#but since i have you...always fantastic
jackfrostsander · 2 years
Happy third anniversary to the most mind-blowing piece of TV history: WTFOCK S03!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
Sobbe's love story is one of those extremely rare occasions when a story moves you so deeply that it becomes a permanent part of your heart ❤️ The story has been, for many people, a warm comforting blanket in difficult times, a beacon of hope for people struggling with themselves, and a source of heartwarming joy for everyone!
Their love is so pure, so deep, so sweet, so tender, so perfect, that it made us all burst in tears, even years later. It has been an inspiration for all of us, to love our loved ones with equal potency and passion. S03 has made us become better humans!
We all owe a massive debt of gratitude to the actors, the crew, the extras, Sputnik Media and everyone else involved for bringing all this joy and happiness to us! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ❤️
I hope you will all join me on the Discord server (DM me for access) for the re-watch party each Saturday at 8 PM UTC and Sunday at 8 AM UTC starting this Saturday!
Also stay tuned for the daily celebratory posts that me and @annadriesen2121 will make! Also later today in honor of S03 I will post the second chapter of "The Chemistry of Love" on AO3!
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Alt er love! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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cuties-in-codices · 10 months
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taking a ride
in an illustrated copy of konrad von würzburgs "trojanerkrieg" (the trojan war), ca. 1441
the illustration depicts thetis and her servant riding dolphins, behind them achilles unconscious in a bag
source: Nürnberg, GNM, Hs. 998, fol. 31v
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
what about Error but with vitiligo?
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right away boss >;Dc <333
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dashiellqvverty · 8 months
i do think the amount of comparisons between black sails and ofmd - both favorable and unfavorable tbh - is a little out of hand lmao like even before the flint vs stede poll there was a lot of it and its like. they are completely different shows with completely different goals. i just saw someone call ofmd a "black sails ripoff" and honestly what the fuck are you talking about. is black sails a pirates of the caribbean ripoff?? is there only allowed to be one television show about pirates and everything else is a copy?? or is it just the fact that there are also gay characters in it? im just like there are PLENTY of real and good criticisms why does it always come back to this. let them exist separately
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franeridan · 6 months
okay look I know I've talked about this at length already but I've seen a ton of people talk about how they don't like whiskey peak and how they think it wasn't necessary for zoro and luffy to fight like that or straight up think it was ooc of them, but then the same people will turn around and go "isn't it fascinating how zoro's the only one who can say no to luffy or nearly order him around or that luffy waits for the opinion of before acting for no apparent reason it must be because they are soulmates" and honestly for real I'm the first to subscribe to the zoro and luffy soulmates thought but the reason why zoro can do all that is whiskey peak. that is the moment zoro took a decision that benefited the whole crew without asking luffy first for the first time, and that is the moment luffy unjustly doubted him without implicitly trusting his judgement, and that is the moment luffy learned that actually sometimes zoro sees what's best for the crew before he does and that trusting him to always act with the crew's best interests in mind is something he should do. zoro had never opposed luffy or acted without his consent in any way before whiskey peak and luffy never doubts him and always turns to him ever since, there is direct correlation between the two zoro and luffy didn't learn to trust each other and respect each other through a magical soulbond connection their relationship is actually pretty damn well developed
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the-busy-ghost · 29 days
Idk why every time I have a project that involves using the Register of the Great Seal for something even slightly more complex than looking up a single isolated charter, I always have a lovely plan where I think it will only take me a couple of hours to go in, check the index, and take the numbers I need down. And then I end up having to skimread the whole damn volume.
