#wait a minute i just realized if i spelled it chris i would just be cj what
synthshenanigans · 11 months
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storiesbyjes2g · 17 days
3.116 What if
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One morning, I got up, determined to ease back into the SimTube game. I wasn't quite ready to make another video, so I opted to read and respond to comments, mostly apologizing for my absence. Scrolling and reading through them, I began to understand why my one video performed so well. The comments were predominantly from thirsty girls shooting their shots. It was kinda weird knowing women drooling over me fueled my success, but it got me paid, so... Sophia would have a field day with that one.
I heard her march downstairs, enter the bathroom, and turn on the tub. Minutes later, the toilet flushed. Then, the crying started. Though I loved and admired her tenacity, I couldn't take much more of her heartbreak. The treatments should have worked already. Was the doctor wrong? It felt like we were dealing with infertility, not low fertility. Suddenly, a heaviness accompanied by a random yet à propos thought fell on me. What if she wasn't the only one with a problem? What if I was the reason she hadn't gotten pregnant yet? As chilling as that thought was, it gave me a weird sense of hope. If I had a problem, maybe a doctor could fix it. I got up immediately and left the house as quietly as I could because I didn't want to Sophia hear me leaving while she was in there bawling her eyes out. I went to the hospital to get my fertility checked, and it turned out I too had low fertility. Of course I did. Nothing in my life was ever easy. The doctor gave me the same schpiel: try the treatments blah blah blah...artificial insemination yada yada yada...adoption and surrogacy womp womp womp. We were painfully aware of our options, but of course he didn't know that. I hadn't given up hope that we could birth our own child, but I knew Sophia wouldn't want us spending more time and money on those treatments, especially since we both needed them now. I told the doctor we would probably want to do IVF and asked if I could go ahead and leave a sample, and he said yes.
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When I got home, Sophia was entertaining Chris Michaelson. We lived next door to them now, and he came to welcome us.
"Luca! Where'd you go?" she asked.
"Uhhh...I'll tell you later."
Seeing him under these circumstances reminded me Celeste had mentioned their children were adopted. I chatted and caught up with him for a bit, but when Sophia was out of earshot, I got down to business and asked him about his experience with adopting children. I hadn't realized Celeste was a trans woman, so they had always planned to adopt. Though their experience differed greatly from ours, I still enjoyed hearing about his life and the joy his children brought him. Time had flown by crazy fast, though. When I first met them, Orion, their daughter, was just a baby. Now she was in high school! And their son, Atlas, was married. I still felt as young as I was back then, but my birthday came barreling around the corner right behind Sophia's. Mama used to look at Less and I and jokingly ask us to stop growing. I totally understood what she meant now.
Speaking of Less, she texted me, inviting us to bar hop with her and some friends. First of all, since when did she have friends? Secondly, weren't we too old to be bar hopping like university students? Third, I didn't feel like being social. I had some potentially devastating news to share with my wife, and who knew if she would be up for it. Unfortunately for me, Sophia was nearby when my notification chime went off, and I made the mistake of groaning after reading the message. Naturally, she asked what was wrong, and I told her of the invite. She was in a good mood at the time and insisted I accept.
"Maybe that guy she was swooning about will be there," she said.
I did want to meet that schmuck and see what kind of spell he put on my sister. I also didn't want to ruin Sophia's good mood with my news, so I replied and told Less we'd be there. The tears could wait until tomorrow.
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iamawolfstarsimp · 1 year
Sup bitches I'm back
Pretty excited about this fic but just as a heads up this takes place in atyd in year 6 or 7 so there will be some spoilers in this fic
So yeah enjoy
Remus tried to ignore his intrusive thoughts as he walked into his study session. He hoped Sirius wasn't mad at him for how much time he was spending on school and his lessons instead of with him.
He walked in to find Chris there early, as usual. The boy supposedly liked helping Remus set up and clean up lessons but Remus knew he just liked spending extra time with him, but it was sweet of him to help.
"Hi Remus!" Chris said as he entered.
"Hey Chris," he replied. He put his book bag down by the door. "Do you mind helping me move some of these desks?"
"Not at all!" They set to work moving the desks so that they were in small circles which made it easier to sort the kids by their age and easier to teach them.
Setting up didn't take too long thankfully because soon kids from all different ages started piling in, mostly second and fifth year.
He caught the door opening somehow by itself in his peripheral while everyone was getting seated. He narrowed his eyes and ignored it.
He started off the session smoothly (even though he felt a pair of invisible eyes watching him), thanking everyone for coming and asking them what they needed to work on.
"Alright everyone, we're gonna start off with charms for the second years and then I'll move onto offensive spells for the seventh yEARS-" He yelped at the end, feeling someone squeeze his sides. He turned around sharply but didn't see anyone.
"Uh, sir? Are you alright?" One of the second years asked.
"I'm fine.." he shook his head, refocusing on the class. Fine, if Sirius wanted to mess with him let him.
He finished explaining the plan for today, trying to hide the edge in his voice. Another peaceful ten minutes went by in which they has just gotten into the rhythm of things.
"No no, you're moving your wand too much. It's just a simple- flick. Just like thaa-hahahat!!" Rapid pokes were at the back of his ribs. He snatched at the air but caught nothing. He turned wildly, sifting his arms through the nearby air to see if he could snag any invisibility cloaks but felt nothing but air.
Realizing he must look like an idiot, he stood up straight and returned to his uncomfortably quiet students. They all glanced at each other and pretended not to notice whatever had just happened.
The next time it happened a few students smirked at him. The third, he heard snickers from them and from the invisible annoyance that was Sirius.
He was nearing the end when he felt fluttering on his neck. He fought the urge to scrunch up his neck and clamped his mouth shut.
"A-alright, everyone. We're almost- finished but if anyone wohould like to work on o-one last thihing-" He cut himself off, his shoulders shaking with concealed laughter. Remus heard Sirius huffed behind him.
"Fine you son of a bitch, if you don't wanna laugh then I'll go for a spot I know you'll laugh at." Sirius mumbled before drilling thumbs into his hips. Remus shreiked and grabbed at the hands that were sticking out of the cloak.
They stood like that for a few seconds before Remus dropped to the ground, dragging Sirius along with. The class erupted, all laughing at the two rolling on the ground.
Remus snatched the cloak away from Sirius before he could hide in it. He stood up and grabbed Sirius by the collar.
"It seems we've found our resident trouble maker of today." Remus gave him a devilish grin as the other student either laughed or said "hi Sirius".
Sirius waited at the back of the classroom for everyone to file out before walking back over.
"You're so cute." He smiled innocently.
"You're dead." Remus growled but there was no venom behind his words. "Makes me wish I was still a prefect so that I could give you detention." Sirius laughed.
"Oh yeah? What would my punishment be?" He asked as they pushed the desks back.
"I get a hundred kisses." Remus smirked.
"That sounds amazing! I get to kiss Moony all day, how lovely."
"Alright, cleaning the dungeons with Filch for eternity." Sirius threw his head back and laughed again.
Bit of a rushed ending my bad
Havent read atyd in a while so I'm sorry if I got something wrong
Hope you liked
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worksby-d · 3 years
𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐈𝐭
Pairing: Chris Evans x fem!Reader
Request: “Chris x Reader where they’re friends and had a one-night stand that resulted in a child between them, and although they aren’t together romantically, they maintain a close friendship while raising their kid. The kid is like 3 or 4, and Chris is dating someone, but he hears her make a comment about how Reader just got pregnant on purpose to trap him for his money...”
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Warnings: RPF, mention of a one-night stand, dad!Chris, Chris’ ex gf is shitty, starts a little slow maybe?? but stick around for some classic protective!Chris and friends to lovers vibes hehe
Word count: ~1,500
series masterlist
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Barging into Chris’ house in a hurry, the first thing you hear is your son’s feet hitting the hardwood floor as he runs to greet you. “Mom!”
“Oh,” you chuckle seeing him run around without a shirt on. Crouching down, he runs into you, opening his arms for a hug. “Hi buddy. Did you have fun? Where’s your dad?” You continue asking him about his weekend as you stand back up, and take his hand, pulling him along with you to find Chris. “We gotta get home. He has plans tonight, and I’m late–”
He's standing there laughing when you turn the corner into the kitchen where he just got done cleaning up from dinner. “Very late,” he teases, hoisting the boy up on the counter so he can put his shirt back on him.
“I'm sorry,” you cringe, genuinely feeling bad even though he's clearly not bothered by it. “My meeting just kept going and going. No one would shut– be quiet,” you correct yourself in front of little ears. “I sped here though! I know you have a date, so–”
“It’s okay,” he laughs, cutting off your rambling. “I don't want you speeding, by the way,” he warns playfully, shooting you a look. “Why don't you stay and give him a b-a-t-h so he’s ready for b-e-d. Maybe he’ll s-l-e-e–”
“Wow okay, yeah.” You wave your hands to get him to stop talking and help your son back onto the floor, telling him to race you to the upstairs bathroom. “I had too long of a day for you to be spelling things at me. But that’s a good idea. Then we'll get out of here, I promise.”
“Take your time,” he smiles, watching you turn away to book it up the steps.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
It’s only a couple minutes later when his girlfriend arrives. Setting her stuff on the counter, she heads to the bathroom to freshen up quickly before they go out.
While he waits, he rummages for a spare key to lay on the counter for you so you can lock his door when you leave, but in the process he gets distracted by her phone vibrating loudly against the marble countertop. She mustn't have locked it before setting it down, so without meaning to, he finds himself engrossed in the text conversation she was having with a friend just minutes before.
Maybe that's what I should do. She's set for life now, is what the newest message reads. He wouldn't have given it a second thought if he hadn't caught a glimpse of your name a few messages up.
His face falls as he scrolls through the chat bubbles, even more so realizing she was sat just outside in her car having the conversation.
Oh God, Y/N is still here 🙄 Probably trying to talk him out of going out with me.
His baby mama. Apparently they're still best friends. They had a one-night stand five years ago, I guess. Hence he's stuck with the kid.
That was no accident lmao
That’s what I say. She obviously did it on purpose to keep him and his money around.
“What are you doing?”
Her voice from across the room when she sees him looking at her phone barely fazes him, anger having taken over every one of his senses.
Exhaling a deep breath through his nose, he finally looks up, running a hand over his beard, trying to gather his thoughts. “Just reading these nice messages you were sending about Y/N.”
“Oh, come on,” she tries to wave it off. “I was kidding… You know?”
“Kidding about which part exactly?” He looks back down to reread the messages to her. “The part here where you imply I’m stuck–” He emphasizes the word with air quotes. “–with my son. Or… This part where you accuse Y/N of being some kind of gold digger? Which part was a joke?”
“I'm sorry,” she says carefully. “But everyone thinks it, Chris.”
“No,” he shakes his head, finally putting her phone down. “No, not people who know me and her. People who know me know I love my son, and I love his mother. She is one of my best friends. Sometimes my only friend, I think.”
“Babe, don’t say that–”
“Stop.” He steps back when she reaches to rest a hand on his arm. “You need to leave before they come back down here.”
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Upstairs, you were oblivious to the entire exchange until the very end. The only part you hear is Chris telling her to leave when you step into the hallway to quickly grab a towel for your son.
Not knowing what caused it, you take your time getting him in his pajamas and getting all his stuff together to go home, giving Chris a minute alone.
When you finally reappear downstairs, he’s sitting at his table with a beer, tie removed and buttons on his shirt undone, clearly not going anywhere anymore tonight.
“I thought I heard someone come in,” you break the silence, deciding to play clueless, not wanting him to know you heard anything. “Where'd she go?”
“Oh,” he jumps, sitting up straighter now that you guys are standing there. “She decided she wasn't feeling well,” he shrugs. “So she left.”
Nodding slowly, you let it go for now, and start to tell him you're on your way out, but he’s quick to interject.
“It’s getting late. Would you guys just wanna stay the night?”
“Oh, I don't know,” you pretend to ponder, as if you don't already know what your son’s answer is going to be. “Buddy,” you squeeze his hand and look down at him. “You want to spend one more night here with dad?”
“Sleepover with daddy!” He nods excitedly, running off with his blanket to claim his spot on the sofa, knowing that means a movie night is in store.
“Sleepover with daddy it is,” you laugh.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
The young boy ends up falling asleep pretty quickly, his head resting on Chris' legs while the rest of his body separates the two of you.
“Hey…” Your voice softly pierces the quiet of the dark room to get his attention. “What really happened before? I heard the part where you told her to leave.”
He drops his head back and lets out a deep sigh before facing you and telling you everything.
“I wish I was with you for the money,” you scoff jokingly when he's done. “You haven't given me any!”
“Yeah because you refuse to take it,” he laughs, but pauses suddenly and looks at you more seriously for a split second. “Do you want money?”
“No,” you chuckle, shaking your head. Silence consumes you both again momentarily while you move over to sit closer to him, having to lift your son’s legs so he's on your lap too. “Oh my God,” you groan. “He's heavy. Gonna be fucking huge like you.”
“Uh yeah, better be. I wanna see him in that Patriots defensive line in 30 years.”
“Whatever,” you snort. “I'm sorry your night went to shit.”
“Nah, it didn't go to shit,” he assures you. “I’d rather spend time with you guys anyway.”
You hum and both turn your attention to the movie again for a few seconds.
“Did I tell you about my last date?” He shakes his head no. “He left halfway through because he saw my lock screen, which is a picture of him,” you explain, pointing at your sleeping kid. “I usually don't tell them right away, but he asked so I had no choice, like who else's kid would it be, you know? So he got real nervous acting and did the classic go-to-the-restroom-and-not-return move.”
“Gees,” he sighs, letting out a short laugh. “Sorry.”
“I'm just gonna stop letting guys convince me to go out with them. Never ends well, I swear.”
“Maybe we’re both just meant to be perpetually single.”
“Maybe,” you nod, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Would you ever let me convince you to go out…” His question comes out slow and quiet, once again averting your attention from the TV. “On a date with me,” he clarifies. “I meant.”
“Is this really how you're asking me?” He can't see it, but the grin on your face is impossible to repress. “With Nemo still playing while our kid sleeps on us?”
“Yup,” he laughs quietly. “Apparently so.”
“Well,” you sigh, lifting your head to look at him. “I suppose I let you knock me up… I don't see why I shouldn't let you take me on a date.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ••• ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Tag list: @chris-butt @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @princess-evans-addict @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @bluemusickid @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @flovds @starlightcrystalline @stargazingfangirl18 @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @christhickevans @cevansfans
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stuckwthem · 3 years
hii! can i request a chris evans x reader fic where he’s sick and the reader takes care of him... that’s when he knew he’s in love with her! 💗 love love love your fics!
hii!! thank you so much for your request! it's the first one that i get and write, it makes me so happy knowing that u like my writing so i hope you like it as well!! <33
also i wrote this listening to la la land soundtrack i'm broken send help 😔
chris realizing he's in love with you.
[chris evans x reader]
warning: none i guess, just pure fluff :)
authors note: hey! english it’s not my first language, sorry for any spelling mistake!
requests are open! send me your and i will gladly write it!
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the sun's rays meet your face as soon as the day dawns, and normally, you would get in a fussy mood, but as soon as you feel the warm body by your side, all mist of bitterness vanishes.
you look up, seeing the most beautiful vision to wake up to. chris was sleeping peacefully and looking so comfortable that you couldn't wake him up, so just admiring was enough. after missing chris while he was away filming, every moment like this was worth it.
it was so easy to get lost in his details, his perfect and fluffy blonde messed up hair to his nude chest. and all you wished was that you could lay by his side again and just relax for the rest of the day in your safe heaven in his arms, but it was monday, and you had work waiting for you.
the alarm clock ringing in your cellphone on the nightstand made you leave the daydreaming, getting up quickly to turn it off before chris wake up with the noise, but it was too late. you felt his hands already grabbing your waist, pulling you back to the bed, as he asked you to stay for a little while more.
