#alfred knew already
ruenii · 1 year
Tim gets hit by a huGE dose of cuddle pollen Ivy made, but she modified it to make the victim more...loopy, or lower their inhibitions. It basically makes them not give a shit and do what they ACTUALLY want, but the fluff version.
So since Tim deep, deep, deeeeeep down is a huge fuckin sap. (You can never, ever take away this headcanon from me.)
He pounces on someone (read: Duke) the second he wakes up in the medbay. And since the batfam doesn't know that Tim isn't a corny ass sap, they think it's the pollen doing it, but nope, Timmy is just very touch-starved and wants to share his affection.
Duke gets pounced on first (he's Tim's favorite) and gets a clingy leech whose arms and legs are wrapped around his body very tightly and is also nuzzling the crook of his neck.
He's also trying very hard to control the blush on his face when Tim praises him, whether it be from training, school, or his personal achievements. Even if Tim constantly praises him when he wasn't dosed, he still couldn't get used to the sheer support.
The boy just huffs and carries Tim like a teddy bear, and the others are just watching silently at the display. (Dick seething in the bg but lets ignore that–)
Cass is the second, she doesn't dodge as Tim pounces on her back, his arms tucked around her head and legs wrapped around her neck.
Tim tells her how he's so glad that he's her sister and how he loves her very much, and would actually commit genocide for her—
And Cass just smiles cutely and pats him on the thigh, and continues to walk to the library, with Tim still on her shoulders, who is still complimenting and praising Cass, and also still wanting to commit war crimes for her.
The third one is Jason, it's a slow night, nothing's really happening, just some regular drug busts, gang fights, and burglars, but other than that, everything's just very relaxed. Well, as relaxed as Gotham can get.
It's during this patrol when Tim slowly comes up beside him and intertwines their hands together, careful and gentle, because he knows Jason is still kind of uncomfortable to touch, not so much now, but it's still there, but he's working on it bit by bit.
Of course, Jason knows Tim knows about his fear of touch, I mean he'd be pretty surprised if he didn't, but he doesn't mind that Tim doesn't force Jason to hug or cuddle him vigorously, but does it in a subtler, gentle way.
Jason huffs and squeezes Tim's hand as thanks. Tim grins and squeezes back. They share a comfortable silence as they walk to a nearby cafe.
The fourth is Stephanie, and since they're exes-turned-to-best friends, and very cuddly, she wasn't that surprised but was more excited that this Tim doesn't hold back on the mushiness of it all.
They have a competition to see who can call the other the most cringiest, corny names that they can think of.
(Spoiler: (haha spoiler) Steph's in the lead)
The fact that Tim was hit by the pollen didn't change anything drastic to their dynamic, it sort of just, well, evolved it, they're still the cuddliest of buddies. And if they get more cringier and exhausting to the rest of the batfam? Well, it's their problem now.
The fifth is Dick, who is still very bitter that Tim didn't hug him first-
"Uhhh...respecting his boundaries? being normal and not overbearing or being allergic to emotions? just being a friend to him in general to be honest-"
"..." )
And was also very relieved that he wasn't seriously hurt.
He's at the living room watching some random Rom-Com when Tim appears and stands closely to the couch Dick was on, curious about the movie as well.
Dick doesn't get a chance to say anything until something hits his chest. And when he looked down to see what it was, he almost cried from joy.
Tim was hugging him!! He was hugging him!! HA TAKE THAT DUKE–
Dick adjusted their position so that they're more comfortable, Tim's legs were on his thighs and his head was leaning on his shoulder.
Tim didn't really seem to mind as he was manhandled, but squirmed a little bit when Dick hugged him too hard.
Dick's just happy to see his little brother showing affection first!! He's come a long way. He says dramatically as he wipes a fake tear out of his eye.
The Sixth one is Damian, he was unnerved to see Tim being openly affectionate to the family, as he was used to seeing him being sarcastic and reserved, but not this... Grayson 2.0 clone.
(and also because he's a little, a tiny, bit offended that he wasn't the one who he hugged and looked for first. I mean, hello, Timothy? I am the youngest?? We trauma bonded?? I cradled you in my arms?? I'm Robin???)
But he was forced to accept this new Timothy. This new Timothy who gave him head pats for a good job, who scooped him in his arms in the morning when he's too tired to notice everything, who sets him on his lap and watches Animal Documentaries when he feels like Damian is too angry or is having a tantrum.
