#where is your creativity!!!! your originality!!!!!!!!
maxwellatoms · 2 days
In one of your last answers, you said “series reboots are usually pretty gross and sad”, and I was wondering if you could expand on that? Assuming “reboot” covers any kind of continuation of a currently cancelled or finished show (and maybe that’s the wrong assumption!), from the outside looking in it feels like a pretty mixed bag. On one hand, if I love XYZ Show, it’s cool that I get more stories with these characters and another chance to support XYZ Show and its creators. On the other, it definitely feels like a lot of ideas can only get funding if they’re tied to something already, meaning creatives are having to now tie whatever cool idea they have to some reboot/relaunch/retread, which can feel pretty disheartening if you don’t want to do a reboot/relaunch/retread. Is that a similar feeling from your side of the industry?
Thank you so much for all your answers and insight!
Usually reboots and spin-offs are just cash grabs. It happens a lot in animation. In fact, I would argue that the entire industry is just one big cash grab now. In the 80s, everyone complained that cartoons were just half-hour commercials for toys. And they were right. And we're right back there, but now that you can't legally push toys all day, it's just general "IP". Mugs, posters, more spinoffs, whatever.
I was offered three show running gigs over the pandemic. All reboots that I would consider unwise to pursue because they were "of a different time" and didn't (in my opinion) have anything more to say. Two of them were properties created by notorious sex pests, so there's also that. The animation industry loves to prop up its sex pests.
I turned all of them down, partially because I didn't respect the original creators but also because none of them had anything going for them except just being "more of the same".
I don't think any of those projects survived the intervening years, so in retrospect I maybe should've taken the job. I'd probably feel a bit gross, but at least I'd have floors in my house.
The entertainment industry is in a bad spot. The whole thing. I've had I don't know how many pitch meetings in the last few years, and they all start the same way:
"Hey! Before we start, we just want to let you know that we're not actively producing anything right now. We think maybe soon, but we won't be picking anything up today..."
And then later:
"The little we are doing is IP, so if you have a new take on our IP or a new IP you're connected to that you can bring in, that'd be great."
I always wanted to make original stuff. There came a time when I'd had my fill of Billy & Mandy and wanted to do something else new and original. That never manifested, and I was constantly being offered IP to produce. I turned too many of those down, maybe, before deciding that it was probably better that I run the IPs that mean something to me rather than having some hack do it.
But now those jobs have all gone to celebrities and fallen live-action writers, who are also slowly being eaten by the system. WB was hot for Scooby stuff a few years back, so I pitched some ideas. A few of them were turned down for being "off-brand" in a variety of ways. WB has now made (I think) all of those off-brand shows (or something close) with celebrity show runners.
I was going through a whole Midlife Impostor Syndrome thing recently where I was wondering if maybe I don't just suck. Like, it's weird that for a couple of decades I'd have people calling me trying to get me to run shows, and now nobody will call me back about the possibility of a design job.
Talking to some friends and realizing that they were in a similar situation helped me feel like I wasn't alone. That was nice. Talking to some of the most talented colleagues in my industry made me made me realize that those people weren't getting jobs either. That was unnerving. Talking to complete strangers in other parts of the entertainment industry now has me thinking that the whole house of cards is coming down. That's real concerning, yo.
It's hard not to think it's purposeful, when deranged billionaires own the entirety of our media and want to shape a society where they can't be criticized. We're letting wealthy tech bros firebomb the very heart of our culture, and it's weird that no one is talking about it. Because (for now) we still have that capability.
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kyri45 · 1 day
ISAT Sky Cotl AU Headcanons Masterlist
Here's the masterpost of the AU with all the comic! Feel free to suggest more if you want!! The list will be updated as the story goes to avoid major spoilers
About the Light /Wishcraft
Everything that is triggered originally in SKy in the AU is triggered by wish craft, which is a power that comes directly from the stars.
The island is filled with mechanism that recognize wish craft users and are modelled based on constellations
Most emotes are the equivalent of different forms of advanced craft hand signs, and each can be used like in Sky to activate certain doors (or to be able to call for creatures, or do other stuff like floating etc...)
There's a high concentration of star (wish) magic at the highest point of the Kingdom (where the eye of eden is currently) and if the habitant get's too far away from the island they wont be able to use some of their original abilities derivated from them (like for example they can't regenerate their wing levels)
About the habitant of the Island
Everyone is born naturally, but they all come from a line of people who were moslty made of stardust
The different seasons are periods of time like the chinese years, and are used as a reference for when people were born or even occurred.
