#what the first movie said FRANK. you have to come up with something new FRANK
thegoblinboy · 4 months
So like I am not huge on prison aus, it’s not my personal cup of tea but I just watched Shawshank redemption (and idk if anyone else gets like this where they see a movie and idea fill your head but that’s what happened to me)
A scared, barely twenty year old Eddie Munsons life ends with the clack of the gavel. The eyes of the judge staring and judging down at him, a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes as the guards on either side of him move forward and take his left and right arm.
He’s in shock.
He didn’t do it.
Eddie Munsons world ends when he’s stripped naked, sprayed down, ass checked and tossed into a cell with his new identity in his hands. The hoots and hollers of other men echoing into his cell as he puts a brave face on.
His father didn’t raise a bitch, even though he barely raised him at all.
Eddie becomes what society wants him to be, after so many years of trying to prove them wrong he becomes the crook that everyone has seen since his birth. Not necessarily a monster but not necessarily an angel either.
The first two years in prison he finds himself in solitary confinement for numerous reasons. Looking at a guard wrong, making the wardens breakfast wrong, getting into a fight, caught fucking around, or his personal favorite talking too much.
The next two years he becomes pretty popular amongst fellow cellmates. Known to be able to entertain when things got boring. Not in a sexual way, as much as that sounded like an innuendo Eddie Munson actually made everyone laugh. With his story telling, jokes or charm. His talkative nature earning friends amongst the crowds.
Which was a good thing, he was living here for life.
Eddie’s twenty five when his world starts spinning again. His brown eyes landing on a newbie. A man whose name was currently blasted all over the radios.
Steve Harrington was a peculiar man. Walked around like he owned the place, something that most men around here didn’t appreciate. Whenever his eyes landed on Eddie, his stomach did flips. The guys joked about how he was pretty much drooling, twirling his hair and kicking his feet all at once when prissy boy was around.
It was no secret that Eddie had a thing for men, it was also no secret that Eddie never fucked around with anyone who didn’t give consent.
It must have been some sick joke from one of the guys, who must have pulled some strings to get the joke done. Eddie had a bunk mate already, one that slept above him and had ever since he got there. So when it was announced he was transferring out Eddie was suspicious.
His suspicions were answered when a certain brunette landed in his cell.
Neither of the say anything to each other the first three nights of sharing the cell. Eddie had taken over the top bunk, an unspoken rule that whoever was there first got it.
Steve slept on the bottom and didn’t put much fight to switching. It’s on the fourth night when the radio silence was broken. It was one of the guys from the cell next to them.
“Do you think they’re silently fucking in their frank?” Whoever had said it purposely made it come out louder so that both men could hear it.
“Nah, you know how loud Eddie gets his men. He’s been caught how many times by the guards?” Another voice returns, it’s further down the hall and Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes.
“Shut the fuck up frank! Or I’ll make sure the guards hear you choking on my fist!”
“Is that a promise pretty boy?!” Laughter goes through out the hall. Eddie’s rolling his eyes before he moves to glance down at the man below him. Who seemed a little red in the face and a bit scared, this was the first time Eddie’s ever seen him hold any obvious emotion to his face.
“Don’t worry sweetheart you’re not my type if I ain’t yours.” Eddie assures. Watching the others shoulders relax a bit.
Eddie’s hair is falling forward, hanging down as he grins a little. Moving his hand forward to the other. Careful not to fall as he holds his balance with the other. “Names Eddie.”
Steve hesitated before he moves forward and shakes his hand carefully. His hands smooth like he’s never worked a day of his life.
“I know.” Eddie grins as he asks, “so how long you in for. Need to know how long I got before I get a new face coming in here.”
“Oh- uh two years.” Steve answers gently.
“Oh that’s a cake walk, you’ve got this princess.” He winks before he moves to lay back on his own bed.
“How long you have?”
“I’m here until I stop breathing Stevie,” Eddie chuckles as he messes with the guitar pick he had. Scratching at it gently as he listens below him carefully.
“Oh.” A pause, “what did you do?”
“They say I killed a cheerleader,” Eddie answers easily. No longer bothered by answering that question. There wasn’t any point in trying to fight anymore. He was stuck in here forever anyway.
“Did you?”
Eddie snorts gently, “Nope. But lesson number one darling, we’re all innocent in here. Never gonna know who’s guilty until you get to know them, and even then that’s difficult.”
Silence falls over them once more before Steve asks, “how long have you been in here?”
“Going on five years,” Eddie moves and hops down from his cell. Moving to the built in shelf they had and grabs one of his comics.
“That’s a long time,”
“That it is.”
After that conversation things went more smoothly between the two of them. Casual conversations here and there, neither of them bothered bringing up the jokes that other cell mates made about them.
They don’t start to really get close until a year later. When Steve starts to grow out of his own shell and not the manufactured one his father made him. Eddie can feel the slight movement of his life going again, moving a few centimeters every couple of months.
It’s not until eight months after that when he starts feeling alive again. The hidden kisses, the silent moans and gentle touches of Steve Harrington fuel every beat of his heart.
It’s close to six years since Eddie’s been in here, and now he can confidently say that his father didn’t raise no bitch, because he didn’t raise him at all. It’s Wayne Munson who didn’t raise a bitch, he raised a lover.
And boy does Eddie love Steve Harrington. Every time the others hand carefully slides into his pants he feels like he can explode in more ways then just the obvious one. The way he tilts his head back and lets his mouth fall open, he doesn’t let a sound leave his mouth. Not wanting this place to claim anything else from him.
Though it’s not the prison that ruins it, it’s time. Steve’s last night comes way faster than either of them had expected. Both of them lay in the bottom bunk, carefully holding each other. Stars started to dim in both of their eyes as they talk about everything they wished they could do together.
Neither man knows what to do with themselves.
Eddie’s world stops spinning again when Steve leaves, his life leaving with him as he walks out of the cell and doesn’t return. He comes to visit once or twice but it hurts both of them more than it does any good.
Two years pass and it’s Eddie’s eighth anniversary of being in this cell. Cellmates coming and going.
It’s when a man comes to meet him when things start to change. Claiming to work for the innocence project who has gotten evidence (from another case similar to his) that proves Eddie didn’t do it. Eddie doesn’t know all the basics but he does end up walking out the door of that prison two years later. After a lengthy legal battle.
It’s been ten years and Eddie’s now thirty and unsure what to do with himself. Finding a job and place was difficult before he finds himself back at home with Wayne Munson.
Eddies life and world begin again when he hears the knock on his trailer door at the age of thirty five. When his eyes meet Steve Harringtons, whose eyes now have crow feet.
And as they land in his bed minutes later like they were at their prime Eddie lets the world, his world, Steve Harrington hear him for who he truly is.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 9 - Movie
@jegulus-microfic February 9 Word count 980
Previous part First part
Regulus woke in relative comfort. His wounds had all been healed, and he’d been allowed to sleep. 
His hair was moving strangely, though. He craned his head to get a better look.
James Potter was absentmindedly trailing his fingers through Regulus’s hair.
“Hi,” His voice was cracked and raw. But it was still understandable. James jumped. He hadn’t realised Regulus had woken up.
“Oh, hi. How are you feeling?” James asked, already scanning Regulus for signs of pain. 
“Good. My skin feels a bit tight where the cuts were, but I’m sure that will go away once everything’s fully healed.” James nodded in agreement. 
“Oh, I’m supposed to let them know when you wake up.” James pulled out his wand and cast the patronus charm. A huge regal stag shot out of his wand, casting them in its eerie blue light. “Tell Frank that Reg is awake,” James told the ghostly creature. It galloped away through the wall, and a moment later, they could hear footsteps crossing the floor above them.
Mad-Eye Moody came through the door, glowering at the reclining Regulus. Regulus put all his energy into not recoiling at the sight of him. He refused to give him that satisfaction. 
“I need details, and I need names.” Moody barked at him, getting straight to the point. Regulus appreciated that. He didn’t have the patience for niceties. “And you, I don’t want a peep out of you if I allow you to stay.” He ordered, narrowing his eyes at James. 
“Yes, Mad-Eye. I promise.” Moody looked at the cot Regulus had been sleeping on and waved his wand. Regulus was levitated into the air, and he watched as the cot transformed back into the chair it had been the previous day. He was lowered onto it. Then, the chair scooted itself forward until Regulus was at the table. 
Moody took a scroll of parchment and a quill from his robes and set them on the table. He then looked at Regulus pointedly, waiting for him to begin. 
“I don’t know how.” He stated but added when Moody glared at him, demanding more. “As far as I’m aware, those orders are being left until the last minute. So there are no leaks.”
“Does he think he has a spy in his organisation?” Moody interrupted him. His deeply scared face revealed nothing. 
“I’m not sure. He’s been keeping important information close to his chest more so than usual.”
“Alright. Names?” Moody moved the questioning on, clearly deciding that Regulus didn’t have anything else to offer about the actual attack. 
“Which one?”
“Both.” Moody nodded and made a note on his scroll of parchment. 
“All three,”
“Rodolphus, Rabastan and Bellatrix.”
“Ah yes, she’s a Lestrange now, isn’t she? I still think of her as a Black.” More jotting. “Any more?”
“Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Lee, Dolohov and Snyde.” He gave as many big names as he could. But left out his friends. Evan and Barty would be safe for now. 
“Hmm,” Moody murmured to himself as he scanned the list. "That’s a good lot to be getting on with. We know about most of these. But Lee and Nott, these are new leads. Well done, Black.” He stood up and made to leave. 
“Wait! What about me? What’s going to happen to me?” Regulus’s eyes darted between Moody and James. 
“Oh, I’ll have someone from the Ministry come and pick you up and take you to Azkaban,” Moody said blandly, carefully rolling up the parchment. 
“Azkaban?” Regulus felt his whole body go numb.
“You’re a death eater, Black. What did you expect?”
“You can’t do that to him!” James broke his promise to keep silent during the interrogation and leapt out of his chair. 
“I can and I will, Potter. He’s killed countless people on our side. Good people.” Moody didn’t even bother to look at them, already planning his next steps. 
“Please, Mad-Eye. There has to be something else. Anything else. Please, please don’t send him there.” James’s eyes had filled with tears at the thought of Regulus sitting in one of the cold stone cells of Azkaban surrounded by dementors. 
There was a sudden banging noise outside the door, and Sirius came barging in with Remus in tow. 
“Where the bloody hell have you been Black?” Moody shouted, already aggravated by James’s outburst. 
“Remus took me to see the new Monty Python movie. We told Alice we wouldn’t be long.”
“I don’t care about minty lizard motive. You’ve been gone for hours!” Moody snapped. 
“It’s Monty Python. It’s a movie, you know, a muggle motion picture. As for time, it’s an hour and a half film, plus the trailers, and I had to get popcorn, and—” 
“Mad-Eye’s trying to send Regulus to Azkaban, Sirius!” James interrupted before Sirius started explaining further.
Remus had to grab the back of Sirius’s robes to stop him from launching himself at Mad-Eye.
“Calm down, Sirius. I’m sure we can sort this out.” He turned to Mad-Eye. “Perhaps it would be best to discuss this later when we’ve all had the time to think.” Remus tried to be the voice of reason and stood between the two riled-up men. Moody grunted. 
“Fine. I’ll discuss this with Dumbledore. Get his thoughts on the matter.” He pointed a stubby finger at Regulus. “He does not leave this room. Is that clear?” 
“Crystal,” Remus responded, his tone cooler than usual. 
Four pairs of eyes watched Moody leave the cellar. As soon as the door at the top of the stairs shut, a collective sigh rang out. 
Regulus started shaking. He couldn’t go to Azkaban. James wrapped his arms around him and held him close. 
“Don’t worry, love. We’ll figure it out.”   
Next part
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promptthebear · 10 months
🐰 25 with frank castle!
Hello! Sorry this took so long, and congratulations on being my first Frank Castle fic!
Frank Castle x Reader- Jumpscare
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Prompt: I can't smile, I'm mad
CW: Established relationship, F!Reader, written in 2nd person, reader referred to as "you". Body shape, hair colour, eye colour left ambiguous
Summary: You're home by yourself and watching a scary movie. Frank comes home after being gone for awhile. Chaos ensues.
You should’ve known better than to watch a scary movie when you were home alone. But Frank was still away, there was nothing else on and you were already too invested to turn it off.
Which is how you found yourself, up past midnight and still watching the hapless teens meet their doom at the hands of a knife wielding killer. Your black lab mix, Riley, was loyally snuggled against your side, fast asleep and completely indifferent to your growing anxiety. You ran a hand down his back, mindlessly working your fingers into his soft fur to try and soothe yourself. It didn’t have the desired effect however, since you nearly jumped a foot in the air as the movie killer leapt out from a closet onscreen and snared yet another victim.
Riley jumped with you, his head jolting up and a soft growl rising in his throat as he looked around for the hidden threat. You couldn’t help but laugh at yourself, reaching down to rumple the dog’s ears to try and calm the both of you.
“Sorry boy, just the TV.”
