#will let you empathize with the actual people they are based on?
bloobluebloo · 3 months
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So, for some context, this person was arguing that the Gerudo were stealing Hylian men, or forcing themselves on Hylian men for the sake of reproduction, even though in OoT one of the Gossip Stones clearly says that the Gerudo search for boyfriends outside of their territory. A "boyfriend" generally does not involve coercion the last time I checked.
(That is only the tip of the iceberg I am not willing to expand on all the other....drivel) Regardless, that is not my point. My point is how this person laments that Nintendo won't commit to the "dark grittiness" because they fear backlash from certain communities, of course referring to the "Middle Eastern" community which they go on to characterize as cultures that have problems such as "engaging in slavery". Ah, woe is us that Nintendo won't expose exactly *how* barbaric the Ara-I mean the Gerudo are! In any case, the point is that, fictional races based in Orientalism actually continue to reinforce the way people view those races in real life. Considering current events and the disgusting comments people leave under pictures and videos rife with human suffering, it is literally a societal ill. It is completely fine and normal to ask of a game to depict a fictional race as they *really* are, yup.
Anyways posts like this serve to show how normalized Orientalism is in current society that it is seen as completely fine and rational to just say things like this. And, if we want to talk about the LoZ community in general, while they may not say it so directly, it is definitely the way they think. People will write about the Gerudo being ruthless thieves because they *have* to be in order to survive without asking the question "well, why do they have to be thieves in the first place". People will talk about Ganondorf having unbridled hatred for Hylians which is seen as almost canon at this point when canon has shown us that it is Hyrule at large that bore hatred and had overt racist attitudes for the Gerudo and Ganondorf (as he is often characterized as vile, evil, scary). Meanwhile, Ganondorf has never expressed actual hatred for any race in particular, the target of his ire being that he is deprived of the resources others are granted freely. The Gerudo are characterized as women who will steal and force themselves on men for the sake of survival to the point that people think this is canon, that they have prison cells to keep their baby-producing men in there. Meanwhile canon has been clear that the Gerudo are wary of men because outsider men like to be creeps and snoop around, and that the Gerudo punish those men that dare to trespass and violate their laws by imprisoning them as anyone should when an unwanted stranger comes into your house. Canon has also been clear, since the OoT days, that the Gerudo want loving CONSENSUAL relationships because, you know, they want their daughters to have loving parents. Of course Ganondorf is a rapist because he is the villain and that is what villains do BUT ALSO being a man surrounded by beautiful sexy ladies he just takes sexual availability for granted. Meanwhile in canon he hardly shows any interest towards his own people, let alone anyone else. He loves and worships power.
It is just fascinating to me that the Gerudo in popular fanon are always handled with this edge of barbarism and exoticism as if it's just normal, and then they get mad when they're told it's the orientalism that is baked into their brains that's why.
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prying-pandora666 · 2 months
I don’t know how to say this tactfully, but I’ll do my best.
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If other fans online have convinced you to see the gentle, optimistic, empathetic, fun loving, whimsical, forgiving, wise beyond his years genocide survivor, as a sexist, racist, xenophobic, abusive, pro-colonization, sexual assault perpetrator who doesn’t care about anyone else and doesn’t understand trauma…
You have been LIED TO.
Please just think for a moment!
ATLA was banned in China from the beginning for a reason. Because they didn’t want anyone empathizing with a character based on Tibetan monks. Why? Because they are an actual oppressed and persecuted minority IRL. Their religious leader lives in exile. Their second most important spiritual figure is the youngest political prisoner ever taken (and to this day no one knows if he’s alive or dead!). China has actual prison and labor camps. Tibetan people get sent there for “re-education”.
Can you please think about what these “fans” are saying when they stomp all over this allegory in TLA and try to frame Aang as the oppressor?
Do you really think it’s appropriate or these people who call Aang all these horrible (and inaccurate) things are being in anyway fair when they call Aang “white coded”???
Even without the real world context, Aang is explicitly the only survivor of a genocide. The last of his people. He has lost more than anyone else in the entire franchise. There’s a reason he clings so hard to Appa.
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Do you think it’s fair to compare a 12 year old misreading signals and trying to kiss a girl who already consensually kissed him before, and immediately backing off and giving her space when she says no, to rape?
Tweens and teens miscommunicating and trying to comfort each other with kisses, only to realize that’s not what their friend needed and immediately backing off is the same as having your body violently violated against your will? The same as having your “no” ignored?
How do you think this makes survivors feel? To see people use their experiences as a shield and cudgel for ship discourse? It certainly upsets me as someone who experienced intimate partner violence, let me tell you! And I know I’m not the only one.
And how is it in anyway feminist or pro-Katara to ignore her own agency and deep love she shows for Aang? Yes, that includes her own crush on him! It IS reciprocated!
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Lastly, you don’t need to demonize Aang to ship whatever you want to ship. Please understand that the majority of these takes are bad faith and born out of bitterness and insecurity over a friggin FANON SHIP.
And none of it is necessary! You can ship whatever you want! You don’t need permission or excuses. You can just ship them! You can make your case for why you like another pairing better without misrepresenting what happened in the show and what these characters are like, let alone what they represent.
There’s already plenty to work with in the show as it is! Otherwise why bother?
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I’m imploring fans taken in by persuasive and manipulative metas to please just think about it. Get off social media and rewatch the show for yourself thoughtfully.
It doesn’t need to be like this.
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Mercenaries finding random kid in the base. Who will punt the child and who will take care of it
Oh boy.
The TF2 Mercs finding a random little toddler in the base
Warnings: Thankfully none?
- Oh god oh fuck oh shit. Stiffens up when a random fucking toddler runs by him in the hallway. He was just on his way to grab some more energy drinks from the fridge. Who let this little shit into a war zone?! Scout’s brotherly instincts kick in pretty damn quick and runs to grab the child before they could get into any artillery.
- Talks to a child how he’d talk to a normal adult. Just with less cursing and petty condescension. “The heck you doin’ here?” etc.. While the toddler completely ignores him. Bounces the little thing up and down a little. Scout’s actually had decent socialization with kids before due to his huge family.
- Scout doesn’t realize how comforting he is to a young developing mind. He’d make a great father and adamantly denies it. Partly due to his own father’s… untimely disappearance let’s just say. The other mercs are kinda floored how someone as annoying and troublesome as Scout has even the slightest amount of paternal instincts. Especially Spy. Hmm, for some reason he looks completely destroyed and devastated.
- Scout rolls a baseball on the ground with the kid and teases them lightly while Miss Pauling — stressed out of her mind — tries to find resources for this situation and figure out how a child of all things managed to end up in the middle of a battlefield. Let’s just pretend Spy isn’t standing there with his head in his hand. Realizing the consequences of his own past actions with utter depression written all over his outward body language.
- Are you insane? Are the parents insane? Is everyone in the world fucking insane? Soldier is practically an oversized toddler. He’d immediately make friends upon finding the child and give them a shitty nickname related to war in some way. Like “Captain diapers” or “Lieutenant Titsucker.” Now everyone else has to suffer soldier insisting the baby is his now.
- Tries to teach the child how to shoot a gun. Does not blow over well with literally all the mercs combined. Tries to read them the art of warfare and Heavy secretly has to switch that book out for a children’s fairytale mid story. Leaving soldier confused as to why the alleged warfare book contained faries and unicorns. “AND THEN MR. UNICORN SAID TO HIS FRIEND THE FAIRY: WHAT LOVELY LOCKS YOU HAVE. DEAR GOD!! THIS MUST BE SOME ADVANCED MILITARY STRATAGEM BEYOND MY UNDERSTANDING! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ITS OUTSTANDING STEADFAST PROGRESSION!”
- Miss Pauling is absolutely livid when she finds out Soldier gave the baby a buzz cut. How the FUCK is she supposed to explain that to the parents? How the fuck is she supposed to explain that their lost child will come back knowing half the entire history of WWI now and knows how to recite the pledge of allegiance at like two years old?!
- Demoman is initially pretty awkward. Quickly downs like several glasses of water in one sitting because it would obviously be a horrible example if he was drunk in front of a minor. He sits them down and tries to ask questions like where their parents were, and failing to understand the child’s not yet fully developed speech. Demoman suddenly empathizes what people mean when they can’t understand his scottish accent. Well shit. Looks like he has a little goblin in his care for a few hours.
- Demoman has a headache now. Surprisingly not from the child’s excited screeching and playing but the previously mentioned alcohol he had to manage with water. “Aye.. Quiet down a bit there..” He says flatly. Miserably holding his head while the child bounces around with endless energy. Maybe babysitting while recovering from intoxication wasn’t the best idea. He gave the kid some empty bomb shells to play with. Even bothered to draw faces on them to humor the kid.
