#this was funnier in my head but i guess everyone feels that
pussy-ache · 2 years
a little sad but incredibly content
#we are what we are and i’m perfectly fine being that way for the rest of time#i’m held and loved and appreciated and i think that’s more than fine with me#i haven’t felt this content in a long time. it’s a peaceful feeling. i feel light and okay and safe and it’s just really nice#i’ve felt more myself in the past couple weeks since talking to him more than i have in years. my puzzle piece slid back into place#i just feel like Me again. like not just cuz he’s in my life more now#but because he reminds me of who i am as well? centers me i guess. i feel clear headed.#kinda like i was starting to veer off path and he started walking beside me again#and suddenly just naturally walking and talking together i just ended up on the right path again#i think i make better choices with him around. like i’m a better version of myself. a healthier and stronger and kinder and funnier version#my mom noticed the shift…#i’d thank him for that but we should probably move on now#i’ll just keep it here safe with me. i want him to be free of these talks now…it’s his time to shine and find himself again#let me just keep it away from him#he’s had so many heavy talks lately too. let him be free and light and just allow him simplicity as he moves forward#i’ve already added enough to that#plus i know him i know he knows. i just know#it’s just nice to know i’m respected and truly known. the feeling of being truly known is what everyone waits for their entire lives right?#so if you find it. no matter how it’s presented to you. you have to keep it safe and i intend on doing that for as long as needed#maybe i’ll write some more haikus today
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rogueddie · 4 months
A Spot in My Life T | 953 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is keeping a spare sweater or blanket in the car because they always get cold
Steve Harrington is a bitch.
It's something that Eddie knew, all through high school, but he had thought that Steve had somehow became a new person- thanks to the Upside Down and constantly almost seeing the world end.
Steve isn't a bad guy, he can admit. He's still trying to keep an eye on everyone, make sure they're ok, even checking in with Eddie in his own way.
But he's very sly about it, hiding it being playful jabs, eye rolls and cocked hips.
It rubs him the wrong way. And it's only made worse by how much Eddie still likes him. It's as if the bitchiness only draws him in more, even as it makes his chest burn with irritation.
He tries to avoid Steve for as long as he can. He knows that finally befriending him like they both want will only end badly, but he knows he can't resist the temptation.
He enjoys the time before as much as he can, reveling in how often Steve will try to corner him so they can hang out, how much he whines and pleads and pushes. He enjoys the illusion that Steve could feel anything for him like he does for Steve.
And, when they finally do hang out, his fears are confirmed.
Steve is amazing. He's funnier than he comes across as at first too. He pays attention to what Eddie says and tries to get him anything he wants.
He's the type of friend that anyone would fight for, Eddie is sure. It explains how he ended up so popular in high school too.
If Eddie had known what Steve is truly like, he'd have been lining up for a scrap of his attention like everyone else.
"They're assholes," Steve explains, when Eddie finally asks about his old lackeys. "Tommy always took shit a step too far. I didn't need them. Probably shouldn't have befriended them in the first place."
"They were your friends," Eddie reminds him.
Steve sighs, leaning back. "Yeah, I guess. Just wish I'd realised sooner, how they were getting."
He never complains about the kids, not genuinely. In the quiet moments, when Steve is honest with an almost painful degree of vulnerability, he talks about how amazing the kids are. He talks about how honored he is to be friends with Dustin.
It only makes Eddies feelings inch ever closer to 'the L word'.
"You should talk to him," Robin suggests. "He really is amazing."
"I know, but... guys that are ok with lesbians still get weird about gay men, you know?"
"Yeah, but Steve isn't like that. Did he ever tell you the full story of how I came out to him?"
"It was after the Russian torture drugs, right?"
"We were in the bathroom, near the cinema. I thought we might have puked it all up, so we decided to test it, ask each other questions. So, I asked him if he was ever in love..."
"Oh... oh no."
"Oh yes. He liked me, told me so, and that's when I came out to him."
"Holy shit, Robin."
"But that's my point. He was a little surprised, sure, but he started making jokes, like, immediately. Didn't phase him at all. He got with it immediately. We're just friends, and that's not a problem for him."
Eddie groans, throwing his head back so it thumps into the wall behind him. "But that just makes him more hot!"
The story plagues his mind, to the point that it's the only thing he can think about when he picks Steve up for their next hang out.
In the dead of winter, Steve feels the cold worse than anyone else that Eddie knows. He runs hot, and the sudden temperature drops brings out the worse in him.
He's shivering when he climbs into Eddie's car.
"Fuck, why isn't your heating on?" He whines.
"It's broke," Eddie reminds him. "It's fine, don't worry."
"Don't worry? I'm gonna get hypothermia, Eddie! I don't want to turn into an ice sc- what is that?"
He takes the blanket that Eddie had reached back to grab, staring at it.
"It's a blanket."
"No shit, I mean... it's yellow."
"Yeah? You like yellow."
"You got this for me?"
"You see anyone else shivering in my van?"
"No, it..." Steve pauses, glancing at Eddie before slowly wrapping the blanket around himself. "Sorry, uh... thank you. This is, um, nice."
"it's nothing."
"It's not. Just- take the thanks, Ed."
"Alright, alright."
They're silent for the rest of the drive. It's so unusual for them that it has Eddie nervous, glancing at Steve every other moment.
When they finally pull to a stop, Eddie turns to Steve, who stays where he is. He stares out the front window for a moment, before turning to face Eddie.
"Are you alright?" Eddie asks.
"Yeah, I am. Enjoying the warmth."
"That all?"
"... yeah."
Eddie rolls his eyes. "You're a terrible liar."
"Wh- hey, I'm a good liar!" He tries to glare, but quickly backs down with a huff. "Alright, fine, but it's really sappy! Don't say I didn't warn you!"
"Oh, no, the horror."
"Shut up. I was just thinking about how, like... there's so many little things in your life that are for me. My tapes in your room, spare clothes in your closet, this blanket... I really appreciate it, man. You've made space for me in your life. It means a lot to me."
"Oh, right. That's... yeah. Of course, Steve. You're always welcome. I love- uh... spending time with you."
"Good. I love spending time with you too."
Steve's smile is wide and goofy. He's sure that his own is just as cheesy.
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findafight · 1 year
On the one-sided harringrove post- I feel it becomes infinitely funnier with bi steve. He likes men, just not Billy. Never Billy.
Oh yeah. When Billy fiiiirst comes to school with his music blaring Steve is head over heels for Nancy, so he might register that the guy with the Camaro and loud music has a good ass, but then billy opens his mouth and Steve is like "oh, no ass can make up for that personality." And continues with his life.
Just. Okay I like to project just a liiiiittle on Steve with him just. Not realizing his attraction to men isn't a straight thing. Like. Of course all straight people feel that way, you just kinda ignore it or don't do anything about it. So Steve is half way between being comfortable in his sexuality and being closeted to himself because buddy used Hawkeye Pierce as the blueprint of straightness.
So Billy is out here, wallowing in self hatred and internalized homophobia, hating Steve and wanting Steve and hating that he wants Steve and wishing Steve would pay attention to him enough for a hate fuck he can cry about later, and it's all very angsty. All the while Steve is just actually completely fine with thinking a dude is hot he's just got standards that include "not racist" "doesn't try to beat up kids" "hasn't made me blackout from head trauma"
Wait. Oh no. I feel an au coming on. Shit. Au where post S2 Robin hears piano coming from the band room after hours and is her curious self going "I must see who is this mysterious genius" and it's Steve. They get to talking and hanging out and all of a sudden Robin thinks they are actually good friends. Best friends. Somehow.
Cue them going to a band party together. Someone spikes their drinks with waayyyy more than they were expecting so they are blasted. Robin has to go pee but does not want to go alone so she drags Steve into the bathroom with her and makes him face away. He's like haha Woah you really had to pee. And she goes shut upppp and washes her hands but sits across from him. Steve smiles at her and gives her his speech about how amazing she is and how glad he is to be her friend (it is like March '85 so he is still not ready to get back out into dating yet). Robin tells him about Tammy. They sing. Someone slams the door open and kicks them out of the bathroom because there's a fuckin line.
They lay on the grass outside and look at the sky. Steve like. Caaaaasually mentions once having thought he was gonna marry Tommy when he was six and then realizing you just didn't do anything about those feelings and Robin's gotta shoot up going WHAT!! WHAAAT? Because it sounded like Steve coming out to her? Right after?? She came out to him??
And Steve is like yeah. Like you don't really have to? Easier to ignore it and flirt with girls who I like or think are hot. And poor Robin's brain is melting she's like please Steve I'm really drunk are you telling me you sometimes want to kiss boys? And he's like yes, obviously, everyone does. Just like everyone also wants to sometimes kiss girls. Except lesbians I guess who only want to kiss girls? And gay guys only want to kiss guy? Yeah that makes sense and straight people don't care but go for the opposite ya know?
Robin is like NO!! And calms down some and says "okay I'm telling you this because you are my friend and you just told me almost the same thing. Steve. I like girls and only like girls. That not a straight thing"
"yeah. You've said."
"but I am ninety nine percent positive that just because you like girls doesn't mean you're straight because you also like boys."
"yeah dude, I do not think this is a heterosexual experience you're describing. I'm not an expert but. Yeah.
"oh. Huh."
"I definitely thought it was."
"your brain is so weird I'm still kind of obsessed with you."
"haha. Honestly I'm kind of obsessed with you. This is wild."
"well. At least I know you're stuck with me."
"ohhh nooooo whatever will I do with my best friend always around..."
ANYWAYS THE ACTUAL POINT OF THIS is not in fact the stobin. It's actually that
Sometime probably in may, when Steve is ready to be on the dating scene again, he gets with Eddie. Robin is happy for him but also so mad because he went from "probably shouldn't act gay even tho everyone feels a little gay sometimes" to "hey Robin what would you say if I said I got a boyfriend?" In less than two months. How does he have straight AND gay game. That's not fair.
Steddie getting together is a non event. Eddie is still like ewww sports and yet somehow he made out with Steve Harrington and the next day Steve asked if he wanted to get milkshakes and throw rocks into the quarry to see the splashes. Eddie must restrain himself from thinking it's a date because he knows it's not but it'd also be the perfect date (Eddie is a simple man)
At the end of the night steve kissed his cheek and says "I had a really great time..."
Eddie just blurted "hey do you want to be my boyfriend?"
To which Steve perks up like "yes! I'd like that!"
And Eddie didn't actually think he'd get that far so he was like "neat!! See you tomorrow!" before slamming the door in Steve's face.
So they're dating and Eddie disparages sports but Steve is like haha aw you don't like watching me play? Which is sooo mean to Eddie because obviously?? He likes?? Watching his boyfriend??? Run around in tiny shorts and sometimes shirtless?? He has to reevaluate some things he supposes.
All while this is happening Billy is still on his Greatest Homoerotic Rivals shtick with Steve. Eddie notices and is like to dude...what is with Billy? And Steve just sighs. Says Billy is weird and obsessed with him and glares all the time. It's a whole thing. Billy is pissed because what is Steve, his epic rival, doing hanging around some random band geek, his sister's bitchass friends, and maybe the local dealer.
