course, she's gonna fall for the older, naval aviator. And, of course, it pisses her family off.
Bradley Bradshaw x F1!Driver Reader
Warnings: Allusions to smut
Series Masterlist
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Would she have stayed in San Diego if it wasn't for the handsome aviator she had spent the night in a few days ago? No. No she would have been on her way, off to the next state.
But here she still was, in San Diego, staying in that shitty motel. She had called on Bradley Bradshaw, more times than she cared to admit. Every day he was working, but then he'd pick her up once he was finished, in his aviator uniform (you know, those hot overalls), and take her... wherever, showing her around North Island.
On her third night of overstaying her welcome in San Diego, she returned to The Hard Deck. Bradley had said he was going to be there and that she should join him, and who was she to say no to that?
She pulled up in the McLaren, parking herself beside the Bronco. Bradley's Bronco. She couldn't stop herself from smiling as she climbed out of the McLaren.
She didn't know about the group of aviators inside, updating Bradley about the super cool car they'd seen a few days ago. The car that Bradley definitely hadn't seen because he was 'too busy making eyes at that girl'.
Bradley said nothing. He didn't tell them that he knew who the McLaren belonged to. He didn't tell them that she'd be on her way now.
He lifted his beer to the lips, looking towards the door as she walked in. And, when Bradley looked, the rest of his old squad did to. Simply because he wasn't listening, and Mickey and Reuben wanted to know what on earth could have been more interesting than the fucking cool McLaren they'd seen a few days ago.
But then they saw it, outside of The Hard Deck. That fucking cool McLaren they'd seen a few days ago. "No way," Mickey couldn't stop himself from saying as Bradley ordered her a drink (gin and tonic, he'd learnt that by now).
"Hey," he said, passing her the drink as she tucked herself into his side. It looked far too domestic for two people that hardly knew each other.
"Hey," she replied, mirroring him as she looked up at him. She pulled his aviators from his face and tucked them into his shirt pocket.
And just as Bradley opened his pretty mouth, just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted. "Rooster!" Mickey shouted. "That McLaren is back! The person that owns it has got to be in here."
Bradley simply looked from Mickey to her. "Do you wanna tell him?" He asked, gently squeezing her shoulder
"Fine," she said and rolled her eyes, but it wasn't malicious. She shoved her gin and tonic into Bradley's hand and held her hand out towards Mickey. "Yeah, it's my Mclaren. Or, I'm borrowing it from a friend."
"Dude, who the hell are you friends with?"
She wore a sort of mischievous smile as she shrugged her shoulders.
But she didn't get a chance to say much more. Not before another, much older man approached. His smile was so white it was almost blinding as he greeted the woman behind the bar fondly, and then greeted the squad.
His eyes locked onto her. "Holy shit," he couldn't stop himself from saying as he pulled down his sun glasses. And then he said her name, the pronunciation of Verstappen perfect.
Her heart dropped as everyone, including Bradley, looked at her. But she let that painted, PR smile cross her lips. "Big Formula One fan?" She asked as she took her drink from Bradley's hands.
"Incredibly big," he said as a drink was passed to him. "I was in Vegas last year, saw your drive, it was incredibly impressive."
She paused, straw between her lips. The grumble she released wasn't supposed to be audible, but she couldn’t exactly control that. "Yeah, Vegas was a shit show," she mumbled. "Celebrated the end of it like the sun would never rise, though."
She didn't say the things she wanted to about Vegas, that it was the best drive her team had seen all year, but it still wasn't enough to keep her seat. There was anger that burned in her chest, but she pushed it away as she finished her drink.
Suddenly there was a crowd of aviators around her, asking her question after question. She tried to answer as best as she could, but the questions just kept coming. It was too much, all too much, and she couldn't get away. Back pressed against the bar, she answered as many questions as she could.
But she couldn't stop herself from looking around in panic for Bradley. He'd been next to her just moments ago, where the hell had he gone?
When she stumbled over an answer, she was ready to throw up. But then the bell from the bar rang. All of the aviators stopped and looked towards the bar owner. "Who's tab?" One of the younger ones had asked.
The bar owner shook her head. "No tab, just leave the poor girl alone," she said.
The aviators backed off, returning to the pool table and the darts board. She sat up at the bar, ready to order herself a drink (since Bradley had apparently ordered her a new one and taken off with it).
But, as she sat, the older aviator, the one who had recognised her, sat on the bar stood beside her. "Sorry about that," he said as he finished his drink. "I can't help but think I started that."
She shrugged her shoulders as the bar owner placed the gin and tonic in front of her. "Just surprised that somebody out here recognised me. I thought most of the states was into Nascar," she muttered.
Maverick laughed, his way of trying to ease the tension. But she didn’t laugh back. So, he took the next logical step and shifted the focus of the conversation away from her. "How d'you know Bradley?"
Her shoulders raised and fell in a shrug. "Oh, you know. From around, sleeping together, all that shit," she mumbled and finished her second gin and tonic, piano music starting up from somewhere in the bar.
As soon as her glass was back down on the bar top, she slipped out of her seat. Her eyes scanned the room, searching for Bradley and, more importantly, her missing gin and tonic.
She found Bradley at the piano, pressing his fingers to the keys. His fingers were big, she knew from experience, but they played such delicate music. She sat on the bench next to him and took a drunken minute (which, in reality, was a minute and a half) to listen.
"I thought you said you were a car mechanic," said Bradley, over the delicate sounds of Billy Joel (yes, he was particularly fond of Jerry Lee Lewis, especially after all of the stories his mother had told him about his father, but he saved that for when the bar was packed, when there were oh so many people gathered around the piano, singing along with him. While the bar was quiet, Bradley played other songs he had learnt through his childhood.)
She let out a breath. "Would you have treated me differently if I was honest?" She asked and laid her head against his shoulder.
Bradley couldn't answer that. He didn't know if he would have treated her any differently if he knew who she was. A rather large part of him knew that he wouldn't, that he'd be the same gentleman that he had been since the moment he met her, but the was that small bit of doubt in the back of his mind.
The music dimmed with less notes to fill it as he reached up for her gin and tonic. He passed it to her and placed it in her hands, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Sing along with me," he said and went back to playing.
That she was happy to do. She couldn't couldn't play the piano, she couldn't sing, but she was still having the time of her life.
And, as she got into it, the door of The Hard Deck opened. Bradley didn't turn around the greet the person, so she didn't greet them either. She was having too much fun, shouting the lyrics to the song at Bradley as he did the same to her.
It took all of her willpower to keep singing, to not stop him to kiss him.
"Have you guys seen that sweet McLaren outside?" Asked the person who walked over to the piano, interrupting the singing. She rolled her eyes when he let out a whistle.
But, after all of their prodding, the rest of the dagger squad thought the McLaren was old news, too. Why wouldn't they when they had a Formula One Driver singing with their Rooster. "Shut up, Bagman," One of them called, and the singing resumed.
Taglist (OPEN): @biancathecool
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vettelsvee · 2 months
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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sebastian vettel x carlos gf!reader
summary: seb's is feeling like shit and the only thing that will make him feel better is having a one night stand with carlos sainz's girlfriend
word count: 4328
warnings: cheating, y/n is carlos sainz's gf and seb is married to hanna (pls do not cheat to your partners!). smut (oral, both female and male receiving; fingering, p in v). curse words. slight degradation. narrated on seb's pov. use of y/n y/l/n.
you can send your one shots requests here! feedback as well as comment and reblogs are truly appreciated! <3
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Mick was by my side with a drink in his hand. He was constantly smiling despite getting a worse result, which only made me feel worse. I had dragged myself here so as not to look bad, and all I felt was that I was letting him down and had become more of a burden to him.
How could I enjoy this crappy party when all I wanted was this season to end when it just started?
"Do you really think bringing me here would help me?" I asked him as I waited for the seventh drink I thought I had taken. "I'm not in the mood, and I'm too old for this."
"I know you're not feeling well, Seb, but you need to disconnect a bit. Trust me, you will feel better.”
I reluctantly agreed.
I tried to smile at everyone who greeted or simply looked at me. I even tried to mingle among the bodies swaying back and forth, as drunk as I was, but it was impossible.
I was disappointed with myself. From being a threat on the track to seeming like a rookie.
"You don't look like a rookie, Seb. At least, not like me."
The voice of the recent Haas addition snapped me out of my thoughts. Had I said that out loud?
"Remember why you started all this, Seb," the boy continued. "The passion you have is still there. What's different are the results you're getting."
"Did I speak out loud?"