This new Timothy treated him like how he would treat his own little brother. He doesn't force him to do something he doesn't want unless it's absolutely needed. Respects his personal space when Damian was not in the mood but shows how he cares about him in other ways.
And, and. . . .this Tim was just affected by the pollen. It was not real, he was just forced to do this because of some stupid, meaningless, pollen. He doesn't really love Damian, he's just hallucinating.
But Damian doesn't push Tim off of him when he carries him up the stairs like a toddler.
Or when he praises him on how much he grew as a person, how much he learned, how he's so glad that he's with them now and comfortable in his own home, how kind he is to animals, or when he softly leans down and kisses his forehead good night.
Maybe tomorrow. Damian thinks, as Tims soft voice sends him to sleep.
The seventh, is obviously, Bruce.
He wasn't a perfect parent, that much he can say at least. He was a broken man, who couldn't deal with his emotions properly.
It's getting better now though, as he's been seeing Dinah Lance twice a month. It's not going to be easy to change things that have been engraved in his heart for a long time.
But if it's for his kids? Bruce would do it in a heartbeat.
Tim walks over to where Bruce is, perched over the Bat Computer, looking at evidence of another human trafficking ring that had yet to be found.
He can see Bruce's shoulders stiffen, his expression carefully blank, but his hands were gripping the console too hard.
Bruce hears Tim approaching him from behind. His brilliant, intelligent, and lovable Tim. He doesn't deserve him, hell, he doesn't deserve any of his children
He feels like he failed them, and he had yet to apologize to all of them, some more than others, but he's working on it together with Dinah.
He's shocked when he feels Tim hug him from behind, nuzzling his head into his back. Bruce, still unmoving decided to turn his head to look at Tim, who was drowsy as he just woke up from a nap and wanted to find Bruce. (His son, his beautiful, capable, strong son.)
"Tim? You should go to your room if you're still tired—"
"You'reee. . . doing your besttttt, Bruceee...I'm proud of youuu...!"
Tim keeps on complimenting him, and god does the guilt fucking eat him alive
Bruce is shaking, Tim can feel it, but he was so sleepy, so he has to say this before he has to go upstairs to his room and fall asleep.
"I love you."
And Tim passes out, his hands loosely falling from Bruce's waist, but he catches him just in time before he hits the floor.
Bruce picks him up in a bridal carry and leaves the Bat Cave. He stays silent for most of the trip until he arrives at Tim's room and tucks him into bed.
A lone tear slid down his face as he cupped Tim's cheek into his much, much bigger hands. Looking at his son with pure adoration.
"I love you too."
He kisses his forehead before he leaves the room and turns off the light. Wondering why his throat feels likes there's a lump inside of it all of a sudden.
When they finally get to Ivy, she just laughs at them, cackling even.
"You idiots! That pollen was to just make someone show how they really feel, the nicer kind, I mean."
She rests her chin on top of her hand.
"It was supposed to be a prototype but hey, at least we know it works now."
Ivy looks at them and their glares bore holes into her skull, too bad she doesn't care.
"It takes their nicest qualities and times them to a ten. So Tim?"
She points at Red Robin who's busy hugging Harvey and is being cooed at by Catwoman.
"Is just a soft guy at heart, it wasn't forced or something, the pollen just helped him amp up his confidence and makes him do what he always, truly, wanted."
Ivy turns her back on them and goes over to Harley and Catwoman, and Tim beams at her, Ivy gives a soft smile and pats his head.
"Oh, so you guys didn't know Tim was a huge sap?"
"Being a normal person man, it gets you anywhere."
"Babybird's soft as fuck, and also very cuddly, you guys just don't have the privilege to hear or see it like normal lol."
"Todd, you have five seconds until I dismember you–"
"Oh please Dami, you're just embarrassed!"
"Very true. His ears are turning very red."
Bruce is just there in the middle, staring out at nothing, the only thing on his mind is just Tim saying I love you to him, echoing every 5 seconds.
Tim is just on cloud nine, happy.
Loopy, but still very happy.
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infinizero · 18 days
Danny as The Ghostly Informant TM except nobody realizes it's the same person
Danny after retiring, maybe because the portals are closed or maybe because he became Ghost Royalty or Important Ghost TM who told everyone not to come to Earth, decides to go travelling like or with Dani/Elle
Its really up to anyone whether it was reveal gone right after graduation and dude wants to find himself before doing the whole college thing or reveal gone wrong and is running away maybe in another dimension maybe in the same and Amity Park is a blind zone in any case he goes travelling
The first one he encounters is a more easygoing JL member maybe Flash maybe Wonder Woman trying to figure out how to defeat a Realms ghost so Danny, seeing them struggling, decides to help and either talks the ghost down or soups them
In both cases he opens a portal to the realms and lets them go back through.