Alright. Grad happens. Yay Steve! Poor Eddie. They go to some party , hang out with people, sell some drugs, etc. Billy is unfortunately also at this party, and is like. Lazer eyes boring into Steve's back. Very annoying. At some point, he sees Steve slip away and is like this is my chance so he follows him.
Howmever he comes across Steve, his epic and totally heterosexual rival, making out with Eddie the freak Munson.
And listen this is a scary thing to be caught inna town like Hawkins, but that's not the point of this post.
So Billy goes "what the hell?"
They turn around. Billy is still spluttering.
"what are you-why would you-- with him?!" He says.
Steve raises his eyebrows, alllll cocky confidence. He smirks a bit. Drawls. "Well, yeah. I like cock, billy. Just not yours."
Because the point of this post is that Steve is a bitch.
Thank you.
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teriri-sayes · 7 months
Reactions to Young Master Shield's Chapter 209
TL;DR - Lily worries about failure and disappointing her family. Everyone reassures and supports her. Cale meets academy staff and is overwhelmed by the welcome. Effric keeps saying stuff that makes Cale embarrassed. Sui and Alberu laughing at Cale's situation. A wanderer gatecrashes the event.
Lily's Worries The first quarter of the chapter was about Lily. She was happy that her brothers were attending, but also worried about her future. Like what if she failed? Fortunately, everyone was supportive of her.
CH said with a sincere and gentle smile that he couldn't study and was bad at it. Basen told her that he was bad at swordsmanship. And Cale told her that it was fine to fail. Her family would not be disappointed in her even if she failed. Awww~ 🥰
Effric's "Attacks" on Cale The entire chapter after Lily's part was so hilarious. Effric, the president of Roan Academy, dealt several blows on Cale that made him feel so embarrassed. And Raon's comments that his human's eyes kept shaking added to the fun. 😂
Effric: *bows at a 90 degree angle* It's an honor to meet you, LORD CALE! Cale: ... Various deans from other departments: IT'S AN HONOR TO MEET YOU! Raon: Human, your eyes are shaking! Effric: A lot of people wanted to hear your speech, and we barely managed to reduce it from the tens of thousands who wanted to. Cale: (Huh? How many thousands?!) Effric: We cleared all schedules today for your speech! Hahaha! Raon: Human, your eyes keep shaking! Effric: I'm sure you'll be a great role model for the students. And for us adults too! Hahaha! Raon: Human, why is your smile like a shrivelled persimmon? Effric: I am looking forward to it, Lord Cale. No, Commander Cale. Hahaha! Cale: ...Yes... I'll do my best...
Cale: *sees the academy plaza* Effric: What's the matter? Cale: It reminds me of the capital's plaza. Effric: You're right. It was modeled after the capital's plaza. Cale: *freezes* Effric: *smiles* I guess you remember that time. Cale: ...Pardon? Effric: Where the legend began. Cale: *freezes again* Effric: *talks more about Cale's shield legend in the capital plaza* Cale: *awkward smile*
Embarrassed Cale Next part was funny. The way to the podium had a red carpet laid on it, and Cale felt embarrassed walking on it while thousands of eyes were watching him. Raon's comments weren't helping him either, especially the one about how Sui kept laughing for some strange reason. Cale could only mentally curse and hold it in. 😂
Cale was dressed in his black commander uniform, so the students were very excited. And when Cale met eyes with a knight student, the "Shield" chant began and spread all over the plaza. Cale was embarrassed again, and Raon made it even funnier again.
Raon said that Alberu had arrived and was laughing out loud at Cale... 🤣🤣🤣 Poor Cale... 🤣🤣🤣
We did get some thoughts on Cale about his past. His KRS self found school life as dull, and he found speeches boring, so he decided to keep his speech short. And also a line about original Cale not having gone to school because he was busy acting like a trash.
Speech Curse is Real We were all expecting the speech, right? Unfortunately, Cale's speech curse is back! 😂 Anyway, we find out that CJS actually headed back to report to GoD after his time on the Central Plains. Cale had messaged GoD, asking to send CJS and reporting about his finding of the Five-Colored Bloods being like wanderers, but GoD ghosted him... 😂
As for the speech curse...
Cale to the students: Nice to meet you. Raon: Human, CJS is here! Cale: (Okay, I just greeted them...what now?) Raon: CJS said it was urgent! He said he could sense another wanderer nearby! Water AP: The sky is strange. Cale: *looks up the sky and sees an incoming black dot* Cale: (Is that a person? A wanderer? No, why is this always happening to me?) Cale: Damn it.
Ending Remarks I loved today's chapter. Reading about an embarrassed Cale is so fun~! 😂 And the speech curse at the end! 🤣🤣🤣 Given the chapter title, I guess we'll see the return of Cale's shield legend next chapter. I can't wait for Friday to come!
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danieyells · 8 days
I don't know if you've done it yet but I would like to request Ren lines? I'm having tokyo debunker Ren brainrot bro 😭.
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You're all very welcome! I love you guys too, so far! Sorry you've been deprived of lazy boi lolol HOPEFULLY THESE SATISFY YOU A LITTLE BIT.
He's a little tsundere I think. He's one of those characters who just wants to be normal but he can't just pretend to be normal because he lives surrounded by chaos so he just complains a lot lolol. . .but i think he's a good guy. Aside from that he does not help his mother captain at all.
Default(no affinity):
"If you're just gonna stand there, could you go feed the animals in the aquatic zone? I'm too busy."
"Ugh, why is that clown calling me... ... Whatever, I'll just let it ring out."
you know damn well that if you don't answer the phone you're gonna have to deal with Haru in person. Better to just answer it.
Affinity 1:
"Ugh... Tell me how I'm supposed to sit through classes when I've been up since 4 AM? (yawn) I'm exhausted..."
well if you didn't stay up until 4am--oh who am i kidding i stayed up til like 3 watching a stream and reading datamine stuff and then I got up at like 6:30 to get ready for work I'm no better kekw.
Affinity 2:
"Ugh... I can't believe I'm hiding right now... Why the hell does that clown have to chase me around at lunch time too?"
Affinity 3:
"Preach about doing it for the sake of your friends or the animals or whatever all you want— I really don't give a shit. People who say that stuff are just deluding themselves."
i've known people with this kind of cynicism before. once he finds people care about him he'll come around a little more.
Affinity 5:
"I'm grinding this game on my phone, so could you not talk to me for a while? Crap, I think my RSI is flaring up..."
in Japanese he specifies tendonitis haha
Affinity 6:
"Don't people get embarrassed calling out those words when they use their stigmas? It makes them look like LARPers..."
in japanese he says they sound like they have chuunibyou which is much funnier imo lmao. also i guess that means he can say his in his head? since he'd feel embarrassed doing it aloud.
Affinity 7:
"You think I sigh a lot? Got a problem with that? You realize trying to take away people's freedom of speech is power harrassment, right?"
you're starting to sound like ritsu. gonna hurt yourself reaching like that.
Affinity 8:
"I'm so done... I'm out of HP... Shouldn't I be exempt from missions and classes since I'm looking after all those animals?"
well based on something Haku says in a chat that hasn't come out yet, you can just do missions if you don't go to class, and based on Kaito you can just go to class instead of doing missions. . .but I'm sure Haru forces him on missions anyway lol. . . .
Affinity 9:
"Pfft... The video of that clown getting attacked by that hawk thing is getting so many interacts. This editing thing's actually pretty fun."
does editing count as a creative effort? i wouldn't be surprised if he switched to Hotarubi next year if so, assuming he doesn't get used to Jabberwock and the animals.
Affinity 10:
"Gotta change the locks so that clown can't get in again. I've bought enough padlocks to start my own business by now..."
life haru finds a way. sometimes that way is "towa, break down the door" if he runs out of lockpicking equipment.
Affinity 11:
"My head's killing me... This is the worst... Rise and shine! my ass... It's basically still the middle of the night. Guess I should padlock my windows..."
fun fact, you can get this one between 5am and 11am. 5-6am I can understand being 'basically the middle of the night' but after that you're pushing it lmao
Affinity 12:
"The cafeteria's way over capacity... The assholes who save seats before its even noon are ruining it for everyone else..."
Affinity 13:
"Why's my pay so low... huh? What's this deduction for? "Consultation Fee: Ritsu Shinjo..." He's seriously charging me for complaining...?"
Ritsu charges for looking at him too long. i'd try venting on wickchat over complaining to Ritsu.
Affinity 14:
"That rabbit sure has it good. All it has to do is breathe and everyone fawns over it. Doesn't even have to feed itself. Just wait till it grows up and learns what the world's really like."
Affinity 15:
"Sup... Huh? I'm alone today. I just got up on my own since if I don't that clown'll wake me up anyway."
yeah? it's because of haru? not because of your affinity with the pc being more than half so you wanna be up earlier to spend more time with them? sure.
Affinity 17:
"No, I'm not going to sleep yet. I'm gonna watch a horror B-movie. You don't have to think, so they're the perfect thing to watch before bed."
i used to watch/listen to mts3k to go to sleep so. i feel this.
Affinity 18:
"Well done me for surviving another day... Oh, same to you too, {PC}. I don't how you can do this stuff voluntarily."
Affinity 19:
"Huh? I'm going to the campus store to buy some stuff, where are you going? Well, I'm going that way, so...bye."
not sure if shy or asocial lmao. could be both!
Affinity 20:
"You're being forced to help out again? Wow, a doormat out in the wild. So? Where do you want me to carry all this food?"
Affinity 21:
"This? It's a video I uploaded. People seem really into it. It's of that clown getting chased by a dog and flailing around like one of those inflatable air dancers."
Affinity 22:
"What am I doing today? Working at the diner. Oh, if you want to keep me company, feel free to come by. As long as you serve yourself."
it's not a date or anything since he's at work but like. . .he is inviting you to hang out. . . .
Affinity 23:
"Huh? You were waiting for me to get off work? Oh... Thanks. Wait, that clown put you up to this?! I'm gonna kill him..."
NO NO WE CAME HERE WILLINGLY probably. although it does seem like Haru to be like "oh hey Ren really really likes you, you should go pick him up from work! he'd love that!!" like a real nosy mom who's trying to get his son together with his crush.
Affinity 24:
"When did it get this late? That was horrifyingly fast... I'll walk part of the way back with you. I was gonna go buy something to drink anyway..."
excuses, excuses. . . .
Affinity 25(max):
"Every day here is a fresh hell, sure, but... You're suffering through it with me, so I guess I'll stick it out a little longer..."
'this sucks but you make it suck a little(a lot) less so i can keep going'. yep, that's our tsundere alright!
"That clown's even more slap-happy than usual lately—it's horrible. Has he got spring fever or something?"
