#think I need to do another hug poll in an hour or 2
thegreenishhues · 21 days
Goodbye Ricardão <3
You were an incredible admin and as a ghostie I got to see so much of your character. Thank you for everything. Know we are going to miss you a lot but the entire community is sending you love and support wherever you go next. Take care king o7
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chaotic-kitty · 1 year
Could we get a part 2 of Edge of despair where its hurt/comfort and a more happy end god please I just read it and now I need a hug :,>
I’m so sorry! 😭😅But yes, I would love to do a second part. There were a few other people wanting to see more, specifically, more selfish Asra. I did a poll on my Insta asking if I should do more hurt then comfort, or straight to the comfort…..The winner was more hurt then comfort. So, unfortunately there is a bit more angst to come. BUT!! There is a better ending. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you like this next part.💕
Edit: Hey 😭😭 I posted this on my Insta awhile ago but held off posting it here because I wanted to post both this and the last chapter. Because of writers block and other issues, I have never finished it……yet. I’m finally going to post this, but unfortunately……..it has no comfort what so ever😭😭 (another reason I wasn’t going to post it). So if you do read this, you’re going to need another hug. I do hope to finish this at some point though, so you may end up receiving that hug😭🫂
The Arcana: The Edge Of Despair: Chapter 2
I would like to issue a Trigger Warning for this chapter! Please read with caution.
Warnings: Angst, Descriptive Flashbacks, Hurt, Past Character Death, Suicidal Thoughts.
Pairing: GN! Apprentice x Asra
Chapter one link
You don’t know how long you had been here, hunched over yourself on the floor as you cried. Was it minutes? Hours? You didn’t know. Time felt like it had stopped, but also flew right by. You didn’t know how it had happened, the fight with Asra. The things he had said had taken you by surprise. You had never even considered he felt like that given how kind and loving he was towards you, especially in the past few years. He had been there for you. And he was always the one encouraging you to heal and move on and to not force the memories. The Asra that you saw tonight was nothing like the Asra you’re used too. He had never treated you like that, never treated anyone like that. You didn’t even think Asra was capable of being so selfish.
You take a deep breath as you notice yourself starting to hyperventilate. Since Asra had left, you had just been sat here crying. Every time you thought it had stopped, all these thoughts would come rushing back in, and you’d start all over again. As your heart rate slows, you muster up all the will you have to pull yourself together, just long enough to get to bed. You sink into the soft nest of blankets and pillows as you’re lost to sleep. Your dreams a mixture of memories of the argument and the previous night as you recall your breakdown and the incident that had led you here…
~The night before~
It had been a busy day. You had spent the whole day running around serving customers, taking inventory, stocking the shelves. Usual shop up-keep. You’d barely been able to go five seconds before another customer had come in needing your attention. You were getting tired and hungry. Usually, attending to customers wasn’t THIS draining, but recently it was different. After binding the Devil to his realm, word had spread about your situation. Sure, people used to stop and stare at you all the time. Huddling in groups, talking to each other in hushed tones as they looked you over with barely contained dismay. Guess you knew why now. You had died of the plague. But there you were, alive and well. These days, however, customers had taken to asking you about it. Wanting to know how you died, how it felt to stay at the Lazaret, if there was a place after the death. The obvious questions you ask the only former-dead-person-you-know. You tried your best to divert the conversations, especially as you didn’t know the answers to most of the questions.
After serving the last customer for the day, you put up the ‘closed’ sign and watched as the sun dipped below the horizon. It was getting late and Asra was likely to be home soon. He had been acting strange lately. You didn’t know what it was, though. Seeing as you had barely eaten, and it was approaching dinner time, you decided that a nice home cooked meal was maybe what the two of you needed. You thought about food options as you made your way to the small kitchenette.
After prepping everything for dinner, you had moved on to go light the stove as the stove salamander was refusing to. Your mind raced through the stressful events of the past few months as you lit the fire. The smell and heat of the fire caused you to stop. The world before you began to fade in and out, and you felt your heartbeat pulse throughout your body…
Your head grew heavy; the sudden smell of smoke and, what could only be described as burnt flesh, was smothering. Your body felt weak and distant. You vaguely registered the sound of a piercing wail. It was everything you had to just peel your eyes open. It was near darkness, the only light coming from the furnace just a few feet from you. That furnace was your future, the future of all who came to the Lazaret. You watched as two people, dressed in protective gear and beaked masks, load a body into the furnace. Your heart lurched as tears pricked your vision, you thought of Julian, likely in the middle of searching for a cure, oblivious to the fact you were here on the floor of the Lazaret dying of the plague. Or Asra. You hadn’t seen him since the fight, it had been so long since then. Was that going to be the last memory you had of him? Was that going to be the last memory he had of you? Neither of them knew you were sick. Neither knew you were here, alone, dying. Your tears were straining to break free, “I-I’m s-sorry.” You choked out, your voice hoarse. You knew they couldn’t hear you, you knew they wouldn’t know that they were all you could think of as you lay here. One of the people was approaching you, the sight of them fading in and out as you struggled to keep your eyes open. You felt arms grip you. It was suddenly too hot. You tried screaming, tried moving, but it was of no use, your body wasn’t responding. Why couldn’t you move?! The temperature was rising, and unbearable pain filled your body. Your screams still stuck in your throat. Your thoughts slowly came to a stop as flames filled your vision. *CRASH*
You were thrown back into the present, body trembling, skin clammy, as your ears filled with the sound of a window crashing against the window pane. As you move to get up, vertigo seizes you. After waiting for it to stop, you groggily make your way to the window to close it. Your thoughts are slow to surface, the feeling of your heartbeat still pulsing throughout your body. With the last of your energy, you collapse on the bed. After a few moments of silence, tears start pouring down your face as your mind finally catches up with itself. You can no longer hold it back, you scream into the pillows as every emotion tears though you. Every fibre of your being screaming out in pain. That’s how you stay for the rest of the night, until your body succumbs to exhaustion.
~The next morning (Present)~
Sunlight filtered through the windows, rousing you from your slumber. You felt exhausted, your body heavy. The events of last night played again, and again, in your mind. You were still upset, angry, and heartbroken. You had every right to be, of course. But, that didn’t make you feel any better. While Asra had said some horrible things, you had too. Sure, it was actual emotions and feelings that you felt, but screaming them at him probably wasn’t the right way to go about telling him. If you felt this bad, you couldn’t imagine how Asra was feeling. After the things he said to you last night, it was hard to separate your fears and insecurities from fact and reality. You knew that he was likely regretful about what he said to you. Likely beating himself up over it. No matter what had happened, anytime you and Asra had ever fought (that you could remember) he was always so horrified at his actions. Horrified that he raised his voice at you, ignored you, made you cry, anything. You knew that the thought of hurting you in any way would often tear him apart. Not that the two of you ever really fought. You both get along so well together, and Asra in particular tries to diffuse a situation before it gets to that point, but when fights do happen it’s bad. 
Though, for all that you knew that, you couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t care, like he truly regretted bringing you back. Maybe it would’ve just been better if he had never brought you back. You wouldn’t have to suffer through the pain of not remembering him or your life before, wouldn’t have to suffer with the memories of your death and the plague, wouldn’t have to heal from everything. And Asra? He wouldn’t have to suffer through dealing with this pale imitation of the person you used to be, wouldn’t have to deal with teaching you everything again, like you’re some child. Maybe if you weren’t here anymore he could finally move on, properly this time. And so could everyone else. Maybe, just maybe, you could leave this realm behind again and find peace somewhere else. Finally able to rest. It would be easier, you wouldn’t have to deal with the pain anymore… 
You gingerly pull the covers off yourself as you wake your way downstairs to the shopfront, anxiety coursing through you. Being a magic shop, you owned and sold a lot of potions and other magical remnants. Though some you never put on display for customers. Making your way to the small storage room, you search through shelves of potions, looking for a specific one. There! You pick up the small vial, turning over to read the label. ‘Deadly Starstrand’. One of the most powerful poisons you owned. You sink to sit on the floor. One drop. One drop is all it would take. You sit in silence for a few moments, contemplating your next move… You can’t. You can’t do this. Asra gave up half of his heart to bring you back, whether you wanted him to or not. What would it do to him? That other half beats in your body. If you were to die, what would happen to him? You can’t risk hurting him. You shake the thoughts from your head, putting the vial away and leaving. One day you’ll be able to go back, you’ll be able to find peace again. But today’s not that day.
After having a quick breakfast, you get ready. You’re going to go find Asra and sort this all out. After doing what you need to do, you leave the shop. With everything that has happened recently, you lock all the locks and put a ‘cross-me-not’ spell on the door. Now to find Asra. You close your eyes, searching for the connection you share with him. A connection that binds his heart to yours. Even now, forging the connection is as easy as breathing. You follow it through the streets of Vesuvia until you arrive at the docks. The docks are bustling with people and boats. Why would Asra be here? You thought, looking around. Unless he’s not… You seek out the connection again…. It’s coming from the Lazaret. You take a deep breath, calming yourself. If Asra was at the Lazaret, then that’s where you’re going. Now you just needed to find a way to get there. There are plenty of boats, so hopefully that means that there is someone here who could take you. After a few minutes, you find a gondolier cleaning up their gondola. “Excuse me, hi. I was wondering if you could give me a ride?” 
The person looks at you as they stand. “Sure thing. Where to?”
“The Lazaret.”
The gondolier raises an eyebrow. “The Lazaret aye? What are you doin’ going there?” 
“Oh, nothing that interesting… So can you take me or not?”
“Yeah, I can take ya’”
“Is this enough?” You ask, pulling out a pouch of coins.
“Yeah. That’ll do just fine.” They say, testing the weight of the pouch in their hands.
The trip passes by quickly, before you know it you’re at the shores of the Lazaret. Swallowing any fears that you have, you get out of the boat, your feet sinking slightly in the ashen sand. “Could you stay here? I’ll be back soon.”
They look over at you, then to the Lazaret. “You got 30 minutes, after that you’re on your own.”
Seeking out the connection once more, you head off. The Lazaret isn’t as bad as you had remembered. Sure it was kinda creepy and smelt horrible, but, it was different. The water reflected the sun beautifully, the black sand was giving way to gorgeous, blossoming plants. The birds were chirping happily in the trees. For a place of death, it was amazing how much life there was. How much this place was still one with nature. However, you could feel it, the weight of all the souls still stuck here. You could feel them, watching you from afar, curious. 
“-end”. A sound stops you in your tracks. But it didn’t come from the Lazaret, you could hear it in your mind. “Friend!” 
Faust! You could hear her little voice clearer this time. They must be close. Rounding the corner you see Asra, knees to his chest, Faust draped across his shoulders. “Friend here! Friend here!” She says happily, slithering to you. You pick her up. “Faust. How’s my little danger noodle?” 
“Danger noodle!”
“I missed you so much, Faust.” 
“Missed friend!”
You pat her, scratching lightly under her head. “How’s Asra?” 
“Friend sad. Worried.”
“It’s okay, Faust. It’ll be okay.”
“I’ll try.” You give her a small smile as you make your way towards Asra.
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clout-babe · 3 years
Hello! I hope your having an amazing day also can I request something? AFAB coming up to them and hugging then behind while streaming? (Dreamteam, wilbur and maybr eret please?)
hello ! i’m having a fantastic day and i hope urs is great as well <33 your wish is my command ! very big brain u have there
i did this bullet style so i hope ur okay w that
also im not currently writing for eret bc i don’t know their current content well enough, if that makes sense. i will be in the future though hopefully :)
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Hugging them from behind on Stream
includes : cc!dreamwastaken, cc!georgenotfound, cc!sapnap, and cc!wilbur soot
genre: fluff 100%
warnings: afab, language
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see pinned b4 requesting!
you were probably just feeling needy
that happens in a relationship where both of you have physical intimacy as a love language
you knew he was streaming
as quietly as possibly you opened the door to his office
being so quiet, he didn’t even notice you came in
good thing he doesn’t use facecam
you would walk up behind his chair and run your fingers lightly across his shoulders, causing him to jump
“AH- shit! y’ scared me babe.”
you’d finally wrap your arms around the chair to hug him
would probably mute his mic for a minute
“did you need something?”
“nah i just wanted to love on you”
“aweee my baby wants attention”
“did you want me to end?”
“no, i know you need to work.”
“you sure? i swear i was finishing soon anyways-“
eventually you’d be able to convince him to continue streaming
for the rest of the stream you sat sideways in his lap, just laying your head on his shoulder
he made sure not to yell anymore just so you would feel comfy.
george doesn’t always stream
but when he does it takes forever
at least in your opinion
laying in bed as your stupidly cute boyfriend took forever on his work became boring
So you devised a simple plan
go in the room, give george a quick hug, then head out.
george does use a facecam however, so as you shuffle down the hall to his streaming room, you mess around with your hair a little bit.
once you enter the room, george immediately looks over.
his face twists into shock as he mutes his mic
“love, i’m streaming”
“…i know”
“you never come in when i’m streaming”
you could tell he was worried because you haven’t been introduced to the internet yet.
“… i know”
you walk over behind him slowly. you can tell his breath gets caught in his throat as he watched you come into view of the camera on his monitor.
you put your arms around him from behind, resting your head on his shoulder.
“hello chat,” you smile.
a small smile makes its way onto george’s face as the chat speeds up
“gogy in his relationship arc?” he says reading chat
“i suppose you could say that,” he looks up at you grinning
(he’s so ahhh i love him)
sapnap was DISTRACTED by stream
like don’t get me wrong it was high energy and super entertaining to watch
but sitting on the bed out of frame wasn’t gonna cut it anymore like it had been the last 2 1/2 hours.
you stood up, and before he even had a chance to think, you were gathering him in your arms from behind, stuffing your face into his shoulder
“you smell nice” it was muffled
he would be a nervous wreck with you on camera
“i uh- yeah um- haha”
eventually he’d get more comfy
“chat y/n will literally say she’s fine with me streaming then demand my attention”
chat is quick to defend you
“what do you guys mean?”
“they mean you should end stream and gimme attention”
“alright, mods run a poll”
chat works in your favor and he ends stream to cuddle with you
“fine angel, i guess you always win.” he mumbles into ur shoulder before falling asleep in your arms
100% planned on not streaming then he did
will’s viewers knew you two were together, but they knew both of you by your internet personas
you two typically do streams together, but today you felt really sleepy
will figured you two could just hang, but then spontaneously decided he wanted to go live
you let him, not wanting to mess up his work flow
however, your oh-so-holiness on the situation morphed into regret and you realized all you wanted to was give him a hug
have that stupid lanky boy in your arms
you knocked on the door to the room where he was streaming, not wanting to catch him off guard
“come in!” followed shortly after
you shuffled into the room
his face lights up just at the sight of you, and it’s easy for chat to see.
“hi darling!”
he’s very chipper but quickly becomes confused when you don’t respond
“everything alright, love?”
you simply lurk behind him, throwing your arms lazily around his shoulders and rest your head sideways on your arm.
“ah” he catches on quickly.
you just kinda hang around the stream after that, and it doesn’t really distract him too much.
he continues blabbering on about any minuscule thing he can bring to mind.
EVENTUALLY, you pull another chair up next to him but mainly stay quiet, pulling one of his hands to your lap and fiddling with his fingers.
every now and then he’ll ask for your opinion, and you have to ask him to repeat bc you were too focused on his bone structure
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pennylanefics · 4 years
Broken Promises - Isaiah Jesus | pt. 2
a/n: this is the second part to promises! i got carried away and some of it kinda drags on, so it’s like 12 pages 🤣 whoops
*gif not mine
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Two years into your relationship, Isaiah proposed to you in such a romantic way. Everything was perfect, your life was falling into place finally, and the wedding was extravagant. So why should you be worried about the future?
A few months following your wedding night, Polly confirmed that you were pregnant. You were so excited, the idea of having a child with the man you love and were so happy to spend the rest of your life with.
But, Isaiah wasn’t ready for some reason.
“Hey, how was work?” You ask as he steps inside your home, setting his things by the door.
“Stressful. But I’m happy to be home. Why did you meet with Polly when you came to visit?” He wonders. Your heart begins to race and a small smile spreads across your lips.
“I’m pregnant.” Within seconds, his expression drops and he steps away from you.
“What?” Your smile disappears and you try to move closer to him, but he continues moving back, his hands rubbing his face stressfully.
“I-I’m pregnant, Isaiah. Polly told me that she suspected something and confirmed it-”
“Well get rid of it.” You are surprised at his response.
“Excuse me? Why?”
“Because I’m not ready for kids yet!”
“We’ve been married for months now, I thought you wanted to have a family and everything.”
“Sometime in the future but not now! I can’t, I have to go.”
“Wh-where are you going?” You try reaching out for him but he stumbles away, shaking and struggling to get his coat.
“I just have to go.” With that, Isaiah is gone without a trace. You cry out and fall to the ground, your husband leaving you in the most vulnerable time.
“He just left?” Ada wonders, rubbing your back.
“Yeah. He said he couldn’t do it and he’s not ready for kids yet.”
“That’s crazy. You two have been together for a long time and you’re already married. What’s keeping him from wanting kids?”
“I don’t know. We talked about it on our wedding night and he seemed accepting and even excited about starting a family. He didn’t say anything else, like if he wanted to wait or if he wanted to start planning a time to try.”
“Finn,” Tommy directs his questioning to his youngest brother, who’s the closest to your husband. “Where did he go?”
“I have no idea. He came around to the betting shop asking for some snow and I gave him some and-”
“You gave him cocaine when he was super stressed out?!” Tommy shouts. Finn shies away and nods.
“I didn’t know he was stressed! He seemed normal. And I guess I was excited he was getting back into it because he stopped for a while.”
“Yeah. He stopped because of (Y/N). She hated him being high every single day and being violent.” Finn’s eyes widen and he looks at you, having no clue that was the problem.
“He hit you?” Sighing, you shake your head.
“No, but I honestly thought he would at some point,” you mumble. You haven't told anyone else in the family aside from Polly and Tommy, but Isaiah and cocaine were not a good mix one bit.
You remember he came home one night, trashed beyond belief, angry about something that happened at the betting shop. You tried chatting with him about his day, but he blew up. He began throwing things against the wall, shattering a mirror and getting glass everywhere. You were so scared that he would snap and throw something at you, that you left the house and ran to Polly.
When you were calm and Polly was ready to confront him, you, Tommy, and Polly went over to your place to find him slouched against the wall, a bloody hand and tears coating his cheeks. From that point, Tommy demanded he get clean, for his sake and for your sake.
Thankfully, he kept that promise until now, you are just finding out.
“Do you know where he ran off to?”
“No,” Finn shakes his head. “He just said he needed some snow then took off when he got it. Didn’t say a word.”
“Shit,” Tommy rubs his face, hearing a sob come from your mouth. “I knew he was going to hurt her at some point.”
“Someone has to go find him,” John announces.
“No,” you interrupt. “If he doesn’t want to be found, then don’t go and find him. I don’t want him to resent me for sending people to search for him.”
“(Y/N), he has to be here for your baby,” Ada says.
“I honestly don’t want him here if he doesn’t want to be.” Everyone remains quiet, knowing you don’t need anyone’s arguments.
“So, are you going to raise your child alone?” Arthur speaks up after a few minutes.
“I mean, I’m surrounded by family. I have all the help I need, right?” You realized you were taking a shot at assuming they would help you, but thankfully, they accept the idea.
“Of course, darling,” Polly happily says.
“You have the best family around, honestly,” Tomm grins. You smile and stand to give him a hug.
“I do. Thank you so much.”
“Anything for our littlest honorary sibling.”
As the months go by, Isaiah is still nowhere to be seen. No one has seen him around Small Heath, his own father has no clue where he’s at, and you received no letters or calls from him. So you assumed your marriage was over. He didn’t want to be with you anymore.
It was a sad, depressing thought, but you had to stay strong for your little one. You didn’t want to lose them too, so Polly advised you get Isaiah off your mind and focus on yourself. So that’s what you do.
“What do you think it is?” Ada asks you as she takes a seat on the couch next to you. John and Finn sit on the couch across from the two of you as Polly makes everyone tea.
“I think it’s a boy,” you smile, rubbing your protruding belly and kicking your feet up on the table.
“No, you’re having a girl,” Polly advises. “The way you’re carrying and how big you are, it’s most likely a girl.”
“Polly’s never wrong,” John states. “She predicted the sex of mine and Esme’s kids to the point where I just started accepting that she knows what she’s talking about.”
“And I do,” she says, stepping into the sitting room and handing everyone a cup. You thank her and sip it slowly.
“You really think it’s a girl?” You wonder with a small smile.
“I do. And she’s going to be as gorgeous as you.”
“I feel like she’ll have Isaiah’s eyes though,” you whisper. Everyone offers you a sad grin, knowing that you’re trying hard to forget him, but you can’t; you loved him too much.
The time has come, you were going into labor. Polly, Ada, and Esme had stayed with you while the men went to the betting shop, or the offices, wherever, to busy themselves and try to figure out how to find Isaiah.
“Good, just one more push and she should be here!” Polly encourages you. Labor had lasted longer than any of you expected, almost twenty hours of agonizing pain and contractions. It was nearing two in the morning and all of you were exhausted.
“Fucking shit!” You scream as you give one last push, then a feeling of relief washes over you and you can finally relax.
“She’s here,” Polly announces, holding your baby up for you to see. Through your tears, you smile and already notice she looks so much like her father.
“Let’s get both of you cleaned up. Esme, help (Y/N), Ada, come help me.” The two women do as they are told, Esme talking to you quietly as she finishes changing the sheets underneath you and helps you get comfortable.
“Have you got a name?” Polly questions, handing you your clean, newborn daughter, swaddled in a blanket.
“I was thinking Eden. Isaiah and I had so many talks about how he wants to keep the Biblical names in the family, so John and I sat down and went through names together. Eden is very beautiful.”
“It fits her perfectly. We’ll give you some time alone. Just call if you need anything. I’ll be up, but I’m sending Ada and Esme to bed.”
“Thank you, Poll. Seriously, I don’t think I would have been able to get through this without you and the others.” She smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead before doing the same with your baby.
“It’s my job to take care of family, darling.” With that, she leaves the room quietly and you stare down at your newborn daughter.
“Your dad may not be here, but we can do this on our own. Well, not totally on our own. We have the Shelby’s, and they’re amazing. And they’re going to be so happy to have another little one in the family.” She gurgles and stirs in your arms before settling back down. Her eyes open slowly and gaze up at you.
“Well hello. You really do have your daddy’s eyes, huh?”
You were in the middle of telling her how you and Isaiah met when the door suddenly opened. Polly argues as Isaiah stumbles in, eyes red and filled with sadness.
