#with children who want to do Halloween stuff only and refuse to do their work
banannabethchase · 7 months
I really REALLY wish I enjoyed Halloween.
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haikyunicorn · 4 years
halloween with kuroo, iwa, asahi and suga
@mer92​ asked “Hiiii I've just started to follow you! Would it be possible to request HC for Kuroo, Iwa, Asahi and Suga on a Halloween date with their S/O? like what kind of costumes will they wear if they will be wearing matching costumes... Or if they would go to Halloween parties or just stay home? Thank you if you decide to write it down! 😊”
Hi, lovely! Thank you for following and requesting<3 it was very fun writing this! this is less plot-filled than my other hcs, i hope that’s ok with you
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kuroo tetsurou
Kuroo likes Halloween
He’s not super hyped up about it, but he loves playing scary pranks on his friends and then using Halloween as an excuse :)
He tells Lev and Inuoka that the boy’s toilet on the 2nd floor is haunted and do they believe him?? Absolutely, yes. 
He doesn’t mind going on spooky dates, either!
In fact, he’ll drag you to watch a horror film or stay up all night exchanging scary stories
He would also probably take you and the team “ghost hunting” around the school after volleyball practice when it’s dark and no one’s around
Nerd boy with his nerd costumes
He doesn’t want to spend too much effort or money in a costume he’s only going to wear once this year, but he doesn’t want a lame costume, either
He’d love to get matching costumes with you!!
But all his suggestions will be either memey or nerdy costumes
The firsts that come to mind are the ‘woman screaming at cat’ (he’ll be the cat) or he’ll get you both matching t-shirts with the elements copper (Cu) and tellurium (Te) printed on them “so when we stand next to each other, everyone can see how CuTe we are”
He is also not opposed to character costumes like Rick and Morty or Hogwarts wizards/witches
Kuroo will go to a party with you and slip away for a while the second you both get there with no explanation and then very unsuspiciously hang around you all night
Later you find out he has signed you both up for the costume contest
The both of you are definitely not the best dressed ((read below: suga and his s/o)) but strut on the stage like it’s a fashion show
Or if you refuse to go up and participate because you were involuntarily signed up, Kuroo will still go up alone, pick up a microphone with a deadpan face and say “this is supposed to be a matching costume but there were some technical difficulties” you brought this on yourself, kuroo
Haunted houses and horror films are definitely his favourite things about Halloween!
I feel like Kuroo isn’t afraid of the ghosts and stuff, but he doesn’t handle being jumpscared well
When he gets shocked while in a haunted house or during a movie, he’ll yelp out a bunch of swears lmao
But he loves the temporary adrenaline rush and 10/10 will do it again
If you tease him and call him a scaredy cat, he’ll pout
And you can expect him trying to sneak up on you and scare you the next day
iwaizumi hajime
Iwa doesn’t care much for Halloween
He gets a little annoyed at all the Halloween-themed products that stores come out with because he thinks it’s just a marketing scheme to sell some overpriced shit (it is)
But if you want to go try out pumpkin desserts or visit a haunted house, he’ll indulge you just because he loves spending time with you no matter what you two end up doing
He’s usually not one to dress up for Halloween
The most he’s done is put on a t-shirt with a superhero logo on it 🙄
Oikawa has tried multiple years to get him in “matching best friend costumes” but Iwa has never once agreed
But if you pout a little a few weeks before Halloween, bribe him with some kisses, catch him in a good mood, he’ll say yes (make sure to say no takebacks)
Deciding on a costume consists of you giving suggestions and Iwa saying yes or no to them
He doesn’t want to do something very costume-y, he prefers to wear an outfit that can pass as a regular outfit but it’s based on a character from a movie or series
E.g. Kim and Ron from Kim Possible, Ash/Misty and Brock from Pokemon (Iwa would be perfect as Brock??? he’s already got the hair down fdkjs), Sandy and Danny from Grease (show off his arms yes)
Iwaizumi will go to a Halloween party because all his friends are going lol
Oikawa will be devastated when he sees Iwa wearing matching costumes with you and this is partly why he agreed to do it with you
He’ll keep you by his side or follow you around for most of the party because “the costume won’t make sense if he’s standing alone” or whatever sir just say you’re too shy to do it alone
If you want to stay home, he’s fine with it too
Whether you want to have a movie marathon, bake something, carve pumpkins, anything really, he’ll do it with you
Lowkey wants to watch scary films so he can “protect you” if you get scared
Like if you’re squeezing his arm during a scary scene he’ll be like “it’s not that scary, you wimp” but also he’s pulling you closer and putting his arm around you and his heart is fluttering-
so in conclusion: iwa is a simp for you
Bonus: one time you came over to his house and his mom showed you a picture of 6-year-old Iwaizumi dressed up as godzilla for Halloween💖
azumane asahi
Halloween isn't his favourite holiday for um.. personal reasons
Once October comes around, Asahi is already being tormented by some of his friends (it’s suga) scaring him
He doesn’t despise everything about Halloween, though - in fact, there are some things he really loves about Halloween
Like going to a pumpkin festival, baking sweet treats together, enjoying a walk in the park with the pretty autumn scenery, or choosing and DIY-ing costumes
Asahi loves the costume planning with you!!
The both of you will take days or even weeks in advance finding the perfect costume and figuring out how to make them
He definitely prefers the cute costumes over gory costumes
Some of the costume ideas are Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, Cheshire Cat/Alice and the Mad Hatter/White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, or characters from the Wizard of Oz
i don’t know why all of these are from children’s fantasy stories im sorry-
You and Asahi will take turns going to each other’s houses after school or on weekends and working on your costumes together (It’s his favourite part (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ))
If he goes to a Halloween party, it’ll probably be a small gathering, such as a potluck with the Karasuno volleyball team
Everyone will be in awe of how cute you two look!!
If the team decides to switch off the lights and leave a flashlight on, gather around and tell spooky stories, he’ll want you next to him and you two will be holding onto each other
the first and second years are so jealous of their senpai and his cute s/o
Haunted houses are a no-no, sorry
Asahi doesn’t mind staying in either!
If you have a movie marathon, you guys binge Harry Potter or Studio Ghibli movies (they have magic so they’re Halloween movies right?)
Though if you’re a horror movie fanatic, he’ll try to watch a scary film with you
He will also have a lot of snacks! And the best hot chocolate you will ever have
I can also imagine Asahi doing your nails? And maybe he’ll let you do his nails too
You two make cute designs of little ghosts and pumpkins but don’t let each other see until it’s finished so it’s a surprise
You share lots of cuddles and kisses afterwards, and Asahi can’t wait to spend another sweet Halloween with you🥺🥰
Bonus: Kageyama showed up in his volleyball uniform and said his costume is a volleyball player :)?
sugawara koushi
Suga loves Halloween!!
It’s an excuse to have fun, cute dates under the guise of “keeping up the tradition”
Even before Halloween, he’ll take you on cafe dates to a different place each week to try out the pumpkin specials
You two will make jack-o-lanterns and then compare to see who did a better job, which could potentially end up in a tickle fight
This boy is going all out with the costumes!!
Maybe it’s the mom instincts, but he’s not settling on some cheap online/store-bought costume and he’ll DIY for both his s/o and himself
It’ll be an iconic couple and something very chic
Like you know Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka‘s family halloween costumes? That’s the vibes you two have
Examples of your costumes include: Morticia & Gomez from The Addams Family, Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (plss)
You help each other put on each other’s costumes and make-up <333
Both of you will go to a halloween party, even if it’s just a few close friends gathering, and you two are gonna be the IT couple
your outfits and makeup will be on point all through the night and everyone will be so jealous💖
He’d probably take you trick or treating to a few houses for fun tbh HAHA
Your neighbours open up their front door to see.. Two grown ass children?? With costumes looking like they were professionally made??? Grinning and holding out their trick or treat bags?????
They’ll be so confused they end up giving you guys candy anyway
Suga is also a horror fanatic!
If you let him, he’ll drag you to a haunted house attraction
He’s the type to laugh at the scares :)
But he’ll hold your hand and let you cling to his arm if you’re scared, trying to reassure you
He’ll also arrange a horror movie marathon + sleepover!
After you get back, clean up and change into your comfiest pyjamas, Suga has already set up the living room
The couch is stacked with pillows and blankets, some of the lights are switched off, there’s a large bowl of popcorn and your trick-or-treat loot on the table and the movies are already queued on the TV 
If you’re not a big fan of horror movies, he’ll opt for less scary but still Halloween-themed movies like Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Coraline (coraline’s kinda creepy but so good), or the “horror/thriller” movies that are just bad so you both can laugh at them
You and Suga snuggle under the blankets with pillows all around, munching on your snacks and watching the movies until you both fall asleep together
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed~
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azurevi · 4 years
3 halloween tales (cater, jade & vil)
This is really random, but the ssr cards for the halloween show have given me many au ideas, so here are my self-indulgent stories inspired by them. The Cater one is especially long because I got a lot of ideas about it. For the Vil one.. it's pretty disappointing how it turned out, but I hope it's not too bad. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS!
WARNINGS : death (all), mild mention of gore (cater), war + mild possessiveness + violence (jade) [let me know if there're more!]
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the heart and its eternal weight
Cater is a cemetery caretaker. It isn't that he really loves it, but his father was one. He feels like it is only right to take after his steps.
He isn't into superstitions. Some people find distaste in his job, but it's something crucial for Cater. People, even after they're dead, should still be honored, and so deserve a hospitable place to rest. 
Everyday is a routine for him. Sometimes, though, the families of the passed talk to him about their stories and their emptiness once their loved ones are gone. Cater finds the beauty and softness in humans by hearing these stories, and it makes him even more dedicated to his job. 
It's natural to him, dying. His father was killed in an unintended accident, and sometimes it seems like his death could have been avoidable just as much as it was inevitable. He just wishes that he had had more time with him.
One of the lessons his father taught him about graveyard caretaking is to beware of ghosts. Those who recently died are more visible and intimate with the world of the living, and so they might appear before humans. Some are inhostile, of course, but there are malevolent ones.
Lore has it that some ghosts prey on hearts. It is said that the heart is the most important part of a human, as it is accountable for life, death and emotions. People believe that ghosts can be revived with a fresh, still-beating heart, and as a result the human giving up their heart will die in place of the ghost. Basically, the heart can also create ripples in the fabric of space-time.
Because of his job, he isn't all that popular among others, and he only has a few life-long close friends, his mother and sisters by him. So even if he has a crush on the most admirable person he's ever seen, he still won't make it known in fear of rejection. He figures that he still has time to figure it out.
And he's wrong. News about your tragic death spread around quickly like wildfire, and he's devastated. It feels wrong to even feel so, because he has never been acquainted with you in the first place.
Your body is buried in his cemetery, and a lot of people come to your funeral that day. Some of your family members are so heartbroken and pitiable, and so Cater offered to be their listener.
All he can hear is about the great work you've done, the care you put into everyone you met, the warmth that radiated off you while you were still alive. It breaks Cater how he's never had the privilege to know you, to experience all your graces with his own perspective.
One night, the moon is lit and hung up high in the sky, so close that it seems to be prying on Earth and the people roaming on it. Cater is patrolling with his lawnmower when he hears quiet and uncertain sobs.
He is creeped out, yes, but he's also curious. He's never seen a ghost before, and it could be a human for all he knows.
He's proved wrong once again, as he discovers your opaque body behind a giant tree. You are hugging their legs close to your chest, and a rotting hole's visible where your heart should be.
There's no way you can be hostile, and you certainly won't kill him for his heart, so Cater decides to approach you gently, tentatively, like you're smoke that will disperse the moment he intrudes.
To his surprise, you can hear him clearly, and even invite him to sit down with him. It's so bizarre -- a ghost asking for a conversation! But Cater doesn't mind as he pops down beside you. He notices how although you were no longer solid, it still feels like tense when his hand passes through you. Certainly it's because you've been dead not for long.
And so the two of you indulge in heartful conversations, and Cater finds himself regretting even more about how he never gathered the courage to go up to you. Mid-conversation you tell him about all the things that you wish you could've done and all the ideas you wished to spread.
Cater probably shouldn't have, but he is so absorbed in your ambitions and kindness that he offers to carry out all these great things for you. After numerous confirmations, you agree too to let him carry out your thoughts.
And so Cater works in his neighbourhood, sharing campaigns and donating, taking care of lost pets and cats and partaking in environment improvement. He's never felt so fulfilled before, and it's the first time he feels like he's genuinely making a difference in the world.
In times he's not representing you, he brings you up on the little hill behind the cemetery where the moon and stars are so close and vibrant, where they all dance in the dark ballroom and pulse in excitement of being seen. He wishes he could show you more hidden gems, but your spectral spirit cannot be too far away from your body. 
But it's enough.
A month passes and Cater notices subtle change in your behaviour as well as appearance, like how you're responding with less enthusiasm and how the hole in your chest is growing bigger. When he finally asks about it, he's told that ghosts generally only stay in the world of the living for 49 days, and their heart will rot away in this period. After that, they will have to go to the underworld, never be back again.
Cater is certainly shocked that the lore is more than a children's makeup story. He is well aware of the significance of the heart in relation to the soul and life. 
He asks if you'd like to have his heart instead, so bluntly and casually. You seem to return to their original intimate self when you refuse. 
"I'm already gone. It's you, the living, who should be making changes,"
So he pretends that you're not getting more and more unresponsive and less and less generous. He turns a blind eye against your wavering figure and how you can't be seen at all in the sun. He plays dumb when in reality, you're slipping away before his very own eyes, heart rotting away like nothing more than a fruit.
It hurts finally knowing and understanding someone and having to lose them. 
On the 48th day, you are already but a still, soulless shadow, leaning beside your gravestone and fresh, white flowers. Cater can still see you. Sometimes he thinks that you chose to be seen.
And he can't bear to see you go. To see your dreams go into flames, to watch such a pretty soul just - vanish.
So he gives you his heart. Alive and beating and sentimental. It doesn't even hurt a bit. 
You wake up immediately, your eyes glowing and body solidifying. 
"What have you done?" 
"What I can do to make a change,"
Time is starting to rewrite itself. Cater is going to die in your place. The space around you was warping and folding into itself, softly and rightly like a lullaby.
Just before you slip into darkness, you gather up a whole bunch of rose petals and desperately stuff them into the hole in Cater's chest, as if they can give him life in lieu of a heart, and you are sobbing and clinging onto his still warm arm, never wanting to let go.
It's all Cater wants, to save a wasted soul and to make a difference. 
And so he cradles your face, and leans in the moment everything goes black. When he wakes up again, he's weightless in the cemetery, where a bunch of well arranged roses lie on his buried body.
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a melancholy specimen
To Jade, beauty needs to be preserved to be constant. It's just like flowers. They die away without proper care.
Just when he thinks he's seen all the beauties of the world and is getting bored of it, he meets you. A blooming flower sparkling in the bland, old boring world around it. He's immediately captivated - how a person can still manage to flourish in such a rotten world where everything is depressing and all man is for themselves!
You're the most elegant piece of art he's seen, and that's something considering that he owns a museum. Innocence lies in your eyes and bravery sings itself between your lips.
You find him just equally amusing -- gentlemanly, insightful and just a touch of flirtation. The two of you fall in love like Alice down the rabbit hole - amused and unstoppable, fascinated by the wonders evolving about.
But the world doesn't give a damn about love, nor do they understand your dreams of a bright future where everything is close to hearts. They call you both madness and nonsense.
"Their souls are tainted with war and sorrow. They are beyond the point of rescue. Victory and glory are all that can feed their ego,"
Jade is disappointed. War has gouged people's eyes out and filled them with wails and ash.
The two of you are the only stars in the night sky, still fighting for salvation, yearning for a better future where trees grow and flowers yearn for the sun. You promote and do your best to lift the veil of darkness off the world. 
But the sun doesn't understand either. War keeps going on and on, and people never have the time for aesthetic relaxations. It refuses to shed light on its pitiable humans.
"We should evacuate, Jade. They say a bomb is dropping tomorrow,"
Jade doesn't care and can't care. The most paramount thing is to open his eyes to the beauty of this world. He doesn't want to become one of those barbarous men, tasting dirt and blood on their tongue while they glorify violence and brutalness.
He stays behind while his neighbourhood dies away. You are the only ones yet to leave. 
"Please don't leave me, Y/N. You're the only light in my life,"
You can't bear to leave him, and so you stay. The bomb is dropped, and it's too close. Too hot. Too cruel, too inhumane. It ravages everything in its way, burning all the darkened things to the ash and bringing the only beauty left in this world with it.
Jade wails. Broken cries are engulfed by nearby explosions and the cackling of flames. Your soulless body lies amidst the destruction, just another wilted flower in the slit of a rock, deprived of water and sunlight.
He finally understands. Nothing can save the world anymore. It's gone way too far, and it will never recover from malevolence. All he can feel is pity for his world as his heart ache with spite.
Bandages around his hands, he wraps your corpse up completely, preserved underneath the layers. You will be his reminder that there was once a flower in this drought, an anchor keeping him from becoming one of those barbarians.
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lifeless silhouette in the dark night
You can never recognize directions. You find yourself stumbling upon a seemingly inhabited mansion in the middle of the woods. Cold and bruised, you knock on its door.
