#word so NOW i wont do this again. at least im not currently planning on doing so for anyone else..anyways i love her tons & she's fantastic!
chidoroki · 2 years
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September 9th - Happy Birthday Isabella
(with almost all panels of her as Grandma)
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suffarustuffaru · 6 months
What are your thoughts on Re:63 fic by Spriteanon?
(okay also gonna leave a link to spriteanon’s rezero fics here and the re:63 series here if anyone is interested!!! and please feel free to leave some nice comments if you enjoy <3)
hi anon!! :o okay quick disclaimer that i havent touched spriteanons re:63 fic in a Very Long Time but i read a few of their If route/spinoff fics and got to around somewhere in arc 3 of the main re:63 fic yes :o!! (i only havent touched it since because Time and my Uncontrollable Attention Span. i dont tend to read super long fics either—no hard feelings or anything i am just a student with adhd hah.)
also quick explanation for anyone else stumbling across this—re:63 is a long plotty multichapter fic series where subaru and a few other surprise characters are genderbent (i use “genderbend” here in the sense of. biological sex and gender were bent yes). the fic starts from arc 1 and then comes with Major Divergences throughout the entire story. its a very solid read!!
but yeah so from what i do remember, i really enjoyed the fic, yeah. if i did read it again recently + caught up all the way to the current arc of the story (arc 4 i believe) i might have minor criticisms here and there, but again theyd be minor, and big emphasis on might because i do think re:63 is incredible (also i 1. try to adhere to fanfic courtesy of not giving unsolicited criticism directly to the author anyway wkfn and 2. im very light on most fic because. well we are All writing for free). and spriteanon has wrote more than a million words for this, all of which are Very polished with a solid plan for each arc. the fic’s such a labor of love its absolutely one of the best long form multichapter fics in this fandom, in my opinion. the writing style is very precise, i think, while still hitting Hard for every emotional beat and i think they generally get characters right. it’s a perfect balance.
i think what i most enjoyed about spriteanon’s fic though was its take on fem subaru.
the thing with fembaru takes in this fandom (though i see this also happen with fem reinhard takes as well)—im speaking for the english side of the fandom here by the way hah—is that sometimes writers tend to fall into this like. pitfall of being way too different with said now-female-character.
making a genderbend au does kind of show how you think of gender roles and gender and biological sex and all that, you know? not that thats a bad thing thats just an Inevitable fact given how intertwined these things can be irl and how a genderbend au will focus on these things in some way.
but like. genderswapping a character Is gonna change some things but its not usually gonna change Every Single Recognizable Trait in existence. sometimes people fall into pitfall of “this character is girl now” and forget to write her as a Person. they dont let her be as humanly “ugly” as how the character is in canon as a guy. and too many times i look at rezero genderbend fics or requests for genderbend fics in the rezero reddit fanfic ideas thread and fem subaru and reinhard are often genderswapped just to ship them with men (such as fembaru with regular reinhard or vice versa)—it does make me a little uncomfortable sometimes because 1. shipping the now fem character with another character of the same sex (such as fembaru x rem) doesnt really. Happen as much. it doesnt seem to be treated as a possibility that much?? or at least i havent seen it in fic. even though it Could Be, it’d just be less likely for Multiple Reasons (though of course correct me if im wrong if this ever happens in spriteanons fic akdndn) and 2. it feels like making a gay ship (like reinsuba) straight (ie reinsuba but one of them is the opposite sex now). which i have personal feelings on but i wont go too much into that hah.
BUT OKAY i digress i dont mean At All to go after authors who do any of this akndnd and spriteanon does have a few spinoff fics with fembaru x reinhard—all of which i ENJOYED, because 1. what i just said is a Personal Preference and 2. i dont mind it at all if its Well Written regardless (i have enjoyed a few other fembaru x reinhard fics too just bc they were well written yes!!). and spriteanons writing and handling of reinsubas dynamic is very very well written imo and i really liked reading through it. theyve written both fembaru and reinhard + subaru and fem reinhard together with a nuanced understanding of both characters, i think, and it absolutely still feels like Them. if that makes sense hah. like im not thinking “this feels like whole other people”, im thinking “this IS reinhard and subaru” regardless of gender. which is good because the former might take me out of the story a little bit T^T
and also i understand people are gonna have different takes on how genderbend aus would go, and i DO enjoy seeing variety in this yes!! :o (i cant really judge either because my old genderbend au fic is very. its different, lets just say hah.)
also spriteanon is Very good at showcasing subarus positive and negative qualities, i think. and spriteanon doesnt forget to show subarus npc/game/genre awareness-related mentality (in another way this time, given the slight differences in female lead isekai stories) either!! it was very interesting to read for Sure, and i appreciated how well they showed the trauma and horror in the story and showed how subaru understandably responds to it. fembaru feels Human here and like this is still subaru, which i think should be the goal yes. character is Very Important. and subaru can be very hard to get even close to right in fics so i gotta commend spriteanon in general for all the hard work on this fic hah.
and also i enjoyed the exploration of another subaru hobby (music!!) (which iirc is probably also a canon detail anyway?? but its expanded on in re:63??) very interesting. not much to say on that bc i dont Entirely remember every detail of this i just thought it was a fun take yes.
also i did love seeing the other characters that were genderbent. that was very fun. i kinda wish there were More just because i enjoyed it a lot. i liked seeing what changed and what didnt. though iirc spriteanon has some sort of interactive quality with some parts of the fic where they put up polls to vote on some aspects of the story?? so maybe some reoccurring readers voted on some of who gets to be genderbent and who doesnt hah.
and also the canon divergences in the story are Interesting. i was really kept on my toes a bit fr. i think out of what i read arc 2 was ABSOLUTELY my favorite for sure. it was such an amazing read and in a few aspects i enjoyed it More than canon arc 2!! not that canon arc 2 is bad (i enjoyed canon arc 2 A Lot) but re:63’s arc 2 has such Fascinating things in it…. hah i wont go into too much detail though its Spoilery.
but either way. re:63 is a very strong and solid fic imo. i really enjoyed it overall!! i might return to the fic someday to read through it from start to finish—not sure if i ever will but id have a fun time i think hah. its an absolute gem and you can see all the work spriteanon puts into it!!
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jinnwenhe · 4 years
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regarding romance!
Used artwork credits
It started as the cliché love story about falling in love with your very own bestfriend
Which, actually turned out great??
His Zacian/Zamazenta loves you as much as it's trainer does, and is willing to protect you from anything
Probably because it observed Hop being protective over you, and proceeding to do the same
Sure it might took a toll on him when you defeated him on the championship semi-finals, but he wanted you to be happy more than anything
He's such a sweetheart even if he doesn't show it much
The type to appreciate small little things, especially when it comes from you
"Let's camp together!!"
You camped together
He got chased by a wild steelix whilst trying to gather data for his research later
His Zamazenta/Zacian was busy playing with your own legendary
*from the distance* "GAH! HELP!"
You ran after him and calmed down the wild steelix
Then you walked to him and checked if he got any wounds or scratches, which leads you to cupping his face gently with a worried look on your face
Hop's blushing
He's freaking out inside
You didn't notice the tint of blush dusting his cheeks,which gradually reddens with each second that passes
"im okay, dont worry" he tried his best reassuring you
Even though he's blushing, he proceeded to press his forehead gently against yours, closing his eyes and smiling
oh no he's cute
You're blushing
haha blushy reader
You let him do his thing, its somewhat calming
He's warmm
His hands are calloused, different from yours; you just remembered this when he placed his hand on top of yours while you were checking for his wounds from before
This just shows how much he's been working off to reach the champion title
And yet he's completely alright with you taking the spotlight
After all, you're his shining star
And he wouldn't have it in any other way
You let him borrow your champion cape
And he lets you borrow his labcoat
It fits just right with you! And it got his scent, which calms you down whenever you're feeling anxious
When you wear his labcoat, you're 1000000000% irresistible to his eyes
"Don't be so adorableee" he said as he pulled you into a hug and burying his face in your neck
You only laughed softly at his reaction. He was blushing too,,,
You often waited for him to finish his lab work, even if it's until late hours
He's a really hard worker, no wonder he stayed until late
"Im sorry for making you wait"
He looks exhausted, but tried his best to pull a bright smile, not wanting to worry you
You only gave him a warm hug, which surprised him at first before he hugs you back and proceed to walk you to your house
💓💓💓 < your heart
Comfort time
There's usually some jerks who'd tease you for being the champion, or flirt with you in an impolite way
If Hop caught on to this, he would politely ask them to leave
If they still dont understand, his legendary comes out of his pokeball and growl at them
He'd ask them one more time to stop bothering you, but this time, with a menacing smile that says "stay here any longer and you wont get to see another daylight"
Then he'd check up on you, asking if you're alright, if they did anything to you or whatnot
Hed wrap his arms around your waist and drape his labcoat over you, because he knows his labcoat always manages to calm you down
"It's okay, you're okay, everything is alright now, c'mere"
You let him hug you as you feel safe around him, and you two stayed in that position until you feel alright again
He's not the best at showing affection but at least he tries
You help him come out with quizzes for his gym challenge
And sometimes joke about the poses he makes when practicing
Sometimes, he gets reminded that you're the champion of Galar and he's way out of your trainer level
Which actually motivates him to become the strongest gym leader there is by pushing past his limits
"I'll show you how strong fairy types can be"
He said to himself as he was thinking about you
People kept misunderstanding fairy types after all, and thats a big mistake
You appreciate his efforts in maxing out his strength, and you show it by coming to his fairy stadium whenever he battles a challenger
You texted him "good luck, I'll be cheering 4 u!❤️❤️👍" before his matches start
And you looked at his direction after sending the message
He has just gotten your message, and opened it
Which leads to him blushing furiously as he covers his face with one of his hands
He took a deep breath and tried to regain his composure, only to fail miserably when he saw you looking at his direction with pure ambition and determined eyes as you grinned happily
All that i could say is, he's red as a beet
He wont lose this match, not when you're watching him.
He puts extra effort when you're watching his match, and made sure not to slip up. It'd be embarrassing if he did.
Opal notices this and only smiled seeing her successor acting out of his place whenever you're around
Opal knows something that you dont, and that's Bede's feelings for you
After his match ended, his Hatterene walked towards your direction, pulling you into a tight hug
You were surprised, but apparently Hatterene has grown to like you ever since she first met you
And when you look at Bede's direction, he was looking away with his arms crossed infront of his chest, visibly drowning in embarassment
,,,you wondered, is Bede projecting on his Hatterene or what,
Yes, yes he is
So you asked him if he also wants a hug, which of course he answered with "Why would i want a hug from someone like you? That'd be an insult to me"
You let go of Hatterene and hugged him anyways
He flinched when you hugged him, not knowing where to put his hands and just let them stay still in a defensive pose
Hatterene watched with a smile from behind you, seeing her master in such a flustered state was truly something new for the Pokemon
Not long after, Bede finally let his arms wrap around your waist, giving in to his subconscious and just hug you
he wanted to hug you anyways so thats a win win situation
You were actually surprised when he hugged you back
He smells nice!! Like perfume?? Cologne?? Floral scent
His Hatterene decided to join in and wrapped her arm around you both, making you all hug even more tightly
Bede cant handle this well.
No, not at all.
His face was really red and its hot— in all honesty, its cute, but he was burning
"Why do you have to embarrass me like this?"
You buried your face in his neck, which startled him as he couldn't think at all
He feels nice and soft, so you're not planning to let go any sooner, likewise with Hatterene.
Bede's mind: ASDFGHJKL????—GODDAMMI—
His true nature would come out when you're not feeling yourself or when people would makw you feel like shit
His face shows concern, but it still his usual look of coldness— however, his actions are warm despite his cold features
He'd let you wear his coat as he battles anyone who dared to hurt you
"Are you alright now..?"
He cupped your face and made you look at his face, swiping off the tears that stained your face with his thumbs delicately
He hated seeing you cry, and he'll try better next time to make sure you didn't cry
He's kind at all but sometimes he's just... "???????"
Training!! Dates!!
More like battle tower dates because he really admires your strength as a champion
Occasionally, he'd visit your house and check up on you, wondering if you're free for the day for "quality time"
At first, he was surprised to see one of the legendaries answering the door for you
And he couldn't resist to ruffle it's hair
your legendary on the other hand was kind of irritated by it
So it let out a displeased howl
Which leads you to come down stairs and see who is it
He looked up and greet you with a goofy grin as your legendary returned to your side, walking with you
He treats you like a gentleman, and sometimes is very strict with your training regimen
In which you usually whine about because you're the current champion and you have no business listening to him
But he'd swoon you with lovely words
And you would easily fall for it
you hate this
You hate him
No you dont
You love him, you could never hate a goofball like him anyways
Hey did i ever mention Leon's sense of direction is shitty
You went on a date in Wyndon a couple of times and he still gets lost everytime
"Ah!! Hey—....."
"Im lost again aren't i?"
He tried to find his way back to you but got surrounded by paparazzis
Even if he's not the current champion
You saved his butt since he couldn't say no to the people and his fans
He said thank you and hugged you, lifting you up to the air before pulling you close to him
This only made you laugh softly as you hugged him back, letting your fingers comb his thick lavender like hair
His body is warm and comforting, you really like his cuddles and hugs
He came into your house one time when you didn't answer his calls or messages, only to find you drown in your anxiety and self loathing
He pulled you in his arms and let you cry on his shoulder until you're all done and alright again
He'd draw circles over your back and tell you reassuring words— tell you that you're more than enough and he's grateful to have you here, alive and well
Your Zacian/Zamazenta got out of it's pokeball and helped you in calming you down too by giving you small licks on your knee
It'd whine whenever you're sad and climb onto your bed, nudging your arm afterwards as if it's asking what's wrong
You're lucky to have them both whenever you need them the most, and they're lucky to have you
Raihan 🐲
It's finally the Character y'all been waitin for, dragon boi coming through
Okay serious talk here— Raihan is TALL
His hoodies makes you look smaller than you already are
You tried copying his "Gaooo~" pose a couple of times while wearing his hoodie
Its cutest thing he has ever seen his entire life
It makes him melt everytime
Okay aside from that, he's gentle and laid back, even if his personality is quite the opposite when he's on battle
Don't forget his fangs, never forget his fangs
You're actually curious about his fangs since the first day you saw him
And he lets you touch it whenever you like
Youre still curious, because what the hell, its so cool
The first day you saw him after defeating him in a match and gain your gym badge, he immediately took an interest in you and your strength
"Hey Challenger!"
He called you before you tried to take your leave, gaining your attention
He then asked you if you want to practice with him next time, and have a rematch when you've become the champion
You agreed and exchanged numbers
What can i say, he spams you like?????? A lot
And casually sends you pictures of him and his duraludon
You love his dragons, especially flygon
Flygon loves you too, and one time it wanted to come with you
Raihan lets you keep his Flygon and you send him pictures of you with it
He sends emotes of duraludon crying, wanting to join you and your fun trip with Flygon to grab the Champion title
After you took the Champion title, Raihan greeted you with a big hug
And you hug him back with no hesitation
"Congratulations, may i have a selfie with the new Champion?"
He asked in a teasing manner, letting you down on your feet as you nodded
You took a selfie selfwith him numerous times before he posted it to his social media
He captioned 'First person to get a selfie with the new Champion'
He took pride in that, and some of his fans were jealous that you managed to get a selfie with him
From that day onwards, he'd have casual selfies with you, sometimes hilarious one and sometimes its just for showing off
You didn't mind it really, he's a celebrity anyways, so you understand why he does that
"Hey.. do stars have feelings"
It was three am what the fuck Raihan
You squinted at your screen seeing his message
"Why in the Galar would you be awake, dear Dragon tamer?"
You answered him
And immediately he answered "oh? The Champion is awake?"
You guys didn't sleep afterwards and was sending streaks of blurry selfies
It was fun and helped you cheer up
You got some of his blurry pics that he captioned "party rock in the house" when clearly its just him and his pokemons
What a goofball pt.2
You love him anyways shut up
Haha smol reader pt.2
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technowoah · 3 years
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THESEUS - a dsmp story ( DreamSMP x Queen!Reader)
Chapter Summary: Wilbur makes a proposition, Tommy finally gets his fight, warning shots are fired and the bomb that was planted finally went off.
pairing: c!wilbur x queen!reader
an// tbh im not that happy with this one, I hope yall like it! but hopefully Ill like chapter 6 lol
⚠︎ swearing, dsmp spoliers(?), angst, fighting, minor blood mention, not proofread. Y/N/N = your nickname
word count: 5.1k
"Are you sure you want to do this because Tommy is a good fighter!"
"He's also good at being annoying, so you'll die either way."
Currently Tommy and You were by a small lake in L'Manburg facing each other with swords and guns. Fundy and Tubbo were belittling Tommy on the sidelines. Tubbo was trying to convince the both of them not to do this so they wouldn't get hurt badly before the actual war begins. Wilbur was standing in between the two and Eret nervously standing off to the side with Tubbo and Fundy.
When You arrived you explained to the three people who were there, Tubbo, Fundy, and Wilbur, that Tommy and you were going to fight that day. Tubbo and Fundy were not for that idea at all, but Wilbur approved it. After a while of thinking and conversation of course he agreed. 
Eret and Tommy arrived at L'Manburg as well and apparently Tommy already told Eret that he was fighting his wife.
"You know what Eret? I'm gonna fight your wife today! Yeah it'll be a good fight, don't worry I wont hurt her that badly."
Of course Eret did not want this duel to happen and tried to convince Wilbur to not let the two do this to one another. He was concerned about the task and hand yes, but You getting hurt or even worse, killed was not a thing he wanted not needed. Tommy was a loose cannon, he worked on impulse. You were basically fighting a bull while wearing all red.
Wilbur had pulled You aside for the second time this week and started to have a conversation with you again. It was a needed conversation so when Wilbur grabbed her arm.and pulled her away you didn't hesitate this time. As the two talked in the distance you heard Fundy yelling at Tommy about the dangers of fighting You at a time like this. Your mind was all over the place at this point.
"You know how this works?" Wilbur looked at You and Tommy.
"Yes I do"
You knew what was going to happen. They both had 6 bullets in their gun, if they use all of their bullets they can use their swords instead. You were in your head at this moment. Wilbur was explaining how this duel would work to Tubbo, while You contemplated whether to waste youshot by shooting in the sky or aiming at Tommy's foot. you didn't want to hurt him at all, they had a war coming soon so hurting Tommy would not help L'Manburg. Then again, when was helping L'Manburg a part of your mission?
You snapped out of your mind and saw Tommy glaring daggers at her. He looked harmless.
"I am going to beat you." Tommy said in a voice that can be only compared to a robot.
"You wish!" You scoffed and smiled, smiled which made Tommy scoff and look away.
Wilbur spoke over the two, "ALRIGHT! You two will be back to back facing away from each other, then take ten paces. When I say "fire" you two will fire and shoot and fight until one is damaged and cannot battle anymore or until I call a draw. Understand?"
"Yes Wilbur!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Of course." You calmly said.
"Alright" Wilbur agreed and motioned for the two to turn away from each other. 
They had both touched backs and You had taken a huge deep breath. 
The dilemma in your head was still spinning. Whether to shoot him or to shoot into the air. you would be a coward wouldn't you?
"You scared?" Tommy taunted you.
"No. Just getting ready to beat your ass."
"HA! That's not gonna happen. You're all talk." 
"We'll see about that." Wilbur spoke, inserting himself into their conversation.
Wilbur had stepped back towards the group of men who sat and were watching the whole duel. There was tension in the air, they all could feel it. They all thought this was a bad idea, You thought this was a bad idea. What if this tore the whole plan apart will they ever get to-
They both took a step.
Aim to the sky or aim towards Tommy?
Where would you aim?
What would happen if Tommy ended up dead?
Would Dream be happy?
If you aim towards the sky. Tommy might shoot. you would be an open target.
It would be over right? If you aim at the sky?
Up in the air.
How can this end?
The sky? Tommy? Where does the bullet go?
Where do you go?
Tommy's eyes widened and You stood my ground.
"She shot her pistol towards the sky?!" Tubbo shouted.
Wilbur stood there with a smirk and Eret let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed. Tommy didn't shoot his gun at all; he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. This was the right way.
"I want you to shoot into the sky." Wilbur had taken you to an uninhabited part of the wall to talk.
Wilbur had sighed and looked over to where Tommy was gloating to Eret about dueling his wife.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Tommy is rather impulsive. He does things without thinking or with any concern for consequence. He says things without thinking too, as you've seen firsthand."
You nodded and laughed before Wilbur kept talking.
"I want him to hesitate. I want him to think for once. I know he wants to fight right now, he's riled up because of the battle. I expect him to shoot, but I hope that he won't. He won't." Wilbur seemed to be convincing himself this was a good idea.
"That's reassuring." You replied sarcastically.  
Wilbur rolled his eyes, "I believe he won't kill you nor harm you. At least that's the plan. I care for him. He's a good fighter and he should be able to see his opponent before going all ape shit." 
"I get it. I want to do this, but you said he works on impulse. What if he shoots?" You continued to worry.
"I'm here. And uh- Fundy is great at healing. We have healing potions in the van as well. You will not die on my watch. We need you for the war."
You nodded and continued to stare into Wilbur's brown eyes waiting for another comment from his mouth.
"Do this for me please? For us?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but Wilbur sighed before continuing his statement, 
"You don't have to do this. I should've said that first. I understand that death is scary, believe me I don't want to die either. So I can figure out another way to get to Tommy if you are uncomfortable with this."
This time it wasn't a forced situation. He was literally giving you a huge way out, an open path, but you already agreed to fight before. It wasn't like you were put into this without paths to take. you had options. Now that potions were involved and there are spectators that can act as doctors eased your nerves just slightly. you can do this.
"Or were you planning on shooting Tommy anyways?" 
You looked towards Wilbur and smiled warmly at him and he returned your same smile.
 "I didn't even call it a draw yet Tommy. You can still fight-" 
"It's clear that my opponent doesn't want this. If I did, I would be more of a bad guy than I already am now." Tommy dropped his gun to the green grass underneath his feet. 
You followed suit, dropping your gun onto the grass below you. You walked towards Tommy trying to find the right words at this moment. He had his head hung low looking at the gun that laid in the lush grass in front of him. You had walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder and he began to tense up at the friendly gesture.
"Tommy, you're not a bad guy. You did the right thing at that moment. You're neutral really, if you would've shot me then yeah you would be considered "the bad guy". But in reality, there is no such thing as good or bad, there are just people with different morals." You whispered that last part and Tommy seemed to reluctantly understand, still sticking to his main idea of him being a bad guy. 