"can you just lay here with me for some minutes before i miss you for the rest of the day?" he said with his raspy morning voice, looking into your eyes.
"hm i really wish i could, baby" you answered, automatically smiling at his adorable "just-woke-up" face.
in these moments, you just felt the luckiest girl in the world in the arms of this perfect guy, in every sense. it wasn't like you two were dating, but it was a thing going for some months now, and was pretty comfortable, with no pressure and a lot of affection.
chris skimmed gently your back as you were lying on his chest, chills went through your spine, and he laughed softly when he realized how you shivered under his touch. it was just how your body reacted to him, almost exactly how you were feeling inside, and u felt embarrassed at first.
"what are you laughing at, sir?" you said faking sounding mad, scrunching your eyebrows at him, trying to brush it off.
"it's just that you're adorable" he replied with a smile, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"oh, stop that chris! you already have me on your bed" you could feel your body betraying you as your cheeks started to blush. he laughed again, and you felt his body trembling under yours, he was always so extra.
"i'm a romantic guy, okay?" he sounded offended and put his hands on his chest, trying to show how hurt he was. "but seriously, don't think that i'm doing this just to-"
your alarm started to ring again, interrupting him and you felt the relief of not getting in a serious conversation that could make things awkward. you were so scared of losing what you two have, so it was ok the way things were going for now.
"alright, i have to go now" you said getting up quickly. it was a true torture to leave him, but it was needed.
his eyes followed you around the room indiscreetly, always smirking at you as you changed your clothes and got ready for the day. you tried your best to pretend u weren't seeing the way he was watching you, but your mind couldn't stop cursing at him and how you wanted to join him again on that warm bed.
"you look beautiful" chris said as you approached to say goodbye. you rolled your eyes not knowing how to react and smiled automatically. you bend down to kiss him on the forehead, but as soon you did you could feel the overheat.
"hey, are you okay?" you asked worried looking to him, putting your hand on the place you just kissed, checking again. "i think you have a fever"
he sniffed quickly, not answering your question and looked at you kinda guilty. you took the blankets above him, to not make him warmer and he protested, trying to cover his body again like a lazy child.
"i'll get the thermometer, do you know where's it?" you asked promptly, walking towards the door.
"nah, i'm okay y/n, don't need to worry! you will be late at work" he said with a nasal voice probably because of a stuffy nose, about to get up, but you stopped him.
"you're clearly not okay, chris! i can call there and-" you started to say nervously and scratching the back of your neck before he interrupted you.
"i won't let you miss your day, i promise, its nothing, honey"
you sighed heavily and looked at him again, crossing your arms in front your chest, starting to get mad with how stubborn he could be.
"it's fine, i want to take care of you so is better you let me do it, christopher! i won't leave your sick ass crawling all day"
he couldn't help giggle softly about how mad you sounded, and gave up trying to push you away. he looked at you with disbelief on his face, nodding accepting the fact that you're going nowhere.
"is in the second drawer of the bathroom" he shrugged and lay in the bed, resting his weak body.
as you walked towards the bathroom you could hear him coughing, what made you presume he was probably with some flu and maybe some tea would help for now. so after you got the thermometer, you went straight to the kitchen, preparing some honey and lemon tea, hoping that it could make him a bit better.
"wow, you could be my particular nurse" chris said with a smirk when you entered the room, and even when he was a bit off he was still flirting with you all the time.
you giggled offering the cup of tea and he grabbed as you already was putting the thermometer under his arm. chris sipped the hot liquid giving you some approval looks and then put the mug on the nightstand.
"i can't believe you're doing this" he muttered, biting his lips trying to hold a smile.
"why wouldn't i?" you asked rhetorically, smiling at him with pressed lips.
"i mean, you actually care about me enough to be doing this" he rested his head at the headboard, breaking eye contact to look at some random point in the room.
"of course i do! you just being the good old drama queen chris evans that i know" you two laughed with the assumption, but he seemed to be a bit more serious.
you took the thermometer off when it tingled, looking at the numbers worried but at the same time glad that you were correct and could prove it to his stubborn ass.
"104ºF, you're burning! i'll grab a wet towel to put in your forehead, drink your tea!"
you went to do what you just said, returning to his side fast as possible to take care of him.
"i'll make some soup later, you need to rest more, babe. for now, i'll make a breakfast for us" you said carefully and as you put the towel on his head he closed his eyes, whispering something. you furrowed your browns, not understanding.
"what?" you questioned, truly curious and he grabbed your arm, pulling you close.
"i love you" chris opened his eyes, looking deep into your soul as you stand there sitting on the bed by his side, completely static. too shocked to say or do anything. "i have never been so sure of anything in my life, you just make things a million times better every time you're just standing by my side and i never wanna lose this feeling that fortunately is eating me alive. you're the first thing i think when i wake up and the last when i sleep. and you just made me realize this with the way you take care of me so gently, the way you worry with me, the way every single move or thing about you makes me being so desperately addicted to you, it's true, everything indicates that i'm in love with you."
you felt your stomach froze and some pressure above your head making you dizzy. you just couldn't believe what you just heard he was saying so effortlessly. your mouth opened and closed multiple time as you were trying to find the right words.
"say something please" he said in a pleading tone, squeezing your hand, bringing you back to earth, making you feel the impact of his past words once again.
"i...i love you" you declared, feeling your cheeks hurts with how big you was smiling "chris, i never felt so lucky to have someone to be my person, and you are this person. and i don't even know what to say right now with you looking me like that, all i want is to every single day feeling the way i feel right now."
"you don't have to say or do nothing more, honey. just lay here with me and i'm sure that i will feel better"
he didn't need to ask twice. you snuggled beside him, holding his body close, feeling so full and overwhelmed just like him. chris put his arms around you again and you could feel his heart beating so fast just like yours, the rush of emotions going through your bodies like a hurricane.
"i wanna be yours, y/n." he whispered in your ear, stroking your hair slowly. "just to have you taking care of me like that every day and i will do the same"
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cocosstories · 3 years
Chris Evans One Shot
I have an idea for Chris Evans. After Chris and his wife find out they’re having a baby girl. Chris and Scott are building a nursery to surprising her for their anniversary. Love your fics 💖
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"I'll see you two later."
You say to your husband Chris and brother-in-law Scott as you get ready for your girls day out with their mom and sisters. 
"Bye babe. Have fun."
Chris says, standing up from the couch to kiss you goodbye, his hand resting on your growing bump.
You were currently twenty two weeks pregnant with your first child and had just found out that it was going to be a little girl.
You and Chris were so excited to become parents and while you would have been excited either way, you couldn't wait to see Chris become a girl dad. 
As soon as you pulled out of the driveway, the two brothers get up and head to the back of the house to get started on your anniversary surprise. 
"How long will she be gone?"
Scott asks as he helps Chris tarp the floor of the room.
"I asked mom to give us all day if she could."
Chris replies, pulling out the paint cans and rollers. 
The boys each take a wall and start painting, hoping to get it done quickly enough for it to have time to dry while they build the furniture.
"You think Y/N will like the color?"
Chris asks as they finish the last bit an hour later. 
"She will for sure. I know she didn't want something too typical and it will match the furniture perfectly."
Scott confirms, stepping back to admire their work. 
"Alright, lets go build everything while this dries."
Chris says, placing fans at each wall before leading Scott out to the garage where he has everything ready to be built. 
"Can you believe this?"
Scott looks up from his project at his brothers question.
"Believe what?"
"We are building baby furniture. I'm going to be a dad. Something I've wanted for so long."
Chris tears up as he speaks, the reality of his dreams coming true in such a short time hitting him as he builds his daughters crib. 
Scott moves closer to him, putting a hand on his back. 
"It may have taken longer than you thought it would but you and Y/N are perfect together and are going to have a beautiful baby girl. That kid is already so lucky and you are going to be an amazing dad."
Scott squeezes Chris shoulder as they share a quiet moment.
"We gotta get this stuff built."
Chris says, clearing his throat, going back to the half built crib. 
Scott nods with a smile and returns to his spot.
The furniture took a little longer than they had expected but within a few hours, it was all built and ready to be put into the room. 
"Lets get some food and rest for a minute."
Chris says, realizing it was well after lunchtime.
After a quick bite, Scott and Chris get back to work, moving each piece of furniture into the room. 
"I still think the crib should be centered on the wall."
Scott says, taking a step back to look at the newest formation in the room. 
"Yeah, alright."
Chris finally agrees and moves the crib over. 
"Perfect. Ok, what now?"
Chris leaves the room for a moment, coming back with dozens of shopping bags full of clothes, diapers, toys, blankets and anything else the baby could need. 
"Wow, Y/N is prepared."
Scott laughs, going through the bags. 
"This isn't even all of it."
Chris chuckles before leaving the room again. 
Scott finds the crib bedding and starts putting it on while Chris grabs the rest of the stuff. 
Once everything was put away, Chris adds the final touch of wooden letters to spell out your baby's name above the crib. 
"Perfect. Good job bro."
Scott says as the two men look at their work. 
"And just in time too."
Chris says, hearing the front door open. 
"Chris? Scott?"
You call out, setting your bags down on the table. 
"Hi babe. How was your day?"
Chris says as he and Scott come out from the back of the house. 
"Fun. Tiring. What were you guys doing?"
You ask curiously, noticing the dried paint on them.
"We have a surprise for you. Kind of a anniversary gift."
He replies, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway. 
"Our anniversary is next week. Chris, what did you do?"
Chris stops you in front of the closed nursery door and covers your eyes before opening it and leading you inside. 
"You ready?"
He asks, taking his hand from your face as you nervously nod. 
"Go ahead. Open your eyes."
An excited gasp leaves your mouth as you look around at the beautiful room you were standing in. 
"It's perfect. I couldn't have imagined it any better!"
You say, tears in your eyes. 
"You guys did this all today?"
Both boys nod, standing back to let you take the whole thing in. 
"You even hung up all of her clothes!"
You say happily, noticing the full closet. 
"Thank you so much. You have no idea what it means to me."
You say just as the baby kicks and your hand flies to your belly.
"Baby girl says thank you too, daddy." 
You giggle, reaching out for Chris' hand to feel for himself.
"Now I'm going to have to find the perfect gift for you. You set the bar way too high." 
You joke and Chris shakes his head.
"You already did. Her."
He rubs your belly. 
"You're making me a dad. That's the best gift you could have ever given me."
You reach up and kiss him lightly, both of you so happy that in just a few months time, you would be a family of three.
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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I got you.
Request: Anonymous. Hello there, first of all I love your way of writing, the fics are great! Could I send you an request? Maybe the reader and Chris met again after the pandemic, they have an unfinished relationship and she realizes that she still loves him. Don't worry if you don't feel like it, thanks a lot! 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Warning: Mentions of anxiety and the pandemic. A little angst.
Word count: 2687
Notes: Sorry for taking so long! And for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
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There had been so many times when you had imagined yourself growing old with him in that house that you didn't know how to deal with the situation right now. You were in Massachusetts, inside your car, standing in front of his house, without any warning and without knowing how he would react when he saw you after so many months.
You and Chris had a history, a short but passionate history that lasted two and a half years as an established couple and one year with comings and goings. The reason for the break-up was not the end of the love, but the time. The time you spent apart was longer than the time you spent together, your work was not very compatible with his, and although you both did your best to overcome it, it was not enough. Even so, after the friendly break-up the relationship didn't end completely, let's say it never had a point and end, becoming friends with benefits, and it was something that didn't seem to matter to you. However, there was a conversation going on between you, and although neither of you named it, that conversation was present. Every time you coincided for a short period of days everything happened except that conversation, and without it neither of you could evolve, neither of you could have freedom. You felt that you were still bound, and you both knew it.
The global pandemic did not benefit your situation, while he stayed in Boston with his family, you flew home. At first everyone thought that the situation would be resolved in a couple of months at most, but as time went on the problem became bigger. The months passed, the pandemic became uncontrollable and everyone stopped their lives. Your contact with Chris was not lost, but it weakened, there were too many things to think about and the constant fear that something might happen to a loved one made you anxious, and your priorities were elsewhere.
As time went by you discovered to value the little things in life, perhaps because of the pandemic. You realized what really mattered, what made you happy and what you were willing to fight for in your day-to-day life. Chris was one of those things. Your life with him was not perfect, like nothing else in this life, but the positives outweighed the negatives. Confinement allowed you to meditate, to consider how you wanted your future to be and to discover that the important thing was to live in the moment, because you never know what is going to happen. It was clear that during the pandemic you couldn't fight for what you wanted, nor take a plane and fly to where he was, but things would slowly come back to normal, and it would be time to make an important decision.
As you had predicted, light began to appear at the end of the tunnel. Things were relaxing again, taking on a new normalcy and you had to start to take up your old life again. Conversations with Chris had increased over the last few months, you had too much to say but it was a bit difficult for both of you to put it on the screen, so in the end you always ended up talking nonsense and getting a laugh out of each other. Maybe that was what you liked best about him, that he managed to make you smile even in your worst moments. It was comforting to discover that he was well, that he had overcome, with his more and with his less, that period and that your feelings towards him had not changed.
It was obvious that you were back to your routine, and that meant that work would barely let you take a break. The New York company had not dealt with the COVID crisis very well and the situation was quite alarming. You barely had time to reconnect with your friends, as you set foot in New York City hundreds of business problems fell upon you. Stress was trapping you, preventing you from even sleeping at night, and all you needed was to escape from that environment because your head was going to explode. You were told that several trips were planned to discuss the impact the pandemic had had on various locations around the country, and you felt an immediate relief when you were told, unless you could get away from the centre of the bomb.
Your destination was even more comforting, as it was barely 30 kilometres from your previous residence with Chris. The plane left for Boston first thing in the morning, the sky had not yet awakened and you chose to rest your eyes for the 60 minutes that the journey took. You hadn't spoken to him for the last two weeks, basically since you arrived in New York, when he called you, you were in business meetings and always came home in the early hours of the morning, falling into bed. That was your life, quite complicated to complement with external factors.
The meeting with the Boston headquarters was not too negative, which got you to relax and send good news to your company. The most positive factor you brought out is that you had finished early enough to do what you had in mind since you discovered your trip to Boston. You borrowed a car from your company and set off for the house where you had lived for almost two years. You didn't know if he would be there when you arrived or if it would be completely empty, but you erased those thoughts from your mind and just drove.
You knew the route perfectly, you used to do it every morning. It was nice to rediscover the variety of colours that those little forests could have during the autumn. You lowered the window so that the wind would fill the interior of the car, producing extreme relief in you, relaxing every limb and freeing your mind from any stressful event. That's all you wanted during the long, final months of your life. It took you just over 30 minutes to reach your destination, and when you were there the world around you came to a standstill. It had been so long since you had been in front of each other that a little worry had formed inside you.
You assumed that naturalness was the best way to deal with such a situation, so you chose to get out of the car and face what might happen. You analysed the outside of the house, there was no car in the driveway, no sign of anyone inside, but a very familiar voice, along with some barking, guided you to the back of the garden. A wistful look on your face, and your smile widened when you discovered that Dodger, hearing the rustling of leaves under your feet, had noticed you. From the distance he headed towards you at great speed, causing Chris to fix his gaze on you. As usual, Dodger lunged at you, causing you to fall backwards into the wet grass, but you were used to that.
The next few minutes hundreds of emotions met in the air. The reunion with Chris was silent, but many things were said through the eyes. First came the nervous smiles, then the excited look and then the hugs.
"It's been so long since I've hugged you... that I've forgotten how it feels to be hugged by you," he whispered those words in your ear and made you tremble, wishing that the embrace would never end.
There were no questions between the two of you, no "What are you doing here" or "Why did you come here", you didn't need an answer to either of them, you wanted to focus on the moment. You went back into that house, for the first time in a long time, accompanied by a Dodger that was fully seeking your attention and that almost prevented you from walking.
"Let's go, buddy! Let Y/N in the house," he said trying to catch him. "Oh, he just ignores me. I'm sorry you'll have to manage on your own. He has chosen, very smart."
