#yes i put them together so sheev would be out right away
slutty-yoda · 8 months
Sexiest Dilf Bracket r1
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mcrcki · 6 months
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Was that [JOSEPHINE LANGFORD]? Oh no no, that was just [SELLA PALPATINE], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [TWENTY THREE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
girl's been here for nearly 3 years now what in the world
what is your character’s job
she is the personal assistant to winter celchu ! she is also a full time student , enrolled the george washington university, but specifically corcoran school of art and design and getting a fine arts degree !! 
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
she’s pulled right after her brother killed her and the rest of her family. she’s having a ✨terrible time✨
has any magic affected your character
beyond bringing her back to life, no not at all ! she had died back in april 2022 but she’s good, she’s cool now. she also died back in summer of 2023, shoutout to jgy for that driving, but yeah, she’s fine now!
extra information
maig here with another hardheaded brat of a muse !! this time in the form of sella palpatine , sheev’s youngest sister. listen i’m so excited for her chaos you have no idea kldfjgkldf a blanket apology for her now thank u enjoy ( 2023 me coming in to say i still apologize for her and who she is as a person, BUT SELLA STANDS AS THE ONE PERSON TO HIT SHEEV PALPATINE SEVERAL AND LIVE THANK YOU )
the youngest daughter of sarra and cosinga palpatine, and twin sister of sion, she was always the picture perfect child. she saw the way her father threated her eldest brother, the way anyone speaking out against their father would invoke his anger, she spent most of her childhood watching and learning from her siblings, knowing that she would not be following in those same footsteps.
she was always the ‘yes ma’am’ ‘yes sir’ child, listening to anything and everything her father and mother would say, never speaking out against them. she would do everything in her power to be the perfect child. she never once would be at the mercy of her father’s anger.
but that didn’t mean that she ever agreed with her father or the path that he had chosen for her and her siblings. she was just cautious about if and when she spoke against it. if her siblings allowed it, she would rant and rave about wanting to run away, to be anything but a pawn for cosinga, until her voice went hoarse. 
the late night conversations of her, red faced and crying, sitting in sabina’s room, begging to be anything BUT a palpatine, wishing that she could be free of the life she was being forced into was something she will always remember, even if things are different here. that stays with her. 
while she didn’t agree with the way her father treated sheev, she couldn’t help but fear him in the same breath. she was the youngest, only a child for the most of their father’s tyranny, how in the stars was she meant to speak out or help? 
very skilled in her social skills, having put a lot of pride in her ability to have many faces depending on who she was speaking to. but very few people got to see sella for who she was and not what she was supposed to be.
she saw the way her life was headed, the path her father wanted her to take, the arranged marriages for his political gain and was trying to do everything in her power to leave. to get far from their family as possible, but knew it would be a long game.
unfortunately, that plan never truly got off it’s feet as she and the rest of her family were killed by sheev.
being in dc, she’s very excited that she finally gets to have the life that she wanted all along. even if it’s a little different, and she’s been struggling with her identity, with the safety she feels her family is lacking, all of that– she is just happy to be somewhere where she can be just sella.
is currently dating allana solo, and most likely moving in together. they’re happy, she’s living the dream rn and doesn’t really know anything about the whole situation between the plapatines and the solos. to sella, she just thinks that sheev and leia are friends and that’s about it
goes by sella rhuno at work, to minimize the questions about being related to sheev since she knows he likes to keep the family sort of secret. as far as sella knows, he does have enemies in the city, and she was p convinced for a while that the jedi themselves were evil.
she’s doing better with that now, but is still p hesitant around the force and everything. 
but the most important thing to know about sella is that she is the color pink personified, and has her entire family wrapped around her finger. her crying is the most dangerous weapon in the world, and her gf’s scary dog privilege card. if sidious is ready to murder just from his sister tearing up, there’s nothing sella can’t get away with.
also here’s information from when she was unaware
UPDATE AS OF 12/12/23
currently VERY in love with allana solo, full on sapphic space romeo and juliet vibes
is very aware of the fact that she is probably sheev's favorite sibling, even if he won't say it, she's given herself that title, and all the things that come with that.
that being said, it was a big part in a fight that she and sabina had, where she was basically called out for being easily bought and manipulated which... sab is right but sella didn't need the forced self reflection
she is currently struggling with the fight that she and sabina had, that resulted in her sister nearly killing her, and then later on in that same day, sella killed her gf allana, she thought she was a monster in the maze ok-- so rn it's just all around a bad fucking time for sella palpatine and she is closing herself off more than ever before
✩ co-workers
anyone who works in politics or in the white house !! sella goes around to a lot of meetings with winter and is dropping things off in a ton of different offices so she would easily see people around
✩ friends !!! pls !!!
she’s never really had them and would love to have some now , pls be her friend i promise she’s super fun !!
✩ classmates
she goes to georgetown so could easily run into other students during like core classes / if you’re an art student !!
✩ sw person who tells her the truth
sella currently goes by rhuno everywhere she goes, she knows that she’s supposed to keep her name a secret. but i think it’d be fun for someone to hear her mention palpatine, mention being his sister or something, or just straight up be like ‘yo that guys a dick’
please she’s so sheltered she has no clue who sheev grew up to become i think it’d be funny if someone finally told her who tf sidious is
she knows the basics from her brother but like?? in her head she doesn't actually think sheev was THAT bad. mainly cause sheev doesn't think he was that bad but ya know!! help!!
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
Children Fall AU
Padawan Anakin with a group of initiates all ‘Falling’ at the same time
Maybe a Gathering gone wrong or something. Everyone is captured. Pirates or bounty hunters or just awful people.
No knights or the knights are killed.
Anakin is trying to protect the younglings.
Sacrificing himself if he can.
Falls in the process.
The kids are too young. They're not supposed to be in the field yet. There's a reason you're supposed to be a certain age before field missions. Before being chosen as a Padawan.
They can't handle their emotions.
They try to save Anakin right back but Fall, too.
Maybe they get overwhelmed by Anakin's Falling, since he is a supernova? And their shields aren't enough to protect them?
They survive and everyone is dead or dying but Anakin stands among a group of children, all with eyes of gold and he doesn't know what to do.
I want there to be like a noble reason for it?
Maybe but that definitely doesn't help the situation.
Maybe he remembers the tales of the Sith and executions.
He takes the kids and runs.
He doesn't know what he'll do, he just wants to protect them.
Maybe he Falls because he can't defeat the pirates/bounty hunters otherwise
They are kids, they can't be that dark, could they Fall by a Coruscanti Jedi point of view? Not so much Dark as too much attached, multiple Force Bonds attached? The question is more along the lines of Anakin knowing that, though.
They are holding each other together so closely that they would break if you tried to separate them? The pieces make a coherent whole together, but otherwise they would just be broken?
What if the younglings fell first and Anakin fell so that they wouldn't be alone.
Like the idea that the younglings would be hunted or at the very least isolated and he couldn't let that happen (Bariss and Ahsoka could be part of that group, they are in the right age range, right?)
He promised to protect them and he kept them alive but ultimately failed in the way that matters most to the Jedi.
It also could be about healing and building far away from what you used to know and considered home.
So the situation is too much too soon and they all fall. And Anakin with his too big heart and shields that still don't block emotions as much as they should is overwhelmed and he could fight it but…
But these kids need him. They're scared and terrified and he knows that they aren't going to risk heading back to the Jedi, not with the horror stories told about Sith and Dark Side users.
He can't leave them. They need someone, anyone. Even if that's probably him.
You could have them pick up other Force Sensitives kids in bad situations as they flee and protect each other. Like a travelling clan of Forces Sensitives.
The use of the word clan makes me wonder if this version of Anakin would look into alternative Jedi philosophies, like Vizla.
And the Jedi mourning Anakin plus the Initiates because they think they're dead.
The Jedi eventually track down the pirates, but the base has so much blood and darkside surrounding it that they assume that the pirates were blindsided by a dark force user/sith and the children were taken. The Jedi finding the building and feeling the overwhelming about of dark side energy that was used there.
Privately the Council almost hope they're dead because they think that it would be a kinder fate than to be tortured and broken by the Sith.
Quinlan not being able to get a read on anything because it's so heavy with pain and dark side energy.
All he sees is gold eyes and screaming.
He doesn't notice that it's more than one pair. Doesn't realise that they're each filled with tears and oh so young.
Obi-Wan is convinced that Anakin is still alive because the bond didn't snap but it might as well have because it's never been so solidly closed to him.
Anakin was always leaking emotions and thoughts through the bond and now all that meets Obi-Wan is a durasteel wall.
Also, Anakin becoming a bounty hunter to make sure the kids get enough food
If he looks into the Mandalorian Jedi, as a way to teach the Fallen kids, he could become Mando and do the bounty hunting as a way to take care of them. Just an idea, though.
What if they all become bounty hunters and no one realises that they're Sith or Dark Side users? Until a fight ends in a helmet being knocked off.
I like the thought of the kids forming a new Order of nomadic Force Users, you could fit so much Force worldbuilding here as they figure things out away from Coruscant.
What if dar jettii Ani and his gaggle of kids has a run in with Jango Fett. Depends on canon or fanon interpretation really.
I would imagine that Jango would absolutely adopt this smol child (teenager) and his band of even more smol children.
Wouldn't that be hilarious? Jango with 8 new kids?
One sullen teenager that refuses to trust. And then he plops Boba in Anakin's arms and Anakin just freaking melts and it's all over from there.
So, this Jango has his hatred of Jedi balanced by his love of children?
Or is it part of his plan against the Jedi to encourage Force users to create an alternative that won't make the same mistakes the Jedi did that led to the slaughter of his people?
I don't know since Anakin & Co. here aren't exactly Jedi. Though I think this Jango would have his hatred of Jedi balanced by his love of his 8 foundlings.
Jango as the Mand'alor.
Anakin pitches a fit when he finds out about the clones and Jango doing right by them
And all eight new kids have lightsabers, but they're not Jedi, so..........Boba/Jango might get the Darksaber in this!!!
Anakin finds out that Vizla has a Jedi artifact and just gets it back.
Hands it to Jango: “Like what? You needed this, right?”
Jango is a tired new dad. So Anakin is just like running around doing whatever and causing his dad stress.
What if Jango adopted them and didn't tell them?
Like, he said the words and Anakin didn't understand. The others did too, because they had that class, but Anakin didn’t
I mean Anakin would jokingly call him "buir" or "dad" at one point or another and Anakin is like "why do you even care".
He gets it eventually.
When he sits the fuck down and stops running around trying to protect everyone and puts the time in to sort his shit.
Read: When Jango gets the kids to sit on him when he starts looking like complete shit.
Yeah, Jango absolutely enlists his siblings' fellow former-Jedi to get him to slow down and relax.
They have it out at some point that Jango adopted him probably when he's gotten himself injured and doesn't understand why Jango won't leave him
and Jango's like "You kriffing di'kut, you're my son" and Anakin's like "?!?!?!? What?!?!"
Anakin can speak several languages but not mandoa. Jango tries to teach him, but his accent is atrocious.
Anakin can understand Mando'a and he sometimes uses some words, but he can't speak it.
Plus, he sometimes crosses Mando'a with another language or several and it just becomes an incomprehensible mess unless you understand all the languages he's crossed Mando'a with.
how about Mando'a's too close to something else he knows.
He keeps getting it super confused with another language.
Like french and spanish, but there's no cross meanings, so it might sound the same, the meanings AREN'T.
At this point, everyone just goes "you need a translator droid if you want to speak with Anakin"
However, he will offhandedly speak in another language or start writing in one language and end in another no matter how fluent he is.
And his accent is still atrocious. The closest comparison is the bastard compromise between Texan and Yorkshire.
Anakin is that one person who will use words from whatever languages are the best to speak about any given subjects.
Or whichever language he associates with a given subject. That's why he learned how to speak binary in the first place.
Boba becomes fluent in binary before speaking fluently in Mando'a.
I wonder how the discovery of Kamino would pan out in this.
Anakin accidentally starts a clone rebellion, and oops, it looks like there might be a Revolution on Kamino.
Slave rebellions are always very very good.
Dex: Ah yes Kamino, or how the Mand’alor got his groove back. Outer Rim politics got wild a while back let’s just say. Long story short, the Mand'alor adopted eight new children, one of them pitched a fit about clones, and things devolved from there.” 
The Clone Wars are going to be a wreck.
There’s an army missing!
Sheev running around his office like: “Now, where did I put that”
He is furious because there's an army missing, his future apprentice is missing, his future apprentice has a stable support system
basically, his plan just collapses.
Obi-Wan starts to cry because oh thank the fucking force they’re alive but Anakin and the kids misinterpret it.
Anakin's just like "I'm sorry, I wasn't going to let them be hurt anymore! I wasn't going to let anything else happen to them!" Obi-Wan: "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"
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thechaoticfanartist · 3 years
Prompt: Betrayal
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Grim (OC), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda
Relationships: Anakin Skywalker & Grim (OC), Obi-Wan Kenobi & Grim (OC), Yoda & Grim (OC)
Words: 2k+
Tag List (let me know if you want to be added or removed) : @padme--amygdala @soclonely @mandomydad @mildly-microbial @mrfandomwars @jgvfhl @hanlando-endgame @zeldaiscool19 @touchstarvedasclones @milfspectre1 @togrutanduin @jedi-valjean @one-real-imonkey @jedimasterbailey @securidala @bazelnuttt @whumptober-archive
The padawan ran as fast as she could, she had to stop Anakin, the galaxy depended on it, on her. Grim reached the senate building and followed the path she had many times throughout the years. "Now I'm stopping two Sith Lords this way," she muttered under her breath. Grim jumped into the vents and made her way to the chancellor's office, just in time to see Anakin rise in front of Sidious as Vader. "No!" Grim shouted. Just then the vent collapsed under her weight and she fell on the ground of the office. "Oh kark!"
"How lovely of you to join us, Grim," taunted Sidious, "of course I knew you wouldn't want to miss the party."
Grim growled and jumped up, igniting her lightsaber, casting a purple hue across the room. "I'm not going to play your games today, Hideous," she spat, gripping her lightsaber tightly in her hands. She turned her gaze upon Anakin, her face softened as she gave him a pleading look, "Anakin, please don't do this, you know better." Grim shut her eyes, taking a shaky deep breath to steady herself. She knew there was no getting through to Anakin, she was too late. Grim opened her eyes again, "I don't want to have to fight you, Anakin," Grim warned, she entered the opening stance of form three, "but I will, if it means protecting my family."
Anakin ignited his lightsaber in response, "if you don't want to fight, then don't fight."
"You do know you're talking to me right?" she asked, "when have I ever given up a fight?" With that, Grim charged at Anakin, he blocked the attack with ease, their lightsabers clashing against each other. Purple and blue sparks fell to the ground as they flew from the lightsabers. A swing here and counter-attack there, a slash here and a block there, lightsabers locking together as two friends fought to the death, two friends locked in a dance around the office as objects clattered to the ground, eventually the fight moved outside into the hallways, noticing a vent in the ceiling Grim used the force to open it with one hand as she blocked a strike from Anakin with the other. She cast Anakin a salute and backflipped into the vent, "see ya, Skyguy," she called before making a run for it.
The padawan ran as fast as she could, she had to stop Anakin, the galaxy depended on it, on her. Grim reached the Temple before Anakin could get there, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to warn the Jedi, she had to warn them. There were the sounds of footsteps behind her, and not just one pair, her heart dropped as she turned around and found herself faced with Anakin and half of the 501st. Anakin ignited his lightsaber and Grim ignited hers. Time seemed to slow as the two Jedi stood across from each other on the steps of the Jedi Temple, the only lights were the glows of their lightsabers, the distant specks of city lights and the stars in the sky.
Anakin had the advantage in this battle, and Grim knew she'd be lucky to even survive this battle. Anakin had more experience, was more trained than Grim, who was still learning. Anakin had an army behind him, one that now mindlessly followed his orders, while Grim was alone. Grim gripped her lightsaber tightly, her knuckles going white. Grim knew she wouldn't make it through this battle, but if she could hold them off long enough for Obi-Wan and Yoda to arrive then perhaps the galaxy could stand a chance.