#No I know why#It's because the index is fucked up that's why#All due respect to those Victorian and Edwardian lads who went to the tremendous trouble of compiling all these sources#But this particular method of indexing leaves a lot to be desired#Does NOT have everything I need in it#And by the time you realise that some lands might pop up where least expected you start to convince yourself it would be safer#Just to read the whole thing#It's 800 pages long#I have been at this since 4 and I'm not even an eighth of the way through#Would be much quicker if I had the physical volume but it's a very old rare book so the library have it under strict control#Fortunately of course it HAS been digitised which is fantastic#Lots of sources for mediaeval Scottish history that were compiled into printed editions in the nineteenth century have been digitised#They are very easy to get ahold of and in my biased opinion it is easier to do online primary source research for Scotland than England#But 800 pages staring at a screen (which is NOT a format I can easily retain information from even if it didn't make my eyes hurt)#Having to physically scroll down the page rather than just flip a page#Is just not ideal#And this is the only volume in the series which is on Hathi rather than Internet Archive and personally I find indexes more difficult to us#On Hathi than internet archive#Anyway#That's how you end up making the bad decision to work your way through an 800 page volume and make yourself go blind#Just to find some charters#But I've already sunk several hours into this so can't give up now! I always vastly underestimate the amount of time it takes too#Also a certain degree of Ill as well. Like I feel I have to Suffer For My Craft-suffering being back problems and 19th century antiquarians#Alright this is officially the most boring rant I have ever had
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perelka-l · 9 months
okay okay okay now im thinking of a few things-
one is have you ever seen how like mob/gang meetings and fights sometimes happen in those bathhouses cos you gotta be completely naked, more difficult to conceal things like weapons etc. Thinking about Archer having the greatest honour of accompanying Giovanni to one of these. Like Wow hes so Important he gets to Escort Boss. But also!!!! he gets to look at 100% naked Giovanni. Which i guess is not new... but its not the same as seeing GIovanni stepping out of the shower to get dressed. This is sitting with the boss for A While. Buck Naked. Not to mention ARCHER is also naked like. i'm not sure how he will deal with Gio seeing him naked. Also i feel like getting into a fight with some rival group whilst buck naked with your boss is some kind of great bonding activity
THE OTHER THING THO about Archer seeing anyone else in Giovanni's bedroom- You can see his gaze harden as he throws a glare at the 'intruder'. But he would not say anything about it. He doesnt show hes upset (Gio can see him stiffen tho heheh he thinks its pretty amusing probably). Is he jealous? He tells himself he isnt. His boss can do whatever he wants obviously. But there is an anger towards the intruder for daring to encroach on his territory (and then he proceeds to have inappropriate dreams after seeing that lmao)
Tbh I didn't but I can imagine that for sure :Dc I feel like nudity between them indeed isn't much (I assume both sew each other in some terrible state at least once anyway) and also Archer is pretty professional about whole ordeal. Sights are a bonus. I think he aknowledges pretty well that he is second in command (and would like to stay here, thank you very much) so that wouldn't be that much of a surprise to accompany Giovanni or receive particular tasks. It's more like a normal part of job with bonus that isn't a paycheck but more of Giovanni's presence uwu)b
I was wondering today about Archer and whip which I find always interesting for TR. I like to think he started from the bottom so he should be efficient in using one as well. Improvised one in bathhouse, maybe? Since alas his Houndoom wouldn't be as useful as he could be in a bathhouse ;w;)a
I was pondering about Archer, Giovanni and Nanu recently bc... Well, Gio and Nanu is a Thing, but what I find impossibly amusing is that Nanu and Archer are basically opposites in every way you can possibly imagine. Tired old cat cop vs young and motivated dog mafia second in command. Whatever spectrum they are on, they are opposite, and I love it and I like to think Archer has a special sore spot towards that guy, you can even throw in potential bitterness over Nanu knowing so much more than Archer. So Archer stumbling on that guy in Giovanni's room would be very unwelcome for him (and an interesting way to test Archer for Giovanni. He can almost see the way his leash loses some slack).
Maybe he wouldn't mind other executives that much. Like *points at Ariana and Silver* tho Archer would probs offer his own help in some regards if he could.
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reformedmercymain · 1 year
Should I give Overwatch another chance?