People wear pendants with the season symbol they were born in. The season you were born in doesn't necessarily reflect your personality but can influence your passion
Every year, on the birthday of each sky kid, they meditate at the temple of the prince to visit Orbit and gain more power from the stars. They then come back with new "wings" every time. All kids do it with their parents or guardians until the age of 17th, which is the mark of them gaining their 6th wing wedge. From then on, they are officially considered an adult and can fly to orbit by themself. (I'm dividing the sky levels in half, since no one could live up to 200 years, so 4 wings is 5 y/o, 5 wings is 10 y/o, 6 wings is 17/18 y/o, 7 wings is 27 y/o, etc…)
People can decide to follow one of the Elders based on what they want to do in life/ which elder they are closer to (Dawn elder teaches navigation throught the stars, Forest elder teaches creativity and architecture, Valley twins trains your phisical ability and the Vault elder teaches you about the more advanced crafts). After they succeded in all the quests and finished their studies, they are blessed by the elders (which is the equivalent of finish one of the constellations, so you get the same gifts. Yes, the Valley Twin gift is literally them just allowing you to copy their haircut)
Moths are the equivalent of very young kids who still haven’t figured out which kind of person they want to be, which Elder they prefer to follow.
Elders are as big as they are for the same reason of the King in ISAT, the abnormal amount of craft they use is reflected in a collateral effect in their body
About their colture
Paper boats are rituals they used to send messages and wish anonimously, and are crafted so they can't get wet in the water
All capes are crafted so that you are always not too cold or too hot regardless of the climate
Creatures such butterflies, manta, fish and bird all are made of stardust as well, and recognize sky people as one of them and are able to charge them like in Sky
Their language is written with an alphabeth based on constellation shapes
SInce constellations are seasonal you would end up having different events based on the constellation they are under at the moment (days of nature, days of color, days of love, days of fortune)
About Siffrin
lived on the more outside part of the island, in the towns over the black sand beach (isle of dawn) which is the only part of the Kingdom open to visitors, travellers, traders, merchants.
Siffrin was born during the season of Performance and the Performance Guide was one of their first childhood presence during his first years. He continued to be passionated by acting even though he didn't live in Valley, but he and their parent still visited the Village Theather occasionaly to see some of their spectacle.
Had their cape made by his mother as custom, and before coming back to the island could never understand why it was so important that he should always wear it.
Siffrin before the events in the game always felt weird when it rained, was like slowed down and tired and sleepy. (by @forwonderfulpeople)
About The Wish (AKA The Eye of Eden)
The wish created a cataclysm so big people, not even Elders, can rememeber which was the original wish that caused it.
it made dissapear all people who were on the island, leaving only a spark of their memory
The Wish make you both forget and lose your wish craft power.
Krills are very big sadness
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silky-silks · 3 days
Oh my God. 120 followers!!
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Had to whip up something (and I would have done more but im in college again and haha...that takes over everything!) But where am I? Oh right THANK YOU EVERYONE!!
I know its a small number but that means 120 people were interested and liked my work and art so guess what? It means everything and you all have helped me a lot!! You kept me encouraged and you all help me find my happiness in my art again. And look where I am now!
So here are all my oc's just celebrating or confused of all the confettie. And just to be random here is some random dialouge from them
Geneieve: "Why are we having a party again?"
Syrup:"To celebrate 120 followers of course!"
Shrimpy: "Followers? You mean people are stalking us???"
Syrup: No Shrimpy it means people who are "subscribed to us on Tumblr!!"
Simon: "But aint it the same as stalking a bit? Like they view us so....."
Syrup"...oh shoot you actually do got a point"
Silky: "I am very concerned for the amount of braincells you all have right now"
Zithur: "Eh I lost 50 of mine so i think we are all good here"
Geneieve: "How are you even alive at this point? Shan't you be dead????"
(poor Zithur)
Anyway now that the gang is all here I was originally going to mention all my followers and then i realized...holy shoot that 120 to type and find so here are a few of mostly stating the mutuals and down the line!!
Thank you..
