#they were NOT that good enough to get those comments ‼️
tiredfox64 · 1 day
Could you pretty please do the lin kuei bros x siren reader 🙏🥺
Bad Things to Come for Travelers
Yip notes: Since when were sirens bird women? I didn't know this. Hope we are talking about the mermaid kind.
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Siren! Afab reader
Warnings‼️: This may be short
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It was supposed to be a simple mission. All the brothers needed to do was retrieve an item for Liu Kang. Some jade artifact or something. This mission took them to rocky cliffs and harsh waves. There were points where they had to hug the wall to prevent their deaths. They believed that would be the only challenge they would face while on this journey.
Wishful thinking…
The brothers were reaching the top of the cliff, their bodies somewhat soaked by the waves that were just barely miss them. You hid behind a rock to peek at your new visitors. Three of them? Oooh, this will be a fun challenge for you. Let’s see if you can get all three men.
The brothers got to a spot that seemed relatively safe. A part where there were no waves crashing and the cliffside was flat. They took that as an opportunity to take a breather. You took that opportunity to sing your lovely siren melody. The wind blew your voice into the men’s ears. At first they thought it was the wind itself making that sweet sound. No, that can’t be right. The wind had been blowing nonstop and only made that sound now. Bi-Han was the first to act by covering his ears with his hands.
“Cover your ears.” He commanded.
“Why?” Tomas asked.
Kuai Liang listened and didn’t ask questions, leaving Tomas in a vulnerable place. Bi-Han remembered something that Liu Kang told him before going out. He warned that if he were to hear anything that sounded like singing that he should cover his ears immediately. It’s a sign of a siren trying to lure men to their doom.
That’s exactly what’s happening.
Kuai Liang stared at Bi-Han while in a panic. If they move their hands to cover Tomas’ ears they put themselves at risk. It was too late; Tomas was already in a trance. His pupils were dilated and his eye color barely showed. He walked closer to the edge of the cliff. Kuai Liang called for him to stop. Tomas looked down the cliff and saw you lying on a rock. You looked up at him, giving him a smile. You were happy not because he noticed you but because he was close to his demise.
You don’t know these men, remember? You don’t know what they have up their sleeves. That’s when you saw Tomas pull out his karambit that shined even though it was cloudy. He threw down a smoke bomb and he was gone. You were left confused and wondered what you just encountered. Did you encounter an Enenra that was disguised as a human?
Then you heard the sound of stone being struck. When you looked up you saw Tomas sliding down the cliffside, using his karambit as a way to slow him down. Once he hit the ground he came up to you with that same crazed look you usually see in your victims. Except Tomas was not a victim. Though he was in a trance he was smart enough to not leap off the ledge and be impaled by sharp rocks.
“Wow…you’re even more beautiful up close.” He said with this lovesick tone.
His hand went up to caress your wet hair. You were appalled, astonished, flabbergasted even. Your victims never got this close to you. But now you have a man in front of you who can’t take his eyes off you. He didn’t even comment on your tail. He knelt down in front of the rock you were lying on and had his head in his hands, admiring you like you were a goddess. It was a nice change, you couldn’t lie.
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han stepped closer to the cliffside and stared down. Good to see that Tomas wasn’t dead. Kuai Liang was unsure of what his brother was doing until Bi-Han gave a hint.
“That fool, he fell for the siren’s song.”
“I thought those were myths.” Kuai Liang was surprised.
You noticed that the two were looking down at you. Try your luck again. Maybe this time at least one of them will meet their maker today.
You sang your song once more. Bi-Han was quick to cover his ears again, Kuai Liang unfortunately wasn’t quick enough. Bi-Han knew there was something wrong when he saw his brother wasn’t moving at all. His pupils dilated until there was no more golden brown showing. He tried to take a step forward but Bi-Han used his leg to push him back. He couldn’t trip him because he would accidentally kill him. He tried his best to push him back with his legs or even his whole body. Kuai Liang was fighting back while in this daze. He just had to get a closer look. There was no other option and Bi-Han was so frustrated he decided to grab his brother with his hands and pull him back.
uh oh!
bad decision, bi-han!
The effects of your song immediately got Bi-Han. His eyes grew darker from the dilation of his pupils. The brothers were not fighting anymore but were instead staring at you. You thought this would be the moment you killed two birds with one stone. Nope, you’re in for a surprise.
Bi-Han pushed his brother out of the way before creating steps made from ice down the cliffside. Kuai Liang was not gonna lose to his older brother so he started acting quickly. He stabbed his kunai to the side of the cliff and held onto the rope tightly before taking steps down. You lay there, not angered but disappointed. How did you mess up that badly? When did humans have the ability to do tricks like that?
Before you knew it, Bi-Han slid all the way down to you and Kuai Liang scaled down the mountain. You got three beautiful men in front of you and you have the nerve to complain? Yeesh!
They adored you which was weird. Usually, people look at you with fear but for once you get to see the faces of your victims. Tomas melted every time you placed your hand under his chin. Kuai Liang liked to admire how your scales shine and how flowy the end of your tail is. Bi-Han…he’s already acting up. He’s acting possessive, holding your waist and pressing you against his body. The other two are getting agitated now. They want you just as badly as Bi-Han does.
“I was the first one down here,” Tomas argued.
“I was just as willing to see her up close as you were!” Kuai Liang shouted at Tomas.
“I am your grandmaster! She should be to me!” Bi-Han was shouting right in your ear.
Alright, you see why the other sirens tell you not to let the trance go on for ages. They get possessive and see what they could potentially do you don’t want them turning on you or each other. Nobody wants to handle a burnt corpse or a frozen carcass.
You sighed, knowing that the fun had to end now. Might as well bring them back to shore. You grabbed Bi-Han with your right hand and Kuai Liang with your left. You bit the back of Tomas’ uniform before diving into the sea. One second they were on the rock with you and the other they were being flung up into the air and landing on the wet sand. Kuai Liang rubbed his head after that rough landing while Bi-Han was trying to catch his breath after inhaling too much seawater. Tomas was booking it down the shore and was already jumping in the water to catch you. He grabbed onto your tail and begged you to not leave him. You almost felt bad for doing it but you knew he couldn’t stay with you so you had to push him off. He swam away quickly, leaving them in an uncomfortable situation.
“I think Tomas is still in a trance.” Kuai Liang said.
“No, I just wanted to have her around for a little bit longer,” Tomas replied in a sad tone, the waves pushing his body back to the shore.
Bi-Han finally caught his breath and realized what happened. That was unpleasant and he could not forgive himself for falling for that. He grabbed Kuai Liang and Tomas and started dragging them in the opposite direction of the sea.
“Wait, where are we going?” Tomas asked, “Aren’t we supposed to-“
For the first time, the brother will return to Liu Kang empty-handed. Bi-Han can tell Liu Kang to get it himself because he is not going through that again.
Yap notes: I hate posting late I'm sorry. And yes I did make a Mandela Catalogue reference. I don't really have much to say so yeah. Adiós!
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koishua · 1 year
person who's followed me from my very first blog to this you were there when i was trash ty for still being here when im just a little less trash
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hey:D ‼️ slashers x a femme bimbo reader? i would love michael, tommy, vincent+ bo, and jennifer? (whoever else u choose is fine) please and thank you!
Bimbo S/O Headcanons | Multiple Slashers (18+)
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as being female and a bimbo
there’s no sex described, but there’s a lot of sexual talk around the reader, hence the smut tag
this includes : billy lenz, brahms heelshire, carrie white, jennifer check, michael myers, the sinclair twins & thomas hewitt
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
billy lenz
billy is a pervert by nature and would have sexualised you irrespective of how you acted or what you wore (when there’s a will, there’s a way and all of that)
but you being a bimbo made it all so much easier and so much more enjoyable for the unknown voyeur
it seemed like everything you did have him an erection as he stared at you through cracks in the ceiling and walls and doors
how your short pink skirt would ride up and show your pretty panties whenever you bent over or sat down
how your tight white shirt did little to hide your breasts or the fact that you’d opted to go braless
the way you frequently stumbled and tripped in those pink heels — exposing your ass to him more often than even he could have wished for
all of that was enough of a dream come true, but the moment you picked up the phone and he got a true exposure to your delightfully ditzy and naively trusting persona this man was a goner
you were his dream-girl through-and-through
his pretty piggy who’s only good at taking billy’s thick cock into her dumb holes
his bimbo that has no chance of escaping him or his lewd calls and comments
of course you were his the moment you stepped foot in his house, but you continuously exposing yourself for him (as he perceived it, anyway) just gave him the go ahead to claim you entirely
and you’d best believe that he’ll want you dressing as sluttily as possible at all times
bo sinclair
although he tends to present himself as the perfect southern gentleman at first glance, bo is a verifiable pervert with pretty much no shame
it would have taken a remarkable amount of self restraint for him to keep up the act in front of your group — especially with you looking and acting like that
tight shirt, mini skirt and a body that he just wanted to lose himself in
god it was like you were made for him, but that could wait until he had splintered your group
but until then, he sated himself by glancing down your top whenever you leaned forwards, lifting up your skirt whenever he got the chance and catching you whenever you tripped (getting away with many less-than-innocent touches due to your obliviousness)
his advances get more and more aggressive and obvious as your group is picked off one by one until you’re the only one left untouched and somehow still oblivious to your situation
and bo finds himself torn between keeping you around as an alibi and a good fuck, or just using and discarding you to vincent as he’d done before
in the end, of course, he ends up deciding to let you live whilst putting on a whole show of wooing you so that you think you’re staying willingly — justifying it by saying you’ll help future “tourists” feel at home
but his brothers can tell that he’s grown more than a little fond of your presence (beyond, even, your sex appeal and naïveté — shockingly to all involved, he actually seems to care)
brahms heelshire
you were not what anyone in the heelshire family were looking for when they sought out a nanny
you were clumsy and naive; not being able to do much in education or housework without inevitably messing something up
you were a veritable slut without the intent; with tiny skirts and translucent shirts that could barely even be considered clothing and that certainly weren’t conducive with the image they wanted to present as a family
but, to brahms, you were perfect
the perfectly dainty damsel in distress for him to leer and gawk at from behind the walls as you went about your day hopelessly attempting to abide by his schedule
and whilst you frequently forgot certain rules, he let you off — equally because he knew you weren’t acting intentionally and because he loved watching you too much to let you go
his favourite times of day were those that necessitated you coming into contact with water or bending over because they gave him the most wonderful views of your body that often appeared in his masturbation fantasies
loves the way you coo over and jokingly scold his doll — actually just loves hearing you say his name and talk to “him”
is much more possessive and protective when it comes to anyone bringing supplies to the house because of, well, everything about you
like it’s all well and good having a pretty little thing with nice tits and ass to stare at all day and night, but issues arise when somebody else gets to look at what’s his
and even if you’re too ditzy and naive to recognise the grocery boy’s intentions, brahms is all too aware of what goes on in a man’s head
and he may just take it upon himself to show everyone, including you, what happens when someone touches what belongs to him
carrie white
carrie was brought up in a highly conservative christian background — so, needless to say, your presence itself would be a significant shock to the poor girl
everything about you is a complete upturning of the values she was raised with, from your personality to the way you dressed
god, the way you dressed was sin personified and every time she caught herself staring she’d mutter a quick prayer for forgiveness
tight white shirts, short pink skirts and high pink heels — a recipe for disaster that she found herself drawn to
those miniskirts would so frequently ride up your thighs and expose your tiny pink panties to anyone who dared to look whenever you stalled in readjusting them (though they were always short enough to expose those thighs of yours)
those shirts that would turn wonderfully transparent whenever you got even slightly damp (be that through rain or spillage) and exposed your otherwise bare chest to prying eyes
those heels that were the cause of so many incidents like those above
and, values be damned, she was more thankful for your obliviousness than anything else as she didn’t know what she’d do if you recognised the way her peers leered at you
how she looked at you with so much lust, with eyes that lingered too long to be innocent on your chest and the apex of your thighs and your ass
how she thought of you whenever she touched herself, one hand balled up in a fist that she bit down on to muffle herself whilst the other crept between her legs to toy with her puffy lips and swollen clit and seeping hole
you, in all of your naïveté and clumsiness, were at the centre of all of her fantasies and she wanted nothing more than to keep you in the dark about it all for as long as possible
jennifer check
you and her will almost inevitably end up sharing clothing and/or accessories because your styles match so well
date nights will consist of you sharing skincare routines and doing each other’s makeup
she uses your nature and appearance to her benefit, ramping up her sexuality with you in public to help lure in men for her to kill and feed on
she repays you with plentiful sex, affection and spoiling with money she gets from her “boyfriends”
will shamelessly ogle you whenever you lean forwards or bend over and gets a kick out of flustering you just as much as when she gets away with being a complete perv
gropes you in public like all of the time and usually plays it off as innocent or accidental — would stop if you asked, though
50/50 whether she lets you in on what she’s doing so you can help or strings you along as an accomplice
loves how oblivious you are and gets off on the power dynamic between you and her as the more experienced, dominant partner
buys you the most transparent, slutty, short clothes that she can find for you both so you can match, she can get food, and she can see as much of you as possible at all times
she will shift targets on a dime if she notices someone getting too close to comfort and taking advantage you in the same way she does — and she makes a point to show everyone that you’re very much so taken
makes you wear underwear that she chooses so anyone else ogling you gets a blatant reminder of who you belong to
michael myers (any)
initially michael found your demeanour more annoying and inconvenient than anything else
you were attractive, of course, but your clumsiness and obliviousness just made him frustrated — made him want to stalk you to force you to notice the word around you
and he did. for well over a month
even going into your home and standing over you as you slept, rearranging things in your house, anything to get you to notice that something was up
but you never did
even when he confronted you on your walk home and started following you, very obviously, you just chatted with him as if nothing was wrong and how much of a coincidence it was you were going the same way
you even complimented his mask — which immediately made you more tolerable
and almost made up for the dozen times he’d watched you trip over thin air or otherwise expose yourself to people unintentionally
after a while he even became somewhat protective, targeting people that were sexually aggressive or otherwise weird towards you to get his frustrations out before returning to his routine of stalking you
at one point he began to masturbate to the sight of you — which he’d never been able to do given his life being spent entirely in an institution with no privacy
he takes full advantage of your naïveté to tease and manipulate you, especially after you realise who he is
he just signs that he won’t hurt you if you let him stay with you and don’t tell anyone he’s there
and you oblige
and he doesn’t hurt you
the only real change is having to deal with him shamelessly staring at you all of the time, but after you get together you don’t really mind so it’s not really that big of a deal
thomas hewitt
everything about you seems perfectly engineered to turn this poor man into a flustered, red-in-the-face, 404-ing mess
you’re not exactly what his mother had raised him to look for in a woman but that made you somehow more attractive? like a forbidden fruit in a sense
your high high heels that you constantly tripped over weren’t exactly made for life in their rural town but your confidence in them made him reluctant to have you change
those teeny-tiny shorts and skirts left nothing to the imagination when it came to those smooth, long legs and those brightly coloured thongs you wore and caused him a lot of trouble whenever he caught a glimpse of you and ended up dropping his tools
your thin white shirts that hoyt always managed to get wet somehow were incredibly form fitting and gave him the perfect view of your chest
but whilst your body and sexuality haunted his mind and left him wanting and guilty when he’d reach between his legs for relief at the end of the day — it was your demeanour that captured his heart and endeared him to you
your naïveté kept you up and out of the way of the family’s dirtier dealings and meant they didn’t have to hide anything too hard as you believed whatever they promised to you
he felt bad for lying but he also knew it was a necessary evil
and your clumsy nature meant that any guests felt more at ease around you, joking around and letting their guard down to flirt with you which made his job a whole lot easier
so, needless to say, you were definitely a good investment for the family even if you kept unintentionally torturing poor thomas with your displays of sexuality and femininity throughout the house
vincent sinclair
you immediately caught vincent’s eye when you entered ambrose because of how different you were from your companions
your clothes were more revealing and feminine: all light colours, cropped edges, frills, pastels and the whole nine yards
definitely a far cry from the muted neutrals and heavy jumpers that he usually saw
more artistically inspiring, barbie like even
it made you attractive, certainly, but it also made him want to preserve you as an art piece even more — he wanted to capture your beauty permanently
but then your personality endeared you to him
you were immediately kind and trusting towards his twin, which painted you as a very naïve person but the genuine way you defended him and scolded your friends for interrupting the “funeral” caught his heart
hell, even bo seemed taken a back by your demeanour (before trying to look down your shirt, of course)
and then there was the clumsiness that gave him the perfect view of each and every angle of your body that those short, tight clothes did little to hide as you stumbled and tripped over your heels in the museum
even gentlemen have their limits and, from what he justified as artistic curiosity, he indulged himself in plenty of looks
you even made him chuckle a few times when you apologised to the figures you fell onto
all of it, to him, made you seem so much better than your companions — someone worth saving and keeping as a living art piece in ambrose
it wouldn’t be hard to convince his brothers, they were always talking about needing some company
and, beside, you didn’t strike him as the sort to be hard to lie to
so if you believed your friends abandoned you, maybe you’d be happy to stay with them — and, maybe, you’d never have to learn about the truth of ambrose and it’s wax museum
and he’d get to ogle you all he liked from behind the safety of his mask (only as an artist, of course! he’d never sexualise you… or at least he tries to claim as much to himself)
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Hello dear! How are you? Could you please do Perv! Chrollo if it's not too much trouble? I haven't seen much Perv Chrollo content out there, and I'd love to see that in your writing! You can ignore it if you want, have a nice day ♡ (Sorry if it seemed confusing, English is not my first language ☠️)
His pretty girl
Perv!Chrollo x Fem!Reader
warnings: perv behavior, panting stealing, reader is mentioned to be chubby, excessive gift giving, somno, dubcon, reader is innocent and naive, breeding kink, pregnancy, bit of Yandere chrollo if you squint, Chrollo calls you princess/angel/goddess, minor manga spoilers about Shalnark
A/N: not the biggest chrollo fan but him being head over heels in love and just a big softy with his lover does do something for me.
NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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Unlike most pervs, Chrollo is much sneakier with his perversion. You won’t catch him sniffing your panties or jacking off to pictures of your cute face… but you will find pairs of your panties covered in his cum in your dresser, and lots of pictures of you saved on his phone if you go looking.