“Isaiah,” you whisper, your eyes landing on him for the first time in almost eight months.
“Maybe you should wait tomorrow. (Y/N)’s exhausted and needs the rest,” Polly says. He just shakes his head and continues to stare at you and Eden.
“I need to make things right this moment.” Polly looks at you with a questioning look. You nod in response, silently telling her that it’s okay for him to stay.
“Is it a boy or girl?” He asks once the door is shut. You know Polly didn’t really leave; she’s waiting right outside in case things go south.
“Girl. Eden.” His expression softens at the fact that you kept to wish of keeping tradition.
“Can I?” He hesitantly asks to take a seat next to you on the bed. Nodding, you shift a little to the right so he has space, but he stops you.
“No, it’s okay. Don’t move. I don’t want you hurting yourself or stressing your body out anymore.”
“I’m fine.” You stare down at your daughter, feeling the awkward tension between the two of you.
“What made you come back?” You ask. You hadn’t met his eyes again, worried that you would break and fall back into his arms instead of staying strong.
“I got a letter from my dad. He told me that you were close to going into labor and that they would be here any day. I knew I had to come back and make things right.”
“It took you nine fucking months to come back, huh?” Isaiah sighs, knowing this conversation was bound to happen.
“I was terrified, love.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Sorry. I knew I wanted to have kids with you, there was no doubt in my mind. But I wasn’t expecting it to happen within months of our wedding. I was hoping to plan out a time where we could try and have everything ready by the time we needed it.”
“Well, you never expressed that to me. You didn’t even stay and talk it out. You just up and left after telling me to get rid of it.” He nods and keeps his head down, bowed in shame.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, tears evident in his eyes. “I should have stayed and been there for you. Instead, I was a coward and ran from the most important thing to me, throwing my sobriety away because I was terrified of being a father so quickly after being married and not having any time to prepare.”
“You would have been an amazing father, Isaiah. I don’t understand why you were so scared. Or are so scared.”
“I...I saw what it did to my mum. I was scared that it would happen to you. That’s why I told you to get rid of it.”
“You never told me this.” He shrugs and messes with his cap in his hands.
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
“You did a lot worse leaving with no explanation.” Silence falls between you two as Isaiah finally looks down at his daughter.
“She’s so beautiful. Looks exactly like you.” You smile softly and caress her cheek with your fingertip as lightly as ever.
“She’s perfect. But she has your eyes.” You notice he’s itching to reach forward and do the same as you are doing, so you sit up a bit.
“Would you…?” You offer, shocking him just a little. He came back, fully expecting you to tell him off and say you never wanted to see him again. So the fact that you’re offering to let him hold her was a big surprise.
He holds his arms out as you place her into his grip. She moves around, trying to readjust to the new hold, but settles down and curls up in his arms. Right away, you see the tears streaming down Isaiah’s cheeks. This is the moment he’s been waiting for his entire life, and he missed it because he was an idiot.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe this is real,” he mumbles, trying to wipe his cheeks. Seeing his struggle, you lean doward and wipe them away for him. He thanks you quietly and goes back to staring down at his daughter.
“So, are you going to run off again? Did you just come back to see if she was actually born?” You wonder.
“I came back to make things right, like I said. I was stupid, I know. I wasn’t ready and instead of talking about it like an adult, I ran off and got high. My mind kept telling me I wasn’t ready, but I am. Seeing you and holding her right now, I have no idea why I left. It was a dumb choice and I’m hoping I can make it up to you. For a start, I’ll take care of her alone for an entire month.”
“Okay,” you chuckle, “that’s a bit excessive. How about, you help out here equally and give Ada, Esme, and Polly a rest?” He nods and smiles widely.
“Does that mean you forgive me?”
“Not exactly forgive you yet. But if you can prove you one hundred percent want this and will provide for us, I’ll forgive you. It’ll take time, but I’m willing to go through with it if you are.”
“I am. I’m ready to prove that I still want to be with you and I want to raise our daughter together.”
“Good. Now, please go get Polly to take Eden because I need some rest.”
“Sure. Do you want me to come back here or should I stay on the couch?” Thinking for a moment, you saw the regret in his eyes and the way he held Eden with such care and in a very nurturing way, you wanted nothing more than to spend time with him again.
“You can come back here.” With that, he gets up to go give your daughter to Polly. Sure enough, she was waiting on the other side, having listened in most likely, and takes the baby, bidding you two goodnight. Isaiah strips quickly before crawling into bed beside you.
You click the light off and curl into his warm body, humming in content at the missed feeling.
“I really wish you were here during my pregnancy. There were so many nights that I longed for your arms around me, telling me everything would be okay when I had doubts about it all.” Isaiah’s arms tighten around you and he presses gentle kisses to your forehead.
“I promise to be here for the next one, yeah? And I definitely promise to be here for Eden.”
“You broke your promise last time.” He knows exactly what you’re referring to; he promised not to hurt you in any way when you two finally announced your relationship to your family. But he had already gone and done that. So what made you so sure he would keep this promise.
“I was a dumb, twenty-one year old, in my first real relationship ever. Now, I’m almost twenty-four and married to the most understanding and beautiful woman in the world. You have my word.”
“But you left me only nine months ago?”
“I know, I know. It may be hard to trust me again, but during those nine months, I did a lot of thinking. And I can assure you that I want to be with you and I want you in my life. I love you so damn much and not a day went by that I didn’t think of you.”
His little speech made you tear up and give in. You missed him so much that the thought of having him back overcame your rising anger for him leaving. Within seconds, you were sobbing loudly into his chest as he consoled you.
“Shh, I’m here to stay, yeah? I’m going to give you and Eden the best lives that I can.”
“Promise?” He kisses your forehead again and holds you even tighter to his body.
“I promise with all my heart, my love.”
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
Unfinished Business: Part 2
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Trigger Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Mentions of past abuse, Blood, Fighting, Swearing, etc. 
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Reader
+ random character/group I made up (Romboldi & The Black Hats)
Word Count: 3,548
Summary: Y/n’s secret gets out and the gang scrambles to put an end to the Black Hats. But one thing is for certain, nothing is more terrifying than when the hunter becomes the hunted.
Requested by: @msbzowy​ 
Part 1 | Part 2 
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Y/n took a deep breath before walking into the meeting room with Tommy, her hand slightly clamming up in his. Despite their love for her, she couldn’t shake the thoughts from her head about them possibly hating her.
Walking through the mahogany doors, the frenzied conversations stopped, as all eyes landed on Y/n.
Polly gasped and she immediately walked over to her, enveloping her in a huge hug. Ada followed, complimenting her new look as she made her way to her.
“What the fuck y/n you’re supposed to be ruling New York by now!” Arthur said rather loudly, coming over and pulling her into a rough embrace.
“Nice to see you too Arthur.” She said chuckling as she made her rounds around the room.
John handed her a shot and gave her a hug, with Finn and Michael joining in shortly after. She knocked the shot back and made her way over to a pregnant Esme and scowling Linda.
“Nice to see you both! Gosh I’ve missed you!” She said gently hugging Esme and awkwardly hugging Linda. She never did like her too much as Y/n noticed early on in their relationship.
After exchanging pleasantries she waltzed back over to Tommy, taking a seat by him and lacing their hands together. Polly smirked, her eyebrow raised at he interaction.
“So tell me y/n...how is New York?” She asked, taking a sip of her tea.
“Oh it’s...well it’s New York. Crowded, loud, cars everywhere. But there’s sky-high buildings that are being built, it’s amazing to see. She said taking her hand from Tommy’s and placing it in her lap.
“Do you like it more than Small Heath?” She asked.
“God no. I grew up here Poll. This is home.” She said, leaning back in the chair.
“Oi! Y/n, not to be so forward but what the hell are you back in this shit hole for?” He asked, handing her a glass full of whiskey. She smiled and took a sip, looking at Tommy.
“Is it alright if I tell them?” She asked, knowing Tommy usually handled the tough conversations.
“Go ahead love.” He said. Her heart jumped at the nickname, it’s been so long since she’d heard it.
Taking a swig of whiskey, she stood up and walked towards the head of the table slowly.
“So, I know last time we parted ways a bit harshly. But all past feelings aside, I actually came here on business...and it involves everyone here...” She said looking down at her drink in her hand.
“That doesn’t sound good. What kind?” Michael asked.
“Uh, Mafia business. Mr. Romboldi....of the Black Hats.” She said taking another sip of her drink.
“God them fuckers again? How the hell did ya get involved with those rats? He already blew our shit up last time!” Arthur said, his brows furrowing.
She looked nervously at Thomas, and he just quickly nodded for her to continue, all emotion leaving his face.
“Well, you all know how I can’t just sit around, so I went job searching when I got there. Not long after, I noticed how dangerous it was being there on my own. I was almost attacked a couple times...” She said brushing a stray hair out of her face. Gently steering the conversation away from that subject.
“Anyways...I needed protection, and plus, I had skills that other jobs didn’t need so I went to the source of why I left. I decided I’d work for the Black Hats but not to betray anyone, just to get money coming in, get some protection, and maybe some information over time. They don’t know I’m actually Y/n Y/l/n. I’ve been working undercover. I’ve been using an alias, faking an accent, and using fake papers to get my bearings in the gang. And I’m now their contract killer.” She said knocking back the last of the drink. She let the first half of the news sink in, walking towards Tommy, placing a hand on the back of his chair.
“Holy shit. Really?” John asked.
“Yeah. I’ve killed people all over the country to earn that spot. I’m not proud of how I got it, but I had to do what I had to do.” She said looking away, out the window at the people milling about.
“Oi! Bet they gave ya a nickname like one of them spies aye?” Arthur asked jokingly.
Y/n chuckled and nodded her head.
“It’s dumb but I liked it at the time. They called me Quick Shot.” She said chuckling.
“I got it on a mission when I was sniping for his men one night. The people that were on the list came up and I took them out quick, no one really knew where the shots came from but I was gone before they could find out.” She said.
“Damn.” John mumbled.
“But you’re back here though dear...why? Why does this involve us?” She asked concerned. Polly could always steer the conversations back to the problems at hand. Often times she had the most sense of the group.
Y/n walked away from Tommy and over to the whiskey and poured another glass as she spoke.
“As we all know, the last deal went sour to say the least, so he wants something else. He told me he wants Tommy’s gin. He wants to distribute it in America, and to get stocks and shit. So...he sent me here to persuade Tommy to pay full price for them running it back. He won’t be lowballed again. Over my two years there, I’ve unfortunately gotten to know how he works, and if he comes after one person he comes after the rest just the same. If Tommy refuses, he will most likely kill me and him, as well as anyone in relation to the Peaky Blinders.” She said sternly.
“My god...” Polly said, sipping her tea as she looked at Tommy. His face still the same. But y/n could practically see the gears turning in his head again, another plan in the works.
“So they don’t know you have history with us?” Ada asked.
“No. And if they find out, you might as well kiss me goodbye. They may be stupid but they can sense someone who’s faking. I honestly don’t know how I’ve made it this long if I’m honest.” She said sitting back by Tommy, sighing and rubbing her temple. The drinks going to her head slightly.
Tommy shuffled in his seat and got up, standing behind her chair, speaking sternly.
“I’ve made a plan. It must be followed exactly as I say. No exceptions.” He said, Ada rolled her eyes bracing herself for whatever wild plan was about to spew from his mouth.
“Y/n is going to call Mr. Romboldi from a pay phone to tell him I accept the offer. When they get here in a weeks time, we’re going to meet them in Charlie’s yard. I’m going to order crates to be shipped there with my fucking gin, and you all will stand by while I negotiate. To help Y/n stay out of their grasp, we’re going to place her on sniper duty. If they ask about her, don’t tell them anything, act like you’ve never met her.” He said.
“And what if word gets out? You know it travels around here.” Linda said.
“Then you’ll just have to keep your trap shut so it doesn’t. Not until this business is dealt with. I’m sure you can manage.” Y/n said annoyed. Linda glared at her. She was always a chatty one.
Tommy smirked, and looked down at his watch.
“Y/n?” Tommy asked.
“Yes?” She said looking at him, her eyes boring into his.
“You’re going to go to the pay phone tomorrow like we discussed, but try to keep it simple. I don’t want him asking too many questions.” He said.
“Alright. What time?”
“Noon”. He said, walking over and pouring himself a glass of whiskey.
“Okay.” She said, before making conversation with Ada and Arthur. Her laugh filling the room as she joked around just like old times.
Meanwhile, Tommy looked out the window, the plans rolling around in his head amongst the scraping of the tunnels that plagued his mind every day. A mix of dread and happiness filling his bones. As much as he was happy to see y/n back, he couldn’t stand people being out to get her and his family. And he couldn’t bear losing her again, especially to those men. He hated that they forced her to do certain things and now that she was back home, he wasn’t going to let that happen again. He knocked back his shot, the liquid streaming down his throat attempting to numb the pain he felt as he processed what happened over the last 2 hours. Just 2 hours ago he was coming back from a meeting with Johnny Dogs. Just 2 hours ago he was out taking care of things around the shops. Just 2 hours ago his life was half empty. The only things in it at the time were his family and the sounds of shovels scraping through the tunnels, consuming his mind. But then as if a prayer was answered by some god he didn’t believe in, there she was at his doorstep. And he was determined this time to not repeat the past.
“You okay?” Y/n asked, walking over to him. Her red heels clicking along the wooden floors. He sighed and turned around to face her, his tired eyes meeting hers as he felt himself relax a bit at her presence.
“How about we get out of here?” Tommy asked, taking her hand in his.
“Are we going to your place?” She asked. He nodded and she smirked, seeing his lips turn up in a slight smile.
“Everyone be ready by noon tomorrow. I’m heading home.” He said, taking y/n’s hand and pulling her out with him. Everyone sat there for a moment and Polly smirked.
“Are they seeing each other again? After what he did?” Ada asked her.
“I’m sure of it. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder and I think that’s true for them. He never wanted her to go Ada. He told me after she left that he regretted it but I told him whats done is done. But you know him....he’s never been one to let things go.” She said taking a drag from her cigarette.
“Who would’ve known Tommy Shelby had a heart.” She said chuckling.
The rest of them laughed as they went about their business. All of them wary about what the next week would hold.
Meanwhile, back at Tommy’s estate, he gave Y/n a quick tour around, before leading her up to his bedroom.
Her eyes widening at the huge room and lavish king bed.
“Wow. You really went all out here aye?” She said smiling, running her hands along the cotton sheets. He caught her hand, and took it, turning her around so she was facing him. He smiled slightly as he brought his lips to hers. She kissed back, dragging both of them onto the plush mattress, feverish kisses being placed on her neck by the one she thought she’d never see again. They continued their escapades, their worries for tomorrow quickly slipping away as the daylight faded around them.
The next morning Y/n awoke to the sound of Tommy’s light snores, feeling his arms wrapped around her in a protective embrace. She wondered how long it had been since he’s slept decently, knowing all too well how his thoughts kept him up at night.
She let him sleep though, quietly getting up to wrap her bare body in one of Tommy’s robes as she made her way to the master bathroom. She went in and cleaned up, slowly coming to as the hot water dropped over her skin. When she got out she dug through her suit case to find a black dress and light sweater and decided that would work for the day’s activities. She quickly tensed though at the thought of conversing with Mr. Romboldi in an hours time.
As she put her last bit of makeup on, she heard Thomas get up and walk to towards the bathroom.
“Good morning love.” He said, kissing her cheek. She smiled and touched it, still in disbelief that she was here with him. She hated that’s she was bitter before, but now she’s grated to be there.
“Morning. How’d you sleep?” Y/n asked.
“Better. Better than I have in 2 years.” He said. She smiled and turned to hug his bare form. He had a genuine smile on his face as he placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Tommy Shelby, I never knew such a smile existed.” She said. He chuckled as he stepped away preparing the bath.
“Are you going to go call him?” He said glancing at the clock on the wall.
“Yes. I’ll go to the shop as soon as it’s done and report what I hear.” She said gathering her things.
“Alright. If you need help call me. I love you.” He said.
“Love you too.” She said before heading into his room and out into the luxurious hallway. She took a deep breath as she got in one of the cars and drove to the payphone in town. She put the coins in the slot, waiting for the operator to answer.
The phone crackled as she held the metal device up to her ear. “Hello how may I help you today?” The operator asked.
“Hi. I’d like to place a call to 5023. New York.” She said. Then waited for the dreaded rough voice of the man who took her in, yet whore’d her out to his enemies.
“I was expecting to hear from you dear. How is that shit hole treating ya?” He asked.
“Fine. Nothing beats New York, sir.” She said in her fake accent.
“Did you accomplish what I sent you there for?” He asked.
“Yes. He will pay the full price for our services. You are to meet him at the place you went last time. I think he called it Charlie’s yard?” She asked, acting like she didn’t know where it was.
“Yes, I’ll never forget that dump. Tell him we’ll be there Monday. I’m boarding the ship in an hour. We’ll meet them at noon. Good job miss Anderson.” He said.
“Alright, I’ll pass that along to him. Thank you Mr. Romboldi.” She said.
“You’ll be back here in no time, don’t worry. We can’t afford to loose our best shooter to a grimy razor gang, plus, I have some new men who’d love to meet you.” He said, an evil tone lacing his voice towards the end as he egged on the conversation.
“Goodbye. See you when I get back.” She said hanging up. Not waiting for a reply. She took a deep breath and shook the thought of giving herself to more random men out of her head and got back in the car, looking out at the busy streets as she neared the shop.
She immediately went in and said hi to Ada and Polly who smirked at her, knowing full well she stayed the night with Tommy.
“Where are you off to in such a hurry?” Polly asked.
“Just reporting to Tommy, is he here?” She asked glancing around.
“Not yet, but you can wait around here. I want all the details.” She said smirking.
Y/n smirked and sat down in a chair near Ada.
“Yes we fucked, what more do you want me to say?” She said taking a cigarette out of her pocket, Polly reaching out to light it.
Ada smirked “Well are you all dating or not? He hasn’t been with anyone since ya left for gods sake!” She said excitedly. Y/n’s eyes widened a bit in shock. Thomas Shelby not fucking around was something she’d never thought she’d hear.
“Well we definitely made up for lost time, but I don’t know if I’d call it dating. Hell, I just came back yesterday but I felt like I’ve never left. What do I make of that?” She asked.
“I think you should ask him. I’m sure he’s already said he loves ya. I can see it between you two.” Polly said. Y/n smiled remembering earlier at his house.
“Alright, I will.” Y/n said, watching the door, waiting for him to burst through.
Not 5 minutes later he did, walking straight into his office, his face expressionless as usual.
“Guess that’s my cue.” Y/n said sighing and reluctantly getting up.
“Good luck my dear.” Polly said before turning back to her work.
Y/n walked to the closed door before her and knocked three times, just as she did all those years ago.
“Come in.” Tommy said, his desk strewn with papers.
Tommy glanced up from his papers and motioned for her to shut the door. He quickly shuffled some of the papers away and sat up, his eyes on her as she took a seat in the leather chair.
“How did it go?” He asked taking a cigarette out of his metal case. Rubbing it on his lips before lighting it.
“Okay...I told him you’d accepted his offer and that you’d meet at Charlie’s yard on Monday at noon.” She said looking away from him.
He studied her movements, the way she fiddled with her hands, her eyes avoiding him, her brow furrowed with worry.
“What else did he say y/n?” He asked quietly.
She looked down as she spoke, tears threatening to fall.
“He said that I’d be back in no time. Meaning he probably wants me back any day now. He doesn’t know I’d be there with you all so I could just stay here as planned, but I don’t want them to find out I’m here. He said he had new men who’d love to meet me.” She said with a disgusted look on her face.
Tommy sighed and took a drag of his cigarette.
“I’m not letting them take you back, y/n. You don’t have to worry about that.” He said looking into her eyes.
“Well once his men find out I’m not back, he’s going to get word of it.” She said quickly wiping a stray tear from her face.
“If they do, we’ll just have to kill them then.” He said.
“What about the men back there? I’m not whoring myself out. I’m not doing that again. He’s a sick man.” She said as more tears fell. She hated doing things for her boss but it was a comply or be killed type of situation back then.
“You won’t have to do that anymore. You’re a blinder do you understand?” He said getting up and walking over to her. She got up and he pulled her into a hug, her cries muffling as she rested her head on his chest.
“I won’t let them hurt you. You’re safe here. Do you hear me? You won’t have to do that, I’m not ever sending you away again.” He said.
Once she calmed down, she looked up at him, his ocean eyes staring back at her.
“I love you...y/n I really do.” He said.
Y/n nodded and smiled. “I love you too.”
Later that night she got home late after joining the gang at the Garrison. Tommy was in the bathroom taking a shower while she was getting undressed and putting on a nightgown. She only had a finite amount of clothes, so luckily she was able to find the time to shop earlier during the day.
“I thought you’d be sleeping y/n.” He said as y/n sat up in bed reading one of Tommy’s books.
“I can’t, I have something on my mind.” She said, turning the pages.
“What is it?” He asked, getting in bed beside her. Kissing her shoulder as he watched her skim the book.
“Polly and Ada asked about us today. And Ada asked if we were together again...” she said, her heart racing as she spoke.
“Do you want to be together?” He asked. She took a moment to think, mad that she was so bitter before, but she decided to let those feelings go to make way for new ones. New beginnings perhaps.
“Yeah, I’d like to. Only if you promise to not boot me out again.” She said looking at him.
“Then we’re together then. And I’ve told you before love, I’m never making that mistake again.” He said kissing her shoulder before lying down. She smiled and closed the book, lying down and cuddling into his side for the night.
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Over the next few days, they grew in their trust and in their relationship more. And when they weren’t dealing with the matters at hand, they decided to tell the family, which wasn’t much as they all expected it.
Y/n looked around the room at all of them, finally feeling okay with herself and with who was in her life, and by her side. But she couldn’t shake the nerves of her past, as she still had to deal with them when they got there.
Monday came around rather quickly though, much to everyone’s dismay. Her stomach lurched as she got a phone call at her new desk at the shop.
“Shelby Company Limited.” She said nicely.
“Tell y/n y/l/n we have a surprise for her. Courtesy of Mr. Romboldi.” He said and then hung up.
Her stomach lurched again, but in fear. She got up quickly, her face paling as she steadied herself at her desk, walking with shaking hands to Tommy’s office. It was an hour before noon. An hour before she had to get to her position.
She barged in frantically not caring that Tommy was in the middle of discussing the plans for today with Arthur and the boys.
“Hello y/n. What is it?” He said putting his cigarette out and sitting back in his chair with an annoyed look on his face.