Anakin glared down at the padawan, "get out of the way, Grim."
Grim stood her ground, her green eyes meeting the yellow sith eyes of Anakin's, "no." Grim had to stand her ground, she had to fight, she had to hold Anakin and the clones off for as long as possible, it was all she could do. Grim had no idea how she'd stop the clones but she had to try. "I'm not letting you kill, Jedi, Skywalker," she told Anakin. Her voice shook with fear despite her attempts to hold it back.
Anakin charged at Grim and she swiftly moved and met his lightsaber with her own, their sabers clashing in the air. Grim pushed back and struck at his left side, Anakin dodged the strike and struck at Grim's right, she ducked underneath the lightsaber and slashed at Anakin's legs, but he jumped up and then over her. Grim shot back up and spun around to face Anakin again, their lightsabers crashed together, and they became locked into the struggle, not moving their lightsabers the two spun around and switched places again, Grim standing in front of the temple, blocking Anakin from the entrance. Anakin looked over his shoulder and shouted at the clones, ordering them to attack. "No!" Grim screamed as the clones began to fire. She jumped back from Anakin, pushing him back with the force and began to deflect the clones' shots.
Grim had never before appreciated all the defense Soresu provided until now, as she deflected the bolts fired at her. Grim closed her eyes as she allowed the force to be her guide, going back to some of the first lessons Obi-Wan had taught her. Thinking of Obi-Wan made tears come to her eyes, she knew she wasn't going to see him again, she couldn't make it out alive. Grim opened her eyes again, whether she lived or died didn't matter, what mattered was protecting the Jedi. Grim kept deflecting blasts back at the clones and she charged at Anakin once more, she almost got him, but he had blocked her attack just in time, their lightsabers clashing against each other. The lights of the blades cast the two siblings in a blue and purple glow.
Grim had to stop Anakin, the galaxy depended on it, on her. The Jedi depended on her, if she didn't win, if she couldn't hold Anakin off for long enough. No, she couldn't think like that, she couldn't focus on her anxieties, she had to be in the here and now. Taking a breath to calm her nerves, Grim closed her eyes and once again allowed the force to be her guide, putting her trust in the force. Without opening her eyes Grim blocked Anakin's attacks, at a faster pace than before. Instead of focusing on offense Grim focused on the defense, if she could wear Anakin down for the time Obi-Wan and Yoda arrived then it would be worth it.
The battle between the two Jedi raged on, their lightsabers clashing against each other. Purple and blue sparks fell to the ground as they flew from the lightsabers. A swing here and counter-attack there, a slash here and a block there, lightsabers locking together as two friends fought to the death, two friends lost in a dance. At some point in their dance, their war, the entrance to the temple had opened, perhaps someone had heard the conflict and had come to help, but now the two siblings fought inside the temple, and clones filled it with their blaster bolts and the Jedi inside fell to the ground. The fight became harder as Grim avoided the blasts from the clones and the bodies of the dead Jedi that had fallen from the betrayal of Anakin Skywalker and the clones. Still, Grim pressed on, there was still a chance, still hope, and Grim would fight for it.
The fight went on for hours, the sun had risen and was in the sky, golden light flooding into the temple, showing the carnage of the battle. Only Grim and Anakin remained in the entrance, still fighting, both were exhausted from their fight and yet they pressed on. Grim's moves had become sloppier, and as Anakin attempted to stab the padawan, Grim wasn't fast enough to block the attack. The lightsaber went through her abdomen and she screamed, falling to the ground. Anakin deactivated the lightsaber and looked at the fallen padawan, "you shouldn't have tried to stop me," he told her.
Grim smirked through her pain and replied, "I still won. I held you off, there's more survivors, more than you will ever be able to stop. Vader."
Vader did not respond, only walking away to attend to Mustafar. Grim wanted to just lay against the piller, close her eyes and rest. She had fought so hard for so long and in the end it barely even mattered, now she could leave the fighting behind her. Maybe this was all a bad dream and she would awake back in her bed in her universe, yes that would be what would happen when she closed her eyes. No, she had to keep Anakin here a little longer, her home could wait. Grim grunted as she struggled to stand up right.
Anakin turned around when he heard the sound of a lightsaber activating, Grim stood tall with the purple lightsaber in her hand casting her in a purple glow. "No, you're not leaving," Grim said, her voice shaking. Her grip on her lightsaber was so tight her knuckles had gone white, she entered her opening stance. Wincing at the movement, she knew she couldn't fight, but she had to, the galaxy depended on her.
Anakin ignited his lightsaber again, "you never do listen." With that Anakin charged at Grim, he'd quickly end her and be on his way, after all she was exhausted and already injured, she was dying, so Anakin didn't understand why she kept fighting. Didn't she know she lost? Their lightsabers clashed one final time.
This fight was much shorter than the last, ending almost the moment it begun. This time when Anakin walked away Grim didn't stop him, she couldn't stop him, she was too weak now. She could only watch him walk by, she tried to summon her determination again but by now it was depleted from her fights against Vader. That's what he was now, a Sith, a Sith named Vader, and he had betrayed her and everyone else.
Grim didn't know how long it had been since Vader left the Jedi Temple, since she lost, how long she had been laying on the hard floor of the temple, surrounded by the countless bodies of other Jedi, whom she had once called family, but eventually Obi-Wan and Yoda entered the temple. "Master," Grim called weakly. "Master…."
Obi-Wan and Yoda went over to Grim, "Grim," Obi-Wan gasped as he knelt down by her side.
"I'm sorry," Grim mumbled, "I'm so sorry," she cried as tears fell from her eyes. "I failed, I thought I could, I thought I could…" her voice trembled, "I thought I could stop him, I tried to, I really did, but I, I couldn't."
"Who?" Obi-Wan asked.
Grim winced as she tried to sit up, Obi-Wan cast her a worried glance and Grim laid back down, "Anakin," she told him. "He, he fell, and, force, I'm so sorry master. This is all my fault…."
"Your fault this is not," Yoda told her comfortingly. "The best you could you did. Blame yourself do not."
Grim smiled at him, "thank you Master Yoda, I needed to hear that," she moved her hand from her wound and looked at it. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do more."
Obi-Wan gasped, "Grim…."
She smiled at the two Jedi, "don't worry masters, there's still hope, a new hope will rise, eventually the Jedi will return to the galaxy," she winced a bit. "After all these were only the prequels, the original movies have a happier ending. I just won't be around to make it happier. May the force be with y'all."
With that Grim took her final breath. She had given everything for the galaxy, and the galaxy had taken everything from her in return. Grim never got to be a normal teenager, never got to see what being a Jedi was like when there wasn't war, never got to save them. In the end her sacrifices had been in vain because of the betrayal of Anakin Skywalker, no, because of Darth Vader.
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Remember that AU in which Anakin is a single father in witness protection after turning on his boss and falls in love with Obi-Wan? Here’s more. Read on AO3!
“What the hell are you doing here?”
Anakin thought he wasn’t seeing correctly when he stared into the face of Dooku Serenno. Anakin had met the man plenty of times in the past, in the part of his past he thought he could l finally leave behind and forget, more or less at least. He couldn’t believe it. Everything had been going great lately. He had gotten a part-time job to keep busy when the twins were gone and the FBI wasn’t breathing down his neck, the twins had adjusted wonderfully to Kindergarten and had made plenty of friends, and Anakin had a boyfriend.
An absolutely perfect man miles out of his league whom he didn’t deserve and still stayed with him. Obi-Wan was too good to be true sometimes. He was caring and thoughtful with his every gesture, adored the twins and never even minded it when they talked about Padmé. Anakin hadn’t even thought about dating again before meeting him, his status making it more than difficult, and even without that – Anakin loved Padmé. He couldn’t imagine not being in love with her and had always assumed that immediately would deter anybody who could see past the whole single-father of twins and yet Obi-Wan never even looked jealous. If anything, he encouraged the twins to speak of their mother.
Anakin had known that he fell hard and fast for people, but the thought of Obi-Wan someday not being there had already become unbearable.
And now he was staring at Dooku.
Dooku, who knew all the blood that stained Anakin’s hands, who had seen him at his worst and walked through the aftermaths of one of Vader’s infamous tantrums. The fragile peace Anakin had found was threatening to fall apart just because of his presence.
“I believe should be asking you that,” Dooku spoke up icily. “What are you doing here, Vader? What do you want from my grandson?”
“Grandson?” Anakin echoed. Right. Dinner with Obi-Wan’s family of which Dooku was a part. Anakin couldn’t see any resemblance between Obi-Wan and Dooku – but Obi-Wan had said that he was adopted. And yet, still-
Still – how could somebody as good as Obi-Wan come from the same family as Dooku. The bastard was to blame that Sidious had gotten away with as many of his crimes as he had. Sure, Sidious had also threatened him, but the man had been stupid enough to help Sheev Palpatine once. He should have known what it would lead to. The only reason Anakin hadn’t mentioned any of that to the agents holding his leash was simply that there were more important people to worry about than the lawyers Sidious had made use of. His enforcers were much more dangerous and more likely to kill you.
“I didn’t know about this,” Anakin continued.
Dooku rolled his eyes. “Obviously… But neither did I. I thought you were dead.”
“I am,” Anakin hissed. “Vader-” Anakin paused to look around as if anybody could overhear him. It was stupid, but he had just walked into the guy who was the reason he was short an arm. He figured he could allow himself some paranoia. “Vader died four years ago and I do not plan on resurrecting him.”
“So you will just content yourself with bringing your enemies down on my family?”
Anakin felt his rage begin to boil up. That was absolutely not the case. He had done everything he could to ensure his family was safe and that nobody near him would ever learn of the secrets he was hiding.
“I didn’t-“
“Daddy, daddy!”
The door was ripped open again and Luke was staring at Anakin with wide eyes, utterly excited. “Daddy, Obi-Wan’s daddy is even taller than you!”
“Oh?” Anakin crouched down in front of his son, keenly avoiding looking ta Dooku. He knew that if he did so now, he would lose all his calm. He needed to get away from this situation for a moment.
He never should have invited Obi-Wan over, never should have spoken to him-
“That’s impossible, sweetheart,” Anakin said seriously. “Are you sure?”
“Yes!” Luke shouted and took Anakin’s hand to pull him inside. “Daddy, you have to come see.”
Glancing back at Dooku, Anakin allowed himself to be dragged away by his son. He made a gesture that hopefully conveyed that Dooku should shut his mouth and focused on Luke instead.
Luke led him into the living room. It was small but cozy and half the dishes were already put on the table. The food looked amazing, much more extravagant than anything Anakin was used to for homemade dinners and his and Obi-Wan’s dates had all been homemade dinners because Anakin was a paranoid bastard who didn’t want to leave the twins home alone with a babysitter.
Anakin kind of wanted to throw up.
This was so normal.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had done that-
No, he could. Over five years ago, in those last months of Padmé’s pregnancy when they had thought they had escaped Sidious and were just happy together. They had eaten breakfast in bed and cooked together and wondered how they would handle all this with a child as neither had been particularly used to running a household on their own. They had tried to figure out what house to buy and how to paint the nursery-
“So you’re Anakin Lars, yes?”
The man Luke had led him to was indeed taller than Anakin, though not by that much. He had long hair, pulled back into a ponytail, and a kind smile. He seemed like a nice man, utterly unbothered by Leia sitting on his shoulders and braiding his hair.
“Yes, Sir,” Anakin said.
That was how you still introduced yourself to your partner’s parent, wasn’t it? Anakin wasn’t slipping back into yes, master, no, master, I will try, master-
“It’s nice to meet you Anakin,” Qui-Gon said warmly. “And no need to call me Sir, please. I’ve been waiting to meet you. Your twins have already had a lot to say about you.”
“Ah yes. They talk a lot,” Anakin said lamely. Could this situation get even anymore out of control?
“Honestly, Father,” Qui-Gon then sighed and looked past Anakin to where Dooku must be standing. “What have you told this poor boy? He looks like we’re going to eat him alive.”
“I have done nothing-“
“We used to work together,” Anakin quickly intervened. “I gave Dooku’s company a hand when it came to their cybersecurity and somebody still managed to get to Dooku. Don’t think he’ll ever forgive me for that one. It was a huge loss, wasn’t it?”
“Yes,” Dooku gritted out in-between shut teeth. “Tremendously.”
“Is that work I hear?”
A new man entered the living room from the kitchen it looked like. His black hair was a mess and he mustered the group in front of him with interested eyes. This must be Xanatos then, Obi-Wan’s other brother.
“I thought we said no work talk,” Xanatos continued and then held his hand out to Anakin. “Nice to meet the guy who made my brother act like a schoolgirl with a crush. I’m Xanatos.”
Anakin took his hand. “Anakin.” Vader, Vader, Vader. “Lars. Niece to meet you. Obi-Wan has told me a lot about you.”
“All good only, I hope?” Xanatos asked with a smirk that was borderline flirtatious.
“Stop flirting with my boyfriend!” Obi-Wan then shouted from the kitchen as well and moments later walked inside with a couple of bowls in hand. “Please just ignore him, Anakin. He’s an idiot. Qui-Gon dropped him too much on the head as a child.”
“Hahaha, very funny,” Xanatos replied and then finally sat down in his cha. “I was a teenager already when Qui-Gon got stuck with me. You, however, itty-bitty Oafy-Wan-“
“Boys,” Qui-Gon’s voice rang out. He sounded a little tired, this arguing must happen more often then. Anakin only hoped that Luke and Leia wouldn’t turn out like that. “I apologize Anakin. I fear you get to see all of Obi-Wan’s bad sides today. The of them are not as well behaved as your children.”
Qui-Gon looked up to Leia who was content sitting on his shoulders and smiled. “You are a little princess, aren’t you, Miss Leia?”
“Yeah!” Leia agreed. “And when I grow up, I’m going to be president.”
“I will be a knight,” Luke spoke up. “And I’ll save daddy from all the bad guys.”
Anakin smiled slightly. If he had something to say about it, his son very much would not ever even see one of the ghosts haunting Anakin.
“Don’t worry, I can take care of myself.” Anakin shot Dooku a meaningful look. They could settle this later, but he wouldn’t ruin this evening for Obi-Wan.
“And what is that smell? I would give an arm and a leg for that dish.”
The twins, long used to his jokes, still giggled while Obi-Wan only rolled his eyes, Qui-Gon and Xanatos looked confused and Dooku-
Dooku was pale.
Was it- No. It couldn’t be but-
Well, Perhaps the tyrannical lawyer was feeling a little guilty about Anakin’s predicament.
Oh, this could be fun.
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madeofsplinters · 3 years
Playlist Notes: “Strike Me Down; I Am Unarmed”
Continuing my series - I’m gonna write “liner notes” for all my fic playlists eventually.
Listen along: [Spotify | YouTube]
Fic for this playlist is “Strike Me Down; I Am Unarmed” on AO3. If you haven’t read the fic, be aware this does not work as a general character playlist for Vader or Tarkin (or Daala, who also gets a few songs); it’s specifically a playlist describing the events of this particular AU fic.
Halestorm - The Reckoning
You made a mess outta me Where do I begin? You'll pay for your sins
We don't ever see Vader killing Palpatine onscreen in this story, but this story is all about Vader having killed Palpatine, so I couldn't resist starting with my favorite Revenge Song...
Billie Eilish - bellyache
My V is for Vendetta Thought that I'd feel better
The story actually begins with Vader waking up in his tank, beginning to recover from the injuries he sustained mid-revenge. His triumph hasn't fully sunk in, and he's confused, ill, and generally a mess. Wasn’t this big, dramatic revenge supposed to solve everything?
