#wc: 867
steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
see where the night goes
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'only one bed' rated m wc: 867 cw: some borderline somnophilia-esque behavior? tags: forced proximity, unintentional cuddling, idiots to lovers, love confessions, implied sexual content
The full sized bed was covered in the ugliest plaid sheets Steve had ever seen, which was saying something since his own bed had been covered in ugly plaid sheets.
It looked like it would fall apart if Steve sat on it, let alone lay down on it.
"Bad news first or good news first?" Eddie asked as he walked into the room.
"There's more bad news? The broken down van and the storm knocking out the power everywhere but this inn isn't bad enough?" Steve responded, putting his hands on his hips as he watched Eddie sit on the bed.
Huh. Looked like it would manage to hold at least some weight, then.
"There's no other bed."
Steve shook his head.
"That's a joke."
"Nope," Eddie popped his lips together. "I did check the bathroom though and there's a decent shower with actual hot water, so. A win's a win?"
Steve groaned.
"Dude, this bed is not big enough for both of us," Steve gestured to the bed Eddie was sitting on. "It doesn't even look big enough for you."
"Sure it is. I slept in a twin until I was nearly 18. This will be like a California King!"
Steve knew he was trying to make light of the situation.
The van breaking down four hours from home on a night when the worst storm Indiana has seen in years decided to come through was only the beginning.
Eddie had lost his wallet somewhere between the van and his walk to a payphone, which meant he had to walk all the way back to the van without having called anyone. He was soaked and cold despite the air around them being relatively warm. By the time he got back to the van, someone had stopped to check on Steve, who had been panicking about Eddie getting lost. When they finally got towed to a repair shop, the mechanic told them he wouldn't be able to look at it until the morning and that from the sounds of it, they'd need to replace a handful of parts that were more money than either of them had with them.
A weekend trip to visit Robin at college had turned into an expensive nightmare.
And now, they would be sharing a very tiny bed.
Eddie and Steve had been closer lately, especially since Robin's classwork had made it impossible for her to visit much. But sharing a full sized bed?
"Well, guess I'll go shower. Maybe it'll help me feel less like everything is falling apart," Steve sighed.
"Okay, Eeyore."
Steve rolled his eyes, but ignored him.
They got ready for bed like they were dreading it, and maybe they were.
They both got into the bed, laying on their sides facing away from each other, but close enough to feel the heat radiating from the other.
The rain pelted the roof, and lightning flashed in the distance, but it seemed like the storm was almost past.
"Sorry about tonight."
"Nothing you could do, Eds."
He felt Eddie shift, but they still weren't touching.
"I guess. Still sorry though."
"Yeah, me too."
Sleep fell over them, the exhaustion of the day hitting them hard as soon as their bodies were horizontal.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Steve was sweating, which wasn't completely unusual, but definitely rare when he hadn't woken up screaming from a nightmare.
He had something, no, someone, in his arms.
He was curled around Eddie entirely, his arms around him, his hard dick pressing into his ass.
Eddie was still asleep, breathing softly, chest rising and falling slowly.
Steve needed to wake him up, or at least get up so he could put some space between them until his dick calmed down.
But just as he went to pull his arm away, Eddie turned around in his arms and smiled in his sleep.
And then his eyes fluttered open.
His smile faded.
"Sorry, let me-" As Eddie started to pull away, Steve tightened his arms.
"A minute."
Steve sometimes said he needed a minute like this when the kids were all yelling about things he didn't quite understand or when Robin had been rambling on for too long.
Sometimes, when he and Eddie were just hanging out, he would say it like he just had too much going on in his brain.
Like now.
Steve was looking at Eddie, really looking.
"I think I might love you."
Eddie blinked back at him, mouth agape.
"You think you might?" His voice was quiet, hesitant.
"And this is...because of us sleeping in bed together or...?"
"No. It's because when we have a shitty day that could turn into another shitty day tomorrow, I'm still just happy to be with you for it. I didn't...I guess it didn't really hit until now," Steve admitted.
Eddie gulped.
"And you think that's...love?"
"I think that's part of it. I also think I'd like to kiss you."
Eddie let out a small breath, shaky as Steve pulled him flush against his front.
"You would?"
"If that's okay."
"Is that all?" Eddie smirked, obviously implying that he could feel Steve's dick against his thigh.
"We'll see where else the night goes."
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hbyrde36 · 3 months
STWG Daily Prompt 3/9/24
Written for the @strangerthingswritersguild
Prompt: Bite
Rating: G | WC: 867
Emotional hurt/comfort, Steve Harrington's parents being the worst, the best uncle Wayne Munson, supportive boyfriend Eddie Munson, the party loves Steve Harrington
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Steve had given up on his dad long ago, he was never going to be the kind of man Richard Harrington had always wanted his sons to grow up and be, but he’d held out hope for his mom—hope that someday she would learn to love him the way she loved his brother.
More than ten years between them, and the fact that the Harrington’s had moved to Hawkins only after Christopher had graduated high school and gone off to college, meant no one really knew Steve had a sibling. 
The party, Robin, Eddie—especially Eddie because how could they have been dating for over a year now and him somehow still not know about this—were all stunned to learn of the existence of another young Harrington.
He hadn’t meant to tell them at all, but then Christopher and their parents made a surprise visit home so that his brother could take possession of their grandmother’s ring and pop the question to his girlfriend of a whopping 9 months. Less time than he and Eddie had been seeing each other and didn’t that get under Steve's skin to know he’d never get to propose to his boyfriend with a family heirloom, not only because gay marriage wasn’t legal, but because his parents would never dream of handing down a piece of jewelry to their least favorite son.  
Steve wound up having to make the rounds, letting everyone know movie night was canceled because his brother was in town. Naturally they all wanted explanations for why this was the first they were learning of this mysterious person, and by the time he got to Eddie’s place, Steve was a mess. 
Years of mistreatment and neglect bubbled to the surface, and not just the big things but the little sniping comments, the small injustices—inequities between the way Mr. and Mrs. Harrington spoke of their older son vs their younger—hurt feelings that he’d pushed all the way down in order to function, in order to put a fucking smile on his face and hide the fact that he was damaged goods who not even a mother could love. 
It all came spilling out of him on Eddie’s bedroom floor as his boyfriend held him, rocked him, was his rock, tethering him to the earth.
When it was all over and Steve was calm, Eddie asked him why he still spoke to them, why he still lived in their house when he and Wayne had both–on separate occasions–invited him to live with them instead.
“They’re my family.” Steve said, shrugging. “I don’t have a choice.” 
“Of course you do, Stevie. You always have a choice. If you were to decide right here and now that you never wanted to see or speak to them again, you are allowed to do that. You hold all the power here. I’ll support you in whatever you decide, but I have to say in my humble opinion, they never deserved you.”
Steve took the night to think about it, though in the instant Eddie had said the words, given Steve the power to take control of his own life, he’d known what he was going to do. It was his life, he could do with it as he wished. He was already doing that with almost every other part of it, so why was he still letting his mom and dad hold any power over him? Why did he subject himself to their passive aggressive comments and disappointed glares?
In the end he never went back, not even to get his stuff. Wayne and Eddie did it for him, leaving behind his keys and his beloved car. 
A small price to pay for freedom. 
He called the next day and left a final message on the answering machine. 
“Please leave your message after the beep.”
“Hey mom. You’re the hardest one to say goodbye to, the last member of this family I held out hope for so you’ll have to forgive me for not doing this in person. My car keys are on the table by the front door. I know the BMW is in dad’s name and I know he wouldn’t want me keeping it under the circumstances.”
“I am no longer a Harrington. I’m sure you won’t mind because you barely thought of me as one to begin with but it’s official now. I’m moving on, and moving in with my boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend, because I am nothing if not a consistent disappointment.”
“It took me longer to see it with you because I've witnessed the way you care for the people around you, most of them anyway, and what you’ve done for this community.”
