#all of a sudden people started treating me like i knew stuff and was a functioning member of society. meanwhile i’m standing here
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
Save me skincare routine. Save me stupidly expensive skincare routine in tiny bottles
#so ya girl turned 28 three days ago and immediately had a midlife crisis#it didn’t even take very long. i opened my eyes at 6:55am on the 8th and immediately started freaking out#okay i want to clarify something. it’s not that i feel a need to perform a certain level of femininity. it’s not even that i care about#my appearance that much. it’s just that for the first time in my life i look older than i feel#and i feel really weird about it actually! that’s never happened for me before. all throughout my childhood i was told how mature and smart#i was; and i always felt like i knew it all. then something flipped when i got into my mid twenties#all of a sudden people started treating me like i knew stuff and was a functioning member of society. meanwhile i’m standing here#with like radio static in my head. i’ve been an adult for 10 years now and i still feel like i’m floundering#but i look at myself in the mirror and i see: dark circles. wrinkles. dry skin. greying hair. horribly chapped lips. matronly body#i mean some of this is just genetic; i’ve had dark circles since i was 15 and my dad went grey at 30#and none of this is actually Bad. (except for the chapped lips). and it’s not that i don’t want to age. i’ve never considered botox#or plastic surgery and i never will. i genuinely want to look my age. i just… i’m having a hard time because during my early to mid twenties#my skin always looked fantastic despite me doing NOTHING with it. i was literally washing it with cold water and then applying moisturiser#that was once a day at MOST. most of the time i didn’t even do this. and mind you my ‘moisturiser’ was a body lotion#i also used to exfoliate with st ives of all things like… can you believe#i’d always get asked for my skincare routine and i’d just be like ‘i just moisturise when it occurs to me 😌’#but now the reckoning has come and i’m 28 and look like i got hit by a bus. haaaaaa#it’s just like. it’s not that i want to look 10 years younger. that would be bizarre. i don’t even really want to get rid of my wrinkles#or all my blemishes. i just want to take better care of my skin so that it doesn’t get inflamed and dry and break out all the time#and water + actual fucking LOTION isn’t cutting it because ya girl is ✨28✨#so i’m going to try cleansing balm; hyaluronic acid; facial moisturiser & spf. i think that seems reasonable#(yes i never wear sunscreen either. feel free to shoot me with a firing squad)#i just hope it works and none of the products make me break out. and also i stick to it#i tried to pick out some gentle products. so let’s just hope for the best i guess. i mean there’s always room to switch things around#personal
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holyviolence · 4 months
soon im gonna post a playlist of how it feels to live in late stage capitalism and absolutely fucking hate it. this has no bearing on how i feel about my life.
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calummss · 8 months
Orange, White and Dark Rosé | Rebekah Mikaelson
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summary: with cancer slowly eating you alive, you come back to school to see a beautiful girl that has started to make you question everything you thought you knew
pairing: fem! reader x rebekah mikaelson
words: 3.9k
a/n: for my girl kissers!! <33 also i believe this is my longest fic yet… NOT PROOFREAD
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You’ve had the worst few months of your life. What started out as a simple cough became more painful throughout the weeks. Each cough as though your lungs were torn from your chest, no air to keep you breathing. Night sweats became drowning; difficulty swallowing became not eating at all.
‘You have pleural mesothelioma, Miss Blanchard.’ The words the doctor uttered still so freshly imprinted on your mind. He continued moving his lips but nothing but inaudible muffles penetrated your ears as the sound of your own heartbeat filled your empty void.
Several nights after your diagnosis you woke up. The air drained from your lungs as fluid started to build up between your lungs and chest wall. The sensation of drowning without water in sight. It was a nightmare. Your body turning on you, ready to take you away despite the care you took to look after it.
Following those events you were pulled out of school, your parents worried sick as their daughter was at risk for involuntary death any minute of any day. The feeling of loneliness only increasing as you spent most days alone in your room; on the chair at your therapist's office; or the dining table chair, eyes piercing through you as you tried to make conversation about anything else but your cancer.
‘Do you need help cutting the chicken?’, ‘Need more water?’, ‘Leave the dishes, sweetheart. Your dad and I’ll get to them.’
Your cancer not only took your life but your maturity, letting people treat you like a damsel in distress, needing help with everything when you wish you could just forget everything bad for one day and live as normally as you could, one day at a time.
‘I’m going back to school,’ you said, placing your cutlery down on the dinner mat, staring onto your plate as you could hear the chewing of rubbery green beans stop.
Your mother grabbed her glass of wine, clearing her throat and washing it down all at once. Your father stared at your mother as she tried to find words that reflected her wish to protect you and to keep you as comfortable as possible.
‘I’m sorry, darling, you said you wanted to go back to school?’
‘Can I ask what brought this sudden request.’ She neatly folded her ageing hands underneath her chin, her eyes resting on you as your father’s eyes jumped from frame to frame, unsure what to say.
‘I just want to live as normal as possible,’ you let out a sigh, ‘I miss my friends, I miss having to do stuff, I miss…I can’t believe I’m saying this,’ you chuckled, feeling heat rush through your face. ‘I miss homework. School assignments, presentations, stuff I hated before but made me normal. A normal girl living a boring life. I’m missing my chance at a full life just because of this cancer I’m sure will rob me even further as time passes. I need to be able to feel like I belong somewhere despite…all this.’
Their eyes stayed focused on you, soft eyebrows trying to interpret what you needed the most in a time where everything slowly started to deteriorate.
‘Have you thought about what your school life would be like now, Y/n?’ Your father engulfed your hands, his thumb rubbing circles as he often did. ‘You would need to carry around an oxygen tank in case of an emergency. You complained every day that the school day was hard and now it will be three times that of before. I understand where you're coming from but I need you to know what decision you are making…Your mother and I only want what’s best for you and if that is going back to school so be it. But we will have to make sure you are okay at all times.’
‘I really do want to go back…’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Fine,’ your mother took your other free hand. ‘You can go back to school. But promise us that when things get hard that you will tell us and may have to take a step back from school again.’
‘I promise.’ You smiled at them, squeezing their hands tight. ‘I will accept my limits when they come.’
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The very next week you stood back on the familiar ground of Mystic Falls High; home to the timberwolves. The bell you dreaded every morning , rather wanting to exchange gossip with Elena and Caroline. However that particular morning you have never felt more excited to walk through the halls. Hallways you haven’t seen in a few months. Faces of fellow students.
Walking through the door you noticed a heap of pitiful glances, welcome backs, get well soons and prayers. It wasn't unusual for everyone to know what had happened to you, Mystic Falls was a small town after all. Their words of condolences were sweet. You cherished them. But when you live on limited time, burned out hope and terminal cancer with a survival rate of 9.6%, it was hard to pretend like you would get better when their words could easily be uttered to a person that simply caught the common cold. Nothing could fix you. The only thing you had were fifteen months to make sure to drain every last drop of experiences life has to offer. No prayers, no words of the world could help—only medicine could. And even that was a shot in the dark. Caroline had offered her vampire blood to you on more than one occasion, but you were convinced that it wouldn’t help so you declined it over and over again, continuing to deny the chance at a normal life that you craved more than anything.
Heading towards your locker, you placed your emergency oxygen tank inside, the dust of month’s absences piling on old books you had left behind the day the cough became too unbearable.
Closing the door you made your way to your first class of the day; history taught by Mr. Saltzman. Bracing yourself to walk into a room full of eyes, you noticed that the classroom was empty for the exception of a girl. She was beautiful. The type of beautiful you would see beyond your day, wondering whether or not you would see them again. She had light hair, almost as white as her skin that bore freckles across the apples of her cheeks and nose that stuck between pages of a book that let her long black lashes show. Full lips pursed, knitted eyebrows framing her face.
‘I’m sorry,’ you felt rude for interrupting her obvious devotion to studying. ‘Is this history with Mr. Saltzman?’
‘Yes.’ She answered boorishly, eyes stuck on the pages, rushing her words as she paid no attention to you.
‘Where is everyone?’ God you were embarrassed to disrupt her again.
‘How would I know?’ She sighed, finally looking up. Her blue eyes locking with yours as you appreciated her beauty, wishing you looked like her. To be so flawless.
‘Oh, I’m sorry—I just—ehm, it’s kind of my first day back in a few months and the lack of students is making me doubt if I am in fact in the right room…’
‘No, this is the correct room,’ she stopped looking at her notes, her crystal eyes glued to your face as you continued to study her details. ‘So you went here before then?’
‘Why did you stop?’
‘Got sick.’ You pressed your lips together, sliding your hands into the back pockets of your jeans that clung to your thighs.
‘What sickness?’ She asked with a genuine look of interest, almost as if it were her first time encountering a sick person. Lucky her.
‘Ohh,’ she puckered up her lips, squinting at you, her words confusingly sounding concerned and uninterested. ‘That sucks.’
‘Yeah,’ you breathed, the continuous standing started to make itself known as your shoulders started to feel lighter. ‘It sucks.’
‘Well you are free to sit next to me. I don’t tend to be liked by most.’ Her pearly teeth peaked between dark roseish lips. ‘I’m Rebekah by the way,’
‘Y/n,’ you smiled back. ‘Nice to meet you.’
Walking over to sit down next to her, the sudden sound of familiar voices washed over you as Caroline and Elena came through the entrance, their eyes widening as soon as they saw you standing back in the classroom that had felt your absence the past months.
‘Y/n, oh my god!’ They almost shouted in union as they sprinted to hug you tight, their arms merging into your back as you reunited with your friends. No hospital visits or phone calls, just friends seeing each other in school like you always have.
‘Come sit with us!’ Caroline dragged you towards the front of the room, your eyes turning back to Rebekah who had observed your encounter with the girls, her eyes smiling back at you, her spark diminished as you parted from her.
In your next class you saw Rebekah again.
Again sitting alone at the dissecting table and when you made up your mind to sit next to her, Rebekah noticing your upcoming footsteps, Elena and Caroline barged through the door like they had before. Pulling you towards the opposite end of where she was sitting, her seat staying vacant as her eyes continued to find you throughout the lesson.
‘Rebekah, wait!’ You called after her, the last sound of the bell signalling the end of the school day.
Rebekah turned around, her blonde hair framing her face. Strands of hair blowing across her face, caught amongst her lashes. The sun reflecting on her skin.
‘About your offer to sit next to you,’ you lifted your arm to block the blazing sun. ‘I would like it if you held that spot for me tomorrow. If you still want me to sit next to you…’
‘Sure, it’s not like it’ll be occupied anytime soon. It’s yours to take.’
‘Okay then…’
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/n, okay?’
‘Sure, yeah totally,’ you cleared your throat as you mentally prepared for the criticism you were about to hold above your head. ‘See you tomorrow.’
Rebekah gave you a last smile, ‘Bye.’
‘Bye,’ you whispered, her feet already taking off towards the other side of your way home, leaving behind a manipulative smell of vanilla and macadamia nut, that you swore was the nicest fragrance you had smelled in a long time.
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The next day you came walking back through the class again, finding Rebekah by herself at her assigned spot, her hand swiftly moving across her page.
‘Good morning, Y/n.’ She greeted, her eyes never leaving her paper.
‘How could you tell it was me?’
‘I smelled your strawberry perfume before you even entered the room,’ she finally lifted her head to reveal her face.
‘Do you like it?’ What is wrong with me?????
‘I do.’ Nevermind.
‘You don’t mind if I keep my word, right?’ You eyes up the chair next to her, waiting for her response, silently hoping that no one would barge in to seat you away from her.
‘Feel free to use all the space you need.’
You chuckled, letting your feet carry you to the table next to her, her familiar scent back in your memory as you took out your school supplies, feeling her gaze on you.
‘So,’ you turned your head to her body already turned towards you. ‘Are you new here? I haven’t seen you before?’
‘Yeah, I am. I moved here a couple of weeks ago. My brother has been here for a month now and I wanted a change of scenery.’ She let out a breath. ‘There’s only so much of New Orleans you can take.’
‘New Orleans? That is very different from Mystic Falls…’ You raised your eyebrows with a grin, your armpit resting over the back of the chair, legs crossed, turned towards her. ‘Do you like it here?’
‘So far I do…’ Rebekah glanced at you, a shimmer of light swimming amongst her pale eyes.
‘That’s good…’ You stared back because it was the only thing you could do.
Her hand reached for your hair, taking a strand of it and twirling it around her index finger, gently laying the curls heated with her body temperature on your shoulder, ‘You have really nice hair.’
‘Thank you,’ you felt a rush of heat make its way to your cheeks, your stomach starting to feel queasy as you let her words repeat in your mind. ‘I love your— well actually everything about you is really beautiful.’
‘You are too kind.’
‘I wouldn’t lie.’
‘I know you’re not.’
‘Good…’ Your eyes couldn’t part from her, her face burned into the back of your mind, still wanting to stare at her as long as you could. Her smile bringing warmth to you.
‘I wouldn’t lie either,’ she repeated.
The teacher came in, disturbing the awful long eye contact, both cleared by loud coughs, Rebekah and your eyes settling to the front of the class; no more looks being exchanged for the rest of the lesson, though you fought the urge to catch a glimpse.
‘Do you have anything planned today?’ Rebekah and you walk out of the building, the school day coming to an end as grey clouds started to gather above you.
‘No, I don’t think so.’
‘Would you like to come over to mine?’ She turned her face to you. ‘We could watch a movie, bake something, I don’t know. Do something typical for a teenage girl.’
Typical for a teenage girl. Normalcy. She treated you normally. Never once mentioning the fact you were sick or if you were okay with it. She treated you like an equal.
‘I would love to.’ You replied, feeling glad that a person could forget about everything shitty in your life and talk to you like you were just like them.
Rebekah drove you to her home, finding out that she had a rather large heep in possession. The kind of car you’d take to the beach on an early summer morning; running towards the cold water as sand stuck to your naked skin. Rebekah was a good driver, unlike your father that made you glad that you had health insurance…
Seemingly arriving at her house, a big mansion greeted you. Surrounded by trees, a long driveway leading to the mansion’s entrance.