They talk a little, Danny as Danny introduces Infinite Realms ghosts as they are trying his best to figure out if they also want to hunt down ecto-entities. The JL member would want to learn more so they exchange information details just in case something like this happens again
Around this time, a JLD member gets wind of the new Important Ghost around the area and needs to find out more about them. After scouting around a little, he finds a way to summon what seems to be a young protective spirit who seems close to the Important Ghost.
Spoiler alert: the protective spirit and Important Ghost are both Danny. All the time travel stuff are attributed to Important Ghost and the beating up other ghosts who come near a specific place to protective spirit. Bonus points if there is a misunderstanding that Important Ghost is protective spirit's parent that's why they beat up Pariah Dark
So they summon Danny as Phantom to ask questions and eventually get the ok to summon him again just in case they need to know things, with the understanding that neither will hurt each other (the JLD member also has the vague idea of asking Phantom to bring Important Ghost over to their side if another worldending thing happenes again)
Soon enough, Danny as Danny meets one of the younger JL adjacent teams (Teen Titans or Young Justice when they're babies? Maybe even Damian's team that I don't know the name of? Maybe the Outlaws?) and helps them out against one of his rogues.
If it's the same dimension, Danny sees that they are younger superheroes and/or not as connected to the government as the older ones, so he warns them about the anti ecto acts and being careful since being so close to death is very slowly making them more liminal/if they're liminal then tells them to stay away from GIW
If not the same dimension then he just gets talking to them about ecto-entities and does basically the same thing as the first JL member he met, eventually exchanging contact information
This pattern continues for a while as Batman receives reports from whichever Robin about ecto-entities being a thing and either holding a meeting because of the anti ecto acts or because there is an entire species that could destroy all of us by possessing Superman and none of you JLD thought to inform me???
At this point of time, most of the JL has met and some even asked for his help and they talk about the various things they've learned from their Informant(Danny) and because it's Danny they slowly get a full picture of everything because he talked about obsessions with one person and cores to another and so on so forth
They all eventually come to the conclusion that they should ask for more details from their Informant
Cue Danny being bombarded by text messages of all the people he's helped asking him about the Realms while being summoned as Phantom.
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Alfred was just getting home from errands.
He enters the kitchen to a child eating cereal on the counter, apparently he didn’t like the perfectly appropriate bar stools at said counter. No one would question the fact that he was raised in the circus. Because if Afried’s eyes are not suddenly failing him then Richard Grayson, son of the flying Grayson, was in Wayne manor. The poor boy had been the center of Gothams attention for the last month. The tragic death of his parents leaving the child orphaned.
And he was in Wayne manor.
Alfred: Master Bruce-
Bruce: He’s already here!
Alfred: *sigh*
Bruce: I’ve already started the adoption process.
Bruce: 🥺
Alfred: *exhausted* I will speak to the lawyers.
17 years later
Bruce: Al-
Alfred: No. Just let him go pick a room.
When Duke moves in two years later, Alfred doesn’t even pause. At least Selena gave him warning for the next three.
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 6 months
Alfred's Act of Love
Every Robin is at least a passable marksman.
Bruce hates the fact and fights it every time a new bird dons the uniform.
And every time, Alfred Pennyworth looks him in the eye and tells him, "I am not losing any more of you than I have to."
What defense could there be against that?
So a few months into each Robin's training, Bruce will look at them and tell them they have the weekend off... From him.
Alfred steps in at that point. They don't use the bat cave - Alfred knows the echoing gunshots (even muffled) will trigger his oldest charge. No, Alfred belongs to a respectable club and they have ranges for use. He kits his charges up in passably high quality clothes and packs a lunch.
His charges are spoiled little rich things to most of the world and he doesn't care to change that impression now. He chats with his fellows and talks up the Wayne brood's carelessness, ensuring that he'll have plenty of space. He takes them to the farthest end of the range and everyone else will spread the story of silly rich kids and they'll have peace.
It is an act of love when he carefully demonstrates how to disassemble and reassemble each hand gun he's brought.
(For the bigger guns he will manufacturer an emergency to take Bruce away from the house so they may make use of some of the sprawling Wayne property.)
Only when each child can field strip a gun in under a minute can they move onto firing the things.