“You are a good person, except when you’re not. And you were a great mom, just not to me.”
There was no bite in his words, just a sad truth finally spoken aloud.
Steve hung up the phone feeling lighter than he ever had in his whole life, and sat down to dinner with the people who really loved him. His found family, who’d all dropped whatever they were doing at a moments notice to throw him an impromptu moving-in party at his new home with Eddie and Wayne. 
Thanks to my beloved @penny00dreadful for having a look over this 🥰
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pettydollie · 6 months
♡☆ mha masterlist ♡.。.:*
katsuki bakugou popular bakugou x quiet reader series study buddy - wc: 691 summary: bakugou hates working with others.. but he'll make an exception for you since you seem relatively normal my girl tf? - wc: 1.3k summary: katsuki shows you off, but his peers thinks you're just a joke
songs she will be loved by maroon 5 - wc: 992 summary: your boyfriend sucks and katsuki is there for you everytime until hes had enough girlfriend by avril lavigne - wc: 500 summary: best friend!reader wants to be katsuki's gf instead delicate by taylor swift - wc: 929 summary: pro hero bakugou's fanbase hates you and turns their backs on him causing him to question your relationship peppers by lana del rey - wc: 407 summary: singer!reader and your boyfriend write hits like all the time... this is you recording one of them sensei!reader x pro hero drabble - wc: 867 summary: your pro hero boyfriend comes into your kindergarten class for a q/a! hispanic!reader x bakugou headcanons dragon!king bakugou x pregnant!queen reader - wc: 964 summary: the kingdom finds out about the queen's pregnancy. some are worried (but mostly everyone is excited for the heir) hellokitty!reader x spiderman!katsuki hcs dad!bakugou x mom!reader hcs bakugou x wife with a lot of fur babies hcs
mina ashido coming soooon!!
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Kissing Indiana Jones Would Include:
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Title: Kissing Indiana Jones Would Include:
Indiana Jones X GN Reader
Additional Characters: N/A
Requested by @doctoriletyougotogalaxy!
WC: 867
Warnings: Slight suggestiveness, kissing?, Indy is a simp really, and fluff
Indy loves kissing you.
He had the moment he first laid his lips on yours at the end of your third date on the porch of your home.
He loved every minute of it.
The way your hands were in his hair, the smile on your face as you leaned into him and kissed his cheek softly after pulling away, like it was the most natural thing in the world… He would always be grateful that he had the chance to kiss you.
When he does kiss you, he cherishes it, like the most precious gift he could ever receive. He thinks about how soft your lips are, like cotton candy, just waiting for him to take a bite. His fingers trace the curves of your face, memorizing every single one of them. He has memorized them already, but there is always something new.
He loves the feel of your arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulling him closer. He loves the warmth of your body against his, especially when your legs wrap around his waist as if it's a common occurrence. You’re so warm.
On other occasions, he'd be eager, hungrily, desperately, wanting to taste your mouth again and again and again. He’d want to devour you whole and never stop.
But right now, he just wants to stay where he is, pressed up against you, holding your hand and kissing you senselessly. You back against the wall, his hat tossed somewhere, landing on the floor, with the two of you still in each other’s arms, clinging to each other as if your life depended on it.
He presses his lips to your forehead, your cheeks, your jaw, then down your neck and collarbone. Your fingers dig into his back, nails scratching at his skin, marking a promise to a long night ahead of them.
Right now, he just wants to hold you forever.
To take you in his arms, and kiss you until you can’t breathe anymore. To make you forget everything except him and how much he loves you. To tell you all the things he hasn’t been able to say, all the things that have been weighing heavily on his heart since the day he met you.
He doesn’t know why the feeling is so overwhelming, but it is. It’s like something inside him has been crying out to see you again. To kiss you again. He feels like he has waited centuries for this, and maybe he has. 
But in the end, kissing you, he feels weightless, like nothing matters anymore except the taste of your lips, your skin against his, your arms around his neck. Like no one else in the universe matters more than you.
That’s all he needs to know. Because no matter what happens, he knows that he will always come home to you after his adventures. You'll always be here for him. You'll always love him.
And that's enough. 
You're his true treasure, the one he had always been searching for. The one that he finally found in his dreams, and in reality. 
You loved kissing Indy.
It was like you died and went to heaven every time.
Your lips were soft and tasted like strawberries, and they moved perfectly against Indy's lips. 
You craved his touch because Indy’s lips were softer than silk and made you dizzy. You wanted to run your hands through his hair, pull him closer, feel his strong muscles against yours, and hold him tight. 
His hair was soft under your fingertips, silky smooth, and he smelled like cinnamon and vanilla from whatever shampoo he used.
He was so close to you, you could feel the steady beat of his heartbeat, which you felt against your chest. Every kiss sent chills running down your spine and made you giddy like you were drunk.
You didn't want to pull away, but you had to breathe; you needed air, and you couldn’t keep kissing him like this forever.
Indy pulled away reluctantly, but only slightly, his breath fanning over your face.
Then he looked at you with those gorgeous green eyes, and asked, “Can I ask you something?”
You giggled, “Sure, Indy.”
“Can I kiss you again?”
You sighed happily, “I’d love that.” Then you smiled, because the answer really wasn’t that hard, “You can, Indy. As many times as you want.” As Indy leaned forward, you pressed your pointer finger to his lips, pausing him. "But, only if I can do the same." You whispered.
Indy's face broke into a mischievous smirk, which seemed to stretch across half of his face, lighting up his entire being. He nodded eagerly and pressed his lips to yours in one swift motion.
You closed your eyes and melted into his embrace.
His hand stroked your hair gently, cupping the back of your neck, the other held your waist lightly, as if afraid that if he squeezed too tightly, you'd disappear into thin air.
And when he finally pulled away, his eyes locked on yours, a deep, contented sigh escaping his parted lips. He rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. “I love you."
You closed your own eyes, a content smile on your face, "I know."
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Eddie 🎸/ Farm 🐄 / water gun🔫
A lil best friend!Eddie for you, bb 💚
Warnings: none, one sex joke but that's it. It's all fluff.
WC: 867
“Wait, hold on,” Eddie says, putting his hands up in disbelief. “Are you saying you’ve never been on a Slip ‘n Slide?” 
“‘M serious, Eds,” you promise, fiddling with the hem of your shorts. You’re sitting up against his bed in front of the oscillating fan that’s providing little relief from the summer heat. “My mom was super strict. She took one look at Mel Gibson holding a gun in a movie poster and said ‘no way.’”
He chuckles incredulously, shaking his head. “Next thing you’ll tell me you never had a water gun fight.”
“Y/N!” Eddie jumps up, mattress springs creaking underneath him. “You’ve seriously never had a water gun fight?!”
“It’s really not a big deal,” you protest, but you’re also embarrassed. Your mom never let you do anything fun, and you’d always felt left out among your friends. Even now that you’re an adult, she still tries to tell you what to do. 
Eddie remains stuck on your lack of water gun experience. “Huh,” he says finally. “We’ll just have to fix that, won’t we?” He extends his hand to help you up from the floor and you take it, a puzzled expression on your face. “C’mon, you trust me, don’t you?”
“Absolutely not.” But the smile on your face gives you away, You and Eddie have been friends for years; if you can’t trust him, who can you trust? “Now, where are we going?”
His chocolate eyes narrow and he stares at you intensely. “The seventh circle of hell!” he exclaims, deepening his voice to match his Dungeon Master persona. You’re clearly not going to get an answer from him, so you sigh and follow him to his van.
Fifteen minutes later, the two of you are standing in the toy aisle at Melvald’s. Eddie’s intently perusing their water gun options, tongue poking out between his lips in sheer concentration. He plucks a red one from the shelf and examines it before putting it back. “Entertech makes these battery powered ones, but I don’t see them here.” He grabs the red one again and hands it to you. “Will this suffice?”
“Sure.” You’re not a water gun connoisseur, but it seems fine to you. 
