#spreading the werewolf x vampire message
flykering · 28 days
monstas 👾
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+ bonus panel hehe
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284 notes · View notes
jeonsweetpea · 5 months
Moonstruck (13)
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Werewolf & Vampire Hybrid!AU, Supernatural!AU | Hybrid!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader | Werewolf!Taehyung x Hybrid!Reader (ft. BTS)
genre: angst, e2l, supernatural, thriller, slow burn
rating: mature
description: A treacherous flashback unfolds. You orchestrate a plan to obtain the truth no matter the cost, ensnared in a web of betrayal and lies.
word count: 7.2k
warnings: contains SPOILERS! contains SPOILERS! Cussing, fire, battle scenes, weapons, blood/wounds (nothing too graphic), betrayals, compulsion, drowning, dark magic
a/n: It’s winter break for me so YES, I was working on this as best I could! Hi, if you find this message, I love you, I wish you nothing but happiness and health. <333 Please let me know your theories/thoughts, this series will definitely be around 15-16 chapters. So just know I am working on it!
Moonstruck Series Masterlist
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Two days earlier…
After you calmed down, Yoongi told you about his original plan. Arriving at the safehouse was part of it, but he was actually in search of a rare plant. He had rummaged through Professor Seokjin’s office to see if there were any clues that would tell him where he went and sure enough, there were secret files about Blue Calamus on his computer.
Aka truth weed. Ingesting the plant would make you susceptible to speaking the truth for half an hour. Yoongi suspected that if he found the truth weed, he would find Jin too. And that meant he could help you and him find out what happened to Hoseok and his sister.
The first 24 hours were bad luck. You and Yoongi were following Jin’s footsteps, hitting up all the spots truth weed was claimed to be grown at. Unfortunately, every place turned out to be a dead end or false advertisement. After resting at a motel, the two of you accepted your defeat and ventured into the woods.
“Damn it. That town was our last hope,” Yoongi grumbled, taking a seat on a log. You took a look at the map Yoongi had brought and the glint in your eyes caught his attention. “What is it?”
“My mother’s campus is nearby… maybe she can help. I haven’t heard from her in a while.”
“Got your phone?”
“No. It wasn’t on me when Sunghyun teleported me.”
“I’ll call her.” The professor dialed her number and waited. When it finally went to voicemail, he tried again. “She’s not picking up.”
“It’s fine. Let’s just go.”
As you and Yoongi drew nearer, his phone suddenly buzzed with over 100+ messages and calls. The device was in a frenzy as notifications popped up nonstop. “HELP”, “SAVE US”, “DANGER” were the keywords you could make out and the ones responsible for the messages were three people: Seokjin, Hoseok, and your mother. 
“What the hell is happening?!” Yoongi asked, swiping his thumb to open the messages and read them as fast as he could while more flooded in. 
“Look, Professor Jin’s calling!”
“I see that, but my phone is glitching like crazy!” It took a few tries, but he finally managed to pick up the call.
“Get your ass over to [M/N]’s campus now! We’re being attacked!” A loud explosion could be heard in the background, alarming you and Yoongi both. He desperately called out Jin’s name, but the connection had fizzled out.
Filled with a mixture of fear and determination, you and Yoongi realized the gravity of the situation. You had to act now because that meant your mother’s safety was at stake too. And the kids. The poor, innocent kids. 
With a renewed sense of urgency, you and the professor swiftly abandoned your search for truth weed and sprinted to your mother’s workplace. 
The damage was far worse than anything you could’ve imagined. The combined elementary and junior high school building was crumbling to the ground, fire was spreading at a rapid rate, and gunshots were heard in the distance.
You jumped right into battle, quickly realizing the culprits weren’t human. It was a team of werewolves and vampires—the same werewolves and vampires you might’ve pissed off during the time your humanity was off. 
“Ah shit…”
“Recognize us, you filthy hybrid?” one of the vampires taunted. Yoongi whipped his head to look at you.
“You know them?”
“I might’ve… tortured them when I turned off my humanity,” you admitted, offering him a sheepish grin. Yoongi pulled out his shotgun from his backpack, having half a mind to shoot you instead but restrained himself.
“I’ll cover you,” he stated in a gruff voice. You nodded and began taking them down one by one. The professor covered you as promised until you two made your way inside the burning building. A cry for help alerted you to go upstairs to the second floor and that’s when you found Hoseok and his sister fighting against a team of werewolves. 
Honestly, they could hold their own pretty well. You only jumped in when you saw there was another one trying to sneak up on Dawon. She thanked you and returned the favor by saving you from a grenade. Hoseok was almost unrecognizable with how angry he was. He fought dirty, the remaining wolves clearly not a match for his ire and you remembered why he used to be alpha. However, his bright smile returned when the wolves retreated and he hugged you tightly.
“[Y/N]! You’re alive, oh my god. You don’t understand how happy I am,” He then quickly released you. “Oh man, I bet you want to kill me. I’m so sorry for what I did.” 
“She’s the one who put me in a coma,” a sinister voice said. Hoseok and you glanced over at his sibling, who was pointing her gun in your direction. You waited in suspense for her next move but then she broke out into the same heart-shaped grin Hoseok had. “Just kidding~.”
She lowered her weapon and Hoseok laughed at your stunned pikachu-meme face. “You got her good!”
“What the fuck is going on?!” you exclaimed, crossing your arms at the two siblings. 
“Meet my sister, Dawon.”
“I go by Jiwoo now, actually,” she replied. 
“Right, we changed our identities. I still prefer Hoseok.”
“Nice to see you again,” Jiwoo states with a wave. “Thanks for not killing me.”
“Ditto…?” you said, confused beyond compare.
“Wait, we lost Professor Jin and your mom,” Hoseok said, frantically looking around. You copied his actions and realized you had lost someone too.
“Professor Min was just with me.”
Some more gunshots were heard from the rooftop of the building, so the three of you headed there. Professor Jin had set up a force field to shield him, your mother, and Professor Min while a team of vampires attacked from all sides. Once again you jumped in with zero hesitation but the added assistance of the Jung siblings ensured your victory. The enemies retreated and you all got off the burning building before the flames could engulf you all.
“What happened to my mother?” you asked worriedly. Professor Jin was carrying her limp body, which was full of bloody lacerations and bullet wounds. Everyone had been injured to some degree, but your mother received the most damage.
“She fought hard to protect her employees and students. She distracted the enemies while everyone ran. It’s our fault. We had brought them here to the school.”
“I’m fine,” your mother croaked. “Put me down, I can walk.”
“Are you joking?” you scolded. “You’re lucky to even be alive.”
“What do we do now?” Yoongi asked, watching the school building continue to burn down.
“My employees and I had an evacuation plan put in place in case this happens. There’s a secret tunnel beneath the school that leads to an underground chamber. I can heal myself there.”
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The underground chamber was concealed from the outside world, shielded by layers of enchantments and natural barriers. Its interior was illuminated by soft, ethereal light emanating from glowing crystals embedded in the walls. Children’s laughter could be heard from all around and you were relieved to see everyone was okay.
Employees of your mother’s took her from Jin’s arms, immediately grabbing some healing herbs and medicinal plants that grew along the chamber’s walls. They reassured you she would be okay and that the herbs would accelerate her recovery. 
Some students greeted you and you were pleasantly surprised at how welcoming they were. Considering the last time you saw them was when you had a gun in your hand, the kind gesture touched your heart. They asked if you defeated the bad guys, to which you gave them a thumbs up. It was so pure how they looked at you like you were a superhero and it reminded you of why you wanted children in the first place. 
“Hey, we found a place to talk,” Jin said with a nod of his head for you to join him. You bid farewell to the kids and made your way over to the secluded area away from the crowd. 
Everyone took a seat on the comfortable cushions the chamber provided, you being the last to sit in the circle. You noticed Hoseok caressing Yoongi’s face, most likely asking him about his scar. Something about the moment seemed… tender. Until Professor Min swatted his hand away, face flushed.
“We have a lot to discuss,” Jin said with a loud clap to get everyone’s attention. He pointed his pressed palms at you. “[Y/N]. I’m sure you have questions.”
“Yeah… Why are you here? With them?” You gestured to the Jung siblings and they both pointed at themselves as if there were any other Jungs around.
“When I quit my job, I went on a mission to find Blue Calamus because that would be the only way to figure out what was going on and prove to Namjoon that I didn’t orchestrate anything.”
“Why not use a truth spell? You’re a witch. You’ve done it before.”
“I felt like my magic was being tampered with. Spells always have loopholes and by then it was too late. Once I left campus, I couldn’t get back in. Something was blocking me. Like a magic that surpassed mine. I couldn’t text or call anyone on campus.”
“Same here,” Hoseok added. “I tried to message Professor Min and [Y/N], but none of the texts went through. No calls. Nothing.”
“So how did I finally get your call, Jin?” Yoongi questioned.
“I think it’s because you were within a certain radius of me. Whatever magic was being used to block our communication had limits.”
“Do you think it was Ari…?” you asked, though your tone indicated you already knew the answer.
“Most likely. She was my top student,” Jin answered. “Anyway, the hunt for Blue Calamus was nearly impossible. I spent months trying to find it and ran into many dead ends. At one point I ran into the Jungs.”
You turned your attention to Hoseok and he cleared his voice in preparation to speak.
“After I… did what I did to you…” he started to say hesitantly. “I got to the hospital and rescued my sister. We fled town and went to our parents’ safe house to find out they had been murdered.”
He waited for a reaction from you, but you simply said nothing.
“You know?”
“Professor Min and I discovered their bodies yesterday. I’m sorry about your loss. Do you know who killed them?”
“I’m sure we all know who it is.” The whole group gave each other a knowing glance, so Hoseok continued, “Jiwoo got a text saying we deserved it because I tried to warn you about a mole.”
“Jimin…” you muttered.
“Not just Jimin. He’s not working alone. Someone else contacted my sister and family first.”
“Who’s that?”
Jiwoo intervened, “Months ago I was spying on your campus to get more information about Jungkook, so we could kill him. Needless to say, I was spotted. He told me he wanted Jungkook dead too, so we formed an alliance to attack you all on patrol. I described the guy’s face to my brother after I woke up from the coma.”
You anticipated her answer with bated breath. 
“... Kim Taehyung. He’s the other person working with Jimin.”
“Oh my god… Tae wanted Jungkook dead? Tae started this… with Jimin? This is insane,” you said, clenching your fists. Your emotions were in flux because even if it was an obsession, Taehyung never failed to profess his love for you. Killing Jungkook was one thing, but he’d never ask for you to be killed. Would he? 
Did he place that listening device to spy on you for Jimin?
Your gaze fell onto Hoseok and he sighed, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He could tell you were dying to ask the burning question by your conflicted expression. “Ask me. I’ll tell you everything.”
“Why did you kill me? Did Tae… did he force you to do it?” 
“Taehyung, Jimin, doesn’t matter. They were blackmailing me. Jiwoo had been compelled to kill herself if she ever met you. I couldn’t let that happen.”
You raised a brow at this revelation. “Um… I met her,” You engaged in a rapid back-and-forth motion, alternately gesturing towards her and then towards yourself. “How is she alive?” 
“I removed the compulsion with a spell,” Jin explained.
“Hurt like a bitch,” Jiwoo mumbled.
“Okay… How’d you escape your cage in the first place?” you asked Hoseok.
“Someone messed with my food. It made me hallucinate, get angry—I wasn’t thinking straight. It made me strong too. Enough to break out.”
You shot an accusatory look at Professor Min, but Hoseok intervened. “Yoongi didn’t do anything.”
He called him Yoongi…
“And how do you know?”
“Because I didn’t see who brought me my food. I woke up and it was already there. After eating it, it felt like all my negative emotions took control of my body.”
You glanced over at the kids playing on the other side of the chamber, thinking about how you’ll never be able to have one of your own. Hoseok followed your gaze, pained by your crestfallen eyes. “I am truly, truly sorry. I know I can never make it up to you.”
“It’s fine,” you said curtly. “Continue. What happened once you found your parents?”
“We heard gunshots and fled. Didn’t even have enough time to bury them either. It was like whoever was threatening us didn’t want us to. I took Jiwoo to a new town far away, changed our names, and moved on.”
“Until Seokjin came,” Jiwoo informed. “He convinced us to join him in finding the truth weed. Hobi was against it, but I had to know who killed our parents before exacting revenge..”
“Why would he be against it?”
“He didn’t want anything to happen to me.”
Of course. Anything for his sister.
“But that’s when we got ambushed by supernaturals,” Jin said, “The same ones that attacked your mom’s school. They chased us all the way there, but we were so desperate for help and didn’t think about the consequences. We’re sorry, [Y/N]. It’s our fault.”
It’s mine. I pissed them off. They wanted revenge. They must’ve known I was associated with the three of them.
“It’s not. It’s my fault.” Your confession earned you the spotlight. “A lot happened on campus while you were gone, professor. I turned my humanity off. Tortured some supernaturals for kicks. Clearly they wanted revenge. I’m sorry.”
“None of us blame you,” Hoseok stated in a grave voice. “During our battles, one of them said they were paid by someone to do it. There’s a good chance they were the same ones who ran us out of the safehouse too.” You wondered if he was comforting you merely due to his guilt.
“It’s your turn. What’s going on back on campus? How’d you get that scar?” Jin asked Yoongi.
“Excuse me," a sweet, high-pitched voice said kindly. You all turned to see Sarang, the 8-year old vampire girl you remembered being enamored with when your mother took the students on the field trip to BTSU. “Ms. [Y/N]? Your mom wants to see you.”
You got out of your criss-cross sitting position and stood up, following the little girl to another part of the chamber where greenery was abundant. Your mother was tending to one of the flowers, so you grabbed a nearby watering can to help her after thanking Sarang. The little girl ran off to play with her friends, delighted to be of use.
“You always did have a green thumb,” you started to say as you poured water on another flower. Your mother smiled at the comment and you two took a while to water plants in comforting silence. But of course that didn’t last long because as most mothers do, yours started to nag you about how you were doing it all wrong. She couldn’t help but correct you on how much to water, why not to water too much, blah, blah blah. 
“If you get even an extra drop on that one, it’ll die,” she warned, pointing to an odd, fuzzy plant. “Let me do it.”
“You recover fast,” you noted as you got out of her way. “What is all this, Mom?”
“Well, a few years ago I started growing some special plants and herbs in case there was an emergency. Your father was exceptionally great at it and well, since he hasn’t returned yet, I kept it alive and well. It’s our garden.”
The moonstone of your necklace flickered. “I miss him.”
“I miss him too.” She tended to the last plant and set the watering can down. It was then she gave you a hug, which you reciprocated. “I miss you more.”
“I know, Mom.”
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I hope you will tell me,” She patted your back. “I want to help you however I can.”
You stopped hugging her to look her right in the eyes. “Do you happen to have Blue Calamus? It’s known to have a strong minty taste.”
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Two hours before the present…
Thanks to your mother and Professor Jin’s expertise, you and your team not only had an adequate supply of truth weed but also tranquilizers. One spell later and the plants from your mother’s garden transformed to a serum that was easy to weaponize. You opted for blow darts while the rest of while everyone else chose syringes.
With time dwindling, you all agreed on a plan and knew there was only one chance to get it right. 
First, Yoongi took a vial of your blood back to campus while you, Jin, Hoseok, and Jiwoo were on standby in the forest. The Flame of Imprisonment prevented supernaturals from entering, so he had to convince Namjoon to blow out the candle. 
Once that was done, you and your team snuck and took out any stragglers who weren’t in the cellar. Jin and the Jung siblings decided to split up to cover more ground on campus. Few minutes later, Jiwoo cried out that she had spotted Jungkook and Sunghyun coming out of the girls’ dorm rooms, so Hoseok bolted in that direction. 
The two siblings were relentless in their chase, firing rounds in an attempt to subdue them. Despite their efforts, the boys evaded every bullet, leaving the Jungs frustrated and desperate. Closing in for the crucial injection with the serum seemed an impossible task.
In the midst of the chase, Professor Jin, quick-witted and determined, joined the pursuit. Using his unique abilities, he materialized in front of Sunghyun, injecting him with the serum before he could react. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook, fear etched across his face, edged backwards away from the trio, seeking an escape from the chaotic scene. The amulet nestled in his pocket began to glow and in an instant, he disappeared. 
“[Y/N],” Professor Jin’s voice rang urgently in your ears. The magical earpieces he conjured up were quite useful. “We got Sunghyun, but Jungkook vanished. He must’ve teleported somewhere.”
“I think I know where he is. I’ll meet you guys in the cellar.”
You switched off the earpiece, exhaling deeply as you ventured through the mountain tunnel. The sire bond had undeniably weakened, yet a subtle tingling sensation persisted whenever Jungkook was near. Upon pinpointing his teleportation, you swiftly made your way to Namjoon's office, where you secured the spare keys.