Dick's only experience with guns came from trick shooters he met travelling around America with Haly's - they usually didn't last long because archers generally made better showmen.
Jason had mostly negative experience with guns, but he'd at least fired one before. Bashfully he explained that guns were a common commodity and as a younger lad he'd gotten one and went shooting cans down near the train yard.
Tim had actually been shooting with his father, but only with rifles because they went hunting with a client of his father's one year. Tim confessed that he cried when they actually bagged a deer, but Tim's aim was very good regardless of his misgivings.
Stephanie hadn't been allowed to come to the manor, much less spend idle time with Alfred when she was Robin. Nonetheless, when she stepped back onto the vigilante scene, Barbara made sure to send her his way. She was a good student and learned just as fast as any of his other charges.
Damian came to be Robin with the skills of a marksman already. Alfred had not thought he would be called upon to instruct him, but Dick surprised him by mandating that Damian's skills be validated by Alfred.
"It's tradition," Dick said later, after Damian had retired to his own quarters. "And one day he'll appreciate it."
There was no arguing with Batman, Bruce's or Dick's. So the very next weekend, Alfred packed a lunch while Dick and Barbara stressed to Damian that he behave around civilians and listen to every direction he was given.
Damian still complained the whole time, but years later he would recall the weekend with fondness. In time he would learn that everyone participated in Alfred's training and each of them valued it just as much as any lesson from Bruce.
Alfred couldn't follow them and keep them safe. Teaching them what he knew was the next best thing.
Every time a Robin, past or present, took aim, Alfred was there guiding their hand.
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Okay, I've been seeing prompts about a shape-shifting Danny au where he turns into a tuxedo cat and gets adopted by Damian.
But what if instead of a normal cat, Danny looks more like an actual ghost cat. A tuxedo cat, but the black is bright neon green instead, matching his eyes perfectly. You cannot tell me that Damian Wayne would not take one look at a cat that looks like it rolled around in a Lazarus pit and go 'mine now'.
He takes Danny home with him, after earning his trust, and hides it from the batfam as long as possible. It kinda helps that his new feline friend can walk through walls, turn invisible, and fly. But being in a house of detectives, he gets found eventually.
Damian refuses to let them run any tests on Cat Danny, and of course this frustrates the whole family because 'what if it's dangerous, we don't know if it wants to hurt us, what if its not even a cat? What cat glows neon green?' Eventually Danny shifts back and tells Damian the truth, and after the shock of that the two of them try to see how long they can keep up the cat act before someone in the family realizes that not only is this not a normal cat, it's not even a cat at all.
It all comes to a head when Ghost Cat Danny meets Previously Dead Jason Todd.
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aurorarosesposts · 1 year
{Marriage Between An Ancient and A Butler}
I lose my motivation with this, but I was determined to at least finished this first part. I wanna make more part, but like I said, I kinda lose my motivation here. I was inspired by @mortiferumsomnum so you may notice the name Clockwork uses. Anyhow, hope you enjoy!!
Alfred Pennyworth is a private man.
He like to keep things to himself, especially his private life. All the relationship Bruce knows about is Alfred's daughter, Julia Pennyworth; his interactions with his daughter were straind to say as least. Maybe that's why Bruce didn't pry more then what he knows from Alfred. Last thing he need is bring more distress to his perso-father then he needs to. Alfred may not say it, but taking care a family of vigilants has got to take a toll.
Besides, his kids would never forgive him if anything happens to Alfred; and to be honest, neither does he.
So when he heard that his butler got married, well, surprise is an understatement. All the times Alfred went on vacations should have raise some red flags but like he said, Bruce doesn't wanna prayed. He just assume that he's spending time with his daughter.
[He really should have known, he knows that he only has Julia and even she's busy on most day. Bruce just assume that it's for himself, which is true.]
[Oh, if only he knew.]
It all started on a normal monday in Gotham, with a attack in a park. Ah, nothing to start your day them a rouge attack. That's Gotham for you.
But that's where things get complicated.
Batman was dispatch alongsides Robin in order to help Signal with the new threat. The new threat was a meta with a weird obsesssion of boxes.
Bruce is very sure it was a meta when he's flying around yelling about boxes. Batman doesn't fight in broad daylight but there's no way Bruce would let Duke fight it alone. Now if only this meta wasn't so slippery. He was force to call backup.
"Now you y'all will face my wrath, mortals!" the Box man said, throwing more and more boxes at them. "How many boxes does this guy have?!" Red Hood yelp, almost falling face -helment- first to the ground. Batman grunted, he can't help agreeing with Red Hood. He and Spoilers were there to provied help, but the meta's stamina is unmatched.
