#tim being sappy and cute
ruenii · 1 year
Tim gets hit by a huGE dose of cuddle pollen Ivy made, but she modified it to make the victim more...loopy, or lower their inhibitions. It basically makes them not give a shit and do what they ACTUALLY want, but the fluff version.
So since Tim deep, deep, deeeeeep down is a huge fuckin sap. (You can never, ever take away this headcanon from me.)
He pounces on someone (read: Duke) the second he wakes up in the medbay. And since the batfam doesn't know that Tim isn't a corny ass sap, they think it's the pollen doing it, but nope, Timmy is just very touch-starved and wants to share his affection.
Duke gets pounced on first (he's Tim's favorite) and gets a clingy leech whose arms and legs are wrapped around his body very tightly and is also nuzzling the crook of his neck.
He's also trying very hard to control the blush on his face when Tim praises him, whether it be from training, school, or his personal achievements. Even if Tim constantly praises him when he wasn't dosed, he still couldn't get used to the sheer support.
The boy just huffs and carries Tim like a teddy bear, and the others are just watching silently at the display. (Dick seething in the bg but lets ignore that–)
Cass is the second, she doesn't dodge as Tim pounces on her back, his arms tucked around her head and legs wrapped around her neck.
Tim tells her how he's so glad that he's her sister and how he loves her very much, and would actually commit genocide for her—
And Cass just smiles cutely and pats him on the thigh, and continues to walk to the library, with Tim still on her shoulders, who is still complimenting and praising Cass, and also still wanting to commit war crimes for her.
The third one is Jason, it's a slow night, nothing's really happening, just some regular drug busts, gang fights, and burglars, but other than that, everything's just very relaxed. Well, as relaxed as Gotham can get.
It's during this patrol when Tim slowly comes up beside him and intertwines their hands together, careful and gentle, because he knows Jason is still kind of uncomfortable to touch, not so much now, but it's still there, but he's working on it bit by bit.
Of course, Jason knows Tim knows about his fear of touch, I mean he'd be pretty surprised if he didn't, but he doesn't mind that Tim doesn't force Jason to hug or cuddle him vigorously, but does it in a subtler, gentle way.
Jason huffs and squeezes Tim's hand as thanks. Tim grins and squeezes back. They share a comfortable silence as they walk to a nearby cafe.
The fourth is Stephanie, and since they're exes-turned-to-best friends, and very cuddly, she wasn't that surprised but was more excited that this Tim doesn't hold back on the mushiness of it all.
They have a competition to see who can call the other the most cringiest, corny names that they can think of.
(Spoiler: (haha spoiler) Steph's in the lead)
The fact that Tim was hit by the pollen didn't change anything drastic to their dynamic, it sort of just, well, evolved it, they're still the cuddliest of buddies. And if they get more cringier and exhausting to the rest of the batfam? Well, it's their problem now.
The fifth is Dick, who is still very bitter that Tim didn't hug him first-
"Uhhh...respecting his boundaries? being normal and not overbearing or being allergic to emotions? just being a friend to him in general to be honest-"
"..." )
And was also very relieved that he wasn't seriously hurt.
He's at the living room watching some random Rom-Com when Tim appears and stands closely to the couch Dick was on, curious about the movie as well.
Dick doesn't get a chance to say anything until something hits his chest. And when he looked down to see what it was, he almost cried from joy.
Tim was hugging him!! He was hugging him!! HA TAKE THAT DUKE–
Dick adjusted their position so that they're more comfortable, Tim's legs were on his thighs and his head was leaning on his shoulder.
Tim didn't really seem to mind as he was manhandled, but squirmed a little bit when Dick hugged him too hard.
Dick's just happy to see his little brother showing affection first!! He's come a long way. He says dramatically as he wipes a fake tear out of his eye.
The Sixth one is Damian, he was unnerved to see Tim being openly affectionate to the family, as he was used to seeing him being sarcastic and reserved, but not this... Grayson 2.0 clone.
(and also because he's a little, a tiny, bit offended that he wasn't the one who he hugged and looked for first. I mean, hello, Timothy? I am the youngest?? We trauma bonded?? I cradled you in my arms?? I'm Robin???)
But he was forced to accept this new Timothy. This new Timothy who gave him head pats for a good job, who scooped him in his arms in the morning when he's too tired to notice everything, who sets him on his lap and watches Animal Documentaries when he feels like Damian is too angry or is having a tantrum.
This new Timothy treated him like how he would treat his own little brother. He doesn't force him to do something he doesn't want unless it's absolutely needed. Respects his personal space when Damian was not in the mood but shows how he cares about him in other ways.
And, and. . . .this Tim was just affected by the pollen. It was not real, he was just forced to do this because of some stupid, meaningless, pollen. He doesn't really love Damian, he's just hallucinating.
But Damian doesn't push Tim off of him when he carries him up the stairs like a toddler.
Or when he praises him on how much he grew as a person, how much he learned, how he's so glad that he's with them now and comfortable in his own home, how kind he is to animals, or when he softly leans down and kisses his forehead good night.
Maybe tomorrow. Damian thinks, as Tims soft voice sends him to sleep.
The seventh, is obviously, Bruce.
He wasn't a perfect parent, that much he can say at least. He was a broken man, who couldn't deal with his emotions properly.
It's getting better now though, as he's been seeing Dinah Lance twice a month. It's not going to be easy to change things that have been engraved in his heart for a long time.
But if it's for his kids? Bruce would do it in a heartbeat.
Tim walks over to where Bruce is, perched over the Bat Computer, looking at evidence of another human trafficking ring that had yet to be found.
He can see Bruce's shoulders stiffen, his expression carefully blank, but his hands were gripping the console too hard.
Bruce hears Tim approaching him from behind. His brilliant, intelligent, and lovable Tim. He doesn't deserve him, hell, he doesn't deserve any of his children
He feels like he failed them, and he had yet to apologize to all of them, some more than others, but he's working on it together with Dinah.
He's shocked when he feels Tim hug him from behind, nuzzling his head into his back. Bruce, still unmoving decided to turn his head to look at Tim, who was drowsy as he just woke up from a nap and wanted to find Bruce. (His son, his beautiful, capable, strong son.)
"Tim? You should go to your room if you're still tired—"
"You'reee. . . doing your besttttt, Bruceee...I'm proud of youuu...!"
Tim keeps on complimenting him, and god does the guilt fucking eat him alive
Bruce is shaking, Tim can feel it, but he was so sleepy, so he has to say this before he has to go upstairs to his room and fall asleep.
"I love you."
And Tim passes out, his hands loosely falling from Bruce's waist, but he catches him just in time before he hits the floor.
Bruce picks him up in a bridal carry and leaves the Bat Cave. He stays silent for most of the trip until he arrives at Tim's room and tucks him into bed.
A lone tear slid down his face as he cupped Tim's cheek into his much, much bigger hands. Looking at his son with pure adoration.
"I love you too."
He kisses his forehead before he leaves the room and turns off the light. Wondering why his throat feels likes there's a lump inside of it all of a sudden.
When they finally get to Ivy, she just laughs at them, cackling even.
"You idiots! That pollen was to just make someone show how they really feel, the nicer kind, I mean."
She rests her chin on top of her hand.
"It was supposed to be a prototype but hey, at least we know it works now."
Ivy looks at them and their glares bore holes into her skull, too bad she doesn't care.
"It takes their nicest qualities and times them to a ten. So Tim?"
She points at Red Robin who's busy hugging Harvey and is being cooed at by Catwoman.
"Is just a soft guy at heart, it wasn't forced or something, the pollen just helped him amp up his confidence and makes him do what he always, truly, wanted."
Ivy turns her back on them and goes over to Harley and Catwoman, and Tim beams at her, Ivy gives a soft smile and pats his head.
"Oh, so you guys didn't know Tim was a huge sap?"
"Being a normal person man, it gets you anywhere."
"Babybird's soft as fuck, and also very cuddly, you guys just don't have the privilege to hear or see it like normal lol."
"Todd, you have five seconds until I dismember you–"
"Oh please Dami, you're just embarrassed!"
"Very true. His ears are turning very red."
Bruce is just there in the middle, staring out at nothing, the only thing on his mind is just Tim saying I love you to him, echoing every 5 seconds.
Tim is just on cloud nine, happy.
Loopy, but still very happy.
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All of Young Justice has a running joke where they address each other with the softest, mushiest terms of endearment (and totally mean them as well) and it stuns the fuck out of the Batfam that Tim, the guy who wouldn't talk to anyone for a day after calling Bruce 'dad' out loud, is so willing to proclaim Anita his soulmate and call Bart the love of his life whenever he introduces him to anyone
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s-c-l-n · 20 days
sakuatsu at a prom where they go into a deserted corner of the venue and have a small dance cause sakusa isnt keen on much of any pda and he really really wants to kiss atsumu during the song
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kiradrabbles · 2 months
Love story - yandere ticci toby x reader chapter 1
cw: stalking, obsessive behaviour, graphic depictions of violence (no shit), and Toby being a total freaky weirdo. Not explicit non-con yet.
No good deed ever goes unpunished. One late night trip to a convenience store you decide to help a man who knocks over some cans. Toby can't get his mind off you, now. And when he finally finds something that helps him get his mind off the raging in his head and the operators grasp on him, he won't let it go.
AKA. Toby is delusional, horny, and totally obsessed with you. Without further adieu... with a horrendous word count of 4000+....
Chapter 1: Meet cute
To say toby had no idea when his infatuation with you started would be a lie, he knew exactly when it started. He knew it down to the hour, the minute, the second. How could he forget the moment he met you after all? It was like a romance, one of those rom-com meet cutes. His own sappy love story with his own perfectly happy ending.
