#which definitely doesn’t make me think they’re worth listening to
Asking out of curiosity in case anyone who follows me knows more: in the past couple of months I’ve seen two pieces of news (one about Morocco and recently about Saudi Arabia) saying that a person or multiple people was arrested or sentenced for criticizing Israel in those countries with a bunch of people in the comments saying that it’s propaganda and they live there and and criticize Israel all the time without consequences which seems like a strange argument to make since I don’t think that necessarily precludes the possibility that more prominent activists or public figures could be targeted in a way that the average person is not. But I also don’t know much about the local context of either of those countries or whether there’s legitimate reason to be suspicious of those headlines
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finleycannotdraw · 8 months
can u recommend some bands? i think i like ur music taste and i am terrible at finding music
ty :)
of COURSE I can <3 you’ve probably heard of some of these, but maybe there’ll be some you haven’t! I don’t know what you already like, so… here we go :)
Hozier. Yeah this was always going to be first on the list I’m currently listening to basically nothing else! He’s an Irish folk/soul/blues/etc idk musician who uses a lot of religious and mythological themes in his lyrics and has a lot of songs that include social justice commentary.
The Amazing Devil is a folk rock band with an incredibly unique sound. Their songs are incredibly emotional and have an awesome fantasy vibe going on—plus there’s two singers, and they often sing independently from each other, which is something you don’t see often!
Good Morning Bedlam is a bluegrass band that I’ve gotten into recently! They’re sort of like… a mix of the amazing devil and the crane wives?
The Crane Wives, while we’re at it, and
The Oh Hellos. they’re fairly similar and I don’t have a ton to say about their stylistic differences, but they’re all definitely worth checking out!
Florence & The Machine. Most people have heard of them but I always like to recommend them anyway
Alec Benjamin, if you’re into softer indie music! He has a lot of different styles of lyrics, but his voice is consistent, so he’s great to listen to if you’re looking for that sort of variety.
Chxrlotte doesn’t have a lot of music out, but I’m a big fan of the music she has released, including the ones about Good Omens! The others are more angsty which I love too.
The Family Crest is an orchestral indie pop rock band, which blows my mind. I can’t believe orchestra isn’t a more utilized tool in popular lyrical music, because they do it so well.
Good Kid is actually my brother’s favorite band, and I love them too. They’re also indie rock, but they have a very distinctive style and are easy to get into! Plus they haven’t released a shit ton of songs like some other artists, so it isn’t overwhelming to explore their discography.
Jonatha Brooke is an artist I only know about because my mom liked her music a lot in the 90s, but she’s got a super nice voice and has some awesomely relatable lyrics. I especially recommend her album Ten Cent Wings!
Midlake is a super melodic folk rock band. I’m obsessed with their album The Courage of Others, which has a melancholy vibe that’s super easy to get lost in.
Palaye Royale is harder rock than anyone else on the list so far, but they’ve got an awesome style. Unique voice and definitely darker themes in their lyrics.
Tears for Fears is a pop rock band that I love because my dad does. (My parents are musicians—I trust their music taste).
Toad the Wet Sprocket got their name from Monty Python, but PLEASE go listen to the Architect of the Ruin EP. You will not regret it. Also the song Something’s Always Wrong is like… entrenched in my very being.
Elbow is a band that I never see in fandom circles, but they’re definitely not obscure. Check out their album Little Fictions! They’re kind of like Midlake.
Will Wood ranges from chaotic and fun (The Normal Album) to absolutely soul-crushing (in case I make it)! Sometimes even both at the same time!
(I would’ve also put Paramore, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and other rock/pop punk bands I like on there, but I assumed you already know them.) (If you were looking for harder rock or metal, let me know, because this list is not that.)
If you want more genre-specific recs or even album/song recs, don’t hesitate to ask!! Music is the fuel of my soul.
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livfastdieyoung69 · 1 year
Nikki sixx or Tommy Lee x reader where reader is like a famous pop star bubbly persona and she meets them at a award show maybe (Turns out she’s a metal head)
Award Shows
(90s!Nikki Sixx x Metalhead!bassist!reader)
Award shows suck. Sure, you might win some cool award and get your five seconds of fame but was it really worth sitting at a table with a bunch of people you either don’t know or probably hated all night long? On top of that, there was no alcohol in sight. So here Y/N stood in the world's most uncomfortable outfit, with the guitairst of their band, Kacey Towers, whispering in their ear to look atleast a little happy as they tried very hard to hide their aggravation from the flashing cameras. They ignored the shouting papparazi and continued down the red carpet into the venue with a sigh.
Vinnie Lake, Static in Conspiracy’s very own singer, had already made a detour to some hot chick he saw, leaving the rest of the band to figure out where they’re supposed to be sitting. After confusingly whisper-shouting at each other for way too long, their drummer, Trip Ryke, finally went to go find a worker or something, leaving Kacey and Y/N to awkwardly stand and watch as the other artists found their seats way too easily. Y/N looked over to Kacey at the sound of him quietly giggling.
“Whats so funny, dude?”
“Look, your boyfriends here!” Kacey teased as his giggling continued. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion before their eyes starting scanning the crowd again.
“What are you talking ab- oh, holy shit! Why did nobody fucking tell me he was gonna be here?!” Kacey kept giggling at their expense while Trip finally returned.
“What are we laughing at?”
“Nikki Sixx is here with Motley and Y/N is totally freaking out.” Trip let a little airy laugh out before speaking.
“Leave ‘em alone while they have a crisis would you? C’mon were over here.” Apparently they had been on the exact opposite side of the huge room which made sense because MC Hammer was sitting at the table they were standing by. The group weaved their way through way too many tables, Vinnie eventually joining them at one point.
“Are you sure were not lost? I think we’re lost.”
“We’re not lost Vin! Look, I see it right over there.” Trip pointed to their table as he spoke. Y/N immediatley turned around at the sight of the other band at their table but Trip caught their arm.
“No. No, no, no, no, no. Oh my god, no!”
“Oh, you’ll be fine, babe!” Vinnie had a habit of calling everyone pet names, especially his band members.
“I absolutley will not be, I’m totally gonna embarass myself infront of Nikki Sixx- who incase you didn’t notice is totally the hottest guy in the world!”
“Thanks.” Y/N whipped around with widened eyes at the sound of the smooth voice to find the entirety of Motley Crue watching the other band as if they were a reality TV show, and Nikki Sixx himself staring directly at them with a grin covering his face from ear to ear.
“You…are welcome. I totally already embarrassed myself so glad we got that out of the way.” SIC moved to sit down at the half of the table Motley wasn’t taking up, unfortunately forcing Y/N to sit by Nikki, much to their embarrassment.
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re pretty hot too. Its Y/N, right?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's me. And thanks, but I definitely don’t look like this normally, these pants are doing like half of the work. Can barely fucking breathe in these things.” Nikki let out a small laugh at their comment.
“Yeah, they don’t look very comfortable. Maybe I can help you take them off later?” It was Y/N’s turn to laugh now.
“Just cause I said you were hot doesn’t mean I’m a groupie, dude!”
“Trip- the bleach blonde down there- has been saying it since I’ve known him and I’ve know him since…5th grade I think? It’s kinda stuck on me over the years.” Their conversation went silent, but not uncomfortable. Nikki spoke up after awhile.
“Hey, listen, I really like your guys’ music and I really like you, would you maybe wanna meet up and get something to eat, maybe write some lyrics or something?” Y/N’s eyes widened once again at his words.
“Yeah, I’d love that! I really like you too.” Maybe award shows weren’t so bad.
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this is totally not what the request was but this popped in my mind and I thought it would be a cute idea 😭😭sorry bae
written with the 1990 MTV Music Video Awards in mind, i kinda hate this but I feel bad not putting something out so here ya go i guess! I’m gonna try to write some chapters for Bones and RND. it doesn’t really say anything specifically about it but I did make the reader a bassist cause we never get any attention and i felt like it lol
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tarotofzhivasmoon · 7 months
Pick a picture reading
What makes this connection special?
Pause and take a big breath in, then choose the pile you feel the most drawn to🦋
You can now book a reading with me! Visit my services here and just message me if you are interested in booking any service!
