#that time when my mom and i drove passed a farm that was hanging a huge american flag on the side of the barn
clamorybus · 1 year
i know it's memed a lot and outside of that a lot more eloquent people than i have discussed it, but it really is fucked up how so many things are seen as inherently bad when it's chinese
#or north korean#or any socialist or communist country really but china and nk get hit with it hardest in the us ive noticed#like i think about so many things that happen here in the us that if they happened in china or nk that#americans would be disgusted by but don't think twice about when they happened here#mickey.txt#sinophobia cw#like any movie about the american military tbh#i literally saw one where an american solider sniped down a local small boy who was holding a molotov cocktail#EVEN THOUGH THE AMERICANS WERE INVADING but its okay because he was sad after ): LIKE??#or on a less heavy sense#that time when my mom and i drove passed a farm that was hanging a huge american flag on the side of the barn#or when it was really early in the morning and the news needed filler#so they played stock footage of pretty scenery while a little girl sang a song about america#or how often times. not matter how small the event is. kids sports games will often play the national anthem at the beginning#or even when cartoon network or 4kids would have channel blocks around 4th of july#or presidents day#and would super impose pokemon with historical figures and presidents#or would edit cartoon clips so cartoon characters would sing the national anthem#and ofc us forcing kids to say the pledge of allegiance (which is a heavy phrase when you break it down)#im rambling but seriously this country does so much nationalistic bullshit and we think its perfectly fine#but if and when any asian/swena country does anything like it we have days of news stories#discussing how brainwashed those citizens are#i feel like that fucking charlie day meme when i explain it to people esp my parents but its really obvious when you step back and look#its maddening
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
For the Fandom Game: Narcos
The gasp I fucking gasped at this! I love it. Letsgoooo
The first character I first fell in love with: My unhinged colonel, Horacio Carrillo. I love him and all of his war crimes. 😌
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The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Okay so someone who grew on me in a major way was definitely Amado. I never disliked him, but for the longest time he was just Some Guy to me but now when he's on screen I am fully 👀 paying attention 👀
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The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I feel like there's no one in OG Narcos that I dislike that people would really consider an unpopular opinion. I'm gonna tweak this a little and do a character from Narcos: Mexico because??? I can 😂 My apologies to the Calderoni girlies but I would throw that man off a roof with my bare hands if given the opportunity. And I wouldn't feel bad about it. 😌
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The character I love that everyone else hates: Okay I know that he is not everyone's cup of tea, but there is something that I am just so fucking obsessed with when it comes to Navegante. I don't want him. But I want to study him. I want to put him in a big ol' terrarium on my windowsill and take notes on his behavior.
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The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I still love all the characters that I loved that the start. Momma didn't raise a quitter. 😌
The character I would totally smooch: He's a Wife Guy so I know that he would never, but god the way I just want to plant one on Jorge. I love him. Let me put him in my pocket I'm begging. (There are hardly any gifs of him in the search which is fucking CRIMINAL I'm weeping. Look at him and his little beard. God. He could fix me I know it.)
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The character I’d want to be like: Please let me be a boss bitch like Judy Moncada. I want a painted portrait of myself and a tiger hanging in my living room. I want to have weird, antagonistic sexual tension with Javi. Por favor.
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The character I’d slap: The list is too long! I love all these men but god they can all be so stupid sometimes! Passing one brain cell around just simply isn't enough. 😂 Although I will say, despite how much I love him, I think that my hillbilly husband Steve Murphy should've caught hands at some point. Maybe someone could've slapped some Spanish vocab into his brain idk 😂
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A pairing that I love: Limon and farming. 😌 Lmaooo no but real talk I will be a Steve/Connie girlie till I die. I love them so much. God. Yes.
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A pairing that I despise: Not a romantic pairing, but the entire dynamic between Pablo and his mom drove me absolutely up the walls. The cognitive dissonance of those two really had me putting my head through drywall lmao 😂 It's not even like they have a ton of scenes with just the two of them or anything but they are just such a horrid little feedback loop for each other.
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Thank you for this!!! xoxo
Send me a fandom!
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thepropertylovers · 2 years
Our Fun-Filled Family Labor Day Weekend
This past weekend we stayed at Getaway House for Labor Day with PJ’s cousin Lauren and her daughter and ate everything in site, stayed up way too late, and took the kids rafting for the firs time.
It all started on Friday night when we arrived at Getaway House. We’ve stayed there before, but this was the longest period of time we’ve ever spent at GH. PJ’s family came and his aunt Karen and cousin Rachel brought us the sweetest little gift basket as a thank-you for letting them use The Pavilion at Ocoee Farm for Rachel’s son’s 1st birthday a few weeks back. How thoughtful is that?
The basket was filled with all of our favorite things: cheese, crackers, chocolate, wine. They hit the nail on the head (and maybe had a little help from Lauren in picking out the items).
We ate dinner (hotdogs and chips!) and talked for hours. It was the perfect night to start the weekend off.
The next morning PJ headed off to the farm first thing to take care of a few loose ends for a few hours. Lauren and I let the kids play in the creek while we made a little setup for ourselves complete with a hammock, lounge chair, citronella candle, and our books.
After a while, PJ came back to Getaway House with a brilliant idea on how to spend the rest of the day: rafting!! The kids had never been and it felt like the perfect way to do a little resting while also having fun. It had rained all morning but by then, the rain had let up, so it felt like a sign. We loaded up and drove a few miles down the road to Webb Brothers to get our rafts and oars and life jackets.
If you’ve never rafted down the Hiwassee River, I highly recommend it. It’s peaceful and fun and slightly thrilling all at the same time. And might I suggest you use Webb Brothers? They load you into the back of a truck and drive you to the top of the river to let in so you can float all the way down.
The 10 minute truck ride is fun all in itself:
Once we put our rafts in and all climbed in each of them, the ice cold water hit me like a breath of fresh air, invigorating my senses and I instantly felt grateful for PJ suggesting we do this.
We all took turns with the kids and they were constantly (and safely) switching between rafts. Sometimes it would be one of us alone in our own raft and sometimes we’d be with all the kids. That was part of the fun and freedom of it all.
When you’re out there on the water and it’s just you and the trees on either side of you and the fresh air, you feel like you might as well be the only person alive. Just you and nature. But then you look around and see your kid’s face grinning from ear to ear because how cool of an experience is this and suddenly you’re so glad it’s not just you and nature.
We both were so happy we got to experience this with the three of them (and our cousin and her daughter!!).
Though you had to use your oar most of the time, there were many calm parts to the river where you could put your oar away and just peacefully float on down. There was a certain stillness to these times that I wish I could freeze and bottle up forever.
It’s a good thing I brought my camera to do just that.
Riah and PJ spent the most time together and every time I would look over, PJ would be messing with him with his oar or rubbing his feet in Riah’s face, much to Riah’s delight. I love how his legs are propped up on PJ’s shoulders in this picture, just hanging out. He’s so cool.
As we were nearing the end of the trip, we passed under a bridge filled with Muscovy ducks.
The next day it rained nonstop, forcing us to slow down and play card games inside Lauren’s camper while we ate cinnamon rolls. We watched our favorite Disney movies and drank soda and ate chips and did whatever we wanted. A true staycation, no?
Later that evening, with the rain still going strong outside, we were staying nice and dry inside with some wine and calming jazz music playing. My mom drove out to spend a few hours with us and decided to stay for dinner.
Speaking of dinner, PJ made one of our favorite recipes that we haven’t had in forever: Shrimp Scampi with Roasted Peppers and Spinach. It’s so easy and only takes a few minutes to throw together. Aren’t those the best kind of recipes?
2/3 of my entire world in one photo:
The kids didn’t care too much for it but everyone else enjoyed it. I made a salad and cut up some French bread and it was a hit.
We ended the night with chocolate chip s’mores, a genius idea from PJ.
Yes they were as good as they look.
By Monday morning, the rain was still pouring down. We sipped on our coffee while we made bacon and eggs and biscuits for everyone before packing everything up to head home. This weekend made us realize how much we love spending time and raising our kids with Lauren. PJ and her were best friends growing up and I love the idea that our kids will be the exact same.
She is so easy going and if we forgot something, she had it on hand (salt and pepper, medicine, bug spray, you name it). I'm already looking forward to our next adventure together.
And though we were sad to be leaving everyone and heading back to real life (and work), there was something so refreshing and rewarding about walking in our front door. We immediately started cleaning up and unpacking and putting things back in order.
It felt so incredibly good to be home, as it always does when coming back from a trip, no matter how close or far away.
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urbandokkalfar · 1 year
Context for my last post and small lore drop
When I was in school, from seventh grade to graduation, I did odd jobs under the table. I cleaned aquariums and did yard work for neighbors, I worked in a local slaughter house, eventually got into taxidermy and processing game animals, worked with the county to pick up road kill, worked on farms, sold art work, worked at my first (now deceased) step dad's auto repair shop - stuff like that.
I made decent money, it wasn't awful and I generally made my own hours.
What w a s awful was the way my family looked at it all. It wasn't stuff i could put on job apps because it wasn't 'legit'.
Mind you I was making a couple thousand a month combined from all this, most of the time I was on six to seven jobs a month for only 3 - 5 days a week.
I'd contribute about 25% of my money to which ever household I was living in that week (mom or dad), would spend some on tools and junk for work, a little for my own whims and then save the rest.
Before my stepdad passed away and shit r e a l l y hit the fans I had a sizeable chunk of money in my account.
After he passed my mom didn't really wait long to get a new boyfriend, it was within weeks of SD's funeral she came out and said she was seeing someone.
My SD passed away from an aggressive cancer. We watched him become Skeletor over the course of two months before he died. He was one of the coolest people I know - stood up for me when people remarked on how I dressed etc, taught me auto repair, encouraged me to do my jobs, all around a kick ass dude.
The guy my mom started seeing was the polar opposite. He bullied and threatened my older sister until she left out of fear then he started in with me.
We got into a fist fight because he threw may cat across the room for sitting in the garden window (a window that protrudes from the house to put potted plants in).
When he started abusing my mom, we got into even more fist fights which often ended with him leaving and coming back. Mom was sooooo enamored with this man she drove down our street at sixty five miles an hour while I clung to the truck door and step rail.
When she stopped and let me in I admittedly slapped her.
Eventually he fucked up. They went out drinking and a girl I knew from school was staying with us because her mom kicked her out for being a 'whore'.
He started whailing on my mom, threw her down the basement steps and sarted beating her in the basement - my friend ran next door to call the cops. I went downstairs, put my hand through the glass gun cabinet door and racked an unloaded shotgun.
He shit his pants and locked himself in the bathroom upstairs.
Both of them were taken to jail for the night and my sister and I picked her ass up the next day.
Five days later my mom suffered a massive heart attack, because of her bf I'd quit my jobs because she couldn't be alone with him. If I'd had been working she would have died. She had a month long hospital stay, my savings went to pay household bills and get her medication.
I spent three years of my life protecting her then caring for her for her to tell me she never wanted me when i was born and admitted to doing things when pregnant to try and home abort me - she didn't have Pre-eclampsia, I was c-sectioned otta her two months early because she didn't want me to turn out like my sister.
My sister has ADHD and a touch of the 'tisim - which same tbh.
For bonus context: In school my sister was so awful and unruly that if I had her teachers they treated me the same they did her. Like shit.
I was the proverbial black sheep for being Goth and holding odd jobs etc.
Now my sister's got two kids and is horrifically abusive to her husband - I hang out with her at times to get her out of the house so he can have peace.
Maybe, someday, I'll elaborate on my sister but, this is what you get for now.
Oh yeah, TLDR I worked under the table for cash for YEARS and my family dunked on me for not having a 'real' job, continued to be shit ass over it even while supporting one of them and now I have a 'real' job they're pissed I don't spend any real time with them 🙃
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ellaintrigue · 2 years
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Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
I drove past a farm on the way home from Salisbury the other week and saw a lone donk standing in a field. He was sleeping, dick hanging to his knees, and looking generally ornery. Useless creature. I had an old donkey as a kid and he was stubborn and perpetually horny. Not a fun pet.
Not viewing animals in perversion but I've always noticed that the penises and vaginas of every creature pretty much have the one universal design, even on bugs (Japanese beetles, UGH). And to manage the male sex drive and curb population we often castrate our dogs, cats, and livestock.
I once met a lady who raised hogs on an industrial farm by herself. She was a gay woman who didn't have anyone working for her. She fixed her own trucks, tractors, wheelbarrows, you name it. She bought broken wheelbarrows from me and my ex's salvage business.
She showed up one day while my mother was visiting and they had a conversation about farm critters. The Hog Lady, as we called her, said that she castrated her pigs but, as males go, "they were still proud." Mom nodded and smiled, saying it was the same for her geldings. Still arrogant and frisky.
For years a neighboring bloodhound wandered from farm to farm, little sunken eyes, huge wrinkly neck, and big fat balls drooping. I would drive by him all the time. That dog covered miles to meet the ladies until he eventually passed away.
In the end we are all animals, clothed and educated we may be. If a human mother feels her child is threatened she will do anything to protect it. It's instinct. And like any horny donkey or wandering dog, men possess the same hormones. Men wanted me the most when I was 14-20. They were all 30 plus. If you do a quick Google it says that men instinctively seek out younger women because of the fertility factor. One day dad and I were talking while he locked his tractor down on his little flatbed. As he tightened the cinches, he said to me, "you have to replace your partner every 4 years so you don't get bored."
I absentmindedly listened at the time but he spoke a form of truth. Forget him, and forget the men I've dated. Instead compile allllllll the men I've encountered throughout my life in general. I've never met a one that did not lie. And the few that don't cheat? Religious fanatics. Not that religion ever stopped anyone from doing anything they wanted to do, but some do legit fear a good smiting.
Drop to your knees and repent any impure thoughts and thou may be saved! Perhaps.
The most common theme I see (and I am talking dozens of times) is man gets married. Man has kids. Man gets bored, man goes and fucks a younger woman, or multiple women. Man either crawls back crying or leaves his wife. In nearly all cases, he said the wife just wasn't giving him what he needed anymore. Standard male boredom.
And, not to slut shame anyone, but with lots of sex comes disease. I'll never forget the one businessman who confided in me he picked up HPV while cheating and his wife ended up with cervical cancer.
Even just minor things like BV: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326662 can tear a woman up while the man keeps mindlessly fucking his way through town. At my age I start to wonder if sex is even worth it with such high risks out there, even putting factors like violence aside.
You literally don't know where a man has been. I've seen men just flat out disappear somewhere for up to days, often letting their loved ones know they are okay, but nothing more. Men will wander for miles and miles on a whim.
Do I hate men for this? No, not at all. There's no malicious intent usually, just a high drive of hormones and lack of empathy, an also proven fact in males. Men are instinctively selfish.
What I do hate is A: lack of disclosure preventing a woman from being informed and able to protect herself. And B: the so many men who get controlling and accusing of their partner because they themselves are the one cheating on her. You got away with it so what else do you need?
Trust nobody, and the next time you pass a scruffy donkey in a field, regard him as no different from your husband. Same parts, same thoughts.
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navstuffs · 2 years
Double Life (part 1?)
Pairing: Adrian Chase x gn!reader
Summary: Your younger brother's dangerous lifestyle risks Adrian's secret identity to be revealed.
Warning: angst-ish, swearing, blood.
Authors note: i love the idea of Adrian's thirst for justice to be messed up by/for the reader cause he needs to protect them. this might turn into a long fanfic of max 4 chapters
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It was the tenth time you were trying to call Preston that day. Your little brother was always with the wrong crew in high school but never got so bad as it was now. Adrian Chase, your boyfriend, had his car parked in front of your house while you anxiously waited for your brother to pick up the phone.
"Come on, Preston, pick this shit up!"
The call went to voice mail again, your frustration making you punch the car's panel, immediately apologizing.
"Sorry, sorry."
"It is alright. Did Preston pick up?"
"No. He is trying to get into my nerves today!"
Adrian rubbed your back and you thanked him when your phone finally buzzed.
"Preston, where are you? I have been trying to call you the whole day! Did you come home at all?"
"Almost home, chill."
"Preston, listen to me."
He had already hanged up. You stared at your phone in disbelief, thinking what did you do to deserve this. Preston had always been the troubled child. Your parents lost your oldest brother when Preston was a baby in an accident and everyone, including you, spoiled him too much. Now he was eighteen, your parents both passed away and he was your only family left. He thought the whole world always needed to bend for him, no matter the consequences.
"Is he coming?"
"Yeah. I will wait for him inside the house. I am sorry that I ruined our date night."
"It's cool. Tell him next time I see him I will kick his ass."
"Not before I do it."
You two kissed goodbye and Adrian watched you get in. He wondered if he should put his suit on and look for Preston but he saw Preston's tall figure turn on the street, walking slowly towards the house smoking a cigarette. Adrian almost decided to stay to help you, but he knew you wanted to have this conversation one on one with your brother, so he turned on the car and drove away.
You had the biggest headache when you woke up the next morning. When Preston arrived you two got into a horrible fight about his behavior. He was eighteen, didn't have a job, didn't seem to care about anyone except himself, how he smelled like alcohol and weed. Preston decided he was tired of listening to you, going to sleep in the middle of the fight, hitting his bedroom door on your face. You texted Adrian letting him know Preston was home and went to bed.
You took some pills for your headache that morning, getting ready for work. The discussion with your brother last night was exhausting, Preston was bad before but never that bad. Before leaving, you checked on your brother and he was splattered on his bed. At least he changed his clothing. You needed to have a serious conversation with him later.
At work, things didn't get any better. Your boss was worried about a project and said everyone was gonna work extra if they didn't finish today. And not to help, you were very unfocused, worried about your little brother. Preston texted saying he was home, he needed to get out super fast but he was gonna be back in time for dinner. You were gonna argue when Adrian's name appeared on your phone's screen. You walked fast towards the bathroom, ignoring the ugly looks you got from your coworkers.
"Hey, sweet cheeks!" His voice sounded so excited and you couldn't help to smile.
"Hey, sweet ass!"
"So mhm, bad news. They have me working double today."
"Whaaat? How?"
"Mark is sick and Patrick's mom is sick and Laura's dog is sick. Even Andrew's ant's farm is sick today."
"Everyone gets sick on a Friday, even ants I guess" you replied, rolling your eyes. "I am also working until later today"
"What?! Why?!"
"Fucking boss wants all the project done by today. We have a timeline or something. "
"Boo! I am sorry, baby! I will make it up to you, I promise! Saturday Adrian will be all yours. And Sunday. We all know how much you love Adrian weekend."
"You better. I love Saturday Adrian."
"What about Preston? Is he fine?"
"Yeah. We fought last night but I will try to talk with him later today."
"If you need me, you know you can call."
"It is fine, he is my brother. My responsibility."
"You know, I was thinking. I have a friend he could talk with. He helped me a lot. So maybe he could help him?"
"Is it a good friend?"
"My best friend, babe. He is gonna put Preston on the right track in two seconds. Like he did to me."
"If you trust him, I trust him. Set up a meeting. Maybe he could talk some sense on him."
"On it! I have to go babe. Place is busy and so close to lunch. I will talk to you later. Love you!"
"Okay. Love you, too.?"
You left work at 7 pm texting Preston you were buying some Chinese food so you two could talk, to no reply back. You arrived home, to all lights off wondering where he was. Now it was passing 9:30 pm, food was cold, and no signal from your stupid brother. You were almost calling him for the fifth time when an unknown ID appeared.
It was your brother's panicked voice, whispering your name. There were noises in the back that looked like screams and shots being fired.
"Preston? What is wrong?"
"Fucked it up,...,'m sorry."
"Preston, what is wrong? Where are you?"
You started grabbing your car keys and putting on shoes, frantically running towards the door.
"Send me your location, Preston!"
The call dropped and you waited for three seconds frozen in your spot when a text message appeared with a location. You put it into GPS and sprinted towards your car.
You parked near the abandoned warehouse with your heart jumping. It took you around 7 minutes and you thanked for not finding any police cars on the way. The more distant you got, the more sketchy the neighborhood was looking. You checked your car's compartment for your old bottle of pepper spray, shaking it. You never used it and you hoped you didn't have to.