- The child holds one of the shells up to his face “This is bob! Say hi!” they exclaim. Demoman stares at bob tiredly. Taking the shell into two fingers. “Guess you could say bob is the bomb.” The kid manages to stutter out. Which then immediately snaps demoman out of his exhaustion for a split second and causes him to choke on the water laughing his ass off. The kid’s laughing too. Overall the least insane experience the poor kid could have in the team’s base.
- A small baby is in the intel room, trying to reach the briefcase. Naturally, the sound of the intelligence shifting in the other room would catch Engineer’s ears faster than anyone else’s. Especially considering the stats on his PDA show something bumped against one of his sentries on its way in.
- He enters the room pretty slowly. He knew whatever it was, it wasn’t a threat. Nothing that could bap his sentry with the force of a feather would be strong enough to fend him off. Let alone the patrolling sentry — which should have activated and began shooting by now. A blank, emotionless expression on his face as always, Engineer’s eyes trailed to the level three sentry. Which kept idly spinning from side to side and beeping passively. Completely ignoring the… Little child near the intel desk?!
- Engineer grinned, put his wrench on his shoulder and went over, sliding the briefcase away from the little one. “Oop! You don’t wanna get your grubby little paws on that thing, pardner. That there is for the adults, ya got that?” He said in a lighter tone. Very much unlike his usual rasp and frankly unintentionally scary deep voice. He didn’t care that the poor thing started whining. Dell reached down and ruffled the child’s hair. “Now, now. I know it’s disappointing.”
- Not even when the child hugged his legs and called him dada, not even when Miss Pauling asked to watch them for a bit. Engineer was like a nonchalant father lion tolerating his cub’s obnoxious little bites. A child could push his buttons to hell and back and Engineer would just sit there like there wasn’t a screaming child on his lap while he read the Tuefort newspaper.
- If heavy were to be near a child in any capacity, it would make him nervous. His sisters were a different story. They’re family. But wild encounters with the beasts? What should he do? He doesn’t know them, and frankly he hates the idea of having kids. They’re way too much work, money, and his inner child wasn’t healed enough to take on another one. In a weird sort of way he’d be taking care of two.
- as he stares blankly at the little devil in front of him, the one he found trying to touch Sasha, he contemplated throwing them into the stratosphere like a baseball. His strong disliking for children didn’t come from a place of genuine malice however. He was envious that they still had youth and time to pursue everything they ever wanted. Heavy wanted to do many things in his lifetime and he felt that it was ripped from him due to the poverty he lived through.
- He recalled the time he made a child one time during Halloween and decided not to repeat that. He’ll pick up the child and shove it into Pyro’s room.. With a million dollars in the kid’s hand.
- Speaking of Pyro, they’re quite similar to Heavy in the sense that their inner child isn’t healed. But Pyro is once again able to destroy everybody’s outlook on them when they are capable of adeptly playing with children without ever hurting them. Especially catering to their personal needs depending on age. Can and will silently warm up a teddy bear in the microwave and hand them a bottle of chocolate milk.
- Pyro is extremely good at this, all things considered. They seem to have a pretty surface level understanding of childhood psychology and the proper ways to enforce a gentle parenting style. Which only adds to the mysterious era of their humanity; surely a faceless monster couldn’t do the things Pyro was doing. They were too calculated, too thoughtful in their actions. It made the other mercs pretty upset to see this display. In a sense, it was border-lining uncanny valley. Nobody could shake the primitive instinct that something was inherently wrong with this. They don’t even ask for help.
- But nothing violent becomes of it. Pyro had successfully eased the child into feeling comfortable the entire time they’re there. Not a single word left their mouth the entire time. They were only staring intently and tilting their head like a curious animal at the child by the time Pauling finally found the child’s parents. Scout jokes that Pyro is simply playing with his own mouse like a cat and has to be backhanded by a very uneasy Heavy.
- His parents — whilst nice — had their own individual flaws that prevented them from teaching this area of life. They did not think Sniper would be ever fit to raise a child and thus neglected his want for a small family. To be fair they aren’t too far off. Sniper is an assassin for hire that drives around nomadically and eats crocodiles for dinner. In no way shape or form would that ever be a proper atmosphere for a child to grow. He took their words to heart as always. He never did pursue a child. His father was angry that Sniper even thought of the idea.
- So imagine the guilt upon seeing the little rat bastard who had wandered into the base and was stumbling around the halls. He quickly realized this kid was essentially doomed. He was the wrong person to find this poor thing. The others weren’t any better. Removing his weapons was the very first thing he does, trying his best to conceal his expression. He didn’t want the child to sense his anger and self loathing. (Kids are sorta smart like that.)
- He then…. Throws the child into Pyro’s room.
- Walks into his medbay with a bunch of folders. Sees a child sitting on one of the hospital beds. Proceeds to freeze in place like a deer in headlights. Has to double take for a moment to make sure he’s not dreaming.
- Proceeds to ignore the child for a bit for some reason. Even when and if other mercs are present and question him, Medic hushes them for some reason. Medic is like…. Fully convinced that child is an enemy spy in disguise. He moves around the room and half-asses a “Ho! Would sure be a shame if somebody stabbed me in the back while I was organizing papers!…. I SAID it would be a SHAME if SOMEBODY STABBED ME IN THE BACK!” (He fully believes this’ll work because Medic’s superiority complex doesn’t stop at Spy. He’s fully confident that he’s smarter than Spy, and Spy is a complete bumbling moron. Like most people to Medic.)
- The child makes a weird child noise, and that’s when he knows something is up. Medic narrows his eyes and marches up to the bed, staring the child maliciously in the face. “You don’t fool me, you know..” He says, gritting his teeth. “Is your kit broken or something? I can fix it for you for free! It’ll cost you an arm and limb though! Ho! Literally.” He adds “It’s quite an unflattering disguise for someone such as yourself!”
- Child stares blankly. Toddler has no clue what’s happening right now.
- Miss Pauling walks in. “Oh! There he is! Sorry for the interruption Medic, we had a child wander into the base—“ she pauses. Seeing Medic holding his ubersaw up to the child’s chin.
- “What do you mean we had a child wander in?” He is dumbfounded, and horrified.
- Spy opens the door to his quarters and makes sure to lock it behind him, always. He has like a million booby traps set up on his door and in his room to ensure nobody goes snooping for his private information.
- He turns around, adjusting his tie. Getting ready for the trauma of the day….. Then he sees a child sitting right in front of him in the hallway. The two of them lock eyes for a moment.
- …….
- Spy cloaks away immediately.
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yuikomorii · 4 months
Helloo! I don’t know if you remember me but I sent you once something about Yui in LE and now, after I played some routes, I can confirm that she’s my last fav Yui. 😬
// I have a complicated relationship with LE Yui, haha. I appreciate her for being more lively than CL Yui, but she mostly gave me the ick because she was definitely one of the most annoying LE characters.
I typically don't mind characters that are represented as jerks and upright mean, since you know what to expect from them, but I really dislike when characters who are portrayed as goody-shoes, do such messed-up and morally wrong things.
When I first went through LE, I didn’t start with Ayato’s route, given that I heard from many people about how tough it is and I wasn't emotionally prepared, so I started with others. I didn't like how she talked ill about her lover behind his back (more than once) and how her foolishness caused her to disclose critical secrets to people she shouldn't have and get into more troubles than normal. Nonetheless, I didn't think she was too bad… until Ruki's route, where she convinced the Mukami brothers that Karl wasn't a bad person because he returned their lives to "redeem" himself when we all know he only used them as pawns. But, if I thought THIS was bad, Ayato's LE route came.
~Things wrong with Yui in Ayato’s LE route~
1. Tried to convince Ayato that his abuser, Cordelia, genuinely cared for him. Given that his mother damaged his life, it's understandable that he would react negatively.
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2. The main reason why Ayato didn’t want to trust Richter, wasn’t necessarily his trauma, but the fact Richter actually hurt Yui and, in his book someone hurting his girlfriend is unforgivable. Nevertheless, when his brothers started a scandal about Richter and all ganged up against Ayato, not even letting him express HIS point of view, Yui did nothing but stand there staring. Although, after Ayato blew up the mansion again as a result of reactive abuse, she acknowledged that his brothers attacking him like that wasn’t right, but she still didn’t say it out loud to defend him, when she knew the reason behind his actions.