Your dog stared up at you for a moment, before letting out a heavy sigh. You could almost hear the annoyance in the sound, as if Riley couldn’t believe you’d woken him up for something so stupid. You watched as he shifted position and tucked his muzzle beneath his paws, most likely trying to block out any further interference with his sleep.
“I hope your Dad comes back soon” you said, half to Riley and half to yourself “I always get so jumpy when he’s gone.”
The movie certainly wasn’t helping. Every creepy sound effect from the TV seemed to echo back at you from somewhere in the apartment, and you kept glancing over your shoulder as though you expected the killer to pop out the second you looked away. You thought about texting or calling Karen, knowing your friend’s cheerful disposition would soothe you instantly, but decided against it when you remembered how late it was. Even though you knew Karen would answer right away, you didn’t want to disturb her. She was so busy with her new job at the paper, and it was your fault for putting yourself in this position anyway.
“Watcha watching?”
“Jesus SHIT” you shrieked, flying from the couch the second you felt a breath ghost against your ear. Riley, good boy that he was, followed suit, barking for all he was worth and doing his best to get a grip on the slippery hardwood so he could put himself between you and the intruder.
Said intruder however, was none other than Frank Castle. He was standing behind the couch, eyes wide and hands held up in a submissive gesture. A bag of takeout from your favourite Thai place hung from one wrist, and his keys were still in the opposite hand, which told you he’d just come in. How had you not heard him?
“Frank!” you yelped, reaching down to grab a pillow from the couch and lob it at his head “What is WRONG with you?!”
Frank ducked, the pillow barely grazing his ear as it flew past. He was upright again in seconds, years of Marine training giving him reflexes you could only dream of.
“Hey now” he said, a lopsided smile already tugging at the corners of his mouth “Is that any way to greet your husband?”
A sigh buzzed past your lips as you sank back down onto the sofa, your heart pounding a mile a minute in your ears. Riley, upon realizing it was Frank and not the Boogeyman, had stopped barking and was now doing a happy dance towards his master. Frank smiled down at the big dog, setting the bag of takeout on a end table next to the couch and kneeling down so he could greet Riley properly.
“Hey mutt” he said, his voice soft as he rumpled the dog’s ears “You been taking good care of your Mom for me?”
Riley squinted up at Frank, his tongue lolling out in a doggy grin as his tail wagged a mile a minute, nearly catatonic with delight. Yes he seemed to be saying Please tell me a did a good job because I tried so hard.
Frank gave the dog’s side a couple more affectionate pats before rising and turning to glance in your direction. You could feel his eyes tracing your profile, but you refused to meet his gaze. Instead, you bit your lip and stared resolutely at the TV, though the credits on your movie had started to roll.
Nope. You weren’t going to look at him. Yes, he had been gone for at least a week and you had missed him so bad it hurt, but after that entrance he was going to have to work his way back into your good graces.
“Hey. Babe, look at me.”
The sudden closeness of Frank’s voice finally made you look up. He was leaning in front of you, his hands braced against the back of the couch so his arms made a cage around your torso. You could smell his aftershave and the coffee he must’ve drunk on the way home. It was a potent cocktail that made you want to grab hold of his collar and kiss him stupid, but you held fast.
“I haven’t seen you since last Saturday. Doesn’t that at least get me a smile or something?”
You ducked your head down, trying to hide your face from Frank’s probing gaze.
“I can’t smile, I’m mad”
Frank chuckled, the sound a deep rumble in his throat, before grabbing hold of your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He paused for a moment, gauging your reaction to the touch and waiting to see if you’d jerk away. When you didn’t, he gently tilted your face upwards so his eyes met yours.
You wanted to tell Frank to fuck off, that he was a jerk for scaring you and he wasn’t getting shit until he apologized, but any response you may have come up with vanished the instant his lips met yours. You melted into the kiss so quickly it was almost embarrassing. Within seconds, you had thrown your arms around Frank’s neck, clinging to him as though he was gone a year instead of just a week. Your eagerness wasn’t lost on Frank, and he pressed at the seam of your lips with his tongue, tightening his grip on your waist when you moaned in response.
You were about to open your mouth and reciprocate, when Riley pushed himself between your bodies, breaking off the kiss to give out some of his own. The two of you laughed as the big dog eagerly licked your faces, re-establishing himself as the centre of attention where he rightfully belonged.
“Ah, you missed me.” Frank said as he plopped down on the far side of the couch, leaving room so Riley could still sit in the middle. The big dog sprawled out as soon as Frank settled, his head in his master’s lap with his rear facing towards you for maximum pat potential. You happily obliged, scratching the spot between his hips you knew he loved.
“No way” you shot back, unable to keep the smile off your lips “I’m mad at you, remember?”
“Oh yeah? Well, you don’t kiss like someone who’s mad.”
You let out a snort and threw another pillow in Frank’s direction. He caught it nimbly instead of ducking this time, and leaned forward to tuck it behind his head. Once he was comfy, he held a hand out in your direction, loosely open with the palm up. With a sigh, you grabbed the remote from the nearest side table and handed it to him, turning back to grab the bag of takeout as he started to channel surf.
“You in the mood for another movie?” you asked as you placed the various Styrofoam containers on the coffee table. Like an idiot, you’d skipped dinner in favour of snacking on popcorn and the smell of the sai oua and fried rice almost had you drooling.
“I dunno,” Frank replied, his eyes trained on the screen “It all looks like horror stuff. You up for that?”
“Yeah. It’s not so scary when you’re here to protect me.”
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mags-writes · 8 months
Sunlight || Part II
Summary: frank helps out in the kitchen
Series Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical swearing, first time writing x reader, no use of y/n, no beta readers we die like ray nadeem
Pairing: frank castle x fem!reader
Authors Note: Short but steamy
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Frank, in under 2 weeks, had picked up your morning routine whereas Matt was still struggling with the little details after a month.
He had your coffee out and ready for you to assemble, he got everything out of the fridge that you both ate in the morning and in return, you had started packing both men's lunches. When Frank came home one day, laying a kiss on your temple and thanking you for the note you left in there ("thanks sweetheart"), Matt had turned to you with a frown and asked why he didn't get a note in his lunches. Frank gave a sarcastic reply in return ("you're blind, dipshit"), and in all honesty, you hadn't come up with an excuse until that moment. And secretly Frank hoped you would keep doing it just for him.
You were a sweet little thing to him. Always ready to greet him with a smile and something funny on the tip of your tongue. He ensured that sleeping on the couch you worked on during the day didn't get in your way. His military training kicking in with waking up well before you and folding up everything to put in the corner as silently as possible. It was the third week of his stay that you finally had a night to yourselves, Matt going out for drinks with Foggy and Karen for a celebration of some sort. You turned it into a movie night with a home-cooked meal. You got him helping in the kitchen, mindlessly chattering about something you were researching before Frank felt compelled to speak up.
"Can I ask you somethin'?" You stopped your stirring momentarily to look at Frank.
"Yeah, anything." You answered easily. So easily. So trusting.
"When we first met, you joked that I talked and smiled." He stopped his chopping, putting the knife to the side for a second as he set you with a questioning gaze. "Am I really that bad where you're from?"
"He talks to Matt, I'm sure of it. Considering Matt's his lawyer." You answered lightly. Frank noticed how when he came up in conversation there was always a very clear distinction between him and the other Frank. Other Frank was hardly around, a tornado of a man who came to New York to kill people and then left again, always at odds with Daredevil. "He just never does to me. It's all grunts."
"Is it bad I used to have a bit of a crush on him?" You asked, cutely scrunching your nose a little with a smile. What you said made his heart beat faster. "I thought I was making it obvious but apparently not."
"How were you actin' around him?" He abandoned the vegetables and instead came to stand in front of you at the stove.
"Hm, about the same as I am with you." You answer confidently, giving him a flirty smile that has his insides melting into goo. "You just actually reply to me."
"Nah," Frank chuckled, shaking his head and giving you a heated look. "That guy's just bein' a dick."
You scrunched your nose again and Frank knew that meant you disagreed. "I probably wasn't obvious enough."
"No." He said more firmly, making you look up at him with an eyebrow raised that had him willing to risk everything. "He's just a dick."
"What makes you so sure?" You ask with a crooked smile before going back to stirring on the stove.
"I'm dense, baby doll," he said, making you look up and freeze. Not at him, anywhere but him because you didn't want to know how he was looking at you. "I'm not stupid."
When he took a step towards you, your eyes snapped to his and you saw him with a small smirk. He reached out, laying a hand on your waist and came in closer making you hold your breath and your eyes dart down to his lips. He leaned in slowly, achingly slowly, tilting his head and at the last second tilted it some more. He leaned down to your neck, and you tilted it to the side almost instinctively, letting out that breath in a sigh as he gave your neck two kisses. He moved to give one last kiss to your jaw before taking his hand from you, a burning imprint of his hand being left behind and a smirk on his face as he turned back to cutting up the vegetables with his back to you.
You stood there, chest rising like you'd just come back from a run, watching his muscled back with wide eyes. You blinked, you had to or you would stand there all night gaping at him and you turned the heat down on your food so it wouldn't burn.
"That was mean." You told him, making Frank chuckle.
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pawnshopbleus · 10 months
Put Me in a Movie - Chapter Twelve
Miguel O’Hara x Fem!Reader
Summary - You’re a famous actress and he’s one of the greatest directors of all time. What happens when you get cast in his new movie? 
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Chapter Eleven
You had to tell Jessica that you were going to have dinner with her ex-husband. You were basically breaking the girl code by agreeing to have dinner with him. This was the first time you were going on a date with a friend's ex. Could it even be classified as a date? All you two were going to do was just eat dinner while Gabriella played with Fern. If anything, it was a playdate for Fern and Gabriella.
Who were you kidding? You liked him. You really really like him. You were essentially a nervous wreck every time he was around you. When he ditched you at the wrap party a month ago, it crushed you. You were ecstatic that you had another chance to show him that he really meant something to you.
You grabbed your phone from the counter and dialed Jessica's phone number. You began to pace around the room as you waited for her to pick up.
“Jessica, hi, it’s me. We need to talk,” you let out a deep breath and began to explain the situation. You told her everything from how you felt about Miguel to the kiss you shared in the hallway of your home. Jessica was silent the entire time while she let you explain what was happening.
“Well, I’m glad that you talked to me about this. To be frank, I could give two shits that you kissed Miguel. I divorced him because I didn’t want to be with him anymore. You two can have each other. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I was getting a massage from this really hot British guy.” Jessica hung up and you let out a sigh of relief.
Now, it was time for you to pick out an outfit. You needed something that was classy yet it showed that you didn’t care too much. You stared at the options that you had in your closet. You could wear the cute denim dress that you got a few months back or you could wear a red romper. You went with the denim dress. It was more practical than the romper anyways.
Now, for hair and makeup, you went with something more natural. It was a simple dinner after all.
You checked the time. It was five twenty-three and you were supposed to be at Miguel's by six thirty. You needed to leave soon if you wanted to make it on time. Miguel hated tardiness. You packed Fern into the car and began driving. Fern’s head was out of the window as the California breeze ruffled her fur.
You made it to Miguel's house by six twenty-six. You held Fern close to you as you made your way to the front door of his massive house. You rang the doorbell as opposed to knocking on the door. There was absolutely no way that anyone could have heard you knocking when he had a house that large.
Gabriella opened the door in a matter of seconds and squealed when she saw Fern in your arms. She thanked you profusely as she took your sweet dog from your arms. She also complimented your dress and said that you had great taste. The entire time you interacted with Gabriella, she was inside the house and you were still outside.
“Gabriella, let her in,” Miguel said as he stood with his arms crossed in the doorway that separated the foyer from the rest of the house.
Gabriella stepped aside for you to come in. You tried not to gawk at Miguel’s beautiful home, but you just couldn’t help yourself. His home looked like it was built in the nineteen twenties. The architecture was very art deco. Basically, his home could have been Jay Gatsby’s home from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
“Come, we’re having spaghetti for dinner,” Miguel beckoned you to follow him.
You followed him into the grand dining room that was set for two people. It looked very romantic. The lights were dimmed, there were candles lit on the table and roses in a pretty vase. Your brows furrowed. There were three of you eating dinner tonight, “Where’s Gabriella going to sit?” “She’s going to go eat in her room. She has her tea party table set up in there for herself and Fern.” You smiled at the thought of your little doggy up there with Miguel’s daughter. Gabriella ran up the stairs and into her room while Fern chased after her.
You and Miguel sat down at the same time. Then, worry washed over his face, “I should have pulled out your chair for you. I’m sorry. I haven’t done this for a while.”
You laughed, “Thank you, Miguel, but I’m perfectly capable of pulling out my own chair.”
“Can I get you anything to drink? Water, soda, beer, wine?” He listed all of the beverage options he had.
“Wine is perfect.” Miguel nodded his head and left the dining room for a second. Then, he returned with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. He poured your glass first and then his own. When he sat back down, you noticed that he was wearing the same shirt he wore the day you met. Nostalgia washed over you as you remembered that he had to carry your drunken body all the way up to your bedroom.
“So, what have you been up to?” Miguel asked. The question was simple enough that you could answer without much thought.