Welcoming you is a tall man with blonde and lilac hair called Vil. His skin is unnaturally white, and his eyes seem to glow like orbs that eat your souls. But you are too tired to make notice of all these details, and he's kind enough to let you stay for the night.
He treats you with ravishing cuisine and a grand bedroom that was as grotesque as the rest of the house. Afterwards, he leaves you to rest, but not before warning you not to get out of the room post midnight.
You oblige- for the first half hour. Then you start to hear wails and footsteps that amplify and disappear. It's impossible to sleep.
The next morning, you confront Vil about it. He refuses to face the questions as he ushers you to get going, and so off you go.
You spend another day lost in the woods, then somehow come face to face with the mansion again. Vil is beyond shocked to see you, but then he breaks into a deep smile.
"It's almost as if you belong here,"
Weirdly enough, you could agree, There seemed to be an invisible force pulling you towards Vil. After dinner, he orders you not to leave the room again before making his leave.
Broken wails. Recurring footsteps. You can't bear it any longer, and you also wonder if Vil is aware of this. He properly is, and thus tells you to stay safe inside the room.
But dumb curiosity gets the best of you, and you open the door and step into the endless corridors.
The wails come from the host's room, where Vil is supposed to be. You're closing in when its door is suddenly flung open, and out runs a panting Vil.
"Vil? What are-"
His eyes are bloodshot and there's red stain in the corner of his mouth. Sweat dots his forehead. He looks disheveled and the complete opposite of how he was during dinner.
"You shouldn't be here. Get back - get back in!"
His voice booms in your skull, and you're running back to your room before you notice. 
It's another sleepless night.
To your luck, Vil doesn't wait for you to bring the incident up.
"Don't be creeped ou by it, please."
He seems very uneasy about it, but he's obstinate to give you an explanation.
Turns out that he is a vampire. One that has lived for 500 years and is waiting for his eventual death. He's seen everything in this world and lived through the best and worst of humanity. He understands people's fear about vampires, and so he resides in the remote part of the wood. He only ever drinks the blood of small animals that he hunt, and never has he once killed a man.
He knew nothing about what'd happen to him when he became a vampire. If he'd known about the repercussions, he'd never have become one in exchange of eternal beauty. Now he has to turn someone else into a vampire to end his immortality. It is only a cycle.
 Every night the moon rises and spills into his room, and he has to fight his urge to go out and taste the sweet blood of humans. 
There are times when he slips and loses control, but he always manages to get back to his senses. But it seems that your presence here in the mansion is awaking his desire to suck you dry.
You're bewildered to say the least, and frankly horrified. But at the same time you feel pity for him, for he is just a man who can't ever do anything as atrocious as hurting people.
And so you offer to end his suffering. Of course Vil disagrees. He just talked about how he never wanted to take a life, and now you're offering yourself to him? He'd never allow it.
But you're even more persistent. You keep staying in his mansion, and his sanity slips a little more every night. And you know that he's contemplating too, for he never tries to kick you out of his mansion.
"You deserve a rest, Vil. For your love and selflessness. For all the unspoken kindness you bestow on others. It is only fair that you get to rest,"
Vil has lived a life. He's but a mere walking corpse now, and a rest -- a sleep -- sounds just like what he needs.
And so he rests. Vil falls into a deep, serene sleep while you endure each and every dark night.
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bioodorange · 4 years
||Pastas on Halloween||
I'll make a part 2 if y'all wanna see anyone else
Cody would play an actor at one of those haunted houses
Were talking huge, multiple attractions and long ass lines
A personal HC, Cody is bomb at SFX makeup
He'd have a fun time before hand, half dressed up and helping people he worked with get ready
He'd do it with normal people because with the pastas its cheating
He'd do the same one every year and make friends through it
Start planning months ahead with everyone and leaving at random ass times to go set it up
He'd have a souvenir each year
And he'd sell overpriced tickets to those he didn't like
Even if he likes you this shit ain't free
Wouldn't let ANYONE see his makeup or costume outside the other workers for ultimate scare factor
All would be going well until he gets fuckin socked by one of the kids
Their mom would apologise like "omg I'm so sorry I kn-"
And he breaks character gets up with a huge smile on his face and laughs his ass off
"nice one" and offers a high five
Very into Halloween and very hard to upset him during this season
Claims to not be super into it
Like ew why it's just a holiday??
But spends 3 hours looking for the perfect costume at spirit
Would casually rob a Walmart for all of the candy
And on Halloween just has the stupidest grin on his face
Like his reason for being happy just halloween
That's all he says when someone asks
Takes great pride in the pumpkin he carved
Yes he dragged brian to get it with him
he MIGHT try and bake the pumpkin seeds
He has a mental list of good and bad horror movies
One comment from Brian about how he always changes his opinion and he writes it tf down
The next morning around 8:30 am
Brian, confused "Tim what the fuck is that-"
"Everything" "What the hell does that mean?"
"you said I change my opinion a lot so now it's all here!" "What the h-"
"yes it is color coded, thank you for asking"
"how long did this take you?"
"16 hours"
Radiates proudly in dumbass sleep deprived energy
Laughing Jack
So as expected he likes halloween
Since this dude loves children
He would definitely have fun with this Holiday
He would go to like a preschool before halloween and just fuckin watch those little parades they have kids do
Like where they go around the school In their costumes
He'd roast the shit out of them
And everyone else too
He'd give so much tips like what you could do to make it better
But wouldn't tell you how to do so and continue to put you on blast
He thinks spirit is overrated and insists on making his costume himself
But he'll do it in the like two days leading up to halloween and will get very feral with anyone who interrupts his work
He likes trick or treating but not with people so he'd have like Jason and candy pop go to different rooms in the mansion and give him candy
For like 5 hours straight
He'd stab the candy on his fingers like a shish kabob
He'd also murder anyone who eats a KitKat by biting into it
Even though he's a weirdo who chews ice cream and swallows cookies whole
Homicidal Liu
So Liu feeds like stray cats and other animals in the woods
He feels bad because theres shit like the rake out there
But he would dress every single animal up
And spend like all afternoon taking pictures off them
He isn't one to dress up, it isn't really his thing
He'd wish he could hand out candy because he wants to see like all the kids cool costumes and stuff
Would low-key murder a fuckin spirit of Halloween attendant so he could have their job for a day
He'd go to Costco and get all different kinds of candy and leave out those little "take one :)" bowls like out and about
Now when it's like later at night he'd go around beating people up who like kill black cats because apparently Halloween is oh so horrible
Also in the few days after halloween when people start returning their black cats and stuff he takes all is them home to the mansion
And eventually slender makes him release them or keep them in the basement
Everyone got annoyed of dying cat noises coming from his room at 2 am
I feel like Liu wouldn't be a fan of horror movies
But he'd be totally down to watch the originals like Hocus Pocus, Halloween Town and Monster House
He is a fan of Tim Burton
His favourite movie is the Corpse Bride
Ticci Toby
He fucks pumpkin
But no Toby is a big fan of fall
And halloween!
He really likes M&M's
Chewy candy is hard to eat with the gash in his cheek
He'd suck all the colored covering off of the M&M and spit it out
He'd do this to all of them before eating them
If you watch a horror movie he insists on eating all the half popped popcorn kernels
Toby would be a fun of funny slashers like Child's Play
He'd be the one dude who'd spoil wtf was gonna happen during the movie
And get a shit ton of popcorn thrown at him
He'd get a lot of criticism for how his cosplay was innacurate
"his hoodie has thicker stripes then that like co"
Yeah uh then he'd bite this bitches finger-
Toby unironically barks at people change my mind
For his costume he'd probably go to a smaller local business to support them
He'd get dressed up as Dracula or something a classic but a good one
Jeff or something would make fun of how he could see Toby's fake ass fangs through his mouth gash
Then Jeff would get fuckin socked in the face
Don't mess with this bitch when he's excited about Halloween!
Jeff the Killer
He also fucks pumpkins
His worst nightmare see those Jeff the Killer morph suits at spirit Halloween
He'd get his costume from fuckin hot topic or something
He'd post youtube make up tutorials on how to look like him
Ben would get mad cash from filming Jeff raging when he got demonetized
He'd spend like 20 minutes getting his hair in a wig cap only to realize he didn't need it for his costume
He'd be into really shitty candies like tootsie rolls and black licorice
He'd get curb stomped by LJ for biting right into a fuckin KitKat bar
Very adamant on kidnapping children
That is until he realizes how annoying they are
"what do you mean you have to e a t" "no shut the fuck up and e- NO I DON'T CARE IF IT'S COOKED" "OH MY GOD SHUT UP"
Jeff releases the children and now refuses to hangout with ben
Simply because of how small and feral he is
He'd go around scaring kids for revenge and taking the fuckin candy they drop
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miss-choco-chips · 3 years
North star
Core disaster week Day 1: Bart’s Birthday// First kiss
Cassie smiled, sitting down in the picnic blanket. There was so much fucking food- it was awesome.
But not as awesome as being together, all of them. It’d been a while since they managed to meet like this. Kon, particularly, had been hard to pin down and convince to come; but exceptions had to be made on certain days, and Bart’s birthday was the height of special occasions.
Tim, too. She risked a glance at him, stony and silent, and smiled sadly. It truly had been too long.
Sitting each on one end of the blanket, like a flesh and blood compass rose, she smiled again at the unintended philosophy of it all. Bart to the east, bringing the sun into their lives, his energy and warmth a hope for the new day; Kon to the south, lost in memories of the past but a steady, firm ground beneath them; She herself to the west, holding the weight of it all on her shoulders like the sky held the heaviness of sunset; And Tim, sweet, depedable Tim, was undoubtedly their north.
“Cassie? Wonder-honey-baby-dearest girl?”
Snapping out of her reverie, Cassie waved Bart’s concerned face off.
“Don’t worry, just lost in thought. C’mon dude, it’s your day, we can’t start eating until you do!”
A little unsure, Bart sits back on his spot, glancing to his right at Tim. He hesitated a bit, something extremely unusual for a speedster presented with a widely varied menu (Kon and her had flown all over the world picking and choosing his favorites from every possible country- there was a lot).
“He doesn’t mind”, interrupts Kon softly, before anything else can be said.
Taking his word as the gospel it is, Bart’s face broke into the biggest smile and cleaned up his first plate of ‘a little bit of everything’ in less than a blink, already reaching out for more. Without even pausing his chewing, he started babbling out at Tim, who for once didn’t reprimand him on his table manners, nor tried to use a napkin to clean his chocolate-stained cheek. Cassie tried very hard to hide the pang that surprise-attacked her heart.
Desperate for a distraction, she turned to her right, to Conner. He was looking at the other two fondly, a small smile breaking through his face of steel like it was butter.
She remembered back when they were younger, just children, before all the tragedies and the losses; he had smiled easier, then. Wider, unprompted, freely. Giving that handsome smirk like it was candy on halloween.
“It was a good idea to come here”, he acknowledged, once again making her snap out of her head.
“One day, you’ll just accept that all my ideas are good.”
“Do I need to remind you about the deal with the beet demon?”
“That wasn’t that bad.”
“Cassie. We had to eat borsch for every meal. For a month. I don’t think Bart ever forgave you about that.”
They both waited for a second to see if the speedster was about to interject, but he seemed to have missed their conversation, regaling Tim with a tale of his latest training session with Wally.
“Anyway”, Kon coughed, drawing her back to their moment, “it really was. I… I know I wasn’t the easiest person to convince, so..”
“‘The easiest person’? I had to track you down across an entire hemisphere, lasso you like a wild animal and drag you here kicking and screaming. Literally. My bruises have bruises.”
“Anyway, thanks. I… needed to see you all again. I never thought we’d be able to just… sit here and enjoy ourselves, without… you know, all the…”
“... yeah. How did you even manage to secure us this spot?”
Cassie smiled, leaning back against her arms, enjoying the sun on her face.
“You can thank Tim’s brother for that. I made him promise to make sure no one interrupted us today.”
The other meta snorted.
“It’d be a cold day in hell before I thank Nightwing for anything.”
She winced a bit, but refused to let the implications ruin her good mood. “Come on, you know he’s not my favorite person in the world, but he’s really doing his best to be here for” -a quick glance, Bart still talking his heart out to Tim- “the new Robin. If you can bury the battle axe...he’s not so bad, nowadays.”
Unsure, he shrugged.
“I don’t really care if he discovers the cure to cancer and spends the rest of his life in seclusion as a monk. If I see him on fire and I have a big water bottle, I might help him put it out- after taking a few drinks, first. But that’s as far as I’d be willing to go for him.”
Considering the numerous times Kon had tried to outright attack the older vigilante, Cassie was going to take it.
“How's Jon?” she asked, subject change as unsubtle as a kick to the chest, taking a delicious french pastry between thumb and forefinger and examining it.
He copied her, selecting something brown and salty-looking from the assorted items
“Nothing new. He’s still a better mentor than Supes, though his choice in friends leaves much to be desired. Still, like I told you, I’m… better? I think?”
A pause, as he washed down whatever he ate with a raspberry slushie. Bart’s incessant chatter, once annoying, was now a beautiful background noise. He was just so damn happy, Cassie felt more accomplished even than the time Diana first told her ‘good job’ after a spar. All he’d asked her for his birthday, soft and broken among his tears, had been this; just the four of them, together.
And she’d done her best to make it happen, securing this place and guilting Kon into accepting. She’d done it, and the memory of Bart’s genuine laugh as he told Tim about his last caught villain would -hopefully- be enough to deter the nightmares sure to come with sunfall.
“Anyway, he’s good. What about Donna?”
Cassie let her head fall back between her shoulder blades with a groan, closing her eyes against the glaring midday sun.
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I love her to pieces, but honestly? I can see why my mom has so many grey hairs. Diana is lucky she’s perpetually young and perfect and thus doesn’t need to deal with stress lines. If this is what I was like when she trained me, I have a lot to apologize for. Starting, but not limited to, our days in Young Justice. We did so many stupid things back then.”
“So, the Titans are a riot?”
“They are a bad influence, and I hate how they taught Donna to disobey when I tell her to go to safety and let me do the fighting, but honestly, it’s so much like looking at our past, I can’t help but want to wrap them up in a blanket and wish them luck.”
“I wish you luck. This is why I refuse to take a younger hero under my wing. Too much responsibility.”
“You are a weak bitch. Even Bart is mentoring someone. We have to nourish the younger generation, Kon. Think of the children.”
“You are nineteen, stop talking like you just turned seventy.”
“Well, Cissie is retired. It’s not such a stretch.”
“I’ll tell her you said she’s old.”
“Don’t you dare.”
After those first few hiccups, the rest of the afternoon went smoothly. Uncharacteristically restrained of them, no food fight ensued, but even so it was a pretty fun day. They caught up with each other, teased about past exes and questionable fashion choices, and every silent, solemn moment was endured with joined hands and hearts, a united front against the grief.
Bart’s wet eyes shone, filled with gratitude, when he blew the candles. Cassie caught the exact moment on camera, having learnt the value of getting those precious seconds immortalized forever somewhere other than her own mind.
He kept his wish to himself, but it wasn’t really a mystery. Just by the way he glanced at Tim, they could harnett a pretty solid guess.
Heartache was a familiar, almost comforting feeling to her now, but the wave of raw emotion that almost washed her away at Kon’s crystalized eyes and Bart’s trembling hands gave her pause. Cassie looked away from them for just a second, giving herself this moment of weakness, and in the fleeting light of sunset, she could have sworn she saw a familiar face, looking over them from the shadow of a tree, smiling fondly.
But it was missing with her next blink, so she just shook her head to dispel any traces of wistfulness and turned back to her boys.
It was in silence that they picked up their stuff. Super speed would have made it a chore of just a millisecond, but none felt the urge to run away, so they took their time, hands brushing and then clutching while they cleaned up this sacred place they had borrowed for the day.
Cassie really needed to thank Damian for coming through for her on this. As much as she had despised the other vigilante in the past, a leftover feeling from Tim’s own feud with his older brother, she had learned to forgive and forget. It was, she’d come to accept, the only way she could move on.
Basket finally full with the blanket, empty plates and chocolate stained napkins (Kon’s hand had trembled as he cleaned Bart’s cheek in their leader’s stead), they stood together, arms around each other with the birthday boy in the middle. One by one, they said their goodbyes. It hurted a little less than the last time they could manage to do this, perhaps helped by the fact Kon hadn’t stormed off midway this time.
Cassie smiled. It was sad, it was raw, it was heavy. But it wasn’t broken. She-they- weren’t broken. A puzzle with a missing piece was incomplete, not shattered.
The hand not around Bart’s shoulders stretched, as Cassie’s finger traced the poem they had Bruce engrave in Tim’s tombstone.
“He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.”
The kids that had chosen that poem as immortalization of their grief had been drowning in it, she knew. Had needed a way to let the world know “we are not okay, we’ll never be okay again”. It was, maybe, what saved them back then.
But she wished she could crouch down in front of those lost, overwhelmed kids and tell them ‘you never stop missing him, but you learn to be happy again; and he brings you all together, just like the first time’.
So Cassandra Sandsmark, former Wonder Girl (now something more), lets her head fall back, looks at the setting sun and smiles. Because she can. Because she’s alive, and she’s gonna fucking smile for him, if its the last thing that she does.
