#you seemed so upset that I wanted to give my reply a lot of thought
cookinguptales · 2 years
I am so disappointed...
I really loved a lot of the things this season : Nadja personal project with the night club, Laszlo and Colin relationship as dad / son figures, Nandor being nicer to Guillermo, Guillermo having more confidence and getting closer to his family (his coming out moment obviously)
I mean some stuffs were annoying : from the get go I wasn't pleased with the 1 year ellipse... And all the unaddressed bomb they dropped (the taboo about vampire sleeping with slayers, the add on to the dick wish, colin hammering walls and OF COURSE Marwa ugging and kissing Guillermo after the infamous wish)
I, like at lot of people was horrified by what have been happening to Marwa and really hopped that AT LEAST she would be set free by Nandor with one of the additional wishes and that would be a big learning moment / character development for Nandor...
But this episode ? Was horrible. Through and through.
What they did to Marwa was unfathomable. It was not funny. At it developed nothing except make Guillermo suffer in an horrible cruel and unnecessary way.
Yeah Guillermo and Freddie could not last, because of many many reasons. And I think it would have been better (and funnier ) if the reason that it broke off was that Boring Bland Freddie was too freaked out by the madness of the household, or if Guillermo, when having Freddie actually surrounded by the household realised that he actually is boring and was only enticing in London far far from his usual (and chosen) life.
Or like I saw, Freddie realising that Guillermo have been lying and manipulating him and "Do I actually know you ? Or just the character you built for me ?" (He definitely created a character)
You know what would have been better ? Freddie freaking out that Guillermo called Nandor master and making a big scene out of it. Maybe spilling the beans about their sex life (or lack thereof) in front of a tomato red Guillermo and cackling Nandor. There . Way funnier. Way less cruel
The worst is that I am SO SAD that it was that horrible. Like I am mad but sad that I have a reason to be mad because I love the show and the characters so much ...
This is fairly long and I want to answer it thoroughly, so I'll just go point-by-point.
First, before I start, I get it. I'm also feeling just... really bummed out this week. I get that it's really just one episode that I vehemently didn't like, but it does have long-lasting implications for the show and its writing. It kind of retroactively puts a pall over the rest of the season. I'm really sorry to hear how upset you are, but I do get it.
To start with, yes, I also loved a lot of things about this season. I loved Baby Colin opening up the parts of Laszlo and Guillermo that were damaged by their own childhoods. I loved Nadja's glee at getting her vampire club. I loved The Night Market and Go Flip Yourself. I thought the Djinn was such a cool character, even if I didn't love the way the wishes were eventually used. I loved Guillermo getting closer to Nadja and coming out to his family.
But... yeah... There were some writing decisions that worried me from the very beginning, and that one-year gap was the biggest one. It's a lot of time for this show, and it worried me that they didn't immediately start engaging with what happened during it. I kept thinking they'd return to it and give it the thought it needed, but... that didn't happen. And I think we kind of learned through "Freddie" that maybe they didn't really have that much of a plan for what happened during that year. And that sucks to realize.
But I kept thinking everything would be well resolved somehow until the minute the Marwa thing dropped and it was like oh no. Like you, I was really, deeply upset by that storyline. There's a cruelty to it and a casual disregard for the character, and the unfortunate implications are... really, truly unfortunate. (The consent issues, the nightmare fuel of the mindfucking, only allowing a character to pursue their dreams after they get replaced by a white dude who really gets to pursue his dreams, etc.) I don't think those things were intended, but the fact that they never actually thought through the implications of what they were doing is genuinely worrying. It seems like someone in the writing room should've been like "WHOA now."
I, too, think that there were ways to deal with Freddie that would've been funnier and more true to the characterizations and themes they've been alluding to all season. All the things you've said are good ideas that I would've enjoyed more, and it would have made things more character-driven rather than just another creepy magical deus ex machina. I would have loved Freddie realizing that Guillermo was a little freak or Guillermo realizing that normal, boring Freddie couldn't satisfy him. I would have loved it if their very different lives divided them, or if Freddie had encountered some of the more fucked up parts of Guillermo's life. (Not... the way he did.)
I did not love what we got!
So.. in the end, I get it. I think I am also feeling more sad than mad. I kind of feel like I lost something I loved, haha. And I mean... I'm still gonna watch the show. But I know I'm always gonna have to offer caveats when I rec it to people now. I'm never going to have just unfettered joy for the entire show again. And worst of all, I'm never going to be able to just trust that they'll get it right again. And that really does suck. :(
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theonottwife · 5 months
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theodore nott x hufflepuff reader
summary: in which cormac mclaggen hurts theo’s precious girlfriend
warnings: S/A, protective!theo, violence, fluff, blood, i also didn’t proof read.
things with you and theo had been off for the past week and you couldn’t quite put your finger on what was going on. you had barley spoke with him but when you did, it was only brief and cold. it seemed as if he was avoiding you. which made you upset, really upset.
it was a rainy saturday night at hogwarts, but for the past couple of weeks the rain was a normal occurrence. you sat in the hufflepuff common room staring at the ceiling bored out of your bloody mind. all you wanted to do was lay in theo’s arms by the fire but with his sudden mood change you worried he wasn’t interested in seeing you. so you decided to go to the library and study for a bit.
as you walked into the dimly lit library you noticed a few familiar faces separated along the library , enzo berkshire, cormac mclaggen, hermione granger. enzo immediately spotted you and gave you a welcoming smile.
“y/n hey!” he started.
“oh hi enzo!” you replied.
“how have you been?” he questioned.
to be honest you hadn’t been good. you couldn’t get the thought of theo’s bizarre behavior out of your head.
“well i don’t know, things with me and theo just haven’t been the same as they used to.” you admitted.
enzo looked down, almost like he knew something you didn’t.
“y/n” theo started.
you waited patiently for a response from enzo.
“theo has just been going through a lot of stuff. i mean you know his parents, they’re not like yours y/n. he’s just got a lot going on and doesn’t know how to properly express his emotions. he thought it might be best to just distance himself from you, he doesn’t want to hurt you y/n.”
your heart sunk thinking of your beloved boyfriend in pain. all you wanted to do was comfort him and make him feel better and the thought of him not wanting you around made your eyes water.
“it’s not your fault y/n. he’s doing this to protect you” enzo ensured.
you shook your head, all of your pain was bottled up inside you and was ready to explode.
“just let me see him.” you pleaded, now a tear had fallen down your cheek.
“it’s for the best, you’ll only get yourself hurt trying to talk to him.” he states.
“are you fucking serious enzo, he’s my boyfriend and he’s in pain and not being able to do anything about that breaks my heart.” you confess angrily, trying to keep your voice down in the quiet library.
“i’m sorry y/n i think he just needs to be left alone right now. i really am sorry”
at this point you had tears streaming down your face. you had to get out of here and calm down.
“well tell him i miss him.” you said quietly before walking out of the library with your head down. you didn’t know where you were going as you walked down an empty corridor but you just needed to clam down.
finally you found an empty bench at the end of an old hallway. you put your head against your knees. you couldn’t stop crying. you really did miss theo and what hurt the most was you couldn’t even see him.
a few minutes passed and a hand began to rub your back. your heart began to beat faster and faster, thinking it was theo. you looked up to see cormac mclaggen and cried even more.
“y/n it’s alright im here.” he gave you a soft smile as he continued rubbing your back.
“what’s got you so upset baby?”
baby. that’s what theo called you .
“t-theo” you begin.
“i just can’t do it anymore. something’s terribly wrong with him and i can’t even be there for him.” you confess as you begin to calm down.
cormac’s hands move down from your back, now approaching your thighs. his touch didn’t feel so friendly anymore.
you scrunch your eyebrows at him. “look cormac, just because theo has me upset doesn’t mean he’s not my boyfriend.” you snap.
“maybe i can give you a good reason as to why he shouldn’t be your boyfriend. he doesn’t deserve a pretty little thing like you, baby.” he smirks
“stop it.”
his hands began to move further down and he inserts his fingers inside your pussy.
tears threaten your eyes once again, this time your eyes are laced with fear.
“fucking stop.” you repeated as you attempt to get off the bench. he pulls you down by the waste and pushes you against him.
“cmon baby.” he laughs while moving his fingers deeper inside you.
your once again crying. your fucking whimpering. you just want theo.
cormac starts kissing your neck and moves his free hand tight around your left breast, squeezing it.
“someone help me! please!” you yell.
“shut the fuck up. let me fucking touch you like the bloody whore you are.” he covers your mouth as his fingers move faster under your yellow dress.
but to your luck you hear footsteps around the corner.
hermione granger looks at the scene infront of her and drops her mouth. finally cormac lets go of you as he runs away.
your knees drop to the floor as you sob even more.
hermione runs over to you and holds you in her arms.
“y/n i’m so so sorry.”
“that dirty fuck. you didn’t deserve that.” she whispers.
you can’t stop crying. the thought of cormac haunts you.
“let’s get you up y/n, okay? i can take you up to your dorm, wherever you want.” she says as she picks you up off the ground and holds your hand.
you nod.
as you walked past the library, enzo see’s you and runs over.
“look y/n im really sorry about theo, i didn’t know it would upset you that much.” he freaks out.
“enzo.” hermione starts as she looks at your who’s looking down.
“this isn’t about theo anymore. something happened.” she whispers.
theo’s face drops.
“what do you mean something happened?” he raises his voice.
hermione looks back at you again and shakes her head out of empathy.
“hermione tell me what the fuck happened!” enzo shouts.
“it was cormac.” she admits.
you begin crying more, hearing that awful name.
“cmon y/n.” enzo whispers as he grabs your hand taking you to the slyterhin dormitory.
once you arrive in the dark green dormitory you receive concerned looks from slytherins all around. enzo takes you up to theo’s room and barges in.
“what the fuck you fucking-“ theo shouts as he turns around.
sobs escape you as you lock eyes with him. his dark eyes turn soft as he sees you in such a vulnerable state.
“baby.” he speaks softly as he runs to give you a hug.
oh how you missed sweet theo.
“baby. what’s wrong? i’m sorry baby i know i haven’t been a good boyfriend im really sorry.”
you just stay in his arms and say nothing.
“baby talk to me. what happened?
no repsonse.
“enzo what the fuck happened” he demands.
“it was cormac mclaggen.” he says calmly, trying to keep theo’s cool. theo grits his teeth.
you grab theo tighter.
“what the fuck did he do to my princess!” he yells.
he lifts your chin up.
“baby, what did he do?” he asks with soft eyes.
“h-he fingered me and i told him to s-stop.” you start to cry more.
“b-but he held me down, a-and i couldn’t l-leave.”
a flip switches in theo. he takes a deep breath.
“bloody fucking hell.” he screams as he slams the door to his room open and runs out of the dormitory.
enzo runs over to you and holds you while theo makes his way to the gryffindor dormitory.
he sees hermione approaching the fat lady portrait, opening the door.
“hermione where the fuck is cormac.” theo says lowly.
hermione only points upstairs to his room, knowing damn well what’s about to happen.
theo runs up the stairs and arrives the door and slams it open. cormac turns around and his eyes go wide.
“you motherfucker!” theo yells as he tackles cormac to the floor.
“don’t you ever fucking touch her, look at her, breathe near her again” he shouts as he punches cormac multiple times in the face.
cormac doesn’t respond.
theo continues to punch cormac.
“do you fucking hear me you sick fuck. i’m gonna kill you, dirty piece of shit!” theo shouts louder.
cormac only nods, not being able to speak.
“say you fucking understand!” theo demands.
“i-i under s-stand.” cormac whispers.
theo grabs cormac’s face and begins slamming it into the floorboard continuously. blood drips everywhere.
cormacs roommate runs in and grabs theo’s shoulders.
“your gonna kill him mate, leave him alone.” he pleads.
“i’m trying to fucking kill him” theo confesses through gritted teeth.
hermione walks in.
“please theo, y/n needs you right now. cormac isn’t worth your time with her.” she says softly.
theo thinks about you and decides she’s right.
“this isn’t over mclaggen.” theo spits as he leaves the dorm room.
once theo arrives back to the slytherin dormitory he runs upstairs to see you patiently waiting for him in his bed.
you look at him. sweaty, panting, but what you really noticed was the blood all over him.
“baby, let me wash my hands then we can cuddle.”
theo washes his hands and takes off his button up and pants and gets in bed with you.
he snakes his arm around your waist and plays with yiur hair. you finally calm down. you finally feel safe.
“im so sorry baby, ill never ever let anything like that happen to you again. it’s all my fault i should’ve been there for you instead of acting like an asshole.” he whispers softly.
“theo shh.” you whisper.
he goes silent for a little while.
“your safe with me. okay baby? i’m always here.” he holds you tight.
“i love you theo.” you smile for the first time since it all happened.
“i love you so fucking much baby. you should’ve seen fucking mclaggen i almost killed the bitch for you.” he smiled.
theo was your other half. you were theo’s other half. theo kept you safe. you kept him happy. theo kept you happy. you kept him safe.
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beabidobi · 3 months
oohooo i saw you asked for ideas
i had this mig x civilian reader where the readers like rlly affectionate and hugs miguel a lot whenever he comes home and is physically affectionate
but like one day maybe through peter or lyla or someone she gets to know miguel normally finds physical touch annoying and she feels guilty
so she doesn’t hug him when he comes home and he’s like ???? but she’s reluctant to do anything for fear of making him uncomfortable or annoyed at her and it goes on for a while and mig is not afraid he’s done something because the only person he truly loves to be physically affectionate with now isn’t doing anything with him
and it’s all resolved because they communicate like good adults 😭😭
ahhh I love this
f!reader x miguel o’hara (although no pronouns are used I don’t think)
warnings: literally just fluff, teeny tiny sprinkle of angst
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You’ve always been a very affectionate person, often wanting to be close to your loved ones as much as you can. Especially your partner Miguel, who you’d give most of your affection to. Kissing his cheek whenever you get the chance, sleeping against his chest and greeting him at the door with a hug whenever he arrived home. He’d return your hug everytime, which you always thought wasn’t just for your own benefit, but for his too. It came a bit of a shock when Peter mentioned he hated physical touch, finding it annoying and a waste of time.
While Peter was showing you pictures of Mayday being reluctantly held by Miguel, you were mostly tuning out his waffling until you catch him say, “But it’s Miguel, he hates people touching him.”
You already knew he could be quite distant sometimes, but you never thought he didn’t like your touchiness. You never once thought it was making him uncomfortable or annoyed, but maybe it was. “He does?”
“Have you met the man? He avoids it like it’s the plague. Apparently it’s a waste of his time.” Peter replies and goes back to scrolling through his photo album of Mayday.
After a long day of saving the multiverse, Miguel was ready to go home to his partner. Ready to indulge in your sweetness and love, which you were always eager to give. So when he arrived home and didn’t hear your footsteps rushing to greet him, he was concerned.
“Amor?” He calls, walking to the living room where your sat on the couch reading a magazine. [Love]
“Hey, how was work?” You ask, glancing up from the book.
Either he’s done something wrong or you’re upset about something else. “Same as usual, are you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, I’m good. Do you want pizza tonight?” You didn’t seem mad at him, but then again you rarely were so he couldn’t tell.
“Sure, I’m going to get changed.” He says, disappearing into the bedroom. He changes into sweats and checks around for something he may have done. You were stocked up on toothpaste, he’d made his side of the bed, he’d even closed the toilet seat.
Miguel returns back to the living room, sitting on the couch next to you, fully expecting you to come and snuggle up to him or sit on his lap, as you usually do. But nothing. You acknowledge he’s there but make no movement.
“Did you order the pizza yet?” He asks.
You simply nod, “Yeah. Did you want something else?”
“No, I’m fine.”
He’s far from fine. He’s sure he’s on the verge of going insane at the distance between you two. “Do you want to watch a movie?” He asks, knowing you always like to lay on his chest when you both watch tv together.
An hour later, the movie credits were rolling and you were still on the opposite side of the couch. You’d eaten and talked to him, but still didn’t come closer and it was killing him.
The final straw was when you both went to bed. You always slept with your head on his chest or spooned against his back with your legs entangled with his, but once again you made no effort to lie in his arms.
“Mi amor, what are you doing?” He asks, lips turned downwards in a frown. [My love]
“I thought we were going to sleep.” You reply, equal confusion written on your face.
“No, I mean why are you not touching me?” He asks, a rare vulnerability in his voice. “Did I do something?”
“What, no!” You exclaim, confusing him even further.
“Then what’s wrong?” You could’ve started bawling at the expression on his face. He truly thought he’d done something wrong, eager to fix it.
“You haven’t done anything, it’s just that, well, I was talking with Peter and he mentioned that you hate physical touch and I was worried you found me overbearing or clingy.” You explain.
“Peter.” Miguel scowls and his voice grows soft as he reaches to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Cariño, you should never listen to that idiot.” [Honey]
“So you don’t hate it?” You ask, relief rushing through you.
“Well, I do, but I’ve never hated it with you.” He says, continuing when your eyebrows furrow. “I’ve always disliked any touch because it’s not comfortable for me, that’s until I met you. I don’t think I can live without your touch, in fact I don’t want to. So can we please go to sleep, with you in my arms?”
You smile softly and nod, “Sorry for being silly.”
He shakes his head, smiling and pulling you into his arms. “Don’t apologise. Moral of the story, don’t listen to anything Peter says.” He grins, dropping a kiss to your head. “Te amo.” [I love you]
You laugh softly, returning the words before drifting off to sleep. “Love you too.”
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reqs open!! ♡︎
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itaipava · 6 months
— f1 boys reacting to their crush setting them up with someone else.
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internally, he would panic; his mind would be racing with a thousand thoughts and questions. he’d act a little interested just to please you, but honestly, he’d only be half-listening to you talking about your friend because he’s too busy staring at your lips. when you’re done, he doesn’t say anything, he just stares at you. he knows he won’t be able to fully confess then and there, but it won’t be more than a few days after he decides to let you know of his feelings for you.
“so, what do you think? will you go on a date with them this weekend?”
“uhm... they seem to be nice but like... i don’t want to, y/n, there’s someone else i like.”
“oh, alright. who?”
the only reply you get is a nonchalant shrug and a very, very deep and a sweet gaze.
he’s little slower to recognize his feelings, so this event might just be what causes him to see things clearer and realize that he likes you more than a friend. he half-reluctantly goes on the date you set up for him and your friend, and although he is polite to your friend the whole time, all he could think about is you. by the end of the night, the first thing he does is call one of his closest friends aka you.
“hey, wanna hear something crazy?... i think i like y/n, as more than a friend.. isn’t that crazy??”
although a little upset, he tries to go along with it. he remains polite but drops hints that he has someone he likes and that his crush is too much of an idiot to notice. basically, he puts up with you playing matchmaker and patiently waits until the end of the day when it’s just the two of you. you’re walking home together in silence when he casually brings up the subject.
“you know, you trying to set me up with your friend - as annoying as it is - isn’t going to make me lose my feelings for you.”
apart from feeling a little awkward, he would be really chill about it. he finds the situation amusing, letting out chuckles and barely sparing a few glances as you show him pictures of your friends on your phone, scrolling one by one. only when you get pouty, he relents and try to give the impression that he’s paying attention. and when you get to the group photos, he casually points at your smiling face in the picture.