Chrollo absolutely adores you, he enjoys seeing you blush and stutter when you find a particularly nasty love letter stuffed into your mailbox, or those pair of missing lacy panties folded neatly on your bed, with strange stains on them.
He first fell for you when Shalnark introduced him to you. You met Shal through the Hunter exam years ago, though you didn’t pass. Regardless, the two of you stayed good friends, with Shal making sure you stayed safe while under his care.
But Shalnark was quick to back off the second Chrollo showed interest in you. You were just too cute, with your chubby frame and pretty face. Chrollo had never really put much thought into his sexual preferences, but seeing your plump ass and fat tits was enough to awaken something… sinful in him.
After that first meeting, you started receiving little gifts from him. At first, they were just pretty trinkets that Chrollo found on his missions, but as his obsession and adoration for you grew, those little trinkets because expensive dresses and luxurious jewelry.
At first you thought it was just him being generous with you, considering your living situation wasn’t the best. You were very appreciative, your cheeks heating up and your voice small when he smiled sweetly after you thanked him.
But over time, strange things started happening that you just couldn’t explain!
Your windows would be open in the morning when you were sure you closed them last night… and what was that sticky stuff on your face?
Chrollo had gotten into the habit of breaking in to watch you sleep. In the beginning, it was because he felt such intense love and care for you that he just couldn’t bear the thought of you getting harmed in your most vulnerable state!
He’d sit at the edge of your bed, reading a book while gently stroking your cheek. It was cute, you seemed so content and happy in your sleep when he was with you. It made his heart soar thinking that maybe, just maybe he had something to do with it.
But soon those soft and innocent intentions shifted when he noticed how… revealing your pajamas were sometimes. Those flimsy little shorts and the fact he could see your nipples through your thin white tanktop had his cock straining against his pants.
You always looked so soft and peaceful, something he wanted to protect and cherish. You were the only person linking him to the normal world, where your biggest problems were paying rent on time and figuring out what to eat for dinner, while his were trying to keep his friends from dying and which heist he should plan next.
You lived in a completely different world than him, and that was some of the appeal. Chrollo had never lived a normal life, but with you, he could have some shred of normalcy. He could marry you, make you his sweet little wife and live out the rest of his days keeping you happy and safe.
But… deep down Chrollo knew this was next to impossible. He was a wanted criminal, with more enemies than he could care to remember.
He still liked to imagine it, though. You, sitting in a rocking chair your swollen belly, carrying his child. He’d come home from a heist, carry you upstairs and ravish you, making sure to be extra careful with your delicate body.
Chrollo stroked his cock to this thought, his tip gently pressed against your lips as you slept. He’d done this exact things countless times… he hadn’t been expecting you to wake up right as he buckled his pants after cumming on your lips.
“… Chrollo?”
You rubbed your sleepy eyes, then wiped at your mouth, grimacing. Did you drool in your sleep? It was too dark to make out what was on your hand… but there was just enough light to see your friend Chrollo standing there, peering down at you with a slightly surprised expression.
He quickly took on his usual calm, charming facade. “Hello, (Name). Shal asked me to come watch over you. Apparently there’s been a few break ins in town that got both him and I worried for you.”
It was all lies, but something he loved about (Name) was her naïveté. You smiled sweetly, your cheeks heating up. “Really? You came to make sure I was okay?”
Chrollo nodded, setting his book on your nightstand before sitting at the edge of your bed. “Of course… I don’t think you understand just how much you mean to me, (Name).”
You didn’t have time to react, he was already leaning closer to you. His eyes were captivating in the moonlight, reflecting the light and shining like jewels.
“You’re divine, (Name), like an angel sent from Heaven just for me.”
He cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing against your lip. “I want you, more than anything.”
Hearing this from a handsome man like Chrollo felt unreal. He wanted you of all people? It was hard to believe.
As if sensing your hesitancy, Chrollo tilted up your chin. “Do you want me to show you?”
Before you could answer, his lips met yours. He had been holding back for so long, he needed this, he needed you. You were always so sweet to him, making sure he was eating well and even coming to visit him when you could. How could he ever ask for anything more than you?
It wasn’t long before his tongue entered your mouth and his hands slipped under your shirt to grab at your perky, plump tits. You whines softly into his mouth as his thumbs ran over your sensitive nipples.
“Like that, princess?”
He gave them a soft pinch, biting down on your lip as he moved one hand to your shorts. He didn’t both with taking them off, he ripped them and pinned you down, one hand pinning your wrists and the other unbuckling his pants.
“My darling…”
His eyes settled on your pretty cunt, wet and glistening in the moonlight. Chrollo had a few one nights stands in the past, but he never felt like this before. Your pussy, all wet and ready for him was enough to have him groaning into your neck as his cock sunk into your warm heat.
He grabbed onto your hips, his fingers sinking into the soft fat. You were so cute, tears pooling down your cheeks as you blubbered incoherently, too fucked out to speak. He leaned forward and kissed those soft lips of yours, so soft and gentle with his little angel.
“Shh, just take me okay? Fuck, you’re divine, my angel, my goddess…”
With one leg over his shoulder as he pressed your bodies together, Chrollo fucked into you. He tried his best to restrain himself, but god you looked way too pretty when you came around his cock for the third time.
You clung to him for comfort and some sort of stability as he mercilessly pounded your sensitive cunt. “Pretty, god you’re just gorgeous, my sweet girl…”
By the end of the night, you were too exhausted to even speak, your pussy full of his seed. He held you now, cooing softly as he peppered kisses along your cheeks and jaw. “Did so well, such a good girl…”
From then on Chrollo’s obsession with you would only deepen. He’d marked you up, leaving love bites all over your neck and chest. You were his, and he’d make sure everyone knew that.
It wasn’t long before he had moved you away, somewhere you could be together and also under the radar. After Shalnark’s death, he became a bit paranoid that Hisoka would come after you next.
So now there you were, belly swollen with his child as he held you in his lap, his palm resting on your baby bump.
Chrollo had you, and although it wasn’t quite the life he had expected, he was still happy with it. You were here with him, carrying his baby and unable to get a way, even if you wanted to.
And that was enough for him.
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt. 6]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(what if mc's Cinderella night just-- had to be ruined?)
(not really filler chapter anymore shits getting real‼️‼️/angst/not proofread/injuries/mc will be happy again soon I promise TT-TT/very, very light swearing)
(requested tags!: @chxrry-blxssxm-tea @missotaku34 @aprityormarj )
if you want to be tagged in future chapters please comment or message me! I will only tag you if you directly ask for it and I will only tag you once unless you asked to be tagged on all future chapters of a particular series. now let's wrap this up and head straight into part 6!!)
the ball: the clock strikes 12
(follow the white rabbit)
your breath hitched as the head the body that held you then started to scramble back from the embrace yet held your shoulders in their hands. those green eyes, those fangs, the horns, the outfit that correlated to the dorm of a powerful fae. yeah, as you feared.. it was Malleus.
"oh how I've missed you my dear.." Malleus's mouth widened into a relieved and joyous smile, his fangs out and all and his eyes full of adoration. "you have no idea how bad it's been for me, for all of us since you left us.." he let out a small sigh before he brought you in for another hug, squeezing you a little tighter this time but knew to be careful of his strength.
"Malleus.. stop it--" you attempted to push him off with your arms on his chest yet he wouldn't budge. You continued to squirm under his arms to part from him and when you finally were able to push him off all you could see were his eyes widening in heartbreak "fuck Malleus.. I said stop it!"
"I..." he took in a deep yet shaky breath "why did you leave..? I've dreamt about you since the day you left, why would you go?.." he then held your hand in his, trying to get some sort of answer from you. "I mean I understand why you'd go but.. why not at least bid all of us.. bid me a farewell my dear?" you could see his face slowly get desperate as his vibrant green eyes got misty with the longer he looked at you "if you come back my dear I promise no one will ever hurt you again, I will always listen to you, I'll take care of you-- I'll do everything you need or want just-- please come back to me."
"then you clearly don't understand well enough as to why I left." your face subconsciously formed a scowl "I am not obliged to say goodbye to you or anyone else at that school, not when you all just kept dragging me in the mud whenever you all felt like it." you scoffed "I can admit that I have missed you all, I've missed all our good moments and trips but I can't forgive any of you for breaking my arm or cutting me or--or scarring me in more ways than one" you could feel your voice slowly raise in volume.. little by little. "I do not owe any of you an explanation as to why I left, I don't owe any of you an apology for doing what's right for me."
Malleus stared at you as you kept on talking, his mixed feelings swirling on his face, his features contorting into phases of emotions that you have never seen before. It could've been almost terrifying to look at but the thing was that-- you weren't scared, not anymore. you had more people, better people, people who never forced you into chores or missions you didn't want to do, people who didn't dump everything on you without first asking you, people that actually fucking cared about your feelings.
Malleus cared, oh he did and obviously still does. It's just he's never cared enough the way your new friends do, he never truly has.
"I don't owe you an explanation as to why I left Malleus since it's clearly obvious- that even a blind man can see it-- that I'm better off here." you stared him down in a way that sent him chills down his spine, in a way that made him feel small instead of vice versa. "I'm closer in finding a way home than I ever have at Night Raven where I wasted months of my life for people that just liked dragging a magicless human to feed their own little and fragile egos. and if you can't except that I'm better off here and better off at finally going home then you clearly have not learned anything from your overblot."
oh how you, a magicless human prefect, astounded the fae prince of briar valley. you may not have power in magic but hell did you have power in words. whether you yourself thought your sentences were powerful or not either way it astounded Malleus since it seems he's gotten used to the quiet and almost obedient version of you. his features were almost unreadable, it was unclear if he was even angry or upset. the hair on your body raised up when you sensed a few distant thunderclaps in the background and the sound of a few stems of sharp thorns grow and reach out from the floor and beneath his feet. in the end all Malleus really did with that blank expression of his was reach out to you but you flinched away from his touch.
"you look stunning tonight my dear, shining brighter than any star in the sky." his soft comment was almost random and out of place, but he seemed genuine when he spoke with that true yet strained smile on his face. he slowly pulled his hand away when the stoned room you two were in started to be filled with various large stems of every size and shape, littered with the sharpest thorns you could think of. the stems popped out from cracks in the wall, the window from the ceiling, to even more below his shoes. as they moved the thorn decorated branches all seemed to reach out to you as you backed away slowly. all this whilst he sang a gentle tune under all the ensuing chaos..
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream..”
“I know you that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam..”
"tsunotarou-- " you quietly begged as you continued to back away until you felt many sharp pricks on your ankles which caused you to scream and fall down to land on your rear end in pain. Malleus had to immediately cut short the tune he sang as he desperately reached out to you with a panicked look when he saw you fall but kept himself from moving any further since it seems that all he ever does to you is hurt you, even when he doesn't mean it.
also because a curious, rabbit-chasing blonde already ran to your aid.
"_____! hold on I got you!!" Alex exclaimed as he picked you up, one arm behind your back and the other under your legs. The room quivered and the stems of thorns grew into bushes, slowly reaching out for Alex's legs as well. You looked over to face Malleus who is seen clenching his chest with fistfuls of his uniform, as if he's clenching his heart.
Tsunotarou looked at you with pain and concern with quiet tears rolling down his face from seeing how he just-- keeps hurting you. Even so, he lets you go.
Luckily Alex was fast enough to jump over the growing thorns to then quickly exclaim a spell you couldn't exactly hear well with how the rumbling and stones from the ceiling started caving in.
your last view of Malleus was his sad and pitiful face before the stones started piling up and covering eachothers views. officially ending this short yet aching encounter.
Alex ran headfirst into the wall where you first came from. once you two were now on the outside of the entrance you were both hit with cold and harsh raindrops from the sky. Alex continued to run and run as far away from the collapsing structure as possible, the tower being wrapped and hugged tightly by many large stems and branches of thorns and the roof of the tower now halfway caving inside the building. Alex huffed and puffed as he dodged a few rocks of the tumbling rubble from the building before dropping down to his knees to use the wet grounds to slide against the back exit of the school dance, not entirely protected by anything but a small roof that hovered over the back door but it was much farther away from any falling debris and awful rain. as the tower continued to roar in destruction Alex basically used himself as a shield as an attempt to cover you completely, holding you close to his chest and covering your head under his chin so if anything attempted to hit your head it'd hit his instead. he held you tightly until everything went quiet and all you could hear was just a few rolling rocks.
Alex slowly turned to look behind him with you following suite. as the dust slowly started to settle and the rain just getting more violent as time went you could see that the building was on the verge of completely collapsing, there were no longer any walls up with only the many and bushes of thorns holding onto the halfway collapsed ceiling and the rest of it's stone body. there were many stones of all sizes that held up the building now on the grass floor or stone path now ruining the recently polished or beautified lawns and floors.
Alex was panting and catching his breath before he finally faced you with a very exhausted look on his face and sweat and rain dripping under his chin, the adrenaline rush slowly sinking down now that everything is somewhat quiet except for the voices of afraid or shocked students running out from all openings of the ballroom to see the scene. "are you alright?.." he asked.
you nodded while also slowly coming out of the adrenaline high. "sorta.." you paused to catch your breath "how'd you know.. that I was there?.."
he lightly shrugged as he then slowly forced himself to get back into a normal breathing pace. "I noticed that the magic you were following felt-- more sentient than it seemed at first glance..." he slowly let you down on the ground gently whilst explaining to let his body rest "when you went through the wall-- I had only gotten more- curiouser.. and eventually walked in a bit after you but I hid in the shadows." he paused to finally get himself to breathe properly, his body shaking now that the energy high was now at it's last drop. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop I really didn't but-- I felt that if I left that something terrible would've happened. I guess it's good that I stayed, plus!..." he let out a light chuckle "the bathrooms are inside the ballroom, opposite side from the back exit so-- "
you let out a breathy 'hah' as a way to still laugh with him despite the lack of energy. your ankles were stinging and pulsing with blood that was coming out from small holes decorating your skin. Alex noticed how much blood was dripping from your skin to the ground and he prepared his body to pick you back up the same way he did before. and as if on cue right when he properly held you close the chime of a large clock rang against your ears as a way to announce that it has now struck twelve. you felt your now tattered, drenched, and dirty attire now fade off of your body and back into your previous outfit. same happened with Alex with his attire shining and poofing off of him to show his school uniform yet despite these sudden outfit changes Alex immediately started walking to get you help from anyone nearby. all the students that jumped and ran out to see the commotion all gasped. some stood in shock, some were asking for both of you and Alex's physical health, and some were even offering help. Alex would accept the help but would immediately ask for anyone to get Raps over here so that he can heal you with his unique magic. The rest of whatever was happening around you slowly got a bit blurry since as you laid in the arms of the young man you slowly felt your eyes slowly close, not because of bloodloss or any of the sort, but because everything you felt in those fast and short moments just emotionally and mentally tired you out, you were feeling incredibly exhausted after the shock and adrenaline finally now had it's run on your system and you couldn't help but feel safe enough to fall asleep in the warm arms of your friend.
when you let yourself fall asleep, all you dreamt about was sleeping back in your home world while laying in the softest covers you owned. the covers in your dream were so warm and cozy as if they just came out of the dryer. you heard distant yet familiar voices of family members in the background outside of the room you were sleeping in and the soft orange light from the outside peaked into your room while gently kissing your sleeping face. the air was filled in that specific smell your home always had. your bed and covers smell just the way you remember them, your room looks exactly the way you left it and the pillow under your head seemed to hug and warm you back to sleep.
for a moment you felt that you really were back home.
Back in Night Raven College......
Malleus teleported back to the school, Lilia awaiting him inside the Diasomnia dorm after accompanying him to RSA awhile ago. Sebek and Silver beside their father while watching the prince brush past them and ignored them while opening and slamming his room doors shut. There was an eerie silence before the slams and shatters of glass and wood were heard, roaring and shouts of frustration were booming from the creaks of the doors yet boomed throughout the halls as well. The three couldn't do anything but watch, they did everything they could to get Malleus back to himself to even getting him to see the former Ramshackle prefect again. but it seems as if it only made him even more bitter and frustrated. In this moment as a group Lillia, Sebek, and Silver accepted this temporary defeat. they won't give up on the young master, but they have given up in trying to get him back to his former self. now they will attempt to still bring in his favorite things, items, and hobbies-- but they know it wouldn't be the same anymore.
meanwhile the entire rest of the school was in disarray. everyday the students had to use umbrellas or raincoats with the never-ending storm hovering above them constantly, P.E was cancelled for a whole week with how bad it's gotten and the people you left behind mostly all have a sour attitude towards the mention of you. Heartslayul, Pomefiore, and Octavinelle students were pushed on harder than they were before, the dorm leaders of those particular students basically almost, just almost going back to their former ways. they still try to keep the lessons they learned from you and their overblots but their pettiness and the grudge they now hold against you holds them back from their true good potential. Savannaclaw, Scarabia, and Ignihyde were unique cases in it of themselves. Savannaclaw's dorm leader continued to try to stay on top of his responsibilities somewhat but due to your absence it's like he's neglecting the dorm even more than he ever used to. Scarabia's dorm leader was still generous and kind as usual, maybe even more! he held you close to his heart and continued to do good and more in your memory. Ignihyde's dorm leader.. basically neglected his position fully, he's almost on the verge of falling out of the title of house leader of Ignihyde yet his younger brother continued to be his shining and motivational light to even keep this stupid title. then of course, the dorm leader of Diasomnia, not fully neglecting his responsibilities but it's clear how much he's missed out due to his constant naps to fade away into a world with you in it.
people tried to fix all the issues that have smacked the school into rock bottom but no matter what their efforts are always fruitless. some students think they can keep on going without you, that you aren't needed to keep the school running again.. while others think that the only way to revive this place is if you're back in it.
(hopefully everything here made sense! I'm not the best at describing dramatic ongoing environments so I hope it all was understandable somewhat. thank you all for the excitement towards this part! I hope to excite you all with this series even more with the stuff I have in mind for future chapters.
also this is kinda random but I also draw too! and just for the funzies I may or may not draw my version of mc’s RSA friends that don’t have an official design. maybe tho.. depends on motivation..)
