#woke up to a text that shed had a reaction and they had to stop one of the chemos and give her benadryl and steroids
semercury · 2 months
I wanted to make a "I love life April fools I wish I was dead" post, and it probably doesn't count bc I said it here, but I can't bring myself to do a full one bc the boops are very heartwarming. Thank you for the serotonin and love 💕
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the-dawn-star · 5 months
Dabi x Reader request; Dabi gets hit by a quirk. Quirk is that he has to tell the truth. And as he and reader are in an argument, reader goes "Why do you care so fucking much?" And that pisses off Dabi, and he blurts out something along the lines of "I fucking love you - That's why!" <33
Fluff/angst + smut if you're comfortable <33
A/N: Hey! I'm not sure how good this is but I hope you enjoy it!
+700ish words.
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The best way to describe you and Dabi’s relationship is distant. He might leave for weeks only to show up at your front door after you text him once. But it was fine, you had been friends for long enough for you to get used to his behavior. He was your friend and you had ultimately been there for each other as long as you can remember.  
You hadn’t seen Dabi in a few days, you had had a cute sleepover and when you woke up the next morning Dabi was gone. You should have been used to it, you shouldn’t have shed tears because of him.  
 Dabi had loved you ever since he first saw you. You were so kind to him even if he looked like that and was generally unapproachable to everyone he came into contact with. The sleepover really had fucked him up. You had looked so sweet sleeping, not having a worry in sight. He truly didn’t deserve you... 
But now Dabi was walking to your house. He wasn’t sure what had happened. He had been walking around with Toga and Twice when a quirk had hit him. The person had run away too quickly to anyone to ask what Dabi had been just hit with. But he felt fine..., a bit tired and somehow very, very needy for your company.  
The knock made you jump out of your couch.  
Who could that be? 
When you opened the door your first reaction was to shut it straight to Dabi’s face. But he kind of looked like he was ready to pass out of exhaustion.  
“What are you doing here?”  
Dabi’s eyes widened as he raised his head enough to see you, standing there looking like an angel brought down by heavens only to him.  
“Why- you are really pretty...” Dabi’s words were mumbled together, and you could see a light blush on his cheeks.  
That truly caught you off guard. “Thank you..., I have a date...”  
“What?! You can’t leave!” The words came out faster than Dabi could stop them.  
  “You leave me like multiple times a month, I don’t see how me having a date, excuses that king of reaction.” You weren’t really in a hurry just yet, but this really wasn’t going to help you pre-date anxiety.   
“That’s not the same thing!”  
“And how isn’t it?”  
“Because I don’t go on dates with anyone!” Dabi didn’t know why he was saying these things. He had tried so hard to build this ‘not bothered by anything’ attitude and now he was breaking all the rules that he had made for himself. You broke. You had tried to understand how Dabi was never going to be a permanent part of your life. You had tried to move on and accept it, not bond with him too much so that when he decided to leave once again you wouldn’t get hurt too badly. But now... But now he was stating very clearly that he can leave but you, you had to stay exactly where you were.  
“Then why do you care so fucking much?!” You yelled tears in your eyes, before you could stop yourself.  
“Because I love you!” 
The world stopped for a second. Time stopped for the both of you, for very different reasons. For Dabi, the world stopped because he had said a truth that he hadn’t even said to himself. And for you, the world stopped because you could have expected anything else but that.  
“What?” Your voice was almost silent.  
“I- I- I don’t know..., I didn’t mean to say that...” You could see the confusion off of his face.  
“So, it’s not true?” You asked, starting to be just as confused as Dabi himself.  
“No! I- I-...” Dabi couldn’t get the words out. He didn’t know what was happening. He didn’t mean to say that and now he wasn’t sure if he could say anything to fix it. So, he gave up on words. He took a few steps closer to you until you were almost touching each other.  
Dabi waited a second waiting for you to take a step back, kick him out of your home, go to your date without saying anything else to him ever again... But you didn’t, you didn’t take a step back.  
And then his lips were on yours. His hands on your body, his warmth everywhere...
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abundantchewtoys · 7 months
HS^2 reread till p407 - reaction post
So, in preparation of Homestuck 2 restarting, I’ve reread the whole first few pages.
First I reread the epilogues recap page, then the story proper up until page 407.
It was a good refreshener, because a lot of events were already gone from my memory or very vague.
Which, given the nature of Candy Earth C, is rather appropriate, heh.
Reactions under the cut!
That Dirk called his ship Theseus may say something on how he views his mission.
Then again, he declared himself the villain of the story.
page 4: he called authors alliterative, I wouldn't really call 'AH' that, nor his full name.
Rose really goes hard on the 'being a robot' thing. I guess between Aradiabot, Jadebot, and AR, it was time for someone to unequivocally enjoy the state.
p5 : Cool to see his 'omniscience' is only pseudo, like Doc Scratch' was. He didn't know about the missing landing gear.
Hah, and Rose still sees Dirk as heroic. Pretty blind for a Seer of Light.
p6 : OOh, I still had dark mode on, I realize. Let's change that 'n return to the old format, it influences the feel of the story, especially Dirk' bright text.
p9 : You know, it feels like a missed opportunity not to command him to shit his desk.
p12 : Okay, pretty sure I didn't spot Jade's mug on the well, flower mug on my initial read. I own that mug, actually.
And oh yeah, it was a three-year journey to the new planet, nice parallel to the travel time between Universe B1 and B2.
p13 : So, uh, Bro had a relationship with Barack Obama, I'm reading this right, right?
p15 : Dirk claims to have researched his trollsona extensively, yet doesn't display their blood colour on his shirt, smh.
p17: Riiiight, Terezi was aware of Dirk's narration, as a Mind player, right?  
And hah, as a troll, with Alternia's awkward synonyms, her roasting Dirk for his verbose prose? Gold.  
Pff, and I forgot Dirk was tired of Rose's psychoanalysis, too.  
p33: Right, both paths were distinguished by the arrows.  
p34: It's heartwarming to see Jake actually having mastered the supposedly basic (yet oft neglected) skill of housekeeping.
p38: We never really saw Jake have Skaian dreams, did we? His Prospit self never woke up on account of a peanut allergy.
I wonder if the dreams of a non-awoken dreamself could have ever been prophetic...
And anyway, he's his ascended self now.
Hmm, but right, his dreambubbleself did have a rather prescient twist to it, in the form of Brain Ghost Dirk...
p41: Speak of the devil, I forgot about this part here, heheh.
Soooo, wait, we're getting back in muddy waters.
Jake is from the post-retcon timeline, where Vriska was on the meteor.
But the ghosts in the Furthest Ring weren't duplicated by the retcon.
If we assume they only met the post-retcon kids chronologically (for them) afterwards, there were a bunch of conversations that happened twice.
And Aranea's ghost 'survived' the Game Over timeline aka got thrown back to the Furthest Ring.
Still, it's gold to have Brain Ghost Dirk be his own self, distinct from ascended Dirk.
p47: "DIRK: You’ve spent years feeling sorry for yourself, totally convinced you made the wrong choices and that it’s all over. And it’s easier that way, isn’t it? If you’re a lost cause you don’t have to try to be better."
That's the challenge for the Candy timeline people isn't it? Continuing to try even if it feels like nothing matters.
Brain Ghost Dirk stopped correcting Jake there that he didn't actually was Jane's running mate, since he wasn't that Dirk.
Well, 'I' and 'you' could be seen as located between air-quotes, of course...
P54: Jake being hopeful again probably triggered the return of Brain Ghost Dirk  
P59, 60: The new kids’ quirks are something to get used to again  
P64: Almost seems like a Hope glow, around the car  
P70 : By shedding his purple sweater, we now see Tavros is dressed in layers similarly to Calliope & Caliborn.  
P90 : Note how she doesn't even really counted Jake as part of her family, there.
P95 : Gotta love cross-culture influences on Earth C, like the carapace derp face.
P96 : Introducing the world's most pollutive missile.  
P97 : You'd think once it reached critical speed it wouldn't need the propulsion anymore. Maybe the sails actually serve as (stellar) wind breakers, hahah, and the giant pipe is a countermeasure.
p101 : Showing Karkat has started living at human hours since he's asleep at 5 AM, n'aww.
p105 : Meat timeline folks just keep on being couped up in small spaces for extended periods, don't they?
Meat timeline just really focuses on the cabin fever side of things.
p108 : I swear I forgot Dave pointing this out :p101
p109 : In the story people & the appearance of them in other's minds is important. It's the same for the old Homestuck kids.
Who they are and who they were to us are two separate things.
At the same time, in story, who they are to each other is also very important. Brain Ghost Dirk's a culmination of that.
p114 : Dave really just drew the short stick there w/r his best friends' fates, didn't he.
And Bro still casts a long shadow.
At least it's good to see Dave is in a somewhat good place. Just a little sad he has to basically be a hermit apart from some close friends to achieve it.
p115 : So Karkat never really was close with Rose, interesting.
p130 : I wonder if Dirk started discarding things "pointlessly difficult and irritating" as a way to cope with his isolation growing up.
Roxy had the carapaces around, he only had seagulls...
And eesh, being your ascended self, as in, knowing full well what you'd do in any situation... Really kind of sucks, doesn't it? Not seeing room for growth for yourself.
p131 : So, recap: A2 was coded blue and had a purple game design. A1 probably had the reverse.
B1 was coded red and had a lime green game design, B2 was the reverse.
The C universe is coded white (see: the door they went through) and the game design will be cyan.
Meanwhile, Dirk and Rose's species might be associated with the color purple & orange.
Kind of makes you think of Prospit & Derse, doesn't it?
Makes you wonder if the trolls in A1 were also guided by their universe's gods, or not.
p133 : 10:25 hours ago
p135 : "ROSE: It's amazing what pieces of inconsequential information your mind can recall at a moment's notice, a whole decade after they were last relevant or interesting to anyone.
ROSE: ...
ROSE: I think I missed this."
Appropriate, given that it's been so long since Homestuck ended.
p141 : Basically, Dirk's DNA was used to animate the result of the alchemization. Not ecto-alchemologization, but more like... alchemogenesis?
p144 : Trial 'n error creation of species, with of course, Dirk focusing on the equine & Rose on the cephaloid. (Is that the right Latin word for tentacle-y?)
Right, Rosebot was only a projection of Rose's consciousness.
Weird to think stories about the Psionic survived two squashed rebellions. Then again, he was )(IC's Helmsman for the remainder of Alternian history.
"ROSE: Now [Earth] is protected, in the steady hands of a duly-elected ruler, sure to have a boring and uneventful perpetual term in office."
Ah, if only Rose could see into the bonus stories :P Guess they don't count as part of her domain. ;)
"ROSE: What value is a marriage, temporary domestic bliss, if all is lost?
ROSE: You understand this bargain.
ROSE: At least, you should. It's one that was made to leave you alone.
ROSE: Is your resentment towards my choice about Kanaya, or about V–"
Not sure I understand this fully. Does Rose feel like she had to leave Kanaya because Terezi didn't give up on Vriska?
p146: Calliope embraces irrelevance as Dirk embraces the opposite
P150: Forgot about this part. Good for Jade, not being kept down.
P160: Guess Caaliope has a preference for orsnge juice’s strings because it’s a bit like tendons from red meat? Maybe?
Trials and errors like Dirk’s with DNA, but for food. Wouldn’t Dave have still have codes from the meteor trip?
P171: Getting insight into how red & black romance works for Vrissy, might help us understand where it all went wrong for Vriska.
P172: Vriska trolling herself there
P194: Vrissy - Harry - Tavvy - Yiffy?
P215 : Oh right, Roxy lived in the Carapacian Kingdom? So then Harry just went to and from the human kingdom for school? And the human reporters have crossed the border to report?
P222: Derpy black-haired kid hiding a surprising amount of brawn. Truly, Tavros fits right in with Jake, Jade & John.
P223: Gotta love John was waiting on the "highest point of the building there", while they had to "ascend".
P232: "from somewhere out of a half-remembered dream, comes the sensation of falling. A burning golden city. A girl's screaming." Oooh, [S] Descend reference!
P234: Ohhhh, their naming their daughter like so wasn't 'really' serious, but a result of a a game between them taken too far, I really forgot that!
P240: Forgot that Jane really did <3< Gamzee.
P268: And that the trees walked
P286: Got to say, Aradia and Dave’s unruliness reaaly meshes well with the narrative device of Alt!Calliope’s speech+captions
P339: Maintainer of Peace and Plenty is sure one way to fill in the role of Maid of Life!
P401: Candy John crammed himself into a house-shaped box in a spiritual sense, Meat John got crammed in one literally.
Got to say, I wonder if the June Egbert crowd will get theirs in the end or not, with what John was not saying here. Mostly it might be the topic of masculinity and how to fill that in, I personally think.
P404 : Don’t tell me Dirk & Roxy have the Hiveswap portals under their respective curtains
P405: Didn’t we visit the meteor on Candy Earth before?
Or was that in the Epilogues/bonus stories?
P406: “the natUre of space and time is a little finicky in here” as in, time flows faster? Or geography & history are just weird and inconsistent?
See: Jake having gotten send divorce papers according to the epilogues, or The Felt, Ms Paint & Spades Slick ending up on Earth C according to the snapchat logs...
"CALLIOPE: [...] as far as i can see, there's simply no way for Us to commUnicate with the world oUtside the black hole.  
CALLIOPE: i woUld certainly be very sUrprised to find oUt that anyone had managed sUch a thing!
JOHN: ...right."
Terezi & John communicated just fine through John's Dad's PDA. Is there anything the device is not capable of?!
Ooh boy, and now I'm caught up again!
Seems like the "prelude" to Beyond Canon is done now!  
Wow, feels oddly comforting to be in the thick of it again.
I'm just going to buckle myself to this ride again.
The idea is to not go too deep into analysis this time around, but hahah yeah, that boat'll float till it sinks.
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capturethechaos · 2 years
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Request- hey lovely! coming at you with a summer request! Imagine, reader, Jake, and Josh are best friends, have been throughout all of highschool. This is their first summer graduated, and you're having one last amazing summer before they get big and famous. So, warm, breezy nights, stargazing with platonic hand holding, flower crowns, watching pink sunsets together, and maybe a little confession from one of the twins that convinces the reader to never leave their side. Sorry, I'm emotional. Love you!
Words - 3516
Warnings - None, just some tooth rotting fluff!
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“We did it!” Josh cheered as the three of you waltzed out of the high school on your final day of senior year.
He turned to you, a bright smile on his face as he stepped towards you, placing his hands on your shoulders and shaking them slightly. “We did it!”
You couldn’t help the grin that grew on your face as a result of his enthusiastic display, a much more muted ‘We did it!’ falling from between your lips as he pulled you and Jake into a group hug.
✤ ━ ◦ June ◦ ━ ✤
It became very apparent that there was no escaping the twins as you woke to the sound of rocks tapping your window. You turned to watch for a moment as they hit the glass before sliding out from beneath the covers of your bed. You picked up your phone as you made your way to the window, checking the time and groaning as the screen lit up. 
You opened the window, feeling a small pebble hit the cotton of your sleep shirt as you moved to look over the edge of the frame. 
“It is five thirty in the morning, why are you two throwing rocks at my window?” You asked, raising a curious brow at the twins, who stood with a handful of pebbles each, and tired but enthusiastic grins on their faces. 
“Sorry. We tried texting and calling, but after a while we figured you probably had your phone on ‘do not disturb’.” Josh said, dropping his handful of pebbles and brushing his hands off on his shorts. 
A silence fell between the three of you as you waited for an explanation as to why they were at your house. 
“You gonna let us up? Or come downstairs to unlock the door?” Jake asked, mirroring his brother's previous actions. 
“Are you two going to tell me why you’re at my house at five thirty in the morning?” You asked in return. 
“We have come to kidnap you.” Josh said, causing you to furrow your brows at him. 
Jake chuckled at your reaction, nudging his brother lightly with his shoulder before looking back up at you. “We’re going camping.”
You smiled at the two of them, knowing very well that they would not take no for an answer. “I’ll be downstairs in a minute. Can one of you go to the shed and grab my tent for me?”
You moved away from the window, pulling the sleep shirt off of your body and locating the nearest sports bra for you to put on. You nearly tripped on your way to your bedroom door as you pulled on a pair of shorts. 
The twins were nothing if not impatient, so as you made your way down the stairs, pulling a clean shirt over your head and trying not to fall down the steps, you could feel your phone buzzing in your pocket. Jake was leaning against the side of the doorframe when you opened the door, picking at the skin around one of his fingernails. 
“You know-“ the sound of your voice startled him, his eyes widening in surprise as he turned to look at you, “-you’d think after knowing each other as long as we have, you two would know that I am a person that appreciates sleep.”
Jake rolled his eyes at you, a soft chuckle from him cutting through the silence of your house, you turned to scold him, but as you spun on your heels he bumped into your back, unable to see that you had stopped as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He dropped his hands, giving you a curious look as you just stared at him. 
He mirrored you, staring back for a minute before placing his hands on your shoulders and turning you around. “You’re facing the wrong way, mouse.” He stepped forward, pushing you along the hallway until you reached the staircase. 
You were hyper aware of the creaking sounds that escaped the steps as the two of you made your way to your bedroom. Josh didn’t seem to care how much noise he made as he bound up the stairs and into your bedroom a few minutes after you and Jake. You turned from your closet, your eyes widened as he burst through the door and dropped your tent, and assorted miscellaneous camping equipment that he found, onto the floor. 
“Josh!” You scolded in a hushed tone, walking past him and quietly shutting your bedroom door. 
He looked between you and Jake, who gave him a look that told him ‘you’re on your own’. 
“Both of my parents are asleep at the end of the hall Josh, we have to be quiet.” You said, pushing him until the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat down beside his twin. 
You went back to your previous task, throwing random items of clothing over your shoulder to Jake, who packed them into your bag. 
You made sure to sneak into your parents room to let them know where you were going while the twins packed all of your stuff into the old Jeep they had been driving since sophomore year. 
It took a couple hours to drive to the campsite, and by the time you arrived, all you wanted to do was set up your tent and go to sleep. You did get that, eventually… The twins dragged you along for every step it took to construct the campsite, including collecting firewood, putting up the canopy, and a short break, during which you had both Josh and Jake attempt to crack your back. By the time you got to crawl into your tent for a nap it was almost three pm.
You weren't sure how long you were out, but the rustling of your tent woke you from your slumber. When you unzipped the door of your tent, you were less than surprised to see the twins standing in front of it.
“What do you want?” You asked, stretching out your limbs.
“Figured you’d want some dinner. Jake made mac and cheese.” Josh said, pulling a bowl from behind his back.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the smile that spread on your lips. You left your tent, grabbing the outstretched bowl from Josh’s hands and made your way to the table. The twins looked at each other as you began to eat the food in front of you, giving you a moment to yourself before interrupting. 
Jake walked to the opposite side of the table, posturing himself like a waiter, with a dish towel draped over his forearm. “How is your food tasting so far madame?” 
You looked up at him, having just put a spoonful of macaroni in your mouth. It was difficult to hold back your laughter as Josh stepped beside him, holding a plethora of cans in his arm. “Might I offer you a beverage to enjoy with your meal, miss?” 
The evening breeze cut through you as the three of you sat around the fire. You and Josh were roasting marshmallows, carefully concentrating on the rotation of the sugary blob on the end of your sticks. Jake sat in the chair next to you, quietly strumming away on his guitar as he stared into the flames. His head tilted back, fingers slowing to a halt as his focus shifted to the skies above you.
“Guys.” He murmured, looking down at you and Josh as the two of you pulled your marshmallows off of the sticks and into your mouths. The two of you hummed in response, looking at Jake with curious expressions. He smiled at the look on your face as you chewed the sugary treat. “There's a meteor shower.”
The three of you tilted your heads back, watching the astrological wonders happening above you. Unbeknownst to you, Jake noticed the way you consistently shook at the cool air that had settled around you, and decided to offer a helping hand. Your stargazing was interrupted by the feeling of a soft fabric wrapping around your shoulders, and a face hovering above yours.
Jake smiled down at you, patting you on the shoulder as you took hold of the ends of the blanket. “There, maybe now you’ll stop shaking like a leaf, mouse.”
✤ ━ ◦ July ◦ ━ ✤ A trip to the Kiszka’s cabin was exactly what was needed to beat the heat that had swept in over the last couple weeks, and had been more than delighted when the twins had told you that they had managed to convince their parents to let just the three of you stay in the cabin for a week on your own. 
You were exhausted from your day of activities with the boys, and in the search of peace and quiet, found yourself sitting on the living room floor, putting together the edges of a puzzle. Time had passed without much thought from you, thoughtlessly putting together the pieces of the puzzle. Eventually you were pulled from your activity by a pillow as it smacked you in the back. You looked up and found Jake standing over you, a blanket draped over his shoulders, and one hand outstretched to pull you from the floor.
You wordlessly followed him as he took your hand and led you to the small balcony off of the main bedroom. The twins had set up a nest of various blankets and pillows across the floor, a large platter of various snacks laying in the center of the pile. Josh looked up at the two of you with a soft smile as you realized why you had been brought up. Looking over the railing, the sun had painted the sky with vibrant shades of pink and orange, the clouds strewn about like brushstrokes across the horizon. 
You and Jake lowered yourselves into the blankets with Josh. You were sat between the two of them, designating you as the one to hand them snacks whenever one of them would hold out a hand towards you. At some point Jake refused to accept any more snacks from you in his left hand, going as far as to pluck them out of his left hand with his right, leaving the left open and outstretched towards you. You sat staring at his hand for a couple minutes, watching as he wiggled his fingers, clearly trying to convey a message to you without actually speaking any words.
Once you realized what it was that he wanted, you rolled your eyes and placed your hand on top of his, letting your hands slip between his. “You know Jacob, if your hand was cold, you could have just said that.”
“That would have been too easy.” He replied with a chuckle, relaxing his arm and allowing your hands to fall into the space between the two of you.
You kept your eyes forward, watching as the sun slowly fell beneath the tree line. The darker the sky got, the more stars came into view, and slowly Josh began pointing out all of the constellations that he could find. You could feel Jake's thumb as it brushed softly across the back of your hand. Josh began humming a song as he watched the twinkling balls of gas in the darkness of the night sky, soon being joined by Jake when he recognized the song. The combined effects of Jake's gentle touch and the soft humming of him and Josh had your eyes drooping with sleepiness in no time. You let your head fall against Jake's shoulder, and he shifted closer to make it more comfortable for you. 