You started walking to the abandoned warehouse and saw a body laying down on the floor. You held back a scream, putting your hand over your mouth. The body seemed to have been mauled to death. You entered the building, sneaking behind boxes, seeing the number of bodies get more. They all seemed to have been sliced or shot somehow.
With your heart pumping in your chest you decided to go follow the bloodied path and heard a few screams and shots in close distance. You saw a guy with a helmet, red shirt, and khaki pants shooting into a group that was shooting back. You tried to call the unknown number with no answer. Fuck fuck fuck. If Preston decided to die and take you with him, you were gonna kick his ass so hard when you got in hell.
Trying to get away from the helmet guy that was screaming obscenities, you walked the other way, between the huge boxes to a more quiet area, keeping a safe distance and listening for any movements around, pepper spray bottle high ready to be used. You got to an open area and heard some movements behind you like someone running, lifting the bottle up. Preston appeared limping between the boxes, in your direction and he had a balaclava lifted above his face. He seemed to be bleeding. There was another guy behind him running that soon got hit by a knife in his eyes.
You ran towards your brother that looked at you shocked, falling in your arms. He had cuts on his arms, legs but the worse was on his belly which was bleeding.
"There is this ninja. We need to get out of here." He tried to pull you away, tripping over his limping leg "They killed a lot of them, we need to get out of here!"
Before he could try to get up again, a knife almost hit him, flying towards another box. Your brother put his body over yours to protect you when you saw a guy wearing a black, green and blue outfit. He had a mask on, with orange vizor and he had his gun pointed towards your brother. He didn't seem to have seen you yet since Preston was serving as a shield.
You went in front of Preston that immediately tried to put you behind him again, but you stood your ground, protecting your brother with your body, arms open. The ninja seemed to freeze, his gun pointing towards you for a second before he put the gun away. Your brother was pleading for him to be killed, not you, but the ninja's eyes were on you the whole time. He seemed stuck since you appeared, unsure what to do and a sense of familiarity run in your body. You assumed the adrenaline pumping in your veins was the reason you weren't scared.
"You done in there, Vigilante?"
Helmet guy appeared behind the boxes, getting to ninja's side. Vigilante. His name was Vigilante. Helmet guy looked back at you two and Vigilante, with expectation.
"What are you waiting for? The cops are gonna appear soon. We have to go!"
Vigilante didn't answer the man, shaking his head, giving a good look towards you before tapping his partner on the arm, signaling to the opposite side, and disappearing behind the boxes. Helmet guy seemed confused but followed without a question.
You turned to your brother and he seemed shocked and confused. The police sirens were getting close so you grabbed him by his side and dragged him to your car.
"I don't get it. They were killing everyone around here."
You didn't answer focusing on taking your younger brother to a hospital as fast as you could.
Adrian entered the hospital, rushing to the emergency room. You were holding your legs with your arms, staring at the floor, your mind somewhere else. Adrian ran towards you, kneeling to hug you.
"Is he okay? Is Preston okay?"
"Yeah. Cuts aren't as bad, not even the one in his belly, and seem someone gave him a good black eye. But he is expected to survive."
Adrian sighed, throwing himself on the chair to your side. You had called Adrian when you were driving, sobbing that Preston got himself into a bad situation again, asking for him to meet you at ER. Adrian still had the Fennel Fields uniform on him and seemed that he came running from there.
"You gotta talk with Preston." Adrian stated, slowly.
"I fucking know it. He calls me in the middle of the night and he is helping a drug-dealing scheme? Like, he doesn't care about himself at all. I don't want to think what could have happened if I wasn't there."
"The Vigilante dude?"
"Yeah. Preston said he attacked a front and helmet guy, named Peacemaker, attacked them on another front. I think they were working together."
"I see."
Adrian got unusually quiet, rubbing your back. You rubbed your eyes, nestling close to Adrian.
"I don't even want to think what could have happened if I wasn't there."
"It is true! Vigilante was about to kill him. He was gonna kill him, then he saw me and he just froze, for some reason. It is like we knew each other! Then all of sudden he left and this Peacemaker followed!"
The realization finally kicked in how close you got to your death. You were thanking whatever was the reason for Vigilante to back off or else you would have been killed.
"I am sure I looked like I didn't belong there and he thought well, this is one is protecting the other one. Has something noble on it."
"Adrian, are you listening to me?"
"Yes, I am. It is just...you should have messaged me as soon as you got the call. You should have told me!"
"I wasn't thinking. My brother was in danger and I went on commando, I guess. Sibling instinct?"
"I am just glad you are safe." He whispered, kissing the top of your head multiple times.
"Me too. And I hope I never see that Vigilante guy again."
Adrian kept holding you until a doctor came out to say your brother was okay and he was going to be discharged soon. Adrian helped put your brother in the car and went to the other window to talk with you.
"I gotta go back to work. Give information to why I ran in the middle of the shift."
"I am sorry, bro."
"You should be, Preston. Just don't get into any more troubles tonight, or I gotta kill you, you heard me?"
"Loud and clear."
Adrian rubbed your cheek, affectionately. You seemed so lost and alone and he had to leave you alone that night.
"Call me if you need anything. I love you."
"Love you too."
They both drove away, with you watching Adrian through your rear mirror until you turned right. Adrian sighed, walking towards Chris Smith's car. Chris was watching the whole situation unfold, baffled, not wearing his helmet any more.
"So you got someone Adrian Chase and only now I know this? Fuck, wait until Economos hears this."
"It is their brother. Their brother probably has it, if they couldn't find it."
Chris has never seen Adrian like this. Usually, he was the silly one, making light of the situation. Now his body was all tense and there was no trace of goofiness on him. All his Vigilante stuff was in the back and even Eagly was very quiet, feeling the tension in the air.
"Fuck, dude. What do you want to do, then?"
"I have no idea. Fucking shitty shit thing!"
Chris started driving in direction of Adrian's house while he grabbed his phone, thinking if he shouldn't text Leota for help.
"What you are doing?"
"Begging Leota to ask her mom to not send any killer to my lover's house?"
"I am sure none of them know it yet. We were the only ones there! We will think of something. Trust me on this."
Adrian pondered, putting his phone back in the pocket. He trusted Peacemaker with his life, but you and Preston were on another level. He was sure he was the one cutting Preston and lucky that Preston decided to run away. He could have killed the boy. It was already hard enough to hide his double life, looking out for Preston when he could and now, you were also in the middle of this shit. He would have to find a way to take you out of this mess.
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Sebastian x Reader | ☁️ | 1.8k
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A chime from your phone jolted your attention off your screen. 
It was that time of the day already. Even though you heard this notification every single day, you were always startled by it. 
The sound of your freedom. 
Turning back to your desktop screen, you skimmed over the information once more. Hopefully it was error free - you managed to keep up your zero-tolerance policy for mistakes to get this far, no messing up now. Hitting save, your mouse flew across the screen to shut down your computer.
Grabbing your favourite travel mug and shoving it into your bag, you stood up, feeling the stretch in, well, everything. Your eyes drifted over the walls of your cubical, spying the dull grey walls of the office you worked in. Nothing but the sounds of typing and quiet murmurs filled the efficiency focused workspace. 
Just another typical day for you.
You wondered if the sun had already set - the lack of windows made the place feel like a prison. If the building was a prison, you were their captive. Locked up in the daily grind lifestyle.
At least the pay was decent.
Tossing on your jacket and picking up your bag, you checked over your phone notifications as your feet moved on autopilot towards the exit.
“Done for the day, (Y/N)?”
Your co-worker’s voice made you pause right before the door. 
“Yup,” you responded with a plastered on smile. What was their name again? “Are you?”
“Got to work overtime today.”
“Ahh, good luck. Keep up the good work.”
“Thanks. Have a good night.”
You immediately picked up your pace and your fake smile disappeared. One awkward encounter was more than enough. Your exhausted brain still had no idea what their name was. It probably started with a... G? Maybe? 
As sad as it was, they didn’t really matter. Not to you anyways.
Popping into the elevator, you pressed the ground floor. Whatever energy that had been sapped out of you all day was being restored with every step you took leaving the building.
You could see the glow of the streetlights outside. Looks like the sun had set for a while now. It wouldn’t be long before the stars would come out.
Spying the company logo as you walked out, you let out a big sigh. 
Joja Corporation.
Being able to find a job that gave you a living salary as a young adult should have made you happy. You lived on your own and had a growing savings account. Not much else going on though. 
Ever since starting your life at Joja, your life had become monotonous.
Wake up. Work. Sleep. Repeat. 
Super exciting.
Work life balance? More like work was your life.
Just as you sat down in your car, your phone pinged. Pulling your phone out, you saw a cheerful notification from your mom.
‘Look what I found cleaning! You looked so happy whenever you went to visit your grandpa. Hope things are going well with work!’
Attached was a picture of you and your late grandpa on his farm - he passed away a few years ago. You admired him when you were young, he was a man who stuck to his beliefs and had the kindest heart. Time with him in Stardew Valley always felt like it moved more slowly than the city life you knew but flew by regardless.
“I wonder if things have changed,” you murmured. “It’s been years...”
Starting up your car, you started to drive home. Nights like tonight were busy, Fridays brought out the nightlife more than any other night. The lane you were in crawled forward at a turtle’s pace even at a green light.
Letting out a puff of air, you decided to do something different. Signaling and switching to right lane, you drove without braking for a while. Gliding on the quiet roads heading out of the city, the serene darkness welcomed you with open arms. Letting the city disappear behind you along with all the uncertainties. 
You finally started to slow down when you approached the familiar outlook point that let you see the city from afar.
Even from where you were, you could see the Joja Corporation company you worked at.
What did it take to make the company disappear?
Parking, you turned off your engine and stepped out of your car. Nature’s silence greeted your ears as the crickets’ quiet chirped and the breezes tickled the grass. Sitting on the hood of your car, you leaned back to rest on your elbows as you stared at the night sky with the moon and stars watching from above.
“Something needs to change,” you declared to yourself.
Saying the words out loud made it feel more real. Confirmed. 
You were young and could have a bright future ahead of you. Why were you letting Joja take your excitement for living away?
You weren’t sure how long it had been, but the sound of a motorcycle approaching caught your attention. Keeping your eyes on the sky, you listened as the motorcycle stopped nearby. As their engine cut off, the sound of footsteps crunching on gravel filled the air instead. 
Everything fell back silent for a few minutes. Both knowing that each other were there but not saying anything to each other. 
After a while, the footsteps started to approach you. The person had moved so that they were right next to you, leaning against your car as well.
“So you’re here tonight too,” he said, greeting you. “Didn’t think I’d see you.”
You tilted your head to the side to look at him. “Nice to see you too, Seb.”
The corner of his lip moved upward, as a smile grew on his face. The moon captured his gentle features, not letting the darkness hide any of his surreal charm.
Meeting Sebastian was like a lucky opportunity with fate - the two of you had been complete strangers who happened to be overlooking the city nightscape when your car decided to play matchmaking by revealing a flat tire. Ever since then, Sebastian and you would meet completely by coincidence when the feeling of needing to get away from life happened.
Sitting up, you moved you head so it was resting on Sebastian’s shoulder as you let out a sigh.
“Rough day?” he asked softly. 
“Kind of. I... don’t know how to keep living life this way,” you explained. 
“You don’t mean anything... extreme, do you?”
“No, no, no... Nothing like that.”
“Ah... Good,” Sebastian responded, sounding reassured by your response as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You could feel his warmth seeping into you. Could he hear how loud your heart was around him? Hopefully not. “Office life in Zuzu City not as great as you hoped?”
You nodded. He knew you pretty well for someone you barely saw and communicated with. 
“Do you think I should quit?” you asked.
“That’s completely up to you. Don’t let yourself suffer too much.”
You laughed. What a Sebastian thing to say. The way he expressed that he cared wasn’t always through the traditional means and phrases.
“What about you then, Seb? Did you come here as a result of suffering too?”
Sebastian responded with a half shrug. “I usually hang out with my friends on a Friday night at the local pub, but something came up this week. Thought I’d take the chance to get away. I guess I am suffering from seeing you though.”
“Hey!” you exclaimed indignantly as you sat up straight.
Seb laughed. “That’s not what I meant. I’m suffering from seeing you looking so troubled.”
You offered him a smile. “How sweet of you.”
“I mean what I say, (Y/N).”
“I know.”
Staring at the distant lights, you thought about the photo your mom sent you. Stardew Valley. Your grandpa had left you his farm. A few years back when you first started working at Joja Corporation, you had opened the letter your grandpa addressed to you. Back then, you thought giving the office job a try would be an okay alternative. The farm now felt like a good alternative. 
This was a big decision though. You didn’t want to make a decision on the spot.
The boy hummed in response.
“Have you ever been somewhere with someone and everything just feels... right?”
Sebastian stiffened as he turned to look at you. “Yeah... I have.” 
Your (E/C) eyes looked at him curiously. Then your brain finally finished processing what you just said out loud - that sounded like a confession. Your cheeks immediately heated up.
“Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it that way - although, I do actually really like you, Seb.”
Your flustered response brought a rosy hue to the dark haired male’s face as well. Honestly, he thought you were absolutely adorable. Even in your most uncertain moments, he appreciated how honest you were. Interweaving your fingers together, he gently bumped his shoulder with yours.
“Go on,” he encouraged.
Heart racing from the unexpected confession you expressed, you tried to reorganize your thoughts within your scrambled brain. Unable to look at Sebastian, you turned your gaze up to the night sky and gave his hand a little squeeze.
“I used to visit my grandpa a lot over summer break when I was young,” you began. “He passed away years ago, but I inherited his old farm. I’m just thinking, I move away from Zuzu City to live in the countryside. Have you ever heard of Pelican Town in Stardew Valley?”
Sebastian seemed to have frozen up when you mentioned Stardew Valley. 
“Yeah... I’m actually from Stardew.”
Wait - what?
You quickly turned to look at him. “Really?!”
He nodded. “Guess I never mentioned that to you. But if you think you really need a change of scenery from Zuzu City, Pelican Town is feels like a different world entirely.”
You thought back to the idyllic days you had spent with your grandpa in the past. Seb was right, it was so different from the world you were living in Zuzu City.
“I’m sure not everything is different,” you said, thinking out loud. A bright smile appeared on your face. “You’ll be there, won’t you?”
Getting to see how beautiful you were when you were truly happy made Sebastian want to see that stunning smile of your more often. He never would have thought this unexpected friendship to blossom into something more, but he truly cherished what he had with you. 
“I’ll be there,” he affirmed. He held up your joined hands. “I’d like to be here for you whenever you need it as well.”
 “I’d appreciate that,” you softly responded. 
Sitting with Sebastian with the night sky above you and the distance city lights twinkling in the distance, you finally felt a sense of hope for the future. Perhaps the change you were waiting for had been here all along. 
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gwentoryfics · 4 years
Hot for Teacher, Part 10.
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GENRE | College Student x College Professor Smut AU
PAIRING | Reader x Hongseok x Hyunggu (Kino) x Wooseok
WORDS | 11.3k
SUMMARY | You never realized how much one drunken night could color the rest of your college experience until you discover that the handsome stranger from your cousin’s wedding is also the new professor at your university.
WARNINGS | Swearing. Phone sex. Video sex. Masturbation (male and female). Pillow humping.
PARTS | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 5.5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • More Coming Soon
NOTE | The smut MAY have gotten a little out of hand this time... NO REGERTS. Also sorry that it took me so long to finally finish & post this. Anxiety, depression, and long work weeks really suck.
TAGS | @astralsweetness, @bearboyunho, @day6grams, @heyheydee7, @hhhongseok, @honeyutoda, @kkxn0, @precious-seungwooya, @seraplantery, @smilechannie​, @the-deviant-world, @yeosang-ponytail​
You’re completely frozen in place as you stare at your brother, as bright eyed as he’s ever been, standing just across the lobby. He stands on his tiptoes to wave as people pass between you both, and then he’s walking towards you.
Jinho, your big brother, is here. He’s right here.
You finally break out of your shock, vision growing blurry with tears as you rush towards him, abandoning your grip on your suitcase as soon as he pulls you into a hug.
“_____, I missed you!” Jinho squeezes you tightly, and you notice his body is much more solid than it used to be.
“Jinho…” You weakly whimper his name as the tears begin to fall, still in utter disbelief that after so long you finally get the chance to see him again. You haven’t heard a word from him since the day he disappeared. 
“Come on, _____, don’t cry.” He pats your back but doesn’t make any attempt to let you go. 
Even with your arms securely wrapped around him, you still can't comprehend the fact that he's here and he's alive and he's here.
Jinho waits until you finally release him, giving you all the time you need to hold him close. He gives you the warmest smile, and as much as it soothes you, it also makes you suddenly, incredibly angry.
"Where did you go?" You ask, frustration thick in your voice. "Why did you leave? Why haven't I heard anything from you?"
Jinho's smile fades, but he seems understanding of your pain. "Let's talk about it in the car, okay?"
You nod, overwhelmed by all of the emotions flooding you. Jinho grabs the handle of your bag and leads you out into the parking lot. You tightly grasp the sleeve of his coat as you walk together, afraid that he could slip away from you at any moment.
Once you’re finally on the road and headed home, he speaks up. “You know how mom and dad wanted you to be a secretary? Or a housewife? They’ve been telling you basically since you could walk that they already decided what you should do with your life and that their plan was the best plan. Right?”
You hum quietly in agreement. They had always been vocal about what they wanted for you.
“They did that to me, too, I’m sure you remember.”
“Yeah, I lost count of the number of times I heard them telling family and neighbors about how you were going to take over the farm one day.”
“It’s suffocating. It felt like I had no control over my life, like I couldn’t actually do what I wanted to do.”
“What did you want to do?”
Jinho sighs, shifting in his seat as you coast down the street, headed for the country. “I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I still don’t. All I knew was that I wanted to make my own decision. So I joined the Army.”
Your eyes widen and you sit up a little straighter, surprised. “What?”
Jinho lets out a short laugh at your response. “Yeah, it just seemed like the right way to go. I didn’t have a plan for university or for a career, so I thought joining the Army would let me get away from home for a while, let me meet some new people.”
“Jinho, how does that make any sense? You left home because you had no freedom, so you joined the Army, where you also have no freedom?”
“I never said it was a good idea, or even the right one. But it’s the choice I made. I got to make that decision,” Jinho responds bitterly. A little softer, he says, “I didn’t have the balls you have to uproot your whole life in pursuit of a passion, to tell mom and dad that you won’t do as they say. So I just had to leave, had to disappear.”
You chew on your lip, processing everything he’s shared with you, but one question remains: “Why did you have to abandon me, too?”
“It felt like the only way. It felt like I needed full separation from my life here, and you were unfortunately part of that. I feel awful about it and I never should have removed myself from your life like that. You’re my little sister,” He looks over at you fondly, but it’s bittersweet. “And I’m your big brother. I’m supposed to be there for you but I was selfish and left you to fend for yourself. I am so, so sorry for that.”
You hate to admit it, but you understand where he’s coming from. It makes sense. You just hate that it made you feel so shitty and like you didn’t mean anything to him. But you’ve always loved your big brother, and honestly you’re so happy to have him back that it’s feeling more and more difficult to continue being upset with him. Still, you put on a pout. “Maybe if you buy me some ice cream before we get home, I’ll think about forgiving you.”
“You’ve got it. One large chocolate cone for my favorite baby sister, comin’ right up.” He heartily agrees to it, and you smile.
“How long are you home for?”
“It’s indefinite. I’m done with the Army.”
“Really? What are you going to do now?”
Jinho laughs. “No idea. But that’s kind of freeing. Like I can just decide to do anything now.”
“That’s true,” you laugh with him. “And no matter what you end up choosing, I’m proud of you for figuring it out your own way.”
With a fond smile, he says, “Thanks, _____. And I’m proud of you for following your heart and doing what you love, despite whatever bullshit mom and dad try to shove down our throats.”
Oh, if only he knew just how much you’ve been following your heart… But you’re not ready to tell him all of that right now, if at all. The two of you used to be really close growing up, but him leaving obviously drove a pretty big wedge between you. It doesn’t feel right to tell him exactly what you’ve been up to at school.