"Towa keeps trying to make me drink some kind of rice porridge with weird flowers in it... It's actual porridge harassment."
considering the flower Towa associates with Ren is poisonous, i think it's safe to assume he is literally trying to poison him to death lmao. also wtf is porridge harassment--i even tried looking it up in japanese and the first thing that came up was someone screenshotting it and saying "what is porridge harassment" lolol
"All this farm labor's bad enough without all the caterpillars and weird plants that are out there now...This is harassment."
what's harassing you, nature? as someone who just had to kill a huge mosquito that came into my room, nature is harassing me too.
"I hate cherry blossoms. They're like the flower version of being a legacy kid— all they have to do is bloom once a year and everyone claps."
in japanese what he says is something like 'i hate them just like people born with silver spoons in their mouths'. basically he hates people born into privilege lol i bet he'd have the potential to get along well with haku until he learns he'll be inheriting a shrine. . . .
"This is the worst... It's not even noon yet, how is it so hot? Summer is for extroverts and party animals, I wish it could just be over already..."
"A group trip to the beach? I'd rather die. No decent person would ever go there of their own free will."
butbutbut. think of the summer skins!!!
"Summer was our busy period back home, so I always had to kill myself helping out. Now I'm here though... nothing's changed."
"How can the A/C be banned in the dorm...? Who gives a shit what temperature some anomalous animal that sneaks in prefers, humans should come first..."
okay i agree with him here though what the fuck kind of rule is that. can we talk to hyde about that, that's insane haru.
"Now it's getting colder, I nearly found myself feeling grateful for this tragic jumpsuit... Am I being brainwashed...?"
"Fall, the season of the harvest—I'll stick with cup noodles, thanks. "Fall, the season to enjoy the outdoors"—screw that. I'm gonna make it the season of naps."
"Look—I got bitten by some weird bug anomaly. To hell with the stupid bug spray ban, I'm buying some."
"I feel like the mountains are rowdier when there's a full moon. Pretty sure my enemy encounter rate goes up when I'm on patrol too... Maybe I'm just imagining it."
"Since the climate in Jabberwock's so messed up, sometimes it's actually warm in winter. The blizzards are way stronger though..."
have you tried pissing towa off less?
"Oh god, I just saw what's in the diner's new Mystery Hot Pot... It's gotta be a matter of time before this place goes bust..."
i mean if they had ordinary health inspectors maybe lolol
"That clown broke my window so my room's like a freezer... Oh, don't worry. I just took his room instead."
His birthday:
"You got this for me? That clown's been spreading my personal info around... No, it's fine, I'll still take it. Thanks."
i guess he doesn't really tell people his birthday, huh.
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, {PC}. ...Isn't it kind of rude to look so surprised I'd celebrate your birthday? That came from the heart, you know."
New Years:
"Happy New Year. My resolution? Escaping the hell hole that is Jabberwock, for starters."
well you got here in like September or something so. you've got a while befor eyou can switch houses lmao but you can do it this year!
Valentine's Day:
"You got me chocolates? You're the type who does all this kind of stuff, huh? No, it's fine, you went to the trouble and everything so I'll take them."
i love when characters kinda mock you for doing getting them something but then they're like "nonono i want it gimme--" lolol from Ren especially it's very tsundere. poor guy wouldn't be straightforward about his feelings unless a damn life was on the line.
White Day:
"{PC}... Here, if you want them. I just bought the first thing I saw, so don't read into it..."
i bet it's actually really nice lolol
April Fool's Day:
"Guess what? I got special permission to switch houses. That nightmare is now behind me! I wish..."
"I hope everyone who gets excited about Halloween lives in misery for the rest of their lives. Why the hell do I have to help out with this stupid themed tour?"
"Can I ask you a question, {PC}? You don't still believe in Santa Claus, do you? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Have a good Christmas."
i mean. . .after coming here santa is a plausible entity to believe in. . .if there's gonna be a santa i don't wanna be caught not believing and missing out on gifts. . . .
"Pfft... This edit's awesome. I'm a genius. I'll show {PC} when she gets back."
true bonding is sharing the funny memes you worked hard on. . . .
"It's not like I was waiting for you or anything. It's just this hell hole is even more unbearable when you're not around..."
YEP THAT'S OUR UNFORTUNATE CUSTOMER SERVICE EMPLOYEE TSUNDERE ALRIGHT. His lines don't really get super affectionate but. They still have a charm to them when you realize how much he hides his feelings in the usual tsundere way. He likes you a lot but like. . .it's a bother and it's embarrassing. . .and what're the chances you're into him? He'll just invite you over to watch movies and play games with him and stuff. . .and tell himself it's fine to just be friends until it eats away at him. . .or until Haru spills the beans for him--
this took way too long because i got distracted like three times in the middle and my laptop started freaking out and i had to figure out why and close and reopen everything about 8 times hahaha. . . . OKAY TIME FOR ME TO GO TO BED! I hope this satisfies you a little bit!!
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asgirlblog · 2 months
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You’re Out Boy-scout. Part-1
Backstory: It’s your first year at Oxford, you’re one year below Felix and Oliver, who have already been friends for a while now. You struggle finding your footing as one of the few Americans there, but eventually figure it out. On your first day, like many other girls, Felix immediately caught your eye, but what happens when you catch his as-well?
Felix Catton x female reader 🎀
No warnings for this part except for language if that counts.
As you roll your suitcase along the rough pavement beneath you, you take in all of the Oxford scenery. A sense of joy and excitement flows through you as you think of the fresh start that is to come. Walking through the gate you momentarily stop to look for any sign that may point you in the direction of your dorm. That’s when you see him. Towering over everyone around him, except for who seemed to be the only other American you spotted so far. Deep brunette shaggy hair, just barely reaching the bottom of his neck. Heart stopping brown eyes that seemed to almost radiate warmth. Thick eyebrows with a silver piercing that shone in the sun. You find yourself starring at sharp and chiseled figure. Starring, and starring. He was gorgeous, everything you had imagined in your dream man brought to life. You’re eyes begin to feel dry when you quickly blink and look away as he looks in your direction. You pull out a map and you pretend that it was what you were going to do all along. You feel his gaze, looking you up and down. A warm sensation stings your skin. You scramble around the pages as if you actually know what you’re looking for, when he quickly strides in your direction. Almost creating a breeze with his long legs. You continue looking down like you don’t even see him. “Do you need help finding somewhere?” he asks with a bit of intrigue in his eyes and voice.
You hesitantly look up and lock eyes with him. Kind and inviting. “Um.. yes actually, I do. Thank you.” you say with a small smile. His eyes widen. “You’re American?” he grins. “No, I’m Australian.” you joke. It was a lot funnier in your head, but he lets out a soft laugh nonetheless. “So where are you trying to find?”. You close your map and brush your white flowy skirt. You explain to him how you’re trying to find your dorm, and about how you were under the impression that someone would be here to escort you. “Well, I guess that’s my job now. Wasn’t busy anyhow.” Felix takes your bag and leads you toward the direction of the dorms. You look back to the place where Felix was standing to see a short blue eyed man and a taller curly haired man. They didn’t look pleased to see you walk away with Felix either. Felix notices the looks that you guys exchange. “Oh, that’s my cousin Farleigh, and my bud Oliver by the way.” You slightly grin.
The two of you walk for nearly 2 minutes when he stops. “I’m sorry, I haven’t asked your name. Fuck how rude of me.” You tell him your name and you see the side of his mouth just barely curl up. “Nice to meet you, I’m Felix. Catton” He extends his hand towards you and his large hand grips yours. “You as well.” you say and laugh. You keep walking but can’t help yourself from thinking about how his touch felt, even if it was just a handshake. You two stop in front of a tall brick building with bikes parked out front. “Well would you look at that, I’m just across the way.” He points towards his building. “Looks like we’ll be seeing each other often.” He smirks at you. You look up at him and say “Guess so.” You go to grab your bag from him. “I’ve got it.” he says. “No really, it’s ok.” you insist. He lets go. “Well if you need anything else..” he gestures towards your phone. You hand it to him and he types in his number. As he glances up at you he has a sincere yet charming look and places it back in your hands. “Thank you, you’ve been a lot of help.” You say as you beam up at him. “No problem, maybe I can show you around sometime soon if my schedules not too full with all the partying I do, y’know.” He says sarcastically. You giggle and nod your head. He pivots on his foot and trails of back in the other direction. You grab your bag and see the blue wool sweater out the corner of your eye turn towards you and wave before he continues on. You smile at him, and then to yourself for a little too long. He was kind, but you still struggled to fathom that he had even approached you to begin with. Seems a little to good to be true you think to yourself. As you press the button to the elevator your mind floods with all the possibilities of what could happen this year. You step in to the empty elevator, and close your eyes, you meet Felix’s face again. You’ve only spoken to him once and he’s already consumed your mind, he tends to have that effect on people. This is going to be a long semester.
My first time writing so let me know what you think! Not sure how many parts yet but I’ll try and get the next one out soon.
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ntj2pj · 2 months
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reallyyyy lazy ref on my new atp soldat :D
a flee response as atp soldat oc lmao. Man with fastest reaction (enough to catch falling colleague before they break their bones, or pull them away from bullets. He does it quite often.) Feel free to doodle my guy or draw them interacting with your ocs i guess. more info:
a nervous touchy animal who'll just run away if he is being yelled at or insulted too hard (being yelled at by allies and superiors feels much worse for guy than any loud noise or gunfire. poor thing) And even breaks windows to jump away from any height and floor. He really doesn't care and ABSOLUTELY ain't afraid of height. Luckily manages to survive. Fucking gymnast-acrobat. But how annoying he is. TO WORK WITH. You just stand close. sneeze at him not gently enough and HE DISAPPEARS. He gets along with colleagues pretty well... Well, by my AAHW metrics. He isn't popular or favorite, but he gets along with others pretty well and nobody avoids him. He is seen as very non-threating and weak. Or cute. However they call it. He is also pretty tactile (may occasionally try to hold hands or hug someone) and gentle in general, friendly fella. Gets along with mags pretty well and tried to comfort one when saw first time. Extremely good at chasing. Somehow manages to bounce around busy roadways and not become a pancake in the road, getting in windows, getting out, survive and not die on missions. Can do tricks on bicycles cooler than many bikers on motorcycles and usually steals any transport of that kind (but gentle enough to put it back after using). Very expercienced as someone who is being chased. Flee just runs out of AAHW casually without even any plan if triggered, breaks any shit on his way on impulse. And then gets back because Flee doesn't really know how he would survive, doesn't have a plan, and really don't want to leave job. Or, well, gets captured by agents and not even getting so far. His hair was torn out by other soldat who tried to capture him at first attempt to run away, but got kicked (Dan). They're becoming bffs later. Why he got such a weird reaction? Well. In my au every atp gets +- unique programs and modifications which makes them extremely mentally ill useful in different ways lol. ATPs gets their brain messed up and minmaxed in worst and unnatural ways, that's why many scared of it. Amnesia also isn't a good part. Flee was created in AAHW, and his modification ruined his fear-response, too much training created steel reflexes like unavoidable instincts, and messed ability to recognize threats. Guy is very fearless about combats, heights, insane tricks, absolutely doesn't care about risks of breaking any bone or dying (still will do a lot so colleagues won't), but will shit himself from fear and overwhelm if you just say smth mean to him loudly. If it would be done by few grunts he will get nightmares and flashbacks even. Because his sense of being punished and shame is also messed up. For the good of AAHW, of course. At first he was threatened and insulted a lot for this defect, because everyone was confused, then he was used on a trainings because damn he's like a cockroach. And then he was given a little safe place to run in it and not just out of aahw on the streets. aka personal space lmao, until they find out to fix it. But many coworkers find doing little pranks and scaring him funnier because the reaction is just too funny with all that jumping on highest surface in room, or running on all walls and then comedically hit head and FALL. Aaand he doesn't beat them up for it, he just runs as first reaction. Can even bump right into the agent who did it, like an NPC trying to run in a wall, pushing the poor guy like a fucking box in a videogame. Extremely funny idiot. So yeah he gets a lot of occasional jokes for not being aggressive enough. Not to coworkers. :D
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sparkyblizz · 3 months
I've been rotating Kirby characters in my head again and thought up a story in which Kirby gets pulled into an alternate timeline and ends up in a dystopic version of Dream Land where everything is dark and scary and miserable, King Dedede has been deposed and overthrown by an evil villain who's taken over the land and he's gone missing, and Meta Knight leads a band of revolutionaries in Dedede's name (said revolutionaries being the Halberd's crew + Bandana Waddle Dee)
I have yet to figure out what happened to this timeline's Kirby, since everyone is supposed to know who he is and be surprised to see him, so I guess that implies their timeline's Kirby is gone? :(
but anyway, rough plot goes as such---Kirby ends up in this alternate timeline and doesn't understand what's happened. his first indicator of what's happened is finding wanted posters of people he recognises, like Bandana and the Meta-Knights, and when he finds Meta Knight's wanted poster, he's even more confused. what little he can understand of what the poster says is saying he's committing crimes against the king, but why would Meta do that? aren't Meta and Dedede friends? didn't they call each other sworn partners? what happened?
