#we also have a rubber ducky figure
magistralucis · 2 months
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so unbelievably happy with my deep sea giant isopod figure
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How to Handle Critique
I’ve got to admit, I wish I was one of those beatific saints that could take critique with a grateful smile. Instead, I am constantly suppressing a horrible little gremlin at the back of my head hissing at anything from legit plot critiques to grammar corrections. I’m well aware I used that comma wrong, GOD.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very good at suppressing that gremlin, but the little bastard is still there. He exists because even though your brain knows critique can help, it also knows you worked damn hard on the thing being critiqued, and goddamnit, isn’t that enough???
Anyway, here are some tips on getting that gremlin to shut the hell up.
It is okay to be upset. You worked really hard on this thing, and now someone’s gone and pointed out all the things that suck about it. You cannot control how you feel about one thing or another, but you can allow yourself to feel that way and let it pass through you. Let your critique partner you’re taking time to reflect on it, and go for a walk. Do something else. Let those feelings pass through you before you get back to the page.
Give yourself time. Don’t feel like you need to correct things right away (unless they are minimal grammar tweaks). Some pieces of feedback might take awhile to sink in, especially when you’ve got a whole novel to wrestle through. Set it aside, think about something else for a week or so, and get back to it when you’ve reset.
Get a second opinion and/or ducky friend. It can be very hard to tell the difference between good and bad feedback sometimes. Someone who means very well could give feedback that just doesn’t work for you, and someone who doesn’t give two shits could have spotted that fatal flaw right away. You can bring in a real third party or just make use of the old rubber duck technique, where you talk through the issue with a friend or a Naruto poster telling you to Believe it. Working it out out-loud is a really effective technique to figure out what needs fixing and what doesn’t.
Guide critique-givers toward the feedback you want. I, a person who prefers straightforward fantasy and sci-fi, cannot give the fine-tooth points on how a romance novel should work. However, I can give feedback on what works for me and what doesn’t story-wise. Giving your beta reader or critique partner a list of questions to look for will help avoid vague feedback based on how they don’t like the genre. There are many ways to do this, but consider using the following as a base to tailor your own questions:
Did you get a good sense of the setting? Did the worldbuilding make sense to you?
Was this story clear? Where there any parts that seemed confusing?
What characters did you like and why? What characters didn’t you like?
Did any parts of the story feel slow or repetitive?
Did the beginning draw you in? Did the middle keep you engaged? Did the ending feel satisfying?
If you were to write [insert plot point here], what would you do differently?
Again, all of the above questions are up for debate depending on your goal, but we are rarely taught how to give good feedback, and a guided feedback session would work better for you than a free-for-all.
Figure out what kind of advice doesn’t work for you. It is really hard to give good feedback sometimes, even with guided questions. It can also be really hard to figure out why some feedback doesn’t click with you, and that’s a matter of digging deep to figure out what you really want. You may lean toward characters who are horrible fuck-ups, but your partner prefers more steady characters who always strive to do the right thing. Your characters, therefore, may never click with this person, no matter how much they want to help you. And that’s okay! Figuring out where your critique partner is coming from can help you figure out what parts of their feedback isn’t working for you. Sometimes the only thing you can do is thank them and move on, but you might also want to guide them to focus more on the plot or the worldbuilding when looking at your work.
And last, don’t focus on grammar. It’s great if they point that out, but if you end up changing everything, trying to fix that first is a waste of your time. Grammar tweaks last, plot points first.
And, I dunno, give yourself a treat to get that horrible little mind gremlin something else to focus on. Sometimes patting those bad feelings on the head and sending them away can help way more than ignoring them.
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moonpascaltoo · 26 days
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all nathan bateman stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, let me know <3)
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☾ @missdictatorme
       ☼ the beauty of imperfection
               ⭒ Nathan figured having a personal assistant wouldn't hurt. He was wrong. She was a pain in the ass. Also she was so different from his robots (he no longer have because one tried to kill him). But she was also... fascinating.
       ☼ influencer!reader
☾ @spacecowboyhotch
       ☼ in plain sight
               ⭒ for someone who’s all about AI, blanks stares and obedient droids, your likeness to them is driving him crazy. 
☾ @hoedamn-eron
       ☼ shut up, kid
               ⭒ You awake to your first Mother’s Day with baby Bateman.
       ☼ bluey
               ⭒ Nathan discovers your son’s favourite show.
☾ @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
       ☼ ebo
       ☼ piano s/o
☾ @reallyrallyauthor
       ☼ assembly required
               ⭒ Nathan Bateman is maybe the smartest man in the world. But that doesn’t mean he has the common sense that god gave a can of green beans.
☾ @youvebeenlivingfictional
       ☼ accidental kiss
       ☼ fake dating
       ☼ by definition
               ⭒ “To what extent are we culpable? If there is forethought, is it traceable  through code? At what point are humans no longer responsible for their  creations?”
       ☼ magnetic
               ⭒ Now that you’ve met him in person, Nathan Bateman is everything and nothing like you’ve expected.
       ☼ rubber ducky, you're the one
               ⭒ The last time he got roped into one of these celebrity auctions, Nathan wound up spending six stupefying hours with a Kardashian, trying to explain why they couldn’t launch their own crypto, ‘K-Coin’, without plans for a public exchange. This? This is way more interesting, but just as mystifying.
       ☼ that algo is fucking scuffed part 2
               ⭒ It’s Nathan Bateman’s business card, with all of his contact information on it. But there’s a small hand-drawn → on the bottom. 
You flip it over and read: Thanks for the fix. Your rate seems reasonable. Looking for a job? -NB
       ☼ the logical progression part 2
               ⭒ Maybe it was better that you didn’t meet Bateman until you were further along in your time at Blue Book. By the time you did, you were much more self-assured, knowledgeable, and far less afraid to challenge authority. You hadn’t gotten to where you were by being a shrinking violet.
       ☼ this didn't happen
               ⭒ Had you gone to the conference planning to sleep with Nathan Bateman? No. Had you? Yes. Were you regretting it? Absolutely. 
☾ @leoluved
       ☼ chase and pull
               ⭒ nathan likes when you get jealous, but he gets upset when he gets a taste of his own medicine. 
☾ @writefightandflightclub
       ☼ dear diary, i met an asshole
       ☼ uninvited
               ⭒ Nathan attends the Met Gala, but there’s something missing. That’s you.
☾ @leiakenobi
       ☼ post script
               ⭒ It took nearly a month after the company funeral for a pair of suits to show up at your door and say, “We’re here to discuss the Bateman estate.”
☾ @softboywriting
       ☼ almost lost you
               ⭒ It takes Nathan nearly dying to realize he loves you, but he needs to know you feel the same and will take some unnecessary steps to find out instead of just asking you.
hopefully all links work, let me know if not <3
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mint-yooxgi · 11 months
{12} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Seonghwa, and slight Wooyoung)
Words: 9,104
Warnings: Clingy Wooyoung. I honestly think that's it lmao This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: So, I know it's been forever since I updated this, or at least, it feels like it lmaoo I really hope this chapter makes up for the wait! I think it's really cute and fun. I've got a lot of stuff planned going forward, and quite a spicy scene next chapter hehehe As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven
If you thought Yeosang had been clingy after the first time the two of you had had sex, Wooyoung is ten times worse. You can hardly go anywhere in the house without him following you around, or showing up beside you suddenly in order to practically cling off of your side. He even goes so far as to appear beside you in the tub, a cheeky grin pulling at his features as he holds a rubber ducky in his one hand.
The first time he had done that, you had let out a shriek in surprise. One minute you had been alone, sliding into the warm water with your eyes falling shut in bliss. The next, you had opened them to see him sitting across from you, smiling like a mad man in love.
“Hi, Angel.” He had waved that rubber ducky held in his hand so casually before giving it a small squeeze. 
The squeak it let out almost served to mock the irritation you had been feeling. Of course, Yunho and Yeosang were quick to appear in the bathroom after that, having heard you shriek and all.
“Don’t you, ‘Hi, Angel’ me! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You had smacked his arm, chest rising and falling dramatically as you attempted to catch your breath.
“Oh, no! My Angel is suddenly having breathing issues!” Wooyoung all too eagerly leapt at the opportunity to wrap you in his arms
A blink, and you have him in a headlock, clear irritation on your face.
“Can I not be alone? For five minutes?” You shake him lightly, feeling how his one hand rests almost lovingly against your arm wrapped around his throat.
“Well, I see you two are figuring things out.” Yunho chuckles.
“I just want to take a bath in peace.” You sigh.
You can practically feel the way Wooyoung deflates in your arms, and you just know that that all too familiar pout of his is pulling at his features. 
“I just want to spend time with you, Angel.”
“And you can’t do so wearing pants?” Yeosang gives his brother a once over, clear distaste on his features.
“Like you did any differently!” Wooyoung counters, still being held in that headlock by you.
That’s when you realize: oh, yeah, you’re naked, too.
That rubber ducky gets thrown in the direction of both Yunho’s and Yeosang’s heads. “Get out!”
“It’s nothing we haven’t seen before, Petal.” Yunho chuckles, easily catching the rubber ducky in his hand.
“I don’t care!” You begin tossing more small items in their direction while shoving Wooyoung out of the tub. “Privacy is privacy, and I value mine!”
“Alright, Dearest.” Yeosang smiles, his shoulders shaking lightly as he grabs Wooyoung by his ear before the younger male can hop back into the tub with you. “We’ll leave you be.”
“Thank you, Yeosangie.” You return his smile with a relieved one of your own. Crossing your arms over your chest, you shoot them all a look. “No weird demon magic, or spying through the mirrors thingy, either.”
“We wouldn’t dream of it,” Yunho hums, amusement dancing in his eyes.
Not even a moment later, the three males disappear from the room, leaving you to your thoughts once again.
At least you managed to get some time alone after that. However, Wooyoung was insistent of spending almost every waking moment he could with you. For two solid weeks, he would always be the one sitting beside you when you were eating, and somehow, he would manage to worm his way into your lap while you were reading in the library. He’d follow you around the house like a lost puppy, and nearly fight his brothers every night to be the one to sleep in your bed with you.
Finally, one night, you managed to convince him to give you some space. You dragged both Mingi and Seonghwa into your room before Wooyoung could appear and kick one of them out. Comfortably, you rested in bed, a male on either side of you, and just as you were drifting off to sleep, a weight suddenly laying on your chest had your eyes flinging open.
“Really?” Your bloodshot eyes bored a hole into the top of Wooyoung’s head as he clung onto you from overtop of your blankets.
“Wooyoung, you’re being too much.” Mingi sighs.
“If My Angel had a problem with it, she would say something.” Wooyoung replies, matter of factly.
“I have been begging you all week to let me breathe, Wooyoung.” You manage to bring a hand up to rub at the bridge of your nose. “We can’t always be attached at the hip.”
“Why not?” He pouts, staring up at you with those big, brown eyes of his.
“Wooyoung,” It’s Seonghwa who speaks this time, and at one look from him, the younger is shrinking in his spot. “Don’t make me call Joong.”
“Fine.” Wooyoung sighs, dejectedly slinking off of you, and off of the end of the bed.
Wooyoung slowly begins to make his way to your door, purposely dragging his feet. He glances over his shoulder, the look of a wounded animal resting on his features as he pleads with you silently to ask him to say.
“Goodnight, Wooyoung.” You say, somewhat pointedly as you turn to curl yourself into Mingi’s side.
The sound of your door clicking shut is the only response you get, and for some reason, even you can sense the way Wooyoung is surely trudging down the hallway defeatedly.
Now, as you rest on your bed the very next day, you find yourself alone at last. The only person in the room with you is Kuroo, and he rests curled up in a little ball on top of your Snorlax beanbag chair. You swear you can almost hear soft little snores coming from that little ball of black fluff as you turn the page of your book. 
Finally, you have some peace and quiet.
Most of the other guys have been pretty good with you lately. Reluctantly, they’ve allowed Wooyoung the pleasure of clinging to you for the first few days after you had entered the dance studio of your own free will. Luckily, though, they’ve had your back more often than not. It seems last night might have been the final straw, for you haven’t heard anything from Wooyoung today.
A first in over two weeks.
Of course, you opt to hide out in your room, just in case. As much as you love spending time with him, he has been a little overbearing lately. You just want a breather. Plus, it’s not fair to the others that he gets to monopolize all of your time. You still have yet to see Seonghwa’s tailor shop since the incident, and if all goes well, you plan on visiting him there later today. For now, you just want to enjoy the peace and quiet solitude can bring.
About another hour passes by like this, with you simply reading alone in your room. That is, until you see a little black fluff jump onto the bed with you.
“Oh, hello, Kuroo,” you coo, immediately bookmarking your page and smiling down at the little cat crawling up from the end of your bed. The instant you place your book beside you, he’s nuzzling against your hand, blinking up at you with wide eyes. “How’s my little handsome fella today?”
A coo is all you receive back, Kuroo pushing his head harder against your hand.
“Oh, come here, you.” You chuckle, picking him up from beneath his front arms, and pulling him on top of your lap. “Aren’t you just the cutest!”
A happy chirp greets you this time, Kuroo practically climbing up your body to begin rubbing his face all over your neck and jawline.
That’s when you notice another pair of golden eyes still staring at you from on top of your Snorlax beanbag.
Your grip tightens around the black cat in your arms.
“Alright, Stinky,” you begin to move off of the bed with ‘Kuroo’ held tightly in your grip. “You have impeccable timing, Little One, because it’s time for your bath.”
The cat freezes in your arms, but only for a moment. A loud complaint is soon filed by Not Kuroo pretending to be the real one.
“Ah-ah, don’t be a little stinker,” you shake your head, managing to scruff him. You pull him off of you, shifting your arm to the side as you hold him tightly in your grip. “And don’t you dare try and claw me like the last time.”
There’s a false cheeriness to your tone as you glance down to see Not Kuroo almost curling in on himself while being held by the scruff of his neck. He glances up at you with pleading eyes, only to meet your overtly tight, albeit friendly, smile.
The two Kuroo’s lock gazes, and the one in your hand shrinks even further in on himself.
Entering the bathroom, you march right over to the tub. The instant you turn the faucet on, Not Kuroo begins wiggling in your hold to escape.
“Come on, Stinky, none of that.” You lift him so you’re eye level. “Don’t you want to be a good boy for Your Queen?”
At the way you quirk a brow, Not Kuroo immediately stops squirming.
“I think the water should be the perfect temperature by now,” you smile, somewhat maliciously.
If this doesn’t teach him a lesson, you don’t know what will.
You don’t even bother to check the temperature as you dunk Not Kuroo beneath the rushing stream. You can feel the icy chill on the tips of your fingers, but you hold tight, submerging him for a good thirty seconds to ensure he’s soaked by the time you pull him out.
Turning off the faucet, you don’t even bother to grab a towel as you exit the bathroom. All the while, you continue to hold Not Kuroo by the scruff of the neck, water dripping in a trail behind you as you head towards the game room.
The moment San notices you enter the room, his attention is on you. His gaze darts from your overtly cheery expression to the soaking wet cat held in your hand.
Both Jongho and Mingi burst out laughing.
“Where’s Hongjoong?” You ask, tone dripping nothing but sweetness.
The cat in your hand tenses.
“He went out to feed with Yunho and Yeosang.” Jongho informs you, a knowing grin pulling at his lips as he stares directly at the cat in your hand.
A long sigh escapes you.
“What happened?” Mingi quirks a brow, looking between you and the cat.
“Stinky boy needed a bath,” you reply, lifting the cat so you can stare directly into his eyes. “Isn’t that right, Wooyoung?”
The cat’s mouth falls open, and in the blink of an eye, you’ve tossed him in the direction of his brothers. Wooyoung takes the liberty to shift mid-air, water droplets flinging off of him and onto the surrounding males.
“Hey! Watch it, Woo!” San flicks some of the water droplets off of his arm.
San gets completely ignored in favour of Wooyoung attempting to stand back to his feet and go after you. Only, he doesn’t get very far, as he sees you practically looming over him while he rests on his knees.
“I just wanted a day.” You sigh, rubbing at your tired eyes. “A day without you trying to magic your way into monopolizing all of my time.”
“It’s been two weeks Wooyoung.” Your sharp gaze meets his own, his eyebrows drooping dramatically. “Two weeks.”
“You have been a bit much recently, Woo.” San chimes in.
“Like you’d be any different!” Wooyoung rounds on San.
The elder simply raises his hands in his own defence.
“I have asked you repeatedly to give me space, and you have not.” There is nothing but irritated disappointment on your features as you sigh. “Do you think posing as Kuroo works in your favour right now?”
A pointed coo from the real Kuroo as he walks into the room has Wooyoung’s eyebrow twitching.
“I just wanted to spend time with you,” his voice is but a whisper as he looks down at his hands.
“I understand that, Woo.” You crouch in front of him in order to get him to meet your gaze. “But you have to understand that I also value my downtime. We’ve been spending almost twenty-four hours with each other every day for a little over two weeks. That’s not fair to me when I’ve asked you for a little breathing room, nor your brothers. Do you not think that they also want to spend some time with me, too?”
“They haven’t said anything…” he mutters.
“We’ve tried.” Mingi grumbles out a response, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You have to understand that there are eight of you, and only one of me. I cannot be in multiple places at once, and you can’t always hog me to yourself.” You go on to say. “I don’t mind a day here or there where it’s just us, but you’ve got to learn that me saying that I need some time to myself, or me asking you to give me space does not mean that I don’t want you anymore, or that I don’t love you, or that I never want to see you again.”
The whole room is silent for the moment, save for the slow, consistent drip of droplets that continue to fall from the ends of Wooyoung’s damp hair.
“Okay.” His voice is small as he continues to kneel before you.
A blink, and you’re pointing at the other three. “I count you all in this, too.”
“We know, Baby.” San smiles faintly, a certain reminiscent gleam in his eyes.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you nod once at them, moving to exit the room.
“So, which was worse?” Jongho moves beside his brother kneeling on the floor, purposely speaking loud enough so that you can still hear. “Being a drowned rat, or a dead fly?”
Your eyebrow twitches and you freeze halfway through the door.
A loud shushing sounds behind you, followed by the sound of frantic movement.
Slowly, you turn to look over your shoulder. Both of your eyebrows are currently raised in disbelief as you see Wooyoung half moving to put Jongho into a headlock.
“Do I even want to know what that’s supposed to imply?” You look between the two youngest, one of which is wearing a shit eating grin.
“Don’t you worry, Angel-“
“Remember that time you thought a fly got into your room?” Jongho’s eyes gleam with a twisted sense of amusement.
Your brow furrows, body fully turned back towards them for a moment. You notice how the two others opt to remain silent, watching on with a sense of glee shining on their features.
“A fly?” You tilt your head slightly, resting your hands on your hips as you try and recall the memory. “Oh, yeah! That was-“ your breath hitches in your throat as you turn your suddenly sharp gaze towards Wooyoung. “That was you?”
It had been during the second week at the start of this whole fiasco. You had just gotten out of the shower and had finished changing back into your moping attire for the evening when you had heard a fly buzzing around your room. You didn’t even clue in that it could have been Wooyoung after learning of his powers, considering it happened so long ago. Besides, you had other things on your mind, like how you were going to escape this ‘hotel’ you had seemingly been held captive in.
Of course, you weren’t having any sort of fly in your room, and instead of calling one of the guys for help, you decided to take matters into your own hands. Literally.
Besides, it’s not like you were really on speaking terms with them at that point.
So, rolling up the closest thing you could find, which just so happened to be a magazine Jongho had left for you that day, you decided to go fly hunting. A lucky smack, and the fly was upside down, legs twitching in the air before being scooped up and dropped outside onto the balcony.
Oddly enough, Jongho was the one who came to check on you after hearing the noise you had made by smacking the fly. Now that you think about it, of course.
“I can explain.” Wooyoung immediately lifts his hands in his own defence.
“So, you shifting into animals to spy on me isn’t a new thing?” You sigh.
“It’s not like I’m the only one who did it!” Wooyoung attempts to counter, only for Jongho to casually start walking away from him, an innocent look pulling at the younger male’s features.
“Why does this not surprise me?” You shake your head, moving to exit the room in the next moment.
“Wait! Angel!” Wooyoung scurries after you, managing to catch you halfway through the foyer. “I’m sorry!”
“It was stupid of me to do those things,” he continues, practically clinging off of you as you attempt to continue to make your way to the opposite side of the house.
“I promise I’ll never do them again,“ he slides down your body, practically clinging onto your one leg with every step you take.
You sigh, half dragging him across the floor as he desperately holds onto your ankle. Your clothes begin to become damp from the water still dripping off of him. “Sunshine-“
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear!”
“Wooyoung!” You stop just outside of Seonghwa’s tailor shop, noticing the elder male look up from whatever he’s working on from within.
Only, from the way Wooyoung continues to babble at your feet, grovelling with every word, you let out another sigh. Pleadingly, you turn to look at Seonghwa through the glass of the door, begging him silently to help you.
A blink, and Seonghwa is staring down at Wooyoung from the open door with a scrutinizing gaze.
“Wooyoung.” The elder says the younger’s name, quite pointedly at that.
“I just wanted to spend time with you, Angel.” He pleads for you to understand, his eyes wide as he looks up at you.
“I know, Woo.” You sigh. “I’m not mad. In fact, I’m more upset at Jongho right now for essentially pulling a San.”
“Hey!” A loud complaint sounds from down the hallway from the elder male.
“Marshmallows.” You call back, which immediately shuts him up. Then, you’re turning your attention back to the soaked male clinging to your leg. “Besides, we just agreed that you were going to give me space.”
“Should I tell Joong to come back early?” Seonghwa mentions casually. “We all know the consequences of not respecting Our Queen’s boundaries.”
This has Wooyoung immediately back on his feet, straightening out your shirt for good measure.
“I’m not disappearing, Woo. I can promise you that.” You pat his arm lightly. “Now, go apologize to Kuroo for impersonating him while he was in the room.”
“Fine.” He sighs, trudging back down the hallway.
“And go wrestle your younger brother for being a shit disturber, or something.”
This has him immediately perking up, a sly grin tugging at his features. A quick turn from him, and he’s shifted to place a kiss onto your cheek before racing back down the hallway once more.
A shriek in the distance is all you hear that Wooyoung is most certainly doing something to get back at Jongho right now.
Turning back to face Seonghwa, an amused grin pulls at your lips. You notice he already wears one of his own, you shaking your head lightly while smiling to yourself. At least that seems to be dealt with now.
“May I come in?” Your inquiry is nothing short of sweet as you step towards Seonghwa.
“Of course, My Divine.” His answer is instant as he holds the door open for you. “Join me any time you’d like. You never have to ask.”
Gently, you place a kiss onto his cheek as you walk passed, letting that serve as your answer. Briefly, your eyes take in the familiar sight of his tailor shop, many different memories flooding your mind.
“What are you working on?” Your gaze catches on a bust in the centre of the room, different than what you’re used to.
“Well,” the soft sound of the door closing echoes throughout the room as he walks over to you. A blink, and he’s wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you flush against his chest as he stands behind you. “My Divine requested corsets for all of us, so I thought I should work on those today.”
Your hands come up to rest over his arms, leaning further into his touch as you relax into him. “Whose are you working on right now?”
“Yeosang’s.” He replies, and you both shift your eyes to look at the bust before you.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you fully take in the detail of the corset before you. It’s a light cream in colour, with golden detailing along the seams. The style is over the shoulders, the placement of the fabric appearing as if the corset is layered. The light colour, combined with the almost intricate detailing of such a simple design has your heart fluttering at the mental image of Yeosang wearing such a thing for you.
“It’s beautiful, Hwa.” You breathe, eyes continuously taking in every minute detail
“I’m glad you like it.” He chuckles, burying his face into the side of your neck.
“Have you made any others, yet?” You turn slightly in his arms, subconsciously tilting your head to the side to give him better access to your neck.
Seonghwa hums in response, “I’ve made yours.” A pause. “And mine.”
Subtly, your fingers press a little firmer against his arms.
“Would you like to see?” There’s an undertone of excitement to his inquiry, along with a hint of nervousness.
“I would love to.” You smile, managing to turn your head to place a kiss against his temple.
Parting from you somewhat reluctantly, Hwa disappears off to the side, pulling out two separate busts. He places the first one beside Yeosang’s, but the other, he purposely hides behind his back for now.
“This one is mine.” He says, motioning to the newly placed corset resting beside Yeosang’s own.
A look of complete wonder rests on your features as you take in the detailing of the corset before you. It’s a bit simplistic in design, but still beautiful. The black material only serves to cover his lower torso, appearing to rest just below his bust. Intricate silver leaves are embroidered on the fabric, silver stitching lining the seams.
For a full minute, you do not speak. Instead, you cannot tear your vision away from the corset before you, your mind swirling with images of what Seonghwa will look like wearing such a piece of clothing for you.
You swallow thickly, you lips parting, “It’s beautiful.”
It’s hardly noticeable, but his shoulders seemingly sink in relief at your words. “I’m just glad you like it.”
“I can’t wait to see you in it.” Comes your earnest reply, shifting your gaze over to meet his own.
“Well, if you like those, then I’m now certain you’ll love your own.” The corner of his lips quirks upwards as he steps aside to reveal your own corset to you.
A gasp escapes you as your hands come up to cover your mouth. You can hear your heartbeat thundering in your ears as your eyes go wide, nothing but excitement and love flooding your veins.
Before you rests one of the most intricate corsets you have ever seen in your entire life. The base is pure white, golden threads running throughout the fabric. Embroidered florals and leaves rest along the bodice, while the seams are lined with more of that striking gold. It’s strapless, with a slight sweetheart neckline at the top.
The exact inverse to his own corset’s design, but almost the exact same colouring to Yeosang’s.
“Seonghwa,” you manage to lower your hands as you meet his somewhat nervous gaze. “I love it!”
A radiant smile is immediately taking over his features. “You do?”
“Of course I do!” You take a step towards him to inspect the detailing of the corsets closer. “These are all incredible! Did you hand stitch these?”
“It took me some time, but I finally found a pattern I thought could suit us.” He shrugs off your words casually.
“You mean to tell me that you embroidered these yourself?” You lips part in awe.
“If it’s for someone important to me, I make all of the patterns myself.” He nods, averting his gaze somewhat shyly.
A few more steps, and you’re in front of him, cupping his cheeks gingerly in your hands.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” You gently guide his gaze to your own.
His lips twitch upwards in the corners, a warmth beginning to bloom beneath your hands and upon his cheeks.
“My Divine asked, and I am more than happy to deliver.” He whispers.
Again, you place a kiss upon his cheek.
“They’re all going to be matching, aren’t they?” You smile, turning to face the corsets once more.
“In one way or another, ours will all bear some resemblance to your own.” Seonghwa confirms, wrapping his arms around you from behind for the second time this day.
“Something tells me you have some idea when we’ll be wearing these.” You tease, poking his arm lightly.
“I do.” He hums. “Your coronation ceremony.”
Your body goes still in his arms, “Uh…”
“Don’t worry, My Divine,” he chuckles. “That’s still quite some time away.”
“But there will be one at some point.” You respond.
“At some point, yes.” He confirms, and you can hear the amusement in his voice. “We still have to officially crown you as our Queen, you know.”
“Right,” You nod a few times slowly. “I guess with all that’s going on lately, I forgot about that little detail.”
“Well, it’s not quite a little detail to us.” He grins. “We’ve been thinking about it far longer than you could ever imagine.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” You tease, leaning further back into his chest.
“I was hoping for that dress to be what you wore for the ceremony, but unfortunately it seems that fate had other plans.” Seonghwa’s words are low as he exhales disappointedly.
This time, you tense.
“Seonghwa, I-“
“Wasn’t it you who told me to stop apologizing for the things that we can’t control?” He’s quick to cut you off, turning you around so that you’re facing him. Gently, he grasps your chin in his one hand, holding your gaze with his own. “All that incident told me was that I could make something better. Something truly worthy for you, and I think I already have.”
Your eyes dart beside you, almost searching for that corset that you know is just resting behind you for the moment.