Billie Eilish - you should see me in a crown
Watch me make 'em bow One by one by one
It's a total gimme! It's on everyone and their dog's villain playlist already! Am I putting it on my villain playlist anyway? Heck YES. (In my original brainstorming notes for this story, when it talks about Tarkin having to wear Imperial robes now instead of his military uniform, it literally just says "you should see me in a crown dot gif")
Poppy - Fill the Crown
You can be anyone you want to be You can be free, you can be free
This is the song for the earlier chapters of the story, where Vader is blundering around trying to figure out how to be Emperor, while knowing in the back of his mind that Emperor and Sith Master is not actually what he wants to be. The sheer cognitive dissonance of this song is lovely - one voice promising a bright, happy future, much like Tarkin's optimistic view of what's in store for Vader now, while the other one meanders in and out promising atrocities and pain.
DIAMANTE - Sleepwalking
I feel you in my dreams You're everywhere, you won't go easily
Vader, dreaming of Palpatine's ghost.
laye - likefck
Wantin' you is evil When it's hard to have you here
This song is about the loneliness of a long-distance relationship with a wealthy, powerful, neglectful man. I heard it at just the right (wrong?) time, so now it's Daala's song, while she’s exiled to the Maw Cluster and waiting for a word from Tarkin. (But of course, in this fic, she isn't going to stay there...)
Icon For Hire - Supposed to Be
I fear now There's not much left of me When you take the sick away Who am I supposed to be?
The sheer dissonance of Vader trying to be Emperor inevitably leads to a mental breakdown. Now that Palpatine is gone, the natural impulse is to recover somehow from the things Palpatine did to him. But when evil and sickness are as thoroughly baked into someone's life as they are into Vader's, what does recovery even look like? Where do you begin?
Evanescence - Imperfection
I'm gonna save you from it Together we'll outrun it Just don't give into the fear
Tarkin comforting Vader during his mental breakdown, promising they'll fight the ghost that haunts him together. This song is probably too effusive and out of character for Tarkin but I just love it so much. (Spotify informs me that it was my #1 most-listened-to song during the hellyear of 2020.) That little growl on the "don't you dare surrender" in the last chorus. Fuck yes. Fave.
Beth Crowley - Empire
So fear me or love me It's all the same
This song was supposed to be about Game of Thrones, but too bad, it's mine now and it's Tarkin's song (as he sorts through Palpatine's effects and resolves to be an even better Emperor than his predecessor.)
Little Mix - Monster In Me
Why don't we kill each other slowly? What can I say? Baby, what can I do? The monster in me loves the monster in you
Most of these songs give a particular character's perspective at a particular time, but this one is the theme song of the whole, sad, evil polycule. <3
Halsey - Strange Love
And everybody wants to know 'bout how it felt to hear you scream They know you walk like you're a god, they can't believe I made you weak
This song works pretty well for Daala processing some thoughts about Tarkin, the secrecy and scandal and power imbalance of their relationship now that it's become something they can talk about in public, and what she does or doesn't owe to anyone involved.
DIAMANTE - Ghost Myself
If I could build a fire and burn down my life That would be the one thing I got right
Vader's suicidal ideation, set to a catchy beat. ("Ghost," used as a verb here, is already suppoesd to be a pun but considering the role of Palpatine's ghost in this story, it's now a triple entendre. Wheeee.)
In This Moment - The Beginning - Interlude
I am the moon and the sun that you bask in I am the name written on your grave
Just a creepy little overture as the characters approach Exegol and prepare to deal with whatever spooky Sith Ghost bullshit they find there. Vader’s ghost, whispering to him.
Delain - Masters of Destiny
I am the dreamer I roll the dice and I'm alive My hands aren't tied
This song and the next two make sort of a trio in my head, all intertwined with each other, all taking place at almost entirely the same moment, or at least in the same scene. In terms of what order Vader figures things out in the story, maybe it should go later; but in terms of making the trio work musically, when I listen to it in order, it goes first. This song is Vader feeling trapped by destiny and by the plans that have been made for him, only to finally realize he isn't trapped at all.
Beast In Black - Unlimited Sin
Swallowed by blind rage Once pure, now bloodstained Evil flows through your black veins
This is, obviously, The Palpatine Song. (UnLiMiTeD pOwEr!!111) It's goofy as fuck. It makes me giggle and bounce around. It almost doesn't belong in this playlist because of how goofy it is. But, even if Palps himself turns out to be really and truly dead, this is the part of the story where Vader comes face to face with his legacy and his impact on Vader's life. And I think the goofiness... sort of works, in a weird way. Even when he is rightfully dead and gone from the narrative, chances are good, Sheev Palpatine is still cackling at you.
In This Moment - Roots
I'm stronger than I ever knew I'm strong because of you
"Songs where women thank their abusers for toughening them up" is an entire genre and I have extremely mixed feelings about it, but In This Moment's approach is sufficiently ambivalent and angry that it works for me. This is Vader coming to terms with his feelings about Palpatine. He'll never not be someone who was shaped by what Palpatine did to him, even with Palpatine dead. But he can claim a strength and a freedom and even a defiance within that.
Lauren Jauregui - Invisible Chains
Keep running, on my way, I can see the light Got a hundred miles left and I'm feeling like I might stay alive
Closing credits. This is a song about working through trauma and mental illness and at last finding a glimmer of hope, and it's the soft little heart of this story. That last cry of "I already saved myself," like it's a revelation to the singer as well as the listener. God I just love it.
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singswan-springswan · 4 years
Guys wait wait so I’ve been thinking. You know the Chosen One prophecy? How this one person with no biological dad would bring ultimate balance to the Force? Well we all know it was Anakin Skywalker, right? The whole “there was no father” “literally conceived by the midi-chlorians” thing was kind of a dead giveaway. So if Anakin is the chosen one, him killing Palpatine and then himself dying was supposed to make the siths go extinct and restore balance to the Force. At least, that’s what all the Jedi seemed to think. It’s one of the last things Obi-wan says to him on Mustafar: “They said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them!”.
ONLY THAT’S NOT WHAT THE PROPHECY SAYS. If we are to go word-for-word, nowhere in the prophecy are the terms “Sith” or “Jedi” ever mentioned. Only “ultimate balance”, and that is left to the interpretation of the reader. Now, we know how the Jedi would interpret “ultimate balance”. They clearly meant for it to establish the complete end of the Sith, and all aspects of the Dark Side in the galaxy. But then would that really be balanced? The entire galaxy on the side of light? Now, that’s kind of a tricky question, so let’s clear a few things up.
The Jedi have established concepts of the Force to fit their ideology, separating it into two distinct personalities: the Light, and the Dark. But I don’t think they did this because the Light or the Dark was exclusively good or bad. Their interpretations of the Light side are some of the most strict understandings of the mind and its nature. Order, peace, selflessness, rational thinking, detachment, discipline, humility. Some of these things are good, and all of them are easy to comprehend from a pragmatic point of view. Each aspect of the Jedi code is designed to translate simple, reasonable parts of the Force into something that people can embody by dedication and choice, and subsequently use to harness power. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have “Dark” qualities, or concepts that are harder to wrap your mind around. Passion, fear, anger, worry, vengeance, sadness, pain, and any kind of strong emotion. Are these things bad? In their own time, yes. But can they also be good? Absolutely! Passion for your work, fear of something that can harm, anger at injustice. These feelings are misused more often than not, however, and so have become associated with bad character and evil deeds. But if you really want to break down the difference between “Dark” qualities versus those of the “Light”, the former are simply more difficult to rationalize. Think pathos versus logos.
I’m pretty sure this is the reason the Jedi began discriminating against certain qualities and their “Dark” nature. It was hard to reason, and hard to understand, so they categorized them with darkness, as something obscure and unknown. In doing so, they created an imbalance in the Force, focusing only on half of the aspects of the mind, and nurturing only one half of a character, teaching that their emotional, unpredictable side was evil and needed to be subdued. They taught that anything causing emotion, such as relationships or victories and failures must be regulated closely, or completely purged from one’s life. They forbid strong feeling of any kind. If a young Jedi had any “negative” emotions, such as anger or fear, they were trained to stamp it out instead of acknowledging the cause and dealing with their problems. I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty toxic. To take away emotion is to deprive a person of part of their nature. It’s in our nature to react and respond to things with intensity. We’re physiologically, biologically, and mentally designed this way. Instead of denying this aspect of what it means to be a person, it’s far healthier to learn to guide feelings and emotions. They aren’t something we can switch on and off; they’re assets of the mind, and they need to be treated as an equally valid resource as the ability to puzzle and analyze.
I’m not saying that emotions should dictate all of our actions and thoughts. I’m not saying that just because you feel something, it’s right. What I mean, is that instead of suppressing this key part of a person like the Jedi did, it should be trained and carefully pruned so that it can inform and help process, as it was meant to.
Okay, sorry for the long rant. Now that we have that out of the way, can it really be said that “ultimate balance” is the destruction of the “Dark” side and absolute reign of the “Light”? I say no. I think balance comes when the purest aspects of both sides come together in a way that seeks to eliminate real evil, and bring true good through harmony in the Force. That being the case, does this mean that Anakin fulfilled the prophecy when he chucked Sheev down a reactor shaft and electrocuted himself to death? Again... I don’t quite think so.
Obviously Anakin died, bringing about the end of the Sith in his time, but the Jedi had also suffered a heavy blow when Order 66 happened, and all their teachings and history became extinct (sort of. Yoda and Obi-wan didn’t exactly train Luke in the strict ways of the Jedi. They adhered more to the teachings of the Light than anything). So even though Luke then tried to bring up a new generation of Force-sensitive children in the ways of the old order, it didn’t quite work out. Why? Without compounded years of the Jedi’s indoctrination, their beliefs and teachings fell flat. Because you can’t deny yourself the need to feel, and to be felt. It’s who you are. Suppressing half of your brain’s function doesn’t work.
This in particular was something I really appreciated about the sequel trilogy. Over the course of the three movies, Rey learns that not everything is black and white. That both sides have taken something good and twisted it to their own devise. We as an audience learn that both things cannot be ignored as part of our being, and that we need to acknowledge both in a healthy, proper way. What if the struggle that Vader experiences in the original trilogy was his indirect expression of the dissatisfaction he’d experienced on both sides? He hated the Jedi for taking away his right to love, but being a Sith didn’t fill the void in his heart, even for all the unlimited power he had. Luke can recognize it easily enough, but the only way he knows how to put these things into words is by using the terms he’s been taught by dead Jedi masters. Make no mistake, I love Yoda and Obi-wan, but they pass on flawed concepts that still discriminate against feeling of any kind. Didn’t they tell Luke not to go to Cloud City even if it meant saving his friends—to let go of the people he loved?
It all eventually comes to a mount with Rey, actually, who seems to be the first to realize that she can get the best of both worlds without hurting herself or anyone else. Literally in her first official battle with Kylo-Ren, she reaches out to the Force with her emotions, and that’s how she wins. But not with anger, or pain, like her opponent does. She uses fierce loyalty, and countless different kinds of love. Rey builds off the mentorship of her mother-in-law and uncle to get a foundational understanding of what it means to be connected to the Force, but then through her own adventures and findings, she learns the rest on her own. It helps that she has good morals. And that her character arc is almost a direct parallel to Luke and Anakin’s. Somehow, she makes it work, and finally, eventually, when everything comes full circle and Rey accepts the last piece of who she is—her name—there is finally balance. Not just within her. Throughout the force.
Finally, the last of the twisted teachings, cults, and practices have been extinguished, and the Force is simply the Force again. It isn’t Light or Dark, it just is. Rey just happens to connect to it—that’s all. And this, I think, is where the prophecy is finally fulfilled. It’s a little strange, you say, because Anakin wasn’t the one in Rey’s position, but it’s understandable that it took so long, because the Sith and the Jedi and everything in between had lasted for thousands of years. And Anakin did have a cornerstone role. He was the first to really challenge the concept of Light versus Dark. He was the first to take aspects of both and use them for good. And of course, he started a family that literally shook the foundations of the galaxy and eventually led to Rey (not to mention he was a Force ghost for the entirety of the sequel series, able to interact with the physical world as well, and no doubt being able to influence the senses and experiences of some more direct characters).
Anyway, wow. That was a really long rant. Thanks for reading; I’m sorry if I bored you. I just really needed to process a bit myself lol. I mean I complain about writing papers for school but—anyway. So yep! That’s my breakdown of thoughts on the prophecy, and Anakin’s involvement and all that. I hope you enjoyed, and once again thank you for coming to my TedTalk *insert lenny face*
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january-summers · 5 years
NotThatBad Continuation of the #notthatbad prompt fill by @swpromptsandasks Summary: Obi-Wan can take care of himself just fine, he's been doing it for years, during the Clone Wars, a rumour starts up that he doesn't eat or sleep. Obi-Wan and those close to him, begin to realise the rumour has a down side.
“Obi-Wan!” Quinlan Vos's voice carried down the Temple hallway, and Obi-Wan had to resist rolling his eyes, he could practically hear the grin in Quinlan's voice.
“Hello Vos,” Obi-Wan said drily as he slowed and turned to the other Jedi. He was right, Quinlan was grinning. The man caught up with Obi-Wan, one hand tucked suspiciously behind his back.
Quinlan's grin eased into a smirk, “is that any way to great someone who brought you a present?”
“Is it legal?” Obi-Wan shot back, having known Quinlan long enough to know better.
“That hurts Obi, cuts me real deep,” the hurt in his voice was fake, betrayed by the grin Quinlan couldn't quite hide. “Not sure you deserve your gift now.”
Obi-Wan's eyes narrowed, his suspicion growing, but the mischief in Quinlan's eyes was friendly, a hint of a familiar doting he hadn't seen in so long he'd almost forgotten what it looked like. So Obi-Wan gave a faint pout, and shifted so he could give Quinlan a coy look through his lashes.
“But I'm small and tired and deserve nice things,” Obi-Wan said, a line that was once a frequent occurrence in his vocabulary. One he hadn't said in years, not since Naboo, not since Anakin, not since he and Quinlan had agreed...
Quinlan snorted, his eyes darting over Obi-Wan's form at the memories, but his eyes fixed on Obi's face when he brought out the box he'd been hiding.
Curiosity, recognition, delight.
Who ever said Obi had a perfect sabacc face didn't know him very well.
“Sugared plums?” Obi-Wan took the box carefully, opening the lid to enjoy the sweet aroma of the preserved fruit. “Thank you Quinlan.”
“Nah, was in the neighbourhood, saw them and thought of you,” Quinlan snorted, “of course, with that rumour floating around, a lot of people are thinking of you, and not in the best way.”
Obi-Wan sighed, “I was afraid of that.” Obi-Wan closed the box, his brow furrowing, and he missed Quinlan's heavy frown as Obi-Wan put off eating one of his favourite treats.
“I mean, not that I mind an excuse to dote on you again,” Quinlan said with a shrug, “but I don't like what this rumour is doing for your image.”
Obi-Wan seemed to do a second take, tilting his head as he stared at Quinlan with a contemplative look.
“What?” Quinlan asked, and the air around them took on a weight of seriousness.
“Am I to take it then,” Obi-Wan asked slowly, “that you are not the one to start the rumour?”
Quinlan shook his head, “no, I'm not.”
The air pressed heavier for a moment, like the force was trying to call out in a muffled voice.
“But I'll look into it for you,” Quinlan promised, and the air eased.
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan said. He opened his mouth to say something else, the first syllable on his lips, when his comm. went of. “Yes?”
“General,” the voice of a clone responded, “the hover car is ready in hangar 3.”
“Thank you Cody, I'll be down shortly, I was... mildly delayed.”
“Yes sir,” the comm. chirped as Commander Cody, turned off his side of the link.
Quinlan felt a twinge of jealousy, and released it quickly into the force. But not fast enough apparently, Obi-Wan caught the frown on his face.
“I thought you liked Cody?”
Quinlan shrugged, “he's alright, for a clone. Very... competent.”
Obi-Wan frowned, then sighed, “I have a meeting at the rotunda, excuse me.”