Besides, it feels really nice to just let yourself get away from the drama, to just relax in the car with your brother on your way home, with the promise of ice cream in the very near future. You want to enjoy this just a little while longer before you’re forced back into contemplating your predicament.
All of the boys in your life can wait. The only one that matters right now is Jinho.
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When you finally pull into the driveway, it feels like a weight lifts up off of your shoulders. It’s so good to be home; you love the excitement of the city, but there’s something so peaceful about the small farm town where you grew up.
Your parents are both thrilled to have you home, of course, and the four of you stay up a little too late just to enjoy being a full family again. Regardless of the circumstances of Jinho’s disappearance, it doesn’t seem like your parents are holding any grudges. You’re really thankful for that.
The next day, the Thanksgiving festivities kick off with a trip to your grandparents’ house where your dad’s large family crowds around the tables in the living room, dining room, and kitchen. The food is incredible, the relatives are loud, and everything just feels right… Although you can’t help but be excited about moving on to the next house for dinner.
After a few hours of eating and visiting with your relatives, your family piles back into the car and heads to your mom’s brother’s place--more specifically, Minseo’s childhood home.
As expected, Minseo tackles you as soon as you walk in the door, smothering you with a hug and squealing about how much she missed you.
You squeeze her as tight as you can, twirling in circles with her in your arms. “I missed you too! We have so much to catch up on!”
“Oh my God, you have no idea.” Minseo puts her mouth right up against your ear and whispers, “I’ve got a boyfriend.”
“What?” You practically squeak, partially from the surprise of her announcement and partially from the tickle of her breath. You release her from the hug and grip her arms. “Who? Since when? What happened?”
“I can’t get into it now because the whole family’s here and honestly my parents are not thrilled that I’ve even been hanging out with this guy. But what do you think about a good old fashioned sleepover at your place tonight?”
“Of course!” You nod excitedly. 
“Yay! Okay cool.” She plants a kiss on your cheek and gives you one last hug. “I’m gonna go say hi to Jinho, since I haven’t seen him yet since he’s been back.”
You remember that she was supposed to pick you up from the train station. “When did you find out that he was home? I can’t even begin to tell you how shocked I was to see him at the train station instead of you.”
“Only a few days before you got here. He got my number from your mom and asked if he could pick you up instead. I told him yes, of course, but only if he bought me ice cream to make up for the fact that he was keeping you away from me for an additional day. I still need to cash in on that.”
With a giggle, you admit, “I made him buy me ice cream too, as an apology for disappearing in the first place.” 
“What else is he good for if he isn’t supplying us with snacks?” Minseo laughs heartily. “Anyway, I love you, and I’m excited to chat more tonight.”
“Love you, too.” You give her a smile as she walks off to greet your brother.
More family members arrive, and eventually you all get settled for dinner. The food is delicious, as it always is, and you mingle with some of your aunts after the meal.
As you scan your eyes across the living room, you catch Jiyoo's gaze for what must be the fifth time already. Honestly, you're starting to wonder why she hasn't just come over to say hello yet. You excuse yourself from the conversation your aunts are having, which you weren't really a part of anyway, and slip through the room to finally greet your cousin.
"Hey, Jiyoo!" You walk right up and give her a hug. "How's the married life?"
She lightly hugs you back, but she seems a little stiff. "Oh, you know, it's going well. Hey, um, can I talk to you for a sec?"
You let go, immediately sensing that something must be wrong by the way she just dismisses . "Yeah, of course. What is it?"
"Maybe let's…" She nods her head towards the back door. "Maybe some fresh air?"
"Sure, okay." You agree, deciding to just follow her lead on this one.
The cold night air instantly hits you as soon as you step foot outside, but it's actually kind of refreshing. The house was getting a little stuffy because of all of your relatives, anyway.
Jiyoo takes a seat in one of the lawn chairs sitting out there and gestures for you to sit in the one next to her. You oblige. "Is everything okay?"
She finally confronts you, asking, “Did you really sleep with Hongseok?”
Panic strikes deep into the core of your bones. How could she know? “Sorry, what?”
“He told Hwitaek and I overheard and I just… I thought we should talk about it.”
“He? He told… Hwitaek?” You’re absolutely flabbergasted. Why would he do that? Was he just bothered by the way you ran out and needed to talk to a friend? That wouldn’t be entirely unfair of him, but you had both agreed to keep it a secret originally and you assumed that still rang true for your most recent tryst.
“Hey, it’s okay, just… just be honest. If he’s just talking shit about you, you can let me know and I’ll set the record straight.” Jiyoo searches your face for a sign of the truth, concern lining her delicate features.
You try to swallow the lump that’s formed in your throat. This is certainly not something you wanted to tackle tonight, but you suppose you don’t have much choice if she already knows about it. “...And if he’s telling the truth?”
Jiyoo’s lips press into a thin line. “Then I guess I just need to accept that my baby cousin isn’t that much of a baby anymore.”
With a frown, you apologize. “I’m really sorry… I know it was a bad idea but I just…”
“You couldn’t help it. I get it.” Jiyoo lets out a deep sigh. “Honestly, that’s how I was when I met Hwitaek.”
You look to her expectantly. “I’ve never actually heard the story.”
Jiyoo hums and crosses her legs, settling back into her chair. “We were both bio chem majors, so I saw him around quite a lot. He has sort of a distinct face, one that’s really memorable. And he used to always wear these big headphones everywhere he went. I always wondered what he would listen to.” She smiles as she fondly reminisces. “I used to work at the computer lab in the science building part-time, and one day he passed by. And just as I turned around in my chair to tell my coworker about the cute Headphones Guy, he walked right up to the desk.”
You smile, enraptured by her storytelling. “Did he ask you out?”
“Don’t rush the story!” Jiyoo chides. “No, that’s actually not why he came back. He asked me if I knew what time the building closed, and I said I wasn’t sure. And then he gave me this weird look and laughed, saying, ‘What do you mean? You work here. How do you not know what time the building closes?’ I felt like an idiot, but I just told him that I knew when the lab closed, but that I didn’t know if the building closed at the same time. I didn’t think it was that crazy, but he did, apparently.”
“Wow, that’s very romantic,” you sarcastically comment with a chuckle.
“Yeah, it might not have been a great start, but the thing is, he stayed right there at my desk and talked to me for an hour and a half until my shift was over. And then he walked me to my dorm building. And then he came upstairs, and I’m sure you can guess where this is headed.” She smiles at you deviously.
With a laugh, you respond, “Really? You gave it up that quickly? I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”
“_____, you’ve seen him. I took one look at him and I was enamored. Add his dorky personality on top of that and I was practically telling him I loved him that night.” Even in the darkness of the backyard, you’re positive that she’s blushing. “And now look at us. He’s the love of my life and I wouldn’t give him up for the world. So all of this to say, I absolutely understand how there are certain people that you just can’t resist.”
You just nod. “It’s definitely difficult.”
“So how have you been handling the semester?”
“I mean, I tried to keep things between us as normal as possible but obviously that didn’t really work out, as you’re apparently aware,” you laugh. But when you look over at her, she just looks at you quizzically.
“What do you mean?”
And that’s when it dawns on you that this whole time she’s just been talking about your original hookup with Hongseok. She doesn’t know about the one that happened literally two nights ago. “Oh! Oh… oh no.”
You can’t cover for yourself in time. Jiyoo’s eyes grow wide and her mouth hangs open as she realizes exactly where the misunderstanding came from. “Did you sleep with him again?”
“I thought that’s what you were talking about!”
“_____!” Even though Jiyoo is shocked, she keeps her volume low, well aware that the entire rest of your family is packed inside. “He’s your professor!”
“You think I don’t know that?” Frustration blossoms in your chest. “And what about everything you just said? I thought you understood!”
“This is different! It’s one thing to be swept off your feet by a handsome stranger, and it’s entirely another to screw your professor!”
“Are you seriously mad about this right now?”
Jiyoo just shakes her head in disbelief. “_____… What have you done?” She falls silent, and somehow that is the worst thing that you could have received from her. She takes a deep breath and then instructs you to stay put as she disappears inside. When she returns a few moments later, Hwitaek and Minseo are in tow.
She literally brought in recruits. You immediately throw up your walls, feeling the need to defend yourself. “What’s this all about?”
Jiyoo looks at you like the concerned mother hen that she’s always been whenever you’re involved. “I think we all need to talk about how you’re handling yourself.”
Minseo’s brow furrows with confusion as she looks to Jiyoo. “What happened?”
“She slept with Hongseok again.”
Both Hwitaek and Minseo are visibly shocked by the news, but more importantly, you’re shocked by the gall that Jiyoo has to spread your personal life around like that.
Minseo’s expression melts to something that looks kind of like sadness. Before she can say anything to you, though, you shoot daggers at Jiyoo. “Why don’t we all just quit being such a gossipy family and instead just mind our own business?”
“_____-” Jiyoo tries to reach out to you, but you turn and storm off, heading towards the barn just to get a second away from everyone so that you can breathe.
You slip inside the large barn, slowing your pace as you walk past the tractors and other equipment stored there. You head directly to the back of the barn and plop down onto the floor. 
There’s something weirdly comforting about being in the barn. It reminds you of growing up, back when things were a little more simple. Your life working on the family farm hadn’t been particularly easy--it’s very challenging work--but at least back then you didn’t make such shitty decisions for how to live your life.
You barely get more than a minute of solitude before the barn door creaks open, and Hwitaek pops his head in. “_____?” He looks around for a second before he spots you. “Can I come in?”
“You’re not here to lecture me, are you?”
“Not going to lecture you. I promise.”
You chew your bottom lip. “Come in.”
Hwitaek closes the door behind him and makes the long walk over to where you’re seated. He joins you on the floor, and sits quietly for longer than you expected. Maybe he just doesn’t really know what to say. It’s not like the two of you have ever spent time together before. You chatted for, like, a second at the wedding, and that’s it.
Eventually he gets some words together. “I’m not going to apologize because it’s not my place to, but I’m sure you know that Jiyoo likes to make everything her business.”
“Not sure if you’ve seen any trends yet, but that’s kind of just how our family is.”
“I’ve noticed.” He chuckles. “Minseo has been spending a lot of time at our place recently and oh my God those two never run out of tea to spill.”
You have to laugh too because you know how true that is. “Yeah, they can be a lot. I’m sure it’s at least partially a small-town mindset. Everyone here is always in everyone else’s business and I’m just kind of over it. That’s half the reason why I wanted to get away and go to university.”
Hwitaek nods. “I can understand that. I’ve never lived in any major cities but it definitely seems like a change of pace compared to here.”
“It is. But I like it.”
Another silence falls between you, and you absentmindedly fiddle with your shoelaces as the cold starts to set in. It’s a bit awkward, but you just stew in it until he speaks up again.
Eventually he says, “Hongseok has talked to me about you. I know it’s not any of my business though so we don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to.”
“Jiyoo said he told you about… the wedding.”
“He did. And he told me how hard it has been to be around you. It sounds like he’s really been struggling with everything he’s feeling, and I shouldn’t be surprised that he caved. I even told him not to act on his impulses because clearly that introduces a lot of risk into the situation, and I didn’t think that was a good idea. He’s usually so disciplined…”
“It’s kind of my fault,” you confess. “I have zero self discipline and I just couldn’t keep myself under control.”
“Well regardless of who takes the blame, I do trust Hongseok with my life and I think he’s got a good head on his shoulders. It’s not my job to tell you two what you should or shouldn’t do, so I’m going to take a step back. He certainly doesn’t have any ulterior motives, so I don’t think it’s truly that concerning that you’re student and teacher.” He shoots you a side eye. “As long as you’re not planning to blackmail him or anything.”
You just shake your head. “I’m not like that. What happened between us has absolutely nothing to do with me wanting some sort of personal gain or anything. It’s just… he’s just attractive, that’s all.” You feel your face heat up. It feels weird to say that to Hongseok’s best friend.
“He really is. And he’s charming, too. I get why anyone would fall for him.”
You laugh awkwardly. “Who said I was falling for him?”
“Feel free to tell me you’re not, if that’s the case.” Hwitaek looks over at you, one eyebrow raised inquisitively.
You frown. You know you’re definitely attracted to him, and you enjoyed spending time with him at the exhibit, but do you have any feelings? It’s hard to tell because of the way things ended. “I don’t know. I think we just need to talk when I get back. I kind of ran away last time I saw him so there’s a lot that’s unresolved.”
“Just be honest with him when you talk, and that’ll encourage him to open up, too. There’s no point in trying to have a discussion with him if he feels like he has to watch everything he says.”
“Yeah, I think some honesty would probably be good for us.”
“No matter what you two decide about where to go from here, it’s up to you two. Just know that there might be consequences, so be careful. And I’ll do my best to keep Jiyoo out of it.”
“Thanks, Hwitaek.” You give him a small smile. “I appreciate your support.”
“Of course. He’s my best friend and I want him to be happy. It’s risky, but I get it.” Hwitaek stands and holds out a hand to help you up. “Let’s head back now. It’s freezing out here and I’m dying to dig into that pumpkin pie.”
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You and Minseo sit silently on the old couch in your basement, munching on gummy candies and popcorn as an old movie plays on the TV. It’s not one that either one of you is particularly enthusiastic about, but it’s just one of the many DVDs tucked into the entertainment center the TV stands on. 
She’s been more quiet than usual since she came back to your house with you after the family dinner had ended, and you’re positive that it has to be because of the sudden announcement of your affair with Hongseok. You’ve been dying to bring it up with her, but you had to wait until Jinho finally went to bed so the two of you could be alone. 
Now that he’s gone, it’s time for you to talk.
You’re not really sure where to start, so you just ask, “Are you mad at me?”
Minseo sighs. “We always tell each other everything. Why didn’t you tell me about Hongseok? Why did you tell Jiyoo first?”
“I was going to tell you, I swear. I was planning on telling you about it tonight. Jiyoo just accidentally figured it out first because I’m a dumbass and misunderstood what she was talking about.” You lie down across the couch, resting your head in Minseo’s lap. “I’m sorry that you didn’t get to hear about it from me first but I promise I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. I was just saving it for a better time, kind of like how you didn’t want to talk about your boyfriend when we were at your parents’ house.”
Minseo rakes her fingers through your hair, and you close your eyes, pleased. “I get it. I’m sorry for being grumpy about it.”
“It’s okay. We all get grumpy. Do you want to hear about it now?”
“Duh,” she laughs. “I want every single detail. Spill.”
So you tell her everything. How he gave you the private tour of his exhibit, how you essentially invited yourself over to his apartment, how he made it pretty clear that he didn’t really want you to leave until he had his way with you. How you ran like the wind out of his apartment the next morning. And you even tell her about your trysts with Wooseok, and the fact that you’re supposed to be mulling over whether you want to date Kino when you get back to the city. And as you expect, she’s incredibly invested and interested in every single morsel of information you share with her.
“You’re really out there living your best life, huh?” She comments when you finally finish your stories. “What an exciting mess you’ve created.”
“It’s great, right?” By this point you’re seated upright again, and you lean heavily against the back of the couch, letting your head fall back against it. “I don’t know what I’m going to do about any of it.”
Minseo shrugs. “Just do what you’ve always done: follow your heart.”
“It’s so much more complicated than that, though.” You respond with a frown. “I can’t just do whatever I want anymore.”
“Well but you can. To an extent, at least. It’s your life, after all. And it’s up to you to make sure that you’re living in a way that makes you happy. It sounds like you enjoy spending time with all of the guys you’ve been around, but now you’re too stressed by the circumstances to keep enjoying it. Obviously hooking up with multiple guys and ignoring romantic feelings isn’t the answer anymore.”
“And my heart will tell me what to do now?”
“It’s a starting point. Take me and Hyojong, for instance. My parents don’t like him, but I do. He’s what makes me happy. So screw what other people think. Don’t worry about our family. Don’t worry about your friends back at school. This is totally your choice, and you get to decide what you want to do. If you’re just living your life based off of what other people want or expect from you, then you’re bound to have regrets.”
You have to admit that she’s right. You only get one life, and you’re the only one that gets to run it. So you can’t let yourself worry about what other people will think if you decide you’re interested in anything romantic with Hongseok, or Kino, or Wooseok… or how the three of them might feel if you choose not to pursue anything romantic with anyone. You have to choose for you. 
“I have to choose for me.” You nod. “This is my life and who cares what other people think?”
“Exactly! That’s the spirit.” Minseo smiles broadly. “You’ll figure it out. And whatever is right is what will happen.”
You return her smile, and refocus the conversation on Minseo. “So Hyojong? That’s your boy?”
Giddy, she nods excitedly. “Yeah. We’ve only been together for a few weeks, but _____, he is absolutely wonderful.” She pulls out her cell phone and shows you a photo of the two of them picking apples. You immediately recognize his heavy-lidded gaze and long hair.
“Really? The bartender from the wedding? Girl!” You nudge her playfully. “I knew you thought he was cute but I didn’t know that you were, like, into him into him.”
“I didn’t know either! But I’ve been spending a lot of time with Jiyoo and Hwitaek recently and Jiyoo kind of set us up, and he’s so weird and funny and cool. He’s perfect for me.”
A warm smile touches your lips. “I’m so happy for you, Minseo. That’s exactly the kind of love you deserve.”
“Thanks,” she nearly blushes. “Now we’ve just gotta get you on the same train.”
“I’ll let you know as soon as I get it figured out.” As your conversation comes to a close, you look back to the TV. “Can we please watch something else? I’m so over this movie.”
“Oh my God, I thought you’d never ask,” Minseo laughs. “Yes, please.”
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Late Friday night, you find yourself digging through your closet in search of the sheet music you know you have for “Rhapsody in Blue”. You meant to bring it with you this year but you forgot about it when you made the move back up to your dorm. You’re certain it must be in here, but you keep getting distracted by old photo albums and yearbooks and all of the other nostalgia packed into the shelves of your closet.
One of the items that catches your attention is the keepsake box that your mother put together for you. It started out as a place for you to store all of the cards you got for your birthday or holidays, but you added other random items to the box like the friendship keychain Minseo made for you when you were younger, or the small piece of wood you found that broke off of the dance floor during your school’s prom.
Inevitably, whenever you revisit the keepsake box, you find something in there that you had forgotten about. This time is no different.
When you open the small box, your eyes immediately land on the dried up flowers sitting at the very top: Hongseok’s boutonniere.
You completely forgot that you decided to keep it--your night with him was just a pleasant memory by the time you departed for school. When you had put the flowers in this box, you had no idea just how much of a story would grow.
You pick up the small bundle of withered blooms, running a finger over the dried petals until you realize something that you should have noticed before--now that the flowers have shrunk, you can very easily see the piece of paper that’s tucked in the middle of the bunch.
Gently, you pick out the paper, the dramatic beating of your heart picking up rapidly. Did he leave you a note when he gave you the boutonniere? What secret message could he have snuck to you?
As you unfold the small note, you realize he didn’t leave you a message--he left you his phone number.
Ten digits, his name, and a stupid winky face.
Part of you wants to crumple it up and throw it out the window. Rid yourself of it forever so you can stop thinking about him all the goddamn time. 
But another (and unfortunately much stronger) part of you tells yourself that this is special. This means that you were never just a random hookup to him. Well, maybe it was random, but the phone number at least implies that he wanted to see you again.
Hongseok quite literally asked you to reach out. He gave you everything you needed to establish a connection with him. 
What would have happened if you had called? Would he have wanted to take you out on a date? Would he have asked you to get all dolled up again, just like you did that night, just so he could ruin you? 
And more importantly… what would he do if you call him now?
There’s so much that was left unsaid between you and him after you ran out. You have a million questions. And for some reason, you’re feeling stupidly brave right now. (You blame it on the dumb winky face.)
You jump onto your bed and grab your phone, your hands shaking as you pull up the dialpad. Are you really about to do this?
You punch in his number.
You press the damn green button.
You hold the phone up to your ear, pulse racing at the sound of the ringing.
And then he answers.
“Hello?” His voice alone sends something terribly wonderful shooting through your veins.
“Hi.” You answer simply, not really sure what to say.
Hongseok pauses for a moment, and then he says, “Sorry, who is this?”