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Pile 1
This connection is special because everything just seemed to align for the two of you, everything just clicked with such ease and while you might’ve had some obstacles with this person, you definitely have been able to move forward so freely and without really worrying too much. Of course, there aren’t really relationships that never meet or find any challenges along the way, there’s been a few here in this connection, but you’ve always went with the flow of things, tackling it as you moved forward and it took you really far because what you’ve been waiting for, this relationship that you’ve been waiting for, has come through for you and it finally felt like the missing piece of your puzzle was complete. If you feel like you’re going through a hard time with this person, you don’t really need to worry because you will definitely get the answers that you seek, get the news that you’ve been wanting to hear from your person, which of course, in your mind have only been good news and moving forward towards a better place. For some of you, you might’ve felt like something was weird, maybe you’ve been through a lot of challenging, unstable and even toxic relationships before, in which you weren’t really seen, heard or understood by the one you were trying to build a future with, your requests were ignored, those people came off as selfish and inconsiderate when it came to your needs, but this person is actually listening to you, they’re making the changes that you’re asking them to make and they’re really doing their best to tend to you, to what you want and need from them and from a relationship and this can actually look scary to you, especially to your ego, which is always only used to negative patterns, to your needs not being met, to you not being important and now that you actually are experiencing what you’ve always desired, you might have a tendency to doubt it, thinking it might be too good to be true, thinking that maybe it won’t last for long and that something is going to happen that’s going to make you experience what you’ve been always used to experiencing.
The full, in depth reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
Pile 2
The two of you might’ve not really started this connection really smoothly, there’s a sense of struggling, of being really wrapped up in patterns and thought patterns from the past that were just really negative and weren’t really helping either of you move into a new connection with open arms and be really vulnerable. Both of you seem to have had a sense of superficiality when meeting each other, some of you might’ve left someone who has deceived and betrayed you, it was all recent, you didn’t really feel like you belonged anywhere because all your life it has been a journey of finding a place you belong, of finding something that you’ve lost a long time ago and you weren’t really able to get it or find it in any relationship that you have been in. It does seem like you might’ve only found the opposite of what you wanted, where you wanted love you found a lack of appreciation and disinterest that kept on growing and growing over time, it affected your sense of self and sense of self worth, it was just really painful to experience and go through what you went through and the things that you were carrying throughout your journey have become heavier and heavier. Your person could’ve gone through similar experiences, maybe they have been also looking for and trying to find something they’ve once lost, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the same circumstances that you had, though they were similar to yours and when you got in each other’s lives, when you arrived at the door of both of your hearts, it seemed like it was never fully open, you never really let each other fully enter your hearts because you’ve learned that you’re not really welcome there for long from all of those past experiences. You might’ve tried your best to appear vulnerable, to appear that you’re sharing, to create an illusion of letting each other in, but in reality you were hiding a lot of yourselves in attempt to protect what you had left from those past experiences.
The full, in depth reading is available to read on Patreon. Thank you so much for your support💗
Heart and reblog this post if it resonated with you🦋
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
I definitely want to back up that anon who thinks jimin is still in the kitchen! In truth I think all the boys are and will be for a long time. I see chapter two as the introduction of their solo careers meaning "hey we are gonna be bts but also be ourselves sometimes too" I think every solo moment we've seen is the beginning which I'm for one super excited about. Imagine a wave of brilliant solo work one year and then phenomenal group work the next. Chapter two is barely a year in and it's already a visual and musical feast. I think jimin loves quietly preparing so he can wow us when he feels the time is right and while I too get tense with the constant radio silence I know it's cause he'll blow my mind the second he wants too. I hope people who feel as if Jimin didn't get a chance to show his true might feel comforted in that he will never ever stop wanting to gag tf out of us. And I think the sentiment holds the same for bts.
Exactly this. Up until a few months ago I thought this was well understood, seeing as how BTS has operated till now, but clearly I was mistaken.
For posterity’s sake, to beat this dead horse one final time:
Would it be nice for each member’s release to not have any of the issues they’ve had? Of course. But it’s possible to inform the company of said issues, address what we can for issues due to various platform errors not due to the company, while not losing sight of the fact this is only 2023. We’re still only in 2023. As in, we’re literally just one year into Chapter 2, none of the guys are older than 30, and they keep saying they’re in this for the long haul. And this is the same group that has shown over a decade that their plans are most often and best executed in multi-year stints.
It’s bizarre to think a member’s solo career is over or even damaged at all in any real way because of one or more problems that happened during their first solo release. It betrays such a myopic, winner-take-all mentality that you have to be in a very specific headspace to fully buy into.
Jimin is clearly happy and working. He’s not blind and is seeing what is working for other members and what isn’t. They’re all checking out each other’s solo endeavours from time to time, cheering each other on and I’d say making notes on what they too could try, what works and what doesn’t.
If there’s one thing that’s become clear to me over the years, and even more so in Chapter 2, it’s that BTS is a team. A real team. I’ve seen a lot of k-pop groups over the years and there is no group today, present or past, that would reach the heights BTS has if any of the members sought to harm or sabotage or lord shit over the rest, with or without help from the company. None of the BTS members would put up with that shit. Their egos are too big, they’re so obviously their own people, very ambitious and so aware of it that I really wonder if people actually listen to these men when they talk. They know exactly what they’re worth, and they trust that all the other members know it too. If BigHit showed any real favouritism, BTS is the last group to allow that if it’s not something they themselves have already agreed to.
They all know what they’re doing. And if they don’t, then they’re the only people with the tools to figure it out. All the angst and anguish over this or that happening in fan spaces, has no real effect on these men sitting somewhere in Seoul planning out everything they’d like to do as solo artists and as part of BTS.
That’s my takeaway after watching them for as long as I have. I could be wrong, but I’ve not seen anything to suggest that yet. I’m not sure how long you’ve been in the fandom Anon, or what you think about other issues, but it’s nice to see you and the other Anon share this perspective. It’s a view that’s widely accepted in the fan spaces I’m in outside of Tumblr, but one that is sorely lacking in this space right now.
For no reason at all, one Jimin that I hope one day shows up in Chapter 2, 3, or 4:
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Sidebar - A friend (who isn’t religious) was asking another friend recently about religion, because she’s now desperate enough to seek divine intervention for Jimin to find blonde hair dye, and to love it again.
We all know his best hair colour is black, but it’s just as true that a solid case has been made for him being a natural blonde.
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Okay, that’s it today from my gallery.
That colleague i mentioned the other day, the one that recently got into BTS and now biases Jimin, we’re meeting up this weekend with my other friend, the musician that watched the Grammys with me last year and fell in love with Jimin. That’s an example of two people still finding out about Jimin, falling in love with his music and him as a person, and starting to support him. None of the noise online actually has any real bearing on the impact of real life people still learning about Jimin through his solo music and through BTS, and becoming his fans maybe for life.
If anyone finds themselves feeling overwhelmed in fandom, please zoom out. Please take time away and get some perspective. Everything I’ve said is obvious, none of it is rocket science or gleaned from any special insight. The noise online can suck you in, to prevent that, please detach, go back to their recent and old interviews to hear what they each feel about Chapter 2 and their solo work, listen to all of what Jimin expressed during his promotions, the good and bad. You’d be left with fewer anxieties. At least, that’s the case for me.
Thanks for this, Anon.
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cleolinda · 4 months
Weekend links
My posts
As January drags to a close, I have a shit ton of dental work coming my way. Thrilling. (I too would like to have my toenails clipped while I am there.)
Also, the Diagonal Trees may be coming down soon.
My sister added me to her Apple Arcade plan and asked me to play Hello Kitty Island Adventure with her and my nephew. I have resolved the snorkel issue but now I am despairing over a quest-dependent puzzle. “Just float with some complex touch motions over to a cave ledge on the entire other side of the screen. Then do it again.” Get absolutely fucked. 
I slap “Dear diary” on posts here that I feel are just kind of personal nattering, but I also do an actual sort of newsletter “Dear Diary” series over on Patreon, often 1000+ words. As you all know, I have no trouble running my mouth freestyle, so these are easy to write when I have nothing formally finished. This weekend on the Future Vision tier, we have “Dear diary: Liminal edition.” 
Reblogs of interest
Listen, I am reluctant to reblog things about Gaza because so many posts turn out to have an undercurrent of antisemitism that’s either obvious, or that I don’t realize until later. But this BBC article struck me as a factual analysis of the discrepancy between the stated goals of the IDF and the enormity of the damage. It doesn’t add up at all, conclusively, and I think that’s worth notice. 
With that said, we’re going to build up slowly to lighter subjects:
The Epic of Gilgamesh illustrated by Wael Tarabieh
Breakfast around the world
“There are so many ways to make moodboards, bookcovers, and icons without plagiarizing”
Gritty calligraphy
Hot Vintage Movie Stars (Male) polls, round four. People are shocked that the polls have turned out this way. I’m not. Like. James Dean is losing right now. I’m gonna guess Toshiro Mifune for the overall winner, with Vincent Price as an outside chance, because this is Tumblr. Which, I am sincerely thrilled that people here have sincere opinions about movie stars active before 1970, whether they’re “wrong” or not. I could have written a top 10 list of hot vintage actors based on what I thought people (my age or older) (in the U.S.) would expect to see; I could have written it in my sleep. This is more interesting. 
