#that parasite of a fandom will never leave me
ruenii · 1 year
Tim gets hit by a huGE dose of cuddle pollen Ivy made, but she modified it to make the victim more...loopy, or lower their inhibitions. It basically makes them not give a shit and do what they ACTUALLY want, but the fluff version.
So since Tim deep, deep, deeeeeep down is a huge fuckin sap. (You can never, ever take away this headcanon from me.)
He pounces on someone (read: Duke) the second he wakes up in the medbay. And since the batfam doesn't know that Tim isn't a corny ass sap, they think it's the pollen doing it, but nope, Timmy is just very touch-starved and wants to share his affection.
Duke gets pounced on first (he's Tim's favorite) and gets a clingy leech whose arms and legs are wrapped around his body very tightly and is also nuzzling the crook of his neck.
He's also trying very hard to control the blush on his face when Tim praises him, whether it be from training, school, or his personal achievements. Even if Tim constantly praises him when he wasn't dosed, he still couldn't get used to the sheer support.
The boy just huffs and carries Tim like a teddy bear, and the others are just watching silently at the display. (Dick seething in the bg but lets ignore that–)
Cass is the second, she doesn't dodge as Tim pounces on her back, his arms tucked around her head and legs wrapped around her neck.
Tim tells her how he's so glad that he's her sister and how he loves her very much, and would actually commit genocide for her—
And Cass just smiles cutely and pats him on the thigh, and continues to walk to the library, with Tim still on her shoulders, who is still complimenting and praising Cass, and also still wanting to commit war crimes for her.
The third one is Jason, it's a slow night, nothing's really happening, just some regular drug busts, gang fights, and burglars, but other than that, everything's just very relaxed. Well, as relaxed as Gotham can get.
It's during this patrol when Tim slowly comes up beside him and intertwines their hands together, careful and gentle, because he knows Jason is still kind of uncomfortable to touch, not so much now, but it's still there, but he's working on it bit by bit.
Of course, Jason knows Tim knows about his fear of touch, I mean he'd be pretty surprised if he didn't, but he doesn't mind that Tim doesn't force Jason to hug or cuddle him vigorously, but does it in a subtler, gentle way.
Jason huffs and squeezes Tim's hand as thanks. Tim grins and squeezes back. They share a comfortable silence as they walk to a nearby cafe.
The fourth is Stephanie, and since they're exes-turned-to-best friends, and very cuddly, she wasn't that surprised but was more excited that this Tim doesn't hold back on the mushiness of it all.
They have a competition to see who can call the other the most cringiest, corny names that they can think of.
(Spoiler: (haha spoiler) Steph's in the lead)
The fact that Tim was hit by the pollen didn't change anything drastic to their dynamic, it sort of just, well, evolved it, they're still the cuddliest of buddies. And if they get more cringier and exhausting to the rest of the batfam? Well, it's their problem now.
The fifth is Dick, who is still very bitter that Tim didn't hug him first-
"Uhhh...respecting his boundaries? being normal and not overbearing or being allergic to emotions? just being a friend to him in general to be honest-"
"..." )
And was also very relieved that he wasn't seriously hurt.
He's at the living room watching some random Rom-Com when Tim appears and stands closely to the couch Dick was on, curious about the movie as well.
Dick doesn't get a chance to say anything until something hits his chest. And when he looked down to see what it was, he almost cried from joy.
Tim was hugging him!! He was hugging him!! HA TAKE THAT DUKE–
Dick adjusted their position so that they're more comfortable, Tim's legs were on his thighs and his head was leaning on his shoulder.
Tim didn't really seem to mind as he was manhandled, but squirmed a little bit when Dick hugged him too hard.
Dick's just happy to see his little brother showing affection first!! He's come a long way. He says dramatically as he wipes a fake tear out of his eye.
The Sixth one is Damian, he was unnerved to see Tim being openly affectionate to the family, as he was used to seeing him being sarcastic and reserved, but not this... Grayson 2.0 clone.
(and also because he's a little, a tiny, bit offended that he wasn't the one who he hugged and looked for first. I mean, hello, Timothy? I am the youngest?? We trauma bonded?? I cradled you in my arms?? I'm Robin???)
But he was forced to accept this new Timothy. This new Timothy who gave him head pats for a good job, who scooped him in his arms in the morning when he's too tired to notice everything, who sets him on his lap and watches Animal Documentaries when he feels like Damian is too angry or is having a tantrum.
This new Timothy treated him like how he would treat his own little brother. He doesn't force him to do something he doesn't want unless it's absolutely needed. Respects his personal space when Damian was not in the mood but shows how he cares about him in other ways.
And, and. . . .this Tim was just affected by the pollen. It was not real, he was just forced to do this because of some stupid, meaningless, pollen. He doesn't really love Damian, he's just hallucinating.
But Damian doesn't push Tim off of him when he carries him up the stairs like a toddler.
Or when he praises him on how much he grew as a person, how much he learned, how he's so glad that he's with them now and comfortable in his own home, how kind he is to animals, or when he softly leans down and kisses his forehead good night.
Maybe tomorrow. Damian thinks, as Tims soft voice sends him to sleep.
The seventh, is obviously, Bruce.
He wasn't a perfect parent, that much he can say at least. He was a broken man, who couldn't deal with his emotions properly.
It's getting better now though, as he's been seeing Dinah Lance twice a month. It's not going to be easy to change things that have been engraved in his heart for a long time.
But if it's for his kids? Bruce would do it in a heartbeat.
Tim walks over to where Bruce is, perched over the Bat Computer, looking at evidence of another human trafficking ring that had yet to be found.
He can see Bruce's shoulders stiffen, his expression carefully blank, but his hands were gripping the console too hard.
Bruce hears Tim approaching him from behind. His brilliant, intelligent, and lovable Tim. He doesn't deserve him, hell, he doesn't deserve any of his children
He feels like he failed them, and he had yet to apologize to all of them, some more than others, but he's working on it together with Dinah.
He's shocked when he feels Tim hug him from behind, nuzzling his head into his back. Bruce, still unmoving decided to turn his head to look at Tim, who was drowsy as he just woke up from a nap and wanted to find Bruce. (His son, his beautiful, capable, strong son.)
"Tim? You should go to your room if you're still tired—"
"You'reee. . . doing your besttttt, Bruceee...I'm proud of youuu...!"
Tim keeps on complimenting him, and god does the guilt fucking eat him alive
Bruce is shaking, Tim can feel it, but he was so sleepy, so he has to say this before he has to go upstairs to his room and fall asleep.
"I love you."
And Tim passes out, his hands loosely falling from Bruce's waist, but he catches him just in time before he hits the floor.