Idiot. He doesn’t have your number. “Oh, right, um, it’s me. _____.” 
He pauses for a longer moment, and you worry he might hang up on you altogether. 
“Um, so I’m home right now for Thanksgiving, and I… I found the flowers. And your number.”
“I’m not sure this is appropriate.”
A bitter frown reaches your lips at his response. “Really? That’s all you have to say?”
“Well what do you want me to say, _____? What am I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know!” You’re starting to feel exasperated, but you remind yourself that your rushed exit could be the cause of his attitude. More calmly, you say, “I’m sorry that I left like that. I just panicked and I had to get out of there. I’ve felt so confused about everything.”
“I suppose I can’t blame you for that.” Hongseok sighs gently. “We sure have made things confusing, haven’t we?”
You nod, and then realize he can’t see the gesture. “Yeah. We really have.”
“Can you give me a minute? Just stay on the line.”
You hum in acknowledgement and the call goes completely silent. Your pulse is through the roof, equal parts excited to be speaking with him over the phone and fatally nervous to be speaking with him over the phone.
After a little while, his voice is back. “Still there?”
“I am.”
“Thank you for not leaving this time.”
You let out a small laugh to accompany your eye roll. “Was that all a test?”
“Not exactly.” Hongseok chuckles in tune with you. “I just needed a second to get myself a drink before having this conversation.”
“Ah. You think it’s going to be that bad?”
“For my career, probably. Or my sanity, at the very least.”
It’s pleasantly surprising to you how quickly he drops his guard this time. “I drive you that crazy, huh?”
“Yeah.” He admits. “Yeah, you do.”
Now it’s your turn to be silent. You hadn’t expected him to so openly admit that.
“I have to ask…” He starts. “I thought maybe you just lost the boutonniere or that my phone number fell out, and that’s why you didn’t call. But you kept both of those things. So… why didn’t you?”
“Hongseok, you folded the paper up so small and you tucked it so far into the flowers that I had no idea it was even in there. I just saved the flowers because… I don’t know, they had a good memory attached. I didn’t even see the paper until now because the flowers finally wilted enough to expose it.”
“Was it really that small?”
“You folded it four times,” you laugh. “Once or twice would have sufficed. And you could have just handed it to me separately. I don’t know why you were so sneaky about it.”
“I thought it would be a cute gesture!” He defends himself. “I was just trying to be romantic.”
“You had the right idea. And hey, I called you eventually.”
“Yeah, just not under the circumstances I expected.”
There’s a thick pause, the silence heavy between you. You know exactly where this conversation should go, but you’re scared to be the one to bring it all up. The longer the silence goes on, though, the more you realize you just need to suck it up and ask the questions you want answers to.
“...How do you feel? About what we did?” You try to keep your voice steady to hide your nervousness. Then you tack on, “I think now would be a good time for us to start being honest with each other.”
He exhales deeply. “I’m not sure that I’ve ever felt more conflicted about something in my life. I’ve spent the last few months preaching to you about morals, and then I brought you into my home, fully aware of the Kryptonite that you are.”
You can’t let him take all of the blame for what happened. You say, “I’m the one that suggested it.”
“Yeah, why did you do that?”
“Because I thought I had something to prove. I swear I wasn’t trying to be sneaky. I genuinely thought that I just needed to one-up your car ride suggestion to show you how okay things were between us.”
“But now here we are.” Another pause, but this one isn’t as long as he willingly confesses to you, “I hate that you left. I absolutely hated it.”
“I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have run out like that.” You apologize, but there’s more you want to say. “But… I’m not sorry about what we did."
There. You admit it. As much as you felt the need to apologize to Jiyoo about your behavior the other night, it was empty. You don’t regret it. And if you had the chance to sleep with Hongseok again, you'd do it. It might be wrong, but you honestly couldn't care less. Especially now that you're talking to him, hearing his sweet voice and remembering the way he touched you.
Quietly, he responds, "That makes things quite complicated, doesn't it?"
"How do you feel about it?" You press him, feeling like tonight is the night he’ll actually be frank with you about what he’s thinking.
"It was careless of me to let you into my home, and even more careless of me to give in to my desires. I genuinely thought I could handle being around you, but I can't. I can't be around you, _____. You're far too much of a temptation."
"You say you can't. But you want to be," you push. You're getting him to open up one way or another.
And it works.
"Yes, _____, I want to be around you. Is that what you want to hear?"
"Only if it's the truth."
"It is." Frustration is sharp in his voice. "I've been a wreck thinking about you since you left. I've been absolutely torn up trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do now and wondering how you’ll act in class, if you’ll even show up. And now you just call me out of the blue? Do you know how badly I wanted you to call me this summer?"
You answer with your own question, keeping your voice soft. "I called you as soon as I found your number, didn't I? I swear I would have called you in a heartbeat if I had seen it sooner."
He sighs deeply. "Can you imagine how much harder this semester would have been, though? It was hard enough for us to stay apart this long, and that's after sleeping together only once this summer. We could have potentially built up a lot more… history before the semester started if things had gone differently."
"So you're saying you would have slept with me again if I had called you the next day?" A coy smile comes to your lips and you grip the comforter on your bed.
"If you called me, and that's what you wanted, then of course."
"And the day after that?"
He laughs. "As often as you wanted."
Butterflies stir deep within you. "...and what about now?"
Hongseok is quiet for what feels like a century before he responds. "What is it that you want?"
You bite your lower lip, knowing exactly what you want to say but trying to get up the courage to speak it. Eventually you just force it out. "I want to see you when I'm back from break."
"When do you get back?"
"Sunday afternoon."
"Come over then. I'll be home."
Incredible excitement pulses through you. He's done fighting it. He has given in just as much as you have.
"You'll have to text me your address," you coolly respond.
"I'll do that."
Quiet falls over the line, and you know that there's still something else you need to talk about. "What does all of this mean when it comes to class? It's too late for me to drop and honestly, you haven't done a great job of giving me unbiased grades anyway. You're too good at math for that to have been an accident every time."
"You're right about that, and I apologize again. You, on the other hand, have done a wonderful job keeping me honest."
"Why did you boost my grades, anyway?"
"Because I knew you'd come storming into my office to get it fixed."
"So what, you just wanted to see me?"
"I did."
"You know that was a terrible plan, right?"
"Yes, I'm aware."
"You've really got it bad," you joke. But there's a little bit of weight to it, just a touch of truth.
"And you don't?" He replies, and you feel the same weight in his voice.
You let yourself respond flirtatiously. "How can I not?"
Hongseok lets out a soft chuckle. "We've been screwed since the beginning, I think."
"Agreed," you murmur. "I knew the second I laid eyes on you that I was in trouble."
"It was that easy, huh?"
"It was mostly the tux," you lie. He gets a big ego far too easily.
"Mm. Then what was it the other night? Because I certainly wasn't wearing a tux."
You laugh and shamelessly divulge, "It was the glasses…"
"Really? Those old things?"
"They just looked so… you looked really handsome in them." The blatant compliment is rough on your tongue. It feels weird to so openly tell him that he's attractive.
"Mm," he hums. "I like hearing you say that."
Your already quick heartbeat picks up, but you don't know how to respond. So you just pick up your unfinished train of thought. "Wait, we're getting distracted. How are we going to finish this semester?"
"I swear on my life that I will give you a fair grade. I won't boost it in your favor just to prove my interest, and I also won't lower it if you decide you want nothing to do with me. I understand that I gravely mishandled the first part of this semester, and I just need you to trust that I'll do better this time."
You frown a little. "I want to trust you on that. It at least makes me feel a little better that you were always willing to fix my grade when I told you there was an issue."
"And if you have any further complaints about your grade, we can discuss it. That is always the truth."
"Okay. That makes me feel better." You breathe a little easier. 
"And of course, it goes without saying that this should remain between just the two of us."
You sigh heavily. "Then I'm just gonna come clean right now and let you know that Jiyoo and Hwitaek already know."
"You told them?" Hongseok sounds rigid as ever, and you hope you didn’t just ruin his pleasant attitude by telling him that.
"It was an accident! Jiyoo came up to me spouting about how she knows about everything because you blabbed before, and I thought she meant everything everything, so I accidentally said more than I should have. In my defense, I'm obviously not the first one to talk to them about it so I'd appreciate it if you weren't too harsh about this."
He takes a deep breath, and you hear the clink of ice in his glass as he takes a drink. "They really are nosey--well, Jiyoo, mostly. Hwitaek just gets sucked in."
"She's always been that way," you confide.
Hongseok actually chuckles. "That doesn't surprise me."
"It's still kind of weird to me that you know them so well. And then you ended up being my professor? What are the odds?"
"Mmm… I’d say about one in twenty-seven million, nine-hundred-sixty-seven thousand, six-hundred-thirty-two or so."
You laugh in disbelief. "Don’t tell me that you legitimately just did that math in your head.”
“I mean, I can only take partial credit for that because no, I didn’t do the exact math for our situation. I don’t even know how to start calculating that. But I do know that the average probability of winning a six-number lottery is thirteen million, nine-hundred-eighty-three thousand, eight-hundred-sixteen, and I figure our situation is probably even more rare than that, so I just doubled it. That figure is probably still too low, though.”
“Oh my God,” you just shake your head, laughing. “You’re absurd. You just know the exact probability of winning the lottery? And you just did all of that multiplication in your head? Who does that?”
“I do, _____. I’m a mathematical genius.” Hongseok sounds so serious that you can’t help but laugh a little harder, and he laughs right along with you. "It really is unreal, though. I had no idea that I would cross paths with you at the university,” he continues. “Do you feel okay with all of this?"
"Yeah, I do.” You start to regain your composure. “I feel much better now that we're talking."
"Good. I want you to feel okay, especially if we both want to… move forward with any kind of relations."
You have to roll your eyes at his choice of words. "'Relations'? That's what you went with?"
"Ah, yes. 'Rendezvous' would have been better."
"Oh my God, you're an idiot," you laugh wholeheartedly. 
He chuckles quietly. "What should I say, then? What do you think is more appropriate?"
"Maybe hook-up?" You offer. "Or… bang sesh? Fuck fest?"
That elicits deeper laughter from him. "All good options, I suppose."
"Or if you wanted something a little softer… maybe… a date?"
"I like that suggestion." His voice is warm when he responds, and then more quietly he says, "I was afraid that I ruined everything because of the way you ran out. I thought I went too far and made you regret the whole thing."
Butterflies stir deep in your belly. "You didn't ruin a thing. But I was definitely surprised when you kissed me. And… you said you couldn't stop thinking about me. I had no idea."
"I've spent more time thinking about you than I'd care to admit, if I'm being honest."
You let yourself smile broadly when he says that. It's not like he can see you grinning like a fool, anyway. "What would you think about?" You prod.
"Most of the time, it's your eyes."
"They're so intense, and so honest. It’s unbelievably easy to feel connected to you because of that, even when you’re mad or upset." He softly muses. "And when I'm not thinking about your eyes, I'm thinking about the way you danced with me at the wedding reception. Or the incredible music you make when you sit down at the piano. Your passion is truly amazing."
You appreciate the compliment, but that's not really the type of conversation you're trying to have right now. "And what about when you're alone? What do you think about when you think of me then?"
"Are you looking for something a little more R-rated? Is that what you want?" He teases you. 
You sink a little lower into your bed, humming quietly in agreement. 
"Those are the times when I think about the curve of your body, your clothes on the floor, you pinned under me." He confidently responds.
"Mm… Are you alone now?"
"I am." He responds darkly. "So yes, those are the thoughts currently going through my head."
A delicious flame of pleasure licks at the space between your thighs, and you drag your fingers subconsciously across your throat. "I have very similar thoughts… like thinking about your face buried between my legs." You don't allow yourself to be embarrassed by the bold statement--you're too turned on to think critically, anyway.
“Just you wait until Sunday, _____.” The mellow timbre of his voice has taken on some edge. “I have to warn you, though. I can’t guarantee that I’ll let you leave once you get here.”
“I want you to wreck me, Hongseok. Just absolutely demolish me when I get there.” Your voice becomes increasingly breathy as your hand slides up under your shirt, pushing your bra out of the way and toying with your nipples. Christ, what you wouldn’t do to replace your hand with his right now.
“If you’re going to keep talking like that, I think that can certainly be arranged.”
Pinching your nipple, you let out a soft gasp. All rational thought is very quickly going out the window as your need for release quickly takes over.
“_____, are you touching yourself?”
You know your noises aren’t quiet enough to prevent getting caught, but you’re also not at all guilty about being caught. You let your voice be sultry. “What if I am?”
“Then I just might have to join you,” Hongseok responds, fucking cool as a cucumber like always.
Your stomach twists into a delicious knot--you’d love nothing more than to masturbate with him over the phone. But before you get too carried away, there are a few things you want to take care of first. You abandon your chest, fumbling for the headphones that lie tangled up on your nightstand, knowing that you’re going to want both of your hands free for this. You also stuff a blanket along the bottom of your bedroom door to block the light coming from your room and help muffle any sound--your family should all be asleep by now, but it doesn’t hurt to be careful.
“You always get me thinking about things I shouldn’t be thinking.” His voice comes through your headphones loud and clear, and your phone buzzes in your hand with the receipt of a text message. “Check your phone.”
You quickly realize the message is from him, and as soon as you open the message, you swallow hard. Hongseok sent you a picture of himself lounging in bed, in nothing but low-slung sweatpants. At the top of the frame you can just barely make out his teeth biting into his plush lower lip, and his muscular abdomen takes up the majority of the screen. But perhaps the most important and eye-catching piece of the whole photo is the unmistakable outline of his hard cock through the fabric of his sweats, emphasized by his hand holding the base and pulling his pants tight against his erection. You have no doubt that he must have taken photos like this a thousand times before because no one is that good at taking sexy shots without some practice.
“F-fuck,” you mumble, completely caught off-guard by the photo. Every thought you have is some combination of you wanting to kiss or lick or bite or suck every inch of him, and you try your hardest to form a coherent sentence. “Oh my God, you’re such a tease.”
“You don’t like it?”
“No it’s fucking amazing but Christ, what am I supposed to do with this?”
“Well if you’re open to suggestions, you could maybe send something back.”
You pause for just a second, contemplating, and then respond. “Okay, hold on.”
You know that getting a good photo could easily take you twenty minutes, so you reserve yourself to the fact that you’re just going to have to settle for whatever you can get in the next sixty seconds. You quickly shimmy out of your sweatpants so you’re just in your blue cotton underwear and a graphic tee. You pull up the hem of the shirt to expose a little of your tummy, and then try to snap a picture similar to his. It’s not quite enough, though, so at the last second you decide to slip your fingers into your panties, pulling the band down with your thumb to show off some extra skin.
There. That’s the shot.
“Okay, I’m sending it,” you tell him quietly, your hand oddly shaky as you press Send. 
He hums softly in acknowledgement, and you hear him suck in a breath as soon as he opens the picture. “Fucking hell,” Hongseok groans. “You are so hot it is unbelievable.”
A devilish grin creeps onto your lips. You love that he’s just as floored by you as you are by him. “What are you gonna do about it?”
"For starters, I'll put that rotten mouth of yours to good use. And then--what was it? I'll wreck you. Ruin you. Demolish you. I'll pin you to the wall, the bed, the floor, and I'll stuff you with my cock until you can't think straight."
Jesus Christ this man knows just what to say. You haphazardly push your panties down, kicking them off onto the floor as your fingers graze over your slick pussy. "Too bad we have to wait a whole two days for that."
"I guess I'll just have to fill the time thinking of you and stroking my cock."
His words send a delicious shiver down your spine. "Maybe you'd like to think of how wet I am right now, how easily--aahh--how easily my fingers slip right inside." You glide one finger into your pussy, delighted by the way your nerves completely light up at the sensation. Your other hand returns to your chest, making sure your whole body is tended to.
"Fuck," he chuckles playfully. "You've got me so hard, _____."
"Ugh I just wanna ride you forever." You hear him moan quietly over the line. "Are you touching yourself, too?"
"Of course I am. How can I not when you paint such a lewd picture of yourself in my head?"
"I'm fingering myself and wishing you were here, Hongseok. I wanna be strewn out, completely wasted because I'm so drunk on you."
"Tell me what you're doing, _____."
"I've got one finger pumping slowly in and out of my pussy. My palm--nggh--is pressing against my clit. And my other hand is up my shirt, pinching my nipple. It feels so good, Hongseok, oh my God…" You start to get carried away in the pleasure you create for yourself, and you struggle to keep focused.
"I want you here so badly," Hongseok groans, and you know it's because of his pleasure. "I swear I have never in my life wanted anything as much as I want you right now."
Your heart flutters uncontrollably. How does he always manage to make these moments feel romantic? You desperately want to respond, I'm all yours if you want me to be, Hongseok, but it feels too heavy. Too laden with emotion. You swallow all of that down and respond with a much safer, "Tell me what you're doing right now, Hongseok."
"I'm thrusting my cock into my fist and desperately wishing it was your pussy instead, wishing I could fill my hands with your ass and occupy my lips with yours."
You whimper at his words. Imagining him fucking his hand drives you absolutely wild, especially when accompanied with such sweet words. And you can hear his hard breathing, his deep dulcet tones as he tells you exactly what you want to hear.
Hongseok continues, "My cock is throbbing in my hand, fuck, I wanna be inside of you so bad."
"I'm dying to feel your cock again," you moan quietly, careful to keep your volume low. As you slip in another finger, you feel the deep pressure that you know precedes some of your most amazing orgasms. Oh, this is gonna be good. "Fuck, Hongseok…"
He moans softly too, murmuring your name as he pleasures himself. "I want to feel your wet pussy squeezing my cock," he groans. "What do you think, _____?"
"I want it, Hongseok, I want you to…" You're cut off by the buzzing of your phone.
"Check your phone," Hongseok breathily commands.
You release your nipple and pick up your phone with one hand, the other coming to a standstill with two fingers still pressed inside you. Electric anticipation shoots through you at the thought of receiving another dirty photo from him.
But this time, it's not a photo.
Hongseok sent you a video.
With a shaky hand you press play, and you're immediately drowning in lust. The video shows his hand tightly gripping his cock as it moves up and down the shaft, slick with spit or lube or something. You hear him hum your name in the video's sound. 
"I want to feel your wet pussy squeezing my cock," he groaned, and it sounds even more filthy and amazing because he recorded it. And then the video shifts up his torso and to his stunningly handsome face. Hongseok stares right into the camera, flicks his tongue across his lower lip, and asks, "What do you think, _____?"
You watch it again, open-mouthed in shock and practically imploding. Not only is the video the single most sexy thing you've ever seen, but he was brave enough to send you his face? If you wanted to, you could use this video alone to turn him in to the school. He literally just handed you blackmail.
You would never, ever in a million years use this video for that purpose, though. It's just amazing to you that he would trust you so much to send you such incriminating content.
"Hongseok," you finally speak. "You are so unbelievably perfect."
"Hardly," he lets out a soft, low chuckle. "I'm just horny out of my mind right now."
"Me too, and fuck it feels so good."
"I want to see you, _____."
Your breath catches in your throat. You've never taken a video of yourself like that before, and it sends a dangerous thrill through you that he's asking for one. And as you pick up your phone, you see the call screen, and you notice that small little camera--the tiniest suggestion that you could change this call to a video call at any moment. 
And then you dare to press it.
The phone rings again as you wait for Hongseok to answer the video call, and you're wholly unprepared to see his face when he picks up.
He looks at his phone for a moment, just looking at you, and then the most beautiful smile breaks across his face. "Hey."
Every organ in your chest is an absolute wreck. "Hey," you echo. 
"This isn't quite what I expected when I said I wanted to see you, but I'll take it."
"It's convenient though, isn't it?" Your walls involuntarily clench around your fingers, reminding you of your need for release. "Let me… show you."
You lower the phone to skim down your body--although your top half is still covered by your t-shirt so you're really not showing much--and when you get down to the hand tucked between your legs, you lift one leg and wrap your arm around it to get a good shot of your pussy. Your fingers press deep into your slit, and you moan for Hongseok.
"Shit, _____, you look so good. I wish I could taste you."