"This is the definitive sign for me to realize you’ve had enough alcohol today,” he pointed at my glass, filled to the brim with gin and tonic. "That's the last drink you're having. I don't want to drag you to your room. What would Hanna say if she saw you like this?"
She'd probably want me to have a good time, for sure.
"That I should stop drinking, or what?" I replied to Schumacher.
"Exactly. Don't let the pressure collapse you, Seb. You don't deserve that."
After talking a bit more about the disastrous first race of the year that we both had, Mick dragged me to the center of the dance floor. I refused several times at first, insisting that I wasn't one to let loose in front of others, but the boy was so enthusiastic, and I was so wasted, that I decided to go along with him and the atmosphere.
I moved not as timidly as I expected to the rhythm of the music, setting aside my worries and, above all, starting to care less and less about what would happen from now on with every drop of alcohol I ingested.
I noticed how suddenly Mick stopped. His gaze was fixed on a girl who passed next to us and who, undoubtedly, looked quite attractive, at least that's what the blond's looks confirmed. I also stopped my body's dance and turned to her, but it was quite difficult to recognize who she was among the crowd. Her dark green sequined dress and her raven hair, falling in waves over her back, were, at that moment, the only things that seemed to stand out from her in the dimness of the nightclub.
Who the hell was the girl who seemed to have caught my eye?
"Seb, are you coming?"
Mick's shouts over the music briefly made my eyes divert to him, then quickly return my attention to the stranger. She was now moving quite sensually with who knows who, somehow making me, Sebastian Vettel, married and a father, start to get excited.
"You go ahead, Mick. I'd rather stay here for a while."
My answer, barely audible, was a complete lie.
Of course, I wanted to go with him. What I didn't want was to once again succumb to temptation as I did with Astrid a few years ago.
"Wait, Mick!" I shouted, approaching the boy enough to grab him by the bottom of his shirt and pull him back to me. "Who is she?"
"Don't you know her? Seriously?"
I denied it too many times for him not to understand.
Did he really think that if I knew who she was, I would be asking him?
Mick, with a mischievous smile, finally understood that I was more confused than I would like.
"It's Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. An influencer. She makes TikTok videos and all that stuff," the blond whispered in my ear. "She's also Carlos's girlfriend, in case you're interested to know."
I tried to remember, but the drunkenness prevented me from recalling any kind of connection or image of that girl. Y/N Y/L/N, Carlos's girlfriend... Sainz? Of course, it had to be Sainz, there was no other Carlos on the grid... that I knew of.
"Oh, yeah, of course," I lied. The last thing I wanted was to admit that right now I didn't remember anything about that girl. "Carlos Sainz dad or son?" I added, then laughed.
Mick looked at me, raising an eyebrow. Clearly, my last comment didn't amuse him.
"You seriously don't remember her?"
"Well, I talk to too many people throughout the day, and I have more important things on my mind than that girl whose dress gives her a perfect ass, you know?" I tried to excuse myself.
"If you don't know her, as you say... Why don't you go and say hello? It never hurts to socialize, and maybe it'll help you forget all the birds you have flying around in your head," the boy insisted, ignoring my previous comments.
I felt a mix of shyness and concern invading me. If I approached the supposed girlfriend of Sainz, not only was I letting down my wife, but also a colleague. I didn't know who could be around here or what might happen if we were seen talking.
I was sure that if I approached her, there were two options: either I made her uncomfortable, or everything was misinterpreted, and we both got into trouble unintentionally.
"I don't want to overwhelm her, Mick," I replied. Right now, I couldn't think of coherent excuses, but any seemed good to me. "What would I say? 'Hello, Sebastian, how are you?' Come on Mick, we're not kids anymore."
Mick crossed his arms. His eyes revealed amusement, and there was no doubt he was enjoying this.
"Seb, you're at a party. Talking is what you do at a party, not talking about cars all the time, that's what briefings are for."
"Stop being silly. Go and say hello. You'll see she doesn't bite."
I loved Mick Schumacher like a son and like a little brother, but moments like this were when we seemed like teenage brothers fighting over control of a video game.
"Fine, I'll go say hello," I finally relented.
"You won't regret it, you'll see."
I was sure I would regret it.
I was drunk, and I could barely remember my own name.
I wasn't sober, and I knew I was about to make another mistake, one I didn't know if I would regret as soon as I woke up.
I was Sebastian Vettel, and, of course, adrenaline and the forbidden attracted me.
I had done it once before, and everything had stayed between Astrid and me, so... why not do it again for a second time, and let everything stay between Y/N and me?
"This place is too packed."
Y/N turned around, our chests almost touching. I immediately lowered my gaze, and it was difficult for me to look away from her cleavage, quite revealing.
"I hope it is not full of idiots like you, Vettel. My face is up here, not between my tits."
"Sorry," I said, rushing. Did I really have to screw it up now?
"Do you need something, Vettel?"
"Do you want to go out for some fresh air?" I asked without even thinking. "The music is too loud, so it's going to be hard for me to hear you."
Y/N seemed to consider it for a moment. Her expression betrayed indecision and, at the same time, I would dare say curiosity. After a brief silence that felt like an eternity, and where I was praying that she saw me with the same eyes as I saw her, she agreed.
We walked outside, she in front of me and me acting as if I were doing something completely normal. I sat on some steps far enough away so no one could see us; to my surprise, she sat next to me closer than I expected.
"Well, Vettel, what's the reason for wanting to talk to me so badly?" the young woman demanded to know.
I'd like to tell her that I'd like to fuck her tonight, but that wouldn't be very polite of me.
"Well... I don't know. I saw you and I said, 'Oh, it's Y/N, Carlos's girlfriend,'" I emphasized the last part to see if she reacted. There was no reaction on her part, so I counted it as a win. "I wanted to say hi."
"Did your nerves also wanted to say hi?"
I said nothing.
"From the little we've talked you seem like a nice guy, Sebastian," she continued speaking, calling me by my name for the first time. "But today it seems like you're especially quite interested in talking to me. Do you have something else to tell me, or is it just a feeling I have right now because I've been drinking?"
I tried to keep my composure, but her getting even closer to me, and starting to caress me in a way that sent shivers down my spine, and leaving her hand on my thigh, too close to my member, made all the hair on my body stand on end.
She smiled, and then I knew I had achieved my goal.
"Why don't we go somewhere more private, Seb?" she whispered in my ear. Her index finger traced my arm, while her right hand began to undo a few buttons on my shirt. "It would be great if we continued this conversation without any chance of being interrupted."
"Do you think you're going to talk a lot tonight? The only thing coming out of your mouth is going to be you moaning my name, Y/N."
"Are you sure you're going to get what you might want, Mr. Vettel?"
God. I didn't expect her to play along, but now I was sure I was going to need more of that.
"Sure, as long as Carlos doesn't find out," I said, deep down, with concern.
"Well then, let's get out of here then, as long as Hanna doesn't find out..."
She nodded with a playful smile, and immediately, I forced myself to get up and find a taxi.
Of the thousands that seemed to be around, I decided to stop the only one that was moving towards us. When it stopped in front of us, I opened one of the back doors for Y/N and settled in next to her, putting on my sunglasses to avoid being recognized.
"To the Grove Hotel, please."
No need to say anything else because, in an instant, the driver set off.
As the vehicle moved through the night streets of Bahrain, Y/N and I seemed to become one. Her hands grabbed the collar of my shirt and she pressed her lips against mine. Even knowing that we were taking a risk, I decided to undo her seatbelt to position her on top of me, where I had much greater access to her entire body. The kisses became faster, more aggressive, and I felt my erection growing at a dizzying speed.
"Is your friend happy to see me, Sebastian?" the girl asked, rubbing herself slowly and torturously against my bulge.
"You'll see him as soon as we get to my room."
I couldn't say much more because my hands acted for me, grabbing her neck and starting to bite it, sucking, and surely leaving a few marks that I didn't give a shit if they showed. Her moans grew louder and louder, begging me for more.
We were lucky that our journey had ended because I was more than convinced that if we had continued like that, I would have fucked her right there.
We got out quickly, trying to act as if nothing had happened, but once we were in the elevator we acted the same way again. Torturing each other seemed to have become the main game of the night, caring less and less about being discovered. The forbidden seemed to excite us more, and I didn't blame the Spanish woman: after all, it was me who had started everything.
When we reached the door of my room I forced myself to stop kissing her. Y/N, however, stood behind me on tiptoe, wrapping her arms around my neck. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me and searching her eyes to see if she wanted the same thing I did at that moment.
"Do you want to come in?" I asked in a soft, husky voice.
She nodded, and with a movement that seemed memorized, I swiped the card through the reader, opened the door, and forced her to step inside.
Once I made sure I had locked the door, I knew everything was done.