Chris' comment made you show a sweet smile as Dodger tried to lick your whole face as you crouched at his height.
"I've missed you too, sweetie," you said, standing up as you could.
You headed inside the house, where Chris was watching you with a tender expression on his face. As you entered, a warmth and that unmistakable aroma of Chris was in the air. It was a mixture between the smell of wood from the fireplace and his fragrance. That caused your senses to come together and create a familiarity in you. You looked around curiously, quickly analysing every corner, Chris waited while you checked.
"It's all the same," you said in a soft tone smiling at him.
"Yep," he replied in the same soft tone. "Will you stay for dinner with us?"
You showed him a smile as you slowly nodded. "That sounds great."
You knew you had one night before your plane back to New York left the next day. There was too much to do and too much to say for just one night, and neither of you were likely to start that conversation, you were experts at it.
Both of you got down to work in the kitchen, as if you were back in the past. Neither of you were experts in that field, but you used to let yourselves go. Dodger, calmer, took a seat in his basket and watched you with curiosity.
"Beer?" asked Chris, approaching you with a bottle.
"Thank you," you took it and took a little drink, imitating him.
The situation was common, two people cooking, but for you it was not at all common where you were. Chris was a person who did not hide his emotions, and you had seen this during the time you had spent together. In the relationship it was much harder for you to express what you were feeling, but at that moment it was perhaps not too much for you to be back in your old home, with the man you had loved, after a year of not seeing each other and having a relationship that was not quite closed.So you finally put down the knife you were cutting onions with and threw yourself away, knowing that everything could go wrong.
"Aren't you going to ask me why I'm here?" You frowned softly and looked at him.
Chris was caught off guard by the question, as he watched you and arched his eyebrows, while leaning against the refrigerator.
"Okay," he nodded across his arms. "Why are you here?
You remained pensive, you had gone into the lion's den, because even you did not know very well how to answer that question. Why were you there? You opened your lips to look for a coherent explanation, but nothing. Chris was waiting for the answer, but he realised that you didn't know what to say, so he approached you. "It's okay," he said, taking a lock of your hair and putting it behind his ear.
"No," you frowned. "It's not okay."
"What do you mean?" he asked curiously, returning to his previous position.
"To us," you pointed. "I don't know if it's right what we're doing to each other.”
"What are we doing to each other?" he asked gently, trying to get you to express what was on your mind.
"This," you raised your voice a little. "We didn't finish. We have no end..."
"That's why you came," he crossed his arms at a considerable distance. "To put an end to it?"
You asked yourself if you had come to that, and the answer was obvious, no, you had not come to that.
"No", you whispered looking into his eyes, then you put your hand to your face. "God, this is too complicated."
"Hey...", he came up to you again and took his hand away from your face. "If it wasn't complicated it wouldn't be us."
Those were the truest words he had ever said. You both had a magnet for complicated situations and were the first to try to deal with them.
"Try to tell me why you came here," he kindly insisted again. "I have a clear idea, but I need you to confirm it.
You remembered how you felt when you got there, when you drove there, when you discovered that the business trip was taking you to Boston, where he was. All your happiness in those days was for him. During the pandemic you told yourself that you needed a change in your life, that many things had been lost because of your previous priorities, and your mood had also changed.
"I have come... ", you sighed, emptying your lungs and taking in air again. "I'm here... During the pandemic, I realized what really makes me happy, how things can change from one day to the next and that you have to fight for what you want." You felt a little embarrassed. "God..."
Chris knew how complex everything was for you, that you only extracted your sentimental feelings and thoughts when you were angry and had an argument, so that was a big effort.
"Please Y/N, continue", he gave you a soft smile.
"In short..." you started.
"No, don't summarize", Chris cut you off with a little laugh, which relaxed you.
"Okay," you leaned against the kitchen island and took a breath of air. "It's simple, I've decided that I want to be happy, and you make me happy.”
When you released that sentence you felt an inner relief, you freed yourself from a great weight that had been with you for a long time, and now Chris had everything in his hands. The next ten seconds were the longest of your life, you waited to see Chris' reaction, who was just a few meters away looking at you with a little smile on his face, that you didn't know how to take it.
"Well?" you whispered expectantly. "Are you planning to say something?"
The smile on Chris' face widened and he slowly took a step towards you to shorten the distance, standing face to face, finding you between the kitchen island and his body. He didn't say anything, it was what he did that made you realize his opinion. He stretched out his arms to take your face in his hands and approached you very slowly to kiss your lips. Your heart gave a return when you felt him so close to you again, testing his taste on your lips again, rediscovering the touch of his beard. A bark from Dodger came in the moment, but you barely noticed the event, as you were too busy meeting again.
You split up by cutting off the kiss and frowning.
"Wait. You haven't said anything, what do you think?"
"Come on honey, isn't it obvious?"
You arched an eyebrow waiting, Chris rolled his eyes and caught you sitting on the kitchen counter, you being taller than him.
"You're going to make me say it," he said, looking at your smile. "If I tell you that I love you, so that I can kiss you again and then later develop the answer, will that help?”
Those were the things you loved about him.
"It depends on the kiss."
Chris soon had you in his hands again, more firmly than the previous time. You let yourselves go forgetting everything around you, as if you wanted to make up for all the lost time, all the time apart. Chris lifted you off the counter again and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"I got you," he whispered against your lips.
"You've always got me."
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Tag list: @imerdwarf @mycosmicparadise @lavendertales
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fonulyn · 3 years
I've had this idea for a prompt and.. I honestly think you'd do a great job at it cause I love your works. It's kinda silly but got potential. It's for the Leon/Piers/Chris ot3, where two of em are dating and, while sexting, one accidentally switches to the group chat, and sends their message/picture there!
okay this is not 100% what you said but amskdjfnkjn I kept thinking about this ask all day at work today so here’s a little something :’D 
Chris really fucking hated meetings. Especially inter-organizational ones, as there were so many things to nitpick on and so many ways to screw up the carefully formulated contracts. Mostly he just sat back and listened to the lawyers hash it out, waiting for them to finally be done so he could go home. 
It was a small consolation that Leon hated these things equally much, at least, and they were both stuck here. Leon seemed to be actually paying attention, most of the time, even if he managed to catch Chris’ eyes at least twice just to subtly roll his eyes. 
So when Chris’ phone vibrated in his pocket it was a welcome distraction, and immediately he fished it out and thumbed it open. It was a message from Piers, with a picture attached, and inwardly Chris groaned. It was 100% going to be a picture of a new jeep or a motorbike, as ever since they got new funding for vehicles Piers had kept sending Chris pictures of whatever new deathtrap he was adamant they needed to get. 
Yet it was bound to be better than the meeting, even if it was the twentieth photo of what looked almost identical cars. So Chris clicked the message open.
Promptly, he almost swallowed his tongue. 
Lightning fast Chris blacked the screen of his phone, glancing around to make sure no one else saw the photo. His heart was beating madly, and once he was positive that no one was paying him any attention he carefully opened the message again underneath the table’s edge, to make sure no one would see. 
It wasn’t a picture of a bike or a car. It was a picture of Piers. And while technically he wasn’t entirely naked in it, he also wasn’t wearing enough to leave anything up for imagination. Underneath the image, in a separate message, were the words “is it gonna take long? might start without you”.
Logically Chris knew that Piers had just texted the wrong number. This was obviously meant for Leon, who Piers had actually been dating for several months up until now, and Piers had... he was... Chris didn’t even want to think about what Piers had been doing to be distracted enough to send such x-rated pictures to the wrong damn number.
No, that was a lie. Chris wanted to think about nothing else. But it wasn’t right to fantasize about someone when they’d just made a mistake, plain and simple.
For a second Chris considered just forwarding the picture and the message to Leon, but he ditched the idea as soon as it had popped into his mind. Maybe he could just pretend like nothing had even happened? He could pretend he’d seen nothing. Surely they could just sweep this under a rug, no problem. 
Only Chris had been so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed everyone else filing out of the room, not before Leon was next to him, leaning his bum against the edge of the table to half sit on it. “Something wrong?” he asked, a touch amused as he looked at Chris. “You checked out somewhere like fifteen minutes ago. I don’t think you heard a word.”
“I...“ Chris grimaced. Of course Leon had noticed. Leon noticed everything. Again he went through a quick internal debate on whether to say anything or not, but then just sighed. “Here.“ He unlocked his phone again, opened the messages, and turned the screen towards Leon. 
Leon’s eyes shot wide open and he stared for a good five seconds. Chris was already getting a little antsy that he’d be offended or annoyed, but then Leon simply burst out laughing. “Okay that’s... a Freudian slip if I ever saw one.”
At that, Chris frowned. “What?”
“That he accidentally sent it to you?“ Leon looked at him as if he was being a bit slow on the uptake. As if that was an explanation at all. The only thing it did was make Chris even more confused. 
“I seriously don’t know what you’re even trying to tell me,“ Chris said. Only then he realized he was still holding up the phone and he quickly lowered it, locking the screen. 
"He really hasn’t even hinted at anything?” Leon asked, but when Chris grunted at him as response he held up his hands in surrender and laughed. “Okay okay. So. We’ve been thinking about trying something... more experimental, for us. And we’ve been wondering if you might be interested.“ He looked at Chris, and when he realized he needed to spell it out literally he added. “Would you care to join us? In bed. ...for starters.“
It sounded like a wet dream come true, but Chris didn’t say that out loud. Instead he blurted out a confused, “Me? Why me?”
Leon scoffed. “Have you recently looked in a mirror? Plus c’mon. You’re a great guy and we both like you, so. What’s the downside? Unless you’re secretly seeing someone?”
“No, no,” Chris hurried to deny. “I’m. I’d.“ He paused, staring at Leon for a moment. He thought about the picture on his phone, thought about all the things he’d wanted to do to both Leon and Piers, and how now the door was being held open for him. “I’m in,” he finished helplessly. 
Immediately Leon grinned. “Awesome.” He pushed himself off the desk, nodding towards the door. “We’re taking your car.” He barely waited for Chris to catch up with him, as he headed down the corridor. As he walked he pulled out his own phone, his voice a little too cheerful as the call was picked up. “Hey babe,” he greeted, immediately followed by, “should I be jealous that you’re basically sending dick pics to Chris?”
Even a few steps behind Leon, Chris could hear Piers’ shocked “I sent what to whom!?” through the line. 
Leon laughed. “Relax. I’m bringing him home with me.” There was a pause, Piers saying something that made Leon laugh again, low and pleased. “Yeah, I think he’d probably like that.” He glanced at Chris and winked, even though he was still addressing Piers as he went on. “Maybe you can send him another picture? Cool. See you soon.”
Leon had barely pocketed his phone when Chris’ phone already chimed, signaling another message. 
Chris almost dropped his phone in his haste to open that picture. 
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Dude Bianca should have lived!! Like how would you have changed it so she lived? Like I think if she had she would have like totally saved Wyatt and maybe like hung around and helped them stop him from going evil. Ike what if she became a teacher at magic school?? To combat the whole “being 4 years old” in S6 thing
so i think like. we could have gotten a really cute moment between her and chris right because like they Just broke up before this where like. like bianca's using her fighting skills to hold off wyatt chris is reading the spell to go back in time and the portal opens and we get a classic not without you! situation like fuck it. chris's cover is already blown. he's already lost bianca once (going back in time, i guess? maybe a couple other times just in the dark future) and he's not gonna do it again, and like. like chris threw the engagement ring on the table in their breakup scene i don't think anyone grabbed that but whatever he's sentimental enough to pick up that bad boy when no one's looking and slip it right back into his pocket. bianca's doing something baby she's managed to immobilize wyatt or she successfully stripped his powers or maybe wyatt's just like, bleeding magic on the floor from the open would so to speak he's getting weaker he's lost the fight so chris and bianca have time for a conversation where he puts the ring back in her hand really dramatic kiss n they jump thru the portal. and like. it's really not established where chris lives right like does he literally just live in the back of p3?? bonkers. i guess he has no income. but like. chris and bianca living together. and like. piper phoebe paige just seeing a side of chris that they really hadn't seen yet because let's be real the guy has a stick up his ass the whole time but like around bianca he's different he's just like a guy in love and everyone but especially phoebe is like !!!!!!! oh also this would be the first and only time chris and bianca get to be in a relationship in a non apocalyptic world???? chris and bianca take baby wyatt to the monterey bay aquarium!!! i'm gonna scream they literally just push him around in a little stoller and look at all the fish while the charmed ones are on some monster of the week or like personal task and they're like okay you wanna protect some great evil from getting to wyatt okay you do that because phoebe has a date i have a date and paige has her temp job and quite frankly i don't have the resources to get a sitter last minute!! so. have fun! and chris is like no no no no no no no no wait but nope wyatt is in his hands and he's like 😡😡😐😐 and bianca shows up and just like. a b plot hell i'll even take a c plot. a d plot of them babysitting wyatt. also important because quite frankly bianca was kind of ready to kill the baby i mean he's just a baby how hard can it be and like he grows up to be like. hella evil. so maybe just kill the baby. but i think seeing the world getting like her and chris and baby wyatt just like experiencing the world and realizing like. this kid isn't evil. that's just it this kid is not evil something does this to him and if she and chris can find a way to stop it, like doesn't he deserve that chance? to experience the world like how she is now? tiger shark. i fuckin love chris and bianca man.
and then as far as like what does bianca do i think like. well for starters i think she'd kind of become piper's protege with p3 because like. if chris lives there well then like she lives there but also she's really smart so i think she can start doing the books all that and again like becomes piper's protege and when piper leaves to open her restaurant she just leaves p3 in the capable hands of bianca. i also think like. like yes it's weird if kid bianca is still running around. but it's like proof that actually there can be two of you in the same timeline and you're fine. so they're kind of thinking like. maybe the timeline has already been changed. like the kid bianca will grow up to be is not shaping the bianca we currently have because they're two entirely different people. so they're thinking maybe chris can stay. this is only further confirmed (because they're like. is that baby in there you??? or not you??????) when the baby is not born on chris's birthday. because chris knows his star chart right he's a witch he's even doing something with it like in the show. so he knows exactly the date and time he's born and he's shared that information. so the baby that was just born was not chris like it's official the timeline has changed. name the baby fucking patrick after ur dead mom now please or victor victor could also be a good name. but you're not naming him chris because it's official!! the baby is not chris (also could be funny if the baby is not half-whitelighter because um wait hey!! that's fireman greg's son 😐) but like. it's official! chris and bianca can stay back here. and they do♥ & live happily ever after
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.9
Word Count: 1,783
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (brief), Allison Argent (brief), Lydia Martin (brief), Isaac Lahey (brief), Kate Argent, Witch!Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: some angst, cliffhanger
A/N: ----
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“Isaac, I can carry my own bag,” you sighed, walking into the school.
“I-I know, I just wanna help you,” he said.
“I don't need help,” you looked around, noticing everyone staring at you, whispering to each other.
You rolled your eyes and walked past them.
“(Y/N), I heard about what happened to your mom. I’m so sorry for your loss,” you heard Allison and Lydia run up to you, wrapping their arms around you.
You groaned slightly, still in some pain, but mostly confused. You knew both of them, and even after being trapped in the school together, you wouldn't count them as friends.
“I need to go to my locker, I’ll be back,” Isaac waved, walking away.
“Why is everyone staring at me?” you asked them.
“They know that you were at the school when Derek killed the janitor and that he almost killed you,” Allison explained.
You clenched your first.
“You guys were there too,” you said.
“Well, protection of minors,” Lydia shrugged.
“Right,” you sighed.
“Oh also, (Y/N), my dad asked me to tell you to call him when you have a moment,” Allison remembered.
You hesitated, thinking about what it could be about.
“Yeah, okay. I gotta go,” you waved them off, grabbing your crutches and walking to your class.
You heard your phone buzz, getting a text from Derek.
Will you reply?
