#the stolls are pains in the ass
straykats · 2 years
was gonna do a lecture tonight but i have some nice tea so i will instead not do my lecture
0 notes
your-honor-im-zesty · 13 days
Nico was having a good day.
He was having a really good day, actually. He’d been allowed to sleep in (an anomaly indeed), had gone for a walk with Mrs. O’Leary, and even received word from Hazel that she’d been granted permission to visit next week. All while being blissfully free of Will Solace. Son of Apollo, head medic of the infirmary and the resident pain in his ass. 
It wasn’t that he hated Will- to the contrary, when the blond wasn’t squawking about the medical dangers of shadow-traveling or pestering Nico to drink water (dehydration was apparently very bad), he could be…nice. Funny. Chill. Cute, even. His humor even resembled Percy’s, to some degree. In fact, Nico could see them being acquaintances, almost. 
But unfortunately for him, Will Solace seemed to only have two settings whenever he was within Nico’s presence: annoying and loud. 
“Shadow-traveling again?” he said accusingly as Nico emerged from the shadows of the pavilion. “Come on, di Angelo, you know that’s a health hazard-”
“Running your mouth is also a health hazard,” Nico muttered as he brushed past the blond, making his way towards the Hades table. “I don’t see you shutting up, do I?”
Will spluttered indignantly behind him, while the rest of the Apollo kids exchanged wide grins. Fuckers. It must be a family trait to be a little shit. 
The Hades table was empty, as usual, which was fine. Nico liked it that way- quiet, alone, peaceful. He didn’t need all that chatter and rowdiness that came from all the other tables. In fact, he shuddered to think of what would happen if he had to sit through that every day. 
He watched as Connor Stoll grabbed a banana peel and hurled it towards his brother, Cecil, who ducked and hollered, “Motherfucker, I’ll get you for that!” Thank the gods for being an only child, he thought. 
Still, there was a part of him that ached for Hazel’s presence. Even if it was promised to him a week from now. 
It was halfway through lunch that Nico noticed something peculiar.
Well, more peculiar than usual. The demigods at Camp Half-Blood were the weirdest you could get; he’d seen some pretty strange stuff the last few years. In fact, weird was normal when it came to these people. He’d learned long ago not to question it and to just accept that he was surrounded by idiots.
But this was something peculiar even for him. 
Will Solace. 
Nico wasn’t trying to notice him (he swore he wasn’t), it was just…natural. Really, with that blond hair and peppy demeanor, anyone would notice Will. Nico was pretty sure that a lot of people, in fact, noticed Will. Often. Very often. (Not that he was one of them, or anything. Nico wasn’t weird like that.)
He saw the tears first. 
Will’s eyes were his strongest characteristic: blue, bright, and round. Always crinkling, widening, narrowing- always doing something. The vividness of those eyes always gave off the impression he could read your mind, your feelings, your thoughts. It was unavoidable, really, to be captivated by those eyes. 
But the baby blues were now welling up, growing glossy and wet. Tears. Nico didn’t even know Will was capable of crying- it was a foreign notion, an impossible thought. It was like Annabeth being stupid or Leo being serious. Very rare, and very unlikely.
He watched, dimly aware that his mouth was open, as Will Solace- the sunshine boy of Camp Half-Blood- flung himself out of his chair, wiped his eyes furiously, and rushed out of the pavilion, crying. 
What the hell?
“What are you doing here?”
Nico stood in the strawberry fields, hands hanging awkwardly by his side. He was painfully aware of the oppressive heat (where had the good weather gone?) and the mosquitos buzzing around them. Fuck. He really should’ve just stayed at the pavilion. 
“I dunno.”
Will’s eyes were bloodshot and swollen- his lips were still trembling, like he might again burst into sobs any moment. Nico hoped he didn’t. He never knew what to do when people cried- hug them? Tell them it’s okay? Reassure them that he was there? Each person always seemed to expect a different thing, and Nico was never able to deliver.
“Do…do you wanna talk about it?” he asked tentatively. 
“No.” Will’s voice was harsh; it felt like a slap. Which was stupid, really, since Nico himself never liked talking to people about things. 
“I’m fine,” the blond added, wiping his eyes again. His disheveled appearance contradicted him so severely Nico almost felt like laughing. “Just…tired. That’s all.”
Tired. Lack of sleep tired or out of patience tired? Nico really wished people would elaborate sometimes. It would make social situations so much easier. 
“You don’t have to talk,” he said. “Just…come, I guess? Everyone’s looking for you.”
That part was true. Immediately after he’d run off, the entire Apollo cabin had run after him, calling his name, pleading him to come back. They were out searching for him right now, in fact, along with probably half the camp. How Nico and just Nico had been the one to find Will was beyond him. 
Will sighed and rose from where he was sitting; his shirt was muddied and his fingers were clenched around strawberries he’d picked from the fields. Up close, he looked less like a 15 year old kid and more like a war veteran. 
“I’m fine,” he said, as though Nico had asked. “Really. I am.”
Nico looked at him. “Okay,” he said. “Okay.”
He wasn’t an expert on reading expressions- he always seemed to do those wrong, even as a little kid- but he could tell that the look Will gave him wasn’t it’s usual scathing or exasperated manner. It was tired, yes, but it also held a glimmer of relief and…appreciation. 
Will Solace. Still a pain in his ass, but maybe not as bad as before. 
this is genuinely some of my best work i think.
also yay enemies to lovers solangelo :D
97 notes · View notes
s-creations · 4 months
Comes in Waves - Canon Divergence
Entries for the 2024 RadioStatic Week.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Cursing, Angst, Fluff and Angst, I'll try and write a good mix of both happy and sad, They're both idiots when it comes to love.
For the record, Vox thought this was a fucking stupid idea. 
He and the other Vees should be back at the tower. Watching what was about to go down instead of being on the front line. But Velvette just had to put her foot in all of their mouths. When Carmilla had ‘graciously’ informed the other Vee what was going to happen at the hotel, finishing with “Surely your attitude could lend some help on the field.” ,Velvette just had to make her stand. Which also meant that Vox and Valentino were roped into this as well. 
Fucking Hell, this was horrible. But there was little Vox could do about it now as he watched the portal to Heaven open up. Heart racing as numerous Exorcists poured out and headed directly to the hotel.
“Here they come.” Someone unhelpfully provided, but Vox didn’t turn to find out who. 
He was already charged, fangs bared as the first Exorcists engaged. The Cannibals took down the first few easily. Those flying after directed to the main group. 
Vox barely dodges the sword’s arch, gaining enough of an open to dig his claws into the angel’s skin. Delivering a high voltage to his attacker that caused them to scream in pain and step away.
Leaving their sword stuck in the ground. 
Vox didn’t waste time. Picking it up and plunging it straight through its original owner's heart. Taking small satisfaction in watching them drop. 
That was forgotten for a moment as a dark dome encompassed the area. Vox watching as those Exorcists who were about to enter were either cut in half or squashed when they ran into the obstacle. 
“Step one is lowering numbers and separation. They’ll be sending their fastest fighters first to deal out quick damage before the heavy hitters come in. Alastor will create a barrier around the hotel to cause that separation. While it’s up, focus on taking down the numbers that got in.”
Vox let out a huff as he scanned the battlefield. It was a mess of different fractions struggling to survive and come out on top. Velvette and Valentino had teamed up, the former providing cover while Valentino shot his way through. The same could be said about Charlie and Vaggie, just replace the gun with a spear. Husk was providing arial support, with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb delivering massive ground coverage. 
Niffty was running around, gleefully stabbing angels that had already fallen. Sir Pentious barked orders from the balcony while his Egg Minions rushed around to offer aid. The Cannibals were honestly just biting the closest thing that moved. Thankfully, it seemed to alway be an Exorcist.
And Alastor…
Vox’s attention flicked to the top of the hotel, where he knew the Radio Demon stood. Watching. Waiting. Eyes no doubt trained on the largest angel up there. A small part of Vox felt that he shouldn’t be so worried. It was Alastor after all, the Radio Demon. He could handle himself. He’d proven that time and time again. This was just another stoll for him. 
Except he’s never fought an angel before. Let alone fucking Adam of all souls.
“Oi, Vox!” 
The Media Overlord winced as an Exorcist was shot in the head. Taking a step back to avoid being downed by the dead angel. Heart hammering, he looked back to find Valentino blowing the smoke from the gun barrel. Velvette glaring at the Media Overlord, clearly pissed.
“Get your fucking head out of your ass and focus.” She shouted before they went off to take down a few more angels. 
Taking a few deep breaths, Vox attempted to find a target or someone to help.
Only for his attention to go do the barrier after a loud ‘crack!’ sounded around them. Worry grew as the protection started to crumble away. Adam’s face cracked into a triumphant smile as he instantly went for the rooftop. 
“Fuck…” Vox whispered out. 
Alastor was by himself. 
By himself facing Adam. 
“If the barrier is broken, and it probably will be, Alastor is our best bet to keep Adam busy. No offense to the rest of you Overlords, but I’ve never seen you in battle before. I know Alastor’s power. Plus, with him making the barrier, Adam will be gunning for him, no doubt. All you have to do, Alastor, is keep him busy.”
“Are you saying I can’t take this angel down on my own?”
“I’m saying that we need to play this safe. Especially if you’re taking him on, alone.”
Before he could really think about what he was doing, Vox was running towards the hotel. The brick and mortar on the side of said building crumbling away as live wires sprouted from the newly created hole. The Media Overlord grabbing onto them the next second and launching himself up to the roof. 
It wasn’t the most graceful of landings. Having to do a random tuck roll to avoid smashing his screen. But he was saved from the embarrassment given the fact everyone was too focused on their own fight. Vox ducked behind the hotel’s sign and rooftop windows as he searched for Alastor. 
Well, ‘searched’ wasn’t the best word. More watched in fascination as Alastor faced Adam. While it was pretty clear the angel was used to just swinging his weapons around at random, Adam wasn’t used to an actual fight. Against someone who could fight and had to fight on an almost daily basis to survive. 
Even the dialogue swapped between them wasn’t comparable. Alastor was smooth and to the point, able to hit right where it hurts. 
Adam continued to flounder, grasping at such basic insults that all he could really blurt out was, “Fucking Red!”
Between the barrage of attacks and his inability to focus, Adam wasn’t prepared as a familiar shadow tentacle to wrap around him. Sending said angel in the hotel’s sign. 
Vox was very happy that he had inched away from there as that impact almost split the sign in half. 
Alastor didn’t hold back on the mocking laugh, “Poetry! What a way with words you have.” 
Emerging from the floating debris and electrical sparks, Adam got back onto his feet easily. Ax held tightly in hand,  he took to the skies once more. “I’m going to wipe that shitty smile from your face. Because radio is fucking dead!”
Vox barely had time to duck down behind his cover before Adam’s attack landed. Feeling the actual building beneath him shake. Taking a deep breath, the Media Overlord peeked out again…only for his heart to stop. 
The roof of the hotel now carried two deep gashes in the roof, dug out on either side of Alastor. It was clear that whatever the Radio Demon had done was enough to keep himself safe. But his microphone had not fared as well. Completely in half with black essence dripping from it, which hissed softly when it made contact with the building. 
“What just happened?” Alastor asked to the open air, eyes eventually landing on his broken tool. “...Fuck.”
To caught up in his loss, Alastor seemed to have missed the point where Adam was winding up for another attack. The angel’s ax sparking with more power than the previous charge. 
But Vox saw. 
He was fully aware as to what was about to happen. 
Alastor’s not going to survive this.
Why wasn’t Alastor looking up? He was still in the middle of a fight. Look up you idiot!
This is going to kill him.
How can you claim to be so powerful yet so oblivious during such an important fight!
He wouldn’t survive this if it landed. 
Was Alastor really going to let himself be taken down by an angel after that show?
Wait…if it landed.
That moron. 
He’s a moron. 
Fuck it. 
With clarity like he’d never held before, Vox ran out from behind his barrier. Neither of the other occupants had seen him. Which was a small blessing as he now held an element of surprise to use for his advantage. 
Just as Adam swung his ax, Vox had wrapped his arms around Alastor. The Radio Demon finally looked up from his broken toy to fix Vox with a look of confusion. Unable to get out his question before a barrier of wires erupted between the Overlords and the angel. 
Vox knew it wouldn’t be enough. But it was the best he could make. 
Adam’s attack sliced through the wires like it was nothing, but did thankfully reduce the damage it could cause. It didn’t make it hurt any less when Vox’s back was sliced open. At least he and Alastor were still alive. 
The blow caused both Overlords to fly back, hitting the back of the hotel’s roof with a pained grunt. Vox found he couldn’t move. Either because the attack damaged something vital or he was in too much pain. Left to lay against Alastor uselessly as the Radio Demon attempted to recover quickly. 
“What the fuck did you just do?” Was the first thing out of Alastor’s mouth. 
Vox just let out an exhausted laugh as he looked up. He couldn’t catch his breath. “W-What? You upset you c-can’t cause this kind of…d-damage to me? …F-Fuck this hurts…”
The Media Overlord let out a groan as the world shifted around him. Now cradled in Alastor’s arms as he frantically looked the injured demon over. Who noticed how pinched the smile was, how Alastor’s hands gripped him tightly. 
“H-Hey, don’t freak out Bambi, I-I’m okay.”
“Your back is sliced up and you can’t move,” Alastor hissed, “You expect me to believe that.”
“...Kind of?” Vox smirked back. The uncomfortably familiar taste of copper filled his mouth. That’s not good. “I-I’ll be okay, really… You need to f-focus…”
“I’m not leaving you like this.”
“I-I think you have to…” 
“Aww, well isn’t this fucking cute? NOT!” Adam landed on the roof before the two demons. Pretending to gag before continuing. “This your little boy toy? Little sacrifice for you, turning you on? …Demons are into that, right? Sacrifices and what not.” 
The air around them became filled with static. Vox watched as the familiar dials replaced Alastor’s eyes as the Overlord glared the angel down. The Media Overlord pulled closer as if to get him further away from Adam. 
“I̳̿͟͞ w̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞g̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞.” 
“Oooh, big tough guy got his feelings hurt cuz I broke two of your play things?” Adam laughed, “If you actually put up a decent fight, maybe this would have turned out differently.” 
Alastor let out a hiss, teeth bared at the angel. Vox tensed slightly, feeling a cooling sensation beginning to envelope him. Worried that he’d been further injured than he’d originally thought. Only to relax as shadows began to enclose around him and Alastor. 
“I hate to take a break in the action,” said Alastor with as much disdain he could squeeze into his words, “But we’ll have to take a short commercial break before the show can resume.” 
As they sunk into the shadows, Vox heard Adam’s condescending “Bye bitch!” before being swallowed by the darkness. When he could see again, he found they’d been moved to the entrance of the hotel. Mainly at the top of the stairs, tucked away in a dark corner. 
Vox couldn’t help but hiss in pain as a hand just barely touched the gash. “E-Easy, I’m already in enough pain.”
“Shut up.” Alastor snapped back.
“I’m fine-”
“Stop talking.”
“Seriously, I just n-need to-”
“W̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞ b̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ q̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ f̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ o̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞ y̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞u̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞b̳̿͟͞l̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ e̳̿͟͞x̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞s̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞c̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ a̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞d̳̿͟͞ l̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞ m̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞ t̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞i̳̿͟͞n̳̿͟͞k̳̿͟͞!” 
Vox snapped his mouth closed as Alastor glared down at him. Okay, so, maybe the Radio Demon was more upset than he’d originally planned on. Which, to be honest, he didn’t think Alastor would be upset period over seeing his rival in pain. Vox fully expected to be tossed aside to let Alastor get his second wind while the Media Overlord escaped to lick his wounds. 
This…was not in his original plan.
Mismatched eyes flickered up to Alastor’s ears. Which were pinned back as far as they could go. “Y-You’re really upset…”
“...You fucking idiot.” Vox didn’t fight it as he was pulled close once more. Even allowing himself to relax into the hold as Alastor pressed his forehead against the flat screen. “What were you thinking?”
“T-That you weren’t going to s-survive that…” 
Alastor let out a humorless chuckle, “And you were?”
“H-Hey, I’m still breathing.”
“I’ll b-be fine.”
“You keep saying that.”
“Because it’s true.” 
They fell silent as an explosion sounded from outside, quickly followed by a roar. 
“You n-need to get back out there.” Vox said, trying to prop himself up. 
“I need to make sure you’re okay first.”
“This isn’t up for discussion Bambi.”
“You’re right, it’s not. So stop moving so I can see how bad it is.”
“Would you-” 
The moment was interrupted once again when something large and heavy came barreling into the front of the hotel. Vox was pulled back against Alastor as the shadows swallowed them once more. The former just making out a downed winged beast and Vaggie falling into the lobby proper before he was consumed into the darkness once more. 
Light returning showed they were now in the surrounding forest. Vox still able to see the hotel and battle, but far enough that he doubts he’d be in further danger. Unless the Exorcists won and left the confines of the hotel. 
“You’ll be safe here. At the very least…you’ll be far enough away that I can focus better on the fight.” 
Vox let out a hiss as he was laid down. Watching as Alastor removed his jackets, folded it up, and placed it behind the other demon’s head. A hand lingering to rub a thumb along Vox’s screen. Who had no issues leaning into the touch. 
“...Kick their asses, yeah?” Vox offered in a small whisper. 
“That was the plan,” Alastor replied with a gentle smile, “I’ll be back for you once this is over.”
“You’d better be…” Reaching up, Vox gently took the hand resting against his screen and brought it closer to his lips. Pressing the back of Alastor’s hands to them before letting go. “I’m expecting a show until then.” 
“Well, I’d hate to disappoint.” 
Vox could only watch as Alastor sunk into the shadows once more, alone this time. Leaving the other demon to rest against the tree. Who was fighting to remain conscious, eyes following what was happening below him as best he could while his vision blurred. 
A strange chirping pulled Vox away from the battle. Finding a familiar formed shadow hovering over him. 
“Ah…Alastor sent you, didn’t he?” 
The shadow didn’t reply back. 
“Okay… I’m okay…” 
He fell into the awaiting darkness. 
He let out a small groan feeling something touch his back. 
“I have you…”
He heard people talking. About what, he couldn’t say. But he couldn’t seem to care.
“I wish you could hear this nonsense…”
He felt something brush against his screen.
“You can wake up now… Please.”
He was warm. Comfortable. 
“Don’t make me wait too long for you…”
He felt someone holding his hand. 