@eve-pie @ericvelseb666 @sg-the-mag-by @blueberryflower23
@buenos-diaz @zoeyvelseb666 @sharkyy599 @f3l1c1afox @annelostshoe @dollpuppets @i-ate-your-dog-srry @eldiabo @enjoyerofspooks @ethandorianbatz @fluffyartist132 @thetiredcreature @nia1sworld @night-terrorzz @atomictoasty @thegrimpumkinpatch @theoryvixen @yet-happy @onewallywithmanyfaces
@mentally-quiet-spycrab @mentally-spacey-spy @oddlyvoid
@not-so-creative-brazilian-girl @oli-draw @izzy-the-chaotic-gremlin
@littlesiren79 @usuariaanonimam @that-one-furry-sky @autismtheartist
GASP AND TO MANY MANY MORE!!! Sorry if i didn't get your name but I am grateful nonetheless!
Now i dont have much presents but I will say for my Ask you can ask my characters literally anything. I want to be more interactive and i do apolgize for how slow I am with my diddly darn ask box so forgive me but to open up more room for how my characters act you can ask them whatever you like.
Hey Simon what do you think of the Mario games?
Stuff like that... see you guys later im going to go and eat a whole tub of icecream and drink orange juice BYE!!!!
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earthtoharlow · 1 day
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
3. Still Down
If I put all my faith to you, will you be faithful? Hold me down baby I know that ain't easy to do
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“Hi! I’m here a little early…wearing sparkly pants.” Maryse Monet’s message reads like pre-emptive admin before a blind date but, in reality, it’s not necessary: the 25-year-old singer/actress is instantly recognizable and not just to me. As I arrive a young woman approaches her and asks for a selfie. “Your music changed my life.”
Maryse immediately pulled the young woman in a tight embrace and thanked her, making sure the fan knew how much she appreciated it.
We had originally had a reservation booked at a fancy restaurant in New York City. Maryse’ suggested we meet at this charming deli shop out of the state of NY, much to our bewilderment. It was only upon our arrival that we discovered the reason behind her unconventional choice – she had recently made Kentucky her new home.
“New York will always hold a special place in my heart,” she confided. “But now, my heart is in Kentucky. It’s a welcome change of pace.” While not explicitly mentioned, it was evident that her relationship with her rapper Jack Harlow played a significant role in her decision to make the move.
In the wake of her recent Grammy wins, we begin to discuss the impact of her success on her upcoming sophomore album and whether the accolades added pressure to her creative process.
“Winning two Grammys for my debut album was truly surreal and humbling,” Maryse began, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and determination. “While there’s certainly an added level of expectation with each release, I see it more as an opportunity than pressure.”
Maryse went on to explain how the recognition reaffirmed her artistic vision and gave her the courage to push the boundaries even further with her new album. Rather than feeling constrained by expectations, Monet embraced the challenge as a chance to elevate her craft and connect with her audience on a deeper level.
“As an artist, I’m always evolving and exploring new avenues of expression,” she continued, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. “The Grammys serve as a reminder of the impact music can have, and I’m excited to channel that energy into my sophomore album.”
When I asked her how the sophomore album is going, Maryse's eyes began to sparkle as she leaned forward like she was about to tell me a secret. “I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into the writing, exploring new themes and melodies that reflect where I am in life right now.”
“With my debut, I was in this whirlwind romance, and every lyric seemed to overflow with joy and passion,” she recounted with a wistful smile.
While on tour last year it was revealed that she and Jack Harlow had broken up after being together for almost a year.
“This time around I found myself navigating the painful aftermath of a breakup,” she confided, her voice tinged with vulnerability. “What was meant to be a continuation of love songs transformed into a raw exploration of heartbreak.”
She went on to describe how the experience of love and heartbreak had shaped her songwriting. “This album feels like a deeply personal journey,” she explained, her expression thoughtful yet resolute. “This next album will be the breakup album everyone thought they were getting with the first one.”
And what does Jack Harlow think of having break up songs about him?
With a playful grin, Maryse quipped, “Oh, you mean my muse? He’s been incredibly supportive throughout this whole journey.” Chuckling, she added, “He’ll be fine with the heartbreak songs. He knows it’s all part of the process.”
When Maryse isn’t working on music, she’s reading scripts. Fresh off her role as Belle in the live-action adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, she’s now set to appear in the remake of The Color Purple. “Acting is a new challenge for me, but it’s incredibly rewarding,” she said.
