Love how the umbrellas fight Lila and finally realize there are others out there with powers like them like three hours before they go home and find six more superpowered people living in their house. Part of being a Hargreeves is getting Zero time to process shit.
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maddascanbe-blog · 5 months
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Finally! I will say now that the class girls will likely take a long time as well.
Kagami's first and second looks here are meant to be her pre and post character development outfits.
Buckle in, this is a long (haha) one
Kagami in cannon is clearly designsed to resemble Marinette in a lot of ways, both are of Asian decent and have blue-ish hair and blue eyes. Both have freckles and even their suits share a very similar color pallet. At least Luka was different from Adrien in more than personality.
I didn't want that for my Kagami. I wanted her too look like more than a Marinette clone. So she gets to keep her freckles since my Marinette doesn't have any. Her hair is a darker color instead of a blue, and her eyes take on a stormy grey color. And of course their body types are different, namely Kagami is both taller and ripped.
Ryuko's hair is more blue since I gave the miraculous blue, white, and gold accent to match the weather pattern on her chest. Her hair get's shorter, pinned back and is a bit more wild. It's probably got some static. Little horns and some armor to keep her extra safe as well as further resembling scales. Her suit is closer to an orange shade than Ladybug's cool red. I almost switched her to blue since I agree with the sentiment that the dragon should have been blue. But red looked good too.
I don't particularly like any of the akuma designs for Kagami. I like Oni-Chan in concept at least (hate the name) so I decided to combine that with Riposte to create her initial design. Than she gets a pallet swap and a few thorny details to represent the rose. And Bara-Oni, literally just 'Rose Demon' I ain't creative, when Lila pulls her stunt.
Kagami's personality is very similar to cannon, however her character still has some pretty harsh changes. Kagami has come to realse through Adrien and Marinette's friendship that she isn't very happy with her life. Her mother is trying to live through her, forcing Kagami to participate in fencing and putting pressure on her to perform perfectly in every aspect of life.
This comes to a head when she is given Longg. While sitting in the akumatized mech her mother became, all because she had the audacity to make friends, she actually waits long (haha) enough for Longg to explain the miraculous. When Long explains the weapon he points out that she must be thrilled to have a sword. At which point Kagami was an emotional breakdown and sobs that she doesn't even like sword fighting. That she would rather learn hand to hand combat and that she's wanted to switch for years but her mother refused to hear it.
Longg says her can change her weapon to better suit her, and she get's armor and the abilitly to summon gauntlets when her power activates.
After having this break she and Adrien sit down and try and find ways for Kagami to feel more like an individual without being disowned at 16. Cutting/dyeing your hair and getting a Tattoo are two of the results, and since Kagami already has short hair and doens't really want to go shorter she gets the tattoo instead. Subtly referencing her time as Ryuko in blue (her favorite color). And of course her mother is blind and doesn't know
Is it kind of shitty to abuse your mother's disability to use her money and get a tattoo? Maybe. But that's what you get for mentally and emotionally warping your duaghter to the point where she lies about her favorite color to please you. She, Adrien, and Chloe are in the "Our mom's suck" club together. Chloe will be collecting her for new wardrobe shopping.
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anxresi · 21 days
So, it turns out Chloe IS going to return for S6... this hot off the press from her voice actor... (actually from back in Jan, but who's counting?)
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...So why, my dears, couldn't I give a damn?
Probably because, as arguably the writers had no idea what to do with her in S4 and S5 other than strip her of all personality, agency & likability, what's the point in her still remaining?
*She's not going to be a hero again, Manbaby Astruc has made this PERFECTLY clear thankyouverymuch. IMHO, she's far more useful as a tool for him to take out his warped misogynist humiliations on, apparently. Why he doesn't just buy himself a blonde mannequin, call it 'Chloe' then beat it with a wooden stick whilst shouting various profanities within the privacy of his own bedroom, IDK. Maybe it's good therapy for him to expose his weird hang-ups in front of a mass audience? Hey, if it works for him... good for you, buddy! I just wish the rest of us didn't have to suffer to aid his treatment.
*As a villain, Chloe's threat level is arguably less than 0%. She is now written to be dumb as a post, no-one trusts or likes her and everything she says and does seems more cartoonishly infantile with every tortuous appearance since S3. The ONLY time she posed any vague threat is during her massively overhyped team-up with Lila where basically she was little more than a pawn to the Mary Sue Of All Lying B*tches... and those two episodes where she took over Paris as Mayor with a bunch of robots were undebately the most stupid ones of S5. Which if you've seen the competition, you KNOW that's some achievement.
*My prediction is: They're gonna rehash the same tiresome schik we saw before she got on that plane at the end of S5... perhaps they'll give us a one episode Hope Spot upon her unexpected arrival back where it looks like she's changed after attending a 'tough school' in New York/London but OH MY WORD WHAT A SURPRISE it turns out to all have been a ruse to become Queen Bee again. YAWN. She'll move straight back into her old room... Andre and Audrey will reconnect... and it'll be like nothing ever happened. In case you hadn't noticed, this show handles plot continuity or character development about as well as Marinette keeps her distance from her crushes.
*'But where does that leave Zoe?' You might ask, to which I can only respond with a succinct 'If you had the Hubble Space Telescope on full power, you still wouldn't be able to locate how little I care about that particular subject.' Maybe she'll carry on as Vesperia. Maybe she'll get a girlfriend. Maybe she'll do something halfway interesting, and give the viewership a heart attack out of sheer shock value alone. It doesn't matter to me one jot... less because I curse the ground this insipid plot device masquerading as a serious character walks on, but simply because I have no faith in the utterly abysmal writing this show has displayed for years and years now. Chloe could take over the lead role in a SHOCKING twist, they could change the name to Miraculous Queen and I STlLL wouldn't give it a second glance. The fish rots from the head-up, guys.
(Okay, so that's a bit of a lie. I would probably sneak a peek at ONE episode out of sheer curiosity, but you and I both know with HIM in charge the standard won't improve one iota. Plus, it isn't gonna happen anyway... so why am I tying myself in knots speculating about an impossible scenario?)
Anyway, I've nattered on for too long. I'll just leave you by answering Selah's somewhat disingenuous last question there about 'your favorite Chloe line of season 5'.
This implies we were watching 'Chloe'. As far as I was concerned, we weren't. Not the Chloe I fangirled for in the very beginning and got me involved in the show in the first place because I could relate so much. Not the Chloe who got so many other fans emotionally invested in her personal and familial struggles, before her character was comprehensively trashed by a ruinous creator with a grudge.
So in answer to your question Ms Victor, none. Because it simply wasn't Chloe.