“this one is so cute; are they available?”
he would be polite to your friend who you’re trying to set him up with, but even if he tried, his disinterest in them would be so obvious, which would only make the situation more awkward. he would honestly feel all kinds of emotions at the same time: understanding yet hurt because you put him with someone else clearly shows that you don’t feel the same. he would then be honest with you, but accidentally let a confession slip.
“i do appreciate what you’re doing, but i don’t need your help okay? i am capable of finding a date myself...i think.”
“then why haven’t you?”
“because i’m trying to move on from you first, y/n...”
this would put him in such an awkward position. he’s also frustrated because he has his own plans as to how and when he would confess but you trying to set him up with someone else would make him not want to wait any longer. a lot of nervous laughter that he tries to mask as genuine laughter;
“you know what would make this whole situation even more awkward? me confessing how much i like you and that you setting me up with your friend is kinda breaking my heart...”
“well— wait what?”
“what? no no. i mean... you know what, no. no, that is exactly what i mean.”
he’s in denial of his feelings for you, which is the only reason why he’s - hesitantly af - agreed to go on a date with your friend. this pushes him to come to terms with how he feels about you. and, reluctantly, he tries to make it clear that he only has eyes for you, so when you confront him about what happened between him and your friend, he just rolls his eyes and starts to say his ‘ideal type’
“yeah right but what’s the difference between your ideal type and my friend? c’mon max, she’s perfect for you!”
“don’t be a idiot, my ideal type is you, and only you. do you want me to draw?”
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hotteoki · 1 year
getting into an argument with skz (hyung line)
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warnings: slamming doors (does that count as violence?), lots of swearing, regular angst, fluff-ish making up at the end
notes: i was feeling like some angst except i haven't written it in a long time so uh it's a bit shit el oh el + idk if i want to write maknae line cause i wouldn't even know how to write for felix LIKE THAT MAN IS AN ANGEL
©️ strayedstars | do not repost
chan (방찬)
chan was stressed, it was obvious to anyone. he didn't get angry often, nor does he get upset with people easily, but the deadlines and pressure had been getting to him lately. you did everything you could to help him, from making his favourite food every day to taking him out for dinner, and he made sure to let you know how grateful he was for those.
today, however, when chan stepped through the door, you hadn't noticed how he seemed more closed off when you asked how his day was, or how he didn't give you any form of greeting. it was when you stood up from your seated position on the couch, did you feel the tension radiating off of him. you approached him cautiously, fearing that if you said the wrong things, it would aggravate him even more.
worried, you placed a gentle hand on his arm, "chan, is everything okay-" he pushed your hand off immediately, replying with a short 'i'm fine.' "are you sure? you know you can always talk to-" he inhaled deeply, "oh my fucking- yes i'm sure. i clearly don't want to fucking talk to you, so why are you still pressing me? it's like you just don't fucking listen to me. you’re so damn clingy sometimes." there was a deathly silence. you could tell he didn't mean for his words to come out so harshly, but it hurt all the same.
chan, seemingly in disbelief by his own words as much as you, opened his mouth to apologise, but closed it. you weren’t even sure what hurt you more; the fact that he yelled at you, or that he couldn’t even be bothered to apologise. "what the fuck," you whispered out. still processing his words, you wordlessly made your way to the bedroom and closed the door, hurt and slightly embarrassed. you heard his callings of your name, but you ignored them, just wanting to give him, and yourself, some space. never would you have thought your own boyfriend would be the one to make you cry.
you stirred awake. mind still fuzzy, you tried to remember what happened before you went to sleep. right. chan. you sat up, now slightly more awake. looking down, you were confused at the fact that you were holding your wolf chan plushie you lost a while back, and you definitely would not have had time to charge your phone, so what- oh.
squinting your eyes, you finally acknowledged chan sitting by the edge of the bed, his slouched back facing you. had you forgotten to lock the door? contemplating whether you should go up to him or not, you knew the two of you had to talk about it sooner or later. switching on the bedside light and crawling over until you were side to side with him, you sat with your legs crossed, your warm hands wrapped around your ankles.
you turned your head to look at him, stifling your laughter. chan had fallen asleep while sitting down, presumably thinking about the situation. shaking him awake, he blinked his eyes slowly, adjusting to the dim light from behind the two of you. you weren't sure if it was because of the witching hour, or because you simply weren't mad at him at all, but you found yourself leaning your head against his shoulder.
"i'm so sorry, angel," chan breathed out, voice shaky. "i know," you responded simply. "no, you don't get it," he stood, only to kneel down on the cold bedroom floor in front of you. he reached for your hands, rubbing circles soothingly over the back of your hand, "i'm so, so, sorry. i was in a bad mood, and i took it out on you, and you didn't deserve a second of it. i'm so incredibly sorry."
chan's head dipped down, and you could faintly see his teardrops staining his joggers. "chan," you called his name gently. his bloodshot eyes looked up to meet yours. you freed one of your hands from his grasp to place on his wet cheeks, smiling at how he instinctively leaned into your touch, "it's okay. i forgive you." he but only sobbed more, "i don't deserve you."
you knew that right now, no matter what you say, he would never forgive himself, so you opted to guide him back on his feet, leading him under the warm duvets, "let's just sleep for now, okay? we'll talk more tomorrow."
minho (민호)
minho was trying really hard to be patient with you. he really was, but you kept forgetting which brand of treats were soonie's favourite, or which pet dish is doongie's, or where to place dori's favourite toys, and it was getting on his nerves. he knew you weren't doing this on purpose, you had a lot on your mind, but, really, was it that hard to remember a few extra things?
it was the fourth time in the past week that you've asked him if the cats have had their dinner yet. minho had already had a rough day at work, with the others being uncoordinated and him losing his phone, and your 'hey min, they've had dinner already, right?' made him snap.
he felt a hot wave of anger wash over him, without meaning to, he began spatting words out, "yes, they've had their dinner. we have a schedule for their meals, what part of a schedule do you not understand? if you could just use your head for once, maybe you'll fucking remember something!" in the heat of the moment, you retorted, crossing your arms, "i could say the same to you! you never put your shit together, your clothes are always on the floor, i always have to clean up for you! maybe for once, you should be the one using your head!"
minho groaned, running a hand through his messy hair, "give me a fucking break, will you? you're so exasperating." swallowing thickly, you managed out, "fine, you want a fucking break? have a fucking break." making your way to your bedroom, him following along, refusing to let you walk away. you went straight into the room, slamming the door shut in his face and locking it. "fine! have it your way!" minho yelled, hitting his fist against the door once, storming out the house.
it had been exactly 3 hours and 28 minutes since the fight. minho knew only because he kept checking his phone every 2 minutes to see if there were any notifications from you. he wasn't even sure why he was checking in the first place, he should be the one apologising, not you.
pocketing his phone, he stood up from his seat on the bench in a nearby park. slowly but surely, minho made his way back, only praying that you were still there. rummaging for his keys in front of the door, his heart all but stung more at the heart keychain with both of your names on it along with your anniversary.
creaking the door open, minho's heart dropped at the silence that greeted him. he called out your name once, then twice. practically running up to your shared bedroom, he rattled the doorknob. still locked. his heart pounded over fear that something had happened to you.
holding back to the urge to cry in frustration, minho began rapidly banging on the door, "please, please, please, open up the door!" the door finally cracked open, your tired, red-rimmed eyes blinking hazily up at him. "you're okay? you're okay!" minho pushed the door open all the way, examining your body all around before pulling you close to his chest, wrapping his arms around you securely.
"why didn't you answer?!" he nearly yelled. you, still bleary, rubbed your eyes, "i was sleeping. w-why are you here? i thought you left?" minho almost burst into tears right then and there, burying his face in your hair, "oh love, i'm never ever leaving you again. i'm so fucking sorry. i'm so, so, so, fucking sorry. i promise you, i'll do so much better."
changbin (창빈)
you knew the pain in changbin's right leg from an injury at the gym had been irritating him for the past few weeks, rendering him barely able to do anything without wanting to scream in frustration. you had been helping him a lot, from carrying his bags to picking up things when he had dropped them.
you made sure changbin was as comfortable as he could be, especially considering how moody he was acting the entire day. he had refused to leave the bed, which was extremely unlike him. normally, even if he was in a horrible mood, he would still get up and go about his day, claiming that if he didn't, he would be 'wasting the precious moments of life'.
you knocked on the bedroom door gingerly before opening it up a crack, not sure if he was awake or not. changbin was sat up straight, leaning against the headboard, scrolling on his phone. smiling, slightly relieved you hadn't disturbed his sleep, you opened the door full, "hey binnie, how are you feel-" "oh my- i'm okay, leave me alone. you don't have to keep babying me 24/7, it's so irritating." with a final look, his eyes turned back to his phone, ignoring your presence. to say you were shocked at his outburst was an understatement.
"are you serious?" you raised an eyebrow, "i have been taking care of you all week and this is how you thank me?" scoffing, he continued to avoid your glare, "i didn't ask you to." realising that he wasn’t going to apologise any time soon, you cast aside your surprise, honestly wanting to leave as quickly as you could. pursing your lips, you set the glass of water you had been holding on the bedside drawer along with a new charger that he had been complaining for, and left the room promptly. you could only hope changbin would reflect on his words.
it was only minutes later when changbin called out your name once from the bedroom. you paused the movie playing on the television, contemplating whether you should ignore him or not. you were just about to pick up the remote again when you heard a loud thud.
without hesitating, you ran up to the bedroom, opening the door. changbin sat on the floor, clutching his leg, wincing at the pain. "what the hell did you do?" he remained silent. you immediately hoisted him back up to sit by the edge of the bed, kneeling in front to check for any bruises. sure enough, a purple spot was beginning to form on his shin.
sighing, you sat next to him on the bed, waiting for his answer. changbin sniffed, "i was trying to get up and go apologise to you, but i fell off the bed." giving him a small smile, you rubbed his thigh comfortingly. you weren't exactly sure how to respond.
sucking in a deep breathe, changbin began, "i'm really sorry for, you know, what i said earlier. i was being ungrateful, and i'm genuinely so sorry. i don't know what came over me, i just-" he was rushing his words. you rubbed his back, "no, i get it. i know you'd never hurt anyone intentionally." changbin couldn't meet your eyes. "but it still hurt me a lot."
he instantly locked his eyes with yours, "and i promise i will do anything in this world to make it up to you." he held out his pinky. you laughed, linking your pinky with his and pressing your thumbs together. "you can't break it now," you teased. "i won't." that was one of the most genuine things you'd ever heard changbin say.
hyunjin (현진)
hyunjin was experiencing an artist block. this didn't happen often, but when it did, it stuck for a long time; everything he drew looked wrong, it was either the shadows were in the wrong place, or the colour looked a little off, or the entire thing was just not what he pictured in general. letting out a groan, he rubbed his face was his free hand, feeling a headache coming along.
slamming his paintbrush down on the canvas stand, he glared at the blank sheet, like something would magically appear and would cure his annoyance. "hey hyunnie, i'm home!" your voice echoed around the house, and for once, it pissed him off. how are you so carefree and happy while he had to suffer? hyunjin got up from his stool and went to greet you, deciding that you at least deserved one.
"oh hey hyunnie, here's the drink that you've been wanting!" you fished something out of the bag. it was the wrong one. it wasn't the one hyunjin wanted. already irritated, his words came out without him even noticing, "how many times do i have to tell you it's not this one? if you really knew which drink is the one i want, you’d open your eyes and realise it’s not this one. either way, there's a reason why i didn't buy it, do you know how expensive it is?"
before you could interject, he continued on, not able to control what he was saying, "no, of course you don't. you just live in your own little carefree life, right? everything gets done for you, you never have to worry about anything, right?" word vomit. those last comments infuriated you, "carefree? carefree? hyunjin you have no idea how hard i had been working for the past few days! i have a job too, you know? news flash, you're not the only special one!"
hyunjin's heart ached. he never thought about what you might be going through. "yeah, no, if i'm such a bother because of the way i live my life, then maybe i should leave for a bit," you sighed, leaving the kitchen and to the bedroom. hyunjin couldn't even describe the guilt in his chest as he watched you leave.
hyunjin sat outside the bedroom, waiting for you to come out, but also because he was scared. scared that you hated him now. scared that you won't forgive him. scared that you decided that maybe this relationship wasn't worth-
the sound of the door opening cut off his train of thoughts. you peeked out from behind the door, looking down cautiously at him, "what are you doing on the floor?" "i- i just- i don't know," hyunjin sighed, shielding his face away from you. he didn't want you to see him cry.
"hey, hey," you slid down next to him, legs tucked underneath. you reached to hold his wrist, pulling his hand away from his face. his glassy eyes met yours, "i mess everything up." with those words, he broke down. "oh, darling," you pulled him close and held him to your chest, "no you don't." "but i do," he stifled another sob, "i can't draw at all and i yelled at you and now you hate me-" "who said i hated you?" you ran your fingers through his hair.
his body relaxed, and hyunjin found himself leaning into your hold subconsciously. "couples have fights every now and then, and that's normal, hyunnie. and yes, you did yell at me, but so did i. as for your paintings, i'm sure you just need some motivation, and i'll help you find it." he pulled himself away slightly, tilting up to meet your forgiving smile. you'd never looked more beautiful in his eyes. "you. i want to paint you."
for @minvho @hyunverse @felixore @alyszaen and them only
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zepskies · 6 months
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Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x F. Reader, Ben and daughter!OC
Summary: Ben spends the day alone with his daughter, to varying degrees of success. When you get home, it prompts a serious conversation.
AN: Another one-shot for the BMD-verse, set sometime after "Until Morning" (you'll see). This can be read as standalone as well!
Word Count: 2,500 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Father and daughter fluff, followed by husband and wife spice.~
Read more of the BMD-verse! ⤵️
💚 Break Me Down Masterlist
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Father and daughter were glaring at one another, gazes locked.
Green against green.
“Young lady, I’m telling you right now. I’m not gonna tolerate any more of your little attitude,” said Ben. “If you want to try me, be my guest.”
He held the ravioli poised on a pink plastic spoon. His daughter Lila sat in her highchair in the kitchen, boldly refusing any more of her lunch.
Her stubborn face reminded him entirely too much of you. But he needed her to eat. He wouldn’t have it said when you came home that he couldn’t feed a damn two-year-old.
He huffed. “Work with me here. Just a couple more bites.”
Lila made a shrill sound of refusal when the spoon came near her face. He knew she could use a spoon just fine. She was being difficult on purpose.
To demonstrate her resolve, she slapped at the ravioli with a chubby little hand, and it ended up splashing back into the bowl. A bit of red sauce splattered onto Ben’s cheek, with a pinch of it hitting his eye.
He blinked in annoyance. “Delilah Marie, I swear to Christ—”
She’s just a baby, a voice that sounded a lot like you infiltrated his mind. It still didn’t take away his aggravation.
“No!” Lila insisted. It was her favorite word, right behind Bluey.
She then pushed the bowl right off the highchair. It spilled ravioli and pasta sauce all over the floor in spectacular fashion. Ben was sitting in his own chair by the dining table, where he moved his feet back at the last moment. She almost got his Italian loafers.
“You gotta be f…” It took every scrap of patience within him to hold his tongue…and breathe calmly through his nose. He didn’t want to reward this destructive, disrespectful behavior, but he also knew that he needed his daughter to eat.
“Want some applesauce?” he said, as a peace offering.
Lila’s face scrunched.
“No applesauce, huh?” Ben muttered. He glanced at the mess across the highchair and the formerly white tile on the floor. “Your mother’s gonna have a conniption.”
“Mommy?” Lila asked. “Mommy’s home?”
“No, she’s not here right now,” Ben replied. “She’ll be home later.”
Lila seemed to understand, because that’s when she got upset again. Her red-stained finger drew a shapeless form in the sauce as she pouted. At least she wasn’t crying.
Ben sighed, once again, and stroked her cheek with his thumb.
Fuck it.
“You want some ice cream?” he bribed.
Her sadness dissipated at the thought; she smiled brightly and nodded. “Yeah!”
“Yeah, I thought so,” he grumbled.
After a scoop of strawberry ice cream for each of them (she liked it because it was pink), Ben wrangled her up out of the highchair and declared, bath time.
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He did fine with the bathing process. He’d helped you with this before, and so he knew what to do in order to wash the sauce off her face, hands, and even her hair. It was what came after the bath that remained a problem.
Lila was stubborn beyond belief, even before she could articulate what it was about the soft green onesie that she didn’t like. No, she wasn’t satisfied until Ben pulled out the yellow Starlight themed pajamas. Probably because they had “Auntie Annie’s” face all over them.
He rolled his eyes, but this wasn’t a hill he needed to die on. He dressed Lila and tried to tuck her into bed for her afternoon nap. The problem was, she refused to lie still in the crib.
Instead, she was bouncing on the balls of her feet, using the edge of the crib for balance. He’d be impressed, if she wasn’t trying to climb out and give him a small heart attack.
He grabbed her and gathered her against his chest. Despite the super strength you’d temporarily displayed off and on throughout your pregnancy, Lila’s powers were latent at the moment. Dr. Baker seemed to think Lila would start to display them once she got old enough. Like Ryan, who hadn’t started growing into his powers until around 10 years old.
So for now, Lila was a mostly normal two-year-old who could still get hurt.
Ben frowned. “This is the time you usually go down. Why do you have so much energy?”
She just giggled at him and put both hands on his face, over his eyes.
“Daddy, guess who?”
He sighed, but couldn’t help smiling. As usual, he indulged her.
“Could it be my baby girl?”
He waited until her hands came away from his eyes, and he opened them wide.
“There she is!”
She squealed and giggled and grabbed his hair when he kissed her cheek. In the comfort of his own home, he could afford to be this openly affectionate.
Aw shit, he thought, as something occured to him.
He finally realized why she was so fucking hyper. Maybe it had something to do with the giant scoop of ice cream she’d had for lunch.
Goddamn it. Ben sighed and unwrapped her arm from around his head.
“Okay, let’s watch some TV.”
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Lila didn’t seem all that interested in watching anything, or even playing with her toys. She mainly wanted to jump on Ben’s stomach while he was trying to relax on the couch. He put on a football game you taped for him. Or recorded, as you'd said.
“All right, enough. Your old man’s trying to watch the game,” Ben said, bringing Lila down to sit in lap.
That lasted for about two seconds. Thereafter, she was climbing up his chest and trying to smother him with her little hands.
He took her hand from his nose so he could at least breathe in peace.
“Where’s Mommy?” Lila asked, as she sat on his shoulder and beat a little fist on the top of his head.
“She’s with your aunt,” Ben replied. “Well, not your real one, the fake one.”
Lila made a sound of confusion. Realizing that she didn’t know what the hell he meant, he rephrased.
“She’s with your Aunt Annie. They’ll be back soon,” he said.
He didn’t mind you wanting a day out to yourself. What he minded was the attitude you’d struck when he suggested dropping Lila off with Louisa, your actual sister.
“What, you can’t handle her alone for one day?” you’d asked.
His pride hadn’t allowed him to say no to that.
So here he was, with a wily toddler who was doing her damndest to suffocate him. Better attempts than this had failed, but it was still annoying while he was trying to watch the game.
Somehow, he managed to tune it out while he watched the ref make a bad call.
“What was that?! You gotta be kidding me!” Ben said, holding Lila to his chest even as he pointed and shouted at the TV. “Son of a bitch. What a pussy call that was.”
“Bish, bish, bish,” Lila said, making a game out of the word. It called Ben’s attention.
He forgot about the game for a moment when he looked down at her. His eyes widened a fraction, even as a smile pulled at his lips.