‘This is your house?’ You asked, eyes glued onto the building, imagini how many room it must’ve had. How many square feet it covered.
‘It’s so nice.’
‘I know,’ she chuckled, unbuckling her seatbelt. ‘I have to admit that my brother does have great taste when it comes to architecture. Suppose it’s his only good trait.
‘You have a brother?’
‘Too many…’
You let out a laugh, you too unbuckled your seatbelt to step out of her car, feeling so small as you walked towards the door. The interior of the house was just as beautiful. Simple yet classy Rebekah threw her keys onto one of the dressers that stood by the door and told you to follow her, your head turning left and right, mesmerised by everything you took in.
‘Rebekah.’ You suddenly heard a male voice call from behind you. He had a nice accent just like she did.
‘What, Nik?’ She didn’t sound too happy to see him.
‘Aren’t you going to introduce me?’
‘This is Y/n from school. Don’t eat her, she has cancer.’
You listened to her with a quizzical look on your face, looking at her as she mirrored your expression.
‘What?’ She asked.
‘Vampire?’ You asked.
‘You don’t seem surprised…’
‘I have lived in Mystic Falls all my life,’ you let out a jestful breath. ‘Nothing surprises me anymore.’
‘Well,’ his voice made you turn your back on Rebekah, his tone full of pride and confidence, ‘welcome to my humble abode.’
‘Humble is a great word to describe all of this,’ you grinned, looking at the room once more. ‘But it is really nice. You have good taste.’
‘I know I do. Best get going then,’ he pointed towards Rebekah whose facial expressions couldn’t have made it clearer that she wanted to get away from him.
‘Nice to meet you.’
‘You too.’
You paced towards Rebekah who told you to follow her, different hallways leading towards a really nice kitchen.
She grabbed all the ingredients that you thought was going to make a cake and watched as her eyes crinkled, so focused on finding everything that you needed.
‘Are we making a cake?’
‘We are,’ she snuck a quick grin, her head pack in the cabinet searching for a baking tin.
‘What type of cake?’
‘Well,’ she resurfaced, placing the tin on the counter, her cheeks lightly flushed. ‘I kind of asked Elena what your favourite cake was and she said your favourite was a lemon cake, so we are going to make that. Unless she lied…’
‘No, no,’ you tried hiding a grin, fingers picking at your palm. ‘It is my favourite.’
‘Good.’ Rebekah exclaimed, almost throwing the flour at you. ‘You'll do dry and I’ll do the wets.’
Continuing to make the cake, Rebekah was whisking the cake batter enthusiastically, dancing along to Stacy’s Mom that blasted through the stereo. Carelessly throwing her limbs up and down, swaying her head with the biggest grin you had ever seen…She was so beautiful
‘Oh,’ Rebekah gasped, your mouth widening in shocked as wet drops of batter landed on your face, Rebekah accidentally swinging the wrong arm to the rhythm.
You let out a giggle, trying to swipe away the batter but it was no ise. Every stroke just spreading it more evenly across your face. ‘Shit.’
‘Here I got it,’ she set aside the bowl and came closer, placing her thumb on your cheek, getting the batter on her finger, her eyes momentarily longing on you. She retracted her thumb and licked off the excess, eyes never breaking contact.
You stared at her for what felt like forever, captivated by her face; her eyes, her lips, all whispering to you that you should come closer. You leaned in, your heart beating so powerfully you ought to stop, exhaustion that came with the sickness. But you didn’t. Neither did she. Her breath ricocheted off your cheeks, her glimmering eyes infatuating yours as you could feel your lips take the lead but before your skins touched, a loud opening of the door made you jump back, looking back at what had caused you to separate.
‘What do you want, Elijah?’ Rebekah asked forcefully, the older man’s eyes glimpsing at both you and her
‘Do I need to want something walking around in my house?’
You observed the two, their banter making it clear that he too must be one of the ‘too many’ brothers she had talked about.
Feeling queasy, you quickly said goodbye to Rebekah and Elijah, telling them you weren’t feeling too well, a perk when being the teenager with cancer. Everyone at all times will believe it.
You had to get away from Rebekah. She was clouding your mind and falling for a girl wasn’t supposed to happen. You’ve been with a guy or two and those feelings you felt when you were around them, you recognised as the image of her resurrected itself in your mind. You liked her, but you couldn’t like her. At least not right now.
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‘I’m home!’ You called into the house, the smell of grilled eel filtering through the air: your favourite.
‘We’re in the kitchen!’
You placed your backpack next to the stairs, ready to take them to your room once you were done with dinner. Entering the kitchen you saw your mother plate the last of the cut up eel pieces onto the plate, placing it on the table with some salads and rice. Your father stood by the kitchen aisle making some mocktails from his newly purchased mocktail cookbook thing you got him recently.
After dinner you went up to your room, putting the oxygen tube on your face as today’s exhaustion came running to you. Thinking back on the moments that increased your heartbeat.
‘Honey, are you okay?’ You heard your father’s footsteps approaching your room, leaning against the door frame.
‘Yeah,’ you nodded, glancing at your oxygen tank. ‘Hard day. Have to catch my breath. Literally.’
He chuckled, coming in to hug you. ‘Just make sure to tell us once you’ve reached your limit, okay? I know you like to act tough and pretend that you can still keep up but you need to have a reality check. You’re not the same as before and that’s okay. No one is trying to put you in a box. You just need to accept that certain limits cannot be reached anymore…’
‘Yeah I know, dad. I know. It’s just hard having to turn my back on my past life.
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The next few weeks Rebekah and you pretended like the moment back at her house didn’t happen. Continuing to sit next to each other in class, meeting at each other’s houses or going out in town.
It was easier ignoring the moment than trying to talk about it because if you were being honest, what would you even say? You liked her as a friend. Nothing more. You’ve known her for less than a month so how could your heart possibly flutter at the thought of her touch on your skin.
Then you were invited to the Mikaelson ball, a card delivered to your doorstep. On the back Rebekah’s writing said, to meet her there to clear stuff up.
So when Friday came, you managed to find a dress and head towards the mansion you had previously entered before. Only this time you were hooked to oxygen after a water build up episode that caused your lungs to fill with water.
Arriving at the mansion you were greeted by servants who took your coat, without looking, wanting to grab your tank thinking it was luggage. ‘I’ll be needing this…’
You turned around, already knowing whose soft voice it belonged to.
‘You look gorgeous.’ She awed in amazement.
‘You too.’
‘Are you okay?’
‘Oh, yeah,’ you noticed her lingering stare on your tank. ‘Lungs filled with water. Nothing crazy.’
‘We need to talk. I’m sorry.’
‘No I’m sorry.’ You said.
‘For what.?’
Compelled in the moment you pulled the last of your confidence together and stepped closer to Rebekah, who looked unsure of what you were about to do. ‘For this.’ You placed your lips on Rebekah’s, gently kissing her lips as a thousand thoughts filled your mind, all screaming to stop, but you didn’t want to.
Rebekah’s hand found your face as she deepened the kiss,careful not to tangle the oxygen tube.
You’ve never felt this way before. You thought Rebekah was just the type of pretty you wanted to be, not knowing that she was just someone you wanted to be with. And with dying time there wasn’t another person you would rather kiss other than her.
The start of a short love story; the dead and dying.
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Bonny we love everything you do! If you are up to, what about IT girl has a date and jk open a live coincidently on the same day and time so she cannot go
(Ps: Her date is an asshole and jk knows it)
You guys have really made me wanna write this... Warnings for Jungkook's internal dirty thoughts haha
First part: here
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There's no fucking way he will let you go on a date with someone like sangwook. Absolutely not.
You're way too nice to say no to the guy, and he himself knows that the staff member has a certain way with words, knows how to get his way. But Jungkook has also heard the horror stories of the guy getting girls drunk until they're barely conscious, just so he can have his way with them- and he won't just sit here and let that happen to you of all people.
Not if he can do anything about it.
Jungkook and you had honestly had a great time when you eventually came over to eat the re-heated instant noodles together. He learned some stuff about you, about your interest, about who you are apart from just your job. You share a lot more interests with him than initially thought, both of you having a love for gaming and good food. And he especially enjoyed how natural you were, treating him like a normal person, not like the idol he is.
Maybe that's why he just can't let you go now.
He'd heard of the date from Sangwook himself- he'd been chatting with another female staff about you, and how he'll 'find out' if you're 'as innocent' as you apparently act. It made Jungkook feel like throwing up, a guy like that potentially filling you up with alcohol just to eat you like prey- he can't let that happen.
You've told him how you seek love, romance, excitement and something almost childish.
Exactly what he wants, too.
So he goes live, the only way he knows he will keep you there, well aware that you take your job (hopefully) too seriously to go on a date instead. He doesn't know how close you are with him yet- maybe it's a lost cause, maybe Sangwook had been the reason you'd been so hesitant with jungkook in the first place-
But he has to try.
"Hm, hello." He greets the fans, but more so you who he hopes is watching on the other side. "Its quite sudden, isn't it?" He chuckles, holding onto the iced wine in the glass mug in front of him. "Looks like a date? Ah, yes it does, doesn't it?" He grins, acting all shy.
And there it is. An angry smiley- several, even.
It makes him chuckle as he reads the comments and imagines you fuming in your home, but he can take the heat coming his way if he at least prevents that horrible date from happening. Have you already started to get ready? He wonders what you might look like all dolled up. In a short dress maybe, one that hugs your curves just right, with simple delicate straps holding it up over your shoulders. He knows you need no fancy designer shit.
He'd rip it off of you either way.
"Army.." he hums, referring to the fans, but hoping that you get the message most of all. "If you go on dates, late- you be careful, right?" He says, taking a sip of his iced wine, before setting the mug down, and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. There's another round of emojis flooding in, and he can't help but laugh.
He continues this game for almost an hour, making sure that your date was not happening, before he ends the live.
And not even half an hour later, you're in his apartment, fuming, angry, upset. But you're there, and not with him, so Jungkook can't help but be satisfied.
Especially at the sight of you in a strapless denim-dress. Short, but long enough to cover you comfortably. The fabric stretches a bit over your curves, tits looking so good but a little uncomfortable. He would just have to pull down a little, just a tiny bit, and they'd spill out, he's sure of it. He can't see bra straps.
Are you not wearing one? Interesting.
You're pushing him lightly. "You asshole!" You yell at him. "You knew I had a date! You knew it!" You complain, and he nods, a simple smile on his face, and it only angers you more. "Stop laughing!" You demand, but he just raises his hands as if to show you he's no threat, but you just reach out to push him again-
But instead he pulls your wrists towards him, wraps his arms around you, completely catching you off guard as he holds you close, trying hard to ignore your body's warmth against his.
"I'm glad you didn't go." He says, and it sounds surprisingly serious. "I was worried you might." He tells you, and you hate how good he looks, how good he smells.
"Cause you wouldn't have someone to play around with?" You mumble still angry, and he chuckles.
"I'm not playing with you." He denies, swaying you both from side to side a little. "I really am not." He says as if to make sure his point gets to you.
"And yet you still ruined my date.." you complain.
"Sangwook isn't worth your time." He shakes his head.
"Oh but you are?" You scoff. He chuckles. Again.
"I mean, you're here, are you not?" He states.
You are. And you're not sure why you're here, why you didn't at least change, why you don't want to leave just yet.
"To tell you to stop trying to ruin my love life." You snap back in defense, and he laughs.
"Then stop trying to ruin mine." He says back, making you freeze in his arms before you both detach a little. "I thought we were good? Why did you agree to that date?" He wonders, and you shrug, crossing your arms.
"He asked... nicely, you know?" You say, looking at the floor.
"And you couldn't say no." He sighs. "Because you're too nice yourself." He scolds softly.
"I just.. wanted to, you know, talk to someone. Be social. Spend my evening with something else than animal crossing and icecream.." you try and justify yourself, and Jungkook suddenly opens his arms wide, shaking his head before he hits his chest.
"Am I not right here?" He complains. "Am I just an illusion or something?"
"..no?" You wonder, and he tilts his head in irritation for a moment.
"Then why am I not an option for you?" He asks, a little agitated. "I thought we were fine last time you were here. We had a really good time, talked, fuck I thought we were going somewhere!" He complains.
"I'm just.. scared." You say, and he runs a hand over his face.
"I know." He nods. "Lets just- okay. Do you want to try this?" He asks, motioning between you and him. "Yes or no."
"I don't know-" you start, but he shakes his head.
"Not an answer, try again." He tells you, crossing his arms.
"Jungkook what if we get caught-" You start again, but he denies it again.
"Yes or no. It's pretty easy." He says.
"What's your answer?" You ask, and he throws his head back in agony. "Okay, yeah- yes? But-"
"Good, great, fuck!" He barks out to no one, before he holds your face in his palms. "Just trust me. Please." He begs, eyes sparkling in both the light of the candle on his kitchen table, and the neon colored laser points traveling all around his walls from his moodlight.
"What do you want from me?" You ask, and he smiles.
"Your love." He answers, before he shrugs playfully. "And maybe the occasional fuck on the couch if I'm in the mood-" he starts, and you hit his chest at that, though you laugh.
"So you really do just want to screw me!" You whine, crossing your arms- unaware of how you're pushing up your cleavage.
"No, baby." He shakes his head, tongue running over his lip piercing. "I don't only want to fuck you." He answers.
"Though I won't say no if you're ever offering."
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berrieluv · 2 years
Matt Murdock and younger!reader. cw. bimbo reader because why not? we're fulfilling my dream of being a white man's stupid hoe. this is pure fluff, honestly, just a bit of angst in a cut but quickly resolved. also mentions of sex. this is boring but I'm sorry I really need love and affection.
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Matt looked at you and blinked a few times, it was a wonder for him how you had no filter when it came to things.
"But you can't be blind" You told him, a few dates later into your relationship. He was amused on how you didn't catch the man you were dating was blind. Yes, he knew he managed life pretty well with all his senses "I saw you fighting against those men at the bar who were saying nasty things to me... And you won!"