The shadows of the coming night hide him, embrace him, want to keep him; he puts a stop to that, let’s himself be kept from wandering eyes but avoids the eternal retaking. He’s seen that side of the road and is under no hurry to visit it again.
Instead, he watches the young heroes, bathed in light and laughter, sitting around a dead bird’s grave.
He yearns. He wants, more than anything, to go to them. To join them in the warmth, in happiness. To go back to the only home that never felt anything else than welcoming.
But he has work to do; there’s a new Robin in the streets, and he needs to ensure that what happened to him doesn’t happen to this frail, rough around the edges and full of life bird.
He waits until they pick up and leave, before donning his suit and walking in the opposite direction. Hopefully, a time will soon come when he can smile with them again.
But, for now, the Red Hood has a clown to hunt and a criminal underbelly to conquer.
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toomanyrobins · 3 years
Summary: Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Content warning: nothing really yet, occasional cursing, mentions of drinking and sex later
Word Count: 1.9k
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Y/N Y/L/N was sitting outside in the quad with her best friend and roommate, Nat, between classes when her phone rang. She dug it out of her bag and answered. Her brother’s school was calling to tell her that Asher was sick. Y/N cursed, she knew the stomach bug was going around and it was going to be a crappy next few days. She asked Nat to send her the notes for the lectures before rushing to her car. In the parking lot, she was digging around trying to find her keys in her purse. She heard her name called and saw Clint Barton and his friends standing around by their cars. He jogged up to her and she could see over his shoulder that they were all watching them. “Where you going?”
Y/N was confused why Clint was talking to her. She rolled her eyes internally at the invasive question. The football team was notorious at their college and she didn’t have time to be one of their flavors of the month. “Places.”
He leaned against the car door, “Are purposefully secretive or does it come naturally?”
“Oh, I’m all natural, Barton,” Y/N jerked on the door handle, knocking him off balance. “Now I have to go. My brother is sick and I have to pick her up.”
“But it’s the middle of the day. Don’t you have class?”
She took a deep breath to keep herself calm. It wasn’t Clint’s fault she felt this way, she was just stressed about Asher, “Look I’m sorry. I wish I had the time to make idle conversation while you decide whether I'm worth sleeping with. But, I don’t. I have a sick kid to get to.” Y/N threw her stuff in the car and peeled out of the school.
Clint walked back over to his friends who had watched the exchange take place. “She looks like your number one fan,” Sam said, laughing at him.
“Oh fuck off. She’s just busy.”
“Looked like she couldn’t wait to get away from you.
In the three days since she’d got the call, Y/N’s life had been sniffles, cuddles, and soup. Just as she had predicted, a sickly five year old was exhausting for any parent, but for a 20-year-old it was beyond overwhelming. Y/N had just planted him in front of the TV when she heard a knock at the door. She swung it open and was greeted by a familiar face, “Mrs. Barnes! What are you doing here?”
“I’ve told you before, call me Winnie!” She held up a dish, “Anyway, I heard about Asher and thought I’d bring dinner by. This stomach bug has been going around and Rebecca had it last week.”
“Oh, that’s so nice of you. It’s been a hectic three days.”
“Have you called your father, dear?”
Y/N nodded, “I left a message with his assistant, but by the time he got back here they’d be on the mend. I’m almost certain I’ll send them back to school tomorrow.”
“Well, I have to get going anyway and pick up Becca. I’ll see you at the Halloween parade next week?” Y/N nodded and closed the door.
Winnie Barnes was her savior. A single mother who had taken pity on Y/N over a year ago. Three years ago, after another nanny had quit, Y/N had started taking care of her two younger siblings. Her father was rarely home and the women he had impregnated had no interest in raising children. This combination led to a 17-year-old raising a three and four year old all on her own. Last year, Winnie had befriended Y/N and since then she tried her best to offer support. Y/N refused to talk about her father’s absence, but they both knew her father was rarely home. Thankfully, Winnie’s magic had worked again and the next day, both kids were feeling much better and life could return to normal.
Y/N was sitting outside of a coffee shop on campus, the autumn sun warming her. She was transcribing all of the notes she had missed last week, when the chair opposite her became occupied by Clint Barton. He smiled at her, “There’s a party tonight. You should come.”
Y/N barely spared him a glance, keeping her eyes on the paper, “Thanks, but I can’t. I have plans.”
“Plans? What kind of plans?”
She weighed her options and decided that there was only one way to get him to leave her alone, “A date.”
“You have a date?”
Y/N sighed and shut her notebook. “Don’t sound so surprised, Barton, or I’ll think I should be insulted.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. You just don’t seem like the type to casually date is all.” Y/N sighed and closed her notebook. She crossed her arms and just stared at him. “Is there something on my face.”
“No, I’m just trying to figure out what it is about you. You’re so annoying and yet, I don’t have the urge to throw my coffee in your lap.”
“Let’s call that my charm,” the boyish grin that he gave her made her laugh. “Now, why did you reject me last week? I'm obviously not repulsive to you.”
“Reject you? What was there to reject? I don’t remember anything being asked.”
Clint glared playfully at her, “Don’t play stupid, it doesn’t work for you. You know what I was trying to do.”
“Look, Clint, you’re right. I did know what you were trying to do. You’re cute, but I have two young siblings and I’m the only parent they know of.”
“You think I’m cute?”
Y/N laughed, “Of course, that’s what you get out of it.”
Clint smiled at her again, “I hear you, though. I’ll back off, but just know I’m not giving up.” He pushed his chair back and started to walk away, but turned back around, “By the way, you didn’t actually say no.”
Clint was in the kitchen with Bucky talking about the party that night. Becca, Bucky’s younger sister, came running into the room, “You can’t go to a party! My Halloween Parade is tonight! You guys promised you would come!”
He crouched down, “How about we go to your show and then the party after. Deal?” He held out his pinky. Becca surveyed him for a second and then held out her finger in agreement. That night, when they got to the school, Winnie was immediately pulled in by friends. Parents chatted away, occasionally asking him and Bucky how their second year of college was going and how working at Stark Industries was. He noticed the woman next to him kept looking around and leaned over, “What are you looking for Mama Win?”
“This lovely girl, Y/N.” Clint perked up at the name, “She’s around your age and usually is at these things. I saw her younger brother, but not her. Oh wait, there she is!” Winnie waved over to the teenager.
Y/N smiled and greeted her, “Sorry, I’m late. The joys of costume emergencies and five-year-olds. It’s a lethal combination.”
Winnie waved away her apologies, “Is your father here?” Y/N was quick to make excuses for her father. She had been doing it for years. The older woman nodded sympathetically, “Oh, well that’s too bad.”
“Yes, he was very disappointed to miss this.” Clint could tell that she was hiding something, but before anything also could be said, they were interrupted by a young boy running up.
“Y/N! Y/N! Carter spilled juice on my dress!”
His classmate plastered a smile on her face, even though Winnie and Clint knew that she was overwhelmed by the chaos, “It’ll be okay. I’ve got a change of clothes for you in my car.”
“Why don’t I take him to the bathroom and get him cleaned up while you run and grab the clothes,” Winnie offered.
Y/N looked relieved, “That would be great. Thank you,” she quickly started to leave the gym.
Clint jogged after her, “I thought you said you had a date tonight.”
“I do. At Pizza Charlie’s. It’s a tradition to take the kids after school events. Plus with trick-or-treating tomorrow, I just don’t have time for frat parties or hangovers.” They stopped in front of the car and Clint looked into the trunk. He saw that her car was made for kids. She had changes of clothes, toys, and snacks.
“This is your car?”
“Yeah,” Y/N was confused, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it just looks like Winnie’s. You weren’t kidding when you told me that stuff earlier.”
“My dad’s pretty busy. So I spend a lot of time with my brother. You learn to be prepared. On another note, what are you doing at a kindergarten spring concert?”
Clint rubbed his neck and blushed, “Winnie’s like a mom to me and Becca is like a little sister. A very persuasive sister who has made it clear to Bucky and I that we are needed at every school event.”
Y/N laughed, “Oh yes, I am very familiar with the persuasiveness of five-year-olds. There is a reason we keep going to Pizza Charlie’s and it is not because I think the food is good.” The duo headed back inside and Y/N headed off to the bathroom, while Clint went back to Bucky.
“Dude, I can not wait to get out of here. People are sending videos of the party set-up and it looks awesome.”
“Yeah, I’m actually thinking of bailing tonight. Practice killed me.”
Bucky stared at the blonde. His blue eyes were like lazors, searching for the truth, “You’re going to Pizza Charlie’s with that Y/N girl aren’t you.”
Clint was so confused, “What the hell, man?”
“I’m psychic,” Bucky laughed at his friend’s face, “No, I’m messing with you. Mom told me she and Becca are going with them after. Figured you had hopped on in hopes of more time with Y/N.”
“You are a truly terrifying person sometimes.”
Winnie and Y/N came back with her sister and sat down with Bucky and Clint. After the concert had ended, Asher sat down on Y/N’s lap while everyone spoke. He looked up at Clint, “Are you Y/N’s boyfriend?”
Y/N choked on the candy she was eating as Bucky roared in laughter, “Ash, what the fuck?”
The little boy pointed at his sister, “That’s a dollar in the jar. And what, he kept staring at you!”
“You can’t just ask people that without some warning.”
“Okay, how do I warn them?”
Y/N was stammering for an answer and Clint decided to help her, “I’m not your sister’s boyfriend. I go to school with her.”
“Do you want to be her boyfriend?”
“Asher Y/L/N, what has gotten into you? Enough.”
The boy was pouting, “I heard Aunt Nat telling you that you needed a boyfriend and that you need to lie down or something. I don't know what laying down has to do with the boyfriend thing, but I thought I’d ask.
The situation was like something out of Y/N’s nightmares. Bucky was in tears from laughing, Clint was trying his best not to laugh, Winnie was trying to get Bucky under control and Y/N just stared at the ceiling, willing the universe to give her strength. Finally, she turned to Asher, “I will give you $5 to end this conversation and never bring it up again.”
“Deal!” Y/N slapped the bill into her brother’s hand and rubbed her temples.
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU - Chapter 8
Title: “I may just take your breath away” / Sweater Weather AU
Relationship: Jemily
Word count: 35,604
Penelope hacks the college. JJ pets a cat. There are three blowjobs. Need I say more?
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months.
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
JJ adjusted the textbook in her hands, rolling onto her side to get comfortable with it. Behind her, was the calming sounds of Penelope’s pop music and her dancing fingertips as she typed code into her computer. 
She had only a few pages left to read, but she was having a hard time focusing. JJ’s brain kept drifting to the events of that weekend. On Halloween, they played spin the bottle. JJ’s spin landed right on Emily, meaning that they had to kiss. 
But it was not chaste. As Penelope most eloquently put it: “you two were seconds from ripping each other’s clothes off in front of us.”
JJ couldn’t wrap her head around it. 
Emily had really kissed her. There was tongue. It was not a peck to play the game; they had gone at it like teenagers in the backseat of a car at a lovers’ lane. 
It made reading her textbook difficult when she knew what Emily’s tongue felt like against hers. It made doing her essay challenging when she could remember the taste of her lips. It made doing just about anything next to impossible when JJ was desperate to kiss Emily again. 
“Did you know that it’s Hotch’s birthday tomorrow?” Penelope asked, spinning in her chair to look at JJ. 
“Wait, what?” JJ asked. She looked up from her textbook.  
“So... I’ve hacked into the college database,” Penelope said, turning back to her computer, her hands were once again typing a mile a minute. “Because of the whole thing with Reid not telling us about his birthday, the poor thing, and I didn’t want to miss anyone else’s.”
“Maybe we could do a co-birthday?” JJ mused, thinking about the logistics of that. 
“You read my mind, my beautiful sporty friend,” Penelope replied. “I’ve almost got everyone’s, just a minute.”
JJ stood up, walked over to Garcia’s side of the room. Somehow, her side of the room was cleaner than JJ’s, despite the sheer amount of things. Her desk was covered in trinkets, decorations and her wall covered in posters, art prints and photographs. JJ’s, on the other hand, had significantly less stuff, and way more mess. She was a busy girl and her desk was basically useless with all of her books and loose paper and miscellaneous things she needed to deal with ages ago. 
“Did you know that Morgan is a gemini?” Penelope asked. 
“Figures,” JJ replied, hoping that was the right response. 
Garcia had two monitors on her light, wooden desk, and a large desktop computer that she had built herself tucked underneath. On one monitor, was a file that she was slowly adding to, of birthdays written in white text on a grey background. Her own was there, alongside Spencer, Hotch, Derek….
JJ then watched as Garcia typed out Emily’s birthday: October 12. They had missed it too!
“Oh my god,” Penelope said, “why don’t they tell us these things?! How did we befriend such secretive people.”
“Wait, when was that?” JJ murmured, grabbing her wall calendar and flipping through the pages. “Oh my god I saw her that day. She was baking cookies, alone.”
“Alone?” Penelope whimpered. 
JJ thought back to that night. She had barged into the kitchen, talked all about her impending break up with Will, and ate Emily’s cookies. She felt awful. Obviously they didn’t know each other as well then, but why was she alone?
“She didn’t even tell Derek,” Penelope said, “oh that sweet summer child. Who hurt her?”
JJ always celebrated her birthday. Be it a family dinner or a full on birthday party when she was a kid, JJ was used to a fuss made about her each year. It was harder after Ros, but her parents refused to let the day pass without at least a cake and a present. 
As she befriended Penelope last year, their birthdays were filled with presents and friendship and alcohol, both girls making sure to give the other a thoughtful gift and make a fuss for the day.
Her heart was breaking that three of her new friends were about to let theirs pass without anything to show for it. 
“We should have a party,” JJ blurted. 
“You read my mind.”
JJ frankly welcomed the distraction from her circular thoughts about her kiss with Emily.
JJ left another store empty handed. She had first placed an order at a store downtown for a birthday cake, with three names on it which confused the baker, then began to wander downtown searching for presents. 
She had another half hour before she was supposed to meet back up with Derek and Penelope, who were at the dollar store buying decorations, and she had hoped to find something for Emily by then. 
The three of them were quite efficient at party planning, and they had to be with such a quick turnaround time. JJ had been tasked with finding a present for Emily.
For Hotch, they wrangled a bottle of the nicer whiskey that he liked, because even at the age of 21, he was somehow already an old man in his tastes. Spencer was also easy, because Penelope was working on knitting him a scarf. Apparently it was from the show Dr. Who, but JJ didn’t really know much about that besides that it was British and both he and Penelope were big fans. 
Emily was a lot harder to shop for. 
What could JJ get for her with the thirty dollars that they all had pitched in to fund her present? Not much. Especially since JJ knows that Emily comes from money. If she wanted something, she could probably just buy it for herself, right? 
It was also difficult because it would be from her. It would be a token of her affections. What were her affections? Did she want to simply sleep with her? Date with her? Be her best friend? JJ’s thoughts were a mess.
JJ had been in just about every store downtown, browsing clothes, gift stores, even a plant store in which she contemplated the meaning of getting Emily a cactus. Nothing was quite right.
She had almost given up when she wandered past a used book store. She had never been in before but always meant to. Out front was a stack of old milk crates filled with books, mostly romance novels and thrillers, and inside the window, beautifully bound antique books were resting in the display. 
A bell dinged as she walked in, and an elderly man waved at her from the counter before returning to his own book. 
Inside, the smell of old books filled her senses, mixed with the smell of apples and cinnamon and the earthy smell of all the old buildings in her college town. 
Stacked floor to ceiling were mountains of books, towering over her head. 
There were a few other patrons in the shop, some sitting and reading, others wandering the stacks, pulling out the occasional book. 
JJ slowly made her way through the maze. It was larger inside than she expected, with thousands of old books surrounding her, no matter where she looked. At times, she had to step over a pile of books in her path. 
The books were organized by topic, but within that, JJ couldn’t discern a clear system. 
She climbed the creaky staircase and pondered what kind of book Emily would like. Is buying her a romance novel too forward? JJ wondered. She probably wouldn’t be able to find one with two women anyways. 
Did Emily like fantasy? Sci-fi? Non Fiction? Should JJ get her something she’s read? JJ realized that she hadn’t read anything that wasn’t for school in ages. 
JJ felt overwhelmed. Was she thinking too hard? 
She did a double take at the window sill, realizing that the movement that caught her eye was a black cat basking in the sunlight. 
JJ reached out her hand tentatively to pet it. The cat nuzzled her hand, and began to purr. JJ smiled, spending a few minutes giving the cat much needed attention. 
The cat then stood, apparently growing bored, and ran off to investigate something or chase a mouse or whatever bookstore cats got up to. 
Where it lay was a small book. It was old, but not as old as some of the other leather bound texts in this store. Its white cover had a simple drawing of a boy, and written in a looping script: “Le Petit Prince.”
JJ smiled slightly, picking up the thin book. She leaned against the windowsill and carefully flipped through the pages, admiring the illustrations and trying to decipher the premise with her limited understanding of French. 
It seemed like it was for children, with whimsical art of a boy on a small planet, a king, a rose and a fox, among other things. She read the first few pages, about a boy falling in love with a flower, and decided it was perfect. 
It was a sign, JJ thought, the cat led her to this book. 