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[ID: 11 doodles of Umbrella Academy characters in a style imitating the webcomic Paranatural. Allison, Luther, Diego, Klaus, Viktor, and Lila are drawn as kids, approximately 12 yrs old. Ben is a similarly aged ghost. Hazel, Cha Cha, and the Handler are present as well, all looking vaguely villainous. Five is drawn to be maybe in his twenties. All of them have colorful smoke rising from them indicating the powers from Paranatural, except for Viktor and Lila, for whom the smoke is white. End ID.]
Look, a Paranatural au! I wish I had been hit by this muse in time for Masked Author/Artist, but alas it was not to be. If you've read Paranatural is you can probably guess.... basically everything there is to know about this au. If you haven't read Parantural, you should!! It's a wild ride! But also I rambled for a super long time about it under the cut
Everyone has cool spirit powers and can see the dead, so Klaus isn't special sorry Klaus. I'm making up for it by making him directly possessed by a spirit that gives him superpowers, instead of everyone else who has to use a possessed object to get superpowers. I didn't put a ton of thought into what Cool Accessory (possessed object) to give the kids so I could change that later, but for now Allison has a megaphone, Diego has a yo-yo, Viktor has his violin, and Luther doesn't have anything because his dad thinks he needs to learn to control spirit energy on his own. Klaus doesn't have any either because he's possessed directly. I adjusted the rules of Parantural slightly because [Paranatural spoilers!!] in the comic someone with white energy can connect with spirits whose energy is any color. Viktor's should absolutely be white by show rules, but that power set suits Lila a lot better. So in this au, the rules are adjusted so that white can only connect with white, and Lila's is actually colorless (IE, it only looks white now because the background is white). She can't bond with any one spirit for long, but she can bond with any of them for a short time.
Hazel, Cha Cha, Five kind of, and the Handler are all members of a version of Paranatural's Consortium, which I'm just going to call the Commission again because why not. As you may be able to guess, it's slightly more villainous in this au than the Consortium. I wanted AJ to be a high ranking member, but if I made him the Handler's spirit then we wouldn't get to see him ever, so I made him Five's. This was before I remembered that people possessed by spirits look more and more like their spirit over time so the fish head thing could still totally work, so I might revisit that. Hazel and Cha Cha's spirits look like thier masks, of course. I didn't spend much time on the mask/spirit redesign so they're not as fun and funky as I'd like, but they're still reasonable stand-ins. The Handler is this version of the Boss Leader because.... duh. If you've been keeping up with Parantural and are wondering about how That One Thing About Boss Leader translates... I haven't decided yet.
Five is the Mr. Spender of this au. He is possibly the least Mr. Spender-like character to ever exist, but look me in the eyes and tell me that acting as the teacher-supervisor of a club of unruly kids that can see ghosts who is secretly part of a nefarious (?) organization is not where he belongs.
I have a few more doodles of this waiting in the wings! Mostly of Five because I love him. But also if you have stuff you want to see, send it in. No promises I'll draw your suggestion, but the main obstacle between me and drawing more of this is not having concrete ideas for situations to put characters in
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MAJOR Revelation & Collusion salt/vent incoming:
Look, I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding something here, but I really dislike these episodes.
Why? To me, it seems like that guy is using Gabriel (the main villain and known terrorist of Miraculous) as the main "mouthpiece" for the fans who have the gall to take up for Chloe or call out her bad character portrayal (“You have a wonderful life, power, wife and a daughter”).
It also feels like the exact same thing when it came to Lila in Revelation, using the whole “Chloe is capable of change” speech for her own advantage, similar to what she tried to do with Marinette in Chameleon with the whole "friendship and not fighting over a boy" speech. It’s like he’s using them both as mouthpieces to represent the fans who still think Chloe can change or has potential.
So basically he's saying "Only psychopaths think that. You should listen to Marinette when she says Chloe is incapable of change because she’s the protagonist, and you shouldn’t listen to Lila and Gabriel when they say that Chloe can change because they’re the antagonists!”.
It’s really frustrating because any other time, we are made to feel sorry for Gabriel despite everything that he’s done, now we shouldn’t listen to him??? This is really disappointing to think about because he’s ruining Marinette's character this way. I still like Marinette and I really do think she deserves better, but I’m starting to see why people are starting to dislike her. She's becoming ANOTHER Thomas self-insert (on top of the MANY he already has in the series). The guy loves himself TOO much, don't you think?
I'm going to be completely honest here. As a Marinette fan, I still think the way SOME critics go about describing/criticizing/disliking Marinette and her character isn���t necessarily correct, but I must say that it’s still understandable. This guy is basically making her into his own personal mouthpiece, making S5 Marinette’s portrayal the worst as it has ever been 😓
Which is really a letdown because I love Marinette. It’s Chloe’s “Darnation arc” all over again. He’s ruining characters and development just to push his own morals and fill his own ego to the brim and it’s a shame.
And before anyone says:
“Geez! I swear to god people act like they know Chloe more than her own creator!” 🙄
Maybe your right, but MAYBE it wouldn’t of turned out that way if the show wasn’t so inconsistent and contradicting all the time! This is another reason why I think people have so much animosity towards characters like Andre, because the story portrays him as the victim “this entire time” who only got into politics to please his father and Audrey, pretending that he was never a corrupt politician on his own free will. It’s questionable because…he made his own bed. He choose the life that he has now, to have a child with a despicable woman, choose to spoil Chloe rotten, not to discipline her when she was being rotten to other people, and choose to not be there for her for emotional support.
I’m not saying that Chloe bares no blame at all, but it’s not ENTIRELY her fault just because “she’s her own person”. There is such things as bad parents & bad role models 🙄 You don’t have the right to give up on your daughter, saying things like “you have a terrible/cruel daughter” or “you tried everything in your power to help” when all you really did from the beginning was enable her, let her make everyone’s lives miserable and not be there for her like your should have. Yeah, she’s horrible, but at least she has the excuse that she’s a child. Your not only a grown man, but her father.
This goes for other figures in her life also (Audrey, Bustier, her butler, heck, even Ladybug to a degree). People are right, not everybody is responsible for holding her hand through redemption/reformation (and I agree) and to coddle her every time she does something wrong, but to say that “they’ve tried everything/their best”…just isn’t true. It’s more of an excuse to give up on her. Then JUST SAY THAT instead of trying to convince everybody that you did everything that you could.
Enabling =/= Helping.
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air--so--sweet · 7 days
@miss-galaxy-turtle suggested that that the person we see with the inverted Umbrella tattoo is Viktor, not Klaus as a lot of us assumed, since Viktor being the only sibling with a tattoo is the oppposite of the original tineline where he was the only one without an umbrella tattoo. I've been thinking about this theory so much since. Especially as the teaser poster says 'Viktor taken'.
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In the teaser trailer we see Viktor speaking to Reggie in a diner, a scene I saw someone (I forget who I'm sorry!), point out is a parallel to the scene of Viktor and Marcus in season 3 (though thankfully this time there are no terrible wigs involved).
