#wow you’re like if my friend from boarding school was more normal <3
werewolfpdfs · 2 years
you know who ELSE ran away from Sunday school and became a gay transsexual witch……
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babu-haitani · 3 years
I saw the request is open, can i request Mikey x Fem!Reader? I want to see Mikey reaction when his crush (the reader) answer Emma question of who will she date in Toman, and the reader bluntly answer Mitsuya, without even blushing or hesistating, like she answer a fact. But the reader does not love Mitsuya, she just RATIONALLY LOGICALLY think he is a good boyfriend material candidate. The reader and Mikey have a crush on each other, but the reader is oblivious and hide her feeling for Mikey. Happy ending (Mikey and Reader end up together) but i want to see the chaos that will happen there. Please make it as chaotic as possible.
I enjoyed writing this one!! this was so fun to write! <3
P.S let's all imagine that none of the bad stuff ever happened, like everyone is there, COMPLETE and HAPPY!
Platonic - Romantic (Tokyo Revengers)
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Mikey x FEM! Reader
P.S Characters are Highschool Students (16-17)
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You and Emma were classmates back then in middle school, ended up becoming friends then Best friends ti'll you guys reached Highschool. Since you and her are bestfriends, you get to meet Mikey. His older brother which turned out to be the guy you started liking. You and Mikey are completely oblivous towards each others feelings, Emma knows Mikey likes you but she doesn;t have a slightest clue if you like him back since you were really good at hiding secrets. Today is the day where she will find out.
You and the rest of Toman Leaders and Vice-Leaders along with Hina and Emma were hanging out at the Sano household. Mikey and Emma called everyone to come and hangout but surprise surprise...this two didn't plan anything fun to do.
"So you're telling me...You both called all of us out here and didn't plan on what to do?..." Draken scolded the Sano siblings who were both pouting because Draken made them kneel.
"We just wanted to hangout with you guys!!" Emma whined. Draken then took a long and deep sigh.
"Draken, It's fine...stop scolding the two..." Mitsuya chuckled as he patted Draken's back. The two sano's looked at Mitsuya with teary-eyes and hugged his legs.
"Thank you, MAMA MITSUYA!!!" Mikey whined as he clenches onto Mitsuya's legs.
"So...what should we all do?" Chifuyu asked as he looked around.
It was now silent, all of you started staring at each other then Hina slowly raised her hand.
"Maybe we can play party games?...like Truth or Dare, cards or Board games..." She suggested shyly. You looked at everyone who was beaming with joy at Hina's suggestion.
"Who's down to play Truth or Dare!!?" Baji yelled as he flashed his canine smile.
Everyone except Mucho and Sanzu didn't raised their hands.
"Eh? Mucho? Sanzu? you guys aren't joining?" Kazutora asked. The two just nodded, grabbing the cards they raised it. Indicating that they want to play cards instead. After leaving the two leaders of the 5th Division to play cards all of you formed a circle and placed a glass bottle in the middle.
"Everyone knows the rules for T or D right?" Smiley asked, to which everyone nodded. Smiley spinned the bottle and it landed on Hakkai, Hakkai's eyes widened.
"Me?! right of the bat?!" He whined.
"No backsies!" Angry scolded Hakkai, to which he just rolled his eyes at Angry
"I wasn't gonna back out! anyways...I pick Dare?" Hakkai said.
"Wow! Hakkai's being bold for picking Dare!" Mikey teased Hakkai, everyone in the room started smiling.
"Okay! I dare Hakkai to...speak like a girl during the whole game!" Smiley dared Hakkai. Hakkai started complaining while the others started laughing their asses off because of Hakkai's attempt to speak like a girl.
The game continued on without all of you guys having fun but for some reason you can't seem to relax. You were sitting right next to Mikey, That's why...
You have had a crush on the guy since you first met him during middle school days and it kinda feel frustrating that you can't seem to know whether he likes you or not!
While you were in deep thought, you were looking at the bottle as it spun and to your surprise it landed on you.
"OKAY!! It's Y/N's turn!!" Emma shouted, you looked at everyone who were smiling at you.
"Okay okay...I pick truth?" You told Emma, you saw Emma gave a sly mischevous smirk. This gave you shivers to be honest, you know she is planning something.
"If you were to date one of the boys here, who would you pick?" Emma asked you, the whole room felt quiet as Emma dropped the most personal question when playing truth or dare but since you were stupid and didn't know any better you answered...
"huh? oh Mitsuya..." You answered confidently, Mitsuya's eyes widened and so was everyone in the room. Even the two guys who were silently playing cards in the corner looked at you with wide eyes.
You were about to speak up when Mikey made you look at him, instead of a shock expression he was glaring at you.
"M-mikey?" You called out to him.
"WHAT IS IT THAT MITSUYA HAVE THAT I DON'T?! Seriously him?! Even Ken-Chin can say I look hotter than Mitsuya!" Mikey yelled at you.
"Actually No. I won't say that" Draken butts in.
You were dumbfounded for why is Mikey acting like this, Mikey was just staring at you. Not breaking eye contact at all.
"Answer me, Y/N! what? is it because he is taller than me?! I can still protect you even if I'm short!" Mikey whined at you, everyone in the room can't help but hide their laughter from what was going on ---Including Mitsuya.
"Mikey---" Mikey cuts you off when he rushes out of the room and then comes back with some of Emma's clothes.
"Oi! Idiot! what are you doing with my clothes?!" Emma yelled, Mikey didn't listen to her as he handed you Emma's clothes.
"Here! take that! I don't know how to sew clothes but you can take Emma's clothes!" Mikey said, Emma bonked his head making him wince in pain. You started laughing at what you had just witnessed.
"Y/N...I don't think this is the best time for laughing...especially in your position..." Angry whispered at you but you just waved your hand slowly laughing even louder.
"I'm sorry! Is just that...Mikey...Do you like me?" You asked as you turned to Mikey, his ears were in the shade of a deep crimson red and he was bitting his lower lips.
"Yes he likes you, he wouldn't give you my clothes if he wasn't desperat---"
"I wasn't desperate!" Mikey yelled, cutting off Emma. You laughed once more as you handed all of Emma's clothes back to her, facing Mikey; you grabbed his face and lightly placed a soft kiss on his cheeks.
Kazutora and Baji whistling, Takemichi holding Hina's hand and the others just cheering.
"I like you too, Mikey..." Mikey's eyes widened but later on pouted.
"If you like me why did you choose Mitsuya?" He asked, everyone turned quiet once more.
"Well...It was just a logical answer, he cooks really good and he is a big brother and boyfriend material but I don't like him...It was just an out of the blue answer" You replied Mikey's question making everyone let out a sigh. Mikey was contented with your answer.
For the rest of the day all of you continued playing, the only difference is that you were now feeling relaxed while holding hands with the person you liked since middle school and also! Mitsuya can breath normally now because he won't worry about getting his ass kicked because of your answer from earlier, this was the only time he was thankful that a girl didn't liked him.
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amoristt · 3 years
Grazing the Fire | IV
well hello. here i am, four years later, once again enamored with nathan enough to finally dust this baby off and pick up where i left it. im a little rusty so bear with me this chapter! much more to come <3
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this :)! it also helps motivate me!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
Warning: language, very vague s/a mentions
want to support me? heres my kofi!
“Alright class, who can tell me,” A board stick clacks against the chalkboard. “Who can answer problem four?” 
A few hands raise in the corners of your eye, but yours remains atop your desk. Eyes far away, mind in a murky haze and almost completely unaware. All you could focus on were the memories playing on repeat within the confines of your tired, tired brain. Hours ago, you were warm, you were comfortable. Safe.
Cheeks heated to a dusting blush when you remind yourself just how you had awoken that morning. At some point in the night, an angel had blessed you. Allowed you to wake up wrapped around none other than big, bad, Nathan Prescott. Your face nuzzled into his chest, broad but wiry hands pressed firmly over your shoulder and his arm slung over your waist to keep you against him. Thankfully you had been the first to wake up, blinking away the morning sun blazing through his blinds and painting the room stripes of gold. At that moment, before your headache came crashing down onto your skull, you were astounded by him. 
Eye lashes brushing the top of his cheeks, his lips parted ever so slightly, chest rising and falling rhythmically. In that moment, there was no anger, no bitterness. Just a soft and peaceful slumber. It was like being the sole viewer of a magnificent painting- each stroke and detail placed just there just for you to pick out, to remember the curves and sharp edges down to the very foundation. From his unkempt hair down to the way his hand flattened onto the mattress where your indent still lived. Nathan was so beautiful like this. 
For a long time you stayed there. It was as though you were afraid to move- you couldn’t bear to disturb him. You had wondered, if he was always like this, so at peace, what would he be like? Likely soft voiced, mild mannered. He’d do his school assignments without hassle and donate to the charity board. He would wander the town with his friends and listen to music in a beat up truck flying down the stretch of highway overlooking the bold, blue, and beautiful ocean. An entirely different version of himself- carefree, and a fair blue as opposed to a burning flame of red. 
But, if that were the case, you’d never have gotten here. You’d never been both the outsider, and the only seeing eye. A lucky, albeit firstly unwilling witness to the display of depth before you. 
It never hit you like it had quite in that moment how lucky you were.
But- just then- an alarm disturbed what serendipity existed. You nearly leapt out of your skin, clutched your hands to your chest at the sudden sound. A headache wove its way into your once untouched temples. Nathan groaned, mumbled, ‘god damn it’, under his breath, and thus his body was reanimated into life. He rubbed his eyes and he stretched, that familiar scowl coming over his eyes and lips as he took in the sunlight damn near blinding him. A polar opposite to the being you’d appreciated just moments earlier.
“Ugh, fuck, how the fuck is it seven already.” He groaned. “I feel like shit.”
“Well good morning to you too,” You started, welcoming Nathan into the world. “‘I’m feeling pretty shitty as well.” 
You said that, but really… You were more than alright. Your head had hurt, slight nausea crept into the wells of your stomach, but other than that you’re sure you were phenomenally better than you’d have been waking up whereverTate would have left your ass.
“You need to get outta here, before everyone gets up.” Nathan drawled, but he didn’t sound as urgent as you expected him to be. You’d expected him to be angry that you were still in his room, but instead he just… accepted it. 
You snickered, climbing out of his throne of a bed. “Wow, you’re giving me the morning after treatment?” 
“Sure am. Get outta here, whore.”
“Oh fuck you.” 
You located your heels from last night, resting upright near his dorm room door. Heels didn’t sound like the most  practical to sneak out of a dorm with, so you instead opted to grappling them by the straps and carrying them at your side. Hair a mess, outfit riddled with wrinkles and makeup smudged under your eyes, you stood before Nathan in all your glory. He stared at you for a long, odd moment- and you for some reason felt exposed, or even, shy. 
“What?” You ask expectantly, placing a hand on your hip. 
His eyes trail to your line of vision. He shakes his head. “Just thinking about how now you really do look like my morning after.”
“Yeah?” You hummed. “Find it hard to believe you get a lot of those.”
Nathan shoots you a suggestive glance. “You’d be surprised. Everyone wants a piece of Prescott.”
Surely, he was joking, or maybe he wasn’t, but you… Didn’t like hearing that. It made your stomach feel odd, uncomfortably heavy.  As he stood up, reminding you how many inches he had over your size, you swallowed and cleared your throat to flush out that crappy feeling. “Well,” you started, mood having dropped. “I’m gonna go, then.” 
“What got your panties in a twist all the sudden?” He asked, raising a brow and pulling some clothes from his closet, tossing them onto the bed.
The bed you two had shared.
You hated the idea of his morning afters- whoever they may be. 
“Not feeling great. Probably a side effect of the roofies.” You mumbled.
Nathan breathed a laugh. “Probably.”
He seemed so calm, right now. Perhaps due to it being so early, before the outside world had a chance to remind him just why he was so uptight all the tight. Before he needed to be so uptight all the time. He really did have so many versions of himself- all of whom you were slowly becoming familiar with. Compared to the person you’d believed him to be before your run ins, you’d never have assumed someone so dangerous could be so soft as last night, as this morning. In the beginning, you’d feared him. Avoided him like a plague, or a wild animal. Even when you were enraptured in the existence of him, you still wanted to keep away. You’d never have believed someone like you could wake up clutched to his chest, as though he were afraid if he released you, you’d be gone long before he woke. 
Then, a sudden thought struck your mind. 
He’d held you so tight. He’d welcomed you in the morning. No anger, no annoyance. His soft laugh at your banter and taunts. How your heels were standing upright instead of tossed haphazardly into some random corner, where he’d watch your struggle to find. 
How he’d stayed awake to ensure your sleep.
“So are you just gonna stand there?” Nathan called you back to reality, hands gripping the hems of his shirt. “I gotta get ready and you need to wash up so you don’t look like a five dollar stripper.” Cruel words, but with absolutely no bite. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah. But, hey,” You started. “Thank you for last night.” 
“Yeah, yeah. You gotta start learning to watch your own back.” He says. “There’s gonna be times I won’t be there to drag your ass out of the fire.”
If you’d been charged, if you’d been stricken with a strange defensiveness, you’d have retorted, ‘than stop helping me’, but… Instead you allowed yourself the comfort of protection. You allowed Nathan Prescott to watch you.  
“I know,” You reached for the door. “Thank you.”
With that, you bounded out of the dorm silent as a mouse. 
In hindsight, you should have left earlier. Class was merely 15 minutes away when you slipped out of Nathan's room and bounded towards the women's dorm. Albeit not exactly a long walk, by the time you discreetly snuck back into your own dorm, you had roughly twenty minutes to somehow pick an outfit from your countless unopened boxes and make yourself even slightly presentable. 
Wiping off whatever make-up you could get and reapplying it, brushing out the tangles of your hair and nearly tearing off your scalp in the process, scattering your nightclothes over your floor and managing to scrounge out a semi-decent outfit for the day… You still looked a mess. If the mirror could laugh, it would have. Black mascara smudges under your eyes and frizzy untreated hair. What a lovely look. 
You’d made it to class just five minutes late, but those five minutes were all it took for all eyes to be on you as you tried to slide into the classroom unnoticed. A couple classmates whispered to their table mates as you passed by, smelling of oversaturated cherry blossom perfume to hopefully cover the scent of alcohol. You sauntered to your seat and sank down with all your weight, suddenly exhausted. You’d made it with just five minutes tainting your record of attendance. The teacher greeted you with a disappointed sigh, and thus, the day began. 
But, it was so hard to focus. All you could think about was Nathan. 
“Alright class, who can tell me,” A board stick clacks against the chalkboard. “Who can answer problem four?” 
You lowered your head. 
“Ah, how about, ___?”
You snaked back into reality, blinking up at the chalk board that was somehow already riddled with math equations. Since you hadn’t been paying attention even in the slightest, your mouth gaped wide open, eyes scanning for something you understood even slightly so you didn’t look like a total idiot. 
Sadly, you were out of luck. The teacher shook his head. “I’m shocked,” He said. “You're normally so on top of things. Oh well.”
“Oh, I’m sure she was on top of things,” A female voice sniggered behind you “Last night.”
Your face flushed a red, hot, ruby. What the hell was she talking about? How had they found out you were with Nathan? You were so sure of being sneaky, there was no way-
“Her and Tate totally got it on last night.”
You whipped around in your seat, facing girls who looked to be clones of some sort. Both with the same dark eyes, short brown hair, and freckles. “What?”
“Alright-” Your teacher blurted. “That's enough. April, May, enough. Let’s not discuss things outside of the classroom.”
The two girls batted their eyes. “Sorry sir.” One spoke, twirling a hand through her hair. Her sister's wide toothy grin never fumbled. 
“Back to it then. Kate, can you help out __ with number four?” 
The small, blonde girl nodded quickly, brushing a lock of hair behind her eyes and offering an empathic nod. 
As you turned around in your seat, her answer fell on deaf ears. Your heart was racing in your chest, hands balled into fists while you stared ahead blankly.  
They couldn’t seriously think that you chose to leave with Tate, could they? Surely someone must have seen the state you were in. Someone other than Nathan.
The clock ticks forward but time feels like it's passing almost unnaturally slow. With just 10 minutes left, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.
‘Nathan: consider ur favor officially returned 
Your tongue poked from your lips, the tiniest of smiles taking over your once sullen features. Terrible thoughts and worries flew out the window while you type back, ‘damn. here i was gonna to ask you to do a backflip off the roof with me. there goes my plans.’
Nathan types for a moment. Typing, stopping, typing again. 
‘Nathan: soundz like a blast. where and when?’
A small blush heats your cheeks. ‘very funny. thanks to last night i have an entire 24 hour session of studying to catch up with.’
His response is almost instant. ‘Nathan: boringgg. txt me when ur fun.’
Rolling your eyes, you shove your phone back into your pocket. It seems you’ve been able to secure enough of a friendship with him for some mindless banter even outside your little visits. You smile. He’s… Fun to talk to. Surprisingly. 
Class comes to an end and you start to pack up the books and papers you’d hardly even glanced at the whole period. Whatever had been upsetting you before is lost in your mind while you think of the morning, the night before. All the things in-between. But, your happiness doesn’t last long. As you get up, you’re almost forced right back into your seat as a weight shoves into your shoulder. Your books scatter to the floor. April, the one who’d remarked about you earlier, glares at you in what looks to be disgust. 
“Careful April,” Her sister hums as she saunters past you, keeping distance and raising her already shrill tone of voice. “Might wanna watch where you’re walking- I’d hate for you to catch something from this slut.”
You absolutely gawk at her. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
April scoffs. “Oh come on, like everyone doesn’t know what you were up to last night.”
“Sleeping around isn’t a good color on you.” May hikes her bag over her shoulder and snickers at you. They both leave the class together, sickeningly in sync. You’re left stunned where you stand, unsure how the hell your life came to this so quickly. How you’ve stooped so low that the daughters of the world's most uncreative parents are able to bully you based on something that didn’t even happen.
Next class goes no better. The person to your right, a jockey looking brunette guy, asks, ‘have you ever heard of a Tate?’. You say no, that that’s the dumbest name you’ve ever heard. The idiot grins and goes back to marking down likely wrong answers on his test sheet and you debate kicking the leg of his chair out- but you don’t to avoid even more eyes on you. It makes you sick to your stomach- even more than recovering from the roofies does. How can everyone believe it? You barely even knew the guy and you were clearly uncomfortable with his advances. No one saw that? 
After everything you’d worked for to build a reputation, trying so hard to not call out peoples shit for the sake of seeming friendly, tainted over something that didn’t even happen? And the kicker was that it hadn’t even been your fault! He’d drugged you, he’d have taken advantage of you! Yet you were the bad person? 
Class came and went in the blink of an eye this time. Your mind wrapped up in the situation, your stomach churning. You wanted the day to be over with but you still had 4 more classes to suffer through. Why was this happening to you? Was Tate being treated just as horribly, or was he getting pats on the backs of his unaware friends?
Wandering down the halls to your locker, you noticed Lance and Kaz hanging around one of the drinking fountains. Your nerves quelled- your friends would surely make you feel much better. Especially since they had witnessed how awful you were feeling as you left. You approach with a relieved smile, ready to say your truth and finally have someone on your side.
“Hey guys.” You smile, but Lance looks down at his feet while Kaz places her hands to his hips. Your smile fades.
“You could have told us you were gonna spend the night with Tate,” Kaz snaps. “You didn’t need to lie like that just to leave. We were all worried about you and it was for nothing.”
“What?” You feel like you could cry. “No, Kaz, I really did try to leave. Tate tried to drug me and take me home, and-”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Lance interrupts, with a frown. He looks back down at the floor with knitted brows. “I’ve known Tate since before time. He wouldn't do something like that, especially not to one of my best friends. Plus he told me he was really into you. Why would he even try?”
“Are you serious?” You sputter. “You think I’d lie about something like that?”
“You’ve been lying about all sorts of things!” Kaz huffs. “What’s going on with you lately? You’ve been so distant, and secretive. What are you hiding that’s making you lie like this? We’re supposed to be your friends and then you lie to our faces just to go and fuck the first guy that shows you attention.”
“What��?” It was like acid. It was like the rug had been pulled from your feet sending you spiraling down the unending cliff. Kaz, your best friend, all that venom. How could they turn against you like this? What the hell is going on? You felt your throat tighten. “Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been distant, but I’m not lying to you, I-”
“We gotta go.” Lance isn’t in the mood to hear it. “We’ll catch up to you.. Some other time.”
Kaz says nothing as she pushes past you. Lance, at least, spares a short glance over his shoulder. You stood there alone in the hallway, your bag falling off your shoulder and clattering onto the floor with a thud echoing off the walls. Everything you had, all gone at once. 
No one believed you.
With nowhere to go where you felt like you could truly allow yourself to process the day's events, you went to the only place you knew. 
Just outside of campus, where rocks lined the edge of the boundary, overlooking the outskirts of the town and the ocean stretching as far as the eye could see. You settled yourself there, staring at the vast waters and wondering how this had all happened. Unlucky didn’t even begin to cover how it felt. Not only did you feel violated with Tate attempting to do unthinkable things with your unconscious body, but you also felt alone, and walked on. Your best friends hadn’t believed you. While Lance seemed saddened, Kaz was so… Angry. Her words cut like knives into your skin. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. You didn’t deserve this.
You want to talk to Nathan, but knowing him, he’d see your state and bounce instantly. After all, this isn’t exactly very fun of you.
As the sun began to fall, splaying orange and blues over the wide open sky, behind you, you could hear voices. A group of them, some male, some female. Memories of when your notebook had gotten snatched by those two horsed face assholes came flooding back and with all your alertness, you stood up, and decided that this sitting place was no longer safe. Nothing was.
Before you even made it ten feet away, the group had found their way to your spot and gotten comfortable, one of the girls cheering, ‘this’ll be our hangout! look at how pretty the view is!’
You took a short drive down the stretches of road and decided that if you were going to lament in your own sadness, you were at least going to do so in a place that had something to cover the sound of your tears. Plus a nice view.
The beach, littered with its picnic tables and the sounds of crashing waves would suffice just fine. So, you pulled in the desolate parking lot and wandered down the sandy shores until you stumbled upon a picnic table shaded by a large willow cascading lushious branches to block out the sun- a perfect canopy for you to wallow under. 
You had nothing at that moment. No friends, no reputation, no one to believe your tragic tale. And now, you’d just lost the one spot that made you feel comfortable when stress was building into your body like concrete. Tears pricked into the corners of your eyes and you bit your lip, dreading that feeling of a lump in your throat. Why you? Everything had been going so well. How could not even a single person believe that Tate had tried to hurt you?
Well, actually, there was one person.
Of course Nathan believed you. He’d been the one to rescue you, after all. Time and time again it seemed.  How was it that even the ones closest to you would turn their back so fast, yet Nathan seemed to be there even when you didn’t want him to be? Even when you yelled at him, and he yelled right back, fire and sparks falling into embers around the two of you. 
In that moment, you almost felt like you could finally relate to him. A reputation based on lies and things out of your control, paired with a hardheaded attitude to try and combat all the assumptions. 
No wonder he was so angry. 
“Hey bitch,” A voice suddenly called, and you had a split second moment where you were terrified of once again being the victim of a cruel prank or some classmates boredom. “How about next time you have a pity party you don’t fucking call me in the middle of it.”
You blinked away your tears and through the blurriness saw a figure coming towards you. All that sass, the tone...
“Nathan?” You breathed. It only takes moments before he’s in front of you, holding his phone in view, seeing that the call that had been running for nearly ten minute. You flush in embarrassment, pulling your phone from your back pocket. “How did that happen?”
“Well, can your ass dial numbers?” He taunts, ending the call. 
“Damn it, dumb phone must have butt-dialed you. I knew I should’ve gotten a different one.” You mentally kick yourself. “It must have unlocked in my pocket.”
“You don’t have a password on your phone?” He taunts. When you shake your head, he whistles. “You are just begging for a robbery. I’ll keep that in mind when I’m in the mood to send random messages to all your buddies.” 
“Fuck off.” You scowl, and he grins, hopping up on the picnic table next to you. The sun flatters his skin. He’s almost glowing. 
“Speaking of buddies, how the hell did it pick my number out of your sea of friends?”
You shrug. “Probably cuz’ it’s a priority contact.” 
“Oh lala, I’ve been upgraded to priority huh? Does it display a superman logo whenever you give it a ring?”
“Nope. When I press call it rings the nearest asshole in my vicinity. The fact that it’s you is your own problem.”
“Haha, fucking ha.” He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. He stares out at the water, watching waves pull and crash onto the beach. It’s almost beautiful, until he ruins it. “Yknow, you’re a really ugly crier.”
“Wow, thanks.” You shake your head. “That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Why did you even stay on the line?.” Wiping your eyes, you start to forget your tears. “Couldn’t have been that wild of a conversation.”
Nathan shrugs. “Between the crying and the sound of the waves it was pretty nice.” He grins. “Very educational.” 
“Awesome. Glad I was able to make your day.” It doesn’t feel like your usual bitey remarks. You’re tired, you’re still a little hurt and you can’t stop thinking about how such an amazing morning had turned into such a horrible day.
“So what’s got you all fucked up? Never seen you act like this big of a baby before.”
“Nothing. You already paid off your debt to me per this morning, so feel free to resume our regularly scheduled mutual hatred.” You say, lying through your teeth. You know you’re both past the point of hatred, but you’re feeling jaded, you can’t help it. 
“Oh shut the fuck up,” He groans. “I didn’t drag my ass all the fucking way out to this shit hole of a beach just for you to give me that bullshit. What, did you fail a test? No one matched you on tinder?”
“Everyone thinks me and Tate slept together last night.” You blurt. “I think he’s telling people me and him had sex.”
Nathan tenses his shoulders and grimaces. “Fucking werido.”
“I told my best friends that he tried to take advantage of me and they don’t believe me. One of em’ even said he wouldn’t do something like that.”
“Fuck em’. Who needs best friends.”
“And to make everything so much better, these two bitches that I share four of my classes with harassed me all goddamn day. I mean, fucks sake, how the hell are girls named April and May of all things able to get to me. It’s bullshit. And to make matters worse, Tate is just… Getting away with it.”
“Yeah well, something tells me that Tate’s gonna get a real nice fucking taste of medicine eventually. I just gotta find him first. He’s got a lot of nerve spreading shit around given I knocked his ass onto the pavement.” Nathan brows knit at the memory.
You test the waters. “Why would you do that for me?”
He seems caught off guard, or maybe, surprised that you’d ask. Maybe he thinks you’re both beyond that point. He grumbles, “Why does it matter.”