“T-they know. Thomas they know my name. They know I’m here.” She said fear dancing wildly in her eyes.
Within seconds the boys grabbed their weapons and their caps and headed out the door to Charlie’s yard. Thomas on the other hand stayed behind.
“What happened y/n?” He asked gathering his things.
“I um, I got a call a few minutes ago. And he said tell y/n y/l/n we have a surprise for her. Courtesy of Mr. Romboldi.” She said her hands shaking.
Thomas paced around while checking the rounds in his gun. He pulled out a sniper rifle and loaded it as y/n stood there.
He quickly shoved the gun into y/n’s hands and stared at her.
“Y/n. Hey. Listen to me. I’m not letting him get you. I’m taking you to the rooftop overlooking Charlie’s yard ok? They won’t notice you. You’re going to go there and stay there unless we need you on the ground ok? Just take care of the men around us.” He said.
“Okay...” she said and followed him out to the car. He stepped on the gas, booking it there. It was easier for her to keep calm when she was hunting down other people, but it was terrifying knowing she’s become one of the hunted.
As they sped down the dirt covered streets they parked outside of an abandoned 3 story building. He quickly looked around and led her up to the roof to where she could see clearly. The wind nipping at her neck slightly as she adjusted her position and steadied her breathing. She could see John and Arthur standing guard below holding two suitcases and Michael, Finn, and Isiah on the opposite side waiting. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tommy walk out into the middle of the area, checking his watch. As if on cue, a black dingy car pulled up as 5 men climbed out including Mr. Romboldi. They each had either a handgun or machine gun with them, along with a lone black suitcase.
She saw as Mr. Romboldi came near Tommy, sitting the briefcase on an old wooden table and opening it, revealing what looked to be a lot of money inside.
“I’m not here to take your money Mr. Romboldi, I’m here to give you your gin and your payment for your troubles.” He said as Arthur and John brought over the suitcases.
Mr. Romboldi smirked and lit a cigar. The smoke rising into the air.
“It’s not for you Mr. Shelby. It’s for y/n y/l/n.” He said.
“That name doesn’t sound familiar.” Tommy said, lighting a cigarette as he stared blankly.
“Are you sure? It sounds an awful lot like someone who we have workin’ for us by the same first name. You thought you could fool us y/n?” He said, loudly yelling the last part and looking around the rooftops.
Y/n quickly ducked down before he could look over towards the building she was perched on. Steadying her breathing as she waited.
Mr. Romboldi continued to ramble on.
“We know she’s here because she hasn’t came back to our headquarters, and my men are very fond of her. They’d know when a pretty girl like that goes missing.” He said. Still loud enough that she could hear.
Tommy blankly stared as he shook his head again, denying he knew her.
“Look, the only way we found out for sure was because one of them, a certain man she was seein’ mentioned her not visiting him. He was ya know...scheduled to see her one night this past week if you know what I mean...” He said chuckling.
“And he brought it up to my men and they contacted me while I was on that shitty boat. Now....I know we have a deal, and I’m accepting your payment this time, but I also have a deal of my own ya hear?” He said.
“I hear you. What’s the deal?” Tommy asked.
“You give me the money and the gin, and I pay you for y/n. She’s the best I’ve got in more ways than one despite her foolin’ us and I know she’s here. We researched into her little background and couldn’t find nothin’ on a fuckin’ Y/n Anderson.” He said taking another puff of his cigar.
“That’s unfortunate.” He said, growing tired of him talking. He motioned for Arthur and John to go as he sat up a bit.
“You ain’t leavin’ not with out giving me my girl.” He said. Her stomach turned over how he talked about her. Like she was some piece of meat ready for the wolves.
Tommy smirked and leaned in closer to him, one of Mr. Romboldis men pointing a gun at Tommy and walking near him until the barrel touched his temple.
He paid the gun little mind and continued.
“If she’s your girl...then why was she in my bed then aye?” He said, as he watched the older mans face grow red with anger.
“You bastard! I knew it. You can come on out y/n we have a ship to fuckin' catch.” He said yelling.
“I know for a fact that she wouldn’t want be with you. You’re just in a filthy razor gang!” He said. Tommy attempted to get up but not before the man clicked the gun a bit causing him to stop.
John and Arthur raised theirs as the other men stood guarding their boss, not getting a chance to reach for their guns. Arthur started beating one of them while John threw some punches and disarmed the other.
Y/n slowly raised her head up a little, just enough that she could get a clear shot.
Mr. Romboldi got up and took all the suitcases and walked to the car as Tommy tried to grab the mans arm to disarm him. He shot the gun, the bullet flying through the air at a random spot, hitting a building nearby.
Y/n aimed for the guys who were getting too rough with John and Arthur and quickly shot two bullets, each of them striking them in the head.
It gradually got more quiet as two of the 5 were dead. But Tommy still struggled with the man who held him at gunpoint taking a slew of punches to the face and chest. Michael, Finn, and Isiah fought the other two, giving her just enough time to find an opening to kill one of the men. She shot striking the man going after Finn, hitting him in the chest. The other guy soon ran over to Tommy, attempting to help the other man attack him. Tommy pinned one down laying punches on his face as blood sprayed up onto his dress shirt.
Y/n didn’t hesitate though, instead she shot the man who was about to attack him from behind.
As she took a moment to get her bearings, she saw Mr. Romboldi grab a machine gun out of his car, aiming right for Tommy who was slowly getting up after beating the guy to death. He unfortunately didn’t notice her boss aiming at him.
Before Tommy could pull out his own gun, he saw a shot hit the guys head. The once ruthless, balding, red-faced mafia leader from New York lying lifeless on the cold pavement as he bled out.
Tommy looked up and saw y/n. The smoke from the rifle still floating off the gun and into the air. He had never been so happy to be staring at the barrel of a gun, or more so the person behind it.
Without thinking, y/n got up and ran down the stairs and into the open area and ran straight to Tommy, not caring about the blood and dirt caking her shoes as she did so. He welcomed her with a warm embrace, as she looked up and examined his face, he was bleeding from his temple and his lip, but other than that he seemed fine. Despite his injured lip, she kissed him for a moment before he stopped her and looked down at her.
“Thank you, y/n.” He said.
She just nodded and embraced him again. Happy that she had the man that she loved back in her arms, and a job she loved to go to everyday. As crazy as it was, she wouldn’t trade this life for the world, no matter the cost.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 5.2 (Bit 2)
From here | Bit 1 | Bit 2
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It took me all week to put this little bit together. Work stress messed me around royally. Fortunately I have some time off lined up in a fortnight, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We’re getting there. I have a list of threads I’m tying off as the boys manipulate me along the way. I hope my stressed out writing is up to par with the rest of the fic - that is one downside of pausing mid-fic for any length of time is that the mood shifts and my writing changes. Also, the format of this fic doesn’t really lend itself to the short posts I’ve been doing of late, but it will have to do. I hope you enjoy this little bit anyway.
Thank you to all of you who have answered my little poll on what to write next. This is the result. Those of you who voted for The Hero, I will get there as well. These three fics demand ends even if it has taken me a year (yes, it is reaching that point for The Hero at least). Thank you all for your wonderful support. You guys continue to just be amazing ::hugs you all so much::
This is for @scattergraph​ It was last year’s @tagsecretsanta​ fic and it is still being written, now closer to this year’s Christmas. Apparently, it is We’ll Be Finished For Christmas :D Talk about a fic getting totally out of control. Thank you so much for bearing with me on this tome. I love this fic. It has taught me so much. I just hope I can finish it with due credit to the rest of it.
There followed an extensive rundown on a random ball of rock and ice currently traversing their solar system.
It was interesting, Virgil had to admit it, and it was great seeing Alan so enthusiastic about it. Of course, once he started on his heroic tale of his and Scott’s encounter with Halley’s Comet, Virgil found himself tuning out.
He’d heard it a few times already.
At some point he was able to drift away from his babbling brother, step out onto the balcony and grab breakfast off the remains of the buffet that had obviously been left out for him. The last of the morning was as beautiful as the rest of the week had been. He had to admit that they had been very lucky.
A glance down at the caldera as he munched on a pastry, most definitely not cooked by his grandmother, and he spotted A Little Lightning resting quietly at her dock.
He found himself staring at the boat. Her yellow stripe, ever so Gordon, her gleaming hull, their short and shared history…
“She’s a good looking ship.”
Virgil nearly jumped out of his skin for the second time in less than half an hour.
Gordon arched an eyebrow up at him. “You okay, Virg? How are you feeling?”
Exasperated. “I’m fine.” He turned away, his eyes dancing across Mateo and its petrel colony.
A bird squawked loudly as if in recognition.
Gordon snorted. “So I hear.”
Virgil glanced back at his brother. “What?”
All innocence. “What?”
“Gordon...” His tone was all warning.
His brother downed his drink. “So, we going to open that pile of presents or are we keeping them as ornaments?”
Virgil frowned. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. Johnny had to discover a comet to keep Alan distracted while we were waiting.”
Gordon rolled his eyes. “Gees, Virg, it’s not a problem, just c’mon. Join us.” And he was being dragged back into the house where everyone had gathered around the Christmas tree.
For the next hour or so it was simply family, friends, gifts and laughter. Scott in particular, was in a jovial mood, his grin an apparent fixture on his face. Mel was never far from him.
It became very clear that Scott, and possibly Gordon, had been Christmas shopping that morning, probably on the other side of the world, because there were presents under the tree that hadn’t been there the night before. There may have been an abuse of International Rescue technology to obtain it all, but the smiles on their guests’ faces when presented with Christmas gifts may have been worth his brothers’ transgressions.
Virgil sat on the lounge, a brother either side of his feet peering up at him as he opened a present wrapped in green tissue paper. The material inside was also green and when he held it up, it unfolded into a t-shirt.
Written across the front were the words ‘I’M FINE’.
Behind the curtain of fabric, a brother snorted.
Virgil exhaled and dropped his hands into his lap with the shirt. Glaring at his grinning brother, he held Gordon’s gaze for a moment before shuffling out of his seat and standing up.
Both Alan and Gordon scampered away from his feet.
“Virg…” Scott’s tone was worried.
Virgil ignored him and continued to glare at Gordon.
The aquanaut’s expression faltered a little and Virgil mentally tagged himself a point.
He then took the trophy by shucking off his shirt and undershirt in front of all of them.
The breeze was cool through the open doors of the balcony as he awkwardly dragged the new t-shirt over his head, aware of every eye in the room staring at him.
He pulled the green material down over his healing incisions and glared at his brothers, starting with Gordon, who appeared somewhat gobsmacked a moment before once again bursting into a grin, and following around the room to each of his other brothers.
He didn’t fail to notice a strange smile on Kayo’s lips as he did so.
“Now, I hope this means I don’t have to keep repeating myself?”
Silence and lots of staring.
A snort from Gordon. “Sure, Virg. We all think you’re pretty fine.” He followed it with a snicker.
There was an odd sound from Penelope’s direction, but when Virgil darted a look at her, she appeared to be smothering a delicate cough.
Her eyes were sparkling at him though.
Oh, for the love of-
“You’re great, Virgil.” Alan was grinning.
“Like china.” John was not even trying to keep a straight face.
“Whatever you say, Virg.” Scott had his arm around Mel and was grinning like a loon.
Somehow the points were being racked up by his brothers now.
His glare turned flat and he lowered himself awkwardly back onto the lounge. He didn’t miss Gordon’s attempt to reach out and help him.
Another glare and Virgil grunted, crossing his arms across his chest in an almost pout. “You’re lucky I love you guys.”
There was an outburst of more laughter. Virgil tried to hold his disgruntled expression, but a kiss by Grandma on the cheek broke his determination.
“You’re a shit, Gordon.”
“And you love me.” Still grinning.
Virgil couldn’t help himself. He grabbed the Fish by the scruff of his neck and wrangled him into a half hugging noogie, messing his hair up royally. Virgil had to admit that Gordon was likely playing along because his big brother certainly wasn’t up to wrestling with him, and as Penelope burst into laughter, Virgil found himself getting soppy.
The noogie turned into a full-on bear hug.
Chlorine scented hair caught in his nostrils.
A wheeze. “Need to breathe.”
“All your fault.” He let his brother go.
Gordon sat up on the lounge, straightening his shirt and running his hands through his hair. A glance of fond exasperation and he turned away. “Okay, Allie, time to see that painting.”
“So, it is a painting?” Alan shot off the floor and dashed over to the tree where the huge present was leaning against the wall.
There followed many exclamations at Virgil’s skill in painting Thunderbird Three in flight. Hell, even John put in a request for one of Five, so maybe he managed the stars part of the project accurately enough.
He must remember to ask Alan to grab some shots of John’s ‘bird next time he was up there. Or maybe he would hitch a ride and go up himself.
That thought led to visualising possible compositions, moving Five around in his head, whether he should include Earth in the background, which bit of Earth – Tracy Island, of course – which constellations, what time of year, whether he could lean on artistic license or whether inaccuracies would bug his brother silly. Most likely the latter, so there would be some research involved. Perhaps Alan could help him with that. Actually, that wouldn’t be a bad idea. A good excuse to spend some time with his little brother.
He eyed Alan and the young astronaut turned a questioning look in his direction. Virgil just smiled a little at him.
Alan’s face burst into a grin and Virgil found himself subject to another brotherly hug. “Thank you, Virgil.”
He returned the hug with gusto. “Anytime, Allie.”
Apparently, today was the day for being soppy because he clutched his brother tighter.
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sourbat · 4 years
2 Nategaar!
Thank you! 
A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
Another night, another award ceremony. This time it’s Skwisgaar’s. Offdensen mentions a charity in his name, something about recycling old guitars, and Skwisgaar turning pale once he realizes a short speech is involved. Their manager calls it good publicity, and he insists Skwisgaar attend. The man came off as cold as untouched steel. Fitting for a robot, but Nathan keeps his mouth shut once he picks up on Skwisgaar’s curling lip, his shinning forehead and tense stare.
It’s about five minutes until Skwisgaar’s called on stage to accept his award, and Nathan watches, crossed armed and mouth slightly parted, as the man of the hour paces from one side of the room to the next. It’s an unbecoming sight, a tick that Skwisgaar picked up shortly after Toki released that crappy autobiography of his. The band figured once the bad publicity was over, Skwisgaar would return to normal, but there was always that one interviewer who’d bring up the book, some wiseass who quoted a line from a chapter.
“The curtain is less than ten feet away,” Charles reminds Skwisgaar. “You need to calm down before someone catches you looking like this.”
Another befitting remark from the man with no heart, but Nathan doesn’t have time to pick a fight with his manager. He waits until Skwisgaar paces in his direction before offering a short nod.
“Hey,” he calls. His voice breaks through the anxious driven veil, and Skwisgaar blinks, spotting Nathan in front of him. 
“Oh, I forgots you ams there,” Skwisgaar commented, bringing a hand to rub the back of his head. He smiles, but his eyes dart to the side, to the bright light flashing across the stage, and Nathan can tell the poor guy’s head is swimming with hypothetical ridicule and mockery. 
Nathan shakes his head at the sad sight. This is supposed to be a damn award ceremony. If anything, Skwisgaar should be rubbing it in, teasing Nathan with his freshly pressed suit, popularity polls and mentioning of some silly, gold statue. Skwisgaar is supposed to be telling him none of this is a big deal, that it’s a waste of time, and once this is over and he tosses the stupid trophy aside, tells Nathan that drinks are on him. It’s Skwisgaar’s job to be the practical one. Not him. 
Nathan removes himself from the wall. “Get over here.”
“Here.” Nathan beckons Skwisgaar closer with a finger. “With me.”
Skwisgaar shuffles in place, embarrassed at himself. He runs the same hand through his hair and slowly brings himself into Nathan’s grasp. With a yank of his massive hand, Nathan pulls Skwisgaar into a gentle embrace, a pathetic one-armed hug. Would’ve done the real thing, but Offdensen eyes Nathan and sends a “don’t wrinkle the suit” warning that he always does when he tries to get physical.
Skwisgaar rests his head against Nathan. “I cant’s believe this ims still happeninks,” he murmurs into Nathan’s shoulder. His nose brushes up against the man’s top, and he closes his eyes. “This ams patetics.”
“They won’t say anything when you’re up there. They wouldn’t dare,” Nathan states. Skwisgaar nods his head in agreement, but it’s all superficial. Nathan feels a shudder under his arm. A quickened heart rate. Skwisgaar’s still nervous, he thinks, and Nathan brings his free hand to cradle the back of Skwisgaar’s head and pull him into a real embrace.
One of these days he’s going to sit Toki down and teach him a thing or two about writing a damn book…
“You’re going to go up there, and you’re going to rock, like you always do.” Nathan almost growls it out because Charles is staring, pointing at his watch and sending that stupid “please don’t wrinkle that suit, do you have any idea what you’re doing?” look that Nathan can’t possibly bring himself to care about. The testing stare only strengthens Nathan’s hold on Skwisgaar. Screw the outfit.
“Skwigelf, two minutes!” someone calls out, and Nathan feels another series of quakes run up his arms.
With hardly any time left, Nathan takes Skwisgaar by his shoulder and pulls him away to face him. “Listen” Nathan says, “Skwisgaar, I know you’re afraid someone might spout some bullshit while you’re up giving a speech. But remember, I’m over here.” His eyes narrow into a threatening glare. “Watching and scrutinizing their every word.” 
Skwisgaar smiles, but Nathan can still detect small instances of stress in and around his pale eyes, at the corner of each supple lip.
“If anyone brings up that damn book I’ll send a squadron after them,” Nathan continues, watching Skwisgaar provide another short nod, though this time there’s a sprinkle of that classic, and so alluring Skwisgaar that Nathan prefers to see. Calm. Maybe a little cocky, but definitely in charge. Keeping still, and not letting go of Skwisgaar just yet, Nathan adds in a loud voice, “I will literally make Offdensen call several gears out to commit a mass shooting if they dare bring any of that shit up.”
Charles raises a finger, but Nathan shoots him a glare so menacing he drops his hand and, instead, rolls his eyes.
“Tanks, Nathan.” Skwisgaar’s lip curls inward, and he bites it to hold in what he’s thinking. Nathan takes no offense. Guy needs to be on stage in a minute, and the last thing either needs is to let their emotions get too out of hand. If it isn’t going to be the book, it’ll be Skwisgaar blushing, or Skwisgaar not being brutal enough. 
Fucking hyenas.
There’s a loud applause on stage, and someone calls for Skwisgaar to enter stage right. The two men share a naked glance, each exposing their innermost feelings. Nathan’s sure he screwed up and let it slip that he is also worried, more concerned than he ought to be, but Skwisgaar’s eyes are soft and filled with a new bounteous, albeit fleeting energy. Nathan hopes it’s enough to make it through the next few minutes on stage, and offers Skwisgaar a small glimmer of his own with his eyes before drawing near.
“Skwisgaar, you need to go,” Offdensen says the second Nathan guides Skwisgaar into a gentle kiss. Nathan barely has time to enjoy the warm, delicate sensation of Skwisgaar’s lips before he pulls away and turns for the stage.
Nathan leers at Charles, not saying a thing because there aren’t any words he can put together to accurately voice his annoyance. He debates raising a fist, maybe throwing some random swears once Skwisgaar’ done accepting his award and does his speech, but before he can think of a word horrendous enough to earn a reaction from the robot, feels a hand on his shoulder. Nathan glances, expecting one of the backstage crew warning him that he needs to go further back, but it’s Skwisgaar. 
Nathan raises a brow. “Skwis, what–” but his words are cut off as Skwisgaar takes him and presses his lips against Nathan.
A hand runs through Nathan’s hair, lifting several long strands before sliding behind his neck. Nathan feels each finger curl around him, inviting him to close the gap, which Nathan is only too happy to oblige. He pushes forward, tasting the round, supple flesh with his tongue. His mouth parts, and as soon as Skwisgaar tried to deepen that kiss, nips the tip of his tongue. Skwisgaar sighs through his nose. Nathan nips again, biting down on Skwisgaar’s bottom lip, and not letting go until Skwisgaar groans out his favorite notes. 
“Uhh…Skwisgaar Skwigelf!” a voice on stage calls, but neither men are too concerned with the poor jackoff making an ass of himself. They continue holding on to another, Nathan’s eyes slowly closing as Skwisgaar’s lips continue to pull at his, hands against his waist and daring to lower, gripping Nathan’s lower back and sending a massive chill up his spine. Skwisgaar pulls away, and for a second Nathan thinks it’s over, but as he takes a breath and opens eyes, ends up gasping when Skwisgaar’s lips brush over his lower neck, assaulting him with a blazing flutter, a confident whisper filled with intimacy.
Offdensen shakes his head at the two.
“Skwisgaar Skwigelf?”
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friendlytrees · 4 years
Stay Here With Me
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sebastian stan x reader
summary: you decided to clear your head and take a walk, but someone unexpected crosses paths with you.
warnings: swearing
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mountains of paint are scattered all over different cardboard boxes. you take a chunck of the red and smear it on the canvas in front of you like a toddler. As bits if light creep in through your curtains you realize you’ve been painting all day. You get up and look around to see 10 awful and terrifying paintings staring back at you. Although this was a great stress reliever, it wasn't going to help you get over what had happened.
2 weeks ago you walked into your apartment to find your boyfriend Daniel cheating on you. You knew it wouldn't last, you met him at some douchey college frat party and out of all the boys, he was the “most romantic” when you caught him all you could say was leave.
After this incident your friend introduced you to anger painting. Although very effective it consumed you and it was all you could do. When you finished the 10th painting you decided it was time to get some fresh air. You get in the shower and after you change into a flowy dress and jacket, grab your keys and head out the door. You walked down what seemed like a never ending hall until you made it to the elevator. The elevator dings to signal you to go down and when the door opens, your ex smiles at you holding flowers.
“y/n hey look i wan-“
“no, i cant do this right now” you say as you cut him off. You try to walk to the stairs but he grabs your arm and insists you talk to him
“look what happened was so bad. And im so sorry, but thats in the past and we are in the present and thats what’s important”
“ do you think you’re being romantic “
“ i got you flowers”
you shove him, “ look you’re wasting my time. i have to go” you walk towards the elevator and leave him standing in the hall holding flowers. as the door closes you stare at him as he drops the flowers and crushes them.
after getting out the elevator you try to grab the nearest wall to cling on to so you can calm yourself down. All you could think about were the emotions you felt the night it happened. You catch your breath and eventually head out the front doors of the building. As soon as you walk out you are blinded by the sun. You cover your eyes as you think about how you haven't been outside in days.
while you mindlessly walk you can see the the sun leaking through the orange-ish trees along the road. this is the best thing you’ve done in a while, you have never stopped to take a look at the world around you since college started; in this moment you realized that life was beautiful. As the sun is setting you find yourself at a small park next to a library. your eyes wander to a bench with a very muscular man sitting on it. when you get closer you can eventually make out who it is
“hey, long time no see” you say as you stand right in front of him
he looks up from his book “y/n ? wow you look great” he gets up and goes in for a hug
“what are you doing here Sebastian. i haven't seen you here in so long”
“well i just got back from jersey , i was just here to visit family. then i ran into you.. wow you changed so much.”
