#whoops my hand slipped and we got domestic fluff
tiresomeimagination · 2 years
Since you and Saeyoung have seriously started your relationship, you've started looking for little ways to help him improve his self-care habits. A lot of his bad habits are pretty deeply ingrained from all his time working alone, so you have to try small things rather than expecting huge change right away. First order of business is his diet. Having you by his side does encourage him to take an interest in setting aside time to eat with you, so you don't have to twist his arm too much...unless he gets engrossed in his work. If left to his own devices, Saeyoung tends to get sucked into a project and you might not see him for hours on end. One thing you can do to make sure he gets at least one good meal in for the day is to pack him a lunch and leave it on his desk.
Saeyoung was headed back to his workstation, ready to get back to his coding. To his surprise, his workspace wasn't exactly how he left it. In front of his computer sat a bento box with a note attached. He curiously picked it up to read it.
"Good luck at work today, Saeyoung! ^3^ Don't forget to eat some lunch today. If this bento isn't emptied by dinnertime, I'll know ;P"
He couldn't help but smile, his heart warming at the sweet gesture. He was never going to get used to this...Having somebody care about him this much. It was still so surreal that he could hardly believe it.
"Uhh...Y/N?" He called out, poking his head out into the living area.
"Yeah?" You called back.
"You know you don't have to pack a lunch for me, cause I'm not actually leaving the house, right?" He asked, a mixture of confusion and amusement in his tone as he pondered your logic.
"If you don't have something ready and grabbable in your line of vision, you'll be working with nothing but chips and soda in your system. This way you can't forget!" You said with a laugh.
You were too busy focusing on the TV to notice Saeyoung come up behind you until he placed his hands gently on your shoulders and pressed a featherlight kiss to the top of your head. You chuckled and leaned back to look at him.
"How'd I get so lucky...?" He murmured under his breath, looking down at you with pure adoration.
You smiled up at him with an equal level of affection in your gaze. "I'm the lucky one, silly. You deserve to be spoiled a little...and I won't let you forget it!" You said firmly before stretching your neck up in an attempt to reach Saeyoung's face.
You missed his lips due to the awkward angle and kissed his chin instead.
You both giggled, wrapped up in your own little world together.
A small exasperated sigh came from across the room as Saeran averted his eyes from yet another display of affection and refocused his attention elsewhere. He vaguely wondered if you two ever got tired of doing that. Probably not. His brother was clearly nothing if not committed.
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The biggest, brightest, gaudiest display in all of Indiana
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 5
Prompt: domestic fluff
Rated: G
CW: one slight mention of PTSD
Tags: Post Vecna; everybody lives; pining; Steve Harrington has a crush on Eddie Munson; Christmas
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It's starting to snow by the time Steve gets home, white flakes floating in the headlights of the beemer like balls of cotton. It crunches under his feet as he sloshes towards the front door. 
Even with Christmas more than two weeks away, they've been swamped with customers lately, the cold wind and unending snowfalls luring people inside. Now, away from the buzz, the world seems quiet. Peaceful, covered under its white blanket. 
Except Steve still hasn't learned to trust that peace. Even after more than a year, even with El assuring them time and again that it's over, they've won, … he still flinches at sounds in the night, looks for escape routes and things to fashion into weapons when entering a room. He isn't sure he'll ever stop.
He shakes his head to chase away the thoughts as he scales the steps to the front porch. He isn’t sure where they're coming from. Probably a combination of stress and the looming depression that always hangs over him at Christmas time, when all of his friends are with their families and he's left in this big, empty house, alone. He’ll take a shower, heat a microwave meal, and see what's on TV, that will-
The front door is unlocked. 
He's certain he turned the key not once, but twice before he left. 
Steve slides into the dark entrance hall on silent feet. He passes the umbrella stand, eyes scanning his surroundings, and his hand finds the hilt of the nail bat. There's a creak from overhead, like feet on floorboards. 
The attic. 
The hatch is gaping open as he creeps upstairs, the foldout ladder down. 
He holds his breath and inches his way upwards, rung by rung, bat clutched in one white-knuckled hand. 
"Hello, Steven," growls a voice, and he abruptly comes face-to-face with a grimace full of too-large teeth. 
Steve yelps, slips on the ladder, and goes sprawling on his ass. The nail bat rolls off into the shadows. 
"Oh, shit!" Another face appears behind the monster. One haloed in a mane of dark curls and crowned by a fuzzy Santa hat. "You okay, man?" 
"Fuck," Steve curses, clambering to his feet and rubbing at his sore butt. "Eddie? What are you doing up there?" 
Eddie rolls his eyes and flashes him a toothy grin. It tugs at the scar on his jaw, the one he claims looks totally metal but hides under his hair most of the time. The one that Steve wants to map with his lips.
"Picking up that drill Wayne wanted to borrow. Told you I'd swing by after my shift at the garage." 
Steve settles down on the dusty floorboards and frowns. "Wasn't that at noon or something?" 
Like he doesn’t know. Like he hasn't memorized all of Eddie’s shifts. Only stopped dropping him off and picking him up every day because Eddie told him to stop. No satanic panic mobs left, no need for a bodyguard.
Eddie cocks his head in confusion and glances at his watch. "Why, what time is i- … whoops. Guess I got side-tracked." 
He shakes the monster- which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a life-sized nutcracker. Its red-cheeked, too-wide smile mocks him and Steve just barely manages to not flip it off. 
Instead, he looks over the cardboard boxes around Eddie, all in various states of unpacked-ness. String lights coiled in thick tangles, dusty elves and reindeer and sugar canes. 
"Dude," Eddie says. He's pulled several colorful baubles from somewhere and is looping the strings over his ears. It looks ridiculous. It looks adorable.  "You never told me you're hiding Santa's village up here." 
"Didn’t even know we still had this," Steve mumbles, pulling the nearest box closer. It contains the huge neon letters spelling MERRY XMAS. "It's been forever since we got them out. Way before-"
He trails off. The words hang unspoken in the stale air. 
"I always wanted this, y’know?" Eddie says. His fingers are tracing Rudolph's shiny nose. "The whole shebang with the lights and the decorations and the music. Only so much you can do at the trailer." 
Steve hums vaguely, watches the way Eddie’s eyes crinkle, how the tip of the Santa hat flops into his face, and represses the urge to brush it back, trace those dimples with the pads of his thumbs. 
Eddie is looking at him with big, expectant cow eyes. 
"I said," Eddie repeats, sways into his space. "We should totally do it. Get all this stuff out. The biggest, brightest, gaudiest display in all of Indiana." 
Steve bites back a laugh, ignores how his stomach flutters at Eddie’s huge, excited grin. 
"I dunno. Sounds like a lot of work for just me." 
"Yeah, about that …" Eddie’s smile dims and his gaze drops. "I've been meaning to ask …" 
He starts to pick at his cuticles, so Steve habitually reaches for one of his hands to stop him. 
"Ask what?" 
Eddie sucks in a breath, and the next words rush out on the exhale, all at once. 
"So Wayne sort of took the holiday shifts because a guy got sick, so it'll just be me, and I thought …since you'll also be … alone, y'know, maybe we could …" 
"Eds," Steve says. The flutter in his stomach is turning into a hurricane. "Are you asking if I wanna spend Christmas together?" 
"What? Nah!" Eddie winks at him. "As if you'd deny me, please! I'm asking if we can get your ridiculous light show out." 
Steve snorts a laugh, chest warm and tingly and bright. "What, all of it?" 
"Hell yes, all of it," Eddie throws his head back and cackles, almost losing the hat. "It's gonna be our year, big boy!" 
They stay up in the attic for a long time, bickering and joking and unpacking boxes upon boxes of sparkly decor. Outside, the snow continues to fall. 
Steve hopes they'll get a white Christmas. 
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Part 2
All of my holiday drabbles
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here-but-forgotten · 2 years
stu: babe I love you :)
le babé: aww thank you dear I love you too :)
stu: look I got Billy to carve your initials into me :)
le babé: what the fuck.
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rambles | j.d. , stu , Billy , Poly!ghostface | pt. 5
my darkest rambles so far
content warnings/notes: murder, mentions of noncon, j.d. being halfway decent and more sane than Billy and stu, mention of rape/rapist, boot kink whoops, mentions of chloroform, knives + blood, dark content- be warned. But also some oddly domestic moments?? Some fluff somehow.
poly!ghostface. stu macher. billy loomis. jason dean.
Stu would probably enjoy chasing you and tell you to keep struggling against him and get off on your rp fear and squirms. Cumming whenever you start begging.
I always write stu as the more sadistic one for some reason. On that note- if they could, they would plan a kill with you present, but this one would be much more leaning into torture. Can be planned with you knowing and just acting, or this is how they claim you (noncon). Choosing a house with a central, lockable room; no windows, maybe a basement. Getting everyone down there and restrained in some way; binding you nice and tight to where stu can be wicked with you. Holding you in front of the group, making you cry, making you lick his boot- all while Billy is circling like a shark and cutting anyone who’s trying to get up and out of their restraints. Stu teasing you until it’s genuinely uncomfortable to not cum, forcing you to grind against his boot until you cum- claiming you with your orgasm as Billy finally starts killing them. “Leaving you for last”, but never killing you; if it was consensual, they take you to clean you up, sneaking you out of the house with them. If not, they (lovingly and gently) chloroform you and leave you for the cops to find. Billy and stu start talking to you a lot more at school after that incident. What good friends.
I feel like j.d. wouldn’t mind darker roleplay; agreeing to acting as though he’s kidnapping you, as though he’s chloroforming you- maybe even actually doing so-, binding you up in your room, but he would only do it with your explicit consent at some point. Early on- yeah, he’s claiming you. But later on, when you’re his and he’s yours and there’s no doubt or change to that- explicit, roleplay consent we stan
stu gets very giddy if you’re content with what they do. like he gets more affectionate and closer to you without much thought only because he can let his mask slip around you because he doesn’t have to wear one. Billy is Billy he’s going through some shit but he’s in a similar boat of closeness without a mask.
they’ll buy you a ghostface costume if you want. if you’re considerably shorter than them cough cough me they will coo over you. dress you up in it and talk about how much smaller you are. they will give you a knife. BUT IF YOU THROW HEELED/PLATFORM COMBAT BOOTS INTO THE MIX chefs kiss they’re fucking you right then and there.
Ride stu in your ghostface costume :)
Billy can and will fuck you in his costume and make a day of it.
on that note of knives, Billy has a bit of paranoia of you getting injured or attacked when he or stu is not around, so, he’ll give you a hunting knife. give a crash course as to where and what to cut to be the most effective.
if they ever restrain a victim and have sensed some darkness in you kingdom hearts looking headass description, they’ll bring you to a kill and one of them will hold your hand and slit their throat with you.
stu is sadistic but also likes praising you!! so naturally he praises you whenever you let him guide you to slit a throat- breathing against your ear, lips curling, getting overly excited once it’s done and kissing you all over with blood all over his hands.
inspired by a @slasherscream murder rapist post what a fucking comment !!!
your rapist living among your community after everything that happened; living as though nothing happened. watching you at school. bring back the memories you’ve worked to move past. making your skin burn and crawl.
stu and Billy noticing; opening themselves up to you a little bit more to encourage you to open yourself up to them. listening silently when you tell them. stu instantly comforting and Billy silently planning as he places a kiss on your forehead.
asking you if you’re okay with blood. if you’re okay watching them die. nodding yes and solidifying the plan. hell, it worked better in Billy’s favor; killing someone who wasn’t even on their radar.
taking you with the one who comes in second; stu going in first; toying. cold. uncharacteristically calculated. stu was always secretly calculating, but even this was more than that. Billy pulling you behind him, the victim laying on the ground- restrained with a rope around their neck, stu silently tightening it every time they fought back too much.
billy leading you to the pinned down bastard, holding your hand as he leads the knife along, slowly cutting and relishing with their screams. stu getting too riled up, pulling off his mask and cupping your face, kissing you with a gentleness uncharacteristic for the current situation. stu taking your hand from Billy’s to mimic his actions. Billy kissing and sucking on your neck as he watches the two of you- some sort of domestic feeling in all of this.
just the three of you; that’s all it has to be.
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againstacecilia · 2 years
Somewhere Warm and Sunny
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PAIRING: Poe Dameron x fem!Reader, modern!AU (part of the No More Wasted Time universe)
RATING: E (minors, shoo)
EXCERPT:  "Opening the door, you see Poe standing there with his phone to his ear. A smile is indeed spread across his face, a bag of takeout in his free hand. 'Thought I could help with the dinner part?'"
WARNINGS: Smut, fluff, domestic bliss, no beta reader (whoops), unprotected p-in-v sex (wrap it up irl please)
PROMPT: I don't want to give anything away, but prompt credit to @creativepromptsforwriting, specifically this one. 💖
A/N: We're a year to the day of writing fanfiction here on tumblr dot com! Thank you to EVERYONE who has been here for the ride, whether that's from day one or you're new to this little corner of the internet. I wish I could more accurately put into words what this year has meant to me, but I can't express enough gratitude or love for the people I've met doing. I love being here, I love all of you, and I hope the next year of this writing journey bring exactly what this year brought me: you. 💖
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Spring was warm around town and the flowers on your balcony were finally starting to bloom. Weeks of bringing them inside when the nights dipped precariously towards freezing, carefully watering and fertilizing on a schedule, and whatever else the only app you paid money for told you to do was starting to pay off. The small buds of green with hints of pinks and reds and yellows peeking through promise new beginnings. 
Coming home late from work one day, you unlock the door and bump it open with a hip, hands full of grocery bags. You drop them unceremoniously on the kitchen island and close the door behind you. Breathing a sigh of relief, you begin putting the groceries away when your phone starts buzzing across the counter. 
Scrambling to catch it before it jumps onto the floor, you smile as Poe’s contact picture comes up. “Hey, baby!”
“Hey sweetheart,” his voice filters through the phone, “What are you up to?”
“I just got home,” you respond, bringing your shoulder up to hold the phone to your ear, freeing your hands up to continue opening the fridge to shove vegetables and other perishables into their places before shutting the door again. “Unfortunately, I have to go back to work in a couple of hours.”
“You’ve been working your ass off the last couple of weeks, are you sure you can’t take the night off?” 
“I’m sorry, love,” you stop moving and sigh, leaning against the counter, “you know I’d so much rather spend tonight with you but I’m so close to finishing this project…”
“I know, it’s okay.” A smile creeps into his voice, “You said you have to go back in a couple of hours?”
A knock sounds at your door and you push yourself off the counter, “I’ve got just long enough to eat dinner and maybe take a power nap.”
Opening the door, you see Poe standing there with his phone to his ear. A smile is indeed spread across his face, a bag of takeout in his free hand. “Thought I could help with the dinner part?”
“Poe,” you laugh, hanging up the phone and slipping it into your pocket, “How’d you know?”
He shrugs and walks through the doorway, putting his phone away and wrapping an arm around you, “I know my girl.”
“Yeah you do,” you smile and press a kiss to his lips. “Come on, I’m starving.”
You both fall into the comfortable routine of getting the table ready for dinner. Food is put on plates, silverware grabbed and drinks poured. Once all the commotion dies down, you and Poe are seated and companionable silence falls over the room. 
“So what’s this big project you have going on?” Poe asks before slurping noodles off his plate.
You laugh at the noise and respond, “We have this anal-retentive client who has asked us to redo the structure of his contract three or four times before signing off on a big event we’re organizing for his company and the event is next week.” You pause for a drink of water before continuing, “I’m in charge of communication between his company and the other businesses that will be attending, so getting them enough notice and organizing guest lists and catering and ugh… It’s been a nightmare.”
“Sounds like you don’t get paid enough.”
“With all the overtime I’ve been clocking, I’ll be able to take a nice vacation in a couple of months, so it’s all worth it.” A smile pulls at your lips, “Wanna go somewhere warm and sunny?”
“Mmm, I like the sound of that.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you across the table. “You deserve a break.”
“And I’ll get one,” you promise, taking another bite and glancing at your watch, “I promise, I’ll take a long weekend next weekend after the event.”
“Good. Now, about this vacation.” He puts down his fork and leans back in his chair, “We could make it a special trip.”
“What’d you have in mind?” 
“Oh I don’t know,” he rubs his chin, “Somewhere we could lay on the beach, rent a little private bungalow…”
“Oooh, yeah! And go snorkeling?”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” He flashes you a crooked smile while you finish the last bit of your food. 
Plopping your napkin onto your plate, you stand and clear the plates from the table, heading to the kitchen to dump them in the sink. “We could plan it for June?”
“June sounds great,” Poe responds. He watches you as you go about getting ready to head back to work.
“I’ll have to get a new bathing suit, maybe a couple of sundresses,” you throw over your shoulder heading into your bedroom. He follows you, stopping just inside the doorway.
“Something white?” Poe suggests, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. 
“Something white?” You ask, turning away from your closet to face him, eyebrows scrunching in confusion. “Why white?”
“That might be what makes this vacation special.” His voice has softened, but his gaze burns into yours. “Just you and me, maybe an officiant…”
Comprehension begins bubbling in your stomach. “That sounds a lot like a marriage proposal,” you whisper, eyes never leaving his from across the room.
“Maybe it is,” he responds. He steps toward you, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a black velvet box as he drops to one knee. 
It’s small, but you’ve never seen something demand so much attention. It’s impossible not to stare as he opens it, hinges creaking as a gorgeous ring is revealed. Smaller stones surround the centerpiece, delicate details along the band catching the breath from your lungs. Looking from the ring to the man holding the box, tears begin to flood your eyes. 
He whispers your name like a prayer before asking: “Will you marry me?”
Barely letting him finish the question, you close the space between you and drop to the floor to kiss him, laughing and stuttering over your words. “Of course, I will,” you manage to finally answer, tears sparkling in your eyes.  
He kisses you deeply again before plucking the ring from the box. With reverence, he slips the ring on your finger and kisses each knuckle on your left hand. “I bought this the day after you moved back home and I’ve wanted to give it to you ever since.”
“We’ve only known each other for a few decades at this point, Dameron, what took you so long?” You tease him, nuzzling your nose against his. 
He playfully nips at you and laughs, “Can you blame me for being a little nervous?”
“No, I guess I can’t...” You shift to look directly into his eyes, “But I probably would’ve said yes, even then.”
He smiles again, pure joy radiating from every plane of his face. “Good to know my nerves really were for nothing, then.”
The shine from your hand pulls your attention and you admire the ring now adorning your finger. Holding your hand out in front of your face, you wiggle your fingers and giggle as the weight begins to become familiar. All you can think when you finally tear your gaze away from your hand and find Poe’s eyes is how much you love him. How much stronger you feel when you’re near him. 
How he’s always felt like home.
“I love you,” you whisper, not caring that you’re both still on the floor of your room. Not caring that you said you had to go back to work tonight. “And now I get to love you forever.”
He grabs your hand and stands, pulling you onto your feet and wrapping you in his arms. You stand like this for a moment before he replies, “A year ago, I thought I had lost you.” He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck placing tender kisses along your skin between each sentence. “I thought some other guy was going to get to wake up to you every morning. I thought I had missed my chance to give you everything you deserve…” He gently kisses up the column of your throat before hovering over your lips, “I don’t know what I did to get a second chance, but I’ll never take it for granted.” He finally brings his lips to yours, crashing into you with the passion and fire you’ve only ever gotten from him. 
Of their own accord, your hands reach up and grab his shirt, pulling him with you as your feet inch backward toward the bed. Once your calves hit the mattress, you sink down into the soft covers and plush pillows and Poe follows without ever breaking the kiss. 
He does eventually pull away and you lay there for a moment, side by side, just staring into each other’s eyes. You lean in and softly kiss him again before saying, “I love you, Poe.”
You’re nearly reduced to tears again by the love shining in his eyes when you pull away. Lines crinkle along his lips and eyes as he smiles, brighter than the sun. “I love you, sweetheart. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” 
His words fill your chest with warmth. He leans in and kisses your forehead, breathing in the natural scent that surrounds you. He pulls you close to his chest and starts kissing you again; more intensely this time. His hands hold and caress your body with reverence, massaging love with his fingers into every inch of your skin. Your hands rest on his chest, grabbing his shirt again and pulling him as close to you as he can. 
“Poe,” you sigh into his lips, with no other reason than to just say his name. He smiles at the sound.
“I love you,” he whispers again, sending his hand down between your legs. A smile spreads over your face and a simmer begins in your belly at the movement. Giving him permission, you hang your leg over his hip to give him access to your still-clothed center. Like a switch flipped, he wastes no time unbuttoning the front of your pants and sliding his fingers between your skin and the waistband of your underwear. 
He circles your clit a few times before diving into your heated core, drawing your pleasure almost immediately to a peak. His pace is unrelenting and your hands fly to his arms, desperately grabbing his shifting muscles and nails digging into tan flesh. A breathy whine escapes your throat as your eyes flutter close. He’s patient; working his hand unfailingly while his lips never leave yours. A rock in the storm of your building climax, you clench your hands in his shirt as your walls begin to flutter around his fingers.
Poe breaks away from your lips and buries his face under yours to bite down on the soft skin where your shoulder meets your neck, sending you hurtling over the edge. Your body shudders next to his, the only thought in your mind and word on your lips is his name over and over again. 
As you catch your breath, you loosen your grip on his shirt and reach down to shimmy your pants all the way off. All whispers and breathy moans of love and adoration, Poe frees himself from his jeans and kicks them off the end of the bed, hooking your leg back over his hip and nudging your sensitive entrance with his cock. Still impossibly slick from your initial release, he slips inside you with ease. 
“Ask me again,” you whisper, eyes locking with his as your bodies join.
