#these are not my greatest work but I did them fast because I needed them
emblazons · 1 year
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"Jonathan Byers, Mike Wheelie Hive, Lets Go!" - Charlie Heaton
Jonathan Byers & Mike Wheeler in The Piggyback
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daosies · 2 months
when someone else flirts with you in front of them.
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heizou, wanderer, neuvillette ♡ gn!reader
warnings: not proofread, neuvillette may be ooc, wanderer is a little crazy 😊
notes: i played heizous hangout quest and he got me 😭😭
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frankly, heizou is amused.
"you're beautiful," some random stranger states, "do you happen to be free this weekend?"
you blink in confusion, glancing back and forth between the detective and the strange person. does he not see the way heizou's hand is linked with yours?
"well, someone clearly isn't a detective," heizou states, not bothering to lower the volume of his voice. when the person still doesn't quite understand what heizou means, he lifts your laced hands up to eye-level, emphasizing the fact that he's not letting go anytime soon.
"please don't interrupt," the stranger states, suddenly feigning ignorance to heizou's presence.
"oh!" heizou exclaims, unbothered. "sorry about that!" you can tell by the look on his face and the tone of his voice that shikanoin heizou is, in fact, not sorry. he's not sorry at all.
heizou brings the back of your hand up to his lips, staring directly at the stranger whilst doing so. still, the random man does not budge.
"what's up with this guy?" heizou mumbles, loud enough for just you to hear. you laugh, and heizou can't seem to tear his eyes away from you, his gaze belonging wholly to your existence.
when the stranger glares at him, heizou merely shrugs, a smirk fixed onto his face. the oblivious person then turns to you, a gentle smile on his face.
"might i have the honor of knowing your name? i am kenzaburou kadenokouji, and seeing you has blessed me with the inspiration to write my greatest upcoming novel: 'i was reincarnated as the raiden shogun's plane of euthymia, where i did nothing for 500 years before finally meeting the love of my life in the middle of the city?!'"
your mouth hangs agape, flabbergasted at this surreal experience.
heizou, however, is not fazed in the slightest. "is this based off of true events?"
"do not interrupt an artist's craft," kadenokouji replies, before extending a hand towards your free one.
so he knows i'm holding their hand, is all heizou thinks. without another thought, the detective pushes the writer's palm away, tugging you towards him.
"you're going to need to find inspiration from someone else! my intuition tells me that this isn't going to work out," heizou declares, his thumb coming to rub the back of your hand, as if he's trying to reassure you.
(you think that it's more for him, though. because although heizou is a self-assured, confident man, he is sometimes shrouded deeply in fear, swayed by the same emotions that make him so human, so lovely.)
(it also doesn't help that you adore novels. a majority of heizou's worries are attributed to how you devour those absurd reincarnation stories.)
"no, no... together," kadenokouji trails off, dismissing heizou with the flick of his hand. "together, we will defy fate! and with you, beautiful stranger, i will publish the greatest novel known to inazuma!"
"he's delusional," heizou mutters, but it sounds as if he's more impressed than incredulous.
"i have a boyfriend," you reply, still recovering from shock. "he's right next to me."
kadenokouji takes it the wrong way. "wow, you move pretty fast! although we just met, and i still don't know your name, i am completely fine with this sudden turn of events!"
"wow," heizou mutters to himself, almost amazed, "this guy's pretty good."
"he's like the opposite of you," you whisper, leaning closer towards heizou, "completely oblivious."
that gives heizou an idea.
"sorry pal, but they only like detectives," he declares.
"that's okay! i've been meaning to write a detective novel, you know, i am always switching things up!" kadenokouji exclaims, not taking the hint (but it's not even a hint, it's a full blown answer).
"oh, really? have you ever heard of shikanoin heizou?"
you and heizou exchange not-so-discreet glances (it's not like kadenokouji notices, anyway). heizou winks at you, as if urging you to stay quiet so he can get the spotlight in a novel that he's always been dreaming of.
"yes, yes! i love doushin shikanoin's work—in fact, i've been meaning to ask him for some information regarding his famous intuition! i plan on basing the main character of that novel off of him, really!"
"that sounds great! you know, doushin shikanoin believes that he needs the publicity, so your novel would be the perfect match!"
"is that really so? that's incredible! i must reach out to him immediately!" kadenokouji says, his attention belonging wholly to this newfound idea.
"i can relay the message to him," heizou replies, "what would you like to ask?"
"yes, thank you! please ask him if he's willing to meet me outside the tenryou commission for an hour or two for me to ask questions! and if he's willing to tell me about his intuition and how it works! my novel's main character will also have something akin to his intuition, but not exactly because i am always original and meaningful with my work—"
"alright, i will!" heizou declares proudly, "he'll hear of it by today!"
"thank you, kind sir! if i might be so bold to inquire, what is your name?" kadenokouji asks, suddenly becoming heizou's biggest fan whilst forgetting about your presence. how the tables have turned.
"shikanoin heizou," he states, the smile on his face never wavering. "my intuition tells me you're going to fall to the floor in utter shock!"
his intuition, as always, is correct. kadenokouji collapses to the floor as if he had just witnessed the most terrible thing, all the color draining from his face while his jaw hangs wide open.
"d-doushin shikanoin?!"
"that's me! also, could you include me in the novel's credits? you know, being a detective isn't always just about skill. in this day and age, we need publicity! we need a name for ourselves!"
kadenokouji faints.
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"did you come from another world?" someone asks. "'cause you look otherworldly."
"that was ridiculous," wanderer mutters, "and redundant."
"is he bothering you, your highness?" the person queries, taking a step towards you. their hand reaches out for yours, as if they're trying to take you away, but wanderer is quick to intervene.
he blocks you with his figure, the vision on his chest beginning to glow vividly as a gust of wind rushes through the akademiya's library, sending papers and books flying. scholars panic as their research projects flutter all across the marble floor, and usually, that'd be enough to deter a sane man.
unfortunately for you, your admirer (the other one) is no sane man. you suppose that you attract a certain group of people.
"so you think you're a big shot 'cause you have a vision, huh?" the stranger asks, unimpressed.
"hah! you don't even know who you're talking to," wanderer replies, clenching his fists. he takes a step toward your admirer, the air around him becoming tense and unwelcoming as it begins to manifest into something grim, something violent.
you're not in the mood for a suspension right now.
"wanderer!" you exclaim, tugging at his sleeve. "let's go somewhere else. this guy's just weird."
"you go first. i have things to deal with," wanderer replies, irritated. but the way he looks at you doesn't quite match the tone in his voice, because when the wanderer's cornflower pupils fixate on you, they melt. you mold him into something quiet, something lovely, when you do so much as exist.
briefly, the wind brushes past your face, kissing you with its tender touch.
(all you have to do is exist, and that'll be more than enough for him.)
"he's not worth your time," you say, not releasing your hold on the puppet's wrist. even though wanderer could easily escape your grip, he chooses not to—instead, he basks in your touch, inching closer towards you, letting you hold the strings of his artificial limbs to move him as you please.
wanderer relinquishes himself to you. wholly. and he trusts you with his fate, with his severed strings.
his severed string manifests anew, wrapping around his pinky and yours, turning red—not red from blood, but rather, from love—and knotting.
you are bound to him.
and then he gives in.
(he does a lot of that when it comes to you.)
"surrendering already, huh?" the stranger asks, clearly not knowing his place. "i knew you were nothing but bark."
oh, you think, sighing, this guy's an idiot!
"does the akademiya accept anyone who applies?" wanderer asks, contemplating murder. still, he doesn't release himself from your hold.
"that's what i was thinking when i saw you. leave us alone!"
a category 5 hurricane begins to brew in the akademiya library at the word "us." scholars begin to evacuate the premises whilst the insane man stands amidst it all, still trying his best to court you despite getting blown away.
i tried my best, you tell yourself, glancing away.
you let go of wanderer's hand, and then you close your eyes.
"let me know when you're done," you mutter, voice drowned by the whistle of the winds and the screams of scholars whose projects are getting engulfed by the storm.
wanderer, of course, hears you. he can always hear you, picking out your voice from the cacophony, taking the sound and placing it deep within his empty chest, letting it resonate and replay there. instead of a heartbeat, wanderer has your voice echoing throughout his torso, fusing into his artificial ribs.
he is bound to you.
a breeze wisps past your nose. even with the whirling winds and the threat of suspension lingering around your figure, no harm ever comes your way.
you are in the eye of the hurricane.
the eye of the beholder. it melts.
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neuvillette is flabbergasted.
back in fontaine, he had the luxury of comfort. everyone knew that the two of you were together, so he never had to deal with someone trying to court you, much less in front of him.
this is how he experiences culture shock. not by the customs of other nations, but rather, by the sheer audacity that some people have. especially when your hand is laced tightly with his.
"i think... i think..." the stranger trails off, his voice filled with an adoration that makes neuvillette's stomach churn. "... i'm getting lost in your eyes, beautiful."
the stranger reaches his hand out to give you a rose, a dashing grin on his face. you smile awkwardly.
"sorry, i'm taken."
"taken... by my good looks?" the stranger asks, putting a hand under his face to emphasize his features. neuvillette squeezes your hand.
"no, they are taken by me. we are partners," neuvillette explains, his tone remaining polite.
"partners in work?"
"yes, but—" neuvillette starts, but is quickly interrupted. you spare him an endearing glance, charmed by his honesty.
the tips of his pointed ears begin to blossom red. again, he squeezes your hand.
"no, we are married," you state blandly, and the stranger's gaze flickers over to your hands, searching for a ring. neuvillette doesn't like the look on the stranger's face; it's evident in the way the iudex narrows his eyes, the way he steps forward a little even though he'd usually try to avoid confrontation.
"i could get you a ring," the stranger says, clearly not getting the hint, "and you wouldn't have to lie about being married."
"there is nothing we owe to you that requires us to prove our marriage. we are married, and that is all you need to know," neuvillette declares firmly, his tone becoming harsh.
"but words alone don't mean anything," the stranger replies with a shrug.
neuvillette furrows his brows, clearly stumped by the stranger's statement. he disagrees—words don't mean everything, but they are definitely worth something.
"just back off," you suddenly chime in, tugging neuvillette closer to you. he lets you string him along to your whims, allowing his figure to inch towards yours, finding its place by your side.
"i'm not interested in you. i already have a lover."
the stranger rolls his eyes.
"ugh. i didn't even like you anyway."
neuvillette frowns. "now that is completely incorrect. just moments prior, you were—"
"just shut up!" the stranger yells, not even bothering to listen to neuvillette's explanation.
clouds begin to form.
"let's go, neuvillette," you say, rubbing the back of the iudex's hand with your thumb. "don't worry too much about that guy."
he looks at you, and the sun emerges.
"you're right. thank you, [name]."
a ring dangles from the silver chain on your neck; it's a vibrant shade of blue.
it glows.
"and you wanted to try this land's water, right?"
he lets you string him along, a gentle smile on his face.
"yes," he vows, "i do."
his hand slots perfectly into yours, and the world is engulfed by a radiant glow.
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cyberm4n · 4 months
You've now filled my head with nothing but Alastor and Lucifer brainrot. Any other sharing thoughts you have for them? (I cannot stop thinking about them, I quite literally thought about them sharing me during my entire 8hr retail shift yesterday)
alastor and lucifer sharing you pt 3!
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pt1, pt2
this was highly requested, thank you all for the love <3 im tagging anyone who asked/was fine with it last time but now you can fill out this taglist form to ensure you're tagged for future posts!
tags: @lu-ferri12 @my-anime-garden @princessdreamss @polytheatrix @reaper-of-light-12 @ambi-squirrelly @hazelfoureyes @meggletoomanyfandoms @afernandez21
cw: angst ig?? idk reader is upset cause they keep fighting, general relationship issues for a moment, smut, reader gets eaten out, there's some light praise and condescension i think, alastor has a master kink, alastor discovers he LOVES eating pussy, there's like a weird sexual tension between alastor and lucifer for the majority of this if you squint, the ending is VERY suggestive
other: not 100% happy with formatting on this but i wrote majority of it on a 6 hour flight so like. you win some you lose some. not proofread that well, i kind of ramble at times too but it's fine. 2.1k word count and half of it is formatted in a headcanon cuase, again, lazy 6 hour writing. i also don't use the bolding and coloring that much cause it'd be a lot of work.
left the ending a little open, will probably do a poll tomorrow on if people want me to take this that direction.
■ okay so sex aside i would think outwardly everyone knows you're in a relationship with lucifer at the very least
■ but it's kept lowkey with the other part of the relationship
■ which both are fine with btw
■ lucifer loves pda so he's happy, alastor isn't a fan so it's whatever
■ the public part works out because alastor would genuinely be worried about someone trying to use you to get to him
■ it's bad enough that it's known the king of hell has a new partner, but nobody knowing that if they fuck with you they're fucking with the king of hell AND the radio demon is a silent advantage
■ if anyone knows, it's charlie. but only to the extent of like the fact it's a hinge relationship, everything else she doesn't know and honestly doesn't need to know
■ she's just happy her dad seems happy and is getting along better with alastor
■ i think alastor is the kind to really start caring during the relationship vs. lucifer caring about you deeply before
■ so occasionally alastor will pull you aside, or if no one is watching will just press a quick kiss on your forehead.
■ meanwhile lucifer is always making it known he's in love with you
■ arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, everything
■ again, alastor doesn't really mind unless lucifer decides to be an ass abt it
■ look they still compete with each other sometimes they can't help it
■ then it becomes a game of how much the other can get away with before you either get upset or it's too telling
■ that's the other thing is like, the competing gets really fucking annoying to you
■ we saw them in hells greatest dad it wasn't a want to be a better dad it's just wanting to out do the other
■ and when it transfers to your relationship it gets agitating fast
moving on
■ relationship side alastor isn't as involved with that
■ but if either of them did something that upset you or like there was a lovers quarrel between you and either side it's a big deal to them
■ especially if you're only upset with one half of the hinge
■ cause like, sure, they could compete with each other and purposefully drive you apart
■ but tbh.. both of them lowkey like this arrangement much more than they thought they would
■ so they end up talking to each other about it and figuring out what to do
■ same if you're upset with both
■ not that you're upset often it's just that when you are it's usually cause they crossed a line in their little competition
■ and they hate making their girl feel like a prize to be won :(
■ whatever their solution is, they do it together.
■ show you they can get along, that they both care about you enough
■ you're in your room, a bit of a blow up happened earlier after they got into one of their arguments
■ it's not that you genuinely think theyre using you to get to the other but sometimes with the way they act it's easy to doubt
■ anyways, they both come in, it's late
■ i cry when im frustrated/upset and i think it's a pretty normal reaction, so let's just say you're crying a little
■ they're both immediately at your side, apologizing profusely
■ you've never cried like this before
■ it scares them. alot.
■ for once there's absolutely no competition, the only worry is making you feel better.
■ both sitting next to you on the couch, lucifer murmuring how much he loves you, and how he knows how much alastor cares for you
■ i hate the whole "alastor doesn't understand emotions" thing because he does. he has to, he knows how to read people well.
■ it's just he hasn't ever comforted someone
■ he doesn't know what to do when someone he cares about is upset
■ so he's glad lucifer is here, as alastor just sits at your side nodding along and gently rubbing your back
■ alastor only tunes back in when lucifer offers to give some space for the night, and a little murmur from you agrees but asks they both come to bed that night
■ given its usually only lucifer who actually sleeps in the same bed as you alastor is surprised
■ but lucifer is beckoning him out for some space.
"cmon, we'll be back in an hour yeah?" he chimes from the door, and with a squeeze of your shoulder alastor is out of the door, but he opts to walk along with lucifer. "we gotta do better" lucifer sighs as he walks, not looking over at alastor. he's not accusing alastor, he seems equally disappointed in both of them.
"for her?" alastor adds, and lucifer gives a hum of agreement. "this while ordeal has been quite... stressful as of late, no?" alastor adds, "to our own faults, yes" lucifer murmurs, giving a sigh. alastor nods, and the two men walk in silence for some time, ending up in the parlor, husk far since gone to bed. "want anything?" lucifer pulls alastor back to reality once again, he's standing behind the bar while alastor had been staring off, his mind running with thoughtd of god knows what.
"whiskey, my friend?" alastor suggests, and giving it a considerate thought lucifer pours two glasses. the silence falls over them again, just the sound of the clink of their glasses on the counter.
"so tell me, how do you do it when you pleasure her?" alastor breaks the silence, lucifers eyes dart up to him. thinking for a moment before replying "i don't really think tonight is the time for that—" lucifer says, but in a gentle tone.
"no no, in the morning." alastor says, staring down at his glass. "you two indulge often in the morning, correct?" alastor says, now his eyes uncomfortably on lucifer. Watching as the other man almost pales a little, swallowing thickly.
lucifer immediately falters, giving a sigh. "look it's not— i‐ that's not her fault–" lucifer immediately starts, assuming this is a confrontation. his eyebrows raise as alastor shakes his head. "oh please, if i had problem with it i would have done something" he says, a static crackle echoing through the room. "no, i want to know how you do it when you... when it's just about her. how can i do the same?" alastor asks, and this is even more surprising to lucifer than this whole fucking idea in the first place.
■ so lucifer of course explains some stuff to him, of course it's hard because unless he's done it before it's hard to articulate some of his "moves"
■ i mean lucifer can hardly resist going down on you everytime, he's definitely experienced but it's hard to transfer that knowledge at times
■ but he's impressed alastor even asked
■ so when they return to your room, they're a lot more calmer with each other than before.
■ that night changed a lot between them tbh
■ it's slightly awkward for both of them when everyone gets settled in the bed
■ you're on your back, lucifer on your right side and alastor on the left.