It was a cold night, he couldn't precisely remember the time, sure, but he knew the stars were up in the sky, and that it was the midst of winter as there was snow dusting the ground. Colorado's winters were cold - and as it was cold, Toby got stuck with doing the supply runs. As was apparently "fair". Because of his CIPA he couldn't feel cold (or heat), which meant any time the weather conditions were slightly less-than desirable it was his job to go half-buy half-shoplift the food the mansions residents needed for the next few days. At least, those that didn't eat human flesh.
Not that he really minded. He'd take any chance he could to get out of the mansion for a while, taking Tim's car - an old beaten up Land Rover they had stolen from a victim years ago - and speeding along the highways to the nearest store. Well, not speeding. He was always cautious in cars - he had his reasons.
And it was in one of those convenience stores where he first saw you, memory engraved into his mind forevermore.
You were beautiful that was for sure. Specks of snow sprinkled over your hair and face, light glinting off them as you made your way into the store, still shivering from the cold as you stopped in you tracks, soaking in the sudden warmth. The harsh lighting just seemed to frame you, like a halo of sorts, a spotlight sending his attention screaming to you. He couldn't tear his eyes away. Something about you distracted him, If just for a second, from the chaos in his head. The voices and the constant war of emotions died down, to make room for a new emotion. One he hadn't felt in years.
Toby knew it was love - what else could it be? His heart was pounding in his chest, he felt giddy with what must be affection as he stared at you. He wasn't used to the feeling, but what he knew was it was better than any temporary high his missions could give him, sharp as an axe and twice the rush.
You must have noticed his staring, because by the time he came to his senses and focused again you had met his gaze, head tilted with a nervous half-smile on your perfect face. He had made you smile. A nervous one, but yet a smile, nonetheless.
A sharp crack sounded as his neck jerked, bringing him screeching back to reality, breaking the eye contact and bringing his gaze down to his poorly bandaged hands. Oh, how he wished he dressed better.
He hadn't even bothered to throw on a bandage on his face to cover his gash, instead opting for a single-use blue face mask Jack had lying around. The hoodie he was donned had thumb holes ripped into the cuffs, and he hoped like hell it wasn't one of the ones with obnoxious blood stains. He couldn’t see any on the front, but he would not put it past him to somehow have some sprayed on his back, he got pretty.. Brutal when in the zone.
The next time he looked back to you, you were bent over a little, looking down at some energy drinks. He allowed his eyes to drift over you, taking in everything. Before he could take out his phone and take a photo - not in a strange way, of course, just to remember the occasion - he ticced. At the most inconvenient time possible, naturally. 'Birdie!' he chirped out, followed by a bird whistle, which sent you looking behind yourself in startled confusion, and Toby's gaze to his hands once again.
He continued skirting around you for the next minute or so, before it happened. He was kneeled down, looking at the drinks you were looking at before, imagining sharing one with you, hands brushing each other’s. Toby could finish it in one gulp, seeing you pout, then cup your face and kiss it into your mouth, watching you squeal and close your eyes, lean into him. Some might argue this was too soon, or strange to imagine, but Toby knew it wasn't. He was in love with you, after all, so it was normal.
He was brought out of those pleasant daydreams by a loud clatter, looking down. He'd knocked some drinks off the shelf.
"Fuh-fuck." he cursed quietly
He reached down to fetch them, but someone got to it first - you got to it first. Your hands were so small as they picked it up, he wanted to cup them in his hands and kiss them, feel your soft skin against his own, callous and scarred.
"Th-thanks" he muttered, looking down at you again as he rose up to his full hight, a few inches taller than you are. "S-sorry about that, I have tour- wow! - Tourette’s. I have Tourette’s."
"It's fine" you gave a little smile, nervously picking at your hands. "Don't worry about it."
The first thing that struck him was your voice. It was.. Perfect. It suited you perfectly. He wanted to play it on loop, set it as his ringtone, his new favourite song.
The second? You didn't judge him for his Tourette’s. Of course, you didn't, you were perfect. You were made for him; you wouldn't judge him for anything like that. You weren't like anybody else. He wanted then more than anything to take you in his arms right there, lift you up and take you back to the mansion, to his room, hide you from the rest of the world, have you all to himself. Instead, he waited behind you at the checkout, taking in the faint smell of you, trying to keep a handle on his ticcing and twitching, at least when you were there.
When it was his turn he barely looked at the cashier, slapping a wad of cash on the table and watching him sort through it, bowing his head a little under tobies harsh gaze, snatching the change as soon as it was handed to him. He couldn't lose you, let you get too far, he had to keep track of you.
He tracked you like he would a victim, trailing behind you in the Land Rover, just far behind enough you wouldn't register it, a few cars back. He followed you to an apartment block, parking across the road, watching as you exited the car, oblivious to the eyes of your future lover trailing you.
Thankfully for him you were on the first floor, obvious from the way light visible in one of the windows turned on a few seconds after you entered the building. He made a mental note of the room you stayed in and pulled out from the car park, making his way back to the mansion. It would be suspicious if he came back too late. He would come back for you, though. He had to.
And that he did. He started with simple things, waiting outside the apartment for you to leave and trailing you, learning your routines, your most visited locations, anything about you he could pick up. You liked to read, adorable. He would love to read with you, having your tiny form on his lap, book in hand, resting against him. But until then he would settle for entering the bookstore after you, trailing his hands over the shelves he knew you touched.
It was through this book-store that he finally found your name. His lovers name. He was skulking around the shelves just out of your view, watching you, and occasionally taking a quick photo, with the new phone he had recently brought. More modern than the last one - not just because he needed a better one to film you with, but the decent camera really didn't hurt.
 Not in a creepy, stalker way of course. He was sure if he sat down and asked you, you really wouldn't mind.
"Oh, Sidney!" You called, waving to a girl at the counter. You knew her? "Hey!"
"Oh, hey [Y/N]."
[Y/N]. That was your name. His [Y/N], soon to be [Y/N] Rogers. He felt giddy with delight.
He didn't stop there, either. As time passed, as he memorised your routine, the shitty movie theatre you worked at, your favourite stores and café's and places to be, he started to know when you would and wouldn't be in your apartment. And what good proxy didn’t know how to lockpick?
Your apartment smelt like you, that was the first thing that struck him. A light, airy sort of scent, that he just couldn't get enough of. He found himself leaning down, opening a drawer and taking a long sniff. It looked like mostly fresh laundry, hoodies and shorts.
He had time; he knew that much. You wouldn't return from your job at that crappy local movie theatre for at least another 3 hours. It was a decent enough job, he supposed, though his skin crawled at the thought of you getting hit on or yelled at by customers. He had had half a mind to follow you and wait just outside, to give anyone who gave you a hard time or even looked at you funny a piece of his mind. He refrained, for now however, deciding instead to make the most of his time and spending it getting as close to you as physically possible. Speaking of close..
As he rummaged through your drawers, he came across one with more.. Intimate content. Underwear, it looked like. Your underwear. He reached his hands into the dresser, taking out a bra almost reverently. This had touched your skin, and not just your skin. Your breasts. He was indirectly touching your breasts. His face was burning and his heart was pounding as he held it, grinning so wide it would have hurt if he could feel pain.
He set it back down in the drawer as another thing caught his eye, what looked like a matching set. Lacy black panties and a skimpy black bra. He hadn't imagine you'd own something like that, but he wasn't complaining. Quite the opposite in fact. He'd ask you to wear it for him when you two were together, but for now, his imagination would suffice. He stuffed a pair of panties he was sure you wouldn't miss into your pocket, and turned to look at the rest of the room.
Over the next week or so, he made himself at home when you weren't there. It was as if he was your lover, your live in boyfriend. He used your toothbrush, laid in your bed, next to where you would lay, imagining your sleeping form lying next to his. He 'borrowed' your clothes and rummaged through your bins, and even killed those racoons that had been raiding your bins for you. He did feel a little bad for the beasts, but anything that inconvenienced his love could not be tolerated. 
As a testament to his own self-control, he managed to prevent himself from hiding in your closet and watching you sleep for the majority of the days, no matter how tempting it was. That was, until, you tripped and hurt your ankle on the way to work. And since he could hardly pick you up and kiss you and take care of you, he would do the next best thing. Stick around and make sure you were okay.
That was all he was doing, he told himself, as he shut the door on himself, leaving a good 30 minute window for you to get back. He was being a good boyfriend.
The closet wasn't quite spacious by any means, but he fit fine, If his legs were bent at a weird angle. What did it matter? It wasn't as if he could feel them cramping, and even if he could, it would be worth it to be so close to his beloved. Perhaps it was stupid, reckless. What if he ticced and alerted you? What if you ran, or called the police? Nevertheless love clouded over his logic and better judgement, and so he stayed.
He was euphoric when you got back, not even casting a glance at the usually empty closet. He peered through the gap in the door with wide, enraptured eyes as you continued your daily routine. He stayed staring as you sat on your laptop, and especially as you changed into more comfortable clothes, facing directly at him. It was hard to tell whether the pounding of his heart in his throat and his shaking hands as he took the phone out were nerves at the thought of being seen, or excitement at seeing you so bare in front of him, in just your underwear.
When he felt the tightness in his pants, he decided it was the latter.
Over the next few days, he became a regular in your closet too. Spending the night in the mansion became a rarity that  he only happened to do when he came back from a late night mission and needed a shower and change of clothes. He preferred being with you, of course, no one enjoys being away from their partner.
The winter was fading by the time he worked up the balls to talk to you again. You were at work in the movie theatre, and he decided he would visit you. He would charm you, and ask you for your number, he had it all planned out.