Always on the same page, the love of your life stares back at you, worship pouring from his very soul when he asks, “Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” you sigh, eyes closing as he slowly fills you.
“Say it again,” he pants, lusciously dragging back out.  
“Yes,” you respond, head falling to his collarbone. You latch your lips to the skin there, nipping and kissing a trail up his neck toward his ear. Just as you open your mouth to speak, he tips his hips back up and steals the breath from your lungs, leaving your open mouth in a whine. 
He groans as you clench around him, the emotion of the moment sending you racing toward another release. He wraps you tight in his arms, picking up the pace. The second before your second orgasm takes you, your ankle traps his hips into you and you shatter, stars dancing across your vision as Poe falls apart with you. Your bodies stay entwined for long enough that you begin to drift, warm and safe in your lover’s arms. 
His lips on yours bring you back to your body and you kiss him back, sweet as honey. Both of you wear blissful smiles as you open your eyes to his glittering gaze. 
“Hey you,” he whispers, voice husky.
“Hey,” you giggle back.
“How’s my fiancee doing” He croons, nuzzling his nose against yours. 
“Mmm,” you get your left arm free and wiggle your fingers as much as you can in the small space between your bodies, “wonderful.”
“Me too,” he chuckles. He removes himself from you but doesn’t go far. “Do you still have to go back to work tonight?” He asks with a playful pout. 
You laugh, cupping his face and running your thumb along his full lips, “Nah, there are much more important things I need to do tonight.”
He smiles under your touch and kisses your finger, “Like what?”
“Let’s see,” your eyes shine as you pull his bottom lip down. He opens his mouth enough for your thumb to slip between his teeth. His lips close and his tongue swirls over the pad of the digit and a low moan vibrates through his body. “I have some ideas,” you finish with a whisper.
Within seconds, work is completely forgotten about as you and your fiance lose yourselves all over again, more than content to spend the rest of the night, the rest of your lives, wrapped up in each other.
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cbangluvv · 4 years
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warnings: unprotected :/, soft sex (is this even a warning lmaooo) praise, a littleeeee talk about rough sex & established relationship its fluff mostly heh
you heard the familiar beep that signaled your boyfriend was home, poking your head around the corner of the kitchen to greet him. “hey~” you said, sing songy enough for him to quirk an eyebrow and smile slightly at you, putting down his bags he walked over to the kitchen leaning against the door as he watched you cook. “whats got you so happy?” a asked, a smile hinting at his lips. “ohhhh nothing, i’m just glad to see you” you said, wiping your hands off on a towel before wrapping them around his neck to pull him down for a kiss.
he made the move to attempt to take it further but you cut him off “eh- i’ve still got to cook you know” you scolded him light heartedly, he laughed slightly and walked his way round the island “need any help?” you knew he only had good intentions but you couldn’t help the laugh that fell past your lips “you? cook? i don’t know....i like this apartment i don’t really want to see it burnt to the ground” you beemed up at him, “ha ha” he replied dryly, taking a seat across from you working on dinner.
you turned off your show for the rest of meal prep and just listened to tsukishima talk about his day, a group of kids who visited the museum with their school and loved hearing about the dinosaurs, you also credited that to the reason he was a little lighter on his feet today. because he loved talking about them. once dinner was ready the two of you sat and ate at the couch, something you both always said you shouldn’t do, but you both enjoyed watching tv while eating. few words were exchanged while you both ate, both peaceful in each other’s company. once you were finished he left to clean the dishes, something you valued so much about tsukishima was his acts of love, he rarely expressed it through his words, but even the simple task of dishes was exhausting to most especially after a long day at work. nevertheless he done it without complaint everyday without even having to ask, because he loved you.
it probably wasn’t as deep as you were making it out to be, but watching your boyfriend tower over the sink, hand washing dishes, his sleeves rolled up and the front of his shirt a little damp. you almost melted. domestic moments like this always made your heart swell and the future between you and tsukishima burn bright in your mind. “i love you so much” you stated, you really didn’t mean for it to sound so assertive, he looked at you through wide eyes for a moment before setteling, “what’s all this about-“ he walked up to you, taking your face in his hands “why are you getting all mushy? huh?” his face was flat, but you could notice the shine behind his eyes that said i’m about to annoy the shit out of you, “ugh forget it” you sighed, moving your arm up to take his hands off your face. he didn’t budge.
now smooshing your face together and puckering your lips he leaned down and placed a small peck, “i love you too” his hands let go of their hold on your face, now just sitting behind your neck. hand still grasping his arm you pulled him down to kiss you further, deepening the kiss, you groaned as your back hit the frame of the door. “bedroom.” kei’s voice was now a little deeper and his eyes much darker, you stampeded along to your shared bedroom and before the door could close fully he had your shirt over your head and was working your trousers off. “hey, hey hey-“ you said guiding his eyes to meet yours “do you think we can go slow? be gentle? just tonight” you asked up through your lashes, at that point there wasn’t anything you could ask him and he wouldn’t say yes. so he nodded along, before trailing his lips down the nape of your neck, slowly.
you never really got the chance to just make out with kei anymore, it was always one extreme or the other. a peck or just full blown railing. you savoured the way his hands trailed up your sides, in contrast to the hard hold he would usually have on you. “i love you” your voice came out as almost a whisper, your breathing being made raspy by his kisses. he stopped his actions to look at you and cup your face once again. “jesus- me too, i love you” he smiled, kissing your forehead. kei was never this affectionate, so caring and loving. it was euphoric. “fuck baby- i- i wanna work you up more but” he gestured down to his pants, his cock strained against their confines. “it’s fine, i’m ready for you” you smiled, kissing him again before reaching down and removing his trousers as he removed his shirt.
“lie down baby” baby that was something you didn’t hear often out of tsukishimas mouth. his favourite things to call you usually involved the words dirty or slut which usually, you would be all for. but tonight was just about showing how much you loved each other. you lay down on your back, tsuki looping his slender fingers in your belt loops and pulling them off of you. despite his haste to begin earlier, he took his time in removing your underwear, licking a strip through your folds before blowing hot air onto it. “tsukki i cant take it, please” you whined writhing against the sheets. “god, you look-“ he paused, unsure of what to say. no. unsure if he should say what he wants to say “-you look gorgeous” you were unsure more heat ran to your cheeks or your abdomen but you were sure you were bright red.
“please tsukki, i need you” he complied quickly, pumping himself a few times before lining himself up with your heat, nodding at you and waiting for your signal before continuing. as he pushed into you, you felt the stretch that reminded you about your lack of preparation. “shit are you okay” kei asked, stalling inside of you even though obviously difficult for him, this was not the usual pace you two went at. “yeah no, i’m fine, you feel amazing please keep going” he groaned at your words, pushing the rest of himself in, his pubic bone right up against your clit, making you all the more riled up. “can i- fuck! baby, please can i move?” he asked, one of his hands intertwined with yours and the other grasping at the bed sheets. you had never heard kei sound so vulnerable before; especially not during sex. starting to adjust a little easier to him now you nodded “yes, kei please, i need it please”
he only pulled out half way before rutting back into you, both of you letting out a moan at the feeling. his thrusts were uneasy at first, before finding a pace that suited you both, you were making sounds kei had never heard from you before, he loved it so much. “does it feel good, gorgeous?” gorgeous? gorgeous! oh my god you were literally basking in his words, them bringing you closer and closer to the edge. “yes kei! please your so good to me, i’m so close” kei would never admit it but he loved praise, hearing you tell him how good of a job he was doing, being able to actually see how he was making you feel sent him mad. “fuck, i’m gonna cum soon” he grunted, the arm that was supporting him fell, leaving him pressed right against your chest, you literally could not be closer together if you tried.
as both of you were nearing your edge he burrowed his head in your neck, not even bothering to hold himself up, putting all his energy into his thrusts. as you both came you wrapped your legs around him, keeping him inside you as he painted your insides white. the two of you stayed like that for a while, catching your breathes. you found it hard because of the 6’3 former volleyball player laying on top of you but as he went to roll off you all you could think is that you didn’t want to be away from him. moving with him and being careful so he didn’t slip out. when he looked at you with a quirked eyebrow you smiled sheepishly “can we just stay like this for a little bit?” a smile tugged at his lips “of course we can gorgeous” he said, pecking your forehead and tangling your legs together.
this isn’t proof read whoops i’m just a whore for domestic tsukki
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bradshawwannebe · 4 years
Coffee and baby bunnies
Bucky Barnes x fem!englishteacher!Reader 
It’s weird when you have a best friend that suddenly doesn’t seem like a best friend. One look at him and you notice just how much you love him. Do you act on these feelings or should you just keep them to yourself?
Warnings: fluff and a mean little cat (based off of my own cat)
Waking up one morning and deciding that going to a coffee shop was good, it was a great idea. Right up until you stubbed your toe and thought you broke the nail on your pinky toe, again. Then you remembered you have an English class to teach at the local High School, and luckily your class doesn’t start until 7:00. Quickly glancing at the clock and it reading 6:30 caused you to get your butt into gear, slipping on some skinny jeans and a nice loose fitting black shirt you decided to slip on pointed toe red flats and doing some simple makeup as quickly as possible. Looking back at the clock and seeing that 10 minutes had passed you sighed ‘That’s a record’ you grabbed the daily necessities and your keys to go to the nearest open coffee shop available. Right after you fed and pet the little furball of a cat you called Pattie May wishing her a good day and asked her not to mess with pillows and plants too much, or at all.
It took all of ten minutes to see that your favorite cafe was open and grabbing your coffee and a croissant until you met a rock hard chest but thankfully saving the coffee. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going, are you okay?”  A low, deep chuckle is what you heard in response your fussing, out of humiliation your eye were facing the red shoes on your feet but the chuckle you heard irritated you, causing you to look up at the person to reprimand them for laughing at you, but when you saw who it was that fire quickly died and the blood spread across your face in an instant.
“It's a fine, doll, don’t worry about me, are you ok?” the man, er well The Winter Soldier, responded.
Your breath got caught in your throat and your heart skipped a beat at the sudden realization and words failed you, ‘So much for becoming an English teacher’. And with that you nodded with a, “Yes, I’m ok, uh thank you for asking Mr. Soldier… er uh Barnes, Uh I-I mean-” you were cut off before you could embarrass yourself any further, if that was possible.
“Bucky, my name’s Bucky,” jeez, what a voice.
“Bucky,” you breathed, testing the name out on your lips, and loving the way it felt,” right, sorry. Thank you, Bucky for asking and sorry for running into you but I really have to get going.”
“What’s your name?” he rushed out before you could turn away.
Telling Bucky your name, you walked out before you said something you’d regret.
And once at the school and in the security of your classroom, Levi, a freshman asked why you were so red and you blamed the coffee.
Since that day around a week ago, you’ve met at the same shop as often as possible, waking up earlier, getting dressed faster just to see Bucky. However today, numbers were exchanged and not even before you left the shop, you got a message from an unknown number, why numbers weren’t exchanged before was beyond your knowledge. 
“Hey, it’s Bucky.”
It’s been a month and yours and Bucky's friendship has blossomed, still a friendship but he has successfully been upgraded to ‘best friend’ seeing as you only have two other people that you talk to that aren’t students or work colleagues,and personally are your friends. “Hello, Earth to Y/N, are you still there?” the metal hand of Bucky Barnes waved in your face to get your attention. “Are you okay? You seem out of it.” His concern warmed your heart and you fought off a blush and grin from appearing on your face. “Yeah, Buck, I’m fine, what were you saying?” 
He eyed you a bit before answering, “I was asking how your class is.” Oh.
“It’s going okay, I stopped a few kids on the football team from snorting Smarties before anyone could do much damage,” you supplied the man. Explaining how snorting the candy worked when he gave you a confused expression. “Big dummy heads, the lot of them.”
“Isn’t calling students ‘dummy heads’ considered bullying?” he teased while sitting on a nearby bench in Central Park. you fixed him with a glare that didn’t last long before you decided that it was getting late and your bed was calling your name. 
“Actually, no, I wasn’t talking about them, per say,” you defended yourself, standing up and throwing the empty cappuccino cup in your hand in the nearby trash bin, “but it is getting late and I should most definitely be getting back to my apartment and grade some papers. See ya.” 
You didn’t notice that he had already stood up and he grabbed your wrist before you could move too far away. “I know you’re walking home and it’s New York and it’s a big city, so I could walk you home.” 
You glanced at your watch quickly before making a decision. “Ya know, yeah, why not? Plus, now you could meet Pattie May. Well Gabby and I call her May, but Jordyn just calls her cat. She’s a bit of a b-,” you said without taking a breath before realization dawned on you that you were rambling. A thing you did when you were excited or nervous. You went to state your realization before you were cut off. “You’re rambling again, doll.” 
“Whoops, sorry,” you stated with a slight shrug and a sheepish smile walking ahead to hide the inevitable yet traitorous blush on your face. You felt his presence as he sidled up beside you. The cool, autumn air couldn’t extinguish the fact that the man standing next to you could very well be a heater in disguise as you felt his warmth radiating off of him. Walking the trail out of Central Park you spotted the small bunny that sat off to the side of the trail. “Bucky, look, it’s a baby bunny!” you couldn’t contain your excitement. Spotting the small animal was probably one the most exciting things you did as a teenager, the excitement of seeing them never leaving  you, even as a fully grown adult. 
“It’s so tiny and adorable. Hey, do you think we touch him or her? I don’t know it’s gender but it’s cute.” The logic of stating your desire hit you and you suddenly felt like the dumbest person ever. Especially when the bunny saw you and took off out of fear. “Actually nevermind.” You didn’t miss the look of fondness on his face, the smile he gave you was like an award.
“Hey, you ok? You just kinda stopped talking,” you were actually slightly worried. And as if sensing your concern, or well simply answering you, he looks away.
“Yeah, the rabbit was just cute. So, my question is why I have never been to your apartment in the first place. You’ve been to mine countless times for movie night but I’ve never been to yours.” 
Shrugging you answered. “Now that I think about it, I don’t really know. Well then in that case, why don’t we have a movie night Friday? We could order pizza and find a movie on Netflix or something.” It's not the first time you’ve had a movie night with Bucky so it’s nothing unusual about the event. However, to say that you didn’t feel attracted to the man beside you would be a lie and to say that you didn’t have a small, but slightly large crush on him would be an even bigger lie.
“Yeah, is around 7 okay?” he asked already knowing that answer would be yes, and with a nod of your head you confirmed it, and the rest of the walk to your apartment was silent.
When you reached your apartment you convinced him to come in even if it was only for a second. Sliding off your shoes at the door in order to not track dirt or mud into the apartment, and asking Bucky to do the same. Doing as you asked he set his boots on the floor by the door. “Hey, so where’s that cat you were talking about? I want to meet her,” he spoke genuinely curious about the cat, and excusing yourself you went to go find her.
Bucky watched you walk out of the room stunned with the slightly messy papers on the table and the small bushy kitten on the couch that was glaring at him. He walked over to the flowers and various succulent plants that were resting by a bookcase of small knick knacks and books that scream the little perks of personality you left in the apartment, and he couldn’t help but notice some of the bears that graced a few of the shelves around your home and the bit of succulents that were on the ground, with little bite marks in the small chunks.  Then, suddenly there was a loud ‘bang’ drawing him out of his train of thought. “You alright, doll?” he wasn’t too worried, he could tell you were clumsy just by the continuous meetings at his favorite coffee shop and the movie nights at his apartment.
“I’m ok, don’t worry! Is May out there? I can’t find her in here.” he chuckled at your statement, assuming you stubbed your toe and a small thump followed with a string of curses.
“Yeah, she’s in here so try not to kill yourself coming out.” and with that he walked over to the small kitten that suddenly started standing up and purring at him. 
“Well, aren’t you a cutie?” he asked the fluff ball, reaching his hand out to pet her. Unfortunately for him he reached out his flesh hand, and the small kitten had already rolled onto her back attacking the supposedly offending hand.
“Ow, you little-” he was cut off when you walked into the living room and scolded the cat and carrying a squirt gun in your right hand.
“May! You know better, stop biting people that only want to show you affection,” he couldn’t help but think how domestic the situation was, the small cat no longer gnawing on his fingers but instead hugging his hand,”I’m sorry about her. She’s only a few months old and extremely playful. It doesn’t mean she hates you, I promise.” 
“She's cute so I think she can get away with it,” he teased with a small smile, and you smiled back. You stayed like that until the death ball meowed at you and decided to use your leg as a scratch post. 
“OW, you little brat! Fine, I’ll get your food just be nice, jeez,” excusing yourself you walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. As soon as May heard the refrigerator open she was gone, followed by persistent squeaks that could only be described as demanding from the cat. 
“I know, I know, but you have dry food so why do you want this so bad? Oh well. Here you go, hun, eat up.” and almost as if the kitten was thanking you the meows ended with another squeak.
“Sorry, I give her some wet food in  the morning and at night and she is very vocal and demanding about it, but even then she's kind of polite,”  you explained, turning around in your kitchen only to be met with a hard chest. 
“Oof,sorry… again,” you said sheepishly, taking a few steps back. Bucky didn’t say anything except a follow up apology.
“You apologize too much.”
“Yeah, well… so do you, you giant,” you teased back.
“Well, you’re cute when you talk to animals.”
“Well, you’re cute when you think I don’t know when you're staring,” the playful banter suddenly turned into a confession of feelings within seconds, ‘wow, I really just said that.’ 
“Well, your glasses make you look cuter than when you wear your contacts.”
“Yeah? Well, I like you… a lot.”
“I bet I like you a lot more, sugar.”
“Not possible, soldier,” you sassed taking one step towards him. 
Taking one step closer you became chest to chest.
“I’m about to kiss you,” You whispered.
He smirked at that, “Not if I kiss you first,” and you he did. His lips felt so much better than in your dreams. Your arms snuck their way around his neck while his arms rested on your waist. However do to this pesky little thing called oxygen you had to pull away, even though you really didn’t want to.
Looking down you both chuckled at the small furry kitten demanding something from, what that is you aren’t exactly sure. Bucky leaned down for another chaste kiss,” You think we could make Friday more of a date? I could pick you up at the same time and everything”
You nodded, agreeing with him and the time.
“Goodnight, doll, don’t stay up too late grading those. You’ll be tired by tomorrow morning,” he stated putting his shoes on and walking outside you following behind him to the door.
“Goodnight, Bucky, don’t worry, I’ll save them for tomorrow.” 
With one last kiss, he walked out the door, “maybe I’ll have the kids grade the papers”. 
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Hey it’s me again, your biggest fan🤪 Hope that you’re doing well! Can I request an imagine with Cal Kestis where he takes care of a jedi!reader like being domestic and stuff? I’m sorry this isn’t really precise, tell me if you want more details or if you don’t want to write this, it’s okay! As always, love your writing, thank you🥰💖
Hi there~! Even if I’ve already messaged you about this a few days ago but thank you so much for being patient for the fic! I hope I was able to capture the domestic fluff in this story 🤗🥰 Sending lots of love, I hope you’re staying safe and doing well at your home! 💖
“Day Off” | Cal Kestis x Reader
Tags: Domestic! Cal Kestis
It was nearly 0700 in the morning. Cal had gotten up from bed while you were still sleeping, and he made himself busy at the galley as soon as he put his shirt on.
“Kid, what are you doing up so early?” Greez groaned when he walked in rubbing his eye.
Cal brought a finger to his own lips, “I’m just making breakfast.”
Greez looked around, he saw that you weren’t awake yet, and he immediately got the idea that Cal was going with. He let the boy do whatever he was doing in the kitchen and then walked away.
Cal exactly knew your favorite breakfast: space waffles drizzled with honey with berries filling half of the plate. The decadent smell wafted around the ship—when it reached the bedroom, your nostrils flared and your eyes shot up. You bring yourself out of bed, to the bathroom first to get washed up, and then followed the smell while rubbing your eyes until you arrived at the kitchen.
Eyes still droopy, you leaned your entire body over the broad of Cal’s back, slipping your arms around his waist as he continued to prepare food.
“That smells so good…” you moaned.
“Well, good morning, sunshine!”
He paused from his edible handiwork, twirled around and cupped your face. He squishes and wriggles your cheek and then smothered you with kisses. Cal lifted you up slightly above the ground and settled you down on a chair then quickly resumed his work. Even with his back turned, you continued to stare at the little shifts of his shoulder, his head slightly bobbing left and right, and the occasional pivots of his elbows. They were little things—though they still made you smile.
He carried a pair of dishes to the table—one for each of you.
“You made breakfast?”
“Yeah, I thought of whipping something you’d like,”
He places the plate in front of you.
“Just the way you like it!” he beamed.
The honey and the waffle melted perfectly in your mouth, you pop a berry into your mouth and the juice mixed in with the honey. It was the perfect amount of sugar for you to get through the morning.
The stillness of the forest was disturbed by the rustling of the leaves and grass.
After the liberation of the Wookiees under the effort of Saw Gerrera’s partisans, there is now peace and everyone can rest easy. Meanwhile, you and Cal have made a training course in the forest just past the AT-AT wreckage at the landing pad.
The original fifteen-minute-long trek from the landing pad to the course became eight minutes; thanks to the discreet arrows were carved on the tree trunks, and shards of the bright red pauldrons stripped off of Stormtrooper commanders hung on the branches that served as waypoints.
This portion of the forest was something that both of you discovered in the middle of scouting duty. The two of you mapped it out like some kind of obstacle course; Cal even managed to reprogram a probe droid to behave like a remote training droid—exactly like the ones younglings train with at the Jedi Temple.
“We should think of a name for the probe droid,” Cal suggested while crawling his way uphill on a slope. “It’s kinda inconvenient and a mouthful to keep calling it ‘the probe droid.’ What name do you think we should give it?”