■ they're both holding you to the best of their abilities
■ lucifer gives alastors hand a squeeze before shuffling it to have a better grasp on your waist
■ you all peacefully sleep through the night, not shifting much but it's pretty comfortable
■ is the morning you're mostly cuddled into alastor, which is entirely lucifers doing
■ when you're all awake though alastor gets arguably nervous
■ but you being you, you slump over onto alastors chest, murmuring some affection to him
■ lucifer gives a nod, it's time.
■ he'd honestly probably move to get out of bed, assuming some privacy is wanted
■ but he feels a shadow wrap around his forearm, it's a light pressure
■ alastor shakes his head, mouthing a small "please"
after lucifer processes for a moment what exactly is about to go down, he's okay with that. he settles back in, his eyes on the two of you as alastor tilts your chin up, pressing a kiss to your lips. "my dear, would you mind if i tried something a little different with you?" alastor chimes, and you blink your eyes open again, still a bit sleepy as you give a nod.
he gently maneuvers you on the bed so you're laying on your back, his hands pawing at your sleep shorts and pulling them to your ankles. lucifer watches, honestly a little mezmerized by the whole ordeal. he feels proud in an odd sort of way. “I think our little doe deserves a treat, would you like that?” alastor murmurs as he spreads your thighs open. You take a shaky breath before murmuring some form of agreement, maybe even a little plea.
without further prodigy, alastors finally leans down his tongue swiping down your folds, hands grasping your hips to pull you to his face. your hands go to hold lucifers, but he shakes his head tutting at you. “ah ah, that’s not very polite princess” he chides softly, guiding your hands to alastors hair.
and alastor makes good use of the tips and information lucifer gave him, his tongue plunging into your sweet little hole as his nose bumps your clit. his eyes wander up, making eye contact with you as he eats you out so wonderfully. you tug at his hair and he practically growls in pleasure, opting to change tactics and focus his mouth on your clit while his fingers slide inside you, gently curling into your sweet spot.
and lucifer watches it all, absolutely mesmerized. he doesnt know what it is about watching this but theres something about knowing alastor is doing exactly as told to in this scenario that makes lucifer feel warm. he lets alastor steal the show, doing only minimal work. maybe hes softly cooing praises or gently reminding you to show your appreciation to the one making you feel this good.
as you get close, evident by the murmur that falls past your lips, alastors eyes snap to lucifers for a moment, and he takes a moment to think before understanding. usually when youre close alastor is all over you, telling you to be such a good girl and cum, just slight praises and coaxing. given the fact hes face deep in your sweetness he cant really do that, so that job is up to lucifer now.
“isn’t alastor doing such a good job duckling? you want to make sure he knows how good hes treating you, dont you?” lucifer coos, scooting in behind you on the bed so you stop trying to writhe away. “I think he’d be so disappointed if you didnt cum for him, you think you can do that, hm? you wanna cum all over your masters tongue?” lucifer says directly in your ear, and alastor feels a bit of a warmth in his stomach by being referred to as “master”
when you give a weak moan in response lucifer sighs, shaking his head. “be a good girl now, you can do it little doe” he says which is what sends you toppling over the edge, your hips rutting up into alastors mouth, whiny moans coming from you as alastor desperately licks up your sweet release. this whole thing was quite enjoyable for alstor, but hearing lucifer call you “little doe” his petname for you made him smugly satisfied.
after some aftercare which mostly just involved more cuddling, alastor feels satiated enough to shift to leave, before getting a look from lucifer. he reluctantly stays, feeling as you come to lay at his side once more. lucifer seems to take note of something, giving alastor a nod down, he glances down, seeing the obvious tent in his pants. alastor looks back up, slightly annoyed. a like “yeah, no shit dumbass” kind of look is exchanged.
alastor looks back down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sigh happily. but alastor tenses as he feels a hand on his knee, shooting a glare to lucifer as he traces his hand up a little. the two meet as and alastor takes a shaky breath as lucifer leans in just a little, breathing out the next few words with a calmness alastor admires:
“just keep cuddling her”
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hypewinter · 8 months
Dick stared out at the snowy landscape past the window before turning back to his new baby brother. Danny was sitting in his high chair, happily munching away at some Cheerios. Looking at him now Dick thought back to how he had come to Wayne Manor just a few months prior.
Bruce had stormed into the Manor after coming back from a Justice League mission with a bundle in his hands. Dick who had stopped by the manor to steal food catch up with Alfred had been thoroughly thrown off by his father's open animosity. He could hardly recall the last time he'd seen Bruce this outwardly furious. The man's glare alone could rival Darkseid's omega beams. As Bruce sat down at the table, the two men finally got a good look at just what he was carrying. It was an infant. An infant who was fast asleep, his soft black hair falling over his eyes. Bruce quietly asked Alfred to prepare a room as well as all necessities needed for a baby. The old butler had immediately set off to just that.
Meanwhile Dick was quick to ask what had happened but Bruce didn't say. Even when the others gradually found what was happening and asked their own questions, he still refused to answer. Not even Alfred had been told where the baby had come from. The only information Bruce had offered up was that the baby's name was Danny and he would be staying at the Manor from now on. As for the rest of the details, he claimed he would tell them in due time. But Batman's "due time" was often too late to actually do anything about it so desperate for answers, the family had turned to their own investigations only to come up with nothing.
All files related to Danny were locked behind a mountain of firewalls and Oracle had apparently already been sworn to secrecy by the big man himself. Whatever it was, Bruce wanted absolutely zero interference, so for now, the family was forced to sit in their hands.
That led till now, 5 months later. It was mid-January and Dick was on babysitting duty. Everyone else was either out running errands or on a mission. Not that Dick minded though. Danny was incredibly cute and he loved taking care of him. Besides, it gave him the perfect opportunity to get Danny to see him as the favorite brother. Still, Dick couldn't help but feel couped up today. Maybe it was because it had been snowing the last few days leaving both boys alone in the giant manor all day long.
Dick stared wistfully out the window once again before an idea dawned on him. He turned back to Danny who had stuffed the last of the Cheerios into his mouth along with his entire hand.
"Hey Danny. Wanna have a snow day?" he asked cheerily. The boy cocked his head at Dick, hand still in mouth. Dick smiled wider. "I'll take that as a yes!"
Dick hoisted Danny out of his high chair and carried him upstairs to his room. After he set Danny down in his crib, he grabbed all the gear he needed. He picked out a long sleeve shirt with a cartoon star and big bold letters reading "You're a Star!" He also grabbed long socks, some elastic pants as well as jeans, a scarf, a blue beanie, and a pair of cute little mittens.
It didn't take long for Danny to be fully dressed for the outside elements. Though after Dick finished putting his shoes on, he squirmed a little and made a face.
"I know I know," Dick cooed. "But I'm pretty sure B. would make an exception to his 'no killing rule' if you got sick on my watch."
Dick admired his handy work for a minute (taking dozens of pictures as he did so) before picking his brother up and heading downstairs. After a quick pitstop at the door to grab his own jacket and gloves from the coat rack, he opened the door and greeted the chilly air outside.
Danny giggled as he reached up at the snow while Dick circled around to the side of the manor.
"Bitey! Bitey!" he squealed.
"Yep, Bitey," Dick replied with mild confusion.
Danny would say random things like that sometimes, forcing the world's greatest detectives to put their minds together in order to figure out what he was talking about. One time he just wouldn't stop saying "Em". It took everyone a whole day to realize he was referring to music. And an extra two days to figure out he was specifically referring to pop music.
Oftentimes he would call Barbara "Jazzy" and Duke "Tuck". On occasion he would even call Cass "Sammy". Every time he called something a new name, it was a race to figure out what he meant. Each time they figured out a new word, Bruce's face would darken and he'd disappear off to the Watchtower for the day. Something that was really starting to drag on Dick's nerves. It was like it was physically impossible for that man to share information.
Dick was startled out of his thoughts by a tug at his jacket and looked down to see Danny staring at him.
"Sorry sorry," he said with a smile. "Lost in my thoughts. Forgive me?"
Danny put on a pout but Dick knew by now that it was fake. One could tell by the mischievous look in the boy's eyes that he just couldn't hide. "So be it then!" Dick declared before pulling Danny close and snuggling into him. The boy shrieked as cold nose touched warm neck. "Fo-give! Fo-give!" he cried.
"Aw thanks," Dick said as he pulled away. Danny giggled again, his bright blue eyes crinkling with laughter.
The pair walked around in the snow for a bit longer before Danny started making grabby hands towards the ground. "You want down?" Dick asked. Danny nodded energetically.
Dick carefully set Danny down in the snow. The boy excitedly wriggled before putting his hands down to the snow. As Dick watched, there was a burst of light and suddenly there was a semi circle of ice, radiating out from their position. Dick stared at the ice in shock. Danny turned and blinked up at Dick, almost as if he were in shock too. But he very quickly went back to playing in the snow. Dick swallowed. Sure they all knew Danny had powers. It was pretty obvious when the third day there, he floated up to the ceiling. Still though, he highly doubted ice powers was up there on anyone's list of "abilities our new baby brother might manifest next."
Dick was so shocked all he could manage to utter was, "Huh. That's new."
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thepersonnamedsam · 11 months
hello! i was hoping I could request something between gen z reader x the grid where she gets an anxiety attack or gets really anxious during press and how they would react or try to help her, could be due to something about the race or personal, love uuu<3
you’re gonna go far
pairing: the genz!driver x '23!grid
summary: social anxiety and social stuff don’t mix very well
word count: 2.3k
warnings: anxiety attack, angst, sexist comments
note: hiya!! yk i love your requests!! thank u <3
i have social anxiety myself, it’s written from my perspective - anxiety is experienced very different, pls remember that! and pls respect anyone who is experiencing anxiety or any mental disorder that is!
masterlist / taglist
We ain’t angry at you, love, you’re the greatest thing we‘ve lost.
The song blasted through her ears, tears started forming in her eyes. She missed home, so, so much. She felt guilty to leave all her friends and family at home to pursue her dreams. And this song, written by the brilliant Noah Kahan, just always made her cry and think about her hometown.
Well, maybe not always, mostly the days her anxiety sparks up - and today was one of those days. Usually media didn’t stress her out, but today was different. Her mood shifted and hyper sensitive, overstimulated and overwhelmed. And she usually had someone she trusted by her side at media, but not today. Today was just shit.
Paired with Lance, Kevin, Sergio and Niko, she just wished the day would be over. She was just glad that Daniel, Max, Oscar and Lewis would be after her, they would maybe wait for them to finish, so she could see them.
She was trying to help her calm down. Thinking about good possibilities and not bad ones. Not about how she would sit stiff and uncomfortable between Lance and Sergio. Or how she and Niko never really got along. Or how she couldn’t seek refuge in a known face. Or how she had to answer all the questions by herself and not have Max there to defend her and be her bodyguard. 
And she was doing it again.
What was she gonna do? Breath, just breath - that’s what she told herself. She was in desperate need for a break. She knew what she was getting herself into, but it was still so very much. She was glad that Hungary was the second last race before the summer pause. She would go home, maybe vacation a bit, but definitely head home and see her friends and family.
Her feet dragged her through the media pit against her will. She didn’t want to go there, she just wanted to curl up in her bed with a good book and some music. Her headphones still present on her head, at least she had her music.
She was so focused on the words of You’re gonna go far that she didn’t see Lance in her peripheral vision. He patted her on her back and she flinched as he passed her. He gave her a funny look as she just gave him a shy smile.
She sighed, she didn’t know how she could face this day. She wished she had Lewis or Max or Danny by her side, someone to lean on, someone who would protect her and help her out. But she was all alone in this world right now. That’s what she thought at least.
Sat next to her was Kevin and Sergio. Her leg was bouncing, her fingers couldn’t stop picking at her nails. Her breathing was fast. She knew that things would turn out bad pretty fast. She just knew it.
„So, the next question is for y/n. Seeing as you’re the only woman on the grid, do you feel intimidated by all of the men or do you actually like the challenge?“
Her mind raced. What? She wished for Max who would give a sassy comeback or for Lewis to out the comment as borderline sexist. Or just anyone to stand up for her at that moment, but no one did.
„Uh, thank you for your question. Uhm, I am not the only woman on the grid. There are lots of women working behind the scenes - mechanics, engineers, catering, strategists, everything. So, to answer your question, no, I don’t feel intimidated, because I know that I come from a powerful gender.“
Her answer was clip and clear, not even her voice was shaking, which she half expected to. But the interviewer grew visibly irritated.
„Can you go into it a bit more? Or could you please comment on the statement Christian Horner did? Here, I’ll refresh your mind: F1 is bringing in a young generation. It’s bringing in a lot of young girls because of all these great-looking young drivers.“
What had that to do with his question beforehand? Horner made that statement a longer time ago?
„Uhm yes, obviously we all know Christian by now, don’t we?“, she nervously laughed. „But uhm, he is obviously still wrong, like I originally commented when he first made that statement“ Her eyes were searching for something or someone familiar, but she couldn’t. Her vision occupied by interviewers and flashing cameras.
Her breath started to get faster, She tried to breath through her nose, not make it too obvious that she was having a moment. This would make headlines. Female driver gets anxiety attack whilst commenting on sexist statements.
Why wasn’t Lewis there? He knew what to do. He had caught her like this before - breathing rapid, fists clenched and fingers white. Eyes not focusing on anything particular and her chest heaving up and down from all her heavy breathing.
It was after she had found out that people were speculating about her - specifically that she had to sleep with her or any team principal to get her seat in F1. Her head was leaned against the wall, her knees pulled to her chest and her body was rocking back and forth.
„y/n, y/n, listen, look at me. Listen to me, can you please look at me, love?“, he pleaded. And when she finally did, Lewis let out a breath of relief. „Okay, look at me, darling, and follow my breathing, yes? It’s easy, you can do it, I believe in you.“
He grabbed her hands and put them to his own chest, so she could feel his breathing. Feel his calm heartbeat, even though he felt anything opposite calm. He looked her deep into her eyes and tried to reassure that everything was going to be alright.
„You’re gonna go far, y/n, listen to me, I know it, you’re gonna make it far.“
Her breathing had normalised and the tears stuck in her eyes, finally flowed down her cheeks. The soon turned into full on sobs and the older driver hugged the younger one. Embracing her and reassuring her, that none of the drivers would have believed the tabloids - they’ve seen her driving and know very well why she got offered her seat in F1.
She had thanked him about a thousand times and made him promise not to ever tell anyone. But if somebody else knew, maybe they could’ve helped her in this situation.
But luckily for y/n, this was all broadcast live, well, maybe not for her per se, because she knew about too many people were watching her lose herself on live television and her PR manager couldn’t just pull some magic strings to not have this air, but what she didn’t know was, that Seb was watching - her specifically.
And he did the only reasonable thing he could do, he called Lewis.
„Hey dude, what’s up? Haven’t heard from you in a long time. How’s retirement treating you?“ Lewis had a lot of questions for the German. The later laughed a bit, but turned serious pretty quickly. „Listen, I’m watching the pre-race interviews right now-“ Lewis interrupted him: „Yeah? I’m on next, you should definitely wait and see me on TV then.“
„Yeah that’s great Lew, but y/n is on right now. I think- no I’m pretty sure she’s having an anxiety attack on live television.“
Lewis was silent for a moment. „She is having what?“ - „An anxiety attack, you know what that is? It’s, uhm, when you get too overwhelmed and your psyche tells you that you’re experiencing immense fear at the moment and“, Lewis was tuning him out.
She was having an anxiety attack? Right now? During the pre-race interview? He had to help her.
„I’m on my way, thanks Seb“, and he hung up. He had to get there as fast as he could. Sprinting through the entire paddock to the media pin. On the way he almost crashed into Max, who was also making his way to the pin, Daniel by his side. The only looked at Lewis weird but soon we’re running with him, as he shouted: „It’s y/n!“
They arrived but no one wanted to let them in: „It’s not your turn yet, they’re still going. You have to wait until it’s your turn, you’ll be on in 10.“
„Listen, y/n, if you’re reacting this way to my question, you’re clearly not made for this sport, maybe you should go into something more ladylike, like horseback riding or tennis, at least you’d look pretty there.“
„And you’re clearly not made to interviews, asshole!“
All of them heard, the viewers heard, the drivers heard, the interviewers heard, but y/n was the only one who didn’t hear it.
Maybe you should go into something more ladylike, like horseback riding or tennis, at least you’d look pretty there. That was all she could hear. At least you’d look pretty there.
The other drives next to y/n didn’t know what to do. Their colleague was definitely having a though time, but they didn’t know how to help, they opted to just tilt their heads towards the floor and look just as uncomfortable as everyone in the room did - but no one stood up for her, expect Max.
„Maybe you should just fucking leave this pit before I will bash your disgusting face. Maybe you should scramble and flee. Maybe you should eat your on dick as you seem to like to put tiny and degrading things in your mouth. Maybe-“, Daniel stopped him, Max has said enough and made his point.
Lewis was already making his way up to her. Scooping her up and carrying her out of the pit.
At least you’d look pretty.
The sentence was going through her head like a loop, like a vinyl that’s broken and repeats all the worst parts. She felt like a broken record - cracked and well, broken.
„She‘s hyperventilating“, Danial pointed out. „Yeah no shit, sherlock.“ - „Max, let’s just focus on her right now, okay?“, the seven time world champion told the two time world champion. „Who’s garage is the nearest?“, Lewis asked into the round. „The Ferrari one is the first one on the grid“, Daniel said. „Let’s go then.“
Daniel led the way, fetching Lando on the way, she’d appreciate the support from the youngster. Even though he complained a lot to Danny.