“is that a good thing” you say with laughter
“ yes thats a great thing wow,” he goes in for another hug. “ i haven't seen you in 2 years. why didn't you call”
you push him off of you and go to sit on the bench “ i had so much going on i couldn't really make time to call anyone”
“ouch” he says as he sits down.
“ no dont take it personally. college is just stressful”
“thats why i never went” he says as he leans back in the bench
“what have you been doing these past 2 years?”
“ive been working, we dont all have money”
you could tell that was suggested towards you. you had been best friends your entire lives and did everything together, but the only difference between you two was that his family didnt really have much. so, the older he got, the less you saw of him since he was working all the time. And eventually when you moved you didnt see him at all.
you turn to face Sebastian “can we hang out today? i dont really have anything planned”
he turns to face you “ well i was going to sit here and read this book, but i guess i have room to hang out” he smiled and began to laugh. eventually you two got up and started walking in the Manhattan streets. the sun had set. the moon light lit up the almost empty street , which was rare. Sebastian turns to face you and begins to speak
“so where are we going?”
“i thought you knew, i was following you” you say with a confused look on your face
“im kidding” he looks over and points to a corner store “lets go in here”
you both step inside and he goes straight to the liquor. he grabs two large bottles and heads to the register.
“that will be $40”
“here you go”
“thank you, come again”
you both walk out and he hands you one of the brown paper bags. “drink up” he says as he opens his drink”
“you want me to drink,,, while we are walking around Manhattan.”
“yeah why not what could happen” he says as he takes a large swig of liquor
you look at him and decide to give in. “fine, but im only doing this for you”
an hour had passed and you were both wasted walking under the street lights saying god knows what. The only thing you could hear was Sebastian yelling every time he saw a taxi. You end up stopping at one of the lights next to a closed theater.
“hold on i need to stop for a minute i need t-” mid sentence he lets half of his lunch out on the side walk. All you could do was laugh at him while he was doing it. When hes done he sits up and swings around the poll screaming to the top of his lungs “do you want to know something y/n”
“what is it” you say taking the last sip of your alcohol
“i love you”
“Ive loved you since youve came into my life, you just make me so happy.” he drunkingly makes a heart with his hands and walks closer to you. “I needed to see you y/n, youre part of the reason i came back. I missed your laugh, your jokes, i missed the way you smiled. I need you”
“youre drunk you dont mean that”
“Yes i do” he moves his hands up to your cheeks. “ every time im with you i get this feeling that if something ever happened to you id lose you forever. And i want to make sure you will always be okay. Im not saying this because im drunk y/n, im saying this because i love you”
No words were able to come out of your mouth. All you could do was stand there and stare into those bluish grey eyes. he eventually let your face go and started walking away.
“where are you going?” you say as you try to catch up with him
“i have no idea, but im pretty sure ive just embarrassed myself”
you stop walking “Where were you supposed to stay tonight?”
“i was supposed to stay with my mom but if i come home drunk hes gonna kill me” he stops walking and tilts his head up “i could just buy a hotel for tonight”
“or you could stay at my place” you say. he turns his head over to you and smiles. he sluggishly walks towards you and you guide him to your apartment.
you both find a taxi to take you back since youre too drunk to walk. Once you get there you head through the doors and get in the elevator. the ride up to the 3rd floor of your apartment was filled with silence. Sebastian had kept his distance ever since he told you he loved you. Back on the sidewalk under the street light you regret not telling him right then and there that youve felt the same way.
the elevator doors opened and when you walked out you could see someone near your door. you rushed over to see who it was, and when you knew you were disappointed.
“what the hell are you doing here, leave now!”
“please just let me ta-” your ex takes a pause when he sees Sebastian standing 4 feet away. “who the fuck is this, huh, y/n? who the fuck are you” he starts walking closer to Sebastian and shoves him “who are you”
he looks at you and looks back at your ex “ im her boyfriend”
“no hes no-” you were cut off by your ex who became filled with anger
“oh really, your her boyfriend?” he shoves Sebastian 
Sebastian shoves him back “shove me again and i swear”
“you swear what. what are you gonna do”
Sebastian throws a punch at him and then gets tackled. You try to tell them to stop and pull them off of each other, but it wasn't working. Your ex wouldn't stop hitting Sebastian. He couldn't fight back anymore all he could do was take the hits. you run up to Daniel and pull him off of Sebastian before he could do anymore damage.
“what the hell Daniel”
“punk deserved it” he said as he wiped the blood off of his brow.
“leave right now”
“im not going anywhere”
“ leave before i call the police”
he looks at you for a moment, then he leaves. 
you run over to Sebastian to make sure he is okay and help him up. You grab your key and open your door. you turn the lights on and take Sebastian to the living room to lay him on the couch. 
“hey, im going to grab a rag to clean your face”
“y/n” he pauses to catch his breath “ you never said anything earlier, after i told you”
you sit down on the coffee table in front of the couch so you're facing him. “Sebastian. all this time didn't understand why i felt the way i do around you, you make me feel safe and i can trust you with my life.” Sebastian sits up before you can finish “Sebastian i love you” he leans over to you and kisses you “i love you too y/n”
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Polyamorous: The Mother and The father
Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes, Stucky x reader
warning:  fluff
The First kiss |  The first touch | Moving In | The day they left for war | Found you | The day Stark found out | Big Change | The Train | The Plane | Alone | Unfortunate sequences of events | I know her | The Resturant part 1 | The Resturant part 2 | It’s me | You can keep her | He’s okay with that | Mama loves me | Kissing Captain | Kissing Winter | Healing | Hurt | We’ll Wait | Memories | Prude | Whore | Put in her place | The day Stark Jr. Found out | Now you know |  Nursing | Like a Virgin | Morning After | The Catacombs | Off with her head | Grieving the Insane | Let me make it up to you | Punishment | Spiderling pt1 | Spiderling pt2 | Twentieth-century love | The new we can imagine | Connection | Please, marry me | Walk me | Stand with me | Final touches | I Do | Honeymoon | A moment of Paradise | Pictures from Paradise | The Fever | The bad days | Let’s talk about it | Practice makes perfect pt1 | Practice makes perfect pt2 | Seed | Unknown Stolen | unfulfilled Duties | Talking Emotion | Next Step | Holy Shit!! | First steps to hope | She’s Awake | Nicknames | The Mother and The father 
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(Y/n) was pacing back and forth muttering words of encouragement under her breath. Today was the day Bruce was finally doing the DNA test which everyone had been putting off. Just about everyone, including (Y/n), was gathered in the living room waiting for the results.  "Doll, will you please stop pacing" Bucky asked rubbing his forehead watching her pace was giving him a headache. "Sorry, I'm just really anxious. My feet can't stop moving"  
Bucky looked to his right to see the girl sitting stiff fidgeting with her fingers. It looked as if (Y/n)'s anxiety was rubbing off on her. He could imagine where her thoughts were going.  "Come here" Bucky waved her over she took a seat in his lap "Why are you so anxious everything is going to be fine." "I guess I'm scared we'll do this blood test and find out she has parents who are alive and well and that they'll want her and they'll take her." (Y/n) said leaning back on his shoulder.  "You know the possibility of that happening is slim to none, right?" Natasha said  "yeah but my negative thoughts are trying to drown me. I really want to keep her" "You also know that she's right her. She might not have a name but she's still here" Clint said gesturing to the girl sitting next to him.  (Y/n) looked at her "HI" Little Miss smiled. Hearing (Y/n)'s reason for being anxious did put her a bit at ease.  "Results" Bruce said as he walked in waving the tablet over his head. With a squeal (Y/n) jumped up and ran over trying to take the tablet from him but he put it over her head refusing to give it to her.  "no, no. I'm reading them go away I'm reading them." "Then read them and stop messing around" (Y/n) demanded Steve came over and pulled her into his lap holding her down. "Alright, DNA results says that ….. James and (Y/n) Rogers-Barnes. You're both her parents."  The room fell into a few seconds of silence. Then (Y/n) jumped up with a squeal and hopped on Little Miss next to her bringing her into a tight suffocating hug. The young girl was startled hands awkwardly by her side as she looked around the room for help but everyone was just smiling and laughing as they watched the two. "I'm sorry" (Y/n) giggled a bit wiping away her tears as she let her go backing up " I just... we get to keep you-" "She's not a dog"  "We get to love you. I would have fought for you anyways I'm just happy I don't have to. This is wonderful. Oh we should throw a party. I'm going to make a cake. SOMEONE CALL PETER"  (Y/n) screamed as she jumped up rushing out of the room. Everyone just laughed at her she was to in her head to see it.  The young girl of the hour just looked around a bit confused she didn't really know what she would be doing now or where she would be going. Well, from (Y/n)'s reaction she gathered she wouldn't be leaving the tower any time soon. Everyone congratulated Steve and Bucky and told her they were happy to have her and to come to any of them if she needed help. After a while Bucky noticed how uncomfortable she was and volunteered to take her to her room which she had yet to have seen.  "(Y/n) has already decorated it. Color and set up wise you can add more if you want or change it. It's up to you." Bucky said awkwardly he didn't really know what else to say to her.  While as (y/n) was excited and overzealous with her and ready to be her mother despite everything Bucky, on the other hand, was a different story. Bucky was nervous and cautious. Nervous because this was happening really fast she wasn't a child or baby she was a teenager near full grown adult so there wasn't really a starting point to get comfortable or grow and get to know her and she came from Hydra he wasn't aware of what his relationship with her in Hydra was or if they even met or what Hydra had done to her, what she could do, or what could trigger her. And then he was cautious because once again she came from Hydra despite them saving her and letting her running away they didn't know everything about her and she could be a danger to them, it was yet to be determined. There was a fine line Bucky was standing on and he didn't know which side he was going to be on. " This is our room feel free to come to us whenever and right here is your room." They stopped in front of her door, across the hall and a little ways down from their door. on it was a yellow name panel shaped like a star but it was empty as they had no name for her yet and they didn't want to put her number up.  Bucky opened the door stepping in she slowly followed.  "Lock" Bucky turned around to she her messing with the door nob she apparently found the lock and was very interested in it.  "Yeah, your room, your space no one has to come in here if you don't want them to. You can lock the door whenever. Of course, if there is an emergency Friday can be used to unlock the door but if that ever happens she'll warn you before hand. I doubt that will ever happen." He said as he watched her mess with the lock for a few more seconds. She looked adorable messing with it like it was a new toy. She finally lost interest in just the lock and started looking around the room.  "(Y/n) said you picked blue"  The room was very simple. One wall across from the door made entirely of windows and three light blue walls. Her King size bed with light blue and white sheets and pillows and desk against one wall, Tv cross on the next wall, and her drawer on the wall next to the door. "Your closet is to the left of the tv and your bathroom to the right. All your hygiene products are in there, if there is anything else you need come to (Y/n) and I don't want to give Steve a heart attack. There isn't much in your closet now but I'm sure (Y/n) and Wanda will force some more online shopping upon you. It isn't that bed actually... I'll leave you to wonder and explore. Again if you need someone we're here" With that Bucky left the room shutting the door behind him leaving her to do as she pleased in her new room.  "How is she?" (Y/n) asked as he made his way into the kitchen Steve was sitting at the counter watching her bake away. Baking a cake had turned into baking anything sweet she could think of and Steve imagined that she would be running out of ingredients soon.  "Can't really say she doesn't talk much. I know she was very interested in her lock. I guess she didn't think we'd give her one."  "I can see why she'd think that" Steve said " we didn't sort of forbid her from leaving the infirmary when she was there."   "Well, we didn't really mean to forbid her we just didn't want her wondering around there getting hurt, getting lost, or stumbling upon something she shouldn't have like another patience. I talked to Tony she's free to move around the tower as she pleases" (Y/n) hands Steve a bowl and spoon to lick clean as she moved on to making the next thing. "Well, with Friday monitoring her moves I don't see the problem with her wondering. Plus she knows she isn't really going to wonder to far seeing as she only like You and Bruce so far." "She'll warm up to you guys... eventually. I'm just special."  she hummed and winked  "I think it's because she gives her food" Steve whispers licking his spoon. (Y/n) heard and flicked flour at him. " That's not true... I don't think? Either way she's with us now so we're going to take care of her. We're going to get her through this and we'll be family."
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tessisawriter · 5 years
What Real Support Looks Like, Part 3 (Mat Barzal)
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
A/N: I created a playlist of songs that have influenced me throughout the series.
TCD = Trinity College Dublin
Warnings: One swear word, angst
Word Count: 2.6k
As Lauren pulled into the parking lot of Mat’s building and searched for a parking space, Gemma’s phone lit up with a notification.
Gemma lamented her decision to not throw the phone into her bag as she picked it up and scanned the screen. It was another text from Mat: “I will never forgive myself for what I said. I love you more than life itself and will do whatever it takes to make things right.”
I love you more than life itself. Mat saying the phrase replayed in Gemma’s mind over and over again. It meant a lot to both of them: those were the words Mat used when he told Gemma he loved her for the first time, and after that, it caught on. He said those seven little words whenever he could, and Gemma’s heart always melted whenever he did.
The emotions that she had pushed back in the Eberle’s dining room overwhelmed her now. Gemma didn’t know how things got so bad in the past twelve hours that she was about to collect some of her belongings from the apartment she and Mat used to share.
“Gem? Sweetie?” Lauren’s voice pulled Gemma out of her spiral. “What’s wrong?”
Gemma looked up and realized that her car was now sitting in a parking space. “Everything,” she said. “I have so many feelings and I just don’t know how to process them all.”
“Feelings about Mat?” she asked. Gemma nodded her head in response.
“Are you sure you want to do this today? We can always come back in a few days when everything has sunken in,” Lauren offered.
“It’s not about that,” Gemma snapped at her, and she immediately regretted it. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. It’s not your fault.”
“I know, sweetie. You’ve been through so much in less than a day’s time.” Lauren assured her.
“I just…I don’t know how I feel about Mat. I’m obviously beyond angry with him for belittling my career, but…I think I still love him. And I hate myself for feeling that way. He made me feel like a bad girlfriend for pursuing my dreams. I should be closing the door completely, but I’m having a hard time doing that.”
“It’s completely normal to have mixed feelings about a break-up, especially since everything’s so raw right now,” Lauren said. “It doesn’t make you a bad person, Gem. You’re human.”
Gemma let that soak in for a minute. She really did feel like a bad person (not to mention a bad feminist) but, like Lauren said, she was human.
“I don’t want to overstep, but in your heart, do you think you can forgive him?” Lauren asked, then hastily added, “Not that I’m saying that is what you should do, because I don’t know what I would do if I were you, but I think you have to ask yourself if you can forgive him because you clearly still have feelings for him, and you need to consider that, too.”
Gemma didn’t answer her right away; instead, she thought long and hard. Could she forgive him for what he said? If she took the statement itself at face value, the answer was an obvious no, but there was so much more to it. Mat was so drunk that Gemma didn’t think he was particularly coherent when he said it, but she also meant what she said earlier about drunk people being more prone to saying the truth. Even if he didn’t mean it, he probably still felt that way deep down. Not to mention that Mat shouldn’t have even been drunk in the first place because it was Gemma’s birthday and he forgot about it. But they had both been so busy since the New Year, and Jordan did say that relationships are tested in this way. 
Gemma hated that she was so torn up about this, and she knew she shouldn’t even entertain the idea of taking him back. The problem was, Lauren was right: Gemma still had feelings for Mat, and she needed to sort them out before making a decision one way or another.
“If we’re talking about forgiving him right now, definitely not,” Gemma finally replied, “But if I had some space and time to think about it…I don’t know what I would do. The only thing I am sure of is that I need time to reach a proper decision.”
“And that is completely valid,” Lauren patted her shoulder. “Whatever you decide, I will fully support you, and so will Jordan and Sydney. We will always be there for you.”
“Thank you, Lauren,” Gemma unbuckled her seat belt and reached over to hug her.
“Of course,” Lauren said, “Now, do you want to go to the apartment or go to a store and pick up a bikini there?”
“I would rather leave, but I left my passport and a few other really important things there in my haste last night, so we should go get them,” she replied. Gemma couldn’t believe she was so stupid as to leave behind her passport, but it was in the safe, so she forgot. At least she had been wearing the Tiffany heart necklace her mother let her take with her to college; Gemma’s dad had originally given it to her mom.
“Yeah, you should really get that back. Let’s go.” They each opened their respective car doors and shut them, and walked to the apartment building, Lauren’s arm slung around Gemma’s shoulders.
When they reached the apartment door, Gemma’s hands shook as she took the keys out of her backpack.
“Do you want me to…?”
“No, I’ve got it. Thanks, though,” Gemma quickly added. She found her keys, put them in the lock, and turned them to open the door.
The living room looked exactly as she left it, but when she walked into the bedroom, Gemma’s heart sank. Her green TCD sweatshirt was rumpled up on Mat’s side of the bed, as if he had been wearing it or holding it during the night.
Lauren took one look at the sweatshirt and knew exactly what to say to distract her. “Where are your bikinis?” she asked.
“In the wardrobe over there,” Gemma pointed to her left, “Top drawer. I’m going to go in the closet to find my passport.”
“Got it,” she said.
Gemma walked to the door next to the wardrobe and opened it. One of the perks of this apartment was the walk-in closet. She ignored her dresses and his suit jackets, dress shirts, and pants hanging side by side and made a beeline for the safe, which was hidden in the back of the closet. Gemma opened it and felt around inside the safe for her passport. She found the passport and pulled it out, but when she looked at it, she realized that her triskelion necklace was tangled in the passport cover. Gemma smiled for the first time today. She thought she had lost the necklace because it had been missing for months.
While Gemma was on her semester abroad at TCD, she, Annie, and a bunch of their other friends went to the Cliffs of Moher on a weekend trip. Before they went to the Cliffs, though, they visited Poll na mBrón, a Neolithic portal tomb in the Burren, a predominantly rocky area nearby. Near the site of the tomb, a man was selling handcrafted authentic silver Celtic symbol pendants on necklaces at a reasonable price, so Gemma took a look. She was immediately drawn to the triskelion, which has three spirals, and she asked Annie if she knew what it meant. Annie replied that it meant many things and ran through the list, but when she said one of the meanings was “past, present, and future,” Gemma knew it was the one she wanted.
It seemed like her triskelion necklace had come back to her when she needed it most. Gemma ran her fingers over the grooves in each of the three spirals. She had originally chosen this symbol because as a history major, she believed that the past, present, and future are all connected, but the symbol gained a more personal meaning over time. The triskelion reminded Gemma of how far she had come, and that while it was important to remember her past, it did not have to define her or her future.
“Gemma, where are you?” Lauren called, snapping her out of her reverie. She turned around and saw Lauren enter the closet. “What are you doing? Do you have everything you need in here?”
“Yeah, I actually just found my Celtic symbol necklace. I thought I had lost it,” she said, failing to mention the triskelion was actually a Neolithic symbol that was later adopted by the Celts. Gemma was afraid that she bored people when she went off on tangents about history, so she forced herself to not talk about it too much with others. The only people she talked to without reserve were her mom, Annie, and Mat. Well, not Mat anymore.
“It’s so pretty! Did you get that on your semester abroad?”
“Thanks! Yeah, I bought it near the Cliffs of Moher. Would you mind putting it on for me?” Gemma said as she closed the safe and locked it.
“Of course,” Lauren responded, and Gemma stood up, the necklace and passport in her hand. Gemma gave her the necklace and turned around, holding her hair up while Lauren clasped the chain around her neck. Gemma grabbed the pendant and realized that she felt whole again.
“Maybe I should grab a few more pairs of shoes, t-shirts, and sweaters,” she said, thinking about the wacky upcoming weather forecast.
“Already beat you to it. I picked a few and put them on the bed. Except for the shoes, of course,” Lauren replied.
“You know me so well,” Gemma said, and the two of them walked back out into the bedroom, but not before Gemma spotted and grabbed two of her larger overnight bags near the front of the closet. She wasn’t surprised to find on the bed every piece of clothing she had been thinking of taking, so she simply gave Lauren a high five and shoved everything into one of the overnight bags.
“Which bikini do you want?” Lauren asked, pointing to the only pile left on the bed. Gemma examined the bikinis and narrowed it down to a navy and white polka dot set or a sunshine yellow bikini that was a little more revealing and had a removable halter so that she didn’t get tan lines.
“Which one should I take?” she turned around, holding one bikini in each hand, but Lauren was on the floor closing up Gemma’s bag instead of standing next to her. Lauren quickly stood up and pointed to the yellow bikini.
“That one. It gives off happy vibes,” she said, and Gemma couldn’t help but agree. She put it down on the bed, grabbed the other bikinis, and shoved them into the top drawer before returning to her chosen bikini. Gemma knelt down on the floor in front of her bag and opened it, only to find the sweatshirt that had been on Mat’s side of the bed inside the bag. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but the sweatshirt’s presence in her bag felt wrong. She took it out, packed the bikini, and zipped up the bag before standing up and putting the sweatshirt back on the bed by Mat’s pillow.
“I don’t want Mat to know I was here,” she told Lauren, “So I’ll take it back another time.”
“Good point,” Lauren agreed. “It just felt weird to see it there.”
She knew what Lauren left unsaid: she thought it was weird that Mat had been clearly cuddling the sweatshirt because it smelled like Gemma. Gemma thought so, too, until she saw the sweatshirt in her bag. Seeing it there made her realize that keeping her sweatshirt was Mat’s way of grieving, and despite still being angry with him, Gemma wasn’t going to judge him for it. She knew it was twisted, but she felt a little better knowing that he missed her.
“Totally” was all Gemma said out loud in response. “I’m just going to grab some books from the shelf in the living room, and then we can go,” she added.
“Okay, take your time,” Lauren replied.
Gemma grabbed the two overnight bags and walked out of the bedroom into the main living space. She put down the bag with the clothes and took the empty bag over to the bookshelf. Without even thinking, she took all of the books in the Shadowhunter Chronicles series by Cassandra Clare off the shelf and put them in the bag. She loved those books to death and was not going to leave them behind. Gemma analyzed the bookshelf for a few moments before grabbing a few history books and some classics, including Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Persuasion by Jane Austen, and shoved them into the bag before zipping it shut.