He donned the best clothing he could find in his closet - a Black turtleneck instead of his usual scrappy hoodies, some trousers, he'd shined his boots, and even worn some cologne! He'd stolen it from a victim previously, and until now, he never had a reason to wear it. He gave himself one last cursory glance in the mirror on the way out, checking his hair wasn't as unruly as usual and that his gash was covered, and left.
The movie theatre wasn't too busy, he was relieved to see. There were only two people on cashier duty, you, and another girl. Most people were in her queue, he noted. She looked pretty, he supposed that was the reason why.
Idiots. Why even look at her when they could be blinded by the perfection that was you? Although, internally he was glad really. Less competition.
He tried to seem as casual as possible as he strode in, taking his place in your line, behind what looked like a young couple. How ironic, Toby thought, that he was behind a couple. That was what they were about to be. In love, holding hands, giving each other knowing glances and kisses on the cheeks.
When it was his turn, he walked up to you, jerking his neck and giving a nervous smile, trying and failing to seem like some confident heartthrob.
"Oh, hey, I know you" You spoke, returning his smile. You remembered him. Had you been thinking about him too? "You're uh.. Convenience store guy, right?"
 "Y-yeah, that's me. Hey."
"Hey" If you continued smiling like that at him he might just turn into mush in front of you. "What can I get for ya?"
"Oh, uh.." He looked up at the digital signage showing the movies on, deciding on some generic looking horror movie "H-how’s 'The - wow! - the Blackcoats daughter'?"
"One ticket for the Blackcoats, alright. Anything else I can get for you sir?"
"Muh-my names Toby, not sir" He stuttered out, earning a little laugh from you that made his heart soar "One B-bucket of popcorn please? L-large"
"That was horrible. I'm [Y/N]. " you respond, before you turn around, perfect hair swishing behind you as you start to fill up a box of popcorn for him. Now was his chance. C'mon Toby, c'mon- She remembered him, she must like him too.
"O-oh, and I forgot one - birdie - one thing."
"Hm?" You turn and face him again
"c-could I get your number? To g-go." He gave you the most charming smile he could muster, though It most likely ended up looking like a begging puppy, desperate for a treat.
You were surprised for a second, blinking a couple of times, before he could see your face flush the prettiest pink you'd ever seen, opening your mouth for a second, searching for a response. You seemed flustered - he made you flustered. God, you were so cute it made him ache.  "W-well, sure, do you want me to write it down, or..?"
"I-I have a phone, hang on" He fished his phone out of his pocket, quickly checking his photos app was shut. It would be unfortunate if you saw just how much he adored you quite yet.
You took the phone and typed it in, naming your contact '[Y/N] :)', before handing the phone back. As he took it, your fingers brushed his, and he could of sworn he felt actual electricity pass through you, fingertips tingling where he left yours.
He sent a little text 'Hi, it's toby :)' to test you hadn't given him the wrong number by mistake, smiling even wider when your phone gave an affirmative chime, his bandage over his mouth crinkling a little.
"T-thanks" He managed, sure his voice sounded positively giddy with delight.
"No problem" You smiled back at him "Have a good view!"
He took his ticket and popcorn, and in his excitement, strode out of the movie theatre entirely, forgetting the movie he'd brought. His head was far too full of thoughts of his beloved.
As much as he longed to spend another night with you, that day he had a mission to attend to. It didn't dampen his mood however, he didn't think anything could. He got your number. You liked him! You had to, why else would you give it to him? He was so excited he was practically vibrating.
He swung one of his hatchets over his shoulder, practically skipping down the hall and out the door to where Tim and Brian were waiting to murk some oblivious camper who had decided to set up camp in the forest.
"Someone's in a good mood" Tim spoke with his southern drawl, flicking his cigarette butt onto the forest floor and crushing it with the heel of his boot, before taking his mask and covering his face fully once again, letting out a tired sigh. He was one of the few proxies who didn't take much joy in killing.
Toby just nodded. He sure was.
Brian was silent, striding ahead of them, presumably in the direction of their latest victims. His AK-47 strapped to his back, and the baclava with the odd looking frown already donned.
"Hoodies frontin'" Tim spoke, explaining the silence from the man, as he followed along. Hoodie was generally non-verbal, so it didn't surprise him.
Toby had trouble concentrating, on the walk to the campsite. His mind kept drifting to you. More than once Tim had caught him taking his phone out and glancing at the screen. He was just checking if you'd responded to his text, even though he assumed you wouldn't until your shift was over.
"Waiting for somethin'?" Tim spoke, briefly pausing his walk to look at Toby
Their short interaction was interrupted by Hoodie holding his hand up to silence them, pointing to a tent in the woods a  little way ahead of them. It looked to be a family of three. A father, a daughter, and a Wife. All easy enough targets, no visible weapons save for the pen-knife on one of the logs. That wouldn't be even close to a match for one of them, let alone all three.
"We'll each take one" Tim said, breaking the silence, earning a nod from Hoodie and a 'yep' from Toby. It was go time.
Toby started to walk over slowly, before stopping, just before they noticed him, wet leaves making soft sounds under his feet. He readied his hatchet, holding it behind his head. Three, two, one..
The hatchet landed where he wanted it with a wet thud, buried halfway through the mans forearm. Sure, he could have gone for the head, but he hardly felt like a quick kill. He needed a way to vent out all his excitement, after all.
The man was shocked to the point he couldn't move, eyes wide and staring in horror at his now half-attacked limb, nerves severed, falling limp in front of him with Toby's axe still lodged in. Toby himself let out a manic 'whoop whoop!', the adrenaline of the kill finally kicking in.
The shrill, terrified scream of the child was cut short by the echoing sound of a shot, and Toby watched as a round buried itself in her forehead. Hoodie, always the efficient one.
And then the man stood up, lunging for the knife, and his tunnel vision kicked in, as he sprinted to him, remaining hatchet in hand. It was somewhat impressive, Toby noted, he could even stand losing that much blood at once. Nevertheless, he wouldn't be standing much longer, as Toby barrelled at him full speed, sending the two of them sprawling into the ground, leaves flying up in a shower as they thudded down.
Toby came to his senses first, raising himself up, hatchet behind his head, grinning like the maniac that he was. Thud. Crack. The sweet sound of ribs crunching under his hatchet. He looked down, watching the way the blood squirted and pooled on the still-screaming mans chest. Again. Thwack. Crack. More blood, more screams. He was vaguely aware of it splashing his face as he licked his lips, acknowledging the familiar copper tang against his tongue.
In a sudden show of theatrics he dropped the axe to his side, bending down over the rib-cage and tearing the ribcage apart, the muscle and sinew nothing compared to his advanced strength. With a tear they were out of the way, strew either side of the now motionless corpse of the man. He plunged his hand into his chest, searching around in the guts, which were slippery with blood, before coming across what he wanted. The heart.
With a swift flick of his wrist he plucked the heart out of the mans chest, watching as it beat in his tight grip. He held it up, briefly considering gifting it to you. He could buy you some flowers and turn up at your door, blood-stained from head to toe, and present them to you.
"I killed him because I love you!" He'd say, and you'd swoon and fall into his arms and kiss him as he carried you back.
As oblivious as he was, he wasn't so stupid as to actually think your reaction would be so eager, casting the thought away. He snorted, throwing the heart so it hit the back of Tim, who was standing over the woman’s body, her neck neatly broken.
He spun around "Don't do that shit, Toby!"
Toby just giggled, righting himself and kicking the head of the body, watching it loll. As he stood up, he noticed something sticking out of his torso. Was that..? He pulled it out, and sure enough, there was the knife the guy had. Huh, he actually landed a hit. Kudos to him. The knife was discarded on the ground.
Hoodie cleared his throat, beckoning them to follow him back to the mansion, and so they did, in mostly silence. Tim neglected to point out Toby's incessant phone checking this time, thankfully.
He made his way back to the mansion, avoiding most of it's residents other than a quick scratch of Smile Dog. Locking the door to his room, stripping down and dumping his axes on his bed along with his phone, glancing down at where the knife had wounded him. Sure enough, it was already starting to scab up. One benefit of being a proxy was it was really, really hard to get hurt.
He slipped into the shower, not bothering to change the temperature on the water. He couldn't feel it after all, why bother?
By the time he'd gotten out, less than 10 minutes later, he chucked a towel round himself, not bothering to comb his mop of hair. He'd gotten all the blood out of it, that was good enough.
He leant over, dripping water on his bedsheets and dirty clothes, to check the phone. He beamed, looking down at the notification on the home screen, Letting out a content kind of sigh. He swept the bloody clothes and axes off the bed, dropping the towel on the floor and crawling in, not bothering to get dressed. He was too excited to talk to you now, what did that matter?
'Hey :)' You'd said, followed by 'Sorry the response was late, was still at work'
He briefly debated his response, before settling with a simple 'It's fine :)'
'How are you?'
'I'm good' he paused, he didn't want to seem too dry. 'Just been working out.' Well.. It was just a little lie, really. All that running and killing counted as exercise, surely.
He talked to you for almost a whole hour, kicking his legs like a schoolgirl every time you'd responded to him. He'd asked about your favourite book series, grinning as wide as he could when you infodumped to him. You felt close enough to share this with him! He was over the moon.
Eventually it came to an end as all good things do and you said goodnight, telling him you had work the next morning. And you needed to rest. He knew. It was cute you wanted to tell him though, like you cared, wanted to make sure he didn't feel like he was being ignored. You were so considerate; his lover was so cute.
He turned out the lights, laying on his side with the phone, scrolling through the pictures and videos he had of you. It had become a nightly routine whenever he was in the mansion, to help you feel closer to him.