„Don’t look, don’t look, we’re just passing through“, Daniel said as he tried to shield her and Lewis from all the cameras in the Ferrari garage. „What are you guys doing here?“, Carlos questioned, but as soon as he saw the crying mess in Lewis‘ arms he helped Daniel shield y/n. Carlos led them to Charles‘ side of the garage, as he had his closed off for anyone from the outside.
„What’s going on?“, a confused Charles asked the group now standing in his garage. „Charles, we need to go somewhere quiet, is that possible?“, Lewis asked the Ferrari driver. He nodded and led them to his drivers room, even though it was pretty tiny and probably wouldn’t fit all of them in it.
They set y/n on his sofa and Lewis was hovering in front of her. Lando sat on her right side, while Max was on her left. He took her hand in his, squeezing it, so she knew that he was there. „Hey y/n look at me. We’re in Charles‘ drivers room, in the Ferrari garage. Away from the media pit, okay? You’re safe with us now“, Lewis told her. „Breath with us.“
„In and out, just like that, darling, follow Lewis‘ breathing“, Daniel complimented y/n. „You’re doing great, shatje. So, so great. We’re all so proud of you.“
„You can let it all out, we won’t judge you“, Charles told her and just as he did, the dam broke. Her tears fell down onto her knees, she sobbed uncontrollably. She leaned her head on Landos shoulder and he pulled her close into his side. „You’re doing so well, love.“ - „Just keep breathing, don’t forget to breath“, Carlos told her. He was standing in the doorway with Charles, acting as bodyguards.
Danny walked around the room, trying to find something for y/n to drink out of. „Hey Charles, do you have some water or a bottle?“ The driver clad in red reacted fast and brought the Australian a tall glass of water. He brought y/n the glass and she had to stop crying to drink. Afterwards she got the hiccups. „There, there love, everything’s okay“, Lewis took her glass and patted her knee. „Remember what I told you? You’re gonna go far, okay? Don’t let that prick tell you otherwise.“
„At least you’d look pretty there.“
„Huh?“, the room asked, as she mumbled the sentence.
„At least you’d look pretty there. That’s what he said“, she looked up from her seat, to the room full of supporting people. „At least you’d look pretty.“
Max was so angry again, he could’ve killed that man, if it wasn’t for Daniel holding him back. „I am going to kill that man“, Max growled. y/n giggled: „Maxie, don’t, he doesn’t deserve death. He deserves to live a long, pitiful life.“
„We’re glad you’re laughing again, y/n“, Charles said. „Yes, very much so.“ Everyone agreed with Charles. „I love you guys, but how’d you even know that I was having a tough time?“, y/n asked confused. Lewis had to laugh: „Seb called me. Said he saw you on the TV all riled up and ready to cry and that I should already be on my way to help you, but I talked over him the whole time“ He scratched his neck and y/n laughed a loud belly laugh. „That’s so typical!“
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @whatthefuckerr , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee
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romanoffsbish · 11 months
We All Have Scars
Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
Fem!R x GN!OC (Robin)
WandaNat x F!R
Request | WC: 8,088
Warnings: Shitty Partner | Mental Breakdown | Breast Reduction (Insecurities) | Angst -> Fluff (H/C)
Smut: Oral (R) | Fingering (R) | Thigh Riding (R) Enchanted Strap (R receiving / All affected) | Overstimulation | Soft & Dirty
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"Did you see Y/N?" You stopped dead in your tracks as you heard your name come from the agency creeps mouth. You were meant to only be passing the break room. Being an Avenger now you hardly ever came to Shield's HQ, but their agents missions would occasionally overlap with more serious affairs, and when they did you were brought here to debrief.
What you didn't expect was to hear people talk about you so casually as if this wasn't still a work environment. Eavesdropping was taboo, but you justified it after hearing your name.
Part of you wished you'd never stayed...
"Of course I have Marvin," the familiar voice of your partner startled you, the fact that they'd engage in a conversation with the company sleaze threw you off, but it was their following words that really left you feeling uneasy. "I fuck her dumb on the regular, or did you forget?"
"That's actually why I'm asking," he chuckled, you could just picture the sinister expression as he goes on, "Why would you let a woman like that lessen her greatest asset? Those boobs of hers were once the center of my wet dreams."
You'd felt bile rising, and as they spoke next your mouth was overtaken by a putrid film.
"Let?" They sneered in question, "I begged her not to, but she's stubborn, and didn't listen. Honestly, she'd have been better off for it had she because her chest is all scarred up now. I can't even fuck her without the lights off."
Everything came crumbling down for you in that clarifying moment, the clipboard in your hand tumbling to the ground, and alerting the people to your presence behind the oak door.
You didn't stay long enough for them to see you though, it was purely instinctual the way your legs were taking you to the only place you felt like you could find solace. Running so fast through the place that once employed you, and failing to see the looks of pure concern on your friends faces as you brushed right by them.
Wanda heard snippets of your thoughts as you rushed right by her and Natasha, and her heart absolutely shattered at just how little you thought of yourself. She was desperate to know why, but invasion was never an option for her. So against her hearts desires for understanding she didn't dive deeper, but with the way you were crying so openly, and the emergence of your bewildered looking partner she knew.
The witch shared a look with her girlfriend, and after a moment of eye contact the redhead was bolting it down the hallways in line with the route she knew you'd be taking. It was the only place you felt safe when in such a space.
As Natasha left she knew your, likely to be ex, was in for a world of hurt. They'd been hoping for the dissolution of your arrangement for ages now, but they would never have wanted it to be at the expense of your very wellbeing.
Nonetheless, Wanda would handle them well.
After a minute of sprinting she came to a stop outside of the very oak tree she and Wanda had spent months building a treehouse on for you. The house itself was put together by Natasha and Clint, the retired archer who came around one day and took an instant liking to you, in a similar way as the longtime couple had. But the homey decor was all Wanda's work, as was the enchantment that kept it invisible to others.
Only the Avengers could see it. It was also even more restrictive with entry privileges, as only you, and the couple could enter uninvited.
As the redhead used the sturdy ladder to climb up she could feel her heart hammering in her chest. The adrenaline, spurred on by her need to reach you was quickly wearing off. Her body was begging her to just take a deep breath, but she could hear your distinct, hysterical sobs so she settled on taking in a labored set of breaths as she just continued to overexert her body.
Upon entering she saw you hunched over in a corner of the room with your head in your hands as your body shook uncontrollably. Natasha wanted to hold you, to scoop you up and shield you from the looming darkness but she knew you needed the option to choose.
"Y/N," Natasha cautiously approached you, her hands were reaching out for you but you were hesitant to accept her touch. You knew she was good, that she'd never hurt you, but your gut also reminded you that you thought the same thing about your parents, who used to patch up your "boo-boo's," until they sold you off to Hydra at five once your brothers were born.
They couldn't afford three mouths to feed, and they deemed yours the one worth sacrificing.
Then there was Strucker, the man you'd once called papa before he became the actual devil. One second you're playing with his monocle while perched upon his desk, then the next you're becoming another one of his lab rats. He made the decision to become ruthless with you as soon as you'd turned ten, and were ready to physically undergo the life altering trials.
Your mistrust fully bloomed with that betrayal.
Every time you made a connection, the other person would be shocked at your eagerness to trust in them. Most people pitied you really, so desperate to be loved by another that you'd easily settle for mediocrity. With every single partner you'd give them all of you, and they only ever found new ways to tear you down.
You finally thought you got it right with Robin, but you realized now you didn't. They were just like the rest of them, and you were finding it increasingly hard to cope with another loss.
Robin was a dream, they were the same person who flashed you a warm smile a little over six months ago after a rather exhausting mission. They bought you dinner, and kissed you softly on the cheek before bidding you farewell. As time went by they'd be the one to hold your hand through the countless stormy nights. It never occurred to you that they'd become a nightmare too, the kinda person who would happily humiliate you in front of your peers.
You trusted them; poor, silly girl that you were.
Everyone around you warned you not to date the person in charge of spinning stories. Their literal job came with the responsibility to twist the truth until it looked presentable to people.
It really shouldn't be a shock to you that they'd embarrass you like this, taking your newfound insecurities and broadcasting them even after they'd assured you that you were still beautiful.
As if your former colleagues needed to know about what you looked like beneath your bra.
You were a mess of emotions, but mortified took the prime spot as you envisioned the word spreading like wildfire. Shield was one thing, but the idea that the people you now called family would get an insight into the situation.
Well, that was enough to lead you right here.
To a place that shielded you from the curious looks, and the invasive whispers. It was your only escape, where you thought you'd have at least some time to be alone in your shame, before your saviors would come along. But in your rush to escape you'd forgotten the couple was just as present on the prior mission.
"Detka please," Natasha was desperate in her pleas, she could see you already withdrawing, and it terrified her. It'd been years since she last saw you like this. At the time they were hesitant as well, but after a few hours with you it was clear you were nothing short of docile.
They had placed you into a containment cell after retrieving you from a Hydra facility. You were so incredibly broken, and too easily pliant to be seen as a threat. You were soft spoken, and cooperative, yet you clearly held mistrust.
From the very first day Natasha knew you'd become someone she cared about. With her and Wanda being in charge of training you it wasn't much of a shock that you let them in. They accepted you just the same, but with the distance starting at shield created they never got to have you the way they wanted. Then as you were transitioning to the Avengers you met Robin, and it nearly sent Wanda off the rails.
The brunette knew they were trouble, and she didn't even need her powers to tell her that. But the collective warnings fell on deaf ears as you chose to pursue the apparent dead end.
Natasha knew too, but she held her resentment closer to her heart, and remained the only one capable of keeping Wanda focused on the fact that you weren't theirs to claim. You were not something to be owned, but earned. So, they settled on being a solid base for you, and if they play their cards right now, once you've healed they'll finally get to call you theirs outwardly.
As the redhead caught your shifting gaze she could see your resolve softening, so she settled on the ground before you. There was a good five inches between you though, giving you any space you could want. "Can I hold you detka?"
It was tense, staring into her loving gaze as you weighed out the options. You could either stay where you are, cold and broken, or you could crawl into her awaiting lap, where you knew intimately that it brought warmth, and peace.
After a few minutes of chaotic deliberation you scrambled into her lap. Her arms wrapped around you just as fast, and you cried against her chest as her unyielding love overwhelmed your persistently aching heart. "It's okay sweet girl, I don't know what they did, but I promise you didn't deserve it. They're a dumbass..."
You froze in her embrace, your mind and heart were now at war with one another as you chose to stutter in their defense, "N-no, Natty, don't be mad at them. They were just being —."
"Don't do that," Natasha shook her head, her own lip began to tremble as she really looked into your eyes to see your mind in scattered pieces that required mending. "They don't deserve your forgiveness, don't defend them."
"Th-they didn't mean it, they couldn't have.."
It broke the redhead to see you trying to give Robin the benefit of the doubt, all the while you are trembling in her arms as you tried to process your overwhelming feelings of hurt. Which is why she decided it was best to offer you comfort while being brutally honest.
"Sometimes people are just terrible Y/N, there's no rhyme or reason, and there's no changing that fact no matter how hard we want to. It's easier to pretend they had a valid reason for being so cruel, to bury that intimidating surge of anger and fill the new void left behind with a faux sense of personal accountability."
Natasha's callous thumb softly ran over the wet skin of your cheek, she smiled warmly at you as she let the abrupt silence linger for a moment. Offering you as much comfort as she could while she carefully gathered her thoughts.
"Because facing the truth that they're a vile person that we let in to hurt us is harder than rightfully condemning their behavior." Natasha saw you coming to terms with her words, but it only proved more devastating as more tears streamed down your temples and soaked into the cotton of her hoodie. "So please don't do it, because when you do, you're only masking the hurt instead of feeling it. You have to face the truth detka, feel the betrayal and the hurt long enough to free you from it and to let you heal."
"W-why does this always happen to me Natty?" Natasha firmly pressed her lips to your hairline and took in a shaky breath through her nose as she willed the tears in her eyes not to slip. "I don't know Y/N/N, but you deserve better."
Natasha's voice wavered, she truly didn't get it, because if given the opportunity to have you at their side, she knew that Wanda and her would love you right. You'd never have to question their intentions, or the strength of their love for you because it was true. It would be perfect...
"It hurts so much," your voice was barely above a whisper, but your hands were strong as they clung to her in sheer desperation. "Make it stop Natty, please, I-I can't." You began to shiver, and in an instant her hoodie was slid over your head and within seconds your body calmed.
"Yes you can detka," Natasha shushed you, with a warm smile reserved for you once your bleary eyes had found hers again. "You're strong enough to face it detka, and we're right here. Wanda and I got you now, you're safe."
"I'm safe," you repeated a bit unsure, but as her arms tightened around you it was made clear. You timidly smiled up at Natasha, and she returned it with ease. She saw your exhaustion clear as day with her eyes locked on yours, so she shifted her body, then kept her hold on you firm as she took you both to the grey recliner. She put a playlist Wanda made for you on shuffle, then kissed your cheek. "Now rest."
Natasha enjoyed cradling you, even if her arm had long since gone numb holding up the deadweight of your upper body. With you nuzzled into the cloth of her shirt she could feel your warm breath against her skin exposed by the v-neck of her blouse. Her heart practically leapt out of her chest, she missed having you close ever since you entered your relationship.
They'd nearly had you, but you slipped away, and that had the gravest of consequences...
"How is she?" Natasha looked up to see her girlfriend hovering by the doorway, almost afraid to enter the space you both currently occupied. "Okay for now, did you figure out what that wretched fool did to her?" Wanda shook her head as she approached, her hand gently cupped your face, and she smiled as you leaned into her touch. "I didn't really ask..."
Natasha furrowed her brow in confusion as she peered up at Wanda for clarity, but then she silently understood the witches loving gaze.
It was your story alone to tell.
Wanda handled your ex, and the agent with the easiness of a call to Fury. The matriarch of Shield held no hesitation after he caught wind of what was said. He nipped the spread of the scenario in the butt with a hardened glare. It wasn't enough for Wanda though, so with a flick of her wrist she ensured that the last hour of all of their lives was a muddled memory.
Whatever was said, was forgotten by all except for the guilty parties who were thrown out on their asses. Wanda glared at Robin as they rushed out of HQ, sending a shiver down their spine that let them know to never return.
Natasha was satisfied with the information, but she also knew you'd likely be devastated. To find that you were abandoned again is going to hold you prisoner to thoughts of inadequacy.
All the couple can do is be there for you, and hope that with time you'll be made anew.
"What's in the bags?" Natasha moved the conversation on, and Wanda held the bag out to give sight to the contents. "I made Y/N/N her favorite meal, and I ran to our old Shield rooms to collect some pajama's for all of us."
"We're sleeping here tonight?" Natasha asked with a pout, her back instantly feeling that familiar ache that the air mattress brings.
"Suck it up kotenok," Wanda snorted, "Y/N needs to not be bothered by the guys tonight."
With their chatter above you it wasn't shocking for Wanda to be the first to witness your eyes fluttering open. You looked rather adorable as you tried to piece together how you ended up in her lovers arms, and then she saw clarity wash over you. For a moment you frowned, then you yawned and reached out for her.
Wanda set the bags down on the coffee table with a soft chuckle then she pulled you up and into her warm embrace all as she smiled down at a pouting Nat in a gloating manner. "How does a treehouse sleepover sound sweetie?"
"You guys don't have to do that, I'm okay now," you mumbled into her shirt, she hardly caught your words, but she merely tightened her arms around your waist and swayed your bodies. "Detka, you don't have to pretend with us, you don't need to go through this all alone. So, I am going to get some bowls, and you'll go pick a movie while Natty here sets up the projector."
You knew by her tone that there was no room for debate, so you did as you were told. In the end she was right, you were far from fine, but as you laid between their bodies as the film continued to roll, you knew as long as they were around that the healing was possible.
In a years time, you knew with certainty that was true. Wanda and Natasha, your now lovers of three months, had saved you from ruin.
You were a shell of yourself at first, hardly speaking to anyone upon reaching back to the compound, and reverting back to your old ways of solitude in a blink. Always polite, but never forthcoming with your presence or words.
Robin leaving over something so personal to you broke you into shambles. It was never a fair trade, but your mind couldn't help but to regret ever giving into the advice given to you.
When you first joined the Avengers you were given an off planet mission. Thor was not one to go on missions Earth-side often, unless it was the end of times level, but Fury did offer him agents when necessary. Your powers were crucial to Thor, so you found yourself on a planet where fire was the peoples kryptonite.
With one flash of a flame you were able to help him without much of a fight. Their leader knew Thor wouldn't hesitate to let you bring ruin, so they gave into the God who towered over them.
He'd taken you back to Earth, and for your "valiant effort" he took you to a diner, where even though you'd done hardly anything, you were rubbing at your lower back and wincing.
"Lady Y/N, why don't you get your boobs cut into smaller ones?" He'd said, you immediately went to cast an offended glare at the pig of a man, but then you saw into his eyes, and they held an innocence that told you he was only offering a genuine suggestion. "My ex, Jane, has a friend—Darcy. She used to talk our ear off about how reducing hers was the best choice she'd ever made. Her back problems vanished, and her clothes fit more smoothly."
His suggestion seemed fruitless at first, but after a mission a couple weeks later, where you felt the pain increased by your exertions you took it seriously and scheduled a consultation.
Robin said no, but it was never direct. They just teased you, and therefore you believed it to be a tasteless joke. They never said anything to you after, but you could see the way they no longer lit up at the sight of your bareness. It didn't change your sex life though, at least not in the rate at which it happened. Only the way.
Still, you remained naive up until the moment their truth was spewed out like venom. Sinking into you, and holding you captive in your mind.