Eddie grabs the same model in blue and heads to the register. When you pull out your wallet, he gently pushes your hand away. “I got this.” He hands the cashier a crumpled ten-dollar bill and turns back to you. “Are you prepared for the most epic water gun fight this dinky town has ever seen?”
You roll your eyes but play along. “I was born ready, Munson.”
You’d assumed he would take you back to Forest Hills trailer park, so you’re thrown for a loop when he brings you to the farm adjacent to Merrill’s pumpkin patch. It’s quiet during the summer, with autumn obviously being their busiest season. It’s the perfect place to engage in some teenage debauchery without getting caught. Plus, as Eddie excitedly points out, they have a hose you can use to “reload your weapon.”
“Okay, assume your position,” Eddie announces once you’ve filled the water guns. “I’ll count to three and then the games can begin.” You hide behind a tree as he counts. “One…two…”
“Three!” you yell, pulling the trigger. A stream of water hits him square in the chest. You can’t help but giggle at his shocked expression. “How did you not see that coming?”
“I thought you played by the rules,” Eddie says with a pout. “I should’ve known better. Always such a troublemaker.” With that, he aims his water gun at you and sprays it over and over. He gets careless after a bit, and he accidentally gets water in your eye.
“Ow!” you shriek, lowering your weapon and covering your face. As soon as he realizes that he’s actually hurt you, Eddie comes trotting over worriedly.
“Hey, hey; you good?” he asks, tugging gently at your hand to get a better look at your eye. He’s let his guard down–the perfect time to strike. You smirk and fire back at him. “Oh, you are so dead!” he sputters, though you notice he’s more careful about where he aims.
The fight lasts until the two of you are laughing too hard to stand up, drenched from head to toe. As you traipse back towards his van, you thank him. “This was a lot of fun. Feels nice to just…let loose, y’know?”
Eddie nods. “Same. Plus, now you can tell everyone that Eddie Munson made you wet.” He waggles his eyebrows, grunting as you elbow him. “Shout it from the rooftops, baby! Eddie Munson got you soaked!”
“You’re such a perv!” you retort, contorting your face in mock disgust. Before he can refute your claim, a booming voice startles you both.
“What are you kids doing out here?” Chief Hopper shouts, slamming the police car door and hustling over. Eddie starts to walk faster, but you’re in the mood for trouble. “This is private property!”
“Sorry!” you call back. “Eddie Munson was just making me wet!” Eddie’s jaw drops open, and he practically yanks you into the van. “What?” you ask, feigning innocence. “You said to tell everyone!”
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p-antomime · 2 years
kiki mhmm give me...... if you're able ofc, give me something (it can be short ofc) wiTH DOTTORE PLEASE OMFG THIS MAN HAS BEEN ON MY MIND EVERYDAY and i cant believe sumeru is 'over' with him being present
i got your back nonnie :(( dottores hot i know id suck him dry everyday if i got the chance to do it
᪗ — wc.: 867.
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“First time coming?” 
He asks without raising his eyes that continued to analyze whether the gloves had been placed correctly on his long, slender fingers, although deep down he already knew there was no way they could be remotely incorrect.
“No, sir,” your head denying it put more emphasis on the response, “I’m used to this kind of examination, actually.” 
“What made you switch doctors, if I may ask, then?” 
Dottore approaches the gurney on which he had previously asked you to sit, and this time he raises his attention to fix it on your eyes that dripped a latent anxiety that perhaps he could cut through even with a scalpel. And you understood immediately that it was time to lie down and try to relax as much as possible, even with the doctor's imposing presence bouncing off the walls and seeming to hover over your mind and sanity like numbing fog. 
“I... had some problems, I guess,” his eyebrows rose and you knew you weren’t clear enough, “The last doctor I consulted with was a bit... rude, if you know what I mean, sir.” 
Dottore felt as if he was about to crush the shyness permeating that sentence as soon as he fixed your knee supports and gestured with one of his indicators for you to position yourself as comfortably as possible, “I understand, completely.” 
That was the only one he replied before he pushed up the edges of your robes to your crotch and rested his gloved hands on your thighs close to the edge of being visibly tense. 
Your doctor could see everything, absolutely everything. From your lovely clit almost ready to be rubbed to your naturally inviting folds. He could classify you as “cute”, “adorable”, “graceful”, but perhaps the best word was simply “tasty”; it was almost a sin that you had been hiding something so valuable from him for so long. 
“Tell me if anything hurts while I inspect you, will you?” 
As he speaks, you feel his gloved fingers move up your thighs with thumbs placing themselves on the most intimate part of your body, "Let's do our best so you don't have to spend any more of your precious time going to these other trashes out there, hm?"  
You felt a mixture of promise and warning at the same time, but you weren't given the opportunity to respond anything, not even a simple “mhm”, as Dottore used one hand to open your folds and leave you more exposed while the other momentarily rested on your crotch before sliding down again and placing itself on your soft clit. 
Immediately, small flames of adrenaline and pleasure began to form in pools all over your body and concentrate in the middle of your legs, just below the doctor's hands that began to rub and circle that sensitive heap of nerves. In a matter of seconds your breathing became ragged and eyes tried to focus on anything other than Dottore's reds or his silhouette. 
It was almost as if you should feel dirty, after all: he was doing his job as a doctor, and you were giving in to impulses that you knew how to control very well – or thought you did. But, his fingers were so good, had such insane control that they knew how much to press and yet made everything painless, purely pleasurable and euphoria-worthy. 
And it got even worse when his other hand placed itself over your now completely wet entrance, but didn't venture to finish the job of crossing the ethical boundary and filling and massaging you from the inside. Only the others kept stroking your clit deftly. 
“D-Dottore–,” it was the first time you had called him directly, no “sir” included, “Feelin' a–,” his fingers moved to a faster pace over your clit, you began to feel a puddle of anxiety and anticipation, it almost felt like a knot taking hold of the bottom of your belly, "P-Please, ‘nside me, your fingers, I–” 
“Oh, my fingers? You mean those?” the fingers over your entrance pressed themselves against it, threatening to really get inside, “Want they inside you? Oh, sweetcheks, that wouldn't be appropriate, would it? I am your Doctor, after all, no?” 
A small, mocking chuckle escaped his lips and just as the shame of having asked something so outrageous of him almost took hold of your body, you felt him slide his gloved fingers bathed in your slit inside, reaching deeper than your own could and making your eyes roll in pure pleasure; pleasure that almost made your orgasm erupt violently as soon as Dottore curved them against your sweetest, most sensitive internal spot.  
Before you could stop yourself, several “Please” were escaping from your mouth and you didn't even know if you were begging Dottore to prolong your pleasure, make you cum faster, or simply end the situation soon. But regardless of what you wanted, your doctor gave you a climax as a gift, with his fingers moving in and out of your wet little hole and the others rubbing your now swollen clit.  
In the end, he was right. You would no longer have to waste your precious time looking for doctors other than him. 
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mooodyblue · 1 year
and here I come with the request! could I request and escenario involving the photoshoot and cake smashing I mentioned in the brainrot? I'm I'm excited and I imagine It would be so SO cute and funny.
- 🐈‍⬛
you got it!! hope it's okay 🫶🏼
based off this scenario
warnings: babyspace, little!austin
wc: 867
today was a big day for austin. he'd asked about getting a photoshoot done for when he was in his headspace awhile back and you'd finally gotten around to planning it for today.
you placed a hand gently on his shoulder, sitting next to him on his bed. "baby?"
austin stirred slightly, muttering out a 'hmm?' with his eyes still closed.
"i'm sorry to wake you, but you have that shoot today. i need to get you up and ready."
austin let out a small whine, clearly not wanting to get out of bed. "jus' wanna sleep." he muttered.