“Nothing much. Just making sure Fern isn’t eaten by coyotes and catching up on some shows that people have been raving about.”
Miguel sighed and rubbed his face with his hand, “To be honest, I’ve really missed you. I couldn’t go a single day without thinking about you. I don’t know what kind of spell you put me under, but it’s worked.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. He was the one who left you alone in your hallway after he kissed you. He was the one who was acting hot and cold. He was the one who made you go crazy ever since day one. He wanted you though and you wanted him.
“Isn’t this maybe too soon? I mean you said it yourself.” “Fuck that,” he shook his head, “I was scared. I thought that maybe you didn’t want me. I was coming up with excuses and that’s the one that came out.”
“Miguel, I - I don’t know what to say. I mean, I really like you, but I feel like you could do so much better.”
“Are you kidding me? I’ve been obsessed with you for years now and I finally have the opportunity to be with you. I’m not letting this go. If you want to be with me, I’ll gladly have you.” Miguel reached across the table and put his hand over yours. “I’ve dreamed about this moment since the first time I saw you.”
“What are we going to do?”
“We’ll start slow. I don’t want to rush you into anything that you’re not ready for.”
“So, does this mean we’re dating?” You immediately regretted that question once it came out of your mouth.
"If that’s what you want, then yes, we’re dating.” Miguel couldn't believe he just said that. He couldn't believe that after years of dreaming that you we're finally his. This day couldn't have ended any better.
Chapter Thirteen
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normalaboutdntm · 2 months
Playbill Presents: Death Note: The Musical Panel at NYCC2023
As described on the NYCC site:
"Following acclaimed productions in Japan and Korea and after two star-studded sold-out concert engagements in London, DEATH NOTE: The Musical is coming to New York Comic Con. Playbill will present a panel about the show featuring stars from the recent London concert (cast to be announced) and will offer a sneak peek into the developing production. "Based on the best-selling Japanese manga series (60 million copies worldwide) of the same name by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata / Shueisha, this groundbreaking musical (Winner Best Musical, Korea Musical Awards) has a score by Frank Wildhorn (Jekyll & Hyde, 4 years on Broadway, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Bonnie & Clyde) with lyrics by Jack Murphy, book by Ivan Menchell, and orchestrations and arrangements by Jason Howland."
And on Playbill.com:
"October 14's programming kicks off with a Death Note: The Musical panel at 10:30 AM. Set to appear are cast members Adam Pascal, Joaquin Pedro Valdes, and Dean John-Wilson; producers Yuzo Kajiyama and Jamie Chapman Dixon; and book writer Ivan Menchell, with producer Haley Swindal hosting."
For context, this was the earliest panel slot on the third day of a four-day con. Not quite prime territory (especially with the listening party as the last slot of the same day) but they still secured a really good turnout with a lot of cosplayers. Need I remind everyone, the manga is twenty years old, and the anime isn't much younger. So it's really a sign of DN's staying power and the love that people have for this show that congoers showed up in droves to check out this preview.
Unfortunately nothing of consequence was announced at this panel or at the listening party. I was hoping we'd get confirmation of the West End run or even a Broadway concert performance, but no such luck. I was also looking forward to the audience Q&A but tbh all the information we received was so fascinating that I'm glad Haley let the panelists talk instead of trying to keep time for that.
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[ID: Adam Pascal, Joaquin Pedro Valdes, Dean John Wilson, Jamie Chapman Dizon, Ivan Menchell, a translator, and Yuzo Kajiyama sitting on stage at NYCC while Haley Swindal stands at a podium.]
After thanking sponsors and bringing everyone on stage, Haley opened by asking each guest a question, starting with Yuzo, the producer of the original Japanese production.
[everything here not in quotation marks is paraphrased]
Haley: Yuzo, what about Death Note inspired you to turn it into a musical, and what were the steps you took to get there?
Yuzo's translator: When he started at Horipro in 2006, at that time all the musicals were imported. He felt the need to produce original musical shows from within Japan. And that was when he had his eyes on Death Note. Horipro already had a relationship with Shueisha, the rightsholders, from the DN movie.
He had two things he felt were important in making this:
The content had to be something that was internationally popular.
Light Yagami’s actor would always get recognized when he went abroad.
It needed to have some kind of extraordinary element to fit with the spontaneous singing.
The concept of the comic, a person who has their name written and dies and the presence of the shinigami, he felt was a perfect fit for the musical.
He also knew that since Shonen Jump, the magazine Death Note originally appeared in, is sold for 2 dollars, the show therefore needs to be a low price.
So that’s when he went to Shueisha. He remembers the first words that they said were “Death Note is gonna be a musical show?" At that time there was only one manga-adaptation musical: The Prince of Tennis. He convinced the people at Shueisha that this would be a first-class show.
Yuzo knew the most important part of the production was the music. At the time Horipro was involved with the Japanese production of Jeykll & Hyde, which also had themes of justice. Yuzo approached Frank Wildhorn about DNtM, but Wildhorn turned it down because "it had to have a love story element, which he felt was the most important aspect" of a musical. Yuzo was impressed by this.
Wildhorn went back to the US and spoke to his son who was a big fan of Death Note, and his son told him he needed to take the job. [Everyone cheered.]
(continuing in reblogs)
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buckyarchives · 1 year
The Domestic Life of Living with a Runaway Assassin [CHP. Three]
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x soulmate!reader
Summary: You hate many things in life. You hate soulmates. You hate the avengers. You hate guns, louder snorers, and complicated relationships.
Bucky Barnes is associated with all of those things, yet you can't find yourself hating him.
W.c: 3.7k
Author note: no one: …. The reader: okay but what if I domesticated him? Thank you to @i-l-y-3000 for beta reading this :)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | AO3 | playlist
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Bucky Barnes' new favorite day of the week is Friday. Fridays were the day you would come home from work, tired legs and bags of snacks from the convenience store a block down from your apartment. And soon enough Bucky learned you were a movie freak, and a music freak. 
Doesn’t matter, it helped Bucky get adjusted with the time and also a great excuse to get close to you. You’d excitedly introduce a new revolutionary and iconic (your words, not his) movie or show. Going on a ramble of the plot and meaning before even pressing play, barely avoiding spoilers with how you ranted.
Though, he didn’t care much for the movie part - at least not as much as you.
“I don’t get it,” Bucky said, Eyebrows knotted as he watched Frank-n-Further chase around Eddie.
“He’s jealous, obviously.” You groaned. Head resting on Bucky's thigh and feet hanging over the edge of your couch. The soldier fought back a blush and more on movie nights, Bucky never understood if it was the movie ambiance or that you used this as an excuse, but you were always so much more comfortable with touch then. He wasn’t complaining.
Last week you had fallen asleep on his chest halfway through tangled, Bucky woke up first that time and tried not to explode from the closeness. Even when you’re starting to get tired, dropping your head onto his shoulder gently, it causes a weird feeling in his stomach that made him feel a little more alive. More human, like he was worthy of these soft and gentle touches. Filled with only innocence instead of malice. It was liberating.
“I really think killing him is a little over dramatic.” Bucky deadpanned. You laughed, it sounded so sweet. Bucky fought back a smile.
You tap at his knee to the song's melody, drawing shapes on his leg while you rest your head on his lap. “That’s Frank’s entire character, Buck.”
Yeah, Bucky really likes movie nights.
Though he was never sure if the tug and intense burn in his body when you touched him was because of the universe or his true feelings. He was struggling with his feelings, his trust towards you since staying. Hell, he was still trying to find his own mind, find himself. Maybe he was too blinded by the mere concept of a soulmate, meeting you was an entirely new things. A good thing at least, especially for the time in which he met you. Many, many things could have gone wrong when you met. This was the best thing to happen to Bucky since before the war. 
Bucky wasn’t sure how long I’d last, if you wanted this to be permanent, I’d be hard. They’d come for him eventually, or he’d have to leave. Something would go wrong, it always did. So Bucky forced himself to live in this moment, don’t forget - don’t you ever forget the way her skin feels grazing across yours, he would tell himself. 
You raised your head, cold enveloped Bucky and his gaze flicked to you. You sat on your knees and shooed him, “move over, my legs are going numb hanging off the side.”
Bucky nodded, though unsure of what you meant by ‘move’. He was already at the edge of the couch and there was no way you’d fit —
Your knees caged his right leg, one hand on his chest and the other drifting to the side of his waist and at the edge of the couch. Dear gods, this is what dying must feel like. Your head laid on his chest and Bucky was praying you didn’t feel how fast his heart was beating for you. The new position, the closeness - it didn’t seem to affect you. You paid no mind as you watch the television, watching them perform ‘I can make you a man’, a small smile on your face. Bucky knew it was the movie, but he wondered if it could be because of him.
As the movie went on, and Janet snuck into Rocky’s bed, Bucky grew flustered. The weird feeling that often lingered in his stomach traveled lower and lower until he was met with a feeling he hasn’t felt since before his time as the winter soldier. Panic rose to his head fast, eyes darting towards you, checking if you noticed the dent in his pants. Where you were laying. 
Bucky was quite convinced he was incapable of getting hard after so much time in the freezer. Guess not, he watched Rocky’s hands travel over Janet’s body, her waist and breast. Bucky thought of you. Was that wrong? To think of you in such a way, despite the way you felt towards him and putting aside the soul mark. Bucky wasn’t sure, he just knew he was incredibly hard and aching. Hoping you didn’t notice. 
Whatever gods must have answered his prayers, because as the ending credit rolled. You fell asleep. Bucky felt the nudge of your nose into his neck, he could smell your shampoo, lavender - like your tea. He grew accustomed to the smell by now, he would understand that it was you from anywhere. you melted closer into Bucky and if he were any other man, his heart would have stopped. 
Next Friday came, and Bucky kept his distance more than last week. Your head still ended up on his shoulder and eventually on his chest, you stayed off of him though and did end up going to your respective rooms later that night. You moved on from movies and clicked on Netflix, squealing about a new season of the walking dead, yet you still started from the beginning for bucky. Through the tough and sarcastic exterior, you were crazy considerate and Bucky forgot what being on the other end of that felt like.
The television flashes and the light hits your features in a way that makes you look sculpted and beautiful. You are beautiful. His eyes flicked back to the screen, you moved farther into Bucky and he carefully put his arm over your shoulder and around the back of the couch. It was so easy to forget who he was, his history, and why he was here.
“You remind me of Daryl.” you commented. 
Bucky's face dropped, as the next scene showed the man pointing a gun in the face of another man, a cold and hard look in his eyes. Is that what you thought of him? If he were still the asset, is that what Bucky would be to you? 
You already sensed him tense up, the quietness in his voice. “Because you’re all quiet and reserved, sneaky. His protectiveness reminds me of you. He's smart and caring under all the leather and frowns.”
“Is that what it is?” Bucky teases, feeling a little lighter in his chest.
“And the long hair.” you comment, tugging at the overground strands that grazed against your face when you nuzzled into him close enough. “I'm gonna buy you some nice shampoo. Deep condition this shit.”
A deep chuckle left his lips, you felt the vibration from his chest and a sweet laugh left your lips. Bucky's eyes flickered to you again, it doesn't matter if you never came along to the soul mark, as long as you'll have him anyway. He’ll be happy. No matter your feelings.
The next day Bucky found a few bottles of olaplex in the bathroom, a note for Bucky that gave extra instructions on how to use it.
Steam left the bathroom door as he opened it and instantly found you with an excited grin, practically bouncing on the balls of your feet. A sheepish grin grew on Bucky's face as he leaned down to let you inspect his head of hair. Rustling it and noticing the small natural blonde highlights that even Bucky didn't remember having. 
You were looking at him as if he was everything, and for a moment, he felt it. Bucky couldn't stop smiling and he wondered if this is what love feels like.
You sat on the window sill, watching the snow fall with a peaceful face and peaceful mind. You'd been a little busy at work, the ER was always busy during the holidays, and never for good reasons. Too many sledding accidents and family fights after people who should not be around each other are suddenly forced to, especially with the pressure to be happy. 
This is the exact reason why you were spending your Christmas Eve morning watching the snow fall, waiting for Bucky to get up and anxiously looking at the two large boxes shoved in the corner. They started collecting dust in your closet. You didn't care much for seeing your family, you made sure to call your favorite cousins and grandpa, send a nice text and money to your mother and father. Not like they should be together for the holidays. Your family wasn’t… great, by any means. You only ever saw the holiday as a way for everyone to be forced together, only ending in arguments, kids crying after being put in the middle of adult feuds and people leaving early or hitting up their old childhood friends for a place to stay until they could get out of dodge. 
Once you got old enough to realize you didn't need to force yourself through that, the holidays felt a lot better. Less burden on your shoulder when you saw the days counting down to the 25th. Though, you didn't expect to be spending your days with a runaway assassin of a soulmate, whom you're not even sure you have real feelings toward yet. But life is weird like that, right?
You heard the faint sound of shuffling from the hallway, in came walking a sleepy Bucky with a major case of bedhead. What a sight, huh? His eyes were still squinted as he adjusted to the light, sleep was a good look on him. You were beyond proud he was actually getting it, those 100mg melatonin pills you snatched from the hospital have been doing wonders, even if it only works for a couple of hours. You'd still hear him gasp awake with heavy pants at night, you started to leave alpine in his room at night. That seemed to help more often than not. 
