#personal life
00tonn · 5 months
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My kid Shuggy figure arrived today ❤️💙 I love them so much T_T
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e-vay · 4 months
Today was the big day! We finally got the keys to our new house!
I’m so thankful to Ryan, to our realtor, to the builders and to God for making it all happen 🥰
Had to channel my inner-Amy for this since I’m the strongest of the two of us 😂
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indestinatus · 2 months
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weirdozjunkary · 23 days
I don’t normally like to vent about myself or my life. But everything just feels like it’s spiralling for me and I just don’t know what to do. This is probably as personal as I’ll ever get on here haha.
I might eventually delete this. But I don’t know..
CW: personal life, SH and Sui talk
Right now my country Canada is entering late stage capitalism, as well as the US. It sucks, yes. But I figured that by the time I’m out on my own and I’m able to fend for myself, that most of this would blow over and I will be fine. But now it’s getting hard to think about stuff like that.
I believe I have undiagnosed autism and currently undiagnosed ADHD (was diagnosed as a child), which makes a lot of things hard for me. I’ve been wanting to get a diagnosis to help myself for the future. But I’ve been constantly told not to, as doing so would make people think less of me. And I hate that people have that mindset, even if it is true.
Something that is worse is that I can’t pay for anything. I can’t pay off my loans because it’s too high. I don’t even have a job to pay them off, I can’t even get a job because of my autism and because the job market is fucked. I’m moving to a whole other country really soon that I know nothing about so there’s no point in me even doing my schooling here anymore, the only reason I’m still going is because my dad wants me to. And if I don’t pay off my loans, my credit will be put in the “risk” category, credit mind you that I don’t have because I don’t have a credit card.
I cant even speak the language to the place I’m moving too, so I don’t know if I would even be able to get a job there other than just a cleaning person. And even if I come back here to Canada if I do my schooling there, I don’t know if I would be able to get a house because the housing market is absolutely terrible here.
If I stay here in Canada I have basically no one to fall back on if things turn to the absolute worse for me, and it really feels like life wants that to happen to me. I wasn’t really told much about life stuff as a kid, so now it’s biting me in the ass and I’m paying for it. I know I’m still stable at the moment, I have a house and food and water. But every day I hear more and more worse things.
I used to live out of spite, but now that spite is starting to fade on me. I can’t lie and say that I have thought the worst about myself, what I want to do to myself. I’m terrified of death, but sometimes it seems like the more favourable option. People always say to stay in the present, that’s what matters. It’s hard to stay in the present when the future keeps looking bleaker and bleaker.
I try to stay positive, that I will be okay in the end. I want to believe that I’ll be okay. But it’s getting harder and harder to see that
Everything feels like its burning around me and I don’t know what to do. It feels like it’s all my fault. That I’m just gonna die homeless and alone.
I’m sorry that this is so much more negative compared to what I normally post. Everything just feels so terrible and I don’t know what to do. I shouldn’t be feeling like this, I’m a young adult and yet I’m so worried about everything that it would all crash around me. Every time I feel even remotely stable, it feels as though life just kicks the rug under my feet and fucks everything up for me.
I want to feel okay again. But I don’t know if I ever will be.
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caitylove · 5 months
So I er---did a thing today... And I'm still mentally freaking out. Impulsive solo trip was totally worth it.
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night-market-if · 3 months
Thank you!
To everyone who has been leaving tips for me when purchasing the Night Market on itch.io, thank you so much! With this wind storm, we lost the entirety of my husbands next paycheck so bills are on me for the end of this month. Every little bit is incredibly helpful. :)
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npshab · 8 months
Setelah menikah aku merasa disayangin banget. Sama suamiku.
Setelah melahirkan aku merasa diperjuangin banget, meskipun kalo dipikir pikir aku ga pernah ga diperjuangin gaksi? Sebelum menikah, ada orang tua yang terus merjuangin aku, tapi baru kerasa diperjuangin pas setelah menikah, oleh suamiku. Mungkin karena komunikasi aku sm orang tuaku tidak terlalu bagus, makanya perjuangin mereka sering aku lupa karena ketutup sama ngomeeel melulu wkwk.