Standing before the familiar, imposing door, you unlocked it and continued walking until you reached the iron gate entrance. Each step you took weighed down your heart, the haunting echoes of Jungkook’s hurtful words ringing in your ears.
So spiteful. So heartless. So… cruel. You could only come up with one conclusion and that’s why your role in the plan was so painful.
“Who’s there?” 
He doesn’t sense me. The sire bond…
As you drew near, your eyes met Jungkook’s for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Your heart wavered between relief and resentment, torn between the conflicting emotions. The gate that stood between you and him was a tangible barrier that reflected the emotional chasm grown between you two.
Jungkook’s eyes lit up with a mixture of joy and anguish. He had longed to see you again, to know you were safe and unharmed. But as he looked into your eyes, he could sense the pain and betrayal emanating from you. It was a blow to his heart, a realization that the connection you two shared had been severed. 
“[Y/N]...” His voice trembled with the weight of unspoken apologies and the desperate hope for understanding. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Not another word,” you said, voice strained with a mixture of anguish and disappointment. “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”
His voice contorted with remorse, regret etched deeply into his features. “N-No… no please.”
He ran up to the gate and was about to unlock it when you snarled at his actions. His head snapped up to see your goldenrod irises and sharp canines ready to tear him to shreds.
“Get back,” you growled. He obeyed and took a step back while showing you what was in his hand. 
“It’s Ari’s notebook. I read everything. You were right about everything.”
“I don’t care!” you shouted, banging your fist on the gate. “Nothing in that book matters anymore. You didn’t believe me…” Your body slumped to the ground, defeated. 
“You didn’t believe me…” you repeated, softer and more broken than the first time. Jungkook dropped to his knees, holding onto the bars of the gate and resting his forehead against it in an attempt to be closer to you. He shut his eyes and fought back his tears.
“I know. I’m so sorry…” Your eyes were lifeless, devoid of love and joy. You were staring past him like he didn’t exist and that pained him the most.
“You didn’t trust me…” 
“I made a terrible mistake. Please,” he pleaded, reaching his hand through the bar to grab yours. You yanked it away, still refusing to look at him.
“Maybe… you don’t love me the same way I love you.”
He shook his head furiously. “No. No. That is not true. Don’t say that.”
“The Jungkook I knew… he would’ve believed me. That means you’re being influenced by something,” Your eyes shifted to meet his, determined and angry. “Or someone.”
You clenched your fist around your blow gun and pointed it at your lover. He was mortified and begged you to stop, but it was too late. You shot it right into his neck, causing him to fall to the ground. You stood up, unlocked the gate, and threw him over your shoulder like he weighed nothing. As you carried him to where the cellar was, you saw your team in the distance heading down the steps. 
The plan was almost done. Just one more step. One that you thought of on your own as soon as you heard about the truth weed.
First to fall was Professor Jin. Professor Min was pissed as expected. 
So he was next.
Then Hoseok and Jiwoo.
You didn’t understand why the cellar door was propped open, so you removed the stone and stepped inside. Taehyung perked up upon seeing you, the pure joy on his face quite endearing. 
“Hi Tae.”
Plan complete.
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In the present…
First to wake up was Jungkook, who felt something heavy around his wrists when he tried to move them. The clinking sounds alerted him of his confinement with two other prisoners. 
“Sunghyun! Wake up!” he said, shaking the vampire next to him. Sunghyun groaned and slowly pushed himself up out of his position of laying on his stomach to sit crisscross. 
“What’s going on?”
“Wake Taehyung up next to you.” The vampire obeyed and shook the werewolf by the shoulders. Taehyung opened one eye while ruffling his hair, immediately seeing the shackles and realizing his predicament. 
“The fuck? Hey. Hey!” He shook the shackles violently, as if they would come off from the act alone. “What’s going on?!”
The noise woke up the others. In the cage next to theirs were Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon; Next cage had Jin with the Jung siblings; Last cage contained Ari, who for some reason was still unconscious . They all shared the same looks of betrayal and confusion until you cleared your throat loudly, standing in front of them all.
“Took you all long enough,” you sneered. 
“What’s the meaning of this?” Professor Jin asked as he slowly stood up. His attempts at a spell to break out were futile and you let out a chuckle when his frustrated expressions gave him away.
“Magic dampening cuffs,” you informed him. “No one’s leaving.”
“Why are we here? I thought we were working together!” Yoongi exclaimed, sending you a glare that could kill. 
“We were. But I don’t trust anyone anymore. And now that you’ve all been exposed to truth weed, I’m going to be asking the questions now.”
The look of shock spread across everyone’s faces was pure satisfaction. Now they’ll finally get a taste of what it’s like to be fooled.
“My first question: What is something you’re hiding from me that you’re guilty of?”
Truth be told, no one knew the full extent of the truth weed’s effects aside from it lasting half an hour. Good thing you had all the time in the world to figure it out, though you didn’t really know what to expect. Taehyung was the first to answer.
“I bite my nails even though you told me to stop.” 
Everyone stared at him and he slapped his mouth shut with his hand.
“I’m afraid of microwaves,” Jungkook revealed. The attention diverted to him now, who cursed and turned his back towards you, face flushed. You’re gonna have to dig more into that later.
“I practice arguments in the shower,” Sunghyun said.
“I sleep naked,” Yoongi confessed. 
“I hate mint chocolate ice cream,” Namjoon added. That caused a rise in some, surprisingly enough.
“I’ve seen Taehyung in his underwear. It was red,” Jimin informed. 
“I can’t handle alcohol well,” Hoseok said while blushing.
“I’m the only 10 in this room,” Jin bragged. “You’re all 8’s.” 
“I was going to give you 30% of my profits when I published my novel,” Sunghyun said. You raised an eyebrow at this because you deserve at least 80% for your troubles. 
“Part of me still wants to kill you, but I’m trying to get over it,” Jiwoo said nonchalantly. The silence in the room was deafening and you shook your head quickly to snap out of your trance from these… discoveries. Maybe this wouldn’t be as easy as you thought.
“Okay, this is not what I was expecting,” you said, rubbing your chin in thought. “What is something you’ve done to hurt me physically or mentally?”
“I recorded our sessions,” Jin said, but you waved him off with your hand.
“I know that already.”
“I wrote about your life story because it was more interesting than my own,” Sunghyun replied.
“I know that already,” you repeated.
“I killed you,” Hoseok said, apologizing once more after.
“I know that already too…” you said through gritted teeth.
“I hurt you in our last battle,” Jiwoo said with a bright smile while looking up at the ceiling like she was reminiscing. “Got some good hits in before you, uh, put me in a coma.”
“This is ridiculous,” you muttered while facepalming yourself. 
“I kissed Jungkook.”
In an instant, your eyes darted towards Jimin, who leaned casually against the wall with a devilish smirk, one foot casually propped up. He seemed to revel in the revelation, a silent observer of the unfolding drama. The weight of his gaze bore into you as you redirected your attention to Jungkook, whose big, round eyes betrayed his emotions.
Jungkook attempted to cover his mouth, a futile effort to suppress what came next, but his admission slipped through the cracks.
"And I felt something," he confessed, the words piercing through you like a dagger to the heart. "B-But not anymore!" The added assurance seemed almost laughable; the damage was done, irreversible.
Before you could process this devastating revelation, muffled sounds emanated from Yoongi. He, too, covered his mouth with both hands, going to extremes by biting the collar of his shirt in a desperate attempt to stifle his own words.
Namjoon and Jimin teamed up to pin one of Yoongi’s arms down by his side, coercing him to speak. 
“I was the one who released Hoseok from his cage,” Yoongi finally admitted.
“Oh dear god…” you gasped, clutching your chest. Everything suddenly felt constrained, tight enough to explode. “Why…?”
“... Because I love him. I didn’t know he was going to hurt you. I promise.”
“I put a bug in your wolf plush,” Taehyung confessed without any remorse. You knew this fact to be true for a while now, but it still stung to hear him confirm it. 
“I… I…” Namjoon kept uttering small sounds, but no words were formed. Then, without warning, he turned to face the wall, standing still for a moment before repeatedly smashing his head against the concrete. Blood quickly trickled down his face, and you shouted for him to stop.
Yoongi, in a desperate attempt to intervene, positioned himself between Namjoon and the wall.
“Namjoon! Don’t do this!” he pleaded, pushing him back in a desperate attempt to stop the violence.
Smash. Smash. Smash. 
Jimin stood idly by, an eerie calmness in his demeanor as chaos erupted around him. Everyone was shouting over each other, quickly falling into a panicked state.
“Why is he doing this?! Stop it!!!” you cried, holding onto the sides of your head in distress.
A sinister grin played on Jimin's lips as he casually revealed his role in the unfolding mayhem. 
“Because I compelled him,” he said, throwing his head back in a chilling cackle. He got off the wall he was leaning on to approach the bars of the cage closer to you. “Couldn’t have him spill the secrets too soon. Spoils the surprise.”
Wham. Wham. Wham.
“Make it stop! Make him stop!”
Namjoon’s entire face was covered in blood at this point. His nose broken, skull fractured, but he continued to mindlessly bang his head against the hard concrete like a robot devoid of pain. 
“Alright, Namjoon. That’s enough,” Jimin ordered with a snap of his fingers. Namjoon ceased his actions right away and Yoongi’s quick reflexes caught his limp body.
“You bastard…” Yoongi said, seething with rage. Jimin seized Namjoon from Yoongi’s grasp and held the unconscious professor in a merciless headlock. 
“I’m starving… dying takes a lot out of you.” His red-blood sclera and protruding veins sent shivers down Yoongi’s spine, prompting him to take a step back. He frantically patted down his body, realizing his lack of weaponry—you had removed everyone’s arms during your tranquilizing sweep. Jimin grinned devilishly, exhibiting his fangs for everyone to see. Everyone begged him to stop, but your voice resonated the loudest.
“Stop!!! Why are you doing this?!” you yelled. Jimin retracted his fangs and tilted his head at you in amusement.
“Because of you. And your mom. And Jungkook. You just had to be born and ruin everything. You shouldn’t even exist, you damn filthy hybrid.”
The ones who attacked us at mom’s school said the same thing.
“ You sent those supernaturals to attack us. To follow Jin, Hoseok, and Jiwoo to my mom’s school.”
He nodded, the joyful giggle he let out a stark contrast to his true nature. Your fists clenched in response.
“... You killed Hoseok’s parents. Didn’t you?”
“I mean, yeah, I ordered for them to be killed.”
“Ordered who?”
“Someone close to you. They’re actually blood-related to you, believe it or not.”
“Tell me their names.”
“The Supernatural Threat Response and Investigation Division of Enforcement.”
“Who, S.T.R.I.D.E? The fake as hell detective agency? Professor Min found that out pretty quick. What do you want?”
“For you to die. You’re the reason why my life has been hell. Your mother left me and then when I finally moved on, you just had to go after Jungkook.”
“You promised me she wouldn’t die. That wasn’t part of the deal!” Taehyung shouted.
“What deal?” you questioned.
“I bit Jimin to hide his stupid flower tattoo and he promised me he wouldn’t kill you.”
“You did what?!”
“Hey, I’m keeping my promise. Ari, darling…” Jimin said in a low voice. You glanced over to your best friend, who was still asleep on her cot. “Wake up.”
Her eyes snapped open, widening as if possessed. She rose abruptly, turning her head without moving her entire body like a creepy doll. Her lips curled into a bone-chilling grin.
“I didn’t say I was going to kill her,” Jimin quipped. You watched as she effortlessly tore through the magic-dampening cuffs, a black aura emanating from her body. 
“[Y/N] RUN!” Jungkook and Taehyung urged.
“She’s been consumed by dark magic! That’s not Ari anymore!” Jin added. 
You were already racing to the keypad, inputting the passcode at lightning speed. However, the door wouldn’t budge. A frustrated curse left your lips as you frantically tried again only to meet the same fate.
"The password changed!" Yoongi's voice rang out, a moment too late. Your finger had already pressed the enter key, and a surge of electricity coursed through your body at the failed third attempt. An agonizing scream escaped your lips as you crumpled to the ground, back arching in pain, fingers twitching involuntarily.
As you lay there, vulnerable and writhing, Jimin's menacing face appeared above you, a Cheshire grin etched on his lips. The infuriating expression only fueled your desire to see him pay. Ari, wearing a mask of faux pity, also looked down at you, and in your agony, you found yourself pleading with her for assistance.
“Ari… I don’t care about the dark magic… I know you’re strong enough to beat it. Don’t do this.”
“Aw, she thinks you still care about her,” Jimin teased with a pout. He swung an arm around her shoulder, laughter echoing in the tense air. “Sorry, but your bestie is loyal to me. Thanks for getting me out of the cage, love.”
“Anything for you,” Ari replied, her lips now a dark black. 
Electricity was nothing. You’d heal in a few minutes; you just had to stall for time. 
“Why are you loyal to him? He doesn’t love you. He loves Jungkook.”
A flicker of vulnerability crossed Ari's face, a brief shift from the facade of evil to a moment of crestfallen realization. It’s possible to get through to her, you knew it.
“Do you really want to live your life as second best to this motherfucker?” you asked, not breaking eye contact with her. “He’s using you. He’s never loved you at all. This is madness!”
Jimin huffed and stomped down on your abdominals, crushing your ribs with a loud crack.
“Did I say you could fucking speak?” he spat, voice laced with venom. You laid there groaning and holding your stomach, the pain radiating through your body.
Just then, the cellar door swung open, revealing two unfamiliar figures who peered down at you. They bore the appearance of an elderly couple in their sixties, their gray hair and modest attire suggesting a quiet, unassuming life. Yet, the scent of your mother's perfume wafted into your nostrils. 
Coincidence? Couldn’t be. Everything has been carefully calculated since the beginning. Who were these people?
“What the hell are you doing?” the old woman asked Jimin, hands on her hips in disapproval. “She’s down. Let’s just kill her.”
“Yeah, or else this would’ve been all for nothing. Where’s the White Oak Stake?” the old man pressed.
“Calm down, gramps. My lady here has it stashed in a safe place,” Jimin said, gesturing with the nod of his head at Ari. The old man placed his hand out palm up, demanding for the item.  
“Well? Give it here.” Ari rolled her eyes in response. “Hey. Haven’t you learned how to respect your elders?”
“And haven’t you ever heard of hand cream you wrinkled piece of—”
“Watch your mouth!”
The old woman put her hand on her husband’s shoulder before things could escalate. “Now, now. We’re a team. Give the vampire some credit. I mean, having him compel his own professor to deceive his parents and gain the key to the armory was genius. We owe him our thanks for the stake.”
“That’ll teach them to cut me off,” Jimin said and they all erupted in laughter. 
He was cut off? The blood bags… he drank the Jungs’ blood and then tricked me into doing the same. Fuck him!
You may not have been operating at 100% capacity, but you weren’t sticking around to find out what these people’s intentions were. Slowly, your hand delved into your pocket, fingers searching for anything of use. A smooth surface met your touch, and you pulled it out with a mix of hope and desperation.
Sunghyun’s amulet. You looted it from Jungkook earlier when he was unconscious. The thought raced through your mind—could it siphon the hybrid magic out of you and save you?
Ari, ever watchful, caught wind of your furtive actions. Before she could unleash her formidable powers and reduce you to nothingness, you unleashed a blinding burst of energy. The brilliance of the white blast momentarily blinded everyone in the room, providing you with the cover you needed to slip away.
"She's gone!" cried the old woman.
"Go get her!" barked the old man. Jimin's eyes narrowed in determination as he harnessed his supernatural speed to track you down. In the same instant, Ari's eyes transformed into pools of pitch black, racing at lightning speed to pinpoint your elusive whereabouts.
The bitter night air greeted you as you burst into the open, the moon casting an ethereal glow on the snow-covered landscape. Your surroundings blurred as you stumbled forward, guided only by the instinct to put as much distance as possible between yourself and the conspirators who sought your demise.
The frozen lake loomed ahead, its icy surface reflecting the silent chaos that unfolded around you. Your breaths came in ragged gasps as you approached the edge, the lake standing as both a barrier and a potential escape route.
As you hesitated on the brink, unsure of your next move, Jimin caught up, his eyes ablaze with determination. Sensing the urgency, he lunged at you, aiming to thwart your escape. In the ensuing struggle, the amulet slipped from your grasp and landed on the frozen lake, its glow momentarily illuminating the icy surface.
Before you could react, he seized you by the shoulders, his grip like vices on your flesh. He forced you to the ground with a ruthless strength that left you breathless.
"You're pitiful," Jimin hissed, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your existence is an aberration, an insult to the natural order."
You struggled against his hold, your eyes narrowing with defiance. "You won't break me, Jimin. I won't let you."
Jimin's lips curled into a cruel smile as he pressed you harder against the cold ground. "You think your defiance matters? You're a mistake, an anomaly. The world would be better off without you."
He leaned in, his face inches from yours, his eyes drilling into yours with a toxic mixture of hatred and twisted desire. "Jungkook chose you because of a bond that's not even real. Once I end you, he'll see the truth. You're nothing, [Y/N].”