“Yeah,” Quinlan watched Obi-Wan walk away, the box of sugar plums still closed in his hands. He let the force sink into him, ease the burn of jealousy that threatened to bloom. It wasn't entirely unfounded, Jango Fett had been a very attractive man, and Cody was a very competent commander.
And Obi-Wan liked competent men who could lift him with one arm.
But they'd agreed years ago...
Quinlan growled to himself and shook his head. He had the source of a rumour to track down.
Cody didn't particularly like the rotunda, the people changed their appearance so often, and they almost never looked at his brothers like they were people. There were a few who did, who spoke with his vode and tried to remember their names, to varying degrees of success.
Still, there was always a looming feeling that they weren't really welcome there, a sense of discomfort that Cody couldn't quite put his finger on.
The more he got to know his jetii, the more he could see the man felt uncomfortable here too. As they had walked together towards senator Organa's chambers, Kenobi had let out a small hum, the one Cody had come to learn meant 'I've noticed something and I don't like it, but it's not a problem just yet.'
Then Cody had caught the snatches of conversation, the senators and their aides in the halls, whispering and looking at his jetii.
'Don't you think he looks tired?'
It wasn't concern for Kenobi in their voices, it was judgement.
As the pair had approached the door to senator Organa's office, Cody had excused himself, confident in his jetii's ability to defend himself, and confident in the crimson marked vode who patrolled the halls.
“Is everything alright?” Kenobi had asked.
“Yes sir, I just need to check in with some brothers, nothing for you to worry over sir.”
Kenobi gave him a dubious look, but said "alright, I'll comm. you if you aren't back when I'm ready to leave."
“Understood, have fun with your meeting,” beneath his helmet Cody felt heat in his cheeks, but Kenobi had given him a wry grin, pleased by his boldness rather than annoyed. As they'd parted Cody had let himself smile in the safety of his buy-ce.
Kenobi had always welcomed their boldness, their reach for individuality. He hadn't even minded their presumption to feed him, had merely accepted their care, unneeded though it was. Sometimes Cody though his jetii might even understand what his acceptance of their care meant to them.
For them to not only have a jetii, but to have one who understood them...
Cody wasn't going to let a rumour turned foul damage his jetii's reputation, and while Cody didn't have the time to track the source down himself, he knew a vod who could do the job for him.
The door to the security room opened just before he reached it and he marched through, removing his helmet as his vode greeted him. He let a grin flicker across his face as Jun gave Beck a glare.
Beck gestured to the monitors which showed the hallway just outside the room, but Jun scowled.
“Just because you know who's at the door doesn't mean you open it,” Jun huffed before turning to Cody, “sir, what can we do for you?”
“I was looking for Tutti,” Cody said, and the vod in question looked over from his console, a cluster of small star tattoos marking a line under his left eye.
“Tutti,” Cody's gaze fixed on him, “top scores in splicing and our psychological war fare unit,” Tutti nodded, not sure where the commander was going with this. “I need you to look into something for me.”
Palpatine sat back in his chair and watched as the senators before him squabbled. The topic of conversation was the same one that was making its way not only through the rotunda, but the general public: Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“We can't trust a man like that with our troops!”
“Yes we can!”
“If he can't even take care of himself-”
“It was a mistake to give so much military power to the Jedi, they can't handle it!”
Palpatine hid a grin behind his steepled fingers, enjoying the negative emotions that littered the air, and taking pleasure from the lost faith that was growing steadily throughout the republic.
He'd never liked Kenobi, or the man's ability to banish the darkness Sheev was trying to cultivate in young Skywalker.
This really had been his most brilliant plan yet, and yet it had been so simple. A word here, a word there, a few leaked pictures of Kenobi at his worst and now the republic he'd fought so hard to hold together would tear him apart.
If he'd been alone, Palpatine would have cackled.
“-Kenobi must be removed from power before he makes a mistake!”
Perhaps it was time for another 'secretarial mistake', another influx of incorrectly assigned paperwork finding its way to Kenobi would be the icing on today's cake.
Obi-Wan adjusted his robe as he let Bail's door close behind him, he used the motion to disguise another as he rolled his shoulders to release tension from the muscles. With the war, diplomacy often found itself being thrown out the window in favour of more aggressive tactics, so it was nice to use his training to help Bail with a small negotiation in which the biggest risk was stiff muscles from sitting too long.
“Sir,” Obi-Wan turned to the familiar voice to find Cody marching down the hallway.
“Excellent timing commander, I was just about to comm.” Cody dipped his head in acknowledgement. “Have you finish your business with your brother?”
“Yes sir, all taken care of,” there was a mild tension in Cody's shoulders that told Obi-Wan a different story.
“Good, shall we then?” Obi-Wan gestured down the hall and Cody nodded, falling into step with Obi-Wan as they returned to the car. Their driver for the day – a clone whose name was Blink if Obi-Wan was remembering correctly – was drumming a beat on the dashboard when the arrived.
“Not to bored I hope?” Obi-Wan said, startling the young clone.
“Sirs!” He scrambled out of the vehicle and opened the rear door.
“Thank you,” Obi-Wan said as he slid into the back seat, moving far enough over for Cody to join him. Cody followed, but only after looking at their driver for a long few seconds. Obi-Wan got the feeling Blink was being scolded, and from the blush on his uncovered face, Blink seemed to feel that way too.
“It's not a short trip back if you want to catch a nap, sir,” Cody said, his voice filtered through his helmet.
“Hm, not a bad idea,” Obi-Wan replied with a small smile, lifting his hood up and over his head, he settled into a more comfortable position. Cody was close to him, his armour hard against Obi-Wan's side, but the man himself was warm, his presence within the force was soothing to Obi-Wan's senses.
'Cody would speak up if he minded,' Obi-Wan thought as he let his head rest on the commander's shoulder.
Cody stayed as still as possible, signing for Blink to drive a little slower than necessary on his way back to the Temple.
Blink nodded, and not only drove a little slower, but a little more cautiously, making sure to rock the vehicle as little as possible.
Cody spent the trip resisting the urge to remove his bucket and lay his head against his jetii's. Kenobi was his commanding officer, and his jetii on top of that, he wouldn't appreciate it. Cody would just have to be content with this.
His gaze caught on their reflection in the vehicle's rear view mirror.
'I wish they could see him like this, like we do, they wouldn't doubt him then.' An idea occurred to Cody then, and he used his helmet to capture the image in the mirror.
'Perhaps they can see him as we do.' Moving carefully so that he didn't wake his jetii, Cody tapped out a message for the other commanders. He would speak to the 212th himself, if he could get them on board, that would be half the work done.
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desiraypark · 4 years
When the Sun Sleeps in Canto Bight [12]
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Previous Entire Series Referenced Chapter (Kylo’s Scar) CHAPTER PLAYERS Ruby Girard-Solo Kylo Ren aka Ben Solo Artoo, The Bartender Rose Tico, Manager of the Organa Hotel “Uncle” Lando Calrissian Kuruk (Knights of Ren) Leia Organa-Solo “Uncle” Bacca “Chewie” Maychew  CHAPTER CONTENT Mild Violence: Domestic (face grab and slaps); abuse against employee (pistol-whip and punch) Plotting/Murder mention Brief commentary on aging (watching parents/loved ones get older)
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Relaxed, fresh, and light--Ruby glided through the bare tables of the Organa Hotel’s lounge and sat at the bar. Everyone was probably too busy enjoying Canto Bight’s sights, or the hotel’s amenities. 
“Good afternoon!” Artoo, the bartender greeted her.
“Good afternoon, Artoo. I’d like the most afternoon appropriate drink you have. Something with citrus, perhaps?”
“I’ve got the perfect thing. Coming right up.”
Ruby looked up at the exit just in time to see Rose saunter by, then take two steps backward. She floated into the lounge and sat beside Ruby.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Solo. Will you be joining the meeting with Leia this afternoon?” she asked. Ruby’s eyebrows knitted together.
“No, I don’t know about any meeting,” Ruby answered.
Rose nodded. “Must be a business meeting. How was the spa yesterday?”
“It was divine. I may have to visit them every week.”
“You should! And I’m not saying that as the manager,” Rose said leaning in. “I’ve found that moms especially enjoy the spa. Weekly, monthly, bi-weekly. It’s a great way to relax and rejuvenate.”
“I agree. I’ll try to make a future appointment.”
“Great!” Rose looked over her shoulder. “If you need anything, I’m in my office today.”
She leaned in and again and whispered. “Some weirdo’s been wandering around the hotel these last couple of days and I'll be down here keeping an eye on him.”
Artoo slid an orange-colored drink to Ruby and she chuckled. 
“Be careful,” she said to Rose.
“Oh, I will.”
Rose gently placed her hands against her chest. “Boobs aren’t the only thing I squeeze into this bra.”
Ruby laughed and Rose winked. Then, she strolled back out of the lounge. Ruby took a sip of her drink. She smiled and nodded at Artoo, who patiently awaited her approval. He nodded back and tended to other bar tasks.
About ten minutes passed and Ruby was sipping on her refill, and munching on peanuts. Then, an older gentleman sauntered into the bar. He was quite handsome--wavy hair, smooth brown skin--and wore a slate blue suit. He left the seat between him and Ruby empty, but flashed a beautiful smile at her, then Artoo.
“Holt 45, Mr. Calrissian?” Artoo asked.
“You know it.”
Artoo reached under the bar, pulled out a can, popped it open, and slid it to the man.
“Calrissian?” Ruby asked. “Would you happen to be Mr. Lando Calrissian?”
The man smiled. “Lando Calrissian, I happen to be.”
“My name’s Ruby.” She slid into the empty seat and held her hand out. “Ruby Girard...Solo…”
A wide grin formed across Lando’s face. “Ben’s wife!” 
Lando bypassed the handshake and hugged Ruby. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“Ben talks about you a lot--Uncle Lando.”
“Haven’t heard that in a while. He’s the only person who’s ever called me Uncle Lando. It was Uncle Wando when he was really little.”
“Aww,” Ruby hummed.
“How is he?”
“He’s...he’s alright…” 
“Is he Ben?” Lando asked, acknowledging her lack of words.
Ruby laughed and nodded. “He’s Ben.”
“Apparently, I’m a granduncle, too,” Lando added.
“Yes. You are a granduncle three times.”
“So Han has told me! I can only hope that old Ben brings the family around me someday.”
“I’ll pass the message to him,” Ruby said.
Lando smiled and shrugged. “Of course, I haven’t been around much myself. Not since Leia and Han split, I suppose.”
“I’m sure Ben would be glad to know that I met you. I assume you’re here to meet Leia?”
“Yes, I am,” Lando answered. He looked down at his watch. “I’m pretty early. I wanted to get a drink, first.”
Lando and Ruby talked for about twenty minutes--about the children, about Ben. Ruby didn’t tell him about her frustrations with Ben, and he didn’t talk about the purpose of his meeting with Leia. Finally, Lando looked down at his watch again.
“I guess I’ll be heading up.”
“I think I should head to my room, too.”
“Shall I walk you?” Lando asked.
“I’d be honored.”
Lando helped Ruby off her barstool and escorted her out the lounge, through the lobby, and into the elevator. Her suite and the room he’d be meeting Leia in happened to be on the same floor. When they got off the elevator, Leia was walking out of the conference room with a bucket of ice.
“Hi, Ruby!” she said. “I’m going to come by and see you after this meeting. I need to get some ice for these damned drinks, first.”
Ruby laughed. “I’ll be in my room, probably taking a nap.”
Kylo called Leia. She wasn’t home. Crystal wasn’t home. Han would be at the cathedral, certainly. He dropped the kids off at Vic and Tillie’s--saying that he had an emergency and explaining no further. Then, he made his way to the Organa Hotel.
“Some guy. Kinda old. Nice lookin’...” Kuruk had told him.
“And they went upstairs?” Kylo repeated, making sure he had the partial information correct.
Kylo practically crushed the handset in his hands.
About an hour and a half later, he and Kuruk were strolling through the hotel lobby and up the elevator to the top floor. The doors couldn’t open fast enough for Kylo. He flew out of the elevator and to the special suite - a suite his mom had dragged him to as a kid, while she took meetings next door. He remembered the beautiful view; the floral sheets that transformed into satin as he got older. He banged on the door--and for far too long, if you asked him.
Finally, Ruby looked through the peephole with eyes full of curiosity and annoyance. She didn’t open the door all the way--she just peeped through the small space she’d made.
Kylo pushed the door open and strolled through the room. “Where is he?”
“Where is who?” Ruby asked. As he walked past her, he looked her up and down--her body adorned in the silk robe he’d bought her. Her hair held no finger or Marcel wave--in its natural state and frizzy in the back--like she’d been rolling around on it. 
The sight burned him up, and he dropped to his knees, searching under the bed. Then, he jumped back to his feet. 
“Kylo, what are you doing?!”
Kylo grabbed Ruby by the jaw and pushed her into the wall. 
“Don’t play with me! Where the fuck is he?! Where’s the son of a bitch you came up here with!”
Ruby struggled against Kylo’s grip. 
“Get off me!” she cried.
When her desperate attempt to pry his hand from her jaw failed, she slapped him across the face. Then, he slapped her back--sending her to the floor with a gasp.
“Boss! Here he is!” Kuruk said outside of the suite. Kylo rushed out of the room and slid into the hallway, where he was met with the sight of his mother, his Uncle Lando, and his Uncle Chewie--leaving the conference room with friendly smiles.
“Benny Boy!” Lando shouted, his arms outstretched.
Kylo’s face turned red and he glared at Kuruk. “The one in blue.”
“Hey, Uncle Lando,” he said, letting the old man embrace him. He hugged him back.
“What are you doing here, Ben?” Leia asked. She looked at him, observing the redness of his face as he walked over to hug his Uncle Chewie. Then, she glanced at the stranger with her son. She walked a few yards to the opened suite where Ruby had her suitcase on the floor and was dropping her clothes inside.
“Excuse me, one second,” Kylo said, rushing away from his long-lost “uncles” before they started to catch up on old times. He rushed into the suite and was immediately greeted by his mother’s opened palm. He saw it coming, but he put up no fight.
“Go in the conference room,” Leia growled.
“Ruby, I’m sorry,” he said, stepping toward Ruby. Leia stepped in front of him.
“Go into the conference room, NOW!” Leia repeated.
Tears fell down Kylo’s face. Ruby looked up at him with tears in hers. He walked out of the suite, and before going to his designated stop, he pulled his gun from his holster and hit Kuruk across the face with it.
“Ben!” Uncle Lando and Uncle Chewie shouted.
“What the fuck?!” Kuruk shouted. Kylo slammed him into the wall.
“That’s Lando Calrissian you fuckin’ idiot!” Kylo yelled into Kuruk’s face. Then, he punched him in the gut. “He’s my fuckin’ Uncle. You dumb bitch!”
Lando and Chewie pulled their “nephew” away, as Kuruk held his aching stomach.
“I’m sorry, Boss. I didn’t fuckin’ know!”
____________________ “Where is she going?” Kylo asked as soon as his mother stepped into the conference room. 
Lando and Chewie rose to their feet like gentlemen.
“We’ve got something more important to talk about right now,” Leia said. Lando held her seat for her, then he sat down beside her.
“You know what?” Leia asked. She looked at Lando. “I could kill him myself right now. So one of you tell him.” Lando’s eyebrows lifted, and he looked at Chewie. Then, Chewie looked at Kylo. 
“Sheev Palpatine was at the Jabba Palace last night,” Chewie said.
“And a couple of other men. Men that we believe work for you,” Lando added.
“They were younger than him--but older than you,” Chewie confirmed. “They were saying that you’re not fit to lead the Knights of Ren anymore.” 
Kylo’s eyes followed each man as they talked, occasionally landing on his mother’s contorted and angry face.
“And they talked about taking you out, son,” Lando said, finally bursting the bubble.
Kylo’s eyes landed back on Lando. Silence permeated the air. Leia’s face softened. 
“Son, I want you out of this mess,” she said, leaning forward. “I want you out of this life now,” she said.