“Vox… You need to wake up…”
Vox let out a small groan as he powered on his screen. His limbs felt heavy as he moved them to rub his eyes. As best he could anyway. The whole screen thing made it rather difficult. Moving slowly, he sat up, barely paying attention to the sheets that slid off him and pooled into his lap. Taking a deep breath, Vox finally opened his eyes to look around. 
He was in a bedroom. It was decked out in varying hues of deep reds with accents of black. He was currently resting in a large canopy bed, the curtains drawn and tied back with gold rope. Large armchairs faced the fireplace, which was currently unlit. An overstuffed bookshelf had been placed opposite from the foot of the bed. Next to it was a large wardrobe with a full length mirror. 
The walls were filled with numerous pictures and mounts of both animal and demon heads. Only bare for the furniture and the ornate black door that no doubt led to some kind of exit. 
“Not my first choice in decorations…” Vox muttered softly. He pulled the blankets off and shuffled over to the large mirror. 
He looked horrible.
The wound had been dressed, with wrappings covering his entire middle, leaving just enough room for his arms to be exposed. His skin, which was usually a deep navy blue, was ashened. The embedded lights flickering weakly. His face was barely visible, due to how low the light on his screen was. He didn’t have any more energy to light it further. 
Giving a small scoff to himself, Vox made for the door. 
He paused before gripping the handle when he heard music coming from the other side. Jazz, Vox guess, songs that he’d not heard before.
There’s no way he was…
Vox opened the door and stepped into a parlor. Same design as the bedroom, deep reds with black accents. It was spacious and comfortable, homey. The closest you could get when in Hell. A small kitchen that was connected to a dining area. Enough room for two to three people at a time to move around comfortably. Further along, the room changed to that of an open bayou. Vox smells the damp earth and even hears the chirps of creatures that he knew weren’t actually there. 
Sitting at the small dining table, cup half way to his lips, was Alastor. Red eyes wide as he stares Vox down. Who can only look back, frozen to the spot. 
“Um…hi?” Vox weakly offered. 
“...Hello. Care to join me?” Alastor offered, gesturing to the chair across from him. 
Realizing he didn’t have much of a choice, Vox took it. Closing the bedroom door behind him. He cautiously approached the table, eyeing Alastor before sitting down. Thankful that the chair was padded and didn’t bother his wound. 
Vox twitched in surprise when a plate appeared before him. It was filled with small tea cakes and sandwiches made with ingredients that he couldn’t recognize. Picking one up, Vox looked it over before casting his eyes over to Alastor. 
“None of it is sinner meat,” was the quick reply, “I’m not that cruel.”
That was enough for Vox. His composure to look put together fell away when he took the first bite, stomach squeezing and moaning as if to signify how long it had been since he’d last eaten. He didn’t care how he looked as he tried to stuff as much into his mouth as possible. All Vox could focus on was keeping his mouth full. Unaware that the plate continuously filled itself back up with every piece that was eaten. 
The music continued on.
Vox only slowed down long enough to down some water, by some it was a few glassfuls worth, before going back to eating. 
Alastor didn’t say a word as he nursed his own cup of tea. Eyes pointedly looking away to let Vox eat without an audience. 
Eventually, Vox leaned back into the chair, hand on his stomach as he finally reached his fill. Eyes closing as he settles in to let it all digest. 
“Feeling better?” Alastor asks, placing his cup down. 
“Yeah… Thanks.” 
“Good. With that out of the way.” 
The calming atmosphere suddenly disappeared when Vox found himself trapped in the chair. Wide eyes going up to the Radio Demon, whose face was already beginning to twist. Alastor leaned closer with his hands digging into the chair’s arms. 
“Where do you get off,” Alastor hissed out, “Taking an attack for me.”
Vox frowned back, “You’re telling me you wanted to die?”
“You have no proof that would have happened.” 
“That attack only did the damage it did to me because I was able to make a barrier. You didn’t even have your magic raised! You were just a sitting duck, you moron!” Vox’s bravado fell away when Alastor let out a hiss, inching closer. 
“Mind your words.”
Vox frowned softly, turning his attention away from the other. “...Why are you upset?”
That caused Alastor to pull away, putting on an air of standoffishness. “I’m not.”
“You almost went full Radio Demon on me and you expect me to believe that? Why are you upset? Is it because I stole your thunder?”
“Because I saw you lose?”
“I didn’t lose.” 
Vox rolled his eyes. “Sure, whatever…” 
He shifted to sit better in the chair, involuntarily letting out a small hiss of pain. Looking back up, Vox froze, finding Alastor’s eyes had returned to him. Ears flat on his head while red eyes darted around the Media Overlord. 
“...Were you…scared for me?”
The music continued on.
“...Alastor…I said I was fine-”
“Do not.” Alastor hissed out. Not out of anger towards Vox, but out of fear. The Radio Demon turned away so his back faced Vox.
The record scratched. The music stopped. 
“You were…passed out when I returned to the forest. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know how deep that gash was. You didn’t respond to anything I tried. We didn’t have a hotel to return to, it had been destroyed during the fight, but you needed somewhere safe to recover.” 
Vox slowly stood and cautiously made his way over to Alastor. Whose back was still facing him. 
“I overreacted, I know I did. Your business partners wanted to take you back to your stupid tower. I should have let you go, but the thought of you being so far away from me was… I hated it. So I fought for you to stay here. More like threatened to bite their hands off if they reached for you. But the warning did its job well.”
Still moving cautiously, Vox moved to stand next to the other. Turning to look Alastor in the face as best he could. Finding the other demon’s eyes closed, a comforting smile weighing on him. 
Alastor’s eyes snapped back open, causing Vox to take a tentative step back. The Radio Demon followed until the other had his back pressed against the wall. Holding back a flinch as a hand reached up to brush across his screen. Involuntarily, Vox closed his eyes as he leaned into the touch, sighing softly. 
“If I was…scared…how would that make you feel?” Alastor asked, his voice barely a whisper. 
“...Confused?” Vox weakly started, “Because I have no reason to believe that you should be worried about me.”
“I should say the same about you. You left the battlefield specifically to oversee my fight against Adam. I fully planned on facing him alone, I was ready to handle the outcome delivered to me. Yet here you come, racing over to act as a shield for an attack meant for me. Someone you called a rival.” 
Vox looked away, still allowing the hand to rest on his screen. “You broke us off all those years ago…and then left… I thought you wanted to get away from me. I thought you hated me.” 
“...I don’t.” 
A heavy sigh sounds, “Sure feels like it.” 
“...Have I ever told you why I smile?”
Vox looked back up at that, brows furrowed in confusion. “No…”
Letting out a small hum, Alastor gently pulled Vox away from the wall. With a wave of his hand, the music returned once more, filling the air with a slow waltz instead of jazz. Vox didn’t argue as one of his hands was claimed, flushing slightly when Alastor’s other one rested on his waist. The Media Overlord resting his free hand on the Radio Demon’s shoulder. 
As if they’d only done this just the other day, they easily fell into step. Vox felt a little tense at first but relaxed as the second song came around. 
“I smile because it’s a weapon like anything else,” Alastor said softly, “I keep everyone on their toes when I’m around because no one knows what I’m thinking. A smile makes everyone assume that I’m in control of the situation. A smile can offer comfort or terror depending on who it’s directed to.”
Vox frowned, “Okay…” 
“I always hold my cards close to my chest. Always. I never like anyone having something over me. Manipulation is my tactic, no one else’s.” 
“What point are you trying to make here?”
“I thought I was playing my game as safely as I could. Perhaps in my stubbornness I became a little…short sighted.” 
Vox frowned, “Is…someone blackmailing you?”
“In a way.” 
That caused the Media Overlord’s heart to freeze. “Wha- Who? Who in all of Hell would be dumb enough to tangle with an Overlord. More specifically, you.”
Alator’s smile thinned as his eyes flickered away. 
“...Is it not someone from Hell? Did you run into an angel? Alastor-”
“I left because I became…short sighted. In my attempts to appear untouchable, I loosened my grip…and someone stole a card from my hand. Yes, I left our relationship and I disappeared because of you. But not from hate or displeasure. The time I had with you is not something I would trade for anything.”
Alastor turned his attention back to Vox, “Come now, you’re not that dense. I can’t always spell things out for you.” 
“You never have.” Vox argued back, but muddled over what had been said. Figuring Alastor wouldn’t be ‘allowed’ to offer more insight to his predicament. 
His eyes widened slightly in understanding. Raising his screen to stare Alastor down. 
“Did…someone threaten me?”
The tight smile returned. “I had unknowingly painted a bullseye on your back.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because, I’m ashamed to admit, I panicked. I just had a desire to put as much space between me and you. When I returned, I figured it would be better to have you hate me to keep that distance. …I didn’t think you and your business partners would have joined this fight.” 
Vox rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when Velvette runs her mouth… You were really okay with me hating you for all eternity just to keep me safe.”
“You…fucking idiot.” Vox laughed softly, shaking his head. “How can you be a serial murderer yet a martyr at the same time?”
“I care for only a few lives in this place. I will always act as a shield for them.”
“Bleeding heart.” Vox couldn’t stop the yelp that left him as he was suddenly dipped down to the floor. Shifting his hand on Alastor’s shoulder to now wrap the whole arm around the other demon. The Media Overlord looked up with wide eyes. 
“Those are the best kind to devour.” Alastor commented smoothly. 
“Yeah, I remember that…” 
Vox was slowly brought back up onto his feet once more. Relaxing as he found his balance. Both demons were content with just swaying slowly where they stood. 
“I hope you understand that, now that you’ve told me a bit as to what’s going on, you’re not getting rid of me.” Vox stated definitely. 
“I figured as much.”
“And you’re not going to run away again. Are you?”
“It was not in my immediate plans, no.”
“I suppose that’s the best I’m going to get…” 
“Suppose so. …How about this as consolation?” 
Vox tensed suddenly feeling lips cover his, relaxing the next moment as he kissed back. Arms moving to gently wrap around the other, eyes closing as Alastor’s hands rested on his hip. Both didn’t seem to hear the static as the music paused in its progression. 
When they pulled apart, Vox kept his eyes closed. Content in allowing Alastor to press his forehead against the screen.
“How was that?”
“Better than I remembered.”
And the music continued on.
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anaslair · 4 months
haiii! i saw your matchups so i wanted to see who you think i’d be good with!
according to online quizzes my godly parent is Dionysus (which is fair). I’m transmasc (they/he) and i don’t really have a dating preference, anyone is fine! Uh i really like to draw/write and i love photography, if you dropped me off in the woods i would entertain myself for hours and come back with millions of photos- I get really bad anxiety over social things, i struggle to order my own food or ask for things. When i worry i get bad stomach aches and sort of shut down during the day. Uhmmmmm I’m an INFJ if that helps! i despise medical offices (the dentist or the doctors) and i cannot stand needles- i will do anything and everything to get out of getting my flu shot. music is one of the most important things to me, i love physical CDs and i love making playlists on spotify for every possible mood i could be in. and finally i am 18, so aged up characters or older characters for sure!
LISTEN!! I was caught up between two people for you🫵👁️👁️ but after meticulously thinking about it, I hope you like who I ended up going with :)
For some matchups I love doing little drabbles or scenarios like this, I just cOULDNT RESIST with this one pls this was so fun to write. I hope you enjoy it anon🫶
Tysm for requesting!! Have a great day <3
I match you with…
Will Solace!!
All of the characters were aged up to meet with the requester’s age so I could choose from all of them!!
Things had finally quieted down on camp half blood’s infirmary after the whole fighting Gaea incident
On a span of a month, the injured were all properly taken care of, which meant the worst thing Will had to deal with all day was an arrow removal from someone’s ass after the latest game of capture the flag
Usual stuff
He was honestly about to check if one of the Stoll brothers could steal him some snacks to pass the time when he heard screaming from outside the front door
So much for no work☹️
Checking the window, he saw someone- no wait. It was two people, one of them definitely being the head counselor of the Dionysus cabin, and the other a very freaked out brother of theirs
Oh this was gonna be good
Opening the door, he crossed his arms as he caught the end of the discussion the siblings were having
“…swear by the gods I’ll NEVER catch the flu, I can PROMISE you that” You pleaded to your sibling and counselor
“How can you promise not to get sick? Quit the bs and get the damn shot already, you’re the only one in the cabin who hasn’t and I swear by our father’s name that if someone gets sick because of you and your fear of needles you’re going down” Your sibling threatened as they pushed you up the few steps of the infirmary’s entrance
“No wait WAIT- I’ll do anything you want, I’ll clean the whole cabin by myself before inspection” you begged
“Not if you get sick you won’t” your sibling said
“What if I swear by the river Styx I won’t get sick?” You asked
“Are you actually insane-“ Your sibling asked
“I swear by the river Sty-“ you interrupted
“Hey, okay. Let’s stop that before you get yourself fried up over a cold” Will interrupted you this time, probably saving you from the never ending pain of breaking an oath made by the river Styx
Honestly, that actually sounded better than getting the gods damned flu shot. You weren’t kidding when you told your sibling you couldn’t do needles, you felt like throwing up
“Special delivery for ya Will, Good luck!” Your sibling yelled as they betrayed you, power walking back to y’alls cabin
Leaving a slightly shaken you with a very amused Will
Inside the infirmary, your leg bounced up and down high speed as you sat on Will’s office, waiting for him to bring back something for your stomach which was already very upset with the stress the whole situation was causing you
“Here, a sip should do the trick” Will said as he gave you a small cup of nectar, which lessened your discomfort considerably
“Thanks” you muttered, still very much anxious
“Look, I’m not going to do it against your will, but I could make it practically painless. What do you say?” Will asked, looking for some supplies
“If I gave you like, three whole dracmas, would you tell my counselor I got the shot?” You quickly asked
“Make it four, no- five! It’s all I have on me right now-“
“Look- just, let’s just breathe a little alright? I’m not taking that weak ass bribe. That wouldn’t even get me a ride on the Gray sisters taxi, pipe down” Will finished
You scoffed out an incredulous laugh, seemed like you weren’t getting out of this one
“How about some music?” Will suddenly asked as he eyed the portable CD player you were carrying
Demigods weren’t allowed to use a phone since it was practically a monster magnet, but you didn’t mind it much seeing as you absolutely loved collecting Physical CDs of your favorite artists and bands. If you had music, you were good
You nodded, maybe that would help
Will opened a cabinet which you thought was probably packed up with medical supplies
To your surprise, it was actually completely filled with CDs and vinil records, a full on collection on display
Will was Apollo’s son after all, music was a big deal for him too. Being the best healer of the Apollo cabin made him spend a lot of time in the infirmary, so music definitely helped him get through the day
Your eyes were practically shining as you stared at the cabinet. Will seemed to be looking for something specific in it
“Here! This is my favorite-“ Will said as he took a CD out of his collection, handing it to you
“Oh what the fuck” you interrupted, taking your cd player out and pressing a button to open it, showing Will what was inside
The exact same CD Will was holding out, from the exact same band
You both smiled at each other
That was the start of HOURS of conversation, y’all only sat back down when Will had showed you everything he had on that cabinet
The conversation was so fluid that you guys ended up talking about a lot of things, getting to know each other, finding out you had more in common than you thought
Will was very appreciative of the arts in general, being an Apollo kid, it came naturally to him
Just as you were talking about your photography obsession, you both heard a few knocks at the main infirmary entrance
“Will? Uh- you guys alright in there? Did it go well?” Your head counselor inquired hesitantly
You and Will eyed each other, your eyes wide
Will checked the time, you had only a a few minutes before the harpies would end anybody that was out of their cabins
You both had absolutely lost track of time
And weirdly, you didnt seem to mind
“Okay, we can do this. I’ll give you the shot now okay? I’m just going to let your sibling know, I’ll be right back” Will said as he quickly made his way to the main entrance
Okay maybe now you did mind it a little bit
And that’s how you ended up with your eyes tightly shut, sweating an abnormal amount while Will applied some rubbing alcohol where he was going to stab you apply the shot
“Hey, I swear you won’t feel a thing if you give me those dracmas you promised” Will tried to lighten the mood
You didn’t respond, heart beating fast, nerves about to explode
Then you felt a warm hand in your arm
“Hey, it’s alright”
You opened your eyes to see Will’s directly in front of yours
He had lowered himself so he was at your eye level. And he was close, really close
“You’re going to be alright.” His tone was lower, softer
“Here” He put the earphones of your CD player into your ears
As your favorite song started playing loudly in your ears, Will smiled, mouthing a “Trust me”
He got up, directing himself to our side to apply the shot
Your hand tightened around the chair’s handle, you were still nervous, but way less then before
But your heart was still beating fast. Strange.
“So, on three?” You asked Will
“Already done” Will said, cleaning your arm up
You looked up at him, absolutely baffled
Being a son of the god of healing really had its perks
“Told you it wouldn’t hurt” He smiled, winking while at it
And there it was again, your heart beating just a little bit faster
You were still silently watching him, your eyebrows raised high
“So, you said you liked to take pictures right? The strawberry field is insane in the morning” Will started as he threw the syringe he used on you away
“Want me to show you a nice spot tomorrow?” He asked, eyeing you with a small smile
“Ah- yeah, sure” you blurted out
“Okay then, it’s a date”
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Before they could reply, an angry, booming voice shouted out from behind them. “What did you do?”
Panicked, the Stoll's spun around, Connor tripping over his own feet and almost falling on Nico if Travis hadn't caught him. It’s not that they were afraid of the son of Zeus- Jupiter... whatever, these Roman/Greek god things made no sense- but watching him storm up now, hands clenched at his sides, face contorted with rage and light glinting dangerously off his glasses was like being trampled by a heard of pegasi.
"H-hey Jason." Travis laughed nervously, as Jason stopped in front of them "what brings you to our neck of the woods?"
"Don't play dumb with me boys," Jason snapped, pushing the Stolls aside. "What did you..." his face fell. "Oh, hells."
Thank you to @ilyone and @betsib for both this art: http://ilyone.tumblr.com/image/90365923058 and for this fic: http://betsib.tumblr.com/post/89905696302/jasico-delirious-hi-honey-hope-youre-having-a  ! I hope you dont mind me writing something off of them, I just love them so much and couldn’t help myself x
Camp Half-Blood was full of demigods the month before the older campers left for college, the cabins fit to busting and the tables crowded with siblings.