You can’t avoid me forever 
I’m really sorry (Y/N), please just talk to me
Meet me after class?
I’m sorry
If you don’t want to talk to me, at least come pick up your stuff. I have some boxes for you.
Please just get back to me
You turned your phone off, putting it aside.
There was a lot on your mind, you were still mad at Derek, you were still mad at everyone and everything. And now, Chris wanted to talk to you about who knows what. This day could not get any worse, or so you thought. You heard the bell ring, packing up your things to go to your locker when you saw Sheriff Stilinski walk past the classroom.
“Noah?” you called, quickly walking out of your classroom.
“(Y/N), how are you doing, kid?” he asked you, turning to face you.
“I’m okay, what’s going on?” you asked, looking at the men wearing suits standing near him.
“We’re trying to find any lead we can on Derek. We even bought in the state detective,” he motioned to two of the men.
Hunters, you tensed up.
“Oh,” was all you replied.
“Do you need anything? Anything at all?” he asked.
“No,” you shook your head.
“If you need anything at all, just call me or Stiles,” he said.
You nodded your head as he gave you a small hug.
“Stay safe, kid,” he kissed your forehead before walking away.
After finishing your tutoring session with Isaac, you went home, exhausted. It took a while to convince Isaac that you were okay, but eventually, he agreed to go home.
You sat on your couch, laying back when you felt someone standing behind you.
“Víen,” you shouted, pushing him against a wall.
“It’s just me,” Derek panted.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked.
“Can you let go? Can’t breathe,” he said, strained.
You took a step back, as he slid down, gasping for air.
“Why are you here? How did you get in?” you asked.
“I needed to give you some stuff, and you didn't answer your phone. I came through the window, you should lock them, by the way,” he said, standing up.
“I live on the fifth floor,” you replied.
“Wolves can climb,” he shrugged.
“I told you to leave me alone,” you sighed.
“I came to drop off some of your stuff,” he answered.
“Well, you dropped them off, you can go now,” you looked away from him.
He walked near you, putting his hand on your cheek as you closed your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“Will you go, please?” you begged.
“(Y/N),” he started before giving you a concerned look.
“What?” you looked up at him.
“I thought the alpha left a scar on your face,” he started.
You frowned, as you grabbed your crutches, limping to the mirror.
You gasped, realizing it disappeared.
“It’s gone…. how is it gone?” you asked him. You saw Derek’s face fall, as he turned your head slightly.
“How deep did the nail go?” Derek asked. You felt your heart rate increase slightly.
“I don’t know, pretty deep I think… You don’t think,” your eyes went wide.
“(Y/N),” he started.
“No, there’s no way. It's been days, I would've known,” you said, a hint of panic in your voice.
“Yeah, but it would take longer for someone like you. You don’t always feel it immediately,” Derek said.
“No, that's crazy, okay?! I’m not turning,” you raised your voice as your eyes glew purple before they turned yellow.
“Your eyes. It’s a sign,” you shut your eyes tightly, letting out a shaky breath.
“No, there’s no way. Look, I broke my leg. That proves it,” you stuttered, trying to convince yourself.
“Have you tried walking on it?” Derek asked.
“And hurt myself more?!” you exclaimed.
“(Y/N), there’s a fucking full moon tonight! We need to know now!” he yelled.
You dropped your crutches as you took a breath, taking a step forward as your eyes watered. It didn’t hurt at all
“Did it hurt?” he asked softly.
“No, it doesn’t,” your voice broke.
“Shit,” he groaned.
“Okay, there has to be a way to stop it, a spell or something,” you started, pacing around the room.
“But, all of my grimoires were burned in the fire, and I need them,” you realized, as your heart stopped.
“No, they’re here, they’re in the boxes,” Derek motioned to the boxes he bought.
“God,” you let out a breath.
You ran to the box, grabbing a book as you quickly turned the pages, looking for a spell.
“(Y/N), just take a breath,” Derek started.
“I’m fine,” you stuttered.
You flipped through the pages quickly, looking for the right spell or something.
“(Y/N), calm down. I can hear your heart,” Derek tried to calm you down.
“Don’t tell me to calm down! If I don’t…I’m not losing my powers to become a werewolf!” you yelled.
“I know! Hey, it’s gonna be okay,” he wrapped his arms around you, before your tears fell freely, holding back a sob as he held you tightly.
You and Derek sat on your floor, looking through all the grimoires that you had. You had more than you realized.
“What about this one? it looks like it could be it,” Derek handed you the book.
“That turns people into wolves,” you gave him a look. You gave him credit, Latin is hard to read.
“There’s a spell for that? Wait, why don’t you reverse that, and find the alpha?” Derek asked.
“You don’t just reverse spells. You do the smallest thing wrong and I could make him more powerful,” you sighed.
“That’s the last thing we need,” Derek sighed.
“Wait,” you paused, reading the sentence.
Supprimunt atramentum speciem tuam
“What is it? Did you find something?” Derek asked you.
“Sort of. It’s not a cure, it’ll just suppress the wolf in me until I can find a more permanent solution,” you sighed.
“How long will that be?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but not that long. I just need a few ingredients,” you said, looking at the potion.
“What do you need?”
“Wolfsbane, Vervain, pint of human blood,” you shuddered at the thought of human blood.
“Where are you gonna get that from?” 
“There’s a Stiles that lives 5 minutes away from here,” you shrugged.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied.
“I’m not talking about this, I’m talking about everything else,” he said.
“I’m okay,” you lied.
“You suck at lying, you know that?” Derek raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry. I don’t know. I just want to get done with this and go to bed,” you sighed.
“Yeah, but listen. Me and you have to stick together, okay? We’re the last of our families, we need to keep going, okay?” he stood next to you.
You nodded as you gave him a small hug.
“Come on, we gotta go now,” he pulled you up.
“Yeah, wait. I’m gonna take the cast off,” you started.
“Yeah? And what are you gonna tell people when they ask how you miraculously healed in two days?” Derek crossed his arms.
“Shit, you’re right. Let’s go,” you groaned as the two of you left your apartment.
You ran up the stairs of Scott’s house, going to his room.
You saw Stiles nervously pacing outside it.
“Stiles,” you started.
“(Y/N)? How are you walking?” he asked, looking shocked.
“It’s a long story, and I need your blood,” Derek stood behind you.
“What? Hell no,” he said.
“They’re no other fucking option and I’m almost out of time. Please, Stiles,” you begged.
He looked between you and Derek.
“Oh, thank you! Wait, is that Scott?” you asked, hearing some noises come from his room.
“Yeah, he's fighting the full moon,” he said.
You shut your eyes tightly, leaning against the wall.
“(Y/N)?” Derek put his hand on your shoulder.
“I’m fine. I just need the blood, now. Derek, you have the vervain?” you asked.
He nodded as he handed you the flower.
“Okay, Stiles, deep breath,” before you could finish his sentence, he passed out, seeing the needle.
You poked it into his vein, taking some blood.
“There’s less than a minute,” you started.
“I know, come on, we have everything. Just take it,” Derek said.
You finished taking Stiles’ blood, mixing it with the crushed vervain and wolfsbane.
“Purga animam emundes spiritum meum lustrare,” you recited the spell as you fell to the ground, feeling the power of the moon.
“(Y/N)!” Derek exclaims, holding you.
“Purga animam emundes spiritum meum lustrare,” you repeated.
You grabbed the bowl, drinking it, as you held in your gags.
“Did it work? (Y/N)?” Derek asked.
You let out a shaky breath, as your eyes flickered from yellow to purple, then back to its normal color.
“I… I’m okay,” you nodded.
“I’m okay,” you repeated, laying on the ground.
“Stay here, I’m gonna go check on Scott,” he said.
You nodded as you slowly closed your eyes, taking deep breaths.
You stumbled to your apartment, exhausted and ready to pass out.
Your heart rate quickened as you saw your door opened.
You slowly entered, seeing Kate sitting on your couch.
“Kate,” you gasped.
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staywritten · 4 years
All In│Bang Chan «Chapter Eight»
Synopsis: After a messy break up your sophomore year, you decided that the best thing for you was to finish off your college career single. You wanted to focus on yourself, grow as a person and finish off your degree strong. There’d be plenty of time for love after college. But after losing your camera you become friends with the seemingly perfect boy that threatens to ruin your plans.
Genre: SocialMedia!AU, College!AU, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Smut
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Chapter 8 Word Count: 1.5K
You couldn’t really explain the butterflies in your stomach. Meeting Chan was something you looked forward to and dreaded. Admittedly you claimed to be busier than you were and had many opportunities to pick up your camera from him, but you didn’t want this ambiguous, undefined routine you fell into to fizzle out because your excuse to contact him wouldn’t exist anymore. 
Chan wasn’t some long distance boyfriend, since he literally lived twenty minutes from your campus, nor was he truly a stranger. You’d seen him on occasion around school, around Hyunjin and even performing with Changbin. It’s just you didn’t care, he was just a guy. And it scared you that he was no longer just a guy. You weren’t gonna lie to yourself, you knew this became a little more than a crush and your feelings might even be reciprocated and that scared you even more. 
He became someone you shared everything with, your comforts, insecurities, happiness. You were vulnerable with him, which was a side of you that only Momo and Hyunjin hadn’t seen since your last relationship. 
You found yourself at a packed club in Hongdae in honor of Changbin’s EP drop. It was the perfect opportunity to meet and you knew that if you flaked this time there wouldn’t be another chance. You couldn’t just wait until you thought you were ready.
Momo gripped your hand softly. “You ok? You’re shaking” she frowned softly. 
“I’m alright just nervous” you frowned. “I know it’s all in my head but- what if he doesn’t like me in person?”
“You’re amazing” Hyunjin sighed, bringing you guys shots. “I know Channie-Hyung I talk to him literally every day. He's a nice guy, more than nice. He’ll love you” he held up the shots “Drink it’ll calm your nerves”
You all clanked your glasses together before downing the shot of apple soju the sweet burn welcomed down your throat. A few shots later you did loosen up, your nerves still there but at least you didn’t feel your heart pounding in your ribs. After your fifth shot your cheeks were a little warm, you swayed gently in Momo’s arms as you danced with her and Hyunjin.
It was like you could feel a gaze on you, you felt it earlier but you were too scared to follow it. This time you looked up, following the feeling toward the stage near the dj. You recognized the blonde curly mop of hair instantly. A shy smile on his lips as he gave you a little wave, before making his way down from the stage. For the first time all night you let go of Momo’s hand, your feet moving before your anxiety set back in. With each step you got a little more urgent, pushing past the people to get toward him. 
He smiled letting out the lightest laugh, his cheek dimpling as he pulled you into a warm hug. “Hi” he buried his face in your hair, your arms wrapping around his figure, clenching at the back of his shirt, almost too afraid to let go. Your face fitting so comfortably in the crook of his neck. 
“Hi…” you mumbled into his shirt. “You’re really here…” you held him closer, almost too shy to look up. The way his chest vibrates when he laughs warmed your heart. 
“Of course I am” he pulled back just slightly to get a really good look at you. “Wow you’re gorgeous…” you tried to look away but he caught your chin between his fingers, his thumb gently grazing your lower lip, making you gasp just slightly. “Don’t look away, lemme see you”
“I feel so exposed” you laughed nervously, making eye contact with him. “I’m nervous”
He chuckled taking your hand and placing it over his chest, you could feel his heart racing. “I saw you a little while ago...I was just trying to work up the nerve to talk to you” He watched as your lips curled in the most beautiful smile and he couldn’t help but to mirror it. “We still have some time before Changbin’s set...do you wanna go talk somewhere quieter?”
You nodded letting him lead you toward the terrace, you looked back to Hyunjin and Momo to let them know you were stepping out. They smiled back waving, giving you a small thumbs up. 
It was so easy to pick up right where you left off, the conversation flowed just as easily as it did through facetime. Except now there was this added element of his intense eye contact, you were in the middle of telling him about your day when you just faltered. He really was breathtaking. “Stop looking at me like that” you laughed nervously.
“Like what?” he gave you a smug look, leaning in closer. “How about this? is this better?” his lips curved into a smirk as his eyes gave off a teasing glint. Your back was against the wall as he caged you in. 
“You’re teasing me” you pouted, your fingers grazing his before lacing between his large fingers. 
“I am” he laughed, his forehead touching yours, brushing his nose along your bridge.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” your voice becomes smaller at his advances. Your teeth sinking into your lower lip. 
He licked his lips, his gaze trained on every breath released. “Do you want me to kiss you Babygirl?”
There was something about his little nickname for you, it just did things. You nodded “Please Chris…” His lips met yours the moment his name slipped from your mouth. The first kiss was so sweet, gentle. Like his lips were testing the waters, as he pulled away from the chaste kiss he peppered smaller kisses against the side of your mouth. You cupped his cheek bringing his attention back to your lips. “More…” you whined, before kissing him again. This one much deeper than the last. Your mouth opening for him, letting his tongue in. He could taste the sweetness of the flavored soju on your lips and he couldn’t get enough, especially with how you’d whine and moan for him. He got lost in your touch, loving how restless your hands were traveling from his cheeks, to his chest down to his hand. Like you couldn’t decide on where to hold on to. 
After what felt like an eternity you finally pulled away gasping for air, Turns out swimmers can hold their breaths very long. As you caught your breath he peppered kisses against your swollen lips, jaw and neck. Taking in this blissed out glazed look in your eyes as you tried to steady yourself. “My Babygirl…” he smiled.
“My Chris” you sighed happily as he pulled you in a hug. 
“I hope I’m not getting ahead of myself but I really wanna see you again.”
You grinned, biting your lip “Pretty presumptuous” you teased. “And why’s that?”
He laughed nervously, hiding his face in your hair. “I kinda got too excited about tonight and left your camera on my desk”
You giggled hugging him tighter “Then I guess we don’t have a choice~”
Unfortunately the sound of the crowd cheering and the sound of Changbin getting introduced on stage pulled you guys apart. “We should probably head inside, Binnie would kill me if I missed any of his performance” His hand never left yours as he brought you inside, joining Hyunjin and Momo who were talking to Jisung and Felix. 
The entire night felt like a dream, Chan’s arms wrapped securely around you, occasionally kissing you when your eyes met. “I can’t believe you’re here” he whispered against your ear, swaying you with the beat of Changbin’s rap.
“If this is a dream, I don’t wanna wake up…”
“I’m not going anywhere…” he kissed the crown of your head as you squeezed his fingers a little tighter. 
After Chanbin’s set, Hyunjin and Momo headed out, because they both had early mornings. But you couldn’t find yourself ready to leave Chan’s arms yet as you made yourselves comfortable on the terrace. “I still can’t believe you’re real” you whispered, absently playing with his fingers, your back pressed against his chest. 
“You’ve literally seen me before” he laughed placing a kiss beneath your ear, enticing the softest whimper. “I was very real at the swim meet”
You turned to face him, pouting a little. Realizing you had just a few too many shots and all your inhibitions were gone. “I was scared to meet you because when we started talking I knew I had a crush on you but I just thought it was really shallow… Like you were just Chan the hot swim captain… But now that I know you, you’re funny and warm, and so sweet...I can talk to you about everything and nothing and it still feels so natural.”
His smile was so bright, you swore he held the stars in his beautiful brown eyes. “I really like you Chan…” you whispered before kissing him, for the umpteenth time that night.
“I like you too…” he whispered before you took his lips between yours.
“Take me home?” you nipped at his lips, gazing up at him. He watched as your eyes darkened, your lips parting. There was such a heaviness to your question but he was more than under your spell. He kissed your cheek, before nodding and letting you get off his lap. 
You were falling hard and fast and for the first time in your life, you let yourself get lost in the overwhelming warmth of another person. 
He felt like home.
To Be Continued... 