She wearing only her black lace underwear, threw herself into my arms to continue what she had been doing on our way here. I lifted her astride me, her legs around my waist, and leaned her back against the wall, continuing to kiss her fiercely while she finished unbuttoning my shirt, throwing it somewhere as soon as she finished her task.
"You're horny, aren't you, Sebastian?"
"If you know I am why the fuck do you ask?"
My reluctant comment made the young woman hit my ches. I knew she wanted to go down, so I let her down and, as soon as her feet touched the carpeted surface, she got on her knees and started to unfasten my belt, then the button of my pants before pulling them down.
She left a trail of kisses on the lower part of my stomach and on the beginning of my groin, playing at the same time with the elastic of my boxers and my member.
"Let's see what we have here..."
She pulled down my underwear in one swift motion, leaving my cock, fully erect, exposed.
Her right hand wrapped around it in an instant, moving it up and down too slowly for my liking. I began to sigh, but I refused to beg her to speed up, hoping she would realize it herself. Soon enough, her tongue started to lick my tip, and pre-cum appeared as if out of nowhere; before I knew it, she was sucking on it like a child with a lollipop.
"You look so good like this, Y/N. I know that having another man's cock in your mouth, not your boyfriend's, turns you on more than you might want to admit. You must be fucking wet..."
I couldn't say anything else, but my moans seemed to say it all. My hands were on her head, indirectly urging her to go faster because I was getting closer and closer to what I hoped would be the first orgasm of the night. She listened to me: at least that's what she seemed to understand when a much greater sense of pleasure invaded me as her tongue began to make circular movements on my glans while she continued to suck without stopping and masturbate the part that wouldn't fit.
I came in her mouth without warning, and she swallowed everything without a word, moving her tongue over her lips to finish taking the remnants.
She got up and the only thing I could do, almost powerless, was throw her onto the bed and position myself on top of her to undress her and finally make her mine.
After unhooking her bra and being just about to start taking care of her lower part, my cell phone began to ring.
"Damn it..."
"Pick it up, daddy," she demanded. "We don't want anyone to find out about our secret, do we?"
Having her beneath me, teasing me as if she were an innocent schoolgirl, when all she was doing was provoking me even more, got me even hornier.
I picked up the phone and saw who the call was from.
"It's my wife," was all I could say. The annoying ringtone kept on, but I didn't dare to answer the call.
"Why aren't you answering?" 
"I'm with you, darling. Let it wait."
"What if we do something better?"
The girl sat up a bit on the bed and moved to the edge of it. The call seemed to be continuing, and my unease grew. Did Hanna imagine what I was doing right now, like this, with Y/N? Did she even consider the possibility that I might be unfaithful?
"Sebastian," the girl spoke again, "eat me while you talk to your wife."
"Don't you want to play?" she asked. Again, that playful tone that turned me on so much came from her lips. "Well, let's play, but let’s do it my way."
I hated being challenged, and it seemed she knew it perfectly well.
Great. Did she want to play? Well, she was going to get it.
I got on my knees, still holding the phone in my hand. Hanna had already hung up, but that didn't mean I couldn't do things properly.
I selected her contact and put the call on speaker, leaving the device on the bed. I grabbed Y/N by her thighs and dragged her a bit further onto the surface, aligning her pussy perfectly with my face.
I yanked her panties off and the girl let out a surprised scream that coincided with my wife answering the call.
"Seb, are you okay? Is something wrong?"
And indeed, something was wrong, but Hanna Vettel wasn't aware of it, nor could she be.
"Yes, yes..." I replied as calmly as I could while I began to play with a finger between the girl's folds, spreading her wetness all over her pussy to lubricate her well. "It's just that I had to come to the bathroom because it was too noisy, and,you know how people are... having sex in stalls where barely one person fits."
Taking advantage of the fact that now it was my wife's turn to talk, I began to entertain myself with the girl's clitoris, who was ending her moans by putting a hand over her mouth.
"Do you remember when we used to do it?" my wife exclaimed excitedly. "We should do it again next time I come to see you."
"Damn it, Seb!"
"Honey, did I hear someone say your name, or am I just imagining things? Please tell me I'm not going crazy."
Shit. Sticking two fingers inside Y/N without warning hadn't been a good idea.
"No, no, no! There's another guy here named Sebastian. He met a girl named... Y/N, and look, now he must be doing something good to her for the girl to have screamed," I lied the best I could.
"And you're doing it really well," Y/N whispered so that only I could hear. "No wonder Hanna wants to do it with you in some disco bathroom. Who wouldn't fuck you anywhere?"
I took the opportunity to spread her legs even further and sliding my tongue, flat, over her entrance, moving up slowly enough to make her desperate, all the way up to her clitoris. Her hand was on my hair, gripping it tightly so that I wouldn't stop; I quickly moved it away and nodded towards the phone, where Hanna was still on the line.
"When are you coming back, Seb?" my wife spoke again. "The girls are asking more and more about you, and I don't know what else to tell them to make them stop."
Shit. Y/N had to stop arching her back, tilting her head back, and massaging her right breast because all that did was let me know that she was about to come, and for now, I didn't want her to reach that point.
My goal at that moment was twofold: to prevent Hanna, my wife, from discovering what I was doing, and to prevent Y/N, who seemed to be my new lover, from coming, no matter that three of my fingers were entering and exiting her at the same time as the tip of my tongue moved quickly over her clitoris.
"Seb? Can you hear me? Do you have coverage?"
"Yes, yes!" I hoped I didn't have coverage. "Although it's getting worse every time I think.”
The Spanish girl was close, I could feel it in the contractions of her entrance around my fingers. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and pulled her even closer to me, if that was even possible. I placed my right hand on the lower part of her stomach, forcing her to stay still.
"Hey, Hanna, I'm going to hang up because I think my phone is running out of battery," I lied again. Now, my only goal was to eagerly lick my new girl, not to talk to the woman I had been sharing my life with for years. "How about we talk tomorrow? I'll call you before I'm at the airport."
"Sure, Seb. Take care and don't do anything crazy, okay? And take care of Mick too, I don't want him doing anything crazy either."
I didn't give her time to say anything else because I pressed the red button at the same time as I withdrew from Y/N.
"You're a son of a bitch, Sebastian Vettel," was all the young woman said. I knew she wanted to kill me at that moment for leaving her on the edge of ecstasy.
"You know as well as I do that you'll thank me soon when I make you mine. The next time you fuck Carlos you regret it’s not me making you feel wanting to be fucked like the slut you are."
I put on the condom as quickly as I could and forced her legs to wrap around my waist.
I entered her abruptly, and now I was convinced that her scream had gone beyond the four walls surrounding us.
"Oh God, Sebastian. Don't stop, please."
"I hadn't planned on it, angel," I replied as best I could. Pleasure had invaded me too quickly, and I was quite surprised.
Why was the forbidden so tempting?
Her back arched again as my thrusts increased in both speed and depth. Her legs seemed to give way because I knew it would be difficult for her to hold out without coming after having been so close before; I kept them on my waist with one of my hands, while the other began to rub her most sensitive spot relentlessly.
"Look at me."
My voice sounded too demanding, but I didn't care.
"Look at me right now, angel," I repeated after seeing that she hadn't listened to me.
I felt her walls surrounding my penis as if her insides were on fire. Her gaze tortured me; her teeth biting her lower lip made me want to put her in a thousand more positions, to keep going with her until we both died of pleasure.
My hips increased in speed when I felt the nervousness in the lower part of my stomach. Then, I forced her to lie down more to start kissing her neck desperately, licking and sucking her nipples, making her sighs increase and forcing me to forget all worries.
Was it the same person who just a few hours ago was crawling around the corners because she had stopped being who she was a few years ago?
If having sex with Y/N would make me forget everything, I was more than condemned to madness because that was what I intended to keep doing if she allowed me.
"Seb..." the girl gasped. I felt her nails digging into my back. The pain that on another occasion would have seemed unbearable was now giving me pleasure.
I was desperate to come. I felt like I was about to explode, but I controlled myself because I didn't want the night to end so soon.
My hands went from holding her lower extremities to massaging her breasts, so big they didn't fit in my hands. I forced myself to stop giving her hickeys on her neck to lift myself up a little and enjoy the sight in front of me. My cock entered and exited Y/N constantly, more regularly even though I couldn't take it anymore; her breasts moving so irregularly because self-control was impossible, and her hand massaging her clit forcefully to come once and for all was an absolute damnation.
I watched her squint her eyes after her shout because she wanted to see herself reach what we both had longed for that night. I followed her with a guttural sound and my semen filling the condom as my hands gripped her hips for as long as I was coming.
