#when you're the jedi master. we're talking about this
tennessoui · 2 months
For the ask game, 5, 18, and 30??
(from this ask game)
ahh thank you for sending these in!!
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
ok so i have 7 tabs open and all of them are either new chapters or unpublished wips but here is the first sentence of the first tab - and a second sentence for a little bit more context lol:
'Watto has wings, a set that isn’t much to look at but that he’s rather proud of showing off anyway. And because Watto has wings, little Ani cannot, lest he grow up and get ideas.'
(that's wing fic au which i have been meaning to finish and post for forever)
18. If you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
ok so i don't keep my deleted sentences or paragraphs - they are gone with the wind as soon as i don't like them lol BUT i can definitely talk about one of my first draft ideas for a fic that i didn't end up writing which i've definitely talked about before. in foolproof foolhardy, when i started writing what would become the last 2 chapters and the final arc of the story, i was totally sold on the idea that when they're in the ship on the way to their mission they would end up fucking ('to get it out of their system') as a one-time thing and afterwards they can just pretend they don't care about each other at all and the sex would be very angry and bitter except for the moments where they couldn't help but betray their real feelings (aka master skywalker caresses obi-wan's face, obi-wan kisses his pulse, etc etc)
and then during the mission the prince of the planet would be interested in obi-wan in a way that would prove to be Perilous (because obi-wan tries to pretend he can just go back to having fun and sleeping around and so he courts the prince's attention, but it turns out that actually he doesn't want to do that anymore because now he knows how anakin would hold him)
and anakin would do something very dramatic like start a full on war with the planet and or threaten assassination of the prince because hes a jealous lil guy and will use obi-wan's discomfort as cover for his actions without examining the root of the emotions which is in fact love (but twisted)
and then they fuck AGAIN and finally actually talk it all out (but it was already such a long story and that whole mission arc seemed needlessly dramatic when tensions were already high, so they just talked it out the first time they fucked on the ship, which i'm happy with)
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
ooo interesting question! i definitely feel various amounts of proud of all my fics because of who i was and what i was trying out when i was writing each of them, but i think i'm especially proud of let my love be the knife that implicates me aka the rots compliant fic where obi-wan raises luke on tatooine alone and does as good of a job as he knows how. i just really like the concept of it - where obi-wan deals with his grief by talking about the agony and joy of loving anakin, luke's father, while also still so fresh off of mustafar and the fall of the Jedi, knowing he can only talk about this now because when luke is old enough to remember he shouldn't bear the weight of his secrets....only for luke to remember not the words themselves (about the empire, about sidious, about anakin's betrayal) but the emotion behind them, which was almost always love.
it's a sad fic but it's not so sad that i think it's unreadable and i really am so proud of a lot of the phrases and the pacing of it! mostly because i almost always avoid anything even resembling 'canon compliant' and so this was a really big moment for me lol
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smhalltheurlsaretaken · 11 months
(repost of this with the video directly in the post because vimeo links are acting up)
Rewatching this scene for the sweet angst, something struck me. In hindsight it's extremely obvious but I'd never thought about it this way.
There's the very obvious parallels with Qui-Gon's death, down to Satine caressing Obi-Wan's cheek, there's that amazing bit of mirrored exchange, where Obi-Wan starts off confrontational and angry and Maul gloating, and then Obi-Wan becomes soft-spoken and empathetic and Maul starts to shake with rage and pain and can't even properly face him, and then there's this.
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Maul boasts that the Dark Side is "more powerful than [Obi-Wan] knows," that Obi-Wan's "noble flaw" is a weakness, so why is he trying to make him more powerful? Why tell him to use the Dark Side? Why basically give him a crash course about how it works? Does he want Obi-Wan to retaliate? To escape?
The obvious answer is that Maul isn't trying to make Obi-Wan more powerful. After all, he's well aware that Obi-Wan is a dogshit fighter when he's angry.
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Immediately after that last quote, he says "that is not the Jedi way, is it?" as a taunt, and again in The Lawless, he insists "You should have chosen the Dark Side, Master Jedi."
So he's simply trying to destroy him as a Jedi, right? Because he knows that's what make Obi-Wan who he is, and he blames Obi-Wan for robbing him of his status along with his life, so he wants to destroy Obi-Wan's life in the ways that matter (since, as Obi-Wan says, just killing him is nothing like destroying him). But if that's the case, then we're back to the "power" issue. What's the point of destroying Obi-Wan if it's by giving him what Maul claims is his own identity, and the key to freedom?
And imo the answer lies right here:
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Why would killing Satine make Obi-Wan share Maul's pain? Why would Maul regard the pain of losing a loved one (something he's completely unfamiliar with at this point) as equal to his torment? Why isn't he chopping Obi-Wan in half and keeping him alive with Nightsister magick instead? Why would the murder of one of Obi-Wan's loved ones, picked almost at random, be THE "moment" Maul has been thinking about "for years"?
I think he really isn't talking about Satine's murder in and of itself when he talks of pain. The pain he wants Obi-Wan to share isn't the pain of loss, but very simply the pain of living in the Dark Side.
That's why Satine really is just a "tool" to his vengeance, as he says, and not the main point. That's why he's so enraged that Obi-Wan insists on showing him compassion even through his fear and anger - being kind leaves you open to grief but protects from the agony of the Dark.
Maul wants Obi-Wan to Fall, to stop being a Jedi, not because he truly believes the Dark Side gives you good things, but because he knows the Dark Side makes you miserable.
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He tries to freaking teach Obi-Wan how to Fall, like Obi-Wan is a Sith apprentice, because being a Sith is the most miserable you're ever going to get! He tries to make Obi-Wan suffer by making him like him! He's so self-loathing his hatred of Obi-Wan materializes as self-hatred!
And hey, that greatly complements the end of the episode - Obi-Wan resists the Dark Side and escapes the planet, and Maul revels in it and immediately loses the only person he cares about and ends up crawling and crying while Sidious gleefully tortures him. Maul falls victim to every form of suffering he wanted to inflict on Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan flies away. In the end, Maul is proven right: being Fallen really f*cking sucks.
Really accentuates that Maul wanted relief above all when he sought out Obi-Wan in Rebels. He went to the only person who had shown him actual compassion, and the person he knew was best at resisting the Dark Side - so he could finally be free.
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pebblethestone · 3 months
There's Always A Way ¹
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Hunter x Togruta Reader
Summary - Getting assigned a new clone force to work with by the jedi council
There's Aways A Way Masterlist
Words - 1362
A/n - this was a story I was doing on wattpad I no longer use it but I wanted to write more of it and post it here I've edited it so it's a little different but not much
Taking a deep breath as you sit cross-legged under a tree as you meditate, taking a long deep breath in a pattern and breathing out. As you continue what you're doing you're soon interrupted by hearing footsteps heading towards you.
"General l/n, the Jedi Council has requested you to return to Coruscant" you hear Commander Wolffe say. Opening one eye to look at him with a raised brow. As he looks at you holding his helmet to his side.
Pushing yourself off the ground with a huff, annoyed that you had been interrupted while in the middle of your meditation. But I guess you don't get much peace when there's a war going on anymore.
"Do you know what this is about Wolffe? Because it better not be another stupid mission like last time" you say rolling your eyes and walking with him hearing as he chuckles at you.
"well yeah let's hope it won't be like the last mission, you crashed that poor ship twice, I don't know how master plo could deal with training you," he says letting you let out a small laugh.
"Master Plo loves me, and we all know it, and the first one on the ship gets to rid the ship," you say as you take off towards the ship.
"hay! That's not fair you got a headstart" he says putting on his helmet before taking off after you.
After getting to the ship you take a set as you walk Woffle get on board.
"Well, I guess I've won this," You say in a teasing voice, feeling your lips fall into a small smile. He just gives you a death glare.
"Hmm, well at least I don't cheat, like you. We better get going" he says as you walk over to the pilot set.
-- Coruscant --
After the ship has landed you wait for the door to open up as you wait there Wolffe shows up next to you.
"I'll probably be seeing you later Wolffe, I hope that am not into much trouble after that last mission," you say turning to look at him. Seeing a wee smile on his face.
"Yeah, Yeah well you better get going before you do get in trouble for being late," he says putting his helmet on. As you walk off give him a little wave and he returns with a small nod to you.
Heading towards the temple you see your old master waiting at the door, greeting you as soon as you near him.
"Ah y/n, you're on time for once?" Master plo says looking at you when you walk toward him.
"May I ask what the council would like, I haven't done anything wrong, well not that I know of?" you say as you go into step with him as he listens to you.
"No, no you aren't in trouble young one, we just want to talk to you about something important," he says looking over at you, getting to the room you need with some of the council members already waiting in the room would include, master plo, Yoda, Obi-wan, Mace Windu not all of them but a few of them
"Ah, y/n you've arrived on time I see" you hear Obi-Wan say as he turns over to look at you.
"Yes, I have, now what is it that you all would like to talk about with me?" You question looking around at them.
"We believe that you should be able to have your clone force, not too big though" Master Windu speaks up your eyes Turning to look at him.
"Master plo has requested this, he has, he believes you will work well with this clone force, yes," Master Yoda says.
"Yes I believe so, with their different way of working than other clones, I believe you'll work well with them just fine" Master Plo says.
"Most Jedi refuse to work with them, because of their... different way of working, but we're sure you'll be able to work well with them," Obi-wan says handing over a datapad to you as you take it from him and turning it on to take a look at it.
"This has the information about the clones that you'll be working with,” Master Windu says as you look at the datapad you see clone force 99, and four files on it, one for each of them, that are hunter, tech, crosshair, and the last one wrecker with the clone numbers as well.
"Only four? And when will I meet them?" you question as you look up from the datapad at them
"you'll understand once you meet the little one, and you will meet them today when they land on the bay to pick you up, I would like you to get to know them before you start missions with them," your old master says looking down at you.
"Commander Cody will wait at the landing bay with you to introduce them to you," Obi-wan says. Nodding as you're about to leave the room.
"Y/n, may the force be with you" you hear after you leave the room. Taking steps towards the landing bay outside hearing footsteps catch up to you, your eyes moving to look next to you and seeing Wolffe.
"So, General what was the meeting about," he asked walking in step with you.
"well I've been assigned a new clone force to work with, so I won't be working with you and the rest of the wolf pack, but that means Master Plo can go on missions more without worrying about not having clones not there," you say as you both carry on walking almost to the landing bay.
"Well General, we'll miss you, be sure to visit us when you're free, you know where we are most of the time, I'll see you soon," he says, giving you a soft punch to the arm as he walks off to his ship.
"See you!" you say to him when you get to the landing bay to see that Cody is already waiting there for you sitting on a bench reading something.
"Commander Cody, lovely to see you, how are you?" you ask him sitting next to him taking your datapad out and turning it on to go through the files about the clones that you'll be working with.
"I've been well General, what about you?" he asks looking at you.
"am good, so what do we do? just wait for the ship to arrive?"
"yep, am sure it won't take too much time," he says looking back down to his datapad and you look at yours clicking on the first file you see.
•leader of the force he has heightened senses so he's good at tracking for stuff•
•smarts he finds stats of stuff needed and finds out if a mission will be successful. He has a high intellect and is very good with technology•
•exceptional eyesight and marksmanship skills a good sniper•
•superhuman strength can lift very heavy objects•
-- After a while --
Hearing a ship come in for lading you put your datapad down and start you get up as well as Cody does as well.
"Here they are, Clone Force 99" he stays as the ship door opens seeing one of them standing at the entrance. The clone armour is different than the white armour the other clones wore it is black with red strips on it as you both head to the ship.
"Hello there, you must be our new general?" he asks looking you up and down.
"This is Hunter the leader of this force," he says looking at Hunter as he turns to look over at you.
"And this general l/n they will be working with you guys" he introduces you.
"Nice to meet you, hunter," you say holding your hand out to shake it as he returns it saying
"Nice to meet you too, I'll introduce you to the rest of the boys, and Commander Cody can go off and do more important stuff" he says as he leads you onto the ship.
"Goodbye Cody," you say as he waves you off.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Yandere platonic Ashoka vs Yandere platonic Darth maul hcs with a Jedi reader who was close to Ashoka till reader left to work with Maul instead.
Sure! Kept the idea general so there may be some spoilers but I don't entirely focus on specific plot points if that makes sense?
Yandere! Platonic! Ahsoka vs Yandere! Platonic! Darth Maul with Jedi! Darling
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Angst, Rivalry, Violence, Potential murder, Dubious companionship.
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The idea of you and Ahsoka being friends as Padawans only for you to turn to the Dark Side is the idea that came to me for this.
For some reason she noticed changes in you... right up until you disappear.
What happened to you? Well, you found a new master.
Darth Maul.
Darth Maul has been shown to have a lonely life.
For the most part he just cares about vengeance against Darth Sidious and Obi-Wan.
This is the primary reason he is searching for an apprentice.
Which is when he eventually finds you... a disillusioned Jedi.
Once Maul gets his hands on you he cultivates hate and anger within you... making you his to teach and control.
But let's talk about you and Ahsoka first.
You and Ahsoka knew each other for months as Jedi in training.
You had your own master and was well acquainted with Ahsoka and Anakin.
Being Jedi you naturally grew close as allies and even friends.
On missions you often met up to provide aid.
Since Jedi are unable to have close attachments, Ahsoka is the closest you have.
You're friends... protective of one another.
Things most likely don't go downhill until something tragic happens to you.
Maybe your master died?
Even worse, Darth Sidious had them killed or something similar to that.
Somehow an event strong enough to shake your faith occurs and you begin to feel... different.
If we're going based off the idea your master died, maybe you blame The Order for it.