McMansion Heaven: Once again, I apologize for Alabama. But whatever you think this house is going to look like from the back, you are not ready for the scrolldown. 
Thrillingly, there is a new Hugo Awards controversy. Resignations ensued. And still, no one will explain why certain nominees were disqualified. 
Everything is big and small
Sweet dreams are made of speed
A good pup is hungry
The sacred texts
“More like Pusheen the limits of lab safety”
Personal tags of the week
Definitely animal sounds and fiber art
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wyattjohnston · 2 years
out of ten - tyson jost
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note: this is reader insert and was written in ~6 hours inspired by that ^ gif.
word count: 1,015
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You don’t spend much time on Tumblr anymore, definitely not as much as you used to, but sometimes you head on in to catch up on discourse from your favourite shows or to reblog every piece of content you can find of the most recent show you’ve binged.
Once upon a time it had been your go to place to talk about hockey and hockey players—that became less relevant when you met Tyson Jost.
It wasn’t a conscious decision to stop participating in conversations about players, it just became slightly weird to see people talking about how cute they thought Tyson was when you’d woken up in his bed that same morning.
It’s almost a surprise when you see gif sets of him on your dash and you can't help but laugh at the tale of him being caught in Vegas with a fake ID. You save the source link, vaguely remembering him having done the interview and continue scrolling through posts until the browser slows and you’re forced to refresh.
Tyson’s face appears again, and you smile in expectation of another funny tale—that’s not what comes.
Your smile falters at the text on the gif—the host has asked Tyson to rate his love life on a scale of one to ten and Tyson’s answer: Three.
Three and a hearty laugh.
It rips through you worse than you ever could have imagined and you close your laptop to get away from it, only to make the effort to navigate to it on your phone so you can send it to Tyson in a text with no comments accompanying it.
He’s with his trainer, so he won’t see it for a couple more hours, and you know that because he has plans to come over when he’s finished. For dinner, not just a hook-up which should amount to more than a three, you think.
You know it’s been a weird few months since you met—the season ending, Tyson heading north to see his family and even when he returned to Minnesota it had been for summer hockey and off-season training. You’ve been around, though, seeing him multiple times a week since he came back and even being at some Da Beauty League games because he’d asked you to.
But, no, definitely worth a three.
You send the same post to a friend, and you don’t know what you want to get back but you do know that the offer to hide Tyson’s body feels pretty appropriate. It comes right before a FaceTime call comes through and what little amusement you got out of it disappears and is replaced by a blubbered greeting.
Next thing you know, you’re saying, “I couldn’t even get a five” and getting more upset by the second.
Your friend does their best to calm you down, switching between jokes and sympathy and distractions with lightning-fast speed. Despite all the effort they’re going to, you still see the number 3 in every part of your vision like a neon sign.
“I think a three is more insulting than a one,” you mumble into your chest. “A one is a clear sign that he doesn’t actually want me, a three feels like he’s stringing me along.”
“I don’t think he thought that hard about it,” your friend says.
Your chin drives further into your chest as you lower your head and curl even more into yourself. It doesn’t matter how hard he thought about it. As you think more about it, you realise that you wouldn’t have been happy with a number less than seven but would have accepted that you hadn’t even had a conversation about exclusivity. A five.
After listening to your ramblings, and what you think each number means, your friend tries to be kind as they say, “I think you’re thinking too hard about it.”
It does come off a little patronising and you can’t blame them.
You’re startled by the knock at your front door, and, when you minimise the FaceTime, you realise that you’ve missed a few texts from Tyson telling you he was on his way over—apparently your number-by-number run-through had taken longer than you thought.
It’s with a nervous laugh you say goodbye to your friend, a laugh that you try to supress as you open the door because you’re really not happy with it and you don’t want to risk giving that impression. Tyson doesn’t seem to have that worry, because he’s genuinely happy to see you and doesn’t look like anything has happened at all. He even leans in for a kiss and makes a hurt noise when you turn your head.
“How was training?” you ask coldly, stepping aside to let him in. You don’t really want to but you do want to have some sort of conversation about it.
“It was fine?” he says back, entirely uncertain. He stands awkward in the middle of the room, realising that everything is tense. “Is this about what you sent me?”
“A three, Tyson? A three.”
“What else was I supposed to say?” His nervousness manifests in him swinging his arms by his side and you watch them move so that you have something to focus on that isn’t Tyson’s face. “They were throwing things at me; it was supposed to be funny.”
“Funny,” you say sarcastically. “It makes me feel like I’m nothing but an easy fuck, Tyson.”
Your name falls from his lips, so softly you almost don’t hear it. It’s just loud enough that you finally make eye contact and see that he’s pouting.
“You know it’s not just that.”
“Do I? How could I possibly know it’s anything more?”
He covers the ground between you in only a few steps, raising his hands to your cheeks. His thumb brushes under your eye as he says, firmly, “You know.”
“I never want to be called a three ever again.”
His kiss isn’t unexpected, given that your faces are so close, and you let yourself melt into it.
Earnestly, he says, “Tens for the rest of your life.”
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magnoliabloomfield · 10 months
The new label “Pick Me Girl” and the return of Y2K fashion made me realize something. If you were a teen in the 2000’s, no matter what kind of girl you were, you were a pick me girl.
But! It wasn’t your fault. During your most developmental sponge like years they drowned you in Pick Me Propaganda.
We had music:
“I’d rather be anything but ordinary please.”- Avril
“Never wore cover up, always beat the boys up.”-Avril
“She’s like so whatever, you could do so much better, I think we should get together now.”-Avril
“Paper, or plastic, don’t matter, she’ll have it. Vacations and shopping sprees, these are a few of her favorite things. She’ll get what she wants if she’s willing to please, his type of girl ways comes with a fee. Hey now there’s nothing for free. Girls don’t like boys girls like cars and money. Boys will laugh at girls when they’re not funny.”-Good Charlotte
“Christina wouldn’t wanna meet her, she hates you Brittany so you better run for cover. My girl, is a hot girl, a riot girl and she’s taking on the world. Emergency call 911 she’s pissed off at everyone.”-Good Charlotte
“Never win first place, don’t support the team, can’t take direction and my socks are never clean… LA told me you’ll be a pop star, all you have to change is everything you are. Tired of being compared to damn Brittany Spears, she’s so pretty, that just ain’t me.”-P!nk
“The waiter just took my table, gave it to Jessica Simps.”-P!nk
“She doesn’t get your humor like I do… I’m listening to the kind of music she doesn’t like and she’ll never know your story like I do. But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts, she’s cheer captain and I’m on the bleachers…. She wears high heels I wear sneakers…”-Taylor Swift
“Im not a supermodel, I still eat McDonalds… who says I can’t wear my converse with my dress, well baby that’s just me.”-Demi Lovato
“Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me”-Pussycat Dolls
“I’m the kind of girl that hangs with the guys, like a fly on the wall with my secret eyes. Taking it in try to be feminine with my makeup bag watching all the sin. Misfit, I sit, lit up, wicked. Everybody else surrounded by the girls with the tank tops and flirty words.”-No Doubt
“I’m no queen, I’m no machine, I still go to Taco Bell, raw as hell, I don’t care, I’m still real.”-Fergie
“Everybody’s looking at me now, like who’s that chick that’s rockin kicks, she gotta be from out of town. It’s so hard with my girls not around me, it’s definitely not a Nashville party. Cause all I see are stilettos, guess I never got the memo.”-Miley
And we had movies like
Cinderella Story and how she’s different because she eats burgers instead of salad and worked hard.
10 Things I Hate About You where Kat still tried too hard and wasn’t herself, she was so I to the idea that you have to be what others want you to be that she consciously chose to be the exact opposite instead of doing what she liked because she liked it.
Mean Girls where you’re different if you’re secure and confident in your own body and not an insecure catty girl.
What a Girl Wants where your cultural difference makes you better and also walking on the beach and having a steady hand with nail polish is superior to getting a pedicure.
And how many of them depicted a nerdy “ugly” girl taking off her glasses, practicing basic hygiene, adding some lip gloss and oh now her crush can see she exists and falls in love with her. Or girls are rivals over some guy who isn’t even worth it.