The Stoll’s had decided over a too-late night coffee to pull off one last prank –the prank to crown all pranks- and had enlisted the help of Carrie Kingly, a daughter of Hecate.
In her hand was a small milky sphere, the size of a tennis ball, undulating and twisting in her hand like it had a mind of its own. “Who am I throwing this at again?” She turned to the Stoll’s, who were busy standing behind her and giggling.
“I don’t know,” Travis looked around the courtyard. “I suppose we just need to see who needs the most fun. Get them to lighten up.”
“Take a load off,” Connor added with a smirk as he stood on his toes and swiveled his head around the courtyard. He spied Nico di Angelo leaving the Apollo cabin with colorful band-aids on his skin and a lip-shaped bruise on his neck. Connor squealed in delight, dropping from his toes and grabbing his brother's shoulder. “Look!” He pointed.
Nico was making his way towards the stables, probably to take Percy up on his offer of horseback riding lessons, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. “He’s coming this way.” Travis laughed, grabbing his brother and Carrie by the arms and dragging them behind the Hermes cabin. “Carrie, you ready?”
“Wait, you want me to use it on the Hades kid?” Carrie looked confused as she allowed Travis to drag her into hiding. “Wouldn’t that just backfire?”
“No no, it’s fine!” Travis’ eyes greedily followed Nico’s approach. “If there’s one person in this camp who needs to lighten up, it’s Nico. Ready, 3....2…1… NOW!” he shouted with laughter as Carrie lobed the ball at Nico’s feet.
The soft Italian song Nico was singing under his breath stopped as a cloudy ball landed by his feet and exploded, covering him in a suffocating fog of Mist, making him blink and the would swim.
When the Mist cleared, Nico was falling backward onto the dirt, blinking and looking around. Frowning, he reached his hand out and swatted the air, head tilting upwards as if following something high into the air. “Wow…” he breathed quietly.
The Stoll’s jumped out from behind their cabin, high fiving each other and cheering, attracting the attention of other campers who started to slowly make their way over. Nico didn’t pay them any mind, too busy looking down at his hands in awe, turning them over slowly.
They crouched down, poking Nico in the legs. “Hey, Nico,” Connor asked, stifling his laughter behind pursed lips. “What’s up?”
Confused at the incessant contact, Nico looked up, but instead of looking at the brothers he seemed to be looking through them, but then they turned around, nobody was there. Nico tilted his head. “Bianca?” The word was soft, loving, sweet and the boys sat back on their hunches, suddenly deflated. “Mama? Come e’ stai?”
Before they could reply, an angry, booming voice shouted out from behind them. “What did you do?”
Panicked, the Stoll's spun around, Connor tripping over his own feet and almost falling on Nico if Travis hadn't caught him. It’s not that they were afraid of the son of Zeus- Jupiter... whatever, these Roman/Greek god things made no sense- but watching him storm up now, hands clenched at his sides, face contorted with rage and light glinting dangerously off his glasses was like being trampled by a heard of pegasi.
Cassie, the smart girl, was nowhere to be seen.
"H-hey Jason." Travis laughed nervously, as Jason stopped in front of them "what brings you to our neck of the woods?"
"Don't play dumb with me boys," Jason snapped, pushing the Stolls aside. "What did you..." his face fell. "Oh, hells."
Nico was smiling, placing invisible cards down and speaking in Italian to people who weren't there. "Bianca? Il tuo turno."
Shoulders tensing, Jason kneeled down and placed his hand on Nico's arm. "Nico, hey man, can you hear me?" He shook the smaller boy.
Blinking, Nick bleary looked up at him and tilted his head. "Si?" He grinned. "Oh, you're pretty looking." He turned to the side. "Bianca, look! Don't you think he's pretty looking?"
"Nico, do you know who I am?" Jason decided to ignore Nico's other comment. At Nico’s blank stare he sighed. “It’s Jason. You know me.”
“Oh, you’re like my card!” Nico exclaimed, delighted, as he mimed pulling a card out of his deck and shoving it in Jason’s face. “Descendent of Zeus! 89 hit points, has 200 attack powers, plus 6 to saving throws! I have your figure somewhere…” he started patting down his pockets, and Jason gripped him by the shoulders as he looked around the group. “Bianca, do you know where my figurines are?”
A cold sense of dread trickled down Jason’s spine. He’d heard that name before, pained shouts at night from the mast of the Argo II, whispers from older campers of when he first arrived, the quiet explanation from Will as to why Nico always left a space beside him at the campfire or the tables. He whirled on the Stoll’s. “Explain this, now.”
“It was just a Mist Bomb,” Travis explained quickly. “Nothing harmful.”
“Yeah,” Connor agreed. “He’ll be tripping balls for the next few hours but it won’t hurt him.”
“Right, sure.” Jason stood, carrying most of Nico’s weight as he walked him towards the Hades cabin. “Don’t expect to be let off on this scotch free you two.” He called over his shoulder as he pushed open the cabin door.
It was as cold and creepy as Jason expected, black obsidian walls and skeleton arm sconces. He set Nico down on his bunk and put a hand to his forehead when he glanced down. “Nico, is that a bruise? Did they hurt you? Those lying sons of-” He paused as Nico shook his head.
There was a dreamy expression on his face as he smiled with far away eyes. “No, it was from Will. He has very soft lips and sometimes when he bites, it-” Jason put a hand to Nico’s mouth to silence him.
“Not now, Nico,” Jason stood and turned to the picture of water resting on a table. “You can tell me your deepest darkest secrets later, but right now you’re out of your mind. Let me get you a glass of water.”
When he turned back, Nico’s eyes were wide with fear, hands fisted in the sheets and his breathing coming in panicked gasps. “Where am I?”
"Nico...?" Jason trailed off as Nico flinched and put his back to the wall.                                                                                                                                    
"Stop talking." Nico hissed, looking around desperately. "You can't trick me this time. I'm smarter than that now."
"Hey, Nico, what are you talking about?" Jason placed the glass of water on a table. "What's going on?"
Suddenly, Nico gasped and dived past Jason to the other end of the room, pulling his sword and holding it in front of him. "Stay away!" He cried, eyes wide and fearful. "Leave me alone!"
"Nico, it's me!" Jason took a step closer but Nico pointed his sword at Jason's chest. "What's going on with you?"
"You're not real!" Nico's voice broke as he scrambled backward, desperately clawing at the cabin walls, eyes fixed on Jason. "You never were! I won't ever get out of here and this is my punishment, isn't it?" He looked around the room, eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Akhlys, is this your doing? Is this a joke? You told me I was already broken; why would you make it worse?"
Jason paused, heart-catching, as Nico curled into himself and sobbed into his arms, sinking to the floor and muttering in Italian. Akhlys, Jason thought she was in Tartarus. Percy and Annabeth told me about her. Does Nico think he's in Tartarus?
"Nico," Jason cooed quietly "it’s alright. You're at Camp Half-Blood, not Tartarus. You’re in the Hades cabin. You're safe."
"Hades doesn't have a cabin at Camp Half-Blood and I'm not accepted there anyway, so I wouldn't go back if you dragged me." Nico sniffled, trying to become one with the wall. "You can't trick me. Not this time."
Reaching out, Jason rested his hand on Nico's arm and grabbed his wrist when he pulled away. "No Nico, this is real. You're safe, you made it out. You're ok."
"I don't believe you," Nico whimpered eyes darting around. "I'm going to die down here alone and nobody is ever going to miss me."
Balking, Jason shook his head, gripping Nico tighter. "Nico, that's not true. We'd all miss you, me and Hazel and Leo and Piper and Frank, Annabeth and Percy-"
"Great, now I know this is Akhlys' doing." Nico snarled as he tried to stand. "I told you, leave me alone. I know better than to talk to ghosts and illusions anyway. Get out of my face."
It was hard to comprehend that this sniveling, scared boy was Nico di Angelo. One of three to ever endure Tartarus and live. One of 2 to be born from a different time. Son of Hades. This must have been what Nico was like as a kid, Jason thought, but then realized Nico is a kid. He’s 14. Not 18, not 16, not 20, he’s 14.
“Nico,” Jason whispered, barely heard over the sobs of the younger boy in front of him. “What can I do?”
“You can go away and leave me alone.” Nico hiccupped. “It’s not like you haven’t already made my life a misery. Leave me alone.”
“But Nico-”
“Stop it!” Nico screamed, the sconces going dim and the room falling colder than before. If Jason could see the grass beneath the cabin, he was sure it had wilted. “Stop filling my head with… with lies and fake promises! I know who I am and what I am! I know I’m going to die down here and I have nobody to miss me! You don’t need to tell me that!”
“Nico, I am real!” Jason gripped Nico’s arms with both hands now, pulling the resisting boy closer. “Listen to me! Can you feel me touching you? It’s real! You found the Doors of Death and we defeated Gaia! You’re dating Will Solace from the Apollo cabin! You teach sword fighting classes and the little kids here love playing with you! Sally Jackson sends you a cake every year on your birthday! Nico, listen, this is real, I’m real. You have to believe me.”
Slowly, not as fast as Jason would have liked by slowly nonetheless, Nico’s resistant struggles weakened and the glaze in his eyes faded slowly, the tears down his face and in his face glinting in the sluggishly burning torchlight. “Jason?” his whispered, voice caught on a sob “You’re real? I’m- I’m out? It’s not real?”
“Yeah Nico, I’m right here.” Jason brought Nico to his chest and held him while the younger boy sobbed into his chest and clutched at his shirt. “It’s alright, I’m right here. I’m not going to leave you.”
After a few moments of sobbing, Nico whispered “I’m tired now” and Jason lifted him up and carried him to his bunk, but Nico was still desperately clasping onto his shirt. “Don’t leave.”
So Jason made himself comfortable and laid down with Nico, covering the blankets over both of them as Nico writhed and sobbed and hiccupped and begged, muttering words like, Percy, Will, Bianca, Mama, why, Father, Bob, help, Jason, how, what did I do, I’m sorry, and Jason just clutched him tighter to his chest and held him until they both fell asleep.
Nico was gone when Jason woke up, the covers pulled neatly over him and tucked into the sides of the bed and the early morning light streaming in through the uncovered windows to glitter across the floor.
The first thing Jason did was to find Percy, who was frantically shoving rubbish and unfolded clothes out of sight. “Oh, hey man.” Percy shoved a half-eaten jar of peanut butter (which seemed to be eaten with rather large fingers) into a helmet with a blue plume and turned it upside down. “You come to help clean up for inspection?” He flashed Jason a grin. “Or do you need help with yours?”
Jason shrugged as he closed the cabin door behind him. “Nah man, it’s Piper and Annabeth. I’m usually let off the hook a little with them.”
Almost dropping his armful of clothes, Percy turned to gawp at Jason. “What the hells? They nag on me more! Annabeth has never once let me off the hook.” He scowled before throwing a shirt at Jason. “Well, if you’re here, you can assist. I’m the only occupant in the cabin so I don’t have any help for inspections.”
Frowning, Jason walked to a pile and started folding clothes. “If you’re just one person, how do you manage to make so much mess?” He teased.
“Shut up, Grace.” Percy laughed tossing a shoe at Jason’s head, which he ducked and it bounced harmlessly off the back wall. “Sometimes my brother stays over as well. Tyson? I don’t think you’ve met him, but he has like, an addiction to peanut butter. I only just managed to clean it off the walls by his bunk.”
“Oh right, I think I’ve heard of him. Cyclops, yeah?”
“Yeah, he’s a big adorable goofball. I love him to death.”
“I’d love to meet him one day.”
“You should. You two would get on like a house on fire.”
Jason grinned, but the mention of death reminded him of what he was really there for, which may have been unfair to Nico. “Hey Percy,” Jason opened a drawer and shoved a handful of freshly folded socks into it. “Did you hear about what happened yesterday?”
Currently trying to hold back a torrent of clothes and knickknacks from falling out of the cupboard, Percy gave a strained grunt. “I didn’t hear anything. I was at the stables all day man, so unless you want to know about the newborn fowls or the pegasi sugar cube addiction, I don’t think I have any news for you.”
“About something that happened with Nico?” Giving up with the closet, Percy slammed the door shut before anything could tumble out and had taken to pulling objects out from under his bunk, but stopped at the mention of Nico’s name, hand buried in dust bunnies. “And the Stoll’s?”
“I already don’t like where this is going.” Percy sighed as he sat heavily on his bunk and waved Jason over to join him.
“You shouldn’t.” Looking around the slightly cleaner cabin, Jason was surprised that he couldn’t quite find the words he wanted to say, not with Percy’s eyes boring burning holes of concern and anger into his head. He hadn’t realized how intimating and dangerous the son of Poseidon was before, but he very much did now. “Have you heard of a Mist Bomb? New toy from the Hecate cabin repertoire. Connor and Travis thought it would be funny to use it on Nico.”
“Holy Hephaestus please tell me your joking,” with his mouth hanging open and his eyes bulging, Jason understood now why Annabeth often ridiculed that Percy looked like a fish. “What happened?”
“I got there when there was already a crowd, and Nico was on the floor,” Jason explained. “He was talking in Italian. To Bianca and his mum, but I thought Bianca was reincarnated?”
“She is, it wasn’t her ghost if that’s what you’re thinking.” Percy leaned his head against the back wall. “Trick of the Mist, like when Hazel does it.”
“Yeah. He called me ‘pretty-looking’ and said he didn’t know who I was but said all these numbers I couldn’t understand. Called me a ‘Descendent of Zeus’ and went looking for my figurine?”
There was a ghost of a smile on Percy’s face, a memory of a time long gone. “Myth-o-magic. When we found him, he was obsessed with that game. Bianca died on a quest we went on together to free Annabeth, trying to get him the only figurine he didn’t have.” Percy looked defeated. “Would you believe that it was the Hades figure?”
Jason blinked. “I never knew that.”
“Yeah well, I should have been there to save her.” Percy rubbed the back of his neck. “What happened next?”
“I took him to his cabin.” Jason cleared his throat. “It started off fine. I stopped him from talking about his personal life though. I went to get him water and when I turned back around he was scared out of his mind. I thought he was going to kill me.”
“Nico? Scared? I don’t think those words have ever really gone together lately.”
“He didn’t know who I was. He thought he was still in Tartarus.”
Percy closed his eyes. “I don’t know what else you expected. Probably the most traumatic experience of his life and he went through it alone. That’s gotta suck. If I hadn’t had Annabeth, I doubt I would have made it out of there in one piece. Hells, I still don’t think I made it out in one piece.”
Rubbing his hands roughly through his hair, Jason sighed out his nose.  “I’ve only just realized that he’s 14, Perce. He’s younger than all of us, yet he’s been through more than any of us could ever dream of.”
“Yeah, he and Hazel are the youngest, but they’re the oldest too.” Percy agreed. “I don’t know how that would work. Technically speaking, they’re both in their 70’s.”
Jason shivered. “Ugh, please don’t make me think about that.”
They were silent a moment, contemplating the unfairness of life when Percy spoke out of the silence. “So, what do you want to do about it?”
“Excuse me?”
“Connor and Travis. You don’t want to get them back for what they did to Nico?”
Looking around the cabin, Jason took in the wrappers and tissues on the floor, the twisted and knotted fishing net tangled with a trident up on the roof, the clothes covered in dust still peeking out from under the bed, the faint smears of peanut butter on the opposite wall but the very strong smell. “But… the inspection?”
Percy waved him off. “What about the inspection? What’s Annabeth going to do? I can handle stable duty, I basically do it anyway.” He leaned forward, a new, mischievous smirk in his eye. “So come on, what have you got in mind?”
“I honestly didn’t get that far ahead,” Jason admitted. “We could probably just teach them a lesson.”
“I have a much better idea.” Percy stood, strolling to his cabinet, where he pocketed Riptide and walked to the door. “One on one combat, the sons of Hermes versus the sons of the Big Three. I mean, we’re not going to hurt them much, but how embarrassing would it be to get their ass beat in front of the whole camp?”
Grinning Jason took Percy’s outstretched hand and stood with his friend. “I like the way you think, Jackson.”
“Why thank you, Mr. Grace. I’ll take Travis, you take Connor.”
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flxttxr · 2 years
Can you do a Connor Stoll fix where he’s pinning after a daughter of Ares?
of course!!
Connor Stoll x Ares's kid. (gender-neutral)
TW: swearing? usage of "consent is s*xy"
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You and Connor had an, ah, interesting relationship.
Ever since you both had met, you had a sort of enemies relationship. But secretly, you didn’t hate each other at all. Connor had developed an interest in you when you arrived at camp. Your feisty, hot-headed personality had attracted the mischievous pranker. Sure, all Ares kids were like that, but Connor liked you the most. And, that led to your relationship of Connor pranking you and you beating his ass in combat.
Today, you were just heading back to your cabin after a good old swordplay session. You definitely beat everyone’s ass out there. The look on Percy’s face when you knocked his sword out of his hand. That was, of course, sheer luck, as Percy was too distracted seeing Annabeth passing by, but you wouldn’t admit that to yourself, would you?
You trudged back tiredly to your cabin. Letting out a huff, you got lost in your thoughts. You remembered how Connor fought (practiced) against his brother, Chris. Gods, how hot he looked when he won against Chris. Sure, Chris wasn’t much of a fighter as Connor, but gods, that cocky, mischievous smile, of his. The way his shirt stuck to his chest, his curly hair still looking fine as ever, and his forehead beaded with sweat. Gods, you thought. He’s hot.
You shook your head, snapping out of your trance. Dumb brain. You huffed a bit louder, increased your speed to your cabin. You reached for the doorknob. As you opened it—
You heard a THUD! as well. You felt something slimy, icky, fall on you. That substance, whatever it was, was stuck to your hair, shirt, everything. You looked to see where that thud came from— and found a bucket near the door, which had a bit of slime in it. You processed everything.
You heard a snicker behind you. You looked behind to see—the only and only— Connor Stoll, on the ground, laughing his head off. You could see tears of laughter in his eyes, which made you made you more pissed. When Connor met your deadly gaze— seeing how you had reached for your sword— he came to his senses, got up, gave you that grin, and dashed to the forest.
Going into the woods, ignoring every single dryad, you ran after him. When Connor came to a halt, you stopped as well.
“Now— look,” Connor began. “It was hilarious, you have to admit that.”
“HILARIOUS?!” you roared. “Oh, boy, you’ll know what hilarious is when I kill you with this sword, fucking motherfucker, you thought you’d get away with this one, did ya?— well guess what, you’re wrong and I’m going to make sure you’ll die by my fucking hands today—”
You stopped. While you were screaming at him, he got closer and kissed you.