“Yes, I decided to approach things from a new angle. Starting with those corsets have breathed new life into my designs.” He smiles, shifting his hand over to cup your cheek. “I know we have discussed it before, but it is important for me to say it again now: I do not, and I will never blame you for what she did. Inside of these walls, out there,” his eyes dart to the hallway, “Anywhere, or for anything for that matter. I don’t want you thinking that I do. We’ve had our disagreements in the past, but please, My Divine, never believe I would ever think for a single second that you are at fault for what she has done. I am simply glad you are safe, and most importantly, still alive.”
Your expression softens, and you find yourself lifting a hand up to rest on top of his own over your cheek. Leaning into his touch, your eyes flutter closed.
“I appreciate that, Hwa,” you breathe. “Know that I don’t blame you, either. What she did to me, to us, does not rest on your shoulders. I know you tend to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, and if you’re still having doubts, I will be here to ease them all from your mind.”
For a moment, nothing more is said between the both of you. Instead, you opt to revel in this silence, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, and as you both cradle each other so gently in each other’s hands, you both know that everything will be okay.
“So,” a mischievous glint begins shining within your gaze as your eyes dart beside you once again, “Can I try it on?”
Ten minutes later, and you find yourself standing directly in front of that same three way panelled mirror as the very first time you entered his tailor shop. Seonghwa rests behind you, tying off the last string to the corset before fluffing out the skirt of the dress he’s temporarily paired with it.
Finally, he takes a step back to admire you.
You hear the hitch in his breath before you even lift your head to meet his gaze in the mirror. Though, this time when he steps up behind you to gently place his hands onto your hips, you don’t tense.
“How you become more beautiful every time I look at you escapes all sense of logic and reason.” He breathes out, the ghost of his breath tickling the side of your neck.
The giggle you give him in response is music to his ears.
“You never seem to hold onto logic whenever you’re around me.” You tease, smoothing out the front of the skirt you’re wearing.
“Maybe I don’t want to.” He places a tender kiss against your neck, right above your racing pulse. “You look breathtaking, My Divine.”
A bashful smile pulls at your lips, your heart racing in your chest. “Thank you.”
Slowly, Hwa makes his way to your front, trailing his hand delicately along your side as he does so. You can feel his gaze roaming every inch of your bodice as he comes to stand before you, his eyes dark, yet calculating.
“Are you comfortable? I didn’t do it too tight to begin with, but I can still make adjustments if need be.” He comments, glancing upwards briefly into your eyes.
“Everything feels fine, Hwa.” You assure him. “I am quite comfortable right now, and I mean that in more than one way.”
His eyes flash black, hands smoothing down your sides in a tender caress. He smiles. “I’m glad.”
“I mean it, Seonghwa.” Gently, you take his hands into your own, stepping down from that little platform in order to be closer to him. “I know you’ve been cautious this whole time since I entered here today of overstepping boundaries again.” The way you can feel his hands tense the slightest bit in your hold from your words says it all. “You don’t have to worry about that, anymore. You can touch me, Hwa. I promise I won’t run away this time.”
There is nothing but absolute adoration shining behind Seonghwa’s eyes as he meets your own. A love that you can feel in the way he gently squeezes your hands in his own. Even more so when he leans forward to place a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“Believe me, My Divine,” he keeps his voice low as he pulls away only to lean his forehead against your own. “You don’t realize how often my thoughts swirl with my desires for you. I’d just rather wait until after your coronation to rip this corset off of your body and take you in every and any way that you desire me to.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, “Oh.”
Seonghwa smirks. “Yes, ‘oh’.”
“Well, I might request that the corsets don’t get torn to shreds if we can help it.” You giggle. “Seems a waste to do so to such beautiful pieces of clothing.”
“I can always make more.” He quirks a brow.
“But none of them would be the first.” You rest your hands upon his shoulders. “They wouldn’t hold the same meaning.”
“I suppose you’re right,” he sighs, taking a small step away to admire you once more. “One of these days, I’m tearing one of my designs right off of you, though.”
“Something tells me you already have something in mind.” You grin knowingly.
“I’ve got a few things.” He hums, grinning right back.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement as you close the distance between the both of you once more. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, fingers delicately lacing through the hair at the back of his neck.
“I’ll model for you anytime, Mars,” The words are but a sultry whisper on your lips, eyes hooding over as you stare deeply into his. “You just let me know the time and place.”
“Don’t give me even more ideas, My Divine,” His voice is but a low rumble as he pulls you flush against his chest. “You already know how hard it is for me to control myself around you.”
You lean into him closer, lips nearly ghosting his own.
His breathing deepens, hands tightening around your waist.
“Then, how delectable it will be when I finally let you indulge.”
A shudder caresses his spine, nothing but a low growl escaping his lips. 
Again, you giggle, pulling away from him with a vibrant smile on your lips. Turning slightly, you face the mirror beside you.
“I do like the style of this dress, though.” You say, acting completely oblivious to the raging storm of desire you’ve just ignited within Seonghwa who is barely controlling his breathing while standing right beside you. “You just had this laying around?”
“Believe it or not,” his voice is a little strained as he attempts to calm himself down, “I’ve had quite a few things already made for you for some time now.”
This piques your interest. “Oh?”
“I’ve spent a lot of time making things for you, My Divine.” He clears his throat lightly, straightening himself. “Yunho isn’t the only one with you as his muse.”
Your heart warms, a loving smile tugging at your features. “I am glad to be able to inspire you so.”
A tender smile in response is all that you get.
“Does this mean you still have all of those dresses from that first dinner?” You tilt your head, nothing but curiosity reflected in your eyes.
“I do.” He nods once in confirmation.
A moment later, Seonghwa has moved off to the side, pulling a curtain back to reveal a row of dresses hanging delicately along a rack. Familiar dresses. The only one that’s missing is his.
Realization crosses your features, those all too familiar mental strings flashing in your mind. 
“You made all of them. Not just for me, but for them, too.”
His lips twitch upwards in the corners, “They told me what they wanted, and I did my best to bring their visions to life.”
You step towards the rack, gazing at the dresses akin to how you looked at them the very first time you saw them. Delicately, you pull each one out to take in the full detail.
“Of course Wooyoung would make his a wedding dress,” you chuckle, looking over the beadwork of the princess style ballgown.
“You can’t blame the man,” Seonghwa chuckles along with you. “We were all eager for you to finally come to us.”
“Believe me,” you meet his gaze, moving on to the lavender gown next. “I know.”
Again, you pull out the satin material, noticing how the thin straps give way to a very low back. The triangle cups on the front before the bodice begin also leave no room to the imagination.
“I do love the style of this dress, but there was no way I was going to wear it back then.” You gently rub the smooth material between your thumb and forefinger. At the mildly confused look Seonghwa gives you, you’re quick to continue, “Open invitation to stare at my chest; my boobs would have been practically falling out.”
Seonghwa nearly tumbles over while standing upright.
“I’m not about to go to dinner with men that I don’t know with my chest on full display.” You joke.
“We would have been respectful!” Seonghwa immediately attempts to defend both himself and his brothers.
“Right.” You snort out a laugh. “And Yeosangie isn’t a boob’s guy.”
The tips of Seonghwa’s ears being to burn bright red.
“In his favourite colour, no less.” You hum, clearly amused. “Granted, he’s much more subtle than some of your brothers. Mingi isn’t very good at hiding when he’s staring at my ass, his gaze can be quite intense. Thinks he being subtle, too.”
“I’ll let him know.” Seonghwa clears his throat.
“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing,” you turn to meet Seonghwa’s gaze briefly, a smile tugging at your lips. “It’s nice to know I’m wanted.” You turn back to the row of dresses. “Though, maybe keep the eye-fucking for when we’re not in public, yeah?”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Seonghwa grins, a small chuckle escaping him. “Though, I can’t promise you much.”
“It’s the thought that counts,” you shoot a playful wink in his direction before pulling out the emerald green dress next. “Speaking of dear Mingles.”
“If anyone but you called him that, they’d be decapitated by now.” Seonghwa jokes, shifting to pull out his chair before taking a seat to continue watching you go through all of the dresses he made for you for that one night.
“Good thing I’m not just anybody.” You grin, observing the way the material of the strapless goddess wrap falls from the hanger. 
The material pinches in one place on the left side, allowing for a sort of angled hemline which ends just above your knees. The wrap of the dress is meticulous, silver gems serving to pin the wrap in place, glittering beneath the lights of the tailor shop around you.
“No,” he agrees with a hum, leaning back in his seat as he observes you with a loving gaze, “you’re not.”
Moving on to the next gown, you pull out what had been your second choice for that evening all those months ago. 
The red dress is just as beautiful as you remember, the capped sleeves giving way to the sweetheart neckline. Tulle flows from the waistline and all the way to the floor in a seamless line, accentuating the length of the gown. Though, as you pull the skit, you realize that there seems to be a slit running all the way up the side, hidden beneath the layers of fabric.
Your eyebrows raise in amusement.
“Do you think it would have been easier or harder for me to stab him wearing his dress?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone as you turn to face Seonghwa once more.
“My Divine, I think you underestimate the power you hold when we see you wear something of our own design.” He remarks. At the way you quirk a brow, he continues, “If you wore that dress for him… hell, if you wore anything red for him, you could get him to do anything that you want. No questions asked.”
Your eyes widen significantly, pure mirth dancing within. “Good to know.”
“The same goes for every single one of us.” He sighs, somewhat dreamily as he rests his elbow on the arm of his chair. His head is in his hand, and you can just tell by that fond look in his eyes that he’s vividly reminiscing you wearing his own gown for him all those long months ago.
The next dress you pull out to look at is a beautiful bright yellow. It’s strapless, and the skirt falls like a waterfall - short in the front before it lengthens in the back. The material is chiffon, wrapping around the bodice in a sort of layered pattern.
“Simple, yet elegant.” You comment. “It’s fitting for Yunho.”
“He has always been a simple man, in that sense.” Seonghwa agrees.
That soft smile rests on your features as you delicately place Yunho’s dress back onto the rack. Almost lovingly, you trace your hands over the fabric one last time before moving on to the soft pink dress right beside it. Pulling it off of the rack, you hum.
The lightness of the fabric falls delicately against your one hand as you see the over the shoulder straps. There seem to be two sets: one the would hang just over your collarbones, while the other falls just past your shoulders, both thin yet sturdy. The style reminds you of old fantasy games, where fairies would wear pastels, their wings fluttering behind them. The ruffled seam along the top leads into the straps that fall just over your shoulders, bodice form fitting while the skirt falls delicately in a solid piece of soft fabric to rest just below your knees.
“Sometimes, I forget how soft you all can be.” You hum pleasantly, heart swelling as you place San’s dress back onto the rack.
When you first met San, you interpreted him to be all sharp angles and brute strength. At least, that’s how he appeared to you.
A vision of him purposely flaunting himself off beside the pool flashes through your mind briefly. 
Now, of course, you know differently, and this dress only serves to prove what you already know.
You smile.
Last, but certainly not least, you pull out the final dress in the row.
The youngest’s dress is probably the shortest of the bunch, the deep maroon accenting the black velvet pattern of roses found throughout. It’s quite simple in design, small slits on either side along the edges of the skit to make moving in the dress easier. The top is strapless, body formfitting.
“Something tells me Jongho was hoping a little too hard for this one.” You quirk a brow, turning to look at Seonghwa who suddenly avoids your gaze. “Ohoho, so he wasn’t the only one hoping for this one.”
“If we’re being honest, it was my second choice.” Seonghwa mumbles, still not being able to meet your eyes.
“Do I want to know?” You tease, nothing but amusement shining in your eyes.
“I wasn’t the only one!” Seonghwa attempts to defend himself, raising his hands in front of his chest.
“Yes, Mars, we’ve established that.” You chuckle. “It’s a wonder the shortest dress is the most popular.”
“Nothing to do with it being the tightest, either…” He mumbles, clearing his throat quite loudly afterwards.
You laugh, eyes crinkling at the sides as you begin teasing them about being your ‘damn horny Kings’ yet again.
“How you managed to get my measurements right is beyond me.” You shake your head, tutting lightly.
“It took me some time, but I do have almost perfect spacial reasoning.” He replies, somewhat nonchalantly.
You raise a hand, shaking your head lightly, “I don’t even want to know.”
“You seemed curious.” He shrugs.
“Wait, how long did it take you to make these?” Your brow furrows slightly as you shift your gaze back to the dresses on the rack beside you.
Seonghwa takes a moment to think about his answer, humming lightly to himself. “Probably about three months. Give or take a week.”
“Three months?” Your eyes nearly bug right out of your head.
“Yeah, I worked on them practically non-stop.” He recalls. “I mean, my own design took me the longest with all of the lace, but if I set my mind to something, it normally doesn’t take me very long to do. Or, well, create.”
You blink. Once. Twice. Three times before his words are truly sinking in.
“Seonghwa,” you turn to him, “How long did it take you to make your dress for me?”
He pauses, looking upwards as he mentally tallies the days. “About a month.”
You mouth falls open. “You spent a month working on a single dress? For me?”
“I had to make sure it was perfect.” He shrugs.
Your expression softens as you move to kneel before him as he rests in his chair. Ever so gently, you clasp his hands in your own, his words from earlier echoing throughout your head.
“You weaved the lace by hand, didn’t you?” Your inquiry is a bit airy, warmth swelling in your chest as you stare deeply into his eyes. “Just like you embroidered this by hand, too.”
The way he glances down at the corset you wear is answer enough, but he still nods softly along with your words.
A tender smile graces your lips. “You are incredible, you know that?”
Again, he averts his gaze somewhat bashfully. “It’s not much.”
“Seonghwa, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You glance up at him through your lashes.
“To be fair, you said it yourself, we’ve had quite a few rough patches already.” He once again shrugs your praise off. “It never felt like the right time, and I didn’t want it to appear like I was boasting.”
You’re silent for a moment, pursing your lips slightly as you appear deep in thought.
“What’s on your mind, My Divine?” His hand gently cupping your face has you meeting his gaze once more.
“I wish I had known.” There’s a slight downturn of your lips, a hint of guilt shining behind your eyes. “I had an inkling you had made it for me, but I didn’t realize the extent you went to.”
“It’s alright, My Divine,” Seonghwa chuckles fondly. “You don’t need to feel bad for this.”
“But I almost threw it off my balcony.” Nothing but pure regret pulls at your features.
“But you didn’t.” He reminds you.
“As scared, confused, and upset I was, I couldn’t do that to such a beautiful dress.” You admit lowly. “Especially not to one that actually made me feel beautiful after so long of believe I wasn’t.”
“I’m just happy to know you liked my design enough to choose it first.” He cups your face gently, placing a tender kiss onto your forehead.
“I should wear it again.” A casual admittance from you has him freezing right in his spot. “A dress like that shouldn’t be worn only once, Mars. It’s wasted sitting on a hanger, and not worn for its intended purpose.”
“You would wear it again?” He pulls away to meet your gaze, eyes shining with his barely contained awe and happiness. “For me?”
“I plan to wear everything you’ve ever made for me at some point, Hwa.” You admit lowly. “Everything you will make for me.”
His brow quirks teasingly, “Even the wedding dress?”
You grin right along with him, “Even the wedding dress.”
“I know for a fact that Wooyoung won’t be the only one who wants to see you in that.” His gaze drifts to the row of dresses behind you.
“I think your brothers have long since earned seeing me in their own dress designs.” You hum, turning your head to glance back at the aforementioned gowns. “As a treat.”
“You might want to time Jongho’s for when none of us are home, except him.” Seonghwa warns, helping you back to your feet as he stands from his chair. “You may not get to him if one of us sees you in that first.”
“Is that a promise?” You quirk a brow playfully.
“A Divine Temptress, that’s what you are.” Seonghwa shakes his head, stroking his thumb lovingly against your cheek.
“Only for My Kings.” You giggle, shooting him a playful wink as you walk back over to the stand.
Seonghwa follows behind, a fond smile on his features as he watches you step back onto that little pedestal. Again, you turn to face the mirrors, smoothing out the front of the dress as you examine your reflection closely.
All is silent for the moment as he looks you over carefully, noting the somewhat subtle twitch of your fingers over the material of the gown.
“You know you can tell me whatever is on your mind.” He voices softly. “If you don’t like something, I won’t be upset.”
You take a moment to straighten your spine before clearing your throat, “You said you haven’t started on the new dress to match this yet, right?”
“That is correct.” He confirms with a nod, a sort of amused gleam shining behind his eyes.
“I- uh-“ you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat, averting your gaze so sweetly to the side.
“Do you have something in mind?” Seonghwa is a little too eager when he asks this.
Softly, you nod your head. “But if you already have an idea, I don’t want to-“
“My Divine,” he cuts you off with a lighthearted chuckle, moving to stand in front of you. A second later, he gently grasps your hands in his own. “Never be afraid to ask me to make you something. I would be more than happy to create for you whatever vision you have in that beautiful mind of yours.”
A reassuring squeeze is felt against your hands.
“What if…” you trail off lightly before finally meeting his gaze. “What if we designed it together?”
Seonghwa goes so still, you swear he might pass out. That is, until he’s blinking rapidly, almost as if to clear tears from his vision.
“You want to design a dress with me?” His voice is a bit airy, coming out a bit choked from his overwhelming emotions.
At your eager nod, a brilliant smile stretches across his features. 
Again, he squeezes your hands, shaking them back and forth lightly in his excitement. “What do you have in mind?”
“Well, you already have the corset,” you begin, an eager grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
He nods.
“So, I was thinking…”
A moment later, and you’re opening up your void to him, the mental image of you in a very specific dress filling his thoughts.
You can hear his sudden intake of breath, his eyes widening slightly as his heart stutters in his chest. Subconsciously, he pulls you closer, his lips parting in awe at the vision that paints his mind.
Seonghwa clears his throat, swallowing the sudden dryness there. “I can do that.”
You smile, placing a kiss onto his cheek. “We can do that.”
Seonghwa laughs, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he wraps you into his arms. A moment later, and he lifts you into the air, spinning you around once as a joyous shriek of surprise escapes your lips.
“Hwa, put me down!” Your laughter strongly contradicts your statement as you hold onto his shoulders for support.
Gently, he settles you back onto your feet on that little pedestal. Still, he holds you to him, gazing at you with nothing but love and affection in his dark eyes.
“I love you, My Divine,” he squeezes you the slightest bit tighter as he says this. “So much.”
You smile tenderly at him, cupping his face softly in your hands. “I love you, Seonghwa.”
Briefly, his eyes dart down to your lips.
He swallows. “May I?”
You decide to tease him a little longer.
“May you, what?” You quirk a brow.
“May I kiss-“
He doesn’t even get a chance to finish his inquiry before your lips are on his own. 
A pleased hum reverberates in his chest as he pulls you impossibly closer, one hand settling on the back of your head while the other rests between your shoulder blades. 
Kissing you is a feeling unlike any other to Seonghwa, and he revels in it each time. He can never get enough - your touch, your laugh, your smile - anything and everything about you, he adores, and he’s sure to pour all that he is into the movement of his lips against your own. You are all that he needs.
All too soon, you’re parting from him to rest your forehead against his own.
“You make me so incredibly happy, My Divine.” He breathes out, his eyes still closed as he absolutely revels in this moment here in time with you. “It means the world to me that you wish to design something together.”
“It’s like I told San before,” you reply lowly. “I want to spend more time with each of you doing what you love to do. You’ve all done so much for me, I think it’s time I return the favour.”
“My Queen.” The way his eyes shine with unshed tears says it all.
“I’m just sorry I can’t make anything like this for you, yet.” You briefly motion to the corset you’re still wearing.
“Well,” he laughs, “I do have a few thousand years on you.”
“Just a few.” You grin right along with him. “Maybe I’ll make you a scarf, or something.”
“A scarf?” He quirks a brow.
“I do know how to crochet, Mars.” You chuckle. “Though, you wouldn’t really have a use for it.”
“If you made me a scarf, I would never take it off.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“I don’t know how durable it would be constantly getting wet in the shower,” you hum, almost absentmindedly to yourself.
“You’ve never asked us for yarn before,” he mumbles, brow furrowing in thought.
“To be fair, there have been quite a few other things on my mind.” You poke his cheek lightly.
“I suppose you’re right.” He nods in agreement.
“You ‘suppose’?” You quirk a brow playfully.
“I, uh-“
“I’m just teasing you.” You hum, burying your face into the side of his neck as you hug him close to you. “Besides, I’m surprised my grandmother hasn’t told you that yet. I also know how to knit.”
“Surprisingly, I haven’t seen her around much, lately.” He replies, helping you straighten out the dress again once you part from him.
“I wonder why,” you mumble, somewhat absentmindedly to yourself.
Just then, the bell above the door to the shop jingles, and both you and Seonghwa are turning to see a frantic San rushing through the door. Both Mingi and Wooyoung are behind him, excitement shining within their eyes.
That’s when you notice, San seems to be holding onto your phone.
“It’s Vasco.” He says, holding out the phone to you with a large smile tugging at his features. “Crystal’s gone into labour.”
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igglemouse · 4 days
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Another morning at Pascal's as it is becoming a bit of a habit. I would say I've moved in here but I still have things left over at my house so technically, I have not.
I'm ready to move forward with my life and I'm starting to think that Pascal is part of this new life that I'm building here in Oasis Springs but my old life slips back into the picture this morning in the form of a text from Simon.
He's apologizing for what happened although I don't think he needs to. It is clear to me now that what we shared last time was closure and perhaps its best left that way. Right now, I don't want to see him again. It's only going to complicate things.
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Right as I put away my phone there is Pascal, greeting me as the day begins and already with a luster of a morning workout to his skin. He plays the role of a gentleman and kisses my hands, a little unexpected but welcomed all the same. I apologize to him about staying over another night and start to tell him that I'll head back home but he's not too interested in that idea.
"I don't mind," he tells me, I guess he's enjoyed having me over as much as I've enjoyed staying.
"I can head back later today if-"
"No no, please stay!" He says. "I won't be around much today because I have some team stuff I need to do but...seeing you here and about makes things a lot better."
"Perhaps I am your good luck charm then?"
"You just might be!"
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So I guess I'm staying around? I figure I may as well make some ice cream with it being summer and all and summer in Oasis Springs so it really is the perfect time for it.
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Pascal was right that he wasn't sticking around for long as he goes off to work out or do something with his team. Practice? Training? Is there a difference? I really should learn more about his career and maybe go see one of his games but for today, for right now, I'm going to enjoy warmth of the day in Pascal's pool...Pascal's kiddie pool!
I don't know if you've ever lived in an area of the world where the summers can be scorching but there are some days where it really just feels good. The heat is more like the passion of the sun, bringing energy to a day and just positive vibes over all and I'm immediately thinking of heading to a more public pool later this week and enjoying the summer to the fullest.
Overall, things have gone pretty well for me. No, actually, extremely well. Moving to Oasis Springs has been the best decision of my life and how could I say otherwise when I'm lounging around in a kiddie pool and tossing a rubber duckie around?
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The only downside to any kind of heat is sweat, heat is heat and skin is skin so the first thing I do when I get back inside is slip inside of the shower.
Turning the knobs until the water is just right and welcoming it gave me the idea that I really should have one of these back home. Baths are nice, it's great to be able to soak every now and then, but nothing is quite like having a warm quick shower as they can be physically and mentally refreshing. I'll make a note that I'll have to get one of these myself.
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Just as I finish washing up and just as I'm looking for a towel Pascal steps in and just the smell of him tells me exactly what he's here for. He smells like a man that just spent the day kicking a ball around the field. "Ummm, I was just finishing up-"
"Oh?" He takes a moment to take me in, his appetite for me clear. "Maybe we should take one together. I'm so sore and I can never reach my back and-"
"I know exactly what you mean..."
You can guess what happens from there.
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After two 'showers' and the second one being more of a workout I realize I have just enough time in the day to open my stand and see how many simoleons I can bring in.
I'm sort of making the park my spot since, well, there's more people here and also no one has complained about it yet so why not? Why would anyone complain as well? I'm offering a valuable service for the community!
I don't think this is stopping anytime soon as well because now that Ray will apologize (video to come later he assures) people are coming back to my stand. Hopefully, it's only up from here.
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And the day does go well, well enough to give me hope that the thing with Ray will eventually pass. Sure, I will have to earn trust back but most see him as an outsider whose opinion isn't worth much.
Just as I'm ready to close I'm greeted by one more customer. I'm ready to turn her away and tell her to come back tomorrow but she makes a comment on the salad that gives me pause.
"Strawberry Kiwi huh? Those strawberries are so sweet I can smell them from here! Where do you get them from?"
"The local grocer ummm..."
And after that she's asking all about my food, making it clear that there is a shared passion here, and maybe the potential for another friend? Time will tell...
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Elsewhere, a man with ambitions so large that they barely fit in his head, planned. Alceo Giusto was a conductor and one who was willing to do anything to have the world move to his whims and his wishes but oh it was so very difficult to make the free give up their will. Especially with the seemingly ineptness of those who followed him. He stared at some piece of art, unsure of what it meant, uncaring of its value, thinking only of his disappointment.
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"I am sorry, my Lord, but the woman I considered seems to be in a relationship-"
"You said she just moved here?"
"Y-yes, but it is no surprise that someone has started to court her. I-I did invite her but she politely turned me down."
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"Yes..." Alceo said, the word dragging out as that was also another disappointment. He needed more and he needed it now. Frida might not have worked for the sacrifice, not if she was being 'fulfilled' as he put it, but to take a young woman like that and transform her, bring her to a higher purpose, that would be beautiful. It was why the Matlock Society existed, after all. "I might be sending you to Windenberg."
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"Yes my Lord," Danielle says because there was never anything else to say to Alceo. Bad things happened when you disobeyed him. Very bad things.
"It was my intention to make the sacrifice this summer so that I could capture Gracelyn before the year ends but I suppose our plans will have to change," the sadness in his voice filled the room. How terrible? How utterly terrible was this? His tone seemed to say, as if some grand tragedy had befallen the world and it was all Danielle's fault.
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Danielle, humbled, upset that she had upset her Master so, scrambled for an alternative because to find another like Frida could take years. "Y-you could win her over the traditional way, my lord-"
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"Nonsense," Alceo shut that down at once. After all, doing that would give him no control over Gracelyn and he was a man that expected control over all things, especially things he planned on keeping close to him. "Her father would have said the same, you know? He would have arranged this marriage, you know, but..." Gracelyn's parents were killed. Murdered. The magical world, in Alceo's opinion, had lost its way then when it decided to execute the two most powerful spellcasters in the world.
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"My lord, what about the aliens?"
"The what?" He scoffed, needing her to repeat that question so that he could understand its absurdity. Hopefully she didn't bring them up again.
"I-I was told that a pair of Sixams landed in Evergreen and-"
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"Who cares? I wouldn't worry about an entire army of those silly creatures, much less two..."
"Y-yes, my lord, of course..." but Danielle wasn't so sure. After all, she had seen the Sixam's 'silly' civil war tear entire solar systems apart and she hoped it wasn't coming here as well. For now Alceo was right, their focus should be on Gracelyn, the only person in the world with Matlock blood running through them...
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Close up Inspection Of Cody’s Belongings In The Pizza Pi Episode
There are some duplicates that make sense and others that don’t.