So, no matter if you were preppy or punk, you were putting in the same amount of effort to not be something else, which is where the return of Y2K fashion comes into play.
Whatever you were trying so hard not to be in the 2000’s or your teens in general, do it now. I bet there was something you secretly wanted from the other side and wouldn’t indulge in because you had your superiority to uphold.
I Wanna see a retired grunge skater girl in a juicy tracksuit with oversized purse and sunglasses. I wanna see a former Paris Hilton minion learn to skateboard in some unnecessarily puffy skate shoes and a neck tie over their tank top.
Also anyone who was too poor or repressed by their strict parents to finally get the things you most wanted at that age but never had.
Now we can retrospectively look back and pick and choose the good stuff from that era, like my ass crack is way too long now for low rise jeans, I’ll never wear them below my hip bones ever again, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is we need to take this opportunity to heal our Y2K selves, have a redo, “I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger” whole thing. So many of us have shed our pick me girl ways and whole heartedly embraced Women Supporting Women, so let’s redo the amazing fashion time that was the 2000’s with that mentality.
“Most girls are smart and strong and beautiful. Most girls work hard go far we are unstoppable. Most girls, our fight to make everyday, no two are the same. I wanna be like I wanna be like Most Girls.”
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marvelmusing · 1 year
I have had three questions rolling in my head: 1. does (not what) Billy Russo listen to music? He gives me ‘I have a gym playlist at my home gym’ but music is too distracting otherwise vibes. 2. Twin!AU: What type of gals does Jonny like compared to Billy and what’s it like to date either of them? 3. (Random head canons about Sasha, Logan, or Billiam? Or all three?)
1. Billy & Music
Billy definitely likes some background noise when he’s working out. It’s the only time that silence really bothers him. He kinda tunes it out when he’s focused on what he’s doing so as long as it’s not too loud or high pitched he’s listening to anything.
I feel like if he’s doing a date at home with you he’ll put on some background music just because he likes the idea of it, but will end up turning it off or down very low so that he can focus properly on the conversation.
He hums in the shower when he’s in a really good mood, but won’t listen to music there, and he doesn’t play music when he drives. Driving is one of his joys in life, so when he does it he likes to focus on the car.
2. Twin!AU
When it comes to what kind of partner they want, Billy and Jonny are almost opposites.
My first thought was the grumpy/sunshine trope - Billy wants a sunshine and Jonny likes a grumpy.
Whilst mysterious and aloof might intrigue Billy, he’s not going to be interested in figuring you out, and his trust issues will stop him from catching any feelings.
Whereas Jonny enjoys spending time pursuing someone. He loves confidence. Anyone who walks into a room and creates an instant presence is bound to get his attention.
Billy usually flirts with people who are Jonny’s type - confidant, sure of themselves, equally as flirty - because he knows he won’t catch feelings for them. He’s secretly drawn towards anyone who’s a little softer.
If you’re open and show him kindness, Billy will be falling so hard so fast.
Jonny’s partner will clash with Billy sometimes because they’re both so similar, whereas Billy’s partner will be best friends with Jonny instantly. Whichever one you’re dating, they will both want to protect you and ensure that you’re okay.
3. Headcanons for my boys
Aleksander loves scented candles. In his humble opinion, they’re one of the greatest things ever to be invented. He makes an offhand comment about how much he likes your perfume, and you casually gift him a candle based on the scent. That candle burns constantly by his side as he works at his desk. Whenever he writes you, and only you, a letter he uses the wax from that candle to seal the envelope shut.
Billy gets really intense hay-fever for about two weeks in springtime and it’s absolute hell for him. Literally no remedies work, he just has to push through it because he knows it will be over soon enough. But, when you’re dating and you see him with watery eyes and a rosy nose rubbed raw from tissues, you end up doting on him to the point in which he milks his state of wellness for a few extra days.
Logan is secretly very sentimental. Like he will keep tickets and receipts and photos from your dates and write down songs that are important to you both. He doesn’t have a perfect memory, so he likes to keep hold of things so that he can remember the good times you have together and those things act as tangible proof to remind himself that you think he’s worth all this effort.
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autisticempathydaemon · 7 months
Redacted Match up?
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
I always go back to Black Mambo (Glass Animals). The little harp or whatever thing in the background creeps down. And it’s just a sexy-ass song. It feels sexy. The words are sexy. 
What is your Enneagram type?
I don’t believe in personality tests ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Any of them
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
I binge watch Adam Neely, Lindsey Ellis and Sideways.  Anything about movies, music, or movie music.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?                Line up just the right sleep aid audios (mostly Redacted) at the bottom of my YouTube sleep playlist, hit play, let it run. I need it dark and silent and I need the ceiling fan on, no matter what season it is.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why?
Anne or Alice. Because of Anne of Green Gables and Alice in Wonderland.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
The David Hoodie video is probably my most-listened to. It works as comfort, sleep aid, romance. It’s a big winner.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)  I didn’t always feel this way, but: I think Vincent is really boring without Adam. And he needs to find something to do other than Lovely.
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. I can recite most of It’s A Wonderful Life and The Devil Wears Prada in time with the movies.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?  I have NO romantic interest in Lasko, but I would die for him.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? If I start talking about macro politics, it’s time to go to bed.
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why? Any reality competition show, especially baking. It’s guilty because lots of people say “oh yeah it gives me ideas for what to make and I think I’m going to try making a chiffon cake or a genoise” or w/e and I’m like “I want to eat that. I don’t want to eat that”                 
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are! I run my mouth a lot but I’m surprisingly traditional
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I am loving this; I am loving the vibes here. It’s giving traditional, classic, no-nonsense, old-school romance which makes you a great match for James.
It’s the ‘not believing in personality tests’ bit. That’s James one hundred percent- not just because they're overhyped and usually selling something but because he, as a telepath, is privy to the depths and complexities of human thought and thus thinks they’re reductive. James would agree and love this about you… everything about you, actually; despite his job and situation, traditional is how he would describe his heart and desired life.
James would so love and enjoy a domestic life with you, coming home to your face and your mind. When you let him inside your head, he always hears something new to him, given he knows absolutely nothing about pop culture or music. He is more familiar with macro-politics, given his position at DUMP, so he loves hearing your sleepy ranting. James definitely misses all of that while he’s gone; maybe he brings a copy of Alice in Wonderland to read when he’s thinking of you which is, of course, all the time.
My baby here on earth/ Showed me what my heart was worth/ So, when it comes to be my turn/ Could you shine it down here for her?/ 'Cause my love is mine, all mine
I’m not quite sure what music James listens to, but Mitski feels not wrong. Though he’s an old-fashioned sort of guy, his music taste doesn’t necessarily skew old, swing, and/or classical. Mitski, to me, reads as timeless, and I think she has this quality that appeals to everyone including James. This song is also so lovely, so mournful, so romantic, I think it’s a perfect track for the two of you missing each other while he’s away.
Damien is a runner-up for a lot of the reasons I like you with James except I like James’s stoicism for you versus Damien’s tsundere nature. Aaron, I like for you because I can clearly imagine the two of you watching “The Devil Wears Prada” and you pointing at Miranda, telling Aaron “that’s you.” That tickles me pink; he’d pretend to hate that but would love it so much.
note: for you my adored you know who you are and I know who you are and I hope I made you consider smiling today I love you
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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ladybeug · 1 year
hello!! i love your fanmix for metamorphosis! as a fellow mountain goat and metamorphosis enthusiast i was wondering what were your thoughts on heel turn 2 as an adrien song, considering both the lyrics and the definition of a heel turn in wrestling?
I would absolutely love to share my thoughts and I will give you the bottom line up front which is that heel turn 2 is not an Adrien song.
I’m guessing we may already be on the same page here, but you have given me a fantastic opportunity to talk about heel turn 2 and I am taking it!!
We’re talking about this at all because, as you and I know (but other people might want a refresher), heel turn 2 is a song about a good guy who decides to be a bad guy.
I can sum up why it’s not an Adrien Metamorphosis song with a quick look at one lyric, which holds the tone of the entire song: Throw my better self overboard, shoot at him when he comes up for air.
Consider: Adrien throws his better self overboard. But then when his better self comes up for air, he throws a lifesaver, and eventually grabs on with both hands and painfully hauls said self back on the boat, at great personal risk and injury. This is opposite to the spirit and point of heel turn 2.