Your breath caught in her throat as she felt the weight of his words. Jimin continued his verbal assault, each word a venomous arrow aimed at your core. "You cling to the illusion of love, a love built on a lie. I'll free Jungkook from this illusion. Free him from the burden of your existence."
Before you could respond, the world shifted. The ground gave way beneath you two, and in a sudden, chaotic descent, y’all tumbled into the icy abyss of the frozen lake. The air turned to a piercing chill, and the echoes of Jimin's menacing words faded into the murky depths.
The amulet plunged into the suffocating embrace of the water as well, its dim glow your only hope. You made a desperate attempt to swim towards it, reaching out in the hope of grasping salvation, but Jimin moved with unnatural swiftness. Underwater, he seized your neck and snapped it with a cold finality. He abandoned your unconscious form, lost in the icy currents, desperately searching for the surface.
Jimin wouldn’t have survived if not for Ari. She lifted him from the ice, water dripping from his sputtering form. He flashed her a bright smile and triumphantly shouted, “I killed her!”
“Temporarily. She’ll come back,” Ari responded calmly.
“I know, but it still felt good. Thanks for pulling me up.” Jimin expected to be set down on solid ground, but Ari defied his expectation, keeping him suspended in the air. “You can put me down now.”
Ari's gaze, however, remained unwavering. “Was [Y/N] telling the truth?”
Jimin scoffed. “What truth—about Jungkook? Sweetheart, you knew this already.”
Ari persisted, her tone cutting through the icy air. “Not him. About you not loving me… at all.”
Jimin's confident facade wavered, but he quickly masked it with a dismissive smirk. “That's ridiculous.”
“Do you love me?” she pressed, her voice steady but demanding an answer.
Jimin winced, the truth serum coursing through his veins amplifying the pain of his conflicted emotions. He tried to evade her question, his words stumbling over the raw honesty he couldn't suppress. "Ari, it's not that simple. You know my priorities—"
Ari's frustration erupted in a surge of magical energy, causing Jimin to flinch. "Answer the damn question.”
Jimin's gaze faltered, and he swallowed hard, the weight of the truth serum pushing him to the brink of revelation. "Ari, I... I care for you.”
Ari's expression hardened, a mixture of disappointment and anger etched across her features. "Care for me? Did you ever love me?”
He no longer could suppress the truth. “Not in the way you want me to.”
Ari's features tightened as the reality of his confession settled in. The revelation was a bitter pill, the taste of betrayal lingering in the cold air between them. She took a step back, her gaze now devoid of the vulnerability she had revealed moments before. "I see..."
The magical bonds that had kept Jimin suspended in the air wavered. With a swift motion, Ari withdrew her support, letting Jimin plummet back into the icy lake from which he had been rescued moments ago.
“Perhaps you need some time to rethink your answer. I hope as the water fills your lungs until you suffocate and die over and over again will help you come to your senses. Now…”
Ari extended her hand over the frozen lake, fingers tracing a glowing pattern in the air. Chanting softly, she summoned magical currents that shimmered across the icy surface. With a decisive motion, she pointed her fingers downward.
A radiant stream of magic flowed towards the submerged you. The water yielded to Ari's spell, parting to reveal your unconscious form. Her magic cradled you, forming a protective cocoon that shielded you from the freezing depths.
As you emerged from the water, Ari delicately guided you to the surface. 
“It’s time for you to meet your grandparents, bestie.”
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I hope you enjoyed it!!! Leave me your theories/thoughts anytime. Thank you :)
Tag List: @horanghae18 | @gee-nee | @mrcleanheichou | @kookwolf | @hisunshiine | @ggukkieland | @veryuniquenamegoeshere | @holyhumorliteraturelight | @namjoonies-dimple | @iloverubberduckiez-blog | @mono-kookie | @monetsberet | @beingbeings |  @millie-ionaire05 | @awsome-small-k | @purpleheartsfortae | @ggsmashgg | @hopesmoon | @d-noona | @a-kookie-with-my-tae | @jooniegloomie | @hodginss | @hear-me-growl | @starlight-night0 | @music-makes-me-shine | @mama-m0chi | @staerryminimini | @seoul9711 | @sugamonster22 | @moments-of-melancholy | @giadalin | @rageyoudamnednerd | @billboard-singer | @emmmui | @bts-sexo | @krystle1990 | @sugaslittlekookies | @laurynne5
@jksunflower | @shileh | @angellesword | @chimchoom | @demonslover | @channiespup | @bts-ruu | @doublebunv 
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hchollym · 1 year
Ooo PercyxMarcus for that who's the x who's the y ship meme
Ooh, yay! I'm assuming you mean all of the AUs, so here we go! 🥰
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Percy is the werewolf, and Marcus is the hunter who was raised to hate them. He believes werewolves are monsters until he meets Percy and then his whole world gets turned upside down. He realizes that his family was wrong, and now he has to stand up to them to save Percy's life and do what's right. Though it would be even better if it was werewolf Percy and vampire Marcus. 😭
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
Percy is the mermaid, and Marcus is the fisherman. I want hurt Percy who got caught in a net and a flustered Marcus nursing him back to health. Marcus seems all gruff and grumpy and intimidating, but pretty Percy finds it adorable and can tell that Marcus is actually very sweet underneath his grouchy exterior.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Ooh, interesting. I could see this both ways, but I'm going with Percy is the witch, and Marcus is his familiar in the form of a giant, intimidating dog, which freaks everyone else out, but Percy loves it! (Think "scary boyfriend privileges.") I could totally picture Marcus barking at the twins and Oliver every time they try to talk to Percy (though for very different reasons).
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Ooh, I could see barista Percy, but you know that Percy would be addicted to coffee, so it's got to be barista Marcus. I want an overworked, frazzled Percy who is barely functioning, and then there's Marcus - this gorgeous barista who always has Percy's drink waiting for him with some type of biscuit or sandwich because he's realized that Percy forgets to eat otherwise. In Percy's mind, Marcus is an angel, but Marcus just thinks the gorgeous redhead in a suit is smart and sophisticated and way out of his league. Cue meddling friends. 🤣
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
I'm not a huge fan of this type of AU (like at all), but Percy is the professor, and Marcus is the TA.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Percy has to be the knight (he's literally named after Sir Percival), and Marcus is the prince (even if his family isn't rich, they probably have more money/power than the Weasleys).
Oooh, but to flip this around, imagine Marcus being the Troll Prince (maybe in this AU, trolls aren't as tall, violent, or stupid, but instead, they're more like Vikings; or Marcus' family could be royalty because they're only part Troll so they can interact best with the other kingdoms).
Percy is sent to fight Marcus by the human king (Dumbledore) who spreads the message that these hedonistic savages need to be taken out. Percy originally agrees, but once he meets Marcus, he realizes that there's more to the story than he thought.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
This is tough too, because I love single parent Percy, but I can't picture Marcus as a teacher, so single parent Marcus it is. He got someone pregnant from a one night stand, but they decided not to keep the baby, so Marcus is raising him/her on his own. I imagine this child adoring Percy as their teacher and wanting to invite him over for dinner, ice cream, movies, etc. Marcus may or may not be encouraging this.
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
I love writer Percy, but I have to go with writer Marcus, whose ideas are great but his grammar is atrocious, so most people won't give him a chance. Editor Percy does though, sticking his neck on the line with his company, but with his help, Marcus ends up becoming highly successful.
These inspired me, so I have a few new ideas for stories! Thanks for the ask! 😊
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soupbabe · 3 years
🔫 mythical creatures La Squadra x gn!reader hcs -Your Favorite Diori.
👀 possibly with stuff important to each species like helping a Naha through shed or taking care of a werewolf’s coat during the full moon pls.
Monster Boy AU! La Squadra Being Taken Care of by Reader
Hehe my mind is going rabid I love monster boy AUs 🥰🥰 Also this has to be one of my favorites omg I love it
Warnings: Monsters x Human! Reader, mentions of playing with/running fingers through reader's hair in Sorbet + Gelato's part (ik things like that can make some readers feel uncomfortable or take them out of reading the x reader, so I'm putting a small warning), mentions of blood/wounds in Melone's part
Harpy! Sorlato
They usually have each other to look after themselves and clean, but ever since they started dating you they finally decided to let you join them
Preening each other is a very intimate ritual for them and to have you help is a major sign of trust within the relationship
It's not just you looking after your boyfriends' feathers, Gelato loves "preening" your hair to return his affections too
It's usually just him playing with it, lightly running his claws through it and if your hair is long enough he might play around with a couple of hairstyles like ponytails, buns, etc.
Sorbet mostly observes while you and Gelato bond, finding it a special moment to see. A warm feeling spreads through his chest at how soft you are to each other
He does join you two on these moments usually, but for now he'll just look on and coo about how cute his boyfriend and s/o are at the moment
Satyrs are known to be creatures who enjoyed parties and drinking, so seeing drunk Formaggio at your door is fairly common
Drunk cheese goat care is certainly not for everyone though; he can get (very) grabby and talkative, slurring about how much he loves you and how hot you are
Sometimes if you're lucky he's just lovey dovey and not so much horny. He just follows you around, his little goat tail wagging when you look back at him or smile
As expected, you also have to make sure your hungover boyfriend is alright too
He can usually handle himself when he's hungover, but it's very common for him to get migraines so you always leave out medicine and water on the table next to the couch he slept on
Although he knows how to handle his alcohol, Formaggio knows how he is when he goes overboard and is thankful Every time he wakes up on your couch coddled up in a warm blanket
Although his pride got in the way of him asking for your help, his snakes were able to send the message out to you on his behalf
Snake maintenance can be tricky, it's something Illuso is glad to have you for
Not to mention these are the rarer times you could observe your boyfriend's face safely
You two usually sit in front of mirror when doing his hair and the reflection in the mirror is the only thing keeping you safe since he can't have any eye coverings on when working with hair
Snake care for a gorgon involves making sure they keep fed and that their shed goes well since all a gorgon's "hair" can do is grow
The snakes usually love this time too, they coil around you constantly, glad to spend some time outside the confines of the ponytails
There's not much to do to help Prosciutto tbh
His self care is top tier for the most part. He has expensive colognes that cover up his natural decomposing smell well and his hand sewing is impeccable for the moments a limb (or 2) falls off
But something he loves about you is the warmth you had
He isn't one to outwardly ask for affection, but you notice how he stays close to you or how he always convinces you to stay in bed when you two wake up everyday
Prosciutto cracks a smile every time you hold his hand or hold onto his arm when you're with him
If he still had a heartbeat, it'd be pumping fast when you indulge him in his unspoken wants
Fish in general are pretty low maintenance, so just like Prosciutto his needs are mostly just for comfort/psychological
Due to how drastic your lives are and how clingy Pesci is, please just bring him human items
He always gives you various shells, a big blush across his face as he tells you how each one reminded them of you
So when you do the same, it makes him so happy that he unintentionally splashes the water around him with his tail
Vampire! Melone
How Melone went by before he met you was he commonly visited the local nightlife scene, drinking the blood of the men and women he'd meet
But now he has you and he would pester you to let him get a sip of your blood non stop
He'd come up behind you from behind, giving your neck a small lick "C'mon darling, not even a small taste? I know you'd be sweet~" You only shoved him away, "How many times do I have to say no? I just bought you some cow blood too, why can't you busy yourself with that ?"
But eventually you gave into his peer pressure and he was able to drink a tiny bit
His eyes light up at the metallic taste of the red liquid, whispering a "Di Molto!" Before tasting it some more
Seriously you had to pry him off and wash your new wound so you wouldn't pass out
Every full moon could be considered hell for Ghiaccio, especially when it's time for his claws to shed
It's not like he could use a standard scratching board like a domestic cat, he turns into a 5'9" bobcat. Finding things to accomadate him is difficult
But when you entered his life, you wanted to help him as best as you can and make his transformations easier
Ghiaccio and you agreed on trimming his claws to make the shedding process quicker and it surprisely works
Of course it's never pleasant, you earn plenty of growls from your feline boyfriend and on rare occasions you had to restrain him with rope or chains to prevent him from lashing out
But it's worth it to see Ghiaccio less tense and him giving into purring at the attention you give him after the stressful manicure
Minotaur! Risotto
The care Risotto gets is mostly you encouraging him to take care of himself
It's usually the small stuff though like brushing through his fur and cleaning any new wounds he got from a recent fight
It was easy for Risotto to let you be this close to him and it felt nice to be treated with such gentle care
He literally melts if you pet him behind the ear
it's almost off putting to see such a naturally more defensive and aggressive creature be this soft, you're just happy to see him actually enjoy himself for once
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Stuck in a Rut
Werewolf!Mingyu x Female Reader x Vampire!Wonwoo
Word Count: 4035
Contents: werewolf in rut, dry humping, threesome, handjob, oral (male and female receiving), breast play, fingering, pillow humping, rough unprotected sex
For @gamerwoo I’ll be giving you a mushy message soon enough too so I’ll refrain here. All I will say is Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy this filth.
Most days since you’d moved in with Mingyu and Wonwoo had actually been pretty relaxed. You had learned quickly that Wonwoo was pretty introverted and shy. He was pleasant enough when you did have a chance to talk to him but he spent much of the day sleeping, spending his nights awake, either working or on his computer. His sleep schedule was worse than yours, though you had to admit he was at least consistent with it.
You had known Mingyu before moving in. You two were friends and when you had mentioned that you needed to find new roommates he mentioned that he had an extra room and they could use someone else on the rent anyway. It seemed like a no brainer. He was friendly and he did a lot of the cleaning around the apartment. Plus he always made more food then he meant to and he always let you have some of the extras.
It didn’t take much of living with them for you to figure out what was bugging you.
From the moment you moved in you knew something was up. Wonwoo’s skin was way colder than it should have been. He never ate Mingyu’s food and he slept all day, never leaving the apartment if the sun was still up. You had already noticed being Mingyu’s friend that he would go MIA from time to time. But now it was obvious, the way he left the apartment every month for two or three days around the full moon, the way his laugh was very nearly a howl.
You were pretty casual when you asked, though Mingyu nearly fell off the couch in shock. Wonwoo had muttered into his book that he knew you would figure it out and a blush burned on Mingyu’s cheeks as he muttered that he thought he was hiding it well. You just shrugged it off. You got over the shock pretty quickly and it wasn’t like either of them had tried to eat you so you figured it was fine.
And the apartment was nice, so no reason to move out.
I was a nice place to come home to for sure. Mingyu could be loud but Wonwoo was quiet and when the two of you relaxed Mingyu soon followed suit. You sighed as you headed through the door, Wonwoo glanced up at you over his phone and giving you a quick smile before focusing on it again. You pulled off your jacket, glancing into the living room and into the kitchen. Mingyu would usually be making dinner around now but wasn’t out here.
You wandered into the living room, settling onto the couch just as a loud growl rang out from the direction of the bedrooms.
“What the hell was that?!” you cried.
“Mingyu,” Wonwoo said quietly.
“Did he shift in the fucking apartment?!”
“No, he’s just in rut.”
You gave Wonwoo a confused look. “He’s in what?”
Wonwoo sighed and put down his phone. “It’s a werewolf thing. Once a year they just get super horny. He won’t try to get near me but he was sniffing around in your laundry hamper so I tied him up in his room.”
“What?” his tone let onto to his clear exasperation.
“You can’t just tie someone up and leave them there!” you said, pushing yourself off the couch and starting down the hallway.
“I was going to bring him food. Also you probably don’t want to go back there.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s Mingyu, he’s harmless.”
Wonwoo grabbed his phone again. “Fine. But if he pounces on you don’t call for my help.”
You grumbled to yourself about Wonwoo’s actions as you headed down the hallway. You weren’t sure why Mingyu would be going through your clothes but either way you couldn’t just leave him tied up. Wonwoo had been a vampire for a long time and you were sure at this point he had forgotten that a person, or werewolf, can’t just be tied down for however long this was going to last.
As soon as you got to the doorway you stopped. Mingyu’s arms and legs were tied down to the bed. His t-shirt was drenched in sweat and you could see the outline of his cock in his sweatpants. He let out a growl, pulling desperately at the restraints around his wrists as soon as you came into view.
“Fuck, you smell so good,” he groaned, struggling to get free.
You felt heat rising in your cheeks as you moved towards him slowly. “I-I- W-Well Wonwoo did say you were in my room.”
Mingyu let out a whine. “I’m sorry,” he breathed, a sincerity behind the heat in his eyes. “I just couldn’t get the thought of you out of my head.”
You couldn’t help the way that boosted your confidence. “Really?”
He nodded as you sat on the edge of the bed. “You’re all I can think about.”
“What do y-” your words broke off as you rested your hand on his leg and he groaned, shuddering under you touch. You pulled away quickly, looking at him in surprise.
“I-I’m sorry, did that hurt?”
Mingyu shook his head, panting. “No it’s just- everything is so fucking sensitive.”