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In the scene with Marcus, Viktor tells him that his team is good but not as good as Viktor's and that he ended the world twice. Based on this, Marcus assumes Viktor is Number One and is surprised to find out that he's actually Number Seven.
In what we see of the scene with Reginald in season 4, he says that the siblings bicker all the time and Viktor agrees and says they drive each other crazy but they're there for him when things go to hell. It sounds like he's explaining why he cares about them and why they're in his life.
The teaser trailer opens with the quote from season 1 when Reginald introduces the inaugral class of the Umbrella Academy. He excluded Viktor from that 'class' and tried to control him by making him think he was ordinary and having him take sedatives his entire life. He also made sure his siblings thought less of him so that they would exclude him too. All of which eventually resulted in Viktor causing the apocalypse that Reggie was trying to prevent.
He then, displeased with his children when he meets them in the '60s, chooses to adopt different children instead and forms the Sparrow Academy. They are better trained (their training seems to focus more on honing their abilities rather than manipulating them emotionally to allow better control of them as he did with the Umbrellas) and they are a more successful superhero team but he ends up drugged and controlled by them.
What if, in this new universe Reginald tries to train a team of super heroes again. He tries to learn from his previous failed attempts and so decides to do certain things differently. One of which is, instead of preventing Viktor from using his powers, he decides to train him so he can reach his full potential as the most powerful Umbrella and can lead the team as Number One. Maybe in the the scene at the diner Reginald is telling Viktor he can be Number One, but it means leaving behind his family. Viktor says no and that is why we see Reginsld questioning their relationship in the teaser trailer. It also further fits the idea of the scene being a parallel of the scene in season 3, Marcus thought Viktor should be Number One, Reginald is telling him that he can be Number One.
Then, when Viktor disagrees he is taken against his will by Reginald, which is where the inverted Umbrella tattoo comes in.
I've already talked about what I perceived as signs in the teaser trailer that made me think that Claire, and Lila and Diego's daughter will be taken. And we know from the teaser that the Umbrellas go on a reacue mission but not who they're rescuing. We see Viktor in the van as part of the rescue party. So I think either Viktor escapes (having been tattooed before the eacape), let's his siblings know that Reginald has the kids because he's creating a new, new academy and the rescue mission is to rescue them. Or since the subway system seems to allow travel between timelines (based on the shot of Lila and Five in the apocalypse, something thst doesn't happen in the timeline they're in) Reggie uses that to take another version of Viktor, maybe Viktor as a child, since he can mould him to be the Number One he wants, and they're trying to rescue that Viktor. Or Reggie takes Viktor, to try and understand his plans, Five and Lila use the subway system to cross timelines and find an alternate Viktor who is Number One, either because he took the deal offered in the diner or through some other alternate dimension means and that is who has the inverted Umbrella tattoo, and is who we see in the van with the other umbrellas because he agrees to help them rescue their Viktor.
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Let's say you have complete creative control.
How would you write a Marinette (non-Akuma/Amok) corruption arc?
If I had complete creative control, I wouldn't do a corruption arc for Marinette, I'd do one for Gabriel. But I'm assuming you want me to pretend I would do one for Marinette, so I will because why not? How I'd do it would depend heavily on when the writing team gave up and shoved the story into my hands. For the purposes of this hypothetical, I'm going to have to lean into the bad writing, so read on at your own risk.
Current state: as of the end of season five, Marinette seemingly knows that Adrien is a sentimonster. Marinette also has anxiety issues and there's a new butterfly villain on the loose whose knowledge regarding Adrien and connection to Gabriel are unknown. We also have Felix's previous less-than-heroic actions and Nathalie's status as Gabriel's former right hand lady. With all these less-than-awesome people out there, fully aware of Adrien's vulnerability, we have a pretty fantastic setup for an arc where Marinette gets ever more paranoid and controlling in the name of keeping Adrien safe from this new villain. Basically have her spiral into Gabriel 2.0 where her love for Adrien is used to justify terrible things. Not a setup I'd want to watch, but it does fit the show's treatment of The Power of Love so, you know, do with that what you will.
Season three up to near the end of season five: Something to do with Lila making Marinette lose all faith in her friends because, if you're going to write them as terrible friends, you may as well own it. Have Marinette feel like she's sacrificing everything for people who treat her like a villain or a child in spite of all she does, so she decides why bother to be the good guy? Why make all these sacrifices when it never works out for her? I'd probably have her stop showing up to fights like Chat Noir did in Kuro Neko, only if Ladybug did that it would be a much bigger deal. You could even have her full out quit and give Chat Noir her miraculous and the miracle box as a bit of a "fine, you do it and see if you can do it better" thing. Basically anything that lets her go fully selfish due to pressure and poor treatment since it's really not fair that Adrien's the only one who's allowed to miss battles and give up his miraculous when he doesn't feel appreciated.
A variation on this could be quitting because of something like her friends are putting too much pressure on her re:Adrien combined with the show's love of never letting her make the right call when it really matters, so she snaps from all this pressure on every side.
Pre season three: I don't think there's really a great lead up to a corruption in the earlier seasons. Things were pretty great back then. Idk, maybe have her snap from frustration with Chat Noir never taking things seriously, so she starts mimicking him, leading to people getting hurt? (Reminder, I think this is a writing issue when it comes to Chat Noir, but it's there and I said we were going to lean into canon's bad writing for this so here we are.)
And there you go! My takes on evil!Marinette. As I said at the start, I'm not interested in writing any of these. While I do think canon has the setup for them, they rely too heavily on things canon should never have done. Things that don't fit my image of Marinette's core character.
I'm also not big on corruption arcs for heroes. For me, they fall under the same category as the broken partnership/team trope: interesting concept, but one that's rarely executed in a satisfying way. They also tend to be too depressing and/or tragic for my tastes.
My two major hobbies are writing/reading fiction and studying world history/cultures. World history isn't all doom and gloom, but there's a lot of harsh, tragic, and sad things to be found in the past. As such, I've never really enjoyed fictional stories with a hopeless feeling to them. I turn to fictional worlds to escape reality. To go to places full of satisfying endings that are, at worst, bittersweet. If I'm reading a tragedy, I want something that's all or mostly historical fact. Not a matter of judgment, just one of personal preference.
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theerurishipper · 9 months
How would you like to see Adrien learn the truth? What would the consequences be?
I honestly haven't thought about it. I think ideally that Marinette and/or everyone else who is hiding the secret should come clean to him. If it does end up happening, it should be in a way that prioritizes Adrien's perspective first and foremost. So none of this "Marinette having a breakdown about having to keep this a secret and Adrien finding out this way" business (cough cough Strikeback) that this show loves to pull. That would place more focus on Marinette's pain than Adrien's valid hurt, because Adrien would once again put aside his own feelings to comfort her. Marinette should be telling Adrien because she's realized that she shouldn't keep secrets like this from him and that she should respect his autonomy, and she should make that choice with thought and care, not because she's having a breakdown about it and just blurts it out without thinking because she can't take it anymore.