He came across a photo he had recently taken - you in that matching black set he'd found when he first broke into your apartment. You were trying it on in the mirror, and holy shit, you looked perfect. The most beautiful thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. Even now, in a slightly grainy image taken through the drawer of a cupboard, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
Sure enough, he felt a familiar feeling in his lower stomach, looking down. He could spare a few minutes before he went to bed.  
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
number 81 for the writing prompts: "It's cold, you should take my jacket."
(mostly cause I wanna see Tim wear Kon's leather jacket and Neither of them being normal about it but do what you want with it it's your fic <3)
Tim looks up as Kon waltzes back into the living room, two enticingly-steaming mugs in his hands. Hot spiced apple cider sounds absolutely divine right now—the blustery Kansas day outside is reaching its icy fingers into the farmhouse despite the fire blazing merrily in the hearth, and Tim has to admit, he maybe should’ve packed warmer for this trip.
Kon presses one of the mugs into his hands—the nicer one, Tim notes, without the chip in the rim—and Tim accepts it with a grateful hum. The warmth seeps into his palms immediately. “Thanks.”
“No problemo, Rob-lemo.” Kon plops down next to him on the couch, his TTK keeping his cider perfectly still in his mug as he makes himself comfortable. “It’s pretty chilly out today. Gonna be a good night to go skating—the pond down by the McAllister’s place is frozen over, and this time of year, they string up lights ‘n’ invite all the neighbors to come by in the evenings. Wanna go?”
Tim hums in consideration. “Could be fun, but just warning you, it’s been a hot minute since I did any skating, so I’m kinda rusty. And I didn’t bring any skates.” Mmm, the steam rising up from his cider smells amazing. “Did you make this?”
Kon’s eyebrows shoot towards the ceiling. Then he puffs out his cheeks in mock offense, folding his arms across his chest. “You don’t have to sound so surprised! I’m good in the kitchen.”
Yeah, Bart keeps calling him malewife material about it. Tim grins into his mug; it’s not his fault it’s so easy to ruffle Kon’s feathers, or that it’s so funny to do so. “I guess it is Ma’s recipe, so it’d be hard to make it bad.”
Kon politely waits for him to lower the mug from his mouth and then swats him on the back of the head. Tim does appreciate the pause, even as he ducks away, laughing. The cider tastes like apples and cinnamon and honey; warmth spreads through Tim’s chest.
“You’re rude,” Kon tells him. “Just for that, if you fall on your face when we go skating, I’m not helping you up. I’m just gonna laugh.”
“Oh, it’s a when we go skating now?” Tim quirks an eyebrow at him in turn. “I just said I didn’t bring any skates.”
“We can get you some, that’s no trouble,” Kon says, flapping a dismissive hand. Tim opens his mouth to ask where, exactly, in Smallville, can they get a pair of new ice skates in a matter of a couple of hours, but then closes it again when it hits him that even if there isn’t a big sporting goods shop in Smallville, geography isn’t really a concern to someone who can crisscross the entire globe in a matter of minutes.
“Yeah, okay, sure.” Tim lightly elbows him. “Don’t tell me you’re actually good at skating. I bet you just TTK your way through it.”
Kon elbows him back. “Yeah, right! I’m pretty decent, no powers required, actually. Been going plenty with Jon. He particularly loves this one roller dome in Metropolis that always has Super merch in the arcade claw games.”
Okay, Tim has to admit, he’s melting a little about that. Kon loves his little brother. The image of him taking Jon skating is really cute—he can just picture Jon wobbling along, holding Kon’s hand, and rambling about his day like he loves to do. He bites back a truly sappy smile; his toes curl instead, where they’re tucked under a cushion to stay warm.
“Lemme guess. The claw games are where you TTK it up.”
Kon snickers. “They’re rigged as hell, but the kid wants his misshapen Superman plushies, so obviously I gotta win ‘em for him.”
“Obviously,” Tim agrees. He curls his fingers around his mug a little tighter, soaking up its warmth; he’s got an actual winter coat for when they go out, but he really wishes he’d brought some thicker sweaters or hoodies for hanging around in the house itself. He’s used to the damp, creeping cold of Gotham; the blustery Kansas winters might be about the same temperature, but the wind out here blows right through him.
Kon shifts next to him, setting his cider down on a coaster on the coffee table. Tim glances up just in time to see him unzip and shrug out of his hoodie—it’s fleece-lined and light pink with a strawberry cow printed on the front breast pocket, very cute.
And then Kon leans over and wraps it around Tim’s shoulders. Tim’s face heats.
“It’s cold,” Kon explains. “Take my jacket. I don’t really need it that bad, anyway, so you may as well get some use out of it.”
It’s still warm from his body, and Tim lifts one hand from his mug to pull it more tightly around himself like a blanket. His nose brushes the collar when he turns his head a little. The jacket smells like Kon’s cologne.
…It’s the citrus-and-spice one Tim bought him last Christmas. He’s wearing the cologne Tim picked out for him last year, the one Tim definitely didn’t spend almost an hour agonizing over as he imagined tucking his face into Kon’s shoulder and inhaling this specific scent from his collarbone. He’s…
Tim’s face gets even hotter. Abruptly, he takes a gulp of hot cider, hiding in his mug. Kon’s jacket smells like him, and it’s warm, and it’s big and cozy and soft, and…
Kon is staring at him, Tim realizes belatedly. He didn’t notice because he was busy, uh, processing, but Kon’s looking at him like he’s…
Like he’s the last morsel of dessert on the table, and Kon has a ravenous craving for some sugar?
Tim swallows hard. Deliberately counts to eight on his next inhale and exhale. If he lets his heart rate pick up, Kon will definitely notice.
“Thanks,” he manages, finally. “That’s, uh. Yeah. That’s nice.”
“I’ll say,” Kon mutters. He drops his gaze, his cheeks a little pink, and then reaches over to ruffle Tim’s hair. “Bring warmer lounge clothes next time, dumbass. The farmhouse is kinda old. Gets drafty in here.”
“Yeah,” Tim says wryly. He shifts his weight, rearranging his legs so that instead of leaning on the armrest, he flops himself against Kon’s side, dropping his head to his shoulder for a moment. “I noticed.”
Kon leans his cheek against Tim’s hair. “At least you got me to keep you warm,” he sighs, slipping his arm around Tim’s shoulders. “What would you do without me, huh?”
Tim bites back the first response on the tip of his tongue (“Go into a huge depressive spiral?”) and goes for something a little less insane. “Freeze to death before you even get to laugh about me falling on my face at the McAllisters’ pond?”
Kon snorts. He’s comfortably warm against Tim’s side, and Tim snuggles a little closer, relishing his warmth. “Yeah, that sounds about right,” Kon agrees. “I hope I can get it on video.”
Tim just smiles to himself and raises his mug for another sip of cider. The honey and spices are heavenly on his tongue, but if he’s being entirely honest, he can think of something sweeter.
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rhoorl · 6 months
Week in Review: Nov. 26 | The Week Esquire Broke My Brain...Again
This week was one to give thanks for so many things - my family, my friends, my little corner of Tumblr … and the team at Esquire (we’ll get to that). I also realized this week I reached another milestone on here and while I don’t like to harp on the numbers, it really continues to floor me that anyone reads anything of mine. So I want to say thank you. I’ll spare you another sappy rambling post, but it has meant a lot to me to be here. 
With that being said, I wanted to do something fun to say thank you, but I can’t think of anything! What do others do? I’m looking around at a few ask games, but if you have one you really like, send it my way! That’s probably what I have the capacity for at the moment - because I really need to get some chapters out.
Fics I read this week:
This week I spent some time in the car, which allowed me to read a bit more than usual. Be sure to take a look at the warnings and summaries for all of my recs, just because I like it doesn’t mean everyone will.
Frankie Morales
Candy Cane by @cerridwen007 - Frankie and reader have some fun with a candy cane. Also, Frankie is still the 😺 👑
My Way by @goodwithcheese - Megan’s Frankie always does something to me and this was no exception. 
Javier Peña
Snowed In - Javier's version by @avastrasposts This one-shot was 🔥 the OFC took charge and held her own against our favorite DEA agent!
Joel Miller
Gun Cleaning by @avastrasposts - A little smutty one-shot that was oh so hot!
Dieter Bravo
Back Alley Bang by @morallyinept I really have no words for this one, just thots.
Tim Rockford
Hold Tight by @sin-djarin Tim Rockford and holsters. That's all. Oh and a brilliant use of repetition! 
Pause by @trulybetty I am really in my Tim era and this was 🔥 I want to know more about this couple and I really enjoy their dynamic.
Undercover by @secretelephanttattoo New series alert! I'm already hooked from the first chapter!
Marcus Pike
White Wine by @something-tofightfor Marcus is just the most thoughtful, ugh I love this man.
Hue by @goodwithcheese - I don’t read a lot of Ezra compared to some of the other Pedro boys, but my goodness this was amazing. It was sweet and comforting, but Ezra is also a bit of a menace. 
Current Compulsory Series:
I Like the Way You (Frankie) by @undercoverpena
These are the series I am keeping up with at the moment.
Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie) by @linzels-blog 
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Paranoid Heat (Javi P) by @goodwithcheese
It’s Never Too Late (Javi P) by @javierpena-inatacvest I finally caught up!!
Benny Miller / Mitch Keller
La Primera Fiesta by @marvelousmermaid Benny attends a family party for his girlfriend's family. I related to this so much as a Latina who married a tall, lanky white guy 😆 this was too cute and Benny was adorable.
Somebody's Someone by @dameronscopilot I finished Tulsa King this week and this was the first Mitch Keller story I came across and I loved it!