Leaving the deli, I felt a profound sense of respect for Maryse Monet. She’s a testament to resilience and creativity, navigating the complexities of love, heartbreak, and success with grace. Her journey from New York to Kentucky, from singer to actor, and from heartbreak to healing is one that inspires and captivates. As she continues to evolve, one thing is certain: the world hasn’t seen the best of Maryse yet.
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liked by milaj, dojacat, urbanwyatt, easymoneysniper,jackharlow, torikelly, and 587,567 others
lifeofmonet: Never thought I would be on the cover of vogue 🥺 this means EVERYTHING TO ME I am so grateful and excited for this next chapter…..LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!
view all 6,789 comments
mariahthescienctist: So beautiful!
user: ICONIC
user: we finally getting a break up album!!!!
user: how can someone be so beautiful
saweetie: Yessss💜
user: the confirmation that she’s back with Jack and moved in with him 🥹🥹🥹🥹
urbanwyatt: welcome to Kentucky 😅
user: Jack has a big storm coming
jackharlow: so proud of you 😍
As Maryse walked into the house, she felt a wave of exhaustion run through her. Today at the studio was emotionally taxing and she was happy to finally be home. She kicked her shoes off and placed them on the shoe rack, and let out a sigh of relief.
In the living room, Jack was lounging on the couch flipping through a magazine. As Maryse walked closer she noticed it was the latest issue of Vogue, featuring her on the cover. Jack looked up, a broad smile spreading across his face as their eyes met.
“Hey there, superstar!” He greeted, setting the magazine aside and standing up to hug her. “How was the studio?”
“Tiring, but good,” Maryse replied, melting into his embrace. “What about you? How was your day?”
“Pretty relaxed,” he said, holding her at arm’s length and looking her over. “I spent some time reading this.” Jack gestured to the magazine. “I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
She blushed, feeling a mix of pride and shyness. “You read the whole thing?”
“Every word,” he confirmed, his eyes twinkling with admiration. “It’s a great article. You come across so genuine and talented. They captured you perfectly.”
Maryse laughed softly, shaking her head. “I don’t know about that, but it was a fun interview. And it was kind of nice, meeting at Morris Deli and then walking around the Highlands. Felt more personal.”
He nodded, his expression turning serious. “I loved what you said about New York and Kentucky. ‘New York always has a special place in my heart, but now my heart is in Kentucky.’ That hit home.”
“Well, it��s true,” she replied softly, reaching out to take his hand. “This place, this life we’re starting to build here… it’s special.”
Jack pulled her close again, kissing her forehead. He grinned playfully, “Oh, you really love me, huh?” he teased.
Maryse laughed, feeling her cheeks warm. “Well, you’re pretty special,” she replied, matching his playful tone. “I guess you could say you’re worth the move.”
He chuckled, pulling her even closer. “Worth leaving the big city for small-town life? That’s saying something.”
She nodded, looking up at him with affection. “Yeah, it is. But honestly, being with you feels like home no matter where we are.”
Jack’s expression softened, and he pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I feel the same way,” he said quietly. “I was just messing with you. I know how much you’ve given up to be here, and it means the world to me.”
She smiled, her heart full. “It’s not giving up anything when it means being with you. Besides, Kentucky has its charm. I’ve discovered a lot of things I love here.”
He raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise. “Oh, really? Like what?”
Maryse pretended to think for a moment, tapping her chin. “Well, despite all the white people… everyone is friendly, the scenery is beautiful, and there’s this amazing guy I get to come home to every day.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “You’re too much.”
She leaned in, planting a quick kiss on his lips. “And you love it.”
Jack sighed contentedly, pulling her into his lap. “Yeah, I do. More than anything.”
As they continued cuddling on the couch, Maryse couldn’t help but think about how hectic the coming year was going to be. Her schedule was packed with studio sessions, promotional events for the Color Purple.
The excitement of her career’s momentum was tempered by the nagging worry that their busy lives might pull them apart again. She didn’t want a repeat of last year, when their packed schedules had created a wedge between them.
She took a deep breath and snuggled closer to Jack feeling the warmth of his body against hers. “Hey,” she said softly, her voice tinged with hesitation. “Can we talk about something?”
Jack looked down at her, concern etched on his face. “Of course, what’s on your mind?”
She bit her lip, gathering her thoughts, and he gently pulled her lips away with his thumb, stopping her. “Don’t do that,” he murmured. “Talk to me, M.”
Maryse sighed, trying to organize her thoughts. “This year is going to be really busy for me. Probably even busier than last year. And while I’m excited about everything, I’m also worried. You know how things got between us when we were both so busy.”