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1. Comic books
2. Binoculars
3. Teddy bear, possibly in a police shirt.
4. Dinosaur stuffy
5. Rubber Ducky #1
6. Action figure
7. Books with a picture of a fire on the front, probably lad pioneer books.
8. Books with the Griffin Rock emblem.
9. Water tank (?) #1 & #2
10. Just books in general.
11. Tuba
12. Lantern. I thought there was a duplicate in the upstairs scene, but there is not.
13. Duck tape
14. Big Dice
15. Phone (?)
16. A couple newspapers
17. Soccer ball #1
18. Magician hat #1 (call back to the Bots and Robbers episode when he was the villain in his school play).
19. Baseball bat #1
20. Trumpet
21. Boombox #1
22. Robot and Dinosaur toys
23. Life vest and possible water safety books with it.
24. Basketball #1
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This is the zoom in, some stuff is moved around but the only things here that weren’t seeable in the wide shot are
25. Notebook #1?
26. What looks like an iPhone?
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27. Cardboard Optimus Head
28. Med kit #1
29. Jacks
30. Fire Extinguisher #1
31. Magician hat #2
32. Rubber ducky #2. I realize now it autocorrected to runny in this pic, but I’m not changing it now.
33. Teddy bear, possibly in a police shirt #2
34. Moose Hat
35. Cup
36. Various Stuffies
37. Notebook #2?
38. Baseball #1
39. Baseball bat #2
40. Rocket toy #1
41. Rocket toy #2
42. Board game
43. Basketball #2
44. More books
45. Clothes
46. Rubber ducky #3
47. Pringles can? Back side of water bottle?
48. Baseball #2
49. Plant
50. Soccer ball #2
51. Duffel Bag
52. Foam Finger
There was a zoom in shot with Graham on the ground but there was no new stuff so I’ve left it out.
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53. Rackets
54. Cleats
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55. More clothes. Clothes everywhere. He’s a teenage boy though, c’mon.
56. More books
57. CD?
58. Soccer ball #3
49. Boombox #2
50. Med kit #2
51. Fire extinguisher #2
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52. Another book
53. Rubber ducky #4
Spitting thoughts out:
Lmao notice how there is stuff all over the downstairs and the upstairs hallways and staircases but he left the kitchen mostly clean? Same. Getting to food = important.
So it makes sense that they have multiple med kits and fire extinguishers because they’re a rescue family.
Cody seems to have a lot of dinosaur related little kid stuff so Dino kid confirmed.
He seems to be a big reader but Cody’s a smart kid so yeah we could’ve figured that. Also I bet Charlie has preached the need to get off the internet and do other things.
Makes sense that he has a lot of soccer balls because apparently it’s the family sport. Kade, Dani, and Graham have lots of soccer trophies. There was a whole episode about how Cody is bad at soccer.
Makes sense he has a lot of basket balls and baseballs. We see the family play basketball all the time and at the end of the soccer episode, Kade insists Cody try out for baseball.
You would think they’d have a shed or something to put all their sports stuff in??? Why have them inside????
Why the boomboxes?? I could see if one of them used to be Charlie’s and he gave it to Cody, but why two?
The magician hat and the trumpet are both call backs from previous episodes. I don’t remember exactly the trumpet one, but it was when he was trying new things for a lad pioneer badge or extra credit in school or something. Heatwave recommended martial arts but it didn’t go well???
The duplicate of the Teddy bear with the police shirt and the duplicate of the magician hat are clear accidents.
The moose hat is because the moose is the mascot of the team Kade was on.
Why the tuba? What’s with the water tanks? Cody has his own plant? When’d he make the Optimus head? That would’ve been cute to see!
Why the hell does he have so many rubber ducky’s?!?!?!???
//Don’t take this post too seriously. I know there’s going to be animation errors. I find it amusing.
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54. Lucky soccer shorts from first grade
55. Mr. Macaroni from preschool
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theprincelyking · 5 months
TADC Headcanons (Mostly about their memories)
I’ve been thinking of headcounts for the circus. Just tiny parts of their lives that shine through in one form or another. If you want me to expand more on the specifics, let me know.
I think subconsciously they do retain some vague glimmer of their memories, which contributes to their personalities. And that small things can trigger something primal and unknown within them, for example:
Pom: “Ugh, we really are gonna be stuck here forever.” Jax: “Glad you managed to figure that out toots! After all, you gotta get used to the next how many years we’re gonna be in here.” Pom: “I’m gonna be old enough to be someone’s grandma.”
She looked over to see Jax’s eyes welling with tears, that threatened to spill out
Pom: “Ahh! Are you okay? Did I upset you?” Jax: “Ugh, right. Fair warning. Random words can set us off. For some reason, my body starts bugging out everytime I hear the word, "grandma". Tried to get Caine to fix it, but no luck.” . . .
But it can also be wholesome I betcha …
Ragatha was sitting at the table bored. Seemingly unimpressed with her plate of digital food
Pom: “…Are…Are you going to eat that?”
She slides it over to Pomni and she gingerly eats it
Pom: “Uhh…This place sure has…well food.” Rag: “Yeah. Nothing too interesting.” Pom: “True. I wish they had something more diverse…Like something seasoned, or something like desert. Ohh, I could really go for some beans.”
She smiles warmly at that
Rag: “I don’t know why, but everytime I hear the word "beans’" I feel weirdly happy. It’s almost nostalgic.” Pom: “Do you like beans?” Rag: “I don’t know. But I like that word a lot.” . . .
And some can be just plain weird …
Zooble was walking back to their room while Pomni followed
Pom: “So…What’s it like having…A body like that?” Zoo: “Hard to keep track of when your roommate keeps using your hand as a back scratcher. Also walking was a NIGHTMARE when I first got here.” Pom: “I can only imagine. It looks like a lot.” Zoo: “Yeah. It’s so annoying.”
Pomni nodded
Pom: “Well, maybe we could do something to get away from the others.” Zoo: “Not interested.” Pom: “Oh, that’s okay. Uhh, I guess I just wanted to forget about the whole…In a video game thing.” Zoo: “sigh I know it’s hard. But I’m not really the person you wanna hang out with.” Pom: “I’m sure your not a drag or anything. Ehh…I guess if you need me, I’ll be outside the tent. I think I saw a bunch of weird stuff outside. Balls, Board games. I think I even saw a pair of skates-”
Zooble immediately bursted out with laughter, almost falling to the floor, beating their mismatched feet on the ground as they wheezed hard at the word
Zooble: [censored] [censored] [censored]- Oh [censored], don’t say that word around me. It drives me nuts.” Pom: “Huh? Skates?” Zoo: WHEEZE . . .
And some are just…Completely out of left field … Pom: “Marco!” Rag: “Polo!”
They were in the digital lake, going on another one of Caine’s adventures. Thankfully today was rather simple. A pool party in the digital lake. Nothing more.
Pom: “Marco!” Jax: “Polo.”
Jax was using a giant rubber ducky to swim away from her immediately after that
Rag: “Hey! That’s not fair!” Jax: “Oh please, she’ll be fine.” Pom: “Marco!” Gang: “…Help?”
Pomni unblindfolded herself and could see Gangle, sort of stuck to the surface of the water…It didn’t seem like she could move. Pomni picked her up and she wrapped herself around her head, sort of creating a cute little bow on her head
Gang: “Oh that’s better, so cold…” Rag: “I was wondering where she was.” Jax: “I wasn’t.”
Pomni akwardly patted her mask and put back on the blindfold. She drifted in the water a bit before yelling out again
Pomni: “Marco!” Kinger: “I’ll have the Neapolitan cappuccino, More Cappa than Chino. Make sure it's got no more than 4oz of milk, The beans won't have the right texture otherwise-“
He explained in disturbing detail a very lengthy coffee order, which completely stopped the game.
Pom: “…Okay, maybe we should take a break.” Zoo: “I agree, especially since Jax is using my FACE AS A F[censored]G FOOTREST!”
Looks like Zooble also came apart in the water. And was not happy about it.
Rag: “I got your arm!” King: “…Oh!”
He paddles over with their torso, using it as a board to propel himself across
King: “Here you go!” Zoo: “…Gee. Thanks.”
They sneered a bit
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polaroid-sorcery · 1 month
Hazbin Hotel and Tangled the series parallels
・Charlie / Rapunzel
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Both Charlie and Rapunzel have a generally very positive attitude. They are friendly and always try to see the good in people. For Charlie, she’s all about second chances and redemption. For Rapunzel, she always tries to help everyone. Also, Charlie and Rapunzel aren’t one to back down from a fight. They are brave and go against injustice.
Personalities aside, both of them are princesses. Charlie is the daughter of Lucifer and the princess Hell. Rapunzel is the daughter of the King and Queen, which makes her the princess of Corona.
Beside their titles, we cannot deny the similarities in appearance. They both have long blonde hair and wear it in almost exactly the same way. Only Charlie’s hair isn’t as long as Rapunzel’s when it’s not put together in the braid-hairstyle-thingy.
・Vaggie / Cassandra
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Personally, I think the biggest similarity between Vaggie and Cassandra is the secret-keeping part of their story.
Vaggie is revealed to be an angel who has fallen from grace.
Cassandra is revealed to be the daughter of Gothel.
Though their secrets have nothing in common, it’s not so much about the actual secret than it is about the way they handle the secret. Vaggie never told Charlie about the fact that she was an angel and part of the exterminations. Cassandra didn’t know she was Gothel’s daughter for the majority of her life and after she does find out she doesn’t tell Rapunzel. She keeps it a secret until the final moment when she takes charge of her own destiny.
So yes, the secrets are different, the reveal of the secrets is different too, but the fact they both keep a secret from their blonde (girl)friend stays the same.
・Lucifer / Varian
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The most obvious similarity is, of course, the voice actor. Lucifer and Varian are both voiced by the talented Jeremy Jordan.
One of the easy to spot parallels is the character introduction. Both characters are introduced in a suspenseful way. Meant to intimidate the viewer, only for it to show the actual character a few seconds later, which turns out to be a dorky inventor.
When we are introduced to Lucifer, the music is a tad menacing and the whole shot tries to be dark and mysterious, like the all-powerful Lucifer, only to show him being proud of his rubber duckie, completely shattering expectations for this dark entity. Varian is introduced in a very similar way. He is presented as this threatening figure, only to reveal he’s just a 14-year-old who cares about science (alchemy, specifically)
On top of that, Lucifer and Varian are both inventors. Lucifer spends his time creating rubber duckies. Anyone who knows Varian, knows inventions aren’t his main thing. He’s all about the science of things, alchemy is his speciality. Still, Varian did recreate the automatons and made other machines across the series.
・Ready For This / Ready As I’ll Ever Be / Through It All
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All three songs have the same core: a song to get ready for battle, but all three go about it differently. Ready For This and Through It All match the most. Both songs are upbeat songs meant to rally the troops. At this point in the story the characters are getting ready to face a threat and spreading motivation.
Charlie is actively gathering souls to fight with her against the Extermination, whereas Rapunzel is trying to lift everyone’s spirits before they leave to go to the castle.
Ready As I’ll Ever Be still matches in terms of its core: prepare for battle, but goes about it in a different way. Both Ready For This and Through It All are songs sung by the protagonist with a large ensemble to back them up as the song progresses. Ready As I’ll Ever Be is sung from different perspectives from different characters: Varian, Cassandra, Rapunzel, King Frederic. Only towards the end everyone harmonises because they all have one thing in common: they are ready as they’ll ever be to face whatever the opponent throws at them. But still, each character has a different motivation to fight. Honestly, I could go on and on about how great of a song this is, but then this post would get way too long.
A big part of the plot of Tangled the series revolves around destiny, especially in the second and third season it discusses Rapunzel’s destiny a lot. For most of season three the plot is all about destiny. Cassandra’s turn to the dark side, Zhan Tiri being brought back to life, the final battle. It’s all connected to the concept of destiny and how Rapunzel has to be the one to end it.
Hazbin Hotel doesn’t have the same focus on destiny like Tangled the series. Instead, it is only referenced in passing and not part of any discussion (if I remember correctly)
Here are some examples of talk about destiny in Hazbin Hotel songs:
Mentioned in Happy Day In Hell:
“Uh no thank you, I’m just gonna fulfill my destiny!”
Mentioned in Ready For This:
“I can come into my own, and I think I’ve always known my destiny could never be postponed”
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haunted-headset · 6 months
omfg i need to RANT about this song gives me the fucking FEELS
tw: mentions of SH & depressive episodes
when i was going through a really bad depressive episode, I couldn't find a *single* song or artist that actually wrote songs about what it actually feels like to have depression. It was all "i'M sO eMo BlAaH i HaTe PeOpLe RaAa 💀😖🖤" & it was so obvious that they thought being depressed was a quirky little personality trait. It never felt *real*. & then I saw this song & I cried from the joy who hearing a song that was quite literally somebody recording what goes on in my mind during a depressive episode & turning it into a song.
"I look so much better, so I guess I'm alright" = Before I first heard this song, I was flooded with people telling me how much happier I seemed compared to last year, & how I looked more upbeat & less tired & dead. & I was a bit better, but I wasn't completely happy. & I was convinced that I had to be happy because everybody thought I was happy. This all applies to "I don't know if I can get better for you" because I was also plagued by this idea that I *had* to get better, I *needed* to get better because I needed to be the comic relief & the happy one in the friend groups, or everybody would leave me.
"My head is burning like a machine, tryna cool it down I figured I'd have gotten used to this by now" = One of the many factors that led me to a depressive episode was being really overworked & overwhelmed. I was working as a junior counselor at a BGC for zero pay, & the staff treated us like we weren't there, & the kids were either too touchy, or they were awful. Kids in the group that I worked in were either clinging onto me at all times & not letting me get a second of personal space, or they were screaming & being rude to me. & when I would discipline them, I turned into the "mean counselor" that none of the kids liked. I would've gotten a cash reward for "Best Jr. Counselor" if it wasn't for a few kids who thought I was a monster for telling them to act. & I thought, at the time, that this was really weird because back in 5th grade, I was also a Jr. Counselor, & I loved it! I was never stressed when doing it & I could handle it. & I had dealt with similar situations. &, call me cringe or cliche, but that's when I realized I was a burnt-out "gifted kid," the one who went from all the parents thinking I was responsible & a great counselor to being told off by my boss for being "rude" to the kids.
"I've gotten nearly everything I ever hoped I'd have So why am I still sad?" = At the time before the depressive episode, I was convinced my life was perfect. I had decent grades, a friend group, good art skills, teachers who loved me, & creative ideas 24/7. & when these started to slip away, I was in severe denial & I had convinced myself that I still was the perfect gifted child, so there was no reason for me to be sad over all of this.
"I tear myself in half" = I really *was* tearing myself up during this time. I was screaming at myself in the mirror & hurting myself whenever I messed up or didn't do something correctly.
"I didn't think that it would ever get this bad" = When I was younger & I first learned about self-harm & depression, I thought that would *never* happen to me. After all, why would you voluntarily hurt yourself? I would *never* be that sad. & then when it finally happened, I was shocked because I didn't think it would ever get that bad.
@zuuriell @somebody-v @vibestillaxxx @crows-death @r0ckstardr3amgal @ogelizasoot @lexx-the-gay-rubber-ducky @mochamuff1n im now torturing you all with my insanity :)
anyway sorry bout that lil rant :)
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flurrys-creativity · 11 months
Found Family
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon (BTS) x GN!Reader; slight OT8?!; Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship AU, some Angst, some Fluff, suggestive at one point, Found Family trope; Rating: sfw, NC-17; Warnings: mentions of Namjoon being a bad boy, mentions of child abuse (Jungkook is the “child”), a physical fight including insults and punches, bruises and split knuckles, nudity, a little suggestive, hints of sexual activities, nightmares, lots of bickering, overworking; Wordcount: 12.367
Summary:��People would say Namjoon was someone dangerous. Not to you though and not to those you cared for. You realised that when Namjoon helped you saving Jungkook from his abusive father. You also realised it when your old college friends and Jungkook’s friends visited more often and continued to stay at your place. That crazy bundle of people was his found family.
A/N: I rewrote this story sooooo many times... and I basically only wanted to write that “save JK” part... now we have a lot more
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“Are you awake?”
You groaned and turned away from the voice beside you. “No”, you mumbled and pressed your eyes close, hoping to cling to the faint sensation of sleep. It had taken you hours to somewhat feel tired. 
Sure, you kind of noticed that someone had entered your bedroom and laid down next to you, but deep inside of you, you had hoped you could still continue to sleep.
A deep chuckle filled your ears.
You sighed heavily, accepting sleep wasn’t meant for you just yet. You turned back around and searched with your hand through the dark until you linked fingers with another hand. “I didn’t expect you tonight”, you whispered, a smile ghosting over your lips. 
Even though you wanted to sleep you were happy in his presence. His natural scent engulfed you and put you further under his spell.
Namjoon’s calloused fingertips painted small figures on the back of your hand as he chuckled again. “I haven’t visited you in a while now. You’re early in bed though. What are you up to these days?” He squeezed your hand before his gaze flicked up to your face. 
The dim light of the moon outside of the window behind him illuminated your face just enough to see your reaction. An annoyed scrunch of your nose and a downcasted look.
“Work. It has been a little tough lately.” Another deep sigh fell from your lips as you once again started to repeat the list of duties you still needed to fulfil inside of your head. Whenever you finished a task, somehow three new tasks appeared on your list and it felt like you weren’t getting anywhere.
“Wanna talk about it?” Namjoon moved his free hand to your face and brushed a few strands of hair behind your ear, leaving his hand on your cheek.
You contemplated his question, not wanting to escalate and spill all your troubles like a waterfall without any end in sight. On the other hand talking about it could relieve your stress and maybe give you an idea what you could do with some of your problems. Kind of like scientists used rubber duckies to find the solution to a problem.
“Are you willing to be my rubber ducky?”
Another deep chuckle rang through the air, making every fibre of your body tingle. “Rubber ducky, hm?” Namjoon snickered again. “I’ll be anything you need.”
You smiled, feeling your heart flutter in your chest. Even though people considered him as a bad guy, he was nothing but sweet and understanding towards you.
You had met him at a party during your first year of college, where he got into a fight with a group of students. You can’t really remember what made you walk over to them, telling the guys some kind of lie and watching them scurry away until you were alone with him. At first Namjoon had blocked any of your attempts to talk with him but you on the other hand were quite persistent. 
Ever since that party you met him around campus every now and then. Your presence was somewhat refreshing in Namjoon’s opinion. You never pried into his private life, silently patched his wounds up while talking about your classes without asking him where he got those. He knew you were curious, seeing the dozen questions in your eyes, so he appreciated it even more that you didn’t question him.
Namjoon squeezed your hand again, reassuring you to let your emotions out whenever you were ready. You sighed and scooted closer to him, leaning your forehead against his chest until it nodded in sync with the movement of his chest when he breathed. A tremble ran through your whole body, thinking about the new workload on top of your shoulders and the fact you’re already struggling. “I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to fulfil all the requirements.”
He hummed lowly, knowing there was no use suggesting changing or even dropping out of some classes. You would never give up on the extra credits that might be useful later on.
“I feel like I’m slowly giving up. Even you noticed that I’m in bed early. Usually I stay awake studying or preparing for classes but here I am. In bed. Doing nothing.” You sighed and closed your eyes, a list of things you should be doing appearing in your mind. “I offered to tutor younger students for one of the classes I had during the first semester. Maybe that was a bad idea though.”
“Are there others tutoring too?”
“Yeah, there are five others with me. We should be working together and checking in on what topics we want to cover next but none of them answered my emails so far and I really don’t have the energy to run after them.” A small pout appeared on your lips and tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. 
Namjoon softly wiped them away with his thumb, kissing the top of your head. “I know you wouldn’t drop the tutoring”, he said, scoffing in amusement when you nodded, “but I suggest you simply do your thing. You reached out to them and if they don’t answer you it’s not your fault. Ignore them, do what you think is right and everything will work out in the end.”
“What if I get in trouble for not working with them in the end?” You sniffled silently, rubbing with the palm of your hand over your cheeks. “I really don’t wanna get in trouble.”
Namjoon rubbed over your upper arm, placing soft kisses on your forehead, temple and cheeks. “How about you take some time tomorrow to create a tutoring plan and send it to your professor? If they tell you that’s fine with them, you’re good to go.”
“So I’m not giving up right now? Maybe I should get back up and work some more.”
You were about to push yourself up, when Namjoon wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you close against his. “Absolutely not. Resting is just as important. You’re staying here with me and trying to relax a little.”
You sighed deeply but relaxed in his hold nonetheless. Even though a part of you still worried and wanted to keep working, you could see and most importantly understand his reasoning. “I’ll cut my lunch break short to do that then.”
“Not sure if the guys let you do that”, Namjoon chuckled and readjusted both your positions until he felt comfortable and closed his eyes, ready to drift off any given moment.
You groaned and hid your face in his chest. You had somewhat ignored that you usually met your friends during lunch. Even though they were quite understanding, neither of them would accept you cutting your lunch break short for work. Especially not Jin, who basically lived for food.
“I’m trying anyway or do both at the same time.”
“Good luck with that”, Namjoon mumbled, struggling to stay awake after a long day.
You stretched yourself and placed a kiss on his jaw line. “Next time I’m all ears for your day.”
Namjoon chuckled softly and patted your back. “Appreciated.”
Soon enough both of you fell asleep and when you woke up the next morning, you were alone again. Only a note was left on the pillow next to you. Namjoon often left before you woke up in the morning, sneaking out of your apartment the way he got inside. Even though you didn’t see him as someone bad or dangerous he was extremely conscious about your image and tried to hide his connection with you. Which you ignored much to his dismay.
You smiled sadly, wishing he had stayed a little longer as you read the note with a scribbled heart at the side. Nobody would think that such a giant loved to create cute little things like this note and you liked knowing this side of him. It felt like a side exclusively for you. With a soft sigh you placed the note inside a little box you kept in a drawer next to your bed. Every note found its place there. Sometimes you grabbed the box and read through the notes again - especially when you hadn’t seen Namjoon for a while.
After stretching one more time you got up and ready for the day, going to classes, doing assignments and forgetting about everything else. 
Only when you met Jin right before lunch break did you remember that you were meant to meet the group and that you did forget to eat at all during the morning. When Jin found out while you two walked to the cantine, he immediately started scolding you.
“Sometimes I think you should become a rapper”, Yoongi said as he joined you two, shaking his head in amusement upon hearing Jin simply continue nagging you. “What did you do this time?” He looked you up and down with a soft smile, knowing full well Jin’s rants could be unreasonable from time to time.
“Forgot to eat”, you admitted shyly, laughing awkwardly when Yoongi stared pointedly at you. 
“Well, I’m not gonna judge you since I’m definitely not better.”
“Not better at what?” Hoseok joined the group and looked expectantly between the three of you, grinning brightly as a greeting. 
“Eating regularly.” Both you and Yoongi answered in unison.
“That’s not good for your health!”
“I’ve been trying telling them that ever since we met each other”, Jin sighed dramatically, “but they won’t listen to me.”
Yoongi only shrugged his shoulders. “If food wasn’t necessary I would ignore it completely.” You nodded along, thinking about all the time you could use otherwise instead of cooking or preparing three meals a day.
“Would you eat at all if we didn’t meet for lunch every day? What are you eating during the weekends, Shorty?”
Jin smacked his forehead before he glared at you. His gaze told you, you shouldn’t be sounding so proud when saying that.
Yoongi snickered next to you, mumbling he only ate take out - if at all. 
You giggled as well, bumping your side into his, showing him silently you understood. 
As soon as you all sat down at a table, you pulled out your notebook - ready to do the workload you wanted to do while eating. You didn’t even notice the stares of your friends on you as you quickly typed away. You bit on your lower lip, struggling with the wording of the paper.
“Put that notebook away and eat!” Jin glared at you and then stared pointedly at the food next to you that slowly turned cold.
Hoseok leaned over to you, reading over the things you’ve written. “What class is that for? I don’t recognise the topic.”
“It’s a lesson plan for the tutor class I’m holding.”
Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Don’t you think you already have enough on your plate? Someone else should hold them. Do you even get enough sleep?”
You looked up from the screen with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t talk to me about sleep, Grumpy”, you gently scolded him, pointing out he had days where he only consisted of energy drinks and coffee. Days where you stopped by and brought him ramen or any other kind of fast food. “Seeing your hands I have a feeling you’re not getting much sleep either.”
Hoseok and Jin both shot their gazes towards Yoongi’s hands, surprised to see several band-aids on his fingers.
“Where the hell did you get these from?”
“What did you do to get hurt?”
You smirked triumphantly while Yoongi sighed and shot you one single glare, silently getting off of your back. “I bought an old house.”
“You bought what?” Instead of focusing back on your notebook like you had planned, you shut it and looked at Yoongi with wide eyes. Despite having seen his fingers you hadn’t thought about that.
“An old house.”
“Why?” You asked the question the other two had on their tongues as well.
He shrugged his shoulders again. “Felt like a good investment.” Yoongi barely finished his sentence before the others bombarded him with more questions.
You listened intently, your initial workload completely forgotten. You couldn’t fathom getting a house while still being in college, you even struggled to know what you wanted to do the next week. So thinking about your own home in the future seemed like something far off in the distance.
“If the house is nice we could stop crashing at Y/N’s place”, Hoseok thought out loud, followed by Jin agreeing loudly and Yoongi groaning in despair. 
You giggled softly. “That does sound like a nice idea. My living room gets easily crowded with more than two people in there.” You winked teasingly towards Yoongi as he glared at you. “I even promise to help you renovate the house in exchange.”
Jin and Hoseok immediately joined that promise and started to make plans for when they could come over and what needed to be done.
You slowly tuned out of the conversation again, looking over your own schedule with tight lips. Even though you definitely wanted to help Yoongi, you already felt the dread clawing at your insides, knowing you had less time to prepare other things.
“Hey, Y/N?” Hoseok waved his hand in front of your face, grinning once he caught your attention again. “You should come to my dance class after your tutoring sessions. We can go to Yoongi’s together once my classes finish as well.” He pointed at the open slots on your schedule with his finger.
“You don’t expect me to dance though, right? I could prepare for the next class during that time if you don’t mind.” A pained smile crossed your face and you hoped he would simply agree with your suggestion.
“Alrighty! Though I can’t promise you, you’ll follow your own request.” He grinned once more and patted your shoulder.
Over the last few weeks you somehow managed to get some sort of rhythm with all your duties - even if it meant less sleep and sometimes no meals because you were too focused on a task. Though as long as you functioned it was alright.
You tried not to stress over little things like Namjoon always told you but seeing that only one student from the first semester came to the tutoring session did get under your skin. You placed your bag on the table at the front with a heavy sigh. “There is some sort of unwritten rule that if there aren’t more than four students the tutoring doesn’t have to..”, you couldn’t finish the sentence, feeling slightly upset with the fact you couldn’t keep the students, “you can go home if you want.” With that you turned away and stared blankly at the desk in front of you, trying desperately to keep your tears at bay. 
“I’d still like to get the tutoring session.”
You jumped up and turned around with wide eyes, surprised the young male hadn’t left the room. You quickly wiped over your cheeks and blinked a few times. “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t mind but maybe we can go over stuff you don’t understand instead of the plan I made.” You waited hesitantly until he pulled his books and notes out. With a soft smile you grabbed your own bag and walked over to his seat in the last row, sitting down right across from him. “Thank you”, you whispered and looked down on his notes, too embarrassed to look him in the eye.
During the tutoring you often drifted off topic with questions Jungkook asked you, listening to your stories with wonder in his eyes. Soon enough you realised he didn’t mind talking about other stuff than the topics for his class. Though you only realised it once you looked at the time and saw that you were already supposed to be at the dance studio. “I’m so sorry for keeping you over time!” You jumped up and packed your stuff, mumbling more apologies to the young man. “I didn’t realise what time it was. You should say so next time! I didn’t want to keep you away from home.”
Jungkook flinched at the mention of home though when you stopped to look at him with a questioning gaze he played it off and told you he had fun today and didn’t mind staying behind. He ever so slowly packed his own stuff as if he tried to buy some time.
You wanted to question him but before you could open your mouth your phone started ringing. You apologised again with a pained smile and rushed out of the room, accepting the call and immediately saying that you were on your way.
Slightly out of breath you reached the dance studio and quickly slipped into one of the training rooms. You plopped down on a bench at the side of the room with a soft sigh, leaning against the wall behind you with closed eyes. You heard Hoseok’s voice over the music and opened one eye with a small smile on your lips. 
A group of dancers tried to follow his choreography in the middle of the room, focused on his every movement and call.
“You’re late for class”, a deep voice whispered next to you.
You laughed softly and shook your head, getting rid of your initial surprise. “I’m no dancer. I’m just a friend of Hoseok and waiting for him.” You stretched out your hand and introduced yourself.