You pull out your fingers and separate them, showing him the strings of your wetness that spread between your digits. "That's what you want?" And then you bring your hand and your phone up towards your face, putting on your best sultry eyes as you twirl your tongue around the tips of your fingers.
Hongseok groans, "Oh Christ," and then he shows you his cock, forcing you to plunge your fingers back inside your pussy out of sheer desperation.
"Hongseok, I wanna cum so bad," you whimper. You can feel it building deep within you, and you just need something to push you over the edge. And honestly, watching him work his cock might just be enough.
You feel absolutely depraved watching him stroke himself, curling your fingers into your pussy as you masturbate together. It's delightfully sinful and you're obsessed with the way it makes you feel. 
"Hong… Hongseok…" you moan his name, forcing your eyes to stay open so that you can keep your focus on his hard length. The coil in your abdomen tightens to its limit, and you're entirely aware that the dam is about to break. You struggle to keep your pussy in frame, as you push yourself over the edge. "Watch, watch! I'm coming…"
And just like that, your whole pussy convulses and you abruptly pull out your fingers, watching as you squirt all over your bed. It's nearly impossible to prevent your moaning, so you do your best to keep the volume down as you explode.
Hongseok sounds just as pleased as you thought he might be when you hear a string of expletives come over the line. But even his words are broken up with soft grunts and almost-moans. "I didn't know… you could do that."
"Sometimes," you laugh, quite out of breath from the water show. "Do you like it?"
"Of course I do," his hand picks up its pace. "I want to make you squirt next time."
"You can do that," you acknowledge. Even after your release, you notice that your clit isn't at all sensitive and you are still pretty turned on. So you keep your hand down there, absentmindedly rubbing circles into your bud.
It's not long before you feel the need to engage your hips. You start thrusting up against your fingers, but you want something more.
"I need your cock," you moan to him, partially convinced that his body is the only thing you’re missing. 
"I can't even tell you how badly I want to give it to you," he responds in a dark, sultry tone. On camera, he starts to thrust up into his hand instead of just stroking it, and you think it looks absolutely amazing. You thrust your hips in time with his, but you need more.
Less-than-gracefully, you climb up onto your hands and knees, propping your phone up against your headboard. He gets a nice tall shot of you kneeling on the bed, legs spread and strings of juices hanging from your pussy, and you hear him groan something about how he loves this view.
You grab your pillow and fold it in half for extra height before tucking it between your legs and spreading your folds so that your clit rubs directly against the pillowcase. You ruthlessly hump your pillow, eyes completely trained on your phone so you don't miss a second of Hongseok's jerking. 
"Christ, you're unbelievably sexy. That is so hot, _____," Hongseok groans. His hand twists the head of his cock before plunging back down the shaft, his arm muscles bulging as he quickly jerks off. You can see his cock rapidly twitching, pulsing extra hard as he approaches orgasm. 
“Think about me riding you, Hongseok,” you quietly moan, trying to encourage him to climax. “Think about burying your cock in my pussy and grabbing my hips and filling me up with your cum.”
“Is that what you want?” His breathing is ragged. “You want me to cum inside you?”
“Yes, I want it,” you confess, and you know it’s the truth. You’ve fantasized about letting him fuck you raw so he can feel every inch of you as he cums. You’re dying to know what that feels like.
“Fucking Christ…” Hongseok’s hand moves a little faster, strokes a little deeper, until it’s clear that he can’t hold back anymore. “_____…”
With just a few more pumps, Hongseok finally releases, his throaty moans accompanying each rope of cum that shoots up onto his chest. Between the sounds and the visual he provides, you simply cannot handle yourself.
“Hongseok,” you murmur his name. You continue to grind against your pillow, blissfully soaking it with your juices. The delicious tension in your abdomen is too much--it's coiled too tightly and it's going to snap any second now. 
Your eyes squeeze shut so you can better imagine Hongseok lying beneath you, his calloused hands grasping your waist as you rock and grind your hips. 
"_____, you're perfect. Fucking perfect. Ride me, _____." He seems to play along with the fantasy in your head, inching you closer until you finally break. 
Pure, blissful pleasure rushes through you like adrenaline as you orgasm, roughly dragging your clit over the cotton of your pillowcase. It takes everything in you to keep quiet, and your thighs tremble with each powerful wave.
And when you finally open your eyes, you see Hongseok watching you with so much adoration it makes you want to cry. 
"That was amazing," you pant, breathing hard from the exertion of your orgasm. 
"It was amazing to watch, too." Hongseok beams. "I am so attracted to you it kills me."
You collapse onto your bed, tossing your pillow aside and picking up your phone. Hongseok genuinely appears to be glowing, and you can't help but wonder if he sees you the same way. You just smile and say, "I can't wait to see you."
"Neither can I," he responds warmly. He takes a moment to wipe the cum off of his chest with a towel, and then he settles back into his bed, lying on his side and gazing sweetly at you through his phone. "I can't tell you how badly I want to kiss you right now."
"I wish you could. Man, you're such a good kisser."
“Sunday. I’ll kiss you all I want on Sunday.”
It’s weird how much you wish you could just reach through the phone and touch him, run your fingers over his cheek, brush his hair out of his eyes. Your heart pounds as your eyes skim over his face, taking in his beautiful image. He makes you feel so warm and happy. It’s undeniable that you’ve got feelings for him. And so you don’t even think twice before the words come out of your mouth: “I like you, Hongseok. I don’t care that you’re my professor. I’m done worrying about that because I just like you and I want you and that’s all there is to it.”
It’s true. One-hundred percent.
Hongseok’s smile is small and sweet, but bursting with tenderness. “I like you too, _____. I don’t care about you being my student, either. We’ll make this work for us.”
“Mhm.” The fluttering in your chest is endless, and you know this couldn’t feel more right. “We’ll make it work.”
You both stay on the line as you turn off lights and tuck into bed. Hongseok talks to you about nothing, and your mind is finally at ease as your eyelids start to become heavy with sleep. His voice is a lullaby and when you finally fall asleep, you dream of nothing but the warmth of his arms.
POST SCRIPT | Thank you for reading! Please stay tuned for Part 11, and let me know if you want to be tagged when I post it!
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seafoamchild · 2 years
another year almost done. it's been such a warm december. the leaves are all gone and the clouds seem to hang around most days. but yesterday was 60 degrees. in december! it was so warm and humid and it smelled like earth and rain outside. felt like spring.
i've been running a lot. i'm trying to force myself to do it even when it's gross outside. i really don't want to fall out of the habit. i want to keep getting better at it.
this year has been a lot of fun, i think. it started out rough - january and february were hopelessly depressing. i did so much ketamine because i was so bored. like i watched so many movies while k-holing on the couch lol. but then in february i went to death valley with my mom, and we had such a good adventure there - hiking the canyons, walking across the salt flats, watching the sunset and the moonrise from the sand dunes, exploring an abandoned mine in the quiet, eerie desert. it was a really memorable trip.
then in april i went to maui with my friends. that was so fun. we woke up at 3am to drive up to the top of the volcano for sunrise, and it was magical. we did some hiking up at haleakala, where it felt like we were on the moon. we took the road to hana and cliff dived into this lagoon that was right next to the ocean. we spent a lot of time at the beach and it was amazing. we swam in the ocean and went snorkeling and watched the crashing waves. we drank pog juice and saw a bunch of sea turtles and drove a minivan around this super narrow coastal highway that had the craziest views. i loved maui so much and i'm so glad i got to go on that trip with friends. it was really special.
oh and i went to the smoky mountains! we drove down there and went hiking and it was super misty and spooky and wonderful. i wish we could have spent more time there but it was really nice to get away for a long weekend.
summer was fun too. me and lora got season passes to six flags and i rediscovered my love of roller coasters. we went like six times to six flags lol and it was so fun every time. and we went to door county with bryce and tom, and that was pretty much the funnest time ever. we did acid one day and pretended we were zombies in the sand on the beach, and then we went to this other beach that was soooooo beautiful and there were dogs everywhere, and the water was so calm and inviting and sparkly. we were laughing so much. and then tom and bryce went to this play, and me and lora ate ice cream for dinner while watching this insane sunset over the lake, and then we just drove around the peninsula with the windows down and the heat on, blasting London Bridge by fergie and we felt so free and alive and it was perfect. then we went to this dive bar where we watched the bucks game and they won and everyone was happy and then we went to a cemetery at night and walked through it all spooky and shit. it was literally the best day ever and i still think about it all the time.
august was a fun month too. i went to the olympic peninsula with my mom and gabe. we did so much hiking - through the rainforests, up on hurricane ridge, along the rugged coastline. everything was so beautiful. gabe and i drove around vashon island and went to all these little farm stands, and we saw a seal in the water at twilight. oh speaking of twilight, we went to forks and went to the twilight museum and it was amazing. and then i went to the north cascades for my backpacking trip. it wasn't what i expected exactly and there were people who drove me crazy for most of the time and i barely slept at all, but it was sooooo beautiful up there in the mountains. like impossibly beautiful. and it was cool to be camping for real again. and hiking with that backpack made me realize i'm stronger than i thought.
oh yeah, and we went to lora's parents house up north for a weekend, and that was crazy fun too. we cruised around on the pontoon boat for hours and did acid and splashed around in the water and went tubing which was probably the most joy i've ever felt in my life honestly. tubing while tripping.
so yeah, a lot of great trips happened this year. i had a lot of happy moments and made a lot of happy memories.
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Then and Now - Dear Diary
AN: It's been a while since I’ve written Supernatural, or Dean, but I'm back now with a new Series. Gonna be 10 parts in total with a lot of feels and fluffs. I've been toying with this idea since I started re-watching spn earlier this year (thank you quarantine) and then after reading a series by the amazing @percywinchester27​ I got inspired and started writing. Shout out to my awesome beta @thorne93​, you da bees knees. 
AN2: I'm doing a thing where I raffle off a personalised drabble every month. How do you join? Easy, just hammer that reblog button. Reblog is one entry, reblog with comment is two entries. So you help spread my work and you might get a little sumpthin’ in return. Win Win
Pairing: AUDean x Reader
Warnings: Some grade A second hand embarrassment (it gets a bit awkward, yo!) There's some talk about sex in this. Italics are entries from her diary. 
Wordcount: 2070
Summary: It's 2010 and you’re back in Lawrence to settle your family’s affairs after your mom passed. You hope to be in and out of town before anyone really knows you’re there, but that doesn't go as plan. Will a certain green eyed mechanic convince you to come back to the life you once had in Lawrence? Or are you going to return to the real world as soon everything is settled. 
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Three weeks had passed since that night by the lake, and the farm was back in pristine condition. You had worked tirelessly, day in and day out, with some help from your friends of course. It had been so great to reconnect with them all. Honestly, you were the happiest that you had been in a while. There still was a dull ache in your heart though, one that seemed to strengthen every time you were with Dean. It was hard to be around him, to be his friend when you knew that was all it was ever going to be. And now that there was nothing left to keep your days occupied, that old restless feeling had settled in your bones again. 
This life wasn't meant for you. Not on this farm. Not Dean. Not even your friends. It was an unachievable dream, just out of reach, and it was slowly driving you insane. Hope had ignited in you that night by the lake, maybe, just maybe there was a chance for you and Dean, but nothing had happened since then to tell you that that was the case. So now you were convinced you had put more meaning in his words than was really there. 
Some days you would stop by the pet shop and say hi to Red, which now was something you looked forward to. Donna told you that he had been a lot happier since you started visiting him, and at times he was a real chatterbox now. You would let him on your shoulder and walk around the store while you talked softly to him, treating him some sunflower seeds here and there. Red greeted you with a high pitched hello every time you walked through the doors, and when you left, he would reach his little foot out as if he was trying to stop you from leaving. At times you wondered if he would make a good travel companion. If he could come with you in your truck as you drove around the country, but those thoughts were quickly pushed aside. 
It was another beautiful Saturday morning, music was blasting from your old boombox as you cleared out your closet. It was an old mixed CD that Dean had given you way back when, filled with Metallica, Zeppelin, Skynyrd, and everything else Dean listened to. REO Speedwagon played in the background as you found the stacks of old diaries in the far right corner, hidden under some other junk. A smile played on your lips as you pulled them out, five of them in total, all with different covers around them. 
“This is bound to be awkward,” you mumbled to yourself as you picked them all up and carried them with you down stairs. 
After filling your cup with coffee, you brought it all with you to the front porch to start what would most definitely be an embarrassing trip down memory lane. 
June 1st 1995
Dear diary. 
I had a huge fight with Jo today. We were gonna hang out after my guitar lesson and she just kept houding me to play… IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. I asked her nicely to back off, but she wouldn't leave it alone. Then she said I was just scared of embarrassing myself in front of Dean and I was sooooooo mad at her. Like… I swore her to secrecy when I told her about my crush on him and now… God… I don't think I can ever face him again. 
She's such a BITCH sometimes. 
The word ‘bitch’ was spelled out in big red letters, and you couldn't help but chuckle at your fifteen year old self. Gone were the days when your troubles were this innocent. 
There was no entry for a couple of days, just some doodles of Dean's name over and  over again. 
June 5th 1995
So I made up with Jo. She apologized which I know is, like, super hard for her to do, so we’re good again. She told me Dean has been acting really strange the last few days. Been all quiet and stuff. She said that Benny told her that Cas had told him that Dean asked Cas if he thought I had a crush on him. 
Jo thinks Dean has a crush on me too, but I don't think so. The last girlfriend he had was Lisa Braeden and she's so beautiful. No way I can compete with that. I just need to get over these stupid feelings so things can go back to normal. 
You skimmed through a few more entries, stuff about tests at school and plans for the summer holiday, then some thoughts and ideas for your birthday. It was all very tame. 
But then… 
June 14th 1995
HE KISSED ME!!!! I can't believe Dean actually kissed me… and on my birthday. It was so perfect, and his lips were so soft. It was better than I could ever have imagined. I'm so happy right now I could just scream. He asked me if I would go with him to the lake tomorrow and I literally can't wait. I can't even stop smiling. 
It was the perfect first kiss with the perfect guy. 
Then there was a drawn heart with Dean’s name in it. Without realizing it, your fingers ghosted over your lips as you recalled the kiss. It was a bit frustrating that you hadn't written it down in more detail, but the butterflies that coursed through you told you that you remembered it just fine. 
Time didn't really register as you sat and flipped through the pages of your diaries, so when Dean pulled up, you didn't know how long you had sat there. The coffee had long been forgotten and was now too cold to drink. 
“What's all this?” Dean asked as he plumped down in the empty chair. 
“My old diaries,” you said with a smile. “I found them earlier in my closet. It's so awkward, but I just can't stop reading,” you explained with a chuckle. It was hard to ignore the uproar of butterflies in your stomach at the sight of Dean, but you did your best to push it aside. 
“Lay it on me,” he gently ordered with that cheeky grin of his. 
“You want me to read you my diary?” You asked in bewilderment. 
“Yes!” he exclaimed, laughing. 
“Brace yourself for some grade A second hand embarrassment, Winchester,” you warned and he made a point of getting comfortable in his seat. You opened the book on a random page and started reading. “June 21, 1995. It's been a week since Dean and I kissed for the first time, and I still can't believe he asked me to be his girlfriend. Like, for real-” Dean chuckled and you chanced a look up at him, but he urged you to continue. “I mean, I have never been anyone's girlfriend before so I'm not really good at it I think. Like, can I just hold his hand whenever I want now? Or kiss him? ‘Cuz I want to do that all the time. I just don't want him to feel like I'm too clingy or something like that.” Your cheeks burned with embarrassment. 
Dean just chuckled. “Why didn't you tell me?” 
“About my insecurities?-” he nodded -”I didn't want you to think I was a dweeb,” you said as if it was the most obvious thing. 
“That ship sailed long before that,” he said, erupting into laughter when you stuck your tongue out at him. “If it makes you feel any better, I wanted to hold your hand and kiss you all the time too,” he said in an exaggerated sweet tone. 
“Ha! Wish I knew that back then,” you mused. 
“Go on,” he said eagerly, pointing to the book in your hand. 
With a deep sigh, you opened to another random page. “August 7th, 1995. Dean took me to the lake today to watch the sunset. It was beautiful. We talked about ‘doing it’.” As you read the words out loud you giggled and hid your face behind the book. “Oh my god, Dean… It's so awful,” you whined behind the book. 
Dean found your embarrassment adorable, especially the smile that followed it, and the laughter. Your nose always scrunched up when you were embarrassed and it was nice to see that hadn't changed. “Go on,” he urged. “I wanna know if we ‘did it’.” Although he knew perfectly well that you didn't, not that night. 
“Really?” you asked, peeking up over the book. 
“Hell yeah. I'm invested in this now, don't leave me hanging.” 
“I told Dean I was scared because I hadn't done it before. He said he hadn't either. I was so sure he had done it with Lisa, but apparently that was just a rumor. I want to do it with him, though. I can't think of a better person to lose my ‘V’ card to. He said he would wait for as long as I wanted.” Even as awful as this was, it was very sweet in its innocence. 
“I remember that night,” he said, smiling. It wasn't that cheeky grin from a couple of seconds ago, though, it was the smile one had when recalling a fond memory. “It was a really great night.” 
“It was,” you agreed. It was nice to share this with him, even though it was embarrassing, it was a story that the two of you shared, and it was nice to have this reminder of how good things once were for you. You flipped the pages once more, now looking for a specific entry. “August 12th 1995. Dean and I finally did it. It was at the lake in the bed of my truck, but it was as perfect as could be. He was so gentle with me, and patient. It hurt a lot at first, but Dean went really slow and it got better. There was a little blood afterwards and I was super embarrassed, but he didn't care. I’m so glad Dean was my first, because I don't think anyone else would make me feel so safe. Dean always makes me feel safe.” The words trailed off and you looked up at Dean, the air suddenly thick around you. 
He cleared his throat before he spoke. “Well, there you have it.” 
“Sorry. I didn't know it would turn so… real,” you said quietly, closing the book and placing it on the table. 
“No - it's not - don't.... A lifetime ago, right?” 
“Right,” you agreed. Clearing your throat, you got to your feet and rubbed your clammy hands on your jeans. “Want a beer?” Now, you were eager to change the subject to just about anything else.
Dean looked up at you with apprehension as he accepted the bottle from you. He didn't know how much longer he could hold back his feelings. It was a decision made with his brain rather than his heart, to wait until he was sure you weren't gonna leave again. Every day was a new challenge, and he had to convince himself all over again that this was for the best, even though he desperately wanted you back in his arms. It was so clear to him now, why no relationship he’d had worked out, because no matter who they were or how happy they made him, they were never you. No one could take your place in his heart, not ever. “You know-” he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, looking anywhere but right at you -”that night meant a lot to me too. And not just because I got laid for the first time,” he said with a chuckle. Typical Dean to add some joke into a serious conversation. “But because it was you.” 
The truth he spoke was clear in his emerald orbs and it damn near melted your heart. “I guess it was pretty great. Especially for two teenagers who were too immature to say the word ‘sex’ out loud,” you mused, a crooked smile on your lips. 
“You know what I think we should do?” Dean asked after a moment of silence. 
“We should grab some beers and head up to the lake to watch the sunset. Bring some blankets and stuff like we used to do, you know?” 
“I would like that very much,” you said earnestly. 
T&N Tags: @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @capandbuckylvr​ @superapplepie​ @sandlee44​ @eliwinchester99​ @sunflowers-n-rocknroll​
SPNTags: @atc74​ @akshi8278​
AllThingsTags: @campingmonkey​
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
You are not alone
This is a one shot with Arthur Morgan. For once, it is not a request but rather more like a therapy piece for myself in order to process some current issues I have. That being said, trigger warning for parental abuse. 
Read on AO3
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You lie in bed, not really wanting to face the day. The idea of staying in bed all day and doing nothing is tempting. That familiar ball of nothing sits like a weight on your chest. This void inside you seems as deep and fathomless as the universe itself. It doesn’t feel good. 
You know why you’re feeling this way. How could you not after everything that happened with those people you used to call family? Everything’s blown up so quickly. There was almost no warning to it either. 