The cat—which reminded JJ of Emily with its standoffish exterior but affectionate personality—had clearly shown her that this was the perfect present. 
There was no price on it, and JJ worried that it would be out of her budget. Holding it to her chest, she descended the steps and brought the book to the clerk. 
“Hello sir,” JJ greated him, setting the book down on the table, “How much is this book? ”
He was seated in a comfortable looking chair behind a counter with an old-fashioned cash register. The sign on it read, ‘cash only’  and there was a tip jar in the form of a cat mug. 
“Oh this is an excellent choice!” The man lifted the book up, examining the cover. “On ne voit qu’avec le cœur.”
That was French. JJ didn’t know what it meant, only catching the word “heart” at the end. She nodded nonetheless. 
“You speak French?” He asked her. 
She shrugged. “I’m learning.” 
“This book will teach you more than just French,” the man said. “Trust me.”
JJ didn’t know what he meant, but nodded. He still hadn’t told her how much it was. 
“It’s a gift,” JJ explained, “for a friend.”
He handed her back the book, smiling at her. He gave it to her for fifteen dollars, seeming to make up the price on the spot. The black cat waited for her near the door, letting her pet him on the ears before she left. 
JJ left the door, hugging the book to her chest. 
Wrangling three of their friends into attending a surprise party was harder than it looked.
With three student athletes, nights during which none of them had games, or practices were scarce, so it took them until the next Friday before they found a free evening. Then, they had to go through the ordeal of convincing them to show up at Derek’s room at the right time. 
JJ felt giddy with the secret, greatly enjoying the party planning and doing something special for her new friends. On her Wednesday afternoon study date with Emily, her excitement for the party almost overpowered her nervousness with the girl due to their recent kiss. JJ caught herself looking more at Emily than her notes, alternating between imagining them kissing and imagining the look on Emily’s face when she received her present. 
By seven that Friday night, they had fully decorated Derek’s tiny dorm with streamers, balloons, and just about anything Penelope could find at the dollar store. A happy birthday sign was strung over one of the windows, with the addition of their friends' names written in marker on poster boards taped underneath.  
Their presents were wrapped messily, as JJ wasn’t particularly good at using wrapping paper. The cake sat on Derek’s desk reading “Happy (belated) birthday Emily, Hotch and Spencer!” in red icing on white cake. 
The three of them were frantically blowing up balloons and checking their phones. JJ felt slightly light headed by the time they were done. 
Hotch and Emily were coming for a “study date” with Derek, and Spencer was expecting a Dr. Who marathon with Garcia. All were supposed to be there any minute.
There was a knock on the door. 
“Get ready!” Garcia squealed, “someone’s here!” 
She opened the door, and instead of the birthday kids, it was David Rossi, who JJ had met for the first time a few weeks prior. He was 22, only a few months older than Hotch, in his first year of his masters. He and Hotch were close, and Emily and Derek knew him well since he TA’d one of their classes. 
“Rossi?” Derek said, “you came!”
“I never turn down an invitation to a party,” he said. 
“I have to admit,” Derek said, “it’s not that much of a party.“
“It’s more of a magical birthday get together,” Penelope said as she ushered him in. 
“Good thing I brought enough alcohol to make it a party,” he said. 
He pulled a very expensive looking bottle of vodka out of his backpack, and more beers than should fit in a normal sized bag. 
“I take it back,” Derek said, “this is definitely a party.”
There was another knock on the door.
“Come in!” Garcia said, picking up a balloon to throw. 
Spencer opened the door trailed by Hotch and Emily, all looking confused as they were bombarded by a dozen balloons cascading down from above and a series of hugs from the group. All were looking around with a mix of shock and happiness on their faces.
“It’s technically none of your birthdays today,” Penelope said, “Because you are all such awful private people, BUT I got the goods and figured it out. We thought we would celebrate all of you guys, and our amazing friend group, with this little shindig.”
“It’s wonderful Garcia,” Hotch said, almost smiling, “Thank you.”
“Don’t just thank me!” she said, “It was Miss Jennifer’s idea, and she got the cake. And my beautiful Derek helped me with the decorations and loaned his room, which might I say, is strangely large for a single room.”
Derek chucked, “It was my pleasure, happy birthday you three.”
He pulled Spencer in and ruffled his hair. 
“We’ve ordered pizza too!” JJ announced, “It should be here any minute now.”
“You’re too good to us,” Emily finally spoke up, after standing in the doorway with a dazed expression on her face. 
Penelope guided them in, and the group exchanged hugs and laughter, and Hotch got a very Italian kiss on the cheek from Rossi. Penelope put silly birthday hats on their heads, and took photos like a proud mother. 
After a few minutes of chatter—about the decorations, how they managed to keep it a secret, and most importantly, the illegality of Penelope hacking into their personal data on the university server— JJ’s phone pinged and she ran to the foyer to get the pizzas. 
Munching on greasy food, there was a companionable silence with the cheery sounds of the music in the background. 
As pizza wrapped up, their chatter resumed and the room filled with overlapping conversations. JJ noticed Rossi had snuck off to fish something out of Derek’s mini fridge, pouring something out into shot glasses. Then she heard the sound of whipped cream. 
At that sound, all heads turned towards him. He had three cups filled to the brim with whipped cream and he looked like he was about to burst into laughter at any point. 
“BIRTHDAY SHOTS!” Penelope squealed. 
“No way,” Hotch said, “I’m not doing one of those.”
“One of what?” Spencer asked nervously. 
“It’s not a blowjob is it?” Emily asked with a laugh. 
“A blowjob?” Spencer asked even more nervously. 
“It’s a shot, kid,” Derek assured him, “you just can’t use your hands and there’s the-“ 
He gestured at the whipped cream with a laugh.
“White stuff!” Emily said, tying up her hair into a ponytail in preparation. 
Rossi had to explain the premise several times, before it sunk in that they had to fish out the small shot and drink it all without using their hands. Reid looked at them suspiciously but he warmed up to the idea after Hotch offered to go first so he could see how it’s done. 
The older boy had definitely done a blowjob shot before, efficiently grabbing the plastic shot cup and downing it, his cheeks covered with whipped cream. 
Emily was enthusiastically buried in the whipped cream but struggled on the follow through, spilling most of the vodka into the larger cup before she drank it. 
Reid seemed nervous to get the whipped cream on his face, reeling back and wiping his cheeks then trying again. 
Eventually, Derek reached his hand into the cup, retrieved the shot and held it up to Spencer’s mouth.
“Look ma, no hands!” Morgan quipped before rubbing some leftover whipped cream on the younger boy’s face as the group laughed. Reid was laughing happily, beaming as he wiped his face. 
With the celebratory shot in their system, it was time for cake. JJ carefully used Penelope’s bright pink lighter to ignite candles on each piece for her three friends as they sang Happy Birthday to them.  
“Happy birthday to you!” They sang, “happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Hotch, Spence and Emily! Happy birthday to you!”
They blew out their candles. All were instructed to make wishes. 
As the night progressed, JJ got more and more nervous about the present. What if Emily hated it? Would she ruin the whole night? Penelope and Derek had assured her that it was a good present but what if they were wrong too?
JJ busied herself with cutting the cake, distributing pieces and making sure everyone had forks and napkins. 
Rossi, who was their unofficial bartender, was stationed near the mini fridge and passed out fresh beers when called upon. 
“Gifts!” Penelope exclaimed once they had made good work of the cake, dragging the presents out from their hiding space under Derek’s desk.
She handed them over to Emily, Hotch and Reid. 
“We all pitched in,” Derek said. 
All three looked perturbed at the fuss, murmuring “you shouldn’t have” as they looked at the gift. Spencer opened his and laughed, wrapping the incredibly long striped scarf around his neck and thanking Penelope. Aaron actually did smile at his present and expressed his gratitude by pouring them all shots. 
Emily held hers for a moment, staring at the wrapped book with an unreadable expression on her face. JJ watched, holding her breath as she turned it over, then placed it back down. 
“Will you excuse me for a second?” Emily said, her voice tight and sounding very… formal. 
JJ gulped as Emily stood, and exited the dorm, shutting the door behind her. She immediately thought that she had done something wrong.
The group looked back and forth, not quite sure what to do, as the commotion happened mid way through Hotch doling out shots of whiskey and some were already half raised. 
A moment passed as JJ thought about whether it would be worse for her to follow or leave her be. Maybe she wanted to be left alone? Maybe JJ was the last person Emily wanted to see?
She knew there was a lot about Emily that she didn’t know. Like JJ, the other girl kept a lot close to her chest. Over time, JJ had learned some details of her childhood, but not all, and what she knew didn’t look good. Maybe all of this was a bad idea? Emily might have had a reason that she didn’t celebrate her birthday. This could have been an awful plan and it would have been all JJ’s fault. 
She stood and grabbed the book, deciding to follow Emily. She slipped out the door and walked slowly down the hall, unsure of what she would even say to Emily once she faced her. Hey I just gave you a gift and you all but ran out of the room before you opened it, did I offend you somehow? Or I’m sorry?
JJ wasn’t sure what she was sorry for. She just knew something was upsetting Emily and the last thing JJ wanted to be was the cause of that. In fact, she wanted to make Emily happy and make sure nothing ever bothered her ever again. It would probably be weird for her to say that, right? 
She assumed that Emily had gone to the communal bathroom, as she left her lanyard with her room keys behind her in Derek’s room. If she had left the floor she would have been locked out. 
JJ took a breath outside the door, then pushed it open. 
Emily was standing in the bathroom that all of the girls floor shared, with its small row of stalls, old fashioned sinks and blue tiled floor. A frosted window that looked out into the courtyard. Many mornings JJ found herself brushing her teeth next to the other girl. 
Emily had her arms braced on the sides of the sink, leaning forward and looking at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing was coming in quick breaths. 
“Em?” JJ said softly. 
Startled by the noise, Emily looked away from her, quickly pulling up a corner of her shirt to wipe her eyes. 
“You ok?” JJ asked, tucking the present behind her back. 
“I’m fine,” Emily said, standing up straight and giving her a half smile. Her posture was stiff, her smile forced.
“You don’t look fine.” 
Emily stepped back, leaning against the window sill. She crossed her arms, still avoiding any eye contact. 
JJ walked forward, slowly closing the distance. 
She leaned on the wall beside Emily, trying not to stare at her and make her feel uncomfortable. 
“Did I do something wrong?” JJ asked. Her voice sounded small in her ears. She immediately kicked herself, upset at how this might sound like she was making it all about herself. 
“No!” Emily exclaimed, shaking her head. “No. It wasn’t you it’s…”
She trailed off. 
“I’ve never had all this before. The friends and the party and the gifts. All this attention… it’s a lot.” 
She slid to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. JJ did the same, turning to face the other girl. She didn’t want to push too hard lest Emily flee from her again.
“It’s all so nice,” Emily whispered. 
“Then what’s wrong?” JJ asked softly. 
Emily sighed and began to bite her nails. Her posture was hunched over, curled up on the cold tile floor. 
She began to speak, then stopped herself, gritting her teeth and blinking hard. She looked over at JJ reluctantly, seeming to think hard about how to answer that question. 
“I was always the new girl wherever I was,” she said. “I was never anywhere enough to make friends, real friends that is. Or have anything like all this. I would do anything to fit in and it never seemed to work.”
JJ’s heart felt like it was breaking for her friend. She tried to imagine Emily trying to be anyone else other than the Emily she knew and couldn’t. Fitting in is hard, let alone fitting into new countries and learning new languages. JJ knew she wouldn’t have been able to keep it together.
Emily shook her head, picking at the skin around her nails anxiously, JJ could tell that sharing all of this was incredibly difficult. 
“I lived in a dozen different countries and was barely  there long enough to make friends and when I did…” Emily sighed. “I fucked it up. I make things worse for people.” 
Emily buried her face in her hands, her breaths coming harder now. Her voice was shaky and quiet, almost whispering to JJ. 
“My mom was never around on my birthdays. She would leave me a present. Maybe. This year she didn’t even call.”
Emily paused. 
“And then you guys do all this.” 
Emily looked up, staring with unfocused eyes into the bathroom, JJ could tell she was thinking of someone else, some other day. She looked lost. 
JJ wanted to hold her hand, wanted to comfort her, keep her close. She was always called the mom friend, it was in her nature to try and make sure her friends were taken care of. Her feelings for Emily complicated things. If she was anyone else, she would grab her hand, no questions asked, but she felt herself second-guessing each move.  
Her actions suddenly felt like they had more weight to them. Knowing that she liked Emily made everything strange. If she held her hand, would it be weird? She didn’t know. Normally, she wouldn’t question holding a friend’s hand, hell, she’d already held Emily’s hand. 
But that was before she was gay, or bi, or whatever. Before she knew she liked girls. Liked Emily. Now, touching her felt scary, like she was doing something wrong, even if she was simply trying to be nice. 
Fighting against her anxious thoughts, JJ reached out, tugging at Emily’s wrist until her hand clasped onto hers. JJ ran a reassuring thumb over her hand. She sighed a breath of relief when Emily leaned into the touch. 
“You’re our friend,” JJ said, simply. “And we care about you.” 
Emily nodded, still not looking at her. 
“When I held your present in my hands,” Emily said, “I just couldn't stop thinking of my friend Matthew. He surprised me on my sixteenth birthday, pulling me out of some stupid event my mother had dragged me to. That was the only time I got a real birthday present before now.”
JJ hadn’t heard about this friend. Emily didn’t really talk about her past, beyond the general facts. JJ had to stop herself from prying, fighting back her curiosity in favour of letting Emily talk. 
She squeezed Emily’s hand in a gesture she hoped would be encouraging.  
“Your gift just brought back a lot of memories,” Emily said with a whisper. “Matthew basically saved my life. He was the only friend I had before now I guess.” 
She looked over at JJ. 
“I’m sorry,” Emily said, wiping at her eyes. 
“Don’t be.”
JJ pulled Emily into her, wrapping her arms around her and holding her tight. Emily let out a muffled sob and fell into her, with her head tucked under JJ’s chin. They sat like that for a while, JJ listening to Emily’s ragged breathing and JJ running a calming hand over her back. Emily’s face was buried in her shoulder, her soft hair tickled JJ’s face as she held her tight.  
She focused on rubbing Emily’s back, making patterns with her hand on top of her soft sweater. Emily’s arms were wrapped around her waist. 
For a moment, tears pricked at JJ’s eyes. Watching Emily finally be vulnerable to her, for her to share something, even if she left out details, was a lot. She blinked them back and focused on steadying her breathing, being a calm presence for Emily. 
After a moment Emily pulled away, creating some distance between them, wiping her face with her sleeve and sniffling. 
“JJ I don’t want you to get hurt,” Emily said, her voice cracking, “I just bring people pain.”
“What happened, Em?” JJ asked. 
Emily looked at her with teary eyes and shook her head. 
“You don’t have to tell me, Emily. But I need you to know that whatever it is, I’ll still be here. I care so much about you and just… like being your friend. I don’t care what happened in your past or if you think you’re going to hurt me. All I care about is us.”
“I like being your friend,” Emily said with a teary laugh. 
JJ smiled at her, pulling her into another hug. Holding her tight feeling like the girl would break into pieces in front of her if she let go. 
“Do you want your present?” JJ asked carefully, still hugging Emily. She could feel the other girl nod. 
JJ pulled back, taking the wrapped book from the tile floor and placing it in Emily’s lap. Emily carefully began to unwrap it, as if she wasn’t allowed to rip the brightly patterned paper.
“You know you can rip it, right?” JJ said with a kind laugh. “Just tear it open, it’s part of the fun!”
Emily looked at her nervously, and half heartedly tugged at the wrapping paper. 
“Harder!” JJ said, demonstrating by pulling on it and making a satisfying tearing noise. JJ assumed that the girl didn’t have the opportunity to tear open presents as a kid, and JJ wanted to make sure she didn’t miss out on that joy anymore. 
Emily laughed and tore at it, ripping the paper off and revealing the small book underneath. Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. 
“I read this as a kid,” Emily breathed, staring at the cover reverently.  
She opened the cover and looked through the first few pages. 
“L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux,” Emily quoted the novel just as the book shop clerk had done.
“What is essential is invisible to the eyes,” JJ translated. “I don’t really get it. I tried to read it before I gave it to you, but didn’t make much headway.”
“It’s about love,” Emily said as she flipped through the pages.
Emily slowly turned the pages, smiling down at the whimsical illustrations and murmured about it in French that JJ couldn’t quite make out.
“I could translate it for you if you want?” Emily offered.
“Is it as good in English?”
“No,” Emily said with a laugh. 
JJ beamed, happy that her gift was no longer making Emily upset. She hoped that whatever bad memories she had about birthdays were being amended with some joy from today. 
“Well then I just have to get better at French so that I can understand it,” JJ said. “I’ll need a good tutor.”
“This is an amazing present. Thank you JJ.”
They smiled at each other.
“I’ll read it to you,” Emily said, “And you can stop me and I can explain anything you don’t understand.”
JJ’s heart fluttered at the thought of Emily reading a love story out loud. Though, from what she saw it was about a boy being in love with a flower so it couldn’t be that romantic, could it? 
“Sounds like a plan,” JJ said. “Should we get back? I wouldn’t want to worry the others.”