he eventually encounters the rebels themselves and they're shocked to see him, and he's shocked to see them, especially Meta Knight, the rebel leader, wearing Dedede's robe over one of his shoulders (like a one-shouldered cape) and his men bearing the crest of the king. Meta and the others explain to Kirby that Dedede had been overthrown by an evil being and has been missing ever since, the only things left of him being his crown and robe (the latter which Meta stole from the villain). the villain calls himself the king, and has told the people of Dream Land that Dedede is gone and is never coming back, but Meta Knight refuses to believe that, citing that he knows the king is out there, he can feel it, and he won't rest until he beats the blackguard who deposed him and finds Dedede. thus he created the rebel group out of his own men (and Bandana joined) and dubbed them the "Knights of Dedede". (now I am a metadede shipper so that would be why there's a lot of unending devotion vibes here but if you're thinking this could be out of character for Meta Knight, I feel like the other reason he named his band of revolutionaries the Knights of Dedede and dons the king's robe is to really stick it to the villain, who wants the public to forget about him, but Meta won't let that happen, and obviously won't rest until the villain is defeated. and yes I know Meta once tried to overthrow Dedede himself and I think that makes this funnier.)
Kirby joins the rebel cause and they storm the castle, where the villain is, and we learn more of the history of this timeline---various rebels have been imprisoned by the villain more than once, including Meta Knight himself, but they've all managed to break out, usually Meta coming to break his men out. the villain is insistent on making Meta bend to his will and serve him, because, you know, that would mean he had truly won and truly ran the kingdom if even Dedede's most loyal knight and the resistance leader was defeated and served him, but Meta refuses to yield, and this is where Kirby would fight the villain, beat him, and when the villain gears up for round two, Meta creates a diversion, urging his men and Kirby to flee, which they don't wanna do, but they have to, and Meta is captured in his attempt to protect them
Kirby and the Knights of Dedede then go on a quest to find Dedede, because if Meta believe's he's still around, he must be, and they find him, I was thinking deep in the heart of some woods or something, could also be deep underground or underwater, whichever fits, but encased in stone like a statue, and through some magic or some new ability, they manage to free Dedede from his stone prison, and guy has no idea what's happened and has to be brought up to speed while they rush back to the castle
they storm the castle again, and the villain is angry at seeing this. meanwhile, Meta Knight, who is chained beside the throne (for peak humiliation vibes which would fit a sadistic villain), is filled with resolve anew at the sight of his men and his king returned, and all hell breaks loose as they rush the villain, free Meta, and assemble as a full team, and then another battle ensues (I'd think it would be all of them ganging up on the villain in the first phase of the battle, but in the second, maybe Kirby gets the spotlight because he's Kirby, or it's just the quartet of Meta, Dedede, Bandana, and Kirby) and when the villain is defeated, Kirby is sent back to his timeline and everything is fine
I also thought it would be really funny if his friends from his timeline were able to see everything that happened in the alternate timeline via like a magic crystal ball or something. I just think that would be funny. ALTERNATIVELY you could have this whole plot not be an alternate timeline and just something that happens in this timeline and the explanation of Kirby not knowing what the hell happened is that he was like knocked out for an unspecified but long amount of time, and that would also explain why everyone knows about him and they're all surprised to see him back.
anyway enough rough plot explanation now have some of the funny things I said about this idea
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makeste · 8 months
BnHA Chapter 403: (But Just That One Part, Because I'm Not Caught Up)
Previously on BnHA: Truly no idea, but it kind of looks like Katsuki is riding some sort of spaceship, and everyone has gotten really, really sparkly. I see you all have been busy these past 22 months. Great job, keep it up.
Today on BnHA: “So it’s come to my attention that a truly shocking number of you are only reading this manga for a single character.” – Horikoshi Kouhei, October 2023.
so. where to start, lol
I guess I should open with an apology, because I am about to make a fairly selfish decision! what I am about to do, is post a reaction to Bakugou’s Return To The Manga. however, because I’m not caught up, I’m going to be reading this one scene completely out of context without knowing anything about what is going on. which means that I’m going to be missing out on god knows how many nuances and details, which means this reaction post will be short on those things as well. so basically I’m prioritizing my own personal gratification as a fan here even though it is 100% going to affect the quality of my reaction blog, and for that I genuinely am sorry. eventually I will finish catching up, and when that happens I will post a proper reaction with all the trimmings. that’s just how it is for now though
anyway so with that said, basically what I’ve done now is I have gone to the scanlation website, and clicked on chapter 403, and then scrolled down through most of the chapter while sort of half-looking away from my screen with my eyes squinted so that everything is mostly blurry, until I finally reached the big double-page spread with you-know-who doing his thing. namely, standing around on this giant glowy cereal bowl from the future, which appears to be either hovering up in the air, or slowly crashing onto the ground
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and this right here, is exactly what I was rambling on about a moment ago. you guys I really am sorry to be doing this, because even I can tell this should be solemn and sincere moment of awe and excitement and relief. but because I completely lack any context whatsoever for wtf is happening, most of the dramatic impact is lost on me, and to tell the truth right now this page is a hell of a lot funnier than it has any right to be
like, so Deku. this boy is crying all the tears. I recklessly scrolled back up one page to see why, and it appears the answer is Because All Might Is About To Fucking Die (which, !??!?), so that’s actually VERY fucked up, and I’m sure I will have PAGES AND PAGES OF WORDS to say about all of that once I finally catch up properly. that is very traumatic and emotional and I will probably cry a lot about it
BUT, that being said, I just need you guys to know that without that context, Deku standing here with his giant head all >:O in the foreground, while Kacchan appears out of nowhere glowing with the power of a thousand suns and standing on top of this giant floating Smash Bros level that Nezu maybe probably built with his nine million dollars, is one of the wildest fucking things I’ve seen in my life. I feel like an accidental time traveler. you know when a character has one of those crazy prophetic dreams showing them chaotic glimpses of the future, and they’re just standing there all “???” because they have absolutely no clue what the fuck is going on? that is what it’s like right now
heh but there he is
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“did you miss me, Izuku. back by popular demand after being on IR for 14 goddamn months. rebuilt better and stronger than ever thanks to the heroic spaghetti man wrapped tightly around my heart keeping me alive. just BnHA things. just a flesh wound. by the way, it’s me, Kacchan, just in case you didn’t recognize me on account of my still being really far away and completely covered by smoke, and also you thinking I was dead. here let me give you a close up to make this easier”
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“fuck yeah. it really is me, btw. just in case you still couldn’t tell on account of me also being like 100x prettier than you remembered. guess it’s just that blindingly handsome character development”
also, “the end of an era” um hello, yes, what?? just what exactly have I missed here with all this All Might stuff?? because apparently All Might just prior to this was in some sort of mortal danger, is what I’ve been hearing, because everyone keeps posting excitedly about Kacchan showing up in the nick of time to save him? which incidentally makes my heart so incredibly fucking warm omg. it’s what both of them need AND deserve
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why is everything so goddamn sparkly right now. this is like a Sailor Moon battle over here
love that look of instant recognition and shock and overpowering relief in Deku’s eyes though. also has he really been fighting in this cracked out OFA-overflowing mode this entire time?? he looks just like he did on the cover of volume 37. I still haven’t seen his actual canon reaction to the “death”, and I haven’t been keeping tabs on his fight with AFO??/Tomura?? at all, but I’m glad it looks to have been as emotional as I could have hoped
aw fuck yeah
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his precious card. I’m now almost as invested in the saga of the All Might card as I am in all the rest of this. it’s all beat to hell, but somehow still made it through in the end. just like him
oh. my. g
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protect them.
protect them all.
so is the reason this fight is so sparkly just because of OFA symbolism, then?? or is there something else happening here?? goddammit, okay, I‘m gonna very carefully scroll back to the beginning of the chapter, because I’m 100% positive there is some sort of deeply meaningful symbolic thing going on here and I’ll be damned if I miss out on it, spoilers or no
-- oh my goD??!
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IS THAT HIS MOM???? OH MY GOD DID WE GET ALL MIGHT BACKSTORY. oh my god. oh god. no actually don’t tell me, ahhhh I cannot fucking wait to read this properly, holy shit
so did something wind up happening to Mighty Mom later on then?? feels like it must have, since he wound up getting so attached to Nana? man I don’t want to think about any of that stuff after seeing this panel though :( just, damn it, why is this man’s whole entire life so goddamn fucking tragic
“the one thing I’ve done most is looking back to the path I took” my god I cannot wait to read this. only two short pages and I’m already buried miles deep into my All Might feels. came here for the triumphant Kacchan return and now I’m sitting here tearing up about All Might, god damn you Horikoshi YOU’VE STILL GOT IT. and I am STILL A SUCKER FOR ALL OF IT
anyway, so now back we go to the last couple of pages with this additional context, aaaaand...