You’re also confused. Why are you so hurt to be abandoned by those people who hurt you for so long? Your father, that abusive bastard who never earned the title of “dad”. His words still echo in your head, the words “I want you gone, I don’t want you here”. When he’d screamed those words, it unburied so much hurt you’ve kept locked away for over 15 years. Things you never told anybody about, things you yourself barely remembered until recently. 
Then there’s your mother. Not nearly as abusive, but just as guilty. That pointless conversation she had with you a few days back did nothing but show that she’d seen your father’s abusive tendencies long before you were even born and she did nothing about it. Admitting now that she should have done better back then does nothing to erase the pain. Damn them both. Damn this whole scenario!
Of course, the fight that led to this situation has been overdue by several years. You’ve seen it coming for a long time, you just hadn’t been aware of it happening so quickly, and in such a bad place. You’d been on your vacation with your parents, visiting a lake you’ve loved since childhood. Because of certain situations and acts done by your parents (though you know your hands aren’t clean either), the fight broke out and the result is that you have now been estranged by both your parents. 
The situation is so complex and you don’t know how to feel. Anger, sure. Resentment, of course. Betrayal. You also want your parents to admit that they hurt you during your childhood and you’re damaged because of it, but you also know they won’t. Especially your father. He’s under the impression he was a wonderful dad, despite the fact that most days as a child, you hid for fear of his abuse. How can you hate them so much yet still want them as part of your life? 
There’s a sudden knock on your front door. Who the hell is calling at this time of day? Sure, the sun’s up, but it’s Sunday morning. Why would anyone be at your door? 
With a heavy sigh, you force yourself to get out of bed. You tidy yourself up enough to not look ghastly. Maybe it’s just the Amazon guy dropping off a package (though you don’t remember ordering anything within the last 2 weeks). 
When you open the door, you’re surprised to see your neighbor and good friend (not to mention the guy you’ve been crushing on forever) Arthur Morgan. He smiles when he sees you. 
“Hey, hope I didn’t wake ya.” 
“No, you’re fine,” you say, forcing yourself to smile. “I’ve been up a while anyways.” 
“Okay. This is gonna sound silly, but would you have two eggs to spare? I, uh, started makin’ myself some breakfast and realized I didn’t have any.” 
“Oh, of course! Here, let me grab them for you.” 
Arthur walks in the house after you. As you go into the kitchen, he looks around. Though your house is usually quite tidy, he can see there’s been a lack of care to it. Dust rests on your shelves, your TV. Your couch shows signs of not having been used in days. There’s also a smell that suggests the house has been empty, but as your neighbor and friend, he knows you’ve been home everyday. He’s been in your house often enough to know that it isn’t usually like this. 
Not only does it not look right, it doesn’t feel right. There’s a heaviness in the air, almost like a shadow sits over the house. He gets the feeling it’s stemming from you. 
Now that he thinks about it, he has barely seen you in the past 3 weeks. Pretty much ever since you came back from your vacation. You’d asked him before leaving to watch your house and feed your cat, which he did. But now that you’re home, he’s hardly seen you. Again, this is strange as the two of you are fairly close. 
Before your vacation, you’d watch movies together every Friday night. When you came back, you didn’t invite him over and when he invited you, he got responses that suggested you had other plans. 
“Here you go,” you say, walking out of the kitchen and holding out two eggs. He reaches for your hand, but then doesn’t let go. 
“Why don’t you come and have breakfast with me?” he says, his eyes soft. “You look like you could use some company.” 
You look up at him. You’ve wanted to see your friend for a while, ever since you came back. However, if your father made anything clear, it was that if he didn’t want you around, then no one did. 
“I… I don’t know, Arthur. I don’t want to be a bother.” 
“You ain’t gonna bother me, Y/N. Never have. Y’know, I been missin’ our Friday movie nights.” 
His comment makes you look away from him. “No, you don’t, Arthur.” 
He squeezes your hand a bit, then he lowers his head so he can look you in the eye. “You okay? You been different ever since you came back from that lake. Somethin’ happen up there?” 
Arthur’s the first person to point out that you’re not how you used to be, and his acknowledgement of that is what finally breaks you. Tears well up in your eyes and you cannot bear to look him in the face, feeling pathetic. 
“To… to be honest, a lot happened. Most of it wasn’t good.” 
A brief silence passes, then he squeezes your hand again. “Come have breakfast, darlin’. Looks like you could use a friend. I’ll cook for ya and you can talk about it.” 
At first, you think he just wants to hear some gossip, but when you look in his eyes, you can see he’s genuinely worried. So you nod and grab a couple more eggs and follow him out and over to his house. 
Arthur’s house is about the same size as yours. He’s more simple than you are, and being raised on a farm out west, he decorates like so. There’s a big painting of a horse over his couch which you’ve always liked. You peak in his office and see the large stag’s head hanging from the wall. 
In the kitchen, Arthur makes you a cup of coffee and then begins breakfast. As you sit at the table, your hands wrapped around the warm mug (which has a beautiful design of an elk), he gets some bacon cooking. 
When a few strips are sizzling away, Arthur sits down across from you. “So… tell me about this vacation of yours.” 
Arthur doesn’t say a word as you begin talking. First you start out with how you had bad feelings right before you went on vacation, but you attributed them to other aspects in your life. 
“It was like a part of me knew something bad was gonna happen,” you say. You’re shivering a little (something you always do when talking about a deeply personal thing). Arthur gently takes your hand in his to comfort you. It does help and you go on. 
You tell him about how things started to build up. Things started off with your mom. When you voiced your problems with her to your father, stating they made you want to leave early, he said if it felt right to you that you should leave, but then he suggested you talk with your mom first and try to resolve things. 
“The problem with that is these issues I’ve had with my mom have been going on for well over ten years. I’ve been nearing the end of my tether for ages.” 
Arthur nods and prompts you to go on. The talk with your mother you thought went well, but not twenty minutes after, she was doing the same things you said were causing the issue. Things escalated from there with not just your mother, but your father going and doing the same things that have been causing all these problems. They were doing a few things that suggested they’d heard you, but when push came to shove, they went no further. 
“On Thursday night, we went to this one place at the lake to try and fish. When I finished there,  I realized that I was just done. I wasn’t angry or resentful, I was just ready to come home.” 
Arthur nods and you notice he squeezes your hand a little. With that, you go on to say how the very next morning, you packed up your things and as you loaded up the car, your mother came bustling over, clearly upset, and accused you of ruining her vacation. She laid on the guilt hard. 
However, your father has always had a habit. When your mother gets upset, your father gets angry and he has an excellent way of making the person who hurt his wife feel like less than shit. He pulled out all the stops for you. Not only did he accuse you of being intolerant and inpatient, but he wouldn’t let you stand up for yourself. When you tried to, he put you down, stating you were an intolerant, selfish little brat and he wanted nothing to do with you. 
“What about your mama?” Arthur asks gently. “Surely she didn’t want things goin’ that badly?” 
You roll your watery eyes and look away. “My mom did what she does best. She just stood there and listened to him, not saying a fucking thing. She sat there and watched as my father essentially chased me out of there.”
Arthur lowers his head and sighs. “I’m real sorry, Y/N.” 
“That wasn’t it,” you say and then you go into explaining how your father’s verbal abuse uncovered a bunch of memories from when you were a child. Memories of your father verbally and even physically abusing you. Things you’d forgotten and sat on for over 15 years. They all came bubbling back up as you drove home, sobbing. Along with them came the emotions. The fear, the confusion, the anger and the hatred. 
“So…” Arthur says, dishing the food onto plates and handing you one. “That was, what… two weeks ago? Have either your ma or pa said anything?” 
You sniff a little and shake your head. “Well… my mom did. She came over and we talked for two hours. Honestly the stuff she said made the abuse from my father even worse, because she basically told me she’s known about his abusive tendencies longer than I’ve even been alive for and has let him do them. When I asked her why she didn’t stop him that day I left the lake, she said she was focusing more on what was going on in her head. Honestly I think that was a lie. I think she’s just as scared of my father as I was as a kid.” 
Arthur looks down. “That’s bad business, darlin’. Had no idea your daddy was so awful.” 
“Me too. I guess I worked hard to forget all that bullshit he did to me as a kid.” 
“Guess so. Did your mama try talkin’ ya into forgivin’ him?” 
You shake your head and sniff again. “No. No, she didn’t make excuses for him, but she tried gaslighting me. Said I should focus on the 80% that’s good and focus less on the 20% that’s bad. But when I think about it, there was no good when I was a kid. All he did was get angry at me. We didn’t start to have a civil relationship until I was just graduating college. And I don’t know, but in my opinion going to Yellowstone when I was 23 and having a good time doesn’t count.” 
“It don’t. Your daddy betrayed you when he hurt you all them times. He made a promise to protect you when he became your father and he broke up. Not only that, but your mama betrayed you too when she just stood by and watched him do those things.” 
You start crying again, letting the tears slip down your cheeks. Arthur stands up and cleans up the dishes (you didn’t eat very much, but he understands). When he walks back over the table, he comes over to your side and holds out his hand. 
“Come on, sweetheart. I know you’re probably feelin’ confused and hurt that even though your parents were abusive and did a lot of damage, it must be difficult to have lost them. Come here.” 
When you’re standing, he pulls you into a hug. Arthur’s only hugged you once. He’d gotten drunk during a movie night and had hugged you when he said goodbye. It was then that you’d developed your crush on him.
You press yourself into the hug, his heart thumping in your heart, calm and steady. Your body molds perfectly against his, like a puzzle piece. His arms wind around you, creating a protective barrier as you settle your forehead into the crook of his neck. 
As his heat seeps into you, all the emotions you’ve been mulling over come, only there’s a new one. Support. Arthur is the first person who not only showed any concern, but also showed any interest in wanting to help you. You feel his thumb rubbing circles on your lower back. 
After a few moments, Arthur leans away just a bit so he can look at you. “Y/N, can I tell you somethin’?” You nod and he goes on. “Even though you lost your family, I want ya to know this. I care about ya. Cared about ya a long time. When the two men who raised me passed away and I came out here, I had no one. But you reached out to me, made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I’m gonna do the same thing for you.” 
This makes you smile for the first time in days. “Thank you, Arthur. I couldn’t ask for more.” 
He smiles and then his hand comes up to cup your cheek. As you stare at him, his eyes flicker down to your lips. Is he thinking about you the same way you think about him?
“Arthur?” you whisper. 
He responds by leaning down and gently placing his lips on yours. Your heart feels like it’s going to leap out of your chest as you sink into the kiss. His breath washes over your face and his hand moves up your back. After a moment, he pulls away, his cheeks pink. 
“I, uh, hope that was okay,” he says softly. 
You smile a bit. “I would give it a better word than that, Arthur. Thank you.” 
Arthur’s lips stretch into a wide grin and then they’re on yours again. “I’m gonna always be here for ya, darlin’,” he says after another moment. “You ain’t as alone as your parents want ya to think.” 
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Sweet Home Hyogo: Chapter 3 Ha Ha...hi mom
Chapter 2-Chapter 4
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The L/n family separated from their long awaited family hug and headed inside. “So,” Mrs. L/n said as soon as the front door shut, walking over to the kitchen to prepare some tea. Y/n gulped. She knew exactly what that tone of voice meant when it came to her dear mother. It meant ‘someone’s about to be chewed out for their missing persons act for the past ½ decade.’
Mr. L/n gave his daughter a firm pat on the back before moving to sit in his chair and finish the chapter of a book he had been reading. “What brings ya home N/n?” her mother said as she put the kettle on the stove top, letting it heat up while Y/n took a seat at one of the bar stools at the island. “O-oh, um. About that.” Mrs. L/n raised a brow at her daughters actions while she brought out three tea cups from the cabinet. “And how come Shinsuke was the one to bring ya home? I thought y’all weren’t on speakin’ terms.” 
Y/n sighed as she accepted the cup of hot tea from her mother, adding the sugar she wanted before taking a cautious sip. “We’re not. I came here trying to get him to sign the papers, but my car broke down on the way, and he just so happened to be passing by, and…uh drove me here.” Y/n’s mom hummed as she made her and her husband their tea, bringing him his as she took a seat two stool away from Y/n. “So tell me Y/n.” Y/n’s eyes widened as she continued to innocently sip her tea. “What’s been goin’ on in yer life that yer too busy to visit yer dear ol’ parents hm?” 
Y/n scooted further away in her seat, trying to put distance between her and her mother. Y/n nervously laughed as she put her hands up in surrender. “I-I meant to, really! I did! But, things just got really busy, Y’know?” Y/n’s mom squinted her eyes at her daughter, call it a mother’s intuition, but she knew the real reason her daughter had been avoiding Hyogo. And she had a fairly strong suspicion as to why she had come back in a rush. “What I want to know is, how come ya come back all of a sudden, still in yer work clothes, just to get Shinsuke to sign the divorce papers Hm?” Y/n knew this question was coming. And she knew she had no choice but to give the truth as her answer. 
“W-well…I kind of need them signed…like now…” Y/n looked away from her mother’s E/c gaze and sighed walking over to her purse, slipping on her engagement ring, and walking back to where her mother was seated. Her mother turned to see what her daughter had to show her before coughing from the tea she was now choking on. “You- YOU’RE ENGAGED!?” Y/n nodded, “YOU NEVER EVEN TOLD US YOU WERE DATING!” Y/n slowly nodded her head as she kept her gaze towards the floor. “YOUR STILL MARRIED!!” Y/n winced as she closed her eyes. 
Mr. L/n stood up from his chair and put his book down before making his way over to his wife, slowly rubbing her back. “Does he know?” Mr. L/n calmly asked as Y/n sadly shook her head. Mrs. L/n’s mouth was now hanging open as she stared at her daughter in shock. Y/n sadly looked up to her parents. “Mom…Dad…I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for leaving, and I’m sorry for being so distant its just…I know this is right. Please just trust me.” Mr. and Mrs. L/n looked at each other before Mrs. L/n smiled and hugged her daughter tightly. “I know, and I trust ya sweetie. I just hate to see ya hurting all the time.” Mr. L/n just returned to reading his book, hiding from the sadness he felt from the news that his daughter was actually getting divorced from Shinsuke, a man he considered his own son, and a very good man at that. 
“Oh, dad, my car got taken into the shop, right?” Her dad nodded as he reopened his book. “How long will it be until its fixed?” Her dad paused his reading as he looked up in thought, “Oh, I dunno, bout three weeks prolly.” Y/n groaned. “Ok, um, I hate to intrude but..” Her mom smiled as she placed her hand on her shoulder “Yer more than welcome to stay with us.” Y/n smiled back as she placed her hand softly on her mothers. “Thanks mom, dad.” They both gave small nods and smiles. “Oh! I’ll be right back, I’m just going to call my boyfri- fiancé.” Mrs. L/n nodded with a smile, “Go on sweetie”. 
Y/n walked onto the front porch, closed the door and unlocked her phone, dialing Akaashi’s number and listening to the dial tone before she heard, “Hello?”. “Hey baby!” Y/n smiled at his voice, remembering her original goal for this visit turned vacation. Okay Y/n, just get this thing with Shinsuke over with, and you can marry your dream man. “Y/n! How’s Hyogo going?” Y/n smiled as she shifted her weight onto her left leg, right hand coming up to play with her neatly styled hair. “Well, my car broke down, and my dad said it’ll be about three weeks until its finished…” Y/n said as she closed her eyes in frustration, her hand that was playing with her hair now gripping it. 
“Are you okay?” Y/n smiled and her features once again returned to her former more relaxed positions. That’s Keiji for you, always such a sweetheart. “Yeah, I’m okay, I’m going to be stuck here for three weeks…I’m sorry Keiji..” “Why are you sorry? You didn’t ask for your car to break down. Do you want me to pick you up? I really don’t mind, I could swing by tomorrow if you wanted.” Y/n shook her head, “Thanks baby, but, I think I’ll stay…its just…its been awhile since I’ve been home, and I think a break from the city life might do me some good. You know?”
She heard Akaashi chuckle on the other line of the phone. “Well, if this is what it takes for you to finally take a break, I suppose I can’t complain. Enjoy your vacation, just text me once in a while to let me know you’re still alive okay?” Y/n laughed, “I’ll do my best, thanks Keiji. I love you~” although she couldn’t see it he smiled on the other end “I love you too Y/n. Goodbye.” “Bye.” She hung up and headed back inside. 
“Oh, Y/n honey, I figured ya didn’t bring any clothes with ya, so I got some of yer old clothes out of storage, you’ll be stayin’ in yer old room sweetie.” Y/n said a quick ‘thank you’ to her mom before making her way back to her old bedroom, which she hadn’t stepped foot in since she was 18…since the night before she got married… She walked into the room and immediately went to the closet, dying to get out of the pencil skirt and dress shirt she had been in all day. 
It was just past 6:00, so she slipped into a pair of comfortable gray sweatpants, and a loose white t-shirt. After a nice dinner with her parents she walked back into her room, took a quick shower, and hopped onto her old bed, still as comfortable as ever. She rolled onto her side and plugged in her phone before her eyes landed on a forgotten photo. Still in the frame it was put in 7 years ago was the picture of her graduation, which was the same day Shinsuke had proposed. 
She had chosen this specific photo over all the others because of their pose. Shinsuke was lightly holding her waist with his right hand while he had his left placed over hers, proudly showing off the simple yet elegant ring he had gotten her. She sighed at the memory, going to turn the photo face down when she hesitated. Something inside of her….wasn’t letting her do it and she couldn’t figure out why. Frustrated she turned off the lamp before she turned on her side, pushing the thoughts and feelings that were starting to arise.
Kita continued his drive to his original destination, his grandmother’s house. He drove his red pick up truck to her house, parked and went inside. “Granny! It’s Shinsuke.” He heard the soft and quiet foots of his grandmother before the sweet woman rounded the corner, a soft and delicate smile sitting on her face. “Shin, you came!” Kita nodded as he bent down to allow his granny to give him a hug, one he obviously returned. “Do you have time for tea, Shin?” Kita nodded and took off his shoes, making his way into the kitchen to put away the fresh rice he had harvested earlier that day. 
Yumie (Yumie Kita is Kita’s grandmother) started the kettle and prepared the teacups. After the water finished boiling and the tea had steeped, Yumie poured it into the two awaiting cups. They sat in peaceful silence for awhile before Kita decided to tell his grandmother the quite interesting news he had learned. “Y/n’s back.” Yumie’s ears perked up at this information. Since Y/n had left, she had wanted nothing more than for the two of them to be re-united. And no, the sole reason was not cause she wanted great-grandkids (although that did play a part in it 😉). 
The biggest part was that she saw how the two had looked at each other all those years ago, the pure love that they held in their eyes for each other. “Oh? How wouldja know that?” Kita chuckled as he shook his head. To say he found the situation amusing was an understatement. Yes, it sucked she was still trying to divorce him, and yes it sucked she had been with another man after all, but he couldn’t deny it was nice watching the farm-turned-city girl get a nice big dose of karma. 
“Cause I just so happen to be the one who just dropped er off at her parents house. I was on my way here when I saw her car on the side of the road, didn’t expect it to be her though.” Kita shrugged as he continued drinking his tea. Yumie hummed. “What’s she doin’ in Hyogo?” It was Kita’s turn to sigh “Still tryin’ to divorce me.” Yumie shook her head. 
“I take it you two had a civil conversation this time?” Yumie raised an accusatory eyebrow at her Grandson, whose face was now sporting a smirk. “course.” Yumie only shook her head, standing up from the table after muttering a ‘hopeless’ before she grabbed the now empty cups and placed them in the sink, before shooing her grandson back home. Yumie Kita is many things, and matchmaker might just be one of them.
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marlsbuck · 4 years
— && guests may mistake me as ( haley lu richardson ), but really i am ( marley buckley + cisfemale + she/her ) and my DOB is ( 6/13/1994 ). i am applying for the ( vet tech ) position as part of the EHP and would like to live in suite ( 211 ). i should be hired because i am ( witty & empathetic ), but i can also be ( indecisive & absent-minded ) at times. personally, i like to ( dance, knit & volunteer at the zoo ) when off the clock, but that won’t interfere with work.
hi pals! we’re back with a marley mae revamp! our favorite lil cowgirl is getting the makeover she deserves, so let’s get started, shall we?
before we get too into it, though, we have a stats page and a pinterest (which is also getting a revamp before too long bUT...i digress).
lil tw moment: abuse, alcohol, drug, death mention tws. per usual, i went a little heavy on the tws just to be safe! 