Marinette has the tendency to think she knows best and to make things about herself (not in a malicious way, it doesn't make her a bad person). Like when she confessed to her mistakes in Strikeback, it was less because she was apologizing to Chat Noir and more that she was berating herself. The same thing happened in Kuro Neko, where she was more focused on her failure as Guardian than Chat Noir. And like in Illusion, when Gabriel pulled Adrien out of school and Marinette's first thought was about how she is a curse for Adrien and that she should stay away from him rather than about Adrien himself (again I want to make it clear that this doesn't make her a bad person, it's a realistic flaw). And I don't want any of that here. She and the narrative should focus on Adrien first and foremost. That would be the character development that she needs, to learn to listen to the people around her, and maybe this time it will stick.
I don't want any of this "Lila tells Adrien" business either even though I know that if the show does deal with this, the Lila thing is how it will go down because it would make Adrien's problems all about Marinette once more. And I don't want Adrien's right as a human being to be just another part of the Lila-Marinette feud that is used to cause conflict between them. If Adrien finds out, the focus should be on him.
As for the consequences, I've said before that I think Marinette and Adrien should break up, and I still stand by that. Canon has proved that Marinette and Adrien can't heal and grow if they are around each other. Marinette will just continue making decisions for him because she wants to protect him, and Adrien will just continue to forgive her over and over because he puts his feelings last. I think that growth for Adrien would be to realize that he doesn't need to accept poor treatment from anyone, even if they love him, and that his feelings of hurt matter and deserve to be validated. I think that him wanting space from Marinette and everyone else in his life who lied to him and not forgiving them instantly would be the best way for him to regain control of his agency. Because what they are doing to him honestly isn't something that can be forgiven immediately, not without losing so much trust in them. And their actions are actively preventing Adrien from healing, and I think he needs to leave so that he can heal before he tries to rebuild and heal his relationships. And this is also time which Marinette can spend healing from her traumas so that she and Adrien can mend their relationship.
That's what I think, anyway. In terms of plot, my ideal Season 6 would have Adrien go back in time, beat Gabriel's ass, use his powers of destruction to sever the link between him and his amok thereby making him a real boy, and smashing the Peacock Miraculous to bits. But that's just wishful thinking. The other thing I'm thinking is that it doesn't matter what happens after, because Adrien's arc was ruined the moment he was denied the opportunity to face Gabriel, and that I think it's bad writing that his arc about breaking free of an abusive father is reduced to being a conflict between him and his girlfriend, because Adrien doesn't get to have anything that doesn't involve Marinette in some shape or form, because he doesn't exist as his own character so much as he exists to meet Marinette's needs.
Anyway, I hope that answers your question anon. Thank you for your ask!
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goggles-mcgee · 6 months
What killed the show for you?
A lot, actually. But it wasn't all at once. It was like slowly creeping in, and then the rest hit me in the face with a loud, resounding BAM.
It started off with noticing how Marinette was being treated. Like I said before, she was being punished for basically everything she did. She could sneeze at the wrong moment and the show would 'punish' her for that behavior and basically show everyone that by sneezing she ruined the ambiance of whatever was going on.
She had to apologize for things that weren't her fault but it was painted out like she was.
Made her crush/love for Adrien seem super creepy as opposed to his love for Ladybug.
Marinette has basically only been allowed temporary happiness. She had to see a future when the world ended all because she wanted to do something for Adrien and 'abused' her power as Ladybug... if that were an actual rule you would think that Gabriel would have been slapped in the face down into a grave with how he used his Miraculous.
From there is got worse, then other characters started to get terrible writing when Lila arrived. She was an interesting antagonist, but like they hammed her up so much. She would be on screen and the writing for the surrounding characters got worse. It was odd and it didn't make watching enjoyable anymore. It was frustrating! Like you mean to tell me no one else caught on to her ridiculous lies besides Marinette and Marinette only knows because of her creepy crush making her stalk Adrien? Wack.
And like the whole class fell for it? Nah, there would be some who don't, and the fact they decided no, everyone will believe her except Marinette is lazy and ridiculous. Maybe if her lies were more believable I'd tolerate it but from that point on the show just frustrated me.
There was nothing to look forward to despite me desperately clutching at the show and begging it to catch my attention and affection once more.
There's also the fact that the show has like no to little continuity. Even shows meant for younger audiences have SOME. And I know because my nephew watches so many shows, he is currently 5, so I think you can guess the kind of shows he watches. Even they have some levels of continuity and it make sense!
ML doesn't have that or didn't before I stopped watching.
They have a romance they are desperately trying to sell as true love.
They have a villain they tried to get you to see has doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.
A villain they also tried to sell loved his son but it couldn't be more obvious that he doesn't.
They have the notion of friendship concurs all, but it's not really sticking, much like undercooked pasta to a wall.
And other reasons.
But hey, these are my reasons, and I am in no way saying other fans should stop watching. If they can still find things about the show enjoyable, then I'm happy for them! I hope they have a great time following the show as it continues.
It's just not for me anymore.
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underwaterbanshee · 7 months
I love your post about Tula, I just finished the latest ep of burrows end and I am SCROUNGING for theories.
What do you think she was ‘fundamentally lying’ about?? I’ve seen a couple posts floating around:
- one was how maybe Geoffrey could’ve been a bad husband and Tula didn’t save him because of it (maybe killed him?)
- Another was, maybe the Blue (radiation?) is killing her to use it?
- Another good one, was maybe Tula isn’t their (Jaysohn and Lila’s) bio mother.
I don’t have a very good or original educational guess, but I don’t think she killed Geoffrey. I do think she knows what did, and she’s lying so her children aren’t vengeful. She doesn’t want her children chasing power, to avenge their dad, or getting caught up in what he was deeply in.
I think it’s been said before, but in some of Geoffrey’s art he has a little grass belt, and the only other stoats we’ve seen have tools/clothes, was in Last Bast. (I can see the connection there, but we’ve also seen Viola have ‘accessories’, so it could just be a red herring.)
I think maybe Tula knows more about Last Bast (or humans) than she lets on, possibly from Geoffrey (if the grass belt is a connection.) I think Geoffrey saw something, or knew something in Last Bast, and ran. Eventually, he found the red Warren, fell in love, and started a family.
Now with an invested interest to keep his family safe, he’s using what he learned in Last Bast in the Red Warren, which somehow got him killed. (By a human? Maybe? The humans that saw Thorn seemed more interested than expressing a want to kill him - maybe humans want to test the stoats for radiation sickness, or something like that?) it’s giving watership down meets Chernobyl, the natural world clashing with human disasters.
Just some thoughts! I feel like there’s so many clues and pieces on the board, but no lines connecting them. There’s an allegory that I’m not catching, and it’s driving me NUTS.