Josh let out a snicker at the sight beside him, raising his eyebrows at his twin before glancing back down at you. “I think it's bedtime for mouse.”
“I agree.” Jake said, slowly helping you off of the ground. 
You took a couple steps before stopping, reaching for Jake. Josh noticed before his twin, nudging him with his elbow before going back to tidying the snacks they had been eating. Jake turned to you, finding you reaching out for him, and raised an eyebrow at you.
“Can you give me a piggyback ride?” You asked, giving him your best puppy dog eyes.
He chuckled, “Your room is across the hall, do you really think you need a piggyback ride?”
You shook your head, but kept your hands held out towards him, and he eventually submitted, walking over to you and turning around. He squatted down just enough for you to cling to his back before standing up straight and readjusting his hands on your thighs as he moved towards the door of the master bedroom. The journey was short, he wasn’t incorrect, your bedroom really was just across the hall. He opened your bedroom door and walked to your bed, spinning around to face the opposite direction so that you could just drop onto the mattress, but you didn’t let go, you squeezed him tighter. 
“I miss you.”
He furrowed his brows, confused by your statement. “Y/n, I’m right here, I’ve been with you almost daily since summer started.”
You dropped off of his back, landing on your bed with a dramatic sigh. “I know, but sooner than later the band is gonna get big and famous, and you’ll forget all about lil old me.”
He turned around, the look on his face was one of offence as he listened to your tired ramblings. He dropped himself onto his back beside you on the bed, lifting his hand and spreading out his fingers. This time you knew exactly what he wanted, and you placed your hand against his, feeling his fingers wrap around your own. 
“I’m never going to forget about you. You’re my best friend. Plus, you’ll be around, what would the band be without our number one fan right?” His words drew a soft giggle from you as your eyes fluttered open and closed.
He let go of your hand and slid off of the bed, shuffling towards the door and turning as he pulled it open. “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Jake.” You said, sliding beneath the cool covers of your bed and nuzzled your head into the pillows.
He chuckled softly at the sight before quietly shutting the door and making his way across the hall to help Josh with cleaning up.
✤ ━ ◦ August ◦ ━ ✤
“Did you know,” Josh started, capturing your attention as you stared at the grass between your legs, “that the blob of toothpaste that you put on your toothbrush has a name?”
You tilted your head and furrowed your brow in confusion, all movement you had been making with your body coming to a halt as you stared at him, urging him to explain.
“The uh- the wave shaped blob of toothpaste you see in commercials. It’s called a nurdle.” Josh explained, laughing when you continued to look at him with a baffled look on your face. “Don’t ask me how I know that, it’s just one of those weird facts that live in your brain without explanation.”
The two of you laughed for a few minutes before falling once again into a comfortable silence. You had mindlessly started picking flowers from the grass around you, looping them together to make a flower crown. Josh mirrored your action, working on a flower crown of his own. When you finished your flower crown, you held it out to Josh. He bowed his head letting you delicately place the crown over his curls.
“Did you know that Cookie Monster's name is Sid?” You said as you dropped your hands back into the grass. Josh looked up at you with a wide grin, basking in the statement for a moment before laughing. 
He eventually finished his flower crown, holding it up and proudly looking at it before reaching over and placing it on your head. Neither of you had noticed Jake until his shadow loomed over you. “You two having fun out here?”
You and Josh looked up, smiling at Jake and making space for him to sit. He joined you in the grass, noticing the garlands adorning both of your heads. “Making flower crowns without me?”
You reached out to pick a handful of flowers before looking back at Jake with a grin, “One flower crown coming right up.” 
Josh and Jake shared a look that you missed, your focus only being pulled from your task when you saw Josh moving in your peripheral. You turned your head as he brushed off his legs.
“Where are you off to?” You asked, continuing to work on the string of flowers in your hands. 
Josh looked down at you with a smile before turning on his heel. “Going to make us all some lunch, I’ll be back in a bit.”
He walked away, humming to himself and leaving you and Jake sitting in the grass in a comfortable silence. 
“So it won’t be long now huh.” You said, cutting through the silence as you finished off the flower crown and handed it to Jake. He lifted his head, a confused look on his face as his eyes locked with yours. “Until you guys really start taking off I mean. You and Josh have more free time now to work on the band, getting gigs and such. Sam and Danny just need to graduate. Soon you’ll all be touring around playing for more and more people.”
Jake smiled at your belief in the band, you had always been their biggest fan.
“Yeah, well, I don’t know how quickly it’ll happen, but I do know one thing.” He said as he picked at the grass between the two of you.
“And what is this one thing?” You asked in return, your eyes following the movement of his hands.
“That I want you around for it all.” 
You looked up, finding him already staring back at you. “I’m not going anywhere Jake, I’ll be around for it all. I’m not about to miss out on watching my best friends become rockstars.”
“So if we went on tour…” He said, his sentence trailing off at the end.
You were quick to pick up where he left off. “I’d be in every van, plane, crowd and green room cheering you guys on.”
Jake chuckled to himself, earning a raised brow from you. “What’s so funny?”
He looked down at his lap, extending out his legs before eventually just laying down in the grass. 
“I don’t know. Josh, Danny, Sam and I were talking about it the other day… we ended up jokingly betting on how long it would take for you to get sick of us on the road.” He looked up at you with a smile, “Don’t worry, I said you could handle being there in the long run… Sam was fairly convinced that you would lose your cool after a couple weeks in a van with all of us though. Even Danny started to joke about how we would all be after being stuck together for so long, then the three of them started taking bets on how long it would take for me to finally crack and admit how I feel about you, but I didn’t listen to that for very long before I left to get myself a drink.”
You weren’t sure if he had realized what he said, but the confused expression that adorned his face upon looking back at you told you he probably hadn’t.
“What’s with the face Y/n? You look… weirded out.”
“Jake.” You said, unsure of exactly what you were about to say. He raised his eyebrows at you in anticipation for your next words. “How do you feel about me?”
It seemed to hit him like a truck, the realization of what he had unintentionally let slip, and he covered his face with his hands, a blush creeping across his cheeks.
“I uh…” His hands slid down his face until they were just barely covering his mouth, muffling his next words as he spoke them. “I may or may not be in love with you.”
You started to laugh, like genuinely, loudly laugh, falling into the grass and earning a somewhat offended look from Jake. You locked eyes with him and tried to calm down before turning to face him properly. 
“You could have told me a hell of a lot sooner Jake, I’ve been in love with you since middle school.” He looked genuinely surprised by your statement, leaning in closer as if to inspect your face for any tells that you could be messing with him. 
You rolled your eyes, moving even closer until your noses were brushing against one another's. “You’re a dork, and you’re blind apparently. Josh always said I was terrible at hiding my feelings for you.”
Jake smiled, tilting his head so that his lips ghosted over yours, “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You couldn’t help but lightly peck his lips, “Yes, yes I will.”
The moment was not ruined so much as interrupted when Josh’s voice came booming from the tree line. “I knew it! Sam and Danny owe me twenty bucks!”
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sortavibing · 3 years
saline solution I suna rintarou
yuhhh we coming back with a part two😩 part one linked here
One, two, three and four
suna stared at his phone, counting the days since he sent that message. he sighed, knowing that there was no chance that those stupid texts would ever make you forgive him. he slouched (even more) in his seat on the subway and put his head in his hands, muttering curses at how stupid he was.
why the fuck did i have to do that?
the ping of his phone woke him up from his angry trance. he slowly looked up and saw an Instagram notification from your account.
i'm surprised they haven't blocked me yet
he muttered, opening his phone to check your post. once he saw it, he audibly said "FUCK" attracting the attention of the other people on the subway. he didn't notice, too busy looking at your post, over and over and over again. you had a new boyfriend. you were smiling brighter than he had seen you smiling for 6 months, clinging onto a new person, who looked equally happy to be in your embrace. the deal was sealed. you were never coming back. the train stopped, and suna got out, almost in a trance, trying to process what he just saw, what he is feeling, and most importantly, how to fix things between you two. biting his lip, he decided to send you another text, praying that you would see it, and at least acknowledge his existence.
see you never
see you never
see you never
your last words to him, still repeating in his head, get louder and louder, until he wants to scream, to let out his anger at his actions, his reaction, and just his fucking personality.
i think i've lost my mind
he thought to himself, as he briskly kept on walking through the city, filled with people rushing around, too caught up in their own lives and problems to see the pure anger on suna's face. he wanted to do something, anything just to distract himself from you. after a few seconds, he turned around, and started walking towards an address that he knew way to well. after a few minutes, he was at the door of osamu's house. the place where he crashed after every drunken night, the place where he spent most of his freshman year of college days, laughing and reminiscing on highschool. it's been a while since he's been here, but it still feels like a second home. he unlocks the door with the key hidden in the plant at the doorstep, and walks in, shedding his jacket and walking to the kitchen, after hearing the sounds of cooking.
suna says. osamu turns around, frying pan still in hand, as he stirs one of his newest dishes.
"hey! long time no see. you look like absolute shit. oh, i saw y/n's post. you really fucked up this time didn't you?"
suna fell into a chair at the island, groaning.
"no shit osamu. i fucked up really bad and i don't know what to fucking do. i'm blurring the fact and the fictions, while simultaneously fixing myself up with them. i haven't thought about anything else for 2 fucking weeks and every day just gets shitter and shitter."
"wow, angsty much? i saw how you treated them. there's no way you are getting them back."
"thanks for making me feel sooo much better. that really helps me out."
"hey, i'm just telling you the truth."
"whatever you asshat. coming here was a bad idea. go back to your fucking cooking you shitty friend."
"mhm whatever, i'm the shitty friend, believe what you want to believe suna, sit secluded in hatred, pretend you're the victim, but once you get your head out of your narcissistic bastard ass, come back and chat"
"go fuck yourself"
"same for you"
suna stormed out of osamu's house, and slammed the door. osaumu rolled his eyes, and went back to cooking. outside his door, suna was seething with so many emotions, none of them good. he wanted to break something, hurt someone, just do anything to get these boiling feelings out, threating to tip over the edge. he picked up his phone again, quickly opening it and calling you, not caring if you picked up or not. when the call went to voicemail he let loose, angrily saying everything that he wanted to say, spitting insults and hate, not thinking about the repercussions, not caring about the concerned passerby, not caring at all.
"you know what you stupid cunt?! fuck you. fuck you and your fucking boyfriend. your fucking smile, your fucking everything. you are going to blame me for our shitty relationship when you clearly moved on way too fast. i said i'm sorry ok! what else does your melodramatic fucking brain need to even acknowledge me?! i think you are just a crybaby bitch who is too afraid of forgiveness. just like you always were. thank you y/n. thank you for this. thank you for helping me fucking realize that i shouldn't be missing you and your petty fucking personality. you said goodbye first, but you always know i get the last word. fuck you. and in your words, see you never."
he ended the call, and just stood there, in the middle of the street, coming to terms to what he just said. it was officially over. and there was no chance of it ever going back to what it was. he sighed. turning off his phone as he started walking back to his apartment.
i hope you enjoyed!
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jayankles · 3 years
The Culmination: Endgame
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: 2362
Summary: Y/N doesn’t feel so good and it’s not like her to not answer the phone to Sebastian. He was right to send over Josie, Y/N’s friend, over to find out what’s wrong.
Warnings: Angst, Implied Smut, Fluff
Written for: @anyfandomangstbingo​ | @anyfandomfluffbingo​ | @anyfandomgoesbingo​ 
Squares Filled:  Sick fic | first time | “I really don’t like doing this over the phone”
A/N - Blake Lively is not a representation of the reader; it’s just for the dress. And the other beautiful woman is exactly who I pictured for Josie.
Feedback is gold and appreciated
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Of course, you were sick today. The day that Sebastian had told you that he was to take a day at the gym then spend it with Don. You knew that when you woke up this morning it wasn’t going to be a good day, the cold sheets a little foreshadowing of how your day would have gone. The little guttural feeling you had punching you in the gut right now, it had you on the floor, bent over the toilet seat with your head in the bowl.
You felt awful. Unable to move, unless it was your throat spasming. Definitely the worst day so far, you couldn’t move and when you finally were able to move at all you felt like a robot. Not a good look.
You decided that it was time to head back to bed, none of your food would stay down so you made yourself a bottle of water and stumbled into bed with a bucket in your hand, ready to put the bucket on the floor beside your bed.
Pulling at the covers, you curled up under them and took a swig of your drink. Tears rolled down your face as you felt the pain grow stronger, you rubbed your stomach in hopes it would make you feel better; it didn’t.
All you could do was pray that you would fall asleep to not feel this pain anymore. Sleep evaded you. The pain is all there is that you feel. You threw up another three times before you finally succumbed to the pleasures of sleep. Rattling of keys had been the object that had drawn you out of your few moments of slumber. You didn’t dare move though, there was no point, you couldn’t move anyway.
“Y/N! Y/N, where are you?” It took you a minute to realise that it was your friend, Josie, shouting your name in hopes of finding you. “Y/N, Whe- There you are. What are you still doing in bed? Oh...”
She looked as if she sighed out a breath of relief before she retracted, covering her mouth and nose with her hand. Inhaling the stench of the room, she quickly ran out of there, returning with air freshener, spraying it around you to make her feel better.
“You need a bath, babe. Stay here and I’ll run you one. Of course you’re going to stay here, you poor thing.” Josie rambled, you stopped her before she could go on for another hour.
“Jo, pour some lavender in there. Love you.”
Freshly out of the bath after thirty minutes, you were wrapped up in Sebastian’s bathrobe, a reminder that he was home as it still smelt like him. “I hate feeling like this. It sucks. But I feel better already.”
Josie softly smiled at you, pity in her eyes. “Must have been that nap you took but I know it sucks. Could you imagine Seb with this kinda illness, though? It would be 100% worse just because it’s man flu.”
“Thank you for being here.” You said, taking a seat on the couch. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Seb called, said he tried texting and video chatting you but you wouldn’t pick up. I guess he was right to have me come over and check on you.”
“He’s such a cutie.” You groaned as you walked, the bath only slightly relieving some of the pain.
“I know. It makes me wanna barf… not like you, though. That shit is nasty, no, thank you, ma’am.” She tutted through a pinched nose, reminding of just how gross you felt and smelt not even a mere hour ago.
“You’re a pleasure as always, Jo. Always so kind to me, when I feel like shit. Thank you.”
She shrugged knowingly, a smirk on her face as she reached forward for the remote, finding a music channel and turning it down a little so it faded into the background becoming nothing but white noise. “So do you know what brought this on? Eat some bad food?”
“I don’t think so, otherwise Seb would feel the same way right?”
“Well you aren’t pooping as well as being sick so this isn’t a viral or bacterial thing. You’re not burning up? No severe migraines?” She asked and you only had one answer.
“Nope. And no, my appendix hasn’t burst because I’ve already had it out.” You said, becoming tired again as you let out a yawn.
“Well, I think I might need to slip out for a little bit.”
“Why? Where are you going? I thought you were going to take care of me?”
“I am. I’m just gonna head to the store and grab you some stuff to make tomato soup. I’ll be twenty minutes tops.” Josie was true to her word, never taking more than the twenty minutes she promised. Putting the bag of groceries on the counter, Josie pulls out the contents, revealing the ingredients she offered to get for you but you could tell that there was something else in the bag.
“What’s in there?”
Josie was fidgety, her fingers twiddling together. “I need you to keep an open mind because I think I know why you’re grossly throwing up.”
“Hit me. I wanna know how I can feel better right now.”
“It’s a good thing that you’re sitting down because…” She paused, making a face that she knew you weren’t going to like. “Because I think you’re pregnant.” her face unchanging as she pulled out the pregnancy test.
Then it hit you. 
No.No.No. Fuck!
Hands dancing.
Tongues twining.
Passion blooming.
It was everything you could have asked for when he was away but now that Sebastian was back, you couldn’t keep your hands off of him. You covered every area of the apartment possible.
Oh crap.
“Yes you did.” Josie laughed at her own joke, the reaction not quite the same on your end.
“Oh god, Sebastian is going to kill me. He’s never going to want to talk to me. Why was I so stupid? Oh, I’m never gonna hear from him again. I’ll be kicked out. I’ll be a single mother. I’m gonna have to live with you and if I have this baby, you’re gonna hate me, then you’re gonna kick me out too. ”
Josie scoffed at you, helping you scurf back your hair away from your face, making you look into her wide eyes. “First of all, chill. I gotchu, you know I gotchu forever. Sebastian isn’t like that, but if he is you will never see him again and that is a promise and maybe a little bit of a threat. He’ll deserve it if he hurts you so. Just be my alibi if anything ever happens. Just go take the test. Negative? You’re just sick. Positive? You call Sebastian and you talk to him like an adult.”
“Why are you always right? Don’t you ever get sick of it?” You huffed before you smiled at her, squeezing at her hand after taking the small handful of the pregnancy test boxes back to the bathroom.
Five minutes passed and you were holding the peed on sticks in your hand, four out of five of them being positive. “I think I need to call Sebastian, and a doctor.”
After making an appointment with the doctor, you took a deep breath and pressed the button to call Sebastian. He picks up the call pretty quickly and you are not surprised.
“Y/N! Finally! Are you okay? What happened?”
“Hey bubba. I’m fine, just a little sickness. But I really don’t like doing this over the phone. When are you coming home. We need to talk.”
Two months later.
It was the night of the premiere of Avengers: Endgame and you couldn’t be more thrilled for the success that the Marvel Franchise had. It was 10 years of absolute lovable craziness. Thank you, Stan Lee.
You had no idea that you would be here on the aptly coloured, purple carpet with Sebastian after all you would have thought that you would still be with him after the whole pregnancy fiasco but the two of you were able to talk things through. Things were thrown, voices were raised, and tears were shed but still after all of that, Sebastian made the executive decision to calm the two of you down. The stress was no good for anyone at this point. You were both going to be parents; it’s what was established.
The two of you walked hand in hand, palms sweating as the cameras flashed, and photographers called out to each and every star that was involved in the production of Endgame. The culmination of the whole franchise was just so surreal, the fact that it was ending with a bang both made you swell with pride but it also made you a tad emotional because this collection of amazing characters wouldn’t continue but the legacy they left would. And that was what mattered.
“Sebastian! Y/N! Over here!” You heard from one of the interviewers, looking beautiful in her outfit, Sebastian rubbed his thumb across your knuckles, you were going to be okay. He was right there with you and you had done this a few times before. He was there for you.
“Hi.” “Hello. You and Sebastian answered at the same time, making the interviewer laugh.
“Wait, I remember you. I bought you a soup in a thermos and Tom gave you his jacket. I see we got lucky with good weather today, huh?” You said, smiling at her.
“Yes. You remember me?!” The woman turned to the camera looking right into the lens of it. “Guys, I’m fangirling so hard right now. Ah!”
Once the woman got her fangirling out of the way, she moved onto the interview, trying to get any information that she could before the movie premiered. Sebastian took over that one, telling her that there was no way that they were allowed to say anything about the movie other than he was dust.
“Now we’ve got that movie non gossip out of the way. Are you okay to talk freely about your pregnancy?”
You looked to Sebastian, it was his decision just as much as it was yours, you knew that Sebastian wanted to keep his private life separate from his professional acting career. “It’s okay, honey. Go ahead.”
“I think you’re good to go.”
“Thank you. I must say that you do look stunning in that dress.” She gushed, you thanked her, hiding your face a little. You loved this dress, the nude under layer and the little white and purple flowers that scattered across your dress, your bump barely visible through your dress.
“How far along are you?”
“Well, we’re in the first week of the second trimester. So I’m a little more confident when telling you that.”
“That’s amazing. Was the pregnancy planned at all?”
You made a face, sucking in a little air, looking to Sebastian for a little light to be shed on the situation. “Not at all. It was Y/N’s friend that actually realised that her morning sickness wasn’t her having the flu. She felt absolutely awful that morning, it was enough to know that it was bad when I tried to call her and I didn’t get an answer.
“We had our issues, you know, we didn’t know what to do, we're new at this. But I think that it’s important to know that you don’t abandon your family.” Sebastian softly smiled at you, subconsciously putting a hand on your slowly growing stomach. “I guess that is what this franchise is about though, right? It’s about family and- and looking out for one another. Everybody’s got a somebody here and I love that.”
“And Thanos, fucks it all up and snaps his goddamn fingers.” The three of you and the cameraman began to laugh at your little outburst about the mad, purple titan. “God, I can’t wait for the premiere tonight but I’m scared. For everybody. But especially for me, you know, I’m an emotional person anyway, add a hormonal woman to the mix and a whole lot of angst. Get my ice cream and tissues ready, because I’m coming for you, Thanos.”
“I heard that!”
“Love you, Josh. For the record, Josh is a nice guy, the character he plays is a big old sack of balls and I have no idea how he does it so convincingly.” Lovingly, you made eyes at Seb. “But it’s just like my Sebastian, a dark hydra assassin but in reality he’s a big ball of sunshine and goofiness. And I love him for it.”
“This is- this is what gets me.” The interviewer leaned in a little as Sebastian’s voice dropped to a slight whisper. “I know that she is going to be the best mom for our child because Y/N loves everything and everyone and that is a great quality to have but she’s also caring and matches my goofy side but her sass outweighs mine of course, no one can beat that.”
“Aww, he’s making me cry already. Seb,” you whined. “My makeup.”
“Well that's it folks.” The woman spoke, telling the audience that this was one of the cutest interviews that she had ever taken, that she could die happy and quickly saying congratulations before the two of you were whisked away to walk the carpet again and pose for pictures.
“You’re way too good to me, you know that right?” You said to Seb as you admired the sky blue suit he was wearing over his plain white tee. “I never even got to tell them that this baby will have the hottest dad in the world as well as the sweetest man. Thank you for being my baby daddy.”
Unbeknownst to you, the cameras had caught every single moment the two of you shared. The kisses you shared together, were now shared with the world, all over social media. At this point you didn’t care, you only cared about the man in front of you and the baby growing in your stomach. And this god damn movie!
Feedback is gold and appreciated
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tommybaholland · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a angst oneshot about the whole Izuku leaving UA incident and how his s/o would take it seeing that letter right after the war ark, and maybe their reaction if he came back?
If you've done this already please just ignore this! (ˊ˘ˋ*)
where are you, deku?