“Normally, we’d make a name out of its serial number,”
Cal concurred with the idea. When you’ve reached your destination, he produced the black droid out of the chest where it’s kept and examined it, searching for its serial number. You walked up to him and dusted off the earth caked on its body, revealing the gradually-chipped white font painted on the black metal.
“There it is,” you tap it with your finger. “RZE-4… We could call it Raze!”
Cal echoed the serial number and then the name you suggested. He openly tells you that he likes it and went with it. BD-1 chirped—his tone sent mixed signals. The pair interpreted it as nervousness mixed with a tinge of jealousy.
“Aw, BD’s worried we might have had him replaced,” you cooed, patting him softly on the head.
“Don’t worry, BD, you’ll always be our only buddy!” Cal added.
A few more affirming words later, BD-1’s confidence in the two of you easily returned. Cal switched on the newly-named probe droid, Raze, and the little red dot shone in its dome-shaped eye. It hovered off of Cal’s hands, beeping and spinning its head to scan its surroundings; when it heard BD’s trill, its abrupt turn of the head startled the little, white droid who immediately hid behind Cal’s shoulder.
“He’s just saying hello to you!” an amused Cal chuckled.
“You won’t hurt little BD here, will you, Raze?”
The black, hovering droid chittered its signature string of sounds in response; BD-1, having understood the other droid, chirped back positively. The two were fast friends.
“Okay, that turned out quicker than I expected!” Cal commented.
Cal configured the droid’s blaster damage to non-lethal and the training commenced: beginning with basic sparring, experimenting all kinds of saber combinations and attack patterns. The scenario immediately shifted and then became a situation facing off a melee enemy accompanied by a ranged assist—Cal tried to overwhelm you, pretending to be an electrostaff Purge Trooper while Raze shoots projectiles at you, careful not to bank it to the droid you sent it flying to a hanging armor plate.
“Raze, standby mode!” Cal commanded then turned to you. “See if you can keep up!”
You and Cal raced through the course, stopping along the way to throw some strikes here and there—the tricky part of the course was walking through a fallen log and fighting at the same time. Cal had already retracted his lightsaber once you got across.
“Cal, hey wait! Where are you going?”
“Just follow me!”
Excitement pumped your heart in every step of the way. You’ve gotten ahead of Cal, you’d look back every once in a while to see if Cal was running close—he was. He glimpsed at the smile and the youthful rush that painted the expression on your face.
He’s up to something. You wagered, but kept going.
Your speed came to a halt, standing in front a curtain of vines; you shot him a quizzical look which he returned with a smug.
“What’s in there?”
“You’ll see,” he said before going through.
You have no other choice but to follow. You found yourselves in a cave, the strings of light hanging from the ceiling mesmerized you, and there were more on the ground. The sound of groaning metal drew your attention away from the luminescence—Cal had hauled out two large metal plates, enough for either of you to sit on.
“What are you planning with those?”
“Just sit down,” he patted the unoccupied metal sheet.
You sat right in front of him, your knees buckled and wrapped around your arms as you held onto the rim of the metal. Your breath was shaky and you struggled to keep a tight grip on your improvised sled.
You shake your head, “No!”
Cal gave a tiny push on your back and it felt as if you were flying; the damp air blew through your hair as you sped away, shifting your weight ever so slightly to make the turns, you can’t help but burst in laughter and just started whooping.
“We’re almost to the end! Put your heels on the ground to slow down!”
Mud caked on your soles as the heels of your boots scrape against the soil. The end of the slide threw both of you to a puddle riddled with glowing blue lights. You didn’t mind the muck that clung onto your clothes, you just let it all out through laughing and childishly flailing around to shake off the tension.
“WOW THAT WAS FUN!” you suddenly sat up, your hair flung droplets of water all over the place. “Since when have you found out about this place, anyway?”
“When we were on scouting duty, just before we made our course,”
“You’re really full of surprises,” you splashed the bioluminescent water to his direction, in turn, he did the same until you’re both covered in glowing blue muck. You scoop up some in your hand and upon closer inspection, you assumed it to be some kind of algae. “I hope you know the way to a waterfall or a stream because this thing’s sludgy!”
There was a river not far from where you were. The faint sound of a waterfall crashing proved it. The bioluminescent algae in the puddle gradually had a paste-like consistency when it dried as you walked. By the time you found the water hole, without hesitation, you dove into the water then the matter dissolved off of your bodies and into the current.
“For a moment there, I thought my clothes got heavy!” you blurted.
“Yeah, Kashyyyk sure has weird plants,” Cal added.
First, you washed off the residues of the blue algae that stuck in the creases of your clothes. Eventually, both of you have stripped off your jackets and shoes, leaving them lying flat on some rocks by the shore of the river to dry. After rinsing yourselves, the two of you rushed back to the base to get an actual, proper bath.
There was a bunker near the refinery, fortunately, you had the baths all to yourselves. The water temperature was perfect and the tub was more than enough to fit both of you; he took you to his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist underwater while you scooped and then poured water on his head. Droplets lined up in rows along his jaw then plopped down, he studied the contours of your face riddled with beads of water, his eyes trailed on every inch of your face and he’d absentmindedly smile to himself as you wash him.
Your fingers gently scrubbed his scalp until a puff of suds partially covered his red hair; soft, relaxed sighs escaped his lips as you combed his hair in wet, clumped spikes. He closed his eyes for a few minutes that you thought he’d dozed off.
“You still awake?”
You slightly angled your head to the side but continued on. A few minutes later, he started to shift in his position.
“Your turn,” he purred as he smiled.
He turned you around so you face away from him. He smoothed your hair and smuggled a kiss on the crook of your neck. He mimicked the way you washed his hair: fingers crawling upward starting from the bottom of your scalp until foam started to froth between your locks—he was so gentle that your neck slowly tilted back, your nerves tingled as he rubbed—then he cupped up a handful of water, rinsed the clouds of suds off of your hair.
He continued to stroke your head with the palm of his hand, smoothing out your hair while repeatedly cupping and pouring water on you.
“This feels nice,” you finally hummed.
“Should we get dirty more often then?” he half-joked.
“No need, let’s just do this more often!”
One last rinse before you go and it’s back to the Mantis. The sensation of his fingers still ran fresh through your skin, even if it has been an hour since your bath. You yawned and rubbed your eyes.
“Aww, my little baby’s tired,”
“I guess I am…”
Cal carried you bridal-style and retired to the bedroom inside the ship. When he settled you down in bed, you stretched out your arms to him, demanding that he lies with you. He cuddled you in while pulling the blanket over the both of you; stroking your hair, caressing your cheeks with the back of his hand, and kissed you one last time before he too drifted off to sleep.
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All We Are Thankful For (Broken Wings Verse)
A commission for @korrababy​ who wanted an extension of our Broken Wings verse full of fluff and domestic family goodness. Thor comes back to the compound and reunites with our favorite family, and this time he brings nb!Omega!Loki as well. 
The Bifrost burned a pattern into the snow outside the compound, and when the noise ceased and the wind settled, Thor stood there with golden wings stretched wide, deep brown primaries fluttering in the frigid air and his head tipped back, a grin nearly splitting his face. 
“You look like a fool.” An Omega with coal black wings stepped from behind Thor and sniffed, turning his nose up at the snow. “I am freezing and you are standing here smiling like a buffoon. Why are you smiling? Earth is disgusting.” 
“Tis good to be home!” Thor ignored the annoyed Omega and took a purposefully loud inhale, breathing out on a loud, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” and shaking his feathers until they smacked the Omega in the face. “Can’t you feel it, Loki?” 
“What is the matter with you?” Loki snarled, baring a set of pointed fangs and shoving at Thor’s wings to get them out of the way. “What is the matter with you? This isn’t home, home is--” 
They stopped abruptly, biting at their lip hard enough to pierce tender skin and draw blood. “It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter where home is. You’re still being a damn fool.” 
“Loki.” Thor gentled his tone, lowered his feathers so they weren’t so purposefully encroaching on his sibling’s space. “Ever since learning of your heritage you’ve become cold and withdrawn. You changed your wings and refuse to call Frigga mother, I bother you and you never laugh--” 
“--I have never laughed when you bother me.” 
“--categorically untrue, you laugh every time.” Thor maintained. “It is time to bring this to an end, Loki. You’ve grieved long enough, you’ve punished Frigga and Odin for keeping secrets, you’ve taken your anger out on me for all the times I made you play the Frost Giant in our war games. Enough is enough, Loki. It is time to move on.” 
“...and your grand idea of moving on is to bring me to the wilds of Midgard to freeze in the snow.” Loki said flatly. “Bra-vo, Thor. Your intelligence astounds me.” 
Thor only swept his arm out wide to encompass the view in front of them, the compound rising abruptly from the snowy plain and the forest that lay thick on every side. “I didn’t bring you to the wilds of Earth, I brought you home to meet this family, my family. You will find a place here, Loki.”
“Ah. Because my place is no longer in Asgard and certainly not in Jotunn. Why not give Earth a try?” Loki didn’t even sound bitter, more heartbroken than anything. Asgard as a whole had turned it’s back on Loki after news of their adoption and Jotunn birth had spread, and when the Omega had gone to the Frost Giants for answers, they had been cast out from there as well. 
Loki was an Omega without a home, without a place to call their own anymore and seeing the pain in his siblings green eyes every day had driven Thor to such sorry that he had done something wildly impetuous and all but kidnapped Loki from their chambers and brought to Earth unannounced. 
“You may not feel your place is Asgard any longer.” Thor said carefully. “But there is room for you here, Loki.”
“And why would you think I’d find a place here on Earth with strangers?” Loki spread their hands towards the compound. “This Alpha Anthony you speak so highly of, his birds and his Omegas and the warriors he calls his own? How exactly is there room for someone like me in a family like that?” 
“Birds. You speak of Falcon and Hawkeye.” Thor corrected with a muffled grin. “But by all means, do call them Anthony’s birds when you meet them.” 
“Thor!” Loki’s matte black feathers flickered green and then brightened almost to silver as the Omega’s emotions rose. “This is not a joke.” 
“And I am not making fun.” The Alpha settled his tone immediately, holding out comforting hand and letting it fall after a moment when Loki only glanced at it, then glanced away. “Being here with this family will heal your heart if you let it, especially if you keep your schemes and mischief to a minimum. I love everyone in this compound and I want you to love them too.” 
The Omega was quiet for a moment, and then, “I cannot promise no schemes. I am the god of Mischief, you know.”  
“God of Mischief.” Thor snorted, flicking his wings out to mingle with Loki’s for a brief, affectionate touch. “At best you are a curator of card tricks.” 
“Thor.” Loki reached for Thor’s arm and squeezed hard, their slim fingers digging into the demi god’s sleeve. “Are you sure about this?” 
“As sure as I’ve ever been of anything, Loki.” Thor wrapped a thick arm and heavy wing around his sibling. “There is room in this family for you, I promise. Come in and meet them.” 
“Alright.” Loki took a deep breath, made a concentrated effort to control their glamour, and smoothed the lines of their black suit. “Lead on.” 
“Thor!” Sam was crossing into the common area with a plate of dessert when Thor and Loki came in from outside, and his red wings opened wide in welcome. “You’re home again! Welcome back!” 
“Samuel!” Thor boomed, and crossed the room in a few giant steps, snatching the Beta up into a hug, ignoring Sam’s startled ack! and squeezing him tight. “I’ve missed you! How are things!” 
“Things would be better if I could breathe!” Sam wheezed and pounded at Thor’s back good naturedly. “Let me down, big guy. You’ll break all my feathers like this.” 
“Ah, of course. I forget you are only mortal and not near as strong as I.” Thor teased and Sam punched at his shoulder harmlessly. “Come, meet my sibling Loki. Loki, this is Samuel, our Falcon.” 
“Samuel.” Almost floored by the wash of contentment and family heavy in the air, Loki extended their hand hesitantly, black wings tucked back as far out of view as he could manage. “One of Anthony’s birds, isn’t that right?” 
Sam’s brows lowered, eyes narrowed and he swiveled to stare at Thor, whose face was nearly splitting in an attempt to hide a gleeful smile. “You told your brother to call me one of Tony’s birds? Thor, I swear to God--” 
“Loki is my sibling.” Thor corrected quickly, meaningfully, and Sam didn’t skip a beat when he said, “You told your sibling to call me one of Tony’s birds? It’s gonna be like that? Remember Valentines Day when you messed with my baking and I got back at you by putting food coloring in your shampoo so you were pink for a week? We gonna start pranking each other again?” 
“I remember putting Asgardian adhesive down on the toilet and you waddling for several days.” Thor returned, thunder rolling in the pitch of his laughter. “Samuel! Do not start a war you cannot win!” 
“No no, I’m not worried about that this time.” Sam let his feathers fluff up in a show of mock aggression. “Loki is here this time and since no pretty Omega can resist my charm, I’ll have them sharing all your secrets but the end of the day!” 
Loki made a shocked sort of sound when Sam called them pretty, but it was lost beneath an excited whoop as an Omega with rich brown wings launched himself over the couch and right onto Thor.
“Hey look!” The Omega laughed out loud when Thor caught him easily. “It’s my favorite Chippendale’s dancer! What’s up Thunder from Down Under? Welcome home!” 
“Clint.” Thor’s hug for the boisterous Omega was quite a bit gentler but no less enthusiastic than his one for Sam had been. “It’s good to be home again. I’ve been away too long and I missed your sweet sass.”
“Of course you did.” Clint agreed easily, wriggling out of Thor’s arms to smack a loud kiss onto Sam’s cheek. “By the way, you were definitely gone too long. What is this, eight months away from home? Way too long. You’re lucky Pep didn’t send a strongly worded letter to Asgard demanding your immediate return.” 
“I can assure you, the letter is sitting on my desk.” The aforementioned Pep came in behind Loki and Thor, discarding her purse and kicking out of sky high heels before kissing first Sam, then Clint, and finally lifting pale pink wings and arms to wrap around Thor’s shoulders for a hug. “Welcome home, Thor. We’ve missed you.”
“Ms. Potts.” Thor picked up Pepper’s dainty hand and lay a kiss on her palm. “You are more beautiful every time I see you.”
“Oh I know, I know.” The lovely Omega waved off Thor’s praise and turned with an expectant smile towards Loki. “Welcome to the compound Mr. Laufeyson. My name is Pepper Potts and I keep our family carefully corralled into well orchestrated chaos--” 
“S’just Loki, Pep.” Sam, quietly. “Not mister.” and Pepper’s smile brightened a little as she smoothly corrected, “Welcome to the compound, Loki. Forgive my slip there. Has Thor shown you to your rooms yet? Our Alpha went all out trying to decorate for you two, Thor you remember how Tony is around this time of year.” 
“I have a room here?” Loki asked in obvious surprise. “A personal room specifically for me? Why?” 
“It’s sort of a tradition.” Pepper explained with a long suffering sigh. “I think it physically pains Tony to not design special living spaces for everyone in our family and when he found out Thor was bringing you for the holidays, his wings fluffed out at least twice their size in excitement. Be sure and tell him if you don’t like it though, or if you’d rather sleep in the same room as Thor. Steve and Bucky share a room when they aren’t with our Alpha, they don’t like being apart for very long. It’s fine if we need to do a little rearranging.” 
“Oh.” Loki hesitated, and behind Pepper’s shoulder Thor raised his eyebrows hopefully, offering Loki a thumbs up. “...Thank you.” 
“It’s no trouble.” Pepper brushed her pink feathers against Loki’s wings, but before he could be surprised by the affectionate touch, Pepper had turned to blow Thor a kiss, smile at both Sam and Clint and then nearly ran from the room heading on her way to do whatever it was she did to keep their family corralled. 
Loki surreptitiously sniffed the air after the Omega and when Sam caught the motion, he explained, “Pep scents different because she wears suppressants. That’s what you’re noticing.” 
Loki’s eyes widened over the blase way the Beta announced such private information and Clint winked, throwing an arm around the Omega, “Don’t look so surprised, Lo. We’re a touchy-feely, no secrets sort of family. You’ll get used to us.” 
“Ah.” Loki cleared their throat. “I see.” 
“You don’t yet.” Sam said confidently. “But you will.” His red feathers swept up to gather Clint into a hug and Loki startled when the easy contentment in the air spiked with arousal, the Omega turning in Sam’s arms and laying a heated kiss on his lips. “Uh Thor, why don’t you head down to the gym and find our Alpha. He’ll be excited to see you.” 
“An excellent idea.” Thor cleared his throat to distract Loki from outright staring as Clint and Sam shared another kiss. “Let’s find our Alpha and my Steven and leave these two to wrestle like seals over a fish.”
“Wrestle like a seal? Is that what he just said?!” A shoe came winging towards Thor courtesy of Clint, and the Alpha practically rolled with laughter as it bounced harmlessly off his head. 
“Why do you call Anthony your Alpha?” Loki wanted to know as Thor guided him down the hall towards the stairs. “Surely the human isn’t more of an Alpha than you are.” 
“Anthony is Alpha of this family, so the title is one of respect.” Thor nearly ran down the stairs to the gym, thumping down them two and three at a time. “And he prefers to be called Tony to Anthony, but he allows me the formality of his full name and I’m sure he’ll grant you the same. You certainly don’t have to call him Alpha, but everyone else does.” 
“Everyone else.” Loki picked at a piece of lint on their suit absentmindedly. “And does everyone ac like Samuel and Clint do? They both refer to Anthony as Alpha yet they kiss? And what about announcing the Omega Pepper uses suppressants? An Omega’s biology is a private thing, why would he say it so carelessly? What sort of family is this, Thor?” 
“One where they know and accept each other so thoroughly there is not room for jealousy or misunderstandings.” Thor stepped into the gym and breathed deep, tasting the mixed Alpha and Omega hormones and the tang of sweat, and when he spied two figures in the wrestling ring, he clapped his hands together and called, “Anthony! I’ve come home again!”
“Thor!” An Alpha with gorgeous, multi colored feathers looked up with an excited grin, and then was taken to the mat with a grunt as a big Omega flipped him over and pinned him with a thump. “Oh--” Tony wheezed and the Omega laughed in delight, curling close and nuzzling at Tony’s neck. “Oh sweetheart, you are amazing at that, almost killed me that time. Wonderful.” 
“I’d never hurt you, Alpha.” the blond Omega murmured, and pursed his lips for a kiss Tony willingly gave, lingering over the moment until the Omega was satisfied. 
Only after the Omega pulled away did Tony stand and jump right over the ropes of the ring, crashing into Thor and wrapping arms and wings around the other Alpha in a near desperate hug, then tipping his head up for a bruising kiss. 
“Anthony.” Thor hummed as Tony sighed, “Thor. Welcome home.” 
“Tis good to be home, Alpha.” Thor put Tony down gently, then backed up a few steps and spread his golden wings wide before dropping them submissively in a show of respect for the family’s Alpha. “I’ve missed you.” 
Tony massive wings opened to a span that rivaled Thor's, and his dark eyes shifting red in dominance for a moment before he dropped his wings too and whispered, “I missed you too.” 
This time when Thor moved forward, the kiss was slow and sweet and Tony pulled his feathers back so Thor could surround him, melting into the bigger Alpha’s arms. When Thor spread his palm over the arc reactor in Tony’s chest and pressed carefully, the other Alpha rumbled in contentment and leaned into the touch, covering Thor’s hand with his own. 
“Have you been well?” Thor asked quietly, meaningfully. “Your mates and the new child? Our Bruce? Where is Natasha? Pepper is so beautiful she nearly brings me to my knees and Samuel and Clint are gorgeous together. How is the Colonel? Steven?” 
“Everyone is fine.” Tony loved that Thor was so in tune to their family, and he let himself sink a bit closer to the Alpha until Thor rumbled and held him tighter. “The last few months have been an adjustment, but we are all managing.” 
Thor frowned, reading the tension and sadness in Tony’s scent. “What do you mean, managing. How is your Omega Bucky? The last I was home he was only barely--” Thor made a general motion over his stomach. “Is he alright? Is he--?” 
“Bucky is...well he’s adjusting. We all are.” Tony’s whiskey warm eyes dimmed a little. “But that’s a conversation for another time. You should go see Steve, he’s been about climbing out of his skin the last few days waiting for you to get here. Go and see him and I’ll spend some time getting to know your brother.” 
“Loki is my sibling.” Thor corrected automatically and Tony smiled in understanding. “And I’d enjoy more time with you, Alpha, before seeing anyone else.” 
“I’d enjoy more time with you too, Alpha.” Tony growled playfully and nipped at Thor’s bottom lip. “But if our Omega needs your attention…” he inclined his head towards the wrestling ring to where Steve was standing and staring, beautiful wings trembling in anticipation, eyes wide and fists clenched. “Go on. You and I will have time later but Steve might actually faint if you don’t talk to him soon.”
“Bruce?” Thor hesitated again, not because he didn't want desperately want to get his arms and wings around the gorgeous Omega, but because he couldn’t stand the thought of ignoring a single one of the people he loved. “Is he home in the compound?” 
“Bruce is out with Bucky and won’t be home for a few hours.” Tony opened his wings wider and wider until Thor was forced to let go of him or risk damaging his feathers. “Go spend time with Steve, go on.” 
“Tonight, perhaps?” Thor brushed his knuckles over Tony’s cheek and the Alpha nodded in agreement. “Till then, my love.” 
Thor left one last kiss on Tony’s mouth, then turned and strode purposefully towards Steve, letting his wings burst open and spread to their furthest points in front of the Omega, brilliant golden feathers glowing in the lights, darker brown primaries gleaming and glossy. 