Honestly... you could blame a lot for your tragedy.
Ahsoka most likely notices a change in your aura.
After all, you're close friends!
She couldn't imagine her life without you!
That's why when she notices you feel... darker, she's concerned.
Being her usual kind self she tries to ask you about it.
She fears your actions will turn dark and she'll lose you.
She really doesn't want her best friend to become her enemy.
You try to tell her not to worry about you but she keeps pressing.
She can tell you no longer believe in the Jedi... perhaps even deciding to pursue vengeance and anger.
Ahsoka doesn't want to leave you alone, she wants to convince you not to do what you're about to do.
But eventually a mission will drag her away from you.
Something she regrets deeply... as when she goes to find you, you're gone.
Ahsoka most likely blames herself for your actions.
She has no idea where you went and wonders if she ever could help you.
She doesn't give up on the idea of finding you and making things right... but that brings us to Darth Maul.
Your encounter with Darth Maul was willing.
While he looked for someone to help him with revenge, he met you.
He could even sense the craving for vengeance and rage laying dormant within you... yet traces of it were evident.
As a result... he offers you to join him.
He promises to give you the power you need to soothe your inner torment.
He promises if you help him... you'll be happy.
In the end... you accept.
You become Darth Maul's apprentice.
Originally he plans to just use you to get revenge against his old master and Kenobi by feeding into your hate.
He convinces you the Jedi are useless now and that he can only change things if he has you.
He needs to get rid of his master, his master's puppet, and the one who ruined him.
But he soon realizes he doesn't need you just to obtain his goal.
He appreciates the company you provide.
Your thoughts are similar to one another, allowing you to bond over shared hate.
He manipulates your dark side... making you someone new.
He trains you and learns about you.
Through you he most likely learns about your past friendship with Ahsoka.
He can tell you still care about your fellow Padawan.
Yet why should you?
You should just care about your new master and the new role given to you.
He fears Ahsoka will try to purify your darkness... that she'll take you from him.
So he'll do everything in his power to prevent that.
Ahsoka only gets to meet you again when she has her final confrontation with Maul.
She has never met Maul, only heard of him from Obi-Wan.
Which makes it a big shocker when she meets Maul... and you beside him, clothed in black.
Oh her heart aches.
This is where you went!
You really have given up your role as Jedi.
She can't blame you, by this point she left The Order too.
She understands your pain and betrayal.
But now you've hurt her.
She no doubt tries to get you back, a desperate attempt to convince you to change.
Maul no doubt has the fear of losing you bubble in him again and tells you not to listen.
Ahsoka just wants her friend back, while Maul wants to keep his new apprentice to change fate... neither wants to be alone again.
This final confrontation has different motives than the original in Clone Wars.
This one is about preventing loneliness.
A fight to see who keeps their companion... one whose now torn on who to be with.
You care for Ahsoka as a dear friend... you care for Maul as your master and yet another friend.
You worry you'll lose one of them.
In fact you worry mostly for Maul killing Ahsoka.
You know Ahsoka would never murder... but that look in her eyes scares you.
By the end of this long battle... one of them will have you in the end.
You quickly begin to dread the outcome.
Maybe if you never left Ahsoka... you wouldn't have to see them fight over you.
Or maybe this was your fate all along no matter what you did?
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ladyanidala · 26 days
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Hello hello!
Welcome to my fledgling masterlist, the place where you'll find just about everything I have written over on AO3. Below, you'll find my works, request guidelines, and anything I think of after I publish this. Enjoy!
Reader Insert
Alternate Universes
(Eventually this section will be updated with individual chapters and more masterlists, but as of 5/7/2024, I can't be bothered)
We're Not Needed Here
General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jedi General of the 212th Battalion, has had enough.
Series link is here.
Her Step Forward
In the galaxy far, far away that we know and love, Anakin Skywalker fell to the Dark Side, leaving destruction and death in his wake.
In another galaxy slightly closer, yet still far, far away, the wife of Anakin Skywalker took a step forward on Mustafar, not backward.
Series link is here.
Letting Go
Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi have kept Duchess Satine Kryze alive. The mission is complete, and they're heading back to Coruscant for a well deserved rest.
They never make it back.
Series link is here.
And With A Cry, My Chains Are Gone
It is the eve of the Fall of the Republic, and Anakin Skywalker is terrified of losing his wife.
The Force isn't having it.
Story link is here.
This story centers on Olyssia, a young woman with amnesia who finds herself aboard one of the Venators belonging to the 501st. The only thing she can remember is the order to kill Palpatine.
What Once Was Lost, I Have Found Again
Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala were dead. His corpse stayed behind on Mustafar, while hers was on a backwater planet, trying to survive for the sake of her children.
Commander Thorn had defected. There was nowhere in the galaxy he could go, and he wanted out. He was tired of fighting.
Story link is here.
Event Participations
Obitine Week 2023
The series can be found here.
Left on Read - based on a prompt found in the wild on Tumblr. Fox goes home to surprise his brothers, and none of them see him. Modern AU.
My Time Has Come (Brother, Let Me Weep) - Fox finds out about Ponds' death from the shiny grapevine. Soldiers can't mourn, and so he doesn't.
Seeping Through My Memory - Ahsoka can't stop seeing death when she closes her eyes. She ends up at Anakin's quarters, desperate for comfort and life to go back to normal.
The Bad Batch
You Weren't There (Brother, I'd Hold You To The End) - Crosshair can't handle living after everything he's done. He sends a final message to the Batch. Written before s3 aired.
Jedi Survivor
Ghost Star, Are You Very Far? - Two times Kata gets to hear a story about her parents.
Request Guidelines
So you found your way down to the bottom of the abyss- ah, the masterlist. Welcome! I can only assume you're either curious about what I'll write, or you want to request something yourself. Either way, happy to have you here!
A couple rules...
I will not write smut or suggestive content. I don't feel comfortable writing literary porn whatsoever. Any requests asking me to write smut will be deleted. (If you're ever interested as to why I won't write it, feel free to send a message/ask! I don't mind talking about it!)
I will not write clonecest or same sex romantic pairings. Again, these are things that I'm simply not comfortable with. Any asks for these will be deleted.
Beyond those two things above, go wild! I love a challenge, and am down to write platonic and romantic pieces.
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split-spectrum · 11 months
Water and Rock
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Chapter 1
Pairing: Obi Wan/FemReader
Warnings/Tags: (None in the first chapter, but more to come) explicit content, drug use, dubcon, character deaths, slow burn
Description: There are only so many excuses a master and padawan can make to kiss under "extenuating circumstances" before circumstances stop arising and start being created. You are an expert at your craft - a Jedi knight in service as a spy for the Republic. When your former master Obi Wan joins you on a mission, it's clear things aren't the same as they once were. The trials you face together may break your bond, or turn it into something else entirely.
A second explosion rocks the port side of the ship, and you can barely hear your own muffled voice over the ringing in your ears.
"They've disabled our hyperdrive."
General Kenobi's face is grim. "Not good."
Your legs are struggling to keep you upright as you stumble against the bucking of the dying ship.
"Any suggestions, Commander?" he asks, a note of detachment in his voice that you wish you could mirror while plummeting to certain death.
"Now would be the time to share any skills you've acquired on your solo missions."
You bite back a sarcastic comment about espionage missions rarely ending in dogfights. "Sir, if you're able to clear the atmosphere, we might still lose them in the asteroid field. If you can keep us from getting shot down for the next few minutes, I think I can manage the changes needed in the power converters to get the hyperdrive back online."
He considers this, then nods. "Fine. Do it. Divert as much power as you can without shorting the main systems."
He takes his place back at the helm and you slide a few feet to the back of the ship, dropping to the floor and immediately getting to work on the wiring. Another glancing blow hits the ship, and the tool you've grabbed skitters across the floor.
"I would love to recommend that you stay low until you reach the city limits, in case they have any qualms about shooting their own people and decide to use less firepower... but you're in command of this mission and I don't give the orders," you say, as if talking to yourself.
You snatch the tool back up and send a quick look to the captain's chair where Obi Wan is giving you a mildly unimpressed look. But he adjusts his controls, lowering the trajectory.
Too late. Another blast, and the ship is now shaking violently.
"All main engines are down on the port side." You flip through diagnostic screens, reading them aloud as Obi Wan struggles to keep the controls steady. "Remaining engines operating at only sixty percent. No, fourty... we're not going to make it."
All hope drains from your face while Obi Wan pulls up a map on the main console, adjusting coordinates. "Even if we manage to survive, our location has been compromised and our cover blown. I see only one option at the moment."
He zooms in, highlighting a nearby moon, Keoth. "We can try for a landing, and hope they believe we've died in the crash."
You take yet another hit, and this time you're knocked to the floor. You give a desperate smile. "They certainly aren't giving us many other options."
You stand back up and manage to strap yourself into the copilot's seat just in time for the power to begin failing. The ship begins its death spiral toward the moon below, its surface filling the viewport much too quickly for your stomach to handle. You give yourself over to the force, your master's piloting, and whatever luck has brought you this far.
Wordlessly, you plummet to the ground, reminding yourself not to give in to fear as the belly of the ship scrapes first against the trees, then against the rocky terrain. When the skidding finally stops and you haven't burst into a fireball, you silently thank the force as both of you remain in your seats for a moment, catching your breath.
"Let's hope the Black Sun didn't see where we went down," you say, finally unstrapping your belt once your legs are steady enough to stand up.
Obi wan stands as well. "I suppose we'll know soon enough."
His comment is enough to silence both of you again, and you listen in anticipation of more blasting. When nothing immediately happens, Obi Wan makes his way to the back of the ship and opens the cargo bay door. It creaks, straining against broken hinges, and slowly reveals the dense jungle outside. You step out, inspecting the damage to the ship. It's catastrophic.
"Black Sun or not, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon. It appears we'll need to send a status report to Coruscant and wait for rescue," he says, heading back into the ship to access the comm panel.
You step forward to follow him and wince, touching your head. Your hand comes away with blood, which must have been trickling down your forehead. He stops on the cargo ramp, placing a hand to the back of your head, steadying you for inspection.
"Hold still."
He turns your head this way and that, and steps back, walking into the ship to get a medpac. He takes one out of storage and makes his way back to you. "I am no medic, but that needs attention."
You wave a hand dismissively. "I'm fine. I must have hit it when I was working on the power converters. I'm more concerned about the ship's condition than a bump on the head."
He ignores your protest and starts to unpack a gauze pad, leaning toward you. Instead of letting him finish, you take the pad from his hand and press it in place, holding it there. You give him an appreciative look, which is enough to end the conversation. He turns his attention back to the comm panel. After a moment, he sighs.
"The normal communications systems are too damaged and the long-range communicator can't get a signal. We're cut off."
You close your eyes, trying to accept this new turn of events and find a way to move forward. You open them again and stare out of the cargo bay for a long time, thinking. Finally, you speak.
"If we can boost the signal of the long range communicator, we might be able to get a message back to one of my contacts on Oba Diah," you point, and his gaze follows your hand to the top of a mountain. "We just need to find higher ground."
"It's a possibility." Obi Wan considers it further, then gives a small shake of his head. "Probably our only possibility at present. We'll need supplies."
The both of you get started packing, eating and drinking as much as possible before leaving the rest of your supplies behind on the ship. With the pressing heat of the jungle, you consider leaving your robes behind, but ultimately pack them for extra bedding.
You shed the rest of your layers and leave on your tunic, arms bare. It doesn't do much to alleviate the pressing heat, but at least the fabric is light. Meanwhile, Obi Wan somehow decides to leave his outfit unchanged, removing only the most outer layer. It seems unbearable, but then, he's always been one of those jedi who choose to wear the most uncomfortable clothing. He told you once it was a constant exercise in learning to ignore the distraction of discomfort. You simply thought of it as unnecessary suffering.
"If I remember correctly, this moon has a 9-hour rotation. Looks like we have about 3 hours of daylight left," you say, pulling your bag over your shoulders.
Obi Wan follows you as you enter the jungle, stepping over vines. "We should make the most of it, then. Be wary. We don't know what kind of wildlife we may find."
"Actually, I've read the wildlife on Keoth is non-aggressive. So long as we don't provoke anything, I imagine we'll be fine."
"You keep your studies sharp, as always."
There's an unfinished lilt to his voice at the end of his sentence, where years ago, the words 'my padawan' may have fit.
When the jedi council had been deciding where to place you as a youngling, you hadn't made the choice easy for them. You didn't have any decipherable talents. At least, not at first. You weren't skilled with a blade, nor with hand-to-hand combat, and you weren't a particularly quick study at meditation. You weren't *bad* at any of those things, just not as adept as your peers. Nothing about you stood out, so finding a master with whom to place you became an ongoing task.
At first, you were sent to spend time at the healing houses. Often if a youngling wasn't predisposed to combat, their healing abilities soon revealed themselves. After months of training, not even the faintest sign of a healing ability made itself known. After that followed new master after new master. You learned from all of them, picked up skills from each of them, but none had been able to bring out your true strength. Your only consistent abilities seemed to lie in making rash decisions and engaging in reckless behavior. And as you neared the age for knighthood, it was becoming more of a liability to the order with each passing day
Thankfully, the council decided to counteract your behavior with a jedi who was the embodiment of forethought and decorum: Master Kenobi. You thought of your new assignment as a punishment at first, being placed with one of the strictest masters in the order, but with time and patience, he had shown you how to connect with the force like no one ever had.
It was through his guidance that you had discovered your unique talent for mind tricks. Most jedi could control one person with a weak will. You, on the other hand... you could control whole rooms of people with nothing but a suggestion. You could influence the minds of those with stronger wills and higher intelligence. You could disappear into a crowd by hopping from one consciousness to another almost effortlessly. It was a very rare gift, and it made you the perfect Republic spy.