Sometimes you think about slipping into bed with him, just to hold him and brush the hair away from his face, lull him to sleep, and reassure him that nobody is going to come after him. The bad guys were gone and he just had you and a fluffy snow-white cat to worry about it. You never mustered up the courage to do so, maybe someday, if he will let you.
“Coffees in the pot.” you hummed, watching him nod and continue shuffling into the kitchen. A small smile graces your lips and you turn back to the window, mumbling under your lips, “what a big dork.” 
You forget supersoldier hearing sometimes, a small and moody grunt came from Bucky as he poured his coffee. “I heard that.”
“Good! Dork!” 
Bucky came shuffling back in, the blue pajama pants you bought him, a size too big as they dragged at his heel. A black v-neck shirt, the metal of his arm showed at the hem and shined from the sun. He sipped his coffee and plopped down onto the couch, “Merry Christmas eve.”
“Merry Christmas.” 
It goes silent for a moment, like most mornings. But the look on Bucky's face showed something else than just not speaking because of drowsiness. His eyebrows knotted, in deep thought, or emotional turmoil. Bucky did this thing when stuff got awkward, or when he had too many emotions and nothing to do with it. He pursed his lips quickly and dramatically, breathed in deep, and slightly flared his nostrils. He was doing it right now, staring off into the distance.
“What's going on in your cyborg brain?”
His eyes stayed unfocused and on the wall in front of him, “it's computing.”
“And what's it saying.” you asked innocently, stepping down from the window sill and taking your place next to him. Pressing your cheek to his forearm as you leaned into Bucky. 
“It’s saying this is my first Christmas since… since I was, well, myself.” Bucky stuttered out like he was still trying to find the correct words. Bucky's eye flick to the window, and the snow as it fell onto the balcony. And then you, who was already looking up him  with so much care in your eyes.
“Well, Merry first Christmas in 70 years.” you smiled at him, “speaking of!” you shot up, shuffling to your corner and picking up the two surprisingly heavy boxes and setting them in front of the supersoldier.  “My wrapping job is pretty bad, but I got you something.”
Bucky stared in awe at the boxes, his eyes going between you and the bright green wrapping paper. “W- what?”
“Merry Christmas, here is your present.” you said plainly, gesturing to him and back to the boxes. “Open it before I give it away.”
Hesitantly, Bucky pulled it onto his lap, surprised by the weight of it. Wondering what the hell you could even get for a 100-year-old ex-brainwashed assassin. He didn't have many interests or hobbies, not that he can remember, or ones you'd know of. Bucky’s fingers carefully unwrapped the paper, pulling back to see a cardboard box. Tearing back the tape, inside was a good stack of records. All were a little frayed and dusty, some of the corners torn and a few had some water damage from old age. 
“You mentioned dancing a few times, so I assume you liked music back then.” You watched his fingers trace over each record, reading familiar names like Benny Goodman, Harry James, and Glenn Miller. “There was a lady on eBay selling a huge box of 40s music, I haven't gone through them so tell me if some of them are from different eras but –”
“Thank you.” Bucky turned to you, tears welling in his waterline. “Thank you, so much.”
You didn't know what to do, he was just staring at you with shaky hands as he grasped at the record. You smiled, nodding, “you’re welcome, but you're not done.”
Bucky turned back, choking down any tears and brushing them away. Feeling the other box, which was even heavier, mumbling under his breath about how this was too much and he wasn’t worth it. You chose to ignore the comments, and let him be in his own world as he tore back the wrapping once again, running his finger over the much nicer cardboard box. The words sony are written on the side in white letters.
“Got to have something to listen to your songs on.” you teased, helping him take the record player from the box. Along with it a few other stray records, one he didn’t recognize. Showing them to you with a curious smile. “And my music. You're gonna listen to Lana del Ray and Florence + the Machine if you like it or not.”
Bucky chuckled, setting the records aside and beginning to take the player out of the box. A dopey grin on his face and warmth in his chest. 
That's how you spent your Christmas morning. Bucky had not smiled this much in decades, you cleared off a tray coffee table and dedicated it to the player, a small area to store the records. Bucky went through the music, nostalgia heavy on his mind as new memories were brought back at every song. Girls in long skirts and red lips, soda, and fries in busy diners, attempting to drag a young Steve Rogers onto dance floors despite having two left feet. It didn't hurt as much as Bucky expected it to when he thought about the glory days, before the war – before HYDRA. How could he wish to go back when you were standing in front of him?
You had put on home alone, another iconic movie he needed to be knowledgeable on. You switched between Frank Sinatra and Faye Webster, a mix of both. You were humming to my funny valentine, whispering the lyrics under your breath as you made your second cup of coffee. 
“I'm going to be working tomorrow night, so you're stuck spending Christmas day with Alpine.” you mention, pouring your creamer into the mug. 
Buckys tilted his head in confusion, “not going to see your family?”
You almost winced at the mere question of it, staring down into your coffee for a few seconds too long. You nervously nipped at your lips, Bucky almost reached out to stop you but you began to speak. “My family is a little dysfunctional, to put it lightly,” you exhaled a heavy breath. “Every Christmas ends in some large argument, I'd rather spare myself from it and stay home.”
“Are your parents still together?” Bucky asked. You never talked about your family, always avoiding it like the plague. You mention your cousins on a few occasions, always short and sweet. “I don't want to push–”
“No, no, it’s okay,” you reassure him. “they are, but they shouldn't.”
“What do you mean?”
You chewed on your cheek, and shook your head, “Another time.” you waved off Bucky's concerns, and he didn't push it any further and followed close behind you into the living room again.
“What about your parents, what were they like?” you asked, gaze on the screen for a moment before landing on bucks. 
“My mom’s name was Winifred, everyone called her Winnie.'' Bucky smiled, eyes twinkling and proud of himself for even being able to remember.
“Winnie, that's cute.”
Bucky nodded, “She would have liked you, she was strong.” Bucky continued, tapping his fingers on his knees, missing your touch already. “When I was young, my dad got into an accident in basic training at camp Lehigh. Probably was why my mother was so petrified when I got the draft letter." Bucky breathed out, wracking his brain for his own memories. The 40s jazz in the background was doing tremendous help. Thanks to you. “I had a young sister, Becca, she was amazing. She would have loved you, I used to be so paranoid that I couldn’t protect her from the boys when I left for the Army.”
Your head fell onto his shoulder like it always seems to do, a sadness cast over your face, one Bucky didn't recognize for a moment. “I’m sorry you had to miss out on that, I feel shitty for complaining about my parents now.” 
“Don’t be, it’s okay, doll.” the nickname left his lips like it was meant for you, maybe it was. The whole universe thing, right? His hand brushed at a few flyaways on your head, his features were soft. “Now, what's the next Christmas movie on the list?”
You smiled so brightly, “thought you'd never ask.”
Midday came and went, and Christmas Eve was spent under blankets and holding hot mugs. You and Bucky went through the home alone movies, a Christmas story, and a few very shitty Netflix originals. It was still snowing out as the day started to darken. 
The credits to love, actually rolled and you dropped your head by the back of the couch, a loud sigh leaving your chest. “Best. Christmas. Movie. Ever.”
Bucky hums in agreement, his eyes flickering to the mountain of dishes building from your constant snacking all day. Alpine's tail grazed his ankle as she trotted along, Bucky smiled softly for some reason. No reason, does there have to be a reason anymore? He rose to his feet, “it’s my day to do the dishes.” 
You hummed in acknowledgment as Bucky started the facet, hot water running across the metal and flesh and Bucky once again reminded of the machine on his body. A sharp pain in his chest as his jaw clenches, he gulped down the bad thoughts and grabs a sponge.
Bucky zoned out for a while, on autopilot as he drys the ceramic plates. Missed the rustle of paper and your feet, the sound of the needle skipping on the record before ‘you made me love you’ echoes through your apartment. Bucky blinks and suddenly you're humming and swaying your shoulders and hips to Harry James as you put away the mugs. He smiles again.
“You made me happy sometimes, you made me glad, but there were times you made me feel so bad…” you whisper the lyrics under your breath, Bucky mesmerized. You’re so beautiful. He wonders for a moment if you see that too, do you look in the mirror and see your beauty the same way he did? Do you appreciate the curve of your lip as he does? Or see the kindness in your eyes. Do you hear the soft melody of your voice when you speak? Can you feel the way Bucky started to grow more and more fond of you over the months? 
“You know you’ve got the brand of kisses that I’d die for,” you hum under your breath as you continue your chores, moving seamlessly around Bucky as if you were made to be beside him his entire life. Paying no mind to his affectionate stares. If he kissed you, would you find the songs come true? That the words you sing would become thoughts and you’d ache for him. 
The record skips and you stop singing, a frown falls on your face and disappointment paints your features. “Shit, I’m sorry. She said some of them might be a little scratched.” 
Bucky’s back on earth and you’re shuffling back to the record player, “you mind if I play Lana? I think you’d like Brooklyn baby.” You laugh to yourself, Bucky finds it quite endearing when a feminine voice starts to play and you're dancing and singing. And Bucky is just smiling like a doofus, a rag over his shoulder and still wet hands.
“Come one, sarge. Sway those hips.” You laugh, he’s standing there awkwardly for a moment with no idea what to do. You pull his left arm towards you, Bucky still flinches when you touch the weapon of a limb like it was a normal thing to have, like the thing attached to him that’s killed so many was just normal. The way you acted around him like he was normal. 
You accepted him as he was and Bucky could not grasp it, how you put everything to the side. He was a dangerous man. Fear never filled your eyes when you looked at him, or disgust and shame. 
It terrified him.
Maybe that’s why the universe put you two together.
tag list; @i-l-y-3000 @ivywasmaroon @waywardcrow @alana4610 @ozwriterchick @slytherinambitious @wintermischief @tarotwhitchy-main @silelda @isasalom @zizzlekwum @iv3t @raevyng
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abnormalpsychology · 6 months
I went to my first Rocky horror screening on Friday and I literally miss it so bad!!! I lost my mind and felt so hot and it was . transcendent . so I made a list of highlights:
- OUR VIRGIN GAME WAS LITERALLY NOT BAD AT ALL DESPITE ME HAVING BEEN SO SCARED LOL. “I went to Rocky horror and now I’m popped!!” as our repeated call to worship with a guy dressed as the pope agahshgk, they were so gentle w us fr
- the audience making a joke to the stage guy (who was like probably 30) abt skibidi toliet and him being like “what the FUCK are you talking about” 💀
- preparing the audience for the ride like “people are going to be yelling the worst things you’ve ever heard in your life at the screen.”
- “fight a triffid” “WHAT THE FUCK IS A TRIFFID”
- doing the time warp with a crowd was like the most fun I’ve ever had
- I can’t even remember all the crowd chants but so many absolutely DESTROYED me w laughter
- “you say goodbye / and I say” “hello 😒”
- “hey Janet are you a slut?” “yes ☺️ I am”
- “keep calm / don’t panic” or something like that and everyone just screamed in unison 😭 multiple times lol
- everyone had so many funny chants that kept surprising me but I was just singing along bc the songs already are just sOOOOO INCREDIBLY FUN anyways
- the improvisations by the cast were so consistently v funny, I loved them . and like everyone was trans!!! so many binders!!! it was incredible
- “-visitors, let alone offer them hospitality “HORSE BRUTALITY?” WAS SAID SOOO LOUD LMAO
- “it’s a Bird it’s a plane it’s SUPER ASSHOLE”
- THE BEDROOM SCENE OUR FRANK WAS LIKE “yep it’s totally me . Brad majors 😐 That’s me” not even TRYING and I fucking died lmao
- the Eddie chanting (“not the ass but the side!”) was SO FUN I WAS SO HAPPY I STUDIED FOR HOURS READING THE PARTICIPATION SCRIPTS LMAO
- Eddie live where they did the hand jive and I couldn’t do it fast enough and Rocky was wtaching me and said “IM LOOKING AT YOU”
- them like “haha Dr Scott! we are eating ur nephew” 💀 #prankd
- I got to throw in my own little lines with like “You’re going to kill him? What’s his crime?”“WHATS NOT?” And I FELT SO FUNNY FOR IT
- riff saying “my most beautiful sister” and my friend (WHO HADNT FINISHED THE MOVIE) turning to me slowly like .. 😟?
- they had audience members also be the table Frank rides in the scene and the sonic oscillator which was so great!!! my FAVORITE of which was the cutie playing the globe at the end who got so dizzy she had to stop 😭❤️
- anyways it went crazy. pls go to Rocky horror if you get a chance asap!!!! go to events! be gay! it will change ur life
- <3 u rockyhorror :)
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green-kat331 · 1 year
My Friend Spider-man
Pt 1 : Friendly Neighborhood Reporter
(Non-specific! spider-man x reader)
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A/N: This is a spider-man from no specific universe, game, comic, or movie, so let me clear some stuff up about Peter. He's a college student (about 18-19 y/o), and He's an intern at the Daily Bugle. You have been his friend since high school and are also in college and working at The Bugle.
warning: Gun, Swearing?