"i know, honey. but we have to go soon. what if we nap on the way there, hm?"
austin sighed, turning to you. "okay."
he did, of course, nap on the way to the studio. you helped the sleepy boy out of the car, tossing his bag full of his emergency little items over your shoulder as you made your way inside. you grinned at the large set. a basic white background but with various toys splayed out everywhere just for austin. he was too tired to notice and had his head on your shoulder the whole way to wardrobe.
after getting dishes with wardrobe, he followed you to the set, sitting down where you asked. he rubbed at his eyes tiredly and looked around, confused at the cameras in front of him. it wasn't until he saw all the toys around him, his mouth slightly open in awe.
he wanted to play with the toys so badly, but nobody had given him permission yet. he was also still slightly groggy from his nap. "momma...." he whined, wiggling in his place. you were stood behind one of the cameras, talking to one of the workers about what was planned for the shoot. you held your finger up at austin, "hold on, baby."
he looked at you sadly before eyeing one of the toys next to him. a staff member came up to him smiling, "hi austin."
austin glanced at them, giving them a shy smile.
they picked up the small toy that he was eyeing and waving it around, earning a few giggles from austin. "more! more!" he clapped.
you turned to look at austin, smiling at the giggling boy in front of you. "oh! look at him!" you cooed. "make sure you're getting this!" you exclaimed, pointing at the camera.
he continued to play with various toys that were put in front of him, completely ignoring the cameras and people giving him orders. he was so content and at peace right now, just being a little boy again and playing with his toys. he eventually felt lighter, falling deeper into his headspace and officially dropping to his much younger side.
"alright austin, we have to take the toys now, okay?"
austin looked at you sadly as they were taken away, a pout forming on his face. "nuh-uh!" he tried to make grabby hands as they were taken away, stomping his feet angrily. he felt tears begin to brim in his eyes, whining and trying to get your attention.
all of that whining went away when the cake was brought out and placed in front of him. the cake was two layers of pink frosting, decked with frosting all over with his own name written on top, which he couldn't read anyway. his eyes widened at the large cake in front him. the cameras were once back on him as he kneeled in front of it, examining every part of it and trying to figure out whether to wait or to just dig his hands in it.
but there was a mischievous look in his eyes as you began to walk over to him.
"let's get you changed before-oh!" you stepped back in surprise as austin dug his hands right into the cake. "austin!" you gasped.
he let out a giggle as he sat back down, criss crossing his legs as he got deeper into the cake, bringing chunks to his mouth. you placed your hands on your hips, shaking your head and letting out a small laugh. "oh my silly baby!" getting this cake off austin was going to be a nightmare for you, but the happy babbling from him was definitely making it all worth it.
austin, who was now covered in cake, held his hand out with a chunk in his hand. "ma'!" he babbled, trying to offer you a piece.
"oh! for me?" you crouched down next to him as he shoved a bit of cake into your face, barely getting your mouth. austin clapped happily as he watched you enjoy the cake, smiling wide at him and ruffling his hair. "you're just having so much fun, aren't you?"
there was cake all over the studio, the cameras, you and every single part of austin. once it was time to get him cleaned up, he smiled at you, raising his arms up at you. "does the baby want uppies? hm?" lifting up austin was always a challenge, but you were slowly getting used to it. you got him up, chuckling at the mess on his face. "let's go get you cleaned up."
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crusader-kings · 2 years
Hi! I'm a new follower and I'm lost! Was ck/wc? Your ocs are a crossover? Can you explain and give me some background so that I can ask characters questions?
first off hello!!!!!! welcome to my little cove!!!! thank you for sticking! this might be a little long but bear with me!
second: *actual ponctuation mode turns on*
Crusader kings is a grand-strategy war game, it's set in the medieval era (being the two start dates either being 1066 or 867 if you wanna try playing as a viking!) where you play as a ruler of a county/duchy/kingdom/empire and as the lil overseer of your land you have to form relationships with other neighboring rulers, manage your economy because its fragile as an apple product, make sure everyone is getting their basic needs met, etc.
I've always jokingly called it 'the sims for men' because it also has RPG themes to it! You're not playing only as a nation but a ruler, a person, depending on who you're playing as, their personality, culture and religion will pretty much dictate on how they act and while you are in full control of their actions, going against their nature and beliefs will usually make them stressed. You have to make sure your character is making friends, eating healthy, taking care of his mental health and just having his needs met (kinda like a sim... or a neopet).
And yeah there are hundreds of cultures/religions to play as! I can't go much in depth about these because I've never really left my comfort zone, so I've always played with the same religion and similar cultures, its an absurdily well-researched history game to a degree where the game constantly offers you wikipedia links just so you can understand what's going on! You can play as real people, the game incentives you to do it but it has a character creation and I've always preferred to make my own little guys so that's that.
Despite all of this sounding Very Serious it's a very cartoonish stylized games and like mentioned; the sims-esque madness, you wanna appoint a horse as your chancellor? you can do that, you wanna turn into a fucking bear? you can do that! Hell, there's a way you can simply turn your entire population into anthro animals just for the kicks of it, there's witchcraft, werewolves, vampires and just the weirdest shit.
Anyways, if that sounds like something you'd be into; the second game is free on steam, keep in mind that this is considered to be the second most difficult strategy game of all time, and on average can take 2 months to understand the basics, lol.
CK/WC is.. not really a mashup of the two, it's an attempt to introduce warrior cats to a similiar system and hierarchy of medieval kingdoms but still keeping their core values, most of the OCs are mine and based off my characters on Crusader Kings but a few are borrowed from friends (Hell, Ironstar was originally made by my friend but we liked him SO much he became an OC that was later given to me, thank you Loren!) and a few are just NPCs (Holypyre, for example)
We had to make a plethora of changes to the clans so they could still be clans but still more of a kingdom; with no starclan to guide them they decided that the leader's kids would become the future leader because they believe that if starclan once gave their parents their nine lives, they would favor their children more.
Clans can have several camps inside of them and have massive territories, those camps are overseed by pack leaders who do not get nine lives but have to swear an oath to the clan leader to never betray them.
Deputies were reformed to be a medieval king's council, with one true deputy who would assist the leader on every task and others like marshal, envoy and steward who would manage other specific task.
And that's pretty much the basic foundation we build on!
TL;DR: CK is a medieval game where you play as a king who has to take care of his nation, CK/WC is an AU where the clans have adopted a similar style to kingdom life, with there being an absolute king and vassals who serve them.
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hiraethhh-h · 1 year
day 3 - resolution
fandom: the arcana
paring: julian devorak x OC
warnings: none
wc: 867
12 day writing challenge
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“tonight’s the night pasha!”
portia sent her brother an unamused look, “you’ve been saying that for the past week, ilya.” she deadpanned. she placed her hands on her hips, watching as julian paced around her small cottage. he held his chin in his hand, muttering to himself with his auburn brows furrowed in concentration.
“ilya.” portia walked over to julian, placing her hand on his forearm in order to still him. “you’ll be fine. the worst she can say is no.” his shoulders deflated with a long sigh, a faint smile making its way to julian’s lips. he placed his hand atop portia’s, squeezing it in thanks. “you’re right, pasha… it’s just…” he shut his eyes. “with such a big question, there’s a lot at stake.”
julian was suddenly led to a nearby chair, portia gently pushing at his shoulders to sit him down. she retrieved a small clay cup, filling it with ice cold water and placing it down on the table. julian looked to the cup, opening his mouth to speak. but portia beat him to the chase.
“ilya. the masquerade is just days away. and even if someone did ask maera before you did, you’d never know until you asked.” she rambled, sending her older brother a stern look. julian blinked, eventually nodding in defeat. “you’re right, you’re right.” he straightened his posture, inhaling and exhaling deeply. portia’s face softened with a smile, the girl placing her hand atop julian’s.