He nodded “Yeah, I remember. It was tough.”
“I don’t want that to happen again,” she continued, Maryse’s voice barely above a whisper. “I know this year is supposed to be your reset year, and I don’t want to mess that up for you. I just… I don’t want us to drift apart.”
Jack pulled her closer, his grip tightening protectively. “Hey, we’re not going to let that happen again. We’ve learned a lot from last year. We’ll make time for each other, no matter what.”
She sighed, feeling a bit more reassured but still worried. “I know, but it’s hard. We both have so much going on. I just don’t want us to become strangers living in the same house.”
He lifted her chin, making her look into his eyes. “Listen to me. You’re the most important thing in my life. We’ll figure it out. If it means rearranging my schedule to be with you, I’ll do it. This reset year isn’t just about my career; it’s about us too. And I’m not going to lose you again.”
Maryse smiled, feeling a tear escape and roll down her cheek. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
Jack wiped the tear away with his thumb and kissed her gently. “We’re a team, remember? We’ll face this together.”
Maryse nodded and was quiet before a thought popped in her mind. “Maybe we should go on vacation before it gets too busy.”
He grinned, his eyes lighting up at the idea. “That sounds perfect. I haven’t been on a real vacation in years. Any place in mind?”
She thought for a moment, then said, “Somewhere quiet and relaxing. Maybe a beach? We could use some sun and sand.”
“That sounds amazing,” Jack agreed. “A chance to unwind and just be with each other.”
She nodded, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought. “Yeah, just us, away from everything. We need that.”
Jack kissed her forehead, a look of determination in his eyes. “Let’s make it happen. I’ll handle all the planning. You just pack your bags.”
“Just so you know,” Jack said, a playful smirk on his face, “I’m probably gonna burn in the sun while you get a nice tan.”
Maryse laughed, playfully nudging him. “I’ll make sure to bring plenty of sunscreen for you, don’t worry.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he replied, shaking his head with a chuckle. “I’m serious though. I turn into a lobster if I’m out in the sun too long.”
She grinned, loving the banter. “Guess I’ll just have to keep you in the shade then. Or maybe we can alternate between sunbathing and hiding under an umbrella.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he said, pulling her closer. “As long as I get to spend time with you, I don’t care where we are or what we do.”
She smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and love. “Same here. I just want us to have some time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.”
He kissed her gently, his eyes filled with affection. “It’s a date then. We’ll escape to the beach and have the best time ever.”
She nodded, her heart full. “I can’t wait. It’ll be perfect.”
“I’m thinking we hit up a nude beach,” Jack teased, not being able to hide the mischievous grin spreading across his face.
Maryse couldn’t help but gasp and playfully hit his arm. “You’re unbelievable!”
Jack laughed, enjoying her reaction he leaned in, stealing a quick kiss. “What? It could be fun! Totally freeing, you know?” He pecked her lips again, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
She shook her head, giggling. “I don’t think so. The only person who gets to see me like that is you.”
“You damn right!,” he said, still chuckling before he kissed her again, softer this time. “But you have to admit, it would’ve made for an interesting vacation story.” Another kiss.
“Sure,” Maryse replied, rolling her eyes with a smile as he kissed her again. “Maybe in an alternate universe.”
He laughed and continued to steal kisses between words. “Alright, no nude beaches,” he said, punctuating each word with a quick peck. “But seriously, anywhere with you is perfect.”
She smiled, her heart swelling with love. “Just us, no phones, no work.”
“Deal,” he said, kissing her forehead, finally giving her lips a break. “It’s going to be amazing.”
Jack then smiled, pulling her closer. “Alright, no more yapping. Let’s go cuddle.”
He stood up and offered his hand, helping her off the couch. She took it with a tired smile, leaning into him as they walked to the bedroom, hand in hand.
Once they were under the covers, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. The warmth of his body against hers was comforting, a feeling she had missed during their time apart. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
“Goodnight, M.” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. His voice was soft, filled with affection and relief that they were together again.
Maryse snuggled deeper into his embrace, feeling safe and content. “Goodnight, Jack. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied softly.
As they lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of them in their cozy little bubble. The tension and worries of the day melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace.
Maryse laid still for a moment, listening to the steady rhythm of his breathing. Then, unable to resist, she gently poked him in the side.