You say, as if it was unbelievable, which he knew it kinda was. It wasn't everyday that a blind man fights five men and wins.
"Plus, you being blind is so sad" You pout, and he frowns at your words "You can't see how pretty you are..." You close your mouth a little and then your eyes open wide; "You can't see how pretty I am!"
You panicked and Matt chuckled, sensing your concern in the atmosphere.
"Oh" He starts, soft voice and taking your hand in his "I know how pretty you are" You smile "I can tell"
"How? You can't see me" You pouted "And I don't mean 'your personality is nice' type of pretty, Matt" You look at him and get closer, he can feel your breathing in his face "I really am pretty. Like, you should see me..."
"I believe you"
"But like..." You make a smirk "Like are you really blind? Or you... Is like partially blind? Like would you get your vision back? Or you just have to live like that?"
"I've been blind most of my life. Since I was a kid, actually"
"So... you never got to see Reese Whiterspoon in Legally Blonde?"
"Not one of my biggest concerns but no, I didn't"
"But it's a film of cult!" You said "If I describe it to you, would you watch it?"
"Only for you"
You chuckle, knowing Matt is in a chokehold because of you. It haven't been long since the both of you started dating, but it was, however, a surprise for almost everyone that you even started dating.
When his best friend made a joke about Matt being blind, you legit thought he meant the kind of blind people always call men... you never thought of it in a literal way.
"You're so wrapped around my little finger, it's embarrassing" You smile "And you can't even see how pretty I am" You gasp "I'll be walking you like a dog if you could see my beauty"
Matt drops a loud laugh, because from all the people in the world, he seemed to have find the only one who could make his blindness about themselves. And it didn't bother him, he was happy that you were able to treat him as a normal person. And if he thinks about it long enough, he was treated like a 'complete' man, for long enough, before you found out he couldn't see.
Suddenly, you 'wow' "That's why you're always wearing those ugly glasses!"
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"Matthew Murcock"
You yell while entering his office and Foggy looks at Matt at the sudden change of his name.
"I have no idea where she got that from" He says, smiling.
That was the day after the first time you ever had sex, when opened the door you look at Foggy, then at Matt and pout, completely forgetting he couldn't see you.
"Foggy, get out"
Matt says and you smile, walking to him as fast as Foggy leaves the office. You kneel in front of him and rest your head in his thigh; fuck you were needing him.
"Baby, you know we can't do that stuff around here. It's my office, baby" He smiles.
"You wouldn't say the same if you knew how pretty I look"
"Oh, I just know you look fucking pretty" He says, taking your body and sitting you on his lap "You wore a skirt and everything" You nod "I guess I can put my fingers inside if you like"
You nod desperately and open your legs, Matt only laughs at your neediness and starts to work.
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You cry as you reach him in his bedroom, he was calm and breathing slowly, his chest going up and down and unconsciously flexing his muscles. He opened his eyes as soon as he heard you entered his flat.
"Yes, dear?" He asks, peacefully, ignoring the tone of your voice that adverts you're looking forward to create drama.
"Why didn't you call me?" He lets out a groan when you sit on top of his naked torso and put your hands on his chest "I let a sticky-note asking for you to call me as soon as you were back" You pouted.
"Darling..." He starts, calmly "How am I suppose to see that?"
"What do you mean 'how'... with your eyes, Matth–" You pout "I see..." He chuckles and you shake your head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it"
"It's fine, pretty girl"
"But I'm always so reckless" You cry, letting your head fall into his pectorals "I'm reminding you all the time that you can't see"
"It's not like I can forget it, my love"
"Yeah, you're right"
You chuckle in his chest and he feels his shorts getting a little tighter. He doesn't want to point it out, how could he when you're sharing such an intimate and cute moment. And he was sure you wouldn't notice, hell, if she didn't notice I was blind, how would she notice an erection; was what he thought the first time you gave him a boner. And what he seems to remember every time now that you give him one by accident.
The first time ever you and Matthew have a fight it's complicated. You believe he was on edge before you and him got together that day, he arrived to your department a bit more serious. This time there wasn't a kiss, or a hug, or a single word.
You were yourself at the gala he asked you a few weeks ago to go with him, but it seemed like it wasn't someone he wanted you to be. He pressed tighter your arm every time you joked, but you took that as an action he was making to decease his worries, never could you think it was because of you, since your personality was never a problem.
"What is your fucking problem?" He asked, storming into his flat, his steps were heavy and loud and you just looked at him, shyly, the first time ever you felt shy around Matt. "You couldn't just act like a mature person, couldn't you? You have to let out your childish annoying personality in one of the most important nights of my career"
"I'm sorry"
You say, with a small voice, almost afraid to ask.
"Yeah" He says, finding himself the glass and the wine he always leave in the same place, to pour himself one. "You're always fucking sorry but I never see you change anything about yourself" He hears the glass breaking into the floor and he frowns, looking directly at where he sensed you. "Did you fucking moved the glass?"
You were scared to say yes, not at Matt, you couldn't be scared of him, but now, you weren't feeling him as your Matt.
"You always do this, why do I even bother having a house if you're gonna do whatever the fuck you want with MY stuff" He walks to the room and you follow him, silent, fidgeting your fingers "I would have chose any other woman if I knew you were going to act like a fucking child!"
You feel your eyes watering and you look at him, finally saying, with a small broken voice; "Why are you talking to me like this?"
Before Matt could answer with another mean comment, he smell your tears falling on your cheeks and he felt bad. Because it wasn't your fault he has been on edge all day. Because he knew you were younger than him and it never seemed to be a problem until one of the lawyers pointed out how young and pretty you were to date someone like him.
How could you ever please her if you're blind.
"Baby... love... I'm so sorry" He says, pressing his fists against his eyes and then opening his arms "I'm so sorry, you don't, you don't deserve this. I'm– I've been better than this, you deserve better than this, my darling love, I'm an asshole"
"You are" You slowly say, letting him wrap his arms around your body "But I like you anyways"
"And I'm so lucky for that"
You nod, knowing he was in fact lucky you pulled out with this shit and you didn't leave the room immediately.
"You were being mean"
"I know, I know" He says, holding you closer to him and letting your body and his fall into the mattress. "I was just so mean to my pretty girl"
And since that, Matt made sure everything that could involve you in a fight was gone. Of course, you had the typical arguments a couple has, but you never kept them for too long. You were way too distracted and it wasn't like he wanted to keep the fight going. Not when you looked so pretty.
The first time he ever saw you mad, was so ridiculously cute, you always got mad about the bloody same thing, and Matthew couldn't take you seriously anymore.
"Why are you so f-stubborn?" You stop yourself at the curse word, and Matt smiled, knowing you're not one to curse. You were organizing both of your clothes in the closet "I always tell you the clothes go ordered by color, Matt" You cry and throw one of his shirt at him.
"Princess..." He starts, that's the pet name he choose to call you when he was about to correct something you said "How am I supposed to know that green and red are not the same?"
You're ready to yell at him again until it hits you, he can't really know. "It's imposible to get mad at you"
You pout, and he opens his arms while laughing. "C'mon, my pretty dumb girl"
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Teardrops on My Guitar
(Eddie’s Version)
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie thinks that you’re into Steve and he’s been in love with you forever.
Word Count: 3838
A/N: This isn’t my best work tbh. I feel like I sorta lost sight of the vision halfway through but I am my own worst enemy.
Eddie Masterlist
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It’s just another movie night over at your house, Eddie sitting on your couch and your legs tossed over his own while you hold the popcorn. The Breakfast Club plays on the tv and you’re enthralled by it while Eddie can barely take his eyes off of you. He never really cared about trying to find ‘the one’ for him, he was fine with just messing around with out of towners or people looking to rebel by doing it, but since he’s met you all he’s wanted and needed has been everything that you two could be.
Lately the boys have been teasing you about a crush you have recently and it breaks Eddie’s heart for two reasons. One because you have one in the first place and two because you confided in fucking Garreth, who notoriously can’t keep a secret for the life of him and blabbed to everyone that you had the hots for someone, instead of him, your bestfriend and confidant. The two of you told eachother everything, even the embarrassing awkward stuff.
“Who do you like?”
“Huh?” Eddie’s voice almost causes you to jump because you’re not expecting it. He’s been so quiet tonight compared to how he normally is, it was a little worrying to be honest. You can usually never get him to shut up.
“Who’s the crush that Garreth keeps teasing you about?”
“Oh.” Your face gets hot and you turn your attention back to the movie so you don’t have to look at him. How are you supposed to tell your bestfriend that you’re basically hopelessly in love with him and only realized it recently when you were drinking with Garreth and Jeff in Garreth’s garage? They had both laughed at you because you and Eddie are both so obvious with your feelings but utterly oblivious. “It doesn’t matter really.”
“What if you just described him and I guess? I promise I won’t laugh.” He takes your sudden awkwardness as a sign that you’re embarrassed by it instead of what it actually is. “C’mon you can tell me Sweetheart, when have you not been able to tell me something?”
“Okay, fine.” You take a deep breath in and out before bringing your legs into yourself to sit crisscross applesauce. “He’s so ridiculously nice and sweet to me, like I have never been treated so well in my life than when I’m around him. He’s so nice to all of the younger kids in the friend group too, and they seem to really look up to him. He just has the biggest heart and I wish more people would see that. I think he’s got a great head of hair and I love playing with it. And he has the prettiest brown eyes I’ve ever had the privilege of staring into.”
“You’re into Harrington?! I didn’t realize you spent so much time with him.”
“You said you wouldn’t judge.” You’re not sure why you don’t correct him. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to tell him it’s him, maybe it’s because you’re scared of losing your best friend. Or maybe it’s because you feel like you can sense a hint of jealousy in his voice and you can’t help but think about how Jeff told you that Eddie’s been head over heels for you basically since he met you and you want to see how he’ll react to your crush not being him to test the theory out.
“I’m not! I just didn’t realize you knew him that well.”
“I mean we were classmates for like all of our student life and I’ve always been close with Robin. And you can’t be close to Robin and not be close to Steve anymore.” It’s true anytime you go hang out with Robin nowadays Steve always gets invited. You’re not mad about it, he’s a cool, funny, nice guy. Honestly you’d probably have a crush on him if your crush on Eddie hadn’t started your senior year, before you had even become friends with Steve.
When you look over at Eddie for the first time since you started talking he fakes a smile so you won’t see how upset he is. Of course you like Steve. He’s suave and charming and handsome. And he’s easy to talk to and probably shares more common interests with you than Eddie does. His family has money, which Eddie knows you don’t care about but it’s just another reason Steve’s better than him. And the whole town has never hated him. Steve’s got everything that Eddie’s had to live without.
“That makes sense I guess. Do you think he feels the same?’
“I’ve been told that I’m oblivious and my feelings are obviously reciprocated. But I don’t know, I don’t really wanna make things awkward by telling him how I feel.”
“Well he’d be stupid not to.” You just hum in response, squinting your eyes and studying Eddie’s face. He squirms under the scrutiny feeling like you can see straight into his soul. “You want more popcorn? I’ll go get more popcorn.” He fumbles with the bowl in his rush to get up and head to the kitchen.
“I don’t know what to do Robin.” Eddie groans and rubs his hands down his face. Robin sits across from him at the diner sipping on her coke. He’s just gotten done explaining to her how you like Steve and how he feels like he’s been nothing but awkward around you since finding out.
“You had to have misunderstood her Eds, there’s no way she likes Steve like that.”
“She described him perfectly and she had this faraway look in her eyes as she was talking about him that she’s definitely like, in love with him or something.” He bangs his head onto the table so his friend wouldn’t be able to see the tears or lip wobbles he can feel crawling up his throat. “And I’m so fucking head over heels for her Robs. I’m so far gone for her that I can barely even see anyone else when she’s with me.”
“Hey, Eddie relax, okay she’s not in love with Steve, trust me okay I would know.” Robin can’t help but feel bad for her friend. Normally she wouldn’t, if it were anyone else sitting in front of her sulking and wilting and complaining about something like this she would tell them to grow some balls and tell them how they feel already. But this is puppy dog eyed Eddie who’s definitely been through enough in life and all she wants to do is tell him about how you haven’t been able to see anyone as more than a friend other than him since the day you two met. You’re lucky she loves you so much and that she knows you’ll actually try to break her pinky if she breaks the pinky promise the two of you made when you admitted that to her.
“Did she tell you that?” He looks up hopeful that maybe there’s a chance.
“No, but I see how she acts around him all the time. It’s more of a brother sister relationship than anything else. I hate to be that person but why don’t you just tell her how you feel?”
“Because I’d rather be heartbroken with her in my life in a relationship with someone else than have her not be in my life at all.”
“Fair enough, but you know she wouldn’t do that.” Eddie does know that but there’s still the anxiety of it all. For a minute the only noise between the two of them is the slurping of Robin finishing her drink. “Wanna go to Family Video and bother them at work?” Eddie visibly perks up at the idea of going to see you.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Robin smiles at the better mood he’s in and leaves cash on the table to cover their meal before following him out to the van.
“Better call the exterminator Y/n because it looks like we have a couple of pests heading our way.” Steve jokes as he spots Robin and Eddie getting out of the van. You make your way next to him to see what he’s talking about.
“Eddie thinks I have a crush on you!” You blurt out as soon as you spot him.
“What?! Why? How?”
“He was asking me to describe who I liked so I described him and he thought I meant you and maybe I didn’t actually correct him because I thought maybe this was the safer option.” Some words get smushed together with how you’re rushing it out, wanting to fill him in as much as you can before they get inside.
“Oh my god.” Steve groans out burying his head in his arms on the counter. “He’s gonna hate me now. You need to just tell him the truth.”
“Shut up, shut up!” You shove his shoulder in a panic because they had opened the door as he started talking. Steve stumbles into the counter as your two closest friends walk into the store. ”Hey guys!”
“Hey Sweetheart, you guys have Predator yet?” You beam with excitement at Eddie and he swears his heart stutters in his chest a few times because it’s so genuine and it’s for him.
“We do! It came in yesterday and I already put a copy aside for you.” You crouch behind the counter searching for the VHS tape you hid from all your coworkers.