It also meant that your tutelage under Master Kenobi was short-lived. Once your exceptional talent was revealed and honed, you were soon urged by the council to take the trials. A part of you always wondered if the need for your specific skillset in the war effort had driven you to take the trials before you were ready. Nevertheless, you passed. You struggled terribly, but you passed. And you were soon inundated with intelligence missions. Many jedi worked in partnership with one another, but on your assignments, a partner was often a liability. Instead, over the years, you formed a network of contacts in some of the seediest places throughout the galaxy. It was crucial work leading to vital information, but it was also isolating.
So, when you were given an assignment on Oba Diah with your former master, it was welcome news. Your mission had been to spread a rumor within the Pyke Syndicate that someone was selling a rare jedi holocron on the black market, in order to draw the attention of Lord Tyranus. When Tyranus arrived on Oba Diah to investigate, an attack would be launched in an effort to capture him. But the jedi council hadn't been aware of how deeply in league with the Black Sun Clan the Pyke had become, and weren't aware of their full numbers, or their access to information. Your deception had been revealed, and as a result, you're now staring up at the peak of a mountain that's miles away, while trudging through hot, sticky jungle air.
You've been walking for hours at this point, hardly able to see in the dimming light, and you ignite your lightsaber for the dual purpose of lighting your way and cutting a few branches out of your path. "It's nearly dark. Maybe we should make camp soon."
Obi Wan nods, although he keeps walking, and you keep following. "You're right. We'll make better time when we can see where we're going."
He finally stops in a small clearing, pulling out his water ration and taking a drink. You pause as well, using your lightsaber to slowly walk around the area and inspect. The trees aren't so dense in this area. Once you clear the brush off ground, it should make a reasonable-
You cut your inspection short, hearing a loud cracking sound in the darkness. You lock eyes with Obi Wan.
"Yes, I sense it as well," he says, lowering his voice. He ignites his lightsaber and you take your automatic positions, backs to one another, as you peer into the darkness of the jungle. Something is out there. You can feel it watching you.
A ravenous snarl suddenly erupts nearby, as a creature twice your size lunges out of the vegetation at Obi Wan. He deftly moves to the side, dodging its enormous claws. The beast's eyes glitter in the green reflection of your saber. Its teeth are so large it can't even seem to entirely close its mouth, drool dripping onto the ground below.
As the beast circles you, searching for a weak point to attack, you look over the matted hair covering its body, its raked-back ears and its short, stunted nose. You don’t recall this species in your study of this planet's moon. It roars and launches itself toward you again, and you slash upward, singeing one of the tufts on its ears. The smell of burnt hair and flesh hangs in the humid air, and the creature howls in pain, scrambling back toward both of you.
Obi Wan force pushes the beast backward, but it uses its legs like a springboard, ricocheting off a tree to snap its jaws at his neck. Again, he dodges, but not quickly enough to avoid its claws, which manage to catch his shoulder. Obi wan returns the stab by driving his lightsaber through the creature's arm, which finally causes it to relent, letting out a screech of pain.
It shuffles backward, then quickly disappears back into the jungle, leaving as suddenly as it had arrived. The two of you remain on alert, panting and glancing around the trees surrounding the clearing, now completely pitch black. After a few moments, it seems the creature has no plan to return, and Obi wan sighs.
"Non-aggressive, I believe, were your exact words?"
You grimace. "Perhaps the archive could use an update on Keoth."
He gives you a slight raise of his eyebrows, turning to say something else, but grits his teeth when he moves his arm. You shine your light toward his shoulder, seeing the blood seeping through his clothing.
"We should clean that," you tell him. Though your voice holds concern, it isn't the first time you've seen him injured. And because you've seen him injured plenty of times before, you're aware he'll ignore his injuries until you start to waste time over it. So you wait, patiently, unmoving.
He pulls his pack down from his shoulders and drops it to the ground. "We only have two medpacs. I'm not certain it's necessary."
He waits for your response, but you don't give him one, so at last, he searches his bag until he finds a medpac. When you see that he appears willing to listen to you in this instance and he begins to open a medpack, you drop your own pack to the ground and busy yourself with starting a fire.
You clear a small area of the ground and cut down some branches. Then you use the heat of your blade to burn some kindling you make by cutting off the bottom fringe of your tunic. Within a few minutes, the fire is crackling and you turn your attention back to Obi Wan, who has prepared the bacta spray and is pulling off his clothing.
He's... you swallow. Your eyes are drawn to his skin as it's revealed, and all at once it occurs to you that you've never seen your master without a shirt on. Even during late nights, you've seen him in his bedclothes, but never... never like this.
He's facing away from you, already having removed his belt and tunic, and he's quickly and unceremoniously pulling his dark brown undershirt over his head, dropping it to the ground. Despite trying to focus on the claw marks, you can't help but stare at his golden skin, the muscles of his back tapering down to his narrow waist. Then, all at once, your eyes fixate on the tattoo that graces his shoulder.
You can feel the synapses in your brain as they short circuit. You don't recognize the symbol, just a black marking of some kind which you've never seen before.
It's at this moment he seems to feel your gaze and turns around, holding the bacta spray. You tear your eyes up from his bare chest to look him in the eyes. He raises his arm, turning to the side. "Is it quite deep? I can't tell."
You blink, trying to steel yourself and focus on the task at hand. The injury doesn't seem serious, just a surface level puncture. You shake your head. "It's not that bad. You've had worse."
You try to force a smile but you imagine it comes off as nervous. Your eyes keep darting up to the tattoo as he displays himself for you.
"You look concerned, Commander. I assure you, I'm fine." He lowers his arm, giving you a strange look.
You stifle a cough, caught staring. "No, I know. I was just surprised."
"Yes, your... tattoo. I, uh, didn't know you had one."
A look of understanding passes over his face. "Oh, that. Yes."
He looks a little shy, but still as unreadable as always. "I had it done when I was much younger; a padawan. At the beginning of my time with Master Qui Gon."
You finally manage to regain control of your expression. "I see. I would never have suspected."
He dabs at his wound with a medical pad, then starts to spray it down. "You would probably be disappointed to learn that many jedi choose to mark themselves as a sign of their culture or for other reasons. In that way, I'm not as unique as I would sometimes like to believe."
You shake your head. "I'm aware. I just... wouldn't have expected it from you."
He smiles a little, then winces when he places a gauze pad onto his skin. "It was... a different time in my life."
The fire pops loudly beside you, the noise pulling you out of your trance. You sweep some more underbrush off the ground, throwing it into the nearby bushes while keeping your gaze firmly on your work. When the ground is clear enough, you lay out your bed roll and try to ignore him while he pulls his undershirt back over his body.
When your breathing finally returns to normal, you're able to turn your thoughts to something safe, like food. You pull a supply bar out of your bag, break it in half, and hand the other half to Obi Wan.
"Thank you," he says. Then he stares at you for a moment. His eyes narrow and he takes a step to close the distance between you, reaching his free hand out to nearly touch the side of your face.
Your breathing becomes shallow again. "General...?"
"You might do well with some of this spray, yourself. Your head isn't looking much better after all this walking."
You realize he's staring at your injury and your shoulders relax a little. "Oh. Yeah, thanks."
You take the spray as he offers it, then change the dressing as well. When you've finished, you climb, exhausted, for many reasons, into your makeshift bed and close your eyes.
You feel Obi Wan settling into his bed roll beside you. "I will take first watch. Rest well. It seems this journey may be more difficult than we had anticipated."
You stare up at the leaves above your head. Yes, you think. Yes, it may.
Masterlist // Next Chapter >>
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illuminatedquill · 8 months
Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger:
Star Scar-Crossed Lovers
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They don't know how much they'll miss At least until you're gone like this Talking to the mirror, say, "Save your breath Half your life, you've been hooked on death" Twice the dreams, but half the love Be careful what you bottle up The chemistry is a mess, it seems But me, I'm still a sunbeam I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me Tell me, when the party ends Will you still love who I am, I am? - Fall Out Boy, Heaven, Iowa
Here's the thing - Ezra's disappearance and subsequent absence from Sabine's life was always going to hurt her in a way that no one else's did.
All because Ezra was kind. That's the horrible, tragic irony of it all that keeps me up at night. Sabine has lost so many loved ones throughout her life: ran from her own family; her fellow Mandalorian and friend Ketsu Onyo left her for dead; Kanan died to allow her, Hera, and Ezra to escape Imperial forces; and, later on, her master, Ahsoka Tano left her shortly after the Purge of Mandalore.
It's arguable that even Hera and Zeb presumably became estranged from her at some point during or after the events of the Original Trilogy. The Ghost Crew split up. Sabine is alone on Lothal and clearly is not accustomed to visitors when we see her in the Ahsoka premiere.
Sabine, as we know, is accustomed to this. She has developed a method of "moving on" and forging a new path ahead. She internalizes the pain, for better and worse, and keeps moving.
It's served her fairly well.
But not with Ezra. He does the one thing none of those others did: he leaves a message, just for her, shortly before his disappearance with Thrawn into another galaxy.
With that message, that act of unconditional love and kindness, it leaves an indelible scar on Sabine's heart.
With the others who left or died or she ran away from, she could ignore the pain. Sabine could justify it for being due to one reason or another.
Ezra's message does away with that defense. Slips past through her hardened exterior and nestles deep within her heart.
Because he's kind. Because he's Ezra and he didn't want to leave his friend without saying good-bye and wanted to give her some sense of closure.
"Sometimes being offered tenderness feels like the very proof that you've been ruined." - Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous
She doesn't close the door on Ezra. But she can't cross through it either. For the next ten years, Sabine becomes stagnant, keeping that fire of hope burning for her lost friend but unable to act on it.
And she plays that message every day, probably.
Plays it again.
And again.
And again.
She dreams of that recording; has Ezra's statement memorized to where she mouths along the words with him and can even copy his mannerisms. Sabine takes to heart every little one of his movements and how shy and awkward he looks when he says she's "like a sister" to him.
(And she scoffs. Every single time. But doesn't quite know why that line irritates her.)
The tragedy is that Ezra's message was meant to reassure Sabine and let her move on . . . only to do the exact opposite.
It becomes a burden to bear - one that she does so willingly and with all the ferocity and determination she can muster. But, still a burden it is, despite Ezra's good intentions.
Sabine eventually does the unthinkable - she takes on the mantle of a Jedi.
Think about it. Never, in the entirety of Rebels, had she ever shown an inkling of being interested in following the Jedi path.
Why now? What's changed?
It's simple. Ezra's gone.
Maybe it's a desire to get closer with him but, equally likely, Sabine sees it as a potential avenue to find him someday. She's seen it's power and the abilities it produces in those who are able to wield it.
But even that path forward to Ezra fails. Her people - and her family - are purged by the Empire and Ahsoka cuts her Jedi training short out of fear for Sabine becoming dangerous should she reach her full potential after such a tremendous loss.
More years pass, but the fire never dies. But Sabine cannot do anything. She stays locked in Ezra's watchtower, seeing the galaxy return to life but not feeling any of it for herself.
And then, eventually, Ahsoka returns with the map to Thrawn.
We know the rest.
The planet of Seatos. The map. Ahsoka's fall.
Sabine's choice. The only choice. The grand calculus of the universe demands that she place duty over love; that she throw away Thrawn's one chance of returning to finish what he started.
And, in doing so, doom Ezra to die far, far away from home.
And Sabine makes her choice. Gambles the fate of her galaxy, the hard won peace that so many had fought and died for - all for love.
The Ahsoka finale seems to find Sabine and Ahsoka making peace over her choice. Yes, Thrawn has returned to the galaxy - but so has Ezra, thus fulfilling Sabine's promise to herself of getting him home.
Ahsoka reassures her that the Force has plans in motion - that although they are stranded in another galaxy, they are meant to be here. Just like Ezra is meant to be back home.
Trust in the Force. Sabine and Ezra will find their way back to each other, no matter what.
. . . But there's always consequences to a decision. Always.
I don't believe that Sabine sacrificing her desire to be with Ezra after being kept apart for so long is the true cost of what she did. I don't think that's her real trial.
I think the real reckoning is yet to come.
Because Ezra never found out how she came to find him.
Sabine could not bring herself to tell him. Because she is, appropriately, scared of how he will react. She does not want to lose him again.
(The weight of that will break the galaxy.)
Helping Thrawn return is not only a betrayal of everything Ezra and others had sacrificed for but it places Lothal, Hera, Jacen, Zeb, and countless other beings in extreme danger.
In making her deal with Baylan to find Thrawn, Sabine may end up losing him again in a way more permanent than being trapped in a distant galaxy.
Sabine got him back after so long . . . only for her choice to cause an irreparable rift in their relationship.
The loss of Ezra's love, trust, and respect for Sabine is something I cannot fathom how she would handle. She saved him, only to lose him because of it.
And to think from it on Ezra's side - that he doesn't know how his message came to define Sabine's life these past ten years. He's Force-sensitive and, more importantly, knows Sabine better than most people; he knows she's hiding something from him.
But I don't think he could guess it was something like helping Thrawn. He wouldn't even consider it being in character for her, let alone especially for someone who is training to be a Jedi.
Ezra would never, for a single second, consider that Sabine is a traitor. It's unthinkable for him. It's probably why he never questioned Sabine further after she showed up on Peridea with little explanation.
For what reason would she risk the galaxy? To throw everything into the hands of the galaxy's most feared and cunning Imperial warlord?
And when he finds out it was all for him . . . . my heart breaks for Ezra.
The scar of Sabine's choice would mark him long enough for several lifetimes.