His lips were soft. His kiss tasted like cinnamon, and you even melted into it. When Connor stepped away, he still had that goofy grin, except his cheeks were tinted with light pink.
“Okay, I know consent is sexy— but let’s be for real, we both wanted that. I saw how you were staring at me while I was practicing with Chris. Learn to be a little subtle, love.”
You could swear you were turning as red as a tomato. “Listen here, you little shit—”
“Anyways,” interrupted Connor. “As annoying you are, I like you. And, I was wondering if you’d— well, like to go out with me.”
For once, you were at a loss for words. Speechless. You opened your mouth, closed it, opened it again, closed it again. This was Connor’s way of telling you he liked you. You liked him too. As shitty this confession was, still, you liked him.
Sighing, you agreed. “Fine dumbass, but I’ll still kill you for this, later though.”
Connor grinned.
And that was the start of your relationship.
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tratieiscanon · 2 years
si en algún momento tenés ganas y tiempo, would you mind sharing tratie headcanons?
It’s always an absolute pleasure sharing tratie headcanons so thank you so much for asking ❤❤❤
This is kind of an obvious one because it appears basically in every fic, but Travis calls Katie by all sort of nicknames except for her real name: Kit-Kat, Katie-Kat, Kitty-Kat, Katie-Kates, Katie-Cakes, Cupkate, Kitty. She complains at first but then she grows fond of them and gets sad when he just calls her “Katie”.
There is a strawberry field behind the Stoll’s house in Ithaca, NY, so strawberries remind Travis of home. He always steals them from the fields at CHB, but only when Katie is there, because it’s so much fun to get yelled by her. And then when they start dating, he also steals kisses from her while he’s there.
Travis steals all sorts of stuff from her —chapsticks, scrunchies, bracelets— and then toys with them between his fingers during dinner. It always makes her stand up from her table and go to his, yelling at him and pointing at him with an accusing finger. Everyone gets out of her way because no one likes to mess with an angry child of Demeter, except for Travis Stoll
He also steals her flower crowns, but she never takes those back from him. She says that it’s because it’s just easier to make another one, but the truth is she thinks they look adorable on his curly head.
The Stolls have magical backpacks (they were gift from Hermes after Luke left the camp) in which they can fit anything —kind of like Hermione’s bag (I don’t remember if there was anything like that in the PJO universe, sorry). Travis has his filled (well, not literally) with Katie’s gardening tools and books and pots and seeds and anything she would ever need to garden anywhere they are.
He also has winged shoes and he loves hugging Katie and flying her everywhere while he sings A whole new world.
The Stolls are a pain in the ass when they have to inspect the cabins. As their cabin is usually in the last place, they don’t really care about the results of the inspection and just mess around during that time. They make ridiculous rules like taking points out of the cabins if they don’t have blue towels or adding points if there are peanut butter snacks around. The campers hate them as inspectors except for Katie, because Travis gives her cabin extra points for each kiss she gives him there,
Baking bread relaxes Katie, so Travis always makes sure to have a bag of flour (la Pureza que ya viene con levadura lista para hacer pan) laying around for when something has her stressed.
The boy loves Katie’s overalls and summer dresses; she looks so freaking adorable in them.
He also loves her braids. He loves softly pulling at them and playing with the ends between his fingers and just generally touching her hair. Katie loves it too. 
She is obsessed with Travis’ curls. She is always touching them when they cuddle or when she’s gardening and he rests his head on her lap.
They are a very physically affectionate couple. The rest of the campers almost preferred it when they despised each other and were constantly fighting, but not really, because they are the cutest thing ever.
Aaaand those are the ones at the top of my head right now, but I’ll probably share more later ❤
I hope you like them! And thanks again for asking 🥰
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simpingforpjo · 3 years
I honestly can’t even tell the two of you apart half the time, because I don't go by height or age. I go by amount of pain in my ass. Which makes you all identical.
Chiron to the stoll Brothers
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pjo-whore · 3 years
Percy Jackson At Hogwarts
Chapter 1: Wizards Are What Now?
Look, Percy never wanted to be half-blood.
Being a half-blood – the child of a mortal human and a god – was dangerous. It was scary. Most of the time, on top of having neglectful parents and a dysfunctional and incestuous family that wanted you dead for petty reasons, it got you killed in other painful, nasty ways.
There wasn’t a day that went by where Percy didn’t feel envious of the kids who didn’t have to deal with the mythological world.
Percy Jackson was seventeen years old. Until a month ago, he was fighting a war against a Greek primoradial, the Earth Mother incarnate, Gaea – also known as his great grandmother. Before that, he fought in a war against his grandfather, Kronos, Greek Titan of Time, who wanted to overthrow the Olympian gods and take over the world and the Empire State Building. Somewhere in between he also found time to spend a month in literal Greek hell, Tartarus, who also happened to be his great grandfather, and who also tried to murder him on sight.
Was Percy a troubled kid?
Yeah. You could say that.
And right now, he was still trying to clean up the mess from the Second Giant War.
Now that there wasn’t a war looming overhead, the gods’ recent exploits were coming to light, and new demigods were popping up everywhere, everyday. The number of demigods skyrocketed now that they were actively searching and not waiting for them to stumble into Camp on their own.
But that also meant there were new kids to train, more demigods for the gods to claim, and less time to recoup from the recent war.
Less than a month had passed since Gaea’s defeat.
The days were filled with helping each other get back on their feet, rebuilding the camps, and trying to keep the fragile peace in order.
There was still a lot to sort out, and the gods weren’t as hands-on as most would like. There was conflict building up. News spread about how the gods helped the seven demigods of the prophecy fight the giants, because a giant couldn’t be killed by a mortal alone, and this made many jealous and angry. The gods could pop in for a single battle when it was their own ass on the line, but not when a group of their own literal kids needed to rebuild their home that was dedicated to the gods?
Besides Chiron and Dionysus, the only god to physically stay at Camp Half-Blood following the battle against Gaea due to his punishment from Zeus, there were no other adults. The oldest demigods were barely twenty. Despite age, most, if not all, the demigods looked to the prophecy demigods for guidance and leadership.
Annabeth, Jason, Percy, Piper, and Nico.
The brunt of the responsibility fell on the daughter of Athena, and the son of Poseidon. They led their Camp through the Second Titan War, and now they were survivors of another war.
Things weren’t easy for a long time.
The Camp was completely ravaged.
During Gaea’s seize of the Greek demigod Camp, the cabins were burned by the monsters and toppled by Gaea’s massive earthquakes. Not even the Big House – the staple of Camp Half-Blood, the oldest building on the lot – survived the attack.
Camp Jupiter didn’t fare any better, but their buildings had been more structurally sound, thicker and built of material that didn’t burn and crumble. Enough buildings were still standing well enough to inhabit.
Everything had to be rebuilt for Camp Half-Blood.
Nobody could be sent home – to their mortal homes, with mortal parents, and a mortal life, mortal being the slang for “normal” among the mythological world – despite the new lack of residency at Camp Half-Blood. Kids needed to heal. There were nightmares and PTSD. Trauma and concussions. People to be counted, bodies missing, some so mauled they were impossible to identify. Several bodies were unearthed from the ground, sucked in by Gaea’s attack and suffocated beneath the dirt.
Shrouds were made for those who could be identified, the unknown buried in unmarked graves to be remembered. Those who were missing were given honorary shrouds, unknowing if they were in one of the unmarked graves. The Romans were unable to do their traditional funeral rituals, transporting the bodies all the way to Camp Jupiter, and were burned in shrouds alongside the Greeks.
Mortal parents simply couldn’t help.
They couldn’t fathom their children being in a war.
There were fears that demigods would be taken away from Camp Half-Blood by their mortal parents, horrified at what their kids were put through. Chiron especially worried about demigods who would be kept from Camp by parents, forcing them to live alone without any mythological world support, to defend against monsters on their own, without any magic or special weapons.
So, among the remaining able-bodied demigods, Greeks alongside Romans worked together to erect the new Big House. Tents from the Romans’ siege on Camp Half-Blood were gifted to the Greeks to provide residency until the new cabins were built, while the Romans started to march back home.
During all the chaos, Percy didn’t have any time to sit down and process all that happened.
The whole Camp looked up to him as a leader, but Percy didn’t feel very strong or wise.
He only felt bitter.
There were some who walked by and whispered “lucky” and “prophecy.”
Some who stopped talking as soon as he walked into the room.
Those who acted like he wasn’t even human, just some untouchable hero; but they ostracized him.
Percy was aware that he was one of the so-called “lucky” campers; lucky being compared, because at least he walked away with all his limbs intact.
It didn’t feel like he was lucky.
He wasn’t unscathed. He bore many scars, visible and not. His time in Tartarus was an impossible nightmare on bad nights, and a shadow on good days.
Percy was learning that he had triggers.
He was learning Annabeth did, too.
Neither liked using elevators.
Annabeth’s expression went tight when Percy used his powers around her. She turned away, sometimes completely leaving the area.
She got antsy in the dark, a childhood fear resurfaced.
There were other little things; at night when she had nightmares she would toss and turn in bed, sweating through her clothes and sheets, despite the breeze being cold. Sometimes Annabeth would completely avoid Percy, acting snappish, always coming back and apologizing in the end, and they would hold each other like they were hanging over the chasm again.
Annabeth refused to talk about what she saw in her nightmares, and Percy never pushed. He was one of the only people who could understand what she was going through.
Sometimes all they could do was sit and try to drown out the memories of The Pit.
Percy’s triggers were different.
He developed a deep-seated hatred for empousai. The moment he saw one, his body started to shake with adrenaline and nerves, fire flashing before his eyes.
Percy could no longer look at the stars without feeling a deep loss, tears pricking at his eyes.
He prayed to his father, Poseidon, more often, as if trying to re-establish his connection to the sea, to re-establish his connection to the Overworld, as if that could cleanse him of what happened in The Pit. As if he could wash away the touch of The Pit.
Percy’s nightmares were always blurry and violent. He wouldn’t snap awake like others. He didn’t startle or jerk upright. He didn’t make a single noise. He would wake silently, and lay there in bed, eyes open and unseeing, that shattered glass feeling he always dreaded at the bottom of his stomach. After he could never go back to sleep, and he would get up and sit on the tile in his cabin for hours and look in the mirror and wait for the image to change. He would wait for it to reflect what he feared, though it never did.
“Okay, so, how big is the situation? Is it like, ‘Aphrodite lost her hairbrush again’ big? Or is it ‘Gaea has risen again’ big?”
Annabeth frowned. “I don’t know. All Chiron said was that a god needed our help – and I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the sound of that.” She chewed her bottom lip in thought as they headed toward the Big House. They had been asked to attend a private meeting with Chiron, outside of the camp counselor meeting. “He sounded serious, too. Whichever god it is must be an asshole to seek help so soon after the war.”
She wasn’t wrong, Percy thought.
Jason was appointed Pontifex Maximus in Camp Jupiter, and as such he was responsible of advising the praetors, ruling over the Camp Jupiter counsel, and overseeing the work and prayers to the minor gods. His promise to Kymopoleia to bring worship and awareness for all minor gods became his fulltime job, and it was ruled that most gods must go through Jason to request help from either demigod camp.
A god asking for help directly after a full-scale war? Using Chiron as their connection? It was a hit below the belt, and it made Percy frustrated.
A few demigods raised their heads in greeting as Percy and Annabeth passed by the arts and crafts center. Conner and Travis Stoll, who were trying to build bombs with bits and pieces from the forge, took one look at Percy, then at Annabeth, and wiggled their brows suggestively. Percy unsubtly stuck them the bird, and they started to laugh their assess off.
The Big House was smaller now, after being rebuilt.
What could be scavenged from the attic was saved, but most of it was lost. Magical artifacts and ancient texts were burned and crushed. Now the Big House served mostly as the infirmary, aside from the drop-by medicinal tent near the Apollo cabin, where more medical supplies were. The Apollo and Hephaestus cabins had been the first to be rebuilt because they gave needed services.
Aside from the infirmary, the Big House had a commons area for meetings, and housed a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom.
Checking in the commons area, Chiron was in his wheelchair. Nico was sitting at the beloved ping pong table, which had somehow survived the siege on Camp, and Thalia was sitting backwards on a chair by the new counselor table, which no one ever used.
Percy sat next to Nico and twirled the ping pong paddle between his hands, Annabeth taking her usual seat during counsel meetings.
Chiron looked tense.
“Now, I know that only a month has passed since the end of the Second Giant War, but –”
The air practically sparked with the collective tension that built.
“– a new quest has been issued.”
Annabeth leaned forward in her seat, interested. “Chiron, you can’t have an official quest without a prophecy. And the last time I checked; the Oracle of Delphi wasn’t working right now.”
“Well, it’s a good thing this isn’t a quest from the Greek pantheon, then.”
Percy cocked a brow and shared a look with Annabeth.
“The Roman pantheon doesn’t have an oracle, and their last augur exploded himself, so –”
“It’s a friend of Lady Hecate, the Triple Goddess.”
Dead silence.
“The Triple Goddess?” Percy parroted. “I don’t follow.”
“The Triple Goddess is of the Old Religion, once practiced in Europe hundreds of years ago by the druids and magic users in general. It belonged to Albion, a land of five kingdoms, before it split into the United Kingdom and Ireland.”
“What does that have to do with us?” Nico said.
“All those years ago, in the middle ages, after the golden age of the Greek pantheon, the Old Religion became very popular in Albion. Magic was something that anyone could practice even if they weren’t born with the innate talent, with the proper training. Through the ages, though, the religion declined, and the New Religion rose and became the staple. While the Old Religion relied on the magic of the land, sea, and sky; the New Religion relied on your inner magical core, and so not everyone could do this new magic.”
Chiron shifted in his wheelchair and pulled out a small stack of photos, but when he tossed them onto the ping pong table, the demigods saw that they held moving pictures.
In one photo, it showed a person standing over a boiling cauldron, on the wooden table beside them, old parchment with a quill that moved by itself, writing on the paper. The picture moved slightly, the character stirring the cauldron. Then the animated picture reset and repeated.
In another photo, two persons stood facing each other, holding purposefully shaped wooden sticks, pointing them at each other. Bright lights exploded from the tips of the sticks, and their robes and hair swayed with strong winds.
In the last photo, a person was wearing a uniform of sorts, with a helmet and pads on their knees and elbows. They held an old broomstick between their knees, and metal hinges held on the back close to the bristles, like a hitch for the feet. In the picture, the person grabbed onto the end of the broomstick and shot into the air, like magic. It gave image to the stereotype of witches flying on brooms in the night.
“The Old Religion died out because the land lost its magic. Only select spots held magical creatures and natural magic. Magic was only preserved through the New Religion, and those who practiced the New Religion became witches and wizards. The lot of them went into hiding and created their own society – the wizarding world.”
“In today’s day and age, magic is passed down through genetics. And sometimes, those with magic cores can be born to those with no magic at all. The population of magic users stays stable, and there is balance in the world of magic …” Chiron winced. “Mostly.”
“But these people have lost contact with the Triple Goddess. They no longer worship or prayer to her. They rely solely on their own magic, not what comes naturally from the land, like in the Old Religion. And recently, war has passed for them. The Second Wizarding War ended four months ago. And this has severely depleted their resources and magic. There is a school for the magic users, used as the stronghold during the war, and now the wizarding world’s hero is returning to finish his studies.”
“His moniker is ‘The Boy Who Lived,’ and he’s called Harry Potter. But he was only a child – is only a child. He and his peers are children who have been used to fight a war that they shouldn’t have had to fight.” Chiron looked very grim.
Percy bitterly sank back in his seat.
“We were kids, too.”
Chiron sighed. “This war has thrown the balance of magic out of whack. The natural magic has been depleted for too long, and there are those who are actively tipping the balance to sabotage the magic for their own gain. It’s suspected that the dark forces from the war – Death Eaters – are still operating in the shadows. It is because of this that the Triple Goddess has called upon you as heroes to help restore the wizarding world and save magic.”
“You would only be obligated to attend the school of Hogwarts until you uncovered the source of oppression over magic, so the Death Eaters can be caught and restrained. If you choose to accept, of course.”
Percy eyed him sharply. “You say that as if we have a choice.”
Chiron pursed his lips. “Despite what you think, yes, you do.”
“But this is from a whole other pantheon,” Nico said. “A group of magical people who don’t even believe in the goddess who brought about their magic. Why do we have to fix this?”
More silence.
Chiron looked down on them unapologetically.
Percy shifted uncomfortably, looking over at Annabeth. Chiron seriously expected them to just up and leave Camp for this quest. Barely a month had passed since their own war, and they were getting by as they were. Percy didn’t believe Camp Half-Blood could afford to lose any support or cabin counselors, even for a short period of time.
“So, let me get this straight,” Percy said. “Basically – if I just ignore the little prologue, you gave there – you want us to go to this magical school, on orders of a goddess that’s almost faded, stalk a kid, and watch out for people who like to try to rob the world of magic – magic, which they use themselves.”
Chiron looked pained. “No, I don’t believe they’re purposefully robbing the world of magic.”
“Oh, well that clears everything up.” Percy threw his hands in the air.
“Regardless, you understand what’s being asked. This is a quest, technically coming from Hecate, as a favour for the Triple Goddess. It’s valid as a hero’s quest. It was decided it would be best that you go undercover as transfer students and secretly watch over Harry Potter, the target for most Death Eaters. Your goal is to prevent trouble before it gets serious, though I doubt that will be hard, as trouble always manages to find you –”
“Wait, hold on,” Percy said, still hung-up on the quest. “How are we supposed to fit in at a school for the magically gifted? None of us are wizards.”
“Oh, that is something that can easily be fixed,” Chiron said, dismissing the problem.
“Excuse me?!” Thalia said.
“Hecate considered this quest from the Triple Goddess for a long time before coming to me.”
Percy rolled his eyes. Out of everyone in the room, he had the least faith in the gods. They never gave him anything to have faith in.
Annabeth narrowed her eyes at the camp director. “And how exactly does Hecate plan on ‘fixing’ the problem? I don’t see any obvious solutions. We’re demigods, not wizards.”
Chiron shifted awkwardly. “She has not shared that with me. I have only gotten the request that you undertake this quest for the Old Religion, and that she will visit to prepare you.”