“Robin, Eddie, what are you two up to today?”
“We were just at the diner and decided to come bug you since all the kids are still in school. Has it been busy today, it doesn’t seem like it has been but I know how the rushes can be like.” Robin answers him while Eddie just sort of side eyes Steve.
“We had a bit of a rush this morning, people were really excited for the Predator and the Lost Boys. Aha! Found it!” You jump up holding up the Predator tape victorious and Eddie smiles at how adorable you look filled up with excitement. He can tell that it’s bubbling up in you with the way you’re slightly bouncing on the heels of your feet. “You’re not gonna watch this without me are you?”
“I’d never! You’re still coming over tonight right? We’ll watch it then.”
“Yeah, of course I am. I might be a little later than I normally am though, I told Steve I’d help him paint his room after work.” Steve was painting his room back to white so that way when he moves out his parents can just use it as an office or guest room. Eddie’s heart drops at the news of you going to hang out with Steve after work. Normally you would just go home, change and eat before heading over to the trailer.
“Do you guys want any help with that?” Robin cuts in in order to draw the attention to her so you won’t see the way Eddie’s smile drops knowing he probably doesn’t even realize it. “It’ll get done super quickly if we’re all there to help. And then Eddie can just take Y/n over to his trailer after so she doesn’t have to bike.”
“That sounds great! It can be like a painting party! Unless you have something you need to do Teddy?” Your curious gaze and soft smile turns back towards him and he immediately perks up.
“My only plans after this were gonna involve you Princess so if Steve’s fine with a little extra help, I’ll help.” And it’s definitely not so he can hopefully keep your attention away from Steve.
“Great, then it’s a date!” He knows what you mean, he’s not stupid, but he feels like he is with how his heart speeds up and his face flushes as you turn to the computer to check the movie out for him.
Steve wants to scoff at how obvious the two of you are. He never would’ve thought he’d have two friends as utterly oblivious as the two of you. Especially because for as long as he’s known you you’ve been able to pick up on how other people were feeling super quickly with your empathetic personality. So it’s a wonder to him you haven’t picked up on Eddie's very annoyingly obvious feelings for you.
“We’re done in two hours. You guys wanna hang around or just meet us at Steve’s after?”
“I’ll hang around. Robin, if you wanna go home first I’ll take you and come back.”
“Eds, if you’re staying, I’m staying. Besides, dingus here never sorts the movies the way I like.” You chuckle as Robin flicks Steve’s forehead and grab the crate of movies you were getting ready to stock shelves with.
“You wanna help me stock while they deal with the movies back there?” You hadn’t even finished the sentence before Eddie’s nodding and grabbing the crate from your hands.
“Lead the way darlin’.”
“Did she tell you?” Robin leans over to whisper to Steve the moment the two of you are out of earshot.
“About the whole panicky crush on me thing she did? She waited until we saw the two of you in the parking lot to rush it out but yeah she told me.”
“I knew he had to have misunderstood her! I mean I knew she liked him but Eddie kept going on about how she described you to a t and that was enough to make me start doubting what I’ve heard her say.”
“She told me she was describing him and he just assumed it was me. These two are ridiculous.”
“I know, you’d think she’d realize by now that she’s all he thinks about like all the time.” The two of them can hear your laughter at something Eddie either said you did ring throughout the store. Robin smiles knowing the exact lovesick dopey grin Eddie has on his face right now, he gets the same one each time he makes you laugh. The two of you truly deserved each other and Robin decides that she’ll stop at nothing to make it happen. “You work on getting Y/n to admit that she meant him since you work with her more this week than I do, and I’ll work on getting Eddie to admit how he feels since I’ll probably be hanging around him this week.”
“They’re lucky they have us.” Really Steve felt lucky he had all of you. Robins his platonic soulmate, you’re one of the kindest, most thoughtful people he’s ever known, and Eddie is one of the most loyal friends anyone could ask for. And the two of you are lucky to have each other, Steve hopes to find a love one day that the two of you have.
“Damn right they are.”
It’s easy for Eddie to slip into the delusion that you don’t actually like Steve when the two of you are together. Even when you’re hanging out with Robin and Steve, your attention seems to go almost exclusively to Eddie. You don’t really act like you like Steve as anything other than a good friend when he sees you around him.
He can’t slip into that delusion when he’s hanging with Robin though, which he’s been doing a lot this week since you’ve been working so much. She’s constantly bringing up how he should just tell you how he feels and that maybe his delusion is actually real life if he’d just open his eyes. It’s like she’s hinting that you actually like him instead. If he thinks too hard about it he’ll get stuck in his head though.
“Thanks for driving me to work, Eds, I owe you one.”
“You don’t owe me anything, I was coming to pick up Y/n anyway.” Eddie follows Robins lead into the store freezing when he spots you nodding and smiling at Steve from the other side of the counter.
He almost turns around completely when your grin splits even more up your face and excitement sparks within you. He doesn’t know what the two of you are talking about, he doesn’t want to know, he just wants you to be looking at him that way. Steve glances up when Robin chimes in and meets Eddie’s eyes waving before saying something else to you. Whatever he says makes you glance over his way. You beam at him causing Eddie to feel like he’s come back to life and start walking towards him.
“Alright bye Steve, I’ll see you Saturday right?”
“Yeah, eight o’clock.” You send a thumbs up his way grabbing Eddie’s hand and pulling him to his van.
“What was that about?” Eddie’s almost too afraid to ask, nervous that you’ll say you have a date with your mutual friend.
“Oh, Steve said we should go to this college party Nancy told him about on Saturday. So don’t make any plans okay?”
“Okay.” Eddie’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach taking that as a yes it is a date with Steve and that he shouldn’t expect you to hang out with him like you normally do.
When in reality you meant that he shouldn’t make any plans so he can go with you guys. Steve’s probably telling Robin about it right now. All week he’s been telling you to just tell Eddie that you meant him and today when he told you about the party he also told you that you should ask Eddie to go with you like a date. To that though you told him about how you wouldn’t take Eddie to a party as a first date. But you think that Steve’s probably right and it’s time you should own up to it.
“I’m not above begging Robin, are you sure you can’t hang out tonight?” Eddie slumps against the wall of the trailer as he asks Robin once more if she wanted to hang out. All day he’s been busy sitting in self pity because of your date with Steve and he could really use the distraction of a friend.
“Eds I told you I have plans, don’t you?” She’s been confused this whole phone call because she could’ve sworn you told her you told Eddie about the party.
“No,” Eddie groans down the line while he slides to the floor. “Y/n’s going on a date with Steve so I’m stuck wallowing.” It suddenly all makes sense to Robin and she has to hold back her laughter.
“Oh. I don’t think it’s a date Eddie. But if it’s bothering you this much, why don’t you go to her place and finally tell her how you feel before this not date.”
“If Steve likes her I don’t wanna ruin that for him.”
“Steve doesn’t like her like that, he doesn’t even consider tonight a date! So if you’re so convinced that’s what this is then at least go save your girl from heartbreak.”
“Shit, really?” He doesn’t even give Robin time to respond before speaking again. “I gotta go.”
“Yeah, see you later.” She finally starts laughing as he hangs up on the other side causing Steve to come into the living room.
“What’s so funny?”
You’re finishing getting ready in the living room with License to Ill playing on your stereo when Eddie knocks on the door. You smile rushing to the door excited to head to the party with him.
“Hey Eddie!”
“Don’t go on this date with Steve!” He rushes the words out and your excited face becomes one of confusion.
“He doesn’t think it’s a date and I don’t wanna see you get hurt because he doesn’t see you the way you see him.”
“Eddie, what are you talking about? What date?”
“The party tonight, isn’t it a date?”
“No.” You chuckle at how he misunderstood you when you told him about it. “We’re all supposed to be going together. Steve should be at Robins right now actually. You thought when I told you Steve said we should go he meant just me and him?”
“Well yeah, with how you like him and how excited you looked I thought maybe he asked you out.” Admittedly Eddie’s feeling a little dumb even more so when you let out a little laugh again.
“Sorry, sorry I don’t mean to laugh really. I just thought you would’ve put together that I don’t actually like Steve by now after seeing how I barely even interact with him when everyone else is around.”
“You don’t like Steve?” You shake your head. “But you told me you like Steve.”
“I told you that I liked you! Really I thought that you would’ve figured it out by now. I mean I’m always with you and I choose you over Steve regularly. And I mean I described you, it’s not my fault you thought I was talking about Steve. I was gonna tell you that I’ve been practically in love with you for who knows how long after the party, maybe ask you out with that. Thought about asking you out for the party but you deserve a better date than some dumb college party where we’ll only know our small group.”
Eddie had stopped paying attention after your first sentence, only vaguely hearing the rest of your ramble. His brain replays how you described him when he asked all those days ago and his mouth drops open.
“You think I have pretty eyes?”
“Of course I do. Now can you maybe say you like me back because I’m sorta shaking in my boots with anxiety that maybe Garreth was wro-” Eddie surges forward taking your head in his hands and connecting his lips to your own hoping all his feelings get transferred through it knowing he doesn’t have the words right now. He’s too in awe that any of this is happening. He keeps expecting to wake up and ruin it all.
“Pinch me because I swear to God this is a dream.” He says once the two of you part and you laugh before pinching his arm causing him to yelp. “Jeez! Not that hard Sweetheart.”
“You asked for it.” You shrug and grab a jacket before joining him outside. “You ready to head to the party or do we need to go back to the trailer since you weren’t expecting to go?”
“How about we go see a movie instead? The Princess Bride seems like it’s right up your alley, and I don’t really feel like sharing you with anyone else after finding out how obsessed with me you are.”
“Oh shut up!” You hit his chest laughing. “That sounds good though.”
“I’m like obsessed with you too, by the way. You were the reason for the teardrops on my guitar for a hot minute there when I thought you were into Steve. The guys were getting real annoyed with me because I had this list of songs we couldn’t play because they were either inspired by you or your favorites.”
Eddie Taglist: @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​​ @munsonswhore86​​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​​ @rockchickrebel​​ ​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ ​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​  @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​​ ​ @eddiethesexy​​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @midnightsgetawaycar​  @goldylions​ @venomsvl​ @zbeez-outlet​ @eddie-swhore​ @haileighboi @myownworstenemyyy​ @sharnnnnnn​ @bratckerman​ @spacedoutdaydreamer​ @livslifeonline​ @phantomxoxo​ @mushroomelephant​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind​ @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ 
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f1oricide · 8 months
Yan Michelangelo hc
OK so-
I literally had a thought abt this and it was so jarring and crazy I had to write abt it. Keep in mind that writing is NOT my strong suit so bare with me okay. Also for the record I don’t condone any of this stuff Irl okay, there’s a diff between fantasy and reality.
TW: dark, possessive themes, gore, blood, cannibalism, mentions of worship, nonconsensual touching (not sexual), kidnapping, delulu Mikey <3
When you guys first meet, after the initial freak out you might have, he gets attached quick
It’s love at first sight <3
Could you blame him tho? He’s socially outcasted from society ofc not-
Anything you want? You got it! He will do anything to get that thing you barely mentioned wanting, no matter what
He would definitely try budding in every time your with anybody but him
Skateboarding with Leo? He happens to walk in with a skateboard. Having a tea party with Raph? You guys look like your running out of tea, but don’t fear! Your new butler is here!
Point is, he’s fine with sharing your time because like all good things, it’s even better when shared! He just has to be there too…you don’t mind right?
Won’t mind if you get a partner…
Just don’t expect to hear from them if they have the AUDACITY to make you so much as frown-
He doesn’t need to be your center of attention 24/7, he’s a secure turtle after all. He just wants to be near you, to keep you happy and safe!
Even if you can’t tell he’s there-
He is a VERY Delusional Yandere, you can be doing the most devious, horrendous war crimes and he’ll still think your a saint, everyone else is in the wrong for being in your way
Anyone who talks bad abt you, well… you can’t waste perfectly tenderized meat can you!
Real talk for a sec, I see a lot of people hc Mikey to be a heavy worshipper but I don’t think he’d think your a GOD, going down on his knees for you, but I think he’d see you as a angel and treat you as such
How? Lots and LOTS of cuddles (even if you don’t want to), positive affirmations, and overall codling
Cutie pie, angel, sweet potato, expect lots of cheesy nicknames
Now onto the juicy stuff-
Cooking, in his opinion, is a form of ART! Something to express himself with while also sharing that experience with his loved ones
Putting so much blood sweat and tears into perfecting his craft, creating a delectable meal for all
So imagine his (not so) sudden shock when he starts fantasizing abt you…eating him…literally…
In that one meat sweats ep, he was SO DOWN TO BE EATEN, because he sees Rupert in a higher light, he’s his idol!
He put his own blood sweat and tears for you, your his everything! This is his declaration of love for you and you alone, the one dish he won’t give to anybody else
At first he felt an immense satisfaction when you chowed down on the dishes he made specially for you, the sight made his chest swell!
But soon that feeling faded, something inside him started wanting more, until it eventually became Mikey’s every waking thought, pounding against his ribs until it’s satisfied again
So he did what any rational person would do! Invite you down for a taste test! Hah you thought I would say kidnapping didn’t you?
Well your right, he may or may not have laced those pastries you were taste testing
“Think of it as a forever slumber party! I knew you’d be just as excited as me, can’t hold in those happy tear too huh? :’)”
He really believes you want to stay as much as he wants you to stay, doesn’t matter what you do, you’ll always be his saint, wanting to stay by his side <3
You have a specially made “room” hidden in his room, that you stay in
Has all the necessities and everything, thanks dee
He often comes by to chat, make arts and crafts, and cuddle you, he’s barely out of his room even his brothers start to worry
Can’t have his brothers believe your…”funny” jokes now huh? They’d ruin the fun!
Starts to ever so slowly try to get you to agree with his… idea
Slowly starts incorporating more meat into the meals he makes you, mentioning how turtle is a delicacy in some places- you get the idea
But in Mikey fashion, he doesn’t like to wait to get what he wants
He suddenly starts asking you strange questions from, “did you know that cute hamsters cannibalize each other? CRAZY right!?” To “have you ever wanted to know what turtle taste like..?”