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...and apparently I’m now full-on crying about All Might! (: well how about that. turns out when you read the manual and follow the instructions properly this series still works exactly as advertised. don’t mind me I’m just sitting here sobbing because everything is exactly what I wanted and I apparently don’t know how to deal with that!!
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the urge to ruffle baby Deku and baby Kacchan’s hair is so goddamn powerful you don’t understand. this is PRIMAL. they are SO happy and SO good and perfect. I’m gonna fucking die
there’s not even any dialogue. what the fuck are they even gonna say. their expressions say it all and more. also they are being kind to me because they know I’m not caught up so they don’t want to spoil me any further, thank you my sons
lastly, I guess, because I don’t really have anything else to add now that my brain has fully turned to sappy mush: so uh. I truly have not the slightest clue how or why, but. does Kacchan have OFA though. and why is the answer, “yes he definitely does.” ???
like, I don’t understand it, but I confess that by now I have spoiled myself on the last few pages of chapter 362 for reasons (those reasons being “I finally gave in and looked at them on purpose, because I’d already seen most of them out of context here and there, and my willpower is only so strong”), and so I know that this boy was talking to vestige!Might, and as far as I’m aware that is 100% not possible unless he has some sort of connection to OFA in some way so yeah
and now here he on this last page being all Profoundly Connected with Deku while they gaze into each other’s eyes, and I can’t help but notice that said eyes are all explodey and they look a LOT like Deku’s actually. and on top of that we have all of this All Might symbolism that I’m still crying about, so like? ???
anyway so I’m not going crazy here right? like this is definitely a thing? for whatever reason?? unless you guys know something here that I don’t. in which case I actually am asking to be spoiled fully just this once, because at this point I just need to know one way or the other and I don’t care lol
anyway so that concludes my thoughts I guess! so now my absurdly ambitious goal is to speed read the manga this next week and hopefully at least catch up to Kacchan’s “death”, so that I can better understand what’s happening when I inevitably wind up spoiling myself for chapter 404 as well. the plan right now is to still type up my liveblog notes as I go, but to not worry about posting or editing anything in between chapters. so I’ll have a big backlog of chapter recaps which I’ll eventually get to uploading whenever I can, but in the meantime I can participate more in the fandom side of things. since I really want to share all of my endgame theories and so forth, but in order to do that I really need to find out just what the fuck is actually going on lol, so yeah
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miela · 9 months
Shattered Memories • Chapter III: A Sense of Reunion II • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Angst (???) Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Substance Abuse Masterlist
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VIDEO LOG #20 / 10 JUNE 2026
Hey (Y/N),
 It’s me, Peter.
It’s been almost two years since you have forgotten about me. And to be honest, these two years have been absolutely hell without you. I got a redo on life as most people wish for but be careful what you wish for I guess. I have a new life and it’s okay. I have friends from school but they’ll never compare to you, Celina, Ned, and MJ. I have two jobs and they pay okay. It helps with rent. I’m still out there being Spiderman, I haven’t heard anything about you though which I guess is understandable. I hope you’re doing okay.
I miss you….I miss you so much. In times like these, I know I could always turn to you, lay my head on your shoulder, and cry…you would rub my back, kiss the top of my head, and tell me that everything is going to be okay...because we had each other. I feel like I took those moments for granted even though I know I didn’t. I just really miss you. 
I hope one day…I could be in your arms again. I love you so much.
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I know who you are. 
It rang and echoed in Peter's head after you said it. His heart didn’t know what it wanted to do; stop and explode or race and explode. He looked at you with an expression he could only imagine was a mix of shock and anticipation. How long did you know? Is that why you came to find him? Because you remembered him? There were so many things he wanted to say, ask and do.
But before he could even react, your words knocked his cathedral of hope down to the ground just as quickly as it was built up.
"But I don't remember you."
And there it was. The catch. His heart dropped.
Of course, it wouldn’t have been that easy for him. Even though five years went by and that was more than plenty of time for you to figure it out with what little information you had, Strange’s spell was thorough and very effective. Peter wasn’t sure if he wanted to scream or cry or to crawl in a dark hole and whither away. He didn’t even know how to respond. How was he supposed to explain everything to you? How was he supposed to explain his reasoning for not following through with his promise five years ago?
He just looked at you dumbfounded.
You pressed your lips together and nodded slowly at his response of silence. “When going through the Avenger files, I saw your file. Funny how I recognized everyone else but I didn’t recognize you. Even funnier that we were partners in justice and crime fighting and I didn’t even remember your face. So I did a month-long deep dive.”
Peter never took his eyes off of you and you never took your eyes off of him. He could tell you were getting serious although your expression was still pretty relaxed. On the other hand, he could feel his jaw clench from his nerves making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“I asked around. I asked Sam, Bucky, Dr. Cho, Ned, MJ, Celina…anyone who has a connection to you and none of them know who you are. Well, MJ and Ned said you come into the coffee shop a lot, but they don’t know you. See, memories can be erased from people, but not from algorithms. We went to the same high school, both were in the academic decathlon with MJ, and we had almost all the same classes together. We were both Avengers, we were a duo team because we have the same powers, I remember every single mission, Hell, I remember fighting you,” you continued with emotion in your voice that Peter could only guess was frustration. “But I don’t remember…you.”
Peter decided he wanted to scream. He wanted to scream and then tell you everything, but he had his reasons for not telling you.
“For five years I’ve been dreaming of this guy. I call him the Faceless Boy. I have dreamt of him every single night since that day five years ago. The dreams are more than dreams, more than that dream-walking shit Celina talks about. These dreams are memories with someone who is so foreign to me.” You walked over by him slowly and stopped when you were about three feet away and you looked up into his eyes. “When I snuck through your window today, I expected a different response from you after webbing me to the wall.”
Peter gulped slightly.
“You talked to me like you knew who I was. A long-time friend that you haven’t seen in a while and one you weren’t expecting to see for an even longer while. And then when we shook hands…?” You chewed on your lip nervously, almost like you were afraid to say the next bit. “For five years, I’ve had this hole in my chest, as if something was carved out of my life when it wasn’t supposed to be. I’ve tried to fill it with anything and everything and I failed every single time. So tell me why when we shook hands I never felt it so whole before. A simple handshake from a boy from Queens filled my emptiness like he was the missing puzzle piece.”
Peter’s heart raced as you spoke and looked at him with a desperation for answers, but he couldn’t speak. He didn’t know how to respond as you searched his dark eyes for answers. He didn’t want to lie to you but…he also didn’t want to tell you the truth. The truth is what is keeping you safe and what is keeping you sane. 
“I know you feel it right now,” you said. “The pull.”
The pheromonal connection.
Peter could feel it, He didn’t stop feeling it since he sensed you in his apartment, especially after the handshake. His senses were in a frenzy, he could only imagine how yours were, especially when you couldn’t even remember who he was to you. He pressed his lips together. 
“So tell me, Peter Parker,” you started again. “What happened?”
Peter looked deeply into your eyes and slowly brought his hand up to your cheek and gently caressed it before laying his hand on it. You leaned your face into his touch and closed your eyes. His senses instantly focused on you. Your breath hitched as you opened your eyes again to look up at his dark ones.
He wanted to tell you everything so badly. He wanted to tell you how he knew you like the back of his hand. He wanted to tell you that he knew your favorite things and that you couldn’t cook to save your life, and that you loved to dance and you did ballet since you were a child. He wanted to tell you how in high school you would viscerally defend him every time Flash Thompson opened his mouth and called Peter “Penis Parker” and how when you found out Flash’s real name you started using it just to piss him off and shut him up. He wanted to tell you about how MJ didn’t like him at first because she was afraid that the same situation that happened with him and Liz would happen to you. He wanted to tell you how you and Ned would constantly bicker over who was the coolest character in Star Wars and that everyone thought your favorite anime was Chainsaw Man but he knew it was actually Sailor Moon (and that you constantly argued that Usagi would floor Goku anytime any day and any era). He wanted to tell you everything about yourself and your memories until his jaw hurt from talking too much.
But everything in him told him not to.
“(Y/N)...” he began. “I-”
Before he could finish his sentence your eyes blinked rapidly and your brows furrowed before you winced and hissed. You held your head as you let out a noise of pain and Peter instantly pulled back. 
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Are you okay? What’s happening?!” Peter panicked.
After a moment you looked up at him catching your breath softly. “Yeah….yeah. I’m fine. Like I said before. Stark Stress.”
Peter called total bullshit on that. 
“What were we talking about?” You asked softly to no one in particular.
Peter looked at you wide eyes filled with confusion and concern. 
“Uh…” he searched his scatterbrain for something to say. “The…uh…Avenger Files? You were going to tell me why you were going through the Avenger files, yeah…mhm…”
You looked at him with a knowing expression. “Parker, I remember everything I said. It was a rhetorical question.”
“Oh…!” Peter squeaked. 
You rubbed your temples and smiled up at him. “You won’t tell me anything. That’s fine I won't force you. Whatever you did, you did it for good reason.” You leaned back on the table. “I’ll figure it out anyway. Just promise you’ll be honest with me when I ask about something.”
Peter nodded. “Y-yeah! Yeah, sure, yeah I’ll be …uh….I’ll be honest.”
“Great!” you clapped your hands together. “Now down to business. I didn’t just drag you here to interrogate you.” You turned to the table to avoid his gaze.
You were deflecting the situation. Peter knows because you tend to do that when you have felt like you came off too strong in a situation and your way of reacting was to pretend like it was nothing big in hopes that the other person would follow suit. At this moment, Peter was glad you did, because he would’ve done it if you didn’t. Especially when those Stark Stress Migraines seemed more like Parker Stress ones. Both times you guys made contact you had a strong reaction. It scared him and he wanted to know why. He wished he could have asked Strange about this, but Strange didn’t remember him and probably wouldn’t even remember the spell. 
He guessed that was his big sign to keep his distance from you. 
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Later, he was taken back home in time for him to go out patrolling once more. He swung across the veins of New York City as he thought about the events that happened.
Today was a really strange day.
After your whole interrogation, you told him about your plans for the NAI and the scholarship that Tony had left for him. 
 “My dad had an actual internship and scholarship set aside for you but obviously it was meant for MIT. I changed it up a bit for your sake. So your last five years will be compensated and paid off tuition-wise and the rest of your time in school will be paid in full. You will also have an internship opportunity whenever you’re ready for it. It will be a summer internship so you can have full focus on it without any distractions, or you could do it during winter break. Whatever works for you.” You pointed at the holographic screens respectively. 
Peter looked at the holograms in shock. Tony was planning on doing all of this for him. He shouldn’t be surprised but he was…and was touched by it. And you modifying it to fit his needs made it all the more… meaningful. He did remember Tony offering him a grant when he first came to visit him but he thought he wasn’t serious about it and was using it for code to add to the stark internship.  
He almost didn’t take it, but you insisted. 
 “Parker, this was something my dad set in place years ago. Consider it a token of gratitude. He would want this for you.” you explained. “But I won't force it on you if you really don’t want it.”