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3. After Reiji and Ruki became Ayato's enemies, she went to them without telling him, which made him concerned, to convey her man's sadness and loneliness. I'm sorry, but this was the dumbest plan ever, considering that it was evident they wouldn't have cared about it, and hearing such a thing made them even more eager to mock and plot his downfall. In the end, despite her good intentions, she solved nothing but made things worse, including being bitten by Reiji, which caused Ayato to lose his mind. Based on the previous events, I'm not shocked he believed she would betray him.
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4. The scenes in which Ayato began acting coldly towards her were the highlights of his LE route. In other LE routes, after doing or saying stupid things, the disputes were resolved in the next chapter or those actions were never mentioned, but I enjoyed how she was actually humbled here. I adore Yui in general, but in LE, she deserved this treatment.
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5. I assumed she had learnt her lesson, given that Ayato still cared for her despite his coldness, but then she goes to the Viboras to prove herself worthy of his trust. I liked how she tried to solve something (even if she didn't), but what made her behavior even WORSE was that 1) she justified Ruki giving Ayato a hard time and joining forces with the Church to kill him, and 2) she talked ill behind her lover's back despite telling Ayato the exact opposite face to face. I understand that Ayato didn't act very king-like, but at the same time, no one truly took him seriously or believed in him. Also, idk, but she should have tried to defend him, at least this time, instead of empathizing more with someone who hurt her man—?
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Credit to: dialovers-translations on Tumblr
I also find it amusing how LE is the only main DL game with no wedding at all, especially since Ayato was usually the one to marry her. I think he secretly didn't want it in LE, given that he didn’t even think of proposing. :”)
She’s definitely not a bad girlfriend though, but I wouldn’t call her a very good one either. I think that’s another reason why I don’t want a new game. I’m afraid they’ll ruin her even more. T-T
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pharmafelon · 5 days
actually yeah I'm going to do that analysis. this is based on marlboros (which I don't smoke, I'm ride-or-die for parliaments) but the color-code applies to basically every brand
reds. for most brands this is basic-bitch behavior, "I don't know anything about cigarettes, but that's the classic, so let's get those" type of shit. most people graduate from smoking their first pack of marlboro reds to something normal people smoke, but if you're still smoking them you're either a gay twink w/ a fetish for abusive fathers, some kind of manual laborer w a failing marriage and/or multiple divorces, or a woman
golds. for golds I'm using my empath abilities to understand the mind of a PoM (person of marlboros) and I would assume golds are what reds smokers switch to bc of what red smokers are like (also bc after you've smoked for a while you need smthn lighter), it's the sign you've locked into marlboros but don't really want much of a change. if you think of them like chips, reds and golds are like classic vs no salt. alternatively someone "quitting smoking" (they aren't).
silvers. I'll be honest even when marlboro golds were marlboro lights, everyone assumed this was the healthiest option. the thing is lights are exclusively smoked by either people who smoke a lot (kings), people "quitting" (pussies!) but they're not gonna go back to reds/equivalent fast bc ultra-lights are such a big jump, or lame women who don't even enjoy smoking but cave to peer pressure.
menthol lights. I like menthol but they don't sell parliament menthols here in serbia, which is maybe our biggest problem. the reason I'm doing menthol lights first is bc I need to talk about blacks (the cigarettes) first to save time. anyway, menthol lights are the sign of a real menthol-enjoyer and as normal as a mentholhead can be (not much).
blacks. you know those (annoying) "signs your friend is about to kill themselves!" info graphics? forget all of that, if they start smoking blacks they're gonna do it. this shit is not for normal full-time smokers (try chainsmoking blacks/equivalent...if you can handle it there's something wrong with you), it's not for beginners (way too much), it's not for every now and then people bc idk it just isn't. the blacks smokers I've ever met are exclusively full-time people with no lust for life remaining.
regular menthols. same thing as blacks but mentally disturbed.
slim versions. woman.
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supernatural-dreamer · 9 months
The Unnatural and Unexpected (Embry Call x Black!Reader) Pt. 2
A/N: Hey everyone! It’s almost twilight season and as a commitment to myself and to you, I will (attempt) to post every Sunday from now until Halloween! You’ve all responded and I have decided to turn this into a multiple part series! I’m playing a little loose with the blood singer/ mating vampire rules as a fun experiment..  Leave a comment AND follow if you’d like to be tagged going forward. As always like, comment and follow. Let me know what you think!   
This is set during Eclipse around newborn battle. This is tailored for a African American/Black female reader specifically, however all are welcome to read..
*All gifs credited to original owner*
Pt. 1
Imagine being Embry’s imprint and tagging along with the wolves to their newborn training session. However, you’re always in for an unexpected surprise when you’re around Bella..
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Never were you the adrenaline junkie type. If your two feet were not able to stay on the ground, you did not participate. 
But damn. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the experience, just a little.
Curse your newfound curiosity.
  Or maybe, being in Jasper’s arms is what made it more enjoyable.
  What the hell? You barely know this pale-ass dude.
  It is when your hair stops moving that you start to tune back into your surroundings. Clinging to Jasper akin to a koala bear, eyes still shut, you meekly ask, 
  “Are we there yet?” 
  “I stopped moving a few minutes ago.”  Crap. 
   Popping one eye open, you see the Cullen house directly in front of you. Looking up at him, you notice he is looking down at you, slightly smirking. Coughing,  you signal him to put down. He does, gently and you stand in silence for a moment. 
  “You alright? I know reaching high speeds like that can affect humans pretty bad.” No shit sherlock.
   “I’m fine. Thank you for the, um, ride.” You shuffle your feet while studying your now slightly-dirty shoes.
  Then you suddenly remember the potentially dangerous situation you’re in-the anxiety slowly kicking back in. Jasper checks his surroundings, then gestures for you to move up the front porch steps. 
  “My pleasure. Let’s get you inside. After you.”
   Jasper Whitlock was a pale, ex-confederate, undead, man of few words. He has seen mostly wars and death in his human and afterlife. Peace and normalcy was a foreign concept to him, until he ran into Carlisle. He never would have chosen this life for himself, but then again, he never knew his current life was even possible until was in it.
  You, on the other hand, were the complete opposite of him. 
  From the day he saw you, he couldn’t get you out of his head. At first, it was pure curiosity. You were one of the few interesting humans he had met in his time that actually presented a mental challenge for him. 
  Although he couldn’t directly read minds like his brother, Jasper could easily deduce what people were thinking based on their feelings–enhanced by his empath abilities, no doubt. When it came to you, however, he could not sense a thing. If he could put a color to every emotion he sensed, yours would always be grey- neutral. 
  Educated guesses were always made on his part, but you still managed to catch him off guard and did something different. A literal wild card. 
  The day you were partnered with him on some random school project, he began to notice your intelligence and convictions. He was impressed at your ability to keep Bella’s dangerous moves in check while keeping your personal boundaries. It reminded him of some of the people in his past he had lost long ago. It was then, you had gained his respect. 
  Slowly, Bella started bringing you around their house more often. At the time, it was mostly a cover for him and his siblings to investigate newborn activity, especially after one broke into your house. When he was around, outside of class, Jasper kept his distance, mostly for your comfort level.
   Then, he noticed Bella’s or any human’s scent did not affect him as much anymore when you were around. After a few times, he realized something peculiar: you were the only human that didn’t stir his bloodlust, either. 
  Miraculously, you actually had seemed to quell it. 
    It was when Alice and his family confronted him on the possibility of you being his blood singer, he considered that he might have felt something more than just friendly admiration for you.  Carlisle let him know only blood singers have this much of an affect on vampires like this. 
  But Jasper wasn’t having any of it.
    At first, he denied it, immensely. Although he was intrigued by you, you didn’t seem to have the exact same affect on him the way Bella did with Edward. He had and was more than content with Alice. 
   He especially didn’t think it was possible when he found out Embry had imprinted on you. He had abandoned the idea entirely. There’s no way a shifter, let alone their imprint, would have any involvement with the vampires. They were sworn enemies after all.
   So, he did the only thing he could do- kept his distance. The last thing that needed to happen was the pot to be stirred at a time where their alliances were critical. Besides, you seemed happy with Embry. Unlike his brother’s situation, he didn’t want to turn your whole life upside-down for a silly school yard crush—
  And that was that for him.
   Until Alice told him for the first time that she saw you in his future the day they trained with the wolves. In what capacity, she didn’t know. What was certain was that you were going to be involved with the Cullen’s for the foreseeable future, whether anyone wanted or not. She also knew Jasper well enough to know that you meant something to him. 
   She didn’t have to be a clairvoyant to know that. 
   Regardless, you could not make any decisions until he actually told you. The women were right that it wasn’t fair of him to keep everything to himself, especially when that meant putting you in more danger. Blood singer or otherwise, he couldn’t subject anyone he cared about to that. Not on his watch.