He was really stubborn, which made it harder for you to make him feel better.
"This is what I wanted Tommy! I wanted you to hesitate before you shot her." Wilbur tried to pick his spirits up by revealing his plan.
"you would've been fine. Plus you weren't going to brutally damage or kill Y/N right?"
Tommy stuttered a little bit before speaking, explaining himself.
"No I wasn't! My goal was at least to scare her, or graze you with my bullet." Tommy rushed.
"What if you slipped up and hit Y/N instead?" Tubbo came into the conversation leading Fundy and Eret with him.
"Then I would feel incredibly horrible that I hurt an ally." Tommy said while hanging his head. "I understand, Wilbur, I understand what today's duel was for." Tommy continued.
"To be honest, this was a last minute decision! I talked to Y/N before and we both decided it was a good idea for you. Especially when a war is coming up."
"Mhm. I am okay now. I've learned, and I just hope that I can transfer this into the war." Tommy seemed relieved, but also not wanting to learn his lesson. It was bad to assume, but it sounded like he wanted to get this lecture over with.
Wilbur humed while turning away satisfied with what happened today. He walked towards the HTO van with Fundy following suit leaving Tommy and you standing next to each other still recovering from what just happened. Eret and Tubbo were standing a few feet away from them making small glances to the two making sure they are okay.
"I still hate you." Tommy grumbled.
The five citizens were sitting in the meeting room making potions with the brewing machines or doing their own thing at the moment. Wilbur didn't have anything planned for today except for making many potions for battle. You were helping with potions as well. you were more skilled at potion making than battle. you can hold yourself down and maybe kill someone, but you don't recommend for herself to do that.
"Wow Y/N/N you're making potions so much faster than I am. Teach me your secrets!" Tubbo exclaimed.
"What did you call me?" You asked The boy softly.
"What do you mean? I called you Y/N/N." Tubbo said, confused.
Has Dream ever called you Y/N/N before because it seems like you've never been called that before. Tubbo was still looking quizzically at you waiting for an answer.
"I don't think I've been called Y/N/N before." You answered.
"Y/N might be uncomfortable with that." Wilbur joined into their conversation.
"Oh! I'm sorry! If that made you-"
"I'm okay! You can call me Y/N/N'' You said while waving your hands to dismiss the situation.
"Good! I thought I was being a creep or something." Tubbo laughed.
"Y/N/N HELP ME OUT WITH THESE POTIONS WILL YA?" Tommy shouted from across the room.
"Okay you don't get to call me Y/N/N." 
Tommy huffed, "If my best friend can call you Y/N/N I will too!"
"Okay children settle down." Eret said while looking up from the book he was writing.
There was another pause until Fundy had spoken.
"Today seemed like a good day huh? Even though it isn't over so far, so good eh?" Fundy tried making conversation after writing whatever enchantments in his book.
"Yes it was so far! Very surprising today." Tubbo agreed with Fundy.
"Tommy and You gave me a heart attack today. I wouldn't consider this a good day so far." Eret exhaled jokingly. He seemed in good spirits today.
"I'm sorry I gave my husband a heart attack." You taunted.
"But seriously that scared me. Thank goodness nothing happened to the both of you. I wouldn't know what I would do." Eret continued.
"You would live." You said bluntly, staring at him. 
Eret nodded at you, sending a small smile your way.
"You would've been a good fighter. Have you fought before?" Fundy inquired.
"I have fought before! I've been trained as well, I'm more into the sneaky side of things, and making potions like I am now." You cheerfully explained.
"Sneaky things?" Wilbur asked.
Your eyes widened slightly before maintaining your composure. you forgot that Wilbur was still on youtail. He thinks that You is still suspicious, so of course when you said that he would jump on the opportunity to interrogate her.
"You could be a spy for us! Maybe spy on Dream and George!" Tubbo exclaimed.
Oh the irony.
Wilbur hummed, "Maybe, that would be interesting. We could get information and they wouldn't turn her down."
"It would be too late anyways if they've seen you here so it would be a major red flag if you showed up there trying to join their team." Eret spoke up, still concentrating on writing enchantments with Fundy.
Thank God that Eret was here, You would be stumbling for the right words and then eventually blowing their cover. you had this happen too many times. They are almost to the end you have to pull back.
"True. You're right!" Wilbur agreed. "Plus we've been more productive since you two came back."
Eret and you both nodded in agreement and went back to doing their tasks.
Tubbo and You were standing together on one side of the room making potions and talking to one another until Tubbo made a quiet gasp. 
You looked at him and followed his line of gaze until you saw them again. It was Sapnap and Dream on the top of the new, enlarged L'Manburg walls. Dream pulled back his hand and whipped something toward the van. It looked metal and shiny as it bounced harshly in the grass. 
Sapnap then pulled out a bow and arrow and Dream had set it on fire. Sapnap launched the arrow into the walls and it landed by the machine that Dream had thrown. The grass around the arrow caught on fire as well, not making a huge fire but enough to scare the two.
"WILBUR! You have a gift!" Tubbo said as he rushed out of the van and You watched carefully through the window so the two wouldn't do anything to the boy.
"Where did he go?!" Wilbur yelled.
"He went outside to grab the metal thing Dream and Sapnap threw." You said keeping an eye on Tubbo as he came back into the van.
Wilbur rushed towards the window where Aryia was stationed and looked towards the top of the wall where Dream and Sapnap were. Dream took one last final glance at the two in the window then turned away to jump down the wall with Sapnap following suit.
"Guys you might want to take a look at this." Tubbo said while placing the metal thing, which was an old answering machine, on the table.
Wilbur sighed, clearly exhausted with everything that had been going on. He sat down on the edge of the table. Tubbo pressed play on the machine and the recording started.
"Tommy, and Wilbur, and the rest of L'Man-child-burg. We are at war. There is no mercy. We have burned down Tubbo's house, we have planted TNT cannons around your land, we have cobblestone walled the outside, we have shot one warning shot inside your walls. WE HAVE NO MERCY, NO MERCY FOR YOU! We will burn down your houses! We will kill everything inside your walls and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours. If you do not surrender I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS! WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW AT DAWN, OR YOU ARE DEAD!"
There was a long beep until Tubbo shut off the recorded message. Everyone was silent looking at each other for the next move. Everyone either had a face of anger or one of concern. Eventually everyone turned to Wilbur who had his head down, his hair slightly covering his eyes in a thinking pose. We were waiting for a response from the leader, but it didn't seem like anyone had a response to this situation.
"Hey lets just-"
"Grab me a book and a pen" Wilbur spoke.
It's been about an hour since we last received the message. The sun has gone down and they are all still sitting around the meeting table. 
"What do we get? What's the report?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy started, "Okay so here's the situation, the ‘Dream boys' they're on the roof, they've already killed me and Tubbo once, they feel like they got their power. Their egos are up-" 
"They've taken it all." Tubbo added.
"I don't know man, what do you think we've got to do now? Ultimately you're the leader here." Tommy asked the older man.
Wilbur paused before speaking, "I think, the element of surprise is needed. We can't go in just guns blazing."
"My son, how are you doing?" Wilbur asked Fundy.
Fundy stuttered before speaking, "I could've been better."
Wilbur smiled then opened the book he had been writing in for the past hour.
"Before we go into battle though-
"WORDS OVER WEAPONS MY FRIEND!" Tommy interrupted Wilbur
"My gents and m'lady, may I read you the Declaration of Independence?" 
Wilbur had started to read through the Declaration complementing the writers who wrote lines in the book. He began reading the main parts of the book.
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for-"
"Wilbur" Tommy interrupted Wilbur again
"Yes what, what?" Wilbur asked annoyed
"They're surrounding us, Wilbur." 
Tommy stood up looking out of the window at the many fiery arrows making their way towards the van and making the grass around the van catch on small fires.
From inside the van it looked like rain from hell. All the fears you once had came flooding back into your mind. you put herself right in front of the greatest fighters, and assassins in the kingdom and you might not make it out alive. 
Wilbur started to head out of the door trying to face his opponents. They all were putting themselves out there exiting the van as fast as they could like a huge target. Speaking of target, an arrow shot by Sapnap landed too close for comfort next  to Wilbur. He seemed un phased at this.  
"They're not the best shot." Wilbur turned his back on the archers and stood in the doorway to the group inside.
Wilbur began to yell at the archers, "Gentlemen how are you!?" 
"Good!" Dream replied bluntly.
Surprisingly they could hear both of each other. 
"Do you like the view of our nation!?" Wilbur asked as he smirked.
"Oh God!" Tubbo exclaimed, worried because of the taunting Wilbur was doing.
"We might be a little out gunned here gentlemen." Eret said softly to the others while placing a hand on your shoulder in a comforting way.
"I thought this was a trailer park!" Dream shouted back. 
"Very funny, listen. It seems like you've gained the upper hand in people! We will meet you in the field, but on our own terms!" Wilbur concluded.
"YEAH!" Tommy shouted at the archers hyping Wilbur up.
The rest laughed at Tommy's antics trying to keep it together.
"Please stop making things worse!" Tubbo laughed.
Another arrow was shot at Wilbur's feet. He was clearly stunned by this, turning to the rest of the L'Manburgians he spoke to them.
"We armor up gents." Wilbur said, walking away.
Just as he walked away Tommy followed Wilbur outside of the van and then an arrow was shot into Tommy's bicep by George. Tommy yelled in anger and in pain, and the rest followed suit yelling in shock. Tommy clutched the arm that the arrow had found its way into, he tried to keep it together as he fell to his knees. You rushed to Tommy's side trying to take the arrow out carefully and heal him. He kept on shielding his arm away from you and kept babbling incoherent nonsense about “leaving him alone” too.
"It's okay! I'm fine! I'm fine! Don't worry!" Tommy kept shouting.
"You're not fine Tommy, let me help!" You yelled and he finally succumbed to you.
You slowly pulled out the arrow and used bandages that Eret had rushed to give you to wrap around his arm carefully. Throughout this whole process Tommy had a face of discomfort and pain until you had successfully bandaged his upper arm so no blood would seep through. Later on you would have to tend to his wounds more delicately.
"Just stay inside!" Fundy yelled in a hurried tone and was angry at the fact someone had already gotten hurt.
This would've been the outcome of the duel if you hadn't followed Wilbur's orders. Either way he would've been injured. Of course they would go for Tommy. Wilbur's right hand man. It was bound to happen. 
You and the rest of the men were clad in netherite or diamond armor and they surrounded Wilbur waiting for another order.
"Tommy I'm putting you in charge of this army." Wilbur said.
Your eyes widened. Didn't Wilbur just say he acted on impulse. This was a bad idea. you were going to die at the hands of the people who gave this opportunity to you.
Wilbur continued, "No matter what happens during this war, no matter who wins and who loses. Just remember that we're on the right side of history."
You have heard that before. What side of history was you on? They have rubbed off on you of course, but with different morals coming from both sides, whose morals do you fit with? If you die, will you be painted in the wrong manner? Are you on the right side as you stand with Eret and Fundy in L'Manburg? Is there even a right side?
"Up the walls we go!" Tommy exclaimed as the group climbed the ladder over the walls.
Your heart was pounding as Tommy led the way towards their next destination. This was going to be very interesting.
Tommy led us to the destination where the other warriors were on top of a small tower looking down on the L'Manburgians.
"God- whatever we do, don't go up the tower." Tubbo exhaled. 
"We have to get them down to our level. We have to get them to come down on their own accord." Wilbur commanded.
"Those bastards." Tommy said as an arrow made of fire was shot precisely onto the ground.
The floor began to rumble as the ground cracked and smoke began to rise beneath you revealing the red, fiery TNT that blew up from beneath them breaking the very ground and dirt they stood on making everyone lose their balance. Everyone started screaming, scrambling to get away from the constant chain of TNT slipping and falling on the debris, and the crevices that formed. You had started to run faster,and faster, sometimes you fell to your knees because of the ground shaking and breaking underneath you. You couldn’t look back but you heard screaming and you could only hope and pray no one fell into the big canyon the TNT made behind you. Your mind was not catching up your feet as you blindly followed Tommy into his own home, cutting around the whole kingdom. The rest followed close behind making their way into the house. 
Their clothes were tattered and dirty, singes from the fire were on their war uniforms and armor. As they scrambled for safety the arrows kept coming, hitting the house and the ground outside of it. You felt like this was it for you, your first friends, your enemies shooting arrows of fire at you through your so-called enemies house. You had to stay alive though, keep up the act, but right now you didn't really have to keep an act up because you were actually scared for your life.
The grass in front of Tommy's house was burning while the men gave Tommy all of their arrows. Wilbur commanded them to hail them with arrows. Arrows began burning through the walls breaking into their safe haven. To escape this situation Wibur had told all of them to scatter and make it harder for the archers to shoot them. They all did just that, playing on the defensive dodging the arrows that were hurled towards their way. 
Eventually the archers jumped off of the tower retreating towards a nearby river. The L'Manburgians currently had the high ground and You started shooting with arrows purposefully missing so you wouldn't hurt them.
"They are heading to Ponk's tower!" Tommy shouted.
You looked up to one of the highest towers in the kingdom. Damn.
"In that case we need to start heading towards Ponk's tower!" Tubbo yelled, ceasing his arrows trying to get the rest of them to follow his lead.
The men followed Tommy through his shortcuts to get to the base of Ponk's tower faster. Fundy went forward shooting at the others at the base of the tower. You, Eret, Tommy and Tubbo followed Fundy and started shooting and dodging as well. 
For now they have retreated towards the walls of L'Manburg hiding slightly below the top. Wilbur was there at first then the rest of the groups followed. The arrows couldn't reach them and the boys cheerfully pointed that fact out. Soon they had started slowly retreating as the sun went down in the distance. You sighed and cheered with the rest of the men that they finally stopped fire. Your heart still beating fast you looked behind you towards Eret sending each other a knowing glance.
The rest were cheering and complimenting each other until Eret spoke up.
"Gentlemen, I think we need to go back to our home." Eret said.
"I think you're right, Eret." Tommy agreed happily.
They made their way back to L'Manburg into the night with Tommy leading them for the last time tonight. Tommy and Wilbur were playfully bickering through the whole walk back to L'Manburg. It was a fun time filled with laughter and it was much needed after that whole war. Even though they all were beaten and tattered with burn marks and scratches, they kept smiling. It's crazy to think about.
The fun ended for you as they reached their destination. The extended walls of L'Manburg were in their sights and your heart rate picked up even more than it had before. This is the end. 
"Gentlemen in L'Manburg I have a secret weapon." Eret says, sparking a new conversation.
"What is it?" You asked playing dumb. 
"What is it?" Wilbur asked asked as well
"A secret weapon!?" Tubbo exclaimed.
"I feel like Eret is just going to pull out a giant missile." Fundy joked around and your breath hitched. If only they knew.
"But seriously, what do you mean you got a secret weapon?" Tommy spoke fast.
"I've been grinding for equipment, I've been grinding materials." Eret said not to give it away.
"Show us please!" Tommy exclaimed as they all entered L'Manburg once more today.
You joined in as well, "I haven't seen any of this show us Eret!"
You hated lying to them.
"This is the final control room for you too!" Dream yelled with excitement showing the beautiful dark room. 
The chests were empty, there was a button on top of a podium, and there was a secret room where Dream and the rest would be hiding after the war. The plan was simple enough on paper. The two countries would fight until sun down and then Eret would lead the L'Manburgians to the final control room where he would press the button and then The citizens of L'Manburg would be killed and a life would be taken from them.
Dream has taught You about the life limit. Everyone in the kingdom had three lives and if all three lives were taken, there is no coming back. you felt weary taking away someone's life.
"This is where the battle will end." Dream said calmly
Currently it was just Eret and You with Dream. Dream kept explaining the mechanics of the room while they both listened. You kept slipping in and out of your mind at the moment.
This would be the end, he said. It will all come to an end and you will finally find your place in the huge kingdom. you can finally have closure. It will all come to an end.
"You two are on the right side of history, don't worry. Cause if you do this you'll be doing the kingdom a huge favor."
"This way." Eret led the group into the final control room.
The men were astonished about the huge tunnel entrance to the room. They continue to rush down the tunnel to catch up to Eret.
"I'm excited to show you!" Eret cheerfully said as he walked. "They will never suspect a thing!" 
They all ended up in the final control room. You made sure to stand next to Eret making sure that they stayed together. you knew where to leave and when the button was pressed but you had a few minutes to play it off.
"This is so cool!"
"What is this place?!"
"There's nothing in the chests." Wilbur said bluntly, as he turned to us still crouching because he opened the chests.
"Eret?" Tubbo asked.
Eret pressed the button and then the wall behind Wilbur opened and revealed Dream, Sapnap, George and Punz. The men started to scream in shock. They were getting attacked. Blood was being spilled and fire was burning down the whole final control room. Eret grabbed your hand pulling you to a secret wall, opening it to reveal stairs that led out of the final control room trying to protect you from getting hurt.
The L'Manburgians fought anyone they saw, but the others knew who specifically to kill. As the L'Manburgians fought for their lives you heard Wilbur yell out over all of the chaos.
Were you a traitor? Yes you were. They died. The fire around their bodies began to calm as their murders stood over their bodies breathing heavily. There was an orange and purple tint to the room. It looked unreal. This was it. Their bodies began to glow a light blue color and disintegrate showing that one of their lives was taken that day. This was the closure you wanted, but why did it feel like an unfinished symphony? Like it reached the climax of the song then ended.
It's over
Eret saluted to their disintegrating bodies and you followed suit.
"Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be."
Wilbur's POV
"Eret how could you?" We sat on the burnt grass of L'Manburg waiting for one another to show up from being killed. 
This was what I suspected from the beginning. Sadly this is what I suspected from the beginning.
"Hey where's Y/N?!" Tubbo whipped his head frantically looking for her.
"They were a traitor as well." Fundy said sadly.
Tommy and Eret were facing each other. Tommy in L'Manburg's walls and Eret standing a few feet outside of them. It was a beautiful picture at this moment, very symbolic. 
Tubbo was talking to Eret in a distraught voice before Tommy had interrupted him. "Eret listen to me! And I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up." Tommy said harshly to Eret.
Eret only smirked at this like the madman he is and spoke around him, "farewell gentlemen." And he left us in our ruins.
I had such high hopes for the two of them. Especially Y/N. I knew they were trying to find their home, their place in this huge world. Maybe they'll find it with Dream. That's not what I would've wanted, but they might want to stay there. they'll be back, they'll find their home soon.
"We'll meet again. I know you."
taglist: @hi-imuwu​
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toutallyahoe · 3 years
I really liked your percy (weasley) fic!! can you do some headcanons with a male reader post battle of hogwarts?
a/n: hallo there anon and im happy to hear you liked my percy weasley fic! i really had fun writing it
and post battle you say...? :)
well, you didnt specify having [name] surviving now... didnt you?
just joking
... unless...?
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let me first start with percy and [name] STILL hadn't been wed yet
[name] did say that he wants to marry percy when all the "drama" is over
so, before and in the Hogwarts battle, [name] and percy were still fiancee
the weasleys were rather very happy by the news, although they are a bit sad that they can not tell percy face to face with the whole disagreement of percy and his family
both sides are happy to have [name] at least update them what the other is currently doing
molly cries every time she hears percy overworking himself and is thankful for [name] by being with her baby boy's side
arthur was also happy and saddened since he cant tell percy how proud he was on the engagement since percy wouldnt answer any of his letters
the weasley children were also having mix feelings
of course they were happy with percy, their sibling, engaged to [name] (who they were close too aswell) but also a bit bittered because, again, they are currently having a fight with percy taking the side of the ministry of magic's side than dumbledore's
but again, they are happy for him. [name] is a good lad and they will always support their relationship
fred and george jokes that [name] is too good for percy tbh and ginny just giggling because she always knew that someday [name] was going to propose to her brother
charlie and bill were also so happy for their little brother despite the feud they have and ron was having mix emotions aswell but was ultimately happy for his brother
either way, the weasleys were happy for percy
anyways, with that out of the way, i literally have two possibility in the post battle of Hogwarts and i feel like you wont like one of those possibility which is kinda sad because i really liked that one and if i do make a part two, thats the side im leaning on
but ANYWAYS— happy ending!!!!
after the battle of hogwarts, after defeating the dark lord, with so many tragedy and deaths, percy was so fucking happy to see [name] by the end of the battle
percy already witnessed his brother, fred almost die
and YES fred is alive, fuck you i want happiness for these fuckers okay? canon is a bitch and im going to make her MY bitch. that terf author can go and suck my d
anyways, percy would literally lose it if he had lost [name] in the battle
percy already fears a lot whenever he is away from [name] from the guy being an auror
so, seeing [name], a bit bloodied and bruised with blood, soot and sweat sticking on his [skin color] skin, percy wasted no time to fucking run and jump on his fiancee
percy let out choke sobs when he hugged [name]
[name] was alive and percy was so happy
[name] was also crying a bit as he held percy tightly in his arms
his wand forgotten on the ground as his only focus was percy who was shaking and sobbing in his arms
[name] wasted no time whispering how happy he was to see percy
that [name] even admitted that he was petrified when he asked people where percy was and didnt gotten an answer where the ginger was, and he assumed the worse
but seeing percy, feeling the male on his arms shaking and crying, [name] was so relieved
percy was alive
he was alive
they both were fucking alive
percy admits his own fears of [name] dying aswell
and [name] just let out a pitiful chuckle as he broken the hug and immediately grabbed percy's face softly, his thumb wiping percy's tears as he sent percy a shaky grin
"you bloody git, i would never!" [name] says, his tone shaky as tears fell down his eyes. "i promised i would marry you after this, didnt i?"
oh merlin, the two were sobbing mess after that
the two were beyond terrified in the war
they never expected this and when they participated, they were expecting the worst
but here they are now, alive and together
skip after the clean up and the ceremony of the wizards and witches who had fallen in the battle, percy and [name] planned their wedding
percy and his family are obviously in good terms again which was great
fred recovered from his wounds and back along with george on teasing the fuck outta percy
ginny gushing on how the wedding would go along with molly
ron talking to [name] along with charlie, bill and arthur about it aswell and just welcoming [name] to the weasley family
it was just great
when the wedding day had arrived, it was only a small ceremony
but it was still perfect in both [name] and percy's eyes
when the vows were exchange and the rings on their ring fingers, percy felt the whole world just stops for a moment when [name] wasted no time to seal their fate together with a kiss
it was just so much passion and percy cried a little when reality had came crushing down
he was married to the man that he loved
the man who had been with him in hogwarts until this day
his friend, his love, his [name]
percy was so happy
it was just a blur after that
after the wedding ceremony and the small party to celebrate their marriage
percy had to say his farewell's to his family
it was saddening to see his mum crying about him leaving but percy was also so happy to hear her words
"im so proud of you, son. now go and be happy with [name]!"
arthur was also congratulating him aswell as sobbing
his son was all grown up now
charlie and bill patting percy's back and telling their little brother was a man now
fred and george teasing percy on [name]'s plan on the honeymoon (which had percy looking like his own hair after the twins teasing comments)
ron and ginny just gushing on his marriage
percy would miss his family, but looking at [name] who had a grin on his lips, percy was happy
he was part of the [last name] family now and god, percy was happy to be married to the love of his life
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tastyykpop · 4 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛-ρ† 2
Pairings: enemy, student, barista!jaemin x student, barista!reader, (very small) taemin x reader
Suggestive, slight angst (you have to squint), fluff
<previous- next>
Warnings: dom!jaemin, brat!reader, brat taming kinda, possessiveness, degradation, praise, thigh riding, choking a lot, pet names, jealousy
a/n : here we go again👨‍🦯
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"Is it true? Her and jaemin?" Students whispered amongst themselves and thats all you heard today, wondering why they were even talking about you and him. It was strange really, jaemin was nicer and there were very little pranks and even then, they weren't as bad as what they used to be.