Peter sighed when he stopped on a building to think. He hated keeping the truth from you, and he hated that you were suffering all this time because of your migraines. He remembered your big reaction to both times that he touched you. 
It was hurting you. 
He wondered if it would be the same for Ned, Celina, and MJ. Would they have a splitting headache if he got close to any of them too? The whole point of this stupid spell was to protect the ones he cared about, not cause them pain. 
He really, really hated magic.
He sighed and sat down at the edge of the building. He thought about what you went through in the past years without him. He had hoped that you would have been living your best life without worry, but instead, you were dreaming about him without knowing who he was, and he had to sit there and not tell you that it was him that you were dreaming about. 
It was best to just stay away from you all. Like it was intended five years ago.
He needed a distraction. He remembered one of his friends from school mentioning a party at his Fraternity House this weekend that Peter initially said no to going to. But after today he could use it. He took out his phone and called him.
“Parker,” Harry Osborn, chimed. “What’s up, my guy?”
“Hey Harry,” Peter greeted. “I changed my mind, I do wanna go to that party tomorrow.”
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To say you were a mess was an understatement. 
You didn’t seem it though. You were working with Nika on the list of foundations and non-profit organizations that would be attending the charity gala that you were hosting in a month. You’re first act of Philanthropy would be donating at least one billion dollars each year to different organizations and you wanted it to be a well-rounded event but you were distracted by the recent ones that happened.
Nika could tell.
“(Y/N),” she said, folding her hands in her lap. “Are you okay? Did that Avenger boy do something to you?”
“Huh? What? No,” You replied a little defensively. “He’s harmless.”
“Then why do you seem so upset?” She asked with concern in her tone. “You were fine earlier.”
You sighed and rubbed your temples with your fingers gently as you closed your eyes. “Migraine,” you responded, only giving part of the problem. 
She sighed knowing that you weren’t telling her everything. “I’m going to talk to you as a friend.”
You looked at the redhead expectantly.
“You haven’t had much of a life since…well…since I first met you four years ago.”
You met Nika Eyrewolfe, back in the recovery center. She was in for substance abuse herself. Since then you guys have been great friends and been a good support for each other. When you found out that she had no place to call home or anything to her name, you got her a job at Stark Industries before she was promoted to your assistant. She’s done nothing but a great job at it. She has been with you most days since you became CEO. So to say the girl knew your life and schedule like her life depended on it was an understatement.
“You’ve worked yourself so much that your headaches are getting worse and worse,” she continued. “The only person you hang out with is Morgan, who’s ten years old. You haven’t made time for Celina, Ned, and MJ in forever. But you had time to get Avenger Boy.”
“He has a name,” You retorted. “Peter. Peter Parker.”
“That’s nice,” Nika replied sarcastically. “And who is Peter Parker to you exactly?”
That’s the problem. I don’t know, you thought.
All you know is that he was the cutest guy you have ever seen in your entire life. His brown curls were soft and silky on his head. His eyes looked tired but they were soft and kind. He had boyish features that only added to his softness. And his smile. God, that smile. It lit up his whole face. His black tee shirt hugged his muscles nicely, and his dark denim jeans hugged his thighs and legs in just the right way. You had to catch yourself from staring at him too long before it got really weird.
You stayed silent and leaned your head on the back of your chair.
“Exactly,” Nika stated. “Nothing. So, you should make time for your friends. I’ll clear your calendar this weekend.”
The thing was that Peter wasn’t “nothing” to you, he was definitely a big something. You were at least eighty percent sure he was the faceless boy from your dreams. And when he touched you…? You couldn’t ignore that no matter how much you tried. The way his hand was so heartbreakingly gentle on your skin as all your worries faded away for a small moment before the splitting headache came again. It’s not like you could tell Nika any of this.
But she was right about one thing. It had been a while since you hung out with your friends. You kept in touch with them in the group chat, but it wasn’t the same as seeing them. 
“Okay,” you gave her a small smile. “Thank you, Nika. What would I be without you?”
“I dunno, probably insane.”
You snorted in response.
Maybe it would be good for you to step away from everything for a little bit. Especially with how crazy your day was. You especially wanted to pretend this day never happened, crawl into the void, and scream until your voice was gone. You deserved to relax for a moment and maybe next time you make the impulsive decision to climb into the window of someone you think you know but you don’t…
You won’t.
tags: @riordanness @chrisevans-realwife @peterdarlingg
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Mmm, alright, had to wrap my head for this one.
Mentor Dr Fate for Danny- But not in person, that's the twist
Danny can talk to Nabu when he's sleeping. He goes to sleep and appears in the mental space that exists inside the Helmet of Fate.
Make it better by having Clockwork and Fate be like old pals that haven't talked in a looooong while.
The dream connection can start happening after the whole Nocturn fiasco, if you need the context as to why it happens.
I just feel like it would be hilarious if Fate is this "all serious" around everyone and then he's alone with Danny and it's a complete flip in personality.
Because of course he's gonna get attached to the kid he can keep talking to when he's all alone in the helmet when no one is wearing it.
Even funnier if you give Fate separation anxiety in relation to Danny of all people.
Oh man, this is such a unique idea I love it. My piece I wish to throw in: so like Dr. Fate is like ~5,500 years old. That is more than just a handful of lifetimes. He has absolutely gained some form of relationship with Clockwork, whether it be a co-worker or good friend, that is yours to choose.
Nabu is an extremely... Distant. He's not really human anymore and more a divine being who's reached Beyond mortal life. He keeps his hosts hostage via possession and doesn't treat them well. He's a Lord of Order. He cares not for humans but instead cares to maintain the balance between Order and Chaos. He is very much so like Clockwork in sense of mystery and power.
With that note: Having Nabu get convinced by Clockwork to help this boy and slowly goes from his grandeur/high and mighty state to a kind and protective mentor is some good shit. My proposal is Kent Nelson has more influence on Nabu's thought process when the two are asleep. Kent adopts a more fatherly tone towards Danny. Nabu believes that this approach would be the most effective to keep The Balance and so he goes along with it. Yeah jokes on him, he now actually is starting to feel paternal towards this kid. Fuck guess he'll kill everyone and anyone for this Ghost Kid now. Giving Fate some mild separation anxiety for Danny would be so interesting to work with. Fate hasn't felt anything towards anyone in millennia and now that he IS feeling, all of these emotions that normally would be average to most people is a lot. Each tiny thought of hope, fear, joy, anything. All of them feels overwhelming and like a punch to the gut each time. He hasn't felt in so long that the almost untraceable feeling of sadness and grief of leaving a friend feels all-consuming to him. Time to teach this ethereal helmet that's forcefully possessing this kind old man some morality!! lets gooooo
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kociamieta · 6 months
whats the logic behind your iterator ocs names?
i smashed bricks with my head until i found some words i associated with them, then turned those into silly phrases, inspired by the 2-4 word names of the iterators in game. thank you No Significant Harassment and Five Pebbles and Sliver of Straw and everyone else for reminding me that the names can really be anything, as long as you want them to
the "logic" itself is like
HS - stars, shockingly. make that stargazing. guess he does that a lot. let's call it a habit. sorry man
BROS - the most fun one to me, while also the most difficult to explain? i associate them with constant movement/"change", living in the moment in a way. someone who wouldn't sit down and analyze every aspect of themself- a quick glance would be enough, so they can move on to the next most exciting thing
SDA - i sure hope they get lots of peaceful dreams.
(they do not. but i imagine their creators wouldnt just doom someone with a bad name. maybe it's something they wished for themselves?)
TFB - seven red suns. five pebbles. many ancient names...... there are numbers in those....... wonder if i can give one of my guys a number too. turns out i can, and it's the most obvious nature association ever. flowers! yay!
VOS - something about both the literal rain world void and the loneliness and isolation of this one's existence. and their design making me think of a black hole. how can i describe this feeling without using any of those words
this does get funnier when you try to imagine the ancients trying to name their newly built superstructures these
also no "official" name for the Arid Outpost one because it was never finished by the ancients : )
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
Hi! I'd like to request something about my OC and Ghost if it's alright with you and you're still taking requests. No pressure and absolutely no rush. If I missed that you're not taking requests at the moment, I'm sorry.
I'm writing a fanfic about my OC, and to know her better I'll link my headcanons of her https://www.tumblr.com/gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot/718834905462751232/sergeant-christine-riot-vega-task-force-141?source=share
I'm feeling a bit down with life and my fic so I thought I'd request something about them to cheer me up. Of course feel free to not answer or not do it, it's perfectly ok!
If you decide to do it, I'd prefer something fluff/smut (smutty fluff? fluffy smutt? :D ) or just fluff/comfort, whatever is fine, really. My fic is a slow burn and although there are signs (and I have their first kiss already written), I'd love to see something with them already established. In my head, although both are deeply traumatised (both having undergone torture and lost their families) their relationship is surprisingly healthy.
Again, should you have other questions, or just discard this completely, it's completely fine. Thank you for reading!
Masterlist Fluff with a sprinkle of smut in the end Pairing: Simon Ghost Riley x OC of @gamergirlbones
Summary: Just a quiet evening with a silly game.
TW: A bit of smut under cut
Authors note: I hope, this makes you smile for at least a minute. I really wanted to keep things fluffy and comforting. This all is taking place long after their first kiss (and maybe confessions).
One of those evenings
“Your turn, Lt.” 
Ghost blinked and looked around. If it wasn't for his mask, all others would see his puzzled expression right now. “Where were we?” Ghost voice is calm and steady, as if he wasn't desperately trying to remember, at what point of discussion his mind drifted away somewhere far. 
“Ehm, we are all captured and sentenced to death. Each of us gets a last wish. No limits, but no cheating like ‘i wish for a 1000 wishes’ either.” As Gaz was reminding him of what were they discussing, Simon silently looked from one face to another, trying to guess, who came up with such an idea. Ghost was mentally betting on Johnny, but deep inside he knew that Riot could also offer such a grim game theme at the end of the day.
“So what would you wish for?” “A gun.”
A collective sigh of disappointment swept over the campfire around which they had all gathered. “We agreed to not cheat,” groaned Gaz. “Hey, I'm ok with that answer. It means, mine is still the best!” Soap is shining with pride, but Riot protests. “Hey, that's just not fair. We were competing to find the funniest of us - not the most strategic-minded. Ghost deserves a second chance on this one.”
“You want my last wish to be absurd?” Simon scoffs. “What am I supposed to ask for? A fucking cup of tea?”
“Na-a-ah, the parade in my honor is still funnier.” Soap winks at Riot and adds ‘Ok, Lt, last chance. Give us your best shot’.
Ghosts eyes travel down to his side, where Riot sits, but he stops himself. “I'd wish to relive one of those evenings.” Silence reigns around the campfire. Everyone seems to be waiting for him to elaborate.
Simons mind drifts to one of the memories, he values the most. That time, he managed to sneak her from the base, keep her to himself for some time. It was a dream come true: a few days of peace in her loving hands. From the moment, she exited his car and stepped into tall grass, coming closer to his remote cabin, till the moment she kissed him goodbye a few days later - this was heaven. On the first evening they made a bonfire, just like the one, they were sitting around right now. Only that time there were just the two of them.