“What’d you just say?”
“Bishhhhhh,” Lila repeated. “Somvabishhhh.” Her lips squished like a fish. And then she giggled, like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.
“Aw, fuck,” Ben uttered.
And he pressed his lips together with ever widening eyes at what he’d just said.
Lila grinned. “Fack!”
“Uhh, no. No. Don’t say that,” he said, trying to sound stern. Inside, he was trying not to laugh. He didn't really give a shit what she said, but you were particular about the kid not inheriting his vocabulary.
In fact, he was pretty sure you were going to go nuclear for this one.
“Why?” Lila asked.
“Because it’s uh…a bad word,” Ben replied, even though he wanted to roll his eyes at himself. This was what he’d become. A suburban dad.
"And it's not ladylike," he added.
“Fackkkk,” Lila giggled some more.
Christ on a cross. Ben bit the inside of lip hard to stop himself from laughing.
“Whatever. Just don’t say it around your mom,” he relented. He brushed his fingers through her soft brown hair. She preened at the attention, like the little showboat she was.
“Daddyyyy…” Lila wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled as deeply into him as she could, like a koala clinging to a shaking branch.
Ben sighed and rubbed a hand up and down her back as he cradled her against him.
These were the moments he didn’t mind. In fact, these were the moments he did his best to remember. They helped block out the older, darker ones that this kid would never know.
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Ben woke to the shutter of a camera going off.
He blinked his bleary eyes open to find you standing there with a highly amused smile on your face, and your phone poised in your hand.
He groaned, but he soon realized that Lila was sleeping in his arms, on his chest. You leaned down and rested a hand on her back. You also greeted him with a kiss to his temple.
“Long day?” you teased quietly.
Ben gave you a deadpan look, one that had you straining to taper down your giggles. Though he drew you closer by your hip and squeezed the soft flesh over your white sundress. He took you in with a lazy once-over.
You looked good. Sexy as hell, really. Your face was glowing and relaxed, and he liked the shade of red you’d done on your nails.
“You have a good time?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, massaging his shoulder. Though you arched a brow. “There’s a catastrophe in the kitchen.”
Ben blinked.
Fuck. He forgot about that.
“Yep,” he said, giving you a teasing smirk of his own. “Right on time for you, baby.”
You chuckled, though your eyes narrowed in warning. “Yeah, right.”
You still helped him put Lila down in the nursery for the rest of her nap. She yawned and turned over onto her back. You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, though you had to smile when it accidentally left the red mark of your lipstick behind.
You bit your lip and gently rubbed it off without waking her up. (An amazing damn feat, as far as you were concerned.)
Ben laid a heavy hand on your back, prompting you to straighten up and turn into his waiting embrace.
His lips curved as he looked down at you. “Hey.”
You laughed quietly. “Hey, yourself.”
Your hands glided up his chest, and further still to hold his face. You brought him down to kiss you, with your fingers slipping into his hair, and your nails dragging along his scalp. He hummed into your mouth.
“Miss me?” you teased.
Ben huffed. As usual though, his answer was in his actions. He held you close for a moment, just to feel you there.
Your arms slipped around his, clinging to his shoulders as you rested against him. This was your safe, comfortable place where you always felt at home.
But, you couldn’t help but break the spell.
“Come on. Clean up on aisle 12,” you quipped, reaching around to smack his ass.
Ben rolled his eyes, but when you pulled away from him, he followed you into the kitchen.
“You know, I had a lot going on. Your kid is a fucking menace,” he said. “Like a bull in a China shop.”
You scoffed. “She’s only my kid when she gives you a hard time. Where do you think she gets it from?”
“You,” he retorted.
You had to laugh at that one. It still didn’t get him out of helping you clean the kitchen from top to bottom.
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After a long shower, waking an errant child from her nap, dinner, and a joint effort of getting Lila to sleep for the night, Ben joined you in bed wearing just his usual sweatpants.
You’d opted for some black satin, he noticed.
Good, he thought, for the night to come. You’d spent the whole day getting massaged and moisturized and whatever else women did on a day out.
When he rolled onto his side, you greeted him with a smile and a hand running up his arm, already pulling him toward you. His hand glided along your bare thigh as you hooked it over his hip.
“I need to tell you something, but you’ve gotta promise not to say anything to anyone,” you whispered in the small space between his face and yours, and you tapped his chin.
Ben raised a brow and squeezed your thigh. Whatever it was, couldn’t it wait until long after he’d undressed you?
“What?” he asked.
“Annie’s pregnant!” you said with a wide smile. “Six weeks. She just told me today.”
Ben blinked at that one. “Is it Hughie’s kid?”
“Wha…of course, it is!”
“Wow. Guess he had it in him after all,” Ben remarked. “Who woulda thought.”
You shook your head, but his grin made you laugh.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, through your remaining giggles, though you leaned forward and stole a kiss. It led Ben to want more, and more of you.
He started to ply you with slow, lazy kisses that grew deeper, becoming all-consuming as his tongue warred against yours. His hands dove under the satin covering your body, and his thumbs brushed the sides of your breasts.
“Maybe it’s time we go for number two,” he said.
You uttered another incredulous laugh, gripped a fist in his hair and tugged. “Excuse me?”
“You fucking heard me,” Ben said. He rolled you onto your back and pinned you there. “Ain’t no way we’re stopping at one. Lila needs a brother.”
“You can’t even handle one,” you teased. Your hands slid up his arms and then down his chest. “Baby, we can talk about having more kids, but—”
“And? We’re talking now,” he said. He dipped his head to start kissing a hot, wet line down your neck. It made your breath falter and your back start to arch. Your hips shifted against his, trying to find friction. You could feel his length hardening against your thigh.
“Ben,” you warned, and implored, but the graze of his teeth on your neck made you shudder.
Your grip on his arms tightened. “Please…”
“Please what?” he smirked against your skin. His hips rocked against your heated core.
This conversation was going into a no man’s land very fast.
You literally took matters into your own hands…by reaching down and grasping your husband’s cock through his sweatpants. You gave him a demanding squeeze.
His breath hitched. Ben paused, unlatching from your neck, and turning his lips toward your cheek.
“I’m listening,” he said, in a gritted voice. You smirked.
“We can, and we will talk about this,” you promised. “Just not when you’re about to be balls-deep inside me.”
You were back on birth control anyway (the pill this time).
Ben chuckled. His hand reached up and smoothed your hair away from your forehead.
“Fine,” he conceded. A smirk grew across his face. “But we can still practice.”
A giggle fell from your lips, just before he claimed them once again.
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AN: A little callback to the BMD Epilogue at the end there. 😂
What did you think about the father/daughter time? And do you think Ben won against either of the ladies in his life? 🤣
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Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BMD Tag List (Part 1):
@this-is-me19 @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @spalady26 @spnwoman @syrma-sensei @wirdbeimaufhebengebunden @muhahaha303 @123passwort
@xoxoviennaa @katherineann814 @lollag0w0 @globetrotter28 @nancymcl @ashbatz @secretdreamlandmentality @kristophalis @wonderland2022 @emily-winchester @shelh93 @sl33pylilbunny @spoonmynoodle @chernayawidow
@buckybarnes-1917 @asgardprincess97 @sometimes-i-sing @itsyellow @karnellius @kimberleymjw @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @iamsapphine @sanscas @se-fucking-hun @lassie-bird @jessjad @yepimthatperson @fromcaintodean @stoneyggirl2
@spnfamily-j2 @im-a-slut-for-fluff @lacilou @venicesem @mimaria420 @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @tearsfortheyouth @agalliasi @chriszgirl92 @kazsrm67
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mafiadad5 · 5 months
self control
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Genre- smut smut smut smut smut (mdni), roommates
Sub!renjun x fem!reader
Warnings- oral (female receiving), fingering, unprotected, fingering, praising, 18+, slight hj…
Word count- 1.5k+
Summary- your roommate is fed up with how you dress around the apartment and asks you to stop, but you’re fed up with him acting like he doesn’t like it so you finally confront him.
note- tried a new writing style hope u like🎀, no proof read hehe
"Can you put some clothes on?"
You heard from the living room as you walked in the kitchen. Renjun was always standoff-ish towards you. You never thought he even liked you at all, but every time you suggest you'll just move out it's always— "It's to save money." or just an aggregated breath while rolling his eyes and just walking away.
"Oh give me a break Renjun, I'm just getting something to drink then I'm going back in my room."
You opened the fridge taking out a water before walking to the edge of the counter. He looked up at you as he got up from the couch, walking past you, making his way to his room. "You're acting like you've never seen legs before, it's not that big of a deal." You say as you took a sip of your water, causing Renjun to turn back and look at you with an infuriated look.
"Yes it is, it's not hard to cover up, you don't see me walking around here with no shirt."
"I wouldn't care about that Renjun, I would love to see your cute little body." You murmured into the water bottle rim, causing a distasteful look to paint his face.
"My cute little body?" His eyebrow raised unpleased as he looked at you.
"Mmm," you hummed "but if it's a problem then I can always move out." It seems like everytime you say that he gets even more agitated then he already is. "What have I told you Y/n, it's to save money." His voice was low as he replied curtly.
"You know for someone who's always upset about what I wear around the apartment, you sure do look a lot don't you?" You sat your water down, walking to the hallway, not breaking eye contact with him. "I don't, and I would like you to put clothes on." He looked at you, then back forward, walking down the dark hallway.
“You don't tell your friends that though." You blurt out, causing him to pause, trying to avoid eye contact with you as he gulped.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He turned to you, his eyes looking a little anxious as he tried to keep a straight face. "Could you guys be any louder in your room?" You questioned.
"She's so hot, I want to rip her out those skimpy clothes, I want to fuck her." You say, causing him to make a shocked expression on his face as you quoted his every word.
Yes during the time you guys been living together he developed a little crush on you, and yea maybe he even wanted to fuck you, but he didn't think he was so careless about expressing his feelings on it, and he was slowly starting to regret hosting hang outs at his apartment as well.
"You know, I hear you at night— when you moan my name, loudly."
He was also regretting placing you in the room beside his, and putting his bed on the wall you shared. You were inches away from him at this point as his back rested on the wall next to his room door as you stood in front of him. "Do you want to fuck me Renjun?" You questioned, looking into his eyes as his cheeks burned red. He gulped, staying quiet as he looked at you, the air becoming thick with tension.
You giggled softly, walking away before feeling his hand on your wrist pulling you into a deep kiss. His hands made their way to your waist, pulling you deeper into his body as he pushed you onto the wall, not breaking the kiss once.
"Can I please taste you." He let out a small moan against your lips, biting your lower lip softly as you nodded. 
He took no time, pulling you into his room, laying you down on the bed. He kissed down your jawline, dragging his tongue down your skin, making his way to your neck, leaving tingles on your skin. He kissed and suck at your neck leaving little marking as he trailed down your body. His hands slid in between your legs, spreading them open as he kissed down your bikini line, trailing over your underwear kissing your clothed pussy, going to your thighs, kissing delicately.
"Can I eat you out, please?"
He stopped kissing, looking up at you, his doe eyes were desperately looking into yours, his voice was breathless,
his voice was so needy, it came out as a whimper. "Ok, yes, only this once." You nodded, you both knew that was a lie. He didn't hesitate, sliding his fingers under your underwear pulling them off in one swift motion. "Thank you." He moaned into your folds. His tongue found your clit, making circles around it before sucking it roughly, causing you to let out a loud moan.
"Fuck Renjun, that feels good."
Hearing your words made him only more desperate as he hungrily made out with your pussy. His long fingers found their way to your hole, roughly entering you. The sensation of his tongue around your clit and his fingers inside you made you shivered, driving you over the edge. "I'm there." You cried out, your legs shaking violently around his head as kept going, not even taking a breath.
"Can you do something for me." You moaned out. Your words went straight to his dick, causing him to moan into you.
"Mhm." He hummed.
"Fuck me."
Your words caused him to smile against your folds. You didn't want to admit it, but you yearned for him, not because of how he talked to his friends about you so blatantly, or how he shamelessly moaned your name to get himself off, but him avoiding you so he wouldn't get carried away turned you on more than anything. He looked up at you, his chin covered in his spit and your arousal.
"Ok." He smiled, getting on top of you. He pulled down his pajamas pants, along with his boxers, positioning himself at your hole, slowly entering you while letting out a choked moan, looking at you in the eyes as his mouth opened slightly.
"Fuck, you're so tight."
He whined out, pushing deeper into you. He slowly went in and out of you passionately, causing you to go almost insane as he pushed his every thing into you.
"Can I please go faster Y/n?" He cried out, his voice was so desperate you could probably come to just hearing it.
"Yes baby go faster." You moaned out, throwing your head back as he went at an unimaginable pace, his glossy eyes looking into yours as he let out quivering moans and whimpers.
"Am I doing good Y/n? Does this feel ok?" His skin flushed as he gripped the sheet under you, his voice was so needy it sent shivers down your spine. "Yes, you're doing so good Renjun, you're such a good boy."
He moaned out loudly as you clenched around him, throwing your head back as he hit your g-spot, exhaling in short breaths.
"Oh fuck I'm about to come, I need to pull out, can I please pull out?"
He whimpered out. "No, don't pull out I'm almost there." You moaned, throwing your head back as you clenched around him, causing him to cry out loudly— "I'm coming Y/n." Your legs started shaking as you felt him release, his warm liquid filling your insides. You both took a few deep breaths before he exited out of you, laying beside you as his seed dripped down your thigh.
"Can you stay with me?" He questioned, turning to you, his eyes sparkling as he grinned.
You didn't say anything, just looked at him with a smile before leaning in kissing him passionately, wrapping your hands around his head pulling him deeper into the kiss. You worked your way to his neck, sucking the skin as he moaned softly. You moved your hand under the cover, dragging your hands down his chest.
"Stop teasing Y/n."
Your hands made their way to his dick, wrapping around him as his eyes became desperate again. "I'm rewarding you for being so good." You smiled as you rubbed his sensitive tip.
"Moan my name like you do when you're alone."
You whisper as your hand slowly went up and down his length. "Fuck Y/n." He whimpered out, his eyes fluttering as you tightened your grip.
"Please." He lowly moaned out before you both got knocked out of your thoughts by a knock at the door.
"Shit, I forgot my friends were coming over." He cursed, looking at you with a worried expression on his face. "I'm going to the bathroom anyways, have fun with your friends Renjunnie." You smiled, getting up from his bed. He got up quickly getting himself decent before opening the door for his friends.
"What took you so long?" One of them said at the door. "Uh, I was taking a nap." He smiled. "Dude what's on your neck?"
Renjun looked at you going into your room, then looked down at the ground causing his friends to look at you with a smile. "Yall did not." One of them said with a shocked face.
Renjun stayed quiet, a grin appearing on his face as he touched the hickey that sat his neck.
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ironstrange1991 · 2 months
You're My Comfort
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The reader has a bad day at work and Stephen comes to take care of her.
Word Cont: 2,1k
Warnings: None, just fluff.
A/N: I am still struggling with authors block, but I'm happy for finishing this little something. It's not much, but I was in need of a comfort fic. Hope your guys like it and have a good read.
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You arrived from work without even realizing how you managed to drive home. Stephen was busy talking to some Avengers in the living room and you just walked past them up the stairs and straight to your shared room.
You were too tired to even get undressed even though you knew you would feel better after a shower, but still all you could do was kick off your shoes and fall face down on the bed letting a wave of silent crying take over you.
You were tired of your job, tired of the way your boss seemed to suck out your soul along with all your energy, but at the same time you felt bad for feeling that way. After all, you should be grateful to have a job in the first place, or at least you should be grateful that your job doesn't put you in danger or be as physically draining as Stephen's. You lost count of how many times he came home injured and yet he never complained. You on the other hand, seemed like a crying little girl and thinking that way only made you feel even worse and it was a vicious cycle that you couldn't get out of. Feeling bad about feeling bad and so on.
You were still face down, tears silently streaming down your face, when you heard the soft creak of the door opening and closing and the muffled sound of boots on the floor announcing the approaching footsteps. You immediately turned your face away because you didn't want Stephen to notice you were crying and then you felt the mattress dipping.
He touched your arm gently.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" His baritone voice held a note of concern.
You didn't answer, you just shrugged your shoulders like you did when you were a child and your mother asked why you were crying. Many times you didn't even know why you were crying, but you cried anyway and that was exactly how you felt today.
You felt his hand on your head stroking your hair gently and before he could say anything, you crawled closer to him and laid your head on his lap wrapping your arms around his waist. He seemed to like it because his body shook with what you thought was a small laugh. Contrary to what your irrational side told you, Stephen didn't care about your anxiety crisis or those moments where you couldn't say exactly what was happening. He was already used to dealing with your fluctuating moods.
"Can you at least tell me you're okay, so I don't worry?" He asked and you nodded.
"You're okay then. Nothing bad happened?" He insisted and you nodded again.
"Good." He continued stroking your hair in silence.
"I know I've been working a lot these last few days, but if that's what's making you upset..."
"It's not that." You replied with a choked voice. Of course he would find a way to blame himself. When Stephen learned to be less selfish and egocentric, he simply turned completely the other way and became extremely altruistic, which you didn't like, much less approve of.
"Then talk to me, sweetheart. I don't like seeing you like this." His hand had now gone down to the middle of your back, playing with the strands of your hair.
"I'm just tired, I guess."
He sighed "You think so? Y/n you've been working non-stop for the last few weeks."
"There was nothing else to do. You weren't here most of the time and the company needed me."
You can almost see Stephen's eyes rolling back in his head. "They like to take advantage of you, that's what. You're too good for them."
You did not answer. You knew he was right, but you didn't want to give in. He returned his hands to your head and began to caress your scalp with his fingertips lightly and you let out an involuntary groan.
"Feels good, uh?" You could hear the smirk in his voice. Always so proud that he managed to turn you into a puddle of goo whenever he touched you.
"I'm exhausted. I need to sleep. I barely slept at all last night." You confessed to what he vehemently rebuked.
"You know I don't like seeing you in this state. You need to take better care of yourself."
You shook your head. "Right now I don't think I can take care of myself at all. I'm too tired."
He chuckled, surrendering to your charm and drama.
"Do you want me to run a bath for you or would you prefer the shower?"
He asked, already running his fingers through your hair to get it out of your face. He did his best to tie them into a bun.
"You will stay with me?"
"If you want. But you know where this is going to take us, don't you?"
You denied "No funny business tonight. I'm too tired."
He hummed "As you wish, love. Come."
He patted your shoulder for you to allow him to stand up and extended his arms to help you up.
"Too tired to walk." You grumbled and he let out a small laugh.
"Come on. I'll carry you, little girl."
You found somewhere within you the strength to smile and tease him, "Yes, daddy."
He scoffed, but picked you up bride style and took you to the bathroom. He sat you on the toilet and ordered "Raise your arms. Let's take these clothes off."
You obeyed and let yourself be undressed by him slowly. It was different. Although he was used to ripping off your clothes and fucking you senseless, in that moment he was actually being gentle and there was nothing in his eyes but affection.
"Get up so we can take off that skirt." He asked and you did as he ordered. He took off your panties too, leaving you completely naked for him. A light shade of red tinting your cheeks.
"Bathtub or shower?" He asked to be sure and added it right after. "There's no way I'm leaving your side."
You nodded "Bathtub. With lavender and bubbles. Lots of bubbles."