How do you fix something like that? How do you come back from a betrayal that burns everything you've ever sacrificed for, everything you've ever stood for?
How do you face the person you trusted to safeguard all of that, only to find out that they're the one who lit the flame?
How do you reconcile that they did all these terrible things for you?
(Ask Vader how well that turned out for him.)
It's Sabine. It's Ezra.
And the scars they've given each other . . . all for love.
If Filoni is brave enough, then this could be the most interesting relationship in all of Star Wars.
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Those Who Fight Together - part 3
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Summary: Undescribed Jedi female continued story with The Bad Batch in 3rd person 🖤Smut with a Plot series🖤
Warning: NSFW, Crude language, Violence, PiV, Self pleasuring, Oral (m receiving), losing v card
Word Count: 6.5k
Part 2 Part 4
Story Master List
Echo had been sitting at the automatic pilots seat to long he started to doze out, continuous having to rub his eyes to stay awake. He took his feet off the dash and decided to get up and stretch. Pacing back and forth, trying to think of every possibility what could go wrong when they got back. Crosshair did always have a way of getting into everyone's heads, but he had to be right. Regs are one thing but one of us? Everyone already looks down their nose at us and it was probably going to get worse.
Echo missed that Tech was talking to him, "Can you repeat that?"
"Great, everyone one this ship is distracted. Although I don't get the appeal of the act. I said can you realign the map and the thrusters but .02, we seem to be slightly off course and slower then usual."
"Oh yes," Echo said hunching over the dataport and doing the readjustments, "There's a secure message from Commander Cody to Reaper, priority yellow."
"I'll wake her," Tech said turning towards the Generals room, content to have an excuse to see how she was doing.
He knocked but there was no reply, he opened to the door to find her back in her pajamas and in her blanket. Recalling the sounds she made with Hunter, he blinked a few time doing his best to mentally block it out. Why is suddenly bothering him was unknown. He put his hand on her shoulder and shook her gently. Her eyes fluttered and she sat up. She looked up at him with his very rigid posture fiddling with his googles.
"You have a secure message from Cody, priority Yellow," Tech said handing her a holo, wanting nothing more then to dismiss himself.
"Hey Reaper, I overheard General Kenobi talking about the artifact you're after. I reached out to a couple contacts to see what I could find, I know you have coordinates but the planet doesn't exists in our star maps but I was able to find a name 'Oribos'. Don't know if that helps, good luck. Cody out."
"Oribos? Doesn't sound familiar, I'm not seeing any record of it anywhere," Tech said typing into his datapad.
"I have," you took the pillow from behind you, screamed into it and put it back down, "According to legend is a moving Sith Temple on tiny planet that relocates itself every ten orbital periods."
Wrecker heard the scream from the General's room, preparing to beat up any of his brothers that cause her the discomfort "What did he say?" Wrecker said staring down at Tech.
"Wrecker, it wasn't me but Commander Cody's information rely," staring with the Holo of Cody.
"He's our favorite Reg."
"Gather the squad, and meet in the pit in five."
"Alright," Wrecker said backing his large frame out of the only way out, he relaxed knowing that it wasn't anything that they did. He liked having her on board, she was nice and all of his brothers seemed obsessed with her too.
Once they left you found the book you snuck out of the forbidden section of library and looked over the passages on Oribos to make sure you had your fact straight. You took the book with you to the awaiting squad.
"I guess I'm the late one," you said closing the book, "The place we're going is most definitely a suicide mission, you have follow my orders when we get there whether you like it or not," you paused to stare at Hunter for an extra second, "We're going to one of the mobile Sith Temples, it is going to be crawling with traps, spirits of the dead and we must get the artifact and implode the planet. We can't afford for them to continue using it."
"Wasn't this suppose to be a Jedi artifact?" Wrecker said looking around.
"That's what we originally thought, yes. It could still be possible, but it's in Sith territory we have to assume the worse."
"What did you mean you weren't a Jedi," Crosshair said, his eyes doing there best to cut through you.
"I am neither Jedi nor Sith, I am simply the collector. I retrieve artifacts of old to keep them from being destroyed or used, they are studied and hidden not even where the force could find them."
"But you take orders from the council?" Echo said rising an eyebrow.
"I take suggestions from the council, I am part of completely independent group of Force Users."
"That explains... a lot actually. Could you have actually court marshaled me?" Hunter said with a grin while Crosshair groaned.
"And executed without a trial if I felt you were a safety hazard to this mission but both are a lot paperwork and I have better things to do."
"See you got nothing to worry about," Wrecked said smacking Crosshair with his fist causing his chair to wobble, "my bad."
"How perceptive," he said pulling his lip back.
Crosshair brought his eyes to you, letting their dark depths peer into her. He didn't know quiet to feel about her but it put a knot in chest and he didn't like. He especially didn't like the fact that Hunter touched her or was in her. Anger boiled up, he curled his finger into balls making his knuckles turn white. He did his best to relax his hand but it didn't relax his anger.
"How about we make a small detour, to blow off some steam?" You said feeling the tension roll off of Crosshair and Hunter.
"Excellent idea, I'll look at the next inhabitant planet and take us down," Tech said thankful for an excuse not to be the buffer between his brothers this time.
"I'd love some target practice or a non slime ball canteen where I could actually enjoy a drink."
"We'll be landing in a moment," Tech said over their com links.
"Can I get one of those" your eyes widened.
"I think I have a spare in the parts drawer," Echo said getting up.
You followed him to a small crate in the corner, you watched him dig through to the bottom and pull out an arm attachment out of the bottom. Echo's dataport arm put went under hers and used his good hand to tie it. You had an urge to reach out to grab his implant and tell him that he's still a man and that his mechanics didn't effect that but you kept yourself silent... but that didn't last.
"Don't forgot that your implants are just enhancements you're still a man, not a machine."
"Thank you?" He said with a puzzled expression.
"I feel that it bugs you, it's just a reminder."
Echo walked through showing you how to use it. It was pretty simple process, there wasn't much to it. He kept glancing at you but you couldn't place the look.
"Did I upset you?" You asked.
"No," he didn't want to have his conversation with his brothers around, they accepted him right away although they did make the occasional poke at his alterations.
"You can talk to me later," you whispered.
Echo gave a little nod before sitting down as the Marauder made its descent towards the planet. He watched her as she stared at the floor, quiet. He wondered how much she could sense of feel, whether she could turn it off or was it constant, how tiring that could be. He's fought along side a lot of Jedi but never thought to ask. He caught her eyes looking at him before they went back to the floor. The ship landed and his brothers got off but she seemed to want to get off last, he started to follow the others but she put a hand on his shoulder.
"You went with them because you didn't want to face your brothers on Kamino. You shouldn't feel like it makes you less than, you lived to fight another day. You are without flaw Corporal," you said letting his shoulder go.
"Thank you, General. I needed that."
"I know" you smiled feeling his mind quiet a little, you turned down the reception of feeling so you didn't have to feel how loud each of their minds were.
You followed him out and the ship's ramp closed behind you. You looked around at the port you landed in when a ship catch your eye, a white GAR ship with a grey stripe. What we're they doing all the way out here? You noticed the squad noticing it too.
"I guess we start with that," Hunter said heading towards the ship, but quickly realized it was empty.
"Probably at the local canteen," Tech said pulling up a map on his pad, "this way."
You followed him to a building to semi blacked out windows but the lights flashing. They were must definitely inside. You pushed between the boys and walked in first to find Wolffe and the pack sitting at a table.
"Go first us a table, I'll catch up," you said practically sprinting towards them.
Wolffe grabbed his face and shook his head, "Trouble showed up boys."
"What are you boys doing out here?" You ask folding your arms.
"Trying to hide from you, but that seems impossible at thing point."
"Awe I know you loved me one eye," you said while he groaned, "is he-"
"Didn't make it..." Wolffe started looking down the rim of his glass.
You quickly walked over to the counter, got a drink and returned, "To those who fought," you said raising your glass.
"To those who fought," they said in return and all of you slamming back the bitter drink, "I got to get back to the rag tag team, you boys be careful."
You sent down your glass and some credits on the table, and pointed at your squad and ordered them drinks. Walking over to their table you let your knuckles tap on it doing your best to hold back tears.
"I need some air, drinks are coming."
Doing your best to hold your dignity together you got outside and let your back slide down the side of the building, your butt hitting the ground with a soft thud. You leaned your head back against the building. Tears started flowing out, you kept wiping them away but they didn't want to see to stop. You barely knew the trooper but it was tearing you up, you could picture his smile, the feel of his lips on yours and how he looked at you, as just another person not a Jedi. You put your head between your legs, your head slightly spinning. So many troopers dead and so many more would be gone before this war was over, anger started rising up. The pretentious Jedi council, they could have ended this but relied to make on politics and didn't see anything wrong with all of the death. You took a deep breath trying to pull yourself together. You felt a head on your shoulder to look up to find Echo standing there.
"I may have overheard, do you mind?" He said.
"Be my guest, don't think I'm the greatest company right this second."
"I've served with many Jedi in my time, I've not once seen any of them cry over the loss of one of us. We're just clones, expendable" Echo said taking a seat, his voice threatening to stumble over the last word.
"The clones are anything but expendable," pure rage slipping out, "You all are flesh and blood individuals, you may look the the same but are anything but."
"The Galaxy doesn't seems to think so."
"But do you really hold yourself in such low regard?" You snapped at him.
"No..." He bought his hand to your face and wiped more tears before returning his hands to his lap, "You don't need to beat yourself so hard, we're bred for this and he went out like any soldier dreams too."
That made you cry harder, they were bred for this and battle drilled into their heads basically since they could walk. Couldn't anyone see them as more? He rested his mechanic hand under your face and took his good hand to wipe away the tears.
"If more people saw what you see in us, I think things would be different. Come on, we should probably try to get inside," he said standing up offer his hand.
You take it, wiping more tears from your face to notice one single rolling down face and the distant look on his face. The pain rolled off of him, remembering all of his fallen brothers. This time you wiped his tear.
"I think if more people fought along side them they would. Let's head back in."
Wrecker was on the verge on heading out the door when he saw them walk back in, her eyes were pink and her face was kind of puffy, "Was she crying over the dead reg?"
"Perceptive as always"
Wrecker got up and walked over to her with an ear to ear grin, "Come here," he leaned down and picked her up around the waist swinging her around in a circle, "No need to cry, you got us General. Wwon't die on you."
"That perhaps wasn't the best choice of words," Tech said looking up from his informative bodily article, trying to understand the connection that happened between people and if there was something wrong with him.
"She might just kill us instead," Crosshair wrinkled his nose at his empty glass.
"Just you Crosshair," you said with Wrecker squishing you still spinning like it's nothing.
You wiggled your arms up how of hold and put them around his neck, "This is fun and all but the boy are staring," you said noticing the eyes looking you, "Can you put me down?"
"Finee," he said setting you down, "Did it at least cheer you up a bit?"
"Yeah Wrecker it did."
"Good, It was kind of fun. I wanna do it again, come here grumpy," Wrecker said reaching out for Echo before he had time to jump out of here.
"General, I think you should at least see this," Wolffe said, causing you spin on your heel and look at the helmet in his hands.
The helmet was flipped bottom up to see where you see the inside, a picture of you in it. You took the helmet and spun it to see the two grey stripes on the helmet. You let out a deep breath trying to control yourself before handing it back.
"If you know where his body is and it's safe, bury him with it. Please."
Wolffe's eyes widen because he's never heard you say please "Oh I'll make it safe, come on boys we're going to do some target practice on some clankers."
"Thank you Commander."
"What are friends for?"
You smiled as he walked out, friends. It felt good, the Jedi didn't have attachments... but you could and would protect them until your last. You steadied Echo when Wrecker finally put him down, laughing at his very wobbly legs... you underestimated how wobbly and you both went down, you falling directly head first on his chest.
"Ow," Echo mumbled, "Really Wrecker? Really?"
"It was fun" he defended.
"You okay?" Echo said looking at you, making you realize you were still on his chest.
"Yeah," you said standing up and pulling him up, "Never better."
You took the seat between Hunter and Crosshair as another round of drinks were being bought over. Everyone needed to blow off steam and try to have some fun... but hopefully not to much fun that no one could fly the ship.
Hunter eyed Echo who wasn't making eye contact with any of them, "See what I meant?" Hunter said whispering in your ear.
"Keep whispering and I'll think your hiding something," Crosshairs voice was still cranky even after three drinks, unaware if they were helping his internal dilemma or not.
"Just trying to settle who's the better shot, me or you," doing your best to deflect the attention away as Hunter slipped his hand on top of your thigh.
"Is that even a question?" His eyes widening in disbelief.
"I guess we're just going to have to test that."
"This will be interesting," Tech said looking up.
"Or really stupid," Echo said squeeze the bridge of his nose.
"Awe you worried?"
"Maybe for someone's ego."
Hunter squeezed her thigh harder which made her back straighten to perfect posture, he made little circles with his index finger. Taking a drink he side eyed looked at her to measure her response before removing his hand and leaving it on table. He looked at Crosshair and Echo, both of them trying to give their best poker faces but falling miserably. He knew Crosshair had lashed the out in attempts to hide what he was truly thinking or feeling, but he was always a mystery. Echo however wore all of his emotions on his face no matter how hard he tried to hide it. Hunter eyed Tech, out of all of his brothers he doubted he had any interest in her. Maybe having a woman on board was a bad idea, especially one they all were interested in. A pit formed in his stomach, an uncomfortable realization came and he wasn't sure if he could give her that.
"Let's test that," Crosshair said finishing his drink, setting the cup down harshly.
"Maybe you aren't so boring after all," he watched her stand up, following her out.