Eventually his patience thins and nervously asks the big question, but you’d understand right? Ofc you would! He shouldn’t be so nervous around you!
Ofc after hearing his request you start to understandably freak out, will he want to take a bite out of you too? Is this it? You don’t want to die like this!
Don’t worry! he could never ruin perfection, your a work of art!
(He’ll be happy breaking your skin with his teeth and lapping up the blood tho)
Surprisingly, he won’t FORCE you to do it, but be prepared for his mighty persistence and requests
He’s pretty much trying to hype you up
If you cave he is OVER THE MOON
He is inside you.. LITERALLY (idk how else to phrase it don’t be weird pls-)
Constant praise and affection is what you earn while you contemplate what you had just done
If you don’t cave, he’ll start to get a bit aggressive with his hype, and starts slowly giving you less and less food you until you do it-
Before he kidnapped you he was a bit clingy, but AFTER? Attached to your hip 24/7 baby
5/10 experience, you will be scarred for life leaving you with a bad taste in your mouth. But other than that expect lots and lots of cuddles and delicious not human food!
Sorry if it’s a bit all over the place, pls lmk if I made a spelling/grammar mistake. Writing this was actually very fun, I might do more in the future until I draw again. Maybe I’ll do both!Okay thx for reading tho bye :>
-f1oricide <3
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mncxbe · 1 year
𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 // 𝙤𝙣�� 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
"You like me, babydoll" he'd often tease. And he was right.
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut/fluff
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: season 4 spoilers / mentions of blood
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His hips were rocking back and forth at a relentless speed, fingers digging into my thighs.
"Mmm so good baby. I missed this so much" he moaned lowly.
I was laying on my back, legs wrapped around Tachihara's waist, gazing at this pretty features. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth slightly agape as he was whispering sweet nonsense. Strands of his rusty red hair were drenched in sweat.
'That's quite a sight' I thought to myself.
We first met when I joined the Black Lizard as a division commander ten months ago. My arrival was met with reluctance, but after a few weeks everyone was fond of me. Well, almost everyone. Tachihara Michizō, the angry redhead, always kept his distance. This was mostly due to the fact that I got along quite well with Gin.
There was also my ability, which allows me to manipulate my enemy's heartbeat provided I touch their blood. Naturally, people tended to avoid training with me and Tachihara was no different. Gin sometimes sparred with me but her skills in battle were way above mine so she was in no real danger.
The first three months were packed with missions and operations. But as soon as summer started it seemed that even the criminals went on vacations. Weeks passed without one single mission. I was bored beyond belief. It was on one of these days that I ended up using my ability on Tachihara.
When I walked into the empty warehouse I saw the redhead cleaning his guns.
"Hey there. Wanna spar with me?" I enquired.
My colleague didn't bother to lift his eyes from his pistols as he replied in a flat voice.
"No. Leave me alone."
"I need to blow off some steam, Tachihara. Please." I whined
The man rose to his feet, drawing a knife from his jacket.
"Okay then. Bring it on" he said as he ran towards me.
I was so taken aback by his sudden actions that I barely managed to dodge his attack. Taking my own knife, I put some distance between us, trying to form a plan.
"What? That's all you got?" he mocked with a wild grin on his lips.
We fought for a couple of good minutes. At first Tachihara went easy on me, but when he realized I wasn't an easy match, his attacks got more violent. His eyes had a feral glimmer as he gritted his teeth, desperately swinging his knife.
Eventually, his attacks got sloppier and I managed to find an opening. The blade of my short knife sliced through the fabric of his jacket, cutting his arm right above his elbow.
The redhead ceased his chaotic movement, an astonished look on his face. Blood ran down his arm staining his clothes.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry." I apologized.
I dropped my knife to the floor, running to him. "That's a lot of blood please let me-"
"No no don't~" interrupted the man but it was too late. My hands wrapped around his bleeding arm, sqeezing tightly.
He froze, his eyes shooting open. A familiar feeling took over me as I felt his rushing heartbeat in every cell of my body. Tachihara yanked his arm from my grip, taking a few steps backwards. None of us uttered a word until the rhythm of his heart returned to normal.
"Aren't you going to kill me or something?" he asked
"Why would I kill you?"
"You literally have my heart in your hands. Don't tell me that you don't want some payback for how badly I treated you"
"I actually don't" I replied confidently "All I want right now is to help you stop the bleeding. Will you let me?"
After that we met up regularly to spar after stressful days. Soon though fighting wasn't enough to release the tention so we did other stuff too. I often found myself wrapped around him, nails digging and scratching at his back like there was no tomorrow as I moaned his name in the night.
"You like me, babydoll" he'd often tease.
And he was right. Before I knew it I had fallen in love with the redhead. And the feelings were shared. Although Tachihara seems like a cold, distant person, he is the sweetest partner one could ask for. He would always look out for me and even his short temper was quite adorable. Two months and a half after we started dating he moved in.
Nothing on earth could do us apart. We decided to overcome any hardship we ever came across. That's why when he confessed to me that he was working for the Hunting Dogs, I was totally unfazed.
"Poor choice but ok." I replied, taking his hand in mine. "I guess I'll just have to quit the Mafia."
And so I left the organization, switching over to voluntary work at the ER. My ability was quite useful when it came to helping patients with heart problems.
Up to this day we continue living together at my place, going about our days as usual.
I ran my fingers over the scar on his arm, fragments of the time spent together coming to me in flashes. His thrusts grew sloppier, signaling how close he was to his release, each of his grunts and low, desperate moans only adding to the fuel.
"I'm so close Hara" I uttered between whimpers. He brought one of his hands to my belly, pressing down with his palm.
"You feel how deep I am, pretty?" His thumb drew circles on my clit. "Cum for me, dear" he added in a ragged voice.
I felt the knot in my stomach snap, my back arching as I jolted in pleasure. Tachihara's eyelids gently fluttered as he felt me tighten around his cock. After a few more thrusts he came, his warm seed filling me.
The man rested his forehead against mine. He took his time to catch his breath and then opened his eyes, his amber gaze locked with mine.
I pulled him into a deep kiss and he snaked his arms around my waist. As soon as he pulled away from the kiss, he flopped to the side.
"I love you, baby" was all he uttered before drifting into a dreamless sleep.
I watched his figure, sprawled on my bed. My fingertips made their way to his back, tracing shapes all over his skin. Then I leaned in and kissed his shoulder.
"I love you too, Hara" I whispered into his ear before falling asleep next to him.
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transmascaraa · 4 months
I have often seen people ask for readers who suffer from anxiety or stress but I suffer from asthma (breathing problem)
how Gaming would react if his reader suffered from asthma and/or had an asthma attack🥞
(feel free to ignore if this topic bothers you)
bf!gaming headcannons!
your sweet boyfriend helps you during an asthma attack...
bf!gaming x gn!reader +with asthma
author's note: hello<3 of course i can write it! fr tho, there's not really any content like this regarding asthma/any breathing problems. the closest there really is a panic attack but asthma attacks are different. i'm glad you asked me to write this, and i'm gonna kinda try to raise the awareness for asthma and such with this. i hope you like it<33
"breathe, slowly..."
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-you had asthma, which caused asthma attacks sometimes.
-but thankfully, your boyfriend knew how to treat you, and calm you down
-so when things like these happen, he mostly knows what to do to help
-and he really does want to help
-he knows it's hard, so he tries his best to do so
-like the one time, when the two of you were in the kitchen, making dinner together.
-all of a sudden, you started coughing, then wheezing, starting to panic.
-he immediately turned to you and tried to help.
-"h-hey, calm down, it'll be okay... let me bring you your inhaler. sit down, my love..." he was trying his best to reassure you, not wanting to make you panic any more than you already were.
-he helped you sit down slowly, and then went to get your inhaler, which was on the living room table.
-you couldn't talk due to your asthma.
-so you just waited for him, trying your best to sit straight up, trying to get air into your lungs properly.
-soon enough, he came back with the inhaler.
-he gave it to you and helped you use it.
-all while whispering some reassuring phrases to you like "it'll be okay", "you can do it" and stuff.
-after you came back to your senses, he made you take some deep breaths with him.
-later, when you were feeling better, you hugged him softly.
-"thank you..." you muttered.
-"anything for you, my dear..." he then gently kissed the top of your head while hugging you in return.
-you were so glad to have him.
i know it's short helppp i tried😭
is that what asthma attacks are like? i did some research and this is how i see it despite the fact that i can't know how it feels, is it correct enough?
correct me on any mistakes lol i hope you liked this anon<3
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lilpixielixie · 2 months
CHAPTER THREE: Delicate | hwang hyunjin x fem!reader
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Delicate | hwang hyunjin x fem! reader
"This ain't for the best, my reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me"
- Delicate, Taylor Swift
Summary: Moving to Seul wasn't something that Selene expected to do, but her broken heart and tired soul were craving for peace. She didn't even think too much about it: she simply saw an opportunity that would let her hide from the media and Hollywood for some time and took it. However, she will have to make a decision by the end of the year and she hopes that, when the time comes, the same world that was hating on her right now would forget everything. Maybe she wasn't meant to be an actress, but she was sure she wasn't meant to be loved. At least, that was what she thought before meeting an idol who wasn't treating her like a broken and pitiful person.
Words: 2K
Genre: actress!reader x idol!hyunjin, SLOW BURN, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut (minors dni)
Warning: mention of Hyunjin's hiatus
Author's note: Hi everyone! I know it's been another month, but I've been really busy with work and lots of other stuff I've been doing that maybe one day I will tell you about. Also, mainly they speak english with Selene, when they speak korean I will change font so you can understand the difference! Enjoy the chapter!
Series Masterlis | Selene Profile
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“You’re really rocking this shorthair agenda” Sunoo said while making a weird hand gesture. 
Selene cringed.
“For the love of God, Sunoo please stop and go back to practice with the others” 
“I’m being supportive of our amazing and beautiful choreographer!!!” he replied, outraged.
Sunghoon snorted from the floor where he was stretching “Seeing your performance lately, you should really practice instead of chit chatting”
Sunoo shot him a glance and huffed “Do you wake up every morning being this insufferable? Was there once you were nice?”
“Children, no fighting in the practice room” Selene warned both the boys “go back to warm up, I want to run the whole performance of tamed-dashed at least five times” 
“FIVE?!” Jake yelled from the other side of the room. He was wearing a baggy brown hoodie which made him look like a teddy bear ready to hug and cheer up every single person in the room. Right next to him there was Jay who was helping the other stretch and he was also a victim of his sudden yell: he flinched and started to rub his ears murmuring what Selene thought were curses in english. 
The girl was unimpressed because she was used to their antics by that time. In fact, she raised an eyebrow as if she was questioning his whining. 
“You have to be perfect and go beyond the standard you set with your last comeback” 
“You just like to torture us at this point” Nikki whined even though he was the most diligent out of all the seven boys when it came to dance. Moreover, he didn’t really mind practicing the same dance several times because he was a perfectionist just like her and this little resemblance made him happy. 
Selene was sort of his idol: the kind of adoration he’d been expressing towards their new choreographer since they were introduced was crossing a thin line between admiration and worshiping a god. For this very reason, the others would often joke about how Selene was the only god Nikki believed in. She found herself often in this situation and even though at the beginning it made her laugh, now it was starting to get annoying. However, this had nothing to do with Nikki or the boys because the blonde girl knew it was her low self-esteem talking. She’d never understood the blind admiration certain people felt towards her and the more it happened the more she got annoyed and frustrated with the situation. 
If she was such an amazing actress, she would be still acting instead of being there in Seul hiding from the cameras and her fans. 
If she was the amazing dancer Nikki talked about with sparkling eyes full of admiration and respect, she would be still having a dancing career.
If her relationship was really the most perfect of all, it wouldn’t have ended like this. 
However, here she was acting like a criminal who is waiting for all her charges to disappear into thin air. The only difference between a criminal and herself was that a lawyer wouldn’t be enough to bring her out from the mountain of crap she was being crushed under.
Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder that brought her back to reality. The choreographer turned her head towards the younger boy who was smiling at her with his little dimple out. 
“Are you ok? You were a bit anxious this morning” Jungwon asked with a concerned tone. Selene looked down feeling guilty. 
“I…I think I screwed up” she admitted in one breath. Jungwon frowned because he was confused by her sudden vulgar choice of words and whatever she meant by that. 
“Someone recognized me last night” 
“OH MY GOD, WHO?” Sunoo jumped into her view, eager to know. On the other side, Jungwon shot him a disappointed glance. 
“Don’t you see she’s upset?”
“She shouldn’t” 
“Well, but no one is supposed to know I’m here” she murmured “the company was very clear about it”
“Then, screw the company” Sunoo said without hesitation. Both Selene and Jungwon didn’t react, too used to this kind of reaction every time this topic came up. 
“Selene, you can’t recluse yourself into your apartment when you’re not working with us” Jungwon said matter-of-factly “and the fact that someone might have recognized you doesn’t mean they know everything”
“Yeah, you have to live blondie” 
“It’s Sunoo-hyung for you” 
Jungwon rolled his eyes and muttered something along the line “cannot stand him anymore”
On the other hand, Selene was biting her lips uncomfortably “But, what if…they start to question my sudden appearance here? Moreover, I was at the convenience store near my apartment that is near the company”
“That is irrelevant, really, the majority tend to mind their own business” Jungwon reassured her while gently rubbing her shoulder to ease a bit of tension. 
“So…who was it?” Sunoo asked again, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Hyunjin” Selene replied “from Stray Kids”
Both the guys looked at her and replied with a little “oh” and because of this weird ration Selene started to panic. 
“I-is it that bad? What? Hyunjin is like a bad person or-”
“No no no, sorry, we didn’t mean like that” Jungwon jumped to reassure her again while still having a weird expression “It’s just that-”
“He was literally in your same situation not until some days ago, no one in the industry has seen him in months” the oldest of the two mumbled “from what we know, not even his members had seen him for weeks”
“Jake became friends with Chan and Felix” Jungwon said to Selene even though she still had to ask how they knew. 