You bit your lip, turning the crazy idea over in your mind. “Do you want help or-”
A shiver ran through you, heat starting to pool in the pit of your stomach at the way he moaned.
“I- I don’t want to hurt you, but fuck just the thought of that,” he groaned. “You- you don’t have to.”
You got up and moved towards his hands, slowly undoing the knots. “Nah, I’ll enjoy it too anyway.” Mingyu started to rub his wrists as you moved to undo the ropes tying down his ankles. You could feel his eyes on you and you were sure there was a low growl rumbling in his chest as you undid the last knot. You didn’t even get the chance to ask where he wanted to start before he pounced.
Mingyu crashed into you, knocking you to the floor. He pressed you into his plush carpet, his lips finding yours and capturing you in a hungry kiss. He wedged himself between your legs and started rolling his hips into your clothed core. You managed to wiggle your arms out from under them, tangling them into his hair and he moaned into you mouth as he felt your fingers carding through his hair.
Mingyu started rutting against you quickly, the friction working you up quickly and drawing small moans and whimpers from your lips. Mingyu growled into the open mouthed kisses he left against your lips. He let his hand find your waist and grip you tightly. He pulled back from the kiss, dragging your bottom lip between his sharp teeth. You managed to look up at him and he groaned, his hips moving faster as he started to chase his high.
His lips latched onto your neck, sucking harshly. You heard the rumbling growls in his chest as he took in your moans, head fallen back against the floor, giving him more access to your neck. He sucked dark purple marks into your skin, sharp fangs dragging over tender skin as he moved his lips to the base of your neck, his groans and growls growing more breathy. You let curses and moans slip from your lips, fingers digging until his hair and back, pulling him close.
“Shut the door… next…”
You and Mingyu both turned your attention quickly to the doorway where Wonwoo was standing, a peculiar look on his face. The sudden surprise had your heart racing as you tried to catch your breath. Wonwoo’s posture was unnaturally stiff as he took in the scene in front of him and a smirk curled at Mingyu’s lips as a growl rumbled in his chest.
“Are you sure that’s what you really want?”
You were sure you saw Wonwoo’s eye twitch for a moment. Then, in an instant, he was in front of you. His gaze passed from Mingyu to you and you just noticed his fangs glinting in the lamplight as he parted his lips, trying to organize his thoughts.
“Your heart is racing,” he said breathily. “And your pupils are dilated and you’re warm-”
“-and you’re turned on.” Mingyu finished.
“Shut up,” Wonwoo muttered. “It’s not- I’m just…”
You didn’t think you had ever seen Wonwoo get flustered and it probably more amusing than it should have been. But at present, your lust clouded mind was hatching a brilliant and probably stupid idea.
“So are you gonna join, or?”
Wonwoo’s expression was one of surprise but Mingyu smirked at you. “I like your thinking.”
“I-” Wonwoo bit down on his lip, looking between the two of you. “Fuck it, sure.”
The smirk spread wider on Mingyu’s face as he climbed off of you quickly. He dragged the two of you to the edge of the bed, slipping his sweatpants down and resting against it and beckoning you closer. You scrambled onto your knees and moved towards him. Mingyu tangled his hands into your hair as you wrapped a hand around the base of his cock. Your eyes drifted to Wonwoo’s, locking your gaze with his as you slowly took Mingyu into your mouth. His hands froze on his belt and he groaned as he watched you take as much of Mingyu’s cock as you could into your mouth.
You started moving slowly, feeling Mingyu’s hand tighten in your hair. You kept your gaze locked with Wonwoo’s and he let a small curse out under his breath as he finally started to undo his pants again. You hollowed you cheeks, drawing a groan from Mingyu’s lips and coaxing Wonwoo to move faster. Mingyu tried not to rock into your mouth as Wonwoo hastily kicked his pants off and you reached out to wrap your hand around him as well.
Wonwoo moaned at the feeling, irises melting to a deep red colour as he gazed down at you. You pulled off of Mingyu’s cock, moving your hand faster on his cock and shifting over, taking Wonwoo into your mouth instead. Mingyu let his hand fall from your hair, groaning as you stroked him quickly.
You movements on Wonwoo’s cock kept up with your hand on Mingyu’s. Groans and moans rose from their lips as you worked them up. You let your tongue tease the underside of Wonwoo’s cock between taking him into your mouth and relishing the way his hands gripped the edge of the bed tightly. 
Mingyu started to fuck into your fist, meeting your movements as your hand came down his cock. You moaned around Wonwoo, drawing a gasp from his lips as he started to rock his hips into your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks with each movement, pulling off of him slow and coming down fast. Your gaze locked with his again. as you tried to take a little more of him, gagging slightly.
Wonwoo’s eyes slid shut and as he let out a gorgeous moan and you shifted your gaze to Mingyu as you pulled off, arousal rushing through you at the intensity of the gaze you were met with.
Mingyu’s fingers tangled into your hair again as a growl ripped it’s way from his throat. He pulled you back to his cock before thrusting into your mouth.
You kept your gaze on him as you relaxed your jaw and throat as much as you could. Mingyu’s hips bucked into you quickly, his hand in your hair keeping you still as his cock started to breach your throat with each thrust. You gripped onto his thighs to brace yourself, drool starting to leak from the corners of your mouth as he fucked into it messily.
Your eyes slid shut as he pushed you down onto his cock, your nose pressed to the hairs at the base. He held you down and your fingers dug roughly into his strong thighs as you started to gag around him. He pulled you back, letting you catch your breath for only a moment before you took him in again.
Mingyu’s growl was the most animalistic you’d heard yet as he released down your throat. You pulled back enough to breath and you sucked at his tip, drawing ropes of cum from his cock until he finally pulled you back.
You panted as you sat back on your heels, looking at the two of them. You swiped some of the cum that had spilled from the corner of your mouth onto your thumb before sucking it between your lips.
The way both of them moaned at the sight and the darkening of their gazes was nearly orgasmic on it’s own. The two of them grabbed you quickly, lifting you onto the bed roughly. There was a flurry of movement and hands on your body. Wonwoo’s cold hands tugged at your shirt, pulling it over your head before undoing your bra. Mingyu’s fingers, almost hot against your skin, undid your jeans and pulled them off with your panties in one quick motion.
Wonwoo let you fall back against the pillows, pulling off his shirt quickly. Mingyu did the same before pressing between your legs.
“Your smell is so intoxicating,” he groaned. You peered down at him and he held your gaze as he drew his tongue through your folds. A breathy moan fell from your lips as his tongue quickly found your clit, flicking and moving over it until he found a motion that had you gripping at his hair and bucking your hips. You swore you felt him smirk as you let your head fall back and he repeated the motion.
Your gaze flickered up to Wonwoo as he moved over you stroking himself slowly. He let a cold hand run along the side of your face almost tenderly. A chill ran through you as he let his hand trail down to your chest.
“So warm,” he murmured. “Like the sun, but you don’t burn.”
You tried to formulate a response but the way Mingyu’s tongue played with your clit only allowed moans to fall from your lips.
“And listening to your heart racing for us, the way the heat radiates from your core.”
If Wonwoo’s words were making you dizzy, Mingyu’s tongue moving lower and teasing your entrance positivity had your head spinning. Your gaze caught onto Wonwoo’s hand around his cock and you moaned, watching the movement and feeling Mingyu’s tongue start to plunge into you as deeply as it would go, one arm holding your hips down as you tried to buck against his face, the other stroking himself quickly.
Mingyu let out groans and growls against your core, the vibrations mixing with the waves of pleasure that were coursing through you with every movement of his tongue. He curled it into you, nearly lapping every bit of arousal out of you and finding your sweet spot in the process. A gasping moan tumbled from your lips as Mingyu continued to hit that spot head on.
Wonwoo’s fingers pinched around your nipple, tugging slightly and your legs started to shake as you clenched around Mingyu’s tongue and strained against his arm.
Wonwoo starting pumping himself quickly, teasing your nipple more roughly. You grasped desperately at the sheets as Mingyu’s tongue fucked you relentlessly. Your eyes slid shut just before his thumb found your clit.
You came undone with a scream, bucking your hips up hard as waves of pure ecstasy crashed through your body. Stars burst behind your eyelids as your whole body shook with the force of your orgasm. Mingyu followed your movements as you ground on his tongue, the loud growl that he let out against your core signalling that he had cum again.
He held down your shaking body as you whimpered. His own groans and whimpers vibrated through your sensitive core as he lapped up your release eagerly, hungrily. Your thighs shook and squeezed weakly around his head. You struggled to open you eyes as you took in the breathy moans falling from Wonwoo’s lips as he pumped himself quickly. His fingertips came to your chin, lifting it towards him, a slight smirk on his lips.
“Open up, sunshine.”
Mingyu let out a moan at the way you clenched around his tongue at the pet name, your jaw falling open. Wonwoo stroked himself quickly, thick ropes of cum landing on your tongue and lips as he let out a wanton moan. His heavily lidded eyes stayed on you as he took in the sight and groaned. You swallowed before licked his cum off your lips slowly.
Mingyu brought your attention back to him as he pressed two fingers into your core. A moan fell from your lips and your eyes fell closed as you heard Wonwoo shifting away. Mingyu’s tongue moved back up to tease your clit just a little too slowly, fingers curling and scissoring into you. He picked up his pace as he searched for your sweet spot, his other arm still holding down your hips and until you bucked up harder against him.
“There it is,” he murmured lowly.
You just managed to catch sight of Wonwoo, slowly working himself up again before Mingyu’s fingers started to pound into you at an unrelenting pace. Your eyes screwed shut as the tendrils of bliss curling through you from his tongue mixed with the shocks of pleasure from his fingers. You heard Wonwoo shift again and cried out as you felt his lips wrap around one of your nipples.
Your moans rang out through the room as Mingyu’s fingers curled into your sweet spot, his lips wrapping around your clit and sucking harshly.
Your legs crashed in around his head and you screamed out as you came. You hips rode the wave of ecstasy, bucking high off the bed. Somewhere that seemed so far away you thought you heard a hiss, seconds later feeling fangs biting into the top of your breast. The feeling only made you clench harder around Mingyu’s fingers as your vision spotted with white, your whole body shaking.
You panted tiredly as your hips came back to the bed, eyes too heavy to open. Wonwoo passed his tongue over the mark languidly and Mingyu pulled his fingers out of you slowly. A low whine emitting from his throat.
“Are you okay?” There was concern laced with Wonwoo’s tone.
“Yeah,” you breathed, feeling Mingyu press soft kisses to your inner thighs.
“Are you? Do you?” Mingyu’s voice was a whimper and you managed to open your eyes and look down at him.
“Let’s keep going,” you hummed.
“Are you sure?” Wonwoo questioned.
You focused your gaze on him. “Definitely.”
Wonwoo shifted around until he was between your legs. Mingyu climbed up on the bed properly. He nuzzled his face unto your neck, pressing soft kisses and whimpering at you. He let a hand slide up to your chest, resting his hand on one of your breasts and kneading it gently. You sighed at the feeling, gazing at Wonwoo as he pressed your legs back.
He was slow as he ground his cock through your folds, eyes darkening further in a way that made you whimper. Mingyu whined against your skin, mumbling about how good you smelled. You felt Wonwoo line himself up with your entrance before he pushed in slowly.
A gasp left your lips as he stretched you, the sensation almost cooling against your inner walls. He squeezed your hips as he hissed.
“F-Fuck, your s-so hot.” He started to thrust slowly, breathy moans already leaving his lips. “Holy shit, it’s s-so warm.”
You hands gripped the pillow under your head as he started to thrust into you at a steady pace. Each deep thrust sent shocks of pleasure from your sensitive core through your body. Your toes curled at the feeling as Mingyu started to roll your nipple between his fingers. He took in the way you moaned and Wonwoo’s hisses and groans, sucking more and more harshly against your neck. His hips rolled into the bed as his moans started to fall lower again.
You grabbed a spare pillow and tossed it at him, giving him a small smirk when he caught your eye. He was quick to put the pillow underneath himself and rut against the soft fabric. He picked up a fast pace right away, welcoming the friction as he worked himself up more and more, his lips falling away from you neck.
Wonwoo thrust into you a little harder as Mingyu’s sounds hit his ears. You focused your gaze on him, panting at the way his eyes were screwed shut. You could tell he was trying to hold himself back but you were getting worked up again too, feeling your release building.
“Harder,” you breathed.
Wonwoo squeezed your hips. “Are y-”
“Fuck me harder,” you moaned, clenching around him. “Please.”
You heard him curse under his breath as he leaned over you before fucking into you hard. Wanton moans fell from your lips as your hips bucked against him, each quick thrust sending a burst of pleasure through your body. You arms moved around his neck, pulling him closer and gripping at his back.
Mingyu’s low growls and Wonwoo’s breathy moans mixed with your own sounds as you felt the coil tightening inside of you as Wonwoo desperately chased his high. His hips snapped into you quickly and you felt sharp fangs pressed near the base of your throat, making you whimper and clench around him again.
Wonwoo’s fangs sunk into your neck, muffling his cry as he started to release into you with one final hard thrust. You ground your hips into him until he held them still with a shudder.
He pulled his fangs from his bite mark, soothing it with his tongue before moving out of you and collapsing onto the bed next to you. You glanced at Mingyu as he growled, his usually brown irises almost black as he grabbed at your hips. He was quick to flip you over, pulling your ass up in the air and pressing your face into the pillows. A moan fell from your lips as he pushed into you in one smooth thrust.
After Wonwoo, Mingyu felt almost hot as he fucked you roughly. His hands held your hips hard enough to bruise, his hips hitting your ass with each rough thrust. Growls rumbled loudly from his chest as he pulled you back on his cock each time.
You gripped the pillows below you as the bed creaked from the force of his thrusts. Your head was spinning and you body starting to shake as the coil inside of you tightened very quickly. Moans mixed with bables of curse words that fell off your lips as each thrust sent more and more pleasure through your body.
As you clenched around him Mingyu’s hips snapped into you even faster. You felt your eyes rolling back, drool leaking from the corner of your mouth as Mingyu’s fingers found your clit and started rubbing it in rough circles.
The wave of pure ecstasy that crashed over every fiber of your body nearly knocked you out as you released. A scream ripped it’s way from your throat and every part of your body shook as Mingyu let out a howl, releasing thick ropes of cum deep inside of you. He ground his cock into you quickly until you were both whimpering.
As soon as he pulled out of you you collapsed to the bed. Mingyu dropped down next to you, both of you panting heavily. You felt Wonwoo’s cold fingers run gently along your side.
“Do you feel okay?” he asked.
You nodded tiredly.
“That was awesome,” Mingyu breathed.
“That was the best orgasm of my life,” you added. Mingyu gave you a tired smile as you managed to get your eyes open. He pulled you close to cuddle and you felt Wonwoo press against your back.
“You know I’m probably going to need help again in a few days,” Mingyu mumbled tiredly.
“I’ll be there,” you grinned sleepily. “Wonwoo?”
“Absolutely,” he hummed.
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fearless: Chapter 13
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Pairing: Werewolf! Jeon Wonwoo x Vampire!Reader Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Non-Idol Au WC: 4.1k+ Warning: Language, Violence, Gun usage, Descriptions of burn wounds, mild gore  AU Lore: Vampire Coven Info/Wolf Pack Info/Lore Info Tag List: @moon-asia @uglychildd @skjdln @darkacrimson​ @woozisnoots​ @hwangjangmi​ @rjsmochii​ @fluffyhyeju​ @svtjuniverse​ @karmacqre​ @dwcljh​ @taeyeon-got-shmoney​ @2dmoonenback​ @moonchild9499​ 
Unable to tag: @Unbaeknownst @peachescherryheart
A/N: So this chapter is probs the longest one yet! I was trying to wrap things up in this one but it ended up a bit too long so there is probably maybe one or two chapters more, plus an epilogue! This chapter is ROUGH, please be warned before reading! If you want to skip the rough bit the first “***” signals the end of the fight!
I also realized while writing this chapter that...I haven’t written Chan in this story yet ^^;; he’s been mentioned because he is a part of the Coven’s inner circle but he...hasn’t show up. oops
Chapter List: Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3/Chapter 4/Chapter 5/Chapter 6/Chapter 7/Chapter 8/Chapter 9/Chapter 10/Chapter 11/Chapter 12/Chapter 13/Chapter 14
It felt like you had been running forever before your eyes caught a glimpse of Jacob trailing behind the other members of his group, who you could only assume were chasing the stray that had taken Minah. Watching them slip into a small Alleyway you reached out to grab Vernon’s arm, effectively stopping him from following them. 
He looked back and fixed you with a confused expression, but you lifted a finger to your lips to gesture him to stay silent. You then turned your attention elsewhere, and found another small alley that seemed to be running parallel to the one that your allies had run down, which was exactly what you were hoping for. Gesturing with a small tilt of your head, you urged him to follow you.
It was a bad idea to try and get this guy all from one angle, especially if you were right in your theory that he wasn’t working completely alone. 