They walked in silence to a near by rocky cliff with a brush of trees in the distance, "That tree, the one with the branch that jolts straight down."
You laid down in the rocks pulling your short rifle off your side. Your eyes trialed the sight lining it up the shot when you felt Crosshairs rifle lay on your shoulder, the barrel of it catching the side of your eye. Crosshair parted your legs with his body and put his elbow right against your ass, purposely wiggling it slightly to get closer to it.
"Now let's see who the better shot is," he said pulling the trigger.
The blast soared passed your ears but you were to distracted with how close he was to you. To even notice anything else. The accuracy with his shot and how just slightly he was leaning into your ass was enough to get a little water works flowing.
"Easy," you could hear the grin in his voice.
You took the shot the mark hitting slightly lower then his, "Farther?"
"The old one split in middle," Crosshair said looking at the tree several clicks further, blasting just one shot hitting the middle.
"Give me a challenge," you said blasting it, your shot this time a couple inches lower.
"The rock," Crosshair said looking far out at the single rock, it was even a little bit farther then his normal range for accuracy but it would at least make it interesting.
Your shot went even further down but still hitting it barely, Crosshair snickered his shot a little lower then the center but way better then yours.
"Not so Cocky now?" He laughed examining the where the two shots, "All talk no bite."
You adjusted your rifle and blasted five quick shots making a smiley face in the rock, "What we're you saying sniper?"
"I think she beat ya," Wrecker laughed somewhere behind us.
"You little..." he said firing further off, "There beat that."
You shoot, completely missed; without using the force you knew you couldn't hit that far, "Fine you win."
"I was always going to win," he said taking the rifle off your shoulder, standing himself up with his rifle it on his shoulder, "it was just a matter of time."
"What is your problem with me?" You rolled and flipped yourself up staring up at him.
"I don't think your fit to lead this squad for this mission."
Crosshair glared at Hunter, scowling at his brother,
"I think you're just mad it wasn't you," you pushed him backwards.
"You've probably been with every reg on Coruscant. I consider myself lucky," teeth bared at you.
"Say that again, I dare you."
"You'd like that wouldn't you to be called a wh-."
You shoved him as far with the force as you could of the rock zone, jumping to catch up bring your foot down on his chest. He grabbed your anklet and knocked you off balance. You tucked and rolled out of the way of his next punch.
"ENOUGH," Hunter shouted shoving himself in between you too, "That was way to far. Even for you Crosshair," Hunter said pulling the freshly gnawed on tooth pick out, "Given what I heard in your bunk the other night I don't think you care," Hunter attempted to whisper.
"Whatever," Crosshair said knocking his arm out of the way and walking off.
"Crosshair has always been severe, don't take it personally. It's his nature" Tech said following after him.
"That jump was awesome," Wrecker added trying to defuse the tension.
"Thanks big guy."
He still pissed you off but at least knowing who was toying with themselves while you were in the shower gave you some satisfaction. He was maddening but there was something about the perfect short smokey hair and the darkness of his eyes that were alluring. Getting back into the Maraunder you bee lined for your room. You took off for your room and face down flopped on your bed. Could you just get one simple day with out any complications?
Your door opened and someone walked through, "This better be important," you said propping your self up on your elbows so you could turn your head and see who was behind you.
He had an empty expression and a tooth pick in his mouth, leaning up again the wall staring at you.
"Wow, so statue worthy. What are you doing in here?" You ask twisting yourself around.
"Did you think of me while touching yourself in the shower?" He smirked.
"I have no idea what you're taking about. Now get out."
"I could hear you getting something out."
You got off the bed and stood infront of him returning his harsh gaze, "So were you. How about you just say what you want too instead of toying around it."
"I didn't like you screwing Hunter."
"You have been nothing but rude and disrespectful to me, why does that even matter to you-"
He shoved his mouth on yours, hot, heavy and demanding. He wasn't kind about the action. She infuriated him from the moment he saw her. He knew he was a disagreeable person with an abrasive attitude but she brought out feeling in him he didn't understand. She didn't push him away which surprised him, he put his hands to her hips and pushed her off much to her confusion.
"You deserve better," he said wiping his mouth and retreating out of the room.
"What in the Sith's hell just happened" you mumbled feeling the warmth in your lips to where his teeth had grazed.
You shook your head stripping yourself of your armor returning to a set of comfy pajamas.
Tech came walking in messing with his googles, "This seems to be an inconvenient time-" when he noticed the scene before him
"No come in, what's on your mind?" You asked, kicking the armor out of the way.
"What was the feeling like with Hunter?"
You let out a laugh louder then you wanted too, "I was not expecting that, I'm sorry. Can you be a little more specific?"
"Physically intimacy and it seems to be the only thing on their mind. I don't quite understand the appeal;"
"It's a tight feeling in your lower abdomen-"
"I am aware of the physical effects, I was referring to during the actual act."
"I can't really describe it, it's an adrenaline rush when your instincts just kind of take over."
"Hmm, thank you. Not very helpful."
"Come here," you patted next to you on the bed.
Uncomfortably Tech shifted weight the pro's and con's but decided on sitting. Tech wasn't going to pretend the prospect didn't interest him in the slightest, but he wanted to know what made it so mind consuming. You traced a finger from his knee towards his crotch, then from his lips to collar bone and finally down down his spine.
"I don't know if you experience things the same way we do, but it's kind of like that. The anticipation of what's next but in a pleasuring way."
"Fascinating, people find that arousing?"
"You've never...?"
"I haven't seen the point, it's not essential information to preform my task."
"How about a partial demonstration for... scientific purposes?"
"I suppose it would help me better understand."
You walked over the door looking at him while throwing the latch to keep the door shut, he stood and up started taking off his armor pieces just leaving him in his blacks. You dropped your pants and upclipping your bra just leaving your panties on and lose shirt on and pulling the black shirt over his head. You gently pushed him towards the beds and he got the hint to lay down.
You let your tongue trace from his abs up to his neck, "You are going to have to tell me what you like," you murmured in his ear.
"The center of my chest made my heart rate spike a little bit."
"I need you tell me which three of these sensations feel better" you said alternating between kissing, licking, sucking and biting down his chest until where his blacks met his hips.
"The licking and sucking definitely did the most."
You dropped your eyes to notice a very slightly bulge starting, "Good."
You let your tongue trace his pecs and each muscle covered rib sucking a tiny trail down, letting your tongue trace the protruding muscle ridge around his hips.
"That feels good" Techs voice started shaking, it was quiet a pleasurable experience just being touch.
You hovered over him, letting your tongue trail from up grazing his Adam's apple and eventually kissing him letting one hand wander down to his blacks. You slipped your hand under the waist band running your fingerings along the little blood veins that stuck out. He inhaled sharply, a small amount of haziness beginning to cloud his vision. Your fingers find the tip and his hips buck out a little.
"Do you want more or do you think that's enough data for today?" Letting your fingers gently stroke one side.
"I am quiet over stimulated that my cognitive ability has declined a small amount. Will that wear off by its self within a reasonable amount of time or does this need to be completed?" His voice hitched every couple words.
"Sometimes it can take an hour or two. It's your call."
"Then let's proceed, it'll be my shift in an hour and I have to be-" you cut him off wrapping your whole hand around his cock, giving it a few pumps.
You removed your hand and pulled his blacks down to ankles, not quiet sure if you wanted to spend the time taking his boots off. You nuzzled yourself between his legs looking down at his arisen cock, letting your hand guide along the length of it. Keeping one hand on his pulsing dick you brought your other hand over his shoulder so you could stare down at him watching the complete haze take over his eyes with him trying to control his breathing.
"Hand, mouth or my soft bits."
"What do you recommended ?"
Tech was in over his head, but had to return to a state of normalcy so he be proficient, the racing heartbeat or the pound pulse between his legs had to subside. He tried to keep his hands still at his sides not knowing what to do with them, she interlaced one hand with his. Her touch was soft and warm, her mouth was even warmer against his. He may have thought he was above such behavior but biologically he did have a deep urge to finish. 
Her other fingers racked against Google band, "I want to be able to see this," he didn't know why that came out so suddenly but he was happy when she smiled at him.
He thought she was tender even with him, from what little he knew about the act it was always anything but and this was definitely unlike the noises he heard when she was with Hunter, this was something else.
Keeping one of your hand interlaced, you trailed back down him bringing your tongue to the bottom side of his cock and licking up to the tip. Your  tongue played with tiny split before taking him into your mouth. Instinctively he bucked his hips shoving him further into your mouth. You smiled around his cock looking up to see him staring down at you and his lips parted. Your tongue stroked the bottom of him while the small ridges the top of your mouth rubbed against the tip. You watched as his other hand went to his hair, taking a fistful of it. A tiny bit of pre cum escaped, a little moan escaped him. Your mouth retracted to the tip, sucking your cheeks in to add more suction as you took all of him into your mouth and even the beginning of your throat which moan him moan even more. You sucked harder when you felt his legs under you start shaking.
Your free hand trialed to the soaking parts, there was something so beautiful about someone's first especially someone who deserved it to be someone who actually cared. Your fingers found your clit, circling around your head causing little jerks in your hips and your breathing to stop and start. You moan reverberated on his cock causing it squirm in your mouth. Your hole started pulsating without anything in it, yearning for it to be filled but you didn't want to put him in this time; you just wanted him to enjoy it.
You stuck your fingers inside yourself, "Tech.." you moaned feeling what was was coming from your core to your toes trying to curl.
More salt escaped him, you took him back as far as your throat would allow. You kept bobbing your head, just barely and swallowing trying to coax his orgasm. It didn't take that long after moaning name. A lot came pouring from him down your throat, probably the most you've swallowed at one time. You opened your mouth but letting your tongue trail up getting any thing you missed and flicked it over the tip.
You were still on the verge of orgasming when he took your chin, "Look at me until you cum, I want to know if the response is the same" he said panting, sweating glistening down his chest and forehead.
Your whole body started shaking, your eyelids fell to have slits and you could barely keep your mouth closed. It was an intense almost painful release as you covered your hand with your own cum. Your hips and toes hurt from how hard you had them curled. His face was hard to read but he pulled you up and laid you next to him, both your legs still twitching.
"That was... unique," his voice trembled, looking at where he was finally beginning to soft and then at you.
You placed your hand on his chest and it shook slightly to the touch, "I don't know what was... I don't even think I could describe it," you said in disbelief.
"It's not always like that?" He asked trying to relaxing himself
"It's stronger depending on you're connection to the person."
"What was it like with Hunter?" He asked trying to distract himself from what just happened.
"Felt like I was going to be sick.. but in a good way and then really tired."
"That's how I feel," Tech said feeling his heart pound all over.
Putting yourself under his arm you put your leg on top of his, and listened to his uneven breathing. His face was unreadable besides the small tremble of his lips. You down to see a little more fluid had spilled out of him. You wiped it off of him and stuck it in your mouth lapping it up, another soft moan escaped him.
"You held back a lot of noises didn't you?" You asked him.
"Indeed. It was... a lot of stimulus at one time."
"Sorry, I probably should have used my hand."
"It was still quite pleasant. I'm not sure if my legs could support me right now."
"I don't mind if you stay until your shift."
You grabbed his hand laid it with yours on his chest, his breathing finally starting to steady. It was peaceful. You looked at him, taking his form in. A single tear escaped your eye.
"Did I inadvertently do something?" Tech asked puzzled.
"No. You didn't do any thing, handsome," the compliment slipping out.
"Then what is it?" He flustered shifting his googles.
"Worried you all will die too"
"While it is bound to happen, that is not something you need to concern at this moment."
"Do you know that you smell nice?" You asked changing the subject.
"Given how much I was sweating, I doubt that."
"No you do," you said licking the semi dried sweat on him.
He shuddered a little bit, "I feel obligated to let you win this."
"Thought so," you said letting out a laugh, "Does this complicate things?"
"If you're meaning between us then no."
"You're still thinking about it aren't you?"
Tech rolled himself over you, pinning you under him, "I also feel obligated to try to distract you," leaning down and kissing you.
Tech scolded himself, he wasn't versed in ways to comfort someone but hoped this enough to take her mind off of it. He didn't want to talk about how he was very aware she was going to outlive all of them whether they died in battle or the accelerated aging. However he could make her happy in the now.
He kissed down your neck, you could tell he was trying to imitate what you did trying to figure how what he liked... he was very good at figuring things out. He slide his hand under your shirt gently scooping your breast up and running his thumb over your nipple. It harden to his touch, he slide the baggie shirt over your head leaving your chest exposed for him to look down at. His fingers traced were he had put the patches when you were done with Hunter, conflict read across his face.
"Your turn, what is it?"
"If leaving the marks hurt why people do them, I understand it’s a territorial mark but besides that what is the appeal?"
You pulled the side of his throat to your mouth, sucking each kiss down until you finally the perfect spot, "Kriff" the moan escaped him almost like a plea which caused you to suck harder on the spot.
"Because of that feeling," you said letting go.
"That... elicited a reaction."
"Do you want me to help you with that again?"
Tech’s leg involuntarily started lightly shaking, he finished kicking off his shoes and his blacks. "I rather this time be more pleasurable for the both of us. Because this time it feels... more painful."
Your hand fluttered to his cock, it was definitely harder then before with warm droplets of precum falling on on your stomach. A very light red glow spread across his face, who pulled a hand up to fix his googles. You put it together he does it when he's nervous and found it seriously cute.
You pulled your underwear to the side, "Do you want to be on top? Or do you want me riding you?"
He inserted himself slowly into your soaking hole, gliding in without any resistance. He pulled himself almost all the way out slowly pushing it back in. He was gently scooping his arm under your armpit so he could hold the back of your neck. Your core tightened pulsating your vagina around him. A string of moans escaped him each louder then the last.