Kylo’s eyes darted across the three people before him. They all seemed so big, once upon a time. Now, all three of them appeared to be a few inches shorter. Lando, a little heavier--less hair than the last time he’d seen him. His mother, her famous long hair now gray. Uncle Chewie--famously hair, was less hairy. And the hair on his head was gray. 
After taking them and their news in, Kylo rose from his seat and walked out of the door.
First, he stopped at Ruby’s suite, and knocked on the door.
“She’s gone, Ben,” Leia said, standing outside of the conference room. “Let’s finish talking about this, Sweetie.”
Kylo stared at the door. Then, he kicked it.
“I’m going to find my wife,” he said.
He walked down the hallway, toward the elevators. 
As he waited for the doors to open, he glanced in the ornately bordered mirror beside him. The ceiling light highlighted every one of his features. It lightened his dark hair. It made him see the scar along his cheek--and he immediately remembered why it was there in the first place. 
He was supposed to be the only person in his house with a scar on their face. Her tears were supposed to be joyful. Never sadness. Never pain, if he could help it. The only time she was supposed to be stretched out on the floor, was when he was making love to her on it. Suddenly, he realized that he too, was a few inches shorter.
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beansthembo · 4 years
I need to do a bit of a vent about the new Star Wars movie. Spoilers below.
I’m having some trouble processing what happened. If you’re reading this, you probably are interested in my opinion on it, and you probably also know that I was a big fan of The Last Jedi. By no means was it a perfect movie, but it took the chance of distancing itself from the rest of the series by springing off of what was established in TFA and building something new. A lot of people weren’t too pleased by this, and there are plenty of legitimate criticisms, but being completely transparent, I can’t listen to most critics of it because most of the people I know in real life who didn’t like it are racist or misogynistic.
TLJ tried to introduce people to the idea that, in reference to the new canon, just because it’s new and different, doesn’t mean that it’s bad. Kylo’s/Ben’s line, “Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to,” finds meaning in this, though a bit extreme. TLJ was going to learn from the past films and move on, for better or worse. TROS is determined to wallow in its past. As a lifetime fan of Star Wars, I can’t bring myself to hate it outright, like many vocal critics of TLJ, but I find myself severely disappointed by the decisions made in it.
I’ve honestly spent too much time composing those last paragraphs, as if I’m a legit critic or reviewer. I’m just kind of going to present my nitpicks and criticisms as they come to me.
So, first a few nitpicks:
-The opening crawl seems... poorly composed to me. The first line is “The dead speak!” Correct me if I’m wrong, but they don’t usually use exclamations in the opening crawls. I know I just spent the last couple of paragraphs defending new ideas, but the opening crawl always seemed as though they were meant to present information formally from a neutral perspective. Not a major criticism, but it did bother me a bit.
-What happened to Kyle’s TIE Silencer? I mean, it could’ve been destroyed in the previous movie, but I don’t really remember that happening. Either way, it seemed to me that they made the decision to make his ship more similar to the Interceptor, as, like, a ‘safer’ choice, but I don’t see why they couldn’t have just had the same ship.
-The Falcon has a round dish again? You know, now that I’m thinking of it, the dish may have been blasted off in TLJ. I just was surprised by that.
I may add to that list later. the actual problems I had were:
-Rey is sort of obsessed with ‘earning’ Luke’s (and Anakin’s) old lightsaber. Which has been repaired, by the way. She doesn’t actually ‘own’ it, even though she’s been using it for the past two movies, she’s just been borrowing it from Leia. I was really looking forward to seeing her make her own (or already have her own) lightsaber, which she does, but she waits until the end of the movie to show it off. And it’s rad as hell! Wtf? why couldn’t she have been using that the whole time! It’s one of my favorite lightsaber designs now and they show it for a whole two seconds!
-They finally give Snoke a backstory, and it’s... that he was Palpatine’s puppet the whole time. I’m gonna say, not the worst backstory they could have done, but they really tried to make him just not matter at all. I mean, yeah, the way he was done off with in TLJ was pretty unceremonious, but I always felt that meant that the real big bad was meant to be Kyle all along. Instead, the Skywalker saga becomes the Palpatine saga. I’m not opposed to the concept of Palpatine surviving and attempting to resurrect the Sith, but that’s something I’d expect from a novel, not the main story of the final movie in the franchise. And, honestly, regardless of whether or not Snoke was secretly Plagueis, I always thought he was supposed to be some other ye olde sith master, not just some sort of failed clone(?)
-Kyle rebuilds his fuUcking helmet. Why? What purpose does it serve? He doesn’t even wear it most of the time. The longest period he wears it is when the First Order officers comment on it. He’s just being dramatic. Which, I suppose, would be in character, but after the scene in which he shatters it in TLJ, it seems pointless.
-Another nitpick, but when they expand upon Rey and Kyle’s ability to connect through the force, it seems a little... disjointed. I do like that they took the time to expand upon that, even though I thought Rey closing the Falcon’s ramp on him at the end of TLJ was symbolic of her cutting him off, the way they presented it seemed, well, off. Like, it makes sense if you take it at face value, but if you start to think about it at all, it sort of... weird. I dunno how to describe it. Like, they interact with each other’s environments, but can’t see what they can interact with until they interact with it, and they can trade items, and... yeah.
-The big one... Rey’s a Palpatine. Her father was Sheev’s son. (When did that happen, huh? Who’d want to get with that wrinkly mess?) Why the everloving fuck couldn’t Rey just have been Rey? Why did she have to be related to someone existing in the franchise already? JJ’s going around saying that this was his plan the whole time, which is bull fucking shit, because otherwise they would have communicated this to Ryan, and I’m pretty sure TROS was originally going to have another director in the first place, and ALSO I’m pretty sure JJ did say at some point that Rey’s parents only mattered to her. While I’m on the topic of fan theories and origins, nobody in the movies was ever concerned about who Snoke really was. They knew who he was-the Bad Guy. Nobody ever cared who the Emperor really was in 1983, so why was Snoke’s death and non-explained origins such a big deal? I have more conflicted thoughts than I can even put down, so i’m gonna move on.
-Oh, before I forget, they just completely write off Rose. She’s present, but they minimize her screen time. I get that a lot of people didn’t like her, and there are some valid criticisms of her that aren’t completely rooted in racism and misogyny, but I never found any problem with her. I actually felt she was pretty relatable. She meets a hero, trips over her own words, and then learns why you should never meet your heroes. Disillusioned, she’s about to turn him in but they come up with another plan, and together they visit a world full of people she joined the Resistance to get away from. I’ve got that same feeling about those sorts of things-while I do enjoy a decent amount of privilege, I still, you know, fight against the system that gave it to me. And I can’t stand to see people abuse others just because they don’t have that privilege, so hearing her speech about wanting to punch a hole through that city did mean a lot at some level. Then, at the end, when she’s like, “this is how we win. Not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love,” I can even relate to that. It’s when, like, you explain to a kid how you hate something, and they jump on the bandwagon, and get real angsty, and then you’re like, “no no no that’s not what I wanted you to learn!” It’s hard to describe it with my rapidly deteriorating attention, but I never thought she was a bad character.
-DJ wasn’t in it! I mean, he wasn’t the most important character, but I still wanted to see him again.
-They have this fake out where they pretend Chewie was dead for a whole 20 seconds. I totally called it, too-the ship he was supposedly in blew up (or rather, Rey blew it up with force lightning accidentally), but since he didn’t die on screen in front of us, I knew it had to be a fake out. And it seems like the only reason for that was so they can find out that Hugs was the traitor, who is only betraying the First Order to see Kyle lose, which I mean fair, but then he’s unceremoniously killed off by the new big officer guy who we’ve never seen before but was supposedly one of the Emperor’s top men. I don’t think his name was even mentioned in the movie-or if it was, it had zero staying power. Also, they have this part where Threepio had his memory erased for a while before being backed up by Artoo. The lead up to it was very dramatic- Threepio’s generally been a comic relief character up to this point, and now he’s got to give his life for the cause (He had a translation of some Sith runes in his memory, but his programming prevented him from saying the translation aloud, and his memory needed to be wiped in order to access it), but as soon as his memory is wiped they do not give two shits that one of their best friends basically died right in front of them. Then Artoo brings him back and still no one cares.
-Poe and Finn do have a nice dynamic in the movie, but then we find one of Poe’s exes and he starts flirting with her and its like no Poe your husband’s right tHERE POE DON’T DO IT (and don’t dismiss this as shipper nonsense because John Boyega and Oscar Isaac both wanted FinnPoe to be a thing and acted through the movies like it was already don’t you say this is the first you’re hearing of this)
-The way that Rey defeats Palpatine is by crossing lightsabers in front of him to deflect his lightning?
-Reylo is canon NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Insert the gif of Vader yelling no at the end of ROTS)
-Also why does it always have to be a planet destroying superweapon? I know legends did that a lot but there doesn’t always have to be one for there to be stakes.
I think there was other stuff, but my brain is too scattered at this point to make any more cohesive thoughts. I mean, there was a lot of stuff I did like about it- Lando’s back! And i think Wedge is too, but he was on screen for about a second and a half, so I couldn’t tell. It was confirmed that Leia had force training, and even had a lightsaber! And I do like that they’re taking some inspiration from Legends, but I’m pretty sure Dark Empire was not one of the most popular series’ from it. I also did like Ben seeing a vision of Han; It’s not entirely clear if it was a force ghost thing (I am of the belief that Han was at leas a little force sensitive) or if it was just Ben sort of coming to terms with his actions, but the scene was pretty well done in my opinion. Also, Rey taking the name Skywalker at the end. That was nice, like she chose her family.
Now I just remembered a couple of things-Finn was basically confirmed to be force sensitive, but the way they did it felt very ham-fisted. Like, they weren’t like “he felt a disturbance wink wink nudge nudge,” they were like “HERE IS SOME SUBTEXT THAT ISN’T ACTUALLY SUBTEXT SEE HERE” like they never outright say it but it would have been less insulting if they did. Also, they introduced a force healing thing, which has been a more of a thing in the games, but we’ve never seen it on screen before. But like, Rey dies at the end and Ben brings her back and then [REDACTED] and then he dies, even though, like, a lot of things. I don’t know I’ve been typing for way too long I need off.
Anyway, it felt good to vent, thanks for reading if you did. I give TROS 6.5/10.
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unexpectedreylo · 5 years
The Rise of Skywalker Teaser Trailer Analysis
First, I’d like to pat myself on the back for correctly guessing how the panel was going to go down, heh heh.  Just as a note, the “villains” didn’t appear at SWCA in 2015.  They were introduced at SDCC 2015 instead.  I think this could mean that we’ll see the “baddies” of TROS at a later con like SDCC 2019 or (more likely) D23 in August:  Adam Driver, Domnhall Gleeson, Richard E. Grant, and Keri Russell, who I swear to God is playing a bounty hunter.
That “dorm room” poster and the character key leak from a few weeks ago were as I suspected 100% legit.
I had no idea though what to expect from the trailer itself.  I was and still am SHOOK.  OH MY GOD.  Of all the teaser trailers I’ve seen from Star Wars over the past 42 years, that one was the best.  I was shocked, I was surprised, and I freakin’ can’t wait.
Nobody got the title correct, aside from a rumor that said it was going to be called “Skywalkers,” like a silly 1980s spinoff sitcom.  Close but no cigar.  But really it’s perfect.
I’m going to tell my Reylos right now don’t listen to the C-students.  You know who the A-students are, the ones who have gotten everything right since 2016.  Right now the internet is awash with the usual super nerd dude crowd, the antis, the ReySkys and so forth with their lame or convoluted theories.  Teaser trailers often aren’t literally as they appear but too many people haven’t figured that out.
On a side note, Clayton Sandell, ABC news reporter and Star Wars fan, posted on his Twitter about an interview the cast that had appeared at SWCC did with Paula Faris that will air on Good Morning America this Monday.  1) Daisy said she had relayed to Abrams her thoughts on Reylo and it’s explored in “MUCH greater depth” and 2) while Abrams isn’t going to change the parentage reveal in TLJ, there is “more to the story.”  I suspected as much but fear not, I do NOT think this means Rey is Kylo’s sister or cousin.
The rest of this is observation from the trailer itself and speculation.  I do NOT know the plot.  
In the opening shot, it might appear that Krazy Kylo is trying to run over our poor heroine with his Silencer.  But as many Reylos believe, I don’t think this is the case.  Notice you DON’T see Kylo’s/Ben’s face.  Rey shows no fear, but anticipation and determination.  Either Daddy is training Rey or she’s hitching a ride to go with him and kick some “a.”  
The shot of Kylo punching someone in the gut while holding a lightsaber (typical) and NOT using his helmet indicates to me that perhaps this is a point where he has switched sides with a FO faction that has broken away.  The guy Kylo knocks down is coming at him.  It’s a defensive move, not the kind of kill-the-villagers or Rebels-where-they-stand stuff he’d been doing before.  Hmm.
Yes, that’s the remains of the Death Star our friends are looking at.  Is it Death Star one and it’s Yavin or is this the remains of Death Star II on Endor?  Will there be Ewoks???  
I think those are Leia’s hands touching the medal she gave Han.  It’s interesting that Abrams said that they wrote scenes around the footage of her that they had.  It’s interesting how they managed to have Rey in her new outfit hug Leia like that; now that’s some movie magic.  I am a little concerned about Rey being teary-eyed, but Rey would cry at a YouTube video of cute kittens and puppies.
As for Luke’s monologue, this may or may not end up in the film as is and I suspect a snippet was actually cribbed from TLJ.  But I think 1) Luke is not just addressing Rey.  He is likely talking to Ben OR to both Ben and Rey, like a little pep talk and 2) I think we will see Luke doing this pep talk WITH OTHER FORCE GHOSTS.  That’s right, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and maybe Qui-Gon.  You never know, we might even see the muggles in the Skywalker family tree (Padme?  Han???).  It might come down to just Ben and Rey to save the galaxy with their friends, but Luke is reassuring them they will not be alone in spirit.
Now for the line cribbed from TLJ...yes, he’s talking about Ben BUT it also implicates the trailer’s SHOCKING ending.  I knew that laugh the second I heard it.  
Sheev’s.  Back.  And if you didn’t get it, Ian McDiarmid himself came out onstage at Celebration afterward.  
Remember, if Shmi Skywalker is the matriarch of this clan, Darth Sidious was implicated in ROTS as the one who may have manipulated the midichlorians to conceive Anakin in the first place.  And it’s possible he may have done it to OTHER people and (hold on) Rey might be descended from one of his other guinea pigs.  And it’s possible that in some shape or way, Palpatine used that magic power to “cheat death” and has been causing #@$! all of these years.  He may have trained Snoke and ordered him to start messing with Ben in utero as well as mess with Luke, Leia, etc..  What if Ben and Rey find all of this out and it’s only together they can finally take out the trash, because it’s what the Force wants?  (In my headcanon, the Force can even use Dark Siders like Sidious or Snoke to do its will.)
As for the title Rise of Skywalker, it’s really funny how so many fans forgot KYLO IS A SKYWALKER.  This title screams Redemption without calling the movie “The Redemption Of Leia’s Dumbass Son” (credit The Farce Awakens). Several Reylos noticed that Kylo’s Theme plays as the title comes onscreen and it goes up in key, ending on hopeful notes.  This was confirmed by our resident professional composer Christy Carew.  There’s also this, but I’d take it with a grain of salt since John Williams hasn’t started composing yet.  
 Not only will he save himself, he will redeem his lineage.  He will, as he said in TFA, finish what Anakin started.  And Rey will be a Skywalker once Ben puts a ring on it and she has his babies.
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mcrcki · 1 year
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Was that [JOSEPHINE LANGFORD]? Oh no no, that was just [SELLA PALPATINE], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [STAR WARS]. They are [TWENTY THREE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
she’s been here for the better part of a year and a half !!
what is your character’s job
she is the personal assistant to winter celchu ! she is also a full time student , enrolled the george washington university, but specifically corcoran school of art and design and getting a fine arts degree !! 