They had no right to make you feel insecure, it was your choice, and it was meant to be joyous. You made it with your own body in mind, to better your life, and you were ecstatic. It was one of the first ones you'd ever been able to make of your own volition and they tainted it.
For the first month you refused to leave your room unless it was to go on a mission, or to sneak off to the treehouse. Everyone gave you the space, even when the couple didn't want to.
Wanda kept you fed with meals outside your door, and Natasha kept you safe by going on the missions you were still expected to go on. They hovered, but never in a way that was suffocating, only in a way that said they were there and cared. Which eventually paid off because when you did finally show up to movie night you were quick to settle down with them.
It was your first big step towards healing.
Months flew by, and with time you found the ache in your chest was never for Robin, but instead for companionship in general. You wanted a love like Wanda and Natasha's, and after a drunk kiss shared between the three of you it was made clear you just wanted them.
It was a no brainer really, when you woke up with your head on straight you felt the same. They'd breathed out a sigh of relief when you simply smiled at them and snuggled even further into the warmth of their bodies instead of running out of their room screaming.
That night they took you on a date, and swept you off your feet in the most romantic of ways. Literally, Natasha scooped you up, and kissed you beneath the light of the moon, and Wanda danced with you in a field as the stars twinkled.
You felt free; they were the breath of clarity you'd always been searching for, you'd just only ever delved into a sea full of wrong people.
Being with them made you realize that you were never the problem. They loved you so incredibly well, reminded you how beautiful you were everyday, even when you looked like a troll as your arose from your slumber or a hot mess after a grueling mission. It was never a lie, your beauty was more than skin deep.
Still, even with their reassurances, you'd been terrified to give yourself over completely. You knew they'd never treat you like previous partners had, but still, in the back of your mind you were left with the fleeting insecurities.
Every time something would be close to initiated you'd find yourself blocked. Heavy petting and sloppy make outs would progress with ease, then a hand would skim over your heated skin beneath your blouse and you'd bolt up, and excuse yourself. They never questioned you, they gave you your space, and made sure the vibe in the room was tranquil when you would come back in with a guilty expression.
Wanda would cradle your head to her chest, and Natasha would kiss your cheek as if they weren't hot and bothered only an hour prior.
They've been patient, which is only fair, but you also knew that they were sexually driven women. You've shared a wall with them for long enough to know that, but ever since you'd joined their arrangement they've been celibate.
Neither seemed impatient with your pace, they offered you abundant warmth, and stability. It was you that was growing frazzled with need, the pit in your stomach was taut, and after making out with Natasha, with your body pressed against a wall this morning you'd decided that there wasn't any need to wait.
That's why you're in their room, the one that had basically become yours, with only silk a robe layered around your bareness. Against the insecurities of their unknown reactions, you were ready to take a chance on them, and you had faith that they'd love you regardless of the perceivable imperfections. Plus, the source of your greatest insecurities lessened with time.
The once dark, and angry surgical scars had actually faded some, they were still prominent, but nowhere near as noticeable as they were a year prior when you were shamed. On top of that, you'd decided to take a cosmetic approach to distract yourself, and others from the marks.
You took a steadying breath, and shook off the building anxieties. You chose to focus on the potential for a night of bliss. Natasha and Wanda were downstairs finishing mission reports, completely unaware that they were about to stumble upon you. That element of surprise actually made you even more aroused.
It was embarrassing really, the way your slick dripped down your thighs, and cascaded over the slope of your knees as you kneeled on the bed in wait. You'd texted them a simple 'come to your room please,' and smiled when you heard the familiar steps of Nat's combat boots and Wanda's heels in only a minutes time.
"Detka?" Natasha called out, but it was Wanda who first walked into the room, and who felt the colliding of her lovers body as she stilled at the sight of you on their bed. The energy was shifted from inquisitive to sinfully so as the women let their eyes trail over your form.
"What is this?" Wanda's accent was thick, her flushed cheeks and darkened eyes giving way to the carnal second nature of your loving witch. Natasha pushed Wanda forward, hand reaching behind her to shut and lock the door with ease as she spoke huskily, "Yeah, we're not complaining love, but we're seeking clarity."
Without a word you reached out your hands and each of them took one into their own. Natasha linked her fingers with yours, and Wanda held eye contact with you as she brought yours to her lips to kiss your knuckles.
"I'm ready," you spoke with absolute certainty, and allowed them to pull you from the bed. Wanda spun you so that you were facing her, and offered you a gentle, yet questioning smile. Natasha moved her hands to your hips so she could pull your body flush to hers, her lips pressed beneath your ear, hot breath tickled your skin as she whispered: "Are you sure?"
"There's no rush," Wanda added, and you leaned forward to kiss her, it was soft, and she melted into the affection. Then you boldly laid her hand onto the tie of your robe. "I think we have all waited long enough, so take it off."
Both of them pulled away from you, and though you enjoyed the redheads warmth from behind, you found her eagerness to see you in all your naked glory a bit more comforting. Wanda swirled her hand in the air, causing the knot to untwist, and the robe to fall. "Woah."
You chuckled nervously, "Woah? Is that good?"
Wanda smiled as she bit her lip, and beckoned you closer with the crook of her finger, you quickly obliged, settling into her open arms. A sigh left your lips as Natasha once again stood behind you, and pressed you into the witch.
Neither of them answered you with words, but instead you found yourself with your head thrown back as they lavished your body with the most sinful of attention. Nimble hands groped you all over, and brought you to moan as their lips worked you over in tandem.
Natasha and Wanda were honestly floored by the initial sight of you. Their eyes had nearly bulged out of their heads when seeing the way your thighs had glistened for them—they knew without need for vocal confirmation that they get you all worked up. They see the way your thighs harshly clench, and in this moment they could smell you from a few feet away and they were salivating at the idea of being able to finally taste you after all these years in wait.
Then their eyes slowly rose higher, admiring every perfect curve of your body that they'd only had the luxury of seeing beneath clothes. Eventually seas of green reached the holy grail as they froze on your chest, your nipples were pert, and breasts were perfectly rounded.
Sparks of jealousy ignited in their hearts at the realization that someone else was near your body within the last year upon gazing at your fresh tattoo. Just between your breasts sat a gorgeous piece of artwork, it was an intricate array of lines that all came together to create the image of a sturdy castle. It took over the entirety of your upper abdomen, and the tip of the extravagant looking building laid within the valley of your breasts. It was moving.
You'd gotten it to represent the overall concept of conquering fears, to symbolize that no one else could dictate the making of your intricate story, it was yours to write; you were queen.
They also noticed your scars, but it wasn't even a thing they focused in on, neither woman cared about something so inconsequential.
Why would they when they had your body at their disposal to cherish until the sun set?
You were perfect, and they were desperate to have and show you that, to wipe away the insecurities they know you've felt for months.
After a particularly loud moan that Natasha pulled by groping your ass, Wanda had bit down into the juncture between your neck and shoulder. Her fingers drummed against your sides as she steadied her skipping heart, then she pulled her face from the side of your neck as she had caught a whiff of your increased arousal. The need to be between your thighs was no longer something she could ignore, and with how you squirmed about in their hold she knew that the overall need was reciprocated.
"You're fucking breathtaking Y/N," she held onto your hips with a tight grip as she felt her body dizzying from her need for more of you. "I'm so—, please detka, tell me this is all okay, let me know when I can drop to my knees and worship you like the queen that you are."
You gulped when looking into her eyes to find only remnants of green remained. The lust was all consuming for the lot of you, you were all but certain Natasha's eyes were just as wild.
"Come on sweet girl," Natasha rasped against the shell of your ear as her hands slid around to grope your breasts from behind, you gasped and nearly broke down as her thumbs rolled over your nipples. It'd been so long since you felt the hands of another on your body, but more specifically your chest and you were overwhelmed with settling grief and pleasure.
"Let us take care of you like you deserve," she continued with an urgency in her tone that sounded close to a whine, it was as if she was in pain being made to wait, "Fuck, you're just so perfect Y/N, sat here patiently waiting for us."
Wanda was already on her knees when your eyes had finally fluttered back open, you locked gazes with her, and offered her a reassuring smile that made her heart flutter wildly, and once your head nodded she surged forward.
Normally they'd ask you to speak, but there was no doubt with the urgency of your nod.
Natasha held your body firmly in place by your hips as the other woman flicked her tongue through your folds. It excited her to no end when you tried to squirm away, but found yourself incapable of doing so with her bruising hold. You were gripping onto her neck with your arm thrown back for stability while your other hand fell and twisted into fiery locks of auburn so that you could keep them close.
Wanda hummed against your clit just as one of Natasha's hands slipped downwards from your hip, and just as her fingers slid inside of your cunt she was prepared with her plump lips on yours to catch your throat scratching moans. With only a few strokes and a harsh suckling of your swollen bundle of nerves you fell apart.
The redheads arm wrapped around your waist as your body tried to slump forward, because it'd been so long since you felt this intense of a release, and Wanda didn't even stop to breathe. It was no wonder your knees buckled as her tongue continued to lap at your center, and her fingers harshly dug into your quivering thighs.
Natasha aided her in her attempt to pull more from you before ever making it to the bed as her fingers buried themselves back inside of you and moved with a vigorous effort to do so. It was a pleasure you'd never felt before, her long fingers reached into your greatest depths, making your stomach burn as you were built back up, and tears collected in the divots of your neck as you cried from the pleasure.
"I-I'm gonna cum," you got out before an ear piercing moan left your throat, "O-oh shit!" You could feel the coil tethering with each harsh thrust, and it finally unraveled as the redhead curled her fingers and pressed them into your g-spot. "I, oh fuck, fuck, fuck..."
Your slick came gushing out, and soaking Wanda's face while your walls pulled your other lovers fingers in even deeper and held onto them for dear life as they continued to spasm uncontrollably from the pleasure. It took a few minutes for your cunt to relinquish its hold, and as soon as she slid her fingers from you Wanda was there to replace them.
"What a good girl," Natasha purred against the skin of your neck. "I bet you taste so sweet, hm. I mean look at Wanda, she's already addicted and you're just letting her devour your pussy."
Wanda grinned against your thigh after she finally pulled away from your sensitive walls, and if the look she sent her lover wasn't enough the confirmation she got when she sucked your slick from her fingers was enough to prove it.
"A real fucking delicacy she is," Wanda mused, accent thick with her Sokovian roots as she felt and stored the entirety of her lust in her chest. "Those mission reports will be defaulting."
Natasha chuckled, "Oh, yes they will..."
Wanda stood to her feet, and kissed Natasha over your shoulder while you came back down. Their tongues danced harmoniously, and you felt the warmth blossom in your core again at the sounds of their altered salivas swapping.
Fortunately for you they handled your tired body once they were satisfied with parting. Their main focus was on taking care of you, and making love to you until you couldn't take it anymore, they wanted to hear you plead with them to stop, then bring you over the edge a final time just to see you writhe all over again.
When your mind caught up to your body you could hear the choked up moans that left you as Wanda slid your cunt against Natasha's bare thigh. Her nipples brushed against your back and you internally screamed at the feel of them bare against you. Your eyes were screwed shut, but you willed them open so you could see them, even if you were restricted in many ways.
The swell of Natasha's breasts was enough to make your body tingle with excitement and for your thighs to try to clamp shut, but the tight grip of Wanda's hands, and obstacle of Nat's leg kept you spread wide open, and in bliss.
The redhead smirked, "Like what you see?" You smiled bashfully, and stuttered out a quiet yes that made the women share a humored glance. "Feel free to suck on them then detka." The permission granted and way that she hotly winked at you had your walls clenching around nothing, and at the feel of your cunt pulsing she knowingly flexed her thigh, and as Wanda harshly pressed you into the muscle you fell into Natasha's shoulder with rushed pants to indicate what the slick on her thigh already did.
You came, again, and fuck were you feeling it.
Never in your life had a partner made you cum more than twice, you'd believed it to be an impossibility at this point, so the fact that they'd even managed a third time was actually insane to you. Your teeth had sunk into the skin of the redheads supple breast, and latched on tight, for a brief bout of comfort it seemed as your lower half went momentarily numb. It was a foreign sensation, the way your vision had spotted over, and your muscles ached.
Your body was obviously spent, you were sure to fall over soon, but they weren't even done with you. Something you realized after the witch lifted you up, then spun you around. They left you over Natasha's lap, with you on your knees, keeping your legs spread wide over Natasha's. The sight of a strap made your eyes widen just as much, and Wanda smiled wide.
"You like it detka?" You visibly gulped, but nonetheless nodded along rather dumbly. "It's enchanted, so when I fuck it into your pretty little cunt, Natty will feel it too, and I will get to feel as you clench around me with every inch I slip inside you. Oh my, I can't fucking wait..."
Wanda's words were a warning you didn't read, so when the tip pressed inside you seconds later you weren't prepared, but your pussy was. It swallowed the thick silicone up, and left you with your mouth agape as it stretched you out.
Natasha panted wildly against your neck as she felt the phantom strokes of the enchanted strap as it slid in and out of your slicked up walls. That alone nearly sent you spiraling over into another climax, but you managed to keep it at bay for a bit longer to ensure both woman got to fall over with you. "I'm so close, please..."
"Just a few more minutes detka," Wanda grunted as her hips continued their relentless pace in the race to bring you all over the edge. "I'm close too, I want to cum with you love."
Natasha squeaked, "Me too," as her entire body felt like it was on fire. Every nerve ending she had was on high alert as she felt every single pleasurable pressure that you did with Wanda rutting into you like a woman gone mad. The pleasure melded into pain from time to time for you, but it faded out fast enough to derive an even deeper, appreciative overall pleasure.
It was driving her wild, finally having you in the way they'd always dreamed of. Spread out, and dumbed down. It had her teetering, and she knew with absolute certainty she'd fall soon, especially when you or Natasha would moan right in tandem with her soft grunts. 
As the witches pace steadily increased it became near impossible for any of you to bare. With every thrust into your g-spot you'd flutter around the silicone, which would cause a firm sensation to be felt against Wanda's very own.
Natasha's upper body gave out, causing her to fall back into a low pile of pillows, and with her your body followed. Wanda didn't take this new vantage point for granted either, her eyes first focused on the way your tits bounced with every single thrust, and then they moved on to gawking at your glistening, puffy cunt that took her thick, veiny strap without any resistance.
"Fuck, look at this Nat," she groaned, then in an instance both yours and Natasha's minds were overtaken by the live image of your cunt being rutted into without any reprieve in sight. Natasha cried out against your cheek, her thighs trembled beneath your ass, and even in your blissed out state you managed to smile.
Wanda found your triumphant smile adorable, you knew just what you were doing to them, it was a cocky, yet sweet little expression. You soon whimpered as she lifted your thighs up into Natasha's hands so that she could fuck into you even deeper. Her plans to wipe the smile off your face a success as she worked to remind you that they were the ones in charge.
Her body lurched forward so that she could lavish your upper body with attention, her tongue swirled around your nipples, making you gasp out at the unexpected touch. Then she began to press shaky kisses all over the ridged skin around the curve of your breasts as she grew overwhelmed by the way that the harness pressed firmly into her clit with each thrust.
Wanda wanted to see you coming undone, so she stretched her torso and brought her face to hover over yours as she kept her hips pace up. While she stared into your eyes she noted the way your pupils contracted ever so slightly, there was a haze that heavily overlayed them, and she felt her chest swell with pride at the effect their ministrations were having on you.
Then she frowned as they soon shut. "Open your eyes pretty girl," she coaxed, her lips pressed to yours briefly, and she beamed when you listened to her gentle command. "Keep them open for us, we wanna see you let go."
Natasha softly cursed in Russian from beneath you, her hot air coasting over your skin, and you imagined Wanda was sharing in the sight.
"I need," you choked on your words as she applied a firm pressure to your engorged clit, the touch was too much and everything all at once. "Please, let me cum, I can't take it anymore... I need to..." You words cut off once again as she had slammed her lips to yours, and whispered, "Cum with us detka, let go..."
You came with a scream of their names in between slurred curse words, and Natasha followed suit within seconds, screaming in line with your own before she bit into your shoulder to suppress her insanely loud noises of bliss.
It was a glorious sight for the witch, Natasha's skin was flushed and her eyes were drooped, and when she focused back in on you she about died at the alluring sight that followed along with you cumming. Her hips came to an abrupt stop as she was blinded by her own orgasm, holding eye contact with you as you came down was rather dizzying. Like an intimate fireworks show on display for just her with the way the swirls of lust exploded within your irises. 
Wanda’s body collapsed atop yours, she softly kissed the skin of your neck, and smiled when your arms lazily wrapped around her body. The three of you remained like that for awhile, breathing out of sync on the come down, and exchanging the sweetest of touches up until Natasha ruined it with a gravely whine, “I can’t feel anymore, I’m paralyzed beneath you two.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, then you squealed as she did the same with your bodies. “Fine, but don’t complain about missing our warmth.”
“Ah yes, because that’s what I’m getting,” she teased further, “You’re just so warm Wands.”
“Careful now, or I’ll tell Fury to send you off.”
Natasha chuckled, then looked over to see your face was nuzzled into the witches chest, and the other was smiling like an idiot. Her heart was near to bursting at the seams with just how much love she harbored for the both of you.
“Share the detka,” Natasha whined, no longer content with being alone after sixty seconds. Wanda smirked, then taunted her, “I warned you, yet you still chose your silly freedom.”
“I didn’t want to lose my limbs!”
You giggled tiredly against Wanda’s bare chest, and she smiled widely at Natasha who was already wearing an adoring smile of her own.
“How are you feeling love?” Wanda whispered, and with the help of Nat she’d rolled you onto your back. For a moment you’d gathered the post sex confidence to speak, hut then piercing orbs of emerald stared down expectantly and the pure deepness of the green in them gave the allusion as if she was staring into your soul.