Bruce picks him up in a bridal carry and leaves the Bat Cave. He stays silent for most of the trip until he arrives at Tim's room and tucks him into bed.
A lone tear slid down his face as he cupped Tim's cheek into his much, much bigger hands. Looking at his son with pure adoration.
"I love you too."
He kisses his forehead before he leaves the room and turns off the light. Wondering why his throat feels likes there's a lump inside of it all of a sudden.
When they finally get to Ivy, she just laughs at them, cackling even.
"You idiots! That pollen was to just make someone show how they really feel, the nicer kind, I mean."
She rests her chin on top of her hand.
"It was supposed to be a prototype but hey, at least we know it works now."
Ivy looks at them and their glares bore holes into her skull, too bad she doesn't care.
"It takes their nicest qualities and times them to a ten. So Tim?"
She points at Red Robin who's busy hugging Harvey and is being cooed at by Catwoman.
"Is just a soft guy at heart, it wasn't forced or something, the pollen just helped him amp up his confidence and makes him do what he always, truly, wanted."
Ivy turns her back on them and goes over to Harley and Catwoman, and Tim beams at her, Ivy gives a soft smile and pats his head.
"Oh, so you guys didn't know Tim was a huge sap?"
"Being a normal person man, it gets you anywhere."
"Babybird's soft as fuck, and also very cuddly, you guys just don't have the privilege to hear or see it like normal lol."
"Todd, you have five seconds until I dismember you–"
"Oh please Dami, you're just embarrassed!"
"Very true. His ears are turning very red."
Bruce is just there in the middle, staring out at nothing, the only thing on his mind is just Tim saying I love you to him, echoing every 5 seconds.
Tim is just on cloud nine, happy.
Loopy, but still very happy.
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strawb3rrystar · 1 month
angel dust x reader fluff where reader shows angel that he loves him for more than just his body?
More than limbs.
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Pairing: Angel Dust x GN! Overlord! Reader
Warnings: None really, light mentions of Val (ew)
Word count: 528
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Angel looks down at your intertwined hands for the umpteenth time. Still shocked that your holding had with him in public. Most of the sinners he's been with have never shown him affection in public. The way you do it so causality, with not a care in Hell makes him flustered.
You decided to take Angel out on the town for a day of shopping. No one knew about your relationship outside of the hotel. For very obvious reasons. But, you weren't on too busy of a street now, so you felt comfortable enough to hold Angel's hand.
As the two of you walk, Angel tries to direct his attention somewhere else. He decides to look at the window displays in stores as you pass by. An outfit catches his eye, causing him to stop abruptly. You stumble a little at the sudden halt, looking at Angel. You quickly notice his eyes on the outfit. "Do you like it?"
You ask, stepping beside him. He looks embarrassed that you caught him looking, but he nods his head. With that, you start pulling him towards the front door of the store. Angel finally tuned back in when he was in the dressing room with the outfit in his hands. Perfectly his size. Most of the time he would be giving a size smaller, with the purpose of it to squeeze him in all the wrong places. Just another form of torment for the spider.
He had to admit, the outfit looked amazing on him. He stepped out of the dressing room, your eyes lighting up when you see him. "It looks good on you."
You smile, making his body feel like it's on fire. "Thanks, toots. But it's like 300 dollars."
Angel mentions, his shoulders tensing. You usher him back into the dressing room, a calm expression on your face. "Don't worry about it. Just go get changed, then bring that out to me."
By the time Angel comes out of the dressing room, you're waiting by the cash register. Your eyes on him as he walks towards you. You make him feel like he's the only sinner in hell sometimes. Like nothing else matters to you but him. He had your undivided attention.
You pay for it as if it was only pocket change. Grabbing the bag the outfit was placed in, and then your palm meets him again. The two of you are walking down the street once again. "You didn't have to do that, you know?"
You look at him, your eyebrows rising. "What do you mean? Am I not allowed to buy an outfit for my gorgeous boyfriend?"
"Well, you don't have to spend all that money on me." Angel replies, trying to convince you.
"Relax." You say softly, rubbing your thumb on top of his. "I would give up every penny for you."
Before Angel can reply, you pull him in for a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. The type that leaves his heart racing for you. And you kissed him right there, on the street, in front of everyone. You pull away a few seconds later, giving his cheek a pinch. "Every penny."
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Star's notes -> Yall seem to love my fluffy Angel Dust fics, huh?
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @alexandria-fandom @corruptcoder @astrolovedy @perfectlycraftychaos @stressedbleach
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@hazbinhappy @samohxt2-0 @mollzaj @sunshines-bright @t0uchst4rv3d
@saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter @little-miss-chaoss @cummunistcat @parasite-b | Join the taglist
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bestworstcase · 7 months
summer theoretically has known cinder for longer than she knew her daughters. this haunts me. like it’s the evil step sisters yk, ruby maims cinder and she’s expected to turn the other cheek, because…that’s summer’s daughter, never mind that summer chose to leave her kids behind. what kind of relationship does cinder have with summer rose. “you should have never been born.” how does it feel knowing that ruby’s life is worth more than hers to summer?
for all the fandom talks about how cinder imitates salem's style, she does not actually dress very much like salem—there's a perceptible influence yes, but the palette is different (bright red or very dark warm brown + gold trim), the fit is different (looser!), and she keeps getting more asymmetrical. but guess what!
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cinder's wardrobe is the middle of a venn diagram between salem and summer rose. (look at outfit concept B and tell me it isn't a mashup of cinder's beacon/atlas fits.)
also hi this is a khopesh ->
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it's the love child of a sword and a battle axe.
(that is not a metaphor this is a type of sword which evolved from crescent-shaped battle axes like the epsilon.)
she pulls this thing over and over during the fight with raven—and that's... kind of the only time that happens. (her standards are midnight/the scimitar, and something i think is meant to be a kopis). but lol. when she has to fight summer's old teammate, she goes for the closest thing you can get to an axe while still being a sword.
so like. it's not like she somehow doesn't know summer. mimicry of others she perceives as powerful is an extremely pronounced trait of hers and there's enough little details similar between cinder's fits and summer's final design that fit into the gap between cinder and salem to feel On Purpose even without taking into account how much concept B just straight up looks like cinder-in-ruby's-palette.
(and as cinder would see it, summer does have some degree of power over salem—it's on her behalf that salem goes out of her way to avoid killing ruby and yang—so obv cinder is taking notes.)
but it's fucking wild in the context of cinder's very very personal hatred of ruby like. and you should have never been born.
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the nest parasitism of it all.
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spacebarbarianweird · 3 months
Oh my goodness! No one in any fandom writes about chronic illness, it's inspired me for my own project. That being said, I never considered sharing conditions with my Tav, it seems cathartic.