"Y/n! Oh my god I can't believe it!" Yeri jumped with a smile plastered on her face, "Are you and jaemin together?"
You twisted your face in confusion. Is that what people think? "What!? No! Where did you even get that from?" You questioned.
Yeri smirked and leaned closer, "I heard from jeno that you both fucked." She leaned back, "is that true?"
"I- well thats not entirely wrong but what does that have to do with him and I dating?"
"Jaemins been nicer with you and there's rarely ever pranks. I mean, anyone with a brain could tell that something is up." Yeri pointed out. She raised an eyebrow as you glanced around, making sure no one can hear you.
"Okay yes me and jaemin did have sex, but seriously we aren't dating. And I'm just as shocked as you about the way he's acting." You whisper-yelled at your friend. She mouth fell into an 'o' shape as she nodded, then attempted to walk away until you grabbed and brought her back, "wait im missing something." You squinted, "please dont tell me everyone in the school knows."
"Okay I wont." She shrugged and tried to walk away again but your hand gripped her arm tighter, "Ow, did you get stronger?"
"Yeri I'm serious! No one was supposed to know and now everyone knows!" You slowly let go of her and stared at the ground, "i swear Im gonna kill that boy!"
Yeri snickered and patted your shoulder, "Dont you mean fuck him?"
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Order after order, customer after customer, you began to wear down after a hard days work. Irene stayed for a bit at yours and jaemins station to help since it was so busy. And it still wasn't fast enough for all the orders that just kept coming. It felt like you weren't going to finish and the shop closed at 8:30, it was currently 8:17.
"Ugh why is there so many orders at this time?" Irene groaned from exhaustion, jaemin snickered.
"Just be happy we get payed after this." He said and you all agreed.
Everything seemed to suddenly slow down at the cafe as it was beginning to close. Only a few orders were actually left and after that, you could close.
Irene and jaemin cleaned up the stations. Of course Irene left first afterwards, and you counted the money at the register. And since youve been working here for almost 2 years, counting money was just as easy as walking. But since its been super busy today, it took you a while to count some of the coins. Only once while you counted did you mess up, but you brushed it away and started again.
"Can you be any slower?" Jaemin commented, having just finished his part.
Putting the money away after counting, you put your hands on your hips like a mom scolding her child, "Whats the hurry all of a sudden?"
He only giggled and ruffled your already messy hair, "I wanna spend time with my baby."
You tried your hardest not to blush.
"No way." You swatted his hand off your head.
"And why not?" He quirked an eyebrow as you and him walked to an empty table in the cafe.
"Cuz you told jeno what we did last night and now the whole school knows. I'm kinda mad at you right now." Groaning, you hid your head in your arms trying to avoid his gaze.
You couldnt see him, but you heard the sigh and knew he was pouting at you, buy you didn't bother looking up.
"Why can't I brag about how good you were?" Jaemin questions, leaving you to groan louder.
"This isnt what I wanted..."
The boy shifted in his seat and pulled your head out your arms, his hands holding the side of your cheeks, "then what did you want?"
Your cheeks puffed as you tried to find the right words, "...to not have done what we did last night."
"So you regret it?"
You shrugged.
Jaemin leaned back and stared at you with a cold face. He has a hint as to why youre now suddenly saying this, not only because of him telling his friends, but also because of his past with you. If he wasnt pranking you, he was making fun of you, if it wasn't that, he'd make you flustered with his words or actions. Jaemin was annoying, yes, but your reactions were priceless to him. You got annoyed by jaemin and you hated him. He didnt blame you even after all this.
"I guess im not really mad at you telling him, just more confused on why you had sex with me." You started playing with a strand of fallen hair and waited for his answer.
"I did what I wanted to do from the beginning; fucking you dumb. If you think there's another reason, there isn't." Jaemin crossed his arms with a half smile.
You stopped playing with your hair and glared at him, "No no there has to be more! You're way to nice to me now for that to be it!"
"Do you think I like you?" He suddenly leaned forward. You didnt bother saying anything and sat back in the chair, "Why would I like you?"
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Its been a week since your last interaction with jaemin. Literally. Theres been no pranking or anything. It was odd, but you couldn't stop thinking back to what he said when you both were alone in the cafe. Something about that kind of stung. You dont know why but, you thought maybe, just maybe, he'd actually like you. And maybe, jimin was right about about you liking him.
"Hey how was work?" Jimin asked getting up from the couch. You noticed taemin was here too and it wasn't surprising anymore as he's been coming over recently this past week.
"It was a bit busy actually." You smiled, nodding your head in taemins direction to acknowledge him and he smiled in return. Cute.
Jimin came back to his seat on the couch and handed you and taemin a clas of iced tea, "Jaemin didnt do anything again huh?"
You shook your head, "You don't understand how weird this is. Like he completely stopped interacting with me." You sighed taking a sip and seat next to taemin before ranting again, "Wait...oh my god! Did I get played? Was he really just trying to fuck me this whole time?"
"Fu- what?" Taemin zipped his head at you.
"Its a long story-"
"No its not," jimin cut you off, "basically hes kind of a bully to her and hes always doing pranks and saying some provocative things, but magically," he started flailing his hands, "jaemin started being nice, said he wanted to 'fuck her dumb' and then she was in his bed."
"....so you just...let your bully fuck you??" Taemin squinted his eyes at you and you nodded slowly. "Interesting. "
"I dont even know why. Like it just happened." You stuck out your bottom lip and laid you head on taemins shoulder, "I can't believe I did that..."
"It was bound to happen." Jimin sipped his tea.
You lifted your head slightly off of taemins shoulder and stuck your tongue out, "You know what fuck you!"
"You both are like kids." Taemin said, moving to get up.
"Hm?" Jimin looked up from his iced tea, completely obvious to what taemin said and taemin shook his head.
"I need to get back home. Jimin don't stay up too late." Jimin whined at his friend as taemin got up, "y/n, be good." You gave him a thumbs up and watched as the black haired man left.
"Jimin hes cute." You frowned.
Jimin rolled his eyes, "tell him that next time then."
You rolled over so now you were laying on jimins lap and he gave you a look of disgust, but you ignored it, "Mans is too cute for someone like me to say something."
"Dude he literally called you cute the first day he met you." Jimin said a matter of factly.
"How do you know he wasnt lying?"
Jimin scoffed, "Taemin lying? Thats like me and you dating. It just doesn't go together."
"I dont know if i should be offended or happy." You glared.
"The latter." He averted his eyes from yours and continued watching the show on t.v.
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2 classes in and your were already tired. If you hadn't had stayed up so late with jimin, crying over some k-drama, maybe you wouldve gotten a good night sleep. But because of that you looked dead. You didn't even try to look your best this morning, only throwing on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and brushing your hair back. You thought you looked okay to some extent at least. Maybe not your normal self but at least you were presentable.
There's was only so much you could handle in your class right now too. Trigonometry was definitely not your strong suit and you wondered how you even got in this class.
People were hunched over doing their work and you were struggling with question one. It was a bit embarrassing. You looked to your right for answers but they were just as lost as you, so your left was your next move.
"I dont appreciate you cheating off my paper y/n." Jaemin whispered, making sure the professor didn't hear him.
"Sorry I'm just confused.." you grumbled, placing your pencil down, jaemin gave you a look.
"Maybe if you used your head you'd get it."
"Im not dumb jaemin."
He exhaled and rubbed his face with his hands, "Come over later ill help you."
You looked at jaemins partially completed paper then back at your blank one. You needed this if you wanted to pass but you also didn't want to be with jaemin at the moment and you weren't too sure what tricks the boy had up his sleeve.
"I dont think-"
"It wasnt a question." Jaemin then went back to his work, ignoring whatever protest you had as you were about to open your mouth.
It was at this point you even planned on not going later. The only thing is he really didn't like being disobeyed and you found him a bit scary when mad. It wouldnt be right to miss out on him tutoring you anyway because jaemin was a smart guy. With his help you should be able to pass easily given a few months.
The professor ended class a few minutes early. Jaemin and you both headed to your next class when someone tapped on your shoulder, making you curiously turn around.
"TAEMIN!" you leaped up and hugged the guy around his neck as he giggled with full cheeks. "What are you doing here?"
"I changed colleges since it was closer to where I was living, but I didnt realize you were here too!" He beamed.
Jaemin stood watching you both converse and giggle over small things. He wanted so badly to drag you away from taemin but he knew you weren't going to like him very much after that. But something about the two of you laughing and subtly flirting didnt sit right with him and he didnt know why. It wasnt jealousy because why would he be jealous with you? He didn't care about you in that way. So why was this making him angry?
"Y/n lets go to class." Jaemin interrupted the two of you.
"You can go ill be in shortly." You brushed him off as if he was nothing and began talking with taemin again. Jaemin despised it but listened to you and walked away.
You were happy taemin came to this school because now it gave you a chance to get closer with him. It was definitely the small crush that grew over the week that made you feel like a 14 year old girl whenever he said something remotely sweet.
Taemin and you stood just outside of the classroom door and you gave him a quick hug and good bye before heading into the room with a big smile.
Jaemin stared at you as you walked up the steps to your seat that was a few feet away from him. The smile plastered on your face made jaemin see how much of an impact taemin really had on you.
Seulgi and sana kept glancing back at you, snickering here and there. Something your not fazed by it anymore. Probably them planning another prank or something. You also felt another set of eyes behind you and looked back to see jaemin glaring at the back of your head. Wondering why he was doing that, you crooked your head to the side then faced the front again after not receiving any response from him.
Ten minutes passed and the professor never came. Students were still all around the room talking to each other and the room was noisy. You decided to just ignore everyone and focus on any work you could, everything other than trig. You were saving that for jaemin.
"Hey nana," jaemin looked away from you and gazed up at seulgi who was now standing in front of him, "theres a party later at Wendy's and joys house. You coming?"
You put the pencil down and started biting your nails, wondering what he would actually say, not that he would ditch on you, but still.
"Im working later." He simply said, seulgi rolled her eyes playfully.
"Ill come pick you up after just bring clothes."
Jaemin raised a brow, "ill be too tired to go."
He was starting to get on seulgis nerves as she grit her teeth, "Then ill come over after school."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes wondering why she was trying so hard. Clearly the boy didn't want to go, or at least go with her. You didnt understand how she couldn't see that.
"Can't im helping someone with trig after."
She leaned over his desk, jaemin not really fazed by anything as she kept coming closer, "I have a feeling you're lying nana."
"Why would I lie?" He replied stoic. "Y/n is coming over for help."
Its the way that literally everyone in the room looked back at jaemin and you. Such a weird pair. Now they really would be questioning the two of you.
You anxiously looked back at him, seulgi was up in his face, nose flared, jaemin remained still and not intimidated by her or the class. But you were ready for someone to say something.
"Whats with you and y/n all of a sudden?" Seulgi asked. You could tell she didn't want you to go over his house, that was pretty obvious, but its not like she could stop you.
"Nothing, she just needs help in trig."
The class was still silent, even after a good 30 seconds. Now you just wanted the professor come in and talk about some WW2 stuff so people would ignore this. But your were pretty sure your professor just didn't want to teach and stayed home for the day.
"You dont need to help her." She faked a smile when she glanced back at you. "Shes a smart girl."
Jaemin was just about ready to get up and walk away, "I want to help her pass, now I do believe your seat is over there." he pointed over to the middle row of seats, just a few before yours. Seulgi actually took the hint and walked away. Her eyes were trained on yours and she looked as if ready to say something but decided against it.
God, now you just wanted to leave.
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Jaemin placed a notebook and an open textbook on trig in front of you. His eyes watched as you hesitated to do your homework. You would get ready to write then lean back in confusion. For you, something was just not clicking with the whole trigonometry thing. You even started to wonder why you were taking it.
"Look this is what you have to do." Jaemin sat up and took the pencil out of your hand and went through the steps. Despite him being shockingly good at explaining and teaching, you found yourself lost at his words and just started staring at his side profile. Admittedly, you had to say he was pretty. And his lips as he was talking made you hypnotized. They looked soft and you wondered if you'll ever be able to feel them again.
"Repeat what I had just said."
You snapped out of your thoughts and hesitated, looking back at the paper then slowly began going over what you remembered until you started stumbling over your words and then stopped when he placed his hand on your thigh.
Jaemin exhaled loudly, sounding very disappointed in you and the only thing you could do was wait for whatever he had to say, "Why aren't you paying attention to nana?" His voice remained the same, but his nickname was a complete contrast.
"Im sorry I was distracted..."
"Distracted." Jaemin raised an eyebrow, "Theres nothing here to distract you."
Although you wanted to say he's been distracting you, you most certainly didn't and spared yourself the embarrassment.
"Y/n whats distracting you?" Jaemin set aside the pencil and gave you his full attention. Yet you remained silent and let him figure it out himself. But he knew, you were pretty easy to read. This is why he tapped your thigh, trying to get an answer out of you.
"You already know. Why do I have to say it?"
"I wanna hear it come out of your mouth." Jaemin shrugged.
"Jaemin..." you mumbled staring at your blank notebook, "Can we just move on?"
"Say it first." Consequently jaemin only made things worse by moving his hand up and down on your thigh in a taunting manner. One way or another he'll make you flustered.
"Youre clearly the distraction now can we please move on. We only have an hour and a half until work." You blushed.
A playful smirk found its way to his lips as he hummed in agreement. His hand still rested on your thigh and he once again tried explaining the problem in front of you. Granted, your phone went off in the middle of his second attempt of explaining.
"Taemin texted me hold on." You reached to grab your phone but jaemin was faster. He took your phone and threw it on the bed behind him.
"Pay attention." Jaemin had said. But you decided to be a bit stubborn and decided to get up and grab your phone, but jaemin had other plans. Hence why now you were stuck in a death grip on his lap with a hand to your neck. You couldn't see his face, but you knew it was cold. Jaemin didn't like to be disobeyed even for a second. "You only listen to me when I make a move, so do I have to keep you in this position for you to do your work?" You quickly shook your head and tried to wiggle out of his strong grip, but jaemin wouldn't let you go. Particularly because he figured you'd try and grab your phone again, which in that case, wasn't going to happen. If you so desperately wanted to pass, hes going to make you pass. Jaemin doesn't care even if he has to go as far as disciplining you either. As long as you pass, he'll be fine.
"You dont want to disappoint nana right?" You shook your head again. "You have a voice, use it."
Jaemin hummed and let go of your neck, still keeping you on his lap. "Now be a good girl and listen. This is the last time I'll repeat myself."
So then you listened. Certainly because jaemin would not hesitate in making you regret any decisions you had.
After his third explanation, you understood the whole process a bit more and began doing your work. Jaemin was happy to see you do the problems, only pointing out a few mistakes, but praising you after for getting them right. You'd try your best not to smile or blush by putting your head down or looking away. Jaemin found it cute and couldn't help but smile himself.
"Lets get ready for work." Jaemin tapped your thigh for you to get up then he made his way to the closet to find clothes.
"Do you have a white t-shirt I can use?" You asked and jaemin threw you a shirt. Luckily for you the dress code was white on top, black on bottom so you didn't need to worry about the pants.
The both of you changed swiftly, not really caring about each others presence as you've already seen each other naked.
Without warning, jaemin dragged you out the his car, not bothering to give you a chance to say you wanted to drive yours. And you both were off.
It was a silent car ride besides the soft music playing on the radio. Jaemin kept you occupied with a hand resting on your thigh. He had a nice hand, you weren't gonna lie, but besides you gawking at his hand, it really did keep your mind focused. Not even the streets filled with so much activity could make you stop staring. It came to the point where you ended up grabbing his hand and played with his fingers.
"If you like my hands so much maybe I should use them on you again." Jaemin said, your breathing stopped for a second and you faced him.
"I just... find your hands nice thats all. Nothing sexual nana." You emphasized his nickname with a mocking tone. But in reality it was a very lowkey sexual desire to have him feel you up again, or even finger you. Whatever it was, you didn't want to admit it.
Parking the car, you and jaemin went inside the cafe to find it was again very busy. Irene was at the register helping a customer with their order and when she glanced up, you could've sworn she saw a ghost.
She finished the order and looked between you two, "Am I missing something?" She asked, pointing a finger at you guys as if accusing you, "you never come in together nor even walk inches next to each other."
"Y/n was at my house because I was tutoring her for school, so I drove her here too." Jaemin responded and you nodded in agreement. Still, irene found this crazy.
"Okay...just get to work then..." she squinted her eyes. Jaemin was the first to get to the stations, followed by you who made sure to look at the orders on screen.
After a while of making coffees, teas, and such you decided it was time for a break, so you asked irene if you can just take a seat for a bit to which she said yes.
Only a few tables remained empty, you took one near a window so you could see what was happening outside. Nothing different. Some teenagers fooling around on the sidewalk, couples passing by, and people rushing to get to their jobs. Meanwhile you never noticed someone sitting in front of you until they blew into your ear.
"Ahhh, what the fuck taemin!" Frowning at the sudden intusion, taemin laughed at your shocked face and sputtered many apologies. Many of which you knew he didnt mean.
"How long have you been sitting there?" You leaned over the table asking.
Taemin naturally leaned over too, getting closer to your face, "Just got here." He smiled, "I texted you that I was coming but you never replied."
You pouted in realization that that was when jaemin decided to discard your phone on his bed and not allow you to get it back. "Sorry I was being tutored for trig."
"Its fine." He pinched your cheeks, the smile never left his face once he finally saw a shade of red on your cheeks. Moreover, the two of you kept conversing for about 5 more minutes. Taemin talked about how jimin was bored all day from not seeing you at home so he went over to comfort him. You chuckled at the thought of jimin sadly laying against his friend and playing video games, trying not to feel bored. It made you happy that you had that kind of impact on him, knowing damn well no matter how much he said he said you weren't fun, that was a lie.
"I have to go. I'll make sure to come by later." With that taemin and you stood up and gave each other a hug. What surprised you was the lips on your cheek, giving you a bunch of butterflies in your stomach. "Bye y/n." Taemin winked and walked out the cafe.
Alarmed and flustered by what happened, you steadily walked back to the counter and just stopped there.
One might consider that to be a cute thing to see in a cute little cafe but jaemin thought otherwise and he was quite literally done with this.
"Come here." Jaemin made a finger motion to you and took you to the back of the cafe, away from the bustling people. "Whats with you and that taemin dude?"
"Why do you care?" You tilted your head up at him with a smirk. If you can manage to successfully push jaemins buttons and walk away with it, this would be the best day ever.
Jaemin took your chin in his index and thumb, bringing your face closer, "I asked you a question. I expect an answer."
"I dont have to answer if I dont want to." You tried swatting his hand away from your chin but he only moved down to your neck, causing you to gasp at the sudden squeeze. Basically, jaemin was choking you out of jealousy. "H-hes just m-my friend." You stuttered as you told the truth expecting jaemin to now let go, but he only softened his grip.
"I hate him."
"You dont know him." You mocked back and jaemin lazily rolled his eyes.
"I dont care if I dont know him I hate the fact that hes with you." Jaemin growled, letting your neck go.
You took the chance to let out a laugh at his frustrated face. This was entertaining to you and for once you had the upper hand, "so youre saying you're jealous?"
Roughly, jaemin slammed your back against the building with his face only mere centimeters from yours. You could smell the scent of mint in his breath too. "Maybe I am." Jaemin pushed a knee between your legs. "Shouldnt mess with my girl. And you shouldn't have let him kiss your cheek." Jaemins lips hovered over your lips. His hands harshly gripped your hips, moving you them over his thigh. Hearing the sound of you moaning out in shock, jaemin captured your lips in a kiss, a rough one at that.
His anger was through the roof and he showed that. "Youre mine and only mine. I'm the only one who can touch you like this, kiss you like this." Jaemin kissed down your jaw, still grinding your core on his thigh. You tried silencing your whimpers by biting your hand, but jaemin was quick to stick his fingers in your mouth, causing you to gag and choke.
Without a moments hesitation, jaemin pulled away from your neck to watch you suck around his fingers and he laughed through an angry aura, "If only taemin could see how much of a slut you are for me, maybe he would back off." You whined around his fingers and he pushed deeper down your throat. Your hips stuttered a bit, but kept moving forward, trying to get more friction.
"Such a stupid little girl for nana." Jaemin ruthlessly began fucking your throat with his fingers, "Are you gonna cum out here? What if somebody walks out and sees?" Your eyes rolled back and jaemin hummed still keeping the pace with his fingers and helping you move your hips. "Aww but I bet you wouldn't care. Since your so eager to cum and all." You gripped his wrist becoming more and more desperate to reach your high. Indeed you were so close that you started seeing stars, but jaemin pulled his thigh and fingers away.
"Were you about to cum?" He laughed in your face sadisticly. Your face heated up in embarrassment. "Stupid girl."
Cooing at your red face, jaemin brought you into another kiss, much softer than before but enough to know who's in charge.
"Lets get back to work, yeah?" Jaemin tapped your cheek with his two fingers and walked away leaving you hot and bothered.