The man next to you followed with his own introduction, explaining he currently couldn’t dance due to a twisted ankle but his friend refused to go alone to the dance practice - hence why he sat on the bench.
Even though you had planned on working while waiting on Hoseok, Taehyung pulled you into a conversation - way too happy he had found some distraction in you. Within half an hour you knew quite a lot about him and his friend Jimin, which made you wonder why you still didn’t know a thing about Jungkook despite having talked with him for over ninety minutes.
This thought stuck with you and gnawed at your insides. No matter where you were or what you did, your mind constantly went back to Jungkook. You were distracted during the renovations - being basically of no use - and even later during your nightly study session. The constant distraction continued the day after and after that too. By now you were sure that thought even plagued you in your sleep.
If you could fall asleep that is.
“You’ve been twisting and turning around for a while now. What’s on your mind?” Namjoon wrapped an arm around you and pulled you against his sturdy chest, finally ceasing your relentless moving.
You sighed heavily and tried relaxing into his hold but the second your muscles relaxed, alarm bells went off in your head again. You groaned and pressed the palm of your hand against your forehead. “It’s just this kid. I can’t seem to shake it off thinking about him. I don’t even know why and I will see him tomorrow during the tutor session again but… I don’t know.”
“Tell me more about this kid.”
You frowned, trying to find the beginning of whatever you wanted to say about Jungkook. You also struggled to keep his identity a secret since you weren’t supposed to talk about your students. Everything you experienced with them was supposed to be confidential.
“As long as you’re not saying his name, you’re not breaking any rules.”
A small pout formed on your lips. He knew just too well what you were worrying about. And so you told him everything. Everything except the name. Though it wasn’t much to begin with, only the few things you had noticed over the time you spent with Jungkook.
From him being extremely quiet over him only wearing long sleeved, baggy clothes despite the heat up to Jungkook always staying behind and wasting as much time as possible before going home.
While you were talking, Namjoon tensed unconsciously.
“What’s wrong?” You stopped talking as soon as you realised how tense he was.
“Next time you see that kid”, he swallowed harshly, “don’t let him go home.” With that Namjoon stood up and rushed out of your room.
You sat up, worry lacing your features. The reminiscent warmth next to you slowly faded underneath your fingertips. You weren’t able to fall asleep that night. 
You didn’t know much about Namjoon but you knew he avoided his emotions and more importantly avoided letting others see his emotions. But from his reaction you knew it had to be something serious.
You dragged yourself through the whole day until the tutoring session, seeing Jungkook already sitting in the classroom and doodling on a piece of paper. 
You still didn’t know what to do. How were you supposed to keep him away from his home? You were his tutor and at the end of the day you had to let him go, no matter how much you would have extended his stay. You also didn’t want him to think you were punishing him for staying behind.
Jungkook didn’t seem to think that at all. His smile brightened whenever he glanced towards the clock and noticed more and more time passed.
Yet when your phone rang - just like last week - his smile immediately vanished. He slowly started packing his stuff, knowing it was the end of the tutoring after all.
You noticed the shift in his mood and bit on your lower lip, remembering Namjoon’s words from last night. “Hey,” you started hesitantly, catching Jungkook’s attention instantly, “would you like to tag along? I’m going to the dance studio around the corner. If you want to, we can continue our discussion while I wait for my friend.”
You’ve never seen Jungkook pack his stuff this quickly, making you laugh quietly. Within seconds Jungkook stood next to you, eager to follow you to the dance studio.
Though once you reached the dance studio, Jungkook got so distracted by the practice held by Hoseok that he couldn’t concentrate on anything you said. “I’m sure you could join them if you want to”, you said loud enough to get his attention - even for a short moment.
He stared at you like a deer caught in headlights, contemplating what you said in silence. His gaze wandered to the dancers following Hoseok in front of the large mirror, longing to join them.
“It’s alright”, you reassured him, smiling softly and basically shooing him away from the bench you two were sitting on.
Hoseok grinned at you through the mirror as soon as he noticed the newcomer dance along. You had mentioned the situation only briefly when you two had arrived and Hoseok wasn’t one to question it - at least not as long as it wouldn’t be harming you or any of his friends.
You could be resuming to study for one of your classes but somehow you were transfixed on Jungkook and his dancing. He quickly followed along, grinning like a kid on the morning of its birthday. Though during a jumping move your breath got caught in your lungs. You only saw a glimpse of his torso but you were sure you saw several bruises.
You kind of hoped to see Jungkook’s torso again to confirm it but throughout the rest of the practice it never happened.
Jungkook came back to you like a little puppy, practically glowing from the inside after the joy he just experienced.
“You should come by more often”, Hoseok told him and patted his shoulder, turning to you then. “Where did you find such a natural?” He laughed brightly and grabbed his duffel bag. “Ready to head to Yoongi’s?”
You smiled and shook your head, being used to Hoseok just asking one question after the other without even waiting for an answer in the first place. “Don’t remind me. There’s still so much work to do at his house.”
For a moment you even forgot Jungkook still stood next to you, shifting from one foot to the other. Only when Hoseok turned to him again and asked him if you two should drop him off somewhere did you focus on him again.
To your surprise Hoseok managed to convince Jungkook to drop him off at his home before you two wanted to head towards Yoongi’s new house.
Yet when you two did exactly that, your stomach twisted in pain. You silently watched Jungkook walk up the patio of the simple suburban looking house and after a moment of hesitation vanish into it.
Hoseok drove off again, humming cheerily along to the radio on the way to Yoongi. 
Yoongi and Jin sat on the Hollywood swing they installed a few hours ago, waiting for you and Hoseok to arrive. Jin lazily waved with his hand as Hoseok parked in front of the house, jumping out of the car and skipping up the few steps towards them. 
You on the other hand only stepped out of the car and looked over your shoulder. Something inside of you begged you to get back, begged you to get to Jungkook.
“Y/N?” Yoongi stood up, noticing something was wrong. 
“Namjoon wanted to stop by, in a bit, don’t worry!” 
Even though Jin’s words should be reassuring and comforting to you, you could only muster a pained smile. “I have to get back.”
“Back to where?”
Yoongi ignored Jin’s question and grabbed his car keys, tossing them to you without a question. With a quick movement of his head he pointed to his car.
You mouthed your thanks and rushed to his car, getting in and driving back to Jungkook’s place. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about him, couldn’t ignore the guilt flaring up inside you and the vision of the bruises but most importantly you couldn’t stop thinking about Namjoon’s reaction when you told him about Jungkook.
You arrived back in the suburban area. Some of the houses looked a little worn out, with colour splitting from the walls or graffiti tainting the once beautiful surface.
You stopped the car in front of a small house with only two stories and the porch. Most of the curtains were closed and if you hadn’t seen Jungkook entering the house prior you would have thought nobody was home.
Biting on your lower lip, you got out of the car and walked to the front door. You raised your hand, about to knock against the wood, but your knuckles hovered over it. 
You heard screaming from the other side of the door and something crashing, making your stomach drop with dread. You swallowed harshly and finally knocked against the door. 
You knocked again, this time even louder than before. 
You heard heavy footsteps behind the door before it was nearly ripped out of its frame with the force the man used to open it.
You flinched at his brute tone, quickly blinking a few times before you were able to recover. “Hello Mr. Jeon? I’m Jungkook’s tutor.”
“Did that brat cause trouble?”
Your eyes widened in shock when you heard how negatively he talked about his own son. “No, no”, you rushed out, “not at all. I stopped by because I forgot to give him some important notes. He needs them for the upcoming exam.”
“I can give them to him”, he grunted and stretched a hand out towards you.
You laughed nervously, brushing some strands of hair behind your ear. “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to give them to him personally. There might be some things we need to make clear.”
“If he’s too dumb to understand the notes it’s his problem.”
“I’m sorry to disagree with you, Mr. Jeon, but as his tutor it’s my duty to make sure Jungkook understands what the notes are about.” You stared at the man in front of you, keeping eye contact despite wanting to turn around and just leave.
The man looked you up and down with an uninterested look. He resembled Jungkook a lot, you noticed, just a little older and less boyish. He wore a suit, with his tie loosened around his neck. If it weren’t for his tousled hair and the hard look in his eyes, you might even like him. But something about him, set off the alarms in your head.
“Could you please get Jungkook?” You tried again, your eyes darting to the area behind him, hoping Jungkook would appear in the hallway any minute.
You tensed and looked back at the man in front of you.
“He’s unavailable at the moment.”
“When will he be available then? I really need to speak to him.” You pressed, the unrelenting feeling in your stomach gripping you even harder than before.
The man scoffed and leaned down to be on eye level with you. “Why wouldn’t you be able to give that brat the notes tomorrow? What is the real reason a young and pretty tutor needs to talk to him?”
Your eyes widened in shock, swallowing harshly at the indication in his question. 
Before you were able to redeem yourself in front of him, you felt a presence behind you. Mr. Jeon straightened again and stared behind you, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Get the kid”, Namjoon ordered lowly, and for a moment you weren’t sure who he was talking to, “I’ll take care of this bastard.”
You jumped slightly, when Namjoon pushed you into the hallway, before he attacked Mr. Jeon, pressing his arm against the man’s throat and holding him against the door frame.
You hesitated, staring at Namjoon, whose face was twisted with rage. You’ve never seen him like this and it somewhat scared you.
“Go!” He growled, glaring towards you for just a second.
You turned around and hurried further into the house, gently calling for Jungkook. You found him on the kitchen floor, dozens of glass shards around him. He had his eyes closed and didn’t react when you had called for him.
You rushed into the kitchen and dropped on your knees next to him, ignoring the glass cutting through your pants.
“Jungkook? Hey, can you hear me?”
He groaned and opened one eye, turning a little on his back so he could look up to you. “Y/N?” Jungkook coughed badly and writhed in pain. “What are you doing here?”
You had tears in your eyes. You had the feeling this wasn’t the first time Jungkook was mistreated and you were shocked you hadn’t seen it earlier. Even disappointed in yourself for not understanding the signs sooner. Yet, Namjoon had caught on to them immediately.
“Getting you out of here”, you whispered, your voice broken from the tears you tried to hold back. “Can you get up?”
Jungkook pushed himself up, closing his eyes in pain. He breathed heavily and halted for a few seconds before he was able to look at you again. This time with both his eyes open. 
“He wouldn’t let me leave like that.”
You bit on your lower lip, your heart breaking from the hurt tone in his voice. “Don’t worry about that. You won’t stay here a second longer. Not as long as I’m here.”
“He’s going to hurt you as well.”
Before you were able to answer, a loud crash interrupted your conversation. You winced slightly, hearing Jungkook’s father screaming in rage. “Fucking scum! How dare you lay a finger on me!”
Jungkook stared towards the general direction of the commotion, before he slowly turned to you. “What..”
“Let’s just hurry, okay?” You asked with a forced smile. “We get some of your stuff and leave.” You helped Jungkook up on his feet.
He leaned half of his weight onto your smaller form. Something you hadn’t noticed before. Even though Jungkook was younger than you, he was already significantly taller.
Jungkook directed you towards his room, where you placed him on his bed before you grabbed a large bag and started throwing in clothes and other necessities. Once the bag was full you grabbed his college bag and stuffed books, his notebook and more into it.
“Do you need anything else?” You asked and looked around his room, unsure what else to pack.
Jungkook watched you warily before he leaned over and pulled one stuffed animal from underneath his pillow.
You softened, seeing him holding the plushy with trembling hands. “Hold it in your hand. We wouldn’t want it to get squished in the bags, yeah?”
A crooked smile played over his lips as he nodded, pushing himself up again. Without saying anything he hoisted the bigger bag up on his shoulders and dragged himself over to take the other bag as well.
“No, no, no”, you pulled the heavy bag away from him, “I’m going to carry this one.”
Jungkook nodded and slowly walked out of his room, his hand continuously hovering over anything near him, ready to catch him at any time.
You hurried next to him, wrapping your free arm around his waist to steady him. You guided him through the hallway and only stopped when you saw Namjoon wrestling with Jungkook’s father.
“Namjoon!” You called out, fearing he was about to kill the man with the force he put behind his punches.
Both men stopped fighting briefly, staring at you and Jungkook. 
Namjoon softened upon seeing your fear-stricken face. “Get out”, he mouthed towards you, “I’ll see you tonight.”
You wanted to nod but instead a scream escaped your throat as Mr. Jeon punched Namjoon square in the face. He pushed him off and quickly stood up, staggering towards you and Jungkook.
“You can’t take this brat!”
You froze and stared at the man with wide eyes. There was no way for you to fight back against him. Definitely not with Jungkook leaning on you for support. You saw Mr. Jeon raising his hand, ready to hit you.
Instinctively you closed your eyes but before you felt the impact, you were spun around. You opened your eyes again, facing away from Mr. Jeon. Instead Jungkook stood between the both of you, taking the hit of his father.
You gasped in shock, the slap ringing loudly in your ears. 
“GET OUT!” Namjoon yelled and pulled Mr. Jeon away from you and Jungkook, punching him over and over again.
Jungkook didn’t hesitate and pulled you out of the front door. He tried to walk most of the way on his own but at the same time he was glad he could lean on you, afraid he would fall otherwise.
You looked back over your shoulder, scared for Namjoon, who stayed back in the house. Even though you knew he was able to stand up for himself, you were still scared he would get injured badly.
“Y/N?” Jungkook’s weak voice pulled you out of your worry. “Where do we need to go?”
“That car.” You chided yourself mentally, needing to focus on the task at hand. Jungkook was injured and you needed to get him away as fast as possible. You threw the bags into the trunk and helped Jungkook on the passenger seat, before you sat behind the wheel yourself. You looked back at the house one last time. Then you started the engine and drove towards your own home.
“How bad are your injuries?”, you asked and glanced towards Jungkook shortly, quickly focusing back on the road again. “Should we stop by a hospital?”
“No hospitals please.” Jungkook leaned his head against the window, his eyelids heavy. “I just need some rest.”
You glanced at him again, doubt playing over your features. “If you don’t want to go to a hospital, would it be okay to let a friend check you? He studies medicine and is close to becoming a doctor.”
“A friend?”
You hummed, focusing on the street ahead.
“Okay”, Jungkook whispered, “if it’s a friend I’ll trust him.” 
Soon after you arrived at your home and helped Jungkook into your living room. He passed out minutes after you sat him on the couch. While you brought his bags into the room as well, you dialled the number of Jin, waiting patiently until he picked up.
“What’s up Shorty?”
You ignored his teasing and cut straight to the matter. “You need to come over!”
“Are you finally asking me out on a date?” He laughed loudly, and you could imagine him wiping away a stray tear.
“Jin, please. I need your help.”
He immediately sobered up, upon hearing your desperate tone. “What’s wrong?”
“I need you to come over and check up on someone”, you explained quickly, moving over to Jungkook and carefully sitting down next to him.
“Okay, what happened?”
You heard Jin rummaging through some things on the other end of the line. As well as the murmurs of Hoseok and Yoongi.
“I found him passed out on the floor.”
“A few more details, Shorty. I need to know what I should take with me.”
You quickly explained everything you could think of, waiting for Jin to ask a few more questions, which you answered as well.
“Alright, I’ll be there in ten.”
You thanked him and cut the call, placing the phone on the little table in front of you. Your gaze drifted to Jungkook. 
His face twisted in pain and a small whimper left his lips as he slightly moved. He clutched the stuffed animal to his side, his fingers digging deep into the plush.
You gently brushed a few strands of hair out of his face, watching him silently. You smiled sadly when your eyes landed on the plushy, an old, pink bunny. 
A knock on your door ripped your attention away from Jungkook. You quietly hurried to your door and smiled in relief seeing Jin standing in front of you. “Thanks for coming.”
He hugged you briefly and motioned you to guide him to his patient. “You didn’t tell me he passed out.”
“I thought he was just resting. If I’m correct he always just rests.” You frowned in thought, nibbling on your lower lip as you started to worry.
“So you’re telling me now he had ‘accidents’ like this more than once?” Jin cocked an eyebrow and kneeled on the floor next to Jungkook. His fingers carefully lifted Jungkook’s hoodie, revealing dozens of bruises - some a deep purple while others already faded into a yellowish green.
You gasped in shock, eyes trained on the bruises, realising he had some of them for weeks. And you only noticed today.
“It’s good you got him out of wherever that was”, Jin mumbled, gently palpating the boy’s upper body. “No broken ribs. At least something positive.”
Jungkook suddenly sat up, pushing Jin away and crawling to the end of the couch. He stared with wide eyes towards Jin, his whole body trembling.
You slowly walked into his line of view. “Jungkook? Hey, how are you feeling? You apparently passed out?” You glanced towards Jin, who nodded with your statement. “I told you about my friend, right?” You carefully sat on the edge of the couch, still keeping a little distance from Jungkook. “The almost doctor?”
“The what now?” Jin protested but you shushed him immediately, ignoring how he mumbled he was a real doctor already.
“That is Jin. He was checking up on you. I’m sorry we scared you. Do you need a minute to collect yourself? I think Jin needs to check a bit more when you’re ready for it.”
Jungkook’s eyes darted towards you and he slowly relaxed again. “Are you going to stay here with us?”
“If you want me to stay I can do that. Though I don’t mind giving you some privacy as well.” You smiled gently. 
“I think it’s better when you get out of the room, Shorty”, Jin jumped into the conversation. “I’m sorry but after I saw your torso, I have to ask you to take off most of your clothes. I need to check if there are any more severe injuries that need immediate treatment.”
A blush appeared on Jungkook’s neck and cheek and he quickly avoided looking at you.
“I could just turn around?” You suggested, feeling Jungkook didn’t want you to leave. “I promise I won’t look.” With that you turned around and faced your bookshelf, reading the titles of the books one after another. You heard some rustling behind you and for a second you really wanted to turn around and look, especially because Jin gave no reaction at all.
You were about to read the titles of your books for a third time when Jin cleared his throat and told you that you could turn back around again.
Jungkook sat awkwardly on the couch, clutching his pink bunny against his chest while Jin sat on your small couch table. 
“No strenuous tasks, no sport and a lot of rest.” Jin told him, glancing towards you every now and then, as if he wanted to make sure you would keep an eye on that as well. “I assume you’re staying here?”
Jungkook turned to look at you, unsure what to answer.
“Yes”, you jumped in and nodded quickly, “I’ll prepare the couch as soon as possible. And then you’re free to stay as long as you want to.”
“Then I suggest, you, young man, rest up and don’t move around, while Shorty over here prepares your bed and I’ll cook something so you can regain some strength.” Jin clapped into his hand and stood up, stretching his body shortly before he walked towards your kitchen.
Soon enough you heard him curse loudly. “How the hell are you able to live?! There is absolutely nothing here to cook anything at all!”
“There is!” You shouted back from the living room, struggling to get the sheets on the couch.
“Instant ramen is NOT actual food!”
“You’re able to eat it, are you not?” You grunted and fell onto the makeshift bed, pushing yourself up again and blowing some strands of hair out of your face. “Then it IS food.”
“Don’t argue with me, woman!” Jin shouted and stomped out of the kitchen. “I’ll be back soon, but I need to buy stuff. I really can’t believe you’re still alive. Do you even eat regularly?! I swear to god, Shorty. I told you to stop only living off of instant ramen and coffee or energy drinks. That is NOT healthy.”
You sat back on the couch again, pushing some hair back before you crossed your arms in front of your chest. “I know it isn’t healthy but it IS the only way to get through all required tasks.”
“Required, my ass”, Jin laughed and shook his head, “you do too many additional classes. They aren’t necessary!”
“Of course they are! It looks better on my degree with all that stuff.”
Jin sighed. “Whatever, I’ll be back in a few.”
You blew a strand of hair out of your face as you let yourself drop back against the couch, a small pout adorning your face.
You turned to Jungkook, your features softening immediately as you saw his doe-like eyes. 
“You only called him a friend but you two seem very close.”
You scrunched your nose in amusement, remembering how a lot of people assumed the same thing whenever they saw you together. “Yeah, only a friend. My best friend but nothing more. We kind of vibed immediately and just became closer over time. Jin is somewhat part family to me. Like a brother even? Or maybe a weird uncle?” You laughed lightly and shook your head quickly. “He’s there whenever I need him, which is great.”
“And the other man? The one you called Namjoon?” Jungkook was curious as to how you were connected with that man. He observed you squirm on the couch, a soft smile playing over your features. 
You weren’t able to answer though when both your and Jungkook’s head snapped to the crash coming from your bedroom.
Without hesitation you stood up and walked to your room.
“Wait”, Jungkook whispered harshly, one hand stretched out for you, “you can’t just walk in there without any sort of protection.”
You were about to tell Jungkook it was okay when the door to your bedroom opened and Namjoon stumbled basically into you.
You quickly wrapped your arms around his middle, trying to steady him in your arms as he leaned against you, his head resting on top of your shoulder.
“Hey”, he breathed lowly, one of his hands squeezing your hip momentarily, “are you okay?”
You gently brushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his cheek. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that question?”
Namjoon hummed, ignoring your question. “How’s the kid?”
You looked over your shoulder to Jungkook, who observed you two with wide eyes. “I think you should answer that since you know best.”
His eyes widened even more, but he was able to stutter his answer, thanking Namjoon as well for saving him.
“That’s good”, Namjoon hummed, his eyes closing and his body getting heavier.
You struggled holding him up and hurried with him over to the couch, nearly dropping his larger form onto the cushions. 
“Should Jin check him as well?” Jungkook asked and looked at Namjoon, seeing a few cuts on his cheek and arms.
“He never allows it”, you sigh and move him into a more comfortable position, “but he also experienced worse. Some food and sleep should do the trick again.”
The front door opened again and Jin walked into the room with a bunch of bags full of groceries. “Hey Shorty, guess who I met at the store?”
You looked up and blinked a few times, praying he didn’t just invite whoever he met over to your place.
“Grumpy and Happy!”
You couldn’t help yourself but snort at their nicknames, remembering how Jin came up with them one day during a lunch break. 
“I thought they were at Yoongi’s? Did you invite them?”
“I wanted to but they wanted to get back to the house, yeah. So I invited them for the next weekend. You should be free, right?” Jin walked further and vanished into your kitchen, rummaging through the bags before he was able to start cooking. “It’s nice to see the whole crew here again.”
“It would, but why my place? You guys always leave such a mess! Can’t we go to Yoongi’s house then?” You whined and trotted after Jin, pouting greatly when he turned to you and only shrugged.
“Stop pouting and take care of those two. I’ll take care of the food.” He gently pushed you out of the kitchen, snickering when you still pouted.
You thanked him unwillingly and walked back to the living room, seeing Jungkook staring at Namjoon with wide eyes. He sat stiffly on one side of the couch, not daring to move at all, while Namjoon had his eyes closed and seemed to be passed out.
Your gaze turned to Namjoon, noticing how his knuckles were split open and bruised. A soft sigh left your lips as you walked to your bathroom and got your own first aid kit, not wanting to use Jin’s stuff without him next to you.
You walked back to Namjoon and kneeled on the floor next to him, gently taking one of his hands to clean them.
Namjoon hissed and wanted to pull his hand away but your grip on him was strong enough to hold him there.
“Will you stay tonight?” Your voice was barely above a whisper but you knew Namjoon still heard you.
“Are you sure you want me to stay?” Namjoon mumbled and pried an eye open, observing your reaction. He had seen the fear in your eyes earlier today. The fear you had due to him. Not the situation, not the other man. No, fear of him.
He closed his eye again and relaxed slightly. “Then I’ll stay.”
The corners of your lips twitched shortly into a sad smile, glad he wouldn’t just leave again. You silently cleaned his hands. Once you finished you were about to stand up and bring your kit away again, when Namjoon grabbed you by the waist and pulled you down on the couch, trapping you between the backrest and his body. You squealed and giggled lightly while your legs dangled over his body. 
“You’re not hurt, are you?” He nosed against your neck, taking in your scent. Namjoon wrapped his arms around your middle and held you securely in place, growling lightly when you tried to get up again.
“I wasn’t the one fighting.”
“Hmm. You got attacked though.”
You placed a hand on his cheek and kissed his forehead with a soft smile. “Jungkook saved me back there.”
Namjoon hummed again before he sat up and turned to the younger boy. “Thanks kiddo.”
Jungkook blushed slightly from the attention on him now, so he quickly nodded and looked away again.
At that moment Jin walked into the living room, carrying a tray with food and dishes. “Something easy on the stomach, for you guys.” He glanced towards Namjoon, hesitating for a moment before he spoke again. “That bruise on your jaw doesn’t look too good.”
“No need to tell me you’re more handsome. I know that already.”
“That’s not what I meant”, Jin sputtered, his ears turning red, “I wanted to suggest giving you an ointment for that.”
Namjoon lightly touched his jaw, still feeling the throbbing from the punch earlier. He winced shortly and pulled his fingers away again. “No need, but thanks.”
You narrowed your eyes, not happy with his answer, but he ignored your staring. Instead he grabbed you and pulled you between his legs, pressing your back against his chest while his arms snaked around your middle and gently rested on your lap. “You can kiss it better later tonight”, he whispered in your ear with a hint of a smirk on his lips.
“Not in front of the kid you two!” Jin scolded him and sat next to Jungkook, giving him a double serving.
“You guys know that I’m an adult, right?” He tentatively asked, looking between Namjoon and Jin. 
“Compared to my age you’re a kid.” Jin said and Namjoon nodded along, while you rolled your eyes.
“It’s not that they don’t see you as an adult. But calling you kid gives them the chance to pamper you.” 
Jungkook grinned brightly, while Jin and Namjoon tried to argue against your explanation. 
“So, if I were you, I’d take it.” You smiled as well, loving the flustered looks on both of your friends.
During the meal you saw Jungkook getting more and more lively, especially with Jin. Both of them bickered whenever they had the chance to do so. It made you happy seeing that carefree side of him again.
Jin stayed until late into the night, helping you with cleaning the kitchen and living room after the meal. When he left, he reminded you of the meeting with your friends during the weekend again, telling you he’d revive the group chat to plan some stuff.
It didn’t even take him a minute after he left before you heard the ping of your phone, the melody you used for the group chat playing through the room. Knowing he was still standing in front of your closed door, you loudly called him an idiot, smiling brightly when you heard him laughing and finally leaving.
As you returned to the living room you saw Namjoon had already gone into your room, leaving Jungkook sitting on the couch like a lost puppy. You walked over to him and placed the blanket and pillow for him on the prepared part of the couch. 
“It’s not much but I’ll find a solution for the future, I promise. The bathroom is down the hallway and you already know where my bedroom is. Should you need anything you can come to me any time, okay?”
Jungkook nodded and thanked you softly, waving you goodnight before you left the room. He looked around the room, checking where all his stuff stood. He still couldn’t fathom this was real. Somehow Jungkook still believed he was just dreaming and would wake up any minute - back in his own room and back with his father. He was scared to fall asleep, fearing it would trigger this dream to end. Still, he crawled onto the makeshift bed after turning off the lights, clutching his pink bunny close to his chest.
You tiptoed into your room, careful not to make any sound in case Namjoon already slept. You were about to change into your pyjamas when Namjoon grabbed you and pulled you onto the bed, caging you underneath him. “So you’re still awake”, you whispered with a small giggle.
“You know I only sleep well with you in my arms.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips, the kiss turning more and more desperate with every passing second. 
You could feel how he battled with himself, even though you didn’t know what was the cause for his inner turmoil.
“I’m sorry”, he breathed once he broke the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours, “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to protect you.”
“Don’t”, you whispered and pulled him down onto you, ignoring the fact you were only halfway dressed. You gently ran your fingers through his hair as Namjoon rested his head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat. “There is no need to apologise. I don’t expect you to protect me all the time. Just like I don’t expect you to walk for me. I have to walk on my own and sometimes I will fall. I can’t avoid that. You neither. But you can help me up again so I can continue to walk. So even if you don’t protect me, I’m happy when you’re by my side and help me afterwards.”
Namjoon’s grip on you tightened and you knew he wasn’t agreeing with you on that. Ever since you met him, he always wanted to keep you safe, to keep you protected.