I just imagine a Tief!Tav with hypermobility/EDS, how some of those weaknesses are strengths with the tadpole, and how they become hindrances when it's gone. I just gotta say I feel for them and how often they must dislocate parts of their tail.
Do you have any thoughts on it?
You know what a coincidence is? My IRL bestie @psychicdreamlandpizza knows everything about this syndrome! And she also plays as a Tiefling! And she've given me a lot of insights how EDS would affect our beloved little devils!
Astarion x Tiefling Tav with EDS
First of all, you don't have darkvision.
Your impossible condition, so rare none of the medical scholars have ever seen anyone like you, affects your eyesight.
Of course, you are far from blind, but it is exhausting.
And your eyes look like two perfect black pools of darkness.
Astarion tells you they are like bottomless pits he wants to drown in.
Your body is flexible and you are a perfect rogue.
And a circus performer.
Though, you get traumas more often than your colleagues.
The blood clotting is getting worse with every year of your life, though, it's much easier to feed on you.
All veins are perfectly visible even though your skin tone is rather dark.
Astarion tip-toes around you, being afraid to hurt you.
You are a picky eater because many foods just make you nauseous.
But you have never let your condition restrain you.
You want to be an adventurer. You want to see the world.
You hoped the tadpole had fixed you but once the parasite was gone you were back to "normal".
You even offer Astarion to leave since you won't let him experience his freedom to the fullest.
He refuses.
"Darling, honestly, my condition is no less crippling - but you don't offer to break up".
Astarion becomes your eyes - he sees much better - and your "food tester". Somehow he has learned to predict whether "this particular strange fruit" is safe for you to eat.
But he never makes a big deal out of your syndrome.
He doesn't let you think you are weak or crippled or a burden.
You are you.
And he loves taking care of you.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @aysellunaa @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @queenofthespacesquids
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pookiebeary · 7 months
Young Justice!Roy Harper x reader
Warning: angst, mentions of death and guilt etc
Word count: give or take 871
Synopsis: In order to buy some time for an escape, you have to do what you have to do. You've failed him all those years and this time you won't.
Reader is Black Canary's former sidekick and has the charmspeak ability, which is a type of hypnotism or persuasion in which it allows the speaker to convince someone else to do or get whatever they want (cited from the riordan wiki fandom)
"Never!! I will not be taken again!" You hear Roy angrily declare as he takes an offensive stance, the blaring security alarms making him fidgety like a wild animal.
You feel the guilt of failing to find him all those years jab at you as you look at the near feral expression on his face. Taking a deep breath, you steel your resolve and shorten the distance Roy's put up.
"Easy there buddy," you make your voice as soft and disarming as possible but still clear enough to hear through the deafening sound of the alarm, it works to calm him down as you shush and lull him with sweet nothings. You smile assuringly, promising that you'll make sure he never gets captured again. Never. You'll make sure of it even if the odds are stacked against the both of you.
"You won't be taken again, okay?" You cup his face with your palms, placing your forehead against his as you whisper, "I promise you."
You take in a shaky deep breath while you watch his features soften before you continue to speak again.
"Listen to me Roy. You will walk away from here." You command and with a ghost of a smile gracing your lips, your resolve begins to wave when you watch his gaze turn foggy as if he's trapped in a trance-like state. Tears pool in your eyes but you refuse to cry even as your lips tremble slightly. Your hand moves to gently caress his cheek and you take in every minute detail of him, burning the image of Roy Harper one last time in your mind.
His dazed look suddenly twists into horror when he realizes you're using your charmspeak on him to force him to abandon you, "N-no (Name)! Don't you fucking dare-"
You cut him off, adding even more intent on your tone, "You will run and save yourself and only you. Leave me."
You see him struggling to fight against your charmspeak but you've already reaffirmed your resolve and you can't back down now. This is your repentance for having failed him all those years ago. You owe him this, "You will escape and you won't stop running until you're back with the others."
Roy's horrified and furious look fades away as he nods blankly and you smile, knowing that he cannot disobey the charmspeak you've placed on him.
"Goodbye Roy. I love you. Tell Dinah I'm sorry," you murmur quietly, your thumb wiping away a drop of tear that has rolled down his eye. Giving him one final kiss you figured you could have before you meet your end, you reluctantly let go when the troop's stomping gets louder- mercilessly reminding you of the inevitable.
You see Roy nodding dazedly before abruptly turning around as the charmspeak compels him to follow your orders. He runs away, melding into the shadows as you turn to face an army of supersoldiers alone.
'No no no no no!' Roy tries to move his body, to will himself back to you but your charmspeak is much more powerful than he remembers. All those years he was trapped in ice you must've honed your skills because he'd usually be able to break free from it.
'(NAME)!!' He screams and tries to resist the charmspeak as he struggles to slow down, to no avail. His body isn't listening to him as it continues to run even as exhaustion and grief clings into him like a parasitic daemon.
He feels tears run down his eyes as he remembers the time spent with you all those years back. The flood of memories from your first meeting flashes on his mind like a movie; the both of you had been so young then- fresh newbies to the crime-fighting life that you've both been introduced to by your guardians. And as much as he hated his days as a sidekick to Green Arrow, meeting you when he was still Speedy was the greatest thing that ever happened to him.
He remembers how he initially taunted you and goaded you to prove your meta abilities because he wasn't sure how to talk to you even though in hindsight that had been a horrible way to make friends. The result of said interaction was you charmspeaking him to punch himself. The purple bruise on his cheek served as a humbling and humiliating reminder to him for the next few weeks that Oliver never let him live it down.
He remembers how you both used to sneak around after curfew to hang out at rooftops and enjoy each other's company when a busy Dinah dropped you off in Star City for Ollie to babysit you. It had taken a lot of convincing on his side for you to break the curfew rule with him, involving promises of your favourite snacks and drinks being present.
He recalls the smile you'd had given him when you apologized for making him punch himself even though it was a well-deserved punch. But even as a war cry left his lips and even as tears continued to stream down his eyes, his legs wouldn't stop running even as he desperately wished to go back and fight beside you in that losing battle.
He doesn't stop running.
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irontragedyreview · 13 days
Ok, so I read the chapter with the official translation because if I'm going to say that Horikoshi is mediocre writer, that this arc was completely rushed and a shit show in general I'm going to use the official translations. It should be noted that honestly nothing can fix this chapter so meh, the relevant points would be
AFO loves Yoichi, some criticism focused on Afo saying this didn't make sense but  from the beginning of the arc we see AFO declaring that he loves his brother, since we know the story of OFA/AFO we know that he wantsYoichi by his side, but even beyond his methods of locking him up and wanting to break his will, the truth is that he wants Yoichi's decision to be by his side to be of his own free will. Even though he’s willing to break Yoichi, he didn’t want him to be by his side through some quirk manipulating his will, because that could have been an option, what he wanted when Yoichi was alive is for him to finally stand by his side.On the other hand, AFO's love isn’t healthy, it’s twisted and toxic because he considers Yoichi his, his first gift, the first object he had, so yeah, AFO loves his brother but no one is saying that this love is good or healthy.