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featuring: midoriya
recent manga chapter spoilers in this one! i have to admit that i haven’t been the biggest fan of the current arc thus far but this is one reason why i write. so i included some stuff that i feel were missed opportunities. also, if you read the manga, i’d love to hear any predictions you might have. enjoy! x
sitting in a hospital was never fun. it’s already bad if you’re there to be treated but sitting there, waiting for someone to wake up, not knowing that they will? you’d rather be admitted.
you didn’t know how he would recover from this. there’s no way his body could handle everything that he pushed through to stop the evil from winning. was there even a winner in this war? you’re not even sure how or why it started. there were so many things happening, so many twists and turns and surprises that everyone who survived physically wouldn’t have much luck mentally. 
no matter how you spin it, there was no silver lining. and you were not the only one plagued by the lasting effect. 
todoroki’s supposedly dead brother is alive and a mass murder, mirio has his powers again but doesn’t know that tamaki might be dead, midnight’s death was confirmed days ago and no one could just forget about it..
and it had been three days, but deku had not awoken from his unconscious state. 
you were adamant about being the first one he saw when he woke up. he’d say that you’re stubborn but that was one thing you had in common. it was odd for him to stay unconscious for this long when he had always been the epitome of persistence. 
the sound of all might entering the room jerked you awake from what was probably the tenth time you had dozed off. 
“y/n,” he addressed. “you have done a great job keeping midoriya company but i think it’s time for you to get some rest. todoroki and bakugo have awoken, why don’t you go check on them with your other classmates?”
you didn’t even look over to him, not wanting to see the pitiful expression on his face. 
“why isn’t he waking up, all might? he doesn’t even look like he’s in pain,” you observed, looking down at your unconscious partner. 
“that must be a good thing, though, right?” the former hero replied. 
“yes but,” you paused, unsure of how to say it. “it’s odd. he’s not in a coma-induced state, he just looks like he’s taking a nap.” 
all might knew that midoriya and bakugo had kept the secret of ofa between them. now might be a good time to tell everyone, or at least everyone who should know, what was going to happen to him. midoriya was not unconscious nor asleep but was in a similar state, one that allowed him to talk to the previous holders of one for all. 
until he finishes his conversation with them, an explanation would have to wait.
“you have observed well, y/n. i can assure you that he is not in any pain and will wake up eventually. he’ll want to tell you everything when he does. until then, please go tell the other students what you know for now.”
“what if he wakes up?” you questioned, continuing to face deku with your hands over one of his casted arms.
“i’ll have someone send for you but i’m sure you’ll be around when he finally wakes,” all might reassured. 
you nodded, too tired to protest at this point. you stood from your seat before leaning down to press a parting kiss to his freckled cheek. his skin was warm which prompted a tear you didn’t know was there to fall down your cheek. he was alive but you wanted him to be okay. 
you wiped the tear from your face and sniffled before turning around to finally face all might. he patted your shoulder as you walked by, quickly leaving the room. you decided that you would do as you were told and to go check on your other classmates. however, you didn’t get very far when you ran into bakugo who was storming down the hallway while resisting the restraint of sato and mineta.
It almost made you smile to see that bakugo was still his belligerent self, despite being seriously injured. however, that doesn’t mean he should be walking around so soon. you stood in front of the door to deku’s room, prohibiting him from entering. once he finally reached you, he tried to push past you with his hands on your shoulders. 
“you better move out of the way or start talking before i kill both you AND HIM,” he threatened when you wouldn’t move. 
“he’s still unconscious,” you replied solemnly. “but all might’s certain that he will wake up.”
bakugo’s demeanor changed as he observed the melancholy expression on your face. he wasn’t an idiot but you were. it was the least he could do.
“well, i agree with him. of course he’s going to wake up, you idiot.”
you looked up at him, waiting for elaboration from his sudden confidence.
“tch. i thought you loved him or whatever. somehow your annoying ass decided to put up with his dumbass so you of all people would know that he wouldn’t just quit. and if he does, i’ll make sure he’s really dead.”
once almost everyone was discharged from the hospital, you were instructed to return to UA. you were told that you would receive updates and further instructions the next morning. however, sleep was far from what you would receive. despite the exhaustion, you were restless beyond belief which made you delirious and you couldn’t tell if the shuffling outside your room was real or not. 
you woke up early, just when the sun was beginning to rise. you decided to get up as there was no point in trying to fall back asleep. you didn’t get even a step outside your room after stepping on a folded piece of paper that had been shoved under the door, waiting for you. 
it was a letter from him. 
it turns out that seemingly everyone got a letter from him. all of them varied in contents but they all conveyed the same message:
he had left the hero course. 
they also explained his power and how it passed down from all might which is the reason why the league of villains and all for one were after him. yours, however, included a little extra message written at the end. 
i love you, y/n. please don’t come looking for me. 
he had probably blamed himself for all the strife he had caused with the war but you thought it was dumb for him to leave. how did he think he was going to do this on his own? there was obviously more to this story than he provided but given that he told everyone in the class, he had to keep it simple. 
it was all making sense to you, shedding some light as to why all might was so sure of deku’s recovery. however, you didn’t get to see him when he woke up like you were told. he played it safe in writing these letters because he knew that you and others in the class would only try to stop him if he left. everyone was asking you about what you knew and you couldn’t tell them squat. you tried calling and texting him but he wouldn’t answer.
it was an odd feeling. you didn’t know whether you should be mad or not. if you couldn’t see your boyfriend yourself, you had to talk to all might. however, mr. aizawa was the only thing standing, or rather now sitting, in your way. 
“by now, you all know that your classmate, midoriya, has left the hero course. this does not mean that the rest of you should follow in his footsteps.”
even though he didn’t tower over everyone anymore from his wheelchair, he was still equally as intimidating. 
“now, UA has agreed to use its campus as an evacuation shelter. your families have already begun the moving process. classes will resume as normal but no one will be allowed to leave the campus under any circumstances. we’ve put a pause on all work study-related activities outside of the school until we know that there are no more possible threats, at least, for now. any questions can be directed to me.”
“will all might be returning?” you asked.
“all might will be taking leave from teaching for now,” answered mr. aizawa. “as i said, you can direct your questions to me.”
“right, sir, but i have questions for him about dek-- i mean, midoriya.” 
“well, you’ll have to wait until he finds an opportunity to return then.” 
“when will that be?”
“whenever he finds an opportunity, y/n. any other questions?”
it seemed like you were at a loss until you remembered something from when you were in the hospital with deku. bakugo’s behavior when you told him what all might said changed rather abruptly and you don’t think it’s because all might is his favorite pro hero. although they grew up together, deku and bakugo were anything but close. however, bakugo’s affirmation that he would recover felt odd and like he knew something that made him sure of it. 
this led you to pursue him as your next lead. 
you found him later in the kitchen making something for himself, as he usually cooked for himself than eating the food sent over by the school. 
“what did you think about his letter?”
“what letter? i didn’t get anything from that damn nerd.”
that was surprising but that logic further pushed the idea that he knew something and therefore didn’t need a letter to explain it to him. 
“so you don’t know anything about this?” you asked as you pulled out the folded-up paper that was left at your door that morning. 
bakugo snatched the paper out of your hand and scanned over its contents quickly. his brows raised by the time he reached the end before he grimaced again. 
“that idiot,” he muttered under his breath. 
“so you didn’t know about it?”
“this is almost the same as what everyone else got,” he observed, ignoring your question. 
“okay. but did you know about it?” you asked again.
“of course i did, you dumbass! so are you gonna ask me a billion questions now that his cowardly ass isn’t here to explain it to you like he should’ve?”
“so there is more to it.”
“he gave you the gist of it. that’s really all you need to know.”
“but what do shigaraki and all for one have to do with this?”
“can’t you read? the letter literally explained that.” 
“like you said, it was really only the gist of it.”
“well, you were right in wanting to talk to all might but i guess you’ll have to wait.”
“no. if you know something, i need to hear about it. also, why do you get to know about all this?”
“because that moron originally told me about it back when we started school here. i didn’t take it seriously at the time until he started getting stronger. right after we moved to the dorms, he and all might told me everything,” he explained.
“i need you to tell me what happened then because he and all might aren’t here right now.”
“look, it’s really not my job to tell you! this really belongs between the two of them. dumb deku just promised that he would be strong enough to try to beat me.”
“at least tell me why he felt he had to leave when we could’ve helped him! i know he likes to act like a selfless idiot but i don’t know if he can do this by himself.”
bakugo sighed. “this is his fight and his fight alone. like icyhot said back at the sports festival, he has all might in his corner. that’s all the help he’s gonna need.”
you nodded in agreement.
“plus, that dumb power of his involves more than what you’ve seen of it,” he added cryptically.
“what does that mean?”
“did you even read the letter? it said that the power was passed down from all might to him, moron.”
 “again, that doesn’t really mean much to me,” you pressed.
“tch. yeah. you probably only paid attention to that gross end part. that stupid nerd,” he muttered. 
“what was that?”
“look, i’m done talking with you. either talk to all might or use your damn head.” 
that wasn’t a complete waste of time but it certainly was a lost cause. despite his arrogance, everything bakugo said was true. he’s not someone who goes around lying about things so you felt that you could trust him when he said that deku would be in good hands with all might. 
you left the kitchen somewhat satisfied but it still bothered you that you didn’t know everything completely. you wondered if there was anyone else who knew about it but the chances were slim, given that bakugo also stated that it was between deku and all might. 
while heading back up to your room, you ran into todoroki. you hadn’t talked to him much since the war. out of anyone, he was probably going through it more than anyone. 
“hey, todoroki. how are you holding up?” you asked, grinning softly. 
his voice was still recovering but it was a lot better than a few days ago. “hello, y/n. my family’s okay for the most part and my father is finally doing what he should.”
you didn’t want to pry but you knew what he meant. 
“did you get a letter?”
“from midoriya? yes. i’m not especially surprised since he and all might have been close since school began. however, i do find it odd that he suddenly has another power. did you notice it?”
you nodded. “it first happened during the training session with class B, right?”
“yes. were you ever curious about it?”
“he was probably more freaked out about it than anyone else so i didn’t focus too much on it,” you explained.
“i asked him about it and i agree, he did seem apprehensive about it.”
there was a beat of silence then which had you pondering over what bakugo had said.
“apparently there’s more to his power than we think and it has something to do with the passing from one user to another,” you reported.
“i’ve been thinking about that, as well,” todoroki replied. “it’s possible that midoriya’s power is evolving to beyond what all might could do with it. it would make sense, given quirk singularity.” 
his theory seemed reliable since he would know about something like singularity. 
“thank you for sharing that with me, todoroki. it think it’s quite possible that you’re right. i’m going to try to talk to all might if you want to confirm it,” you offered.
“thank you, y/n, but i believe the answer will be more clear later on. there’s something i have to focus on for myself right now. i hope you find out more soon.”
you thanked him, wished him well, and made the rest of the way to your room. now, you really couldn’t imagine what todoroki was going through. if anything, he had just as much weight on his shoulders as deku right now. 
then again, you still needed answers as to exactly what he was doing.
later that night, bakugo sat on his bed looking down at a piece of paper. it had four simple words on it. words that both excited and annoyed him immensely. 
i’m catching up, kacchan. 
months passed and you hadn’t heard from deku. well, you had but not in the way you wanted. you finally got in touch with all might, who showed up to UA in person. apparently, mr. aizawa had passed down the message that you were wanting to talk but you don’t know how long ago that had been. you appreciated his effort but at this point, it was your boyfriend who you needed to see now. you didn’t want to displace your anger onto him but he could see that distress that you are in. 
“i’m sorry that he couldn’t come himself,” all might apologized.
you sighed. “it’s alright. it seems like he has better things to do now.”
“he just needs to work on yielding one for all,” all might elaborated. 
“is that what it’s called? one for all?”
“he didn’t tell you about it? i thought he wrote everyone in the class a letter?” 
“he did but he didn’t go into too much detail which is why i wanted to talk to you,” you explained, your tone rather aloof. 
“right. of course,” all might replied before clearing his throat to fill in the missing pieces.
it turns out that todoroki’s theory was on the track in that one for all had reached the singularity point and the quirks from its predecessors were beginning to manifest. 
“the fact that he was completely quirkless before one for all makes the singularity point easier for him to transition to and use the other six quirks.”
that was news to you. “he was quirkless?”
it was all making sense now. everything that seemed off about him and his power was because he never had one in the first place. you also could now understand why bakugo was the most hostile with him when it came to training and deku’s improvement with his power. and this was why bakugo was dead set on deku coming out of this alive. 
however, you couldn’t help but feel naive. you felt like you should’ve listened to your intuition more when things weren’t adding up and he was landing himself back in the hospital with broken arms time after time. but you ended up falling in love with him and it wasn’t because of his power. in the same vein, you weren’t about to hate him for it either, like bakugo or even todoroki at the beginning of the school year. he had worked hard to where he is now and the truth was that he had always been that way, quirk or not. 
but how come he felt the need to hide it all, especially from you? bakugo had only recently been clued in about all of it so why not you as well?
“i made him not say anything to anyone, especially since i had started teaching at the school,” all might explained, continuing to be incredibly perceptive. “and bakugo was only roped in because he was catching on to it.”
“yeah. he told me that deku originally told him a while ago,” you recalled. “so what is he going to do about shigaraki and all for one?”
“we’re not entirely sure yet. right now he’s mostly acting as bait to try to lure out the league of villains while taking care of any stray villains from the prison breaks.” 
“so what you’re saying is you don’t have a plan?” you questioned.
“we’re considering all of our options, y/n.”
“deku, myself, endeavor, and hawks. best jeanist has also been helping with recon,” he elaborated. 
of course, he’d have the top three heroes and all might on his side. not to mention all the vestiges talking to him in his head. what about the rest of the class though? surely he was going to need more than that. hero society is hanging by a thread that could snap at any moment if the villains strike again first. 
“why didn’t you let me see him after he woke up?” you asked, changing the subject. 
“we wanted him to stay at UA, as that’s where he’d be most protected. unfortunately, every decision has been his own,” he answered.
that was what you were afraid of. 
since that conversation, the city had been partially recovered, villains were being captured, and there weren’t any threats as of yet from the league. UA fully reinstated work study programs and students were allowed out under heavy supervision. 
todoroki kept coming back from his father’s agency with letters from deku to give to you. you read them, of course, but hadn’t replied to a single one. talking to all might was helpful, it really was, but you couldn’t help this nagging feeling inside you. his letters didn’t help much either. of course, you were happy to hear from him and it did give you that tingling feeling of love that you hadn’t felt in months. 
the letters mostly detailed what he was doing and provided updates on his progress since you had talked to all might. however, if he was freely moving about the city, you didn’t understand why he couldn’t just come talk to you. all might had said that all the decisions made were his own and he was doing it in the best interest of you, the school, and his family. the thought of deku saying that he didn’t want to see anyone else get hurt made you shake your head. he’s very persistent and strong-willed but he too often doesn’t accept the help nor listen to the warnings of others, yourself included. 
you missed him but you were also resentful towards him and you hated feeling that way. you wanted to be supportive rather than selfish but it was hard when he could be too self-sacrificing. it’s not that you didn’t have faith in him. you just wanted to prepare for the worst. 
“hey, idiot.” 
“what is it, bakugo?”
bakugo and todoroki approached you one day after they came back from their work study. 
“we’re trying to tell you something important so don’t cop an attitude right now,” he glared.
you gave him an unamused look, unfazed by the irony. “so did you need something?”
todoroki spoke up next. “yes. my father would like to recruit you for work study. you don’t currently have one, right?” 
“no. i don’t,” you replied honestly. “why does endeavor want me all of the sudden?” 
“because midoriya—“
“shut up, you half and half moron!” bakugo interrupted. “look, we need help and thought you would want to be included.”
“okay. but why me?” 
“you’re such a dumbass. just come with us!” 
and now you were here at the endeavor agency in your hero costume with an uneasy feeling. maybe it was because you were standing right in front of the number one himself.
“hello, y/n.” 
it was true that he didn’t have any other expression other than a scowl. lately, that scowl seemed worn down and honestly, you couldn’t blame him. 
“bakugo and shoto have told me about you. of course, i first heard about you from deku.” 
your ears perked up at his hero name. you hadn’t heard it in months. 
“since he has left the hero course, we needed another student apprentice at the agency. the reason why we didn’t contact you sooner was that we were overconfident in thinking that we didn’t need another and for that, i personally apologize.”
endeavor bowing to you was a sight you thought you’d see only in your dreams. 
“so what is this really about then?” 
“the league of villains is on the move and he needs some help.” 
you didn’t have time to even think of a response before the familiar mess of green hair came into view. that was really the only familiar thing about him against his dirty and tattered hero costume. not to mention all the upgrades that you had never seen before. 
“hey, y/n,” he greeted with a soft grin.
you felt like your heart had stopped for a solid three seconds. 
“deku…” you breathed out finally. you let the tears well up in your eyes. you didn’t want him to see you cry. you felt a rush of adrenaline pull you towards him and tackle him to the ground. 
from the view, it looked like you were happy to see him. you were anything but thrilled. 
“why— how— w- what are you doing here?” you questioned, leaning over him on the ground. you face felt hot with rage but you couldn’t stop it. the more you tried to suppress your emotions, the more intense they felt. 
“well, i wanted to see you!” he answered, trying to lighten the mood. 
“you wanted to SEE ME!? what about the previous eight months, huh? or when you woke up? you didn’t want to see me then either?”
“y/n, please i didn’t intend to abandon anyone. i only wanted to protect—“
“everyone, right?” you interrupted him. “what about the rest of us? we want to be heroes too! we’ve fought countless battles and went through a whole war with you! when are you going to get it through your dumb head that we want to help you?”
“heh. they sound like me now,” bakugo quietly commented as he and todoroki watched this whole scene. 
“i wouldn’t get excited about that,” replied todoroki.
“i’m sorry if i’m being selfish but this isn’t fair, deku,” you cried, your tears dripping onto his face. 
if he thought about it, deku had improved immensely in the last several months, most likely at a quicker rate than he had at UA. however, that was because there wasn’t as much restraint on the usage of his powers. he got to fight high-level villains without a lot of supervision. he was essentially a vigilante and the top three of the hero society were allowing him to do it. 
“i’m sorry for leaving, y/n,” he began, sitting up as you leaned up off of him to wipe your tears. 
“i wasn’t thinking about everyone’s feelings but i felt that it wasn’t anyone’s decision. you guys would have stopped me no matter what.”
you didn’t make eye contact with him until his next sentence. 
“but that doesn’t mean i should be treated as a special case. you’re right, i shouldn’t waste all the energy and effort everyone has put into to stop something that i’m mostly responsible for. even though i’ve been figuring things out on my own lately,  i have no idea how i’m going to stop all for one or save shigaraki.” 
you suddenly felt stupid as he looked down solemnly. you were stupid for overreacting. at the end of the day, this was his fight. no one else could do this but him. however, hearing that he needed help was what you needed to hear. 
your boyfriend needed help.
“hey,” you called softly, placing a hand over his cheek. he looked up as you with glossy green eyes. 
“you don’t have to do this all by yourself. you have so many friends and heroes wanting to help you. i know you don’t want to lose anyone but i think everyone involved knows the risks.”
you looked back to bakugo and todoroki for reassurance. todoroki nodded in agreement while bakugo simply, “tch. whatever.”
“you’ve got me, too. you’re never gonna lose me, deku. and i won’t let you lose either. i love you too much even if you can be really dumb sometimes.”
“i love you too, babe,” he reciprocated, his face getting closer to yours. “i did really miss you.”
“i know, baby.”
you completed the reconciliation with a sweet kiss, one that made bakugo roll his eyes.
“can you idiots stop wasting my time already?!”
“i agree,” endeavor spoke up. “we should start telling them what we know.”
“right! sorry, sir!” your boyfriend squeaked before scrambling to get you both off the floor. you stifled a laugh. he’s probably seen some stuff over the last few months but his cute, spastic self didn’t change much. 
“let’s get y/n acclimated to the agency first and then we’ll go over everything,” endeavor suggested. 
“oh my gosh, y/n! i can’t wait to show you how huge this place is! c’mon,” deku exclaimed, grabbing your hand and pulling you around the office.
he didn’t want to let go once but if you wanted to because your hands were sweaty, he’d simply reach for it again. his thumb ran over the back of yours when you were just standing next to each other, giving it an occasional squeeze. even when it was his turn to talk, he didn’t release.
“okay so here’s what i’ve done recently and the information i’ve gathered from those encounters..”
you didn’t know what the end result would be and he was none the wiser. he knows how he wants it to end and now he has people he can count on for that.
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heyy bnha night! let’s hear about more of your favs..
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: S/o Falls Back Into Old Habits
A/n: so this is a more serious request! if any of my readers feel like they need to talk to someone (whether about this or not) my messages are always open to anyone and everyone. Also this did get a little personal for me, (Jisung’s is based on my personal experience)
Requested by: Anonymous 
Warnings: (TRIGGER WARNING)Mentions of eating disorders, cursing
Tag List: @distrikt9 @mini-meanhoe @poeticallyspaghetti @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @yangomangos​
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You had a history of not making the healthiest choices when it came to weight loss. It was a secret you kept to yourself. A secret you thought you wouldn’t have to deal with again. But, life sometimes throws stuff at you, and you can't help but fall back into old habits.
You knew Chan adored you. That didn’t mean hate comments got any easier to read. It was almost impossible to avoid them. Chan was always in the public eye, so it wasn’t long before your relationship was outed. At first, it was fine. Most of the Stray Kids fans accepted you; they wanted Chan happy. 
Eventually, after all the commotion died down, anti-fans started to surface. They had found old pictures of you from high school and posted them with cruel comments. It was difficult with Chan away from home so much. You felt like you were alone, with no one to help guide you away from the dark places the comments were leading you towards. 
The old pictures resurfacing reminded you of how you used to look when you were younger. It was easy to see the change in your body weight. You had started working through lunch. It was a simple excuse. It wasn’t a lie that your workload had doubled over the past week, though Chan was upset you skipped a meal, he understood. 
But your old mentality started to creep back in. The next meal to go was breakfast. Chan was usually gone before you got up so he didn’t notice. What he did notice was you slowly losing your appetite at dinner. At first, he thought you were just a little sick. He made sure to stock up on medicine next time he picked up groceries. However, in your mind, you still weren’t losing the weight you wanted fast enough. Knowing Chan would freak if you stopped eating dinner you decided to hide a bottle of diet pills behind a couple shoeboxes at the top of your closet. 