“you’ve got this, i know you do. plus, it may not seem like it, but she does secretly have a flare for the dramatic just like a certain someone i know.” she reassured julian with a playful wink. a soft chuckle escaped him, the male standing with a growing smile. “maera should be in the library about now, just hope she isn’t in one of her moods.”
julian nodded at portia’s words, “thank you pasha. i’ll definitely make it up to you by getting you those pastries from the new bakery.” he chuckled. portia’s smile widened, the girl nodding enthusiastically as she began to push julian to the door of her home. “i’ll hold you to it then! off you go!”
with a laugh, julian left his sister’s home and began to make his way into the palace library. it was quiet as he expected, the scent of old books quickly filling his senses. he looked about, turning his head every now and then. movement behind a bookshelf caught his eye, julian quick to make his way over.
there, maera balanced a few books in the crook of her left arm. her right hand brushed over the spines of the books, her eyes quickly skimming over the different titles. julian cleared his throat, doing his best to announce his presence. maera’s head slowly turned to him, a brow raised in silent question. “julian.” she greeted, giving him a small nod. “maera, hi, let me help you with those.” he quickly swooped in to take the books from her arms, the woman handing them off to him without hesitation.
“thank you. is there something i can help you with?” she tilted her head slightly, eyeing julian for a moment. the male blinked, giving her a sheepish smile before gesturing to the table behind him. “why don’t we take a seat first?” he suggested, beginning to lead the way. he carefully set the books down, a few books already open to show different symbols and some thing he recognized as runes. “personal project?” he asked, gently brushing his gloved fingers over a specific symbol.
“you could say that, yes. now, what is it you need?” maera asked, crossing her arms. julian swallowed thickly, turning to maera with a nervous smile. “well, you see-” he cleared his throat. “the masquerade is just days away, and i was wondering if-” “i accept.” “-if you would like to accompany me. only if you’d like of course! i would never-”
julian was silenced mid-sentence when maera grabbed his cheeks and pressed her lips to his. he blinked in shock, his face flushing red in record time. eventually, he leaned into the kiss, gently placing his hands on her hips. even when they pulled away, julian was still flushed to the tips of his ears. 
“there was no need to be nervous, ilya.” the woman chuckled, sending him a little smile as she snaked her arms around his neck. “i was wondering when you would ask. and if you never did, i would’ve asked you.” julian laughed softly, shaking his head with a smile. “that’s fair… sorry for keeping you waiting then my dear.” he moved to gently brush a strand of jet-black hair behind her pointed ear, his fingers brushing over the base of her onyx horn. maera shuddered at the contact, momentarily leaning into his touch before pulling away.
“we can continue this later, yes? now that you’re here, i hope you don’t mind me stealing you away for a bit.”
julian nodded, “of course, i’ll always help you to the best of my ability.” he smiled, looking over the pages of the books maera had open. “thank you ilya. we’d best get started now then if we want to make it for supper.”
“aye-eye captain.”
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rkkyungsoo · 5 years
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#5007 episode 2: interview
Kyungsoo begun his preparation for the interview as soon as he stepped off of the stage. Being one of the first to perform, Kyungsoo had plenty of time to think about what he wanted to say. The interview questions were likely similar to the ones in the first episode and from what he saw in the episode, people’s interviews were more likely aired if they gave negative reactions. This meant, at least in his mind, if he wanted more screen time, he had to give interesting responses, possibly the sort that could start controversies.
He fixed his eyes on the stage, keeping note of interesting performances while also thinking about who he could potentially take a dump on. The safest option was likely Suwoong since the guy would never be able to truly hate him after all the free rides he got over the years. However, from what was shown of the first episode, there was already a strong rival thing between two family members. Perhaps a loving cousin relationship would suit the camera’s taste better. That, was literally the only reason why he actually got up and clapped during dear Susu’s performance when he ran around the stage like an idiot asking for more cheers. When he realized not many other people were standing up, Kyungsoo awkwardly sat back down again - it was such an embarrassing moment.
What? You think he should just be honest and answer however he want? Don’t be a fool. If this didn’t work out, Kyungsoo had to go back on his path to future CEO and any misbehaviour on this show could come back to hunt him. There was no way in hell he was going to let a televised survival show he entered on whim affect his public image, even if it was aired years before his potential success. An intelligent man must think ahead and Kyungsoo knew from a brief once over of the crowd of kids that there were quite a few who thought things through like he did, despite their young age.
Perhaps he shouldn’t risk railing on people yet. Maybe later, when he has more information.
What did you think of the results last week?
“There were quite a lot of contestants eliminated. I’ll be honest, I lost a lot of familiar faces and now have to figure out who to sit with.” He smiled, giving his head a light shake. He didn’t like sitting with strangers but the idea of making new friends also felt exhausting. Kyungsoo will admit, he wasn’t the extroverted type like his cousin and most of his close friendships involved a persistent person who didn’t mind his silence, judgment and occasionally smacks to the shoulder. Just sit with Suwoong? Oh hell no. He’d rather get shot than sit with his loudass cousin and his pack of howling wolf friends. “You guys have to admit, I may not be a good dancer but I know a solid choreo when I see it. All of the dancers I really enjoyed made it through to this round.” Hoseok, Yena and Taeyang.
How do you think you did?
“Everyone certainly looked shocked when I threw my glasses on the ground. I hope I didn’t scare anyone but I was trying really hard to get in character. I think when you channel a certain persona, your voice naturally changes to fit it. I like telling stories with my performance.”
Do you still have those glasses?
He nodded, pulling them out of his pocket with an awkward smile. “In case I become an idol one day, these will be on sale as Do Kyungsoo’s smashed glasses during MGAS 5 performance. I was thinking about charging an insane amount of money.” His expression showed that he wasn’t serious. “Just joking, interviewer noona. I am planning on keeping them as a souvenir. A reminder that I was on the stage and I did a performance I am proud of.”
Who do you think is the best under each skill?
“I don’t listen to enough rap songs to be able to determine what is considered a skilled rap performance. Hyeon did catch my attention because of his song choice because it wasn’t fast all the way through and had slow parts. In addition, I liked the little movements he did with his hands while rapping. Those movements were small but they were quite on beat, I think.” Perhaps the kid was secretly an all star and can dance too. Kyungsoo wouldn’t be surprised. If he could move well with his hands already absent minded, then who’s to say what he could do with his feet.
Dance wise...hmmm. “Yeji chose a very passionate song and I definitely felt it in her expressions. Taeyang was good as always but of course, I still like Hoseok the most. Oh, Eric did a girl group song, didn’t he? I remember laughing during that because it was fun. Hyunggu did a mash up and I thought that was creative.”
Singers he shouldn’t talk about too much because of direct competition, but bringing up one or two should be fine. “Yuri was good. The song she chose was one of my favourites from the movie.”
@rksuwoong​, @hobirk​, @rktaeyang​, @rkhyeon​, @rkkhg​, @yuzurk​, @rkyeji​ & @rkyuri​
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spideyzgirl · 2 years
↳ *so far gone* ༉‧₊˚✧
summary: you’re starting to feel as if you aren’t a priority in peters life.
warnings: angst, some fluff, cursing
tom!peter x reader
wc: 867
taglist | masterlist
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to say peter parker is busy is an understatement. he juggles college, work, keeping up a social life, and being spider-man all in one go. you were beyond proud of him, but you can’t help but feel left out from his life most days.
of course you knew what it meant to be his partner. you knew his job and life were both very demanding of him most of the time and how much stress and responsibility has been packed onto him, so you knew better than to be selfish with him. but to your dismay, he’s starting to show up less for you.
a lot of dates get postponed, your days together are cut short, nights even shorter, phone calls unanswered, texts left on delivered for hours on end. it’s all starting to become too much for you.
you were lucky enough to find yourself laying in his arms tonight on your living room sofa, watching reruns of gossip girl. you wanted to spend as much time with him as you possibly could, but instead found yourself zoning out, thinking about how rare these moments have become between you two.
being the nervous boy he is, peter picked up on your silence, worried you weren’t enjoying his company.