Walking through the streets of Queens New York is no easy task. 
Your satchel bounced on your hip with each quick step. Today, you had to bring in your most recent reports to The Bugle. Something about a recent sports award or a shiny prize of some sort, you were practically asleep writing the damn thing. Judging by the busy crowd, you weren't gonna make it to save yourself from Jameson's lecture. Although the only thing he ever seems to talk about recently is Spider-man. 
The web-slinging hero has been on everyone's mind recently since yet another save from a superbad villain. You can still see caution tape on a few buildings if you just walk a few blocks. 
Now you're waiting towards the crosswalk when suddenly your arm is harshly pulled into an ally, and a gun is held to your stomach. A man cornered you and demanded your bag. 
"Hand it over, and I won't have to use this one you." 
"I- I swear I don't have anything very valuable in here for you to take. I have reports for my job that's it- I don't even carry a lot of cash on me—" you stutter through your stunned state trying to negotiate your way out of it, even though you know it's pointless 
"I said hand it over!" He demands a little louder now. 
Then another man runs into the alley, about the same age as the first man "Yo hurry up, we gotta get outta here," he whispered 
"Alright! I got it," the first man answers and starts to forcibly pull your bag off your shoulder, but you held on tight. The shaking forced the latch to release, and most of your reports spilled out of the bag. At the same time, the man shot the gun into the air, forcing you to let go and cover your ears. The two men ran out of the alley and into the city streets. 
You're left now alone with no choice but to salvage the papers you could. You held up the report by its edge. Now stained due to water and mud, the text was barely visible and the color was an ugly shade of brown. 
"Ugh...Dammit, " you mumble. To be frank, your pride was more hurt than anything. They were clearly disorganized and young. It felt like you got robbed by a couple of teenagers. 
You look around for any way to hold or dry the pages without damaging them. 
Suddenly, a loud scream catches your attention, then a loud bang makes you jump, and you see the guys that just robbed you wrapped in webs and stuck on a dumpster. Staring in confusion, you wonder where the hero that dropped the men off might be. 
Your question was soon answered. 
"This belong to you?" A voice says now behind you. 
The suddenness of the voice made you jump and turn around. you see the web-slinging vigilante hanging upside-down holding your satchel. You take a step back and stare at the masked hero. He tilts his head in wonder, then comes down from his web and hands you the bag properly. 
"Uh... thank you, Spider-man" A smile couldn’t help but appear on your face
"What this? Oh, it's no problem. Just doing what any good ol' Samaritan woulda done." He expressed even waving his hands in the air and leaning on the alley wall.
You chuckled a bit at his casualness. He spoke as though he'd known you forever. Guess they don't call him 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' for nothing.
3 years he's been at this. For the entirety of your senior year, you've been invested in the good deeds he has committed. Whether it's helping an old woman or keeping the green goblin from blowing up the entire city. 
"So you, Report for the Bugle?" He asks, pointing at the papers. Coming out of your own thoughts. You see the muddy report with the mentioned newspaper logo in bold.
"yeah.. Yeah!.. Don't worry about Jameson. Trust me, not everyone there thinks he's right 100% of the time, especially about you. I don't read his blocks about you anyways," you ramble, kneeling down and picking up the rest of the reports.
"You a word-of-mouth type of person?" 
"... yeah... you could say that..."You respond 
Awkward silence
"...sorry... it's my first time getting robbed, Soo… Y' know I'm still...processing... Well maybe you don't actually know what it's like cuz- y'know-- you're spider-man.. i mean have you ever been robbed? sorry! That''s a stupid question. of course not" You ramble nervously tucking hair behind your ear and rubbing the back of your neck.
He chuckles. Then kneels down, and takes the papers from your arms, also doing his best to shake them dry. He puts them back into your bag, then shoots a web out of the ally "Next time you need my help, be sure to holler and I'll come swinging for you." he says with a wave and swings away. 
You wave back, staring at where he disappeared from, calmly you walk out of the ally preparing yourself for Jameson's lecture, but little does he know a spark of inspiration appeared from that brief encounter. 
Hopefully, today will be your day. 
You walk into The Bugle, moving past all the other reporters and editors running around the room. The sound of printers and typing almost made you walk right back out of the door, but you pushed through. 
"Hey,(____)." You hear Peter say. 
If you had to pick the most likable person in the office, Peter Parker would take the #1 spot every time. While people gave you sly looks for being a 'kid' in the work place. He never failed to greet you each morning occasionally with a coffee if you're lucky. 
You quickly greet him back, then immediately go into Jameson's office. 
"You're late." He states, not even bothering to look up at you. You rested the urge to choke him. 
"I know - I uhh I ran into an issue on my way -" 
"Put them on my desk then get working on the other files. They're on your desk. I want these all done by the end of the day" 
As you begin to take the files out, you try to talk, "I was actually thinking of asking if I could -"
"Jesus, they're filthy. Print out more and—" 
"I WAS ROBBED!" You finally shout, interrupting the prideful man "on the way here, that's why I'm late and why the papers are.. like that..." You finished now calmly.
He pauses 
"Well you’re alive arent you? Did they take anything?" He asks. You sigh. Finally, he listened. "No. That's what I wanted to talk about. My stuff was given back because Spiderman caught them and returned my items. I want to do a report on him and all the great things he's done. ," 
"The great things!? He is a menace! We shouldn't be celebrating his crimes -" 
"—I won't even ask for payment on this report. Come on, Mr. Jameson, why spend the entirety of your career shouting in papers and broadcasts about something you don't even like? For a few months is all I ask, I'll shine a different light on the vigilante while also doing my usual reports. 
The older man thinks for a moment. "Think of your blood pressure," you quickly add-in. He glares at you, knowing the numerous lectures he receives from his wife about it. You were right, and he gives up after taking another puff of his cigar he turns his chair towards you "fine you'll be put on reports about Spiderman and current events. Your first print is at the end of the week, and I want the ones on your desk printed by the end of the day." You nod and turn to walk out of his office. Looking out the glass panel, you make eye contact with Peter, who was messing with his camera. You look back at Jameson who was angrily scribbling on his notepad almost ripping the pages. 
"You're wrong about him, Jameson. He's good for this city." 
"You're lucky. You're a good reporter. I don't pay you to be biased and sentimental. Just get the job done." 
"... you don't pay me much of anything anyway." 
"I decided to give the kiddies a chance. I've been feeling generous this year. Don't make me regret it. Now go and get those reports PRINTED!" 
Quickly, you run out of his office, avoiding yet another burst eardrum. you slam the door and rush towards Peter with a giddy feeling in your stomach. You grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to your desk. 
"Peter Parker, you are not going to believe what gold I have struck today!" 
He stared at you with wondering eyes. "What- what? why? What happened just now?" 
"I got put on the Spiderman reports" 
"...the what now?" 
"I'm doing reports on Spiderman! Isn't that exciting? My days won't be filled with just writing about middle school basketball and what ducks are fed at the parks. This is something real, something new, something exciting, and you're going to help me!" You state. He still looks at you bewildered. Leaning in close you grab his hands in between yours.
"Peter Parker, you are the best photographer I know. You have captured numerous and damn near impossibly close images of Spiderman swinging around and in some of the most perfect poses ever." His eyes avert yours for a split second as he blushed, clearly flattered by your praises
"Now I'm relying on your skills to get pictures of him in action, I wanna see him being the hero we know he is. Defeating bad guys and saving civilians! They need to know that he's actually helping people. Like you, like me." 
Peter thinks for a moment, then looks into his camera. "You really think he's doing good?" 
"I think he's doing great. Nothing like what Jamison makes him out to be." 
He gives a quick smile, then walks over to his desk and grabs his bag. "So what are you gonna be doing?" He asks 
Before taking a seat, you grin at your friend.
"I'm going to get whatever little piece of info I can get on the guy."
You smirk and turned back to your desk, you can't think too far ahead now all you need to focus on was getting these reports out of your way. although you couldn't help but wonder about Peters's nervous expression.
shrugging your shoulders you pull open your first file.
Hours Later….
You drag yourself and your bag into your apartment doors nearly collapsing in the hallway, your roommate peaked out of his room.
“Damn, you look like shit,” he says laughing at your misery.
You glared at him putting down your bag and keys. The journey to your bedroom was torturous, your back ached and your eyes felt like they were about to fall out of your head. Staying till the end of the day to finish reports made you want to abandon The Bugle altogether. even though it isn't the latest you've come home due to the heavy amounts of work Jameson decided to give you. But still, who would've thought a rookie like yourself would be placed on a task so much larger than you really knew what to do with. It made you kick your feet into your mattress as your eyes slowly succumbed to exhaustion.
Tomorrow you were gonna do whatever you need to. You were gonna get an interview with Spiderman. 
Also on AO3 in case you prefer to read fics there
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Sorry another zoomer anon about comics
Actually I was referring to new 52 about batgirl and Starfire. Did you know new 52 stated that Starfire don’t remember people names unless she had sex with them?
Obviously that was ignored and retcon to hell and back. But comic writers, there a difference between being a sexual liberating woman vs being a hentai slut
Also about a year ago iirc, the old head of DC Dan Didio (who responsible for the mess that was new 52 and 2010’s shit) said that comics lost a generation of heroes because mines wasn’t interested in superheroes…during the height of the MCU
Pssst Didio let me tell you something, there something called the internet so my generation can look up the history of dc and marvel comics.
We are not getting emotionally invested in comics who are handle by fuckers with the mentality of a ten year old
So we went to manga and hmm, what that popular shounen?
Ugh, how…out of touch these fuckers are?
Also you guys made it damn near impossible to get easy access to comics so manga is far easier to get. Obviously you can….but a comic shop is a huge luxury item
Sorry for this essay rant, and I only been into comics for ten fucking years
Pssst Didio let me tell you something, there something called the internet so my generation can look up the history of dc and marvel comics.
Sorry, about to hijack this ask to go on a rant but my God I fucking hate this idea that people can only ever be interested in things that they experience in real time. It's such bullshit. Do you know what I wasn't alive for? The original run of Spider-Man written by Stan Lee. You know what my favorite Spider-Man stories are? The original run of Spider-Man written by Stan Lee. I got into Spider-Man because of the 90s animated series on Fox Kids. From there, I got a few of the comics that were running at the time, and from there I found the Marvel Masterworks collections and absolutely devoured the older stories. And even for books I didn't really have much interest in like Captain America or Iron Man, I would get Marvel Encyclopedias and learn about the pasts and presents of all the comic characters, even some I'd never heard of. True fans will always seek out the past of the things they love. You think people who fell in love with the Lord of the Rings movies aren't devouring The Silmarillion? You think the kid whose first Star Wars experience is seeing The Mandalorian isn't going back and watching the original trilogy? You think someone whose only experience with Batman is the Nolan Trilogy isn't going to find and absolutely love Frank Miller's Batman Year One? Of course they are. True fans don't have blinders. True fans will educate themselves on the things they love.
You know who won't, though? You know who just consumes the things that are put in front of them and will never go beyond that, either through laziness or because they don't want to see anything that's "old" or "out of touch"?
Tourists are great during tourist season, but very few come back every year. And in the off-season, it's the locals who keep the place running. You can't always depend on tourists. They'll happily move onto the next big tourist destination at the drop of a hat. But the locals, the true fans? They'll always be there. They'll be buying books, buying merch, going to the movies, generating enthusiasm, organizing conventions, and everything else that comes along with being a true fan. The only things that will drive them away are when the people in charge of the things they love attack them personally or change the things they love into something unrecognizable. And even then, most will still love the thing as it used to be. The fans who hate Rings of Power didn't throw out their Lord of the Rings Extended Edition blu-ray collections. The fans who hate Disney Star Wars didn't smash their original VHS copies of the unaltered original trilogy. And true fans aren't just old fans or original fans. The thing about being a local is that anyone can move into town. And if they stay long enough and fit into the local culture, everyone else will embrace them.
So fuck Didio and everyone else who thinks tourists are the only group that matters. Fuck everyone who thinks that "modern audiences" can't love something from a different era with different stories and different characters from what everyone else is shitting out today. It's bullshit, and it always has been.
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halfadoginatank · 9 months
Robin and steve accidentally join the mafia
I couldnt stop thinking about this post by @qprstobin so wrote a lil bit based on an idea in there
It's been about two years since vecna's defeat, and after two years of some of Robin and Steves most awful jobs in chicago. One month into this one and they've finally found peace.
"Okay can we be real here?" Rob waves a slice of pizza as they sit in the store room of the warehouse-like antique shop they work at. "The boss is lovely, I mean seriously! But isn't it weird that we've met his entire family?"
Steve squints at Robin from the couch. "I don't think so? Maybe this is what, like… Italians are supposed to be like."
"Aren't you Italian?"
"Yeah but my family was fucked up. Everyone's so close with Boss it's like, a clan almost." He settles his hands on top of his chest. To be frank it's the best couch he's ever been on.