We have now talked lyrics, let's talk wrestling metaphors, and for that I'd like to turn to Mr Mountain Goats himself. Indulge me with this, it's long but worth it:
The first time I ever heard Heel turn 2 was live in concert, at the filmore in SF 2015. I went to see the tour without listening to the album, I was there for the hits. I didn't know anything about wrestling, but before he sang heel turn 2, John Darnielle spoke for about two and a half minutes and I'll never forget it because I recorded it and I have that mp3 on my computer close to ten years later and I have just transcribed it for you here:
“The beauty of wrestling is that, you know… in life, you meet somebody, maybe someone you know, family, whatever… and you would like to say, that’s just a villain, that’s an evil villain! But you know, we also had some times that were special, that were amazing… but the evil, evil villain was genuinely evil! But then we did some things… and it’s complicated, it’s what makes your whole existence complicated! Because everybody you know is like that.
But you yearn in your spirit for the heroes and the villains, you would like to have somebody where you go: that’s an asshole, I don’t like that guy, I hate that guy. This is the gift that wrestling gives us. We have the heels.
Now they’re complex – but the question of good or evil is not complex. Either they’re bad or they’re good. Eventually, they boil down to that. You see the bad guy and you know that all he wants to do is hurt the good guy. It defines him, his desire to wound and injure, and cause the good guy to suffer.
And the good guy, you see him, you don’t know much about him besides that he’s good, because you know, good is sort of less magnetic than evil.
But one of the greatest things that can happen in wrestling is when the good guy – the ‘face’, which is short for babyface, when the good guy, in front of everybody, turns heel. And the reason it’s great is because you can relate, right, you watch him, and you think... oh man. He’s decided he doesn’t care if people hate him now. He’s going to get what he wants.
Neither you nor I will ever have that moment in our lives. This is not going to happen. Because you do care – yes, you do – you can’t rid yourself of that because if you do rid yourself of that then you’re a sociopath, so you have to live in the complex world.
But in wrestling you get to enjoy, vicariously, the sight of somebody going, “I am going to embrace evil. And get out of here alive. And that’s the only thing that matters in my entire life, at this moment, in front of all these people. This is called Heel Turn 2.”
Heel turn 2 is not about Adrien. Adrien in metamorphosis lives in the complex world, where he has to care about what people think of him or he’s a sociopath. He struggles nonstop with the evil evil villains who he had some amazing times with, but they were evil, and he also IS the evil villain, but... and it’s complicated, because everyone you know is like that!
In my mind, Adrien is one of us, the people watching wrestling, and listening to this song, who can feel the relief and vicious joy of somebody going “I am going to embrace evil. And get out of here alive.” because it’s something we can never have. That’s the connection for me, that the catharsis of heel turn 2 would land with him, rather than that heel turn 2 describes him as a cathartic figure for the reader.
Which is why it’s not an Adrien song, but why we are here having this conversation. Thank you so much for asking.
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alyjojo · 2 months
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Thinking of You - April ✂️ 2024 - Scorpio
Whole of their energy towards Scorpio: 9 Pentacles
Feelings: The Sun
Intentions: The World
Actions: Ace of Pentacles
Wow this one. If you’ve been controlling towards this person, specifically in regards to money, then they feel like they’re giving you a taste of your own medicine. That’s for someone, most stories seem to be more positive. The majority I’m seeing are Scorpios who’ve gone through it where work/finances are concerned, and this person has been with you along this journey, listening to you gripe and watching your struggle, they’re watching you rise from the ashes 🔥 Marionette & Nightmare are either how you’ve made them feel (not many), or how you’ve felt with your last job, current job even, like you have zero control over your life, not making enough, having to scrimp and scrounge for enough to cover basic expenses, etc. If this involves a lawsuit, whoever is winning feels like they have the other person on puppet strings, but that it’s deserved. Right or wrong, there’s a fine line between petty & actual Justice and this person straddles that line, or you do. Someone is greedy materially, sneaky, strategic, controlling on some level, but presents themselves as they have it all. Everything here is about money, whoever this is to you idk.
Definitely seeing a lawsuit for someone, someone may be receiving alimony or some other kind of financial support, I’m hearing “more than expected” and they’re happy about that. Doesn’t even have to be you, this could be someone you’re dating that’s divorcing a nightmare or suing someone. Someone may have been extremely controlling, every move, and money is just included with that, especially if you lived with this person. Independence is freedom. Knight of Pentacles at the bottom show this being a long time coming, a lot of effort and investment put into this, and the progress is very quick when it finally comes, news worth celebrating! Intentions are putting an end to this cycle (finally), and I don’t really see them having a plan after this. They’re going to revel in the ending for awhile, enjoy independence, appreciate what they have or what they get. I get a materialistic vibe, strongly, and at the same time they *are* grateful for whatever this is coming in for them. Could be a new job after the last one was godawful. They won’t act immediately, or they intend not to.
Actions being Ace of Pentacles shows real potential, payment for damages or injuries where that applies, getting what is deserved to them, I don’t see this as actual action though but more like what they’re receiving - due to court, insurance companies, assistance of some kind, etc. 4 Wands shows this being family, a love relationship, someone nearby like a neighbor or someone that’s damaged your/their property, the money will come to you as it’s owed…be careful someone isn’t trying to manipulate the situation or be greedy with what you’re due. There could be a warning about a thief here. You may need advice when it comes to higher level financial transactions, which is shown here too, it’s not me. It’s possible to be scammed, but I’m seeing Justice too, getting the law involved wouldn’t be a bad thing in many cases. Some of you may have to owe “the law”, whether a ticket, fine, damages, etc. towards this person for whatever reason. For the most part, this person is fine, or they know you are, individually and financially too, or will be.
Their side:
- I love to surprise you 😯
- Forever Young
Your side:
- Secret Past
- I want to have my cake and eat it too 🍰
Tame the shit show by finding calm in the chaos 🫨
Marionette 🤡
Dictatorship - Domination - Reluctance
Nightmare 😱
Suffering - Darkness - Persecution
Possible signs:
Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries & Sagittarius - heavy Saturn/karma, this could just be showing a karmic
If you’re dealing with:
Ace of Wands is an exciting and passionate energy, sometimes an angry one, depends who/what we’re talking about here. Or others feel this way towards you. Aces are beginnings and in some cases there is a new beginning related to passion, creativity, a spark of inspiration that leads you down a different path you’ve never walked before. Could also be “following your/their wand” in some cases as well, sexual & enticing, a very exciting and hopeful energy on by itself 🔥
Aries - someone you’ve recently started dating or want to, you find them to be extremely attractive and are ready to rush into a passionate connection with them, or switch it 💋
Taurus - your emotional security blanket? Or switch it, you both have finally let go, either of each other or other things you talk about
Gemini - confused by what you’re not saying, subtext, wants the whole truth even if it shocks them - or you do
Cancer - feels a lot of pressure regarding you and is trying to stay emotionally detached & logical about it - that’s all they can do
Leo - doesn’t know where you go when you leave, or there is something unknown about work trips & other travels, could be shocking
Virgo - done worrying about this or you, though they were so upset they were losing sleep, they feel like they’ve overcome the worst, or something they’ve {intensely} worried about is finally over
Libra - quietly moving away, or there’s something here about health & injuries, a possible drug overdose, if it’s health related someone needs to do their own research, I’m getting a toxic med cocktail that doctors aren’t paying enough attention to
Scorpio - finally getting what they want after having failed before, they can rest easy 😌
Sagittarius - wants a new beginning with you, they love you and they’re willing to be patient
Capricorn - could be getting heated with a father/child at home, or impulsively taking charge of a situation that’s gone haywire, could be relating to work or parents
Aquarius - expecting you to be delulu, knows you to lie and manipulate, so they stay away
Pisces - could ghost, staying quiet, disappearing without an explanation 👻
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theemmtropy · 1 year
Wasn’t Anakin also a Very Successful General that was in charge of a Very Successful battalion? Like? Not responsible? Not trustworthy? From day one he was willing to sacrifice himself for others (case in point, the pod-race, you know, when he and his mom were S L A V E S on a hell planet and he was nine years old). He literally fought in a war for you, won countless battles, saved countless lives, and then you basically say he isn’t worth your time? With no good reasons as to why? And this is all after you betrayed his trust in you multiple times? I, as a normal human with pretty good coping skills that hasn’t been traumatized by war or slavery would be PISSED. And I get that they’re Jedi and they have a ‘no emotions’ clause in their religious text (which is bullshit since the whole council seems to make most of their decisions based on emotion), but seeing how many Jedi became Sith due to no one listening to their problems without just telling them to ‘let it go’ (because that totally works) makes me think that maybe the Jedi are the problem here.