Percy felt like grinding his teeth. “Oh, so she just expected us to accept the quest. She never considered us refusing? Why can’t the wizards fix their own problem?” Chiron said nothing. “Camp is still in shambles – we don’t even have all the cabins rebuilt yet! We can’t leave, not now. There’s still too much work to do here, and too many new demigods to watch over and protect. And have you even considered that maybe we don’t want to go on this quest? That maybe we want a break? My entire childhood was prophecy after prophecy, quest after quest, serving the gods. We’re under no obligation to do this. You can tell Hecate that she can stick her magic wands up –”
He didn’t get the chance to finish because Annabeth had already taken a ping pong paddle and smashed a ping pong ball in his direction, the mutual action used to keep order in camp counselor meetings.
“BALL!” Annabeth yelled, slamming her paddle across the table.
Percy scowled and took his seat again.
“Now, Percy,” she said sweetly, leaning over the table. “Where did you say Hecate could put those wands?”
“Nowhere,” he muttered.
Annabeth acquiesced and put the paddle down.
“Where is this school anyway?” Nico asked. He frowned. “And Hogwarts? What kind of name is that?”
“It resides in Scotland, its exact location unknown and hidden by powerful magic. Outside of the school, which is an ancient and famous monument for the wizarding world, there are other magical establishments. One place you will be required to visit is Diagon Alley, a wizarding market. That’s where you’ll collect your resources for going undercover at school.”
“Again, you’re saying all this like we’ve agreed to go,” Percy mumbled.
He was ignored. Thalia raised her hand, her features etched with confusion. “Okay, I hate to be the one to say it – but how are we supposed to blend in with wizards and witches? We can’t use magic, and we know nothing about their world.”
Chiron admitted he didn’t know how Hecate would find ways around the problems. “She has informed me that, only once the quest is accepted, will she come and discuss the details. In fact, she should be arriving any moment –”
What happened next could not have been anymore dramatic.
There was a blinding flash of light – the glow filling the entire room – and it forced the demigods to cover their eyes lest they go blind from laying eyes upon a god’s true form.
All eyes landed on the goddess, technically titaness.
Hecate appeared as a tall, thin woman. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a kekryphalos, the shining coil twisting and adorned with intricate gems and metals. Loose strands of hair framed her sickly pale face, which held sharp chartreuse yellow eyes. She wore a dark chiton robe that draped over her thin figure, and it seemed to ripple like a heat hallucination, like ink spilling off to the ground.
At her feet, she was accompanied by a black Labrador retriever and a polecat.
The demigods all stood as one and politely bowed, as was common for all gods. Percy glared up through his bow as he followed reluctantly.
“Rise, my young heroes.” The goddess’ voice was smooth and rich. She sounded monotone. “You have done more than enough to prove your worth to me, and for that, I know that I can trust you. I have called you four here on special request from the Triple Goddess, who has observed your acts of heroics. She believes you can save the wizarding world, her beloved kin, and magics.”
“You will use the ways of the Old Religion to learn magics and go undercover. As demigods, you already have magical cores. They just need to be trained; refined.”
Percy scowled.
“And will the oh-so-gracious Triple Goddess be visiting us herself?”
Annabeth shot him a scathing look.
“Percy!” She hissed.
Hecate eyed Percy again, as if reappraising him. “No,” she said, after a tense silence. “You will be sent to get your wands from one who still practices the Old Religion and can pair you with an appropriate wand. Your cover stories are fabricated and with the wandmaker. The Triple Goddess does not appear without dire need.”
“Her entire world being in trouble seems pretty dire to me,” Percy muttered under his breath.
Annabeth elbowed him harshly.
Hecate narrowed her eyes.
“This,” she said, pulling a laminated piece of paper out of thin air, “is called a portkey. It is an enchanted item; when touched by the intended people, or random persons, it can magically teleport you to a predetermined location.”
She held it out to demigods.
On it, in fancy letters, it read: Littletree Farms, Dorchester, Boston, Massachusetts.
“Touch this, all at once, and you will have accepted the quest.”
Chiron gave them an encouraging nod. The demigods all shared exchanged looks.
“Our responsibilities …” Thalia started, subconsciously reaching up to grab at her lieutenant circlet, from the Hunters of Artemis.
“Will be forgiven for the time while on quest,” Hecate assured. “The Triple Goddess does not ask favours lightly. This has the potential to spill into the real world; to affect our pantheon. The Old Religion is younger than the Greek pantheon, but its reach goes far and wide. The Triple Goddess is powerful; no harm will befall your precious little Camp while you are away.”
Nico hesitated, but was the first to reach for the paper. “If this is really that important … why ask for us specifically? A larger group, organized and planned, could do better.”
“The Triple Goddess has observed you, and believes you are the right heroes to help save magic.”
“But right now? This instant? Can’t we have time?”
“You will come back to your little Camp before you leave for Europe.”
Annabeth pursed her lips, then also reached for it. “Okay.”
Percy looked at her, askance. “Okay? Just like that?”
Annabeth shrugged. “A quest is a quest, and someone needs help. We are in peace right now and have no threats. I don’t see why not.”
“Fine,” Percy said, tone short. He looked over at the laminated paper. “So, this will take us where? What’s in Boston that could be so magical?”
“A wand wood farm,” Hecate said, smiling thinly. “And your quest starts now.”
Percy’s eyes snapped to the paper, where Hecate had pushed it into their collective hands unwillingly. Then the world began to spin, and there was a sharp tug in his gut, yanking him out of time and space.
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futurebicon · 4 years
Pls can we have something written on when Remus hears Sirius singing for the first time? Maybe when he’s in the shower or something?
There was a tie between Sweet Creature by Harry Styles and Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis so I did both. Also I just really like Sign of the Times by Harry Style and Smooth Criminal by Michael Jackson (Also I went off the Glee version of the song because I’ve been binge watching)
This kind of spiraled into something more then I thought it would be but I still kind of like how it turned out.
Very very very brief mention of child abuse and depression.
“Baby” Remus called out as he walked into the house, closing the door softly as he pulled off his shoes. He heard no response from his boyfriend but could hear soft music playing from one of the spare rooms.
“And oh we started, two hearts in one home” someone sang as a guitar played along.
“It’s hard when we argue, we’re both stubborn, I know, oh” the voice continues, the notes flowing perfectly together.
“Sweet Creature, sweet creature, wherever I go, you bring me home” Remus stood in shock listening to his boyfriends voice. Hitting high notes like it was the easiest thing in the world. He walked down the hallway, his footsteps quiet.
He leaned against the door frame of the spare room, the walls holding guitars and records Remus had just thought were decoration or stuff that Sirius had haphazardly bought for fun. He didn’t know that he actually played them.
Sirius was turned away from the entryway, unable to see his boyfriend staring at him in awe.
“Sweet Creature, sweet creature, when I run out of road, you bring me home. You’ll bring me home.” He strummed out the last few notes.
“Didn’t know you could sing” Remus revealed himself. Sirius jumped and spun around.
When he saw his boyfriend he blushed. “Not really”
“Not really? Sirius that was amazing.” Remus exclaimed.
Sirius shrugged his shoulders and blushed harder.
“Baby. That really was amazing.”
Sirius smiled slightly. “Thanks”
“When’d you learn how to play?” He asked walking over and sitting on the leather couch.
“When I was younger. One of the only things were we’re allowed to do other then school and hockey.” Sirius confessed.
“Is that why you don’t sing much?”
Sirius shook his head. “No, it was one of the only things I enjoyed in that house. I don’t really know why I don’t sing a lot.”
“Well can you please play more often for me? You’re voice is beautiful” Remus stood up and kissed his boyfriend. Sirius smiled and nodded.
“Play another” Remus told him “Please?”
“Fine” Sirius groaned sarcastically. Picking up his tan guitar, adjusting himself on the stoll he was sitting on as he placed his guitar in the correct position.
He pulled the guitar pick out from between his teeth, where he had put it when he pulled it out of the strings. He strummed his guitar to make sure all the notes sounded right.
“Wise men say, only fools rush in” he sang as he strummed the tune. Remus smiled as he recognized the age old love song.
“But I can't help falling in love with you”
Remus stayed silent as he listened to the love of his life singing. His eyes closed as he let the sound of his voice surround him.
“Take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you. For I can't help falling in love with you”
Remus opened his eyes and stood up. “I don’t think you understand how much I love you” he said against Sirius’s lips.
“James? Are you actually being serious right now?” Finn asked. The guys were all over at the Cubs apartment as the girls had a ‘girls night’. The older kids for some reason trusted with the younger ones.
“No, I’m not kidding. I didn’t know that you had to take the wrapper off the cupcake or muffin until I was 14.”
“Wait how often did you have cupcakes and muffins?”
“I ate a muffin every morning for 8 years”
“How are you even alive?” Dumo exclaimed.
“It’s just paper!”
Sirius rolled his eyes at his best friends stupidity. Stretching to reach behind himself to pick up the guitar that the Cubs had for decoration and to make them look cool.
Remus looked at him and smiled, Sirius sat up and moved to lean against Remus’s side, bending his knees with his feet on the couch.
Sirius tuned the awfully out of tune instrument with quickly. Rolling his eyes at the mistreatment and the fact that they didn’t have any picks.
The guys didn’t hear as he started strumming the guitar, too busy still trying to figure out how James mind worked the way it did.
He hummed until the chorus, too caught up in the familiar peace of the vibration the strings sent through his fingers. Forgetting everyone else in the room.
“Just stop your crying it’s a sign of the times.”
Everyone stopped talking as they heard the voice.
“We gotta get away from here We gotta get away from here. Just stop your crying it’ll be alright They told me that the end is near. We gotta get away from here” He sang out, his fingers gliding across the strings.
Everyone’s had looks of shock while Remus smiled and enjoyed the singing he had grown to love even more.
“We never learn we’ve been here before. Why are we always stuck and running from the bullets? The bullets” he rose his voice high.
“We gotta get away. We got to get away. We got to get away. We got to get away. We got to get away . We got to, we got to, away. We got to, we got to, away. We got to, we got to, away.”
Everyone’s jaws continued to drop lower and lower and he hit higher and higher notes. Holding the last note out for a lot more than a few seconds.
He continued to just strum random but beautiful notes out of the guitar before everyone was snapped out of their shock. James slow clapping.
Sirius turned red as he realized what had happened. He put the guitar on the grounded and moved back so he was on Remus’s lap, hiding his face in his neck.
“Wh- how. Damn you can sing” Kasey stuttered.
“At least that’s guitar was put to good use eventually” Logan elbowed both his boyfriends, who he was constantly making fun of for having the never used instrument.
“Play something else.” Leo said.
“I’m bored” James shouted 20 minutes into the 4 hour bus ride.
“Me too” people shouted their agreement.
“Sirius sing” Leo called out.
“Absolutely not” Sirius scuffed from his place on Remus’s lap, his legs sprawled on the empty seat beside him.
“Can he even sing?” Talker asked.
“Yes” everyone who had heard him responded.
“No, I can’t”
“And play guitar” James added.
“Stop it” Sirius kicked James’s seat.
“Oh if only we had one here” Kasey sighed dramatically. He stood on his seat and opened the overhead compartment. “Oh wait” he pulled out a whole ass guitar.
“What the actual hell Blizzard?” Sirius exclaimed.
“Sing” he forced him to take the guitar.
“I’m not singing.”
“Then play” Dumo told him, everyone had gathered in the back of the bus, sitting in seats around him.
“Please, baby” Remus asked him, kissing his lips.
Everyone smirked, knowing Sirius can’t say no to Remus.
Sirius huffed out a breath, bring the guitar up into his arms. “At least tell me you brought a pick.”
Dumo pulled one out of his pocket and handed him one.
“This is mine from home!” He looked at Remus. “And my guitar!” He inspected the instrument closer.
“I like hearing you play” he shrugged, kissing his lips again. Sirius rolled his eyes.
Sirius turned back around and began playing a simple melody.
He, again, got lost in the feeling that took him away. Away from his worries of hockey, of the future. Away from his parents screeches and painful punishments. Away from his own mind that told him he would never be good enough, didn’t deserve anyone’s love.
The simple strum turned into the sound of a song and lyrics where leaving his mouth as everything finished dissolving away.
He started playing the song Remus had been listening to occasionally for the past week, Sirius able to know the cords when he hears them. His fingers danced with the quick cords.
“As he came into the window was a sound of a crescendo. He came into her apartment. He left the bloodstains on the carpet”
Everyone who had heard him sing before smirked at the wide eyes of everyone who hadn’t.
“Annie, are you okay? So, Annie are you okay? Are you okay, Annie? Annie, are you okay?”
Everyone sat there, listening to his voice rising and falling, his fingers crossing the strings so fast they could barley see them. Dancing across them as easily as he skates, like it was second nature.
“You've been hit by, you been hit by, a smooth criminal. So they came into the outway. It was Sunday, what a black day. Mouth to mouth resuscitation. Sounding heartbeats, intimidation” he sang the familiar lyrics.
Everyone got lost in the sound of the song echoing throughout the bus.
“I don’t know” his voice grew high quickly, holding the note out.
His fingers flying faster and faster along with his voice, taking quick breaths between the verses.
“There's a sign at the window. That he struck you, a crescendo Annie. He came into your apartment. Left the bloodstains on the carpet. Then you ran into the bedroom. You were struck down. It was your doom, Annie. Annie are you okay? Will you tell us that you're okay? There's a sign at the window . That he struck you, a crescendo Annie. He came into your apartment. Left the bloodstains on the carpet. Then you ran into the bedroom. You were struck down. It was your doom, Annie. You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by. A smooth criminal.”
Everyone exploded in applause.
“Man, if I could sing like that I would never stop singing” Talker said.
“Okay I thought they were lying but that was way better then I could ever think it would be” Kris shook his head with a smile.
“Why haven’t you played that before?” Remus asked him.
Sirius shrugged. “You’ve been listening to it this week so I played it”
“Wait you learned how to play that in a week.” James asked.
“No, I listened to the song”
“Hold on, hold on. You listened to the song and then you knew how to play it?” Dumo asked, pointing at Sirius as he kneeled against the back of the chair.
“WHAT” Leo shouted.
“How is that even possible?” People shouted out different questions.
“Play another one” Olli called out.
Sirius shook his head but picked up his guitar again.
By the end of the 4 hour bus ride Sirius was sure he wouldn’t have a voice until next week.
They all tested the ability they were convinced was impossible. Making him listen to a song a few times an then play it.
He played it perfectly everytime, smirking at the looks on their faces.
A few day’s after Sirius got his voice back Dumo just so happened to have a get together that night.
He was shoved into a chair as soon as he got in the house.
“What’s this surprise we all just had to see?” Lily rolled her eyes.
“Go” Dumo said. Giving him a guitar they had bought because his other one needed new strings from over use.
Sirius shook his head.
“What’s going on?” Nat asked.
Sirius quickly launched into Smooth Criminal again as soon as the guitar was in his hands. Skipping the beginning cords and starting on the lyrics. This tome singing all the high notes.
By the end of the song the girls and kids had the same exact looks their husbands, fathers, and boyfriends had a week before.
I know nothing about actually playing music but I can’t do anything if I don’t have music playing.
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lovingmyselfcore · 3 years
Skate Into My Heart: Prologue
Solangelo AU
This is slightly short than I wanted it to be😕 but I wanted to get it up. I have no idea how many chapters this will be but it’s here! This is for you @the-love-yourself-journal
"Hey Annabeth," Nico padded across the lobby toward the edge of the rink, his skates clutched in one hand.
Annabeth was sitting on the bleachers, unlacing her skates, but she paused and looked up at him.
"Do you think it would be okay if I stayed after hours to get some extra practice before sectionals?"
"Oh," Annabeth smiled, "I'm sure it would be fine. I'll cover with the all-powerful Olympians," She rolled her eyes, "If necessary." She pulled off her skates and tossed them in her bag.
"Thanks," Nico sat down next to her to put his skates back on.
Annabeth stood up, tossed her bag over her shoulder, and opened her mouth to say something but was silenced by her phone ringing. She dug it out of her pocket, "Hey," She paused, and Nico could hear Percy's voice but couldn't tell what he was saying, "Yeah, I'm on my way out now," She smiled, "I'm excited to see you too, only a few hours you. Yeah, yeah, I love you too, Seaweed Brain," 
She then hung up, sticking her phone back in her pocket.
She was at the door when she looked back at Nico, who was now stretching against the wall, "Nico?"
"Yeah, Annabeth?"
"You are going to kill it at sectionals in my place,"
Her voice was so genuine he looked down, his cheeks dusted pink.
Nico couldn't see, but Annabeth was smiling.
"Tell Percy I say hello,"
"I will. I'll see you in a few weeks. I wish I could see you kick everyone's asses,"
Nico let out a genuine snort, "You'll be in my heart," He held his hand to his chest.
She smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder with exaggerated arrogance, "I know."
Nico just shook his head with an eye roll and a small smile.
Her phone buzzed, and she glanced at it and laughed, "Okay, so Grover's outside waiting for me so he can take me to the airport, and he is getting very impatient."
"You'd better go then,"
"Yeah. Nico, seriously, you're going to do great."
"Not as great as you would do,"
She just shook her head, "I'll leave you to your practicing but don't spend so much time you overexert yourself, okay?"
And then she was gone.
Annabeth had left at seven pm, and it was now ten. Nico was definitely getting tired, but he had to keep practicing. Sectionals were in two days. Nico has participated in many figure skating sectionals, regionals, and even nationals. However, none without Annabeth by her side, and definitely no solos, and he wasn't sure he could do this without her.
"You know you're really not all that great,"
Nico lost his footing and slipped on the ice, falling on his ass.
He looked over to see a man leaning against the doorway.
"Who the hell are you?" He exclaimed, pushing himself off the ice with a scowl.
He walked forward, looking completely at ease and confident, and Nico knew he already despised the man.
"My name's Bryce Lawrence," He held out his hand, and was looking at Nico with a look that made him immediately uncomfortable, and knew he didn't actually want a handshake.
"Why are you here?" Nico was still scowling.
Bryce lowered his hand, "No name? Okay, sure. I was playing with my friends," 
He jerked his head in a vague direction, "But they left, and I was about to, but the lights were on in here, and I saw you, so I stuck around and watched." He shrugged as if he wasn't just being very, very creepy.
"Playing?" That's when Nico took note of the jersey and narrowed his eyes. "Ice hockey, the uncivilized ice sport. And not even this city's team? What are you doing here?"