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f10werfae · 2 years
Just like Daddy
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pairing: CEO!Husband/Dad!Chris x Wife/mom!Reader
Summary: With Halloween's arrival, there’s nothing but festive cheers at the Evan's household, with a few surprises too! ‼️Major Dilf and family man Chris‼️ (Warnings: Cockwarming)
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
Can be read as part of Sugar Baby love, but not necessarily ♥️
-Requests are open!
Likes, comments and re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist✨
Full Masterlist⭐️
Taglist Form💫
(Chris' P.O.V)
October 31st, one of the most festive times of the year, well not for me usually. That was until I met Y/n and we had Zamira. I finally had something to look forward to come home to, my own family. So that’s why I made it a rule to come home every day for lunch. This year my darling Y/n had made it a mission to keep her and Zizi's costume a secret from me.
Opening the front door of our home, I was met with the chaotic atmosphere I learned to love, the sounds of Zamira shouting throughout the house with Dodger hot on her trail, and the smell of Y/n's treats filling my nostrils.
Leaving my briefcase and blazer by the door, I followed the scent into the kitchen to see my hot ass wife in her cute pink apron I had gotten her, her lovely self humming as she transferred the newly baked cookies onto the cooling tray. “Hey pretty girl” I whispered grabbing onto her softly from behind, hugging her waist against me.
“You’re home Chrissy” She said softly turning around in my grasp, her arms looping around my neck to bring me in for a soft wet kiss, her tongue tying in with mine briefly. “I missed you today, so did Zizi” She pouted looking up at me while loosening my tie, my heart pounding every time she even touched me. “Trust me baby, I missed my favourite girls even more” Nuzzling my nose into her neck inhaling her scent peacefully, I felt her hands play gently with the hairs on the back of my neck, her lips putting soft kisses onto the side of my head.
“DADA” I heard a small voice shout, along with the pitter patter of small feet and paws, Dodger’s barks sounding closer and closer. In came tumbling my pumpkin, dressed in her princess dress and crown, a fake sword held tightly in her small hand.
Dropping her weapon instantly she held her hand upwards towards me, a sign for me to pick her up. “Hey bubby, I missed ya today” I said feeling her hug onto me tightly as Y/n smiled at us both before continuing her baking session. “I missed you dada, I was busy getting monsters” She said dramatically, re-enacting how she killed the “monsters” with her hands.
“Oh really bub? aren’t you brave” I cooed watching her nod enthusiastically, her hair bouncing along with her
“Mhm even momma said I was brave, didn’t ya momma” She said turning towards Y/n, a part of me swelling with pride when I heard my accent coming through Zamira, she was a part of me.
“Yes you were so brave baby, momma was so scared of those evil monsters under our bed” Y/n said with a serious look, coming over to us both and smothering Zizi with a multitude of kisses, enough for her squeals to fill the household.
“Is this your costume princess?” I asked smoothing out the frills of her Rapunzel dress, expecting this to be it, since her last costume was Elsa from Frozen.
“Nuh uh dada, m'not ready yet” Her arms and legs flailing about to get down from my arms, watching as she tugged onto Y/n's arms,
“Momma can we get ready noww, I wanna show dada the costume” She begged bouncing on her feet, Y/n sighing in defeat before nodding and picking her up to bring her upstairs. Giving me a quick kiss on the lips, I watched them both climb up the staircase, Zamira waving at me the higher she got up. This girl was going to be the death of me.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Good job for not tellin daddy baby” I cooed helping her get on her new white button up, grey trousers, mini grey blazer and last but not least her striking purple tie (something she said she would die without) In her hands a tiny miniature briefcase just like my husband’s.
“Do ya think dada will wike it?” She asked cutely, clearly nervous and spouting that same lisp that Chris has.
“Of course honey bun, he will absolutely love it are you kiddin me? Or are you not his best girl” I said pinching her cheek, her missing tooth smile brightening up the whole room. “Momma can we match again next hawoween?”
“I'd love to baby” I said standing up to straighten my own costume before taking her small hand in mind, her cute little legs trying to keep up with mine as we climbed down the stairs. Her soft face furrowed in focus trying to step down carefully and once we hit ground? She let loose.
“DADA MY COSTUME IS READYY” Running around crazily until she bumped into her daddy right where we left him in the kitchen, a bright smile on his face when he saw her.
“N' who are you meant to be pumpkin?”
“M’ jus like you daddy” She squealed happily, twirling around in her mini carbon copy of a suit, even showing off her tiny briefcase to finish it off.
“OH WOW BABYGIRL, DONT YOU LOOK ADORABLE” He shouted in response, his smile widening with every detail of her costume, listening to how she thought of the details herself.
“Buh dada I didn’t wan a black tie, too boring, so I got purple instead” She said pouting up at him,
“Oh it looks amazing honey, I think I should get one of those for work, what d'ya think”
She nodded enthusiastically, Chris laughing as he sat her onto the counter fixing her ponytail like a total girl’s dad.
“Mhm I even got fake money too” She said excitedly opening her brief case to expose lots of fake dollar bills.
“Me n momma are matchin”
“Oh is that right?” Chris said quirking up a brow, my heels clicking against the marble floor, walking towards them with a clip board in my hand.
“N' what’re you meant to be?” Chris said handing Zizi a lollipop from the cupboard before sauntering over towards me, his hands interlacing themselves with mine before pulling me closer towards him.
“I’m her assistant” I smirked, my same white button down, grey pencil skirt and lanyard from my first day at his company adorned onto my body.
“Mhm I remember this outfit as if it was yesterday, the way we started” He growled massaging my hips through the skirt, his eyes raking up and down my body unashamedly. His thoughts being cut off by our doorbell going all crazy, hearing the shouts of Lisa through the front door.
“Hey ma” I said opening the door to see Lisa holding the other kids, today she had made it a new tradition to take her grandkids out every halloween for trick or treating, ending the night with a sleepover at hers. Thankfully giving us a guaranteed day off once a year.
“Alright Zizi Gran's here”
Zamira jumped off the counter with a bit of a scolding from Chris, running off towards her grandmother with her briefcase without even a mention of a goodbye and off they went for the night. Closing the door with a sigh, I was instantly met with Chris' burly arms pulling me up into his arms, one of them being under my leg.
“Chris what on Earth are you doing?” I laughed, his face wearing a childish grin while he ran us both upstairs into our bedroom before collapsing us both onto our king sized bed. His breathing getting heavier as he took off his work clothes, with his hands then starting to unbutton mine.
“Hon, wait-“ I said grabbing onto his hands, his face contorted in confusion as he leant back a bit while straddling me.
“Sorry baby, ya not in the mood? That’s on me I shoulda asked, if-“ He started to ramble, so I shut him up with one hell of a kiss.
“I do want to have sex with you Chris, I jus feel like you need to know somethin beforehand”
I explained, his forehead now leaning onto mine, his lips ghosting over mine by a few centimetres.
“What is it pretty? You’re worryin your old man here” He joked now pulling me up to sit, both of us sitting facing each other on top of the comforter.
“I-I’m pregnant Chrissy” I said straight up, wanting to get the hardest part over and done with. His eyes widening and mouth falling agape, both of us just sitting in silence before he broke into a million dollar smile
“ARE YA SERIOUS? WE HAVIN ANOTHER BABY? THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER” He shouted standing up and holding his head, his eyes glossing up along with mine. “How far along are you? Have you scheduled with the Doctor? Do you need anything-“
“Chris i’m fine, i’ve seen the doctor and i’m 12 weeks along, turns out that food poisoning wasn’t actually to do with food”
“Yeah I was wonderin cause Zizi and I felt fine afterwards. Why were you so hesitant to tell me bub?” He said sitting beside me,
“W-well I guess I kept overthinking about what would have happened if we never met and it caused me to spiral-“
“Y/n shush, I guarantee that if you hadn’t have crossed my way, I woulda found a way to cross yours. What we have is true fucking love baby and no one else will ever and and no one will ever get the chance to make me feel this way ever again. Hell even in the afterlife you know i’ll chase after your sweet ass. Ya hear me?”
“Mhm I hear you”
“Ya promise?”
“I promise, I love you”
“I love you too bunny, now i’m gonna shower and afterwards we are gonna cuddle the fuck out alright”
“Okay okay i’ll be waiting here for ya” I chuckled getting up to change into one of his shirts, hearing him scuffle around the room for his necessities before hearing the bathroom door close shut.
(Chris' P.O.V)
After my shower I walked out to see my precious girl hugging onto my pillow cutely, her mouth partially open with her hair spread out behind her. With me usually sleeping in the nude (with my iron man doll) I slipped into bed beside her, scooting over to spoon her. My hands slipped up her shirt to grab onto her breasts, the perfect hand holders I say.
In response to my touch I felt her back up against me, her ass grinding against my crotch innocently, the only thing separating us was her flimsy lace underwear.
“Bunny?” I whispered into her ear, hearing her whimper back in response turning over to face me, her eyes lidded open slightly. A sleepy dazed look gracing her beautiful face.
“Hey Chrissy” She whispered with a lopsided smile on her face, moving herself to be even closer to me.
“I wanna feel you. Closer” Knowing what I meant, she kissed my lips softly, a string of saliva connecting our lips as she pulled away. She turned back around to her side to hug the pillow again, leaving me to it. With my hands once again wandering up the shirt, I let my fingers circle over her clit softly, her body twitching in the slightest when I knew she was about to cum.
“Come on baby, you can let go, I’m here with ya” Kissing the back of her ear I felt her shiver and shudder, her slickness covering my fingers as I used it for lube up her pretty hole.
“Okay baby i’m going in alright”
“Mhm o-ok” She whispered, her arm going to the back of my her head to caress my hair as I sunk into her soft pussy. Both of us breathing out in relier as I settled into her, my hands finding their way to grope her breasts once again.
“G'night bunny” I whispered giving her nipples a tug before hearing her reply with words of endearment.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity @patzammit @pandaxnienke
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spagettae · 11 months
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— Only you, Nobody else.
wherein seeing how many people adored beomgyu you can't help but think he will eventually replace you with someone better.
cw : lowercase intended me thinks that's all
word count : 1005
note : idk but i thought of this with that one beomgyu live where it was almost an ot5 live ‼️‼️
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beomgyu told you that he will be going live on weverse for a bit and have a little chit-chat. you were in the same room, watching beomgyu go live as he laughs and talks at the screen reading their comments. you decided to just waits for him and scroll from tiktok for a while.
since their group just had finished a concert your for you page was full of concert clips. mostly beomgyu. of course it never failed to make your heart jump in joy as you watched those beomgyu clips with heart eyes.
everything is perfect in your relationship, everything is there, to the point there's nothing missing. yet everytime something goes wrong between the both of you, you think there's something missing and your usual worriness will get the best of you and starts overthinking.
beomgyu was always there to assure you and you assuring him too and that makes it easy for the both of you to understand each other. just a change of someone's behavior or being too quiet, beomgyu or you can know what's going on.
“ is [name] with you? ” beomgyu said as he has a big grin on his fave before pretending he was thinking. “ are they with me? guess! ” he said and laughed, as he looked at you to check on you before looking back onto the screen to read comments.
curious about what's going on in the live so you go to your weverse and click beomgyu's live not forgetting to lower the volume or else he will hear himself across the room.
reading the comments as you watched the chats going fast as you can't read everything but you see a chat saying “ of course you are! you two are always together. ” and “ [name] is with you, i can feel their presence ” those kind of chats never failed to make you smile as you just watched his live quietly.
while reading the comments and when you're seeing him just made you think there will be a time he would end this relationship you two had and find someone better. knowing how many people adored beomgyu just made you think you weren't good enough to be his significant other.
trying to wash those thoughts away from your mind as you stopped watching his live and goes back to watching tiktoks again. overthinking won't help unless you start to worry and it will result in overthinking it.
an hour had passed and you heard beomgyu bid his goodbye before turning off the live, groaning before cleaning everything on the table and the thing he used to go live.
“ [name], darlingggg " he whined tiredly as he walks to the bed laying down beside you. shutting down your phone as you put it in the beside table as you looked at him.
beomgyu can notice you staring at him as he lifts his head to look at you. your eyes are filled with adoration as you feel yourself smile. “ hm? what is it? ” beomgyu asked as you got out of your dazed and shook your head and just smiled at him.
he can just look at you with one eyebrow raised as he sits up and looks at you. “ no, perhaps a penny for your thoughts? ” he questioned and grabbed your hand and held it.
“you know, you can tell me anything right?” he said softly as he made eye contact with you. beomgyu knows when something is wrong. when you don't use your words and just shook your head and smiles at him. it just tells him that something is wrong.
“ if that's the case, am i good enough? ” you suddenly asked, beomgyu's eyes widened at your question but quickly turned soft as he smiled. “ of course, you are! you are more than enough for me.” he answered as he lets go of your hand and cupped your cheeks as he kissed your forehead. “ why did you ask me that? ” he asked, still not letting go of your cheeks.
“ it's just.. am i really? i can't help but think i'm not actually good enough. what if you find someone else better than me? what if you leave me for someone else? ” you said, muttering the last sentences but you think beomgyu might still hear it.
beomgyu didn't respond but just hugged you tightly. he knows you just needed a big hug and reassurance, he will never get tired of reassuring you that you will always be his number one priority.
“ hey.. don't overthink those stuff, okay? remember what i promised? i will never leave you and i'm not planning to break that promise. i will always be here, staying by your side. ” he whispered softly into your ears, noticing that you're hugging him tightly as if he will disappear if you don't hold tight enough.
“ 'm sorry for always worrying... it just makes me anxious thinking about how many people admire you.. ” apologizing for being too emotional and that how many people admire him just makes you more worried but knowing beomgyu, he always keeps his promises so you trust him that he will never leave you.
he can only chuckle at your response as he said “ it's alright, i know you're just worried but don't worry alright? it will always be you and nobody else. ” before letting go of the hug and kissing your forehead once again. you can only smile as you nod.
“ i love you. ” you straight forwardly said, making beomgyu freeze. he never hears you say i love you first since you were too shy to do so but now you said it first his smile became bigger. “ i love you more. ” he said as he kissed you before laying down as you did the same, scooting closer to beomgyu to feel his warmth as he just embraced you closer to him.
that night made everything clear. your worriness was gone as you can feel yourself drifting off to sleep while beomgyu checked if you're asleep as he closed his eyes and dozed off.
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© spagettae // 070223
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atom-writings · 1 year
Can I get the g8+Canada with an s/o who always talks with there hands? Like there hands are always moving no matter what
thank you ‼️
(Main 8 + Canada X Reader) S/O that talks with their hands!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N this is the first canada req ive gotten u guys gotta like this guy more smh /j/j/j/j/j anyway i forgor to do france sorry
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Alfred would really like a S/O that does this! You know how people put subway surfers gameplay on the bottom of TikToks now? Yeah, your hands have basically the same effect on him. Helps him focus on what you’re actually saying.
He kinda does the same thing too. Recently he’s bought like, a lot of silly stim toys, so if you need something to do with your hands he’s got you covered.
No matter what, he would never get annoyed by how much you gesture and fidget. He does the same thing! Probably as much as you! He just sees it as a good thing, it makes it easier for you to get your point across. If anyone ever got mad at you for it, he’s immediately telling them to shut up.
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As much as Arthur tries his best to not be bothered by your constant fidgeting, he can’t help it sometimes. He loves how hyper you are! But sometimes, he’ll hold your hands as an excuse to get you to calm down a little. He’s an old man, he’s got a headache.
But most of the time, he couldn’t care less. I mean, if anything, it just helps him know exactly what you’re talking about quicker. And he didn’t date you because you were calm, he loves you just the way you are! If anyone (besides him,) tried to stop you from fidgeting, he’ll glare at them until they stfu. For you <3 
Also, this guy loves giving gifts, if you ask for any fidgets, they’ll be on the dining table the next day.
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It’s a real cute trait of yours… but sometimes Yao gets dizzy just seeing you flail your hands around like that. Are you swatting at flies? Are you ok? It’ll… take a bit for him to learn to not comment on it.
After that, he tries to ignore it when he can. Which is ironic, because he does the same exact thing sometimes! Like, he’ll tell you to calm down while talking with his hands himself. So annoying!
He doesn’t mind it too much though. He loves you just as much as he would anyway, he just finds it a bit confusing sometimes.
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Oh, Ivan would just find this so charming! Most of the people he spends time with are incredibly stiff and uncomfortable, so seeing you so excitedly try to sputter out something while gesturing wildly is a very welcome change.
But, he has a tendency to stand very close to you while you two are talking, so it’s not an uncommon occurrence for you to smack him upside the head. He doesn’t mind though, there’s no way you could ever hurt him too bad.
Although he would LOVE to buy you cute fidgets, he might be hesitant at first. Simply because he can’t get enough of watching you talk. It’s like a little performance! It’s definitely one of those little things he loves about you so much.
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It may make him a little panicked at first, but Matthew quickly learns to love how much you fidget and flail your hands around. He just finds it so adorable… plus your exaggerated speech makes up for how barely audible he is. That part he really appreciates <3
Even though sometimes you remind him a little too much of his brother when it comes to your mannerisms, he would never try to get you to stop or calm down. He loves you for you! Even when he’s a bit worried you’re gonna get hurt with how much you wave your hands around.
Absolutely will buy fidgets for you too! He likes them too so… win-win. Whatever makes it easier for you to be comfortable and talk more, he’ll support whole-heartedly.
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Hey! That’s something you two have in common! I mean, Feliciano basically invented talking with your hands. Now you can learn from the master of flailing wildly to get your already confusing point across!
Seriously, he probably won’t even notice how much your hands are moving because it’s just so ingrained in him. But if you ever just… need something to fidget with, he is capable of making anything entertaining for you. Somehow.
He does really adore a high energy S/O though <3 Seeing you get so excited is like, one of his favourite sights in the whole world. Anyone who gets annoyed with you two is gonna… well, be at the receiving end of his pathetic sobs. But that’ll still shut them up, so…
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Oh jeez. Now he has another Feliciano on his hands. Except, Ludwig quickly finds himself falling in love with your exaggerated gestures. Whenever you start talking, you’ve got his full attention… and adoration. He just can’t get enough of you!
Despite his reserved demeanour, he loves seeing how excitable you can get. Your energy is infectious! It makes him want to get as exhilarated as you are!