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
she’s pulled right after her brother killed her and the rest of her family. she’s having a ✨terrible time✨
has any magic affected your character
beyond bringing her back to life, no not at all ! she had died back in april 2022 but she’s good, she’s cool now. she did get tortured back to remembering (shoutout to rhiannon, you’re a real one) but yeah, she’s fine now!
extra information
maig here with another hardheaded brat of a muse !! this time in the form of sella palpatine , sheev’s youngest sister. listen i’m so excited for her chaos you have no idea kldfjgkldf a blanket apology for her now thank u enjoy ( 2022 me coming in to say i still apologize for her and who she is as a person, BUT SELLA STANDS AS THE ONE PERSON TO HIT SHEEV AND LIVE THANK YOU )
the youngest daughter of sarra and cosinga palpatine, and twin sister of sion, she was always the picture perfect child. she saw the way her father threated her eldest brother, the way anyone speaking out against their father would invoke his anger, she spent most of her childhood watching and learning from her siblings, knowing that she would not be following in those same footsteps.
she was always the ‘yes ma’am’ ‘yes sir’ child, listening to anything and everything her father and mother would say, never speaking out against them. she would do everything in her power to be the perfect child. she never once would be at the mercy of her father’s anger.
but that didn’t mean that she ever agreed with her father or the path that he had chosen for her and her siblings. she was just cautious about if and when she spoke against it. if her siblings allowed it, she would rant and rave about wanting to run away, to be anything but a pawn for cosinga, until her voice went hoarse. 
the late night conversations of her, red faced and crying, sitting in sabina’s room, begging to be anything BUT a palpatine, wishing that she could be free of the life she was being forced into was something she will always remember, even if things are different here. that stays with her. 
while she didn’t agree with the way her father treated sheev, she couldn’t help but fear him in the same breath. she was the youngest, only a child for the most of their father’s tyranny, how in the stars was she meant to speak out or help? 
very skilled in her social skills, having put a lot of pride in her ability to have many faces depending on who she was speaking to. but very few people got to see sella for who she was and not what she was supposed to be.
she saw the way her life was headed, the path her father wanted her to take, the arranged marriages for his political gain and was trying to do everything in her power to leave. to get far from their family as possible, but knew it would be a long game.
unfortunately, that plan never truly got off it’s feet as she and the rest of her family were killed by sheev.
being in dc, she’s very excited that she finally gets to have the life that she wanted all along. even if it’s a little different, and she’s been struggling with her identity, with the safety she feels her family is lacking, all of that-- she is just happy to be somewhere where she can be just sella.
is currently dating allana solo, and most likely moving in together. they’re happy, she’s living the dream rn and doesn’t really know anything about the whole situation between the plapatines and the solos. to sella, she just thinks that sheev and leia are friends and that’s about it
goes by sella rhuno at work, to minimize the questions about being related to sheev since she knows he likes to keep the family sort of secret. as far as sella knows, he does have enemies in the city, and she was p convinced for a while that the jedi themselves were evil.
she’s doing better with that now, but is still p hesitant around the force and everything. 
but the most important thing to know about sella is that she is the color pink personified, and has her entire family wrapped around her finger. her crying is the most dangerous weapon in the world, and her gf’s scary dog privilege card. if sidious is ready to murder just from his sister tearing up, there’s nothing sella can’t get away with.
also here’s information from when she was unaware
connections :
✩ co-workers
anyone who works in politics or in the white house !! sella goes around to a lot of meetings with winter and is dropping things off in a ton of different offices so she would easily see people around
✩ friends !!! pls !!!
she’s never really had them and would love to have some now , pls be her friend i promise she’s super fun !!
✩ classmates
she goes to georgetown so could easily run into other students during like core classes / if you’re an art student !!
✩ sw person who tells her the truth
sella currently goes by rhuno everywhere she goes, she knows that she’s supposed to keep her name a secret. but i think it’d be fun for someone to hear her mention palpatine, mention being his sister or something, or just straight up be like ‘yo that guys a dick’
please she’s so sheltered she has no clue who sheev grew up to become i think it’d be funny if someone finally told her who tf sidious is
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sanerontheinside · 7 years
Cliche AU fic prompt: do you write Codywan??? Because I have a sudden need for some fluffy Codywan fic. I'd love a Celebrity AU or a Cops AU, but really anything, I'm not picky!!
jawejf;aoiejr I ran out of steam on this I’m sorry but anyone’s welcome to pick up? Or you can throw it back into sw’verse and make Obi-Wan Space Anderson Cooper, that would actually be fantastic. 
@aidava and I would be glad to see it 
especially “if you can incorporate the ‘the less anderson cooper is wearing, the more dire the reporting situation’ joke”, as aidava says :D
oh yeah! so basically since ‘sharing a cab au’ landed on that prompt list twice I figured I’d feel free and make another. so I smashed together cops au and celebrity au and got bodyguard au so uh there u go
Cody checked his watch as he popped the cap of the cheap coffee he’d picked up at the bagel shop near his apartment complex. It was quarter to six and raining, a cold, wet, and absolutely miserable start to the day.
Not that it was the start of the day for him—no, that had been at two in the bloody morning, waking up in a cold sweat and shaking with adrenaline, tangled in his sheet on the floor. It wasn’t the worst he’d been in the last couple months, but it did smack a bit of irony that now, when he finally had a job to focus on, the nightmares immediately came rushing back to ruin his first day.
All he had to do was drive some famous person around, possibly keep admirers off them from venue to vehicle to home. Not that he was currently parked and and waiting in an area that screamed ‘famous people’, but hells, what did he know. Rent-controlled apartments, Jewish community—apart from the synagogue he’d driven past, there was no mistaking the dark overcoats and hats. Cody hadn’t exactly been keeping up with the latest news and entertainment, but for the life of him he couldn’t imagine who it was he was meant to be chauffeuring. He knew where Maria Callas used to live—hello, odd bits of a past life’s study at Julliard—and he knew one of his professors’ assistants lived in this area. That didn’t give him any clues to go on.
Although, now he thought about it—Maria Callas hadn’t lived far from here, closer to West Side Highway. He tried to imagine providing security for a musician of her calibre, and couldn’t. It was too far out of the realm of his typical assignments.
He grimaced into his coffee, which got only less tolerable with every sip—he’d seen the new guy manning the coffee machine at the bagel place this morning, so he really should’ve known. At least the liquid had burned away half his tastebuds while it was still scalding.
Out of the corner of his eye, Cody caught a glimpse of something that must have been unusual. He looked up—yeah, the leather jacket and messenger bag were certainly a bit out of the ordinary, for what he’d seen so far. The man looked good, though, Cody thought—especially when he turned and started down the street in his direction. Right at that moment the windshield wipers sluiced off a generous bit of water and gave him a better view. It took two seconds for Cody to put a name to that face, and then connect it to the direction he’d taken. He choked and nearly spilled his cup of morning poison.
He knew exactly what his assignment was.
Obi-Wan Kenobi dropped into his backseat with a huff. “Good morning. I’m sorry, I thought I told Depa I didn’t need a car this morning.”
Cody swallowed. “Well, Ms. Billaba wanted me to let you know that she’d be covering expenses for as long as she thinks it’s necessary to keep you safe.”
Obi-Wan flashed him a wry grin. “Understood. I’ll direct all complaints to her.”
Cody felt his neutral working mask drop down, and put the lid back on his coffee. “We make every effort to provide satisfactory service to all our clients.”
“Oh, I have complete faith in your abilities,” Kenobi said with an absolutely disarming grin. “I’m just worried you’d be wasting your time with me, that’s all.”
Uh-huh. “Yes, sir.”
As far as celebrities went, Kenobi wasn’t exactly the first name that came to mind. In his own words, he’d been ‘uncomfortably thrust into the limelight’ about a year ago. He’d been a correspondent for a secondary paper—one that had recently gone bankrupt—enjoying his semi-anonymity. As Obi-Wan had said in interviews since, the loss of this anonymity was just about the worst thing that could have happened to his career in investigative journalism.
By all other accounts, though, it had only been a matter of time before Kenobi made a name for himself entirely without anyone’s assistance. He had a gift for finding a story, which was another way of saying he had a gift for getting into trouble.
The story that made him famous had barely even seen the papers. Kenobi certainly hadn’t penned it. Instead he’d turned around and testified in-camera against one Sheev Palpatine, then CEO of Empire Security—which is to say he went and stirred up trouble, and the fame was an unintended side-effect.
Palpatine, with what influence remained to him during the trial, had allegedly spent a hefty sum of money to ferret out a suspected whistleblower. His investigators ran up against several walls and a general or two before they finally grew an imagination and looked outside Empire’s employees, at civilians. From there it might not have been more than two short and easy steps to a bright young reporter by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Palpatine then tasked his best people with running an ugly smear campaign, with the sort of virulence typically reserved for a Senator who wouldn’t vote his way. But, as Kenobi was neither a politician nor running for office, he shook off much of the resulting noise like water. He was charming, earnest, always effusive about his love for his work. (Cody thought it probably hadn’t hurt that the man didn’t seem to have the faintest idea when he was flirting, and would likely have had chemistry with a wooden block, if it came to that, but never mind.)
Obi-Wan also left the country not long after the trial was over, vanishing into Africa to cover an ongoing conflict—aftershocks of a civil war long over. That report had gotten him hired literally within days of his return, as it turned out.
By now, Cody thought, there couldn’t be a cynic left alive who hadn’t already been aware, at least on some instinctual level, that Palpatine was bent. Palpatine’s company wasn’t particularly improved for the fact that it shared a name with a flooring company. The average citizen had never even heard of it, for the most part, and yet Empire handled a startlingly large percentage of Defense contracts. Cody’s experiences with Empire’s mercenaries had been unpleasant at the best of times.
He was beginning to see why Depa worried. Especially given that Kenobi had recently been offered a book deal for exactly the story that had landed him in the public eye, and Palpatine in prison. Particularly when there were rumours that Palpatine might get an early release.
He did stay close, though, when those nebulous rumours coalesced into verifiable news of an impending hearing. Cody watched Obi-Wan, in particular, when that bit of news crossed his desk. His smile thinned, his expression became pensive more often than not. There were more tense phone calls that week than usual, more late hours at the cramped, dark office, more takeout dinners. Cody half expected him to start sleeping at the office, though he didn’t want to know what the short couch there could do to a person’s back.
By then, Cody knew Obi-Wan’s routine so well he could almost sense the moment Obi-Wan needed his tea refilled. He’d taken it upon himself to do so anyway, having quickly realised that without someone putting a plate or a cup of tea in Obi-Wan’s general vicinity, the man would plainly forget to eat. Cody hadn’t figured out getting him to sleep at regular hours yet, but in his defence he’d never been particularly good at that himself. At least trying to keep up with Kenobi actually exhausted him to the point that he slept without nightmares—for the most part.
Cody was just passing Obi-Wan another steaming cup when he shoved the laptop aside with a heavy sigh and rubbed fiercely at his eyes. He eyed the mug blankly for a moment, then smiled.
“Oh, bless you, Cody,” Obi-Wan sighed, hunching forward and all but wrapping himself around the cup. “Your timing is impeccable.”
Cody grinned, a warm feeling creeping through him as he sat down beside him on the ragged couch. “Pressing deadline?” he asked, nodding at the laptop.
“Of a sort.” Obi-Wan sighed heavily. “You know, when I testified against Palpatine I thought that should be enough to bury him, for good.”
Cody shrugged. “He’s rich, he’s powerful, he owns three senators and their penthouses. What were you expecting?”
Obi-Wan shot him a politely abashed glare. “Pardon me for daring to be occasionally optimistic,” he said wryly—apparently completely unoffended. “In any case, I might be able to push the book out for an early release. Though, I’m beginning to suspect that was a bit ambitious of me.”
“I did wonder about that,” Cody admitted. “His trial didn’t get any publicity. Last year, no one seemed to know who he is or what he was arrested for.”
“They wouldn’t have, if he hadn’t drawn attention to me in the first place.” Obi-Wan scowled at his tea as he viciously toed off his shoes and put his feet up on the almost comically small coffee table. “It’s interesting, actually—the paper I worked for went bankrupt, and most of the places I submitted my stories to in the last year wouldn’t accept them, no matter how eager they when I pitched them. It was just starting to get a little easier in the last month or two.”
Cody barely stopped himself from turning to glare at the man. “Please tell me this isn’t why you thought I’d be ‘wasting my time’ watching your back.”
Obi-Wan seemed surprised. “Well, no, I mean—I’d just gotten a job here, and in a few months I’ll be temporarily replacing Jane as the anchor for the news. It’s not so much that I thought—oh, yes, all right. I thought it would finally stop. I got a job, I got an offer to publish the damn book. Logically, yes, I know, people like that never stop.” He huffed and buried his face in his hands, the mug resting mostly empty on the arm of the couch beside him. “Fuck.”
Cody sighed. “Daring to be occasionally optimistic, right.” That got him a faint snort.
“Honestly I just thought there had to be more interesting targets,” Obi-Wan mumbled. “I was abroad for a year, anyway.”
Cody couldn’t help himself and laughed softly, reaching out to grasp Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “If it’s any consolation, I’m here to be as pessimistic as necessary to keep you out of trouble.”
Obi-Wan huffed, collapsing sideways to rest his shoulder against Cody’s. “I trust you.”
They sat that way for another few moments, until Cody drained his own mug. It was only when he tried to put the cup down that he realised Obi-Wan had fallen asleep, and smiled fondly at the disgruntled sleepy mumbling. Not wanting to wake him just yet, Cody set his timer for twenty minutes and settled back, sighing. In twenty minutes, he would wake Obi-Wan up, take him home, and that would be the end of the night, yes…
Six hours later he woke up stiff-backed and with a faint headache, with faint snoring in his ear. “Shit.”
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iainwrites · 4 years
The Rise of Skywalker Likes and Dislikes
This is going to talk very bluntly and blatantly about things that happened in the movie.  So if you’ve been holding off on seeing it, here’s your warning.  Or if you don’t want to read someone criticizing something you enjoyed.  Skip past everything.
-Finn at the beginning.  It’s nice to see his character growth from oblivious and try-to-hard former Stormtrooper, to still a little blundering Resistance fighter but still shows he’s capable, to a man confident in himself/in himself/in his friends and allies.
-When Chebacca learns of Leia’s death.  That’s the look of someone who has lost their oldest friends and don’t even have the strength to be angry.  There’s just loss.  THAT is one of the most powerful moments in this whole movie.
-Fine.  Ben’s “Okay bitches.  Now we can do this.” shrug before carving through the Knights is a great bit of physical acting and (I guess) comedy.
-The new main trio meet at the end and… hug.  No kissing.  No pairing off.  Three people who just survived a war and are happy that each is still alive.  Especially Finn.  This is his family and they’re okay.  Not everything has to end with hook-ups or resolved love triangles.  
Dislikes and Opinions:
-Palpatine.  Why?  He did his bit in the prequels, died in the OT, had no bearing in either TFA or TLJ.  So why bring him back now?
-What was the point of Rose in this?  She gets limited screen-time and doesn’t move the plot along.  The movie could have used this as a means to continue its slow show of representation, but apparently that’s a bridge too far.  But we did get Naomi Ackie as a supporting character of color with screentime and lines?  So we… traded?  Maintained?
-The fuck was with that Finn “I have something to tell you” line?  There was no lead in from any of the prior movies at all.  And no, it doesn’t count if it was revealed in the novelisation of either of the previous films.
-So Rey can sense Chewie is on a ship… but can’t tell that he’s on a different ship than the one she blows up?  Or that he’s not on the ship that she’s telekinetically fighting over?
-D-O is cute factor and nothing more or better.  Add onto that: Babu was there for cute factor.  And people shit on Jar Jar (me included) because he was written as something to entertain children.
