#this is a little suggestive just fyi
luckycharms1701 · 5 months
I fan myself in this most languid heat, The forest invites one to lay all bare. I hang my hood upon a rocky crag, My head exposed I bathe in fragrant air.
-Li Bai, In the Mountains on a Summer Day
"Why is it so hot?" You grit your teeth as Mikey asks the question for what feels like the tenth time.
"Perhaps because it is the middle of summer," you reply, trying your best to keep irritation out of your voice. He has no internal temperature regulation, you remind yourself. It's only mostly his fault that you're here.
"But we're in the mountains, it's supposed to be cool!"
"Not in the middle of summer."
Mikey just moans piteously, pulling his hat off his head to fan himself with it. You wipe the sweat off your brow and then pull the sunscreen out of the side pocket of your backpack.
"Here, you're gonna get sunburned. Let me." You pour some of the sunscreen in your palm and smooth it over his head. He lets out a happy chirp at the sensation and leans into your touch.
You smile at him. Perhaps suggesting a hiking date in the middle of summer and then doubling down when you warned him against it wasn't his brightest moment. But you did agree to it. Eventually. And despite the buzzing heat and Mikey's complaints, you are enjoying yourself.
It is a beautiful day. Due to the heat you've only seen a couple of other people crazy enough to be out here, so you have the area to yourself. The flowers are abundant and beautiful, as Mikey promised. And he takes your hand with a bright grin of his own as you continue towards the nearby treeline. What more could you want?
You both breathe a sigh of relief as the trail takes you into the shade of the trees. It's still hot, but definitely more manageable. You hum a little in happiness as you look around at the gorgeous scenery.
Suddenly Mikey perks up. "Do you hear that?" He hustles off, pulling you along heedless of your protests. However, as you get closer to the source of the noise, you start hustling with him. It sounds like...
"A waterfall!" Mikey crows in delight. It's a small one, tumbling over a short cliff into a round pond before heading downhill in a stream. But that doesn't detract from the beauty.
Mikey spends ten minutes taking various aesthetic pictures for his So-Shell account while you sit on a rock and watch him, grateful for the rest. Perhaps you and Mikey should go hiking more often, you are clearly out of shape.
You take off your own hat and lean back, closing your eyes as a slight breeze ruffles the trees around you. It's cooler near the water, and you can smell the earthy loam of the pond bank. The sound of Mikey's camera mixes with the insects and bird calls in a surprisingly pleasant melody.
A rustling sound that definitely isn't the trees interrupts your quiet contemplation, and you look up to find Mikey sliding his shorts off his legs.
"What are you doing??" You hiss at him while looking around frantically. The trail is within sight, someone could come by at any time!
He stares at you deadpan while he straightens up. There is nothing on display, because he is a turtle. You, ah, forgot that. You bury your face in your hands while he starts to laugh.
You hear his laughter approach, and then he starts to tug on your shirt. "Come on," he urges, "you should try it. The grass feels great!"
"Mikey! The trail is right there," you gesture towards it with one hand while the other tries to pull your shirt back down. "Someone could walk by!"
"I will hear them before they can see you. I'll give you plenty of warning, I promise!" Mikey gives you the same pout that broke your resolve and caused this date in the first place, and you groan internally. You can't resist that face and he knows it.
"You just want to see my chest," you grumble as you let go of your shirt and let him whip it off of you. Mikey grins and waggles his eyebrows as he tugs you up and towards the pond.
"Maybe. But also, the grass really does feel good." You lay down next to him at the edge of the pond. He stretches out with a happy chirp and tucks one hand under your neck.
The grass does feel good, cool but not wet. Even the blades tickling your sides feel nice, soft, rather than annoying. You watch the sun shine through the trees above you with half-lidded eyes.
You fall asleep as Mikey starts to churr.
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years
Just an FYI, the ban hasn't been lifted. All that's changed is the site's filtering function. Site rules still state that explicit NSFW and the like are still bannable, and people doing test runs of it are getting flagged and Thanos snapped to oblivion. Just be careful.
Thanks anon but again my art isn't that bad
Tumblr guidelines state to not have any genitallia, female presenting nipples or sexual acts- I can't stress enough that I have not done any of that
It's a bit suggestive so I was scared to share after the whole baguette incident the other month, but now I can flag it all accordingly 💕 so I'm pretty confident I'll be okay
when I was wrongly flagged in the past my blog still existed it just couldn't be searched for...but idk I'm not here for exposure or followings I'm just here for fun so that's not a bad thing persay
Thank you for the worry though x it's nice knowing someone's looking out for me
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ja3yun · 4 months
Melting Point | P.SH | Ch.3
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brother's rival!sunghoon x fem!reader warnings: angst, smut (mdni), oral (f. rec), protected sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, cum eating, it's the dirtiest smut I've written, sexual harassment**, violence, mentions of blood, anything else lmk! ch.3 synopsis: to get sunghoon off your mind, your friends suggest tagging along to a party, but things don't go as planned and you're driven closer to sunghoon than ever before. wc: 16.8k previous | masterlist | next a/n: hi! i have decided to give you this all early since i finished the editing early. it's actually my birthday tomorrow so i won't have time to finalise it, please take this as my gift to you! thank you for the love on the last few chapters, it means so much that you are enjoying it, and as always, comments, likes, and feedback are always appreciated! **the sexual harassment scene is small but as it can make people uncomfortable, i have put <*> before and after the scene! (this is also the only scene in the whole fic like this just fyi!) yn explains what happened with little detail later on so you won't miss anything by skipping it!
For the past week, you've been engulfed in misery. It's as though you're trapped in a downward spiral, confined to your bed while your hair tangles into knots. 
A massive part of your despair was the aching in your chest from pondering what could have been, the unknown of if you ended something that could have bloomed into something wonderful. You had never felt like this before, not through any of your situationships or even that one failed relationship when you were 16 and thought they were the one. 
Adding to your distress is the burden of deceiving your brother about the situation. Minhee came to check in on you every day to make sure you were okay. Of course, you didn’t tell him you were going through emotional turmoil, simply portraying the act of a sickly Victorian child who was too poor to leave the bed. He bought it at the beginning but now you can see him starting to question your sneeze’s authenticity. 
Still, he was there looking after you, bringing you your favourite Lucozade and going all away across town for that vegetable soup you loved. Why did he have to be so nice?
Currently, your room has been infiltrated by Allen and Rina. You haven’t messaged them or attended Uni since last Thursday and Rina being the overdramatic friend she is, came barging into your room, wearing all black to ‘mourn the time lost between you’. She wasn’t exactly enthralled by your reasoning for the lack of communication.
"So you're telling me," she exclaimed, flinging herself onto your bed, "that you, my best, most cherished friend, couldn't even bother to message me because of some guy?" her words hit you like a slap, "And not just any guy, but one you've barely spent, what, nine hours with?" 
Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as her words ring true; you have been wallowing over someone you hardly know, "So what if you slept with him? He's just a man, Y/N. Men are easily replaceable!" Allen shoots his girlfriend a sceptical glance, but she disregards him entirely.
You can't argue with her logic; you know how absurd it must sound to everyone else, "It's not just him, Rina," you murmur, feeling the weight of your emotions pressing down on you, "it's Minhee too."
"Minhee's always been protective of you, especially when it comes to your flings," Rina interjects, her tone softened slightly, "Allen, back me up on this." Her boyfriend hesitates for a moment before reluctantly nodding in agreement, "She has got a point, Y/N," he admits, shrugging apologetically.
Burying your head into your hands you groan loudly, almost verging on a scream, “You guys didn’t see him when he thought I only got a lift from him, he was all like ‘If you two are dating I’ll tear him limb from limb’ it was so scary,” you recount the scene from last week with Minhee, though judging by their reactions, you realize you're failing to convey just how serious he appeared, "He sees Sunghoon as his arch-nemesis! And I slept with him! And I want to do it again!"
“Y/N, babe, it is not that fucking serious he isn’t Batman and Sunghoon isn’t Penguin.” 
"Wait, isn't Batman's arch-rival the Joker?" Allen interjects, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Allen, really? Now's not the time for comic book trivia," Rina scolds, shaking her head. "But my point remains," she continues, sitting up and clasping your hands in hers, "I promise you, Minhee won't lose it just because you're involved with Sunghoon." You're at a loss for words, partly because she makes a valid point about Minhee's dramatic tendencies, and if Rina is calling you out for being dramatic, you know it must be true.
Allen walks over to you and sits on the floor beside your bed, placing a hand on your knee “I think the best thing for you, Y/N, is just to leave it. Don’t get involved between them, just-”
“Find someone else!” Rina shouts, pouncing up like a tiger ready to attack, “Baby, you’re a genius! Y/N, we need to find you some at the party tonight!” As quick as a flash, she’s in your wardrobe looking for an outfit, flinging stuff behind her to clear her view, “You need something so diabolically sexy it’ll have every man’s dick standing to attention.” Your best friend always had a way of describing things. 
Looking down at Allen you see his sorry expression but you don’t mind, Rina has always been like this since you were little, always full of life and vibrant. She has been your best friend since she asked you to eat a worm in primary 2 to enter her secret club, one eaten worm, and a trip to the medical room because you vomited said worm right back up later, you were inseparable. You weren’t a quiet person but with her around you might as well have been a mouse next to a lion, and you loved her for it.
"What party?" you inquire, looking at the chaos in your room that you'll inevitably have to clean up later. "I haven't heard of any parties happening on campus tonight." Being Rina's best friend definitely had its perks, as her popularity ensured invitations to every cliche social event.
"There's a party on the other side of town at Yeonjun's house, and all the hottest hockey players are going to be there," Rina announces with excitement, twirling around as she brandishes an ivory white cami dress with ruffled detailing on the straps and bust. How did she even find that? The last time you wore it was three years ago to your brother's 17th birthday party.
"Rina, I wore that when I was 16. It's not going to fit anymore. Bodies change, you know, and thankfully, my boobs have gotten bigger since then," you protest, trying to reason with her.
Blowing out air, Rina throws it at you with force whacking you in the face with it, “Squeeze into it. We’re going and you’re wearing that with those nice black Naked Wolfe dupes you got from Pretty Little Thing.” With no room to argue you fold it up in your arms.
“Since when did we go to Choi's parties? Didn’t he reject you and you swore to never to even breathe the same air again?” Rina had the biggest crush on Yeonjun but when she asked him to take her on a date he flat out said no and with zero explanation. Rina doesn’t take no for an answer so when it was a brutal rejection like that, she was on the warpath to make him regret it, it got so bad you had to physically stop her from signing him up to the Army.
Still rifling through your closet, Rina finds the boots and a matching leather jacket. "Yeah, well, I've matured," she quips with a mischievous grin.
“She’s going to use me to make it clear that she’s over him, which is right isn’t it babe, you’re over him.” Bless Allen, Rina did truly love him and there wasn’t a more perfect fit for her, but even he knew she couldn’t let a grudge go. Nodding her head she agrees, shining a wide grin to her very understanding and loving boyfriend. 
One day you’ll find someone like Allen.
Rina gives you a time limit of 2 hours to get ready as she runs home with Allen to get changed herself. Parties are great, they’re fun and you can forget everything for a night, get drunk, and make terrible decisions to mask the ones you’ve already made. You haven’t been to any parties other side of town so this is the one time to undoubtedly let loose and embarrass yourself. It was in Sunghoon’s territory though, but he never goes to parties so you’re safe from the awkwardness of bumping into him.
Right on time, Rina and Allen are outside in a Lyft, the driver honking you down. You do one last check of your hair and makeup which you did to match the weird Bride of Chucky aesthetic Rina has set out, it’s not anything amazing, just some eyeliner and straight hair but you do look good. 
“You can do this Y/N.” Whispering encouragement to yourself before you run downstairs. Minhee was out with friends and your mum was off galovanting somewhere, so you didn’t have to worry about them asking why you’re suddenly fit as a fiddle. 
Tonight you have one job - to forget about Sunghoon and let your mind be free of any thoughts. 
Arriving at the party, it’s already kind of busy, enough people that you have to weave your way through the hallway and into the living area which has now become overrun with loud Uni students. Everyone dresses up so nicely in this part of the city, it’s like you walked straight into Paris with how glamorous everyone looks. It makes you feel a little inferior but that can change with a few double vodkas and too many tequila roses. 
Yeonjun's shared house is a bit chaotic but undeniably spacious, which means it takes you a bit of time to locate the booze amidst the clutter. The occupiers of the house, all members of the Albion Hockey Team, are part of the reason Sunghoon ended up skating at Belmore, and by extension, part of the reason you're now on a mission to drink their place dry. 
As you step into the kitchen to pour yourself something, Rina beats you to it, already lining up some plastic neon shot glasses. 
Looking around, you see a few potential boys you could harmlessly flirt with, none of them as pretty as Sunghoon, but no one could ever be, you haven’t seen anyone as ethereal as him since you were a little 7-year-old girl. 
But tonight isn’t about him, well it is, but it’s about forgetting how perfectly his hair falls on his face, or how his eyebrows are so gorgeously thick and dark, and those freckles that are scattered on his face in all the right places are just perfect to kiss, and how his cock was the only one that made you feel satisfied, and ho-
“See anyone you like?” Rina’s voice thankfully rips you from your thoughts, pushing a shot into one of your hands and a pint glass of something in the other. Hurriedly, you down your shot and chase it with what now you know is a quadruple vodka and orange Breezer; the measurements Rina poured were always lethal like Majorca party strip-type measurements. Allen is close behind her, clinging to her just like she loves her men to do, but he is looking around with you, assessing from a man’s perspective.
Pointing sneakily to one guy with puppy dog eyes, you say to Rina, “He looks good and dependable, and his lips are nice.”
“Y/N, who the fuck cares about ‘dependable’ you are looking for someone to fuck the name Sunghoon out of your brain.” Rina declares bluntly, earning a pinch from Allen's warning grip as he shoots her a look, silently urging her to be more supportive in your time of need. "Okay, okay, how about we just get drunk and see who comes up to you? In that outfit, you'll have them lining up," she amends, holding her cup out for cheers. Allen nods in agreement, joining in the toast.
Not even an hour later, you’ve already misplaced your jacket and the dress you had to suck yourself into is hugging you tightly as your stomach bloats from how much alcohol you’ve consumed in a short amount of time. Despite your typically high tolerance, you find yourself more intoxicated than ever, swaying to the music blaring from various Alexas scattered throughout the house. The party has swelled in size, with unfamiliar faces outnumbering the familiar ones. Yet, you can't shake the feeling of being watched, though you can't pinpoint the source.
With a cup in your hand, you stretch up and move your hips to the music but it isn’t on time, you might as well be playing one of those ‘Guess who isn’t listening to the same music’ games, but you don’t care.
A hand runs itself down your back, stopping just above your ass but you don’t stop dancing. The mystery body starts to move along with you, his groyne making its way to your backside and pressing it in so you unconsciously grind on it. You’re so far gone you don’t register it until his breath is on your neck. Turning around, you meet a set of prowling eyes that instils uneasiness. 
‘This is your chance to forget about Sunghoon though’ you argue with yourself. It’s not the right call and you know it but if you disregarded the weird feeling you got from him, he was genuinely handsome, tall and burley, clearly on the hockey team, and if romance books taught you anything it’s that hockey players could fuck really good.
“Hey," he smirks, his arms encircling you as his hands find their way to your rear, giving it a firm squeeze, "You look too sexy to be on your own. Who did you come with? A boyfriend?" His question seems calculated, an attempt to gauge your receptiveness, though you doubt the presence of a boyfriend would deter him in the slightest.
“I came with friends,” You try your best to play along. Rina was right, all you have to do is have a good fuck and you’ll forget about Sunghoon, not feel guilty about lying to Minhee, and everything should sort itself out…right?
Clearly, your answer pleased him because the lack of mention of a boyfriend had him giving your butt a harsh squeeze, “Why don’t you dance with me then, since they’ve ditched you.” He was a sleaze, that much was obvious but it was just a fuck at the end of the day, a one-night thing to prove that any man can give you what Sunghoon can. 
So you throw caution to the wind and dance with him, trying to enjoy the way his hands are groping all over your body. He doesn’t get girls outside of parties because no man who knows how to feel a woman would be grabbing like this but those tequila roses are doing a great job at helping you not give a flying fuck right now. 
Rina spots you when she comes hand in hand with Allen into the makeshift dance area and looks a little worried but you wave her off, signalling to her that you’re fine. Accepting your dismissal, she grabs Allen and takes him somewhere low-key. 
Roughly 20 minutes later, the boy before you leans down, his lips on your ear, “Let’s go upstairs.” His breath blowing into your ear makes you cringe but nod and follow him as he practically drags you up the carpeted staircase and into the first empty room he finds. It doesn’t take long before his body pins you to the wall, his hands sliding up your 2 sizes too small dress already trying to get your underwear off. He wasn’t kind, or gentle, it was rough and barbarian. 
Once he rids you of your pants, leaving them pooled around your ankles, he slides his finger up to your entrance, not even waiting before plunging into you mercilessly, “I’m going to have so much fun with you.” His voice sends a shiver up your spine, and not in a good way. Was this such a good idea? This isn’t what you imagined.
As he continues his attack on your hole you realise you aren’t getting any pleasure from this at all, in fact, it’s making you miss Sunghoon more. He was so attentive and caring about making you feel good and this guy is just fingering you to make sure his cock will fit. He didn’t need to bother opening you up if the imprint of him you felt when dancing was anything to go by. 
The guy isn’t even kissing you, just staring at the wall behind him trying to make this quick. You need to stop this, you don’t feel good being here with him, “Uhm, I think my friends are shouting for me.” It was a pathetic excuse but hopefully, he would get the message and get off of you. 
"I didn't hear anything," he dismisses, adding a second finger and increasing the pressure, causing discomfort akin to a carpet burn. His indifference only adds to your unease, and when you hear him unzipping his trousers, panic sets in.
You have mere seconds to escape this horrifying scenario. Your mind races through options, but it's clear asking him nicely won't work. With a surge of desperation, you attempt to push him away, pleading, "Really, I should go."
"Don't be a fucking tease. I put in the work," he growls, moving his weight to crush you even tighter against the wall, making escape impossible. Regret floods your mind as you realise you should have trusted your instincts about him. You should have listened to your gut, you knew he was horrible and yet you didn’t listen. A woman’s instinct is always right so why did you betray yours now?
The gears are turning in your head. Think. Your teary eyes widen and you gasp inward, doing all you can do in the situation - kick him in the balls. In a split second, you act on impulse and deliver a stinging knee to his exposed groyne. The contact sends him flying to the ground in agony. 
Seizing the opportunity, you hastily adjust your underwear and flee the room, your heart racing with adrenaline and revulsion at what nearly happened. 
Feeling icky and in desperate need to go home, you look for two things, Rina and your jacket; if you find your jacket first, you can phone Rina and get the fuck out of here. 
Roaming around the house you see the familiar leather jacket hanging on the back of a dining room chair, all your belongings still there, thank the heavens. Unlocking your phone you dial Rina’s number but she doesn’t answer, she’s nowhere to be found in this massive place because she’s probably sucking off Allen somewhere. Shit. 
As you frantically flip through your contacts, your thumb hesitates over Minhee's name. If you called him, you would never hear the end of it and it wouldn’t just be Sunghoon he would forbid you from seeing but literally any of the outside world that wasn’t school or the rink. But desperate times call for desperate measures so you scurry outside into the cold, trying to sober up a little before phoning him to pick you up. 
But there's no answer from Minhee. He's probably out celebrating Jungmo's birthday with his friends, too intoxicated to even consider coming to your aid. Why did you even entertain the thought? Now he'll worry because he missed your call, you realise with a pang of guilt. 
Crafting a flimsy excuse in a text message, you attempt to play it off as a casual check-in, hoping to alleviate any concern he might have.
A bolt of panic jolts through your back as you hear the guy from earlier’s voice bellowing down the stairs, calling you every name under the sun. If he found you, you don’t know what he would do, so you hide behind a group of people in the front garden, trying to blend in. Shakily, you scroll through your apps trying to find any taxi service that would come ASAP, but of course, everyone and their gran is trying to get home so as you try to book a ride the max wait time is 40 minutes.
Crumbling to the ground you sob, you just want to get away from here, you want Rina or Allen to come to find you, you want to feel safe again. You want Sunghoon.
Sunghoon. He lives on this side of town. Could you have the gall to ask him to come rescue you after you basically left him in the dust? You stand up, fixing your hair and dress, and wiping your tears away as if he can see you and hit call, “This is a bad idea, Y/N. He won’t eve-”
“Hello?” He picked up within 2 rings, not even long enough to finish your inner monologue. 
Hearing his voice come through the phone makes your heart skip, you haven’t heard or seen him in a week but you would think it was years the way you choke up, “Y/N, It’s late. What do you want?”
“S-sorry I-,” You can’t get the sentence out before bawling to him on the phone, all the tears you’ve held in now overflowing tenfold. All the pent-up anguish and fear pour out, overwhelming you as you cling to the lifeline of Sunghoon's voice on the other end of the line. How can you possibly explain this to him? Even in your sober state, you doubt you could articulate the events of the evening - the desperation to forget him, the reckless decisions made in the name of distraction, the groping, it all sounds so foolish and shameful.
“Y/N? What’s wrong? Talk to me.” His voice is flooded with concern and you hear him shuffle on the other end, “Sweets, please?” he drags out the please, begging you to cooperate with him. What you don’t know is he’s putting on trousers as you cry, ready to come get you before you even have the chance to ask him, “Are you out? Is that music?”
“I’m at Yeonjun’s party.” He tenses, feeling even more worried for you than before. He knows what that crew is like and if you, a well-assured girl who can most definitely handle herself is crying, that means something bad has happened, "I'm sorry, Hoonie. I shouldn't have called. It's just... the taxis are all too far away, and I can't find Rina, and I just really need to go home," you confess in a rush, the words tumbling out in a jumble of desperation and regret.
"I'm coming to get you. Stay there, and don't talk to anyone," Sunghoon commands, his voice firm with determination. Both of you feel the same palpitations of fear and concern, the only remedy being Sunghoon's swift arrival by your side. With a swift motion, he throws on his black hoodie and bolts out the door of his flat, ignoring his flatmate's bewildered inquiries. There's no time to waste - he needs to reach you as quickly as possible.
Sitting beside a couple making out, you lift your knees and cross your arms, tucking your face into the space you’ve created. How could you be so stupid? You’ve just created a bigger mess than this had to be. 
Why couldn't you have just followed Allen's advice and left it alone? No grand plan to get over Sunghoon, just accepting the choice you made and moving on. Sure, you'd be miserable, but at least you wouldn't be freezing outside a house party in an unfamiliar side of town, surrounded by strangers. The laughter of partygoers echoes around you as you cry, feeling utterly exposed and humiliated. Every approaching figure sends a shiver of fear down your spine in case it’s him, causing you to recoil further into yourself.
Your mind is doing that thing that all women do in these situations and blaming yourself for what happened, it’s tricking you into thinking you asked for it because you followed him, but you didn’t know it was going to be like that, so degrading.  You feel so weak, like a damsel in distress, this wasn’t you. Maybe you should have just walked home and dealt with it on your own.
There’s an engine in the distance and you pray to anyone that it’s Sunghoon. Headlights shine through the street and the car comes to a halt, tyres screeching as it emergency brakes. Looking up you see the 6-foot-tall boy you’ve been dying to see since last Thursday. Instantly, your body relaxes knowing you’re almost safe. 
Sunghoon slams the door shut and charges up to the door, he almost walks into the party but you squeak out his name loud enough he notices you, “Y/N.” The way he says your name is like he’s both relieved and desolate.
Dropping down to his knees, Sunghoon pulls you closer, his touch gentle as he softly rubs your arms to keep you warm. It's clear from your dishevelled state that you're as drunk as a skunk.
He asks what happened, concern etched into every line of his face, but you can't find the strength to articulate it. Instead, you shake your head, tears streaming down your cheeks unabated.
The vulnerability in your body language speaks volumes, but Sunghoon needs to know the specifics, "Please, tell me," he implores, his voice tinged with urgency and worry.
"This guy," you begin, wiping away tears as you struggle to compose yourself, "I was dancing, and he said we should go upstairs, so I did, and he..." A sob interrupts your explanation, tearing through your chest and escaping into the night air. You instinctively cover your mouth, as if trying to contain the anguish within.
After a few moments, you regain some semblance of composure and continue your slurred account. "He was touching me, which was fine at first, and then I didn't want him to anymore, and he..." The words catch in your throat, rendering you unable to finish the sentence.
Sunghoon's jaw clenches with restrained anger as he pieces it together, "Did he..." His voice trails off, the unspoken question hanging heavily between you. He doesn’t want to ask in fear of what your answer will be.
"No, I got out of there before he could," you assure him, relief evident in your voice.
Sunghoon's head falls onto your knees, relief washing over him knowing you escaped further harm, but anger simmers just beneath the surface. He wanted to commit every crime against this pervert because how dare he think he had any right to do that?