Some people interpret that Kurogiri is dead, I'm honestly not interested in his character and the truth is I'm not very clear about what happened, I suppose it will be something that It will name above in the following chapters.
Midoriya showing empathy or compression for AFO? I've seen some comments saying that Midoriya's words are an attempt to show empathy towards AFO. Personally I think it’s completely wrong, if anything Izuku is telling him how small and pathetic he is, pointing out that he isn’t a demon king, he isn’t an incomprehensible monster, just a lonely man. There is no understanding or empathy but rather it’s establishing that he isn’t the terrible threat that AFO wants to think he represents but that he is ultimately a pathetic and lonely being.
AFO wanting to transmit his quirk to live in another body as a parasite, he says that Midoriya or anyone would do, this isn’t really true because although we know that a person can withstand a certain amount of quirks at some point it will fry their brain, Nagant handled her quirk well and one more, Spinner from what we saw became more irrational due to the quirk he received from AFO since his system was overloaded. So far the only one who has endured more than one quirk is Midoriya, although we can assume that he wanted to pass his quirk to another body and then if that body failed he could always look for another one.
bakugou is there, again nothing about horikoshi surprises me anymore.
Izuku and Tomura's talk, if those pathetic panels can be called that. Midoriya impassive, the only difference I find in the unofficial translations Izuku directly said he couldn’t forgive him, in the official one it isn’t so much the word forgiveness and more like he couldn't stand there just watching what he was doing. I use the official translations because 1) I don't know Japanese; 2) People usually argue that to discuss the points of story one should take the official translations. Since I don't know Japanese and the fandom is picky, I'll use these. Obviously it can be interpreted as that he can’t forgive what he did or forget it but well the truth is that I honestly don't think anything improves the talk. Tomura asking Midoriya to pass the message and telling him to tell Spinner that his convictions never changed, which it’s true I guess, although he also accepts that he couldn't destroy anything and that it may be that in the end he is that crying child that Izuku said, this line is interesting and something that a good author would surely seek to expand on, but considering that we’re talking about Horikoshi, we can leave it to the conclusion that hopefully the topic will be touched upon again or that nothing will ever be said.
Having said all the above, I imagine that there are only a few chapters left that make up a very long epilogue. At this point I doubt that Horikoshi will make a plot twist by reviving AFO a fourth time, I honestly hope not, some are talking about Tomura appearing in the form of Tenko? which at this point wouldn't fix anything either because you screwed up any chance of the save idea when you kept Izuku's plot going without a single introspective thought and ended it with him killing AFO in Tomura's body. The explanation would have to be very good to fix the shit show that was the chapter.
Some also say that Tomura isn’t dead, this is mostly because Horikoshi has used the resource of death and revived so many times that many no longer believe that he’s capable of killing a character, but I don't believe it if he’s saying goodbye, I doubt that miraculously appears alive. I would say that the chapters to come can’t be worse than this one but I fear that Horikoshi will take it as a personal challenge and do it.
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prince-simon · 1 day
AIGHT I thought DBD was gonna be a fun lil show. You have: two dead boys with AMAZING chemistry (I LOVE their different accents/slangs/outfits to reflect the times they're from), two living girls with AMAZING chemistry (deadass thought Crystal saw the lights around Niko because maybe she liked herrrrr and the lights were psychic related instead of LITERAL SPRITE INFESTATION), two wildly horny demons who I believe need to get it on and leave Crystal and Edwin alone please and thank you (David and the Cat King), TALKING CATS, a witch cosplaying as Cruella de Ville (I thought she was MURDERING her poor bird Monty!!!!), the cutest adorable most precious little astrology nerd I've EVER SEEN (the aforementioned Monty who wasn't a victim of animal abuse after all), a cursed walrus (still salty Edwin interrupted Tragic Mike's story of how he was cursed, I was INVESTED) OH AND A SUPERHOT BUTCHER LADY!!
ANYWAY this show was supposed to be fun. I watch Supernatural and yeah there were scary episodes but I can't think of anything as traumatic as the Devlin House episode! 😭 Just... watching the dad murder his poor family over and over was awful, seeing how affected Charles was broke my heart, the dad having a secret room to spy on his family was creepy and disturbing and OH MY FUCKING GOD?!?! THAT MISERY WRAITH?!?! I ALMOST THREW UP!! I NEARLY DIED!!! ABSOLUTELY AWFUL TERRIFYING 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND I NEVER WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!
I can't wait to watch more DBD tonight!
PS sorry for the essay
okay okay first of all. i'm so excited about this ask. don't apologise haha i've got things to say!!! (i hopeee i'm not spoilering you for anything with this longgg reply lol)
the chemistry between all of them is soooo insane i'm so happy about it!! and yeah lol i think the entire fandom thought it was gay lights for crystal and niko lmao (and you know what? just bc it was parasitic lights who's to say it's not ALSO gay!! sksk i was spoilered about this particular thing before i watched the show and when i saw that scene i STILL thought it was gay lol
sksk thank you for clarifying that by demons you mean david and the cat king bc i was like ??? david and edwin's demon??? interesting take but sure. let's go with it slfjsldfj but yeah calling the cat king a demon works too lmaooo i just love how pathetic the cat king is kssksk
the talking cats are sooo iconic hahaha
omg i totally thought esther was killing monty too. when i first watched it i did a bit of a live reaction with friends and i literally was like noooo not monty!!! he doesn't deserve it!!! i was FLOORED when he turned human skjdflsj in general esther is such a good villain. like i fucking hate her so so so much but man. i LOVE to hate her she just steals every scene she's in ("ouch my ghost skin" lives rent free in my head tbh)
SUPERHOT BUTCHER LADY yesss i love jenny so much. her "oh my fuck" cracks me up every time. fun fact before i watched the show and only saw stuff on tumblr i thought she was gonna be the bad guy sksksk
the show is so camp one second and then soooo devastating the next!!! the devlin house absolutely broke me!! fun fact- or actually not fun at all, idk if you noticed but when the camera is on charles when they're watching the murder happen, you can hear him begging his father to stop hurting him in the background. also another not so fun fact i was listening to jayden revri's charles playlist and the song that's playing in that episode is on there and when it came on i literally had to skip it after a couple seconds bc it triggered me sooo much lmfao but yeah omg don't get me started on the misery wraith!!! the first time i watched it, i was binging and i'd started pretty late already so when i got to that episode it was already dark and i was supposed to go to bed soon and i literally had to cover my screen bc i usually can't do horror at all!! so i was like nopenopenope this isn't happening nope
enjoy the rest of your watch and you're always welcome in my inbox for more yelling!!