  It was at that moment, he realized he had feelings for you—though he hated to admit it. 
  As you sat in the massive kitchen, the silence became deafening. You could tell he was deep in thought about something and, at first, you thought it was from today’s events. 
   Until he looked at you the way he did today. 
   He was keeping something from you and you were determined to find out what it is.
    Penny for your thoughts? You’ve been quiet the whole way over.” Breaking the silence, you take a sip from your glass of  water. 
  “Well we were running over 70 miles an hour.” You had to keep from facepalming yourself. 
    “Are you hungry? We have some leftovers from the other day still in the fridge.” He starts to cross the kitchen. You were starving and those leftovers did sound good at the moment, but you were persistent.
    “Yes, but you still didn’t answer my question.”
   “Just still on guard and keeping an eye out for any newborns is all.” And the lie detector test determined that was BS. 
   He starts to open the containers when you stop him, placing your hand over his. 
   “Jasper what aren’t you telling me? If it’s something about the newborns, you could tell me. At this point, nothing you can tell me will shock me too much.” He sighs. 
   “Not even if I told you that you are my bloodsinger.” Cue the glass in your hand dropping to the floor. 
   You and your big ass mouth. You did the only thing you could do at a time like this:
   Freak the hell out.
   “Wait a damn minute. How can that be? You already have Alice!” 
    “Yes, but it’s possible for a vampire to have multiple blood singers in their time as we live well—forever. It’s sort of rare but it happens.” Smartass. 
    “Okay, let’s say I buy that. But I’m also a shifter’s imprint.  How the hell can I also be a vampire’s bloodsinger? Isn’t that like impossible?” 
   “Honestly, I don’t really know. No one really does. Carlisle guesses that the imprint bond could have altered the usual signs of a singer. ”  
   “How come Alice didn’t see it sooner?”
    “Maybe you being an imprint blocked her from seeing your future. Or you could have the same neutralizing affect on her abilities as you do mine. Who knows? What we do know is that she saw you in my future, and as complicated as it sounds, you affect me as Alice did before she was turned. Unfortunately, she’s never wrong.” 
   At this point, you’re pacing back and forth, trying so hard not to lose your shit completely.
   “What am I going to do? What happens now?” What about Embry? 
     It would be just your damn luck as you are just starting to somewhat feel content about your bond with Embry, you now have a tie to not one-- but two creatures of the supernatural. 
     “Hey, hey, hey, he stops you, gently gripping your forearms and turning  you around to face him. You didn’t even hear him come behind you. Damn vampire stealth.
    “Let me stop you right there. This will be whatever you want it to be-or lack thereof. Although I can’t lie and say I don’t have feelings for you, I will not push or force anything. Just like anything else, we take it day by day. We will figure it out. I will be right beside you, only if you want me to be, (yn).” He pushes a coily strand behind your ear as you look up at him. 
   This time you actually get a good look at Jasper. His blonde hair was a bit messy, but framed his sculpted face perfectly. Against his porcelain skin, his eyes almost glowed. You noticed they were a little more gold than usual, most likely from his recent hunt.
  Now by this point, two things were going through your head:
  Good god. This man was fine.  
  You were in some deep shit.
   A deep, guttural growl snaps you from your trance. Whipping your head around, you see the large, glass pane door, wide open and a familiar native boy standing in front of it. And he is livid. 
–And the pile just got a whole lot deeper. 
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nishloves · 10 months
gojo satoru as boyfriend!
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based on ep 3 of jujutsu kaisen season 2 where he takes care of riko-chan.
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can't shake the feeling that gojo is the type of boyfriend who will annoy you to the core, bully you (slightly) and would never admit it that he likes to touch you— he would disguise his affections and endearing feelings for you with tugging your hairs, pinching or tickling you. and at the same time he would never let anyone even merely annoy you and ask them to move if you're getting too exasperated.
on the surface he would refuse to do anything for you, but little do you know, everything he does is for you.
you were hungry and wanted that last pizza slice which satoru oh so terribly ate? suddenly, there's a delivery on your door of the same exact pizza coz satoru was hungry and this time he surprisingly ate less?
he would push you towards the street when it's raining because he doesn't want water on his expensive clothes but would be holding your hand and turn on his infinity for all the time it's raining?
would get shocked when you don't respond to his mean remarks with another one of your refutes and immediately apologise and look at your face for any signs of worry/sadness/hurt.
cocky as fuck and would never tone it down, hell if you're dating him he would get even more cocky and flaunt you off because you're just ever so pretty.
suddenly a lot more empathic, won't seem like it but he will prioritise your feelings over his any day, people would wonder how you got him to love you when he's such a narcissist. he's not, but he will definitely pretend as if he is. although, your presence does give him an ego boost.
would never leave you alone and curse himself and blame himself if anything bad ever happens to you. but if you fell on a crowded road by yourself? don't expect him to help you, he will laugh and probably bend over because of how hard he is laughing.
he's not just your boyfriend, he's your annoying friend too.
people think he's the baby of the relationship because of how ignorant, flamboyant and pompous he is, but little do they know it's you, you're the one being spoiled every single day and satoru would spoil you every single day.
he also seems like someone who would forget to call you when he's with friends, or at work and doesn't seem loyal at all. it's a miracle he's dating you for this long.
but if you truly captured his heart, if your relationship was the one which transversed from best friends to lovers hell, he will go to hell before even thinking of anyone else as hot. (although the probability of this is fairly low)
come on, never expect satoru to be loyal until you actually have a deep emotional connection without which everything would feel empty.
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ghostl0re · 4 months
this is just for fun this post is not to be taken as a complete reality of his personality. astrology is a hobby for me i study it and read charts for fun so im not an expert. also this post was written based on his chart with NO houses.
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(images for mere representation of his energy)
moon (moon tri. mars, moon sext. uranus and neptune, moon tri. pluto; magnetic, attractive, he could be able to read people easily and may want constant change) and mercury (mercury tri. mars; energetic, loves to learn, active) in pisces honestly i can sense it in his interviews. may appear shy. he feels a lot, there was this interview where he said he connected spiritually w Numa...yeah. he's sensitive. VERY. an empath.
venus in aries im not surprised you can actually see it in certain videos with a certain person (iyyk) (venus sq. mars, venus opp. jupiter, venus sq. uranus, neptune; commitment problems, low self-esteem, sweet person regardless) he kinda needs constant stimulation or he'll get bored but when he loves he goes all in and with passion (im not gonna talk about the s3xúal stuff cuz i feel like im crossing a line lol i respect him) if he's not interested in someone believe me YOU'LL KNOW
sun in aries like are we surprised? he's sooo confident also prob very flirty, FUN, a leader, impulsive and definitely energetic (sun opp. jupiter, sun tr. pluto; could have a big ego and is also an influential person, if we read his chart w gemini rising he has sun conj. moon; caring person) let's not forget all that aries chaotic energy like sarcasm, wanting to do everything fast in life, thinking they're always right, being judgemental, optimistic, bursts of energy, wanting attention or getting over things easily, honest AF lol
mars in cancer soo passive-agressive and a protector of those he loves, loyal, moody, sensitive and just nice overall. (mars sq. jupiter, mars opp uranus, neptune; bro gets the work done but could be unpredictable, dramatic, could be one of those people that just loses their shit just chaotic overall, cancer helps A LOT tho)
jupiter in libra popular, charismatic, creative, kind he's great w the arts but i think we already knew that lol he could have a lot of luck in the arts and look at him now, everyone loves him
saturn in aquarius a leader, responsible, secretive, loyal and confident he gets the work done (saturn sq. pluto; he could be stubborn af, face hard challenges, etc. could get dark but also very good cuz it makes him a resilient person)
uranus and neptune in capricorn (generational planets) hard working, determined, responsible, wants success, independent. (uranus conj. neptune, uranus sext. pluto, neptune sext. pluto; strong personality, curious mind, imaginative, could be curious in spiritual topics)
pluto in scorpio (generational planet) remember Bayona used to say Enzo had this mysterious energy? pluto in scorpio could be one of the many reasons (f.e his pisces moon) why he seems mysterious, he could feel a lot since is a water sign, emotional, MAGNETIC but this planet as well as uranus and neptune are more about a whole generation.
lilith in pisces bro he's super and i mean SUPER intuitive, EMPHATIC and creative (he has A LOT of water in his chart) he has a vivid imagination but it also signifies addictions or anxiety (i wont be diving into it tho) lilith in pisces could mean self-sabotage tendencies, excesssive tendencies (in anything), lives in their head, trust issues, escapism and repress their emotions. and that's all because this placement feels A LOT is always connected with everyone and everything.
chiron in leo he has the wound of talent he prob thinks he's not talented enough he actually thought he was gonna get fired many times lmfao
summary: he's very VERY emotional person. i almost drowned looking at his chart, water king. water makes him a super sensitive dude, his fire placements make him more energetic and confident, he's emotional, spontaneous, fun, energetic, down to earth, unpredictable, expressive, ambitious, spiritual, sensitive and impulsive, reads people like a book, he feels deeply, most likely an empath. i would say that the reason he's captivating are his pisces placements (if i knew his birth time this would be so much more detailed) he probably had (or has) anxiety and self-doubt thoughts i see him more of an ambivert kind of person, you can see in his interviews and even in his insta posts how deep and sensitive he is but also his fiery combination, he just seems fun. overall he's a super cool dude i like his energy a lot, he's very magnetic. im gonna say a weird thing but he kinda reminds me of getaway car (yes...the taylor swift song, wanna know the specific part of the song that reminds me more of him? after the bridge, when piano intensifies loll)
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note: im not including his north and south node cuz they're more specific depending on the house they land, i would love to know his birth time to get more specific things but alr
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
I think it’s interesting to look at how this villain arc is going already, because people have already started taking things out of context and ignoring any and all subtext going on.