Pete Dunham
Like My Dreams by @laurfilijames I recently rewatched Green Street Hooligans - I feel like the last time I saw it I was in high school, maybe college, which was a while ago. Anyways, I loved Charlie Hunnam’s character Pete and I’m excited to check out Laur’s series. 
Posts from the week:
The Pedro boys celebrated Thanksgiving with @morallyinept and things of course were chaotic but hilarious. This post from @pedrostories was so helpful as someone who consumes fanfic and attempts to write it as well!
In case you missed it, a fun writing challenge popped up that I think is pretty cool! Do I know what I’m writing yet? No. But an idea will come to me I’m sure.
Feral corner:
You know … every week I think, you know, this will be the week where I’m going to be chill and not a thirsty ass mess - ha sorry, I couldn’t finish that without laughing. I can’t help it, blame Pedro (but don’t blame him, we need to thank this man).
So, we’ve all seen the recent Esquire photos right?! The thots were thotting and I am still processing. Will you probably see me reblog this countless times over the next few weeks? Probably. Am I going to shoehorn this photoshoot into the Working Title universe?! Definitely.
Can we just acknowledge the duality of this man? How he just walk around being such a ray of sunshine and so adorable but then turn into an absolute menace? 
Things I watched:
I spent most of the week away, but I did manage to start and finish Tulsa King, which I think is a pretty big feat. Garrett has a small role in it, but 🫠 I am here for it. I did manage to pay attention to the rest of the plot, shocking I know, and I really enjoyed this story.
Personal Stuff
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Spent time traveling this week so I had a lot of car time and then family time. I went to Buc-ee’s, which is always a highlight of our road trips. If you haven’t been or know what it is, picture a gas station/convenience store/general store and then multiply that by 100. Is it a bit overwhelming and overstimulating? Yes. But I guess I’m a glutton for punishment because I have to go to one every time I pass by.
The holidays caused a bit of a blip in my health journey. I’m trying to reframe my thinking about it. My initial reaction would have been to write “ugh I was so bad this week and ate so many bad foods” but instead I’m just going to acknowledge that it was a holiday and indulged a bit. But a couple of days isn’t going to completely derail the last four weeks. This time of the year can be really tough when it comes to my relationship with food, but I’m trying to give myself some grace.
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Fic updates:
I got a really fun ask about how the Triple Frontier boys would celebrate Thanksgiving. It was fun to think about the guys and yes, eventually we will get to Thanksgiving in Delta Landscaping.
I’ve gotten a couple of comments and messages about Working Title and Delta Landscaping and I promise I’m working on both (I think about them both at least once daily). I have a couple of PTO days in the next couple of weeks and I’m planning on dedicating some time to both so hopefully, I can get ahead and publish a bit more frequently.
Ok, I think that’s it for this week. I hope you have a great one. Drink water, get some sleep, and have some thots.
Working Title (Dieter, series, ongoing) | AO3 
Delta Landscaping (Triple Frontier, series, ongoing) | AO3
Turbulence (Frankie, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? (Benny Miller, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? Part Two
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bruciemilf · 2 years
I think my favorite JayKori dynamic that I've seen is not only Jason being down bad, but every single one of his siblings as well. God forbid this man bring her to the Manor, because he won't get to spend even five minutes with her.
Dick sweetly offers to propose to her because "If Jason's too much of a coward to do it, I don't mind taking initiative 😊"
Cass makes a PowerPoint about how why she should date Kori instead of Jason and sits both of them down to present it. Steph writes a paper and passes out a pamphlet with the summary of the presentation. It has statistics, at least thirty slides is them asking for just one chance, please, includes why Jason doesn't deserve her, and has at least three compliments on every slide. It takes eight hours to present, and Kori is impressed by their dedication and very flattered. Jason is murderous.
Tim isn't outright, but he's unusually nice to her. Like this boy is an snarky on the best of days, it's how he shows his affection, but when it comes to Kori? Nothing but compliments. He could call Damian a waste of space and in the same breath, ask Kori what perfume she's using because "you smell so nice! I mean you always smell nice, but this is a new scent, right?"
Damian's blatant about it. It's always, "when is her next visit?" and "why does Todd have to visit with her?" and demanding her attention at every turn. Nobody has heard him so much as breathe a bad word about her, and threatens anyone who does
Jason is seething and threatens his family with violence every time this happens. Kori thinks it's adorable.
HONESTLY it's just inexplicably cute to me. You're very very right, -- that saying " if you marry a man, you marry his family" is almost never sang positively, but if you're Kori Anders? It very, very much is.
Not to mention, -- the batfamily very rarely has the chance to witness the tough guy mask slip off Jason's face. They've only seen him be sappy with Bruce and Alfred. They never would've thought sugar was his favourite taste till Kori came along.
I do love Damian being a protective baby brother, thought; First things first, predominantly, he's in a state of numb shock. He's like 8. He doesn't understand romance that much, or how it works, or how it makes you act.
" Is Todd sick?"
" Mentally or morally? Cause yes to both."
" No, - Koriand'r purchased a strawberry dress and he passed out when he saw her wear it. Is he allergic to her?" Dick laughs and says oh no, he's worse. He's in LOVE.
More so, he just doesn't understand! Scientifically speaking, opposites do attract, but parallel lines don't. They're a mathetimatical equation he just doesn't understand.
Kori is sugar pink and cotton smile and honey fire. Jason is rough hands and sharp smirks and sun hot temper. And they shouldn't work but -- they....Do?
Damian is a protective little brother. I love the image of him " testing" Kori before he took to her. Like, he's just handing her the most ominous liquid and is like can you drink this? I have a school report.
And Kori very much wants his approval so she downs it up, " Of course, little star!"
Damian writes down Immune to poison. A valuable quality.
His good intentions don't phase Jason at all; He just hears his little worm of a brother poisoned his sunshine gf and he marches into the manor, stomps right over to Damian while trying to unlock his helmet with angry hands " Did you poison my FUCKING girlfriend-"
" It was a test. Todd, Todd it was a test --, IT WAS A TEST, TODD, --"
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mister-mickey · 7 months
I would like to hear your Shepard headcanons 🙏🏽
Lol I’m so glad you asked, I started writing out the whole backstory and had to make a new note because it wasn’t what you asked for lmao
Tim is the oldest, when he’s like three, Angela is born, when Angela is 10 months old, curly is born.
Tim was excited for Angela, as any three year old getting a new baby sibling would be, but was NOT happy when curly was born (curly was a surprise baby lmao)
Angela and curly are super close though and often leave tim out of stuff. They share a bedroom (their house has two bedrooms and nobody wants to share a room with their mom and stepdad ofc) and often cover for each other when one wants to do bad things
Tim sleeps on the couch in the living room because he doesn’t have a bed
Tim looks like his dad, Angela looks like a mix between their dad and their mom, curly (affair baby) looks like their mom.
And yes, curly is an affair baby lolol.
Curly’s real name is Robert but nobody is allowed to call him that because he hates it. Tim calls him that when he’s being a little monster
“Robert Joseph Shepard get over here!” And stuff like that
Tim flips between “I don’t care what they do, I’m their brother not their dad.” And “HOW DARE THEY DO THAT!” He is confused on his role. He has not accepted the “parent” role as much as darry has, but he does know that he’s the only one available for them
Bryon was actually Angela’s first bf 🤭 she got a little cocky when she broke up with him for pony. She still likes him
Tim dates both dally and Sylvia on and off but only actually likes dally. (He’s gay but too stubborn to realize)
Curly has a huge crush on dally, bryon and soda (dumb gay 💔) he doesn’t talk to Tim about it, only angela
Angela (like soda becuase I think the idea of them being a foil to the curtis family is funny) is the bridge between Curly and Tim. She is bffs with curly, but she can talk to Tim without pissing him off.
Tim jokes about hating curly. Curly thinks he’s serious. Tim has no clue. Angela knows both sides and thinks it’s funny
Curly is very touchy, he’s got to be holding onto someone at all times. Tim is incredibly touch averse (unless it’s fighting) because if this, Tim gets curly a cat.
(The cats name is Batman because curly really likes Batman. The cat is a girl)
Angela is a really good singer!! She sings all the time and it drives everyone else nuts
They all hate their stepdad Jerry. For good reason. Jerry is an asshole who claims to own the house (it’s their mothers house. Jerry is a leech) he kicks tim out randomly.
Also it’s Curly’s fault jerry is their stepdad because when he was a little tot he ran off and met Jerry. Jerry thought he was cute and flirted with their mom.
Tim, when he decides to be a “parent” is super strict. Like, curly and Angela get chores to do, they aren’t allowed to stay out at all, they aren’t allowed to go anywhere without permission. Which isn’t strict but for them it is.
He gets really bored after about a week every time and gives up. This is a monthly thing
Another monthly thing tim does is get really religious randomly. This usually is at the same time as his “parent” phase. He starts making them go to church on Sunday and pray and stuff.
Curly and Angela HATE it. Tim is the only religious one. He is such a bad catholic 😩
Angela calls curly her baby brother because he hates it
Tim is a super sappy drunk, so even though he rarely gets drunk, when he does he comes home and hangs out with them. Curly and Angela just deal with it
But they do love each other. Tim cares about them a lot but really sucks when it comes to showing it. Angela really loves them both but can’t help but be sassy and rude any chance she gets. Curly looks up to Tim and relies on angela, but enjoys making them mad
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pech-es · 1 year
I'll bored so I'm gonna make a little "previously on TZ Tumblr"... just for you (PART 1 : positive stuff)
• I saw your reblogged some of the TCR premiere pictures so you've seen Tom looks hottttt, this is now my favorite red carpet look of him, thank you Crystal
• We all lost our marbles about those cute Caribbean stories Z posted. Cute but still private and goofy, just like them
• TCR press : Tom said "bless Z because she had to deal with me looking like that with the bangs for months". Cute. Emmy and Sasha both said Tom is a hugger and he would hug them after a difficult scene (although Sasha joked about not being a hugger herself, Tom trying to make her a hugger but failing so they would just fist bump 👊). Cute. He's taking the whole year off, gardening, golfing, traveling and will start FA only at the beginning of 2024. In his unemployed era yay (😭).