“I’m just curious. We don’t owe each other anything, remember?”
“Yeah, well,” He huffs. “Don’t ask me questions to shit I don’t know the answer to.”
“You say that an awful lot.” You tease.
“Yeah well you ask dumbass questions an awful lot. Not everything I do has to have some weird ass motives behind it, ___. Maybe I’ve got beef with Tate that’s outside of you.”
“Uhuh. Sure.” You’re about to say something else, when your phone lights up with a text. The display makes your heart fall all over again. 
Unknown Number: you should just pack up and go somewhere else. no one wants std’s from breathing your air xoxo
You don’t even know who that is. Now absolute strangers are on your case. You want to throw your phone into the ocean and leave.
Nathan scoffs. “Don’t even bat a fucking eye for that bitch, whoever the hell they are. Half the hoes you’ve mentioned have slept with half the football team,” he pinches his jacket, “and I would know.”
“Ew, Nathan,” You grimace, that same feeling from the morning returning. It feels, oddly, like jealousy.  He nudges your arm with his elbow and grins playfully. It’s cute.
“Chill, I’m just fucking with you. You gotta know even I wouldn’t fuck girls that desperate. I’m a man of class.”
That last comment actually forces a laugh from you. It’s soft, but it’s real. The first laugh you’ve genuinely had all day. “That’s horrible.” You remark, giggling again.
It's almost like the slight restoration of your mood puts him at ease as well. He leans back on his hands and stares off into the ocean, those sparkling waters under the setting, orange sun. “I’m for real though. Those hoes aren’t worth your time. One day when we blow this shithole of a town they’re not even gonna matter.”
Your brows knit, eyes blinking up at him. Had you heard that right? 
“We?” You ask, perplexed, albeit a little… Hopeful.
Nathan sputters. “Well- Like, when everyone’s older and-”
“You know what, it's fine.” You interrupt. “Fuck it. You’re right. We’re gonna blow this town and they’re just gonna be some shitty memories.”
He sucks in a shaky breath. You’ve never heard him scramble like that, like he’s been unmasked. The look he casts you when you agree, when you don’t tease or patronize and finally hop on the idea that yeah, what if the two of you really didn’t have to deal with it anymore.
What if the two of you could just exist, without the anger. 
You look up at him. “Would you actually do that though?” You start. “With me, of all people?”
He swallows. His expression is tense, but he’s not upset. He appears nervous, caught off guard. Nathan tries, “I-”
Your phone rings. Shrill, piercing. Mood destroying. 
“Jesus Christ, it’s my mom.” You grab your phone and Nathan looks forward, stone faced and silent as you hop off the table and answer. It’s your mother, who all but shouts into the phone that her and your father are taking a surprising visit to Arcadia Bay while they’re traveling by on their vacation. She insists that you be ready in about an hour for dinner, and likely there will be family photos. 
Which means if you still look as wrecked as you did this morning, you’re gonna have a lot of washing up to do. With a quick goodbye, a short and sweet, ‘love you’, you hang up and sigh. 
“You still tell your mom you love her?” He teases. “What are you, five?”
You frown. “You don’t tell your parents you love them?”
Nathan side eyes you, and just shrugs. It is all the answer you need, really, and for his sake you decide it wouldn’t be best to press the issue. Not now. But- it still makes your heart hurt just a little. You wished that he’d had it better growing up. 
“Right… Do you want a ride home?”
“Fuck no, what am I,” He shoves his hands into his pockets. “a fucking girl scout?” 
“I was just offering, weirdo.” When he doesn't get up, you feel like you’re missing out. Like if you stayed, maybe, just maybe, you’d get to know him a little better. “Hey, if you want, I can stay for a bit longer.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re needed elsewhere. But,” he shrugs. “I don’t know. Fuckin’... Text me or something. Or not, I don’t care either way.”
There’s a small warmth in your chest that rises to your cheeks. He wants you to text him. “Yeah,” You say. “If I’m feeling fun.”
And with that, you bid him farewell, beginning your descent to the parking lot. 
“Hey,” He calls, and you turn just in time to catch a small item he’s tossed right at you. A tiny key resides in the palm of your hand. “Spare. If shit hits the fan again-...” He shrugs, and actually looks away. “Just don’t be too fucking loud of I’ll kick your ass out myself. No Madison needed.”
The widest grin plays over your lips. “I’m gonna re-decorate your room while you’re gone.”
“Ah, you fucking better not.” He shouts. “Actually- you know what, give it back.” 
“No, no! I’m sorry.” You play with the key between your fingers. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t lose it and remember- emergencies only. I don’t need you watching me sleep like fucking freak. We’re past that stage.” 
“How many times will I have to say I was never watching you. Christ… But, alright. See ya, then.” The key is heavy in your palm. 
You place it into your pocket and give him one last glance before you take off, leaving him to enjoy the sound of waves, birds, and the absence of your tears.
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pizzaboat · 3 years
Look, I might write this fic later but I've said that about a bunch of others. I can't get my thoughts to flow properly I can only get it out in bullet points.
But anyways I'm here for the fluff. So we've all heard of the character x gets turned into a kid again and I've already seen this around but Eda and Lilith temporarily getting turned into kids again has so much fluff potential I swear (and an unhealthy dose of angst).
But I'm just gonna spit ball the ideas down here:
1. Luz is freaking out because she's just a kid stuck watching two still cursed, baby class kids. Like 6 and 8 years old.
2. Baby sitting for a few hours she.. probably couldn't handle. Watching the Clawthorne sisters while trying to turn the back? Well they're all dead now, aren't they?
3. She doesn't know what she's doing and now Lilith won't stop clinging to her side like Luz is some responsible figure when she's not.
3. Everythings on fire. You wouldn't think a six year old would be so destructive. But baby eda is a crafty trouble maker with too much time on her hands and too much sugar in her system.
4. Eda has successfully formed her group of chaos makers. Hooty's on board and King was supposed to keep an eye on her. But he's like 9 so no. That didn't happen. He's seen the potential for power and he's joined its cause. With plans to usurp of course.
But not without a struggle for control of course.
5. Luz doesn't know what to feed the baby Clawthornes. Luz herself can't eat much on the Isles but the two are witch's so they should be fine. Eda originally made all of Luz's meals or she ate from a small list of things from from school lunch menu. She doesn't really know what's food and that's when she ends up calling for help.
6. Does Luz call an adult?
No. She doesn't, this is Luz. She calls her friends.
7. Gus is clueless, Willow is stressed and Amity is the only one who knows how to handle kids. Barely.
Her friends can tell her what's food and even how to cook some stuff. But Amity really pulls through on getting the two sisters to calm down. She works with little kids in the library all the time, and while she's creeped out to see her Ex-teacher and the Ex-most wanted criminal as little kids, she can focus enough to read a bed time story.
8. They eventually turn them back and everyone tries to forget this ever happened.
Some little things I think would be cute:
1. Baby Lilith is at an age where her magic has started to develop, but now because of the curse she can't preform magic and because she only has young Lilith memories she starts to worry about school. Luz calms her down by showing her the glyphs and explaining that she does just fine in school with them.
2. Baby Lilith loves the glyphs. She keeps asking Luz to set off another spell till the teenager gets exhausted by it. Luz sticks to light glyphs cause they're the safest.
3. Baby Eda is thoroughly creeped out by hooty. She's like six. King on the other hand. She won't let him go. She thinks he's adorable and now king is scared because edas trying to dress him up in costumes.
4. Everyone being like wow. Nothings changed when watching Eda and Lilith's interactions. One of them will be like you're a stinky poop head one minute and they next they'll rush to the others side over a scraped knee.
5. At this point Luz is like, one of us for baby Lilith? But she notices that Lilith's hand clapping and jumping up and down in excitement is more common than ever before. She does catch the older Clawthorne waving her hands and is like oh. One of us.
Less cute:
1. Eda eats everything and Lilith won't eat anything. It all tastes weird and feels weird on her tongue. That or the over all shapes and groves on the food starts to freak her out. Taste and texture matters dang it. And so does food touching. Luz gets stressed out, she gets it. But also you gotta eat!
2. Luz is not having a good time. She's one kid trying to turn her mentor and her sister back to normal. One of them is neurodivergent and needs her constant attention cause she's so young and the other is baby satan. Luz needs her down time too! She needs time to go off and stim or read or just come down from stress.
3. On top of this she has to find out how to change them back. Because there has to be a way right?
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Everything I Wanted (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2,700 + Warning: Adult language, adult situations Premise: After all this time, her social media posts have a way of captivating him...until he turns the tables on her.  Part 3 of Lovely and Ocean Eyes.
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________________ Ethan walked down the corridor on a seemingly normal workday, far too aware that his steps were lighter and the smile he fought so hard to conceal made its appearance more often than not. For the sake of his reputation, he schooled his features into his usual unwelcoming and severe expression, though part of him worried that he was fooling exactly no one. 
Perhaps his face betrayed the way his pulse picked up pleasantly at the memory of the shy smile she offered him every time they crossed paths. The simple gesture was enough to brighten his mood, no matter how stressful his day. Somewhere down the line, Ethan had surrendered to the effortless way Dr. Lilac Allende drove him to distraction.  
His good mood quickly soured, however, when he walked past the locker room on the third floor. Typically, he studiously blocked out all the mindless conversations that drifted out into the hall, but a particular name caught his ear.
“Damn,” a tall, burly intern was saying as he glanced at his phone. “I knew Dr. Allende was hot but.. just wow.”
His friend closed the locker door and walked over to glance at the screen, nodding in approval. “What's her deal? She single?” 
The first intern scoffed, almost derisively. “Thinking of asking her out, Reyes?” 
Reyes looked unabashed, maintaining an easy grin that was almost arrogant. It made Ethan want to punch it right off his face. “Can't blame a guy for trying.”
“Is she still with Lahela? They were a thing a while back, I think?” 
Ethan had the mad urge to step in and correct the false statement, but he abstained. The two morons before him had no right to Lilac's personal life. 
Reyes stared at the phone screen again and gave a low whistle. “Her Pictagram is a work of art. The things I'd do–” 
“The things you're going to do, Dr. Reyes, are your actual job duties,” Ethan said through girt teeth, stepping into the room. 
Perhaps it was his sudden appearance or the downright murderous glare the older doctor was sending their way, but the pair of interns fumbled, the first one almost dropping the phone. By the time they straightened up to face Ethan, they looked far too rigid, uncomfortable, and downright terrified. The verbal lashing he unleashed on them was one for the books. In the end, there was no trace of arrogant smirks as both interns walked away, pale and with the extra workload Ethan assigned. 
Finally alone, he exhaled a sharp, steadying breath. At least there were a few guarantees in life, even if things had changed: he could still reduce grown men to tears and these damn interns were going to drive him to an early grave. 
Considerably calmer, Ethan produced his phone from his pocket and opened the too familiar Pictagram page. One glance at her latest picture and the two idiots' reactions made sense, even if they were still not justified.
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Fucking hell. 
Just like his moronic predecessors, Ethan almost dropped his phone, stifling a cough. Any trace of gentlemanly thoughts vanished as his eyes took in her bare shoulder, exposed so intentionally and coyly. All he could think about was running his lips along the curve of it, his fingers slowly tugging the black robe lower until it pooled on his floor. 
Before his primal mind could add his teeth and the moans she'd reward him with to this fantasy, his eyes fell on the caption. 
Ethan could hardly fight back the grin the single word inspired. The previous morning, as she had stopped by his office to use his coffee machine, he pointed out how useless Pictagram was. Lilac was quick to remind him that he seemed to be enjoying it, referencing the reaction he'd had to her previous posts. Determined to save face, Ethan had blurted that he might even delete his account.
A smug smile over her shoulder had been her reply along with a sultry promise. “I bet I can make you change your mind.”
She had accomplished just that along with taking root in his every thought. The need to see her became so acute, that he sought her out in every hallway he turned into. Finally, he found her in one of the break rooms, laughing and chatting with her intern, Dr. Ortega. 
 “This coffee machine is the worst,” he heard Ortega complain. She rattled the cup as though the action would force it to hurry. “I can't believe I'm going to be late because of shit coffee.”
Lilac laughed. “Shit coffee is better than no coffee.” 
“Spoken like someone who has a mysterious coffee source.” 
With another laugh, Lilac mimed zipping her lips shut. Dr. Ortega snorted with laughter, which was a rare enough sight. 
“At least rounds are not with Dr. Ramsey this morning,” Ortega continued as she sniffed disapprovingly at her cup. “I'd be dead meat for being even two minutes behind.”
“And that's considering the guy's mellowed out in the past few months,” a nurse chimed in from his place at the loveseat. “He was far grumpier before. Something or someone is putting that man in a good mood every night.”
Ethan felt his neck flare up, his eyes solely on Lilac, looking as lovely as ever and utterly unfazed. 
“That poor soul,” Lilac commented so convincingly, Ethan almost believed it. “Whoever that is.”
The nurse had no reaction, invested in his newspaper as he was and Ortega threw a hesitant smile at Lilac. 
“I always kind of thought you two had a thing,” she confessed. 
Lilac did not even react, taking a sip of her to-go cup. “Because I'm his so-called favorite?” When Esme nodded, Lilac shrugged. “Being on his radar comes with its cons.”
At this, Ortega nodded solemnly. “Yeah, he's harder on you, for sure.”
That was his cue. With absolutely no preamble, he marched into the breakroom, startling the three occupants with his mere presence. 
“Allende, if you are done with your morning gossip session, I'd appreciate you getting me those labs I asked for.”
Lilac pushed herself off the counter at once. “Yes, doctor.” 
They stared at one another, neither betraying a single emotion. 
“Now. It's not like lives depend on it or anything.”
Ortega shot Lilac a sympathetic look, no doubt reconsidering her previous thoughts of their involvement. Without another word, Lilac followed Ethan out of the break room. Once they were alone in a deserted hallway, Lilac raised a brow at him. 
“You didn't ask for any labs,” she said at the same time Ethan blurted out, “'That poor soul'?”
Lilac laughed and he joined her with a chuckle soon after, their bodies comfortably gravitating closer to each other. His hands throbbed with the raw, poignant need to touch her and the blinding disappointment of being unable to. The way Ethan longingly looked at her then, drinking in every one of her beautiful features, he imagined he looked like some yearning nineteenth century gentleman straight out of an Austen novel. 
“Mine was more believable,” she pointed out, that witty, playful challenge in her eyes. An Elizabeth Bennet to his hopeless and bewitched Darcy. 
“Not remotely,” he returned without missing a beat. “No one would deem the person having sex with me every night as 'poor.'”
“They would when said person could barely walk the next day.”
That made Ethan pause, the bravado slipping as his eyes fell on her rosy lips. His breath caught audibly at his throat. 
They were standing so close together now, eyes locked on each other with palpable magnetism. If anyone walked by they would be found out without a doubt. Even more so if Ethan gave into the burning urge to kiss her right there and then. 
Lilac gave him a coquettish smirk. “Did you like my post?” 
Ethan found his voice again. “It was…”
There was no appropriate word to describe the delicious, sinful perfection of it. 
“Nice?” she teased. 
“Dr. Reyes and his idiot friend definitely thought so.”
Lilac snorted. “That explains the DM that sits unopened in my inbox. Jealous?” 
“Not even a little bit.”
“Good. They're not the ones who have me in their bed every night.” 
Ethan almost stuttered like an imbecile. He fought back all indecent thoughts and returned, “You forget I have you against multiple different surfaces, Rookie.”
She paused briefly, eyes dark as they traveled down his body and back to his eyes again.
Fuck, she had him. He knew the look too well. 
“Or against no surface at all, as you proved on your birthday.” 
Ethan cursed. 
Everything in her expression suggested that she fancied herself the victor of their Pictagram debate. Matching her smug smirk with a dashing smile of his own, he decided then to give her a taste of her own medicine.
Ethan, ever the prophet, had predicted the board meeting they were both required to attend would be pointless. 
He had been right, of course. They both sat in the boardroom forty minutes into it, listening to Dr. Cyrus drone on endlessly about something that had little to do with patient care. Listening was a generous term because Lilac remained focused on her laptop, diligently updating patient files. Ethan, sitting across from her, was doing much of the same, the glare of his screen reflecting on his glasses. 
Soon, the buzzing of her phone on the table pulled her away from her concentration. Her heart leaped when she saw it was a notification alerting to his latest Pictagram post. Confused, Lilac glanced up at him but he was too invested in his work to notice. 
After ensuring no one was paying her any mind, she opened the app and regretted it at once. 
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One quick glance at artfully sculpted muscles and Lilac was reduced to a coughing mess. Dr. Cyrus stopped mid sentence to glare at her. Everyone else in the room followed suit to stare. 
“Dr. Allende, are you alright?” Naveen asked with concern. 
Ethan wordlessly handed her a bottle of water, his lips quirking ever so slightly, his fingers brushing hers. After a quick sip, she mumbled, “I'm fine. Sorry.”
Convinced, they resumed the meeting. 
Lilac, meanwhile, attempted to catch Ethan's eye to throw him a glare, but he remained laser focused on his screen. Having no other alternative, she returned her attention to the picture. Soon, she was texting him. 
Your one follower approves. 
Her phone dinged almost immediately after with his reply. Her pulse spiked with excitement, which was ridiculous because she slept with the man every day. 
I am aware. We all saw. 
Cheeky bastard. 
That was a low blow, Ramsey. And with a picture I took too. 
He almost smiled when he read that. 
Pay attention, Rookie. 
She bit her lip, glancing up at him. Ethan was the perfect picture of professionalism, his stoic expression betraying nothing as he worked. Her eyes returned to the picture, her cheeks flushing. 
Oh, I am. 
To the meeting. 
Oh. Dr. Cyrus has my undivided but unwilling attention. 
Liar, he returned at once. For a man who claimed to hate texting, he was a master at sending them without anyone's notice. 
I can tell because you actually look interested in what you're doing. 
Lilac almost laughed out loud at that. She quickly turned her head away from the front of the table to avoid suspicion. 
I am studiously taking notes. 
Unless you're jotting down all of Cyrus's brown-nosing remarks to Naveen, I highly doubt that. 
This time, a small squeak of laughter escaped her. Luckily for her, she was able to mask it perfectly with a dainty cough. No one at the table gave her a second glance, except for Ethan. Handsome as ever, his mouth quirked ever so slightly. 
I don't need to take notes on that, she replied. I already know how to get on my boss's good side. 
She watched as Ethan imperceptibly read her text, having no visible reaction. 
Time to go in for the kill. 
And the best side to get on is under him. 
This time, it was Ethan who sputtered slightly and coughed. A furious blush started to color his neck and ears in a way that was entirely too satisfying. Unfortunately for him, she wasn't finished yet. 
Although he actually enjoys me on top of him too. 
Those piercing blue eyes found hers instantly, so dark and smoldering that she was struck motionless for a second. A familiar, molten heat pooled in her belly as Ethan's lustful gaze remained on her, unwavering. The longer they stared at each other, magnetized, the more evident it became that he would take her right there and then if it weren't for the company surrounding them. 
When the meeting was adjourned for a break twenty minutes later, Lilac was assured that her texts had the intended effect. The tall, hard body of her boyfriend pressed hers flush against the door of his office the second it closed. A second after that, his full lips hungrily kissed her neck, his powerful hands gripping handfuls of her hips. 
“You're determined to kill me,” he muttered darkly against her skin. 
“But what a way to go,” she said in a whisper that gave way to a moan at the last word. 
He agreed in the form of a husky groan that resonated deliciously against her throat. With almost lazy effort, he turned her body to face the door, strong hands guiding her backside to press urgently against him. 
“The way you tease me, Lilac,” he whispered hotly in her ear, sending a powerful shiver through her. His hips began guiding her toward the nearest table with ease, his fingers slowly skimming their way up her thighs and under her skirt. 
“You like it,” she challenged breathlessly. 
Ethan hummed against her shoulder, pulling her blouse down in a perfect rendition of her post. 
“It's torture.” Another searing kiss. “Seeing the way you look at me and not being able to take you against the nearest wall.”
Lilac had a witty response ready, but at that exact moment, his thumbs hooked around the lacy fabric of her underwear. 
“Are these for me?” His voice was nothing more than gravel. Lilac's legs quivered, every sense proudly dominated by him. 
“Yes,” she moaned, eyes fluttering closed in a heady rush. He had her bent over the table, her skirt bunching to indecent heights around her thighs. 
Without another word, he removed the garment skillfully, sliding it slowly down her legs and bunching it in his fist. Lilac pressed herself further against him, aching painfully for him. 
“Use them to tie me up,” she suggested in a ragged whisper. 
Ethan cursed. 
His hips jerked against hers, sliding the thick, hard column of his body against her. Lilac was so overcome with maddening need that her arms almost gave out from balancing her on the table. 
She never found out if Ethan was delirious enough to take her whispered advice because both of their pagers went off with infuriating insistence.
 “The meeting from hell that never ends,” he groaned. “Break is over.”
Lilac straightened against his chest, smirking when he made no movement to let her go. “To be continued?” 
Ethan leaned in to kiss her neck. “Your bed or mine?” 
Lilac swiveled in his hold, facing him with a smile that made her cheeks hurt. “Doesn't matter as long as it's you next to me.”
He matched her smile with an unfairly charming one of his own. 
Though they were needed at the Board meeting, they stole another minute together in each other's arms. Lilac studied his handsome face briefly, feeling her heart restart as it often did when she realized he was finally hers. Perhaps he was hers in secret for the time being but he was hers nonetheless. The thought that after all the strife and hardship, she still found herself where she belonged, in his arms, made her smile grow wider. 
“What?” he asked, genuinely curious. 
“I love you,” she told him, not for the first time. 
It was his turn to give her a smile so incandescent that it stole her breath. “That's a relief,” he said, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “Given that I am madly and desperately in love with you, Rookie.”
Author’s Note: Are we okay after those two new OH chapters?
I’m not! I have some ideas for future fics but we’ll see if the writing gods are in my favor. 
Thank you for reading this senselessness. I love you for it.
Please let me know if I need to add/remove you. You might have asked me already but I can barely keep track of my life atm. Sorry!
@openheart12​ | @ethandaddyramsey​ | @aestheticartsx​ |  @silverlitskies​ |  @flyawayboo​ | @paulfwesley​ | @hatescapsicum​ | @myusualnerdyself​ | @thatysn​ | @choicesyouplayandmore​ | @chasingrobbie​ | @trappedinfandoms​ | @togetherwearerapture​ | @nooruleman​ | @axwalker​ | @parkerattano​ | @i-bloody-love-drake-walker | @kaavyaethanramsey​ | @edith-eggs1​ | @choices-lurker​ | @jens-diamondchoices​ | @tefigranger​ | @ethanrcmsey​ | @coffeebeandragon​ | @senator-adrian-raines-wifey​ | @binny1985​ | @mvalentine​ | @sanchita012​ | @drethanramslay​ | @ramseysno1rookie​ | @takeharryandgo​ | @aworldoffandoms​ | @desmaranj​  | @oofchoices​ | @ethxnrxmsey​ | @octobereighth​ | @kopenheart12​ | @lilyvalentine​ | @honeyandsunfl0wers​ | @enmchoices​ | @colossalpainintheass​ | @rookie-ramsey​ | @humanpokemon​ | @apphia12​ | @kiara-36​ | @eramsey28​ |  @custaroonie​ | @helloblueeyedcat​ | @dr-ramseys-rookie​ | @thegreentwin​​ | @decadentwinnerjudgedream​​ | @jeerapp​​ | @doilooklikeiknow​​ | @dulceghernandez​​
@lion-ess24 | @emotionalswift2 | @the-soot-sprite |  @angela8756
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mixtape | track three
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| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
Indiana was sure she’d never had a longer Monday in her life, and Tuesday wasn’t looking any better. Her lecture droned on and she did everything she could to stay engaged, from downing the rest of her water bottle to doodling on the side of her notes. 
Just as her professor started to move into the brachial plexus, she saw a small message notification appear in the top right corner of her laptop screen. A text, from Grayson.
Wyd? :)
It took all her power not to scoff in the middle of the room. The fact that he’d actually sent her a ‘wyd’ was almost too much.
learning, what’s it to yah
She scrolled to catch up with her professor, trying to keep up.
I’m bored
You want a vanilla oatmilk latte later, right?
Or did I not remember that right
Triple texter, of course. She typed out a quick shhh, unless you can teach me about the brachial plexus I gotta pay attention. I’ll text you when I’m out and turned back to her notes, scribbling out the diagram that her professor was drawing on the board.
But she still smiled when she got a p sure you just made that up but okay :) from him. 
Lecture sped up after that, her professor moving much too quickly through the nerves and innervations of muscles within the plexus that she could barely wrap her head around. She was going to have to review all of it again to even begin to fully understand. At least it wasn’t chemistry like it had been last semester - anatomy she could handle because at least it was interesting. Before she knew it she was closing her notebook and laptop, throwing them in her bag and heading out the door in a bid to get to the hospital faster. 
Little did she know, Grayson was waiting in line at Jet’s already, having come to the city much earlier than he needed to, toe of his Air Force One tapping on the tile as his nerves ran wild. He caught his reflection in one of the windows and paused to double check himself, just like he had that afternoon in his mom’s hallway, looking in the mirror that was hanging on the wall. Ethan had caught him in the act, and he knew it wouldn’t slip past him. 
“Alright, spill. You’re being sus.” Ethan’s words were garbled by the PB&J  in his mouth, but it still made Grayson panic a bit.
“Am not.”
“Cut the shit Gray, you only wear belts when you’re trying to impress somebody and I highly doubt you’re trying to woo over the kids. What’s her name?”
“I hate you.” 
“Interesting name.” That earned him a middle finger.
“Actual interesting name. She cute?”
“Very. And smart. And funny too. Good with kids.”
“And tick tick tick go the soulmate boxes. You gonna try to make a move?”
“We’ve talked one time bro. That’d be bold.”
“Yeah, and you’re you.You fall in love when somebody blinks at you right. Case made. Let me know when the wedding is.”
Grayson didn’t have a comeback for that, so he just huffed a bit and let out a “fuck off” before he turned to head for city an hour before he needed to. 
“Next… Next.” 
He pulled his head up, realizing the line had disappeared in front of him. He moved up to the counter, hoping he’d remembered her order right since she’d yet to answer him again.
“Can I do a large dark roast, and a large vanilla oatmilk latte please?”
Down the line, a man with an impressive beard and large gauges perked up as Grayson put his card into the reader. 
“Wouldn’t happen to be for Indiana Cross would it?” 
