#tw violence mention
incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Damian's TikTok but it's just him saying "real or cake?" before running up to his siblings with a knife
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murderluv23 · 9 months
Something I will say about this episode that gave me off vibes is Ozzie's remark about Fizzarolli going outside.
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The expression on Fizz's face just??? Made me uncomfortable?? He's obviously guilty about giving Ozzie trouble and worrying him sick by getting kidnapped and beaten- but I feel like it's deeper than that. Fizzarolli doesn't look relieved or like he's feeling protected. It's more like- coddled. Which makes perfect sense. Ozzie may not be trying to be malicious or controlling but Fizzarolli is an adult.
At the very start of the episode, even, Fizz is trying to just be able to go out for a simple stroll without Ozzie nagging him about being careful or trusting him to take care of himself. Fizz may not be the best fighter but he isn't helpless. And he isn't a child. Fizz can sure be reckless but he isn't stupid, either.
I understand Ozzie's want for Fizz to be safe and how him being a celebrity will always attract creeps but keeping him inside is extreme. Even if Ozzie suggested having security he can go out with, that....has to be suffocating. I feel like Fizz was half joking. He hated being outside because it got him in trouble. But I highly doubt he meant he wanted nothing to do with being able to leave the palace for fun or venturing out to try to do things for and by himself.
I don't know, I just feel like Ozzie's overprotectiveness could be a huge detriment to Fizz and really unhealthy if pushed too far. I mean, look, Fizz couldn't handle himself against kidnappers because he is so used to everything being done for him. That's proof right there he has some stunted growth that could've happened if he wasn't so protected all the time. Accidents happen. And Fizzarolli could be separated from his guards. Or like here, not with Ozzie. What then? Having some self defense experience would work wonders. Keeping him in further is not the solution.
I think Fizz really is craving a bit more outside what his life is like and was hoping Ozzie would scold him for wanting to stay inside. But instead he affirmed him to not go anywhere. That just- really makes me tense up.
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itsguysnightitsironic · 3 months
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WhAATT MURRhhhhDDeeerrrrR?¿??!!!¡¡¡
Sometimes you just need to sit down and wonder "How many individuals did the COS crew kill, again?".
Am I good at math or have a good memory? No.
Am I still doing this? Yes.
( EPISODES from 0 to 6 UNDER THE CUT.)
This will get updated, eventually.
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Everything, everything is okay, they never found the hand, EVERYTHING IS FINE-
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Sarnax didn't need to bite anything, but he did and his dentist loves him for it.
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Can we stay in the camp forever? Just, FOREVER. THERE'S NOTHING OUT THERE!
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Shepherd's rent is DUE, calves are cheering in a rancho right now
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It was a calm episode (it wasn't)
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My favourite part of this campaign is how the party goes from "We shouldn't kill this humanoid-eating beast, it's sleeping" to "Give me an excuse to stab you, ANY excuse to stab you"
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Arson is not the answer, is the solution, and when did we get so aggressive for no reason.
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pfhwrittes · 1 month
another part of my silly little werewolf au (that i will work on properly at some point) for you all.
TW: alcohol mention, minor self injury (reader chews on their paws), accidental voyeurism, fantasies of violence. 
author's note: let me know if i've missed any trigger warnings please!
they’re still here, the strangers that have made themselves comfortable in your territory. there are traces of them everywhere. the scent of an unfamiliar cologne and metal lingering in the air of the corner shop, an echo of the mohawked man’s laugh from the pub garden reaching your ears as you collect sticky abandoned glasses from what was formerly ed’s booth, the weight of four pairs of eyes on you as you pull pints or pour glasses of wine for the locals. 
you know why they’re here. even if they don’t know that you know. 
it makes your gums itch.
for the first time in a long time you stay home the night of the full moon, curled up tight in a ball on your bed, your nose tucked under your tail. you long to lope through the fields at the edge of the village, to snap at rabbits with their stuttering fearful heartbeats, to howl long and lonesome at the moon - calling for your family, your pack. 
your ears twitch irritably and you move to lick and gnaw at your front paw. the human side of your brain sighs knowing full well that come dawn you’ll be patching up raw knuckles and the tender broken skin of your wrist. it could be worse, you could shred your pillow. again. feathers are a bitch to get out from between your teeth. 
the sound of two voices drift through the thin pane of glass of your bedroom window and your lip curls around a low rumbling growl. interlopers. their voices are low, indistinct as they snoop through the neighbour’s front garden. the growl in your chest kicks up as you catch a snatch of their conversation. 
“for fucks sake, johnny. quit whinin’ and get on wiv it.” around the broad flat vowels of his accent you detect a fond sort of irritation that speaks of years of familiarity and affection.