“you alright y/n? you know you go a little cross eyed when you zone out right?” he tried suppressing a laugh.
you debated on speaking up about your problem, knowing it could potentially cause an argument. that was the last thing you wanted. you’d rather make the most of this night with him.
“i just have a lot on my mind i guess.” you gave a reassuring smile.
“wanna talk about it?”
if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he could sense your worries.
the words came out before you could stop them. “i don’t like how much time we’ve been spending apart.”
“what do you mean? i thought i was doing pretty good considering the double life i live…”
“really? it’s been nearly a month since i saw you.”
“yeah well, i lead a pretty busy life y/n. i thought you understood that.”
peter shifted away from you to see your face more, hoping you were just messing with him. he realized you weren’t & gave you a small frown.
“believe me, i do. i just feel like you could show up a little more for me you know?”
“y/n don’t you think you’re being a little selfish? i’ve already got so much stacked on my plate right now.”
“are you even listening to me? i just want to see you more peter. fuck, a simple phone call would do.” you raised your voice a little without even realizing.
“you can’t be serious right now.” he chuckled.
you stared at him in disbelief. you were starting to feel neglected in your relationship with him, and he doesn’t seem to get that.
peter shot up immediately, gathering his things and putting his shoes on by your front door. he decided that he’s had enough of you for one night.
“what- you’re not actually leaving in the middle of an argument are you?” you stood up in annoyance.
“i’m not doing this with you, okay? i’m tired and i’m gonna head back to my place.” he rubbed his eyes in frustration but immediately stopped once he heard you sniffling.
he made you cry. fuck.
peter instantly felt guilty about how he handled tonight. he asked you to share what was on your mind and had invalidated your feelings. he might as well have said ‘fuck you, i’m too busy for this relationship’.
he noticed how you hid your face in your hands and how badly you started to tremble and without hesitation, he ran over to you and held so tight you could’ve snapped.
“y/n i’m sorry baby, i really am. i didn’t mean to make you feel this way. god, i feel awful. i’ll do better, i promise.” he definitely missed the feeling of you in his arms. has it really been that long since he held you like this? he should’ve noticed earlier how deprived you were of each other. peter realized how much he hasn’t seen you in the past few weeks, and it killed him.
he started leaving kisses on your head as you started to calm down. you took your hands from your face & wrapped you arms around him and nuzzled into him, not wanting to let him go just yet.
“there she is.” he smirked at you, making you giggle. a comfortable silence fell between the two of you as you embraced each other for a while. you could stand like this forever if it meant being in peters arms.
“stay with me tonight?” you mumbled into his neck, breaking the silence. he nodded & led you to your room, the both of you snuggling under the covers. usually peter liked being the little spoon, but he could make an exception for you tonight.
peter left light kisses on your shoulder, as you sighed in content. you felt yourself drifting off to sleep before you gave one last remark, “i don’t cross my eyes when i zone out, jerk.”
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taglist 🏷
@niallhoransupremacy @raajali3 @crazyknight @evermoresilk @hqllandxx @popeheywardssecretgf
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Through The Screen || (BEN Drowned)
So this was a thought I had and now it's here... @smutty-ki113r I blame you for this.
I actually have no idea how this turned out so... I hope you enjoy?
Warnings: NSFW, GN(afab)!reader, voyeurism, masturbation, minors-dni. (wc: 867)
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He was only planning to scare you a little. A joke between the two of you due to that day’s earlier conversation. He was just going to mess with your laptop a bit, he certainly wasn’t expecting to see this through your screen. Your flushed and flustered expression, lips parted as your breath comes out in gasps, eyes lidded as you keep them glued to the screen. Your fingers slowly rubbing circles over your clothed heat as you watch the intimate actions playing on your laptop.
BEN couldn’t look away.
He swallowed thickly. He shouldn’t be watching this, he should respect your privacy. He should disconnect from your device and pretend this never happened. And he’s going to! Right… now… Yet he couldn’t tear himself away from you. In all his wildest fantasies, nothing could compare to the real thing. Seeing you like this… You’re more beautiful than he could ever imagine.
A whimper left you, then a moan as you pushed your fingers harder against your clit. You bite down on your lip and whine, watching as the man on screen licked and sucked at the woman’s folds. You stop, sitting up straight enough to pull your shirt off and tug your underwear down to your ankles, kicking the pair onto the floor.
You pause the video and stand up, walking out of BEN’s field of view for a moment. He could hear shuffling in the background. Now he should stop, he should disconnect and- but then you were back and he was once again enraptured by you. There was a lusty haze in your eyes that made him shiver. He wanted you to look at him that way…
The video was started up again, your fingers resuming their teasing on your now uncovered clit. Your other hand trailing up and down your chest as your eyes were locked to the screen once more. Completely and blissfully unaware that you were being watched.
BEN felt his chest tighten as he watched your fingers dip into your folds, coated in slick. Whining as you curl them inside yourself, desperate to fulfill the ache that consumed you. He wanted to touch you, he wanted to taste you, he wanted to be the one to please you and push you over the edge of euphoria. He couldn’t help wanting to join you in your pleasure, even if you didn’t know it. Kicking off his own pants, he palmed himself through his boxers. Damn how he wished it was your hand…
You let out another whine as you watch the actors on screen. You reach on hand towards the object you had gotten earlier, your favorite toy, and begin to rub it along your slit. You wanted it so bad…
BEN’s breathing was heavy and hot, unable to turn his attention anywhere else but you as his hand ran over his cock. His thumb running over the head and smearing precum down the shaft. A soft groan left his throat at the thought of you, legs spread for him.
“Please…~” You whisper, the head of your toy just barely pushing into you. “Please, BEN…~” You gasp, pushing the toy in further.
He nearly chokes on air as his dick twitches in his hand. Did he really hear that? Was that his name you were gasping?
You call out his name with a lewd moan as you begin to thrust the toy into you. Your vision blurry with lust, your mind was running wild as your head fell back and your eyes fluttered shut. You longed for his touch, you wanted to feel his hands on your body, his lips against yours. You wanted his cock to fill you to the brim instead of the damn toy.
BEN couldn’t believe what was happening. He wouldn’t believe it, yet he was seeing it unfold before him with his own eyes. You were thinking of him, you were getting off at the thought of him. He cursed under his breath as he fucked his hand, wanting nothing more than to replace that stupid toy you were using and fuck you into your mattress. He watched as your thrusting picked up speed, he matched your motions.
You were so close, you just needed a little more! Your other hand found its way to your clit once more, abusing the little pearl as you thrust the toy deep inside you. Your hips thrust upward as the orgasm hit you like a brick. You keened out BEN’s name, letting it escape you like a mantra as your muscles twitched and your vision went white. Eventually, your body settled and fell lax. Your breathing heavy, you pull the toy from you and set it to the side.
BEN watched as you lay there, briefly glancing down at the mess he made and grimacing before grabbing for some tissues to clean up. That beautiful show you put on… that would be burned into his mind until the end of time. With one last glance at your tired form, he disconnected from your laptop. Sitting back in his chair, a small smirk crossed his face. Next time he wouldn’t be watching… next time he’ll be right there with you.
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kazububs-archived · 2 years
Manjiro "Mikey" Sano - Prompt #20 "Why? Why not me?"
warnings: angst, unrequited love, mikey sacrifices his happiness for yours, fem!pronouns used.
wc: 867 / request
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You look stunning. He can’t deny that and won’t even try to. Simply angelic is how Mikey would describe you. The dress fits your body perfectly, showing off your curves and highlighting it all so perfectly. Mikey could sing praises of you for hours on end. He can’t stop the smile that breaks through as you turn the corner, the piano vibrates throughout the church hall.
Friends, family, loved ones all gathered to see you here today, on your big day. A wedding is every girl's dream, right? He can see the tears gathering on your lash line as you giggle nervously trying to keep them from ruining the hard work done by the makeup artist. The bouquet strikes against your dress with pink and red hues as you clench it into your chest. The music slows before picking up a more traditional sound.