He wasn’t sure what the right answer was, so he just went with the truth. “Yeah, actually it is.”
Based on the way that the man squinted his eyes at him, Grayson realized it was apparently very much the wrong answer. 
“And you are?” He asked.
“Grayson.” He repeated, obviously waiting for an elaboration.
“I uh… I volunteer with her at the hospital?”
Right answer. The man relaxed, going back to making coffee with a nod. He tried to run through the possibilities while he waited for the drinks. Brother? Probably not. Ex-boyfriend? Possibly. 
“She’s a good egg, used to work here before school got to be too much. You’re lucky to have a friend like her,” he said after passing over the drinks. 
Protective manager. Not what he expected, but he understood. He had a feeling it wasn’t just him who had gotten attached so quickly.
“Yeah, yeah I am for sure. Thanks, have a great day.”
“You too…” he trailed off, waiting. He didn’t know if he’d forgotten his name already or just didn’t want to admit he remembered it.  
“Right. I’m Patrick. See you around.” 
“Yeah man, see you.” 
Grayson headed out the door, balancing one cup on top of the other so he could text her quickly. 
You at the hosp yet?
no, I’m not at the ‘hosp’ haha I’m walking there now
You didn’t text me when you got out of class
I’m hurt
boo hoo
Lemme just 
Throw this coffee away real quick
hey hey now those are fighting words
oh shit I never texted you about the coffee, but you were right, vanilla oatmilk latte
I’ll give you a pass this time since you were learning about the brachial whatever
You’re lucky im awesome and remembered
the most awesome
love to see it
just wait outside of jets, I’ll be there in a minute
Okay :)
He did as she asked, moving out of the steady stream of people that were on the sidewalk to watch people who passed, waiting for her. Every time he saw a head of blonde hair he perked up, until finally he recognized her moving towards him. She was dressed more casually than on Sunday, with a baggy crewneck on with her jeans and Air Force Ones. 
She noticed him a moment after he saw her, so by the time she laid eyes on him he was beaming, putting his phone away and moving towards her. 
“A large? You spoil me,” she teased, taking the cup from him gratefully. It was delicious as always, but she was more focused on his outfit – a tight black long sleeve shirt tucked into a pair of nice maroon pants, a large belt buckle resting on his waist. 
“We match,” he grinned, pointing a toe out to show off his shoes. It was about the only thing that matched – she felt frumpy next to him in her comfy clothes that she wore to class. Even her Air Forces were dingy compared to his, dull and dirty.
“Uh huh, right. I didn’t know that our first joint Buddies meeting was a fashion show, give a girl some warning next time, will yah?” 
“Oh shut up, you look cute.” 
Her eyebrows went up as she looked down at herself, then back at him. He threw her back the same look of disbelief.
“Did I stutter?” He asked, practically daring her to argue with him. She just blushed and shook her head, taking a drink of her coffee as they started towards Frazier. They walked shoulder to shoulder and Indiana was grateful – it was fractionally less common in the colder months, but she always got her fair share of cat calls on the streets. After getting to know him, she didn’t find Grayson even slightly intimidating anymore, but she still had the image of him on that bench, broad and serious, and she knew it was no coincidence that everyone fell silent with him beside her. 
It was a new feeling, having to hold herself back. She’d never had the urge to wrap her arms around someone walking next to her, reach out and hold onto their arm, even just reach down to hold their hand. It made her giddy and skeptical at the same time as she tried to distract herself, watching the cars drive by, honking at each other. 
“Where’d you go?” Grayson hummed, bumping her just barely and pulling her out of her head. Her heart swelled a bit hearing her signature phrase fall so easily from his lips, which seemed much pinker than she’d last remembered as he took a sip of his coffee and waited for her answer. A few moments later he quirked an eyebrow – a very well-manicured eyebrow. Did he get those waxed? She resisted the urge to reach up and smooth down her own that she knew were bushy and definitely not as nice as his.
“Indiana. You good?” He tried again, 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah I’m good, sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, I was just checkin on you. Do we have a plan for this meeting or do you normally just go with the flow?”
“Depends on the mood she’s in. I’ve got some stuff in my bag – cards, my school stuff cause she likes to help me study sometimes. Other times she just likes to play 20 questions or hang out and talk. You’ll be the new shiny toy, so prepare for a bunch of questions. Especially about your teeth earrings.” 
He balked as they got to the doors, following her quick steps into the lobby.
“I’m sorry my what?” 
“It’s not everyday someone has diamonds in their teeth sir.”
“Okay but they aren’t teeth earrings, give me some fucking credit.”
“Definitely teeth earrings.”
“Teeth. Earrings. Oh my god, I’m gonna introduce you as teeth earring guy.” Her laughter filled the elevator as they stepped in.
“Oh god,” he groaned, letting his head fall back against the side of the little box as it moved up to the second floor. Indiana gave her most mischievous grin when the doors opened, walking quickly through the halls. It took Grayson a minute to realize that she was trying to beat him to Bekah’s room and he sped up his steps, trying to keep it casual as he passed rooms of kids and families, walking as fast as he could without full on running down the hall. They didn’t see the nurses laughing at their antics, but they didn’t care. Indiana side stepped into Bekah’s room abruptly, so fast that Grayson almost knocked her over trying to stop behind her. 
Bekah was up walking around in a hoodie and leggings, and when she turned she immediately pointed over Indiana’s shoulder.
“Teeth earring guy!” 
They couldn’t help it – they both busted out laughing, Indiana grabbing onto his shoulder to keep herself from falling over. When they finally got it together he spoke up first.
“My name is actually Grayson, but you can call me teeth earring guy if you wanna.”
“I’m Bekah Newcomb. Mandatory intro spiel, I’m 15, stage 3 leukemia. My parents aren’t pieces of shit, they just work a lot so they’re never here. No siblings because why mess with perfection. Any questions?” 
Indiana bit her tongue – she had forgotten about the spiel, forgotten that it was Bekah’s favorite way to test new people, make them uncomfortable. Her eyes flickered over to Grayson, but he had the biggest smile on his face.
“Only one, but it’s very important. You ready?”
“Hit me with it,” she said, anxiously waiting. 
“Is cereal a soup?” 
Indiana couldn’t have planned a better intro for the two of them – they bonded so quickly right there before her eyes, debating the constituting factors of soup, and it had her melting to see him interacting so easily with the girl who meant so much to her. Bekah didn’t even attempt to put up her usual front, just laughed and joked with him as if she’d known him for years. The hours flew by, games of war and BS passing the time as Bekah sat at the top of her bed and Indiana and Grayson sat at the end of it, knees touching as they resisted the urge to peek at each-others cards. 
The only hiccup came when Bekah got her meds at 7, but she put on her best show for Grayson, managing to keep her stomach settled enough to avoid puking. It was the most fun visit either of them had had in a while, and Bekah fought her drowsiness until visiting hours were over at 8. Indiana had to be the voice of reason, starting the goodbyes before the nurses came to kick them out.
“Are you both coming back on Thursday?” Bekah called out as they headed for the door. 
“Hell yeah we are. Want us to bring anything?” Grayson grinned.
Indiana liked the sound of us.
“Cereal, so we can test our theories.” 
“You got it. See yah Thursday Beks.”
“See yah Thursday, Earrings.” 
His laugh was so loud that the nurses at the desk peeked their heads around to see what was happening – but they were smiling up at the two of them as they signed out and started down the hallway they’d come up. 
As soon as they cleared the ocean hallway, Grayson turned to her.
“Was that okay? Like was that good?” There was genuine concern in his voice, and Indiana had to bite back a laugh. 
“Are you seriously asking?”
“Yeah, ‘course I am.”
“Grayson she loved it. She loved you. I haven’t seen her smile that big since she’s come in for this round of treatment. Were you worried about that?” She didn’t stop herself from reaching out and holding onto his shoulder, squeezing lightly as they stopped walking. 
“A little,” he admitted, relaxing under her touch.
“You’re a natural, I told you that. I promise you did great, I wouldn’t bullshit you.” 
He stopped walking for a minute, and there was an intensity in his gaze that had her stomach fluttering.
She didn’t know what she expected, but it definitely wasn’t for him to say “Can I take you to dinner?”
“Now?” Stupid answer.
“Well, it is dinner time. But if you aren’t hungry I could wait a while. Or if you don’t want to go, that’s totally okay, I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything just cause we’re doing this together and we share a buddy and-”
“I want to go to dinner,” she cut him off, and he could see the hesitation on her face.
“I sense a but coming…”
“But -”
His heart sank a bit - he’d fallen into the trap he always managed to get himself into, falling too quickly, making his move too fast. But it was natural to be next to her, to talk to her, to have her hand stay on his shoulder. He liked the feeling of her there, the sound of her laughter and the brightness of her smile, and he couldn’t quite hold himself back it seemed. It made the rejection he knew he was about to get hurt even worse. 
“But, I have to study tonight,” she sighed, and there was a genuineness to it that had him breathing a bit easier. She actually seemed disappointed, and the hope he felt rose up again.
“Oh yeah, the biceps whatever thing, that shit sounded complicated.”
“The brachial plexus, but A for effort,” she teased. “No but seriously, I gotta get that shit down or I’m gonna forget everything she said about it today. But I really do wanna go to dinner, I’m not blowing you off.” She rushed through her reassurances, dropping her arm and starting to walk again, towards the stairs this time.
“I believe you. How about Thursday, after we hang with Beks?” 
“Yeah, I can do Thursday!”
“Gang.” Fuck. He’d been doing pretty well at hiding all the slang he’d picked up in LA.
“Did you… what?”
“Nothing, pretend you didn’t hear that. Thursday sounds great. Oh, before I forget, can you bring some non-dairy milk with you when you come?”
She paused for a minute, looking up at him from a few stairs below like he’d grown another head.
“You want me to bring milk… non-dairy milk… to dinner.”
“No! No no, for the cereal! I just have a long drive and I don’t want it to get all gross and hot on the way, and since you walked I figure you live close by. I can venmo you for it.”
“Oh! Yeah, I can bring some, you don’t have to venmo me for it, no biggie.”
“Okay cool. Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t ask you to bring milk on a da- to dinner. Bring it to dinner. That would be… weird.” His cheeks burned hotter than he realized they could. The fact that he’d almost slipped and said date had embarrassment and panic coursing through every inch of his body, and he could already hear the way Ethan was going to laugh when he told him the story later. 
Of course Indiana heard it, but the way he was blushing to his ears had her pretending she didn’t.
“Thursday it is then,” she grinned, opening the door of the stairwell and holding it until Grayson passed through. The massive windows of the lobby were painted indigo, washed out a bit by the city lights but dark nonetheless. 
“Damn it’s dark,” he muttered. Even though it was beginning to get dark earlier now with autumn on the horizon, it was still much dimmer than he was used to.
“It’s supposed to storm the rest of the week, probably just the clouds,” she shrugged. She looked small for the first time to him, headed towards the doors.
“Can I drive you home? It’s really dark out.” The words came out before he could think them over - that seemed to be the effect she had on him. 
“Oh, it’s okay! I only live like three blocks from here, by the time you get your car I’ll probably be home,” she reassured him with a smile.
“Can I walk you then? I don’t like the idea of you walking out there in the dark by yourself.”
She paused at the door, and he half expected her to turn and remind him that she was very much capable of walking herself. But she surprised him, as she always seemed to do.
“Yeah, yeah that would be really nice actually. If you don’t care.” 
“No, I’d love to. You ready?”
She nodded and pushed the doors open, hair blowing back in the wind as she walked outside. The temperature had dropped significantly, the true sign of a storm coming through just as she’d suggested.
He took his spot beside her, shortening his strides so he didn’t stray too far from her, standing tall and broad. Indiana felt small next to him, but in a good way for once. It was even more comforting than earlier, and she took slower steps than she usually did, trying to draw it out as long as possible. She tried to convince herself it was because she wanted to procrastinate studying, didn’t want to have to tackle her notes, but in reality she knew it was because she didn’t want the night to end. 
It was a comfortable kind of quiet, the bustle of the city streets creating the perfect background noise as they weaved down the sidewalks. Indiana felt like if anyone looked at them they’d be able to see the little bubble of nervous energy surrounding the two of them - it had her feeling like she was back in middle school, giddy because the cute boy looked at her for two seconds.
Much too quickly, her apartment building appeared, tall and imposing in the dark.
“This is me.”
“Damn, that really was a short walk.”
For once, she wished it had been longer.
“Thanks again for walking me.”
“Yeah, yeah no problem, anytime. Um… have a good night.” He could hear the awkwardness in his tone, felt like it was palpable in the city air.
“Goodnight Grayson. Drive safe.”
“Goodnight Indiana. Sleep safe.”
That earned him his new favorite smile, but only for a moment before she disappeared into the lobby.
 “Bro, will you fucking focus?” 
There were few things that annoyed Grayson more than his brother taking too long to finish his reps on the equipment, but that day he’d become his own pet peeve. In his head, distracted, constantly checking his phone - and Ethan was beyond annoyed.
“Alright, out with it. The fuck is goin on in there?” Ethan smacked Grayson’s head lightly, concern starting to overpower the annoyance. 
“It’s nothing, let’s just finish this shit before it rains again,” he huffed, moving to the single pull up bar that he’d built last year and starting his reps. The sky was a dreary gray, the cold of autumn starting to come in and clinging to everything it touched.
It wasn’t nothing. Actually, it was much much more than that, and Ethan knew it too, but he didn’t pry. Yet. He did his best to keep his brother focused for the rest of their Wednesday work out, encouraging him to get more reps, to push a bit harder. It didn’t seem to clear his head at all, and Ethan held his tongue for a few more hours, waited until they were both showered, in fresh clothes and in the kitchen making lunch for him to finally ask again.
“Is it the girl? Indiana?”
Grayson didn’t answer, but the look that he threw Ethan from his spot in front of the stove told him enough.
“What’d she say? Lemme see.” 
He passed his phone over, moving back to stir soup he was making as Ethan read the message. Grayson remembered exactly what it said, even if his twin didn’t mumble it out as he read.
“Hey, about dinner tomorrow. Turns out my sister and brother in law are moving out of my place (finally) because Charlie got a new photography deal and I promised I would help them move :( but we could do dinner on Saturday night if that works for you still? If not it’s okay. What’s wrong with that?” Ethan asked.
“She doesn’t wanna have dinner,” Grayson muttered, watching the soup spin in the pot as he stirred.
“That is so not what that means. Is this seriously what you’ve been pouting about all morning?” Ethan had to bite back his laugh. He hadn’t seen his brother this in his head about something in a while, and he didn’t want to make him feel stupid for being worried. “If she didn’t want to have dinner, she wouldn’t have asked about Saturday.” 
“How do you know? You haven’t even met her.” 
“Cause I’ve had a girlfriend for two years. You just learn what they mean in their texts even if they don’t say it.” 
The last thing Grayson needed in that moment was a reminder that his brother was in a very loving relationship, but he let it slide. Eden had come into their lives a few years back, a fireball of take-no-shit and feminine power unlike either of them had ever seen. It was a learning curve, and Ethan was determined to ace the test. Grayson was glad that he had - she’d become a sister to him, and she brought fun and laughter to their life out in California. 
“Call Eden, see what she thinks,” Grayson said, scooping soup out into bowls for the two of them. Ethan did as he asked, pulling up facetime and letting it ring through until she appeared on the screen, wide smile bright against her tanned skin, California sun bright in the background. 
“Hey baby! What’s up?”
“Grayson’s having girl problems.”
“Oooo I love girl problems, hand him over,” she teased, still beaming when Ethan passed over his phone. 
“Alright hit me with it, what’s the tea?” 
Grayson tried to give her the short version of how he and Indiana had met, but he found himself elaborating with each detail that he remembered, from every word of the text down to the way she said goodbye the last time he’d seen her, only the night before. It felt like longer than that. 
Eden was quiet for a moment after he finally finished the story, but by her coy smile he knew she was just trying to figure out how to word everything correctly. 
“Okay, so first off, just to clear things up, she’s not blowing you off.”
He wanted to believe her, desperately, but the doubt must have still been obvious on his face, because she rolled her eyes before she launched into her explanation.
“She texted you today instead of tomorrow, which probably means as soon as she found out she told you. That’s a good sign. She’s nervous too, that’s why she said ‘if not it’s okay’, cause she’s trying to give you an out if you want it.”
He very much didn’t want an out. He actually wanted an in.
“The fact that she reached out at all shows that she cares, and she’s trying to set up another time which definitely means she’s interested. Most girls would just wait to see if you would set up another one, that’s what I would have done. Tested to see if you were invested. But if she’s willing to do it, that means she must be pretty sure of you. Or totally oblivious to the fact that you like her. Either way, you’re in good shape.” 
“Who said I like her?” He muttered, getting a barking laugh out of both members of his audience.
He let them fall into conversation without him, the quick catch up of their day that they’d been doing lately since they were on opposite sides of the country. It was hard for Ethan, but he managed it well, with plenty of sappy texts and nightly facetimes that would have Grayson gagging but secretly wishing he had someone to talk to like that.
He wondered what Indiana was like on facetime while he ate his soup. He wondered what her favorite color was, why she took oatmilk in her coffee instead of regular, what her class schedule was. Wondered what time she woke up on the mornings when she could sleep in, what she’d want to do on a real date, what her room looked like. He never realized how much mental space he had for someone other than himself or Ethan, and he found himself obsessing the smallest things, trying to ignore the butterflies it brought to his stomach.
Ethan didn’t help once he finished his call and started devouring his luke-warm bowl of veggie soup.
“Bro you’re in deep, I can tell. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you get this attached this quick before.” 
“There’s just something about her dude. It’s scaring me a little honestly. I’ve never felt like this about anybody, and I’ve literally only seen her twice. I mean, I barely even know her, but I can’t stop thinking about her. Is that weird?” 
Ethan thought of about twenty comebacks that he could have used, but he bit them back. He could feel his twin’s anxiety, and he wasn’t about to add to it.
“Nah man. It’s not weird. It’s intense, but it’s not weird. And hey, if she ends up being the one someday it’ll make a cute story. You hear all sorts of people say they fell in love the first time they saw their person, who says that couldn’t be you, yah know? But hey, I gotta meet her before you go proposing or some shit.” He bumped his shoulder with a smile, turning back to his bowl of soup so Grayson didn’t feel like he had to respond right away.
He thought on it for a minute, trying to process everything his brother had just laid out on the table. And then he pulled his phone out, clicked on his new favorite thread to check, and typed out his reply.
Saturday date it is
See you tomorrow :)
Indiana Cross was never late. In fact, she was usually a minimum 10 of minutes early. But one too many outfits changes had slowed her down and she was cutting it too close for comfort - so close that when she looked out and saw the rain had started up again, she contemplated just running out into it and getting drenched instead of trying to make it back upstairs to get her umbrella. 
She peered out into the street through the lobby doors, trying to decide if the drops would be enough to ruin her outfit, when something caught her eye. 
A hand, waving quite cutely at her through the glass. 
Grayson was outside, massive black umbrella over his head and a wide smile on his face as he walked up to the doors, waiting for her. He hadn’t said anything about coming to pick her up, but her heart fluttered at the sight of him anyways - she’d seen him just a few days ago, on Thursday, where they’d sat on Bekah’s bed again and ate cereal and laughed and joked. But it felt like it had been forever, and with the added stress of moving Charlie and Devin out, and the hard goodbye that she didn’t want to admit was hard, she hadn’t really relaxed since she’d last seen him. 
He made sure there wasn’t a gap between the awning and his umbrella so she could duck under it without getting wet. As soon as she was under she made her move, if you could even call it that, and wrapped her hands around his bicep, trying not to gawk at how big it was. Instead, she looked up at him and scrunched her nose.
“Hi there,” he beamed, and she could see the excitement in every single one of his features. “Figured I could walk you. You ready?”
She nodded, holding on to him as they started to walk down the sidewalks. His slow Jersey pace mixed with her short legs and quick New Yorker steps kept them perfectly in sync as they dodged puddles and soaked up the feeling of being together again. 
The conversation flowed as easily as ever, Grayson asking her how moving Charlie out went, if she was sad to have her sister so far away. They talked about Cameron going to school in South Carolina, and how he and Ethan couldn’t spend more than a week apart without going crazy. She talked about school, the assignments she had lined up for the week, the exam she had already started studying for even though it was next Friday. Every time they got to a puddle that was too big for both of them to walk around he guided her to the dry part, walking lightly through the water so he didn’t splash her. 
They got to the hospital much too quickly, and she let go of his arm reluctantly so he could pull the umbrella down and shake off the excess water before they made it in. Grayson led the way up the stairs and onto the unit, waving at the kids he saw, giving Andre a high five as he passed and asking the nurses how their shift was going. Indiana couldn’t help but notice the way the younger nurses - actually, all the nurses, seemed to be watching his every move, blushing and smiling at him as he passed.
She fought the urge to reach out and hold his hand, walking just a bit closer to him so their arms brushed against each other as they moved. It sent electricity through every nerve ending on her body, and she got so caught up in it that she almost forgot to stop him before they made it to Bekah’s room.
“Hey, one thing. I know we’re going on a date later, but let’s not have any… like us stuff, while we’re here. I don’t want Bekah to feel like a third wheel or anything, cause we’re here for her. Deal?” 
“Deal.” There was a prideful look in his eyes that she couldn’t quite place, but she didn’t have time to analyze it before she stepped into the room. 
Bekah was in her bed, curled up under the blankets on her side. Her head was wrapped in a light blue scarf - something her mom had brought her a few days prior, sweatshirts pulled down over her hands as she shivered. 
Grayson’s face fell immediately, and he froze at his spot by the curtain. She looked sick, actually sick, for the first time, and it brought on a wave of memories and emotion that he wasn’t quite prepared for.
Indiana didn’t blink. 
“Hey you. How are you feeling?” Her tone was soft, soothing as she moved to her bedside and laid a hand on Bekah’s shoulder, starting to rub against her cold skin.
“S’ cold,” Bekah mumbled, burrowing down further, so far that Indiana could only see her brown eyes and the dark skin of her forehead.
“Want me to go see if I can get you another blanket?”
She nodded weakly, resting her head back on the pillow as Indiana stood up and moved over to Grayson.
“You okay in here by yourself for a minute?”
Grayson nodded, half to answer and half to convince himself. She gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before she disappeared out the door. He stood there in silence for a moment, hands shoved in his pockets, unsure of what to do.
Bekah peaked her head out just enough for her mouth to be visible before she spoke. 
“I’m not contagious, Earrings, you can come over here.”
The tension in his shoulders released and he walked over, sitting down as gently as he could on the edge of the bed.
“You’re weird,” Bekah said, eyes still closed. He panicked a bit, trying to keep his voice calm.
“Yeah? Why am I weird.”
“You don’t like being around sick people, but you’re volunteering at a kids hospital. Weird.” 
“I don’t think anyone likes seeing people sick,” he murmured, trying to word everything very carefully.
“Indiana likes being around sick people because she likes to help. I think you like to help too but it makes you uncomfortable.”
There was no malice in her tone, but it still made him let out a dry laugh.
“You’re an observant one, aren’t you.” 
“Not much else for me to do in here but watch people. But seriously, why’d you sign up to make yourself uncomfortable? Did someone tell you to?”
“Yeah, kinda. Someone told me if I could help that I should.”
“Your mom?”
“My dad actually,” he corrected quietly, toying with his fingers. Anytime he said his name out loud, no matter the form it took - dad, father, Sean - it was like he could feel it in his heart, a little tug on the original wound, a finger picking at a scab that wasn’t quite formed yet. 
“I’ll have to thank him for that some time. I like having you around, no matter how awkward you are.”
“Well thanks Beks.”
He was saved from his devolving thoughts by a very excited Indiana coming back into the room with not one, but three blankets stacked in her arms. 
“I declare it movie night,” she said, passing both of them their own blanket and rummaging for a remote, pulling up Emperor's New Groove before settling down into a chair on the other side of the bed. Grayson pulled one up so he could sit back, and without the distraction of conversation Bekah was out within the first 15 minutes, breaths deep despite the winces that she couldn’t hide. Indiana just ran a comforting hand over her arm until she lulled down further, tired muscles finally relaxing.
“She’s gonna be out the rest of the night, we might as well let her rest. You ready to go?” She asked after another twenty minutes, a bit of excitement returning to her eyes. 
He nodded, moving to fix Bekah’s blanket over top of her one last time before he clicked the TV off and left her to sleep. 
As soon as they signed out, he couldn’t hold back his questions.
“Is she getting worse? It seems like she’s getting worse.”
“Not necessarily. Chemo is weird like that sometimes, sometimes she’ll have good days with her meds, sometimes she’ll have bad ones. It’s just her body trying to fight for and against her at the same time. Exhausting, I would imagine. But she’s okay.”
“She doesn’t seem okay,” he said, looking back down the hallway before they went through the first set of doors.
“Hey.” He turned back to her, noted for a moment that her eyes were the same color as the painted jellyfish on the wall behind her. It grounded him somehow. “Don’t carry all this out here with you, it’ll wear you down. She’s in good hands, she’s sleeping, she’s safe. They’re doing everything they can for her, you’ve gotta trust in that.”
He knew that sometimes it didn’t matter how much they did, but he kept that to himself. 
“You want me to compartmentalize.” 
“A little bit, yes. It’s the only way you can survive something like this, trust me.” 
He did. And he knew she was right. So he closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, let himself let go for a moment and breathe a bit easier. Without a hesitation, he reached a hand out for hers as soon as he opened his eyes, linking his fingers with hers. 
“Okay. Let’s go on a date then.” 
“Let’s go on a date,” she repeated, squeezing her tiny hand against his as they started down the hallway again. 
He’d hatched a whole plan, ran the whole thing by both Ethan and Eden. They were going to get dinner at a little vegan food truck that he had made sure would be close by, walk the High Line for the last hour that it was open, and finish off with a late night coffee from Jets. 
“Do I get to know the details of this date?” She asked while he opened the umbrella up outside and offered him her arm, almost as if she knew he was running through the itinerary in his head for the entire walk.
“Nope, you’re just along for the ride.” He grinned, trying to keep his confidence up as he started walking down the sidewalk.
For the first block, everything was fine. The rain picked up slightly, but nothing too bad, and it only made her hold onto him a bit tighter, leaning into him to avoid getting wet. He reveled in the feeling, holding himself back from leaning over and kissing her forehead. 
The second block, things got a bit worse. The wind began to howl, thunder booming so loud above them that they both jumped. It seemed to shake the buildings around them a bit, and Grayson bit his lip, scrambling to think of what they would do if it got worse.