“you’ve gotta be kiddin’ me on!” the other voice is exasperated but no less fond as its counterpart. “i’m no’ doin’ that here -” 
whatever he’s not doing becomes abundantly clear as you hear the sounds of a wet gasp and a long groan.
you snarl and bury your teeth into the softness of your pillow, letting yourself imagine that you’re sinking your fangs into an exposed abdomen as you ignore the wet slick sounds just beyond your window.
and they have the fucking nerve to call your kind animals.
-- tagging @kaadaaan
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Ok gonna give my take cuz its so lil of yan hobie with random headcanons (i did take some inspo from another fic tho ill put the blog later)
Edit: got inspo from this fic here
Tw: murder mention, slight violence mention, doesnt feel yandere but its there lol
- Yandere! Hobie isn't yout typical yandere. Unlike Yan! Miguel, he wouldn't feel jealousy if someone were to interact with you because he's just chill like that
-He would rather find it amusing if someone were to flirt with you, dating or not he would just come up to you and swing his arm around your shoulders "They are pretty great aren't they~?" Smirks as he looks at you.
-Yandere! Hobie who wouldn't kidnap or force you into dating him because it just goes agaisnt everything that he stands for. He belives to be free, do your own thing without any rules other than your own.
-He would kill for you tho, anyone who hurts you gonna get their heads bashed by his guitar <3333
-Yandere! Hobie that although he might be heartbroken that you reject him it won't mean he wouldn't respect your friendship (u a fool if u think he'll leave u alone after that lol)
-He wouldn't take it personal either, hurt but its not something he will hold onto.
-Yandere! Hobie that is very fucking scary when he is in protective mode, I mean ma man ain't playing around when it comes to your safety (nor for protecting his friends either) spider or not he will FUCK SHIT UP if someone messed with you
-Did I mention he would be a good mentor to you? Like you know those scenes where the mc is in danger and then they have flashback from their mentor telling them a lesson that they didn't understand at first until they go into the situation they in?
-ye that him
-Yandere! Hobie that steals the stuff u leave by accident in his room and has them hidden well on a box. From your hoddie to your hairband.
-he wouldn't be a creep either, intimidating? Yes but creepy? To you? Never. He respects your space and boundaries (consent people, CONSENT!!! Its a priority to him in any relationship!)
-He's obssessed with you tho, he will do anything just to see that preddy smile of yours or get you show a sort of emotion
-LOVES when u pout, everytime u do something cute or ur lips purse in annoyance I swear if u look closely u can see hearts in his eyes while having a stupid smile on his face 😌💕
-face squish. LOTS of them
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 1 month
Moon: Well, Eclipse isn’t a flight risk anymore.
Sun: What?
Moon: Oh, his legs got towed.
Sun: …Are you saying you took off his legs?
Moon: No, I’m saying Jack did out of grief of losing his dad.
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starry-storms · 7 months
Bruce Wayne gets One Wish (tw Canon violence)
And he wishes that he made it in time.
He carries Jason away from an exploding building. He takes him home and nurses his wounds. The boy cries from the pain, from the fear, and the betrayal. Bruce holds him until he cries himself to sleep, then when Jason wakes up he holds him again.
Dick comes by to see if Jason is alright.
"I'm sorry," Bruce blurts out, determined to make it right this time, "I'm sorry that I took Robin from you. I shouldn't have."
Nightwing stares at him like he's grown a second head. "You've never apologized to me before."
"I hurt you," Bruce says, "And I'm sorry."
Dick doesn't forgive him immediately, but suddenly, Nightwing finds more excuses to be in Gotham.
Any free moment Bruce has he spends with Jason, doing everything with him he should have done before. He holds him and tells him how brave he is every day. Jason eventually decides on another superhero identity. When Batman returns to the field, it is with a little boy called Falcon.
Bruce knows about the Drakes. A few phone calls and a few greased palms and they're arrested for what they've done to Tim.
Now Tim is back in his home. He's younger than when Bruce originally met him, and he shows little interest in taking on Jason's position. Bruce makes sure to keep that curious mind of his entertained. He's happy to see that this version of Jason doesn't mind having a little brother in the house.
It isn't hard to track down Cluemaster'a daughter. It's even easier to adopt her. Stephanie is a lively child, and now his first daughter. She likes to play with Barbara often. Bruce keeps his secret identity from her until she is older.