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- marley mae buckley was born june 13th, 1994 to finnegan and shailene buckley.
- her father is a chief exec at an oil company and her mother was a stay at home mom and socialite, the latter of which she preferred.
- the family moved to billings, montana shortly after marley was born so her father could be more involved with work. this meant her mother had more time on her hands and more time to attempt to mold marley into the perfect daughter.
- except marley liked dirt, climbing tress, and pretending to ride the family dog like a rodeo bull.
- needless to say that did not go well????
- substance abuse tw early in marley’s life, her mother mixed prescription pills and pinot, which only made the tension between the two more intense. 
- abuse tw baby marls never understood why her mother would want to self medicate, essentially checking out and missing a majority of her only child’s life, until one night after her father came home after a day of ‘meetings’. smelling like expensive scotch and cigar smoke, marley saw her father hit her mother for the first time.
-  abuse tw she didn’t witness the actual abuse often, but marley started noticing the signs more and more often. bruises around wrists, large sunglasses when it wasn’t sunny out, concealer caked around her eyes and jaw. for a while, she begged her mother to take her and leave, but marley’s mother refused - firm in her belief that she wouldn’t be able to make it on her own.
- so they endured. more often than not, marley’s mother took her pain and frustration out on her daughter. it didn’t take long for marley’s parents toxicity to turn her into an angry, resentful person. marley was around 8 when she started acting out - “accidentally” breaking things around the house, saying out of pocket things at her father’s work events or fancy dinner parties. marley was 10 the first time she left home and didn’t come back for hours on end, only to come back and realize no one had really noticed she was gone.
- when she was about 13, marley really started acting out and rebelling. she started hanging out with a rougher group of kids who were significantly older than her. even though she never took part in the more intense stuff, marley did manage to get herself into some trouble that finally managed to catch her parents’ attention.
-  one night, while out with that older, rougher group of friends, marley was arrested for a destruction of property charge. since she was a minor, her parents were called immediately and, after making a sizable donation to billings pd, made the whole thing go away.
- officially done dealing with marley and the whole “mothering” of it all (if you can call it that), her parents shipped her back to their hometown of big timber to live with her paternal grandparents.
- she tried to run away a few times (even going so far as to steal her grandfather’s work truck - even tho she didn’t get far because she didn’t know how to drive stick yet) because rebellious, but after paw made her stay and help one of their cattle give birth, marley fell in love.
- marley fell in love with every animal on the ranch - all their quirks and distinct personalities. it quickly became the home marley’d never had. it was warm and loving and full of joy and life. her grandparents became the only parents she’d ever really known.
- they were the only reason marley agreed to go back to her parents. they’d made a deal that if she behaved at “home”, she’d be able to spend the rest of her summers at the ranch.
- so marley went back to her parents and did the dance classes, and dinner parties, and even did the whole debutante thing and “came out” to society.
- at 16 she petitioned to be emancipated and a judge granted said petition. she promptly moved into the renovated barn at the ranch that her grandparents had rented out while she finished school.
- marley ended up graduating early and began attending classes at the local community college, eventually getting her associates in science all while still working on the ranch when she could.
- at 19, marley began classes at montana state, majoring in microbiology as a pre-vet track.
- death tw shortly after she finished her first year at msu, marley found out her mother passed unexpectedly. when she went to attend the services, her father effectively disowned her (even though they hadn’t spoken in years) and blamed her for her mother’s issues and death.
- marley came back to the ranch more depressed than she’d ever been and instead of dealing with the hurricane of emotions she felt, marley dropped out of school and ran
- marley drove all along the west coast, eventually settling on a cattle farm in texas.
- there, marley met literally the worst thing to ever happen to her. only a month or two after settling in texas, marley started dating wade because mess attracts mess. duh. his parents owned the farm she was working on and he gave her attention. that’s it. that’s all it took.
- abuse tw it didn’t take long for the gas lighting, lying, and cheating to start. a short six months into their relationship was when the physical abuse started. growing up, she’d always told herself that she’d never allow a man to treat her the way she’d watched her father treat her mother - that she’d be stronger than her mother and leave after the first time. finally, though, marley realized the battle her mother had fought to endure all those years of abuse and just how hard it was to muster the courage to leave. 
- to this day, marley carries around the guilt of spending years blaming her mother for being weak and missing the opportunity to apologize while she was still alive.
- eventually paw caught on and WASN’T having any of it. so he snuck down with maw in the middle of the night while wade was out on a bender and packed marley’s shit and took her back home to the ranch like the knight in shining armor that man is.
- two years of animal therapy and literal therapy, marley applied to finish her bachelors in chicago after maw suggested it. she was accepted and once again left her home behind, but this time it was to chase her dream and we’re all v proud.
- she’s been at the mlanati now for two years and has finished her bachelors and is a certified vet tech. she’s currently in her last year of undergrad and is getting ready to start applying to vet schools officially.
- marley is a jeeple. she owns a 2008 black jeep wrangler x. 100% named it ringo. definitely has a black jeep of the family bumper sticker and let me tell you, this girl is SO proud.
- y’all will never catch this girl in shoes. she will start the day in shoes and by the time lunch rolls around she’s barefoot. the only pair of shoes she enjoys wearing are her justin boots or her vvv worn out vans. 
- she knits when she’s anxious, which is more often than not now that she’s in a new place. but it also means she’s giving out cute lil beanies and scarves to her new frens.
- loves and i mean LOVES westerns. tombstone and gunsmoke were staples growing up.
- also probably the worlds biggest dolly parton fan. if it involves dolly, marley is in.
- ALIENS, MAN. your girl loves aliens and most space things. roswell (the og and new shows) are her jam bc...y’know....cowliens.
- she has three tattoos: some wildflowers on her upper left ribs, “worthy” in her grandpa’s handwriting on her upper right forearm, and the silhouette of big timber peak at the nape of her neck.
- marley is also one of those people that doesn’t need a ton of sleep? 4-5 hours max and she’s golden.
- cold brew coffee also runs through her veins. her coffee order is a trenta cold brew with hazelnut and almond milk, thanks. it’s also probably one of the reasons she never stops moving....ever.
- big time questioning her sexuality. marley’s only ever been with men, but uuuuuhhhhh WOMEN y’know? also nb folx are v nice. we do not discriminate in this house.
- 2 cats! doc (7 y/o himalayan long hair) and ike (2 y/o munchkin). both rescues she met while volunteering at a shelter.
- snake tw would also v much like a colombian rainbow boa pls and thank
- will always make time to take a dance class or book space to just dance all her feelings out. it’s one of the few joys she has that comes without feelings of pressure or stress. 
- holds most  people at arms length. she’s more than happy to listen and support everyone around her, but is a literal steel trap when it comes to talking about herself and her past.
- alcohol/drugs tw not a drinker. buckley’s don’t have a great track record of being able to handle their liquor (never let her do shots pls), so marley sticks to the occasional blunt. esp when she’s feeling extra anxious, it calms her down and evens her out.
- she do be jumpy af! loud noises (that don’t obviously come from animals) make her anxious and shaky. it’s the *pTsD*.
- marley’s triggers include but are not limited to: grabbing her face/chin, breaking glass, loud noises - specifically yelling, general violence, the smell of vodka or scotch and cigar smoke, being grabbed from behind/picked up without warning.
wanted connections!
- travel pals! : people marley met on her trip from montana to texas! she wouldn’t have stuck around long, but she was a hot ass mess and these would have been people who met her at p close to her lowest? so seeing her at the malnati would be like meeting a whole new person. she’ll probs be hella flustered and embarrassed so, like, we love that.
- hype squaaaaaad! : marley’s self esteem is still.........nonexistent, almost. she’s all about giving the love, but is the worst at accepting it, so obviously we need someone to shove all the love and positive affirmations her way! help ya girl see her worth!
- post hook ups! : likely only one or two! marley isn’t one to hook up unless she’s feeling pretty awful about her self and needs some instant validation. can be awkward or cordial! i’m down to plot specifics!
- crushes! : unrequited or nah (lbr i’d live for unrequited pls) male, female, nb - gimmie it all! babie is ready to give all the love....kinda. from afar. bc trauma. bUT!!! leggo. lololol.
- confidant! : literally probably the only connection that’s limited to one person. they know eeeeverything. every horrid, gruesome detail about marley’s past and all her insecurities. they could be someone that met her when she was on her way to texas/she met in texas or someone she met after and got to witness one of her panic attacks post texas. aka the one person she trusts most.
- scurry folx! : pls gimmie plots where marley is at odds with someone, whether or not it’s because they scare her a lil (aka angry, aggressively loud, bully-ish type someones) or just people who can’t handle her goofy, oddball, pollyanna type personality! i. need. ANGST!! pls. ty.
- chemistry, ofc!
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somedew-fictions · 4 years
Isn’t Zuzu City - Alex
Alex x Gender Neutral Farmer
1,278 words - sfw - pre-relationship
Alex is standing outside in the fall air under the canopy of tree branches. He had rushed out of his grandparent's house to be alone, subconsciously making his way towards the farmer's house. When he caught himself he stopped walking, now awkwardly standing on the path, eyes closed as he enjoys the brisk air in hopes it will clear his head.
"What are you doing out here?" Someone asks behind him, making his body tense. He turns around quickly to face the farmer standing a distance away from him, coming from the direction of town.
"I... I could ask you the same thing," Alex shoves his hands into his varsity jacket's pockets, wanting to avoid the farmer's questioning.
"I just came back from the mines," the farmer shrugs, lifting the pickaxe in their hand up as evidence. "And this is the path back to my house... So..."
"Yeah," Alex sighs, taking one hand out of his pocket to scratch the back of his head. "That makes sense, actually."
"So what are you doing out here?" The farmer takes a few slow steps towards him, a smile on their face. "Not much out this way other than my farm."
"I... Came to visit you," Alex lies, a cocky smile springing onto his face, his hand dropping down to his side. "I missed that face of yours."
The farmer chuckles, amused. "That doesn't explain why you are just standing here in the middle of the path," they point out, Alex wincing. "You shouldn't lie to me."
"What if I did want to see you?" He asks, the farmer drawing closer.
"Then I'll call you a liar," the farmer moves right past him, their arms hanging at their sides- one hand holding their pickaxe with their sword sheathed at their side. Alex turns around and follows a pace behind the farmer. "So do you want to tell me what happened?"
"Not really," Alex admits. "Just something about old pictures. Yanno, city stuff."
"City stuff," the farmer repeats, shaking their head. "The reason we all get driven out here in the first place." They let out a soft sigh, remembering what drove them over their edge to finally make a change in their life. They glance behind themselves at Alex before looking back ahead. "Can I ask what the pictures were of?"
"Wedding photos of my mom and dad. Baby pictures of me. A few photos of me visiting my grandparents as a kid," Alex lists, something sour in his voice. "Childhood stuff."
So that's what's wrong, the farmer realizes. Knowing there is about three minutes left in the walk, the farmer slows down enough to walk beside Alex, offering him a comforting smile. "I bet some of those photos make you feel really conflicted," they say softly. "Angry and sad. Maybe a little suppressed nostalgia." 
"I hate him," Alex mumbles, a steadfast look in his eyes. "He is the reason I have to live out here."
"I know, but..." The farmer thinks for a moment, choosing what direction they want to take. "I know it isn't Zuzu City, but there is a lot of stuff out here that I think you look over."
"Like what? What has this town ever done for me?" Alex growls, his anger beginning to slowly build before the farmer's eyes. Alex isn't an angry person- he can be arrogant and cocky, but never angry. Something about those photos really tore into his skin.
The farmer frowns at him, ready to extinguish the flame of his anger. "Gave you a supportive community to grow and live; a safe place your dad can't ever ruin." They give him the answer bluntly, knowing he wouldn't come to the conclusion himself. "Your grandmother loves you more than life itself and I think you are ignoring all the people in town who are always there for you, supporting you in your dreams. Your father never did, but that's why you have us." Alex doesn't seem to be listening, hiding his anger from her, nurturing it to allow it to grow. He looks almost as if he is irritated at the farmer talking.
The farmer abruptly stop walking, their house in sight down the path. Alex slowly stops a few paces later, turning around to face them. The farmer takes a deep breath, choosing the simplest words possible in hopes Alex will actually listen- to actually accept their advice instead of believing he is tough enough to swallow his feelings.
"This place isn't Zuzu City, Alex. There is no hierarchy for you to climb or competition for you to win. I know that's hard for you to understand- understand that everyone in town wants you to achieve your dreams... But we do. And Alex, if you never moved here, I would have never met you because frankly, Zuzu City is the worst place on Earth. I left their for a reason; because people like your father deserve to live there. But people like us? All those people in town supporting you? We live out here because we realized just how rotten that place makes people."
Alex doesn't reply, listening the farmer's heavy breathing. Their little speech was said all in one breath, their face hot with annoyance. He mulls over a response, wondering if he should reply at all. 
He thinks back to his grandma, the smile on her face as she took out photos of Alex when he was a kid, sitting at the beach with his mother and fishing with his father, or sitting with his grandfather before he had to start using a wheel chair. She wasn't glorifying the days his father was around- she was the one who forced Alex away from him in the first place after all, but was reminiscing in her daughter's last years alive, her world swallowed by the two men in her life that made her happiest: her husband and son.
"You're right," Alex says, his chin dropping to his chest. "I... I'm sorry for making you upset."
"Its okay, Alex," the farmer sighs, approaching him. "I'm glad I met you here in the valley, you know? This town wouldn't be the same without you." They stop in front of him and offer a genuine smile, one he returns. "Its late. My house is right there so why don't you head home? Your grandma is probably worried."
Alex nods slowly, knowing the farmer is right. He is about to let them pass when his body tenses, his hand reaching out to grab their arm. "Wait- I..." The farmer raises an eyebrow, looking back at him slightly startled. Alex quickly lets go of their arm, blushing in embarrassment. "Thanks, I mean; for helping me see the silver lining. I'm glad I came here and met you, too."
The farmer smiles kindly at him, giggling softly. "Goodnight, Alex," they say simply, knowing to leave it at that. They turn around and continue down the path to their home, pickaxe still in hand.
Alex watches them enter their house before turning around to make the ten minute walk back to town. He doesn't know what he is going to tell his grandma when he gets back- maybe he will offer to look through the photos with her more willingly this time and see them through her eyes, or tell her about this new point of view and that he is sorry.
Either way, Alex walks home, glad that deep down he knew the farmer would have just the right thing to say. Pelican Town isn't so bad after all, he has to admit. Its people are always there for him, even a new resident like the farmer.
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avintagekiss24 · 5 years
Eyes Always Seeking [1/?]
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Pairing: Dark!Biker!Bucky Barnes x Original Black Female Character
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Dub-Con/Non-Con, smut, rough sex
Summary: You head out into the middle of nowhere Texas to see your brother Sam, but end up getting into more than what you originally bargained for.
Word Count: 3645
A/N: Ok, so. This is a subject that I’ve NEVER ventured into before... but it’s kind of a thing for me. I’m kinda into it, so when I found this challenge, I wanted to try my hand at it. I totally understand for those of you that are not, so please, please, PLEASE keep scrolling if you have an issue with dubious consent and/or no consent. This could also turn into a series thing, because I have an idea for a second and possibly a third part, depending on how it’s received. Please be easy on me, i’m so nerouvousssssssssssss.
This was written for @darkficsyouneveraskedfor 3000 followers #inthedark!challenge. The prompt is in bold.
You bite your bottom lip as your eyes scan the neon sign out front. Your windshield wipers dispel the water droplets that dribble across it as an old country song plays softly from your radio. You jump slightly as the loud roar of approaching Harley’s cracks through the still night. You grip the steering wheel with your hands, turning slightly in your seat to watch the pack of motorcycles pull into the parking lot. Big, gruff, bearded men, covered in tattoos and leather, disembark from their metal steeds and move inside the bar, their heavy boots scraping across the gravel lot. 
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, praying that you don’t get murdered tonight. You remove yourself from your car, jogging slightly as a few raindrops still fall from the passing storm. You move inside the bar, loud metal music hitting you in the face as soon as the door opens. Your dark eyes instantly start scanning the crowd as you clutch your jean jacket to your chest.
“Sis! Over here!”
Sam’s voice pulls your head left and you smile as soon as your eyes land on his cheerful face. He stands, his hands extended out as you walk toward him, falling into his chest, “Brother.”
“Baby sister! It’s been too long, city girl.” He kisses your forehead.
“You shouldn’t have moved out to bum-fuck. We could see each other more.” You smile back, your eyes still scanning the rough group around you, “I mean, this is certainly a change.”
Your brother was once a financial advisor, a partner at his firm. He drove an Audi, wore Armani suits on Saturdays, and wouldn’t leave the house without at least six or seven hundred dollars in cash, just in case something came up. A year ago, he gave it all up; quit his job, sold his car, and bought a farm in bum fuck Texas. He made new friends too, one’s who frequent the hell hole your currently standing in. 
His laughter fills your ears. At least that hasn’t changed, “Stop lookin’ like that. You’re fine.”
“I feel like I’m gonna get lynched if I’m not careful.”
“Stop!” He laughs, bringing his beer to his lips, “You’re such a racist.”
Your mouth drops open as you push your finger into your chest, “I’m the racist? Really? They’ve probably never seen real black people before in their lives!”
He shrugs, “They don’t bother me and I’ve been coming here for a year. Sit down, shut up, and drink your beer, yuppie.”
You soon relax, as much as you can anyway, and share a few beers with your brother. You speak about your parents, off in Europe for the summer, your job, which you hate, and your love life, nonexistent. Sam’s met a pretty little farmer, Wanda, who’ll be joining the two of you in a while. You’re happy for him. He really seems happy out here in bum-fuck. 
You’re on your fourth beer, spinning it slowly on the wooden table as drops of condensation slide down the neck of the bottle. Sam jokes and laughs with an older man, his long beard braided down to his bellybutton, chains hanging from his black leather vest. 
“Sam Wilson, how the fuck are you?” 
A new voice sounds from behind your brother, causing you both to turn toward it. Your lips part slightly as your eyes widen at the sight of this new man. He’s young, probably your age, his long dark hair pulled back into a low bun, loose tendrils falling around his face. He’s dressed in a leather jacket, black shirt and dark jeans, heavy boots covering his feet. Tattoos slither up his neck, a single gold earring hangs from his earlobe. His square chin and jaw is covered in a light stubble as he slaps hands with your brother and pulls him into a hug.
“Bucky Barnes! Long time no see.” Sam turns slightly, nudging you with his arm, “This is my baby sister.”
When the stranger shifts his eyes to you, you shift uncomfortably in your seat. You push hair behind your ear, dropping your eyes from him to the floor, your nerves making you laugh lightly. You flick your eyes back up to him to find him still staring at you, his face set seriously. You look away again. Something about him make you nervous.
“You got a name?” He asks after a second, his voice low.
You nod quickly, tucking more hair behind your ear, “Yeah, um, S-Sao-Saoirse.” You keep nodding, “Saoirse.”
He quirks his eyebrow, dropping his chin slightly, peering at you through his dark eyelashes, “Saoirse?”
“Mom and dad found out they were pregnant with her while vacationing in Ireland.” Sam adds, smirking at you, “But, just like her name, she’s a real weirdo.”
“Fuck you, Sam.” You scoff, swatting at his arm and rolling your eyes. 
Bucky lets his eyes linger on you for a second or two more, before finally shifting his gaze back to your brother.  You drop your head, letting out air from between your teeth as you pick at the label on your beer bottle. Heat rises in your cheeks as you shift again, suddenly more nervous than you had been all night. You glance up again and catch his eyes on you, staring at you with no emotion on his face or in his eyes. 
Your breath hitches in your throat as your lips part again. Sam and a few others talk and laugh around the two of you, Bucky using their distraction to size you up. His piercing gaze drops from your face to your exposed legs as you sit with them crossed. He drags his eyes slowly up the length of your legs and licks his lips, his head cocking to the side. You push your hands down to your knees and calves, trying to cover them as much as you can. You clear your throat, moving your eyes around the bar again, hoping someone will pull his attention away from you. 