The crackle of burning logs mingled with the din of crickets at sunset. He crawled over to her chair, hugged her from behind, and rested his chin on her shoulder. 
"It turns out I needed it." Her voice was tired and soft. “Of course you did. You've been burning that candle at both ends for too long.” Ghost felt, he should have made her go on this brief vacation earlier. “I know, how stressful it can get. Mission after mission, then obstacle courses back on the base, advanced weaponry, physical training…” Ghost reached for her hand, held it lightly, and barely touched his lips to the top of it. “And at the end of the day, you are left with a shittone of paperwork.” Christine winced. 
“Oh, don't get me started on that one.” His croaky voice left a tingling feeling somewhere deep inside her chest. As if they communicated now not only verbally, although his touch was still pure and undemanding. Her body was exhausted, her mind - drifted to sleep. “Come on, let's get you to the bed,” Ghost whispered, not wanting to distract her peaceful state of mind. But when she refused and asked to ‘leave her right on this chair under the stars’, he rose without letting go of her hand and added: “Make your lieutenant proud: get up.”
“So many ways to abuse your rank, Lt. And still, you choose the most innocent one…” Christine murmured, but stood up and let him lead the way. It was only when she was undressed, bathed and nicely tucked with a cozy blanket, when Ghost finally answered her: “I'll use and abuse my rank in every most unholy way once you get a nice sleep, love.” Maybe it was banal fatigue, or maybe it was a burning eagerness to find out how he could ‘abuse his higher rank’, but she felt asleep quickly enough in his arms, catching the last seconds of her waking moments as he softly kissed her temple.
“One of those evenings?” Someone around the campfire finally vocalizes the question, that hung up in the air, since Ghost made his ‘last wish’. 
“Ahem, how about we all agree that Soap won and call it a night?” Riot looks around and, without waiting for their answer, gets up and moves away towards one of the small shacks that served to 141 as temporary shelters before the start of the operation.
Ghost waits for a while, he always does. Just to stand up a bit later and disappear somewhere in the woods, tangling his traces. Their bond with Riot may be obvious to others, but he still keeps it all low.
He comes in to her cabin so quietly, it's almost impossible to hear his steps. But Riot always knows, when Simon gets closer to her, as if she feels his presence with some kind of the sixth Sense. So when he stops before a small sink to freshen up, it's actually her, who surprises him, sliding her fragile palms under his shirt.
“One of those evenings? Care to elaborate?” Simon practically hears her smiling, as she asks that. His hand covers hers under his shirt. “Go wait for me in bed, love. I'll be there in five.” Their voices are muffled, his fingers sink into the rye-gold of her hair, the other hand cradles her body in the most careful loving embrace. “Evenings, when I can steal you for myself alone.” His lips are brushing against her jawline. “Evenings, when you can feel safe in my hands.” His body is radiating with heat, making her pull off her shirt after a short time. “Evenings, when you don't need to be strong and composed, and can lose yourself under my touch.”
Eventually her pants are too so warm and uncomfortable. Simon helps her out of them. They stay snuggled as he keeps describing her his last wish, his chin resting on top of her head, his fingers slowly drifting up and down her spine. Christines mind slowly drifts as he purrs his most treasured memories of them two into her ear. At the back of her mind, she questions herself, how many of those evenings are there left. But his heat and the hardness beneath Christine make her forget those fears. The way he, a hardened soldier, a living breathing legend of the battlefields frowns under her touch… The way his breath hitches every time her fingers casually slide up the inside of his thigh… This is all too much to still count their coming evenings. Simon too eventually stops reminiscing on the past and concentrates on what is important right now: her in his hands. His fingers slowly caressing her through the underwear, his lips forming the most beautiful, yet unspoken words along her ears and neck. Christine - not Riot, but his Christine looses her quiet and a tad bitter demeanor the moment his mouth slants over hers, pulling her into his lap, her panties pulled to the side. He makes her forget that stupid game, forget her doubts and pains with a first solid thrust. Rolling her over, cradling her body underneath his, dragging small whimpers and moans from her lips - this is another night to remember. Another night, he'd wish, he could relive again and again. 
After her first release Simon lowers his mouth to her ear and asks “Any particular wishes for your second round, dear?”. Her eyes are wet, darkened with a thick veil of desire. “You were so gentle… I'd love you to be bolder this time.” “How much, love?” His smile is loving, but his voice grows somewhat sinister.
She grits her teeth and exhales. “I want it rough. I want to feel every vein, every single inch… But not your mercy this time.”
His chuckle is low, and dark, and not at all soothing as his palm slides up to squeeze her breast. “Is that all?”
She shudders a breath, realizing what a deep void she has just discovered.
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mintylovesjeongyeon · 11 months
Watching Him Fade Away Quackity x Reader
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Hello everyone! Checked my inbox and someone requested an argument headcanon for Quackity so I hope you y’all like it!
If anyone wants to request, my inbox is still open and I can write for other people as well if you want.
My writing may be bad since I’m getting back into it so please be patient with me :D Sorry for making it sad, I was listening to sad songs so yee! Enough rambling and on to the story! 🌙 🤍🩵
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Arguments usually don’t happen between you and quackity, maybe small arguments about a misplaced item but you guys talk it out to ease out small tension.
Not this time though, this all started when you and Quackity were throw insults as a joke but it got a bit personal when Quackity started to tell you about how you dressed as if you wanted to hook up with everyone that kept staring at you.
This made you very upset because he knows that you were trying new styles to feel confident in yourself but insulting you saying the clothes you wore were giving hooker vibes?
The clothes weren’t even revealing at all! He knows how insecure you are and yet decided to insult you personally.
That’s how the argument started and it’s getting progressively worse now that they are both screaming at each other.
“Why would you say that Alex!? This was supposed to light hearted insults not personal insults! Did I ever say something to personally insult you!? No Alex I never did why? Because I know how insecure you are of yourself and I WOULD NEVER SAY ANYTHING TO BRING YOU DOWN! Are you going to say something or stay quiet!?” You screamed while glaring at him.
“Well how can I respond when you are screaming at me and interrupting me while I’m trying to apologize!? But it seems you don’t want to listen to me so you won’t get an apology! Why would I want to apologize to someone when they are flirting knowing that you’re in a relationship and you decide to flirt in FRONT IF ME!? Like don’t you realize how I felt in that moment!? NO BECAUSE YOU WERE TO BUSY LAUGHING AT THEIR JOKES WHILE THEY WERE LOOKING UP AND DOWN ON YOU!” He yelled while pulling his hair in frustration.
“Are you trying to accuse me of cheating!? All because I laughed at their jokes!? Wow that’s how low you think of me trying to cheat on you huh? Well you’re wrong because for once their jokes were actually funny unlike your stupid jokes you make that aren’t even funny!! Maybe you should try to take classes of how to become funnier and make a YouTube video about!? Funny how all this started all because you insulted how I dressed and how you let you’re insecurities get the best of you! Whoops sorry I didn’t mean to personally insult you about your relationship insecurities! Now you know how I felt in that moment right!?” I yelled while holding my head knowing a headache is forming from all the yelling.
“Oh wow now you are personally insulting me by using my insecurities!? You know what I had enough of this! I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS ON ME ALREADY AND HAVING YOU AROUND HERE IS MAKING IT WORSE! You act like you know how to fix every problem we have and try to be a supportive girlfriend when in reality you don’t fucking know shit and the advice you would are always shitty!” Screamed Alex while looking at you but his heart dropped when he saw the tears forming in your eyes and your hands started shaking from the sadness and anger you held in.
“You know what let’s just end the relationship right here and right now! I was trying to be a supportive girlfriend and tried to help you out with your streams but I guess what I did wasn’t helpful at all and the advices I give were shitty. I guess I don’t know fucking shit like you said, don’t worry I’ll start packing my things so I can try to leave by tomorrow afternoon. I’ll have someone help me out so you don’t have to see me ever again and I hope you find someone better than me, someone that actually gives you good advice and helps you out.” You cried while covering your face to hide the redness.
He just stood there quiet knowing that there’s nothing he can do to try to patch the relationship up and whatever he tries to say won’t work. He just turns around and heads to his office to try to do some homework. He knew the relationship will never get fixed, he knew that if both were still together, things will only get worse. He doesn’t want to hurt you again like he did earlier.
You went to your guys bedroom and started packing up the important things like clothes and documents. You texted your friend to try to help you move the bigger stuff tomorrow. After you were done you went to lay on the bed and started crying knowing that this relationship will never get fixed, the way he insulted you and how you insulted him as well. If you try to stay with him, things will get worse and you don’t want that, you don’t want to hurt him again.
As they both fell asleep, they know it’s going to be hard to move on from each other but this is for the best. Maybe one day they might reconcile or they may find new partners who knows but they wish nothing but the best for each other.
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Thank you for reading! I tried my best and like I said I was listening to sad songs about breakups 😮‍💨 Also my inbox is open for requests! Sooo if you want to send one it will be open! I’ll try to work on them as fast as I can since I’m busy with life ☺️ Thank you my lovely moonstones🌙🤍🩵 See you all next time!
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bukguhope · 1 year
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in which badboy! jeon jungkook desperately needs everyone to think he has a girlfriend and out of all the girls on campus that he could’ve chosen to fake date- he chose you, the girl who hates him the most.
fake dating, badboy! jungkook, swearing, mentions of blood/fighting, hate(mainly oc) to love, eventual light smut, little pining
taglist: @familiarlikemymirror3 @sleeping-bunny-sensei @ellesalazar @thisartemisnevermisses
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
You’re surprised as he holds you against him, lips on yours but you don’t fail to return the kiss. He lowers your feet back to put keeps his lips moving against yours, his right hand moves to cup your face and you jump at how cold it is and despite the tension you start chuckling in his mouth. Jungkook pulls back to give you a look, which makes you laugh more.
“you’re ruining my moment” He grumbles which only makes the situation funnier for you, making him huff but you notice and grin on his lips. “what’s with you jumping me so suddenly?” This makes your giggling and hear rise up your neck “don’t get me wrong i enjoyed it but this goes past your fake girlfriend duties” He raises an eyebrow at you and you roll your eyes before sitting on the edge of your bed, but appreciating your own words being used against you.
“this is weird territory for me, i didn’t even like you not that long ago” He scoffs and you shake your head “no i didn’t mean it that way, well- ok i guess i meant it that way but you almost had me kicked out!”
“not on purpose! how long will that be held against me?” You want to laugh at his pouting, this is the first time you’ve really discussed the incident and you can tell he feels guilty
“i know you didn’t, i was just holding it against you because you showed up all the damn time to annoy the shit out of me” Jungkook crosses his arms as he looks down at you on the bed
“why did you think i showed up around you all the time?” You look up at him, raised eyebrow while his jacket tightened around his biceps as his arms remained crossed.
“to be irritating?” He purses his lips before grabbing your desk chair, wheeling it in front of you and sitting down with the back of the chair facing you.