Even Damian was getting tired. Hell, HE, the BATMAN himself felt tired; that's an understament, he's fucking exhausted.
But he has to focus, unless he wanted to be six feet under. If only they knew the meta weaknesses, but he seem to have most of J'onn abilities. Duke and Steph were distracting the box craze man as he, Damian and Jason stop and catch a break; they need to figure out a plan to stop this meta. He's not hurting anyone -besides their egos- but he's still is an unknown and Bruce isn't taking any chances.
He tap into his comm.
"Oracle, what do we know?" Bruce sighed. He really need a hot bath after this. He could hear keys smashing on the other end. Not good.
"Nothing, Batman. Absolutely nothing! There got to be something but I couldn't find anything matching the meta's description. I'll keep looking, but until then-" more key smashing, "- you're on your own," she ended the statement with a heavy sigh. Crap, not good at all.
"Tell Red Robin to take over comms, Oracle, and you keep searching," he ordered. Tim was bench due to an injury he got from a previously protrol. He could take over while Babs search for any infomations about the situantion and weaknesses that the meta has. Just then, his youngest son shouted; "Father, Signal and Spoilers are losing their strength. We must help them!" Robin pointed to where both vigilants and the man went.
"So what'cha we waiting for? Let's go!" Red Hood was already running to the direction they went. Batman nodded to his Robin and they went after Red Hood.
But he felt something bad pooling in gut. Bruce hope it's just his worries.
[He shouldn't have just listened to his mind.]
Alfred Pennyworth is a private man.
That in itself should not so surprising considering that not a single person in his little family of crime fighting vigilants/detectives nor his estranged daughter knew that he gotten' married to an inmortal and Ancient Being name Horatio Clockwork. The fact that he added his own name as his last name is so dumb that it worked. Just how Mister Kent do with his glasses.
Either way, he is not changing his last name with his husband.
Alfred is on a day off, as Master Bruce wanted him to rest for awhile; he thinks he's spending time together with Julia, but she's busy so he's spending time with his husband instead. Spending time with his beloved as he talked nonsense all while walking on the sidewalk, hands interwinds with each other.
"I'm telling you, I do loved the boy, not that I'll admit it in front of him, but he's getting on my nerves. I swear his doing it on purp-" Horatio cuts mid sentence as he saw that Alfred stopped dead on his track, looking at a window to a tech shop.
"Alfie? You okay?" He asked.
Both lovebirds stopped and watched as the TVs displays the lastest rouge attack. But it isn't the regular rouge or some random wannabe villain.
Both of they're eyes wided as they realized the Box Ghost- aka Boxy, is in Gotham, in broad daylight.
Horatio's eyes flases red, silently in rage that Boxy was here. He thought that Danny told them to leave the mortal plane alone. "Oh he's getting soup alright," Horatio snarled. He knows that Danny is having a vacation, so they're going to have to take care of this mess.
He walks to the direction Boxy heading, silently fuming and cursing said ghost in all the colorful language he could think of. Holding Alfred's hand as gentle as can be, they head out. Alfred sighs; married to an Ancient Being who is also the mentor of The Ghost King Of The Infinate Realm does has some downside. Guess their get-together could be postponed to another date.
[Although, he must admit, Horatio being mad is kinda hot.]
[He loves his husband alright, sue him.]
"Uhhh...guys. I see Alfred on the camera, he's on the pathway of the meta-" a barrage of curses and yelling can be heard.
Bruce was horrified; his butler, his father, is heading throws danger. "Tim, find the way to warn Alfred. Now," Bruce growl.
He can't lose him. He can't lose another-
"B, the cameras' busted! I can't see him! I'm sending you the coordinates now!"
Jason was sprinting throws the location given. Bruce and Damian hot on his heels. The three of them rounded a corner to a dimly lit hallway. This reminded Bruce when he was young-NO-
Not again- Not-
In a middle of the damp hallway is Alfred, and a man. The man has mid length white hair, he's wearing a purple sweater with some sort of pattern on it. He stood there, calm and quite; while Alfred was standing beside him, hands on the man shoulders, talking to the man with hush tones and is unharmed. Bruce sighed, he's safe and sound. Maybe the man Alfred with was a friend of his.
"...Sir, are you okay?" Bruce called out, hand reaching out. As much as he would like to call his name, he's still Batman and he can exposed himself to the man Alfred with.