“Shit, Gem, I don’t know how you just did that, but you picked all those books in less than four minutes,” Lauren said, amazed.
“What can I say? I love my books. Let’s get out of here.”
Gemma picked up the bag with all of the books inside, and she staggered from the sheer weight of the bag. She tried to pick up the clothing bag, but Lauren put up a hand.
“Let me take the other bag,” Lauren insisted.
She and Lauren walked out of the apartment. Gemma tried to control the tremors in her hands while she locked up, but she wasn’t fully successful. 
The car ride back to the Eberle’s house was short and silent, and before Gemma knew it, Lauren parked her car in their driveway. Gemma grabbed her bags out of the back seat and followed Lauren to the front door.
“Okay,” Lauren said as they entered the house, “I’m going to get changed for the pool party. Let’s aim to be out of here in ten minutes?”
“Sounds good,” Gemma replied, and they headed off to their respective rooms.
Gemma moved like a hurricane as soon as she shut the door to the guest room. She grabbed her bikini, a pair of cut-off denim shorts, and an old t-shirt she could put in the washing machine and changed in record time. As she slid on her flip-flops, Gemma decided to respond to Mat’s text.
She sat down on the bed and started writing. After much revision, she finally settled on the following text: “I need space. Give me until Monday to think everything over, and I’ll let you know what I’ve decided. P.S. this is NOT a break: my life is not going to turn into the Ross and Rachel show.”
The last sentence was a last-minute addition. Gemma was still leaning towards giving him the boot once and for all in five days, but she didn’t want him sleeping with someone else if she somehow decided to forgive him.
Gemma heard three knocks on the door and Lauren’s voice: “Gemma, are you ready to go?”
“Yes,” she said, grabbing her backpack and opening the door. Mat could mope all he wanted, but Gemma was done moping. She was going to go to Sydney’s house, have fun with her friends, and try to forget about him, even if it only lasted for a little while.
@averytiredlawstudent @star-adorned @theforevermorereject
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strawberry-lemonade · 4 years
here is a WIP that i will never finish
"Excuse me, but I happen to think Mávri gáta is hilarious. Those puns are spot on."
Aria opened her mouth and paused, before closing it again.
"Zào Fortuna has got spots right?."
"Wait were you trying to aim a pun at her, but then forgot if she had spots?
"Uh, maybe..."
"Dude, you're an idiot in every sense of the word."
Aria hung her head.
"...I know."
"That's nice."
Aria threw a pillow at her before exploding in a fit of giggles.
"Mooncaaaake! You're supposed to give me a hug and say sorry!"
Marinette sighed and blew her nails before turning to look at Aria.
"We both know how that goes down."
Aria sighed and stood up.
"Have you heard from Adrien in the past few days?"
"You know what? I haven't."
"Last time I talked to him, he told me he got a boyfriend."
"He did? Why didn't I know about that?"
"Babe, weren't you on the other line?"
"Uh... I think I fell asleep."
"Wow. You really need to stop staying up all night on commissions."
"Speaking of, any news about that stuff?"
"Well, from what I've heard, my little sister from another mister is traveling to Gotham because her fashion business has taken off. 'The mysterious designer MDC has bypassed Gabriel Agreste in the polls!' 
"Well, what you heard is true-'
"I also heard that you get to stay in Wayne Manor and bring a friend. Maybe Sabine?"
"What? And risk her finding out that I parade around the city in spots every night? No thanks."
"Hm. Chloe?"
"The invitation would be wasted. She's already going to Gotham with her mom."
"What about Alya?"
"Since 2 heroes will be out of commission, Rena is going to be needed here."
"I don't know."
Aria collapsed on the bed with a groan before sitting up and smirking.
"Okay. Your guessing privileges have been revoked."
"Noooooo! How else will I find out who you're going to take?!"
"By asking. Like a normal person."
"How dare you assume that I'm normal."
"Now I'm beginning to wonder if I should actually tell you."
"Okay, okay! I'll shut up! Just please tell me who, so I don't have to stay up till 3, guessing."
"I wanted to ask you."
"Uh, I will give you an entire list of reasons why I shouldn't come. Plus, I don't really think they'd let me bring the cat."
"I'm asking right now, and if they say no, then I'll politely decline the invitation."
"I don't want you to miss out-"
"They replied!"
"What? Let me see!"
Aria scrambled off the chaise and scurried over to Marinette, tripping in the process. 
"Wait! Let me get up!"
Aria jumped up and stumbled into the desk.
Marinette clicked the email and recited it aloud.
"Dear MDC, your friend's cat will be allowed. If you need to arrange anything to bring your cat on the plane, please do not hesitate to ask.
 Aria squealed and hugged Marinette.
"Ok. If we can start packing now, I'll come with you." 
"Why do we have to pack now? The trip isn't until Saturday and it's only Wednesday! Can't we just enjoy the first sleepover we've had in a month?"
"Babe, please? I hate procrastinating."
"What are you talking about? You love procrastinating!"
"I don't love it, It just happens to be my default."
"Same difference!"
"Um, no, not the same difference."
"Dante. I am begging you. Don't turn off the computer yet."
"Aria. it's almost 1 A.M and we both have class tomorrow."
"I knoooow! But I put my fucking heart into this, and if you turn it off right now, it will delete and I have no way of saving it."
"Aria. Go to bed now."
"Nooooo! I have to finish it!"
"Fine. But as soon as the clock gets to 1. I'm turning everything off. Just because you're my favorite doesn't mean I'll let you get away with anything."
"Boi! I let you get away with so many things! Can I not just stay up for another hour to finish a damn design?!"
"Hi, Minette."
"Are you gonna stay up again while binge-ing on coffee?"
"Marinette. Please tell my idiot sister that she needs sleep too."
"Noooo! My favorites are teaming up to defeat me!"
"Aria. Go. To. Bed."
Aria jumped up, seized the computer, shot into the bathroom.
"Ha! Now you can't stop me from finishing this!"
"Okay. I give up. Marinette, she's yours now."
Dante slowly backed out of the kitchen with his arms raised.
"Aria. Come out. Please. It's not a sleepover if it's only one person. Plus I need someone to binge-watch movies with!"
"...What kind of movies?"
"Um, MIB International, Charlie's Angels, Hanna, Atomic Blonde, La Femme Nikita-"
"I'm in. Just give me a second."
The sound of shuffling around could be heard in the unusually silent house. The bathroom door opened to show a dark room a few seconds later, and Aria emerged holding a closed laptop.
"I thought it wasn't going to save?"
"Yeah uh, I lied. I just wanted to keep working."
"Geez. I bet you'll be the only person in Gotham like this."
"Well, I do try to be unique!"
"Okay, we need to finish packing."
"But what about the movies?!"
"We'll watch them while we pack."
Five movies and two panic attacks later:
"Mooncake! Do you know where my-"
"Beanie? Downstairs in the tardis."
"Oh my gosh, thank you! I need to take a shower, are you almost finished packing?"
"Yeah, two more outfits and I'll be done."
"Kay. My phone is charging next to the window, the password is 314159, the flashy purple app turns on the TV."
With that, Aria walked out of the room and shut the door. Not even 2 minutes later, the sound of running water could be heard, along with the song 'Consideration' blasting through the house. Marinette shook her head and laughed.
"Geez Ari. Too loud."
Marinette folded the last outfit and placed it in her suitcase. Walking over to the window, she was attacked by Aria’s cat.
“Ack! Get off!”
Marinette started to try and shake the cat off and Kiro released her leg. She jumped onto the bed and yanked her legs up to avoid any further scratches. The door slammed open to reveal a soaking wet Aria in a towel. She still had soap bubbles in her hair and it had stuck to her face while she was running.
“I heard a screech! Is everything okay?”
Marinette stared for a second longer before laughing so hard she fell off the bed.
“OH MY GOSH! Did you just- holy crap! The cat just jumped on me!”
“...are you freaking kidding me? I literally jumped out of the shower to see what in the world was going on. I thought you were being abducted.”
“I’m so sorry! I just-” Marinette collapsed into another fit of giggles.
“Okay, since you’re obviously fine, I’m gonna go finish my shower. Next time, don’t screech unless it’s an emergency. Now my clothes are wet because of my idiocy. Goodbye, Little Missy Macaron.”
Aria walked out of the room, leaving Marinette to try and clean up the water mess. She just threw a towel over the puddle.
Aria walked into the bathroom while shaking her head slowly. She picked up her phone and pressed shuffle on her playlist. Once again, a song started blasting through the house.
Marinette grabbed Aria’s phone and unlocked it. She pressed the purple icon that Aria had told her about and clicked the red power button at the top. Nothing happened.
Right. The TV is downstairs.
Marinette sighed and checked under the bed before leaving the safety of the mattress. She picked up her two suitcases and took them downstairs. 5 minutes later, the sound of gunshots and suspenseful music coming from the living room rivaled the pop music coming from the upstairs bathroom.
Dante, Evita, and Armando came home to three girls shouting and running around, with another standing off to the side and filming. Chloe and Alya had come over to help after Aria had gotten out of the shower. Though it quickly turned into Chloe chasing Aria around and trying to get her to put on some clothes that weren’t covered in paint, and Alya filming Marinette freaking out about losing her deodorant.
“Dante! I stole your Pikachu boxers because they were in my drawers!” Aria ran past him, a disgruntled Chloe in hot pursuit.
“Why do I care?”
“Just thought you should know in case you start looking for them while I’m gone!”
“Speaking of being gone, shouldn’t you guys get going? Your flight leaves in 4 hours.”
“Crap! Evita! Do you have work soon? Can you drive us to the airport?”
“Can’t you guys just bike?”
Aria stopped and stared at Evita incredulously. Chloe didn't slow down quick enough and slammed both girls into the ground.
“Okay, we have like, 4 bags each, and the airport is like 45 miles away. ”
“Okay. I’ll take you, but I do have to work soon so we have to go now.”
“Okay. Akiv! Stop! Do you have your bags?”
“Yes, Ari.”
“Mooncake! Are you ready?”
“We can get some at the airport.”
“GAH! Okay, fine. Let’s go.”
The three girls ran to give Alya a hug before they left.
“Bye Als! Love you!”
“Adios, Vixen! Te Quiero!”
“Salut Alya!”
Marinette, Aria, and Chloe stepped out of the Envoy and took their bags out of the trunk.
“Zai Jian, Evita! Wǒ ài nǐ!”
“Adios Mija! Te Quiero mucho!”
Aria gave Evita a hug before slinging her book bag and purse over her shoulder and pulling her suitcase over to the entrance. The girls watched the car drive off before turning and walking into the airport.
“Ay Dios Mio…”
“Look at the lines!” Aria gestured over to about fifty people standing in front of a counter.
“Oh, mon Dieu.” 
“Um, no. Look at your tickets. We have first-class. Which is the line over there.” Chloe pointed over to a short line with only a few people.
“Oh, thank goodness.” Marinette sighed as she scanned over her plane ticket.
“Wait, really?” Aria scrambled for the small slip of paper in her wallet, accidentally dropping it.
A young male, probably around 15, picked it up. He smiled and held it out to her.
“Here you go, m’lady”
“Thanks, bro,” Aria grunted.
The boy froze for only a second, but it was long enough for her to pluck the leather contraption out of his hand and walk away with the other girls. When they were out of earshot, they all burst out laughing.
“Oh my gosh! Did you see his face when you called him ‘bro’?!”
“That was hilarious,” Aria wiped tears from her eyes.
“Welp, now we know how she keeps guys away.” 
“Who knew it was so simple?”
“No. It’s simple for me. I am the Goddess of repellent. You two are mere mortals.”
“She’s right! Oh, Great One! We are unworthy of your presence, but we beg to learn your ways!” Marinette got down on one knee, with one hand over her heart and the other being held out to Aria.
“Oh, get up Mooncake. They’re looking at us crazy again.” Chloe pulled the smaller girl onto her feet and ruffled her hair.
Marinette giggled, then bowed and took Aria’s hand. 
“I am forever indebted to you for teaching me.” She kissed the brunette’s hand before standing up straight again.
“Mooncake, I love you, but that was the weirdest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Thanks, Abelle.”
“No problem babe.”
Aria rolled her eyes. 
The girls looked up to see it was their turn in line.
“Please place your bags in the designated area.” The lady behind the desk gestured to a wire container.
Marinette looked to the side and placed her suitcase into the basket. The other girls quickly followed suit.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“Aria Couture.”
“Chloe Bourgeois.”
The lady typed their names into the computer before waving them away. Marinette saw the dull look in her eyes and pulled out 3 macarons before whispering something and smiling.
“Excuse me, Madame? Here are a few macarons. I hope you have a nice day!” 
Marinette picked up her bags and walked away with her friends. She didn’t miss the small smile that appeared on the woman’s face.
“So, what’d you do to the cookies?”
“Let’s just say the rest of her week will be much better.”
“Minette, I have absolutely no idea what you're implying, and at this point, I'm too scared to ask.”
“This is why I hate flying. I’m already exhausted and we haven’t even been at the airport for 2 hours.” Marinette groaned.
“We’re done with all the security stuff, and our suitcases are already boarding the plane, which basically means we can currently do whatever we want. And don’t you still need deodorant?”
“Ugh. You’re right. Let’s go.”
Aria grinned and walked towards a sandwich restaurant.
“Aria, where are you going? The toiletries place is over there.” Marinette pointed to a little kiosk next to the bathrooms.
“Come on. You didn’t really think we would get deodorant before we got food, did you?”
“...I am kind of hungry…”
“Let’s go then!”
Aria grabbed Marinette’s right hand and Chloe’s left hand and yanked them over to the restaurant.
“Flight Number 763, First class, Now boarding.”
Aria jolted awake at the sound of the announcement. She looked over at Chloe and Marinette sleeping peacefully and contemplated waking them up. She'd rather not lose an eye, or two.
Chloe woke up as the brunette picked up a small pink bookbag.
“Good morning Chlo,” Aria yawned.
“...hi Ari.”
Grabbing all of their backpacks, she took the tickets and passports out and walked over to the admittance booth.
“Tickets please."
“Here,” Aria handed him all three tickets and passports.
 Aria looked up at the man in the booth.
“Can we go in or do you need sleeping beauty over here to confirm something,” Aria pointed at Marinette.
“Um. You can go in…”
“Thanks, have a nice day!”
The girls walked to the plane and found their seats quickly. Chloe helped Aria set Marinette down and put the carry-on bags in the capsules above them. Both girls fell back asleep about 10 minutes after they buckled up.
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idkhyuck · 5 years
Not to be confused with my “MEETING TOM HOLLAND” Series. i heard Here Without You- 3 Doors Down and listened to it for like 3 nights before falling asleep and it hit all the right feels. still getting a feel for writing for Tom so feed back is appreciated. also for the full effect listening to here without you by 3 doors down helps. 
~summary~ Tom is SUPER busy and misses you like crazy. this one is a little more angsty but mostly just !sadTom !sadreader but still vv cute. 
i woke up to the grey New York sky.another rainy fall day, normally you wouldn’t mind. You dreaded the commute to work. you dreaded having to come home to an empty apartment yet again. you missed being held, you swore you forgot what holding Tom felt like. the pillow you hugged at night not doing you any good anymore. it’s been at least four months since you last saw Tom. from promoting his latest whenever he could, to him constantly back and forth between Vancouver and LA working on his new project it felt like forever. you would facetime when you could. He’d made many a promise to fly home for the day only to have his plans dashed. you’d made plans to go out and see him only to have his schedule change last minute. between the two of you constantly working you’d think you were never meant to see each other again. You checked your phone and saw a few texts from tom. He was telling me all he did on set that night. it was a night shoot so he wasn’t able to call me before work. he was so sorry. 
“only a few weeks darling.” he sent as a voice message. hearing his voice sent a pang of loneliness through me. I played it again and kept it. I got out of bed, the floor cold against my feet, the wind whistling through the busy streets below me. I went to the bathroom and went through my usual business. i looked at toms side of the bathroom clean and untouched for the past few months and sighed. ugh, i hate myself for feeling like this. he’s not dead, that thought only hurting my heart even more. He’ll be back, i thought to myself trying perk myself up. A few more weeks. i sighed as thoughts of something coming up, preventing him from actually coming back raced through my mind. i ended up making myself sad again. I was allowed to be sad, my feelings were valid. it’s been four months. i thought trying to convince myself a i walked into the walk in closet we shared. Four months... wow. i thought back to the last night Tom and i spent together. We were at the premiere for A spider-man movie. We shared many a kiss in that theater that night and that night at the hotel we said our goodbyes with hopes of seeing each other sooner than later. now here we are far past later. i often wondered if he felt the same way i did. was he as lonely as me, did he miss me as much as i missed him. i had no idea how insecure i really could be if left alone to my own devices for too long. a text or phone call always coming in at the right time to save me from myself. i picked a long sleeve t-shirt and one of tom’s spider-man flannels he “borrowed” from set for me.
 you worked at a record store in Brooklyn, you practically owned it with all the work you did for them. Every day off you got you had to fight for and usually ended up spending them alone and upset at ruined plans. The last four months have been less than ideal and it was all taking a toll on you. you used to love working at the record shop and now it’s just another thing to pass the day. you never knew you were capable of feeling this low because of love. you’ve dealt with depressive episodes before all with completely valid reasons. you hated admitting to yourself that you felt this way because of how dependent you’d become on another person. yet that thought alone made you so happy, and hopeful. you loved tom with all your heart after struggling to let him in and let it happen. you felt a full range of emotions with him, you didn’t have to act or hide or put a facade. as much as that could scare you it was ultimately more comforting in the end.
 I looked in the mirror one last time as i brushed through my hair deciding on a messy bun because this weather was doing nothing for my hair. i put on a little make up feeling less than inspired to look good today. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana from the bowl sitting on the counter. i’d have to go grocery shopping later tonight or tomorrow. I grabbed my raincoat and umbrella and my work bag and made my way down the hall of our apartment complex. i approached the door dreading stepping out into this rain. i took a deep breath and swung open the door and opened my umbrella. The sound of the rain hitting the top of my umbrella kind of soothing. i had one headphone with some sad music playing. The one perk i love working at the record store was getting to borrow records from what we had in stock. i loved asking customers for their recommendations on artists they bought that i’d never heard of. it was always so much fun discovering new music, i’d send it to tom. I can’t wait til he gets home, we’d dance around the house listening to music like we used to. He was always a great customer coming in once a week to buy some new music for us at home. The manager loved when he came into store, it was great publicity. Once at work i emptied my bag back onto the shelves and went to my spot behind til. i had to pick our rotation for the day. i picked one of the albums i was listening to that weekend, a new release from the week and some of our customer favourites. I truly loved working at this store. We had polls online and customers would vote on their favourites run by me. i’d tally the votes at the end of the week. i hoped one day i’d be able to own a record shop like this one day. The slow tracks came to life. a perfect start to my morning. i checked my phone, i sent a good morning message with a selfie to tom knowing he’d check it when he could. i could only imagine how tired he must be. I loved how much of himself he truly put into his work. He worked so hard and he deserves all the good opportunities that come his way. i will stand by his side as long as he’ll have me as his number one supporter. 
Tom’s POV 
I woke up to my alarm screaming at me. i sighed. it was all a dream once again. I missed Y/N so much it hurt to wake up in bed alone. I picked up my phone and shut off the alarm. I had a few hours before i had to be on set. 
“Good morning my love.” was what i saw, i opened my phone to see her beautiful face, i see the hurt in her eyes, the fake smile not working on me these past few weeks. i know she’s sad and lonely, it hurts me to know that i’m the reason for that. she’s at work, i wish i could call her. 
“morning love.” i send back. “miss you.” 
“miss you too.” she send back followed quickly by “What are you up to today?” 
“call time in 2 and half hours. probably go out for breakfast.” i lied, i’d be in this hotel room dreading going out. Fans figured out the cast was staying here. i was on high security to and from set. not allowed to go out much. 
“That’s good!” she sent back “call me tonight?” she asked
“yes, for sure.” i replied 
“i have customers.” she sent with an eyeroll emoji indicating she had to go. I turned on the clock radio needing something to drown out the too silent hotel room. i flipped through the room service menu. the words hit me like a knife in my chest. 
A hundred days have made me older since the last time that i saw your pretty face  A thousand lies have made me colder And I don't think I can look at this the same. All the miles that separate Disappear now when I'm dreamin' of your face.I'm here without you baby But you're still on my lonely mind. I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time.
I dream about Y/N all the time, It’s been so long since i felt her kiss, he always cold hands, her arms wrap around me from behind when she wanted my attention. All her little quirks, our dancing around the house, The way she managed to make me feel real despite whatever was going on around us. i can’t wait to go home and not have someone watching me like a hawk, to feel my bed, my home. have someone who knows the real me. i love my job, but it’s exhausting to put on a happy face when your so tired. i’d done nothing but work for the past four months. promo tours, shoots, travelling. i haven’t even been to the UK at all this year. I sighed as i listened to the song some more. i ordered my breakfast and found myself listening to the song  again and again. i did some googling and sent a text to y/n
“track 6″ and it was picture of the album. “listen to it at home off to set. love you will call tonight”
Y/N’s POV. 
i was almost done my shift, I had a good morning, a few tourists had come in and loved the vibe of the store and even tipped me. i was almost completely distracted from my bad mood. my phone buzzed a text from tom. He sent me this song to listen to at home. i searched around the store knowing we had this in stock. I found it and signed it out for myself. My replacement came in as if on cue. i was now excited to head home and listen to the record. i knew of this band but never actually listened to them. i clocked out and made the rainy commute home. i was able to enjoy the sounds of the rain on my umbrella once again soothing me. i picked up a sandwich from the diner down the road from our apartment and made my way home. once inside i resisted the urge to play the song right away but instead opted to change into something comfy enough to go out grocery shopping later tonight. i cracked the window in the living room to let the soothing rain sounds in. i grabbed my late lunch and set it down on the coffee table, i put the record on the turn table and grabbed the remote. i hadn’t realized how cold i really was until i was comfy under the throw blanket tom bought my for christmas this passed year. it was now spring. the last real date i had with tom was eating at a rooftop restaurant in Manhattan just before new years after we came back from our christmas travels. 