By the third block, all hell broke loose. The rain was coming down in sideways sheets, soaking their shoes and pants as Grayson tried to angle the umbrella and keep Indiana dry. It worked for approximately two seconds before the wind inverted the umbrella, leaving them both entirely exposed. 
“Sorry, fuck, sorry!” He yelled over the roar of the rain, trying desperately to fix it as their shirts became heavy and wet. Their hair stuck to their foreheads, and when he pushed his back he saw that Indiana was laughing, laughing so hard that she leaned back slightly, clutching her stomach.
“C’mon, c’mon!” She grabbed his hand, dragging him along as they ran through the downpour. He followed her blindly, holding tight to her slippery hand as she weaved them through umbrellas and past people huddled under stoops. 
When she pulled him into the lobby of her apartment building they were both laughing, breathless and giddy, so loud that a few people turned to look at them.
They didn’t notice.
“Your teeth are chattering,” Grayson laughed, reaching out to rest a hand on her quivering cheek. He was cold too, but he didn’t care. He hoped the blush he got out of her warmed her up a bit. “Not to invite myself up or anything, but do you care if I get dried off?”
She rolled her eyes at him, just taking his hand and leading him over to the elevator. 
Unfortunately, a perfectly dry woman in her 40’s stepped on with them, and all it took was the sound of the water dripping off their clothes onto the tile for them to both break into a fit of giggles, Grayson’s mouth going wide in a silent cackle that had Indiana having to cover her own to keep from being too loud. She felt like a middle schooler getting scolded in the back of class until they made it to her floor, stepping past the woman with a muttered ‘sorry’ and wide smiles. They stared at each other until the doors closed, and then they were laughing again, holding onto each other’s shoulders as they tried to make it down the hallway and breathe at the same time. 
Grayson was wiping tears by the time they got to her door, still giggling to himself as he started to shiver, his clothes getting colder by the minute. He took his shoes off outside the door, not wanting to track even more water inside as she opened the door
Her apartment was a bit warmer than the hallway, a welcoming and simple space with a small kitchen to the left and a cozy living room in front of him. Without realizing that he had even done it consciously, he had imagined her in a place just like this, with the big windows on the other side of the room covered in rain. 
“Nice place,” he murmured.
“It’s no house, but it’s nice enough,” she teased. “Let me see if Devin left anything here that you can wear, hold on.” 
She disappeared into a room on the right and he made his way into the living room, showing himself around. The picture frames on the top shelf caught his eye for a moment, and he smiled at how cute she looked as a baby, how beautiful she looked in her dress with her sister beside her. The woman holding her hands in the last one looked just like her, and he was about to ask when he felt Indiana behind him.
“That’s my mom. Nicole.”
“She seems like a great mom.”
“Yeah, she was.” 
Grayson froze. Fuck. 
“Shit, Indy, I’m sorry I-”
She put a finger to his lips. “It’s okay. But let’s not talk about it tonight, yeah?”
He nodded, trying to swallow down his guilt. He knew what it felt like to have that sprung on you without a warning, and he wished he could pull the words back out of the air, back out of her mind. 
“Try these.” She passed him a pair of pajama pants. “I’m still looking for a shirt, I might have something that’s big enough for you. There’s a bathroom in my room if you wanna change in there.” 
“I can just go shirtless for a while, it’s no big deal,” he reassured her. Her eyes went wide for a moment, and he saw her swallow.
“Okay. I’m gonna change now.”
“Okay. I’ll wait until you’re done.”
They stared at each other for a minute before Indiana finally moved, going into her room to start rummaging through her own clothes. She changed faster than she ever had, throwing on a pair of leggings and a crewneck with some comfy fuzzy socks before she was back in the living room.
“All yours. Um, do you want anything specific for dinner? I haven’t gone to the store in a while, and I would feel bad making somebody deliver in this weather,” she mumbled. 
“Well, I’m vegan, but don’t worry if you don’t have anything, I can make it till I get home.”
In all honesty, he was starving, but he wasn’t about to end the date early because of a lack of plant based meal choices. 
“I’ll see what I have, go change so I can put your clothes in the dryer with mine.”
He did as she asked, moving into her room. It was similar to the living room - white bedding, simplistic artwork in wooden frames on the walls. But above her bed were an assortment of vinyls, and he actually gasped when he saw the one in the middle.
“You listen to Cudi?!” He yelled, running back into the living room. Indiana was in the kitchen with a cucumber in her hands, but he made her jump so hard that she almost dropped it.
“Yeah, do you?”
“I fucking love Cudi dude, he’s the best artist of all time. I can’t believe you listen to him too.” 
“Do I not give off Cudi vibes,” she laughed, putting the words in air quotes.
“No, you definitely do not.”
“What vibes do I give off then? Or do I not wanna know.”
“You don’t wanna know,” he grinned, flinching when she raised the cucumber like she was going to throw it.
“Go change Gray.”
He went back in, headed to her bathroom. It was much darker than the rest of the house, with a dark gray shower curtain adorned with wildflowers. He locked the door and stripped down quickly - his underwear were still damp, but he wasn’t about to go commando, especially if he was gonna risk having to hide a boner later. He had no idea how far the night was going to go, but he wanted to be ready for anything.
Standing there in the mirror in his boxers, he contemplated it for a minute, and then pulled a very 2016 Grayson move of dropping to the floor and doing a quick set of push ups so that his bare arms were a bit more swollen than they had been. 
He pulled the pants on, groaning a bit at how long they were, and how tight they clung to his ass. Worried that he’d spent too long in the bathroom he picked up his wet clothes and headed back to the living room with the ends of his pants rolled up three times so he didn’t trip on them.
“You didn’t tell me Devin was a fucking giant dude! How tall is that mans?” 
“He’s 6’5”,” Indiana laughed from somewhere he couldn’t see her, popping up with a loaf of bread and putting it on the counter. Her eyes went wide at the sight of him, so much tanned skin stretched over thick bands of muscle that it had her mouth dry. She swallowed again before she spoke. “Just sit those down, I can put them in the dryer.” “I can do it, are yours already in there?” 
“Yeah, it’s over there.” She smiled and pointed to the doors in the hallway. He put them in and turned it on before he finally made it to the kitchen and saw the assortment on the counter. But she wasn’t looking at the food anymore - her eyes were all for him, and he felt himself fall nervous under her gaze again. 
“Nothing. You’re just cute.”
“Oh yeah, these pants are what do it for you huh?” He gave her a little spin just to make her laugh.
“Did I stutter?” She tilted her head to the side just barely, and it took all his self control not to lean in and kiss her right then. Instead, he just shook the thought from his head and stood close enough to where her shoulder was against his arm. 
“What’re we workin’ with?”
“Well. I’ve got apples, a few grapes, jelly, some lettuce, bread, peanut butter, a sweet potato and crackers. Sorry.” She was sheepish, and he just shook his head at her with a frown.
“Nothing to be sorry for. You trust my PB&J making abilities?” 
“That depends entirely on if you cut it into triangles or squares.” 
“Oh c’mon, it’s triangles all day,” he scoffed, getting a laugh out of her that had him floating. 
“Then yes, I approve. Do you care if I study while you make them? I just have a few things to go over.”
“Do whatever you gotta do,” he reassured her, moving to open the bread while she went back to her backpack. She was back quickly, with a stack of flashcards in her hands. 
“Here,” he cleared her a spot on the counter next to where he was working. “Sit up here, teach me some stuff.”
“It’s just vocab stuff, nothing interesting.” 
“Just say it outloud, maybe I’ll learn something.”
And so she did, laughing at the way his brows would furrow and the incredulous look he’d give her when it was a particularly long word. He took his time on the sandwiches, moving to cut up two apples and split the rest of the grapes between the two plates that he found after looking through the cabinets. 
He cleared his throat and held out the plate on the palm of his hand. “Bon appetit madam.”
“Why thank you,” she giggled, sitting her cards down and taking it from him gratefully. She stayed perched on the counter and he leaned back against the fridge, taking his own plate in his hands. She complimented the food as she ate, wiggling slightly in the cutest way. Finally, she spoke up.
“Since we’re here, do I get to know what the actual date plan was?”
“Nah, I’m saving that shit for the future,” he smiled, taking the last bite of his sandwich. Even he had to admit it was good despite the slightly stale bread.
“Oh the future huh?” 
“Yeah. Like next week.” 
“I’ll pencil you into my planner then,” she grinned, tossing a few grapes into her mouth. 
“I can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not.”
“It’s not. Writing everything down keeps me sane I think.”
“Hey, organization is sexy,” he laughed, biting down on an apple slice. 
“Good to know.” Her words were a bit muddled around the bite she had in her mouth, and Grayson put his empty plate aside, content to sit and watch her finish her meal. It was so easy to be around her, and he didn’t second guess anything he did or said - he hadn’t realized until her how much he altered himself around everyone he met.
“10 outta 10 PB&J, I’m impressed,” she smiled at him, moving her plate to the side after a moment. He couldn’t help but notice the tiny bit of jelly clinging to her cheek, purple and sticky against her skin.
“You’ve got a little - here,” he stepped up to her, reaching a hand out and running his thumb over it to get it off. But he didn’t let go - not when she looked up at him with those bright blue eyes, just like the jellyfish on the walls, and then he watched her look at his lips once before he leaned in. 
She tasted sweet, lips soft against his. They were both hesitant, not sure of how far to take it. Short and sweet, they separated and looked at each other. He felt like he could float away when she brought a hand up to his hair and pulled him back in for another. He moved a hand to the counter for leverage, leaning into her as she smiled against him.
“You taste like apples,” she whispered, and then they were both laughing like they had been all night, cheeks and stomachs sore in the best way.
“C’mon you, what do you wanna do with the rest of our date night?”
“We could finish Emperor’s New Groove?” She poised. 
He moved his hands to her waist, pulling her off the counter as she squealed, sitting her on her feet and taking her hand, headed to the living room. Ten minutes later and he was leaned back on the couch, feet up on the coffee table so she could curl up against his bare chest under the blanket while she scrolled through the film, trying to find where they left off.
He hoped that she’d undershoot it - anything to keep them right there, in each other's arms; bliss, as the storm raged on outside.
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lightupmyass · 4 years
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Pairing: Professor! Namjoon x College Student! Reader
Genre: smut, slight angst, comedy and some fluff I think?
Warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talk, fingering, mentions of masturbation, slight soft dom Joonie, semi public sex, cream pie
Summary: Being the class clown is all fun and games, until you take things a little too far...
Word Count: 4218
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You’ve been waiting for this for months. After a boring summer back home, you finally get to come back to school. Most people dread going back, but you loved it. Your hometown was so boring. You loved being at school, seeing your friends, meeting new people. It was exhilarating to you. You fix your hair one more time before grabbing your bag and heading to your very first class of the semester.
As you walk in, you smile wide when you notice a familiar face, and when you catch his eyes, he does the very same. “Yooo, no fucking waaaay.” You laugh, going up to your friend and high fiving him. “That’s my bitch! You didn’t tell me you had this class.” Taehyung laughs, pulling the chair next to him out for you. “Well you didn’t tell me either, man. Bro this is gonna be fucking great.” You smile. Taehyung has been one of your best friends since you started uni, sharing your sense of humor. He was the class clown everywhere he went, and you thrived together. You looked around, seeing a few other familiar faces, but no one you really talked to.
As you and Taehyung caught up, telling each other all about your summers, something else caught your eye. A man walked into the room, his blonde hair slicked back with a small strand falling onto his forehead, round glasses perched perfectly on his nose, and a dark blue button up shirt tucked into black slacks. He looked young, older than any other student, but too young to be the professor. You Tried to ignore him, but watched him out of the corner of your eye, seeing him set his things on the teacher’s desk and grab a marker from the white board.
“Alright, good morning everybody.” He turned to face the class, a small smile on his face, his dimples prominent, giving him an even more youthful look. “My name is Mr. Kim.” He says, writing it on the board. “I am your professor for English 3. Are their any questions before we get started?” He asks. One of the girls raises her hand, and he points at her. “Sorry if I’m being too forward, Professor, but how old are you?”  She asks, smiling at him. “Ah,” he chuckles, “I’m actually 27. I just graduated last year actually so this is my first year teaching.” He explains. Damn, he’s pretty young. “Any other questions?” When he asks that, you get an idea. You nudge Taehyung, smiling as you raise your hand. “Yes?” Mr. Kim asks, pointing at you. “Um yes, I have a question. Do you think busses in medieval times were just very long carriages, Sir?” You ask, Taehyung bursting with laughter the second you stopped talking, a few of the other students chuckling as well. Mr. Kim raised an eyebrow at you, putting his hands behind his back. “Do we have anymore questions about this class?” “Ooh, I have one Sir!” Taehyung raises his hand, a big, wicked smile on his face. “Can we do magic tricks in here?” Mr. Kim looked at him, a small part of his soul leaving his body as he realized what he had gotten himself into. Why did he become a professor? He may never know the truth. “Yes, you can absolutely do magic. In fact, if you keep asking me questions that waste my time and the class's, I’ll do one myself and make you disappear.” A round of ooohs echoed off the walls, Taehyung slumping down in his seat. For once in his life, Taehyung might’ve met his match. This made the young, handsome teacher all the more intriguing to you.
Over the next month you and Taehyung had stuck your claim as the class clowns, as you’ve been doing since the two of my met. You were a chaotic duo that made the best out of any boring lecture. You did ask a few more stupid questions in Mr. Kim's class, but he never acted upon that little “threat" he made on the first day. In all honesty, he didn’t seem like a bad guy. He was funny, sweet, and still super attractive. He was also very philosophical, always bringing up discussions in the classroom that were open for debate, which you gladly joined with complete seriousness. His face when you first spoke without making some joke for comic relief was one of shock, to say the least.
You enjoyed his class very much, but it wasn’t until one night that you really saw Mr. Kim for who he was. It was a night where you and Tae had decided to go out to a little bar that was off campus you two found during your second semester of school. It was quiet, relaxing, and intimate. Not many people from your school come in, so you don’t have to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of fellow classmates (which you never worry about anyway but, you know). Tae had left you alone in favor of going home with a girl he had met, meaning that you were sitting at the bar, alone and bored. As you wave the bartender over to ask for another drink, you see a familiar, tall figure slouched on the bar, a big difference from his usual perfect posture, his normally slick blonde hair falling onto his forehead, looking as soft as a cloud.
Curious, you get down from your stool, making your way over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder. “Mr. Kim?” You ask, grabbing his attention. He turns on his stool, his cheeks slightly pink as he straightens himself up. “Ah, Y/N. Didn’t expect I’d see anyone from school here.” He mumbles a bit, a slight slur in his voice. He must’ve been here for a while. “Yeah, uh, Tae and I come here a lot. Mind if I sit?” You ask, Mr. Kim nodding. Taking the seat next to him, the bartender brings you your drink. “Are you alright, Mr. Kim? You don’t look like yourself.” You ask. He stiffens up a bit, running his fingers through his hair, the action making his button up shirt tighten around his biceps and back. “Yes, I’m fine. Just kinda, drowning away the work week, you know?” He answers. “I’m sure being a professor isn’t easy. Especially with idiots like Tae and I.” You chuckle, Mr. Kim doing the same. “Nah, you guys aren’t that bad. I actually enjoy some of the things you two come up with. I mean, ‘who would win in a fight between a manatee and a praying mantis?’ like what?” He laughs loudly, making you feel good at the question you asked him just last week.
“I thought we annoyed you. You’re always so serious in class.” You admitted. “On the contrary, you guys brighten my day. Since this is my first year of teaching, I have to try and maintain a strict classroom in order to feel as if I’m actually doing a good job, but its always good to have a laugh every now and then.” He smiles at you, his dimples making your heart flutter. “Why did you become a teacher so early?” The question sneaks up on you, and you’re not sure if it was a good one or not, but you’re curious. “Honestly, I just needed something that would give me money while I wrote my book.” He answers. “Book? You’re writing a book?” He chuckles a bit, taking another sip of his drink. “Of course I’m writing a book. I’m an English major, its not like I can go get a CEO position in a big business with a paper that says ‘I know how to read and write good'.” He jokes, putting a smile on your face. “Well, Mr. Kim, I never expected you to be such a jokester.” You chuckle. “Please, we’re off campus. Call me Namjoon.”
For the rest of the night you both sat there, talking about his book, your childhood, pretty much anything that came up until the bartender called last round and you realized it was almost 4 am. “Oh, wow, I guess we should be heading out.” You giggle, the alcohol definitely running rampant through your system. You take your card out to pay your tab when Namjoon pushes your hand away. “Its okay. I got it.” You thank him, smiling warmly at him. “Are you okay to go home? Do you want me to walk you? Or call you an Uber?” He asks. “Well, we’re going back to campus, so I feel that an Uber would be better. Don’t want anyone to see us and get the wrong impression.” You point out, him nodding in agreement. He walks you outside, waiting with you. “You know, I have always wondered something about you, Y/N.” He says, catching you a bit off guard. “What’s that?” He stiffens a bit, putting his hands in his pockets as he props himself up against the brick wall. “You’re an amazing student, always turn in exceptional work, so why do you act out? Why not just go through school like normal and be great? Let your work and your character match?” The question actually surprises you a bit. “Well, I assume it could be related to the constant need for attention due to the lack of it from my parents, growing up as a middle child in a family of five kids.” You give him your honest answer. “That makes sense.” There’s a bit of a silence for a moment before he speaks again. “Tonight turned out a lot better than I expected. I normally drink alone, but having company was nice.” He smiles. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Kim. I had a lot of fun too. I saw you as an actual person for once.” You respond. There’s a moment when you turn to face him, his cheeks still tinged pink from the alcohol and his eyes hazy, his body leaning lazily against the wall. There’s a moment when your eyes meet, and the sounds of the last few people leaving the bar fades away, where its just the two of you, and you can’t help the way your heart races, an urge so strong you want to act upon. However, you don’t even need to, because before you know it, his lips are on yours, heat radiating between you in this moment, this moment of passion, where you forget who he is, what he is to you, where all you can think about is how soft his lips are, how his strong hands grip your waist, and how his chest feels pressed against yours. Before you know it, the moment is over, he pulls away with heavy breaths, leaving you cold with his taste still on your lips. “I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. God I’m such a fucking idiot.” He steps back, putting his hand on his forehead as he leans back against the wall. “No, no its okay. I didn’t mind-" You stop when you see him looking behind you, the light from headlights flooding where you were standing. “That’s the Uber.” He clears his throat, straightening himself up again. “Have a good night, Y/N. I’ll see you in class on Monday.” He says, and just like that, he’s gone, walking alone in the shadows in the opposite direction.
Another month passes by. You have to admit, there’s a lot of tension between the two of you ever since that night. However, the kiss has somehow made you even more dangerous to him. Not that he was afraid you’d tell someone, because for someone who was a loud mouth in class, you assured him you knew how to keep a secret. Yet the knowledge that he was attracted to you gave you more power in other ways. You started to dress a little different in class, hoping to tease him a little bit, the kiss making you crave more from him. Short skirts and sundresses were now your typical outfit, and you could tell that he enjoyed seeing them without him needing to tell you anything. Even after your chat that night though, you never slowed down with your stupid questions or remarks, keeping your title in the class. You liked pushing him a bit, trying to see where he’d draw the line. No matter how hard you pushed, he didn’t seem to waver at all.
Class started normally, just like any other day, Mr. Kim calling roll call and Taehyung answering with something stupid. It all changed when Mr. Kim asked “Does anyone have any questions before we start?” and oh boy did you have a great one for today. You raise your hand, the look of false annoyance already washing over his face. You know he loves your jokes, he just has to act like he doesn’t. “Yes, Miss Y/N?” Now is your time to shine. Maybe this’ll be his limit. “Ah yes, Sir, I would like to know, where do babies come from?” You ask, Taehyung immediately erupting with laughter as a few other student giggle, a few others groaning, sick of your bullshit. Mr. Kim nods a bit before responding. “Y/N, I need you to stay after so we can discuss your behavior in my class.” The seriousness in his voice scares you, the only thing able to come out of your mouth is a small “Yes Sir".
The rest of class drags on, the fear of what will happen after class making your stomach hurt. You wonder if you really did it this time, if you pushed him past his breaking point. The moment he dismisses everyone is the moment your heart drops into your stomach, Taehyung patting you on the back before leaving the classroom, leaving you and Mr. Kim alone. “Mr. Kim, I-" “Namjoon. Call me Namjoon now, Y/N. Its just us.” He corrects you, a bit of your worry fading away at the calm tone of his voice. “Namjoon, I’m sorry if I took it too far. I really am.” You apologize, and for once in your life its genuine. “Its alright, Y/N. Come up here.” He says, coaxing you to the front of the room with two fingers. You move quickly, something about the dominance he radiates right now overwhelming you. He gets up out of his chair, walking slowly to the door. “You know how much I enjoy your jokes,” he starts, locking the door, “but there is a limit. However, I do strive to be the best teacher I can be, Miss Y/N, and if one of my students needs help in a certain area of learning, I am willing to teach them.” He says, making his way towards you, the bottom of your ass already resting on his desk. “W-What do you mean?” You stutter, hoping that you understood him right. “Well, you asked me a question, darling. Do you want me to teach you?” He asks, his body now right in front of yours, towering over you as he presses himself against you. You can’t believe this is actually happening. All the tension between you two is at an all time high. You feel dizzy, the need for him to touch you in any way growing with every inhale of his scent, his cologne overpowering your senses. “Yes. Please, Sir.” You whisper.
Without hesitation, his lips find yours, the passion and hunger greater than that night, a newfound ferocity taking over as you wrap your arms around his neck, his hands gripping your thighs to lift you onto the desk. His hips nuzzle their way between your legs, your sundress riding up, making it easier for him to press against your core, your thin panties doing very little to conceal it. Small moans leave your throat, instantly swallowed by him, the kiss growing deeper and deeper by the second. Its not until he places his hands on your lower back, pulling you towards him to grind you against his growing bulge that you gasp loudly, tipping your head back and giving him access to your neck, which he gladly accepts, leaving wet, sloppy kisses all over he expanse of soft skin. You whine, moving your hips on your own in hopes of getting his attention. He hums against your neck, his hand moving from your back to your front moving your dress to cup your heat and rubbing you through your already slick panties. You’re speechless, the only response you’re capable of being whines and moans as he uses his knuckle to trace over your slit, pressing against your clit every now and then. Finally, you manage to form words, a small “please" escaping your lips. He pulls back, resting his forehead against yours as he looks down at your legs, slowly moving your dress up your thighs, your panties on full display for him. “And you’re absolutely sure this is okay?” He asks softly, tilting your head up by your chin to look him in the eyes, his other hand still rubbing your thigh gently. “Please, Namjoon. I need you. I’ve been craving you ever since you kissed me. I need you so bad.” You beg him.
“I know, baby. Me too. Seeing you in class every day dressed like this, wanting to taste your lips again, feel you on me, wanting to hold you and touch you and please you. Do you know what I’ve imagined? Hm?” His whispers in your ear, his fingers gently moving your panties to the side. “I've sat in this chair, teaching you and your classmates, just imagining how you feel. How you taste. Been dying to feel you around my cock, beautiful.” You gasp at his words, pure sin dripping from his lips. You can’t deny that you’ve thought about him too, your hand deep in your panties late at night as his name fumbled from your lips, imagining how nicely he’d stretch you out, how his soft lips would feel on your dripping cunt. Yet, as he slowly slide a finger inside of you, nibbling on your earlobe as he does, nothing could’ve prepared you for the feeling of intimacy you felt from him, the way he carefully pumps his finger in and out of you, twirling it around to make you feel all of it as he kisses your neck softly. This wasn’t the normal fucking you were used to. Even though it wasn’t the most ideal setting, you could tell there was something more. He leaned forward a bit, pushing you down to lay on the empty desk, your back arching as his finger reaches a new depth inside of you. His free hand roams your body, pulling the top of your dress down to expose your breasts, the lack of a bra delighting him. Another finger slips inside of you, his pace quickening as he grabs your breast, occasionally pinching your nipple, earning a needy mewl from you.
The way he curls his fingers in you has you losing your mind, your toes curling as your hips squirm, the slick sound of his movements making your cheeks red. His touch is driving you crazy, but you still crave more, the need to be stretched out even more unbearable. “Namjoon.” You moan, reaching down to grip his wrist. He stops, pulling his hand away from as he leans over your body, his clean hand ousting the strands of your hair out of your face. “What is it, baby?” He asks, concern laced in his voice. You sit up, running your hands over his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his shirt under your fingertips, the rigid lines of muscles hidden underneath tempting you. Curiosity takes over, your fingers moving to unbutton his shirt, his torso being revealed to you with every button. He stays silent, watching your movements as he rubs your thigh again, eager to figure out your next move. As you reach the last button, you pull the hem of his shirt out of his pants, now seeing the bulge in them properly, your mouth watering in anticipation. You’d love to have it in your mouth, but at the moment, you’re not sure if you have the patience for that. There’s always next time, right? “Need you.” You mumble, unbuckling his belt. A groan rumbles in his throat as you cup him through his trousers, his package a lot bigger than you had anticipated. “Well, I did promise to teach you where babies came from, didn’t I? What kind of teacher would I be if I didn’t follow through?” He chuckles, moving your hand away so he could pull his boxers down just enough for his cock to spring free, the large appendage bouncing as its released from its tight confines. You gulp, wondering if it’ll actually fit inside of you. You’re glad that you’ve been on birth control since you were 15, because right now you need to feel him inside of you.