Both men turned around. Jason gasped, Damian's eyes wided behind his mask; he could hear the shouts of others on the comms, asking if they're alright. Bruce didn't answered.
Alfred was unharmed, but the man's eyes flashes a bright red, almost like he's about to blast them with his lazer. But that's not the shocking part; it's what the man said next that truly take them out by surprise.
"My beloved, stand back." The man snarled at them, unaware that he just threaten his husband's son and grandsons.
Jason's words described perfectly about the situation.
"What the fuck???"
That's all there is! I kinda lose my motivation there. But! If you guys can add to this, that'll be amazing! I really want to know where you takes this!!! Anyway, hope you like it and have a great day!(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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cleromancy · 7 months
you cant actually. See the titles of the first edition books jason sends to buce and alfred while hes menacing them in utrh and every single time im like. BUT WHAT WERE THE BOOOOOOOOKS
like???? what were they?????? frankenstein??????? don quixote????? as i lay dying????? wuthering heights????? anna karenina?????? great expectations???????? like. hello!!!! WUAT BOOKS DID JASON TAKE TIME OUT OF HIS VERY BUSY PART TIME CRIME LORD/FULL TIME MENACE SCHEDULE TO TRACK DOWN FOR YHE CREEPY PACKAGE HE SENT IN THE MAIL TO GET UNDER BRUCES SKIN!!!!! HELLO!!!!
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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The Losers (1978)
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uu-tella · 6 months
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Full panel under the cut
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wings-of-angels · 1 year
I found an old fic of mine i wrote that explores Bruce and Alfred's frayed relationship after the events of The Enemy Within but idk if i should edit it or not
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deathgatesideblog · 6 months
We're 4200 words and counting into the next chapter of Patho AU, which officially has a title:
Day Eight: In Which Doctor Montbank is Offered The Opportunity To Facilitate a Miracle
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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pictured in these photos: me, crying
baby boy
im sorry if the bunny ears ruined the last pic but i wasn’t gonna change the outfit for one pic
intsys finally put on their big kid pants and allowed a man to say i love you to another man
the ring actually perfectly matches alfred and also looks perfect on him
baby boy
“...felt that way almost as soon as we met.” me too except it was as early as the nintendo direct’s first trailer and my feelings were of adoption
he actually asked for his hand tho
i love him
baby boy
im not sure if i missed saying it earlier but baby boy
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quirkypossum · 1 year
im gonna throw up i stg, i just was rewatching gravity falls and i finished the last episode only to be watching the credits and see that kyle maclachlan voiced the bus driver at the end... it just got me in the heart given how much twin peaks inspired this show.
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flamingpudding · 5 months
Guys it's just merch
Danny watched with a smile hidden behind his mug of hot cocoa his new family. Originally he was only going to mess with them a little, since he wanted to keep his civilian live he gained with them but at the same time wanted to kind of provoke them to tell him about their night time jobs on their own.
Not like he could just flat out tell them he knew about their vigilantes lifes and that would be embarrassing to explain.
It's not every day that Danny's powers fluked on him, but with the stress of the past months, it happened. Right at a moment, he had to be clumsy and trip over his own feet and accidentally phased through a grandfather's clock, finding a hidden passage. Well at least he learned that way that Batman hadn't placed him with some other rich fruitloop that wasn't his godfather but well... with Batman himself and his family out of mask.
Yeah no, he did not want to explain that and hoped they would do that themselves. But apparently, they took Danny's statement of wanting a normal life a bit too serious.
Which brought him back to his current entertainment in the form of messing with his siblings.
"I don't get what the problem is guys. It's just merch." He chuckled slightly at the face Damian was making. While Jason chose to kick Tim under the table.
"Soooo how much merch on Red Robin do you have with this shirt now?" Dick asked instead with a bright smile, Danny still hadn't figured out how to tell what emotion he hid behind them sometimes.
"I think this is my third shirt of him." Danny mused, placing his cup back on the table and tapping his lip in a thinking motion. "Though I was going to pick up a couple of custom-made jackets of Red Hood and a Nightwing plush later today."
He acted like he did not hear the triumph like hiss of 'yes' from Jason as well as the very upset huff of Damian.
He just grinned at the amusement about how they apparently were competing over how much merch he owned of each of them.
When he found a Robin figure and several Robin pins mysteriously placed on his desk the next morning, he broke out laughing. Yet still just to mess with them gushed about his newly gotten merch to his family while sharing a knowing look with Alfred who knew he was just messing with them.