You can’t help but slide your eyes back to him after a few seconds. He’s graduated up to your chest, not giving a damn that he’s making you uncomfortable. You move in your seat again, letting out a shaky breath as you pull the lapels of your jean jacket over one another. You’re suddenly cursing your choice of outfit, a low cut mustard yellow sundress, the one that if course barely covers your ass when you stand. If you lean forward enough, your breasts are on full display, if not spilling out of the garment entirely.
A devilish smile curls on his face as he snaps his eyes back up to yours. He rolls his head to the opposite side of his neck, the quick flash of humanity he showed falling from his face. Despite his eyes being a brilliant blue, there’s nothing but darkness in them as he ogles you. They dip to your chest again, his tongue farting out to sweep across his bottom lip. His mouth drops open and he presses his tongue against the back of his teeth. Slowly, provocatively, he sticks his tongue out, licking his upper lip as he gawks at you. You stand from the wooden barstool quickly, pulling at the bottom of your dress, pretending to not feel his cold stare on you.
“You okay?” Sam asks, turning his body toward you.
“Yeah, yeah, I just uh,” You stammer, “I just need the bathroom.”
Sam points toward the back of the bar and you take off without another word, clasping your jacket shut as move through people. You slam the rickety bathroom door behind you and lean up against it, closing your eyes and tilting your head toward the ceiling. You wave your hand at your face, trying to create some sort of quick breeze to cool you down. You start to shake as sweat prickles on the surface of your skin, holy shit.
You push away from the door and turn on the faucet, running your hands underneath the stream of water. You pat your face and neck with your wet fingers and dab at your skin with a paper towel before taking a step back to eye your reflection. You button up your jacket, covering your cleavage completely, and tuck more hair behind your ears. You take a deep breath to calm yourself, and reach for the door, pulling it open. You take a step or two before two hands grab you from behind. Within a second, you’re slammed up against the opposite wall, a sharp gasp falling from your lips. 
Your mouth drops open as you stare back into the all too familiar pair of eyes of Bucky Barnes. You breathe heavily, your body starting to shake again as he places a hand by your head on the wall behind you. He doesn’t speak. He just stares at you, his lips ever so slightly quirked up in a smirk as his eyes travel up and down your face. He’s so close his nose brushes against yours, his hot, beer laden breath washing over your face. 
He pulls back just enough to bring his beer to his lips. You let out audible breaths as he takes a swig of the cool liquid, his eyelids low as he keeps his eyes on you. He licks his lips once he’s finished, leaning back into you, his stubble brushing against your chin as he pins you to the wall. 
“Saoirse.” Your name comes out slow and heavy.
You close your eyes, nodding as you swallow hard, “Yes.”
Bucky brings the beer back to his mouth, taking another drink. He turns his head to glance back at your table, Sam mostly, before bringing his full attention back to you. He brings his hand up and grabs some of your hair, running his fingers through it before playing with the ends. Fear rises in your chest as you break eye contact with him to stare over his shoulder. He leans in, pushing your head to the right with his nose as he takes a deep breath, filling his nostrils with your perfume and shampoo.
“You smell nice.”
You swallow again, your stomach rising into your throat as your breath becomes quick and harsh, “Th-thank you.”
He spreads your legs with his knee, pushing his lower half into yours as his fingers leave your hair. He drops his index finger to your chin before dragging it down your neck and chest before hooking it into your jacket. He lifts his eyes back toward yours, and smiles again. You blink furiously, your lip quivering as tears threaten to splash against your cheeks. 
“Aww,” He coos condescendingly, “What’s wrong sugar?” You drop your head as much as you can, but his finger catches your chin, pushing it up harshly, “You don’t have manners? Answer me.”
“You’re scaring me.” You croak, your voice choppy and rushed as your lips tremble.
A tear makes it escape, sliding down your cheek slowly as you do everything you can to avoid eye contact with him. He cocks his head again and bites his bottom lip as another smile breaks onto his face. He’s enjoying this. He chuckles before humming quickly in happiness. He swipes at the tear with his thumb, brushing it away in one swift motion before running his calloused hand down your cheek. He grabs your chin and squeezes, forcing your head back straight so you can look at him. You whimper, and you swear you feel his dick twitch against your thigh. 
“Yo Buck! How about a game of pool, huh?”
He snaps his head toward the voice and you take the opportunity to slide out from him. You walk quickly back to the table occupying your none-the-wiser brother, wrapping your arms around your waist, keeping your head down. 
You grab your keys and start for the door, but Sam grabs your wrist, “Hey, hey, where you goin’?”
You force a smile on your face, glancing up at him, hoping your watery eyes don’t give you away, “I’m kinda tired, Sam.”
“Oh, come on, it’s early still! Wanda isn’t even here yet, I want you to meet her.”
“I can meet her in the morning. I am staying the weekend, you know.” You answer quickly, shifting your eyes toward Bucky, who know leans over a pool table. He stands up straight, lighting a cigarette before he catches your gaze, “Sam, please.”
Your brothers dark eyes bounce between yours, his forehead crunching as he squints, “Are you okay?”
You smile wider, trying to convince him. Your eyes dart to Bucky, then back to Sam, “Yes.”
He turns away from you, his eyes scanning the people around you, “Did someone touch you? I swear to fuck, I’ll-”
“Sam, I’m fine.” You reassure him, ignoring the constant leer of your unwanted companion, “I’ll see you back at your place, ok?”
Sam squints again but finally relents, leaning in and kissing your check, “Text me when you get there?”
You smile, moving out of Bucky’s eye line, “Of course.”
You move back outside, shoving your hands into the pockets of your jacket as you head straight to your car. You’re almost there, pulling out the hand that grasps your keys. You hear the door click as it unlocks, and you reach for the door handle, feeling the metal under your fingertips. You stop, closing your eyes as a cool Texas breeze whips around you. You let out a breath, then suck in some air again. It’s only then do you realize the dampness between your legs. 
You open your eyes, staring over the top of your car into the dim lit parking lot. You shift and squeeze your thighs together, a sharp jolt of electricity shooting through you. The fear in your chest, your shaky limbs, your dry mouth ass start to confuse you as the symptoms twist and turn into something else. This is arousal. The ghost feeling of his stubble on your skin makes your stomach tighten as your clit begins to ache. The rough denim of his jeans that rubbed against the inside of your thigh as he pinned you to the wall with his body makes your chest swell with lust and panic. 
The entire scene was oddly erotic. His hot beer breath, his hand squeezing your face, the tears that threatened to spill… you’d never felt this way before. You’ve never had attention forced on you before. In the moment, it was terrifying but now? You’re body obviously doesn’t seem to mind. 
You shake your head, pushing the thoughts away as you try and snap back to your senses. This isn’t right. What happened to you in there, wasn’t right. You shouldn’t feel this way. You flush with embarrassment, feeling it in the tips of your toes to the top of your head. You feel dirty for even entertaining it. 
You pull on the door handle, pulling it open when suddenly, you’re violently pushed back into it. You’re whipped around, coming face to face with your attacker. You struggle against him, slapping and pushing, but to no avail. He grabs your hands and pins them to behind you to your car, his large hand clasping both your wrists.
“I’m gonna scream Bucky!” You warn, “I mean it!”
“The fuck you will.” He hisses, grabbing your chin. 
Audible breaths fall from your mouth as your eyes bounce wildly between his. You don’t scream. You just stand there, pinned up against your car panic swells in your chest. Bucky peers back at you for a few seconds, before crashing his lips to yours. You groan loudly, trying to turn your head from side to side to get away from his invasive mouth. He pulls you from the car before he slams you back into it with a thud, pushing his leg between yours once more as you scream tightly. 
He pulls back with a loud smack, leaving your mouth open as you drag in deep breaths of air. Your lips are swollen from the hard kiss, wetness splashing against your thighs as your arousal grows from the terror. Bucky stares back at you, a wild, dangerous look in his eye. He drops his line of sight to your jacket before lifting his eyes back to you, his own breath ragged as his chest rises and falls a little harder and faster. He tightens his grip on your hands before reaching up to violently rip open your jacket, the small silver buttons falling to the ground as they break. 
He digs his hand into the top of your dress, pushing his fingers along your skin until they graze over your thick nipple. You hiss as he pinches the thick skin harshly, slamming your eyes shut as the sudden pain rips through you. He brings his hot mouth to your neck, sucking on your skin as his tongue darts out to lick at you. 
He bites down without warning, and you nearly jump out of your skin. You push your hips into his as you let out a long, fluid moan.You bite your bottom lip as you begin to grind your hips against his thigh, your clit throbbing at the sensation of the denim. Bucky pulls back again, pulling your weight from the car and dragging you to the passengers side so he can keep his eye on the door of the bar.
He pushes you back against the car, grabbing your thigh and lifting it to crane your leg around his hip. His fingers reach underneath your dress, skimming along your soaked satin panties, another chuckle rumbling through his chest, “So fucking wet baby.” He mumbles. 
He pulls the pale blue underwear from your waist harshly, ripping them totally. He stuffs the remnants of the material into his back pocket before unbuttoning his jeans, pulling his hard cock free. He slams into you without warning. You cry out, craning your head toward the sky as you throw your hands around his neck and shoulders to help steady yourself. Bucky covers your mouth with his hand, silencing you as he pulls out and slams back into you again. 
“Don’t make a fucking sound. Hear me?”
His pace is fast and unforgiving as you groan into the palm of his hand. You bounce with his rhythm, your back sliding up and down the door of your car as he fucks you. You hold tightly onto his leather jacket as he leans into you, scratching at your jawline with his teeth. He sinks his teeth into your neck again and not even his palm can stifle the sound that erupts from you. It’s low and guttural, almost animalistic as the pain shoots through you. 
The sound draws a scratchy grunt from Bucky, his hand slipping from your mouth and up into your hair, “Didn’t I tell you to keep your filthy mouth shut?” He asks, pulling your hair roughly.
You stifle the scream that scratches at your throat from the pain that prickles in your scalp. His hips continue to push into you, rough and fast, his thickness spreading and stretching your muscles as you feel each thrust in your stomach. A hand wraps around your neck, putting pressure on your airway as the other slinks around your waist. His fingernails scratch at your skin as he digs his digits into your flesh, squeezing so hard that you know you’ll have bruises after.
You feel dizzy; chills flood your body as your release begins to build. Jolts of electricity bounce within your stomach, your muscles tightening and flexing with every stroke. You dig your fingers into the leather of his jacket as tears slide down your cheeks from the force of his hips. He rocks into you again and your orgasm erupts, coursing through you with reckless abandon. 
Your clit pulses as your walls clench around him. Liquid drips down your thighs as you come and splashes on the gravel below your foot. Within seconds, Bucky spurts into you, filling your sex with hot, white ribbons of his seed. He falls against you, the stubble on his cheeks cutting into your face and neck as you both breathe heavily. 
You stand motionless, Bucky still buried to his hilt in your wetness, your leg still thrown around his hip. You stare out onto the parking lot, the gravity of what just happened heating your skin. Your hands fall to your sides as he leans back, removing his weight from your body. He pulls out of you unceremoniously and tucks himself back into his jeans, dropping your leg. You link eyes with him, your face hot with embarrassment and shame, your limbs shaky as he peers back at you. 
Without a word, he walks off back toward the bar, digging into his pocket to pull out a pack of cigarettes. He pulls one out with his teeth, stopping and turning slightly as he lifts his hands to cover the tip with one and flicking open his gold lighter with the other. Another tear slips down your cheek as you watch him, frozen in your fear as he lights the cigarette. He cuts his eyes back toward you, expels a puff of smoke, and then turns away, moving back inside the bar. 
You clutch your jacket in your fingers, covering your chest as you hurry back to the drivers side and fall into the seat. You slam the door closed and grip the steering wheel with both hands as water floods your eyes. You let out deliberate, shaky breaths as your vision tunnels in front of you. You close your eyes, flexing your fingers as you try and calm down. 
So fucking wet, baby.
Your eyes pop back open. You squeeze your legs together. A jolt of electricity shoots through you. You bite your bottom lip as you blink slowly.
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 23
Elaine glared daggers at Angel the entire time he sat on the couch, waiting for Demie to get ready. He wasn't really sure what was taking so long - Demie didn't really seem like the kind of guy to spend a long time fussing over his appearance. Regardless, he really wished Demie would hurry up. He was afraid that if it took much longer, Elaine was going to snap and get a knife from the kitchen and murder him. 
"Okay, we can go," Demie said, opening the door to his room and stepping out. He didn't look at all different from normal - his hair needed to be brushed, his stubble hadn't been shaved, his hooves were caked in dirt. He wore a Led Zeppelin shirt and nothing else - which Angel guessed was normal, but it was a little weird that he walked around with his balls just hanging out, even if they were covered with fur. He had a beat up old backpack slung over one shoulder, but otherwise didn't carry anything else. 
"Here," Elaine said, holding out her cellphone. "Take this with you. If anything happens - ANYthing - call the house. I'll come get you right away." 
"Yeah, yeah, I got it," Demie said, walking over to take the phone. As he did, Elaine gave Angel another nasty look. 
"You sure you don't want me to come with you guys?" She asked. 
"It's fine." 
"Are you SURE?" 
"Yeah. It's fine. I'll be okay." 
"'Cause I can come with you." 
"It's fine." 
"If anyone asks about your horns or legs--" 
"It's a costume, I know. I've got some tapes with me, if anyone asks I'll hand some out. It'll be like promoting the band." 
"If you're SURE--" 
"YES, I'm sure," Demie stressed. He glanced over to Angel, giving him a 'back me up over here' look. Angel held up his hands as a way of saying, 'you're on your own.' He really didn't want to run afoul of Elaine, and he knew that taking Demie out into the city was already pushing it. 
"Be careful, okay?" Elaine said. Angel thought she sounded like a worried mom. 
"I will be," Demie replied, sounding like a teenager trying to prove his responsibility. 
Elaine turned her attention back to Angel, narrowing her eyes. Angel was worried he would combust on the spot, her look was so angry. "Do not let ANYTHING happen to him," she said through gritted teeth. 
"I promise I'll take good care of your boy," he replied. 
Demie glanced between Elaine and Angel, his face quizzical. He looked like he didn't quite understand the tension between them. Bless his heart, Angel thought. He was great, but also so dumb. 
"Alright, you ready?" Angel said, looking back at Demie and flashing him a smile. 
"Yeah. Let's go," Demie said, adjusting the straps of his backpack. He was trying to sound casual, but Angel could see how the muscles in his shoulder and neck were tense. Once again he had that look of a startled animal getting ready to flee. 
They made their way outside, down from the deck and over to Angel's car. Elaine followed them to the steps, arms folded over her chest. She continued to glare at Angel until he got in the car and could no longer see her. Demie followed him, nearly folding himself in half to get all six and a half feet of himself into Angel's tiny sedan. Even with the chair lowered as far as it would go, his horns still brushed the roof of the car. 
"Ready?" Angel asked, giving Demie another smile. 
"Yeah, let's go," Demie said, looking straight ahead. 
Angel drove slowly down the dirt road, not in any particular rush. Despite Demie's assertions that he was fine, he was definitely tense, and Angel didn't want to rush him. Demie had confided in him that this was his first time ever going to a music festival. 
"What is this?" Demie said after a while, nodding to the car's stereo. 
"Hm? You've never listened to Panic at the Disco?" 
"No. It's weird." 
"Whatever. Sticks and stones, man. I'm used to getting bullied for my music tastes." 
"No, I mean…" Demie drummed his fingers on his knees for a moment. "I've just never heard anything like it." 
"You've never listened to emo?" 
"What's that?" 
Angel laughed. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since you live under a rock… where do you even get music from, anyways?" 
"Elaine," Demie said with a shrug. "Mar and I didn't even know what metal was until we met her." 
"That's so interesting," Angel said. "She doesn't really strike me as a metalhead." 
"She used to be. But now she listens to all this Japanese music and it sucks. It's so... happy-happy-happy, and everyone sounds like a chipmunk." 
"Mm, yeah, I could never get into the J-pop stuff." 
"But you're Asian." 
"Yes, Demie, I'm Asian. But Japan and Vietnam are two totally different countries." 
"Oh. Right." Demie lapsed into silence. Angel pulled off of the dirt road onto a gravel one, and they drove in silence for a while longer. Demie tapped his fingers on his knees in time to the music playing over the car's Bluetooth, and though it was subtle, Angel could see Demie's head bopping along to it, too. It was kind of funny, really. Demie could definitely headbang - Angel had seen it at the concert - but the gentle head-bobbing looked out of place. It was cute. 
Demie took a deep breath as they left the gravel road and pulled onto the paved county road. He rubbed his palms against his thighs, then gripped his knees. 
"So…" Angel said, "Elaine introduced you to metal music, was the band her idea?" 
"No, it was--" Demie's voice cracked a little, and he loudly cleared his throat. "It was Mar's idea. He thought it would be our ticket out of West Virginia." 
"I guess that kinda worked out for him, then, huh?" Angel said. "What about you? Why aren't you living it up in L.A.?" 
Demie cleared his throat again. When he spoke, he sounded a little hoarse. "Just didn't want to. L.A. just seems like too much pressure. Too many fake people. I like country life better." 
"Yeah, I don't think you'd be able to raise your goats in L.A., huh? And it's so fucking expensive out there. I've thought about moving to San Francisco a few times, it might be easier to grow my brand, but the cost of living just isn't worth it." 
"You… you have a company?" 
"You said… you have a brand." 
"Oh, no," Angel laughed. "No, I mean my social media brand. Y'know, the way I present my life. It's how I'll get sponsorships and stuff, once I'm big enough that people want to live the same life as Angel Vinh." 
"That sounds… complicated." 
"I mean, it's not that hard. I just show people how I live. Like, you definitely have a brand, or you would if you used social media. Wildman out in the forest who lives in a tiny house and makes his own cheese. Hell, that would be super marketable, because it's interesting. More interesting than me just going to the gym and the club and taking pictures of my abs and ass every day." 
"I mean, your way of living, it's just… so organic, you know? And not just because you farm and stuff. I mean, that's really you, you're not putting on an act for the camera. It's really admirable." 
The conversation petered out there as they drove through the short row of shops that was Billy Brook. They took a turn and left the town behind, heading south towards Charleston. 
"How do you…" Demie said, then stopped. 
"How do I what?" Angel gently prodded. 
"How do you like… put yourself out there, for the world like that?" 
"Mm, well, I've always been an attention whore, so that helps. I just can't stand being a nobody. I want to be famous, y'know? I don't want to be stuck in the same neighborhood, with the same people for all my life. It's like the American Dream, y'know, I want to be better off than how I was born." 
"What about you? What do you want from life? I know you said you like country life, but I'm sure you have goals, right?" 
"Mm, nope. No goals." 
"Really? I kinda envy that. It would be nice not to constantly worry about shit." 
Angel glanced over. Demie was tightly gripping his thighs now, his knuckles going pale from the force with which he was holding himself. Angel wanted him to calm down some. 
"So, you excited to maybe pass out some of your tapes?" 
"No. They're not really my tapes. Mar is still on them." 
"Well, I mean, they're still your music, though. You're still singing and playing guitar on them, right?" 
"I guess. No one listens to them for me, though." 
"I would. No offense to your brother, but your voice is way nicer." 
Demie let go of his legs, rubbing his palms against his fur again. Angel had become aware of how loudly Demie was breathing. 
"You know, we don't have to go into the mosh pit or anything if you don't want to. We can hang out at the back of the crowd. I don't even like moshing that much, my boss doesn't like if if I show up to work with bruises, it gives people the wrong idea, y'kn--"
"Can you pull over?" Demie asked. He'd lifted his hands to grip the seatbelt crossing his chest, twisting it like a rope. 
"Pull over. Now." 
"Yeah, sure…" Angel murmured, slowing down and pulling off onto the dirt shoulder. "You okay, man--?"
Demie unbuckled his seatbelt, threw the door open, leaned out of the car, and retched into the dirt.
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