• Z was having a blast Darnell's bday party. But took a pic with a weird dude (bc Darnell posted the location publicly), who has a "Zendaya" above his eyebrow bc he's a fan. Creepy. But the next day she was shaking her lil ass at Darnell'd freaknik. Timmy Tim was also there, living his best life and channeling his swag era🥳
• We got close up on Tom's ring and although we don't know the meaning, there are definitely : an orca/whale and a bird + a sun and a moon. Make that what you will (something sappy preferably). Also Tom said his fav song is "Sunny" by Boney M. Cute.
• We got first photographic evidence of Timmy and Kylie hanging out. Blurry ass pics but it's them, and apparently Pauline was there too. Hanging out at the Kardashian place for a "family barbecue" (it's giving Tomdaya at the 2016 Thanksgiving)
AHHHH anon you understood the assignment 😭 i need to keep you on retainer for every time i want an update lol. obsessed with the fact that tom GARDENS??? grandpa stanley lives
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - Cute Kisses, I’m Dropping Shows & Korea Is Getting into the Sequel Game Big Time
Aug 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Vice Versa (Sat on YT) Ep 4 of 12 - Despite the fact that I like all of the actors, I’m not particularly interested in the friendship group around the script writing aspect. It’s giving me Theory of Love vibes. And you know I am not a fan of that BL. I knew the quote right away. PRAISE ME! Turns out I have 130 IQ entirely wasted on cheesy dialogue from GMMTV shows. I wish they would challenge me by dropping a quote from something a bit more obscure. I really am growing to enjoy the teasing dynamic of the leads. Also, the fact that there’s no clear seme/uke. This is what I wanted Enchante to be! I also find the “writing on each other” habit quite cute. Nice couple language invention. Jimmy’s confident gay is giving me life, nice to see this archetype in a main pair from GMMTV. That said, the pacing concerns me. Ep 4 is awful early for a kiss. 
21 Days Theory (Sun YT ) Ep 1 of 8 - high school BL pulp, high angst, messy, cheating?, and a secret crush. Okay this explains something: I was wondering where my favorite character from the En of Love: Love Mechanics (James) went. The actor is leading out this BL as the seme, X! All cards on the table? I REALLY like this one. Way more than I expected. It reminds me of Blueming crossed with Make it Right (never forget I’m the world’s foremost Make It Right apologist, and the lead even looks a little like Fuse). Why do I like it? 1. GAY UNCLE character!!! We almost never get gay fam from Thailand. This makes me so happy. 2. Boys in blue shorts are back! 3. Seme is already pining, uke is tsundere but with reason. So plot? Our uke is a pretty boy who always comes in second and his nerd & jock (also from EoL) besties. There’s some plot to do with an influencer and possible side NOONA romance. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for more!
Coffee Melody (Mon Viki) Ep 3 of 10 - I love a smile kiss. I like how very out and very gay Yi is, with his family and in life. It’s pleasing to see in a BL of any kind. This is very much a slow moving pulp just with higher than expected production values. Jean & Nuea are cute. Nuea better be nice to my baby flame. Frankly, I’m slowly falling in love with the entire coffee shop family. I couldn’t care less about the band, but of course I couldn’t care less about a band. 
Love Mechanics (Sun WeTV) Ep 7 of 10 - When they are together as a couple, VeeMark are a GREAT couple, like FighterTutor level, only slightly less sappy. But the rest of time is just messy. For the record, Vee: I entirely support you stopping Mark’s singing with kisses! All singing should be stopped with kisses forthwith. And now, the break up: Honestly I would’ve done exactly what Mark did. I do not think it’s victim blaming. Vee knew all Ploy‘s tricks. They were together for a long time. He would’ve been able to predict her behavior and should’ve backed away from her and put space between them. Also he could just shake her off, girl or not. I’m with Mark on this one, dump his ass. 
Unforgotten Night (Weds on GaGa) Ep 7 of 12 - I like the episode this week. The main couple spent most of it apart which contributed greatly to my enjoyment. TRASH WATCH IS HERE!
Check Out (Sat IQIYI) Ep 9 of 12 - their chemistry is quite good. Yep, that’s it. 
My Secret Love (Sat YT) Ep 10 of 12 - Do you know what the worst thing about this show is? The fact that this wasn’t the final episode like I had originally thought? Well, yes. But also, not only is the chemistry between most of the couples really off (and the lead pair is terrible) but the chemistry of the friendship groups is off too. Normally, Thailand can handle friendship groups well. But these two different groups? I don’t believe they’re friends at all. I’m happy that TimMai got resolved, but I’m still on Pete’s side. I don’t think Tim had any right to punch him. They were both drunk.  
Even Sun (Wed iQIYI) Ep 6fin - It’s the finale and it’s still extremely boring. I will probably forget about this show in about 5 minutes. Shame they squandered BouPrem on a shoddy script. 5/10 ONLY WATCH IF YOU HAVE NO LIFE
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(that tiny smile!) 
Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Japan Weds GaGa) Ep 6 - I love this so so damn much, but thank heavens Shin turns 18 next episode. SQUEE WATCH ALONG  
Want to See You (Vietnam YT) Ep 11 -  I’m pretty sure when they sub “childless” they actually mean “sterile.” There was a lot of domesticity flashback memories and some pining. Basically Vietnam’s limp version of a classic Ep 11 of DOOM! or should that be “doom” (said in kawaii voice)? 
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan Fri Viki) Ep 7 - Japan holding down Frigay these days with this one show, although Eclipse starts next week, (thank fuck, because this one sure isn’t doing it for me). I’m now getting used the POV switch to the seme in the penultimate episode. It’s OK I guess? In general, I think this one is just a little too much cringe for me without enough kawaii to balance it out. I’m not invested enough in the characters to even get embarrassed for them. That’s a bad sign. 
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In Case You Missed It
I posted a top 10 list of the softest sweetest BLs. 
On Cloud Nine (Sat YouTube) Ep 1 of 6 - a country-set atmospheric series from MindTrio. Oh I don’t like it. It’s very like Calculating Love (also dropped), or The Moment, like those early Star Hunter offerings. I don’t need this kind of pulp in my life anymore, there’s plenty of Thai BL to go around. This was an easy DNF. As opposed to...
War of Y (Tues AISPLY) Ep 1 of 20 (seriously?!) started airing. Here’s my initial thoughts and what I’m gonna do about it. Cheewin’s nonsense (starring the boys from Y-Destiny and SCOY) is better than any of us have a right to expect but I don’t... like it. And I don’t like it for the same reason I don’t like rockstar romances... celebrities (and their people) are assholes. This show features a bunch of actors behaving like actors, managers behaving like managers, all of them predators or victims or both. I’ve dropped before for less (Call It What You Want) and I’ll drop again. Then again I loved Lovely Writer - but I think that’s because Sib is meant to be a sinister dick who’s only an actor because it gets him closer to Gene, and I like that approach. War of Y is just a collection of fragile egos easily traumatized by their own desires (and the needs/demands of others) - it’s brutal to watch. BillySeng are killing it, but.... it hurts, and not in a good way. I’m going to save it and binge all at once when I am feeling bored and resilient. So WoY has been removed from my watch rotation for the time being. Sorry.
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Meanwhile, deep cut callback old timers, anyone else reminded of the original PerthSaint Twitter crash with WoY’s casting couch bit on ep 1? Just me?)
So that’s 2 BLs dropped by me this week. I’m feeling mean, apparently. 
Japan’s Takara-kun to Amagi-kun released a teaser (no subs, on FB), premieres Aug 18 on MBS (taking over Senpai's time slot) not sure on international. But hoping for Viki again. 
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Looking very aesthetically high school KBL there, Japan. Never say you’re selling out? 
Thailand announced a new BL, Roommate the series. Looks like it may have a BL and a GL plot. That’s it, that’s all I got. 
Thai BL Ai Long Nhai from Mflow Entertainment premieres September 26 on Ch3Thailand (no word on international). About a man expelled from foreign university who returns to Thai uni in disgrace and meets A Boy. Adapted from a Y-novel, stars Porsche (Together with Me) & Arm - who are IRL husbands.
Apparently Korea is planning a remake of Why R U? which I find absolutely hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then would we have a story? No we would not. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags.  
Studio Yanggwibi (Korea) has announced casting for 2023′s Love Class 2 AKA Love Class Season 2 (filming starts November). I’m assuming this is a whole new pairing based on the same ”love class” premise (which was badly underused in the first installment). So It could also be GL or het. I liked Love Class more than many and I’m intrigued by this approach to a BL series. 
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Speaking of Korea doing strange things, Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin of Kissable Lips continue to co-brand (I’m gonna call them KissableLips henceforth). IMHO they are the first Korean BL pair to co-brand to this extent - continuing social media activities long after their series ended. They are officially slated for a new series as a pair (not a sequel): Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304 from Idol Romance. “A happy-go-lucky third-generation chaebol receives an ultimatum from daddy to: 1. Leave the house penniless and survive for 2 years; and 2. Achieve results as team leader in a new business venture. The owner of the villa he lands in ignores and disregards him. However, it turns out they work in the same company.” Let the cohabitation office drama commence. I like them a lot and am pleased to see them get another drama. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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While Saturgay remains the gayest, Frigay is back: Senpai finishes its run but SantaEarth’s My Only 12% starts in iQIYI and so does The Eclipse (my top pick from GMMTV’s 2022 line up) on YouTube. Also Papa & Daddy 2 starts tomorrow on GaGa. 