After that, the blonde girl nodded and she started to think about last night and how he looked all covered up.
“How is he? Do you know him?” 
Jungwon raised an eyebrow questioning Selene's sudden interest without calling her out directly; however, Sunoo looked delighted by it and gave her a big “I know where this is going” smile.
“Oh oh” Sunoo’s eyes sparkled full of interest “someone got our girl attention”
Suddenly, the other members who weren’t involved in the conversation appeared as those magic words sinked into everyone’s mind. 
“Oh my god, you like someone?” Jake asked overexcited
“I KNEW IT! I told you it was a matter of time!” Jay’s voice sounded clear - Selene couldn’t understand who he was talking to - among the chaos Sunoo created. All of the members but Jungwon (he was rubbing his temples done) started to talk and ask questions to their young choreographer because they were eager to know some news. This reaction kind of warmed Selene’s heart because from day one these boys have been nothing but kind and supportive with her, treating her as a normal human being and they’ve never made her feel uncomfortable or left out. However, she was also annoyed. 
“STOP! ALL OF YOU, SILENCE!” she yelled so that everyone could hear her over all of that noise. The group shut up and waited for their choreographer to continue. 
“I don’t like anyone, I just wanted to know how a certain idol I ran into last night is, drop it. If you’re not gonna answer me, go back to practice tamed-dashed ten times; or we can have another five minutes of break”
“Man, she got mad…ten times now!” Jake whispered-yelled into Jay’s ear who wanted to punch him in the face.
“Which idol?” Sunghoon asked “Was he better looking than me?”
“Well” Sunoo replied in english at Selene’s place “you might wanna sit dude, because this is a good one”
“Did he just dude me?!” 
The blonde girl couldn’t take it anymore and blurted out the answer “It was Hyunjin from Stray kids” she was met with silence “is he a good person or not? Because both time you hadn’t got a good reaction”
“No it’s just…” Jay started to talk but didn’t finish his sentence, probably because he didn’t know how to explain it. 
“We’re just surprised” Heeseung said “seeing what happened with him we’re still surprised he came back; also you’re the first person that has seen him since his come back some days ago”
“But he’s great” intervened Nikki “I mean, none of us had really any kind of relationship with him, but from what Chan, Felix and also Jeongin said about him and those little interaction we had he seems good”
“Everybody before that scandal talked really good about him” Heeseung nodded along with the others. 
“And now?” Selene asked.
Everyone looked at each other before Jungwon said “No one was allowed to talk about him anymore, he just came back unexpectedly so…for now, the majority will pretend to be nice in front of him while talking shit at his back, and the rest will just try to treat him as nothing happened”
Selene looked at all of them, then she smiled bitterly “It looks like the story is always repeating itself”
Hyunjin didn’t tell anyone about his encounter with Selene the other night, but he kind of hoped to see her again. He didn’t really know what came into him, but he just wanted to talk a bit with her and see if she was doing ok. Considering the fact they’ve never met before last night, this wish was weird and pretty out of the blue, but it had to do with Hyunjin’s eternal empathy. While he was in hiatus - but also before that - he kept himself informed about whatever happened to Selene, one of the most famous and loved western actresses of the last four years, because firstly he was a fan of the movies and secondly he liked her as a person. When she disappeared around the same time he went on hiatus he thought it was pretty ironic and started to wonder what she was going through; if she was having the same thoughts as him; if she was also finding it hard staying hidden from the world’s spotlight just like himself. 
Due to that sudden encounter in that particular convenience store, he decided to test his luck and go back there. Considering the fact that Selene was one of Enhypen’s new choreographers, she must have been busy until pretty late into the night, so Hyunjin went to the convenience store a bit after midnight. He took his time going around the aisles and looking through the food he could buy when the door opened. He briefly glanced at the door and he saw the same feminine figure all covered up going straight to the ice cream section. 
Then, as if he was possessed by someone definitely more confident than his usual awkward off-stage self, he walked towards her. On the other side, Selene was totally unaware of the man approaching her, too busy choosing among the ice cream flavors. At some point, she heard a gentle “hey” behind her which made her hand pause mid air while taking the cookie dough flavored ice cream, then she felt the mysterious guy moving behind her. She saw a hand coming into her view and picking up the ice cream she wanted and putting it into her hand. In that moment, she quickly studied that hand and, when she saw two particular rings adorning it, she recognized him. She took the cookie dough flavored ice cream and turned around meeting a pair of brown gentle eyes which were turning lightly into two crescent moons. 
“Hi there” Hyunjin said in english while scratching the back of his neck nervously “what about we have something to eat together here?” he shook the cup of instant ramen he was holding. 
“This convenience store is usually empty at this hour, I used to come here a lot some months ago” Hyunjin continued in a rush of confidence “there are those sits right there pretty hidden from the outsiders, that’s why I like this place” 
The girl in front of him looked like a spooked cat, but against all of his expectations she nodded while fixing her face mask. 
“Ok, Hyunjin”
And when he heard his name coming from her mouth - he was surprised she even knew him - he realized he liked the way her accent curled around the syllables more than he thought he would.
© lilpixielixie all rights reserved | do not copy, repost or translate this fic.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 years
•°♤°~Words From the Dark Divine Feminine •°♤°~
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Before I begin this, I just wanted to apologize for the sudden disappearance. Abruptly, I had a tower moment that I needed to take care of, not only was I not in the right mind space to continue posting content, but I literally can’t channel anything for the collective when I am in a low state because nothing will come through except messages that are specifically for me. I had so much anxiety over whether to come back or not because I was stuck with this job, I had absolutely no time for both that and this account and it completely tipped the scale in my work life balance. Not only that, but I went through so many different emotions over how my life was that I just knew that if I ever decided to come back, to do this reading. This felt right, and I’m so proud of this because I was stuck on this for months because I was trying to provide guidance to the collective on lessons that I haven’t even learned from. I had to go through the trials and error, solitude, and the patience to figure out how to turn the light on during a time that just felt too dark. Thank you to all of you that didn’t take it personally and are still here today. 
This is a pick a card reading dedicated to speaking about our most taboo of feelings, dark feminine energy isn’t tied to any gender, it’s a part of all of us. Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down for its corresponding message.
⚠️WARNING⚠️ These messages are heavy and dark. Specifically speaking, they have mentions of suicidal thoughts and other triggering stuff.
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♤Pile I♤
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~ Lilith's Jukebox ~
 ⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻                              
Soko - Time Waits for No One
Sharon Clark - I’m Not Afraid of Love
Hiatus Kaiyote - The Lung
Letter - “Why am I so trustworthy? At every opportunity, these people take my heart for granted, and it’s starting to harden to stone. My desire to live in this loveless world is withering away, like ice cream that melts under the sun. It feels destined to perish. Was I made weak? What’s wrong with me? Is my love too much? Did I not love them enough? Please. I’m begging. What can I do to fix me!? God! I hate my femininity so much! I can’t take this pain anymore, I’ll do whatever it takes to make it go away. There’s no need for them to tug at my heart anymore. I’ll rip it out myself and claw at it piece by piece until it is nothing. Anything. Anything to make this curse of emptiness go away”. 
Message: Pile one, I hear you. And I’m so proud of you for making space for your discontent for the painful experiences that left you feeling shattered. The only things that are wrong here, is how you were treated. You were never the problem in the first place. Moreover, you are so wrong about yourself, there is no need to be strong when that is already what you are. You are an extremely powerful visionary, and how do I know this? Because you’re right about the world. It’s lacking so much love right now, but with extraordinary eyes like yours, you knew exactly who needed your love at the time. Strength requires courage, and you were brave enough to not only trust others, but trust yourself to give your love, and it doesn’t make you weak, it makes you fierce. People respond with hate to what they fear or don’t understand, so in a loveless world plagued by chains of cruelty that humanity imposes on one another, it’s hard to break out of that when met with a divine gift like yours pile 1. I know it feels like anguish, loss, and that you’re battered and bruised, but instead of you turning into those that hurt you, you stayed true to who you are, and that takes strength, Remember that you hold the power and that people are going to be attracted to the kind of abundance that you have, but once they show themselves as unworthy, reclaim your power back. Love what you have and yourself because loving them wasn’t a loss for you, them not knowing what they had is a loss for them.
♤Pile II♤
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~ Lilith's Jukebox ~
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻
 Lil Nas X - Sun Goes Down
Kari Faux - Chattin Shit
Doechii - Persuasive 
Angel Haze - Battle Cry
Letter: “I can feel their stares. Hear their whispers. These people do not respect me. It’s like my past follows me wherever I go. Like it takes the form of a mask that never detaches. Internally, that’s how I feel. When other people take one look at this mask, they only see a distorted statement. But not my truth. They get a picture of what I used to be, but never why. Who cares. As much as I’m not accepted by them, I, however, have accepted them. Shallow and judgmental. I’ve learned at a young age, to just let people talk.
The only person that grimly haunts me, is the one that glares back at me when I look into the mirror. I loathe the feeling of self hatred and disgust. The weakness that I feel over the stoic and stern gaze that people fear, used on me. The grotesque repetition of my noises saying that I’m used up. Spoiled goods. Nothing worth offering. Do I deserve a happy ending? My noise, with hopelessness, solemnly replies ‘no’. Do happily ever afters even exist? Emerging from the dark, a cadaverous finger waves back and forth ‘not quite’.
Then what is the point of living?
To my younger self, who was just a child, I’m sorry that I failed you”.
Message: Pile two, I hear you, and I’m so proud of you for making space for your fear of uncertainty. Immediately, I’m hearing rebuttals from your inner child, furiously shouting ‘NO! don’t you dare give up on us!’. They’re saying you haven’t failed them, but if you decide to throw away your life because you don’t believe that you’re capable and deserving of your blessings, then that’s when you failed them. Stop letting your past provoke you into self-defeatist mindset. Quiet the noise, because it’s not real and the past is no longer here. However, your inner child still is and they feel hurt because the shadow that is haunting you now, was their reality. They’re urging you to know that you can be strong for them because the strength it took for the little version of you to survive all of the wounds and trauma to be the person of today reading this right now, still lies within. Like a movie, why would you turn it off before it even ends? You have so much to life for, they know this, and they want you to keep going because happily ever afters do exist, and reaching it is not only just about you. It’s about alchemezing, turning your life around regardless of your mistakes and the wrong committed against you. To create your own justice for all parts of yourself, especially your inner child.
You are not broken. You are not disgusting. And you are not “used up”. Our bodies are just a shell. It is your soul that matters and it is strong. In your spread, there’s an oracle card with a starfish, liken yourself to the animal when it comes to your losses. It regenerates and it is self-sufficient. I’m getting that you may have had a mother that was absent in your life, and it doesn’t have to mean physically. Water down the bully inside you by reparenting yourself and becoming the nurturer that you’ve always needed.
Tough times are temporary, but are dreadful to experience, but to keep it from overpowering you, remember that it is never you that you should be fighting.                     
♤Pile III♤
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~ Lilith's Jukebox ~
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Marina and the Diamonds - Primadonna Girl
Willow Smith - Pretty Girlz
SZA - Supermodel
Molly Burch - Needy
Letter: “I stare at the mirror for hours. Trying to find the beauty in my face and body, only to problems that were not there before, then to spend more hours, analyzing how to fix my physical appearance.
With the majority of my 24 hours gone, I use the remainder on lifelessly scrolling down a screen of pretty faces, in acute synchronicity with the tear rolling down my cheek, wondering, ‘how can I be prettier?’.
I compare myself to their lovers. What part(s) of them made you choose them over me? Is it bigger that’s better? Or is it smaller? Is it long? Is it short? Is it lighter? Is it darker? Is it short? Or is it taller? Is it sharper? Or is it rounder? Is it softer? Or is it more defined? Is it it more? Or is it less?
Tell me. What can I do to fix it? I just want everyone to love me”.
Message: Pile three, I hear you, and I’m so proud of you for making space for your body dysmorphia. I wish that you could see how much of a stunningly ravish person that you are.
Beauty is like a succulent. You could be a cactus or aloe vera plant. Very prickly, not so prickly, colorful, monochrome, big, small, you might or might not have flowers. Whether it is water, or aloe, maybe neither, the point is that it’s what it’s inside that matters. Yes, beauty can be physical, but true beauty is within. Self love, like any other love “liberates” like Maya Angelou once said. From conventional to unconventional, accepting and embracing what you have and knowing that regardless of what others say, is still in fact beautiful, is what’s going to set you free from this mirage, because what you have going on inside isn’t going to be conditional. It isn’t going to be based off of what your surroundings say, it isn’t going to be phased by rejection, it isn’t going to be a trend that comes and goes, it isn’t submissive or dominant, it isn’t “activated” by changing yourself or going under the knife, it doesn’t change depending on the person next to you, it doesn’t need to be validated by anyone else.
It’s timeless. It’s one of a kind. It’s pure. Baby, you are so beautiful just the way you are.
♤Pile IV♤
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~ Lilith's Jukebox ~
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Alex Serra - Outter Space
Pharell - Happy
Marina and the Diamonds - Satisfied
Marina and the Diamonds - Hermit the Frog
Marina and the Diamonds - I am not a Robot
Letter: “For so long, I’ve kept this clean image. Molding myself into something I’m not. Replacing the lego pieces that make me, with a formula calculated for perfection, in exchange for success. I did everything right...so what is this?
I’m malfunctioning trying to decipher if there was an error made somewhere, but I get nothing. I’m stuck. What is this? What is this? What is this? I’m wailing out in confusion ‘WHAT IS THIS???’...Am I going insane?
Why did I sacrifice so much, just to get these results? I wasn’t supposed to get this outcome...If this is one big failure, then who did I really make these choices for?”
Message: Pile four, I hear you, and I am so proud of you for making space for your existential crisis. The answer to your questions is stop saying no to yourself and to start saying no to them. 