He nodded, but instead of doing the whole process like a normal person, he moved his fingers and the bathtub filled with hot water. With a smirk he snapped his fingers and the water turned lilac and your nostrils were invaded by the delicious smell of lavender as you watched the water fill with foam. "As you wish, madam. Come."
He gave you his hand and helped you get into the tub, and you moaned contentedly with the feeling of the hot water surrounding your body.
He quickly undressed in front of you and that was a sight you would never get used to. Your eyes devoured every inch of his body before he entered the bathtub and sat right behind you.
He moaned softly as well letting the hot water relax him completely.
"Christ, I needed this." He confessed and you leaned your back against his chest feeling yourself being hugged by his strong arms and you leaned your head back letting your eyes close for a minute.
"What a shitty day I had" You blurted out, earning a small laugh from Stephen.
"It is not funny"
He buried his face in your hair, "I know. Want to tell me about it?"
You sighed, "Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I think I'm just tired of that environment, those people. Of doing the work of two or three and not getting any recognition for it. I'm tired of leaving that place feeling empty as if I had left my soul there."
Stephen listened in silence. He was good at that, at listening silently and letting you vent. It was one of his many qualities.
"And I feel bad for feeling this way. It feels like I'm being ungrateful. I know I should be grateful for being in a job in the first place, but I can't feel grateful right now and on top of that I feel silly complaining about my silly problems when you have to deal with so much..."
"Hey, don't do that!" Stephen scolded you. "Don't belittle your problems by comparing them to the things I do. It's not fair. Your feelings are valid, sweetheart and there's nothing wrong with feeling the way you're feeling right now. We just need to think of a way to make it better because I've noticed that this days when your come home like this have become more constant. You're always too tired and sad and I don't like seeing you like that."
You sighed feeling his lips on your neck and your skin prickling.
"I think I just need to stop thinking for a few minutes. My mind is my worst enemy, you know. The more I think the worse I feel."
Stephen hummed and continued placing kisses on your neck "I can help with that." His hands went down to your breasts, caressing them lightly.
"I said no funny business." You scolded him and he giggled softly and you felt him conjure up a soft sponge still under the water and started rubbing your back and neck with it. You can't stop a little moan from escaping your lips.
"I don't deserve you, Steph." You confessed to what he hummed, using the sponge to rub your arms, your belly, your thighs, every place he could reach.
"I usually think the same thing when you take care of me."
"Guess we don't deserve each other then." You teased.
"Or we were made for each other. I like this option better."
"Because you're a romantic. You want to be tough, but deep down you're soft, Stephen."
He let out an incredulous laugh "I've been called many things, but romantic is the first time."
You smiled, keeping your eyes closed and reveling in the touch of his hands when he puts down the sponge and started massaging your shoulders gently. His hand was shaking, but you even liked that feeling.
"You're different with me." You insisted. "I watch you with everyone else and you're different when you're with me, sweeter and more affectionate."
He hummed petulantly. "You didn't expect me to treat Stark and Wong the way I treat my girlfriend, right?"
"It's not that. I just think you allow yourself to be your most natural self when you're with me and I like that."
"I like it too." He agreed kissing the back of your neck.
The two of you were silent for a few minutes, his hands continued massaging your shoulders lightly and although he couldn't put too much pressure on the act, it was enough to relax you. The sound of cars passing on the street occasionally broke the silence of the Sanctum, as well as the sound of the water that was slowly cooling and his calm and steady breathing.
Eventually your eyes started to get heavy and Stephen must have felt the way you let the weight of your body rest on his because he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked genuinely worried.
You hummed positively and he sighed looking relieved.
"Good. Now I think we can finish here and go straight to bed, what do you think?"
You didn't have time to respond because your stomach growled embarrassingly loud to which Stephen let out a small laugh.
"Food first, then. Come." He asked and the two of you got out of the tub.
When you finished getting dressed, Stephen in just pajama pants and you in a nightgown, you ran to get under the covers and get comfortable.
"I'll get you something to eat. How about a sandwich?"
You nodded and then asked "What did you have for dinner?"
He shook his head "To be honest, I didn’t even remember to eat. It was a pretty busy afternoon."
You scolded him with a look, "Then I guess you can bring sandwiches for both of us."
Stephen nodded.
He came back a few minutes later with a plate with some sandwiches cut in halves, which you quickly devoured. When you both finished, neither of you was willing to get up, so Stephen just placed the plate on the bedside table and adjusted himself on the pillows, letting you lay on his chest.
"I know I've said this before, but you're so good to me, Steph."
He sighed, stroking your arm gently.
"I love you." You said, closing your eyes and feeling the tiredness of the day overwhelm you.
Stephen placed a kiss on the top of her head. "Taking care of you is what I love doing most, sweetheart. I love you. You have no idea how much."
You hummed softly "Yes I do because I love you just the same."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing ;)
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bradshawsvinyl · 4 months
Tolerate It
Things had been off with Jake recently. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Or so you thought.
read part two here.
warnings: mentions of cheating, angst, jake is a jerk, reader has anxiety but not explicitly stated, gaslighting??
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Jake had been off recently. You couldn’t exactly place your finger on what was wrong but he had been acting differently. The longing glances you used to share seemed to become shorter each passing day. The eyes that once looked at you with love and trust had slowly started to fade until there was nothing left.
At first, you thought he had just been busy with work. After all, he was one of the best pilots in the Navy. You thought it was just another bump on the road that was your relationship. You figured he’d tell you what was upsetting him and you guys would be able to go through it and move on together.
“Jake,” you said while knocking on the door to your shared bedroom. “Please talk to me.”
He had come home from work and seemingly blown off all your attempts at affection. He just went straight upstairs to your bedroom and began talking on the phone.
That was another thing. Jake had been using his phone a lot more recently. He had tried to hide it and use it at times when he thought you were sleeping or were too busy to notice but you had been paying attention.
A part of you wanted to believe that Jake wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You had known him for years. You had been together since high school. You followed him all over the country. You waited for him when he was deployed. You thought that he would do everything in his power to protect your emotions.
The rational part of you knew that he had to be hiding something. Your relationship had seemingly gone in limbo. You felt like you were trying and giving your all while Jake was giving you nothing back. You were tired of feeling like a burden. You needed reassurance. All you wanted was for him to tell you what was going on.
“Jake,” you knocked again. “Please open the door.” You were on the verge of tears. You just wanted to talk to him. You just wanted him to look you in the eyes and tell you that everything was okay. You wanted to hear him say “I love you.” Finally, the door opened.
“What is your problem,” he said, voice laced with anger.
“My problem? You’re seriously asking what my problem is.” You spat back at him. “My problem is you don’t talk to me anymore. There’s something off about you recently. You’ve been acting differently.”
Jake just stared at you and then walked downstairs.
“Where are you going,” you asked while running after him.
“Out.” He replied.
“What do you mean you’re going out? Jake just talk to me please it doesn’t have to be like this. I love you.” You said as tears started welling up in your eyes.
“I’ll be back.” He replied coldly. “I just need some space.” With that he slipped on his shoes and slammed the door to your shared home.
You went upstairs to your bedroom with the intention to just go to sleep. He’d talk to you when he was ready. Maybe something had happened in training today. That had to be the reason he was acting so cold.
As you settled into the bed, you noticed a vibration. You quickly realized Jake had left his phone at home.
You looked at the screen and saw that he was receiving a call from your friend, Juliana. No no no no no no. You thought to yourself as the tears began again. This couldn’t be true. Of course, you had your suspicions but you thought you were being silly. Jake wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Or would he?
Why would he need to be talking to Juliana. She was your friend after all. They had only met briefly a few times. They had barely exchanged two words. You wanted to believe that there was nothing wrong with the interaction. Maybe they were trying to get to know each other better, for your sake.
You walked downstairs and started pacing the living room, waiting for Jake’s arrival. You had to get to the bottom of this. Maybe Juliana was helping him out with something. You thought. Or maybe this was who he had been sharing all these secret phone calls with. Maybe this is who he was referencing everytime he said training had run late or he was going out.
How could you be so naive? There had to be an explanation for this. Jake was the love of your life. He was your first everything. He wouldn’t betray your trust like this. He wouldn’t be seeing another woman. Let alone your friend. Or would he?
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0cta9on · 3 months
Unlikely Duet - 6
length: +7k words
Genre: Fluff
NewJeans Minji x Male Reader (OC)
(Author's Note: I could've taken another day to edit this, but I wanted to upload it asap so here it is :^) Hopefully my writing isn't too garbage and I hope y'all enjoy <3)
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Minji’s POV
I could do nothing but pace around my room, anxiety fueling every step. Danielle was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago to drive us to the fair, but on this particular day of all days, she decides to be late. My vice president, the one who I can lean on when I’m overwhelmed with responsibilities and even more of a stickler for rules and punctuality compared to me, is late.
The brunt of my morning was spent avoiding my parents like the plague, staying cooped up in my room and eating my meals as quickly as possible. To them, it probably seems like I’m giving them the silent treatment for what they said last night (which I’m still upset about), but in reality, I was riddled with anxious thoughts and simply avoided speaking in case I accidentally let it slip that I was planning on lying to them. I’ve done it tons of times before, but every single time is nerve wracking. While I hate that it’s gotten to this point, I owe a lot of my sanity to what I’ve been able to get away with by lying. Besides, it’s probably better this way - my parents still believe that I’m their perfect daughter and I still get to have some semblance of a social life.
Like the sonorous tones of a church bell, a resounding ding emits from my phone. They’re here. With shaky hands, I grab my tote bag from my bed and carefully tiptoe down the stairs. Right as I reach the front door, my father calls out to me from the living room.
“Minji? Where are you going?” He asks, a look of curiosity on his face.
“O-oh, uhh, I guess I forgot to tell you this but I was actually planning on going to the library to study with Danielle today.” I grin at him, trying my best to sound convincing. Our eyes lock as he studies my expression for what feels like an eternity. It might just be my stress causing my eyes to play tricks on me, but there seems to be a hint of sadness in his expression, as if he doesn’t want me to go. I shake it off and refocus on the task at hand.
“Well, I better get going-”
“Wait,” he interrupts before leaving the room for a moment. He comes back with a $20 bill in his hands and offers it to me. “Here.”
Panic began to set in. Did he find out I was actually going to the fair? If he did, why would he be giving me money? Shouldn’t he be angry at me for lying to him?
“Um, what’s this for? We’re just going to the library,” I reiterate in hopes that my initial worries were wrong.
“In case you two get hungry after, you should get some snacks. Food fuels the brain.” The relief I felt after he said those words is better than any award I got in my entire academic career up to this point. Normally it would raise red flags for my father to be doing something uncharacteristic like this, but I didn’t care. I’m just glad to almost be free.
“Thanks,” I say as I take the cash. “I’ll see you later then.”
“Don’t stay out too late. Don’t be messing around while studying. And-”
I shut the door behind me before I could hear the rest of his sentence. It was probably some other generic dad advice, like “Don’t talk to strange boys at night” or something like that. The sight of Danielle’s mom’s car parked on the other side of the street was like seeing a boat heading your direction after being stranded on an island for 15 years. Hanni beckoned me from the passenger’s side window, an excited grin painted on her face.
“Hurry up girl, let’s go!!” She shouted. As I open the door to the backseat, Hyein and Haerin wave back at me.
“Hi Minji!”
“Hi guys, sorry, my dad wanted to talk to me before I left,” I replied as I got in the car. “Danielle, what took you so long, I was pacing around my room for the past 20 minutes anxious out of my mind!”
“I’m sorry, there was something I had to take care of before I could take my mom’s car,” she apologizes as she tampers with the rearview mirror, clearly annoyed with its inability to swivel properly.
Hanni pops her head from the front seat. “Okay y’all, we just need to take a deep breath and calm down. We’re going to the fair to chill out and have fun, let’s not let petty things like this ruin the day before it’s even started, alright?” Haerin and Hyein nod enthusiastically, peering over at me to gauge my reaction. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in order to allow my mind to forget about the stress from my morning. Today is the day that I get to let loose and forget about all the pressures I face in my regular life. Nothing else matters but having fun. As I open my eyes again, I am welcomed by the smiling faces of my four dearest friends (Danielle was especially happy about finally fixing the rearview mirror). My lips curl into a smile as I look back at them.
“Yeah, you’re right, Hanni,” I admit. “Okay, let’s go!!” We all cheer as Danielle steps on the gas. Hanni turns up the radio, blasting a loud pop song that blares out of the windows as we cruise through the neighborhood.
The lights, the sounds, the smells, everything about the fair was overwhelming in the best way possible. Large groups of friends and families meandered along the concrete pathways, talking and laughing as they try their hand at classic carnival games or satiate their hunger with fried food and extravagant sweets. A giant ferris wheel sat in the background, the sunlight peeking through its rotors. A wave of nostalgia washes over me as I’m reminded of old family memories. Before they pressured me into trying to obtain some kind of impossible perfection, I used to be able to exist simply as their daughter, who they loved and played with like any other child.
“Hey Minji, are you okay?” Hyein asks me. I snap out of my thoughts to find the girls looking back at me with concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just thinking about something,” I reassure them. “What do you guys wanna do first?”
“I don’t know Ms. President, what do you wanna do?” Hanni asks with a wide grin.
“Well, I guess we can-”
I freeze as I see a familiar face in the distance, intermingled with the crowd. Yuno is here. With the convenience store girl.
Yuno’s POV
“Where the hell did he run off to?” I grumble as I struggle to search for Yujin in the crowd. The fair was more overwhelming than I could’ve imagined - it was difficult navigating through the sea of strangers without accidentally rubbing elbows with them, all while trying to find oxygen through the constant stench of fried foods and sugar wafting through the air. At the very least, the lights were pretty to look at and I would be lying if I said the ferris wheel didn’t pique my interest.
Winter chuckles at my annoyance. “Relax, he’s just getting a corndog. See, he’s on his way over here right now,” she says, gesturing through a gap in the crowd. Lo and behold, Yujin skips towards us with a corndog in hand and a stupid grin on his face.
“Look what I got!” He presents his fried snack to us with the excitement of a child presenting a drawing to their parents. An ungodly amount of ketchup and mustard drips off the corndog, creating a gross glob of orange on the ground.
“Is that healthy?” Winter asks, concern laced in her voice. Her words fall on deaf ears as Yujin chomps off a large piece, covering his mouth in sauce. I chuckle in disbelief, both deeply disturbed and quietly impressed, while Winter hands him a pack of napkins from her purse.
I take the opportunity to look around at my surroundings again. As I gazed out amongst the crowd of smiling faces, I suddenly felt out of place in it all, like I wasn’t allowed to be here. Everything felt so foreign to me, I wasn’t sure if I should feel at ease or on edge. Whether it’s paranoia or just a hunch, I couldn’t get rid of this nagging feeling at the back of my head.
“Hey Yuno?” Winter nudges me.
I turn my attention towards her. “What?”
“Isn’t that the student council president?”
My heart stops for a split second as I look down the other end of her finger. In the heart of the crowd is Minji, huddled around her friends. She’s wearing a simple outfit of a gray collegiate sweater and jeans, yet my eyes were naturally drawn to her like a magnet.
“Y-yeah, that’s her,” I stutter, trying to maintain composure.
“Mm, issa Danielle? Les go shay hi!” Yujin exclaims with a mouth full of food, running toward them before I could stop him.
“God dammit…”
“What’s wrong, do you not wanna say hi?” Winter asks as we follow the trail through the crowd Yujin left behind.
“It’s not that, it’s just… Whatever, let’s just go.” With every step I take, my heart rate begins to accelerate as, once again, fate pulls me towards Minji Kim.
Minji’s POV
He’s coming this way!! Why is he coming this way?? Did he see me? Should I run? No, why would I run? Pull it together, Minji!! Maybe if I pretend I didn’t see him, he’ll just walk past me. Why would I do that?? Agh!!
“Ketchup… and mustard,” Haerin blurts out, drawing puzzled glances from the group. Suddenly, a boy wearing a white eyepatch emerges from the crowd, carrying a corndog smeared with red and yellow condiments.
“Danielle!!” He calls out, waving excitedly. “Hi!”
“Yujin? What are you doing here?” Danielle questions, a hint of surprise present in her voice.
“I’m with my friends!” The boy, Yujin, exclaims as Yuno and the convenience store girl appear behind him, drawing an impish grin from Hanni. I couldn’t help but feel underdressed when compared to convenience store girl’s flowery sundress and cardigan. “I didn’t expect to see you here too! This is great!”
“Uh yeah, I guess it is,” Danielle responds awkwardly before turning to us. “Um, this is Yujin, I’ve been helping him and his grandma out recently.”
“We’re friends!” He adds enthusiastically.
“Yeah, I suppose we are.” 
I couldn’t help but giggle at Danielle’s uncharacteristic awkwardness. Normally, she’s the serious voice of reason that stays calm under pressure, yet here she was, looking like an embarrassed older sister flustered by the antics of her younger sibling.
“It’s nice to meet you, Yujin,” I greet warmly. “I’m Minji, also a friend of Danielle’s.”
“Oh, you must be the student council president!” He replies eagerly. “These are my friends, Yuno and Winter. Yuno might look a little scary, but don’t worry, he only fights bad guys. He helped me and Winter out before! And Winter is really shy, but she’s really nice once you get to know her!”
“H-hello,” Winter stutters with a polite smile, while Yuno offers a simple nod. A flush of warmth colors my cheeks as our eyes briefly meet before we both quickly avert our gazes. Unfortunately, Hanni notices this and stifles a laugh, making my cheeks grow even warmer with embarrassment.
“Hello, I’m Hyein!” Our youngest chimes in. “This is Haerin, and that over there is Hanni! It’s nice to meet you all!”
As the group falls into casual conversation, I can’t help but peer over at Yujin’s eyepatch and be reminded of my conversation with Yuno last night. Despite his injuries, he’s chock full of energy and vibrancy that contrasts with Yuno’s usual solitary and soft-spoken demeanor. The difference in their personalities is cute in a way. Winter, on the other hand, shares many similarities with Yuno. Like him, she’s very soft-spoken and a little awkward, but has an aura of kindness around her despite that. I imagine the two of them got along well because of this - for some reason, this fact irks me.
“Since we’re all here to let loose at the fair, why don’t you guys join us? The more the merrier I always say, isn’t that right, Minj?” Hanni says, nudging my ribs with her elbow. I didn’t even have to look at her to know what kind of face she’s making. 
Coincidentally, my eyes meet Yuno’s once again, and I quickly break away as I think of what to say. I would hate to butt into Yuno’s time with his friends, but a voice in the back of my head was telling me otherwise.
“Yeah, you guys can join us if you want to,” I say as I give into the voices. My lips curl into a smile, but inside, I couldn’t shake the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. Yuno appears taken aback at my answer as a slight pinkish hue grows on his cheeks. The group moves through the crowd looking for what to do first with Yujin leading the way and Yuno trailing close behind. I stay in the back, letting my complicated feelings fester.
“H-hello, Minji.” Winter’s soft voice interrupts my thoughts, and I turn to find her trailing behind the group alongside me. Her simple makeup look is subtle, yet it perfectly accentuated her natural beauty. Pair that with her cute outfit and she could have any guys she wants. A shiver went through my spine at the thought.
“What’s up?” I ask, trying my best to act natural.
“I just wanted to ask if you’re doing okay. I never got the chance to after what happened that night.”
My mind flashes back to when Yuno and Winter had saved me from that drunk man a couple days ago. I was too terrified and too weak to protect myself, yet this timid girl jumped in front of him to protect me. And here I am, feeling all weird because I think she looks prettier than me.