Ex: people saying that q!Cellbit is manipulating q!Roier into still being on his side by saying he’ll get Bobby back.
This is not true. Watch the clip below of their conversation: (let’s see if the clip cooperates this time lol)
If you pay attention, you’ll note that the word “promise” isn’t anywhere in there. Neither is anything like “I am going to get Bobby back” or “I will get Bobby back”. He says that he will try. There’s a big difference between a guarantee and an attempt.
Is this all to say that he isn’t trying to manipulate Roier? Not at all, because this is still manipulative in a way. He’s still out here using Roier’s weak point to get him on his side, but also? He’s been telling Roier that he would try and get Bobby back since the day Bobby died in that dungeon. He tried again in that white room before Cucurucho kicked everybody out. Maybe that’s why this manipulation would’ve worked if it, uh, actually worked.
The thing about q!Roier and q!Cellbit is that they have a… special relationship. We all know about Guapito and Gatinho, but there’s another aspect here, and it’s that they trust each other with almost everything they’ve got, especially on Roier’s end. Cellbit is one of three people on the server who knows about the secret area in Roier’s base (the other two are q!Jaiden and q!Mariana, Roier’s best friends and the only other people he openly trusts), after all, and he’s implied to be the only person that Roier has loved that loves him back. That goes a long way.
And then there’s the matter of Roier saying that he’ll believe in Cellbit because of the parallels here with the ad (which Roier seems to think is the root of the problem here) and with what happened with q!Spreen and q!Quackity months ago. Roier sees the ad and everyone’s reactions to the ad/Cellbit’s investigations into the ad as Cellbit does, as a betrayal. He empathizes with him because he went through what Cellbit is currently going through.
Most importantly, we know that the manipulation didn’t work because Roier isn’t on Cellbit’s side. He isn’t on anybody’s side, actually! He said as much in his stream last night.
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He will be Cellbit’s legal counsel for the upcoming custody hearing, but it won’t be because of the whole manipulation thing. It’s because this is Cellbit we’re talking about here.
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(Pardon the translation here, but it basically means “He says he wants to support Bobby, and I support him in everything. Even if he can’t do it, I’ll support him then, too.”)
And you see this behavior all night. He’s the only guy defending Cellbit during the Order’s meeting, he says that their first priority should be “saving” Cellbit rather than destroying the Federation, he says that Cellbit might just be sad and lonely, he tells Maximus to take the ad down, and he doesn’t do any of this because Cellbit asked him to or because he’s on his side or anything. He acknowledges that the custody trial is fucked up and he seems genuinely sad hearing that Cellbit is ditching all his friends here. Roier does all of this because he cares for Cellbit as a person, which is something that I’m not sure Cellbit himself realizes.
TLDR: q!Cellbit didn’t manipulate q!Roier by saying he’ll get Bobby back, he manipulated Roier by saying he’ll try and get Bobby back. It didn’t work either way because Roier is a Good Friend.
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thatsexcpisces · 2 years
Astrology observations pt. 4
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- Taurus moons are such “are you gonna eat that?” “Are you gonna finish that?” Type people lmao
- Virgo moons always complain about having to do chores and do everything for everyone and say that they’re gonna stop and let everyone fend for themselves but instead do the complete opposite and are quick to be at someone’s service when they need them
- Having 12 synastry in a friendship can make it a very toxic friendship especially sun/moon/mercury/Venus bc the 12th house represents hidden enemies so for example if one has their mercury in the other persons 12 house, it can mean they are hiding things and keeping secrets from them based on how they actually feel abt the house person. 12th house sun can mean the sun person holds things against the house person but that hasn’t been revealed yet.
- I’ve noticed that Jupiter, Neptune risings (pisces, sag risings) or people who have either of those planets in their first house are very well liked and respected probably because of their cheerful and optimistic presence
- When someone has their sun sign at 0 degrees, it’s means they are the purest form of their sign. Even if that specific sign is only their sun and they have other different placements in the chart, they still may have a very heavy energy of that sun sign which many people will feel. (Ex: someone may have a Capricorn sun at 0 degrees and even if they have sag and more lighthearted placements, people will still feel the raw energy of the cap sun)
* same applies to other placements in the chart at 0 degrees (I know some ppl who have Aquarius mercury at 0 degrees and they just automatically have the most Aquarian forms of speech when they speak and it almost outshines their other placements lol)
- most air venuses aren’t too fond of PDA and don’t really like being touchy and affectionate in public. They save that shit for the bedroom (esp Aquarius and Gemini)
- Libras are just as lost & stuck in the clouds and air-headed as Pisces
- Pluto in the 3rd house individuals know how to use malicious words and hurt someone in an argument. They will go deep and pull out the other persons insecurities on the spot
- Pisces mercuries are by far the most emotionally intelligent and emotionally-receptive sign. Even if they appear as “slow” in an academic intelligence sense or in regards of common sense, when it comes to life and people, they are highly intelligent and can read and empathize with others like no one else. They know exactly what to say and how to act. Super wise people
- Fire suns with air risings or vice versa are very street smart
- having your moon in harsh aspects to your Venus can mean that love and your emotional needs never feel balanced in Your life. You may think you love someone and they fulfill you and give you everything you need because you wear rose colored glasses, but fail to realize that they do not support you emotionally and don’t make you truly feel valued.
- underdeveloped Libra sun or Libra placement females are terrible. I’ve met many in my life who are underdeveloped and it’s just so hard with them. They can be so fake and envious towards other females or even their own closest friends and talk badly about them because of jealousy they have towards their looks etc. they act all kind and like they love them but in reality are superficial and are quick to judge and gossip about them. Especially if they also have other underdeveloped Venusian placements (Taurus)
- Earth mercuries are really bad at small talk💀 esp when they try to not sound bored and awkward
- 9th house stelliums know how to blend in really well with the country they’re traveling to/visiting. They might be able to quickly learn the language and adapt to the culture and people once they’re there
- Leo moons or moon in the 5th house have great acting abilities and may love to express themselves theatrically
- Moon in the 10th house people might feel like their emotions are always displayed to the public even though they don’t want them to be. They might try and keep some things private and later find out that it’s been exposed or many people know about it
- Sun conjunct mars people tend to come off as very aggressive or stubborn but they know how to fight to get what they want and are usually confident as a person or confident in what they say and believe in
- Mercury x Venus aspects are rly good at sweet talking and flirting even if they don’t mean it (positive aspects
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queenofcoquette · 1 year
boosting brain power
reading daily- reading is a great way to improve your vocabulary, writing skills and overall benefits the brain.
learning new languages- learning new languages is a great way to learn more about a foreign culture. spending like 10 minutes a day learning a new language is a productive way to spend your time.
meditation/journalling- these two things can help build emotional intelligence, and help you understand yourself better. it can also boost patience and mental stability. 
exercise regularly- studies have actually shown that staying active can improve not only the health of your body, but the health of your mind.
play an instrument- playing an instrument or taking up singing not only can make you happier, but it’s been proven to benefit the brain.
continue to learn- listen to TED talks, watch documentaries, read articles, etc. keep learning even if you’re not in school/out of school. this doesn’t have to be boring either, you can learn about topics you like and enjoy.
lower your screentime- spending your time creatively can also help you become happier, and gain more life experience. using your time wisely and productively can lead to better days and more leanring.
brain-building games such as chess- chess and other stratedgy based games can help improve brain power, since they require logic and thinking.
let your imagination run- daydreaming and thinking creatively can benefit you in learning to problem solve, as well as thinking outside of the box. 
have artistic hobbies- again, using your time in a productive way always has benefits. take time to find new hobbies, creative ones especially can help you with your self expression.
socialize- socializing is obviously very important. first of all, you can learn a lot from other people, and it can shape the way you view the world, and help you empathize with people different from you. plus, social intelligence is also crucial in life.