I stayed inside her long enough to realize that it had been real.
Meanwhile, silence had taken over. The only thing that could be heard was our breaths, agitated and synchronized with the rhythm of our chests.
I ran two of my fingers over her entrance before lying down, and without me telling her anything, she took them in her mouth, savoring herself. She did the same when she kissed me again, now lying on top of me.
"I want to keep going like this, Sebastian," she whispered, kissing me again in between. "But neither Carlos nor Hanna can find out."
"That's fine with me, angel. From now on, we're both each other's best kept secret."
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astonmartinii · 1 year
the student life part two | charles leclerc instagram au
part one
pairing: charles leclerc x student!reader
after an eventful visit to his girlfriend's university, charles unleashes his girlfriend and her friends on the paddock.
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and 12,078 others
tagged: yourbff1, yourbff2, yourbff3
yourusername: some may call it insanity, but there's no other way we'd do it
view all 2,071 comments
charles_leclerc safe flight my love
yourbff1 she's already yakked once and we've not even made it through security yet
yourusername travelators should be illegal
pierregasly y/n is coming to abu dhabi??? i'm ready for the mess
yourusername you better be ready gasly, i've not forgotten you making fun of sharl for bodybagging. it's your turn next
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liked by yourusername, yourbff1 and 505,461 others
tagged: yourusername, yourbff1
charles_leclerc: trying to spend time with y/n after two months away but there's these random people that won't leave us alone
view all 12,309 comments
yourusername they're my stray cats they have attachment issues <3
yourbff1 thanks mom (dad is an asshole)
charles_leclerc i'm not your dad???
pierregasly the way i can hear them from my room down the hall
yourusername we don't know what volume control is, my sincerest apologies
danielricciardo ahhhh the woman herself
yourusername DANIEL I LOVE YOU (go back to red bull pls)
yourbff1 added to their story
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[caption: her ass does not have the reaction time to take pics of f1 cars on that dinosaur]
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 20,764 others
yourusername: everyone knows the race is just a pregame for the after party - good luck tho boob @charles_leclerc
view all 3,056 comments
charles_leclerc thanks (reminder you can't drink in the garage)
yourusername i'll go cold turkey for you any day
yourbff2 real love right there
danielricciardo my liver is quaking in fear
maxverstappen1 god you're old
yourusername yes maxy that's the spirit gin and tonic on me (on charles)
charles_leclerc ummm ???
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yourusername added to their story
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[caption: get me a double vodka red bull STAT]
yourbff3 added to their story
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[caption: celebratory scran for sharl]
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 35,987 others
yourusername: camera roll finds
view all 7,031 comments
charles_leclerc don't knock the dance moves
yourusername never !!!! one of your many seduction techniques
landonorris what is this top @maxverstappen1
maxverstappen1 apparel for real men
danielricciardo i'll be invoicing you for my bar tab
yourusername don't leave it open old man <3
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 1,089,344 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc the duality of f1. so so happy to get p2 in the championship, but of course we want to build from here. also big thank you to my wonderful girlfriend and her stray friends who killed off the rest of the grid for me (jokes) thanks for spending your whole student loan in the hospitality.
view all 119,076 comments
yourusername so so so proud of you boob, but more importantly WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER YOU DIDN'T BODYBAG
charles_leclerc thank you my love, i learnt from the best
yourusername same cannot be said for @pierregasly @landonorris @danielricciardo @carlossainz @georgerussell63 @estebanocon @mickschumacher - congrats to @maxverstappen1 @valterribottas @fernandoalonso @sebastainvettel for being big boys who can handle liqueur
sebastianvettel i don't know what this is but yes i am an old man
danielricciardo way harsh y/ln
pierregasly leave me alone my head hurts
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suuuupernovaaa · 11 months
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Clean, Part 2
Hobie Brown x f! Reader. Jealousy. Misunderstanding. Making up.
Based on this request. Y/N goes backstage at Hobie's show, and sees something she shouldn't. Hobie shows up to her apartment, and misunderstands what he sees at first. Everyone is angry.
Mature, 18+
You fiddle with the drink in your hands, made much too strong, staring at the rings on your fingers and trying to blink the tears out of your eyes.
"Are you sure something was, uh, going on?" your brother asks, sitting across from you at your small kitchen table. You called him crying 30 minutes ago, and he rushed over to you.
A protective brother never really grows out of the protective thing, really, and your brother takes it to the next level - but he means well. Up until this point, he even seemed to approve of your new boyfriend, Hobie Brown. They hadn't met, but you spoke so highly of him, Grant was inclined to say the guy was half decent.
That might all be ruined now, though.
"Well," you say, wiping a stray tear from your red cheek, "she was like, pressed up on him. And, listen, women should wear whatever they want, but she was really not wearing a whole lot of anything, and it was just, uh, a real picture."
"Okay - what was he doing, though?" Grant asks, and you blink rapidly, trying to remember.
You rounded the corner and saw him, and your eyes lit up the way they always do when you see Hobie, your heart started pounding in your chest with excitement, and before he noticed you, she approached.
She squealed and threw her arms around him, and the way she moved... it was not just a hug. At least, it wasn't the way you'd hugged anyone. Not in public. It was something else, two people pressed so tightly together, absolutely no room for Jesus, and the way she moved her body. Ugh. It was like she was trying to get a fire started right there in the hallway.
But what had Hobie done? You'd turned and dashed out of there before you could really see. You remembered he wasn't hugging her back but, he wasn't shoving her away either. But had he, after you left?
You put your face in his hands. "I don't know. Even if he threw her off, how often are women throwing themselves at him like that? I don't know if I can stand that, Grant."
Grant reaches out, grabbing your forearm, and you look up at him. He shrugs at you. "You don't have to, Y/N. You can choose to break up with him if it's too much. But honestly, I think that'd be kind of stupid."
"You do?" You sit back in your chair, crossing your arms.
Grant stands up, crossing the kitchen to open the cupboard where you keep your snacks. He sighs when he finds it bare minus a bag of blue tortilla chips and some old vanilla wafers. "Yeah. You've never been this happy. Like, it's obvious. Maybe don't throw it away because someone hugged your boyfriend. That's, uh, pretty insecure."
You widen your eyes and gasp. "Grant!"
He turns around, shrugging again, and you resist the urge to throw your gin and tonic at him. "Well, it's true! Do you trust the guy?"
Instead of throwing the drink, you take a sip, and gag a little. Grant loves gin so you keep it around for him, but you truly detest it. It tastes like pine needles.
"Yeah. I do."
"Okay, then get over it and talk to him about-" Your older brother is cut off from what you're sure would be another hurtful rant by a pounding on the door.
"Y/N!" Hobie's voice calls from the other side of the door. "Are you in there? You're ignoring my calls! Where did you go after the show?"
You're stuck, frozen in your chair, your cheeks and nose still red and wet with tears. You and your brother stare at each other for a long moment, and then Hobie pounds on the door again.
Grant walks to the door, and pulls it open. You sit across the kitchen, out of view from anyone standing in the doorway.
"Who the fuck are you?" Hobie asks as soon as Grant opens the door. You've talked about your brother, even shown pictures, but Grant looks different in person. He's just a hair shorter than Hobie, making them both very tall men, and while Hobie is extremely strong, he's lean and lanky. Grant is sturdy, built, with wide shoulders and an intimidating brow. "Where's Y/N?"
Grant steps aside without saying a word, and Hobie brushes past him. He scans the apartment for just a second, before spotting you at the kitchen table.
"Y/N!" He rushes over, and you stand up. "What's - hey!" He reaches up to your cheeks. "You've been crying? Who the hell is this guy?" He looks equally angry and concerned.
"It's Grant. My brother."
Hobie's face relaxes, and he gives an exaggerated nod, leaning backwards as he does it. "Grant!" He turns, arm extended for a hand shake. "Sorry about that, mate. Didn't expect to see a strange man in my girl's flat. Not that she can't have friends over, just, you know. Went missing, been crying, strange man here. Not my favorite combination of events."
Grant shakes his hand. "No worries. I better uh, get going. I'll see you around."
He steps around Hobie, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you to him. "Love you. Call me tomorrow," he whispers, and you nod.
You stand with Hobie, quietly and awkwardly, as Grant puts on his coat and shoes, and finally makes an exit.
Hobie turns to you, arms outstretched. "Okay, what the hell, Y/N?"
You sigh and sit down, and take another drink of the disgusting gin and tonic. Making a face, you push the drink away. Hobie sits across from you and picks it up.
"I'm sorry I disappeared. I... had a, like, meltdown."
Hobie furrows his brow and leans forward. "What happened?"