Sunghoon lifts his head back up, his eyes meeting yours and it breaks you a little because you basically just confessed to nearly fucking another man.
"You did so good, Sweets, getting away and calling me. So fucking good," he praises, his arms enveloping you in a tight embrace, offering whatever comfort he can summon. He knows that a mere hug won't erase the turmoil raging within you, but it's a start, "I'm so proud of you," he murmurs, his words a balm to your wounded soul, eliciting even more tears from you as you allow yourself to be held tightly.
The smell of him and the softness of his hoodie was all the feeling you needed earlier, that safety you begged for. Sunghoon strokes your back, laying a few kisses atop your head between intervals of his whispered reassuring words. 
Leaning back to look at you, he takes his right thumb and wipes your tears away, “Let me get you out of here.” He wanted to ransack the party for the bastard that made you cry like this, but he fights himself against it, choosing to focus on you and your needs rather than his want to kick fuck out of that guy.
“Stand up for me, Sweets.” He holds you steady while you find your footing on the grass. Once he knows you’re okay and not going to drunkenly collapse back down, he fastens up your leather jacket and wraps an arm around your shoulder, guiding you to the safety of his car. 
Just as he has calmed you down and you’re halfway down the front path, a venomous voice invades your ears and you tense under Sunghoon’s touch, giving him every indication of who it could be.
“There you are, gorgeous. Sorry, lad, this one’s taken.” He goes to grab you but Sunghoon blocks him and pushes him back, holding himself back from battering his lights out. 
In shock, the guy glances at Sunghoon, his expression morphing into a mixture of disbelief and indignation. "Nah, this fucking cock tease owes me," he retorts, his tone dripping with contempt.
A heavy silence descends upon the scene as a crowd begins to emerge from the party, their murmurs mixing with the tension in the air. You catch snippets of conversation, people questioning Sunghoon's presence at a Choi party, knowing full well the history between him and Yeonjun.
Sunghoon and Yeonjun have had beef since they were in 3rd Year of High School after the ice skater found out Yeonjun snuck weed into his bag for a ‘joke’ and it consequently got him suspended from Skating until he proved himself through drug tests. It's a deep-seated grudge that neither of them has forgotten. Since then, he hasn’t stepped foot near Yeonjun or any of his friends.
Sunghoon steps up to the guy, staring him down. Your perpetrator might be built but Sunghoon is tall and way more intimidating, everyone can see that, “Say that again.” "Say that again," Sunghoon challenges, his voice laced with a quiet intensity, silently daring the guy to escalate the situation further. It's a dangerous game, and Sunghoon is teetering on the edge, desperate for an excuse to unleash his pent-up fury upon the guy who dared to harm you.
“That bitch is a fu-” 
The garden erupts into chaos as Sunghoon's fist connects with the boy's face, the impact echoing through the air like a gunshot. The crowd gasps in shock, some scrambling to film the fight while others recoil in horror. With each blow, Sunghoon's rage intensifies, his fists raining down on his target with unrelenting force. There is no thought in his mind, only a primal instinct to protect you at all costs.
Blood gushes from the boy's nose and mouth, staining the grass crimson as he struggles to breathe due to the onslaught. He splurts out blood but that doesn’t stop Sunghoon as he shows no mercy, his relentless assault fueled by a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The sheer power behind his punches threatens to shatter bones, each strike delivering a punishing blow that leaves his opponent battered and broken. You swear you hear cracks coming from the boy’s nose and jaw.
Rina and Allen run out to the commotion and watch as you try to stop him, “Hoonie, stop!” You scream as you stand still, not daring to get in the middle of it out of fear of catching a hit. Your words don’t stop him though, only making him angrier because he can hear the bubble in your throat from your tears. The boy below starts to appeal with him to stop too, not sure how much more he can take. 
Pushing him forward, Rina signals for Allen to help but he’s also too scared to move, mimicking your ceased state but eventually she pushes him so hard he ends up in it anyway, grabbing Sunghoon by his hoodie to get him off. The helpful boy almost gets an elbow to the face but he swerves it.
“Don’t you dare fucking touch my girl again,” Sunghoon physically spits on him, pushing Allen off in the process. 
My girl.
The words make your heart pound, even more than it already is due to the booze. Right now you should be terrified because Sunghoon just displayed about 10 red flags, but why are you not scared at all? He got so angry he nearly punched a man to death and you still feel completely safe even just being around him. Maybe it’s the fact that he’ll protect you so willingly.
Sunghoon shakes the blood from his hand, wiping some of it on his sweatpants before he finally faces you again, “Y/N…” He’s filled with anxiety that you’re petrified of him, of this protective side that even he didn’t know he possessed, “I-” He doesn’t get to finish his sentence before you pull him into a hug, your face nuzzling into his heaving chest. A mixture of missing him and feeling grateful for his act causes you to squeeze him so tight he can’t breathe.
Sunghoon hesitates for a moment before returning the embrace, holding you close, his heart pounding against yours in rhythm. Despite everything, in this moment, you find comfort in each other's arms, a silent understanding passing between you that transcends words.
He places a side kiss on your temple and looks at you, “I’ll take you to mine.” 
“No, you won’t, are you crazy?” Rina’s voice pierces through the tense atmosphere, making you stumble back, but Sunghoon is there to catch you, his protective grip reassuring, “I am not letting my best friend go home with a psychopath.”
He scoffs, facing her with a hard expression and one arm still holding onto you, “Best friend? You mean the best friend you couldn’t even be bothered to stick with because you were fucking your shrimp of a boyfriend?” 
Pinching him, you shake your head, you don’t want him to start bad-mouthing your friends just because he’s angry, it’s not their fault. He whispers a ‘sorry’, his bloody hand stroking the last of your tears away before he turns back to Rina, tone firm, “I am taking her home and you are going to cover for her if her family asks where she is in the morning, got it?” Without waiting for their response, he guides you towards his car, planting another kiss on your head before opening the door for you.
As he shuts the door behind you, he glances back at the scene he left behind with a small smirk, feeling a sense of vindication from getting a few hits against one of Yeonjun's lackeys. He gets in the driver's seat, putting the heating on and starting the car.
“I’m sorry, Sunghoon.” You mumble, appreciating the heat that's blowing your way as you start to get sleepy from all the adrenaline leaving you. He buckles your seatbelt for you, untwisting it for your comfort.
“Why are you apologising?” His tone is firm yet gentle, and you can sense the protectiveness in his words.
“For phoning you, for getting you into that mess, it’s my fault,” you explain, feeling the weight of responsibility heavy on your shoulders.
“Don’t,” Sunghoon interrupts, his grip on the steering wheel tightening, “Don’t apologise for any of this, none of this is your fault.”
Regaining some composure, he softly puts his hand on your thigh but you jump slightly, memories from the previous guy coming to the forefront of your brain. The reaction you have only fuels Sunghoon’s anger back up but before he gets back out of the car and finishes the job, he takes his hand off you and drives back to his place. Luckily he lives only 10 minutes away and with the roads being so quiet at this time, he blazes through it in 6 minutes. 
In that small amount of time, you pass out, snoring slightly, the noise making Sunghoon smile. You were so cute when you slept, so peaceful like you didn’t have one care in the world. He wanted that for you. Always. 
Pulling up to the street he parks his car half on the pavement and turns the ignition off, being careful to not wake you.
The biggest challenge he’ll face is getting you up the stairs to the front door but he manages to carry you bridal style up and into the house. His two flatmates Jay and Jake are perched on the couch the way he left them earlier. The look on their faces drops when they see blood and a passed-out girl, “Is she okay?” Jake asks.
Sunghoon hushes them and keeps walking, “She’s fine, Lee Heosun isn’t though.” Leaving it at that, he walks into his room with you and lays you down on his bed. Your dress looks tight and uncomfortable so he picks around his room for some clothes to change you into but all he has is a Metallica shirt and some boxers in his drawer, everything else either needs to be washed or is his skating gear. 
He lays the makeshift pyjamas on the bed before trying to take your dress off gently but you’re wriggling against him, unconsciously fighting him so you can keep sleeping, “Sweets we need to get you changed.” You grumble and shake your head, you’re incoherent but causing Sunghoon issues when you try to kick him away, seeking the deep release of sleep, “Work with me here, baby,” he exhales, finally getting the zip of your dress down. 
After that, it was easy enough to strip you naked and slip you into his t-shirt. He did try to get you to put on the boxers but you had enough by then, rolling over onto his bed and getting comfy, your ass is hanging out. Normally, Sunghoon would be thinking something crude but all he is thinking about is how someone else touched you. 
He promises to himself he won’t let that happen ever again.
“M’sorry, Hoonie.” you muffle into his pillow. 
Tucking you into bed he kisses your forehead lightly, “Stop apologising, Sweets and go to sleep for me.” 
Tapping your lips, you indicate you want a kiss, which makes Sunghoon hesitate. Eventually, he sighs, giving in to your request. “Just one, okay?” he concedes, leaning in to kiss you softly. The warmth of his lips against yours comforts you and him. He missed your lips the past week and he wouldn’t do without your kisses again. 
“He told me not to see you.” You say forcing him to stay close to you, stealing smooches as you talk.
“Who did?” Sunghoon asks, brows furrowing.
Ah, it all makes so much more sense to him now. It wasn’t just your brain turning over and over in your head; Minhee had actually warned you to stay away.
Sunghoon kisses you longingly once more before pulling the covers up to your chin,  sending you off to sleep. 
There has to be one of those cymbal clapping monkeys in your head because as you groggily sit up, all you feel is a pounding and ringing sensation. The last time you had a hangover this bad was last year at your birthday party when Rina came back to the table with 10 skittle bombs and 5 sambucas. The night was fun but the morning after was most definitely not. 
It takes you some time to force your eyes open, expecting to see Rina’s room, but unless she heavily redecorated the complete opposite of her aesthetic in the past few weeks, it was safe to say you were not in Rina’s room. It’s strange because she always lets you crash at hers after a night out, it was an unspoken rule you both made so you could debrief the events of the night before and cringe every time you remembered some of the munters you kissed. 
You rub your tired eyes to try and get a better scope of your surroundings but nothing about this room is familiar. Glancing around the walls you see posters of some random anime and Red Velvet, shelves filled with pictures of, and some shelves with all types of cologne and figurines displayed. 
As you look down you see yourself dressed in only a t-shirt, no pants, no trousers - this cannot be good. Who did you speak with last night? If you were being honest, the whole night was a blur and the more you try to think the more your head hurt. The t-shirt smells familiar which is a good sign, as a matter of fact, the whole room smells familiar. It’s not overwhelmingly obvious but you could definitely place it. 
Getting out of the comfortable bed you start to nosy around the person’s belongings like you were on an episode of Come Dine With Me, looking for any clue as to who the owner is. 
The room is clean bar a few clothes and a gym bag that you have one-hundred percent seen before. Your best bet is to look at the photos splattered on the long mirror adjacent to the bed but when you look at it, the reflection of the wall behind you makes you spin around and observe. 
The wall is filled with floating shelves covered in trophies and medals, an astronomical amount of awards for one person, kind of like Minhee has. The ironic thing is, you think this tiny room might hold more trophies than your brother’s double room dedicated to them. 
Your steps slow as you approach a particularly large trophy, its gleaming surface catching the light. Your heart sinks as you read the nameplate, the realisation hitting you like a wave crashing against the shore.
No, no, no There is no way you are in his room..
Headache or not you need to start thinking about what ensued at that stupid party. 
You got there, Rina handed you a few drinks, you took a few shots, danced with a few people, but what else? You don’t even remember seeing Sunghoon there so how the fuck are you in his bedroom and presumably in his shirt, or better yet, in only his shirt. 
Cursing yourself was too polite a punishment because last night you made a promise to get over him by getting under someone and clearly that didn’t happen. 
Oh no. You think to yourself as you start to wonder if he was the one you got under and you don’t even remember it. You grudge yourself because sober you wanted nothing more than to have sex with him again and now drunk you might have gotten the opportunity and forgot every single bit of it. She was not your best friend at the moment. 
On the bright side, this was your chance to poke around his room and uncover any icks that could help you with your Sunghoon problem. You see a pair of boxers strewn on the floor and shove them on, trying to save yourself some dignity. 
The trophies were magnificent. You knew he was the best but to see all his accomplishments displayed so blatantly like this struck you with awe. The years ranged from 2011 to now which just showcased how long he has been dedicated to the sport. You understand he’s been doing it since he was a kid, you got the privilege to watch him, but you didn’t get to see all his competitions - not the ones Minhee didn’t compete in at least. 
Next to the last trophy is a picture of him, his dad, and his mum with what you assume is his first-ever award. He looked just how you remembered him, so cute and bright, the ice skating persona then was one far different than the ‘cocky’ one he has now. Back then he was branded as the nation's cutie pie and had every old woman trying to adopt him as their own, like how teenage girls adopt men in bands and claim them as their children. 
You mourned the kid he used to be, only imagining his situation was the same as your brothers - grew up too fast with too much pressure. 
Moving over to his desk you see his University books and a laptop with stickers he’s collected from random places. You don’t know a lot of them but see a few Sanrio stickers and smile, he is for sure Tuxedosam in human form. 
There’s not a lot scandalous about the rest of the room which busted your mission. You could look through his drawers but you have to draw the line before it gets creepy. 
There is, however, a bottle of water and some aspirin next to the bed which he must have left for you. Swallowing the physical pills, you now need to swallow the metaphorical ones and leave the room to face the boy you pied for a week.
A sick feeling bubbles in your tummy that could either be from the obscene amount of alcohol you drank or seeing him again. You did technically see him last night even if you don’t remember, but that makes the turning in your stomach worse because what did you do last night? Best case scenario? You didn’t embarrass yourself.
Hyping yourself up by shaking your shoulders, you open the door and head down the hall. By any miracle he won’t be there, you can put your shoes on and make a run for it. Sadly for you, when you see a broad back walking into the kitchen completely oblivious to your presence, you realise quickly you need to face this. Face Sunghoon.
“Hey,” Shooting around at the sound of your voice, Sunghoon’s eyes widen when he sees you like he wasn’t the one to carry you to bed and change you; it’s good to see you found the boxers he failed to fight on you last night.
“How are you feeling?” He doesn’t know how much you remember and he doesn’t know what to do if you don’t. How would he bring up anything that happened at the party without upsetting you all over again?
Sitting on a high stool at the island, you rest your head on one of your palms and close your eyes, “Fucking awful, my head has its own personal marching band,” you attempt to laugh at your analogy but it hurts too much, the strain on your head causes you to wince, “Did I, uh, did I call you last night?”
Shit, you don’t remember. Sunghoon physically stiffens because he doesn’t know what to say. You have every right to know what happened to you but then you might relive the memory and turn back into the girl from last night, and he never wanted you to feel like that again. 
As you stare at him expectantly, he doesn’t move, the only thing stopping him from looking like a 2D manga character is his shifting eyes that are looking everywhere but at you. 
The way Sunghoon is reacting is making you nervous. You must have fucked up big time if Park Sunghoon is speechless, “Sunghoon I’m sorry if I crossed a line.”
His eyes widen, your choice of words ironic to your situation. If he can make you remember at your own free will then that has to be better than just springing it on you, right? “You didn’t do anything out of order, I promise. You called me to come pick you up,” he pauses looking down at the now suddenly interesting countertop, “Do you remember why you phoned me?”
You lift your head from your hand and shake your head, “No, not really. I remember drinking lots and then it kind of blacks out.” Your brain vessels are popping at the hard work you’re putting in to remember because by Sunghoon’s facial expression, you’re missing something massive, “I do remember dancing, and then sitting on the ground outside.” The memories fade in and out, only recalling locations.
He blows cold air and nods slowly, knowing he is going to have to tell you, “Y/N, do you remember a guy?” Seeing your eyes dart about like you’re trying to find the answer in the air tells Sunghoon you don’t remember, “He uh, he was dancing with you and asked you to go upstairs?” He is giving you tiny hints to help you cast your mind back which seems to be working enough.
“I went upstairs and,” all the images from last night flash quickly by, how you walked up the stairs, how he pinned you against the wall, his unappealing touches, how he-. That’s why Sunghoon looks so apprehensive to tell you flat out what happened, “Oh…yeah.” 
Suddenly, you feel like you’re back in your body from last night, that guy's fingers still on you and his breath sticking to your skin. It made you feel disgusting and your body didn’t fit right over your bones anymore. Your mouth fills with saliva and you grip the countertop, this only ever happens when you are going to be sick or have a panic attack, in this case, it could be both but for now, it’s only a nauseous reaction. Tears prick your eyes as you try to stop yourself from breaking down.
Rushing over, Sunghoon twists your seat to face him so he can envelope you in his arms, “Shh, you’re safe here.” And you believe him. You are safe as long as he is with you, his soft touches are a testament to that.
Sunghoon shuts his eyes, wishing he could take away all the pain and sorrow you’re feeling but he’s a useless bystander who can only watch you go through this. He knows words and affection only go so far and it would take you a while to come to terms with the ordeal, but he’s silently vowing to himself that he will be here for you. 
It’s strange how rapidly he became attached to you, like you were a bright light and he was a moth, too distracted by your beauty to think about the danger. 
Once you settled down a little, he pulled away to check your face for straggled tears and wiped them away, “I will never let anyone touch you again. Not like that.” 
With your memory piecing back together, you pull yourself away from him, grabbing his wrist and inspecting his hand. He had punched that guy so much that the scene before you looked like something out of a gory horror film. Sunghoon’s knuckles are cleaned but bruised and discoloured, the swollenness of his hand indicates a minor fracture. 
He wanted you to forget that part but he supposed you would see it eventually. It took him a long time to get the blood stain off, red tinges still visible if you looked hard enough. He has a pictorial for a sponsor in a few days that he’s either going to need his hand airbrushed over or cancel it completely. It didn’t matter the outcome, it was worth it. There will always be more ad deals in the future.
You bring his injured hand to your lips and kiss the knuckles softly which causes Sunghoon to suck in a breath and his throat to close over. Even when you were in dismay you still found time to look after him in the simplest of ways, ways he doesn’t know he needs until you’re already tending to him. 
“You need to wrap this up and put some ointment on it or it’ll scar. Where can I find some wrap and Savlon?” You stand up, not taking your eyes off his battered hand.
“I’ll get them, they’re in the toilet I think.” He strolls to the bathroom and finds some old bandages and Geromlene that should do the job just fine. When he walks back into the kitchen you have a cup of water and a piece of kitchen towel, “Here.” He hands you what you need.
Pushing him onto the stool you once occupied, you put his hand on the worktop to clean it, “You know, you shouldn’t have done that.” 
He knows the implications of his actions, especially with people recording. If it got to the board he could be removed from competing at Nationals and stripped of his titles, “I guess, but it was worth it.” The boy wants to say that you’re worth it but he doesn’t, scared you’ll pull away again, “I got some revenge from it too.”
The damage to his hand isn’t as bad as you thought but as it tremors slightly, you know some nerve damage has been done. Slathering it in Germolene stings him but he doesn’t let you know it hurts him, he just grits and bares it, letting you continue. Wrapping the bandage around the wound, you collect your thoughts, “What do you mean revenge?”
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you one day,” he shrugs but his words set a sadness in your chest because when would he get to tell you this mysterious problem he has with your aggressor? Sunghoon is saying it like he has a lifetime to tell you all these stories but you shouldn’t even be speaking to him now.
“I am truly sorry, Hoonie,” He tries to talk but you interject, “Not just about last night but for shutting you down like that.” Pursing his lips, his eyes are trained on the bandage, “I just can’t be with you.”
You finish up and kiss his hand again. It’s not difficult to fix someone's physical wounds, there are all sorts of treatments and medications for them, it’s the emotional nicks and cuts you have a hard time patching up. You didn’t really think it would affect him but that’s a lot easier to manipulate yourself into thinking when the boy isn’t in front of you with his face contorted, looking like an injured puppy. 
“Minhee doesn’t own you, y’know. You can see whoever you want.” He retorts, hoping you find some reason in his words. Confused, you scrunch your eyebrows as he explains, “You said last night Minhee forbid you from seeing me.”
Ah, drunken you really stuck her foot in it, “I know he doesn’t own me, but you should have seen his face. I’ve never seen him so angry.”
“How did he find out about us?” he asks. Sunghoon says ‘us’ so casually, like you’ve been an ‘us’ forever. He finds it so natural to talk about you as part of him. When he told Jay and Jake about your impromptu date the night of the Zamboni he kept speaking for both of you, how ‘we’ had a great time and ‘we’ just got one another. 
“You drove your car up to my front door. The next morning he was all like ‘If you date him Y/N, I’ll kill him’ or something like that.” Your impression of Minhee makes Sunghoon laugh because you nail it perfectly - the scowl, the hard-lined eyes, you must have seen that face so much to perfect it.
Standing up, Sunghoon takes the medical stuff back to the bathroom where he found it, giving himself time to think of ways he can change your mind, find a loophole, anything that allows him to be around you. It’s selfish to want you with him knowing what it does to your brain but if he can somehow convince you, he’ll do anything.
Walking back to you, he sees your figure perched on the stool and there’s a lightbulb moment that goes off in his head, “Did he say date?” 
You spin around at his question, unsure of what he is getting at, “What? Yeah, he said ‘date and stuff’ I think.” 
“Then let’s not date.” 
Slouching, you agree, nodding your head and trying not to look too upset. The notion of not dating him seems to nip your feelings more than you thought.
Seeing your saddened expression, Sunghoon quickly recovers, “No, let’s-” he pauses for a moment, trying to find a nice way to say it, “Let’s keep it casual, keep it strictly hooking up.”
You bring your eyes to meet his pleading ones but you don’t understand the whole situation. When you called it off, he walked away so easily you thought he didn’t care but in front of you now, he seems the exact opposite, “You didn’t seem bothered about me stopping whatever this is between us at the rink,” as you point your finger between you both, Sunghoon can only let out a ‘huh?’ and lean on the island, “You said ‘suit yourself’, like, that would indicate you couldn’t care less.”
Honestly, Sunghoon just didn’t know how to respond at the moment. He wanted to say more but what could he have said?
That was also the reason for his dry response, he decided that it might be best to let you walk away, for your own sake, “It’s not like that, Sweets. I didn’t mean to be like that, I just…I don’t know.” He couldn’t articulate his thoughts at the moment, brain preoccupied with how to keep you here, “Look, you can say no but if you’re the same as me, you know you want this.”
“It won’t ever just be a hooking-up situation though and you know it.” You had to call it what it is. The way you both feel, even in your week apart, was enough to know this would never work. Someone’s feelings, probably you both, would grow so immense that it would never stay casual. 
“We make a deal, a promise, swear it on your brother's name that we won’t get attached. You’re too loyal to betray him and I can keep myself in check.” Sunghoon is highly aware of how desperate he sounds right now but he doesn’t mind. 
“But I would already be betraying him by even considering having sex with you again.” You’re crestfallen as you speak, gazing down and playing with your fingers.
Sunghoon has the opposite reaction however, his face has a slight smile while he brings his hands to your shoulders, gaining your full attention, “But he said you can’t date me, not that you can’t fuck me.”
“I think it was implied, Hoon.”
“But not explicitly stated.” If Sunghoon wasn’t in university for sports physiotherapy, he could be studying to be a lawyer, at least that’s what he thinks, “C’mon, Sweets, I might go mad if I don’t get to touch you again.” 
The cogs turn in your head because he does have a point, it’s the perfect, guilt-free loophole. You wouldn’t be dating him but still get to see him, it’s a win-win on paper, “What if my brother finds out?” 
His big hands tuck your hair back behind your ears and stay pressed on your cheeks, “Believe it or not, Y/N, I don’t tend to air my sex life to the town.” Sunghoon breathes out a laugh, his thumbs swiping back and forth on your face, helping your uneasiness but also removing some of the smudged makeup from yesterday, “We’ll keep it a secret, yeah?”
“You could have any girl, Hoon, one you don’t have to sneak around with,” you want to give him one last chance out of this.
Pressing his forehead against yours, he whispers, “To be perfectly honest, Y/N, I don’t want just anyone else, I want you.” You need to tell your heart to calm down so you close your eyes to find some semblance of equanimity. He nudges his nose with yours and smiles, knowing the effect he has on you, “So, what do you say?”
There is a beat of a pause before you say softly, “Yes.” It was a risk. You would have to be careful but if you wanted to stop at any point you could, because it was just casual, nothing more - Minhee would never know. 
The brightest smile graces Sunghoon’s face, his eyes shrinking in size and canines on full display, “Yeah?” It’s like he doesn’t believe it even though he’s heard it. For a moment he thought you were going to tell him no, that there was no ambiguity to be found in Minhee’s words, “Can I kiss you then?” he asks, his voice tinged with hopeful anticipation.
You meet his gaze, offering a nonchalant shrug that belies the flutter of excitement in your chest. "I suppose so," you reply, your tone teasing yet inviting. 
He leans in slowly, testing to see if you actually meant it. Meeting him halfway, your lips meld together seamlessly, igniting a spark of longing that fuels the kiss. Sunghoon's smile against your mouth speaks volumes, conveying his joy and gratitude. Sunghoon can’t ever stop kissing you, not unless you need air.