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red-balloon12 · 15 days
My actual thoughts on TADC Ep.2
(Spoilers below)
1. This was a cool episode! I like how it explored the whole thing with NPC’s and them just being there to defeat. I felt bad for Gummigoo. Him not having memories and stuff. It’s no wonder why him and Pomni connected so quickly……oh god there’s going to be a lot of “fanservice” fan art of him (and him with Pomni), isn’t there…HOOOO GOD- But I admittedly didn’t feel as attached to Gummigoo as a lot of the other fans. Not that Gummigoo was a bad character, but I knew he wasn’t going to last as a permanent character so I guess that’s why him getting poofed by Caine didn’t affect me as much (and why I’m not mad at Caine as much. And I guess I’m also just…very biased against GummiJester as a JesterDoll truther….I’m so sorry-)
2. Caine was a lot more pushy in this episode. Before he made the activities seem optional (though the activities themselves had a way of finding and including Zooble against their will). Bro really wants to impress and entertain the crew.
3. I don’t like how sidelined Ragatha was in this episode (I really just want her to go Buck wild and kill Jax-) But she also seems to REALLY want Pomni to like her. And I think it’s because she empathizes with Pomni. According to Kinger, Ragatha had a hard time adjusting to the circus so maybe Rags doesn’t want the same for Pomni. So she tries to make her feel welcomed (even though it was counter productive) I honestly felt bad for Ragatha when Pomni showed up with Gummigoo.
I’m glad they didn’t show her getting jealous but I can imagine Ragatha feeling dejected because she tried so hard to befriend Pomni only for Pomni to make fast friends with someone else. But I’m not totally giving up hope. Also a lot of people were righ about Rags being the type of person to bottle things up. That toxic positivity is bound to run out at some point. (I can’t wait to see her snap).
4. I really liked how Pomni was in this episode. Her stepping up a little to help Gummigoo, the facial expressions and stuff. As much as I love Ragatha, she DID come off as a bit patronizing which I’m glad Pomni called her out for it. Her friendship with Gummigoo was also really heart warming and I did kinda feel it when Caine made Gummigoo just disappear like he did. Also Pomni is canonically stretchy and she has chompers. Very cute. I also find it very interesting that this is the second time Pomni was separated from the group and missed out on the majority of the adventure. Maybe this will change as time goes on and Pomni gets more comfortable with the activities, I hope.
5. I also really liked Kinger in this episode. The writers seemed to shift his personality a little, making him more wiser. He also seems to have good memory when it counts. I appreciate he also tried to help Pomni. Emphasis on the “try”. I love him. He’s just doing his best. Also his plushie is SO FUCKING CUTE OMG!
6. I don’t have much to say about Gangle except LET THIS WOMAN BE HAPPY PLEASE! PLEASE JUST LET HER HAVE HER HAPPY MASK! Also let Gangle also go wild on Jax. She deserves it.
7. I liked the princess. She looked cute! Also you can’t tell me Ragatha has a small crush on her. (A little side tangent: BunnyDoll/Ragatha x Kinger shippers confuse the hell out of me. You’re going to look at Ragatha, someone that’s based off of Raggedy Anne who’s ALSO SAPHHIC AF, and tell me that she’s into men? I don’t fucking think so-) I honestly thought the princess was going to turn out to be an evil tyrant that was going to manipulate Ragatha to accomplish some goal…idk where I got that from-
8. (Probably the one you’ve been waiting for) Jax. My opinions on Jax hasn’t changed all that much. I’m still don’t like him. But damn did they turn up the “asshole” meter on this guy. I mean…I expected it since Gooseworks said he was going to get worse, but I didn’t think it would happen so fast. I also am starting to understand the sentiment if not wanting a particular character to have development/redemption. I don’t want an excuse to actually like this dude. I want him to get worse actually. (That or he severely gets chewed out by the others…mainly Ragatha or Pomni. That’s like…the only way I can remotely start to like him.)
But I’d be remiss to ignore that one scene before the funeral. He obviously cares for the others but puts on a front for….some fucking reason. It does make me wonder if it’s out of concern or maybe…guilt? I’ve heard a theory that Jax played a part in why Kaufmo got abstracted. Idk how true that theory is but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case. It would also explain him not going to the funeral despite feeling bad. (I wanna point out how funny it is that everyone thought that one screenshot of Jax sitting was going to be an angst moment. But no, it was just him being mad there was no bloodshed lol) But yeah, I’d still like for this due to get punted, please.
9. The ending. Zooble surprised me a little. I thought they were going to be the actual angsty character with a soft side and I was kinda right but I was surprised with how considerate they were putting together Kaufmo’s funeral. It made me appreciate them a little more. And I like there wasn’t a gag where no one had anything to say because they all didn’t care about Kaufmo. They all really do miss him and I think that’s heartwarming. And the ending that parallels the beginning where Pomni is falling only to be caught by everyone (except Jax lol) was the nail in the coffin. Pomni finally realizing she still has friends despite loosing Gummigoo. It’s why I’m not giving up on her friendship with Rags. I still believe they’re going to bond the most. Especially now knowing they both had similar experiences when they first came to the circus.
10. Can we take a moment to appreciate the animation? It just seems more crisp than the pilot which I didn’t even think was possible since that animation already looked clean af. Literal eye candy. (Pun intended)
Overall, I’m very interested and exited to see more. 8/10 episode. (Also F’s in the chat for CainexPomni/Caine fans. Yes this includes me.)
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sophieinwonderland · 9 months
Going Deeper Into Imitated DID
Imitated DID is a hypothetical condition where patients supposedly experience symptoms of DID due to iatrogenesis or social contagion.
Now, as a tulpa, I of course am certain that it's possible that believing you have alters when you don't and repeatedly interacting with them could make somebody plural. So I wouldn't normally say the possibility is completely baseless. But many of these cases they're talking about are cases of people with actual histories of childhood trauma and symptoms of DID that go far beyond simply having headmates.
There are significant flaws in this "research" that need to be called out.
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Right from the start, this headline hints at the real purpose of this paper. It's about protecting therapists from lawsuits over false diagnoses.
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Right from the start, the paper makes it clear that their hypothetical Imitated DID isn't recognized by the DSM. The DSM acknowledges intentional factitious disorders where symptoms are forcefully manifested, and malingering.
Imitated DID, where symptoms are unconscious, is a condition made up by these authors.
So what are signs of Imitated DID?
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If you pay attention, you'll notice some of these are redundant.
Highly dramatic presentation/exaggeration
pseudologia fantastica (also known as pathological lying)/persistent lying
lack of consistent work history
"la belle indifference" (a lack of distress)
selective amnesia
There are some pretty big flaws in this.
As acknowledged in the earlier quote, there are many cases of DID with "flamboyant" presentations.
A lack of consistent work history shouldn't be an indicator of a disorder being fake in people with severe mental illnesses.
DID often compartmentalizes stress, meaning the current fronter may not be distressed at the moment while other alters are.
And telling clinicians, essentially, to suspect patients may be faking because they're seeking hospitalization seems like an EXTREMELY dangerous practice.
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Basically, the biggest sign that DID is imitated, according to them, is that patients are ashamed of having DID. I think The Plural Association's article did a good job at breaking down the flaws with this mentality better than I can so let me just link to that:
The use of shame as a criterion for diagnosing a mental health disorder is deeply problematic and raises significant ethical and practical concerns. At its core, this approach implies that people with genuine DID must internalize negative societal attitudes – such as pluralphobia or ableism – in order to be recognized and validated by the mental health system. This not only perpetuates harmful stereotypes and stigmas but also places an undue burden on people who are already grappling with complex mental health challenges. Shame is a deeply personal and subjective emotion that can be influenced by a myriad of factors, including cultural norms, personal beliefs, and past experiences. It can also vary between Headmates. To use it as a diagnostic criterion risks pathologizing normal emotional responses and invalidating the diverse experiences of people with mental health conditions. Moreover, it can discourage people from seeking help, as they may fear being judged or misunderstood based on their emotional responses. Instead of relying on shame as a diagnostic criterion, mental health professionals should strive to create an environment that fosters understanding, acceptance, and validation. This involves recognizing and challenging societal prejudices, such as pluralphobia and ableism, and advocating for a more inclusive and compassionate approach to mental health care. It’s crucial to remember that mental health disorders are not a sign of personal failure or weakness, but rather, they are complex conditions that require empathy, understanding, and appropriate care. And as Brene Brown explains, in order to empathize with someone, you must be willing to believe them as they see it, and not how you imagine their experience to be.