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mareenavee · 10 months
For the Asks to Spread Love, pick and answer 3 that you haven't been asked already! 🧡
Hello again, bri!! Thanks for sending more of these for me! I've really enjoyed catching up on them and thinking through these today!
Fandom Positivity asks from this game here.
10. A popular character you actually really like and why.
I do like me some rare characters most of all lol. My perspective is a bit biased because I love the ones I love and I don't mind if they aren't "popular" per se. (:
LOL -- The obvious answer is Teldryn, right? But I'm gonna talk about
💫Neloth 💫
I think he's popular to dunk on because he's been a very big pain in the ass in the games for centuries to everyone who will listen to him. I mean, since the events of Morrowind at minimum. (:
Why do I like him? Because of how he's been written by myself and a few friends -- namely @thana-topsy, @paraparadigm (TOOTHPICK!), and @thequeenofthewinter.
I love to see how other people take this character and run with what we're given in text ESPECIALLY considering how ridiculous he is to deal with and his general attitude toward other living things.
For myself, where I write him as a long term friend of Nerevarine!Teldryn Sero, I love to use his character as an opportunity to talk about the struggle of redemption. How does one redeem themselves from a lifetime of difficult choices made to fit into a specific perception? Does this perception eventually end up becoming a core facet of who you are as a person? If that is the case, can you change? Are the consequences of your choices enough to make you irredeemable? Further, can you forgive yourself if change does not come easily or if you return to old behaviors much too easily?
He's a complicated one, I think, especially by the events of Skyrim. He's not exactly estranged from the rest of House Telvanni, but the connection is tenuous and fraught as the House is still, apparently, recovering from the Red Year. In Morrowind it was very much the opposite. There's gotta be a kind of grief to this shift under the uncaring, hyperfocused exterior.
He's annoying, yes, but very interesting to me, and so he's in my fic. And he's actually a huge part of the latter half of the book.
11. Recommend a fic with an unusual/original headcanon or characterisation that you loved.
OH I'm SHOUTING OUT @changelingsandothernonsense's Danger!JOSH (aka Nerevarine Teldryn Sero)'s Nerevar-as-a-parasite situation in Serious Mistakes.
This angry spirit, more or less, lives in the ring and speaks into Teldryn's BRAIN and sometimes drives the entire car, so to speak and I've never ever read anything like it, holy shit. I'm a beta reader for this particular project and I literally cannot yell about it enough.
It's a novelization of the Teldryn Serious mod which was already intriguing, but AH. MY GOODNESS the Nerevar situation.
Let me show you. From chapter 4:
Aren’t you meant to be looking for something? “Oh, you’re still here?” Teldryn rasped, as if saying it out aloud mattered here. You should be thanking me. Teldryn grunted in annoyance, he had a point, he hated it when he was right. His mouth was dry. He wanted to stay where he was. Sleep. You can’t stay here! Get up! Teldryn groaned. Right again – the tide was coming in, if he didn’t find what he was looking for now, then it would be gone by morning. He needed his keys. Was there an Argonian on the beach? He couldn’t remember. His head hurt. He pinched the bridge of his nose, it did little to relieve the pressure. He always overdid it on the magicka, and now he was nauseous.
It's fucking cool, isn't it? (:
19. Give kudos to someone who leaves great comments.
OH GLADLY. Here's where I shout out @polypolymorph!!!
Okay so I could pick out a bunch of comments -- or novel-length responses. Each comment turns into an opportunity for a conversation and I'm always beside myself to hear back from her.
But right now, I'm still grinning ear to ear over, you guessed it. Eyestalks. Eye. Stalks.
(on this project here.)
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gingerpeachtea · 5 days
20 questions for 20 writers !!
ty for the tag @aaronstveit :D <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 13 so far
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 19,163
3. What fandoms do you write for? graceland, braindead, and whatever musicals have crawled into my brain like a parasite and won't leave. i used to write a lot more for aos but i've been slacking </3 daisy johnson i miss u!!!!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? i already know exactly what these are gonna be lmao
sweet words and fevers (143 kudos, aos, quakerider) lose your faith in me (67 kudos, aos, staticquake) somewhere in the haze (43 kudos, graceland, mike sickfic) wrap it in gauze and light the way home (29 kudos, graceland, mike whump, 10 year anniversary fic :3) if i make it to the morning (28 kudos, graceland, mike/charlie/briggs ot3, mike whump)
5. Do you respond to comments? yes!!!! i looove comments i love talking to people about my fics!!! i love fandom i love community!!! peace and love on planet earth!!!!!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? out of what i've posted so far, definitely trial by fire, because the point of conflict between mike and paige/their guilt doesn't really get resolved so much as just...they go on with their lives. almost all my fics are hurt/comfort but tbf leans more towards hurt/no comfort. HOWEVERRRRR i do think that once i post something's in your eyes then that will be the angstiest bc i just find the last scene to be really sad
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? not an option for me NEXT! jk it's pillow
8. Do you get hate on fics? naur <3 yay
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. gay👍. if the characters are a man and a woman no they aren't. not to me. also it has to involve some kind of deep psychological issue or else i get bored LMFAO
10. Do you write crossovers? naur
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of !
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope, but i would absolutely be open to it if someone offered
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no BUT there is a doc titled MIKEJOHNNY FOREVER where reese (@cemeteryklaus) and i planned out a co-written mikejohnny fic and even started it but she is lost to the depths of my google docs </3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? you absolutely cannot make me do this. if there was a gun to my head and u asked me this question i think id just let you shoot me
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? OH GOD. UM. to be so honest........ bus kids existence of all time :( just because SOOO much of it has to be rewritten since i started it YEARS ago and have changed soo much as a writer. i love her so much like that's my BABY that's my actual physical tangible child in a bassinet but....... goddd it's just sm longer than my fics usually are so there's so much to do and so little time </3 and even if i finish it the sequel is definitely not seeing the light of day just bc there's like three missing scenes i still have to write and have 0 ideas for lmao
16. What are your writing strengths? LOOOOOOVE a good metaphor. so sexy so fun to write etc shes my best friend. my silly rabbit. i also think i've gotten really good at showing and not telling :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? keeping dialogue in character!!! the way i speak irl is so specific and strange and i usually tend to default to my own voice and then i have to go He Would Not Fucking Say That and fix it. also i am so violently indecisive, i usually have 9238642879845 versions of the exact same paragraph or phrase and i can never choose which one i like the most. 70% of the editing process for me is choosing between different versions of something
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i don't know any other languages so i can't rly do this lmao. i like it tho!!