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ  Hey Friends I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! the next one will be a combo of sns and written and then we’re back to sns for a while :3 I hope you don’t mind
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thequeenkrys15 · 3 years
When Dusk Rises: Ch. 2
Hey y’all! Look who posted on time today! This week was actually a good writing week for me. My creative juices were flowing right. I think this is going to turn out to be a wonderful series. If you have not read the Background Info or Chapter 1 please do. I will be working Chapter 3 this week, but until then, enjoy this chapter!
Characters: Witch!Reader, Magic!Richard, Magic!Christopher, Magic!Zabdiel, Magic!Erick, OFC!Maya
Word Count: 1793
A/N: Please don’t copy my work. I’ve worked really hard on it for your enjoyment, not for it to be plagiarized. 
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“Y/N! Are you okay?” Maya helped me up as Joel joined her side. “How are you already on Erica Lovely’s bad side?”
“To be clear, she bumped into me. Who is she anyway?” I said as I dusted off my clothes.
Joel looked like I had offended him. “She’s like, the top witch at our school. Magic comes so natural to her, like, better than the rest of us. She’s the star pupil, so watch out for her.
Maya, though, did not seem all that impressed. “Trust me, she’s not as good as she thinks. In reality she’s simply a teacher’s pet. But enough about her. Come on, we’re gonna be late for our next class.”
As we started heading to our next class, “Practicing with Potions”, I noticed that Maya had a deep scowl on her face, probably still thinking about Erica. I wonder what she ever did to her?
*Time Skip*
“Alright class, today we are gonna start with an easy potion: hair growth. One of my personal favorites actually. One, because it’s simple and two, because it’s funny.”
All of the students are partnered up, standing at wooden tables that looked like they had been grown from the very ground we are standing on. I’m listening to talk about how much she loves this class, specifically because she thinks the teacher, Mr. Zabdiel, is cute. Can’t say I disagree, he’s as tall as these trees surrounding us! In his cardigan, he seems to be at peace out here, like he really is one with nature.
“Most of the ingredients are around us already, being that we are outside. But the items that don’t say “Outside” on it, are on this cart right here. Simply gather your ingredients first before we start.”
I walked around with Maya to get our ingredients. From nature we need fresh dirt, acorns, and tree sap. How are we supposed to get the sap out of the tree? And then from the cart we need the spell activator. I had to push Maya along so she would stop ogling our teacher.
“I can’t help it! He’s so cute, just look at the way he talks to animals!”
It took me a minute to realize he was actually talking to animals, “How is he doing that? Is he using a potion?”
She scrunched up her face in thought, “I don’t think so. I think he’s always been able to do that. You know, since he’s one of the Elemental Brothers.”
Now I’m lost. “Elemental Brothers?”
“See, Joel wants to talk about how special Erica Lovely is when he really should have talked to you about the Elemental Brothers. They’re the most famous magical family this land has ever seen.” Maya seemed super excited to share this information with me.
“Well, if they’re so famous then why haven’t I met them?” she started laughing.
“Silly Y/N. You already have.”
“Come again?”
“You have met them. At least, three out of the four. Mr. Zab gets his power from the earth, that’s why he can talk to animals. Mr. Chris, who you met earlier, gets his from water.”
I thought back to his class, remembering how he came in on a wave. So that’s why there’s that huge body of water. I kept listening to Maya as she asked me a question.
“Are you taking Astral Projection? Because I think they just hired their younger brother as the teacher. Erick, I think? He controls air.”
I’m fascinated while listening to her, but then I get confused, “Wait! Earth, water and wind. There’s one missing.”
She suddenly remembered, “Oh yeah, Headmaster Richard! He controls fire.”
Well, that’s kind of on the nose, his hair is red, “Why do they all work here?”
“Wow, you do not know the history at all.” she groaned, “They’re family built this school. Hell, their family practically built this whole town.”
*Time Skip*
Well I guess I do have Astral Projection as a class. Not only is this my last class of the day, this is one of the few classes I have without Maya, so I really just want to get through this one as quickly as possible. To be honest, I miss that plucky girl.
The teacher walks into class five minutes before the bell rings. He looks young, like REALLY young, like he just graduated from the academy himself.  
“Good Afternoon class, my name is Mr. Erick, and I am the new Astral Projection teacher here at CNCO Academy.”
A student scoffed, “You literally look like you attend this school. How are you gonna teach us anything?” There’s always that one jerkface.
“Uh well, I can tell you that not just ten minutes ago, you were trying to flirt with that girl sitting next to you, telling her what sports you play and what kind of car you drive. I can also tell you that she did not look interested.” Everyone started laughing in that kid’s direction. Okay, this teacher is officially my favorite.
“Alright, settle down. I will say that astral projection is not easy, so we are going to have to take this course as slow as possible. We are going to start with simply projecting our spirits outside of our bodies.”
We’re all sitting on our rugs, respectively, waiting for Mr. Erick’s next instructions. Mr. Erick sits down on his rug as well, crossing his legs and putting his elbows on his knees. We follow his example.
“I want everyone to take a couple minutes to breathe in and out. Relax and let your mind go blank.” I do as he says, relaxing my shoulders and trying to put my mind at ease.
“Stay relaxed. Now try to focus on your energies. Feel the essence inside you.” I look inside myself, searching for my spark of magic, focusing on it, reveling in it.
“Doing good so far. Now slowly, allow for your essence to leave your body. Do not attempt to go anywhere. Simply relax, focus, and release.” As Mr. Erick says this, he is also astral projecting so he can see the students complete the assignment.
I channel my energy and let it go, allowing my spirit removing itself from my body. Except, I’m not in the classroom, in fact, I don’t even know if I’m in the same town anymore. I walk around to see if I can find a landmark of some sort. Walking around, I start to hear voices from afar, coming closer. The voices sound almost, angry. As the voices draw nearer, I see a light coming my way. Wait, that’s not a light. That’s... fire. The fire starts flickering, almost like everything else around me. I can hear someone calling my name in the distance. My head starts to hurt, and suddenly it’s like I’m yanked back into my body. It takes me a minute to realize I’m back in the classroom, with Mr. Erick starting to come into my vision.
“Miss Dusken! Can you hear me? Are you okay?” Mr. Erick is slightly shaking me, and as my vision starts to set, I see the other students have gathered around us as well.
“My head hurts a little, but I’m fine” I say as I stand up. It was then that the school bell rings, signaling everyone that it’s time to go home.
I try to leave with everyone else, but Mr. Erick stops me in my path, with a worried, yet mesmerized look on his face.
“Is everything alright Mr. Erick? I really need to get home.”
“Yes Miss Dusken, just a few questions. Have you tried to astral project before?
Why is he asking me this? “A few times, yes”
“And does your head hurt every time?
“Actually, yes” I stared at him in realization. “Is that weird?”
He shakes his head quickly. “No, not at all. One more question: Are you sure you’re alright?”
I looked at him puzzled, “Yes sir. Why? What happened during class?”
He stepped aside so I could pass, “Nothing really. It’s just you were gone for 45 minutes.
“And?” I say as I’m walking out the doorway.”
He turns back around, “The exercise should have only lasted 10.”
*Time Skip*
Richard sits in his office as he waits for the rest of his brothers. The school day has ended, but his youngest brother, Erick, called a meeting, claiming that it was urgent. As he waits, he plays with the candles on his desk, making the fire on the wicks dance to an upbeat tune. Christopher walks in a few seconds later.
“Alright Richuki, what was so dire that we couldn’t talk about later. I got a hot date dude.” Christopher huffs with his arms crossed.
“Maybe you should talk to your little brother because it wasn’t me.” Richard waves his flames away.
“I doubt it’s that important. You guys know Erick. He’s probably just excited about something.” Zabdiel walks in with a cat in his hands. “Anyways, look at this little guy. I found him wandering in the forest while I was teaching class.”
“Is it a familiar?” Chris askes.
“I don’t know. I don’t see a collar.” Zabdiel says. “I think I’ll take him home with me, and if no one claims him by the end of the week, I’m keeping him.” He smiles at the cat, hoping he would get to become his new friend.
Suddenly, Erick comes rushing into the office, looking like he was out of breath. He takes a minute to regain his composure before he speaks to his brothers.
“I’m here. Sorry I kept you guys waiting.” Christopher helps steady Erick’s balance.
“No worries, man. But what’s up? Why did you call this meeting? Richard stands up from behind his desk.
“A student. Have any of you met Y/N Dusken yet?” Erick looks around the room.
“The new girl? Yeah I have her in my Potions class.” Zabdiel says.
“Me too. Sweet girl.” Chris remembers.
“What about her Erick?” Richard asked.
“I have her in my Astral Projection class, and something peculiar happened. I only instructed my students to simply project the spirits out of their bodies, but she went an entirely different route.” Erick sat one of the chairs in the room.
Richard was intrigued. “Continue.”
“Well, the exercise was only supposed to be ten minutes, so when everyone else came back and she didn’t, I had to get her, and what I found was strange.” Erick explained. “She somehow was able to zap herself to another time period. The thing is, she had no control over it.”
Realization started to come to Richard’s mind. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?
Erick nodded his head. “Yes brother. I think we’ve found her.”
This Y/N person seems to be important for some reason. Stay tuned to figure out why! Remember to LIKE, REBLOG and FOLLOW! Please and thank you! Until next time...Kisses!
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rae-is-typing · 5 years
Anything For You
NOTE: If you ever feel as though you want to purposefully harm yourself or even commit suicide, please get some help. I encourage you to reach out. Don’t hesitate to message me.
Description: You’re struggling. Between school and the movie making process, your blood is made of stress and the only way you can get any sort of rest is by taking sleeping pills. One night, you take too many.
Characters: The reader, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, the rest of the Civil War cast are mentioned, a doctor and medics
Warnings: Accidental overdose, descriptions of an anxiety attack, pills, destructive self talk, the reader is really mean to herself, hospitals, blood, concussion, crying, self harm, mentions of shitty parents. This one is heavy.
Disclaimers: I mean no disrespect to any of the people mentioned, even the reader. I’ve also never overdosed so this might not be accurate nor have I been to the hospital for a serious injury, so that may also be inaccurate. My apologies if it is.
Word count: ~6k
Your tired eyes leer at your computer screen. Ugly, ugly math stared back at you. You sigh, rubbing your eyes. This assignment was due at midnight. It was already 11 PM and you had barely started.
I’m so fucked. Why am I so stupid? I bet third graders can do better than me on this shit.
You thought, shoving your computer to the back of the shitty hotel desk. Groaning, you lay your head on the table.
My parents were right. I’m just a dumb kid, I can’t even do dumb math problems. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
You pick up your head and drop it back down to the desk a few times, trying to get the gears to start turning. Or give yourself a mild concussion. Whatever came first.
You sit up, rubbing your forehead a little and look around the hotel room you’re in. It was small with a queen bed in the middle of the room. It was nice. Of course it was nice, one of the biggest movie franchises had paid for it. You were lucky to get your own room. The hotel was overbooked, so some actors had to pair up. Your room was between Sebastian and Chris’s room and Robert’s room- three people that would fight (and possibly die) for you. It made sense though, they would do the same for most of Civil War’s cast. But you brought out their more protective sides. That also made sense- you were still a kid, barely 16 years old and already trying to figure shit out on your own.
Kids shouldn’t have to get emancipated at 15 even if they can afford it. You thought bitterly. Kids shouldn’t hate themselves. Kids shouldn’t be this stressed.
You couldn’t do this shit anymore. School was kicking your ass. So was this god damn press tour. You couldn’t get one plain day off. It was always work work work and school school school. Even worse is the fact that you went from an honors student with a perfect 4.0 to flunking three of four classes. 
Maybe I’m just a fucking failure. Maybe I should quit while I’m ahead. Maybe I should just give up. I can’t do this anymore, fuck. This is too much. All of it is too much. I’m never going to this shit right. I’m too fucking stupid. Too dumb to do a fucking math problem. 
Tears prick at your eyes. You hold your breath and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to fight off the inevitable sobs. You hate crying, it makes you feel dumb and even more childish. Your breathing only picked up and you began hitching out quiet sobs.
I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to do this anymore. I can’t I can’t I don’t wanna do this I can’t do it any longer. 
You couldn’t breath as you sobbed in your hands. You could never catch a break. It was all too much. You had no time for anything else, just work and school. No time for friends outside of the cast. Hell, you barely had time for the people in the cast and you felt awkward when you wanted to spend time with them because you were 16 and everyone but Tom was almost twice your age. And sure, Tom was nice or whatever, but he was also an adult that didn’t need a fucking chaperone accompanying him if they wanted to go down the road to get away from set. 
You did know that stress was going to be high and there really wouldn’t be a lot of time to relax and take it easy going into the movie, but you seriously overestimated your ability to handle this level of stress. The late nights, early mornings, always needing to be perfect at everything; it was killing you.
Why do I have to keep doing this? I can’t do it anymore I can’t. I need a break. 
You sobbed for a good few minutes before dissolving into a coughing fit. You glanced at the alarm clock on the table. It was 11:30 PM. You choked another sob out, realizing that you were definitely failing this assignment. 
Tears stream down your face while you finish answering all the questions wrong and turn in the assignment. 
Giving up again? Nothing new. Fucking idiot. Suck it up and do it, you privileged fuck. Stop being such a fucking baby and maybe you’d actually get somewhere.
You wiped your eyes aggressively. You weren’t getting anywhere by crying like a baby. 
Might as well just go to sleep. I can’t even do that without help, fuck.
You stood up from the desk chair and made your way to your bags. You pulled out an opaque black makeup and looked through it. There was an empty bottle of sleeping pills sitting in it. 
Empty of fucking course. Can’t even keep track of simple things. Idiot. 
There were a lot of stores around the hotel you were in, but it was almost midnight. And as a 16 year old girl, you had to be accompanied by a chaperone over the age of 25 if you wanted to go somewhere off set or outside the hotel. Even though you are emancipated, there was still a lot of legal risks Marvel was just not going to take with you. 
Everyone else was likely asleep at this point. You had to be up at 5 AM to catch your flight the next morning. You could just not sleep tonight, but after that crying spell, you knew you needed to. The only problem was that you couldn’t sleep without help and you had no more pills left. 
Besides, no one would agree to go with you to a store to get anything they didn’t perceive as an absolute necessity. Unless…
You pulled out your phone and sent a message to Chris, someone you knew would be up, especially because he had to share a room with Sebastaian. They acted like school girls when they were together. 
you: hey you up
cap cap cap: yeah whats up?
you: can you come to a store with me?
cap cap cap: it’s a little late for that kid. can it wait till morning? we have to be up in 5 hours for the flight
you: I need girl stuff and none of the others are up
cap cap cap: meet me outside of our rooms seb is coming too
you: k thanks
You slipped on a sweater, grabbed your wallet and phone and made your way to the lobby. Sure enough, Sebastian and Chris were standing there, both in sweats and sweatshirts. You offered a sheepish smile.
“Thanks guys,” You say. They smile back at you.
“No thanks needed, kid. You have needs.” Chris says.
Sure, you felt bad about lying about the real reason you wanted to go to a store. But it was either leave and get a bit of sleep or stay and not sleep at all.
“There’s a small convenience store a few blocks west,” Sebastian says, looking up from his phone.
“Where the fuck is west?” Chris asks.
“That way,” Sebastian responds, pointing in a general direction. Chris frowned, looking down at your blank face.
“Y/N?” Chris asks. Your head snaps up at the sound of your name.
“You usually tell me to ‘watch my fucking language’ when I swear.”
“Oh, sorry.” You clear your throat. “Watch your fucking language, Evans.” You say without the usual fervor.
“You feeling okay, doll?” He asks,moving to place a hand on your forehead.
“Yeah, fine. Girl shit,” You duck away from his hand, moving in the direction Seb was pointing. 
Chris furrows his eyebrows, trying to read you. But his small investigation was cut short by a loud group of drunk, and possibly high, men stumbling out of a bar. It was pretty early for people to be this shit faced. 
They were stumbling, shoving each other in a bunch of different ways and laughing, whooping and yelling incoherently. You watched as one threw up over the road, only being supported by one of his buddies who appeared to be as drunk as he was.