-Rey is a Palpatine.  Why was that a choice that was made?  Why does she have to be related to anyone pre-existing in the Star Wars canon?  And why did things have to be explained not in the movie, but in tweets, interviews, the novelisation, etc?  Like the fact that Rey is a Palpatine.  Movie made you think that one of her parents was Sheev’s child, right?  Which one?  Sorry, didn’t tell us.  Oh, and it was her father, by the way.  Oh, and he wasn’t Palpatine’s child; he was actually a failed clone of Palpatine.  And that’s just one part.
-How does the blade work in the grand scheme of things?  Was it made after the destruction of the Death Star (because how else would it be able to line up so well with the wreckage)?  Who made it?  Why didn’t they pillage Palpatin’s hidden room of important shit?  Why didn’t they pass it on immediately to Kylo if he’s the second coming of Vader?
-Leia’s death.  Yes, all they had was archival footage.  So you mean to tell me that they couldn’t have done anything with that miraculous CGI technology to create a facial/vocal facsimile?  That they had no point of reference of ever doing that?  That there was absolutely no budget?  Or that rewrites were an impossible thing?  Because “Leia lays down, dies, and gives her son a moment to pause and get stabbed” isn’t doing right by Carrie Fisher or respecting her legacy.  That’s “Well, this is what we have.  Guess all we can do is use only what we have to make something and not put any more effort into it.”
-”We have no source material!” Except the whole “Emperor trying to find a new body” thing was done in Dark Empire.  As was the fact that the Emperor we saw was a clone that decayed rapidly without a Force-strong host.  And the fleet of ships to turn the tide of things was done with the Katana Fleet.  And Force Heal has been done in games like the GBA version of Revenge of the Sith.  And and and.
-Han Solo forgives his son!  Except it’s not Han, or a Force Ghost of Han (because Han wasn’t Force sensitive or trained to become self aware in the Cosmic Force after he died because that’s the explanation that they’ve been establishing in the Clone Wars TV series since the end of Season 6), but a figment of Ben’s imagination.  So Ben imagined that his father forgave him for murdering him.  … That’s not how it works.  If you’re imagining your murder victim forgiving you, there’s probably some deep psychological shit to deal with.
-People have talked about it, so I’ll hop on the train: how in the hell did Lando travel quickly enough to get that many ships when a distress call put out by Leia herself couldn’t shift asses?  How can he cover that much area, gather all those ships, then get through the mists or whatever the shit surround Exogal when one of those tracking beacon/map thingies have been set up as the only way a ship can travel through?
-For everything that Abrams did to negate TLJ, Palpatine’s monologue of Rey’s actions is very similar to Snoke’s monologue of Ren’s actions.  Down to the “HAHA PSYCH!” moment.
-The Knights of Ren are just a shit-show.  The name sounds cool, though, right!  Aaannnddd they’re killed off without a single line said or them proving to be any sort of threat representative of their “feared” name.
-Here’s something: when all the past Jedi are talking to Rey, you’re told who the male voices belong to (including stuff like Young Obi-Wan and Kanan).  But you only get Female Jedi 1 and Female Jedi 2.  That’s kind of fucked up and sexist, right?
-They set up Rey’s anger throughout the trilogy as being her path to the Dark Side (going as far to show what she could be like if she gives into those darker urges)... and never really do anything to resolve it.
-They REALLY lean into the idea that Finn is Force sensitive in this movie, don’t they?  Despite no evidence of it in any other movie.
-The random scene of just revived Rey grasping Ben’s hand and the frames drop (maybe that’s just my copy, but it's still a standout).  If it’s something everyone gets… then why the hell is something that glaring still in the movie.
-The kiss.  The novelisation said that the kiss was one of “gratitude,” but seriously?  Rogue One had a moment of gratitude where Jyn and Cassian are together and they… hug.  That’s it.  Piss off with your gratitude; there was a kiss because this movie substitutes sense with forced fanservice and they knew that people wanted to see Rey and Kylo together at some point.  Just like they likely kept Rose out of the movie because people gave Kelly Marie Tran shit.  Like that could have made the movie even possibly worse.
-Ben dies and fades away… and Leia’s body fades away at the same time.  Even though she’s been dead for a day+ at this point.  Because… she connected her spirit to her son?  See, that’s something I pulled completely out of thin air, but wouldn’t it be nice if that was the truth and the movie actually explained that was what happened instead of just giving random ass coincidences?
-Rey Skywalker.  Why does she have to be Rey Anybody?  There could have been such a positive spin to what she said earlier in the movie.  “Just Rey.”  Have her say it with pride and ownership now.  She’s her own person, unburdened by the names of those who have gone before.  She doesn’t have any name to live up to.
-Fuck you for your obvious, blatant and unecessary fanservice and self pleasing imagery where the twin suns are arranged to look like BB-8.  He’s not so important that one of the last lingering moments has to be of your new creation, Abrams.  You’re not so essential to Star Wars that you have to make a “HEY LOOK AT ME THE GUY WHO MADE THIS MOVIE” made-for-screenshots image.
-There’s no meh.  There are just rare moments of contentment amongst a constant feeling of disappointment and frustration.
Random Asides
-Kathleen Kennedy did an interview with Rolling Stone in November of 2019 leading up to The Rise of Skywalker.  You may have seen it float around, but she said “Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels.”  It’s in relation to how difficult it is to write and direct the movies, but come on.  There’s TONS of source material, dating as far back 1977 for the comics AND the novels.  There might not be 800 page novels, but there are trilogies, doulogies and massive story arcs that exceed those numbers (NJO and Legacy of the Force may not be your thing, but they’re there).  Rebels went and borrowed Zeb’s look from the original script AND took characters directly from Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy; Clone Wars pulled from Legends while Legends were still considered canon and afterwards.  Not all of it is good; it’d be difficult to translate a lot of it to screen without heavy edits these days.
“I love that we have these amazingly passionate fans who care so much. And I know sometimes they may think we don’t listen, but we do, and I thought it was fantastic that people got that engaged. It just showed me and everybody else how much they care. And that’s important for all of us that are doing this. We really look at them as the custodians of this story as much as [we are]. We look at it as kind of a partnership.”  Except when we’re not happy with a product that turns out to be sub-par.  Piss right off.
-Billie Dee Williams seems like he’s dropped in from a different movie entirely.  Not a bad thing; his delivery and presence is just so different from anyone else’s.
All In All
-It’s my least favorite of all the movies.  Worse than any of the prequels.  And say what you will about the prequels: at least they had a connecting story and the director didn’t try to kneecap something that happened in the middle movie before burying it in a shallow grave while taking a dump on the things left behind that didn’t fit in their vision.  It’s worse than Solo.  No amount of fanservice can fix the fact that the movie was by-and-large unenjoyable.   
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themikeymonster · 7 years
heyo, i still haven’t been able to write anything, but please have this unfinished snippet inspired by @/likealeafonthewind’s talk months ago about Obi-Wan getting hijacked by the temple and becoming its guardian or smth like that. I didn’t publish it at the time that i wrote it because it was?? idk darker or more upsetting than I really wanted to deal with at the time.
(it’s really not all that dark or upsetting at all, that was just how i felt at the time lol)
without further ado, post-Temple slaughter!Vader and Obi-Wan-of-the-Temple encounter
It's his worst nightmare.
  (no it's not, his worst nightmare has come and past and come and past and come and past, in sand and heat and blood and the sick-sweet stench of rot, of blood and flesh gone putrid. In something clawing into the part of him tender and weak, something wretched, like venomous teeth, slimy and sticky, vile fangs sunk into flesh that now fevers and an infection that spreads. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. He's known this, but he hadn't had the words. The worst nightmare comes and passes and comes and passes, a thousand deaths behind his eyelids in darkness and it slips between his fingers.
  His worst nightmare has been realized. The reality now proves to be much, much worse.)
 "Obi-Wan," he says, and the name scraps through his throat and past his lips like it rips something vital out of him. His hand tightens on the wretched 'saber in his hand. "Obi-Wan. What are you doing here?"
 Obi-Wan kneels. He looks strange - or maybe it's Vader that is strange. He can hardly see straight, through the wretched throb of red-and-black-and-red like his heart pumping the poison putrid teeth left when they bit and tore into the core of him. Obi-Wan blurs to his sight - strange and blue and gold around the edges. He kneels on the floor of the Temple. He looks strange and scooped out.
  Obi-Wan kneels on the floor of the Temple, facing the grand entrance and the hundreds of stairs that Vader has scaled to reach him. It's the posture of a Jedi facing judgement - or readying himself for battle. His hands are folded on the unlit lightsaber held over his knees, his shoulders slumped, his head bowed and his eyes shut. Vader does not mistake this posture for vulnerability or surrender.
  "Darth Vader," Obi-Wan acknowledges. The throbbing red-and-black at the corners of Vader's vision worsen, like tunnel vision and too many blows to the head. He reaches reflexively for the Force, but it's too dark, too strange, and the cool ripple of the Temple has become choppy waves that crash and break against him and make the throbbing worse. He feels like clawing at his chest to rip his own rotting heart out. "If you have come to finish the job laid before you by your master, you won't have an easy time of it."
 The Temple security systems, Vader realizes, though it comes as no surprise. He'd known. He'd known. But he'd thought that any Jedi who came close enough would have been slain long before reaching the archives. If he'd thought for one second that Obi-Wan would survive and make his way back, and not only that but storm the Temple and retake it -
 (Hadn't he? Oh, he had hoped. He had hoped that Obi-Wan would have sensed something wrong, and would have escaped his soldiers and fled into the wide galaxy to make his living somewhere else. That was what Vader had hoped. Or, too, he had hoped for - )
  "My master has sent me to investigate the upheaval at the Temple," Vader says. The words tug only sluggishly from his mouth, a weak pulse of blood from a mortal wound (or he wishes it was, he wishes-).
 "Upheaval?" Obi-Wan echoes, delicately skeptical. His brow furrows further. It's a knot of bewilderment and pain that Obi-Wan has ever sought to hide from him, that he recognizes nonetheless, imprinted upon it as he had when only a child. "Surely he understands the cause for that, as do you."
 The Temple, quivering and shaking, awful and frightful. Blaster and lightsabers do not spill blood, but over and over and over again, he thought of it staining slowly red. His hands and his feet. Red and black. Sith colors. He painted them on himself.
 Righteous, his master reminds him again and again. Traitors. The worse thing is - the worse thing is, it's true. It's true. Sheev is the Chancellor. Mace Windu came to arrest him. And by law they are traitors, they are - they are not the victors this night, and so history does not get rewritten in their favor. They moved against the Grand Chancellor and so they are traitors and so they die.
  And Obi-Wan is the most Jedi person that Vader knows. He is here, now, on the ground of his home, salted and burned and desecrated by the bodies of his brethren, the old and the young alike. His family. (Anakin's family.) He he faces their Judge and Executioner, and here he trades words rather than blows with him.
  The choppy waves of the Force below the Temple surge and crash, and thrash and heave. It feels more like an angry, wild thing than the peaceful, sluggish swirl of thoughts and feelings that it had been for the last fourteen years. Obi-Wan kneels on the Temple floor in the darkest part of the night in pitch black, and yet there's something of a gold and blue light around him when Vader turns his gaze but slightly away.
 I had no choice, he does not say. You'd never understand. I had to save her. I couldn't save my mother so I had to save her in anyway I could. You wouldn't understand, you could never. Even now you stand untempted. Have you ever? Could you ever feel anything -
 The saber in his hand snaps and crackles. It sounds wrong, not like any lightsaber Vader has ever heard. Too harsh. Sith blades always sound just ever so slightly off and this one is no different. It casts a red light, that dashes and slaps across the floor with violence, that crawls and scrambles up and over Obi-Wan's knees and hands and arms, up to his chest in a hurry to corrupt the strange blue-gold light that doesn't exist.
  It doesn't exist and it does not corrupt. Obi-Wan is blue and gold and red.
 He opens his eyes and glances down to regard the Sith blade with only passing interest. His eyes skirt up it and slide over the heavy metal arm, dash up and down the length of Vader's body - measuring him. Disappointed. Finding him wanting. Vader's heart thuds painfully, furious, and his vision throbs. His head throbs. His jaws clench. His entire being reverberates with outrage.
 Obi-Wan exhales into the clashing light-not-light and looks away. "I failed you," he says, slowly and with difficulty. "I have been over my memories, back and forth and upside down, and I still do not see what happened to you. How it could have come to this. I didn't see. I still don't see." He inhales, slow and measured, and Vader sees now, how much of a struggle it is for him. When he continues, his words are clipped. Clinical. He asks, "What did your master promise you? Power? Prestige?"
 The leather glove of Vader's false hand creaks around the handle of the red bladed 'saber. He wants to dash himself against the waves of the Force, to force them to part, to cut them asunder and bring them under his will. He wants to cut the Jedi's head off and mount it on his wall. (he wants to dash against the floor and shatter into a thousand pieces that can never be put back together again.)
 He does not owe the Jedi an answer. He doesn't owe the Jedi anything, not even a painless death.
  His mouth opens like a wound. "Padme's life," he says.
  Obi-Wan's eyes are blue and gold under the flutter of his lashes. "Padme's life," he repeats, softly. The Sith saber stains his mouth and teeth red. "And does Padme know the price her life came at?"
 It stings all the worse because the Jedi is right. "She can never know," he snarls. His boots scrape over the stone floor, but the Jedi's gaze pins him, and the Force thrashes, and his vision is red-and-black-and-red.
  "But you do," he continues, soft and relentless. "You placed a price on her life, and you can never change that. How many Jedi is she worth to you, Vader? A hundred? A thousand? A hundred thousand?"
 "She's worth more to me than anyone! Everyone," Vader shouts, shaking with it, straining with it, and "Clearly," the Jedi speaks back to him, even still, soft still, and utterly unsurprised. But disappointed, yes. It should have no power over Vader - he is strong, stronger than ever, more than any Jedi - and yet, and yet...
  He feels young, and stupid, and foolish. Like he's done something, agreed to something he never should have done, like his temper and his impatience have gotten the better of him yet again. Obi-Wan has always made him feel small and foolish.
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Preference: Star Wars (The Prequels)
Becoming Friends
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Boba Fett, Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Jango Fett, Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Qui-Gon Jinn, Sheev Palpatine, Yoda
Warnings: alcohol consumption, mentions of violence and death
Request: “Preferences : SW: The Prequels; you become friend/get closer (every characters you can?)” - anonymous
A/N: ahhhh finally doing another preference, hope you like it ! I didn’t really know whether “getting closer” meant as friends or romantically, so I kinda did a mix of both ! And I linked it to this preference [x] !!
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Anakin Skywalker
You leaned back in your chair and surveyed the wall in front of you. It was covered with holographic projects of your targets, maps of Coruscant and details on coordinates and locations. You murmured to yourself as you traced your finger along one of the maps, your eyes flicking between different segments of information. 
A loud knock at your door distracted you, and you switched off the holograms and turned to answer it. You opened the door just slightly, the pulsing sound of the music from the cantina outside flooding into the room. You came face to face with one of the bartenders, Marv, who looked nervous. You instinctively reached for your blaster, concerned that there was trouble.
“What’s wrong, Marv?” you asked, as Marv nervously rubbed his hands together.
“There’s someone at the bar looking for you.” he stammered. He looked over his shoulder, and you looked too. There was a hooded figure sitting alone at the end of the bar, with his back facing you. “I-I think he’s a Jedi.”
“A Jedi?” you spat. “What in the-”
You pressed your lips together, remembering an encounter from a few weeks ago. The memory was coming back now. A young man whom you saved... he asked where to find you. You screwed your eyes shut to remember his name. 
You put the blaster back in your belt and stepped out of your room, firmly closing it behind you. You gave Marv a reassuring pat on the shoulder, and made your way across the cantina.
“Took you long enough, you know.” you leaned against the bar and Anakin turned and looked at you in surprise. “I almost forgot about you.”
“Sorry, busy Jedi stuff to take care of.” he shrugged, and you scoffed. 