Honestly as much as I love the game I’d hold off on playing it until PvE comes out unless you have friends who are playing it with you. Ow2 reignited my actual love for the game (outside of how it scratched my competitive itch) so it *might* be worth a try even without friends if you loved “old overwatch” (like the “classic days” of 2016-2018?) and maybe lost interest around 2019 onwards. But for 99% of the players who left I’d advise you wait for what will hopefully be decent PvE
#I love the game so much and I’ve been playing with friends and LOVING it but I really feel like the best experience#would be casual play with friends#I’m sorry I don’t have a solid answer it really does come down to maybe just launching and playing for like… an hour of some qp? 1-2-2 is#fantastic and the best thing to happen to the game (sorry to the wonderful tank duos but this was necessary)#this is a total gamble I’m responding on mobile and it’s broken so it’s black text on a dark gray bg#c talks#but yeah. I’m having the most fun I’ve had since 2016/2017 as it is now#but it’s… something I worry people might try and dislike and then be unwilling to come give PvE a chance#we got a glimpse of some of the direction PvE gameplay will head with last halloweens gamemode and it was very promising#I just want people to not set themselves up for failure hence 1) try to play with friends and don’t be too serious & 2) if you’re not#in love with it as it is please keep an open mind for when PvE comes out#Lmk if you play and whether you like or dislike it because I’m always interested in returning players impressions#I’ve had a lot of people say they enjoyed it but I know a lot of that has to be influenced by people being more likely#to tell the overwatch player that they’re enjoying overwatch#but not even kidding if you dislike it dm me because I’d love to hear thoughts as to what may be disappointing#(even though I hope you like it if you give it a chance!)
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genderfluid-druid · 1 year
dropping thoughts like laundry into the aromanticism washing machine and watching them spin. taking little notes in a fancy journal titled "greyro??" and crossing them out, but then going back and scribbling an addendum. holding up an extravagant glass beaker full of a cool bubbling potion and peering at it through safety glasses that say "mind the amatonormativity!"
#i think there are two layers of questioning to deal with#the first layer is easier to see and that's the trauma-related layer#the second layer has been going stealth for years and is more intrinsic#the second layer *could* have been a contributing factor toward the first#so anyway the question is. as i work through the trauma and have the support of a therapist to deal with the first layer#does the second layer become an issue. or is there only the first and it's just worked itself deep enough that it now feels intrinsic#the thing is i do get crushes and i do yearn and i can't remember a time when i didn't crave the idea of a relationship#so that should be that right? not aro. at least not intrinsically.#but why did i always end up losing interest in the relationship once i had it#was it really just because i wasn't dating people i actively chose#honestly maybe. there *was* B. i don't know how much longer that might've continued if logistics hadn't put an end to it#and M....... M is a tricky one. because even though i left that relationship by my own choice. i kind of had to in order to not want to die#the thruple vibes with K were just so utterly rancid and M was just so incapable of doing anything to make it better#so yeah. maybe that one could've continued indefinitely IF two to three of the people involved had been#a leeeeetle more mature and well adjusted. maybe. but desire for a relationship was not the issue.#so okay. maybe im NOT aro. maybe i just have shitty taste in men. you know? that's a distinct possibility.#okay. so now on the other hand. let's look at how happy and enlightened I've felt since starting to *use* the aro label#cuz it actually is fantastic. the freedom to just feel love and affection for anyone I'm close to and not have to worry about#it being taken in a way i don't intend. that's great i love that#and not feeling any pressure to find The One? rocks. good shit. i can just let whatever relationships be what they're gonna be#and not have to fret over assigning a label and structures and expectations. hot shit.#(honestly it's helping me understand where M was coming from in a way that would've been. you know. pretty useful six years ago.)#i don't wanna lock myself in a relationship with friend E but it's great hanging out with her on a regular basis#cuz that's the amount of affection i feel for her. enough to chill and watch Owl House. not enough to be in each others' space all the time#(god idk if I'll ever want to be around anyone all the time ever again. that is a LOT for my limited batteries)#idk how physical affection fits into this yet. that area is still under development#but like. if my friends were cool with it and i knew they wouldn't take it too seriously then YES i would probably kiss almost any of them#and i THINK that's true and not me telling myself something i think I'm supposed to believe? i THINK.#'s always the possibility that i just very badly want to be kissed and my brain is looking to make that happen in a way that isn't scary#ah shit that’s 30 tags. i’ve done it again.
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neonacidtrip · 1 year
You could tie your hair in low bunches on the sides and then maybe braid the low bunches if you feel like it? That way sleeping on your back they're not uncomfortable and the hair isn't pulled!