With his hands gently gripping your waist, he feels you push yourself onto him. Sunghoon’s lips are all over yours practically eating your face off because he can’t believe he hasn’t kissed you in 8 days. He missed your taste and how easy it was to get lost in your mouth. Both of you are so desperate for one another that you don’t even come up for breath, the kiss all too consuming. 
You yelp when he picks you up and carries you to his bedroom, kicking the door shut with his foot and throwing you both on the bed and as you shuffle up the bed, Sunghoon crawls with you, his mouth chasing yours eagerly. 
There’s electricity in the air and it sparks pure lust into his body, his dick throbbing at the thought of being with you again. This time he’s going to do it right and take his time with you, ensuring you feel sufficiently fucked out when he’s done. When he was taking you in the front seat of his car, it was good, actually, it was beyond perfect but it was over too soon, he had so much more to show you.
His mouth moves at a new unhurried pace, his tongue running painstakingly slow over yours, so slow he could feel all your tastebuds. Sunghoon’s promise to himself was to devour you so much you are all he can taste for the next few days, just in case he doesn’t get the chance to sneak you away. This deal he has with you isn’t ideal, he wants to call you his and never let go, not just be a fuck buddy. He did call you his last night in the heat of the moment and it felt so good to say it. 
Your hands slide under his white t-shirt and scrape his sides lightly, making the man shiver. It’s not only his waist you’re touching like this but you’re soon roaming all over his body. Your hands have a mind of their own as they glide every inch of his soft, warm skin, and the caresses you are receiving are equally as adoring. Not like that guy.
Why did you think about it now? Just when you had distracted yourself enough.
Noticing the change in you, Sunghoon pauses his kisses and opens his eyes, “Are you okay, Y/N?” You nod but it’s unconvincing, making him halt, “Talk to me, Sweets.” 
Unfortunately, he’s seen that look on your face before and he knows what you’re thinking about. 
How could he be so stupid? It didn’t even register to him you might not be ready to jump into bed considering what happened not 24 hours ago, hell, not even 12 hours ago.
“Hoonie?” Your voice is wispy as you run a hand through his dark locks, “Make me forget about it? Replace his touches with yours?” It was a simple request but it held so much weight. Sunghoon was the only one you wanted to feel on your body from now on.
“Are you sure, Y/N? I don’t want you to think you have to. I can wait for as long as you need.” 
Sunghoon’s facial features are drawn with concern as he waits for you to truly think about this, to analyse whether you’re making this decision with a clear mind.
Shaking your head, you decline his kind act, “I want you to fuck me. Like really fuck me,” your eyes never come off of his to make certain he knows you’re serious, “I’m okay and I want this. I want you so bad.”
A smirk plasters itself onto Sunghoon’s face, “You’re going to kill me, y’know.” He presses his body on yours so you feel most of his weight on your core, his cock hardening as he softly grinds it onto your clothed heat, “As long as you’re sure?”
You nod, getting a little impatient but you’re appreciative of his concern.
He doesn’t say anything but goes back to kissing you even more intensely than before, his fingertips rubbing themself all over your body just as you requested. Sunghoon will do anything in his power to make you feel better. If this is what you wanted, this is what you’d get. 
Sunghoon’s right hand trails down your stomach, shaking a little from sheer joy. He dips into the band of the boxers you’re wearing and slides his fingers perfectly between your folds, “How many times do you think I can make you cum this time, hmm?” The pad of his pointer circles your clit “Maybe once?” His husky voice flows into your ear as he speaks, “Could be twice, or three times, I know you’re more than capable.” You wriggle under him when his middle and ring fingers join the party and tap your entrance, “4 times? Could my Sweets cum 4 times for me?”
He has the audacity to be asking you these questions when all you can do is writhe in anticipation and want. If he keeps rubbing your clit and poking at your hole like this you might have the first orgasm in record time, but you don’t want to give him all the satisfaction, so you hold back. 
Biting at your neck, he feels your heartbeat picking up speed to mirror with his thumb, “You could cum right now, couldn’t you? Why don’t you?” Sunghoon can feel your resistance and he knows you’re hating how much control he has over you. You’re an independent girl and he knows that means you’re not used to being in this position, with someone playing you like this. When you rode him in his car, you wanted to be in full control but he didn’t let that happen.
Moving his face to yours, he sees your eyes shut and mouth open, a clear invitation for him to stick his tongue down your throat. You moan at the sensations happening to your body all at once and the cocky boy on top of you smiles, his tongue licking over yours, “Let go, Sweets. I won’t deny you anything unless you want me to.” 
If there is one thing you hate in this world it’s being edged. You’re aware that some people love it, that it heightens the climax when you finally get to cum but you can’t think of anything worse. Why withstand the inevitable when you can have multiple bouts of pleasure? So maybe you should just let him see how many times he could get you off, it would be beneficial for you, who cares if his ego inflates, you could get him back another time. 
You smile at the thought of having another time with him.
Once you make the decision to loosen up and let Sunghoon do his thing, he knows he’s won the tiny battle of dominance, “Good girl.” Here comes that praise kink you’ve discovered because, with his words, you’re purring into his mouth and levitating your hips to get more connection from his fingers. You don’t have to ask him anything, he already knows what you need, he can feel the wetness on his fingers that’s leaking from your pussy.
His thumb hasn’t stopped rubbing you, and it continues with the same vigour as he slips his two fingers into you, stretching you open. Assessing your face for any discomfort, he doesn’t discover any, only bliss etched on your features. If he could, he would do this for a full-time job and work overtime just to see you like this all of the time. 
Sunghoon starts to thrust his fingers into you at a steady pace, one finger ridged, applying pressure, and the other loose so he can hit every spot inside you. He wasn’t an expert on fingering women but with the response of your pussy contracting, he knows he’s giving you what you need. While his fingers pleasure you, he works off the boxers you’re wearing which is easier said than done considering he’s only got one hand to pull them down with. It’s not like him to give up on anything though and before you know it, he’s whipped them off your legs, all the while never letting up on his pace. 
He needs to add multitasking to his resume. 
Sitting on his knees and finding a new angle, he adds a third finger, stretching you to the brink. He looks at you from where he sits and takes in the view; your legs spread, shoulders pushing themselves into his sheets while your back lifts - it’s the most beautiful sight he’s ever witnessed. And here he was thinking you bouncing on his cock was top of his list.
You bite back a moan, covering your mouth with your forearm, “Nu-uh, Sweets. I wanna hear you,” he leans forward and cages beneath him as he pins your arm away from your face, “Let me hear how good you feel.”
You aren’t necessarily loud in bed, but you’ve never had the need to be moaning and groaning like a pornstar. That was until now, so with his go-ahead, you become more vocal, signalling when he was making you feel stars in your pussy. “Fuck, I-”
“Cum on my fingers, baby, give it to me,” he rubs your clit harder, coaxing out your first of many orgasms of the night. 
Not wasting a single drop, he dips down so his face is at your core and laps up the juices, replacing his fingers with his tongue. You taste so perfect, the tang of your pussy is what he has been craving and he wasn’t satisfied until he had it filling his mouth.
He eats you out, his fingers that were once inside you now assisting his mouth by spreading your folds open. Your legs flail while he drinks you up, consuming your pussy like it was the last bit of water and he was a traveller in the Sahara Dessert.
You finally plant your feet on the bed, resisting the urge to close your thighs in case you suffocate him, but Sunghoon being Sunghoon, notices, “Don’t be scared to crush my head, I like it.” 
He loves it actually, the feeling of being confined by fluffy thighs, the 'no way out’ feeling gives him more incentive to get his partner to cum quicker. It might be masochistic the way he loves fighting for breath but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oh my fuck,” Your legs grant his wishes and trap him. He is way too good at this like he does it as an obsessive hobby. All caution is thrown to the wind and mewl out his name loudly, tugging his hair with your hands. 
Sunghoon feels his cock throb at how you cry out his name so achingly, he needs to have you around him soon, so he focuses on your clit, nipping at it skillfully to bring you over the edge. It only takes a minute or two before your pussy is contracting as you cum over his face. Your nectar coats his mouth and he wonders how he can add your cum as part of his skincare routine because he wants to be lathered in it morning and night. 
Your legs shake intensely as you feel the orgasm claim you. Your body has gone limp, legs falling open to each side. Swiftly, his hands are on your ass, pushing your vagina up to his face so he can tuck into you, taking full control. Sunghoon is holding your whole bottom half up and it’s helping him slurp you, his tongue dipping into your hole to lap any of the leftover cum he could have missed and his perfect nose rubbing against your delicate clit.
“Sunghoon, please, I can’t do another one so quickly.” Sunghoon doesn’t hear you though, too focused on his meal. He’s using his hold on you to manually grind your pussy on his face which is sending you into overdrive. He buries in your cunt as deep as humanly possible, moaning into you. 
The vibrations from his moan are too much for you, “Hoonie, fuck, I’m gonna cum again.” His ego is the size of Buckingham Palace the way he made you take back your words. He knew you were lying when you said you couldn’t cum again that fast. You need to start giving yourself more credit.
For the third time today, you cum hard moaning his name, this time you're really gripping at his hair, almost thrashing around at the intensity of it. Those porn videos you see scrolling through Twitter might not be as over the top as you thought because you’ve lost your head, the only thing you know for certain is that your pussy is pulsing and soaking wet. 
He kisses up your heat once more while his hands rub the outside of your legs, trying to get you to settle, “Take a minute,” Sunghoon brings you forward so you sit up, his arms keeping you steady when you climb onto him and sit on his lap, “You did so well, Sweets.” You lay your head on his shoulder and indulge in the praises he’s giving you. 
Drawing back you look at him with hazy eyes, “Thank you, Hoonie.”
“I should be thanking you, you taste fucking unreal,” he pushes your sweaty hair back absentmindedly before he kisses you ever so gently, his teeth grazing your lower lip, asking you to open up for his tongue.
Slowly, you open up to grant him entry, his kitten licks subtle but deep enough that you can tangle your tongue with his. You had never been kissed like this before and it was turning you on so much; the way his hands were roaming over your back and his lips moulding into yours just right, it was like a dream. The atmosphere was getting hot again as you both deepened the kiss, your tongues swirling and flicking with one another rhythmically.  
He bites your bottom lip and pulls at it roughly, making you involuntarily groan and throw your head back. Sunghoon loves how responsive you are, the way your body presses into him desperately seeking connection the same way he does. It's euphoric, and it gives him the same feeling of want that you do. 
One thing that’s missing is the view of your delicious tits in his face, covered by his much-loved band t-shirt. Swiftly, he peels it off your body and his hands fly right to them, squeezing and pulling at them roughly. He contemplates removing his lips from your mouth to attach them to your perky nipple but you’re enjoying kissing him too much. 
He’ll come back for them soon.
Although it seems like he has been kissing you for eternity, it has revived you and made you want more. The idea makes your clit pulsate, and you softly massage her over his clothed cock, “Hoonie,” the uttering of his nickname brings him out of his dazed state and he pulls back to look at you, “I need you.” After admiring how full his lips have become from the kisses, you find it impossible to resist the temptation to start kissing him once more, not giving him a chance to speak.  
Sunghoon’s mouth should be put in a museum or win some sort of Nobel prize for how spectacular it is.
“You sure? Don’t you need more time?” To be honest, Sunghoon became so engrossed in your tongue inside his mouth that he completely lost track of time. He’s unaware that he has been kissing and holding you on his lap for more than twenty minutes which for you is more than enough recovery time.
“I’m sure,” You reassure him not just by your words but by how hard you’re starting to hump him over his boxers.
His eyelids are drooping, heavy from the lust he’s feeling, “Fuck, you turn me on so bad, Y/N.” Sunghoon can’t wait any longer so with one hand on the back of your head and one on your ass, he lifts you slightly as he shuffles forward to lay you down so you’re comfortable on the bed. Just as he promised himself, he dives his mouth onto your left tit, sucking and licking your nipple. They’re so soft and delicate that he just cannot get enough.
Although you enjoy the way he's toying with your breasts, it's not what you want right now. He has all the time in the world to fondle you, just as soon as his cock is slotted inside your pussy, “Sunghoon, please.”
“Shh, I know.” He gets it, he really does - he is just as, if not more desperate to fuck you. He just had to pay some extra loving to his favourite girls first.
“Let me grab a condom.” Sunghoon keeps them in his top drawer like most people do so they’re easy enough to retrieve and won’t keep you waiting. He stands up and flicks through the drawer to find the foils - he has ultra-thin condoms somewhere in this mess which are far superior to the ones he has in his car. 
You turn to look at him as he hurriedly scours his drawer for the rubber and it dawns on you that he still has his clothes on, albeit he’s only in a loose top and stripy boxer shorts, but it’s still two layers too many. Your fingers reach over and twist his top idly, wondering what he looks like naked. It was unfair he got to see you naked twice and you haven’t even seen him with his top off yet.
Sunghoon feels the tugging of his t-shirt and looks down at you, the desired-filled gaze you have as you’re lost in thought only encourages him to find the condoms faster. He finally stumbles upon the red packet and inwardly celebrates. The ultra-thin condoms felt so good, giving him almost the same sensation as going in raw while making sure no baby Parks were running around Cheonan. 
With the boy distracted as he shuts the drawer, you take the opportunity to slowly pull down his boxers. His startled expression  turns to one of excitement as he processes what you’re doing, “That desperate?” Instead of answering, you lick up his shaft painfully slow, keeping eye contact with him as you do so, “Fucking hell.” 
As your mouth closes around his tip and sucks firmly, the already painful hardness of his cock intensifies, leaking pre cum into your mouth already, “Sweets, as much - fuck - as much as I would love to have you suck me off, I really want to fuck you.” He whips off his t-shirt, now standing proudly naked.
Popping off him reluctantly, you agree and go back to the position he laid you in, “You always listen to me so well, Sweets,” he says while stroking his cock a few times to spread the mix of your saliva and the beads of his cum. 
Opening the wrapper and rolling the condom, he sees your hungry eyes focused on him. You’re watching his every move and it’s agonising. That jealousy that seems to erupt within you when it comes to Sunghoon seems to have gotten so bad you’re now jealous of him as he touches his own cock. There’s something wrong with you but you want to be the only one touching him.
Sunghoon crawls on the bed and hovers over you, ready to give you what you want, “Can’t wait to feel you around me again. Thought I might die.”
“Sunghoon, it’s only been a week,” you laugh and curl your arms around his neck to peck his lips.
“Yeah, a week too long.” Sunghoon mirrors your laugh. He wasn’t joking though, after he fucked you, nothing else could get him off, only you could do that for him now. He was never letting you out of his grasp again, that much was obvious.
He starts by dragging his dick through your folds, stimulating your clit with the brushing of his head just to test how ready for this you are. Your nub was highly sensitive at the moment and he didn’t want to hurt you but by the soft mewls leaving your throat, he got confirmation that you were okay and pressed himself to your entrance, slowly pushing in.
Sunghoon started off slow and shallow, opening you up around him gently. What he doesn’t plan on is you moving yourself down further onto his cock, already eager for more. He didn’t know what you liked so he had to learn as he went along but he’s taking mental notes because he wants to be the one fuck you never forget about. Even in 40 years if you’re married to someone else with kids he wants you to look back on him and think about how no one has ever fucked you as good as Park Sunghoon.
He grips your hips and starts to bottom out, thrusting into you with a fast and steady pace that’s already driving you wild. The way his cock curves slightly to the left helps add a sensation you haven’t felt before with anyone else, “Oh my god, fuck,” you grasp him by his hair and plant more kisses on him. Even though they're clumsy, you absolutely have to have him all over you, whatever it takes, “Hoonie, you feel so good.”
“Fuck, baby, so do you,” The nickname slips out his lips by accident, he wasn’t sure if calling you baby was against the rules, he’d have to ask you later because he doesn’t think you’ve even registered what he just said, too lost in pleasure.
His hips snap sharply against you as he presses in deeper. The feeling of your pussy squeezing him has him close to climax but he’s holding it in, just like you did earlier. This wasn’t for any reason other than wanting this to last. Sunghoon can cum more than once usually, but with breaks, and by the look of you already so fucked out, he knows he can’t push you to go that long. 
Sitting back up on his knees, he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and twists you on your side, the new angle allowing his cock to hit your sweet spot over and over again. He’s pounding into you so deep you think you can feel him in your stomach, “Fuck, Hoonie, right there!” you cry out in pleasure, burying your head into the bed. He is literally fucking you sideways and you cannot get enough of it. 
You want to help out but you physically can’t. Sunghoon is holding onto your leg and manhandling you in any way he pleases to make you feel good and fuck it’s working. In contrast to his forceful thrusts, he gives your calf a couple of gentle kisses, making you feel incredibly cared for, as though his sole goal is your pleasure.
And it is. That’s all he will ever think about from now on, “Y/N,” he moans your name and it’s the best song you’ve ever heard, “I’m gonna fuck you forever.”
“Please, don’t ever stop, please.” You mean every pleading cry because you’ve never felt so good in your life. The groans escaping your mouth are so loud it’s embarrassing but when you feel Sunghoon thrust his hips faster, the feeling of embarrassment dissipates because he clearly likes you being loud, probably because he’s the same. His grunts filled the room with the occasional profanities following them. You’ve never been with a man who’s vocal but you can’t ever go back to the quiet. You can’t fuck anyone other than Sunghoon.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Sweets. You’re fucking sensational.” He twists you back onto your back, both of your legs now placed over his broad shoulders as he bends you in half, fucking you to finality, “You’re squeezing me so good. Do you want to cum?” His voice is breathless, close to finishing himself.
You can’t get the words out so you settle with a nod but you know he wouldn’t accept that as an answer. Looking up at him you manage to build your voice, “Yes, Hoonie. I wanna cum so bad, please let me cum.”
“You never have to ask, Sweets, just let go.” 
Being the people pleaser you are, it’s only natural for you to ask if you can cum. If you cum too soon he might not like that and you can’t imagine disappointing him. What you don’t know is that you could never disappoint Sunghoon, he doesn’t care if you cum in 5 seconds or 5 hours, he just wants you to feel good.
He sees you thinking about it even though you’re desperate to climax. It’s time for him to bring out the big guns. Sliding his hand down between you, he rubs your clit back and forth, “Be a good girl for me.” He caught onto your need for appraisal right away and he knows it’ll drive you crazy. And he’s right because the praise mixed in with his harsh thrusts and fingers stroking your clit, your body starts to shake and contort as you cum. 
Even though your eyes are clenched tight, you could cry from how much the orgasm is coursing through you., “That’s it, doing so well for me,”  Sunghoon whispers in your ear, losing his sharp rhythm, “Fuck, Y/N, you’re the best pussy I’ve ever had.” 
“It’s only for you.” You whimper, still fucked out of reality, “Only yours.”
“Yeah? Your pussy is all mine?”
“All yours, Hoonie.” 
With your words, he stills his cock inside of you and lets his climax take control as he spills into the condom, filling it up before falling on top of you. It doesn't take the exhausted man long to realise that his head is perfectly positioned between your tits, a sly smile teasing his face. 
This is everything he’s ever dreamed of. 
Your shared breathless pants bounce around the room, evidencing the exertion of your sex session. Can you imagine if you had said no to being casual with him? You wouldn’t have gotten to experience the best sex of your life. 
He lifts his head to look at you, swallowing hard, trying to get some moistness back into his mouth, “You are unreal, do you know that?” All you can do is laugh at him and shake your head, “I’m serious, Y/N, you’re fucking amazing.” He places a gentle kiss between your breasts as if to seal his compliment into your heart. 
You thread your fingers through his hair and it falls perfectly back into place. You are so content right now with Sunghoon’s cock nestled inside you, his hands tucked under your back as he absentmindedly massages you, and his lips now trailing kisses up your collarbone and neck, “Thank you, Hoonie.”
“You don’t have to thank me for telling you the truth,” His lips finally meet yours again as he smooches you a couple of times.
“Not that,” you pause to collate your words, “Thank you for helping me yesterday, like truly I wouldn’t have been surprised if you ignored my call.” After you left him high and dry you didn’t understand why he came to your rescue at the party but you could not thank him enough.
“I’ll always answer when you call,” he states casually, hiding how his words have a deeper meaning. 
His eyes sparkle and stare into yours. He wants to say more but he has to leave it there. What he wants to tell you is that you can rely on him night and day and that he wants to protect you for the rest of his life. There’s something about you that is dragging him into a pot of feelings he hasn’t experienced before. 
It’s crazy how fast all of this has happened for you both, and if he ever vocalised how he felt people would probably tell him it was crazy. Yet, for Sunghoon, it wasn’t crazy at all. He felt so many things for you, he just doesn’t know what they all are or why they’re happening so quickly.
But he told you he would keep his feelings in order, hold them back to make this deal work. It’s going to be difficult because he wants to scream at how much he likes you, how comforting it is when you’re with him. Even when you studied at the rink while he skates, no one uttering a word or sparing a glance, he just felt happier with your presence. That’s probably why he came up and spoke to you that night he accused you of being a spy for your brother.
Yes, there was a little part of him that believed you were there to give Minhee a heads up given how close you both are, but he just needed one excuse to talk to you. If he made the first move then he could keep talking to you, just like he’s always wanted to.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you whisper. 
“Like what?” His eyes don’t stop speaking silent words and it makes your tummy flutter.
“Like you’re breaking the rules already.” 
You sit up on your elbows, breaking the connection. Not that you wanted to but if you both can’t even keep the deal intact for a couple of hours, there was no hope for you. Sunghoon listens to your body language and gets off of you completely, slipping his cock out in the process. 
He disregards the condom in his bin and puts his boxers back on, “I guess we need to set the rules before I can break them.” Suddenly he goes out of the room for a minute, only to come back with a cloth and some blue Powerade, “Like, can I clean you up, or is that a no?”
The boundaries between what is and is not too intimate are hazy, but he is physically unable to resist taking care of you after sex. He would rather die than watch you clean yourself because as far as Sunghoon was concerned if he made the mess, he should clean it. Plus, it’s the right thing to do after he just fucked your brains out.
“I-” You ponder for a moment, unsure of the protocol between fuck buddies, but as you think it over, Sunghoon is already wiping you down, cleaning your juices from your folds and thighs. You could do it yourself, you supposed, but you can’t lie, being taken care of like this even in the most simplest of ways made you feel warm inside. Are these the feelings you’re both trying to avoid? This is too complicated.
“I guess we can work out the rules as we go. But I am giving you aftercare, I don’t care what you say.” He hands you the Powerade once he’s finished cleaning you off, “And you can’t run off right away.”
“But I can’t spend the night,” you argue.
“You don’t have to, but I’m not going to kick you out. If you’re tired, you stay here. End of story.” Clearly, Sunghoon hasn’t grasped the idea of friends with benefits but you’ll let it go for now. 
You take a sip of your drink, your gaze lingering on Sunghoon as he rummages through his closet, searching for something for you to wear. You take the time to admire his back, the natural muscles built from his workout regime pop as he flicks through the hoodies hanging up. It’s making you wet again, you can’t lie. 
He removes one from its hanger and gives it to you, along with some gym shorts. Although they probably look great on him, you can’t help but think how much you might end up looking like Adam Sandler if you put them on, but then again, you don’t have a choice.
“Here, put these on.” He hands you the clothes, kissing your head before petting it softly, the act of affection making you giddy.
“I can’t wear your hoodie, that’s too girlfriend-ish,” you look up at him and his hand stops at the back of your head, scratching it adoringly.
Sunghoon sighs with a smile, “You don’t really have a choice here, Sweets. Unless you want to put that dress back on,” The idea of physically stuffing yourself into that piece of clothing again makes you shudder, “That’s what I thought. It’s just an old hoodie anyway, I don’t even wear it anymore.”
False. He won't admit it to you, but he always wears it and carries it with him everywhere. It's his comfort sweatshirt. To see you in his favourite hoodie and to smell like him - that's why Sunghoon chose it especially.
As you slip into the hoodie, unaware of its significance to him, you unknowingly envelop yourself in a piece of his world. The familiar scent of him lingers in the fabric, wrapping around you like a warm embrace. 
Quickly, you put on the remaining clothes and search for your stuff, “I need to go to Rinas, she’s probably wondering where I am.” In your leather jacket, you feel around for your phone, anticipating missed calls from your best friend. 
“She knows you’re here,” He picks up your phone from the floor and passes it to you, it must have fallen out when he carried you in here last night. 
You look at him puzzled but still remember to thank him, “What do you mean? Rina would never have let you take me home,” you state. Rina saw the mess you were in because of him, and with him leathering into that guy, she would have dragged you away from him herself.
Sunghoon smiles triumphantly, “She didn’t have a choice. I told her you were going to mine and that she had to cover for you.” 
“You told THE Yu Jimin what to do?” You were gagged at the thought, truly, your flabber had been gasted because no one tells Rina what to do, like ever, and if they did she would make sure they were never happy again.