He kisses you again as he grips himself, positioning himself at your entrance. “Are you ready, beautiful?” He asks, you nodding in response. The second he pushes into you is nothing like you’ve ever experienced. He moves slowly, the burn of your walls stretching around him making you lightheaded, but for him it was completely worth it. You wanted to be consumed by him, happy to let him claim you as his and not caring who knew. He groaned loudly into your ear, gripping the side of the desk as he fully sheathed himself inside of you. You’ve never felt like this before, never been so full in your life, and when he moves to pull back out, you bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from moaning loudly. “Ah fuck, you feel so good baby. Better than I ever imagined. Fuck.” He almost growled, pushing back into you as you gripped his shoulders, trying to steady yourself. As he starts to set a steady pace, you can already feel yourself losing control. He wraps his arms tightly around you, holding you as he pistons in and out of you, his gentle demeanor now gone as he fucks into you hard, leaving marks from his nails into your skin as you bite his shoulder, trying not to scream. “Fuck. So fucking tight and perfect. So fucking beautiful. Like you were -mmph- fucking made for me.” He groans in your ear, your whole body jolting with each  hard thrust of his hips. “Mm, fuck Namjoon. Feel so fucking good. Fucking me so good.” You moan into his ear, each sinful word giving him more bravado to give you exactly what you two have been craving since the bar. “Yeah? You like how I fuck you? What do you want, baby? Want me fuck you so hard you stumble out of this class room, huh? Want me to cum inside you so everyone can see the little trail of my cum dripping out of your dirty little pussy?” Holy fuck. You have never imagined that your uptight teacher was capable of such words, yet here he was, moaning them in your ear as if you were the only girl in the world as he fucked you senseless. “Oh, shit, please. I want it so bad. Wanna feel your cum. Fuck, Joonie.’ You whimper, your fingernails scrapping against his back. He lets out a loud moan, the nickname not going unnoticed as he grips your hips, pulling you onto his cock as he continues to destroy your insides. You can feel the heat building inside of you, his cock hitting your sweet spot perfectly. All you need is the small push over the edge. You lean back, reaching down between your bodies to feel your clit, rubbing it as he thrusts into you, the contact making you absolutely lose it. “Ah, shit, ah fuuuuck!” You whine, coming undone. It was powerful, washing over and making you see white. “Shit shit shit shit!” Namjoon grunted, pushing into you once more as you felt a warmth spread through you, his hips stuttering as he released into you. There was so much that with every slow thrust, small drips spilled out of you, leaving you a creamy, sticky mess.
You laid back on the desk, putting your hands above your head as you smiled, chuckling a bit at how good you felt. He leaned over you, resting his upper half on top of you as his cock softened inside of you. You wrap your arms around him, placing a kiss on the top of his head as he uses your breasts as a pillow, completely worn out. “Oh my god. That was, holy fuck.” He said between deep breaths, earning a giggle from you. “I know. Fucking amazing. Can’t believe I ever thought my own fingers could compare to that.” You joke, but he straightens up a bit, leaning on his hands, hovering above you. “Miss Y/N, did you touch yourself to the thought of me?” He asks, a cocky smirk on his face. “Maybe.” You tease, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Well then, I think next time you’ll have to show me how you did it so I can guide you properly on how to do it correctly.”
“Yes Sir.”
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Ch 3/5
Ch 1, Ch 2
Or read under the cut
It was a small patch on his knee, like a scrape, but it wasn’t a scrape. It was stone. Blue stone.
And suddenly, worries and anxieties he hadn’t felt for CENTURIES came flooding back in a rush.
What if they saw?
What if they found out?
What if they realized that he wasn’t the real Hisirdoux?!
And now, now there were new anxieties, things he hadn’t worried about centuries ago.
What if they hated him?
What if they turned him away?
What if they never wanted to see him again?
What if Zoe’s face curled up in disgust as she realized she’d been kissing a troll mouth. Worse, a changeling mouth?
What was going on?! Why, why now, after centuries of no problems, was he turning to stone? He hadn’t once transformed back to his troll form—what if he was supposed to do that every so often, or it would start to leak through?
There had to be someone he could contact to find out. The Janus order—they’d know. Right?
So he snuck out.
When Archie’s snoring started, and Zoe’s breathing slowed down to the little puffs he knew meant she was deep in dreamland.
Douxie felt a weird ache in his chest at the thought of not hearing those little sounds again. He needed to fix this problem. Now. Before it spread.
So he crept through the streets, almost certain that he’d seen a bar with a sign that had two faces on it. Two faces. The Janus order. It was worth a shot, right?
So he went inside. There was only one solitary bar girl, and she gave him an odd glance. “Sorry. We’re closed tonight, kiddo. Reserved.”
“Gunmar,” he blurted. He didn’t know any changeling code, because that wasn’t one of the things Dictatious—Dictatious, he hadn’t thought about the many-eyed troll for so long—had told him. So he just blurted out the first thing that popped into his head.
The bar girl’s eyes widened. “Oh! Sorry. What’s the problem?”
“I’m turning to stone,” Douxie babbled, “I’m turning into stone, but I’m not trying to transform, it just happened, and I don’t know what’s going on!”
“Ooookay, you’re obviously new to this. Slow down. Show me.”
Douxie rolled up his pant leg to show her the blue stone spot on his knee. “Why’s it doing that?!”
She peered closely at it. “If I had to guess? I’d say your familiar scraped a knee. Weird. Normally the goblins take such good care of them.”
Douxie grabbed her sleeve as she turned to go. “How do I find out?”
She blinked at him. “Wow. You really don’t know anything about being a changeling, huh? Okay. Look. You can check in on your familiar any time you like. You just gotta.” She screwed her face up, made a retching noise, and spat at a mirror. Douxie jumped back.
“That’s disgusting!”
“Nah, look!”
Douxie steeled himself to look at the glob of spit on the mirror, and saw that it had transformed into an image of a little baby girl, asleep in a crib. “That’s…”
“My familiar. Cute little thing, isn’t she?” The image faded away. “You try.”
Douxie’s spitting wasn’t nearly as impressive as hers, but the image appeared. Hisirdoux was in a stasis trap, a bloody scrape on his knee. “That’s him!”
“An adult? Wow. You are a weird little changeling, aren’t you?”
“I wonder what happened…”
“Well, usually the familiars are babies. They don’t go anywhere. Yours probably just got loose, and fell before they got control of him again. If it’s really bothering you…” The changeling looked around. “Go to America. Arcadia Oaks. The leader of the Order lives there, Waltholomew Stricklander. He might be able to figure out what’s going on. Watch out, though, there’s a troll colony living there, and it is the homeplace of the trollhunter. Good luck.”
Douxie nodded and slipped away, creeping back inside the house he shared with Archie and Zoe before they woke up. It was just one scraped knee—like the changeling bar girl had said, it was probably just a problem with doing the sleeping spell on someone a little older. Nothing to worry about.
Until he woke up with thick lines of stone lashed across his chest.
No. No, no, no, no!
Douxie touched the stone lines delicately. They were just the right distance apart for a set of Gum-Gum claws. He yanked a shirt over his head, fast before Zoe or Archie saw. This was getting out of hand. He needed to get in contact with Stricklander.
“America?” Archie asked, sounding slightly-disgusted, “Why America?”
Zoe grabbed his hand. “New York?! I’ve heard things about New York—we could be vigilantes! Do you know the crime rates there, Douxie? And we have to go to at least one rock concert, promise me!”
“We’re already vigilantes,” Douxie laughed, “Just the magical kind. What, you want to add muggers to our resume? No, not New York. I’ve got somewhere else in mind. Arcadia Oaks. Supposedly, it has a troll colony. And where there’s a colony of trolls, there’s bound to be… pest problems.” He gave Zoe’s hand a squeeze, some of her excitement leeching into him. And it was exciting! Leaving Europe for a totally new continent? Once he got this whole familiar thing sorted out, there wasn’t any reason not to have fun. “But I promise that we will go to New York and see a rock concert first.”
“Okay. Our first order of business ought to be looking for stable employment and—”
Douxie and Zoe both ignored Archie, hopping off of the bus and tearing around the city. “It’s so sunny here,” Zoe complained, “It’s like Italy all over again!”
“Oh, you liked Italy,” Douxie replied, “It is a bit bright, but—”
“Hey! What are you two kids doing out of school?!”
Douxie jumped as a police officer approached them. “Oh—we’re… new in town?”
The officer snorted. “I can tell.”
“I’m an adult. Actually.” Zoe offered, “I don’t have to be in school.” She pulled out an ID—when had she gotten a driver’s license?!
The officer squinted at it, then shrugged. “Alright, Miss Zoe, you’re off the hook. What about Skippy here?” He jabbed a thumb at Douxie.
“Him?” Zoe said with a grin. “Oh, no. He’s a minor. Tiny little baby. Ship him off to school.”
The officer nodded, turning to Douxie. “And which school are you enrolled in?”
“Uhhhhh Aaarcaaadia Oaaaksss…. Academy?” Douxie tried, shooting Zoe a dirty look.
“Haven’t gotten your uniform yet? Alright, come on, in the squad car, I’ll take you to school. And you, Miss Zoe, try to be a better influence on him, will you?”
The officer dragged Douxie into the car, and Douxie mouthed “I’ll kill you” at a snickering Zoe. Actually, though, this was a good opportunity, while he was separated. “Hey, do you know anyone named Waltholomew Stricklander?” he asked the cop as he drove through the streets.
“No. Odd name. Closest we’ve got is a Walter Strickler. Teaches at the other school. Why?”
“Uhm. Just… looking for an old family friend. Thanks anyway.” Just his luck that there really was an Arcadia Oaks Academy, he thought gloomily as the car pulled into a school. He got marched to the principal’s office.
“Are you missing a new student? Possibly an exchange student?”
Right. The principal would say no, he’d make a getaway, and then he’d hunt Zoe down and throw her into the nearest body of water.
“As a matter of fact, we are! We didn’t have time to get his uniform, but…” A schedule, a map, and a stack of books was thrust into Douxie’s hands. “You should be in Calculus right now, young man.”
No way! Seriously? Douxie gave him his best apologetic grin. “Yes sir!”
Great. Now he just had to figure out what calculus was.
Douxie would have bolted, but the cop was watching him all the way to the classroom, so he edged inside. The door creaked far more than he thought was necessary, and the teacher turned to face him.
“May I help you?”
Douxie brushed his bangs back behind his ears nervously. “Um. Hello? I’m… new here?”
“Ahhhh, the transfer student! We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow.”
“Heh. Well, try telling the cops that.”
“Hm, yes. Set your things down, and then why don’t you come up to the board and fill in the radian coordinates on this unit circle!”
Douxie could speak elvish, orcish, trollish, a number of human languages, and decipher wizard code, but he didn’t have any idea what she’d just said. He scooted ever-so-slowly to the back of the classroom and set his books down, then shuffled to the front of the classroom, taking the marker from the teacher like it was a poisonous snake. The giant circle covered in indecipherable markings loomed up at him. He hesitantly wrote a 2 on one of the blank spaces, earning a snort from someone in the front row. He ignored them and kept writing random numbers in the blanks. More snickers made his ears burn, and finally he capped the marker and set it down.
“Alright, class, hands up if you think he’s right.”
No hands went up.
“Sit back down, please.”
Douxie trudged back to his seat in what was possibly the most shameful walk of his entire life while the teacher spouted more calculus nonsense that went over his head. He tried to pay attention for a bit—he really did—but it became pretty obvious pretty fast that he was missing about 4 years worth of previous math that he should know in order to understand this, so he put his head down on the desk, praying for it all to end.
“Didn’t anyone ever tell you that punk’s dead?” someone else in the back hissed to him with a snicker, “Where’s your uniform?”
“Hank, shut up!” someone else responded, “I’m pretty sure he’s one of the public school kids sneaking in! His accent is so obviously faked!”
“My accent is not—” Douxie shook his head. What did it matter? He was a centuries old magician who knew arcane secrets of the universe that the Calculus teacher could never hope to understand. The opinion of a few regular human teenagers shouldn’t have mattered.
It shouldn’t have.
At lunch, he hopped the fence and ran for it, beelining for the public school. The academy kids whooped and cheered as he ran away. Excited that something interesting was happening? Or glad that he in particular was leaving? Not that it mattered to him.
He had to check in on this Walter Strickler, just in case. And sure enough, when he peered in the office windows, he could spot magical items lying about with regular things. Douxie cracked open the window and slipped inside. Wow. This guy really did have quite the collection of magic books. It wouldn’t hurt to read a few while he was waiting, would it?
He was halfway through his third book and the last school bell had rung for the day when he heard footsteps echoing down the hallway. He hastily shoved the books back in their spots and waited, suddenly realizing that if Walter Strickler wasn’t a changeling, he was going to have to talk his way out of a nasty breaking and entering situation.
But when the door did open, Douxie could recognize the changeling in him—it was something about the way he carried himself, like he had centuries of experience.
“Hey there,” Douxie said casually, “Got a little changeling question for you.”
Strickler didn’t seem too concerned by his presence, fiddling with a pen. “You are drawing far too much attention to yourself. Getting dragged off by the police? Skipping school? And that accent-! What kind of a sad excuse for a changeling are you?”
“No one exactly gave me a crash course in being a changeling!” Douxie protested, “And besides, I’m a changeling masquerading as a wizard masquerading as a human. I think I’m doing pretty well, all things considered!”
“The special assignment. Hisirdoux. I thought you were a myth. What with having no way of contacting you and all.”
“Uh—well—yeah. Not the point. I’ve got a bit of a situation. My familiar seems to keep injuring himself somehow? I want to contact Dictatious. Make sure everything is alright.”
Strickler snapped the pen shut. “Contact the darklands?!”
“Uh… yeah?”
“No one can do that! Do you think I’d be searching tirelessly for the eyestone if I could simply ring for Gunmar on the telephone?!”
“How come? Changelings seem to get in and out pretty easily.”
“It’s not the same. I’m afraid I cannot help you—it may be frustrating, but you will simply have to operate on less than ideal information. And, ah, Hisirdoux? Do try not to draw any more attention to yourself.”
“You are not funny,” Douxie grumbled as he pushed open the door to some kind of tech shop.
Zoe grinned, hopping off of her place on a bench and going on tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Awww, did someone not have a good day at school?
“No kisses. According to you, I’m a minor and you’re an adult.”
“Don’t be irritated at Zoe,” Archie piped up, “I’m the one who enrolled you in school.”
“You did what?!”
“There are things I cannot teach you, Douxie!”
“Like calculus?! Get real, Arch, I’m never going to need calculus! Besides, when am I going to have the time?! I’ll need a job, and—wait a second, why are you talking in here?”
“Oh, this place?” Zoe said affectionately, “This is run by hedge wizards. Aaaaand there’s no customers at the moment, so we’re good. I have a job here now, actually. They’ll be able to use more money for their magical projects now that they won’t be paying an electric bill anymore.”
“Okay. Fantastic. School, Archie?!”
“Just stick it out for a year, alright? You’re listed as a senior, so you’ll graduate, and you can do whatever you want after that.”
“Assuming I can graduate! I don’t know any of this stuff, Arch! I’m going to fail everything!”
“You’re a quick learner. I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You’ve spent centuries doing nothing but bouncing around the world hunting monsters. I’m sure one year of schooling will pass in a flash.
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Kombat Krew and Animal Crossing.
It should come as no surprise that I’ve been playing Animal Crossing a lot recently. I’ve got real life debt in terms of my student loans. And also, debt in the game too! What a life I have and what a world we live in. So, here’s a crossover that no one asked for. Kombat Krew reacting to it/ playing it with their S/O and what kind of villager they’d be!  I didn’t do everyone, mainly the ones that I think would/could play the game! And This is such a pure post. Wow. No warnings what so ever. But just because of length of post I’ve popped a cut in, just because it’s a little long!
·         Cassie Cage; She’s reluctant to play it at first. When you’re both chatting about it and hyping it up, she’s sipping her smoothie raising an eyebrow. But because she’s a supportive partner, she will watch all the trailers in the hype run. She has to admit it does look cute. She’ll buy you it and can’t help but keep peering up and watching as you run around your island, catching bugs and fish. Smiling at the occasional scream as you try and run from a tarantula. “So, you owe the Racoon money? Wait, why are you paying for more extensions on your house?!” Doesn’t understand till she finally bites the bullet and plays it when you’re not in… within an hour she’s bought it and is playing it. Then it’s on. You find her awake at 3 AM, she’s sat crossed legged on the sofa, playing it intently. Cute dates where you go out to a café and local play. Visiting each other’s islands, planting flowers and taking cute aesthetic photos. Her house is full of bright colours and random assortments of bits and pieces she found cute. Johnny takes the piss out of you both. The fact you’re both sat next to each other on the sofa, playing the same game, and speaking gibberish. Cassie is also slightly competitive; she doesn’t know where she gets it from Johnny and Sonya.  So, it’s no wonder that she wins the tourneys, does all of the events and completes the nook mile challenges efficiently. 
If she was a Villager: A squirrel. Kind of like Blaire. Normal personality.
·         Smoke (Tomas Vrbada): If ever there was a game that fit Smokes aesthetic and general vibe it would be Animal Crossing. How he got introduced to the series was that he was reading peacefully. Until your squeal of excitement disrupted him. Honestly, at first, he thought some shit had happened. Queue him evaporating and appearing mid living room. Only to see you’re happy because there was a leaked trailer for a game. His mouth starts out agape, as if questioning, why you would make such a noise over a game. That expression changes when he watches it with you. He loves it so much… is actually excited for the prospect of living a quiet life on his own Island. Pre-orders with you so you both can play it. Smoke also definitely owns a grey switch. He. Loves. This. Game. Stays up late with you playing it the first days it’s released. His islands name will be something fantasy based. His character has great hair too. Loves planting flowers and tending your joint garden on his island. His house is so neat, and each room has a theme. Everything is in place and organised too. He loves also going to the museum with you and having a look at everything. He loves that there’s a museum. He’s pretty much the Lin Kuei Blathers at this point. And you guys can go on virtual dates to the museum and each other’s towns when he’s away on a mission. Loves playing it whilst you’re both snuggled up in bed together. When he finds out that the different hemispheres have different bugs and fish, he begs Bi-Han and Kuai to get it. Because he wants to flesh that museum out! “So, there’s this racoon that you have to pay your debt off too. But it’s addictive and it’s a great distraction…” “TOMAS IT’S 3AM GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP” – Bi-Han. If he was a villager: There’s a hipster bear in it. So yeah. He’s a hipster bear, he’s basically Beardo. If there were owl villagers, I’d have made him an owl! Smug personality on AC is more polite, gentleman like, so it’s actually not a bad personality.
·         Kabal: He’s sure he should be doing work right now. But who gives a fuck when he needs to tend to his garden. Virtual chibi Kabal is living his best life right now. Not having to put up with Kano. His boots are on his desk whilst he plays. He honestly remembers playing the original on GameCube. A friend from school had it and he wanted it so badly, but his mom could never afford it. But now he’s an adult, he can literally buy whatever the fuck he wants. When he finds out you love the series too, he cannot help but smile. He tries to let on that he’s not obsessed, but he is. He preloads it and keeps checking to see if you can play it. Queue him staying up till midnight and waking you up to let you know it’s on. By the time you get up properly he’s filling out the museum, has paid off his first loan and is ready for more. He loves playing it with you, will be a bit of a dick at times, and will totally hit you with net or snipe the bug you’re trying to get. Only for him to gift you it. He’s strategically planned this hit. He’s chosen the Southern Hemisphere and has got oranges. He needs everything. It’s cute how obsessed he is with it. When he’s away, he loves playing it with you, visiting each other’s towns, leaving cute notes on the Notice Board and sending letters. Virtual you and him are so cute. “Hey Kabal, what you playin’?” “None of your fucking business.”  
If he was a villager: Definitely an Alligator. Just going off the fact he has a tooth. I’m going with Jock personality. Just because he’s a hyper up and can be intense at times. So probably like Sly.
·         Frost: She like Cassie pretends not to care about it. Who has time for games? She sure as hell doesn’t… even though it does look cute, and she does miss having a garden. She finds it therapeutic. Not that the temple has a garden because ahaha it’s fucking freezing and always snowing. Frost is literally acts like an ice sculpture, hard and frozen inside and out. In reality, she’s more like a snowman. Soft and squishy. She does have a soft spot for the game… especially when she watches you planting flowers and making a little garden. If you have a full switch and can create multiple characters, she may get a little emotional that you made her and made her a little garden. Okay. Maybe she’ll play it for a few minutes… *Four hours later* She’s giggling wildly as she catches bugs and plants and waters more flowers. At first, she’s content with just playing the character you made her… but then she finds out from Cassie you can play together. And that’s it. She wants to do cute couple shit on it. Buys the game and surprises you when she sits next to you and reluctantly asks what to call her Island. You’ll both lay next to each other playing it together. She’s hyper competitive as well, so she ends up doing all of the tourneys and winning. As well as helping you out if you’re struggling with a certain part.   If she was a Villager: She’s definitely a cat villager. Probably like Katt, quirky looking and a bit mean looking. But on the inside really caring and sweet.
·         Kuai Liang (Sub Zero): Why is he playing this again? You said you had a great distraction in mind for him. What he did not expect was for him to be sat on your sofa on a rainy day. Holding you switch and staring from it to the TV in mild confusement. He knew that a new game had come out and it had, in a word, consumed every fibre of your being for the past few days. He loved how happy it made you and would often smile fondly watching you play it… but he didn’t expect himself to be playing it. You made him, pretty accurately, on the game and he’s kind of impressed. You do have to walk him through it, because him and technology do not mix. He does get the hang of it and he has the patience of a saint and the accuracy of a pro angler when it comes to catching fish. You’re pretty damn impressed. He hates to admit how much he loves the game. And it’s kind of cute that you’re sort of playing it together. He may round the corner a few times when you’re playing to ask if you’re advancing the island, because he knows he can’t do it… and he would like to visit the museum and add to it. Secretly loves it. Not enough for him to actually play it himself, but he does find himself playing it in a morning before you wake up. Don’t tell Smoke or Bi-Han he won’t hear the end of it. ‘I don’t have time for pop culture’ BULLSHIT KUAI!
If he was a villager: A Penguin. fucking fight, me on this. He’d probably look like Roald but with a smug personality. Remember Smug is good in this game, I know mind fuck.
·         Bi-Han: Okay so the colours hurt his head. They are so bright. Why is that eagle wearing a blazer? What the fuck is going on. If you thought Kuai was confused Bi-Han is next level confused… but he also wants a go. He really wants to play it. He likes to get involved with what you like, and if playing this Mutli-coloured game about living on an island makes you happy, then so be it! Will start off with a character on your save. Before progressing to him eventually getting it himself and ‘borrowing’ the hidden Switch that Smoke has. The one he hides at the bottom of his sock draw, next to his diary, to the left of embarrassing photos of him. You’ll find him playing in between meditation and training. He secretly loves it. He gets a system going and soon has overtaken you on it. Invites you around to show off his pad. Which is a mess, just like his actual room. But it’s got the Bi-Han charm. Totally moves his house to a ledge so no one can visit him. Will play it secretly, pretending to be busy but actually just vibing on a tree stump catching bugs. He loves visiting your island. He’ll change your flowers around, and plant fruit trees for you. He’ll also leave you small presents in your house. He gets into it, but he just likes been able to share a bit of your world. He didn’t have videogames growing up, so it’s nice to finally be exposed to a bit of pop culture.
If he was a villager: He’d be a bear with a jock personality. Would probably look something similar to either Curt or Groucho.
·         Jacqui: She’s excited to play this. She remembers playing it when she was younger. Confused the fuck out of her dad. They had a real farm, but she wanted to virtually take care of her plants and trees. Confused him. But when she finds out you love the game too, she’s over the fucking moon. She’s got Cassie to play it with her, but the fact you, her darling S/O love it too makes her so happy! She’s had the same aesthetic and favourite villagers since she was a kid. But she loves all the villagers, she thinks there all quirky and cute in there own way! Her Island is also so organised. She also saved your butt a few times, catching the tarantulas as you ran around madly trying to avoid them. She event split the profit from her trip to tarantula island with you!  I’ve always had the HC that Jacqui is artistic, so she makes cute custom designs that look 110% amazing. And has totally made you both matching outfits to wear and take cute photos with. She tried her hardest to make her house into your shared apartment, and to be fair, she did a really great job at it! You and her both lay on the sofa playing it together, laughing and chilling together over takeaway, with a comfy movie on in the background. She loves that you can share this interest and that you can still virtually be together when she’s far away. Will send you letters in game too when she’s away. With stuff she’s picked up and thinks you’ll like or will ok cute in her house. She owns all the shell stuff because it’s so pretty and costal looking. Her house is totally near the beach. She’s always secretly wanted to live near the coast. Jax can’t get his head around that your in her game, and she’s in yours.
If she was a villager: I’d say a wolf villager. Kind of like Audie who’s really peppy and happy go-lucky. Most of her intros are upbeat and can-do attitude like! So, I think it matches her personality really well!
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anna-justice · 4 years
Lost or Found - 2
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU 
2 - Every Breath You Take
Hailey found herself in the front seat of Jay’s pickup truck, which was a place she never thought she would be. After three days of trying to figure out where the text came from, they had given up. Jay called his best friend Greg, who Hailey didn’t even know existed, to help them trace the message.
It was just the 3 of them, Jay’s brother Will had just moved into Northwestern and his mom was at work. Hailey wasn’t sure where his dad was, but that wasn’t new, she had never heard Jay talk about him despite him being in the picture. They made their way to the unfinished basement of the small greystone, Hailey smirking in amusement at Greg’s shock after seeing Jay’s colorful and elaborate bulletin board.
“Wow,” Greg said, tracing one of the string trails with his finger. “This is crazy. And the cops don’t know about any of it?”
“No.” Jay said, leaning against the makeshift desk. “This is just between us.”
“So, what’s our next move?” Greg asked.
“I was thinking that you could stay here and track the text, while Hailey and I go to Erin’s and look through her room.” Jay said.
Hailey spoke in protest. “Really? Look through her room?”
Jay nodded, “There is something missing, maybe it will be there.”
Fifteen minutes later, Hailey stood with Jay in the middle of Erin’s bedroom. They had entered using Jay’s key. Unbeknownst to Hailey, Jay would stay at the Voight’s whenever things would get bad with his dad. Hank wasn’t home at the time, he was a private investigator and sometimes he would leave for days at a time for a job, not that it mattered, he treated Jay like his own son.
They sifted through the various stacks of books and clothes, the room had been untouched since she disappeared. Hailey watched Jay as he looked at the collage of pictures on the wall. She was only in a few, the new ones added on the bottom. There was one from the first night she met Erin and Jay, they had a bonfire in Kim’s backyard, she remembered joining Erin in teasing Kim about her blushing everytime Adam looked at her. The next one was the three girls dressed in pajamas for the first day of finals. And the third was from the day before the last day of school, it was Jay and Adam’s last baseball game. She must have hung it up that same night.
She followed Jay’s gaze to a picture of the two of them, he was kissing Erin’s cheek while she smiled wide for the camera. “I’m so sorry.” She said, “We haven’t really talked about it. It must be terrible.” And while it seemed crazy that in all their investigating that they hadn’t really talked about what happened, it was true. They talked logistics, motive, suspects, but never feelings. Jay was closed book, he had been the whole summer. It was only in the past few days that Hailey thought they were beginning to truly be friends, despite the horrific circumstances.