Steve fell to his knees with an audible whimper, instinctively baring his throat for the Alpha and Thor went to his knees in front of the Omega with a low growl, burying his hands in Steven’s hair and bringing their mouths together in a hard kiss. 
“Al-Alpha.” Steve whispered, and the gym shook with the force of Thor’s thunder as he rumbled, “Omega.” 
Tony watched the scene for only a few seconds before turning his attention to Loki, his multicolored wings lifting in welcome and interest as he approached the Omega. 
“Loki.” the Alpha offered his hand palm up, for the Omega to take. “Welcome to the compound. We’ve waited a long time to meet you.” 
“You allow another Alpha to claim your Omega?” Loki blinked down at Tony’s hand, then up at the Alpha. “Thor assured me Steven was your mate and I assumed my brother simply coveted the Omega, not that they engaged in this--” he gestured towards the scene. “--this--whatever this is.”
“Steve is my mate.” Tony touched the overlapping circles of three mating bites on the side of his throat, one for Clint, one for Bucky, one for Steven. “But he and Thor are very well suited. Why wouldn’t I acknowledge their bond, and encourage them to be happy together?” 
“Because that’s not normal.” Loki narrowed their eyes.“You’re telling me you feel no jealousy watching another Alpha with your mate. No irritation at all that upstairs a Beta is intimate with another of your Omegas. Honestly?” 
“Thor told me once that in Asgard there are a thousand ways to love someone.” Tony said thoughtfully. “I consider myself a lucky Alpha to have so many of those ways right here in my own home, with my family. Not all of our relationships are the same, not all make sense to people standing on the outside looking in. But in the end, the only thing that matters is knowing my family is safe and loved, and I don’t care how that plays out.” 
“Even those that don’t belong in acceptable society.” Loki pressed and when Tony shrugged as if he didn’t know which of his family might not belong in acceptable society, Loki blurted--
“I’ve heard stories about the Soldier and about the Hulk and the Widow.You mean to tell me even they find a place in here? No one looks at them sideways for their past and their actions and the blood on their hands?” The words came  harsher than Loki intended, the concept of outright acceptance so outright confusing that the Omega felt like they were spinning. “They are practically monsters and yet you pretend they aren’t?”
“First of all.” Tony’s wings flared in warning, the bronze and dark red looking especially menacing and Loki backed up a step, taken by surprise by the change in temperament, by the sudden danger rolling off the Alpha. “First of all Bucky, Bruce and Tasha are more than their pasts, more than who or what the outside world thinks they are. You will call them by name, not by the reputation forced on them by other people. 
“...I meant no disrespect.” Loki said slowly, stunned by the show of protectiveness. “My apologies, Anthony.” 
“All of us have something in our past we are running from.” Tony calmed a little, tapping at the reactor casing on his chest. “But here at home, we don’t have to run anymore. We don’t have to pretend. We’re all a little bit broken, but our broken edges fit together to make something beautiful. So yes, even those of us called monsters, even those of us with nightmares and PTSD and enough guilt to last a lifetime--” 
The Alpha turned to look at Steve, his feathers fluttering as something unreadable crossed his face. “Even those of us who have lived more lifetimes than seems fair and lost out on everything we thought we wanted-- there’s a place for everyone here. Bloody hands or not.” 
Tony held out his hand again for Loki, and tried for a smile. “On a lighter note though, would you like to see your room? I tried to decorate it for you but I might have gotten it all wrong. Feel free to tell me if you hate it, we’ll get it fixed.” 
“You designed a room for me.” Something cold seemed to crack in Loki’s chest, the warmth in the Alpha’s eyes and the way he kept waiting for Loki to take his hand speaking of such immediate welcome that it nearly sent the Omega to their knees.
Apparently Tony’s acceptance extended past his family and even to Loki and it was almost overwhelming. “I’d-- I’d very much like to see it.” 
“Well come here then.” Tony curled his fingers coaxingly and Loki took a deep breath before finally reaching out and laying their fingers against the Alpha’s palm. “There you are, lovely Omega. That’s perfect.” Tony dropped a kiss on Loki’s knuckles and then wove their fingers together as they left the gym. “JARVIS? The doors please.” 
“Of course, sir.” came the smooth reply from the ceiling, but Loki was too transfixed by the feel of Tony’s calloused hand against their own to notice. It had been ages since anyone had tried to touch them, even Thor had respected Loki’s need for distance and had tempered his usual jovial hugs. But Anthony held Loki’s hand as if it were the most natural thing in the world and chattered easily about the compound and whatever a JARVIS was and how he’d picked out the colors for Loki’s room without having the chance to ask about a preference and he hoped green and silver were alright but now he wondered--
“You chose green and silver for my room?” Loki interrupted. “Why those colors?” 
“I tried to do some research before meeting you.” The Alpha admitted.“You and Thor are literal gods, you know. And while there are some less than accurate comic book accounts of your exploits and a few truly awful movies--” he winked and Loki fought an unexpected smile. “-- I was trying to find reputable sources to learn about you. Thor wasn’t here so I had to resort to old books and paintings. Almost everything showed you with green wings.” 
“Then why did you add silver?” Loki held his breath, hoping beyond hope that Thor hadn’t told the Alpha of their Jotunn heritage, of the silver feathers that matched the dark blue skin of Frost Giants. 
Tony chuckled a little. “Honestly? I just thought you’d look pretty in green and silver. Now that I’ve met you in person, I know I was right.” 
“...oh.” Another unexpected smile, Loki’s cheeks flushing at the compliment from the Alpha. “Thank you.” 
“Anyway, I hope it’s not terrible.” Tony stopped in front of a bedroom door and motioned for Loki to place their palm in a biometric reader. “We can change everything about the room if you want, my feelings won’t be hurt. I just want you to be comfortable, Lo. Tell me what you need and I’ll make sure it happens.” 
Loki hadn’t known what to expect, but painted walls in soothing shades of different greens and blankets with silver threads running through them certainly wasn’t it. They weren’t prepared for the four poster bed with curtains that could be drawn for privacy or the beautifully carved antique desk with a stack of books or a carpet plush enough to sink their toes in at least a couple inches. 
“The only thing Thor told me was that you were always cold.” The Alpha rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly. “He said you were always covered up and preferred mounds of blankets, so I bought some heated ones and then the comforter itself is extra warm and I know the curtains are a little ridiculous, but I’ve never designed a room for an Omega Royal before so--” 
“--Why are you treating me like I’m already part of your family?” Loki interrupted and Tony’s brows lowered in confusion. “Why did you go out of your way to do all this for me, when for all you know I could be petty and vindictive and-- and--” they cast about for one of the adjectives the Asgardians loved to throw around. “--and spoiled.” 
“Well now you’re just a little bit more spoiled, aren’t you?” Tony teased, his eyes warming in open affection. “I’ll let you get settled and if you need anything, ask JARVIS. I’ve got a date with the prettiest girl in the universe so I’ll have my hands full for a while, but you can come find me if you want. Natasha said she would show you around but I’m not sure where she is at the moment. If you go looking, she’s the terrifying redhead with white wings--” 
“Terrifying, Alpha?” Natasha spoke from the door, her arms full of a polka dotted wrapped bundle, snow white wings fluffed up and hovering protectively. “Is that the rumors you spread about me?” 
“Tasha.” Tony’s huge wings opened in happiness and Loki didn’t quite know what to think when the Alpha leaned in and kissed the pretty Beta full on the mouth. “How are you? And hows the most prettiest girl in the world?” 
“I’m fine, but she wants her Papa.” Natasha handed over the blankets and Tony all but melted, rumbling deep in his chest and clicking his tongue until a tiny hand reached up from the blanket to pat at his chin. “Told you. She needs a nap but apparently I don’t cut it. We tried snuggling, we tried rocking, she fussed and fussed until she heard your voice and now she’s calm again.”
“You do wonderful with her.” Tony soothed and kissed Natasha one more time before turning round to Loki again. “Loki, this is Maria Elizabeth Barnes Stark, almost four months old and the most important person in any room at any time.” 
“Oh.” Loki blinked down at the baby, eyeing the fluffy dark hair and bright blue eyes. “Oh, she is… well, she is something, isn’t she?” 
“Say she is beautiful and mean it, or I will drop you out a window.” Natasha threatened and Tony laughed, interjecting, “Settle, Tasha. Loki doesn’t mean any harm. No one finds strangers babies immediately adorable, especially when the kiddo is barely old enough to be more than a sack of wrinkles.” 
“Talk about my niece like that again and I’ll drop you out a window.” Natasha retorted, her green eyes tracking over Loki with a hint of curiosity. “Another Omega, Tony? I think you’ve collected enough, don’t you?” 
“Play nice, Tasha.” Tony stared down at his daughter in delight as she grabbed at his finger. “Loki is Thor’s sibling and welcome here, do you understand? I know you don’t like new people in the compound, but make an exception.”
“Yes Alpha.” Natasha said obediently, and didn’t look away from Loki until Tony had said his goodbyes and headed down the hall singing quietly to Maria. 
“He’s right you know.” she said firmly. “I don’t like new people in the compound. The last person to show up announced tried to drop Tony off the side the Tower in the city. I suggest you tread carefully until I decide I trust you or not.” 
“Did you threaten Thor when he came to your compound?” Loki returned, unable to help their wings ruffing up at the hostility from the Beta. They towered over Natasha by at least a foot and she was still glaring, posturing, lifting her snow white feathers as if she was ready to fight. 
“Thor wasn’t hiding knives on his person when he came to meet my Alpha.” the Beta snarled and Loki blinked a few times, surprised she had noticed. “One in your sleeve and another on your ankle? You might be magic, but there is no disguising the stance of anyone wearing a weapon.” 
“Right.” Loki let their glamour slip and lay the daggers out on the desk, softening their tone apologetically. “Just like Thor is never without Mjolnir, I am never without my knives. I mean neither you nor your niece any harm.”
“Thor wouldn’t have brought you here if you did.” Natasha made a visible effort to relax her shoulders. “And I promise I don’t make it a habit to threaten Omegas. Things are different now that our family is growing, you understand.” 
Loki didn’t answer, asking instead, “Your Alpha is smaller than I imagined he would be. Thor talks of Anthony as if he could challenge the gods but in reality, the Alpha is--”
“Pocket sized.” The Beta’s lips twisted in a smile. “Yes. Tony isn’t what you’d expect in an Alpha, but I think we love him all the more for it. Have you met the rest of our family?” 
“I’m not sure how many there are.” Loki admitted and Natasha snorted, “Then you haven’t met everyone. Come along, pretty Omega. I’ll take you to meet everyone else.” 
“Pretty Omega.” Loki raised their eyebrows. “A common term in your household? I’ve been called pretty or lovely at least three times since arriving.” 
“Well what else would we call all the lovely, pretty Omegas who live here?” Natasha held out her hand. “Come on. I’m not an Alpha panting after you and not one of the other perpetually horny Omegas trying to get into your shockingly well fitted pants. Your virtue is safe with me. Our Alpha asked that I show you around while he’s with Maria, so that’s what I’m going to do.” 
“Um.” Loki hesitated. “Perpetually horny Omegas?” 
“Clint.” the Beta said dryly and Loki actually laughed a little. “That phrase always means Clint.” 
Clint and Sam were slow dancing to something jazzy when Natasha popped her head in to show Loki the kitchen, the Beta wriggling in between them to claim kisses from both before wriggling back out and announcing, “Whatever you’re cooking is burning, Clint. Quit being sappy with Sam and cook me some damn food.” 
Clint squawked in embarrassment, Sam ran for the oven mitts and Natasha had a happy smile on her face as she led Loki away towards another part of the compound, their hands clasped loosely as they walked. 
Natasha was softer than Loki had assumed she’d be. The stories of the Black Widow were numerous and bloody and Loki knew the Beta currently explaining how to use JARVIS could hurt him in a very real way, but she was so soft right now that it was hard to reconcile this version of Natasha with the one thought to be a product of brainwashing and control methods bordering on inhumane. 
“Why are you looking at me?” Natasha wanted to know as she paused to show Loki the underground tunnel that led out to the pool complex. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m thinking you are very different than I assumed.” they said slowly. “But I think perhaps everyone in this family is--” 
“--different because we are allowed to be human here.” Natasha finished. “Out in the world we are considered monsters, even civilians avoid me because I scent of cruelty and danger. Not here. Here I don’t have to be that person.” 
“...I see.” 
“You don’t.” Natasha pushed open a door so Loki could peek in at a dance studio lined with mirror. “But stick around a little and you will.” 
Thor was still wrapped up in Steve so they avoided the gym, but Natasha stopped in to see Pepper where she was working in one of the offices, then took Loki to a different office to meet the Colonel James Rhodes. 
He wasn’t as big an Alpha as Thor, but the span of his dark blue wings as they lifted in greeting for Natasha was enormous and even though his smile was friendly enough, Loki knew the Colonel was thoroughly judging them and most likely finding them wanting. 
“Colonel.” Loki kept their own wings tucked back behind their shoulders in both an attempt at deference and perhaps even a little uncertainty. “I understand you are Anthony’s best friend.” 
“Best friend, confidant, official liaison for the United States Air Force and the very last person you want to find yourself dealing with if you bring trouble to this family.” Colonel Rhodes said flatly. “Do I make myself perfectly clear, Mr. Laufeyson? I wasn’t real thrilled about having a lightning throwing demi god in this house, not real thrilled about one that can magic himself into or out of whatever he damn well pleases.” 
“Whatever they damn well please.” Natasha said at a near whisper and the Colonel put a hand to his heart and dipped his head in apology. 
“--whatever they damn well please. Please forgive my blunder.” James pointed a finger at Loki all the same. “Keep the shenanigans to a minimum, I am stressed out enough dealing with this family.” 
“You know Pepper deals with everything. Natasha snorted, her full lips twisting in a smirk. “You only moved in because you got tired of knowing I was sharing her bed every time you were away.”
Rhodey huffed a little, but only asked,“Where’s my niecey, Tasha?” 
“With her Papa taking a nap.” Natasha answered promptly and James nodded as if that was exactly what he wanted to hear. “Clint’s making dinner so don’t be late.” 
“Yes ma’am.” The Colonel saluted and then nodded again to Loki. “Loki. Welcome to the compound. I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine. Tones has knack for finding just the right fit for this chaos, and I’d be lying if I said he didn’t have a type tat you seem to fit perfectly.” 
“A type.” Loki repeated blankly and James clarified, “Pretty. Tony’s type is pretty and he doesn’t care which gender or biology that comes in.” 
“Oh.” Loki flushed an embarrassed red and Natasha dragged him away from Rhodey’s laughter. “Oh gods.” 
“Don’t worry about that, Rhodey is only teasing.” Natasha put her hand up to stop Loki as she ducked into her own room and reappeared with a candy bar that she pressed into the Omega’s hand. “Eat, Omega. Dinner isn’t for another couple of hours.” 
“Are you…” Loki turned the candy bar over a few times. “...are you taking care of me?” 
“Welcome to the family.” The Beta rolled her eyes as if she couldn't believe she was doing it either. “We all take care of the Omegas and the Omegas take care of us and Tony takes care of everyone… get used to it.” 
“And don’t worry about what Rhodey said.” Natasha spread her white wings up and out to shade the Omega from the sun as it streamed blindingly bright through the floor to ceiling windows in the atrium. “Tony does seem to think everyone is terribly pretty, but it’s not as if he has expectations for you while you’re here. Nothing like that, not our Alpha.” 
Loki hated to admit they were relieved, but they sighed gratefully as they took a tentative bite of the sweet treat.
“Rhodey was the first one, you know.” The Beta said then. “He was our Alpha’s first family back before Tony had even presented and he’s the one constant in Tony’s life all these years. No matter what happens or how crazy our family gets, Rhodey is always there with Tony, always has his side. Theirs is one of the only relationships in our family that isn’t romantic.” 
“I’ve… noticed.” Loki said slowly. “Everyone is in love with someone and everyone loves Tony?” 
“That’s exactly what it is.” Natasha ran her fingers through Loki’s feathers absentmindedly and they shivered under the unexpected touch. “We should go make sure Clint and Sam haven’t burned down the kitchen. Come on.” 
“...would you mind instead if I took a moment to myself?” Loki asked carefully. “If you trust me to wander your home alone, that is.” 
“Dinner is at seven, don’t be late.” Natasha’s sharp green eyes no doubt saw how close to overwhelmed Loki was, and knew exactly why they needed some time, but she didn’t comment. “Our Alpha likes the entire family to eat together.”
“I am not fami--” 
“I said what I said.” Natasha smiled a little and let their feathers mingle for a few seconds. “Don’t be late, Omega.” 
Thor found Bruce in the lab and the Alpha stood at the door for several minutes just watching his love, waiting for Bruce to give him permission to enter.
“You don’t have to ask.” Bruce finally said, a dull flush highlighting the scientist’s cheeks. “Our Alpha welcomes you to the lab, Bucky doesn’t mind you in here, and I’d certainly never tell you no. Just come in.” 
“I’d never disturb your work.” Thor murmured and Bruce set his pencil down, brushing at his messy hair self consciously. “Are you alright to take a moment? Is this a good time, or should I return after you have finished?” 
“Please.” Bruce pushed back from his desk and motioned for the Alpha to come closer. “Please um-- yes. This is a good time.” 
Thor dragged another chair over until he was sitting knee to knee with Bruce, and then he extended both his hands and waited for his love to take them. Out of everyone in the family Bruce was the least physically affectionate. His Hulk had stripped everything away of his secondary biology, including his wings and even his scent, and after years of battling for control, Bruce’s need for space had evolved into a near intolerance for anyone other than a select few to approach him. 
As Alpha of the family, Tony could hold hands with Bruce or even kiss him on the cheek and a few times after Tony had come home from Afghanistan, Bruce had even held the Alpha as they slept. Surprisingly enough, Bucky had bonded with Bruce after Steve had brought him home and now Thor counted himself lucky that Bruce trusted him as well. 
And now when the brunette took both Thor’s hands and clasped their fingers together, Thor breathed a quiet sigh of relief and leaned in until their foreheads touched as well. “Hello, my love.” 
“Thor.” Bruce closed his eyes and breathed out shakily, more than overwhelmed by the presence of the Alpha, both a little relieved and a little sad that he could not scent everything Thor was projecting. “I um-- I’m glad you’re back.” 
“I missed you.” Thor started to lift his golden wings and paused, checking in with Bruce like he did every time and when Bruce nodded, the Alpha let the feathers settle into a wall around them, protecting their moment from any prying eyes, surrounding his love in the virile, protective aura of Alpha. 
“I--” Bruce’s fingers tightened in Thor’s palm. “I missed you too.” 
Thor rumbled in contentment and closed his eyes to soak in the moment. What he had with Anthony was teasing and playful, Alpha on Alpha as they traded dominance and cracked bed frames. With Steven it was beautiful submission and pure bonding, their bodies melding in the way only an Alpha and Omega could. But with Bruce it was a sharing of minds and an awareness of every inch of each other, a beautiful give and take and step and dance. Bruce was so sure he was unloveable and Thor took so much pleasure in showing all the different ways their love didn’t have to include sex or too much romance or anything other than companionship and soul deep respect. 
It was beautiful and Thor was blessed to know such a perfect soul. “I missed you.” he said again, just to see Bruce smile. “I’m so happy to be home.” 
From outside the lab Loki watched in open shock as Thor was the most gentle they’d ever seen, for once in his life not being an obnoxious, rutting idiot of an Alpha. Loki was shocked and maybe even--
“That is not for you to see!” Loki barely had time to register the danger in the air before black and silver wings flared open wide to block their view, a sound like metal screeching terrible across the floor and gouging up the hallway walls. 
Then an impossibly solid hand planted into Loki’s chest and shoved them back into the wall as the intruder snarled, “JARVIS! The windows!”  
“Yes sir.”
Loki couldn’t see through the wings to know if the lab windows shaded dark, and it was only the height of self control that kept them from flashing a bolt of power into the interloper’s body and sending him flying. 
“Who the hell are you?” The Omega in Loki’s face was massive, every inch as big as Steven if not even bigger, pale eyes sparking in fury and an astonishingly silver hand raised as if ready to lay into Loki. “And why the hell are you staring at Bruce?”
“I think you should back away.” Loki said calmly, working to keep their own wings down so the situation wouldn’t escalate. “My name is Loki, I am Thor’s sibling and your Alpha has welcomed me into this—“
“Whoa whoa whoa.” A flurry of bronze and red feathers, and Tony skidded in between both Omegas, hands and wings raised. The Alpha kept his back to Loki and slid both hands into Bucky's hair, bringing the Omega down to eye level and trilling comfortingly. “Shhh, Omega, my Omega. My mate. Calm down. Calm down. There is no danger. No danger at all, we are all safe.”
“Who the hell is—“
“Loki came with Thor. No danger, none at all. I’ve already met them and so has Tasha and Steven-- it’s okay. It’s okay.” Tony bumped their noses together and crooned sweetly until the big Omegas wings started to lower. “There you are sweetheart, better?”
“Bruce wouldn’t like to be stared at.” Bucky cut his eyes at Loki over Tony’s shoulder. “Everyone knows that.”
“Well Loki didn’t, but they sure do now, don’t they?” Tony said mildly. “I love that you’re so protective over Bruce but it’s alright. Loki didn’t mean any harm.”
Loki held up their hands placatingly and Bucky's dangerous wings lowered a little bit more. 
“Lo, it’s about dinner time why don’t you go find some food?” Tony didn’t take his eyes off Bucky. The Omega needed more these days, more settling, more gentleness, more of everything and the Alpha was all too happy to give one of his Omegas everything. “We’ll catch up in a few minutes.” 