The fact that they let Anakin get ‘so close’ to the politicians (as a child, mind you) in the first place makes me think they’re just stupid. Too stuck in their sense that they’re right that nothing could be going wrong. Sith? Surely not, they’re extinct! Corrupt politicians grooming a child? Please. He’s an elected official, definitely not Evil. And yes, Anakin committed horrible acts. No excuse there. Murder is still murder. However. They raised him to be a weapon, used him as one, treated him like one, and then were surprised when the weapon they made was then turned on them. Because it turns out the weapon was actually just A Guy who doesn’t like being treated like an object, and one of the only people who in his eyes treated him like a person was a Sith Lord. Yeah. They failed Anakin long before he failed them.
All of this. The Council makes victims of the people who trust them, and Anakin is the just the one example.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
Summary: The events of Alberta’s descendent through Trevor’s eyes & and the resulting aftermath of Hmoney’s coming out.
As Trevor and Hetty walk into his room to discuss the Nigel situation, he asks, "So, what's the play here, huh?  We're going to dig up dirt on Nigel?"
He knows it would be fun to find something to return fire against Nigel, especially since Nigel had been causing trouble since he moved in.
"The play is that we're going to give him exactly what he wants," Hetty states, in a tone that leaves no room for negotiation, which he would usually find hot.  "You're going to give him your room."
"But I don't want to do that."  Not to mention that giving into blackmail never works, but he doesn't say that.  Surely, Hetty already knows that.  "And who cares if he tells people?"
He certainly doesn't.  It's not like they could hide it forever anyway, and it'd be nice not to have to sneak out of his and Thor's room in the middle of the night or find excuses whenever someone wonders where they've been.
Hence, why he'd been suggesting that they just casually come out or not make such a big production of sneaking off once he started finding sneaking around tedious.
"Isn't it more exciting when it's hidden?"
He shrugs.  It definitely was fun at first, and it does make things more interesting around the mansion, but there were other ways to make it fun.  
"I mean, sure, but we can figure something out.  We can role-play."  He smiles and offers a specific role-play he'd been wanting to try.  "Maybe you're a mermaid and I'm the co-owner of a wholesale fruit and vegetable business."
"We're not doing Splash stop asking," Hetty says, shooting down his idea, again and walking passed him towards the door.  "Now, let's just go and talk to Nigel and get this whole thing over with."
Trevor frowns.  She really didn't want people to know that much?  It wasn't just a game?  
"Wait, I thought this was all just a bit that you did," Trevor states, stopping her from leaving and seeing the slightly confused look on her face.  "That you're embarrassed of being with me."  He laughs, hoping that he's wrong.  "I just thought it was playful... if a little mean... banter, but it's real?  You're that ashamed?"  
He's hoping that he's wrong, but as soon as the question left his mouth, he could see that he wasn't.  She really was embarrassed - it was real.  It wasn't just a game.
"Oh, how do I put this?" Hetty questions as if she hadn't just broken his heart with the idea that he'd been sleeping with someone that not only doesn't appear to care for him but is actively embarrassed of the very idea of being with him or of people knowing she was with him.  "I was a woman of extremely high status, and you got bombed at Mardi Gras with your Lehman brothers."
"Yeah, we did," he smiles at the memory.  Then frowns.  Wait a second.
"Also, the pants thing," Hetty states, annoying him further as she moves closer.  He notes that she looks down, and he can’t help thinking that she doesn’t mind the pants thing when they’re getting busy, or she can check him out.  It pisses him off, especially when she adds, "The pants thing is hard to get passed."
She knows that he struggles with not having pants, especially whenever Jay refers to him as no pants or the others refuse to listen to him because of it.  It was a low blow, especially since she knew now that it was due to being nice to Pinkus and saving him embarrassment.
He scoffs, upset.  "So, I'm not good enough for you?"
"Well, I mean, that's more harsh than I would have liked to have put it, but..."
He shakes his head.  Of course it was harsh, but it was obvious that is what she's saying.  He's not good enough for her. Well, he's worth more than being someone's embarrassing secret.
"Well, you don't have to be embarrassed anymore.  Because this is over," Trevor states, plainly gesturing between them.  
"What?" Hetty asks, genuinely surprised.
"No more hooking up, no more whatever this is," he states, plainly.  He was not going to keep pleasing her if she couldn't even handle their friends knowing that they're together because it's too embarrassing.  She could find someone else or do it herself.
Then he walks passed her towards the doorway.
"Oh, God, don't be so dramatic."
"I'm not kidding," Trevor states, as he stops in the doorway and turns back toward her.  "I was fine keeping it a secret when it was just 'cause it was hot, but this... this doesn't feel right."  He turns and begins walking away but stops to remind her just why he’s not wearing pants.  "And the pants thing was a hero move.”  Then he turns back around to leave, muttering, “Why does no one remember that?"
Turns out that Hetty Woodstone is quite the heartbreaker.
Trevor thought it was all a game, the idea that Hetty was embarrassed to be with him or more specifically, for others to know that they're together in whatever this is.  He should have realized that it wasn't a game for her when she asked him to say all those comments to Sam or when she seemed worried after what happened with Nigel, but to actually hear her say that she was embarrassed and humiliated to be with him had hurt him far more than he'd be willing to admit.  
It's why he hadn't hesitated to suggest that they could just come out or let Nigel tell the world.  Instead, he's feeling a lot more upset than he ever imagined.  It just sucked that Hetty didn't seem to have the same level of respect for him that he had for her.  He really was just a toy for her, a replacement washing machine and it hurts.
What hurts worse is that despite ending things - because there's no way in hell that he'd continue with her when she doesn't respect him - is that he still cares enough about her that when Nigel still threatened to tell everyone, he still gave up his room.  
He just couldn't stand the thought of hurting her like that, even if he was insanely hurt over the thought that she probably wouldn't give a damn.  Probably would expect him to do that.  
Thus, he lays morosely in his new room, hating every second of it, and wishing he could go back to that blissful moment before he knew that it wasn't just a game and Nigel wasn't just an ass that can't possibly understand not having power in the house.  
Why did that little British twerp have to ruin everything?
He's jerked out of his musings by Hetty.  She's probably the last person he wants to see next to that twerp.  What was she going to do now, rub more salt in the wound?
"Trevor, what are you doing in here?"
"Just hanging out in my new room," Trevor says, morosely.  He hates this room.  "This is the most time I've spent in the library since I found out Penn had Playboy on microfiche."
"Well, but..." Hetty starts, looking surprised.  "You switched with Nigel?"
Obviously, this is about that twerp.  God, he's starting to hate him.
Trevor shrugs as if it doesn't matter and sits up because he’s uncomfortably aware of how exposed he is when he’s laying down as he explains.  "Well, he said that he was still gonna tell everyone about you and I if I didn't give up my room."  He groans, still feeling stupid for even caring.  "And while I don't give a crap..." he sighs.  "I know you do..."
He doesn't have to explain that he did it for her because she gets it.
Hetty looks oddly touched and surprised.   "But ... you broke things off."  He nods because she looks like she's wondering if he's taking that back.  "Why, then, still do something selfless for me?"
Apparently, she still doesn't get who he really is.  The pants really are hard to get passed.
He sighs, deeply.  "Because, Hetty, that's just the kind of guy I am."  Unfortunately.  "The kind of guy you could've had if I wasn't such an embarrassment."
He words obviously have an affect on Hetty, but he doesn't want to hear a lame or empty apology right now – as if she even would - so, he lays back down and says, "Now, please leave.  My shirt's not long enough to cover my butt and I want to roll over."
The and you don't get to look at the goods anymore is implied so strongly that Hetty looks away, slightly embarrassed and leaves the room.  Good.
"Trevor, do you have a moment?" Hetty questions, some time later.  
Oh vey, why won't she leave him alone?  It's like breaking up or ending this whatever has made her suddenly want to be around him.
"Actually, Hetty..."
"Please.  I'd just like everyone to gather upstairs."
"Fine," he sighs.
He follows her upstairs to his old room, and notes that all of the ghosts are in the room, except the two of them.  Was that a snub on her part or had she anticipated that he would be difficult to get upstairs?  Deciding to assume the later for his piece of mind, he moves to the nearest side of the couch as everyone looks at Hetty since she gathered them there.
"First, I would like to thank you all for gathering.  I have an announcement to make."  Hetty pauses, chuckling nervously.  "This news will be shocking, so if any of you need to sit, please do so now."
As Pete sits, Trevor can't help being hopeful that this is what he wants it to be.  Has Hetty come around to telling everyone after all?
"Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Trevor questions.  At Hetty's slight nod, he asks, "Are you sure about this?"