This path was never for you, but with all of that pressure pressed against you to create a life for others to live vicariously through is difficult to avoid, but your life isn’t over, this “big failure” is your chance to start a new beginning. Start saying yes to your own happiness, say yes to your sanity. Cut the puppet strings, and be free in your own truth, doing what you love and loving what you do. 
Release those emotions that you were conditioned to not feel, and relish in what makes you the most passionate, unapologetically. Life isn’t meant for us to work 24/7 to reach an ideal image of success, in fact, many have died trying to by neglecting the same heart that was begging them to stop, because there’s so much more than working a monotonous routine that isn’t even for you. There’s no logic in being care free, stop taking your true self for granted and just flow with whatever will make your heart sing.
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zablife · 2 years
Stolen Goods
Tommy Shelby x female reader
Summary: You’ve known Tommy all your life, but when your boyfriend starts stealing from him, how will he react to the betrayal? 
Author’s Note: Requested by the lovely @runnning-outof-time with the prompts slow burn, moment of jealousy and friends to lovers. 
Warnings: language, mention of domestic assault
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“Tom, do you have the books for me?” You asked politely, even though he’d been a complete arsehole all day. 
“And how would I, y/n? Arthur hasn’t been sober for one fucking minute today,” he said shoving the filing cabinet closed with more force than necessary. 
You didn’t try to reason with him, turning on your heel to go retrieve your coat from your desk. As you whisked past Polly, she could tell something was wrong. She knew Tommy had been treating you poorly recently and she knew why. He had feelings for you, but was too proud to show it. 
She reached for your arm gently saying, “Go home, love, it’s been a long day. I’ll sort this.” You nodded in appreciation, stomping toward the front door and dropping the keys by her desk. 
“Tommy, what’s wrong now?” Polly asked, plopping down in the chair opposite his desk. 
“Nothing, Pol. Leave it,” he said massaging the bridge of his nose. 
“Like hell, why have you been so hard on y/n, eh? She’s loyal, a good worker and she’s been a friend of the family for years,” Polly pointed out, pulling a cigarette from her pocket and lighting it with a match from Tommy’s desk. 
“She’s seeing a man from the factory we’ve been watching. Someone whose…untrustworthy,” Tommy said spitting out the last part as though it were the dirtiest word he knew. 
“So ask her about him and get it off your mind,” Polly advised. Studying her nephew carefully she added, “But that’s not all is it? You’re jealous of her new relationship.”
Tommy rolled his eyes in response to Polly’s inquiry, a telling reply she thought. “She’ll think I don’t trust her,” Tommy said picking up some papers on his desk and tossing them back down again.
“You’re already treating her like shit so what’s the difference? Get to the bottom of this and soon,” Polly said standing to leave. 
When she reached the door Tommy’s words stopped her. “And what if she’s involved? Have you thought of that?” 
Without turning Polly spat back confidently, “She’s not, but you’ll find that out soon enough. She cares for you too, you know….you ignorant git.”
The next day...
“Come,” Tommy yelled out and you entered in a few quick steps, shutting the door behind yourself in one swift movement. You knew if you didn’t show any signs of unease you had a better chance with Tommy. He fed on people’s fear and you weren’t about to show any weakness in front of him. He’d bullied you long enough.
“Y/n, how’s your man? What was his name?” He pretended not to recall. 
“Samuel,” you replied in a clear voice.
“Samuel, that’s right. Samuel’s been at the factory for one year now and he’s done an admirable job. In fact, I’d like to give him a raise,” Tommy said leaning forward at his desk to gauge your reaction.
“A raise?” you said caught off guard by Tommy’s sudden generosity. 
“Yes, but first I’d like to know something from you. Do you think he prefers to be paid in cash or booze.” A confused look crossed your face before Tommy continued his speech, “Because it seems to me that he prefers the latter and high quality stuff at that,” Tommy said resting his jaw against his knuckles.
“Excuse me?” you said, not understanding the question.
“Now you’ve been a friend of the family for some time and since Samuel is your beau, we’ll call him family as well. After all, he does intend on marrying you doesn’t he?” Tommy asked pointedly. You looked at your shoes, feeling yourself grow more uncomfortable by the minute under Tommy’s icy stare as he continued, “Faith in family is a fine thing and I wouldn’t even be counting if 25 becomes 24, 24 it is. But if 24 ever became 23, then that’d be tax. And I don’t pay tax,” he said narrowing his eyes at you keenly.
You could tell when Tommy was setting a trap and you’d walked right into this one. “What is it you want from me, Tommy?” you asked on a low breath. 
“Keep your man in line, y/n. I’m sure a smart girl like you can manage that, can’t you? Tell him nobody steals from Tommy Shelby,” he said standing from his desk abruptly. You knew you were being dismissed, but you sat rooted to your chair feeling stunned. 
How were you supposed to tell a grown man what to do? In truth, you’d been unaware of your boyfriend’s activities until this moment and now you’d be faced with confronting him. Your stomach churned with the anticipation of the conversation you’d need to have with him later. 
You managed to stand on shaky legs saying, “Alright, I’ll speak with him. I’ll do it for you Tommy.” He nodded at you calmly, showing you the door and your heart beat wildly against your chest, wishing there was an easy answer to fix this. 
Two days later…
“Tom, she’s not been back to the shop. You should send someone round to her flat to check on her,” Polly advised. You were a good employee and never missed work even when you were ill so your sudden absence worried her greatly. Tommy nodded in agreement, calling Finn and Isiah into his office and ordering them to go find you.
Within an hour they had returned with the news that you were nowhere to be found. “Keep looking,” Tommy growled at the junior Peaky boys. He paced his office chain smoking, trying to think where to look for you. His men had told him Samuel hadn’t reported for work either and he began to wonder if the two of you had left town together. He clenched his fists at his sides, jealous anger coursing through him. He couldn’t stand the idea of another man having you. The thought of you disobeying his orders and betraying him was even worse. However, Polly’s words echoed in his mind. Something about all of this wasn’t right.
As he turned the corner, he nearly ran into you. Looking up at your hunched frame, his face crumbled at the sight of your bruised face. He threw his cigarette to the ground and took your shoulders in his hands gently asking, “Y/n, what’s happened?” 
“I did as you asked, Tommy. Told Samuel he had to stop because you knew about him stealing from the shipments. Then he attacked me,” you said looking away in shame, tears beginning to fall silently. Tommy pulled you into him to comfort you and hushed you as you cried. 
“It’s all my fault. I’m sorry, love,” he said feeling his guilt weighing heavily on him. “I should never have asked that of you,” Tommy said quietly, realizing his grave error.
“It doesn’t matter. He’s gone now. Your problem is solved, isn’t it?” you sniffed.
“How could you think that? This isn’t over until I find him and make him pay for what he’s done to you,” Tommy said forcefully. “No one touches a Shelby,” he added without thinking about the words coming from his mouth. 
You looked at Tommy with a puzzled look. “Is that how you think of me?” you asked. You watched Tommy’s face flush as he realized what he had said. 
“I do. You’re one of the family….at least I hope you will be properly one day. I love you, y/n. I’ve wanted to tell you that for a long time,” he said finally confessing what he felt. “I’m sorry I’m not much good at showing it. I promise to do better if you’ll let me.” You nodded eagerly.
Polly stood in the doorway watching your exchange. Tommy was a good businessman, but a fool when it came to matters of the heart. Perhaps with you by his side he could manage to be successful at both. 
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svetzzi · 1 year
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knightklok stuff Is it headcanons or an au? I don’t know, but either way I sure as hell wrote about it.
Timeline: 1450’s-1480’s
Main Location: Pre-Sherborne/Sherborne, Sherborne Abbey Cathedral
Content Warnings: Character death, Christendom, religious fundamentalism, mentions of torture, mentions of social and systemic racism, mention of alcoholism.
Note: I subscribe to the implication that Dethklok, or even so the other people foretold in the prophecy, have been subjected to reincarnation for eons. Whether or not reincarnation is a normal aspect for everyone’s life-death cycle in the Metalocalypse universe is unknown to me as of writing this, but here I am making it certain for the pawns of the prophecy. Personally I find that the prophecy cave art in season 4,  the “ancient animal forms” from season 2 and onward, and the lyrics of Blazing Star are evidence for this notion. Every force included in the prophecy are doomed to their fates; despite being placed in deadly situations time and time again, they can make it out totally unscathed until their death. Said deaths may seem sudden or untimely on a surface level, but they are always decided by destiny or the universe (or perhaps The Devil if we lean more into the Satanic narrative). Here we see a version of Dethklok from their long line of reincarnations (that also happen to be ancestral to the present-day members), who had failed to fulfill the prophecy and thus had to die and start over.
If there are severe historical inaccuracies, then my apologies, I am not a buff and I made this for fun. If it helps to ease the pain at all, I am certain if this were to actually happen in the show, it would also be incredibly historically inaccurate.
I am also not Catholic, so some things may be wonky in that context as well.
Noah Eruption
Nationality: English / Roma
Weapon: Morningstar
The surname Eruption evolved to Explosion as the English language advanced.
His looks and demeanor forgave his non-chivalrous attitude, however being a man of few words made the public mistake him for chivalrous. Nonetheless his stature and steadfast fighting ability granted him both knighthood and the role of leader for the Sherborne Guard. Born in Canterbury, Noah traveled to Sherborne for personal independence and to no longer deal with those that knew of his mixed Romani bloodline. His morningstar was his closest companion.
Fled and retired to The Western Isles post-exile. In retirement he turned to cattle farming.
Death: Drowning (reason ruled unknown, speculated to be either suicide or accident)
Aengus “Picil (The Ruthless)” Barrel
Nationality: Irish 
Weapon: Dual-Wielded Scottish Dirks
The surname Barrel derives from his English grandfather’s favourite pub.
Picil, freeloader son of a shepherd, lived at his village’s pub. Of course, this habit kind of ruined his life and reputation within his hometown, however he did get some decent knife-tossing skills out of it. The pub eventually changed ownership, and consequently he was banned for being a pest. In some spark of clarity, the young man decided to start off on a clean slate. He packed a bottle for the road and headed for England (I reiterate short-lived clarity was mentioned, not intelligence). As a stumbling Irishman his time living there was incredibly difficult, but upon meeting Noah and Bishop Offgyrdd seemingly by coincidence he was “taken in,” so to speak.
And yes, his classic dirks slightly resemble penises, like God intended.
Fled to Wales post-exile.
Death: Went into the wood at night in a typical drunken stupor and was never seen again.
William “The Barbarian” “The Royal Guard’s Boil” “Barnacle Meat” Murdgruff
Nationality: English-Italian/Ethiopian (see Medieval Ethiopian Discovery of Europe) 
Weapon: Battle Axe
William Murdgruff fled from Italian slums as a young adult, in fear of further discrimination and possible death. He hid in a cart of hay bales and went wherever it took him. Sherborne did not treat him much better upon his arrival, even less so than expected, but the Bishop of the village saw his potential. Murdgruff then proved himself to be a merciless fighter, and with the strong persuasion of Bishop Offgyrdd, he was knighted by the Lord and assigned to the small guard sanctioned in that very town. An exchange was brought in return for his knighthood– that he would keep his appearance a secret from the public, as it would damage the church’s reputation. They even commissioned a custom helmet in order for him to fulfill such an order. He did as told, however that did not stop him from becoming the town’s punching bag due to how he held himself (and having the most non-chivalrous of attitudes, obviously). 
Fled to Germany post-exile.
Death: Tortured and Executed via Wheel at the beginning of The Werewolf Trials after fleeing to Germany.
Sigfrøðr / Sighfridh Swkigelf 
Nationality: Geat 
Weapon: Knightly Sword, though prefers Falchion
Irregular for the time and place, Sighfridh was born to closeted Heathen parents. Their Geatland patriotism imprinted onto him, but he found himself drawn to the Christian environment surrounding his family. Sighfridh saw himself not only in Odin, but in both the Lutheran and Catholic depictions of the Lord. In interest of visiting an authentic Roman Catholic cathedral, he decided to journey west. His stay in England was supposed to be temporary, especially after Toki began to accompany him on his journey, but finding good work with the Sherborne Guard (along with acclaim from all the English ladies…) Sighfridh stayed until the group’s exile.
Before England, Sighfridh was an ice harvester.
Returned to Scania post-exile.
Death: Disease of Totally Unknown Origin (it was definitely not syphilis).
Toki Wartúþr
Nationality: Norwegian/Norse
Weapon: Knightly Sword
(To my knowledge the name Toki has existed since like ~7th Century AD, so I find it perfectly sensible that the name Toki would be present multiple times throughout his family tree.)
He was a Sami boy adopted by Christian parents as a babe. Blessed with the spirit of death, his parents eventually blamed him for the unorthodox deaths of crops and farm animals, even if he was not tending to or near the area at the time of death. Their negative superstition surrounding their son grew more, soon blaming him for the rot of their food and the harsher winters. Believing him to embody the antichrist, they intended to kill him, but Toki found this out and escaped before they could execute their plan. He was a homeless wanderer for years, getting by on stolen goods and river water. It was when he ran into the traveling Sighfridh that Toki finally found some sort of path in life. To Sighfridh’s dismay, Toki was enamored with him and his journey, and so tagged along. 
Death: Murdered.
Bishop Offgyrdd
Nationality: English/Welsh
Weapon: Holy text, witchcraft, sabre
Under the guidance of his most trusted companion, Sherborne’s Archbishop, Offgyrdd was devoted to the underbelly of the church. He typically kept an eye out for any newcomers during the day, and was a transcriber at night. Before the mysterious and gruesome death of Canterbury’s Archbishop, Offgyrdd was– although emotionally distant– an average abbott. Even though transcribing was work for a lower monk, Offgyrdd happily took on the task for The Church of The Black Klok. The loose lips on the group of knights he brought together was ultimately his, their, downfall. From Sherborne Castle, the royal guard was demanded to put an end to this heresy, but they refused. Because they liked Offgyrdd. He was pretty nice to them after all, you know? Their Lord allowed for word— panic— to get out due to this. Reeves and the rest of the general public ended up taking matters into their own hands. The traitorous royal guard’s executions were debated. The enraged mob was still somehow infatuated with them, despite their association with witches. Out of fear of his own life, the Lord mercifully damned the knights to exile. After the beheading of the Archbishop, the last thing Offgyrdd saw was Noah watching his demise from among the crowd.