“I’m sorry to have disturbed you.” Loki said quietly, and it almost seemed like Bucky's big shoulders slumped in defeat, the Omega embarrassed and frustrated by his overreaction.
“There’s no harm done on either side” Tony sent Loki a quick, reassuring smile. “Find the rest of our family, alright? Me and Bucky will be up soon.”
Once Loki had gone, Tony turned back to Bucky and started to shake his head when he saw the tears in his mate’s eyes. “No no baby, none of that. What’s wrong?”
“M’sorry I got mad, but they’re a stranger in our home.” Bucky muttered. “Last time that happened we almost lost you, and this time it’s an Omega. I over reacted I know, and m’sorry.” 
“No harm done.” Tony repeated, and then, “But what else is wrong?” The Alpha brought his wings up high to cover he and Bucky, not shying away from the dangerous edges at Bucky's primaries and pulling his Omega close. “Something else is wrong, what’s the matter?”
“They look like me.” Bucky said in a near whisper. “But you know—“ a vague gesture. “Prettier.”
“Prettier.” Tony repeated blankly. “What—“
“Long dark hair and real bright eyes?” Bucky challenged. “Black wings and real tall and sorta mysterious? That’s everything you love about me except they... they are a god and I’m…”
“Don’t you dare say you’re broken.” Tony closed his eyes when Bucky bent and hid his face on the Alphas shoulder. The few months since Maria had arrived had been difficult for Bucky both mentally and physically, weeks spent in recovery with a body that had been forcefully modified to withstand anything but somehow was nearly ruined by birth, a mind that had only been his own for a year or so completely changed by the arrival of a child. 
Bucky had struggled to the point of tears and hopelessness and even though their entire family had stepped in to take turns with Maria and to trade off keeping Bucky company in his darker moments, it was still hard and it was still a struggle and it broke Tony’s heart every time he looked into Bucky's eyes and saw the lingering despair.
“Don’t you dare say you’re broken.” He said again, firmer this time. “My Omega, you are perfect. You are perfect, I’m not mad about what happened with Loki or that you and Bruce needed time away or anything. Please don’t worry, please don’t worry…”
“Hard to see you step between me and an Omega that looks like me. Sorta worried you’re gonna trade me in.” Bucky tried to laugh but it came out as a sob and Tony held him tighter. “Switch me out for a mate that isn’t such a mess?”
“I’d sooner rip my heart out.” Tony said honestly. “I love you with my entire soul, Buck. I’d never give you up, not even for an Omega with magic tricks.”
Bucky tried to smile and Tony hummed encouragingly. “Are you hungry, baby?”
“I should be.” Bucky mumbled. Sometimes he didn’t feel hungry for days and even though some of that might have been the super serum, more than likely it was depression and the Omega was trying so hard to not let it get the better of him. “Will you walk me to dinner? Stop and get Maria with me?”
“Of course I will.” Tony was small for an Alpha, but that didn’t stop him from standing on his toes to kiss his Omega for a long time. “Come on, pretty Omega, sweet perfect thing. Lets go get our girl.”
“I love you.” Bucky whispered and the Alpha growled, low and pleased. 
“I love you too.” 
Dinnertime in the compound was less of a structured meal and more about everyone cramming together on various surfaces to eat off each others plates and share drinks, to fight over who got the last piece of dessert only to end up sharing it, and drawing straws to see who had to do dishes. 
Tony had invested in a shocking amount of furniture to make sure everyone had a place to sit-- long couches and cozy sofas, over sized recliners and even a couple bean bags for those who wanted to sprawl out somewhere less structured. 
Tonight, Colonel Rhodes propped up on one of the sofas with Pepper curled into one side mingling her pink feathers with his dark blue, and Natasha on the other side, both redheads stealing bites from his plate and laughing over his faux grumbling. 
Bruce had a favorite recliner, the cushions worn into the proper shape for his wingless frame and Thor sat at his feet so they were close but not overwhelmingly close, with Steve plopped down next to Thor letting their nearly matching wings press together. The Alpha’s hand rested comfortably on the big Omega’s thigh, and unseen by most of the family, Bruce’s fingers lay just lightly on Thor’s shoulder. 
Usually Tony took up the huge sectional couch and welcomed anyone who wanted to sit with him, but tonight he picked a smaller sofa and spread his beautiful wings wide so there was plenty of room for Bucky to snuggle into his arms, baby Maria tucked safely between her Dads as they traded off eating and holding her bottle so she wasn’t hungry. Bucky looked exhausted and Tony kept checking on his mate, trilling into his ear and leaving kisses on Bucky’s temple. 
Clint had exactly zero issues with personal space, so when Sam flopped back onto an easy chair with his plate, the Beta had to quickly move it out of the way to make room for Clint as the Omega just flopped onto his lap and dug into his own food. Sam only sighed and rearranged his wings so the red feathers fell over Clint’s darker brown and they could both fit in the chair. 
The entire room scented of contentment and family, of laughter and comfort and happiness, and standing in the kitchen door with a plate of food, Loki had never felt so out of place in their entire life. 
No matter what Thor had said, no matter how nice everyone had been, no matter how stubbornly welcoming the family’s Alpha was, it was almost painful how obviously Loki did not fit in, and the flare of tentative hope that had been building in Loki’s chest all day flickered and--
--“Whoops! Sorry!” A flash of blue and silver and not even Loki’s godly reflexes could keep them from jumping in surprise, the plate dropping and spilling towards the floor. 
“Oh for heavens-- forgive my brother.” A flare of red light and the food froze just before it hit the ground, a beautiful girl reassembling the plate in midair before handing it back to Loki with a sheepish smile. “PIetro says sorry but he’s really not. In fact I can promise he’s probably laughing about scaring your right this minute.”
“Um--” Loki blinked in surprise as the red magic faded from the air and the girl offered them a smile, her oddly clawed wings fluttering in the air before she moved towards the living room. 
The Omega Clint jumped from his chair with a shout, brown wings flaring out in excitement and Loki’s jaw might have dislocated in sheer shock when the blue and silver flash slowed down enough to form into a young man with a huge smile and no wings at all. 
His hands moved almost impossibly fast as he signed a greeting to the Omega--huh, Loki hadn’t noticed Clint’s hearing aids before-- and then the boy rotated on his heel and waved something to Tony, and electric blue feathers burst from his shoulders into brilliantly colored wings, flaring out in a greeting for the family before disappearing again. 
“Tony.” the girl blew a kiss towards the Alpha before crossing to give Natasha a kiss on the cheek and murmur something in Russian. “Tasha. We have missed you.” 
“I forgot to mention the twins, didn’t I?” Pepper suddenly appeared at Loki’s side, a fond smile on her face as she watched the twins make their way around the room. “They are always a little unsettling if you aren’t prepared.” 
“Twins.” Loki said slowly and Pepper clarified, “Wanda and Pietro Maximoff Barton Stark. Clint rescued them from a war zone several years ago and Tony accepted them as family immediately. Just over a year ago we had paperwork drawn up to make them Clint and Tony’s legal children.” 
“They are adopted at this age?” Loki wrinkled his nose. “Why?” 
“Most of us don’t need to share the last same last name or anything to feel like family, but Wanda and Pietro were orphans. It was important to them to be family both in feeling and name so Tony made it happen. Officially our Alpha has three children-- Wanda and Pietro with Clint,  Maria with Bucky.”
“But only Maria is actually his child.” Loki pointed out. “Adopted children aren't actual children are they? Especially not when they are so obviously not family. They look entirely different from anyone else.” 
“Why on Earth would you say that?” Pepper actually laughed at them and Loki blinked down at her in surprise. “Why wouldn’t they be actual children, that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard!” 
“Wanda has magic.” Loki said plainly. “The boy has powers and his wings come and go as he pleases? I cannot imagine that is widely accepted here on Midgard.” 
“Why would it matter if it were widely accepted?” Pepper’s pink wings fluttered in annoyance. “It isn’t the children’s fault they are different. Magic and strange wings-- Bruce doesn’t have wings at all and Tony’s are a different color now than they were before Afghanistan. Bucky’s wings have knives on the edges and Sam is one of only a handful of people in the world to have red feathers. Mine used to be white and they faded to pink after I started taking suppressants and while Wanda’s aren’t like any we’ve seen before, they suit her perfectly. And to be honest, Pietro is so fast if his wings were out all the time he’d probably lose his feathers. We aren’t actually sure if it’s an original mutation that Hydra exploited, or one that was brought about by experimentation like Bruce’s Hulk, but it doesn’t matter. They are Clint and Tony’s children and that makes them family, weird wings or not.” 
She waited a beat and then looked up at Loki. “It's the same with you, isn’t it? You are Thor’s sibling even though you look nothing like him? Surely you don’t feel like less than family because you are different?” 
“I--” Loki’s mouth opened, but the words wouldn’t come, and Pepper’s lovely green eyes dimmed in sympathy when she saw their distress. 
“I’m very sorry to know that.” she said quietly. “But there is always room for one more in our family, if you want to be here.” 
“I um--” 
“Come on.” Pepper took Loki’s plate right from their hands and flicked her wings out to cover their shoulders and coax them further into the living room. “Come and eat with us, at least. No sense standing there lurking at the door, come on.” 
Thor looked up in surprise when Loki came to sit in the living room, and his grin was nothing short of thrilled when Sam popped his recliner and patted at the arm rest, clearly making room for Loki and spreading his red wings wide to help hold Loki steady as they sat and started to eat. 
“Is Loki actually a god?” Pietro whispered over loud and Clint answered, “They are as much a god as Thor.” 
“But isn’t Thor a Chippendale’s dancer?” Pietro wondered and Natasha snorted soda up her nose when she laughed, the entire section of the room dissolved into laughter. 
Loki sent Thor an uncertain look, but when big Alpha only nodded encouragingly, Loki made an effort to relax onto the chair a little more, taking the comfort and support from Sam’ wings with a hesitant smile. 
Tony and Bucky watched from across the way, both sets of eyes trained on Loki and Bucky whispered, “Sure looks lost, don’t they? Looks a lot like how I used to.” 
“Yeah, they do.” Tony shifted on the sofa so he could put Maria up over one shoulder and keep his other arm around his Omega. “It took you a while too, but you made it, right?” 
“Dunno if I made it yet.” Bucky reached carefully carefully with his left hand and lay it over Maria’s back, smiling when the baby only sighed in her sleep. “But I’m making it, I think.” 
“One day at a time, baby.” The Alpha planted a kiss on Bucky’s forehead. “You’re doing amazing.” 
“I think I should apologize to Loki for earlier.” Bucky confessed. “Wasn’t right of me to jump at them. You guys didn’t let Tasha do that to me when I first showed up and I’d tried to kill her a few times as the Soldier.” 
“I can talk to them if you want.” Tony offered. “Tasha already explained to him why our family is wary of newcomers, and I’m sure they know why a stranger hanging outside the lab raised alarms.” 
“I’ll do it.” Bucky said stubbornly and Tony kissed him again. “I remember what it’s like to feel like I’d never fit in, I can talk to them.” 
“Tony.” Rhodey came up to see them, patting at Maria’s diapered booty then crouching down so his dark wings weren’t looming over Bucky. “Pepper says we’re taking the entire family out shopping for Thanksgiving dinner and decorations tomorrow?” 
“I thought it sounded fun!” Tony defended and the other Alpha said flatly, “It sounds like a nightmare. It’s hard enough just getting the people who live here full time coordinated enough to do group activities, but now we’ve got four extra with Thor bringing Loki and the twins moving in for the season, not to mention my niecey.”
“Oh me and Maria are staying home.” Bucky said quickly and both Alphas turned to look at him in surprise. “I uh-- I don’t want to go out with everyone and I still sorta hate the city and she might get sick in the cold, you know?” 
“Are you sure, honey?” Tony waved Rhodey off and lowered his voice. “I’ll stay home with you if you want, just to help out.” 
“We’ll be fine.” Bucky said determinedly. “We’ve never been just me and her, someone else is always here and it’ll be good for me to know I can do it.” 
“Alpha.” The Omega’s pale eyes flashed in irritation, the dangerous edges of his wings clicking together. “We’ll be fine. It’s been almost four months and I’ve been getting a lot better and haven’t had a bad day in a while. We’re fine.” 
“Okay.” Tony finally agreed. “You let me know if you change your mind though?” 
“I won’t change my mind.” Bucky reached for the baby and tucked her close to his chest, purring low in his throat and cuddling her up over his heart. “It’ll be a nice quiet day. No Sam and Clint, no Stevie gettin’ horny with Thor--” Tony huffed a laugh. “--and I love Pep and Tasha but they only fight over who gets to hold Maria. We can snuggle up, watch a movie, have some peace and quiet.” 
“If that’s what you want.” The Alpha tipped his head as Clint passed, and his Omega obediently stopped to give him a kiss. “But you know you can call me and I’ll drop whatever I’m doing and come and get you.” 
“I know Alpha.” Bucky motioned for a kiss as well and Clint murmured a soft ‘yay!’ before kissing Bucky too. “I know.” 
The compound was vacated by nine am the next morning and Bucky walked around the empty halls with a relieved smile on his face, his huge wings let out and relaxed since he didn’t have to worry about cutting anyone with the sharp edges as he wandered from room to room with Maria. 
The baby wanted down to the floor in the movie room so the Omega sprawled into one of the comfy chairs and watched her crawl around and explore, grinning at her gummy smiles, purring and trilling when she cooed at him. 
“Papa loves you.” he whispered and Maria clapped her little hands. “M’sorry it’s been hard for a while, but I promise I’m gettin’ better. Plus you’ve got this whole family that loves you more than anything else in the whole world, so even when I’m not doing okay, you’ll always have someone who wants to hold you.” 
Maria clapped her hands again and Bucky swooped her up and tossed her just barely into the air, chuckling quietly when she exploded into baby belly laughs. “Aw sugar, you are amazing.” 
Lunchtime found them in the kitchen, Maria sat on one of the counters with the Omega’s wing spread out to block her from crawling towards the edge while Bucky slapped together a quick sandwich and warmed a bottle up. Then it was to the living room to try and eat and that’s when their relatively peaceful morning started to fall apart .
First it was the formula that had been heated too hot and Maria burst into dismayed tears when it hurt her mouth. 
“Oh no no no.” Bucky hurried to cool her mouth with sips of water and ended up dropping his sandwich all over the floor as he tried to comfort the baby. “Sorry sweetie, Papa’s sorry, usually your Auntie does that and I forgot to check the temperature. Damn it. Sorry, hold on--” 
The Omega cracked the plate on the floor when he stood and slipped a little, wings flaring out and bladed primaries cutting into the sofa. Even though his dangerous feathers were no where near the baby, Maria screamed at the too loud schwing of metal and Bucky cursed again. 
“Damn it.” He picked Maria up, rocking her soothingly and trying to keep the panic out of his own voice when the baby’s screams only got louder because now she was scared and hungry and she could feel the unsteadiness in her Papa’s scent. 
“Please stop crying, sweetie.” Bucky pleaded, side stepping the mess on the floor and feeling around for the bottle on the couch. “Papa will get this cooled down and then we can get some num nums and you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine--” 
It was hard not to feel like an absolute failure as the baby sobbed into his shoulder and flailed at him with tiny fists, impatient as Bucky tried to get the bottle open with one hand so he could add a splash of colder water to the formula and cool it down. The bottle top finally wrenched off but te nipple tore in the process and formula went everywhere across the kitchen counters. 
Bucky stared at the mess with tears in his own eyes, trying and failing to comfort Maria, trying and failing to tell himself that it was okay, it was just a mess, it was doable. Right now it felt like too much and like he was the worst father and that this only proved he would never be fixed, he would always be broken--
“Bucky.” A voice from the doorway and Maria startled, screaming all over again as Bucky whirled around with dangerous wings raised high and fury leeching into his scent. He didn’t know who the hell had snuck up on them or why the hell they were in his house but he was gonna kill--
“Loki.” Bucky lowered his wings hastily when he saw the other Omega and tried to croon soothingly at Maria. “What-- what are you doing here?” 
“The thought of shopping made me break out in hives, so I stayed behind.” Loki said dryly, and when Bucky only looked at them, they clarified, “I’m joking. I um-- I just didn’t want to go, so I was in my rooms. I heard the baby and--” 
“--and what?” Bucky tensed and that only made Maria more agitated. “We’re fine. We’ve got it under control.” 
“Do you?” Loki didn’t mean to sound condescending, but it came across that way all the same and they swore quietly when Bucky’s wings lifted again. “What I mean to say is--” they held out their arms and motioned for the baby. “Would you like me to hold her so you can get cleaned up?” 
“...are you serious?” Bucky asked slowly and Loki nodded. “Why? I was so mean to you yesterday--” 
“Shhh.” Loki moved forward faster than Bucky was expecting, and both he and Maria gaped when Loki spread their coal black wings over both of them, the green eyed Omega humming something soft and echo-y as he took Maria right from Bucky’s arms and put her to their chest. 
“There’s a love.” they hummed and Maria blinked stunned blue eyes up at them. “You’re alright, little one. Bucky, why don't you prepare another bottle and I’ll take her back to the living room.” 
“I--” Bucky’s silver and black wings dropped in defeat. Even Loki was better at this than he was. “Sure.” 
Trudging back out to the living room a few minutes later, Bucky first noticed the sandwich mess was cleaned up, and then noticed that Maria wasn’t crying. In fact she was cooing in interest and excitement, staring up at Loki as the dark wings flickered silver and then jade green over and over, the colors cascading down their feathers in a nearly hypnotic show. 
“...what are you doing? What happened to the mess?” 
“I’m actually terrible with children.” Loki held out their hand for the bottle. “Or rather, terrible with babies. Teenagers I like very much, they want to cause so much mischief but usually it’s all in good fun. Babies frighten me.” 
“It’s my magic.” Loki spread the multi hued feathers wider in a clear invitation for Bucky to sit next to them. “A simple fix to clean up the mess, and Frigga taught me a calming spell to keep my own emotions in check years ago. It's useful with cranky little ones, nothing that alters their psyche, just enough to make them forget what they were upset about until we can fix it.” 
“And um--” Bucky hesitated, not sure if he wanted to sit next to the mercurial god. “Your wings?” 
The other Omega was quiet a moment, then in a very small voice, “My wings are actually silver but the glamour given to me as a child kept them green. I learned I was adopted, learned of my heritage only a year ago and since then, I’ve turned them black. I felt as if the green wings were a lie and in Asgard, silver wings belong to the Frost Giants, so black was neither of those colors and yet a clear warning for people to stay away.” 
Another moments hesitation and Loki admitted, “I never really fit into Thor’s world and now that I know I am not actually a part of his world, it all makes sense. I understand why it never felt like home.” 
“I know what it’s like to not fit in.” Bucky finally sat, tucking his wings behind his shoulders so he wouldn’t disrupt Loki’s feathers. “Took me a long time to feel like family here, and I was finally better when Maria came along and now sometimes I feel like I’ll never--” he shook his head and sighed wearily. “Anyway. I’m um-- I’m sorry about yesterday.” 
“There is no harm done.” Loki said quietly. “You reacted exactly as I would have in the same situation, and I have had worse done to me with no apology at all. Bruce is lucky to have many who guard his intimacy so closely.” 
“Bruce was the first person to make me realize I wasn’t ruined.” Bucky nearly whispered. “I didn’t think I’d ever fit into this family. Bruce told me that we are all a little broken, but when we’re together, we’re all a little less broken and that our Alpha has taken all our broken edges and molded them into something beautiful as family.” 
“You’re doing wonderful with this little one, I can’t imagine being responsible for something so precious. Even on the difficult days you love her and I think that’s all that matters, that a child grows up loved.” Loki matched the other Omega’s hushed tone, and added. “...I’d like to know what it feels like to be a little less broken.” 
Bucky gave him a tired sort of smile and nodded. “Welcome to the family, Lo.” 
When their family returned from shopping that night, Tony found Loki stretched out on the couch, black wings draped over Bucky and Maria who were lying over his heart. 
“Alpha?” Pepper came up behind. “What are you looking--oh.” 
“I want one.” Tony decided and Pepper laughed softly. “Tony, I don’t think you have a choice in the matter. Every one of us has brought someone else into the family, and I think Bucky and Maria have decided that Loki is staying.” 
“Tis good for my sibling to--” Thor came up on Tony’s other side, but he stopped mid step, the words failing when Loki’s feathers lost their matte color and shifted towards glossy black, green and silver primaries suddenly gleaming under the soft lights. “Loki.” 
The Omega opened bright green eyes and offered them a hesitant smile, and Tony put his hand to his heart as it clenched in happiness. 
“Another place at the Thanksgiving table.” he whispered and Pepper whispered back, “It’s already taken care of.” 
Thanksgiving came a week later and the entire family crowded around the table in the formal dining room of the compound for the feast they’d all worked to prepare for the last several days. 
There were five different turkeys-- one for Thor alone, one for Steve and Bucky to share, three for everyone else-- a spiral ham and a beautiful eggplant dish for Pepper. Enough sides to make the table groan including six types of potatoes, gallons of gravy and literal pounds of stuffing. Dessert after dessert after dessert on the side table and at least a dozen bottles of wine and it was all set with Tony’s mother’s best china and sparkling glasses. 
The Alpha stood at the head of the table and made a toast about the past year and how far their family had come, how wonderful it was to be all together this time of year and all the amazing things they could look forward to in the next few months. 
“I am very proud to be your Alpha.” Tony glanced round the table at every familiar face, smiling when he saw Yinsen who had come in on a very early flight just to be here for dinner, stopping to linger over where Bucky and Loki were tucked close together with Maria on their lap, fluttering his wings in happiness when he saw Steve and Thor tucked together. Bruce was holding onto Thor’s hand, Clint was squished between the twins, and Pepper was perched on Rhodey’s lap, Natasha snuggled in next to Sam. “I have a million things to be thankful for, but the ones that matter the most are gathered at the table tonight. Here’s to another year of family, and another year of happiness. Cheers.” 