As you crept through the side alley, you hoped that somehow Minghao knew what you were planning and would attempt to stall. You had no doubt that he had been the first on the scene so you were only hoping that he wouldn’t start anything until you were in a good position to try and surround the stray. It was doubtful, considering you didn’t know how the stray would react to being cornered like this, but you held onto the small shred of hope that Minghao could keep the situation under control.
Exiting the alley onto the main road, you led Vernon to the right, and took a glance down the alley before entering. 
From what you could see, the Stray had his back to you with Minah in his arms, while Minghao, Gahyeon, Kevin, Jacob, and Wonwoo stood a few feet away from him. The stray had buried his face into Minah’s neck and you felt yourself almost run towards him despite your better judgement. 
Taking a deep, yet unnecessary, breath before gesturing for Vernon to hold his position. You quietly crept towards the male and his hostage, while doing your best to remember all the lessons from Mingaho and hoping that you were completely silent.
“Is this little human worth all the fuss? Surely Soonyoung has better things to do than deal with, little old me?” 
That voice. You knew that voice, thought you hadn’t heard it since...well since you had been turned. There was no other person who it could be, not who also knew Soonyoung. If this was who you were thinking, then you needed to get Minah away from him now.
As soon as you were in range, you threw your arms out and harshly pulled his head backwards and away from Minah. The action not only retched him towards you, but caused him to lose his grip on Minah because of the surprise of the attack. You jumped to the side, away from the male and watched as Wonwoo appeared almost instantly and just barely missed hitting him harshly in the face only for the male to be tackled by Gahyeon. You let those two handle him for a moment before rushing to Minah who had been caught by Minghao. 
The girl was sobbing and trembling as Minghao tried to help her to her feet. Before you could ask if she was alright, a loud gunshot rang out through the alley followed by the familiar growl of Gahyeon. 
“Keep her safe!” You ordered Minghao before turning your attention back to the action behind you. You immediately noticed that you were, in fact, right about his numbers, but what surprised you was that...not all of them were Vampires. You could see Vernon, who was the furthest from you, currently involved in a tussle with a Dark fae, along with a few wolves, vampires, and even a single human was in their ranks. You were definitely outnumbered but only by a little bit, and you would only need to hold out until the other teams arrived. You only hoped that they got your message and heard the fighting. 
Taking the fight back to the source you called out his name. 
As his eyes caught yours, you watched a smile creep onto his face. If it weren’t for the situation you could have mistaken that smile for one of actual kindness. He just...had that way about him.
“Well well, if it isn’t Soonyoung’s little one. I’m honestly surprised he let you out for all this.” Despite the fighting around you, Taemin seemed to almost casually saunter over to you. “I wonder how mad he would be if I killed you? Do you think he would…come for revenge?” 
Before you could blink, Taemin was on you. His leg swiftly aimed for your head, your reactions just fast enough to drop to the ground. You palms bracing yourself on the cold snow covered concrete, keeping you balanced as you swept your leg out trying to knock his feet out from under him. He simply jumped back and out of the way as you pushed yourself off of the ground to jump at him.
“Or do you think he would run away again? He’s awfully good at that, isn’t he?” Opting to ignore him, you pulled back your arm in an attempt to catch him with a right hook. As you did this you heard another gunshot, only this time the groan of pain caused you to hesitate for just a brief moment as you recognized the voice.
Wonwoo was hurt.
Seemingly seeing this hesitation, Taemin tilted his head to the side with curiosity filling his eyes. 
“Is that care for a wolf? From you, little one? Oh how time has change the both of us.” He let out a soft cruel chuckle, which was just enough of a distraction for you to sink your nails into his cheek, ripping the skin open before he shoved you away. This definitely seemed to anger him, but just as before...when he had gotten Soonyoung kicked out of his former Coven, he was completely in control of those emotions. 
The alley way was filled with a loud scream and the smell of burning flesh and you felt your whole body freeze, which gave Taemin the perfect opportunity to strike.
“It seems you haven’t learned anything since we last met, little one. Emotions only breed weakness.” As you were distracted, he took that opportunity to land a firm hit on your gut. You remembered this feeling, the dense pain that entered your abdomen as you felt like all of the air had left your lungs. Sure you didn’t need to breathe any longer but old habits die hard. As he pulled one hand away, the other reached out to grasp your head and soon your face was buried in a small layer of snow before meeting the unforgiving concrete below. 
“Oh Little one, do you remember what kills wolves the quickest?” The question was rhetorical but you knew what he was implying. Silver bullets, even if they didn’t hit a critical location, the silver would spread like a poison unless it was removed.
You didn’t have time to think about your next move, so you reached out and ripped his ankle out from under him. The action causing him to lose his grip on you as well as lose his balance.
Quickly taking the opportunity to push yourself up, you felt blood drip from your nose and fall to stain the snow below you. Your eyes darted around, taking an assessment of the field but you were also hoping that in that split second that you could confirm Wonwoo was okay. You didn’t immediately see him, but what you did get to witness was Soonyoung, appearing from practically nowhere and taking a running leap towards Taemin. A loud guttural growl that vaguely sounded like Taemin’s name escaping him, if you had thought he had been angry with you...well this was a different type of anger. 
Trusting Soonyoung to have the situation handled, you continued your search for Wonwoo only to find him collapsed against a wall with a Summer Fae above him ready to finish the job.
Before you had even registered what was going on, a new wave of emotions rushed through your system as you took a running start towards the woman your arms wrapped around the waist of the woman as you effectively tackled her to the ground. Landing with you on her back, you quickly grabbed the mess of red hair on her head and began slamming her face harshly into the snow covered concrete. You were so focused on causing this woman pain that you didn’t even notice the rest of the reinforcements arriving. All you could see was red, and all you wanted was for this woman to suffer. 
You weren’t sure how long you were there but...you knew it was far too long as you could hear the sickening crunch of bones. When you were certain she was dead you forced yourself off of her and rushed over to Wonwoo’s unconscious body, not caring about the rest of the fight going on around you. 
Quickly you began to examine the extent of his injuries, the top left side of his face swollen and blistering from the open flame that had been ignited on it, bits of his hairline had been burned away, there was a bullet lodged into his lower abdomen which had to be the silver one that Taemin had mentioned before. A small slew of curse words left your lips as you realized what you were going to have to do. You would rather feel the burn of the silver against your skin than sit here and just let him slowly die.
You were glad he was unconscious, as you dug your fingers inside of the wound flinching at the feeling as you tried to get a grip on the bullet so that you could pull it out. All that was pushing you forward was the need for him to be okay, you didn’t even care about the mission anymore, you just needed him to live through this. He had given you a feeling, a rush of emotions, you hadn’t felt in the longest time and you didn’t want that to end this soon. You wanted to try with him, and you didn’t care that he was a wolf, you just wanted him. 
With a small choked sob you ripped the bullet out, tossing it to the side without care. Quickly tearing off part of the bottom of your shirt you pressed firmly against the bullet wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. The sounds of victory completely lost to your ears. The only thing you could hear was the slowing sound of his heart beat, it felt like you were underwater...suffocating as you watched his unmoving expressionless face. 
“No...no come on you dumb wolf, you can’t die in a fucking alley.” You muttered, words feeling frantic as you did your best to stop the bleeding but to no avail. You felt your teeth break the skin of your lower lip as your eyes focused in on the blood now staining your hands.
Soon enough members of his pack rushed over and tried to help you with him. Saying something about him needing medical attention, and the name Mingyu. You didn’t bother trying to stop them until you felt someone attempting to pull you away from him and that’s when everything went red. Your body tensed and all you couldn’t form a single coherent thought. You felt...painfully hungry and all this blood smelled wonderful. The last thing you heard before completely black out, was the familiar voice of Soonyoung shouting.
“Fuck, it’s a frenzy.  Gahyeon, restrain her!!”
Everything hurt.
That was the only thing Wonwoo could think of when he felt himself drifting back into consciousness. Out of instinct, he slowly tried to push himself into a sitting position only for the pain in his abdomen to spike which caused him to fall back into the lying position he had been in. 
Taking a moment to take in his surroundings he realized that...part of his face, didn’t feel like anything. He couldn’t open that eye either, his vision only coming from his right eye. That was...concerning. Before he could evaluate himself any further, he heard the sound of a door opening to his left...where he couldn’t see. Ignoring the pain, he turned his head and watched Mingyu walking into the room with a small bundle in his hands. 
Mingyu practically beamed when he realized that his friend was staring at him. Rushing over to the bedside, he quickly began looking over Wonwoo while spouting off rapid fire questions. 
“How are you feeling? Do you know how long you’ve been out? How long have you been awake? Does this hurt?” At the last question, he watched as Mingyu moved his finger towards the left side of his face but never actually felt anything more than a dull kind of numb feeling.
“No.” was all Wonwoo could bring himself to say, his throat felt like a desert. That coupled with Mingyu’s question had him a bit concerned. How long had he been out. A day, a week? Maybe more? He would just have to wait for Mingyu to return to that. 
Except he didn’t, he did grimace a bit at Wonwoo’s response and shook his head as he muttered a small ‘that’s not good’ to himself. 
“Well, I’ve got good news and bad news.” Mingyu began, as he began pulling fresh bandages from his little bundle. He carefully moved Wonwoo as he began taking off the older bandages around his abdomen. “The good news is that, whatever happened that night scared the Stray and his gang. Soonyoung said that we shouldn’t be seeing them again. So yay, mission successful.”
Wonwoo was trying his best to focus on the information he was receiving but it was hard when it felt like his gut was on actual fire. 
“The bad news is, you almost died. They had been using silver bullets and if your mate hadn’t pulled it out when she did, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Since it was silver though, it is taking longer to heal than it normally would. Also, I’m pretty sure the burn on your face is fourth degree since you couldn’t feel me poking you. Which is pretty bad. Also the worst part, we had to shave part of your head to make sure it didn’t get stuck to the burnt parts of your face.”
“That’s...the worst part?”
“Yeah man, it...does not look good I promise you.” If it were anyone other than Mingyu, Wonwoo would have probably been a bit annoyed at the moment. This was Mingyu though, and jokes were how he coped. If it weren’t this then it would be moping around, upset about the situation. So Wonwoo let the joke about his hair slide. 
Forcing his voice out once more, Wonwoo voiced another question.
“Is she okay?”
It was silent for a moment as Mingyu finished up rebandaging him, and putting the the dirty bandages into a bag he had brought with his bundle. Once finished he looked back up at Wonwoo and stared into Wonwoo’s one visible eye his gaze harded a bit before he looked away to grab more bandages that Wonwoo assumed would be going on his face.
“She...We haven’t seen her since that night and it’s been about 2 weeks now. When they tried to pull her away from you so that they could get you back home for medical attention, she um. Well the Vampires called it a frenzy. She completely lost control of herself, she ended up breaking Cheol’s arm and she got one of her own people pretty good as well. It took a lot for them to get her back to the Bar.” He began, gently replacing the bandage on Wonwoo’s face as he continued. “Jacob’s been getting updates from that Kevin guy. He said they had to keep her locked up and somehow still locked up just...not as locked up as before? I’m not sure how, but that’s just what he was saying. Apparently they’re also having to give her more fresh blood recently to keep her out of a frenzy too.”
Wonwoo felt his heart drop the more Mingyu spoke. There was no way he would be able to make it all the way to the bar in his condition, but he needed to make sure you were okay with his own two eyes. Since from the sounds of it, you had been struggling since the incident and he had just been mindlessly sleeping. 
“I’ve been keeping up with her situation cause I knew she’d be the first thing you asked about. Hyunjin has been visiting and we were talking about this. We actually think the mate pull is what’s causing her to go off the rails. Since she’s a Vampire, you being hurt is just hitting her in a different way than it would have hit a human mate, or at least that’s what we’re thinking.” 
It was definitely a logical assumption, when one mate is hurt it has been known to affect the mental state of the other. This could be that manifesting, but they had no sure fire way of knowing since there were no records of a werewolf ever mating with a Vampire before. With that in mind, it was settled. Wonwoo was going to take a page from your book and throw caution to the wind. Once he was alone he was sneaking out and going to see you, he didn’t care how much it hurt. 
He needed to make sure you were okay.
Thinking back on it, sneaking out of the house when he could barely stand was probably a terrible idea.
The good idea had been stealing Cheol’s car. Sure he would be mad but it was smarter than trying to walk there. That would have just ended up with him actually dead.
As he pulled up to the bar he parked in the parking lot behind the building and slowly made his way out of the car. Limping his way to the front door of your Coven’s home. He had never been here, and to his knowledge no werewolf had entered here before, but he was hoping that was something that would change. Especially if you were inside. 
It was still light, just edging on twilight, and so he wasn’t too sure if anyone would be awake yet. Despite this, he slammed his closed fist against the door, hoping that someone would hear his knocking and let him in. As he waited, he felt his body grow heavier and his was growing a bit harder to breath in the cold snowy February weather. He felt his legs slump out from under him just as the door slowly opened, and he heard a gasp.
“Keonhee, Rowan! Help me!” The unfamiliar voice hit his ears almost as quickly as the sound of footsteps. Soon two sets of arms were helping him up and moving him into the bar, and at the urging of the first male voice they walked past the bar area and through a door labeled ‘employees only’ before taking a hard right into what Wonwoo was assuming was an office. 
As the duo helped him into a metal chair, probably to avoid potential blood stains. The male looked terrified of him, almost as if he was expecting Wonwoo to fall over any moment, while the female looked...moderately concerned but ultimately ended up dragging the frightened male out of the room, as another unfamiliar male entered. 
“Thanks, you two. I’ll be back to help with opening in a minute.” The new male said, patting the taller frightened male on the shoulder and giving a longing glance towards the female, who Wonwoo was almost positive was a Fae. The kind looking male made his way over and took a seat on the plush sofa across from Wonwoo.
“We definitely weren’t expecting you to show up, still half dead.” He began, chucking lightly as his eyes gazed over Wonwoo’s body. “I know you’re a wolf and all, but coming to a Coven’s den smelling of blood usually isn’t the best idea. Your blood reaks but that doesn’t mean we won’t still drink it.” 
Surprisingly, despite what the male was saying, Wonwoo didn’t feel any hit of actual intent behind them. Like it was more of a simple statement than a warning. Which was interesting, all things considering, but maybe that night did change things. Maybe it was the push they needed to be able to co-exist. 
“I mean, it wasn’t my best idea but i’m sure it’s what she would have done if our roles were switched.” Mentioning you had the male opposite of him throw his head back in laughter that almost sounded...sad.
After a moment the laughs died down and the male fixed Wonwoo with a look. 
“Before I take you to her. I just want to clarify that I don’t approve of...whatever this is. I know you Wolves have ‘destined mates’ and all and you can’t control that but, I can speak for all of us right now. We never want to see her in this state again. I personally want to kill you right here and now so that whatever pull you have over her will go away, but I know that would make things worse.” This...this was a threat. Wonwoo understood where he was coming from, it always hurt to see the ones you cared about in pain. It made it worse that he was a wolf and that the mate pull might have been affecting you harshly. 
“So you better not get this close to death again, you hear me?” 
“Jun, stop threatening him. You don’t scare anyone.” The new voice caused Wonwoo to flinch lightly, glancing over, he recognized this man, Minghao. He was...a bit shocked that he hadn’t heard the shorter man enter the room. You weren’t lying when you said that he was...extremely stealthy. 
His words caused the man, Jun, to jut out his lower lip in a pout. 
“Come on, Hao! I was giving the dad speech! I’ve never been able to give one!” 
“If anyone is gonna give him a ‘dad’ speech, it would be Soonyoung. So stop wasting time, before he actually dies.” Minghao definitely seemed to have a no nonsense attitude, and wasn’t putting up with any of the antics of his Coven mate at this point. As Jun continued to pout, Minghao made his way to help Wonwoo stand up again.
“Let’s go.” was all Minghao said before forcing Wonwoo along with him, Jun trailing behind them complaining about having to wash blood off the floor before opening tonight. 
When they exited the room, they took a right and entered a door to the right at the end of the hall. The interior of the room made it seem almost like a living room in a regular home, plush red sofa was pushed against the far left wall with two matching wing chairs on either side with a coffee table in front of them. Minghao ignored them and instead pressed forward to the door on the other side of the room. 
“Jun, unlock this for me.” Minghao requested, interrupting Jun’s mindless chatter that honestly Wonwoo had been ignoring up until this point, having been so focused on just walking without thinking of the pain. They slowed to a stop as they waited for Jun to take off the metal bars that had been attached to the door, setting them to the side before Minghao led him down the rather annoyingly small flight of stairs. The stairwell opened up to a rather strange underground bunker of sorts, the walls made of simple concrete with no direcorations anywhere in the hall. It was rather off putting. There were 8 doors with four on each side of the room, their small group made their way towards the furthest door on the right before Minghao let him go.