Silence came over the both of you and even though you wanted nothing more than to rest and leave the events of the day behind you, your mind couldn’t calm down. You restlessly fidgeted with your fingers and squirmed underneath Namjoon every now and then.
“What is it?” He asked gruffly, not able to rest himself with your behaviour.
“I’m sorry”, you whispered and patted his head softly, “I just. I didn’t want to ask with Jungkook around. But his father..” You couldn’t finish your question, too scared of the answer.
“He’s alive if you want to know that.”
You breathed out in relief, not even realising you had held your breath to begin with. “Okay.”
“Not that he deserved that though.”
“That’s not our call to make.” You kissed Namjoon’s head and finally relaxed underneath him.
“What if it were though?” Namjoon pushed himself up and stared down at you, trying to suppress the smirk upon seeing you still only halfway dressed. “If it were our call, what would you choose?”
You sat up as well, starting to get rid of your clothes as you wouldn’t be able to sleep in them. “I don’t know. Probably the reason why I didn’t want to become a judge.”
Namjoon stopped you from reaching for your pyjamas, leaving you in your underwear. “You really don’t have the slightest wish to just end that scumbag’s life?”
“What if I had?” You looked Namjoon straight in the eyes, not wanting to miss a single reaction. “What if I wished for something even worse than death? What if I wished eternal suffering for him because he abused his own child? What if I wished I could be the one making him suffer for the rest of his life?”
A smirk appeared on Namjoon’s lips. “I corrupted you too much then.”
You scoffed and hit his chest playfully. “And here I was working on your redemption.” 
Namjoon snickered and pulled you on top of his lap, his large hands gently gliding over your exposed skin on your waist. “And how would you do that?” He cocked an eyebrow, challenging you to an answer.
You gently grabbed his wrists and moved his hands further up your torso until they rested on your breasts. “With my heart”, you paused and moved your hands away from his, unclasping your bra, “my soul”, you slipped out of your bra and leaned forward over Namjoon, “my mind”, you kissed his lips before you whispered into his ear, “and my body.”
“Damn you, woman”, Namjoon breathed out, his eyes sparkling slightly upon squeezing your breasts and feeling your bare skin underneath his fingertips, “you really drive me crazy.”
“That’s a sign it’s working.” You grinned and kissed him again, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Then it’s working damn well”, he grumbled against your lips, moving his hands now down to your ass as he pulled you closer against his body.
Later that night you woke up in Namjoon’s arms, his body still pressed flush against yours from behind. You sleepily rubbed your eyes, wondering why you even woke up to begin with, when you heard screaming.
Alarmed, you pried yourself out of Namjoon’s arms, threw his large shirt over your body as well as your panties, and hurried out of your room. You quickly followed the screaming to the couch. Without a thought you rushed over to him, running over to his side where he was thrashing around in his sleep.
“Jungkook”, you crawled onto the couch as well, avoiding his limbs as much as you could to shake his shoulders. “Jungkook, wake up! It’s a bad dream.”
The young man gasped loudly when he woke up. His eyes darted frantically through the dark room until he focused on your shadowy figure next to him.
“You had a nightmare, sweetheart”, you whispered and sat next to him, opening your arms if he wanted to have a hug. You knew from your own experience you always craved a warm hug after a nightmare, but you wouldn’t force one onto him.
Jungkook looked at you for a second longer before he started to cry and crawl into your arms, bawling his eyes out while you soothingly rocked him from side to side. He hid his face in your lap, the tears slowly but surely staining Namjoon’s shirt, while Jungkook had his arms wrapped around your middle, shaking with every sob that escaped his mouth.
You hummed some sweet melodies as you ran your fingers through Jungkook’s hair, calming him with every stroke.
“Can”, Jungkook hiccuped, “can you stay here?”
“Of course I can. If you think it will help you sleep again.” You smiled softly, looking down on his trembling body. “It’s going to be alright. I promise.”
Soon enough Jungkook drifted back to sleep but his grip on Namjoon’s shirt and his hold around your middle never loosened up.
After a while you passed out as well, sleeping in that uncomfortable position until Namjoon woke you up the next morning, sending you a questioning look, as to why the kid was half curled onto your lap.
He helped you get out of Jungkook’s strong grip until he suddenly whimpered.
You immediately turned back to Jungkook, humming lowly and running your fingers through his hair.
Namjoon made a sound of understanding in the back of his throat, kissing you on the cheek and leaving the room again.
It became a somewhat regular occasion at night that you woke up and walked over to Jungkook, calming him down again after a nightmare. On rare occasions Namjoon would wake up before you and do the same.
The first time you had woken up in your bed due to the missing heat. Confused, and still pretty sleepy, you had gotten up and searched for Namjoon. Even though he didn’t directly live with you, he would always tell you when he would leave again and since you didn’t get a note, you were slightly on edge.
Your nervosity died down when you found Namjoon, humming a melody in a sleepy tone, with Jungkook curled over his chest. It took everything within you to not squeal at them loudly for how cute they looked.
Instead you had crawled onto the couch as well, snuggling up on Jungkook’s other side and wrapping your arm around his and Namjoon’s body.
On the even rarer occasion where Jungkook would wake up from a nightmare before you and Namjoon, he would knock at your bedroom door, waiting until you or Namjoon let him in. 
It reminded you slightly of a small child needing to feel the protection of its parents after a nightmare. And thinking about it, even though Jungkook was of legal age, he probably had to grow up early on, not having the opportunity to be just a child when he was young.
Normally Jungkook was too embarrassed when the morning arrived, pretending to be the strong adult again, but more often than not did you see that innocent child in his actions. Be it playing with a puppy when you all visited the park for a picnic, be it playing games on his phone while sticking his tongue out in concentration or even the excited sparkle whenever you had a small surprise for him.
Even Namjoon mentioned to you that Jungkook was more of a child than an adult, receiving a gentle slap from you on his arm as you told him to let Jungkook be. Namjoon immediately used that chance to tease you, telling you how much you resembled a mother with your behaviour around Jungkook.
“I’m no mother”, you squealed and tried pushing him away, laughing loudly when he caught you and held you hostage in his arms.
“Not yet”, he mumbled into your ear, gently nibbling at your earlobe.
“Not in front of the baby!” Jin shouted as he slammed the door to your apartment open, Hoseok and Yoongi following him.
“We’re not even doing anything!” You yelled back and rolled your eyes, getting up to greet them anyway.
“I didn’t know you had a baby”, Hoseok said excitedly and hugged you just as tight as always. “Congrats to the mother!” He looked over your shoulder to Namjoon. “And the father.”
“Why do I have the feeling whatever Jin said wasn’t referring to an actual infant?” Yoongi grumbled as he mustered your reaction.
“Because apparently Jin has decided to turn Jungkook younger than he actually is.”
“You have a child?!” Hoseok practically screamed and grabbed your upper arms, shaking you slightly. “When did that happen?! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US?! Who is the godfather?”
You wanted to cry or rip your hair out in despair, though your irritation settled with a simple twitch of your eyelid. “I don’t have a child either.”
“Then who is Jungkook?” Hoseok tilted his head to one side, resembling a confused dog with his large, questioning eyes.
You sighed and moved out of Hoseok’s grip. “Jungkook is my student. Remember the naturally talented dancer? That’s Jungkook.”
“So where is that student of yours?” Yoongi walked into the living room, greeting Namjoon on the way before he sat down on the couch and got comfortable. His eyes quickly moved towards the door upon noticing a movement.
You followed his gaze, seeing Jungkook nervously stepping from one foot to the other. When you two locked eyes, his basically screamed for help. Before you were able to bribe him though, Jin had found him standing in the doorway as well.
He immediately walked over to Jungkook and slung his arm around the younger one, pulling him into the living room. “This is Happy”, Jin introduced and pointed towards Hoseok, who was grinning from one ear to the other and waving excitedly towards Jungkook. “And this is Grumpy.” Jin now pointed at Yoongi, who glared at the older man, rolling his eyes once he deemed there wouldn’t be a correct introduction from him.
“Actually their names are Hoseok and Yoongi”, you said and briefly explained why Jin called you and those two by nicknames.
Jin ignored your statement and pulled Jungkook towards the couch, placing him right next to Yoongi. 
“Maybe Jungkook should have invited some friends over as well to feel less uncomfortable”, Yoongi mentioned while grabbing a pamphlet for takeout.
“Oh, the more the merrier! It would have been so much fun!” Hoseok agreed and nodded excitedly.
Your gaze wandered from your friends to Jungkook, feeling your stomach drop when you saw how timid he sat on the couch. “I didn’t even think about that”, you admitted. “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook quickly shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.” 
Despite that you continued to worry about it. You glanced at Jungkook every now and then, drifting deeper into your own thoughts. You’ve never seen him with one of his classmates. You wondered whether he had friends outside of school but somehow your intuition told you there were none.
“Hoseok, are you still working as a dance instructor? Once Jin gives the go, is it possible for Jungkook to join your dance classes?” 
You piped up again when Namjoon suddenly asked Hoseok that question.
“Yeah, turned into a full-time job now”, Hoseok answered with a bright grin, “I even changed majors for it!”
“Then Jungkook and I could stop by again?” You asked quickly, leaning forward and imploring Hoseok’s eyes. You missed Namjoon’s knowing smirk, having guided you towards a direction that somewhat helped you out of your worrying.
“Of course!” Hoseok clapped into his hands and jumped up, showing some smooth movements to an inaudible beat. “You’re always welcome!”
You turned your attention to Jungkook. “Would you like to go again? It could be an escape from hanging around me all the time.” You laughed softly, remembering at one point in your life you needed your alone time from everything and everyone.
Jungkook nodded hesitantly, mumbling something about not minding being around you and immediately getting teased by Jin for that.
You smiled and leaned back, satisfied you found a way for him to get in contact with some peers. “Would you mind joining us?” You whispered towards Namjoon, who had wrapped his arms around your body again, pulling you close against his body. 
“I’m no dancer”, he simply told you and kissed your temple, watching with you how Jungkook warmed up to your group of friends.
Ever since that afternoon Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok have dropped by your place more often. Especially Jin, who made up the most ridiculous excuses to visit. At one point Yoongi simply agreed with such an excuse and came over as well, ignoring your stares throughout the night since you couldn’t believe he would do such a thing.
It took you a while to understand why Yoongi did such things, until you watched him place some of his food on Jungkook’s plate once he noticed the younger one ate all his meat.
“How is your house coming along?” You asked Yoongi casually. “I’m sorry I haven’t been helping you out as much anymore.”
Yoongi shrugged with his shoulders, placing more meat on Jungkook’s plate. “It’s not done but I’m able to live in it now.”
“That’s awesome!”
“Eh.” Yoongi scrunched up his nose, not entirely agreeing with you. “It’s quite spacious.”
Jin immediately chimed in, grinning brightly as he laid his arm around the smaller man's shoulder. “So you want all our meetings now at your place. You could have told us so!”
You grinned awkwardly and turned your attention back to Yoongi. On one hand you’d be delighted to meet up somewhere that wouldn’t get as crowded as your living room but on the other hand you didn’t want to pass the problem to someone else.
“You guys would be staying for a day or something and then the house is empty again, not really helpful.” Yoongi scoffed and rolled his eyes, scooping some rice into his mouth. He looked at you for a long moment before he shortly glanced over to Jungkook and the makeshift bed, he had been sleeping on for a month now, and looked back at you again.
“I’ve been meaning to ask”, he mumbled and you were barely able to hear him over he chattering of the others, “the house offers lots of space and rooms.”
You tilted your head to the side, unsure what Yoongi was hinting at. Your gaze wandered around the group and your - in comparison - tiny living room before it landed back on Yoongi. You frowned and blinked several times, gently shaking your head. 
“Your apartment is only meant to be for one person, yet three people are living in it.”
“Are you asking us to move in?” You turned to look at Namjoon, realising he followed the whole conversation already. You raised your eyebrows, silently asking him for his opinion and leaning further into his embrace.
“It would be nice for the kiddo”, he murmured into your ear, “and I don’t mind as long as we’re together.”
“You sound like a dad”, you teased him and kissed his cheek, giggling when Namjoong pulled you harder against himself while growling softly.
Yoongi cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of everyone inside the living room. “So? What do you say?”
You felt how all eyes moved to you, staring at you somewhat expectantly and curiously. “I don’t know what to say”, you answered him hesitantly, “it’s your home. I don’t want to intrude.”
“I’m offering you to make it our home. Jin and Hoseok already agreed to move in. It’s just you now.”
“But I can’t speak for Namjoon or Jungkook!”
Namjoon chuckled lowly and kissed your cheek. “I already told you I don’t mind where we live as long as we’re together.”
“And Jungkook here refuses to leave without you”, Jin added and jabbed the younger man’s side while laughing.
You looked at Jungkook with wide eyes, surprised to hear that. At the same time you noticed how he blushed and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.
“So?” Yoongi repeated his question. “What do you say?”
You shrugged with your shoulders, shaking your head in disbelief. “I, uh, I’m saying yes, sure, why not.”
It still took some time for you to pack and move out of your apartment. You were sure it would have been a lot more without Jungkook and Namjoon by your side, who both willingly carried all the boxes and bags, so you basically didn’t have to lift a finger at all.
At Yoongi’s house Jungkook got his own room on the same floor as yours and Namjoon’s room. He also spent more time on his own or tagged along with the others - especially Hoseok to join the dance classes, where he met Jimin and Taehyung.
Both of them regularly came over after classes, playing with Jungkook or even helping out with the continuous renovations. 
Somehow they fit in perfectly with the group. None of you ever questioned them being around and it happened more often than not that one of you even invited Jimin and Taehyung over.
You sat on the steps of the porch, observing the younger ones and Hoseok playing foot-minton on the grass. You nursed a glass of lemonade in your hands, smiling at the peaceful atmosphere. From inside you heard Jin and Yoongi cooking in the kitchen, bickering and sounding like an elderly couple.
Namjoon sat down behind you, gently pulling you closer into his lap and wrapping his arms around your middle. “What’s on your mind?” He kissed your neck and rested his chin on your shoulder. 
“That I might be pushing a few classes to a later point.”
He chuckled softly and tightened his hold on you. “What made you consider that?” He knew you must have been thinking about it for quite some time now as you actually said it out loud.
“I want to spend more time with you. With all of you. But with all the classes I barely have any freetime. I also decided to quit tutoring since all these brats don’t want to show up in the first place.” You laughed softly and leaned into Namjoon, resting your head against his chest.
“I like the sound of that.” 
“Not in front of the kids!” Jin yelled out as he carried two dishes out to the large table on the porch. “How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“At least the same amount of times as I have to tell you that we’re not doing anything”, you argued back, unable to keep the grin from your lips. “Also the guys aren’t our kids, Hoseok’s even the same age as Namjoon.”
“The way you’re mothering them they are your kids”, Yoongi chimed in, carrying more dishes out of the house.
You leaned around Namjoon to playfully glare at Yoongi. “Sure you’re the right one to say that? I could list you a whole lot of incidents where you’re basically worse than me. Do you want it alphabetically or in order based on the time?”
The bickering between you caught the attention of the players on the grass. “Honestly? All of you act like our parents at times”, Taehyung said with a snicker, laughing even more when Jimin nodded enthusiastically.
“Or better”, Jungkook added shyly, glancing towards you and Namjoon.
You smiled at him, stretching one hand out towards him. Your smile widened even more when he grabbed your hand. You pulled him towards you, giggling upon hearing his surprised yelp. Still, he wrapped his arms around you for a hug, basically melting into your embrace.
Taehyung and Jimin leaped forward, joining the hug with giggles. You weren’t able to see them but you felt Jin and Hoseok joining the hug as well, followed by some muffled groaning and another quick impact, indicating Yoongi joined the hug too.
“I gladly accept you as my family”, Jungkook whispered into your neck, tightening his hold on you. 
“You are part of the family. All of you.”
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Taglist: @xavi-in-kpopland​
20 notes · View notes
willkimurashat · 2 years
Exactly 0 people asked, but here I am anyway with a rating of Love Island The Game: Ex in the Villa lol!
As you’ve probably noticed, I played each volume as it came out, did not read the spoilers. I always loved litg for giving me escapism from reality I so much craved because it was a fun, problem-free game, where I was the center of attention in a good way, and pixels loved me unconditionally. That is until s5 rolled up. I was really excited about it, even though still not over s4 because they released it so close to each other, but nonetheless wanted to give it a fair go. I was very open to the story and the characters, but about half way through, I just could not defend them anymore. It wasn’t a good time anymore, it was a “how will fusebox piss me off today” time. Anyways, maybe this whole collective trauma of s5 is still very fresh in my mind, and I won’t think it’s so bad as time goes on, but here’s my thoughts on it now.
Disclaimer: All of these are obviously just my subjective, humble opinion - feel free to agree or disagree or add your own:) and if you’d like to use these categories for your own ratings - please, by all means!
Also, potential spoilers ahead:)
So. Let’s break it down into some categories…
Character design: 7/10
This is just my personal taste I guess, but they really went off with Suresh and Gabi. Meera and Johnny made me swoon too. The rest look aight, but I think slight tweaks like aligning Finn’s jaw or Kat’s eyes or making her hair less high up, stuff like that - it would really help. Also, never forget the atrocious outfits (I mean, rubber duckies? Really? The stupid hat? The abominable sandals?? Ugh…)
Character personality: 7/10
I’m probably being too generous, but I do feel like everyone had a distinct personality and a “role” in the villa. Now, where they annoying most of the time? Yes. Were they mean to MC? Also yes, but that’s a completely different point. Did we really get to know anyone or was it mostly just conversations about how Suresh would feel if MC went for someone else and vice versa? I’ll let you answer that one… Disclaimer: MC not included here, she’s an outlier and would skew the score too much.
Character diversity: 4/10
We got some range of characters, but where they done well? Starting with not specifying ethnicities of every single mixed race islander on their applications, perpetuating stereotypes about characters of color and abuse, making them toxic, continuing to make woc villains of the story… LGBT characters being all over the place and, again, villains/unlikeable… Yeah, do better fusebox.
MC design: 6.5/10
My first impression when I saw mc was… not the greatest. My second impression when I played the game - better, but not great. I think my main issue is some expressions, which are just not.. it… I appreciate that they made a curvier body type option, but the face just looks a bit off anyway? Like, don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely potential and so many people were able to make them look hot, but my mc? Idk, can’t help but think that something’s off with her every time I look at her:/ (I figured out who my mc reminds me of btw!)
MC personality: 1/10
It really is a 0, but again, I’m being generous. 16 volumes, 42 episodes and we know absolutely nothing about them. What do they like? Who’s their type? What’s their passion in life? What makes them, well, them? Who is mc? A hologram. A cardboard cut out that only has three preprogrammed comments: yes/no/i don’t know.
MC customization: 5/10
I think overall, the customization was alright and I was pretty much able to make mc look like me, but that being said, I’m a white girl, so I’m privileged enough to not have to run into problems like having ethnic hair gem blocked… And again, I like the curvy body type option, (though it’s still kinda limited), but we still can’t have a choice of feminine/masculine presenting bodies, which I don’t think is too much to ask for (they do it on Lovelink for example). And the outfits… granny fashion and shattered glass bikini? Please just.. let’s just move on.
Challenges: 5/10
The idea for challenges was quite good. Who doesn’t love an obstacle challenge, a snog, marry, pie, a heart racing challenge, or kiss the islander with ___ secret? I know I do! No, we didn’t get the baby challenge or the mean tweets, but it was still a good selection of challenges. However, they were written so… dryly? (Is that a word? It feels like it’s not, but it is now lol.) Anyway, just like the rest of the season, it’s three lines of dry textbook text that just didn’t excite me in the slightest. I read textbooks for grad school every day, I want creative writing in a romance game pretty please! I didn’t feel like I was actually there, doing the challenge. I didn’t care if I won the challenge either because there were no prizes for them anyway and no one-on-one time with our li’s, so… Good idea, poor execution:/
Drama: 3/10
E X C E S S I V E and U N C A L L E D F O R. Of course, it made sense that in a season about Exes in the Villa the main drama will be about Exes in the Villa. I get it, trust me. But you would hope that the drama will get resolved, which in my opinion, it wasn’t. Or it didn’t feel like a satisfying resolution to me personally. It kept going in circles, “hear me out!” “I’m done apologizing!” “Maybe we are different people” “I’m gonna win you back” “How do you think Suresh would feel if…?” “How do you feel now that Suresh is with…?” And the ending was that he wanted to propose to you too, but because of miscommunication it didn’t happen, making this whole drama actually pointless. And that’s only Suresh drama, which if you’re not on his route is tiring, repetitive, and… boring?
Moving on, I wrote a lot of rants about Alfie drama, so I won’t go into it, you all know how I feel. Arlo was feisty with mc for no reason, especially if you constantly reject Suresh’s advances. Drastically changing Meera’s character to an insufferable bitch was unnecessary. Same with Johnny/Nicolas - there was no indication that they are terrible people during casa amor, and the evil master plans came out of nowhere, and only served to further hurt mc. Eddie as a villain was enough for me tbh, we didn’t need the whole villa ganging up on mc. Plus, we shouldn’t be the only ones with drama, I would like to have some fun time at least, thank you very much. Overall, I’m not saying this should be Friend Island - I’ve seen the show, I know how it goes and I know some drama can be absolutely ridiculous, but I just think it wasn’t balanced out at all. It wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t proportional. (Maybe I’m alone in thinking this, but I think s4 had a good balance of drama/friendships/romance, so it was still there, but it wasn’t overbearing.)
Relationships: 3.5/10
The only points here are for Lulu, honestly. And Gabi, but I might be biased lol. Okay, maybe also Alfie-Finn bromance, I’m a sucker for those. Friendship-wise, the whole season I felt alone and felt like I couldn’t trust anyone. Kat was going back and forth between being my friend and being my rival. Arlo had issues with me… why exactly? I’m honestly not sure… Dana was… just there? Her friendship entailed pulling me for a chat any time I wanted to have a conversation with my li and gossiping or asking for reassurance. Meera was nothing, but an insecure bitch to me. Eddie wanted nothing to do with me, until the very end we’re apparently all buddy-buddy and he’s spilling secrets to me. Don’t forget the blackmailing too. Finn was nice only in one (1) occasion, and that is during Snog, Marry, Pie. Alfie may have been a good friend, but I didn’t do that route with him. Lulu was the only one consistently kind and on mc’s side. Gabi was an interesting addition, it’s a shame we didn’t get to know her at all basically.
Romance-wise, again, felt like I couldn’t trust anyone. It was the first season where I just wasn’t interested in anyone romantically because I didn’t get to know anyone really, and most were horrible to me. When the first character designs dropped, I liked Suresh, then was let down. I liked Alfie, then was let down. I liked Johnny, then was let down. I liked Finn, then was let down. I liked Lulu, but the choice to pick Gabi was just too tempting, and guess what? Lulu didn’t let me down, even as just a friend. (I’m glad I picked Gabi in the end, but I still know nothing about her…) Nobody really wanted mc and mc couldn’t really have anyone either. I think there was a lot of wasted potential with li’s. Like, hear me out: Suresh - enemies to lovers, Alfie/Dana - loyal routes, Finn - slow burn, Kat - friends to lovers, Johnny/Nicolas - partners in crime, Lulu - last-minute-sweep-me-off-my-feet, Gabi - messy, peak drama choice (I mean, come on, two girls wronged by the same ex get together? It’s my favorite part of this whole season - literally why I picked her, and she’s actually a sweetheart:))
Recouplings: 2/10
I remember in s4, I felt like there were too many recouplings, so in s5 they went ahead and gave us the least recouplings possible. Only once (1) can you actually pick someone you want to be with throughout the whole time in the villa, throughout all 42 episodes, all 16 volumes - right at the very end (!!!), unless you also willingly chose to twist switch to someone after casa amor. My main issue is that the whole season can be considered pointless because you can basically never couple up with who you want, casa boys wrong you and leave you anyway, bringing us back to square one with 3 og guys that you might’ve tried to escape the whole time. Or, if you’re on a Suresh route, the whole pining angst, or even, the whole idea of going to love island was useless and pointless because even though neither of them really grow or change as people (sorry my Suresh lovelies, it’s just how i see it), they finally talk it out and make up anyway, so none of these 42 episodes really mattered. Yeah, it angers me.
Finale: 4/10
As contradicting as it may sound, I do believe the team took feedback regarding s4 finale into consideration. We got final dates, prom prep, prom, declarations of love, winner announcements, love vs. money, and even a special vip guest - all components needed for a successful finale, the climactic resolution of the season, right? Wrong. I can live with the sacrifice of afterparty (not that I would want to see anyone from this season ever again anyway), but it seems natural progression of the finale was also sacrificed for the sake of jam-packing everything into the last volume. The events felt like they were happening with a speed of light: recoupling-hideaway (ugh)-date-picking a dress-prom-declaration-winners-money/love. I may be sleep deprived, but this made me even more dizzy. And not even that, but the progression of the relationship felt anything, but natural - it was more of a fever dream, really. I like you, Gabi, I do, and you’re sweet and give me full attention, but other than the fact that you like tattooing and fear squirrels, I know absolutely nothing about you (besides the obvious, of course). So all the plastic rings flying around, “being exclusive” and ahem, a PROPOSAL felt, uh… rushed. This is not Vegas, we are not eloping, and I basically don’t know you, so why, oh why would that even be an option?
Moving on, the resolution of the season overall was quite lackluster. Finn never confronted Kat, continuing on with a perfect illusion of romance for her. Well done, Finn. Suresh leaves (if you’re not with him), and decides to let loose and go to Barbados, clearly indicating that he will resort back to his old ways. Nice. Alfie claims to have become a changed man, even appears regretful about things, but who’s to say if he really did change? A half-assed “we’re friends” speech from Kat really did nothing to me neither physically nor emotionally. Sooo… 16 volumes, 42 episodes later nobody learned anything, nobody admitted they were wrong, nobody really genuinely apologized, and nobody grew as a person. Yet again - the whole season was pointless. Add in the driest, most uninteresting writing and it was enough to leave me disappointed still.
We will not talk about Bobby. I refuse to talk about Bobby. That was not Bobby, he was not canon, it did not happen, and I will not accept any criticism.
Structure: 3/10
The only points here are for casa amor, and even that wasn’t done well (i have a post about it here somewhere). Starting with only 3 couples? Only what, like, 3 recouplings ever? Not a single beach hut moment? Not a single hideaway moment??? (No no, they cannot get away with a lackluster last minute “whatever, you can have your stupid hideaway” scene in the very end of the season) We’ve only been there for what feels like a week?? Are you kidding me? It seems we keep straying further and further away from the format of the actual show it’s meant to be based on and I don’t really like that tbh.
Storyline: 5/10
Tell you what, I was actually really intrigued when they first announced the theme of the season as “Ex in the Villa”. I remember people theorizing how they’re gonna handle it, who they’re bringing in, etc. But, a few episodes in I realized just how limiting it was to constrain the whole plotline to… just Suresh. All the conversations and all the drama got very-very redundant very-very quickly. The only redeeming quality was being able to pick Gabi. Check and mate. Oh, and Lulu. Lulu is my queen:) Here’s alternative ways they could’ve improved it: let players choose who their ex is from given characters; let our ex despise mc and mc despises them back in the beginning (enemies to lovers/enemies to besties); let all islanders be exes of other islanders (it won’t be love island the show anymore, but they weren’t really sticking to the format anyway, so); let mc have multiple exes in the villa (and then those two (or three?) exes fight for them); let players choose the reason why they’re exes.
Writing: 2/10
I’m kinda conflicted because I feel like it did get better, but it also got worse? Like, I appreciate using more of love island jargon and the conversations felt pretty natural, like real people would speak, you know? (But still, I can’t really speak to that, since I don’t live in the UK, my only exposure to different accents is through tv and videos.) But at the same time all conversations (75% of which are about Suresh and MC lol) felt so repetitive and so boring and it dragged on and on and on… and then you look back at the episode and realize that nothing’s happened and you didn’t learn anything about anyone. Character development was minimal, if there at all. Very little character depth, very limited background information. I’m not even going to mention mc… Spicy scenes were basically nonexistent and a massive downgrade from s4 (don’t even talk to me). And even in general, every scene was written so dry, so robotic, and so anticlimactic that it was just constant disappointment. The constant bullying from girls to wear expensive outfits was super annoying and unnecessary as well.