What do you make of this? :)
(sorry for the long ask! Just excited!)
omg this is my very first ask and I'm trying to be normal about it
So, it's been a few days and I've been going over this in my head and here are my conclusions to your lovely, lovely ask <3
The lie is probably something incredibly mundane.
Adults lie to children all the time. Lila is going through what every child goes through as they become a teenager--she's starting to see the cracks between reality, truth, and the fictions adults use to process an unfair world.
I think it is entirely possible that when the lie is revealed, an adult audience might go, "Oh, that's not a big a deal," while Lila overreacts with betrayal.
It's entirely possible Geoffrey is from Last Bast.
The only thing I'm basing this on, besides character art, is that Tula is based on Mrs. Brisby from Secret of NIMH and Last Bast is giving me Rats of NIMH vibes, not secret authoritarian cult vibes (which is an entirely different post that I'll probably never write). I mean, the Rats had magic and electricity.
Also, Brian might be analogous to Jenner, the power hungry Rat, the First Stoats might be like Nicodemus, just like Bennett is probably Justin.
Did I want Bennett to be a fuckable version of Justin for Tula? Yes. But that's only because my childself wanted Justin and Mrs. Brisby to end up together. Baby Banshee didn't understand why that wouldn't work. She wanted love to win.
Based on how much the Red Warren Family popped off against Last Bast during this episode, I don't know if there will be more Secret of NIMH elements playing out. It's possible Tula could bring up Geoffrey and get confirmation on that but I don't think it's important to our stouts anymore.
But wouldn't it be interesting if Tula knew about Last Bast before they arrived? Didn't someone say something about lies of omission?
Mrs. Brisby's character arc is about having enough courage to move her family while her son has pneumonia. She confronts an owl, a cat, and a power hungry rat who deliberately puts moving the mouse family's home in jeopardy, in order to keep her family safe.
During most of the story, her children are in the dark about what she's doing to keep them alive and protect their future.
What an amazing archetype as Tula's touchstone.
One of the great things about the d20 campaigns is not only the mashup but how the players resolve the mashup after making a mess. I might be seeing lots of NIMH being laid down, now that the Watership Down portion is somewhat resolved but I'm prepared to be totally wrong as maybe our vicious varmints take us in a new direction.
Like I said--obsessed with Tula =^_^=
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anticanonsposts · 6 months
Lunar Embrace-Chapter 2
cw: fem pronouns used, allusions to nsfw themes kind of, spooky?
Waking up, y/n felt so giddy because she had finally thought of something nice she could do for König that would hopefully win his affections, or at the very least keep his attention. The idea came to her in the middle of the night, some light from outside had stirred her from her sleep. She had looked outside to see a nearly full moon beaming down at her. She decided she would put together a goodie basket to bring to his home in the woods. So, she spent all day baking sweets, bread, grabbing a few preserves off her shelf, honey, and of course her home illness/injury remedies. All while she was packing everything up she kept going back and forth in her mind on whether or not this was a good idea. 
‘Maybe he lives all the way out there because he does not like visitors? Maybe he wouldn’t be home? Maybe he would even laugh in her face, and his never-seen-before wife would answer the door with him?’ She shook her head at that last thought, because if she didn’t do this, she would never know for sure. Worst case, she gets a bit embarrassed and only has to see this man once a week and can move her booth away from him during market days. But best case….she might be able to feel and see what those hands looked like in more intimate settings. She would also love to get to know him better, given that he was pretty reserved. The pair would also be quite the power duo, both of them having very useful skill sets/trades. 
Finally, she was done packing the goodies for him, and the bag she would bring with food for her to eat on the journey. It was only about 5 miles, but some of the terrain would get rough, based on what she had read on maps. She knew there were thick woods, some hills, and some scattered large rocks in the area. Nothing one of her two horses couldn’t manage. Not her horses necessarily, more so her neighbor’s who she occasionally rode in exchange for goods. 
By the time she was done packing and getting home from asking her said neighbor if tomorrow would be fine. It was nearing 5:00 which meant it was getting dark. So she had dinner, read a bit of a book, and went to bed. So that she would be well rested for the next day. 
Waking up at 5am, she promptly got out of bed to get ready for the day. She wanted to start early so that she might be back home before dark. At the very least not be out for too long while it was dark. Growing up, she was told so many stories of the different monsters and beasts that lurked outdoors at nighttime. Most of them were childish and purely to keep children inside, listening to their parents. But even she had to admit some of the stories had a similar biting fear now as they did when she was small. 
Over the next hour she bargained with her neighbor to lend one of his frisian horses, his dark brown one named Lila to be exact. As well as packed her bags onto her, and saddled up for the journey. After double checking that her front door was locked, she mounted Lila and was on her way. 
It was about 5-6 miles to where König lived, or at least she was pretty sure since she had never actually been there. She figured she would arrive around 12pm, which would give her enough time to chat (and hopefully woo him), and get back on Lila and make it home before it got too dark. 
The ride went smoothly enough, until she got about what she figured to be 1 mile from König’s cabin. Then very dark storm clouds started to roll in and Lila got increasingly more and more agitated. As she got closer she also started to notice the pines around her had strange scratches on them, too high up to be from bears she thought. She also knew there weren’t that many bears around, especially during the winter. But maybe there were a few that were sick and thus awake when they should be hibernating. In the snow as well, lay strange footprints, but she chopped this up to the animal’s print being warped by the snow. 
After what could not have been more than 500 feet Lila starts huffing and neighing more and more. Then before she knows it, y/n is falling backwards as Lila rears up, all of her bags falling with her. Before she could even process what was happening, Lila takes off in a fast canter towards home. 
‘Well this is great’, y/n says out loud to herself, as she gathers all of her packages. 
Then on an almost comical cue, those dark clouds start to precipitate. Big, icy, cold drops start falling on y/n as she more or less runs in the direction of where she thinks the cabin is. After about 20 minutes she starts to give up hope, accepting the fact that she will simply melt away in the rain and never make it to her destination. But then she sees a faint light in the distance, so she barrels even faster toward it. 
Now, walking up to the cabin she realizes how large it is compared to her home. Not in the sense that it looks like it has more bedrooms. But, that it was clearly built for a taller, bigger person. ‘Well ok,’ she thought. ‘I guess I’m in the right place.’ 
Now being confronted with having to actually knock on his front door, she wanted to call it quits and go home. Of course she reminded herself that her transportation had fled and the storm was still raging. Taking one more deep breath, she knocked as loudly as she could on the great wooden door.
I'm just teasing atp <3, chapter 3 is being written!!
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annahi-red · 9 months
Could there be a balance of powers between ladynoir in season six? I think so, but I know that the writers won't do it because they don't know how to do their job and the fandom does the job a thousand times better with fanfics.
Going back to balance. There was never a balance as such between them. On s1, Ladybug did most of the work and Chat rarely did anything noticeable.