If there was a surprising amount of Batman merch, suddenly mixed into what he already owned the following week without his knowledge. Well, he wasn't going to complain about free stuff.
But he still would get a good laugh out of their reactions on the day he decided to full on dawn every piece of Batman merge instead of theirs.
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merletka · 1 month
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Collaborated with amazing writer @alexcors and illustrated her fanfic about Damian Wayne. You can read it bellow! 💚
– Concussion, multiple beatings, fracture of the collarbone, two ribs and the radius of the right arm, with multiple fragments. Do you have anything to say to that, Robin?
– This dealer raised his hand himself, covering his worthless face. What?
– You beat the suspect to a pulp! Batman barked at his son. – No patrols until Cantelli is transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward.
– But…
– That's all.
Damian clenched his teeth, but at the last moment decided not to fight with his father over a small dealer. Cantelli wasn't worth it. And therefore, having drowned himself, the boy just fell asleep.
The morning began with the usual five o'clock wake-up, a workout with pruning the squalid park art that Damian disapproved of in his garden. And he was already tired of explaining to Pennyworth that the enemy could be hiding behind large figures! Then a walk with Titus on a leash, Alfred the cat on his shoulder (because the mustachioed one did not want to wake up in any way) and a red-haired squeaking lump in his hands.
The kitten was dragged by a Red Hood a couple of days ago, startling Damian at first by pronouncing his full name without hesitation (few people in the family could pronounce Hafid ibn Ksufash Dami al Ghul even from the third time), and then by an attack of compassion for the animal. However, the boy quickly recovered from the shock, named the red kitten Roy Harper and now did not miss the opportunity to tease brother with the phrase "You gave me your accomplice, Todd."
By eight in the morning, Damian had time to check on the bat cow, comb Goliath, lose the nimble red Harper and find him sleeping peacefully in the cowshed. In general, Batman's heir successfully redid all his affairs, even phoned each Teen Titan individually and gave valuable instructions. On little things like different time zones, young Wayne habitually waved his hand, and everyone also grabbed a moral slap on the back of the head for trying to be indignant:
– Do it, Beast!
– Buzz me here again, Bug!
– The aliens were not given a word.
– Witch!
Damian belatedly realized that arguing with Raven was not worth it, because the importance of portals to any part of the world is difficult to overestimate. Fortunately, he knew about the weakness of every member of his team, and in Raven's case, it was sweets. Especially his sweets, with honey and spicy notes, which the girl fell in love with from the first bite. He will have to share again… She's definitely a witch!
At nine o'clock sharp, Pennyworth served breakfast, with tea in fine china, brown sugar, a slice of lemon and... an envelope?
- You have received an invitation, Master Damian.
- It's not interesting, - the boy muttered, finished with the meal and dryly told him not to disturb him. He was going to decide the fate of the world here, and they came with some kind of invitations!
However, the plan to destroy all (crossed out) almost all people did not come to mind, but the world itself lay perfectly on paper with watercolor paints, fortunately the view from the window was conducive to this. Up to a certain point.
– Todd!
- Hello to you too, Gremlin, - the Red Hood replied, climbing into his brother's bedroom through the window, while unsuccessfully clinging to the tulle with the toe of his boot.
- Pennyworth will bury you for this.
– Yes, yes, and will plant roses from above. Not that I mind much, but that's not the point right now. Get ready to go out.
Damian took a deep breath and unleashed his entire supply of Arabic obscenities on his brother, knowing full well that Jason would understand him. Unfortunately, the pressure of the negativity did not take him back out the window, he had to take up a katana.
– Put the skewer down, shorty, the meat has just been sent to marinate.
– Will you leave on your own or will you be thrown out in parts?!
– Shut up and listen to me, - Todd barked, casually showing off his pistols with the safety off. – In short, Alfie organizes a family get-together, with meat and without a fight. Dad promised to be, I'll bring a replacement, the Gotham crime storm in a thong will come running himself. You got the simplest thing – to lift your little ass off the chair and walk to the place. You can take the menagerie with you.
- I'm not going to any gatherings with my father," Damian muttered, but he put away his saber. – So you can get out and report your failed mission. I'm not leaving my room today, basically!
- No questions,– Jason agreed surprisingly easily. - But if you walk out the door, you're going to hang out with everyone, okay?
– Tt.
–That's settled,– Jason grinned, ducked out the window and disappeared.