Update: I initially had a higher rating for writing, but after playing the finale, I had to cut it in half for the mere reason that I have reached my limit. The utter disrespect I felt when my eyeballs glanced over the screen and read “NSFW kiss” during a prom scene with Gabi was beyond something I could accept with understanding. Perhaps in some circumstances it could be an acceptable form of writing and communicating, but personally I considered the phrasing as a placeholder, instead of a legitimate description of such kiss. I believe if the company had at least the slightest respect for their players, they would and should do the bare minimum of proofreading the text before releasing it for satisfactory gaming experience. Unfortunately, I had to remove points for personal vindication and emotional damage, which is reflective of how I have been treated as a player.
Replayability: 2/10
Hmmm idk. Idk if I’ll ever replay this one. I never got too attached to characters or the storyline, maybe because they released it so soon after s4 and I wasn’t over that yet. And when I did feel a teeny tiny spark with a character, they went on and did something stupid/annoying/hurtful, so even if I did want to go back and do their routes, I feel like they hurt me and I don’t like them much anymore. The only way I mightttt replay it at some point is to just be a bitch to everyone from the beginning because they all deserve that, honestly…
Overall score: 4/10
Well, and that about wraps it up. I never had this many… negative emotions about a season - me, the person who always tells people to not compare seasons, give it a fair go, and not take it close to heart because it’s a game. I usually love burying my face in a pillow, giggling at my screen, and kicking my feet as pixels swoon over me, professing their undying love, but I was robbed of that this season, unfortunately. I’m definitely gonna miss the memes and the rants here every Wednesday, and being the sentimental ass that I am, I will actually feel kinda sad that it’s over. At the same time, this was the first season that I spent here, as an official member of the litg fandom lol, and I’m thankful to have made friends here, bonding over this season:) Thank you for reading my rants, agreeing with me, and offering your own insights and perspectives! I hope I was able to make you laugh a little bit too:) This season prompted me to write two fics (and maybe more to come) that I’m quite proud of, and it made me want to replay other seasons, so I guess there is some good that came out of it, right? ;) and since we didn’t get a traditional ending this season, in true litg fashion I’ll say it…
…Stay hydrated, islanders xoxo
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banguette · 1 year
Remember Me Once More | Ted Shackleford (The Man in The Yellow Hat) x f. Reader
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description: He stayed. You left. 6 years after your last meeting, a game of circumstance lands you in the same room as him - and his monkey. With 2 weeks of working in close proximity, things are bound to come to light. The question is, how will he perceive it?
word count: 14.7k
warnings: they are both idiots!!! who are in love!!! angsty feelings, cursing a lot of talk of canada and the us as well as culinary schools (i did my research but i'm not from either of those places so pls forgive me if some things are wrong), some words are in italian because the pisghettis, awkward conversations, ted is a nerdy dilfy hotshot museum director, reader is a chef, sex fantasies (a LOT of them), they get trapped in a room, many many apologies, flashbacks to college, it's never explained but ted calls oc chowder, oc has two moms because we love diversity, brief mention of 'the office' and julius the monkey, sweet confessions, SO MUCH KISSING!!, cheesy lines are exchanged, boners, ted has a big virgin dick, experienced reader, oral sex (male and female recieving), a bit of a hair kink, clit play, ted is a bit too excited sometimes, bickering like they're an old married couple, reader has an iud, unprotected sex (do not try!! i repeat, do not try!!), several orgasms, creampies (yes, creampieS), missionary, riding, they act like horny teenagers, ted's butt deserves its own warning so here it is, brief mentions of bath sex, old wounds finally heal, the three of them are basically a family, public speaking, y/n is a bit unhinged, more sweet confessions, allusions to exhibition (pls keep in mind this is my first smut fic, be kind!!)
cover by: me (illustrations featured belong to their rightful owners)
note: I do not regret this book nor do I condone it. Fueled by Ted TikToks, inspired by 'Maroon' by Taylor Swift and 'Don’t You Remember?' by Adele.
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Ted Shackleford was not a malevolent person.
Ask anyone and everyone who knew him; he was the last person to hold a grudge against anyone. His monkey had flooded his apartment - thrice! But his response every time he discovered George scratching his head uncomfortably and awkwardly giggling amid the soapy bubbles and rubber duckies surrounding him was to just sigh before proceeding to clean the place.
But you? You were a different story. Every time he recalls the blurry memory of you walking away from him - the last time he ever saw you - he only vividly remembers the anger bubbling up inside his chest. He only remembers the deep frown etched on his face, and the furrowing of his eyebrows as he dug his nails into his palm. Was it selfish to only recall what he felt at that moment, rather than the sight of you hurriedly making your way to your plane without sparing him another glance? To look back on perhaps the most significant turning point in his life and only focus on his emotions rather than figuring out why you left in the first place?
He didn't know. And, to be quite frank, a part of him doesn't care. Altruism was his one principle in life and constantly bent over backward 24/7 to make everyone happy; surely he could afford to be unkind in this one avenue.
Some nights - including tonight - he thinks of the other memories you shared. That elementary school Halloween party, where you warned him that he was going to get teased relentlessly for dressing up as Percy Shelley (whom he was weirdly obsessed with back then), but come the day you surprised everyone by strolling in as Mary - Frankenstein plush and all in your hand. Yeah, you both still got ridiculed by all the Scooby-Doos and Rugrats in your class, but no bullying could have deterred the warmth he felt inside when you leaned over and whispered, "It's either both of us or none of us."
There was also that day in freshman year when you guys cycled through town, the sun setting behind you as you rushed home to make it in time for curfew. How you'd tripped over a train track and he'd tried his best to clean and dress the small gash on your knee, and how you looked at him as if he'd hung up the stars in the sky to accompany the moon when he matched his pace to yours and made it home extremely late. He'd gotten scolded, but it didn't matter. Not as long as you were safe. Besides, all was forgiven when you presented him with a history book in addition to his favorite cookies over a week later. The book inspired him to pursue history and eventually landed him a career as a museum director at the Met. Without you, he doesn't know how he wouldn't have gotten here.
It's that exact realization, however, that causes him to shift to his side on the bed and shake off all thoughts of you. He was approaching 30, for god's sake, and had a life to think about now rather than you; the one that got away. He lists them all in his head: a rambunctious monkey not even the age of 3, the meeting he has tomorrow for his new gallery opening, his friends... If it meant that, to focus, he had to drown out his thoughts (and the feeling of your soft lips pressing against his that one time) to the sound of George peacefully snoring in the room beside him, then so be it.
You had to remain in the past because Ted doesn't have space for you in his future.
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The last thing you want to be confronted with after your tedious 6-hour flight to New York City is bitter coffee, but of course, that is what you get. The minute the foul-tasting liquid grazes your taste buds you spit it out onto the pavement, where the crowds don't even bother reacting to your gross public act of self-humiliation. It is at that moment when you truly feel like you are in New York, never mind the countless welcoming posters you'd seen passing through the airport. Being back in America after half a dozen years abroad felt dizzying - like something you'd spent so long carrying with you around British Columbia had finally lifted itself from your shoulders when you landed. You finally felt at home.
That being said, you weren't here for good just yet. Everything that you owned was still tied up in your apartment back in Vancouver, it depended on the outcome of your upcoming interview on whether or not you'd be moving here permanently. In the meantime, you'd spend the next few days here exploring the Apple; it's unlikely, but perhaps you could secure some last-minute Broadway tickets, or take a gander through the Central Park Zoo, or maybe even go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Right now though, the coffee had done nothing and you were more focused on getting to your hotel and crashing into the comfortable bed. Jetlag was a bitch, but it was one you were willing to give into.
After checking in, the concierge handed you a bunch of pamphlets on things to do while you're in New York before smiling and sending you on your way. Leaning against the elevator wall, luggage in tow, you flipped through them. You stop at the Met's in particular; despite being a culinary student, a dear old friend had gotten you somewhat interested in history and museums have kind of drawn you in since. You unfolded the paper, glazing your tired eyes over the words, briefly looking over the pictures.
Until you spot a familiar face staring back at you.
In your confusion, you bring the paper closer to your face. Surely it couldn't be - oh my god, it is. Your 'dear old friend' was right there on the paper, smiling and beckoning you to visit with a small monkey on his shoulder. Right as the elevator pinged, you folded the paper and removed the picture from your sight. Slight change of plans, you thought internally as you walked towards your hotel room. Maybe you wouldn't be visiting the Met after all.
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"George! I'm home!" Ted yelled, walking inside and setting his keys into the designated bowl, and hanging his hat up on the hook. The day had been grueling, some cuddles with his favorite non-human in the world were all he was looking forward to. George was equally as excited to catch the man in the yellow hat up on his day; he'd spent his time playing with Hundley and one of the things they did together was making a mess in George's bedroom. Ted groaned, muttered 'I'll clean this up later,' under his breath before scooping the primate up in his arms and settling down on the couch. Together, they watched a few episodes of the show they'd started before Ted left to go shower.
As the water trickled down his body and he lathered the shampoo onto his hair, Ted recounted key points from his meeting. The new Invention of Cooking exhibit would be one of their grandest yet; aside from collecting hundreds of utensils, tools, and recipes from all around the world and from different points in history, they would also be flying in top culinary experts and food history enthusiasts for the opening. Having so many people come in and also having the entire gallery focused on food itself meant that they would have to bring caterers in, and obviously, Ted knew no one better to perform the task than the Pisghettis. He'd have to drop by their restaurant after work tomorrow to discuss the appetizers, main course, and dessert platters that they'd be serving. Aside from that, there were still a bajillion other things to do and only a month left to do it. He was losing his mind the more often he was left alone with it.
Once he got out, he tied a towel along his waist and ran another through his hair before making his way to the kitchen to make dinner. He only needed to heat up what he'd made the day before anyway, so he split the leftovers into two bowls and threw them in the microwave. While it was in there, he changed into his loose sleeveless shirt paired with his boxers; all his signature yellow. He made his way back to the kitchen before calling George over, and they made light conversation as they ate.
Later on in the evening, when Ted had read him his favorite bedtime story and tucked him into bed, he clambered onto the balcony and started to water his mini-garden. Halfway into this routine, he paused and looked beyond the railings to the brightly lit streets below him. In combination with the chill air, it was enough to make even the toughest day seem so distant from where he was now. Keyword: was. Ted had originally purchased the apartment solely for the view, but now he just felt lonely gazing down at it. He wished he had someone to share it with. There was always George, and he wouldn't trade that little guy for anything, but you could only converse with a monkey so many times. He longed for someone to be by his side, to have deep conversations, and also to joke around with. Someone who could do more than nod and make a few, albeit cute, sounds.
His mind flickers to an image of you for a millisecond. Then, he finishes watering all the plants and shuffles towards his cold, empty bed for another night.
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You knock on the door anxiously, your gaze focused on the couple sitting at the dinner table in front of you. "Excuse me, I'm here for the interview?"
"Ah, you must be Y/N!" Netti, as you learn her name to be, says as she leads you to where her husband is sitting. "How was the flight, dear? Thank you for visiting on such short notice."
You wave her off, "My pleasure, I've been meaning to visit here anyway. You guys did me a favor!" Uh-oh. Was that too much? Possibly too little? They didn't seem to mind, both of them making polite conversation with you as Chef Pisghetti contentedly petted the kitten on his lap. They were extremely nice, you'd noted. Much better than some of the past bosses you'd had. At least, you'd hope they would be your bosses. Another thing you noticed was how each time one was speaking, the other would put their undivided attention on them and their eyes shone with adoration. It showed just how comfortable and in love they were with each other, and a fuzzy feeling filled your chest.
"Let's get into business, Y/N," Pisghetti says once the conversation fizzles out. "Your resume's extremely impressive; 4 years of school in Le Cordon Bleu and The Culinary Arts School of Ontario? Apprenticeship at the CN Tower? Ammazza! You're brilliant!" He grins sheepishly and you smile back in return. "I have one question though," He makes an inquisitive face.
"Yes?" Stress builds in your chest, scared of what was to come.
He throws his hands in the air excitedly. "When can you start?"
That's how you find yourself getting a pseudo-training session from the two for the rest of the time. The restaurant was closed for the day, so you got to learn the layout of their kitchen, how Pisghetti cannot accept anything less than perfection (which suits you fine anyway being a perfectionist yourself), and even take a tour through their spectacular rooftop garden. A lush green farm amidst the busy streets of New York, could you imagine? Most importantly of all, you learn about Gnocchi, the Pisghetti's kitten. The cutie had been saved from a tree by one of their firefighter friends a few months back, and once the pair had seen her they couldn't look back. Gnocchi was now part of their routine and soon would be a part of yours too. Everything revolved around the spoiled but loveable creature.
By the time it rolled around to half past 5, the Pisghetti's handed you some food so you wouldn't have to spend another day eating cup noodles and microwaveable mac and cheese and allowed you to hang your apron up. However, just as you said your goodbyes and were about to walk through the kitchen door, you heard a jingle come from the main dining area. "That's weird," You said to Netti and the chef went out to greet whoever came by. "Weren't you guys closed?"
"Don't worry about it tesoro mio, it's probably our friends. They told us they were going to drop by."
You nodded your head and hugged Netti one last time before making your way to the front entrance. At first, the odd and lanky yellow shape didn't register as anything familiar in your peripheral vision. It was only when the figure turned around to acknowledge you that you felt the wind get knocked out of your lungs. Your mouth felt dry and your knees felt weak as your eyes snagged onto those of the man in front of you. You felt zaps from his staring register in your brain, sending tingles down your spine to the tips of your toes.
Who knew that after so long, Ted Shackleford would still have the same effect on you?
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It was strange. He always thought that, if he saw you again, he'd feel the same anger and resentment as he did when you left. But as your eyes connect and lock onto yours, all he feels is the sharp pain of old wounds reopening. An eternal flame of longing was reignited within him, surrounded by a moat of suffering.
After picking George up from Professor Wiseman's office after work, they made the journey to the Pisghetti's diner so that he could muck around for a bit with Gnocchi and Ted could discuss the menu for the opening with the chef. He'd called in beforehand to ask them if he should drop by the apartment or the restaurant, and they told him they'd be in the latter. Something about an interview with a girl who flew in? He didn't know. Forget pushing it to the back of his head, he'd thrown the piece of information out completely.
Pushing through the red door, the duo was soon joined by Pisghetti. George soon ran off once he spotted Gnocchi, making happy little monkey noises while doing so, whereas Ted settled down with Pisghetti and they had a light banter. "Like I was saying, Chef," Ted said. "I want you to go all out with this. Give it the full Pisghetti treatment. I'm thinking maybe 5 courses if you're up for it, some cleansers in between."
The cook nodded excitedly as he launched into his plan. "I've already been testing for this one recipe - I'll probably serve it as an appetizer - something I'm calling my giardino sliders. Oh, you'll love it! È magnifico!"
Had it not been for him keeping an eye out for George, he probably wouldn't have noticed the figure quietly making her way out of the kitchen. But he did. And once his eyes spotted her, his face turned to her and his jaw dropped. Pisghetti was unbothered at first, but once he realized the other wasn't responding anymore, his head shot up and he looked between the two of you, not sending the tension. "Ah, Y/N, this is Ted. He's a friend of mine. Teddy, this is Y/N - our new hire." He paused for a moment. "Hey, since she's going to help me make all of this anyway, maybe Y/N should join us here. What do you think?" Before either could reply, Netti called her husband from the kitchen and he shuffled his way to her.
Then, for the first time in 6 years, you and Ted Shackleford were in the same room together.
It was the latter that first broke the ice. "Y/N..."
"Please don't say anything." You mumble out, clearly uncomfortable as you shift from one leg to the other.
Ted's heart sank. He'd say this is not how he'd envisioned your reunion, but that would mean he'd have to admit he imagined it in the first place.
"I'm sorry, so sorry, that sounded rude as hell." You say, shaking your head. "I mean, please don't tell Chef Pisghetti anything. I really, really need this job, Ted." You stared at him with your pleading eyes. Ted could only nod in return.
"Um, anyway. How- how are you?" You say, biting your lip.
"Good. Uh, I'm a museum director now. At the Met. Metropolitan Museum. Of Art." He choked out, barely being able to form a coherent thought.
"Yeah, I saw a picture. You had a monkey in your hands and said something about coming by for an exciting afternoon."
"That's George, he's actually mine. In fact, he's around here somewhere. Where'd he go? George?"
After a few seconds, you felt a tug at the hem of your dress. You looked down to see the young simian from the pamphlet happily meeting your sight before rushing to sit on Ted's lap. "I adopted him about 2 years ago, he's been with me since." He said while George nuzzled into the man's arms (is it logical to be jealous of a monkey?).
You genuinely grin, "He's sweet. Wasn't expecting you to have a monkey but I guess it makes sense."
"I really don't think you have a clue about who I am." He replied, almost snappily. His eyes widen as he realizes the implications of his words.
Silence. Your heart pounded inside of your chest.
Chef Pisghetti thankfully walked in at that moment, "Mi dispiace, Netti was having some trouble with one of the recipes - or rather, some trouble reading my handwriting." He giggled to himself. "Anyway, Y/N, I've kept you waiting long enough. You can go, I understand you're tired. You can join us for another meeting, see you tomorrow. Ciao!" He said.
Nodding your head meekly and uttering out a soft 'thanks', you hurried out of there. You weren't tired, actually, but you couldn't stand being around Ted for another second. Could this get any worse?
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Lucky for you, Ted didn't come back the next day. The entire week, really. Or the next. George would pop by from time to time, with you quickly getting fond of the silly guy, but his owner (dad?) was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it was for the best. You don't need to be digging up any trauma, especially right now.
This good luck streak would end when Pisghetti asked you to hand deliver a parcel. To Ted. At the Met. It was cruel, how life was treating you. After two weeks of blissfully testing and experimenting with recipes once the restaurant had closed, fate had decided you were having too much of a fun time and sent down a terrible idea to shake things up a little, knowing you couldn't say no. You sigh as you hold the large box in your hands and climbed up the steps, hoping to get it over and done with as quickly as possible. It was once again after 5 and you craved nothing but the leftovers in the fridge (nowadays, you prefer to leave the cooking at work) and the new season of your favorite show.
"Excuse me, ma'am," An old white man dressed in an even whiter lab coat approached you. "No food allowed on the premises, please."
"Ah, I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding," You say, reasoning with him. "These are for Ted. Ted Shackleford? I believe he's the director?"
The man nodded his head in understanding, "Ah, yes! You must be the Pisghettis' new girl. Sorry for not realizing sooner, I'm Alvin Einstein. No relation to the big one, unfortunately. This way!" He said, leading you through some smaller almost unnoticeable doors along the wall to get to the director's office faster.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but you must not be local if you don't know who Ted is," Alvin pointed out as he ushered you inside the employee elevator. "Not that he's that well-known but people do recognize him in these parts."
"Yeah, I just came here from Ontario." You say in response, focusing on the ascending numbers as you got closer and closer to his office. "Started the job about two weeks ago."
Alvin nodded, briefly told you about the time he visited Ontario with his wife, and when the elevator reached its destination bid you off. "To the left!" He said. "You wouldn't miss it!" You face that direction as the doors of the lift close behind you and see a big door next to a plaque emblazoned with the words 'Director's Office - Theodore Shackleford' in gold. He was right, you couldn't miss it no matter how much you wanted to. You walk over and lift your hand, knocking once, twice, thrice.
You wait for a heartbeat before a faint 'Come in,' is heard from inside. You open the door and come face to face with Ted, sitting only a few feet away behind his giant desk with his reading glasses on his face. For one tiny split second that you would take to your grave, you imagine sucking him off underneath it as he takes an important call - beads of sweat trickling down his forehead as his glasses fog up - he'd clench his jaw, desperate to not moan and ruin your cover. God, he looked so fucking hot in his seat, even the absurd yellow suit draping over his curves and muscles deliciously.
His words snap you out of reality. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was expecting the Chef, I would've cleaned up a bit more had I known it was you. Come, sit. You're just in time for, err, linner?" He motions toward the seat in front of him, taking off his glasses to your disappointment.
You are about to protest when Ted shrugs you off. "Listen, I- I wanted to apologize. That was really rude of me to snap at you like that. You know that I'm not that type of person." He says, fiddling his thumbs.
"It's okay. Really, I wanted to thank you."
"Thank me?"
"For not telling the Chef anything. I don't really want to go back to Ontario; I'm kind of dreading picking up all my stuff. Had you said anything about our history, I could have been let go. I mean, he's your friend. He'd do anything to make you happy."
"Y/N," he sighed, rubbing his temples. Despite his tone, hearing him say your name was a treat in itself as if he'd coated it in everything that is good in this world before presenting it to you. "You know I'd never do that. And neither would he, I think. He's my friend but he'd be crazy to give up such a talented person as you."
Your heart fluttered, and you gave a small smile. Realizing his confession, he coughed and pointed to the bags. "So, what have you got for me?"
You walk him through the meals that had been prepared, sharing all the ingredients and ideas that culminated in them. You don't notice how he barely looks at the food and focuses on you instead. Eventually, he calls George in to try the food and even convinces you to have a few bites. Most of the time you talk about the kid;- mostly about how cheeky he is. He tells you how he once got stuck on the subway for the entire day, making Ted run all around New York to find him, but even moments like those are worth it because the bond between them is unbreakable. You found it endearing and secretly wished you got the same opportunity - a second chance to love Ted as freely as you did before, or at least could have.
George left as soon as you guys finished, already having arranged a playdate and sleepover with Charkie for that day. As he left, your minds were too buzzed from being in each other's company for the entire evening that you barely acknowledged the click behind you as you packed away. Ted had loved everything but gave a few notes here and there that you'd have to take up with Pisghetti. You beam warmly at Ted, giving your thanks once more before grabbing the door handle.
You tugged. Nothing.
You tugged again. Still nothing.
Third time in and you were panicking. Realizing your distress, Ted walked over (was his scent always this intoxicating?) and gave it a try himself before he outwardly groaned. "Crap." he said, "The doors automatically lock after 6 for security measures, George doesn't know that. It's stupid, I've been meaning to change it. Ugh. It just - it just became second nature to me you know?" He ran his fingers through his hair. You had to stop yourself from reaching out and playing with his tousled strands. On the other hand, he marched over to his desk and punched a few numbers in, and spoke firmly but politely into the phone. He was met with a disappointing response on the other end, causing a frown to settle on his face. After pleading for a bit more, he eventually returns the handset back in place. "I'm sorry, Y/N."
"Why, what's the verdict?"
"They can't get us out until 7 AM. We're going to have to spend the night here."
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Nothing about this was ideal. You were sprawled over on the pull out couch, your back facing him as you try your hardest to fall asleep. Meanwhile, he'd have to periodically pull his eyes from your serene figure and try to focus on getting comfortable on the floor. He shouldn't be complaining, he'd practically forced you to take the bed. Still, being 28 meant that he didn't have the same body as he did when he was 18. He was definitely going to feel this tomorrow.
That being said, Ted doesn't know if he'd really call it unfortunate. When you'd started to leave, Ted was about to reach out and ask you to stay, to take a stroll with him. Reminisce about the past. Talk about why you left and why it felt like you took a piece of him with you. Anything. He just wanted to be near you. It had been so long. His nervous prayers were answered when the door refused to open. Sure, you weren't talking, but your presence itself was soothing.
He heard you shifting where you were laying down and looked over to see you staring at the ceiling, clearly unable to sleep. "Can't sleep?" he asks, giving in to temptation.
Your eyes quickly snap to him, and he feels them glaze over his chest. The suit was not at all comfortable to sleep in, so he'd loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt a little. He hadn't realized how it made him look seductive but seeing the way your eyes widened as you looked him up and down did cause pink to bloom on his cheeks and ears.
"Uh... sorry, what did you say?"
"Can't sleep?"
You lick your lips. "Um, yeah. Today's been a long day and it doesn't seem to be over anytime soon."
"I understand. Hey, sorry about this mess. This was not the way I envisioned this evening."
"Didn't you say you didn't know I was coming?" You say, giggling.
"You know what I meant!" He chuckles in return. "Is the couch uncomfortable? I haven't slept on it in a while, might be a bit stiff."
"Oh, don't worry about it. It's fine, I'm just restless." A blanket of silence covers you again, but this time it's not awkward. You move to sit properly on the couch, essentially telling him you're available to talk.
"We talked a lot about George while we were eating," Ted says first. "However I still don't have a clue about what you were up to when you were in Ontario. How've you been?"
"Well, I did two years at Le Cordon Bleu, but in my 3rd year I decided to transfer." You begin. "Partly because I wasn't meshing well with the other students and partly because; well, I could. I'd been offered a scholarship from CASO, so I did my last two years there. It sucks though, I really thought it would be my alma mater. I bought an apartment but after a year I fell out of love with it and soon I fell out of love with the entire province. So, I applied for the sous chef role in Pisghetti's and, well. Here I am."
"I'm sorry Le Cordon Bleu wasn't like what you'd seen in Julie & Julia - still don't understand what you see in it by the way -"
"Hey! Leave me alone."
" - But, I'm proud of you, Y/N. Your talent overshadowed our town."
You're left dumbfounded. "That's so sweet. Thank you. Truly." You say, playing with your hair. How could he say probably the nicest words you've ever received despite what you did? Surely Ted couldn't be that nice.
"What about you? I knew you were going places but I didn't expect you to end up here so soon." You inquisitively ask.
He scratches the back of his head. "It was all luck, really. I started off as an intern, but the previous director took notice of me and took me under his wing. I've been here for, what, 4 years now?"
"You were only 24?! Jesus, you must be the youngest museum curator ever. Why're you watering your accomplishments down?"
"Ha, I was far from the youngest. I believe that title belongs to a 5-year-old?"
"What? Wow." You say, bewildered. "Hey, isn't George under 3? Maybe you could help him beat both that record and be the first monkey to do so."
"That's - that's actually not that bad of an idea." He says, daydreaming about how chaotic that would be to even approach.
You take your chance. "I've been meaning to ask... what's with the yellow? You were never a big fan of the color growing up."
He falls shy. "It's going to sound really stupid, but I purposely tried to make myself look like a banana so that George would come to like me faster. Professor Einstein told me we associate ourselves with other objects better when we have a pre-established bond with them. I still don't know if he was trying to get a joke out of me, but I guess it worked. Look, the brown boots are meant to be the stem, and the polka dot tie is meant to be the seeds."
You make an 'Ahh' sound, realizing why he'd paired the odd combination together. "That's really smart, wow. But George loves you now, why keep wearing it?"
"I guess I haven't found the time to shift back." He replied, shrugging.
"We'll have to change that. Also, Julie & Julia is a very good movie thank you very much."
He gives you a lopsided grin in response. His gaze stays on your face. The silence envelops you both once more. You both stare into each other as if there were no other people in the world, your eyes sharing words that were hard to put out into the real world. "I missed you." he finally says. "I missed you like crazy, Y/N."
"I missed you too." You say, hesitantly. More than he could ever know.
"Why did you leave? You never gave me a real answer."
"It's complicated-"
"You seriously cannot say you expect to stroll back into my life like you never left after breaking my heart like that." He says, his voice getting firmer as he scoots closer to you. "I- I deserve better. You know I do. I deserve an answer."
A sigh escapes you. The truth had to come out one way or another.
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6 years ago, you had an epiphany. You remember exactly where you were; Econ 101, senior year of college. Your mind was in a distant land even as you stared at the professor's whiteboard, but by the end of class, you'd come to a decision. This would be your last year doing anything related to economics; you were going to go to culinary school.