"Quiet, the other are going to hear."
"They already have," Tech said quickening his strokes, "I'll let them hear you instead," he added being a little rougher with his pounding making your vocals louder then his.
With his grip on the back of your neck he tilted your head towards his, “Say my name again,” he deliberately slowed his pace nearly pulling out each time before gliding back in.
Your eyes were barely staying open, “Tech… please.”
“Krifff—“ he said pounding himself into you full force, trying to control how loud you both were forgotten.
Tech didn’t understand where the sudden feeling came from, sex was a basic human desire but one that had alluded him until now. He wanted nothing more then to cum in you, he was starving and wanted nothing more then to feast upon you to get this urge out of his body so he could go back to normal. He watched as your eyes kept threatening to shut but would jolt back open with every thrust back in.
“Tech- I’m going to—” you felt your hips start tilting forward, toes curl and your cum coat his cock.
“If you can do one more time,” he panted, his abs visibly tensing and relaxing.
You quickly moved two fingers down to your clit and went to town on it, causing your complete lower half tremble. It wasn’t long until you came again completely squishing his cock with your orgasm causing him to paint your insides white and he kept going until he was sure everything was out.
“I could do that all day…” Tech said trailing off.
“If it’s like that every time, I’d let you” you panted, barely being able to hear anything over your raging heartbeat.
"Tech. You're never late," you both heard Echo's voice from Techs com-link.
You giggled as he got up and nearly failed visually watching his thigh muscles twitch, "I'll be there in a couple moments," quickly retrieving a small towel from his tactical belt pouch so he could dry off his soaked dick to put his clothes back on and tossed you the mink towel.
You folded in up and put your underwear back correctly so it could hold the towel in place, "I'm gonna to shower, I'll leave after you."
"There isn't much on this ship that happens without each other knowing and given how loud we both were more then likely everyone knows.”
“Yeah everyone knows, and we’re going to talk about it as soon as reaper gets out of shower,” you both heard Hunter say through the coms.
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clonelyhours · 9 months
Pairing(s): Commander Cody x gn! reader
Tags/warnings: Jedi! reader, taunting, dom! reader, fluff
Word count: 1.1k
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Being a commander in the war could be tough at times, but as a co-commander, some of the weight was lifted from your shoulders. You aided in Commander Cody's role in the war, except, it didn't feel like that at times.
Whenever you would attempt to give mission reports or orders to the men, Cody would talk over you and do it himself. It's not like you went to your master, Obi-Wan, and complained about it to him, as he thought you to be as childish as Anakin was. Complaining would only make it worse.
So one day, you decided to confront the clone about it. You'd finished with a briefing and were ready annoy him once you got him alone. "Cody, I need to talk to you, now."
   Complying with your need, he went off to the side with you to have a private conversation. "What seems to be the problem, commander?"
Your crossed your arms and glared at him like your life depended on it. "Oh, we're going to play that game?"
   Cody shrugged just before removing his helmet. "What game—"
"You need to stop talking over me at every briefing and mission report." You snapped. "I've put up with it for way too long and now I'm sick of you treating me the way you do."
"Listen kid." He rolled his eyes. "I wasn't bred in a lab only to share my position with someone. The men listen to me more than they do, you."
"First off, I'm chronologically like five years older than you." You crossed you arms. "So watch who you're calling a kid."
"Excuse me?" He looked at you in shock.
You hid your forming smirk and stepped closer to him, grabbing his chin with your thumb and index finger, forcing his eyes to meet with yours. "You heard me Cody, don't call me a kid anymore, and don't treat me like one. After all, I'm sure that my master wouldn't like to hear about this. Understood?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes... commander." He lowered his voice.
Finally, you released the clone from your grip and turned your back on him. "You know Cody, you don't always have to be in control."
"Wait." He grabbed your wrist, stopping you from walking away. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"The chin thing."
"You mean this?" You grabbed his chin once more and raised one of your eyebrows. "I uh... I dunno." A blush rose to your cheeks, his eyes locking with yours. "But.. I have to go, I-I'll see you around Cody." With that, you spun around and left the room in a record time. The clone now stared at the exit in which you had left, starstruck.
The next few days had been awkward between you and him. Master Kenobi did take note of that, but decided not to ask about it, as he had far more important things to worry about. Cody had improved in sharing the commanding spotlight with you, and sometimes, he'd just let you take control of everything.
  But that was no fun. You began to miss the small arguments with your fellow commander.
Because that was an excuse to spend more time talking to him. Recently you had been so lost in your thoughts, that you hadn't been able to tell that he felt the same way too, only, he had it worse. The way that you had grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you had only made his desires grow. He was the one in control, and he wanted you to know that, but why had he given in to your demands? Why did he feel vulnerable whenever he caught your gaze from across the room, when he was just standing next to you?
Why did his heart do a flip whenever you talked to him?
As Cody tried to think of the answers to these questions, he subconsciously began walking to your quarters. Now he stood in front of your door in confusion, thinking about what he planned on saying. Once he finally gathered up the courage, he removed his helmet and knocked on your door.
When you opened it, your lips parted and then quickly closed, your eyes shifting down to the helmet tucked between his arm and hip.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked in such a soft tone, a tone that you'd never heard from him before. "Of course, come on in." You moved to the side. He stepped inside and awkwardly waited for you to close the door. You then went to sit on your bed, where you crossed one of your arms and began to pick at the dirt underneath your fingernails. "What's up Cody?"
"Sir- Commander-I mean..." he looked anywhere but at you, his eyes finally resting on your lightsaber which laid on your desk. "I-" he choked on his words, guilt suddenly washing over him. "I actually have to go."
"Sit down." You patted the empty spot besides you. Not wanting to disobey you, he did as told. "What's wrong Cody?" You hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder in hope that he would relax. Instead, Cody nervously began to tap his fingers against his helmet and bounced his knee. "I..." he croaked. "I can't stop... thinking about you."
You could've sworn to the maker that you heart stopped beating. Slowly, you looked at Cody, trying to make sure you heard that right. "Y-you can't stop thinking about me?— I can't stop thinking about you."
His eyes instantly locked with yours, head shaking in disbelief. "Why? I'm... just a clone. I'm nothing special—"
"Don't say that." You hesitantly reached a hand towards his cheek. "You're special to me. You're important to me, Cody. You get on my nerves sometimes, but I still... I still like you."
The side of his face nuzzled into your touch, almost as if he were melting under the warmth of your hand. Your thumb grazed against the bottom of the jagged scar that curved around his eye, a frown on your face. "Why do you think that?"
Cody slowly leaned in closer to you, breath shallow. "I share the exact DNA with millions of men."
"But you're not all the same." You began to lean in too. "You're a commander, a leader... you take care of your men, you take care of my master and I... don't ever let anyone tell you that you're the exact same as every other clone— you're in control of the person you want to be, Cody."
You were right. He was in control of the person he wanted to be, of the decisions he made. He was in control of the question the spilled from his dried and chapped lips. "Can I kiss you, commander?"
"You may, commander." 
And your lips met with one another's, molding perfectly together.
From now on, it would be the two of you in control of your future together.
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noblemaiden-world · 2 years
Start here -> Episode One -> Episode Two -> Episode Three
— Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!jedi!reader x Suitless!Darth Vader!Anakin Skywalker
—Words count: 3.5k
— Warnings: pregnancy,slightly ptsd
— Disclaimer: some words in italic will be use as well in past phrases situation as in thoughts,I hope everyone will be able to understand 😅 btw,soon the story will be set in Kenobi series altogether with your own backstory flashbacks.!!!Reminder: English is not my first language and this is my first imagine/story,be easy on me cuz I'm emotional lmao.
Summary: Events before Kenobi series,a brief part of your life before the Republic fall,you will always love Anakin,unfortunately the dark side ripped him from you, leaving a heartbroken wife,nevertheless you don't accept being easily defeated,standing strong and tall,well you guess at least.
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(Y/N) narrative
Before the Order 66 I've already left the order,why?Things were turning dangerous between me and Anakin,a year before  I got secretly married just C-3PO,RD-D2 and my master being our presents witness.Anakin was against the idea of my master being present,but still he's like a dad to me and we'll,the moment after my first kiss with Anakin he discovered,nothing more than fair.
When I said I wanted to leave the order,each one master sitting on their setas was astonished,master Graham also got caught by surprise,his eyes had a dreadful stare at me,Yoda were the first to say something asking why I'm leaving,I couldn't say; "-Master Yoda,fortunately I'm a blessed Jedi,because I'm pregnant so that is the reason I'm leaving the order,not because I do not agree with the methods,well that's a good reason to leave too and since Ahsoka left...I have my reason's."
Obi-wan and Graham looked at me again while I was leaving the room,Obi-Wan face was blank and Graham face was saying "-Wait for me,we need to talk,don't you dare leave without explain why the heck you're leaving the order."
I'm frightened,I hid this pregnancy since the beginning when I knew.
I was ready to leave,my lightsabers were on my bed rolled up in a cloth,my backpack filled with some clothes,the bare necessities and credits,well all of  them I will need to do my baby's bedroom and some beskar armour that I was given in past missions.
However when I was leaving my dorm a hasting tall figure gripped my wrist pushing me against the nearby wall behind me,surrounded by him I was,Anakin bloody Skywalker, my husband.
–Why are you leaving,why are you leaving me?Had I did something wrong?Y/n please...-both of his hands cupps my cheeks,his blues eyes scanning me carefully,but there's something up to behind that look.-Please reconsider,don't leave me,I can't lose you too,my love.
– Ani...-I raise both of my hands holding back his own.-I-I I'm pregnant.-I blurted out,well it seems now that the weight that I carried on my back has seemed eased,relieved indeed.
The Anakin first reaction was just stare blank at me,until a few seconds the beautiful smile that I adore sprouted,then his hands began to stroke the back/surface of my hands,while holding them he says;
-That's...That's wonderful
-What are we going to do...-I'm so scared,like me?a jedi PREGNANT?Well, this is the basic result of making love...Doing it multiple times,who am I trying to fool,there's is nothing to be ashamed of,this baby is a blessing.
-We're not going to worry about anything right now,this is the happiest moment,happiest moment of my life.-honestly,this man is going to be the death of me.
Saying no more,his left hand that arise to cupps my face right side cut the space between our faces kissing me with such warmth,love and care.
Somehow my doors dorm slid open,making Anakin and me in an eye blink going inside while kissing,I do not want to be apart from his lips,but my lung begged for air,then after this kiss due to our erratic breathing,mostly by my part of course,Anakin with one of his hands still on the right side of my face and now the cybernetic one stronking my belly,now with a huge and visible bump he says;
–Darling,after giving birth to the baby will you reconsider coming back to the jedi temple,to the order, to my arms,won't you?-I sighs denying.
-Ani,when the baby comes to this world I will take care of him or her,soon all the master will discover that I had a secret baby and then, they will not accept me because I "betrayed" the Jedi path and I...
He interrupts me kissing me desperatel,his bare left hand holding the side of my face pushing me backwards against my dorm wall.
-Then I will leave the order with you,you're all that matters for me and now this baby too,we ran away to a good planet where nobody can find us and together we will raise our baby,this sounds good.-he pecked my lips on his once more,nevertheless I had to interrupt him,he can't leave the order.
-Ani,not here,not here.
-Yes,right here and now,we're already married,they cannot do anything to apart us,I won't even let this happen. ..-his right pressing my waist against his body over and over again,his hurried and hungry lips exploring my mouth,oh Force give me strength!
-Darling,wait.-I know that my body didn't want to give it away from my husband warmth body,thus one of us need to be wise.–You cannot leave the order Ani,you are the chosen one,remember you are the one who will bring balance to the force,besides that imagine what Obi-wan would feel if you leave him,you're like a son to him or brother it would be a blow to his heart after..you know,he can't lose you
His eyes softened,still holding me.
-What about your master too?You still a padawan my love,why don't you became earlier a jedi knight, why took so long?And now you're going to leave the order,who's going to look after you if not me and your master?Not far too much time ago you've been receiving kidnapping attempts,I worry about you y/n,this is not a selfish feeling,I do want to protect you even when I know that you can take care of yourself,please love please.
I can't look back at my decision now,what is done is done.
-Oh Ani,I will not going too far away from here,no need to worry,because I will be at a good apartment here in Coruscant with a marvelous sight towards the Sacred Temple,you can come anytime to stay with me.-anxious I was waiting for his response,he knows that I won't come back to the Jedi temple,as I reckon I will be raising my baby with a healthy childhood,thinking in this way...It would be delightful to have my husband by my side,fortunately or unfortunately he have his jedi duties,bring balance to the force and...
That's rubbish,this is so unfair,his whole destined to an old prophecy which I don't truly believe,this burden resting on his shoulders...
-I understand love.-he hugs me,closing the space of our bodies.- You are doing this to protect the baby,our little family,I understand now,but if you bethink again I will stand by your side as I've been always doing so.
-I love you,Anakin,make sure to sneak out from your dorm and lay with me at the night.
-Goes without saying that.-he tilts his body calmly kissing my forehead.
After our wee fight and then the reconcilement,Anakin left me to solve his others duties,wasting no time I finally walked away,until in the huge outdoor hall of the Sacred Temple,master Calian came rushing to me with a stern feature,I had hidden this pregnancy even from him,probably he's gonna kill me.
-Wait,stop walking girl.-yeah,he's mad.-Why are you leaving,why?
-I'm so sorry master,but I had to do so if not...I would be expelled in another way wanting it or not.
-No,you would not,because if you were so,I would go with you,I promised you years ago,young lady you're like a child of mine own which I'm willing to look after,you cannot just turn your back and r...