He simply shrugs and steals a kiss, and then another before his lips linger for a little longer, enticing you to kiss him back. Once he feels your lips moving with his, he smirks, bringing his hand to cradle your jaw, his fingers in your hair. You probably shouldn’t be kissing like this either but you don’t care right now, not with how his lips taste against yours..
Sunghoon steps back after a few blissful minutes and asks, "Was that the right choice, or what?" When he walks away to change, the smile becomes a smirk as he thinks about the sex you’ve just had. 
You check your phone for messages and there are a lot. One from Minhee, saying he had a great time and he was staying at Jungmo’s place. It was perfect because now you could sneak into the house without anyone knowing you were gone for the night. There are a few texts from your mum saying she’s going to the store and not to sleep all day. And then there was Rina.
4:12am: Y/N, text me when you get there.
4:33am: If he touches you I swear to fuck I will kill him.
5:02am: Please let me know if you got to his ok?
8:54am: GIRL WAKE UP.
9:01am: You never sleep in after drinking.
10:23am: I cannot believe you are fucking him! Get over here right now.
You don’t know how she knew you were fucking him at that time but you are never going to hear the end of it. 
“What is she saying?” He asks, tying the string of his joggers. 
“That if you touch me she’s going to kill you, and I’m basically in the bad books for fucking you.” He turns the phone to see the messages and laughs. 
Sunghoon hadn’t encountered Rina until last night but he heard the rumours about her and her temper. He didn’t know it was that girl who was your best friend, he thought you might have run with a different crowd, a quieter one with less drama. Rina was the opposite of you, she’s loud and obnoxious, and that’s just from what he saw last night, but at least she looks after you. He knew it was out of order to bad mouth her and her boyfriend but he’s not sorry for it.
“Well then,” He circles his arms around you, “If I’m going to die at the hands of your best friend, I think I should get to fuck you one more time.” He leans down to kiss you but all you can do is laugh. He was just a man at the end of the day, a horny, needy man.
“I need to get to Rina’s.” You say between kisses but that’s not what he wants to hear, so he grumbles slightly, the pout of his lips only adding to the kiss. He doesn’t have to say anything, you know he’s upset that you won’t stay a little longer, “I know, Hoonie. But I’ll see you at the rink, yeah?”
“Want another Zamboni lesson? I can really show you how to pump the lever.” Playfully, you slap his chest and push him away. The look on his face is one of arrogance and it’s so sexy but you can’t let him know, it’ll only inflate his head more. 
You grab your belongings while Sunghoon follows you around like a puppy, placing his hand on your ass as you bend down to put on your shoes. The clothes you are wearing are ludicrous, nonetheless, you can't go to Rina's place barefoot. Sunghoon's hand slides beneath your hoodie and gently rubs your back, but when you straighten up, both of his hands are suddenly on your skin, easing their way to your boobs.
He pinches both of your nipples, eliciting a moan. Your head falls back onto his shoulder as you let him fondle you, “Sunghoon, I honestly have to go.”
“I know, just give me a minute.” His fascination with your boobs is unhealthy but he just can’t get enough. If your pussy wasn’t so delicious they might take the number one spot for his favourite things on your body. True to his word, after a couple of minutes he lets you go, his hands now hanging sadly by his side, “C’mon I’ll drive you.”
“I can walk it’s fine.” It was a long walk but you could use the air, still hot from the hangover and taking Sunghoon’s cock.
His eyebrows raise and he crosses his arms, “In those heels, yeah?” His eyes point to your 6 inch shoes in bewilderment. People look great in heels but he will never understand how anyone walks more than 5 minutes in them.
You look down at your shoes with him and nod, “Yeah, it’s only like an hour or two walk or something, I’ll blast through it.”
“Not a chance. I’m driving you.” As you begin to protest he points to you, “Eh, no arguing about this, Sweets, I’m taking you to Karina’s.” Sunghoon always had a way of getting what he wanted, either from his charm or his stubbornness. You have no choice now but to agree, so you pick your stuff back up and follow him out of his room.
Just as you both exit, Jake stands with a towel wrapped around his waist and water droplets falling down his abs. Sunghoon tuts in disgust, “Dude, there’s a girl here.”
“Yeah, I think the whole block knows that.” Sunghoon warns Jake with his eyes to shut up, “I’m Jake, by the way, Sunghoon’s favourite roommate.” Jake sticks his arm out to give you a handshake which you gingerly accept. 
“Yeah, knew that too. He’s just as loud.” Jake laughs and walks away, leaving you both filled with embarrassment. 
You punch the boy beside you in the arm once Jake is out of sight, causing Sunghoon to yelp and rub his arm, “How could you not tell me you had roommates!” you whisper-shout up at him.
If you had known he lived with others, there's no way you would have been as loud as you were. Everyone has sex, so it's not a huge thing. However, you're not thrilled that Sunghoon neglected to mention his roommates, especially since you haven't even seen them before and their first impression of you is you moaning like you’re in the adult entertainment industry.
“I guess I was too busy fucking you senseless to think about them.” He earns another punch for that one, but he takes it in his stride, wrapping his arm around you, “C’mon, Sweets, if anything, you’ve started a competition on who can get their girl to scream loudest.” 
With that, he kisses the crown of your head as he guides you out of the house and to his car.
taglist (closed!!): @heelee-01 @zerasari @beomgyusonlywife @iwaplant @monstanctiny21 @chiiiiiiiiis @minniejenseo @run2gyuz @jngwnlvs @haelahoops @capri-cuntz @nctislifue @jaehoonii @weyukinluv @skzenhalove @enhypenlovre @cherriruto @bambangan @who-tf-soddhi @nxzz-skz @nshmrarki @hotsforikeu @enhastolemyheart @erehkinnie30 @judeduartewannabe @neosexuals @fakeuwus @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @tobiosbbyghorl @kimsunoops
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A nice bottle of wine
Pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x fem!Reader - 18+
Words: 2916
Warnings: oral(m! & f!receiving), fingering, lowkey brat-taming, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (don't do this kids), angry sex, rough sex, groping, nipple play, hickeys, aftercare, marking, creampie, bruising, language
Summary: You're an executive in the Port Mafia, playing cards with Chuuya. After a bottle of wine (or two) the game develops into a strip poker and (dot dot dot).
Author's note: Just fyi, wine sends you to happy land faster than anything. And I have no idea how to do this trope, I hope you enjoy it if that's your thing. And you know how I am, I can't NOT turn it into love. Also what am I doing with my life?
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"Nice seeing you here, fancyhat", you said, closing the door to the executive lounge behind you.
Chuuya let out an annoyed grunt. "Piss off", he said.
You chuckle as you make your way to the table. "What's gotten you into such a bad mood?", you lean towards him, "Did Dazai do something to piss you off again?"
"I told you not to say that name in front of me", he growls.
"He's just playing with you, you know", you sigh as you take a seat across from him, "You're very easy to manipulate for a single reason".
You let that hook dangle in front of him as the two of you sit in silence. It is not long before curiosity gets the better of him and urges him to ask what you mean.
"Isn't it obvious?", you raise your shoulder.
"No, not to me", he mocks.
You smile as you reach to caress his jaw. He draws back, cheeks flustered as he screams "What The HELL?".
"See?", you wink, "That's the reason"
Time passes and the boss is running late. The bottle of wine Chuuya had brought for the meeting is drained little by little by the two of you. To battle the boredom you take out a deck of cards and suggest a poker game. It's easy to wire Chuuya in and play; all one has to do is claim he can't. Yet it's surprising to see that he is extremely skilled. Most shockingly, his poker face is astoundingly well-built, with no space for any sort of interpretation of his feelings, unlike in his everyday life. Even teasing him does not seem to shake him off, other than tinting his cheeks with a slight reddish hue.
"Might if I change the deal?", he asks in earnestness after a few rounds as he takes a look at his new cards.
You raise one of your eyebrows. "To what?"
"We'll play some rounds", Chuuya rearranges his cards, "Each time I win I will remove one piece of clothing from you"
There's no jest in his tone and neither in his eyes. I can feel the weight of his gaze upon me, serious and predatory, as he waits for my answer.
"Why do you want to do that?", you ask curiously.
"Cause I want to", he says.
His gaze is sure and penetrating as it fixes upon you. A blush creeps onto your cheeks. "You understand I am obligated to ask something similar, don't you Chuuya?", you challenge that steel gaze.
"Will you ask to put them back on?"
"No", you lean towards him, "I want you to remove one of yours"
He scoffs. "Works for me", he says, "Although I doubt you'll get more than one on me"
"We'll see", you smirk back at him.
The first game is won by Chuuya.
"Let's start with the jacket", he moves behind your chair. He pulls it off of your shoulders, his fingers caressing your skin. He plants a kiss at the side of your neck, a kiss and a bite which has your ears redden. You turn away but you know he is smiling at your reaction. You restrain your flustered expression. A game like this could only have one resolution, you knew that. But it was weird how the same Chuuya, who quipped and scoffed at your teasing and flirtations was now, after some wine, forward and teasful himself.
Piece after piece your clothes disappear along with your chances of getting the upper hand. "Rules are rules", Chuuya says as his fingers unbutton your shirt. He plants a kiss where your neck meets your head, sucking at the soft skin while his hands play with your loose hair.
You want to call his name. You have been wanting him to do something, anything, since the day you first laid eyes on him. Yet even after years and years of working under Mori's orders, even after climbing to the top of the food chain of those who rule the nights of Yokohama, he was as untouchable as the first day. But not today. Today he took step after step bringing the two of you together. You did not care if what he wanted was one night or something more. At the end of the day, it didn't matter. You wanted him. Even if all he gave was a night you'd take it over nothing at all at this point.
The next game is yours. "What will it be?", Chuuya asks bluntly, pretending not to care.
"The hat", you smile devilishly.
Chuuya blushes in a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "HUH?", his tongue rattles, "Are you seriously choosing the HAT?"
"Rules are rules", you mock back.
He lets out a growl before slamming the hat on the table. "You could have chosen something better you know", he says annoyed.
"I don't want to", your mind is too slowed down by wine to stop you from climbing on the table, your hand reaching for his ginger hair. You entwine his locks with your fingers; you are mesmerized by how soft it is.
"If you're drunk, pick up your clothes and leave", Chuuya turns his head away, "Do it now"
"I'm fine here", you say, "I still have time to turn this around"
"May I propose an ultimatum then?", he asks seriously.
"Go on"
"Whoever wins the next one gets to give the other one order", with your bra long discarded, his thumb traces your naked nipple.
You chuckle. "That hasn't worked that well for you in the past you know", you say, "Do you have something in mind to suggest this?"
"Do you want me to spell it out?", Chuuya stands from his chair. He leans towards you as you sit on the table, his hands dragging you closer to him by the hips. "I want to fuck that smirk off of you", his lips hover above yours, "right here on this table".
You want nothing more than to capture his lips. They are so close you can feel the weight of his breath on your tongue. Your body aches to close the distance between you, but you straighten your back and gaze back at him defiantly. "You know what they say about short men", you mock.
"Do you want me to choke you on it?", he growls.
"If I win", you palm his half-hard length over his black trousers, "I'll take your choker and leave you like this"
You pull away faster than he can touch you. You deal the cards yourself, even though you hope to lose.
"I'll make sure they can hear you down on the ground floor", he says with the best poker face you have ever seen. You cannot tell whether he is bluffing you or if you truly should pass the next hand.
"Are you this confident you'll win this time?", you ask even though he has already managed to undress you this much, "From what I've heard you have incredibly bad luck at poker when it matters the most"
"That's because I was playing with that waste of good bandages", he says plainly, "I may not be able to read his moves but I can read yours clear as day"
You take a chance to bet; a full house from Chuuya is what crushes it into dust. Your heart skips a beat. Before you could think Chuuya was in front of you. He crooks his fingers at you, signalling you to stand. You tremble as his bare hands trace your torso until they reach the waist of your panties and you tense. You cannot believe this is happening.
"What are you worried about?", he asks, "I bet you agreed hoping to lose". His hands are light and sweet as they caress your body. He's taking his time to turn you on, yet his actions keep hanging from your own lips, waiting for the moment you'll tell him to stop. "Are you afraid I'll find out how wet I have already made you?", he hits the mark, the pads of his digits tracing my core over the fabric, "I already know sweetheart". He presses his fingers on that spot and starts tracing slow circles. His eyes observe you for the slightest objection, but there is none.
You place your hand on his neck, pulling him close. He leans to your chest, taking one of your breasts in his mouth. Your mouth falls agape as he picks up the speed of his fingers, letting them dive into your core along with your panties.
"Chuuya...", your fingers curl around whatever part of him they can hold.
"Fuck", he breathes before kneeling down in front of you.
He takes the waist of your knickers between his teeth and pulls them down enough for you to shake them off. He places a hand behind your head and pulls you in for a brutal kiss. He hikes your leg around his waist, your bare cunt rubbing against the roughness of his trousers.
"These fucking lips", his gloved thumb traces them, "You know how I fucking feel about you don't you? That's why you keep pushing me"
"You ask for it"
He kisses you again. And again. And again; until your mind grows dizzy. He takes his gloves out with his teeth, his hands moving to grope your plump behind. Your folds keep rubbing against his thigh, his clothed length teasing your bud from time to time. His fingers plunge inside you long enough to have you climbing, leaving you before you can fall.
"Chuuya", you whine, "Please"
"Begging already?", his hand holds your chin, "Where's that spite now, huh?"
"Just fuck me already!", your fire returns at the sound of his words, "Or are you scared to keep your promise cause I won't feel anything?"
He turns you around, his hands trapping yours behind you as he bends you over the table. He frees his length and buries it inside your walls in a single thrust. Your hands reach to grab something, anything, as your breath is taken away.
"Say that again", he dares in your ear.
He feels too good for words. The only thing you can utter is his name as he sets an excruciatingly slow pace. Your hips chase him but he holds them down. His length scrapes along your walls as he carefully adjusts the angle to your reactions.
"Do you want me to make you cum?", he buries himself inside you. You nod as you bite your lip.
And then he's gone.
"What the hell?", you heave as he leans on the table next to you.
He is folding his sleeves up to his elbows. "Prove it", he pulls you in his embrace. His tongue reaches to meet yours as he kisses you deeply.
"How?", you breathe.
He pushed you onto a chair. With his hand on the back for support, he leans over you as you sit. His other hand softly lifts your chin. "Every time you open these goddamn lips I imagine them wrapped around my cock", he says.
"Pervert", you smile at him.
He gives you another angry kiss, his knee nestling between your legs, his hand grasping your throat. Soon after he pulls away and leans back on the table, waiting to see what you'll do. You push back the chair and wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him in for another kiss. Your lips trail down on his skin, from his neck to his torso. He is far more vocal than you expected. His hands hold you tight, his moans remain unrestrained. When your knees hit the floor his hand caresses your face in sweetness. He throws his head back as you take him into your mouth. The kind hand that caresses your cheek now pushes you down to take more of him in. His trance is woken up by your gagging, to which his eyes swiftly dart to check up on you. But you are fine. More than that, you want to make him lose this macho composure he had suddenly found. And he does. His chest frantically goes up and down, the song of his pleasure filling the room until he comes undone.
He pulls you up crushing his lips into yours. "Fuck you", he growls.
"Do it already", you whine.
His hands on your waist, you feel your body grow lighter as you are enveloped by the red hue of his ability. "You're already light as a feather", he said, "But I can't risk you slipping".
He lays you down on the table. He buries his head between your legs, his tongue diving inside. He stretches your walls further for him with one hand as he pumps his length with the other. He leaves a few more marks on your thigh before he rises to his feet. He thrusts his length inside you once again until his hips meet yours. He sets a harsh pace, hiking your legs over his shoulders as he calculates the speed that could retain the hardness of his thrusts.
"We keep calling Dazai the slut but you're giving him a run for his money", he smirks.
"Wh..at?", you pant, your concentration driven away each time his hips slap against yours.
"You've forgotten", his voice drops lower, "Mori can walk in any second"
He grunts as you clench around him but there is no reason to fear. A single pencil stands to block the gate, covered in a reddish glow that shines light on the slight cracks its weight is leaving on the floor.
"As if", he takes your lips in his, "I'm not letting any one of those assholes get a glimpse of you"
There was no reason to tense, yet that slight sudden tightness made you feel Chuuya so much more as he dragged his length inside you.
"Look at you, spread out for me like this", he pants, "Fucking masterpiece"
His index reaches down to press frantic circles on your clit as he sacrifices force for speed in his pounding. His hand presses you down, his fingers tracing down the centre of your torso as he admires your sweaty figure. You cover your mouth as your moans climb to a higher pitch than they've ever reached before. He grabs your hand and pulls it away.
"You're not walking out of here without everyone knowing how well I make you feel", he grunts, "They've already learnt the same about me"
"Say it louder", he's hips rail into you, pulling out your voice by force.
"CHUUYA!", your mind goes blank as he hits your g-spot again and again until he has you trembling around him, a white ring forming around his length as he fucks you through your orgasm. You pull at his hair. He heaves above you. Soon, he can't hold back anymore. You feel his length convulse inside you as he fills you, his lips blindly searching for any part of your skin to kiss. The two of you remain in each other's embrace as you catch your breaths.
"Saturday....my house", he pants and he does not have to explain further.
"Who told you...I'll come...?"
He scoffs before giving you one more thrust. You bury your fingers in his hair as you pull at the strands. "You were saying?"
"God...you're a bastard"
He pulls out and gives you his hand to stand. He continues to support you as your legs wiggle underneath your weight. He turns you around to crush your back on his chest. His hands wrap around your torso, his lips leaving love marks on your skin. You see the blurred image of Yokohama as your tired gaze focuses on the window. Chuuya sits on the table as he pulls you closer. One hand travels back to your folds, the other turns your head towards him so he can claim your lips.
"You get on my nerves", he bites your lip, "Do you know how many of my men lust after you?".
His knee opens back your legs so his fingers can snake inside the warmth of your walls. He pinches one of your nipples with his other hand, swallowing your moans in a fervent kiss.
"But I can't shut them up 'cause I have no claim on you".
His fingers leave you. A moment later they reappear in front of your neck as they wrap his chocker around it. He ties it on the back and turns the buckle to the front like the collar of a cat.
"Chuuya...", as the sun disappears and the night prevails, your reflections dominate the glass window, burying the city behind them.
Chuuya plants some biting kisses on your shoulder as his hands fondle your breasts. "Be mine", he says, "I want to be your everything cause fuck you already are mine"
"Are you playing me?", you whisper as he leaves trails of kisses on your skin, "You hate me".
"I fucking do", he tightens his embrace, "Do you know why? Cause I love you. I hate you, 'cause I love you. So. Bloody. Much. It hurts.". He kisses your bare back before letting his forehead rest on it. "I swear", he says, "You ripped my fucking heart out and took it as your own the moment you stepped foot in this godforsaken place"
Words are meaningless in this world. They can be vain or fake or forged. But the way his arms clung around you could not be anything but honest and true.
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vbecker10 · 17 days
Talk to Me (Part 2)
Part 1 / Part 3 (Part 4 in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: (4 months after the first part) You and Loki have grown incredibly close, to the point where you both have feelings for each other but are afraid to admit it. One night, you have a nightmare while staying in Loki's room and he calms you but accidentally shows you his Jotun form in the process, triggering his own insecurities.
Warnings: fire (a small one), panic attack, fear of running a friendship, Loki being insecure about being a frost giant
A/N: Well... here's the second part I didn't plan on making lol @irishhappiness made a comment wondering how Loki would comfort Y/N if she has a nightmare which triggered her powers and then this just sort of happened... also there will now be a third part that I am working on 💚
FyI - I used some of my own experiences with panic attacks for this part, I know they are all different but this is just what they feel like when I have them
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It's almost midnight when you finally see Stark Tower and smile knowing you are home, and going to see Loki again. You had both been away on missions for the last week but he texted you that he arrived back hours ago. You text Loki and let him know you'll be landing in a few minutes and Thor nudges your shoulder.
"Texting my brother again?" he asks with a smile.
"Yes," you dramatically hold your phone away from him. "Do you mind?"
He laughs, "Of course not. I'm glad to see you two have grown so close."
When the jet finally lands, you walk down the ramp and see Loki waiting for you near the entrance to the building. Thor waves and Loki rolls his eyes, keeping his hands in his pockets. He is unable to hide his smile when he sees you step out from behind his brother.
"I had a feeling it wasn't me he was waiting for," Thor jokes, looking down at you.
"I'm sure he missed you too," you laugh. Loki, as if to prove he is only there for you, walks past his brother without a word and wraps you in a tight hug. You hug him back, your body relaxing instantly the moment you're in his arms again. "You give the best hugs," you mumble against his chest.
"Does he?" Thor asks and takes a step towards his brother when he finally releases you.
Loki faces Thor and reminds him, "Y/N is still the only person allowed to hug me."
You giggle and hit Loki's arm gently, causing him to look back at you, "Be nice."
"I am being nice," he smirks. "I didn't threaten to stab him if he tries to hug me like last time."
You roll your eyes at him but Thor laughs and pats his younger brother on the back hard before leaving you both for the night. You pick up your bag and walk together towards the Tower, telling Loki the highlights of your time away. When you finish, you ask Loki how his mission was.
"Successful of course," he says proudly then he adds, "I wish we had been assigned together. You are far better company than the Captain and Stark. Plus, then I would not have had to miss you."
You giggle and try to hide the blush that creeps up your cheeks at his words. You would have preferred Loki was your partner on your last mission as well, or all of your missions for that matter.
"You should probably head to bed," Loki suggests when you reach the elevators even though the last thing he wants to do is say goodnight to you already.
"Or we could watch the last episode of that show you insist you hate," you offer hopefully. You didn't want to admit you were exhausted, you just needed to spend a little time with him.
He chuckles, "We could do that."
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You sit next to Loki on the couch and try to focus on the show but you're finding it difficult. Not only are you fighting to stay awake but Loki is also sitting closer to you then he ever has before. When you first started this show a few months ago, he would sit at the other end of the couch, placing a collection of snacks between the two of you. Over the course of the series, he had gradually started sitting closer and closer to you. You weren't sure if he was doing it on purpose or not but it wasn't something you were going to complain about. Tonight, there is no space left between you, your shoulders touch and his leg rests against yours comfortably.
All you want is to lean into him and feel his arm around you but you don't move. He really has gotten good at giving hugs and you've decided that means he is also very good at cuddling. It is a theory you want to test but your friendship is too important for you to risk it. He is still in such need of a friend and you have to put that first.
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You almost make it to the end of the hour long show, but not quite. Your head nods and comes to rest lightly on Loki's shoulder as you finally lose the battle to stay awake. He looks over and smiles when he feels you shift. He could tell you were too tired to watch the show but there was no chance he was going to turn down spending even a minute with you.
He runs his fingers slowly through your hair and you smile in your sleep. You nuzzle against him and he wishes he could hold you the whole night. He knows he can't though, you are simply friends. He sighs, wondering if this is as close as he will ever get to falling asleep with you and places a soft kiss on the top of your head. His heart skips a beat when you respond by mumbling his name in your sleep. Carefully he gets up from the couch and helps you lay down on the pillow he conjured. He waves his hand again and covers you with the softest blanket he can create.
He stands over you for a moment, taking in how cute and peaceful you look curled up under the blanket. He whispers, "Sleep well, darling," then goes into his room.
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Loki lays in his bed but finds himself unable to get close to sleep. He wishes he could pick you up and bring you into his bed so he could keep you close. He has never missed anyone the way he misses you, he has never had a person in his life like you before.
When he was a child, it seemed as if he had dozens of friends but they weren't really his. They were Thor's friends and he simply inserted himself in their games. As he grew older, he found it harder and harder to relate to his peers and they slowly distanced themselves from him.
You are the only person who has ever chosen him over Thor or anyone else for that matter. He knew he was truly your first choice when he was the one you came to two months ago when you became an aunt in the middle of the night. He could barely believe the fact that he was the person you wanted to share one of your happiest moments with. He sat with you for over an hour, looking at the same ten pictures of the little new born but he would have done it all night if it meant he could see you smile and listen to you laugh.
He groans and puts his hand over his eyes, there is no doubt in his mind that he is your closest friend and you are his. He can talk to you about anything but the one thing he cannot bring himself to tell you is that he wants to be more than your friend.
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Loki's eyes finally close but only moments later he sits up, his body rigid with fear as you scream. He throws off his blankets and runs into the living area.
"Y/N," he says your name in a panic, his heart pounding in his chest at the sight in front of him. You are sitting up on his couch, looking at the blanket he placed over you which is fully engulfed in flames. You hold your hand shakily over the fire but you can't pull the flames back, you are still too frantic from your nightmare to control your powers.
Loki instantly drops his illusion and waves his hands towards you as he comes to your side. The icy air covers the blanket and quickly smothers the fire. You kick off the charred blanket and pull your legs up to your chest, lowering your head on your knees as you breath heavily.
"Are you okay?" he asks, putting his arm around you as he sits on the singed couch. You shake your head no. "What do you need?" he asks but you don't respond.