With Fu making an appearance, the chances of Chat showing off a bit are totally diminished, because the writers decided to bring in the WORST teacher, well, mediocre attempt at teacher. They tried to make Fu look like he was wise or whatever, but he does a lousy job and the best thing he could do was get off the show.
A teacher must guide those he trains and give them the same treatment and importance, especially if he says that his two students have the same balance of power. Fu favors Marinette and doesn't get close to Adrien until he is forced. If this weren't bad, he is such a bad teacher, that he leaves a terrible legacy for Marintte, Fu literally made Marinette follow his terrible footsteps in s4.
But I still think there can be a balance if the writers remember that Chat is not just a punching bag.
And this is where Cerise comes in, but let's call it Lila.
As we know, the only limit that the miraculous have is the holder and as we also know, Lila is a thousand times more intelligent than Gabriel.
We also know that Ladybug is essential for battles, because she is the only one that can purify akumas. (Pretty dumb idea if you ask me. Why can only ONE miraculous clear the akumas? What if the ladybug's miraculous is missing while the butterfly's one is owned by someone bad? or the ladybug's is owned by the same person who the butterfly? It does NOT make sense. Even so, it has been shown in chat blanc that akumas can be destroyed with cataclysm, but only before the akuma gets its victim, although this is forgotten and will never be used again). And Chat can be replaced by ten temporary heroes without problems.
but what if we make both ladybug and chat so important that they are the only ones with the power to clear the akumas?
Maybe Lila can develop her powers so that the ONLY way to destroy the akumatized object is with the cataclysm. There is no cataclysm, the akuma is still there doing damage.
We have only one akuma from the future and timetagger's akumatized object is destroyed WITH THE CATACLYSM, I'm not going to rule out the idea that it could happen, but it probably won't.
Good, let's continue.
Chat has been a jester forever and is useless in most cases, but we know that he can do a VERY GOOD job when he wants to. Examples: sandboy, passion, kuro neko, etc. But I will also add this: during passion, Mari is VERY distracted because she is in love with Chat and well, she ruins it several times by being in the clouds and she had more in mind flirting than worrying about the akuma. Somehow, are they telling us that Chat was useless for that very reason? For being in love with Ladybug? If we follow that logic, then in s6 things will improve a lot for him.
(Although with so many mediocre heroes, even the baby Augustus would beat them and anyone can look perfectly)
As we know, Adrinette is canon and ladynoir is just a friendship, so with no romantic feelings involved, Chat can focus on doing effective work.
And, I think this is already asking a lot, that he wants to explore his powers more and improve in that aspect, even more knowing that he has infinite cataclysms. If they want to give Su-han a use, then they can make him a master of Adrien and Mari, not like Fu. Although between fu and suhan I don't know which one is worse in uselessness.
In s6, the akumas will be much stronger and it is necessary for everyone to take the job seriously, so I hope that they will finally give Chat the leading role and development that he deserves from s1.
(Last thing. If Chat's power is evolved as Ladybug being able to create talismans, they would do it with the cataclysm at a distance. Chat Blanc makes it clear that he can do it. When he is akumatized, Gabriel POWERS UP the abilities of Chat, there is a high chance that Chat could use cataclysm from a distance at some point.)
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lilian-writes-sins · 14 days
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“𝐴𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛 𝐴𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒 | 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑁𝑜𝑖𝑟.”
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❥︎ Adrien Agreste:
In NBiT, Adrien’s mom, Emilie Agreste, died when he was younger, around 12-13 (the students are aged up to 16 and will be 18-19 by the end of the story (I think, hopefully I’ll finish it lol)). He’s young enough to still remember his mother, but enough time has passed so that his grief and his father’s behavior have more of an effect on him.
With the loss of his mother came his father’s abuse. He doesn’t physically hit Adrien, but Gabriel uses his mother’s death against him, gaslighting him and keeping him inside — not allowing him to go out with his friends or letting his friends visit him. However, Adrien is allowed to go to school (later on, Lila will come to school, specifically asked by Gabriel to keep an eye on his son (I’ll go in more detail on a post about Gabriel/Hawkmoth)).
The things I want to keep the same are most of S1, from Origins to Antibug (side note: Marinette left some time after that episode; I’ll get into what happened on/after that episode a bit more in a post about Chloé).
However, personality wise, Adrien is much more closed off, but he’s a lot happier with close friends (Nino, Alya, Chloé to some extent and Marinette before she left), I wanted to mix more of Felix’s personality with Adrien’s, I hope it’ll be noticable.
You can see how much influence Adrien’s father has on him through his clothing. Adrien finds the clothes Gabriel makes uncomfortable and not at all like his own personal style. Throughout the series, Adrien will start finding himself more, which will show through his style and clothes. Here’s how I think his style will grow:
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(pics found on Pinterest! 11 | 22 | 33 ) (also please don’t mind that these are pics of women, there were no good inspo pics for men 😭)
I think he would like a more ‘feminine’ and flowy style of clothing (I’m thinking of cottagecore, but maybe less dresses and skirts loll), with pastels and fun patterns. He may even grow out his hair (but i ain’t drawin’ allat 🙏).
❥︎ Chat Noir:
Much like Adrien, he is really quiet and stoic, but also much easily aggravated. He was essentially left all alone for 6 months (that’s the time span between Mari leaving and [Y/N] arriving that I’ve descided on) with no help from Master Fu, who was searching for the next Ladybug Miraculous holder. All this time alone gave Chat Noir the space and pressure to ‘evolve’ his powers, which I will get get into in the next section.
Physically, as I have mentioned in Red Beetle’s post, when Miraculous users transform, they get a big growth sprut. You can see that in Chat Noir’s design (hopefully 🤪). He’s bigger, bulkier and his hair is longer and more wild!! I was tempted to give him a ponytail, but didn’t want to venture into Cat Walker teritory lol (and the shaggy look is so much better imo). As a personal descision, I repaced his golden bell with a silver one, to have his golden hair more of a contrast to all the silver details. The green accents in his outfit are reference to Rabbit Noir (and they glow!!).
❥︎ Plagg:
Plagg doesn’t change that much, but he shows more his care towards Adrien more outwardly. He’s also a bit like Tikki, like, he will goof off and not want to get sucked into the ring lol but when needed, he will tell Adrien what he needs to know and actually explain shit.
❥︎ powers:
Like I mentioned, Chat Noir ‘evolves’ his powers. Now, what do I mean by that? I got really inspired the latest part of “Scarlet Lady”, a comic by @/zoe-oneesama, Chat Noir’s upgrade and his new power ‘Black Out’. I like that he actually got a secondary power (since Ladybug has both Lucky Charm and Miraculous Ladybug, which is kind of unfair since this show is about both LB and CN yeah right ☝🤣).