Even when you’re not as enthusiastic, he still can’t help but feel so happy whenever you start talking with your hands. It just reminds him of all the things he loves about you, and how you’ve changed him so much. If it was anyone else, he’d get pretty anxious over the constant movement. But not you, no, never you.
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Kiku usually isn’t too keen on that kind of thing usually, either. But… considering two of his closest friends are Alfred and Feliciano, he’s gotten pretty used to it. Most of the time, he doesn’t even look down to notice what you’re doing with your hands. (He worries you’ll assume he’s judging you if he does, which for the record, he isn’t.)
Maybe once or twice a week, he’ll take you hands in his while you’re talking just to get you to calm down a bit, but he really doesn’t mean anything by it. He’s just easily distracted and your performance is really not helping.
He’d never try to get you to stop though! He loves you just the way you are! Even when you’re overwhelming him a bit.
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aerifio · 7 months
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omg. omg. omg. do you guys see her?!*#&×>@*×[ she's so cute n hot at the same time HOW IS THAT POSSIBLEEEE
okay, time to elaborate ‼️ sugarmommy minnie who spoils you just like how she spoils shuhua 🤭 she'd make a degrading comment knowing well she'd pay for anything you ask for anyways!
a hand is on your waist ALL THE TIME! keeping you safe and secure with her, being as close as you can with her during walking, standing or even just sitting, she wants the whole world to know that the two of you are together.
SHE LOVESSS TAKING PICTURES OF YOU in fact, she has about 3 albums in her phone that contain pictures of you and you only! she loves you so much to the point that she'd go crazy when you guys are apart for atleast a day unless she needs to go attend a business trip where unfortunately she can't take you with her :(( SHE GETS SO SAD and probably facetimes you whenever she can, telling you she'd come home as soon as possible.
now for the good part 😋
she absolutely HATES when you act up in public or in private, she just hates it when you act up in general because why'd you have to be such a brat!! she spoils you and everything but you just HAVE to be a brat 😩 she hates it especially when you embarrass her in front of her friends 🫠
she definitely spanks you once you've misbehaved enough for the day, getting on her nerves so she slaps your ass with those big hands of hers, making you count how many times she's spanked you so far and restarting all over again once you got it wrong making you whine about how much you just want her to fuck you!!
"what was that? oh so you embarassed me infront of my friends today just for me to fuck you?"
"yeah no, lets increase it up to 30."
UGSHHSTSY that dreamy voice of hers I LOVE HER SO MUCH. anw, she wouldn't stop even if you're tearing up or even if your ass feels numb to the point that you can barely tell if she's still spanking you, nuh uh, she won't stop till you've counted right.
NOW HEAR ME OUT ‼️ she definitely loves choking you, seeing you out of breath, begging for air turns something on inside of her getting her all riled up and want you to suffer even more.
"stop? you can tell me to stop but not stop miyeon who was obviously flirting with you at the restaurant earlier?"
"tell me, do you like the attention you get from miyeon? embarassing me infront of her and then proceed to flirt with her?"
"you must be one hell of a slut y/n."
omg about that UHM she gets jealous easily! she sees everyone as a potential rival that could possibly steal you away from her but she also doesn't forget to punish YOU for giving her those thoughts.
you're just so clingy and touchy with everyone! not to mention, oblivious too especially when someone is interested in you, it takes a while for you to even realise it. but then of course, minnie still blames and punish you, why? because she thinks you being naturally clingy is your way of entertaining people.
so what does she do? degrade you 🙂
"what now huh? you whiny slut, begging me to fuck you when you were all touchy with miyeon, should be begging her instead of me, you filthy whore."
now those words just turn you on 🫣 you feel more horny than humiliated tbh! and she fr knows that, loving how you get even more and more desperate when she degrades you!
after a while, she decides to just shove her fingers inside you with no warning, she just shoves 3 fingers inside you out of nowhere making you scream at the sudden stretch. NOW I MENTIONED HER BIG HANDS EARLIER RITEE so she definitely reaches spots inside of you that you didn't know could be even reached just by using fingers 🤧
"no panties underneath that skimpy dress of yours?"
"now you're just asking to be violated."
she whispers with that addicting honey-like voice of hers while she harshly thrusts her fingers inside of you, your moans and whines overtake the room, you couldn't handle the pain and pleasure mixed together despite begging for it for an hour now.
"why are you telling me to slow down? is this not what you wanted?"
UGHSHAGUWGHS SHES SO ANNOYING! but of course you couldn't tell her that, she'd probably edge you if you told her that 🫠
hours pass, you've squirted on her fingers alot of times now. tears ran down your eyes due to the overstimulation while she just smears your juices on your face, even shoving her long fingers inside your mouth just for you to taste your own sweet honey.
its surprising how she didn't use her strap, she always uses it but it seems like today she wanted to show you what she was capable of.
anyways, of course she takes care of you right after. wiping your tears and cuddling you on the bed as if she wasn't all harsh earlier, she kisses your forehead and whispers sweet nothings right by your ear, giving you the best assurance you could ever ask for all while stroking your messed up hair.
"shh, calm down now love, play time is over."
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vanillelace · 2 years
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⟡ warnings ; profanity, mentions of blood (this is a vampire au), some NON DETAILED mentions of violence, food mentioned, death.
⟡ pairings ; yang jungwon x fem. reader
⟡ genre ; vampire au, fake dating and attempted slowburn, slight royalty? PLOT TWIST BUT NOT THAT WELL WRITTEN
⟡ wordcount ; 12652 words
⟡ summary ; You are the most wanted half-blood. Your mother, however against her will, was smitten by a mere mortal, condemning herself and your future. And she conveniently forgot to mention that she is a vampire. Yang Jungwon, son of one of the most famous vampire royals, has to date you in order to see a brighter future. An unexpected journey full of twists and turns.
⟡ note ; hi guys. i have not uploaded a single work of mine because motivation is going 📉📉 rn 💀 so uh yeah this will probably be my last work. i may upload, but of my own will ^^ also I had to rush this really bad so im sorry if it doesn’t seem too good. I may release a sequel!! Not right now though. SONG MADE BY ME. DON'T STEAL.
THIS IS A PART OF THE RED MOON COLLAB WITH @liliansun AND @twilightau ‼️
“It’s a beautiful day, nonetheless,” your best friend, Danielle Marsh, comments. 
“Doesn’t mean I have to be all shimmy-shimmy-aah, Dani.” You reply, laughing. Danielle giggles, punching you playfully. 
You and Danielle have been the best of friends since even before you could speak. At that age, of course, it was mainly slapping each other and pulling one another’s hair, but you still considered it a holy friendship at the time. Your mum, Aurelia, and Danielle’s mother, Mrs. Marsh, were the best of friends. They had their own secrets, some of them they did not (and still don’t) trust the two of you with, and those secrets brought them together.
Today is the day before your birthday, and the day after Danielle’s. It’s currently the 30th of March, 11 AM, and the two of you are attempting to pass the time. 
“Should we just have a picnic?” You ask Dani, to which she nods enthusiastically. “Totally! Let’s go make some food.”
“Dibs on making lemon crinkle cookies!” You shout, running into the kitchen. You accidentally bump into your cat, Mitch. She’s the most beautiful calico cat you’ve ever seen, and you’ve always found it extremely hard to believe that someone would let Mitch out of their sight and allow her to be lost. You adopted her off the street. 
She purrs, rubbing her neck against your leg. You smile and kiss her head, exactly the place where she hates being kissed, and run off into the kitchen, Danielle following suit. She stopped on her way to lift your cat and give her a hug, and grabbed her car keys. “I’m gonna go get stuff for the cookies, and let’s make some nachos. I’ll buy stuff for pink lemonade too. Text me if you need anything, get started with the nachos. Home baked, right?”
“Yeah, always. You’re getting the salsa ingredients too, right? We don’t have ketchup.”
“Yep. I’ll send you a list of what I’m buying before I check out. Reply fast or I will not give a flying shit, I tell you.”
You roll your eyes, laughing. “Yeah, mom, bye!”
“I’M A DAY OLDER THAN YOU!” Dani yelled, slamming the door behind her.
You and Dani live together, just down the lane from both your family homes. Dani is 19 as of yesterday, and you turn 19 in a few hours. Funny how Mum thought I’d barely be old enough to drive, but now I have my driver’s license too, you think to yourself.
Your mother isn’t one for the history books in your opinion. She’s your average mother. She always tells you that she’s from Canada, and your father’s from South Korea. You’ve never met your father. He died when your mother was 7 months along. She does have a picture of him though. 
You’re constantly surprised by how similar you and your father look. Same eyes, but not eye color, same nose, same smile. Same figure, and same accent, allegedly. Your mother is an extremely kind person, and was heartbroken when your father passed away.
Your grandmother, who you’ve not been able to meet, always writes to you on a monthly basis. She’s the sweetest person you’ve ever known, aside from your mother. Dani is on very good terms with your family too, so it’s all one huge party. She’s not really close to your younger sister, Lily, who's adopted, but they do talk often.
After Danielle returns, you and Danielle get started on making a mess. The doorbell rings, and you run to answer it, a water-stained apron arming you from whoever is on the other side of the door. 
“Hello, are you Y/N?” A masculine voice asks, and you find a face to the voice when you look up from the ground. 
“…who are you?”
“Oh, I should probably introduce myself. I’m Park Sunghoon, ambassador to the Maledictus ruler.”
“I’m sorry, what?” You snicker, trying to cover it up, taking off the apron and dumping it on the couch nearby, “Is this some elaborate scheme? Because you’re failing miserably at trying to convince me.”
“Um, lady, no. Are you Y/N?”
“And if I am?”
The Sunghoon in question sighs and presses a finger to his temple, as if this conversation is giving him a headache. “Y/N, who is it?” Danielle shouts, and you facepalm. 
You just HAD to shout my name, didn’t you?
“Alright then. Please come with me with no resistance, unless you particularly wish to be unconscious.”
“Danielle!” You yell, but your voice is muffled by your cat jumping on you, smacking you right in the mouth. “Oh, for fuck's sake.” Sunghoon sighs, dragging you and Mitch into a limousine. 
Limousine? Okay, rich. 
“DANIELLE!” You yell. Deciding self-defense is your only resort, you bite him on the wrist, Mitch just purring in approval. 
“JEEZ, LADY, I CAN'T RESIST EVERYTHING?” Sunghoon half-yells, half-asks, groaning in pain but still reluctant to let go. 
Mom, I'm sorry but I may go to prison for this. 
Anyone watching would think you're showing a sudden display of affection to your alleged kidnapper. You aggressively hug him, his face turning red. 
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” Sunghoon manages, extremely confused and amused. 
Danielle runs, a bowl of salsa in one hand. Seeing you strangle (or attempt to) him, she lets out a war cry, the neighbor staring. 
“AYYY!” She yells, the bowl rising in her hand. 
You immediately know what she's going to do, and you both are so going to regret it. 
She whacks him face-on with the salsa! 
Mitch shrieks happily and jumps in the limousine. 
“I don't fucking get paid enough for this. Get. In. Please.” Sunghoon positively begs at this point, looking close to tears. 
Out of the kindness of your hearts, you both take a seat. 
Only when Sunghoon climbs in and mumbles, “Salsa was very good, if I do say so myself,” do you realize that you have a terrible sense of danger and security. 
“Aww! Why, thank you!” Danielle smiles, and Mitch purrs. 
“Danielle, sweetie, no big deal, but we're probably going to get killed.”
“As long as it's with you. We lived a long life.”
“You guys talk too much.” Sunghoon says, as the car gets darker and darker by the second. You look down to see a syringe in your arm. 
“Oh, nooooooo…” a distorted voice says. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Y/N, you snore. Did you know that? And so does your friend here. Even your cat snores.”
You wake up to Sunghoon looking exhausted, his hand massaging his temple. Does he always do that? 
“Sorry.” You say, just as Danielle and Mitch snore and purr. You offer a smile that comes out more like a grimace, and Sunghoon, if possible, looks wearier. 
“No worries.” He offers a smile. “Could you wake them up, if you don't mind? We're almost here.”
You nod, not-so-eagerly, because you know Danielle is going to be pissed. She's the sort of person that hates being woken up by someone else. 
You poke her warily. She responds with a snore, louder than ever, and turns over to her side. Oh, great. 
You slap Danielle lightly on her cheek, to which she wakes up, gasping. “Y/N! Have you not learnt–” she begins, but stops when she realizes who she's with. 
“Good morning, Ms. Danielle.” Sunghoon nods respectfully. Dani smiles. 
“Wait. Wait. Why are we HERE?” You yell, everything coming back to you. 
Crap, crap, crap, the lemon crinkle cookies are probably burning NOOOOO… 
Priorities, man. 
You come back to the limo, seeing Danielle holding Mitch out in front of her. “I'm a good girl please don't kill me I'm too young–”
“Half an hour ago, you were telling us how you and Y/N have lived a long life. Here you are, telling me you're too young to die. Make up your mind, lady.”
“Ooh, lady. Damn. I'm Danielle!” Danielle says, reaching Mitch out for a handshake. 
“Y/N makes a valid point, Ms. Danielle. Did no one teach you anything?” Sunghoon laughs. 
“Y/N, can we beat him up?”
You smile. “Thought you'd never ask.”
She grabs a rolling pan from her apron and starts whacking him. You pinch him wherever possible. 
“This– Is– For– My– Fucking– Lemon– Fucking– Crinkle– Fucking– Cookies!” you say with each pinch. 
“NO! THE TRAUMA! PLEASE STOP!” Sunghoon screams, and the driver from ahead says, “Please don't kill him. I have a family to feed, and I depend on him. Please.”
Both of you stop. “He pays you?”
“Yeah, he's pretty rich.”
You and Dani smirk at each other. 
“You thinking what I'm thinking?”
“Definitely.” You reply. 
“Maybe if you give us money–”
“Maybe if you give us info–”
“Y/N NO–”
A pause. 
“Give us a minute to reconvene and get back to you!” Danielle says. 
Sunghoon nods in agreement, a tear falling from his eye. 
“Danielle, what are you going to reconvene over? WE DON'T NEED MONEY, WE NEED INFORMATION?”
“But when you can get money, why not take it?”
“Valid point. We'll ask for both.”
“Okay,” Danielle nods, and says loudly, “Sunghoon, we've reached a compromise.”
“I didn't know you were on first-name basis with your victim but okay! What do you want? Anything to make you guys shut up. Please.”
“Money,” Danielle says, “and info.” you add. 
“How much? Of both?” He asks, pulling out his wallet. 
“100$ for each of us. And all the info we want.”
“Good deal. Here you go. Ask away.”
“Thanks! Why are we here?” 
“You'll see. Don't worry, you'll see at least two familiar faces, if not three.”
“Oh. Will we be safe?”
“You're in a limousine, I paid you to stop abusing me, and I didn't even hit your cat, not that I would, of course. What do you think?”
“Oh. Sorry,” Danielle apologizes. 
“It's alright! By the way, we've reached Maledictus. Please have a look-over of your appearance.” Sunghoon announces, clambering out of the limousine. 
Danielle looks down to see a flour-covered apron, which she bashfully pulls off. You give yourself a brush-off, and deem yourself neat. You ruffle Mitch, at which she shrieks and scampers over to Danielle. Dani winks at you and gathers her apron and Mitch. 
“Lead the way, Sunghoon.” You say, as Dani gets out of the car. 
A winding path leads to a gate, putting you in mind of Draco Malfoy's mansion from Harry Potter. The black gate does not cool your senses, and when Sunghoon identifies himself using his biometrics, a deep voice booms. 
“Identify the visitors you have with you, Mr. Park.”
“Uhm, a cat, a friend, and her.”
There's an empty silence, after which the voice booms, “Biometric identity of 'her', please.”
Sunghoon gestures to you, and you walk awkwardly. He takes your hand and presses the thumb to the identifier. 
“Approved. You may enter.”
Sunghoon grins lightly. “Ladies first. And cats.”
Danielle walks ahead, dropping Mitch down to follow. You walk with Sunghoon, curious to know why you are here. 
“Sunghoon, am I in trouble? Will Mitch and Danielle be alright?”
“Don't worry. They're fine. Nothing's going to happen to you as long as you don't 'resist', per se.”
You nod, not entirely convinced. “No matter what you do, Ms. Danielle and your cat will be safe. I'll give you my word.”
You nod slightly, feeling better about this whole mess. “Thanks, Sunghoon.”
Sunghoon smiles, the first real smile you've seen. “I'm sorry for the hostility you encountered when you first met us by the way. And the salsa. We were trying to protect ourselves.”
“It's cool, you don't need to worry. I understand. Besides, the salsa was delicious, although it could've taken away my eyesight forever.” He laughs at that, and you take it as a sign that it really is fine. You join in. 
“Ah, welcome back, Mr. Sunghoon. I see you brought her. But who is the person with her? And what is–” 
An old, balding woman sees her worst nightmare rubbing her foot and purring. “IS THIS–” she begins, but stops to sneeze noisily. 
“I'm sorry, miss. Didn't know you were allergic.” Danielle scoops Mitch up and walks a small distance away. 
“It's alright,” the woman sniffles haughtily, “but I thought you might know, Sunghoon.” 
“My bad, Mrs. Ahn, I wasn't aware you would be here to welcome us. I thought it'd be Mr. Ahn.”
To give you slight context, Sunghoon whispers, “Mr. Ahn loves animals, but his wife is allergic to almost all of them. That's why he's been unable to have a pet, and jumps at the opportunity to take care of one.”
“Yes, I am only alright with bats. Good reason for that, too. However, my husband has been working a lot and is having his midday snack, so I thought to cover up for him. He'll meet you in the Hub.” Mrs. Ahn says, smiling tenderly. 
It has always amazed you how people change with just a smile. But no one shares that amazement, so you can't really say anything about it, for fear of being laughed at and, or, killed! 
“Thank you, Mrs. Ahn. If you'll excuse us, I'll take them to meet him now.”
Mrs. Ahn nods, moving out of the way, waving as you pass, sneezing as Mitch scampers forward to meet you. Picking her up, you peck her and squish her. 
“You really love your cat, huh?” Sunghoon laughs, poking Mitch playfully. You swear you see Mitch roll her eyes, and you nod eagerly. 