You squeeze your hands shut tightly to stop them from trembling and look up towards Loki's voice but you are lightheaded and the quick movement makes you dizzy. You know he asked you something but his voice seems far away as does the rest of the room. You can no longer feel the couch you are sitting on or the floor under your feet, you are vaguely aware that you are disassociating but there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your heart pounds faster in your chest and you fear it may never slow down again.
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Loki takes your hand and pulls you up from the couch when you don't answer him. He sits on the floor with his back against the couch and guides you down so you are sitting directly in front of him with your back flush to his chest. He takes your hands in his and let's out a quiet gasp of pain when sparks erupt from your fingers.
"Y/N," he whispers in your ear. You mumble his name in return and he asks, "Can you name five things you can see?"
"What?" you ask, confused by the random question. His cool fingers interlace with yours and small clouds of icy air calm the flames that are rise from your hands.
"Tell me five things you can see," he repeats in a low voice.
You try to focus on answering him. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears as you look around the far off living room. Slowly, you list five objects.
"Good, now can you tell me four things you can touch?" he asks quietly.
Your breathing is still ragged as your chest tightens but you push yourself to think about Loki's second question. You take a breath then look around to find the first three objects. "And I can feel your hands," you give Loki your fourth answer, his fingers squeeze your hand gently. As you say each item, you can almost feel the room shrinking to a less distorted size.
"How about three things you can hear?" he asks.
"My breathing," you turn to rest the side of your head on his chest, "Your heart beat and your voice," the answers come quicker now.
"Two things you can smell?" Loki asks, you finally register how worried his voice sounds.
"My shampoo," you answer, suddenly remembering when Loki told you he loved the way your shampoo smelled. You bought four more bottles of the fruit scented soap that weekend. "And your cologne," you tell him, a smile crosses your lips when you inhale deeply and breath in your favorite smell.
"You're doing so well, I just need you to tell me one thing you can taste now," he says.
"Do the apples on your dining table count?" you ask him as your eyes scan his apartment.
"If you think they do, they count," he responds and you nod that they should count. "How do you feel?" he asks after a moment.
"Better," you realize suddenly. Your heart rate feels normal, even your breathing is steady and easy. You are no longer lightheaded and feel as if everything around you is real and not distorted. You ask, "How did you know how to do that?"
"I read that it was a popular grounding technique," he explains. "I looked into ways to help you after you told me your nightmares sometimes triggered panic attacks."
You smile at the effort he had gone through to make sure he could help you, "Thank you Loki." You feel safe and comfortable pressed against Loki and look down, feeling your hands still in his hands. Loki's skin is a deep shade of blue and it takes you a moment to realize why. You shift to face him, his crimson eyes fixed on yours and he smiles. "Is this your Jotun form?" you ask, touching the ridges on his cheek with your fingertips lightly.
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His smile vanishes and he immediately shifts back into his Asgardian form, pulling his fingers free from your other hand. "I'm sorry," he says nervously as he gets up and walks away from you.
"For what?" you ask getting up but he ignores you. "Wait, Loki," you call as he heads towards his bedroom and pauses under the door frame. You walk towards him and say, "Please don't do that. Don't shut me out." You slip your hand into his and he looks at you. "You promised you would talk to me, remember?"
He sighs, "I did promise that, didn't I?"
You nod and try to smile, hoping he will open up to you. You are always worried Loki will retreat behind the walls you've worked so hard to break down.
A small smile tugs at his lips and he says, "I don't know what I did to deserve such a fiercely devoted friend."
You shrug and hold your forced smile as you feel a twinge of pain in your chest when he refers to you simply as his friend.
"We will talk in the morning, I promise," he says as he moves to pull you into a hug. "You need to rest."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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sluttywonwoo · 2 months
svt reaction to you masturbating while they sleep next to you
^ obviously they wake up from it it would be a boring suggestion if every member slept through it 😭😭
all of this is consensual fyi!!
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seungcheol: he’s pouty that you didn’t wake him up to join and you’ll have to make it up to him asap immediately
jeonghan: since he’s such a light sleeper you won’t be able to get away with much… like you’d put your hand down your shorts and he’d be eyes wide open asking, “what are you doing?” before taking matters into his own hands (you’re ‘matters’)
joshua: totally makes fun of you for it. “so desperate you couldn’t even wait until morning? you know you could’ve just asked, baby.”
junhui: depending on the day he might just go back to sleep but more often than not he’d stay up and help you out
soonyoung: he stays up to watch you touch yourself, observing quietly and sleepily until he’s so hard it hurts and he has to join in
wonwoo: the first thing he does is fumble for his glasses. the second thing he does is tell you to stop what you’re doing and let him do it for you because he’s better at it.
jihoon: he finds it so endearing. he wouldn’t say anything at first, just watching and listening as he pretends to sleep until he can tell you’re getting close and he just can’t let you finish without him
seokmin: he thinks something’s wrong with you at first so he panics and rips the sheets back to reveal what’s actually going on… he’d be so shocked and… a little hurt that you didn’t wake him up to help. he’d think it was because you didn’t want him to get you off, not that you were just trying to let him rest. but once you explain yourself, he’ll want to help you get back to sleep. since he’s already awake and everything of course.
mingyu: he wants to make you cum, so you can get back to sleep of course. hes just got such a big heart and he always has your best interest in mind…
minghao: he wakes up and gets right on top of you, caging you in and restraining your hands. you’re not going back to sleep until the sun rises, instead he’ll be teaching you your “lesson” until you’re begging for mercy
seungkwan: he’s pissed about getting woken up but as soon as he’s awake he’s shimmying under the covers of bed you share and putting his face between your thighs
vernon: he sleeps through it
chan: he’s always down for a quickie. like you wouldn’t even realize he’d woken up and he’s got the condom on, ready to goooo. you get the memo eventually.
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milkloafy · 16 days
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: you notice a beautiful ship and are excited to see what human you can lure out. surprisingly for you, it’s not an entranced sailor, but rather a man who jumped off the ship to chastise you. ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 3.2k ⋆。˚ ❀ genre: mermaid!reader; suggestive, 16+? ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: fyi reader is kind of morally gray just like the slightest bit LOL like they don’t wanna gravely harm anyone yk but they get in a silly goofy mood sometimes -3- happy somewhat-unhinged mermay! xo
There was always a slight thrill that accompanied the satisfaction of seducing a human. 
The way they looked at you with such enamorment, as if they would follow you off the face of the earth; the clumsy way they would leap off their boat just for the chance of being in your presence… 
It was one of your favorite pastimes, to be honest. 
Now, it wasn’t something you participated in a lot, but the days when you and your friends had a contest of who could lure the most men at sea were certainly ones you always remembered. 
There was a line you didn’t cross, naturally. 
While you did indeed lure sailors out of the comfort of their own ships and into the waters, you didn’t leave them there. Sure, there were a few cases of people almost drowning, but you were certain you hauled most of them onto a rock or island to be found. Hopefully. 
You just found humans so fascinating, with their helpless little legs and inability to breathe underwater. How easily they became entranced by your alluring song. 
None of the merpeople you have met reacted to you in such a way. In fact, you found most of the mermen particularly annoying even. 
It was a nice day above the ocean today and you spotted a beautiful ship sailing by—The Wingalet it read. A ship of this beauty must have had a captain just as so. You swished your tail in excitement. 
And so your song began. 
A ringing, melancholic beauty slowly filled the air. When you closed your eyes, you could visualize the fog spiraling up from the sea, carrying your voice to the inhabitants of the ship. Could the humans envision it too? You let your mind wander as you sang. 
When you finally opened your eyes, you saw a figure emerge from inside the ship. He stood on the edge, and though you did not see his face, you could sense that he was looking right at you. 
A chill ran up your spine as you giggled in excitement, the playful wavering of your tune only adding to the appeal. You watched as the man leapt off the boat, swimming towards you. To your surprise, he was able to navigate the waves with relative ease—for better than any human you’ve lured before.
“Hey,” he called in a firm tone as he neared you, startling you to a stop. No human has ever reacted with such a tone. 
You didn’t let that phase you as you smiled coyly at him, shifting your hair to expose the skin of your neck and collarbones. With all the flattery you could muster, you greeted, “Hello, Captain.”
He nodded. If he was affected at all by your antics, you honestly couldn’t tell. “It’s ‘Your Grace,’ actually. Or simply Wriothesley is fine.”
Your brows raised, unsure if you should be impressed by the title. It certainly wasn’t as grand as ‘Your Highness.’ “Well, simply Wriothesley it is, then. What a unique and lovely name.” 
“Thank you for the compliment,” said Wriothesley, wiping a water droplet from his forehead. “But I do have to ask— Could you please stop singing your song around here?” 
You blinked. “Pardon?”
“It is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but are you aware of how many civilians I’ve had to drag back from the rocks?”
Feeling chastised, your face heated up and you no longer felt the trance flowing from you. “Are you not grateful I dragged them to the rocks?” 
Wriothesley sighed, treading water significantly better and longer than most humans could. He wasn’t falling on his face at the sight of your beauty, nor did he seem seduced by your song. You gazed at him curiously. Just who was this man aboard the Wingalet? 
Whoever he was, he ruined your fun. 
Where was the helpless, strong sailor who bowed to your every whims—for the few moments they could last in the ocean, at least. This reaction, or lack thereof, was new and you weren’t entirely sure if you liked it. 
It had been a while since you last lured a sailor… Did you lose your touch? Your friends would have had a field day if they learned about your humiliation. 
“All things considered, I appreciate you don’t leave my people behind after toying with them, but I would appreciate even more if you didn’t toy with them altogether,” he said after moments of contemplation. 
Your mouth dropped. In all your life you have never been spoken to in such a way. Or rather, not by a human. Some mermen you knew could be just as fussy. “I would appreciate it if my hobby wasn’t judged so harshly.” 
Wriothesley shook his head. “It is not my place to judge. But as you are in the borders of Fontaine, it would only be fair if the rules of the region applied to you as well. Including not bringing harm upon others. Is that what your hobby is?”
“I’m not harming anyone!” you protested, folding your arms defensively. 
As you frowned, you couldn’t help but notice the way Wriothesley’s gaze followed the water droplets down to the curve of your breasts. A hint of mischievousness made its way back to you. Perhaps he wasn’t as unaffected by you as he tried to seem. You decided to adjust your tone to one more…appropriate for the situation. 
“Your Grace,” you said apologetically, lips slightly parted as you shyly batted your lashes. He wet the corner of his mouth but didn’t blink an eye. “I truly mean no harm to you or your people. I only wanted to sing for you all.”
Wriothesley raised a brow as you fluttered over to him. 
“The merfolk back home don’t care for my music,” you said with a sigh, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “You humans have much better taste.” 
As you drew nearer, you heard the labored breaths coming from him; his movements grew languid as well. You blinked. He had seemed so unbothered and confident, you almost believed he had no trouble keeping up on his own. Still, you reminded yourself he was a pitiful human—no matter how big and handsome he was. 
“Let me help you, Your Grace.” You offered him an arm to guide him along. “I know a cove not too far from here where you can rest.” 
Though tired, he managed, “Or, you could help me back to my ship that’s also not far from here.”
“But then how would I get on board with you?” you pouted, splashing water up with your tail. “I’m still not done with you yet.” 
Wriothesley choked out a laugh, slightly incredulous. Still he decided to humor you and nodded. “Sure, then. Lead me to your cove. Not that I have much choice, if you think about it.”
“I could also leave you on a sharp rock if you annoy me,” you offered. 
He sighed, an amused look littering his face. “Wherever you wish, darling.”
Your stomach jumped at the pet name, pleased at the sound of it. Sure, this man may be difficult compared to all the others, but maybe that would just make this more fun. 
Deciding against the large rock for today, you began to lead Wriothesley to a nearby island. It was small and quaint but the waves were calm and the vegetation was fruitful. Plus, there was a cove on the other side where you enjoyed picking shells. Perhaps you could show Wriothesley your shell collection if he kept his mouth shut for long enough. 
As you continued swimming, you noticed the grip of his hand tightened. You looked back and he was showing more signs of fatigue. 
“We’re almost there,” you murmured, not necessarily out of concern for him, but rather concern for the extra work you’d have to do if you had to haul an unconscious person onto land. “Don’t pass out yet.”
“Since when were you so sweet?”  he drawled. 
With a huff, you pulled him the final stretch of the way, not letting go until you were certain he could stand steadily on his own.
To your surprise, he did not stumble as he collected himself, even after you let him go. You hummed in delight, Wriothesley must be really strong if he could withstand all that. 
Once he was settled, you hauled yourself further along the shore. When the water become too shallow to comfortably maneuver around, you cleared your throat and looked up at him. When the two of you made eye contact, you lifted your arms, prompting him for assistance. 
Could you haul yourself to land without help? Yes, you’ve done so a million times before. But why would you do it yourself when you knew someone else was capable of doing it for you? 
Wriothesley let out a surprised laugh, voice sounding strained. “Are you asking me to carry you?”
Your eyes widened with indignation. “Of course not!” How could he possible have mistaken your gestures to mean wanting to be carried? “I’m only asking you to drag me over to the shore…”
He almost choked at your words before shaking his head. You twirled you hair around your finger. Was that strange of you to say? “Does that not hurt your scales?”
You thumped your tail down and splashed water on the both of you, displaying your tail’s capability. “My scales are strong,” you chirped.
Wriothesley hid a smile. “Allow me to be a gentlemen this once.”
“What do you mean—?”
You cut yourself off with a yelp as you felt yourself being lifted into the air. Dread filled your body at this unfamiliar feeling and you began to squirm around, wanting to get out. 
“Hey now,” he said in a soothing voice, arms tightening around you to offer a sense of security. “I’m only helping you get to the sand with me. I’ll make sure you are still close enough to the water. And I won’t drop you, if that is what you are fearful of.”
“Are you certain?” 
You heard the horror stories about humans. Some would cut off the tails of merfolk and sell the scales. Others who simply wanted to sate their morbid curiosity and know how your kind tasted… You shuddered.
“I promise no harm will come to you,” stated Wriothesley, slowly kneeling to the ground and placing you on the sand. “See, it was only a short trip. It’s over now. I’m sorry for starling you.”
You sniffled, folding your arms across your chest. “I forgive you. But I am not showing you my shell collection anymore.” 
He chuckled, placing his hand to his heart. “That wounds me.” Wriothesley took a seat beside you in the sand, letting out a sigh of relief as he stretched out his legs. “Maybe next time then.”
“Perhaps if I find you worthy enough,” you said haughtily. “Only a select few can see my collection. Or…perhaps it would be enough if you managed to get one of those orange-looking fruits from the land over there.” 
Wriothesley followed your gaze. “The bulle fruit,” he said in understanding. “You want me to get you one?”
You nodded eagerly, your mouth watering at the thought. You had never tried one yourself—to be frank, the sand was just a bit too hot for your tail and you weren’t able to stand up and reach the fruit on those rare occasions you did make it far enough. But you imagined it was juicy and delicious.
Despite how tired he must’ve been after treading the ocean water for such a long time and carrying you to shore, Wriothesley still stood up and walked over to the nearest fruit tree. Your eyes widened as he punched the trunk of the tree, catching a fruit as it fell, instead of reaching up and picking one from the leaves. 
You grumbled, wishing you had thought of that method yourself.
Wriothesley returned shortly with two fruits in hand, one for each of you. You graciously accepted the bulle fruit and the two of you munched together.
As the juices hit your tongue on your first bite, you let out a noise of satisfaction. It was both sweet and sour, the perfect balance that made you want more. While you had a preference for salty things, seeing as you lived underwater, you had to pay respect where respect was due. 
Wriothesley looked over at you with a chuckle. “Is it to your liking?” 
“Enough so that I may even show you one of my shells.”
“I’m honored.”
As you continued eating your snack, you began talking to him about whatever came to mind—what you had for breakfast the other day, the pretty seahorse you recently befriended, and the unsung horrors of trying to date your fellow merfolk.
Throughout it all, Wriothesley paid the utmost attention to you. He responded and reacted when appropriate and seemed like he was genuinely interested in what you had to say. He wasn’t even entranced by your powers, yet he acted in such a way… To say you were pleased was an understatement.
When you finally decided to take a break from talking, Wriothesley finally spoke up. “Is this the only reason why you choose to lure sailors to you? So you can sing and talk and get fruit?”
A human may have felt ashamed at his words, but you simply nodded. “And so they can pay attention to me and give me compliments.” You looked at him pointedly. “None of which I have received from you, by the way.”
He let his eyes trail down body, from the slightest protrusion of your collarbones down to the tip of your tail, then back up to your face. You squirmed against the heat of his gaze, your throat feeling dry at the intensity.
“Do you want me to begin complimenting you?”
Never once had you shied away from flattery, but the look in his eyes were different—darkened and sincere, not the glazed-over and enamored ones you had grown accustomed to.
“Maybe later,” you managed, feeling bashful under his earnest stare. 
Wriothesley smirked but he did not push further. Instead he asked, “Do you want to know what I think, darling?”
You raised your brows, wondering why it sounded like a challenge. “Why not?”
“I think you are charming and beautiful, but lonely.”
Your mouth dropped in surprised. Was he trying to insult you?
“You want someone who is obsessed with you and only you, and you think it’s fun to see just how smitten you can make someone, no matter who they are.”
Curiously, you looked up at him, staying silent as he talked. 
“But I think you find this more fun.” 
“This?” you questioned.
Wriothesley nodded. “I’m not under your little siren spell, yet here I am—hanging onto your every word like it’s the best thing I’ve heard in my life. It’s a different kind of power you have over me. Is that not thrilling to you?”
You sat in your thoughts for a few brief moments. As fun as it was to make people fall over their own feet at the sight of you, Wriothesley was right. This was a different kind of attraction. You felt it in his stare, in the way he examined your every move. It was addicting in its own right.
“I have a proposal for you,” he offered, fishing something out of his pocket. It was a necklace with a dainty, yet regal shell attached as the pendant. “Instead of enchanting some innocent civilians with your song, why don’t you call on me wherever you get the urge?”
Wriothesley softly placed the necklace on your hands and you brushed your fingers atop the smooth surface. It was a gorgeous, vibrant blue.
“Sing only for me, into the shell, and I will come to you as fast as I can.”
“And if you don’t come?” you tested. 
“I will.” 
You hummed, considering his words. Did he enjoy your presence that much? Or was this some sort of trick? How he was immune to your song was a mystery in itself. Maybe the only way you would find out is spending more time with him, to begin with.
“Something troubling you, darling?”
“Just you,” you said honestly.
He laughed, drawing circles in the sand between your body and his. “I understand your reason for skepticism. But my reasons aren’t entirely selfless. Do you find it hard to believe that I want to see you again, too?” 
Wriothesley glanced at you and grinned, bringing his hand up to wipe your plump lower lip. Your eyes widened.
“Bulle fruit juices,” he said, bringing his thumb to his mouth. You saw the pink of his tongue jut out to take in the leftover fruit.
You looked away, flustered. You were not sure how to react. Something about him felt so indecent…so daring. Had he no shame? And that was coming from a merperson! 
Yet you still craved more. 
“It also helps to know the more time you want to spend with me, the less time you’ll be seducing other men for your enjoyment.” 
“Who says I won’t do both?” you challenged. 
He had a confident look on his face as he said, “I’ll make sure it’s only me you will want to see.” 
Heat filled your face as you bit out, “Such arrogant words for a human.” 
“Such beautiful innocence for a siren.”
“Mermaid,” you corrected. 
“Mermaid,” he said. “Apologies.”
“You’re forgiven.” 
Wriothesley laughed as he stared off into the distance. You looked along with him and noticed his ship drawing closer. Frowning, you avoided his gaze. 
“You’re leaving already?”
“I have some Duke duties to head back to,” he said apologetically, patting the top of your head as he stood, “but don’t forget the necklace I gave you.”
You placed it around your neck, satisfied when Wriothesley’s gaze zeroed in on where the pendant fell between your breasts. “You better come when I sing to you, Your Grace.”
“I’ll be there, darling.” Wriothesley kissed the back of your hand before he waved goodbye. “And who knows, maybe next time I can take you back to my place for a bit. There’s someone I’d like you to meet. A Melusine nurse. She may have a few tricks up her sleeve if you’re interested in some land legs for a day.” 
Your eyes widened as you looked down at your tail. You loved it, very much so, but you were always curious about life above water. Eagerly, you nodded. “Okay! Then, you better come quick.” 
“As soon as I hear your pretty song,” he called out his promise. “Until then, farewell.”
Admiring the pretty new necklace you acquired, you waved goodbye at Wriothesley. He was handsome and you knew the both of you wanted more. But you wondered just how upset you could make him if he were to find out you sang your song for another sailor before you called on him.
You smiled to yourself, pressing a kiss to the shell once his ship sailed away. “Don’t be too mad, okay, Wriothesley? I’m just having some extra fun.” 
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animeomegas · 5 months
The Quest for a Second Life - Epilogue
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Summary: Having spent so long choosing their second life, the MC is finally rewarded and gets to live their second life. The only questioning remaining was... Itachi or Kakashi. GN!Dom!Alpha!Reader x Multiple Naruto Characters
Word count: 6.4k
Warnings: N-sfw content, tiny self-harm for magical blood potion purposes. All alphas have dicks, fyi.
A/N: And we're finally here! This is the end, and I hope people like it, even if you'd have preferred the other character. This has been a journey and a half, thank you so much for joining me on it. Merry Christmas to those that celebrate! I am deeply honoured to call @omeganronpa my friend, and seeing as I'm too far away to be around in person, I hope that this gets my message across as well as I had hoped 💗💓💞💖❣️
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Epilogue
James found herself lingering in the library when she knew she ought not to. She had just sent another human into their chosen pocket dimension, this time a historical romance, and she really needed to get back to her office to receive the next one. She knew this, and yet her feet refused to co-operate.
She couldn’t stop wondering after the human alpha she had recently worked with, although she wasn’t sure if humans would agree with her use of the word ‘recent’. They didn’t normally, and James had learnt that time flowed differently for humans than it did for Curators.
No, her mind was behaving badly. It was wandering off without her permission and whispering suggestions of going to check on the human alpha, even though James’ shift was still far from over.
Before she could think better of it, James turned and started walking towards the hidden backroom of the library, where books that were in current use were stored. Surely, it would be okay for her to have a little look at what that human alpha was up to. She would only linger for a little while and then she would get back to work.
She entered the backroom and scanned the shelves for the correct book. It wasn’t difficult to find, but she suddenly felt nervous. It wasn’t as if Curators weren’t allowed to watch the pocket dimensions, in fact, she knew several of her peers who did so regularly, but James had never felt the urge.
Until now.
“Just a quick peek, then I’ll greet my next human.” She opened the book and put it into viewing mode.
Ugh, you really shouldn’t have bought this much stuff. You juggled the shopping bags awkwardly, but persevered forwards as best as you could. It wasn’t your fault that there was a sale on today, how could you resist getting an entire bag of fresh peaches? You wondered if you could figure out how to make peach lemonade. It was the height of summer and a refreshing drink sounded like heaven right about now.
At least your new sandals were working well. They had been a gift from your parents when they returned from their business trip, and they were as cool as they were durable.
You dodged around a bush so that the branches didn’t abduct any of your shopping, grateful that you were getting used to this route now. Although you had grown up in the area, you had never really had a reason to stray this far. Of course, not until you met him.
Ugh, him. He was perfect. No, he was beyond perfect.
You had found him by chance, and the first few weeks had been a whirlwind, but you knew, more than anything, that he was perfect for you.
And there he was, in all his perfection, as you finally reached your home.
He was standing in the chicken run, his long, dark hair swept up out of his face in a more stringent ponytail than normal. You had helped him with it before you left, after his fringe kept getting stuck to his skin. He was wearing a pair of incredibly short shorts, and a loose T-shirt that always fell away from his chest whenever he bent over. It was a personal favourite of yours, but one that you never let him wear outside of your own home.
Itachi must have heard you, because he turned, a grin lighting up his face. You could see he had a smudge of mud on the swell of his left cheek.
Itachi was utterly stunning. He took your breath away effortlessly, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Alpha!” he called, lifting one hand up in a wave. “Look!”
It took you a moment to understand what he wanted you to look at, but you eventually realised that he wasn’t waving; he was clutching two chicken eggs.
“Amazing!” you called back, approaching the back gate, but stopping at the fence as you realised you didn’t have free hands to unlock it.
“The chickens are finally old enough to lay eggs!” Itachi was practically beaming as he exited the run. A couple of chickens attempted to make an escape, but Itachi flicked his fingers and gently knocked them back with magic. “Look!” He came right up to you now, letting you into the garden, and holding the eggs in front of your face.
“That’s brilliant, ‘tachi. Why don’t you help me get all this unpacked inside, and we can cook the eggs for some lunch. I have some peaches and lemons for lemonade, too.”
You both headed into the kitchen through the back door. You dumped everything on the table and gratefully slumped into a chair, thankful to be out of the hot sun. Itachi practically floated around the kitchen, still beaming. He unpacked what he needed and immediately started making lunch. He settled on shakshuka with the fated peach lemonade.