Damian managed to exhale with relief, when suddenly something buzzing flew over the windowsill. Titus reacted first, barking loudly at the wasp's nest rolling on the floor!
- You're dead, Todd! - Damian yelled, unceremoniously grabbing the cat and rushing out the door with him and the dog.
- No corpses,– Grayson repeated calmly but firmly (for the fifth time!).
- I'll beat him up so that no Lazarus Pit will help, - the boy grumbled into the phone, the call to which stopped him from righteous revenge.
– Alfred said it clearly, without a fight. Let's get together with the whole family, have a nice time, have a delicious meal.
– Tt.
– We have chosen a picturesque place by the lake, you will like it.
–Okay, - the Batman heir finally gave up. – But only because painting was part of my plans today.
– It's wonderful, – judging by the sound, Dick broke into his trademark smile. – You will draw a beautiful landscape.
– I'll paint it! Artists paint with paints, you idiot.
– And I love you, little brother.
– Tt.
Author: @alexcors
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alisonwritesimagines · 2 months
Count On Mom ~Batfamily Imagine~
Summary: The kids try to get Bruce to get away from the computer. Luckily, there is always one person who can take his mind out of anything including Batman duties. You.
Author’s Note: Haven't posted much in a while and I kept seeing a lot of Batfamily stuff at the last convention I went to so here we go!
BatFamily Masterlist
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: boob flashing, hint to smut
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Three of the batkids stared at their adoptive father as he had been stuck in front of the screen in the Batcave. None of the moved as they watched Bruce in some kind of trance.
“How long since he moved?�� Dick asked Cassandra and Jason.
“A day,” Cassandra monotonous answered.
“I think he blinked a minute ago, does that count?” Jason asked.
“It’s official. Alfred called it. He said he’ll bake cookies if we can get Bruce to stop working,” Duke said as he walked into the batcave.
"Step aside," Jason said as he cracked his knuckles. "This will be over in no time."
As the kids began to try to get Bruce to move away, no effort was made to moving Bruce.
"I got an idea," Dick said as he took out his phone.
You felt your phone ring, making you put the groceries down onto the kitchen island so you could answer your phone. You had just gone to the store to grab some ingredients to make dinner for tomorrow's dinner.
“Hey mom! Are you and Damien almost done with grocery shopping yet?”
“We just got home. Why?”
“We’re trying to pry Bruce off of the computer in the Batcave and Alfred said he’d make us cookies if we get him away from the screen.”
“I’m on my way,” you say with a chuckle at the end.
"Already began to bake the cookies. I know you'll be able to get him away," Alfred told you.
"Of course I can. That's my superpower in this family," you joked.
When you got to the Batcave, you saw your husband tiredly staring at the screen in front of him. The dark bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep made you upset but you knew there was one thing you could do that would always get his attention.
"Aw my poor husband," you say.
"You got this mom?" Jason asked you.
“Step aside kids and close your eyes,” you tell them as you walked over to your husband.
“What are you going to do mom?” Dick as as he covered his eyes. The rest of the kids quickly covered their eyes to avoid to see what you were going to do.
You climbed onto Bruce’s lap before lifting both your shirt and bra in front of him. Bruce quickly snapped out of his daze before looking up at you with a smile.
“Tempting me my love?”
“Maybe,” you smile as you pulled your shirt and bra down.
“Let me have my cookies and you can have me,” you whispered into his ears as you stood up.
“Okay kids. Enjoy Alfred’s cookies,” you say as you headed out.
The moment the kids uncovered their eyes, they watched in shock as Bruce already began to make his way towards you.
“Leave it to mom for getting Bruce to do anything other than his Batman duties,” Jason said.
"I wonder how she does it," Duke says out loud.
"Because dad's got it bad for mom," Dick tells him.
By the time Bruce got to you, you were eating your chocolate chip cookies that Alfred had made with Damien. You winked at your husband as you kissed Damien’s head.
“Alfred, why don’t you and the kids go out for a bit? It’s lovely outside,” you tell him.
“Of course,” Alfred said before walking over to get the rest of the kids. You began to head upstairs to your room, knowing that you had stirred something in Bruce.
“You coming Bruce?” You called out. You smirked as you heard Bruce’s fastened footsteps.
You let out a laugh as you felt him pick you up. You held onto him as he rushed over to the bedroom.
“I owe you some alone time don’t I?” Bruce asked you with a smile.
“Yes you do. Now, while everyone is out of the house, why don’t you make it up to me?” You asked him.
“I plan to," Bruce said before kissing you passionately.
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