“CHEERS!” The room burst into shouts and cheers, clapping and even a few whoops, everyone sharing kisses and hugs before the food was served. 
Tony stepped away from the table and went to start opening the wine, watching his family with a thoughtful expression on his face. 
“Tones?” Rhodey came over to help. “Everything alright? It’s not like you to not fight for the first helping of stuffing.” 
“Every Christmas I make some cheesy comment about how I never think I can get happier and then every year I get even more happy, you know?” Tony pulled the cork from a bottle and set it aside.
“Yep, I know.” Rhodey twisted another off and handed the bottle off to Pietro to pass down the table. “You gonna say it early this year?” 
“I was thinking about it.” Tony admitted and James laughed, pulling his oldest friend into a quick hug. 
“Go ahead Tones, I won't even tease you for it.” 
Tony smiled, a sheen of tears in his eyes as he looked out over his family and felt the merriment in the air. “Damn Rhodey, I just don’t know if I’ll ever be happier than this right here. Look at all I have to be thankful for, I have everything. What else could I possibly want?”
“Everything?” Rhodey watched closely as Steve politely turned down both the shot of tequila Clint pressed into his hand, and the wine Pietro offered and sipped at water instead. “You think so, huh?” 
“Pretty sure.” Tony smiled a little. “Pretty sure.” 
“We’ll see.” Rhodey patted Tony on the shoulder and motioned to the table. “Come on. Go get a plate. Our family loves you but I dunno if they love you enough to save you any food.” 
“Thankful for you, Rhodey.” Tony blew him a kiss and like an absolute idiot, Rhodey caught it and put it over his heart.
“Thankful for you too, Tony.” 
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @lookuplaughing @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @water-colouredmemories @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @desitonystark @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii
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soda-drabbles · 4 years
Pumpkin Spice 'n Everything Nice | EgoFlapBang Fic
Synopsis : During the weekend, the three lovers decide to take on baking.
Type : Playful Fluff
Pairing : Arin x Suzy x Dan (EgoFlapBang)
A/N : Ive been wanting to write a fic for this ship for so,, long,,, I hope you guys love it as much as i did while writing it.
During all the work that the couple had to face in the week, the weekends were something that they each looked forward to. Any couple could tell you they loved their domestic time. This domestic time could include snuggling, cuddling with a movie or other things. This rang true for the three as well, except they had other things in mind.
Instead of cuddles or late night fun, their thing happened to be baking. Suzy suggested it once and they were finally getting around to it.
“Suzy,” Dan called from the kitchen, peeking and looking around in the various cabinets. “Do you know where the flour is?”
“Right here!” She eagerly said between small huffs, hauling the newly bought flour into the kitchen and placed it on the counter.
Dan smiled and gave her a small peck on the cheek. “Thanks, Suz'.” She couldn't help but smile in return. Arin then came bustling in afterwards, phone in hand that held the recipe for the cakes they planned to make tonight.
“Alrighty, I'm back.” Arin spoke as he walked in, looking up at the two.
“Papa's got the recipe?” Dan joked, a growing smile on his face. Arin couldn't help but laugh.
“Oh, papa's got way more than the recipe.” Arin joked back.
Suzy started working on the batter, carefully taking the ingredients and dropping them into the bowl. Dan then handed her the whisk to mix the compound together while Arin was working on making the glaze.
“God, we are making such a mess.” Dan commented as Suzy began whisking away at their soon-to-be batter. Flour littered the counter, particles of salt was on the floor and broken eggshells was set to the side.
Suzy snickered. “You mean you made such a mess.” Which brought a look to cross Dan's face before he broke into chuckles.
“You can't blame this whole thing on me, I'm not the one here with sticky fingers.” He retorted as he raised his clean fingers up. In a split moment, a handful of flour was suddenly tossed and aimed towards Dan. The whiteness of the flour now stained his shirt and hands, leaving a shocked Dan and a guilty smiling Suzy.
Instead of getting angry, it only put him in a more playful mood. The wide smile that tugged at his lips made it extremely obvious. “Oh really? This is what we're doing now?” His tone asked in a nearly daring way, which brought a heightened giggle from Suzy.
“It was an accident, I swear.” She lied through a stream of giggles, her own smile widened. Dan's eyebrows raised in a doubtful fashion, clearly not believing her. He reached over to dip his hand in the small bag of flour and catapulted a small handful in front of her, causing her to gasp and squeal. “WhOoPs! My hand must've slipped~” Dan grinned and the two began laughing, a sudden flour fight to the death initiating.
All Arin could hear was the fumbling and squealing behind him. He took a pause from stirrimg the glaze.
The hell was going on?
“The hell are you guys doing over there?” He asked, turning over his shoulder while stirring the glaze.
The scene in front of him caused him to laugh, harder than he thought. His two lovers and the kitchen were practically caked in the flour, everything was pretty much decorated in white. It was, least to say, a mess. A snow white mess. “The hell did you two do?” He continued laughing, placing the bowl of glaze to the side.
She was still trying to contain her laughter while Dan snickered to himself, trying to talk. “Uh, well..” He awkwardly tried to explain between the nonstop chuckling. “Ask Suzy.”
Suzy laughed more, playfully shoving Dan. “Aw, dude! You can't just pin it on me!”
Arin shook his head, lips pressed in a wide smile. “Jesus Christ..” He snickered in a mumble, the wide smile only stretching more. “It looks like you two got into a hussle with some snowmen.”
“Aww, are you jealous?” Dan asked, “'Cause if you wanted to be apart of it..” A mischievous grin fell on Dan's features, his hand sneakingly scooping some flour.
Arin looked up when the sound of the slowly crinkling bag fell on his ears. His eyes settled on the smirk on the man's face and slid to the hand, which held a small amount of the flour.
Immediately, he backed up and shook his head. “Oh no. Nononono.” Arin's voice fell low, hands out defensively as if it would prevent the determined man's attack. A small squeal left Suzy's lips as Dan closed in.
“Don't encourage it!” Arin quickly shushed her, his voice much more meek now as Dan was closing in on him. His sudden plea caused her to giggle, which turned to laughs as the flour was thrown.
Arin's arms quickly jump to his defense, a slight yelp left him out of the anticipation. The flour mostly landed on his arms and hair, a little dusted the bottom of the apron he was wearing. Slowly, Arin brought his arms down to reveal a playful pout that brought a light hearty laugh from Dan.
“D'aww,” He teased and lightly ruffled Arin's hair which tousled the flour around some. “You look like you've got a super bad case of dandruff or something.”
“Gee, how sweet.” Arin only pouted more, dusting off his own arms and the lower half of his apron. “Where's the batter?”
Suzy then grabbed the bowl of generously stirred pumpkin spice batter and Arin wrinkled his nose. “Is it supposed to look like weird puke mush?”
“Yeah! It pumpkin spice so its gonna look orange." She explained and grabbed the cake pan. The batter was soon in the pan and tossed into the oven. During that time, the three of them began cleaning up the mess that was made. After all, it looked like a tornado just came through there.
The baking took around twenty minutes, including cooling. Thankfully, the kitchen was back to decent shape by then, as if they totally didn't just have a flour brawl twenty minutes ago.
Arin slipped on some oven mitts and pulled out the baked cake, which surprisingly didn't look bad at all. The cake spent another good ten minutes cooling after Arin sat it on the counter. Once the cooling process was done, he then drizzled the glaze over the done cake.
It looked so mouthwatering good, better than the three of them thought it'd look. It smelled delicious too. Arin then grabbed a knife and cut the cake, then served it to the two helpers. He took one himself.
“Bottoms up.” He said, jokingly bumping the cakes together as if they were wine glasses making a toast. The three of them then took a bite out of the cakes themselves. In conclusion, they were as good as they looked and smelled.
“Holy shitmf.” Arin's voice was muffled by the chewing but was still filled with surprise and pleasure. That was some good pumpkin spice. Suzy also agreed, eating the rest of hers. After Dan ate his, he stifled a laugh and smiled. He placed his plate down. “Y'know, for wrecking the whole kitchen and getting shit everywhere, this is pretty damn good.”
Everyone else agreed with chuckles being shared among the room. “We should do this more often.” Suzy smiled, taking another slice of the glazed cake.
Dan nodded, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
“And get flour stuck in our ears and god knows where else?” Asked Arin, looking at the two.
“Hey, it was fun.” Dan retorted with a laugh. “Plus, we got some damn good food out of it.”
“I guess you're right.” Arin chuckled out and smiled as he looked over his flour covered lovers.
He could get used to this.
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neo-culture-mafia · 5 years
NCT 127 (+Lucas) Reaction: S/O Gaining Feelings After an Arranged Marriage
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Hello people!! This took…some time lol. I was working on this during finals and I just wanna apologize to @ilook-soperfectstandinghere14 AGAIN for not getting this up earlier. Please leave feedback…cause I suck at fluff…but I tried (not all are fluff btw) so…yeah…alright bye.
Also…Winwin is in this. Until SM puts out an official statement saying WInwin is NOT in NCT 127…you’re gonna deal with my ass being an OT10 stan…just saying. If you wanna fight me on it…just remember the block button is easier to press than you think ;). 
He wanted to rule by himself…not have a ‘queen’ as his parents called you. He had told you the night of the wedding that you have your room and he has his room and not to cross each other’s lines and boundaries. You were completely fine with that and respected that…but then your emotions got ahold of you and your heart was yearning for someone’s affection. You wanted Taeyong but you knew that you and he would never mix. It was like hell trying to not go up and talk to him and start something…anything. 
At dinner was the worst though. You would eat alone at the super long dining room table meant to fill 40 more people…and you sat by yourself with the only thing to keep you company – your mind. 
You would sit and eat and sit…and eat with no show of Taeyong. He would take his food in his office just so he didn’t have to sit with you. It hurt a little, but you’ve grown used to it now. 
Tonight was different though…it was eerie and more silent than usual. The silence was deafening. Just to hear something, you ‘accidentally’ clanked your fork against your plate. 
The ring calmed your heart but still made you on edge. Then as if on cue – lights go out. In a matter of seconds, you were out of your seat and bustling around in the dark; your fear making you move quickly. 
Down the hall, the 8th door on the left: Taeyong’s office. Yet you would never know that you never actually made it out of the dining room. You were going around in circles. 
You could hear screams and shots coming from the kitchen. Your breathing became ragged and everything was running on adrenaline. Your mouth and chest were paralyzed with fear and the want of surviving the night…but you weren’t sure. For all you knew–it was every man for himself. You were screwed. 
But you were pulled against someone. You started thrashing and fighting but the person put your head in their chest and you knew it was Taeyong. You couldn’t help but let some tears seep onto his t-shirt as he quietly and efficiently pulled you from the room. Screams for help still echoed and you squeezed your eyes shut and put your hands over your ears. 
Taeyong brought you to the garage where he threw you in the backseat and got in the front. He hit the gas and got the hell out of there. Some cars chased you guys for a little bit, but he made sure to cover his trails correctly. 
You still sat in the back in a position that made you look vulnerable and weak. The screams of the workers were still in your mind as he twisted and turned on never ending roads. 
You felt a calloused yet welcoming and warm hand sit on your leg. You looked up to see Taeyong. He would look at you from his rearview mirror and switch from you to the roads. 
“Are you okay?” He asked and you could only shrug. “I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you…” He said and you both made eye contact through the mirror. 
“I wouldn’t know what to do with myself afterward.” 
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You and he had been trying to make this go as smoothly as possible. You would be with each other for a while…so why hate each other during that time? 
You both respected each other and learned to live civilly. Both of you were basically the bestest friends now. So you both had been on dates and you were quickly going mad for him…and he was going mad for you too. The way he was never afraid to smile and be so loving. He walked in and immediately made it feel warm and shiny.
It had been thundering and usually, you wouldn’t care…it was a thunderstorm – big whoop. Yet, the power shut off…and so did the heat. It was already 11 the last time you checked and the room became dark and clustered. Your mind made images out of things that weren’t there in the first place. It was nerve-racking and stressful for it being so late at night. 
You tried closing your eyes and drifting into dreamland but nothing was happening. The covers still weren’t providing warmth so you turned for your hoodie and it still changed nothing. You became grumpy and sleepy but most importantly…COLD. “This is so annoying.” You groaned and stood up, throwing your slippers on. 
It felt like it had been 5 minutes, but you would later find out it had been a whole hour of you shivering in the cold. You were already throwing in the towel and was going to find somewhere else to sleep: under the rug, in the curtains, in the coat closet…somewhere.
You made it right out your door and was in front of Taeil’s. You were still highly considering the coat closet. Yet, your hand came up to knock the hard wood. Your heart began to race as you heard some groans and shuffling towards the door.  Your heart completely stopped when the door opened to a tired Taeil that was in a t-shirt and sweatpants. 
“Yeah?” He asked and you couldn’t form words correctly. How was he so handsome this early in the morning?! What magic was this?!
“Uh…the uh- power-” “Why is it so cold?” He yawned and stretched. “Well the uh-” “Come on I’m tired and cold. You look warm.” He said grabbing you and pulling you into his room.
You had no time to protest or even think before he picked you up and threw you on his bed. He literally rolled over you and put all the sheets on both of you. “o-okay.” You mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you and leveled his breathing out. 
“…it was cold…” He mumbled and you chuckled for a moment. “Yeah…” you agreed while nodding. He brought you even closer if that was even possible. “But it’s warmer since you’re here.” he said and your heart started beating rapidly. He didn’t want you to know that his heart was going even faster though. 
You yawned and rubbed your eye. “Go to sleep…we can make breakfast later…” he reasoned and you nodded. You did something risky and put your head on his chest. He prayed to a higher being that you couldn’t hear his fast-paced heart. 
He sat there for the next half hour just looking at you and falling more in love with you than you could ever fall in love with him…and he never wanted this feeling to end.
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You both were slow but becoming very close. You guys know that you both could never truly love each other knowing all of it was forced…but your heart didn’t know that. You were slowly going insane over it too.
Both of you were out and hanging around with each other and just at the local cafe. It was an ambient place and you were hoping you could talk to him about how you’ve been feeling lately. Yet you already knew he didn’t feel the same. From the way he looked at other girls to the way he looked at you: you were positive it was never meant t be. But being forced into marriage by your parents after the company went under – you just hoped that there would be at least a little spark. A little something that made you hope you wouldn’t live the rest of your life as a side piece.
You both sat there, talking about domestic things. Sipping your coffee, you wish it would drown the feelings in your mind and chest…but to no avail you still sat there – the thoughts drowning you.
“Hey, Johnny?” You asked and he looked to you, pushing his glasses up. “Yeah y/n?” He asked checking his phone but you still carried on. “I have had something to get off my chest.” You sighed and put your almost empty cup down again.
“I think I really li-” “Wait…before you carry on.” He said interrupting your confession. He looked to the cashier station where a girl was counting single dollars.
“Do you think you could go give her my number?” He asked as he looked to you with desperate eyes. “Uh…huh?” You shook your head to try and wake yourself up and hear better. “Like…go give her my number and tell her to call me?” He said looking like a child who wanted a new toy.
He was asking his legal wife…to go and help him get a date??
Your heart felt as if it shriveled up and was thrown into the pit of your stomach. “Oh…yeah…sure.” You said and he slipped you a napkin. He kicked your foot to get you to hurry up. You took your phone and purse, walking over to the cashier.
She looked up at the last minute and smiled. “Can I help you?” She asked and you put the napkin down. “My friend over there wanted to give you his number.” You said bitterly yet with a plastered on a smile.
You wanted the smile to squint your eyes to hide the hurt and welling tears. “Really?” She jumped a little and you nodded, sliding her the napkin.
“I wish you luck.” You said and turned around towards the door. “Oh…y/n?” You heard Johnny call but you kept walking as you blocked out his perfect stupid voice. You walked out and down the street in the opposite direction as the tears traveled down your face.
It was the undelivered truth that you truly loved him…but it didn’t have to be delivered that he did not love you back.
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He just didn’t want the rest of the life hating someone…so he liked you…eventually. 
It definitely took him getting used to having someone sit across from him every morning. Naturally, he wasn’t a morning person…but you were. He never wondered why someone was so happy for sleep to come to an end. Sleep was beautiful…and you loved being out of it. 
He woke up and walked out of his bedroom. He walked past yours and saw you were already out of the messy bed. He sighed and realized he would have to meet your happiness sometime today…eventually. 
He walked into you making breakfast for the both of you. “Look who’s up early…again.” He mumbled the last part. “Yep! I’m making eggs and sausage.” You smiled and rolled the sausage. “…fun…” he said as he grabbed an apple and sat down at a high sitting chair next to the counter. He looked over your work as he munched on the apple. 
His nice black t-shirt contrasted against his messed up bed-head. You hummed a tune and he wanted to vomit at your cheery side. “Why are you so happy every morning?” He asked and you smiled a little more as you grabbed plates. “Because everything is waking up.” You said and he just cocked an eyebrow. 
“And it’s time to make new memories. New day…new experiences to experience.” You hummed as you plated his food. He just looked onto you, your movements and actions becoming calming for him to observe. “And besides…you never know how long you have left. Live every moment like the last.” You offered the plate to him. He grabbed it with one hand. “Time is meaningless.” He said as he took the plate to his seat. You sighed and sat down across from him with your own food. 
The smile now faded and the want to just get through the day set in. Yuta noticed the silence and became hesitant. “You…being happy all the time…makes me happy…” He said and you couldn’t hide the little smile. 
“I’m happy you’re happy…and it puts me in a better mood.” He rolled his eyes at his confession and you smiled more. “Thank you, Yuta.” You said and took a bite of your eggs. 
He smiled a little and saw his outlook on the day rise when he saw your shy smile. It was warming and comforting. His heart twinged and he could feel a spark in his cheeks…maybe waking up to your smile every morning wouldn’t be as bad as he first thought. 
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He didn’t want to have to deal with another person’s affection. He didn’t want to care for another person’s life when he couldn’t take care of his own sometimes. It was all a hassle. But you didn’t see it like that. 
You loved looking out for him and making sure he was comfortable and had anything he wanted. It was a hard journey for your heart to go through the couple weeks after the wedding. More nights he would spend in his office and not in the house that was supposed to feel like a home. 
You guys would do things that a normal ‘couple’ would do…just without the affection…and love. 
Both of you guys were out for drinks at the local bar. He had been stressed at work lately and just wanted him to open up to you about it. He didn’t like opening up to people, but for some reason, he found it easier with you. He swigged down the dark liquid and asked for a refill. “But the deadline is coming up and I just don’t think Taeyong is appreciating how hard I have been working.” He said and you nodded, laying a comforting hand on his forearm. “Well, then I think you should tell him to lay off a little and tell him you understand why he’s getting frustrated. But also, you’re the only person doing the work he needs done.” You said and the look in his eyes looked a little happier than when you guys first walked in. 
“Thanks, y/n.” He pinched your cheek lightly. “No problem.” You smiled and finally retracted your hand from his arm. 
“Wanna go walk around for a little bit before going back to the house?” He asked and you certainly obliged to the thought of a nice walk. He paid for both of your guys’ drinks and you guys walked out into the street. You guys began walking towards the park at the end of the road. 
Yet the little things he did made your heart swell…and the free air clogged up your throat as you walked. 
You were walking close to the curb, but you almost choked when you felt his hand on your lower back. He guided you into the middle of the sidewalk so he was where you once stood. “All the idiot drivers are out right now.” He excused his actions and you nodded; understanding his reasoning and purpose. 
You both continued walking and making the journey towards the park. The walk lead you guys past some crappy and shady bars though. The type of bars that had the stereotypical thugs sitting outside and whistling at anything with 2 legs. 
You had passed a couple already and the comments were just getting worse as the sun continued to go down. The familiar smell of weed hit your nostrils and knew another bar was coming up. “Here. It’s getting cold.” He said stopping for a moment and slipping his jacket off. He just laid it across your shoulders so it covered your upper body. Your face heated up as the smell of weed was replaced with his cologne. 
You guys walked past the bar, and the comments were the worst of the night. You felt Doyoung’s arm slip around your back and onto your waist. His strong pull carried you into his side. The look coming from Doyoung’s eyes could make demons cry…but it showed you he cared. 
He didn’t want people looking at something that was his…he hated to admit that…but you were his and no one else’s. 
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(I’m such a hoe for this bunny boy I am so sorry)
He was in paradise from the day since the wedding. He always wanted to be a husband and then a father…and half of his dream was already accomplished. You were all for being a wife and carrying the usual duties. 
You both fell for each other at least 3 days after the ceremony. He loved doing such domestic things such as: cooking you breakfast, having lazy days and watching Disney movies in bed till 1 pm, baking with you, helping you cook dinner after a long day of training, go out for late night strolls and overall being affectionate with one person.
He realized at the same time that you did that this was forever. So why not put all of his affection into you? You wouldn’t be going away any time soon; you returned his affection. 
He was the stereotypical dream husband and you were in love. Would make your coffee, attempt to do your hair, giggle with you during late night conversations, stare at you and when asked why he would give the excuse of you being too beautiful. 
It was early in the morning and it had been a long night of waiting up for him. He had been on a mission and you were prepared with food and a drink upon his return. 2 am hit and he trudged in with a long and exasperated sigh. You pointed at him from your spot on the couch. “Don’t get blood on my carpet!” You said and he chuckled. “Yes Dear~~” He sang as he sat down on the bench and release hit feet from the combat boots he wore regularly (regular huh). You went over as he popped his back and you cringed at the sound. “Ouch.” You said and he chuckled, grabbing you and pulling you in front of him. “Tell me about it.” He said and just rested his head on your stomach. 