You feel embarrassed now, and you know your already red cheeks are growing even hotter, probably your chest to match. It was childish and immature to assume the worst and run away, and Grant was right - you let your insecurities get the best of you. You let that become bigger than the trust you had in Hobie.
"It's stupid, but, I came backstage and saw some very beautiful girl kind of, rubbing all over you and I, I just freaked out and ran away. I called Grant. I'm really sorry. It was so dumb. Shit. I'm really sorry."
You're crying again now, and that only serves to add to the embarrassment. Surely Hobie is going to realize that you're more trouble than you're worth, that he could find someone who wouldn't put him through so much over the smallest things, and he'll leave. You wouldn't blame him.
Hobie shakes his head, letting out a little 'tsk, tsk, tsk' with each turn of his chin. "Y/N, that is pretty stupid. You've kicked ass for me before, and you couldn't do it tonight? I don't exactly like when people I don't know press themselves all over my front!"
His words sound harsh, but there's a teasing smile creeping across his lips, and you cal feel the tension slipping from your neck and shoulders.
"I can't just fight every woman who throws herself at you, Hobie."
His smirk turns into a full on grin, and he leans forward, grabbing your hand. "Sure you can. What's the point of having a girlfriend then?"
You throw your head back, laughing, feeling less silly with every joke he makes. When you look at him again, he pulls you up out of your chair, and leads you to your living room, kicking off his shoes and jacket as you go.
"Come on then, let me hold you for a moment," he whispers. He lays down on the couch, and pulls you down on top of him. Your head rests perfectly on his chest, his arms around your back, and your legs between his. Through his shirt, you can feel the steady, melodious sound of his strong heart beating. You rise and fall with his even breaths. You close your eyes, and allow yourself to feel safe and calm as he holds you.
"I really am sorry," you whisper, finally looking up at Hobie. He stares down at you with his soft, beautiful brown eyes.
"Maybe you need a reminder of how much I care about you."
You raise your eyebrow. "Maybe."
He puts two fingers under your chin, beckoning you to crawl up to him. "Kiss me, Y/N," he says in a quiet, demanding voice, and you don't hesitate. Your lips find his immediately and the kiss is explosive. You're both letting out all the tension, confusion, anger and sadness of the ruined evening. His hands find his way into your hair, crushing you to him, pulling just a little, and you moan into his mouth.
Hobie's lips move slowly down to your neck, leaving a trail of hot kisses. "You need to know how I feel about you," he whispers between kisses. "How you're all I think about. I'm obsessed with you."
He pulls down on the collar of your shirt, and you thank the gods it's stretchy when his lips make their way to your chest, sucking, biting and kissing.
"You're perfect. You're mine."
With surprising agility and speed, Hobie flips the two of you over, leaving you gasping underneath him. He reaches down, grabbing you behind your knee, pulling your leg up along his side, and stares down at you.
"Too many clothes," you say, and he nods in response. He pulls his t-shirt over his head, and then reaches underneath you to undo your bra. He pulls that and your t-shirt swiftly off of you, and then undoes the buttons on your jean shorts.
Suddenly, he stands up. Bending over, he lifts you up bridal style. "Bedroom, I think," he says, holding you to his bare chest. It's a small apartment, and only a few steps before Hobie is tossing you onto your bed, leaving you in a fit of giggles.
As he undoes his belt and pulls his jeans off, you remove your shorts, as well, both of you left in just your underwear.
You lay back, propped up on your elbows, watching as he crawls up to you. You feel his breath on your thighs, your waist, and he's kissing your stomach.
His hand grazes over your ass, over your thigh, and as his mouth finds your breast, his fingers brush over your panties, just between your thighs, and you have to lay back on the bed and close your eyes.
"Hobie," you whisper, your voice just a breath. He pulls your panties to the side, and finds the immense wetness already gathered there.
"Fuck, you're wet," he moans with your nipple in his mouth, and begins toying with your clit. He rubs it in circles, up and down, and then his fingers dip down to your entrance, just teasing, before he's back at your clit.
You throw your arm over your face and let out a long, low moan. "Oh, god," you say, chest heaving.
His fingers leave your clit again, and he pushes them slowly into you, the metal of his rings creating a shocking, cold sensation.
"So fucking tight and wet," he moans, and brings his mouth to yours for another intense kiss as his fingers pump slowly in and out. He curves them upwards, finding that perfect spot, and you spread your legs as wide apart as you can underneath him, thrusting back up to meet him for every perfect stroke. "I want you to cum for me. I want you to be loud. Scream my name," he demands.
His fingers leave you, returning to your clit, using the perfect amount of pressure, swirling around, and you feel the coil forming.
"Oh, god, oh, fuck, Hobie, please," you pant into his mouth. His other hand is on your nipple, twisting and pulling gently, and it's an overwhelming combination of sensations.
He plunges his fingers into you again unexpectedly, and it sends you over the edge. Your pussy clenches around his fingers, over and over, and he moans almost as loudly as you into your mouth at the sensation of it.
"Yes, fucking cum on my hand," he whispers, not letting up until you reach down and move his hand away.
He collapses next to you, staring at you while you gasp for breath, a light sheen of sweat over both of you.
He never even took your panties off.
Finally, you look over at him, and he smiles softly at you. "That doesn't even begin to fucking cover how I feel about you, love."
You reach out, placing your hand gently on his cheek. "Can I show you how I feel now?"
He raises his eyebrows. "Oh, if you must, my love," he says, and winks.
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Hi Ava!
I would love love love if you could write a little blurb about Jake 🤠
Maybe something where he's being a little possessive (but in a good way) about his lady and he says "That's my girl" or something along those lines 🥰
Please accept this sexy Glen gift as payment 😂
I hope you're having a lovely day!
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EEEEEP! im so stoked for this! i wrote this with my astronaut!reader in mind (fic coming soon 😉) but this can be read as a standalone, general!reader. but listen listen listen
Jake is a possessive guy by nature, but he likes to think he has chilled out more at his age. And instead of getting all territorial every time a guy hits on you when you go out, he has taken to sit back and watch the chaos unravel before him.
Right now, a young Naval officer is talking your ear off at the bar. This is so typical; he can’t go to the bathroom for two minutes without some dumbass trying to win your attention. He wouldn’t blame them, though. Your red lipstick makes him (and all these men) weak in the knees, and that white sundress you’re wearing makes you look angelic—if only they knew you weren’t wearing anything underneath. Your eyes meet as Jake makes his way over, gleaming with mischief, and Jake decides to take the empty seat next to the guy first. Get a load of this, you all but say to him in a single look.
“Yeah, so you know a G-force? Like the accumulation of the force of gravity that we experience in the aircraft is just… insane. We could go anywhere from 5 and 9 G’s— why are you smiling?” The guy smiles at you somewhat nervously.
“No, I just… it’s cute, that’s all.” You sip on your gin and tonic. “I get 12 G’s just going to the station.”
“Pfft! Where do you work, anyway? NASA?”
“As a matter of fact, I do,” you answer lightly, plainly.
His face falls. Jake can’t even see it, but he can see the shoulders drooping and he laughs quietly, tapping this man on the shoulder. His face goes red.
“Commander Seresin! I—”
“Run along, Ensign… Hastings. That’s my girl.” Jake slots his arm around your waist—a territorial lite move.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know…”
“Nice meeting you.” You flash him a smile of formality, effectively ending the conversation with that guy. He awkwardly phase out into the crowd and you’re now left alone together again.
Jake laughs, pulling you in closer by the waist. “You are such a menace, you know that?”
“You love that about me.”
And he does. Gosh, he really does.
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the-au-thor · 5 months
Bestfriend Blurb #5 | Spencer Reid
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This one's for the beautiful creature who kindly asked me for another blurb and gave me ideas for it. I know is not exactly what you asked for but this is the first part of your request. Hope you can enjoy it!
This is part of a series of blurbs that you can find down below:
Summary: Spencer and Reader are bestfriends who are in love with each other but they don't know it yet. Let's see how they find out.
Words: 1.5 k
Warnings: Go to this link!
"Are you okay?" you asked casually from your seat to Spencer, who was enjoying a glass of iced tonic water with lemon slices and mint. "Want to leave? We can go."
He smiled playfully and shook his head. "Of course not. Enjoy your margaritas, and we can leave when everyone else does."
That night marked the end of your exhibition. A photography magazine even interviewed you, which you found utterly crazy. The whole team attended the gallery, including a couple of other FBI agents and your old friends from college. After the gallery, Penelope and Emily insisted on celebrating at one of their favorite karaoke bars. When you arrived at the bar, Spencer extended his arm in front of you, palm open, asking for the keys to your car and officially declaring himself your designated driver. "You don't like driving," you argued, but he flashed one of his childlike smiles and shook his head, "It's your night, and I know you want to enjoy your margaritas. I'll drive us home."