“Y/N, stay close.” Sebastian says, putting an arm around you and pulling you closer to him. Chris moves closer to the both of you, covering the side of you that was left vulnerable. 
The group parted like the red sea when the three of you walked towards them. Apparently they weren’t drunk enough to pick a fight with people that could quite literally rip them apart.
You looked up at Chris and Sebastian. Their faces were stone cold, clearly intimidating to anyone that looked at them, even their friends. It was a far cry from the warm smiles they usually dawned. You glanced around to see one of the guys in the group ogling you. He locked eyes with you, licked his lips then bit down on his bottom one. You moved closer to Sebastian, turning your face into his side. He shot a glare at the guy who immediately called for his buddies that had moved on to wait for him. You wrap your arms around your stomach and settled into a nice walking pace.
“Are you okay?” Sebastian asks softly, looking down to you and rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. You simply nodded, fixing your gaze to the sidewalk in front of you.
“That was gross. What kinda person stares at a girl walking down the street?” Chris asks. You knew that if it wouldn’t get him in serious trouble, he’d fist fight that guy. 
The rest of the walk was of Chris trying to cheer you up a bit. He told you funny stories of him and his buddies, of the cast on past tours, and just about anything he thought would get you to laugh. Nothing was working. 
Sebastian held the door for you as you went in. Chris and Sebastian followed you in, waiting for your wordlessly as you picked up what you needed. The only occupant was a lonely, very tired clerk sitting at the counter looking like he was going to sleep for weeks when he got off shift. You shopped pretty quickly, grabbing a few candy bars, a bottled drink, tampons, some generic brand Tylenol and a pack of sleeping pills before heading to the zombie clerk.
“You have to buy Naloxone with this purchase because you’re buying an acetaminophen. Store policy.” His dead eyes bore into you as you pulled some money from your wallet.
You give a small nod of acknowledgment. He rings up the box and throws the Naloxone in the small plastic bag with all of your other items. You hand him some cash and he gives you your change.
“Ready?” Chris asks, yawning slightly.
“Yeah,” You felt the way zombie clerk looked: tired and totally fucking dead inside.
The three of you walked back to the hotel at the same pace as before. This time it was silent. The walk lasted about the same time, 10 minutes or so each way. The three of you took the stairs up to the third floor.
You held the door to the stairs open for them.
“Thanks again, guys. I really appreciated this.”
“Anything for you, Y/N.” Chris smiles sleepily. 
“Yeah, you’re welcome. Get some rest.” Sebastian says, moving to hug you goodnight. You wrapped your arms around Sebastian’s neck and he wrapped his arms around your back. He was warm and smelled like old spice. It was nice and you felt safe. Safe enough to want to spill your heart out, safe enough to tell him what you’ve been thinking, how you’ve been so hard on yourself with no good results. You want him to help you. You want him to tell you that everything was going to work out and that you’ll be okay. But you don’t. You simply let go and hug Chris.
Chris was warmer than Sebastian, and he smelled like soft mint. You felt just as safe. Tears pricked your eyes; you really didn’t want to go back to your room and be alone. You wanted to stay with them and talk or listen to them talk. Just being around them makes you feel a little better.
But you let go. You willed your tears away and thanked them one last time before going to your room, unaware that the two men had stayed in the hallway.
You walked down the small entryway and set your bag on the desk by your laptop bag. You pulled out the sleeping pill, popped two in your hand and swallowed them dry. You stayed seated at the desk. A stack of failed papers sat adjacent to the laptop bag. Frowning, you picked them up, barely able to make out the critiques in the dull light of your hotel room. Red pen was scribbled on a paper that you had wrote reviewing FDR’s presidency.
45%. You had received a 45 % on this essay. It took you almost two weeks to write and you got a 45%.
I’m fucking useless. I can’t even write an essay right.
You moved on to another essay you had written, This was your worst, You got a 30% on it. 30% was the lowest grade you had gotten on something that you put genuine effort into.
God, why do I even try anymore. What’s the point of school. I should just drop out, fuck. I should focus on acting. I can at least do that okay.
A drop of water fell on the paper in front of you, smearing the red ink that covered the page. Huh. You didn’t even realize you were crying again.
I’m just a dumb baby. Why do I try anymore? I should go home. My parents were right about me. I’ll never be good enough, I should just go home.
Your breathing sped up and you choked on your sobs in a weak attempt to stay quiet.
Why aren’t the pills working? I want to sleep.
You fumbled with the packaging of the pills, four more falling into your hands. You throw them in your mouth and swallow them dry. 
Your hands start to burn. It blossoms through your arms and through your chest, moving down to your feet. Your head throbs as though someone is leading a marching band through your cerebral cortex. You wince, rubbing your temples.
The pounding gets stronger and stronger until you can’t take it. You reach for the plastic shopping bag on your desk. You snatch the painkillers from it, rip off the packaging on grab a small handful. Without thinking, you shoved them into your mouth and swallowed. 
You couldn’t breath. They had gotten stuck while you attempted to swallow them. You needed water. You spotted your water bottle on the nightstand. You jumped up and rushed over to the nightstand, you tripped on something. The world is a blur around you as your forehead collides with the sharp corner of the wooden table. You yelp, sucking in a sharp breath. You push your head into your hands, putting pressure on the wound. 
The pain moves quickly. Soon, all you could think about was the burning and the pounding in your head. You push yourself against the small space between the wall and the nightstand, head still held by your hand.
You heard three dull thumps resonate through the room. Then you heard your name. More thumps then nothing. The pain was the only thing on your mind. That and the fact that your hands and cheeks were wet and beginning to grow sticky.
Why are my hands wet? I cry from my eyes, not my forehead. Oh, fuck this hurts.
You didn’t know how much time had passed from the thumping and someone pulling at your hands. You didn’t try to resist them. You were fading. Everything was blurry, the blob in front of you reminded you of your friend Chris. He was a real cool guy with really pretty eyes. But there were two of the colored blobs and Chris didn’t have a twin so it couldn’t be him.
Then you were being laid down on your side with your arms being manipulated. You tried to keep your eyes open but you were tired and in pain. You wanted it to go away. 
Why isn’t it going away?
You reminded Chris of a puppy- energetic, affectionate and adorable in a way that only young and small things could be.
So he knew that something was up when you walked out of your hotel room with red and puffy eyes. This was more than pain and your hormones being out of whack. The walk confirmed his suspicions. You were quite- too quiet. You barely spoke. You barely looked at the two of them.
The hug made him want to stay with you for the rest of the night and talk. You almost cried when you hugged him. The only time you ever cried was when you had to for a scene.
Truth be told, he didn’t want to let you go. He holds you tightly, even when you loosen your grip on him.
“There’s something wrong, man,” Chris said after the door to your room closed. “She never cries.”
“She’s probably in pain. We aren’t girls, but we’ve heard how painful periods can be.”
“This is different.”
“Let’s talk to her in the morning, She’s probably stressed and in pain,”
Chris relented, following Sebastian to their room and laying in his bed, He didn’t get to sleep at all. He doesn’t know how much time had passed before he heard a loud thump and a yelp through the wall. He sat up, throwing the covers off of him. That was from your room. He bit his lip and stood up, slipping on some slide on shoes, he went to your room next door.
He knocked, “Y/N?” He knocked more. “Are you okay? Can you let me in, hon? I want to talk to you.”
No answer. He frowned. He tried one more time. Nothing, again. Chris looked around the hall while he waited impatiently for you to answer. His heart began to pump a little faster and something tugged in his gut. He needed to make sure you were okay and you really weren’t making it easy. After nothing happened again, he went down the stairs and to the front desk. Unsurprisingly, the front desk was empty. He rang a small bell they had. A tired young woman came from the back.
“Hi, how can I help you?" 
‘I lost the card to my room, can I get a new one?” Chris quickly lied. 
“Sure, what room?”
She pulled out a key and magnetized it. In any other situation, he would be appalled that this woman didn’t ask for his name or even check that he was the right occupant of the room, but he was grateful for it now.
He practically sprinted up the stairs to your room, opened the door and walked in. It was dark, the only thing lighting the room was the lamp on the desk.
He fully expected to see you asleep on the bed and confirm that the thump and yelp was something else. But the only thing on the bed was your wallet and phone. He frowned, looking around. The bathroom door was open and you weren’t there.
He turned, looking around some more. Then he saw you. You were curled up between the nightstand and the bed. Your hands were cradling your forehead in shaking hands.
“Y/N, sweetie? Are you okay? Did something happen?” He spoke gently, trying not to startle you.
You didn’t even look up at him. He crouched down by you, gently pulling a hand away from your face. It was shaking horribly and covered in a red substance he prayed wasn’t blood. He pulled the other one away too. This one was drenched in what was most definitely blood and shaking as well. Your face was covered in it; it was dripping down your cheeks, over your nose, in your hair and even on your clothes.
“Y/N? Oh, my god! What happened to you?” He asked, brushing some hair that got caught in the mess away from your face. 
You eyes were heavily lidded and unfocused. You were staring him in the face but it was like he wasn’t there. Then he looked at your face closer. Your lips were turning purple.
“Fuck!” He exclaimed, patting his pockets for his phone. He stood up from his crouched position he quickly grabbed your phone, opened emergency contacts and dialed 911.
“911, what is your emergency?” A woman answered.
“Something is wrong with my friend. Her head is covered in blood, she’s shaking uncontrollably, and her lips are turning purple, I need an ambulance.”
“Okay, what is your location?”
“W Hotel on west seventh and main. Hurry, please.” Chris begged, pacing in front of your limp body.
“Okay, we have one en route. What’s your name sir?”
“Okay, Chris. What room are you in?”
“I’m in room 321.”
“Is she responsive?“
"No, she’s just staring at me. I don’t think she knows I’m here,” Chris was crying at this point. With tears steadily flowing down his cheeks, he tried to stay calm for you.
“Did she consume any dangerous substances?”
“I-I don’t know. Fuck, how far is the ambulance?”
“They’re almost there.”
“Okay, please hurry, I think she’s dying.” Chris choked the last part out. This wasn’t real. There was no way that you, a 16 year old girl had just attempted suicide. 
No way. 
But it was real. You were laying in front of him, dying and he could do nothing about it.
Its takes too long for the medics to get there. But when they do, Chris steps back and panics in the corner.
They’re leaning over you and asking him things but he can’t think. He can’t breathe. Everything he knew about managing his anxiety went out the fucking window. 
He ended up riding to a hospital in the same car as you, holding your hand as they stabilized you. When they got to the hospital, he filled out paperwork for you.
Then he waited. 
He was led to a smaller, private waiting room and he sat. And he waited. The rest of the cast came in. Most of them were still in the clothes they had slept in. Sebastian and Robert had gotten their first, awoken by the medics and the noise in the hall. They got in a cab or something and followed the ambulance to the hospital. They just sat together in silence while everyone else trickled in.
Lizzie was crying. Hell, they all were in a state of shock. Chris just sat in a chair in a corner, trying to process what he saw.
How did she bleed that much? Why was she bleeding in the first place? Was it on purpose? Was it pills? Did she commit suicide? Why didn’t I see it? Is she dead? How could I have let this happen? His mind was going a mile a minute, but he sat completely still.
He was obviously oblivious to something because if he had done something earlier than this wouldn’t have done this. He could have stopped this from happening. 
The doctor comes in about two hours after everyone arrives. Its 3 AM.
“Are you here for Y/N Y/L/N?” He asks, holding a clipboard.
“Yes, we are.” Robert says, standing up. 
“What happened?”
“Is she okay?”
“My name is Dr. Ashby,” He began. "Y/N overdosed on drugs. We pumped her stomach. It’s highly unlikely any permanent damage has been done from the pills, but she has fractured a small part of her forehead. We believe that she has a concussion. She’s resting right now. We don’t know when she’ll wake up, but she will be okay.”
“Do you think she did it on purpose?” Tom asks softly, eyes glistening and red. 
The doctor sighed. “In my professional opinion, no. There wasn’t enough in her system to kill her or do any permanent damage. However, if you want a more accurate opinion, you should ask the officers that went to the hotel or Y/N after she’s had some time to recover.”
“Thank you Dr. Asby," 
The doctor left. The sounds of sniffling and soft crying still filled the room. Hours ticked by slowly. Too slowly.
"Are you okay, Chris?” Robert asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. Chris looked up at him. His dark hair was messy and his eyes were watery like the rest of theirs. Chris sighed and shook his head.
“There was so much blood,” He started. “Her lips were purple- she was dying. She didn’t even know I was there.” Robert sat next to him.
“I was with her before it happened. I could-”
“Don’t do that to yourself, Chris. You couldn’t have known that this was going to happen.”
“I know,” Chris rubbed his face, then ran a hand through his hair.
“You found her, and she’s going to be okay. That’s what matters right now,”
The sound of beeping and ringing woke you up. It was constant, loud and probably the most annoying thing that you could have ever imagined waking up to. You patted your bedside, looking for your phone to turn off the alarm and stop the ringing. The sharp stench of bleach filled your nose, making you cringe. Your hotel did not smell like bleach.
Something’s wrong.
You opened your eyes, wincing at the bright lights. You brought an arm up cover your eyes only to find that you were hooked up to a machine. A heart monitor was at your side.
Okay. Why the fuck am I in a hospital? What the fuck? Why does my head hurt so fucking bad?
You sat up, despite feeling weak. You glanced around and began to panic, half tempted to bolt. You hated hospitals. That was a mistake. With the heart rate speeding up , the heart monitor followed suit. Your head throbbed from the added noise. Lying back down, you closed your eyes, taking deep breaths to try and think through whatever the fuck landed you in a hospital with this amount of head pain.
I was on a walk. It was night and I was with Seb and Chris. I went to a store. I bought some sleeping pills. I took them. Oh, my god. I overdosed. But why does my head hurt so fucking much?
You tried sitting up again after a few minutes. This time, you did it slow enough and kept calm enough to process everything that happened and why you were in a hospital.
Soon enough, a nurse came in. She smiled gently when she saw you awake. “Hi, Y/N. How are feeling?”
“My head hurts. A lot. What happened?”
“You overdosed on pills and you fractured your forehead I’m going to call your doctor, hang tight.” She said, still smiling.
Okay. I overdosed on pills by accident. And broke my skull. Okay. What the fuck. I could have died. Cool. What the fuck is wrong with me?
You took a few deep breaths as you waited for the doctor. He didn’t take long to get there, surprisingly. He was older, had thinning hair and a small beer belly. “Good evening, Miss Y/L/N. My name is Dr. Ashby. How is your head?”
“It hurts. A lot. My ears are ringing”
He nods, writing what you said on a clipboard. “Do you remember what happened?”
“I was on a walk with two of my coworkers and I bought some sleeping pills. I took some and I woke up here.”
“Were you trying to harm yourself at all?”
You shake your head. Another mistake. More pain shot through your head, making your wince, and hold your forehead where the pain was at its worst. “No, no. I just wanted to sleep.”
He gives you another nod, writing that down as well. 
“What happened?” You ask. 
"You overdosed on pills. We don’t think any permanent damage was done, but we’d like to run some tests to confirm that,” He began, placing his pen in the clipboard. “You hit your head and you likely have a moderate concussion. We’ll run some tests for that too." 
"What time is it?” The doctor checks his watch. 
“It is 1 AM." 
"How long was I out?" 
"A little more than a day." 
"When can I leave?” You ask, trying to keep the desperation out of your voice. 
“We’re going to start running some tests, and once those come back we’ll discuss them and after that, we can let you go.”
“How long will that be?”
“We have a few blood tests that need to be run. Those will take a week to ten days to get back. Don’t worry, you don’t have to tay for those. However, we do have to run a couple diagnostics to see what happened to your head. We can have you out tomorrow or the day after. 
You let out a sigh of relief, shoulders slumping. “Thanks Dr. Ashby.”