Mikey always thought it was kind of cliche to use the song you’ve both heard so many times for weddings in movies and tv. But to see you smiling, walking down the aisle with pure love and adoration in your eyes; he couldn’t help but tear up. The same feeling swimming deep in his chest, a pure love for you. 
He hopes his hands aren’t too sweaty, or at least to the point of being noticeable. As everyone sits down, he can’t help but stare. You look breathtaking, even more so up close. A few stray tears slip down his cheeks as you giggle, wiping them away for him. The officiant starts their speech, welcoming everyone on behalf of the happy couple before them. “I believe the couple has prepared their own personal vows for each other? Miss y/n would you like to say yours?” 
“Yeah, okay sorry m’ trying to make sure I don't cry!” Laughs reverberate in the church hall, “When I meet you, I could never imagine we would end up like this. I thought we were just two dumb kids in love, but look how far we’ve gotten! I didn’t know that I could love, actually and truly love till I met you. You’ve made me the person I am today, through the good and the bad you’ve stayed with me throughout it all. I felt like I had someone to complete me. I felt like I could do anything as long as you were standing there right next to me. Every morning I wake up and choose you; I choose us. And I don’t wanna have it any other way baby.” 
Oh god, how was he supposed to keep his composure when it feels like you’re spilling your heart out to him. Manjiro replayed these words of his for months, you make him come to his most vulnerable spots and with these vows that have infected his mind for months, he hopes to show you. 
It feels like a blur as words just stumble out of his mouth. Mikey hopes that he’s saying the right things, that he’s able to pour his heart out to you and show how much he loves you. That he would kill a million men if it meant that you would be with him for the rest of your lives. That he would do anything you asked, he would give his eternity up for you. He would do anything to be with you. But every dream, you must wake up. 
“I now pronounce you, husband and wife! Draken, you may now kiss your bride.” 
Cheers call out as Draken leans down, pulling you into a kiss as Mikey feels the tears well up again. Pressing his eyes shut tightly as you and Draken walk down the aisle. Everyone else follows suit to the cocktail hour. The sound of heels clicking against the wooden floor makes him look up down the aisle, seeing Emma approaching him.
“Hey, how are you holding up?” Mikey gives her a half-hearted smile as he starts to make his way outside, everything feeling too suffocating; too real. “Mikey!” the clicking gets louder, it feels like it's inside his head. “You don’t need to follow me, m’ fine. Course I’m happy for Ken-chin and Y/n-chan. She deserves to be happy and I’m not going to take that away from them. So just drop it.” Mikey spits out, eyes void as tears build up, a tight smile adorning his face as Emma comes closer. 
“Mikey stop it, please. You’re allowed to have feelings, I know how you felt about Y/n. I’m here for you, please Mikey.” Emma whispers as she wraps her arms around Mikey laying her head on his shoulder. She can feel his breathing picking up as he sniffles, “It’s okay, no one else is here Mikey, you’re okay.”
Mikey drops his head down on her shoulders gripping her back for support as he chokes out tears. “I just wanted her to be happy. So why do I feel so bad about seeing her happy? Why? Why not me? Why couldn’t I be the one that could bring her happiness?” Emma strokes his back attempting to calm him down as tears run down his face, replaying the first kiss over and over again in his head.  
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taglist: @bonten-slxt @tokyometronetwork
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r2katsu · 2 years
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WC: 867 words
mha m.list | gn!reader | comfort
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You were sitting behind your desk headphones blasting your ear drums dried tears on your cheek your long sleeved shirt moist from whipping the never ending tears that flow. Your room is lit by your laptop screen playing your playlist on loop, maybe for the last hour you lost track of time at this point. Man what the hell happened why are you being like this right now?? Through all the times you worked hard to get through this yet it still caught up to you.
You didn’t come down to the kitchen with the rest of your classmates and now a worried Midoriya Izuku, now checking his phone to see when was the last time you were online, you threw your phone on the bed not wanting to even have the slightest contact with it.
Izuku was even more worried that you didn’t answer his calls and texts, to your dorm then. He walked up to your door checking if anybody saw him there not wanting the unwanted attention from his classmates. He knocked, no answer. He called out for you, still no answer. Apologizing in his mind for barging in your room uninvited while he jiggled the door knob, oh door’s open.
He saw the light of the laptop screen and your face, God have you been crying for hours?? Seeing you hugging your legs close to your chest resting your chin on your knee you’re still oblivious to the fact he’s right there at your door way. His heart sank at this sight of you, you’re in this state and nobody knew??  He didn’t know…Out of all the many regrets he has he’s adding another one at the top of his list, how come nobody told him?? Did the others even bother to check up on you?? Shit shit guilt filled his lungs he couldn’t speak, his voice stuck in his throat. “Damnit say something Izuku!”
“Y/N??” He managed to usher out faint and shaky but it was better than nothing but no answer, you were still staring at your screen as you wiped your eyes with your sleeve he mustered up the courage to walk up to you touching your shoulder which made you jump back at the sudden contact “How the hell did he get in here??? Fuck…I forgot to lock the damn door.” You cursed yourself in your mind. “Do you need anything, Zuku?” You went back to looking at your screen lowering the volume enough to hear him, you’re not looking at his eyes Izuku thought.
“Y/N..” A choked out sob of your name filled your ears and your heart dropped. Why was he crying?? “Hey hey hey Zuku what’s wrong??” A sniffle came from him “I should be asking you that- You weren’t answering any of my calls or texts and I- I got worried. You didn’t came to eat dinner with us I was worried sick about you-”
You cupped his face wiping his tears as he held on to your arms “Hey, I’m sorry I just- needed some alone time I was just upset about something, I’m okay Zuku see I’m all good.” You smiled trying to reassure him by the way he looked up to meet your eyes. He knew you were lying. “How long have you been crying for?” “I lost track of time.” “Why didn’t you tell me you were upset?? I got so worried.” You pull him into a hug “I know I know I’m sorry.” “You’re not supposed to be the one apologizing, it should be me. I should've known you were feeling down I could’ve been there to help you I- I-”
You heart broke hearing him break down like this, never you would have thought that hearing him cry in choked sobs and through sniffles could be this heart wrenching. “Don’t apologize, I chose to deal with it alone and I know you would always help me but I wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.” He wiped his tears away with his arm and let out a sigh “Please the next time you’re feeling down just tell me so I wouldn't have to worry so much.” He stopped mid sentence to look at you “And I get it you want to go through it alone but please I’m here for you I’m here to help  I’m your boyfriend after all..” You smiled as he was blushing after what he just said. You pull him again to an even tighter hug while rubbing along his back “Thank you.” “I love you, you know that right?” You let out a small giggle “Everyday you make me feel like I’m worth all the love there is in this world.” You nuzzled your face to his shoulder, as he rubbed your back “Let’s get you some food shall we?” “Heck yeah.”
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write a small thing about Eddie giving reader his moms old leather jacket when the power goes out in the winter. My mom just gave me hers and thats all I can think about.
I made this really fluffy. Like, it's all fluff. Basically, this is a fluff-only zone.
Warnings: language a lil bit, some suggestiveness
WC: 867
The air was thick with the prospect of rain as you pulled up to Eddie's trailer, and the downpour started no sooner than you walked through the door.
"Good thing we decided to stay home tonight, sweetheart," he says, planting a sloppy kiss on your lips. You feign disgust before giving him a wet kiss of your own.
"What movie did you get?" you ask.
He holds up the VHS and your heart leaps. Your beaming smile warms him.
"You're really gonna watch Pretty in Pink with me?" The movie had been checked out from Family Video ever since it hit the shelves, and you hadn't seen it since it was in theaters.
Eddie nods. "Told Harrington to put it aside the second someone returned a copy."
You fling your arms around his neck and hug him. "Have I told you that you're the best boyfriend ever?" You toy with the guitar pick around his neck and look into his eyes.