Naturally you wouldve followed but you literally almost came in your pants just outside of your work. What were you thinking letting jaemin do that to you? And why did he have such an affect on you to the point that you forgot about what happened with taemin. You couldn't stand out here any longer and went inside. Jaemin was calm as if you didn't almost just get off on his thigh and sucked his fingers off. God this boy was doing something to you and you couldn't take it!
Working next to him seemed even more difficult. You were a hot mess, plus you were horny and honestly jaemins existence wasn't helping. And now, especially now, you realized that lasting until 8:30 was going to be a train wreck.
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The school day was normal, yeri was hyper as always and cracking jokes making you spit out your banana milk. And her constant teasing about jaemin was nothing different. Of course you told her what happened the other day, she's your best friend, and she was blown away. Yeri wasn't expecting such news to be dropped on her like that and you couldnt blame her, only shrugging your shoulders and sipping your banana milk.
Stopping mid sip, you saw the boy you were subtly looking for; jaemin. Your reason? Well even you didn't know but your for sure were going to come up with something.
For the past few days jaemin never left your mind. Even when you saw him he always lingered. You could say you missed him. Besides that, taemin was never on your mind anymore. Just jaemin. It was like your mind needed him.
So you got up from your seat, yeri looked up confused and watched as your legs took you to your destination. Your heart was beating rapidly and you weren't even sure how this would go. Either you'll die from embarrassment or be the happiest girl alive. It was the anticipation.
You sucked in a deep breath once you got to him, jaemin peered up at you with curiosity, some other students even found your boldness interesting, until you spoke, "Wanna go out with me?"
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minminnie-shii · 3 years
Giving SF9 Cuddles
Hai hai!! I know i’ve been gone for a while
lets just act like that never happened
Buttt, I’m back and recently I’ve been watching the new series of Kingdom and I am so hype to see my babies sf9 
currently sobbing
also my mom was very upset when they came in last place
anyways they’re all working so hard and I’m so proud of them so I decided to write this for all the Fantasy and new Fantasy who are getting into my babies.
so here is sf9 wanting cuddles, enjoy
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~Kim Youngbin~
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this man
i love him so much i might cry
moving on
being a father of eight children is hard work
but my best baby does everything he can and is the best leader he can be for those boys
being a little is hard work and he needs to be taken care of as much as they do
insert the love of his life
thats you
youre good at telling when hes stressed and do everything you can to help him
so when he looks at you with doe eyes asking for cuddles you don’t hesitate to say yes
so now your laying on your bed youngbins head on your chest
youre running your hand through his hair softly and humming to him
he lets out a peaceful sigh and lifts hiss head looking up at you
“i love you so much” 
he looks so sleepy and you couldn’t stop yourself from cooing at him
he eventually falls asleep and you just lay there quietly admiring him
he’s the love of your life and you’ll never understand how you got so lucky to have someone like him in your life
~Kim Inseong~
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this man
he will ask for cuddles in the most dramatic way
you’re at the dorm visiting him before he starts filming for his new show
you know that you wont be able to see him for a while and youre a little sad
inseong of course knows this
so he wants to make today extra special
he surprised you with flowers and your favorite snacks 
he even bought you a penguin plushie that was almost the size of you
so now youre sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back so you could start the movie you wanted to watch
inseong was watching you from the kitchen
you were playing with the sleeves of his sweater that you were wearing staring blankly at the screen in front of you
he smiled softly to himself before skipping into the livingroom
“____, dont look so sad, cuddle me instead!”
his loud voice nearly made you jump out of your skin
he plopped onto the couch next to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you
he pulled you into his chest and slowly rocked you back and forth
a smile came to your face as you rested your head on his chest
“it wont be long, i promise ill call you everyday, okay?” 
he assured you that he’ll come see you as soon as filming was over
you knew that he would and you were more than willing to wait for him
because you love him and there was nothing that would ever change your mind
even if he is a major dork that makes you cringe more often than not
~Lee Jaeyoon~
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bias wrecker number 1
did you guys see how hard he practiced for the jealous stage on kingdom
i might cry
i hope he got enough time to rest after hurting his knee
you were at your apartment when youngbin called you letting you know that jaeyoon was on his way to the hospital
of course you were worried but he assured you that he was okay he just hurt his knee
of course you told him that you would meet him there and quickly got dressed
once you finally reached the hospital your boyfriend was staying at you found youngbin who was waiting for your outside
“is he okay? hes not too hurt is he?” 
“he’ll be okay, he just has to rest for a while, i told him you were coming”
as quickly as he could he led you into the room where jaeyoon was lying restlessly
when he heard the door open his head shot over to you and he smiled sadly
you quickly composed yourself and smiled, walking over to him
you sat in the chair next to him and the two of you talked for a while
he told you about coming in last place, feeling like he didn’t work hard enough
it hurt you to see him like that and you did everything you could to reassure him that you were proud of him and he did the best that he could
he began to grow sleepy while talking to you and you could tell
“can you spend the night here with me?” 
you almost squealed out loud as he sleepy state but you just nodded and agreed
he scooted as far as he could to the side of the bed to make room for you
you laid down next to him and he immediately wrapped his body around yours hugging you as closely as he could
he easily fell asleep to you petting his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him
i squealed
~Lee Sanghyuk~
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hes so adorable i cant handle it
he also may be my moms favorite she doesnt know yet
although he is a dork he is very serious when it comes to his relationship with you
you are the light of his life and he will treat you as such
but youre still not safe from his pranks and constant jokes
he came to your apartment in his next attempt to bug you 
but when he noticed that you weren’t your normal bubbly self he placed himself next to you on the couch
you immediately reacted and rested your body against his
he leaned back into the cushions and pulled you into his lap
he would occasionally kiss your forehead letting out small hums
he would listen intensely as you tell him about you day
you explained why you were sad and he acted as if it happened to him
giving you advice on how to deal with the situation
it was rare for you to see him so serious but you loved that he was willing to help you with whatever problem that you had
even if it was something small a small trivial matter that didnt have any meaning
once he was sure that you were okay and they two of you would joke around
being the little shit that he is he would pin you down on the couch and began to tickle you
“yah, knock it off!” 
you tried your best to push him off of you
but our man is swole and was not letting you off that easy
once he finally decides youve had enough flops down and lays on top of you
“youre lucky youre cute”
you couldn’t stop the growing smile on your face as the two of you continued to joke around
~Baek Ju Ho~
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bias wrecker number 2
hes so precious and i cant handle the cuteness
excuse me ill calm myself
the boy
whether he admits it or not
he will drop anything and run the minute you call his name
and if youre sad or if you pout
lord you better believe hes right there plotting the death of whoever made you sad
one day you and zuho are out walking around doing couple things
you know, being adorable
when all of a sudden you see a group of girls pointing and laughing
you werent sure what they found funny but you began to grow self concious
it didnt even have to be you that they were laughing at, but your mind got the best of you
zuho noticed the sudden change in behavior and immediately took your hand
he pulled you into a hug and rocked you back and forth slightly
he caressed the back of your head and whispered to you about how much he loves you and how beautiful you are
you looked up at him and smiled softly 
he chuckled to himself before placing a soft kiss to your lips
he continued to press light kisses all over your face as he hugged you tighter
you giggled and hid your face in his chest
the people that surrounded you couldn’t help but smile as they watched the two of you
even the girls who you thought were laughing at you they had large smiles on their faces as they all talked about wishing to have a boyfriend like him
~Kim Seok Woo~
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i swear i feel like he would be the best boyfriend ever
i know im not the only one who sees it
he won’t be able to live if he doesnt touch you at least once every ten minutes
ten seconds
he loves your touches 
lets be honest he loves everything about you
i am not kidding
after a stressful day of filming schedules and whatever other plans he has
his favorite thing is to come home and have you waiting for him
there were a lit of times where you would fall asleep waiting for him
he knew that it was late and you wouldnt be awake so he didnt bother to call you
he walked into his dorm tired from the long day that he had
after getting a bottle of water he walked into his room and a large smile came to his face
you were lying on his bed bundled up in his blankets sleeping peacefully
he got ready for bed as fast as he could wanted to lie next to you as fast as he could
once he was ready he carefully and quietly lifted up the blanket covering up your body
he laid down next to you and slipped one arm underneath your body
he slowly rolled you over so your body was lying on top of his
once the two of you were cozy he covered your body back up with the blanket
letting out a peaceful sigh he relaxed his body against yours closing his eyes and letting your quiet breathing quickly lulling him to sleep
you woke up a little later noticing that you werent lying in the same position you fell asleep in
your eyes fluttered open and a smile came to your face as you stared at your sleeping boyfriend
you placed a small kiss on his nose before settling back down and once again falling into your slumber
~Yoo Taeyang~
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i love him so much
literally no words can explain it
his favorite thing to do outside of his idol life
so when he FINALLY gets a day off
guess what hes doing
hanging out with the love of his life of course
he spent the night at your apartment the day before and now the two of you are lying in bed 
youre both lying on your sides just staring at each other with cute smiles on your faces
the aura around the two of you is peaceful, quiet, and intimate
to anyone looking in you could see the love pouring off of the two of you just by looking
you lifted your hand and brought it closer to taeyangs face, trailing your fingers up his jaw
you brought your hand up to his hairline and gently caressed his hair
“i love you”
a red hue came to taeyangs cheeks as he buried his face in your neck
“yah, you cant say stuff like that out of no where”
you giggle as his breath tickled your neck
you draped your arms loosely around his neck as he shifted to hover above you
“but its true”
“i love you” 
he buried his face in your neck again and attacked you with kisses
you squealed loudly and the two of you spent the rest of your day just like this
and neither of you would have it any other way
~Kim Youngkyun~
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this dood
seriously please help him
no one really knows how the two of you got together
youre both so awkward that people dont understand your relationship
but lets be honest the two of you are perfect for each other
hwiyoung is a sensitive lil gentleman and he totally understands you
buttt sometimes it doesnt come out how he wants it to
you know, him being awkward and all
he does love your affection but he just has a hard time showing it
so a lot of the time youre the one that has to initiate it
“youngie come here”
his head shot over to look at you the minute that he heard you whine
he stood on his feet and walked over to his bed where you were sitting
“are you okay? whats wrong?” 
you just smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him onto the bed
he let out an exclaim of surprise as he landed with an oof on the bed
you acted quickly and wrapped your arms around his waist
you laid half of your body on top of his and stared down at him
his face was red as he stared up at you
“i hate it when you do that”
you laughed again as you rested your chin on his chest
“you love it and you know it”
he just rolled his eyes and the two of you continued to talk to each other while lying like that
hwiyoung locked his hands around your waist while you talked about your idea of getting a new puppy
“will you name it after me?” 
you gushed at his pout and squished his cheeks together
“youre too cute”
you loved how adorable he was and you hoped that he stayed this adorable forever
~Kang Chanhee~
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fluffy fluff boy
deserves all the love in the world
supes awk
but tries to act confident around you because well
the boys make fun of him about you
our lil actor boy will be super chill about it as long as youre in the room
but the minute you leave
will whine and complain to his members
so one day when you randomly walked into the dorm and they were all there
you didnt hesitate to walk over to chani on the couch and plop down next to him 
you wrapped one arm around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder
you let out a small sigh and relaxed yourself into his body
the boys didnt say anything but they all had smiles on their faces as the two of you were in your own little world
chani slipped his hand into yours as the two of you continued to talk about your days
“when are you going to teach me your new routine?”
chani laughed and kissed the top of your head
“whenever youre ready”
he smiled when you let out a little yawn
“come on, lets go to bed”
you sat up and stood on your feet following him into his room
you plopped onto his bed and he laid down next to you
“will you sing for me?” 
he let out a tiny giggle before nodding
once the two of you were comfortable he began to sing quietly until your head lulled to the side 
once he knew you were sleeping he hugged you closer loving the fact that you were so close to him
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
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☇Pairing: Jumin Han x Reader
☇Pronouns: male; he/him
☇Warning: none that i can think of <3
☇Description: Jumin wasn't planning on getting this emotional, especially at a gala.
☇Note: part two of couch nap for @luckymunchkin ! I got a lil emotional while writing that ending though-
Poor Jaehee, she had to see all of your guy's advances towards each other
Like right now too.
Jaehee currently stood in front of her boss and best friend, said best friend leaning on heR bosses desk and sending flirty remarks.
'OKAY WE GET IT YOUR G A Y AND IN LOVE', that's what she wished she could scream out right now.
But, alas, if she did she would get embarrassed by all her coworkers AND she knows you would just say
"Is someone jealous~"
And she is not about to deal with her bullshit.
Jumin sits there leaning out of his chair while conversation with you looking like he about to fall off it. Especially when you grazed your hand against his cheek to swipe a strand of his hair behind his ear.
You guys just wouldn't stop flIRTING.
Jaehee grunts as she holds on as tight as possible to the documents in her hands. Quite frustrated with the fact her boss stole her best friends attention from her and also now she has to deal with you flirting every two seconds.
You were still flabbergasted by his actions so you basically heard not even half of what he just said.
At this point people thought you worked for Jumin, i mean, you did spend a lot of time at his office now a days-
You and Jumin hurridly try to collect yourselves as you hear Jaehee give out a small coff.
"Jaehee yes, what is it you need?" Jumin says
You play and fidget with the things on Jumin desk as Jumin and Jaehee talk. Jumin tries his best not to get distracted by it but your excessive pen clicking was hurting his ears.
As Jaehee backs away to her desk Jumin lets out a grunt and puts his hand on top of yours.
"Stop that"
"Heyyy, i can't help it"
"Ill buy you something to fidget with just not my pen"
He always tried to buy you stuff, and even thought you knew he was rich RICH, you still didn't want to annoy him or something.
As you open your mouth to decline him he shushes you up, putting a finger to your lips and standing up from his chair he gives you a small glare
"Shush, also I need you for something"
"Hm?" You hum out and as you look up at him you're surprised with his face close to yours and his hands trapping you on the desk.
If i could accurately describe your thoughts right now im pretty sure it would be something along the lines of "&*$'.×$:_×€:(*€:*_:$*€:,*_€**€#,_*"
His stare is intense as he talks, "My father wants me to bring someone to a gala he's prepared. I don't have anyone, but im sure you might like the idea of a good evening or something"
He stands back from you, slightly adjusting his nicely done cuffs and waits for your answer.
You were not expecting that.
Giving out a small, "sure", and running off your face as hot as the sun and your breath shaky. In the small portion of time you had been obviously flirting he had NEVER done something like that.
As you pick out your clothes Jaehee is screaming through the phone.
"(Y/N)...we are talking about a HAN gala, there is no way i can calm down. This has to be as perfect as can be"
"JAEHEE CALM DOWN" you yell out as you hurriedly put on your clothes.
"Ill tell Jumin to go easier on you okay, you've been working really hard. Take a break, everything is perfect already anyways Jaehee"
Her words elicit an ugly laugh out of you, never in a million years would you believe that, there's no way.
You hear Jaehee heavily sigh through the phone, "thank you..i know he'll listen to you. You have him wrapped around your finger, you know that right?"
"Its the truth!!"
"Whatever Jaehee, ill see you there" you lightly shake your head and hang up, doing any last details and shaking off any dust that might be on your clothes.
When you get there you're met with the beautiful sight of fairy lights and different colors.
As you walk out you meet Jumins eyes and he softly smiles at you. He usually doesn't do that but he's been doing it much more lately.
Giving your hand a kiss he pats the seat beside him, your blush does not go unnoticed and he lets out a light chuckle.
You grumble as he tells the driver to start the car, after a while you get more comfortable and you make conversation as you get to the gala.
Opening the door you're met with flashes and blinding light. You try to cover your eyes but you flinch as Jumins hand comes into contact with your back.
He ignores everyone around him except the corporates who gave out a wave and nice greetings, leading you to a less crowded area he tells you he has something important to do and now you sit there waiting for him to calm back.
He doesn't give out any reaction, he just slowly walks you through the crowd of people and leave you to the grand entrance.
Zen excitedly picks you up, your feet hover over the ground as you try to hug him as best as possible.
Damn you Jumin, im not good at this stuff.
Hearing an oh so familiar laugh you look all around you, trying to find the culprit as soon as possible.
As you walk around a corner you see familiar head of hair.
There he was!
Giving a light tap to his shoulder you smirk when Zen gives you a bright eyed smile
"Miss me?"
No matter what, damn this man is strong-
"He's here!"
All of you were having a good time until Jaehees breath hitches and she hurriedly gives you the champagne bottle she had in her hands just moments ago.
As you look beyond Zens shoulder you see Jaehee.
"Oh im so sorry, was I interrupting your conversation?" Oh god now you feel bad. You thought he was alone-
"No no, you were just the person i was looking for. We missed you"
You smile at Zen and Jaehee, giving Jaehee a quick hug and engaging in conversation. It was more of Zen flexing his acting and you and Jaehee both being amazed.
Both Jaehee and Zen turn a pale white. Zen stutters before giving you a, "peace out", and running away. Jaehee chasing him, right on his tail.
"Is everything okay-"
You were about to ask up until you felt a slight warmth behind you, looking behind your shoulder you're met with Jumins cold glare.
Damn, so that's how it is huh.
That hurt, thats hurt more then it should have. He doesn't even try to look at you in the eyes, he just keeps looking out at the scenery.
You chuckle nervously as you turn around to meet Jumins eyes
He notices your eyes piercing through him and he huffs, he turns away from you and walks through the crowd. You follow as best as you can, trying not to lose sight of him.
You reach a balcony and you see him resting on the railing, the wind made his hair flow beautifully.
But as much as you wanted to admire him, you knew you guys had to talk.
"Whats wrong?" You go and put your hand on his back like he did to you less than an hour ago but he only pushes it away
"Its fine"
"No its not, whats wro-"
"Can you leave me alone please? I don't want to talk to you or see you right now, its annoying"
It works a little but he knows he needs to go look for you now. Budging the door open he swiftly walks through the crowd once again and as he maps out the second floor of the mansion he knows you're not around here.
When Jumin hears the door to the balcony slam shut he knew he had fucked up.
He panics for a second, running his hand through his hair. Trying to calm his laboring breath and bad thoughts.
"Im sorry, i was jealous of your interactions with Zen. I know you're entitled to all your own emotions but seeing you with him makes my heart ache. I don't know what this feeling is, its so foreign. But i know i don't like seeing you so close to him, I thought we were close-" he chocked up while confessing to you, you grab onto the fabric of his vest as he cries into your shoulder
His shoes click each time he takes another step and he practically skips as many steps as he humanly can while walking down the staircase.
The gala was a big, and so was the crowd. But even so, he was able to pinpoint your head through the whole crowd and he runs after you. Not giving a single care about what everyone in the crowd thought.
He tries not to make a scene so with his long legs he goes up behind you and takes you into one of the spare bedrooms.
"Jumin let me go" you barely fight him off, you don't have any energy to. But you know he would obey what you had to say, and just as you thought he let you go.
He suddenly grabs onto you and hugs you close.
You run your hands through his hair. As much as his words hurt, you also know he would never be this emotional around others. So you know he's telling the truth
"Im sorry, please, I didn't mean that I swear. It just came out, I promise i wont do it again. Please don't leave, please-"
Well to him at least it did seem embarrassing, he was raised this way after all.
"Sh sh, i forgive you"
"You do?" He hiccups, his voice is groagy now, he hasn't cried like this in so long. It felt good but also so incredibly embarrassing to do it in front of the person he loved so much.
His hands were glued to the small of your back and his thumb rubbed soft and smooth traces against your skin.
You give his forehead a soft peck and the smile he had that evening finally came back.
He barely thought his actions through before he had you in a close embrace and his lips were against yours.
Your hands were still in his hair and a sigh slips past his lips as he presses his lips harder against yours.
You eyelashes flutter open as he pulls away, but when your eyes meet he closes the gap once again.
If you could stay like this forever you would.
You push away from just a little so you can look at his expression better, his expressions tells you everything. He truly is so, so happy in this moment.
After another passionate kiss he gives out soft pecks to your lips as you both smile, hearts content
"I've never been this happy"
And you wouldn't want it any other way. Seeing Jumin this happy made you just as happy.
You can't help but kiss him again as you see him smile and look at you with soft but loving eyes.
"Is this a good time to say I love you" you say as you chuckle
[1956 words; aug/25/2020]
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topsytervy · 3 years
Hello ~ Rafe Cameron
This is Part 2 to Goodbye cause I had the thought in my head and I didn't want to write it only for it to sit in my docs so you can read Goodbye (aka Part 1) here.
Blurb: A lot can change in five years.
Word Count: 3,677
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, smoking, cocaine, spelling/grammar mistakes, i think that's it.
Small note: I’m 19 and have never planned a wedding. I’ve been to my fair share of weddings as guests and my only experience with a wedding would have been when my sister got married, however, her in-laws are kind of assholes so her wedding was really lowkey and shit, like it took place in my sister backyard lowkey, cause her mother-in-law was like 'Im not paying for anything cause you guys wont last but I'll pay for your sisters weddings' so like I’m winging half of this shit if not most of it. I’m sorry.
It was 5 years later.
You were 21, along with the rest of the pogues, and able to legally drink and purchase alcohol. So no more hassle with a fake ID.
Nothing had changed except for college and jobs. You and JJ had broken up after two years of dating and, much to everyone's surprise, it was like nothing had ever happened between you two.
It was insanely easy to slip back into the friend zone with JJ, despite both of you thinking that it would be awkward. Both of you fell back into old habits fairly quickly. Sure there were the first couple of weeks where you two felt as if you had to force normality but after that, it was like nothing happened. Sure, JJ still called you princess and you still found yourself hiding into his side during scary movies, but those were habits you two had prior to dating, and old habits die hard.
The only other difference was that John B and Sarah were getting married.
They were planning on getting married at The Lodge at Bear River in fall which meant a ferry to the mainland and then an almost 8-hour road trip to the venue. 
You, Kie, and Wheezie were bridesmaids, Kie being maid of honor, and Pope, JJ, and much to John B's displeasure, Rafe were groomsmen, JJ being best man. 
You and Pope were walking together which left Rafe and his half-sister to walk together. 
Rafe looked at his sister and John B, trying to stay as unphased as possible. "Y/N's gonna be a part of the wedding party?" He asked, taking a drag from his cigarette from his spot by the pool. 
John B and Sarah were outside at the patio table with their wedding planner, going over guests and the wedding party. The three looked over at Rafe and Sarah nodded.
"Why wouldn't she?"
"No reason. If you need someone to walk with her, I'll do it." He told her as nonchalantly as possible. 