“I mean, who wouldn't? Want to know the story behind how she became my pet?”
“Totally, after this meeting though. Sort of important. For me and you. So. Yeah.”
Oh, right. 
“No worries.”
You hum, as Danielle catches up with you guys. “This is why I hate quick paced walkers.” She mumbles, out of breath. You and Sunghoon laugh. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
After what seems like eternal walking, and around five flights of stairs, Sunghoon finally says, “We're here!”
“How are you still so loud?” You and Danielle groan, and Mitch purrs. “You too, Mitch. You literally rode my back.” Danielle sighs. 
“Y/N, you are one untrained half-blood.” Sunghoon mumbles, just enough for you to catch it. 
“One untrained WHAT?” You shout, the breath returning to your lungs and voice regifted to your throat. 
“Fuck. You'll see!” Sunghoon runs, gesturing to the two of you to follow.
Danielle nods. “Unfortunately, if we're being realistic, we can't exactly find out. But because I'm your best friend, I'll panic with you. AN UNTRAINED WHAT? IS THIS HARRY POTTER?”
“You know, my mother never talks about her family. Kind of suspicious if you ask me. I haven't even seen my grandmother. I know that they're from Canada, but I don't know any more.”
“Well, I guess we're about to find out.” Danielle says, looking at the magnificent doors swinging open. 
“MRAWW!” Mitch shrieks through the utter silence as she spots a familiar face. She scurries across the room to where a woman is standing, looking extremely anxious. A crown rests on her face solemnly, sparkling in the golden light exuded by the chandelier. 
This is when everything keeping you sane shrivels up and dies. 
“MS. CAMPBELL??” Danielle yells, and the two of you run to meet her, not realizing that there's a throne next to where she's standing. “Mother dearest, would you care to explain?” You confront her, extremely concerned. 
“Hi, darling. I'm sorry it had to be this way. But it did. So. Hi. Uhm. Your grandmother's here! And so is –”
Before you can hear who else you were supposed to know, your grandmother squeezes you into a tight hug. “My darling Y/N!”
“Gran! I've never met you, have I?”
Wow, what a greeting. Way to go. So proud. Such etiquette. 
“Now, that's no way to greet your grandmother, is it? But yes, you've only seen me when you were an itty-bitty baby. How adorable you were and still are.”
“Thanks, Gran. Would you at least be so kind as to tell me what's going on?”
“You'll see soon enough. Take a place. Dani! I've heard a lot about you. Stand next to Y/N. Grab Mitch too.”
You two obey, and Mitch settles in Danielle's arms. 
“The accused may step forward.” A deep voice booms, not unlike the one you heard at the gate earlier. 
Your mother and grandmother step forward. 
“You have been summoned to The Court of Maledictus to present your defense as to why the vampire world has not been made aware of the presence of one of the most powerful and popular half-blood in existence,” an extremely bald man began (why is everyone bald?), pausing to hear Sunghoon whisper in his ear. “I am also made to learn that there's a mortal present amongst us?”
“Yes, Slav, but she can be trusted.” Your mother insists, and Slav sighs. 
“So be it. May the half-blood be made to stand in front of the Court?”
You walk after receiving a nudge from your Gran. Sunghoon inclines his head to where you are supposed to stand, and you walk, your head looking straight ahead. 
“Ms. Y/N Jae-hyun Campbell, daughter of the late Mr. Lee Jae-hyun and Mrs. Adrina Cassius, are you aware that Adrina Cassius, known in the mortal world as Amber Cassius, is a vampire?”
One beat. 
Two beats. 
“You are absolutely, positively, most DEFINITELY joking.”
Adrina grimly smiles at Slav, who rolls his eyes. 
“Adrina, you are telling the Court that you're own child, the most powerful half-blood in all of history, doesn't know her own family?” A man, looking no older than 50, looks down at you scrutinizingly. He wears a magnificent crown worthy of a king atop his head, where locks of grayish-brown hair flow down till where his shoulders meet his neck. Dressed in robes of elegant black, he looks ready to perform wizarding nonsense. 
“Unfortunately, Yang Jae-hwan, she doesn't. You don't hold any rights over that decision either.” Your mother says, evidently annoyed. 
“Anyways,” Slav clears his throat, “Adrina Cassius married a mortal, Lee Jae-hyun, for the reasons she prefers to call love. She gave birth to Y/N Jae-hyun Campbell, whose real name is Y/N Jae-hyun Cassius. 
“We are here for the 'grand reveal' of Ms. Y/N, and His Majesty Yang Jae-hwan's verdict on how best to train the half-blood, and how to protect her. We are also here to listen to the defense of the Cassius family.”
“Hello all, I am Wilhelmina Cassius, wife of Athan Cassius,” – a collective gasp rings throughout the Court – “and I will present the defense. 
“We have none. Why do we defend our choices? Yes, the choices in question may threaten the very existence of mortality, but they didn't! She's of age in a few hours, and we were going to present a diary written by all the reigning royalty of our family, including how to adjust to being a half-blood by our ancestor, Lilith Cassius. 
“However, due to… present circumstances, we are unable to. I find this to be a valid enough defense. I am the reigning queen due to my daughter stepping down, which I fully support, by the way, and I have been handling things just fine. I don't seem to find a valid reason for this whole fiasco.”
“The Queen of Colonia, present day Canada, has made the defense. What does the King reply to this?”
“You're right, Wilhelmina, you do make a valid point. But what if her powers got out before she came of age? What then? What if mortals were harmed? This is the first half-blood I've seen that's not out of control. Precautions have to be taken, Wilhelmina.”
“Jae-hwan, you wanted Y/N's power for yourself and under control, didn't you? We can be honest, this is a safe space!”
“Wilhelmina, let's stay civil. I do care about power, but I would not take Y/N's power. Ever. My son is equally powerful. In fact, I'm surprised Y/N didn't–”
“Enough. Can we get the verdict?”
“Yes, Slav, if you please.”
“By the Court's discretion, the verdict remains not against, but with the Cassius family. However, a few conditions will be discussed, and now that Yang Jung-won, son of Yang Jae-hwan, succeeded in getting Ms. Cassius here, he has succeeded in placing his claim to the throne and will be the next emperor.”
Yang Jungwon? Didn't Sunghoon drag us here? 
“The Court is dismissed. The Cassius family and their acquanitance have been requested to stay back for a meal. Thank you.”
How was that a proper court verdict? This is the weirdest day of my life. Couldn't get weirder. 
“Y/N, WHAT THE FU- HECK WAS THAT?” Danielle screams in your ears, Mitch shrieking as usual with equal passion. 
“Danielle, I wish I knew. I'm as confused as you are, honey.”
“Kids, we need to go to the official dining hall. Follow me.” Your mother says, flying away as a bat. 
Wait, flying? The day got weirder. 
Danielle gapes, but follows. You follow suit. What is happening?
All around, life seems to be going on as usual in the Palace of Maledictus. You feel like you're the only ones out of order. Mitch bounds after your bat-mom and Dani and you walk slowly behind. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
After what seems like a lot of walking and exercise again, you and Danielle finally reach the hall. 
It's not a hall. It's a huge ballroom. A very long dining table stretches from one end of the room to the other, a regal tablecloth spread out on it. The chairs look like thrones themselves, and there are at least 32 chairs in total. Approximately. The hall has a lot of chandeliers looking down at the people vainly. 
“Please, ma'am, have a seat,” a waiter gestures to a chair next to your mother, while another waiter takes charge of Danielle's seating. The two of you sit together, your mother to your left and your Gran on Danielle's right. 
A delicious-looking feast has been set out, and you see your mother wolfing down chicken. Taking 'inspiration', the whole table begins digging in happily. 
“I propose our kids to date, Adrina.”
The table goes crazy. Wilhelmina chokes on wine, Danielle spits chicken on her plate, Adrina has a coughing fit, and your jaw drops. The king's heir, Yang Jung-won, blinks rapidly, and Sunghoon falls out of his seat. 
“I – (cough) – beg your – (cough) – pardon?” Adrina says, trying to pull herself together. “They can fake date. Beneifical for both families, and we can have an alliance if all goes well. If it doesn't, we'll see. If they don't – what is the term? – fall in love with each other, then there's no alliance and we go back to our lives. If there's no alliance, maybe Jungwon can take over your territory once the inevitable happens.”
Inevitable being your grandmother dying, you know. The horrible tradition in your family states that the ruler who marries a mortal will be removed from the line of ruling, and only their child – a half-blood – after they come of age will be allowed to rule. So, after your Gran, only you can rule. 
“Is that a threat, Jaehwan?” 
“No, merely a caution, my dear Adrina.”
“Mom,” you whisper. “Mom, it's fine. We can try it. Don't worry. Ask him if we can think and discuss about this for five minutes.”
“Jaehwan, we'll discuss this for five minutes. We can't take such a rash decision instantly. Give us time and we'll tell you after discussing it after the meal.”
Jaehwan agrees, and so the meal goes on, and afterwards, the hall goes silent. 
Gran and your mother whisper quietly, you and Danielle not the only ones trying to catch snippets of their conversation. Jaehwan and Sunghoon crane their necks to eavesdrop, while Jungwon seems to be the only calm one. 
“Y/N, are you really alright with this?” Adrina asks, and Wilhelmina whisper-shouts, “How is that even an option? Adrina!” “Mother, I'm trying to secure my daughter's future, and her sister's. Her sister is a mortal and isn't of age yet. She can't be told. I'm sorry, mother.”
“Gran, I'll be fine. He won't torture me. Mom, I'm prepared.”
Wilhelmina and Danielle, although very silent, don't look too happy. “Jaehwan, let it be written that Jungwon and Y/N have begun dating on the 31st of March. On the 30th of June, we will see how the relationship is going and decide whether to form an alliance or not.”
Jaehwan beams, clapping. “Jungwon, you'll be moving to Y/N's city, and your friends may move too, if you like. I hope to see a good alliance.”
Jungwon makes eye contact with you, smiles ever-so-slightly. “Alright, father.”
It isn’t possible to fall in love in just three months. This is not going to be really good.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Your grandmother is positively pissed about the arrangement, but she doesn't exactly have a say due to the fact that it will be beneficial to her rule. And her future generations. So she
has no option but to go with it. 
Danielle has been forcing you to tell her everything he does for the past hour. The two of you are staying awake till midnight to celebrate your birthday. 
“Y/N, if I find a single red flag, I will make you dump that son of a vampire.”
“Hey, don't call him that. I'm the daughter of a vampire.”
“Still can't get over that, but sure. He's a terrible person.”
“Breathe, Dan. Let's not judge a book by its cover.”
The two of you are staying at the palace, and all you can think about is:
My poor lemon crinkle cookies. They have done nothing to deserve this. 
“Anyways, fifteen minutes left!” Danielle says, sensing the annoyance practically radiating from you. She rolls up a lettuce to make a makeshift mic, its edges tearing up slightly. 
“What do you think, Ms. Cassius, the soon-to-be 19 year old?”
“Comment denied!” You smile, pushing the lettuce-mic away. Danielle pouts jokingly, eating the mic. 
You guys have brought up a mini-picnic from the kitchen to enjoy by yourselves in your room. Your mother is sleeping in the room across, and your Gran is asleep in the next room, on your right. 
Taking a bite of the lemon tart the two of you stole, you think about the day's events. Damn, that was a weird day. But the ending seems good! 
The two of you pass your time, talking about the university you go to, Zephyr University. Gossiping about the most recent breakups in your friend group, you don't realize how fast the time flew until Danielle checks her phone. 
“SHIT, IT'S 11:56!” Danielle shouts, making you jump. “Bro, breathe, we have four minutes,” you say, laughing at Dan's expression. 
“How are you so calm? Dude. You're – what did they say? – ah, coming of age in the next… three minutes!”
“I wasn't born exactly at 12 AM on the 31st of March, you know?”
“Yeah, but we don't talk about that!”
You grin, helping yourself to a chocolate. 
“OKAY, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!”
“THANK YOU DANIELLE!” You yell with equal energy, jumping up and down with Danielle. 
The door creaks. 
A hiss is heard. 
You and Danielle stop celebrating. 
The creaking stops. 
The two of you look at each other, and scream. 
And then, someone places what looks like blood next to you. What seems like a sinister voice says, “Happy birthday, Y/N. Hope you get along with good blood.”
That doesn't even make sense. 
You shriek anyway. Getting up, both you and Danielle punch, kick and pinch whatever part of the person you two can. 
You continue without a care, but Danielle does so. The two of you have been sitting in the light of a single candle, so it is sort of understandable why you can't see who the creep is.
The light flicks on to reveal Yang Jungwon. 
Oh, fuck. 
“Dude, you have good self-defense, but like, why?”
“But why would you come here?” Danielle asks, in shock. “You see, Ms. Danielle, I believed that as her fake boyfriend, I should probably wish her a happy birthday. Did not expect this to happen, although Sunghoon told me what you guys did to him. He is apparently very scarred.”
You smirk at the memory, catching Danielle's eye. Jungwon narrows his eyes, still very curious and concerned, but shakes it off. 
“Thanks for the thought of it, Jungwon. What flavor is the cake? It looks a lot like blood.”
“That's because it is!”
One beat. Two beats. 
Danielle gags, getting as far away as possible from the cake. “Jungwon, what the fuck?”
You don't even know him but you're already worried. 
“I'm joking… Ms. Danielle, don't worry. It's just red velvet with some extremely bright red frosting.”
“Oh,” Danielle murmurs, walking slowly. “Want me to test it out or something?”
“Nope, I'll do it myself, Jungwon.” You say, grabbing a wine glass and scooping the cake in it. Taking a spoon, you gingerly take a small bite, ready to vomit if necessary. To your surprise, it tastes delicious. 
“... Maybe it isn't all that bad. It doesn't taste like blood, approved by me.”
Jungwon lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, and Danielle promptly eats the cake from your wine glass. “Ifs akshooli weawy goof,” she says, nodding in approval. 
“It's actually really good,” you translate for Jungwon. “Thanks, I baked it myself!” 
“WOAH, REALLY?” Danielle exclaims, eyes as wide as plates. Quietly, she whispers to you, “Y/N, maybe he isn't as bad as I thought,” and you smile. 
“Anyways, I'll let you guys sleep. We're going to Zephyr Uni in the morning, around 10. I'm transferring universities, so I'll be taking finals at your university. Continuing classes there, too. See you at breakfast,” Jungwon salutes a goodbye and shuts the door behind him. 
“Well, that was… interesting. He's nice though. He thought of you!”
“Yeah, more like he wants the alliance.” You say quietly, confused. Is what I'm saying true? 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
At breakfast, you, Dani, Sunghoon, Jungwon and his friends sit together. The five of Jungwon's friends know about the arrangement, so nothing's extremely awkward. 
“Guys, this is Y/N Cassius, and her friend, Danielle Marsh, a mortal. And Mitch, their cat.” Sunghoon introduces while Jungwon goes to fetch juice for the table. 
“Hey!” You and Dani chorus, taking a seat in between Sunghoon and Jungwon. “I'm Lee Heeseung, the oldest here. I'll let the others introduce themselves. It's nice to meet you!”
“I'm Park Jeongseong, but you can call me Jay!”
“I'm Sim Jaeyun, but you can call me Jake!”
“I'm Kim Sunoo!”
“And I'm Riki, Nishimura Riki.”
You and Dani nod to each of them respectfully, and smile. “We hope we all get along well, hopefully.” Dani says, grinning and lifting her fork. 
Once Jungwon is back, he takes a seat next to you, smiling. He offers juice to everyone, taking care to not spill even a bit. He's sort of cute. Maybe he's nice after all. 
Your thoughts are immediately proven wrong. 
Jungwon smirks evilly as a stain of orange juice spreads on your white shirt, and you gasp as you feel the chill of the juice. 
“JUNGWON!” Heeseung scolds, running to get baking soda from the kitchen. Sunghoon presses his temple, sighing with fury. You just sit there, mouth ajar. “Y/N, just stay here, I'll get you another shirt. Heeseung can remove the stain when you change shirts.” Danielle says, and runs off to your mother, who hopefully has a change of clothes. 
Sunghoon turns to Jungwon. “Jungwon. Apologize. You're supposed to be mature, especially to your fake girlfriend. Why did you do this?”
“It was an accident. Sorry, Y/N!” He apologizes happily, as if no one knows that he did it on purpose. “Totally, Jungwon! It's completely alright!” You say sarcastically, seeing Danielle return with a white button-up crop top. 
Luckily your mother had packed up whatever clothes you and Dani left behind at her home, because you two had zero time to pack. 
Mom, thanks. 
Heeseung returns too, so you go to the ladies' room to change your shirt. You exit the restroom to see Jungwon standing outside, holding the baking soda. “You forgot this,” he says, picking his nails. 
“Oh, thanks.” You say, taking it from him and re-entering the room to use the sink. From outside, he says as loud as possible, “I really am very sorry, I didn't mean to cause a change in the mood. Like, really. I'm not mean, I promise. I'll be thoughtful from now on when I think of jokes.”
You listen silently, scrubbing the shirt. Seeing the stain disappear, you exit, stopping in front of Jungwon. “Don't worry. I was just really upset because it's my birthday, you know. Wanted the day to go perfect.”
“Oh, I'm sorry.” “You don't need to apologize, it's fine! Let's forget it and look ahead!” You smile, and Jungwon returns it, his face cheering up. 
The two of you walk back to the table, and on the way, you ask a member of staff for a bag to keep the wet shirt in. The lights suddenly dim, and your eyesight takes a bit to adjust. “Need help?” Jungwon offers, taking your hand gently. He leads you back to the table as you try to spot your mother, who was supposed to be here. 
Your senses haven't fully developed due to the lack of training as a young child, and so you can't really make out much. “I'll help you train, by the way, whenever we're free. We'll discuss a set time later.” Jungwon says, reading your mind. 
You thank him, and finally reach the table. Ignoring the slight tingles in your fingers, you let go of his hand, and the table brightens up. 
You gasp as nineteen candles light up and the whole table sings for you. The staff clap as well, and you smile, the brightest in the room. 
“Thank you all so much!” You exclaim in joy after the song is over. “Make a wish, Y/N,” Dani says, and you do so, blowing the candles. 
“What'd you wish for?” Jungwon asks you curiously, as you cut the cake to give everyone.