“I’m doing fine now. Thanks again for that, I owe you one,” I express.
She quickly shakes her head at my offer. “Y-you don’t have to do that. If you want, I can give you a can of pepper spray. I have a couple more of them at home.”
A chuckle escapes my lips, and Winter seems to loosen up at this. “I might have to take you up on that offer,” I say, half-jokingly. A wave of shame washes over me as I suddenly felt bad for being jealous of her. Maybe the events of this morning still have their effects on me or maybe I ate something bad earlier, but something feels off with me today and I’m not sure why.
“Guys, look over here!” Yujin shouts excitedly from the front of the group, pointing at a giant Spider-man plush sitting on a prize table for a basketball game. Two basketball hoops stood tall before him, much higher than a regular basketball hoop. “I HAVE to get this for my room!” He quickly pays the game attendant, who places three basketballs on the counter in front of him.
“Alright, the game is simple. All you have to do is make at least one basket and you get a prize,” the worker explains. Yujin takes the first ball and psyches himself up, giving the ball a couple dribbles before throwing it… And completely missing the hoop.
“Aw man,” he groans in disappointment. “Yuno, why don’t you try?”
Yuno accepts the challenge, gripping the second ball with steely determination. I watch with bated breath as the ball leaves his hands. It soars high into the sky… and completely misses the hoop. The ball shoots way over the hoop and ends up knocking a corndog out of someone’s hand. The girls and I struggle to stifle our laughter as Yuno’s cheeks turn a bright red.
“A-ah… Shit…” He curses under his breath. “M-maybe Winter should try…”
Winter steps forward, her hands shaking as she grips the final ball. We all freeze with anticipation as she shoots the ball towards the hoop. Miraculously, it arcs perfectly in the air and lands through the hoop with a satisfying swoosh. A scattered array of claps and cheers erupt from some bystanders that witnessed that moment, but none are as ecstatic as Yujin, who jumps and cheers with the excitement of a kid on his birthday.
“Congratulations, ma’am! Which prize would you like?” The worker asks her.
“T-the Spiderman p-please,” Winter stammers, accepting the toy and handing it to Yujin.
“Ahhh!!! Winter, you’re the best!!!” He screams, drawing a variety of reactions from passersby. Yuno flashes her a quick thumbs up while Hyein, Haerin, and Hanni shower her with compliments, which Winter modestly tries to brush away with a bashful smile. Meanwhile, Danielle is occupied with trying to contain Yujin’s overflowing energy.
“M-my dad really likes basketball, so he made me play w-when I was younger. I-it’s nothing really,” Winter explains. She’s kind, pretty, AND athletic? It’s almost as if God himself created the perfect person and placed them in front of me on a day I decided not to dress up. There’s no wonder I felt jealous of her. But why am I jealous of her?
“Are you okay?” Yuno asks me.
I startle slightly at his sudden appearance. “H-huh? Yeah, why?” I awkwardly chuckle. Yuno’s gentle gaze meets mine with genuine concern, momentarily distracting myself from my swirling thoughts. I found myself wanting to draw closer and get lost in his irises.
What?! Minji, what are you even thinking?! Have you gone insane?!
“You look… upset,” he admits shyly. “I just wanted t-”
Suddenly, a basketball bounces off of the other hoop and hurtles towards Winter. In a flash, Yuno turns and catches the ball right before it hits her in the face, his gentle expression replaced with a stern glare at the person who threw the ball.
“Watch it,” he growls in a calm yet menacing tone as he tosses the ball back. His face immediately softens as he turns back to Winter. “You alright?”
“Y-yeah. Thanks, Yuno,” she answers with an appreciative smile. I felt my heart drop from my chest as I watched their interaction, confusion and envy creating a storm in my mind.
“Sooooooo, you gonna make a move or no?” I jump as Hanni startles me from behind.
“W-what??” I sputter.
“I recognize that face anywhere. You’re jealous~.” 
Heat creeps up my face as I struggle to find the words to explain myself. “Wha- I am not jealous!” I seethe, trying to keep my voice down. “I’m just… impressed by his reaction timing.”
“Mhm,” she hums, raising an eyebrow. “Well, I’m impressed by how close they look. Don’t you think they would make a cute couple, Minj?”
Her words leave a bitter taste in my mouth. “Y-yeah, I’m sure they would,” I reply, unconvincingly. “W-whatever, like I said I’m not jealous.”
“Oh sweet, sweet Minji,” Hanni sighs, shaking her head as she pats my shoulder. She follows the rest of the group as they move on, leaving me to watch Yuno and Winter as they walk side by side. No matter how hard I try, I can't rationalize this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I see them together. I need to do something, but I don’t know why.
We spent the next hour walking around, playing all the fair games, and filing our stomachs with an array of different snacks the fair offers. I tried to enjoy myself, but the pit in my stomach continued to grow and grow until it became unbearable. I even started to consider Hanni’s words, but no amount of inner turmoil would make me go that insane. 
As the sun dipped low, casting an enchanting orange hue over the fairgrounds, it seemed like the perfect time to watch the sunset from atop the ferris wheel. As excited as I am to be able to watch the sunset, I still couldn’t get rid of this weird feeling as I watched Yuno chat with Winter and Yujin at the front of the group. Hanni seemed to notice this too.
“Girl, you look miserable,” she remarks, resting her chin on my shoulder with a sympathetic pout. “You’re supposed to be having fun.”
“I-I am having fun. This is my ‘having fun’ face.” I flash her a forced grin in a feeble attempt to mask my true feelings. Hanni sighs heavily right as we reach the front of the line.
“Each cabin only fits two people, so you’ll have to split into groups of two,” the ride operator explains. Naturally, Hyein and Haerin pair up together, waving excitedly at us as they eagerly step into the first cabin.
“Yuno, do you wanna ride together?” Yujin asks him. Before he could answer, however, Hanni takes matters into her own hands and pushes Danielle into Yujin.
“Hey Yujin, did you know Danielle is really scared of heights? She needs a big strong man protecting her while she’s up there.” Danielle silently curses at her with her eyes as Hanni pushes the duo into the next cabin. My eyes go wide with panic as I suddenly catch onto her plan.
“Winter, I love your dress! Let’s chat about it on the ferris wheel!” Hanni exclaims as she grabs Winter’s hand, pulling her towards the open doors of the cabin. Right before the doors close behind them, I catch a glimpse of Hanni flashing me a thumbs up. My heart threatened to explode from my chest as I found myself left alone with Yuno. 
“S-soooooo… U-um, do you wanna, um, I-I gues-”
“Let’s go,” Yuno utters as walks ahead of me into the cabin. I mentally facepalm, cringing at my sudden inability to formulate a coherent sentence. I step into the cabin and sit across from Yuno. As the doors seal shut, the space suddenly felt a lot smaller and more intimate. I gaze out at the orange glow of the sun to distract myself, both mortified and oddly blissful.
Yuno’s POV
My heart kept chugging like a speeding steam train, I worried that Minji could hear it echo off the walls of the cabin. Throughout the day, I could feel her gaze lingering on me and I don’t know why. Did she wanna talk about yesterday? Was something on her mind? Was there something in my hair? Did I smell? I would’ve showered before I left the house if I knew I was gonna bump into her.
A strange feeling fills my chest as I observe the way the sunlight reflects off of her skin. The same feeling that had been haunting me for the past couple of days. Minji constantly invades my thoughts, stirring emotions I couldn’t comprehend. Everything about her felt new and strange, but I couldn’t deny that being around her made me feel happy. I drop my gaze to the floor as she turns to me, hoping she didn’t catch me staring.
“Sooo…” She began, filling the silence. “Winter seems nice.”
I tilt my head in confusion at her sudden interest in Winter. “Uh, yeah. I guess so.”
“How’d you two meet?” She asks with an odd amount of intrigue
For the most part, Minji is an open book. I never have to guess what she’s thinking or feeling, and unlike her parents, she never seems to be hiding some ulterior motive beneath a gentle exterior - until now. At first, I thought maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me, but being the open book she is, it became clear as day that Minji was hiding something. But why? Maybe it wasn’t my place to pry, but my instincts told me otherwise.
“We have english together, but we didn’t start being… ‘friends’ until a couple days ago. She and Yujin kinda just… inserted themselves into my life. And now we’re here,” I explain. Minji’s brow furrows in response.
“Wait, you only started talking a couple days ago? I thought you two were dating.” She hurriedly clasps her hand over her mouth as if she didn’t mean to let that out. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“We’re not dating,” I say a little too quickly. “Just friends.”
The cabin falls silent as both of our cheeks turn a light crimson. Minji turns back to the window, and my eyes gravitate towards her face once again as if that’s where they’re meant to be. The light and the shadows dance on her skin creating a work of art right in front of me. She’s beautiful in the most impossible way, defying everything I know about the world just by existing. My heart pumps faster and faster as my mind begins to run wild, imagining the two of us together as more than friends. Going on dates and being close. Just like this. Maybe Minji wanted to know if Winter and I were dating because she’s interested in me. I quickly shot that idea down. Those kinds of thoughts only lead down a bad road.
“My parents used to take my brother and I to the fair when we were younger,” Minji says, snapping me out of my daze. “We would go around and play all the games, trying to win the prizes. The games were always rigged, so we never won any. One time, I got so upset that I couldn’t win a bear toy that I started crying. My dad ended up paying extra just so he could get me the bear.” A gentle smile graces her face as she recounts her memory.
“We would always ride the ferris wheel at the end so we could watch the sunset from the top of the ferris wheel, just like this. I was always too short, so my dad had to hoist me up so I could see through the window.” She chuckles lightly before her smile eventually fades from her lips and her gaze falls to the floor. “Sorry, being here must have made me nostalgic. It’s been awhile since I got to watch the sunset from a ferris wheel.”
“Don’t be sorry. I like hearing you talk.” My eyes grow wide with panic as I realize the implication of my words. “I-I meant I like you. I MEAN YOUR STORY!! I liked your story…” My face falls into my palms in an attempt to hide the deepening blush, and I let out a muffled “Fuck” under my breath. I can hear Minji trying to stifle her laughter, which only makes me feel worse. I wanted nothing more than to bury myself six feet under and stay there for eternity.
“I know what you mea- AHHH!!!”
I jolt my head up right as Minji jumps from her seat and into my lap. Bewilderment, accompanied by a million other emotions, runs through my mind as she wraps her arms around my head and hides her face in the crook of my neck.
“M-Minji, uhh w-what are you-”
“There’s a spider on the seat!” She exclaims, her voice tingling with fear. I maneuver my head around her and see the tiniest spider I’ve ever seen scurrying around the spot where Minji once sat. “Ahhh, I really hate spiders!!”
I try to pry her body off of me, but her grip is tighter than an anaconda. A wave of deja vu washes over me as I suddenly start to feel lightheaded.
“M-Minji… Y-you’re choking m-me…” Right before I feel like I’m about to blackout, Minji releases her grip on my neck and slides off of my lap into the space next to me. The seat is a little cramped, but it’s better than dying in such an embarrassing way.
“I-I’M SO SORRY, YUNO!!” She apologizes, her face a bright tomato red. She flinches as the spider continues to move around on the opposite seat, wincing with each movement. “I-I really, really, really, REALLY hate spiders.”
Even after she almost choked me to death, I couldn’t help but find her cute as she shields her eyes with delicate hands, her face nestled into my shoulder. A grin threatens to grow on my lips as I try to comfort her with a few gentle pats on the head.
“I used to be afraid of spiders when I was a kid,” I began in a calming tone. “Whenever I saw one, I always cried to my parents about it. One day, I found one in the bathroom, so I ran to my mom sobbing and told her to kill it. Instead of killing it, she held me in her arms and carried me to the bathroom where it was. I was just like you, hiding my face on her shoulder because I was too scared to even look at it. In a gentle voice, she told me about how it was alone and probably looking for its family. If I killed it, then its family would be sad. She told me that she would be sad if I was suddenly killed when I was out all alone. From that day on, I was never afraid of spiders. Every time I saw one, I would carry it outside so it could find its family.” 
I chuckle under my breath. “I don’t think it actually works like that, but I don’t kill spiders because of her. Because of my mom.”
As I finish my story, I notice Minji’s eyes watering and her lip quivering as if she’s about to cry. “Ah shit, are you okay?” I ask with great concern.
“S-Sorry, that was just… really sweet,” she sniffles. I bit my lip, trying to suppress my smile as I simultaneously fought the urge to wipe her tears away. As she calms down, we sit together in silence, watching the tiny spider walk around the cabin.
“He’s just a little guy,” Minji utters, a cute grin on her face. “I wonder why I was so scared of you before.”
Just then, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I open up the notification to see a selfie of Yujin and Danielle with the giant Spiderman plush wedged in between them. Despite Danielle’s awful personality, Yujin seems to like her, so I guess it’s alright. If I didn’t know any better, I could’ve easily mistaken them for siblings.
“Aww, that’s cute. We should send one back,” Minji suggests, her eyes lighting up. 
“O-oh, uh, sure. How do I…” After a minute of hopelessly fumbling through the labyrinth of options on the screen, Minji gently takes the phone from me and opens up the camera with a simple tap.
“Do you know how to use a phone, Yuno?” She teases.
“U-uh, no…” I answer, scratching the back of my head in embarrassment. Her eyes widened with surprise at my response. “It’s my first phone, and I just got it today so I haven’t really had a chance to properly look through it.”
“O-okay, well just press on this gray square over here if you wanna open up the camera,” she explains in a kind tone, free of any judgment. She raises her arm and I can see the two of us reflected onto the screen. “Scoot a little closer so we can both be in the frame.”
With a gulp, I scoot closer to her in the already cramped space. The flowery scent of her hair wafts through my nostrils, gentle and clean. Hypnotized by the scent, I don’t realize I’m staring at her until she nudges me with her elbow.
“Look at the camera,” she reminds me, a knowing smile playing on her lips. The phone camera manages to catch the redness of my cheeks as I glance back at my reflection. Minji snaps a few shots before reviewing her work.
“They came out pretty well, don’t you think?” She inquires, and I can only nod in agreement, despite my less-than-stellar appearance in the photos. Minji, on the other hand, looks as pretty as ever. Even when she’s not doing much, the camera seems to pick up on all her good sides. She fiddles with my phone for a little bit before handing it back to me.
“Here, I put my number in so you can send me the photos,” she says. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“N-not at all,” I stutter excitedly, my heart soaring in the air. Minji giggles at my elation and we share a laugh in that cramped ferris wheel cabin. In that moment, as the sunset bathes us in its warm glow, everything falls into place. The weird feelings, the incessant thoughts - they all lead to one undeniable truth. I’m in love with Minji Kim.
As I step out of the cabin, I see the rest of our friends waiting for us at the front of the ferris wheel. Instinctively, I reach my hand out towards Minji as she carefully steps out, which she accepts with a small grin adorning her lips. Though the contact is brief, the memory of her delicate hand in mine etches itself into my memory.
“Soooooo, did you two have fun?” Hanni asks us with an unnerving smirk that could only mean trouble. Before I get a chance to answer however, Minji grabs her wrist and leads her away.
“I-I’m going to the bathroom, Hanni you’re coming with me!” Her voice echoes as she drags Hanni away, trailed by the rest of her friends like ducklings following their mother. Perplexed, Winter, Yujin, and I settle onto a nearby bench to rest in the shade.
“The ferris wheel was fun, I took a lot of pictures of the sunset!” Yujin shares, displaying the photos on his phone. Almost his entire gallery was full of sun from slightly varying angles, along with a few selfies with Danielle. Her gentler side she exclusively shows to Yujin is such a stark contrast from her usual coldness, it’s almost unsettling.
“I feel exhausted.” Winter slumps beside me, her head tilting to the side as if she was too tired to even hold it up. “Hanni is really nice, but I felt so drained after talking to her for five minutes. I don’t know where she gets all that energy from.” I quietly snicker to myself. That seems on brand for Hanni.
My mind wanders back to the epiphany I had earlier. “Um, can I ask you two something… odd?” Their heads perk up, looking at me expectantly. “Have you guys ever… ‘dated’ anyone before?”
“I’ve had crushes before, but I was always too scared to confess,” Yujin admits.
“What about you, Winter? Have you ever had a boyfriend?” I ask.
“Um, not exactly…” With a hint of reluctance, she retrieves her phone from her purse, revealing a polaroid tucked in her phone case -  a snapshot of Winter with her arms wrapped around a girl with striking eyes and jet black hair.
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Both of our jaws drop, simultaneously shocked and impressed.
“Oh shit…” I mutter before coming to my senses. She’s pretty, but not Minji pretty.
“Wow, that’s your girlfriend, Winter?!” Yujin exclaims. Winter smiles shyly as she puts her phone back in her purse.
“Y-yeah. She’s studying in Japan right now, so I don't get to see her often. I hope she visits soon; I think you guys would get along with her really well.” The look on her face as she thinks of her girlfriend reminds me of my mother’s face in old wedding photos. I don’t understand anything about love or relationships, but that face told me everything I needed to know. “Why did you want to know, Yuno?”
My cheeks suddenly turn warm. “Oh, uh… No reason.”
As if on cue, Minji and the rest of her friends return from the restroom, with Minji looking noticeably flustered and Hanni more excited than ever.
“It’s getting dark, so we were planning on heading back,” Danielle says. “Do you guys need a ride home?”
“O-oh, it’s okay, w-we were gonna take the subway home,” Winter replies.
“WAIT!” Yujin shouts suddenly before turning to her. “Winter, can we ride with them? Pleaseeeeee?” He grabs her sleeve and looks up at her with pleading eyes. 
“I-I guess if it’s okay with them.” “WOOHOO!” Yujin cheers. “I call shotgun!” He dashes toward the parking lot, his Spiderman plush bobbing in his arms.
“Hey, that’s my seat!” Hanni exclaims, running after him. In the midst of commotion, I sneak over to Minji.
“H-hi,” I stutter, brimming with nervous excitement.
“H-hey.” Even with the sun completely set, her smile manages to illuminate everything around us. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but the air felt different compared to the times we’ve talked before. That strange yet euphoric feeling still lingers in my chest, this time I finally know what that feeling is - I think. Maybe it’s love, maybe it’s the fumes of fried food decaying my brain. The only thing I know for sure is that I like being around Minji.
“Are you two going to come with us or no?” Hyein calls out to us while Haerin glares suspiciously in our direction. Flustered, we walk side by side towards the parking lot, following distantly behind the rest of the group. The scattered murmurs of the crowd begin to fade behind us, the chirping of crickets and the subtle crunching of rocks underneath our feet taking their place. An ombre of growing indigo looks down at us from a cloudless sky, dotted with specks of starlight thousands of lightyears away. Despite their distance, they shine brightly against the night sky, almost as bright as the girl walking next to me.
“Yuno,” Minji voice breaks through my daydreams, pulling me back to the present. “You’re staring.”
“Ah… Sorry…” I turn my head away to hide the heat creeping up my face, prompting a soft giggle from her.
“You know, you’re not what I expected at all.”
Curious, I turn my gaze back towards her. “What do you mean?”
Her eyebrows furrow as she thinks about her response, and I bite my lower lip to stifle my smile at her cute expression. “Ever since sophomore year, I’ve always heard whispers about this scary guy that goes around fighting people. I never believed it because I thought it was too cliche to be true,” she begins, shooting me a playful glance I scratch the back of my head, suddenly feeling sheepish. 