“Hey, Y/n? You wanna order a pizza?” Chan called from your bedroom. A pizza sounded divine. The sound of your stomach rumbling made you feel guilty. There was no way you would ruin this streak just for a pizza. 
“Umm...you can! I ate a little earlier.” You called back. There was a moment of silence. You figured he was just picking up some dirty laundry or something.
“Baby, when did you eat? You didn’t have lunch with me and-” 
Chan’s voice stopped all of a sudden. “I didn’t what?” You asked flipping through your phone. You frowned yet again coming across some hate comments. Sighing you tossed your phone onto the other side of the couch. “Babe?” You called still not hearing back from your boyfriend. Looking up you found Chan standing in the hallway holding a familiar white bottle in his hands. 
“What the hell is this?” 
Chan was angry. He was more than angry. He was pissed. He looked hurt when he tossed the bottle to you. “They are just diet pills, Chan.” His teeth dragged across his lip and his hands came to rest on his hips. 
“No. Only half the bottle is left! Y/n this is dangerous. I know you’ve been skipping meals!” You flinched as Chan raised his voice. He noticed and came over to you. His hands wrapped around yours, shaking a little bit. “Y/n....I’m scared for you....I’ve been scared for you. You won’t talk to me. I know about the hate and the meals, but this? Baby. You’ve gotta talk to me.” 
You looked at your boyfriend crouched in front of you, holding back tears. “Chan...it was just hard not to go back to bad habits. I’m so sorry.” Tears fell from his eyes hearing you speak. He dropped his head into your lap, still holding your hands tightly. He looked up, eyes puffy and red. His lips pressed against the back of my hand.
“I’m with you, yeah? I love you. I’m not going to let you do this alone.” 
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Being a model was one of the best jobs you had ever had. It wasn’t as easy as everyone thought. You had great expectations put on you. At any given moment your agency could call you and say that you needed to drop fifteen pounds and chop off half your hair and you would have to do it to keep your contract.
Minho was used to your crazy weight-loss diets and coming home to you running on the treadmill with six coats on. He trusted you to be safe with whatever you were doing. He always checked in on you, even when he was away on tour. 
Little texts making sure you were alright. Facetimes before he went to sleep. But, it was better having Mino home with you. Thankfully he would be home for the next six months. 
The blare of your ringtone woke you up from a deep sleep. Minho was still sound asleep next to you and two of the cats were snuggled up at the foot of the bed. Seeing the agency as the caller id, you picked it up. They gave you the requirements for the job as well as the deadline. “Next week!” You exclaimed trying to keep Minho from waking up.
After a few more exchanged words you hung up the phone and lay in bed. “Twenty pounds?” You whispered to yourself. There was absolutely no way you could do this in time without not being healthy. But, the pay day was huge. There was no way you could pass up this gig if you wanted to make rent this month. The only problem would be Minho. He would totally scream at you if he found out you weren’t being healthy losing the weight.
Hell, the weight they wanted you to be wasn’t exactly healthy either. Your boyfriend stirred next to you, wrapping an arm around your middle. The next week you did everything possible to lose the weight. You skipped meals and you practically lived at the gym. 
“Babe, have you eaten yet?” Minho said over the phone. He spoke to you on speakerphone as you ran with a hoodie on the treadmill in your apartment. You were three days away from your deadline with still five pounds left to lose. 
“Yeah,” You said out of breath. Lie. “I ate a big salad a couple hours ago.” Another lie. You hadn’t eaten anything in the last seventy-four hours. He sighed over the phone. “What’s wrong, Minho?”
“Y/n we ran out of lettuce like two days ago, babe.” 
Letting out a nervous laugh, you turned off the treadmill. “Minho.... I-uh...I ordered one-” You heard the line click. He hung up. “Oh fuck.” You said head in your hands. You shed the jacket and raced to your closet. You grabbed one of Minho’s big sweaters and threw it over your head. About ten minutes later the front door opened, Minho storming in throwing his stuff on the counter. “Hey! Did management let you off early-”
Without a word, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the apartment. The next thing you knew you were walking up the stairs of your agency. The two of you blew past your boss’s secretary. “What the fuck, man!?” Minho screamed bursting into my boss’s office. “Do realize you are driving my girlfriend slowly off a cliff? She could kill herself just trying to meet your expectations! LITERALLY.” 
Your boss was completely shocked. He was at a loss for words. “This is not on Y/n. This is on you for making her feel like she ever had to feel like she had to use such drastic measure simply to please your patriarchal sexist ass.” You felt like crying seeing Minho defend you. It was true. It was your choice to skip meals, but mostly out of fear of the termination of your contract.
“No. I don’t think you know who I am. One word from me to the press could ruin you in this industry for the rest of your life.” Your boss stayed silent. Clearly fearing for his reputation. “Now, you are going to let Y/n end her contract, with full compensation, on the grounds of employee abuse.” Minho narrowed his eyes, completely furious. “Got it?”
He nodded and Minho took your hand in his and led you out of the office. “Thank you, Min.” You whispered, kissing his shoulder. 
“You’ve got to tell me, babe. I’m not gonna stand by while you are forcing yourself through this.”
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Changbin wasn’t the most observant man on the planet. But, it was very hard to slip anything past him when it came to you. His job was demanding and took up far more of his time than either of you would like,  but the man was clingy even from a distance. 
You just dropped him off at the airport not four hours ago and he was already facetiming you. With Changbin gone, your apartment felt empty. The days seemed to blur together. Days flooded into nights and nights blended into early mornings. You were sad and missed him a lot. So you did the best thing you could think of to distract yourself was throw yourself into your work.
The tour was nowhere near its end and you were bringing more and more work home. You got into the bad habit of skipping meals and you barely ate anything for dinner, choosing instead to work. Most nights you fell asleep at your desk, having not eaten anything all day. 
Changbin would call at all hours of the night, so caught up in tour life he had forgotten that it was three am where you were. You didn’t mind, however, the calls always ended with you missing him even more. If things were really bad you would go down to the bakery and eat an entire cake by yourself only to refuse food for the rest of the week.
“I’m so lonely here without you,” You said to the glow of your laptop screen. Changbin’s face filled the screen. He was barefaced and had a hoodie covering his messy hair. Seeing your boyfriend even just through a facetime call was a godsend. “It’s been really hard keeping it together. When are you coming home?” 
He sighed. Clearly, he wasn’t handling the distance well either. “Four days.” Your head dropped into your hands. Four days. You could handle four more days. The question was could your body handle four more days? “Sweetie, you don’t look too good. Are you sure you are taking care of yourself?” Changbin looked seriously worried.
The internal struggle of whether to tell him or not was evident. 
“Y/n, you can tell me anything. I’m worried about you.”
Your fingers raked through your hair. Changbin let out an anxious sigh. He knew silence from you was a bad sign. “I haven’t exactly been eating well lately.” His face grew somber. 
“How not exactly?”
“Like....at all.”
“Y/n!” Changbin exclaimed. You were sure that he had woken up whatever boy he was sharing a room with. He broke seeing the shame on your face. How he had not noticed sooner was shameful to him. Your face was starting to sink in and dark circles lay under your eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t want to bring up past problems I had and worry you with them. They are mine to deal with.” 
Changbin shook his head. “I want to share your problems, sweetie. Your problems are mine and I’m glad to take them.” He paused simply looking at you with care. “Do you want me to come home? I’ll be on the first flight out?”
“I can’t make you do that. The boys and STAY need you.”
“You need me more right now.”
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Your mother was lapping you. She was getting married twice. You weren’t even married once! It didn’t help at all that your mother was one of the most judgemental living on the planet. All her friends were a close second. She had been hounding you for years to get a boyfriend. She was always nagging on you to settle down and give her grandchildren.
Hyunjin coming into your life was the best thing that had ever happened to you. He made you feel fully yourself and even helped you out of some really bad habits that your mother had gotten you into. Hyunjin slowly helped you rebuild your self-esteem and you loved him more every day for it. 
“Y/n, last time I saw you it looked like you had been putting on quite a bit of weight. I’ve already sent you the dress I want you wearing and you need to fit in it by the wedding. Am I clear?” The shrill voice of your mother filled the room. Why did you put her on speakerphone again? You looked at the lilac colored dress you were holding in the mirror. “Y/n?”
“Yes, mother. I understand.” There was no way you were fitting into this. She sent it to you this morning and the wedding was nine days away. It wasn’t surprising she pulled something like this. She always had impossible standards to hold you too. Having enough of your mother, you hung up the phone. 
With a sigh, you grabbed the dress and tried to put it on. It was by far the most unflattering garment you had ever worn. You couldn’t close the zipper and it emphasized all the wrong places on your body. You could barely breathe in the tight fabric. Wiping stressed tears from your face, you shedded the frock. The choice of never giving down your mother's complaints or simply wearing a different dress were pounding against your skull.
If only Hyunjin wasn’t still on a dating ban. Then you could tell your mother how happy you were with him and she would stop hounding about your weight and appearance. But, that wasn’t the case. Only eight more months. Eight more months and you could shout about Hyunjin from the rooftops without a care. Until then, you had to lose a lot of weight as soon as possible. 
As much as it hurt you to go behind Hyunjin’s back, you returned to your old habits, skipping most of your meals. It was easy to hide at first. Hyunjin would come home late from practice, so he didn’t find it unusual for you to have ‘eaten’ before him.
However, what wasn’t normal, was you getting dizzy spells. But you were so close to fitting in that dress you couldn't stop. Hyunjin was lounging on the couch, flipping through random channels. The edge of your vision started to blur out, making you clutch the counter for balance. Taking some deep breaths you focused on centering yourself. “Baby, you okay?” Hyunjin said, his voice laced with concern. He was already making his way over to you, hand finding the small of your back.
You pushed away from the counter to respond to your boyfriend, but your knees buckled under you. Hyunjin caught you, pulling you into his chest. “Oh shit- Y/n, baby. Look at me. How many fingers am I holding up?” Hyunjin held up three long fingers that looked more like five or six. You groaned, leaning into him. 
Hyunjin, slightly panicking, pulled you over to the couch and laid you down. You watched him pick up his phone ready to dial emergency services. “Jinnie! No! Don’t. Really, I’m fine. It was just a dizzy spell.” He narrowed his eyes at you. 
“You haven't had a dizzy spell since-” His words caught in his throat and he turned to you in shock. “Y/n...when was the last time you ate.” Your hands covered your face, rubbing your temples. 
“I had a ramen cup. Don’t worry.”
Hyunjin involuntarily rolled his eyes letting out a frustrated huff. “I didn’t say what. I said ‘when’. ‘When’, Y/n!” He sighed seeing you struggle to think back on the past few days.
“I think....like two and a half days ago?” Hyunjin sighed, picking up his phone again. He walked into another room and returned about ten minutes later. You watched him walk to the kitchen and grab a Gatorade from the fridge. He placed it in front of you just as the doorbell rang. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as he took a huge bag from a man at the door. 
“Eat. Drink.” He said placing the bag of takeout in front of you. He unwrapped the food and twisted the cap off the drink, placing it in your hand and lap. He had a worried look on his face as he watched you begin to eat. “I called your mom.” 
You immediately started choking on the food, giving Hyunjin yet another panic attack. “You WHAT?”
“I told her about us. I know the wedding and all her expectation is what is causing you stress. I told her to add me to the guest list and that you’re showing up in whatever you want to wear and that she better not say one word about it or else she’ll hear some choice words from me.”
Your eyes softened and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He nuzzled his face in your hair letting out a staggered sigh. “Anytime you feel like that, you’ve got to come tell me. I hurt when you hurt. I hurt even more when you try to keep me from helping you.”
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Your stomach growled. In the past three days, you had eaten nothing but a couple crackers and a few pieces of cheese. College had been really rough on you lately. Classes were tough and you had resorted to stress eating while Jisung was away and working. It was even worse when he went off on tour. 
Without him around your self-esteem was at an all time low. In your mind, it was only a matter of time before Jisung came back with a girl who was much prettier, much skinnier, and just....better...than you. It wasn’t easy to tell Jisung this. You had never really been great at talking about your feelings.
The sound of your cell phone buzzed against the kitchen counter. It was almost midnight so only one person could be texting you. Your hands swiped through the notifications until you could read the message. Jisung.
Hey bb! <3 Gonna be home late. So sorry :( don't wait up for me
You sighed and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Your boyfriend was right, as much as you hated to admit it. There was no point in waiting up for him. The edge of your vision started to blur out so you shook your head and blinked a few times. “A hot shower would probably do me some good.” You said to the empty apartment. 
Tossing your clothes in the hamper, you walked in your underwear into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Suddenly you felt dizzy, heat flooding the small room, fogging up the mirror. Your head started to spin. The orientation of the room seemed to flip upside down. You grabbed at anything knowing you were going to fall any second. The shower curtain came down with you, your head banging against the shower wall and then against the bathtub. 
Black clouded your vision as hot water pelted down on you from the showerhead.
Jisung turned the lock of your shared apartment at about two in the morning. The first thing he noticed was the lights in the kitchen and bedroom were still on. He tossed his bag on the counter and set his phone down beside it. “Baby? You still up?” He called into the apartment. “Y/n?” He asked hearing the shower running. 
He gently wrapped his knuckles on the door. After a few minutes of not hearing a reply, he started to get a little worried. “Y/n? Babe.” Slowly he pushed open the door and peeked his head into the bathroom. His eyes widened seeing you passed out shower curtain falling on top of you. “OH SHIT!” 
Jisung burst into the bathroom and threw the shower curtain away from your unconscious body. He shut off the water and cradled your head away from the shower wall. As gently as he could he picked you up and set you on the bed the both of you shared. “Fuck. My phone. Where’s my phone?” Jisung scrambled, running out of the bedroom. He was frantic. 
“911. What is your emergency?” The calm voice of the operator spoke to him.
“My girlfriend. She uh--....fuck. She fell in the shower. I don’t know. I just came home. I think she hit her head.” Jisung ran a stressed hand through his hair, his feet carrying him back to the bedroom. He nodded at the operator's instructions and kept them on the phone as he grabbed one of his shirts from your closet to cover you up. 
The paramedics arrived and loaded you up in an ambulance. Your heavy eyes opened slowly and you looked around the back of the emergency vehicle. It hurt to turn your head, which was still making you feel dizzy. Jisung sat beside you, holding your hand tightly, head down, and tears falling down his cheeks. “Jisung...” You croaked out. 
His head shot up and he didn’t even bother trying to hide his tears. “Baby! Oh, thank god! Y/n you scared me half to death! What the hell happened?” He held your hand tightly, kissing along your knuckles.
“I’m so sorry, Ji....I only meant to skip a couple meals. I thought...I thought I had it under control.” You continued to ramble trying to make sure the words were coming out the way you wanted. Jisung looked heartbroken next to you.
“Y/n....you can’t...fuck...I love you so much. You’ve gotta tell me this stuff, okay?” He said choking up. You had never seen him so upset, so broken. “I can’t lose you. You’re perfect to me always.” You nodded, tears falling down your own cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry-...I’m so sorry. I should have told you...”
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After being a trainee since you were fourteen, you had picked up an unhealthy mindset about your body image. The weekly weigh-ins your company put you through always had you watching your weight down to the ounce. There had been several incidents regarding your health and some unhealthy weight choices, thankfully they hadn’t been leaked to the press and your company covered it up. Felix had been your friend since you debuted and you had been dating for almost a year and a half. The two of you kept it a secret since both of you were still under a dating ban. Felix was always there for you when you needed him. Even if that meant him coming to find you in a broom closet because you were having a rough time and needed a hug.
Comeback season was always a rough time for the both of you. His group was busy, your group was busy. There was hardly any time to see each other. Promotions were even worse, especially for you. You felt like you had to constantly watch what you were eating since there were cameras all around you. You limited you food intake to one small meal a day, choosing to drink lots of weight loss shakes and water instead. Your secret diet plan had been working for years. You hadn’t had an incident since debut. 
Your stomach growled as you looked in the mirror. “Y/n, did you eat?” Your leader asked brushing extra blush across her cheeks. You shook your head, knowing your voice would waver if you tried to lie. 
“I’ll get something after the performance.” 
The sound of other performances were playing on the music shows backstage TV. The skirt you were wearing was squeezing your stomach the fabric unbearably tight. “Girls, you’re up next! Stray Kids is after you. Backstage in two.” A stagehand said popping into the room then quickly exited. The members of your group started filing out of the room, heading backstage. 
Stray Kids were waiting backstage already. You waved at Felix in the dark as you all came to stand next to them. You felt yourself get hot all of sudden and the room was beginning to tilt. The heels you were wearing made it a little more difficult for you to catch your balance. 
You felt a hand on your back, steadying you. Felix appeared behind you, a concerned expression on his handsome face. “You okay, darling?” You nodded and brushed a bead of sweat from your forehead. 
“Yeah. Just got a little dizzy for a second.”
Felix still looked concerned but gave you a quick kiss on the cheek after making sure no one was looking. “I’ll see you after your performance, darling.” He whispered in your ear before sending you onstage. Your group got in position and started performing your new song. Your head was spinning and you felt like you were going to pass out under the white hot stage lights. 
The lyrics to your part of the song came out breathy as you danced in the center. It was evident you weren’t giving your one hundred percent, but you smiled through the pain you were feeling. You let your face fall as you transitioned to the back. If you could just hold on until the song was over.
In the middle of the dance break, your body couldn’t take it anymore. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you crumpled onto the floor, your body had been running on zero fuel for too long and gave out. The gasps of the audience stopped the performance and your group members froze in place. You felt someone run next to you and turn you over. You dazed eyes looked up to see Felix, fear plastered all over his face. 
“We need to get her to the hospital.” Your leader said ushering the two of you off stage. Felix carried you in his arms until you were resting on the hospital bed, still in your stage clothes. Felix and your leader sat in the room with you while the doctors ran several tests. They hooked an IV up to your arm and waited for the doctor to return. 
“So, who are you again?” The doctor asked pointing to Felix and your leader. She introduced herself, but before she could say anything else Felix interrupted her.
“I’m Felix, Y/n’s boyfriend. What going on, doctor?” She turned to you with wide eyes pointing at Felix. You motioned to her and an unspoken promise was made that you would talk about it later. She gave you a stern motherly look before turning back to what the doctor was saying. 
“Well. She is severely malnourished. Her blood sugar and iron are dangerously low.” Felix put his head in his hands, clearly upset. “I’m seeing in her records this has occurred before?” Felix nodded reached for your hand. “Well, I want her to stay here until the IV is drained and someone should make sure she is eating and resting well.” The doctor wrote out a copy of meds and instructions for both Felix and your leader. 
You watched Felix listen intensely on everything the doctor said about your health, taking notes of his own. Eventually, the doctor and your leader left the room. “Darling...I should have figured it out when you said you were dizzy. I’m so sorry. I should have- Fuck, I saw the sign and I didn’t do anything.” He rested his head in his hands clearly upset. You pulled him over to you and wrapped your arms around him.
“Thank you, for being here for me. That’s all I need.” You kissed the top of his head and buried your face in his neck.
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You could tell Seungmin anything. You had been best friends before you started dating and were basically inseparable. There was only one thing Seungmin didn’t know about you, your history with not so healthy weight loss methods. In highschool like most students, your self esteem was a soul sucking bottomless pit. 
Every insecurity was brought to light by your cruel peers. Feeling broken you sought comfort looking magazines filled with beautiful women. Beautiful skinny women. Your desire to be like them grew stronger as you grew older. At first, you only skipped meals when extra work needed to be done. To you, there was no bad consequence at the time. Not only would you lose a little weight but you would get more accomplished. 
Then skipping meals became a regular thing. You would usually get dinner with Seungmin most nights but still ate light. Seungmin paid no mind to it, assuming you were eating healthy during the day.
After a few months, he noticed you were extremely thin to an unhealthy degree. Seungmin was hesitant to ask you about it at first. You were an adult and could take care of yourself. He also didn’t want to come off as clingy and intrusive, but he was really worried about you to the point where he would lose sleep wondering if you had actually eaten that day and lied to him over a phone call. 
Soon, he had enough. “Y/n, be honest with me.” He exclaimed one day while he was over at your apartment. You stopped mid-sip of water and turned to your boyfriend. “You’re skipping meals aren’t you?” 
Silence filled the apartment. Every sound seemed to have been amplified. The dripping water of the bathroom faucet, the clock in the kitchen, the fabric of Seungmin’s sweater brushing against the couch. He watched you with determined eyes. 
“Are you mad at me?” You asked hesitantly. He let out a heavy sigh taking your hands in his. He looked hurt.
Your boyfriend looked back up at you. He seemed to be studying every detail of your face. The bags under your eyes. The way your cheeks had begun to sink in. “I’m not mad.” He whispered. Seungmin took his time choosing his next words with care. “I’m worried, Y/n. Look at you. You are clearly not healthy. This has gotten out of hand.” 
You felt exposed. Raw. Vulnerable. You felt small. Seungmin was right. What you were doing wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t safe, but you couldn’t just stop. It had gotten to the point that you barely had an appetite during normal meal times. 
“Min...I can’t just stop. I’m really messed up aren’t I?”
Seungmin pulled you into his chest, resting his head on yours. “No more than anyone else.” He whispered. It felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders knowing that Seungmin knew your secret. You didn’t feel alone anymore. “We can get you the help you need. All I want is for you to be healthy and happy.” 
There were a million things you wanted to say to him, but actions seemed to work better. You nodded against his chest, letting your arms fall from around his neck to rest gently over his heart. “I should have told you sooner.” You said softly, listening to his heartbeat. 
His fingers softly ran through your hair. “What matters is you told me. I’m not going to let you go through this alone anymore. I’m always here for you, Y/n.” 
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You had recently got a new roommate. A roommate who looked like she walked straight out of a Victoria’s Secret magazine. It didn’t help that she often walked around in her body hugging workout gear. You felt pudgy next to her. She was of course the nicest person on the planet which didn’t make your jealousy decrease any more than it should. In reality, it only grew more.
You wanted what she had. At first, you just started with a diet and exercise. Jeongin was happy to work out with you in the gym. He loved going on night runs with you near the Han river. But, you just weren’t getting the results you wanted. You still looked like a blobfish next to your roommate and were seeing no near progress anytime soon.
The first thing that Jeongin noticed was you stopped letting him come around to your apartment. In your mind the less he saw your roommate the less likely he was to compare you too. Not that he would, but there was always this doubt in the back of your mind. 