19. First fandom you wrote for? h*rry p*tter WE DONT HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? FUCK um. okay so like. let me do one per fandom because i am so violently indecisive.
for braindead it's a no-brainer (hehe) it HAS to be when memories snow bc i LOOOOOVE giving characters my very specific issues and writing laurel's recollection of her finding abby's body and writing the last two paragraphs literally felt like unlocking something in my soul it was so much fun!!!
for aos, bkeoat (bus kids existence of all time) is so self-indulgent and every time i read it it's like OGH OGH OGH OGH OOGA BOOGA AWOOGA many consecutive shots to the chest etc etc and so on and so forth. bc i cooked it specifically to have that effect <3 but out of currently posted fics it has to be lyfim <3333 for the same reasons.
for graceland TRIAL BY FIRE!!! i'm so proud of it and it turned out basically exactly how i wanted it to and i just!!! aaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! HOWEVER something's in your eyes will in fact be tied with it when i post it so. get scared
i don't know 20 writers so i'm just gonna tag a random number of mutuals: @emeraldelysium @dandelion-writes @the-sparkling-diamond-satine @jortspheus @wheelsup-sevenup @acerobbiereyes @cemeteryklaus @saint-ossifrage <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!! :D feel free to tag me if u do!
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cinnaminsvga · 4 months
zee exclamations anon here!!! thoughts on min yoongi recently? how’s your emotional relationship with the memory of such an icon of your youth? also how do you feel about the little guy lately? as an artist, does he linger still as a muse? as a person, is he a vase of love still? i was just listening to time adventure from the adventure time soundtrack, and this line “will happen, happening, happened, and we will happen, again and again, cause you and i will always be back then” made me think that past is eternal, and love that once were will forever be when it was, so, it made me think of how in young forever they say “as today’s me, i want this moment to be eternal, i want to be young forever” and how yoongi now says “i want to grow up together” and how it seems it’s different but i think is the same. cause you and i will always be back then. we will grow up together, cause we are already together, cause we were together, so we are young forever. i think hope is just a loooot of love. or i think thats what it costs. like in that paramore song 26 “reality will break your heart, survival will not be the hardest part, it’s keeping all your hopes alive, all the rest of you has died, so let it break your heart” i think youth is so hopeful, and its hard to maintain that much hope as you grow up. it’s hard to see things as you once did, or feel em as you did, cause your heart breaks and things happen. so “i want to be young forever” is just so beautiful, cause its aware of how precious all of it is in that unique moment as everything is, and longs to keep it forever that way, and yet, “i want to grow up together” is the most hopeful thing to say. we’ll happen, happening, happened. some things must change to remain the same. it seems unforgiving when a good thing ends, but you and i will always be back then. growing up is an act of hope. love is eternal. the song ends with “you and i will always be best friends”. so how do you feel it zee?
im gonna be honest anon the way i just went slackjawwed when i saw this in my inbox HAHAH love u and ur little song references its like getting a personalized web weave in my inbox so thank u
hnngnghhg ive actually been rewatching some of his suchwita eps because i miss the little guy... it also massively sucks that he isnt gonna be Around for a bit, but cmon i just wanna see his bald ass head... just give me some excitement in my life... yoongi save me
and yea ofc he lingers as a muse to me... he's literally my ideal type HAHAH its kinda hard not to reference him in anything i write. even writing for other fandoms, i cant help but yoongify them somehow... i just love men who love softly but care so deeply. and yeah perhaps i have yoongi on a pedestal inside my brain and yeah maybe the version i have of him in my head isnt quite accurate but like... ITS HARD!!! NOT TO LOVE THE LITTLE GUY!!! AUGHHGDHG HES MY BEST FRIEND but not like /parasocial more like "hes my childhood imaginary friend that held my hand on the first day of school" sorta thing. he's a part of me, whether anyone likes it or not!!! like a parasite but its kinda awesome even though i think he wants to kill me sometimes. we could be like venom or something (idk never watched the movie).
kinda like how every interest ive ever had in my life kinda never leaves,,, it waxes and wanes but like at the end of the day, a lot of the stuff ive grown to love and maybe forgotten still keep a place in my heart. yoongi is my youth, and i choose to live youthfully for a long time. like ive said before, youth and love and all those sorts of things... its a lifestyle. time destroys so many things but those two stand against its claws. IT IS WHAT IT IS!!! BUT BY GOD, LETS HOLD HANDS WHILE WE'RE AT IT!!! anyway love u anon
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We all know that homestuck never leaves you. Once you’re in deep, it’s stuck in your brain forever like a parasite that needs you alive to replicate, so if you joined the fandom in 2012 or earlier, chances are you still do an occasional homestuck thing here or there.
So that leads to the weird and wild experience of people who were younger when they first joined the fandom (eg me) occasionally working on projects a decade later with people whose fanwork they really admired back in the day.
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adachilovebot · 1 year
i know bp ended a week ago ( and thank goodness for that ) but its still mind boggling to me how some were entertaining the idea of hui debuting in another group during ptg's 7th year and a few months away from contract renewal after cube CANCELLED their november 2022 cb
as their leader signing an exclusive contract for 2.5 years prohibiting him from ever mentioning the tagons would send ptg to the shadow realm immediately
I've been loving ptg unconditionally (unhealthily too but that's a topic to discuss next time) but I'd never be this blinded to think this situation isn't a massive threat to the group's survival . I've joined the fandom right before rtk ( terrible timing i know) the hui i saw there was determined to disprove mnet's pity party editing " people around me told me if a group doesn't make it during their 3rd year they'll never make it out group is 3.5 yo but I'll prove everyone wrong " i was questioning myself where was THAT hui i fell in love with
I do believe hui was forced to join it was pretty obvious from the "exceptional" audition tape accepted on november 2022 .mnet needed him to create bad buzz around the show the same way yujin did with gp999 tho unlike clc ptg weren't dismissed so they had to create the narrative themselves. tbh I'm still confused as to how hui blurred what he did abt ptg being dead in the eyes of the industry when it was factually false ( the triplets were actively working on music wooki especially had multiple BB50 producers visit for a prod session ) i am *personally* still pissed at him for that ( i know it could be edited but that clip was over 2min long)
a segment that made me cry was during the pentatour to gapyeong where he recorded a message to the boys where he praised them for protecting ptg while he was away and promised hell do his best for the group . this makes everything he's doing even more illogical because buddy you might debut elsewhere for 2.5 years ,????