Anyways, inspired by that (hopefully zoe or her followers flame me for this 🙏🙏 pls i love your work ma’am 🙏🙏🔥), I descided to go with a similar idea:
“Abyss” allows Chat Noir cover his opponent in a veil of pitch-black nothingness. The opponent cannot see, hear, smell or feel anything; no light, noise, smells or things can enter or exit the affected area. However, this is a perfect cover for Chat, he uses this advantage to imobilize his opponents and take the object holding the Akuma.
Moving on, I kept Cataclysm the exact same! It’s a good power and I like it. I also added another ability: purifying Akumas/Amoks (spoilers, but the 7 main Miraculouses: Ladybug, Black Cat, Bee, Fox, Turtle, Butterfly, Peacock can do this, ill get into the different ways they do that when the time comes 🙏). I find it unfair how in the show LB was the one to do literally everything and Chat had to just stand on the sidelines… SO HE GETS THIS ONE THING 🔥
The difference between Ladybug/Red Beetle’s method is that when he breaks the object, he has to catch the Akuma/Amok and blow on it to disintegrate the outer layer. This is also part of the reason why he’s more quiet and doesn’t express his emotions as much (at least he tries), as having strong emotions could lead to him getting Akumatized. He doesn’t have the fix-it-all bit that Miraculous Ladybug does, so he makes sure to be extra careful in fights.
❥︎ weapons:
I couldn’t find any concept art for this, here are some of my ideas:
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Outside of being infinitely extendable, Chat Noir’s baton can split into 2 pieces and be used as escrima sticks (like Nightwing) OR pulled appart to become a pair of nunchuks. Other than that, the usual things apply.
❥︎ height difference:
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I can finally show you what I mentioned in Red Beetles design explanation!!!
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❥︎ author's note: I tried going into more detail story-wise, mostly because imo I didn’t change much of Adrien/Chat’s design. Anyway, hope you enjoy this, I’m posting Chapter 3 soon after this (like in a few hours !! ) so be on the lookout!! Also PLEASE 🙏 don’t mention the fact that I can’t draw men, it’s my first time
❥︎ posted: 2024 | 05 | 26
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nionom-art · 9 months
your miraculous coccinelle au has me thinking of an au where marinette has the butterfly and lila has the ladybug but she manages to convince people that the butterfly is evil. at least, at first anyway but the longer it goes on the more obvious it is that the butterfly isn't evil and that ladybird is just lying to make herself look better and be more popular. maybe even mirror it with the fact that lila is known as a liar while ladybird isn't so she's just that much more desperate for popularity since marinette is taking her 'well deserved' attention by being herself. wouldn't it be ironic if adrien -who is still chat noir- was one of the first to call her out on her lying too?
This is honestly a really cool idea! There is so much you can do with Marinette’s and Lila’s dynamic it’s crazy really. There are a lot of interesting themes to explore- which is really exciting!
Funny enough, I have a similar thing happening in my au, where Coccinella is working to convince the general public that Noire is untrustworthy. She succeeds with this and the general public begins to view Noire as an antihero of sorts. The only people that end up supporting Noire are first Chloe (out of stubbornness), Alya (after becoming Rina Rouge and getting an insiders viewpoint) and finally Adrien (after Noire saves him from his akumatized state). That is, until the end of season 3, when Coccinella gets involved in a scandal involving her working with the akumatzed villains to steal the miracle box from Master Fu (she tried to do so undercover but got publicly found out).
Even though Noire’s name has been dragged through the mud though, she continues to do what she knows is right, even when she doesn’t get recognition.
All of this continues into season 4, where both Noire and Coccinella have fallen out of public favor. Coccinella attempts to gain back her popularity with varying degrees of success, until the end of season 4, where she is credited with defeating HawkMoth (Shadow and Noire are important to his defeat as well, but end up overlooked in comparison). The series ends with Coccinella getting recognized for her great accomplishments and Noire and Shadow being ignored for theirs.
In contrast, Lila in her civilian form ends up sabotaging her own relationships. She tries to destroy the reputation of first Chloe, then Marinette and Alya, Kagami, Adrien after they break up, and then finally Zoe. This leaves her with very little meaningful social connections, leaving her socially powerless in her civilian life. The idea of Lila’s character arch in this au is that she learns that “doing good” is more likely to get her better results than trying to sabotage others to make herself look better in comparison. She ends up figuring out that if she wants to get ahead in the world, she has to work with people, not against them. Make no mistake, she still doesn’t care at all about others or how they feel (unless it’s useful to her), but she is starting to figure out how to network better by the end of the story. Lila is power focused the entire way through, and that’s something that doesn’t end up changing about her.
Noire, on the other hand, doesn’t care by the end of the series that she doesn’t get the proper recognition from others for her accomplishments. She is content taking a backseat to Coccinella in the public’s eye. The important thing to her is that she was able to save Paris and gain more confidence in herself- she knows she’s a good person by the end- and that’s enough for her and her small group of friends (that doesn’t mean she doesn’t eventually get the recognition she deserves, she just doesn’t by the end of the series).
The idea I have going is that someone like Lila, who is ill intentioned, can still do some good in the world (and in contrast, someone like Adrien, who is a naturally has people’s best interests at heart, can end up doing bad things). However, the most good in the world comes from people like Marinette, who are good, kindhearted people, doing what they know is right thing.
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Fun & or chaotic idea, Miracle Queen goes to shit for everyone.
The Heroes' teams plans go to shit because of Gabriel's plan, letting him steal the Miracle Box.
Gabriel's plan goes to shit because Chloe uses Venom on him & steals both his Miraculous & the box.
Chloe's plan goes to shit because Mayura notices and unleashes a "Kill Chloe & retrieve box" Sentimonster putting her on the run.
The end result sees the Miraculous (My twelve variant) divided evenly between three groups, the heroes, the villains, and Chloe's totally original, do not steal, anti hero team.
IE, she's still kind of super messed up because of literally everything and too angry and paranoid to trust Ladybug again, so she decided to make her own super hero team, with Blackjack, and (Redacted!) Or more accurately, she wants to make one with Adrien & Sabrina. The latter is on board, the former less so.
Also everything goes to shit a fourth time because of the Gabriel reveal and his attempts to cover things up. So Adrien may be forced by circumstances to join Chloe's team, but if so he's gonna grump about it. If not him then no clue who a third or fourth might be, she needs more friends, but it basically works out as:
Marinette with the Ladybug - Creation & Good Fortune Nino/Alya with the turtle - Protection & Resilience Adrien (Maybe) with the Cat - Destruction & Misfortune Kagami with the Dragon - Storm & Power
Lila with the Tiger - Ignition & Havoc Nathalie with the Fox - Mirage & Materialization Gabriel with the Peacock - Emotion & Evocation Gabriel with the Butterfly - Transmissions & Transformation
Anti Heroes:
Sabrina with the Mouse - Multiplication & Duplication Chloe with the Snake - Ouroboros & Entirety/Time ??? with the Horse - Action & Migration Chloe with the Bee - Order & Subjugation
Chloe is going by Medusa, having fused Snake & Bee. Spending most of her time in this state is not super helpful for all the paranoia. But she is acing those social roles by only having conversations that are under five minutes then running away.