“That is, until two years later, when I come face to face with the ‘scary guy’, all bloody and bruised from a fight that happened two seconds ago. When I first met you, I thought you were some jerk who liked hurting others for the fun of it. I was wrong and I’m sorry.” Minji looks up at me, eyes full of remorse. I’ve seen others use this look on the people I’ve hurt, but never on me. To be on the receiving end of it felt disconcerting.
“You don’t have to apolog-”
“You’re kind and caring and you never hesitate to stand up for what’s right even when no one else will. While I don’t agree with your methods, I think the reason why you fight is very admirable, and if people just stopped being scared of you for two seconds, they could see how cute of a person you are.” Her hand shoots up to her mouth while her eyes go wide with panic.
Did I hear her right? Did she just call me… cute??
“I MEANT GOOD!!” She exclaims, correcting herself. “I meant to say you’re a good person…” We stand there, turned away from each other, too embarrassed to fill the growing silence. The chorus of crickets is quickly drowned out by my heartbeat echoing in my ears. My entire body feels both uncomfortably warm and freezing cold at the same time. The sudden honk of a car horn makes us both jump. 
“What are you two still doing? Let’s go!” I turn to see Hanni yell at us from the back seat of an SUV. It seems that Yujin got to the front seat first. Minji and I both trudge towards the car, too embarrassed to even look at each other. Hanni steps out of the car and reclines the seat forward to let us get into the back, where Winter is sitting alone with two empty seats on either side of her. 
As we settle in the back seat, I immediately shut my eyes, hoping that falling asleep would make things better. One final thing stays in my mind as I slip into unconsciousness.
She thinks I’m cute.
A gentle shake rouses me from my slumber.
“Yuno, we’re here,” I hear Winter say as my eyes slowly open, finding my bearings. Outside the window, I see the convenience store where Winter works at.
“Winter said you guys live around here, so I hope you don’t mind,” Danielle explains from the front seat. Minji and Hanni step out of the car, allowing for Winter and I to exit.
“See you guys around,” Hanni says, waving goodbye. My eyes meet Minji’s momentarily before we swiftly break away. Not even a second of eye contact and I can already feel my body temperature rising.
“Thanks for the ride! Byeeeeee!” Yujin exclaims as the car disappears down the street. The three of us say our goodbyes to each other before we go our separate ways.
A flurry of emotions fills my stomach as I look back on the oddly eventful day. What started as an excuse to get out of the house turned into my first time at the fair, with Minji no less. I couldn’t help but feel like I’m in some surreal dream and that I’ll wake up one day to find out that none of this ever happened. As odd as all of this feels, I have to admit that I did enjoy it. The ferris wheel especially was… fun.
As I enter my house, I see my dad sitting on the couch, watching some sitcom on the TV. Right. I completely forgot he’s “different” now.
“Hey, Yuno,” he greets, a bright smile on his face. It’s the first time in a while that I’ve seen his smile. “Did you eat? There’s leftover pizza in the fridge if you’re hungry. I tried to cook dinner, but it didn’t turn out right.” A hearty chuckle leaves his lips, a sound that I vaguely remember hearing years ago. 
“I’m good. Thanks,” I say as I head towards the stairs. As my foot lands on the first step, a sudden impulse arises within me. “Uh, dad?”
“Hm?” His eyebrows perk up as he looks at me expectantly. I had no idea what I was planning on saying to him. Should I tell him about my day? Should I apologize? Should I tell him about my… “crush”? Is that what that is?
“Uh… Nevermind.” I hurry up the stairs, deciding against saying anything. My head was already filled to the brim with confusing emotions, I didn’t need to add more to the pile. I collapse onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling, the events of today playing in my mind like a broken record. I pull my phone out, fidgeting with the shiny piece of metal in my hand. Minji put her number in my phone. I can talk to her whenever I wanted to. And I do want to. My thumbs freeze right above the keyboard as I figure out what to say to her.
Maybe I should keep it simple with “Hey”. No, that’s too boring. How about “How are you feeling?” What am I, her doctor? Uhhh, maybe “I had fun today.” That’s stupid. Come on, think, Yuno, think. Fuck, I’m shit at this.
Is this what having a crush feels like? This sucks.
Minji’s POV
“AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I scream into my pillow, hoping I don’t accidentally alert my parents to my “Teenage Angst”.
Minji!!! Why did you call him cute!? I mean, you’re not wrong, the way he got all embarrassed after missing the basketball hoop was kinda cut- WHAT!? WHAT ARE YOU EVEN THINKING RIGHT NOW!? ARGHHHHHH!!!
I hold onto my bear toy for comfort as I wrestle with the conflicting emotions in my head. Maybe this is just a result of all the stress from prom preparation clouding my judgement and sending me into a whirlwind of confusion. A day that was supposed to be full of leisure and enjoyment was instead full of jealousy and confusion. It wasn’t entirely bad though; riding the ferris wheel with Yuno was… nice. I feel my heart flutter in my chest as I recall that memory. Surely, Hanni’s teasing couldn’t be right… could it? Am I… in love with Yuno Lin?
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mochippyyy · 5 months
Ven and Vel getting jobs xD
Dancer AU!! (technically Veneer isn't a dancer in this but my explanation will be on the bottom! TLDR it was just cool so yippee [there's lore!!!!!!!])
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Also! sorry@imadumdumjewel for the late reply!
If you guys req anything, I'll get to it, just may be a tad late...
Anywho! I ran a lil poll on Twitter to decide on the types of jobs they would have so here we go:
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So I actually forgot to put dancer Vel/artist Ven because I kinda thought Ven would kinda fit the thing but after I finished this art I was pretty happy I didn't put it on there lol.
I honestly think that the other job options seemed pretty interesting, but no one really suggested any other jobs, and almost everyone was enthralled with the idea of dancer Ven & Vel.
For Veneer:
At first, my friend and I were planning this, but nothing really felt right to us. I did suggest Ballerino, but it didn't feel like something Veneer would do without Velvet, because they kinda come in pairs. Gymnast was also a suggestion, but after a couple minutes, it was swiftly discarded because I didn't want to draw Veneer's toes.
Anywho, while searching for other options, ice skating appeared, and my friend suggested an interesting idea as to
Lore time:
When Veneer was young, his parents pushed him towards traditionally male hobbies, such as sports and more sports. When his dad saw a flyer for an ice hockey team, he signed him up immediately. However, some mischievous kid had taped a different number to the hockey flyer, so Veneer's father ended up signing him up for figure skating instead.
At first, Veneer thought he was out of place, after all, the ratio of boys to girls was significant and he found himself to be the only one in that class. He didn't enjoy it much and regretted that he didn't join Velvet in her breakdancing course. However, as he unwillingly went to classes, he slowly started gaining a love for the sport and noticed how beautiful it was.
That led him to go down into professional figure skating and join competitions, eventually leading him to go down in history. For Velvet
My friend suggested swapping traditionally male and female dance styles, which led to the eventual conclusion: breakdancing. Velvet is a strong-willed character who would definitely try to get her way (as shown in the trailer of the movie) and take the classes that she liked.
Lore time:
When Veneer got signed up to do ice hockey, Velvet felt like she didn't have to deal with her little brother all day, and felt that she had a lot of time to herself. At first, she found a lot of things to do every day, running to places, going to parties, and just generally having fun.
At this point, Veneer was still unwilling to go to figure skating classes, (turns out Velvet was the mischievous kid who changed the number on the ice hockey flyer into a figure skating course phone number) but since his father had already paid for a year, he had to go anyways. Velvet would purposely use this to upset Veneer when she didn't get what she wanted, but then would accidentally make Veneer cry, resulting in her getting lectured by her parents, and Velvet holding back tears as she apologized to Veneer (she was totes in the fault here tho).
She realized that the more free time she had, the more her parents would lecture her. She decided right then and there that she would sign up for a class. She spent days, scrolling her phone and watching videos of different skills to decide what she wanted to do. However, nothing caught her eye.
Then, one day, she saw a kid do a flip, and slip and fall miserably. First, she took a video and laughed, and then thought to herself, "Hey, I could do that waaaayyyyy better. That kid's a failure!" And so she threw herself into learning it, but unsurprisingly, she fell flat on her face.
She was unhappy with this result, so she immediately went to her parents and asked them to sign her up for a breakdancing course. However, she had a tendency to give up when things got annoying/hard, so her parents turned her away each time. However, both the nonstop pestering and the fact that she no longer was bullying Veneer (because she was too busy following her parents around and throwing tantrums), they finally gave in.
From then on, she started breakdancing classes, and Veneer was upset because now his sister got to do something she liked, but Veneer was stuck in ice skating hell. He was very unhappy for some time, but then decided, "If she's gonna be happy, I gotta be happier. I gotta upstage her". So, he took to ice skating and started focusing all his efforts on it.
Velvet, seeing her twin brother become increasingly devoted to learning the trade she had forced him into while she had just started to get bored of breakdancing, felt a spark of competition and decided to practice harder.
Her parents were really impressed. Periodt. Now they are famous both nationally (Veneer) and on the streets (Velvet, for breakdancing, not giving up). YIPPEE
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pastelspoon31 · 5 months
Chapter 4: What a nice neighbour! (Older!König x Younger!Reader) - NSFW
tw: age gap (early 20s reader, AT LEAST mid-40s König), manipulation, non-con, somnophilia, drugging, gullible reader :(, a little bit of pseudo-incest, pretty much dead dove, again.. SUPER ICKY
A/N: More somno ♥︎
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | > Masterlist
"Hey, König." You smiled as you stepped into his apartment.
"There’s mein liebling. Been waiting for you to stop by all day. Where have you been?" He asked you.
"Busy with classes." You sighed and walked over to his couch, flopping down on it and kicking off your shoes.
"I see." He hummed and followed after you, settling down right next to you.
"Can we cuddle?" You suddenly asked him, and he gave you a look.
Afterall, it's been days since you asked for your daily affection from him.
"Now? Something happened?" He asked you.
You looked back at him.
"What? No."
"Then, why do you want to cuddle all of a sudden?"
"I can't just want to cuddle? We cuddle all the time!" You uncharacteristically scoffed (like a brat, König thought as his cock hardened in his pants) and crossed your arms.
"With the way you've been acting lately, I'm not so sure." He sarcastically replied in a light tone, clearly teasing you.
"Acting weird?" You feigned ignorance, prompting König to sigh heavily at your reply.
"You've been ignoring my texts, not answering my calls. You come to my door only when you want something." He pointed out, and you bit your lip.
"That's not true.."
"Oh, really?" He asked, walking towards you and sitting down next to you.
"You can't deny it, liebling.."
"What does it matter, anyway? I'm here now, aren't I?" You rolled your eyes.
"I want an answer, liebling. Why have you been ignoring me?"
"Because why, (Y/N)?" You huffed at his question and pouted as you adjusted your sitting position on his couch.
"The lady told me," You started, and König looked at you, waiting for you to continue.
"Mrs. Ligham? 318?" You looked at him, waiting for his reply.
"What did she say?" He asked you.
"She... She says you're not what you seem.." König subconsciously gritted his teeth as he flexed his jaw.
People were onto him already?
"And why would that bother you?" He asked you defensively, and you shook your head.
"It doesn't!"
"You're upset. Why would you be upset if it didn't bother you?" He sighed and scooted closer to you, wrapping a comforting arm around your waist.
"Hase, Mrs. Ligham is a nosy old woman." He explained, "She doesn't know anything."
"No buts. She doesn't know a thing." He pulled you into his lap before you could even protest. Alas, you never really initiated the act but you never really objected it neither.
The atmosphere was awkward as you were lost in your thoughts, contemplating his words.
"...You're right. You're like a father to me and that's all I care about." You finally said, giving König a small smile which prompted the older man to smile back in relief.
“Good. Don’t let others ruin your happiness, okay? You know I care about you a lot, liebling,” He rubbed comforting circles onto your back.
“I know, König.. Thank you, you always know what to say.” You snuggled closer to him.
The two of you shared a moment of comfort together before König broke the silence.
"Then, how are you feeling now, liebling?" He asked.
"Fine." You answered.
"I've been worried about you. You haven't been yourself lately." He told you.
"I'm fine now." You assured as you snuggled up against his chest.
"Good. I'm glad, hase,”
"Me too." You smiled, and König hugged you closer.
"Would you like to stay the night?" He asked, and you nodded.
"Movie night and takeout again?" You asked.
"Of course." He agreed, "Anything you want, hase."
"You always take such good care of me, König.." You smiled.
"You deserve it." The older man hummed and pulled you close, hugging you tightly and enjoying the warmth.
"Mm, I love your hugs.." You giggled and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his chest.
König loved how gullible and trusting you were, and he was grateful for it.
No matter how many times you woke up with a crusty sheen covering your pussy or how mysterious bite marks would show up on your thighs, you were blind to it all, always brushing off the signs and continuing on with life.
Sometimes, when you were sleeping, König would snap pictures of your naked form, or take pictures of his cock buried in your tight heat. His collection easily had over two hundred pictures, and he could have probably added another hundred or so if he really wanted to.
"M'sleepy..." You mumbled out, dizzy from the alcohol.
Of course, it was spiked. Courtesy of your beloved König as always~
"Let's get you to bed, then." He purred and picked you up, carrying you bridal style to his room.
König placed you on the bed, your cute sundress that you wore to class earlier already halfway off as he stripped the rest of the way.
"Mmm... König.." You purred and rolled over onto your back, reaching your arms out towards him, not even realizing that you were naked in his presence.
"Come here.." You giggled.
"Patience, liebling." He hummed and grabbed his phone, snapping a picture of your naked form.
"Look at you.." He cooed, and you blushed.
"I'm sleepy.." You pouted, and he chuckled.
"Not too sleepy, I hope.." He purred, and you rolled over onto your stomach.
"Mmm... You always smell so good, König..." You purred, your legs squirming slightly as you tried to keep yourself awake.
"Thanks for always looking out for me.." You smiled sleepily at him before nodding off.
König couldn't help the smile on his lips as he watched you fall asleep, his cock twitching in anticipation.
"You're welcome, liebling." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your neck. His thick fingers already working on lightly pinching and pulling your sensitive nipples.
"Mmm.." You sighed happily, shifting slightly and leaning into his touch.
"So perfect.." He moaned and leaned in, pressing a kiss to your collarbone.
"So beautiful."
You were so out of it and sleepy that König knew he could have done just about anything to you and you wouldn't have woken up.
And that was the most exciting part.
"Mmm.. So tired.." You mumbled, and König kissed down your spine, his gloved hands rubbing at your sides.
"Rest, liebling." He soothed.
"You'll need the energy for later." He unbuckled his belt, his pants coming down quickly and his cock already rock hard.
Your head lolled to the side as you slowly drifted off, König moving his gloved hand down between your thighs and pushing them apart.
"So perfect, hase.." He growled softly, "Always keeping this pussy pretty for me.."
König slid his finger over your wet slit, making you moan in your sleep.
"You're soaking wet.." He chuckled and slipped his middle finger inside of you, pumping it in and out.
"You must be dreaming about me.."
You shifted and sighed in content, your pussy clenching around his finger as he added another one.
"Or maybe someone else."
König's fingers worked in and out of your tight heat, making you whimper softly in your sleep.
"Not sure I like the idea of that, hase.." He hummed, "Maybe we should take care of that."
König pumped his fingers faster, his thumb rubbing at your clit, and you whined and moaned in your sleep, your body trembling.
"Go on, hase. Cum for me." He ordered, and you moaned softly.
“Mmm.. K-Kö.. Ah! König~” König smirked. Now you’re definitely dreaming about him.
"You can do it, mein hase."
A soft cry escaped you as your orgasm washed over you, your back arching and hips rolling into his hand.
"There we go.." He smirked, "See? Isn't that much better?"
He pulled his fingers from your heat, sucking on them.
"Delicious as always, hase~”
König lined his cock up with your entrance, his fingers still in his mouth, and pushed into you.
"Fuck, so tight.." He groaned.
König's large hands were quick to grip your hips as he started thrusting, his cock pounding into you slowly.
"Mm... Fuck, hase.." He moaned.
His pace was slow and deep, and you whimpered each time he pushed inside.
"I'm going to fill you up so well, liebling." He promised.
"Such a pretty pussy."
Your body trembled in your sleep, and König moaned as he felt you clench around him.
"So warm.." He groaned and kept thrusting, his hand moving to rub your throbbing clit.
"Mmm, come on, hase.."
His thrusts became faster and deeper, and you gasped in pleasure, moaning as his cock slammed into you.
"So good, mein Y/N. Your body remembers me, hm? That's a good girl.." He praised.
"Fuck.." König's hands gripped your hips as he continued to fuck you, his cock sliding in and out of you easily.
"You're mine, liebling. You just don't know it yet..”
You whimpered and moaned softly in your sleep, your pussy clenching and fluttering around his thick length.
“But that’s okay~ Your König is more than happy to convince your body that you’re mine. It’ll be easier in the long run this way afterall, right mein liebling?” He chuckled as you clenched around his cock at his question- As if subconsciously responding to him.
“Good girl.. Even your body knows you want this~” He kept on pounding your pussy, burying every inch of his fat cock in your tiny abused pussy.
Dreaming of him in your vulnerable state, your body could only take thrust after thrust as he sped up his movements to chase his end.
"Just a little more.." He panted.
König fucked you harder and faster, his cock slamming into you and stretching your walls. Your tits bounced each time his hips collided with yours, and he couldn't help but lean down and bite your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin.
"Mine.." He growled and slammed into you once more, cumming deep inside of you.
"My little hase.." He grunted as he slowly pulled out.
"So good, liebling.."
He pulled his cock from you, letting his cum dribble out of you and onto the sheets.
"So pretty.." His fingers gently pried open your red and abused hole.
"Look at you, mein liebling. All filled up and dripping with my seed~"
König licked his lips and reached for his camera by the bedside, snapping a picture of your leaking pussy.
"My beautiful hase." He sighed dreamily and took a couple more photos, making sure to get a good shot of his cum oozing out of your hole.
"You'll definitely feel this tomorrow, won't you, hase?" He mused and gently rubbed your swollen pussy.
"I think you’ll need some extra attention tomorrow, hm?" A sadistic smirk formed on his lips as he playfully tugged your abused clit one last time.
You whimpered and moaned in your sleep, and König moved a little, his hand moving to caress your soft flesh as he pulled your clothes back on, patting your filled cunt for good measure once your panties were back on.
"Well, you can whine about it tomorrow, hase. You know your König will be here to take care of you." He chuckled and got up, cleaning himself up before pulling his own pants on.
"Sweet dreams, liebling."
He kissed your cheek and laid down next to you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"My sweet engel~"
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milkywaygalaxygurl · 7 months
Comfort - Peeta Mellark
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Purely self indulgent fic, I’m not doing the best right now and I wish I just had Peeta here to give me a hug :( sorry if there’s any typos or anything! fyi, i will take requests! i write for a lot of different characters so just ask if i will and i might! i don’t really have any restrictions on what i’ll write about minus smut:)
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x Female!Reader
Warnings: maybe OOC!Peeta?, mentions of trauma but no description, pure fluff, idk if there’s anything else lmk if i missed anything
Word Count: 600(?)
Like I said, purely self indulgent. (Y/N) is sad and Peeta is a Sad Baby™ himself and understands how to comfort (Y/N) because of it.