"I-I," you paused, taking in a massive inhale to steady your rapidly beating heart. The after effects of your multiple orgasms not helping your mind to process either. Natasha's cocky smirk hovering over your face wasn't helping, but Wanda's nails scratching over your side was. "What's on your mind there pretty girl?"
"Thank you."
Natasha frowned, and your brows turned down at the sight of her disappointed expression.
"Why are you thanking us?" Wanda asked the question on both of their minds. Suddenly you felt the weight of your former insecurities crashing back down on you, and for the first time since it happened you decided to be more open with them. "For being patient with me..."
"Oh sweetheart, that's not worthy of thanks," Wanda negated with a deep sigh. "You deserve nothing less than the bare minimum, and that is exactly what respecting your autonomy is."
You felt the warmth swarming around in your stomach, as if a case of butterflies had been released within you. The ability to be honest with them only furthered as you saw the loving look in their eyes that screamed of safety.
"And for," you paused momentarily, pouting your lips as you got your thoughts together. "For not making me feel bad for the ugly scars beneath my chest. Robin, they, um —..."
Neither women needed further explanation, it made both of them irate to think that the pain you felt last year, that nearly cost them you for good, was over something so grotesque.
"I'll kill them," Natasha growled, and you were not foolish enough to leave that unchecked. "Natty, I think that it's time we all move on. Robin is a thing of the past, and I'd like to keep them that way. I much prefer our future."
Our future rang out in all of your heads, and you smiled reassuringly up at them in truth.
Natasha settled on her side beside you, her arm crooked to hold her head up, and she reached out to grab your hand. She pulled it to her lips, pressing a gentle kiss to your fingertips before she was taking it lower. You quirked a brow, thinking this was a fast turn around into a round two, but then she settled your hand on her lower abdomen. You frowned at the feel of her mostly smooth skin being tarnished by the familiar ridges. Hers were a bit more faded, but the raise of the skin never planned to go away.
“We all have scars detka,” she spoke with a great sadness in her tone, but her smile reflected the hope that lived on inside her chest. “Some of ours we wear outside,” as she paused, Wanda turned your face to hers, and you held intimate eye contact as Nat finished, “Some of ours live in our souls, and for the three of us we’ve got a mix of both. They don’t define us detka, they’re just a piece of a story.”
“You’re beautiful now, just as you were then,” Wanda carried on the topic of discussion. She took a momentary reprieve so she could kiss your lips while her thumbs wiped away at the once budding tears that had began to fall. “We always saw you Y/N, when you were in that cell we just knew you were special, and every day since you’ve gotten out you’ve proven us right.”
“I love you guys so much,” you cried, and rolled into Natasha’s chest to hide your face. “We love you so much more Y/N,” Wanda challenged, and in a gentle sway she maneuvered herself behind you, and wrapped you up in her love. Natasha mirrored her exact sentiments with a contrast in approach as she pecked your tear stained cheeks, and ran a comforting hand up and down your side. “Now rest up angel..”
Wanda chuckled tiredly into her pillow then kissed your neck “We’re far from done detka…”
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boobo13cambridge · 1 year
Magic Kingdom | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x f.Reader
Warnings: Penetrative sex, fingering, kissing, breeding kink, no condom (wrap it before you tap it folks).
Summary: After spending the day at Disneyland Paris with his niece and nephew, Kylian wants to start a family with you
A/N: Hello, everyone! Sorry for posting this so late in the day, I got caught up with work. As always, I hope you enjoy it. I quite enjoyed this one because I’m such a sucker for Kylian with kids. 
The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky as you entered Disneyland Paris holding Kylian's niece close to your chest, the vibrant colors of the park's attractions and decorations catching your eye, and making the little girl squeal with joy. Kylian walked ahead with his nephew, eager to explore the different lands of the park. The air was warm and the breeze was refreshing, the sweet smell of pastries making your mouth subtly water. It was the perfect day to enjoy all the rides and experiences the park had to offer. 
As you walked through the park, you were struck by the vibrant colors and delightful sounds of Disney magic all around you. You and the kids marveled at the elegant architecture of Main Street, U.S.A, with its charming shops and cafes, and then ventured into Adventureland, Frontierland, and Fantasyland to explore more of the park's wonders.
Walking by the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups ride, Kylian's niece tugged on his sleeve. "Tonton Kyky, est-ce qu'on peut aller sur ce manège, s'il te plaît?" ("Uncle Kyky, can we go on that ride, please?")
Kylian smiled down at her. "Bien sûre, ma petite poule. On y vas!" ("Of course, my little chicken. Let's go!")
As you all made your way over to the ride, skipping through the long line as you had made sure to buy the fast passes, your heart swelled with love and admiration for your husband. It was clear to you that despite being one of the greatest footballers in the world, he never let his busy schedule interfere with being a loving and devoted husband.
Watching him interact with his brother's children, Kylian's niece and nephew, was a true testament to his character. He was patient, playful, and always put their needs first. Seeing him be so caring and attentive made you dream about starting a family of your own with him.
As you all climbed aboard the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups, you found yourself lost in thoughts about the future, imagining Kylian spinning around with your own children, making them giggle with delight just like he did with his niece and nephew. It was a sweet and tender moment, and you knew in your heart that Kylian would make an amazing father.
"This is going to be so much fun!" exclaimed Kylian's nephew breaking you from your reverie as you all sat in the pretty pink teacup, as requested by little Lana. 
"I know, I can't wait!" replied Kylian's niece, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
You and Kylian shared a smile, both feeling happy to be able to share this experience with his family. Kylian's little 4-year-old niece was holding onto you tightly as the ride spun faster and faster. The colors of the ride blended together in a dizzying and exhilarating whirlwind. Kylian bit his lip noticing how well you took care of his niece, and he couldn't help but dream about how nice of a mother you would be.
As the ride came to an end, you all stumbled out of the tea cups, still a little disoriented but filled with a sense of pure joy and laughter.
"That was so cool!" Kylian's niece exclaimed, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"I know, right? Let's do it again!" added Kylian's nephew.
You all shared a laugh, happy to have created such a fun memory together. As you made your way through the park, you stopped to take photos with the characters, capturing memories that would last a lifetime. The kids were especially excited to meet their favorite Disney princesses and heroes, and the look of pure joy on their faces was priceless. Throughout the day, you felt Kylian giving you these discreet looks that you couldn't quite figure out what they meant and he was usually very easy to read. You also noticed how extra-touchy he was.
Kylian usually kept his hands to himself when the kids were around but since you got off the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups ride, he was extra affectionate. A lingering kiss here, and a discreet pat on your behind. You finally caught on to his behavior when Lana had accidentally spilled her juice all over her beautiful Princess Ariel dress while you were all sitting down to eat at Casey's Corner. She got teary-eyed and looked up at you, "Tati, I ruined my dress!" You immediately comforted her and reassured her, "It's okay, Lana. Accidents happen. Let's go get you a new dress, okay?"
As you got up to find the nearest boutique, Kylian staying behind to clean up the spilled juice you caught the way he looked at you and Lana with such wistfulness and longing that even a blind person would have caught on to what he wanted. You were sure you were blushing to the tips of your hair, your heart filled with warmth and love. Shaking your head, you switched your focus to the still upset little girl holding your hand, putting thoughts of little babies with your husband’s dimples to the back of your mind.
As the day wore on, you took breaks to enjoy refreshing drinks and tasty treats like popcorn and cotton candy, and then continued to explore the park's many attractions, including the magnificent Sleeping Beauty Castle. As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, you and Kylian found a  spot to watch the enchanting Disney Illuminations show, with its stunning projections and dazzling fireworks illuminating the night sky. The children, tightly secured in your arms after a brief argument about who would get to sit in Tati or Tonton’s lap, were entranced, and as you looked at each other, you couldn't help but feel a wave of pure love and affection wash over you both. 
Back home, the kids tucked into bed after an exciting trip to Disneyland, you and and your husband snuggled into bed. You had one leg thrown over his strong thighs as you rested your head onto his naked toned chest relaxing to the comforting sound of his heartbeat. 
"I had such a great time today, mon amour." Kylian said as he stroked your hair his chin resting on the top of your head. 
"Me too," you replied. "It was so much fun to see the kids' faces light up."
Kylian paused for a moment before speaking again. "You know, spending the day with them made me realize something."
"What's that?" you asked curiously, sleepily nuzzling into his chest. 
"I…uh…I was thinking about how I wanted to start a family with you," Kylian said slightly stuttering, as you felt your heart stop for a second. You looked up at him seeing the way he was nervously chewing on his bottom lip. "Really? Are you sure?" you asked, unsure of how to respond, not like you weren’t secretly fantasizing about that the whole day and you were pretty sure he caught on to that.
Kylian nodded, gently stroking your lower back. "I've been thinking about it for a while now, and today just seeing you with the kids made me want it all the more."
You snorted while fiddling with the silver chain with your initials you got him for your second anniversary which he never took off. " Yeah, baby, you were really subtle about it today." 
Lightly pinching your waist, he rolled his eyes. “Yes, because you were so subtle mademoiselle, blushing every time I looked at you.”
You giggled and leaned into his touch, feeling a wave of desire wash over you. Kylian's eyes flickered with amusement before turning serious. "I'm serious, though. I want to start a family with you."
Your heart swelled with love for him, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "I want that too, Kylian. More than anything."
He leaned down to capture your lips in a soft, sweet kiss, his hand moving up to cup your cheek. You responded eagerly, deepening the kiss and wrapping your arms around his neck. You had made love countless times before, but this felt different. It was as if you were cementing your commitment to each other and to the future you were planning.
Breaking the kiss, Kylian gazed into your eyes, his own filled with love and longing. "I want to make love to you," he whispered, his voice husky and filled with emotion. Your heart fluttered at his words, feeling a heat building within you as he began to trail kisses down your neck, causing shivers to run down your spine.
Your hands scratched the back of his head causing him to let out a sinful groan that sent streaking pleasure deep to your core, fluttering emptily. He hovered over you, his wet lips trailing kissing down your chest over the fabric of the silky black nightgown you were wearing wetting to fabric with his eager tongue, leaving you breathless with his touch.
“You’re so perfect, mon coeur. Je t’aime si fort,”, he whispered against your covered nipple making you whimper his name as his hands trailed over your legs lifting your gown up and revealing more of your soft flesh. You slightly arched your back off the bed to help him take the silky fabric off, leaving you naked under his smoldering gaze. He gently cupped your cheek his thumb sweeping tenderly across the soft skin, a deep contrast with the dangerously molten desire swirling in his dark eyes. 
“Ma femme,” his voice said, finally, so low that it was almost a sigh. That one word alone ignited a flame of passion so intense, you were scared you were never going to come back from it. This moment here with him felt almost sacred, it was as if everything in your life led you here, in a penthouse in the middle of Paris, lying naked as the moonlight from the large window illuminated your body, and this beautiful, beautiful man looking down at you as you embarked on a path that would leave you intertwined with him for eternity. 
Just as you started to feel overwhelmed, he was all over you. His hands were on your skin, gripping and circling around both breasts at once, pushing against your hard nipples, as he whispered sweet nothings against your heart making your toes curl and dragging hungry moans from your throat.
He slowly trailed his hand down your belly, giving it an extra caress as it would be his child’s new home, and cupping your swollen flesh making you groan his name. His fingers trailed through your wetness as he opened up your folds and found the little nub, rubbing it back and forth. You arched your back, the pleasure zapping up your spine as you lost yourself in him. “Ky…Kylian… Fuck, j’ai besoin de toi,” you practically sobbed as he pressed his forehead against yours, his hot breath on your face making you lose your mind from desire. (“Ky…Kylian… Fuck, I need you,” )
“Tu es que à moi, mon amour. Juste à moi,” he whispered, his words leaving your heart a mess. Kylian slowly slid two of his fingers deep into your swollen, wet pussy, preparing you for him as you cried out in pleasure due to the intrusion. ("You are only mine, my love. Only mine.")
“Fuck, bébé. You’re so tight for me,” he moaned into your mouth, his tongue tangling with yours as he scissored his fingers to stretch you out, creating an inferno that had you reeling. You cling to his broad, warm shoulders, feeling the shift of hard muscle as your husband curves his fingers upward finding that special spot inside you that has your thighs shaking. “I’m go-going to cum, baby…please.”
You’re writhing in his hold as he continues to invade you and push you towards your peak. Tears start to build in the corner of your eyes as the pressure builds up inside you. It only takes another flick of his wrist, to send you spiralling towards completion as you shout his name. Kylian continues to pump his fingers, helping you ride out your high. 
Feeling sensitive, you gently push on his chest signalling him to stop. He slowly takes his finger out of your wet core and pushed the sticky hair back from your forehead. Tenderly, he pecks your nose, cheek, and finally your lips. “Let me put a baby in you, mon amour, yeah? I want to see you swollen with my child,” he groans lustfully. “Tell me you want that, bébé. Tell me you want my child in you.”
“Yes, Ky. I want your baby, only yours,” you moan wrapping your legs around his waist as you feel him rolling his hips into yours, his clothing member rubbing your drenched mound. “I want you to get me pregnant, please Ky.”
You trail your hands down his back, struggling to take his tight briefs off. Taking the hint, Kylian gently unwound your legs from around him and quickly takes them off throwing them somewhere in the bedroom. He stands over you, his large, swollen cock, standing straight up, the tip wet with precum. You let out an embarrassingly loud moan at the sight of him stroking his generous length up and down.
“Beg me, bébé,” he says lost in the sight of you spread open for him, your hole clenching in front of his eyes. “Beg me to fill you.”
God, you were losing it. “Please, Kylian. Fill me up, I want you inside me so bad.”
Throwing his head back at your pleading, he nudges your legs, spreading you wider, and trails his length through your wet folds, tapping your clit, sending shudders down your spine. Just as you were about to beg him again, he presses that hot, leaking hardness into you, delving it between your wet lips and spreading them apart, oh putain.
A loud moan erupted from your throat as your husband entered your heat, immediately he put a hand over your mouth, shushing you gently. “Bébé, as much as I want you screaming my name, the kids are asleep.”
Through the hefty fog of lust and desire that had engulfed your brain, the thought that his innocent niece and nephew were sleeping peacefully down the hall pierced through you, cooling the flame of passion slightly. You nodded your head at his words, as he continued to slide through, as your walls struggled to fit his thick length. He was huge. There was always so much of him.
“Putain, bébé,” he gasped in that deep voice of his that had you clenching even tighter all around him. “You’re always so fuckin’ good for me.”
He finally bottomed out inside, your sweaty bodies wedged tight together, spread thighs flush against his hips, the bulging weight of his balls pressing against you from below. He waited, letting you adjust to him, always the gentleman, before you nodded at him, giving him the go. 
Gripping you tight, he dragged himself out, slowly, and then sank back in with a single driving thrust of his hips, shit. You had to bite down on your lip so hard, you were pretty sure you broke through the skin, to stop yourself from letting out something alarmingly close to a scream. It was so good, particularly when he let out those breathtaking deep groans right in her ear. 
“Ky, more. Please,” you gasped, pushing his butt with your feet. And just like the caring, attentive husband he was, answered your wish and sped up his thrusts. Dragging his leaking cock back, and then rapidly slamming hard inside, sending a blast of screaming shattering ecstasy through your body.
“Oh, God. Ky, faster. I want you so bad,” you pleaded as tears escaped your eyes. Kylian looked at your teary face contorted with pleasure and went feral as he crashed his mouth onto yours devouring your soul. His huge cock ploughing through her wet cunt and his heavy cum-filled balls slapping her ass, the filthy sound of their love-making resounding in the dark room. “Take it, bébé. I’m going to fill you up so good,” he growled biting her lip, soothing it immediately with his tongue. “You’re going to look so beautiful round with my child. Take it, princesse, Fuckin’ take it.”
You were going crazy, your heart was ramming into your chest as you felt searing white-hot pleasure spread through your body. “I’m cumming, fuck, Kylian,” you muffled your moans in his neck, as you felt your cunt spasming around his hot length. “Cum for me, princesse,” he groaned as his hips stuttered, his own orgasm racing through him. Just as you were spiraling, your mind dizzy from the force of your own release, you felt his hot cum splattering your walls, filling you with his seed as his sinful moans invaded your hearing. You felt so sensitive, but Kylian continued to thrust, pushing his cum inside you as it started to leak. 
As he felt himself getting overstimulated, he got off of your, slowly taking his cock from your battered pussy making sure to push back his fertile cum that escaped. “Gotta make sure it sticks, bébé,” he said making you let out an exhausted giggle. As he laid down beside you, after putting a pillow under your hips as you heard it helped with getting pregnant, he lovingly stroked your hair placing a gentle hand on your belly, basking in the afterglow of your love-making.
“I love you so much, mon ange,” he said delicately, eyes filled with love and affection. Turning to look at the man who stole your heart two years ago in the most unexpected way, you cupped his cheek, placing a soft kiss on his nose. “I love you more, baby. I hope I’m pregnant right now.”
Chuckling, he took the pillow from underneath your hips as it had been ten minutes and pulled you into his arms. “T’inquiète, mon amour. After all, I am known for always shooting on target,” he said cheekily, making you laugh. “Ah, oui. How could I forget? Meilleur buteur du PSG, n’est-ce-pas?”
("Ah, yes. How could I forget? The top scorer of PSG, yeah?")
As you lay tangled in each other's arms, you both knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in your lives, one filled with love, laughter, and the joy of starting a family together.