Sabrina might just swap out mouse and horse. IE she uses mouse to sneak around & do tasks, & horse to evacuate them from battles. Or maybe they go to America and appropriate Zoe on the logic of 'family', or Jean who is very out of his depth but trying.
Adrien may legit be forced to flee & hide out in Chloe's secret base (Hotel rooms she rented in disguise with money stolen from their parents) meaning horse likely returns to the heroes. He'd be angling to get an alliance going but also has some stuff to work through.
Also Gabriel was forced to perma recruit Lila, but also 100% does not trust her with Illusions. So he sticks her with the tiger and hopes for the best, using her as a new front lines fighter.
Lol yeah don't trust Lila lmao
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howhow326 · 1 year
What if I reworked the Miraculous Powers jk... unless
So I feel like a common criticism of Miraculous Ladybug is that the Miraculous are kind of underwhelming: The Lore says that the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous are equal in power, but the Ladybug miraculous has like a gazillion different powers (Lucky Charm, Purification, Miraculous Ladybug, and now miracle charms) while the Cat Miraculous has the one power. Likewise, the lore says that the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous are the strongest, but the both of them are just above average compared to literal Time Travel!
So building off the other two posts that reworked the Miraculous Ladybug power system (ill try to link them in the comments of this post so Tumblr dosen't hide this) I will now do what the title of this post says!
Yin & Yang miraculous: 7 powers (strongest miraculous go brr)
Wu Xing miraculous: 2 powers
Zodiac miraculous: don't exist lol (I don't like them. If I did keep them, then I think they should still just be one power. And the rabbit miraculous should have a different power)
■ ■ ■
Ladybug Miraculous of Creation Yang
Creation: Lucky Charm (same old)
Ladybug: Smell, Agility (all of the miraculous explicitly get passive animal powers now. Ladybug has a good sense of smell that she can use to identify objects and super agility to dodge attacks)
Transformation: Purify (It's the same thing as before, but now it works on all of the miraculous powers and not just the Butterfly/Peacock. Because the Ladybug miraculous is one of two strongest miraculous and it makes more sense for it to counter everything and not just two things)
Animation: Miraculous Ladybugs (Just going to point out that I changed the Peacock attribute from emotion to animation. I don't get how the life generator is Emotion outside of the fact that living things have feelings, in which case it could also be called the miraculous of Respiration cuz everything breaths right? Back on track, the Ladybugs work on everything now like Purify)
Protection: Miracle Charm (I really like how well this fits! And again, it works for all negative miraculous powers and not just two)
Illusion: Looking Glass (I am proud of that name. This power summons eyewear that lets the user see the truth. That truth could be anything from seeing through illusions or seeing through lies. Bout to end Lila's whole career)
Domination: Obedience (I kinda struggled to come up with a power this time. So, Obedience allows Ladybug to force someone to obey a rule or a group of related rules like the law of the land. The obvious use is to passify criminals, but it's also kinda brain washing. Marinette would be tempted to use this power on Chloe and Lila, but resolve herself to only use it on villains. Also it's broken so maybe using it drains all of Ladybug's energy)
Black Cat Miraculous of Destruction Yin
Destruction: Cataclysm (same old)
Black Cat: Hearing, Vibrosense, Night Vision, Speed, Agility (remember when Chat had Night vision in season 1? Anyway, Chat has a lot of sensor powers and speed to make him good at fighting and tracking down akumas, in contrast to Ladybug's defense orientation. Btw, Vibrosense is the thing Cats do when they sense vibrations in the air. Remember it because almost everyone has it lol)
Transformation: Corruption (I like to think Chat is villain coded [affectionate] so I gave him a lot of evil powers. Corruption is the same thing as Akumas, buy Chat can't control what they turn into or control the person. This makes this a high risk high reward power where Chat either turns a villain into something harmless like a dog or into godzilla)
Animation: Catastrophe (I stuggled to come up with something again. So this is like a reverse of Ladybug's Miraculous Ladybugs where, instead of restoring everything, Catastrophe blows up everything. Another high risk high reward power, its useful against villains that change the environment and terrible to use otherwise)
Protection: Charm Breaker (It breaks charms. It also breaks the magic hax that akuma villains use, so Chat could use this to break brain washing and the like. If Chats not going to be integral to curing akumas, he could at least be good for fighting them)
Illusion: Cheshire Cat (I stole this name from the other posts. So my version of this power lets Chat disguise himself as literaly anyone which gives him something to do outside of fighting. Now Chat can go espionage yay!)
Domination: Disobedience (While Marinette's Domination power is her only offensive one, Chat's Domination power is his only supportive one. Disobedience allows Chat to break magically forced obedience: so it works on Ladybugs stuff and Amoks.)
Butterfly Miraculous of Transformation
Transformation: Tenshi/Akuma (same old, now with clarification on what a good akuma is called)
Butterfly: Mind Sense, Flight (Butterflies aren't psychic but who cares. Mind sense alllows the user to sense people's active brains which includes emotions and some of their thoughts. He can also fly with wings now because I said so)
Peacock Miraculous of EmotionAnimation
Animation: Amok (same old)
Peacock: Sight, Hearing, Vibrosense, gliding (apparently, peacocks can sense vibrations using their feather crests. I really didn't know that before I started searching. Also, no flying, just falling with style)
Turtle Miraculous of Protection
Protection: Shell-ter
Turtle: Water Vibrosense, Strength, Endurance, Speed Swimming, Holding breath underwater (Did you catch that it's good underwater yet? The miraculous power ups still exist, the Turtle just makes those redundant now. Also, I tried to give Carapace some more tank abilities to make up for him being the least mobile hero. He can't jump over buildings, but getting punched by him is the same thing as being hit by a truck)
Fox Miraculous of Illusion
Illusion: Mirage
Fox: Hearing, Smell, Vibrosense, Night Vision, Speed, Agility (I really like how Rena Rouge is less of a fighter and more of a mezzer/trickster in the show, so I tried to highlight that here. She has a bunch of senses to help with intel gathering and can always dodge or run away if she gets caught. She's also faster than Chat and more Agile than Ladybug, but weaker than both)
Bee Miraculous of Domination (Note: Domination is the name of the Bee Miraculous attribute in the French version and the English one changed it to Subjection, which literally means the exact same thing. I like Domination better, so bye bye petite Subjection)
Domination: Venom
Bee: Smell, Vibrosense, Flight (Yes, Ladybug being the only bug her that cant fly is weird, but I didn't want her to lose her Spiderman swinging)
Ladybug and Chat would have to spend time during a better version of season three learning to use their new powers instead of relying on the dollar store justice league.
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