Your hands ran through his hair and over the stress lines on his forehead. “You tired?” You asked and he nodded. His arms came up and held onto your body – his usual spot to hold you while sleeping. 
“Why don’t you go take a shower, eat, and then we can go to sleep and I can rub your back.” You offered and he nodded tiredly. He sighed as he stood up and towered over you (this man is a whole ass 6′0″ PROBABLY closer to 6′1″…he a tree). “Also throw your clothes out before hopping in so I can throw them in the washing machine.” You called as you walked to the kitchen to heat up his food. “Yes, honey ~~” He called and the door shut as your heart raced a little faster. 
You guys just laid there and listened to each other’s breathing. Your hand ran over his back; rubbing at knots littering around his toned back. “You’re so warm.” You called feeling his forehead. “No. You’re just too cold.” He said and brought you into a bear-like embrace. 
“Now shush. Go to sleep.” He said as he released his grip only a little bit. “…and thank you for dinner…it was amazing…”
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He liked to be controlling everything in his branch. He was open to the idea of marriage but was always afraid to lose his other half; to his work, to emotions…to falling out of love with him. 
So when you two wed each other, it was okay in the beginning. He never thought you would stick by him for as long as you have. You thought he was charming and wondered why he wasn’t loved by everyone. He was so loveable and so well put together to not love him. His mannerisms, sense of humor, charm, and his protectiveness…he was perfect to you. But you also understood why he distanced himself from you. 
He had left on a business trip for 3 weeks. Building up to his departure, he tried getting closer to you and tried showing his love for you…but it wasn’t working out the way he wanted it to. He was almost for certain that as soon as he left, you would run away from this place and never look back; for he was a monster in his mind and undeserving of love. 
Yet you sat there, counting down the days to his return. Yeah – it was really lonely in his house all alone, but you utilized the time to learn some things. You baked – ALOT. You drew a while. You read a lot of books. You watched movies. You made new food creations to show him when he got back. You cleaned and made the house spotless. It was all perfect for his return where you assumed he would want to unwind and relax. 
You decided what you wanted to make for his first night back home, and decided on some comfort food. 
You were going to surprise him and pretend you weren’t home and then turn on the lights and tackle him into a hug. It was going to be amazing…but you obviously didn’t know he thought you were going to be gone in the first place. 
You had begun getting ready; cooking the food, cleaning up some loose things, getting some beverages ready, and then you heard him buzz into the gate. You shut off all the lights and hid behind the couch next to the front door. 
You were all giddy from excitement as soon as he walked in. You saw how the moonlight streamed in behind him. He looked hopeful when he first walked in…but he just nodded to himself and looked a little sad as he just tossed his keys messily into the key bowl. 
You then turned on the lights and jumped over the couch. “Welcome home!” You yelled and hopped into his arms. He was taken aback for sure. He was shocked and his heart jumped, realizing you had waited for him all this time. 
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders and he automatically held onto you like you were a plushie. He couldn’t help his eyes getting a little wet. You were still here…and you were happy to see him…and he was happy that you were still here and showed you still cared for him. You chuckled a little. “Welcome home.” You said a little quieter so it was a little more intimate moment between both of you. 
He felt a peck on his cheek and just held you tighter. “Happy to be back.” He whispered back and he wanted to stay in this moment forever. “Oooo! I cooked dinner! It’s going to be cold if we don’t hurry up!” You shimmied out of his grip. He slipped off his shoes and took off his heavy jacket; as you dragged him into to kitchen filled to the brim with some of his favorite foods, he couldn’t help the smile staying on his face.
He smiled as you looked at his reaction. “Does it look good?” You asked in anticipation and he nodded. “Looks perfect.”
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Because of his position…he was just unable to love anyone. He had become severely detached from this cookie-cutter ideality of ‘love’. He wanted love…but was just unable to feel it. He could feel ‘it’ during work…but not emotionally…it was never truly love. 
He knew you were in love and he could do nothing about it. All he could do was sit back and watch as you realized this was never going to work out. It was painful for not only you but him. 
He didn’t want to leave you in the dark…but it’s all he could do. He doesn’t blame you at all … but himself for getting you into this mess when you didn’t deserve it. No one deserved it. 
You and him sat next to each other at a movie. You were hoping you could do something during the movie to elicit a spark of emotion out of him (not like that)…but to no avail…you were left high and dry. 
The movie had been droning on for what seemed like forever and it was getting boring and repetitive now. You fake yawned and leaned your head on his shoulder. You cuddled in closer…and you could feel his breath become quicker. You were now happy…knowing that this could work out if he just let it happen…
But as he looked down at you, he felt pity. He wasn’t in love…he was uncomfortable for you were smooshing his pocket knife into his ribs. One wrong cuddle and boom…trip to the infirmary. 
He couldn’t deny that you were adorable and an amazing person…but he just couldn’t ‘love’ you. So for the rest of the movie while you were lead on y your own fantasies and dreams of the unrequited love finally happening…he sat there hating himself and not knowing what to do anymore. 
It was a lost cause.
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He was a lover…not fighter. So yes, his ideal wasn’t to get married so young…but he was along for the ride of life. 
He was nervous but once meeting you, all his nervousness and fears perished like fine dust. You thought he was perfect for you and you were perfect for him. 
The ‘honeymoon’ was full of jokes and getting to know each other. But, as soon as you both returned home - it was all business. 
You both decided that instead of taking it slow, take it how every newlywed would. No separate bedrooms, be open with each other, etc. It wasn’t too fast in both of your opinions. It should be normal. 
It was in the middle of the day and you were currently catching up on the news. The door burst open and in came Lucas. “Oh…hi.” You said as you looked at your husband who just stood in the middle of the living room. He stayed silenced and just continued to stare at you. “You good?” You asked and he didn’t answer – continuing the uncomfortable stare. 
After another 30 seconds of silence, he broke the deafening quietness.
“I want a sandwich.” He said as he turned and walked into the kitchen. “…what?!…” You got up and walked after him. You just stood there and watched as your tree of a husband made himself a sandwich. “All the uncomfortable staring for a sandwich?” You asked and he shrugged. “Want one?” He asked and you could only shake your head. 
He cleaned up and sat down at the counter island. He motioned you over and set you down on his lap. “Eat.” He said holding up the sandwich. “No, I’m not hungry.” You laughed but he kept pushing it closer; making himself laugh. 
His arm was wrapped around your body to make sure you wouldn’t fall. “Come on, just one bite.” He smiled at your laughing figure. “No. I said I wasn’t hungry.” You laughed more. “Fine. But I’m still hungry.” He said dropping his sandwich on the plate. 
He grabbed both sides of your face and began laying small and cute kisses all over your giggling face. He loved you and you loved him and you both could never get enough. 
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He didn’t want to get married. He thought it was unneeded and super stupid. He actually tried skipping his own wedding…until Taeyong found him hiding in the back of his car. 
Yet, he was dragged in and forced to do vows. He ended the ceremony with an ‘I do or whatever’ and a fist bumped. People were confused as they clapped and he exited the church before everyone else. 
It was a wild ride at first…but he got used to it. So used to having you that it was weird when he didn’t. You were in love with him…or at least the ‘him’ that everyone talked about. You did everything you could to make him comfortable so he didn’t have to do anything and could live the rest of his life comfortably. 
You cooked him a warm dinner every night and made sure his laundry was done and the bloodstains weren’t stains anymore and that he always had love and affection to have if he ever wanted it. 
But enough was enough. You were done giving him love when he couldn’t even acknowledge your existence sometimes. You printed out the right forms and were going to demand that Taeyong signs and declares the marriage no more. 
It was raining outside and you felt so alone as you walked the distance across the base. Hyuck saw you and asked what was going on. 
You gladly told him and he didn’t waste time in trying to find Mark; for how he really knew how Mark truly felt on your guys’ relationship. 
Hyuck had to deal with Mark gushing about you wearing his hoodie on accident; you getting scolded about you wearing his clothes - “I was just about to wear that! Why are you going into my clothes?! They’re my clothes for a reason!”. Hyuck still hasn’t lived down Mark talking about how good your cupcakes are; while he sits and critiques them to your face - “They’re hella dry. But I’ll just take the rest with me to work to get rid of them. I don’t think anyone will like them though. They don’t have enough icing.” Then hoarded them at work and yelled at anyone who came close to breathing next to them. Hyuck still doesn’t understand how someone can never get tired of talking about your sleeping habits; but he sits there with you and calls them annoying - “I hate when you cuddle me and curl into a ball…it’s so uncomfortable! I barely got sleep last night!”. 
But in reality, Mark wishes he sat there and told you how he truly feels. He loves everything you are and everything you do. 
He even sat there and cried because he thought he was going to lose you. The whole Junior Forces never saw Mark feel so guilty and scared at the same time. 
Hyuck ran as fast as he could to the training center. “M-mark. Y-y/n.” He breathed heavily, pointing outside the window to where he had just been. Mark was busy talking to Johnny and Jaehyun about a class when the younger rushed in. 
“What? Is she okay?” Mark asked, still sitting. “Going to Tae. Divorce papers…crying.” He choked out, trying to calm his wheezing. Mark dropped his phone, everyone ‘ooo’ing’ as they now saw his absolutely destroyed screen. “Where is she?” Mark asked as he ran down the steps. “1 block, right.” Haechan said as he sat down on the dirty ground – catching his breath. “Wow. I need to get in shape.”
Mark’s heart started racing as he saw your silhouette walking into the base headquarters. You never even looked back as he screamed your name. He pumped his legs even faster as the door closed behind you. 
He made it to the door, a panic attack ready to break down his body once again. “No no no no no.” he hummed as he pushed interns and trainees to get to Taeyong’s office and stop you before it’s too late. 
He turned the corner and saw you walk in. “Y/N!!!” He bellowed and you jumped. You looked at him and rolled your eyes, closing the door fully. 
He raced to the door and kicked it open; your body already sitting down and Taeyong shocked at the whole outburst. 
“No. We…we are NOT getting a d-divorce.” Mark clarified, running a hand through his hair that was matted to his forehead. “Mark.” You breathed and Taeyong still sat there shocked.
“No. Just please give me time to explain.” He said, some tears slipping down his face. His chest started heaving in and out. “Please.” He choked out, grabbing at the sides of his head. 
“Hey, calm down.” You said walking over and wrapping your arms around his waist. His hands shook like a bartenders glass and his chest was on fire. 
“Plea-…” He began. “Take him home y/n.” Taeyong called softly. You obliged and lead Mark out of the office and down the hall. You guided Mark all the way past the dorms and towards the apartments. 
His body still shook as tears streamed down his face. 
Once he was inside, the first thing to do was calm him down. You set him on the couch as his hands rubbed painfully over his jean-clad knees. You went to his closet and pulled out a t-shirt and sweatpants. 
You gave it to him and went to the kitchen to make him something to calm down; returning to him fully changed with a look of pain and helplessness on his face. 
You sat next to him and put your hand on his that laid on his thigh. “Now what’s going on?” You asked and he hiccuped, eyes welling with tears. 
“Please…please don’t leave me.” He said and you just stared at him, remembering the documents. “…Mark-” you sighed, looking into your own lap. 
“No. Just let me explain myself.” he hopped off to the couch quickly. He stood in front of you and started getting emotional again. “I…” He began but needed to take a second to compose himself. “I know…I am not the best husband. In fact, I’m probably the worst. “ He said and you tuned directly to his speech. 
“I am an asshole to you every day. When in reality, you are one of the best things to happen to me.” He confessed. Your heart began to swell. “And I love your cupcakes.” He said and you giggled a little bit. The tears kept pouring down his face though. 
“And I love when you curl up next to me because you look so cute and pure and I don’t deserve you.” He cried. “And I love when you wear my clothes. You look amazing and like a goddess and I love your cooking and your caring nature. I love everything you do.” He began babbling. 
You went over and just hugged him. “and…I love you.” He finally confessed and you held him tighter. You broke away and went back to the counter and grabbed the papers. You went to the front door and Mark thought that was it…you were gone.
Yet you returned with a lighter and a trash can. You burned the divorce papers and saw his eyes light up even brighter than the flames. 
He stepped aside from the burning trash and grabbed you. He kissed you for the first time and it was the most thrilling thing ever. 
Nothing would go completely smooth right after this…you guys have to work on a lot of things. But now, at least you know he cares and he cared from a while ago. 
He could sense the way you became closer to him…and he couldn’t push you away. It was awkward already when you both stood in your respective doorframes; both deciding to exit the room for breakfast at the same time. Both staring at each other to see who would walk towards the kitchen first. 
Of course, Hyuck would let you walk first as he closed his door again and slid down it so you wouldn’t see him freak out and grip his fists in frustration. 
But you walked to the kitchen, wanting him to come down and just have a normal breakfast like a ‘wife’ and ‘husband’ should…but it doesn’t look like that was gonna happen anytime soon. Even if the world was going to end tomorrow; you were almost positive that he would up and leave to spend it alone…and it was sad but it was true. 
You skipped around the kitchen in the way of the kitchen staff. “Is master Haechan coming down for breakfast?” An older woman asked as she stirred something in a large pot. 
You seemed it silly how they called him by his alias in the comfort of his home…and the whole ‘master’ aspect. Even he has said how much he hated it.
You smiled and grabbed an apple. “Hopefully. He has been working all morning.” You smiled and began walking out after giving an excuse for the absent house ruler. He was treated like royalty and looked after by all the staff and probably could lay bedridden all day if he truly wanted.
You turned the corner and automatically ran into a bigger body. Hands came out to your arms and steadied you. You were face to face with your ‘husband’ and it was crazy. You haven’t been this close since the wedding. It was all surreal. 
“You okay?” He asked and all you could do was a nod in response to his questions. “Sorry.” You muttered and tried to slip around him. The tinge in your cheeks was burning all through your nose and face. His arm quickly came out and stopped you from moving any further. 
“Y/N…” He trailed off and you could only hum in acknowledgment. “Just…” He began and got caught up in his own words. You looked up into his light and forgiving eyes that were mesmerizing to look at; making your knees week whenever you caught a glimpse of them.
“Just be ready by 8.” He said and walked the rest of the way into the kitchen – leaving you flustered and confused. 
You were falling for him…and he wasn’t for you…but he sure as hell was going to make this marriage work. 
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keelywolfe · 5 years
Drabble: Waterworks (baon)
Summary:   It was nice of Stretch to send him a text as to where he was, but what he was doing might have been a nice addition.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established Relationship, Domestic, Fluff, A Little Angst
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it Here!
babe we r @ the field, whnevr u r home
Edge got the text a full hour before he was due to leave work and much as he appreciated the information, it did bring up questions. For example, what were ‘they’ doing in the field and who precisely were the others in the equation of ‘we’ and ‘they’.
It was a coin toss as to whether asking those questions would simply create more, and in the end, Edge chose ignorance. He’d learn soon enough what was going on and what countermeasures might be necessary.
When he finally returned to New New Home that afternoon, taking the time to change out of his work clothes before walking to the field by the school, his questions were very quickly answered.
The ‘what’ was an elaborate maze of sprinklers set up across the grass, hoses crisscrossing the road and feeding into them. Garden sprinklers, slip and slides, ones with clown faces and wildly waving tubes spraying water along with little splash pads and various plastic animals spewing fountains. It looked as if somewhere there was a supercenter with their supply of summertime waterworks completely emptied.
Beneath the spraying water was what looked like every child in New New Home, Stretch’s normal minions and many others, squealing and running through the shower.
At a safe distance from the chaos was a collection of parents in lawn chairs, watching their offspring with various expressions of indulgence. With them, in a chair of his own and dressed unusually in light summer clothes was Antwan, and his smile was perfectly indulgent as well, if completely different.
In the middle of it all, towering over the youngsters, was his husband. Stretch was wearing swim trunks with what looked like sharks eating tacos swarming the fabric and a tank top declaring ‘lifeguard on duty’, both of which were dripping wet. A whistle hung from a string around his neck and whatever he was shouting was lost in the laughter of children and the roar of the water.
On the other side, closer to slip and slides, was Jeff. He was in a plain pair of trunks and another lifeguard tank top with a whistle of his own around his neck. Thick white lotion was smeared on his nose, and he was gesturing wildly to a group of older children who seemed to be involved in some sort of relay race.
They were all laughing.
Edge kept back and watched, not because his jeans and T-shirt were unsuitable, they were, but because the sight of Stretch laughing with such pure delight sent a pleasant cramp through his soul. A pulse of love so strong he needed a moment to process it.
As he watched, one of the children slipped and fell, tears instantly mingling with the falling water as she wailed. One of the parents shifted in their chair, but Stretch was there faster than a shortcut, crouching down to soothe her, and whatever he said soon had her laughing again and scrambling back to her feet to join the others.
Edge smiled, helplessly, ignoring the very different pang in his soul.
As Stretch stood back up, he caught sight of Edge and it seemed impossible that his delight could double, tipping over into pure joy. Stretch darted over to him and for the first time in recent memory, Edge took an instinctive step back, away from close to seven feet of dripping wet enthusiasm.
Stretch only laughed and stopped a couple feet back. “sorry, i am little damp.” He swiped his fingers down his shirt and flicked them at Edge, casting the faintest spray of wet.
“Slightly, yes.” Edge said and his tone was the driest thing there.
“how did we do?” Stretch gestured grandly at the watery scene behind him. “not bad, right!”
“It’s certainly something,” Edge agreed. A tangled chaos of a water wonderland, complete with a collection of little ones. ‘Something’ seemed to be the easiest descriptor.
Stretch’s grin only widened. “that’s what i love about you, sweetheart, your fancy way with words.” There was the sound of a whistle, Jeff calling over to a group of kids who were trying to climb on what looked like a grinning fire hydrant. Stretch grimaced. “whoops. duty calls. see ya, babe!”
He was gone as quickly as he’d arrived, jogging back over with his whistle howling, water dripping from him all the way to his sandals.
“My sister tells me that he and that friend of his spent all morning setting this up.”
Edge turned to see Janice walking up to him. She’d changed from her business pantsuit to shorts and was carrying a folding chair. Her gaze flicked from Edge to the playing children, a couple of whom were her own, their fur drenched as they giggled and ran.
“I’m sure he did,” Edge said dryly. “Stretch is a very hard worker when the end results meet his standards of amusement.”
She laughed. “Of course. He’s very good with them, isn’t he.”
“He is,” Edge said, a touch curtly. It was a lead-up he’d heard before, inevitably heading down a path of questions about when they would have their own. Questions that were certainly no one else’s business but his and Stretch’s, and that every time pressed on an internal bruise, a faint hope that he’d willingly set aside but still pained him on occasion.
He’d made his choice in that and did not regret it. It didn’t mean that the bruise didn’t linger. That it didn’t occasionally ache.
But Janice only smiled. “Since they spent all day on this, how do you feel about, oh, a community picnic? If everyone runs home to get something to share, it shouldn’t be too difficult.”
“That’s an excellent idea,” Edge admitted. Certainly easier than dragging any of that crowd home for dinner.
“Wonderful! I’ll go spread the word, get some of our burlier neighbors to bring over picnic tables.” She walked determinedly over to lounging crowd of adults with the same brisk efficiency that made her an excellent assistant. In no time at all, other parents were standing, nodding agreeably and headed towards their homes to see what food offerings they could bring.
Edge was ready to do the same. All he needed to do was tear his gaze from where Stretch was beneath the falling water. Right then he was leaning down almost far enough to lose his balance while a toddler clung to his slim fingers and wobbled through the spray on chubby legs. Both of them were gleeful, the child crowing happily and Stretch…
Streams of water were trickling down his skull, that perfect ivory bone glistening in the sunlight and he was laughing, shuffling along awkwardly with someone else’s child in his hands.
Edge looked away, turning his back on that enchanting joy before he gave in and joined him, jeans be damned. He turned his thoughts towards their refrigerator instead, mentally cataloging what was currently in it and what they had to offer an impromptu buffet.
He might put on his swim trunks while he was there.
So many people have asked for a reminder about why Edge and Stretch don’t want children that I thought I should include a link to the story.
They discussed it...sort of...in The Gyft That Keeps On Giving
What it boils down to though is that Stretch doesn’t want children for any number of reasons, but his health is a huge factor. And Edge might want children but only with Stretch. So they’ve agreed not to have children.
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poeticsandaliens · 6 years
Hold My Beer
Pairing: Debbie Ocean/Lou Miller
Rating: Mature
Summary: The Life and Times of the Heist Wives family, chronicled by things attempted after speaking the timeless declaration, “hold my beer” or Five Times Lou Miller said “hold my beer” before doing something spectacular and stupid, and a couple times someone else did.
I owe this ficlet to a conversation I was having earlier with @smashingmagicklovely​ about
1. how I wanted a full compilation of everything Lou has ever done after saying "hold my beer"
2. How Lou is badass but Soft on the Inside and Debbie is a non-romantic smartass but Soft For Lou.
and 3. how "my womb says yes but my heart says no" essentially sums up my entire attitude toward writing Heist Wives domestic fluff.
This is the fruits of my labor. Thanks Em for drop kicking my muse at ten o'clock at night.
Tagging @casliyn, @louxdebbie, and @oceansnineball because I feel like Dani and Darcy became ‘a thing’ somewhere between the three of them and an onslaught of adorable Instagram AUs.
Lou sprawls across two separate bar stools in Nine Ball’s pub, watching Debbie beat herself at a game of pool. “I got good in prison,” she had explained the first time she creamed Nine Ball.
“You had a pool table in prison?” Nine Ball asks incredulously, blowing a cloud of smoke over the table.