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rin-and-jade · 2 months
Is This (Truly) My Reflection..? : A Post on Imposter Syndrome [Master Guide]
" Did well on a test? Must be luck. They think im smart? Man, i must've tricked them because im not. My condition is bad? Well it could be even worser than this. Im struggling? Must be a minor thing, plus everyone struggles worser right..? "
If these words hits close to home, take a moment to look in the mirror. What do you notice? Maybe you fear lots of things, having horrible self-esteem, or being a perfectionist and overthinking everything?
Fear not! They're just blotches obscuring your true reflection, let's finally clean your mirror, shall we? So let's get on with the post;
How did go dusty?
Materialistically speaking, we all know that objects also need regular maintenance to keep it's best quality and lifetime,, mirrors are one of them, especially glasses because magical smudges spawns in once in a while, pretty annoying to see with when things are not clear isn't it?
I think the imposter image also clouds you the same way, it doesn't change the facts, but it does change the way you perceive them.
But, how did they spawn in your vision? It doesn't just pop out, maybe we didn't see it coming when it's small, dust and smears are more visible when they cluster together. What this means is how criticism, out-of-reach demands, and unrealistic expectations you hear most often gets accumulated, slowly obscuring you. Make sense right?
Since the things you hear the most echoes through your chamber harder than the less frequent ones, and that nobody hear's the same thing/words automatically means there are different forms of this syndrome's manifestation, i'll list them down: (bare in mind this is read in a pov of talking to oneself)
Perfectionist - "It all has to be right" You must do it perfect, everything must go smooth, if it doesn't go like how you planned you could've done better in many ways because why can't you see it coming before? That's impossible and unforgivable, there's no toleration for mistakes. Makes you look like you're not as good enough as others.
Expert - "Until then, i may be competent" There's a lot to master or learn, only then you can call yourself worthy of a title. Because the greatest ones must know everything, they don't have any weaknesses--since that's what an expert is! What are you, who learnt most things it has to give, but still missing a lot of little gaps? Once it is all flawless and understood you can call yourself that.
Natural Genius - "I am great, as long i can wing it" Everything must be an easy feat, you must be able to do things right on first try, if not, you might be no other than an average person. Geniuses are fast learning--and they can do everything right where people least expect it. Only then you can truly be smart or intelligent, wrong deductions are associated with less bright people! So if you just make one mistake out of anything, You are just the same as them, you don't have such talent!!
Lone wolf - "It's not real effort if it's intervened" A status or level means nothing if someone helps you, because thats cheating! You should start from scratch like everyone else, asking for help will equate to not being competent or worthy. You will never be able to asses your competence or abilities if it was assisted by someone else, you need to prove being worthy by doing it all yourself!
Hardest Worker - "I should perform as the best" Only if you work the most, the hardest, diligently and with no rest, is only when you can settle down and claim your achievements. What are you if you are not as special? You are nothing but a fraud if you're not the hardest working person ever, you also don't deserve to take a break until you reach to a higher level than others! You are nothing if you are not productive, or didn't achieve any amazing outcome.
Each types has its own fixations and areas where self-doubt comes around, you might even be a mix of these 5 (pick the dominant one if can), the manifestations are endless. Note that the main theme it all has are fear of being fake/inadequate and, or causing extreme doubt, one way or another.
If you need more assurance, i have prepared links for two short quizzes to figure out if you are showing signs of the imposter syndrome! They're already tested by me, so give these two a try.
How should i clean it??
Good question, but before that, i want to mention that this inner critic is a common automatic second voice where it's created in a place of potential abuse or mistreatment for many kinds of victims. Just like how you wipe your stuffs clean can go dirty in a few days despite leaving it be, this is the same. But the more you take care of your glass, the harder the specks will stick on it. That's our goal right there: Make the critics bother you less and more weak the more we deflect them.
Now to the main point, its a tough one here, because depending on what type you have, has it's own root of cause that needs to be tackled accordingly. This post is how to specifically tackle the sense of fraud in being a system, but you can apply this to any other general things the syndrome is causing you problems at.
Dear Perfectionist, here's how you can clean your mirror:
Understand that CDDs have no 'right' way of how it'll present the symptoms to you. Like, for someone to have a cold who have a sore throat for the early onset, while you're having runny nose,, does not mean you are the odd one out for not being the same as other's manifestation.
Nothing is constant, or the same, in frequency or intensity. You don't have to suffer 24/7 to finally accept you have a CDD or anything else. Just like for those with chronic pain, who doesn't experience pain for a day, does not mean they are cured of, or not having it. One minute of feeling okay still can happen to those with illnesses.
Perfectionism seeks outward assurance to fit whatever it finds 'right' or it's prime example as reference, which is the opposite of what you truly need: Acceptance. Comparison can be helpful, but oftentimes it causes counterproductive results. Your experiences are already real and it uniquely belongs to you, no amount of external validation will fill you, accept as how you are.
Dear Expert, here's how you can clean your mirror:
Having CDD means having a very covert disorder, it is not that you're a fraud for not knowing, or have proof of what caused you to be one, or know every parts and places in the innerworld, or need a perfect book filled with documentation on anything you can find. You do not need to 'master' or understand how your disorder truly works in order to feel like you have it--because guess what, you do have despite it, buddy.
You cannot rush things! Take things slow and steady, a microwaved meal may not taste good but it sure gets served in a mere minute, but gourmet are made from long and tedious work that trusts the process instead of the final result. Many systems rush to develop a better communication without fully learning what type of communication they have, like communicating with vibes instead of the stereotypical type for example.
Nobody ever figure things out by a 100%, so ease back and embrace uncertainty and the unknown. If the greatest researchers still can't make sense of how our galaxy works, then you should not be guilty or feel incompetent for not being able to figure it out, we are not perfect ofcourse, there are limitations to what we can know of our CDD.
Dear Natural Genius, here's how you can clean your mirror:
Having a disorder does not mean you immediately know what it does, will do, or how it'll turn out. Never feel bad about learning from scratch, you also don't have to get things right first try because it might be a new topic you're unfamiliar with. If you once think you have DID, but turns out to be Polyfragmented the longer you learn and research, it is a very natural thing to experience as CDD's have many similarities between each other.
You can't keep relying on being unprepared, but expect to do it perfect. It is not a negative thing to always recap, or learn it again, and whenever you do get things wrong, it is a valuable information to learn from, it's not your enemy. The lightbulb isn't invented at first try, but after hundreds and thousands of tries, and the worth still never gets devalued.
Dear Lone Wolf, here's how you can clean your mirror:
It is never cheating to ask for help, or get insight from another person. It never means you are not competent if you need some external help, rather like how you cannot see crumbs in your face until someone points it out. One can do an okay amount of progress, but if with many, it can progress even better and faster.
You must dismantle whatever makes you think of this way, things like hyper-independence are caused by a deeper root, you must delve and explore why are you only deemed worth, or feel okay, if you do everything yourself. We grow better when we surround ourselves with many other things.
Dear Hardest Worker, here's how you can clean your mirror:
healing is a journey, i understand that you want to get over with the whole CDD's symptoms and it's problems and start getting into final fusion/functional system, that the fluctuation with everyday's progress may frustrate you, but everyday doesn't have to be succeeding something or have an eureka, progress is never linear. You will still get there one day, don't fret on it too much okay?
Worries may not leave you alone fully, and just so you know, your worth or validation isn't tied with productivity. Whatever guilt or doubt you have that is causing this, i hope you can incorporate more self-compassion. For the alter with role jobs, you all deserve to have a break and have fun outside of those jobs, and rely with other parts for help. You're doing enough.
Why does it happen? Where's the takeaway?
Well, imposter syndrome relies on many biases/distortions and possible fallacies, i'll tell you some in hopes of helping you get out of its grip better than your previous attempts after learning the awful trick of theirs:
Confirmation bias: When you take a part of a fact to confirm your current image of you have, whilst downplaying contradicting and or disregarding other pov to maintain it.
Mental filter: Fixated on the negative aspects or flaws while missing out on the bigger picture or contextual information it has. Leading to false judgement of one's situation/ability.
Overgeneralization: Where a person assumes an experience from one event will apply to another different event. Or base an answer from a limited evidence or current failures. For example, interpreting a single mistake or setback as evidence that they are incompetent or unworthy, despite having a track record of success in other areas.
False consensus bias: Believing that others share the same negative opinions or doubts about oneself, even when there is little evidence to support this assumption. For example, one may believe that everyone in their workplace or academic environment is highly competent and confident, leading them to feel even more out of place and undeserving.
Fundamental attribution error: Where one underemphasize situational and environmental factors for the behavior of itself/someone else while overemphasizing dispositional or personality factors. For example, people who cut lines in traffic is a jerk, but if you cut traffic it's because there's something important. The pure opposite can be true in this specific example: Sarah receives praise from her supervisor for completing a project ahead of schedule and with excellent quality. However, instead of attributing her success to hard work, skills, and knowledge, she discounts the positive feedback by attributing the outcome to external factors. Saying "I just got lucky this time," or "My team members helped me a lot, so it wasn't all my effort." instead.
So there a hecking ton of information i put here.. But these things are very important to learn about, because the imposter syndrome is a multifaceted problem that has to be addressed in more than one angle.
I hope, everything that is written from start to end, can be used as your chemical cleaner, wiping cloth, along with your handy guide on how to take care of your mirror professionally,
Happy cleaning everyone!
- j
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67: tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin
With GerryMichael because as a fellow tall people I know Michael's hands are unbearably cold from lack of circulation but his face is easy to go red 🥰
Tall people with bad circulation 🤝 office workers working in cold offices
Michael wondered if Gertrude would let him help her kill Elias.
It was only a matter of time. He'd had his eyes wrenched open, no longer blind to reality. He knew who they were working for, and while he didn't necessarily like it, he knew Gertrude hated it. She was not quiet about her criticism, and while he was glad she wasn't keeping him in the dark anymore, it was still quite a thing to listen to his boss openly plot murder.
He didn't care if Elias was dead at her hands- really, the Head of the Institute was just as guilty as the others, and worse. What Michael did resent was the relentless busy work that he was being assigned, probably to keep them busy so they couldn't plot their boss's demise. The amount of incoming statements was so relentless, they nearly didn't have room to put them all. Gertrude was busy with her own plots, so she was no help, of course. And Elias's ever-so-helpful suggestion of "digitizing" the hand-written statements just meant more work for him.
Michael groaned as he flexed his fingers against the keyboard. He was a fast typer, but the statements were usually rambling, and the handwriting nearly illegible. The Eye helped a bit, but that left him with an awful headache at the end of the day, and exhausted beyond belief. He was even beginning to have dreams about the statements, which was incredibly annoying since he couldn't even have a break in his sleep.
The most current annoyance to him, however, were his fingers. He felt like he couldn't warm them up, they were like stiff icicles against the keys, and blowing on them or tucking them against his chest made no difference. Fingerless gloves might help, but he didn't have a pair on hand, and he'd been too tired to knit recently, so he couldn't whip up a pair either. It wasn't enough to slow him down, but it did make his mood worse, and he was more than ready for a break.
"Gerry," Michael sighed, leaning back limply in his chair to watch his boyfriend descend the stairs with a bag of takeout. "My love, the light of my life, the greatest joy, my absolute treasure-"
"That bad, huh?" Gerry grimaced, crossing the distance between them to drop a kiss on top of his head. Michael just groaned, long and whale-like, and spun his chair around so he could bury his face in Gerry's chest. "I'm sorry, love."
"It's awful," Michael moaned, slinging his arms around Gerry's waist. "It's like they don't realize someone's going to actually read what they've written. They don't even try to make it legible."
"Ugh." Gerry leaned over him to peer at the papers next to his computer. "Their handwriting is worse than mine."
"And it's so pointless! It's just busy work." Michael leaned back so he could see Gerry's face. "Next thing you know, that bastard'll have me recording them or something."
"I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job regardless," Gerry assured him, staring down at him with a terribly fond expression. He raised his hands to cup the back of his head, gently rubbing the tension away. "You're too damn good for this place."
"Flatterer," Michael rebutted, helplessly charmed. Gerry just smiled and bent down to kiss him, so soft but full of meaning. Michael kissed him back, feeling all of the tension drain right out of him, leaving him soothed and relaxed. It meant everything to him to have Gerry by his side, sympathetic and caring and exactly what he needed the most. As if Michael couldn't possibly be more in love with him.
And to show his appreciation, he rucked up the back of Gerry's shirt and plastered his hands to the small of his back.
Gerry yelped and jumped away, gaping at Michael incredulously as he fell into giggles. "What the hell?" he gasped, sounding aghast and offended. "Why are your fingers so cold?"
"Because its cold down here!" Michael pointed out. "And my jumper doesn't cover my hands." He wiggled his fingers to prove his point, and Gerry rolled his eyes, coming back to take his hands in his.
"Poor guy," he commiserated, rubbing his hands and bending to breathe warm air over them. "I have some fingerless gloves back ho- back at Pinhole, I'll run over and grab them for you."
"Thank you," Michael murmured, touched that Gerry would step foot back in that place for him. Over the past few months they had been removing Gerry's clothes and personal items and relocating them to his flat, slowly moving him in where he belonged. Michael couldn't help but feel a deep stir of pleasure at the thought, of getting Gerry away from that awful place for good. It's what he deserved.
Gerry knelt next to him, tucking his cold hands under his chin as he smiled at Michael, happy and content. "Can you take a break for lunch? Get out of this basement for a bit?"
"Of course." Without looking, Michael put his computer into sleep mode and guided Gerry back to his feet, pulling him in for a hug. This time, when he cold hands wandered under Gerry's shirt, he didn't pull away.
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techs-goggles9902 · 3 months
Oh oh oh Imma request something 🤔🤔
How about.... female character/reader who is unsure about how she fits in with the bad batch and Tech reassures her?
Was even thinking about my oc Raven and maybe our female character/reader is unsure of her relationship with Hunter and seeks out Tech for (brotherly) assurance 🤔
You can do it however makes sense 😊 also no pressure 💖
Female reader x Tech (platonic)
Summary: You're unsure about your role in the batch and you talk with both Raven and Tech.
No warnings. Fluff and stuff
Word count: 863
a/n: Raven is the lovely oc created by @hellhound5925 ! Go check her out! Sorry Raven doesn’t have a huge role but she’s here! I hope I did her justice 🙏🏻
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You sigh, bending over to pick up another piece of mantell mix. 
These things are everywhere! Wrecker, I swear… 
The light chatter from the cockpit reaches your ears as you discard the snack in the small trash bin in the corner of the Marauder. The squad, excluding Tech, are talking about the latest mission. 
Hunter, sitting in the pilot's seat, smiles gently at Omega as she exaggerates how she hustled a man on the last mission in a game of dejarik, earning enough credits to fix the ship. 
“Oh, and then I took out his Ghhhk! He said he’s a ‘Top Tier Player’ but he wasn’t! Hunter, you wouldn’t believe how he put himself in a bad position. Backed himself in a corner!” Omega rants with a grin, making big gestures with her small arms, imitating the game characters. 
Wrecker gives a big, hearty laugh as she continues. Echo sits back in the co-pilot’s chair, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his pale lips. You watch as the girl keeps proudly going on and on about her victory. 
You joined the Batch a few months after they began working for your employer, Cid. Ever since that day where you accompanied them for a mission, you were essentially adopted into their merry band of clones. 
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you sigh again. Although you’re “one of them now”, you still feel as if they have their own little circle that you’re not a part of. How long will it take for them to see me as one of their own? I’m more than capable…
“Hey, you okay? You don’t look the greatest…” A familiar voice says. 
“Raven, hey. I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Just… contemplating things, I suppose.” 
“K’olar,” Raven says, pulling you to the nearest bunk. Lowering yourself onto the bunk, you pick at your nails. “What’s up?”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’m… not 100% a real squad member. I’m the last addition, not romantically tied to anyone, and just… here,” you admit. Raven has been your lifeline ever since joining the Batch. Both of you are non-clones, even if she did train them, and you related to her the most. 
“Vod… I… I felt that way, too, when I first came along.”
“You did?” Raven nods. 
“Mmhmm. This tight knit group with a very good looking sergeant-” 
“Okay, okay!” You both laugh, easing your nerves. This is why you’ve always liked Raven, she knows how to cheer you up. Always. 
“Cyare, c’mere for a sec,” Hunter calls from the cockpit. Raven gets up and sighs, mouthing the words, so needy, making you giggle once more. 
“Why don’t you go talk to Tech? He listens,” she suggests, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze as she walks past you. 
You watch her go and you see a foot dangling from the ceiling panels. Tech…
You push yourself off the bunk and you stand beneath the opening in the ceiling and watch Tech tinker with the ship’s innards. 
“Hm? Oh, hello, vod’ika,” Tech replies, leaning over a little to see you better. 
“You don’t need to call me that. I’m older than you are,” you say with a quiet giggle. 
“Well, given the fact my brothers and I age twice as fast as the average being, I am technically older than you, vod’ika,” Tech says with the faint trace of a smile, emphasizing the nickname. 
You scoff with a smile, climbing up into the ceiling with him. He’s slightly hunched over because of his height, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. 
“Can I ask you something, ori’vod?” you ask, fiddling with one of his tools. Tech hums in acknowledgement. 
“I’m not sure if I… If I exactly fit in with you guys. You’re all brothers and I get that but I don’t feel-”
“Vod’ika, you’ve been one of us since the moment Hunter asked you to stick around. Omega especially felt that you would make a good friend, and I agree,” Tech cuts you off, looking away from his tinkering and directly into your eyes. 
“I…I’m a good friend?” You ask. 
“We may not have known each other very long, but you are an adequate fighter and an even more valuable member of our squad.” 
Our squad… Our squad… 
“You think so? Hunter… He’s nice and all but… We haven’t really bonded I guess,” you say with a small sigh. 