The only thing I'll add is that being less ashamed is a natural response to feeling less alone. As plurals continue to gather and support each other, there will be less shame for symptoms of switching and voice hearing.
People in the LGBT community are much more confident coming out today than they were 50 years ago as stigma has been fought back. Likewise, people who have talked to other systems and heard their stories will feel less ashamed than someone who is completely isolated.
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Quick reminder: While people may not like the idea of having DID as a whole, not all symptoms are viewed as bad. For example, in a comparison with Schizophrenic voice hearers, it was found 69% of DID systems said they would miss their voices if they were gone.
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Presenting a black and white narrative that paints any systems with a positive outlook towards aspects of their diagnosis is not only problematic, but actively contradicts the science.
Back to that one flamboyant presentation of DID though...
That number seems shockingly low and should be an immediate red flag. Only 1 of their group of 71 they judged to have "genuine DID" showed overt symptoms???
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Or... this is a matter of biases of individual clinicians, and what one considers to be dramatic presentations may not be what another considers to be dramatic presentations?
It seems almost dishonest how they ignore the existence of this sort of bias while looking for environmental factors.
But that would mean admitting that the "imitative DID" hypothesis is based on the subjective opinions of clinicians that's being treated as fact.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but hysteria was already outdated as a term and considered offensive and sexist by the late 90s, right?
Alright... let's get into the Borderline patients.
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There are even more issues here. Take this, for instance:
Some of them are involved with drug or alcohol abuse.
How many? How does it compare to the "genuine DID" group? Some is a weasel word with no significance that could lead to patients being ignored just because they use drugs or alcohol.
As most people know, self-medicating with drugs and alcohol is common in trauma survivors.
And I want to point out that BPD has a high comorbidity with DID. So how do they go about differentiating BPD imitating DID from "genuine DID" with comorbid DID?
And finally... the part about the child alters... just really sounds made up. There are not a bunch of people out there using child alters as some sort of metaphor for a lost childhood.
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If you're wondering... the article gives no further details on how to differentiate these internal representations from "genuine child alters." It's just a mystical skill you gain from experience, I guess?
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If you read this and are remembering how one of the common features in imitated DID was supposed to be exaggerated and dramatic presentations, congratulations on paying attention and applying your critical thinking skills! 🏅
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Is it expected that people need to dissociate during the interview to have their symptoms believed?
Anyway, this goes back to the selective amnesia claim from the beginning. One huge problem I have with this is that if you had a small system with one overzealous protector or a persecutor, it would make sense to switch and have amnesia for those moments specifically. Those alters are likely the ones with poorest communication and strongest dissociative barriers.
The first case study for this presentation is a woman they call Sandra. The paper details how she had a history of trauma, prostitution and drug use. It goes on to say her main support came from a "much older boyfriend."
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The whole thing comes off as weirdly sexist, stopping just short of calling her a slut and gold digger. It culminates in this line.
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And at this point, I'm absolutely livid.
The clinicians looked at her history, and decided that the DID was likely imitated BEFORE THEY EVEN OBSERVED HER.
I cannot stress how problematic this is for their study when they're admitting to this sort of bias from the moment a patient checks in.
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I wonder if her case would have still been deemed groundless if this had been published first, and it was known the clinicians were biased against her from the beginning.
To me, this reads as if a group of doctors were seeking to prove a hypothesis of "imitated DID." They need to find patients who they can use as examples. Then this woman comes in with a lifestyle they dislike. They immediately judge her on her history, and are then able to "confirm" their impressions of her after observing her.
It feels incredibly slimy and unethical.
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And I of course have more concerns with this.
Voice hearing is a very common experience among DID systems from a young age, as are abuser introjects. And imaginary friends lasting until adulthood is generally uncommon in singlets.
Were these imaginary friends and voices always there or did she invent them after hearing about DID? If they were always present, that should be researched more carefully.
When they say she "attributed" her negative behavior to the angry imaginary friend, are they meaning the voice is telling her what to do and she obeyed, or does she actually feel like she becomes that person as is indicative of a switch? It's never explained, but I assume it's the latter. And it's concering that OSDD (DDNOS at the time) wasn't presented as a possible explanation for the perceived lack of amnesia.
Even if the voices weren't fronting, this might be enough for a Partial DID diagnosis today.
And her amnesia "feeling like denial" is, again, the opinion of one clinician or group of clinicians treating her. If another group of clinicians observed her, would they have drawn the same conclusions?
This is a woman who had childhood trauma. She seemingly had multiple "personality states." She heard voices as is common in 90% of DID cases. She experienced DP/DR. She reported amnesia, even if the psychiatrists dismissed it as denial.
As far as I can tell, the ONLY reason for denying the diagnosis is that it was originally suggested by a DID patient who recognized similar symptoms in Angy.
That's it!
It feels like what really led to the denial of her diagnosis was pure ego. Not wanting to admit a DID system was capable of recognizing traits of their disorder when psychiatrists had previously missed them all.
This is where I'm leaving off...
There's more to talk about in this paper. SO MUCH MORE.
But this post is long enough as it is.
I'll try to come back and take on the rest of the pseudoscientific mess later, including the part where they discuss how they want to apply this theory to protect therapists from legal damages. For now, this is where I'll leave you.
Thank you for reading.
Continue to Part 2
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zukosdualdao · 19 days
i've been seeing the take recently that what aang is actually encouraging katara to do is to forgive herself and that he’s not explicitly encouraging or expecting her to forgive yon rha.
the ironic thing is that i do think part of what katara needed from the experience of confronting yon rha was to let go of the guilt she held for her mother sacrificing herself for katara. i find this especially evident in the scene where she recounts the story to zuko and remarks that she's "not the helpless little girl" she was when they came, and how enraged she becomes when yon rha asks who kya was protecting. but though she ultimately chooses not to take revenge, katara facing yon rha and realizing what he did is about him and what kind of person he is and was never her fault is ultimately a good thing. it’s not an easy or fun experience, but i do think it was a very necessary one.
i might be somewhat less critical of aang in this episode if that actually was what he was saying (though if he went about it in the exact same way, i would still find it condescending and not a productive way of reaching out to her.)
but that’s just… literally not what he’s saying.
Zuko: Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it and I know how to find him. Aang: Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish? Katara [Shakes her head in dismay.] Ugh, I knew you wouldn't understand. [Begins to walk away.] Aang: Wait! Stop! I do understand. You're feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people? Zuko: She needs this, Aang. This is about getting closure and justice. Aang: I don't think so. I think it's about getting revenge. Katara [Angrily.] Fine, maybe it is! Maybe that's what I need! Maybe that's what he deserves! Aang: Katara, you sound like Jet.
i think this is the one interaction between aang and katara in which you could maybe argue that he wants her to forgive herself, as he brings up something he's expressed guilt about before, in the storm, (running away before the fire nation killed the air nomads), and she comforted him there and encouraged him not to feel guilty.
but the thing is, he doesn't say anything about how she shouldn't feel guilty. he tries to acknowledge what she's feeling, which is good, but if he was honestly trying to encourage her to forgive herself, i think he would remind her of how she comforted him when he expressed his own guilt. i'm not even totally sure how in tune he is with her guilt. it's not something he mentions when expressing he knows how she feels. (and this isn't me saying he's awful to not know that; it's not something he can necessarily know unless she's expressed it to him, which we haven't seen. but we have seen her try to connect with him over her mother’s death to empathize with him in the southern air temple, and he doesn’t really acknowledge it. so, i do think it shows he has an overly simplistic understanding of her emotions, and that he's not thinking about this in the framework of forgiving oneself.)
if the writers wanted to showcase him encouraging her to forgive herself, they could have had aang say something like, "i know how badly losing your mother must have hurt, but it wasn't your fault, and i'm worried that confronting the man who killed her won't help you."
instead, he immediately makes an argument about moral corruption - he thinks it is about revenge and expresses she sounds like jet because of it. that... is not encouraging her to forgive herself. it's a judgment based on morality. you can argue about whether aang's right or not (i, personally, find his stance reductive in context, but to each their own), but he is absolutely being judgmental here.
this is when the concept of forgiveness comes up:
Katara: Now that I know he's out there ... now that I know we can find him, I feel like I have no choice. Aang: Katara, you do have a choice: forgiveness. Zuko: That's the same as doing nothing! Aang: No, it's not. It's easy to do nothing, but it's hard to forgive. Katara: It's not just hard, it's impossible. [Cuts to overhead shot of the field as she walks away, Zuko following behind.]
in it, aang encourages forgiveness directly after katara expresses she feels she has no choice but to confront her mother’s killer. even if aang does mean forgiveness for herself, katara does not hear it that way, as is made evident by the fact she insists forgiveness would be impossible here, and if he does mean forgiveness for herself, i don't know why he wouldn't try to correct that misunderstanding.