Emily nodded, then the two of them stood up together. JJ’s legs had fallen asleep while sitting on the cold, tiled floor so she dramatically shook them out, making Emily laugh. 
God her laugh, she wanted to hear that forever. She’d do anything to keep Emily smiling and happy.
As they walked back to the party, it was Emily who took JJ’s hand. 
Maybe they could be friends. Maybe that would be enough. 
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orangepanic · 3 years
I saw this “100 OTP questions” by @the-moon-dust-writings and figured I'd procrastinate:
1. Who loves flower crowns more?
Neither of them really, but Asami might make Iroh wear one just to laugh at him.
2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle?
Iroh. Asami likes it, too, but he usually initiates.
3. Who has awful taste in music?
Honestly, both of them. Asami likes terrible dance music and Iroh likes obscure combinations of horns and bells and stuff from different cultures.
4. Who is the meme lover?
Asami thinks they’re funny. Iroh doesn’t quite understand.
5. How did their second date go?
Iroh tried to take Asami somewhere very fancy, but the wait was too long. They ended up making out in a shadowy doorway down the street and missing their reservation entirely. Iroh was mortified, but Asami dragged him around the corner to a low-key noodle shop that has since become their favorite restaurant.
6. How many children do they want/have?
Asami thinks about three. Iroh, as many as Asami will agree to.
7. Who hides the weapons?
Iroh hides weapons for Asami around the house so she’ll always have something on hand. In a drawer in the kitchen, on her nightstand, etc. He knows she can take care of herself… and he stashes weapons for her anyway. Asami rolls her eyes but secretly thinks it’s sweet.
8. Who is the better dancer?
Asami. She likes dancing, and learned formal dancing in school. Iroh can’t dance at all, having skipped out on all his lessons as a child after bribing his instructor. He thought dancing is boring, but likes dancing with Asami and lets her lead.
9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding?
No. They quite deliberately have a very normal wedding, including cutting out a lot of the more stuffy Fire Nation customs because Iroh doesn’t want Asami to feel out of place not having any family present.
10. What do their parents think of them dating?
Hiroshi Sato is livid, and actually tried to have Iroh assassinated from prison. His little girl, marry a firebender? A prince of the firebenders? Iroh’s parents are more accepting. Izumi initially thinks Asami is too young and gives Iroh a hard time about how quickly he got serious, but quickly comes around when it’s clear Asami is very mature for her age. Within a year Iroh’s parents are both hounding him on when he’ll make it official.
11. Are they a super sappy couple?
They are that couple everybody hates.
12. How did they get together?
They meet during the Equalist revolution, but don’t get together until long after. Iroh has a crush on Asami almost immediately, but spends forever sitting on it thinking it wasn’t the right time and trying to be friends until one day he just kind of slips up and kisses her. She kisses him back. It turns out Asami liked him, too, but she isn’t great at reading people and had no idea he was interested.
13. Who asked the other to get married?
Iroh just kind of blurts it out one day.
14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes?
Asami is the night owl. Iroh makes the bad jokes.
15. Who is the nerd?
Oh my god, both of them. Asami is more of the classic nerd. Iroh is more of a dork.
16. Who knows the most obscure facts?
17. Who makes the other a flower crown?
Two questions about flower crowns out of 100?? Changing this to who is more dominant in bed. Asami.
18. Who likes to read?
Iroh. They both do, but he’s much more into it.
19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads?
Asami. She has the shorter attention span.
20. Who tutors the other?
They both would in different subjects. Asami is better at math, physics, etc. Iroh is better at philosophy and languages.
21. Do they have similar taste in movies?
No. Asami likes gory slasher films and lots of action. Iroh scoffs and thinks they’re dumb. Asami, in turn, thinks his period dramas can be kind of boring, and refuses to count documentaries as movies. But there’s a healthy overlap in things like Vikings and Game of Thrones.
22. How do their personalities complement each other?
Asami helps Iroh lighten up a bit, drawing him out of his shell, and gives him an anchor and a sense of home. She’s more social than he is, and a lot of her friends eventually become his. But she’s also quiet enough and serious enough that she doesn’t tire him out and can feed his need for downtime. Iroh, in turn, loves seldom but deeply, and gives Asami the kind of fierce, unconditional love and stability she needs. He’s also genuinely interested in her projects, is smart enough to follow most of it, and is one of the only people who can occasionally beat her in Pai Sho. They have a lot of fun together just being nerds.
23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon?
They don’t have to tell anybody. It’s all over Iroh’s face like a big neon sign.
24. Who has better fashion sense?
Asami, but not by much. She’s more up to date with trends, while Iroh’s style is clean and classic.
25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner?
Hoo boy, both of them. Do not go there.
26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle?
Neither of them sing in the satomobile. Iroh has a decent voice, but he’s a bit private about it. Asami mostly hums.
27. What other couple would your otp get along with?
Iroh quickly becomes BFFs with Bolin. Asami and Opal aren’t quite as close, but they like each other’s company and have fun as a foursome. They also get along quite well with Pema and Tenzin.
28. Who likes to prank the other?
Iroh tries more often. Asami’s pranks are more successful.
29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures?
Iroh, though generally Korra is the picture taker in the group.
30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates?
Iroh raises an eyebrow. “Hmm.” Asami only shrugs. They both already knew that.
31. Where would they live?
They like Republic City and decide to stay downtown, first in an apartment and eventually a larger townhouse.
32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one?
Whichever one Iroh made friends with. Asami is a bit wary of animals and would need him to convince her it was safe.
33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be?
The kind that live in a beautiful house with perfect collections that took hundreds of years to make. Iroh has first editions of everything in a giant library, arranged in a complex system only he understands. He’s working on his 14th language. Asami has invented artificial blood and doesn’t miss sunburns. Occasionally she’ll throw one of those big fancy vampire balls just so they can both get dressed up. They’re pretty happy.
34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween?
They once went as Lady Tienhai and the last king of Mo Ce because picking something obscure and historical was the only way to get Iroh into a costume.
35. Can they name each other’s favourite food?
Kind of. They are both really into food, so picking a favorite is hard. But if the question is can they order for one another, absolutely.
36. Do they have pet names for one another?
Asami sometimes calls Iroh “General Hotstuff” when she’s teasing. Iroh sometimes calls Asami “sex pretzel” when he’s 1000% sure they are alone.
37. How do they cheer each other up?
Asami is more of a gift giver. She’ll show up with Iroh’s favorite take-out or make him something in her workshop—anything to make him feel special and valued. Iroh is all about quality time, and will swing by Asami’s office to haul her out on surprise dates. He also gives great hugs.
38. Do they show a lot of PDA?
No. Iroh is very uncomfortable with PDA, especially when he’s in uniform. Asami follows his lead.
39. How old were they when they got together?
Asami was 19-20, Iroh 24-25.
40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home?
Iroh, 100%. He’s such a sucker.
41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses?
Yes, though Asami is the only one who really tries.
42. What is their song?
They don’t really have one.
43. What does their room look like?
Asami moved in with Iroh, so it’s very basic. White walls, perfectly made bed, a neatly organized desk in the far corner by the window. He’s a total minimalist, having spent most of his adult life on a ship. Asami added a very fluffy comforter in *gasp* a color and lots of pillows.
44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded?
They’d take turns, and at some point Asami would turn it into a contest.
45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed?
Iroh. Asami is a terrible cook.
46. Who loves kids more?
47. Do either of them have a crazy ex?
Not crazy, but Iroh and his ex are not on good terms. He doesn’t like to talk about it.
48. What are their favourite colours?
Asami, purple. Iroh, black. He gets annoyed when people get him so much red stuff.
49. Who likes to cook?
Iroh. He fired Asami from the kitchen, something they are both grateful for.
50. Who is the forgetful one?
51. Does either of them know how to fight?
Have you met these people?
52. What do they do for Valentines Day?
Iroh would probably plan something elaborate for them to go out. Asami would plan something sexy for when they got home.
53. Who swears more?
Asami, at least out loud. Iroh mostly swears under his breath.
54. Who has the better comebacks?
Asami. It’s not even close.
55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale?
Probably Asami, unless it was about the kids. If anyone comes for Iroh’s kids, they’d better hide.
56. Who reads buzzfeed?
57. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Iroh, hands down.
58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand?
Asami can manage it.
59. Who can rap better?
Asami, though Iroh is the only one who actually listens to rap.
60. Do either of them want to go sky diving?
Asami would love to. Iroh laughs. “Been there.”
61. What do they usually text about?
Some version of “I miss you” or random pictures of stuff. They generally only text when Iroh is away as they’re both busy during the day.
62. Who is the dramatic one?
Asami has a shorter fuse. Iroh is more ridiculous when he loses his shit.
63. Is either one confrontational?
Not really.
64. What is their favourite cuddle position?
Asami will lay on top of Iroh on the couch like a sandwich. It’s the only position she seems to be able to nap in.
65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)?”
See above about terrible taste in music.
66. What are their parenting styles?
Iroh covers a lot of the basics. He sets a schedule, makes lunches, tells bedtime stories, is more likely to help with the homework. Asami is the one who gets them around and does most of the interacting with teachers, other parents, etc. They share things fairly equally.
67. Who would be the more laid back one?
68. Who listens to more vulgar music?
69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know?
Yes. Asami can be secretive about some of her projects, both out of an abundance of caution but also because she likes a big reveal. Iroh keeps some past relationship stuff close, and will occasionally read a steamy romance novel for “tips.”
70. Who is their go to couple for a double date?
Bolin and Opal
71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date?
Iroh tips very well.
72. How do they work out a fight?
Asami yells. Iroh yells back. One of them storms off. The other one waits about half an hour then goes to find them, usually with an offering of food. There are hugs. Somebody cries. Then they finally talk it out before falling asleep together.
73. Who brings home an illegal pet?
Asami. She is less likely to have a pet, but if she does, it’s going to be a weird one.
74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on?
Iroh is on the side by the window because he likes to get up with the sun.
75. What is their favorite photo of them two together?
There’s a photo Korra took at the beach where Iroh has Asami thrown over his shoulder right before dunking her in the water. This is the picture he takes with him when he’s deployed.
76. Who takes longer in the bathroom?
77. Who has more songs on their ipod?
Iroh. If you can call them songs.
78. What movie did they first see together?
Iroh took her to Last Days of the Sun Warriors. She fell asleep. He said the book was better.
79. What do they like to see each other in?
Asami thinks Iroh’s butt looks great in jeans. Iroh got Asami a red silk robe from the Fire Nation and likes to see it fall off.
80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times?
81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children?
Mid-20s, though they don’t have them until a little later.
82. What do they love about each other the most?
Iroh likes that Asami is tough and smart and a problem-solver. Asami likes that Iroh is kind and brave and has a strong moral compass.
83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focus’s on the small details?
They are both big picture people, which is sometimes a problem. Of the two, Asami is probably better at details, but she’s also forgetful.
84. What would they write on their partner’s social media’s for their anniversary?
Asami would probably put up a picture of them and say something brief but sweet. Iroh doesn’t really understand social media and would just paste a heart-eyes emoji.
85. Who is bad at math?
Iroh. He’s not bad, per se, but Asami is very, very good.
86. Who googles everything?
87. Who does stuff on impulse?
Both of them in different ways. Asami is generally more flexible. Iroh usually has a plan but makes big decisions completely off the cuff.
88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
Lots of physical touch. Iroh will kind of just wrap himself around her in one giant, whole body hug. Asami will spend some time cursing out whomever is causing the issue, then let him lay his head in her lap and give Iroh a good head scratch or massage.
89. What is an inside joke they have?
There was one time they had sex in Asami’s office at Future Industries, so occasionally she’ll drop things like, “feel like coming by the office?” with a suggestive eyebrow waggle. Iroh is, predictably, very embarrassed. Also interested.
90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Asami: *exists* Iroh: *smiles*
91. What is their favourite holiday?
New Years is a big deal in the Fire Nation. Iroh loves his family and likes going home, and Asami has grown to love it almost as much.
92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive?
They take turns. Both of them can have quite a temper when pushed too hard.
93. What is their favourite board game to play?
They’re both big Pai Sho fans, but can get into any kind of strategy game. Nobody really likes to play them though, they're too good.
94. Who accidentally sets something on fire?
Asami. Iroh hasn’t had a fire accident since he was four.
95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store?
Asami. She’d rob the store, too, but no way is she letting Iroh drive.
96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert?
Iroh booked a private box at the Republic City Opera, thinking that was an impressive thing he should do on a date. It turns out neither of them like opera, and by the end they were both making fun of it.
97. Who sleep talks?
Asami. Iroh thinks it’s funny.
98. Who is the more social one?
Asami, by a long shot.
99. What are their karaoke songs?
Neither of them would really sing karaoke, but Iroh cannot hold his liquor like at all so if he ever got really plastered Asami might be able to drag him up there. By which point he’d be too far gone to have an opinion on the song and would sing just about anything.
100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh?
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fairymadnessyeah · 3 years
BNHA Ship to Finish the Year
KotEri (Izumi Kota x Eri Aizawa)
I like to think that Kota and Eri meet during October. Eri never went trick or treating, and since Kota is a kid her age and Ragdoll is available for taking the door to door, Shota deems it okay.
They met before Halloween night, and it goes okay. Mostly they talk about costumes.
They dress up as LeMillion and Deku. Ragdoll sends a lot of pictures, It's too cute.
From there on out, the two are inseparable. I feel like Kota would be Eri's first friends, and he teaches her the beauty of pranks. Once, they put cooking oil on the floor and watched as Iida went flying into the TV. There is a no running rule now.
I don't think they would go to school together until they go to UA. 
I feel like until then Kota only sees her as a friend until they start high school. Suddenly, the guys of class 1a are talking about who the cutest girl and they all think it's Eri.
He knows he shouldn't, but he is mad about it... Oh no!
I feel that for Eri, it happens later and more slowly. She knows she can trust Kota. Whenever she has a problem or needs someone to talk to, she knows she can trust in him.
By the second year, when I imagine he suddenly hits a growth spurt and enters his emo phase, she realizes he is handsome. 
The two don't say anything until they go to a hero-convention (Deku Merch!) and one of the ex-Hassaikai attacks as a villain and recognizes Eri.
Kota helps her by taking her around the city, and when they get to a Sakura tree, Eri leans in and kisses him. He obviously returns it, and they start dating.
They keep it a secret for as long as they can, since Aizawa is the principal and very protective of his daughter. However, once he finds out, his trust in Kota is completely broken. He is not welcome in their home anymore.
However, Shinsou is weaker against Eri's puppy eyes.
I don't know why, but I would love a fic about them like this:
"Hey Izu-kun, you know how to drive right? And your aunt's and uncle let you take their car whenever?"
"Yeah, why?" "I need you to drive me somewhere?" "Sure, where?" "Tartarous," "... alright."
"So, why am I driving you to Tartarous?" "Oh, I want to talk with Chisaki," "*stops abruptly* WHAT!? You want to talk with the man that tortured you since you can remember and made your life a living hell!? WHY!?!?"
"I need closure. I know I might never be able to forget him and what he did, but I can't freeze every time somebody mentions him. I need to do this, I need to move on,"
He goes with her, as moral support. It kind of helps seeing him armless, behind bars and defeated, but Eri simply tells him she is moving on with her life and he should too.
After it, they go for ice-cream and a walk in the beach (I like to think this is a favourite date for them). I think it's a very romantic moment until Shinsou interrupt them.
Her family was made aware that she visited Chisaki and have been looking for her like crazy.
Aizawa is not happy when he finds out. This is what happens:
*Eri comes in with Kota. The two have smoothies, Kota a blue one and Eri a red one* "Hi dad! We are going to be in my room studying! Don't interrupt us!" "Alright!"
*An hour later* "Eri, Mic is going to be home in a few minutes, we'll have dinner when he arrives. Is Kota staying?" "No, his aunt is picking him up in a bit," "...Why is your tongue purple?" "Oh... um... maybe it was the smoothie," "You had a red smoothie... and Kota had a blue... one..." 
*He realizes what happened and starts stomping up the stair, Eri behind him, telling him to calm down. He slams the door open and sees Kota, with his hair messed and his lips covered in lip gloss, throwing himself off the window.* "Come here, you traitor!"
Aizawa calls a family meeting, and even Shinsou who has his own home has to come. He is ready to expel him, he feels betrayed. He trusted that kid in his home, and he takes advantage of his daughter? I don't think so! He is going to die.
Hizashi cries, his baby girl is replacing him. (I headcanon that she would die her hair to look like a rainbow, and Kota helps her, instead of Hizashi)
Shinsou is the one who sides with Eri, reminding his parents that she is old enough to make a decision like this, and they should trust her. "Besides, I was her age when Kaminari and I started doing stuff," "What?" "What?" "I don't live here anymore, I don't have to keep secrets,"
Shinsou lets her come to his home to get ready for her dates, so that Koda doesn't have to fear for his life in their living room. However, he still threatens him.
"For some reason, you make Eri happy. But if that changes, and you make her sad, you are going to wish, Midoriya never saved you from Muscular," "H-how do you know that?" "I know everything. Have fun on your date!"
The WWP are embarrassing. They have a photo album ready, they tell Eri how much he talks about her.