“I’m fine.” Jay said, turning away from the wall of memories abruptly.
Hailey sighed, she knew that lie well. It was her go to. “Jay, talk to me, I promise I’m the last person to judge.”
Jay took a deep breath, he could sense the sincerity in her words clearly. He looked a her, a little too long actually. She was almost smiling in defeat, she was expecting him to shoot her down again, challenging him to tell her how he was feeling. “I just,” He cut himself off, ready to retreat back to him silent shell, but he wanted to talk, he needed to talk. “I can’t stand not knowing. I don’t care if she really is dead, I just want to know.” He admitted. Hailey didn’t respond or console him. She just nodded, which is exactly what he needed in that moment.
Greg Gerwitz: I got an address for the server that sent the text. 1490 Wabash.
“What is it?” Hailey asked, noticing a slight smile appear on Jay’s face.
Jay held up his phone, “Greg got an address.”
“Let’s go.”
As they pulled up to the sketchy looking bungalow, Hailey realized that they had no plan. It didn’t seem to bother Jay, he jumped out of the truck and charged the front door. He easily jumped over the missing step while Hailey carefully climbed after him, her short legs giving her a serious disadvantage. As soon as they reached the door, Jay tried the nob, much to his his surprise, the door to the abandoned house fell open.
They carefully made their way in, Hailey unintentionally gripping Jay’s arm to keep him close. The main floor was completely bare, with the exception of a few random chairs and a very dilapidated kitchen. They rounded a corner and met the basement stairs, each step causing them to squeak. When they reached the bottom, Hailey thought she had stopped breathing. Just like in Erin’s room, photos of them lined the walls, but these were different. They weren’t staged or posed, the were the worst kind of candid. There were ones of each of them individually, small groups of them, Erin with lots of different people.
“Holy shit,” Jay muttered under his breath. Once he recovered he began to take photos of everything he saw.
Hailey stood  there frozen, some of the photos were recent, as recent as Erin’s funeral. “Jay.” She said, starting to panic, “Jay.” He wasn’t paying attention. “Jay!” He finally looked at her. “What the hell is all this? We have to tell the others, this is about all of us now, not just Erin. Ohmigod, someone really did take her…”
She kept rambling on, “Hailey,” Jay said, but it didn’t stop her. “Hailey,” He said, putting his hands on her shoulders. “We will tell the others everything, but right now we need to take everything we can, whoever did this wanted us to find this, we need to take advantage of it.”
As soon as Hailey turned to look through the nearest stack of files, a car alarm went off outside. Jay went running up the stairs and Hailey chased after him, when they reached his truck, all the doors were open and the lights were flashing while the horrid noise sounded over and over again. The two shared a look before rushing to the pickup and locking themselves in. Whoever was responsible had been there the whole time.
Kim looked down at her phone, there was a text in the group chat to meet for breakfast in the morning. She smiled to herself, things were finally getting back to normal. She couldn’t deny that the loss of Erin hurt like hell, it still did. But being the optimistic person she was, she told herself that she would be okay and kept pushing forward.
“What are you so happy about?” Adam asked from the drivers seat.
Kim shrugged, “Nothing really, Jay just said that he wants all of us to get breakfast in the morning.”
“Sounds fun,” Adam nodded, “I’ll pick you up.”
Kim grinned at that, she has had feelings for Adam for a long time now, but wasn’t until Erin’s disappearance that she acted on them. Erin had always pushed her too, and doing so made Kim feel close to her again. They didn’t tiptoe around it formuch longer than that, he asked her to be his girlfriend a soon as possible, they understood now how short life really was.
They reached their destination, a little hole in the wall pizzeria by the riverwalk. Adam met her at her side of the car, quickly pressing her against it before lowering his lips to hers. Adam was big on PDA, not that Kim minded, it made her feel wild. After coming up for air, Adam pecked her lips one more time, and they made their way inside. All the while completely unaware of the the person that had been following them for six block now.
Hailey made her way into the dark house, dropping her bag by the front door. She headed to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on any lights on the way. She was pretty shaken up from earlier and was ready to sleep the whole day away. She heard a thud in the living rooma and immediately she cursed herself for not being smart enough to hit any of the switches she passed.
Her uncle was on shift all night at the firehouse and her aunt had plans with her work friends and would be home late. She slowly made her made towards the den, looking around herself constantly, she rounded the corner, sure that she was just hearing things due to her newfound paranoia, but she was met with a dark figure. She tried to scream, but the wind was knocked out of her as the figure slammed her against the wall behind her. They gripped her neck, molding her body into the hard surface. She clawed at their hands, trying desperately to breathe, but they were too strong.
“Stop looking.” A voice growled in her ear before she was thrown to the floor. Oxygen finally filled her lungs and she coughed violently, giving whoever was there the chance to disappear as fast as they appeared in the first place. She held her throat, which felt like it was on fire.
She crawled on the floor, searching for her phone that had been lost in the one sided fight. The tears began to fall as she fumbled with her passcode, she then called the only person she could.
“Jay,” She forced out along with another sob.
“Hailey? What’s wrong?”
Hailey’s breathing began to pick up, “The-There was someone in my h-house and they attacked me. I-I can’t breathe.”
“I’m on my way.”
Jay didn’t hang up until he pulled up in front of her house. He broke several traffic laws trying to get back to her house. He burst through the unlocked door and ran through the house. “Hailey!” He called out, he followed the sound of cries and found her still on the ground holding her chest. “Hailey, Hailey breathe.” He said, pulling her into his arms. “You’re okay, you’re safe.”
Hailey felt herself wrapped in his warmth, she finally felt like she could breathe again. She focused on his steady, but fast, heartbeat, trying to match her breath to it like she had learned. It had been so long since she had had a panic attack. Little did Jay know, that wasn’t the first time sh had been strangled and it definitely wasn’t the first time she had ended up on the floor sobbing. Eventually, Hailey reluctantly pulled herself away from him. “Thanks.” She said, casting her gaze on the floor.
“Of course.” He said, standing. He began to pace around the room, looking for anything the attacker might have left behind. He turned to her. “Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“No!” She exclaimed, maybe a little too aggressively. “I’m fine, I was more scared than anything.” Jay eyed her like he didn’t believe her, but she ignored it. “Should we, um, call the police?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Then no, we can’t risk  them being another step ahead of us.” He explained, “We can’t trust anyone.”
Hailey nodded, playing with her fingers as she shifted uncomfortably. “Would you mind staying? Just until my aunt gets home.”
Jay cracks a slight smile, “Not at all.”
Hailey proceeded to turn on every light she could find, even though she felt much safer with Jay being there. She led him to the kitchen where she made a pot of coffee, they both needed it. They made small talk for the next few hours, neither of them wanting to veer into deeper water.
Somewhere close to midnight Trudy returned, surprised to find a Halstead sitting in her kitchen. Jay quickly bid his goodbyes, telling Hailey that he would pick her up in the morning. Trudy eyed Hailey as he walked out the door, but Hailey shook her head. The last thing she needed was her aunt thinking that she had something going on with her presumed dead best friend’s ex. That would be horribly messy. She made her way to her room, double checking the locks on all her windows. When she finally fell asleep, her door was open and all her lights were on. Which, little did she know, made it even easier to watch her.
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writingmyselfout · 3 years
Because I Could Not Stop for Death - Chapter Four
Language: English
Rating: Teen+
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Reptilia28′s Don’t Fear the Reaper Challenge, Manipulative Dumbledore, Black Hermione Granger, Slight Ron Weasley Bashing
Prologue 1 2 3
Chapter 4: Writing on the Wall
Summary: Off to Hogwarts
                                                                                                    2 August 1991
DEAR Draco,
Sorry if this is messy. I thought I’d practice writing with a quill. It’s easier than I thought it’d be, but messier to. I have to remember not to leave the tip on the paper or it leaves big smudges.
What was the name of the restorant restaurant we went to lunch to? The cake at that place was the best I’ve had! I hope the food at Hogwarts is that good too. I can’t wait for classes to start. I’ve been reading a few of the books in the meantime. I decided to name my owl Hedwig, after a witch I read about in A History of Magic .
Will you be taking the train too? If you aren’t already sitting with friends, maybe we can sit together? If that’s okay, of course. You’ll be the only person I know so far. If you’ve got other friends sitting with you already no worries. I guess I’m just nervous. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape told me about being famous, but I didn’t realize what they meant until I saw people’s reaction to hearing my name and seeing me. Do you think it will be the same at school?
Write back soon please!
Harry Potter
4 August 1991
Dear Harry,
Practice writing with a quill? Do you mean you’ve never used a quill before? What were you using to write until now?
The Copper Crup was the name. Mother would take me there for my birthday because their food is of much better quality than most of the others around. Of course, they have nothing on what our House elves can prepare at home, but it’s nice to go out sometimes, as Mother points out.
Mother and Father have said they have gotten me an owl from a breeder to take with me to Hogwarts. I haven’t seen him yet, but I think I’ll name him Vespid, after the most famous Wimbourne Wasps Beater.
Of course I’ll be taking the Hogwarts Express. All students have to take the train. Some of the others starting in our year I think expect me to sit with them since our parents are friends. Father probably wants me to, since their families are part of the Sacred 28. You can probably sit with us. Some of them are kind of dumb, though.
Did you really not know you are famous? Have you been living under a rock? Forget just school, or even England. Every witch and wizard in the WORLD knows who you are! They write an article about you every year in the Daily Prophet.
Draco Malfoy
                                                                                                    5 August 1991
They write a WHAT about me every year? What’s the Daily Prophet? Is that like a newspaper for wizards? I thought I was just a normal, non-magical kid for years. I live with non-magical family, and they don’t like to talk about magic. But after what you said, I looked at more recent years. Did you know I’m mentioned in our A History of Magic book? Only a small bit, I guess ‘cause they don’t know anything else, but it’s embaressing. Embarassing? I can’t remember how to write that.
I guess if you’re used to quills, maybe you’ve never heard of a pen? It’s what non-magical folks use. It’s a big of plastic with ink inside of it and a metal tip to write with. Or pencils, which is wood. I’ve sent one of each over for you ‘cause I think it’d be easier than trying to explain in writing.
It doesn’t sound like you like those other kids. Do you have to sit with them? Can we move seats during the trip? Maybe you can sit with them for a little while and then leave.
But what do you mean, their families are sacred? What are House elves? I remember what you said Beaters did, but who was Vespid? Sorry if my questions are dumb. There’s so much I don’t know. But if my questions bother you, I’ll stop asking them.
Harry Potter
8 August 1991
You live with Muggles? No wonder you don’t know anything! I can’t imagine growing up with no magic. How terrible. Lucky for you, I know all there is to know.
The Daily Prophet is the wizarding world newspaper. It gets delivered by owl every day. House elves are magical servants, but only older, more magical families have them. Most of the Sacred 28 do, anyway. The Sacred 28 are the oldest, pureblood wizarding families, and a lot of them are very important. None, of course, more than the Malfoys. Father is on the Board of Governors for Hogwarts, and he knows the Minister of Magic personally. Mother says that because of that, I must be careful with who I become friends with, as they might be trying to get close to me so their parents can get closer to Father, or because we’re wealthy.
It will probably be the same for you, since you’re famous. Mother said the Potters were very wealthy, too, when I asked. Did you inherit everything? Are you and your Muggles relatives living at the Potter estate?
Most importantly, we must do something about how little you know about Quidditch. Elric Vespid was a Beater for the Wasps something like 600 years ago. He hit a wasps’ nest so hard at the Appleby Arrows’ Seeker that he retired, and it’s why the team became known as the Wasps. I have sent over my favorite book, Quidditch Through the Ages. It will tell you all you need to know about the game. Mother says it’s polite to return gifts when you’re given something, so consider it a thanks for what you sent me. I have never seen a pen or pencil before. They’re strange. I think I prefer a quill.
If there’s no magic at your house, what do you do for fun?
Draco Malfoy
                                                                                                  11 August 1991
Hey Draco,
Thank you for the book! I’ve read it all. I can’t wait to see a real game.
Muggles aren’t all bad. But you should probably never meet my family. They are pretty terrible. If they’re the first Muggles any witch or wizard meets, they’d never want to meet another ever again and I wouldn’t blame them. They’re the worst, really. But my mum’s parents were Muggles, and I’ve mostly only known Muggles.
Wow, is your dad really that important? You must’ve been surprised when I didn’t know who you were then! It sucks you have to worry about people being friends with you only ‘cause of your dad or your family’s money. I hope we can both make friends who don’t care and just want to be our friends ‘cause they like us , you know?
As for what my parents left me, I actually only found out at Gringotts right before meeting you that they left me a lot of money. I had no idea before, but I guess technically, I am wealthy now? But I don’t know anything about an estate. I tried to ask my aunt and uncle, but like always, they didn’t really give me an answer. I think they don’t actually know, ‘cause if they knew about how much money they’d left me, I’m sure they’d have tried to take it. My uncle actually said my dad wouldn’t have had anything to give me worth writing a will for. Can you believe it? I decided not to tell them anything. Maybe the professors can help me look into it.
How cool would it be to find out there’s some big ol’ house somewhere they left me?
Harry Potter
   With letters to read and respond to every few days, the month of August flies by for Harry. It helps that aside from when he first came by and his aunt informed him he was to move his things to the upstairs spare bedroom, his family has mostly ignored him. Their daily interactions were limited to letting him know meals are ready, and one time when Uncle Vernon told Harry to stop letting his owl come in and out of the bedroom before the neighbors noticed. Hedwig was less than pleased with the restriction, but Harry opts to avoid any issues by only letting her out at night.
   Draco’s letters were an insight into the world he would be entering in a way that reading through his books could not provide.Occasionally, his comments about Muggles or Muggle-borns, directly or what seems to be implied, make him pause. Harry tries to avoid complaining about the Dursleys once he notices, because he doesn’t think it helps his case when he tries to explain to Draco that Muggles aren’t all bad.
   After all, Harry isn’t exactly Muggle-born, but his mother was, and he feels like he may as well be when he grew up knowing nothing about magic. It makes him wonder if others think the same, or if maybe Draco grew up in a family similar to the Dursleys in that they hated people who were different. It meant either having an entire world that might think less of his mom if she were alive, or having a friend who might have a lot more in common with his dreaded cousin than he’d hoped. Harry prefers to not worry about it now and just enjoy having someone his own age to talk to for the time being.
   He’ll worry about everything else once school begins.
DRACO wakes up on the first of September practically vibrating with excitement, and much earlier than needed, as the sun is only just beginning to lighten the sky outside his window. It’s not as large as the one in his room back at Malfoy Manor, but this residence is in London, and therefore much closer to King’s Cross Station, where he’ll need to be in a few short hours. He calls for a House Elf to ready a bath for him and is a whirl of movement as he double checks his trunks to ensure that nothing was forgotten when the House Elves finished packing it the night before. They didn’t, of course, but he needs to move, to do something, or he feels like he might explode.
   He’s been waiting his whole life to go to Hogwarts. He’s imagined grand adventures and wow-ing other students with his natural talents at magic and Quidditch, and winning the House Cup for Slytherin for the next seven years. Sure, now that he knows he’ll be going to school with the Harry Potter, he realizes that maybe he won’t be the most popular, but he’s basically made the most famous kid in school his best friend before anyone else has even met him! So they’ll just be the most popular students together.
   The Malfoys had hosted an end of summer party to celebrate the incoming class of Slytherins a week before the term was to begin. Such get-togethers was really an excuse for the parents to talk privately of whatever matters adults spoke of, while the children basically bragged and attempted to ingratiate themselves with whoever their parents had told them to, often those present considered one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, or pestered the older among them to tell them more about Hogwarts.
   This specific gathering had only those whose families had children of Draco’s age and would be attending Hogwarts for the first time. Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, Vincent Crabbe, Theodore Nott, Gemma Runcorn, and Daphne Greengrass--with her little sister Astoria in tow--were all expected to be sorted into Slytherin with Draco. They talked about what they expected based on information gleaned from older Slytherin students they knew, or some of the wild rumors they couldn’t seem to get confirmation or denial about, such as the Sorting being a test of skills. It quickly devolved into comparing the quality and price of the things they would be bringing to school.
   “Did you know,” Pansy suddenly piped up, interrupting Daphne Greengrass bragging about robes she’d gotten in Paris over the summer for school, “that Harry Potter is supposed to be starting this year too?”
   A new round of rumors and speculations they’d overheard from their parents were shared. Draco had been tempted to tell them that he had met the famous Boy Who Lived, the elusive child celebrity no one had ever seen. At least not accurately. The Daily Prophet had an artist rendering every year when they ran their anniversary article about the end of the Wizarding War, but the only description that anyone knew to be accurate was the lightning bolt scar on Harry Potter’s forehead.
   Instead he had kept it to himself, thinking it would be much funnier to present his good friend Harry Potter to them all on the Hogwarts Express. Imagining their expressions had delighted him, and as he gets ready, still brings a grin to his face. It helps to pass the time, which seems to drag on as he waits for it to be time to leave. Once his parents are awake and breakfast is served, though, it seems to be no time at all before they are at the station.
   They aren’t the first ones there, although he thinks if he had rushed his parents through breakfast, they might have managed it. Draco is certain his mother, who would normally only allow them to be either promptly on-time or fashionably late, is indulging his excitement. Being early means he practically has his pick of compartments. He opts for one in the middle, the House Elf that accompanied them puts his trunk in the compartment for him before disappearing back to Malfoy Manor, and then he goes to say goodbye to his parents. He allows his mother to fuss over him, smoothing his hair back and adjusting his robes as he tries not to impatiently look around. Even his parents are in for a surprise, as he has only told them that he’s been writing to the student he met at Diagon Alley with the Slytherin Head of House, Professor Snape, but not who that student is.
   The Malfoy family turns as one to the voice calling. Mr. Parkinson is heading over, wife and daughter in tow. He’s pushing a cart with two trunks, presumably Pansy’s. It’s left to one side as the parents start talking, and Pansy comes over to Draco’s side, asking if he’s picked a compartment and where, so she can go sit with him.
   Draco doesn’t particularly want to sit with any of the girls he knows. For one, in his small experience, they tend to get bored with talk of Quidditch. For another, the compartments look like they’d fit about four to six comfortably, which means there’s just enough room for him, Harry, Theodore, and likely Vincent and Gregory, and still be able to sit one more. But if Pansy joins them, she’ll want at least one other girl to come, and then they’ll be over by one or squished in together.
   So he lies. ““Somewhere towards the front.” He makes a vague gesture, glad that his mother, if she notices, doesn’t correct him even though he knows she kept an eye on where he went when he boarded. Narcissa Malfoy always knows where Draco is at all times.
   Pansy nods her head, intercepting Crabbe and Goyle when they head over to get their help with her trunk. Ordering them, really, and Draco realizes that since she got to them first, they don’t know where he’s really sitting. Ah well, he’ll have to try to catch them on their own otherwise they’ll just have to sit with Pansy the whole trip.
   Hoping to catch Theodore before Pansy does so he can at least give him the right compartment, he suddenly catches sight of a familiar figure coming through the barrier from the Muggle side of King’s Cross station.
   “Oh, he’s here!” Draco announces, catching the attention the adults with the outburst. Before either of his parents can react, Draco is off, weaving his way through the crowd.
   Harry is moving slowly, pushing the cart with his heavy trunk and his caged owl, fascinated with the sight before him. He’d known, logically, that the professors wouldn’t have lied to him about how to get to the platform. It hadn’t prevented him from feeling like he was going to crash into a solid wall and cause a scene as he moved towards the barrier. He’s surprised and delighted to instead find a whole hidden section of the station. There are people all around, adults saying goodbye to their children, students greeting each other and gathering in small groups, and then there’s a blond boy standing in front of him, bringing Harry to an abrupt stop.
   “There you are,” Draco says by way of greeting. “What took you so long?”
   “Hey! We left a bit later than I’d hoped,” Harry explains. “It’s like a two to three hour drive for us. How’d you get here?”
   “We have a London residence,” Draco explains, his tone suggesting that this should be obvious. “And of course, with Father’s connections, we got a Ministry car to drive us. Come on then, my parents will want to meet you before we board.”
   Harry follows after Draco, slowing his steps when he gets a good look at the group awaiting them. He recognizes Mrs. Malfoy from the glimpse he got of her at Diagon Alley, and Draco’s practically the spitting image of his father, so it’s easy to figure out which is Mr. Malfoy. The rest of the adults, however, he can’t begin to guess who they are. What’s more, all eyes are on him and although he’d tried to remind himself that morning that this might happen once people realized who he was, there’s something distinctly unnerving about the way he’s being watched right now. They leave his cart by the train entrance, just to the side so as to not be in anyone’s way, and then Draco leads him over to the group watching them.
   “Mother, Father.” Draco stops in front of his parents. “This is the boy I met at Diagon Alley, Harry Potter. Harry, my parents Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.”
   “H-How do you do?” Harry mutters, trying to stand still under their scrutiny.
   “Why, Mr. Harry Potter. This is a pleasant surprise,” Mr. Malfoy says, smiling. It’s not a very friendly look. “How exciting for the students of Hogwarts to get to go to school with the wizarding world’s biggest hero.”
   Something about the way Mr. Malfoy says it makes Harry feel like he’s being insulted or mocked to his face. “I, uh, I should put my stuff on the train.”
   Harry forces a smile, and then starts to move towards the train. He’s sure it’s his imagination, but he is certain he can feel their gaze on his back and he’s distinctly uncomfortable. He has a hard time trying to explain to himself what it is about these adults that makes him want to flee, as it’s not quite the instinctual knowing he’s occasionally felt since the day he received his Hogwarts letter. But it’s close enough that, as trusting his instincts thus far with the wizarding world has turned out in his favor, he thinks he would be better off leaving their company as soon as possible.
   “Hold on.” Draco hurries after him. “Go right from here, and it’s the fourth one down. My trunks have the Malfoy crest on them.”
   He’s basically being ordered, which might have bothered him if he weren’t so desperate to get away right now. Harry instead just nods before he grabs Hedwig’s cage, deciding to get her inside first and moving the heavier trunk once he knows for sure where he’s going. Finding Draco’s trunk with his family crest, an image he’d grown accustomed to seeing pressed into the wax Draco used to seal his letters, was rather easy. He set Hedwig’s cage inside, and then went back to get his trunk. He pauses briefly before stepping out, hoping to avoid notice, but a group of students coming off the train block him from view for a few moments as they stand around just a few steps away.
   Quick as he can, he grabs his trunk and starts to try to single handedly drag it up. “Need a hand?”
   Harry looks over his shoulder to find a tall, lanky redhead. “Oh, uh, yeah. That’d be great.”
   The redhead looks back down the train and yells out, “Oy! Oy, Fred! C’mere and help!” Looking back at Harry, the boy waved him away before coming around to grab one end of the trunk. When another, identical redhead appears, he grabs the other without question and the two lift the trunk onto the train.
   Harry quickly follows, directing them over to the right compartment. There’s an eyebrow raised at seeing the crest on the trunks already there, but they simply lift Harry’s trunk before nodding at him.
   “There you go, firstie. All set.”
   “Thanks,” Harry replies, pushing his glasses up.
   He stands out of their way to allow them to leave the compartment, debating on whether to introduce himself or not. Before he can decide, one of them seems to take a closer look, hitting the other’s arm suddenly. “Hey, is that a scar? You wouldn’t happen to be--”
   Harry turns around briefly to see Draco approaching, but his attention is drawn back to the twins as one says, “Well, we’ll be off then!”
   “Oh, okay, bye!”
   “The train will be leaving soon,” Draco tells Harry, eyes watching the twins leave for a moment before looking over at him. “I only saw a few of my friends, so I think they might be sitting with Pansy. I told her I was towards the front so she wouldn’t sit with us, but I think she told them the same, so they might be with her.”
   Harry frowns a little, thinking he doesn’t want to have to try to move his trunk. “Did you want to move over to where they are?” he asks.
   “Hm, no,” Draco responds after a moment’s consideration. “I’ll tell them I’m back here, see if they want to move. Do you want to come with me to find them?”
   “I think I’ll sit with Hedwig, I don’t think she’s used to all this activity yet.” It’s an excuse, when really Harry just doesn’t think he’s up for another group of people staring at him just yet, but when he looks over at his owl she seems to understand and starts flapping her wings and hooting loudly. “I should probably sit with her until she’s calmed down.”
   Draco shrugs. “Suit yourself. I’ll be back.”
   Harry closes the compartment door, goes and then sits down, reaching a finger into Hedwig’s cage to stroke her head. “Thanks.”
   She hoots at him once in reply before settling down. Harry turns to look out of the window, the panel above open so he can hear the sounds of the crowd of parents and students, many of them starting to say their goodbyes. The platform is starting to clear, an indication that they’ll be departing soon. A flash of red catches his eye, and he sees a group of redheads, only just visible as they stand a little ways down from his compartment
   He thinks for a moment it might be one of the twins, but decides what he can see of them isn’t quite right. This boy is shorter, though the hair is the right shade. The woman standing with him speaks up, and Harry can hear them clearly.
   “All right, Ron, you be sure to behave. Listen to Percy and, what’s that on your nose? Come here.”
   A younger boy jerks into view as he pulls away from the woman. “ Mom , geroff!”
   The twins appear then, and with them standing together, Harry notes the resemblance. He listens to them joke and tease the younger boy, who grows obviously more annoyed and sullen with the teasing, and then yet another boy appears. He’s already changed into his robe with a badge on his chest, and the twins start to tease him about being a prefect as well. Harry thinks it’s rather nice, to come from a family close enough to tease like that, even if the twins’ siblings seem to be annoyed by it. The one already in his robes allowed their mother to kiss his cheek, said goodbye to someone outside of Harry’s line of sight, and then seemed to board again.
   That was when one of the twins said, “Oh, guess who we just met on the train, Mom?”
   “Harry Potter !”
   The one out of sight suddenly piped up, and it sounded like a little girl, her voice carrying as she loudly begged to be allowed on the train to see him. Harry leaned away from the window then, hoping to stay out of sight. How embarrassing would it be to be caught eavesdropping on them as they started to talk about him?
   “No, Ginny, the train is about to leave. You can’t get on,” the boys’ mother responded, cutting off the little girl’s begging. “Are you sure, Fred?”
   “Pretty sure,” was the response. “Saw a bit of a scar on his forehead. Malfoy’s kid called him ‘Harry’, too.”