"I think it's about time we start accepting the fact that they might be like. Mafia." Steve looks at her to continue. But she's too busy eating the last of her pizza, avoiding the crust.
She finishes and hands the crust to steve.
"I mean, the store is practically empty! Barely anyone shops here!" Okay that's true, it's almost like family video but instead of stocking shelves for new movies, their boss Mr. De Luka or one of his 'cousins' will drop off something so they can slap a price tag on it and find a good place to put it.
"Mmm but why would we care? We're not doing anything wrong! Plus are you gonna look Mrs. De Luka in the eyes and say 'oh sorry ma'am' which you know she hates! And go 'we won't come to dinner tonight on account of maybe you being the Italian mob!"
Robin cringes hard. Steve huffs in victory. Mrs. De Luka was a tall and beautiful woman with angular features, a roman nose, and hair the exact same color as Steve's. She was a force to be reckoned with. She may bake some of the best cream cake but she's also steadfast and can settle a table of eight full grown men with just a slap of her hand against it.
"Ugh. That's not fair, saying no to her is impossible, she's like… so incredibly hot."
Steve scrunched up his nose. "Ew robin dont say that she's like a parental figure."
"She's more like a friend's mom!"
"Yeah! My mom!"
Robin points an accusing finger "Ahah! So you admit it. She's practically your mother!"
Steve chokes on the last bite of his pizza crust, he sits up and hammers on his chest. "Jesus Christ, no robin she's not my mother!" He coughs out
Robin throws her hands up "I didn't say that. I said practically! Hell, Angelo calls you cousin!" Steve narrows his eyes… Angelo Ricci is their boss's cousin, actual, biological cousin. Because as Steve and Robin have learned, some of the cousins or aunts or uncles are just unrelated people they call family.
"Should you be calling him by his first name? He's old enough to be your dad."
Robin actually stops and sits back in her chair. "If he was my dad that would be weird." Steve nods.
"Because of Amara?"
Amara Ricci… Steve can still remember the first time they met.
It had to be at least a week after they were hired. Mr. De Luka thanked them both for being great employees and asked them if they would have dinner with his family. Mr. De Luka wasn't like Keith, and neither was his store. It seemed genuinely family owned, and Mr. De Luka himself was much kinder, and seemed to actually care. Which was novel considering their last boss told one of them if one of them got killed during a stick up, to not sue him because 'he warned us'."
They both took a cab to the house, which wasn't really a house but a manor. It was huge, and Steve thought he had seen huge. Turns out Midwest standards are nothing on city ones. Robin and Steve knocked on the door, that's when they met Mrs De Luka. She was harsh but loving, and most importantly. Insisted on being called Helena, or Ma.
There were so many people in the house, they only set about trying to find their boss and at least get to know his immediate family. Sure enough, halfway into the conversation with the man. Another man walked up to him and clapped him on the back. This man called their boss 'Carlo' and introduced himself, Angelo, his wife Luna, and finally their kids.
Behind them was a girl just about their age maybe a few years older. She was short and had Angelos curly black hair, Luna's tanned skin, and an arched nose that clearly came from Mr. De Luka. Robin lost her breath, and stumbled. She stumbled so hard her shoulder bashed against Steve and he got to witness his best friend make possibly the most hurried introduction ever. Luckily the girl, Amara, just laughed.
Next to him was her brother Dante, who was notably younger. When Steve looked at him he felt a pang in his chest. If he squinted his eyes and tilted his head to the left he almost looked like Dustin. And just about the right age too.
Finally they all sat down for dinner. Robin and Steve sit shoulder to shoulder. Robin across from Amara and him across from Angelo. An older woman sat at the end of the table. Helena's mother, Mrs Ricci, and to her left her husband Mr. Ricci. To say Steve was shocked was.. an understatement, in any dinner parties his family had him attend, there was always a man at the head of the table. Steve likes to think that that's when he started to feel a bit more comfortable.
The dinner went on incredibly long, eating was interrupted by conversations, bickering, and drinking. But it was amazing. By the end of the night, when Mr. De Luka and Angelo walked them out; they were both smiling. exhausted, maybe, but happy. Angelo slapped his shoulder and said 'cousin, come by anytime.' Mr. De Luka had walked back inside at Helena's call so the other man leaned forward. 'you two make my little brother happy, I've not seen it in a while.'
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as long as you love me so, let it snow
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Summary : you never engage easily into any social gatherings, you're very quiet until Eddie came
Word Count : I apologize for not eyeballing the count 😭
Warnings : 18+ Rockstar!Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, reader and Eddie are both (20), jealous!reader, unrequited feelings, idiots in love, no use of y/n, reader is insecure at some points, modern setting, Eddie is very friendly and sweet and that alone can be shocker to reader! not in a bad way she's just not used to it, reader is not easy to form a bond at first since she's too serious and Eddie is very patient with her! 😭💖 (omg- I seriously need him- no joke)
What to Expect : strangers to lovers, friends to lovers, fluff, a bit of angst, come on, you guys it's Christmas I'm treating you very dearly with loads of content 😚
Note To Reader : I just came up with this idea that reader is usually reserved until Eddie like a switch that finally someone light up her world! 🥹🫶🏻
Author Note : I really hope that y'all gonna love the Christmas specials that I'm putting up before 2023 ends (I'm so active- like?!? WHO AM I?!?)
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! 🎄☃️❄️💓✨
You don't usually get so excited when it's the holidays
But, you do enjoy, seeing everyone and having your stomach full from all of the feast
You're just not in the mood to interact since your social battery? can drain easily, you can't keep up that long, sometimes
Sure, you do have friends around that is genuinely do care for you and always be there for you
You're really just not an energetic person
That is until..... He came
You became friends with Nancy at the University and still- you're being in denial that you found yourself a friend
Nancy invited you over to Hawkins to spend your Christmas with them- you're very hesitant at first but you give it a try
The fact you thought you'll messed it all up because you're so nervous to meet her friends and family for the first time
It's your second time here and you just really don't understand why you feel looking forward about this, again
It's a new feeling and it's so foreign
You're leaning standing on the side of the room while watching the snowflakes fall outside
The kids are bickering each other over something and a year later you're still amused observing them
"What do you suggest that we should do?" Dustin sighs in exasperation as he holds his list of Christmas activities on his hand
He taps his pen below his chin as he couldn't taken a hold of his impatience towards his friend
He groans in frustration "Make up your mind!-"
"We should do a movie marathon- we haven't done that yet!" Max spoke up before she could hear Dustin's banter
"That's- impossible- our schedule is clearly tight! No one can attend since all of us are not available!"
"All of us?!? You haven't asked anyone yet!"
"You don't believe me?!? I'm not wrong about this, Max" Dustin throw his hands up in surrender
Max nods as she raises her eyebrows and crossing both of her arms at the same time as she jerks her head towards everyone else in the room gesturing to ask about the plan
Dustin shakes his head at her as he goes out to ask anyone
To his surprise, she's right
Max smirks at him when you're the only one left
"My god- your plan still sucks, Max" he mumbles to himself, he winces when realized he said it in his outside voice
"Could you think for a better activity?" Max replies in a sassiest way as she watches him walking towards you
"Your films choices are awful" Dustin said without looking back at her but she can see the disgust look from his face
"Hey, Top Gun is not awful!" Max shouted as she rolls his eyes at him
You look back at the kid in front of you, nervously clasps his hands together
"What up?" You manage to form a small smile as you bring your body forward to face him properly
He raises his eyebrows, of course- he knows that you're not into small talk but to all of young kids in the group?
You're still cool to them
Why? You seriously have no idea why someone like you and even use you as a role model
Maybe, they love you because you're very authentic and real
Yes, you being the silent one but also you're the most protective and strongest person of them all
They admire everything about you and you never ever understood it why
All you can say is that you're just so very grateful to have them in your life
So grateful
"Uh, are you game for a movie marathon with us? everyone is invited"
You nod and think about it for a moment until you can finally muster to say something back
"This coming Saturday"
You nod again and there's your same old dialog
"Is he coming tho?"
"Y-Yeah- I haven't asked him about it yet since he's not here and I'm sure, he'll be there"
"I'll go, why not- I'm not doing anything on that day, so...." you shrug smile at him
"Great!" The boy shows his pearls and the grin grows even more wide when he looked at over your shoulder
And the man in question is coming in to put his arms around you before you can even follow the kid's gaze- you melt within his touch
"What's happening?" He asks as he turns his head at you and Dustin
"Movie Marathon, this Saturday" you fill him in
"Ooh" he beams in interest "I am so in!"
Dustin hops lightly on the floor as he gives both of you a thumbs up as he goes back to Max who smiles so smugly at him now
"What are you doing by the window?"
You scratch your head "Watching the snow? I'm just bored- I guess" you slumped your shoulders
"Aww- just say it that you missed me" he pulls you by his side and you roll your eyes playfully
You know what he's doing, he wants you to laugh and he never fails by attempting to do so
But in fact- you really do miss him
Just too afraid to admit your feelings too vulnerable
Eddie continues to tease as you finally tug up a smile at him
"Ah yes finally there's my girl!"
You giggle as you poke his side by using your elbow as he laughs as well
"Look what I found at the store"
He surprises you by a gift, it's a small cute white teddy bear with red bow on the neck and your eyes flashes in astonishment
"Eddie- you did not-" you hold the teddy bear as he can see the joy glint on your eyes
Your gaze softens at him "Thank you"
"Don't mention it, sweets" he says as leans down to kiss on top of your head
"I am happy to see you happy" he adds and that makes your heart swell even more
You're absolutely not falling for him, are you?
"I'll be back for dinner, Nance" you announced as you check yourself in the mirror
"Going out with Eddie, again?"
"Yeah, why?" You asked her in the reflection
A mischief on her eyes, you can't miss it
She leans on her side on the wall as she watches you adding a lip and cheek tint
"Nothing, it's just that you look cute together"
You slowly turn to look at her with a look that says "Seriously?"
"I'm serious! I mean- ever since I bought you here- you two- just I don't even know how it happened- you both clicked!" She exclaims as she scoffed at you while shaking your head as you dismissive a hand at her
"And ever since then- it's obvious to everyone that if someone else sees you both- you both looked like in a relationship" she added as she waits for your reaction
"I'm sure that his only true intentions are being with friends with me, nothing more than that" you say as you put your makeup back in your shoulder bag
"Keep telling that to yourself and just watch it become real right before your very eyes" she argues with you as she takes a deep breath before continuing
"For example- you said in the first place that I ain't gonna be your bestfriend and look what happened"
She has a damn point
Seeing her smiling to herself at the back of your head knowing fucking damn well that she is indeed right to her guts
You roll your eyes at her as you open the door
"Bye, Nance" you bid goodbye with a snarky tone
She only chuckles at your ignorance as she waves at you
Eddie is always have been so caring for you
He did all of this for you
When he can do something else or choose someone else to hang out with
Instead, he always chose to be with you
Why is that?
In your friendship, Eddie is the loudest and talkative and he really doesn't mind if you don't talk a lot like him and he just admires you for being a good listener
You don't even know of how a good friend you are like you just need to know that you are
You made him realized a lot of things that he did last year when he could cut off some people
When he should've done it ages ago
You're the one that pushed him to do it and to not be scared to do it for his own well-being
You're there when he's having a hard time to move on- you even comforted him that is okay to feel this way and it's completely normal
You're an amazing person in his eyes
You made him feel that he's worthy and lovable and his mission is to make you feel that way too
You listen to him with a smile on your face, you can't fight it off everytime you spend time with him
His always animated when it comes to storytelling and it's really entertaining to watch him gush over the things that you could relate to
You're taking a big step because you're obviously not being honest with your feelings so....
"Eddie- wait a second" you interrupt him at his mid-sentence
He stops as he clears his throat, he immediately rests his hand on top of yours as you look down smiling at it
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask"
"Sure, go ahead"
You look through his eyes and by that you knew, you knew you could say anything to him without judgement behind it
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Being so nice to me, I mean- sometimes I get confused like I don't know if it's just your personality for being this sweet or you do this with anyone"
"I like you" he says plainly with a cheeky smile that shows his dimples
You flustered at his reply "W-What?"
"I just like you- don't get me wrong- I love all of my buddies out there but whenever I'm with you- I feel complete"
"But I'm not that outgoing person"
"What do you mean?"
"What I'm saying is that don't you get tired of me? Or like get bored hanging out with me?"
"Why would I think something like that? Do you think I thought about something like that?"