They also have an open-door policy, but Koda is a rebel and doesn't follow the rule. However, they found a way around it.
*comes in without knocking* "Hey kiddos, want some cookies?" "No, Aunt. We are fine," "Alright, just keep the door open!"
*comes in without knocking* "Hey lovebirds, are you thirsty? I made some lemonade!" "We are fine, Pixie-bob," "Alright, just keep the door open!"
*comes in without knocking* "Have you seen the cat?" "We don't have a cat, Ragdoll!" "Oh, right! Keep the door open!"
But when he locks the door:
*BANG!* "Aaaaahhhh!" "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" "Tiger! Did you just kick the door open!?" "Yes! Remember to keep the door open!"
Also, when they found out, the WWD follows them on their date. They need pictures.
The problem is that Kota and Eri are not on a date. They are helping Katsumo give a tour of the city to his sister. They all notice the four pros following them, Kota tells them to ignore them.
I feel like Deku would be happy for them. His first fans are so cute together. 
AU - Band AU
This is a modern setting au.
So, Eri was adopted into music. After she was rescued from Chisaki, she was adopted by Present Mic and his husband, Aizawa.
Present Mic is a famous radio host, and before that, he and Aizawa and Oboro played in a band together. Now, Aizawa is a music manager for young artist, in between those there is 1A band.
As she grows up, she is introduced to music, and it becomes one of the best things in her life. She is a great singer, and she also learns how to play the piano.
She want to have a career in music, so when she is a teen, at UA school, she joins the music club.
She is trying to form a band, and along the way she finds Katsuma, who becomes the bassist, Tamashiro on the drums, and they only need a guitarist and vocalist.
Enter Bad boy Kota. His parents were musicians that died in a boat accident, and so Kota now lives his aunt and their dancing group, The Wild Wild Pussycats.
He used to love music, but now it's only a reminder of who he lost.
But one day, Eri hears him sing. She asks if he would want to join their band. He refuses and leaves, but that is not the last he sees of Eri.
The two are paired for some school work, and while working on it, Eri starts singing, and it wakes something in him.
Kota doesn't know what it was, but suddenly, he felt as if he was with his parents again.
He tells her that he'll join her band temporarily, at least so he has enough time to figure out what was that feeling.
They are all ecstatic, and they start playing together.
Eri and Kota are the ones who most clash since he is really into rock and edgy stuff, and she is more cute and pop style.
However, the two spend a lot of time together.
Kota wants to understand how Eri makes him feel stuff, and Eri doesn't really mind his company, so she lets him stay. She was always very shy, so it's hard for her to make friends without recurring to music.
At some point, Eri tells Kota about her life as Chisaki's toy, and it makes him realize why Eri is so special.
She is real, she suffered and survived, and now she can keep smiling. Which Kota never got to, he never moved on from his parents death, and still hold on to the rage and sadness.
Kota also opens up to Eri, and he tells her about his parents death and his departure from music.
Eri asks him to sing with her, and when they do, Kota feels like he has his parents back. It brings him to tears, but Eri hold him.
The band present themselves to the talent show of the school and somehow end up winning. 
During the celebration party, Kota and Eri kiss.
Fanon Opinion
I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable writing NSFW stuff about Kota or Eri.
I know that I age up everybody, and I did so with these two, too, but I can't.
I can't picture them as nothing, but children and I am not going to write PWP about that. 
I don't they would do it until their third year, but I do think that they make out.
I think this is a very cute couple. They have that puppy-love thing going for them. 
Also, I love this because it would be a good thing for Eri. We just want good things for Eri.
And I know that Eri is older than Kota, and supposedly she should be his senpai. But with all the emotional baggage she has, I think it makes sense that she would start school a little later.
I think that they would be a beach and parks couple. In summer, they go to the beach, while in the winter they hang around the park.
I feel like they would love to go camping.
Also, they match. They are horn buddies.
Also, Tik-Tok has a lot of stuff about them, so I recommend seeing them. I got the Band AU idea from it.
I imagine that they would become heroes when they are older. Eri would be like a new recovery girl, but scarier, and Kota would torture the children when they go to the training camp.
In my mind, Eri uses Aizawa's capture weapon, but she has it wrapped around her arms, covering her scars.
Also, while they are at the dorms, they are the Parent Couple. The two take care of their classmates with Kota stopping them from doing stupid shit and lecturing them, and Eri comforting them and healing their bruises.
Also, if Katsuma goes with them to class, he would be the baby.
"Oh, No! This is Bad! This is Bad! Stress is bad for the baby!"
"What baby?"
"ME! I'm the baby!"
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aresaphrodites · 4 years
2 - bughead ❤️
this is definitely not spooky at all, but it’s cute and fun so i hope you like it <3
#2:  “ Who ate all my candy?!!”
“A Snickers, your majesty?” 
Betty Jones leans down and opens her mouth wide, allowing the small candy bar to fall onto her tongue. “Mmm,” she moans lightly. “My favorite!” She smacks her lips dramatically and watches as two pairs of matching blue eyes look at her in disgust. 
“Nasty, mommy,” Mia Jones says with a little squeal and shakes her head, causing her black curls to fly around wildly. 
Meanwhile Zeke Jones is grinning up at his mom, a pack of Skittles clutched in his hand tightly. “Mommy, mommy! Catch!” He doesn’t even give her time to react before he’s throwing a green Skittle at her face. It bounces off her nose and Betty watches as the twins go completely still, eyes wide and mouths dropped open as if they’re about to get scolded. 
“I missed that one on purpose,” Betty tells them, “I hate the green ones.” 
Zeke cackles and throws a red one at her, which she actually does catch this time. The twins cheer for their mom, so excited for her in a way that only six-year-olds can be. Their laughter and energy is so infectious though, that she finds herself laughing along with them.
“Mommy,” Mia says as they continue to sort through all their candy, “you look very pretty tonight.” 
“Aw,” Betty coos and presses a kiss to her daughter’s head. “Thank you, baby! I think you look very beautiful.” 
“Do I look like a princess?” She asks softly, playing with the ends of her Sleeping Beauty dress. “My hair doesn’t match.”
Betty frowns slightly. Mia has always been a little insecure about the color of her hair and Betty will never understand why. Unlike Zeke, who has golden blonde waves like Betty, Mia has her father’s hair, just a little more wild, and Betty has always loved it. It’s her favorite.
“That’s a dumb question,” Zeke says, mouth full of a Milky Way, taking Betty out of her thoughts. 
“Zeke Jones!” She scolds once she sees Mia’s frown deepen. “That’s not nice at all, young man. We don’t say things like that. What do I tell you?” 
Zeke sighs and rolls his eyes dramatically. God, he may be only six, but he has his father’s attitude. It’s adorable, but sometimes Betty wants to yell at Jughead for teaching their sweet son this. 
“There is no such thing as a dumb question,” Zeke recites. “But what if I ask you if it’ll hurt my eyes if I look at a picture of the sun?” 
Betty looks at her son, completely baffled, and then erupts into laughter. 
“What?” She wheezes. “Zekey, where do you come up with this stuff?” 
“Well?” He presses, placing his hands onto his hips. He accidentally knocks his lightsaber off his hip and Mia reaches over to pick it up before he can step on it. “Is that a dumb question?” 
“I’m going to take away all your candy if you keep giving me attitude,” she tells her son, refusing to admit that yes, that actually is a dumb question. His eyes go wide and she continues. “And you need to apologize to your sister right now, mister.” 
“No,” he whines, “Mommy, you never let me finish what I’m saying! You always do this!” 
“Excuse me?” She gasps, appalled. “I do not!” 
“You do too! You do it to daddy and you do it to me!” He looks down at his twin sister. “Right, Mia?” 
Mia, the little traitor, nods rapidly. “It’s true, mommy. I’m sorry.” 
“I can’t believe this,” Betty says softly, with a fake sadness. “My own kids… out to hurt me.” 
Zeke giggles, but he sits back down on the floor and wraps his arms around his sister tightly before pulling away and handing her a Twizzler. “It’s a dumb question because of course you look like a princess. Who cares if you don’t have hair like me and mommy? All the coolest princesses have dark hair.” 
“Oh yeah?” Mia asks, doubtful. “Like who?” 
“Snow White! She was really cool. She was so sweet and nice that all the animals loved her, just like the doggies love you. And Belle! She was awesome! She loved books and was super smart, just like you are. I bet she passed all her spelling tests like you do.” 
Mia smiles softly at her brother’s words and Betty’s heart clenches at the sight in front of her. Sure, there are days when the kids are at each other’s throats so badly that Betty questions how she hasn’t lost her mind yet, but underneath it all, they love each other so much and they’re always there for one another. It’s all she’s ever wanted for her children, and she’s so happy that they have each other. 
“Don’t forget Mulan,” a new voice rings out from the foyer. Mia immediately lights up at the sight of her favorite man making his way into the living room. “Mulan’s my favorite princess.” Mia jumps up from the floor and runs into her dad’s arms, squealing as he picks her up and twirls her around before placing her onto his hip. “So what’s this I hear about you not liking your hair?” 
Mia blushes and looks down. “I didn’t say that, daddy. I just said it wasn’t like a princess’ hair.” 
Jughead Jones gasps in shock. “What? Says who?” 
“Well… Sleeping Beauty didn’t have blonde hair,” she says sheepishly. 
“So?” Zeke snaps. “Kylo Ren didn’t have blonde hair, but I think I still look awesome.” 
“Of course you do, baby,” Betty says, ruffling her son's hair as he comes to sit in her lap. 
“See,” Jughead says, smiling down at his wife and son before looking back up to his daughter. “It doesn’t matter what color your hair is, dumpling. You’re a princess, just like your brother is the evil Supreme Leader of Riverdale.” 
“He was a good guy!” Zeke wails and Betty and Jughead have to stop themselves from bursting into laughter. Their son has taken to the Star Wars franchise lately, and even though Betty’s not sure how she feels about him watching it already, it’s nice to see him so passionate about something that isn’t bugs or tormenting his sister. 
“Daddy, why do you call me that?” Mia asks, ignoring her brother. “I hate dumplings!” 
“Well, I love dumplings,” Jughead tells her. He places a kiss to her nose, making her giggle. “And I love you! So you’re my little dumpling. In fact, next year I think you should be a dumpling for Halloween.” 
“You’re silly,” Mia tells him before resting her cheek on his shoulder. 
Jughead walks the two of them over to where Betty and Zeke are sitting, and then he sits down on the floor next to his wife. 
“Well, hello, Mother of Dragons.” His eyes rake over Betty’s body and she sends him a bemused look. “Did you miss me?” 
“You were gone for like, ten minutes,” she tells him as Mia and Zeke get up from their parent’s laps to go back to searching through their pumpkin baskets. “Why did your work call you so late? You’re not on call.”
Jughead smiles at her. Betty’s always been very big on their family time, especially because it’s a little hard with Jughead’s job as a neurosurgeon at the hospital in the city. It’s not that long of a commute, but when you add all the hours he has to work, it’s a lot more tiring than either of them would like. When he does have a day off, he’s usually so tired that he just wants to rest, so Betty cherishes these moments and it annoys her whenever they’re interrupted. 
“Nothing to worry about, Betts.” He leans over and kisses the side of her mouth. “One of the interns just mixed up a bit of the paperwork, so Harvey was calling me to confirm a couple of things. Don’t worry, I’m still yours for the next three days.” 
Betty just hums out. “Well, you were missed, Jon Snow.” She reaches up and brushes her hand against his cheek. “I still cannot believe you grew out your facial hair for this costume.” 
“I wanted to be season five Jon Snow,” he says, bringing his own hand up to capture his wife’s. “You don’t like it?” 
“I didn’t say that. It’s just a little different. Are you going to keep it?” 
He laces their fingers together and brings Betty’s hand up to his lips, kissing her wedding finger, right above where the gorgeous diamond ring sits. “What do you think, my queen?” 
Betty snorts and shoves him playfully. “I think you look very mature with it.” 
“Oh? So I don’t look like a highschooler anymore? Awesome. It’s only been like fifteen years.” 
“Daddy!” Zeke screeches. “Look, I saved this for you!” He runs over to his parents and hands Jughead a squished Baby Ruth. “It’s your favorite, so I didn’t eat it.” 
“Aw, thanks, bud!” He takes the candy and wraps his arm around Zeke, bringing him against his chest. “You could have eaten it, though. I’m sure I have some in my pumpkin.” 
At his words, Zeke makes a comically nervous face and Mia laughs lightly behind her hands. Jughead catches on immediately. 
“Okay,” he drags out, suspicious, “who has my pumpkin?” 
“I haven’t seen it,” Zeke says quickly. 
“Nope!” Mia agrees, shaking her head while still giggling. 
Jughead whirls around to look at Betty. “Babe? Where’s my pumpkin?” 
“I haven’t seen it,” she says quietly, cheeks red, “did you check the kitchen?” 
“We haven’t even been to the kitchen since we got home!” 
The quiet jingle of Luna’s--the family dog’s--name tags echoes throughout the room and Jughead watches in horror as she brings him a chewed up pumpkin basket. 
“Oh, my God! Luna ate my candy!” 
Mia cackles loudly and now even Zeke and Betty are laughing along. 
“Not her, daddy,” Zeke says through his laughter and Jughead looks at his family in shock. 
“Then who?” Jughead asks, astonished. “We all have our own pumpkins!” 
“It wasn’t me,” Zeke sings out. “You know I don’t like chocolate that much, daddy.” 
“I know,” Jughead says, patting Zeke’s blonde waves. “My sweet baby boy would never do this to me. It could only be your mom or sister!” 
“Hey,” Betty and Mia whine. 
“You two are the only ones who deceive me like this,” Jughead whines and Mia looks at him in confusion. “The only ones who trick me like this!” 
“Maybe you’re going crazy, Juggie,” Betty says, even though she’s grinning so hard that her cheeks hurt. “No one ate your candy.” 
“You’ll pay for this tonight,” Jughead tells her and she gasps softly, knowing exactly what he means. He grins, happy with the effect he has on her, and then puts on his game face. “Alright, so which one of you is going to confess.” 
“It wasn’t me,” Betty and Mia say at the same time, both laughing still. 
“Who ate all my candy?!!” He shrieks, distraught, and this time they all erupt into laughter. 
“It was mommy!” Mia admits and Betty gasps, looking at her daughter in horror. “I’m sorry, mommy! I feel bad!” 
“Don’t feel bad for him! Feel bad for me! Daddy ate all my candy last year!” 
“You said you didn’t want it!” Jughead defends. “How was I supposed to know you meant that you just didn’t want it at that moment!” 
“Whoopsie,” Betty says and Jughead scoffs. 
“You literally still have an entire bucket full of candy, Elizabeth. Why did you eat mine?” 
“Because yours looked better.” 
“We got the same things!” 
“Hmm, no, I don’t think so.” 
Jughead gives her a deadpan look and then rolls his eyes. “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely paying for this later on.” 
Betty just winks at him and he blows her a kiss. 
“Don’t be upset, daddy,” Mia says. “You can share my candy with me.” 
“Thank you, baby,” Jughead says with a pout. “You are the sweetest dumpling.” 
Mia smiles at him and gets up to hand over her basket to him. 
Betty laughs so hard that she can’t breathe whenever Jughead reaches his hand into the basket only to find out that their daughter has given him an empty one, having poured all her candy onto the floor earlier. 
After that, the house is filled with the sound of the twins’ laughter as Jughead chases them throughout the house, while Betty stands on the sidelines and protects her children from the “monster man”, the stolen candy long forgotten.
Send me a sentence from this list of spooky prompts with a ship and I’ll write you a short lil fic. :) 
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CatCF Milk Chocolate: Part 2, the Wonders of Wonka
For this Wonka, I wanted to go much more into the idea of wonders, fantasy, magic. Excentric, talkative, liking jokes and everything imaginative, very kind to children, he wanted his factory to be a world of pure imagination, a fantasy turned real. He is the kind of person that will literally want to "defy gravity".
I imagine this Wonka to basically be a sort of much more goofy and funny Walt Disney. Willy Wonka also hints throughout the story at his really large family scattered everywhere in the world - a family apparently made of other characters from Roald Dahl's stories (for exemple one of his cousin or uncle is the magician from James and the Giant Peach).
I imagine the Factory, from far away, to actually look like more a magical castle than a real factory. Think of Disneyland's iconic castle ; or the castle of the Mad King Ludwig, the Nuschwanstein Castle - but with a bit more chimneys and metal.  
# The Candied Orchard. I think for this variation of the room, I will turn this area into more of a greenhouse type of room, but where Wonka works and study how to create hybrid of plants that will produce candies and treats instead of fruits and berries - such as candied apple trees, and other trees producing candied fruits. The Chocolate River is here as an irrigation system - in order to encourage the trees to produce candies, Wonka gives them chocolate instead of water.
This is where both Miranda Grope and Augustus Gloop meet their demises. Miranda, against Wonka's interdictions, decides to jump in the river and swim in it (just like in Dahl's original work), while Augustus actually tries to gulp down all of the river on his own ( this strange bet resulted from Marvin's mockery and insults at the "big cow being able to drink it all up" being interpreted by the Gloop family as a compliment - and the Gloop parents encourage their son to prove that he is the "biggest and the best" by drinking down all of the river). Of course, Augustus falls in the river, just like Miranda. Augustus doesn't know how to swim, and Miranda maliciously tries to drown him - but they get both sucked up by the pipes. Well... Miranda gets taken by the pipe to the candy making room, and Wonka reassures its parents that usually there's a net to catch impurities. As for Augustus, he gets stuck midway through the pipe, and the pipe ends up exploding due to how big the boy is. He falls down into the river once more - but his weight and height causes a huge wave to crash on the shores, splashing the guests with chocolate.