"'Uncivilized ice sport'? So we're playing that way, sure I can do that. And very astute of you," His eyes had also narrowed, and his posture got very stiff. "I'm friends with Will Solace, who's friends Travis Stoll, who's dating Katie Gardener, who is friends with Annabeth Chase, who told us it was chill if we played in your other rink."
"Wow, nice name dropping," His voice was pure venom, and he wasn't entirely sure why. He wasn't so supportive of his city's ice hockey team that he detested the other players on sight. And though their coach frequently drilled into them that ice hockey would never be as good as figure skating, they're uncivilized brutes with no grace in the rink, he'd never entirely bought into that either.
"Thanks," His smile was all fake. "Nice to know that you figure skaters still think you're above us and that you support your local hockey team so aggressively," His voice was dry and every syllable grated on Nico's nerves. "Wait," He paused and scrutinized him, and Nico knew that whatever was about to come out of his mouth, he wouldn't like.
"You're going to be performing at your, um-"
"Sectionals," Nico growled.
"Right, that. Well, you'll be oh so pleased to hear that I'm going to be there."
Bryce smiled nastily, "You haven't even been practicing for this for a while right?" 
He cocked his head to the side, "You only just got handed the solo?"
Nico gave a grudging nod.
"Well then, I'll leave you alone to practice, you'll probably need it."
Nico watched Bryce leave with a burning taste in his mouth. He skated for a few more hours, with much more intensity than he'd originally intended.
"How the hell do you manage to make enemies so fast?" Reyna was sprawled across his bed. His room at his Dad's house was the perfect summary of him, dark and hopeless.
"It's a gift," Nico called out from his closet.
Reyna was basically his sister who had been the one to successfully pull him out of his ruthless practicing with her never-ending phone calls threatening him that if he didn't come home she would kill him in a, particularly painful fashion.
"Right. Look, Nico, don't let what this random stranger said get under your skin. You're good. Really good. Your coach picked you for a reason, you know."
"Yeah," He mumbled, jumping onto his bed next to her.
"You belong in that rink, Nico. They all think so."
At the look he gave her, she sighed and pulled him against her, "You belong, hermanito. You belong."
Reyna had been there for him through nearly every bad thing that had happened in his life, and he was so grateful for everything she did for him, which is why he allowed himself to fall asleep in her arms, her humming a Spanish lullaby under her breath.
"Alright, pay attention!" Coach Hedge exclaimed.
Nico looked up. Coach Hedge was a strange man. He knew absolutely nothing about figure skating, Coach wasn't one for the delicate appearing sports, but they're usual coach, Annabeth Chase's cousin's friend Thomas had to leave thanks to a family emergency, so they were stuck with Hedge.
"I'm an ice hockey coach! Not this," He made wild gestures with his hands.
His sister Hazel leaned over and whispered, "Why is he always yelling?"
Nico just shrugged helplessly.
"I need a volunteer! Someone who really knows their stuff!"
Hazel glanced at him, but Nico did what he did best. He shrunk himself down to hide in the shadows.
"Me! Me! Me!"
Hedge looked over to see who was talking and pursed his lips. Leo Valdez, a hyperactive teddy bear with slight homicidal tendencies. He was only here for his girlfriend, Calypso. They both joined to support their friends but found they actually liked skating, so they stuck around.
Leo was practically out of his seat, Calypso's arm wrapped around his waist, the only thing that kept him from tumbling headfirst down the bleachers.
"Valdez," Hedge said gruffly, "Lovely."
He scanned the team once more, his eyes landing breifly on Nico before sighing and motioning Leo forward, "Show me what you got."
Leo leapt off the bleachers, paused at the bottom to slip his red skates on then launched himself out into the rink.
Leo was actually extremely good when he didn't get too excited. In his excitement, he usually tripped over his own skates and flew off into the distance, which was one of the only reasons Leo was not going to skate with Nico at sectionals.
Nico looked back at Calypso, who was grinning as she watched her boyfriend, which made Nico unreasonably sad and jealous.
Coach Hedge clapped and called Leo back, looking surprised. "Well done, Valdez, well done."
"But now," Coach's voice echoed through the arena, "I was hoping our star would demonstrate some of his moves."
At his words, the team turned to stare at Nico, who buried himself deeper into the shadows.
Nico was saved from responding when a man burst through the doors. The first thing Nico noticed were his eyes, bright blue, gorgeous, and panicked.
"Coach," He called, brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.
Hedge turned and groaned, "What happened Solace."
"The Stolls and Clarisse,"
"Of course it was,"
"You'd better see what they did Coach, it's not good."
Hedge followed the boy out the door, slamming it behind them with a shouted, "Behave!"
"So," Hazel said, grinning.
"He was pretty cute,"
Nico blushed, hoping she didn't see, "Really? I didn't notice."
"Sure," Hazel nodded. "You weren't staring the entire time?"
"Nope. Shut up,"
"Good cause he's a hockey player," She wagged her finger at him, "Forbidden."
He just rolled his eyes.
"Sectionals are tomorrow."
"I know,"
"You feeling ready?"
She looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Nico, you're going to be amazing. You're going to win for us."
He sighed, "I hope so,"
He also hoped he'd see that cute blonde hockey player again.
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connabeth · 3 years
you kinda give me hermes kid vibes. but like, if you mixed connor stoll with drew tanaka.
oh to be hot AND funny AND a royal pain the ass
what character do i remind you of?
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
So we meet again
Mando x reader
Summary: y/n, someone the mandalorian couldn't particularly stand or so she thinks. She was a bounty hunter who always took it upon herself to take his quarry he is after. But things change when they see each other on one particular hunt.
Warnings: language. Only slightly angsty. Fluff at the end of the tunnel my dudes.
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The cantina was filled with the sound of talking, music, and a few rowdy crowds laughing and arm wrestling for credits.
But in the corner sat a quiet girl who watched the crowd with a amused smile, a drink in front of her as she enjoyed the sound of the music. Y/n wasn't one for large crowds, she despised them actually, despite her love for always talking, she would rather be alone or in a smaller crowd. But she was waiting for someone, someone who would pay for a ship for her. The quarry was still yet to show up, but y/n had patience.
And then he walked in, in all his wonderful glory.
Not her quarry but the man she hated yet was drawn to like a magnet. His beaten up beskar clinging to him perfectly as his helmet shines in the dull lighting of the cantina. The mere sight of him making the rowdy place quiet down, every smuggler and thug mortified at the sight of the mandalorian. For they all knew that where he was, death followed.
The girl who sat quietly in the corner scoffs at him, wondering why she didn't stop crowds and put fear in their hearts from the sight of her. She was a bounty hunter two, she actually caught more bounties then he has! She was tough and merciless, a skilled bounty hunter who no one dared try and mess with, So why wasn't she heard of?
She sips from her drink with a scowl, anger at the sight of him running through her veins. Yet her heart picks up in speed at the way he gracefully strides across the room, his confidence fueling her heart with desire.
How she longed to just punch him in the face yet craved to have a taste of his lips.
She hated the mandalorian, she hated how he made her breath hitch when he got in her personal space when they fight, his chest up against her own as he stared her down spreading fire and desire through her whole body. She hated how he made her heart flutter just from hearing his voice, the deep modulated sound causing her tough facade to fall as a fondness overwelms her. She hates how from just one touch of his leather clad hands send a electricity through her whole body making her shiver, wishing she could feel the softness of his skin against hers.
But she especially hates how he makes her heart clench in pain from the harsh words he speaks to her, the insults he gives her making her realize how slim her chances of ever being with him are.
Why she fell so helplessly in love with him was a mystery to her... But she did and there is nothing she can do about it. She loves everything about him, the mysterious man captivating.
She let's out a little huff as she watches him sit at the bar, just sitting there looking around until his visor lands on her, alone in a corner as she comfortably awaits for the bounty she was hunting.
And he let's out a growl, the sound distorted and low. He knew just from the sight of her she was after his bounty. Of course she was, she always swooped in taking the credits from his hands. And she wouldn't get away with it if she wasn't so damn beautiful.
She was distracting, her beauty distracting him from taking the quarry he spent long hours searching for leaving him without credits. Her smile making his heart do flips, her eyes capturing him in a trance leaving his mind in a Foggy mess as she takes the bounty and leaves.
He hated how she made him feel. How her smile leaves him breathless, her teasing winks sending his heart on a wild frenzy. He hated how she always had his attention just by her soft angelic voice, even when her words was harsh and degrading. He hated how she was so damn sexy the way she fights, putting even the strongest men on their asses when they disrespect her. He absolutely hated how he didn't even stand a chance of being with her, hell he doubts anyone does considering how she doesn't give anyone the chance, if someone even tries flirting with her she knocks them down.
The mandalorian feels his heart pick up in speed when she gives him a smirk and a wink. Boy was he thankful for his helmet he wore, it hid the massive blush painting his cheeks from the woman. He clinched his fist and shakes his head, she was already distracting him from the job at hand.....
From across the room She chuckles to herself quietly as she sips from her drink, a prideful smirk on her face. She knew she got on the mandalorian's nerves, it made her proud of how much she annoyed him and he didn't do anything about it.
Without even a second thought the woman stands up, a smirk still on her face as she walks over to the bar. Deciding to pester the mandalorian, as she approached him She gently laid a hand on the mandalorian's shoulder, his worn out beskar cool under her fingertips. She let's out a long dragged out breath as she sits beside him on a stoll, hand still on his shoulder.
Unknown to her, just her small touch had his face red and heart pounding as his veins was filled with electricity. A shiver running through out his body.
"so.... what brings you here Mando? Did you know I'd be here and you wanted a nice little get together?" y/n asks with a smirk, her eyes looking up into his T-shaped visor. "I most say if that's the case I'm very honored" she continued with slight sarcasm making the mandalorian scoff and shrug her hand off making her feel disappointed but hiding it with a smirk.
"no. I'm not here for a get together. You know why I'm here and if you get in the way I won't hesitate to handcuff you to that Gungan over there and leave you stranded here without the key." he threatened with a harsh tone making the woman snort with amusement.
"as delightful as that sounds Mando I'd rather chew my own arm off then have that happen." she said, a little prideful smirk on her face now as she leans closer to him, "and if I'm not mistaken... I was here first making the bounty mine so scram before I have to kick you're ass" she tells him while resting her chin on the palm of her hand and looking at the mandalorian, Her elbow on the table.
He leans closer to her and softly reaches a hand out, his pointer finger and thumb holding her chin as she gives him a shocked yet hard stare. Arm on the table as she tries fighting off the blush threatening to appear.
Her heart was pounding against her chest as butterflies erupted in her stomach. She was unsure of his actions but was enjoying the closeness. She honestly didn't expect what happened next, as her mind was clouded with her love for him in this moment, wondering if he somehow felt the same.
"that didn't stop you last time when I waited nearly five hours for my quarry you stole," he spoke, voice low and making your hearts beating increase.
But then the click of his blaster being un-holstered sounds out, he quickly points it behind her and shoots. The red beam going past her head as a loud scream of pain sounds out behind her. A body hitting the cantina floor as the man grabs his now injured leg in pain.
With wide eyes y/n turned around and spots the bounty laid on the floor in pain, the woman glares at the mandalorian angry that he was now striding over and cuffing the bounty she had waited for all day.
"what the hell! He was mine!" she nearly yelled face turning red with anger. She had waited here for hours upon hours, waiting for this piece of garbage to waltz in so she could take him and get the credits she needed.
And the mandalorian just effortlessly shot him, making the bounty his now as he cuffed the man who was trying to fight him.
"that makes us even" he grunts out as he walks by her and starts dragging the bounty with him, the man limping do to his shot leg, as they start going to the mandalorian's razor crest. Y/n huffs out a frustrated breath as she follows the mandalorian. If she didn't love him he'd be dead by now...
"even?! You distracted me pal!" she admitted through gritted teeth, walking out of the cantina closely behind the mandalorian. He let's out a dry chuckle.
" exactly. We're even." he tells her, small little grunts escaping from him as the bounty struggles to get free. The girl let's out a sigh and runs a hand through her hair.
She needed the credits this bounty was going to provide, she didn't have a ship, nor food.... She was struggling and this bounty was her chance of getting out of this mess she was in. She hated this planet and wanted to leave. But her ship is gone. This quarry with a high bounty on his head was her golden ticket to leaving.
But then mando ruined it, taking this stupid bounty and leaving her broke.
"mando you can't do this!" she said as she follows him. he stops and turns to her as the bounty takes this moment to rest his hurting leg.
"and why not?" he asks as he looks at her with a hand on his hip, wondering why she couldn't just leave him be, she does this to him all the time he's just returning the favor. And boy was he enjoying it. Especially with how riled up she's getting.
"because that bounty is mine!" she angrily tells him, pointing to the bounty who looked confused, hurt and frightened. Her patience running thin as stress and anger was bubbling up inside her.
"and what makes him yours when I'm the one who captured him?" Mando huffs out, his full attention on the woman who was furious, practically pulling at her hair and biting the inside of her jaw, something he knew she did when she was angry.
"because I have the Puck to prove it!" she states proudly as she holds up the Puck. The mandalorian chuckles and does the same, holding up his own Puck making the woman's fist clinch in anger as she mumbled a curse.
"so do I. he's mine whether you like it or not y/n. Now go and let me deliver him"
"but I was here first!" she whines with a stump of her foot. The bounty was slowly backing away from the argument but they both saw and lift there blasters.
"don't even think about it." the mandalorian spoke making the bounty sigh in defeat.
"I need the credits Mando, I'm broke..." y/n sighs in defeat as she admitted the truth. Mando scoffs and walks away dragging the bounty with him.
"that's your problem not mine!" Mando yells back to her over his shoulder as he walks toward his razor crest, the ship being seen from the distance. Although he didn't want to actually walk away from her if she was telling the truth about being broke, he wasn't that heartless when it came to her. But he also remembered all the times she took his bounties.
"please! I don't have a damn ship and I can't stay here Mando!" she let's her frustration, "everyone on this damn planet hates me! You can't strand me here, I thought we were friends!?" she asks him as she follows him, kicking the ground making sand fly.
He stops walking and turns to look at her, his head tilting as he does so. "I didn't know friends tried killing each other every time they see each other?" he states, giving her a little smirk from under his helmet.
"oh please if I was actually trying to kill you, you'd be dead by now mando" and she was telling the truth, she never really tried killing him. She just beat him up a little, using that excuse to cover up the fact she was madly in love with him.
He let's out a deep breath, knowing that he never really tried killing her as well. And even though he was deeply in love with the woman he knew being stuck in the razor crest with her would be annoying, she talked to much. But then again he couldn't get enough of the melodic sound of her voice.
So with a huff of annoyance and muttered curse he beckons her over, "you can come with me to deliver the bounty, But once he's delivered and we split the credits your gone. Got it?" he explained, his vocoder couldn't hide the irritation he felt.
Yet his heart felt is if a thousand butterflies was going wild as he saw a smile light up her face. Her smile could light up the whole galaxy, for the love of maker why did he have to fall in love with her, out everyone in the galaxy why her?
"thank you! I promise I won't say a word the whole trip!"
"I seriously doubt that...." he muttered as she now walks beside him with a wide grin. They both knew her words was a lie, she couldn't go five seconds without speaking. But she would try for him, especially since he was showing her gratitude for once.
It didn't take but three minutes as the three arrived at the razor crest. mando starts typing something in on his left arm brace, making the door to the cargo port open on. He motions for y/n to enter first, which earns him a grateful nod and a smile from the woman. Then he followed, bounty in tow. He quickly got rid of the bounty, putting him under Carbonite.
Then he climbs the ladder up to the cockpit, where he sees the woman who haunts his dreams seated in the co-pilot seat, boredly looking over a small blade as she awaits for him to carry her away from this planet.
Upon hearing his loud footsteps she looks up, seeing him sit beside her, already pushing buttons and flipping small levers. She gives him a little smile and can't help but feel joy and excitement over journeying with him for three days.
"so... Who do you plan on hunting after this? Just to let you know Jin bett is already in my sights!" she tells him, letting him know ahead of time before he takes the bounty.
"it's not even been a minute and you're already speaking" he grunts, as they take off into the sky. she looks down and a sigh escapes her lips, truth be told, she didn't like silence. It made her feel alone, so she spoke to kill the silence but apparently her traveling body was more of a doesn't speak at all type of guy.
"I'm just letting you know so you aren't stuck with me ever again"
"good, because I'm already regretting this decision" he spoke, facing the whizzing by stars in front of them both. Even though he didn't mean those words, he used them to cover up the why she made him feel. But she didn't know that.
Maybe that's why she looks away from him with a little huff, arms crossed as pain went straight to her heart from those words. She was used to much harsher ones from him, but she felt like a burden on him now. Like she was buming off him by the fact she would be living in his ship for three days eating his food. She felt horrible for that, so his words just added to that.
And like she promised before she didn't speak again after that. The most she's ever been quiet around him actually, it's been hours since they left that planet.
The mandalorian was concerned about her after thirty minutes past after he spoke the harsh words to her. But the concern only grew over time as hours went by.
So he flips the controls over into autopilot and turn his attention on her. Seeing how her eyes sparkles do to the stars in the galaxy. Her face the definition of pure beauty, his heart fluttering at the fact he would be spending three days with her....
"are you hungry?" he asks, the modulated voice breaking the silence.
The woman looks over at him and shakes her head, declining. Even though she hasn't eaten in a day or two because her lack of credits, she didn't want to eat all his food.
"are you sure? I have food y/n..." he offered again but she shakes her head once more, eyes glued to the stars. Mind full of thoughts of how he really didn't want her here...
"I'm fixing you something anyway then" he huffs out as he exits the cockpit and starts rummaging around somewhere within the ship, preparing something for them to eat.
"I said I'm fine!" she spoke with a slightly raised voice, so he could hear her. But a few minutes later he returned with some sort of jerky and blue milk.
"no you shook you're head" he said, sitting down and handing her the mysterious jerky and blue milk. She takes it and sighs, slowly eating the food.
She ate everything and drank the milk, the ship silent as she done so. She felt guilty for eating his food... Like she thought before, she felt like a burden on the poor guy.
"I'm sorry" she spoke, looking over the empty glass she held. Her face not as witty or joyful as usual, that concerned the mandalorian beyond belief.