The second was your dramatic change in demeanor. A cloud of depression seemed to hang over you wherever you went. You were tired and not acting like yourself. Lastly, he noticed you getting thinner and thinner. 
You had cut out so many things from your diet that you were basically only eating a few crackers and slices of cheese a couple times a day. You stopped going out to dinner with Jeongin, choosing to go out when you knew you wouldn’t be eating. 
He had no idea how to approach you, but he was worried sick. So, he went to the one person he knew he could trust with anything. Chan. He sat done with Chan and told him about everything he was thinking and feeling. After getting advice from his hyung he felt much better about asking you what was going on.
The two of you were on one of your Han river night runs. The pace you were running at was slower than usual. Jeongin made sure to go your speed, picking up on little things he noticed. “Y/n, are you sure you are alright?” He asked, stopping. 
You nodded hands resting on your knee. Your chest was tight and your stomach hurt. It felt like hot volcanic air was pressing down on you like an anvil. “I’m fine. I just need a break.” He nodded and crouched down next to you. Not many people were out since it was later in the evening, but Jeongin still kept an eye out for pedestrians who might come by.
“Angel, you don’t look good at all.” He said rubbing your back. “Come sit for a minute.” Not letting you say anything against the notion he dragged you over to a bench and handed you his water bottle. You flinched tasting what was in it. Definitely not water.
“What is this?” 
“Don’t worry. It’s got plenty of electrolytes in it. Just drink, angel. You need it.”
Jeongin rubbed your back as you drank from the bottle. “How did you know I needed that?” You questioned still out of breath. You attempted to hand him back the water bottle but he put it back in your hands.
“I know you haven’t been taking care of yourself.”
You sighed head in your hands. “How long have you known?” 
He shrugged playing with a bracelet on his wrist. “Maybe a week,” He had known for that long and he hadn’t said anything? Why? He gave you a tight-lipped smile as if reading your thoughts. “I was hoping you would tell me. But, you come first before anything.” He laced his fingers with yours. “Why are you skipping meals, angel?”
You sighed, looking out at the water, feeling much better now. “I was jealous of my roommate. She just is so fit and gorgeous. I feel so inferior next to her.” You hand carded through your messy hair as you looked up at your boyfriend. “Maybe I was...the teensiest bit worried that she might turn your head because of how slender she was.”
“Angel, you are perfect to me. I never want you to change.” He said pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Requests are open my lovelies! Just send an ask!
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blueberry-sunghoon · 3 years
"#welovejay" | jay park
*in this story, you are also a member of enhypen. you and jay are the main characters (though the other members are there as well). minor swearing warning (one "hell", one "ass", one "shit"). the story is 4,357 words long. i really hope you like this story. if you do, leave a comment if you want😊*
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The time was 8:45 PM. You and the other Enhypen members were at the dorm, sitting around in the living room. You were all exhausted after a particularly long day of practice.
“I’m starving but I’m too lazy to get up,” Ni-ki groaned.
“I’ll make us some ramen,” said Heeseung as he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen.
At 9:05, all of you were eating the ramen Heeseung made and you had broken off into conversations. Jake and Heeseung were talking to each other, Sunghoon and Sunoo were talking to each other, and you were talking to Jungwon and Ni-ki. In the middle of your conversation, you realized that Jay was the only one without anyone to talk to. Not only that, he wasn’t eating; he was just staring at his food and picking at it. 
You tapped on Jay’s shoulder. “Jay,” you said. No reaction. You tapped his shoulder again. “Jay?” 
“Huh?” he said, startled, and turned to look at you. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“That’s alright,” you said. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just tired.”
“Are you going to eat?”
Jay sighed. “I’m not really hungry.”
You could sense that something was wrong with Jay, but he obviously didn’t want to talk about it and you didn’t want to pry any further. “Okay then. Let me know if there’s anything you want to talk about.”
After that, the mood was somber and quiet for a few minutes, but eventually you all returned to your conversations. You were still worried about Jay, but you pushed your worries to the back of your mind. 
When all of you (except Jay) finished eating, you decided you would clean up today since everyone was tired. As you started to collect everyone’s bowls, Jungwon stood up and said, “I can help with that.”
“No, that’s okay,” you said. “I can do it myself. You had a long day; you should rest.”
“But you’re tired too. You also had a long day,” Jungwon protested.
“Rest or I’ll take your elbows,” you said finally.
Jungwon chuckled to himself. “I guess if you put it that way. Are you sure you don't need any help?”
Some time later, at 10:30, you were still cleaning up and washing the dishes when everyone (again, except for Jay) walked up to you. “Are you sure there’s nothing we can help with?” said Jake. 
“100%. I’m completely fine,” you answered. 
“Okay. Well, in that case, we’re all going to bed.”
“Okay. Goodnight guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Everyone waved to you, said goodnight, and walked out. 
“Wait, Jungwon,” you whispered to him before he could go anywhere. He turned to face you. You motioned for him to come over and he did. “Have any of you tried talking to Jay? I think something is wrong and he isn’t telling us,” you said as you kept your voice at minimum volume.
Jungwon sighed. “Yeah, I thought so too. Sunoo and I tried talking to him but he wouldn’t even look at us. I think it’s best if we leave him alone for now.”
“I think so too,” you said defeatedly. 
The room went silent for a few moments. Eventually Jungwon broke the silence and said, “See you tomorrow?” 
“Yeah. Goodnight.” Jungwon walked out of the kitchen and you kept cleaning the dishes. Eventually you finished, but you looked over at Jay in the living room and sighed in frustration when you realized you had forgotten to take his dish. You walked into the living room and you found him sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. You then went to the small table where his food was and quietly asked, “Can I put this away?”
He didn’t look up from his phone; he just gave a silent nod. 
So you took his dish back to the kitchen and put it in a food saver. Then you washed the bowl and went back to the living room to retrieve your phone. “I’m going to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Once again, Jay didn’t acknowledge you, and you felt absolutely defeated. You were about to head to your room when you heard Jay say something.
“I can’t do anything without being made fun of.”
You paused for a moment to think about what he could have meant. Who was he talking about? You sat down next to him. “Was it something I said?” you asked softly.
Jay shook his head. “No, it wasn’t you.” Jay handed you his phone and said, “Look.” Confused, you took his phone and you saw the selfie he had posted on Twitter earlier that day. He was in the practice room and he was making a peace sign. “You see it?” he said.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Look at the comments.”
You realized what was making him so upset when you scrolled through the comments. All the comments were making fun of his double-jointed fingers. “Oh my god,” you said in complete disbelief. “I’m so sorry, Jay.”
“Whatever,” Jay huffed. “It is what it is.” 
You were at a loss for words, so the room went silent for a few moments. “I mean, does anyone take me seriously at all?! Literally everything I do, they find something to laugh at. I really spent three years as a trainee just to be someone’s meme.” Hearing his voice laced with sadness and anger broke your heart. 
“Jay, you can’t focus on those comments; those aren’t real fans,” you tried to encourage him.
“I don't see anything else to focus on,” Jay said as he continued to scroll through the comments. “Do I even have real fans?”
“Jay, of course you do-”
He didn’t bother to let you finish your sentence. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” he said. Jay’s voice was shaky and you could tell he was about to cry. He didn’t want you to see him shed any tears, so he said, “I gotta go.” And just like that, he left. 
The living room was now empty except for you, and all of a sudden your emotions hit you like a truck. You felt mostly angry, though. You were angry at those commenters, angry at the fact that Jay felt like he had no real fans, angry at yourself because you didn’t know how to make Jay feel better… tears formed in your eyes and you didn’t try to stop them. You just stared into space as they fell down your face. 
You had to prove to Jay that he had real fans. Did you know how? No. Were you going to rest until you did it? Absolutely not.
The time was now 1:28 AM. Following the vow you made yourself that you wouldn’t rest until you found a way to make Jay feel better, you were still wide awake, laying on your bed in your room (you had a separate bedroom from the boys). Your mind was racing trying to come up with an idea, but unfortunately you were in a constant cycle of coming up with a new idea and then throwing it away once you saw a flaw in it. 
“It’s useless,” you thought to yourself. You took your phone from under your pillow and logged in to your secret Tiktok account. Belift let you have a secret Tiktok account, and you were grateful for that. Your page looked like a fanpage like any other, but being able to communicate with your fans without them knowing it was y/n from Enhypen, becoming mutuals with them, and participating in the trends they made really made your day. These days, the Sunoo cult was going around, and it was funny to see that pretty much everyone had the same profile picture. 
All of a sudden, a lightbulb went off in your head. What if I started something similar for Jay? You ran to Twitter to find the selfie Jay posted that day and downloaded it. Then you opened a photo editing app, added heart stickers and sparkles all around it, and put some text that said “We love Jay”. Going back to Tiktok, you switched your profile picture to the one you just made.
It looks good, you thought, but how am I going to spread it? It wouldn’t be an easy task, especially since the Sunoo cult was still raging in popularity and you didn’t have much of an audience on Tiktok (71 followers to be exact). The only way to quickly spread the word was to post a Tiktok and expose yourself as y/n from Enhypen… expose yourself as y/n from Enhypen? said your head. No way. You’ll get in hella trouble and you know it. You probably wouldn’t be allowed on your secret Tiktok anymore. 
Do you have any better ideas? said your heart. This would be the fastest way to spread the message. You’re y/n from Enhypen for goodness’ sakes, the fans would listen to you in a heartbeat. Besides, you aren’t doing this for yourself. You’re doing it for Jay.
What your head said made sense, but you would rather help Jay than help yourself. Like you did most of the time, you took your heart’s word for it.
You tried to think of where to film your Tiktok. Your room was definitely not suitable. Unless you wanted to film yourself whispering, the boys would definitely hear you. Your room was adjacent to theirs, and the wall between the two rooms was thinner than a piece of paper… well, not that thin, but thin enough. 
You also considered the living room, but that was also a no-go because anyone could just walk in and see what you were doing. Eventually you decided to film it outside on the porch. There’s no way anyone would be going outside at this time (except you, of course). You slowly crept out of your room, into the hallway, into the living room, careful so as to make as little noise as possible, and eventually out the front door. You took a deep breath of relief and waited for your pounding heart to return to its normal rhythm. 
You turned on the light next to the door so you could see, and then you pulled out your phone and started to record. “Hey everyone, it’s y/n from Enhypen,” you started, but before you could continue you heard the front door open and there was Sunghoon.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked.
You panicked and your heart started to rush again. “I think the real question is, ‘What are you doing out here?’” you said, trying to laugh it off.
“I asked you first though,” Sunghoon said with a smirk. “But I’ll answer your question to humor you. I woke up and I was thirsty, so I made my way to the kitchen to get myself some water. But then I saw that the light outside was on, and I went to check it out. Then I saw you and asked you what you were doing out here.”
“So what are you doing out here?”
“Well, um, I, you see, see I couldn’t sleep, right?” you answered, stumbling over your words. “So I came out here and started to record a -note video.”
You were sweating bullets and you could feel your heart going 100 miles per hour. By some miracle, though, Sunghoon couldn’t see how anxious you were and he said, “Okay then. Don't stay out too late. Don't forget we start shooting our music video in the afternoon, and we have to get some practice in before then.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
“See ya,” said Sunghoon as he waved goodbye and closed the door behind him. 
That was way too close, you thought to yourself. I should hurry up and get this filmed before someone else sees me. Even though you were a K-pop idol and you were constantly in front of cameras, you still sometimes felt weird about recording yourself. It took a few takes, but you finally finished filming.
You turned off the light and quietly made your way back to your room so you could edit the video before posting it. You plopped yourself back on your bed and added subtitles to the video. Then you went to add a caption and some hashtags including #welovejay. Your thumb hovered over the “post” button and your head tried to interfere once again. y/n, before you post that, think! is it-
But you didn’t care for any of that; you posted the video without hesitation. Feeling better than you had all day, you decided it was time to get some shut-eye. You put your phone back under your pillow and let your eyes drift to a close. 
Your alarm, which was “Fairy of Shampoo'' by TXT,  went off at 7:15. You groaned because you didn’t want to wake up, but you liked the song so you didn’t turn off your alarm. Instead, you laid there with your eyes closed because you didn’t feel like opening them. 
Then, all of a sudden you remembered the Tiktok you posted five hours earlier. You opened your eyes and feverishly opened Tiktok to see how the post did. You gasped when you saw that your Tiktok received 150,000 likes and over half a million views. Still in shock of how well your post did, you scrolled through the comments. 
“changed my profile picture! #welovejay”
“b00sting so more people see this!!!”
You also saw that many of the people in the comments had the same profile picture you made. And #welovejay was used in over one million videos. It worked, you thought to yourself. It really worked! You were so happy that you started doing a little dancey-dance around your room. I can’t wait until Jay sees this. 
At 10:45, all eight of you were in the practice room, taking a short break from practicing. You watched as Sunghoon and Sunoo made a Tiktok. They were doing the dance of “Me gustas tu” by Gfriend (Sunoo wouldn’t leave Sunghoon alone until he agreed to do it with him).
“Do you like this take?” asked Sunoo.
“It’s definitely better than the last one,” answered Sunghoon, “I think it’s okay to post.”
“Yeah, I think so too.” 
Sunghoon wrote the caption for the video (“Just so you all know, Sunoo made me do this”) and posted it.
“Did you post the video already?” said Jake. “I want to see the comments. Engene's comments crack me up.”
Sunoo motioned for him to come over. “Yeah, we just did. Come and see.” 
Jake walked over to where Sunghoon and Sunoo were. Sunghoon pressed the “comments” button, and all three were shocked by what they saw.
“How come everyone in the comments has the same profile picture?” asked Jake.
“I don't know, but it spread pretty quickly. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since he posted this picture,” Sunoo remarked. 
“What are you guys talking about?” you asked. You walked over to where the three were standing and looked at Sunghoon’s phone, and then you realized what they were talking about. A smile came across your face. “Wow, that’s really cool,” you said as if it wasn’t your doing. “Guys, you gotta come see this, this is really cool.” 
“What is it?” asked Heeseung as he walked over with Jungwon and Ni-ki.
“Everyone has the same profile photo here,” Sunoo beamed. 
Jay didn’t even bother walking over. If everyone has the same profile picture, there’s no way it’s me. It’s probably someone cute like Ni-ki. I’m the last person it could be. He stood aloof as he watched the seven of you gush over the picture.
“Jay-hyung, come see this!” said Jungwon.
Jay sighed and he reluctantly walked over. At least he could be happy for whoever’s picture it was instead of standing there jealous. Nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see. The second he did, his smile was so huge and it wouldn’t come off his face even though he tried to hide it. “Oh my god,” he said in utter disbelief. “Sunghoon, can I see your phone?” 
Sunghoon handed Jay his phone, and Jay kept scrolling and scrolling through the comments. “This is insane. Everyone really made me their profile picture.” Maybe I do have real fans.
“The text on the picture is so small though, I can’t read what it says,” said Jungwon. 
“Me neither,” said Ni-ki, and everyone else agreed.
Without thinking, you blurted out the answer. “It says ‘We love Jay’.” The seven boys immediately looked at you, and you realized your mistake. 
“How do you know? That text is way too small and none of us can read it,” Jungwon inquired.
You hesitated for a moment, and then you replied, “Well if you click on one of the profiles and click on the picture, you’ll be able to zoom in and see what the text says.”
“Is that how you found out what it says? Because none of us clicked on any of the profiles.”
Oh. You didn’t think about that. There was no way around it now. Guess it was time to tell them the truth. Just as you opened your mouth to speak, you heard the sound of your least favorite manager storming through the hallway and screaming, “PARK Y/N!!!” 
“Holy shit, y/n,” said Ni-ki. “What did you do this time?”
You knew exactly what was about to happen. The manager burst through the door, anger scribbled all over her face. She walked over to where you were, and she pulled out her phone, revealing a screenshot of your Tiktok. She pointed the screen in your direction. “Park y/n,” she yelled in lower case, trying to calm herself down, “What. Is. This.”
The other seven pairs of eyes in the room were on you, expecting an answer. But you stayed silent. 
The manager couldn’t keep her cool anymore. “Do you not understand Korean?? I asked you WHAT IS THIS???” 
“A Tiktok,” you mumbled.
“Oh my goodness, y/n,” she started as she took a deep breath. “I’ve known you for eight long years, and of all of the ridiculous things you’ve done, this is by far the most audacious! What possessed you to do this, huh?! Do you remember the day I agreed to let you have a secret account?!”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Last I remember, the secret account was to be SECRET! Not known or not seen by the public. How could you go directly against our agreement?? Look at this - 700,000 likes! This was when I screenshotted it. Who KNOWS how many it could have now!”
700,000 likes? Wow, it blew up so much since I last checked. When I woke up it only had 150,000. You were so excited that your plan worked, and you didn’t realize that a tiny smile crept up on your face.
“YAH!” screamed the manager. “How can you be laughing right now?! Is that what you have to say for yourself?! Why did you even do this?!”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down before you spoke. “Mrs. Choi, did you watch the video?”
“y/n, I don't give a rat’s ass what’s in your video. It's probably something stupid. There’s no reason you couldn’t have posted it on Enhypen’s official Tiktok.”
“I believe if you watch the video, you’ll understand why I posted it.”
“Nonsense,” she huffed as she opened Tiktok to find your video. “Let’s hear it.” The video started as she turned her volume all the way up.
“Hey, everyone, it’s y/n from Enhypen. Um, this has been my secret account for a while. I guess it won’t be much of a secret anymore after I post this, and I’ll more than likely get in trouble for it, but I don't care. What I need to say is that important. You guys know Jay. Well, he’s having a tough time and I really wanted to encourage him. Do you guys see my profile picture? I made it myself. If you guys want to do me a favor, you can change your profile picture to this so we can show Jay how much we love him. I’ll put the picture at the end so you can crop it. If you don't want to change your profile picture that’s completely fine; you can also help by boosting the video so more people see it. Like, comment, share/copy link, use the hashtag #welovejay, whatever you need to do. If I don't post again on here, it means I got in trouble. Engene, I’m counting on you. Hwaiting!”
As the video ended, Mrs. Choi’s anger faded away. “Oh,” she said softly. “Did any of you know about this?”
“Yes and no,” answered Jake. “Sunghoon and Sunoo just posted a Tiktok, and we saw that all of the commenters had the same profile picture, but we didn’t know that it was y/n who started it.”
“I need to see this,” said Mrs. Choi. She searched for Enhypen’s most recent Tiktok on her phone and looked through the comments. “You know what y/n?” she said as she looked up from her phone to face you, “I respect you for this. I’m sorry that I got so angry at you.”
“It’s okay,” you said.
“While I respect what you did, that doesn’t change the fact that you broke the agreement you and I had. I can’t let you go without consequences. Consider the secret Tiktok thing over. From now on, the only one you use is @enhypen. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you said. 
“Good,” she said. She took a deep breath. “Well, I’ll see the eight of you later at the music video shoot.”
You all bowed as you said bye, and Mrs. Choi took her leave. 
After she left, the room went silent. You could tell that everyone else was thinking about what just happened and you tried to divert their attention to something else. “Well, we should get back to practicing.”
“Not so fast,” said Heeseung. “y/n, you’re the one who started the Jay profile picture thing?”
You looked at him and nodded.
“Respect,” he said. He extended his fist and you gave him a fist bump, and you smiled. 
Out of nowhere, Jay gave you a back hug and rested his head on your shoulder. “Guys, can I talk to y/n alone for a minute?”
“Yeah, of course. Take your time,” said Heeseung. At that, the boys left the practice room, leaving you and Jay alone.
“You really did that for me?” he said softly.
“Of course,” you said without hesitation as you turned to look at him. “That’s what friends are for. I saw the way your face lit up when you saw all those comments. That moment was priceless. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.” 
“I suppose so.” You noticed that Jay’s voice was a bit shaky. Then you realized why when you saw tears roll down his face.
“Jay-ah, why are you crying?” you said as you wiped his tears away. 
“It’s my fault your Tiktok got taken away,” he said regrettfully. “I remember how excited you would get when you made a new friend on there. I really took away your greatest joy.”
“No you didn’t, Jay. I got my Tiktok taken away because I broke a rule,” you assured him.
“But you wouldn’t have had to if I-”
“Shhhh,” you interrupted. “You’re being too loud. I don't listen to Jay slander.”
Jay laughed a little and tried to hide his smile by looking away. “I see you smiling, Jay, don't try to hide it,” you said playfully.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are!”
“Okay, you got me,” Jay said as he pulled you in for a hug. “You best believe I’m going to bug Mrs. Choi until she lets you have your account back.”
“You can try, but don't be surprised when it doesn’t work.”
“It will. I’m her favorite, so she’ll have to listen to me,” Jay said confidently.
“Boy, since when are you her favorite?”
“Since forever.”
“You wish.”
“No, you wish.”
Two weeks later, you knocked on the door of Mrs. Choi’s office. 
“Come in,” she said. 
You walked through the door and bowed. 
“You needed to see me?” you said. She was sitting in her desk and she didn’t look at you.
“Yeah,” she said. “Take a seat.”
You did as she said. Her eyes were still glued to the computer and she was typing something. You were worried because you had no idea what she was about to say, so you sat there nervously as your hands started to sweat. 
Finally Mrs. Choi looked away her computer and turned to face you. She took a deep breath and said, “I regret to inform you that I’m allowing you back on your Tiktok account.”
“Regret to inform you”? You wanted to ask why she would regret that, but you didn’t want to say anything that might change her mind, so you simply said, “Thank you.”
She turned back to typing on her computer. “You should be grateful your friend is so annoying. Jay would not leave me alone until I agreed to let you have it back.”
“Oh,” you said. You had completely forgotten that Jay had said he would do that.
“Know this: you are on very, very, very thin ice. One more slip-up and it's over, no matter how much your friends annoy me. You understand?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. That’s all I have to say to you. Go back to whatever you were doing, and don't you dare forget what I said.”
Standing up to leave, you said, “I won’t. Thank you, Mrs. Choi.” You bowed once again and left her office. 
Once you closed the door behind you, the first thing you saw was Jay across from you in the hallway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face. 
“I told you it would work.”
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tomtenadia · 3 years
Island Dreams - Chapter 28
Another chapter for you all.
Elide and Lorcan's wedding is here and And please imagine with me Rowan and Lorcan in a kilt... did it just get a bit hotter in your house?
So, technically, of course clan Whitethorn does not exist so there is no tartan, but since this is a fanfiction, I decided to assign to Rowan my favourite tartan: https://www.lochcarron.co.uk/scotland-forever-modern-heavy-weight-tartan-fabric so I gave him my favourite tartan which is called Scotland Forever.