It wasn't that you were particularly bad at the subject, your heart just wasn't in it. Every day when you walked into school, all you wished to do was go back to the 4 walls of your kitchen;- smell the aroma as the onions carmelized on the pan, the repeated action of the knife chopping through different vegetables, the sizzle of the wok as you added oil to it. You wouldn't find your heart calculating the GDP or GNP bullcrap, it would always be there at home standing in front of the stove figuring out what seasonings the meal needed.
The moment the realization hit you, you rushed to your shared dorm with Ted. You know he'd stayed at home today and wasted no time in letting him be the first one to know of your new decision. He's a bit surprised to see not just you but the frazzled expression on your face, but ushers you inside anyway. You unload everything that was on your mind from the last hour onto him and eagerly wait to hear what he thinks.
"I think," He says, stroking his chin. "You should do it."
"Are you sure? You don't think it's too late? I mean, 4 years of my life have gone into this already."
"Don't forget this is the rest of your life, chowder. I'd much rather you do something you actually love rather than something you only picked because of convenience."
"I don't know, Ted... It's in Canada. I'll be there for a long time, too."
He reached out to grab your hands, your cheeks turning a shade of pink that you hope would go unnoticed by him. "Y/N. You've always been there for me, and I can't thank you enough for it. Let me be the same for you. It doesn't matter how long, or how much, or whatever - as long as you're happy. Take the leap, apply for Le Gordon Blah-blah." You grin, lost in his cheerful eyes.
That was the push you needed to finally tip yourself over the edge. He was by your side when you repeated the same process with your moms (slightly less rambly this time). They were skeptical at first - who wouldn't be? - but eventually accepted that this was your life and you were more than capable enough to handle it. He was also by your side when you applied for the program. He'd helped you write and rewrite your application several times, batting your hand away from your mouth every time you got the urge to bite your nails. Bless his heart, he even clicked on the upload button when you got too scared to.
When you were accepted, it was his arms you ran to. Ted has always been your number-one supporter, hasn't he?
Of course, with only a few classes left to go before you got handed your degree, you decided to stick around for the final exams. It was pretty funny to compare your calm and serene mood compared to your friends who were freaking the absolute hell out - most of all, Ted. He completely forgot that self-care was a thing, spending hours hunched over his history textbooks and going for hours without food. His reading glasses were on him 24/7 - not that you minded. Still, you had to step in for him at that moment; prepping his meals, dragging him to bed, and massaging his back every time it started to hurt. He kept on thanking you, but you brushed them off. It was honestly the least you could do, and you knew he would do the same for you.
One night, you dragged him from his studies to watch The Office with you. "It'll help your brain relax a bit. You can't keep cramming everything into your brain." He grunts but complies anyway, resting his head on your shoulder while Jim and Dwight plan Kelly's birthday. It's more background noise, really, as your focus is more on him instead of their on-screen antics. You hear his breathing slow down and his eyelids flutter shut. You tread your hands through his soft hair, knowing that it always helps lull him to sleep.
Soon enough, you notice how you're synchronizing your breathing to his. It amuses you at first, but a bolt of fear strikes your entire body. This time next year - heck, in just a few months, actually - you wouldn't have the chance to do this. Yes, you weren't going that far - Canada was literally the next country. But it was still a 6-hour flight, and it was still a 3-hour time difference. And it's not like you could come over every so often or expect him to - that would create a huge dent in the already little savings you had. Could these moments be your last with Ted for at least the next 4 years? Your glossy eyes turn to Ted's stoic sleeping face.
Maybe you'll allow yourself to be brave just this once.
Slowly shifting yourself to face him, you bring yourself closer. Your mouth ghosts his, your breath fanning over his skin. You stay that way for a few heartbeats, contemplating whether or not this was a good idea. You inch in closer and closer until your lips brush over his...
And that's when you feel his hands frame your cheeks, his face crashing into yours. Your brain doesn't absorb the shock of him not only being awake but also kissing you back at first but caution is thrown into the winds as you pull him closer. Soon your back hits the sofa below and he's over you, desperate to reach each and every crevice of your mouth. You tilt your face to allow him to get deeper, hands over his to hold him in place because you were scared he was going to pull away. His glasses knock into your face but neither of you seems to notice.
When Ted closed his eyes, he expected to wake up to the sight of Dwight taping up half-deflated balloons to the ceiling - not the most beautiful woman in the world kissing him. And really, what could he have done except kiss back with triple the fierceness? He loves how your lips mold against his perfectly, his tongue running against your bottom one to make you open up even more, eliciting a moan from the depths of your throat.
You don't know how long has passed when you break away, a long strand of saliva connecting your bruised lips. His hands fall to your waist, his face nuzzling your neck. You revel in his glow, reminding yourself that it wouldn't be long before you'd have to give him up. You couldn't handle a distance of 3000 km, and he didn't deserve that either. You should not have done this. You start tearing up, feeling as if the walls are closing in around you, popping the bubble surrounding the both of you.
Out of nowhere, Ted feels a wetness on his cheek. "What the - Y/N, are you okay? What happened?" You gently nudge him off your body, wiping the tears from your face.
"Nothing, I'm fine. You should go sleep, you have an exam soon." You say, turning around and making your way to your room without waiting for a reply. You still can't believe that you left him confused and heartbroken on the couch from something you had done to him. That night had been the worst of your life.
Exam season came and went, neither of you bringing up what happened and in all honesty, you tried avoiding him just as much as you could. The system you had built was working relatively well, you would only see him in the morning right before the both of you left for your exams. You'd leave leftovers for him in the fridge with a brief note taped on his fridge, but that's where your contact stopped. Every so often, when you were getting ready in the morning, you'd see him from the corner of your eye trying to reach out to you opening his mouth as if he was going to say something.
But he never did.
You started packing up your room the day you were done with your exams. You'd turned down a celebratory night out with your friends, feeling the need to leave as soon as you could. What use was staying here anyway? No, now was the time to shove your belongings in boxes and start arranging your flight back home, arriving much earlier than expected. It wasn't a permanent solution since Ted lived right next to you, but it would work for now.
That's how Ted found you just over an hour later. By that point, your room was mostly bare save for some of your essentials sitting out on your desk. He had just returned home, about to use the washroom when he heard some weird shuffling from the direction of your bedroom. A bit alarmed, he rushed to you, only to see you stacking your suitcases on top of each other. You stop in your tracks when you see him, expecting him to be gone for at least another two hours. "Oh. Hey."
"Hi...? What's going on?"
"Uh, I'm going back home for a bit. Probably the day after tomorrow."
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, you're not staying for graduation? It's only two weeks from now."
"Yeah, but that's not really important to me." He clenches his jaw.
"Well, I suppose you would want to spend as much time with your parents before you go."
"Sure, yeah." You lie through your teeth. He was right, of course, but that wasn't the reason why. "How long are you here for?"
"A little after graduation, I think. Have a few job positions available, I'll need to go check them out."
"Oh, makes sense."
The conversation comes from a standpoint. Unable to maintain eye contact with him, you fiddle with your suitcase. "Y/N," He begins, sucking in a deep breath.
"Yes?" You say, biting your lip.
"Could you wait for me before you go? We could just, like, hang out?" He says nervously.
Oh god.
"Of course, Ted." You say unsure of what would come of the promise.
"Thank you." He adds, relieved.
Just as he's about to leave, you call out for him. "I don't know if I'm going to see you tomorrow, so, um. Bye. For now." If only he knew the true intent of those words.
He looks at you skeptically but returns the sentiment anyway. "Bye, Y/N."
True to your word, you didn't see Ted the next day, finally being dragged out of your cocoon by your other friends. You didn't see him the day of your flight either, not really knowing where he was. Once you'd lugged all your belongings outside, you paused to look over the apartment. A deep sadness instills within you - this was the place where Ted and you had spent the last 4 years of your life. He'd coached you through several panic attacks on that very table, you had spent hours behind that stove cooking whatever your heart desired, and the picture of the both of you still hung over the crack in the wall that came with the place. That sofa was the same place the both of you slumped over after a hard day to catch up on whatever you were watching and, very recently, where you'd both shared a brain-melting kiss.
You shake your head of these thoughts, it was time to move on. You had just been accepted into your dream school, why were you acting like your entire life was ending? Previously, you'd contemplated leaving him a note, but that didn't feel necessary anymore. You'd already said what you needed to say that night.
Wrapping your hands around the door handle, you say goodbye to the place one last time before locking it shut. As you load everything onto the small elevator, you hope that goodbye extends to Ted too.
The next two weeks have you fall into a pattern. You'd wake up and have breakfast with your parents before tagging along with either of them on any errands they needed to do. Sometimes that meant going with your mom to the grocery store or helping your mama in the soup kitchen a few streets away. Your days were dedicated to spending time with them, but your nights were left empty. It was really a matter of time before Ted occupied your mind during those times. You'd wake up and fall asleep to memories of him;- your best friend, your crush, your rock. The thought has you laughing. Despite the last 20 years of being friends, this was the legacy he'd left on you - and you had no one but yourself to blame. Funny how life works sometimes.
The day before you left, the Shacklefords came over to see you. You'd seen them at various points since you'd been back but this was the first time all of you were settling down in a room together. You didn't mind, these people were literally your second set of parents. The 5 of you discussed various topics over dinner; how your decision was so unexpected, how they would support you no matter what, how your brother was doing, if their other kids were coming for Ted's graduation party, etc.
"Oh yeah, how was the graduation by the way?" Your mama says. "Y/N robbed us of attending it," she adds, giggling.
"It went fine - it was pretty emotional to see our youngest reach such a milestone. We are really starting to feel the empty nest now." Ted's dad replies, smiling. "But Ted didn't seem to share the sentiment."
"Really? He looked pretty happy in his photos." Your mom questions.
"Yeah, he was pretty glum throughout it all. Those pictures I sent you were the best ones of the bunch. To be fair, I would be too if my best friend wasn't there with me." His mom says teasingly. You force a smile.
The conversation continues to flow around you but you let yourself simmer in that comment. No one except your parents knew that you were leaving tomorrow; they were extremely confused by your request but promised to not tell. His mom's remark was meant all in good jest, but now you're terrified of her reaction to the news that you left before saying a proper goodbye to her son. It would be fair, you felt like a horrible person, but you were not prepared for anything otherwise.
The next morning, your moms dropped you off at the airport. They both took turns kissing you on the cheek, helping you load your luggage onto a trolley before waving you off, promising to visit you once you'd found an apartment and settled in. You hug them and go to catch your flight, leaving a piece of your heart with them. Ted may have been your number one supporter, but those two had been with you through literally everything and you'd probably miss them the most when you're abroad.
An hour or so later you're done checking in, and you decide to spend some time window-shopping in the Duty-Free section. You didn't need anything, your mama had made sure of that while you were packing, plus everything was too expensive anyway. No, you just wanted to browse - at least, until, you'd noticed a pile of cute Julius the Monkey plushies in the corner of the shop. Okay, maybe you'd let yourself buy one thing. It could be a companion for this new scary stretch of your life.
You pick one up, fondly looking over the details on its plush body. Ted did very briefly have a Paul Frank obsession, you remember. He would've loved to have this. You miss him so much.
Suddenly, a hand reaches out to grab your shoulder. You jolt in surprise as you turn back, Julius falling from your hands in the process. "Sorry! Let me grab that for you," a wide-eyed and flustered Ted bends down before you, picking up the doll. He offers it to you, but you skip over it.
"What are you doing here?" You exclaim in shock. "Weren't you supposed to arrive in a week or something?"
"I got an offer I couldn't turn down, so I decided to come home early and surprise my parents. But I could ask you the same thing, Y/N. You said you were going to wait for me." He replies in an exhausted voice. You eye him. He looked a bit sleep-deprived, his messy hair poking out of his hoodie. A large suitcase stands next to him, adorned by his neck pillow. It must've been a rough flight.
You were cornered. "I, um, have to go. The announcement lady just mentioned my flight."
He stops you, spotting your lie. "Unless you're flying to Germany, I suggest you explain yourself." He replies in a firm tone.
Clenching your jaw, your eyes fall to the floor. You had caused all of this just because you couldn't keep your freaking lips to yourself. You deserved this moment of humiliation. "I'm sorry."
"You can't kiss me one day and then disregard our decades of friendship by running away, Y/N. What's going on?"
"That kiss was a mistake." You say, literal garbage falling out of your mouth. Was it something you regret? Yes, but it wasn't a mistake. "I did it in a moment of foolishness and I wish I didn't."
This catches him off guard. "No, it wasn't. You would have t-"
Gathering up all your courage, you stare into his eyes. "Don't make something out of nothing." Wow, now you were deflecting. Perfect. You sense anger building within him and realize you should probably step away while you still can. You grab your carry-on, about to turn away when he says something.
"I can tell when you're lying, Y/N."
You chose to not reply to that comment. "Goodbye, Ted. I wish the absolute best for you, congrats on the new job." At least that was wholehearted. You walk away, leaving Ted behind in that overpriced Duty-Free shop still clutching onto the Julius plushie as if it'll abandon him like you just did.
He purchased it in the hopes that you'd return back to him.
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And there it was. The truth is all out in the open.
"You should know, Ted, I would do things completely differently now. I am so, so sorry. I never should have done that to you, it was stupid, I was a fucking coward-"
Ted's hands encase yours, and for the first time in 6 years, you feel like you're going to be okay. "No, you were completely right to feel those things, Y/N. God, if I had stopped being so hardheaded and realized why you became so closed-off, we wouldn't have missed so much time together."
"No, it's my fault." You say, gripping his hands tightly. "Don't you dare blame yourself. It was me - I made everything worse. I should have been more upfront with my fears. I shouldn't have lied to you." You cup his face, resting his forehead against yours.
"I would've flown there if you'd asked me to." He confesses, his voice a decibel over a whisper.
"I knew you would have, but I couldn't expect something of that scale from you." You reply. "You deserved to live your own life."
"When will you realize that you are my lifeline?"
"Fuck, don't say that... in some cruel and fucked up way, I'm kind of glad it worked out. I mean, think about it. You wouldn't have gotten George or this gigantic office!" You leave the warmth of his embrace, widening your arms to emphasize its size. He snickers, acknowledging that you have a point.
You spot something from the corner of your eye. Your hands reluctantly left their position and you reach to pick up a book lying next to you. Following your line of vision, Ted watches as you pick up and rotate the book in your hands. "Oh no, that's George's favorite nighttime story. He probably got it to read with Charkie but left it behind." He says, worriedly. He sees in your eyes, though, that that's not what intrigued you.
"You kept it? The book I gave you?" You say, staring at him with the rawest emotions anyone could ever see. There it was; the same look you'd given him when you'd fallen off the bike.
"It's you, chowder." He says, returning the stare. "It's always been you."
In a split second, you push your lips against his. You move the book aside and find your spot on the back of his head, playing with his hair. His travels further down your back until they meet your ass, caressing your cheeks and tugging them to be closer to him. This. This is what bliss felt like.
His mouth explores your tavern as if his only goal is to go deeper and deeper until you were one. It feels like the air is being sucked out of you in the absolute best way possible, melting into him just as you did that day 6 years ago.
Then, you feel something meaty poking your leg. Your eyes flow open in surprise and it takes you a few seconds to realize what it is.
"Are you hard?" You say as you pull apart. He squeaks, looking down and turning red and you stifle a laugh.
"I'm sorry, this isn't- oh my god, this is so embarrassing," he panics. "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I swear this wasn't my plan, maybe if we just wait a bit-"
"Ted," you caress his face and he immediately hushes. "It's okay. Honestly, it's kind of hot to know you're pining for me down there."
"Still, the girl of my dreams is finally back in arms-" your heart flutters. "-and this is how my body decides to react. Ugh. We could wait for it to go back down; or if you're uncomfortable having it around I could go to the bathroom and, um, take care of it?"
You bite your lip as you see the outline of his bulge and he instinctively covers it with both hands. "We could do that, but I am open to other options." His eyes widen as he realizes the implications of your words. "Only if you are as well, though." You add, quickly.
"...I'm open to it too," he reveals, and your smile widens.
Taking your chance, you smash your lips against his again before flipping your positions. Your fingers snake down to the buckle of his belt and you impatiently try to remove it, eventually being successful. Once it's off, you quickly discard his pants in the same way. Smirking into the kiss, you run your fingers over the erect tent in his boxers.
You pull away only to press more kisses onto his neck, making your way downwards to his nether region. He lets out a moan when you wrap your lips around his nipple and suck, and the sound sends a fresh wave of arousal through your body.
His flushed face scrunched up in pleasure, your saliva coating his lips, his bare chest dotted with sweat. The sight was simply erotic.
Your fingers slip into his waistband as your lips continue traveling downwards. You tug his boxers off and his member almost pokes you in the eyes.
My god, how was he hiding this in those tight pants? It was curved, veiny and thick. The angry, swollen red tip begged for some relief and your hands reached out to grab it in your hands. You felt drool escape from the side of your mouth as you realize your hands don't even wrap around properly. Your eyes shift to his. "I have to be honest," you say anxiously, rubbing circles on his slit with your thumb. "I don't know if you'll fit."
Those words were enough to send another shiver through his already overstimulated body. "You should know, I haven't really - um - done this before."
Your movements freeze. "What?"
"I'm still a virgin." He says, and your lack of reply sends him into a spiral of panic. "I'm sorry, is that a turn-off? I just never really thought about it that much. I'm so sorry-"
"What the fuck are you sorry for?" You startle him. "I'm sorry for literally everyone else in the world! Have you been hiding this monster in your pants for 28 years?" You grip the tip tightly once more, earning a groan from him.
"To think that I will be the first person to bring you an orgasm, to see how your eyes roll to the back of your head as you ride out your high... fuck, do you not know how hot that is? Holy shit, I cannot wait to feel you inside me."
Wasting no time for his reply, you pop his leaking tip into your mouth and roll your tongue over it. The whimpers he makes fuel you as your hands cup his balls. You bob your head, trying to fit him inside one inch at a time.
You see his palm quickly clamp over his mouth, amusing you immensely. "Moan as loud as you want, pretty boy. What are they going to do, walk in?" You laugh, unlatching from his cock for a bit before diving right back in.
He heeds your advice, letting out the most satisfying moans you've ever heard as he tangles his fingers in your hair. He gently pushes you closer and closer to him until your nose touches his pelvis. Is this what he'd been missing out on for his entire life? If only he could turn back time and slap himself across the face.
Your tongue only gets needier and needier, desperate to taste all of him all at once. You use it to trace his bulging veins, feeling him twitch as you do so. Your hands leave his balls to slip in between your own legs and you rub your clit in the same rhythm as you suck him.
Maybe the sight of you playing with yourself should've been enough to push him over the edge; but it's only when he makes contact with your hazy eyes that causes him to buck into your mouth and finally give you what you wanted, his essence running down your throat as you swallow. "Fuck," he says, surprising you by swearing. "You're a goddess." He says in his post-orgasmic bliss.
You wipe any remnants off your lips with the back of your hand and laugh. "That's my name, Teddy. Don't wear it out." Then you clamber onto his lap and meet his lips once again. He grins sheepishly when he tastes him in you, but that grin quickly turns into a moan as you grind down on him. He's tempted to let you bounce on him till he spills himself all over you, but he knew he wanted you to experience your own orgasm.
"Y/N," he shyly says. "Can I eat you out?"
You weren't expecting that, but who were you to refuse? "Yes, please!"
Placing his hands underneath your buttcheeks, he lifts you into the air - damn, has he been working out? His biceps are so hot - and awkwardly shuffles to the desk. He places you on the desk, albeit in the wrong spot as you end up having to scoot up a bit for fear of falling off - but with a man like Ted molding into putty in your hands, how could you care?
He fumbles to remove your shirt, his eyes darkening once he sees the glow of your breasts in the moonlight. You unclasped your bra and tossed it away without a care in the world, discarding your pants in the same manner. You feel exposed, desperately wanting to blow his expectations out of the water but secretly being afraid that you're not capable of it.
You see his breath hitch in his throat as he gazes at you lustfully, clad in nothing save for a pair of soaked panties. He reaches forward and plants a sloppy kiss on your lips, moving downwards to your chin, then the length of your exposed neck before settling on the center of your collarbones. You tingle with delight - only Ted could be so seductive in an endearing manner.
He wraps his pillowy lips around your nipple, one hand playing with your other breast. He's a bit rough at first but eases his force when he observes how you jolt up. His teeth graze your skin and you mewl.
He leaves your nipple and gets himself level with your clothed pussy. When you feel his nose digs into your clit, you instinctually gasp and wrap your legs around his head. You feel fucking powerful for a second, knowing you're suffocating him with nothing but you. You might just climax on the spot.
The feeling is interrupted when he pries your legs open. "Slow down, chowder, we have all night - and, err, next morning."
Just when you're about to reply with a giggle and call him cute, he pulls your panty to the side. He latches his mouth around your clit, giving it some experimental licks before deciding he was doing well when he hears you suck in your breath. He sucks on it like his life depends on it, teeth grazing ever so gently over your sensitive core. One hand keeps your legs apart so he could have access to more of you, while his other runs itself along your slit. When his fingers are sufficiently coated in your slick, he finally plunges inside with two digits.
The loud moan you let out makes his cock twitch.
His fingers repeatedly thrust into you, making a come-hither motion each time. It was really just a matter of time before he found your g-spot, instantly making you reach up and grope your breast.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck!" You curse, and you feel his lips twisting into a smirk as he keeps sucking the life out of you. When he feels you tightening as you near your precipice, he takes it as a sign to switch his position. You feel a warm, wet appendage poking your quivering hole, audibly gasping His tongue travels around the perimeter at first, but then they replace his fingers when it snakes inside of you - twisting, turning and plunging into you.
In just a few seconds your vision goes blurry and you wrap your thighs around his face again as you climax around his tongue. "Holy shit!"
He cheekily rises from where he was sitting, his mouth streaked with evidence of your orgasm. His breath catches in his throat when he sees the mess you're in. "Not bad for a first timer, huh?" You giggle exasperatedly, trying to catch your breath.
You were the definition of lewd at this moment; sweat highlighting the curve of your breasts.
"See something you like?" You joke, propping yourself in elbows.
"I love you."
"Sorry, sorry! I did not mean to say that! Forget what I said."
He sucks in a deep breath. "Maybe it's seeing you after so long but - I can't. I can't let you slip away again. I want to be with you, Y/N, you're it for me." He says, caressing your face and using his thumbs to wipe the tears welling in your eyes. "Stay with me." He hums, kissing your nose.
"You don't-" you start, holding onto his arms. Ted feels uncertain of what you're going to say. "You don't tell that to someone after you've given them an earth-shattering orgasm, you doof!" You exclaim, chuckling.
He feels like he can breathe again. "Reciprocate my love, woman." He says, pouting.
You pull him in for a hug tightly, never wanting to let go. His arm snakes around your back and holds you in place, his nose nuzzling into the base of your neck. "I love you too." You finally say. "It's definitely going to be an adjustment. I've only been back for two weeks, you have a monkey, I don't even have a place yet - but that doesn't matter. I love you so, so much. Letting you go was the worst decision I ever made, and I'll be damned if I let it happen again."
You're pulled into a kiss. This one is different though; not based on hunger or desire as before but rather passion. It feels like an ice cube spreading over your bruised lips. He breaks apart, resting his forehead on yours. "Soul meets soul on lover's lips." He quotes.
"Ugh, you haven't changed one bit, you nerd." You remark, rolling your eyes half heartedly as you recognize the line as one of Percy Shelly's. He shrugs shamelessly, elated that you remembered.
He gently lays you down on the desk once more, being careful to not crush you as his hands wrap around his dick and he strokes himself. He pulls away, slowly, leaning over to your ear.
"Think I can give you another 'earth-shattering' orgasm?" He smugly says, his sticky fingers gripping onto your hip.
"I might just die if you don't."
He blushes before slowly pulling your cum-soaked panties down, slipping them past your legs. God, the sight of your battered pussy was so lewd, but an essential detail registers in his head. "Y/N," he says, scratching the back of his head. "I don't have a condom."
That snaps you out of your trance. "Ugh, I completely forgot." You reply, annoyed. "I have an IUD, but I haven't been with anyone for a while. If you still want to continue, then I'm up for it too." You say nervously.
He bends down to kiss your nose again. "I trust you."
You reach out for his member, rubbing it against your folds with your slick making it seem so effortless. The pretty moan he lets out only edges you on - he had you wrapped around his gorgeous long fingers, didn't he?
He writhes in your grasp, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips leaving crescent-shaped marks that you prayed would remain. "Shit, shit, shit!" He exclaims.
His swearing really shouldn't be making you weak in the knees, but damn it all to hell.
"God, I can't wait to take you apart every single day." You say. "Crumbling before my very eyes. Fuck, I can't wait to be wrapped around you."
"Then what are you waiting for?" He pants irritatedly, arms placed on each side of your head.
"As you wish, pretty boy." You reach out for his hand to plant a kiss on his fingers. Finally, you align his head with your entrance and lace your legs around his waist. "I can't believe I'm finally making you mine."
He cups your face. "Chowder, I've always been yours."
And with that, you push him inside with your legs. The first stretch is uncomfortable due to his sheer size and girth, but that couldn't matter less. You were more focused on how his head rolled back and the loud groan that escapes his throat - possibly the most erotic sound you've ever heard.
It was like he'd lived in black and white before this, and all of a sudden there was an explosion of color and he was drowning in you, you only you-
"Holy crap, Y/N." He pants. "You're so tight and warm and- fuck."
"You're becoming quite the potty-mouth." You giggle.
"Hush, woman. You and your pussy are going to be the death of me someday." He says, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
You stroke his wet hair, grinning. "That's the plan."
"Yours truly."
"At least you got one thing correct." He says, leaning in to kiss your lips. The inadvertent thrust that came with it causes you to let out a gasp, and you're starting to be weary of if you can survive being impaled by his monster dick.
Luckily your thoughts are silenced when his hips start to move; it starts slow as he adjusts to you, but he picks up his pace, pounding into you.
"Ted! Fuck - more!" You scream. Watching his cock disappear into you - seeing where you started and he began - it felt like he had no choice but to comply with your words.
Rolling his hips against yours, he diverts the attention of his mouth onto your exposed neck, pressing wet kisses along before harshly biting and sucking on your skin. It hurts - not unbearably so, but you still make a point to give him a hickey to show how it was done later on.
Wanting more of him, you slowly lift your hips and match his pace. "Holy fucking shit, your dick is skewering me alive." You cry, hands going to play with your clit. You see his face scrunch up at the image, which amuses you to no end.
Above you, Ted chases the warmth of your pussy. The sound of skin on skin makes him feel delirious, getting turned on by the mere thought of your fluids intermingling and leaving a mess on the space he has to work on.
He catches your lips with him, slowly feeling the coil tightening in his lower abdomen. Your pert nipples drag over his chest, sending tingles all over him. Between your pretty little moans, your tight hole sucking his cock in and the sight of your slick-covered fingers rubbing figure-8s around your clit, he knew he had no chance.
Soon he starts seeing white spots in his vision and something starting to unravel in his lower abdomen. "Y/N, I think I'm close. Where should I - um -"
"Inside, please." You say, panting.
And just like that, his hips still and he comes undone.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
He was a fucking vision - you wanted the sight imprinted on the back of your eyelids. His thick eyebrows knitted together as his eyes closed shut, his lower lip falling under his teeth as his stomach caved in and of itself. His thick, warm seed shot into your pussy in uncontrollable spurts, stuffing you beyond your wildest dreams.
"Fuck, I love you so much." You say unabashedly, feeling his essence dribble out of you slowly. He chuckles lightly, struggling to catch his breath. "Can I ride you? I'm almost there."
He nods his head excitedly before flipping the both of you so you were on top, your palms planted firmly against his chest as you straddle him. You waste no time in moving your hips and he seems all too happy to let you take over, watching your actions through his lidded eyes. You create a fast but deep pace, the sound of him fucking through his own cum pushing you even closer to your end. "So good for me, love." You praise him as he mewls beneath you. "So perfect."
You slump backward, allowing you to grind against his cock more as his head smashes into your cervix. His fingers vigorously rub your clit, making you wail. "Don't stop, oh my god, fucckk!"