"for what? You haven't done anything"
"I'm staying on you're ship with you for three days, I mean-you basically hate m-"
"I don't hate you" he cuts her words short, letting her know he doesn't hate her, she was annoying yes, but he could never hate her.
"you sure act like it..." she muttered with a slight pout. He let's out a deep sigh and stands up, walking towards her and holding her face in his leather clad hands, both her cheeks against his palms.
She looks up at him, his visor just as void as the space around them. Slowly pulls her up, so she was standing now. Both their hearts pounding, hers in anticipation, his in nerves. She was hoping, praying on every star that he would confess his undying love for her like she hoped every time she saw him. And he was hoping what he was about to do wouldn't get him stabbed by the hot headed woman in front of him.
But he was willing to take that chance. As long as she knew that what he felt for her wasn't hate, far from it actually, but a fondness, adoration and love.
"I know that in the past we always fought, trying to kill the other" he starts, heart beating fast as he looks deep inter her y/e/c eyes. "but the moment you shot at me, threw a knife at me or even tried breaking my neck...." she giggles at all those memories of their encounters.
"I somehow grown a attachment towards you as I laid there nearly bleeding out, watching you walk away. You are just so beautiful. Everything about you, so no I don't hate you, actually I-I love you y/n" he confessed. His thumbs rubbing under her eyes as he leans his forehead on hers.
"and here I thought you was kicking me out or something" she jokes, her smile wide as she looks into the visor hoping she was looking back into those mysterious eye's of his.
"I love you too mando, and I'm sorry I nearly killed you a couple times." she spoke, smile still wide as he let's out a sigh of relief.
"apology excepted"
She gently reaches her hands up to hold his on her face, a content smile. She felt relieved, a happiness spreading through her whole being at knowing mando felt the same. Her eyes close as she enjoyed the moment. And he done the same, happy to finally have her close without fighting for his life.
"does this mean you'll stay?" he questioned, hoping she'd say yes. And whatever he did to deserve her answer he didn't know but he was beyond Thankful.
"of course I will, if you want me?" she replied, and he was nodding before she even finished the sentence.
"of course I do"
"then it's settled. I'm never leaving this ship!" she cheered with a teasing grin. "except for when I have to work..." she adds. He chuckles at her and slowly pulls away from her.
"you're crazy y/n" he said with a chuckle, walking back over to his pilot seat as she gives him a smirk.
"but you love me" she teases, her eyes lighting up in a unspoken joy.
"I don't know why but I do..." he tease her back. She giggles and watches how the bright stars reflected off his shiny helmet. Her mind wondering off to what he looks like under there.
He smiles under the helmet as he felt complete, his heart swelling at the thought of her actually being his. And he knew one day that he'd soon open up to her like he has no one else.
Because she owned his heart, as he owns hers
A/n:this one's been in the drafts for a whole two weeks now, but I finished it and here it is. Enjoy my little reader friends 💕😘💕
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indiaalphawhiskey · 4 years
16 and 23!
Thanks so much! ♥️
✨ 16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
Rival Authors AU is actually going to be my first (completed) dual-POV fic. I don’t know why I’ve always gravitated towards a single POV in my writing — I guess because I find that simpler, and single POVs tend to lend themselves better to my plot ideas — but yeah, this one, you get to to hear both sides of the story. It’s been a right pain in the ass switching voices, but I hope I did well.
OH! And multiple full smut scenes. In the past, I’ve usually only written The Big One™️ but my goal with Rival Authors was to vary my smut and make each sex scene purposeful so... there’s A LOT of sex in this one. 🤣
✨23. What’s the story that’s been in your head the longest?
Not sure about my head, but this has been in my phone the longest:
Sing Me To Sleep
Louis Tomlinson’s life was pretty great.
He had a lovely family and spent his days writing songs for his amazing fiancee — Britain’s biggest popstar, Axel Stoll. But when Axel gets signed to a brand new label, he suddenly decides Louis is “too Top 40” for his up and coming indie makeover — and subsequently fires and dumps him.
Determined to get the love of his life back, Louis vows to write a Grammy award winning album to prove just how Indie he can be. But for who?
Enter Harry Styles, the label’s new EP artist, with his curly hair and oddly feminine fashion sense. Louis thinks he can make a star of him yet.
— inspired by Legally Blonde
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ericsonclan · 3 years
The Eye of Captain Kidd
Summary: Louis and Clementine go on a double date with Ruby and Aasim where things don't go according to plan...
Word Count: 5407
Read on AO3:
Louis’ boots thunked gently against the wooden steps as he made his way above decks. The bright afternoon sun made the pirate captain lift up a hand to shield his eyes as a warm smile overtook his face. The gentle sea breeze brushed through his hair, causing his dreadlocks to sway this way and that as his gaze traversed the upper deck of Ol’ Kickass. Willy and AJ were in the midst of a rather lively duel. Each young pirate threw around piratey insults with such heart that none of the older members of the crew wanted to let them know that their insults made little to no sense. Willy hopped up onto the edge of the ship and wrapped his arm around a rope while he gave a toothy grin to his friend.
“Hey that’s not fair!” AJ gave an angry pout, his nose scrunching in annoyance as he looked at his older friend.
“It’s totally fair! Right, Tenn?” Willy’s question made the gentlest of the pirates glance up from the sketch he was doing of their duel with a small smile.
“I feel like it's a bit unfair,” Tenn’s words made Willy give a groan, a small frown pulling on his lips.
“Fine,” Willy hopped down. “I’m still gonna kick your ass though!”
“Heh, you wish, stupidhead,” AJ lunged forward with his wooden sword which Willy blocked with a laugh.
Louis chuckled softly as he shook his head. He was glad that the youngest of the pirates were having fun and not feeling a care in the world. His eyes wandered over to Marlon who was sidestepping this way and that as Rosie wagged her short stub tail and panted happily. A worn-down, twisted series of old clothes that formed the pitbull’s makeshift toy was in Marlon’s hand before he gave a hefty toss towards the wheel. The drool-covered rag toy landed beside Omar’s feet, causing the cook to stop his conversation with Brody about the favorite locations they had discovered thanks to their life of piracy.
Brody looked confused for a moment until she saw Rosie bounding forward and lunging at the toy with a playful wag of her tail. The pitbull happily munched on the toy while Brody and Omar crouched down and began to shower her with many loving pats. Louis glanced over towards the center of the deck where Prisha and Violet lay in a hammock. Violet’s arms dangled over the side while Prisha’s arm was protectively wrapped around her love. The hammock gently swayed from the wind. The two seemed to be in a serene state of peace now that they were in each other's arms.
“Are you prepared?” Aasim’s voice made Louis turn his attention to the starboard side of the ship where his friend and cartographer stolled forward in his sharp red pirate coat. His fluffy shirt collar and lacey wrists always made Louis chuckle internally but after being berated by Ruby a few times about teasing Aasim on this topic, Louis felt it best to just leave it be.
“I sure am!” Louis gave a big grin to his friend. “A date with my darling and two of my dear friends in the fair town of Silvermoon. Nothing could make me happier!”
Aasim’s eyes flickered with an emotion Louis was unsure of when he said the name of the town but it was gone in an instant. Before Louis could pry, the warm, comforting voice of their ship’s healer appeared. Ruby walked beside Clementine who shared a kind smile with Louis as she made her way towards him. “What are y’all talking about?”
“Simply the joys of being able to share this splendid day with our loves,” Aasim leaned over and placed a tender, soft kiss on Ruby’s cheek. The romantic gesture made Ruby’s already red cheek grow brighter as she looked over at Aasim.
“Aww you’re too sweet, Pookie,” Her hand reached for her love’s, intertwining it with her own.
“So where are we heading today?” Clementine asked with excitement in her eyes.
“I say we grab some grub in the finest establishment,” Louis played with his captain hat for a second before jogging forward and interlocking his hand with Clem’s. The gesture made Clementine’s smile grow.
“Sounds good to me. Should we head out?” She looked over at the other couple who both nodded.
“Yes, let’s.” Aasim led the way with Ruby down towards the docks while Clementine and Louis followed close behind. Clementine leaned over and planted a quick kiss on Louis’ cheek, causing the pirate to give a goofy grin before his eyes grew large as his love snatched his hat and placed it on her head.
“You’re quite the sneaky one,” Louis smiled over at Clemenitne who had a smug expression on her face.
“True. I just thought that the hat would look good on me,”
“You look beautiful,” Louis whispered, causing both pirates to blush. Louis quickly cleared his throat and looked back toward Ol’ Kickass. “We’ll be back before sunset. Make sure to keep the ship safe.”
“Aye aye, captain,” Mitch gave a smirk from the port end of the ship before he turned his attention back to the younger pirates. “I’m gonna show you how to fuck up some bandits.”
Clementine shook her head and continued to walk beside Louis. The two couples made their way into the town.
“I saw that Prisha and Violet were conked out of the upper deck hammock,” Ruby spoke up as she led the way with Aasim.
“It seems they stayed up all of last night working on a new fighting technique for Violet to help with her blindspots.” Aasim stated, his eyes looking a little sad at the last part of his sentence.
“So that’s what all the noise was last night. Now wonder they passed out,” Clementine exclaimed.
“Yeah, I got up for watch duty on the crow’s nest and I saw them practicing.” Louis added. The four were silent for a moment, taking in the loss their friend had received to heart. Louis glanced down, worried about Clementine’s peg leg.
“Caught ya!” Clementine’s playful voice startled Louis as he looked up at her.
“Shit, sorry.” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to stare.”
“Nothing to be sorry for,” Clementine’s smile faltered for a second when she saw that her words did little to lift up Louis’ mood. “Hey, I’m going to be careful. If I feel like the pain gets to be too much, I’ll let you know.”
“There’s nothing to worry about, Louis,” Ruby looked back at her friend. “With the three of us here we could drag Clem back to Ol’ Kickass if we needed to.”
Louis gave a short nod.
“Let’s focus on the double date,” Aasim’s voice drew the others’ attention. “I happen to know of a great place here called The Lost Cove. Surprisingly, even though it bears that name it has awful seafood but their chicken dish with rosemary and garlic potatoes is phenomenal.”
“Sounds delicious,” Clementine’s stomach practically growled at the thought of the food.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Louis stopped in his tracks causing the other three to do the same. “How do you know about good food in this port town? We’ve never set foot in Silvermoon before.”
Aasim’s eyes grew slightly large before he glanced at the ground. “Well, you see,” He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, “This was one of towns I pulled a con in,” “Really?” Ruby looked surprised at that as did the other two before they burst out laughing.
“Better watch out for the guards then or they might recognize you and think you’re itching for another good con!” Louis gave his friend a teasing smile.
“No, they won't. He didn’t have his goatee back then,” Clementine’s words made Louis chuckle harder.
“Holy shit, you’re right!” “No, she isn't’!” Aasim gave an angry huff. “I did have my goatee back then.” His words did little to stop the couple from laughing though until Ruby spoke up.
“Now, wait a gosh darn minute. Aasim is a different man than he was back then. He’s changed.”
Aasim smiled lovingly at Ruby then looked back at the pair. “That’s right.”
Louis and Clementine quieted down before the pirate captain spoke up. “True, he’s a pirate now which is a far more respectable profession than con artist,”
Clementine snorted at Louis’ words until she saw the look that Ruby was giving. With a nudge to his ribs Louis glanced up, the smile disappearing on his face as he cleared his throat.
“Chicken sounds good. Lead the way,” Louis’ words closed off the teasing and they continued through the town. Aasim led the way, pointing out different spots and shops that he said were good. Clementine and Louis shared some looks, knowing that they’d tease Aasim later when they had the chance.
“Ah, here it is,” Aasim’s voice made the group stop as their eyes wandered up towards the sign. It read “The Lost Cove” is faded golden letters. One of the hinges on the sign had broken, leaving it dangling awkwardly towards one side. “Don’t let the sign fool you. This place has good food. You have my word on that.”
“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s head in,” Ruby took a step forward before Aasim opened the door and held it open for his love. His hand that still held hers guided her forward. Once Ruby had made it inside the cartographer held open the door for the other two who gave their thanks as they entered.
Entering the tavern, the group was hit with the smell of ale and the lingering aroma of food roasting on a fire somewhere nearby. The scent made Clementine’s stomach growl which led the pirate to give a small, embarrassed smile.
“That table looks nice,” Ruby walked toward a corner table. Aasim jogged forward and quickly got the stool from Ruby, pulling it out for her to take a seat. Louis soon followed suit, giving a small bow as he pulled out the chair for his lady. Once Ruby and Clementine were seated the two remaining pirates took their spots around the table.
A girl with black hair and piercing green eyes walked forward towards their table with a welcoming smile. “What will you be having today?”
“Two of the crowned chicken specials,” Aasim held up two fingers with a friendly smile. “And four tankards of ale.”
“Sure thing,” The girl disappeared within seconds. The four pirates sat around, their eyes quickly checking to see if any wanted posters of them or their crew had made it to this small patch of the seven seas. After a thorough examination proved that no wanted posters were anywhere near they began to relax just as the tankards of ale showed up. The four of them drank and made small, simple conversation while they waited for their meal to arrive.
Louis was in the middle of one of his favorite tales that he had in his repertoire from his years as a pirate. It was about the time that Mitch accidentally smooched a sea creature and ended up catching his pants in the rigging. It was around then that the two platters of food arrived. The serving girl put down the platters filled with chicken roasted to perfection. The crispy skin shone lightly with grease and juice trailed down the roast birds’ sides. The smells of the different spices that brought out the chicken’s mild yet tempting taste made their mouths water. Surrounding the roast chicken were small fingerling potatoes cooked with herbed butters and sprinkled with salt. After the girl had placed down the plates and wished them a pleasant meal the pirates began to eat. Louis and Clementine tore apart the chicken, each of them tossing food back and forth and bartering for different parts of each other’s meal while Ruby and Aasim took their time,  delicately slicing the meat and giving balanced, fair servings, only eating once they had gotten enough of everything on their plates.
“Honestly,” Ruby shook her head, “Would it kill you to have some table manners?”
“Sowwy,” Clementine apologized with her mouth full. Specks of chicken and potatoes shot out, causing Louis to snort, getting ale up his nose and into the back of his throat. Clementine gave her love a few whacks on the back before they both continued to eat. Aasim tsked in disapproval but that seemed to do little to improve the pair’s eating habits. After a while though Louis and Clementine restrained their hunger and worked on showing basic table manners. That made a small, appreciative smile to appear on Ruby’s face that remained there for the rest of the meal.
After the chickens were picked clean, the potatoes demolished, the tankards dry of ale and the meal paid, the four pirates decided to head out. “Gotta say, Aasim. That was really delicious,” Clementine gave a warm smile to her friend who seemed proud that his memory had served him well.
“Yeah! Man, if our luck remains, maybe the others can get a share of this food too,” Louis gave a grin before intertwining his fingers with Clementine’s once more. Ruby moved forward and held the door for them.
“Thank you, my treasure,” Aasim walked out and held the door so that Ruby could step through. The two shared a loving smile then proceeded to catch up with the other couple. They walked through an alley to return to the center of town. Clementine was about to speak up and ask what they should do next when a voice appeared in front of them.
“Excuse me,” A frail voice called out, making them all look forward. A person with a dirty grey shawl moved forward and stopped before Louis. “Have I seen you before?”
The four shared a concerned look for a split second.
“I don’t think you have, “ Louis gave a charismatic smile. “I have a pretty common face so I bet you’ve just seen someone like me,”
“I don’t think so,” The elder shook their head, their face scrunching up in concentration. “I think I would remember a face like yours.”
“Oh! Thank you,” Louis gave a smile, showing that he was genuinely touched. “But sorry, you have the wrong person.
“Hmmm, well I’d still like to give you this.” The person reached into their pocket, withdrawing a necklace with a leather chain. The centerpiece of the necklace was a translucent stone which held a deep blood red splotch in the center of it. Something about the necklace drew Louis’ eye, mesmerizing him as he got lost staring in its depths.
“How many ducats do you wish to sell it for?” Aasim raised an eyebrow, thinking that the elder would surely spout some tale of this necklace and say it was worth far more coins than it truly was.
“None,” The person’s statement made all of them look shocked, taken aback by that response. Before any could speak up the elder reached for Louis' hand, placing the necklace in his grasp. The stone was cold to the touch as Louis’ grip tightened round it.
“Why-” Louis paused when he looked up and noticed that the shawled person was nowhere to be seen.
“That was… odd,” Clementine glanced around left and right for any sign of the person.
“They sure were a speedy fella,” Ruby responded, her mind still trying to figure out how they disappeared so quickly. “Louis? What are you doing?” The redhead’s question drew everyone’s attention to Louis who had fastened the necklace around his neck. He turned around dramatically, his tailcoat fluttering in the wind.
“I thought I’d give it a try. It was a gift after all. It would be rude to not wear it,” He gave a big grin.
“Idiot,” Aasim shook his head. “What if that necklace has some curse on it?”
That made Louis’ eyes widen for a split second before he waved a hand dismissively. “Nah, you worry too much. So, Clem, how do I look?”
“You look great. I think it adds to your looks,” Clementine’s smile grew when she saw how flustered that compliment had made Louis.
He cleared his throat and gave a goofy smile. “Well if my darling loves it, what more confirmation do I need,” Louis pulled on the sides of his pirate coat. “So, where to next?”
“Well, I saw a cave on the beach a walk west from Ol’ Kickass. We could head there.” Ruby offered.
“A cave?” Clementine tilted her head slightly before an excited smile overtook her features. “Sounds interesting. Who knows what we could find there.”
“Sea glass, shells, maybe even treasure,” Louis beamed at the thought.
“I highly doubt it,” Aasim added dryly.
“Aww come one, Pookie. There’s no need to be a wet rag. Let’s go and explore it,” Ruby gave Aasim’s hand a gentle squeeze. The cartographer looked down at his love with a warm smile. “Alright, my dove. Let’s explore the cave.”
“Hear, hear!” Louis cheered and led the way, taking long strides and chatting happily with the other three about what they could possibly find. Ruby and Clementine chimed in here and there adding their own guesses while Aasim very occasionally added his input. The warm white sands covered their shoes as they made their way towards the cave. The aura emitting from it made all four pause for a second in awe. An eerie yet tempting feeling came from inside. Whatever lay within the cave was calling to them and the four pirates listened as they made their way within. Once inside, however, they were filled with disappointment. All the cave held was a few rocks and pebbles and a small, measly body of water. Droplets fell down from the ceiling of the cave, making the water ripple as the sound echoed throughout the cave.