"As sure as I'll ever be," Hetty responds, giving him a slight smile and gaining looks from some of the others in the room.  He returns the smile, happy that she's willing to do this, and that it means she's, at least, gotten over her embarrassment.  Well, that or she thinks he's worth it, which is a win for him.
"For the past three months, Trevor Lefkowitz and I have been engaged in amorous congress."
That was probably the most awkward to phrase it.  
Worse yet, no one seems to understand what she's saying since they’re all exchanging confused looks.
"Hetty's in Congress?" Flower asks, obviously confused.
"No, we've been scrumping," Hetty states, when no one seems to get it.
"Is that a dance," Alberta whispers.
This is the funniest coming out he’s ever seen.  
"Playing a game of nug-a-nug," Hetty tries.  Everyone is still looking very confused, and Trevor's struggling not to laugh.  "Must I be vulgar?"
He nods at her because clearly this isn't working, and she yells, "Fadoodling!"
They're still not getting it and it's no longer funny, so he goes up next to her and says, "Oh, for God's sakes, people! We've been doing it."
Everyone gasps, surprised.  Trevor can't help looking at Isaac, who's initial reaction was somewhat appalled, but it took less than five seconds for him to process as the others comment.
"Oh... I can't wait to find out who their third is," Flower says, excitedly.  
Trevor's not sure how to tell her that they don't have a third but is distracted by Sass.
"This is the stuff I should've known about.  You're slipping, Sass," he says to himself.
Done processing, Isaac does a small little wait gesture, before he does a little clap and says, “You finally found your stable boy.  Happy for you, Henrietta.”
Trevor smiles and then looks at Hetty, a little confused.  Isaac knows about Hetty’s interest in stable boys?  She shakes her head slightly as Nigel comes around from behind the others, obviously angry that the blackmail didn’t work.  
Hetty stops him.  “Enjoy the library, Nigel.  There’s a chessboard down there.  You may want to study it.”  He goes to leave, but she puts her hand on his shoulder.  “Because I just checkmated you.”
“Yes, I understood.  Thank you.”
“Good,” Hetty grins, then she looks at Trevor, obviously wondering if he’s proud of her, as she nudges him.  
He gives her a smile.  It didn’t erase this afternoon, but it did help quite a bit, so he smiles back at her.  Before he could suggest going somewhere to talk, Sass interrupts.
“Okay, we got to hear how this happened.”
Given what happened that afternoon, it was only fitting that he gets to tell the story.  So, ignoring Hetty as she rolls her eyes, he says, “Well, it all started on a very horny Hanukkah…”
“Oh, God…”
There were so many questions – particularly from Sass.  He wanted to know how they managed to keep it a secret and kept running through moments with them when it should’ve been obvious.
Isaac, on the other hand, finally interrupts Sass’ interrogation to ask, “What was that with Nigel?”
Trevor shares a look with Hetty, who explains, “He caught us last week and decided to try his hand at blackmail.”
“Blackmail?” Isaac asks, as Sass says, “NIGEL knew before me?  Damnit, I’m really slipping.”
“Hetty wanted to keep it a secret,” Trevor offers, leaving out why she wanted to keep it a secret – it still hurts to think about.  “So, Nigel asked to switch rooms, which I did, to keep quiet after he almost outed us to Sass –”
“Damnit!  Why did I believe you about the chocolate drawer?” Sass asks, clearly still annoyed.  “I should’ve stayed around and asked questions.”
“–and I decided that I didn’t care if everyone knew, thus the announcement.”
“But you did care enough to have Trevor cave?” Isaac questions.  At Hetty’s slight nod, “Why?  You could’ve just told me – it’s not like I didn’t already know, and I doubt that you were that concerned about anyone else’s reaction.  No offense.”
“Offense taken, man,” Sass retorts.
Not that Trevor’s paying attention.  He’s too confused by Isaac’s statement, and a look to Hetty says she is, too.
“Uh, Isaac, you seemed pretty surprised, so what do you mean – you already knew?” Trevor asks.  
Isaac chuckles.  “Hetty’s not exactly quiet.”
“But we were in the basement –” Trevor starts, thinking of how loud Hetty can get.
“Not what I meant,” Isaac says, putting his hand up to stop Trevor from continuing.  “I meant, leaving and coming back in the middle of the night.  I’m a light sleeper, you think I didn’t notice?”
“I was sneaky!  You should not have noticed,” Hetty says, obviously upset that Isaac had a figured it out because he’s probably the only one she was actually worried about.
Isaac just gives her a look.  “Obviously not because by the time you had him help get Freddie fired the second time, I was convinced.”
That was two weeks into their relationship.  
“Wait a second, but you looked very – extremely surprised,” Trevor states, and disgusted but he leaves that part out.
“Well, it’s just – I had my suspicions and it’s one thing to suspect and then have it confirmed with amorous congress, but then you said, ‘doing it’ and the image popped in my mind, and I needed a second to clear it.”
Trevor still feels confused by Isaac’s reaction, which Isaac picks up on.
“It’s like – you know you were trying to get your parents to have sex when they were here–”
Oh no.  He did not like where this was going.  
“– but it’s quite different to hope for or suspect than it is to hear for certain that they had sex and that most of the ghosts watched…”
“Including Hetty,” Sass adds, helpfully.  He gasps.  “Oh my god, you two were together when you decided to –”
“We don’t talk about it, okay?” Trevor says, cutting across Sass because he doesn’t want to be reminded of that event.  He hadn’t been able to look at Hetty like that for two days afterward.  
“I wanted to talk about it –”
“There’s not a lot of hard nos for me, but that is one of them, I didn’t need to know, and I don’t want to know.”
Sass is laughing at them.  “That is so weird.”
“Anyway, I get it now, Isaac.”
“I just don’t want the image in my head, that’s all,” Isaac states.  “However, I am happy for you both, but it appears that I need to talk to Nigel because the very idea that he tried to blackmail you both and that you decided to come out just to stop him –”
Trevor frowns.  Was that what this was?  Had she only done it because she wanted to win?  Was it not about him or his feelings at all?
“It wasn’t just that,” Hetty states with a glance at Trevor.  He’s not looking at her, so she grabs his hand to get his attention.  “It was time.  It was fun sneaking around, but we were always going to come out eventually.”
The conversation continued for a little while longer before they could get some time alone, but rather than go to the basement, they head out to the grounds for a walk.  They had some things to discuss that shouldn’t be distracted by sex, and they both know if they went to their room in the basement that they would be easily distracted.
Hetty is the first to speak once they’re a distance away from the mansion.
“I’m sorry that I was embarrassed by being with you,” she says, as she grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze.  “I should not have been.  In many ways, I still have some of that –”
“Yes.  I do and I shouldn’t.”
“I shouldn’t have been surprised.  You did call us peasants on Halloween, and you haven’t really changed that much in that regard since Sam arrived,” Trevor states.  “Unlike in other regards.”
He’s obviously talking about how much she’s changed since her dalliance with the washing machine and them getting together.  She seems to be open to exploring things with him sexually, but not changing things otherwise.  It just hurt that he was only good enough for sex to her.  Just that toy that she’d always been teasing him about.  
Replacement washing machine.
Despite coming out to the other ghosts, he can’t help wondering she does still feel that way.  Especially with the hint that she may have just been trying to top Nigel.
“Yes, well.  Honestly, I do believe that it is something that I need to work on.  Especially because you deserve so much more than that and the way I treated you today and I’m sorry.”
He can tell that she means it.  She does truly feel bad about the events of the day.  They turn and head towards the gazebo, still holding hands.
“You really mean that?” Trevor questions.  “It wasn’t just because you were trying to checkmate Nigel?”
“It wasn’t about Nigel.  That was just a bonus,” Hetty states.  “The truth is, after Elias’ vacation from Hell, I couldn’t help relating the two of you – in fact, despite learning about the hero move as you say, I’ve probably associated the two of you since you died.  Which is and has never been fair to you.”
Whether he wants to admit it or not, after meeting the man, he could see exactly why she would associate the two of them in her mind.  Even if he’s far different than Elias, there’s enough surface level similarities that he could understand.
“Although you’re far better than he is – and I hope he rots in hell forever –”
“So much for forgiveness,” Trevor laughs.  “Although he doesn’t deserve it and he never deserved you.”
“Thank you.”  Hetty smiles, slightly.  “Anyway, I – all this time, I knew you were different than your outward behavior would suggest, but I – I was just afraid to let things be more than they were – just benefits, as you would say.”
“And you wouldn’t want to risk telling everyone and being made a fool?”