Setelah sekarang jadi ibu dan punya anak yang udah bisa diajak ngobrol, aku jadi merasa kalo ternyata keberadaanku itu berarti ya?:’) rasanya kaya selalu seru setiap hari, karena aku merasa banyak gataunya, merasa harus belajar belajar belajar terus buat jadi ibu & istri yang baik, jadi tiap hari selalu menemukan momen “oh ternyata hari ini begini, besok harus lebih baik lagi”.
Anakku jadi cerminanku. Alarmku.
Ketika ada sesuatu hal dari anakku yang menurutku “harusnya ga gini deh”, disitu akan jadi titik dimana aku melihat lagi diriku. Anak aku masih dibawah 7 tahun usianya, ketika ada sesuatu sikapnya yg ga sesuai berarti yang harus diperbaiki adalah aku, ibunya. Introspeksi lagi, apa ya yg salah, gimana ya caranya supaya lebih baik, baca baca lagi, ikutan kelas lagi, belajar lagi, seru deh pokoknya.
Terima kasih ya anakku buat semua pelajarannya, buat selalu maafin ibu & ayah setiap hari, buat selalu kasih kesempatan ibu & ayah buat belajar lagi, belajar terus sama sama ya nak. Semoga ibu & ayah bisa terus membersamai kamu sampai dewasa. Sayang selamanyaa <3
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38sr · 5 months
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3 yrs later after the artist program and im happy to share that im a storyboard artist over at nickelodeon on an unannounced project, super excited to be back✨✨✨
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wolfy1298 · 6 months
Panic and get it done
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So recently, I bonded with my sister’s boyfriend over “Detroit: Become Human”, which he has never played but heard about. I’ve played the game, so I let him do a playthrough on my PS4 while I watched. Let me just say, his playthrough was SIGNIFICANTLY different than mine, which was fun since it felt like watching a movie for the first time.
Anyways, the results of my sister’s boyfriend’s playthrough:
1) Committed to violent revolutionary Markus (I was pacifist)
2) Saved Kara, Alice, and Luther by crossing the border after sacrificing Jerry (this stunned me because I had no idea you could still get this ending if you went through with the violent revolution)
3) Markus successfully revolted.
4) North romance, which made sense since Markus was only doing revolutionary choices.
5) Connor stayed a machine (not by choice, he just didn’t get enough software instability). Also, since Markus led a successful revolution, Connor became the Final Boss who had to be defeated. It was sad watching Connor’s perma-death, but it made sense for the story. Side note, the game allowing you to choose who was going to be the Final Boss (Markus or Connor) was the coolest thing I’ve seen come out of this game. I didn’t know that could be an option.
6) Hank died trying to stop Connor from assassinating Markus
7) Out of Markus’ circle, only North survived. Simon was left behind at the news station, Josh got shot.
So, yeah. Markus and Kara lived, Connor died. I guess the ending was mostly good because the androids did win at the end? It just sucks that we lost Connor. At least Kara got the best possible ending for her storyline (Jerry dying didn’t really bother us).
Anyways, next up will probably be Heavy Rain. He hasn’t played any of the Quantic Dream games, so that one’s probably the next best one to start.
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throneofsapphics · 2 months
I’ve mostly dated women the last several years and I forgot how disappointing it is when a man can’t find the clit :/
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boookfreeak · 7 days
I just tried to quote Andrew Garfield's "she's like a shot of espresso" and said "she's like a cup of coffee" 😭😭
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e-vay · 6 months
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Honored beyond belief to take home 2 Emmy awards tonight 💛 I got to share the stage and the credit with some insanely talented people tonight. They all inspire me and encourage me to work harder every day! Congrats to all the winners and all those nominated 🥰🏆
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m3lodii · 1 month
Guys i swear that I'm okay and totally not wasting my time (cof cof)
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I try to make every post here i can sfw, even though the content that I do see when I'm out of little space might not be the most family friendly..
Btw should I make an Catnap or/and a DogDay agere caregiver AI on character AI? I'm not good at writing fanfics, specially because english is not my native language but, if you all want to, I don't mind doing them both as caregivers in a sfw fanfic
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weirdozjunkary · 6 days
I really need to make a new proper portfolio cause I think I might’ve accidentally lost all of the stuff from my highschool when I moved dear lord.
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night-market-if · 3 months
It has been a freaking month! LOL! When I was ready to go back to work, I got sick with another chest cold. So, I am behind on Patreon and the next chapter. But, we should be back to our regular schedule soon.
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