He asked a series of questions and had you do a series of tasks, confirming that you did give yourself a concussion. After that was done, a nurse came into take your blood. After she left, you laid back in your bed, the ringing in your ears growing louder. 
Fuck. The media probably has their dirty little paws all over this. Y/N Y/L/N in the Hospital After Overdose. Marvel Actress Dies After Overdose, just kidding she’s alive. 
You sigh and close your eyes, wishing this was just a bad dream that you could wake up from. But the bandages on your head, the ringing in your ears and the monitors say otherwise. You struggle to fall back asleep, but when you do its fitful and full of unrest.
The morning came too quickly. Visiting hours started at nine and you knew your co-stars and likely a bunch of reporters were going to want to see you. It wasn’t that you didn’t care about your co-stars- it wasn’t that at all. You loved the people you worked with, but you scared of how they were going to react to what happened. 
“Good morning, Y/N,” Your nurse said. She was really sweet and wore a smile whenever you saw her. 
“Good morning,” You smile back, taking the meds she gave you. 
“Visiting hours begin in 15 minutes. I know you’re nervous. Don’t worry about any reporters or anyone like that coming in. We’ve made sure that no one of those sorts are allowed in.” That was a huge relief. 
“Thank you,” You’re sure you visibly relaxed. 
“You’re welcome, dear. Do you need anything else?" 
"No, thanks again,” She left the room, leaving you to your own devices. 
At exactly nine in the morning, Chris shuffles into your room with a bear and a small bouquet of sunflowers. 
“Hey,” He said softly. He looked rough. His hair was clean but untamed and his eyes were red. He was wearing a sweater and some jeans. You looked back down at the bed because what the fuck were you supposed to say? 
Hi, I’m so sorry for almost killing myself accidentally. Oops, guess my hand slipped and took too many pills when I was just trying to get to sleep. Yeah, no. 
“How are you feeling?” He pressed when you said nothing, placing a hand on your shoulder, rubbing it lightly. You shrugged, picking at the blanket on the bed. 
“C'mon, talk to me. What’s been goin’ on, kid?" 
"I don’t wanna talk about it,” You say softly. 
“Not talking about it isn’t working,” His voice hardened slightly.
“It was an accident,” You say, voice cracking. “I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to sleep.” Chris sighs, laying the flowers and bear on a chairs behind him. 
“Scoot over,” He says. You gave him a strange look as he stood above your bed, tears welling up in your eyes.
“I won’t bite. Promise,” 
You scoot to the other side of the bed. He half-sits half-stands and wraps his arms around you, placing a gentle hand on the back of your head, mindful of your injury, and cradles your head against his warm chest. He smells like soft mint. You feel safe. More tears well up in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him in return. 
“Did you want to hurt yourself?” He was shaking lightly.
“No, I swear. I just wanted to get some sleep. That’s it. I don’t remember anything but taking a couple pills.” He sighed, your head rising and falling with his chest. 
“You scared the shit out of us, kid.” His voice wobbled, some tears fell in your hair. “God, don’t ever do that again,” He buried his face in your hair. You knew he was crying. You were too, the tears flowing freely down your face. 
“I’m sorry,” You say softly. “I really didn’t mean to.” He didn’t say anything else, he just held onto you. 
Maybe I can tell him. He can help. He obviously cares. He wouldn’t show up if he didn’t care about me. Just be honest. 
“I was doing homework,” You mumble, hiding your face in his chest. If you were going to tell him what’s been going on, there was no way you could look at him in the face. You’d back out and pretend everything was okay. He didn’t say anything. And if he reacted, you couldn’t see it. 
“I’m failing three of my classes. It was too hard to focus so I just turned it in. I wanted to go to bed so I looked for my sleeping pills, but I ran out. That’s why I asked you to go to the store with me.” You sit up and wipe the tears off your eyes. “I took some and they weren’t working so I took more. Then my hands were burning. That’s all I remember,”
Chris’s arms tightened around you, drawing you back to him. “You hit your head. There was a lot of blood, and your lips turned purple. I thought you were dying.”
“I’m sorry,” You say, breath hitching as you began to cry steadily again. You spent the next few moments crying into his chest. 
He must’ve found me. Fuck. Fuck me, fuck me. I’m terrible. 
“I’m so sorry, Chris, I am. I’m sorry,” You sputtered out, clutching his shirt in your hands. 
“I know. I forgive you now that I know you’re okay. Take a deep breath. It’s okay,” He says, running a hand up and down your back. He started to breath melodramatically and you followed suit, soon calming down enough to stop crying. 
“Everyone else wants to see you, but there’s a two person limit." 
"Then why’d you come alone?” Chris shook his head, reaching for the bear. He handed it to you.
“A bear?” A brown bear specifically. A brown bear dressed as Captain America with black dark blue buttons for eyes even more specifically.
“Yeah, I thought that if I couldn’t be there for you then another Captain America could,” 
“You know I’m not six, right?” You couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips. 
Chris shrugged, eyes still wet. You leaned over and hugged him again. 
“Thank you,” You say, voice cracking. “For everything.”
“Anything for you, Y/N.”
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helloblobbyblobfish · 3 years
Safety in coils
(Anîla refers to the mains humans as “kids”, but they all are in college, between 19 and 25.)
The 32 of July
New place, new diary! Hello, four diary, I will call you Helbert. I think it’s a common name for Americano males. Any way, I shall present myself to you to: I am a member of the proud race of naga, but I have yet to receive a proper name, having only 34 year old in human year. I am currently trying to live away from my tribe as a sign of maturity, however. I have decided that I would also record to myself what I am doing for my descendants to know what I did. I decided also, than, given the fact that I will pretend to be a human, I need to write in their tango, so that I would be prepared to speak with them.
I shall also name myself Anîla âbhoga, as respect for my elders, and because I lack creativiti.  I should try to find myself a cave before looking for a house. In all accounts I read, we need to wear “clothes” when we takes our human forms, so I will steal them later on.
See you soon, Helbert!
2 of august
Hey, Helbert! You wouldn’t believe in the number of kids that went into the forest today. I could have eaten any of them without issue, they are so trusting! But that would end up alerting someone, and I don’t want hunters yet. Americannans; They don’t seem to realize the danger that exist, I was told of their ignorance; but it is really worrisome.
Trough, that mean that I have plenty of Americanans that can explain to me everything. I am even more persuasive that most of my clan, the reason as to why I was allowed to travel the sea unsupervised. As you serve as my “recording devices”, I think I am supposed to give you the description of the youth I have met. They all got to see my eyes and should not be worried about my half-snake appearance, but I will keep a human look next to them, as to not push their limits. I could not make them come back to me at a precise time, so I will put them back under. It would also make them less suspicious of my questions.
The first kid I found was running, and scared. I guess he was lost for a while, and got into trouble, because he had what he told me were call b-r-u-i-s-e-s. (I Made him spell it, I am learning English word I was not told existed. The excitation!) It’s brownish marks that indicate you were p-u-n-c-h-e-d. He also had a similar marks on one of his eyes, but it was black. Apparently, it is black or blue around the eyes, and as such, you call those bruises “black eyes”. He has yellow hairs, with dirt and twigs in them when I fond him, but I clean him. He had green eyes, if I saw correctly, before he saw mines. I though he was short, but all the humans I met were close to his height. He has 19 year, and is name is Noah.
A few minutes after I brought Noah at the edges of the forest, I fond another male, who is named Andrew Evans. He is really different in behavior and look. I did not tell you about the clothes! It is kind of important! Humans wear different “styles” of clothes depending of their ages, gender or role in the town hierarchical structure. Noah was wearing gray “S-w-e-a-t pants” and a red “H-o-o-d-y” with a green stripe. It was way too big on him, so I guess he and his family does not have a lot of money. He also screamed and tried to run when he saw me. Andrew Evans has black hairs that he “greased”, brown eyes, I am sure for those, I thought to ask. He is wearing blue “J-e-a-n-s” with holes he said he made himself. I guess there is a meaning, but I was asking basic questions, I will interrogate the kids more later on.
Andrew Evans also has a silver chains dangling on the side of his pants, a white “T-s-h-i-r-t” who he cover with a “Leather j-a-c-k-e-t”. He also had dangling “dog tags” around his neck, who reached lower than his “P-e-c-s”. They are by two, silvery, oval, and contain info. His “dog tags” were about his father, who got them in a war. Andrew Evans is proud of his dad and wear them. Ritualistic importance? He also tried to attack me with a knife when I met him. As punishment, I kept the “dog tags” I do not understand the meaning of some of the info, like the “AB” mark.
It appear Andrew Evans was looking for Noah, so I showed him the way to civilisation. And then, I heard cries of “Andrew”, because I presume someone went after Andrew Evans. Perhaps they do know the forests are places you get lost in, but none of the kids seemed prepared to meeting me. Are americanos forest really without nagas? How?
Any how, the third kid has a darker skin color that the other two, but it is not as dark as the skin color of the humans who live in India. He had brown hair who looked that fluffy spikes, and I had a hard time flattening, blue eyes, and was wearing another “T-shirt”. They cover only part of their arm, fascinating choice, in my opinion. He also had “Jeans”, but his were gray, and without holes. He wondered where I was coming from as he never saw me, and did not believe me when I said I was a newcomer. To worry about. I simply calmed him and told him where to find Andrew Evans. I was not sure what to ask of him. Except his name, it’s Leo
I ended falling on a fourth and final kid by complete accident, nearly an hour later, despite him apparently entering with Leo. This kid was looking at least a head taller than the rest. His name is Chris. He stated he “was” 24, witch I think is a bit old to call a human, a kid, but I have to look more into it. He is as pale as Noah and Andrews Evans. His hairs are the fabled red, and his eyes remind me of hazels. He also wears a “Leather jacket”, who he kept closed, because he wears nothing underneath, and blue “Jeans”, who should be burned given the numbers of oil stains who covered them, and also massive holes, with is knees basically being in the open. I had to tell him to change clothes, or he would be hurt if he fall. He wasn’t taking me seriously, so I put him under my gaze at this moment.
Over all, it was an excellent day to start seeing what kids human act and look like. I will go into town tomorrow to meet adults.
3 august
Well, wouldn’t you know, Elbert, I was using phrasing of a sentence and idoms who sound old, for someone in his thirties. One day interacting in the town, and I already got a reputation as an “old-timer”. Who could have guess? Most people are wonderful, in any case. I also bumped into Andrew Evans, Leo and Chris. They were with another kid in their age range, Steve. He is taller than Leo, but smaller than Andrew. Oh, yes. Evans is a family name rather than a composite surname. My bad.
Leo was still suspicious of me, and I wasn’t able to talk with them. He said something about “stranger danger”. I wonder if he is more afraid of other humans than what is living outside his town. What are humans doing between themselves? It would appear our knowledge of their society is dated. I need to get alone with him if I want to examine their behaviour properly. Instead I met a few adults and discreetly made their door open to me. I did take a trip to the house seller, but I will need papers and money for one. It’s more difficult than we expected when I left my home forest. There is also that man named John Miller. He seems to think I am weak because he can’t see muscle. Probably an hunter. I need to keep an eye on him too.
Wait, there are footstep sounding close. I come back once I saw who is it, and why they are here. What if they already know?
It was Noah! Unlike the others, he still wears the same clothes than yesterday. Truly poor. And because he already saw my eyes, he is so easy to put under. Actually, he is sitting right next to me, and when I took my hybrid form, he was all too happy to snuggle in. Good human. So, because he is really easy to interact with, and he told me he just often goes into the forest when he is “overwhelmed”, he will be my number one source of information! So, I will ask some questions, and note the answers into you, Ebert!
So, Noah Miller! Turn out he is the son of John Miller, who isn’t a hunter, but a construction worker. Noah seem to be hiding something about him, but I don’t want to push. Noah seems nice, I don’t want to destroy his intelligence or his being. So, I will wait till he wants to tell me for further explanations. He also doesn’t want to tell me where do those “bruises” and cuts come from. I am a bit worried for his safety. Does he try to get into fights to prove himself to his father?
Human kids his age like to play something call “video games”. I need to come to his house to play, however. Well, after I ended up asking question, we will play fetch. I heard pets like that, and I might keep Noah around, I really like him. His outfit is one he picked because he wants to cover “them”; Okay. Apparently, “cool” outfits for him show muscle, leather jackets always work, Jewellery show wealth, seem like the meanings are the same as we naga knew, just a bit differently.  Jewelry
Yes, I asked Noah to correct mistakes he saw. It’s useful for my human guise. Also, Andrew is the popular kid who has a bright future. That mean he can get away with selfishness and violence, in this society. I can’t believe it. Well, as a subject and potential pet, I should give Noah a good life, so the research is put on hold the time I get the other kids to respect him.
6 August
Hey, Albert. Been a few days, but I had to make Andrew, Chris, Steve and especially Leo way more pliant that they were. But today, they will all come to this forest with additional clothes they think would fit Noah and make him looks “cool”, so that he joins their “friend” group. It looks a bit more like a hierarchy in itself, but I will make sure they treat each other better. Win-Win for everyone! I hope I use those expression correctly. Anyway, Noah too got more contacts with me. He seems to really trust me “more than anyone” he says, but he still won’t tell me where his injuries come from. I am a bit disappointed. Seem like he made some strong barriers about it, if I force the answers from him, it would hurt his brain, a lot.
Leo has arrived. I had to get to his parents first, to be alone with him, but heh. I have a bed in their basement now. Leo was really distrustful. Now, he is a bit over-zealous to obeying me, but I don’t see any other psychological impact. I do keep an eye on him for his safety. He also is the one closer in size to Noah, so I expect his clothes to be most of the ones Noah come home with. Leo also make delicious chicken wings.
Now, Steve has arrived. Coming back to my few notes, I forgot to describe him. He has black hair, brown eyes, and the first time he saw me alone I was shirtless and that made him red, for some reason. But he doesn’t want to talk about it. He is 23. He is the drag-along man of his group, and easily scared. It amuses me to make loud noises behind his back. He jumps every single time! Today, he is wearing a sleeveless black cloth he calls “top”, and blue “shorts”. He really doesn’t know how to visit the forest.
Andrew and Noah arrived together. Andrew is surprisingly the one who brought the more clothes. When I asked, he stated he bought them. He is ironically the one who took the most the rings in my eyes, even more than Noah, who I found easy to put under. And I remind you I am strong in charm by naga standard. Andrew is also missing his dog tags. Apparently, you put “blood type” and height on it. I shall ask for their size and weight once I start the experience again.
Well, Chris is finally here. He at least wears something without “sexual innuendos” for once. I’ll admit I don’t understand them. Also, except Steve, they all have a weird combo with leather jackets and ties, to welcome Noah into the group. Really odd-looking, even fir me, and the fact that I wear “professionals” clothes all the time makes people talk. Noah, of course, is wearing a hoody and “baggy” pants. I’ll tell you how it went.
Really well!!! Now, Noah has a collection of “gym” clothes, rings, chains… the perfect “streetwear”, as Chris said. The boys are all very happy playing with the ball I gave them. And they all are super happy when I tap their head to signify that they are good boys. I’m so happy they stopped using gel, I can play with their hairs. But play time is over. I’m going back to studying them and their interactions, so they aren’t aware I was ever in their lives for now. I want to see them act normally.
Wait, why is Andrew berating them all. I understood he was mean to people outside his group, but he is controlling of the people in it? Chris is obeying him without question and making subtle threat for the others three to follow? Noah is afraid??! Leo is just done with this and complaint but does not act? Steve is not shivering like Noah, but I think he is afraid too. How could I miss that, and how can I let this happen in front of my eyes? I’ll be right back, Albert!
 So, they have been some changes in the group dynamics of the boys. Now, Leo is the leader one. He also asks for my opinion on things and agree that I am smarter and wiser than him, and as such, my decisions are absolute and override his. Andrew is really happy to be led. He takes more easily to my suggestions than the others, so he is “living the dream”, as the “omega” of his group. I don’t know what that mean, he declared himself one. In his opinion, Leo is an “alpha” and the rest are “beta”. Andrew also wanted to classify Chris as the second-in-command, but I preferred Noah, because I have to admit at being biased, but Noah doesn’t want to lead, and Leo will be a great leader under my guidance, and he wanted to be the “top dog”.