“She’s in there right now. Careful going in, she might try and feed off of you. So, don’t die I guess.” With that Minghao turned away from Wonwoo and grabbed Jun’s arm and began dragging him back up the stairs. 
“Remember what I said!” Jun shouted out as he was being drug away. Which did actually get a small laugh from Wonwoo, before the still injured male turned to the heavy wooden door in front of him and slowly opened it.
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years
My Favorite Weapon - Part 4
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Pairing: Chris Argent x Reader
Warnings: nope.
You didn’t go far. After all, you still had a pack to save. You left because you were hurt and didn’t want to hear Ric and Damon’s excuses when they realized that outweighed your anger. Assholes. In actuality, you didn’t really leave at all. You simply made your way around the house and sat in a chair beneath the open window so you could still listen to the conversation. You sent several texts while you listened to Ric and the Salvatores explain all about the originals and hybrids. The pack was justifiably concerned that Klaus had set his sights on them.
“I really think the best thing for you all to do is just remain calm. Leave Klaus to the three of us. We’re used to dealing with him,” your brother offered.
You snorted in disbelief. You wouldn’t consider anything they did ‘dealing’ with the hybrid.
“You can’t just expect us to stand aside and do nothing. It’s not exactly our style,” Chris argued.
“Well, that explains how Y/N fell in with you then,” Stefan said.
“Be that as it may, baby brother,” Damon interrupted. “I think we can safely speak for Y/N when was say that she would be happier if you all just let us handle it.”
You typed out a quick text on your phone. A moment later a sudden burst of laughter came from inside followed by a “Y/N says you’re a fucking idiot.”
“Stiles,” his dad corrected immediately.
“Well, she did. Look.”
Several voices started speaking over each other and you turned your head when the back door opened. Chris stuck his head out to smirk in your direction. “Why don’t you join us if you’re going to pitch in your two cents anyway?”
You sighed dramatically and got to your feet before grinning at him.
“You really thought Stiles was the best choice for that message?” Chris said lowly as you stepped past him.
“If it makes you feel any better, I meant to send it to Scott.”
He licked his lips and shook his head as he placed a hand on the small of the back. The two of you stepped into the living room and everyone immediately quieted down. “Thought you left,” your brother said after a moment.
You shrugged. “Thought you weren’t an asshole, so I guess we were both wrong.”
Melissa grimaced. “Can we tone down the language? They’re still kids.”
“Really, mom?”
“Don’t mom me, Scott McCall. God help me, but there has to be some decorum around here.”
“We should have rethought the guest list then.” Your words may have been for your boyfriend but you made sure you were loud enough for the pack to hear. Their laughter eased some of the tension that had been clouding the air since you arrived with the vampires in tow.
“Y/N,” Scott said getting everyone’s attention. “You know everyone on all sides of this. What do you think we should do?”
You pursed your lips. “I think we should all just take a minute to breathe here. We don’t even know if Klaus is in town yet. I’m waiting to hear back from some people so we have a better idea of what’s going on with him. Ric, I��m not going to tell the three of you to go home, but I am going to tell you to stand down. At least for now.”
“And if we don’t?” Of course, it was Damon who spoke up.
“Did I mention I’m the Sheriff around here?” Stiles’ dad piped up.
“Or that I’m fully stocked on vervain?” you added.
Damon took a step back to lean against the wall behind him. “Fair enough.”
“As for the rest of us, the pack stays together. That means everyone. Us non-werewolf types are probably safe to go about our usual business, but stay with someone. That means no solo patrols, Sheriff. No late night shifts in mostly barren areas of the hospital, Melissa. Deaton, I’m going to assume you have your own array of protections. Use them.”
“And what are you going to do?” Derek asked.
“I’m going to buddy up with the resident hunter and find us a hybrid.”
Surprisingly it was Klaus you heard from first. And instead of responding to your message asking him what he was up to lately, he’d sent a text that said simply: What on earth are you doing in Beacon Hills, love?
You tossed your phone to Chris and he snatched it out of the air. “Guess that answers the question of whether or not he’s in town.”
He read the message and handed your phone back. “What do we do now?”
“Now we ask him the same question.”
After some back and forth, Klaus agreed to meet you at a diner in town so the two of you could ‘catch up’.
You sat your phone on the table beside you and looked at Chris. “I think it’s better if I go by myself.”
“Absolutely not.”
“You said it yourself. The pack stays together. Even us non-werewolf types, as you put it, stay with someone.”
The silence stretched as you contemplated your choices. “Fine, but just you. And try not to let Klaus get under your skin. He can be irritating to put it mildly.”
You and Chris arrived at the diner at the appointed time and you were unsurprised to see Klaus waiting for you in a corner booth. A glance around told you that was probably a good thing as the place was packed. The hybrid smiled as he met your eye. He stood and opened his arms for a hug. “It’s good to see you, love. Mystic Falls is too quiet without you.”
You huffed a laugh and slid onto the bench next to Chris. “I find that unlikely, but thanks for the sentiment.”
He sat and turned a tight smile on your boyfriend. “And who is this?”
“Klaus, my boyfriend Chris Argent. Chris, Niklaus Mikaelson, the original hybrid.”
The two shook hands and when Chris would have let go, Klaus maintained his grip and leaned forward. “Y/N and I need a moment to catch up. Why don’t you wait in the car for her to finish like a good boy, hmm?”
Chris pulled his hand away. “I don’t think so.”
Your friend turned his attention on you looking almost betrayed.
“Oh, don’t even. Of course, he’s on vervain. What do you take me for?”
Klaus spread his hands in a gesture of false innocence and gave a smile to match. “Well, I had to try. I do wish you had mentioned you were bringing a friend, Y/N. This makes conversation awkward.”
You rolled your eyes. He was such a baby sometimes. “Let me help you out then, Klaus. The local pack is mine. You can’t have them.”
He looked stunned but for a minute and then he laughed. “Is that so? And what right do you have to claim them? You are no alpha.”
You leaned back in your seat and tapped the table. You gave Klaus a cockeyed smirk. “I’m not, but he is.” You gestured to the counter where Scott turned and gave a little wave.
The hybrid snorted. “He’s a child.”
“He’s a true alpha. Even you have to respect that, Klaus.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You owe me,” you reminded him.
“It was Kol you saved, not me, love.”
You narrowed your gaze and raked your eyes over him. You knew him well enough to know that he was ready to leave your pack alone as soon as you claimed them. He just didn’t like being told what to do. And he wanted to see just how far you would go. You also knew damned well he would have been devastated to lose his brother.
“You’re not invincible, Mikaelson,” Chris said.
“I’m pretty damned close, human.”
“Argent. That’s something more than human, I think. You weren’t paying attention when I introduced the two of you.”
“Fine. I’ll concede he could make things difficult. That’s all.”
You shifted your gaze from him to look at the figure standing behind him in the hall. “He’s going to make me list all the assets at my disposal, isn’t he?”
“Are you really surprised?” the clipped voice answered. Elijah Mikaelson approached the table and pressed a kiss to your cheek before turning to his brother. “Do slide over, Niklaus.”
Elijah offered Chris his hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Argent.”
Your boyfriend glanced at you with an arched brow even as he shook hands with his second original of the night. “Elijah is the polite one, but don’t piss him off.”
“You called my brother, Y/N? Do you think that was really necessary?”
“Correction. Brothers,” Kol spoke up from his spot beside Scott. He offered you a smile and a cheeky wave.
“Hello, Kol,” you greeted him while Klaus grumbled. You shifted your attention back to him. “I have a pack, Klaus. And it goes beyond what I’ve found here.” After a beat everyone in the diner was turned to face your table. The pack, Deaton, the Sheriff, Parrish, your brother, and the Salvatores.
“And I feel it prudent to remind you that Y/N is the owner of the last white oak stake in existence. It’s location undoubtedly known to her boyfriend, or her brother, in case something should happen to her,” Elijah spoke up.
“Now, Elijah, that was just rude. Klaus was already planning on leaving my friends alone.”
Chris shook his head beside you. He was either admiring your brazenness or wondering how you managed to not get yourself killed yet. You were betting on the latter.
“Quite right,” Klaus said. “They aren’t at all the right type of wolves anyway. Really, you worry too much, brother. I would never anger our dear Y/N.”
Sure, he wouldn’t. “On that note, it’s time for us to leave.” You stood and Chris quickly followed. “Elijah, Kol, coffee before you leave.”
They both agreed and you dragged your boyfriend out of the diner.
You waited until you were halfway home before breaking the silence. “Was there anyone you didn’t call to come to the diner?”
“Melissa. She’s a good nurse but not very intimidating if you aren’t a teenager.”
You sighed. “Chris, I’m serious. We agreed, you and me.”
“No. You said you and me. I did not agree to anything. If you recall, I said the pack stays together per your order.”
“And if things had gone badly?”
“All the more reason for them to be there.”
“Do you think I’d be able to live with myself if something happened to one of them because I was trying to talk sense into the original hybrid? There was a reason I didn’t want them there.” You didn’t want to yell, didn’t want to fight, but you’d been terrified when you walked into a sea of familiar faces.
“I’m sorry, but that’s not your decision to make. You can’t protect everyone all the time without expecting them to return the favor when you need it.” His voice was quiet but firm. “I made sure they knew what was going on, the made their own decisions about what to do with that information.”
“But why even give them the option, Chris? We could have told them everything after.”
His hand settled on your thigh and gave a little squeeze. “Because I wasn’t about to lose my favorite weapon, Y/N. I couldn’t risk it, not now that I’ve found you.”
You didn’t even know what to respond to that so you just linked your fingers with his.
As you pulled into the driveway, Chris turned to look at you. “Speaking of weapons, what exactly is a white oak stake and why do you have it?”
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boba-xing · 5 years
Captivating {Chapter 1}
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Fem!Reader x Werewolf!Choi Seungcheol (SVT)
Warnings: Blood
"Time to close up, everyone." Jihyun's voice rings through the small store, tearing you out of your trance.
It'd been a whole two days and he still hadn't contacted you, a harsh paranoia overtaking you. Perhaps he wasn't going to contact you at all - you never should've gotten your hopes up.
Closing the till and removing your badge, you hardly notice Jihyun's eyes on you, "Still not heard from launderette boy?"
You sigh in response.
"He's probably just been busy, he said he had twelve brothers or something, didn't he?" she rubs your shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm sure he'll text you soon."
“Yeah.” You nod with a slight pout. 
Just like she said, you soon found yourself staring down at a message from him.
Hey, it's Seungcheol. How are you?
Hi, I'm good thanks. You?
His response seems to take forever, leaving you transfixed in anticipation.
His reply was simple, stating how he was fine but wished he could see you again, and just like that you were wrapped around his finger. Launderette boy was turning out to be something special.
The next day you found yourself with the same handsome man in front of you, his hands gently fumbling with the fabric of his sleeve as he stared ominously into his cappuccino.
You giggled slightly at his lost expression, accidentally bringing him out of his daydream.
"Sorry, I was just thinking." He smiles, "Are you enjoying your drink?"
You nod, glancing down to the sweet iced coffee in front of you, "Yeah, it's good."
He struggles to pull his gaze from your face. "So, tell me about you...what do you do? What do you like?"
"Well I work at the convenience store down the road, my friend's dad owns it so I work there part time. The rest of my time I spend writing...sometimes reading, I'm really interested in mythology and folklore." You nod, glancing up into his captivating eyes, "I guess that's what I like. That and iced coffee."
He chuckles, "You don't find many people interested in that stuff these days, if you find any good books you better give them to me."
You smile, sipping at your coffee. "What about you?"
"I work from home, I'm a financial consultant, just numbers and stuff." A soft grin spreads across his face, "I like cappuccinos and meeting girls at launderettes."
You giggle at his comment, "Well I hope I'm the best one you've met."
"Definitely." He winks at you cheekily.
There's a slight pause, neither of you knowing what to say.
"So what type of folklore? I know there have been a lot of books written about this town." He rubs his thumb over the brim of the coffee cup,
"Um, just the usual ones...werewolves, vampires, witches, that sort of stuff." You shrug,
"So I take it you're a Twilight fan?"
You roll your eyes, "It wasn't realistic enough for me, you know, I doubt real vampires would shimmer in sunlight."
"Real vampires." He laughs, "You're so cute."
A soft pink tint dusts your cheeks as you bury your face in your hands, "I didn't mean real like that. Oh my god, I'm not insane, okay? I just meant that was a bit far-fetched."
"Don't worry, I know." His laugh dies down, "You could always come round to my place and we could watch the Twilight films, my brothers have the series just for critique."
"What, really? Are they into that sort of stuff too?" You grin,
"Seungkwan and Vernon are, they like to pick out everything that’s incorrect- well that they think is incorrect." He corrects himself, "I swear I've watched them all a million times, each with a running commentary."
A giggle escapes you, "Maybe watching them at yours wouldn't be such a good idea then."
He leans over, brushes a strand of hair from in front of your eyes, "I'm sure we could find something else to watch at mine though."
Your cheeks flush again, the sound of your beating heart almost defeating. He chuckles, unbeknownst to you he can hear it too.
"If you're not busy tonight you could come over, I can get the boys to leave for a bit and we could maybe have some dinner or something." His eyes admire your features as you rest your chin on your palm. "I mean, you don't have to, it was just a suggestion."
"I'd love to." You smile back at him,
"Then I'll pick you up at 6." He grins.
Later that evening you find yourself climbing out of his black Range Rover (only having texting him your address moments before you were meant to leave), admiring the large house in front of you. "The woods, huh? You sure you're not going to murder me?"
He chuckles, guiding you to the front door. "Hopefully not."
Ushering you in, you make your way to the open plan living room/kitchen, taking in his minimal decor.
"I know there aren't many decorations," He hums, following in behind you, "With twelve other boys it can get a bit hectic. Mingyu is especially clumsy, you wouldn't believe how many times he's knocked over that god damn lamp."
You giggle in response, watching the warm expression on his face as he looks at you.
"You're beautiful." He murmurs, your face heating up at his sudden comment,
"Thank you." You bite your lip, not sure how to reply to the compliment. 
For a moment you both stand there - somehow time seems frozen, trapping you in a quiet yet comfortable moment. Your glance upwards, instantly meeting his deep brown eyes, and for a second you swear you feel a warmth growing in your chest; a feeling that both shocks and pleasures you.
"Why don't you take a seat, love." You do as he says, completely oblivious to the soft whining sound desperate to erupt from Seungcheol's chest. He makes his way over to the kitchen, "Salty or sweet?"
"Huh?" You squeak, glancing back at him.
"Popcorn." He grins,
"Do you have both?"
"Oh, living on the edge, I see." You look down at the pile of DVDs on the coffee table in front of you, "I left some films out, just pick whatever you want to watch."
You select one at random, trying to ignore the unjustified yearning to want to be near him again.
"Here we go." He places the popcorn down on the table, quickly sorting out the film and taking his own seat, "Have you seen this before?"
"No." You look up at his large figure sat close (not enough) to you,
"Then be ready for some jump-scares." He smiles down at you, "I'm right here if you get too frightened."
Letting your body fall back into the couch, you roll your eyes at yourself. A horror film? Out of all the options you managed to pick the genre of film you dread the most? Good job, ___, good job.
You somehow manage to sit through half of it without having a nervous breakdown, astonished at how Seungcheol hasn't flinched once. It was only when the most terrifying creature you'd seen in your entire life jumped out that you somehow buried your head into Seungcheol's chest, your cheeks instantly flushing pink with embarrassment. "It's okay, love, I'll make sure that CGI leprechaun won't hurt you."
"Don't make fun of me!" You pull away, swatting at his chest, "It was scary!"
"___, what's he going to do? Throw shamrocks at you?" he laughs, one hand gently playing with your hair.
"It's not funny!" You whine, pouting unintentionally,
"You're so cute," he laughs, a large smile taking over his face, "Come on, we've still got a lot of it to go."
"No, I need the toilet anyway." You frown, standing up, "Don't pause it or I'll kill you."
"Okay, okay!" He grins, "It's under the stairs, by the way."
You rush out of the room, the sound of screams still audible as you enter the bathroom. You mutter to yourself, resting your palms on the edge of the sink as you look into the mirror, "What's wrong with you, ___? It's just a film."
That's when you notice the cupboard behind you - more importantly the piece of fabric sticking out of the side, tinted red with blood.
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A Magical Arrangement
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Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Reader x Tony Stark
Summary- There are four types of supernatural beings that call this earth home, and they are all at war with one another, well they are until the high councils of the four races come to a truce. A truce that would change your life forever.
Message- Reader is a witch, Tony is a vampire, Bucky is a werewolf, and Natasha is a Demon (Succubus)  
Warnings- Arranged Poly Marriage
Word Count-1285
“Y/N! Y/N! Are you out here?”
“High Priestess?” You ask as you jump off of the tree branch. “What’s wrong?”
“Y/N!” She huffs. “I thought you were teaching a lesson.”
“I was, but it’s so nice out. I told the students to go outside and enjoy the sun.”