Getting Damian from Talia is difficult, but he manages. Soon, he's putting his son in his crib. Damian is a bit of a fussy baby, which leads to some sleepless nights, but Bruce can't say he minds, especially when Damian holds onto his fingers. Dick has started visiting often. He hasn't taken back the mantle of Robin, but Bruce assures him it is his to pass down when he's ready. He assumes that the mantle will go to Damian when it's time, but that's for Dick to decide.
He regrets how long it takes him to find Cassandra again. When he does, her parents have already done some damage. She's not as quiet or reserved. Sometimes she even breaks things with Jason, Tim, and Stephanie by accident. He smiles every time they do. He still enrolls her in ballet.
He fails to save Duke's parents in spite of his best efforts. At least when Duke comes to the manor, it is to a house full of children who are all ready and willing to bring him into the family. Bruce is more than willing to lend an ear to him.
Sometimes, Jason still has nightmares. He comes to Bruce on these nights. Bruce promises to be there for him, no matter how old he gets. Tim eventually becomes a hero too, and Bruce introduces him to Bart and Kon. It takes some effort, but they become friends again. Stephanie trains, but takes less of an interest in heroics. She'll still come when needed, but she has a life to live. Cassandra laughs more often, and she gets a leading role in Swan Lake. She even joins some clubs at school. She decides to become a hero in her own time. Duke becomes the Signal just the same, but Bruce encourages him to lead his own path, whatever that may be. Duke goes to college, studying psychology. He still patrols and comes home on the weekends. Damian is now using water colors as he tells Bruce and Dick what he's learning in school.
Bruce Wayne gets one wish, and he decides to make it right.
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ofishal-fish-posts · 4 months
re: the baby shark ask you got. this is going to sound very weird given the topic but uhhhh cw mentions of blood and violence???
i will never forgive that youtube video. not just because baby shark is annoying and became absolutely inescapable, but also because it makes the song really really boring. smh. before it was everywhere, when i was in summer camp, the version of baby shark WE sang started off the same way, you know. baby, mom dad, the whole shark family. but then it continued and became a narrative of someone swimming at the beach and being eaten by a shark one limb at a time, trying to swim faster but losing a lot of blood. then the song has a section describing the attempt to give the swimmer cpr but it fails and they die. then the song wraps up by describing the swimmer being reincarnated as a baby shark and you sing the first verse again. now of course i do not like the perception of sharks as bloodthirsty man eaters, but i also think it's important to let elementary schoolers sing songs that are just kind of violent and messed up. its good for them. all our favorite camp songs either made no sense or involved dying in some way thats just how kids are you know? i will never forgive them. they made our beloved gory violent shark attack song so boring. it was always annoying but at least it wasnt boring.
anyway. sorry for sending this mostly unprompted. i just needed someone to know. anyone. please did anyone else sing that version i have yet to meet someone not from my hometown who knows the violent version of baby shark
hmmm i think i would like this version of the song better as well. more suited to my personality.
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eclipse081403 · 1 month
I’m curious to see how the new people in the fandom who only know of the Sonic Lore from the live action movies react to a 12 year old girl get shot (or at the very least, when they imply it to play it safe) when we see Shadow’s backstory.
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insomniac-ships · 2 years
If you're into creepypasta stuff and horror games, you don't get to come at people sideways about liking "gross" fictional ships.
How come you can like a faceless, child murdering monster and that's a-okay because obviously you don't think killing children is fine and dandy in real life, DUH, but as soon as it's someone with a ship you don't like, clearly they're fetishizing, glamorizing, and getting off to some heinous shit?? How can you be so close to getting it, and yet so far away?
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Some Zoth and Abducius content please 🥺
Zoth Ommog is a vile, lecherous, sinful being. Though he may repulse many, a few oddballs amongst the nightmares fall for his unusual charms.
One of these unique admirers is Abducius.
During breaks from mutilating unlucky prey, Abducius often trots into Zoth's lair, provoking, seducing, performing elegant dances and displays to amuse the beast. Zoth usually accepts the mutilator's advances with open tendrils.
Many rituals also involve these twisted lovers, from ritualistic orgies to dancing in the blood of slain angels. They entwine and writhe against one another in a manner disgraceful enough to make a god nauseous.
Aside from intimacy, gore and violence also tickle the fancy of them both. During rituals involving organs, blood, body parts, Abducius offers to assist his superior. These sessions would end with the corpse of the victim unrecognizable and Zoth proud.
Then, battles for the entertainment of Yao Luo's entire domain. Whenever these two enter the arena, the audience roars with excitement. Zoth's limbs have the habit of securing, slinging, and spinning Abducius in various patterns in the air and along the ground, the latter exposing blades sharpened from mutilation and aiming to slice any target into slivers. Abducius moves quickly and confidently, killing with precision and assurance. This already deadly combatant, combined with Zoth Ommog, who's size alone dwarfs most arena victims, make a duo fit to slay even giants.