Spencer's apartment had been infested with mold a couple of months ago, requiring urgent renovations. You couldn't resist pointing out it was due to lack of ventilation and his habit of keeping the curtains constantly closed. His landlord promptly announced that Spencer needed to leave the apartment for him to repair the whole mess before the mold spread to other units. That was the day Spencer became homeless and the day he started calling your home his own. It wasn't strange for him to bring his things to your apartment and take up the guest room. You got used to his quirks, like his clinical cleaning sprees when anxiety hit. Being roommates with Spencer was great, but what you never got used to was the warm and terrifying feeling whenever Spencer called your place "home."
"It's been a very long day," you murmured. "I'll have this last margarita, and then we can go," you promised, relaxing back into your seat, watching Derek and Savannah share a drink while following the music of a song Penelope and Emily were singing—or rather, destroying.
Lizzie, by your side, sipped her gin and tonic with a somewhat strange look. She seemed miles away inside her mind.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
She snapped out of her reverie, momentarily startled.
"If something's bothering you—"
"No" she quickly answered.
"Yes," you insisted confidently.
She furrowed her brow. "No."
"Yes," you retorted, imitating her gaze until she finally rolled her eyes.
"Oh, you're a pain in my ass. I'm just tired; it's been a long night," she admitted, then smiled, nudging your shoulder. "But I'm proud of you; you stepped out of your comfort zone and succeeded."
Your cheeks blushed slightly, but you couldn't deny it. You were happy to have done it, and finally, the photos you had taken over the years saw the light. You took the last sip of your margarita and hopped off your chair with a light skip. Amir and Emma, your old college friends, convinced you to join them for one last song before leaving—a karaoke favorite: "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5, full with choreography.
"That was amazing. It's always so much fun when you guys do that," Spencer exclaimed with a smile as he put on his jacket.
You had introduced Amir and Emma to the team years ago, and they occasionally met up in a bar to catch up and sing. Karaoke had become a tradition, and it wasn't the first time Emma, Amir and you pulled off such a performance you had prepared during your college years.
"It is fun. Maybe we'll convince you to join us someday," Amir replied with a smile, not expecting an immediate response from Spencer. He planted a kiss on each of your cheeks and cradled your face affectionately. "I'm so proud and jealous of you. The exhibition was fantastic. If you weren't doing such a wonderful job at the FBI, I'd try to persuade you to leave it for photography," he said, bidding you farewell and hugging Spencer.
You said your goodbyes, knowing that Emily, Penelope, and Lizzie would stay a bit longer that night. You and Spencer left the bar, facing the cool night as you crossed the street toward your car parked on the edge of an alley.
"Oh no," Spencer whispered, searching for something in his bag before getting into the car.You looked at him, furrowing your brow as he stepped into the passenger seat. "What happened?"
"I left the notebook you gave me at the gallery... do you think we can go get it now?"
You patted the inside pocket of your jacket where the keys to the gallery were, keys you would return tomorrow when picking up the photo frames you left hanging. You nodded, getting into the car.
"With all that eidetic memory, and you forget your notebook at a gallery," you teased, laughing, and then nodded again, making the keys jingle outside your pocket. "Let's go."
"It'll only take a moment," he promised quickly.
You knew how important that notebook was to him. You had given it to him as a kind gesture a few years ago. You didn't know him well then, having recently joined the BAU, and you had made an effort to get along with everyone by giving them a small gift to break the ice. It had worked wonderfully with Spencer. You still didn't know why that little notebook had made him so happy or why it was imperative for him to carry it everywhere, but the thought that he liked it so much pleased you.
"I hate that these things have so many locks," you complained, unlocking the last latch and pushing the door open for Spencer and you to enter the gallery. You turned to the entrance to switch on the lights. "Do you remember where you left it, or do we have to comb through the whole pla—?" Your sentence cut off because suddenly, you were breathless.
The walls were no longer adorned with your photographs (the ones you had left there just two hours ago). You silently took a step forward to scrutinize the first large canvas. You looked at Spencer, who was studying you attentively with a mischievous smile trying to hide.
"What is this?" you asked with an excited smile, not really knowing what to make of the photo that had immortalized the day when everyone decided to go for a long walk and picnic. On the way back, Penelope had twisted her ankle, and you and J.J. had decided to carry her in turns. In the photo, you were holding Pen in your arms, both smiling tiredly at the camera. "Spencer?" you looked at him again, waiting for an answer.
He smiled at you again, this time slightly moved, and took your shoulders to guide you to the next photograph. "You always portray us so we won't forget the good times we spend together," he explained, stopping you in front of a picture where you were painting Henry's face while wearing raccoon ears and having your face covered in makeup. You were sitting in front of him looking concentrated, while the little guy smiled with his eyes closed. "I don't want you to forget that you, too, are worthy of being photographed, and these moments are important."
Moved, you looked at him with teary eyes and turned back to hug him.
"That's why Lizzie was acting strange. She knew," you said when you ended the hug.
Spencer smiled."Yeah"
"Did you come up with this? Only you?" And he nodded "why?"
He furrowed his brow, looking at the photograph and then at you. "I don't know," he honestly admitted. "I just wanted to make you happy."
Your heart skipped so strongly that you couldn't stay near him without doing something foolish.
You looked around, distancing yourself from Spencer to explore the gallery at a safe distance, seeing all those photos he had compiled. Then you answered back.
"Just look at me, Spence," you pointed to the photos. "I'm already happy."
And you were. You were happy with him. For him. You were happy with your work and your friends. Right now, if allowed to exaggerate, you were the happiest person on earth.
You walked a couple more times, remembering those moments with Spencer, laughing at the anecdotes encapsulated in each photo. Occasionally, in silence, you wondered why you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. You were calm, though, as if you had been anesthetized by that emotion you felt when seeing Spencer's surprise. In the silence of the place that accompanied you and Spencer, it would never feel forced or uncomfortable.
Happiness and peace.
On the way home, you carried with you the trunk full of photographs that Spencer had taken the trouble to print and hang in the gallery. You didn't know where to put them in the apartment you shared, but you couldn't leave them lying in the gallery, not with everything they meant to you. They weren't special because you were in them; they were special because they were Spencer's gift, because he had taken them.
You brushed your teeth after taking a bath and changed into a loose and comfortable pajama. You walked down the hall to Spencer's room and tapped on his door gently. When he opened it, he was, like you, with wet hair and ready for bed.
"I just wanted to thank you for today," you murmured, then gave him a broad and honest smile. "It's been the best day I've had in a long time."
Spencer's eyes did that thing they usually did; they smiled, rising with appreciation and something more, a kind of intimacy that cut through the air in your lungs and made you feel dizzy.
"It's nothing," he replied. "I'm glad you liked it," he said, embarrassed.
"Goodnight, Spencer. Tomorrow, I'll make gratitude waffles."
Spencer accepted without hesitation; he couldn't refuse your traditional mountain of waffles with melted chocolate in the middle and small bacon muffins decorating the plate.
"Goodnight," he bid you farewell. "See you in the morning"
You hurried your steps to your room and locked yourself in as if you were escaping something dangerous. Your heart started pounding again.
He was so special, Spence. You just couldn't live without him. He was just....
Panic ran through your veins with adrenaline. You threw yourself onto your bed, typing quickly in your chat with Lizzie.
"I like Spencer."
Three simple words, and three dots that moved hyperactively on Lizzie's side of the chat.
"Okay, good. Now try again." She finally wrote back.
You bit your lips until they hurt.
"I love Spencer."
Another three simple words, but now they were the right ones because just writing them made you feel like a heavy burden had left your body. Your lungs filled with air again, and tears welled up in your eyes without you realizing they had been waiting a long time to be released.
"I mean I'm also in love with him" you clarified.
"Ding, ding, ding!!" She wrote back as you locked the screen and let out a tiny scream.
You stretched out on your bed with this new realization knocking you out, and you looked at the ceiling completely relieved. Many things now made sense, and at the same time, everything looked terrifying. You were in love with your bestfriend. The man who was in his room sharing home with you.
Spencer, on the other hand, stood behind his bedroom door, where he hung the only photograph he decided not to show you in the gallery because it was too accusatory. Derek had taken it when they went for coffee in Utah during a challenging case investigation. Derek waited for them in the table while you and Spencer decided what to order at the counter. You were studying the menu written on a huge blackboard with concentration while Spencer smiled at you, playing with your hair, unbeknownst to you.