You blink and your duck your head down shyly as you shook your head
You curse your negative thoughts inside your head literally ruining the beautiful moment that you're having right now
You tried your best not to think of them too long, wishing for all of it to just go away
"Listen" he leans forward to hold both of your hands
You raise your head slowly, too nervous to see the anger in his eyes but you saw nothing
Just pure understanding and compassion
Your heart skips a beat at the sight of it
"I like you for being who you are and I even more love it when we both have the same qualities like you don't give a fuck about anyone else" he exaggerates his words that you always liked and that earns a small chuckle from you and he smiles at it
"You helped me and I'll be doing the same thing with you like you have no idea- how much you mean to me and I just wanna say thank you for everything" he says with so much love on his words like you can't trace anything that is half-hearted
Every part and every word he said comes straight from his heart
He just cannot do that to you and say something like that
The feeling is really feeling, you're knocking off every tendency not to kiss him on the spot
"But I feel so bad for you like I think I'm extra hella mean to you at the first meeting"
Yeah, you're right, he knows that- hell- he even remembers everything on your first encounter together
You always have your guard up and despite your feisty and always looked so intimidating
That didn't made Eddie stop for being friends with you, like he's even the one who approached you, he is willing to do anything and so eager to be in your life
You don't stopped him
You didn't even try to push him away
You don't threaten him to go away
It's because you liked his company
You liked how he is so patient with you
You thought giving him the lousy replies and statements will make him leave but he didn't
He stayed
He is so glad that he did because he gotten the first belly genuine laughs, the first excitement from your eyes, the first cute and adorable reactions at you
As if he can read your mind "Does that stop me from being your friend?"
You chuckled slightly "I just don't understand why out of all the people you chose to be friends with me"
"You don't believe that you can have a cool metalhead bestfriend like me?" He says cockily with a lazy smile on his face that made you throw fries at him
He blocked it as he blows raspberry at you "Aha! You missed!"
You chuckled as you pinch his cheeks "Gotta go at the restroom but I'm not done with you yet" you point at him
As he pretends to be petrified at you "Ooh- look at me! I'm getting killed!"
You laugh as you shake your head at him
You check yourself once more at the mirror
You swore to yourself that you're gonna tell him this time around
You gotta admit it
You inhale and exhale as you walk out of the restroom
The smile on your face falls as it lands on the girl that he's talking to
He looks.... glad?
Oh- so this is what it feels to be jealous
You feel nauseous on the scene that happening right now
The girl who is talking to him is so
You saw Eddie dismissing his hand at her as if telling her to keep the conversation short but the girl just won't let it drop as she continues to babble
You know Eddie, he is just too polite to just say "fucking shut up and leave me alone"
You feel so annoyed and also angry at the same time
You reached over at the hem of your purple dress as you crunch it down not caring if it makes a crinkle out of the fabric
You missed the fact that Eddie is now brand new upcoming artist and this is the only beginning of his career
You huffed when she finally leaves
Eddie lights up that you came back on your seat across from him but only to find the hot raging fire that is on your eyes
He doesn't even know where it is coming from
He has never seen you this angry
If you try to look at him, he swear that your looks could kill any person in the room right now
You look intimidating in your usual resting face but with a mad emotion forming up?
This is the only time that he really felt intimidated
"Is everything okay?" Trying to look at your fiery eyes, he is confused, of course- he keeps rethinking everything that made you mad
"Yeah, I'm good" you say unenthusiastically as you finish your milkshake
By the tone of your voice, suddenly the room felt too hard to breathe because you still haven't looked at him just yet because he knows you're avoiding it
He swallows as he chews quietly on his burger
The ride home was like a screeching metal sound that is begging to be stopped
It's so ridiculously quiet
You're giving him the silent treatment?
He is appalled, appalled in a way that this is how you really get upset
He's gonna remember this, so he it won't happen again
Hopefully, never again
And that was it- that was the night
You didn't say goodbye or didn't say anything after that
When Nancy saw you with the look- she knows that you needed to be alone
"What's with her?"
Lucas nudges his chin towards you as he waits for Mike reply
Your usual resting face looks even more colder than before
You sitting alone in a couch, arms crossed, as you pretend to watch on whatever the TV is playing
Mike glances at you and he felt a dagger stabs through his heart when he saw your face
"Maybe, it has something to do with-"
Lucas and Mike looked back at each other with raised eyebrows as they run out and look for their dungeon master
The boys knew, of course- how much he feels for you, so, they're gonna help cause' that's what real friends do
"You have to fix it" Lucas blurted it out
Eddie is talking to Jeff and Gareth, when the two young boys interrupt their conversation
"You have to make amends with her!" Mike points at you
Eddie follows the kid's direction as he blinks rapidly and gulped
"Nah- Uh- I can't"
"Because- fuck- you know how she's like when she's like that?!?"
"But you have to-"
"Don't worry about it, fellas- he's already concocting a solution" Gareth speaks as he throws a wink
"He's actually talking about her with us" Jeff snickers as he watches Eddie stresses
Eddie only grumbles in response when his bandmates exposed the conversation earlier
"The look on your face is not appealing for this time of the year"
The familiar voice behind you spoke as you throw your head back at the soft surface
"Hey" you say with literally 0% energy
Robin sits beside you as she takes a good look at you
"My, My, My, I can see it- jealousy, clear as day" she gestures at your face as you scoff
She only smirks "What's going on inside your mind, huh?"
"I just saw him talking to another girl yesterday" you sneered as you clenched your jaw
She clicks her tongue as she brings herself closer to you
You furrow your brows as you watch her lean forward
The scariest thing with Robin is that she can read your fucking mind
"If you're thinking about Eddie hanging out with other girls" she clears her throat and straighten herself up
As if she prepares for an ultimate speech
"Well, for your information, sweet pea- is that he never does that to anyone, he only does that to you!" She punctuates every word she said with a finger pointing at you
Still, you won't let her see your surprised expression, you try to mask it
You tilt your head at her as you laugh in disbelief
"Please be fucking for real, Robin?"
She chuckles at your stubbornness "Girl- If you're weren't present right now, he won't attend and he won't be here if it wasn't for you"
You went silent on that because Robin is making sense
A lot of sense
"Eddie is never the one to show up in these events but when you came around- he's always here"
Robin added a lot more sizzle on the stove that made the fire inside of you grows larger
You remember that
It was so late that night but Eddie came last minute because Nancy mentioned about you staying and spending the holidays with them
You're aware that she always talks about you
That's why he's so excited to meet you in the first place
Robin smiles like a freaking Cheshire cat when she successfully made your brain go right where it belongs
Your eyes might hurt for eyerolling too much as you get up and headed towards to-
Obviously, Eddie
Robin giggles as she says "Glad to be a part of your service!"
You saw Eddie yelling over to his friends and bandmates as they stopped talking when they saw you
He knits his brows as they watch all of them go running away one by one
When he turns around, he sighs nervously
"I just wanna apolog-"
"I'm sorry"
Both of you talked over to each other as you both stare and he wants to laugh at how ridiculous this is
"I appreciate everything, you've done for me- Eddie- and I apologize for my behavior last night"
"No- it's okay-" he stopped at what he's supposed to do when
His idiotic mind finally catches up at the thing that annoyed you last night
"Oh- is that girl!"
You frown at him "Look- you don't have to bring it up-'" you sigh in defeat
"You know what- this is bullshit- I'm outta here" you walk away but he tails at you
"You can't"
"it's blizzard out there!"
You glance the window outside, it's a damn snowstorm- alright
"I'm gonna find my way out of here"
"What?! why do you want to do that?!"
"To stay the hell away at you"
He laughs darkly as he jogs over your path to block you- you crossed both of your arms
"That girl yesterday was one of the bullies that made my life, the hardest, I didn't gave her the satisfaction that just because I'm getting better at my career, I won't forget the things she do to me before"
The crease in your forehead flattens as you look at him directly
"So, you don't have to be jealous over something that isn't necessary" he finishes with that
Oh, he is speaking the truth and that makes even feel more worst than ever
Not a single fucking thing that says "dishonest" on his eyes
"Guess what? Eddie- that won't convince me!" You sarcastically replied with a fake smile as you move over aside to walk out of him
He knows this wouldn't be easy, he smiles down and he's amused at this
He shook his head as he spoke again
"You missed my hint"
You halt your tracks as you look back at him
"Missed what?!?" annoyance setting in your tone
He walks towards at you with a smirk laying on his face
"I gave you a hint yesterday and you missed it"
You squint your eyes at him as you try to remember the things that he said to you
The simmering anger inside of you that almost bubbled into the boiling point has died down when it finally hit you
"I like you" his voice echoes to your mind
When you look back at him, he smiles wildly as he moves closer to you
He puts your wispy bangs on the side as he can see it hurting your eyes
Your gaze softens as he whispers "You're so pretty"
And out of the blue, there goes his antics, he goes down on his knees
"I would seriously die for you!" He shouts out loud earning an attention to some of your friends
You laugh as you try to help him get up but he won't budge
"I will worship you every single day until I die!"
Steve appears in the corner as he announces
"The Grinch is about to start y'all gonna miss it!"
You and Eddie giggle as he finally back up to his feet
Both of you get what you want to chomp down while watching the film
He gave you, your favorite, the buttered popcorn
You blushed as you about to take it he pulled you as he kisses your cheek that alone made you let out a small gasp and he smirks
Causing you to flip him off as he laughs
While heading at the living room both of you started teasing at each other
"if you left you won't be getting that popcorn"
"Yeah, yeah, you won- stop gloating already"
"You love me, don't you?"
"Shut up"
"You love meeee"
"I do"
He's like a goddamn kid, hopping like a toddler as he pulls you to his side, you look at him with a glowing smile
Unbeknownst to the both of you, Jeff, Gareth, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Robin and even Steve both shared high-fives together when both of you finally get together at last
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 2 months
As her many online fans have noticed, Rebecca Ferguson is playful, eccentric, sometimes very candid, can turn on a dime, and does not suffer fools. Interviewing her can be like riding a wild bull, a bit unpredictable and disarming, and I found that to be very much the case with my latest interview with her about “Dune: Part Two” . The actress, if nothing else, is quite frank and sometimes even blunt about her opinions.
Yesterday, we rolled out an excerpt from our more extended interview where Ferguson admitted that she was the one that left the “Mission Impossible” franchise after ‘Dead Reckoning,’ after a three-picture deal concluded, suggesting her character was killed off after the filmmakers knew she wouldn’t be coming back.
“So when the relationship came to a point where—there was not more to be done really with Ilsa,” she said of the character’s arc. “And they will make a good, something dramatic out of [a character’s ending], and all I can do is embrace it.
Perhaps in perfectly forthright Ferguson form, when asked that she would presumably return for “Dune Messiah,” the third film in the ‘Dune’ saga that Villeneuve intends to direct, though maybe not right away, she said, yes, but maybe, and it depends on the script. Ferguson stressed she thinks Villeneuve is “exquisite” and brilliant and possibly couldn’t even turn in a bad idea if he tried, she admitted for her—as she suggested with her’ Mission Impossible’ character and why she decided not to return to the franchise—it’s always all about the script.
“I mean, I do,” she said about her interest in returning for more ‘Dune’ films, “But there’s never just [an immediate] yes or a no. I’m very much what’s on the page; the story needs to be there, and there needs to be reason.”
“But it’s Denis. Denis wouldn’t write something that I wouldn’t want to be in. I love him. I think he is exquisite; he’s exquisite as a director; I think he is so creative,” she continued. “I think he is so smart, and especially when he talks about how the world is going and the way the studio lies and the creative freedom that is gradually taken away from us. I know what he wants, which means I believe in him.”
“So if it came [to a sequel], of course, I’d want to [be in it], but also, I want to take my character into a place that’s interesting to me. There’s always the balance. If you’re going to dedicate your four months to something, it needs to be worth it, right?”
Denis Villeneuve is currently writing “Dune: Messiah” with co-screenwriter Jon Spaihts and recently said it was “almost finished.”
But in our interview with Villeneuve, where he confirmed rumors of him directing “Sicario 3” were untrue, the filmmaker would not commit to helming “Dune: Messiah” next and suggested he may need a beat first to “dream” a little more about it.
“Once the [new] movie is out, I intend to go back into the snow and dream a little bit to see if I’m going back to Arrakis right away or if I’m taking a detour just for mental sanity, to take a little distance and get rejuvenated,” he told The Playlist.
In the meantime, maybe look at your draft one more time and make sure Ferguson’s part is up to snuff before you send it to her. “Dune: Part Two” opens on March 1. More from these interviews soon.
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1-800-rh · 2 months
(In case anyone wanted a pt 2 . Here is the second chapter to my Rodrick X Fem!Reader , you can find it on wattpad 😊My account is Bylersss!)
"YOU still not talking to them ?" Y/n took a sip of her smoothie. She quickly put it down & latched onto the passenger handle as Rodrick was driving on the sidewalk - in the opposite direction of traffic. "Ehh , sort ofish . Have you heard anything from your parents?"
She shrugged & pulled out her pink Motorola flip phone. "Hey Y/n ! We miss u & just wanted to let u know that we are now traveling to Miami concerning our new product. We may be going home in a month or two. Luv Mom XOXO." She snapped it shut & put it back into the pocket of her jacket.
Rodrick kept silent for a bit then finally spoke up when they'd come to a stop. "My parents are taking us to Roarin' Rapids next weekend. We leave on Friday , I was wondering if you'd like to come ?" He then nonchalantly shrugged. "If you want. Greg is bringing the Hamburglar so thought you might want to come."
She chuckled at the one of many insults he had for Rowley. She nodded & grabbed the handle once more. "Yeah for sure . Sounds awesome."