“If I tell you, it would not come true. So no thanks.” You say, busy cutting the cake proportionately. He pouts, and cringes immediately after. “Shit, remind me to never do that again.” You laugh and nod. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
On the journey back home, the University students sit in one vehicle, and your mother sits in another. Gran left for Canada immediately after breakfast, and Jungwon's father and the rest's parents stayed back in Maledictus. 
You sit next to Dani and Sunghoon, and you tell Hoon the story of how Mitch became your pet as he listens attentively, with Dani adding her own comments in between. 
“So yeah, Mitch decided to stay with us! We officially adopted her, like, 10 months ago.”
Sunghoon smiles, ruffling Mitch's fur, while she claws at his hand, irritated. The journey worth 90 minutes passes by quickly, and the driver pulls up to the driveway of your home. Your mother's car follows, and the drivers stop for a meal. 
You quickly whip up some spaghetti and sandwiches, and Danielle attempts to repair the damage in your kitchen. Sunghoon makes some lemonade, and gives the drivers their meal. They wave and drive off to Maledictus. 
“Shit, the kitchen is such a mess.” Danielle says, opening the oven door to find burnt cookies and an extremely nauseating smell. 
“What happened here?” Your mother asks, entering the kitchen. 
“Mother, we were trying to enjoy our last few days of break before school, but dear Sunghoon over here decided to drag us to Maledictus!”
Sunghoon winces, wiping the inside of the oven clean. The rest are sorting through the bags in the living room. Dani is currently sifting through the food in the fridge, trying to throw out the rotten food. Surprisingly, even after just one day of absence, at least a quarter of the food (healthy stuff) had gone bad. 
You hate wasting food and Danielle knows it. So she does it herself. She dumps the food in the separate trash can, cringing. 
After about half an hour of cleaning, the three of you manage to clean up the mess in the kitchen. The rest of Jungwon's friends successfully sort through their bags and make sure the right stuff is in the right bag. Your mother has already returned home, but you see a notification from your mother. 
Mom ♡ : If you need anything, message me or call. 
You : thanks mother!! 
After sending a reply, you settle down on the rug in the living room, while Danielle gets chairs for the rest. “We're leaving for the dorms tomorrow, do you guys have everything set?” You ask the boys, who nod. “Only Riki is your age. He's majoring in dance. I'm majoring in journalism.” Sunghoon says, and Riki grins, saluting. 
“What do you major in, guys?” Dani asks, sitting next to you. “I major in humanities, finishing my degree this year,” Heeseung says. 
“I major in the visual arts,” Jay says. “I major in astrophysics.” Jake smiles. 
“I major in the visual arts, like Jay.” Sunoo says, smiling brightly. “And I major in music, focusing on composition and therapy.” Jungwon says, and you gasp. “Same!”
“Oh, damn, nice. We'll see each other in class then!” Jungwon replies. 
“What about you, Danielle?” Sunoo asks. 
“Film studies!” Danielle says enthusiastically. “Thought so,” Jungwon says, nodding. 
“What do you mean?” “You seem like the type to be really happy in the studies of media. Just the, uh, vibe with a capital V.”
Everyone agrees, and Danielle flushes. “Aw, thanks guys. Means a lot.”
You pat her on the back and Danielle holds your hand. I would never trade this for anything. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The first thought you have when you wake up. Delightful. 
Why is everything shaking? 
The second thought. How very wonderful. You then realize that your bed is shaking. “Y/N, WAKE UP.” 
Jungwon's voice yells, and water splashes on your face. “Sorry, Y/N,” Sunghoon says. You blink rapidly and see Danielle assembling an outfit for you. 
Only then does everything process. 
You jump into the shower, practically flying. Jungwon and Sunghoon catch each other's eyes and try not to laugh. 
“Welcome to our household,” Danielle says, holding a pile of clothes and dumping them on your bed. Sunghoon offers to take Y/N's suitcases down, and Danielle gladly accepts. 
“Jungwon, she'll ask for her clothes. Just hand that whole pile over, but DO NOT. I REPEAT. DO NOT. LOOK AT HER. YOU'LL FIND YOURSELF SIX FEET UNDER. YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” Dani says, shaking him aggressively by the shoulders. You sigh in the shower. 
Dearest Danielle. 
“BREATHE, DANIELLE, I THINK HE KNOWS,” you yell as loud as you can. 
Immediately after the shower switches off, you bang the bathroom door and stretch a hand out for your clothes. Jungwon obediently hands them over. 
Getting dressed in a hurry, you tie your hair up in a bun. “Let's go!” You exclaim, dragging Jungwon by the hand downstairs. 
“Everyone finished their breakfasts, by the way.” He says casually, and you facepalm. 
“Shit, I'm so sorry.” “It's okay, breathe. You can have it on the way there.”
“We're going on public transport, I'll just pack it and take it there. Are the groceries packed?”
He nods, and Danielle stops you on the landing. “Here's your breakfast. Eat it in the dorm. Let's go.”
The nine of you rush to the bus stop, just in time for the bus to arrive. “Zephyr Stop, please. Nine of us.” The conductor nods, and you pay. 
Online payment for the win! 
Upon reaching the bus stop, all of you get down, and you and Dani wave to the conductor. She waves and smiles. 
“We'll show you to your dorms. All genders in one huge building, but different wings. Females on the left, males on the right, and non-binary people depends on their preferences or identification. Not really sure.” Danielle says. 
The seven boys nod, lugging their bags with them. “The dormitories have a mini-kitchen, explaining the groceries we have. Depending on how many people you have in your room, you have bunk beds and one extra bed. One attached bathroom for everyone, and a study table for each person. There's a couch and a TV, and the Wi-Fi password will be shared to you by a residential counselor,” you explain, walking slowly. 
“Since today's a Sunday, we can meet up freely. When actual classes begin, we'll have to stay in our own block. But we can meet at the shops on campus.
“We have a café, restaurant, medical store, a few medical staff, grocery stores, and thrift stores run by the marketing and fashion students. We have a few sports fields, a garden, recording studios, a huge library, swimming pools, and just an open field. We have an amphitheater and auditorium too. ”
The boys listen attentively, and Danielle sees the check-in machine. “Hand me your IDs, I'll check you guys in.” She offers, and everyone dumps their IDs in her hand. 
Checking in everyone, she hands the IDs back to everyone. 
“We'll meet at the café. Can we have a group chat? I'll share the location there.” You offer, and Sunghoon nods. “I'll take your numbers and make one. Guys, go ahead.”
The rest meet with the resident counselor as you give your number to Hoon. Grabbing as many bags as you can, you take yours and Danielle's belongings and unlock your room. 
I'll unpack later. 
Opening your phone, you see a message. 
Park Sunghoon has added you to a group chat. 
Park Sunghoon has renamed the group chat to Vampires and a Mortal
Sunghoon :
hey guys. y/n will share the location here. we'll meet up there. btw, here's the room numbers and roommates. 
– me and jungwon, room 112
– heeseung, jay, sunoo in room 116
– riki and jake in room 115
You :
here's the location : xtxtxtxttxxttxxt
me and danielle are in room 67 
You close the chat, and help Danielle unpack her things. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“I'm too lazy to remember everyone's orders, so go order your food yourself guys. Please.” You say, and they roll their eyes. Zephyr Café is a really calm place, the classic romanticized café. 
It has a beige color palette, and the smell of baking and happiness. Students come here on casual hangouts, study dates, solo dates, dates in general. Since not all students arrived on campus, and you all were here for lunch, the café was not very crowded. 
“Hey Jaemin!” You wave to the boy behind the counter, Na Jaemin. “Hey Y/N! I see you have people with you. You seem to be making friends!” He laughs, and you punch him playfully. 
“Shut up. Me and Danielle have the usual, the guys will order personally.”
“Alright. Enjoy, friendless bitch.”
You and Jaemin have known each other since your first year at Zephyr, the both of you in the same course. You're close with his friend group too. 
You did nurse a small crush on him, and sometimes still do. But it's just a crush. 
After everyone receives their orders, all of you talk about everything possible. Breaking the ice is really useful, because you and Jungwon will have to pull off a fake relationship and you need to make it realistic. 
“Also, Y/N, we need to talk in private. Could you guys give us a minute or a few?” 
Without waiting for an answer, he pulls you over to a corner of the café. “Can we use the field for training?” He asks, and you nod. “Yeah, just let me know the times. We probably have the same schedules so yeah.” He nods, and you return to your seats. 
All nine of you chatter away like old friends, talking about Spider-Man to Angelina Jolie. 
After the café lunch, you guys return to your rooms, and you take a small nap. In the evening, you and Danielle meet up with a few friends. 
“Yunjin! Minji! Hi!” The two of you greet your two other friends. They're roommates and are in the room opposite to you. 
“Hey guys!” Minji says, hugging the two of you. Behind her, Yunjin is dragging a sack full of snacks. “Here's food. Eat whenever. You're welcome.” She says, and you hug  her. Yunjin is the oldest, the same age as Heeseung, and is finishing her degree in botany this year. Minji is majoring in literature. 
You’re the youngest in the four of you guys, but you hate when they baby you, so they always baby you. Just for fun.
“And how’s our baby doing?” Yunjin says, pulling your cheeks. “Stop it!” You say, pulling out of her reach. Minji laughs, and Danielle opens your fridge to keep the groceries away. “I heard you made new friends? Around, like, seven boys?”
“Yeah, don’t make it weird, please.” You tell Minji, who already looks like she’s scheming. “Mhm, sure, I would never!” You sigh. Your friends are annoying, and also annoyingly sweet, so it’s a win-win.  
“Aww, does my baby have a boyfwend?” Yunjin asks, putting on a pair of glasses and smirking at you knowingly. “Maybe, but you’ll never find out who!”
“So you confirmed that you have one. We’ll find him. And when we do, he will regret it.”
“Please don’t guys, she finally got a boyfriend. Let’s not scare him away.” Danielle says, coming to the couch with packed bottles of cold coffee for Yunjin and Minji. “Did you guys have lunch yet?” She asks, and they nod. “Did you guys?” Minji asks, accepting the coffee. You nod and plop on the sofa. 
Small talk continues, and they leave to unpack. “Bye guys! We need to unpack too,” you say to Danielle, shutting the door after they leave. “Yeah, let’s do it. Anyways, how did you like the questions about your ‘boyfwend’, Y/N?” Danielle giggles.
“My vampire boyfriend?” You ask, grinning. “I don’t think I would describe him in that way, but sure. He’s fake anyway. As in, our relationship is fake.” 
Danielle nods, putting her clothes on hangers and placing them in her side of the wardrobe. “Danielle, you don’t want to drink, do you?” You ask, the thought suddenly occurring to you.
“Oh, thank god.”
You have never found the alleged temptation of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes tempting, and you hope never to. The farthest you’ll ever go, you decide, is wine or champagne, and medicinal drugs.
Hopefully you avoid the latter too.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Wake up, Y/N, it’s seven AM.” Danielle shouts in your ears, and you jump. “Okay, okay, breathe.” You say, gathering yourself and rubbing your eyes aggressively. “Need water?” Danielle asks, and you nod. She hands you a glass, and you dump it over your head.
“Yep. Are you ready?”
“As usual. We’ll leave by 7:45, so we have a lot of time for breakfast.”
You rush to get ready, and wrap a towel around your head after your shower. Pulling on a decent outfit, you stare in the mirror, satisfied. Deciding to go with a minimal makeup look, you finish it off with a brush of your brows. You’re wearing a black oversized shirt with graphics, and faded blue baggy jeans with blue Converse. Pinning your hair back, you use hair gel to make your hair less frizzy. Dabbing on some lip balm, you walk out of the door, grabbing your bags.
“Let’s go?” Danielle asks, and you nod.
Arriving at the main building, you look up to where your class is. The theory classes are in the first half of the day, and the second half goes to completing your assignments, and practical classes, if any. 
You and Danielle usually drop off your bags, but you see Jungwon, Sunghoon, and the rest at the entrance, looking confused. “Oh, hey, I nearly forgot about you guys,” you say, rushing to help them out. “Media and sciences are at one place, so I’ll take Sunghoon and Jake. The arts are in another section of the building, so Y/N can take you guys there. We’re going to drop our bags off, have breakfast first, then go to class, so come with us.”
They nod, and you all run off to your classes. You drop off Riki at the dance studio in the basement, and tell him he can ask the professor if he needs anything. Waiting patiently for him to keep his bag, you check your phone. “Back, whose room are we going to next?” He pops out of the studio, and you say, “Visual arts.”
Going to the first floor after the ground floor, you take a right and go to the second classroom you see. “Here. It’s more of an art studio, not sure where they take their practicals. The professor is in, you can ask them.” 
They walk out after ten minutes, and say, “They asked us to leave our bags right here, they’ll show us around later.”
You nod, and go to the next floor, allowing them to follow you. “Music composition, music therapy is the classroom on our left.” You drop your bag in the front, and Jungwon drops his bag beside you. 
“Let’s go to the restaurant.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The day has been exhausting. You still have training to look forward to. You open the texts between you and Jungwon again.
Jungwon : we’ll meet up on the ground, i’ll be waiting at 11.
You : pm????????????
Jungwon : yeah, what else? 🙄 we’ll do sensory training today. darkness. think about it, let ur brain process.
You : 🙄 im rolling my eyes but make it in bold, italic red underline.
Jungwon : nice reference. i see you’re a woman of culture as well.
You : obviously 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Training’s going to be interesting,” Jungwon says. 
It is 11:15 PM, and you are extremely sleepy. You are in the field, near the forests that surround it. The trees block out the little light from the night sky. You grimace and say, “Sure. Can we get it over with, please?”
He shrugs, and begins. “Make out my movements. Stop me when you think you can.”
You see a blur of hands around you. Shit, he’s fast.
Finally, when you see him hesitate, you smack his hand. “Got you.”
“Good. Can be faster. Next, I want you to hold my hand with exactly my little finger. Doesn’t matter how. But little finger.”
Another blur of movements. Your eyes are adjusting, however slowly it may seem. Finally, when you think you can see his ring finger, you grab a finger.
“Good.” He says, turning on a torch. “You’re getting better. Stop me when I cross my fingers.”
And so it goes on, and on, and on, until around 11:55. “Stop me when I get too close,” he says.
Now, what is TOO CLOSE?
You stop him as soon as you feel his breath on your cheek. “This time, it seems you got me by my breath, not your eyes. Good strategy, but doesn’t work in all battles. We’ll stop here. I’ll walk you to your dorm. Is Danielle still up?”
“Nope, I asked her to sleep, not wait for me. She said she’d try, but I highly doubt she can. She falls asleep on a fixed schedule.”
Jungwon shakes his head, and you can barely make it out. The walk back is silent, only filled with the sounds of insects and animals making sounds, and the sound of your footsteps and breaths coordinating.
“See you Friday, Y/N.”
See you Friday.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Every Monday and Friday, the same time every time, he trains you. By the third Monday, you are successfully able to identify different movements. 
It’s a Wednesday, and you enter class and sit next to Jungwon, who’s passed out. It’s 8:32 AM, and the class begins at 9 AM. All around you, you hear whispers. You turn to Jaemin, who sits behind you, and ask, “What’s happening?”
“Y/N, you haven’t heard? Rumor is that you and Jungwon sneak out at midnight.” Jaemin says, cutting straight to the point.
“What? There’s more, isn’t there?”
“Yeah…” he begins. “They think you do stuff in the woods. You know, inappropriate shit. I don’t believe them, but there you go.”
You stare. “You’re kidding. They can’t possibly be that immature.”
“Actually, they are. Plus, Jungwon’s asleep, so that makes things worse. You may want to talk to him.”
“Thanks, Jaemin.”
“Also, Y/N, do you want to hang out with me after school?”
“Alright, see you at the café at 5:30?”
“See you there.”
You turn to the front, and poke Jungwon. “Jungwon, we need to talk, dude.”
“Mmf. Let me sleep, Y/N.”
“It’s serious, you dickwad.”
“Chill with the language, Y/N.” He says, sitting up straight. “What is it?” “Uhm, basically, there are rumors that we do inappropriate stuff in the woods.”
“Isn’t that technically good? Because we’re supposed to be fake dating…”
“Oh. Right. I forgot about that.”
“Speaking of which, we should probably show off right now.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can kiss you on the cheek, you know.”
“Oh…” you flush, shrugging. “Sure,”
Before you even get out the word, Jungwon pecks your cheek softly, smiling ear-to-ear. You go positively pink at the kiss, although very childish. The whispers seem to grow even louder, and Jungwon says, “Ignore them. They’re going to manipulate anything we do, so why not give them a show?”
You nod, and the professor enters, signaling an end to the whole fiasco.
You subtly open your notebook and doodle hearts everywhere.
What is happening to me?
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
At lunch, when all of you meet up, Jungwon fills everyone in on what happened in class. They laugh, and Danielle and Sunghoon smirk at you. Surprisingly, you and Sunghoon are becoming fast friends, and you conveniently forget the fact that he was your attempted kidnapper.
“Anyways, how were your classes, guys?”
The chatter goes on till 2 PM, when the practicals begin. Today, you have a free class till 3 PM, after which you have a practical session in the studio to try and begin working on your final presentation. Finals begin from April 22nd, and end on May 2nd. University begins again on July 1st. It’s the 10th of April, and the frenzy is finally getting to a lot of students.
Each of you leave for your respective schedules. You hurry to the library to get started on your music therapy homework. “Hi, Y/N! Over here!” You hear Yunjin say, and the librarian aggressively shushes her. You wave excitedly and head over there, swinging your bag on the floor. “Hi Yunjin!”
“Hey kid. What’s up?”
And so you and Yunjin chat whilst doing your homework, a paper on how music is interpreted amongst teens as makeshift therapy. Yunjin is doing her botany work, a case study on different structures in various plants worth 25% of her grade. She frustratedly shakes her head, looking at her computer. “Google is so unreliable, man,” she sighs. “Need help? I probably can’t, but worth asking,” you offer. “Nope, it’s fine, thanks!” She replies, waving it off.
You narrow your eyes at her, and she grins widely. “It’s okay, don’t worry kiddo.”
You nod, still suspicious, and continue your work. Finally, at 2:50, you decide you’re satisfied with your work. You proofread it, and format it. “Yunjin, need any prints?” She shakes her head as a ‘no’, and you nod, heading over to the printer. 