Also, I am incapable of describing dresses so this is the dress Aelin is wearing: https://www.seraphine.com/en-gb/midnight-silk-lace-maternity-cocktail-dress/
Have fun and happy reading :)
The next morning Rowan woke up very early. It was six in the morning and he was fully awake. Slowly he got out of bed, disentangling himself from Aelin without waking her up. He took a peek outside and saw it was going to be another wonderful day. Quietly he went to his suitcase and grabbed his running gear. He had decided to bring it with him in the off chance he had the possibility to go for a run. He went to the bathroom and got changed, then left a message to Aelin in case she woke up while he was out.
Rowan left the hotel and went to Kelvingrove park and took the path to one of his old routes of when he was a student. The morning air was crisp and he enjoyed the feeling of the cool air against his skin. His feet pounding on the path and his heart racing, he sped up a bit and he felt the tension in his body leave him. He meant every single word he had told Aelin the previous night, but he was worried. Not about the whole being parent thing, they would tackle that together, like they had tackled all the problems they had faced in their relationship. No, what was freaking him out was the whole birthing process. He had done enough research to become terrified enough and a part of him regretted his desperate need to know. There was so much that could go wrong and as the moment grew closer, his anxiety spiralled as well but he hoped he had done a good job enough so far to hide his fears from Aelin. She did not need his paranoia as well. He was happy when she let him fuss. It made him feel useful. She was doing the biggest job and he needed to help somehow. He would do everything for the woman who had made his life so complete. He took a path going uphill, searching for a challenge and felt his breath become more laboured as he pushed with his muscles and reached the top of the hill. He stopped at a fountain and drank some water and wetted his hair and looked up. The stunning profile of Glasgow University was in front of him and he stared at the building while a flow of memories hit him and looked back at those four years with fondness. He loved the place and being able to share it with her meant the world to him. And although they had been limited in what they could do, he was happy that he did manage to show her places that he loved. He brushed a hand through his hair and went back running following the path winding through the park. It was still morning and he loved to enjoy the quiet. He only met some keen runners like him and smiled gladly knowing that there were other nutters like him who would go running that early in the morning. Rowan ran for a solid hour, then decided it was enough for one day and slowly made his way back to the hotel. Once in the room he noticed that Aelin was still sleeping so he quietly shed his clothes and walked to the bathroom to take a well deserved shower. Hot water was running on his body soothing the ache in his muscles when a pair of hands found their way on his shoulders. When he turned a naked Aelin was in front of him in the shower box. “So selfish of you to take a shower alone.” She said inching closer to him, her hands brushing his chest and following the lines of his tattoo “so, so selfish.” Her lips placed soft kiss on his pecs and Rowan closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. In an instant his hand was at the back of her head and he pulled Aelin closer for a kiss that sent her mind reeling. They hadn’t done anything in months because Rowan was worried although Yrene had explained to him that it was still safe if Aelin was willing and felt in the mood. But he had been stubborn. The kiss deepened and Aelin moaned loudly as his hands began trailing along her body. “Ro, please…” she begged him and his kisses moved to her neck, her collarbone, her breasts and slowly he began his descent until he was on his knees in front of her. Her hands knitted in his hair as he parted her legs enough to gain access. She felt his tongue on her and Aelin came undone. The shower took much longer than planned as they gave each other the only possible type of satisfaction allowed by the circumstances. “This shower was more interesting that I had planned.” He commented while getting out of the shower and placing a towel around his waist. “You left me all alone.” She sat on the bed, back against the board and opened her bathrobe, revealing her naked form to him. “Don’t tempt me.” He said sneaking closer and stealing a kiss from her lips “we have a wedding to go to. We need to get dressed.” She closed the bathrobe and got off the bed “Fine.” She tried to grab her suitcase and place it on the bed but failed. Rowan rolled his eyes and helped her “You can ask, you know?” “I could have done it myself.” She added when he got the suitcase for her. Rowan scoffed and she punched him lightly and went back rummaging into her case for the dress she was going to wear then she turned and noticed that Rowan had pulled out a kilt from the dress bag he had been carrying. “You are going to wear a kilt.” Her tone was surprised. She had hoped and her mind had tried to imagine on plenty of occasion how he would look with a kilt. Now she was finally going to see it. “Aye, as will all of the scotsmen at the wedding. I am nae going in a suit, lass.” And his Glaswegian accent became quite strong all of a sudden and she found him even sexier. Instead of getting dressed herself she sat transfixed as she stared at him slowly donning the kilt. The transformation was impressive. The skirt had beautiful blue and purple tones with silver lines. Then he had worn a white shirt and a tie with the same pattern as the kilt and a black jacket. He had tied neatly his hair in a small low pony tail. It was getting longer and she loved it. She felt hot all of a sudden. Once he was ready she took a couple of pictures of him and sent one to Lysandra with the title sex on two legs. Lysandra’s reply was not one for the general public. “Are you going to start dressing instead of gawking?” “Can’t help it when the subject is so hot.” “Come on, get dressed, it’s my turn to gawk.” He grabbed her hand and helped her off the bed. Aelin scoffed “gawk at what? A whale in a dress?” She went to the bathroom and five minutes later she came out and Rowan was standing with his mouth wide open “You are amazing.” She was wearing a simple blue navy dress long to her knees and with lacy short sleeves. She was incredible and he was struck dumb. “Do I look that bad?” She added at his stare. “No,” his voice gruff, he moved a step closer “let’s just say that had it been another situation, you’d be pinned against the wall right now and we would not leave this room for a long time.” He took a step closer and kissed her neck “you look stunning.” She sat down and finished to style her hair and applied just a small amount of makeup. She donned her earrings and saw Rowan kneel behind her. His hands went around her neck and she gasped when he saw him unfolding a necklace and clasping it behind it. She looked at it and was stunned. It was something gorgeous. “It’s the tree of life. It was my mum’s. Dad gave it to her for their first year anniversary. I have been meaning to give it to you for a while now.” Aelin turned “Ro, I can’t accept it, this is a beautiful heirloom.” He shook his head “My mum would be very happy to know you are wearing it.” “Thank you.”she kissed him and tried not to cry. She could not be bothered to do her makeup again. “Are you ready?” Aelin nodded and he helped her by grabbing her flats and placing them on her feet. “I got us a taxi. I am not having you go uphill again like yesterday.” “Thank you. My back and feet appreciate it very much.” When ten minute later they arrived at the cloisters, Aelin was speechless. The place had been decorated with flowers and an arch covered in flowers stood where Elide and Lorcan were meant to stand. Some of the guests had started to arrive and Aelin jumped into the fray and began talking to complete strangers while Rowan stood at her side in silence. He was not as relaxed as she was. His attention shifted when he noticed a group of people coming their way and he recognised them straight away. “What?” Asked Aelin, noticing his reaction. “They are the Warriors. Lorcan’s rugby team.” Aelin turned and the only thing she noticed was a wall of muscles in kilt. She was so busy gawking that she did not notice Lorcan joining them “what?” She asked when she finally heard the man’s voice. “Congratulations.” Lorcan added pointing at the bump but Aelin ignored him. “Yeah sure…” and her stare kept following the rugby team. Rowan rolled his eyes “you should stop gawking. And shall I remind you that you are engaged and pregnant with my kids?” “Sure. Sure” she brushed him off. Lorcan laughed and turned to Rowan “you can meet the guys later.” “How’s Elide doing?” Asked Aelin when she finally came back on planet Earth. Then she noticed Lorcan in kilt as well and she looked appreciatively. Elide was a lucky girl too. “She texted me this morning saying she is nervous. We did this thing of spending the night before apart so she stayed at her parents.” “The venue is amazing, by the way.” Added Aelin pointing at the location. “It was Elide’s idea. She wanted to get married in an original place. She organised everything. I was told to sit tight and make sure to turn up on the correct day and in time.” Aelin laughed “Seems about right.” And then glared at Rowan as if to tell that that was what was expected of him as well when their turn came. “So, when did the bun in the oven happened?” “It’s actually two buns and it did happen in November.” Explained Rowan. Lorcan was about to add something when someone called him and he excused himself. “We are not doing the whole spending the night before apart, Whitethorn.” Rowan stooped and kissed her “as you wish, mo chridhe.” It was twenty minutes later when everyone was invited to sit down as the ceremony was about to start. Lorcan was at the arch and was waiting for Elide to arrive. Aelin noticed that it was a rare thing to see the man smile so brightly. It was a good thing that he did not have his grumpy face on his wedding day. Five minutes later a violin began to play a lovely music and two bridesmaids slowly walked down the aisle joining their place at the arch where they would be standing behind Elide. Finally the music picked up and Elide appeared at the bottom of the aisle, her dad at her arm. Aelin gasped, the woman looked stunning in the light blue dress and she approved that she ditched the classic white. Elide and her dad walked down the aisle and once in front of Lorcan Elide’s dad passed her to Lorcan and she noticed him saying something to the man. Elide kissed her father and the man peeled off, taking his seat at the front. Rowan explained to her that the person officiating the wedding was the captain of the Glasgow Warriors and she thought it was such an original thing. “Good morning friends and family.” Started the man, attracting the attention of the people gathered “The whole team never thought this day would ever happen. Our fierce and grumpy leader finally made it to the altar and is getting hitched with a wonderful woman.” Then he turned to Elide “if he makes you mad or unhappy, there is a bunch of guys in the team who would gladly marry you.” He gave Lorcan a wicked smile “This will be the longest and toughest match of your life, but you have a great teammate and that’s what matters.” He heard the guests laugh “Now, I believe you guys have prepared some vows.” The couple nodded. Lorcan was the first one up “Elide, I might not be the easiest of men, but being with you made me want to become a better man and do my best to make you happy. Just as you did by entering my life. You made me happy. I am not good with feelings, but remember this: I love you.” Elide smiled “The kids and I nicknamed you grumpy captain when we met you that first time and the nickname was perfect, but I learned to know and love the man under that tough mask of yours. We had highs and lows but in every fight we always choose us. No matter what future holds, if you are with me, I will be happy.” Aelin took Rowan’s hand and squeezed it and he leaned over to kiss her cheek. “The rings, please.” The couple exchanged the rings and stood staring at each other while waiting for the ceremony to draw to an end. “Grumpy capt—, I mean Lorcan, do you take Elide as your wife, promise to walk side by side in this adventure, support her and love her in this life and forever more?” “I do.” Said Lorcan, grabbing Elide’s hand. “Elide, do you take Grumpy captain here as your husband, and promise to walk this path together and love him in this life and forever more?” “I think I can manage that.” And she gave Lorcan a big smile full of love and squeezed back his hand. “Elide and Lorcan made their promises in front of their friends and family and it’s now my deepest pleasure to declare them husband and wife. Good luck Elide.” And the woman laughed, whilst Lorcan glared at the man then he turned to his now wife and pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. “Hey, get a room ye two.” Shouted a voice from the background and the guests all laughed. Within minutes they were surrounded by friends and family, all wanting to wish all the best to the new couple. Aelin and Rowan waited on the sidelines until the path was clear. Elide squealed as soon as she saw Aelin “Oh my god, look at you.” She gave her an awkward hug “You two have been busy since we saw you in July.” “We have, but that’s not the important stuff. I am so happy for you two and I can finally say that I saw Lorcan smile.” Elide laughed “he does that.” “The ceremony was brilliant.” “I wanted something original.” Then she looked around “where did you leave Rowan? I thought you two came together.” Aelin turned around expecting to see Rowan but he was not there. At a more careful look he saw him with Lorcan and the rest of the rugby team. Aelin pointed. “Your husband has stolen my fiancé and they are having a manly rugby chat.” “Fiance?” Aelin nodded and showed her the ring “He proposed on the winter solstice at Callanish. A month later I found out we were going to have twins.” Elide squealed again “I am so happy for you two.” “And of course you and your husband are invited to the wedding. As soon as we decide a date. We thought it was best to wait until our two girls were born and have them as well at the wedding.” Aelin and Elide kept on chatting until Lorcan arrived to grab Elide and tell her that they were expected for a photo session. “We’ll finish later.” Aelin nodded and Elide disappeared. Rowan arrived a moment later. “So, did you meet all the guys?” “I did and it was amazing.” She kissed him “Good.” “Lorcan told me to start heading for the museum, they will join us soon.” “Good, considering it will take me a lifetime to get there, it seems like a great idea.” And it did. Half an hour later they finally arrived at the museum and Aelin was exhausted. She sat on one of the benches inside the museum. Once she felt rested they walked to the main reception area and checked which table they had been assigned and Rowan took Aelin’s hand “let’s sit down.” Aelin collapsed on the chair with a loud sigh and the only person already at their table gave her a smile in understanding. Rowan removed his jacket and placed it on the back of the chair and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, showing off his tattoo. “Awesome tattoo,” said one of the guys from the rugby team while walking past “that is quite some fine artwork you have there.” “Thank you,” that was all Rowan said. Aelin leaned to the side “It does make you very sexy, I must admit. And I have noticed too many women already making goo goo eyes at you.” He put a hand on the bump “let them look. I am not interested.” Soon after, he stood “Fancy some appetisers?” Aelin looked at him with love “Yes please, I am starving and I don’t think I can wait until the happy couple arrives.” Rowan laughed and went to the table with the appetisers. He was filling up a plate for himself and Aelin when a woman stopped at his side “Are you a rugby player too?” She took a bit of her food in a way that Rowan could only call provocative “Hi, I am Remelle.” Rowan turned and ignored her but the woman was relentless “I saw you with the team. I was quite fascinated by the hair. Do you dye it?” “No, I was born like this.” He tried to shake her off but she placed her hand on his bicep and looked at him from bottom to top and bit her bottom lip in admiration “I wonder where Lorcan kept such a fine specimen of a friend all of this time.” Rowan growled “I am not available.” And he turned “see the blond woman over there in the blue dress? She is my fiancé and very pregnant. Aelin is also very jealous, so unless you want to get punched in the face I would suggest that you let my arm go and go find yourself another prey. Again, I am not available.” “Pity.” She pulled away “Call me if you need a break. Lorcan has my number.” And the woman finally walked away and Rowan sighed relieved and went back on his mission of stocking up in food and hoped Aelin did not notice that interaction. He went back to the table and loved the smile of pure joy when Aelin noticed the food. “I got you a nice selection.” “And you got yourself a girlfriend as well.” Rowan froze. Shit, she had seen it. “I did not. I told her about you, but she was persistent. She left only when I told her that you would easily kick her arse.” “That I would. And I would also win, even this pregnant. Bitch.” And turned to tackle some of the food Rowan had brought her. He leaned back on the chair and placed an arm around her shoulders and grabbed something to eat from the plate. “Thank you for the food.” “It was a very risky endeavour but I’ll go again if you are still hungry.” She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “You okay?” “Yeah, my belly just feels weird.” “How weird?” “Just… tighter…” she tried to explain. Rowan got lost in thought and she knew he was going through all the books he read “Could it be Braxton Hicks?” “Look who’s a good student.” She kissed his cheek “It might be.” “Are you in pain?” Aelin shook her head then she stood and Rowan looked at her worried. She leaned forward and told him where she was going in his ear and he smiled “Don’t wonder around the museum.” “Don’t eat all my food.” Aelin came back twenty minutes later and was breathless “the friggin bathroom is downstairs,” she growled “and I could not find the lift.” Rowan pulled her down “Sit down. Lorcan and Elide are back so the real meal can start.” “Finally.” “She is eating for three.” He explained to the rest of the people at the table. The first course arrived and Aelin laughed when she realised it was a very fancy version of Mac and cheese. She had loved the wedding from the start. It had been fun and original and the fact that they had not chosen pretentious food was another bonus. The lady opposite her noticed her big smile “Lorcan begged Elide to choose comfort food. He said rugby players were not used to fancy food and tiny portions, so she went for comfort food.” “I love it. Seriously, it’s brilliant.” Added Aelin excited “It’s not just the rugby players.” She turned to Rowan and saw him enjoying the food “there are no vegetables, will you be okay?” “Today it’s a day of celebration and I can make an exception.” “You will go for another run tomorrow morning, won’t you?” “Totally.” The meal continued and more courses came and all of them were comfort food that apparently Lorcan had requested. Aelin was delighted. The meal had been amazing. Aelin shifted again in her seat and rubbed her bump. “Aelin, is there something wrong?” “No just another sharp pain and the girls are quite active.” She put a hand on his knee “I am fine. Don’t worry.” His hand went to her back and started massaging the spot that usually caused her problems. “Do I need to take you to the hospital?” “Of course you should not.” Aelin said almost outraged “I am fine. Stop fussing.” And she stood and went for a walk. Rowan sighed. He was about to stand and and join Aelin when Elide and Lorcan came to them while they were doing their runs. Lorcan had removed his jacket, his shirt had one button open and the sleeves were rolled up. “How is it going? Did you loose Aelin?” Rowan shook his head “Our girls are quite active and she is quite uncomfortable.” Elide walked away and joined Aelin who was pacing on an isolated part of the hall. “Hey you.” “Hi,” replied Aelin in a low voice. “Are you okay? Rowan seems worried.” Aelin chuckled “he is always fussing about me.” Then she leaned against the wall as her strength was abandoning her, but if on one side standing was helping with her discomfort, it was also making her very tired. Her back and feet were killing her. She sighed loudly and the started sobbing “I am so tired.” Elide hugged her but Aelin pulled away “It’s your wedding, you should not be here looking after a mess of a weepy pregnant woman.” “Lorcan is at your table chatting with Rowan and the other guests. I am fine.” “No, just go. I will be fine. I just need a couple of minutes.” “Aelin…” “I am fine.” She almost growled. Elide was just trying to be nice and Aelin had behaved badly, but she was feeling horrible and uncomfortable and just wanted to curl in a heap and cry. Elide nodded and left. Rowan arrived a few minutes later and she ran into his arms, sobbing heavily. “Hey,” he kissed the top of her head “Let it out. Let it all out.” “I am so tired of being pregnant.” She blurted through tears. “I know, Fireheart. A few more months…” he held her close as much as the bump allowed “I need you to be strong for Freyja and Morrigan. I want them to know they have the most amazing mum.” He kissed her again and she stayed in his arms in silence for a while. “They are bringing more food, fancy going to see what is the next course?” He told her, hoping the news of more food on its way would cheer up a little. Aelin gave him a wet laugh “Yes.”
It was much later in the afternoon when Elide and Lorcan announced that dances were starting in the hall next door. The guests left their tables and slowly moved next door to begin the proper celebrations. It was not a proper Scottish wedding without a ceilidh. Rowan held out his hand to Aelin “Shall we?” Elide and Lorcan had their first dance together as husband and wife with the band playing You & I by Skerryvore which apparently had been a song that Lorcan had dedicated to Elide when they celebrated their first year together. Once they had their dance, the band called all the other guests to join them for a few dances before the ceilidh started. Aelin looked at Rowan with a mocking expression. “We are not dancing.” He replied at her stare “And if there is a slow dance before the ceilidh gets in full swing we can just hold each other and sway side to side.” “That is not dancing.” “It is when you are over six months pregnant. Plus, I’d really, really love to dance with you.” “Well,” Aelin drawled, trying to stand and accepting his hand “I can’t say no to an offer from such a sexy man in kilt.” They reached the hall and Rowan had been right. The ceilidh was not in full swing yet and the band was playing a couple of slow songs and a few couples were on the dance floor. “Come,” he offered her his hand and Aelin accepted. They moved to a corner of the dance area. “Come on everyone.”shouted one member of the band “If the pregnant lady can dance, you all can. Don’t be shy.” Aelin hid behind Rowan in embarrassment. Rowan turned Aelin, her back against his chest, his arms around her and began swaying from side to side following the rhythm of the music. “I hate that we can’t dance. This is my first ceilidh.” Rowan kissed her head “we will have one at our wedding and we can dance all we want then.” She squeezed his hand in response. They danced for a good twenty minutes until the band announced that it was finally time for the serious stuff. Aelin squeezed his hand hard “I need to sit.” She sounded almost breathless. Rowan quickly took her hand and together they walked back to their table and Aelin sat down and he crouched in front of her. “You are not well.” She leaned back on the chair “I feel so tired and I am dizzy as well.” Rowan grabbed a glass and filled it with water “try and drink a bit.” She did that and he noticed her hands shook a bit. Then Aelin tried to stand up but fell in Rowan’s arms, “I am feeling sick.” He walked her to the lift and accompanied her to the toilets. Embarrassed he walked in with her and apologised to a couple of women “I’ll be here.” Aelin left the stall ten minutes later and she could see panic in Rowan’s face. “We are going to the hospital.” “We are at a wedding.” She whispered while leaning heavily against the wall. “I don’t care. I’ll talk to Elide and Lorcan but we are going.” Aelin nodded. They went back upstairs and he helped her sit down again at the table “let me go and talk to them.” He came back ten minutes later “Let’s go. There should be a taxi outside.” Aelin followed him in silence and slowly, she felt awful. “Did you apologise from me?” She asked him once they were in the taxi. “They were fine. They asked me to give them an update.” He pulled her to him in an embrace. “I ruined the wedding for you.” “You did no such thing.”
They arrived at the hospital half an hour later and Aelin noticed that the waiting room of the A&E was busy. “Ro, we are going to spend the entire day in here.” He took her hand “I don’t care. You are not well and I’d rather spend a day in the A&E and get you checked than ignore it. Humour me, okay?” He stood and went to check her in, then bought her a bottle of water from the vending machine and got back to her. He took his jacket and placed it on her shoulders and pulled Aelin to his chest. “Sleep a bit. I’ll call you when it’s our turn.” Aelin sighed “This is a much bigger hospital, the A&E is packed and I am not a priority so we’ll have a long wait ahead.” “Then we’ll wait.” He kissed her.
“Aelin Galathynius.” An hour later a woman called her and Rowan nudged her awake. “Let’s go.” Aelin stood and followed him. The doctor took her to a bed and Rowan helped her to get on. “So, Aelin, tell me how you feel.” Rowan took place at her side and she grabbed his hand “I am 23 weeks pregnant with twins.” Rowan squeezed her hand “We were at a wedding and I started feeling sick and dizzy. I threw up quite savagely.” “Do you have an headache?” “Yeah,” she admitted. “She has been feeling discomfort and pain in her bump.” Added Rowan who was going through all of the small signs he had noticed “She has been more tired than usual.” “We have been playing tourists.” Explained Aelin. “Did you have abdominal pain?” And the doctor showed Aelin where and Aelin nodded “It started this morning.” “What about breathing?” “Sometimes I struggle.” “Ok, Aelin, I want to run some tests. I assume your ob/gyn made you aware that with multiple pregnancy you can develop preeclampsia. Some of the symptoms you are describing are the ones you’d develop with it, so I want to make sure you are fine.” Aelin nodded and Rowan thanked the doctor.