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Peeta could tell you were upset the second he laid eyes on you. Your smile when greeting him wasn’t as bright as it usually was and you seemed distracted, like you weren’t really present, when Peeta began talking about his day. He always seemed to pick up on your moods, even when you tried hiding the fact that you’re upset from him. Dealing with his own traumas and bad days had caused him to be able to spot yours in seconds.
“(Y/N)?” He says your name softly, so as to not startle you, and smiles softly when you turn to look at him. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, tilting his head as he studies your features.
“Are you doing alright, my love?” His voice is soft, so gentle, and it causes the dam to break. Tears begin to slide down your cheeks as you shake your head, a sob racking your body. Peeta gathers you up in his arms and pulls you into his lap, holding you tight against his body.
“It’s alright, it’s okay, I’m here.” He kisses the side of your head, one of his hands rubbing up and down your back while he rocks you slightly. He feels his heart tighten as another sob falls from your lips, his hold on you tightening.
“If you’re feeling up to it, we can talk about what’s bothering you. Don’t force yourself to if you don’t want to, okay? We can always talk about it later.” Peeta pulls you away from his body so he can see your face and smiles softly at you, wiping the tears off your cheeks. You smile weakly at him, trying to convey to him that you were grateful for his comfort.
“I-I think I j-just need to c-cry.” Peeta nods his head in understanding, kissing your forehead. He pulls you into him again, whispering sweet nothings and comforting words in your ear. Your sobs eventually subside, but tears still fall from your eyes as you hold tightly to Peeta. He doesn’t let you leave his arms until you’re no longer crying, but even then he doesn’t stop taking care of you. He draws you a warm bath with scented bath salts, ones he knows help calm you down. Once you’re seated in the bath, he whispers about anything that comes to mind to distract you from the bad thoughts as he washes your hair. After the bath, he helps you into the clothes you always prefer when having a rough day.
“Thank you.” You whisper to him when you’re settled in bed, your head tucked into his chest and his arms around you. One of the things you loved most about Peeta was his ability to be so kind, so loving, without even thinking about it. It was just in his nature to be that way and it made you fall head over heels for him the first time you witnessed it.
“Of course, my love.” His whispered reply makes you pull back from his chest to look up at him, pure adoration and love in your eyes for this puppy dog of a man you called your boyfriend.
“I love you.” You whisper, your lips split into a lovesick grin. His smile mirrors your own as he pulls you into a gentle kiss, trying to put all his love into the gesture.
“I love you more than you could ever know.” His murmured reply is all you hear before you’re slipping off into a much needed rest.
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short-honey-badger · 6 months
Peppermint Tea
I'm baaaacckkkkk
I hope you enjoy. This may be the start of a new series, not sure yet. But I hope you all enjoy!
Pairings: Dracule Mihawk x Reader (Devil fruit user)
Update! This fic has gone through a lot of changes! so new pairing will ultimately be Mihawk x Reader x Shanks!
Summary: Mihawk wakes from his nap near what should be a deserted island. Turns out that you and your dog Hank are its sole inhabitants. One visit leads to another until your island becomes his home away from home.
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Devil fruit user reader,
Warnings: none yet!
Dracule Mihawk wakes to the sound of screaming. He is already scowling by the time he cracks his eyes open and sits up to scan the horizon. Seems like he had drifted close to a small island while napping. His lip curls up in a sneer when he hears the screams again, and it has him standing from his perch and using a bit of haki to see what was going on.
There, being chased by a group of obvious pirates, is you. His ringed eyes narrow, and with a dramatic sigh, Mihawk directs his little boat closer to the shore and tosses the anchor over. In a flash, he stands on shore and begins making his way toward the commotion that woke him in the first place. Dracule is not a hero. he would never dream of calling himself one, but even he would not turn a blind eye to a woman in need. He wasn't a monster, after all.
The warlord swings his sword from his back and takes off, boosting himself forward with a little haki. It's laughable how easily Mihawk cuts down the pirates, these men little more than bandits with a stolen ship. However, he is caught off guard when the ground under his feet suddenly becomes cold, near freezing, and he is quick to hop away from the patch of snow that has formed under his feet.
“You ass! I was having fun!” The woman he thought he had saved snarls at him. Mihawk schools his face back into its usual unimpressed look and looks at you. She is scowling fiercely up at him, but all Dracule can see is an upset kitten.
“You should be grateful. I saved your life, you know.” He replies hauntingly and swings his sword back around to latch it to his back, “Why were they chasing you?”
You shrug at him, shifting foot to foot in impatience. You needed to get a move on. Hank was waiting for you back home. “I dunno. They showed up this morning and demanded I give them whatever I had. I told them to fuck off.” She frowns and kicks the snow that has gathered around her. “They didn't like that answer.”
“No, I would imagine not,” Mihawk agrees and looks her over. The woman wears simple clothes, just leggings and a loose tunic, and quite a few years younger than himself. He finds himself oddly concerned. Hmm. How unlike him.
“Are you alone here?” He asks, and the woman looks suspicious immediately. Her shoulder squares, and she shifts into a defensive stance. Dracule wonders if she even needed his help in the first place.
“Yeah? So what?” You demand and narrow your eyes at him. “Why don't you wear a shirt?”
Dracule blinks at her, definitely not having expected that to be her question, “I run hot.” He says and wonders why he is even entertaining this girl.
“Ha, I run cold!” She exclaims, and snow begins to fall around her as if to prove her point. Slowly, she begins to relax after realizing that this man isn't trying to attack her like the last people. She debates with herself for a moment before ultimately giving in to her baser desires. It's been so long since she's had good, human company.
“Would you like some tea?”
Mihawk opens his mouth to turn her down, but what comes out is, “What kind do you have?” He can't help but enjoy the tiny little smile you send him at his question. He is curious as to why you have yet to call him out, and questions why a warlord of the sea wanted with you and your little island.
“I grow my own, so you'll have to come see at home,” you tell him and point south, “If you aren't busy anyway?”
Truth be told, Dracule probably should get back on his boat and sail away to never see this slip of a girl and tiny island again. Go back to his lonely castle and read the hundreds of books just waiting to be cracked open. Maybe even do his job and report to the Marines about this place. But Mihawk would do none of those things. Instead, he gestured for you to lead the way and was rewarded with another one of those timid smiles.
“Hank should still be home. He's my dog,” you inform him as the two of you walk, and it doesn't take very long for your home to come into view. It's a quaint little cottage with rows of flowers and a large garden off to the side. He can see rows of drying herbs in one of the windows and even a smoke room connected to the side of the cottage. A massive hound with shaggy gray fur comes bounding up. It doesn't even bark at him and instead plops right down and starts to beg for attention.
“And this is why you aren't a guard dog, Hank,” you grumble and pat the hound on his massive head as you walk past Mihawk. Dracule eyes the dog before rolling his eyes and giving in to pat the top of his head like you had.
“You know, I know his name now, but I've yet to have the pleasure of knowing yours.” Mihawk follows after you, and a tiny smirk plays on his lips when he sees your face flush a pretty pink.
“God's, I'm sorry about that,” You laugh and run your fingers through your hair before offering the handsome man your hand and introducing yourself.
Mihawk grasps your hand, noting that you indeed do run very cold, “Dracule Mihawk,” he rumbles and waits for the inevitable panic that his name usually causes anyone he comes across.
“Huh. I like that. It suits you. Especially your eyes,” You tell him instead, and Mihawk finds that he likes You even more than he thought he would.
“Thank you,” he mutters quietly and follows you through the open door of your home. The inside is just as cozy as on the outside, and he has a hard time not immediately investigating the tall stacks of books that seem to be piled on every available surface. Most of them look worn and smudged, as if they'd been drowned in water.
“Sorry for the mess. I don't have company very often,” you murmur with a bit of wince and clear a chair for your guest.
“Nothing to apologize for, Darling,” Mihawk assures you and examines the rest of your home. It's cluttered, yes, but clean and more or less organized. He cuts his eyes toward you and smirks again at the sight of your flushed face. It seemed that you were not very used to being called any type of pet name.
You cough and rub the back of your neck, “Anyway, tea is this way,” you lead him to the kitchen where strings of dried herbs hang from the ceiling. You point at a group set away from the others and point out which is which. “The peppermint came out nicely this year, probably my favorite so far.”
“I'll have that then,” He watches as you dither around the kitchen, bringing a chipped kettle to a boil and pouring the two of you steaming cups of tea. He blows gently and then sips, humming at the pleasant coolness of the tea.
“Very nice,” he compliments and watches intently as you blush even brighter than before. Mihawk finds that he enjoys making you light up.
You quietly thank him and take a small sip of your own. He can feel your eyes on him, but Dracule doesn't particularly mind your curiosity. If earlier was any indication, then you had absolutely no idea who he was, and Mihawk would prefer to keep it that way.
“And thank you for earlier, with those men,” you speak up, and Dracule ticks a brow up at you, “I could have handled them, but definitely not as quickly as you did.”
“Mhm. You are welcome. The tea is a good enough reward,” the warlord teases, and you laugh quietly at his quip. After that, it's as if a dam broke. Conversation flowed between the two of you, and Dracule found himself hard pressed to leave when he looked outside and noticed that the sun was setting.
“Ah, I should be on my way. It is late, and I don't want to disturb you any longer,” Mihawk mentions. Truthfully, he wouldn't mind staying longer, but there were things he actually needed to attend to.
You blink and jerk your head to the window. It's near dusk and the sun paints the sky in hues of pink and purple, “Oh, I guess it is pretty late, huh,” you murmur and try to keep the disappointment out of your tone. Today has been one of the best days you've had in a very long time. You would miss Dracule Mihawk.
The warlord makes a split decision and stands, only to step close to his host and gently place a knuckle under her chin. He lifts her face, and she looks up at him with stars in her eyes when he swipes his thumb over her bottom lip, “Don't worry, Darling. You'll see me again,” he assures her softly.
You wet your lip, tongue ghosting over the pad of his thumb, “Promise?” You whisper, and Dracule gives the young woman a smile that will forever solely belong to you.
“Of course, sweet thing,” Mihawk murmurs and reluctantly pulls away. He grabs his sword and hat, fixing them to their proper places before he heads to the door, “I'll see you again.”
You watch him go, heart beating loudly in your chest as you stand to watch him out the window. When he disappears from sight, you plop back down and cover your flaming face with your hands. You couldn't wait to see him again.
@writingmysanity @kenkenmaaa @browneyedhufflepuff @foggyturtleknightangel
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ilovechuuy4 · 6 months
Hi! I love your work, if you write smut would you be willing to write kinky Fyodor smut? He's probably vanilla ASF but like still 😭😭
My attention is all on you darling
Fyodor D. X GN! Reader.;°
Warnings; kinks, smut, eating out/rimming, fingering, bjs/hjs, stretching etc
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• Fyodor is definitely a very calm and nice husband but I feel like in bed he's very like, ready and a bit aggressive
• He has a decent after care he will probably get you nice food and cuddle you, washing will be a LOT later
• He doesn't like toys, he's the one to want to pleasure you himself
• Fyodor seems like a sadist but not like a big one maybe like degrading words in bed but sweetly
• The thought of him ruining you makes him excited
• He seems the one to enjoy blowjobs but I feel like he enjoys eating you out/rimming(if reader is male) you more
• Hair pulling kink for sure
• He'd probably edge you a lot not letting you cum until he says you can
• If you are giving him head, he'd want you to take as much of him as you can without hurting yourself
• "Such a good slut" type shit or like degrading praises
• Rough play/teasing
• slow and sensual sex
• he isn't the one to like groan but more of a whimper
• bending you over like the kitchen counter or the back of the couch
• Breeding kink???
• He'll cum where you want him to (inside out whteva)
• Picking you up in his arms and thrusting into you to reach deeper for sure
• he'll fuck you in different, private places (he's not the one to have sex with you in public spots)
It was around 12-1am and Fyodor has yet to come out from the office. He has had to be in it at least most of the day and night and only came out to eat or use the restroom, but that's all. You figured you would take things into your own hands and make Fyodor come to the room so you stand from the bed and make your way to his office. You skitter your way to the office door and open it, peeking inside to see the tired-ish russian man sitting at his desk typing away.
You sigh as you enter the office, closing the door behind you. "Fyodor." You whisper softly but loud enough for it to echo in the slightly empty office. Your husband turns to face you, his eyebrow cocked. "Yes, Myshka?" That thick Russian voice filling your ears for the first time that day. "I think it's time to take a break for the night." You murmur, stepping closer to Fyodor just from him to bring you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist. "And why is that? It's only." He pauses as his gaze averts to the clock on the wall and back at you. "12:30am" he huffs out, kinda upset you did indeed have a point. "Please? We can do what you want tonight you just need a break." You say, you were serious, Fyodor needed a break.
You watch as Fyodor cocks his eyebrow once more, almost like he was considering your office since you felt his cold hand moving up your thigh. "Anything?" He asks, kissing your neck softly causing a soft hum to come from your throat. "Yes, anything honey." You mutter softly, your arms slowly wrapping around Fyodor's neck. "Then, could we make love?" He said, getting straight to the point, it was obvious that your cheeks were getting a soft tent of red on them.
"We could, if that's what you'd like?" You reply, kissing Fyodor's cheek. "Then let's." He said before starting to slip off his sweater tossing it over on the floor. The Russian then starts working on your shirt, slipping it up and off as he starts kissing and suckling on your neck, leaving soft red marks on it. You could feel the hardness of his member pressing against your thigh as he kissed your neck.
A soft whimper escapes your throat as you run your fingers through his deep hair. "Mih, Fyodor. Keep going." You mutter as you start unbuttoning his pants button and unzipping them, watching them fall down to his ankles. He leans in kissing you deeply. His tongue tracing your lips for entry. You slowly open your mouth as you kiss back, allowing Fyodors tongue to be pushed into your mouth.
Fyodor picks you up putting you on his desk, slowly breaking the kiss as he takes off your shorts, his bends down, kissing your inner thighs. "My myshka. your thighs are so soft I love them." He hums, leaving bite marks on your thighs as he takes off your shorts. You felt his cold hand go into your underwear slowly rubbing against your entrance making your breath hitch. "Fyfyodor." You stutter, your legs trembling. You feel his fingers slide inside your tight entrance, your walls squeezing his fingers. "Darlin" you're squeezing my fingers so tightly." He mutters as his fingers slowly trust in and out of you causing you to moan out, your fingers gripping his shirt. You pulls his head up slightly and kissing him passionately, causing Fyodor to let out a soft groan as he works his fingers inside you, stretching you to the liking so it wouldn't hurt when he goes inside you.
You could feel Fyodor's fingers moving around inside you with ever thrust of his fingers inside you until you felt Fyodor break the kiss and his fingers pulling out, hitch made you cock an eyebrow at the Russian man that was hovering over you. "Don't worry I'm still stretching you just want to try something." He muttered and before you knew it, his face was between your legs as he laps at your entrance making you whimper and squirm. "Ah?~ Wait, Fyodor." You moans out softly, this was definitely different it's not like it was weird but just different.
Your hands were running and tugging on Fyodor's black hair as he continued to eat you out/rim you, his tongue slowly pushing inside and exploring as he squirm underneath him. This goes on for a few minutes before he pulls away and stands up and takes off his boxers, his cock throbbing as it was released from the confines of his boxers. You watch as he grabs the lube, lathering his cock with it, giving himself a messy handjob, it was honestly a turn on. You watch as he rummages through his desk drawer and grabs a condom, slowly opening it and slipping it on. The man the lathers your entrance with a generous amount of lube before gently rubbing his cock head against your tight hole.
You bite your lip softly as he pushes in slowly, you could feel yourself being stretched a bit from the sheer thickness of the base of his cock as he pushed it in fully. Your moans and his groans echo throughout his office as he starts thrusting in and out of you. Your arms are wrapped around Fyodor's shoulders as your nails dig into his back, leaving scratch marks, making the Russian man groan lowly.
His hips grind against yours as he reaches deeper inside you, his hands gripping your thighs as he keeps up his agonizingly slow yet deep thrusts. "Ngh, Fyodor~" you moan but it was more of a whimper. Fyodor slowly starts to thrust deeper and faster before you feel his hands going under you and picking you up his hands on your ass as he starts pushing deeper inside you. You moan loudly, your body trembles violently, your limbs wrapping around Fyodor as he fucks you deeper. It felt so unbelievably good.
You nails dig deeply into Fyodor's back as the room is echoed with your moans and his groans as well as skin slapping against skin. You could feel a knot growing in your stomach as your orgasm was building up quickly and Fyodor continued to pound into you quickly. Your moans over power the other sounds in the room as your orgasm builds until you can't hold back any more, you cum as Fyodor thrusts one last time as he came as well, yall pant heavily as y'all ride the waves of pleasure y'all just experienced. It felt so good, unbelievably good actually...
"Oh myshka, that was amazing." You husband murmurs softly as he pulls out, rolling the condom off his cock and gently tying it up for the cum that filled the condom didn't get anywhere. You lean forward, capturing Fyodor's lips in a tender kiss and Fyodor slowly kisses back. It lasts for a a minute before you pull away.
"That, that was amazing, I love you." You managed to choke out as you still panted heavily. You watch as Fyodor rummages around once more, grabbing some wipes to gently clean you up, wiping away all the cum and sweat from your body, you seemed to exhausted for a shower anyways.
Your husband puts a gently kiss on your forehead before picking up your underwear, gently slipping them on over your sensitive areas and then taking off his shirt to put it on you. He picks you up and carries you off to the bedroom so y'all could relax now. "I love you too" Fyodor finally replies as he settles in bed, you on top of him, his arms wrapped around you.
"My attention is all on you, darling, always and forever." He mutters before kissing you once more letting it linger for a second before pulling off. You snuggle close to him before drifting off to a nice sleep. A smile is etched on his face as he gives you a gentle squeeze before closing his own eyes to fall asleep with you..
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
I’m finally done with the bird men story. Took forever and I also added a lot of bird facts if you squint.
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Birds of a Feather
Hanayama Kaoru x Afab Reader x Katsumi Orochi
Harpy AU
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Obsidian. That was the color (your name) would use to describe the eyes of the large harpy that pinned her down in the snow. His white wings freckled with black spots and his talons were sharp but she couldn’t help but find him beautiful… beautiful like an angel of death.
He tilted his head to the side, the scars on his face were prominent. This snow owl harpy was a seasoned hunter and she knew he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. Yet she couldn’t find it in her nature to be upset with him.
The male harpy was just about to strike this small mortal down until he saw the white feathers under her cloak. She was a harpy too? Impossible… she should be in the skies if that were the case and not scurrying the snow fields like a rodent.
“State your business.” His voice was cold like the snow that seeped through her clothes and yet she was not afraid.
“I fled from my owners.” (Your name) replied in a soft tone. She didn’t want to upset this large harpy anymore than she already had.
The male harpy immediately moved off of her, his obsidian eyes studied her face to see if she told the truth. But the shackle around her dainty talons and her big, innocent eyes told him everything. She was a domesticated harpy… just like his mother.
“Species?” His voice was soft, his obsidian eye held pity in them.
“I’m a dove.” (Your name) replied, a bit of her feathers now ruffled once she sat up. Now he could see her white wings better. She wouldn’t last out here…
“Until the snow melts, you can stay with me.”
“My name is (your name). What’s yours?”
The male harpy turns around and gives her a nod. “Hanayama Kaoru. You may call me Hanayama.”