Chris is really the one who got the best changes, though. He was really afraid of what to do without someone who use him as a muscled henchman, so now, he can suck up all type of information. His “G.P.A” will improve, thanks to that. We might have a “smart one”, after a trip to the library. And the, there is Steve. I don’t know what to do with Steve. Steve never showed much personality. When I asked him how he would describe himself, he said “gaie”, which mean cheerful in French, is I remember correctly. Didn’t appear that happy for me… Well, now, he is being nicknamed “the cheerleader” by his friends. They will not question the changes, but I think I will have to drop by their parent’s house later.
Well, I’m glad to see they all are having fun. Leo started a “soccer game”. Look interesting. Steve is cheering for them because they are an odd number. He seems decided to compliment Chris on his muscle, for some reason. Well, he also commented a few times about mine. Maybe he just put a lot of attention in physical health. I’m going to watch.
  August 8
At the teaching place the boys are going (I though in English it was called school, but the refer to it as college), Noah is now one of the centres of attention, as a new friend of Andrew and thanks to his new look. Steve convinced him to wear “guyshadow”. Didn’t expect it to work well with the dark lines under Noah’s eyes (named “eye’s bag”, this language relies on such obvious terms, it’s worrying me. Are humans worried about being incomprehensible? It’s probably not the only human one to be this on the nose, but the only one I’m good at.), but now, he has a lot of weird attention from females and a few males, including Steve. I don’t understand why is external looks and money so much more important that what’s inside for humans.
Wait, I hear sobs. Why is Noah in pain?
HIS FATHER WAS VIOLENT TOWARDS HIM!!! THE FIEND! HE DESERVED BEING REDUCED TO A HUSK BY ME! SO GLAD HE IS NOW OUT OF NOAH AND MISS. MILLER’S LIFE!! Now, I heard a mother without a husband faces hardship in this “tolerant” society humans call America, so I will make sure the remaining Millers in town are wall-loved. I think I will move my human place from Leo’s house, he is okay, and go to live with Noah and his mom Susan.
August 10
Albert, while I was playing with Noah, he called me Dad. Apparently, it means he sees me as a major role model, and it’s a sign of a deep bond, said Susan. She seemed ready to laugh, and also a bit awkward, when she said that to me. Well, I’m glad he thinks so highly of me! I also think highly of my pet. Now, he is completely open to any change in personality or look I ask of him. I have a little doll I can dress and make talk as I want. He is a cowboy, a pre-re-education Andrew, a hunter, a servant. I asked of my sister she send me some jewelry, and now, he has wonderful gold hoops in his ear, and a silver chain with an emerald that he show to no one, but whose touch remind me of how good he is while looking at me... Truly, I am enjoying this study.
Author’s note (how do you make italics on Tumblr?): So, this is a story I wrote in Summer 2020 for a contest about supernatural on a hypno-site. I planned to make a one-shot, then I liked the characters too much and started making an universe for them. If you have questions on them, I probably have some answers. It feature no pron, so I though. You know what, I should publish my own stuff on Tumblr. Hope you people enjoy
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shannendoherty-fans · 3 years
Shannen in Love
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People, 11th October 1993
By Tom Gliatto
Nobody Does It Quicker: Apparently on the Spur of An Unguarded Moment, Volatile 90210 Star Shannen Doherty, 22, Weds Ashley Hamilton, 19
No question that Shannen Doherty, 22, volatile, voluble Hollywood wild child, has had a headline year or so. There was her engagement to Chicago real-estate manager Chris Foufas, later canceled. A much-publicized bar fight with a wannabe actress, Bonita Money. A threatened eviction by her landlord, who claimed she had skipped on $11,000 in rent. And most memorably, a plea for court-ordered protection by her subsequent ex-fiancé, Dean Factor, who charged she had pulled a gun on him and "threatened to hire a few guys to beat me and to sodomize me" on his front lawn. What, possibly, could Doherty do for an encore?
How about a spur-of-the-moment, no-parents-invited, B.Y.O.B. wedding to a guy she had known for two weeks? On Sept. 24, Beverly Hills, 90210's unpredictable star married her brand-new boyfriend, Ashley Hamilton, 19, the son of actor George Hamilton and his first wife, Alana Stewart, in the backyard of her rented Santa Monica Mountain home. Details are sketchy, but so, apparently, was the ceremony. Close friends and family, most of whom were not asked to share the moment, seemed stunned. Shannen's mother, Rosa Doherty, a beauty-salon manager who lives in Los Angeles, said simply that she and her husband, Tom, a mortgage consultant, were happy as long as Shannen was happy. "Shannen wanted to keep it private and personal," she said. "That's all I want to say."
Others were perhaps more candid. "I have no idea why he would do this," said one of Hamilton's friends. "It's beyond my wildest thoughts. I don't know where this came from."
At first, there was even speculation concerning whether the marriage was legal. "It happened too fast," says Doherty's ex-fiancé Foufas. "I wondered if anyone verified it, if there is a confirmed marriage license." (In fact, says Doherty's publicist, Stan Rosenfield, there is.) Doherty herself sidestepped the issue, flying with Hamilton to New York City on Sunday night to host the Oct. 2 edition of Saturday Night Live. At LAX, in front of a posse of reporters, Hamilton conspicuously played with a gold band on his wedding finger. But Doherty's only comment to the press was a snappish "It's none of your business."
Whatever it was, it started with flowers. On Friday morning, Sept. 24, Shannen called her favorite florist in Los Angeles's Brentwood section. She placed a last-minute request for that evening: six separate arrangements of sunflowers and while flowers mixed. The occasion, the florist says he was told, was that "she was having some guests up."
That same day. she reported to work on the set of 90210. During a break, Doherty approached an art department staffer and asked him to come by that night and help decorate her backyard—for her wedding. "Boy, that was fast," gasped the crew member, who, like others on the set, was aware that Doherty had only begun dating Hamilton within the past month.
"Yeah," Doherty answered, "I just found out this morning."
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[On September 26th, Doherty and Hamilton waited together — when not dodging press together — at the L.A. airport for their flight to New York City.]
By sundown, word had somehow zipped through town, and a dozen reporters had staked out Doherty's house on Mulholland Drive. By 9 p.m. a handful of guests arrived and drifted in through the front gates. It was a twentysomething L.A. crowd, from casual to grungy, toting six-packs and snack material. A white wedding cake was carried in atop a cardboard box. None of her 90210 regular castmates appeared—not even Doherty's closest friend, Tori Spelling.
As the assembled few watched, Hamilton and Doherty—who was barefoot and wearing a silk bathrobe—made their way through the backyard along a pathway of burning tiki torches, past bushes draped with twinkling lights and a swimming pool whose rippled surface was speckled with floating candles and sunflowers. "It was kind of a midnight Polynesian thing," says one source. The procession concluded, vows were exchanged, and then, according to Doherty publicist Rosenfield, the couple signed their marriage license in the presence of a notary public.
Yet even with the nuptials concluded, questions remained. Why the rush? Why B.Y.O.B.? Why was that cake so conspicuously exposed to the news cameras? (According to the decorator from 90210, Doherty had no food or drink, except for filtered tap water, on hand for her guests.) Why didn't the couple invite family members or many of their friends? Hamilton père, whose marriage to first wife Alana ended amicably in 1976, just laughed when he talked to longtime Daily Variety Hollywood columnist Army Archerd the following Monday. "I never told my parents when I was married," he said of his wedding to Alana. But Alana, in Texas for a high school reunion, was said to be furious at the turn of events involving her son.
What was known was that the 6'3", 190-lb. Hamilton, a fixture on young Hollywood's party scene, had moved in with Doherty right after meeting her. Until very recently, Shannen had been seeing actor Judd Nelson, 33; interestingly enough, it was through Nelson that she met his friend Hamilton. "I hear that friendship ended," says a Hamilton pal. A friend of Doherty's speculated that, furious over her breakup with Nelson three weeks ago. Shannen impetuously threw herself at Hamilton. Indeed, one 90210 staffer claims that, a week before the wedding, Doherty drove to Las Vegas to see Nelson, who was supposedly there with a former girlfriend.
Others saw the marriage as just another typically bizarre Doherty episode. "This is in the vein of Shannen's wacky life," says one 90210 source. "She's so impulsive." Ex-fiancé Foufas, who talked to Doherty the night before the wedding but was given no hint of it, suggested that the marriage might well be a play for attention on Doherty's part: "You know, she might have thought, 'How can I slump the press now?' " Or, he muses, she might just be looking for a little excitement. "Look at it this way," he says. "Five days a week you get up early and go to the studio until 9 at night. You have no life except what producers make of it. It's possible that they are just two people who are bored. I know that Shannen is bored."
In short, this relationship, all of two weeks old, has the earmarks of the peculiar tango—one two three, one two three, tabloid headline aaaaaand DIP!—the public has come to expect of Doherty and her significant others. But Ashley, who recently completed a stint at a Los Angeles drug rehab clinic, is no stranger to trouble himself. A dyslexic who was enrolled in a special-educational program, Hamilton has said he always hated school. "I spent a lot of time in the principal's office," he said. He graduated from high school in 1991, determined to make a career in showbiz as an actor or a director. In December he will appear in Beethoven's 2nd (the sequel to the hit coined) about a Saint Bernard. A self-described rebel who loves motorcycles, he was involved last year in a near-fatal accident that left him bedridden for two months with 300 stitches in his head.
With his height and dark good looks, he has always appeared more mature than he is. "He does seem older," his mother, Alana, told PEOPLE this year, when he was included in the ranks of 1993's 50 Most Beautiful People. Growing up, she said, "he always hung around older kids." (Plus, he got to grow up in the same household as British rock and roll star Rod Stewart, who was married to Alana from 1979 to 1984.) The same kind of age gap is true of his love life. Before Doherty, he dated actress Claire Stansfield, 28, for more than a year. Summing up their age difference, Stansfield once said. "I had to make him realize Eric Clapton did something before MTV Unplugged."
Today, Stansfield, who spoke to Hamilton by phone soon after the wedding, says she is genuinely happy for the couple. "I think they're perfect for each other,' " she says. "It was funny saying to Ashley, 'Where's your wife?' He said she was in the other room."
Another person who has long been close to the Hamilton family is far less sanguine. "How could he do that and not tell his parents?" she asks. "If he would do that, he no longer is the Ashley I know." In any event, she says with a sigh, "maybe Shannen will make a man of him. Because he's still a boy."
As for Doherty, her friends hope for her were perhaps summed up by Foufas, who nearly married her himself just over a year ago. "All I care about is Shannen being happy," he says. "I don't think she's been a happy person."
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icarusbuck · 4 years
17. give me a minute or an hour
FOX! 911
"We're here for two days," Buck complained, trailing after Eddie toward an old beat up pickup. "Can't this wait?"
Eddie shook his head and pulled open the passenger door. It had a sticking point and required a bit of muscle and leverage to convince it to open. He gestured to the seat, and Buck sighed as he climbed in.
The problem wasn't the length of their stay, but rather the weather. A rare rainstorm was due the following night, and they were on the last flight out the day after that.
It had to be tonight, but Eddie didn't tell him any of that. He rounded the back of the truck, sparing only a glance into the bed to make sure his request had been honored. Once he'd pulled himself into the driver's seat, he lowered the visor and caught the keys in his hand. The truck rumbled to life a few seconds later and he pointed them towards their destination.
Buck busied himself with the sights. He understood by now that sometimes Eddie didn't want to talk, and it didn't seem to matter why, he waited it out every time. It was one of the things that fell into place for them early on, something his late wife had never seemed to realize.
Eddie drove them outside the city limits and up onto a ridge on the edge of town. On one side of the road lay the city, and on the other the plains. They climbed higher and higher away from the lights and the sounds of civilization, until all that remained was the sky above them laden with stars.
He pulled onto a dirt side road, took it all the way to the end, and finally came to a stop near an old, gnarled tree with bare branches.
"What are we doing out here?" Buck asked, peering up at the branches above them. "Are you going to murder me where no one will ever find me?" He grinned at Eddie, eyes and teeth glinting in the dark.
"Maybe," Eddie allowed, smiling back.
Buck sat back in his seat after giving it some more thought. "What are you up to, Diaz," he muttered to himself.
"Let me show you."
He shoved open his door and hopped out, and hurried around to the other side to wrench Buck's door loose. His attention shifted immediately to the bed of the truck and what lay waiting for them. He climbed up with practiced ease, having done it hundreds of time in his younger years.
"Am I supposed to come up there?" Buck asked dubiously. He leaned against the side of the truck and looked up at Eddie, lit only by the moon and stars above.
"Only if you want to stargaze with me," Eddie replied, crouching down to fix the spread of heavy blankets and one old, lumpy futon mattress.
Buck raised an eyebrow at him. "You planned this," he guessed, following Eddie's path up to straddle the side wall.
"What, you thought I'd bring you to Texas without pulling all my tricks?" Eddie clicked his tongue and stepped over to where Buck sat. He bent over and put his hands on his knees, bringing their faces level with one another. "We've only got two days, cariño. I gotta make it count."
Buck let out a breath and leaned closer, tipping his head for a kiss.
"Patience," Eddie said, smirking as he ducked away. He crouched down and fell back onto the blankets, testing their cushion first and holding his hand out second. "Come here."
He didn't need to be told twice. Buck scrambled to pull his leg over the side of the truck and threw himself down beside Eddie eagerly.
Once they'd both gotten comfortable, Eddie let out a breath he'd been holding ever since they left Los Angeles. Going home wasn't the hardest part, although recent tensions with his parents hadn't made it any easier.
It was the traveling that he hated the most. Chris wasn't able to tote his own luggage just yet, and Eddie hated checking a bag, so it was always a challenge to pack clothes for the both of them into one duffel bag. After that hurdle came TSA, which was bad enough when he flew alone. Taking Chris through them always sapped his patience. They eyed Christopher's walking aids with open suspicion or worse, disdain.
Then came the actual going home part, after they landed in Texas and took the long taxi ride out to the house Eddie had grown up in. Several aunts and uncles were there when they pulled up out front, too impatient to wait for the party the following day. It wasn't a long trip to El Paso, but he'd anticipated a quiet dinner with his parents. He should have known better.
It had been hours since he could just sit and hold Buck's hand and not have to worry about being late or going to the wrong terminal.
Eddie took in a deep breath of crisp, cool air and sighed audibly. His mind wandered back to the present, and he realized Buck was staring at the side of his head after another slow breath. He smiled slightly.
"How much longer are you gonna look at me instead of this sky?" Eddie muttered, almost afraid that speaking too loudly would break the spell of calm.
Buck snorted softly and turned onto his side. He pressed the length of his body against Eddie's and stretched his leg across Eddie's hips, bringing them ever closer. His cold nose nuzzled into Eddie's cheek, and when he spoke, he matched Eddie's quiet tone.
"Baby, you could give me a minute or an hour, and it still wouldn't be long enough."
The blunt words hit Eddie where they always did. His chest ached sweetly and he closed his eyes, savoring the feeling. Buck was good at making Eddie feel like he was standing in sunlight even in pure darkness. His love washed over Eddie and stunned him.
Buck slid his hand up Eddie's chest and cupped his cheek, pulling Eddie around until their lips met. He wrapped his arm around Buck's shoulders as they kissed and took their time. There was no need to hurry, nothing pressing to get back to. There were just the two of them, and what had fostered between them over the last several months.
When they parted several minutes later, Buck pressed their foreheads together, his thumb stroking lightly over Eddie's skin.
"Look up," Eddie whispered, rubbing his nose against Buck's.
Buck relented. He turned onto his back with a smile and took Eddie's hand, linking their fingers together.
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