“Vod’ika, Hunter has to put up with Omega and Wrecker, has to find us jobs, feed us, and still sees himself as our leader, our sergeant, our protector. I’m honestly astonished he hasn’t gone gray with all the stress,” Tech remarks, that little smile tugging at his lips. That little grin is so contagious, managing to make you smile as well. 
You’re about to say something else when Tech continues, “Echo will come around eventually. He’s lost brothers and he’s distancing himself to save him the pain of losing a sister. I’m sure he’ll soon realize you’re not going anywhere.” 
Not going anywhere… 
“I guess I’m stuck with you, huh?” You say with a smirk, nudging Tech’s elbow. 
“For the long run.”
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Cyare = beloved [sha-rey]
K’olar = come here
Vod’ika = little sibling [vohd-eeka]
Vod = sibling
Ori’vod = big sibling [ori-vohd]
Ghhhk = character in the game dejarik
Taglist: @fionajames @sevdidntdie @will-is-silly @skellymom @dangraccoon (feel free to tell me what you want or don't want to be tagged in!)
Dividers by @saradika
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Nothing much- John Price
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Based on request:
I had a kinda angsty to fluffy idea and thought you'd be great I writing it (I love reading your angst). So the reader doesn't have the greatest of parents, they'd yell at them when ever the reader got hurt instead of helping them. Fast forward, now the reader struggles revealing their injuries to the 141 During a mission the reader injures their arm. Theyre successful in stitching up the wound but is having a hard time wrapping it. Then one of the guys walk in, they help them and have a sweet heart to heart (I'm thinking either Ghost or Price would be a perfect fit). Sorry if this is kinda hard to understand it's been a long day and my mind is all jumbled lol
GN!Reader, fluff, angst, father figure!Price
Life is not always the easiest or most understanding, sometimes we are born into families that without much love or care raise us. The lack of care and love would be shown when parents would yell at you rather than help treat your wounds. One small cut they knew you accidentally did on yourself when you were jumping rope and they'd yell or make fun of you because how dare a child have fun without thinking of the consequences first.
The team had been sent on a simple mission, with nothing too much to worry about and no heavy planning. On the way out of the last building you cleared, a civilian holding a knife for their own protection mistook you for the hostiles, they stabbed you and when they noticed you were the ally they apologised and ran away scared.
You walked out of the building, and you held your shoulder, pretending you were sore as you kept pressure on the wound. No one knew about such a wound and all you could do was keep a straight face and walk to the extraction point. Ghost and Gaz talking about some weird building they went into and making some rather hilarious comments. Soap and Price talking about their plans for the weekend and you separated from the team, hoping they would not notice your sudden quietness.
By the time you all made it back to base, you walked quickly to your room, blood staining your black vest and some blood loss making you dizzy from time to time. You took your vest and shirt off once alone in your room. Medical kit on your bedside as you hissed and bit your lips while cleaning such a wound. In times like this, you can feel your family judging you, and criticising you for getting injured. Always the clumsy one whom they hated.
Price without any knock walks in, "Knew it.." he ushers out. Cigar in hand while the other holds his bucket hat. Part of you felt like he would yell at you, and criticise you for something that wasn't entirely your fault.
"Sorry," you mumble. Always apologised because you knew best when your parents would yell at you. "Hey, no need to, I'm sure this isn't your fault," he sat next to you, taking a look at your shoulder.
"How'd it happen?" he was always so soft with you, never being too cold or strict because without you saying much you told him your life story. To others outside of his team, he was a strict, rude and cold Captain. He began to clean and close the small wound, something he had to learn to do since most of the men he worked with were bound to get injured on the field.
"...Why didn't you tell me about this?" part of him asked to make some conversation but the other part knew to not force you to go to the med bay. He had tried with Ghost before and he knows a man like him is stubborn and doesn't give trust for free. Ghost was also a reason why he learned how to clean and close minor wounds.
"I did this, so no one should help."
"That's what they told you?" he asks once more not wanting to push the boundary. All he received was a small nod. He sighed and put a bandage on the closed wound. "Well, I'm not them, don't place me in the same category with them...I care Grim..I really do.." he places a hand on your other shoulder. You look at him, teary-eyed. "Price?"
"Yes, kiddo?"
Oh, the sweet words he always gave you. "You are better than them," you referred to your parents. "So much better that...you make me feel...safe..so safe that it's scary." He wipes the tears that roll down with soft delicate touches. This was the same conversation he once had with Ghost when he too was scared of how much affection and care Price had given him.
"You'll always be safe with me, kiddo...always" he kissed your forehead and patted your thigh. "Rest and tomorrow I'll check that shoulder, good night, r/n"
"Good night, Price"
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
I would love some angst with Matt Murdock.
Imagine the kids of Foggy and Marci, either toddlers or teenagers, ask their beloved and cool uncle Matt why he never married or have a girlfriend.
Then he start to tell them about Y/N, the woman he was married to long ago, the person he loved the most in the world. His greatest love. The love of his life.
But she's dead, and all because of the double life of Matt. And it's something Matt have to deal with every day.
nonnie, you really made me break my own heart with this one, but I still love ya anyway. i've got tissues if you need them. thank you so much for the request, I hope this is what you had in mind. ❤️
warning: this one is kinda heavy. it does deal with themes of death and loss, grief, and there's a very extremely brief (blink & you miss it) mention of matt wishing for death (didn't wanna use the s word). if any of these themes make you uncomfortable or are triggering, please feel free to skip this one. you will not hurt my feelings, I promise. feel free to yell at me in my dms or in the comments after. I apologize for breaking your hearts in advance. word count: 2.5k
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As soon as the door shut behind him, Matt could hear two sets of feet barreling down the staircase at full speed. A chuckle slipped past his lips as he folded up his cane and placed it on the entryway table, getting down on one knee with a huge grin on his lips and holding out his arms as he braced himself for impact. 
“Uncle Matt! Uncle Matt!”
Matt laughed as he wrapped his arms around the twins, hugging them both into his chest tightly as he kissed both their heads. 
“Hey kiddos. What trouble are you two causing, huh?”
An exasperated Marci appeared in the hallway, both hands on her hips as he shook her head and motioned towards the stairwell.
“Michael and Paige Nelson, what have I told you two about running down the stairs?”
“But mom, Uncle Matt is here!”
“And did you think he was gonna disappear if you didn’t get downstairs fast enough?”
Matt chuckled as he gently squeezed Michael’s shoulder, tilting his head in Marci’s direction. 
“Your mom is right, you guys shouldn’t be running down the stairs. We don’t want either of you to get hurt. Besides, I’m pretty sure the park also has a strict no play policy if you have any broken bones.”
“That’s the law?”
“That’s the law, sweetheart.”
Matt placed a gentle kiss to Paige's temple and smiled as he stood up, letting the twins each take one of his hands to tug him into the living room area. He couldn’t help but laugh as Marci rolled her eyes before heading back into the kitchen.
“Franklin, come get your children!”
“Why are they always mine when they’re in trouble?”
“Because I did all the work for nine months, that’s how this works.”
Foggy appeared in the living room and looked between the twins with a quizzical arch of his brow, settling his hands on his hips as he tried to mask his grin.
“What did you two do?”
“Lying under oath is perjury and a punishable offense.”
“We didn’t swear an oath, daddy. All our books are upstairs.”
Matt tried his hardest to stifle his laughter into his fist, feeling Foggy’s gaze staring daggers in his direction. He gave a light shrug of his shoulders as he sat down on the couch, holding his hands out for Paige as she crawled up into his lap.
“She has a point.”
“You, stop encouraging her. And you, quit being better at my job than me.”
Matt grinned as he tickled Paige’s side, feeling the smile spread further across his face as she giggled. Foggy plopped down on the other side of Matt, pressing a kiss to his daughter’s head as he held his hands out for Michael.
“Did you tell Uncle Matt your big news, Mikey?”
Matt cocked his head to the side as Michael settled in his dad’s lap, picking up on the shy smile that appeared on his mouth.
“What big news?”
“Mikey here has his first girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend? You’re six, what do you need a girlfriend for?”
“Oh please, and how old were you when you started dating, Murdock?”
Marci teased as she scooped Michael up into her arms from Foggy’s lap, peppering kisses all over his face as he giggled loudly. Foggy snorted as he clapped his hand on Matt’s shoulder, shaking his head slowly.
“Don’t answer that. He idolizes you enough as it is, we don’t need him following your footsteps in that department.”
This seemed to capture Michael’s attention as he whipped his head around in Matt’s direction.
“Uncle Matt, do you have a girlfriend?”
Matt instantly froze. He could feel both Foggy and Marci go rigid either side of him, and tension seemed to fill the living room like heavy fog. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, and cleared his throat as he made a tight fist with his left hand.
“I…uh, no. No I don’t, buddy.”
“How come?”
Paige’s voice was soft as she laid her head on his shoulder, gazing up at him inquisitively. He silently thanked God that he hadn’t removed his glasses, because he could feel tears starting to brim his waterline. Foggy swallowed thickly as he placed his hand on Paige’s back to get her attention.
“Why don’t we-”
“No…no, it’s alright.”
Matt knew this day would come eventually. He knew as soon as the twins were born, one day they were going to have questions. He had been dreading it for the past six years, trying to figure out what to say, how to explain it delicately. He wasn’t sure how they would react, or what they would think of him once they knew the truth.
“I don’t have a girlfriend because…well, I used to have a wife.”
“Where is she?”
Matt took a shaky breath as he swallowed thickly, turning his head to face Michael with a sad smile on his lips.
“She went to Heaven.”
Paige snuggled into Matt’s side a little closer, her tiny hand reaching for his to hold. He wasn’t sure if it’s because he had held her first the day the twins were born, or some other force, but Matt had always had a stronger connection with her. He loved them both equally, of course, but Paige always seemed to be more in tune with him. Maybe it was because Paige was exactly like what he hoped his daughter with you would have been like. Too smart for her own good, incredibly observant, generously kind. He often thinks about how much you would have loved her. God, how much she would have loved you. They both would have.
“What happened?”
Matt shook his head when Marci went to cut him off. It wasn’t his fault. He was just a curious kid. Michael had never seen Matt with a woman, or ever heard him talk about one before. He was bound to have questions. 
“She…had an accident. It was my fault. I…I didn’t keep her safe like I should have…and she got hurt.”
Foggy got up to start picking up various toys around the living room, but Matt knew it was so his kids wouldn’t see him cry. You and Foggy had been very close. You were essentially another sister, like Karen, that he never had but always wanted. Foggy would never ever say it out loud, but Matt knew deep down that Foggy blamed him for your death. He knew Karen did too. There’s no way either of them couldn’t. 
It was his fault.
If he hadn’t been the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, you would still be alive. If he had been more careful, if he had just focused more on being a husband than trying to be a hero, if he had fought harder to protect you instead of his city, you’d still be here. Matt lost everything when he lost you. 
“Do you miss her?”
Matt tried his hardest not to crack at Paige’s soft voice. He didn’t want either of them to see him cry, or think they’d upset him with their questions. All he could do was nod his head slowly, using his thumb to twist his wedding band around his ring finger gently. 
Matt had completely shut down after you died. He became even more reckless than he did after Midland Circle. He stopped wearing the red suit. He wanted to feel every ounce of pain he knew he deserved for what he let happen to you. He wanted to break and bleed, hoping it would drown out the pain he felt inside. He went out every night looking for someone to end it. 
Matt Murdock and the Devil were both long gone. A hollow, fragile shell was all that remained. 
He didn’t see or speak to anyone for a year. Karen managed to track him down and found him one night curled up by your grave on your wedding anniversary. As much as he tried to fight her, Karen wouldn’t let go, and once she tracked him down again, she enlisted the one person she knew could get through to him. The one person who could understand exactly what Matt was going through. The one person that had survived that kind of pain. 
“This ain’t what she woulda wanted for ya, Red. All this shit, it ain’t gonna fix it. Trust me. All it’s gonna do is make that void even deeper. I know right now, hell it feels like that pain ain’t ever gonna go away. And I can’t sit here and lie to ya and say it does, cause it don’t. Some days it just…hurts a little less. But she saw somethin’ in you, yeah? Somethin’ worth a damn. You wanna honor her memory, prove her right. Don’t make the same mistakes I did, Red. You prove to her you’re the man she thought you were.”
Frank wouldn’t let Matt out of his sight for six months. He was there to talk him down from the ledge when it felt like he was drowning in grief. He let Matt use him as a punching bag to lash out when he stepped in to keep him from getting himself killed. He held him when Matt woke up screaming because he lost you in his nightmares all over again. He sat with him in silence when Matt would go days without speaking. Sometimes he would tell him stories about Maria and the kids when they came to him. There were some days when Frank felt like he was starting to forget little things, and remembering them out loud helped him hold onto them a little longer. 
There was one night whenFrank was telling a story about how Maria used to always put her chocolate in the freezer, and wouldn’t touch it until it was completely frozen, that Matt seemed to finally break his silence.
“Said it made it taste better or somethin’. Didn’t make no damn sense to me. But God forbid I ever buy that woman chocolate and not put it in the freezer. She’d give me hell, every single time.”
All of a sudden, Matt burst into a fit of laughter. Frank nearly broke his neck looking over at him, watching as he doubled over and laughed so hard, tears threatened to slip. Frank immediately froze. He wasn’t sure if Matt had finally broke and was having a psychotic episode, or what. He must have been able to sense Frank’s apprehension, because he shook his head as he tried to talk through his laughter.
“Y/N used to do that. I never understood it, but I knew better than to question it.”
Frank let out a deep exhale of relief, finding himself smiling as Matt was still coming down from his fit of laughter. He chuckled along with him, shaking his head slowly.
“Must be a woman thing.”
“Maybe. Or maybe that was just our wives.”
That was the first time Matt had laughed in almost two years. There was a tender smile on his lips and a gentle look in his blank stare, like he was replaying a memory of you in his head like a comforting home movie. Frank watched him silently. Slowly, the smile began to melt, and Matt’s eyes welled up as his face contorted into an expression of grief and regret. That was the first time he had said your name out loud in two years. Frank held him for hours as he wept.
After that night, Matt started to mention you more. It was small at first, a few things here and there, but after a while, he was sharing memories of you with Frank too. Piece by piece, Frank helped Matt heal to where he could function again. There was a comfort only they could find with each other. Matt started going to church again with Maggie as he struggled to make peace with his God. He eased himself back into work to keep himself busy, trying to find his purpose again. He started spending more time with Foggy and Karen again, and found himself finally able to return to places that held memories of you. Sometimes he could feel your gentle touch or hear your voice at night when he prayed. He mentioned this to Frank once and asked if that ever happened to him too.
“Yeah, it does. I feel her all the time, Red. Sometimes, I shit you not I hear her in my head. She still always has the answers exactly when I need ‘em.”
When Foggy told Matt and Karen that Marci was pregnant, Matt felt an excitement he hadn’t felt in years. You and Matt had always talked about having a family. He would never be able to have one with someone else. He could never remarry or love anyone else the way he loved you. A huge part of him still felt like he would never deserve to. But being an uncle was the closest he was ever going to get to the life you two planned together, and he would take it.
“Would she have liked us?”
Matt was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he hadn’t noticed Michael had joined Paige in his lap. A somber smile spread over his lips as he nodded, wrapping the twins up in a big hug and pressing a kiss to the tops of both their heads.
“She would have loved you both so much.”
“What was her name?”
Matt let out a shuddering breath, swallowing thickly as he tilted his head in Paige’s direction.
“Her name was Y/N.”
It still hurt to say your name out loud sometimes.
“Did you know Y/N, daddy?”
Foggy quickly wiped at his eyes as he turned around, kneeling down on the floor in front of Matt as he put his hands on the twins’ backs.
“I did, Mikey. She was my best friend. Practically my sister, just like Aunt Karen.”
“Do you miss Aunt Y/N too, daddy?”
Matt closed his eyes and choked back a sob at Paige’s words. You would’ve loved to be their aunt. Foggy gently squeezed her shoulder as he gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded. 
“Can we go visit her?”
Marci sat down beside Foggy on the floor and put her hand on Matt’s knee, squeezing gently before looking up at Michael with a soft smile.
“No, baby. I’m afraid we can’t go visit her in Heaven. But if Uncle Matt says it’s okay, maybe we can go visit her where she’s buried and bring her some pretty flowers.”
“Can we do that Uncle Matt? Please?”
Matt didn’t bother hiding the tears that slipped down his cheeks as he tried to smile, nodding his head in Michael’s direction as he sniffled. 
“I think she’d love that, Mikey.”
“What kinda flowers did Aunt Y/N like?”
Matt smiled softly as Paige held his left hand, letting her twist his wedding band around his finger timidly.
“Violets. She loved violets.”
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rookiesbookies · 6 months
Saw this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8xG488k/ how would the 141 guys feel about reader getting it done as a surprise for them?
First off Imma do this fast since it’s a holiday one and they’re almost over.
Secondly, they’re all giggling their asses off but I’ll do you one better I’d do if the reader got it and if the guys got it and for the guys I’ll tell you which one they’d get.
Here’s the link to the tiktok
Deck the Pubes
Name is a work in progress
You get it:
He’s fully belly laughing so hard he can barely breath. He thinks it’s the greatest thing. Definitely stuffing his face in it. He can’t get over it.
They Get it:
He’s getting the Grinch. He’s always trying to tame the bush but it grows out in the night anyway. He’d have to get done an hour before to get it to stay trimmed. But painting his hair green? That was something he could do. He did the paint all the way up his happy trail. It was edible paint because he knew you may want to get your face all in it. Definite is doing it next year.