I have a list of all the BLs coming in August here.
This week’s best moments?
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I am weak for these two. Thank you for the gratuitous shower scene Love Mechanics. You’re rewarded by being added to the trope record. 
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I love a cameo of one BL in another. This is Coffee Melody referencing Second Chance. 
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Oh he’s so fucking cute.
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Do we think this Princess Bride reference intentional? (Vice Versa) 
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Not much karma there, boys. (My Secret Love) 
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Blue shorts are back, 21 Days Theory. 
(last week) 
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oddballwriter · 2 years
OK ok hear me out‼️ MH boys and which are most likely to move it together with their partner 🤏🕶👀 take your time dear, love your work<3
Warnings: None that I know of
Author’s Snip: I love this idea so fucking much you have no fucking idea anon, thank you so much.
Notes: This is going in order from most likely to least likely.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
This man just...
There's something to him that makes it feel like he'd absolutely love to live together with his partner as quick as possible
Obviously he'll wait things out once you first start dating to get a better read on who you are and what you're like and if there's the slightest chance of a future with you
Or at least some type of means of knowing that you're in a serious relationship
But as soon as he sees it he's trying to rent a u-haul
He wants to live with you sooo fucking bad
He seems like he's moving to fast in the relationship and might want something out of it, but in all reality, he just wants to be with you all the time and just have a home with you
Look at me and tell me that if you were to live together he wouldn't do the "Honey, I'm home!" line whenever he came back from being gone for a while
He would do that because he thinks its cheeky and also because it feeds into this cute loving couple role he likes to fall into with you
It's less that he wants to constantly be round you and more of a "I'm used to you and you're used to me" type of thing
He feels comfortable around you and so if the idea of living and moving in together was proposed and or talked about, he wouldn't mind
He wouldn't really "play house" as much as Brian does where he likes to image this type of role to it
He more so would just have the two of you just be who you are and see how each other live in a house/place and then figure out a dynamic on how you guys live
But there is that romantic sense of companionship that comes with being a couple and living together and that building of an "home" together
TLDR: He's more into living WITH you than the whole sappy 'home' type beat
I feel like with Jay, you'd sort of "accidentally" move in with each other
What I mean by that is that I feel like since, at least in my own hc, you guys are always around each other and doing things such as sharing clothes and spending the night at each others places frequently
At some point you've acclimated into each other's lives so deeply and possibly created a dynamic, that one day one of you realizes that you two basically ought to live together
So it's not "Do I feel comfortable living in a space with you?"
It's "Do you want to live in my space or do you want me to live in yours?"
Basically, you two have to accidentally get into that rhythm and behavior like you live together and then realize that you two have done that in order for the idea of living to together for real to not sound so out of the blue
Tim is a very to himself and private type of guy
So he'd be really hesitant to live with you
It's not that he hates the idea of being with you and having a space with you, he'd love to
But it's the fact that moving in with you means that your always going to be there with him and thus see more of him
Tim has a lot of issues and things that haunt him and they can cause him to not be the best emotionally or mentally at times
And he hates that because he'd feel vulnerable but also because it might scare you away or even be a burden to you
And that's not something he wants
So it would take time for the conversation or idea of living together to be made
He needs time to understand that he won't prove to be a burden, you won't be scared when his issues come up, and that you both feel comfortable sharing a space with together
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ellienettie · 2 years
Anti-hero!Mari (Red Robin!Mari) w/ Robin!Tim? please?
Originally I was gonna go for Villain!Mari but I ended up writing her as more like an anti-hero and the main idea of this au is "What if Red Hood already had a Robin before he met Tim?" And so-- Mari with grey morals <3
"Red is such a good color on you!" The guy winced, smelling the iron from the blood dripping down his nose.
Marinette, or, rather, red robin was sitting in front of him, casually leaned back, her legs crossed as she smirked at him.
"You know, not that many people can pull off that much red. But it's such a beautiful color~" she swooned.
"Matches me perfectly, don't you think?" And it was true. Her outfit, asides from the occasional literal dots of fading black, was mostly red. It was bright, reminded him of the shining annoying red light in a stop sign.
"Yeah, it does sweetheart. Only you can match that obnoxiously bright red."
So he's got a death wish, so what? It's Gotham. All traces of amusement faded from Red Robin's face. She held him by his chin, pulling him forward forcefully with no care about his dislocated shoulders still being held together firmly by the old chair.
"I don't like you." She nearly growled in his face.
He smiled at her, a picture of madness. "Not even a little bit, sweetheart?"
Red Hood pointed his gun at them. "Drop him, red."
Red Robin took a look at him, pouting. "Can't we just break him? Do a whole truth serum thing?"
Red Hood sighed, hiding his gun and walking back to lean on a wall. "No, we don't have access to any of that yet."
"Then what's the point of getting this piece of shit?"
"I was hoping we could intimidate him." Marinette snorts, hand coming up her face to hide her grin.
"Yeah. We. Alright boss, since it's a group project, I'm calling time-out. Your turn~"
She likes to flirt with Tim and be as chaotic as possible (unfortunately Tim and Jason don't really let her.)
Marinette grinned at him. "Don't you look cute down on your knees like that, huh pretty bird?" Tim frowned, focusing on the wires and trying to ignore the annoying little copybird that followed him.
It was hard when she kept poking him. "Pretty bird. Pretty bird. Pretty bird."
Is this what it felt like to wake up to an alarm clock when all you wanted to do was sleep? Probably. Don't ask him, it's been a long time since all he wanted to do was sleep.
"Pretty bird."
"What." Tim nearly spat the word out, annoyance crystal clear.
"I'm bored."
"Then go find fun, I don't know, rob a bank of something."
"Hood wouldn't like that"
"Then go find hood"
"But I don't like hood right now. He's being some sort of sad sappy sap." Tim wants to be a sad sappy sap if it meant he could get this annoying little tick away from his side.
"If he isn't being a sap then he's some angry bastard. That's not what I signed up for, thanks." Marinette tutted. Though Tim couldn't see her, some part of him knew that she lifted her chin a bit higher.
"It was in the fine print. Now go back to your partner."
"But pretty bird~" 'Kwami, help me' Tim thought to himself.
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thatblondeperson · 1 year
You know, as a bi man I really don't mind how Tim coming out was handled too much, besides, you know, they not showing Tim and Steph break up on panel. I feel that there's this trend when it comes to male bi characters in media and in comics too, that the only romantic relationships that are given emotional depth are the ones they have with other female characters, while their relationships with other men are just something physical or not "deep enough". Like, people forget that while there's this annoying ideia that bi people are only "bi enough" if they are with someone of the same gender, there's also a lot people that are only okay with bi characters if they end up with someone of the opposite gender. And I feel like this sentiment is really common in comics spaces.
Idk, I'm happy that they're showing that Tim is happy with another boy, and that his relationship with him is real, and special and important. I still want him to get back with Steph in the future, they're my OTP, but for now I'm really happy with how things are.
Oh it's absolutely wonderful the way they're portraying him with Bernard. It's sweet and sappy and cheesy and romantic as hell. On top of that, I'm thoroughly enjoying this solo run, i think it's cute and it feels very Tim. It's a nice fun story.
I don't think there's a way to win with bi portrayal in media. If they're in an opposite sex relationship, it's not bi enough. It's defaulting to heteronormativity, it's regressive, it's lazy. If they're in a same sex relationship, they may as well have just written them as gay. The biphobes come out and say that writing them as bi isn't enough rep and if they're already with a same sex partner, why not make them gay? Bisexuality gets dismissed when the bi character is in a same sex relationship because it's too complicated to discuss or whatever. It's a mess.
It's never going to be perfectly clean. I think Meghan does tend to ignore canon with some stuff, which is where her decision making gets clunky for me, but in the larger picture of viewing the story as a whole, I'm not mad at her writing. I just think we skip over stuff and miss maybe important plot details along the way. We're not going to get them, so that's my time to try to fill in the blanks with whatever I've got.
It's all a game of interpreting the text. That's what I'm spending my time doing while I read and disect Tim's character. I like to pull him and his experiences apart and put them back together in the stories he's in a re-approach the text in different ways. Overall, I'm happy with the direction we're in. Please don't mistake my obsession with past canon and overanalazing emotional bonds as anything other than my normal shtick of reading far too much into every line of text.
There's a million ways they could have written this whole scenario, what I am most upset about is not getting to see what lead up to, and the subsequent breakup, and not getting to see Tim really coming out to Steph. If they're not together, it's fine. They're my OTP still, but I'm happy if they're just given the respect of being two halves of a whole, whether it's romantic or platonic.
I think we're going to get quite a bit of emotional depth with TimBer in this arc which is going to be so nice, and I'm excited to see how the Robin card gets played in their relationship. It's nice to get to have another romantic partner for Tim to be fully open with, and to be vulnerable and honest with. I don’t want it to come across that I don't like that we're getting that.
It's a great story, it's a great direction, it's a great little queer romance, and it's much needed representation that's been a long time coming. I'm all here for it, I'll be buying the trade book probably once it's out. ✌️🩷💜💙
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Hi! Now that request are open can I please have Tim Wright, Sal Fisher, and Jack Bright with a fem or nb s/o who is a very bubbly drunk that keeps insisting that they love them? Thank you!