"Never hurts to hear it again," he laughs as he pulls you in for another kiss.
Twenty minutes into the movie, a flash of lightning illuminates the entire trailer. The lights flicker and the place rattles with the following clap of thunder.
You're snuggled up into Eddie's chest, the two of your curled up in a blanket. His arm is draped lazily over your shoulder as he chews on a peanut M&M. Your own fingers toy with the frayed hems of his ripped jeans. You're both so cozy that you barely notice the raging storm until the power goes out, leaving you in total darkness.
"Shit," Eddie mutters, but doesn't move from his spot. "This sucks."
You giggle. "Oh, yeah. Poor Eddie Munson, stuck inside with his girlfriend, and can't think of anything to do."
You don't have to see his face to know that he's wearing a cocky grin as he throws the blanket to the floor and climbs on top of you, peppering kisses all over your face.
"Eddie," you say, laughing as you gently push him off. "C'mon, Wayne will be home soon. Let's just find some flashlights."
You feel the icy chill of the cold January night once Eddie's body heat is off of you. Your teeth chatter as you carefully rummage through the kitchen drawers for a source of light.
"Babe, are you cold?" Eddie calls from his room. You hear the click of a flashlight turn on, and the small hallway is quickly illuminated.
"Um, kinda," you admit shyly. "It's okay, though. I can just wrap myself in the blanket."
"Absolutely not," he replies firmly. "Give me a sec. Been meaning to give this to you, anyway." He disappears back in his room and reemerges holding a worn leather jacket. You can tell by the cut and style that it's meant for a woman.
Eddie helps you into it, fixing the collar and smoothing it down. He takes a step back, keeping the light trained on your body. "Wow," he says, and you see tears brimming at his eyes, "you look beautiful."
You're flattered, albeit confused by his intense reaction. "Eds, are you okay?" You hold his hand gently, stepping into him.
"Y-yeah," he clears his throat and looks into your eyes. "'S just...this was my mom's jacket."
You take a sharp breath in, your heart plunging. Eddie had talked about his mom a few times in the six months you'd been together, and you know he'd adored her. You regretted not knowing her when she was alive and gladly listened to Eddie's stories about her. Still, this was big.
"Wow," you echo him, at a loss for words. "Thank you for letting me wear it," you finally manage, hugging him tightly. The smell of his cologne wafts through the air.
"Sweetheart," he gently tilts your head, "I don't just want you to wear it...want you to keep it." He breaks the eye contact sheepishly, letting his gaze fall to the floor.
"A-are you sure?" you ask, then quickly clarify, "I mean, I love it and I'm so honored, but I'd never want to take something of hers unless you're really sure."
His response to that is a kiss so passionate and deep that you nearly fall over, legs turning to jelly as he holds your face in the hand without the flashlight.
"Does that answer your question?" he teases, running his thumb over your lower lip.
"Hmm, I don't know," you goad back, pressing your chest against his. "Might need a confirmation."
You think he's going to kiss you again, and he surprises you when he talks. "I've, uh..." he starts, combing his fingers through his curls, "I've been waiting to give that to the girl I love."
It feels like all of the oxygen leaves your body. You haven't yet told each other I love you; well, not until just now. You certainly felt it, though you've been too scared to say anything.
"You love me?" you ask, feeling a smile spread across your face.
"More than anything, sweetheart," he answers, and you know he means it. "You're the one for me."
"I love you, too," you breathe, and you're still smiling as you kiss him again.
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pairing: cypher x gn reader
req: yes | wc: 867
anon: heyy is there a chance i could request a scenario with cypher and a gn s/o that's really affectionate? like make it really fluffy pls... i wanna give that man so many cuddles he DESERVES it he needs rest and lots of kisses :)
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The sun’s in your eyes, even through your eyelids, begging you to wake up. It is now that you think, ‘I should’ve picked the side away from the window’, and, ‘If only I’d closed the blinds last night’; but you didn’t, so you had to deal with your consequences now.
With a groan, you turn towards the other side of the bed, which you quickly find to be occupied by your lover. You vaguely remember laying down in your lonesome.
Cypher often stayed in his workshop working late nights, and you don’t blame him, even if you wished he didn’t work this much. He must’ve turned in for bed sometime after you. Shame, it would’ve been nice to drift off together.
He seems… so vulnerable right now. You know he doesn’t like that feeling, vulnerability, with anyone; anyone but you. Perhaps he locked the door last night? Regardless, he has an invisible trip somewhere outside your room. It’d probably alert you with a blaring alarm; it’s a good thing no one’s decided to walk the corridor right now, else you wake up with a jump.
He’s got his mask down, and my, is he a sight to behold. He’s on his side, facing you. The sight of him would be the reason you’re waking more and more by the second, if it weren’t for the bright taste of the morning sun being the biggest reason to your conscious state.
His own hands are loosely intertwined in front of his face, obstructing your view of him a little. However, it doesn’t stop you from admiring him. His eyes are closed, neither shut tight or held slack, eyelashes long and pretty. His lips form a small frown, a resting face you’re sure, and are also a bit pursed. The curls atop his head are messy from his tossing around the bed.
One of his ankles is slung on top of the other, and surprisingly, not around your legs or waist. For once, he’s not clinging onto you.
“Rise and shine, Amir.” Mmh, your voice is rather groggy. With Cypher being your sort of battery this fine morning, your body objects with your voice.
He stirs and grumbles in response, lips parting slightly and eyes screwing shut.
You turn slightly to check the time on the alarm clock, then back. “It’s around 10 am, my love.”
“It’s our offday.” He replies.
He had a point. Suppose you couldn’t argue.
Still, you’re awake now. No chance you’d be able to fall back asleep without a struggle now, and no chance you’d be getting up without him, either. Struggle it is.
In an attempt to distract yourself, you take his hand in yours. The palm’s rough, calloused, perhaps a little blemished from soldering accidents. In contrast however, the dorsal side is much smoother. You can’t help but place a kiss on each of his tan knuckles, one by one, one after the other; and when you run out of knuckles, you repeat from the beginning.
Cypher hums, seemingly pleased at your actions. Though his body agrees with this, it seems he does not. “Stop trying to convince me.”
You chuckle, “I’m not.”
“Just distracting myself, ‘s all.”
You’re sure he rolls his eyes under his eyelids. “Don’t believe it, not in the slightest.” Despite his somewhat disappointed tone, by the little smirk he wears on his lips, you’re sure his speech is a facade.
His other fingers twitch a little. He wants you to kiss his other hand, doesn’t he?
You set his hand on the other, and for a moment, Cypher thinks it’s all over. These thoughts only disintegrate when you take his other hand.
This time, you lay a kiss to the center of his rough palm, leading to his fingers curling in on themselves against your face. The movement tickles the fuzz on your skin.
“Stop.” He whines again, but it sounds more like ‘continue’ to you.
So, you kiss along his life line, head line, health line… by the time you begin on the heart line, his fingers don’t curl in on themselves, instead, sparsely around your face. This stops you in your tracks, of course, successfully.
Even with his fingers covering most of your view, you're able to take a peek through the gaps between them into his beautiful and bleary eyes.
“Okay. I’m up.” He huffs at the smug grin on your lips as he removes his hand from your face, but not from your hold. “That little stunt you pulled? Not great, love.”
“Oh, what is it, Amir? You can pretend to not like it all you want, bu-”
“I liked it.” He sighs, “There, is that better?”
“Absolutely.” He rolls his eyes, and this time, you can actually see it.
“C’mere. I wasn’t lying about not trying to wake you.” Taking a tighter hold on his hand, you pull him against you. His chest is flush against yours, now; and one of his legs instinctively slings over your hips.
And for the second time, he says, “I don’t believe you.”
“Mmhm?” You hum inquisitively.
“Mhm.” Cypher hums affirmatively.
His words sound bitter. Is he really though? To quote him, ‘not in the slightest’.
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