Debbie shakes her head. “Nope. I had a pen and some paper, and once I finished the Greatest Heist of All Time I calculated the angle of every shot in a standard game of pool and invented new scenarios until I ran out of ink.”
Not for the first time tonight, Lou wonders how she got so lucky as to love a woman as clever as Debbie Ocean. She’s not stupid—Deb is lucky as Hell to have Lou covering her ass, but that’s the magic of it. They click like a hairpin and a padlock, picking their way through barriers and unhinging each other as they go.
Lou turns to Amita, who’s perched demurely beside her with a fucking spectacular cosmo. Lou knows—she made Nine Ball show her the recipe. “Hold my beer,” she instructs Amita, sliding it down the counter to her. She steps on her bar stool, swaying as it spins.
“Holy shit,” she hears Debbie murmur, looking up from her one-sided game. “Lou—”
Lou steps onto the bar and weaves through a line of empty drinks until she’s perched on the corner, in front of Debbie. She fishes through her pocket until she finds the ring. She drops to one knee, knocking over a half-empty margarita in the process. She can feel the tequila soaking into the knee of her jeans.
“Debbie Ocean, darling, m’love, my partner in crime, my favorite felon on the planet, I love you from the bottom of twisted criminal heart. Will you marry me?”
They host the wedding reception at Tammy’s, because unlike the warehouse, Tammy’s place has grass and trees and aesthetic value; no to mention it lacked the warehouse’s air of chaos. It also smells of hydrangeas, rather than takeout Chinese food and expensive perfume—which mattered, apparently. At least, Rose and Daphne seemed to think so, and by that point Debbie and Lou took the backseat in planning their own wedding ceremony. They were perfectly content to marry in a courthouse, surrounded by their friends, but apparently that lacked romantic oomph.
(For her part, Lou found the idea of eloping in secret very romantic, but she can’t deny the feel of grass under her bare feet and the tickle of a breeze through her cream-colored suit.)
Lou and Debbie wander from the small party as the sky darkens. Fireflies drift through their vision like tiny lanterns, and gypsy moths swim in their path, clumsily seeking the porch lights. They stroll hand in hand down Tammy’s endless driveway, buzzed on quality alcohol and the undeniable high of their own marriage. Lou lets her eyes wander down Debbie’s figure, striking in an royal blue dress that whispers sprite-like across her skin.
No white, she told Rose, to the designer’s loud protests.
White is the color of a wedding dress.
No, white is the color of ‘purity’ and has too many connotations attached. It’s not even about virginity—I’m a con artist, for fuck’s sake. You’re an amazing designer, and you have my full confidence, but it feels wrong for me to marry Lou in angel-white.
Lou stops before a shiny object on the ground; squinting in the vanishing daylight; she makes out the outline of a child’s Razor scooter. An idea crosses her mind, too quickly for her to refuse it.
“I know that look,” Debbie warns her, eyeing the scooter.
“Hold my beer, darling” Lou says, handing Debbie her drink—not a beer, in fact, but a flute of champagne—and flips the scooter onto its wheels.
“Lou this feel like a bad idea.”
“Nonsense.” She kicks off, barefoot in her wedding suit, and sails down the driveway. She’s done wheelies on her motorbike before; this has to be easier. She jumps once, twice, then lifts up the front tire—and topples over onto Tammy’s lawn in three awkward, lunging steps.
Debbie cackles. “Not quite a motorbike, is it Lou?”
They honeymoon on Daphne Kluger’s private beach, because of course Daphne Kluger owns a private beach, a tiny tropical place sprung from the Caribbean, half a mile long. Perhaps it’s excessive, extravagant, but they’re not complaining when Daphne offers to let them stay in a fucking gorgeous beach house and have the ocean to themselves for two weeks.
“We should crack open one of those coconuts.” Debbie gazes at a hunched palm, shielding her eyes from the sun. Her skin has warmed and bronzed; her mischievous grin is infectious. Lou can’t say no to those soft brown eyes.
“Want me to knock one down?”
Debbie smirks. “If you can,” pretending she doesn’t know Lou will take it as a dare.
Lou looks up at the palm tree, laden with four coconuts. It doesn’t seem particularly difficult to shimmy up, but the tangerine sunset and her fourth drink of the evening has her seeing the world through a pair of rose-tinted, how-hard-can-it-be glasses. She makes up her mind.
“Hold my beer.”
Lou squeezes the tree trunk between her thighs and begins to climb. The bark scrapes her skin; sure she’s only wearing a bikini and a breezy blouse, but the glint in Debbie’s eye promised a lusty reward for her efforts. She hangs from the top of the tree and kicks a coconut. The palm leaves catch her button-up and scratch along her exposed torso. Her efforts pay off—a massive coconut drops to the sand below with a decisive whack. Debbie whoops. Lou shimmies down the trunk and downs the rest of her drink.
When they relay the story at home, Daphne asks how the hell Lou managed to climb a palm tree in a bikini.
“Drunkenly,” she replies, “having forgotten what thigh chafing feels like.”
A car revs outside the window. Lou looks up from the textbook length Swedish instruction set. “Fuck,” she mutters.
“This isn’t happening today,” says Nine Ball, gazing over the sea of bars and screws that could theoretically build a crib.
Lou groans and sips her beer. “Tammy you’ve built one of these. Help us out?”
Tammy shrugs. “They’ve changed the design since Alicia was born. Sorry.” But she’s made more progress than the rest of them, having managed to fit the bottom boards of the crib together into a solid surface.
“You’re a fence; I thought you knew how this shit worked.”
Tammy crossed her arms and got up from the floor, dusting off her jeans. “Yeah, I don’t build the things I fence.”
“Uh-huh,” says Nine Ball. “I always thought you’re one of those… DIY moms.”
“Only on occasion.”
The front door of the warehouse slams shut. “Where the hell is everyone?” Debbie’s voice echoes from the floor below them.
The group of them, somehow sweating and sore from failing to assemble the worlds’ shittiest IKEA crib, emerge from the room. Lou leans over the railing and smiles at her wife, who at six months pregnant (and beyond over it) has managed to carry four-and-a-half people’s worth of Chinese takeout in her arms while balancing an extra-large 7-11 lemonade between her chin and her baby bump and sucks nonchalantly on the bright red straw.
Sight for sore eyes, Lou thinks fondly, because she’s a fucking sap who loves this woman more every day.
She turns to Nine Ball. “Hold my beer,” and swings her leg over the railing. Nine Ball rolls her eyes as Lou slides down the spiral staircase at breakneck speed. She attempts to flourish as she rounds the final bend, but it quickly becomes an emergency crash landing, as she topples spectacularly onto the warehouse floor. With all the confidence of a clumsy woman who’s convinced the world she’s graceful, she dusts herself off and proceeds to trip over the couch, which has apparently moved three feet since last she saw it. She eats it again and finally stands to meet the half-amused eyes of Debbie Ocean.
In lieu of a greeting, she presses a kiss to Debbie’s lips, then to her neck, then to her belly for Creature (as they’ve insisted upon calling it, to everyone else’s chagrin) and then her lips again for good measure.
“I swear to God, Lou, if you die before this kid is born... ”
“Never,” Lou replies. Her hands curiously search Debbie’s midsection for a kick from Creature. “Just a couple of bruises. Although we might want to move the couch back to wherever it was.”
“No one moved it Lou. Your muscle memory isn’t worth shit.”
Before Darcy is born, they take a vacation. Dani stays with Tammy—the “adult friend,” as Debbie so delicately put it when Constance asked why she couldn’t watch their child for a week. They rent a place along the Baja peninsula, a hidden coastal oasis to themselves, complete with a jacuzzi and an underground spring that bubbled into a natural pool. Overlooking the pool, to Debbie’s delight, a cliff perfect for high dives.
“How are you doing?” Debbie emerges from the house sporting a craft beer and an impressive sunburn.
Lou lifts her sunglasses. “Distracted,” she mutters.
“And how is Nessie doing?” Debbie asks, plopping onto the chaise. Her gaze softens, and pulls Lou into a warm kiss, slipping her hand under Lou’s green button-up to where their second daughter grew.
“Playing me like a fucking marimba,” Lou says softly, resting her hand over Debbie’s, over the taut skin of her belly. It’s funny, she can’t help thinking, the undisguised tenderness with which Debbie touches her. When Debbie was pregnant with Dani, she was all tough shell, and the entire nine months had been a stressful road littered with complications and doctor’s appointments and a couple close calls.
No way in Hell am I doing that again, Debbie swore, and quite understandably. Nope, no way, miracle my ass.
Well then I guess it’s my turn, Lou promised and kissed her against their creaking headboard.
Her turn—an unspeakably weird turn, she realized when first the alien creature moved inside her. Curious, the way it’s spoken on black and white British TV—curious. Weirder, perhaps, Lou woke one more to find Debbie softened like honey, curled around the new-to-them curve of her abdomen and smiling the sweetest thing she’d seen in months. Captivated the way she couldn’t be with Dani, and Lou in turn was bewildered by her.
“No shit,” Debbie whispers now, feeling Nessie (a nickname coined by Rose, of course) press against her hand. “You’re on vacation,” she mutters to the errant alien foot. “Relax.”
Lou tosses back her head and laughs. “Your voice only riles her up,” she says, shooing Debbie away with her hand.
“Her or you?” Debbie retorts, voice full of promise. So far, this vacation has rivaled their honeymoon in terms of good food and better sex.
“Both of us.” She pulls Debbie close and kisses her with fervor, pressing her thumb between Debbie’s thighs to elicit a rewarding groan. “God, you know how hot you are,” Debbie growls, her words slurring into something needy and near-impossible to resist. Debbie pinches the sensitive skin of her breast, and she’s wet already, God help her.
Debbie’s lips are running a full-on expedition of her body, tanned legs straddling her and her hand inside Debbie’s swimsuit, when few sharp sucker punches from the baby force her to break away. Debbie grumbles softly and runs her hand through Lou’s sun-bleached hair.
“More later,” Lou murmurs, low and husky, “when Loch Ness quiets down.” She’s gone on this woman, gone on Debbie Ocean forever. They’re conquering the goddamn world every second they spend in the same room. She doesn’t want Debbie more than three feet away, especially not now.
“Fine,” Debbie acquiesces. It’s playful, frustrated all the same. Debbie stands up at the promise of later. Then, her gaze fixes on the waterfall, and her eyes light up. “Hold my beer.” She shoves her drink into Lou’s hand and races to the pool.
“Fuck you, that’s my line!” Lou calls after her.
“Not anymore!” Debbie clambers up the slick rock, hauling herself onto the rock’s edge. She gets a running start, hurling herself into a front flip that from Lou’s vantage point is executed perfectly. Until it isn’t. Debbie hits the water in what can only be described as the most painful belly flop Lou has ever witnessed. She stands stone-still in the pool for a full minute before making her way to the edge.
“Are you alright, baby?” Lou shouts, half-teasing and half dead serious. Because when Debbie emerges from the water, she is the color of cheap boxed wine from her neck to her knees, pinching her stinging midsection with both hands.
“Fuck off,” Debbie mutters, but she’s chuckling through her pout, an indicator that she’s not severely injured herself.
Lou hands her back the bottle, cocking her eyebrow dangerously. “That’s what happens to people who laugh at me for getting stuck in the jacuzzi.”
It is the twelfth anniversary of the Toussaint heist. Tammy, good friend that she is, offers to host the barbecue. She’s just purchased a backyard trampoline that has automatically made her the “most cool aunt” in the eyes of Dani and Darcy, and really, who can protest?
Debbie the grillmaster is flipping burgers, chatting with Daphne Kluger about her latest endeavor in directing, which is generating a fair amount of Oscar buzz. Amita and Constance are teaching Darcy how to steal jewelry off a person’s body without being caught, and what kind of hypocrite would Lou be o protest that it isn’t a useful life skill? Dani, predictably, has climbed onto the trampoline.
Lou’s heart swells as she watches her daughter bound across the elastic surface. “Hey,” she says to Rose, “hold my beer.”
She strides over to the trampoline and climbs on, shoes and all. She takes a couple steps onto the trampoline. “Hi Ma!” Dani cries enthusiastically.
“Hi Darling, are—” Her feet drop from under her. Apparently, the three-inch stiletto heels on her boots were less than ideal for a sheet of kevlar and rubber, because they’ve split two holes in the trampoline, and the woven strips of it are springing up everywhere, and Lou is flat on her ass beneath it.
Dani peers down at her, howling with laughter. “Ma you broke it!”
Lou scooches out from beneath the gaping hole, ass first, with the shreds of her grace and dignity.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Darcy asks her older sister as Dani straps on her helmet and elbow pads.
“Great idea,” says Dani. She fixes her gaze on the massive pipe she’s rolled into the warehouse parking lot. On the other side of the pipe lies a ramp, and on the other side of that, a curb and chain-link fence she’ll just have to steer away from.
Dani mounts the skateboard and tests its wheels. Sturdy, smooth, waxed.
“You only finished it yesterday,” Darcy says skeptically.
“Yeah but it’s, like, the third prototype. This is the perfect board; trust me.” She’d snatched the old parts from junkyards and the back closets of skate shops and finagled them together into a board all her own.
“You have the camera rolling?” she asks, wiggling her board underfoot. Darcy nods.
“Great.” She quickly tames her hair into a top-knot and adjust the knee-pads on her torn jeans.
“Last chance to back down. If Ma sees you hit that ramp, she’ll read you the riot act,” Darcy warns her.
“Pssssh, have you seen the old photos of her on the motorbike? She used to take it to California and do some crazy shit out in the desert.”
“She still does. Doesn’t mean she’s okay with you hitting that ramp on your skateboard. Don’t be a jackass.”
Dani shrugs. “Takes one to know one, sis,” she says with a grin that her sister quickly returns. “Hold my beer.”
Her drink and camera safely in Darcy’s hands, Dani kicks off down the empty lot. She jumps into the pipe, listening to her wheels rumble on the plastic, then gives herself a boost before hitting the ramp. All of a sudden, she’s flying. It’s fucking fantastic. She flips the board once for good measure and lands beautifully, but before she can gloat the chain link fence is upon her.
Right. This is why you don’t put a ramp near a fence. She collides head on, and damn, she thinks, it’s a good thing this fence is pliable. It spits her back out like a catapult, and she lands on her ass on the concrete.
Darcy runs up to her. “Are you alright?” she repeats, taking Dani’s hand and helping her to her feet.
Dani nods shakily. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, that went great for the first trial. Did you catch me eating it on camera?”
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theroundeviloftable · 7 years
Strawberry Tarts and Shopping Carts
Pairing: Jin x Reader Genre: Fluff (also extremely soft lol) Summary: Your boyfriend, Seokjin, realizes that you have had a tough week at the bakery you help manage, and offers to bake you the treat that had brought the two of you together in the first place.
Word Count: 1,562
A/N: this is based in the same universe as @guksthighs‘s bakery au: Strawberry Tart.  It’s a reaaaally gr8 fic and I recommend that all of you go read it immediately to get some background on this one.
This is literally just the longest, self-indulgent slice of life fic bc ya girl is a sucker for domestic aus.
Anywho, off we go!
“Have a great rest of your day!”  
You waved to the customer you had just spoken to as she left your bakery, the small bell on the door dinging as she let it close behind her.  You let out your breath in a rush of relief, and quickly went to lock the bakery door and flip the sign so that it read “closed” to any other customers.  It was already 20 minutes past the time your shift was supposed to end, and you still had yet to clean the kitchen and the dining area before you could actually clock out.
A soft sigh slipped past your lips. At least I should be getting paid overtime for this...
You smiled to yourself at your new “positive thinking” that your boyfriend, Jin, had been trying to ingrain in your mind for the entire year you had currently been together as a couple.  Thinking of Jin only made your smile grow wider, and your wide smile led to your hands resting on your cheeks in an attempt to cool the slight heat that had started to form simply because you loved him so much.  Your hands being idle on your cheeks then led to you pulling your phone from your back pocket, realizing you hadn’t checked it for the whole last hour of your shift.
There was one new message from “handsome guy man <3″, and a few social media notifications.  You unlocked your phone and closed the social media tabs, opting to check them all later in favor of reading Jin’s text first.  
Jin’s text read: Jagi~ I know you’re still working, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow morning with me to the grocery store?  I want to bake for you in honor of how hard you’ve worked this week xx
You didn’t even try to suppress the large smile that broke out on your face, reaching all the way up to your eyes and making them crinkle in the corners.  You texted him back with something along the lines of, “You are literally the corniest person I have ever met, but yes of course I’ll go with you tomorrow, my dear <3″ before closing your phone and placing it back in your pocket.
You had plenty of cleaning to do before you could go home and talk to the love of your life until both of you fell asleep over the phone, so you rolled up your sleeves and set your mind to getting out of the bakery as fast as you could.
You had just finished slipping on a pair of ripped jeans and one of Jin’s hoodies (that could have passed as a dress on you because of his ridiculously broad shoulders and long torso) when your doorbell rang, indicating that Jin had arrived to pick you up.  
“Cooooming!” You hoped your voice echoed to the door to let him know you would be there to let him in soon.  You grabbed your phone, wallet, and keys before sprinting to the front door.
“Y/N-ah.  That was record time.”  Jin smiled happily down at you as he referred to the many times he was forced to wait outside as you finished getting ready to leave with him, since you had a particularly bad habit of being late.
You punched him playfully in the arm as you caught your breath a little before you reached down to interlace your hands, fingers falling into place perfectly together.  “Hey, give me some credit, at least I woke up on time today.”
Jin laughed his squeak of a laugh that you loved so much and leaned down to rub your noses together sweetly before he bent over and handed you your blue and black sneakers.  
“I decree that you’re wearing these today, so that we match.”
You laughed and, as expected when you looked down, he was wearing the exact same pair, a gift you had both bought each other as a coincidence for Christmas a few months ago.  You placed a hand against his cheek softly and met his eyes, a smile breaking onto both of your faces.  
“Alright then, put your shoes on and we can go, Y/N.”
A 10 minute car ride and a few short songs sung along to the radio later, and you two were walking up to the grocery store’s front entrance, you already riding the cart you had snagged from the parking lot with one foot on the rail and the other propelling yourself forward. 
You could practically feel the playful frown Jin was sure to be giving you from behind where he was standing.  You turned your head, and sure enough, there was that same frown you expected.
“Y/N, I swear to god if you knock another display over-”
“Relax, Jinnie, I’m not gonna run into anything,” you interrupted.
He continued, “OR if you knock another EMPLOYEE over, OR almost break the store’s front window again, I’m never going out in public with you again. Ever.”
You laughed sheepishly and avoided his gaze as you both passed through the threshold and into the store.  “I’ll do my best, Jinnie.”
You heard him grumble under his breath when, not even five minutes into the trip, you almost ran straight into a shelf full of pickle jars, and all you could do was shoot him a little grin and say “whoops?”.  You could tell he had reached his limit of your clumsiness for this trip already, and started to feel your mood deflate for once again ruining an outing, but you were surprised when you felt his chest press up close against your back.
“Jin, what are you doing?”
He didn’t answer, and instead nudged your shoulder with his chin as an indication for you to put both feet on the rail of the cart in front of you, so you did.  Soon, you felt the cart moving as he pushed it forward down the aisle and away from your almost-crime scene, and you couldn’t help but smile as you felt the warmth from his chest start to bleed into your back.
The ride was a little bumpy due to Jin’s walking and pushing the cart, and a few too many people stared at the two of you acting like children in public, but you both still enjoyed each other’s company as you rode on the cart and he pushed you through the rest of the shopping.
“Are you sure I didn’t make you mad earlier?”
You turned to face Jin with the tart crust in its pan in your oven mitt-clad hands, and he quickly took it from you and set it on the counter next to you so it could cool. 
He took the oven mitts off of your hands and his own, before taking both of your hands in his own and raising each up to his lips so that he could place a kiss on them. 
“Of course I wasn’t mad, jagi,” he said between kisses.  “Sure I was a little annoyed, but I got over it and fixed it.  Besides, it was the perfect excuse to have you close to me AND make sure you didn’t cause anymore damage to store property.”
He winked at you and you swore you felt your soul leave your body as it had many a time before when he did that.
You chuckled softly and hit his chest, albeit very playfully and not really with conviction, as you didn’t want to ruin the mood that had formed in the air between you two.
He leaned forward to press his lips to your forehead, trailing a line of kisses down your nose until he reached your lips and pecked them gently; you could feel the love radiating off him in tangible waves.
And then, everything fell apart as he reached into the bowl next to you, picked up a glob of whipped cream on his finger, and smeared it onto your nose with the biggest smile on his face.
“Hey!  Kim Seokjin, you get your ass back here right now!”
He had escaped your inevitable wrath by running on the other side of the kitchen island, and you began your game of cat and mouse as you futilely chased him around it.  You realized you probably weren’t going to catch him, and stopped on the side opposite of him.  He recognized your defeat, and blew you the biggest air kiss ever, and you caught it and pretended to throw it down and stomp on it.  He looked sort of surprised, but still mimed out fake pain, clutching his chest and falling backwards to the floor, causing you to burst into strong laughter.
You walked over and met him on the floor, kneeling beside him.  He grabbed your arm and pulled you down next to him, and you cuddled into his side right where you belonged. 
“Y’know, we still haven’t made the strawberry filling for the tart.”  He placed a finger over your lips after you spoke.
“Shush.  Your handsome boyfriend is tired.  Just let me lay here and snuggle you for five more minutes.” 
And that’s what you did before you both finished making the tart, eating it, and falling asleep together on your couch while binge watching old reruns of Adventure Time.  It was one of your best days. 
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and don’t be afraid to like, reblog, and tell me your thoughts/comments!
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