“ok iam going to expose myself and iam only saying it once so listen up” You narrow your eyes and lean back with your hands behind you, waiting for him to speak but suddenly his eyes trail down you slowly before flicking back up. He’d taking in what you’re wearing for the first time since he walked in, a long t shirt and gym shorts underneath. “right, you need to sit back up for me to continue” He clears his throat and you chuckle before crossing on leg over the other, making your shirt ride up slightly. Jungkook’s eyes flick back down, his gaze lingers on your legs before he blinks rapidly and pulls his eyes back to yours
“you were saying?” You did sit back up now, leaning forward and resting your arms on the back of the chair he was sitting on. Jungkook’s breathing picks up as your face is incredibly close to his own.
“i can’t think when you’re this close” His voice was low and it made your heart race, your cockiness faulted as he looked down at you. Slowly, you take your arms off the chair and sit back straight up. “i’ve liked you for a while y/n, and it’s been driving me crazy. i showed up around you all the time for the simple reason that i wanted to spend time with you”
“how long?” You ask, voice quiet as you stare at each other
“ever since i pulled you into that argument” You gasp while he remains straight faced
“jungkook that was a year ago!” He shrugs
“yeah it was and you still hated me for it, even though it was a year ago. although iam sorry, i didn’t mean for it to happen” Jungkook wasn’t necessarily wrong, you did dislike him for it and at this point you started to regret it. You started to feel guilty, he liked you this entire time and not only did you not notice- you were not so nice to him in process. And now, he was here apologising while confessing. You were moving before you even thought about it, leaning forward and planting one noisy kiss onto his lips before sitting back. He seemed shocked, eyes wide and lips slightly parted.
“you really liked me all this time?” Jungkook nods, looking ridiculously cute as he does so for someone of his reputation. “how did you not get sick of me being rude to you?” He surprises you by chuckling, it was a genuine question.
“i enjoyed it, no one else was taking to me like you were” You grew embarrassed, this whole time you never really took into account just how scared most people on campus were of Jungkook.
“well, you were annoying” You mumble and he leans his head back and lets out a laugh and you think it’s the first time you’ve ever heard him laugh wholeheartedly like this. It was beautiful. “you have the most amazing laugh” He stopped as he lowered his head to look back at you. It just came out, your mouth spoke your thoughts before you could catch yourself.
“no ones, ever said that” Jungkook’s gaze was soft as he looked at you, he couldn’t quite believe this was happening. He dreamed of this moment, of him confessing and you liking him back and it was finally happening. You sat there, complimenting him and it made his heart tighten. Jungkook leans forward to try and plant a kiss but you both jump back when your door flies open and Taehyung falls in with Jimin landing on top of him. They look up at the pair of you looking down at them and they scramble back to their feet.
“really?” You raise an eyebrow at Taehyung as he points his finger at Jimin, wordlessly blaming him. Silently they shuffle out the room, bumps shoulders as they try and rush out the door. Jimin fumbles with the door before slamming it shut. “idiots” You grumble making Jungkook laugh as he stands from the chair
“date, tomorrow night” He says, or demands, as he reaches down and grabs you by the arms to lift you to your feet
“ok bossy” He smiles down at you, cupping your face in both his hands
“you know nothing of just how bossy i can get, yet” You smile, about to laugh but he lowers his head and plants his lips on yours. It was soft and gentle and you almost let out a sigh as he kisses you.
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Jungkook normally always kept himself in check. He had nerves of steel and normally paired it with a stoic, straight face no matter where or who he was with. But as he sat on your bed, after arriving embarrassingly earlier to pick you up for your date, his right leg bounced as he stared at your bathroom door. You were surprised when you caught him pacing in front of you dorm, he didn’t knock but you could hear his boots stomping along the hardwood floor. What made it worse, he was sure he was blushing when you swung open the door- flustered he was already there. Now, he sat in his dreams girls room while she finished getting ready behind the closed bathroom door. To say he was nervous would be an understatement, he’s followed you around for that past year annoying you do he’d never thought you’d actually agree to go out with him. The bathroom door clicked and his racing mind stopped as you stepped out and - his heart fluttered. You paid him no mind as you were putting some dangly sliver earrings on but a breath got knocked out of him as his eyes looked you up and down. You had on a pretty white sundress to your mid thigh, a sliver flower necklace with matching silver rings.
“sorry i took so long” There was a moment silence where Jungkook should’ve answered but he was still taking you in and words failed to leave his lips but once you looked at him, confused he cleared his throat to actually answer.
“no worries, i was- well i was here early” A smile made its way to your lips and his heart fluttered once more
“so, where what do you want to do? You’re dressed really nicely, so i assume a nice restaurant?” Oh god, he could feel heat rushing to his cheeks at the passing compliment. You only said he looked nice and his face was turning red.
“uh, yeah there’s an Italian restaurant just off campus so i thought there… but if you don’t like Italian there’s other places! A diner not too far from here is pretty good and”
“Jungkook” You cut him off “Italian is fine” He nods while you chuckle slightly and move to your shoes to pick a pair out “i’ve never seen you ramble so much, you nervous?” His teeth meets his lower lip before he replies
“no” You laugh at this as you choose a pair of simple white slip on heels and slip them on.
“it’s fine iam too” His eyes widen slightly before he stands, you’re a little closer to his face then normal due to the heels, but he was still taller.
“you are?”
“sure, i mean we’ve spent a year bickering and now we’re going on a date while being in an actual fake relationship? i think it’s ok to have some nerves, this is a weird situation” He lets out a laugh as you grab a bag and gathering your things
“i never bickered with you, that was all you” You raise an eyebrow at him as you take your phone off charge and slip it into your small bag
“that’s what you take out of that? not the fake dating show we’ve been putting on?” He gives you a smile as you walk over to him
“well, play your cards right and maybe it won’t be a fake anymore” Your head falls back as you laugh, even if the thought of actually being with him made your heart beat quicken
“so cocky, knew there was a reason i spent a year hating you” His chest rumbled as he chuckled but he became suddenly still as you rest your hands on his shoulders, the feeling electrifying him “shall we get going?” Your touch was innocent, but as you slid your hands down his arms before grabbing his wrists he couldn’t hold back. His head dipped, surprising you with a kiss. It was gentle and soft, completely the opposite of the first kiss but you happily enjoy it before leaning back. You slip a hand into his before giving a small smile “what a weird turn of events” You mumble, reflecting on the weird situation you were in at this point of your life. Fake dating the man you’ve hated for a year, now going on a real date with him? Well, couldn’t get stranger then that.
“not weird for me more like, a dream come true” Your stomach fluttered with a wave of emotion, not something you weren’t quite used to around him yet.
“how corny Jeon, let’s get to dinner before you say something else and that meal comes back up” Jungkook laughs as you move around him and opne your dorm door, hand still in his. He follows you and waits as you lock the door, not removing his hand from yours as you struggle with one hand. You manage it though, slip the key back into your back and gesture for him to lead the way.
“how’s suspension going?” Your heels click on the floor as he leads you out of the dorms, hand leaving yours to plant itself on your lower back as he opens the building doors for you.
“it’s shit, i can train with them but iam still benched until after the weekend.” He places his hand back into yours as the pair of you walk through the campus, heading towards the exit
“what’s happening with the guy that started it?” It still annoyed you thinking about it, he was purposely trying to get a reaction and the fucker got it
“nothing” He shrugs, you gasp. How could they let him get away with such dirty tactics?
“what the fuck? that’s absolutely ridiculous he was doing all of that on purpose! what kind of coach allows that kind of behaviour? how did- what?” Jungkook was smiling at you and it cut you off from your rant
“you being defensive is such a turn on” You narrow your eyes at him, not believing he wasn’t taking this as seriously as you were. Your mouth opens to tell him off but a large crowd gathered by the exit of the campus pulls your attention, they’re stood around murmuring making your curiosity spike
“wonder what’s going on?” You murmur but Jungkook doesn’t seem fazed, not even a slight interest in what’s happening appearing on his face. Then, you see it. Your heart rate picks up as you trail your eyes over the posters and stop walking. “Jungkook…”
“i see them” He gets out through gritted teeth and like they can feel it, the crowd turn and split apart as they stare at the pair of you. It gives you a better view of the posters all over the large map of the campus, your eyes frantically look them over
And below that lovely headline? A picture of the rules Jungkook had written, with your signatures at the bottom.
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mintmatcha · 1 year
Mint ♡♡♡ for your ask game~ Akaashi + False Promises
i feel like everyone keeps giving me angst prompts!!!
(i'm happy to deliver though)
I’m thinking that false promise would be your wedding vows
cw: cheating, marriage, angst,
"Is she pretty?"
Akaashi startles at that question, looking up at you over his glasses with wide, eyes. He has the audacity to look upset, lower lip trembling as he watches you. When he opens his mouth, his voice cracks and he has to pause to clear his throat before he can speak.
"I don’t..." he trails off, lost, but not as lost as he’s pretending to be.
"Is she?"
Akaashi’s frame is dwarfed in the empty foyer. His shoulders have fallen and his half removed jacket hangs limply from his arms; you hadn’t even let him take off his shoes before you confronted him, before you let him know what you know.
The pause between you stretches on much too long, the walls echoing each breath each of you takes. Eventually, Akaashi relents, realizing that he’s pinned to this conversation, a beetle under glass for taxidermy. Tearing his eyes away from you, he chooses to watch the floor.
"I guess so."
There it is. The admission of guilt you saw coming, but crushes you just the same. 
"Prettier than me?"
"No." His grief break through his voice again, just for a moment. He quickly rathers himself, face returning to something more placid. “No, of course not.”
"Smarter than me?”
“Funnier than me?”
"Why are you doing this?" Akaashi finally lets his coat fall to the ground. His work shirt is wrinkled with bits of black ink scuffed around the cuffs; you can’t help but picture it on the floor of someone else’s home, soiled only for you to clean later.
"I'm trying to figure out why,” you say. You feel like a doll, placed into a dollhouse set meant for a another toy. Everything feels cramped, you feel misplaced. "Why her? Why not me?"
"I just-" Akaashi holds his head in his hand, breathing out increasingly more unsteadily. "I don't know, I don’t-"
He steps forward and you step back, a dance neither of you want to be tangled in, and yet the music marches on. 
"She was there,” Akaashi whispers, "It- it was late, I was tired and drunk, and, and, and--"
He throws his hands into the air, defeated. "She was there."
"I was here. In our house." You want to scream or cry, but your brain won’t let you. The grief is locked away in some other room, waiting to comfort you until after your retreat. "Waiting for my husband to come home.”
His house keys are still in his hand. “It only happened once.”
“You’re going to lie to my face?” 
You watch each other, the silence speaking for him. It wasn’t once, it wasn’t nothing. It was big.
It was a full affair.
“I don’t want to lose you.” Tears glimmer in the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. “I love you.”
The hole in your chest, the one where happiness used to sit, starts to ache. 
“Then why?”
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