I pressed play on the remote and heart the sad guitar intro, oh lord. The words sounding pained, i could hear tom saying this and feeling the same way. By time the chorus hit, tears were streaming down my face, i couldn’t hold it in anymore. i let a soft cry out as the song played. i missed him so fucking much and i hated myself for it. He didn’t need to feel bad about leaving me behind. if he was as hurt as me, he didn’t need that added stress. the song ended, i pressed the button to play it again. I sat there listening to it. Tom was so sweet, he knew the way to my heart was through song. I hated that he felt sad about missing me. He didn’t deserve to be sad. Ugh i loved him so much. i wanted nothing more than to hold him. for him to hold me. tell each other we’d be okay. why does love have to hurt so much. i thought to myself as i played it again. i took a few deep breaths and composed myself. I picked up the phone and typed out a message to tom 
“hello my love. how are you feeling? i hope works treating you good. i miss you so fucking much, but you knew that.” i sent it with a picture of the record player in the background. the song now beginning it’s fourth rotation. i listened to it once last time before spinning the rest of the album. i ate my sandwich, still feeling down but feeling better after my cry. despite the song being heart wrenching it actually brightened my spirits. i thought of the next two weeks without tom and thought it would be lonely i could only await what our reunion had in store for us. our love was special, I met tom after he rose to fame but we connected on such a real level it scared me at first. i knew he was the one for me from the start and he continued to prove that to me when i didn’t believe it.
 i did a load of laundry, made a shopping list and quickly went out to the grocery store. i saw couples holding hands, men buying flowers, stealing kisses in the aisles as they pushed their cart. i knew tom would be calling me soon so i rushed home. “on my way back to the hotel. will call soon.” was a text i got in  the uber sending a small jolt through me. once home i quickly put the groceries that would spoil away, my phone on the counter, ever present in my mind like a ticking time bomb only i couldn’t wait for it to go off. i was in the freezer organizing the chicken i bought when the phone rang scaring ten years off my life. tom’s face shone across the screen. my heart racing as i struggled to answer it in my excitment. 
“Hello?” i said
“Hello love.” He said his voice sounding tired 
“Tom.” i said sighing “hi!” 
“you okay?” He asked 
“yes.” i said “just running about the house putting away groceries.”
“oh i can cal-”
“NO!” i interrupted him “i was just finished.” i said making my way to the couch
“you sure your okay?” He asked 
“no.” i said hoping i wouldn’t end up crying. “i actually hate you for sending me that song.” i laughed 
“aww darling.” he said laughing “ did i make you cry?” he asked 
“yeah.” i said as my throat got thick and tears welled up in my eyes.
“aww my love.” he said sounding so so sad and that just made me cry even more. “i didn’t mean to upset you.” he said sounding sorry
“no.” i said trying to sound normal “it didn’t upset me.” i said my voice uneven” it just made me realize how lucky i am.” i said really crying now. “i- i was doubting myself again” i admitted “ a-and i wasn’t sure how much longer i could put up with feeling like that and it was scaring me and i just love you so much and i know you do too.” i said trying not to sound like i was outright sobbing. 
“Awww darling. i hate putting you through this.” he said sounding sad 
“no. i hate putting you through this.” i said stopping him. “the last thing you need on your workload is worrying about me.” i said 
“y/n” he said sternly “worrying about you will always be my number one priority. you’re unfortunately stuck with me and all that comes with me.” he said “the only time i’ll ever stop loving you is if you ever tell me to stop.” He said “and i hope that i never drive you to that.” he said sound defeated
“tom.” you said “don’t talk like that.” i said through my stream of tears. “i’m afraid i’ll love you for the rest of my life.” i admitted 
“good.” he said “hold on.” he said then suddenly my phone was ringing with tom wanting to facetime. i answered and saw his face, his beautiful eyes tried, his lips looking as kissable as ever. his curls a mess all over his head like he’d been running his hands through them. “you look absolutely stunning.” he said i looked in my reflection i had swollen eyes and a red nose, my cheeks were damp from the tears. i couldn’t help but laugh at his comment “i mean it. two more weeks and i’ll be home to kiss those beautiful lips of yours.” he said “play the song.” he said i reached for the remote on the table and pressed play, it came on. we sat there staring at each other listening to it. “oh the dreams i’ve had of you darling.” he said. a hint of lust in his voice 
“we’re not leaving this house for a week.” i said to him. 
“can’t wait.” he said smirking at me. just like that, i felt okay again.i knew tom loved me, i knew he would always love me. “i’ve been shopping.” he says 
“really now?” i ask 
“yes, stopped off on rodeo drive one afternoon.” he said “and all i could think of was what you would like, what you would want.” 
“Tom...” i scolded 
“don’t worry i didn’t go crazy.” he said “i got stuff for my mom too.” he said “ harry wanted a new watch.”
“tom.” i said disapprovingly 
“I have nothing better to do out here!” he said “and i miss everyone so much.”
“i’ll book us a flight later tonight.” i said
“thank you.” he said. i yawned i didn’t mean to i knew he would pick up on it. “go to bed babe.” he said 
“i want to talk to you.” i said sounding sad already 
“i’ll get ready for bed with you.” he said. 
“fine.” i agreed. i turned off the music. “we have some groceries to put away.” i sighed as i put him on the counter behind the sink so he could see the whole kitchen. 
“place looks nice and clean.” he said 
“yeah, theres’ no one here to mess it up.” i said laughing as i put some boxes in the cupboard. i turned to see him make a pouy face. “kidding” i said blowing him a kiss. two more weeks and i’d be standing at the stove with tom hopefully wrapped around me. i turned to put stuff in the pantry and was bent over looking for something and i heard tom 
“missed that ass.”  i stood up 
“i’m sure you did.” i said smirking at him through the phone. i placed the last few things 
“Where to next?” he asked 
“brush my teeth and change.” i said 
“oooh.” he said i just rolled my eyes at him as i walked into the bedroom and through the bathroom. i grabbed my tooth brush and started 
“Brush brush brush your teeth.” tom sang through the phone nearly causing me to choke on my toothpaste.i heard him giggle as i was rinsing my mouth. i gave him the finger. and took my hair down to brush it. a few more flirty remarks from tom as i was changing and i was in bed. i placed tom on his pillow and looked at him. 
“good night Y/N.” he said i’ll stay right here.” he said as i was drifting off to sleep. 
4 days until tom came home,we talked every day leading up to today. He was busy busting out the few last minute days of shooting and finishing up what he needed to get done. He was so happy he was almost done. I was working hard to get things ready for tom over here. I washed the sheets, i made sure to go out and buy all over our favourite things to cook together, i had a nice coming home gift for him. a hoodie, A new pair of sweats , a nice baseball cap. everything comfy he’d need for you guys trip to the UK in a week and a half. i also had a case of his favourite beer waiting. you asked his dad to send it to you. i was all ready for him so now the the last two days have been dragging on like crazy and there was four more to go. i walked into the shop my late afternoon shift starting soon. i saw my manager sitting at the til
“did he not show up again?” i asked referring to our one coworker who was always dipping on shifts last minute. but then  i saw him coming out of the back room with a box of records. 
“i just needed to grab a few things.” my manager said as i approached the counter “can you get me the receipt book in the back real quick i don’t want to lose my train of thought” he said eyeing me a small smile on his face.
“k” i thought. he was being so weird, maybe we finally had enough for that expansion he’s been talking about for years. i thought to myself as i walked towards his office. i saw a hooded figure standning in the room. fear rose in my chest as i gasped. the figure turned the first thing i saw was the chestnut curls and my heart nearly stopped. his face came into view his eyes lighting up at the sight of me. i ran towards him, tears sneaking up on me. i crashed into his body, his arms catching me. my heart was racing, my eyes were blurred with tears. 
“oh. tom.” was all i was able to choke out. it felt absolutely amazing to feel his arms around me, i felt safe, content, ecstatic.
“happy to see me love?” he asked holding me out at arms lenght “aww don’t cry.” he said his voice soft as he wiped away the tears. “i love you.” he said pulling my back into him, taking a deep breath. 
“so, you can have the rest of the week off as well as next week.” my manager said in the door way clearing his throat. 
“are you sure?” i asked wiping the tears from my face, pulling my shirt down. trying to look presentable again.
“yes, you deserve it.” he said “i’ll be fine here.” he said 
“don’t get too used to life without me.” i teased as i walked over and gave shook his hand.
“wouldn’t dream of it.” he said looking around his office i’d spent one afternoon organizing. “get out of here.” he said “there’s a car in the back.” i smiled at him in thanks and made my way out to the ally with tom. sure enough there was a car waiting at the end of the block. i stopped and pushed tom against the wall. i looked at his lips and he looked at mine, his eyes darting up as he pulled my face towards him. our lips met all the feelings of loneliness and hurt and sadness gone now fueled by the fire in my heart and soul. recharged as we kissed in the alley. his hands wrapped around me pulling me close to him. the kiss felt like it went on forever yet i missed him the moment i pulled away. 
“let’s go home.” i said grabbing his hand and leading him towards the car. 
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Phoenix Rising, Part 6 - Valter Skarsgård
Title: Phoenix Rising
Description: The struggle for domination is paved with deceit and destructive lust as two enemies battle it out for control night after night.
Warning: 18+ swearing/mentions of rape/violence/femdom/DDLG leanings
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
I replayed my night with Valter over in my head like a tune that I couldn't stop humming. It was repeating even as we put our clothes back on and sat in the living room with controllers in our hands. I couldn't help but wonder if Valter was thinking about it too; the sensation of my pussy squeezing around him, after-shudders or if he still had the taste of my juices on his lips. The fullness he had given to me remained seeded inside of me and when I moved in my seat I was reminded of what it felt like to be spread open by a cock that I hadn't expected to be so substantial. And there he was, dressed in his jeans and hoodie with his hat back on, playing video games with me like I didn't just make him beg for me to let him come. He was unsettlingly casual about it. He didn't bite his lip nervously like I was or try to steal glances. There was concentration written on his face that made me forget about how he looked when he was watching me ride him and how sweet it was to hear him sounding desperate. We played until the early morning hours and it wasn't until about 3 AM that Valter looked down at his phone and realized just how much time he had spent with me in my apartment. The game we chose was starting to lose its entertainment value and he stretched his arms up and yawned, twisting his spine to stretch out from being slumped over on the couch for too long. "Nixy... Would you hate me if I called it a night?" He asked cautiously. "No, of course not. It's pretty late," I conceded. I watched as he set the controller down on the coffee table and turned to me. "I won't bother you any longer." Blushing, I replied, "it's no bother. You can stay over again if you like." "No, I shouldn't. I should get back home like a good little boy," he teased. Flushing harder, I watched him get up and stretch his body out some more. I was reminded of how I had just witnessed every inch of him naked but now that he was clothed it was like it had never happened and I craved to do it all again. Valter standing up and making his way to the front door to put on his shoes signified the end of the evening and the beginning of a strange limbo and a string of questions that I would be polling myself for endlessly. Was this just a casual fuck? Would he regret it? Had my aggression been too much for a first time fuck? Was he now scared of me and relieved to be escaping my home? What would he tell all of his friends? Did he actually like me? All of these possibilities jingled inside of my head like a dryer full of nuts and bolts but when Valter turned around after pocketing his cell phone he bent over, gripped both of my shoulders and smiled. "Now don't look so pouty," he nearly whispered. "You look so lost." "No, it's nothing. I'm just suddenly extremely tired." "I know. You should get to bed. I know I can't wait to lay in bed when I get home." Nodding my head, I tried to avoid his eyes but his grip on my shoulders tightened. "Hey... What's the matter?" He asked. "Nothing. Nothing, I swear," I tittered nervously. "Nix... I'm not going to go tell everyone and their uncle about us hooking up. And don't for a second think that once I leave I'll have no intentions of returning. I like you and judging by the magnitude of the pout on your face over me leaving, you like me too?" Rolling my eyes, I scoffed, "well, I don't fuck guys that I don't like." "So, then it's agreed. We'll hang out again. Soon." "Okay," I nodded. Valter dragged me into a hug with both arms coiled tightly around me and kissed the crown of my head as he took in a deep haul of my scent and sighed. "And don't worry about Riley either. We'll make up some dumb shit if he asks about anything. Or something. I don't know. We'll figure that out when we get there." "Sounds good," I agreed, still unable to speak more than a few words at a time in fear that anything I said could send him running for the hills. "Goodnight, Nixy-cat," he bid me farewell and left as a warm wave of arousal drizzled over my body like thick syrup. Once the smell of him had gone and the sounds in my house ceased to exist, I turned off my TV and went to bed with hopes that his scent may have been lingering on my sheets. I felt equal parts excited and lonely when I laid down and pulled the blanket up to my chin. Silently, I wished that he had stayed so that I could bathe in his presence and doze off in his arms but I knew that what I wanted would have been asking too much. Breathing in deeply, I tried to center myself to pull the pieces of my exploded mind back into one coherent picture. Overthinking was always something that I had been detrimentally good at and I didn't want that to be a hindrance to me any longer. I had to keep my head on my shoulders and not allow myself to fall in love with Valter no matter how nice he was to me or how cute it was when he smiled and the balls of his cheeks caused his green eyes to squint. Even if he called me pet names and made me feel small and safe. No, I had dominance to assert. I couldn't let the musings of a happy little relationship taunt me from afar. But I still couldn't help but sigh into the pillow that had cradled his head when I had fucked him, breathing in what I wanted to believe was the lasting smell of his blond hair.
Valter wasn't scheduled to work the next couple of days at the same time as me and I couldn't deny that it was upsetting that I wasn't able to see him. I kept my phone on vibrate in my pocket just in case I got a message because I was eager to hear from him even though I tried to train myself to be indifferent. The whispers of internal anxiety were telling me all sorts of things I didn't want to entertain. They told me that if he really wanted to talk to me, he would have messaged me already. Then my voice of reason would scoff and tell me that it was only the next day and to expect a good morning text from a guy that I had just fooled around with was unrealistic. I tried to drown the voices at work by keeping myself occupied. When I wasn't with customers I was cleaning and once there was no surface left unpolished, I began organizing games and making sure everything was in alphabetical order. Riley came out every once in a while to check in on me but would quickly disappear back into his office when our conversation dwindled which it did several times and quickly. The following day was the same as the last and when I got into work and shoved my stuff into my locker I looked over at Valter's and really started to miss him. Work was boring without him there to make jokes and alleviate the awkwardness that came with working with only one other person. However, Riley came out more often and seemed chipper enough to actually make decent conversation. I nearly forgot about what Valter had told me about his inappropriate comments. "Hey, Nix. Do you want to come to DND tonight?" Riley asked. "DND sounds fun. Who's all going?" "Just the guys again. I know it's probably not so tempting to sit around a table with a bunch of nerds being the only girl but... I wanted to invite you. It was fun last time." "Yeah, except for everyone drinking too much wine and dropping off like flies," I giggled. "It won't be like that again. It's just going to be a casual little Monday night campaign." "Is everyone from work going?" I asked. "Yeah. At least, I invited everyone and they all said yes." I agreed to go out for the simple fact that I wanted an excuse to see Valter again without having to reach out to him personally. Riley didn't seem to harbor any feelings of animosity and if he did, he did a good job of hiding it. That was until I got to the cafe and found Riley sitting at a table for two. Unloading my purse from my shoulder, I hung it on the back of the chair and looked around curiously. Riley was beaming up at me, motioning towards the glass of wine he had taken the liberty of pouring for me. "Where are the rest of the guys?" I asked as I took my seat slowly. "Oh, uh, yeah. A couple of them canceled last minute. Still waiting on some of them. But we can play a game in the meantime if you want," Riley suggested. "We're going to need a bigger table though," I pointed out. "There's no way the board is going to fit on here." "That's okay, we'll just move to another one when they get here." I didn't suspect anything was amiss at first. Riley suggested we play a couple games of Mastermind to eat up the time we were taking waiting for the rest of the group to join us. He kept my wine topped up and ordered a plate of nachos for us to share, stating that he hadn't eaten hardly anything all day and that he would need his strength for later. Plucking a corn chip from the mountain of cheese, onion, and tomato, I laughed uneasily and looked out the storefront window to see if anyone recognizable was pulling up. It wasn't until about an hour in that I realized Riley hadn't so much as glanced at his cell phone. We had blasted through a few games of Mastermind that I had easily won and the novelty of it began to wear off quickly. I shifted in my seat and forced accommodating laughs when Riley slung out mediocre joke after mediocre joke. "Wine?" He asked, lifting the bottle again to pour. "No thanks, I'm good for now. I have to drive. Can't really get too buzzed on a Monday night. Work and all," I shrugged. "Ah, one more glass won't hurt you!" "No, really. It's fine. I haven't had much to eat today and if I get pulled over I'll be a dead giveaway." "You're hungry? I can order more food for us if you want," Riley offered. "I'm fine. I have leftovers at home that I need to eat." "Well, if you want more wine, it will be right here waiting for you," he wiggled his eyebrows. I cocked my head in puzzlement but the pieces were all starting to fall into place. I reached into my purse and pulled out my phone to see if anybody had written in the work chat about coming out to play DND but when I saw that the last message had been read by everyone the day prior, my suspicions rose drastically. "Um, are you sure the guys are coming? Nobody has said anything in the group chat," I pointed out. "Hey, now. DND is a no cell phone zone!" Riley tittered. "Put that thing away." "We're not really playing DND right now though so-" "Yeah, but we will be! Come on now. Put that away. Really." His suggestion didn't sit well in my stomach and I brushed him off so that I could check to see if Valter had been online recently. The green light beside his name told me all that I needed to know so I opened a private chat window with him and sent him a short message.
You coming to DND tonight?
Riley arced his neck and looked at the screen that I was staring at intently. I waited with held breath for Valter to see my message and respond to it. "Who ya talking to?" Riley asked. I set my phone down in my lap and looked up at him with a twisted grin that masked my discomfort. "I'm just messaging Valter to see when he'll be here." "Oh," Riley said gravely. "What?" "Nothing, it's just... Man, I told you it's a no cell phone zone." "Dude... We're not playing right now. Relax." Moments later my phone buzzed to life with a message from Valter. My heart skipped a beat when I began to read it.
Didn't know there was DND tonight. 
Cocking an eyebrow across the table at Riley, I felt my cheeks start to turn red. The scoff that left my throat was accompanied by a shake of my head and the man seated in front of me began to squirm uncomfortably in his chair.
Wtf. Riley said he invited everyone?
"Seriously, Nix. It's kind of rude to sit there on your phone, don't you think?" When I snapped my head back up, Riley blinked profusely and a damp sheen coated his forehead. He tried to hide his guilt by sipping on his glass of wine and shoveling another handful of chips into his mouth.
I didn't get invited. But how are you going to play with no dungeon master?
"When is Liam coming?" I asked Riley. "Not really sure," he replied.
What do you mean?
Riley's mounting frustration began to show through clearly and as much as I wished it weren't true, I started to realize exactly what was going on. The man across the table from me sighed heavily when I looked back down at my phone to another message from Valter.
I'm playing AOC with Liam and Kyle right now. 
It made sense that nobody had said anything in the work chat and Riley could see me putting everything together before his eyes and the only thing he did in response was drain another glass of red wine before clapping his hands together. "Let's play something else. What do you suggest?" He asked. "Riley... You didn't invite Valter to play?" I asked. He rebuffed and rolled his eyes but I could see how jittery he had become now that I was figuring out that his invitation had been a ruse. "Yeah, okay. Whatever. So I didn't invite Valter out. Who cares? He's kind of a dick, anyway." "Valter's not a dick," I defended. "Yeah, he is. Of course, he's nice to you but to everyone else, he's really quite cocky. I don't know how you don't see that." I stood up, clutching my phone in my hand, readying myself to gather my things but Riley was quick to stop me. "Not only that, Riley, but you also didn't invite Kyle or Liam? Liam's the dungeon master." "So what? Anybody can be the dungeon master. It doesn't always have to be Liam." "No," I shook my head. "This is weird. Tell me what's really going on. What were you trying to accomplish?" He jeered and shrugged his shoulders, "I told you already!" "Did you literally just invite me out and nobody else under false pretenses?" "No! Nix... I already told you. Pretty much everyone canceled. Sorry that it's just us right now. Am I really so terrible?" "But you didn't invite Valter?" "Why would I invite some Swedish dickhead that thinks he's better at everything than everyone else? He's not that fun to play with anyway." "At least he's honest! This... This was a fucking low blow, Riley. This was a dumb move." "Nix... Wait," he pleaded as I jammed my arms into the sleeves of my hoodie. "No. I'm leaving. I can't believe you did this." "How else was I supposed to get you to agree to come out with me?" He asked, voice hovering above a whisper so that nobody else in the cafe was alerted to the spectacle that was unfolding. My anger was marked by how many times I scoffed in his direction. "I don't know... Ask? Like a normal person. Don't lie to my face to lure me out on a date with you." "You wouldn't have said yes," he murmured. Anger tightened my gut and I slung my purse across my chest before leaning over the table to bore my eyes into the sorry little man that was hiding behind a green glass bottle and a half-finished plate of congealing nachos. "Listen to me, Riley. You're my boss. I'm not interested and you shouldn't be interested in me either. This is wildly unprofessional." "And fucking your coworker isn't unprofessional?" He jabbed. I recoiled but instead of hesitating for an iota longer than what it took for my anger level to skyrocket, I shoved the chair I had been using under the table so hard that it nearly knocked over the empty wine glasses. "What happens between Valter and I is nobody's business but ours, okay? Valter is my friend. He doesn't hide behind measly fabrications and he doesn't lie right to my face." "Oh, he doesn't? Then I guess he's told you about all of the other girls he wheels. It's not just you." With fists clenched tightly, I willed myself not to blow my top and scream in the middle of the cafe at the man that had duped me into unknowingly attending what he had intended on turning into a date. "I said that we're friends," I repeated through my pressed teeth. "Oh, I'm sure you just want to be friends with the big, tall Swedish guy. Your face certainly betrays your words when I see you swooning over him while you're supposed to be working." "Riley..." I breathed, trying to steady myself emotionally. "There are laws in place that prevent you from being able to penalize me based on this encounter. You cannot talk to me like this. This is harassment." "We're not at work," he pointed out. "If you so much as whisper a word of this at work or if you try to make me feel bad for rejecting you, I promise you that I will get a lawyer and take legal action immediately. Consider our friendship terminated and from now on, the only relationship we have is professional. Don't invite me out to game nights. Don't talk to any of the others about this and if you try to punish me or Valter, I will be on the phone with the labor law board so fast you won't even have time to apologize." "There's nothing for me to apologize for. I'm well within my rights." "We'll see about that," I sneered, adjusted the strap of my bag, pivoted on my heel and left without looking back. When I got behind the steering wheel of my car and stewed in the silent orange glow of the streetlights I let out a long groan. It had taken all of my willpower not to lunge across the table and ram my fist down Riley's throat. Ferocity was bubbling over the edges of my ability to remain calm. 
Riley invited me out for "DND" but when I got there it was just him.