He begins to trudge through the snow but not before he cast her another look. “Hurry along now. I don’t have much patience.”
(Your name) eagerly followed behind him, being sure not to lose sight of him. Her heart drummed in her chest in happiness.
She finally made her first friend.
Kaoru woke up in the middle of the night when he felt something warm beside him. What was that?
He slowly turned his head around and saw (your name) cuddled into his side. He frowned when her body shivered in her sleep. She wasn’t built for the cold… despite how soft and fluffy her feathers were.
Kaoru glanced out of his burrow in thought. He daintiness reminded him of his mother so he was merely doing her this favor as a homage of his mother’s memory. Nothing more.
Tomorrow he would go to find her some pelts and some berries. Lest he wanted a puffy corpse beside him.
Once spring rolled around, he’d kick her out to fend for herself… or so he told himself.
Kaoru had to lightly kick her away from him here and there whenever she’d get too close to him. Her affection irritated him.
“Just stay on your side of the burrow. It’s cold where I’m positioned.” Kaoru told her in a firm tone. “Remember, you’re only here until spring.”
“I’m sorry.” Doves were social birds, it was her natural instinct to want to be near him. Yet she couldn’t find the words to tell him that. “You’re just very warm.”
Kaoru sighed and handed her some pelts off his side. “Here. You can stay warm with these.”
(Your name) frowned but accepted the gift. She had only wanted to be near him so they could be warm together… but it seemed he had no interest in her whatsoever.
“I’m sorry.” Kaoru didn’t respond to her apology. He simply curled back up into his spot to sleep.
Maybe she could reorganize the burrow so they could be warm together without being near each other? Maybe that would work!
The young woman snuggled into her numerous pelts with a smile.
Kaoru was surprised to find his burrow cozier than normal. The snow owl harpy was shocked to see her evenly laying out the pelts.
“Oh! I decided to make it a little comfier since we have a few more months together.” (Your name) beamed at him, her fluffy feathers puffed out a bit in her excitement.
Kaoru frowns and began to gather the pelts up, much to (your name)’s shock. The snow owl harpy handed her the pelts.
“These are only for you. I don’t need them to stay warm.”
(Your name) put her head down and frowned. She had spent hours on the pelts’ placement to make it comfortable for two but it seemed her efforts only irritated him.
An awkward silence enveloped the burrow. One that Kaoru was confused by but ultimately he settled in to his usual corner by the entrance. The large harpy paid no mind to the disappointed (your name).
(Your name) curled up in the pelts with a small frown. She hadn’t meant to annoy him… maybe she could try helping him with something else?
(Your name) glanced at the red raspberries that were collected on one of the shelves in Kaoru’s burrow. Maybe she could collect berries like those?
She just wanted to help him was all… a shame it would land her into trouble.
(Your name) snuck out during the day. She wrapped a pelt around her cloak as her small feet padded against the cold snow.
This was the first time she’s been out of the burrow since she’s arrived a month ago. And she could tell spring would be near soon.
(Your name) made sure to keep track of where she was going. Her head would glance behind her every once and while to make sure her foot prints were still there. She didn’t want to get lost… or at least inconvenience Kaoru even more.
The dove harpy craved to preen his pretty feathers and to sit beside him but he didn’t like her all that much. It honestly broke her heart. She just wanted to be his friend.
Maybe this misadventure would help her find a home of her own? If she found a decent spot with food, maybe she’d find a nice burrow of her own?
(Your name) continued on her journey, her heart now set ablaze with determination. She could do it. Even though she was a dove, she could survive the wild.
About ten more minutes of walking and she stumbled across a bush full of red raspberries. It was a success!
(Your name) quickly made her way over the the bush, her white feathers ruffled in excitement. She couldn’t wait to pick a couple and take them back to Kaoru…
“What do you think you’re doing?!” (Your name) froze right in front of the bush when she heard a masculine voice. Her head whipped around to see a large harpy with snow white wings at the edge of the pond. His dark brows furrowed and his muscular arms crossed. He looked upset. “This is swan harpy territory.”
“O-oh I didn’t know.” (Your name) bowed her head, the hood of her cloak fell off from the quick motion. “I-I can keep looking- eep!”
The swan harpy now stood right in front of her, his cheeks now a rosy shade of pink.
“I didn’t know you were also a swan…” The young harpy whispered, his tone filled with hope.
“Oh I’m not a swan, I’m a dove!” (Your name) giggles as she shows off her wings to the other harpy.
The harpy held up his white wings as well. The male harpy bounced a bit with each step toward her.
“Still… we’re so similar. I haven’t seen a female harpy except for my adopted mom.” The harpy shared, his expression soft. “You can collect berries, I just thought you were a predator.”
“I don’t think a predator would eat berries.” (Your name) giggled which made the male harpy blush.
“My name is Katsumi Orochi.” He introduced himself with a bow. “I’m a trumpeter swan harpy.”
“My name is (your name) and I’m a white dove harpy.” (Your name) smiled at Katsumi who seemed so happy.
“I could help you pick some berries.” Katsumi offered with a soft smile. “I feel bad being a little mean to you earlier…”
(Your name) felt her heart flutter at his genuineness. Katsumi was really sweet unlike Kaoru…
“I’d love that.”
Katsumi began to pick raspberries with her. The swan harpy cast a few glances at her, his cheeks aflame the entire time.
“So what brings you to this cold terrain? I didn’t think doves live in the snow.” Katsumi asked with interest. He wanted to know more about her… as much as she’d tell him.
“I ran away from my owners and I started living here.” (Your name) smiled at Katsumi who had a sympathetic expression on his face. “I currently live with another harpy but I’ll have to find my own home come spring.”
“Well… you could live with my flock and I.” Katsumi blushed, his heart hammered in his chest. This might be his chance to find a mate… she seemed sweet.
“I’d have to get to know you better then.” (Your name) laughed which made Katsumi blush more.
“Then you can come here to see me whenever you’d like.” Katsumi told her with a grin. “I can show you around!”
She should pursue a friendship with this sociable harpy instead. He seemed thrilled to meet her so maybe she should take him up on his offer?
“I’d love that.” (Your name) smiled warmly at Katsumi. The other harpy gave her a smile as bright as the sun.
“Great!” Katsumi handed her the last handful of raspberries he picked. “I’ll show you where all the best spots to eat are!”
And so began their friendship! Or at least that’s what (your name) thought it was. She hadn’t realized that the swan harpy was actively courting her.
Kaoru was surprised at the berries presented to him from (your name). Her white wings puffed out in pride from all the berries she found.
Kaoru popped a few in his mouth with a stern look in his eye.
“Did you leave from the burrow for these?” Kaoru asked her the obvious, his body trembled a bit. She had wandered out into the snow with no protection… what if something had happened to her? What if a predator caught her? Didn’t she know of the danger outside?
“I did. I found a nice bush a few minutes from here.” (Your name) smiled warmly at Kaoru. “I thought I’d get you some berries since you always bring me things.”
Kaoru felt his heart clench at her words. Was she courting him? Kaoru felt his feathers ruffle at the thought. He had never thought about the possibility of her holding a torch for him but it would make sense. She must want to stay after spring with him since he took such good care of her.
Kaoru ate the berries she offered him with a ghost of a smile on his face. (Your name) was so sweet with all of her courting rituals. How could he be so blind not to see it all before?
“Thank you.” Kaoru told her, his eyes studied her soft expression. Tonight and from now on, he’d allow her to lay beside him for warmth.
Kaoru had decided to accept her as his lifelong mate.
Kaoru placed a pelt next to (your name) while she slept. The owl harpy careful not to disturb her too much.
She looked so warm and comfortable under all those pelts… perhaps he should make a nest of them since she liked them so much?
He should start to look for a bigger home. Kaoru didn’t want to be a bad mate after all. Once spring rolled around, they could have their first brood.
(Your name) often snuck out of the burrow to go see Katsumi. She really wanted to be friends with the kind swan harpy. He seemed so sweet compared to the stoic Kaoru. And she liked how easy he was to talk to.
Katsumi smiled brightly when he spotted (your name). The swan harpy was quick to take her hands in his larger ones. His white wings spread a bit to lightly touch hers.
“I was worried you wouldn’t come back!”
“I told you I would, didn’t I?” (Your name) told Katsumi with a grin. The swan nodded.
“And I told you I’d show you all the best spots to eat!” Katsumi blushed, his hands held hers tightly. “And if you’d like… I can show you my home.”
“Your home?” (Your name) asked with a head tilt. Katsumi eagerly nodded.
“Yes! I built my own home by the pond.” Katsumi puffed out his chest with pride. “It’s big too. I could probably fit a whole family in there.”
Katsumi lead (your name) toward the pond, the swan harpy pointed out various spots for her to admire.
“We have various berry bushes around here and we even have some wild vegetables that grow over there by the willow trees.” Katsumi babbled with a bright smile on his face. He seemed to really love his home. “The flock and I come back here every year just a bit before spring starts so no one else takes our spot.”
(Your name) giggled at how happy Katsumi seemed about being home. He was cute.
The pair stopped in front of a large, sturdy home made of sticks and mud. The sticks were wrapped firmly together with vines. It was impressive.
“And this is my home!” Katsumi ushered her inside the cozy home. She was in awe of how well constructed it was. This must have taken him years to build not to mention the large nest in the center of the home. It looked comfortable with the blankets and pillows… he must have carefully curated each item to impress a mate. “Do you like it? I tried to make it as comfortable as possible.”
“It’s lovely, Katsumi.” (Your name) told him as she admired the shelves that lined the walls full of nuts and dried fruits. She couldn’t believe how stocked his home was with food. He could probably feed a whole family! “How long did this all take you?”
Katsumi hummed in thought. “The home itself took me a few years but I’ve been working on the nest over the last few days. I’m still adding to it until spring.”
“I’m sure it’ll be impressive by then.” (Your name) smiled at Katsumi who blushed a bright red. “It already looks quite comfortable.”
“Y-you can sit in it if you’d like.” Katsumi told her with a shy smile, his cheeks still a bright shade of cherry. “Test it out.”
(Your name) slowly went towards the nest and nestled into it. It was nearly a perfect fit for two with how spacious it was. It could be a little softer though.
“What do you think?”
“It just needs to be a little softer but other than that, it’s a comfortable size for two.” (Your name) told him with a smile. The swan quickly leapt onto the nest and nestled beside her in thought. His larger body didn’t fit as comfortably as her smaller one did.
“Hmm… I’ll have to make it bigger and softer then!” Katsumi beamed with a grin. He held out his hand to help her up. “That way there’s no room for a refusal.”
(Your name) smiled at Katsumi who seemed more determined to make a better nest. The swan took her hands in his with a bright smile.
“I can’t wait for spring time!” Katsumi smiled at her. “I’ll make sure you feel welcomed into the flock.”
Kaoru flew around the land in search for a new home for him and his lovely dove. He needed to prepare for spring and their burrow was not safe from ground predators or from other harpies. Plus they’d need a place where they could find plenty of food, the area near the pond was starting to run scarce since the swans have returned early from migration.
A cave on a cliff caught his eye. Maybe this was it?
Kaoru flew into the cave to inspect it. His wings folded behind him while he explored. It seemed abandoned… and it was spacious.
Kaoru marveled at the shelves that lined the walls and the build in beds. Whoever used to live here must have spent awhile building this… he was happy to have stumbled across it.
Kaoru decided that this would be their future home and he was sure she’d love it.
Katsumi constantly brought her various vegetation and berries to eat with the biggest smile on his face over the last few weeks. They’d share small talk and laugh together every single time. She really liked him.
Just like today, the two sat by the pond and shared stories. This time, (your name) shared more about her past with him. She trusted Katsumi and felt the need to vent to him.
“You can’t fly?” Katsumi asked (your name) with a frown, the swan harpy glanced at her clipped wings. “I can’t believe your owners did that to you…”
The two harpies sat by the large pond where Katsumi resided. The swan harpy was shirtless, his muscles on proud display while (your name) wore her cloak and a dress. Their white wings touched tips.
“It’s so I couldn’t fly away but I think my flight feathers are starting to come in.” (Your name) flexed her wing out to him with a smile. Katsumi pulled her into a hug.
“Well I’ll teach you how to fly once they come in!” Katsumi smiled brightly at her. “Do you want to try to swim?”
“I don’t know if I’d be any good.” (Your name) squealed when Katsumi scooped her into his bare arms. “Hey!”
“Then you can just sit on my chest and I’ll take us around the pond.” Katsumi gave her a big smile and a kiss on her cheeks. “Just hold onto me!”
The swan harpy then went into the water, but he didn’t allow her to get wet. A big smile on his face.
(Your name) was in awe at how pretty the water was. She count believe how different everything was when one was in the pond itself…
“Once it’s spring time, you’ll see more plants and life.” Katsumi told her, his eyes studied her awestruck expression. He was happy he brought her out into the pond. “I’ll personally take you on as many swims as you’d like.”
“I swear.”
“You seem happier.” Kaoru told her with a nod. The snow owl harpy handed her some berries and nuts he had found. He had noticed a change in her. She used to be such an awkward thing but now she’s grown on him. Kaoru had come to like her company.
“I’m just excited for spring.” (Your name) gave Kaoru a big smile. She was excited to spend more time with Katsumi by the pond. He promised to teach her how to fly… as well as rides on the pond and to show her his completed house. He was such an amazing friend.
Kaoru felt his feathers ruffle at her words. She was excited to mate with him? He was too… he had recently found the perfect cliff to take her to. It was much larger and safer than this burrow so it’d be perfect for young.
Kaoru observed her hum while she organized her new pelts with the others. Yes… he was sure she’d be happy in their new home.
The young woman would sneak out of her and Kaoru’s burrow l to spend time with her friend. Kaoru was none the wiser since he’d be out flying all day doing whatever owls do. He wasn’t the best company anyways.
The star of today’s show was a baby blue blanket Katsumi had in his hands. There was a little swan family embroidered into the soft cotton… but one of the swans looked eerily similar to a dove. Perhaps it was an error?
“My adopted mom taught me how to embroider but I’m not the greatest at it… I’m sorry they’re kind of ugly.” Katsumi flushed a bright cherry red as he handed her the blanket. “I just thought you always looked cold so I wanted to gift you something.”
“I think you did a really great job.” (Your name) took the blanket from him with a smile. This was so cute… he was so thoughtful.
If she looked into it more, she’d realize that his ‘friendship’ was courting. How was she to know that the swan harpy was determined to be her mate for the rest of his life?
If only she knew the little embroidered family on the baby blue blanket was a premonition.
There was a sudden change in Kaoru. One that wasn’t entirely unwelcome but one that was strange. Kaoru now would lay beside her at night and during the early hours of the day. He still didn’t speak much but his actions were loud.
He would bring her more berries and pelts. She felt like the burrow was a large nest at this point from all the things he was bringing. He was always so silent and his eyes always watched her. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought he was a hawk.
(Your name) laid in her pelts, the blanket Katsumi gifted her was underneath her for more warmth. Soon it would be spring and soon she’d be spending more time with the swan… she couldn’t wait to see Katsumi!
She eventually fell asleep while Kaoru laid beside her. His large wing covered her like a blanket. He was happy to see she was happy by his side. He never thought he’d find a mate and here she was… his cute, sweet mate. He was so happy she loved his pelts… what was that blue thing?
And that’s when he saw the baby blueunder her. His obsidian eyes widened in shock and surprise. Where did she find this?
Kaoru held the corner of the blanket up, his brows furrowed together at the small swans embroidered into the fabric. Had she been associating with a swan?
Kaoru felt an anger rise in him when he saw the dove beside a swan on the blanket. Was someone trying to steal her away from him? Didn’t they know she already had a mate?
Kaoru glanced at the peacefully slumbering form of (your name). Spring would be here in two weeks… did she think he was still going to kick her out? He wouldn’t do what he originally told her he would…
Kaoru burrowed into the pelts with her. His speckled wings tangled with her fluffy white ones. His muscular arms wrapped around her waist in a vice like grip.
He wouldn’t let her go… Kaoru would never let her go. She was his.
Katsumi eagerly sat by the pond for (your name). The swan harpy had preened his feathers for hours and slicked back his black hair to look his best for his darling dove.
Next week was spring, the week he’d take her to their nest. Their home to raise cygnets together.
Katsumi smiled when he saw something white out of his peripheral. He turned with a smile but was met with a fist to the face. The swan harpy fell into the grass with a smack. What on earth was that?
“Stay the hell away from my dove.” Kaoru hissed, he flashed his sharp talons at Katsumi in warning.
His dove? Did he mean (your name)? No… she had accepted his gifts. (Your name) had accepted him!
Katsumi was quick to leap up, his wings spread out menacingly. He wasn’t going to back down. (Your name) must be held captor by this owl and that’s why she wasn’t here… he’d defeat him and save her.
Kaoru was shocked at the quick blows dealt to him by the swan. A fist collided with his face and his large wings slapped against Kaoru’s own.
An all out brawl broke out between the two men. Feathers and blood splattered all over the grass since neither one wanted to give up.
“Stop! Stop!” The two men hissed at each other before they separated when (your name) came running over. Her white wings flapped futilely behind her. “What are you doing?!”
“He attacked me!” Katsumi screeched. His once white feathers now painted with red specks. “Are you okay, (your name)? Did this owl try to kidnap you?”
“Kidnap her? (Your name) is my mate, you loon.” Kaoru hissed, the owl flapped his large wings up and down. “Stay away from her-“
“Mate?” (Your name) asked softly with a confused expression. Where on earth did Kaoru get that idea from? “I thought we were merely roommates until spring-“
“You’re much more than a roommate.” Kaoru tried to get closer to her but Katsumi stood in the way. “You courted me and I accepted-“
“I just wanted to pay back your hospitality with berries.” (Your name) replied with a flustered expression. Why on earth would he think she wanted him? He pushed her attempts at friendship away…
“You can’t leave. I have a new home picked out for us.” Kaoru told her, had the swan influenced her? Had he tempted her with his romance? Kaoru could be romantic too… he’d spend more time with her if that’s what she wanted. “We’re leaving-“
Kaoru made a move to grab (your name) but Katsumi smacked his hand away. The swan glared at the owl.
“She accepted me. So you should go.” Katsumi hissed, his white feathers all ruffled. “Back off.”
(Your name) perked up at this in shock. Katsumi…. Katsumi wanted to be her mate too? Was that why he was so nice to her- oh god. She sat in the nest. She accepted the swan blanket with the dove on it. Oh no… no, no, no.
She was a domesticated dove who knew nothing of the wild. How was she to know these two men wanted her as their mate.
(Your name) could do nothing but sit there shell shocked while the two males squared off against one another.
She knew only one could have her but who would it be? The cold Kaoru or the kind Katsumi? Either way she’d have no option but to give one of them a brood.
The dove harpy ultimately came to the obvious decision of Katsumi. The smaller harpy wrapped her arms around the swan with a smile that broke Kaoru’s heart.
“This isn’t over… I will come back for you.” Kaoru told her with a frown before he took off into the sky. He’d scoop her up the moment Katsumi turned his head away and take her to the cliff where she’d never escape…
Katsumi wrapped his arms around her with a big smile. The swan pressed kisses all over her cheeks. He knew she’d choose him… he was so happy.
“I’m so happy… I’m so happy you chose me.” Katsumi was so happy he could cry. “I swear you won’t regret it.
Their wings tangled together while they held each other in a warm embrace. Yes, this was right. This was where she was meant to be… in the sun with Katsumi.
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