It was much later when the doctor came back and Rowan stood. He had sat down on the bed beside her. “So Aelin,” said the woman, sitting down on the stool in front of her “The test are all good. Your blood pressure is within the correct range. I can suggest that you just overworked yourself. Being pregnant with twins puts a lot of more stress on your body.” She explained and Aelin saw Rowan’s face relax. “But I still want you to go upstairs and get checked by the ob/gyn. I am just and A&E doctor and I want you to be seen by a specialist.” “She knows you are coming so all you have to do is go up and tell at the reception that you have arrived.” “Thank you doctor,” said Aelin and Rowan repeated it as well then helped her get off the bed.
It was late afternoon when she got discharged. The ob/gyn had given her a very thorough check-up and Rowan had approved. She also confirmed that some of the burst of pain she felt might have been Braxton Hicks and she saw a smug smile appear on Rowan’s face. She had been told that she was healthy and the babies were doing well. Rowan had been nervous the whole time until he heard the doctor confirm that it was probably exhaustion and that Aelin had to rest. The doctor had left her with a letter for Yrene so she could do further checks once back home. “Can we go back to hotel?” Asked Aelin, leaning against Rowan “I don’t think I can cope going back to the wedding.” “I already texted Lorcan. We are going back to the hotel and watch tv in bed, or read.” “Thank you.” She breathed. The taxi finally arrived and forty minutes later they were back at the hotel. “I am peeved.” Said Aelin while getting changed “It was my first Scottish wedding and I spent it at the A&E. It’s the second time I miss a ceilidh. First is my ex-husband and now this.” And she pointed at her swollen belly and collapsed on the bed in just her bra and pj bottoms. “Being pregnant sucks” she added while removing her bra and wearing the top of her pyjama. Rowan had changed into comfortable clothes as well and now climbed in bed beside her “How can I help you be less miserable?” He gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek. “Cake” was Aelin answer “you have cakes at weddings and we are probably missing ours.” He laughed “there is a Tesco not far from here. I’ll go and get you cake.” “You really are the man of my dreams.” “The things you will say for cake, eh? I just wonder if you love me as much.” Aelin grabbed his face between her hands “You are right behind a good chocolate cake, I promise.” And kissed him deeply “I love you.” “Liar,” he joked. Then he stood and left the room.
Rowan came back half an hour later and smiled when he entered the room. Aelin was on her side and was fast asleep and the tv still on. He placed the bag with some of the things he had bought for her on the desk and joined her in bed but without waking her up. He switched off the tv and grabbed a book. He sat with his back at the head of the bed, one hand holding the book, the other gently caressing Aelin’s head. “You are lucky I don’t eat sweet stuff.” Then leaned over and kissed her blonde mop of hair. “Love you.”
TAG: @rowaelinismyotp
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soranim · 3 years
today was gonna be a good day, she woke up before noon and she had no prior commitments to anyone. she gets to do whatever she pleases and choose what to do with her time. she had the whole day to herself and her adorable cat, salem, whom she felt like she hasn’t spent enough time with lately since she had been going out more often. when things were becoming too good to be true, she received a text from none other than her mother. just seeing the name pop up on her phone soured her mood almost instantly. the content of the text, however, would only turn everything about today absolutely bitter. 
sora couldn’t believe what her mother texted, having to read it over and over again for it to make sense. she was felt sick to her stomach that she was being threatened to be kicked out of the apartment if she doesn’t attend classes this coming fall semester. it had been over a year since she last stepped foot inside the university, taking a break due to the emotional distress she experienced at the loss of her father. now, she’s being forced to finish her classes to graduate. granted, sora should have expected this day to come considering her mother was the one who was paying for her apartment this entire time, but there was still a speck of hope that her mother wouldn’t resort to this. 
as soon as she received the text, sora drove to her mother’s house as fast as she could. it was almost a miracle that she made it safely or that she wasn’t asked to be stopped by police. it had been a long time since she laid eyes on the house she grew up in, as well as the woman who “raised” her. there was almost a stinging pain on her chest while she stood outside, some memories of her childhood rushing back to her, and it felt as though her feet were made of concrete when she tried to walk closer to the front door. 
sora pushed those thoughts aside to bring herself to come forward, being greeted by one of the maids, she was then led to her mother’s study upstairs where she was just sitting there by her black oak wood table, signing papers sora didn’t really care about. looking as calm and collected as ever, as if she didn’t try to turn her daughter’s life upside down. before sora could even muster the courage to speak up, her mother beat her to it — as usual. 
“you’re finally here.” her mother began speaking without even looking up at her. “come, have a seat.” 
“no, i won’t be staying for long.” sora refused the offer and walked a few steps further in just to get a bit closer to the desk. having a better look at her mother had her feeling like something was stuck at her throat and she almost felt out of breath. “i just wanna know…” she hated how shaky her voice sounded, her hands curling into a tight fist to try to control herself from bursting out her emotions right in front of her mother. “why are you doing this? just why?” 
“you don’t answer any of my texts nor any of my calls… how am i supposed to know you’re still alive? you left me no choice.” her mother’s head finally moved away from the papers on her desk and her gaze falls upon her daughter. sora could almost swear she saw her mother’s lip twitch for a smile really quickly — or was that a smirk? “but look at you now. you’ve gotten prettier. a bit rounder, but at your age, i’m sure you can shed it off quickly.” 
a scoff rolls past her tongue out of annoyance, her eyes rolling as she looks elsewhere for a moment, biting her tongue to keep herself from saying anything she might regret. on her way to the house, sora had already weighed in the options she have. none of which looked favorable except one option, which was to resume her studies. even though her heart wasn’t completely accepting of the idea, she figured it would be the best way out of her mother’s grip, especially with what she’s going to lay down on her. 
“do you have any idea how much of an embarrassment it is that my daughter isn’t attending her classes or performing at all? you’re wasting your talent, you’re wasting your time, and for what—” from there on, she shut out everything her mother was saying. up until this moment, it astonishes sora that her mother’s reputation was all her mother could think about. nothing had changed, even after all these years. her mother never once thought of what sora is feeling or thinking, that is something sora still has to process and accept. perhaps one day she’ll overcome it, but today, she’s biting her tongue a lot. 
“look—“ she interrupted her mother’s rambling. “i don’t care about the apartment anymore, i’ll move out soon, and i’ll give you what you want. i’ll go back to studying and graduate at the top of the class, whatever you want, but you have to promise me one thing…” there was a moment of hesitation, the uncertainty of whether it was the right decision to say what she had to say, but she had been thinking about this for quite some time and this is a now or never type of situation. 
sora places her palms against the desk and leans down to be closer to her mother’s eye level, wanting to ensure she felt every word she’s about to say. “once i graduate, you’ll leave me alone. i won’t ask for anything else after that. pretend i don’t exist, pretend i’m not your daughter anymore. that should be easy enough, right?” she felt like she was on fire after having the string of words come out of her in front of her mother who was not showing any type of reactions yet and she took the chance to keep going and pour out every last few word she had in mind. “from then on, you’re dead to me. you understand? it’s not open for negotiations, so don’t even try.” 
before her mother could even utter another word, she walks out of the room with her head held high and her heart pounding against her chest. once she was out of the room, she was quick to get out of the house and back to her car. inside, she needed a moment to gather her nerves. her hands were practically shaking, and she felt as though there was a heavy weight on her chest. in a matter of moments, her sight became somewhat cloudy as tears started to swell up and came trailing down her cheeks. 
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chaos-caffeinated · 3 years
The Illegitimate Son
Rating: T; Language
Word Length: 1,039 words
Chapter: Chapter 4, Part 1/3; The Counselor
          Today was a new day, but for some it wasn’t enough.
          Aria woke up more tired than ever, not getting any sleep due to the events of last night. She laid down in Aaron's bed, hugging the extra pillow he would hug, wondering and worrying about how he is feeling. It pained her to see him so upset, but he asked her a question, and she thought it was time to finally give him an answer.
          Forcing herself to the kitchen, she made lunch for Aaron and herself, thinking she could drop it off before he got to school; however, she remembered something, and as ashamed as she was, she decided to text Aaron.
          Leaving to retrieve her phone, Aria picked it up from its resting place on the nightstand. She hesitated, reading over her simple message for what seemed like hours before finally hitting ‘send’.
          Good morning, sweetie. Would you like me to drop you and Faian off at school?
          Aria, again, read the message over and over and over, stressing about whether or not Aaron even wanted to have anything to do with her, but she had to shift her attention back to making lunch.
          Aaron didn't sleep well either and it could be argued he didn’t sleep at all. He shed many tears, completely shocked that his father is alive. He couldn’t keep himself from imagining different scenarios about him. The whole night was plagued by emotions of guilt and shame, the opposite, he thought, most people would feel if they discovered one of their parents was the best hero in the world. He just couldn’t wrap his head around it all.
          All he knew was that he thankful Faian left him an empty trashcan in case he threw up again.
          The morning was no better. He couldn’t bring himself to fix his hair, and he barely washed his face. He left his uniform jacket open and was without his tie. If he could just skip school he would, but he knew Faian wouldn't accept that, and deep down, neither could he.
          Unresponsive to any of Faian’s attempts to humor him, Aaron remained disconnected, not showing any response. To Faian, Aaron was all but catatonic, and it cut straight to his core.
          Though he didn’t want to eat, Aaron knew that it wasn’t healthy to skip meals as an athlete, and that Faian would not rest until he was taken care of, so he tried his best. Anyone who knew him, especially the two most important people in his life, knew Aaron was happy to eat, even in spite of the strict diet he followed to stay fit for his skating (although, with two amazing cooks in the family, it was easy).
          It was depressing to watch him pick at his breakfast dejectedly, and his voice when he mumbled to Faian that it was ‘time to go’ was heartbreaking. He trudged to the door; his backpack lazily slung on his shoulders.
          Some people might have been upset that the father they never knew was All Might, while most might have been excited but… Aaron? He was broken.
          And he did not think he would ever be whole again.
          Completely numb to the world, whether it be to keep from hurting others with his emotional outbursts or to figure things out, Aaron was the type of person who put others ahead of himself. Much too far ahead. He refused to believe himself worthy of any help or kindness and held himself to a standard that couldn’t possibly be reached.
          It was why Aria trusts, respects, and thanks Faian for staying by his side no matter what.
          Class was unsurprisingly worse. Shinsou was unaware of the events that unfolded the evening before, that Aaron didn’t know how to react to the fact that his entire life was manufactured with the sole intent of creating a legacy.
          Though he tried many times to get his attention, Shinsou respectively backed off, understanding that he needed his space. But he still thought it frustrating that Aaron was so unresponsive.
          Class after class, Aaron remained that way. He wasn’t taking notes, he wasn’t listening to the lessons, he couldn’t even bring himself to pick up his pencil. All he could do was drown in his thoughts, his own silence deafening.
          He almost got away with it until U.A.'s counselor, Hound Dog, walked by the open classroom, immediately noticing his dead stare. He remembered the kid from yesterday- Aaron Granchester. In that brief moment, Hound Dog took note of his disheveled appearance and knew what he had to do.
          It was the period before Lunch when Aaron was called up to the office. It took Shinsou roughly pinching his side to get a reaction. Aaron was irritated but he was happy to finally see him do something. It was utterly saddening to see his friend like this, even if they had only known each other for a few days.
          The announcement repeated itself, and Aaron stood up, sighing softly as he left the room, his irritation growing.
          Passing the restroom on the way, he slowed to a stop, deciding he should at least clean himself up a little bit before heading to wherever he was summoned.
          Upon seeing himself, his eyes widen in shock at his appearance. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment and he stepped back slightly before he started to closely scrutinize himself.
          He began to run his fingers through his hair, combing it back and tucking his bangs behind his ears. He wiped his face with a cool, damp paper towel to reduce the redness and puffiness around his eyes.
          "Fuck..." he whispered to himself as he watched his hair slowly fall in front of his eyes.
          "I'm an embarrassment...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." he apologized to no one, standing up shamefully as he looked directly into his reflection's eyes, exhausted, and fixed his jacket and hair once more,
          He still looked less than presentable, but it was better than nothing. He left the restroom and began to search for the room he was called to. Upon finding it, he hesitated to enter as he read the sign on the wall next to the door.
          ‘Lifestyle Guidance Counselor- Hound Dog’. 
Caffeine here! Hope you all enjoyed part one of this exciting chapter! As a reminder, The Illegitimate Son will update weekly before switching to a biweekly schedule.
P.S.- While I will be taking over as the head writer for TIS, Chapter 4 was written entirely by @i-am-here-with-fanfic / Chaos, and I only partook in the editing process.
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estamos-destinadas · 4 years
Here are 6 short fics based on items from this post.
I decided to write this for @randomregularmd, who’s a doctor, as a way to thank her for her service. 🙇‍♀️
(There’s more under the cut.)
. . .
37. Tender Kiss
Valentina glances up from her magazine to look at Juliana, whose eyes are focused on her laptop’s screen, her brows furrowing adorably.
It’s a typical weeknight for them. They’re sitting on the couch in one of the Carvajal mansion’s living rooms, both doing their respective homework. Juliana is leaning against the couch’s arm, her legs stretched out over Valentina’s lap.
Valentina, who will be graduating from university in a couple of months, has been going through one of her assigned readings. Juliana is browsing the internet, looking for ideas for one of her class projects, which requires her to design a full ensemble based on the works of female artists. Juliana has been spouting off facts about the likes of Frida Kahlo, María Izquierdo, and Leonora Carrington at random times for the past few days. Valentina thinks it’s the most adorkable thing.
Juliana looks up just then, meeting Valentina’s gaze. “Qué?” she asks, giving a lopsided smile.
“Qué de qué?” Valentina returns, smirking.
Juliana starts chuckling at the familiar rejoinder.
Valentina is overcome with a wave of affection. She leans forward, caressing Juliana’s face before capturing her lips in a leisurely kiss. She can feel Juliana’s smile against her mouth, so sweet she can almost taste it. When Valentina pulls back, Juliana is still smiling.
“What was that for?” Juliana asks, her voice as soft as the look in her eyes.
“Nothing,” Valentina says, shrugging slightly. “Es que te amo.”
If possible, Juliana’s expression gentles even further. “Te amo también, Val.”
47. True Love’s Kiss
Juliana approaches Valentina’s sleeping form as she buttons up her white shirt.
They’re in Valentina’s bedroom, Juliana having spent the night there. She has just taken a shower and is now getting dressed for school. Valentina, who only has afternoon classes that day, is having a well-deserved lie-in.
Not wanting to disturb her girlfriend’s slumber, Juliana bends down slowly to give Valentina a light kiss, but it quickly becomes clear that Valentina isn’t asleep as she reciprocates with little delay.
When she pulls back, Juliana giggles at Valentina’s bright smile, eyes disappearing and dimples showing. “I thought you were asleep.”
“I was asleep,” Valentina says, the gleam in her eyes telling Juliana that she’s about to say something really cheesy. “You woke me up with True Love’s Kiss.”
Juliana bursts out laughing. “True Love’s Kiss?” she repeats once she has recovered.
“Sí,” Valentina insists through a grin. “Eres mi Principe Azul, remember?”
Juliana can only shake her head and smile before Valentina draws her in a longer, deeper kiss. Her heart feels so full of love for this girl who has made a fairy tale out of her life.
2. Nose Kiss
“I mean, he does have a crush on you,” Erika declares casually.
Erika is one of Juliana’s old friends from fashion school and is now working as a costume designer for a popular telenovela. Juliana has visited her on the show’s set a couple of times. Presently, they’re talking about one of the actors who was apparently too chatty with her.
“No way!” Juliana denies vehemently.
At the same time, Valentina exclaims, “I knew it!”
Juliana has told her about the overly-chatty actor, of course, and she had some suspicions about his crush. Valentina didn’t say anything because she wasn’t really sure, but Erika has just confirmed it. Valentina already dislikes the actor on principle, but unlike when they were younger, she doesn’t get too irritated about his crush on her fianceé.
She used to get so jealous of anyone who would even dare to look Juliana’s way. It’s not that she didn’t trust Juliana, she just hated the thought of anyone else desiring her girlfriend. It took her a while, but she’s come to realise that she can’t stop people from having good taste. Besides, they can crush on her fianceé all they want, Valentina’s still the one who gets to go home to her every day. It also helps that Juliana never takes kindly to being told that some guy fancies her. She seems to take it as a personal insult that men would find her attractive.
“Ugh!” Juliana says, her nose wrinkling in distaste. “I’m never going back there again.”
Valentina lets out an involuntarily squeak at the adorable sight. Unable to help herself, she leans over and places a kiss on Juliana’s nose. “You are too cute, mi amor. No wonder Mexico’s most eligible bachelor fancies you.”
“No. Just… no.”
Valentina chuckles before putting an arm around Juliana’s shoulders and turning to Erika, who is sitting across the table from them, looking quite entertained. “Erika, you can tell that guy that this eligible bachelorette--” she points at herself, “--has already claimed Juliana Valdés’ heart.”
34. We Survived Kiss
The dirt road is unlit except for their little vehicle’s dim headlights. They’ve been on the road for what feels like hours. Their flight was delayed so they missed the car that was supposed to pick them up. They had to take a bus to the town centre, and now this motorised rickshaw to the private resort that they booked for their holiday.
“We’re going to die, we’re going to die, we’re going to die,” Valentina chants repeatedly, gripping Juliana’s hand tightly. “We survived the drug cartels and kidnappings just to die here, in a remote island in the Pacific.”
“What was that?” Valentina asked, letting go of Juliana’s hand only to throw her arms around her neck.
“There’s something on the side of the road!”
“I don’t see anything, Val,” Juliana says. “Maybe it’s just the way the plants are moving in the wind?” she tries to reason.
Valentina falls quiet then. The only sound they can hear is the thrum of the rickshaw’s engine, sputtering whenever they drive over a particularly bumpy part of the road.
Just as Juliana begins to think that Valentina has calmed down, she starts talking again. “Juls,” she says seriously, “I want you to know, if this is our last day on this earth, that I won’t rest in our next life until I find you.”
Juliana’s heart stutters at Valentina’s declaration. Trust her girlfriend to say the most romantic thing during a moment of fear. She maneuvers them so she has her arms around Valentina instead, and she starts rubbing soothing circles on her back.
“Me too, Val,” she says. “But we won’t die here, mi amor,” she adds soothingly. Juliana knows Valentina will recognise that once she starts thinking rationally. It’s just that sometimes, Valentina, with her writer’s brain, can sometimes let her imagination get the best of her. “I promise.”
It’s not until their rickshaw stops almost a mile away from what looks like a big house and their driver tells them abruptly in broken English to get off, that some of Valentina’s fears start creeping into Juliana as well. After they’ve gotten out, the driver flatly tells them to “stand where they are,” and Juliana can’t help but think that he is going to attack them.
“Val,” Juliana starts quietly as they stand staring at their driver, gripping each other’s hands. “When I say the word,” she says, thankful that the man doesn’t speak Spanish, “run to that big house okay? I’ll hold him off.”
“What? Are you out of your mind? I’m not leaving you with this man. If anything, I should hold him off.”
Juliana is about to argue back when they’re interrupted by a car approaching from the direction of the house. It’s one of the resort’s staff, apologising profusely for not being able to meet them at the airport because they thought they cancelled their reservations. Serving as translator, the staff explains to them that their driver, who knows someone in the resort, texted ahead to inform the staff of their arrival. The resort is situated on a hill, and it’s too much of a climb for the little vehicle.
After thanking their driver -- and giving him a more generous than normal tip for thinking he was going to attack them -- Juliana and Valentina climb into the car. They get checked in quickly, then one of the staff leads them to their bedroom and politely wishes them a good night before closing the door behind him.
Finally alone, Valentina throws her arms around Juliana and kisses her soundly on the lips. “We survived,” she says, relief clear in her voice.
“Morrita,” Juliana says, laughing, “I don’t think we were in any danger to begin with.”
Valentina only responds with an embarrassed smile and a slight shake of her head. She steps away from Juliana only to grab her hand and pull her towards the bathroom. They’re due for a long, hot bath.
44. Public Kiss
The allure of #juliantina has drawn fans from all over the globe ever since Mexican heiress Valentina Carvajal went on national television to declare her love for one Juliana Valdés.
The aftermath of that declaration, coming on the heels of the Carvajals’ drug and money scandal, ran the gamut of possible reactions: from frenzied excitement, to reasonable scepticism, to toxic cynicism. Time can shed light upon truth, however, and in the months that followed, the cynics have fallen silent, the sceptics have been converted, and the fans have become even more excited.
The fans’ primary source of content is Valentina Carvajal’s Instagram. With permission, she talks a little more about her girlfriend in some of her stories: like how Juliana grew up in the USA but is still very much a Mexican; or how Juliana made Valentina beautiful blouses when they were still getting to know each other, and how she’s now studying fashion design. Valentina’s page, which went quiet after her father’s death, is now regularly updated with pictures, some of which are of herself and Juliana. The two women look so happy and in love that anyone seeing the pictures feels privileged to witness such beauty.
Despite Valentina’s occasional posts of the two of them, her relationship with Juliana remains private. The more dedicated fans have followed their family and friends -- and tried to follow a locked account that most definitely belongs to Juliana -- in the hopes of witnessing more of their moments, but they’re met with little success. They have seen Valentina and Juliana hug and throw their arms around each other, but they have never seen them kiss.
That changes almost a year after the famous declaration, thanks to one of the couple’s friends. The name of the friend is irrelevant, what’s important is that they’re posting stories of what appears to be a pool party in the Carvajal mansion.
Valentina seems to have gotten herself into a contest with a guy about who is the faster swimmer.
The first video clip shows people around the pool counting down; at zero, Valentina and her opponent dive into the deep end of the pool. The next video shows Valentina progressively gaining ground on her competition. In the next one, she’s won, climbing out of the pool and throwing her hands up in the air in victory. In the fourth one, she runs up to Juliana, who’s waiting for her with a towel ready.