“Hi!” A familiar voice exclaims, and you look up from your paper to see Jaemin’s best friend, Lee Jeno. “Hi Jeno!” You reply cheerfully. He’s extremely similar to a Samoyed, with a really cute eye smile. You realize with a sudden jolt that Jungwon and Sunoo also have eye smiles. 
“How’s life treating you?” He asks, stapling his papers. “Oh, interesting. What about you?” 
“Fun. But since finals are near, I doubt the same spirit will last.” “Valid point.” You comment, as your prints get ready. Stapling them, you wave a goodbye. “Are you working at the café today?” You ask him, walking back to your table. “Yeah! My shift’s till 6 something.”
“I’ll see you at the café!” You smile and wave. “Bye Y/N!” “Bye Jeno!”
“Yunjin, I’ll go to the recording studio. Good luck with your assignment, okay?”
“Okay, child. Bye!”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
At the recording studio, you greet the assistant professor, the teacher who helps with practicals. “Hello, Ms. Kent! Did you have your lunch?”
“Yep! Thanks for asking, Ms. Campbell.” You internally shudder, remembering the exposed feeling going through you at the Court when they revealed your last name to be Cassius.
“I feel like this time I want to go for a backing track before I try writing the words,” you say, placing your bag next to your chair. “New method? Whatever for?”
“I don’t know, I just feel like I don’t have inspiration for lyrics. Maybe by next week.”
“You mean the seventeenth? That’s a dangerously close date, but okay. Whatever’s fine by you. We have time till 5 today, so you will definitely be able to achieve a lot.”
You smile, looking at your melody list. It’s a sheet you prepared that lists your favorite backing tracks.
“What if I—“
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
After the recording studio session, you feel energized, music coursing through your veins. Ready to meet Jaemin, you go directly to the café, fifteen minutes away from the studio. Checking the time, you realize it’s 5:20 PM, ten minutes earlier than planned.
It’s fine, maybe I can get started on the lyrics. I need a melody though.
You begin pointlessly humming, trying to come up with a melody for your lyrics. “Hmm, HMM, HMMMM!”
“I’m sorry, but are you okay?” Jaemin asks, walking up to you. “The practical seems to be messing with your head, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah, shut up. Are you ready for it though?”
“If it’s me, you can’t really have expectations, Y/N.”
“You’re right. Point taken. How’s it going?”
“I have, like, the chorus all set, but not the backing track, the verses or the melody.”
“So basically you have nothing except some repetitive lines, or a refrain.”
“Pretty much, yeah.” He grins, ordering a coffee. “Hey Jeno.”
“Hey, Jae. Hi Y/N! I didn’t know this was what you meant by ‘see you there’. I don’t want it to be awkward or anything, but are you two on a date?”
“No!” You both chorus, panicking, and Jeno giggles. “Whatever you say.”
The two of you discuss everything about summer, waiting for your orders. “How was your birthday?” Jaemin asks, and you grin. “Oh, lovely!” You reply, recalling the weirdest day before.”
“I have a gift for you, but it’ll wait until after this hangout.”
“You LITERALLY DID NOT have to tell me, Jae. Why are you so mean?” You whine, your head in your hands. “I love annoying you, Y/N.”
“Sure you do. You are a bitch. An evil, mean, bitch.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, kid.”
Conversations have always been easy with Jaemin, so you find it no surprise that you don’t get bored with him. At the end of it all, around 6:30, when you both get up to pay, he doesn’t allow you to pay. “My treat. If you pay, you won’t get your gift, and I’ll tease you till the end that you never got to see it.”
“You are manipulating me. But okay. Next time, I’m paying.”
“Sure, sure.”
After paying, the two of you leave, and he says,”Here’s your gift.”
Opening a blue velvet box, he takes out a locket. “Holy shit, Jaemin, it’s beautiful.”
“Open the locket.”
In it is a picture of you, Danielle, him, and Mitch. I miss Mitch. I wish she could stay at the dorms.
Your eyes tear up. “Y/N! Don’t cry, is it that bad?”
“No. It’s beautiful.”
“Here, I’ll put it on for you.”
That’s when you realize that this is what love, platonic, feels like. He unclasps the hook of it and puts it around your neck gently, smiling. “It looks lovely on you.”
“Thank you so much, Jaemin.”
“You’re always welcome.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Jungwon : why were you out with jaemin?
You : uh.. he’s my friend?
Jungwon : but IM UR FAKE BOYFRIEND?? 😭😭 
          Ignore that. 😀😀
Jungwon : No. Meet me outside ur dorm RN
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Y/N. Will you go out with me on a date?”
The first thing you hear when you open your door is Jungwon’s voice, and he’s holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“Where did you get the flowers from? We literally texted three minutes ago.”
“ANSWER THE QUESTION!” He cries, looking exhausted. 
“I mean, obviously, I thought that was a given!”
“I could kiss you right now.”
You shrug. “Do you want me to?”
“To what?”
“Kiss you right now.”
“Yeah, that would be cool,” you say (not so) casually. “Don’t act so carefree.” He replies, kissing you on the lips.
It doesn’t seem right. There should be more of a PLOT before we kiss, man.
I’m looking into this too much. Chill, Y/N.
You kiss him back, and Danielle shrieks behind you. Crap, Dani.
The two of you break apart, the bouquet in your hand. “DID I MISS SOMETHING?”
“Guys, breathe,” Jungwon breaks in. “Y/N, it’s alright. Danielle, you didn’t miss anything. I just asked her out on a date.”
“Oh. Continue, pretend I’m not here.”
“Danielle, that’s just weird, dude.” You both say to her.
She raises her hands, as if accused. “Don’t blame me, love made me crazy.”
You throw a pillow at her face.
✦ .  ���   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Jungwon : for the date, meet me at the restaurant, friday, at seven pm. no training, we’ll compensate for the training on saturday.
You : okayy ^_^ thank u 💗💗
Jungwon : ideally i should be thanking u but okay
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You giggle as the two of you continue texting. “Y/N, it’s ten. Sleep. Please. Or let me. Or go over to his dorm. I would much rather sleep in the same room as Sunghoon than listen to you giggling annoyingly. Do vampires never sleep or something? That guy looks tired but doesn’t sleep.”
You shake off her rant. “Okay, okay, mom, I’ll sleep.”
You wish him a good night. You can’t help but feel like high school sweethearts, but make it older and more mature.
Mature? Says the girl giggling at texts. Bro. You’re not okay.
I know.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You wait for Friday night to arrive. When classes end, you rush to your dorm to get dressed. Two hours early. Danielle rushes after her classes too, to make sure you look perfect (you already do) for the date.
“Okay, what do you want to wear?” She asks, shutting the door behind her. 
“Uh, maybe the black dress? Not yours, not the tight fitting one. The more airy, loose one.”
“Yeah, sounds good. Yours, right?”
“Yeah, but I don’t have good shoes to match.”
“I have black heels, I think. I’ll search. Clean makeup?”
“Yeah, obviously.”
You rush to get ready, and by 6:30, you look in the mirror. The black dress has pleats that reach your knees, and off the shoulder sleeves that extend to your elbow. You wear Danielle’s strapped heels, wedged, not pencil, and your hair is left loose, a scrunchie in your purse, in case you need it. Your makeup consists of concealer, some counter, tinted lip balm, highlighter and eyeshadow eyeliner.
“You look so pretty, I need a Polaroid.”
You pose for one, and take one with your best friend. “Man, if I were Jungwon, I would rather die than let you go. Juliet to your Romeo.”
“HOW I HEARD YOU SAY!” You and Danielle sing along, while you pack your purse.
“Bye! Have fun, Y/N,” she says, kissing your cheek. “Bye!”
You arrive at the restaurant, and you see Jungwon standing there with a bouquet of daisies, your favorite. “How’d you know?”
“Danielle.” He replies, hugging you. “Shit, Y/N, you look so gorgeous.” He compliments you, and you flush bright pink. “Thank you.” “Always.”
“I want to get to know you more, Y/N.” He announces grandly, kissing the back of your hand. “Aww, hopeless romantic,” you tease, and ask, “What are we going to do?”
“Oh, I don’t know, dance?” He jokes, smiling. You giggle — STOP WITH THE CREEPY GIGGLING, Y/N — and grin. “We’re going out of campus. I took permission, plus it’s the weekend, so they told me it’s allowed.”
“Ah, alright. Where though?”
“You’ll see.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The drive there is not that long. After around twenty minutes of driving, he says, “We’re here, Y/N.”
You look around. Stars sparkle in the night, and the moon looks bright and happy. “I found this place last week, after training. It’s really beautiful, but I’ve never seen it during the day. Here’s the treehouse I built.”
“You built a TREEHOUSE?”
“Yeah, out of wood that had fallen. The walls are made with rotten wood. #Recycling!”
“Wow. You built a treehouse.”
“Not a big deal!”
He leads you up the ladder, and grabs a chair for you. “I made dinner, it’s in the car.”
Jungwon runs to bring the food. He’s so cute, man. He returns with a picnic basket, and asks you to turn around. The room is brightened up. Is he lighting a candle?
“You can look now.”
You gasp, seeing candles lit, and wine glasses. “Jungwon, I don’t drink…”
“Who says we’re drinking wine?” He smirks, pulling out apple cider, your favorite. “Danielle?”
“Nope, me. I saw you drink it during class.”
You blush furiously, the thought of him looking at your preferences overwhelming you. “Thank you.”
The two of you spend all your time there, getting to know one another, drinking apple cider sophisticatedly, eating a vegetarian filet mignon (that’s what he called it), and laughing.
You admit that it’s been really fun with him. Is it a crush?
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Finals. Crap.
It’s the sixteenth of March, and you have not prepared lyrics. You have a general melody, but you need lyrics. After class, you run to the library and grab a dictionary.
You frantically start scribbling down lyrics.
 It began before my birthday
You and I, so forced, 
Didn’t have words to say 
The ice trying to defrost
Itself so fast
You wished me at midnight
Scared me out of my wits
You and I, against no light
Your goodbye felt like secret chits
Passed in class
And maybe I read into things too much
But we seem like too good of an opportunity to pass
Up, so I’ll try and take this and trust
That we both would last
So please don’t leave, don’t say goodbye
You know I’ll miss you, so don’t even try
No matter how fake we are, hope you feel the same
Way as I do, please just stay
And I could be romanticizing you a lot
You and I, as pretty as a forget-me-not
Following its name, I can’t ever forget you
I’ll be as blue as the flower if I do
And maybe I read into things too much
But we seem like too good of an opportunity to pass
Up, so I’ll try and take this and trust
That we both would last
So please don’t leave, don’t say goodbye
You know I’ll miss you, so don’t even try
No matter how fake we are, hope you feel the same
Way as I do, please just stay
I haven’t known you for long, a few weeks isn’t much 
Time doesn’t matter, ‘cause you feel like a crutch
To my sanity, if I don’t have you near
So please just stay, dear
So please don’t leave, don’t say goodbye
You know I’ll miss you, so don’t even try
No matter how fake we are, hope you feel the same
Way as I do, please just stay
So please don’t leave, don’t say goodbye
You know I’ll miss you, so don’t even try
No matter how fake we are, hope you feel the same
Way as I do, i hope you stay
“Good enough.” You murmur, and fall asleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
After homework class the next day, you rush to the recording studio. “Ms. Kent, I’m ready.”
“Jeez, Ms. Campbell, you scared me. But I’m happy. Let's begin.”
At the end of the session, Ms. Kent smiles with pride. “I am very proud of you. I hope it works out for whoever you have dedicated this song to.”
“Thank you, Ms. Kent.”
You exit, feeling very happy. This is guaranteed to get you a good grade. 
You hear your phone ring, and you take a glance. It’s Sunghoon. “Hello?”
“Y/N, Jungwon is dead.”
One beat.
Two beats.
“You’re joking. I’m coming to your dorm right now.”
“I’m not here, Y/N, please believe me.” You hear the pain in his voice. “Y/N, I’m at the campus hospital. I’ve called the King. Please come now. Everyone’s here.”
You run, tears falling, but you don’t realize it. Your only priority is getting to Jungwon.
“What happened?” You cry, seeing Danielle waiting outside.
“Y/N, he left a letter for you.”
“No, Danielle, this is a joke. Danielle, please. This is a joke.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, it’s not. It really isn’t.”
She encloses an envelope in your palm. “None of us opened it. He died in the bathroom, Y/N. Allegedly because of a stab, possibly silver.”
“It’s a murder.” You declare between sobs. “We know, Y/N, please come see him. His father will be here in fifteen minutes.”
“When did this.. when was he found?”
She doesn’t say anything.
The one person I thought was like me. Would understand. Who helped me reach my potential and unlocked it in the first place. Lit a candlelight dinner for me. He’s my fucking muse. This is a joke.
Sunghoon screams, and on seeing you, hugs you immediately. The rest are sitting, tears soaking their shirts. When they see you, they run for a group hug. “Y/N…”
“He was found when I was in the recording session, right?”
“We tried calling you. None of us could come get you, we were too busy. It was 5 minutes before you picked up Sunghoon’s call.” Danielle murmurs, choking up with tears.
“And now he’s missing.” Heeseung says, staring blankly. The doctor arrives on the scene. “Hello, the patient has gone missing and I’m aware. For your information, I’m a vampire, too. There is a high possibility he turned to ashes, and we can’t rule it out. I'm not sure what happened, and the security cameras aren’t explaining anything either. We’re sorry for your loss. We are trying our best to figure it out. I am aware he is the young Prince of Maledictus, and the King is on his way. I assure you, this is not a mistake. It’s supernatural.
“A red moon incident is what we call it. When a vampire, a very powerful one at that, just disappears with no warning after his alleged death, it’s either they’re in ashes… or they’re alive.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Dear Diary,
The king is furious. His only heir, gone into thin air? Impossible. He doesn’t blame me, though, surprisingly. I honestly don’t think he believes me to have the capacity to be able to scheme this well.
I don’t mind.
I know exactly what happened. His letter explained everything.
Here’s a word-to-word copy of it.
Dear Y/N.
Do not show this to anyone else. Not even Danielle, not even Mitch. Mitch is a human, by the way. She’s been made a cat because of an age-old curse that runs in her family. 
I am alive. For security purposes, I won’t tell you where. My father is planning something. He’s a terrible, cunning man. He wants to kill you, and make me do it. I’m sorry, but I love you.
You hear me?
I love you.
I’m alive. I asked Jaemin to place the silver next to a body I was working on. Jaemin’s really nice, by the way. He knows. But he’s with me. He’s applied for leave from the university under pretences of his grandmother being ill.
He’s with me, and wants me to tell you that he’s safe. “Y/N, remember me in that locket of yours.” 
Remember me too. I’ll come get you one day. When it’s safe. I promise.
By the way, love the song. I know for a fact it’s about us. Jaemin overheard everything before he came to the bathroom.
Don’t hate us,
Love, Jungwon.
P.S. : we both love you. Stay safe, and don’t worry. Don’t forget us, otherwise you’ll be as blue as a forget-me-not. ;)
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Y/N!” Danielle greets you.
The two of you don’t live together anymore. She moved away to LA for her career after graduation. You still stay in the same place, in hope of Jungwon being able to find you. 
Right now, Danielle is with you, at your good old home. Your mother is in Canada, helping your Gran.
“Hi! How are you?”
Danielle and you still talk, and have video calls weekly twice. The boys are still in touch through the group chat.
“I’m fine, as I said yesterday,” you laugh. “Same!” She giggles.
The two of you spend hours together until it’s time for her flight. “I’ll see you next month. Call you when I reach!”
You hug her tightly. “I miss you a lot.”
“I miss you too, Y/N. I love you, okay? Take care!”
She kisses you on your cheek. “Love you too. Have a safe flight!”
After shutting the door, you plop down on your couch. Life’s been good.
“Y/N. How have you been?”
You turn around to see Jungwon and Jaemin, looking extremely weary.
“We need to go, right now.”
Ah, my vampire boyfriend.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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stvrn-tr1ps · 27 days
thats enough baby
inspired by THIS
warnings: SMUT!! dom!nick x sub!reader, degrading, cursing, pet names (baby, pretty boy),cum denial, lowercase intended, not proofread, lmk if i missed smth!!
summary: nicks bf comes up behind nick and tries to show affection and when nick tell him to stop y/n gets bratty with nick wich obviously doesn’t fly.
if you don’t like it don’t read it ‼️‼️‼️
nick is a hard worker. it he has something to do he gets it done. when its time to edit videos he gets it done. when its time to film he stays focused on the video.. most of the time. nicks boyfriend y/n was currently over at the triplets house. he was supposed to come after the video but he decided to come early.
“matt you got fucking pre-cooked salmon?!” chris yells. while chris and matt argue about if the salmon is good to eat. y/n comes up behind nick and hugs him. “your so handsome baby. you know that?” y/n whispers in nicks ear. since they were on camera nick shrugs off his boyfriend. “not right now” nick whispers back. nick felt bad for telling his boyfriend to essentially go away but he was never the type of person to publicize his relationship even if he was a youtuber. so yes his fans knew about him and his boyfriend but he didn’t post about his relationship much.
y/n tried to hug nick once more “y/n. not right now” nick raised his voice. y/n simply nodded and walked away retreating to nicks room.
once nick and his brothers finished filming and cleaning up nick went up to his room to talk to y/n. nick had known that when he had basically blew off his boyfriend he was going to be upset. he felt bad but he had to stand his ground. nick knocked on the door to his bedroom. when he didn’t hear any kind of response he walked in anyways.
on his bed was his boyfriend curled up with blankets. “you don’t have to knock it’s your room.” y/n mumbled out “well i was just-“ nick starts but is soon cut off by his now grumpy boyfriend. “whatever. it doesn’t matter nick.” nicks calmness quickly turned to anger. “lose the attitude. i didn’t do anything.” nicks says with says with a clenched jaw. y/n just rolls over and gives nick a scowl and rolls back over. “alright that’s it.” nicks declares as he locks the door and marches over to were his boyfriend is lied down on the bed. nick effortlessly flips his boyfriend over and pins his wrist above his head.