I'm not gonna hyper analyse a stranger more than what I've already done here but I'll assume he was himself totally lost within his decisions especially after leaving the industry for 21 months he must've felt totally disoriented
but i am still pissed at any ptg fan who was actively campaigning for his debut tho that was S.T.U.P.I.D
fast-forward to now the little 9 boys are all doing well and thriving in their respective programs jinho in phantom singer and yanan in π plan wooseok was featured in maymay entrata's autodeadma ( massive slay go watch it )
although the fandom is full of bp hui akgaes parasites i guess they'll at least buy a ptg album to get into a 1v1 hui fancall we'll have to either tame them or bully them into shutting the fuck up
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firecrackerhh · 5 months
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You do nothing but get into constant fucking drama with other people in this fandom for no other reason than goddamn clout, that or you’re legit too fucking unaware to understand why people think your behavior is rightfully fucking irritating to everyone around you, and I’m not sure which potential option makes me disrespect you less.
You irritating fucks constantly get under this fandom’s skin for legit retarded fucking reasons and then you act surprised when people tell you that you’re fucking wrong?
You’re so fucking media illiterate you can’t even tell the difference between slapstick and actual abuse in a cartoon and you wanna fucking lecture people about topics you clearly have no business fucking talking about!?
Read the room! Assuming you’re fucking capable of it you goddamn retard. Jesus fuck!
What the fuck is it with the most brain dead people in this fandom thinking they have the right to speak on fucking anything dude, what the fuck!?
If you can’t tell the difference between a character kicking another in the balls Vs a gay man being physically abused by his bitch ex wife, if you legit believe that both require deadly seriousness, then you’re just retarded dude, I’m sorry to tell you.
Not that you care probably, I’ve seen you like one of my posts where I use the word retard, guess ableism only bothers you if it’s directed at you. Kinda hypocritical ngl.
Like yeah you would still be annoying af but at least it would be morally consistent if you hated every instance of the word instead of cherry picking.
Christ never watch the 3 stooges, you might get an aneurism lmao.
Didn’t you fucking say you were gonna leave the fandom? Or is the attention you get by being a lolcow too fucking sweet to ignore?
Maybe more people would be willing to have good faith discussions with you if you weren’t acting so fucking morally superior about everything you goddamn mental midget. The fucking gall.
You ain’t superior to anyone, you’re nothing but an irritating parasite getting high off the attention like a fucking heroin addict looking for a hit of dope, fucking tragic. At least if you were honest about being a fucking attention whore I would respect you a little bit, but nah you wanna bullshit others (and probably yourself) into thinking that any of the shit you say actually has any value. Tragic.
If you’re gonna leave, leave. It’s beyond obvious you don’t fucking belong here if all you wanna do is start shit and make other people miserable.
People recognizing slapstick isn’t actually abuse, isn’t fucking abuse apologia you retarded sack of shit, holy shit, how the fuck can people like you even exist?
I stg if you just love harassing fans cuz of a fucking character they like or because they clearly have better media literacy than you do, then you seriously need to touch grass, leave people the fuck alone you goddamn dumbfuck.
“Don’t harass this person guys!!!” You don’t even fucking bother to use the marker tool in your photo app to hide people’s usernames you fucking sack of shit! If you really cared about people not being fucking harassed you would fucking do the bare minimum!
Tho considering you’re the same person who said “it’s no wonder antis and criticals don’t like you guys!” I expect nothing less, if anyone sounds like an abuse apologist here it’s you.
The entire fandom shouldn’t have to suffer cuz a few people here are assholes, you’re one of them.
Stop fucking projecting onto people so fucking obviously, it’s pathetic af.
At least I’m honest I’m a fucking bitch and I have no qualms in admitting it. I know who I am.
Christ at least Squidiot was fucking funny to laugh at in hindsight, you’re just pathetic and irritating.
Grow tf up or get the fuck out, take your fucking dogshit takes with you.
🧨🔥~Firecracker out~🧨🔥
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 7: Words That Can't be Taken Back. (Alt prompt 12)
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars/Prequels
Summary: Anakin and Obi-wan get into an argument and Anakin says something he'll regret.
    "Sometimes I wish you were killed by Maul instead of Qui-gon! Maybe then I could have had a good teacher!" Anakin angrily yelled at his brother.
    Obi-wan just stood there, unsure of what to say. Words mustered after a moment, "me too." With that the man started walking away.
    "Obi-wan, wait! I didn't" Anakin started to follow after his brother, "I didn't mean."
    Rex walked into the room the two had been arguing in, "what's going on, general?"
    Anakin sighed and turned to face Rex, "I said something I should have. I didn't even mean it I'm just angry." He walked over to the commander, "should I follow him?"
    "Sir, I don't know General Kenobi well enough to know what he's gonna need. What did you say?"
    Anakin explained their argument and waited for Rex to reply. The clone had heard stories like this before. He knew good ways to handle angry words. "Does he have a place that he goes when he's upset?"
    "Yeah, the tree in the temple garden."
    "Then go there. Anakin, you really fucked up this time."
    "Yeah, I know that Rex" annoyance slipped through his voice and he turned to leave, "wish me luck."
    Rex didn't say anything. Obi-wan had every right to be upset. What Anakin said was unforgivable, no matter how angry he was.
    Anakin was right. Obi-wan sat at the stump of the old tree. Most of the time he would be meditating but this time he sat with his legs laid out and his back against the tree. The man was quietly talking to himself.
    "Obi-wan" Anakin started, "I'm sorry."
    "Thank you."
    "I'm glad you're here." The boy moved next to his master and sat down with him. "You've been a great master, a great brother. I know you're doing your best and that I can't always be an easy person to deal with. Thank you Obi-wan. I know that doesn't make what I said any better but I just needed you to know I didn't mean it."
   Obi-wan just stared at him. He'd never heard something like that from Anakin before. He sounded genuine and he understood that the knight didn't mean anything he'd said but words like that dig into a person's heart and stay like parasites, they cause deep wounds that can never be seen on the outside and scar all the same. Time was needed to heal any wound.
    "Thank you Anakin. Please be careful with your words, they can hurt. Make sure to never let anger drive you."
    "Got it. Now, what did you mean by 'me to'?"
    Now Obi-wan was left with his own words to deal with. "It's" he paused, "hard to be the one who survives sometimes."
    "I understand." The two talked for a little while before agreeing they would be okay.
    "Words can be weapons. They stab into hearts the same way knives can, they burn into people's skin and stay there. Reminders of the things that have been said can hurt just as much as physical injuries; sometimes worse. You must be careful with what you say." That's what Qui-gon used to say. Getting up to leave Obi-wan looked back at the tree. It looks like he still has parts of his teaching to instill in his padawan.