I waited impatiently for the three dots of Valter's impending response. After five minutes of sitting alone in my car, I nearly sobbed. I couldn't afford to lose my job and the last thing I wanted to do was get into an overblown legal battle if things were to escalate further. I could see nothing else but a mountain of shit wreaking in the distance and I was headed straight for it with no brakes.
Lol what? 
My impatience made Valter's response seem uncaring. It wasn't as though he was going to come running to my rescue. I was just a girl that he had fucked the night before and the things that Riley had said about him made me fear the worst. After all, I didn't now Valter well and if what Riley said was true then perhaps I was just another point on his kill count.
He tricked me. He invited me out and said everyone was coming for DND but it was just him. He didn't invite anyone else. Idk I guess I just feel... Violated?  
Valter's response was much quicker after I reiterated what had happened.
Are you okay? Did he try anything weird?
I typed away manically and had to backspace several times because I couldn't quite convey my level of astonishment.
Nothing weirder than luring me out on a date that I didn't know I was a part of.
He must have been awaiting my response because as soon as I sent the message it checked off as read.
Do you need me to come to get you? Or do you have your car?
I couldn't respond fast enough.
I have my car. I'm in it right now. I haven't left yet. I'm just so angry. There's a tire iron in my trunk that I want to break his kneecaps with. Ugh... Sorry. I know this has nothing to do with you but I'm just SO mad.
Valter replied in under five seconds.
If you want you can come over? I don't have a nice house to myself like you but you can come chill out here if you feel unsafe.
A smile broke out over my face as wide as I could possibly manage. With my heart aflutter, I turned the keys in the ignition and sent one last response before driving off in the direction of Valter's apartment building. I was buzzed into the building promptly after typing in a code that Valter had sent to me. He said nothing over the speaker box and the lock clicked open for me to open the door. I took the elevator to his floor and walked down the hall in the wrong direction before I heard a door open at the opposite end of the corridor. "Nix," he said softly though it reverberated off the white walls. Blushing slightly, I turned and made my way to his open door. He shut it gently behind me and I took a moment to take in the surroundings. It was a quaint apartment with a standard kitchen that branched off into a living room. Almost all of the lights were off except for the one in the kitchen that shone down over a table surrounded by a couple of wooden chairs and a bowl of fruit sitting atop. "Just this way," he nodded towards a closed door that I assumed was the entrance to his bedroom. I waited for him to turn off the kitchen light and open the door for me to step into his room. When I looked around I saw many things that would give light to anyone exactly the type of person that spent their time in there. There were posters and collectibles from video games and raunchy cartoons on shelves and light pouring out from two huge computer monitors. I saw that he had a microphone set up and a decent webcam attached to the top of one of the monitors. It was definitely a guy's room and I made my way through it as any stranger would, staring at all of the memorabilia and inching closer to the bed. "Can I sit here?" I asked, hinting toward his made bed. "Yeah, for sure. Sorry, I don't have another chair in here. I could go get one." "No, it's okay. No worries," I replied. The room smelled so profusely like him that I was immediately calmed and when I set down my bag and took off my sweater I sank onto the mattress as he sat down at his desk. "Give me one second, Nix. I just have to finish this game and then I'm all yours," Valter ran both of his hands through his hair before putting on a set of headphones and unpausing a game that he had been in the middle of playing. He told whomever he was playing with that he had to leave after their game but didn't tell them why. I waited patiently on his bed with my face buried in my phone trying to distract myself from the heart palpitations I was experiencing simply by being immersed in his domain. When I looked at his profile I felt like I was going to melt and when he took off his headset and turned to me with a smile I felt even more lightheaded. "I'm done now," he told me as he scratched the back of his head and mussed his hair in the process. "Are you all good? He didn't like... Try to kiss you or anything, did he?" I shook my head. "No. I would have punched him." "You should have punched him anyway. That's so weird. Why would he pretend to invite everyone out?" Valter began to speculate. "Trust me, I've been trying to figure it out. I don't know what planet he lives on to think that an idea like that would go over well with anyone." "Yeah," Valter laughed. "Like he would be such a good time that you wouldn't notice that nobody else showed up!" "And we all have work together tomorrow," I pointed out. "Fuck. That's going to be weird." I picked the cuticles of my nails nervously. The room went quiet until I breathed to speak up. "Riley said shit about you too. Like, rude shit." "Fuck that guy. He's so... Fucked." "You don't want to know what he said about you?" Valter snorted, "I don't give a shit what he says about me. Riley doesn't know me. We've known each other for a few weeks now." "Apparently he has it out for you," I replied. "Let him. The guy is just jealous. It's not my fault the girl he likes wants me instead." I rolled my eyes before replying, "well, it's kind of your fault that I like you." "No, it's not. I can't make you like me. Nobody can make you like anything!" "Oh, shut up. You wanted me to like you." Valter smirked at me before getting up to turn off the light. All at once, we were bathed in darkness and I giggled softly in excitement when I felt him crawling into bed beside me. "Of course I wanted you to like me. You're cute," he whispered. "Now, get under the covers. It's bedtime." "Really?" I asked. "What? You don't want to cuddle?" "Oh, cuddling. Is that what we're doing?" I followed him underneath the covers even though I couldn't see a thing. All I could feel was how warm his body was right beside mine and shudder when he pulled me close to him. "Nix... Fuck. I'm sorry. I feel like I'm fucking everything up for you." "What do you mean? It's not your fault." "I don't know... I might have said something that set Riley off long before any of this bullshit started happening." Pulling away slightly, I pressed him. "What did you say to him?" He sighed and I could tell by his tone that it was something he had hoped he would never have to tell me. Alas, there he was, trying to conduct the silence for a little bit longer before having to spill the news. "When we first started at the shop, Riley talked to me about you. Asked me if I knew if you were single or whatever. I kind of just laughed though because I thought he was joking. Like, why would a manager ask an employee questions like that? I made the mistake of telling him that the chances of you liking me were way higher than his chances with you. I was just being a dick. But I think he took it a little far." "Oh, please, do go on," I said sarcastically. "Honestly, it was before I really knew you and I was just joking with him. He was all offended that I said you would like me more. Then when you actually did start to, you know, act like you were interested it just got worse. He challenged me almost. Like it was a fucking dual or something." "I'm a conquest for you two?" Valter's grip on me tightened. "Hell no! A couple weeks went by and everything seemed okay until we... Well, until we kissed. But I wasn't going to tell him a thing. Not like I need to rub it in his face. I'm not like that." "But you DID win the game, huh?" "Nix... I know you're not a game. You're not a prize to be won. I wasn't in some stupid unspoken battle to win you over. Shit just happened naturally. You're hot... Of course, I wanted to flirt with you. Even if Riley didn't say anything about having the hots for you I still would have given it a shot." "Well, I appreciate your honesty, I guess, but now I've found myself in the most awkward mess imaginable." "You know how to solve that?" He asked. "How?" "Letting me kiss you... Letting me touch you." "Sounds like the opposite of what will make my situation less... Weird." "Hey, you're already here and... Not to be crass but... I'm already hard." "You're very presumptuous, aren't you?" I laughed. "What, you're not wet? You don't want to play with me?" I couldn't think of anything snarky to fire back at him so he punctuated the end of the conversation by kissing me. We melted into each other and the sounds of our lips connecting and peeling apart was a saliva-coated deluge of sound and stimulation. With senses heightened, everything about him became more potent. His smell, the feeling of his hands stroking down my body to push up underneath my clothes, the small moans behind his breaths when he pulled back for air- every little thing he did rang bells inside of me that reverberated down my spine and settled warmly in my pelvis. Valter's fingers disappeared down the back of my pants so he could feel the fabric of my panties. "Take these off. Take your clothes off." He impatiently helped me yank down my pants and remove my shirt so he could resume touching my body unhindered by more materials than necessary. His clothes were quick to be discarded as well and when he settled back into the mattress beside me his right hand snuck right up between my thighs with zero hesitation. "Can I touch you, please? Yes... Spread your legs for me," he whispered, humming happily when I parted my knees to allow him the access he craved. The tips of two long fingers gently stroked up and down my slit, never pushing in too far until he spread the juice of my arousal all around and up and down. In the dark, I heard him suck on those same fingers and moan gently as my flavor danced on his tongue. Drawing in a deep breath through his nose, he found my lips again and kissed me as he shifted his body closer so our chests were pressed together. "You like hanging out with me, don't you?" "Keep playing with me like that and you might not ever be able to get rid of me," I breathed. "Oh? You want me to stop? Because I can stop. I can stop making these nice little circles around your clit. That's okay." "Don't you dare stop," I adjured him and he listened right away. With his forehead pressed to mine, we shared each other's breath and he worked his fingertips over my sweetest most sensitive spot until I was shuddering and clutching his shoulders. "Tell me when you're close, okay?" "I am. Valter, I am." "Good. Turn around," he told me, leaving me to whine for his touch when he pulled away. "Go on, turn around." My obedience only came as quickly as it did because I didn't want to be without his touch for too long. When I rolled over to face away from him his hand slid down my thigh again and lifted my leg up to pull it back over his hip. "I want to fuck you and feel that pussy squeeze around my cock when I make you come for me," he managed to give his filthy words an innocence that was as delightful as it was alarming. From the angle he entered me on, I couldn't help but moan as the entirety of his hard length slid deliciously up against my augmented g-spot. The words, his breath in my ear, the fresh boyish smell of his sheets, the way he forced his arm underneath me so he could squeeze my breasts as he toyed with my clit was all too much stimulation and I made it known by moaning louder until he had to quiet me down. "Sh, quiet, quiet. I don't live alone as you do. I know you want to scream." "M'sorry," I shuddered. "It's okay, just come for me. Yeah... Come for me. Come on my dick. Make it all nice and messy for me." I never planned on having deep, passionate sex with the lights off in Valter's bedroom but when he whispered to me that he couldn't come until he felt me coming first, I smiled and thought that maybe it was okay to allow myself to be desperate in front of him just this once. After the night's traumatic events, being wrapped up in his arms while he fucked into me from behind, hushing my groans of ecstasy while simultaneously encouraging me to flood his cock with my juices, it was welcome and I almost forgot about the minefield we were about to step into together. Almost.
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littlestshelby · 6 years
Little One. Pt.5.
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I felt bad everyone waited all day so I pulled an all nighter and wrote a couple more chapters to get ahead! So surprise! Here you go!
Part 5 Of ??
Part 1 here.
Part 2 here.
Part 3 here.
Part 4 here.
Felicity woke with a start as Ada walked into the room. “Morning sleepy” she grinned seeing her new friend sat up in her bed. “Aunt polls taking us to the city to buy you new things for your room.” She smiled going to her wardrobe pulling out one of her dresses and one of felicitys. “My new room?” She asked tilting her head as she climbed out of bed.
Ada scoffed covering her nose. “You stink of my brother.” Felicity frowned “Oh I had a strange night.” She whispered fiddling with her fingers for a moment. “You should let me cut your hair.” Ada hummed as she changed the convocation. “What?” Felicity laughed scrunching up her nose.
She’d never had her hair cut before, her mother had trimmed the ends as she grew up but her hair was always long and wavy. “I cut my own and I cut Esmes for her, you could have it short, like a fresh start” she grinned bounced on her heels getting excited over the idea. The omega hadn’t ever had a girl to do omega things with before, Esme was sweet but she wasn’t like her. She tried hard enough.
“I don’t know.” Felicity chewed on her lip. “It’s all the fashion and if you don’t like it, it won’t take long to grow back out.” Ada begged holding up the scissors from the dressing table. “Okay.” She nodded slowly.
Sitting on the little chair she looked at herself in the mirror looking at her long hair. “I think here’s short enough.” Ada hummed pulling a piece of hair just above her shoulder and cut the hair. Felicity gasped and held her hands to her mouth. “Oh my god Ada!” She screeched.
“Can’t chicken out now” she giggled cutting the rest of her hair. “Girls we’re leaving!” Polly shouted up to them after half an hour. Ada was stood grinning at her creation. “You look amazing” she grinned scrunching felicitys hair in her hands. Her natural waves turning more into curls now it wasn’t weighed down by the length of her hair.
Taking a shaky breath she nodded. “I like it” She smiled gently. “Thank you Ada.” The girls quickly got dressed, Ada in blue and felicity in cream. Both of their dresses a similar style. As she walked down the stairs Polly beamed seeing the little omega. “You look beautiful omega.” She compliments making her blush and duck her head.
The ride into the city felt terrifying for felicity the amount of people and the different smells, every alpha staring at her as they walked past. Felicity just wanted to get home so she could find tommy and go collect her things.
They didn’t spend long in the city Polly just getting the essentials. “So me and Freddie were in our nest and he said he thinks we should bond soon.” Ada giggled quietly to her disapproving aunt and felicity. “You have to meet him fliss he’s so sweet and handsome.” She swooned. Felicitys eyes widened she’d never been given a nickname before. It made her warm inside. Polly smiled as she smelt the little omegas happiness, “we can start calling you fliss if you’d like love.” She hummed.
Felicity shook her head with a little smile. “Only Ada.” She nodded then. Polly smiled at the little omegas giggling with each other. She missed her omega dearly especially when the boys went away to war but with the girls here to take care of she felt content.
“Do you know where Thomas is?” Felicity asked Ada as they climbed out of the car outside the house. “He’s in the garrison why?” Ada asked frowning. “He’s taking me to collect my things today.” She smiled a little. A pang in her chest at the thought of going home and her mother not being sat in her chair knitting her a new cardigan.
“Ah felicity! Tommy’s lookin ‘f you!” Finn shouted up the street making her jump and look over at the boy. “Guess he smelt you.” Ada laughed and carried her things inside. “I’ll start moving your things into your new room!” Ada called before closing the door behind her. Felicity frowned and walked up to where young lad had been. Glancing around the corner, he saw tommy stood talking to one of the horses.
He had taken off his blazer and was stood in just his shirt and waistcoat his gray trousers contrasting with the dirt on the ground. Lifting up her dress a little felicity walked toward them, tommy had his back to the girl but smelt her the moment she had arrived home. “Good boy.” Tommy murmured to the horse stroking his face. “He’s beautiful.” Felicity smiled reaching up her small hand to touch the horse.
Tommy did a double take at the girl. She looked stunning, her hair shorter and her skin seemed a little pinker. “You look different.” Tommy hummed watching her. “Huh?” She glanced at him to interested in the horse nudging her hand. “Oh yes Ada cut it for me.” She scrunched her nose and giggled. Tommy smiled slightly at the sound. “Right we have to get going.”
“Curly come and put the horse away!” Tommy shouted grabbing his blazer holding out his arm for felicity to take. She did and let him lead her out to a different car. “You smell like smoke, cigarettes. Yet I’ve never seen you smoke.” She scrunched her nose looking at him. Tommy laughed a little “it’s impolite to smoke around omegas hurts their lungs.” Tommy spoke starting the car. “Oh”
As they drove felicitys heart grew sadder, All she could think about was walking in the door and getting a hug from her mother. Tommy didn’t say a thing the whole way, he knew it was going to be hard on the omega and he couldn’t do anything to make it any better for her.
An hour or so later they pulled up outside the small house and felicity was out the car in seconds running up the path using the key under the mat to unlock the door. She was overcome by the smell of home, her mother, her father, her things. She took a shaky breath and headed for her room. Tommy stood in the living room for a few moments before going to find the little omega who smelt of nothing but sadness.
She was sat at her dressing table looking at a photo of her parents on their wedding day. “Your father was a soldier?” Tommy asked looking at the badges on the wall. “He was” she smiled a little.
“Right I have some boxes somewhere” She hummed going to her cupboard pulling out boxes. Tommy stood still in the doorway the room already was overpowering with her scent. Everything here smelling of her, it made his trousers tighten. Clearing his throat tommy stepped into the room to help box up her things.
Tommy grabbed the pile of blankets from by the window only to revive a loud growl and someone grabbing his arm. “No touching my nest.” She snapped pushing him away gently. Tommy quickly let go and stepped back, it was highly disrespectful for an alpha to touch or go in an omegas nest without approval. “I’m sorry little One I didn’t realise. I’ll go and get you things from other rooms.” He nodded leaving the whining omega alone to fix what tommy have moved.
Sighing he ran his hand over his face. He needed a cigarette, slipping outside into the garden he lit one up breathing it in deeply looking out across the fields, it was a lovely place here. Maybe he’d buy it.
“Thomas?” Felicity called timidly. Tommy put out the cigarette and turned to the house felicity was stood on the porch. “I’m sorry for my behaviour- n-no ones ever touched my nest before and-“ tommy held up his hand to cut her off. “Say no more little One, I shouldn’t have touched it.” With a small smile felicity headed back inside to back her books.
“Are you ready little one?” Tommy asked as he lifted the last box into the car. The little omega seemed sleepy. “Yeah I’m ready.” She kept her head down. Closing the door and locking it she slipped the key into her pocket and sighed. “Goodbye Mum.” She whispered.
Tommy helped her into the car and lay his coat over her so she didn’t get to cold on the drive home. “Sleep Little One it’s a long way.” He spoke his voice heavily, he was tired too.
The little omega was still radiating sadness, it made tommy feel sick. Reaching over her took her hand in his as he drove, drawing small circles on her skin. Felicity held onto his hand tightly with both of her own. It was distracting her from everything in her head. His scent making her hum happily.
“Felicity can you please let me help, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Tommy huffed as she carried multiple parts of her nest up the stairs. “No mine.” She pouted like a child, tommy rolled his eyes. “Did Polly buy you new sheets today he asked deciding he would carry her books instead. “Yes.” She answered.
Going to step into Ada’s room Polly called her from the room adjacent to Thomas’ frowning felicity followed the voice finding the room full of the things they had bought today. The room smelt like Polly and Ada. She smiled and looked around at the pretty wallpaper, “This is for me?” She asked holding onto her blankets tightly. “All for you little One.” Tommy breathed against her neck as he walked past her.
She squirmed a little and blushed. “Felicity is tiered she’s going to sleep and move everything else in tomorrow.” Tommy spoke dropping the books onto the table in the corner of the room. Felicity wanted tommy in there as long as possible so his scent could sock into the wood and the furnishings. But alas he left as Polly did. Polly kissing her head telling her that the blankets for her nest looked lovely.
Dropping her unmade nest on her bed she set about arranging everything. Tommy’s blanket was the base then her mother’s cardigans, her fathers jumpers, her paint stained shirt and few other bit and bobs. She smiled to herself Happy with her work. Usually she would call her mother to come see what a wonderful job she had done, this time she felt at a loss. Maybe Polly would like to see.. she thought to herself slipping out the room.
“Polly?” She called softly stepping into the kitchen to be met with a tall man with facial hair. She froze another alpha. “Hello there poppet, ya lookin for Poll?” He asked swallowing the apple he had in his mouth.
Felicity nodded slightly. “She ain’t here, Tommy’s in ‘is room or Esmes in the garden putting up the washing.” Arthur smiled gently. A gentle giant Ada called him, telling him he was the most calming alpha of the family.
“Could yo just ask her to come see my nest when she gets home?” She asked tilting her head. Arthur smiled fondly at the little omega, it reminded him of Ada when she was younger. “Of course I will poppet, I’m sure it’s very beautiful.” Arthur’s words made her feel warm and she gave him a big smile. “Thank you!” And with that she hurried back to her room. Slipping into her nest carefully she was engulfed by all the smells she loved and she fell right to sleep.
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ghost--apple · 6 years
I feel as though I won't be able to move on from Ossan's Love and proceed with my life normally if I don't write what I feel about it so I need a place to dump all my feelings about it... 
(Spoilers ahead)
Basically, I have been experiencing horrible withdrawal symptoms after the drama ended around three weeks ago. I mean, I spent seven weeks looking forward to each episode and watching it in real-time (via live-stream) so of course after it ended I was like "how to proceed with life????" XD I didn't think I'd get THIS attached to the series and I seriously blame Hayashi Kento for it. A little backstory: after getting addicted to HIGH&LOW last year, I spent many months watching almost all dramas I could find with Masataka Kubota in it (since I fell in love with him after that, thanks Smoky!). And when there's nothing else to watch, I proceeded watching Hayashi Kento's dramas next since he became my number 2 favorite in H&L after Masa. So since I've been stalking them, I'd regularly see news about them in Twitter. Last March, when I saw the news in Twitter about Kento starring in a new spring drama called "Ossan's Love" (shortly after I got hooked on Masa's winter drama "Unnatural"), I immediately got intrigued because apparently, it's the drama version of a special one-episode “BL” drama that already aired in 2016.  
SO KENTO IN A “BL” DRAMA??? KENTO AS A GAY CHARACTER AGAIN??? YES PLEASE. So I immediately researched about the SP and in doing so, I realized that Kento didn't appear in it at all so initially I was like "WTH???" but still I watched it because I'm a fujoushi HAHAHA. And OMG I loved it, it was so insane and hilarious and just really a feel-good show!! I realized after watching it that Kento will actually replace one of the main characters (Hase) as an entirely new character (Maki), while the two other main characters will be played by the same actors (Tanaka Kei and Yoshida-san) reprising their roles from the SP (Haruta and Buchou). I already liked the character that Kento would be replacing but fortunately I love Kento as a person and as an actor so I was like "I hope Kento will do a great job in the drama so I will not miss Hase that much~" and it made me more excited to see how the drama version will unfold with Kento and the entrance of his character this time around.  (This is why I get quite sad when I read comments from other people who watched the SP that they're disappointed that Hase will be replaced, that the “new actor is not as cute as Hase” (EXCUSE ME!!!) etc etc~ T_T I was like “Kento is a wonderful actor, give him a chance!!!!”) 
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I'm not being biased when I say that Kento did an amazingly wonderful job in this drama as Maki. For me, he exceeded all expectations and proved all the doubters wrong. He was so great I almost immediately forgot that an SP prior to the drama ever existed (this is coming from a person who really enjoyed the SP and really liked Hase). No doubt he managed to capture a lot of hearts with his portrayal of Maki~! (*A*) I mean, while the series was being aired (and even now), he would consistently win in popularity polls regarding who's your favorite character in the currently airing spring dramas (or 2018 dramas), and he's not just winning, he's winning by a large margin even against people from Johnny's. Maki is already a great well-written character to begin with, but the way Kento played him, it's almost impossible to not root for him. AND HE'S SO PRECIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL AS MAKI I WANT TO HUG HIM SO MUCH AAAAAAHHHH. 