It was with great amusement that you watched Itachi don his cooking apron, the one you’d specially embroidered with ‘Proud Chicken Oma’.
After you had cooled down a little, you slowly unpacked the rest of the shopping, until Itachi called you over to the oven.
“I’m going to fry the eggs,” he said, sounding giddy. You had known that he wanted chickens, you did too, but the genuine joy that they gave him still surprised you. You felt so incredibly lucky that you had literally wandered into his life by accident, and that he had allowed you to stay.
“Let me watch.” You hugged him from behind and peered over his shoulder. And if you also took a quick sneaky look down his shirt while you were there, well, no one could prove it. It was probably too hot for hugs, but you couldn’t make yourself let go. You nuzzled into the area where you would one day put your bond mark, but for now lay unbroken skin.
Itachi wanted you to meet each other’s families before you properly bonded. Hopefully that day would come sooner rather than later, because having him walk around without your claim was driving you mad.
Itachi cracked the egg into the pan, and perhaps you were too much of a sappy romantic, but the lucky double yolk that it contained felt symbolic.
The silence was thick enough to cut. You took a sip of your tea to try and stave off the awkwardness, but it didn’t help.
You were sitting at your kitchen table with Itachi and his parents. Sasuke had been sent out to collect some eggs, most likely so Fugaku and Mikoto could talk to you alone, but even now that Sasuke was firmly outside, the silence remained heavy and oppressive.
“How long have you known each other?” Fugaku asked, finally breaking it.
“A few months, father.” Fugaku’s lips tightened and the lines around his eyes deepened. You got the vibe that he wasn’t happy with that answer. It was such a shame that Itachi cared about their opinions.
“And how did you meet?”
You cleared your throat, “Itachi found me unconscious in a snowstorm and nursed me back to health.”
There was a beat of silence, before Mikoto spoke. “Then you owe my son a life debt, you would do well to remember that.”
You were really getting the vibe that they didn’t like you. It was for that reason, that you hastened to reassure them that you had been looking after Itachi as well.
“Oh! Well, I returned the favour by giving Itachi my cloak when all his clothes were destroyed in the middle of the woods.”
Itachi immediately went red faced, and held up his hands, sputtering. Oh, whoops. That definitely sounded like you had been fucking in the woods. Of course, you had actually fucked in those woods, but that wasn’t what you meant to share with his parents of all people.
“We didn’t—It was an Amplexus plant!” Itachi explained hurriedly, his face continuing to darken. “I needed the seeds for a potion, and it got a hold of me, that’s all!”
Itachi’s panicked explanation broke the tension, as his mother started giggling, and his father sighed and put his face in his palm.
“Sasuke is our only hope,” Fugaku muttered.
It was at that moment that a squawk sounded from outside. Sasuke’s dulcet tones followed shortly afterwards.
“Try that again, you glorified rat, and I’ll burn off all your feathers, I fucking mean it, I—”
Fugaku sighed again and downed the rest of his tea like it was the alcohol he clearly needed.
There was no sweeter smell in the world than the one of yours and Itachi’s scents mingling together. And while you were certain many other alphas would say the same about them and their omegas, you were pretty sure you were right.
You panted onto Itachi’s neck, basically drooling. A joint heat and rut wasn’t the greatest for practical reasons, but fuck, if it wasn’t the perfect time to exchange mating bites.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Itachi slurred, hips rocking up to meet yours at every thrust. “Bite me, alpha, claim me, please!”
You groaned, knot already catching on his rim. It was getting harder and harder to control yourself. Itachi mouthed at the juncture between your shoulder and neck, the place where he would soon be placing your bite, and your self-control collapsed like a house of cards.
Your knot tied you and Itachi together, plunging you both into an orgasm. Somewhere, through the haze, your teeth managed to find their mark. You bit down just as you started filling Itachi with your cum. Itachi seized but managed to bite back.
You rode the waves together. It was the longest orgasm of your life, and by far the most powerful. Your mind was clouded with lust and emotion. Every instinct in your body was screaming, but they were all screaming different things; it was making you dizzy.
Protect him.
Make him scream.
Get him pregnant.
Hide him away.
Show him off.
Love him. Love him. Love him.
Yes, yes, you were going to love him, you did love him… And everything was going to be perfect.
You ran out of your joint bedroom potions lab barefoot, having abandoned your slippers in your haste.
“Itachi! There’s been an incident!”
You heard a crash from the kitchen, and quickly, Itachi came racing out to meet you in the living room.
“What is it? What’s going on?!” He scanned you from head to toe but couldn’t see an injury. He had known that you were playing with magic, and he was rightfully worried about what you had managed to do.
“It’s gone,” you said, wide eyed.
“What’s gone?!”
“My dick.”
Itachi blinked at you, processing, before his face morphed into something horrified.
“What? How can—?! What were you doing?! What do you mean gone?!” He grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you roughly. “Tell me what happened!”
“I was just playing around and then suddenly it was gone,” you explained, wringing your hands.
“What spell did you use?” Itachi asked frantically. “I can reverse it. We can figure it out!”
“I don’t know… I mean, at least I’m still alive right? It could have been worse.”
Itachi was still horrified, and you’d wager that he didn’t agree with you.
“No! I mean, yes, but we still need to fix it. Let me see!” He knelt down and started to aggressively tug down your shorts and underwear. “Maybe I can perform a reversal of—”
He managed to get the fabric down and out popped your dick, unharmed and just as it always was. Itachi blinked at it. You started cracking up, unable to hold the laughter in anymore. Itachi, realising that he’d been pranked, scowled at you.
He stood, crossing his arms and huffing. “That wasn’t funny.”
“Yes, it was,” you laughed, wiping away your tears. “You’re completely obsessed with my dick, I knew it! I’m just a glorified dildo to you, huh?”
“You’re being ridiculous.” Itachi had delightfully rosy cheeks.
“Am I? So, you don’t want to suck it?” You playfully shook your hips, wiggling your dick, playfully.
Itachi wavered. You waited patiently.
“This has nothing to do with anything,” he said, kneeling down in front of you.
“Whatever you say, darling.”
“Shut up!”
He was so much fun to tease. Hopefully, he never found out that you had the same obsession with his nipples.
“We do need more space, but I still want to maintain that cosy vibe, you know?”
“I agree. We could always increase the number of rooms, but still have them all be fairly small and closed off.”
You and Itachi were pouring over several sketches, trying to design your new home. You had decided to move closer to the nearest town, although you were still staying firmly in the woods because neither of you wanted to give up your private sanctuary. You also just needed more space. You needed a bigger dining table, more bedrooms, a separate potions lab, and crucially more storage space so that you didn’t come across snake eyes in the fridge when you were trying to make a sandwich.
Thankfully, with Itachi’s magic, the local builders, and the money sent from your parents, it was sure to be a smooth process.
“I think we should have a bedroom for Sasuke to use,” you said, tapping on an empty part of the proposed floorplan. “Not just a guest bedroom, but one that’s specifically his.”
Itachi nuzzled into your shoulder. “You wouldn’t mind? Because that would be amazing.”
“Of course not. He’ll be old enough to visit on his own soon, and I want to make sure he knows he’s welcome.” You liked Sasuke and you understood why Itachi loved him so much. He was like a tiny murder kitten that loved to scratch people. It was adorable.
“We have the pup rooms, the lab…” Itachi peered down at the paper. “Is that everything?”
You hummed, considering. “I think so. Unless you want a nesting room. Although, I’ve never seen you nest before, so if you don’t want one, that’s fine.”
“Oh.” Itachi was silent for a moment. “I’ve never tried nesting before.”
You immediately wished his parents would return so you could punch them in the face. Carefully keeping all the anger below the surface so you didn’t make Itachi think you were angry with him, you brushed some hair out of his face.
“Do you want to try it? We can try together, and if you like it, we can get a little nesting space added onto the master bedroom.”
Itachi smiled, looking unsure. “Okay. I suppose we can try it.”
“Well, I’m not an expert, but I think I can help with a simple nest layout.” You leant back and surveyed all the materials you had for nesting. Most of it was stuff that Itachi had made, some of it was things you had made, and a couple of pieces were from a craftsperson in town, made from rarer and more difficult materials. There was more than enough for a nice nest.
You slotted the heaviest duty and flattest pillows into the corner and arranged them in a double layer before securing them together with a sheet.
“One of my old partners used to arrange the base like this. It works well.”
Itachi growled and immediately destroyed the base, stacking it in a different way. Oh, yeah, whoops. Itachi was way too possessive for you to casually be bringing up old partners.
 “You’ve had other omega partners?” he asked, still rearranging the base. His voice was carefully controlled, like he was trying to sound distracted, when in reality, his attention was fully on your answer.
“Yeah, I—” You paused, trying to retrieve the memories. It was strange… You could have sworn you had past partners but trying to grasp onto details felt like trying to catch smoke. You could see flashes of dates, gifts and physical features, but you couldn’t really make sense of it. You wondered if it was a side effect of the amnesia spell you’d had. You decided not to mention it in case Itachi got worried. “I’ve had a couple, but they didn’t go anywhere. It never felt right, y’know?”
Itachi hummed, reasonably placated.
You continued to help him with small suggestions until you recognised the signs of an omega in nest building mode. Instincts took over, and you leant back to let Itachi do it how he wanted to.
The nest was so very him, even for his first attempt. It was chaos, but organised chaos, with gentle colours and neutrals, and lots of wool.
 Itachi sat back, blinking the daze away. “Now what?”
“Now you get in it.”
“And… what’s the point? What will being in it do?” He was staring at the nest reverently, and you knew he was going to like it.
“It should help you relax.”
Itachi bit his lip, but gingerly climbed in and tried to get himself comfortable. He fiddled with a few final pieces, but once he was settled, he sighed, seeming content.
After a few moments, he looked over at you. “Do you… want to come in, too?”
You grinned, and agreed, carefully climbing in and spooning your omega.
With you there with him, Itachi curled his legs up to his chest and went boneless. His purrs were so loud that you could feel them in your chest, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He nuzzled into the pillow his head was on, basking in the soft materials.
You kept holding him but tried to remain still so as to not disturb his first nesting experience. You didn’t want to distract him from his bliss. You were honestly so shocked that he had never nested before. Had his family kept him so busy from such a young age that he had never had the time?
You made a mental note to see if you could add a nesting nook for Sasuke’s room too, seeing as he was also an omega and had probably received similar treatment. If he couldn’t have one at home, at least he could have one here.
Suddenly, Itachi stopped purring.
“Is something wrong, baby?” you cooed, gently stroking his hair. “We can fix whatever it is, I promise.”
Itachi only whined, pushing his hips back into yours. He seemed really out of it, not that that was particularly surprising. If he’d been repressing himself, knowingly or not, for his entire life, then his instincts were going to try and take over the second they could.
“What do you need, omega? Come on, tell alpha.”
Itachi pouted, whining again. He shoved his hips back harder this time, like he was making a point. Oh.
“I see.” Your mind was racing at how hot he was. “Do you want to cockwarm, honey?”
Itachi nodded, his purring starting back up again now that you were understanding him. Oh, he was just the sweetest, horniest little thing and you would set the world on fire for him.
You carefully untucked your already half-hard cock, trying to avoid knocking anything out of place. When you were free, you tugged his trousers down and easily slipped inside him.
When your hips met his skin, Itachi purred louder than he had before, melting into the nest completely. His eyes rolled back, and he was lost in the fuzziness.
Okay… so you definitely needed that nesting room.
You looked around your new living room proudly, savouring the ‘new’ smell. The entire house was perfect. It kept the essence of the old one, but you had so much more space. No more tripping over cauldrons in the morning, or accidentally spilling powdered bone on the carpet when you were trying to clean.
You were almost finished with the unpacking. The house still seemed pretty empty, but that was good; the house would be able to grow with you.
Itachi had scurried off into the bedroom a few minutes ago with one of the boxes, but you were still sorting through living room stuff. You peered into the nearest box. And kitchen stuff apparently. Why did you own so many wooden spoons?
“Alpha?! Can you come help me with something, please?!” Itachi called from the bedroom.
You stood up, stretching out your sore arms, and then went over to the master bedroom. You pushed open the door easily.
“What do you ne—”
Suddenly, you were reminded of the very first time you had ever walked into Itachi’s bedroom in the old house, the time where he had been half naked and in the middle of changing.
Here, he was half-naked again, but this time it looked purposeful, because Itachi was wearing lingerie.
It was a two-piece set, made out of a dark blue silk that perfectly contrasted against Itachi’s pale skin. Embroidered on it were hundreds of tiny, silver stars, creating the image of a night’s sky. Extra pieces of gauzy, see through fabric had been attached to the top piece, which hide absolutely nothing, but acted as a delightful tease. The set was clearly hand made, and damn, he was again, taking your breath away.
“Well, hello,” you cooed, feeling that stupid horny alpha grin slide onto your face. “What’s all this?”
Itachi fidgeted bashfully as you approached. “It’s a surprise, a celebration for the new house.”
“It’s a lovely surprise.” You ran your hands over his heated skin, feeling the silk with your palms. You kissed him heavily, your fingers dancing along the edge of his panties. “This is perfect for the new house, do you know why?”
“Hm? Why?” Itachi moaned, tilting his neck submissively, and giving you access to his bond mark. You nipped around the scar before answering.
“Because we still need to break in the new bed.”
“That will be 500 ryo, thank you.” The man handed you the requested amount and took the pouch of amethyst dust in return.
“How many enchanted apples for these?” a little boy asked, holding up a lovely bouquet of flowers. Oh yes, he was the florist’s son, you remembered.  
“Hmm,” you took the flowers and appraised them. “How about three?” The boy nodded enthusiastically and grabbed three apples before running home. These flowers would be a lovely surprise for Itachi.
“Do you have any more of the inflammation potions?” an old man asked, approaching the store. You recognised him immediately and put the flowers down, ready for a likely lengthy and completely inappropriate discussion. “They’re great for the old joints.”
“We have three left. How many would you like?”
“I’ll take the lot, thank you.” You wrapped the order up and passed it over. He handed you money in return. “Thank you. There’s a lot of downsides to getting old, but the joint pain is the worst of it in my opinion. At least I don’t have to put up with heats anymore. They’re great fun when you’re young, but when your back starts to go, well, you find yourself wishing them away.”
You hummed politely.
“This is why it’s so important for alphas to hone their skills in bed. I can’t count the number of times a young alpha has believed they don’t need to worry about sex skills because an omega in heat is so far gone that everything feels good, but one day the heats will stop, and besides, some of the best sex happens outside of heats and ruts and all that nonsense.”
You laughed, shaking your head. Why did your market stall always attract the weirdest advice and clientele?
“I’d wager you know all about that though. Has Itachi come home with any surprises lately?” You must have looked surprised, because the man winked. “Who do you think taught him how to embroider silk?”
You snorted. Of course. You made sure to slip a complimentary headache potion in as a thank you.
“The bedding is all fresh and clean, we bought it especially, and this blanket, I knitted it for you so you’d be warm, it can get cold out here. Oh! And also—”
“I’m fine,” Sasuke said, a slight red flush on his cheeks. “You worry too much, big brother.”
You watched from the doorway as Itachi fussed over Sasuke. Now 14, he was old enough to make the journey here on his own, and this would be the first time he was making proper use of his room. Itachi had been driving himself crazy trying to make everything perfect. You reckoned he was trying to ensure Sasuke had a good enough time that he’d want to come back.
Itachi’s face screwed up in indecision. “Maybe I should get another blanket for you, just in case.”
“Brother—” Too late. Itachi left the room to grab another blanket, leaving you and Sasuke alone. He glared at you harshly. Oh dear, here came the kitten claws.
“I know several spells that would remove all the parts needed to make sure you never touch my brother again. Just saying.” Sasuke crossed his arms and tried to look threatening. You had to try to keep your giggles under controls.
“Itachi wouldn’t like that very much,” you said lightly, remembering his reaction to your ‘I accidentally spelled my dick away’ prank. “And besides, that would be a very rude thing to do to the person hosting you.”
Sasuke growled, but you only raised an eyebrow at him.
“What’s going on?” Itachi walked in, another blanket bundled up in his arms.
You immediately snitched. “Your brother is threatening to cut my dick off.”
Itachi gasped, “Sasuke!”
Sasuke glared at you, but you only stuck your tongue out at him. You were seriously looking forward to the next week.
“So!” you clapped your hands together and looked eagerly around at all the potion supplies. “What potion am I learning today?”
You had been having Itachi teach you magic since you moved in, and while you were hardly a prodigy like him and his brother, you were starting to get decent at it, especially potions.
“It’s a pretty simple one, but it requires exact temperature control,” Itachi explained, pulling over a small cauldron. “We’ll need to use runes to manage that.”
“Exciting,” you murmured, trying to recall which runes would work best for temperature control. Probably the same ones that Itachi carved on your hot chocolate mugs. “What does the potion do?”
Itachi smiled, “You’ll see when we’re done.”
“Nooo, Itachi,” you whined. “I want to know now.”
“Later, I promise.” He laughed as you pouted and starting rattling off the ingredients list. “Now, help me crush the beans.”
Time passed quickly as you concentrated on following the potion recipe as best as you could. Before long, it was a blinding white and gently steaming, just as the drawing on the recipe showed.
“It’s ready,” you said proudly, closing the lid on the jar of moss. “Now will you tell me what it does?”
“It needs some blood to work,” Itachi explained. He grabbed a sharp knife and held it to his finger.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Could my blood work instead?”
Itachi laughed lightly. “That wouldn’t work; it has to be me. Don’t worry, it will only be the slightest prick.”
You weren’t happy, but you allowed it, and two drops of Itachi’s blood fell into the cauldron. It immediately started bubbling.
“What’s supposed to happen?”
“Well, it will turn one of two colours.” Itachi leaned over the cauldron and watched intently. “Gold or black.” As he spoke the potion turned to a brilliant gold and Itachi beamed.
“What does gold mean?” you asked, wishing he would just explain what this potion was already.
“Gold means that the person who donated the blood is pregnant.”
“Right, okay, and what does black mea— Hang on, what did you say?”
“I’m pregnant,” he clarified, watching your reaction.
You swallowed heavily, “What?”
Itachi giggled, “I’m not going to say it again.”
“Holy shit.” Your brain blue screened for a moment, before it rebooted, and the phrase properly sank into your brain.
Itachi was pregnant. Pregnant. As in, there would shortly be a baby, your baby, and his baby.
“I love you,” you blurted out, wide eyed. “We are going to need so much baby stuff.”
Itachi laughed, tearing up. “We’ll figure it out.”
“You can do it, Daiki! Come on baby, walk to appa!” You were crouched on the floor, arms open and ready.
Daiki gave a little pup whine, but still tried, toddling over on unstable steps. He managed to get three good steps in before he fell into your arms.  You caught him easily.
“Whoo! Look at that! You’re such a clever pup, isn’t that right?” You lifted up your baby and blew a raspberry on his stomach, dissolving him into giggles. Daiki did some proud wiggles as you put him back down, glancing over at Itachi for positive attention as well.
Itachi smiled, eyes glazed with sickness, from his position laying on the sofa. “Good job, baby.”
Daiki squealed, grinning and shoving a fist into his mouth.
Itachi was watching you both, even though he was unwell. This was the first time that he was properly ill since Daiki was born, and he was nervous about it. You had quickly learnt that Itachi had very low expectations of your parenting abilities. You tried your best not to take it personally, understanding that alpha parents in his family weren’t normally the most hands on, but it did sting sometimes. You were doing your best to prove him wrong.
Was it easy for you to do all the cooking, cleaning, childcare, and caring for Itachi at the same time? No.
But was it something you were happy to do while your partner recovered? Of course.
Speaking of caring for Itachi, you probably needed to resoak the flannel on his forehead. You shuffled over, keeping an eye on Daiki, and gently lifted the cloth. Like you’d expected, it felt warm to the touch.
You resoaked the flannel in the bowl of ice water and wringed it out before gently wiping down Itachi’s face.
“How are you feeling?” you asked softly, dabbing around his neck.
“I’m okay.” Itachi sighed and sent you a weak smile. “How are you—”
“Oma! Oma!” Daiki had crawled over to you both and grabbed a fistful of Itachi’s top to pull himself into a standing position. “Oma!”
“Careful, darling.” You unwrapped Daiki’s hands from Itachi’s top and supported him up yourself. He seemed to realise that something was wrong, because he blinked at you and Itachi, and curled in on himself unsurely.
“Oma?” he asked, bottom lip wobbling.
“Oma is poorly, but he’s okay,” you said softly, smoothing down Daiki’s hair. He looked unsure, but he eventually nodded and patted Itachi gently on the arm. Itachi took his hand and covered it in kisses, and Daiki finally relaxed.
Suddenly, from the kitchen, you heard the sound of dinner boiling over.
“Oh! Come on Daiki, we have to go and save dinner!” You stood up, picking up your pup as you did.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to do something?” Itachi asked, sitting up slightly.
“Rest.” You stared him into submission, and Itachi reluctantly laid back down. “I can handle everything, trust me.”
Itachi still wasn’t comfortable relinquishing control, but you’d get there. For now, you had a sick omega and a needy pup to tend to.
You pottered around the kitchen, putting away the washing up, while Sasuke diligently took notes on spellcrafting at the kitchen table. You were used to him being around by this point, as he had moved in five months ago to take a magical apprenticeship under Itachi. As you understood it, his parents had encouraged him to stay in their village for his apprenticeship, but Sasuke had insisted that Itachi teach him.
Thankfully he had mellowed out a lot, and now when he threatened to cut off your dick, he was only joking.
At least you hoped he was joking.
Itachi was out today manning the stall in town, which meant you were holding down the fort and looking after Daiki.
The pup in question was currently playing in the garden with Sasuke’s cat, who was just as prickly as him, but had a soft spot for Daiki. At four years old, you were okay to let him play alone as long as he didn’t leave the fenced in section, and you could see him from the kitchen window.
Sasuke sighed, putting down his pen to rub at his temples.
“Having trouble with the spellcraft?”
“No.” He gave you no other information, so you decided to pour him a glass of orange juice as a peace offering and sit down with him. Clearly something was weighing on the teenager.
“Is something wrong, Sasuke?”
“No.” It was a predictable Sasuke response that you didn’t buy for even a second.
You knew that he’d need a bit more prying. “Are you sure?”
Sasuke hesitated. You remained entirely silent as he battled with himself, knowing that any amount of encouragement would only cause him to clam up. Eventually, he spoke, his words coming out slowly. “My father sent me a message.”
“I see.”
“He wants me to come back home, now. He said he’s found me another teacher.”
You nodded, and carefully kept judgement out of your words. “And how does that make you feel?” Sasuke shrugged, playing with the pencil. “You know that you’re always, always welcome here, Sasuke, never doubt that. Even if you decide to stop studying under Itachi, you can always stay here or visit as often as you want.”
Sasuke’s shoulders relaxed and you knew you’d hit the nail on the head. “Okay.”
“Do you want me to tell your father that you’re extending your apprenticeship here?” Sasuke nodded, looked relieved. You gave him an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder, and he relaxed even further.
“Thanks,” he muttered, sipping his orange juice.
“Of course; you’re family.”
Outside, the chickens started squawking, which was your cue to go and grab Daiki, so you left Sasuke at the table and went out into the garden. “Daiki, what did I say about messing with the chickens?”
But it wasn’t Daiki, it was Itachi getting home that had set them all off. He was carrying multiple bags on his shoulders, and he looked incredibly winded. You ran over to grab the bags.
“Are you okay? Come on in.” Itachi panted and followed you inside. He looked completely exhausted; even Sasuke jumped up to help when he saw the state that his brother was in.
“What happened?” Sasuke demanded.
“Nothing, nothing, I’m just winded from the walk.”
“Bullshit!” Sasuke swore, putting a hand on his brother’s forehead. “You shouldn’t be this tired from a thirty-minute walk.”
“Sasuke, don’t swear,” Itachi reprimanded. “I’m just tired, nothing more.”
You raised an eyebrow, grabbing him a glass of water, but making sure he knew that you didn’t believe him. Itachi took the glass gratefully and downed the whole thing.
When it became clear that neither you nor Sasuke would be letting the issue go, Itachi sagged down in his chair.
“It’s nothing, really,” he insisted. “I think—Well, I’m pretty sure I’m tired because—”
“Because I’m pregnant,” he blurted out, looking to you bashfully. “I’m sorry, I was going to tell you soon, I just hadn’t decided how yet.”
“Wha—Really? That’s amazing!” All your previous suspicions were forgotten, and you hugged Itachi tightly, feeling giddy at the amazing news.
Sasuke sent you a suspicious glare, but he had long since made peace with the fact that you and Itachi were having sex as long as he was able to live in denial about it.
You laughed gleefully and covered Itachi’s face with kisses as he giggled. “I guess it’s only me on market duty for the next year then, huh?”
You filled up his glass again. Now that you knew he was pregnant, your instincts were going to remain in ‘overly doting’ mode for the foreseeable future.