EDIT: To save the boy, the Loompas (and Wonka) decide to use their new invasions - the Barshmalloy! A marshmallow-buoy! Basically it looks like a regular marshmallow but when put in a great amount of liquid it turns into an enormous "buoy" like thing that will help you float (and you can eat if you need food). It was originally an invention Wonka prepared to help people strained at sea or lost in rivers.
But of course, greedy Augustus, despite drowning, hasn't lost his gluttony and seeing the marshmallow eats it. Which has the strange effect of... turning him into a giant, puffy, marshmallow-boy (think the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters). He still floats and can be saved, though the Loompas have to take him away because he can't follow the tour in such state.
# Given the disaster of the Candied Orchard, Wonka decides to stop by a much safer room (after everyone cleaned up a bit) - the Halloween Room. Kids notice that we are not Halloween yet, but Wonka brushes it aside - it is always Halloween if we want to, just like it is always Christmas or Easter.
No demise here, only a fun scene - Wonka has the kids trying one of his new product, an Hallowee candy that will temporarily turn the kid into a monster. Like that, no need to buy a fancy costume to scare your neighbours, just pop one of these treats into your mouth! And the "costume" will be perfectly adapted to who you are.
Veruca's flesh rots as she becomes a zombie. Violet skin covers in fur as she grows wolf ears and fangs, becoming a werewolf. Herpes Trout's skin becomes green and he grows tusks and a boar's snout as he becomes an orc. Clarence turn into a skeleton (though as people point out there isn't much difference to his usual self). As for Charlie I actually don't know exactly... I thought of him becoming an elf, growing long pointy ears and gaining a sort of beauty.
It doesn't last long, but it is quite fun.
# The Kitchen. It is where Wonka makes his candies, and it looks like a gigantic, fantastical kitchen. Of couse, this is where Violet Glockenberry meets her demise - when she snatches and chews on the "Three Course Gum Meal". As I said previously, no blueberry inflation in my versions - here the demise is based on the "baked potatoes" of the meal. As she chews, Violet sees brown scabs appearing on her skin. They grow and grow, covering her entire body, trapping her into a thick carapace - at the end, she becomes entirely trapped in a giant potato, with only her face being visible. Unable to move or do anything, she can just shout as she is rolled around and taken to the "Peeling Room" to be peeled.
# The hallways. It may seem strange to see them listed in the places of importance, but it is where Veruca Salt meets her demise. You see, she picked up some trash or junk that was in a bin of the Factory, probably because it looked a lot like a product that is recently advertised a lot on television - and despite Wonka's insistance that it is not said product, but merely something resembling it, she refuses to let go of it. As a result, she is taken away by the squirrels, thinking of her as trash.
Oh yes, because I decided to re-imagine the squirrels as actually the "cleaning squad" of the Factory, roaming the building getting rid of all dirt or trash not thrown into a specific bin. They then take it away to the furnace to be burned...
# The Room of HEALTH. The Room of Homeopathic and Edible Answers to Laments That are (frankly) quite Harsh. A new room Wonka recently created in answer to people complaining about the "unhealtiness" of his candies. As a result, you find in there, stored before selling (because it is a storage room, but presented like a museum and a cave, a mix of the two) products that go from licorice that whitens the teeth or cavity-filling caramels to nougat that cleans your skin of acne. This is where, obviously, Clarence Crump meets his demise.
Hearing about this wonderful chocolate that will make you super-healthy because it contains all the vitamins existing in the world, from A to Z, Clarence stuffs himself with it - not hearing Wonka's warning that it is hyper-concentrated and will make you over-wealthy. Clarence doesn't mind being "over-healthy"... until he becomes obese, chalk-white-skinned and grows bull horns. Well, he isn't really obese - it is actually an excess of vitamins, that happens to look a lot like an excess of fat in the body.
The only way to get rid of an excess of vitamins or an over-healthiness is either to ruin your health, either to do a lot of sports and exercise... and while Clarence absolutely hates doing sports, his parents will never allow him to ruin his health. So... to the gymnasium!
The demise is especially ironic because he ends up looking like a "big fat cow" as Herpes Trout points out - and before, Marvin frequently insulted the other kids for being freakish "cows" (with special mentions for Augustus, the "bloated fat cow" and Violet, "the freaky bodybuilder cow"). Hence why he turns into a fat, black-and-white boy with horns.
# The Television Room. Pretty much identical to the original one. The variation comes on the focus here - the point being rather on the difference between reality and fiction. I'll explain: Herpes Trout wants to get into the television to enter its world of hyper-violence and be "cool" like Rambo and other destructive soldier-like antiheroes. Trouble is, when locked inside, he realizes that war is actually no cool game and no joke, and is left heavily traumatized. (And, just like in the original, he gets pulled out and stretched thin in the Taffy room, making a stark opposite to his bulky and muscular original shape).
I think in this version they will basically looke like Santa's elves. Little pointy eared lutins. I honestly don't have much more ideas for now Xp
Charlie doesn't outright becomes the new Factory owner, but it is a promise Wonka makes to the young kid - since he is the only one able to understand the magic and fantasy of the place, he will take Wonka's place one day, when Wonka decide to "go on a great journey to where man never went" (even though, as Wonka says, he might come back one day, with new ingredients, candies and recipes from these places "man never went"). While waiting for this day, Charlie wins the incredible prize of a lifetime supply of candy as well as material and financial support - plus, he is allowed to visit the Factory any time he likes.
The Gloops returned home, Augustus still a marshmallow-boy. The Loompas and Wonka, despite all their efforts, couldn't find how to return him back to normal since no one had ever swallowed a Barshmalloy before. But the Gloops parent don't mind, because now he is "the biggest and tastiest" of the boys around, so not everything is lost.
However, Augustus hasn't been seen or heard ever since he came back to his natal country... Some say he roasted in the dry hot desert. Others claim he couldn't resist the temptation and ended up devouring himself whole. No one really knows the truth.
Violet Glockenberry, after being "peeled", was left with a very soft and sensitive skin, which prevented her from continuing her rash and violent ways. She was forced to live in a soft, conditioned, safe evironment, with only the sweetest things. Unable to do much, she took her frustration on Wonka's lifetime of candy, and now is an overweight, spoiled woman always shouting and screaming for the best quality and what will not "hurt her skin". She actually ended up growing back a tough, regular skin, but she still plays along the role of the "delicate flower" because she grew used to her being the focus of attention.
Veruca Salt, due to her time in the junk and trash of the Factory, became a new type of guinea pig - one for testing diseases and sicknesses in labs. She accumulated so many molds, parasites and other infections in Wonka's dump that she became immune to all sicknesses, basically a sort of living petri dish where sicknesses grow and diseases spread without her being really affected by it.
Clarence Crump... He left the Factory slim again, but still with his horn bulls - as a result his mother tried to hide it by putting her handbag over his head, but the wind blew it away as they left, leading to a public humiliation. Humiliated, he left the fashion industry, abandonned all fame, and became a farmer on the countryside - raising cows. Because his experience actually left him very close to cows, that he thinks as his "only friends" in this world.
As I mentionned, Herpes Trout was left traumatized by the violence he escaped from in the television, and stretched into a tall and very thin boy. Herpes left his family to join a hippie and peaceful community, now spending in time relaxing, meditating and trying to find his "harmony with nature" in places far away from human activity and human noise. He also refuses to go any new technology ever. Computer, television, radio, don't even speak to him about it.
No one knows what happened to Miranda Grope, since she wasn't seen ever again. Some say she got turned into a batch of Wonka's sweets, and others say that it was good riddance - at least now, she can be sweet to people.
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pyrodarknessanny · 3 years
Whilst the topic of treating women with  respect is a hot button issue at the moment it got me thinking about my own experiences in life. and whilst I can say that I am one of the lucky ones who’s not been assaulted   things have happened around me that  had they gone differently  my story would be very different indeed. it also saddens me  that I know so many close friends and family who were not so lucky , many of them were children when they were first abused. and yes I do know  “not all men”   but   as the brothers , fathers , uncles , cousins ,friends and co-workers  the weight of this falls on you to call out  the  unacceptable behaviour of your peers. I’m going to list this instances in chronological order. and keep in mind that  I am a  goblin , short, weird , don’t care for looking nice and makeup and such  but still  ive been put on the spot numerus times in the past by  “nice guys”™ high school , senior years .   met some one I thought was decent online . we had an on again off again  video call thing going it spanned years  and started innocently enough  however in the latter years  when I was super depressed it turned quite toxic and manipulative   where he would refuse to   pay attention to me, controlling the calls , there was a time zone difference  so I was up till 4am most nights  hoping that this person would be around.    When we did get into calls  he had me doing  increasingly  dangerous things .   he’d even convinced me to  send him a  substantial amount of money of the last 12 months of our contact.          I’ve since cut them off  cold some years ago now but   they’ve certainly had an impact on me
 In between this on again off again online thing   when I was single I’ve and no less than 3   older male friends  try to hit me up because their  partners at the time were out of town. one even messaged me one night when I was high and tried very hard to convince me that it would be a good idea to drop round.       I don’t talk to any of them now but  each one I told to stay faithful to their partners and denied their offers.    
Also in high school - this happened at my  part time job. boss had a mate who would often sell him stuff for the store ,  bit of a flipper. one of the other senior staff thought it was FUNNY  to tell him that  I was fair game. so this guy who is well in his 40’s   would seek me out at work and harass me. usually when I was at the back of the shop bagging the bulk produce into smaller retail portions. mind you I’m  an 18 yr old autistic person .  had to find excuses to  avoid this person   make it look like im working  in the areas that had security cameras on them or   hope that there were customers so he couldn’t  talk to me.       I had spoken out about this  to the boss and  the owner of the business ( as it was one of his friends)   but they  all thought it was a harmless game. guy bailed me up at the back of the store one afternoon as im bagging  up animal feed.  Store was dead quiet  so not a lot of escape options   I had had enough of it by that point  and put him in his place.   Fortunately  for me he was a little old Asian man  had he of been some one of my dad’s stature  that scenario would have played out MUCH differently.  
Hey now speaking of family! growing up in an abusive household sure dose   wounders for building character huh? im on good talking terms with my family now but growing up  was interesting.
Our house hold was one of hard disciplines.  We didn’t just get smacked we got absolutely belted.
Or our things were broken… actually it was only ever MY things that got trashed out of discipline. my 4 brothers always got off Scott free. Whenever there was a fight or argument ? it was always me that was in trouble  regardless of the circumstance.
Good lessons to teach the kids eh’
My real dad  was off the sceen,  we were more or less raised by our step dad but   when he got an upper management job at his place of work , shit at home  got  bad.    The abuse turned from physical   to psychological .     nothing was ever good enough.   You were always trash  or a disgrace. and praise was only ever given to  the brothers.          So  yeah more good lessons  for  impressionable teens.   shitty ex #1 -  met them at a convention , seamed like a reasonable kind of guy we hit it off and it was great.    Very quickly realised something was off about them. tried very hard to control me .  would say one thing and then do something else entirely. caught them out on numerous lies and on more than one occasion said some very concerning things about minors.       Moments that stand out the most .   was staying at my place for a party , either a birthday or Halloween .   at my house with my family and close friends , had the gall to try and control my behaviour  because  he thought I was being too weird , he did this in front of my mother and best friend.     Another time , it was my birthday and he promised  to buy dinner out . started out as  we would go to this fancy casino restaurant .    ended at a Mc Donald’s with me catching the train home by my self  fuming.     I should have ended that one much sooner than I did but I didn’t want to come across as “mean” or unreasonable  so it let it drag out for another 6 months before I told him to fuck off.
 Dude then proceeded to cyber stalk me and  several friends there after. he was super bad at this and  finaly backed off when I threatened to call the cops. YEET!
 Shitty ex #2 -  technically we only dated for a few weeks decided that it didn’t work for either of us but stayed good friends .        had to tell them  frequently  about what things were and weren’t appropriate  for the friendship afterwards ,    eneded turning into one of the biggest narcicists ive ever seen.
 Miscellaneous things.   Im mentioned before about peer pressure and that its on the boys to call this shit out when they see it. I’ve had  to be the voice of reason for a number of male friends   when they were getting  a bit too obsessed over  girls who had zero interest in them.        One guy in particular  could not leave it alone  , this girl he was white knighting for    was a friend from school , she had a partner but he  swore black and blue that   he could “save her”  from making shitty decisions.     I think he eventually gave up on her when she ripped him off over some digital art that was a trace job and he lost  a good sum of money but   it was disturbing to hear just how obsessed he was with  her.
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fnafslinky · 4 years
Fazbear Frights 1-9 review.
Into The Pit:
Slow and meandering during the first half but picks up speed after Spring Bonnie shows up. Good message and good idea, but the execution could be better. 6/10
To Be Beautiful:
This story is so full of fluff, you can cut out like 60% of it and lose nothing. I know it's going for a fairy tale thing with the repetition and all, but fairy tales do that because it's made for children. Repetition is to train a child's brain to remember better. These books are aimed at teenagers, so this narrative device is not needed. On top of that, it has unfortunate implications of "Not like other girls" memes that we don't need to revisit. Only saved by its creepy af ending. 3/10
Count The Ways:
Legitimately my favorite story out of FNAF and one of my favorites of all time. It fixed the previous story's Not Like Other Girls problems by having the goth main character hate the pretty blonde and being called out for not even knowing her and being shallow. It is actually surprising to have these two stories be back to back.
The narrative device of switching back and forth between the MC facing her death and how she got up to that point means it keeps your interest throughout that the previous two stories had problems with. It makes for great drama and tension.
The main reason I love this story in particular is because of this exchange near the end:
“Silly Millie, for someone who doesn’t want to die you sure spent a lot of time talking about it,” the voice surrounding her said. “But that’s the way of things, isn’t it? Talk is always easier than action.”
“I think,” Millie said, sniffling, “that when I said I wanted to die, what I really wanted was to escape. I didn’t want death. I just wanted my life to be different.”
“Oh, but that really takes action, doesn’t it?”
And, if I can be real for a minute: I feel like that kinda changed my life. Or very least, my point of view.
As someone who has made attempts on his life before and frequently battles depression- It made my problems so much less overwhelming. Of course I didn't want to die. I wanted my life my life to improve. And now whenever the thought of suicide passes through my head, I just remember this phrase and it helps me keep it together and calm down.
And also F.Freddy's follow up with having to work for happiness is spot on too. Misery is comfortable, that's why so many people prefer it. Happiness takes effort. 10/10
I'm in the minority for not caring for this one. I felt like there wasn't any direction or character arc, I didn't find Fetch particularly scary or interesting, and the MC makes a lot of dumb decisions in it.
That being said, I love how it jumps right into the action instead of taking awhile to get to it like the other stories did. The stories tend to play out like a different book and then FNAF characters are slapped in at the end. This one gets right to it and makes it integral to its plot. 6/10
Lonely Freddy:
Another one I really love. The Frights series has a good traction with its tragedies and this one is no exception. I really connected with the feeling of being pitted against your siblings, usually by accident and circumstance with your parents. Particularly this line:
“Maybe you’ve made them what they are,” Aunt Gigi said, pausing for a moment before adding: “Hazel’s the easy one. Alec is the hard one. It’s like you put them on their own little islands.”
I wasn't Alec, but Hazel in this situation. And it made me realize what my sibling went through because of it.
And this is another story where Freddy's is more integral to the plot too, and one of the few times it's not already abandoned.
I really like how well done Alec's back and forth he had with himself whether to befriend his sister or not. It's a believable character arc when he realizes his mistake at the end unlike another story that we'll get to.
And the fact they made a God damn teddy bear legitimately creepy is a mastery of horror writing that I can only ever hope to strive for. Definitely the scariest in Frights 2. 9/10
Out Of Stock:
I agree with Dawko that this one feels best to make a 30 minute special out of. It feels like a Halloween special or creepypasta you would watch/read as a preteen. Old enough to want to explore more mature stuff, but young enough to still have more cartoony stuff be familiar. And I mean that as 100% a positive.
I also like how this one is a bit more comedy based. Like the scene where the MC gets thrown across the room after electrocuting himself and his friends dont even notice. I can picture that bit so clearly.
The climax is the best part of having a dire game of Red Light, Green Light with the Plushtrap Chaser. It's very energized and exciting that the other stories don't have as often because the subject matter doesn't lend itself to it.
The trend in these stories of kids learning to appreciate their parents, and they're parents realizing they have to sacrifice some stuff to make their child happy is very sweet. And it's no different here. 8/10
1:35 AM
What I like about this series is that you never know where its gonna go from story to story. I though for certain this story was about how the doll was gonna have an evil spirit possessing it.
But no, what actually happened is that it's never made clear if the MC is losing her mind, being haunted, or just seeing stuff because she's sleep deprived. That ambiguity makes the book a lot creepier and sadder because you don't know how this poor woman should be helped. And it ends without any clarification. That's great and a perfect idea for horror story.