“We will talk about that later. But right now the council wants to speak with you.”
“Alright.” You say, smiling. But before you can take even five steps she grabs your shoulder.
“Put some shoes on before going to them.”
“Have a blessed day, high priestess.” You say, smirking as you walk away.
“Just nod, so I know you’ll put shoes on.” She calls after you. “Y/N! I know you can hear me!”
“Sorry can’t hear you!” You call over your shoulder as you run towards the school. Once you get inside you make your way towards the council chambers. Once you get there you raise your hand to knock on the door.
“Come in Y/N.”
“Look, I don’t know what you heard, but-why are the wolves here?” You say, noticing a large pack of rugged people standing to the side of the room.
“They are our allies.”
“I know that, Elder Simmons.” You murmur. “It’s just this is a school, the war and its troubles have never been brought here.”
“So you keep your soldiers in denial?” One of the werewolves asks.
“This is a school, there are no soldiers here, only children.” You sneer.
“Who will grow up to be soldiers. Isn’t it better they know what their reality will be?”
“They are children.” You murmur. “They should know peace, while they can.”
“That is why we called you here.” Elder Simmons says. “Ever since you retired from our army, you have used your power and influence to speak out about bringing about a time of peace.”
“I am allowed to have an opinion.” You sneer.
“We know.” Elder Simmons says, grinning at you. “Your opinion is actually why you are hear.”
“So you’re not going to feed me to the wolves.” You smirk, glancing over at the visitors.
“We wish for you to marry one. Well a wolf, a demon and a vampire.”
“What?” You laugh.
“There was a summit, between the four supernatural races. There has been a call for peace.”
“What does that have to do with a marriage?”
“They want to bind the four clans together.” The werewolf that spoke earlier says. “To do that they want to bind the souls of four people together, one from each clan.”
“So marriage, to 3 other people.” You murmur.
“It’ll bring about an age of peace-.”
“I’ll do it.” You say. “Obviously.”
“If you need time to-.”
“No, I’ll do it.” You say, turning to the werewolf who had spoken before. “Are you-?”
“Yeah, I’m your fiancé-or whatever.”
“I’m Y/N.” You say, putting your hand out for him to shake.
“James, but my friends call me Bucky.” He says, shaking your hand.
“I like that.” You say smiling up at him, then you turn back to the council. “When will this binding take place?”
“Next week, it will take place were the territories meet.”
“And once the binding takes place the fighting will stop?” You ask.
“Yes, and a new council will be formed. Its purpose will be to help the four of you rule.”
“What?” You ask, eyes darting around the room.
“The four of you will be crowned as the new rulers of the supernatural world. The four of you will be tasked with making our new laws.”
“The world has officially gone insane. You want to put me in charge-me! I’m not even wearing shoes!” You say. “But fuck it- I guess I’ll be a Queen or whatever.”
“You are taking this way better than I did.” Bucky says.
“I kind of like the idea of being in charge.” You murmur. “Yeah, this is good.”
“The packs will be staying here for the week.”
“Okay, cool.” You say, before looking at Bucky. “Can I show you around?”
“That would be nice.” Bucky says, smiling at you. “We should probably talk about- well about a lot of things.”
“Do you think we’ll get crowns?” You ask, putting your hand out for Bucky to take.
“I don’t know…Maybe.” Bucky murmurs as you leave the council chambers.
**1 week later**
“You look amazing.” Bucky says, kissing your cheek.
“Thank you.” You whisper as you play with the large tulle skirt.
“These are for you.” Bucky murmurs, handing you a bouquet of flowers.
“They’re lovely.” You say, smiling.
“Are you ready for this?” Bucky asks, offering you his arm.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You say, looping your arm his. Then the two of you walk out of the tent and start to make your way up the aisle. “Do you recognize either of them?”
“That’s Natasha, she’s a succubus.”
“That’ll be fun.” You say, a large smile spreading across your face.
“And I think the vampire is Anthony Stark, but I’m not entirely sure.”
“I guess we’ll find out soon.” You murmur.
“Yeah.” Bucky whispers. Then the two of you walk the rest of the way to the alter.
“I’ll give the four of you a minute.” The High Priestess says.
“Thank you.” You murmur, passing her your flowers.
“I’m Y/N.”
“The witch.” Natasha says, eyes roaming up and down your body.
“I’m Tony, and this is Natasha.”
“Well we should get this show on the road.” Tony says, motioning to the Priestess.
“Are you ready?” She asks.
“As ready as we’ll ever be.” Bucky says.
“Alright.” She says, as she hands you all a lit candles. “We are gathered here today to bind these four souls together as one. This binding will usher in an era of peace unlike once we have ever seen in our histories. Anthony Stark, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“Natasha Romanoff, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“James Barnes, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“Y/F/N Y/L/N, do you consent to have your soul bound to the others in this union for the rest of your days?”
“I do.”
“Now that the four of you have consented to this union, please use your individual flams to light this candle, a representation of your four souls becoming one.” The four of you nod, before lighting the large candle that was placed at the center of a table. Once the flame was light the four of you turn around. “I know present our new Kings and Queens, may the peace never end!”
“May the peace never end!”
“Oh this is going to be weird.” You murmur.
“So weird.” Bucky agrees.
“At least they’re not bowing down.” Tony says.
“Yet.” Natasha murmurs.
“So like, do we get a palace now? Or-.”
“We’re going to live at my castle.” Tony says.
“You have a castle!?” Bucky asks.
“Don’t you?” Tony asks.
“Well I guess I do now, because what’s mine is yours, Sweet thing!” Bucky says, smirking.
“Oh this is going to be fun.” Natasha murmurs.
“I think so to.” You say.
“And so they lived happily ever after.” A voice from your right says.
“Shut up, Punk!” Bucky yells.
“Yeah, Steve, Shut up!” You yell as well. “Oh and that’s by royal decree!”
“Yeah!” Bucky says. “I’m in charge now, Punk!”
“Goddess help us all.” Steve murmurs, with a large smile on his face.
“Damn right.” You say.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by @psingh97 ) Kai Parker x Reader word count : 4 955 summary : based on the song ‘Believer’ by Imagine Dragons note : it might differ from the song a little bit , but hope you still like it 😉 KEEP READING AFTER THE CUT *not my gif ________________________________ It had been almost half a year now since Y/N and Kai became friends , well best friends. ‘Friend’ wasn’t really the right word he’d use because Y/N was a lot more than that. She was the most special person in his life , the only one who actually listened to what he had to say and tried to understand instead of judging. Meeting her had changed the way he saw life but it hadn’t been exactly the day they met first that changed it all. It had been a random afternoon not too long after the wedding when Damon had asked her to watch him for a couple of hours. That’s when Kai felt something he had never felt in his life. Hope. Hope that there might be at least one person in the world who understands him , wants to listen to him and might believe in him. And if that could happen , then maybe there was a chance for him to change, be happy and end the circle of pain. There had been so much of it in his life always pulling him into darkness but after that day Y/N turned into his light in the darkness always leading him home.      “When you said you needed my help with some ‘thing’ you failed to mention it’s not a thing , Damon.” said Y/N , folding her arms on her chest. “This is a person who might’ve made mistakes but deserves to be treated as a human being. You know , with respect ? Why do I feel like the wrong brother went back to high school…”     “Hilarious. Just watch him for a couple of hours.” Y/N rubbed her forehead with her thumb and index finger unable to comprehend how Damon had referred to someone as a ‘thing’ in his text to get her there. Surely none of her friends liked Kai much , specially since the whole wedding thing but that is no reason to treat someone as if they were nothing. Exactly that had been the reason why Kai had snapped not once but twice , because everyone always treated him like trash and expected the worst out of him.     “Damon you can’t act li- ”     “A few hours. Please ? Alaric and I need to do something and this one has to be -”     “- under surveillance ?” asked Kai , popping up behind Damon. “I don’t have a reason to hurt anyone. Why is no one seeing this ? Besides what is she going to do ? Bore me to - ”     “Keep you busy.” smirked the vampire , heading towards the door. “Oh and if she ends up hurt in any way – you are dead.” Damon closed the door with a loud bang making Y/N jump up from the sound for a few seconds. Her hand reached in her pocket and she typed a quick message to her ‘friend’ , angrily tapping on the screen before clicking send.     “Ouch.” said Kai , taking a peek at her screen from behind her shoulder. “That was kind of harsh. Aren’t you worried he will do something to get back at you?”     “Nope.”     “You know , you don’t have to watch me. I promise I am not planing on murdering anyone. Feel free to go home or do whatever it is you were going to do before Damon decided to force you to hang out with me.”     “No , no. He is not forcing me to do anything , I want to stay and hang out with you … and I am sorry about him. He kind of -”     “- expects the worst out of me. Everyone always does , I am used to it. Trust me.” said Kai with a note of hurt in his voice, walking over to Damon’s liquor stash.     “I don’t.”  she smiled at him while he checked out the fancy bottles with curiosity. “Also I was going to say he acted disrespectful , judging without listening or giving the benefit of the doubt you deserve after the merge , following on first expressions and … expecting the worst.” Kai looked up at her  listening to her heartbeat. It was completely even , she didn’t appear afraid of him and definitely wasn’t lying. Y/N had every reason to lie , to be afraid. They were all alone in this giant house , there was no one for miles and he could easily hurt her if he wanted.  Instead she sounded embarrassed about her friend’s behaviour and … Had she really said that she wants to be there ? No. He must’ve misheard or something. No one ever wanted to be around him.     “You don’t expect the worst out of me and you want to be here. That’s new. I must be hallucinating or something - ” Y/N smiled at him noticing the surprise in his voice. “Everyone deserves a chance and you don’t seem evil. There is darkness , I can see that but its not who you are. People make mistakes. It is wrong to be judged only by them. Also you did try to get Bonnie out of 1994 and helped saving her life almost dying to make it happen. Then before that you siphoned the spell keeping all my friends out of town for almost half a year and since neither of them ever said ‘thank you’ … Thank you.”     “No one had ever said ‘thank you’ to me and actually meant it.” he said sitting on the sofa with her following right after. “It’s kind of nice.” Y/N ran her fingers through her hair , smiling at Kai who had a curious expression on his face clearly trying to figure out if she was lying or not. There was no reason for her to lie , not really. Kai wasn’t as bad as her friends made him out to be. He just needed a friend , someone to believe in him and give him a chance. Who knew , maybe he was exactly what he seemed like –     “ – cute and cuddly.” she finished out loud with a small smile.     “What ? Wh-what’s cute and cuddly ?”     “Not ‘what’ , ‘who.” she turned towards him. “You. It’s just everyone sees you as someone dangerous but to me you seem … cute and cuddly.”     “Cute and cuddly ?” he asked a little amused. “Haven’t heard that one before. Usually its ‘sociopath’ , ‘psychopath’ , ‘an abomination’ , ‘a monster’. Does that mean you like me or am I being too hopeful ?”     “I kind of do … like you , I mean.” Kai studied her face , listening to her heartbeat. No, Y/N wasn’t lying. A small smile spread across his face and he offered her his drink. For a second their hands touched and he noticed she didn’t flinch. Everyone always flinched , everyone always tried to get as far away as possible from him but this girl did the exact opposite and moved a little closer to him.     “So , what do you want to do ? Just because my least favourite Salvatore assigned me on Kai patrol doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. Or do you want to sit here for who knows how long doing nothing ?”     “You don’t like Damon ?” he asked surprised. “I thought you were friends.”     “Some days , yes. Others – I just want to stake him.” she said taking a sip from the bourbon in her hands.     “Yep , I definitely like you.” he grinned. “Alright , since you are the girl and I am a gentleman … what do you want to do ?”     “Listen.”     “Listen ? Wh-what does that mean ?”     “Well , you seem like a someone who wants to talk to someone , a friend. I can be that friend , if you want , and listen. I promise whatever you say - I won’t make assumptions , judge or spill to anyone what you have said to me. You can even compell me , if you want to be 100 % sure. I am not on vervain –” Kai smiled at her and she passed him the glass , pulling out her phone right after and turned it off before leaving it on the coffee table. He watched her half amused half confused and took a sip of his drink wondering how he had missed seeing who this girl really was. Someone who doesn’t manipulate to get what she wants. Someone , kind , understanding and real who gave him something he had never had – hope.     “You are not like the rest of them are you? There is something different about you. I just can’t put my finger on it.”     “Yeah , I guess you can say I am a little different.” she smiled shyly looking at her hands until Kai lifted up her chin. There was something really gentle about the gesture that made her heart skip a beat and by the way the corners of his mouth twitched. It hadn’t gone unnoticed.     “I like different.” he said softly.     “Me too.” *         *          * Kai sat at the bar glancing at Y/N and her friends. There was a party at the Grill and his best friend had asked him to go with her and since it had been her asking he had said yes. They had had fun up until a few minutes ago when Caroline had practically dragged her away from him because there had been something important for them to discuss which apparently couldn’t wait. By the looks of it they were arguing or more like her friends were trying to get her to hate him again while she tried not to lose it.     “I know you always want to see the best in everyone but he is not a good person. How can’t you see that ?” argued Caroline. Y/N rolled her eyes. This had been happening for months now. Her friends used every chance they could find to try and get her to turn against Kai. Only the more they tried , the more she dug her heels deeper and found more reasons to love him.     “Yes. He is and if you give him a chance to prove it , you will see it. You know,  it is absolutely unbelievable how you judge him only by his worst mistakes and always find a way to skip on the good he had done.”     “Good ?! Where did you see good Y/N ?!” snapped Bonnie. “He tried to kill me like 5 times in the Prison World and then left me there all by myself -”     “- like you almost did to him twice?”     “I almost killed myself because of him - ”     “- and HE ALMOST DIED TO GET YOU OUT !!!” she raised her voice. Y/N took a deep breath and spoke a little calmer. “He risked his own life , Liv’s and Jo’s lives and the lives of every single person in his family to make it happen.”     “He killed his siblings , his entire family -”     “- and your smirking sidekick over there ‘never’ killed any of his family members ? He killed a pregnant woman and did kill like two of his ‘uncles’ if I recall correctly.” snapped Y/N. “Lets face it. We all have done awful things. A few moons ago , after I triggered the werewolf curse, I nearly wiped out a whole group of campers in the woods and Kai was the one there to stop me. We are all awful people. Don’t make me list the things all of you have done.” Stefan rubbed his forehead taking a sip of his drink glancing between Y/N and everyone while she turned around looking at Kai who looked so sad and alone sitting at the bar. Caroline folded her hands and stared at Y/N while Damon was holding onto his glass almost breaking it and Bonnie was visibly trying not to shout. How can’t they see it ? she wondered.     “Your double standarts bother me. Truly.” she turned on her heels but Damon grabbed her hand.     “Yes , we all have done awful things but neither of us had screwed up as big as he had.”     “Do you even hear yourself right now ?! You know what - come looking for me when you all stop being such hypocrites.” Y/N yanked her hand free and made her way through the crowd towards Kai. His eyes lit up immediately when he saw her but there were traces of tears in them which meant he had been listening. Why did her friends had to do this when her best friend was standing right there ?! Hee trailed his finger on the top of his glass and sighed , almost smashed it in his hand after he finished his drink.     “Come on. Dance with me.” she smiled , taking his hand. Kai gave her a small smile. Going to the party had been one thing but dancing had never been a part of the plan. Specially not with the looks  her friends were giving them.     “I don’t dance and I doubt your friends would be okay with it. You go have fun , I’ll be -”     “I want to dance with you.” she said intertwining her fingers with his. “One dance. It’s a slow song , you don’t have to do anything else but hold me close thats all. It will be like a hug with music. Also , have you met me ? I don’t give a damn what they think. I know who you are and you are not what they say.” A small smile spread across his face seeing their hands intertwined together. Y/N always believed in him , saw the good in him and by the looks of it always defended him. Yet he wasn’t sure he deserved it , or her.     “Just one.” she pouted.     “You are so cute when you do that.” he pinched her cheeks. “But it’s still a no.” Y/N continued giving him the pouty face adding puppy dog eyes too. Kai closed his eyes for a moment and a second later he got up seeing her smile get wider making him smile too just like always.     “How is it that you always get what you want?” he wondered , placing his hand on her lower back pushing her through the crowd until they were on the dance floor. Y/N turned around hooking her hands around his neck while his hands found their way on her waist and he pulled her close.     “See , that’s nice isn’t it ?” she smiled at him and he pulled her even closer resting his forehead on hers. “I love slow songs -”     “You do ? Why ?” he asked curious.     “Because of this. Being able to be this close to you.” A smile spread across his face at her words and he felt his heart skip a beat. He loved seeing her smile , hearing her laugh – it always made him happy beyond compare which was a really nice thing considering everything he had been through in his life. There had been so much pain and darkness until she had shown up. Now there were more than one flickers of light. All because of her. For a while they danced to the slow song until another song started to play. Y/N thought he’d pull away since it had been ‘just one’ dance , instead he pulled her closer unable to make himself let go off her and they continued dancing , laughing and having fun as if no one was watching. It was always like this when it was the two of them - somehow the world around them always disappeared and it was just them. Even if there was a crowd of people around them.