-Master,I'm pregnant.-I cut his speech.-I can't talk any longer,not here at least,someone...-I lowered my voice.-Might hear us.
Master Calian just stared at me with no reaction,for the first time he did not know what to say,he has a sharp tongue and always snap back with a question or an answer, but now..I would have laughed by his features if this wasn't tragic,I know what is at risk,no matter what will happen my duty now is with this baby.
-W...I mean,holy moly y/n how did you...
-Master not here and you know pretty well how I ended up with a baby inside my belly.
Did he forgot that he was the one that I invited to my secret marriage with Anakin back in Naboo?
[Time breaks]
At y/n new apartment,her master Calian Graham was rubbing his forehand, thinking and bethinking,his kid pregnant?Anakin Skywalker being the father,a stubborn and reckless Jedi as he was,well his padawan is not a saint,he knows but the picture of her being the little kid that he once took to the jedi temple and beyond that,you're gifted with amazing force abilities which is the reason you have troubles with kidnapping and murdering attempts and now that you left the order,how he's gonna look after you and after your baby within pretty well will have an uncountable midi-chlorians running through it body-veins.
Graham lecture you,even though he can't blame you of anything because he's the one who did nothing to spare you or Anakin attachments from each other.
-Y/n...-with a soft voice he starts.-The war it just the beginning to something bigger,I don't know exactly what is going to happen,but I felt it and I know that you too know.
-I try to ignore now,master I'm due in a few weeks,I can't be stressed or worried,it's unhealthy to my baby and even me,please I know what is at risk but I can't look back now,please don't look at me with in this way,I know that now you want to leave the order to help me and Anakin, I know that you also like him what I wanna mean is...Don't leave the order,not right now,I'm begging you master,look after him cause you're the one who have the mind in the right place.
Calian sighed defeated by his padawan,she was not even a jedi knight yet, how will she... No, calian has trained you too well and knows that if you managed to hide your belly bump for nine months until almost the end of your pregnancy stage from him, you are capable of taking care of yourself,you're one with the Force and the Force is with you,no matter what.Defeated,master Graham agrees to your terms, he would look after Anakin.
Time has passed,it was night at the time when Anakin with his bare abdomen raise his body from a nightmare in which he saw you dying in childbirth,screaming and sobbing,how such suffering.He got out of your sharing bed,picking up something to wear going to the main room be thinking about what he had saw in his nightmare which now he's saying to you it was a vision,which you half-half did not believed,"there's something behind it,I deep inside I know it" your senses are telling you,differently when his mother were kidnapped.
Firstly when he abruptly woke up and got out bed,you missing his warmth body, letting a cold air mass touches your skin beneath the blankets making you wake up
You come to meet him by side wearing a silky marine blue robe,approaching Anakin body your touch trespass against his back neck and the bottom of his curly hair.
-What is bothering you,Ani?
-Nothing.-He touches the jappor snippet necklance that he has given to you when both were kids,you being two years older than him.-I remember when I gave this to you.
"Something is really bothering him,I know Anakin like the back of my hand,he's trying to change the subject.I will no more wait for his honesty when it comes to be too late."
-Anakin,how long is it gonna take for us be honest with each other?-slowly his face dodges to the side staring to somewhere when he speaks,finally.
-It was a dream like the ones I used to have about my mother just before she died and...
-Ani.-you softly says,now picking timidly his right hand and with the other free hand you caress his shoulder.
‐[...]It was about you.
-Tell me.-you say so he could continue about his "dream".
-It was only a dream.-therefore he says, getting up again leaving your touches behind,you hated seeing him in this way.-You die in childbirth.-thus he continued turning to see you,the way he's looking at you,you did not even think when the question blurbs out of your mouth.
-And the baby?-you put both your hands on your belly as if it would protect what's inside,you want this child more than anything,thud this is not the only reason why did you leave the order.
-I don't know.-you shakes your head ignoring what was plotting in your mind and approach Anakin newly.
You shake your head ignoring what something was plotting in your mind and approach Anakin newly.
-I won't let this one become real.
-This baby will change our lives,master Calian found a way to give me back my lightsaber and afford me a good shuttle and if the council discovers that you are the father you'd be expelled.
-I know I know.-analysing his features, he was thinking in something else moving his engloved hand as if it was saying to me calm down.
-Do you think...Obi-wan would be able to help us?
-We don't need his help.-he continues.-Our baby is...-his grip tighteness around you body bringing you near him,finally letting a small smile sprout, hugging you firmly,with you in his arms he knows that you will be away from any harm.
Then both of you came back to your huge bed together,you comforts him so he would be able to sleep in your embrace,now it was your turn to know that while he is around you,inside your embrace and care you knows he would be safe.
Henceforth, while Anakin was not around and no one else, you in your room with a small notebook wrote down possible names for your future baby, though you did not even asked yet Anakin's opinion, the list was getting longer, you checked if the name chosen by you matched with the surname of your beloved, Skywalker.
-Luke hmm Skywalker?Leo Skywalker,hmm nah...Maybe Timothee?Hm nah.-you looked out at the window and in hope,as if it was a pray,you ask the force.-What do you think,which name could match,when the time arrives,will you help me?-finishing the sentence,quite immediately a calmly cold breeze whoosh past your face making you feel a slightly shiver over ye whole body,most people wouldn't believe you if you told 'em  that you have literally an amazing bond with the force,gifted you already know that your baby would be so,there's is no doubt that your genes with the Skywalker ones would create powerful child,nevertheless you want to raise your child in a peaceful way,not raise it with all the jedi stuff.
When went to prepare something to eat, an awful seating sound echoes all over your mind, stopping abruptly holding on the kitchen table edges, grunting with one of your free hand resting on ye forehead trying to make this stop, "What's going on?" You wondered, until how multiple flash-visions one behind the other without stopping into your head trespasses; "Fire, wash, lightsabers igniting sound,lightsaber meeting another one in a violent combat,blasters shootings and shouts; some of pain, others of crying and others before cease getting in an absolute silence, the scene now changed again but now you were walking, leaving a ship, the heat around embracing you,it was hard to breath.
Everything broke off in an absolute silence, the scenes that passed through your head had had stunned you, everything around you seemed to humms, still leaning on the end of the table you regained consciousness,motionless you had to sat down to catch your breath back,still the ringing rumble sounds was over ye whole mind messing with the multiple scenes that you saw,it let you unhinged...
-What was that...-you questioned vacantly with a shaky voice.
-Lady y/n what has happened?You're shaking,master Anakin will kill me if he knows something bad happened to you under my sight and protection.-the poor C-3PO was afraid of your health state,y/n didn't knew until he spoke that you're trembling.
-Oh no C-3PO,I'm fine,it's just...Something blew up my mind out of nowhere.
-Was this a dreadful sign,my lady?-he comes near you bringing a cup of water in which you accepted,but were just able to took a sip.
-I'm afraid so,C-3PO.
(Y/N) narrative
After this incident, everything was ruining,I felt his fiery love towards me being bigger alongside his fear of losing me,I've told him,I've told him!Plentiful times that I wouldn't die in childbirth,my desire to live was higher and I knew, the force is by our side but he just didn't heard me and it hurts,I felt him detaching from me,he said he was gonna protect me,not letting his vision turns out real.
Deep inside me, I sensed all of this mess was planned since the beginning of the Clone Wars,searching for help I used the Whisper to reach my master and I said what was probably the plot,the jedi were gonna bury their own graves,I begged through the Whisper to Calian speaks with council about sending my husband to spy the chancellor,every time when I was near of Sheev Palpatine,a huge discomfort wave caused havoc in my force senses,as if they're saying since the beginning; "Beware,beware,he's not trustworthy,stay away from this man".
My master tried to warn the council,but their narrowed minds were already late when the truth came out, too late.
I saw the smoke coming out of the Sacred Temple, I started sobbing,I tried pack my things and go to the Temple so I could help those who might be alive fighting, but my master and C-3PO fought against me,they've told that I must care for now about my baby,if I went to the action I could lose it or even the worst,die in action.
Unlike me,master Graham went to the temple,of course I outcried him not go,but it was in vain.
Threepio attempts to make me calm was working,until Anakin arrives to figure out if I was kept safe and to wait him come back from his duties,which one?He didn't told me,just kissed tight helding my body against his.
-Anakin,I am afraid.-I touched his tunic fabric looking deep in his eyes,trying read beyond.
-Have faith,my love.Everthing will be soon set right.-he caress the sides of my face with both of his hands.-The Chancellor has given me a very important mission.-my eyes sways between his eyes and his lips,listening carefully what was he saying.-The separatists have gathered in the Mustafar system.I'm going there to end this war.Wait for me until I return,things will be different,I promise you.
And then he leaned down holding the edge of my face with a few strands of hair stuck into his hand, kissing me tenderly until he splits from me.
-Please,wait for me.
I saw he's getting inside his ship and C-3PO and RD-D2 arguing about something,I should have said something,blocked his way with my body,preventing him from what was coming,I'm so so dumb geez,I failed him,I should have fight along his side against the dark forces.
I can't lose the ones I love.Then I put my hands on the top of my belly bump whispering; "hold on little one,mommy is going to help daddy,all my force is being drained and I'm not qualified yet to fight or use them without losing control,but I must do something,will ye help mommy,won't ye?"
A humble smile sprouted across my lips while looking at my huge belly,is that size normal for only one baby?I don't know,this is the first time that I got preggie...
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Rynn worries so much for her husbands, I love seeing them dote on each other 🥰
She does. And they worry about her just as much.
Rynn yawns widely as she makes herself some tea. It's early. Stupid early. None of her boys are awake yet, and yet she feels like she has to be awake. It's awful. She takes a small sip of the herbal tea, hoping that it'll settle her just a little bit. Though, the only thing it did was wake her up a little bit, and sharpen her senses. Sharpened them enough that she noticed that Jedi sitting outside the beach house. Rynn considers ignoring them for a time, but she already knows that she won't do that. So she slips into the hallway bathroom quickly ties a headscarf on, and she pulls on a long sleeved shirt, before she pushes open the front door. "...Master Kenobi." She's not happy to see him. At all. He smiles kindly, "Rynn. I was hoping we might be able to talk." "I'm on vacation." She replies as she steps out of the house and shuts the door behind her. "People like us don't get vacations." "People like you don't get vacations." Rynn counters, "but I'm different." She folds her arms over her chest, "I would say you have thirty minutes before my boys wake up, so talk quick." "They really don't like me at all." "You haven't exactly made yourself likable, no." Rynn replies, "Well?" "Ah. Right...well-" ********* Boss wakes up alone. And he hates it. It's so much better when he wakes up with Rynn still in his arms. He, grouchily, steps into the living room and sees Rynn, dressed up more than she has in the last two months, twisting a tea cup on the table in front of you. "Why are you so dressed up?" He asks, his gaze flickering to the head scarf and the long sleeved shirt, "Cyare?" "Master Kenobi came to deliver a message," She says slowly. Boss pauses and his eyes narrow at her, "You're leaving." "Not for long. Shouldn't be more than a couple of weeks." "We're on vacation." "I know." He walks over to her and wraps her arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head, "Where?" "A Cruise Ship near Nar Shadaa." "Slavers?" "Isn't it always?" Rynn asks with a wry smile, "Thank you for not arguing with me." Boss hums and kisses the top of her head, "I'm going to extend our vacation two weeks for every week you're gone." She laughs, "Deal."
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veny-many · 8 months
I expanded this crack AU idea from my sketch.
*General Chat for Jedis: talking about your Clones*
Only Adi: <Attachment of 30 pictures>
Only Adi: Masters come in
Only Adi: We're in emergency
Only Adi: Out Commanders turned to babies
I'm on highground: What
Only Adi: Commander Neyo and Bacara are in child body. And their mind as well
Key Adi: hlp
Mace will do: Master Adi, you didn't need to attach 30 pictures of younglings as a proof if you wanted our help
Only Adi: That's not a point
Mace will do: Indeed, that is not a point, that's what I'm saying
Explorer: <Attachment of 50 pictures>
Mace will do: What the kark
Explorer: Are you alright, Master Ki Adi?
Key Adi: Adi why do I need to take care of them all
Key Adi: One of them is yours
Only Adi: Focuse on kids I'm calling a help
Only Adi: You are the rare experienced of real parenting people in this whole GAR Ki Adi. I made right choice
Key Adi: They are dragging my beard
Mace will do: Okay, everyone calm down
Mace will do: And Master Plo what the kark are those pictures of boy
Explorer: Seems like many of us have the same situation.
I'm on highground: Is he your Commander, Plo?
Explorer: Yes, and he is sleeping under my robe right now.
Only Adi: Please tell us how to make them sleep. Master Ki Adi is now became the human climbing tower of children
Only Adi: Why are he saying this is fine
Mace will do: Of course because he is experienced of suffering of parenting. Not like us.
Explorer: Give them a food. The proper warm foods that is cooked and not rationed. Give them a warm milk if you have. If you can the sweet treats are best. Make them sit in fluffy place, make cozy and warm, or give them blankets. Tell them a story, and they will sleep eventually. And then you can carry them to bed for comfortable sleep.
Key Adi: That only works for the kids like your Commander
Key Adi: This ones are not that type. They will tear apart those blankets I can feel it
Only Adi: Then what should we do
Key Adi: The only way to make them calm is making them exhausted after playing long time
Key Adi: So Adi yes we need to be suffered together so get back here
Only Adi: I will take the turn there when you're knocked out
Mace will do: I think we need to check our Clone Commanders. Report your Commander's state after you checked.