No seriously, Maki is a wonderful character (did I already say he’s wonderful???). He doesn't really show or say what he truly feels, he acts tough and okay all the time but actually has a lot of insecurities, prioritizes the happiness of the person he loves (read: Haruta) over his own happiness and I think these make us viewers really empathize with him. Maki never had any internal dialogues (unlike Haruta) so the audience only had to rely on Kento's acting-- his body language, the movement of his eyes, the sound of his voice -- to be really able to understand what Maki truly is going through, and I think Kento's acting was super effective as he was able to truly make me feel Maki's pain when he's suffering and Maki's joy when something good happens, even with just the slightest change in his facial expressions or voice. I can actually feel his emotions even in scenes wherein you can only see his back or silhouette!!! He's that great, his whole body is acting, but in a very natural way. 
For me, Maki is a complex character and I think it's a shame that we only get to see him mostly through Haruta's point of view, but I really love him because he's so self-aware, so strong yet also so vulnerable. While the show was airing, fans would mostly tweet "please be happy, Maki-kun!!" because seriously, he's a character who deserves all the happiness in the world!! I even came to a point when I was like "I don't care if Maki ends up with Haruta or come back to his ex-boyfriend Takekawa-san as long as he's happy!!!" because really, the screenwriter loves making him suffer, my poor child. And eventually, after finishing the drama, I came to understand why it seems Tanaka Kei would often say in interviews that the drama (drama's success??) relies on Kento's Maki (one of the directors even calls Kento something like "genius chihuahua bearing the future") because I seriously think Maki is the backbone of the story and how the viewers will accept Maki and eventually his relationship with Haruta (especially those who are already fond of Hase or who already love Buchou since the SP) will depend entirely on Kento's interpretation of this character. Haruta may be the face of the story, Buchou may serve as the arms (don’t know if this makes sense but whatever) but for me it's Maki who truly kept the story together. I've seen a lot of jdramas over the past thirteen years but I can say Maki is one of the most amazing characters I've ever come across. No seriously, I'm being overly dramatic but he's really special for me. *__* I'm really glad that Kento was chosen to play Maki in the drama version, bless the person who decided on this casting. (*A*) 
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I think I'm in the minority this time since I prefer HaruMaki instead of MakiHaru. *coughs* Well... one of Maki's official character traits is being a "do-S" but actually I think he's just a tsundere. XD And he’s an extremely sweet person, almost an angel, how can that be do-S??? XD I get it that Maki's the one who's always doing the first move but I think that's primarily because he's the one who's sure of his feelings and sexuality. Haruta is still confused with all the things suddenly happening around him (since he’s dumb sometimes haha, but at least a lovable one) but I guess as soon as he's able to fully understand and come to terms with his feelings for Maki and the nature of their relationship, it will be easy for him to really start showing his affection for Maki and initiate ~things~. This is why I'm so thankful for that scene in the last episode!! Haruta going on top of Maki to kiss him with that smug expression on his face!! That just screams "HARUMAKI!!!!" to me and made all my dreams come true (well almost haha)!! Initially I felt sad that Maki had to suffer a lot because of his feelings for Haruta, but I know he really loves him and so I’ve been waiting for that moment when Haruta will finally return Maki's feelings and make him happy. Fortunately we see them getting the happy ending they deserve~!! The drama really did a great job showing all those funny, sweet, and bittersweet HaruMaki moments, until now I still keep on re-watching almost all of their scenes together. T_T (And OMG those kiss scenes seriously, Kento should be illegal!!!) 
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Okay so Ossan's Love is the only series that ever made me multi-ship!!! Since I watched the SP, I was so sure that I will be shipping Maki and Haruta hard and that they’re going to end up together (following the Hase+Haruta route in SP)... but then Takekawa Masamune happened HAHAHAHA. Takekawa-san was portrayed by Mashima-san whom I became fond of after watching another drama (TonaKazo) wherein he played as a gay character in a relationship with a younger guy too (my precious WataSaku!!!! but that's another story) so when I learned that he will be in Ossan's Love as well, I thought "wow, the more reason to look forward to it!" So some hours before the second episode aired, TheTelevison website posted this off-shot photo of Kento and Mashima-san and I was like "ooooh I can support this if it happens!!" jokingly since I love Kento and Mashima-san and they looked good in the photo together. And then as fate would have it, after the 2nd episode, the preview for the 3rd episode showed them finally interacting with each other with Takekawa-san shouting at Maki and kicking a trashcan!! And from there a lot of speculations arose-- does Takekawa-san like Haruta that's why he's angry at Maki, or he's actually Maki's ex-boyfriend?? I was praying for the latter because a lot of characters in the drama are already in love with Haruta (Buchou, Maki, Chizu)!! So somebody has to be in love with Maki too and make Haruta jealous so he'll eventually realize his feelings for Maki!! D: And then poof, THAT TAKEKAWA+MAKI “HAND-GRABBING” UNDER THE TABLE SCENE HAPPENED!! I almost fell from my seat while watching that for the first time and was like "HOW CAN THIS SCENE BE SO EROTIC?????" And so from then on I started officially shipping Maki with Takekawa-san too (although I call them my “guilty pleasure ship” since I love seeing them together but I want HaruMaki to end up together). And then it turns out they were really ex-lovers so I couldn't help wanting to know more things about when they were still in a relationship, why they broke up and so on. I keep saying this but really, I need TakeMaki spin-off of their time together!!! 
Reason#4 Everyone's acting
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I know I gushed over Kento's acting a lot already, but the rest of the cast’s acting was so good as well. All characters complement each other that's why they’ve been such a delight to watch! Their interactions can be so funny and heart-warming that I just kept on wishing that each and everyone will be happy in the end! And plus points to Tanaka Kei for having extremely perfect comedic timing!!! Like other people said, Haruta can be an idiot sometimes (or most of the times?? XD) and can be borderline irritating occasionally, but Tanaka Kei makes the character adorkable and lovable despite all his flaws~ ^^;; I already watched him in another series I think two years ago (Kosodate Play) and his character there was almost similar to Haruta so I’m not surprised anymore about how extremely funny he is! ^_~
Wow, that’s gotten so long... I guess I should save my rant about things I’m not so fond of in the drama in another entry... 
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Gladiolus cheating on S/O Part 3
Hey guys :) Here’s the last part of Gladiolus’ cheating.
Poll results are at the bottom so I won’t spoil the outcome^^.
1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part  // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
Words: 3700+
Genre: Angst, heartbreak, getting better, life changing decisions
Spoilers: None
Trigger warnings: Cheating, depression, disability
There was no light at the end of the tunnel. She tried to move on, tried to find forgiveness in her heart for him but it was impossible. Gladiolus' selfishness and ignorance regarding her complicated pregnancy were what caused her physical disability.. How could she ever forgive something so severe, something so life changing?
She was missing out on her baby's life, couldn't take part in most activities, couldn't teach her how to walk or write, couldn't even protect her alone. It was all Gladio's fault.. And that upset her greatly. Nonetheless, she tried. She really did. Eventually, she finally gave in and even exchanged kisses with him - for the sake of Heather. Although it hurt her and every physical intimacy reminded her of how other females had the privilege to touch him, too, she thought of her little girl that wanted her parents to be happy so badly. Heather was old enough to understand that they had been fighting, that something was wrong. Of course, she always asked, was noisy but to fix it, she always demanded her parents to hug. Each and every time, they did as she asked, holding up the façade of a happy family. Both wanted their daughter to experience that happy, unbreakable family. But it was unbearably hard.
All Gladio's 'I love you's, subtle touches, delicate kisses.. They kept breaking his S/O's heart. Over and over again. For the moment it lasted, it felt good.. But so bittersweet. Knowing she was slowly but surely sliding out of his hands worried him greatly. He bought gifts, made food, invited her to dates but it wasn't easing the pain in her heart. With each improvement she managed to accomplish, he started getting more anxious about her leaving. Imagining to lose both his girlfriend and their daughter scared him endlessly. Gladio was well aware that this was his mistake, that he was the one causing all this; it was his dream to make it all up. But that was a dream that would probably never come true.. He'd have to live with this guilt until the day he'd die. All he could do was support her, pay her bills as much as he could and care for their daughter. He dedicated his life to them.
Therefore, seeing his best friend carelessly flirt when his girlfriend surely upset him. He was boiling with jealousy every time he witnessed it. That she didn't care about it, even played along, only made it worse. His fear mixed with anger and he couldn't stop himself from letting it out. Instead of turning his anger at his girlfriend or daughter, he spent hours at the gym, worked out mercilessly. His behavior didn't stay unnoticed, his S/O knew something was off.. And she also knew what it was. But it actually didn't bother her all too much; it only gave her more time with Ignis. 
Although she knew she shouldn't, she really enjoyed spending time with him. He always listened, always lent a hand, always understood. On top of that, he always gave her adorable compliments. Ignis was a great friend.. And deep down she slowly started falling for his beautiful eyes and that wonderful smile. His hugs were great too. And his words, his accent were undeniably charming.
That she was growing feelings for another man ended up disturbing her more than she imagined. It felt so wrong but so right. However, she knew she had to hold back. Gladio, even though he did it himself, didn't deserve to be cheated on. So for the time being and until she was certain about her feelings, she just hopped in on the flirting but denied anything physical. That little bit of flirting was already enough to make her feel bad.
At least Heather loved Ignis, too. She considered him her uncle, always played with him whenever she could. In some way, he took her mother's role. All her mother could do was sit and watch.. Until Ignis changed that. He helped her sit on the floor, made sure pillows were supporting her back, giving her the ability to sit comfortably. While she still couldn't move her right arm, she could at least use her left arm to hold up her daughter's favorite toy. What really made this special was that she could finally cuddle her properly. They could lay next to each other on some pillows, have naps together. It was a nice change. All those months before, her back hadn't been stable enough to support the ability to sit, she would've slumped. But now that it was fine, her hard work paid off, new possibilities were opened to her. Enjoying more time with her daughter was one of them. Yes, she still needed help getting on and off the floor - but this was still a huge difference. Heather immediately approved of it, couldn't wait to cuddle her mom. Much to everyone's surprise, that little kid was incredibly understanding about her mother's condition. She didn't understand entirely but was raised on knowing her mother couldn't feel some parts of her body, sometimes couldn't be with her in return - but that she loved her regardless of that. It was insanely cute that, nowadays, she kept asking her mother if she could feel her legs or if she could help make them better.
Of course, that little bundle of joy lover her father, too. She loved being with him, play-fighting with him, playing with his hair. Heather appreciated that after working for so long, he came home. She was always the first to "run" up to him and hug his legs. He was often in charge of telling her about his adventures - she's always been very curious. Those were usually her bedtime stories. Those two were as good as inseparable. And that was exactly why Gladio's S/O was scared of breaking up with him. As time passed by, her curiosity for Ignis grew immensely.. But she didn't want to lose her baby. And aside from that, she felt terribly selfish for wanting to leave Gladiolus but she couldn't go on. Being with him felt more and more wrong with each day passing by. Kisses, sweet caresses, loving words - it all felt like lies. Her kisses began to get sloppier, her touches didn't feel as soft anymore and when Ignis finally confessed his feelings for her, she knew it had to come to an end. For too long had she been living with this lie, it was slowly eating away at her seams. The former love of her life deserved the truth.
"Gladio.. Can.. Can we have a talk?" she asked, sitting on the couch with a book in her lap.
It was Saturday evening, Gladio had just brought Heather to bed. The couple shared a lot of laughs today, both were in good moods for once and actually got along. A lot of the times they ended up arguing once their girl was in bed.. But today they both seemed to be fine. So his S/O finally collected her courage to tell him the truth.
"Sure.." he replied, biting his lip hard.
He knew. He knew their relationship was crumbling, that her interest was decreasing just as quickly as he love for him. He knew Ignis had feelings for her - they were best friends.. He had to confess to him, too. Losing her was still his biggest fear but during his workout sessions, he came to the conclusion that he'd have to let go if that's what she wanted. He'd still support her. But the future of their tiny princess would be altered.. And that's what worried him most. So far he couldn't tell if she'd choose to stay with him or her mom.. And he didn't want her to have to choose either. All these decisions scared him tremendously. He didn't want it to end but he would accept her decision.. At least that's what he told himself over and over again.
"Come sit with me" she smiled softly, patting the spot beside her.
Without saying another word, he walked over to her. This scenario already reminded him of when he introduced the idea of celebrating their 9th anniversary. The sadness in her eyes, the tears.. It upset him. After his confession, she stopped speaking to him for at least a week.. It hurt him, but he knew he deserved it. He hated himself for what he did. Needlessly to say, they didn't celebrate their anniversary. It was just another normal day. 
"What's on your mind?" he spoke, returning a faint smile.
"Gladiolus.. I.. I have to be honest with you.." she started, gulping between her words, "Our.. Our relationship - oh, six - I think w-we both know it's not exactly going uphill.."
That was all he needed to hear, tears shot in his eyes. That was it.
"I.. I treasure you. We spent good years together, had lots of fun but I.. I've been thinking a lot about us recently.. And..- we can't go on this way" she broke to him, her own eyes slowly filling up with tears; this was more difficult than she imagined it to be, "I'm hurting. I know it's been years since you c-cheated on me but I.. I can't forget it. I can't unsee it. Whenever I look at you I see what you did with those two girls. Right now, while I know you're extremely busy, I can't help but imagine that you have some kind of 'fuck buddies'. I.. I don't think I can ever regain my entire trust in you."
"Did you think about Heather in this?" he immediately returned, his heart racing a mile a minute yet feeling like it had been torn from his chest.
Although he tried to prepare for this, he currently didn't know what to do.
"Of course I have, Gladio. I know that we have a beautiful daughter that's unfortunately caught up in this. I know I'm probably selfish for wanting to end our relationship. But.. But we're both getting older and I don't want to waste your time any longer.. I don't want you to think I'm using you" she explained, folding her hands in her lap, "I really wanted us to work out. I promise I tried hard to ignore my own feelings in this.. But I can't. I.. I love you as a friend and you definitely still mean the world to me along with our daughter.. But I don't think we can work this out.."
For a few moments, silence surrounded the former couple. Neither knew what to say. Gladio fought his feelings. His self-hatred, undeniable anger and frustration but also his sadness. He had never experienced such heartbreak before.
"You're not wasting my time, I'm grateful for every moment I can spend with you.. And I don't think you're using me…" he started rambling on words, "I.. I-.."
"I'm sorry Gladio.." she apologized, quickly reaching out for his hands to hold them, "I know this is sudden.. But I can't keep this from you any longer.."
They had been together for long enough, she knew when he was struggling with his emotions. As someone that grew up without being allowed to show any kind of sadness, not even hint at it, these situations were new to him. He had yet to learn how to handle it, often just got angry at himself for feeling the way he did. His head lowered, he glanced at her hands. Back when he first found out about her pregnancy, he wanted to get married to her right away. Before he gave in to temptation, he was furiously planning on proposing to her. After everything went to hell and back, he refrained from doing so. He wanted to wait for the right time.. Now he knew that time would never come. Looking at her empty hand - the hand that was supposed to hold his ring - made him regret never asking her. Sure, she would've probably declined but at least he would've let her know how much she truly means to him. He felt like he missed out on that, perhaps didn't give his all. For just a moment, he intertwined their fingers, squeezed her hand tightly. It was his way of releasing emotions. He didn't want to cry..
"I.. No. - Ignis told me about his feelings for you.. It's because of him, right?" Gladio smiled sadly, slowly turning his gaze over to her.
"I c-can't deny that" she returned, sucking in her lip shortly after.
"If you two start dating, I hope he knows what a damn jewel he's got" Gladio stared right into her eyes as he spoke.
"That's n-not..-.." she rung for words, wanting to talk herself out of it.
"It's okay. I appreciate your honesty. And if you two really find happiness within another then.. I'm happy" he smiled through his pain, concealing it, "I don't wanna stand in your way."
Knowing him all too well, she knew that he was lying. He was hurting badly.
"Gladio.." she just breathed out, her eyebrows lowering to a gentle frown.
"I.. I'm sorry for my mistakes. What I did was indeed unforgivable.. I don't blame you for not being able to forgive and forget - I couldn't either if I were in your position. Nonetheless, I.. I was hoping my actions would prove to you that you mean the world to me" he gave in and admitted, "I was hoping we could eventually get married and become a real family. I'm sure Heather would've been perfect as the flower girl."
As she heard that, she couldn't help but shed a few tears. Imagining the scene in her head was adorable.. But it was truly unfortunate that it would never happen.
"Oh-.. I'm sorry" he apologized as he realized that she started crying and quickly used one of his hands to wipe her tears away, "I didn't mean to make you cry. D-don't feel guilty.. Or selfish. If being with me isn't good for you and you'd prefer to be with Ignis.. Or alone.. Then that's totally fine. I don't want you to torture yourself for me. I'm sure Heather will understand.. She always does. She's a smart kid."
Feeling his hand against her cheek one last time made her choke on her breath. Realizing that this would probably be the last time he'd do that suddenly hurt a lot more than she imagined. Even though she firmly believed that breaking up with him was the right decision, it still hurt. Over 9 years can't be erased that easily. 
"I-I don't want us to break up on bad terms. I still want to be in touch with you. I want to know how you're doing. I still want to be there for you.." she input quickly. 
"I know, I know. You're a good-hearted person. I've been able to experience that for long enough to know that you're a literal angel" he smiled at her, "I'd love to be in touch with you as well. And I hope you know that, no matter what, you can always talk to me."
"Thank you" she returned, swallowing down more tears.
"We'll probably take a few days.. Maybe even months to figure all this out. Do you want me to sleep on the couch until we find a solution?" he suggested, trying hard to maintain a calm demeanor and to not break down.
"No.. No, this is our bed. I trust you not to try and funny business. And I don't want you to be uncomfortable.." she shook her head, "But we..-.. I really want us to continuously raise Heather together. Maybe we can.. Slowly introduce the idea of us not dating anymore to her but in a way that she knows we don't hate each other. I don't ever want her to think bad of you, nor do I want her to think bad of me because of our decisions."
"I agree.." he nodded, "She loves both of us. She wants to be with both of us.. - I don't know how we'll do this when either of us moves out. She's so young.. I don't want her to have to choose between either of us.. Nor do I want her to just stay with either of us and miss the other one. We.. We really need to make sure she doesn't suffer from this."
"Yeah.. That's my biggest fear" she lowered her head.
"No, don't worry. We'll find a solution" Gladio returned right away, trying to be uplifting. 
"I hope you're right" she replied.
Afterwards, both remained silent for a few minutes, just taking in each others presence. Gladio was on the brink of crying, he was fighting hard.
"I'm surprised you're so.. Calm.." she broke their silence.
"Well,.. I.. I figured I had lost. From the moment I saw Ignis flirt with you, I knew my time was running out. When I was working out, I contemplated how to react when you'd break the news to me. At first I was convinced I'd beg you to stay.. Because that's what I want. But then I realized how selfish it would be. I love you.. And I only want what's best for you. And if someone else is better for you than me.. Then I'll support you getting with them. I decided to accept reality. All those past years, you've been rather cold to me - which is fine, I understand - so I tried to prepare for the worst" he explained, lowering his head once again, "But I don't feel prepared."
"I'm sorry" she apologized again. 
"Don't be. I should be the one apologizing. I kept secrets from you because I knew I'd lose you. That was wrong. I should've never betrayed you… because you honestly don't deserve that. While you were carrying the most wonderful gift one could ever ask for, suffering tremendous pain all the while, I went out to be the worst of a boyfriend I could possibly be" he frowned about his own behavior as he spoke, "You don't deserve this. You deserve better."
"As dumb as it may sound.. We all make mistakes. I still think that you're a good person. Aside from those mistakes, you've always been a good boyfriend. Yes, my pregnancy was shit. We were both acting up during that time. But I appreciate you. You will always have that special place in my heart. I will always love you in some way" she tried to comfort him, knowing that he was fighting his tears.
As she said that, he cracked a smile: "You'll always be special to me, too. And of course, I'll always love you."
Again, silence filled the room as the two just stared at each other, smiling faintly. "Can I .. Have a hug?" Gladio asked, feeling that his wall was about to crumble.. But he didn't want her to see.
"Anytime" she replied, smiling softly while she embraced him with her arms.
The second the former couple hugged, he started sobbing. He tried to suppress it.. But couldn't. Instead of showing her his face, he buried it in her neck. He wanted to take her in deeply one last time. At the same time, he didn't want her to feel guilty. Tears unwittingly left his eyes. He held her tightly, yet was so careful not to crush her. With each moment, his heart broke a little more. He lost her. He lost the one he loved so much because of his own mistakes. Probably to his best friend, too. She rubbed his back, tried her best to comfort him. After so many years of dating she knew how he was. She knew he didn't want her to witness this. It took him a while to finally regain his composure. Then they went to bed.. Just like they did through all those years.
For months, that cycle repeated. They had yet to figure out how all of this was supposed to work out. Their master plan was two connected houses. Or looking for two apartments that were in the same building, optimally even connected as well. Meanwhile, they slowly introduced to Heather that the love they shared was a different kind: a friendship one. She probably didn't quite understand that yet.. But she was happy for them nonetheless. She really was just a cheerful child.
Ignis and Gladio's ex got closer in no time. Yes, it hurt the shield greatly.. But he loved both these people so much, he tried his best to just be supportive. Eventually, they decided to start dating but they took it very slow. Heather wasn't supposed to know yet. But that also meant that Gladio received his final goodbye kiss. The former couple kissed one last time before she got together with Ignis. And that kiss lingered on his lips for ages. Probably forever.
As months passed by, they finally found two suitable apartments that weren't too expensive but wheelchair friendly. The contract was signed and within a few more days, they moved in, started living separately. It was a huge step for both of them. They missed each other.. But Gladio's ex at least had Ignis to dry her tears. 
Heather had a room at both their places. Her parents had keys to both apartments. They remained good friends after all. Sometimes they even had sleepovers, typically when Heather was sick. She was their top priority and whenever she was sick, she tended to cry for both her parents. She needed both of them. It was a little complicated but definitely manageable.
Gladio was willing to pay for both their apartments on top of all the bills. He still blamed himself for everything and refused to force another burden on his beloved ex by dropping his support. Of course, she highly appreciated it but she also began looking for minor jobs once her health allowed it. 
The relationship with Ignis and her was going incredibly good. He did everything for her, loved her endlessly. That she wasn't ready for too much physical intimacy didn't bother him. He knew her story and was willing to wait no matter how long it'd take. He was serious about this. And grateful that his best friend wasn't acting up about it. They remained friends, spoke about everything. Gladio never failed to remind him that he should better treat her right. 
The life of the former couple was changing greatly but their relationship even improved. They were better friends than they used to be. They were closer than they used to be. But nonetheless, they were separated. 
Deep inside, Gladiolus hoped that someday, he would be given another chance.. That someday, they could be the tiny family they always wanted to be. But if that someday would ever happen, was written in the stars.
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Masterlist ; 1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part  // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
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