"She's walking with Pope." John B responded. Rafe made a face as he brought the cigarette back up to his lips and John B narrowed his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is there a problem?" Sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"No. No problem. It's your wedding."
John B rolled his eyes before turning back to the wedding planner. 
Rafe stood up and walked inside, flipping John B the bird as he walked by. He felt as if John B was put on this earth just to make him miserable at this point.
Rafe walked over to the bar and fixed himself a drink, Wheezie rolling her eyes from her spot on the couch in between Rose and Ward, who were currently scrolling through formal wear for the wedding. 
"Dad, Rafe's day drinking... again." The now eighteen-year-old piped up.
Rafe glared at her. "Just wait Wheezie. This will be you in a few years." He told his half-sister with a smirk.
Wheezie scrunched up her face in disgust at the sight of her brother holding his cigarette in one hand and drink in the other.
Rose, a glass of wine in her hand, rolled her eyes at her stepson as Ward, a gin and tonic in his hand, just sighed. "It's five o'clock somewhere, Wheezie." 
Rafe clinked his glass against his father’s as he made his way upstairs to his old room that he was temporarily staying in since his apartment building had taken some damage during the latest hurricane and was currently getting the necessary repairs done, and closed the door behind him. He sat down at his old desk chair and looked at the corkboard above the desk where a couple of polaroid pictures of you hung. The pictures were the first thing Rafe went looking for when he had gotten back to his apartment, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw the little lockbox he had stored the polaroids still in the closet and completely unscathed. Rafe downed his drink as he swiveled his chair back and forth. 
Of course, John B wouldn't pair you and him up. That would be helping a brother out. Rafe did everything he could to show that he changed once he heard you and JJ broke up.
 He quit cocaine and took up cigarettes instead. He went back to college and got a business degree. He was currently working and getting along with his father. He had his life together, mostly, and on track. The only thing missing from his life was you.
He had barely spent more than 5 minutes in a room with you since the breakup because you were either by JJ or you retreated as far from him as possible. He'd casually bring you up in conversation with John B and your friend would just roll his eyes. 
"We don't bring you up in conversations, Rafe." John B told him one day.
That cut the blue-eyed man deep.
Especially since this was after Rafe gave John B the money he needed to buy Sarah an engagement ring. 
Some wingman John B was.
Rafe stood up with a sigh and walked downstairs, deciding to bring the entire bottle of whiskey upstairs since he could already tell it was going to be one of those nights. He halted by the patio door though when he heard his sister and John B start talking.
“Would it be that bad to pair Rafe and Y/N up for the wedding? I highly doubt Wheezie wants to walk with him. At least Y/N won’t whine about it.” She asked as she placed a hand on his arm, the wedding planner nowhere in sight.
Rafe leaned against the wall, biting his lip as he waited for John B’s answer. If Rafe was being honest, he was kind of surprised that his sister would even consider asking John B that since she could care less about what Rafe wanted.
“Sarah, I love you but you did not see her that day or the day after or the following month and a half after that. Do you know how hard it was seeing Y/N like that? Heartbroken. Not wanting to get out of bed. Thinking she did the wrong thing and that caused him to go over the edge. Do you know how many times JJ, Pope, Kie and I caught her reading the obituaries to make sure Rafe’s name wasn’t in there?” John B looked at his fiancée. “I’m not pairing them up together without her permission. That’s that.”
“Then ask her.”
"Ask Y/N if she wants to walk with Rafe?" Sarah saw the 'are you kidding' look in John B's eyes. "I'm serious John B. Rafe's changed a lot and, despite what you think, you cannot keep her from talking or seeing my brother all your life."
"I can try." The curly-haired boy stated, crossing his arms.
"You know what, JB? You are acting like a damn child. It is not going to break Y/N/N if you ask her one small question that contains the name Rafe, okay? I'm sure she can hear his name and not break down or something. It's been long enough. Let him have that 5 minutes he needs to talk to her cause, yeah I do not doubt that Y/N took their breakup hard, but what about Rafe? Hmm? Believe it or not John B, but my brother has fucking feelings too, okay. He probably took that break up just as hard and Wheezie and I witnessed it. So stop acting like even whispering Rafe's name will break her and just fucking ask her if she wants to walk with Rafe or Pope."
"Fine. If it makes you and Rafe happy, I'll ask her." John B huffed.
Rafe didn't stay to hear the rest, just turned around and walked back to his room, the whiskey bottle long forgotten. 
Fall had come quickly and the wedding date came even faster. It was like Rafe blinked and then he was on the ferry two days before the wedding, sitting next to you, very awkwardly might I add, his leg bouncing up and down as he played with his fingers. It was like he didn't know what to do with his hands. After all these years, the most natural thing to do with one of his hands was still to place it on your thigh and the amount of willpower it took to not do that exact thing was unbelievable.
Rafe had told his dad that he was going to rent his own car because eight hours in a car with his family was a hard no for him. 
So there he was, walking over to the car he rented and opening the door before stopping and watching you get in a car with Pope, Kie, and JJ.
You glanced up just before you got in, making eye contact with him. You gave him a small smile to make it a little less awkward and Rafe returned the smile before hopping into the car. He watched you guys pull away and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh before putting the key into the ignition and starting the car. 
This was going to be the longest three days of his life.
He was happy for the long-ass drive of day one considering once everyone got to the hotel, there was a silent, collective decision to all just turn in for the night. 
Day two was a little less chill. After being awoken by a panicked banging on the door of his hotel room, Rafe got out of bed as quickly as he could and opened the door, only to be greeted by Sarah who roughly pushed past him into his room.
“Yeah. Come on in. Good morning to you too.” He deadpanned before shutting the door.
“What the hell am I doing, Rafe?” She asked out of the blue, causing a look of confusion to settle on his face.
“I don’t know. You tell me.” He stated.
He watched as Sarah sat on his bed and ran her hands through her hair, letting out a breath. “Is this too soon? Am I getting married too young? Like, I’m 21, Rafe. I should be out getting blackout drunk and having hookups and having regrets but instead, I’m doing the exact opposite.” She rambled.
“Okay. I see what’s happening now.” Rafe walked over and sat down next to Sarah. “Sarah, trust me when I say that marrying John B will not hurt any of that. I guarantee that you and John B will get blackout drunk together and call someone for a ride. I guarantee you will be having hookups, it’s just that all of them will be with John B. And you will have regrets. What those regrets are, I have no fucking clue but life is full of them. Trust me, I have a lot of regrets and I’m only 24.” Rafe told her. “But, I don’t think marrying John B is going to be one of your regrets. Canceling this wedding would be. After all, the venue does say no refunds.”
Sarah snorted slightly and Rafe bumped his shoulder against hers. “Believe me, Sarah, if anyone is ready to get married at this age, it’s you. You came down with a damn binder filled to the brim when you were like seven and placed it in front of me and dad on the coffee table and told dad to start making connections with everyone in that binder, right down to the dress designer.”
Sarah smiled before turning and wrapping her arms around Rafe. “Who would’ve thought you could give a pep talk. And liked John B.” She said.
Rafe slowly wrapped his arms around his younger sister. “Apparently you because you came to me. However, this does not mean I like John B. I am not going to start canceling shit just to have some one-on-one time with that curly-haired surfer dude. Okay? I simply tolerate him because he somehow makes you happy.”
After breakfast and lunch that he spent with Wheezie, last-minute plans when he walked to your room to ask you to lunch only to knock and have you answer the door which caused him to quickly abandon that plan and say “Whoops sorry. Room 202 for Wheeze,”, the rehearsal dinner came quickly. 
In all honesty, Rafe wasn't really paying attention to the dinner at all. How could he when you were right there, quite literally within his reach, laughing and smiling?
The actual wedding day itself was stressful leading up to the ceremony but after everyone got where they needed to be, it was smooth sailing. Rafe and Wheezie walked out after Kie and JJ. 
Rafe watched you walk down with Pope and couldn't help the pang of jealousy he felt in his chest. He also couldn't help but imagine himself as the groom and you in a white dress, walking down the aisle towards him.
He quickly shook the thought from his head though, watching you take your place next to Wheezie before turning your attention towards the door to watch his dad and sister walkout. 
You glanced over at Rafe and smiled slightly when you saw him bring a hand up to his cheek, wiping away a tear. You turned your attention to John B before Rafe could look over and catch you staring.
You saw John B wipe his hands on his trousers as subtly as he could. You caught JJ's eyes and he shook his head, mouthing 'fucking whipped' to you.
You nodded and moved your eyes between Sarah and John B before settling them back on JJ. 'Obviously' you mouthed back before the pair of you stopped before someone caught you.
In all honesty, Sarah did and she saw Rafe catch the interaction as well, noticing him swallow hard.
The ceremony went smoothly with no objections -Rafe fought back the urge to object just to mess with everyone but he knew his entire family wouldn't appreciate the humor- and after pictures, everyone moved inside for the reception as the sun began to set.
Dinner and drinks were served, toasts were made -JJ had made sure to include a few of John B's stupid and most embarrassing moments, much to Rafe's pleasure-, and then the dancing began. 
Sarah and Ward had their father/daughter dance and then John B and Sarah had their first dance before everyone else was encouraged to join them on the dance floor.
Wheezie walked over to Rafe and Rafe looked at her. "I am not nearly drunk enough to get out on that floor and dance with you Wheezie."
Wheezie just rolled her eyes. "You have a shot right now to go ask Y/N to dance and no one will even notice you. Take it." Rafe ignored her. "Oh, okay. So you can sit there and stare but you don't have the balls to walk up to her and say 'wanna dance'?"
Rafe glared at his half-sister. "Watch your mouth, Wheezie."
Wheezie took one last glance at the dance floor and shrugged. "That's fine. Looks like someone else did."
Rafe had never scanned a crowd faster than he did right there and sure enough, there you were, a cousin of his with his hands on your waist and yours on his shoulders, moving slowly around the dance floor.
"I'm going out for a smoke," Rafe muttered before getting up and making his way out of the building. 
He stood outside and brought out his pack of cigarettes, along with his lighter, and opened up the little carton. He withdrew a cigarette before closing the pack and shoving it back into his pocket, placing the cigarette between his lips. He heard the song from inside end before another one started back up as he flicked the spark wheel a couple of times, his thumb landing on the fork before a flame appeared.
He cupped his hand in front of the flame and brought the flame to the cigarette that rested between his lips, making a mental note to buy a new lighter since his was running out of juice.
Rafe heard the door open and close as he shoved the lighter back into his pocket and inhaled. He blew out the smoke before looking over to see who had joined him and was a little surprised to see you.
Of course, Rafe knew at some point you'd duck out of the party for some fresh air considering in social situations where they were tons of people, you needed to get away for a bit and recharge your social battery. He just didn't expect you to do that so soon.
You both stared out in front of you, not saying anything and Rafe brought the cigarette to his lips again, taking another drag.
"It's beautiful out here." You breathed out, trying to start some conversation.
Rafe nodded as he exhaled. "Yeah, it is."
"I wouldn't mind getting married here." You added absent-mindedly.
If Rafe had a drink right now, he would've choked at your words. He nodded nonetheless. "Yeah. It's a pretty nice place to get married."
You looked over at Rafe. "You gonna be okay over there, big guy?"
Rafe turned his head to look at you, confusion written all over his face. "What are you talking about?"
"I saw you wipe a tear away, bub." Rafe's heart sped up at the nickname that you used to use on him. "When Sarah was walking down the aisle. You gonna be okay or should the same reaction be expected at Wheezie's wedding too?" You smiled as Rafe groaned, tilting his head to look at the almost pitch-black sky.
"Don't even mention Wheezie getting married. To me, she's still that annoying thirteen-year-old that was always eavesdropping and snooping through shit." 
"Awe, Rafe. You got a soft spot for your sisters now. That’s so sweet." You cooed, knowing that when he was 19, the only thing he did was complain about the two Cameron girls. "Seriously though, I think it's sweet that you walked with Wheezie and that you shed a tear today." You told him.
Rafe couldn't stop the words that tumbled out of his mouth. "I wanted to walk with you but you told John B you'd rather walk with Pope."
Way to go, dumbass, he thought to himself.
"What are you talking about?" It was your turn to look confused.
Rafe sighed, taking another drag from his cigarette and letting the smoke pour past his lips as he spoke. "I offered to walk with you and John B said no. I overheard him and Sarah talking a bit later and Sarah told him that it wouldn't hurt to ask if you wanted to walk with me or not. And I think you know the rest."
He might as well fess up about it since his mouth and brain already decided to rat him out anyway.
You shook your head. "I don't know the rest because John B never asked me who I wanted to walk with nor did he ask if I wanted to walk with you."
Rafe looked over at you, his eyes locked on yours. He knew when you were lying and this was not one of those times.
He chuckled before shaking his head. "God. He's such a dick."
You ignored his comment about one of your best friends and walked closer to him. "You seriously wanted to walk with me?"
Rafe nodded, looking down at the ground. He was in way over his head, admitting that after half a decade he was still thinking about you and wanting to be with you. Even if it was for like a 20-second walk down an aisle.
You felt a blush grow on your cheeks as you looked down at your hands, playing with your fingers.
A beat passed before you spoke, keeping your head down. "If it makes you feel better… I would've said yes."
Rafe looked at you. "Yeah?"
You nodded and he took another drag from his cigarette.
"Can we start over?" He asked.
"What?" Your Y/E/C eyes lifted from the ground to meet his blue ones.
"Can we start over?"
You bit your lip. "Yeah. Sure."
Rafe cleared his throat before placing a small smile on his face and giving a little bow. "Hello. I'm Rafe."
You breathed out a laugh before giving Rafe a slight curtsy. "Hello, Rafe. I'm Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Rafe shook his head. "Oh no. The pleasure is all mine."
Your heads both turned to the building when the song changed once again to a slower song and Rafe took Wheezie's advice on seizing an opportunity. 
"You still like this song?" You nodded once more and Rafe put out his cigarette before extending his hand to you. "Would you like to dance?"
You smiled and took his hand. "Of course."
He placed his hands on your waist and yours looped around his neck, him starting to sway you two slightly.
"You look amazing by the way." Rafe complimented, taking in the lavender color of your bridesmaid dress.
"Thank you. You look rather dashing yourself." You took your hands from his neck and straightened his tie before returning them to where they previously were.
You moved closer to Rafe, resting your head on his chest as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Rafe?" You mumbled towards the end of the song.
"I missed you." You admitted.
Rafe smiled before placing a kiss at the top of your head. "I missed you too, Y/N/N."
"Do you maybe wanna ride back to the ferry together? 8 hours is a long trip.  Especially when you're alone and I have to deal with JJ, Pope, and Kie." 
You heard Rafe’s heart speed up a bit before it calmed back down as he took a deep breath. 
"I would love that."
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
T.H| My Mortal Enemy
Summary: you really dont wanna dance with him
Warnings: uhhh language per usual other then that idk-
A/n: I actually wanted to create a series with princess!reader but i wasnt sure.
A LOVE TRIANGLEEEEE OMFGGGGG prince!tom x princess!reader x timothee chalamet
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“Y/n suck it up” “suck what up?” “Your stomach” you took a deep breath in and grunted when she pulled thhe strings of the corset.
“Fuck you” you sighed, holding onto your stomach while she laughed “you have to dance with him, theres no way around it” zendaya said, tying the strings together while you complained.
“Im not dancing with him! Ill just dance with timothee” you commented, wiping the sweat from your forehead before she grabbed the hoop skirt, telling you to step into it.
“You’re becoming queen and toms becoming king. There’s literally nothing you can fucking do” she muttered, picking it up and putting it on your hips, quickly closing it. “Im not happy with that”
“Honey please. Clearly” she glared at you, and you smacked your lips and raised your hands in the air, the detailed white skirt, small roses and small patterns, coming over your head and down ontop of the hoop skirt.
“Beautiful” she smiled, looking at you in the mirror while you stood there shoulders slumped. “I look like one of those creepy baby dolls”
She hit you in the back making you stand up straight “you wont get anywhere with that attitude, you go in there with confidence and your head held high. For tom..... i dont know what hes gonna do but dont let that ruin your mood”
“Thanks that means so much-“ “shut up” she ordered, eyeing you as you kept your lips sealed tight. She grabbed the heels and bended down on her knees, snatching your foot making you almost fall.
“You know i couldve had someone else doing this for me. You dont have to-“ “i need you to look your best, princess” she muttered, slipping the shoe on and doing the same with the other.
“Im not marrying that scoundrel, harrison” he said, his helpers helping him while harrison watched, laughing at him. “If you wont i will,” “shut up” “you dont even like her” “so?”
He stared at harrison with daggers, while harrison played with a smirk on his face. “It cant be that hard. Just a dance and youd never have to make contact again” timothee shrugged, swirling the ice in his glass.
“You dont know i feel towards her” tom whispered. “Well you obviously hate her, but shes the most beautiful woman in this palace, everyone thinks so!”
“Eh id rather marry zendaya” “zac will kick your ass” harrison said, “thats besides the point” “tom just be quiet” tim said and tom furrowed his eyebrows at him.
“You literally talk about her all the time. If you have such a problem let one of us dance with her” he offered. “Why would i do that?”
“Because you hate her!” They both shouted at him. “I-i dont hate her....i just have se negative feelings about her”
“Then why do you talk about her all the fuckin time?”
He didn’t know how to answer that. He didnt know if he loved you or hated you. It was whatever he felt in the moment.
And that left him with a sigh and a shrug “i dont know”
“You look absolutely stunning!” Zac said, his arm wrapped around zendaya while Had a smile in her face. “She thinks she looks like a doll, a creepy one”
“Welp that isnt gonna get you anywhere...” “exactly what i said!” “Can i please take off these heels?” You asked hopping on one foot to scratch the back of your ankle.
“Nooo! Come on!” Zendaya urged and you groaned, walking with them following behind you.
The ball room was.....beautiful. Fancy tables and chairs everywhere, the special table on the other end of the room for the king and queen.
The room was filled, cheers and glasses clanking, laughs leaving people lips. And then someone cleared there throat loudly, when you looked over it was your beloved mother, “the queen is here!”
She walked over, the room quiet as gasps left people lips, muttering things like “since when does y/n wear ball gowns” “she looks stunning” and things like that.
Her hand found yours and you did a small smile, letting her pull you wherever as zendaya and zac found thier table.
She pulled you to your fancy table. “Now y/n i need you to behave” “but maaaa!” “No excuses! Make everyone proud okay, i know that boy can be a handfull”
“How do i look?” He asked, running offly late. “I mean you arent trying to impress anyone-“ “you look great” tim cut harrison off, patting toms shoulder “so can we please leave”
And you sat there, bored, for once in your life time crossing a leg over the other and helping yourself with cherries while tom watched from afar, his mother walking him over.
“You look wonderful y/n, both of you do” she smiled, rubbing toms shoulder and looking at you. “Thank you ms. Holland”
“Please- call me niki. Were gonna be a family after all” she said, making tom roll his eyes and bite his lip, looking away then looking back. “Yeah we are” you smiled and like that it was only you two.
“I dont like you” “and what makes you think i do?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow while he crossed his arms “the least you can do is act like a gentleman, as far as anyone knows we are happy together” you said making him nod, sitting up and clearing his throat.
“Sooo.....wife” you cringed at his words but let him continue “how are we gonna do this?” You only shrugged “we can sleep in separate rooms or something” “sounds like a plan” he genuinely smiled at you, handing you another cherry as you squinted your eyes at him.
“I dont know if you poisoned this” you flicked it back at him, making him let out a small gasp before throwing it back “you arent worth my time, i would waste a dime trying to kill you” “i dont know if i should take that as a complement or not” your eyebrows furrowed and he sighed, looking away from you.
“You know, i dont know why they have such a problem with each other” harrison said to tim, currently at their own table, throwing grapes at one another and cracking jokes. “I dont think we’ll ever find out” he said in response, eating one of the grapes.
AnD iT WAs TiMe TO daNCE
The strong piano played, filling the halls as everyone watched you and tom.
You both maintained eye contact, his hand tight on the side of your waist as yours was tight on his shoulder, squeezing each others hand that was shared in each others.
“Im never doing this again” he whispered, basically nose to nose with you. “Do you think i want to?” You rolled your eyes. “I dont care if you want to! I just know im not doing this”
“Well grea-“ he dipped you and you almost gasped, frightened making tom silently chuckle before lifting you back up, now chest to chest.
“Your a fuck-face” you muttered. “You love it” he shrugged, “why are we doing this anyway”
“I dont know, why do you hate me?” He asked making your jaw drop. “Why do you hate me?!” You aggressively whispered.
“They look happy” zendaya said, zac, haz and tim all circled around the same table as they watched intently “ehhh” they all let out at the same time, in their own bubble, tim leaning back in the chair and Harrison slump with his legs open, zac resting his face on his knuckles as he silently blowed spit bubbles.
“I hate you because you hate me!” “I only hated you because you hated me!” “Bullshitttt” he bit his lip and you aggressively stomped on his foot with the edge of your heel.
He let out a small whimper and a fuck you making you have a smile on your face. “Dont cuss at me” “im pretty sure my foot is bleeding, fart face” “shut up” “but you literally called me a fuck face!”
“Shush!” He still whimpered in pain when he moved, “im sorry” you said, feeling guilty. He did a small smile “that isnt gonna make my foot better is it?”
“Well what the fuck do you want me to do! Kiss it?” “That wouldn’t be so bad” you groaned and looked away from him, to keep yourself from looking at him you easily pressed your head on his chest, making his breath hitch and his heart spead up, the piano relaxing a bit so you both moved slowly.
“Awwww” everyone said together making tom blush hard, your arms came up to circle his neck while his silently made its way to your waist. “Y/n why are you doing this?” He asked, whispering in your ear as you let out a small “i dont know”
“Well- can you n-not?" “Not what thomas?” “Be all bubbly with me!” You looked up at him with your eyebrow raised “im not being bubbly”
“Yes you are!” You sighed in response “but dont you feel better! Not everything has to be so negative” “well this is bluntly awkward” “well then stop making it awkward!”
“Yeah they are in love with each other” zac said, everyones eyebrows furrowed as they looked at you both, a different look and vibe coming from the both of you.
The piano slowly ended, you and tom panicked.
“Kiss me!” He ordered. “Why would i do that! We barely even get along!” “As far as they know we are a happy cuddle” he mocked your voice. “Im still not kissing you” “if you dont kiss me im gonna kiss you”
“Fine-“ “hurry up!” “You sound loke you really wanna kiss-“ before you could finish he pressed his lips on yours, his hand pulling you closer as his other hand came up to the side of your face, and SUPRISE you fucking kissed back!