“Well, what do you want?” you snapped, a little harsher than you intended. Anakin smirked, and waved down another bartender. Ordering two drinks, he leaned closer to you.
“To get to know you.” he whispered, and you laughed as you felt your chest feeling fluttery. Grinning at you, he raised his cup and you clinked your glass against his. “Who knows, maybe we have a shot at being friends.” 
Boba Fett 
You stared out the window of your room, unbothered by the rain slamming agains the window and the waves crashing beneath you. You were on Kamino pretty often, considering your dad was always dropping you off here when he was unable to take care of you. 
You didn’t mind Boba and Jango Fett, the father and son that lived here, you quite liked them actually. But they weren’t your actually family. Yet, you were spending more time with them than your real dad, and it upset you to think about it.
Gazing out the window, deep in thought, you barely heard as the door slid open and Boba stepped inside. He was carrying a plastic bag with snacks inside, and sat on your bed. You spun around in your chair, and he tossed the bag at you. Smiling at him gratefully, he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Why are you staring out the window?” he asked, and you leaned back as you opened the bag. That was one thing you appreciated about Boba: he always got straight to the point.
“I was just thinking about my dad, I guess.” you muttered, popping some food in your mouth. Boba nodded, prodding you to continue. “It’s just- I barely see him anymore. It’s like he doesn’t even want to be with me. I miss him.”
You looked down on the floor, not wanting Boba to see you cry. He didn’t respond, instead getting up and standing in front of you. He reached for your hand and squeezed it, and you got up and threw your arms around him. He didn’t hesitate to hug you back, wrapping his arms around you tightly. 
“It’ll be okay, y/n.” he whispered, and you nodded. “I miss my dad a lot too, when he leaves. But we have each other.”
“Thank you, Boba.” you buried his face into his shoulder, and the two of you smiled. 
Count Dooku
“You know,” Dooku’s eyes seemed to bore into yours as you attempted to wriggle out of the handcuffs. “If you stopped struggling, you might actually want to hear what I have to say.”
“I don’t care what you have to say, Dooku.” you spat, and he smirked.
“I like it!” he dramatically circled you, and you rolled your eyes. “That fire in you. If you used that for something good, you could potentially be a very good fighter.”
“Something good?” you scoffed. “Like what, joining you?”
“Exactly what I had in mind.” he grinned maliciously, and you almost fell out of the chair you were sitting in.
“You’ve got some nerve, Dooku.” you hissed. “I will never-”
“You’re lost, y/n.” 
Your jaw seemed to stop working, and your mouth hung open. Dooku continued talking, and you felt yourself growing less determined.
“I know what it feels like, y/n.” his voice was softer now. “Not knowing if what you’re fighting for is what you truly believe. You don’t know what to do, and you need guidance.” 
“That’s... no-” you tried to fight him off, but there was a nagging feeling inside of your chest. Dooku waved his hands, and your handcuffs suddenly opened. Rubbing your wrists, you looked at him in surprise.
“I can guide you, y/n. You and your team. I have sent orders to have them released and to join us in this room.” he folded his arms as your eyes widened. You tried to push the feeling away, but you were beginning to sense Dooku was maybe right.
“So what are you proposing?” you finally asked, and Dooku smiled.
“Are you willing to listen to me now, y/n?”
You paused, and took a deep breath.
Darth Maul
“The last time I saw you surrounded by lifeless things, you were about to get killed.” 
Maul’s voice was low and cut through the haze that seemed to fill your mind. You spun around, still angrily gripping your lightsaber. You had just managed to destroy at least two dozen droids without even blinking. This is what you did when you were angry.
Ever since Maul had recruited you as his apprentice, you had begun to use your anger to fight. All was going well, but lately it seemed like you could not control yourself. You grew irritable at the smallest things, and seemed to destroy everything around you. You simultaneously enjoyed the power you possessed, but feared it would consume you.
“I don’t know how to control myself, Master.” you responded quietly, bowing your head. Maul grabbed your chin and lifted your head up to meet his eyes. You had never seen him have an expression other than the neutral face he had while staring at you.
“I don’t think I’ve gotten quite used to someone calling me ‘Master’” he responded, sitting on the floor. “Call me Maul.”
“Do you ever get afraid of yourself, Maul?” you asked as he rested his hands on his knees. He shook his head, and you sighed. “What is wrong with me?”
“Nothing. You are an exceptional warrior.” he responded, but you didn’t believe him. “y/n, you possess so much power, and yet you don’t realize.”
“What happens when I unleash that power?” you blurted, and Maul seemed to grin ever so slightly. 
“I hope I’ll be around to see it.” he finally responded, getting up. He offered you his hand, and you took it and pulled yourself up. Looking into his eyes, you found yourself grinning too. 
“I’m glad you’re my Master, Maul.” you spoke, and Maul nodded. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Jango Fett
“This was a dumb idea, Jango.”
“Shut up, y/n.”
“Aggravating a crime lord in his own cantina? Yep, definitely a bad idea.”
Groaning, Jango grabbed your arm and pulled you into an alleyway. The two of you ducked down behind a couple crates, and held your breath as you heard footsteps rushing by you. You looked up at Jango, and absentmindedly, you reached up wiped some dust from his helmet. His mouth twitched into a grin underneath his mask.
“Look, it’s just part of a job.” Jango insisted, and you sighed.
“It better pay well.” you grumbled, but he had already stopped listening. You had met Jango one day when he stole your kill, and every now and then he would contact you to work on a job together. This time, your initial reaction was to decline, but something inside of you told you to say otherwise.
You were starting to regret your decision now, as you kneeled in the darkness. You were in downtown Coruscant, in some shady area of the city. The crime lord had a lot more men with him than either of your predicted, and you were now being hunted down.
“What do you think your boss is gonna say when he finds out you failed?” you whispered, when the footsteps passed.
“He’s not going to find out.” he whispered back, peeking his head out from the boxes to check. “And I’m not going to fail. Alright, let’s get moving before they come back.”
“You sure about that?” you joked as the two of you started jogging and headed down another street. “What if I tell him?”
“You won’t.” Jango replied, and you scoffed at how certain he sounded. 
“What makes you say that?” you retorted.
“Because I trust you.” 
You froze, looking up at him. Jango shrugged, reconfirming what he had said. You have never had someone trust you before. As a bounty hunter, trusting you to get the job done was as far as it got. 
“Th-thank you.” you smiled meekly at him, and he grabbed your shoulder.
“You’re welcome. We make a good team anyway.” he responded, nodding. “Now, are we going to get a move on or what?” 
Mace Windu
Breathlessly, you leaned back against the wall and lowered your blaster. You sat down, tiredly running your hands through your hair.
“Nice shot, y/n.” Rex called out to you, tossing your helmet towards you which you had abandoned somewhere on the battlefield. Nodding at him, you looked up and saw Mace watching you from a distance, his expression one of deep concentration. A ship suddenly flew and landed behind him, making his robes fly in the breeze. Rex gestured for you to get up, and reluctantly you stood up and made your way towards the ship as the other soldiers were already boarding.
Tossing your blaster into one of the crates, you settled down at the back of the ship and grabbed a canteen of water, gulping it down. The squadron had just finished a mission on Tatooine, and it was hot as hell. You were almost outnumbered, but the squad had managed to pull through, and now it was time to go home.
“That was a risky move you made on the battlefield, y/n.” Mace suddenly appeared in front of you as the ship took off. You scrambled to your feet, but Mace raised a hand. Surprisingly, he sat next to you instead. “You could’ve lost your life.”
You didn’t respond, instead taking another sip from your canteen. He was referring to how you decided to distract the enemy and draw them away from a bomb Rex was trying to deactivate. You acted before you could even think it through, suddenly sprinting into the crossfire and yelling, before running in another direction while firing crazily. It wasn’t the smartest thing you had ever thought of, but it did distract the group of bandits firing at your squad. You bought Rex enough time to deactivate the bomb and were able to take most of the bandits down.
“Whatever I need to do to save my friends and complete the mission.” you responded finally.
“You know you won’t be able to complete both at the same time in some instances, right?” Mace asked quietly, and you nodded. 
“I dread when those times come.” you spoke, your voice cracking a little. You hated the thought of losing those you were close to. Mace grunted in agreement, before finally reached out and gripping your shoulder.
“I trust you’ll know what to do in those situations, nevertheless.” he said, looking into your eyes. “You seem like a good person, y/n. If any troubles arise, come and see me. I will be glad to help you with anything.”
“Wow, thank you Master Windu.” your eyes widened, and Mace gave you a small smile.
“I think you can just call me Mace.” he spoke in a low voice, and you nodded enthusiastically. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi
It was a relatively quiet day at the Jedi Archives, only a few people filing in and out of the grand hall. You were lazily flipping through one the of the records, resting your hand in your chin and you listened to the hum of holograms and light footsteps. You heard footsteps approaching you, and looked up, coming face to face with Obi-Wan. 
Smiling broadly, you quickly pushing the records you were reading away.
“Back again, Obi-Wan?” you teased. It seemed like you saw the Jedi every day. “At this rate, you’ve probably almost finished looking at all the records we have here!”
“Nonsense, I learn something new every day.” Obi-Wan smiled at you, and you laughed lightly. He leaned against your desk, coming closer to you, and you blushed slightly. Busying yourself at your computer, you avoided eye contact.
“Anything that you’re looking for in particular?” you asked, pretending to search up something. Obi-Wan shrugged, and you raised your eyebrows.
“I guess I’m just relaxing here.” he responded, and you grinned.
“Hardly seems like an interesting place to relax.” you commented, and he gave you a shy smile. 
“You make it interesting.” 
You froze for a moment, feeling your cheeks flushing.
“I-I’m sorry, what-” you stammered, and Obi-Wan quickly backtracked. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so forward.” he quickly said, but you shook your head.
“I... I like spending time with you too.” you gushed, and you bit your lip. You watched as Obi-Wan’s smile widened, and he nervously ran his hands through his hair.
“Well, uh, maybe we should go out sometime. Spend some time outside of the Jedi Archives.” he suggested, and you nodded without hesitating. 
“I would love that.” 
Padmé Amidala
You smiled to yourself as you watched Padmé gaze at the grand waterfall in front of her. She seemed to glow in the sunlight, the breeze gently lifting her hair and making it dance around her. Her gown glittered in the light, and her smile was radiant. Settling down in the grassy field, you leaned back and sighed.
“I never fail to be amazed by the beauty of this place.” Padmé called out to you, strolling towards you and sitting down next to you. “Thank you for showing me this spot.”
“No problem, I don’t mind sharing my secret nature spots with you.” you nudged her, and she smiled back and blushed. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she looked up at the sun and closed her eyes, basking in the sunlight. 
“Spending time with you always relaxes me.” she said softly. “I’m so grateful I met you.”
“I’m grateful I met you too.” you whispered, as if you were disturbing the nature around you. “You always make me feel so much happier.” 
“I feel exactly the same way.” she finally opened her eyes and turned to you, beaming.
The past few weeks after meeting Padmé had seemed like a dream. The two of you were always sneaking around and exploring Naboo, finding more and more beautiful places to spend your time. Being around Padmé seemed to make your life brighter. She was one of your closest friends, although you began to develop feelings that were past friendship. 
You were scared Padmé wouldn’t reciprocate the feelings. You didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had. 
You looked at her now, and she was gazing at the scenery around her. Cautiously, you reached over and placed your hand over hers. She paused, before a small smile formed on her face. She turned her hand around to hold yours, and squeezed it. 
Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon looked up at the sky. It was beginning to darken a little, and he tried his best to hide his disappointment. Standing up from the bench to leave, he stopped when he heard someone call out his name.
“Don’t tell me you were going to leave?” you called out, smiling. Qui-Gon turned around, returning your smile.
“You’re late.” he joked, and you rolled your eyes good-naturedly. 
“My teacher wouldn’t let me out of the class at the usual time.” you explained, sitting down on the bench dramatically. “I was practically trapped.”
“I’m sure you were.” Qui-Gon laughed, joining you on the bench again. He gestured to your books. “Studying something new?”
“Yep. Slightly more interesting. Only slightly.” you showed Qui-Gon the covers, and he nodded approvingly. “I’ll tell you what’s more interesting: your stories.”
“I’m beginning to run out of stories to tell you, y/n.” he laughed, and you grinned. “My life isn’t as adventurous as you believe it to be.”
Ever since you had met Qui-Gon, the two of you met up every afternoon at this park bench. He would listen to you talk about your studies and you would listen to the Jedi adventures he had. You enjoyed listening to Qui-Gon, it almost felt like you were besides him in his stories, living through his missions. 
“Come on,” you nudged him. “There’s got to be one story you haven’t told me. The ultimate story.”
“Maybe I’ve still yet to experience it.” he smiled wisely at you, and you shrugged. 
“Fair enough.” you leaned back, and Qui-Gon’s eyes lit up.
“Wait, I actually do have one.” he spoke, and you leaned towards him excitedly. “But I get to take you out and show you around the city tonight if you want to hear it.” 
“Are you kidding?” you were already on your feet. “Spend the night with my favorite person and hear him tell a story? Already sounds like the best night of my life. Let’s go!” 
Sheev Palpatine
Palpatine was gazing out of the window of his office when you entered. You stuffed your hands nervously into your robe as you approached. Like he had promised, you were offered the opportunity to train and become a Jedi. You were grateful for the opportunity and was leaning something new every day, but you felt as if you were being constantly watched. You felt uneasy about it, but tried to push it aside.
“How is your training going, y/n?” he asked, not turning around. You stood next to him, surveying the scene.
“Very well, Chancellor.” you responded. You bit your lip, uncertain of what to say next. “You requested me for help with something, I take it?”
“Ah yes, I wanted to ask you to become my... let’s say, personal assistant. I don’t trust any of the other Jedi to carry out tasks for me, but you. y/n, I trust you immensely. You are far more skilled than the others.”
Taken aback, you blinked in surprised.
“Th-thank you, Chancellor, but I doubt I am the best.” you tried to say, but Palpatine gave you a smile and shook his head.
“I admire your modesty, y/n.” he chuckled, moving to his seat. 
“I don’t think the Jedi trust me, Chancellor.” you blurted, and Palpatine raised his eyebrows in surprise. “I just get that feeling from them.”
“Why, y/n, but I trust you.” he reached out and held your hands firmly, looking straight into your eyes. “And as long as you have my trust, you will not need to worry about the other Jedi’s opinions of you. Do you understand, y/n?”
“Y-yes, Chancellor.” you nodded, and he smiled. Uncertainly pulling your hands away, you slowly smiled back.
Sprinting around the corner, you ducked into an alleyway and burst into tears. Burying your face into your arm, your body shook with sobs and you tried to calm your breathing. 
Life was hard for you. You were barely getting by from selling pieces of artwork at the marketplace, and you were constantly getting harassed by other vendors. You had a younger sister and ill mother to take care of, and sometimes the burden just felt like too much. 
Trying to wipe away your tears, you looked up and were shocked to see Yoda hobbling towards you. You had seen Yoda a few days ago, where he complimented one of your embroidery pieces, but didn’t think you would see him again.
“y/n... crying, why are you?” he asked. He sat down cross legged in front of you, and you sniffled. 
“It’s just stress, I suppose.” you tried to shrug it off, but Yoda saw past that.
“Much deeper than stress, it is.” he commented, raising a finger at you. “Deeply troubled and sad, you are.” 
“I just don’t know if I can take care of my family.” you voice trembled. “I’m doing everything I can for them, but some days I don’t know if I can make it.”
“Very grateful, your family are. A strong person, you are becoming.” Yoda croaked, and you gave him a feeble smile. “Very lucky, your family is to have you.”
“Thank you, Master.” you wiped your nose and began to feel your spirits uplifting a little. “I don’t usually have anyone to talk to when things get rough.”
“Around, I will always be for you. Even when you least expect.” he nodded. “A lot of light, I see in you.” 
Reaching out, he rested his hand on top of yours. Smiling, you felt as if your faith and strength were slowing being restored.
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