That photograph made him think about all the times he had done that without realizing it. He became even more aware that he didn't touch people, but certainly he didn't have that problem with you. He felt vulnerable but also free. And as he looked at the photo with a smile, he wondered why the hell, when you asked why he had bothered to prepare that surprise, he didn't answer that it was because he had recently discovered that he loved you.
He was in love with you.
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
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The tale of two lions 🦁 — Leo McTavish x Max Verstappen
Mentions — brief lestappen and J*s verstappen
The bar was crowded and hot with the smell of cigarettes, sweat, a variety of alcohol, perfumes and cologne. It was the weekend of the Austin Texas Grand Prix. Most of the guys on the grid and their respective Wags decided to go out for drinks and dancing to blow off some steam before Fp1 and so on.
Max sat in a corner booth with some of his fellow drivers sippin on gin and tonic. He wasn’t paying attention to what his fellow drivers were talking about.
Max's attention was on the dance floor apparently it was line dancing night at the bar. Max wasn’t going to lie, it looked fun and if he knew how to line dance he would’ve been participating but he watched as the crowd moved in sync with each other.
Max's attention was torn away from the crowd by Lando's girlfriend who squeaked out in excitement.
“Lando baby please dance with me?” The girl asked him.
Lando placed his hand on the side of his girlfriend's face and kissed her. “Baby I would love to line dance with you but I have two left feet. It would be a disaster.” He smiled.
“I’ll dance with her,” a voice said. The voice belonged to Leo McTavish Max’s hot Scottish teammate Max rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink.
“Oh you will thank you Leo” Landos girlfriend said with a smile on her face as she took him and the two of them made their way to the dance floor.
“That doesn’t bother you?” Pierre asked the Brit
“What My girlfriend and Leo dancing together no not one bit” Lando shrugged knowing that the Scottish driver was into men.
“How?” Pierre asked with wide eyes.
“Leo’s gay remember?” Lando said.
“That makes sense,” Pierre said, shaking his head and turning his attention back to Charles.
Max once again found himself watching the crowd. No scratch that he found himself watching Leo. Max was staring and he was staring hard at the Scot. Max watched the way Leo moved on the song Country girl by Luke Bryan Mac wasn’t sure he’d ask Daniel later.
There was something about the Scot that made Max feel funny on The inside. Max hated it. Max hated everything about Leo.
He hated the way Leo spoke whether it was his own accent or one of the many languages Leo could speak Max hated it.
He hated the way Leo smelled of mint chocolate and coffee.
He hated how Leo did his hair whether it was loosely slicked back or how he left it so the longer strands of his chocolate colored hair fell across his face.
He hated how Leo was taller and physically bigger than him.
Max hated everything about Leo. But he couldn’t shake the butterflies that Leo constantly gave him.
Max didn’t know what was going on with him. He didn’t get much time to explore his sexuality in his teens. There was one time when he and Charles kissed when they were sixteen. Jos had found out that Max had kissed Charles and beaten Max. Max never thought about another Male like that again until Leo fucking McTavish.
Max took a deep breath and tried to block out his thoughts of Leo from his head. All that hate and anger he felt towards the driver was a lie, he didn't hate anything about Leo. He hated himself for how he felt. But if Max were being honest with himself he didn't hate all those things he just said. It was just his defense mechanism kicking in at high speed.
“You're staring” Max heard someone say over the song.
Looking over he sees Daniel “what?” Max asked.
“At Leo you were staring at him like you were gonna pounce on him at any given moment” Daniel says chuckling.
Max's face turned bright red and he looked like a tomato. Max gulped. "I was not!" he said quickly.
"Did you not see how he was moving his hips when they started to line dance?" Daniel added.
Max's face got even redder, "I was not, I have no interest in Leo. Why would you think I like the guy?" Max said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
"Because I'm good at figuring out people, and it's pretty clear you're interested in Leo." Daniel said smugly.
Daniel nudged Max, “Just go up to him and ask if he wants to get out of here.” Daniel urged.
Max shook his head. “What if he says no?” Max asks.
“Oh he'll say yes,” Daniel says confidently. “He might be tough on the outside, but he's actually really sweet. You just have to get to know him.” Daniel explains.
Max sighs then turns to face the dance floor where he sees Leo dancing with Lando's girlfriend he looks as if he's having the time of his life.
Max wanted to ask Leo if he wanted to get out of there but he couldn’t not with the memory of his father yelling at him.
instead max walked over to the bar and ordered him a stronger drink to calm down his nerves.
Max was on his second drink when he was snapped out of his thoughts by someone's voice. Max's heart raced because he knew exactly who it was.
“You know, staring isn’t going to get you anywhere,” Leo said.
Max couldn't respond. He was too busy trying to stop his face from flushing as if Leo were staring straight into his soul with his icy blue eyes, Max tried to compose himself but all he could do was stay silent.
Leo crossed his arms looking at Max up and down. Max couldn’t meet his gaze and Max's heart started jumping out of his chest. Max could feel his face burning with embarrassment and anger at himself.
“Still can't talk, huh?” Leo asked with a smirk on his face. Max tried coming up with something to say, but his mouth felt dry and his confidence was shot.
“Your not the tough guy you pretend to be huh Max?” Leo smirked more, “You seem scared what are you scared I’ll bite?” He asked jokingly. Max looked up at him still in disbelief that Leo was standing in front of him.
Max managed to whisper out a “go to hell” just loud enough for Leo to hear. Max watched as Leo smirked even more; it was clear he enjoyed teasing and provoking Max.
Max wasn’t the type to back down from a challenge if someone provoked him. So he looked straight at Leo in the eyes and asked “What if I am?” He wanted to see if Leo would call his bluff.
Leo looked into Max's eyes with a cocky smirk. Max could see him trying not to laugh. “Are you? Scared I mean” he teased.
Max's face turned red once again. Max really was scared for some reason. He didn’t know what it was but he was scared of what Leo could make him feel.
He tried to hide it though, he wouldn't let Leo see how vulnerable he was. Max grumbled, “No, I’m not scared,” Max lied.
Leo stared into Max's, taking in the way Max’s body stiffened in his presence. Leo shook his head and pursed his lips.
“Whatever you say Verstappen” Leo says walking away.
Max let out a breath that was going to be harder than he thought.
Max felt his heart sink as Leo walked away the British driver had to stop himself from immediately following.
Max grumbled under his breath he didn’t know how things would work between him and Leo.
Max tried to convince himself that he was straight but that was hard to do when every time he saw Leo a storm of emotions would wash over him.
Max took another sip of his drink to calm his nerves and then headed towards the dance floor trying to push the thought of Leo out of his mind and to just enjoy the rest of his night.
Taglist — @the-ghost-lovwr @toasttt11 @clowngirlsstuff
(Anyone who wants to be tagged let me know)
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starrystormwritings · 1 month
Red Wine
Red Wine
Master List <3 Request List <3 Marauders Master List <3
Remus Lupin x Reader
A/n: I lowkey hate this but it was inspired by the image of Sirius Black loving tequila and me thinking that all the muggle born students watching the others get drunk without it touching them was hilarious. This is based in their 7th year.
Summary: Muggle drinks and muggle drinking games.
Warnings: Drinking, mentions of underaged drinking, swearing, kissing, jealousy, fake ID
Word Count: 2232
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"Psst! Y/n! Over here!"
I spun my head around to see Christopher Adam's waving me over from the corner of the room, pointing enthusiastically at the plastic bag in his hands.
I smiled back at him and nodded enthusiastically.
"I'll be back now." I said to Sirius, who was spinning me around to the ABBA song playing before Chris had interrupted us.
"What does he want?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow "You got a new boyfriend or something?" He laughed slightly as I rolled my eyes and just walked away from him.
Me and some of the other muggle born students were starting to find these Gryffindor parties boring after the summer.
After partying at home with muggle drinks the classic fire whisky and witches brew just wasn't doing anything for us anymore, as funny as it was watching the pure and half bloods get extremely drunk so fast there's only so many parties you can do sober.
Hence Christopher.
A small group of us had gathered our money together and convinced Chris to use one of his approved trips to visit home to stop by a muggle store and complete a shopping list.
It took us a week to make him a fake ID good enough for him to pass as eighteen.
"So? How'd it go?" I asked, smiling brightly at him as I took the bag out of his hands.
"No hassle with the ID, although I did have to go to four stores so I didn't look suspicious buying this much alcohol for everyone." He rolled his eyes with a laugh.
"You're a lifesaver, we all owe you big time. Thank you!"
He just waved me off and I happily ran back over to the boys with the bag in my arms.