Skyguy: OMK Obiwan hear me out
Skyguy: Rex is BABY
I'm on highground: Yes we know Anakin. Read the chat
Explorer: Please refer to my chat little 'soka. It may help you.
Snips: Oh my force your so great Master Plo
I'm on highground: Masters, I may inform you that my Commander... is sleeping on the chair in his children body.
I'm on highground: And he is holding my saber. How did he found my saber, I thought I lost it
Skyguy: Where is your 'Saber is your life', Master?
I'm on highground: Guess your children problem has been solved, Anakin?
Skyguy: Wait that's not what you mean
Skyguy: OH KARK
Snips: WTK Skyguy
Skyguy: OH KRIFF
Explorer: What
I'm on highground: Uh oh
Departure: What
Shark tea: What
Green troll: What
Allie of you: What
Snake eater: What
Kolarboration: What
Only Adi: What
Only Adi: Also situation report: Ki Adi is knocked out by exhaust. It's my turn to play with them. Wish me a Force.
I'm on highground: May the Force be with you Master Adi
Departure: ...something is wrong
Shark tea: What is it, Master Depa? Not the Skywalker one.
Departure: My Master should become more aggressive in chat when he read about this chatting
Departure: He is so quiet.
Skyguy: Oh that's right I was thinking about him where is he?
Explorer: Master Windu, are you there?
Shark tea: You are making us worried
Departure: My opinion is he is knocked down by his headaches by the numbers while witnessing this chaos
I'm on highground: That's logical Master Depa
Mace will do: He came back
Mace will do: I thought he was dead
Skyguy: what
I'm on highground: Are you alright Master Mace?
Mace will do: Everyone check the deceased Commander's room. Don't care if they have other owners now, or got not. Juct check them right now
Skyguy: Oh my force don't tell me no you have
Snips: ...Master Mace, Ponds is there?
Mace will do: Yes
Snips: ....in child body?
Mace will do: Yes
Mace will do: I need to check his head right now. Mace out.
Skyguy: He didn't care about me
I'm on highground: Yes
Skyguy: He is so broken right now
I'm on highground: Yes
Shark tea: How many of chaoses we will face today
I'm on highground: Yes
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Rewatching this scene for the sweet angst, something struck me. In hindsight it's extremely obvious but I'd never thought about it this way.
There's the very obvious parallels with Qui-Gon's death, down to Satine caressing Obi-Wan's cheek, there's that amazing bit of mirrored exchange, where Obi-Wan starts off confrontational and angry and Maul gloating, and then Obi-Wan becomes soft-spoken and empathetic and Maul starts to shake with rage and pain and can't even properly face him, and then there's this.
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Maul boasts that the Dark Side is "more powerful than [Obi-Wan] knows," that Obi-Wan's "noble flaw" is a weakness, so why is he trying to make him more powerful? Why tell him to use the Dark Side? Why basically give him a crash course about how it works? Does he want Obi-Wan to retaliate? To escape?
The obvious answer is that Maul isn't trying to make Obi-Wan more powerful. After all, he's well aware that Obi-Wan is a dogshit fighter when he's angry.
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Immediately after that last quote, he says "that is not the Jedi way, is it?" as a taunt, and again in The Lawless, he insists "You should have chosen the Dark Side, Master Jedi."
So he's simply trying to destroy him as a Jedi, right? Because he knows that's what make Obi-Wan who he is, and he blames Obi-Wan for robbing him of his status along with his life, so he wants to destroy Obi-Wan's life in the ways that matter (since, as Obi-Wan says, just killing him is nothing like destroying him). But if that's the case, then we're back to the "power" issue. What's the point of destroying Obi-Wan if it's by giving him what Maul claims is his own identity, and the key to freedom?
And imo the answer lies right here:
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Why would killing Satine make Obi-Wan share Maul's pain? Why would Maul regard the pain of losing a loved one (something he's completely unfamiliar with at this point) as equal to his torment? Why isn't he chopping Obi-Wan in half and keeping him alive with Nightsister magick instead? Why would the murder of one of Obi-Wan's loved ones, picked almost at random, be THE "moment" Maul has been thinking about "for years"?
I think he really isn't talking about Satine's murder in and of itself when he talks of pain. The pain he wants Obi-Wan to share isn't the pain of loss, but very simply the pain of living in the Dark Side.
That's why Satine really is just a "tool" to his vengeance, as he says, and not the main point. That's why he's so enraged that Obi-Wan insists on showing him compassion even through his fear and anger - being kind leaves you open to grief but protects from the agony of the Dark.
Maul wants Obi-Wan to Fall, to stop being a Jedi, not because he truly believes the Dark Side gives you good things, but because he knows the Dark Side makes you miserable.
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He tries to freaking teach Obi-Wan how to Fall, like Obi-Wan is a Sith apprentice, because being a Sith is the most miserable you're ever going to get! He tries to make Obi-Wan suffer by making him like him! He's so self-loathing his hatred of Obi-Wan materializes as self-hatred!
And hey, that greatly complements the end of the episode - Obi-Wan resists the Dark Side and escapes the planet, and Maul revels in it and immediately loses the only person he cares about and ends up crawling and crying while Sidious gleefully tortures him. Maul falls victim to every form of suffering he wanted to inflict on Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan flies away. In the end, Maul is proven right: being Fallen really f*cking sucks.
Really accentuate that Maul wanted relief above all when he sought out Obi-Wan in Rebels. He went to the only person who had shown him actual compassion, and the person he knew was best at resisting the Dark Side - so he could finally be free.
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dreaminghour · 1 year
Thank you <3
Star Wars. Obikin. This WIP was based on a "drunken confession" prompt. Post war's end.
"What're you looking at?" Anakin grumbled.
"You," Obi-Wan replied guilelessly.
Anakin scrunched one eye as he opened it, his brow furrowed.
"Why?" he grumbled.
"I'm just looking my fill now that we're mostly safe." He sighed. "Unless there's another Sith hiding in a clone factory somewhere."
"Urgh," Anakin said, sounding thoroughly disgusted. "Don't even joke."
"I know there's always dangers… That's the nature of what we've chosen to do…" Obi-Wan gazed off into the distance, but the hair on the back of his neck stood up as he realized that Anakin was staring at him. "What?"
"Does drinking make you maudlin or something? Yes, being a Jedi is dangerous. You're reminding me of the talk Qui-Gon gave me when he first picked me up."
At that reminder of how they'd come to be connected — his late master's penchant for picking up those who needed help most desperately — something raw broke open inside Obi-Wan.
"Listen, I'm trying to tell you something—" Obi-Wan desperately sucked down air, trying to not lose control but rapidly feeling there was nothing he could do, not about this, and certainly not about the unfeeling spiral and tilt of the galaxy. "I was never able to tell Qui-Gon just how much he mattered to me."
"Okay, hang on, I think I need to be sitting for this," Anakin said, sounding alarmingly awake.
Gonna tag this "obikin drunken confession" in case anyone wants to read more~
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years
For some reason, very few writing posts are about dialog. Like are you supposed to be naturally good at it, or just figure it out? Anyway, here are some tips that have been useful for me. (All examples come from the front page of A03, but the point is not to embarrass anyone. There is nothing seriously wrong with any of these.)
"I have work to do Leo. We need to find Mikey." Donnie responded, not looking over at Leo. 
New writers love to put character names in dialog. And try it sometime, actually say the name of the person you're talking to as you're talking to them. It's very intense, often kind of aggressive ("Clean your room, Leo.") When it does happen, it's usually a way to underline what kind of relationship you have with the person you're talking to. ("I'm sorry, Master Splinter." = I respect you, and see you as an authority figure.") ("We're cool right, Red?" = I want you to know you're someone I feel emotionally close to.)
Regulus groaned. "This will be fun."
“Reggie! Truth or dare?” Lupin asked
“Dare, Rems,” Regulus replied. No one else called him Reggie.
The nicknames get across a lot more meaning/utility/character development than just straight-up names would, so points. But my thing is, don't torture yourself. Just use "said." It's fine. It's a super common invisible word. You can't overuse "said" the same way you can't overuse "that." It honestly takes you out of it more if characters spend a whole fic "responding" or "observing" or "answering."
"Harvey, I wasn't flirting, I was just socializing. You know how much I love meeting and talking to people, men or not. You are the only one I ever wanted and you know that."
This is an example of 'on-the-nose' dialog. Even though the character is in a kind of intense situation, they're laying out exactly what they want to say very clearly, something people are are generally pretty bad at.
You can pack a lot of character development into a moment like this. This person has just been accused of flirting when they weren't - so does that make them angry? defensive? confused? let down? apologetic? scared? playful?
Movie dialog can get away with being more on-the-nose, because a good actor can bring all those different kinds of subtext to the same line. Like this bit from Revenge of the Sith:
OBI-WAN: Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!
ANAKIN: From my point of view the Jedi are evil!
Not "What do you know?" or "The Jedi threatened him!" or "He's given me more than the you ever have!" Just a very straightforward 'Well, from Anakin's point of view the jedi are evil, so why doesn't he just say that.'
But Hayden Christensen is a good enough actor to sell the line- he takes the slightly formal phrase "From my point of view" and delivers it in a way that sounds automatic, like maybe this is something he's been taught to say. I could believe that "From my point of view" is a phrase Obi-Wan has given him to use in arguments, and he's bringing it out here because they still have a teacher/student dynamic, and he's desperately hoping that somehow Obi-Wan might still be willing to listen. Imagine if once or twice in the previous films we had an exchange like "Anakin! What were you doing with those chance cubes!" "From my point of view, I was making it easier for the other customers to come up and talk to me," and then got hit with that exchange in the final movie.
"Turning yourself in frankly diffused a very unstable situation, and saved both sides a lot of trouble and probably some lives, and well... I thought I owed you that much."
This is a good example of a speaking quirk (I'm going though a few characters, all from the same fic.) Notice the code-switching. The character starts off very professional before becoming casual - they say "a lot of trouble" when they could have said "significant expense and effort" - which would be more of a match to "diffused a very unstable situation." So either they're getting comfortable with the person they're talking to, trying to make that person feel more comfortable, or else their professional mask is slipping for some reason
"Are you trying to paint yourself an honest thief? Ha!"
That "Ha!" is so nice because it's like... a little lame? But I totally buy that no one is actually going to tell this character that, because he's powerful. Great for a slightly funny sub-villain.
 "I gotta tell you about all the new jobs here! There's like, so many openings at the mines and in the factories!"
You don't even need to tell me this is a young character. That "like" does all the work for you.
"You want me to actively help you lot? Ha! What the fuck makes you think I'd ever do that?"
I like the combination of the precise and slightly technical "actively help" with the intense and in-your-face "fuck" and "you lot." There's a duality to this character. Like maybe they can code switch into 'expert' but choose not to. Intriguing.
Basically, you can have so much fun with a character swearing (or not), being formal (or not) using unusual words from their job or background, running scripts, talking too little, repeating themselves, having large or small vocabularies, phrasing everything as a question (or nothing as a question.) Gender, age, education level, location, background, profession, level of social prestige absolutely affect word choice and how characters talk... and if they're a robot, alien, angel, whatever - that's just an excuse to get even more stylized. (Heck, even over-using character names in dialog is a great speaking quirk for one specific character that you want to feel slightly intense/over-formal/other)
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niobiumao3 · 9 months
Hmmmm. Hmmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
My thoughts in no particular order:
Okay so, they answered The Question, and their answer is, 'There's no such thing as being Force Sensitive. Using the Force is like any other skill in terms of people being able to learn, just some possess a natural or early aptitude and some do not. In the same way many (most?) Art Schools wouldn't accept an applicant who has never once attempted a single bit of art, so the Jedi Order only sought out those with obvious talent from an early age.'
This tracks with Ahsoka's comment to Din that if Grogu simply stopped using the Force he would gradually forget how; likewise, not speaking a language or using a skill causes it to atrophy, and re-acquiring it can be difficult.
I'm back and forth on this. On the one hand you can argue Lucas always intended this because you'll notice in the movies proper the term Force Sensitive NEVER ONCE comes up. It's always 'strong with the force' or 'the Force is strong in my family', the same way you'd talk about a family where the parents and kids and grandkids all go into music or something. The concept of it being a Special Thing Someone Has or Doesn't Have is a later bit from the Extended Universe, and was arguably never once canonized.
On the other Lucas never really decried the concept of Force Sensitivity and in fact the midichlorian BS almost made it worse. Except even then he talked about it like 'everyone HAS midichlorians, some just have more than others'. So again with the concept of natural aptitude vs. learning it from nothing.
And on my third hand which I lost in Avengers: Endgame I can get why some people are upset by this development, because it implies well literally ANYONE can be out here using the Force. Does that make any sense?? And I agree it's a bit messy in the world building, because I cannot in fact use amazing artistic skills to literally mind control someone into letting me off without a speeding ticket. (Well, okay, maybe I could, but there's way more steps involved than 'Officer please fuck off' and him just doing it.)
NO MARROCK oh you're fine. Damn it he's going to die soon and we won't know anything about him.
Baylan I am going to be so sad when this series is over and you're not dead but they have to kill you off screen.
oh shin hates morgan like she fucking despises her and wants to kill her I love it. I love my savage goth wolf girl.
sabine and ahsoka making an awesome team at the pewpew, yes please
Huyang is basically Tech. I said what I said.
The bit where we're explaining the star whales now feels like it needed to be in episode 1 or 2 but whatever.
I am...on the fence about Jacen. The hair looked like...yeah. Does he have pointy ears? That will fix a lot of things.
Are we never going to mention Kanan. What was this with Sabine being like 'omg how can I possibly' her first master was blind!!!!! are we going to act like he's just not real?? ugh anyways.
aaaaah why does the episode end HERE???????? FUCKKKKK
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