It’s the next few video clips that send fans into a frenzy.
Juliana wraps the towel around Valentina, who, undeterred by having her arms trapped in the fluffy cloth, leans over and plants a triumphant kiss on Juliana’s lips. As if that wasn’t enough, Valentina takes the towel from Juliana’s grip and swings it around her shoulders, then she throws her arms around Juliana to give her a longer kiss.
Their friends cheer.
Less than an hour later, #juliantinabesos trends on social media.
20. Reunion Kiss
Adrenaline continues to course through Valentina’s body even half an hour after her interview with Victoria, making her more anxious with each passing minute that she’s still in the studio. Victoria and several of the crew wanted to congratulate her after the interview, and Valentina found that she couldn’t dismiss their kind words after enduring so many rude ones from her so-called friends and her own sister.
Finally, however, Valentina thanks the last of the crew who came up to talk to her. She checks her phone as she stands up, her stomach dropping when she sees that Juliana hasn’t replied to her text. She already tried to call her once, but the call cut off after more than a minute without being answered.
She’s met with more people as she leaves the studio, one particularly bold interviewer asking her to say a few words to the LGBT community. She glances down the corridor -- the exit -- before answering as safely as she knows how to. The reason for her coming out is a very personal one. She did it to be true to be herself. She did it to let everyone -- especially those who tried to tell her it was wrong -- that her love for Juliana is abiding and unshakable.
Valentina glances down the corridor again, and there, like an angel granting her wishes, Juliana is walking towards her.
For the past half hour since her interview, Valentina has felt like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Now, with Juliana smiling so sweetly as she approaches, Valentina feels her heart lift.
Juliana practically stumbles out of the taxi that she and Lupé took to get to the El Centro building. She looks back at her mother, who’s still paying the driver, only to be hurried off with frantic waving. Not needing further encouragement, Juliana turns back towards the building, takes a deep breath, and goes inside.
The whole place seems to be in a furore. The two men standing guard by the door are listening with great interest to a woman, whose tone suggests that she’s sharing some gossip, allowing Juliana to go by unnoticed. There’s a crowd gathering by the receptionist’s desk and another one by the elevators. All of them have Valentina’s name on their lips.
Eavesdropping on their conversations -- and blushing at hearing her own name -- Juliana manages to figure out where to find Valentina.
The noise of the press reaching Juliana’s ears tells her that she will find Valentina as soon as she takes the next turn in the corridor.
She pauses, hesitating, as the realisation sinks in that she will have to show her face to the reporters and their cameras if she wants to go up to Valentina right at that moment. Then she thinks of Valentina’s words from half an hour ago, reflecting everything she’s done since they confessed to each other that they were in love. Valentina has always believed in their relationship, and now she has braved the judgment of a nation just to stand by it.
Juliana isn’t about to let her face everything by herself.
With a deep bracing breath, she starts moving again, turning the corner to see Valentina talking graciously with a crowd of reporters.
And then Valentina is turning in her direction, catching sight of her, and the nervous smile she sends Juliana’s way has Juliana falling in love all over again.
Words are spoken.
Juliana asks if Valentina means everything she said, as though she doesn’t already know the answer to that. Valentina tells Juliana that she can’t imagine her life without her, just to convey the extent of her feelings. She tells the reporter that what she has with Juliana is the most beautiful relationship in her life, because the world needs to realise that there is nothing wrong with their love.
More is said by Juliana’s wide smile and the sparkle in her eyes, by their synchronised giggles, by the way Juliana reaches out for Valentina’s hand, by Valentina’s kiss on Juliana’s hand as they walk away from the reporters, by Juliana’s head on Valentina’s shoulder, by the way Valentina kisses the side of Juliana’s head.
And so the world knows.
But, like Juliana said what felt like a lifetime ago, their relationship and love for each other is for no one else to judge. It’s between them, it’s theirs and theirs alone.
They manage to evade the reporters as well as the groups of people discussing the now-famous interview. Valentina leads them up to the top floor of the building and to the chief executive’s office.
“This was my dad’s office,” Valentina says, closing the blinds as Juliana looks in awe around the bright and airy space. “Lucía moved here after he-- after we thought he died, and now she’s-- we should be left alone here…” she trails off, thinking of her stepmother, and thinking how, the last time she was in this room, she was crying to Lucía because Juliana was kidnapped.
Juliana turns to her. She closes the short distance between them and grabs both of Valentina’s hands in hers. They stand toe-to-toe as Juliana waits for her to continue.
Valentina takes heart at her presence, at the love and understanding shining in her eyes. “Juls…”
Juliana smiles at the way Valentina says her name, like it’s the most precious one in the world.
“I’m glad you came,” Valentina says. She was worried that Juliana didn’t see her interview, and then she was worried that Juliana did see it and wasn’t pleased with what she did.
“Me too,” Juliana says honestly. “I can’t believe you said all that,” she adds.
Before Valentina, she never thought that love is in the cards for her. And up until the moment Valentina said her name on national television, she never thought that someone would shout their love for her to the world. It feels surreal.
Valentina bites her lip. “Was it-- was it too much--?”
“No. No, Val,” Juliana is quick to correct her. “It’s just… you said you were worried about your family. No one has ever-- I’ve never-- I mean, I don’t--” Juliana huffs in frustration at her inability to express exactly what she feels.
Valentina thinks she knows what Juliana is trying to say. She leans closer, making sure that Juliana is meeting her gaze before speaking.
“Te quiero, Juliana,” she says clearly, squeezing Juliana’s hand. “Te quiero mucho, te quiero tanto. This, what we have, it’s ours, but I will shout it to the world over and over if it means that we get to keep each other. It’s what I should have done long ago. I love you, and I’m not afraid of who knows that. I want to be with you, if you’ll have me?”
“Val, of course,” Juliana replies immediately. “Yo también, te quiero tanto. I’m sorry I broke us up, but--”
“No, Juls,” says, shaking her head. “Please don’t apologise over that. Everyone was trying to separate us, and you were worried about so many things. You’re not to blame for that.”
“I still hurt you, Val, and I’m sorry for that,” Juliana insists. “But I promise,” she swallows, “I’ll never let anything or anyone make me stay away from you again. I want us to be together.”
Valentina leans forward to press their foreheads together. Juliana inches closer so their noses are touching, their lips millimetres apart, their breaths intermingling. And then they’re kissing, soft and sweet at first, then deep and all-consuming, lasting for minutes and minutes until the need for air draws them apart.
They smile as they gaze at each other, all bright eyes and flushed faces and swollen lips and mussed-up hair.
“Te amo, Juliana,” Valentina says, trying to convey the depth of her feelings in her voice as well as in her words.
Juliana sucks in a breath. No one has ever said those two words to her before, but she knows without a doubt that she feels the exact same way. “Te amo, Valentina.”
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alpharedfield · 3 years
send 'come back to bed' for cloud's reaction to being caught sneaking out the morning after
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Upon waking, Cloud took a few minutes to collect himself while reflecting on the night of passion he’d shared with Aeris. He turned his head to look at the sleeping woman beside him. At that moment, she was lying on her side facing him with her long, brown hair spilling out across the pillows like thick tendrils of silk. Her expression appeared peaceful... Impossibly soft. Their lovemaking had begun in the late evening and lasted well into the night; he’d enjoyed every moment of it. There had been a deep emotional connection between them that went beyond anything he had ever felt for another person. He thought about how trusting she’d been of him throughout the whole experience and how tender he had let himself be with her. Cloud knew he was in love with her despite trying to convince himself otherwise. And he didn’t want to keep putting her in harm’s way... He was involved in dangerous things—and he told her this upon meeting her on Loveless Street the day he helped bomb the reactor. He didn’t want to turn her world upside down any more than he already had. They’d been through so much together already. The man let out a sigh as he stared up at the ceiling.
They all regrouped in Kalm, a small and peaceful town located outside of Midgar, after defeating the Whisper Harbinger. Currently, they were staying at an inn there while making plans to track down Sephiroth and pursue him. To end him once and for all. After everyone else called it a night, Cloud retired to his room only to be asked by Aeris to join her for tea in her room shortly after and the two of them wound up talking for an hour—about anything that crossed their minds really. At some point or another, they shed their clothes and indulged in a kind of pleasure that Cloud didn’t know he was capable of experiencing. Their night together was something he would always hold tight to. He had not confessed to Aeris but this had been his first time being intimate with someone. Cloud had gone and lost his virginity to possibly the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. She was kind and caring and everything that was good in the world and honestly, he was sort of amazed that he’d gotten so damn lucky. And of course, Cloud being Cloud, he was going to try and get out of there before she woke up. His phone was buzzing with unread texts (probably Tifa or Barett) and he wanted to slip out before anyone saw that his room was empty and drew any conclusions.
He tried to be as gentle and as heedful with his movements as possible while he untangled their limbs. He pulled on his briefs after gathering his clothes from the floor and had one leg in the pants of his SOLDIER uniform when Aeris’ soft voice broke the silence in the dingy little room. ‘Come back to bed.’ He paused and turned his head to see that she’d turned over in the bed and was watching him from under half-open eyelids. Busted. She looked so beautiful that he could hardly stand it honestly. How could he say no? The mercenary admitted defeat, setting his clothing down in an adjacent chair and walking back over to the bed. After getting under the covers once more, Cloud situated to lay close to her rather than lay on his back and put a few inches of space in between them. He didn’t want her to think he had lost interest in her now that they’d had sex because it couldn’t be further from the truth. Their friends could go without them for a few more minutes. Cloud ended up spooning her and letting his eyes flutter shut once he was finally settled. This was nice... Aeris was warm, soft and smelled really good so he couldn’t stop himself from turning to mush.
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frankpanioncube · 4 years
Drabble: Guest Lecture
In which Winter (OC) gives a guest lecture. With some very important assistance from one Avatar of Gluttony.
(Oh and FYI, anon is turned off. So since no one is going to read this, ALSO no one is going to send nasty shit.)
Even though RAD could feel like High School some of the time, what with the rampant drama and the somewhat wide variety in the ages of the students; given that the vast majority were also immortal, the truth of the matter was that it erred more towards the University side of the equation. As such, some of the older (and more importantly, mature) members of the student body were often called upon to TA, RA, audit and even sometimes guest lecture.
This is how Winter had found herself in front of a classroom full of students that week, all prepared to listen to her speak.
“Now today, I know you were expecting me to be speaking about Celestial Realm Literature, however as Simeon couldn’t make it to assist me, we’re going to be going in a wildly different direction here today. I will be needing a volunteer. Beel?”
From the front row, the Avatar of Gluttony looked to either side of him before he stood up and walked to the front of the room. “What’s going on?” he stage whispered.
“Up on the desk here.” Winter patted the desk at the front of the class room, next to the lectern, beaming as the demon obeyed. “...and shirt off.”
Beel glanced out at the sea of students, then back at Winter. “What?”
“Come on now, we’re running tight on time as it is! I have to squeeze all of this into an hour and it’s not going to be easy. We’re pushing fifty minutes on your abs alone!”
Looking rather bewildered but considering no one seemed ready to stop or even question this, Beel pulled his shirt over his head and set it aside.
“And lie down - feet that way, no, to the right, yes, perfect.”
“Wonderful. Now class, everyone get out your laptops and tablets and open Devilgram where you’ll see I have uploaded about five hours worth of workout videos taped by our ever diligent and my fellow exchange student: MC. I will also be playing some of this in the background on the projector while I lick his abs for about the next fifty minutes or so. Take notes, kids.”
With that, the angel walked around to the opposite side of the desk, hoisted herself up on her hands and knees and crawled slowly up Beel’s body, her wings flaring out behind her back so that the class was able to see clearly what she was doing.
“Oh and if we have time, we’ll be moving on to triceps and---”
...and that was...the floor. Specifically the carpeted floor of Beel and Belphie’s room, that she now had the pattern of indented in her cheek where she’d fallen asleep, working on her...guest lecture for Celestial Literature.
Behind her, the door opened, shedding a sliver of light into the room.
“I woke you?” Beel’s whisper came from behind.
With a start, WInter’s wings flared out, Stupid sexy subconscious. She folded them back, feigning her reaction as simple surprise. “No, I woke myself up. I fell asleep while working on it and I guess I’m more  worried than I thought as I had a crazy dream.”
Beel sat down next to her, letting the food tumble from his arms into a pile. “I went to get snacks because...well, I was hungry but I had a dream too. Actually it was also about your presentation. Guess you really have been stressing because it was also a uh...a weird one.”
“Yeah, what was yours about?” Winter had no intention of going first if she could invent something about not wearing pants or her feathers falling out or whatever.
“Well, you were giving the lecture, but you said Simeon couldn’t come to talk about TSL. So instead you were going to uhhh….” It was still dark in the room but Beel’s cheeks were practically throwing light they were so red.. “...so uh we were sort of...doing stuff...in front of the whole lecture hall.”
Winter’s mouth had gone very, very dry.
“Well, at first you were sort of...licking my abs.”
Winter’s wings had flared out again. “Uh...huh.”
“And then uh...there was um...other stuff.”
“This ‘other stuff’ didn’t involve doing very inappropriate things with a laser pointer and one of those smart pens that turns handwriting into text, does it?”
“How did you…?”
“Same dream.”
As one, the duo turned to glance at Belphegor who gave a good fake snore as he smirked into his pillow.
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polygamyff · 4 years
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Opening the front door “my boy, hey” my dad said grinning from ear to ear “dad” stepping outside and hugging him “my boy, I missed you” my dad patted my back “I missed you too dad, good to see you are still walking around with this big nigga” I chuckled, I stepped back dapping T “got to look after the boss now Maurice” my dad looks frail now, since Mami has told me about my dad I now I see it and it hurts me so much “I think we good now T, I will call when he needs to go back home. Come on in to Terry’ home” stepping to the side, my dad shuffled in with his walking stick “oh, where is my angel. Oh my god” Reign is dragging bubzy around like it’s nothing, poor thing is getting destroyed “she has just woke up dad, as you can see she has her baby grow on and crazy hair. You’re early though, I just woke up” closing the door behind him “who is this Reign?” I pointed at my dad “is this grandad Marquis!? He came here for you” Reign smiled just staring and then dropped bubzy on the floor before there was another knock at the door, reaching over and opening the door “you forgot this Marquis” seeing a giant bear in T’ arms “what the hell? Dad, you didn’t get this for Reign” this shit is huge “how is it bigger then T, this nigga is big as fuck” feeling some pair of hands grab my sweatpants, looking down and seeing Reign “what is this Reign?” picking her up “grandad bought you a giant bear, like I don’t know where we going to put this at all. Can you bring it in, just place it in the corner” Reign is so shocked seeing this bear “dada” she pointed at the bear “I know baby, are you going to say thank you to grandad, he bought you this” Reign clapped giggling to herself “she has grown so much Maurice, she is so beautiful. She has taken my heart more then you did. Thank you T” my dad said as he left the home “I thought your heart was mine?” I feel sad now “you are my original but look at her, can I sit down so I can hold her?” nodding my head “of course, she doesn’t like to sit still now though dad. Unless you got the touch” picking up bubzy as I walked behind my dad “I am getting old son, I feel it” nodding my head in agreement “I can see it” I sighed out saying “Reign’ going to be one soon dad, I need to have a big birthday party for her. What you think?” throwing bubzy on the couch “you need help sitting?” I asked “just take the stick from me” oh, my dad has really aged, taking his stick from him “angel eyes, hey my little diamond. Can I get a hug?” my dad said opening his arms to her “oh yes my angel” Reign went to my dad “I will put your stick here for you” placing in the corner.
Reign is attacking my dad’ beard to his glasses and then slapping his big belly, she has not stopped and my dad let’s her do it but it’s good to see how much my daughter likes my dad “you are cheeky, taking my glasses once again” my dad said laughing “you did this to me, I was less bigger then but you would slap my face. I said Maurice no and then you smiled at me, I was like ok” smiling at my dad “least you have good memories of me I guess, can you even see me without your glasses on?” I don’t think he can, he is squinting “a little bit but anyways, how are you? How was Spain? I hope you had a good time at Spain son, did you?” nodding my head “I did dad, I uhm, I had a lot of things that I got to find out. But it’s been an eye opener. Reign loved Paula, but it was ok, and I am feeling ok. A little agitated with things. I feel like I have a lot on my shoulders, but this weather just gets to me too, I understand why I took drugs, it’s painful. This climate is not for me, but I want to get this over with and move to the future, but enough of me. How is your health?” I would like my dad to tell me the truth on his health “I feel old, I feel lonely. I am feeling my age, you know what Maurice. I get your stress, you know when you care for something, like I do you, Reign and Robyn. I feel scared, and I will be here Maurice, I will protect you throughout this all. It can be a stressful time for you, but I promise you I will be there for you. I have got my dream though, my boy getting the business” I smiled at my dad “but I want you to always be around for me pops, you can’t leave me” my dad sighed out “pops, not heard that in a while but son, you got this” he says that but I don’t feel I have, I am trying my best.
Reign fell asleep in my dad’ arms with her thumb in her mouth, I didn’t expect her too but she did “morning” looking over at Robyn “yes, my dad came here seven in the morning and now Reign has fallen asleep, I haven’t fed her” I feel bad now “seven in the morning oh wow, Marquis you didn’t wait. And It’s ok we will wake her; she was comfy in her grandad’s arms. Nice to see you here. I did see you text me, I was so tired so I overslept but I see both daddy and son having some good times together” Robyn sat next to me “we did, we was just speaking on the business but not the wedding. He is keeping that secret” my dad is keeping quiet about that “aww Marquis, I wanted to know but all will be revealed soon. Where is Joy? You left her behind” Marquis chuckled “I left her asleep, I came here as soon as I woke up, I wanted to spend a lot of time with the queen Reign, I am comfortable” Marquis smiled wide, my dad is too happy about Reign “I am happy to see you both like this, I have been so busy so I am sorry. How long are you staying for?” Robyn asked, sus has to see her Latino family family today “however long you want me too?” My dad said “well she is yours; we are here. You can feed her and whatever, is my mother not awake as of yet?” Robyn asked me “I literally heard her leave in the morning, I don’t know” I shrugged “Oh wow, who bought the huge bear!?” Robyn spat “my dad with his dramatic self, so we got this thing now” this bear is huge for no reason, what the hell can Reign do with it.
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Maurice placed his arm around me “can we tell dad the best news ever!?” looking over at him “and what is that? You’re marrying me?” I grinned “the other one, please can we tell. I waited?” I cooed out, he is so happy “ok, you can tell him” placing my hand on Maurice’ knee “well dad, I have some news. Well we have some news to tell you, this time it’s going to be different. I can be open with it, I can feel happiness but, Robyn is pregnant again and I am going to be a dad of two” Maurice said, my husband is so happy. Marquis’ reaction made my heart soften for him “oh god, I am sorry. Just a little tear. I am happy for you both. A grandad, again!? Oh my god” I poked my lips out, Marquis shed a few tears, I was not thinking he would have “I mean dad, you will be a grandad to three?” Maurice said, “you’re having twins!?” Marquis pointed at me, I was going to shut Maurice up, but it was too late “Nalah is pregnant too” I cringed, that is Nalah’ news “be quiet Maurice, is she really!? I have not seen that girl” Maurice is such a gossip “I would question on who and when, but I am happy, three grandchildren. I didn’t think this would be, could I love another grandchild like I do this one, Reign is just a special little one. But god, I am so happy. For both of you” smiling at Marquis, he is so genuine. From the guy I met in the hospital first time to this, Reign has really changed a lot of people and she doesn’t even know it yet.
Maurice pressed a kiss to my cheek; Reign is demanding but yet she is letting Marquis off a lot. He is slow with the feeding “we would have loved to have kept you here today, but I am going to see my family, get to see my dad’ siblings. I just thought I would let you know; I don’t want you to think I want you gone. Reign loves you” Marquis looked over at me “you not met Thomas’ siblings yet?” I had to laugh, it was so innocent of him “erm well, it’s a long story but Thomas is not actually my dad” Marquis looked at me in confusion “how so? You have the pretty looks of him?” Maurice chuckled “oh dad, you need new glasses. You need to always keep them on dad” Maurice said but Marquis is being dead ass about this “but I didn’t know, I am so sorry. So, Thomas is not your dad?” Marquis repeated “that is right, he is not my dad. It all came out because Thomas does not like Maurice at all, my real dad got shot down. She was pregnant with me and never got to tell him about it so my mother met Thomas and he accepted it at the time of me not being his but then my mother had complications when she gave birth, it then caused so much issues that she not can’t have kids. I am her one and only child and this is why I like to fuss over my mother, I feel she has nobody but I recently met my real family and they invited us to their home which I am excited about” I can’t wait to see them “I did not know this at all, I knew Thomas was slightly rude towards us but I let it go by. I did it for my son, but I am sorry to know that, is the family nice? You seem really elated when you speak on them” Marquis picked up on that “I am, I think they are good people. I feel a part of a family so that is exciting but you better feed Reign, she is being good with you” I pointed out “did you know that Robyn has some Latino in her, her dad’ family have some Latino in them” Maurice always slips that in “oh you got a big family then, Latino family do it big. My little angel has Latino in her” Maurice smiled at me “you’re so goofy” he is my goofy pootie though.
I am so excited for the meet up with my family, to see the rest of them and for them to meet Reign. Checking my top knot which I have securely fixed that on but you never know, I did not know what to wear so what I did was get one of Maurice’ white shirts, got a belt and there you go, I mean there is lots of leg on show but also I look good and I know I do, the shirt is big on me but I like it. It hides my weight gain too; I better make my way down. I gave the task of Maurice of dressing Reign so we shall see. Grabbing my shoulder bag as I made my way out of the room, I do need to check on why my mother left the house so early on in the day. She has yet to come back too so god knows what she is playing at that mother of mine, I will ring my mother when we get in the car. Walking down the last step “wow, you look nice” Maurice said straight away “thank you pootie, are you leaving us now?” I said seeing Marquis and his bodyguard “I am, I wanted to say have a good time with your family. And I will see you again angel, yes you will” Reign grabbed Marquis’ walking stick “you want my walking stick, you want grandad to fall now” she is really trying to take it, Reign lifted her arm up with her snack in hand “aww you want to share, I am ok angel. I will see you again” grabbing Reign’ arm “let go of grandad’ walking stick, Marquis thank you for your kind words too” Reign let go “good girl, come and see us again. Take care” I smiled, Reign whined out not like that I am holding her arm but she is harassing him.
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