“Are you asleep?” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet room.
Jack groaned softly, opening one eye. “Well, I was,” he teased, a sleepy smile tugging at his lips. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, I’m just so glad we’re together again,” she whispered, her voice barely audible as sleep began to overtake her.
“Me too,” Jack whispered back, watching her as her breathing evened out and she drifted off to sleep. He stayed awake a little longer, his mind drifting over the events of the past year and the journey that had brought them back to each other, but none of that mattered anymore as Maryse was finally back snuggled underneath him.
He kissed the top of her head, a smile playing on his lips as he closed his eyes. The familiar rhythm of her breathing, the way she fit perfectly against him—it was all he needed to feel at peace. For the first time in months, he felt truly at home.
As sleep began to claim him, he held onto the thought of how lucky he was to have her back in his arms. No matter how busy their lives might get, this was what mattered most: the love they shared and the promise to face everything together.
And with that comforting thought, he finally drifted off to sleep, happier than he’d been in a long time.
AN: little filler chapter! next chapter is when the real fun begins and they go on vacation :) let me know your thoughtsssss
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1-xo-xo-xo-7 · 1 day
[It was a slow day for Gotham's vigilantes, surprisingly. So Batman made a decision to do a little bonding activity with his oldest and youngest son : Drawing.]
Nightwing : [Was subjected to a 30 minutes-worth of 'Don't move!' and 'If I see any movement, or even a miniscule amount such as blinking, I will reign hell upon you.']
Baby Bat, I sat here and posed, for like, 10 minutes. Let me see your finished product.
Robin : I... [Hesitation was clear on his features, but unable to say anything as he did feel a need to be responsible for his own drawing... and for his earlier behavior]
Nightwing :...
Batman :...Pffft- [Immediately got shoved by Nightwing]
Nightwing : IS THAT ME?! [Trying, very desperately, not to laugh]
Robin : [Is annoyed and embarrassed, now covering his drawing back up and silently sulks]
Nightwing:[He snatches it back in a hurry] No- No! It's nice!
Nightwing : [In a quivering voice] It's so nice!
Batman : KEUKH-! Ehemn.
Nightwing : [Turns to Batman who was shaking in laughter, annoyed]
Nightwing : [But returns his attention to his Robin, smiling in happiness] I've never looked better! *LIE.*
Nightwing : [Trying TO NOT be a douchebag, like someone behind him] Ooohhh, where were you? Pft- were you when it was time for senior photos?
Robin : [Scowling] Nightwing, I do not appreciate your sarcasm. It does not look good-
Nightwing : It. Is. FAN-TAS-TIC!
Nightwing : [Is motioning to his domino mask, looking like it was scribbled on by a baby using its mouth] Oh my goodness- WHAT'S THAT? IS THAT HYPERPIGMENTATION?
[A very loud choking noise was heard]
Robin : [Unimpressed by Nightwing's need to be enthusiastic about something so incorrigible-looking all because it was made by him, Damian wants to set himself on fire]
Nightwing : [Noticing his Baby Bat's embarrassment, smiling softly] You know what? I've never seen anything like... THIS -before. I just want you to keep it up. Keep it up!
Robin : ... Then why was Father laughing?
[A distinct coughing noise, similar to an old man with years of smoking coughing at his deathbed]
Nightwing : Your Father doesn't know what he's doing!
Nightwing : That's how- That's how you say it's a good drawing in Bat! [He wants to cry from wanting to laugh so hard but he can't do something so heinous to his Baby Bat, unlike a certain someone ¬_¬]
This was Damian's villain origin story to become an art kid in his later years.
This was from a TikTok video, I just addressed some creative liberties to better fit all characters, and maybe add some crack.^^
This was also a bit more feely-feely because I can't help but to add emotions to my shit, and also because I just read a fic where Dick is Damian's biological father. 🥺
So, it's really a ride. ^^
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flecks-of-stardust · 5 months
wholeheartedly and with as much gentleness as possible, i truly think there needs to be more discussion about downpour in the community as it is now. for a variety of reasons.
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sevyn-stars · 1 year
Perhaps the knife I twist in your stomach is the truth, and the bandage you place on top are the lies you wish to be true.