“n-nick, what are you doing?” y/n asks as he isnt as confident in his smart comments as he was before. nick smiles at his boyfriend with pure amusement. “not so confident anymore are we? since you wanna act like a whiny brat im going to treat you like one.” y/n lets out a whiny whimper. “p-please.” y/n begs. “please what baby? what happened to all those smart comments? use your words i know you can.” “n-need you. p-p-please.”
nick looks at you sarcastic sad look. “awh baby. thats does look painful.” nicks says referring to your painfully still clothed dick. nick reaches for the waistband of your pajama pants and slowly pulls your pants down; inch my torturous inch. finally your pants your off and nick palms your dick through your boxers. this causes endless soft moans and whimpers to escape your lips. nick starts kissing your neck ever so gently. it was one purpose he was teasing you. and you were needy.
as he's leaving his dark purple and red marks on your neck. you start grinding your dick into nicks hand becoming more needy and whiny with every second that passes. he immediately pulls his hand away from your painfully hard erection. nick shakes his head and tsks. “ah ah ah patience pretty boy.” this causes you to let put a loud whine. wich nick shakes his head and laughs at.
he finally takes your shirt off discarding it somewhere in the room. he kisses up your torso until he gets to your neck and eventually your lips. he captures your lips in a dominating kiss. he rolls your bottom lip in between his teeth, catching you by suprise, letting him slip his tongue into your mouth exploring every inch.
nick takes off his own shirt throwing somewhere in the room with the other articles of clothing. he finally takes of your boxers off letting your hard dick dripping with pre-cum spring free. “aww my poor baby.” nick says with faux sarcasm. he starts to jerk you off ever so slowly. however even tho he was going slowly you were still close to an orgasm. “nick p-please i-i-im close. im gonna c-cum.” your cried out. just as you were about to cum he stops. this causes you to start crying out of frustration. “why’d you sto-“ “get on all fours.” nick demands as he cuts your off.
this took y/n by causing him to hesitate, wich made nick clench his jaw in anger. “y/n i swear to god if i have to repeat myself.” this was enough to cause y/n to get into positive in record time. almost as soon as you on all fours. nick slammed himself into you with no warning.
“oh fuck!” y/n groans out loudly. “shh we don’t want anyone hearing you get fucked like a little whore do we?” nick criticizes. nicks thrusts are hard and fast with no remorse. “f-fuck! n-nick i need to c-cum p-please.” you beg.
nicks laughs at your pathetic pleading. “you acted like a fucking brat in front of six million people earlier and you think your gonna get to come that easy? hold it pretty boy, i know you can.” this causes you to let out endless whimpers and whines of protest. “nick fuck!!”
right as your about to cum nick pulls out of you and flips you over on your back like you weigh nothing. theres tears threatening to fall on your water line wich nick takes notice of. “oh poor baby. crying because i wont let you cum.” nick coos with faux sympathy.
this only pushes you over the edge even more. your eyes are screwed shut trying not to cry. again with no warning nick slams into you. causes a loud moan to escape your lips. “FUCK!!” you scream. “quiet matt and chris are still home.” nick chastised. you felt your stomach start to tighten again. “n-n-nick please! i need to c-cum.” you babble and whine. “you know what fine. cum you little slut.” and you did hard. “o-oh fuck.” you whimpered.
both of you let out a low hiss as he slowly pulled out of you. nick went into his connected bathroom and grabbed a washcloth cleaning both of you guys up. plopping down next to you on the bed nicks phone dinged twice.
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nick thought this was hilarious. “y/n look!” after you read the messages you were utterly embarrassed. “fuck. im never showing my face around your brother again.” you groan, causing nick to laugh again.
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utopians · 11 months
I mean s1 was deffo better than s2 but why do you say that it wasn't good? /gen
mannn honestly it would take ages to enumerate all my problems with it but these are the main ones
just a massive, massive tone problem. this show just has no clue what it wants to be and it's bad as hell as a result. the wilderness scenes in this season had some of the darkest stuff of anything in the show (eating jackie + shauna miscarriage + shauna beating lottie) and having all that next to like... misty's quirky reddit boyfriend just absolutely defanged it. the show doesn't want to commit to being either a quirky mystery/comedy or a gritty survival horror and because of that it fails to effectively be anything at all
misty's reddit boyfriend in general just sucked so bad. like what was that
the escalation from 'we're hungry' to 'let's draw cards and murder whoever gets the wrong one' occurred over the span of ONE EPISODE. one SINGLE episode without ANY NEGOTIATION. literally not one single scene of the characters even TALKING about it before it happened. what a joke. what an absolute joke. they had an entire season to build to it how'd they fuck it up this bad
this is a problem I had with the first season as well but the survival threat feels so told and not shown. like we're told all these characters are Soooo Hungry but none of them are ever actually like. fatigued. or ill. or Dying. like how the fuck is coach ben still alive man. it just makes the escalation to killing people that much more abrupt and the whole situation seem so contrived when it doesn't actually feel like they're in danger
just in general the show like. refuses to let any of its characters feel anything at all. shauna straight up killed an innocent man that she was having an affair with last season and the extent of the emotional fallout of that act is her making quirky Oh Whoopsie comments about it. like that would be an insane traumatic thing to go through and you'd think it would be the kind of thing the show would want to explore. but no. not on amc's yellowjackets
on that same topic. shauna beating lottie had weirdly little emotional fallout. like ik they didn't like each other but shauna almost beat lottie to death with her hands and seemed just like. kind of sad and apologetic afterwards. like you'd think that such an act would have some sort of extreme ramifications for her relationship with the group and her own emotional state but nah
in the same vein: this season did adult taissa SO dirty. all the little plot threads that made her story difficult and compelling last season have completely been dropped -- her wife and son were literally written out like 4 episodes in and we don't see any of the emotional complexity of her leaving behind those relationships. additionally the last season ended with her being elected senator (sth that could cause a lot of conflict and drama bc of the increased responsibility on her shoulders + surveillance and scrutiny of her life) and it literally just. never comes up again? like her wife is in a coma and her son is just left fully parentless and she walks away from her job as a US STATE SENATOR and not only are there no consequences she also just literally does not seem to care. I feel like the writers just had no clue what they wanted to do with her and so they just gave her... nothing. no conflict no emotions just nothinggggg
okay they did give her one thing. they gave her an evil alter ego. which is mad corny imo. last season it was weird and ambiguous enough that I enjoyed it but this season it was just so literal and on the nose and I did not enjoy it One Bit
similar to the cards thing lottie deciding that they needed to kill one of them at the end was so damn abrupt and stupid. like literally so pointless and out of nowhere
natalie's death was so silly and contrived that it actually made me laugh
adult van is not butch enough ‼️‼️‼️‼️
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minnieves · 2 years
omg I need a gamer!beomgyu pt2 😩😩‼️‼️
pt. 1 and pt. 3
"what?" you asked. shocked at what he said. beomgyu has given suggestive comments here and there, but never this upfront. you looked at the screen with your mouth slightly parted.
"show me," he said smugly. he fixed his bangs a little since they're covering his line of view. he looked so challenging yet innocent looking with his head slightly tilted. his face in his hand. the camera is picking some of the prominent veins in that area.
"you're thinking of me, right?" he continued. "show me how good that version of me is."
"but what if i want you to guide me?" you asked.
"that beomgyu not enough?" he said mockingly. "remove your shorts."
you obliged at this. cautiously looking at your door to check if you've locked it completely.
"no panties?" he asked. his middle finger now toying with his lips.
"i was about to sleep."
"you're soaking the chair instead?"
"shut up!" you said embarrassed with his comment. you sat back down with your legs crossing over the other.
"spread those legs. put those hand rests to good use." he asked you.
and that you did. you've never done this before. your heart beat is going so fast that it's ringing in your ears. you looked at him, and he gave you a small nod as if urging you to go ahead.
"don't cover yourself." he told you. you can see that his other hand is rubbing his clothe groin.
"join me?" you asked. "i wanna see you too."
"you're that desperate for me?"
"you're staring at my pussy while rubbing yourself." you answered. "are you some type of pervert?" egging on him
you've learned early on that if you want beomgyu to do something, the easiest way to do it (other than asking him) is challenging him.
"weren't you the one who masturbated to the thought of me?" he asked, leaning back on his seat.
you put two of your fingers in your mouth. sucking on it to lubricate it. you twirl your tongue on the tips of your finger while looking straight at the camera. slowly you bring these fingers down to your lower lips. leaning back a little so that it's prodded more than your upper half. you spread your lips while looking at the monitor.
"fuck," he cussed with his eyes closing. he moved his seat backwards as he lowered his pants down to probably his ankles.
"pretty." you muttered, making him look at you. you took this opportunity to rub your clit, leading to a moan coming out of you. you started moving your hip in slow back-and-forth motions. using your legs as leverage and to keep you from falling down the chair.
"put two fingers in," he commanded. his thumb playing with the head of his cock before pumping it down a few times. he grabbed something from behind the computer. he squeezed some thick liquid on his cock.
"i'm wetter than that. you'd need a little more to make your fantasy of me better." you commented. making him squeeze more lube on his dick.
"put them in," he repeated himself.
you slid two of your fingers with ease. you're too horny to be tight. you moaned, which triggered him to do the same. your fingers mimicking the speed that he was doing.
"i can please you better," he said. bitting his lips, but failing to contain the noise he's making.
"then see me and please me," you challenged him. moaning at the thought of his fingers inside you. seeing his dick does wonders to your head. you want more of him. feel him. hear him. "i bet you'd feel so much better than my fingers."
"i am better," he said. "i'd fill you up better."
you rolled your eyes as you imagine him doing it. the image of beomgyu bending you while fucking you is making you feel nauseous. this together with his moans and him jacking of and getting off because of you feels too much.
"beommie," you panted.
"a little more baby," he told you.
you're trying to focus on trying not to cum. but you felt like you were in a haze because of what's happening.
"can't." you said sounding in pain. "please?", you pleaded.
"come for me."
you did. your body convulsing from the shock that even you didn't anticipate to receive. you closed your legs as you leaned forward. you moved your hand from inside you to your clit as you rub your orgasm out.
"oh god. that feels good." you said panting.
beomgyu on the other side of the screen is a groaning mess. he was probably trying to tone his moan down. however, when he did came, a loud mixed sounds erupted from him.
if you knew your name could sound so lovely. you could've seduced him earlier. you felt enticed to this look of him.
"hyung!?" a voice suddenly filled your ears from the other side. beomgyu looked at the door, dick still in hand. unmoving from shock. "hyung!" the other screamed again, only now it was of disgust.
you left the call in a hurry, not hearing the conversation of beomgyu and another guy.
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
Dating the Phantom Troupe SFW/NSFW HCs
warnings: group sex, breeding kink, scissoring, toy use, fem reader, creampie
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved @stygianoir @lightshowerrr @highbats69
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-You’re the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe, healing others with physical touch/affection. You were picked out by chrollo to be a medic of sorts due to your charitable work in meteor city
-you’re pretty pampered, once you get to know everyone they all fall for you pretty quick. the first was Shalnark. it was a puppy crush at first, but soon he was head over heels.
-it goes like this: first Shalnark falls for you, then it’s Chrollo, Machi, Nobunaga, Uvogin, Phinks, Pakunoda, Shizuku, then finally Feitan.
-Pakunoda and Chrollo are guilty of spoiling you way too much with gifts, while Shalnark and Uvogin pamper you with lots of attention and affection. Machi and Feitan struggle with opening up to you and confessing, while Shizuku and Phinks were pretty open with their feelings once asked. Nobunaga is overly affectionate and clingy 😭
-the relationship between you and the others is far from normal, bordering on yandere. they won’t keep you prisoner or force you into anything you dislike though, they’re just a bit possessive and protective. since they’re all good friends, they’re able to MOSTLY share you without any hiccups…
-though the two most possessive members(Machi and Nobunaga) get into fights with the others at times
-so, the troupe usually allow Chrollo to have you first.
He doesn't demand this, in fact he tries to insist on drawing straws, but the others respect him enough to let him have you first.
-Chrollo is very gentle with you, making love rather than fucking you. He usually prefers to have you away from the others in a separate room, but will fuck you in front of the others if he's feeling naughty
-everyone gets 30 mins a piece to make it a bit easier on your body(there's 8 of them after all) and all of them always end up cumming <3 some a bit quicker than others(cough Phinks and Shizuku cough)
-The rest draw straws/arm wrestle/or decide by little games who gets to go next.
-Uvogin almost always volunteers to go last because of how big he is. You need time to be stretched out and lubed up before you can take him
-Nobunaga is so quick to cum it’s almost pathetic. He feels bad and will keep going, but soon your thighs and tummy are just covered in his seed!
-Shalnark actually loves an audience!! He shows off how good he can make you feel with pride. Though the others get a bit jealous at his talent at making you cum over and over again
-usually, Shizuku, Pakunoda, and Machi prefer to share you amongst themselves. Lots of scissoring and toy use >< Machi is shy and usually won't join unless it's in private with just the four of you. Pakunoda definitely has a custom made strap she uses to fuck into you
-Phinks is super vocal and ends up cumming inside of you over and over. He can't help it, it's hard to pull out when you're giving him those eyes and whining like that…
-Feitan is surprisingly clingy during sex, wanting to be close. He's another one that prefers privacy due to being a bit shy preforming in front of others
-when uvogin finally gets his turn, you're so spent and wet that he nearly slides in without issue... but he can never truly fuck you without a bit of prep of his own. He'll fuck you with his big, thick fingers before thrusting in :3
-orgies with all the members don’t happen, most of them just aren’t attracted to each other/see each other as family
-though… a few of them fucking you at once is common place. you’re just too cute that some of them can’t take the wait and end up slipping into one of your other holes. if your uncomfy with anal, they’ll use your mouth or hands!
-some of the men are in a competition to see who can get you pregnant first(Shalnark, Uvogin, and Phinks) while the others are just happy with whatever happens(Chrollo) and Feitan… he doesn’t want a kid but can’t resist cumming inside very time so… if it happens it happens.
-they’ve all already agreed to let the father and you decide how the baby is raised(whether the two get into a serious relationship or they all raise the baby together)
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mymoodwriting · 3 months
currently in a tbz brainrot and m still waiting for that watch it fic hehehehe (missed seeing you here, plz get some rest!) ❤️‼️
Me too, I have too many ideas with them but not enough time or motivation and then I was sick so like UGH!!! But I am trying, I am working on Watch It still, and honestly need to see if I can get it out before the next comeback but oof, not been good about that too much >_< I shall give a little snippet to help with the wait...
“Hey… I… I was looking for someone… I need to get back to the dorm…”
“Juyeon.” Sangyeon sighed. “You were supposed to give her a laced glass of water.”
“I swear I thought I did.”
“Well clearly you didn’t.”
“Wa… what do you mean…” You nervously laughed. “I’m fine, and I’d really like to go-”
“I guess we get to keep her after all, Hyunjae.” Jacob commented. “Lucky us.”
“Grab her.”
Since Kevin was the closest to you he immediately grabbed your arm which caused you to act. You tried to run and free yourself from his grasp but his grip was tight. Then Younghoon came over and grabbed your other arm, the two of them keeping you from escaping.
“What are you doing! Let go!”
“We can’t do that.” Younghoon said. “Sorry.”
“What about the mission tonight?” Sunwoo asked. “Are we going to postpone?”
“No, it will proceed as intended.” Sangyeon stated. “Those bastards aren’t gonna get away with a stunt like that. And we also need to send a message.”
“Then what do we do about y/n?”
“We’ll keep her here until we get back. Put her in the cage for now.”
“What is that!?” You screamed. “Please, just… just let me go! I won’t tell anyone anything! I swear!”
“We should have made her drink more.” Chanhee said. “Things wouldn’t have gotten so complicated.”
I'm hoping to get a lot of writing stuff done this weekend, so wish me luck there!!!
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rinbowaman · 11 months
I just finished reading
AND OMG???? stop rae you didn't have to make such a bop 🤭🤭
Yeon-jin and sa-ra🤨🤨 I see what you're doing rae I see
And I love that fact that both of them do different sports it shows how different they are from each other like rugby and basketball? Two whole different things
"Were all that we have...just eachother....right after our mom had...." had what?🤨🤨
"Aren't you ganna introduce me?" NOOOO WE DONT LIKE YOU‼️‼️‼️ bet she will become one of our issues in the future, I can sense it
Heejeong's silver ash hair color and heeseung's jet black strands was enough to set the boys apart" pls heeseung's jet black hair looked so good on him omg 😫😫😫 like I died and was brought back to live bc of that hair 😔 and heejeong in silver???? Stop i cant😣
THE PICTURES YOU INSERTED???? you want me dead.
"Good girl...." goodbye, This person is official dead. How are you feeling after killing me rae?
"You thought it kind of him to treat to just as any brother would have towards their sister"
"If only you looked up fora moment and caught the boy's eye ravishing your face and body as he raised a brow in peaked interest" yes sister and brother 🤓
"Directly towards......you....." dead again.
THE VID???? pls rae stop i cant anymore😔😔
Also you were supposed to get this yesterday but I fell asleep halfway through so... here it is😔😔
okay, the way i laughed in reading this lol. Silky, my dear silky, you're killing me. I posted chapter 2 and 3 too, they're on the masterlist that's pinned on my home page ;)
so yes....i used the names of the buillies from The Glory, and these bitches are inspired by those girls. ;)
The boys with their own set of gifts for each sport...yoo...be prepared for some juicy content relating to their talents.
You'll see what that comment was about their mother in a much later chapter. But for now....i cannot spoil. shhhhh ;)
I love the black and silver hair, so that's why i made twin versions lol.
with the pictures, hehehehehe i'm soooo glad you liked them. but i dont want you dead! :( come back to meeeeee silky!
Okay, now heeseung with the whole hand under the table and his comments....like that already eluded alot of tension. but also (when you get to chapters 2 and 3) those smaus are giving off lots of tension too.
and the way they interact with you is just...*muah!* i love it. its kind of dangerous, forbidden, secretive, but ooooh so sexy.
and no worries my fine Silky, enjoy yourself and catch up. I finsihed part 1 of Aftermath yesterday as well, alot of my content got erased so i have to retype the final chapter of SE7EN so while i'm working on that, i'm pushing out the new series chapters since i have the base line for each one. ;)
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