In rare dire instances, or purely for show, Zoth chants and cloaks Abducius in glowing energy. Burning power. Abducius becomes cloaked in hellish colors. This increases their entertainment factor tenfold. Their whipping dance of death becomes enhanced with flying colors and twisted multicolor flames. Many have come to call this final move "Astral Disruptor." None have survived it.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Cassandra: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness.
Stephanie: Next time you're working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex's house down. You can do it. I believe in you.
Duke: There were so many mixed messages in that.
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murderluv23 · 9 months
I hope the fandom doesn't start infantilizing Fizzarolli due to his lack of combat experience and being kidnapped this episode. Fizzarolli was tough as nails and still had his usual guts to bite back and be sassy despite clearly being scared out of his mind. Fizzarolli showed some impressive bravery and I'd hate it if people start acting like he's this dainty damsel in distress that can't stand up for himself.
When literally all we've seen from him is him having zero qualms about getting up in people's faces and verbally tearing them to shreds, especially if they start it. I mean, even if Fizzarolli isn't combat oriented, he fucking held his own against Blitz for a good minute. (Blitz might have been holding back but still.) And sassed and screamed at Striker to his face while tied up. My boy is not fragile. And it'd be super annoying to see anyone try to make that a trait of his just because of his softer emotions, especially a defining trait.
This isn't talking about anyone in particular- I'm just crossing my fingers for my man Fizzarolli's sake.
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aleksa-sims · 2 months
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RL Story
CW: violence mention 
Ana bought a car (lease or Instalment). It was her first car. I was happy for my baby sis. We went to Sandra. Ana wanted to see what I did with Sandra's Apartment. After a short apartment tour, Sandra and I annoyed Ana a bit? It was about Philip. S. & I didn’t understand what went on between Ana & Philip this summer?? Ana suddenly wants to help Philip get custody back for Anabelle. Sure, P. is our friend and we'll help him! But Ana wanted to lie for Philip in court, by pretending to be his permanent partner/girlfriend.
First, this is punishable! And secondly, Ana has to change her main residence officially, because the judge will check this. Why is she doig this for Philp, if she isn't with him?? It's not easy to talk to Ana about such topics like... relationships. She's not really the type to show her cards, - especially when it comes to men. She remained stubborn as always. Anyway, I need to talk to Philip about all this. I just don’t want my sister to get hurt by him.
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After a while, the doorbell rang at Sandra’s door. Her neighbor, that.... psycho, Dario came by. At that point, we all didn’t know how dangerous this guy was. He was a loose cannon. Only the scar on his face actually revealed it. He said his ex tried to kill him in his sleep. That was a lie! His ex was just fighting back, he wanted to kill her. This girl will warn Sandra about him in a few months. But S. didn’t believe her at first. She was blinded by love. And tbh, I also liked him. He treated Sandra so sweet. I was happy for her! But he deceived us all.
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Except Ana! She didn’t trust him from the beginning. Ana was afraid of him without being able to justify it properly, which is why Sandra and I didn't take her seriously. 🤦‍♀️ That's why Ana was really mad at us. There'll be stress between Ana & Sandra, because of that. 🙁
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Dario: I didn’t mean to disturb you girls, but good that Aleksa is here. I got a little favour I'd like to ask you, A.
Me: Sure! 🤷‍♀️
Dario: I was actually hoping that you could baby-sit Liam this weekend? I wanna ask Sandra out. Just me & her.
Sandra: A date?? 🥰
Dario: Well, it’s about time, isn’t it?... I like you S. I-... really like you.
Me: Aww... No prob S.! I don't mind a weekend with little stinky.
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Liam: 💩 🥵... 😬(poops)
Sandra: I’d love to go on a date with you. But.... Dominick’s funeral 🙁 ... I’m not sure yet-
Me: I’ll call Daniel to ask for the exact date.
Dario: No! It's ok, we’ll wait until after the funeral.😕 Sorry I asked without thinking.
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Sandra: Thank you. He was my friend, yk? 😳😥
Ana: Agh, c'mon A.! Let's fucking go!! 😒
Me: Chill Ana!😒 ... Um, if you need me, S., just call me.
Sandra: Sure babes. We'll talk tomorrow... So long, Ana!
Ana: Peace out, weirdos.
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writemeagoodprompt · 2 months
“I ask for your mercy.”
“And I ask for your head on a platter.”
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 1 month
Lunar: I want to peel your skin off like a banana.
Ruin: …Moon, I’m scared.
Moon: Look, I can’t stop him.
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