Thankfully, the actual Black Klok meeting grounds were never found by authorities. 
Death: Executed; burned at stake.
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iwaasfairy · 9 days
Don't worry fairy, so many men are stupid like that 😭 I currently have a similar yet simultaneously opposite problem.
a boy who I wasn't interested in at first started flirting with me all the time, laying it on super thick with the compliments, favours, texting me all day and all night, constantly offering to buy me stuff, treating me so differently from everyone else. He would even touch me in ways that I would never think to touch someone unless I was into them. This is around the time that I came around liking him, and I was hoping he would ask me out, but all of a sudden he started cold shouldering me.
I was tired of the mixed signals so I decided to be brave and tell him that I liked him. He went, "no I don't have any romantic feelings for you at all why would you think that omg??? I was just trying to be your friend bc you dont seem to have any..." It hurt my feelings so and I felt so stupid, but I got over it. Then all of a sudden, he didn't want to be around me at all bc I'm weird. Okay whatever. I just went back to my normal routine without him.
Then for finals, he invited me to join a study group, and this was when I realised the length of his stupidity. He hadn't paid attention to a single lecture, nor had any of his friends. Multiply days a week, I spent hours teaching them everything I knew, receiving nothing in return. This was when I noticed that he only stopped flirting with me when other girls were around. So I guess he was doing the same thing to every woman he knows. After the final, he spoke to me twice in the span of a month. Whatever. I got an A+ and he and all his friends either failed or barely passed. I'm going to wash my hands of these people, and you should wash your hands of that stupid little boy masquerading as a man.
MY GOD WTFHDKJDFKKFKD ???? See this is what I mean when I say. Men can have absolutely noTHING and they still have nothing but audacity istfg. Yes get rid of that leech baby you deserve sooo much better ♡♡♡ take care of yourself!! This story is absolutely heartbreaking tbh, I hope you don’t take it too much to heart bc all of this is fully on that grown man acting like a boy
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pixelchills · 1 year
My Celestial mutants got isekai'd last night.
You know how my dreams tend to be so vivid and have actual clear storylines that inspire me with a lot of my stories sometimes. Last night I had one of those dreams. I kinda blame the concept for binging Lookism the other day, but somehow my brain generated a whole new story loosely based on that, my Animutant AU, and the celestial characters in it. 
So, in this universe, Animutants were not lab-created creatures, but born to human families yet treated like a “curse”. Animutants were not ageing slower than humans, nor were they bigger than them like in my original AU. They were immune to most human illnesses, but somehow the people seemed to think they were just abominations; most of them were hunted, killed, and banned from cities or public places. No rights for almost anything. 
I think this could’ve been because they were alien offspring or something.
If an Animutant baby was born to a family, the government would pay the parents for killing it. The reason why they were so hated was never fully mentioned, but I might need to work on the details if I ever wish to expand this story. 
Animutant kids were not allowed to attend schools, and adult Animutants couldn’t really get almost any type of job. Most bigger cities and towns had them banned from entering completely, leaving most of them to live in smaller villages, the mountains and the woods or small abandoned islands. 
Sunrise was a human, 20 years old when the dream started. He was a high school dropout, living with his abusive alcoholic father after his mother had left them when he was in middle school. Sun worked as a cashier in a convenience store, and did a lot of babysitting on the side. 
He was nervous, clumsy and wimpy, liked superhero comics and art. He was trying to save the money he got from his jobs to move out from his dad’s place, but his dad kept stealing his paychecks as “rent” for letting Sun live with him. 
Not was he only abused by his father, but the reason why Sunrise had dropped out of high school had been bullying, and his old bullies seemed to somehow torment him once in a while even when he was just working his jobs. His life was really just miserable. 
Then one night he has a really weird dream, and in the morning, when he wakes up, he realises he is no longer a human.
Panicked about his sudden change in appearance, he calls work sick, and hides in his room trying to do research. He realises he has been turned into an Animutant. He reads about all the horrible stuff that happens to Animutants in places where they’re not allowed to be, like his city. 
Sun runs away from home.
After days of dodging cities he’s not allowed to enter, he finally arrives at a small village which claims itself to be Animutant friendly. He tries to book a room from the motel in the village, but his ID doesn’t match his face, and he’s denied the stay. 
Before he continues looking for a place to stay he is stopped by a woman, who asks if he's a friend of the (Surname missing) family, because his facial features remind her of their son, who was born as an Animutant. 
“That poor family,” she said. 
Sun gets the address of the house and rings their doorbell. If they had decided to keep their son, maybe they wouldn’t mind him staying over for a night or two if he pays them. 
Moondrop opens the door, and Sun is immediately taken back by his pretty pretty eyes. A bit of an awkward first meeting, just like in the original story, and Moon’s mother invites Sunrise to come in. 
Moon’s parents let Sun stay over, and he tells them about his issue of suddenly turning into an Animutant despite being born human. Moon’s parents don’t think he is lying, but tell him about this Animutant traveller who stopped in their village about 10 years ago, who was also born human but turned into an Animutant overnight. They said the traveller had been rumoured to settle somewhere in the mountains, but no one knew exactly where. 
Moon was going to be sent to the mountains to work for this “mage” after his 21st birthday. Because getting money as an Animutant was a difficult thing, most parents who kept their children would usually send them to work to another family and get the money from it, and Moon, who clearly loved his parents, wanted to support them financially. 
Sun learns that Moon was homeschooled by his mother, because Animutants were not allowed to attend schools. I think Moon also had an older sibling, and their family had a lot of cats. Sun is so taken by the difference between his own father, and Moon’s parents, who were supportive and not even a little bit abusive to their son, who wasn’t even human. 
Sun gets to stay with them until September, when Moon turns 21 and leaves to the mountains. Moon becomes Sun’s first and most important friend during the summer they spend together. Moon’s parents wrote a letter to the mage for the boys to take with them, asking him to let Sun stay with the mage until he figures out how to turn back to human. 
The mage approves it, but only if Sun will work for him too, yet refuses to pay Moon’s parents more than originally planned. So Sun works for the shelter and meals. 
Their job is basically to just take care of the house; do firewood, cook, clean, take care of the garden etc. 
In their freetime they explore the mountains, looking for the traveller for answers. Eventually they meet him (it’s Solar!) and get some answers about a some sort of spell casted upon Solar and Sunrise by a goddess of unfortunate souls. Solar said he has given up looking for the goddess to revert the spell, and doesn’t mind his life as it is; a bit lonely at times, yes, but at least no one bothers him. 
Eventually Sun and Moon finally get a hold of this goddess (the details how exactly they did that are missing). When she asks Sun if he truly wishes to return to his life as a human and get back to the city, Sun becomes hesitant. As much as he has tried to pursue his goal to return to being human, he has also been given a life he would’ve never been able to have as a human. And he has fallen in love. 
He needs to choose between his own humanity, or staying with Moon. 
He chooses the latter. 
At the end of the dream, they got married! What a wonderful ending! :D
If I ever decide to write an original book, this is the story I’m going for. 
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denjirv · 2 years
*♡∞:。.Bodyguard .。:∞♡*
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Aki Hayakawa assigned to look after Makima's sibling that he didn't even knew she had
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ A/N: HAHAH I'M SORRY DENJI but I was in a weird aki writing mood maybe you'll get a chance. It’s a bit rushed but the growing Aki stuff on my feed is making me write this
Also no CW purely sfw and reader is gn (︶。︶)👍🏼 with maybe very minor CSM spoilers cause reader’s powers as slightly similar with Makimas
"I'll be trusting you two to look after someone for me" Makima the ever poised and elegant woman as she is looks over at the two boys. "They've recently were looking into joining the Safety Division. I trust you two can look after them?"
Denji, the ever obedient dog was willing enough to do whatever the lady said. "Leave it to me, Miss Makima!" it's as if his tail was wagging when she gave a short smile and nod, but turning to Aki her aura changes. "I assigned you and Denji with a easier mission, just show them how things work around here while I'll be heading to Kyoto later on for a meeting"
"I'll do my best." the straight lace man said as sudden footsteps start to get closer. "Oh, and here they are". Opening the door was you, in a slightly big button up and dress pants as you adjust your tie. "I can't wait for my first day!" You had such a bright spirit and the room felt like it was lightening up.
As the three looked over to you Aki and Denji's face were taken back at what you said next. "I'll make you proud, big sis!"
Big sis?
Big sis?
Denji was almost at a lost for words. Big sister? That means two makimas! He thought as his grin appears back onto his face. "Thank you, now you three better head off now" Without even a single word from Aki you pulled them out of your dear sister's office.
He was confused for the duration of the car ride. Since when? And she didn't even mentioned to him off passing. Aki just drove in silence as you and Denji talk your head off about how cool and kind Makima was.
But as they make it to a stoplight. He looks closer, you do sort of looked like her. Maybe it's the eyes he thought- the same hypnotic eyes that captured him. But he didn't say anything as a few minutes later they made it to the location you were suppose to be. “We’re here, (Y/N) I need you to stay back while we take care of the situation” He didnt wanna risk you getting hurt. You were use to this treatment though- treated like a item that could break. It’s how people have always treated you considering who your big sister is everyone makes sure they give you the same treatment. “It’s ok, I can handle myself”  You step forward as Aki just looked at you, completely shocked but sighs as he guided the three of you. “I heard you can transform into a chainsaw is that correct?” You look over at the blonde boy as he grins. “Yeah! It’s a pain in the ass cause I lose blood too but it’s fuckin awesome!” You giggle as Aki glances at the two of you.  “Denji watch your language” Aki glares at Denji, something akin to what a mother would to her misbehaving child. “Awh come on now, I don’t mind you guys loosening around me a bit. You’re lucky im not as strict as my sister” You laugh as Aki turned away. He didn’t say much but his cheeks got warm.  You’re Makima’s sibling after all so he suppose the charming personality carries on the family. His mind and feet stop at its track when he see’s the devil. It was white and looked as if it’s been mashed. Luckily it looked about the average size of weak devil as Aki draws his sword.  “Ewww it’s looking at us!” Denji stuck his tongue out in disgust as the mutiple eyes spotted the devil hunters. Immediately it cries out as it spits out some type of acidic liquid from what looks like to be its mouth. Dissolving whatever that was there before it’s range and aim was fast and quick.  When you went over to try attacking the devil with the given weapon you have which was an axe that from what denji told you he use to use. You grip onto it tightly as Denji distracted the devil and you were able to slice of a chunk of it. Beginners luck I suppose you thought but that was cut short when the acid squirted to your direction as you dodged it, running away as you kept on slicing as much as you could  But then unfortunate luck has it your hand slipped and the axe was sent flying with it being disintegrated by the acid. You stumble back from the force of your arm swinging the axe as you try getting back up. Your body starts to feel weak in the current moment as you managed to get up but started feeling you feet slip on the ground.  You didn’t even notice it but the acid was spitting to your direction. But before you could react Aki ran towards you and pushed you over, grazed with a burn mark on his shoulder with his suit jacket getting melted. The two of you fell to the ground. “You ok?” Aki ask with his chest heaving from the adrenaline. Sweat dripping from his forehead as he looks down at you.  From this angle he looked attractive. Maybe its the way his hair strands fell over his face, maybe it’s the fact he’s on top of you or even its just him saving you alone that made your heart pound. “Y..Yeah I’m ok” You just stared but not before Aki gets back up to fight the devil.  As Aki could only managed to slice off some of its parts. Denji in return transforming into his devil form and in all of it’s glory you watched as the devil starts attacking. Denji gets hit tho with the acid starting to melt off his blade, But Aki was dealing with it worse as the more he cuts up the devil the more of it’s smaller pieces form into new ones.   Even when he called for Kon, watching as the fox ate it but before spitting it back up with blood and acid coming from its mouth. For something so weak it must be holding tons of strength. Aki was about to go back but you placed and hand on his shoulder.  “Let me do it” You looked over at him as Aki brows furrowed. “You’re gonna get hurt, I’m not allowing that”. You sigh but then walk pass Aki who started to protest. “Get back here! If you get hurt then I’ll-” He didn’t get to finished but with the devil contract you have you point to the devil. Closing one eye you aim you finger at the devil before making a snapping motion and instantly the devil gets sliced into multiple pieces.  Though seeing how it kept multiplying into more smaller versions of the devil Aki draws his Katana. “(Y/N) I don’t think thats gonna work” You didn’t say anything though you just watched as this invisible blade cuts through the devils until whatever’s left of it is dead. The amount of blood and pieces flew everywhere as the devil’s ability stopped.  “That should take care of it” Unlike Makima, Aki was never allowed to see Makima’s abilities due to her contract. Denji was in awwh, though Aki’s admiration to your abilities was not visible Denji’s certainly was as the boy started getting all giggly as he starts talking about how cool you were.  “Mash potato devil!” You were cheery enough to report the type of devil you fought. “How odd, well what’d you think of the job? Considering to join?” She tilted her head as you went on. “As long as im part of Mr. Hayakawa’s team then im sold! It was so cool watching him fight that devil!”  Aki’s face was turning red the more you were gushing over him. Even if Denji was getting a bit jealous of the praise you were giving Aki Makima was happy enough to see you smile. “Ah then, I’ll allow it. I trust that Aki did well when looking after you?”  “He really did gave it his all” You glanced at him with a sweet smile. So very sweet his throat tightened a bit as he looked away. “I’m only doing my part” He of course says otherwise, ever the humble Hayakawa. “He saved me, I could’ve been dead if it wasn’t from him” The flow of praise never left your mouth as you kept on fueling more and more of his ego.  “Well aren’t you a hero, Hayakawa?” Makima teases as she watches Aki clear his throat. He was mumbling something in-cohesive but whatever it might be you just giggled at him. Maybe this time he doesn’t mind adding in another member to his team. 
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