They were all giving the an identical look of speculation as I approached.
"What have you done?" James asked, trying to grab the bag off me before I pulled back.
"Why do you assume such little from me! I've gotten you all presents. Muggle presents actually."
Sirius perked up at that, excitedly shaking Remus's shoulders. Causing him to lean the other way with a smile.
"I'm about to show you all how muggles drink, because fire whisky is nothing in comparison. I've got fuck loads of things to share but I tried to get each of you something I thought you'd like."
"So it's alcohol?" Peter asked, now it was him having to push an excited Sirius away.
"Yep! For you Peter, gin. We don't have any tonic so drink it with lemonade, I think you'll like it though." He smiled widely as I handed him the rounded bottle, quickly opening it to smell it.
"It smells nice?"
"Yeah not all alcohol needs to smell like straight ass." I laughed nodding to the fire whisky in his other hand.
"James I've got you some muggle beers. I genuinely think this will change your life." I said with a laugh, handing him over the six pack as he looked at it bewildered.
"Like butter beer?"
"Kinda? Just a lot less sweet."
He nodded with a smile and popped the top of the bottle off, his smile growing as he tasted it.
"This is alcoholic?"
I laughed at him and turned to Sirius who looked like he was about to explode if I didn't show him what else was in the bag.
"Sirius I got you some tequila. There's some lime and salt on the table over there, you'll want them to take a shot. Lily will show you, she's been looking forward to it all night."
He took the bottle off me with a smirk before quickly hugging me from behind, placing an exaggerated kiss on the side of my face before running off.
"Thank you!"
I laughed at him, and watched James follow after him after a mention of Lily, Peter as always followed behind James.
"I hope you got yourself something, you're way too generous."
Remus said, sitting up on the table next to me with a soft smile.
"Oh don't worry I did." I reached to pull the large bottle from the bag "Some good old fashioned vodka for me."
He laughed at me and sniffed the bottle I held out in front of him, recoiling back.
"It smells horrible." He said with a laugh.
"That's how you know it's strong." I replied, coughing hard as I took a sip from the bottle. "I should probably mix it with some coke."
He laughed at me for a minute, nodding "Yeah, probably a good idea. I'll go get you some."
I placed an arm in front of him as he went to move to stop him.
"Not so quick Lupin, didn't think I'd forget you did I?"
"You didn't have to get me anything." A small blush covered his cheeks, reassuring me that I made the right call with getting him something.
"That's why you're my favourite."
"Wow I always thought Sirius was your favourite." He replied with a chuckle.
"Yeah well don't tell him, it would crush him."
He continued to laugh as I pulled the bottle of red wine out of my bag, passing it over to him.
"I think you'll like it, not as strong as the others but you'll enjoy it."
He looked over the bottle inquisitively.
"Thank you, I'll go pour myself a glass and grab you that coke." He smiled warmly at me, squeezing my knee as he got up.
My eyes followed him across the room, I smiled as I watched him interact with an already drunk Sirius who was shouting about the impressive feat of muggle alcohol.
"You're drooling." Mary said from behind me, causing me to jump and hit her in the arm.
"Shut up."
"So you've all been enjoying the muggle drinks, how about a muggle game to go with it!" Marls shouted from the middle of the room, clearly drunk.
A large group slowly made their way into a circle on the floor as Marls enthusiastically went around the room trying to gather a large enough group.
Remus groaned as I pulled him off the wall he was leaning on and led him towards the floor, an obvious smile on his face.
"Ok so you spin the bottle." She giggled while placing one of James's now empty beer bottles into the middle of the group. "You and whoever it lands on go into the broom cupboard for seven minutes. What happens is there is up to you." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively whilst laughing as the game began.
As the circle slowly made its way around I found myself hunched over onto Remus in a fit of laughter at Sirius and Peters faces as they came out of the cupboard looking very unamused.
As the group calmed down Sirius took his seat back next to me in the circle and most eyes moved towards me.
I giggled awkwardly before leaning forward and spinning the bottle as hard as I could.
As I lent back and watched it spin I silently prayed that it would land on the boy sat next to me who seemed to be avoiding my eye contact as everyone made a drum roll sound around us.
Much to my dismay instead of landing on Remus the bottle instead pointed towards the one and only James Potter whose face went bright red.
I laughed softly and stood up, watching him as he followed. The room whistling as we made our way into the small space.
If it wasn't gonna land on Remus James would've probably been my second choice, he was to in love with Lily to ever make a move on someone else. And I felt the same way about our best friend.
"So this isn't awkward." I joked with a smile.
He just half way laughed in response.
"Everything okay?" I asked, my eyes adjusting in the dark to make out his figure.
"Yeah it's stupid, Lily's just been avoiding me all night. I know I make a fool of myself for her but sometimes I just wish that she would just look at me." He sighed, leaning against the wall.
"Maybe she is and you're just not seeing?"
"Trust me, I'd see." He sadly laughed and I patted his shoulder comfortingly before getting an idea.
"I've got a way that would get her to look at you."
He turned to look at me with what I guessed was a confused expression.
I reached up to unbutton the first two buttons of his shirt.
"Whoa Y/n what are you doing?"
I laughed slighting at him, shaking my head.
"No I'm not doing that, trust me."
I reached up to ruffle my hand through his hair to make it messier, then moving to untuck one side of his shirt.
"Yeah she'll look at me if I look like shit. Is that the plan?" He laughed slightly and I softly hit him with the back of my hand.
I messed my own hair up as well, also shifting my clothes so they were slightly askew.
"Jealousy is the plan James."
It seemed to click with him then and despite the dark I could see the red blush on his face.
"You really think that'll work?"
"I hate to say it but if one thing will make her notice you, it's thinking that you might've noticed someone else. I'm also really drunk so this might be a bad plan."
He laughed at me, covering his mouth to try and stay quieter.
"I'm drunk enough to give it a go." He responded with a smile.
"Last touch." I reached up to move his glasses to sit crooked on his face with a laugh.
"There, perfect. Let's get you your lady."
As I spoke there was a knock at the door, and a second later Sirius Black swung them open.
"Merlin! Didn't see that happening." He said with a laugh, looking between us in disbelief "I always thought you were into Moony Y/n."
James punched him softly in the arm, shaking his head and I just walked past silently, trying to shake the blush off of my face and hoping everyone was just ignoring the obviously drunk pure blood.
I made my way back over to the circle but before I could sit back down Remus had already stood from his spot next to me and walked out of the common room with his bottle of wine.
I'd been wandering the castle grounds looking for Remus for the last thirty minutes.
The party had died down and everyone was so drunk most of them had passed out by now.
I was buzzed enough that the cold wasn't bothering me but I couldn't for the life of me figure out where Remus would've gone.
I sat on the floor against the railing as I finally got to the top of the astronomy tower, the vodka and the amount of stairs I just climbed had knocked the wind out of me.
A familiar voice said from next to me, making me jump.
"Jesus, I've been looking for you." I smiled at him but he only held my eye contact for a second before looking back out to the night sky.
"You disappeared, it got boring without you."
He laughed slightly and shook his head, his cheeks turning a shade of pink.
"I'm sure it was fine without me. You and James sure didn't look bored." He chuckled awkwardly making me quirk an eyebrow at him.
"What? Me and James?"
He just nodded, avoiding my eyes.
"James definitely isn't bored, Lily's been all over him all night." I laughed softly and he just looked at me inquisitively.
"Aren't you upset by that?"
"Upset? Why would I be upset? Honestly I think it's a miracle."
He laughed slightly at that and finally looked back over to me.
"But you and James were snogging each other? Was that just a joke or something?"
I just looked at him confused for a second before breaking out into giggles.
"Oh you didn't actually think we did that? Gross no! I just thought that it would make Lily jealous. It worked by the way."
He seemed to think for a second before a small smile finally made its way onto his face.
"Oh, so you didn't actually kiss him?"
I snorted, covering my face quickly in embarrassment.
"No no, I just messed up his hair and unbuttoned his shirt a little. He's not my type."
Remus laughed quietly at that, relaxing a little.
I nudged him lightly with my elbow, sliding over to sit next to him, bumping our knees together.
"Careful Lupin it almost feels like you're jealous."
He just looked at me for a second, a little smile on his face as he moved to stand up, offering me his hand.
"Maybe I was." He chuckled softly and pulled me to my feet as I just looked at him dazed.
"C'mon I'll walk you back to your dorm." He threaded our fingers together and went to walk but I didn't move.
"I wanted the bottle to land on you, for the record."
We both stood there for a second, just looking at each other before he grabbed my chin softly and lent down.
I never really liked the taste of red wine until that night.
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