Although you both you never would never admit it, you both loved the kiss.
Your lips where soft and to your suprise his lips werent chapped, his hands were gentle on your face as you also pulled him closer, your arms still circled around his neck.
Everyone at the tables jaw dropped, zendayas more but that didnt change the subject that you both kissed, and it looked like you both were gonna sit like that till end of time.
“No fucking way” haz muttered, looking at everyone else’s expressions and they were the same.
An audible noise came when you both pulled away. “That- that uh....wasnt s-so bad” he did a small awkward chuckle. “Yeah.... i uhhhhh”
“Uhhh” you both looked away from each other before tom pulled you back to your private table.
“Im still shocked” tim said, everyone agreeing as everyone else clapped for them. “So they just decided to love each other” zac shrugged, “yeah something like that”
After that whole thing was done, daya, tim, haz, and zac locked you all in toms bedroom for questions. “What is this about?” You asked, taking off your heels and getting undressed infront of everyone.
“You and tom” his eyebrows furrowed as he started to get undressed himself. “What about it?”
“Uhhh helllooo! Are we gonna act like that fucking kiss DIDNT happen?” Daya waved her hand in the air, before crossing her arms. You and tom silently looked at each other “it was his fault”
He smacked his lips and threw himself on his bed, throwing a tantrum, kicking air. “I thought we werent gonna tell anyone!”
“So you admit it!” Haz said, a wide smile on his face as he clapped his hands. “Zendaya the corset please” you said, she came over and undid it for you. “Can i have a shirt please?” You asked, looking back at tom and he nodded getting up, searching through his drawer.
“SINCE WHEN WERE YOU BOTH BUDDY BUDDY?” Tim said, and tom shrugged “I guess we just feel differently about each other”
“And it was because of that kiss wasn’t it?” Zac smiled while daya had a childish look on her face. “It’s happening! Give me my money!”
“You guys betted on us?” You asked, thanking tom when he handed you a shirt. “Wait wait wait wait, what the actual fuck. What in the fucks is going in here because this is confusing!” Haz said, getting a headache “i swear if that kiss never happened they would be ripping each others head off”
“Zendaya more loose please!” You said and she eyed you, “help her tom” she said, crossing her arms. “Uhhh...okay” he shrugged, walking over to loosen it more.
“HUH?” Everyone shouted, watching as he loosened it and then made you turn around to loosen the front. “Somethings not clicking-“ “no because this isnt adding up”
You put the shirt over your head and pulled the corset off of you under your shirt, he helped with the hoop skirt since you already took off the actual skirt.
“Im really confused” zac said, sighing as everyone who betted gave zendaya 100 bucks, including him.
“We all are, zac” tim muttered, crossing his arms as he watched you both communicate. “Tom when your done lets talk!”
And timothee and tom went outside of the room, tom leaning against the wall as he waited for him to speak. “Youre only doing this because we said something about her, right?”
“I dont know what you’re talking about, timothee” “yes you do. Youre only doing this because you know i have feelings for her” “I actually didnt know that but okay”
“Yes the fuck you did” tim pushed him, toms eyebrows furrowed as he pushed him back. “No i didnt” tim pushed him to the floor, a large thud heard making you all whip your heads to the door, hearing a punch made you walk slowly to the door.
“You knew i had feelings for her and you took her away from me, you dont even like her!” “What?” You whispered, looking over at zendaya before they all rushed to the door, ear hustling.
Tom tackled him to the ground, aggressive punches thrown at his face until tim rolled both of them over, now his turn. “I hate you! You were never there for her! Made her mad- sad- and everything that she doesnt fucking deserve!”
You decided it was time to come out, opening the door and telling them both to stop, Zac pulling tim off of tom and Harrison holding tom back.
Tom sent daggers at tim while tom did the same. “And now she likes you. Ive been working so fucking hard to win over her heart but you- you have to ruin everything” tim finished, pushing zac off of him before turning to you.
“I hope youre happy” he scoffed and walked passed, flipping tom off. “Wait!” You said, chasing after tim while tom looked back, jaw clenched as he watched you run off.
“Y/n leave me alone” “i just want to talk” you caught up to him, both of you power walking. “I never knew you had feelings for me timothee! If you would’ve told me sooner I would’ve never done the thing i did today” you said, looking at him while he still looked ahead, before he looked at you.
“Im not mad at you y/n. He-he knew that i had feelings for you and he took advantage of it, i-i” he sighed and you pulled him into a hug, “im sorry”
I dead ass dont know if i should do a part 2 or not. THIS IS WHY I SAID I WANTED TO MAKE A SERIES- IM SO MAD AT MYSELF-
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m4rkiza · 4 years
One day, hop told leon about his feelings towards victor. leon was surprised and laughed, teasing his little brother about being in love at his own best friend, of course,leon still support him,but lets be honest older brother will bully no matter what.
often times,leon teases hop by text,poking fun at him because hop is head over heels on victor, not to mention hop pratically screams on his text whenever he text leon about victor.
leon ofcourse,tells this to raihan,raihan laughed and smiled.
Leon stared for abit,laughed awkwardly and the realization hits.
leon called hop that he...likes raihan,hop laughed hysterically,and of course mocks leon in return, and oh boy,leons lovesick case is way worse than hop.
hop had the courage to ask victor for lunch and is still brave enough to talk to him. leon? leon is hopeless,despite being a tactical genius,an ex-champion and the CEO & chairman of the battle tower, he just doesnt know how,and raihan getting more handsome each day doesnt help either.
well leon doesnt go awkward,and run away whenever raihan goes near,he just doesnt make any move. compared to hop,who already hold hands with victor,and cooked him curry with a heart shapped sausage in the middle.
raihan and leon saying “i love you bro,no homo” everyday doesnt help either,whenever leon tries say that he loved raihan,raihan laughed and replied back with “i love you too champ,no homo” he has the need to say “but i love you with full homo” but of course he didnt.
time pass by,and after months off woo-ing victor,hop tries to confess to the current champion and victor accepted the confession! now theyre boyfriends hip hip horray! hop calls leon about it and leon is very proud,hop asked leon about his progression with raihan and leon shrugged and replied with “still the same hopscotch” with a heavy sigh in the end.
one day,hop suddenly felt the urge to ask raihan how he feels about leon, and so,he goes to hammerlocke, but he doesnt go straight with “hey raihan,do you like leon? because leon does and he probably wants to marry you and make babies with you” nu-uh, hes going to ask raihan about dragon type pokemon first (saying its a part of his studies) THEN leon. 
after hours and hours of discussing about dragons,and hop trying to shift the conversation slowly to leon, he finally asked the question “hey raihan,what do you think of leon? leon talked alot about you,and i wonder about your thoughts about him yknow” raihan stared at hop,looks away,stared at hop again,and he replied with “hes..good and all- i guess” a cough “what did leon said about me? i mean if he mocks me and all,id tell you about the bad stuff,but if he...says good things then,ill tell you the good things,so itll be balanced”
hop stares at raihan,smirked and tells raihan most of it.
that leon is grateful having raihan as his rival, and best friend,because he is reliable in any kind of circumstances, considerate, gentle and patient,especially because leon is a klutz sometimes,raihan never gets angry at him and helped him instead,raihan is also very supportive,yet tries to slow down leon if hes planning something impulsive, and despite his narcistic persona, raihan is humble and polite.
raihan looks down for a sec, pulls his bandana down, (to wipe his tears) and then finally raihan goes on with his opinion on leon
(hop secretly records this because he cant help it,hes tired of his big ol’ brother’s pinning)
raihan is also,very grateful having leon as his rival and best friend,he never spreads negative energy despite always being sorrounded by it,caring,affectionate,a great listener because raihan rants alot,leon also give actual good advices and constructive criticism.a good emotional support too,despite raihans thirst for attention,leon never judged him for it.
hop agrees, and is glad that both cares about each other. and after that he thanked raihan and left,but before he does, raihan asked hop why did hop ask his opinion on leon. hop shrugged and said “leon is just,very glad to have you on his life, and want you to be forever his,okay see you later, raihan!” and hopped on the flying taxi. raihan cant believe he heard that.
leon want him to be...forever his? his what?? 
hop arrived home,and sent leon the stuff he recorded,told leon that hop says the word,and yells at leon to confess already.
leon listened to the recording,expecting something bad but..he didnt. his love for raihan grows wider and his urge to marry date raihan at this point has grown larger than ever.
he finally had the bravery to ask raihan to hang out with him,and maybe,just maybe talk about his feelings.
he texted raihan if hes free on weekends,so that they can hang out on leons apartment, raihan said yes and probably gonna be there at friday so he can sleepover,leon gladly agrees because whats more romantic than confessing your feeling to your best friend on your bed?
the day has come,they spend some time together,heck even had a baby pokemon fight on leons balconny (both just hatched a baby trapinch and a baby axew,of course theyre gonna make them fight) watched the sunset together,platonically,definitely 0 sexual tension.
they showered (sadly not together),had dinner,played with their baby pokemons until it got tired and sleeps, and its finally their turn to sleep.
both got comfortable on the bed,and leon starts the conversation 
“so...hop told me about what you think about me” leon paused for a second to see raihans reaction,raihan just stared at him,waiting for him to continue, “thank you..it... it meant alot coming from you”
raihan just shot an awkward yourewelcome,followed by a very uncomfortable silent.
leon jolted up “raihan,if you want to leave then leave but- but please dont leave me completely because youre 1 of the biggest part of my life,and you,leaving completely would ruin me” leon is in verge of tears. raihan slowly got up,tries to soothe leon that he wont leave no matter what leon will say, leon sighed,and continues “dont try to slow me down for this plan” he glared at raihan like how he does when he battles “raihan i- i like you,like,like like you,love you,full homo,i dont know for how long but im pretty sure its there for along time,because- when the realization hits, it hits hard, it doesnt feel like a giddy puppy love feeling,its something more serious and if you got disgusted i-”
“theres no way im disgusted” raihan cut leon off,grab leons shoulder, “because i like you too,but im too scared to move because throwing 14 years of friendship is not wise at all” leon chuckled and replies “i guess it is huh”
leon tackled raihan,hugging him tight,raihan hugged him back,not wanting to let go. after at least 20 minutes of nonstop hugging,raihan lets go,but leon wont let him,pressing his face on raihans chest. raihan kissed leon on top of his head, “so what are now?” raihan asked,leon looks up “rivals?- wait, um” a pause “..boyfriends? please?”, raihan stared at leon,eyes filled with adoration “boyfriend it is,we already had dinner and played with our kids before so, i guess no date is needed,we are already official before we realize” leon laughed at the respond,let go of the hug,sat on top of raihan,cupped his cheek,peck raihans lip and hid his face next to raihans head. raihan rolled,making him on top of leon. and kissed his boyfriend properly.
after tons of smooches and hugs, they finally go to sleep. raihan sleeping on top of leons tits.
its supposed to be a short headcanon,but i didnt stop. sorry if its messy and all,i didnt plan it to be this long but im hoping that you enjoy this,thank you for reading till the end!
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-23
More homestuuuuuck
I’m a little tired today so I don’t expect much intelligent analysis out of myself, but if anything classpecty happens I doubt I’ll be able to help myself regardless.
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oh, always
(EDITS: added note on horn colors, link to ask on potential Blood powers reference)
> CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit
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In the bowels of a different ship, at a moment in time that is not pinpointable in either direction from the previous interaction, another Dave raps quietly to himself.
another dave raps quietly to himself.  i am glad that phrase exists it brings me joy
(LATER EDIT: A friend on Discord pointed out that throughout this entire update, Karkat's horns are #FF0000 red. They were normal candy-corn colors in previous glimpses at the ship crew, though they used a dark single-color shortcut typical of old Homestuck at one point... but THIS time it stays STARK red even when we zoom in close later. Is this just artistic liberty? Did Karkat color his horns for fashion? Does this happen to red-bloods like the Sufferer after a certain age? Just how much time has actually passed, here? We might have to wait for the commentary for this one.)
Karkat really has chilled out hasnt he?  like this is surprisingly level for him, and that fact is hilarious.
oh gosh that’s why he’s rapping
> ==>
DAVE: kanaya was telling me this kids story the other day about this dude who didnt cherish a flower enough until it peaced out to do flower stuff idk its not pertinent to the story DAVE: except the flower was a person DAVE: because it was a metaphor
Oh right, coming back to the Little Prince stuff I was too lazy to metaphor-deep-dive into, and literally asking the same questions we were asking about who the Little Prince’s story applies to mapped here if anyone at all, like Dirk and such, or what biases were in the retelling of it and the way Kanaya phrased it.  So now we’re practically mocking it by deep diving it here, hence the last page’s “DAVE: i was just thinking through some really convoluted metaphorical horseshit”, which means we’re both about to further explore AND shit all over the existence of this story metaphor until it doesn’t mean anything and most of the meaning we drew from it earlier is made a joke~
well, not “we”, cause I was too lazy, so... y’all
DAVE: anyway what goes down in the story is that once the flower lady is out of the picture DAVE: the main character goes around making all these connections between her and everything else in the universe until every damn thing feels like a symbol for how much he fucked up and how much he will never see her again KARKAT: THIS SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING INTENSE FOR A KID'S STORY DAVE: yea thats pretty much what i said
Oh holy shit.  That’s yet another way to put it.  Are we doing a whole moral takedown of the Light aspect today?  cause it sounds like we’re taking a dump on the Light aspect and RoboRose getting too obsessed and immersed in it, which would be excellent
DAVE: but i guess its not so much what the story was technically textually about but more like the version of it kanaya internalized and then told me when we were talkin about how she misses rose
DAVE: so like now im taking the story she told me she was projecting her feelings onto and projecting my feelings on top of that
yes absolutely, you just rephrased it a different way with that exact same bias
DAVE: this is just one big game of emotional projection telephone so feel free to go paraphrase it to roxy later and make it about whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing
perfect. i need an emoji for that Italian thing for when you pinch your thumb and forefinger together and kiss it
ah this’ll do:
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its like the expression “choice” but in nonverbal form
[...] whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing KARKAT: YOUR ABILITY TO GET TO THE POINT DAVE: gotem DAVE: anyway you’re not gonna have to miss that skill of mine for long DAVE: get ready for this shit because i am about to slap you with the point so hard youll fall ass first into the washer DAVE: just scrambling around in there getting all sudsy DAVE: but your brain is gonna be so blasted from the mindfreak of a point im about to make that there wont be anything left to clean
Anytime dave is told to get to the point he is contractually obligated to spend at least 20 seconds talking about how he’ll get to the point in a way that is not getting to the point
DAVE: so its genuinely cool that kanaya can go around creating meaning that may or may not be actually present in every little thing DAVE: connecting every feeling she has to the idea of her wife existing out there DAVE: so i told her she should keep that shit up DAVE: but im having the opposite issue where im struggling to find anything to be that kind of tether because every single thing i could possibly consider about what it is were doing just reminds me of yet another thing to be afraid about
Great examples of Light being good and bad!  Attaching strands of connective meaning to everything.  --though, in Dave’s case AND Kanaya’s case you could argue it’s both bad in terms of effects.  That it’s great for Kanaya to care, but that she should be able to divest herself and live on her own terms without idealizing Rose literally everywhere she looks, personal growth which would be useful in helping bring Rose back to her in the first place.  The struggle they’re looking forward to is largely philosophical, not just physical, and until Rosebot acknowledges that she was wrong it’s not over.
DAVE: everything fuckin sucks huge cosmic donkey sack and im terrified KARKAT: OK, SO I FEEL LIKE YOU SKIPPED A COUPLE NECESSARY STEPS IN YOUR POINT CLARIFICATION PROCESS.
Pretty sure Dave was on the same page as most Epilogue and start-of-HS2 readers.  This situation is pretty bleak to dump our heroes into, no matter how much we believe will be resolved in the long run.
DAVE: ok but were you going with sweet or savory please give me that much at least KARKAT: YEAH IT WAS GOING TO BE SUNDAE-BASED. DAVE: nice KARKAT: YEAH. KARKAT: DO YOU WANNA WATCH MORE GBBO AFTER THIS? DAVE: absolutely
--ah, Great British Bake-Off, can’t say I’ve indulged
do they still have that?? did they save it from old Earth?  or did they go where unflooded Britain used to be and say hey, new show reboot
That last line is like, exactly as fucking sweet and awesome as we imagined their relationship to be.  :)
> ==>
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DAVE: ok yeah this is a better position to unleash all my inner fears n anxieties from
DAVE: those times its like my mouth was saying words about the situation wherein our friends are AWOL and maybe dead but my brain wasnt fully letting me experience the emotion that goes along with them DAVE: man its like i cant even start genuinely thinking about how afraid i actually am for rose and john without my brain flippin its wad and whiting out DAVE: like haha fuck i hope theyre ok DAVE: now i better make a fuckin joke before i succumb to the gaping mouth of despair waiting for me to fall in it as soon as i look down and acknowledge that its there ogling how juicy my ass looks as it trembles with terror
I really hope that the writers of HS2 know full well that this feeling? the one Dave is describing here? is what many of us who got way overinvested in the well-being of Homestuck’s surviving characters felt reading the Epilogues and Homestuck^2.  So I really hope they’re working through it in a way that will result in a preponderance of GOOD THINGS happening and hope-filled situations.  Cause that “can’t even think about X” feeling is too familiar, and if they understand it as well as it LOOKS like they’re getting to, I’d really like them to give us a helping hand healing.
I think that’s what they’re going for?  Seems hopeful for me to think so, but they HAVE been doing better as HS2 has been going forward, from an emotional standpoint anyway; definitely better than the Epilogues.  And I’ve worked through some of that stuff with the help of that, because it’s MUCH easier nowadays to think about Homestuck without my gut clenching.
DAVE: i guess im just fucked up about how to worry about dirk and be angry at him at the same time DAVE: because if i get as unholy pissed at him as i sometimes wanna be i also gotta admit to myself that maybe i coulda done something different there
Mhmm, Karkat’s potentially a pretty good person to speak with here since he’s done so much work trying not to feel responsible for everything that’s ever gone wrong.
DAVE: also like DAVE: and this by the way adds a whole other layer of guilt on there that i dont really know how to fuckin reckon with but DAVE: even with all the shit hes pulled and the fact that we are more or less heading toward having to take him down DAVE: whatever that is gonna mean and whether or not he planned it like that DAVE: i just DAVE: me and him had come so far with each other and it was really cool for a while to have him and i DAVE: ugh DAVE: i dont WANT to hate him
Yeah, Dirk and Jane’s heel-turns were really shitty for anyone who was a fan of them in the fanbase, as well.
That is an adorably real boyfriend-laying-in-boyfriend’s-lap thing to do
DAVE: the part i mentioned before about how we really have no goddamn clue how long this trip is even gonna take DAVE: i cant help but feel like its barely getting revved up DAVE: and for me and roxy and jade and callie and kan thats normal shit at best and boring at worst but we all have our immortality to thank for that DAVE: we can just dick around in space for near-eternity waiting to catch up to our friends who may or may not be our enemies now and itll be fine DAVE: i mean no itll be categorically miserable DAVE: but well survive it KARKAT: HOLD THE FUCK ON. DAVE: but you KARKAT: DAVE. DAVE: no lemme say this
Oh god damnit.  Karkat’s limited lifespan.  As if we hadn’t ALREADY covered a nauseatingly extensive gamut of disheartening topics of conversation.  We really have to confront every shred of misery in their past, present and future one after the other after the other in the Epilogues and HS2, don’t we?  >:(
I guess it had to be discussed, though.
DAVE: we dont talk about it much and i got shit to say about it DAVE: its not like i never thought about how youre mortal before but i just thought wed be able to figure it out before it mattered DAVE: come up with some kind of plan DAVE: i was just distracted being happy with you i fucking guess and so i didnt think up a way to fix it DAVE: and now thanks to dirk we have to work it out right the fuck now DAVE: because i cant spend this trip just sitting around watching you get old and die
Jesus.  I mean, WE know(?) that it’s not gonna be THAT many years, but THEY don’t know that.
Unless it really IS going to be that many years and HS2 is going to shamelessly take a fucking sledgehammer to our feelings for no goddamn good reason.  Which it won’t!  Right???  >:T
> ==>
Dishwasher ding
> Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time.
Hey, don’t make it a metaphor here. --though, fuck.  I suppose we are dealing with everyones dirty laundry.  God damnit.  SURE, deal with it all story but then GET IT OUT OF THE WAY AND PUT SOME SERIOUS FUN AND LAUGHS IN HERE so we don’t feel like we’re wading through an entire garbage dump!!!  *click*
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Karkat’s eyebrows-only mouthless frown is really cute.
> ==>
okay Karkat explain the nope you’re lodging
> ==>
> ==>
> ==>
DAVE: ok go on
I mean I at least appreciate the time investment in adorable boyfriends.  That’s definitely something of SOME good value they’re giving us in exchange for this misery
> ==>
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That Karkat image makes me wanna do that red-shaky-gif-thing with it
Yes, and you’ll possibly convince him more of that over time, though not in this short conversation
And with that darkly angry expression too, that’s PERFECT
I mean it’s true.  What exactly would they be doing DIFFERENTLY on Earth C other than enjoying each other like this?  It’s pretty fucking great.
...hm.  Isn’t this journey-not-the-destination stuff pretty Breathy?  Karkat’s proving more balanced by the moment.
Pff.  He feels guilty for ENJOYING IT so much.  <3
I’m glad Karkat knows that DAVE knows somewhere in him that it’s more than that, because yeah, if Karkat thought he DIDN’T know that at some level that’d be a reason to take MUCH MORE SERIOUS offense.
Hah!!!  Point taken.  Karkat must view Dave as practically more fragile than HIM.
Okay, this is great and wholesome.  I am now retroactively GLAD that this topic got brought up.  :)
> ==>
Dave is still afraid. There is a part of him that will always be, he thinks. He has accepted this about himself. There is another feeling coursing through him too, though. It’s something he's felt before, though never quite so intensely. He looks up at Karkat and understands, viscerally, the simple power his words have. They pump through Dave’s own body, alive and warm and true.
He wonders if Karkat realizes it, or if he’s just, as always, saying what he feels as he feels it. Dave doesn’t attempt to dissect it further. There will be time for that later.
Every really loving moment like this is sort of undercut by the fact that it’s also, in some senses, part of alt!Calliope’s narration and, by extension, her fanfiction.
EDIT 2: There's also either a hint to potential Blood powers or even an explicit Blood power use here that I didn't recognize. I'm leaning towards it's-laying-the-groundwork-for-future-use-of-Blood-powers-but-isnt-magical-in-this-case.