Y/n fiddled with her fingernails as they pulled into the Heffley residence. Rodrick quickly noticed it & decided to speak up about it . "You nervous or something?" She gave a heavy sigh & shook her head .
"No I just have lots of things going on in my mind."
"Seems like it might be something more."
She tightened her first & watched him pull the key out of the ignition, frustration was scribbled all over his face . "You know you can always talk to me right ."
Y/n looked around for anything to withdraw the attention off of her & onto something else . That's when she saw Greg & the familiar chubby boy. "Looks like Rowley's here again !" She smiled as they both exited the car & made their way to the tweens.
"Hey turd face , I told mom I'd give you some drum lessons in exchange for mom bucks. Follow me to the garage." He paused & gave the chubby kid an up & down examination, disgust written all over . "And bring Salad Dodger with you."
Rowley , the bowl cut haired kid, pointed to himself & whispered a , "Is he talking about me ?" to Greg. Y/n chuckled & nodded , following after the three boys.
She found herself sat on top of a cooler reading a magazine, Rodrick played away at the drums . Rowley & Greg both had confusion written on each of their faces , sharing a glance at one another here & there before looking at Rodrick & then back down to the bowls in front of them .
"When do we get to play the real drums ?"
Rodrick removed his headphones & chortled . "Like I would ever let you touch them!" Greg rolled his eyes & through the utensils he held on to the ground. "I'm sick of this. Let's go play Twisted Wizard , Rowley."
Y/n peeped over her magazine & looked at Rodrick , who was putting his drumsticks away. "Mom bucks ?"
"It's this dumb thing my mom came up with . Basically we bond as brothers & we get play money we can exchange for real bucks."
She dipped her head to indicate she understood. "Well how much have you made ? You can barely stand him."
"Haha . Funny. But I found the fake money in an old board game , so in actuality I don't really have to bond with him." He said . She chuckled & fished for her phone in her jacket.
"I gotta run , I made plans with my friends to catch a movie. Come with ?"
He walked with her down the set of stairs & shook his head. "Nah , the bands coming soon to practice for the talent show."
"Sucks. Alright then I'll see you tomorrow!" She leaned in & gave him a quick hug before pulling away & heading out front.
"What were you guys thinking ?! I asked for you to be civilized just for a bit !"
Rodrick groaned the moment his mom started going on about Sunday's incident, again. It had been 3 days since it happened & yet she kept going on & on .
However, it seemed like Frank had gotten a new job & had reduced his drinking - making him the only parent that was tolerable for the moment being. He couldn't wait to talk to Y/n, with the punishment came getting his van taken away & phone away. They lived next to each other but because part of his punishment was also not being allowed out of the house equaled no Y/n . He couldn't even talk to her in class as they would get too busy & by the time he tried talking to her class was over.
He cursed under his breath as he headed towards the domicile. His dad called out for him the moment he hopped out of the vehicle. "Rodrick , come here."
Rodrick spun & slowly made his way towards his father . He awaited for a whole ass lecture but to his surprise received his keys & cell phone back. He had obviously given Frank a weird look before the older man began to explain himself. "Your mom is upset , obviously. But she had asked me to give these to you. I know the new drums aren't the best but I felt bad about the last set & decided to buy you those."
Rodrick felt himself smile but he was able to contain it & only said "Thanks." before heading to his home.
He flipped his phone open to see multiple missed calls & texts from Y/n , Bill , Drew , & Ward. First & foremost he went ahead & gave a call to his band members.
Once the call had concluded he called Y/n , there was no answer. He tried again.
Then one more time .
He had felt worried & quickly went to his window that faced her room. He felt his heart drop as he watched her walk out the house , hand in hand with Carter Samuels. She paused to adjust her shoe lace & quickly reached for his hand again , the biggest smile was spread on her face.
Rodrick quickly shut the blinds & tossed his phone onto his bed . He gritted his teeth before punching the wall . He then could only sigh & tossed himself onto his bed.
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rainboq · 2 years
Is it true that dontnod had their hands tied when it comes to the sexuality of their characters?
It's pretty blatantly obvious. 2015 was a very different time for writing queer characters in games, you have to remember what happened with FOX news and the first Mass Effect game. Games publishers weren't exactly in a hurry to court that kind of press attention again, and from what DONTNOD have said, Square was basically the only publisher who would let them keep Max a girl in the first place. Since I don't work at DN, and I don't crawl through their old interviews, I have to use the text itself to draw this conclusion.
When you look at the game as a text, it's very clear that it's a sapphic love story. Chloe's dialogue makes it very clear that she was romantically entangled, if not actually dating, Rachel, and her room is plastered with pictures of women in sexual or revealing poses, but she never states her sexuality. I don't know if you ever spent any time around queer people, but, uh... that doesn't really happen. The choice to kiss Chloe is also presented as a major choice, something that will alter the trajectory of Max's life, while Warren is... there. Literally the first time the player sees him, Max makes it clear that she doesn't want any physical contact (meanwhile she's constantly touching Chloe). His asking Max to the movies is presented with no special framing and doesn't even happen in the text, Max's time with him is extremely limited while we spend most of our time with Chloe, and the option to kiss him is only a standard dialogue option. You may not even get it.
Go back and watch the morning scene in episode 3 and pay attention to the framing, it's very clearly presented with the cinematic language of a morning after scene, Chloe even smokes in bed after Max gets up. Hell, go play the pool scene and choose the "bro killer" line. Hannah's delivery is perfect for a Max who is utterly smitten with Chloe, and is literally Max saying that she finds Chloe attractive, plus Chloe's disgust at Max's implication that she'd have an easy time dating a guy is very explicit. The entire central thesis of the story is Max and Chloe's relationship, framed around the search for Chloe's missing lover.
And yet... the only time we hear that Chloe loved Rachel is when she finds her corpse, and one of the deleted lines from the sacrifice Chloe ending is Chloe confessing her love for Max. Here's where we hit the "their hands were tied" problem. Editorially, they're only allowed to use that language and framing when there's grief involved. The only acceptable queer love story to a cishet audience is a tragic one, that's where the bury your gays tropes comes from. We never once get a frank discussion of sexuality, or even a flirtatious one like Alex and Steph have while playing foosball.
You can also see shades of this in Before the Storm, especially surrounding Steph. Pay attention to the language Chloe uses to talk about Steph being a lesbian. She never outright says the word, only that Steph kisses girls and that's cool. Honestly, I wish we could have gotten a whole scene of Steph and Chloe talking about how confusing sexuality is, and Chloe trying to parse her feelings with how empty her relationships with boys have been vs what she's feeling for Rachel. Instead we got... *sigh*.
I have to wonder what Life is Strange would have looked like if they had been able to write about the sexuality of their characters in an open and honest manner. As it stands, all we have is a bunch of very blatant queer coding that gets confirmed very quickly but nobody actually says the word gay. Max and Chloe walked so Sean and Alex could run, and I can't wait to see where the franchise goes next.
Maybe we might even get a trans protagonist. A girl can dream.
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nroibdodyl3e1r · 1 year
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Olive's baby-sitter
Chap 3 " movie night"
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, hurry up!!” You think. As soon as you get out of the store, you drive as fast as you can back to high school to give Tia her bike back.
You almost fall off the bike when you get there, out of breath you give Tia her keys back. You pause for a few seconds to catch your breath and say "Thanks Tia... I have to go... otherwise I'll be late". And just as quickly you ran off to get Olive.
Dwayne watches the whole scene from a distance thinking "what the f- is going on". It's the first time he, Tia, and Soph have seen you do so much sport.
You arrive at Olive's elementary school, almost passing out.
When you get home, you let Olive have her snack and you take the opportunity to put Dwayne's gift on his desk.
Then you go to Olive’s room and suggest you watch her favorite DVD, a beauty contest from last year. This is your strategy, not brave, to avoid seeing Dwayne and be completely embarrassed when he will find your gift.
When you hear the front door open your heart stops for a moment. You think you're going to die of stress but suddenly the phone rings and you hear Richard answer, your soul returns to your body.
"Can we go to the garden? I want to show you my new moves!" Olive asks and you immediately agree, you won't survive this fear a second time and in the garden, you won't hear anything.
As usual, as soon as Dwayne gets home, he goes straight to his room. He stops when he sees something on his desk; "American Idiot" by Green Day with a little note: "I thought you might like it. Thanks again for everything :)". His cheeks turn instantly red, and he can hear his heart pounding in his ears. You don't know it but he has a crush on you, it was almost love at first sight. Dwayne decided to ignore his feelings until they fades but it's been getting harder and harder to hide them. He sees the boys in high school talking about you, and Grandpa's questions. All of this makes him jealous and scared... He has decided to be nicer to you, he doesn't know yet where it will lead him but it’s worth taking the risk even if he is convinced that you will never see him as more than a friend.
When you walk back down the hallway with Olive, you see Dwayne lying on his bed with his headphones on reading a book. You are relieved that he likes your gift but you dread the moment when you'll have to face him. In your eyes, this gift is almost a love confession but for Dwayne, who has friend zoned himself, you did it out of pure friendship.
You are drawn out of your thoughts when you hear Sheryl and Richard start to argue in their room. You leave Olive with Grandpa and go to start making dinner (you sometimes do this when Sheryl has had a tiring day). When you're done, you call everyone and you all start to eat in awkward silence. It is broken by Sheryl "You know your uncle Frank is in the hospital and well tomorrow he is coming to stay with us for a while. Dwayne, you will be sharing your room with him" she said in a tone that implied that he had no choice. You could see the anger rising in him as he began to write frantically on his notepad. "It's unfair! This is the only place I have to myself!".
"You don't have a choice Dwayne, he can't be left alone and your room is the only place where there is room. The discussion is over." You can feel the tension crushing you. Dwayne smashes the table as he gets up and storms off to his room.
You clear the table with the rest of the family still in silence. Sheryl and Richard start to argue again. You wait for a second and suggest to Sheryl that you take Olive home to watch a movie, to save her from the stress of seeing her parents yelling at each other. It's also for you, your parents have been fighting a lot since you were a little, and it gives you a lot of anxiety to hear Sheryl and Richard fighting now. She agrees so you go to Olive "Olive do you want to come to watch a movie at my house?" "Oh yes! I'll get to see your house!". "Get ready then, and take a jacket it's cold at night."
You think for a second and wonder if what you are about to do is a good idea. You knock softly on Dwayne's door before going inside. "Dwayne, I- I don't know if this is the right time, b-but Olive and I are going to watch a movie at my house since my parents aren't here. Do.. you.. want to come?" You're having a hard time talking under the shyness. With a slight nod, Dwayne agrees and then stands up.
On the way you hardly speak, you are so shy after giving him this gift. Olive outranks you by a few feet. You think this is the best time to talk to Dwayne about your day. "I hope the CD made you happy. I wanted to give it to you and I hope I chose the right one. Hum, I...I noticed that your behavior towards me has changed, and even tho I don't really understand why it makes me happy." You say, looking down at your feet to hide your completely red face. You look over and see Dwayne writing. Your stress is at its peak. Without a word he hands you his notepad, "I'm glad it makes you happy. "
You're pleased, and you're getting pretty confident, "I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I'd like to think that you don't hate me as much as the rest of the world." You say with a laugh. Without realizing it you arrived in front of your house. You open the door and Olive, bursting with joy, says "Can you show us your room? I really want to see it! "Sure," you reply with a big smile. Your room isn't very big, posters cover your walls, and your impressive comic book collection surprises Dwayne. "Is that your makeup?" Olive comes to you with a box.
"Oh yeah, I haven't worn it in a while" That's right, since you got to high school you stopped wearing it. "If you want it, you can have it."
"Really?" She asks, with stars in her eyes.
"Really." you laugh. You know it makes her happy. She’s always wanted some since she started watching beauty pageants. "Will your parents agree?" you ask Dwayne. In response, he shrugs his shoulders as if to say "I don't know". After Olive is done looking at every corner of your room you three go downstairs to the living room "What do you want to watch?" you ask as you take out the DVDs. Olive has the last word and chooses Finding Nemo.
While Dwayne puts on the movie you go and make some popcorn. The three of you sit on the couch, Olive on the right, Dwayne in the middle, and you on the left. You put the popcorn on the coffee table and start the movie. You can barely concentrate on the movie because you are so nervous about sitting so close to Dwayne. Your couch isn't very big, so your shoulders are touching. About one hour through the movie you start to fall asleep after all you have a very, very tiring day. Without realizing it, your eyes close and your head falls on Dwayne's shoulder, startling him. Now he's the one who can't concentrate on the movie. You are sleeping on his shoulder and he is so happy. Not wanting to wake you up he doesn't move at all, he hardly breathes just in case.
At the end of the movie, he gently wakes you up. He shows you a note written in advance "The movie is over, we have to go before it's too late. Thanks for the evening, it really cheered me up. We can do this again someday if you want to.” You don't know it but he thought for 10 minutes before writing this. Half awake you answer "I do". 
"See you tomorrow. Good night you two." You give Olive a hug and Dwayne a fist bump. As the door closes behind them you smack your forehead, "A fist bump, you dumbass! Oh my god, this is so embarrassing !!!"
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