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time-is-standing · 1 year
top 10 songs of february
- a bit late. I'm really sorry, these past two weeks were terrible. but let's skip to the good part
1. under the weather by CORPSE
as you might tell, I've been quite under the weather this past month, so yeah, fitting song to be in the first place. I love corpse, no matter what he does, his new music is always finding a way to my heart but this time... it couldn't have been more perfect even if he wanted to. I love this style, the song is pure perfection!
2. we've been loving in silence by MARO
ooooh this one. I don't even think it's possible to describe it in words. lovely rythm, immaculate beat, perfect lyrics. I'm obsessed.
"every crooked line in your back feels like part of me, your story's in my fingers, you'll never wash away"
3. Parasite Eve by Bring Me The Horizon
this month has been such a rollercoaster. emotionally, physically - actually, in every way possible. it was a tough one so I needed the support & energy this song gave me. I bought myself tickets for the BMTH concert this summer and I couldn't be more excited. I explored some of the new music with my bf and we found out another crazy coincidence: when I stopped listening to BMTH (right after that's the spirit) he started enjoying their music. it's all surreal.
4. September by Sparky Deathcap
this song never gets old. the line "we got fire" is on repeat in my head, it gives me such peaceful vibes (even thouh I know the song is not peaceful at all). I love it to bits.
5. i love you by Billie Eilish
I needed a calm song to fall asleep to as I've spent some nights in absolute terror and anxiety. I'm getting worse as we speak & don't know how long will these home-made methods help me out. hopefully, I won't go absolutely insane.
6. Watch The World Burn by Falling In Reverse
similarly to Parasite Eve, I love the energy of this one. I love FIR so much and these new songs are matching my style in music so well. I'm so thankful I found them again. to be honest, this song was sent to me through a group chat message from some new friends. I gave it a chance and fell in love instantly.
7. watch by Billie Eilish
"go ahead and watch my heart burn"
this is such a meaningful song for me. I never thought that one day I'll experience a healthy and "normal" relationship, but it happened & it makes me realize how much of my previous experiences were toxic. the weight of all those years are crazy. I thought of most of Billie's songs as some kind of strange love songs but realizing they never were any of that is an unique experince.
8. So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish by A Perfect Circle
I was brushing my teeth, getting ready to leave my bf's place and he played the usual "getting ready" playlist but a new song occured on it: this one. I fell in love with the chorus and the vibes, I ran out of the bathroom to ask him what the hell the song was & why he never showed it to me before. we laughed a lot that day.
9. ZOMBIFIED by Falling In Reverse
the wake-up song. any time we're sleeping in and we have a hard time waking up, we start playing this gem and it works like a charm. I don't even know if I mentioned it but this new years' eve a friend - who has similar taste in music - played this at 2 am just for fun and I got out of my sleepy mood as soon as it started playing. that was the time I learned this song works, we didn't go home until 5am.
10. Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy
I loved this song so much, streamed it a bunch. my love for Wilbur will never leave my body, I am obsessed! I reread my Wilbur fanfic the past weekend and I'm so proud of it all. I don't think there's anything that's worth my time and energy more than this fandom.:)
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comidyye · 10 months
ranting about my ryou bakura playlist <3
in terms of artists i think ryou would really like mitski,, hmm Evanescence??? he would really like old obscure creepy vocaloid songs. i dont have much 2 say 4 genres ,, just generally angsty sad slower songs remind me the most of him, But def some more ramped up angry songs too !! he deserves them !! Talking about specific songs and lyrics ↓ (lotso text)
"Please believe me when I say I've poured my whole past down the drain, say that a second chance is a chance I can take! But I can't make amends for things I can't remember, I can only say I'm sorry and occasionally pray..." (Half-Decade Hangover - Will Wood) "But I'm losing myself, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too. This magic keeps me alive, but it's making me crazy! And I need to save you, but who's going to save me? Please... forgive me for whatever I do." (Remember You Omnichord - Trillian) "Something dark is following me here without a trace... Is it real? Or in my head? I guess I'll find out when I wake up back home or dead. (THATS SUCH A BANGER LINE) ... With a piece of my mind as I'm caught, intertwined, Between the roads, of what's modern or old..." (Into the Pit - DHeusta & Dawko) [ oh fandoms colliding ! the song fits too well i Couldnt resist ] " 'You're not like me! I'm not like you! I'm not who these things happen to!' And that's exactly what you say before they do!" (BAD LUCK! Jhariah)
"There's a ghost, in my home! But it's better than being alone... Yes, my house is haunted! That's the way I want it!" (Ghost - nelward)
"My thoughts are filled with cruel intentions! Maybe my conscience is possessed! It's no use I can't control it! Maybe it's a sign not to quit.." (Bad Blood - Creature Feature) "I'm just a side character to your main spotlight... ...You'd be nicer to me, If you saw the true me, But you won't get woke to that 'til I'm gone." (Side Character - Cloudfodder) going more in depth with these songs:
The entirety of PHANTASM - JACK THE STRIPPER (( heavy cw for suicide )) heavy bakura vibes, the way it references the horror genre so much and casually referencing (( suicide ) with such an upbeat tone, very much reminds me how even though how we usually see bakura so happy or just goofin off and stuff , but Really the entirety of his story and what's going on with him is ... Really sad. I think it was someone else on tumblr? it was someone somewhere that pointed out hey 'freeze your brain' Reaaly matches ryou. and they are SO right! How both of the characters switch between schools constantly. And how both of their moms died. both of which are explored in that song, and also its just generally sad and angsty !! "Forget in six weeks, you'll be back on the road! When the voice in your head, says you're better off dead!"
Also the entirety of Ugly Story - Phemiec (( thank u homestuck if only for this persons music) reminds me very much of bakura's and yami bakura's dynamic. Ryou is being controlled and used when he doesn't want to be "I might be a killer but one day I shall be queen, and put an end to slaughter... In someone's spider web, or net I could be caught... But I'm too bitter, better off alone, guess I forgot..." Also generally sad and somber (this song is a duet i imagine between ryou and his yami .. ) "A parasite needs a host- I'm only trying to do what is best for us! Well I never asked for this, I never wanted this! All that I want is some time to myself! ...I'm just just reminiscing, (Just STOP reminiscing!) I just want you here with me! (I just want my privacy!) God, can't we just get along? (God, won't you LEAVE me ALONE!)" (Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn) (highly recommend <3) other songs of note that are so made for him Familiar Haunt - RL Another Song About Ghosts - Joy Again Exorcism - CreepP, Lollia (!!!!!) What The Water Gave Me - Mishkin Fitzgerald Watch Your Back - Junie & TheHutFriends Friends. - Omori (also some other omori ost songs, esp ones associated with basil Because they are so the same.)
In all i love him and only wish the best for him. im going to explode the millennium ring for traumatizing him : o) Also.. i have a yami yugi (season 0) playlist ill probably also do this for <3
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