   “Malfoy ?” The way the woman said the name made Harry frown automatically, not wanting someone to say anything bad about his only friend. Then he remembered Lucius Malfoy’s smile and thought perhaps, if that’s who she was thinking of when she said it, the reaction might be warranted. “Are they friends, do you think?”
   “Who knows? Maybe they just met? Anyway, we should be getting on, Mum. We’ll know for sure during Sorting. Who knows? Maybe he’ll be a Gryffindor!”
   “Be sure to let me know,” she tells them. “Try to befriend him if he is, okay? Poor thing, being an orphan raised goodness knows where or with who, he could probably use all the friends he can get.”
   Harry decides to close the window, distinctly uncomfortable with hearing the obvious pity, and not particularly interested in hearing any more. Especially since the little girl starts to cry, half-pleading and half-demanding to be allowed to go with her brothers or at least be allowed to get on and see Harry. It sounds like the beginning of a tantrum, at least in his experience based on his cousin’s tried and true methods, so he is relieved that closing the window prevents him from hearing the rest of it.
   What he is able to hear, loud and clear, is the train's whistle as it goes off to announce their departure. Outside, it looks like there are no more students on the platform, instead just a few parents and younger siblings, waving at students in other windows before leaving or waiting to see the train off.
   The door to the compartment opens as the train starts to move, and the youngest of the redheads is standing there. He’s taller than he appeared while standing outside, Harry notes absently. Ron, as they’d called him, starts to back out with an apology when he suddenly stops, staring at Harry.
   “Are you him?” he asks.
   Harry blinks at him for a moment, surprised. “Who?”
   “Harry Potter?”
   “Oh, him. I mean, yeah, that’s me.”
   His eyes go over to the trunks, and he frowns. Harry follows the direction he’s looking at and realizes it’s Draco’s trunks that have drawn that reaction. “I’m Ron Weasley. Are you really friends with the Malfoys’ kid?” Blue eyes lower again to meet Harry’s gaze. “You shouldn’t be, you know. Just warning ya, they’re-”
   “We’re what?” Behind Ron stands Draco, arms crossed, scowling.The redhead half turns, still standing in the compartment doorway.
   “Draco’s my friend,” Harry interrupts before either can say anything. “So can you step aside so he can come sit down?”
   Draco doesn’t wait for the other to obey, basically shoving him aside to come in and sit across from Harry. He gives him a smug look, crossing his arms as he waits to see what he’s going to do. He knows this kid’s type, trying to ingratiate himself with someone better than him. Clearly, he thinks, Harry can spot the type too.
   “Weasley, you said, right?” Draco drawls. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
   The stubborn look that comes over the other’s face makes Harry think that this might turn into a bigger confrontation when one of the twins comes by. “There you are, Ron. Are you bothering people?”
   “Yes,” Draco announces instantly, frowning at seeing another redhead.
   “Really, Ron, can’t leave you alone for a second.” The other twin appears, grabbing the youngest sibling by looping an arm around his neck and dragging him back away from the door. “Come on, you. You’re with us; Mum’s orders.”
   “We didn’t introduce ourselves earlier,” says the remaining twin. “I’m Fred Weasley, that was George--” the other twin, clearly still within earshot yells a hello “--and that was our brother Ron. Our fault for telling him Harry Potter was here. He’s not used to meeting famous people. Consider him an overzealous fan.”
   Harry blushes at the reminder. “Uh, no, no worries. Nice to meet you. Thanks for the help earlier.”
   “No worries.” George waves a hand dismissively. “We’ll see you later. Oy, Fred! You just passed our compartment!”
   The compartment door is closed behind them, and Draco shakes his head. “Weasley, the youngest one, clearly wanted to be friends with you because you’re famous. Like I wrote you, you’ll run into those types all over. Who knows, maybe the twins were in on it too.”
   “You think?” Harry considers it for a moment then shrugs. “George and Fred seemed nice even before they knew who I was earlier. As for their brother, well, I just don’t like people talking about my friends. Or telling me what to do. If he wanted to be friends, he should’ve just said so.”
   Draco is surprised at Harry’s reasoning, and starts laughing. “You’re weird, you know that?”
   “What happened with your friends?” Harry asks when Draco’s done laughing.
   “Ah, I ran into Theodore. Pansy convinced them I’d be sitting with her so they sat in her compartment. I told him we’d be back here, but it’s fine. They were being rather loud anyway. And this way, we don’t have to worry about Crabbe and Goyle trying to steal any snacks we buy. They’re always hungry.”
   “Their names are Crabbe and Goyle?”
   “Family names,” Draco clarifies.
   “Why do you call some of them by their first name and some by their last?”
   “Ah, it’s considered polite to only address those you’re close with by their first name, and everyone else by their last name.”
   “Oh, so when I wrote you that first letter, it should have said ‘Malfoy’ instead of ‘Draco’?” Harry wonders aloud.
   Draco shrugs. “Well, yes, but it’s fine. I realized since you were raised with Muggles, you probably didn’t know any better.”
   “I think it’s less because I grew up with Muggles, and more that your family is super upper class,” Harry argues. “That sounds like the kind of rule rich people have.”
   “Hm, maybe.” Draco thinks it over, never having thought of it like that. “Although,” he points out after a moment, “didn’t your parents leave you a bunch of money? So you’re rich, too.”
   “Honestly, I still forget,” Harry admits. “I’ve never really had my own money to buy whatever.”
   There was a knock on the door and then a woman opened the compartment door with a dimpled smile asking if they wanted anything from the cart she was pushing.
   Draco grins. “Well, here’s your chance to spend some, then.”
   Harry jumps up, more than a little hungry after skipping breakfast, only to realize he wasn’t familiar with any of the snacks on offer. “Wow, I’ve never seen any of these.”
   “Are you joking?” Draco shakes his head, answering himself. “No, of course you’re not. We’ll just have to take some of everything then.”
   Harry insists on paying, and then dumps the giant load on the seat next to Draco, sitting on the same side so the snacks are piled between them. Draco insists on letting him have the box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, laughing loudly when Harry immediately eats a green one he’d assumed would be apple or lime flavored only for it to turn out to be grass. The Cauldron Cakes and Pumpkin Pasties are great follow-ups to recover from the strange jelly bean. When Harry opens a Chocolate Frog before Draco can explain it will jump, he’s so amused he opens a couple of the other ones, both of them laughing as the compartment is momentarily filled with half a dozen hopping frogs. All but one have stopped when the door opens and a round-faced boy is momentarily caught off guard when it suddenly jumps at him.
   “Trevor?” He pulls the treat off the front of his robe where it jumps and visibly deflates at seeing it’s just chocolate. “Oh, no. Have you seen a toad? I can’t find mine.”
   Harry shakes his head, smiling. “A toad? No. Sorry.” Draco shakes his head as well, and the boy leaves.
   Once he’s gone, Draco starts looking through the cards, showing them to Harry and explaining what they are when he realizes it’s yet another thing the Boy Who Lived knows nothing about. He’s highly amused at Harry’s surprise when, right before his eyes, Merlin stretches and then moves out of frame. But it’s Harry’s reaction to seeing the Albus Dumbledore, frowning down at it as he studies it, that piques Draco’s interest.
   “What is it?”
   Harry looks up at him, shrugging as he puts the card aside with the others he’d gotten. “Ah, no, I was just surprised. I’ve heard of Albus Dumbledore, but it’s the first I’m seeing of him.” Harry stops, wondering if he should explain the feeling of distrust that comes over him at hearing the name--and now seeing --Albus Dumbledore, but not quite sure how to explain himself. He has no frame of reference for what might be weird in the wizarding world, so he doesn’t know if this sense of déjà vu he gets is normal or not. “He’s older than I expected,” he finishes lamely.
   “He’s pretty famous too,” Draco informs him. “Father doesn’t like him.”
   Harry’s tempted to ask for more info but they’re once again interrupted by someone opening the door. The boy who’d asked about the toad is back, standing behind the girl who’d opened the door. She has brown skin, bushy brown hair, and brown eyes that look around the room, taking in both boys, the owl, and the pile of wrappers and uneaten snacks quickly before gazing back at the boys. When she speaks, her large front teeth stand out, and her tone is distinctively bossy, but something about her is so familiar that it takes Harry a moment to put together what she’s said.
   He is too busy realizing that the same sense he’d gotten from Draco back in Diagon Alley, that had prompted him to befriend him, is coming over him again twofold. Somehow, he knows that Draco might be his first friend, but this girl was going to be his best friend. He should probably look into why he gets these feelings at all.
   “Have either of you seen a toad? Neville’s lost one.”
   Draco sighs. “Harry already told him we haven’t. It’s just a toad anyway.”
   “Harry? As in Harry Potter?” the girl asks, eyes moving from Draco over to Harry. Blinking, Harry just nods. “I’m Hermione Granger and this is Neville Longbottom. I know all about you. You’re mentioned in our History of Magic book, of course, but I got some extra books for background reading and you’re in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts , as well as Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century .”
   Harry stares, surprised, looks over at Draco who shrugs, then back at her. “Am I?”
   “Didn’t you know? I’d have learned all I could if it were me,” she announces.
   “Yes, well, it’s not. Shouldn’t you be off looking for a toad?” Draco reminds her.
   Hermione frowns at Draco. “No need to be rude. Who are you?”
   “Draco Malfoy. We need to change since we’ll likely arrive soon, so leave already,” Draco orders.
   “Draco.” Harry shakes his head at him, then looks back at Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. “I’ll keep an eye out for the toad, but we haven’t seen ‘em.”
   “All right, thank you.” She starts to close the door, telling Neville, “Come on, let’s ask them down there.”
   “Longbottom’s family is one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight,” Draco says after they’ve left. “Granger, on the other hand, is probably Muggle-born . They really shouldn’t be letting any of them into Hogwarts, I think. Keep it in the old wizarding families.”
   “What?” Harry challenges. “Why does it matter?”
   Draco stares at him for a moment like he can’t believe he’s asking. “They’re just not the same! They’re not brought up to know our ways or anything.”
   “Neither have I,” Harry points out, then reminds his friend, “And my parents might have been a witch and wizard, but my mum was a Muggle-born. If she hadn’t been accepted at Hogwarts, my parents wouldn’t have met and I wouldn’t be here.”
   Draco is about to say something more to defend his point, but he closes his mouth with an audible click at this reminder. He wants to push back, make Harry understand why Muggle-borns just aren’t the same, but he can’t think of how to do so without sounding like he’s insulting Harry’s mother. If Harry got annoyed with Ron for seeming to insult Draco, a friend he’s only just made, chances are insulting his mum is a surefire way to make him angry.
   They change without exchanging another word, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Harry, wondering how he can get his friend to understand why his way of thinking is wrong. Draco, trying to think of a way to get through to Harry that pureblood witches and wizards are superior. It’s an awkward silence, and when they’ve finished changing, neither seems sure of what to say or how to change the subject. Finally, at a voice announcing they’re about to arrive and are to leave their luggage on the train, they decide to divvy up the remaining snacks and stuff them into their pockets.
   When the train stops, they shuffle out into the corridor and make their way onto the platform outside. The night is cooler here, farther up in the north, and Harry hopes they aren’t going to be outside for long. It’s with relief that he recognizes the booming voice calling for first years. When Hagrid spots him and greets him, Harry’s mood is instantly lifted.
   Draco is standing next to him still, and by the way he’s looking around Harry thinks he might be trying to find his other friends. He wonders if their brief friendship is due to be over already. Still, Harry nudges him and nods his head towards Hagrid and the lamp he’s holding as he calls the first years over before heading over. He doesn’t want Draco to think he doesn’t want to be friends anymore, but he also doesn’t know if now that he’s been reminded that Harry’s parentage isn’t as “pure” as his own, if he’ll want to stay friends. All he can do is act like he normally would and leave Draco to make his own choice.
   Hagrid leads them all down through a slippery dark path down to the edge of a large lake where they all get a glimpse of the castle for the first time. He gives them all a moment before announcing they’re to get into boats, keeping to 4 per boat, and he waves Harry over clearly to join him. When he reaches Hagrid, he’s holding up a toad he’s just found. Neville Longbottom cries out the toad’s name, rushing forward to claim the animal, and Hermione Granger comes following after him at a slower pace. It’s clear they’re going to also join Hagrid’s boat, and so Harry assumes even if he’d been inclined to join, chances are Draco will take one look at who else is there and opt to sit with his friends instead.
   It seems all the more certain when after getting in the boat, Harry spots Ron Weasley making a beeline for their boat to claim the last spot.
   So he’s surprised when Draco materializes in front of him, climbing in and muttering, “Mark my words, Potter. Longbottom is going to let that toad go and knock us all in the water trying to catch him.”
   “Hope you know how to swim then, Malfoy,” Harry answers with a grin.
   Then they’re off across the lake, making their way towards the glittering castle on the other side.
Story Notes:
Title is from a Pink Floyd song.
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oliviacookewrites · 3 years
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A secret santa gift for Yuri! @tesscthompson
In which Phoebe and Hesperis need to get out of their home town.  Their playlist can be found here
(there is a death tw through car accident in the fic and suicide tw in the first song)
It wasn’t even a week after high school graduation when Phoebe called up Hesperis, her home was a total drag and she couldn’t be around her parents anymore.  Phoebe had the brilliant idea that they go on a road trip across the country.  No real destination.  No real time frame.  Just the two of them for an unknown amount of time before Hesperis was going off to college.  Luckily for Phoebe, Hesperis was immediately on board and they made plans to leave the next day.
Phoebe arrived at Hesperis’s place with her beat up car that she had built herself.  Sure it wasn’t much to look at but it was her baby.  It was already stocked with luggage, maps, and countless food they could survive on the trip.  Hesperis was already out of the house ready to go as she ran over and gave Phoebe a kiss on both cheeks before loading her supplies into the car.
“Okay I made a playlist but you’ll just have to trust me on this.”  Phoebe started as soon as they sat down and pulled out of the driveway.  “But you have full veto powers, as always.”  It was something that usually went unsaid, the two girls had vastly different tastes in music, so usually there were a lot of skips involved until they could finally decide on a middle ground.  The music started out blaring, heavy drum beats filling the shoddy stereo system at full volume.  The two had barely gotten to the chorus when Hesperis skipped it.  “Really Phoebe, it is way too much at this hour.  Nothing that heavy.” (see Note 1)  Phoebe didn’t protest, she thought it was a fair assessment.  The second song (see Note 2) started out much softer and seemed to be appropriate.  Looking over at Hesperis, Phoebe was quite proud to see her bobbing along with the song.  Phoebe knew what was coming though so towards the last verse she was staring straight ahead as the music got more heavy.  She didn’t have to look to her right to see Hesperis looking at her in mild disappointment.  “You tricked me.”  She said in a slight betrayal.
“I never stated that it would be like that the whole way through.  Anyway you have to admit that is a pretty good road trip song!”  Phoebe pointed out, a bit too smugly.
“I simply do not.  Your music is vetoed, we’re putting my playlist in.”  Hesperis was already unplugging Phoebe’s phone and replacing it with her own.  The music started up with the upbeat music but as soon as the voice came out Phoebe objected. (Note 3)
“That’s a veto for me.”  Phoebe said sadly.
“What?  It’s Taylor Swift!”  Hesperis said in horror.
“I know but that’s not the vibe for today!  We have to respect the vibes.”
Hesperis just sighed and continued on with her music.  If Phoebe was honest, Hesperis���s taste wasn’t bad at all.  Wasn’t her first choice but it was enough that they could both sing and jam together.  (Note 4)
Roads started to blend together and hours passed as the girls were just enjoying the open road.  Phoebe always felt the most comfortable around Hesperis, it was like she just knew her better than anyone else.  Especially lately.  
As if on cue, Hesperis turned down the music slightly so she could be heard.  “Now I’m loving an impromptu road trip, don’t get me wrong.  But do you want to talk about why we needed one, Pheebs?”  It was clear in her voice that she was just waiting for a time to ask.  And Phoebe couldn’t blame her, if the situations were reversed she’d want to check in too.
“I just couldn’t be around them anymore.  They’re always sad, not that they don’t have a right to be, but I just couldn’t be in the house.  Especially on the anniversary.”
It went without saying.  It was about to be a year from when Phoebe had lost her twin brother in a car accident.  Sure Phoebe wasn’t the one driving, but she felt that she should have been.  Should have been the one to say that Phaedrus should slow down and not take the turns too fast just for fun.  But when the twins were together they tended to mix like fire and gasoline, always encouraging the bad behavior of the other.  Their parents blamed Phoebe and honestly Phoebe blamed herself too.  The only person who didn’t seem to blame Phoebe was Hesperis.  They were close beforehand, which stunned almost everyone in town -- they weren’t exactly slated to be in the same friend group.  But after the accident they had gotten even closer.
Hesperis didn’t say much after that, she just reached out to hold Phoebe’s hand.  Hesperis knew that Phoebe wasn’t much to talk about her emotions, but the one act meant the world to Phoebe.  “I’ve been thinking.”  Hesperis started.  “We could get an apartment together once school starts.  I know you don’t have plans for college, so why don’t we just get a place and live together?  I’m sure it’ll be cheaper than room and board anyways.”
Phoebe almost started crying on the spot.  That was another reason she wanted to go on an indefinite road trip.  The idea of being without Hesperis was too much and she wanted to make memories last forever.  “I’d really like that.  There’s a mechanic’s place nearby that’s actually hiring.  I hate to say I already looked it up but didn’t know how to bring it up to you.”  She said sheepishly.  And without another word from the two of them, the matter was settled just like that.
Another hour or so passes before they have to turn into a gas station to refuel.  It was in the middle of nowhere but the girls were desperate.  They got out and were greeted by a young attendant with a scar on his face.  “Well greetings and salutations, we don’t get much new visitors here.”  He said as kindly as he could.  
“And where exactly is here?”  Hesperis said.  When it came to outsiders, Hesperis was usually the one to speak up first.  Phoebe didn’t mind it, she knew she wasn’t exactly the most charming to new people.  She tended to be blunt and say things in ways she didn’t mean.  
“The fine city of Meletis!  Well the outskirts of it.  If you go about five miles down the road here you’ll hit the center of town.  Lots of fine shops if you’re interested.”
The girls hummed in a non-committed answer.  Phoebe filled up the old beat up car while Hesperis went inside to look around.  After she was done, Phoebe joined her.  They both were playing around at the sunglass turnstyle, debating on if shutter shades were Phoebe’s style, and got some slushies to go.  Phoebe even picked up a glizzy much to Hesperis’s concern that she would get sick.  “I’ve got it this round.”  Phoebe offered, knowing full well she was going to try to pay for every round after that as well.  Hesperis went out as Phoebe patiently waited by the cash register for the attendant to come back and ring her out.
It wasn’t long before Hesperis was back in the store.  “Pheebs?  Where’s the car?”  In a more panicked tone than she normally takes.
Phoebe immediately turned around in alert and ran out of the store with her slushie in tow.  She saw for herself that her own crappy car was nowhere in sight.  “Why would anyone take my car?  It barely runs!”  Phoebe said in major distress.  Now they were abandoned in the middle of nowhere with just a couple of slushies and a glizzy to their name.
“Dammit!”  Phoebe shouted in anger as she slammed down her slushie.
Now one slushie to their name.
“Wow like, you dropped your slushie.  That’s a bummer.”  An unfamiliar voice called out as they noticed they weren’t the only ones in the parking lot anymore.  An open top jeep holding three passengers was idle as they all stared at each other.
Note 1: this track is the first track of the playlist (please be warned there is suicide tw in the song)
Note 2: naturally this is the second track of the playlist
Note 3: third track in the playlist
Note 4: they continue on with the playlist with no objection from either of them
Note 5: the last song is sung partly by Tessa Thompson 👀👀👀👀
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Happy (Extremely late) Birthday to Wrench
A/N: Unfortunately, I had lost so much steam in the middle of writing this, that’s why it may seem either a bit rushed or uninspired. School had me fucked up. But, I should have a short break now so that’s good. (Also my birthday is next month and i had an idea for a sequel before it was even finished so i wanted to get this out,,,,,)
Wow, it’s your boyfriend’s birthday today… 
Man, it’s almost been 3 years since you joined the San Francisco branch and almost 6 years since you’ve joined Dedsec. Shit. Time sure does fly. 
Anyways, since Wrench loves to tell everyone that his birthday is on April 1st, you and him have his actual birthday all to yourselves. 
You really gotta top what he did for you last year. 
But, fuck, what can top that little robot sibling for Wrench Jr he foundly named after you?
Well, almost nothing. Even the spikiest of anarchists have a soft spot for homemade food and a lacey dessert. 
Currently, you were at the local supermarket shopping for the gratuitous amount of ingredients you planned for today. Wrench was currently “borrowing” some spare parts from Haum’s trucks, so that's gonna buy you some time to prep everything. Welp, time to put your wifey skills to the test. You have been staying at his place for quite a while now. Just the two of you in the apartment. 
Like… A married couple.
Your face matched the bunches of strawberries in your hand. Being married… Wouldn’t be completely awful. Especially with Wrench.
You shook your head, you have a two person birthday party to plan!
And anyway, you two were still a bit early in the relationship to be even considering marriage.
Did you really grab that much food? Best to prep everything when he’s showering, a hot meal is way better than a cold, soggy one. Well, the pie is gonna take a while so, that’s been prepped first.
And for the final touch… 
His favorite lacey, white lingerie babydoll you own. Worn just underneath your normal clothes, oh so easily concealed. You heard a familiar set of firm knocks on the front door. Well, speak of the devil. Opening the door, instead of being faced with Wrench’s chest, large Haum boxes messily stacked ontop of eachother greeted you instead. With a familiar set of ripped jeans behind said boxes. And a small puddle collecting on the wooden floor boards.
“Hey, babe! Can you help me get these boxes in? Cops were on my ass out there, had to hide under a bridge to even throw them off.” You chuckled as you took the boxes from his damp hands and placed them on an empty table top. Now that your vision was unobscured by boxes, you could see your studded, masked hacker was unhooded, revealing his damp, messy hair and an annoyed expression glitching out on his mask.
“Dammit, so much water got into it!” To prove his point, as he tilted his head the water flowed out of the mask like a water pitcher.
“Okay okay, I get it Nemo probably got in it now, get changed so you don’t get his friends in the place too!” Wrench’s mask gave you a glitched out wink as he pressed his forehead against yours before heading to the shower. “Oh! And come by the kitchen when you’re done!” 
“Will do, babe!”
While he was occupied with cleaning up and probably cleaning up his mask, that buys you more than enough time to cook.
So, fried rice is almost done along with the barbeque pork then once your boyfriend is all dried out, the strawberry crumble should be finished! You plated a bowl for him and yourself and he should be coming out right about--
“Hey, babe-- Holy shit that smells great, did you cook or little ol’ me?” You giggled as you felt him wrap his arms around your waist- Oh! You jumped a bit at the cold feeling of his lips on your neck. 
“My favorites too? Shit, babe. Half the time I swear I printed you out at the hackerspace and I’m just gonna wake up sleeping next to that cat-unicorn-dildo gun.” You tilted your head to give him a sweet kiss, smiling as you got a better view of his unmasked face.
“All real and still surprised you managed to create that abomination.”
“Hey, it gets the job done.”
“If the job was to shoot a dildo into a cop’s mouth like a tee-shirt cannon, then yes it does.” 
“You gotta admit, babe. He had it cummin’.” You snorted at his dumb joke before giving him another peck on the lips.
“Let’s eat, you dork.” 
You two binged Alien movies as he held you on his lap. Everything felt so toothrottingly sweet, you didn’t even need the pie for it. Speaking of, after you two finished your dessert, it was time for a second round of dessert.
Needless to say, you two had a wonderful night together.
“Happy birthday, Sweetheart.” You nuzzled your face into his barred, tattooed chest.
“I’m gonna have to up you on your birthday now, huh?” You had a big smug smile on your face that spoke volumes before giving him another kiss.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Seriously.”
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mizeliza · 4 years
So, I’m reading Jane Eyre for a class and was wondering why you like the novel? Currently, I’m struggling to get through it, finding the language to be almost disorienting and alienating and Rochester to be unlike able.
You’ve opened a can of worms here because I truly do love Jane Eyre but I am also painfully aware that it is my problematic fave - there are a lot of things that are morally unacceptable by today’s standards in it and yet. And yet. 
I’ve tried to mostly keep this spoiler free, because you seem to be in the middle of the book, but the book has been out for 173 years, and many of the things I have say have to do directly with it’s major plot points and eventual ending. For the most part I’ve tried to be vague, but that isn’t always possible, if you care about spoilers, consider yourself duly warned. And if anything is too vague and you need a better explanation with more details, feel free to message me or send in another ask! As you’re about to see I love talking about Jane Eyre lol
Addressing your issues first:
If the language doesn't work for you, unfortunately you’re just going to have to struggle through it. It’s old and that was the style. I first read Jane Eyre for my 11th grade English class and to this day all my friends from that class refer to long, long sentences as Charlotte Bronte sentences. I don’t mind them, but I am also prone to long, long sentences in both my personal and academic work so. But I can definitely see how that could be a barrier for people. If you don’t have to go too deep into annotations or tracking for the class, it’s okay to skim a lot of the longer paragraphs in order to get to more of the action.
Rochester is very unlikeable, but I think that’s sort of the point, he’s one of the original brooding older men that don’t get on with anyone but that somehow has eyes for the young heroine - he sees in her what no one else does and falls in love with her for it. It’s a trope I associate a lot with 2000s/v early 2010s YA novels, and at this point it’s tired and admittedly creepy, but this was part of the origin of it, and I think that’s why it works for me. 
Side note - If at the end of it you want to really hate Rochester, read Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, which is about colonialism and feminism and Bertha Mason and Rochester, during which he definitely comes off worse than in Jane Eyre and she gets to be more than the originator of a very different trope, but make sure to get a version with footnotes or you will be very lost 
There are a ton of other problems with it, which I won’t go into, simply because it would take lots of time and lots of space and that isn’t what you asked for.
So back to why I love Jane Eyre:
I once saw it described as the first YA novel and I think that’s a pretty succinct way of looking at it. It’s definitely a coming of age story - from Jane escaping her abusive family members to an even worse boarding school, to her entering into the wider world for the first time, eventually leaving even though she’s in love because she refuses to compromise her morals - more on that later, getting to explore herself and her purpose in life outside of having to worry about her physical, mental, or moral survival, standing up for herself and again refusing to compromise her beliefs, and then, finally, upon realizing what she really wants in life - with the obstacles conveniently removed by fate - she returns on her own terms and gets to live happily ever after. Upon first reading it, as I mentioned above with Rochester, I noticed a lot of aspects that were very familiar to me - several of my annotations in the copy I read for school are just “wow this is just like in harry potter” - but again, they were new at the time. Anyway I just love narratives of women growing up and discovering themselves and chasing after what they want, I just think they’re neat.