> ==>
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That was nice.  Still gonna wait on doing any commentary til next time or a Bonus update or two, cause I’m beat.  See y’all next time!
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Arthur denying his feelings for reader be like: plays Hercules (1997) - I Wont Say Im In Love
Anon, this one turned out so cute and fluffy, I’m literally on the verge of death!
Read on AO3
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Arthur’s leaning against a tree at the edge of Clemens Point, feeling like a lovestruck idiot. He’s been watching you for longer than he cares to admit. Despite being the newest member of the gang, you’ve continuously surprised him over the past few weeks. It was the obvious stuff at first, the way you wore your hair, the way you talked to people (especially him), how you treated your horse. Now it’s the small things he’s taken notice of. How you brush the hair from your face, how you like to watch the sunrise while drinking your morning coffee. 
He rubs his hand down his face, knowing he shouldn’t get involved with you. He’s a fool for falling for you in the first place. Not that there’s anything wrong with you, he thinks, but no one would want his affections. Besides, he’s had too many bad experiences with romantic relationships that it’s just easier to be alone. He’s still heartbroken about how things ended between him and Mary, and thoughts of Eliza and Isaac still torment him. The last thing he wants is to add you to his list. 
He crosses his arms, still leaning against the tree and watching you walk across the camp to go and feed the chickens. He watches them gather around your feet, pecking at the grass for the food you’re tossing down. He’s almost tempted to join your side, to look for any excuse to talk to you. You’ve become close friends after all, talking comes easy. But he’s decided to try and push you away, he can’t risk falling for you. Or at least falling for you more than he already has. 
“Hey ol’ man, grumpy Morgan!” Sean chuckles, coming towards him. He’s clearly on guard duty, the repeater in his hands. 
“What you want, boy?” Arthur says, clearing his throat and looking towards the lake, trying to look innocent. 
“Nothin’. Just wonderin’ when you’s gonna ask that girl out. Y’know, Karen was tellin’ me the other day how Y/N fancies you. It ain’t a secret you fancy her too. Why not just do everyone a favor, take her out?” 
“You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about,” Arthur growls. “It ain’t like that between us.” 
“Oh I can see it all over your face, Morgan. You. Love. Her.” 
“You’re the world’s biggest fool, Sean. If you know what’s best for ya, you’ll shut your mouth.” 
“I knew it, I knew it!” Sean laughs. “Yer the most predictable person. Whenever someone says somethin’ about you that’s true, ya get all defensive and angry. Just do yerself a favor, take that girl out on the town. Hey, if ya need an excuse, I overheard her sayin’ she’s been missin’ the ‘forests of West Elizabeth’.” He makes air quotes. 
Before Arthur can snap at him again, he walks away, chuckling lightly. Arthur sighs and leans further against the tree. Sean’s definitely given him something to think about. The forests of West Elizabeth, he repeats silently. What exactly does that mean? He knows you come from out west and that you prefer it out there, much like himself. He’s never heard you talk about forests or anything like that. 
Against his better judgment, Arthur comes up with a plan and decides to bring it to you. Besides, he’d be lying if he didn’t want a reason to take you out somewhere alone. Not to try anything, of course, but he enjoys your company. There’s something about you that he finds addictive. 
He walks slowly up to you, wringing his hands a bit. He’s nervous that you’ll see right through him. When he gets close to you, still feeding the chickens, he notices something’s wrong. It’s your energy, you just seem down. Your shoulders sag, as though a weight presses down on you. He clears his throat, catching your attention. 
“You a’right?” he asks quietly. 
Your head snaps up and you look at him. Instantly, the sadness from your face flickers and is replaced by your soft smile. He can tell you’re faking it though. 
“Oh hi, Mr. Morgan. Yeah, I’m doing just fine. How are you?” 
“Just dandy. Hey listen, I was plannin’ on goin’ out huntin’, figured I could use a partner. You wanna come?” 
You pause for a moment. Arthur wants to take you hunting? Why? Sure, you’re familiar enough with a bow and a gun to use them, though the results aren’t always perfect. Maybe word’s gotten around camp that you were crying last night. You were just overwhelmed by everything and had to let it out. The mood still lingers. Arthur must be inviting you because he feels obligated to cheer you up. It doesn’t help you to feel better. It makes you feel like an even bigger burden since Arthur’s constantly bigger running jobs. Still, you have a hard time finding a reason to say no to him. 
“Sure, I’ll go hunting. I, uh, hope you don’t mind dragging me along.” 
Your choice of words catches him off guard. He’d heard nothing about you breaking down the night before but the dimness of your eyes and your words tells him how bad your state is. 
“Don’t mind at all. Would you wanna go now?” 
You look over at the setting sun. It’s nearly gone by this point. 
“Now?” you ask. “Wouldn’t it be better to go in the morning when it’s light?” 
He huffs a bit. “Well I suppose, if that’s what you want. Course I don’t mind spendin’ a night under the stars. But sure, we’ll leave in the morning.” 
You feel stupid all of a sudden. You’ve spent plenty of nights in the open, away from camp. It’s just harder to hunt at night. “Mr. Morgan, wait. Wait. I… Yes, we can leave now. I don’t know why I was being stupid.” 
He turns back around at your words. He smiles a bit. “Okay. I’ll uh meet ya by the horses. Five minutes?” 
You nod and finish feeding the chickens. You try clearing your head, especially the nasty thoughts swirling around. You don’t want to seem like a self-pitying fool around Arthur. You’ve been low-key flirting with him the past couple of weeks and he’s noticeably pulled away from you since. You didn’t want to give him another reason to run away. 
After gathering your things, you meet him by the horses and mount up. The two of you head out at a brisk trot. Arthur starts leading you north along the borders of Flat Iron Lake. You want to ask him where he’s thinking of hunting, but your current mood forces you to keep quiet. No one would want to hear you talk anyways. You start questioning why he even wanted to bring you out in the first place. The only thing you can come up with is that it’s because he’s a good man and he heard you were in need of a friendly face. It makes you feel like even more of a burden. 
On the northern side of Scarlett Meadows, Arthur pulls to a stop. The sun has set properly now and given way to a nearly full moon. He dismounts and the two of you set up camp. As you sit around the fire, waiting for your meat to finish cooking, he can tell by your eyes that you’re far away. He doubts you’re in a good place. It makes him want to put his arms around you and tell you all the things he feels about you, but he made a promise. He can’t tell you. 
“You uh want the tent tonight?” he asks. “I can sleep out here tonight.” 
“No, Mr. Morgan. It’s your tent, you should sleep in it.” 
He huffs and smiles a bit. “Ya can call me Arthur, miss. Ain’t exactly like we’re strangers.” 
You smile a bit. “Right, sorry.” 
He pulls the meat off the fire and gives you some to eat. When you’re done, he sits next to you. He feels like you just need a friend to help you out, yet he isn’t sure how to do it without admitting he’s got feelings for you. You yawn heavily. 
“You should get some sleep. I’ll stay up a bit, not quite tired yet.” 
Instead of agreeing and getting up to lie in your bedroll, you lean over and put your head on his shoulder. He stiffens up a bit at your touch but it’s such a welcome feeling, he can’t pull away. He realizes now that you, like everyone else in camp, have just been overworked and underappreciated in camp. This will be the best medicine for you, getting you away and just taking a break. He wonders again about the phrase “forests of West Elizabeth”. As he’s pondering, he’s also fighting with himself. Nothing would give him more pleasure than to wrap his arm around you or pull you in his lap and hold you against him and watch you sleep. He won’t do that though. He can’t do it. 
As he’s arguing with himself, he hears the softest snore come from you. He smiles when he realizes you’ve passed out on his shoulder. He gently picks you up and places you into hsi bedroll in the tent. He covers you with his blanket and then he sits back down by the fire. He smiles a little as he thinks about what could be between you if he were dumb enough to take that chance. 
In the morning, he notices you seem a little happier, a little more like yourself. Like you’ve finally been able to relax a bit and get a good sleep for the first time in days. You talk a bit more, yet he can tell you’re choosing your words carefully, which is unlike you. One of the things he admires about you is that you say what you think, even if it’s brutal. He knows he can trust what you say. 
You expect him to take you somewhere like the outskirts of Emerald Ranch where game is plentiful. Instead, he keeps leading you west, across the wide mouth of the Dakota River and into West Elizabeth. Seeing the tall pines and green grasses lifts your spirits greatly and you feel like you can take your first proper breath in weeks. 
Arthur can see the visible change in you, how your eyes begin to light up again. You smile more easily and start talking more. He notices you even make some of your light jokes. He’s always liked your jokes, cheesy as some of them are. You’ve got a natural sense of humor he finds endearing. He thinks to take you to Big Valley, but something tells him it’s not enough. He needs to take a bigger risk with you. 
After arriving at Lake Owanjilla, he pauses. He knows where he wants to take you, but it’s incredibly dangerous. Not because the land but because of where it lies. He just hopes that no one will see the pair of you and if they do, they won’t connect the dots. 
“Come on, we’re almost there,” he says and he kicks his horse into an easy trot. You follow him across the dam, down the trail and over the river. You wonder what he’s up to as you enter Tall Trees. You know the risks of going anywhere this close to Blackwater. Word is bounty hunters and Pinkertons have gathered here like flies to a rotting corpse. You want to tell him it’d be wiser to go back, but something tells you to not question him. That he knows what he’s doing. 
After a while longer, Arthur slows his horse down. You’re in the thick of Tall Trees, the pines growing high above your heads. The world has turned from green to red with speckles of blue and purple. You’ve always loved Tall Trees, the tall red pines and the green ferns growing between them. The smell is indescribable, addictive. Somewhere hidden in the trees, a squirrel begins to bark. 
Arthur looks back at you and grins. You don’t see him as you’re busy gazing at the trees. He can tell that this was exactly what you needed, despite the obvious dangers. He keeps leading you down the trail until the trees break and give way to a small lake nestled in the bowl of the mountains. This is where he finally stops and dismounts. You do as well, though you’re still staring around like a complete moron. You finally turn to him and give him a genuine smile, which makes his knees feel weak. 
“Arthur, this is beautiful. But… what are we doing here?” 
He shrugs his shoulders. “Just seemed like this would be a good place to come and… fish.” 
“Fish?” you giggle. “You came here to fish?” 
“Sure, why not? Hear there’s a real nice bass livin’ in this lake. Figure if anyone’s gonna catch him, might as well be me.” 
“Not if I catch him first!” you shoot and run towards the water. He calls to you and chases after you, the two of you laughing madly. You reach a broken pier first and pull out your rod. “Beat you, Arthur!” 
“Oh trust me, sweetheart, runnin’ ain’t fishin’. We’ll see in the end who’s the real winner.” 
The two of you cast out and slowly pull your lures back. With the sun beating down and the wind carrying the intoxicating smell of the forest, you couldn’t be happier. You can practically feel the black cloud that’s been hovering over you getting drawn out, like venom from a snake. 
Arthur’s line gets tugged hard and he yanks back his pole, setting the hook. “Ooh I got somethin’.” 
“Well pull it in, quick!” 
You watch him fight with the fish and then he pulls out a beautifully colored bass. You laugh and pat his shoulder. 
“He’s a beauty! Good catch, Arthur. Guess you won this round.” 
He chuckles and wraps the fish up before putting it into his satchel. “Yeah, guess I did.” 
For the next hour, the two of you fish a little more, bringing out multiple trout and bass. Then, just when you think the two of you might be able to get away with staying here for a long while, you hear, echoing across the water, voices. It sounds like a small group of men. Your heart drops at the thought of bounty hunters. There’s no doubt in your mind they might be scouring Tall Trees. It’s the perfect place for a gang to hide, after all. 
“Think we’ve outstayed our welcome,” Arthur says and collapses his pole. You do the same and then you both swiftly remount your horses and run off from the lake, avoiding the path. Over the next half hour, you dodge between trees and carefully navigate around the steep drops of the mountain until you hit the trail right above Owanjilla. There, you make your way across the river and into safe lands again. Arthur leads you over to the north end of the lake where he finally dismounts. 
“Well that was a fine outing, Mr. Morgan,” you say, patting your horse’s neck from the ground. 
“Sure. Well, figure we can hunt here the next couple of days. Know there’s plenty of game in Big Valley.” 
You nod and smile at him. “Yeah. But tell me: did you really take me there for a fish?” 
He blushes a bit and hides his head beneath his hat. “Well… well no. I known the fish was there a long time, but I didn’t go for it. I just thought you could use the fresh air.” 
This makes you laugh. “Arthur, I can get fresh air in plenty of places that have fewer risks.” 
He blushes more. “I know. But… well, I won’t lie to ya. I figured the place could do you some good. Heard you were tellin’ Karen you missed it and you seemed down the last couple of days. Just thought I might be able to help.” 
You smile at him, your eyes glittering. “Thank you, Arthur. You’ve no idea how much it helped.” You lean up and place a soft kiss to his cheek. He grins, his cheek burning. You look away and say you’re going to go and hunt. He lies by saying he’s going to try and fish a bit more. 
When you’re out of sight, Arthur sits down on a boulder. “What is the matter with me? Ya think a miserable outlaw like myself would learn. Morgan, you have the world’s best record of bein’ the biggest fool.” 
He sits there for some time, arguing with himself. He can’t love you, but he can’t help being in love. A voice in his head asks what’s the worst that could happen by just letting himself feel what he’s already feeling for you. He argues back by using Mary and Eliza as examples. 
“But she isn’t Eliza or Mary,” the voice says. “She’s Y/N and in completely different circumstances than they were. She knows how to protect herself, she’s been robbed and shot at before and came out alive in all those situations.”
“No no no,” he says. “She’ll come to realize I’m a fool like Mary did. I’ll mess things up and she’ll hate me for it.” 
“She already knows you’re a fool. She’s seen your crazy side, she knows how scary you can get. More than once, in fact, and she’s still around isn’t she? Mary saw that side one time and she ran off running. Y/N’s different. Never once has she asked you to change or to control yourself.” 
“It’s a dumb move!” Arthur says. “I ain’t in love with her nor am I ever gonna be in love with her! She deserves someone better.” 
The voice is a bit quieter this time. “It seems like it’s too late for her. You saw the way she looked at you in Tall Trees. She’s already got it for you.” 
“Well, she’s a bigger fool than I thought for doin’ that.” 
“No doubt. But if you leave her like this, she’s not going to wait around forever. She doesn’t deserve that either.” 
Arthur sighs. He knows you don’t deserve him playing you the way he’s been lately. “Well fine,” he says to the voice in his head. “I love her. I love Y/N, but I ain’t sayin’ it out loud.” 
Night has fallen and you and Arthur are sat around the campfire again, nestled in Big Valley. You’re leaning your head against his shoulder once more like you did the night before. Arthur’s arguing with himself again. He knows he loves you but he’s still unsure if he should act on it. To act on it would be to admit it. 
“Arthur?” you say, breaking him out of his thoughts. 
“Thank you again for today. I… can I tell you something?” 
“Of course.” 
“I’ve been real sad lately. Don’t know why, but my brain keeps telling me I’m a burden on everyone, I’m merely tolerated. But going back to that lake helped me feel centered again. Like going home. I know that doesn’t make any sense.” 
He smiles a bit. “No it makes perfect sense. And for the record: you ain’t a burden or tolerated. People in camp like you, darlin’. You should hear Jack tell his mama about your stories. Sounds like you been helpin’ Mary-Beth too. And you were the first person to get Karen to stop drinkin’ the other day. Can’t tell you how long we been tryin’ to help her quit.” 
“Really?” you ask, looking up at him. “And… and what about you? I know you only took me out today because you heard I needed a pick-me-up.” 
“No, no that ain’t the reason,” he says. “I didn’t know you needed help until we were away from camp. Like I said, you ain’t a burden. You work hard, I see that in camp. Work as hard as anyone else and eight times as much as Uncle.” 
You giggle a bit.
“Point is, me and everyone else who counts sees how much you work in camp. We notice. I know we don’t voice our appreciations, especially ol’ Grimshaw, but it doesn’t mean we don’t see it.” 
You surprise him by grabbing the hand on his knee and squeezing it lightly. He knows at this moment he can’t hold back any longer. He withdraws his hand and your heart sinks. You’ve crossed a line. You’re about to pull away from his shoulder until you feel him shifting himself and his hand winds over your hip. He pulls you into his lap and you settle your head on his chest. 
Arthur’s heart pounds hard in your ears. He’s wanted to do this for so long with you, imagined doing this. He’s held women like this to him before so he knows what it feels like, but this is different. You’re different. You fit against him like a puzzle piece, perfectly molded to him. You’re warm and it feels so good the way you wrap your arms around him. He kisses your hairline and settles his chin to your forehead. 
After a few moments, he feels you place a soft kiss to his chest. It makes him smile and he holds you tighter. 
“Arthur?” you say, looking up at him.
“I think I love you,” you say quietly. He swallows heavily. “Well I hope so. Because… I know I love you.” 
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ivyuns · 4 years
after hours ❆ ✰
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han jisung
genre: angst and fluff
word count: 1.6k
warnings: language + self harm
A/N: since you guys asked for it, heres part two of moral of the story (: repost
listen to after hours by the weeknd
part one | part two
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thought i almost died in my dream again.
right after you left changbin’s embrace to hop onto your plane back to korea, he was furious. he didnt even knew jisung was cheating on you. as a cousin, he went to yell at your ex lover.
“han fucking jisung.” changbin muttered out. the younger one lifted his eyes and saw his hyung. quickly wiping his tears and waits for changbin to continue speaking. “did i just witnessed y/n catching you cheating on her? are you serious jisung? after everything she done for you, for us, and you did this in return!?” changbin ran his fingers through his hair and let out a heavy sigh.
“i wont hurt you or anything, just at least talk to y/n and fix some things alright?” jisung immediately nodded as changbin left the room. jisung got up and changed into a casual outfit and met up with his manager to talk about some things.
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without you, don't wanna sleep. cause my heart belongs to you.
after meeting up with his manager and convincing to continue the tour without him, he finally agreed. jisung dashes through the hallway, into his hotel room and gathers his stuff and gets his belongings then heads to the airport.
handing in his ticket and sitting in his seat in the plane, he pulls our your promise ring that you threw at him a few hours ago and remembers your pained face the moment you saw him cheat on you. the way the tears fell onto your cheeks. the way you wanted to hold back your tears but couldnt. jisung kicks the seat in front of him and starts bawling his eyes out, earning a groan from the elder who he kicked, immediately starting to apologize to the boomer.
wanting to fall asleep so time can pass by, only to have nightmares of you, taking your own life of his yet another stupid mistake. forcing himself to stay awake by looking back at all the memories you two shared.
baby where are you now when I need you most? i'd give it all just to hold you close.
after the plane has landed, he made his way out of the gate and hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of your apartment. few minutes pass by and jisung looks up and sees his destination. thanking the driver and giving them money and tip, he gets his stuff and unlocks your door. everything looked normal. you had to be here. quickly going to each room to see where you were, you were unseen.
memories start flooding in his mind and sees the first fight you two had. seeing your pale body on the bathroom floor. bunch of tubes connected to your body to regain the nutrients needed. he ran his hands through his hair and yelled, not caring about the neighbors. he needed to find you before his nightmare in the plane could actually happen.
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i know it's all my fault, made you put down your guard.
he ran to the dorm, thankful you decided to live a few blocks away from them. taking out his keys to unlock the door and smells a familiar scent, knowing you came here recently. he goes to his room to see a box on his bed and the pictures hung up of you two hidden in his drawer.
seeing the note placed on the box made him feel even more worse. he let out another scream and pulled out his phone, seeing if you still share your location with him.
entering the passcode for his phone and opening his friends locator app. he searches for your name only to find only you can see his location. he threw his phone on the bed and fell on the ground. not knowing where you could be. who knows if youre in the streets all alone.
knowing if youre upsetting at something, jisung always knew you wouldnt have the appetite to eat and ruin your healthy life. even if you came back to korea a few hours ago, your body could make you sick, especially since you didnt eat anything before you left for japan.
i know i made you fall, they said you were wrong for me
remembering how you acted towards him after telling stays about your relationship with him made him guilty. he knew how insecure you felt since the beginning of high school. after the mean comments stays made about you, you felt everyone was coming at you and that you didnt deserve jisung.
until jisung stepped in and defended you. he brought in the light when you fell into the darkest time. even til before he cheated on you, whenever you would fall into a dark time, he would be your knight in shining armor and bring you back to light.
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i lied to you, i lied to you, i lied to you. Can't hide the truth, I stayed with her in spite of you.
he knew he shouldnt had cheated on you. but something that jiseo gave him made him fall harder for her and started cheating behind your back. the times he cancelled the dates and plans was only to hang out with jiseo. with the excuses he used was just he needed to practice more or make a new song. all the lies he said to you. all the unsaid i love you.
you did some things that you regret, still ride for you. cause this house is not a home.
currently on the bridge you were sitting at, with the han river under your dangling legs and with park near the bridge, where you two met when you were a little kid. with a blade in your hand, you rolled up your over-sized button up flannel to reveal a fresh canvas to place the scars. each memory and tear that fell, you would cut into your flesh. you promised yourself you would never cut youself or try to harm you, but you felt weak and nobody was there to help.
jisung, who was running around trying to look at the places you would always go to relieve some stress or just for fun. remembering you would always go to the park next to the han river always made you feel so calm since it was the place you and him landed eyes on each other. running to the park, only to find nobody. looking up afar, he sees a figure. a very familiar figure. noticing the same flannel you would always wear.
making his way to the bridge, he hears the sobs which pains him. going up to you, he sees blood coming out of your fore arm. widening his eyes as he approaches you, he takes the blade and throws it in the river and hugs your trembling body.
“its okay y/n” he tries to make you calm. slowly sinking into the hug, relaxing. you then remember what happened. with your shaking body, you push jisung back to where he isnt hugging you anymore and falls on his side. “how can you say that as i caught you cheating on me?!” you yelled out, which you shouldnt have, making you see more than one jisung.
“y/n, let me explain!” due to lots of blood loss, you fainted. having jisung to press on your wounds and take you to the hospital. “please y/n, not again. please i cant lose you again.”
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jisung waited in the waiting room with his elbows on his knees and bloody hands on his hand. as the doctor was walking towards him with papers in his hands, he stood up. “ah so jisung. y/n is fine but due to the lost of blood she lost which was almost half a gallon, she will be having blood transmitting to her body. you can go to her room now” jisung thanks the doctor as he pats jisungs back.
walking to your room, only to see you looking at the window. jisung grabs a chair and places it next to your bed. jisung grabs your hand and starts speaking.