Oh, that's actually a pretty good idea! If the braids don't work, I could probably try loosely twisting the bunches as well. Tonight, I'm going to be seeing the dog who likes to hop on my hair while I sleep, so this is perfect timing for me to test it out!
Thank you, anon!
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jackfrostsander · 2 years
Happy 21:21 to but since I have you... always fantastic!
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Image credit: @pamouche
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
meow meow meow i haven't checked in for a while!! how are you doing leo!!! anything interesting happen lately~?
meow meow! omg hiiii kit <3 i'm doing okay!!! finished school for the week so The World Is Good Again <3 nothing interesting has been going on, tbh. i started the Vanitas no Carte anime tho which is super duper fun and pretty and i stole vani's name bc he has tboy swag but also it's just!!! wah!!!!!
ANYWAY! How're you Kit?? I hope you have been doing wonderful and amazing <3 Anything fun going on?
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Save me skincare routine. Save me stupidly expensive skincare routine in tiny bottles
#so ya girl turned 28 three days ago and immediately had a midlife crisis#it didn’t even take very long. i opened my eyes at 6:55am on the 8th and immediately started freaking out#okay i want to clarify something. it’s not that i feel a need to perform a certain level of femininity. it’s not even that i care about#my appearance that much. it’s just that for the first time in my life i look older than i feel#and i feel really weird about it actually! that’s never happened for me before. all throughout my childhood i was told how mature and smart#i was; and i always felt like i knew it all. then something flipped when i got into my mid twenties#all of a sudden people started treating me like i knew stuff and was a functioning member of society. meanwhile i’m standing here#with like radio static in my head. i’ve been an adult for 10 years now and i still feel like i’m floundering#but i look at myself in the mirror and i see: dark circles. wrinkles. dry skin. greying hair. horribly chapped lips. matronly body#i mean some of this is just genetic; i’ve had dark circles since i was 15 and my dad went grey at 30#and none of this is actually Bad. (except for the chapped lips). and it’s not that i don’t want to age. i’ve never considered botox#or plastic surgery and i never will. i genuinely want to look my age. i just… i’m having a hard time because during my early to mid twenties#my skin always looked fantastic despite me doing NOTHING with it. i was literally washing it with cold water and then applying moisturiser#that was once a day at MOST. most of the time i didn’t even do this. and mind you my ‘moisturiser’ was a body lotion#i also used to exfoliate with st ives of all things like… can you believe#i’d always get asked for my skincare routine and i’d just be like ‘i just moisturise when it occurs to me 😌’#but now the reckoning has come and i’m 28 and look like i got hit by a bus. haaaaaa#it’s just like. it’s not that i want to look 10 years younger. that would be bizarre. i don’t even really want to get rid of my wrinkles#or all my blemishes. i just want to take better care of my skin so that it doesn’t get inflamed and dry and break out all the time#and water + actual fucking LOTION isn’t cutting it because ya girl is ✨28✨#so i’m going to try cleansing balm; hyaluronic acid; facial moisturiser & spf. i think that seems reasonable#(yes i never wear sunscreen either. feel free to shoot me with a firing squad)#i just hope it works and none of the products make me break out. and also i stick to it#i tried to pick out some gentle products. so let’s just hope for the best i guess. i mean there’s always room to switch things around#personal
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pyrrhicraven · 5 months
I love your fics so much
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snapbackslide · 8 months
#i'm gonnajump off a cliff.#it was also sens guy's dad's bday yesterday..#tf is this some kind of joke#first of all why do i share my birthday with so many ppl i feel very unspecial 🤠#LD friend from france/HS music teacher/drake/HS crush/the worst person in the nhl/pewdiepie/wayne rooney/friend's friend/daya/raye/now this#this is why i don't mention it anymore there's always someone else geeeeez#gr8 now if this doesn't work out between us i'll still have this random connection w/ his dad 🙃#fantastic just one more person who'll probs think of me on my bday and not reach out#he literally texted me at midnight btw before anyone else#and he sends good morning texts & asks how i slept pls#meanwhile some of my “““closest””” “““friends””” couldn't be bothered to send one tiny little text#that's cool i said i wouldn't care anymore i'm just gonna match the energy on their birthdays :)#now that everyone knows i'm a scorpio this vengeful nature makes sense huh#i'm giving into it bc since i'm always the one sending paragraphs and making ppl feel special with less than the minimum in return#i'm saving my energy & letting karma take care of the rest#like this one ““friend”” i have who'll message me every year a few days before her bday to make sure i remember it#i remember it bitch. i remember EVERYONE'S birthday. you tell me once and it's embedded in my brain forever.