Tim Wright, Sal Fisher and Jack Bright with an SO that is a Wholesome Drunk
[Warnings: like, none? I mean, obvious drunk is obvious drunk]
[AN: You absolutely may! I've always wondered what kind of drunk I'd be but I hate alcohol and cannot tolerate it lmfao. I would hope I'm wholesome as the reader.]
Tim Wright
This man is so used to drunk people being unpleasant that when he finds out you're drunk, he's legitimately dreading it. Does not like it at all leading up to seeing you. Then he sees you and he's like,,, what???
You are so bubbly and sweet. Whatever filter you had before for social graces is absolutely gone. You're hugging him, giving him little smooches on his cheeks and nose, his forehead, and telling him just how much you love him and he legitimately doesn't know how to handle it.
Stops thinking for a minute or two because what? How is that possible?? You're hyping him up beyond comprehension. He hears you say you love him like 50 times in the span of 1 hour. He loves it but it's a little overwhelming for him lmfao.
I really do mean this man doesn't know how to handle it. He treats you with softness because he's your partner, but at the same time you're making him melt with confusion and adorableness??
When you're finally sober again, he's a little endeared to you because he knows there's truth when people get hammered. He knows how much you love him, and he takes such good care of you as a result.
Sal Fisher
Idk about you guys but I think Sal is legitimately the exact same way. For the sake of this, I'm going to say you both get wasted at the exact same time. The two of you are so wholesome that you start crying.
You corner each other in the bathroom and start hyping each other up. You're going on and on about how great the other is. Sal can't stop saying how much HE loves you, and you counter it with "what?? I love you MORE" rinse and repeat. The two of you drunk at the same time is adorable but exhausting lmfao.
Okay, let's pretend he's not drunk now. When you're this sweet and bubbly, going on about how he's the best boyfriend ever, he blushes and gets super bashful!! He appreciates it but Sal doesn't handle being in the spotlight very well.
He talks to you very softly and sweetly. You respond the best to that and he knows it.
Handles you like he'd handle himself. He likes you telling him you love him every 6 seconds but like, oh my goodness drink some water please -. He's wholesomely exasperated.
Jack Bright
Jack isn't a fun drunk so I think he actively avoid alcohol. He becomes cynical, and unfiltered mean. Not physically destructive, but emotionally. He's so used to seeing that from so many people, his family and his coworkers/friends alike. So, when you come out saying how much you love him he's CONFUSED.
He too short circuits. But like, he kinda prefers you being all sweet and a little sappy. He tries to deal with you as best as you can but you're constantly countering everything he says with wholesome stuff and it makes him melt.
The blush he has when dealing with you is really, really strong. He can't handle all the compliments you're throwing at him and how huggy you've become. Jack will say "yes ofc, I love you too," only for you to keep going. It's like a broken record but he really enjoys it lmfao.
Jack will keep a mental note of everything you say and then tease you about it when you're sober. He means it with the most love and if it makes heat rise to your face -- all the better. He likes to make you flustered in retribution for making him blush. It's kinda cute, kinda quirky.
Really though, like Tim, your behavior is so much more welcome. He likes being told how loved he is while you compliment his eyes and his shoelaces.
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intercoursefluids · 3 years
Marry Me Part 2 (Final)
The morning after Damian proposed he went looking for his brother and stepmother. (She had a knack for finding beautiful jewels and Dick was a hopeless romantic and would kill him if he didn’t let him help.
“Grayson, Selina, I require your assistance with something and no it cannot wait.”
They both look up at him from the living room couch, watching the news.
“Where’s Marinette? You never come down without her.”
Selina looks behind him as if she was hiding behind his larger frame.
“She's still asleep and will remain that way until at least noon since she stayed up till an ungodly number calling her friends and family back in Paris, but that is not important now. (He says obviously irritated at her unhealthy sleeping schedule) Last night I may have made a spontaneous decision and need your help with the next step.”
Selina and Dick both look at him questiongly knowing damn well what he's talking about.
“Do you regret it?” (Dick)
“Did you get her pregnant?” (Selina)
Damian sputters for a moment his face turning red.
“The answer is no to both questions. Just get dressed and meet me outside.”
He walks away muttering about how Selina ‘has no sense of shame’ and how Dick ‘was an idiot to think he’d ever regret it’.
Dick and Selina both share a smile before getting ready and meeting an impatient Damian outside.
“I proposed to Marinette last night and I want your help picking out her ring.”
Damian immediately exits the car and heads inside as his brother and stepmothers excited squeals fill the air.
Soon after he starts browsing they both join him looking for the perfect ring to give to her.
After an hour of searching Damian looks up, waving both of them over.
“What about this one?
Selina comes over first, immediately nodding her approval.
“Oh yeah, a little subtle for my taste but Marinette will love it.”
Dick immediately agrees, cooing over how cute this whole thing is and tearing up that his ‘baby brother is going to get married and he will have little nieces and nephews running around in a few years’.
Damian completely ignores him calling over a worker to get the ring in the correct size before buying it. Walking out with the simple diamond ring with pink accents on both sides of the diamond in its velvet black box.
“Okay, before we get back home where you have access to your katana I need to tell you something.”
Damian pauses at the car turning to face his brother.
“I messed up really bad this time and I’m very sorry. I was snooping around last night trying to get pictures of you and Mari being all sweet together like I usually do, but Jason, Selina, and Tim all saw me at different times and decided to watch and take pictures and videos too. I posted a bunch of the pictures to what I thought was my private Twitter like I do when you two do something especially sweet, but it wasn’t my private one and I couldn’t tell because I was crying too hard. I’m really sorry, Damian.”
Dick sucks in a deep breath after his ramble refusing to look up and meet his little brother's eyes until a loud groan followed by a thud makes him.
Damian smacks his head against the roof of the car several times more before letting out another groan and looking at his favorite least annoying brother.
“You’re lucky that I’m still in too much of a good mood to want to kill you right now. Get in the car, I want to get back before Marinette wakes up and it's already around 10.”
Happily counting his blessings even though he's low-key terrified Dick hops in the back seat and lets Selina take the front.
The drive rather quickly and Damian wastes not time in running to his room where he left his Angel.
He breathes a sigh of relief noticing she's still very much asleep. Running back downstairs he makes her a plate of breakfast and grabs a platter to fill with food for all of the kwamis.
Rushing back up to the room he sets the tray on the nightstand before going over to her side, brushing some hair out of her face, making her grumble and burrow deeper into the covers in an attempt to stay asleep.
He laughs softly sitting down beside her stroking her cheekbone.
“Angel, wake up. I brought you breakfast.”
She grumbles, reaching out from the covers to wrap his arms around her waist and snuggling into his side.
“At least let me put the ring on you. I need to talk with Grayson anyway.”
She thrusts out her left hand, still refusing to open her eyes.
He sighs, sliding the ring on her left finger and placing a kiss to her forehead before standing up to leave.
“I love you, Habibiti.”
The following noise that is probably an ‘I love you too’ but could also be a ‘shut the door’ is the only response he gets before he goes to find his brother(s).”
“Grayson, Todd, Drake, you three are fixing this entire internet mess that you started and that is final.”
Sounds of protest erupt from the room as he takes his leave to feed the animals.
“Hold up! Dickie-bird is the one who fucked up, why do we have to fix it?!”
Jason pulls him back by his hoodie, thoroughly pissing him off, to face them again.
“Because, Grayson would be too emotional and sappy and just humiliate himself and make the situation worse, Drake knows how to navigate the internet better than the rest of us and, you are always happy to talk about Marinette and I need you to keep Drake awake long enough to fix this.”
Jason nods his head accepting the explanation when Tim interrupts.
“And why can’t you do it?”
A smile that puts all three brothers on edge takes over his face.
“I have a wedding to plan.”
Followed by him immediately shutting the door and going about his chores.
*Marinette wakes up, eats breakfast and changes before noticing the new rind on her left finger*
Jason from down the hall: I KNOW! I WAS THERE WHEN HE PROPOSED!
*Marinette immediately calls her friends and family and start crying while Chloe, Adrien, Kagami, Alix, Kim, and Max all immediately buy plane tickets*
*Jagged cries and also buys plane tickets for him and Penny*
*Luka goes with Jagged*
*Two weeks before proposal*
*Marinette running to Jason (her self-proclaimed older brother) and jumping as he catches her*
Marinette: JAY!
*Damian groans setting her bag on the floor*
Damian: Must you two be so dramatic? You saw each other last month.
Jason: Piss off Demon Spawn! She's MY baby sister
*Cue pissed off and tired (because he was so excited to see Mari that he couldn’t fall asleep last night) Damian *
Damian: Yeah? Well she's MY wife
*Cue immediate pause and lots of blushing from aforementioned couple*
Damian: I meant fiancé!
*Marinette exe. has stopped working*
*Damian rushes over and throws her over his shoulder*
Damian: I meant GIRLFRIEND, and you wipe that smile off your face Grayson!
*Damian runs to his room with Mari and eventually they fall asleep together while the batfam collectively loses their shit down stairs*
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rainbowfoxes · 3 years
So the Batfam webtoon is actually really cute? I normally don't like fanony stuff in my comics, but this isn't super heavy handed with it and is actually really fun.
Highlights include:
Damian giving Duke the run around
A very cute family tree made with cameo portraits
Babs in her wheelchair and being Oracle!!
Jason, Dick, and Tim have their own lives and don't live at the manor
Acknowledgement of the broader Bat Clan
Damian isn't whitewashed for once
He is also very smol
Bruce's "Okayest Dad" mug
a fist fight broke out over a cookie
All in all this is pretty close to the type of Bat Clan content I like - Not too sappy and friendly but not a bunch of strangers either. The relationships feel like actual relationships and not just things the writer is making the characters do to appease the audience. I very much recommend it.
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