“Well, this was a disappointment,” Aasim gave a sad sigh. Clearly he had been excited about the impossible possibilities too.
“Well, it’s still a cool-looking cave,” Clementine took a step forward. “I think I see something sparkling on the walls.”
Ruby joined her friend at those words and held out her hand to one of the cave walls. Her fingers brushed against small crystals that were embedded within it.
“It does look pretty,” Ruby shared a smile with Clementine.
“True, at the very least this makes for a cool date spo-” Louis’ smile disappeared and his eyes were filled with fear as he lifted up a shaky finger. “What the shit is that!”
The others’ eyes shot over to where he was pointing. There hidden halfway in the shadows was what looked to be a pale white creature that was slowly struggling to get up. After a few more seconds it became clear it was something unearthly. The being’s body groaned and creaked as it dropped its foot forward with a thud. With a few more steps it was fully in the light, revealing that it was not some creature or beast but a skeleton.
“What in tarnation?!?!” Ruby took a step back while Aasim moved forward, protectively putting a hand in front of Ruby.
“Let’s get back to the-” Clementine turned around and stopped her sentence, her golden brown eyes shaking with disbelief. “Ship….”
There blocking the exit were more skeletons, alive and armed with sabers and cutlasses.
“What the hell is going on?” Aasim placed his hand on the hilt of his blade, his eyes hardening.
“Who knows, but it looks like we gotta fight our way out,” Louis drew his sword and rushed forward. With a cry and a mighty swing his sword came crashing down on one the skeletons in hopes he could shatter its defenses.
“Fuckin’ A!” Mitch crowed happily. “Bet you can't beat that,” The pirate flashed a smug, cocky smile over at the blond.
Marlon returned the expression and gave a short laugh. “That spit shot wasn’t worth shit. I’ll easily be able to beat it.”
“Oh yeah?” Mitch moved forward. “Prove it. Put your money where your spit is. Five ducats says you can’t.”
“Heh, deal,” Marlon shook Mitch’s hand and was about to prepare his saliva for the long travel out to sea when a voice appeared behind them.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Prisha peered out from her comfortable place on the hammock.
“Spitting contest,” Mitch replied simply. “I’m gonna whoop Marlon’s ass at it.” “Spitting contest?!?!” Willy scampered forward along with AJ. Both boys looked intrigued by the statement.
“That’s right, but you can't join this round. I need to get Marlon’s coin first.”
Marlon scoffed. “Watch this,” With a deep, throaty sound Marlon produced as much saliva as he could before taking a deep breath and spitting. The hefty amount of saliva flew through the air and landed a little ways away from Ol’ Kickass with a soft plunk.
“Damn it!” Mitch grumbled, a frown pulling on the corners of his lips.
“Told ya,” Marlon gave a smug smile then held out his hand. “Pay up.”
Mitch swore under his breath and tossed the coins forward which Marlon caught with ease. Prisha gave a soft laugh which made Mitch’s eyes shoot up and glare at her.
“What? Got something to say, Prisha?”
“Nothing that you would want to hear,” Prisha had a cocky expression on her face as her arm pulled Violet closer towards her.
“You’d just say a bunch of shit that isn’t true anyway,” Mitch’s words made Prisha’s smile falter. She never liked it when someone insinuated that she had done something she hadn’t. The change in her expression made Mitch’s smile grow. “That’s what I thought.”
“I won’t fall for your weak attempt to goad me into a spitting contest.”
“You’re doing the spitting contest?” AJ looked over at Prisha with large eyes.
“Umm, well,” Prisha started but Willy interrupted her before she could continue.
“Are you gonna do it?” Willy looked at her with such sincere excitement that it made Prisha hesitate in saying no.
“Guys, she’s kind of stuck in the hammock,” Marlon pointed out which made both of the younger pirates’ faces fall.
“I’ll join the competition,” Prisha stated, making AJ and Willy look excited once more. Ever so carefully, Prisha untangled herself from Violet. The others offered to help but Prisha insisted that it would definitely lead to Violet waking up. Once she had successfully slipped out of the hammock and made sure that Violet was secure she moved forward to join the contest. Marlon was up first, giving his best try as his saliva flew in the air and landed around the same spot as before. Mitch was next. After gathering up a rather impressive amount of spit he took his turn and surpassed Marlon’s attempt.
“Ha!” Mitch was relishing in his victory when Prisha pushed him aside.
“I’ll show you how it’s really done.” Prisha took a deep breath then positioned her feet in what she deemed the best position. After gathering a fair amount of saliva she tilted her head and spit. Her saliva flew through the sky and landed past the other two by quite a fair distance.
“What the fuck?!?!” Mitch grabbed the ship’s side and leaned forward. Marlon looked just as surprised, his eyes blinking in shock.
“That was awesome!” AJ hopped up and down in glee.
“So cool!” Willy agreed, stomping his feet excitedly.
“How did you get your spit to go that far?” Marlon turned and looked at his friend.
Prisha had a proud look on her face. “It's quite simple. If you balance the amount of saliva in your mouth and tilt your head at the right angle you can get a trajectory that will surely clinch you the win.”
Marlon and Mitch looked lost about that explanation while AJ and Willy both pulled on Prisha’s arm, begging her to teach them the secret spitting technique.
“Hey,” Brody’s warm voice stopped the excitement for a moment as the auburn pirate strolled forward. “Do you know if Ruby said when she’d get back?”
“She didn’t give a time,” Marlon replied.
“They said they would be back by sundown,” Prisha added, her eyes narrowing for a second when she saw the concern on Brody’s face. “Why?”
“Oh, it's no big deal. Omar just burnt his hand a bit and I was wondering where the ointment is.”
“I know where it is. I can go with you if you’d like.” Prisha offered. Brody looked surprised for a second that Prisha knew of the location but when the realization of why hit her, the auburn pirate felt a bit bad.
“Okay, that would be great,” Brody walked alongside Prisha and quickly changed the subject. “Think they’re having fun on their double date?”
“I’m sure they are,” Prisha gave a soft smile. “Knowing them, I’m sure they’re enjoying the time away from the ship.
“God, I wish we could go back to the ship,” Clementine groaned as she swung her cutlass out at another skeleton, knocking its head clean off. She knew that it would do nothing to stop them though. As they had discovered after Ruby delivered the first decapitation, the skeletons wouldn’t die. No matter how hard Louis hit or how strategically placed Aasim’s attacks were it did nothing to deter the skeletons from attacking once more.
“They just keep getting back up!” Ruby grumbled in frustration, blocking an attack from a rapier that a skeleton wearing pirate garb sent her way. Curling up her free hand, the fiery redhead sent it crashing against her opponent’s skull. The head bounced off with her punch and cracked against the wall. Aasim stared in awe of his love, completely taken in by the badassery of Ruby. He was so entranced he failed to notice a new skeleton had made its way over to him.
“Better keep your eyes on the fight, good buddy.” Louis playfully wiggled his eyebrows at Aasim before blocking an attack and sending a swift kick towards his opponent. The skeleton was sent flying, knocking over three others in the process. “I am the greatest pirate of all time!” Louis pulled on the sides of his coat when suddenly Aasim gripped his collar and yanked him backwards. That move saved Louis from serious harm. Aasim disarmed the skeleton before grabbing it by its collarbone and tossing it against the wall.
“Any plans, guys?” Clementine stood back to back with Ruby as they faced the next onslaught of opponents together.
“Nothing comes to mind,” Louis ducked an attack and sent a flurry of his own. “What about you, Aasim?”
“I don’t recall-” Aasim paused for a moment, his face scrunched up in concentration when his eyes lit up with an idea. “I may have something,” Aasim’s statement made the other three smile at their newfound hope. The cartographer sidestepped another opponent before continuing. “Prisha and I found these old scrolls a while back from a seller off the coast of the western bank of Deadman’s Bluff. He was a rather odd fellow who-”
“Pookie, I love your stories, but I need you to hurry along with it,” Ruby crushed a bone under her heel then proceeded to link arms with Clementine and spin her around.
“Sorry, my treasure. My point is we found scrolls talking of cursed objects.”
“Cursed objects?” Louis looked confused for a split second before his eyes grew wide. “Oh, shit!” Louis spun around and dodged the attack.
“Your necklace!” Clementine stumbled, her peg leg getting caught in one of the eye sockets of a skull. The skull shuffled around before a headless skeleton picked it up, causing the pirate to lose her footing.
“Clem!” Louis ran forward and caught her while Ruby and Aasim worked together to push back the swarm of enemies.
“I’m fine,” Clem gave a reassuring smile which seemed to ease Louis’ fear for a moment.
“Aasim, hurry up with the solution!” Louis snapped which made his friend frown.
“I’m trying to remember!” Aasim shot back a look of annoyance before slamming a skeleton into the cave wall. The four continued to fight off the incoming attacks for a few minutes when suddenly Aasim let out a small gasp. “I got it! The scroll that Prisha and I studied spoke of a blood sacrifice that would break the curse on certain objects. There’s no guarantee it will work, but…”
“We don’t have time for buts,” Ruby’s sword pierced through a skull that she flicked off with annoyance.
“Rubes is right. Here goes nothing,” Louis grabbed the necklace and tore it off his neck. Taking his blade, he pressed the sharp edge to his palm and slid it across an inch or two. Pressing his fingers into a fist, he let his blood drip down and splatter against the stone on the necklace. The thick red covered the delicate translucent stone and soon the whole stone matched the red splotch in the middle. It seemed as though it did nothing at first. But after a moment the skeletons stopped their attack. All their skulls turned and looked towards Louis as though waiting for an order.
“What's going on?” Louis whispered over to his love.
“I have no fucking idea,” Clemenitne whispered back, still gripping the hilt of her cutlass.
“Remarkable!” Aasim walked forward and studied the skeletons curiously. “It seems as though that old tale was true.”
“Old tale?’ Ruby asked. Her hand wrapped round Aasim’s arm and pulled him away from the opponents in case they suddenly attacked again.
“There was a tale going around a tavern that Marlon and I visited a few stops ago speaking about an object known to command a group of skeletons. They were said to be the remains of those that sailed with Captain Kidd.”
“Really?” Louis whispered. He and Clementine glanced down at the blood-soaked necklace. “If that’s the case... I, Louis Mason, captain of the Ericson Pirates, demand that you stop fighting and, um… shit,” Louis didn’t really know what to say next. “Just rest and don’t go hurting people anymore.”
The skeletons stared blankly at Louis before their bones shook around violently, causing them to drop their weapons. After a second the bones fell to the ground, clattering against each other until there wasn’t a single skeleton left standing.
“Good lord,” Ruby sheathed her weapon and let out a long sigh of relief. “That sure was one hell of  fight,”
“No kidding,” Aasim took a shaky breath.
“We did good, though. Right, Clem?” Louis smiled over lovingly at Clementine when he noticed that her weight was shifting. “Clem!” Louis grabbed onto her waist as her knee buckled.
“Sorry, guess I’m at the limit for my peg leg,” She gave an apologetic smile.
“It's understandable,” Aasim stated simply. “Shall we head back to the ship?”
“That would be for the best,” Ruby looked over and saw that Louis had swept Clementine up into his arms which she protested against for all of five seconds before enjoying it.
“We’ll have quite the tale to share with the crew when we get back,” Louis led the way with a smile.
“We sure will. But after I patch up your hand,” Ruby added.
“True, true. As far as double dates go in the life of piracy, I’d say it wasn’t our best but hey, maybe in the future we’ll look back and realize this isn't even our worst double date,” Louis gave a grin but that didn’t convince the others.
“Don’t jinx it,” Aasim shook his head with a small frown.
“Louis,” Clementine placed a hand on his arm, “How about we try to make this the worst date out of all our double dates, now and in the future.”
“Hear, hear. Here’s to not getting our asses kicked by skeletons in the future and to many more double dates.” Louis crowed. “So, wanna double date in the next port town?”
Ruby and Aasim shared a look then glanced back at Louis.
“I think we’ll take a rain check on that,” Ruby offered a warm smile towards her friend.
“Okay, well I’m sure that Prisha and Violet would love to go on a double date with us anyway,” Louis continued to chatter as he led the way towards Ol’ Kickass. The four pirates smiled and laughed as they made their way to their seaworthy vessel, looking forward to being back with their crew.
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toutorii · 4 years
Broken Pieces: Chapter 1
Okay so when I started this blog, I thought, “Oh I’ll just reblog a bunch of things, post some art and maybe some fanfics.” And I realized that I haven’t published any fanfics yet... oops. SO. This is the first chapter of my Percy Jackson OC insert story, its my first writing piece like this, so criticism is greatly appreciated! And let me know what you guys think. You can also check out the second chapter on Wattpad. Just look up Broken Pieces or my name, TouTorii! And if you want to be put on the taglist, just ask! Anyways, without further to do... I hope you guys enjoy!
Disclaimor: I don’t own any of the characters in this story other than Phoebe, Rick Riordan owns most of the plot and all the other characters.
Warnings: Some Language, terrible grammar, and spelling errors.
Broken Pieces Masterlist
Pain flooded my senses. The weapon impaled my gut, right below my heart. It took all of my remaining strength to look at the man I once considered my brother and choke out, "Gods damn it. Fight." And that's when numbness took over my body and the darkness flooded my eyesight.
I woke with a start, my breathing was labored. It was dark, but not pitch black like my dream. I sat up and scanned my surroundings. Dozens of demigods were packed in the little Hermes cabin. Mostly undetermined stayed here. I grabbed my dagger and slipped out of the cabin. It was about three hours until breakfast so I walked to the tree on the hill. Even though bloodshed and horrors have seen this camp, it had an amazing view. I dont know how long I sat there, it could have been hours, it could have been a couple of minutes. But after awhile I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned my head to be greeted by Connor Stoll. He has a lopsided smile plastered onto his tan face. He wordlessly sat down next to me. We sat in comfortable silence, until he broke it, saying,
"What's wrong?"
"And I'm the queen of England."
"Yep, I know you are."
I sighed and closed my eyes.
"How'd you know somethings wrong?" I asked.
"You're wearing your baby blanket."
I looked down, sure enough, it was wrapped around my shoulders. When did I do that?
"The only time you wear it is when you're upset, so please, tell me whats w-"
"I had the dream again." I said. He looked up.
"The one where you.... You know.."
"Did you see who stabbed you?"
"No." That was a lie.
"Well, are you okay?"
"Yeah." Another lie.
He looked at me with worry plastered on his face. He saw right through my facade. Just like he always did. But instead of saying anything he just engulfed me in a hug. I clung to his shirt like my life depended on it. Tears threatened to break through but I shoved the feeling down. We stayed like that until breakfast. That's when we got up and walked to the dining pavilion.
When Breakfast was over we all went to do our daily training. Everything was normal. No one trying to kill me, no one trying to kill each other, all was going great. The Hermes cabin was currently sparring. I was paired up with Luke Castellan, my cabin leader. We were even for the most part, both getting in hits every once in awhile. But eventually I disarmed him and took the victory.
"You did good, but not as good as me, Luke." I said as I helped him up.
"I wish I could slap that smirk off of your face right now." He grumbled.
"You still love me though." I said with a wink. He blushed and said something incoherent.
"You gotta speak up pretty boy." He mumbled something again.
"I said, you wish." He finally said at a normal volume.
I mocked offense and put a hand on my chest.
"How dare you! I am loved by everyone and almost everything!" I said with the utmost confidence.
"I have to disagree with that!" I heard Connor yell while he was sparring against Travis.
"I could whip your ass too." I yelled at him.
"Kinky!" He slyly smirked.
"Connor! There are children!"
"Says the chick who said ass.''
When I turned around, I was met with Luke red in the face from laughing.
"Shut up."
"I never said anything."
He raised his sword toward me and said, "I declare a rematch."
"Sure your knighthood." I said with a bow. And we went at it again.
It was late at night, a storm raged around camp.
"Who the hell ticked off the drama queen?" Thunder boomed louder, I decided to stop before Zeus incinerated me. I was just outside the border getting soaked in the rain when I turned around and saw a horrific sight. A child was fighting a giant bull while someone else was knocked out cold. When did they get here? How could I be so blind?The wind and rain was deafening, but I ran and tried to make my way over there. But before I could help, the little kid stabbed the Minotaur and it evaporated. The kid nearly passed out so I ran to grab them before they hurt themselves even more.
"Just hold on kid." I said. They looked confused but let me carry them passed the border.
"Grover..." The kid said. I was confused, Grover? Then it clicked, this is the kid that Chiron was watching at Yancy. I turned around and saw Grover covered in mud. I picked him up and carried them both to the border. I saw Chiron and Annie come with worried looks.
"Is this him? The one from the p-" Annie started.
"Not now Annabeth, he is still awake." Chiron reprimanded. That's when I looked over where the kid was and saw that he was passed out on my shoulder. I scanned his face, seeing cuts and bruises from the battle. He couldn't have been more than 12.
Jesus, 12 and fighting for his life. How long had he known about the life? This world? I picked him up and carried him to the infirmary. After I had seen to stitching up his deep cuts and applying bandages and healing salves, I sat down and kept an eye on him.
"Bull baby, of all the monsters to send after an innocent kid."
"How do you know he's innocent?" I jumped, unaware of Annie being in the room.
"Because, I have a gut feeling, and I've learned to trust my gut."
"That's so stupid." I chuckled. Annie got red in the face, "Well it is! Using your brain is much more efficient."
"So you're telling me that you ignore your instincts on the battlefield?" I inquired.
"Well I- I mean- I just- Shut up!" That made me burst into another fit of laughter. But Annie had a scowl on her face showing she did not appreciate my teasing.
"Aw come on, Annie."
"Are you really mad at this amazing beautiful specimen?"
"Okay, I guess you don't want to read any more of my dad’s architecture books.” 
"What?! No! I'm not mad!"
I laughed, and eventually so did she. It was rare to see a smile on her face, especially after Luke got his quest. The poor girl couldn't get a break. She had been here a long time, not as long as I have, but still a long time. She just wants to prove she's worthy of being a daughter of Athena.
"mom. .. . ." The kid groaned quietly. I whipped my head around and immediately grabbed his hand, so he could have something to ground himself with if needed. He opened his eyes and oh my gods, they were like the ocean.
But the pact.
I swear they're more horny than a teenager.
That's why this kid is attracting so many monsters.
Not just because of Hades.
But because of his parent.
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