“Yeah – yes.  Exactly, and despite your efforts for pillow talk and coming out, and the fact that it is quite clear that you respect me and my choices in this – whatever it is – I couldn’t shake that fear.”
“But you said that you were embarrassed by me.”
“And I was – I was embarrassed that I had feelings for someone who I didn’t think was capable of having feelings.”
“What?” Trevor asks, aghast as they reach the gazebo.  “You don’t think I have feelings for you?”
“You – you,” Hetty sighs.  “You’re always telling party stories about one-night stands and no attachment sex and here I was, and given how things started – I just assumed that I was a floozy to you, just like it was with Elias, and I – is this making any sense?”
Sadly, it was.  It made a lot of sense.  Except that she apparently had forgotten the chat during their fight about TV time and backrubs.  Which seems like forever ago now.
“Yes, it does make sense,” Trevor says, as they sit.  “But most of my stories are from college or just after college.  I thought the world was my oyster and your thirties were for finding the one and settling down.  Of course, I had a string of one-night stands, I wasn’t looking for something serious.  I thought I had plenty of time, but I’ve always been clear with my partners what I was and wasn’t looking for.”
It still hurts for him to realize that he’d only just started to settle down and look for someone to spend his life with only for him to die.  Why had he been so stupid?
“I thought – given our talk when we were fighting over TV time and backrubs that you knew that I wanted something serious if I could get it,” Trevor states, confused.  Sure, things had started fling-like, but he thought she knew…
“So, you meant what you said then, about what you wanted to be like?  You actually wanted a commitment?”
“I did – I do,” Trevor states.  “I mean, it might’ve taken you time to actually talk to me, but I don’t think you can deny that we’ve been rather committed here.”
Hetty chuckles and shakes her head.  “No, I definitely cannot.  Although to be fair, we don’t have many options.”
Trevor laughs.  “We don’t have to hook up either.  I’ve been perfectly fine for twenty years and you’ve been just fine since before you died since I doubt Elias cared about your pleasure at all.”
“He put me off the idea of it for a very long time,” Hetty states.  “Either way.  That’s where the problem lay.  If everyone were to think the same as I – that I was just another easy lay for you it would be embarrassing,” Hetty states.  She clears her throat before he can respond, and adds, “However.  You did something that I did not expect by saving me my embarrassment despite getting nothing out of it.  It showed me what I’ve already seen but couldn’t quite connect – if you know what I mean.”
“I do.”
“Thus, I realized that it was time and I know that it hurt you – and this conversation has probably hurt you, but I would like to … make things official,” Hetty states, clearly nervous, all of a sudden.
Trevor laughs, “Don’t you think you’re supposed to ask before you announced to everyone that we’re together?”
Hetty laughs.  “How else was I supposed to prove that I was not embarrassed by you anymore?  I had to do that first, I did not believe that you would have listened to me otherwise.”
“I wouldn’t have,” Trevor confirms.  “And I would like to be official, if you promise not to be my little heartbreaker anymore.”
“I think I can manage that,” Hetty confirms.
“Good,” he said before kissing her passionately.
So passionately that he forgets that they’re not in their room hiding from the world anymore, and only remembers when he hears: “What the damn hell?”
He and Hetty break apart to see Sam standing on the edge of the gazebo.  She looks quite freaked out.  He and Hetty glance at each other.  “Guess we missed someone?”
“Yes,” Hetty states.  “Uh, Samantha…”
“Hetty and I are officially dating,” Trevor states, plainly.  He wouldn’t be telling the Hanukkah story to Sam.  “It’s a long story, but –”
“We’ve been together for three months,” Hetty states.  “We’ve just been keeping it a secret.”
Sam stands there stunned for several seconds before saying, “Good for you,” and walking away.
Trevor looks at Hetty as she smiles at him, “Yeah, good for us.”
“Hell yeah, it is.”  He gives her a kiss, before saying, “Now, let's go celebrate.”
“Yes, let’s.”
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In an alternate universe where Mav chose Ice to serenade at the O club, do you think Ice put out in the bathroom or did he play hard to get and turn down Mav until they met again in the classroom?
ok first before i even answer this, have you, by chance, read this fic where mav actually Does serenade ice in the bathroom? if not, i highly recommend it. ice deserves to be serenaded hes worth the humiliation
but that fic takes place a while before top gun (the first time around, at least) so if we’re saying this takes place the day they met in canon, then honestly it depends. both are equally delicious. his callsign really spices it up too, the fact that either way you look at it, he’s either too ice-cold to make the mistake of having sex with a guy when there are eyes everywhere in the navy (which means letting himself get close to mav is a “mistake,” and god do i love the angst of that setup) or he’s supposedly ice-cold, but sleeping with mav was the one “mistake” that he couldn’t help making because you know, they’re like magnets. they can’t stop the attraction i just dhsfjsjsfs… icemav is such a poetic ship and i love it
but since you asked me to give an answer, i’ll have to say that he wouldn’t put out until after he meets mav in the classroom. ice was doing what’s best for the team rather than the individual and staying focused on his goal of being top gun. mav would be wearing his uniform, so ice would definitely know he’s in the navy and probably suspect they’d be seeing each other again. he’s very thorough, so he’d probably not want to risk it. i think he’s had plans to climb the ranks for a while and marry a sweet woman who he can at least make happy, if not vice versa, and sleeping with some random navy officer is too much of a risk for him to take. going off this idea i LOVE to think that when they get together mav serenades him again in private so only ice can listen this time <3
however. because i love imagining it. if he did decide to put out in the bathroom it would probably be because the chances of finding a willing partner in the navy are far and few between, and any guy who’s serenading him in a public place is clearly daring enough to make the first misstep if he shows up again in the future, so ice doesn’t have anything to worry about. if either of them are getting booted it’ll be that guy. and after the night ends he’ll be too focused on winning the top gun trophy to see to his own pleasure (though flying is definitely counted as pleasure in his book) so he might as well indulge for a night when nobody’s looking, right?
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dogmandotcom · 1 year
Thoughts about cultural influences on dog alterhuman identities
reading time: approx 5 minutes, word count: 554
I read @scarsmood ‘s essays ‘How anthropomorphism is a factor in otherkin communities’ and ‘Basic misunderstandings in ecology and how that translates to otherkinity’ the other day and I think reading them really helped me understand why I sometimes feel out of place in dogkin spaces as a working dog who doesn’t really conform to cultural ideas about dogs or relate to the experiences of pet dogs.
I think cultural ideas about dogs and their place in society absolutely affect the way a lot of dog therians view their nonhumanity and I think it’s a topic worth exploring. In my culture dog-human relationships are often viewed in a very one sided way, and there’s definitely the idea that dogs will do anything for humans out of pure love and loyalty and expect nothing in return, which really doesn’t reflect my own experiences as a dog at all. I also wanted to talk about this because a lot of dog alterhuman posts I see are made by dogs who feel like a soft cuddly puppy or a loyal pet, which is very different to the way I experience my own nonhumanity. Me (a working kangal) and my catahoula leopard dog headmate both feel very strongly about being working dogs who work with humans, not for them. As a dog, humans are my friends, family, community and co-workers. My relationships with humans are very important to me! But I’m not owned by anyone because I don’t consider myself to be a possession, and as a working dog I won’t respect or listen to anyone if they don’t take the time to respect and listen to me too. Communication and mutual respect is really important in human-dog working relationships and I feel like that sometimes gets overlooked by people who haven’t worked with a dog before. I’ve done a lot of work irl training dogs and I always consider myself to be their handler and caretaker in that relationship, never their owner. It’s still totally morally neutral for anyone to consider themselves an animal’s owner as long as they’re giving them proper care, I’ve just thought a lot about how I’m personally most comfortable defining my relationship with the dogs in my care and I think the ways I feel are absolutely influenced by my experiences as a dog alterhuman. 
This is also definitely not me trying to claim that dogs who experience their nonhumanity as a pet dog with an owner or a soft puppy are wrong or that their experiences are lesser in any way, I don’t want this post to be interpreted in an exclusionary way at all! Not to make the ‘I’m friends with pet dogs and puppies!’ joke lol but the headmate I’m closest to in our system is an 18 inch tall cartoon puppy so being a soft puppy is a part of how we ourselves collectively experience our dog therianthropy! I’ve just found a lot of dogkin stuff on the internet super unrelatable for me and I figured there were probably other dogs out there who feel a similar way too :-)
This is kind of stream of consciousness and I might work it into a proper essay or some weird art later but I just wanted to get it down before I forgot what I wanted to talk about uwu’’
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