“im sorry y/n. i-i shouldnt have cheated on you. if i didnt, we wouldnt have to be in this situation. i dont know why i did it in the first place but after seeing you hurt, it just made me feel so guilty. i didnt return you the love you gave me and seeing your pained face, i just felt my heart shatter. and after having to keep stray kids continuing their tour without me and coming back here to talk to you. just because i love you and i dont know what life ill be doing without you.”
you turn your head to see jisungs face full of regret of what he did in the hotel room. you smiled after hearing ‘i love you’ after months. “i love you too jisung”. he lifts up his head and sees you smile. he gets up and hugs you. “if you do this again jisung, i wont hesitate and break up with you.” and kiss jisung on his lips. he sits back down and grabs your left hand. “i believe you need to put this on again, sunshine.” and slides in the promise ring you threw at him.
and finally, he goes on his knees and pulls out the small black velvet box you found earlier. without jisung even asking, you immediately say yes. “baby i didnt even ask you” jisung laughs.
“i dont care, yes is my answer.”
jisung smiles and puts the engagement ring on your ring finger.
“thank you for this second chance baby”
sorry that i broke your heart, your heart. and I said, baby, i’ll treat you better than i did before, i'll hold you down and not let you go, this time i won't break your heart, your heart, no.
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END <3
a repost since first try didnt show up in the tags but ty for reading
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Dont ask for context. I just wanted to post this so its in one place to share-
Regular text was written by me, and italicized text was written by @purple-steven​ ‘s mun
Varian groaned, his mouth was dry and it felt as though his head was splitting open. He went to rub his eyes before he realized.... right. He was tied to a chair. At least it was a chair this time. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was better than being hung from the ceiling by his wrists, which was what he had woken up to last time. He didn't try to struggle. He knew it wouldn't help. He held his eyes closed, mentally assessing his body. He was mildly disappointed to find he still only had on a thin tank top that was far too big for him, the same worn trousers, and a small tight-fitting metal collar. Everything else had been taken from him. His gloves, his boots, his goggles, even his binder. Gone. He didn't know how long he's been here, but by how long his once sleek, but now matted and tangled hair had grown he could tell it had been at least two months. Anger had long since bled into despair and he held little hopes that he would ever be released. That he would ever see his friends again. His brothers and sister. He should just forget them, he wasn't going to see them again. He only hoped they weren't still looking for him. 
Everything ached, but the lack of open wounds was proof enough that he had died again. After a few moments of deep breaths, which felt like he was inhaling shards of glass, he opened his eyes. He was met with the same dark stone room that his eyes had long since become accustomed to the light level of. Andrew was sitting in the corner of the room. His emerald eyes shining in the darkness. a smile slipped onto his face when he saw the ravenette was awake. Varian had no energy to react at all, so he just gazed at him with empty eyes. Eyes that had been glazed over with hopelessness since he realized there was nothing he could do or say to make Andrew let him go. 
"Good morning sleeping beauty" Andrew whispered as he steadily made his way towards the bound alchemist. Time had no meaning anymore. It could be morning, it could be night, he didn't know. 
"What should we do with you today?" Andrew continued when Varian gave no reaction. "Maybe I could give you a treat and take you outside...? Leaving you in the ocean to drown a couple times could be fun..." 
Varian knew Andrew was only playing with him. He already knew exactly what he was going to do with him. He always did. Andrew reached up and took his face in his palm with a gentleness that didn't fit the situation. Varian instinctively tensed at his touch but resisted the urge to jerk away, knowing it would only result in pain. "I think we're going to do something a little different today... Im sure you miss your friends, right?"
Varian didnt respond, but he repressed a whimper of pain as Andrew's grip started to tighten.
" ...y-yes..." Varian rasped.
Andrew smirked, releasing him and starting to walk towards the door on the far side of the room. "Well, how about we send them a message?"
Varian looked after him and he entered it and came out with a video camera. Varian's breath caught as he started setting it up in front of him and he realized what he was planning, a look of fear breaking through the wall that had been built to protect himself. The video camera was old, the kind that used a VHS tape. Well, to him it was new, as he was from the past, but it was old compared to the kind of technology this current time period has. He shook himself out of that train of thought. He needed to get himself out of the habit of analyzing everything he sees. Alarms went off in his head as soon as Andrew turned it on, setting it on top of something that was about on his head level. 
There was a package left outside the library. Nothing special, just a brown cardboard box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. There didnt seem to be anyone around, and it was probably left there sometime that night
Lav was still searching for Varian, he's so worried, he hasn't been able to catch any leads or anything... He hasn't even been sleeping well, he was going out for fresh air. But he noticed the package. He grabbed it, opening it quickly, he's got a bad feeling. Mysterious packaging is always a bad sign.
Inside was a folded piece of blue clothing, after further inspection, it was obvious that this was varian's hoodie. It was ripped in places and bloodstained. Underneath the hoodie was what looked like a cassette tape, where there's supposed to be a label, there was just a smiley face that looked like it had been drawn with blood by a finger.
Lav was... Staring at it, shaking, racing to the living room and pushing in the tape, turning it on. He needed to know what had happened, he needed to know where they were.
The video started, and a dark room flickered into view. In the center was Varian, tied to a wooden chair with thick ropes that look old and worn. He was pale and dangerously thin, his once beautiful blue eyes were clouded over and he was trembling visibly, despite the low quality of the recording. He was wearing a black collar around his neck, there were dark purple bruises blossoming on his wrists where he was tied too tight than necessary and his hair was quite a bit longer and hung in clumps around his face. The tank top he was wearing was thin and far too big for him. He looked cold. He gazed at the camera with a look of despair and fear, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes. 
Lav was shocked at the sight, he wasn't sure how to react. He was mad, he was sad, he was feeling the weight of guilt. He had let this happen. He had died, and he didn't stop Andrew. He was close to the TV, far too close than he should've been, and he was scared. Scared for what was to come.
"Something wrong?" Someone out of frame asked, and varian's eyes flicked from the camera to a point slightly above and to the left. "I thought you would be happy to be given a chance to talk to your friends again... hmm... that reminds me. who should I give this to? What about the hybrid you call your "older brother"? I bet he would love a chance to hear from you again..." It was obvious that whoever it was was smirking, just from his tone.
Varian opened his mouth for a moment before he hoarsely whispered, "...lav..." at a volume so low it was only barely picked up on the tape, his eyes going out of focus for a moment.
"VARIAN!" He was shouting, banging at the TV. God, what was he doing? He knew he couldn't get to him, he was too late, he needed to search for something, anything that would help him get there. But he couldn't look away from the sight. He felt sick, watching what he felt was a younger brother of his being this bruised and battered. He wanted to help. He needed to help, he's let this happen for so long...
The voice chuckled and stepped into view, walking over to stand sightly to the side and behind varian. He was immediately recognizable as Andrew. He twirled a dagger between his fingers as varian started at the camera in fear, frozen, not knowing what to do. Andrew leaned down next to varian's ear at the same time he raised the dagger to varian's neck, pressing the cold blade against his pale skin and whispering just loud enough for it to pick up on tape. 
"Nothing to say? Not even a hello? Come now, dont be rude...."
Varian visibly swallowed before repressing a sob and choking out, ".. H-hello lav..." His voice was raspy and hoarse.
Lav was shaking the TV, unaware of the tears that were streaming down his face, coughing with the tears choking him. He could only watch, trembling with anger towards Andrew.
Andrew smiled in satisfaction and drew the knife away. Only to drive it into the flesh on his right lower arm, smiling wider as varian let out a strangled scream, tears streaming down his face as he instinctively tried to jerk away. Anderw gripped his upper right arm in one hand and his jaw with the other, forcing him to look at the camera. "Go on, ask for help. Beg for him to find you, tell him where you are so he can come to your rescue. You know this is the only way he'll hear you. I'll reward you with a quick death this time...."
"Varian, please, hang on, please... Tell me, tell me..." Lav was desperate, looking at him in the eye, trembling more the more he stared. He could see the pain in his eyes, he could see the tears well up, he let this happen...
Varian was trembling harder now, the dagger still protruding from his arm and the hopelessness and despair visible in his eyes. He closed his eyes and shook his head to the best of his ability, but cried out again when Andrew tightened his grip. Starting to yell what andrew wanted, just for a bit of relief "aAAAAHH! I-I dont know where I am! L-Lav.. im scared..." he choked on his words. "p-please.. p-please help me, please I-"
Andrew drew the knife out of his arm and plunged the bloody dagger into varian's gut. Varian's eyes widened for a few seconds before he gagged, doubling over in pain as tears streaked down his face, his body shaking feebly. Blood dripped from his mouth as he looked up at the camera one last time with an expression of agony. "...l-lav... please... help me...."
Lav didn't know how, he didn't know, he had to find him. But there was nothing, only darkness and a chair, a bloody one too. He needed to find him, he had to do something, he needed to find him at any cost. And he needed to kill Andrew. He had to, otherwise he'd be doing this forever. He just stared, he felt overwhelmed with guilt and anger, his hands clenched in to fists as his eyes stayed fixated on the sight. God, he felt sick.
The broken alchemist let out one last sob before his energy drained and he slumped forward against the ropes. After a few seconds, his ragged breaths followed. Andrew slowly pulled the knife from varian's body, brushing his hair out of his eyes and smearing varian's blood on his face. He stepped towards the camera, obscuring varian from view. 
"You wont find him. This I can guarantee" He whispered before the screen flickered to black.
Lav just... Stared. He's not sure what to feel. Andrew... god, he... he should've been stronger, he shouldn't have let this happen. Now, he had to make this right. It's his fault after all. He knew was he had to find him. No matter what it takes.
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ccatvalentine · 3 years
murder house | pilot
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Season 1 - Murder House 
Episode 1 - Pilot
word count: 2,438
Far above , the branches twisted like distorted limbs reaching out. The forboding tree reaching out towards you. The open gates, showcasing a gnarled, old looking- house and a young girl standing  on the front lawn
CRASH! A sound crashes as someone throws a rock at the window of an abandoned house and shatters it. 
Bryan jokes “Hey, Troy. You're a dork.”
“Hey, shut up. Hey, freak.” Troy insults.
On Bryan’s way to the front door, Bryan blows some kisses at Addie who stares back at him, keeping a straight face.
“Excuse me. You are going to die in there.” the mysterious girl warns.
 “Shut your mouth, or we're gonna kick your ass!” Troy says,angry at the girl.
Bryan “We got bats.”
Troy moans “I hate trees!”
As they enter the house, Addie chants “You're gonna regret it. You're gonna regret it. You're gonna regret it.”
Troy “Yeah!”
Bryan “Yeah!”
The boys smash everything inside of the house with their bats.
 “Troy” Bryan says he looks at the door.
 “Awesome, go,” Troy forced.
“No, you go, shithead.” Bryan says, not wanting to go first.
The boys go down the stairs, not knowing the dangers that they are about to face.
 “Check it out." Troy pushed.
They find a room full of jars filled with human's and animal's parts. Troy picks up a jar containing an ear and drops it. As a result, it shatters onto the ground.
“It stinks in here. It stinks like shit. You remember last summer when we get the raccoon stuck in our chimney? That's what it smells like. Let's go find it.” Troy says, disgusted.
“No, it smells bad... I'm getting out of here.” Bryan says.
Troy goes further into the room, poping his crackers, while Bryan turns around, up the stairs. Suddenly, the popping stops. Bryan stops his ascension.
 "Troy? " Bryan questions.
(A bottle rolls across floor)
 "Troy? Who's down there? Cut it out, Troy. Cut it out." Bryan asks again, scared. 
 Bryan finds Troy on the ground, his throat slashed while Troy is reaching out to him, unable to utter anything. Suddenly, Bryan turns around and sees a terrifying creature called the infantata, running in their direction.
As a result, Bryan starts screaming bloody murder as Addy simply stars back at the house.
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18th July 2011
Ugh this is soooo boring, I don't know why my parents aren't divorced already, whatever, it's not like I care. 
 "Mommmm are we there yet?" I complain.
 " We'll be there soon honey. " mom says looking at me from the mirror thing.
Vivien : The light is different out here. It's softer.
Violet : It's called smog.
Ben : You should be excited, Vi. You can stop sneaking cigarettes and just start taking deep breaths.
Violet : I need to go to the bathroom.
Ben : We're almost there.
Violet : I need to go.
Ben : Vi, it's a freeway. Really, where do you want me to pull over? Maybe the Honda next to us has a bathroom or something.
Violet : Bet if the baby had  to piss , you'd find somewhere.
 "Hey! Don't call me a baby!" I pouted.
Vivien : Really? Violet, I hate that word, unless I'm saying it.
Ben : I'm really glad we named you Violet, instead of our second choice. Same with you Eve.
Violet : Which was?
Vivien : Sunshine.
"lol, cringe." Violet shoots me a ' wtf' look.
Ben : It's funny. Come on, you gotta admit it's funny.
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Currently, we’re at the front of our brand new house and dad is ringing the doorbell.
Ben : I love it. Don't you love it, hon? I mean, it looks even better than it did online.
Vivien : Yeah, it's interesting.
“How about you Evelyn?” Dad asks me.
“I think it’s cool and superrr creepy. :) it’s totally haunted!” I beam while Violet keeps on thinking, ‘why does my sister have to be so creepy?’
Violet : Great. So we're the Addams Family now.
Ben : Hey, crabby pants. Come here.
Vivien : What are you doing?
Ben : Isn't this place amazing?
Suddenly, I see an old looking lady open the door.
Marcy : Welcome. It's a classic L.A. Victorian. Built around 1920 by the doctor to the stars at the time. It's just fabulous. These are real Tiffany fixtures. As you can see, the previous owners really loved this place like a child. They restored everything.
‘Tiffany, in that super cool famous store I see big celebrities like Lady Gaga buy and wear???!’ I think, amazed.
Vivian: Gay?
Marcy : What do you think?
Ben : Tiffany. Wow.
Marcy : Do you cook?
Ben : Viv is a great cook. I got her cooking lessons a few years ago, and she ended up teaching the teacher a few things.
Marcy : Cooking lessons... romantic. Aren't you a psychologist?
Ben : Psychiatrist. You said something on the phone about there being a study that I could use as a home office? I'm planning on seeing patients here, so I can spend more time with the family.
‘That’s kinda cool I guess : I wont have to deal with seeing the patients every day. Privacy, at last.’ I smile, happy at the idea.
Marcy : How refreshing.
(Vivien puts her dog down, and it goes running outside the kitchen, yapping)
Vivien : Violet, honey, would you go see where Hayley we-nt? Oh, never mind. Eve, try not to trip sweetheart!
“Hey fluffy, what’s wrong?” her eyes widen (she just came up with this) “I know! It’s ghost... spooky. 😃” Whoever the ghost was, decided to prank her by tapping her on the head lightly. “ Aaahhhh!!!” she screamed while running into her mothers chest while her mother was confused. Nevertheless, she’s pulled her daughter into a hug. “Mom! This shits haunted, so cool!”
Violet was used to this, username to her sister being obsessed and fascinated with scary things. Violet signed and went up to the dog,” What are you yapping at?”
That was soooo epic! Finally, I get to feel a ghost!!😊😃😀 im watching as the loser attempts to open a random creepy door, oh she’s done it, finalllly. I see her go in a bit and peek inside while she goes down the stairs. it's dark and creepy but whatever cool I guess.
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I was walking back to the living room?? area. 
Vivien : This wallpaper is peeling over here. Looks like maybe there's a mural underneath it.
Marcy : The last owners probably covered it up. They were modernists. Speaking of the last owners, full disclosure requires that I tell you about what happened to them.
‘Wait?! something happenedddd???’
Vivien : Oh, God... they didn't die in here or anything, did they?
Marcy : Yes, actually, both of them. Murder-suicide. I sold them the house, too. They were just the sweetest couple. You never know, I guess.
‘omgggggg ghostsss!!!! i called it! 😉’
Ben : That explains why it's half the price of every other house in the neighborhood, I guess.
Marcy : I do have a very nice mid-century ranch, but it's in the Valley, and you're going to get a third of the house for twice the price.
Ben : Right.
Violet : Where did it happen?
Marcy : The basement. 
Violet : We'll take it.
‘:) operation find ghosts!’
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Ben: Come on, babe, let's go to bed. Leave that for the morning.
Vivien : I'm a little bit worried about Violet, you know, these kids here are very different. I don't know if she can handle another year of not fitting in. Same with Evelyn, her friends at her old school weren’t a great influence on her.
Ben : You mean... you can't?
Vivien : Can't believe this place doesn't freak you out a little bit. 'Cause of what happened here?
Ben : My repulsion is tempered by the fact that this house is worth four times what we paid for it, so let's not think about it.
Vivien : This is your professional advice, Doctor, just denial?
Ben : Come on, let me give you a little love. Moving here, buying this house was the exact right thing to do for us and our family. It's a good thing and we deserve some good after all the shit we've been through.
Vivien : I've got some stuff I want to... unpack down in the kitchen. I appreciate that you're trying. I'm trying, too.
Ben : Okay.
Vivien : It's just gonna take some time.
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Currently, I’m at the campus of my new middle school. I see a group of bitchy-looking girls out front.
Maria : Hey! Student council passed a rule against blowing bubblegum.
Katy : yeah, you could choke on it.
‘tf okay karen.’
“I'm new, I didn't know, sorry.” i roll my eyes.
Maria : What the hell is wrong with you? People sit here, they eat here.
“You don't know me. Why are you doing this?”
Katy : Maria's grandmother died from choking on gum, she takes this pretty seriously.
Maria : Eat it... eat it or I'm gonna kick the shit out of you.
“No. What?”
Cathy : Come on, , that's enough.
Maria : No, no, no, I want to see her eat it.
“No. No.”
Maria : Eat it, eat it.
Katy : Maria, seriously, she's like 10.
Maria tries to force me to eat the gum, but I take the gum out of my mouth and place it on Maria’s head. Maria screams.
Maria : You are dead! You are dead!
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Currently, I’m peaking, leaning around the corner of my sister’s door.
Tate : This one I did after my dad left. I was ten, I think.
‘Who’s this?’
Violet : Last week, first day at my new school... sucks.
‘Ouch, that looks like it hurts.’
Tate : Westfield, right? The worst. I got thrown out of there.
Violet : I hate it here. I hate everyone. All there bourgeoisy designer bullshit. East Coast was much cooler. I mean, at least we had weather.
Tate : I love it when the leaves change.
Violet : Yeah, me, too.
Tate : Why did you move here?
Violet : My dad had an affair. My mom literally caught him in the act.
‘Yeah, why don’t they divorce then????!!‘ I acidentally slipped as i had been leaning into the door to much. oof
Violet: what are you doing here? wait, were u listening in on our conversation?!
“err, maybe?”
Tate: Who’s this?
“I’m Evelyn, Violet’s better sister, epic ghost hunter😼😎“
Tate smiles lightly, violet says, “whatever, come here.” she puts me on her lap while they carry on their conversatio 
Tate : That's horrible. If you love someone, you should never hurt them... never.
Violet : Right? I know. And the worst part is that six months earlier, my mom had, like, this brutal miscarriage. The baby was seven months old, and we had to have this macabre funeral. Have you ever seen a baby coffin?
Tate sits near Violet and gently touches her wrist.
Tate : I'm sorry.
Violet : Why are you seeing my dad?
Tate : Don't ask questions you already know the answer to. You're smarter than that.
Violet : Want to listen to Morrissey? He's cool and he's pissy and he hates everyone and everything.
Tate : Got any Kurt Cobain on that thing?
Ben : What are you doing in here?
I turn my head around and see dad by the door
Violet : Just listening to music, Dad.
Ben : You need to leave, Tate. I'm sorry. He shouldn't be in here, and I think you know that... please.
Tate : What's that thing you think I'm afraid of? Fear of rejection?
Ben : Stay away from him.
Violet : Dad, nothing...
Ben : You heard me!
Tate : No! Bullet, bullet, bullet!
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im in the kitchen with mom eating some sweets and i see a women and a girl.
Vivien : I want you to stay out of my house.  Do you understand?
Constance : Can I smoke in here?
Vivien : No. Adelaide, answer me, please.
Addie : Can I pet your dog?
Vivien : No, Adelaide, I want you to stay out of the house. I want you to stop coming in and opening things up and telling me that I'm going to die.
Ben : She said that?
Constance : She says that to everybody. Say you're sorry, Addie.
Addie : No, they did it.
Vivien : Who did it?
Addie : The twins.
Constance : Shh.
Addie : Can I... pet your dog?
Vivien : No, Adelaide, listen to me. I want you to stop coming in here without permission. Am I clear?’
I wisper to mom, ‘why does she always come in the house, i can hear her a lot.’ mom just shrugs
Ben : Vivien.
Vivien : Am I clear?
Addie : Yes.
Vivien : Thank you.
Constance : Time to go, Addie.
Ben : Hallie!
Vivien : Are you okay?
Addie : She shouldn't have done that.
Constance : Sorry about all this. You touch my kid one more time and I will break your goddamn arm.
‘awkward, now thats a TRUE karen’
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im at school and this bitch is trying to fucking fight me
Violet : I'm not scared of you!
Maria : Should be!
Kids : Fight, fight, fight!
i spit 
Maria: little bitch!
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Vivien : Hey. Whoa. Come here. What happened to your face?
“Fell down.”
Vivien : Come here. Sit, sit, sit. Boy or girl?
“Girls. Three of em.””
Vivien : Hope they look worse than you do. You know their names?
“I'm not narking.”
Vivien : You know, we can easily move you to a different school. There are a lot of really good private schools right in this neighborhood.
“I'm not running away. I'm not scared of them. Not afraid of anything.”
Vivien : It's like that time in kindergarten, when you insisted that I bring you home from the slumber party 'cause all the other girls were sleeping without the nightlight on. I know you've gotten the short end of the stick, lately. This move, and...your dad and I haven't exactly been great to be around.
 “Why don't you guys get divorced, if you're so miserable?”
Vivien : We still love each other.
“ You could've fooled me. I thought you hated each other. Well, at least you hated him. I don't blame you. He was a shithead. Sorry.”
Vivien : It's okay. He was a shithead. You know, we got a lot of history. Your dad's been through a lot, I've been through a lot. Guess we need each other. What are you scared of?
“You said I'm not scared of anything, so... what scares you?”
Vivien : Lately? Everything. Life will do that to you.
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