“Actually, I was thinking…” Sasuke awkwardly trailed off, scuffing his feet on the ground. “Maybe I could take over some stuff with the market stall. We could open it more days a week then, and you could spend more time on parent duty or whatever. I mean, I still need to study, but I have some free time, and it would bring in some more money.”
You grinned, ruffling Sasuke’s hair. His sheepish expression melted into a petulant pout. “That’s an amazing idea! Seeing as you’re going to be around for at least another six months, it makes a lot of sense! I’ll take you with me a few times until you’re confident doing it alone, okay?”
He rolled his eyes, “It’s not hard.”
Itachi, pregnant and probably incredibly hormonal, burst into tears at the idea that Sasuke living with you would be a more permanent thing.
Sasuke, completely allergic to feelings, promptly fled the room with the excuse that he had to practice a potion, leaving you to delicately wipe Itachi’s tears away.
“I’m happy,” Itachi sobbed into your neck. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too, baby, me too.”
You were incredibly lucky to be able to say that and deeply and truly mean it.
James watched as the human alpha built a home with their children, their mate, their mate’s brother, their mate’s brother’s cat, and seven… turkeys? Something like that, James couldn’t quite remember the word for those tiny creatures.
The human was happy, and bizarrely, that made James feel happy too. The weird burning in her chest subsided, and she was able to close ‘Potions and Magic and Sex, Oh My!’, knowing that her human made the right choice.
It was with a light heart that James left the library to guide more humans, knowing that her human alpha was happy.
If you asked her, the human alpha had more than earnt a happy second life.
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sillyrabbit81 · 1 year
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Prompt: Sleepy & Lazy, Daddy Kink from @myaimlessuniverse (x) Thank you so much for sending the prompt in. Sorry its taken so long.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Word Count: Approx. 600
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink, praise kink, probably some dd/lg vibes (I don't know! maybe!), p in v sex, Sy POV
Authors Note: Hi... Been a while... Probably not what you expected, but I swear I'm working on the Brotherhood, but I also have quite a few of these left so I thought I'd knock one out as a warm up for the smut I'm trying to write in the Brotherhood (the Brotherhood won't have daddy kink in it fyi) I'm not feeling Daddy kink like I used to and so I tried to write this a little different from what I had done before. Fingers crossed! As always I need to thank my amazing mate and reader @nashibirne , your thoughtful and honest comments are always appreciated. I also need to thank @augustsprincess for her reading and suggestions.
It was edited by me, on the fly, there will be errors
Dividers by me.
Celebration Masterlist
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Sy tightens his jaw and he breathes out a ragged curse through his teeth as he slips past your slick, velvet folds and into your silken heat. He watches, enthralled by the utterly carnal vision of himself disappearing inside your impossibly tight core.
“Stop,” you gasp and he peers up at you perched precariously above him. 
Your thighs tremble beneath his hands and it takes everything he has to stop himself from grabbing your hips and sliding your blossoming core all the way down his cock.
“You’re doing so well, babygirl,” he says, dropping his gaze back to the explicit view between your legs. 
You’ve only taken the tip of him inside yourself and already he feels that tingle brewing in the base of his spine. He’s waited so long for you, longer than he ever thought he’d wait for anyone and he could barely stand it.
“Just a little more, I know you can do it.”
“Daddy,” you whimper. “You’re too big.”
He groans as sweat breaks out over his forehead. “Fuck, baby. You’re killin’ me here.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you say, in a voice that quivers as much as your pouty bottom lip.
Sy’s heart breaks and he sits up drawing you to his chest. “Hush. You did so good for me baby. Daddy’s proud of you for tryin’.” 
With the tip of his cock still trapped within your snug pussy, he rocks you slowly, murmuring his sweet praise in your ear as he strokes your hair. His thumb caresses your cheek and he smiles when he feels your soft lips against his pad. His cock pulses inside of you as your plush tongue curls around him and you begin to suck. It doesn’t take long for him to feel your quivering body relax against him. He closes his eyes, content as he feels you hum happily within his arms.
He doesn’t really notice at first, he thinks the soft warmth enveloping his cock must be his imagination. Then he hears you moan.
“Babygirl?” he murmurs, softly.
He looks at your pretty head resting on his shoulder. You look almost asleep, your eyes seem to have trouble focussing and you’re still sucking hard on his thumb. But then you sigh and nuzzle into his neck while you roll your hips and there’s no doubt about it, you’re slowly sinking lower onto his cock.
“That’s my girl,” he growls into your ear. “That my good fuckin’ girl.”
Sy clenches his jaw to keep himself in check, each moment you rock your hips and take more of him into you is the most exquisite torture he’s ever had. 
“Am I doing good, Daddy?” you ask, hesitantly, dropping his thumb from your mouth.
He’s trembling as much as you were earlier. He has no idea how you can’t see how much you’re affecting him, that you can’t see that in this moment he’d give you everything, anything, just for a little bit more of your sweet pussy.
“So good baby,” he groans. “But don’t stop, Daddy needs more.”
He has to lay down, he has to see his thickness stretch you open. He holds your hips firmly, keeping you in place as he falls back to the bed. His mouth falls open as he watches the last of his cock vanish and your bodies completely fuse. 
He can’t hold it back, that orgasm that threatened from the start tore through his spine and his hips bucked up from the mattress. His eyes force themselves shut as hot pulses surge through him and even though he can’t see anymore, the image of your bodies finally together is burned into his psyche.
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960 notes · View notes
elsweetheart · 1 year
texts with dealer!ellie
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🎀 e stands for ellie r stands for reader ! wasn’t feeling good today but wanted to still post a lil somethin !! pretty short n silly <3 weed mention + sexually suggestive fyi minors dni as usual
e: Come over
r: :( stop i want to but i’m studying
e: Come study this strap
e: Sorry
e: No but really I miss you
r: 😀
e: Personally… I think you could do with the stress relief
e: I got a pretty blunt with your name on it
r: i feel bad for coming round and smoking your weed with you for free … it’s bad for ur business !
r: have you ever considered tht the weed doesn’t want to be smoked ??
e: Blunts like to be smoked. They like it
r: ellieee :( you’re distracting me i’m supposed to be working but now i wanna come overrr :(( miss you :((
e: So come over baby
e: The textbook will still be there tomorrow you know
r: so will the weed 🤨
e: Not if I have anything to do with it
r: don’t threaten the weed
e: What can I do to get you over here pretty girl
r: stop calling me pretty girl cos it’s working :(
e: 📢📢📢 PRETTY GIRL 📢📢📢
r: :((
r: i won’t be much fun if i come over … i’m sleepy and grouchy
e: Idc
e: How about this
e: You come over
e: Smoke a little weed
e: Eat a little pizza
e: Watch a movie
e: And then you can just lay there and let me make you cum for me until you tap out
e: Won’t need to move a muscle pretty girl, just lay there and let me take the stress away
r: ellie :(((((
e: Come on baby I’ll even come and pick you up
r: kay :(( come and get me
e: Good girl, be there in 10
r: 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
e: Funny girk
e: Girl* 🙁
r: girk
e: Shut up, on my way
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hannieehaee · 7 months
a svt reaction to their latina girlfriend doing the anitta challenge "envolver" and them getting turned up pleasee 😭🤭
reaction to latina gf doing 'envolver' tiktok challenge
content: smut/suggestive, afab reader, reader suggested to be latina, etc.
wc: 1183
a/n: agsjsks thank u sm for requesting this was so fun to write <3 also fyi im latina just in case anyone comes for me 😭
seungcheol -
you wouldn't even be able to finish lmao. he would immediately shut it down, wanting to see you dance for him but not being able to hold himself back from literally jumping you. would ask you to move your hips again like that for him as he ground against you right on the floor.
jeonghan -
you know how big his eyes get when he's shocked? they'd be twice as wide upon realizing what you were doing. at first he thought you were kidding, maybe doing a bit. he would've teased you a little bit until realizing what you were actually doing. would be completely wordless at what was playing out in front of him. this would be one of the very few times you could catch yoon jeonghan off guard. the night would end with him dragging you to your room, whispering at you to give him a little show again, this time a little closer so he could pay extra attention.
joshua -
would jokingly gasp when he first realized what you were doing, but would then simply smirk at you as you danced for him. he would feel a sense of pride at seeing his pretty girl dance for him, internally going crazy at the way in which you lowly sang the lyrics at him as you moved your hips in ways that had his eyes glued to your form, afraid of missing even a single movement. by the time you were done, he would guide you over to his lap, smirking as he kissed at your neck and questioned you about your little show, asking if you'd give him a closer demonstration of it.
jun -
would laugh awkwardly the moment he saw your suggestive outfit, feeling way too hot at the mere sight. he'd gulp the moment he caught sight of what you were about to do. he'd seen the challenge at some point or other while browsing tiktok, maybe having had the fleeing thought of his own girlfriend doing something like that. never would've imagined you'd do it without any type of convincing from him. would try and pretend to be unaffected for a total for three seconds before audibly moaning at the sight, completely out of breath by the time you were done.
soonyoung -
would absolutely lose his mind. he'd start off by cheering for you and hyping you up, but the more you went on with it, the quieter he would get. it was almost as if he had a moment of realization. by the end of it he would be completely mute, staring at you as if you'd just ascended from heaven. would not know how to move on from there and would need you to make the first move after that.
wonwoo -
just completely caught off guard. when you told him you had a little something to show him, he assumed you meant a video or something, not you sensually grinding against the floor while you gave him your best 'fuck me' eyes. would have to hold himself back from grabbing you off the floor and throwing you on the couch to fuck you stupid. would let you have your fun for a bit before actually picking you up and making you grind on him instead.
jihoon -
you'd never seen such a shade of red before. the look on his face had been one of the cutest things you'd ever seen. he'd be absolutely shocked by you dancing so provocatively for him. the pretty red dress hugging your curves accompanied by matching red lipstick would not help matters. you wouldve covered all bases and he would not have been prepared for such a targeted attack. would beg you to please do it again and again as he leaned back and took care of himself before ultimately getting you to sit on his dick and show him the choreo all over again.
dokyeom -
very very scandalized. would start yelling, surprised at you so suddenly dragging him to the living room to show him your dance. would only be shocked for a few moments before he started hyping you up, vocalizing how pretty and amazing you looked. would beg you afterwards to please take him to your room and show him again.
mingyu -
would go crazy. literally. would start howling at you, whistling as you ground your hips right in front of him. would probably get so excited that his girl is giving him such a good show he'd even try and sing along to the lyrics in spanish, completely butchering them as he kept his eyes glued to the movement of your hips. would wait until you finished to pick you up and throw you on the bed, whispering in your ear asking if you'd grind your hips against him like that as he fucked you into the mattress.
minghao -
another member who would be left breathless and wordless at your actions. would not know how to react at first, simply staring at you with wide eyes. after a few seconds he'd begin to enjoy the show, sitting back and paying attention to your movements. would even begin hyping you up, proud of his girl for being so skilled at it. would end up interrupting you, though, dragging you over to him and wanting to put you in your place for catching him so off-guard, not letting him enjoy your show to its full extent.
seungkwan -
absolutely scandalized at first. what is his baby doing? why are you looking at him like you wanna eat him? why are you getting on the floor? why are you- oh .. oh! would instantly enter sub mode, watching you with lidded eyes and a heavy breath as you sensually ground your hips against the floor. you wouldn't even be able to finish the dance before he began begging you to please do that on top of him.
vernon -
would be confused as to why you sat him down and cleared the coffee table from the way. would begin to understand the moment you let the music start playing, watching you as you sang along to the words and sensually swayed to it at first before beginning to do the dance to the challenge. eyes would be glued to your ass as you ground against the floor. you singing in spanish would only add an extra layer of attraction for vernon. would need you to come take care of him immediately after or he'd lose his mind.
chan -
no thoughts head empty. would just sit there in absolute awe of you. he knew you knew how to move your hips, but this was something he'd never seen you do before. the eyes you were giving him as you did it also did not help the situation. even if you only did it for a few seconds, he'd be terrified he'd bust a nut at just the sight. as a dancer, he'd seen women dance provocatively before many times, but this was different. this was you!! you'd eventually have to put him out of his misery trance by taking care of him.
336 notes · View notes
pretty-circa006 · 3 days
I guess your bio clearly states you write for Negan, but it doesn't explicitly state you write only for Negan. So I'm thinking I should just ask. Are you open to writing a dadsbsf!Rick and dadsbsf!Negan x reader fic, they have a rivalry and are always trying to one up eachother to get in the readers good graces, but little do they know you already want them (both) and you get them (both). Ik this isn't something you normally write and it's totally fine with multiple partners. But you're clearly a great writer and I just had to ask. It's totally fine you don't take this request or even ignore it. But if you were to write could do something with an age gap and a minx reader and mean Rick and Negan but only during steamy, but otherwise they sprinkle their lives on you.(Maybe this could be series or something it doesn't have to be oneshot and you could your time exploring the idea, idk why I'm so passionate about this lol)
Thanks, for hearing me out, believe me ik this a tall order. Again it's totally fine if you ignore this!!!
P.s idk why I added the photos I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭(them trying to mark their territory trying to make the other back off of you???)
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dadsbsf! Negan x F! Reader x dadsbsf! Rick
summary Negan and Rick are over at your house, joining your dad for a game of poker. tags gambling, mentions of smoking and alcohol consumption, age gap (reader is college aged and Rick and Negan are kinda old...like late 40s early 50s?)
wc 2.3k
note i really liked this request and i hope i interpreted it correctly, if not, i sincerely apologize! just fyi, i plan on making this multiple parts, which is why there's no smut....YET! :P
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
She loves summer. It's more so what comes with it, rather than the season itself. Being back home from college and finally having her own space in her own room and her own bathroom with her own shower. Most of all, she loves the late nights in her backyard, swimming in the pool beneath the bright stars, cicadas buzzing and crickets chirping in the background. 
Tonight's one of those nights. The dark, starry, cloudless sky accompanies her she floats on her back around the pool, enjoying the peace of the summer night. All she's missing is a nice midnight snack. The warm, humid nighttime air feels good against her wet skin as she climbs out the pool. She forgot to bring a towel with her when she came out earlier, but that doesn't matter since she's getting right back in anyway. Barefoot, she saunters across the soft grass to the sliding glass door that leads into her house. 
"Honey, where's your towel? You're dripping all over the floor," her dad complains as soon as she steps inside. Feeling the freezing air conditioning on her wet body also has her wishing she brought a towel. 
"Sorry, I forgot, but I..." She trails off, finally noticing that her dad isn't alone and that he's at the dining room table with his best friends, Rick and Negan, in the middle of a game of poker. 
"Hi, Rick...Negan," she awkwardly greets, folding her arms over her chest, suddenly feeling naked in front of the two. 
"I'll be right back, gonna go grab her a towel," her dad explains, excusing himself from the table. 
"Late night swim?" Negan teases while shamelessly eyeing the freezing girl's half-naked body. Her face grows hot as she feels his hazel eyes undressing what little clothing she has on. 
"Why don' you join us for a game?" Rick suggests with a pat to the seat beside him. 
"But I dunno how to play." Despite this, she takes the seat anyway. Rick pulls the chair closer to him until he can't anymore. 
"I'ma teach ya how." This earns a scoff from Negan. 
"Doll, you don't want this fuckin' prick teachin' ya how to play poker." 
"This comin' from the idiot who lost five hundred dollars last time we played," Rick fires back. Negan rolls his eyes and flips him the bird. 
She bursts into a fit of giggles at their rivalry. "I think I'll stick with Rick. I don't have much money to lose." 
Her dad finally comes back into the room, towel in hand. He tosses it at her and it lands over her head like a ghost costume. 
"Hey!" she huffs as she fixes the towel properly around her shoulders. Her father just huffs a laugh at her plight. 
"Rick's gonna teach me how to play poker," she tells her dad excitedly. He grimaces which earns a snicker from Negan. 
"If ya want any chance at winnin', you'll have your ol' man to teach ya, but hey," he raises his hands in mock surrender before taking his seat. 
“I’m stickin' with Rick.” Rick gives her a soft smile and places his large hand on her thigh. Shivers run down her spine, and she’s sure it’s not from the air conditioning. 
“You can jus’ watch this game and we’ll deal you into the next.” She nods in agreement and leans over Rick’s shoulder to look at his cards -a three of clubs and a three of spades-, ignoring the water droplets dripping from her hair onto his shirt, but he doesn’t seem to mind either. She has no idea what’s going on since she joined in mid-game, but by the looks of everyone’s faces…she still can’t tell what’s going. Her father’s face is blank and Negan’s has an air of mischief to it, but then again, it almost always does. Rick looks calm as his eyes move from his cards to the three that lie in the table’s center. 
“Wha’s goin’ on?” She whispers in his ear. He leans down to her level and explains to her that the three cards in the middle are the flop and that things are looking good for him. She nods and leans closer to get a better look. The three men all slide more chips into pile. Negan reveals another card next to the three, which Rick informs her is called the turn. They bet again and Negan reveals one last card - the river, Rick tells her- before they all reveal their hands. 
“Two pair,” her dad dejectedly reveals. 
“Three of a kind,” comes Negan’s reveal. 
“Full house,” Rick calls out smugly as he takes the pile of chips
“See, I knew Rick was gonna win!” She cheers, causing the two other men to groan in annoyance. Rick squeezes her thigh, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Negan who’s glaring daggers at the blue eyed man. 
“You playin’ this round, hon?” Her dad asks, shuffling the cards. She happily agrees and deals her in. 
“Ya sure ya wanna stick with Rick? He was just fuckin’ lucky last round,” Negan bargains. 
“Lucky and four hundred dollars richer! I’m stickin’ by him.” Rick flashes Negan the smuggest look ever before wrapping his arm around her, pulling her closer. 
“Got my good luck charm right here.” 
“See if you get so lucky this time ‘round,” her dad challenges as he deals out two cards to each player. She looks at her cards, still not fully sure on how to play. She slides in a chip alongside everyone else, which Rick explains is the ante. Her dad reveals the flop and she looks from it to her own cards, not knowing what plays she has, if any. She glances over at Rick who’s immersed in his own cards. 
“Rick, what do I do?” She whispers. 
“C’mere, I’ll help ya out,” he offers with a pat to his lap. She climbs onto his lap from her own chair, leaving her towel behind. Her dad doesn’t bat an eye. Rick is one of his best friends, basically a brother to him, and in turn like family. At least that’s the way he sees it, like a simple loving action between good family friends. 
But Rick can hardly focus on either of their cards. Having her on his lap is distracting. Her plush ass sits directly on top of his crotch and he can feel himself getting hard as she shifts around to get comfortable. If she can feel it too, she doesn’t move away or say anything. He rests his chin on her shoulder as he looks at her cards -an eight of diamonds and an eight of hearts- his beard prickling against her soft skin. 
“See that eight of spades on the table, you’re close to havin’ a four of a kind,” he whispers. 
“Is that good?” 
“Very.” Nobody’s looking, so he presses a quick kiss to her shoulder. She stifles a giggle at the ticklish sensation of his beard against her skin. They all bet again and the next card is revealed. She shifts around excitedly once she sees another eight on the table.
“Keep still, sweetheart,” Rick warns, growing harder in his pants. She doesn’t say anything, but Rick can see her shoulders shake with more stifled laughter. Everyone places another bet before the river is revealed and they all show their hands. 
“Full house,” Negan says as he reveals his cards. 
“Flush,” her dad reveals. 
“Two pair,” Rick shows his hand. 
“Four of a kind,” she apprehensively says, showing her own hand. 
“Maybe she is some kinda goddamn good luck charm,” Negan grunts. 
“Did I win?” She asks, noticing the proud but somehow simultaneously disappointed faces around the table. 
“You did, sweetheart, good job!” Rick says, hugging her from his position behind her. She gets up and presses a quick kiss to his cheek, dangerously close to his lips before skipping into the kitchen. 
“That was fun, but I’ma head back to the pool now.” Negan watches her struggle to reach a snack in one of the cabinets. She jumps a few times, her ass jiggling a bit each time she lands. He stands up and joins her in the kitchen, watching her pathetically try a few more times before standing behind her and effortlessly grabbing the bag of chips. He even opens it  before handing them to her. 
“T-thanks,” she says turning to face him and taking the bag. Her whole body feels like it’s on fire as she stares up at him. He’s standing so close to her, basically pinning her against the counter. His tongue glides across his bottom lip as he hungrily eyes her up and down, eyes lingering on her tits that her bikini top could hardly contain. 
“You’re welcome.” She doesn’t know what to say or even if she should say anything. Her eyes wander down to his strong arms that are folded across his chest, his tattoos on full display. She bites her lip when her eyes graze over the slight bulge in his pants. She can’t tell if he’s hard or just big, but either way she desperately needs to take a dip in the pool to cool the heat building up inside of her. 
“I’m gonna go back out now, bye!” She slips away from him and hurries out to the backyard before jumping into the pool. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆
She had about thirty minutes alone until she hears the sliding glass door open. Out comes Rick in nothing but his swimming trunks and a beer in hand. He doesn't seem to see her as he makes his way to the hot tub. He gets in, letting out a sigh of relief as he feels the hot water relaxing his muscles. He rests his arms around the ledge and tilts his head back, relaxing and the sight is delicious. She climbs out the pool and carefully steps into the hot water beside Rick. 
"Hey darlin'," Rick greets once she's sitting beside him. 
"What're you still doin' here? Isn't it past midnight?" she asks. 
"Me 'n Negan wanted the hot tub for a bit, but your old man's done for the night." 
"Oh. Okay." She's looking at Rick in a way he can't decipher. Her eyes hungrily trail across his body as she scoots closer and suddenly, she's in Rick's lap like before. 
"I can still sit here, right?" 
"Of course," he reassures, his hands resting on her thighs, fidgeting with the waistband of her bikini bottoms. He rests his chin on her shoulder, just relaxing and enjoying the feeling of her against him. 
The sliding glass door opens again, a jarring interruption to their peace. She flinches, scared one of her parents were about to come out and see her and Rick in a compromising position, but Rick, seeing that it's only Negan, holds her tighter. He joins them in the hot tub with a beer in hand and cigar between his lips. In nothing but his swim trunks, his hairy chest and tattoos are on full display, taking all of her attention away from Rick. If looks could kill, Negan would have murdered Rick with his hazel colored death glare. The tension in the hot tub is so thick, it's almost suffocating. Negan being there somehow makes her feel guilty for being so close to Rick, but leaving his lap isn't something she wants to do either.
"Hey, Negan," she says in a weak attempt to relieve the tension and kill the awkward silence. 
"Hey doll," he takes a drag from the cigar before blowing out the smoke, "congrats on winnin' your very first poker game." 
"Thanks...couldn'ta done it without Rick, really." She subconsciously leans further into Rick and he presses a few scratchy kisses to her shoulder and the back of her neck. Negan rolls his eyes at both her and Rick. 
"C'mere," he commands with a come hither motion. She swallows nervously, looking from man to man. Rick can feel that she wants to get up so he unravels his arms from her waist so she can, which she does, albeit apprehensively. Even though he didn't tell her to, she sits on Negan's lap, her cunt right atop his growing boner, the only barriers between them being his swim trunks and her bikini bottoms. His beard tickles the side of her face as he leans down to whisper in her ear.
Rick watches the two with an intense gaze, almost as if he was daring Negan to try something with his girl. Negan's arms are around her now as he whispers something in her ear. Rick is sure he's just talking shit  but jealousy still twinges in his chest. 
"Anything that asshole thinks he can teach ya, I can do it better," Negan whispers. Rick sees her giggling and she turns her head to whisper something back to him. 
"Yeah? Then why'd ya lose both games earlier?" she teases. He lets out a laugh which catches Rick's attention. His blue eyes glare daggers at Negan who only spares him a smug glance. 
"Didn't wanna embarrass poor Rick over here by beating his ass in front of ya," he says loud enough for Rick to hear. His voice returns to a whisper. "As for the other game...you just got pretty damn lucky." 
"Mmhmm sure," she replies sarcastically with an eye roll. She stands up and wades her way to the hot tub's stairs. 
"G'nite y'all," she wishes them as she exits the tub. 
"Goin' to bed already? Night's just started?" Negan complains, already missing having her on his lap. 
"It's almost three in the mornin'," Rick comments looking at his watch. "Night, sweetheart!" 
"See you both at the barbecue tomorrow!" She blows them both a kiss before skipping off toward the house. She can feel their gazes boring into her, particularly her ass as she does so. 
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melissa-kenobi · 5 months
[PS5 Peter Parker x Reader/PS5 Harry Osborn x Reader]
A/N: just a lil blurb, super cute 🥺. FYI, Peter, Harry and Reader are in a relationship. MJ is best friends with them all. Also I'm not a science nerd, idk shit about science so this may be scientifically incorrect lol
Summary: You try to figure out the missing element.
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"So if I multiply the radius by- " The sound of your voice echoes through the labs at the Foundation, as you experiment with the different formulas.
"Why is it still yellow?" You mutter slightly annoyed and to no-one in particular, throwing away your attempt.