He bucks his hips into you, desperate to see you crumble in front of him again. "God, I must be the luckiest man alive," he eggs you on as you swirl your hips. You clench your walls, the friction bringing him to his edge once more.
"Ted..." you whimper. Looking into your glassy eyes, he understands.
"I'm close again, love," he grunts. "Cum with me."
"Fuck - I love you, I love you I love you I love you-" you chant frantically. With one final thrust, your orgasm overtakes you with such force that your vision blanks out. Your hips stutter as you fall onto him, gushing around his length as his cum paints your walls again.
He brings his lips to yours, kissing you amid your choked sobs of pleasure. You stay in that position for some time, with his bulky arms wrapping around you and his softening dick plugging his cum inside you.
Moments pass as you lay on his chest, listening in for his heartbeat as it slowly calms. "That was amazing." You say, breaking the silence.
"I don't think I could ever go back to my hand again." He sighs as you laugh. "Don't you need to go pee or something?" He says, brushing his fingers through your sweaty hair.
"I don't want to leave our bubble." You pout.
He kisses your forehead. "Well, we have forever, don't we?" You smile. "We can manage maybe a few seconds apart."
"Ugh, fine." You say, slipping him out of you as you wobbly walk to his attached bathroom. He watches himself slowly leak down your thighs, licking his lips contently. If he wasn't completely spent, he'd probably take you up against the wall right now and add another load to the stash. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
He wipes off the mess you made as much as he can before arranging the pullout couch more comfortably. He waits for you, immediately reaching out to your warm body once you're out of the washroom.
He falls asleep tucked up in your arms, and as you listen as he softly snores you realize that this is the most at home you've felt since you left 6 years ago.
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"I'm glad to hear he had a good time," Ted says onto the speakerphone as he ties his tie. "We're still trapped but it shouldn't be too long now. Thank you for taking care of him, Margaret, it's lucky this sleepover was scheduled when it was."
Ted was the first to wake up this morning, but you soon followed when you felt his tongue lapping at your folds. After another dalliance in the hay, you watch as he dresses while calling Charkie's house to make sure George was okay. Once he talks to him and promises to take him to the playground today, he hangs up.
You smirk as he bends down to pick up his belt, your eyes training in on his round ass. "You know, I've always loved your butt. You should bend over more, it's my biggest vice."
He turns to you, rolling his eyes in amusement. "Shouldn't you start getting ready? They could barge in any time now."
"I would, but I think you've broken me, Shackleford."
"Don't be so dramatic, chowder. Here, I'll help you."
Once you're dressed and have fixed your hair (to an extent), you place yourself on Ted's lap and overlook the view from his window. "We live right about there," he points to a tall yellow building in the distance, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Ours is the one with the garden on the balcony. Speaking of, remind me to water the plants as soon as we get back."
"Dang, if I wasn't too busy bouncing on your dick we could've seen it at night."
He groans. "Don't talk like you didn't enjoy cumming all over my de-"
All of a sudden you hear the scraping of a key being inserted into the door. Ted swivels the both of you around to meet a maintenance worker and Dr. Einstein. "Heard you kids got locked up yesterday. Ted, you really oughta get this whole system replaced." He says, eyeing the two of you. "Glad it worked out, though." He shamelessly adds.
You cough. "Of course, I'll get a locksmith up here immediately Professor Einstein. Thank you for letting us out, Jerry." Ted rambles, blushing.
The man only nods his head and leaves, unfazed and unbothered. Professor Einstein, on the other hand, lingers for a bit more. "You should take the day off, Shackleford. Maybe get a shower, or touch some grass." He says, before walking away, humming to himself.
"That... was the most embarrassing thing I've been through." He says, dumbfounded.
"Get used to it, sweets." You laugh, picking yourself off as best as you could. "I think I want you to fuck me against this huge window, let everyone see how much I love your dick."
"Jesus, Y/N, I didn't expect you to be such a pottymouth." He replies, shocked, getting up to embrace you again.
"Speak for yourself;- did you hear the shit you were saying last night?"
"I really hope you don't influence George to be just as crude."
"Um, wow. Have some faith in me."
He kisses your forehead, pulling you closer. A warm silence ensues.
"I don't want you to go. You just got back." He whispers.
"I don't want to leave." You mumble, hiding your face in his chest, inhaling his scent. He always gave the best hugs; the ones where you melt right into him.
"I take back what I said about being apart for a few seconds. I want to be with you 24/7." He groans. How did you get so lucky?
"The Pisghetti's are expecting me at 10, right before the lunch shift. Maybe you should tag along? I don't think they'd mind. Actually, it'd help us if anything."
"Well, Professor Einstein did basically tell to me take a day off, and we do still have nearly 3 hours before you're expected. How about we freshen up at our apartment?"
That's how you find yourself curled up around him as he pounds into you in his tub, your 15-minute bath turning into 35. After the stickiness between your legs is washed off (and a sex-crazed Ted is satiated), you quickly rush to get ready, despite knowing that the Pisghetti's are immediately going to know if something is up when they notice you wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Oh well.
The pair of you pick George up from Charkie's, who only live the next block over. Margaret, the sweet dog's kind owner, is delighted to be introduced to you and offers tea, but you regrettably take a rain check. George on the other hand is surprised to see the man with the yellow hat's fingers intertwined around yours but accepts it happily, even climbing to your shoulders as you make the walk to the Pisghetti's.
Safe to say the Chef and Netti didn't expect to see the both of you together, but they don't make a big deal of it. George plays with Gnocchi as the four of you discussed the final adjustments for the meals in the kitchen.
You try your hardest - you swear you do. But every so often Ted's hands hover over yours and it's goddamn hard to not run your fingers over his soft palms. This doesn't go unnoticed by Netti, but she doesn't say anything. She'll squeeze it out of you on Monday, you suppose, judging by how the corner of her lips turn up every time she spots it.
By the time it rolls around to 11:30, you start preparing for your lunch shift. "I wish I could stay, but I did promise to take George to the playground. And I think the Chef wouldn't like me hogging space for potential customers anyway." Ted pouts. "Should I pick you up after your shift? You can have dinner with us - I'll cook." He offers enthusiastically.
"That sounds good! I do have one request; can we drop by my hotel? I really need a fresh set of clothes, and also make sure the staff doesn't think I died or something."
He kisses you briefly but passionately. "Consider it a plan. See you in a few hours, chowder. I love you." With that promise, he reluctantly leaves.
That night, as you're sleeping and sprawled over him, belly full of lasagna and hands holding onto a rather flat plush of Julius the monkey, Ted makes the realization that he has two sources of snores to drown his spiraling thoughts in.
This time, it's enough.
He sleeps contently, tucked in your arms like he hopes to be for the rest of his life with his beloved (and live) monkey just a few paces away.
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"Suitcase and backpack?"
"List of Canadian snacks George wants to try?"
"Check! That should be it."
"You are missing one thing." Ted gives you a grave face.
You nervously think back to what could be missing. "What is it?"
"A goodbye kiss for me, hello?" He says, puckering his lips like an idiot in the middle of the bustling crowd around you.
You roll your eyes before planting a big fat wet kiss on his lips. Even Ted wasn't expecting to drop you at the airport today. Heck, he'd actually been trying to avoid flying; partly because it brought a whole list of complications because of George being classified as a primate but also because every time he'd step in one memory of you leaving would rush back into his brain, leaving him a grumpy old mess. He'd even completely skipped over the Duty-Free sections every time he did have to go somewhere.
There was also another reason;- the gala was tomorrow, and dropping you off was already taking a chunk of precious time that could've gone into overseeing the preparations. Obviously, Ted didn't mind - Professor Wiseman was more than capable of being in charge for an hour - but this event was important to him. It was the biggest he'd thrown in his entire career, plus, it had somewhat brought you to him. He was next to you, yes, but he'd be lying if he said a part of him wasn't worrying about the exhibit in the back of his mind.
Of course, you didn't mind. Truth be told, your mind was also a bit preoccupied with the gala - specifically the food. Most of the work was done, Netti and the Chef only had to fix it up to look more presentable. Still, if it hadn't been for your lease expiring soon you would've extended your stay by at least one more day.
You brush these thoughts aside as you give Ted one final hug. "Is it too late to stuff you in my suitcase and carry you with me?" You ask.
"Unfortunately, yes, chowder." He says, kissing the top of your head. "Though... I wouldn't mind being stuffed somewhere else." He says, raising his eyebrows mischievously.
You hit his arm. "Oh my god, give my pussy a break. I'm going now." You whine, turning away from him.
He snickers, stopping you from leaving. "Okay, okay, calm down. Just one more kiss and I promise I'll let you go." He says before bending down and capturing your lips in his. You stay like that for a while before you begrudgingly pull away.
"See you in a few days. Tell George I'll miss him. I love you!" you grin before walking away to the check-in station, waving as you do so.
"I love you too," Ted replies. He watches as you disappear into the crowd, just as you did that day 6 years ago, but he reminds himself that this time is different. You'd be back. And very soon.
With that in mind, he turns back to head to the museum again.
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Someone snaps him out of his trance. "You're up in 5, boss."
"Thanks, Andie." Ted acknowledges, flickering through his opening speech again. This wasn't the first time he'd given one but they were very nerve-wracking either way for an introvert. Dressed in an all-black suit for the first time in 2 years, he only wishes you were here to see him. You'd been trying to push him out of that yellow suit for a while now.
Adjusting his tie, he devotes one more second (okay, maybe a bit more) to thinking of you before making his way to the stage stairs. The MC for the evening, a guy by the name of William H. Macy, introduces him - and soon he's facing a room of 500 people with a mic in front of him. He hopes all that practicing with you and George paid off.
"Distinguished guests, it is my honor to unveil the new Invention of Cooking exhibit to you tonight on behalf of The Metropolitan Museum of Arts." A round of applause ensues as Ted searches the crowd for familiar faces so that he could feel a bit more relaxed. "We'd love to extend our warmest welcomes to each and every single one of you. People from every corner of the earth have flown in just to attend this event; food bloggers, world-famous chefs, historians of different specialties, and so forth. A diverse palette of company, really - but all of us, including me, are united by one thing." He pauses to draw the audience in. "None of us know what I'm going to say!"
That earns a cackle from the horde, the most distinct being George. That soothes his nerves, but it's hard to spot the monkey with all these bright lights flashing in his face. "Plans for this new extension date back to several years ago, so seeing everyone stand in it is a very special moment for all of us who have been dedicatedly working on it. We hope that you enjoy immersing yourself in how cooking evolved from the discovery of fire to the stage it's at now." His eyes adjust to the darkness a bit, and he notices George cheekily smiling at him about 50 feet away. He was on someone's head - who was that? "But please do make sure to try out the assortment of appetizers and courses that are sure to give you a taste of New York." He continues, squinting to seek out who George was on but trying to not make it too obvious. It seems like they were walking toward the stage. "They have been prepared by our very own Chef Pisghetti, his wife Netti, and my partner, Y/N L/N, who unfor-" George's mysterious booster seat finally comes to light, and Ted makes eye contact with you.
He coughs, dumbfounded, but picks his jaw up from the floor quickly. This was a professional event, the show must go on. "Who have all devoted the last few weeks of their life making sure everyone in this room gets the best experience attainable. Uh, if you have any questions, feel free to direct them to any of our dedicated staff. Otherwise, have a wonderful evening!" He reaches the end of his speech, pausing for the applause before rushing downstairs to embrace you in his arms. George scurries away, picking up cues that this should be a more private affair. "Y/N - how'd you- Weren't you-" he excitedly queries as you pepper his face in kisses.
"I'll explain everything, can we go to your office though?"
"Sure. Wait, is something wrong?" "No, no! I just don't want to be with you, not surrounded by a bazillion people."
5 minutes later, you're back in his office and he has you wrapped in the tightest of hugs. "You weren't supposed to be back for at least three days - what happened?!"
"Don't scold me, but I chugged like 4 Red Bulls to pack up my entire apartment in under 12 hours. Honestly, you should have seen me. I think I set a world record, but anyway. I brought what I could - all the boxes are in the restaurant - but my friends are going to have to sell my couch and bed and blah blah. Whatever, doesn't matter, caught a flight and ran here." Ted gazes into your eyes. "What? Say something."
"You're crazy." He says, "Why would you do that?"
"You're crazy if you think I would have missed this for the world."
"God, I'm in love with a lunatic."
You beam. "Tell me something I don't know." He grabs you by your cheeks and smashes your lips together and you savor his taste. How did every kiss with him feel like it was the first? Your fingers card through his hair as you try to breathe him in. His tongue pressed between your lips to part them, slipping inside your mouth. You don't know how much time passes before you finally part, lips wet with spit.
"I am wholly and irrevocably in love with you." He confesses.
"Ditto." You teasingly smile.
"Ugh, I take it back."
"No! Don't!" You cry. "I love you too, so much. You are my forever, I couldn't imagine a life without you."
He bites back a cheeky grin, resting his head against yours. "Imagine being so cheesy."
"Watch it, mister, or I'll kick you to Mars."
"Will you come with me?"
"Of course. We'll have to find a spacesuit for George, though. I doubt they make them monkey-sized. Speaking of suits, you look particularly ravishing tonight, Shackleford."
"I could say the same for you, chowder. Where were you hiding this little number?"
You twirl your dress for him. "Do you like it? Had to dig it out of the closet. Sorry, it's not exactly black tie,"
"Are you kidding? The only place this would look better is on the floor."
"Oh, really?" You smirk, turning and walking away from him.
He stares at you in confusion. "Uh, what're you doing?"
"You had them remove the auto-lock security feature thing, right?"
"Yeah, the day after we got stuck. Why?"
"Oops!" You say as you close the door shut and slide the bolt in place. "My hand slipped! Uh oh." He slowly catches on to your plan, a bulge already forming in his pants. You turn back to face him, a mischievous look on your face.
"Now, what happened to your promise of fucking me against your window?"
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 13 Migration
Spoilers Below
-Starting out on the boat
-Marinette wants to talk to Luka. I can already hear the screeching from here
-Luka's got jokes
-Luka got a degree in psychology during the last few weeks cause he playing therapist
-Points to Marinette for being self aware.
-And there is the guitar strumming.
-Luka being like "Nah bitch, you gave me material to work with.”
- you know I wonder why I’m so hard on Luka sometimes…
-Oh right! I remember he knows their identities and blatantly lied about it.
-at the very least, at least Luka sees what we the audience see.
-Adrien and Marinette are adorable
-Adrien’s therapy session. (Seriously someone get this boy legit therapy. He has gone through so much.)
-someone PLEASE tell them to remove their shoes on the bed. It’s gross.
-Adrien’s main worry isn’t finding out the truth but worried it would make Marinette uncomfortable or hurt to do so. Damn that’s actually a fascinating contrast between their relationship with Marinette. Luka wanted the truth not caring what it was, while Adrien wants the truth but not the expense of Marinette. Fascinating
-Luka really said “Fuck the true selves narrative”
-JAGGED TOO! Seriously? Is he everyone’s therapist?! No wonder there are akuma everywhere! This Paris is actually a dystopia
-So Jagged is actually trying to be a better dad here, but knows he can’t stay cause him and anarke aren’t getting back together. Points for trying.
-Jagged and penny is sailing!
-Penny sounding like the only one with actual s*** to deal with but…
- PENNY TOO! Damn he should start charging. He’d make a boat load of cash (Hehehe)
-penny out here telling us she is in love with Jagged even though he is a disaster. Pfff problematic faves
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-Can’t believe Luka figured out the 3 questions needed to be a successful therapist.
-not gonna lie. I was hoping Bob was next.
-Anarke YEETED HIM. I think she gave him a life preserver. That’s funny
-Luka really being ladynoir shipping trash
-Kitty section is mid. But Bob gonna be plottin
-Anarke being the only adult here. She is right.
-IT WAS A RUBBER DUCKY! That’s funny!
-okay, Luka being like “Mom…” and anarke saying she will stop throwing people overboard. HOW OFTEN DOES SHE DO THAT?!
-Bob roth pulling the “I was lying but now I’m honest” routine
-Luka…. You of all people shouldn’t trust him after silencer.
-They seriously signed it…
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-These expressions will haunt my nightmares
-They really should have read the contracts. Like seriously. Anarke, YOU OF ALL PEOPLE could have read it.
-Bob roth came prepared to be yeeted that time. I gotta respect the play.
-Damn, that contract is Disney evil.
-Now there’s Luka looking visibly distraught. Now this is what I wanted from silencer
-Monarch out here loving the pain and suffering
-Silencer 2.0 let’s go!
-So Monarch Can’t read minds, but he can read emotions, picking up that Luka was trying to hide the fact he knew who ladybug and chat noir are! Oh damn!
-He smashed the guitar! Well karma’s a bitch Luka. You lost a guitar over it (but probably not cause miracle cure)
-How did Bob create duplicates so quickly?!
-Monarch really said he be settling today.
-I like the 70’s skeevy record producer look with gold. It works for Bobs villain form
-Rip guitar. I guess that’s 1 consequence of his actions.
-OH DAMN! Julrose confirmed!?
-oh… she loves her friends. Okay that’s just lesBaiting.
-Luka getting everyone to hide but having Marinette hide somewhere else. Marinette seemed sus of it but didn’t complain.
-Luka was Hinting hard there.
-Screw you bob, Juleka’s music was low key heat.
-THE Rubber DUCKY! Also Bob is right. That Ducky mix tape slapped
-He put it with his golden records. Amazing
-Mood chat noir
-Pigeon record was not a hit
-Luka revealed that He knows ladybug’s Marinette to ladybug.
-Marinette didn’t get it right away.
-and she blames herself.
-Oh look at that he doesn’t get in trouble for when he blatantly lied to her about seeing the identities last season. WHAT A FUCKING SHOCK! (Sarcasm)
-so he got caught to distract him. So in other words they gambled that he wouldn’t blab in his heart’s song immediately.
-Bob Really thought ladybug and chat noir would protect him?! That’s amusing
- And here we have Luka being ‘Noble’ by saying he has to leave. (At least Adrien found out he knew)
- Jagged quitting the Rockstar life to be with his son. Juleka is in charge of kitty section.
-Price of blatantly lying about knowing ladybug’s identities. ( One Guitar, and a world trip)
If I ignored my bias probably 6/10.
I’m still mad Luka basically got off scot free. I was waiting for at least SOMEONE to yell at him. But no. We got nobody mad at him. He gets a hero sacrifice. And while this was Luka’s best season, he still has s*** to own up to. Aside from that the episode was entertaining but also kind of mid. Also I’m salty about the Julrose fake out.
That being said.
Bye blue boy.
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sxaras · 3 months
hey luma its ya fav older sister kinna type (im messing fr) been in a selfship mood so im gonna come up with some questions and you can answer with whoever you like
- you and your s/o take a bath together, what's that like? (special ritual or anything, sky lore because i had a rubber duckie ritual as a kid)
- your s/o finds you sad and tries to revive you & ur mood, how do they do it?
- give me a chaotic idea in your head that would be silly with one (or more of them if it makes you happy) of your s/os
- i know you mentioned on the server like aus... what's a parallel au for your s/o that you'd like to live out with them? (for example like a shoujo anime when ur s/o is in a mafia game/anime)
- favorite thing about them
- who tucks you in at night and kisses you goodnight before you sleep (very romantic)
hope you like these<3
xoxo, sky
ok so baths
xiao - omggg they’re the most sweet and intimate thing ever in our relationship. whenever im stressed, he runs a bath for me. he lets me lay against his chest as i vent to him about what’s bothering me or we chat about something uplifting. he likes to massage my shoulders and thinks im very pretty with my hair in a messy bun <3
scara - mans was not okay with taking a bath together at first, which i understood and gave him time. when he was finally opened to the idea, i tried to make it as comforting to him as possible. i even set up candles and his fav movie to try to ease some anxiety <3
ok so
xiao - bro wants to go all out, but didn’t know how to at first. so, he asked my friends for advice, which, they didn’t really know much since i don’t vent to them often. but they said to do his best and honestly anything from him is perfect enough. he likes to, as previously answered, run a bath for me, we watch our favorite anime together (we sometimes rent perfect blue if i have the right headspace). usually i like to heal at home but sometimes he’ll take me out to see the city/town i live in <3
scara - says “take ur damn meds”💀ok but fr if it’s someone or multiple ppl affecting me negatively, he’s very much dead set on wanting to kick their asses. i have to tell him to be civil and to not let them bother us. “but if they’re bothering you, then that’s a problem to me!” he says. most of the time, we watch our fav anime and chill <3
dazai - another one who wants to go all out. (well all my f/o’s do but these two do it in a way im really into, not like im not into other f/o’s giving me affection tho) he buys me my favorite foods (but in no way pressures me to eat them bc of my low appetite), we rent perfect blue and any other obscure anime we can get our hands on without a virus together, takes me to the bookstore and lets me go ham, and will read to me when we fall asleep at night <3
silly scenarios
zhongli walking in on xiao and i making out
zhongli sending me an “are you ok” text at 3AM and me and xiao are like “??”
my mom scolding me after i cracked a joke how both my mom and ei can’t cook😭
me thinking dan heng was texting other hoes then i realized he was looking at a saved album of photos he has of me <3
hmm this is an interesting one
for me and xiao i have a shojo au based off my fav manga ‘cheeky brat’ (luma shut up about this manga we know😭) (i also have a shojo au for all my selfships) (also minus the non consensual pervasive actions)
dazai i lowkey have an idea for an au based off ‘grease’, but idk if dazai would fit the role (i kinda think he would)
xiao - his eyes <3
scara - we’re two sides of the same coin
dan heng - his voice <3
dazai - he’s just as crazy as me ♡︎
for who tucks me in.. all of them do. they’re very caring in bed (not like that)
also also have u put any more thought into making a selfship account? or will u keep everything on ur main?
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
Buckle up chaotic let me take you for a ride-
Ok! So! It all starts in Pikmin 2. In the intro, Olimar (the protagonist of Pikmin 1) returns to his home planet of Hocotate (after repairing his ship and escaping from a planet he crash-landed on in the first game), only to discover that his employer, Hocotate Freight, has gone into debt! Louie, on his first job, was tasked with delivering some very valuable golden pikpik carrots. Unfortunately, Louie claims to have been attacked by a ‘ravenous space bunny’ whilst transporting them, and they were all eaten! This, of course, sends the company into deep debt. The President (after learning that a bottle cap Olimar brought back is worth a hundred pokos (pikmin currency)) immediately sends Olimar (and Louie) back to the planet Olimar just crash-landed on and barely escaped from in order to find treasure to pay off that debt!
Now. this is where stuff gets funky. The game plants seeds of doubt towards louie’s credibility early on, namely with these 2 e-mails you can receive from the president.
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Now, sure, Louie’s story seems a little flimsy, but I’m sure he’s perfe-
OH WAIT THERE’S MORE! Just a little peek into the Piklopedia (a bestiary, essentially), you can see Louie's notes about all of the indigenous life on the planet! In which he explains how to best prepare them for consumption! 
While that’s already disturbing enough on its own, let’s connect the dots here. The President says there’s no space bunnies on the route Louie took… and we know Louie will eat anything…
if you still can’t figure it out, don’t worry! The game spells it out for you! After 100%ing the game, you unlock the secret cutscene, ‘Louie’s Dark Secret’! Where it's revealed…
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Louie ate the golden pikpik carrots. The space bunny was just a story he made up to save his hide.
The entire central conflict of Pikmin 2 is entirely Louie’s fault.
And you wanna know the worst part, Chaotic? He doesn't care.
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Look at him. Does this look like a sympathetic man to you? No. Louie is a cold, uncaring monster.
Oh. You think that’s it. You think that’s the worst of the worst, huh? Chaotic. Poor, sweet, chaotic. You have no idea.
For now.. We move onto Pikmin 3.
The only important story details you have to know is that our main characters are 3 astronauts from the planet Koppai, whose population are suffering from a food shortage! who were sent off to the mysterious planet (now officially known as PNF-404) to retrieve edible matter (fruits) in order to save their planet!
After the 3 captains crash-land (no one in the Pikmin universe knows how to safely land on this planet…) and eventually regroup, they discover that not only is Captain Olimar on this planet, but also that he has their cosmic-drive key, which they need if they ever want to head back to their home planet!
About halfway through the game, our 3 captains get a transceiver call from… Louie! However, due to a few incorrect assumptions and Louie's inability to form complete sentences, our captains are under the assumption that Louie is Captain Olimar. So, they set off to save him from the area boss in order to save him!
They do that and bring him onboard their ship, only to discover that his suit’s put him into forced-sleep mode, so they decide to call it a day and ask him about the key tomorrow.
Now. Louie would have probably died had our 3 captains not come to his rescue. So, what do you think Louie does to three people who just saved his life?
He commandeers the ship while you’re sleeping, lands it, steals all your juice, AND one of your captain’s rubber ducky, and books it. He leaves you for dead.
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This meme? This is canon-accurate. Louie steals all your juice and he might as well have called you a bitch.
Of course, he immediately gets eaten by the next area boss, so you have to go save him. The only dialogue Louie has in the entire game is him yelling ‘Food!' like 7 times.
I hope you enjoyed this journey and have a newfound love/hate relationship with this fictional spaceman, chaotic. It’s been fun.
Oh this is a bastard of a man ain't it
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juicezone · 8 months
1, 7, 8, 37, C, D?
1: What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? Ward can sit still for like.. five or ten minutes unless he's super focused on his work, and half the time he works standing anyway (in which case thats.. not nothing to do so Cooper can sit still for a decent while! He used to pride himself on sitting so quietly people forgot he was there when they were younger and he's not very successful in breaking that habit. probably around the 20-30 minute mark Rory can definitely sit still for a long time, and usually cherishes the chance to because he's so busy on the farm. WILL probably fall asleep though! Sometimes just zones out, especially after a long day or if hanging out with farm babies
7: What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? Ward: listening to rain on umbrellas and weather reports specifically for his hometown! Also, kids science cartoons. Yeah, he likes the feeling of nostalgia, though mostly when he's not regressed (when he's little, he's too active to sit and appreciate nostalgia lol) Cooper: Books about ducklings + rubber duckies, gumballs (esp the like 25 cent ones), and sleeping bags! They don't dislike the feeling of nostalgia, but they can only take so much before it starts bringing him down Rory: Juice boxes! Fruit salad skewers, and blowing on dandelions. Not too bothered either way about nostalgia, honestly
8: What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child Ward: START READING. if it wasnt a science related book, ward could not care less about it. genuinely, English classes were a misery for all parties involved! Stop going outside without a raincoat, and dang it, stop going outside in the middle of huge storms! Cooper: Would get told he needed to start speaking up for himself if he wanted things, and then would get told to stop being so demanding :/ "You need to start letting your siblings play with you!" "If you dont want them to touch your things, you need to stop leaving them out" <- older sibling never wins moments Rory: Please stop falling asleep in the sheep pen, we cannot find you. PLEASE. (POV: you are capri and you cant find your regressor in the sheep herd and the sheep totally know and wont help you)
37: Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)?  Ward: Does not even bother, honestly. Basic memorization and simple frequency of usage is enough for him! ( but he's the kind of person to ask why you have color coded folders). Otherwise his work organization is entirely just.. related to the topic lol. Weather science - Non-weather science, but no fancy tricks! Cooper: Is the sort of person to mumble "Righty tighty, left loosey" under their breath! More likely to use anagrams, prefers things reasonably color coded (red engineering/security, blue science/medical, gold command). is the type to get stressed by trying to create ways to remember that are too specific, so they end up getting stress Rory: Color coding, usually! Nothing super complex, he doesnt have a lot he really needs to specifically remember
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story? <- not at all embarrassed to admit my (agere) ocs are pretty much self indulgent first, story second D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look? Definitely edited for rory! At first he was more human and like. with horns and non-human ears and then i went "hmmm. you know what? lets have more fun with that" (also lowkey embarrassing bc i used to specifically try and like.. idk simplify? baby-fy? whatever my art style instead of just like. drawing like usual lol
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