Aang: So you were just gonna take Appa anyway? Katara: Yes. Aang: It's okay, because I forgive you. [Pauses.] That give you any ideas?
this might actually be my least favorite part of the episode. while it is generally not nice to take a friend's sky bison without permission, it is so genuinely condescending and a false equivalence to even try to compare that to the murder of her mother, particularly because of how smug aang is about his example of forgiving her for it.
also, aang is trying to "give [her] ideas" about what she should do, and it's clear he doesn't blame himself for katara taking appa. he is not forgiving himself here and telling her that’s what she should do. his point is that he's forgiving her and thinks she should do the same. (for the man. who murdered. her mother. and, while we're at it, would have murdered katara herself if he knew the truth. it is just... not the same situation at all.)
Katara: Don't try to stop us. Aang: I wasn't planning to. This is a journey you need to take. You need to face this man. [Katara situates herself on Appa's head.] But when you do, please don't choose revenge. Let your anger out, and then let it go. Forgive him.
aaaand there we have it.
aang 100% wants and tells katara to forgive her mother's killer. even if you think he also wants her to find healing (which i actually agree he does want for her, but i don't think he expresses it well/in a way that is likely to reach her, and the show acts like he is wise for this regardless) and forgive herself (if he does realize katara needs this, it's not something he expresses), he also very much does absolutely tell katara to forgive her mother's murderer, and that she won't find healing without doing so.
you can agree or disagree with his stance, but that is absolutely the argument he is making, and it’s weird to try to act like it’s not.
and, as i said before, i personally find it reductive. there are things in this world that we should be angry at. there are things people find impossible to forgive. those things may be different for everyone, but they do exist, and that's completely morally neutral. i find the idea that katara has to forgive the man who killed her mother in an act of imperalist violence in order to find healing and inner peace disturbing. no, actually, she doesn't!
this ideology is also very commonly weaponized against abuse survivors in particular, which is a big part of why it is significant that zuko goes with katara on this journey and defends her right not to forgive yon rha, even as he later also respects her decision not to kill him, which shatters the whole false dichotomy of forgiveness vs revenge being presented by aang’s role in the episode.
we don't actually see the talk in which zuko tells aang about what happened, but based on his perspective the whole episode, i very much doubt he framed it as "katara decided to forgive yon rha."
Aang: Zuko told me what you did. Or what you didn't do, I guess. I'm proud of you. Katara: I wanted to do it. I wanted to take out all my anger at him, but I couldn't. I don't know if it's because I'm too weak to do it or because I'm strong enough not to. Aang: You did the right thing. Forgiveness is the first step you have to take to begin healing. Katara [Rises from boardwalk.]: But I didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him.
aang hears about what happened and assumes that because katara didn't kill yon rha, she forgave him, and katara corrects him. she (quite angrily) tells aang that she didn’t forgive yon rha, and she never will. katara knows exactly what aang was telling her to do, and even at the end of the episode, it’s clear she resents it and resents aang being “proud of her” for his assumption.
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the-phantom-author · 9 months
Mark Fischbach | General Dating Headcanons
For that one nonny who requested it, I hope they're good. Much love ❤️
I feel as though he’d be big on spending time together. Anytime he gets to, when walking the dogs, cleaning together, one person sitting at the bar while to other makes food, shopping, if he’s writing he’ll try to be in the same room as you while you do whatever it is you need to do,
He prides himself on two things; 1.) His ability to always make you laugh. He thinks that it is highly amusing that you almost always laugh at his laugh, and how sometimes you both get trapped into a cycle of laughing even though the original thing wasn’t actually funny. 2.) How in touch with his emotions he is and how that helps with him empathizing with you. Like he’s very commutative when he feels that something is wrong or off in general.
I'm getting activity based events with Mark. Like he enjoys showing you the things that he likes to do and seeing you do the things that he likes. He also enjoys having you show him the things that you love to do! Any kind of art, or reading, or gardinging you mention, he;s going to learn all he can about it, so you can bet he’ll at least appreciate it, if not enjoy it.
Moving in with him!!!
Like he’d be so happy to help in any way he can, like he’s helping you move boxes, plants, and decor. A little after you officially move in, he’s wanting to sit down and talk about the general aesthetic of the house and if there is any furniture that you want to change or add or how to best implement the things that you brought with you from your old place.
Spending more time with the dogs! Chica and Henry, they are your dogs now, with how much they love you. Not only do they adore you, but you also get your own dog. It's a bit after moving in, once you're settled and everyone has adjusted to you being around as a permanent figure, Mark would surprise you with your own, I still think a samoyed dog. Like big, and fluffy, and hyper and super cuddly.
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Who is super adorable and loves Mark, but is undeniably yours. Yes Mark helps train them, and goes on runs with them, and plays with them, Like they love each other, but that is your dog. That dog is obsessed with you and wants nothing to do with Mark when you’re around.
I think that if you were to both cook at the same time that it would be the biggest mess. Instead my suggestion is to have one person in the kitchen at a time and let the other person watch and talk to you. But also both of you practicing making the others favorite meals without telling and just surprising them.
He has a huge audience, which frightens the both of you more than a little bit, especially when the topic of being public is discussed. It is only after several discussions about how you both want to go about and handle the aftermath do you show up in a video.
Good news, Bad news. Good News! The people love you. Bad News! Mark is now going to forever tell you that he was right, and you were getting worked up over nothing.
A subtle PDA king. He loves holding your hand, or having an arm around your waist, a little forehead kiss. Nothing too big but enough to constantly remind you how much he loves you.
You would defo be included in his moves/youtube series. Being random background characters, some of them have lines some of them don’t, but you're always just in the background. But not only being involved in a physical sense,you are also Mark's go to person for Mark when it comes to ideas. He does use you as a sound board, but he does genuinely want our opinion. He’ll ask if plot points make sense, if you think certain shots are possbile, what you think of charcter designs. He’ll say that you’re his biggest supporter, which is true. Your also one of the main reasons that he’s able to do things like that in general.
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lovifie · 2 months
i hope you don't mind, i just wanted to share some of my gaz thoughts.
i think a lot of people's opinion are formed based on mw '19 where you spend a lot of time playing as him. and sometimes you have options as to what action you're doing (whether we're 'in or out', the butcher butcher's fate, the way you still have the 'option 'to save child at the embassy, stacy's fate after the embassy). playing that first p.o.v. makes it easier to empathize with the character. but all of it makes me wonder, is gaz the most level-headed or was he thrust into a world where everything was set to higher stakes so quickly that he excelled at compartmentalizing.
for me that means outside of the military, he struggles with regulating his emotions, is easily frustrated by simple things, maybe struggles to communicate, gets annoyed when you don't immediately see things the way he does.
(i still enjoy gaz who is intuitive and emotionally intelligent, but i think taking another perspective is important when developing and writing characters)
I love you so much for this.
I have personally only watched the mw'19, I'm planning on watching more. But here is my opinion on Gaz:
And it is true that since Gaz is the character that the players is behind the most, he may seems as the most level-headed and maybe it's just the game letting you choose his character. But still, on those little parts where we are not the one choosing his personality truly shines.
And what shines is not a level headed perfect soldier, to my opinion what the game lets you see is a young sergeant that is actually fed up with not being able to do more.
Price chooses him for the task force because he sees in him that need for change, and the task force is basically a way to have it easier to skip legal procedures. So if Gaz was this perfect level headed little innocent boy Prince wouldn't have picked him.
So much of his personality can be seen, when he is rambling about how he hates feeling force not to do anything and after talking just looks at Gaz and says "sir". Which to me is so ironic because he is complaining about always having to respect procedures and how it is a waste of time and lives and then goes an uses the rank.
When they are interrogating the butcher and Price needs to hold him back because he wants to fight the man tied to a chair. When they reunite with Graves, and he just looks at his face and doesn't shake his hands. When Laswell, Price and him are on the mission and he is just gossiping about both of their lives like a little shit.
I'm rambling now, as you can see I love talking about Gaz. I am also just realising that maybe you meant for me to write about how he would be in his daily life. If it was that just let me know as well 🩷
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