That being said, Scott's writing quirks (and it's definitely Scott doing it, I can tell) of front loading info, constantly stopping the flow to have backstory and over explaining things that don't need makes it frustrating to read after several books of it. And we're not done with that either. 9/10
Room For One More:
I skipped over all the dream sequences because it adds nothing to the story. Its great you remember Sister Location, but it feels like you don't trust your audience to read a FNAF story if there isn't animatronics every couple pages. And honestly? Understandable.
I do know based on my own FNAF comic, pages featuring humans is a lot less popular than the ones featuring animatronics. And I get it, you're a bunch of furries it's more interesting to visualize. And you can go in the opposite direction and have very little FNAF stuff when they're needs to be more. The New Kid doesn't even bring it up til the last third.
But I digress. The strongest qualities in Room For One More is three points.
The location is very vividly described. The underground security office with steel walls, the radiation disposals, the musky scent. It paints a clear and unique picture.
The main character's fallen arc of self care and distrust of others is a well done cautionary tale. It goes hand in hand with the speech before of having to work for happiness, and the difficulties there are from even trying. But you still need to do it.
The body horror is not as visually disgusting as it could've been, and more conceptually horrifying. But if you have a fear of bugs in your skin or crawling in your mouth, prepare for something so much worse! And no, that's not a spoiler, it's pretty obvious where its going from the beginning. 7/10
The New Kid:
This one was disappointing. This is not the way to do a tragedy, because I don't care about the MC.
Throughout the entire story, the main character has literal sociopath tendencies. He is controlling of other people, he doesn't have any empathy, he sees other people as tools to use, he kills a bird and doesn't care- So at the end when he accidentally kills someone, I don't believe him feeling bad about it. And I sure as shit don't care about his death after him leaving his victim to die, while he was still breathing, and not coming back for a week.
Also the twist at the end makes no God damn sense and I'm not even gonna dignify it.
A better tragedy would've been his friend, Mick, getting into trouble for the murder after refusing to ever stand up to the MC. Or even the MC being betrayed by him last minute for him to learn how his shit behavior really screwed him over. But the end result ended up being an unsatisfying mess. 2/10
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I'll review the 4th's books with 5 and 6, since I'm sticking with a three at a time theme and because I haven't read 4 yet.
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bioodorange · 4 years
oh fuck ignore that last ask i sent that in too early noooo curse my stupid fingers 😭😭😭 what i was going to say was which of the creepypastas would want kids? and which would have liked a family if things had gone differently? ( i love small children myself and can't wait to have a family someday 💕) ~ 🕊 dove anon 🕊
I wrote this and then it deleted Ill die now, please and thank you
||Human!Pastas And Having Kids||
so we dont know much about this guy besides college fuckhead who dicked around in the woods
I can see him going into movie writing, or directing some shit like that
But as soon as he kickstarts his career, he’s looking for someone to settle down with
I have this thing, this need to write Tim as a dad, even when he’s like as Masky trying to bash your skull in
Dad vibes
He’d be the basic suburban dad, not I hate my wife jokes kind but, crappy hawaiin shirts and always smells like a grill kind
Surprisingly I can see him having from 3-5 kids
He would try and make it to every event, and if not, then he’d take em out for food or ice cream aftewards
He’d insist on making every halloween costume from scratch- and would do a pretty kickass job
Is a very hands on dad, would try and do sports or maybe a club, just something with each of his kids
Would often have them look at scripts or ideas for work and get their feedback
He would defintely put ductape around a leaking pipe and refuse to call the plumber
He’s fairly handy with tools but will say ductape is the solution to everything
If any of his kids were struggling with homework or grades, he’d spend hours over the dining room table trying to figure it out
Would end up calling Brian or some shit at 10 pm asking for help
If he had any kids with long hair, he’d learn to braid and style it without hurting them
OH- and he’d definetely wear one of those baby holster things on his back and brag to everyone about how amazing his kids are
Jeff the Killer
This one is less surprising
for me at least-
Even if he never went through all that hell, I can’t see his dad being that good of a person
He’d use his kids as emotional outlets and try to be a friend more then a dad
So Jeff would want kids, but be scared he wouldn’t be good enough of a dad
After some convincing, he’d be ready to maybe start fostering kids
It’d take two months before he decided to adopt them
Hed be great with young kids, he’s a playful dude
He’d carry them around on his shoulders, or spend all day putting together lego sets with them
You guys would have a big table in the basement full of the different sets him and the kids put together through the years
I can see yall having like 11 kids
You guys would probably have the two poster kids you adopted, and then you would have two of you’re own
later on, you’d foster teenagers and adopt older kids who people didn’t usually want, it’d also feel weird in such an empty house after all your kids went off to college
Jeff would have a hard time with their teenage years
he’d take all their insults and stuff to heart
but would be the one ugly crying at graduation
He’d be the dad who interogated every single person you brought home romantically
Would definetely breakout the cowboy boots and shotgun
But then would also ugly cry at the wedding
Jane The Killer
Jane will be my final pasta for this one!
So I can’t see Jane being very big on getting pregnant
But she would gladly give bone marrow for her partner to have the kid
or adopt!
I feel like Jane would get married mid-early 20′s 
And have a few years of maybe traveling around the worlds or just living it up with her partner until deciding to have kids
Jane would most likely want to adopt a young baby for the full parenting expierence
She would enjoy dressing up her kid in little designer clothes, and full blown make overs everyday
Definetelyhas matching outfits
And as soon as the kids like two she gets another one
Something about their chubby little faces and adoreable babbles drive her crazy
And she stays like this as old as they get
When their little kids she gets them a bunch of matching school supplies and will do their hair every fuckin day
When they’re teenagers she willl spoil them with different clothes and makeup 
Shes a very loving and passionate mother, would do almost anything for her kids or partner
The only time she gets hostile is if theirs bullying or discrimination going on, she would not be afraid to punch a 10 year old in the face-
Would absoulutely need pictures of everyone at every event
And if her kids ever brought hime a partner, she’d treat them like family
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ask-some-koopas · 4 years
Once again, Ludwig spend the day doing his regular activities. Night finally came and everyone went to sleep. Ludwig, who already knew the last ghost was going to visit him, stayed awake, waiting.
After some minutes, the spirit appeared. It was wearing black clothes.
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Ludwig: From future...
Ghost of H. (Future): Exactly. I think it's time to show you what's going to happen if you don't celebrate Halloween in some way in the next years.
The spirit takes Ludwig to the future, the year is unknown.
Ghost of H. (Future): We're here. What do you see?
Ludwig: Well, I can see everyone is still celebrating, it hasn't changed that much! Good for them.
Ghost of H. (Future): How about your siblings? What do you think they're doing in this moment?
Ludwig: ...
Ghost of H. (Future): Follow me.
Both start looking around, until they finally spot a house.
Ghost of H. (Future): Right there!
Ludwig: Wow, is that...?!
Ghost of H. (Future): *nods*
At said house, an adult Roy was trying to finish decorating. Ludwig could hear other voices there. They were coming from two small koopas, who, apparently, were his children. Their names: Elizabeth and Ethan.
Elizabeth: Hey dad! Have you seen my hat? I can't find it anywhere!
Roy: Didn't you leave it in your room?
Elizabeth: Hmmm, maybe. I'll go and check.
She was about to go upstairs when a question came to her mind.
Elizabeth: Hey, is uncle Ludwig coming with us this year?
There was silence. Roy didn't like to talk about his older brother
Roy: Lizzie, we have talked about this several times...
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Elizabeth: ... I still don't understand. Why?
Roy: He hasn't celebrated Halloween since we were younger. You know how "Your majesty" is: someone who spends time just working on his music stuff.
Ethan: Hey, what are we waiting for? My friends are already asking for candy! And look, even Peter is already here!
Next to him, there was another kid, who was Morton's only son.
Peter: Hello!
Elizabeth: ... I've heard that he has kids, who are supposed to be my cousins too! Shouldn't they be having fun with us?
Roy: Yeah, they should be, but they can't. (They're huge brats too)...
Sorry sweetie, but I think we shouldn't talk about him anymore. He hasn't showed up here for years, so it's obvious he doesn't want to see us... and it's okay, we don't want to visit him.
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Ethan: We still have to go to uncle Lemmy's house. Tristan is waiting for us!
Peter: ...That's true!
Roy: Alright kids, let's go.
All of them leave the house, heading to Lemmy's. Ludwig started to cry in silence.
Ludwig: That was harsh... I wasn't ready to hear those words...
Ghost of H. (Future): Well, he was mad because you kept refusing to spend time with your family each year. They wanted to celebrate Halloween with you at least for an hour, that's all. You didn't have to spend all the night with them.
Ludwig: ... So, I guess the rest of them think the same way as Roy...
Ghost of H. (Future): *nods*
Ludwig: That's all. I don't need to see that...
Both return to the present
Ghost of H. (Future): You've seen what could happen if you keep acting this way. Will this come true? It's up to you. I'm leaving.
Ludwig: Yeah, I've so many thoughts now...
Ghost of H. (Future): Oh, other thing: Don't tell your siblings about the future, okay? It'll be a disaster if you do.
Ludwig: I promise.
The spirit disappears. Minutes later, Ludwig falls asleep. However, after some hours, he suddenly wakes up.
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A nightmare, that's all. This was an experience that definitely changed his mentality in some way...
He goes back to sleeping. He needs to rest.
((Aaaand , we're almost done! I was supposed to post this WAY earlier, but I had some difficulties with my Wi-Fi connection, sorry!
I hope you enjoyed this episode :D))
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jadespeedster17 · 4 years
*Laces fingers together with a smirk* Soooo, lots of people do Sanders Sides Halloween stuff, right? Well here’s my AU on this. Based kind of the Goosebumps movie, in that it’s about characters coming out of books, but it doesn’t follow the same plot except getting characters into the books again. You’ll see.
The Forevermore Night! (Forevermore AU.)
this AU mostly is a reader insert, would make it a choose your own adventure but I’m bad at those. 
So, characters and plot, won’t spoil too much for plot but here’s the basics.
PLOT: You are an average college student getting by for another Halloween alone as usual watching scary movies, scrolling through Tumblr, and maybe going by yourself to a haunted house. That is until a package from your dear friend overseas comes in, it was your late/early birthday gift. Inside the box you find a series of books that your friend thinks you’d really like.
The Forevermore Series.
Supposedly it’s about different types of creatures who each haunt the reader in a choose your own adventure style. Seems pretty fun. And looks like there are 7 in total, perfect for a night of Halloween in your house. 
The books normally come individually, but your friend got them in a bulk in one giant book. They always did know you. Halloween comes tomorrow as you settle down to get a headstart in reading. However, upon opening the book a ringing fills your ears and you’re out cold. 
Upon waking the book in blank, and the seven characters turns out are very alive and seeking to cause mischief and find themselves a new host. 
Now you and the writers of the books, Joan and Talyn, have to round of the characters and get them back into the story before you become their next host and may or may not cause the world to be plunged into the world of the Forevermore. With you as the King/Queen leader as a puppet for the creations. 
However, something it’s quiet right, these people don’t act like book tales but rather real people. And Joan and Talyn refuses to answer any questions about how or why they are alive. Just that they were put into the books for a reason. There is more questions than answers, and you aren’t sure who your trust or who is telling the truth. 
Because if they were put into the books, that would mean they used to be real people. But if that’s true... then why were they put into the books in the first place? And why are they so afraid that a man named Thomas got out?
Patton Hart aka The Doll Maker - Ever been afraid of dolls as a kid? Yeah here’s a reason why to be afraid. Each doll is made with special care and crafted by hand when made by the Hart Family. Made from all sorts of materials and made to look however you please. With such life likeness it’s easy to see why they are famous and so expensive.  Patton loves each and every one of the kiddos he crafts, making sure only to have the best. Even if that means plunking the eyes from a naughty child to use for the perfect child. Or making a bad kid suffer so that the good kid can gain such soft skin. Naughty children should know better, but his kiddos are always well behaved. And always make the family happy. Parents deserve good children, the world does too.  And who is going to miss such bad children anyway? Certainly not him or their parents, not when they have their perfect kid. And besides, bad kids make perfect parts for his little kiddos.  As for teenagers and young adults, well Patton still has use for them, some parts are useable, but he always does need extra hands around the workshop. After all, it isn’t hard to rework the brain, and they are always so much nicer once he’s done.  Yes, he love his kiddos, of all ages. 
Roman Prince aka The Happy Ending - Every fairytale deserves their prince, their knight in shining armor, their hero. Such is Roman’s story, ‘The Happily Ever After’, the tale of a knight who saves princes and princesses, by basically kidnapping and enslaving them to his kingdom. The princesses bring much to his land, brave souls looking to rescue them, and the princes are pretty things to look at, which Roman loves. He is their hero, he saved them all and brought them to a place where they will always be happy. There is no time here, no pain here, no need for trivial mortal things. They are forever here, forever young and happy.  Roman is such a nice knight to them, but some do need to be punished, he hates having to harm the ones he saves. But they need to know the outside world is horrible, here they are safe with him. With his powers to create whatever he wants, snap thing into existence, he’s very powerful.  Prince of the Forevermore with his brother and previous king. He always is looking to add to his collection of pretty things. That or a good fight, which ever comes first. 
Logan Adams aka The Mad Scientist - What would the world be without ethics on testing and creating? Well Logan is a good example of what happens when you throw our morals and feelings. Logan has made far advancements in the scientific field, if it wasn’t for the fact he likes to trap people for testing his newest creations.  Logan is passive about life, being he found a way to make himself immortal he tends to disregard those who aren’t. Honestly mortality is just so stupid, when your life is condensed into a century at most. You have to play games to escape his traps, and use logic should he ask you do anything.  To him, it’s all a game, he’s only interested in the end result. But he does enjoy a challenge, and if you can outsmart him, color him impress. He may even offer up a golden liquid to you as a reward. After all there aren’t many who can outsmart him. 
Virgil Spider aka The Welcome Home Party - Remember that haunted house you were always afraid of? That always seemed like no one lived there. Then one day you gather up the courage to peak inside and see if it is haunted or abandoned. As you walk in the house seems lively, the hallway lit up in a nice warm glow. And you turn to see someone coming down the stairs.  It’s your older brother, Virgil. Right, this is your house. You’ve lived here since you were a kid with your big brother. He’s happy your home asking what took you so long. What ever did take you so long? You can’t remember, but it doesn’t matter.  Your big brother is always better than most other peoples brothers. Virgil always knows how you feel, and always does his best to make you happy. He gives the best kinds of hugs, and only ever opens up to you. You love your big brother after all, and he loves you too.  Virgil loves all of his family, he loves to hold you, love the way you smell, the way your blood tastes on his tongue. You always seem to get weaker and sleepier each time Virgil holds you. Maybe you should rest for a bit, Virgil says he’ll keep watch, so no monsters come. You can trust him, he’s family. So what if he’s part spider, he’d never hurt you.
Remus Prince aka The Slimy Monster - There is a reason these books are rated for young adults. And it’s not just the gore and such, it’s when you read Book 5, that’s when it’s becomes clear. Remus is a slimy monster with eight tentacle like appendages. He lives in a camp for young adults in the lake, and the stories told of him are meant to keep campers out of the lakes at dark.  Not that it always works, as most college students think they know everything. So when allured out to the water by the sweet sound of a siren, they don’t think twice. Guess that’s why so many go missing. Remus loves his trinkets and toys, he loves to drown them when they loose their usefulness. And he also loves the sounds they make when he does use them. By this point he’ll have enough children to make his species the dominate ones. Life is great for this sea monster, and it’s about to get even better. 
Janus Silver aka The Great Magician - Everyone loves to watch magic shows right? Loves to get their palms read, the cards look at, and their futures unfold. Some people also love to go see hypnotists and see if they really can use a pocket watch to put them under. Ofcourse there is the risk factor and you have to sign a form to make sure you can go in. No one ever reads them anyway, just sums up your a willing participant.  Called up to the stage by a handsome man that wears a half mask, taking your hands in warm gloved ones. Leading you to sit down, and just to relax. You do funny things on stage under his guide and such, unable to stop yourself. But not that you want to. Suddenly you find each time after you wake up in strange places. You start to lose hours of time, unable to recall what you were doing. Your mind is no longer your own, you respond to commands on the snap of gloved fingers. You obey, that’s all there is too it. And soon, your mindless, you’re his doll, his puppet, you do as he says. You’ll believe whatever you tells you, his little sleeper agent.  What’s his goals, honestly no one knows, the two faced snake only speaks in riddles and lies. We can only hope he just likes to have people under his control and that there isn’t a deeper plan. Such as pure anarchy, or even starting the purge. Who knows what’s going through his mind. Moral of the story, always read the fine print.
Thomas Sanders aka The King and The Host - Not much is known about him, his story is still in the making. He’s locked far within the pages, but that’s what they want you to think. You’ve seen him alot, he’s in each of their stories. Even if you don’t know it. Put together the pages, it makes his story of what happened to him. That’s what he wants you to do after all, help him out. He’s been trapped for years, they trapped him with them. It was an accident, he swears. Question you should ask is... do you trust him?
Want to know more, I take asks! :D
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