You get it:
He’s giggling while he has his face between your legs. He’s definitely doing that next year. Snagging polaroids for when he goes on missions. He’s definitely telling the boys you did this.
They Get it:
Mistletoe. He’s going to tell you that you need to kiss it. He wiggled it saying things like, “come on bonnie, just a little kiss for ‘im. He misses you.” He'd commit and dye it. I feel like it would be really bad, you can see where the red stained his skin. He’s hair would also probably grow back fast and dark too like Price’s but to Soap it just means he wont have to worry about his bad dye job for long.
You get it:
He’s not the biggest fan of christmas so he still think it was funny. He probably would sit you down and explain why christmas isn’t something hugely important to him. Definitely appreciates it though.
They Get it:
If he did it. It would be because he’s done a lot of healing or you had a shitty time at work and watching to surprise you. He’d get The Gift (lil bow shape) and bc his hair is (in my mind) finer and blonde he would have to dye it but it would last a lot longer. Could totally see Soap seeing it in the group showers and being like “OH MY GOD ME TOO” or making jokes about it just for Simon to smack him upside the head or smt.
You get it:
He’s flattered. Definitely tracing the shape with his fingers. Kissing around it, telling you that you didn’t need to wax/shave for him bc he likes you no matter what.
They Get it:
If he got it he’d get “the tree topper” (angel wings and a halo). He probably wouldnt be committed enough to dye it, he'd later shave it all off anyway. Definitely doesnt want you getting hair between your teeth, however he does learn you may like the friction against your clit when he’s balls deep. Definitely tried to shave the shape and cut himself. He would have gone to get the shape waxed but he didnt want to be judged or have to answer questions.
You get it:
He thinks it’s awesome. Probably prefers it bare but he thinks spicing it up with the cute little shape is great. Definitely kissing around where it was waxed.
They Get it:
Bro would do the snowman. He wouldn’t dye it, but he definitely would be cracking jokes. Probably got it waxed so it’s all extra smooth. I feel like when he can he waxes. Idk. Definitely makes you give the snowman a kiss and is making Frosty jokes the whole time. Would use body paint to paint his balls to look like jingle bells I cant explain why but I feel it in my soul.
You get it:
He’s tickled. Probably told you to tell him so you could be matching. Definitely insists you both need to match next year or get related ones for fun.
They Get it:
He’d get the christmas tree. It wouldnt dye it but he’d probably get like chalk hair color and try to put it on? His hair is so thick and curly he had to cut it short so it held shape but he was super excited to surprise you. He saw Soap tease Ghost so he’s def waxing the rest of it off with an at home kit after. But he definitely had fun with it.
Masterlist is pinned on my account as always and requests are open.
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sasusakucoded · 6 months
Team Taka is trying to find information on the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki. It's frustrating for everyone, especially for Sasuke, knowing that Kumogakure is able to hide the classified data from outsiders.
Nonetheless, his team continues to search for anything significant.
Sasuke: Ask around but don't hurt civilians.
Suigetsu: You know full well that we won't get any information using that tactic.
Sasuke: Then what do you suggest?
Suigetsu: Maybe terrorize the people? I really don't know. *chuckles*
Karin: *hits him* Are you dumb? That's the easiest way to blow our cover!
Suigetsu: Cover?? We're wearing Akatsuki cloaks. Do you think we don't look criminal enough?
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Jugo: You two, stop. Let's just go and ask around. Maybe we should separate from each other.
Sasuke: Right. Let's meet again after an hour.
The three agree and they all disappear.
After an hour..
Karin: Really sorry, I didn't get anything—
Suigetsu: That's because you really look like a villain. *laughs*
Karin: Shut up!! *hits him* Why? Did you get anything at all?
Suigetsu: Of course!! I'm an accountable member of Team Taka, that's why!
Sasuke: Is that true? Because I also didn't get much information. I only learned that he's really strong.. As expected from a jinchuriki.
Suigetsu: Ugh. Maybe we should rethink about the team's leadership like—
Karin: Take that back!! Take! That! Baaaack!! *collars him*
Suigetsu: Relax!! I'm just joking!! Put me down, Karin!
Sasuke: Enough of that! I really couldn't care less.
Karin: *lets go of him*
Suigetsu: Okay.. Maybe we should hear from Jugo first.
Jugo: You're really proud of your intel, huh?
Suigetsu: Obviously.
Jugo: Well, I don't have anything. The people here are very cautious.
Suigetsu: Such a lost cause. *sighs* Hear me out..
Jugo: Go on.
Suigetsu: Are you ready for this juicy info?
Karin: Yes.
Suigetsu: Are you sure?
Sasuke: Yes.
Suigetsu: Are you—
Karin: We won't freaking wait! Sasuke, put him under genjutsu!!
Suigetsu: Hey, no need to rely on violence!! Fine.. Well.. I found out that he aspires to be the world's greatest rapper!
Sasuke: SHANNAROOOOOO! *almost punches him*
Karin: *whispers to Jugo* What did he just say??
Jugo: Sha— something..
Karin: You're saying something, Sasuke?
Sasuke: *clears his throat* Forget that.
Jugo: Apologize, Suigetsu. He's red in anger.
Sasuke: /thinks/ More like red from embarrassment. Good thing they don't have any idea.
Suigetsu: S-Sorry, Sasuke! B-But what's the problem? That's such a good intel—
Sasuke: It's useless. What will we do with that info? *sighs* We should keep going and not waste our time here. Whatever he may be, we must do our mission and succeed.
Karin: Agreed!
Jugo: Agreed!
Suigetsu: *opens his mouth* Hey, that's rude!! Wait for me!! *runs behind them*
Fast forward to the current time..
Sasuke's old team is having a picnic with him and Sakura.
Sakura: Ahh, why is it so hard to fish today?
Sasuke: Right. I think there was some erosion that happened and it affected the flow of water.
Suigetsu: Why did we even decide to fish when we all can't—
Karin: *whispers* Shut up!
Sakura: What if I try to hit and remove the eroded soil?
Sasuke: I guess that's okay given that no other marine organisms will be affected.
Jugo: I agree with Sasuke. Consider the other organisms as well.
Suigetsu: Ahh, you two are too soft!
Sakura: Okay, please move backwards.. SHAANNAAROOOO!
Karin: *holds her mouth*
Jugo: *gasps*
Suigetsu: So, the decade-long mystery has been solved!!
Sakura: *happy because it worked* Hm?
Sasuke: What do you mean?
Karin: We've always been wondering what that word— What was it? Sha—
Sakura: Shannaro?
Karin: Yeah, that one!
Sakura: Oh, it's just my expression when I'm annoyed or too excited.. *giggles* What about it?
Suigetsu: Sasuke mentioned it before.
Sasuke: *sweats*
Sakura: Really, Anata? *blushes* When was this?
Jugo: It was a long time ago.. When we were still Team Taka..
Sasuke: Okay, enough of that.. Let's continue—
Suigetsu: Ah, that's why it looked like you were taken aback of what you said at that time!
Jugo: You were thinking about Sakura.
Sasuke: I just blurted that out. It wasn't intentional—
Sakura: So, you also used that expression, Anata? I thought you find it annoying..
Sasuke: It's not annoying.
Suigetsu: He just missed you, I guess.
Sasuke: Suigetsu.
Suigetsu: It's okay, you know!
Jugo: Yeah, just admit it, Sasuke.
Sasuke: I told you, it's not—
Karin: Sasuke, it's okay.
Sasuke: SHAAA— *covers his mouth*
Sakura: *laughs hysterically*
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gingiesworld · 10 months
At My Worst
Chapter Five
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Leigh Shaw x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Danny is a dick
Christmas came and went fast, although Y/N had to work over christmas day, Leigh made sure to have a second christmas at the Shaw house, which amused both her mom and Jules since they had never seen her so nervous.
Even now as she packed up her things as Y/N had asked her to move in with them as they looked for their own house. Wanting one near her mom and in the neighbourhood she grew up.
"Leigh!" The two heard as they were unloading the van.
"I'll be upstairs." Y/N kissed her temple before taking the box upstairs.
"Danny? Why are you here?" She asked him as he pointed to her hand.
"So it's true then." He scoffed as he shook his head. "You're not wearing Matt's ring."
"I know I'm not." She told him calmly. "This is Y/N's ring, my fiancè."
"So you're getting married? Did Matt mean so little to you?!" He questioned loudly, gaining the attention of passers by.
"He meant everything to me but it is almost five years since he died. Since he killed himself." Leigh told him angrily. "I am allowed to move on! Live my life and not dwell on the future that your brother promised to me before he went and hooked up with Nina."
"Leigh." Danny shrunk down as Leigh shook her head no.
"No, I am allowed to get my happy ever after. Y/N is my happy ever after and you are ruining one of the greatest days of my life." She told him as her eyes stung.
"I think you should leave." Y/N's voice sounded from beside Leigh.
"And you're the fiancè who is replacing my brother." Danny scoffed as Y/N stepped closer to him.
"I am not replacing anyone. Yes, your brother's passing was unfortunate but Leigh is allowed to move on. She has spent the better part of 3 years grieving so let her be happy." They told him sternly as Leigh wiped her eyes.
"Leigh." Danny tried as Leigh shook her head.
"Have a nice life Danny." She told him before she grabbed another box and headed inside.
"I'm sorry." He whispered as Y/N smiled at him. "Just take care of her."
"I intend to just that." Y/N told him. "I know it must be hard especially with your feelings for her but this is good for her."
"I know." He nodded as he stepped away slowly. "Just make sure she is happy and has the family she has always dreamed of." With that he had left in a hurry, leaving Y/N with the last of the boxes and locking the car.
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked her as she sat on the sofa, her head in her hands.
"I guess so." She whispered as Y/N took her hand in theirs. "I am allowed to move on so soon?"
"It isn't so soon Leigh, it's been five years since he passed away." They reassured her.
"You would say that." Leigh chuckled as she snatched her hand away. "You are my new fiancè. My set in stone as my mom said."
"Leigh, you're spiralling." They stood before her, resting their hands on her arms as she shook her head. "Breathe for me." The two had done breathing exercises until she started to sob, Y/N catching her and pulling her into them. Holding her as she cried, soon picking her up and taking her to their room, laying beside her as they held her. Bringing her some sort of comfort.
As the weeks had went on, Leigh found herself attending group again, needing some guidance in her emotions. She had started to have doubts since the altercation with Danny, soon putting a hold on wedding preparations.
"I uh Y/N proposed to me a few weeks ago." Leigh started as she played with the ring on her finger. "I was happy, extremely happy for the first time in years. Well, I had never really felt happiness like it before, but as Y/N and I were moving my things into their apartment, Danny. My husband's brother showed up by chance. He uh seeing him has made me question is 3 years to short of time before moving on? It's just that things are amazing with Y/N and I feel guilty because I feel like I am forgetting Matt."
"That's completely understandable with how you're feeling." The councellor spoke. "And there is no definite time frame on grief or when you should move on. If it feels right to move on with this person, then don't question it. Let yourself be happy. If they are who you see your future with, go for it because you are allowed to be happy. To move on." As the time went on and everyone had shared their stories, Leigh's phone was on silent as she was getting multiple calls from her mom, jules and Governor Stevens.
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slavicviking · 7 months
In the mood for some delicious miscommunicatio trope for steddie so here we are >:) part 1 of ??
wc: 1281
tags: friends with benefits, requitted unrequitted love, idiot4idiot
Love sucks.
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
“You’re supposed to have my back, Robin,” Steve sighs and slumps against the counter.
“I do have your back,” she replies with a light pat on the shoulder. “I am, though, going to ask you to stop moping over the counter, dingus. I just wiped it down a moment ago.”
“That’s so rude. Maybe crying over this counter is exactly what I need right now, you know?”
“Don’t. The stench of boy-desperation is going to seep in.”
Steve snorts. At least with Robin here the Monday morning shift is not so overwhelmingly, mind-numbingly boring. There’s only so many times Steve can reorganize the backroom, trying not to think about, well, The Situation.
Robin hands him a small packet of skittles from a bowl as peace-offering. If they’re lucky Keith will never notice. “Okay, but, really – I think you should consider it.”
“It’s not that easy, Rob,” he sighs, wincing when the customer bell sounds from the doors, even more when he sees who it is.
“Howdy,” Eddie greets them before diving straight into the horror section of the store. Steve sees Robin follow him with her eyes, her lips pulled down at the corners. He knows that look and though he appreciates her feeling protective over him, Steve is past his need or desire for any sort of escalating drama, especially within a group as tightly-knit as the Party. His hand lands in hers under the counter and squeezes.
Eddie comes back around ten minutes later, a video tape in hand. The plain T-shirt and the usual ripped jeans don’t look like much but Steve still finds it too magnetic to look away.
“The Shining?” Steve quirks an eyebrow. “A bit too mainstream for you, isn’t it?”
“It’s a classic, Stevie,” Eddie grins before leaning closer, twirling a lock of hair between his fingers, and if Steve didn’t know any better he’d say Eddie looked nervous. Which - ridiculous. Nothing to be nervous about, not in Eddie’s case anyway.  “Actually, I was wondering. I mean, it is a classic, right? Already mentioned that, um. But we could watch it together. If you’d like. No pressure, or anything.”
Before Steve can reply, the bell over the doors rings again and in a flurry of motions a chipper blonde runs up to the counter of Family Video, a dimpled smile plastered over her face. Jenna, if Steve recalls correctly – Robin’s year.
“Hi, Steve!” she greets loudly, hair pulled up in a high ponytail bouncing up and down. “I didn’t know you worked here. I mean, I did, I’ve been here before. Breakfast Club, remember? Anyway, after the earthquake I kind of thought you’d jump the ship. I mean, I would, but parents, you know?”
“Uh, yeah,” Steve blinks. “Guess I stayed.”
“Glad you did,” Jenna giggles, slim fingers just barely grazing over Steve’s arm. Enough to cause goosebumps. “Anyway, I’m here to return Fast Times for my brother. He was supposed to but he’s apparently too busy with basketball.”
Steve knows how this conversation should go, would have gone a few months ago, probably. He would ask about her brother and basketball, throw in a quip or two, maybe flex his arms, wink. It would work perfectly, too. And Jenna – she’s sweet, all dimples and cute skirts, colorful ribbons in her hair. She’s everything he should want right now – something easy and stable and realistic. But he can’t help but let his eyes drift to Eddie, how quiet he has gotten all of a sudden, maybe stressed about Jenna and the jock crowd she usually falls into; maybe because she feels eerily similar to how Chrissy used to be. Who knows.
In the end Steve just smiles politely and tells Jenna the fee to pay in a manner so robotic King Steve would cower in embarrassment at the mere sight. She looks miffed but it doesn’t deter her completely because she slips him a piece of paper with a poignant look shot Robin’s way. As if Robin was her greatest competition. Turn around, a little bit to the left, and there you’ll have it – the reason Steve Harrington is off the market.
Not that Eddie knows. Or will ever know.
The boundaries he set were pretty clear, Steve gets it.
“Did you see The Look?” Robin snickers next to him once Jenna’s gone and he can’t help but snort because, sure, Steve did have a crush on Robin very briefly what feels like ages ago, but by now the idea of them ever being considered a romantic couple is just laughable. Eddie, though, stays silent, eyebrows dropped low and eyes glued to the door.
Steve decides to bite the bullet.
“I’m game, you know.” Eddie shots him a perplexed look and he feels a hot wave of embarrassment wash over him swiftly. It’s clear Eddie hasn’t given the invitation much thought, maybe didn’t even really mean it in the first place but wanted to be polite. “You know, for, uh, The Shining.”
“Oh, yeah, sure, that,” Eddie shrugs, shoulders rising almost to his ears. “You can come. If you want.”
Eddie doesn’t linger after that, leaving Family Video with much less vigor than when he entered. Maybe that’s Steve’s effect on people, he muses as he dumps the slip with Jenna’s number into the bin in the backroom. The Steve Experience is an intense one, as he has been notified of before.
“So. What the hell was that?” Robin pokes him in the arm, nails surprisingly sharp and painful.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” Steve sighs. “He hates me. Fuck.”
“He doesn’t, dingus, I promise you,” Robin slings her arm across his chest and leans against his back. Steve loves her so much. “But he’s being super weird. I mean, my guess would be that he got jealous, honestly-“
“You know it isn’t like that. It’s just sex, he said so himself.”
And, okay, so. The Situation.
The weeks following Vecna’s attempt at world-domination royally sucked ass. The NDAs, the nightmares and all-encompassing fear – that Steve knows, that he can deal with on most days. Physical therapy was a nicely added new feature, it at least spiced things up a little. It’s also how Steve and Eddie ended up spending a lot of time together. Becoming friends with Eddie was surprisingly easy, falling for him – a slippery slope.
It's Eddie that suggested their little arrangement and it’s Eddie that has been vocal since the beginning that it’s nothing more than hooking up – blowing off steam, as he once called it. Happened only a handful times, too, and only after one or the other couldn’t sleep because of nightmares. So, really, it’s on Steve to get so attached to an idea that exists only in his own head.
Before they close up, Robin taps him on the shoulder. “You deserve better, Steve, okay? Someone who cares. Just – think about it.”
A slip of paper with a number finds its way into his pocket, second one today but first for a boy; some guy that Robin met via a mutual friend – Dorothy, or whatever. It weighs on his mind the whole drive to the trailer park but the moment Eddie opens the door, it really doesn’t matter anymore, does it?
For once, Steve wants to be in control. And with Eddie looking at his mouth the way he is, Steve feels wanted, desired, however illusory that really is. The kiss grows heated once they enter the trailer but the second he lays Eddie on the couch, a pair of hands pushes him away gently.
“We shouldn’t,” Eddie pants. “We- I don’t think we should do this anymore.”
part 2??
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