#she never remembers mine tho all i get is a belated wish in november 🙄#she's also a scorpio & she's gonna regret ghosting me last month :)#speaking of zodiac signs i have learned that sens guy's not a capricorn..#haha got that completely wrong!!#there is a 64% chance he's an aquarius.. and 36% he's a pisces...#counting soooooo hard on that 36% 🫠#make my DREAMS come TRUE#i'm dead serious i'll give this everything i've got if he's a pisces oml#i have no idea how to deal with an aquarius man idk anything about them and we're not compatible 💀#me when i said i was done caring about astrology: 🤡#**#brunch anecdotes w the girlies
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latenightdaydreams · 2 months
Okay, imagine mechanic!Konig who fixes your car and is just you know- hot. And then as payment he wants a date. In the back of his car. Where he fucks your brains out and is just so sweet. Mutters the dirtiest things about always being able to fix your car if you give him a baby or something and is just- god I'm feral for this man. And your writing!
Anyway, sorry if it's a weird ask. I love your writing to death, it's fantastic! Make sure to eat yummy snacks and stay hydrated!
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That means so much to me and I'm so happy to have such great supporters like you! I absolutely LOVE this idea! I hope you enjoy! Thank you so so much for your support!! 💗
Mechanic!König x reader (fem)
Part 2
>cw: fem/afab, sex for payment, p in v, breeding kink, dirty talk
Word count: 1.4k
For more click here✍🏽🔞
You turn your car off and step out, accidently slamming the car door behind you. The ground underneath your feet is uneven as you make your way towards the open garage door. The place looks old and the location seems right out of a horror movie, but you push those thoughts aside.
Looking inside the garage you see a man bent over under the hood of a red pick-up truck. His dirty white shirt and oil-stained jeans are all you can see of him.
“Excuse me? Sir? Hi, I’m y/n, I was wondering if you could look at my car?” Your voice is small and polite, like your customer service voice.
König stops working on the truck and stands, looking over at you. His eyes roam your body, taking in your shape before his icy blue eyes finally meet yours. He looks around as if to check if you were here with anyone or if you came alone.
“What’s wrong with it?” He asks stoically not giving away how attracted to you he is just yet.
“I have trouble starting it and when it does turn on it makes this terrible screeching noise,” Your eyes scan his body, his muscles glistening from a light sheen of sweat across his body. His face is stern with scars across his cheek and upper lip, but it doesn’t take away from his handsomeness.
König stays quiet for a while before walking forward and grabbing a rag to wipe his hands off on, “Okay, let me take a look.”
Tossing the rag aside he walks forward towards you with his hand out for your keys. You place them in his palm, his eyes looking down at you as he towers over you with his 6’10 frame. You turn on your heels and walk to your car with König following close behind. His eyes are glued to the way your ass sways with every step you take.
He unlocks your car and leans in to turn the car on. His eyes watching the dashboard as the engine stalls turning over. Once your car eventually does, he hears the loud sound you spoke of and he knows the issue.
“You have a bad alternator.” He steps back and looks down at you before opening the hood of your car. “It’s an easy fix, should only take an hour, two at most.”
His eyes go back to you and his gaze lingers on your cleavage before looking back down at the car, “There are seats in the shop, you can wait there.”
“Okay, thank you.” You walk back to the garage and pull out your phone to help pass the time. You look around to see an old photo of a car and nothing else personal. The space is clean and only the sound of his radio fills the space.
An hour and a half passes by and König walks in. You put your phone back in your bag and stand.
“She turns on, no issues now.” He says as his eyes look around the shop trying not to be too intense with his gaze.
“Oh, thank you so much sir, -”
“König.” He cuts you off, his gaze going back to yours.
“Thank you, König.” You smile warmly at him. Looking down at your purse you begin to fish your wallet out, “How much do I owe you?”