I much prefer the first half? 2/3? of the book, up until she leaves Rochester and goes walking across the moors (so dramatic! and yet, what an absolute mood, if I had a moor to wander across in a forlorn state after leaving the person I love because I refused to compromise myself for them I would also go for it and end up half-dead on the doorstep of strangers) than afterwards, when she’s living with the Riverses, simply because I find them boring, especially St. John (whose name is pronounced Sinjin, which infuriated half my English class). Even though I am too afraid to watch or read true horror, I love the concept of a good ambiguously haunted isolated gothic mansion, and Jane Eyre delivers that. 
Which brings me to one of my favorite things about the book, I gave a presentation on it in my English class, which I am now realizing was four years ago which is terrifying, what I call the “almost supernatural.” Jane Eyre is filled with things that could be supernatural that aren’t - the Red Room, where Jane is filled with fear at the thought of a ghost, when she first meets Rochester and at first mistakes Pilot the dog for a gytrash, then thinking the house is haunted when strange things start happening, when it turns out to have been a person all along, if not the one everyone told her it was, and even arguably Jane herself, who Rochester refers to as a fairy multiple times. She wants so badly to believe in the supernatural, and strange and interesting things keep happening around her, and even though they’re terrifying, I’ve always gotten sort of an air of disappointment from her when it’s revealed that they’re just normal things. And then, at the very end of the book, something supernatural actually does happen to her, and it’s glossed over like the fact that what happens is physically impossible doesn’t even matter to her, after wanting things to be supernatural the whole book, because she finally knows what she really wants and has the capacity to chase after it. 
Finally, I will always take the chance to talk about how I think Jane Eyre is a feminist narrative, and am always willing to argue my point. 
By the middle of the book, Jane is in love with Rochester, and he is in love with her, he’s proposed and they’re somewhat happy together, but the situation always feels a bit off to Jane. She still doesn’t really value herself at this point, and he wants to give her nice and expensive things, and she also still feels the power dynamic - she’s an 18-year-old, possibly 19-year-old at this point? I don’t remember all the dates/times, adult but v young, governess and he’s her what, mid thirties at the youngest? rich, land-owning employer. There’s a huge power dynamic there on multiple levels, and unlike earlier, during their talks in the library where she openly calls him ugly and teases him back, at this point because of the changed social dynamic between them because of their engagement and her feelings of inadequacy because of their positions in society, made very clear by Miss Blanche Ingram (another trope that Jane Eyre helped make popular - the single father marrying the governess), Jane no longer feels like she can criticize him. While before, especially while alone, they were on more or less equal footing, she is now all too aware of how unequal they are and she shrinks a bit because of it. Somewhat ironically, Jane has very little agency between her assertion of her agency - “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will” - and her leaving Rochester, during that time she basically lets things happen to her while being somewhat bewildered about them. 
And then. And then the truth about Rochester and Thornfield is revealed, and they can no longer be married. And he offers to go away with her, to where no one knows them, to live in sin as husband and wife even though they can’t be actually married. And Jane sticks to her principles. She believes that that’s wrong and she refuses, and rather than be tortured by either the betrayal of her principles or the knowledge that he’s there and loves her and she can’t have him, she leaves. She takes only what she already owned, leaving behind everything he gave her. She finally exerts her agency again, and from then on, she keeps exerting it. 
While with the Riverses, she makes her own choices, and her own money, and again refuses a marriage that she feels isn’t right and that doesn't align with her beliefs - this time, she chooses not to marry because neither of them are in love. She rejects what St. John sees as her duty, including what can be seen as rejecting a closer relationship to god and god’s work, when god was the reason for her rejection of Rochester in the first place. Even though I think this part of the book is the most boring, Jane stands up for herself a lot more here, and she asserts herself as a person who values herself, and maybe I should reread it lol. And then, after refusing St. John and asserting her value outside of marriage, and with herself now financially secure and able to be on equal footing, socially, financially, romantically, with Rochester, then she returns to him so that they can have an equal relationship - which it would not have been before. 
I hope this was satisfying to you, even though (like Jane Eyre) it is very long and somewhat rambley, and I hope that I manage to improve your experience of the book! Please feel free to send me any responses or other commentary that you have because as shown I really do love to talk about it :)
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dear-selena · 5 years
Sketchbook (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader): Chapter 3
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Female)
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | ?
Summary: (Y/N) never understood science based subjects, despite putting all her efforts into studying them. Kids at school bullied her, her father, Tony Stark, was disappointed in her, and the Avengers looked the other way. Peter Parker, her best friend and secret crush for almost two years, was always there supporting her when she needed someone. However, since he became an Avenger and her dad’s ‘favorite kid’, (Y/N) doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be around.
You find yourself struggling to exist with everything working against you, and instead of asking others for help, you turn to your sketchbook.
Warnings: Depression, suicidal ideations, angst central.
A/N: Hello again! School is still crazy, but I’m so happy that I found the time to update this story! Thank you to everyone for being so supportive and patient with me. I can assure you that I have not forgotten about this story. I’ve been making mood boards because, well, I got bored one night and thought they’d be better than using random gifs of Peter that don’t relate to the story. 
Like I said before, my updates will be a bit sporadic, but I’m doing my best to write and update. Please stay patient with me. I can’t wait to share more of this story! 
Chapter 3: Unseen Potential
Words: 1935
Showers always feel nice, especially when you feel like you want to live. 
After stepping out of the shower and into your room, you put on your favorite (F/C) tank top and gym shorts. Taking out a long comfy cardigan, you wrap it around your body and smile at the warmth. 
After drying your wet hair, you step out of your room and make your way into the kitchen. Around this time, Vision always cooks something, and when he cooks, you eat well. Besides you were starving after all the energy you used training earlier, and you felt you deserved a good meal. 
However, your good mood didn’t last long. 
On your way to the kitchen, you spot your father and Natasha at the end of the hallway having an intense conversation. At first, you wanted to join the conversation, knowing that Natasha was talking about your successful training session. However, your father’s voice was rather harsh, making your stomach drop. 
Rounding the corner, you hide from their sight and listen in. “No! I will not allow her to do that.” You hear your father sternly say. 
“But Tony,” Natasha butts in. “(Y/N)’s been steadily improving, and today I think she made a breakthrough. I don’t want her breaking that momentum now. Pretty soon she’ll be mission ready-.” 
“(Y/N) is not going to be mission ready for a long time.” Your father practically shouts, making your heart drop to your feet. “I don’t want someone who can’t pass a simple science class out there risking their life. She’s not to train anymore.” 
“But Tony-.” 
“Natasha,” your father angrily sighs. “I don’t understand why my own daughter can’t pass her classes, but I know all these distractions are hindering her. So until she actually starts to study like she claims she does, she’s not going to train anymore.” 
Hearing your father and Natasha’s footsteps walking out of the hall, you quickly make your way back into your room. Slamming the door shut, you sob, sliding down the door until you’re sitting. You hoped your father would be proud of you. Hell, you hoped your father would have wanted to see you in action. But no matter what you did, it was never enough. No matter what good came in your life, it was always taken away. No matter how much you wanted your father’s love, he would never give it to you. 
What was the point in existing? 
Slamming your calculator on your desk, you push yourself away from your homework. 
After crying your eyes out, you decide to try and get some homework done. After all, that’s what your father wants. You were currently trying to tackle your algebra homework, but per usual, you kept getting the wrong answer, no matter what you did and how many math help sites you used on your laptop. 
The negative thoughts start to come to you head, wrapping your conscience in a blanket of fear. You couldn’t help but imagine what the compound would be like if you didn’t exist. Natasha wouldn’t have to waste her time training you with little results, Bucky could find someone his age to pick on, and your father could spend all his energy being proud of the son he wish was you. 
Thoughts of Peter suddenly came into your mind, but instead of being pleasant like they usually were, they were rather scary. You saw Peter staring at you in disgust, practically mocking you for your pathetic mind. Peter stopped hanging out with you and started befriending prettier, smarter girls at Midtown, leaving you friendless. You even saw him taking over your own bedroom, kicking you out of the compound and acting as if you never existed to begin with. 
Everything hurt. Your head, your heart, and your soul. 
Trying to snap out of it, you sit on the floor leaning against your bed, go into your backpack and find your sketchbook, the air returning to your lungs as you held the moleskin. Looking through your past notes, you find a poem you wrote when you felt a similar way weeks ago. 
Oh my lord, can you hear me? 
Chanting a stupid pathetic plea? 
Oh my lord, please I cry, 
Take me away from this worthless life. 
Reading these words fills you with an inspirational numbness, if that makes any sense. Turning to a blank page in your sketchbook, you find your pencils, pens, and colored charcoal, and begin to draw. 
After what felt like an hour, you hear a knock at your door. “Come in,” You say, not looking up from your work. 
When the door opens, you finally stop what you’re doing, and look up to see Peter, smile on his face and a bowl in his hands. “Hey (Y/N),” you couldn’t help but send him a small smile. “I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some of Vision’s food.” 
Peter sits down next to you and hands you a bowl full of pasta. There were meatballs and veggies cooked into the sauce, making your mouth water. You didn’t realize how starving you were. 
Glancing at your hands, you put the bowl on the floor. “Thanks Peter, I’m going to go wash my hands,” you say showing them off and revealing the massive color stains from the charcoal. Peter simply chuckles and nods his head. 
Getting up, you make your way to your bathroom and quickly scrub all the colors off your hands. When you return to your room, you see Peter looking through your sketchbook, a pleasant look on his face. You smile to yourself, liking the little attention he gave you. Normally, you were super protective of your book and its contents. Not even your father knew you owned it, as you bought it and all your art supplies on your own accord. But you felt comfortable sharing it with Peter, even though there were some questionable things in it (he never found the dark poems you wrote in it). 
Sitting back down next to him, you grab the bowl and immediately shovel the pasta in your mouth, practically moaning at the sensation. While you eat, you watch Peter look through your drawings. 
“Wow… (Y/N) these are incredible.” Peter says, his voice full of amazement. He was currently looking at some colored sketches you just did of clothes you designed for various climates, inspired by the weapon drafts you saw earlier in your father’s lab. “Your father and I were working on stuff like this today.” 
You nod, swallowing your food. “Yeah, I might have accidentally saw the drafts when I was in the lab today. I thought it would be cool to make matching outfits, I don’t know.” 
Peter smiles at you and looks back at your notes. “You have some really cool ideas written down to the clothes that we haven’t thought about yet,” he says, making you look back at your sloppy handwriting. “Gloves that adjust to the temperature of what you touch, clothing with a built in air conditioner.” 
You laugh at the silly ideas you had. “Those are stupid. I just wrote what I thought sounded neat.” 
“But (Y/N), they are neat!” Peter says, making you look at him confused. “And not only that, your drawings are absolutely amazing. I wish you would show your father these.” 
You start shaking your head vigorously. “That’s the last thing I want. If my dad finds out I’m doing things other than studying my butt off, he’ll make my life more of a living hell.” 
It’s Peter’s turn to be confused. “But they’re so good. I bet your father will love to take a look at these and maybe then you can spend time in the lab with us working on your designs-.” 
“I know that’s never going to happen,” You interject, stopping Peter in his little ramble. “He’s taking my training privileges away. Again. Even after I beat Captain America. 
Peter did a double take. “You best Captain America?!” 
You nod, softly smiling at the victory. “Yup, but that’s not enough to please my father.” Shaking your head, you look at Peter teary eyed. Nothing I do pleases him. Why waste more of his time?” 
Peters face goes from confusion to concern, a transition it always made when you start opening up your negative thoughts. “You’re not a waste of time (Y/N).” Peter reassures, putting an arm around your shoulders. You turn your face away from him, trying so hard to hide the blush. “Your father loves you, you know that right?” 
Bringing your knees close to you, you hold yourself closely, sighing in frustration. “No, he doesn’t. He never has.” 
Once again, negative thoughts start to form in your head, reminding you of how unfair everything feels in your life. Your father’s control over what you do absolutely destroys you, and you cannot do the one thing he asks of you to gain any of that control. 
Peter was definitely lying, trying to give you some sense of hope that you know is not there. You love him, but with all the time he spent with your father and the respect he continues to gain from the other Avengers, you can conclude that he doesn’t love you back, at least in the way that you wish he did. After all, you weren’t smart, and you couldn’t even train and fight beside him. Peter deserves someone special, someone who is worth something more than you ever thought you’ll be. 
Standing up and removing yourself from his grasp, much to your dismay, you clear your throat. “Hey, it’s getting late, I think I should just go to bed right now.” You say looking everywhere but his face. 
Peter stands up in front of you, cupping your chin and making your eyes meet his. His eyes were glistening, full of sadness and worry. What does he have to be worried about? “You do know you can talk to me (Y/N), right? I’m here for you.” 
It took all your strength to stay level-headed, as you were practically getting lost in his eyes. In moments like these, you wished you could confess your dark thoughts to him, tell him about the poems you wrote in your sketchbook, and how you wish everyday that you were no longer around. But you knew better than to admit these things to him. 
They’d definitely scare him away. 
“I know, thank you Peter,” You simply say, looking back down again. 
Peter was not satisfied with your answer, but knew that if he tried to force anything out of you, he’d get nowhere. Sighing sadly, Peter presses his lips to your forehead, causing you to look at him in confusion. He’s never done something like that before, but if you were being honest, it felt nice. 
After a quick goodbye, Peter left your bedroom, leaving you alone once again. In order to stop yourself from hopelessly day dreaming, you left your room to put the discarded pasta bowl back into the kitchen. Coming back into your room you quickly change into pajamas and crawl into bed, sketchbook in hand. Opening up to a clean page, you start drawing a light sketch of the one and only Spiderman doing one of his iconic heroic poses. No matter how much you knew he would never love you or how much you cared for him, you still saw him as a muse, someone to bring positivity in your dull, negative life. 
You wanted to embrace as much of him before he was gone.
-Sketchbook Tag List-
@randomfanders-blog // @freestarlight // @depressing-as-shit // @sweetmilki // @supernerdycookietrashblr // @supermassiveblackhope // @starksthunder // @multi-fandom-headcanons // @adri1ii // @futureauthor03 // @maddie-laufeyson // @thejourneyneverendsx // @noakantor14
-Peter Parker Tag List-
@sweetcoffeeblandtea // @house-arya // @jovialpeanut // @bookstoreblossom // @jackiehollanderr
-Permanent Tag List-  
@mindset-jupiter // @romance-geek // @imcharishope // @fakindob // @cutiekoa // @wowursofunny // @cals-cigarette
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spacegirlinorbit · 4 years
Fooling You? Series
Fooling You? Chapter 5: Leave it up to boys to ruin plans
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @treestarrrrrrrr
Fooling You Masterlist 
(All rights to HP universe belong to JK Rowling)
Chapter 5: Leave it up to boys to ruin plans
I woke up early this morning after having such a vivid dream I can barely remember now. I looked at my clock on my nightstand saying it was only 7 am. Lily said we are going to leave at 9 so I still had about an hour or so until I needed to get ready. So I quietly tried not to disturb the others as I went to the bathroom and got ready and change into some leggings I had grabbed from the chest and then grabbed a hoodie as well. I slipped them on along with some shoes and left the room. I made sure to grab my wand on the way out and had it sit in my hoodie pocket.
I made my way down the stairs and there was only a couple people in the commons and the head boy and girl of the school posting something on the board wall. 
“Goodmorning! y/n isn't?” The head girl, Michelle, I believe is what her name is asks.
“Yes, Goodmorning.”
“Ah, how are you adjusting?”
“Fine. Say is breakfast ready yet?”
“Oh yes. You know how to get to the Great hall?” She asks and I nod with a smile and bid her goodbye. 
I make my way out of the common rooms and towards the ever changing staircases. Once I missed my stop a couple times I finally hop off and make my way to the Great Hall feeling more hungry than before. I see that there is food spread about the tables like crackers and cheese, fruits, and various breads. 
The plates and cups are all aligned for every student who may come in. Since school doesn't start for another few days, it's pretty scarce in here. I do however notice that a student wearing a red unlined robe sits at the far right table so I make my way over there and take a seat randomly and away from anyone else. I help myself to some grapes, banana, and a buttered croissant. I reach for a cup and it automatically fills orange juice. 
God, I’m going to miss coffee. Maybe I could buy some in Hogsmeade.
I enjoy my breakfast thinking quietly to myself until someone sits across from me. She is an older woman, a professor I assume. She smiles sweetly at me and I try to return the smile back without looking confused. 
“Good Morning. I wanted to personally introduce myself, I am Professor Mcgonagall of Transfiguration and head professor of the gryffindor house. Also the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts.” She explains herself. 
“Wow, quite the title you have. They should just call you queen.” I joke to lighten the mood. Is this normal? Since when did teachers make time for students?
“Oh you flatter me dear. I just wanted to let you know that if you need anything especially personal if you feel uncomfortable going to Dumbledore about it, I am here for you. I unfortunately couldn’t meet with you yesterday, but I at least wanted to make my acquaintance known.”
“Of course. Thank you Professor Mcgonagall.”
“Right, well I’ll excuse myself now. Welcome to Hogwarts.” She smiles and I can truly smile back as she leaves. 
I see more students enter the Great Hall and I finish my OJ and banana and leave the Great Hall to avoid further interaction from anyone who might want to question who the new girl is. I slip out of the Great hall and take my time walking back to the tower taking the long way instead of those confusing staircases. After leaving the Great Hall I reach the viaduct and take a moment looking at the view and breathing in the morning air. I see a couple of owls pass by in the sky most likely delivering letters. I exit the viaduct and back into the school building but now I am faced with two ways to go.
Left or Right? Shit I should've taken the map and there’s someone coming so I can’t use apparition that will look suspicious. I could summon the map. 
“Are you lost?” I hear someone say pulling me from my thoughts. I look up and I see him. Sharp jawline, star like eyes, and cherry lips against his pale skin. Damn he looks fresh out of a portrait. 
I stumble on my words until I finally breathe out, “Yes.” 
He looks me over curiously and then takes a cautious step forward. I remain still, entranced by how handsome he is. “Where do you need to go?”
“Gryffindor tower.” I could've sworn in that moment I heard him mumble ‘shame’. Shame indeed. Shit what am I thinking?! I don’t even know his name. 
“You are going to take a left through there and cross the stone bridge and then head straight and the tower is at the end.” He explains as he extends his arm and the flex of his bicep tighten the loose black button up he has on. I try to breathe as he looks back at me. 
“Thank you um…” 
“Regulus. Regulus Black.” He says with an air about him that makes him stand tall. 
“Thank you Regulus.” 
“Of course, but it’s only fair if in return I get to learn your name.” He says with a smirk.
“Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, y/n.”
“You as well.” and we part ways. I pinch my cheeks to defuse the blush, but I think I only made it worse. I finally get back to the gryffindor tower and head to the room. I walk in the room and it is a mess and the girls are yelling amongst themselves. 
“What’s going on?” I question shutting the door. 
“Oh thank merlin, where were you?” 
“I went out for some breakfast and then I got lost.” I explain by leaving out some details.
“Oh, see, I knew we should have gone out and looked for her.” Marlene says. 
“And we were just about to if you didn’t just show up just now.” Lily explains.
“It’s okay really. I need to get familiar anyways since I'll be here for a while, right.” I state back to them. 
“Right then, well it’s almost 9 so let's get dressed and head to Hogsmeade.” Lily says. I make my way over to the closet and pull out a black turtleneck shirt and some sneakers along with a jean skirt and cropped jean jacket. I get dressed and put my hair in a ponytail and added some chapstick to my lips knowing they were going to get chapped in this weather boarderlining winter. I pulled my mother's necklace from my nightstand drawer and clipped it on. Then grabbed my cross body bag. The others dressed similarly for the weather. A mix of fall and winter. 
Enter Hogsmeade
Once we entered the village, the shops filled with some people passing through making their way from shop to shop. Hogsmeade was a homely village, with pointed top cottages and shops of variety. I can smell something sweet and spicy in the air, it must be the drink everyone has in hand coming out of a place called Madam Puddifoots’ Tea Shop. I hear laughter coming from another end of the street where we walk at another shop called Zonko's Joke Shop. 
“Say Lily won’t you take her to the quill and cauldron shop, maybe Dervish and Banges. Me and Dorcas will head to Gladrags and then meet you guys at Honeydukes.” Marlene says as she shares her idea. 
“Why Honeydukes?” Lily questions. 
“Because she must try butterbeer and I’m starving.” Marlene groans. 
“Here since you’re getting the outfits.” I say pulling out some galleons in a small coin sack. They all look at me incredulously. 
“Well, you didn’t tell us you were loaded.” Marlene exclaims at the bag of gold. 
“I’m not, really.” I say shaking my head. I used mainly american dollars in the U.S. and sometimes wizarding money, but it was easier to transfer american money so that my relation to Grindelwald wasn’t known. 
“Darling, it’s okay. I’m paying for everyone’s clothes today. My treat for bursting in yesterday.”
“You mean all summer.” Lily mumbles. 
“You can say that again.” Dorcas remarks.
“Har Har, Lily fire and I’m hurt D. Spicy this morning aren’t we?” Marlene says sarcastically. 
“Just go!” Lily says and pushes Marlene away. Meanwhile Lily takes me to the quill shop where I can get more ink and paper. I also grab some envelopes hoping Lily doesn’t see it as I purchase them quickly. Then we stop at Ceridwen's Cauldron, where I buy a small silver cauldron and then we make our way to the herbology shop where I gather fluxweed, dittany (that I could easily use as an aphrodisiac), ginger, and valerian. However I couldn’t find moly, a special flower that can allow my body to counteract any enchantments used on me. 
I go up to the counter and purchase my items and ask the lady who is packaging my items,”Do you by chance sell Moly?”
She looked up at me slowly and then looked me over curiously. “What do you want with Moly?”
I challenge her stare, “I’ll need it to reverse the effects of the valerian if something goes wrong.” 
“Hmm, that you will. Best not put yourself in a deep sleep, deary. However the moly will cost extra.” She states. 
“I think I’ll have enough.” I say putting the coin sack of galleons on the counter. She smiles at this and goes to the back to get the package of Moly. 
“3 galleons.” She says with an obvious devious smile. I place the coins on the counter and take my bag of herbs and leave the shop as Lily follows behind saying goodbye to the lady. 
“Everything okay back there?” Lily asks. 
“Yeah. I got everything I need. Should we head to Honeydukes was it?”
“Yes, let’s go.” Lily connects our arms together as we walk the streets to get to a place called Honeydukes. Lily and I are laughing and talking about the shops and the people in the village and what we think they are up to. She stops abruptly and lets go of my arm. I look towards her confusingly. 
“Lily?” I ask trying to see what she’s looking at. 
She turns around abruptly and smiles at me, “I saw a friend in there that I haven’t seen for a while. Do you mind if I go say hi?” 
“No not all. I saw the post office two shops back, I think it’s high time I write a letter to my friends in America.”
“Great. I’ll come find you then, I shouldn’t be long.” She says and rushes into what seems like a pub called, Three Broomsticks Inn.
Marauders 3rd POV
Lily rushes into the pub and quickly and furiously makes her way over to the four boys who all have their heads down knowing what’s coming towards them. 
“WHAT THE HELL are you guys doing here?” She seathed. 
“Lily darling, what a lovely surprise!” James grimaced trying to ease the fire in her. 
“Shut it James!” Lily snaps. “Black what the hell, we told you we could handle ourselves.”
“Aww Lily don’t be like that. We are just here in case.” He whined. 
“Look and listen carefully to the words coming out of my mouth. We are fine. They won’t dare come here. Diagon Alley, for sure, but here never. It’s too crowded with students and teachers from Hogwarts that we would be able to sniff them out. Go! NOW. We are fine and everything is well.”
“Sirius I think we should go.” Remus pipes in and Peter nods in agreement. 
“Right, where is this new bestie of yours?” Sirius pried.
“She’s at the post office. Said something about writing a letter to her friends in America.”
“Oh you can’t be this dull.” Sirius says. Lily gasps in shock and her anger intensifies.
“Padfoot.” James states. 
“Here we go.” Remus says and takes a sip of his tea. 
“What did you just say about me?” Lily presses her hands down on the table leaning towards Sirius. 
“What if she is writing a letter to well you know or maybe someone in connection.” He explains quickly slightly fearing her wrath. 
“You think I didn’t think about that? Dumbledore has someone in there to infiltrate her letters.”
“He does?” James questions. 
“Yes, maybe if you boys paid attention in the meetings you would know that we have put in place a way to intercept any communication she has. Even the letters.” 
“Well damn.” Sirius mutters. 
“Go back to the school boys. The party isn’t going to plan itself.” 
“Will do, mlady.” James says with a big smile on his face and adoration in his eyes. 
“Fuck off, Potter.” She says and walks away from the boys, hiding the small smile on her lips. 
I go into the post office and head to the counter. A man sits there stamping off envelopes and a woman on the other end is helping someone else out. I also see some elves attending to the mail and owls in their cages. I walk over to the small island made for people to write off their letters. I pull out a paper and ink with my wand but disguise it with a spell to make it look like a quill. 
I write out my letter to look like it was ordinary and directed to my friends back in America. Then I look around to make sure no one sees and blow across the paper with blue fire and I quickly whisper what I want to really say as the paper fills with my words and disappears. I sign it and envelope it to an address that is in America, but will be rerouted to Austria once it goes to transport and the real address will reveal itself. Grindelwald taught me this secret way of communication when I left for america. Taught how to use the blue fire to conceal the truth of things you want hidden. It's undetectable but takes skill and focus. I have been doing it so long it comes easy to me now, yet if anyone knew I would be suspected for dark magic. I put the letter in the post box outside so I won’t have to explain the faraway address. 
“Did you get to write your letter?” Lily says as she approaches me. 
“Yes. I only hope it gets to them safely.” I smile and we take off to honeydukes. 
By the time we get to Honeydukes, it's noon and Marlene gushes to us all the clothes and accessories she bought and how great we are going to look tonight at the party. We all ordered lunch and I got to try butterbeer for the first time. It's like butterscotch candy mostly, its sweet deliciousness coats my tongue and I order another once I'm done. I wonder what kind of treats the party will hold tonight. Maybe I’ll finally meet “the boys” and see the one I ran into this morning.
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