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birlwrites · 3 months
like when i was in 6th grade i started an original novel that i then abandoned mostly-complete, came back to a few years later, and finished it, out of SPITE because i didn't like seeing it in my drafts and knowing it wasn't done.
and was it cool that i'd written a whole novel? sure! do i wish i'd, like... enjoyed it more? ABSOLUTELY YES. but at the time when i began the story, i had no idea how to write something that would feel like me. when i returned to it, proofreading was a massive pain because i was constantly cringing at what seemed like sixth-grade-me's embarrassingly clumsy attempts at writing something Cool™. i didn't see any way to salvage the story. and that was because all it had originated in was that desire to write something Cool™. that goal drove every creative decision. not a shred of it was genuine. there was nothing to salvage. so i just slapped together an ending, out of a sense of obligation, and that was that.
in 8th grade, i wrote a psychological horror short story about someone trapped in a room full of unsynchronized clocks. i think i'd just read the tell-tale heart. it creeped out everyone who read it. it wasn't at all Cool™. it was leagues, LEAGUES better - more sincere, more committed, more impactful - than that novel i'd started a couple of years earlier.
fanfiction isn't Cool™. fandom is still often cringed at in the Mainstream™. but Coolness and the Mainstream are the death of creativity. if all you're doing is imitating whatever's recently achieved commercial success, it will feel empty. a pastiche of booktok buzzwords is just that.
but if you allow yourself to create something ~cringe~, fully and wholeheartedly, then you can connect with your readers. you can figure out how you want to write. and you'll enjoy the writing process, instead of staring at a draft you started years ago, wondering how to finish it with the minimum possible effort so you can cross it off your list.
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adellovesrowan · 2 years
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abandonment issues
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ven-of-the-valley · 2 months
I will never turn down the opportunity to hear about someone’s OC or WIP. I love hearing people talk about stuff they made and are passionate about. It makes me so genuinely happy.
It doesn’t matter if we’re strangers or best friends. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the verge of publishing or it will never see the light of day. It doesn’t matter if the lore is deep and developed or if you literally just came up with some dude two minutes ago. Tell me the things! I love the things!
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hexjulia · 2 months
ugh reading a book of poetry based on really liking a single poem and then the rest is just sort of mid navelgazing with extra space is really depressing for some reason
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07-induraj · 7 months
They appear to me and all I tell myself to just be fake
Cause I don't know the answer of 'you ok?'
I do it for my own sake
I wonder if it doesn't hurts
When they see right through me
And still chooses to cut me off?
Why am I being nice to them?
Is it wrong with me or they're being someone else?
Cause they're the ones who showed me hell in this very heaven?
Why can't I just leave them be!
Or leave them in my past where they really are
Because I know what i'm wanting and its not the same situation to them as to me
I want them to be gone
No mater past or ahead of me
But just move, go and be gone cause you've long lost the real one
Written by 07-induraj
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newbiealliance · 1 year
when will the osc realize that basing a horror au around a character's mental health problems is really weird. like i promise you making paper a murderer based on the fact that he has DID isnt innovative or unique youre just parroting years of stigma and Really Shitty and Bad horror tropes that get mentally ill people killed
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signalhill-if · 4 months
Fun fact: a lot of the story ideas I have came from the world I designed for an Apocalypse World game, and at the time I was reading @attollogame and loved Sysba and wound up making a character with a similar premise of being a god banished to live in a human body. That character took on a life of their own and became like everybody's favourite NPC. But they were really specific to that game's story at that point and were very fultifaceted, so when I started writing Signal Hill (which has a totally different plot) I decided to split their role in the story into two different characters, Yvette and Aldrich.
In other words, if you trace it far enough back, 1/3 of my main cast is just Sysba from Attollo
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lxvvie · 6 months
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a certain kind of smile (unforgotten days)
there's a certain look in their eyes as they look at you, A softness in their voice A stillness of their mind, A gentle feeling in their heart. A warmth that envelops them.
there was a feeling. It's long burnt out. A feeling of freedom, Of the warm glow of the sun, The pink tulips that grow in boxes, Bike rides through paths that lead nowhere, It's a feeling of peace, of safety, Of warmth.
The way they looked at you, It was that feeling. The affection that laced their very being.
Now it's empty. As empty as the promises they made. As empty as the jar of stars, they said they'd collect one day. The stars are still scattered in the sky. And that warmth left long ago.
You wonder if it will leave when winter passes.
You wonder if they will love you when the sun rises.
There was a certain kind of day, a certain kind of love, now there's a night. a cold, endless night.
The stars are just as pretty, but they no longer smile back at you.
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