König looks at the wallet in your hands before his gaze travels over your body once more. He wasn’t interested in your money. There is one thing he’s wanted since he saw you walking up to him, you. He didn’t want to be a perve and ask for it, so he just gave you a price, “$600.”
Your face drops as you only have $400 until next payday, “Can I pay $200 now, and the rest later.”
“I don’t take payments.”
“But,” he walks closer to you, “I’m sure we can figure something out.” His large hand caresses the side of your face, a smirk on his lips.
You end up in the back of his SUV with blacked out windows parked behind his garage. Your clothes stripped off and thrown on the floor, your body completely exposed to him. His shirt pulled off showing you his muscular abdomen as his pants are pulled down around his knees. A soft blonde happy trail leading from his belly button to his erection. One of his hands gripping your thigh and holding one leg up as his other hand guides his condomless cock to your pussy.
He pushes in slowly at first, letting out a soft groan as he feels how tight you are. Your warm gummy walls wrapping around his cock as he bullies his way inside.
“Mein Gott your pussy is so tight Maus,” he moans as he grabs your other leg now. His lips kiss your legs up to your feet as he slowly bucks his hips forward. Your hands grasp the seat as he fucks you. Pathetic mewls leave your lips, feeling your pussy being stretched to an almost painful point.
“You’re so beautiful…” Letting go of one leg, he moves his hands down to your breast and begins to tug on your nipple, leaning in as his lips find your nipple; licking before sucking on your sensitive peak. His tongue circling around before wrapping his lips around and pulling gently, your fingers combing through his blonde hair. His mind wished you were full of milk so he could drink from you. His hands dropping down to your stomach and caressing your soft skin. Oh, how beautiful you’d look swollen and full with his child.
“You need a man to take care of you Schatzi,” he leans back and looks at your pretty pussy stretching around his fat cock. The sound of your wet cunt sounding like angels singing to him. He pushes both legs back and leans into you more as he begins to pound your pussy harder. His eyes watching your breast bounce before his eyes travel to your stomach. You’re tiny compared to his massive body, but taking his dick so well.
“I could be that man,” he groans, “you’d never have to worry about your car ever again Liebling.” His voice was laced with lust and ecstasy. König has never desired a woman so much before as he desires you.
“Just have my baby, let me fuck my baby into you.” He growls as one of his hands goes to your sopping wet pussy as begins to rub your clit.
Legs twitching, you’re lost in the euphoria of the moment. His cock filling you and making you so dick dizzy you don’t even fully register his words. “Please, yes, fuck me.”
“That’s what I want to fucking hear.” König grabs your leg and moves you on your side. He lays his body behind you on the seat and lifts your leg up. His face by yours as he gently kisses your neck and the side of your face. His cock slipped back into your wet pussy, causing your eyes to flutter. He let out a small sigh, “That’s my girl.”
König moves hair from your face as he continues to kiss all over you, “You’re so perfect Schatzi.”
His hand slowly slips down your thigh as he begins to rub your clit again, “Cum for me Liebling, cum on my cock.”
You turn your head to look at König, his eyebrows pinched together as his mouth hangs open. His eyes meet your and he leans in to kiss your soft lips. His tongue licks your lips before pushing between them. His tongue twirling in yours and tasting you, he’s in heaven. He can feel you begin to tighten around him as your legs begin to tremble. Your kiss begins to get lazy as you concentrate on your orgasm.
“Please, please, please.” You moan out, your breathing heavy. His hand rubs over your swollen sensitive clit faster making you squirm in his arms. You feel how wet you get as your pussy begins to squeeze around his cock, his balls tightening as he is eager to get off.
König’s eyes roll back as he leans his head against the seat now, his arm under you wrapping tightly around your stomach and grabs it.  “Do you want my cum?”
“Yes,” you look back still on a high and watch his face as he closes his eyes while the pleasure takes over his whole being, “please cum in my tight pussy.”
That made him let out a loud groan as he moaned your name. His cock begins to throb as he releases deep inside of you. He leans forward to kiss your neck and check, desperately wanting your lips. You turn your head to meet his lips as you both kiss passionately.
Nine weeks later your car is still running great, but you’re 4 days late.
Part 2
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