"No, maybe I should try etat- no, or maybe tri- " There was a pattern to it but you couldn't see it at all, maybe you had missed something. You continued talking to yourself, jotting away your idea. Then you went back to the computer and typed away at it before putting in another trial run.
You were so into your little experiment, you hadn't realised Peter had walked in, eyes curious as he placed a hand on your lower back, "Hey, why don't you try the- "
"Ah- you scared me, Pete! But yes, that's a good idea. Maybe it'll balance the acidity of it out." You jump at his touch but suddenly jump back into scientist mode as he gives you a brilliant suggestion. "You're a genius, Pete!"
"Wait!" Peter says, but it's too late. The compounds reject and cause a small reaction. A small cloud of black fluff poofed into your face, making you blink as stared at Pete, who was trying not to laugh at you.
"Okay, maybe not." You freeze before jotting down some notes on your failed attempt. There was a little bit of smoke on your face, which Peter came over and rubbed off before kissing your cheek. "You're too cute."
"No time for cuteness, Mr Parker, onto Trial No.2." You wink at him.
Harry had been watching your little nerdy moment with heart eyes, and mushy feeling in his chest, and when Peter had turned up, he wasn't sure he could be even more in love with the both of you than he already was. Harry felt his heart burst with adoration, and he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle when Peter accidentally bumped into you but apologised with a little kiss on your lips.
"Hey, what you doing up here all alone?" MJ walked up as she hip bumped Harry. He let out a little laugh and gave her a hug before turning her around to see the two of you.
"Ah. Creeping on your girlfriend and boyfriend I see..." MJ teases him.
He rolls his eyes good-naturedly, "Don't they look so cute, being all nerdy and shit? I mean, look at y/n. She was so focused that she didn't even notice Peter come in.."
MJ guffaws loudly, cutting Harry off, "You are so whipped for them!"
Harry shoves her lightly, then gives her the middle finger- making MJ laugh even louder, but he continues to watch you and Pete happily.
Harry finally walked over to the two of you, cuddling you from being as he placed a kiss on Peter's cheek, making Peter blush deep red. You glanced at Peter, ready to tease him, but Harry placed a kiss on your lips, making you blush too.
Peter looked at you with a grin, before a look of realisation passed over him as he looked at your face, making it click for you too.
Red. It was a deep red.
"Rubidium!" The two of you chimed in response, all of it clicking together. You both pull away from Harry as he looks at you two dumbfounded.
"Of course!" You say as you looked at Peter, who made a 'doh' face and gestured that you two were idiots for not realising it sooner. You ran quickly to grab some and added it to the container. The rubidium instantly neutralised the colour of it, making both you and Peter 'woah' in sync. "It actually worked!"
"Harry Osborn, you are a genius!" Peter grinned.
"We needed our third element, didn't we Pete?" You giggled as Harry pulled the two of you into a hug, the three of you all cuddling.
"I love you, my two nerds..." Harry laughs, his smile warm and content.
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kyurizeu · 1 year
#9 - Need help? (Im)possibly fate
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Previous - masterlist - next
Warnings: SMUT!!!!! ; fingering, hickeys, praises, kisses, groping + its not proofread
A/n: fyi if you were not aware that this series will contain smut ITS ALWAYS BEEN IN MY IMP FATE INFO!!! Also tysm everyone who r supporting me rn w my 500 special but i’m sadly very bust with asks and other stuff irl so i cannot answer my asks atm!! Apologies mlvs<3
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It had been a good while after getting the amazing idea to collab with Jungwon. Before you even knew it you were sitting on a couch in the recording studio, watching through the glass wall as Jungwon was recording some lines. You were going over your own lines and warming up your voice until you heard Jungwon come out of the room. “Your turn!” He patted your head softly. “Mmhm.. but after i’m done with my lines we have to record the part where we sing at the same time” You got up fixing your skirt and reminding him.
“Oh yeah… i’m gonna go get some coffee, do you want some??” You nodded and mumbled a quiet thank you before closing the door.
“Y/n you have to record some adlibs too… are you okay with changing the ‘aa yeah’ with something else?” Your producer and mixer was talking to you..
“What would i change it to?”
“I’m not sure if it’ll feel weird, but i was thinking that you could add some more extra suggestive elements into your voice. I was thinking that the background could be more sexy yk..?”
“Sexy?? Like how?”
“Instead of ‘aa yeah” you would kind of moan it instead of singing it with a melody”
“Oh okay…”
“Let’s compare… sing now”
to be honest.. you were kind of uncomfortable moaning into a microphone in front of your producer.
“Okay that was alright… you get the point but now you know what kind of style i want for the song so when your alone you can record these easier when your comfortable”
You recorded some parts and after 30 minutes the producer left and you decided to keep recording alone to improve some lines. Just as you were recording your adlibs Jungwon came back, holding two ice lattes in his hands.
“Oh am i… interrupting something?” He laughed after hearing you literally moan.
“Oh no!! Umh haha the producer told me to record some of these adlibs like that..”
“I see.. i can leave i’m sorry”
“No it’s okay you can be here”
“Can i help with recording? I can go set the record button and help you choose the parts, that way you won’t take so long”
“S-sure thanks”
The fuck were you supposed to do now..? Record a fucking moan and make him choose from them?! Shit fuvk no.
“Just.. pick up where you left off! Let me know when to press record!”
You nodded and got ready already feeling embarrassed.
“Alright ready”
‘Got me- got me in a tight grip~ ah yeah”
You saw from the corner of your eye as Jungwons face got redder and eyes got wider.. he turned to you and you took off your headphones. “I-Is this weird..?” You asked him letting out an embarrassed chuckle. “No, But are you feeling a little uncomfortable ? You seem tense”
He tilted his head a little and smirked. “Well… umh. I guess it’s just a bit weird..”
He was grinning from ear to ear now.. you wanted to hit him on his shoulder so bad. That teasing son of a bitch. “I just feel weird trying to moan in front of.. someone..” you said quietly keeping your eyes on the paper in front of you avoiding his intense eye contact. “Need help?” His smirk was growing judging by his voice tone. You instantly snapped your head towards him in shock. “W-what?” You felt your ears turn red and you laughed nervously. “Need my help?”
Bold. Wow.
“W-what do you mean?”
He got up from his chair and came into the recording booth. As soon as his tall figure entered the room you felt like an ant next to him. He was stepping towards you, keeping his eyes on you staring down at you and smirking. “I know you understand” he was really close to you now. “I’m not sure i do…” you gulped nervously. “Oh I’m sure you do.” He pinned you against the wall.
You two kept intense eye contact for almost 10 seconds before his eyes traveled to stare at your lips and soon he crashed his lips onto yours.
Holy fuck…
His lips were practically devouring yours and his hands rested on your jawline, pulling your face closer to his. He tasted sweet and a little like ice latte (i wonder why).
“I assume that was a yes..?” He smirked against your already swollen lips before lowering his lips down your jawline. “Y-yeah…” your breathy voice was shaking as you felt him nibble at the skin on your neck making your stomach tingle. He left a trail of kisses on your neck before he stood up straight again and his hands groped your boobs roughly. You let out a moan from the sudden sensation which made him glance down at you and smirk. “Thats it, just like that” his hands ran down from your chest to your upper thighs leaving you uncomfortably wet and needy. “What do you want?” He looked deep into your eyes. Such a tease. “I.. want you to touch me” feeling a little embarrassed by your own words you avoided his intense gaze. “What was that sweetie?” SWEETIE?!
“I wa-want you to touch… me” you said a little louder now. “Where exactly?” His face was inching closer to yours again with his signature smirk still stuck on it. His hands we’re travelling slowly towards your core, playing with the hem of your skirt as he lifted your face towards his by your chin making you gulp nervously. Soon his slender index finger pressed against your dampened panties right on top of your sensitive clit, making you let out a high pitched whimper. “here?” He tilted his head with a grin. “Y-ye-“ You didn’t get to finish your sentence before his fingers came in contact with your wet folds. He rubbed his fingers up and down adoring the way your face scrunched up when he hit a sweet spot. “Look so cute for me” he gave you a peck on your cheek and lifted your other leg up to rest on his arm pushing two digits in. “a-angh…” breathy moans and whimpers left your lips as he kept making small hickeys on your neck and chest. His fingers we’re speeding up each time he pumped them in and out. He curled his fingers upwards and his thumb rubbed against your clit, making your brows furrow and lips part a lot to let out the loudest moan. Your walls clenched repeatedly around his digits and your moans were faster and louder. “You cumming?” He picked up the pace and rubbed your clit faster and faster. “Y-yes jung-…won” you blabbered his name over and over again as you came down from your high slowly. When you came back to your full senses you felt his lips all over your face, softly giving you french kisses everywhere. “So good for me… so so good for me” he grabbed both sides of your cheeks squeezing them as he cooed at you. “Gosh i’ve wanted to kiss you for so long” he smiled and gave you one last passionate kiss.
“See? I’m a professional producer”
He played the recording and you nudged at his arm annoyed. “No way were using that!” “Well see what the producers think” he grinned. “Shut up”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
@harperwasstaken1 @strwberrydinosaur @letapostropheesgo @yngwife @choqolei @ddeonmixx @j-wyoung @xiaoderrrr @vivibelov3d @ablackbtsstan @chaechae-23 @vizstars @tlnyjoong @ahnneyong
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trying different types of kissing with scaramouche?💔 like forehead, neck kisses, hand or anything at all....
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It's sweet, and he would always find himself getting tingly in the chest. He's cheeks would flare up red, and he would throw back a snarky reply, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks away.
"That wasn't necessary."
When you kiss and pamper his neck with kisses in bed, he becomes flustered and his breath hitches. Add a little tongue to the mix and he'll be blushing and sensitive mess. He'll scoff and let you kiss his neck, (not so) secretly enjoying the sensation of you lips against his neck.
"I didn't say you can stop, did I?"
It happened when you both were just having another little walk together, when you (not so) suddenly pull his hand to your lips, giving a peck to his knuckles while smiling against them. Scara just looked at you with his cheeks heating up.
"I was supposed to do that to you, not the other way around.."
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It just took him by surprise, he just stood there trying to process what the hell happened and then he scoffed and brushed it by giving you a kiss on the cheek too. He was secretly squealing inside but you didn't need to know that.
"You're.. surprisingly sweet."
Behind His Neck
You snake your arms around him, pulling him into your embrace as you press your lips against the back of his neck, peppering it in warm kisses as Scara stopped what he was doing. His cheeks flared up, he rolled his eyes and continue on what he was doing. He likes it, but he'll never tell you.
"Since when you were so affectionate??"
His face would burn up red, and he'll push you off, only with you to press your lips against his collarbone again. It's not like he can say no to you, not when you're kissing and peppering him in kisses like this.
"You're insufferable.."
Ah, yes. His favorite. He loves to kiss you on the lips, and you do too! He would steal kisses from you without you knowing, and you would do the same. He loves your lips (especially around his cock) because of how kissable they are. There would be a time where you kissed him so good, he was left there processing the feeling of your lips against his.
"Since when were you such a good kisser?!"
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Game Night
Note: just another silly little fic that turned out longer than planned. Also; I use the terms geek and nerd here in a way that some may find rude, but it's written from readers perspective, and not my own, just fyi. 
Warnings: 18+, smut/fluff.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: a game night turned steamy. 
wordcount: 3,1k
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Osferth was without a doubt the biggest nerd you knew, but also one of your best friends regardless of how much of a geek he was. He always told you about the latest card game he had scored or that sick new board game that just got on the market. You didn't care much for it but always let him ramble on. And now, after years of begging, he had finally persuaded you to come to one of his game nights, which he held weekly in his basement. You knew he had several friends who participated in the games and shared Osferth's enthusiasm, but you had never met any of them and only heard of some by name. You figured them to be just as passionate as Osferth, and probably less good looking than your best friend too, because he may be a huge nerd, but he was a handsome one and even you couldn't deny that. His dating game was quite good and you knew he saw multiple ladies at once sometimes, which was a big turn off for you and withheld you from even entertaining the thought of dating him. Thus you were more like brother and sister.
The main reason why you had agreed to join one of the game nights was so Osferth would finally stop nagging about it, and you were curious what was so interesting about those games anyway and what actually happens during those famous nights. You were also curious about his friends, and fully expected them to be the stereotypical nerdy dudes who still didn't know deodorant is a thing they could use, and you thought they would probably make for good gossip material with your girlfriends. 
But you couldn't have been more wrong. 
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You were greeted by three handsome men, who were seated on separate couches around the large table in Osferth's dimly lit basement. You were introduced to Finan first, an Irishman with dark hair and a good beard, who gave you a flirty wink upon meeting. Up next was a guy named Uhtred, who's accent you couldn't quite place, but with his long locks tied back and the sides shaved he was pleasant to the eye, and he flashed a friendly smile. Lastly your eyes landed on Sihtric, who was immediately intrigued by your presence, which didn't go unnoticed by Osferth, and the pretty dark-haired boy with the bold haircut perked up as he eyed you up and down with a curious smile. Just as you wanted to make a positive remark about his half shaved cut, you were interrupted when an older man rushed down the stairs onto the basement, panting while he apologised for being later than usual. You learned that the man who had joined the party was named Pyrlig, and he announced that, 'The brothers are coming.'
Shortly after Pyrlig's announcement you heard the sound of heavy boots stomping down the stairs along with a howling laughter, and that's how you were introduced to the brothers Erik and Sigefrid, who were clearly the life of the party, and with them the group was complete for the night. Everyone had taken their regular seat while you still stood awkwardly as you took everything in; the massive boardgame upon the table, the deck of cards next to it and the multiple dice along with enough booze and snacks to last a whole week. You also took notice of the lack of women and, being the only lady, you felt a little nervous. Osferth came up to you and told you to just pick a seat and join the table, promising the game wasn't hard to understand, but you protested at the suggestion of playing.
'But I don't know this game… I'd rather just watch,' you chuckled nervously, 'I can sit back there,' you pointed towards a couch in the corner.
'Don't be silly,' Osferth smiled, 'join us, you can just tag along with one of the guys.'
You shrugged lightly and reluctantly agreed, then asked who you should tag along with as you looked at the few empty spaces left, contemplating your options. The only couch that had no space left was that one the brothers sat on, which was a relief because the one named Sigefrid was pretty loud… and drunk. Osferth hadn't forgotten about Sihtric's interest upon seeing you, and it was hard to forget as the handsome stranger kept eyeing you up, so Osferth nonchalantly cocked his head towards his friend. A visible disappointment appeared on the face of each man in the room when you made your way over to Sihtric, apart from Osferth and Sihtric himself. Osferth had never been romantically interested in you, so he didn't care where you sat and, naturally, Sihtric flashed a cocky smile toward the others as you sat down next to him. Everyone made peace with the decision merely a split second later, and their regular chatter and laughter filled the room again while you got comfortable.
Sihtric leaned in immediately and held out his hand, 'I didn't quite catch your name, darling,' he lied with a warm and low voice.
You felt your cheeks heat up and repeated your name as you took the hand of your gaming partner for the night.
'Beautiful name,' Sihtric smiled and kissed the back of your hand, while his mismatched eyes remained locked with yours, 'for a beautiful lady.'
You giggled softly and waved off the compliment, but the damage had already been done. Sihtric's eyes lingered on you after he had let go of your hand. He placed his arm on the backrest of the couch, around your shoulders without touching, and he then sat back, relaxed while manspreading. You swallowed hard and checked him out from the corner of your eyes, as he casually drunk beer from a bottle while Osferth tried to get everyone's attention so the game could start.
Your eyes were pleased with the sight of the man on your left, who was dressed in all black; black boots, black skinny jeans with a black leather belt, and half buttoned up black blouse on top. His dark facial hair matched his dark eyeliner, and the few scars on his pretty face didn't bother you. You found it hard to believe that this guy, who was quite intimidating with his good looks and visible tattoos, was as much of a dork as your friend was. 
Everyone listened when Osferth spoke to the group, except you, because you were too busy distinguishing what Sihtric smelled like. Your conclusion was that he smelled like cedarwood and amber, accompanied by a hint of mint and the faint smell of cigarettes. And then, as if to nudge you out of your thoughts, Sihtric bumped his knee lightly against yours, which made you look up at him. He winked with a sly smile after having earned your attention, and you knew you were in for an interesting night.
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About two hours had passed since the game got kicked off, and you still had no idea what was going on at the table. You had witnessed grown men argue, trying to cheat, curse at each other, and you were sure some of them kicked each other under the table every now and then too. It was an eventful sight and it looked like the game was still far from over. You didn't mind it though, because the pretty boy next to you had scooted closer not long after the game had started, to show you the cards he was to keep hidden from the others. According to Sihtric he was in a good position, for he held important parts of land and had an army closing in on the other gamers. And despite the fact you had no real idea of what his cards meant, you were impressed anyway for some inexplicable reason.
Sihtric seemed smart and patient during the game, despite the rash decisions he can make in real life, as he had told you, and he leaned in closer every now and then to discuss what his next move on the board should be. You loved the fact that he tried to include you, and that despite the fact your advice was useless or simply non-strategic, he never stopped discussing the options with you. You also enjoyed how he had smoothly lowered his arm off the backrest, and eventually rested nonchalantly around your neck, while you had placed your hand on his thigh under the wooden table, out of sight for everyone else.
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As the hours passed by and the game progressed steadily, the rivals of your game partner became more and more drunk, until a petty argument broke out and everyone was accused of cheating. Osferth desperately tried to calm the competing men, while Sihtric just threw his cards on the table and dedicated his full attention to you, for there was no saving that game anymore. Sihtric wasn't drunk, perhaps a little tipsy, but the others were so far gone they couldn't even stand on their feet anymore. And no one even noticed how you and Sihtric had eventually moved to the lone couch in the darkened corner.
Sihtric had pulled your legs over his as you sat back, and he leaned in close, one hand on your thigh while his other held your chin lightly and his mismatched eyes looked you all over.
'So… how did a girl like you end up in a place like this?' he smiled with hooded eyes, completely smitten and captivated by you.
'Because of Osferth,' you replied, returning the rather dazed look as you were just as head over heels as he was, 'he's been telling me about his game nights for years, so I finally came over to make him stop asking me to come.'
Sihtric hummed softly with a smile, his hand moving moderately up your thigh as he nuzzled your nose, 'well… I'm glad you're here.'
'So am I,' you smiled with warm cheeks, your hands trailing mindlessly over his muscular chest, feeling the warmth of his body as your fingers grazed his exposed skin.
'You liked the game then?'
'I didn't really care about the game.'
'Then why are you happy you're here?' Sihtric asked playfully, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it spill from your kissable lips.
'I think you know,' you chuckled and moved your fingers through his dark, soft curls.
'Do I know?' he taunted and leaned in, his lips faintly touching yours.
'You know,' you whispered, not telling him what he wanted to hear just yet.
'Hm… I know I wanna take you home,' he smiled and squeezed your thigh, 'and I also know I want you to tell me where you are most sensitive.'
You grinned and played with the pendant he wore around his neck, 'And what if I won't tell you?'
'Then you can show me.'
'Show you?' you feigned confusion, 'how?'
'By taking my hand and guiding it.'
'And then?' a cheeky smile appeared on your face.
'And then,' his breath tickled your lips as he chuckled, 'then I'll make you feel really good, darling,' he husked, 'would you like that?'
'Yeah,' you breathed, almost desperately, and you trailed your fingers down his chest to undo another button of his blouse, aching to see more of his scarred torso.
'Yeah?' Sihtric murmured and dragged his lips down your neck, where he left you short, mischievous kisses and wet kitty licks in between.
'Fuck,' you exhaled sharply with a smile, your hands on his chest underneath his blouse, feeling the rapid beating of his heart while you felt his lips curl into a smile as they were pressed onto your neck.
'Fuck?' he repeated with a devilish tone, 'you wanna fuck?'
You hummed approvingly as he leaned back to look in your eyes. He took your chin, his thumb circling your parted lips while he bit down on his lower lip before he brought face closer to yours again.
'Yeah?' he whispered, smiling, 'you want me to fuck you, darling?'
'Please,' you almost whimpered as you struggled to downplay your desperate need.
'What was that?' he clearly jested and shoved his hand between your thighs.
'Please,' you giggled and mindlessly grinded against his hand, 'please… I want you to fuck me.'
Sihtric smiled, and he took your hand as he got up, leading you discretely up the stairs while the others were still arguing over the game. Upstairs, in the hallway, Sihtric turned to you and placed one hand on your waist, pulling you closer, and the other on the back of your head as he finally kissed you after having endured hours of unbearable tension. He pushed you up against the wall and kissed you deeply, his tongue down your throat while you felt his trapped arousal pressing through his tightened jeans. You rubbed your palm over his hardened cock and he moaned into your mouth while he grabbed a fistful of your locks, and he yanked your head slightly back to make you look up at him after he broke the kiss.
'Upstairs,' he uttered, his enamoured look never leaving his face.
You knew Osferth's place all too well, and clearly Sihtric did too, for you both knew of the spare room on the second floor and you were quick to pull him with you up the stairs. You began to unbutton the rest of his blouse while he kissed you, and you both nearly stumbled as you clumsily climbed the steps while being all over each other.
'We should be quick,' you mumbled in between kisses as you reached the bedroom, 'before anyone will notice we left.'
'Trust me,' Sihtric husked and pulled you in the room, 'they won't notice, so I'll be taking my time.'
He kicked the door shut and buried his face in your neck, while his hands held your waist as he pushed you backwards to bed. Your hands were in his hair, your head thrown back while you enjoyed the touch of his lips on your sensitive skin.
'What's your favourite position?' he murmured in your ear as you slid his blouse off his shoulders.
'Doggy,' you grinned, 'but…' you paused and took his face, 'you're too beautiful. I want to see you while you fuck me.'
Sihtric chuckled, and it was evident that he enjoyed seeing you as well, so he cocked his head towards the desk with a mirror above it, and he smirked. You kissed him as he unbuttoned your jeans, and he spun you around to face the mirror once you reached the desk. You giggled with anticipation when Sihtric pulled your jeans and panties down, just low enough to have quick access, and he did the same with his own jeans, then he took off your shirt.
'Anything to worry about?' he asked and pulled out his cock as he stood behind you.
'All clean,' you smiled, 'and protected. What about you, handsome?'
'All clean,' he reassured with a wink and lined up with your soaked folds, wasting no more time and pushing himself inside you with ease.
You gasped and grabbed onto the desk as you felt him twitch inside you with each slow stroke, hitting all the right spots, keeping a steady and calm pace while filling you up entirely. You felt his big and warm hand on your waist, while he slid his other up into your hair, and he grabbed a fistful to pull your head back and make you look up into the mirror, locking his dazed eyes with yours while you were both smiling lustfully. You quickly started to curse under your breath as you watched him take you, to which his parted lips curled into a smug smile, and he leaned in closer.
'Does that feel good, darling?' he murmured in your ear, along with his raspy breathing while the desk rattled with every deep thrust.
'Mhm, so good,' you hummed.
'Yeah?' Sihtric chuckled, 'so do you.'
Then, he suddenly picked up his pace, and he fucked you with fast and short thrusts until you couldn't think straight anymore and your tongue hung out of your mouth. You struggled to keep your eyes open while Sihtric dumbed you down, and he yanked your head slightly backwards again when he noticed your struggle.
'Don't look away from me,' he growled sweetly, 'I'll stop if you won't look at me,' he threatened and moved his hand from your hip down to your core.
He stimulated you with with his fingers while he continued to fuck you, making you a trembling and moaning mess until you both came and then started to laugh, out of breath, at the impulsive absurdity that had just occurred in your best friend's spare bedroom. You gasped lightly when you felt the pretty boy pull out, after making sure you had taken his entire load and wouldn't waste a drop, and he gave you back your shirt before he pulled his jeans up again. When you were both decently dressed again he carefully took your face in his hands and kissed you admiringly and sweetly. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he leaned his forehead against yours, and you sighed softly.
'It's late, but I don't think I want to leave you just yet.'
'Good,' Sihtric whispered and nuzzled your nose, 'because I wasn't going to let you leave yet.'
You smiled and he captured you in another kiss, which was rudely disturbed when suddenly the bedroom door flung open and a drunken Irishman stared at you both as you were all tangled up, leaning back against a closet. You and Sihtric looked at Finan with wide eyes, knowing you got caught and he had the ability to make it a whole happening in front of his friends.
'Uhh,' Finan sounded and then burped loudly before he turned and closed the door again, 'nope, I don't see them anywhere either,' he shouted and stumbled down the stairs again.
You both sighed and laughed with relief, then kissed again before Sihtric took cupped your cheeks.
'Are all game nights like this?' you asked.
'If you mean getting drunk and arguing, then yes,' Sihtric chuckled, 'but this… what we did, that is new,' he smiled and pecked your lips, 'are you coming next week too?'
'I don't know,' you shrugged playfully, 'will you make me?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric said with a cocky smile, 'I'll make you come again, darling.'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama @lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a @verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50 @succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305 @carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @il0vebeingdelulu @thenameswinter99 @deathbluestar113
If you want to be added to/removed from the taglist, message me 🖤
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