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salty-dracon · 7 years
SA Hunters: Part 4
(I am so sorry, it has been ages. This part includes some lore from a story I wanted to write about half a year ago. The character introduced in this chapter has a name: Venus Alys. He serves as comic relief in his current universe, but his species has some really sick powers.)
Lunch time.
“Sam.” I snapped.
“No.” Sam smiled back at me.
I glared at him even harder. “Sam!”
Sam and May were spread out on the eight seats we usually sat around in the cafeteria. Sam had his legs covering three, with his bag on the fourth. May had all of her stuff- backpack, notebooks, even homework) on the seats on her side. Leaving me with no place to sit.
“She’s alone.” Sam gestured to the girl studying in a quiet section of the lunchroom. In the corner, Bridget was reading a book.
“Go eat with her!” May said. “You do want to confess, don’t you?”
I nearly lost my mind. Sam, you idiot! Why did you tell May?!
“Don’t tell anyone!” I whispered. Then, I sighed and walked over to her.
She was alone. Just studying. Her mouth was buried in her scarf, and she appeared to be reading a book, still.
“Hey, Brid.” I said.
Brid looked up and smiled at me.
“Can I… sit with you?”
Brid nodded.
I sat next to her. I noticed Brid shift a little. I guess it was too close for comfort. She dropped her book. I realized she was playing a video game on her cell phone.
“What game is that?” I asked.
“Alchemy Story.” Brid showed me the game, where it seemed that she used a variety of tools in order to solve problems. “It’s a story-based puzzle game that takes a lot of thinking, but it’s really fun.”
“Cool.” I said. I thought of the note from Angel. “You like ciphers and stuff?”
“More like puzzles.” Brid said. “See, what I think I have to do here is combine the earth essence with the fire essence to create lava, and then… no, hold on… ” After a bit of tapping on her screen, Brid’s face lit up. “Earth and order create a tree, and then you combine that with air to create dust, and then with fire to create ash!”
I watched as the story progressed. A female wizard was talking with another person wearing a red robe in a dialogue cutscene.
“Who are they?” I asked.
“You play as Jiarra- she’s the wizard on the left. She’s talking to a person possessed by some kind of a demon, but we’re not sure what kind yet.”
“You seem to love puzzles.”
“It’s all a matter of making things work.” Brid said. “But, I should probably get back to work now.” Brid pulled her notebook back out.
Her biology notebook! (AN: in the last chapter, Lumi found a coded note in Brid’s bio notebook, but never decoded it.)
I tried not to act to curious.
Brid flipped through the pages, looking for something. I expected to see a glimpse of that weird note from Angel, but there was nothing.
I carefully eyed Brid. Her brow furrowed slightly. She flipped to the back of her book and flipped backwards.
I saw the notes in the margins. “We freaking know” and “Mr. Green”. But the note from Angel was gone. It had been completely torn out.
I considered pilfering the notebook to figure out the code from pencil markings, but Brid was already staring at me.
“Do you need to glance at my notes?” she asked.
“No! No… ” I said.
We were silent while Brid continued to play.
“Did you want to talk to me about something?”
“It’s cold in here, isn’t it?” I tried to say something.
“It’s getting close to winter.” Brid said.
“Winter is nice, isn’t it. But there aren’t so many birds.”
“Robins and pigeons don’t migrate.” Brid said. “But a lot of them freeze to death because they don’t nest properly.”
“Speaking of birds, have you heard about Peace Dove?”
“Peace Dove?”
“Didn’t she and some other superhero, Cathode, rescue a kid from Angel? That’s happened more than a few times already.”
“I bet Peace Dove doesn’t freeze in the winter.” I said. It was kind of a weird joke, but I laughed anyway.
“She wouldn’t.”
“Whatever her camouflage technology is, it probably generates enough heat to keep her warm.”
“Right… Hey, I thought you didn’t follow celebrities.”
“Peace Dove is a superhero. Probably just a normal person.”
We sat in awkward silence.
“I’m going to go back over there.” I said. “Just so-”
“Okay.” Brid was still playing her video game. Jiarra the wizard was still talking to the robed person.
I sulked back to Sam. He smiled at me. “How’d it go?” he asked, giving me room to sit.
“Horrible.” I said. “She was playing a video game the entire time.”
“Rough.” he said. “At least you reached out. Come on, grab some lunch.”
“She really does look like an angel, doesn’t she?”
“Which one?” I asked.
“Like an actual angel.” Sam pointed to a new picture of Peace Dove. It depicted her shifting into the background. Her wings were, at this point, still clearly visible. They looked like a teched-out jetpack, unlike Angel’s wings, which, as far as anyone could tell, protruded straight from his back. Peace Dove’s wings looked like a bunch of checkers pieces and popsicle sticks glued together and painted white, but Angel’s looked unbelievably realistic.
“What about Cathode?” I asked.
“She always moves too fast for anyone to get a good picture.”
“Aww.” I smiled at the picture of Peace Dove. She looked beautiful, in a minimalistic way.  
The nights are cold in my house. I wrapped myself up in a few layers of blankets and cuddled up under the sheets.
I just wanted to sleep, but stress kept me awake. My head hurt. Did Brid even like me? Was I forgetting homework? I didn’t know. It was just impossible for me to sleep.
My phone buzzed and I opened it.
Stronghold 3: Best Yet or Worst Flop Ever?
I found the article. A message appeared.
vampire taken group of people hostage on bloom street.
Hostages. A situation Sam and I could deal with.
I met him outside after taking an aspirin.
The assignment, should you choose to accept it, involves a series of kidnappings. Young, athletically fit men and women have been kidnapped. Spectral evidence at the crime scenes indicate the culprit is a dark creature. Given the proliferation of vampiric influences in recent times, we believe the culprit is a vampire.
Sam and I nodded as we listened to the car’s robot voice speak. This was something we could handle.
“You are being dropped off on the outskirts of the city.”
The outskirts of the city, huh?
I admired the scenery as the car took us to our location.
House after house after house is built out here, separated by barriers of tree. We were also close to the large mass of woods known as Red Tail Forest, named for a very specific kind of hawk- and a legend surrounding it. This was a residential area. There were a few condo neighborhoods out here, tucked within the woods. Farther away from the residential area are large industrial buildings, old and new, abandoned and thriving. Sam and I were headed to Bloom Street- to an abandoned factory that once produced clothing.
“You have arrived,” the car voice said. Sam and I nodded and jumped out of the car.
Abandoned factories are scary. This one was made of three buildings, one towering higher than the others.
“What can you see?” I asked.
“Clean water.”
“Hobo signs.” Sam pointed to a chalk marking on one of the buildings. It was a horizontal squiggle. “That one means safe campsite.” Sam pointed to one which looked like an X with circles to the left and right.
“This place has been around since before the depression, so it’s not surprising that hobos used to hang around after it shut down.”
“How do you know all of this stuff?”
“I see this stuff around town and I get curious.”
“Do you know all of them?”
“All of the signs? Yeah, I know a lot. That one means you can sleep in the loft. That one means a lot of hobos have hung out here. That one… ” Sam’s voice tapered off. “That one, I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
Sam pointed to something that looked like an upside down crucifix.
“That’s an upside-down crucifix.” I said.
“Oh. What is that-”
“It means vampires.” I said. “They’re here.”
“They might be out right now.” Sam whispered. “It’s best we hide.”
“Let’s scan for hostages.”
I pulled on heat-vision goggles and scanned the three buildings. There were five heat signatures inside one of the shorter buildings. Judging by their positions, I assumed they were tied up. I was about to move in for a closer look, but Sam grabbed by arms and dragged me back.
“What’s the-” Sam covered my mouth and pointed.
The silhouette of a teenage boy wearing a leather jacket appeared. He walked calmly toward the building containing the hostages.
“We take him out. Now.” I whispered.
“No. We wait for him to run in.”
Sam and I watched the person in the leather jacket enter the door. We glanced at each other, nodded, and positioned ourselves near the door.
“What… are… you?” One of the hostages- a woman- was speaking.
“I’m not some petty vampire, thank you very much.” The boy’s voice sounded young and snobby.
“Vampire?” the woman asked again.
Not a vampire? I thought.
“He’s not a vampire? Then what is he?” I asked.
“I’m a werewolf.” The not-vampire paused. “Technically, half-fallen, half-lycanthrope, but I’m still not a vampire.”
“Convenient.” Sam whispered. “Wait. Fallen what?”
“In case you were wondering, fallen means… fallen angel. I fell around eight hundred years ago. Long story. Met a girl. She was actually a werewolf. Turned me… into a werewolf. Ish.”
“Interesting story. Might as well write it down.” I whispered.
“Don’t bother writing it down. Oh wait. You can’t. You’re tied up.”
“Jesus, it’s like he can hear us.”
“That’s because I can.”
Sam and I were suddenly alerted by the sound of growling. He turned around. We saw a pack of black dogs behind us. One of them snapped its enormous jaws at me.
“Man, if Noah were here-”
“Run!” I shouted, as more appeared. I dragged Sam into the building, where we came face-to-face with the fallen.
It was, as we thought, a teenage boy wearing a leather jacket. He had blonde hair and purple eyes with slits for pupils. There was a pair of black wings on his back, and a pair of sandy-colored dog ears on top of his head.
“Pretty cool, right?” he asked. He pointed to the door, where the group of dogs was about to run in. They disappeared in a burst of smoke. “I don’t specialize in illusions, but I’m pretty good, right?”
“Um… okay.” Sam’s eyes darted to the top of the fallen’s head- namely, his dog ears. “You have dog ears?”
“Oh, these?” His ears twitched. “Aren’t they cute?”
“They’re real? Can I touch them?”
“I’d let you, but I know what you’re really after.” He pointed to the hostages. “Them. Am I correct?”
“You’re holding them hostage! We’re going to want to free the hostages, you know!”
“What do you even need five hostages for?!” Sam shouted.
“Simple. A little alchemical spell.” The fallen angel walked over to a cleared-out area of the factory. He pointed to a series of chalk markings on the ground. They formed the shape of a pentagram.
“The blood of five,” he said, “and the blood of darkness, will open a portal to the rift, allowing my brethren to come into this world and feed on the darkness of humans.”
“Darkness of… humans?” I asked.
“Yes. There have been a lot of negative feelings lately, have there not? I was a scout sent to gauge the concentration of dark feelings in this region. And I was not disappointed. Seriously. It’s like that Dark Angel guy is doing our work for us. He will be rewarded in the afterlife, you can be sure of that.”
“Umm, is Z getting any of this?” I asked.
“Z? Um… no.” Sam pulled out his cell phone. He was about to dial a number, but the phone was whipped out of his hand by a large black tentacle.
“No one leaves tonight.” The fallen summoned a second tentacle to close the doors of the factory building behind us. “And you two get to watch the whole thing.” Then, his brow furrowed, and one of his ears cocked over. “Unless… hold on, let me think about this… ”
“Alchemy?” I asked. “But that’s pseudoscience. It’s not real, right?”
“Do you even understand who you’re talking to?” The fallen smirked. “Anything is possible when you’ve got magic on your side.”
“He’s got a point… ” Sam muttered.
“That being said… looks like you two won’t get to hang around for the main event after all.” The fallen smiled at us. “I’ve decided that I’m going to harvest your souls and use them to hold the portal open. After all, I’ve got a lot of brothers waiting to escape the Rift and feed on the darkness of Rubicon City.”
“What are you going to do to us?”
“I’ll let you die on your own, of course.” He moved closer to us. His eyes began to glow unnaturally. The glow was commanding. His stare rendered us unable to move.
“Don’t… look.” Sam growled. I watched him sink to his knees, succumbing to the strange spell.
“Too… late… ” The spell, like a heavy weight, won over me. I stumbled and fell to my knees, staring into his eyes.
“Good.” the fallen said. “Now… ” His next words were a bunch of gibberish. But within them, I recognized “somnia”- dreams.
The next thing I knew, everything was fading to white, and my eyes were closing.
My eyes opened. They were met by the glare of a glowing sun. I looked up. I was in a ruined city. I was lying on the dry ground. Around me, the buildings were crumbling. And to my left, there was a giant hole in the ground.
Was this Rubicon City? But what had happened to-
As I looked over my body, I realized I was covered in cuts, bruises, and scratches. I tried to lift my body, but it hurt. I looked around.
Dead bodies. Everywhere. Allie, May, Jake, Noah… I recognized people from my school, people I knew around town, even my parents. Each one chipped a piece off my soul.
Then I saw Sam.
No! How could he be-
“No! No!”
I heard a woman wailing from a short distance away. I saw them slowly draw closer. They seemed to be just shadows, but a man was dragging a woman along with him, holding her by the arm. The woman was crying, pleading with him.
“She’s the only one left! You took away everything! Just don’t take her away too!”
The man was silent. I squinted against the sunlight to see their bodies.
A man I had seen only in pictures stood above me. He frowned at me, and then kicked my side. He must have kicked a bruise or something, because it hurt like hell. The woman suddenly jumped for me. She was on top of me, her hair tickling my face, and her tears falling like raindrops on my cheeks.
An older Bridget.
“It’s going to be okay.” she told me. “You’re going to be okay. I won’t let him take you too. I won’t-” The woman shouted again when the man grabbed her and threw her off my body. She got up and tried to fight the man, but he shoved her off.
“She dies.” the man said.
“She’s the only one left! You’ve taken them all, just please don’t take away my last friend!”
“I’m your only friend, Bridget. Why don’t you see that I’m doing this for YOU?!” The man glared at her.
“You’re a monster! That’s what you-” Bridget’s body suddenly fell still. She crumpled to the ground.
“I’ll fix her later.” the man said. He smiled at me, and then pulled a gun out of his pocket. “First, I need to get rid of you.” He kneeled next to me. I could see his face, and his red eyes, clearly now. Angel.
“What are you going to do to Brid?” I asked.
“That’s none of your concern.” He placed the barrel of the gun against my heart. “Why did you choose to pursue her love, you insignificant child?”
“Like you’d stand a chance.” I snapped.
“Like I would.” Angel placed his hand on the trigger. “No one takes away my sister!” His face suddenly flamed up in rage. I thought he was going to pull the trigger, but everything shone white. I couldn’t see anything until I blinked.
I was back in the abandoned factory. Sam was holding the fallen angel by the scruff of the neck. “You can take away my friends… you can take away my home… but NO ONE takes away my family all over again!”
The fallen angel laughed.
“Laugh all you want, you sick demon. You should have never brought that memory back.” Sam pulled his bottle of holy water out of his bag. “You’re going to pay.”
I thought of calling his name. Just to get him to snap out of it. The Sam I knew was funny, cheerful, loving, and loyal. Not cold and harsh.
I saw a future I hoped would never happen. What did Sam see? And what did I have to do with it?
The fallen angel teleported out of Sam’s clutches. He reappeared a short distance away, and then unleashed a dark, misty spell on Sam. I screamed his name, but gasped when I saw him emerge unscathed.
Sam moved closer to the fallen angel. It was scared now. It backed up against the wall as Sam moved closer.
“Et alibi… Et alibi… ” The fallen angel whispered strange words as Sam drew closer. Sam didn’t stop. He drew closer and closer. The fallen angel slowly slipped to the ground as Sam’s shadow touched his feet. When Sam was above him, he said something I couldn’t hear. Then, he shoved the bottle of holy water down the fallen angel’s throat, and squeezed. The fallen angel’s final word was a muffled scream as he disintegrated from the inside out.
I watched with rapt attention.
Sam turned to me.
That face. That rage. I swear I almost ran.
He started walking towards me. Then he ran. Finally, he collapsed next to me and embraced me, crying bitter tears. I embraced him as well.
“Lumi, promise me something.” Sam said.
“What is it?”
“Promise me that you’ll never, ever, leave my side… ” Sam said. “You’re my best friend… I need you, okay?”
My face grew hot and my eyes grew teary. “I promise… ”
We embraced.
“I couldn’t see you dead.” I said. “I… I just… couldn’t… ”
“Me neither.” Sam said. “He paid. We’re fine now.”
“Can we call Z now?” I asked. I pulled out my cell phone while Sam untied the hostages.
“Hello, Lumien. What’s going on?”
“It wasn’t a vampire.” I said. “It was a fallen angel. He was planning to open a portal to someplace called the Rift.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line. Then, Hunter Z exclaimed, “Are you two okay?! If he unleashed the Nightmare spell on you-”
“He did. What does it do, anyway?”
“You’re sentenced to your worst nightmare. At the end of it, you die- and you die in real life as well.”
“Oh, well… Sam broke us both out of it.”
“Both? He broke out of his own nightmare?”
“Hmm… ” There was a long pause on Hunter Z’s end. “I… commend him. It’s… very impressive. And the fallen?”
“Dead, I think.”
“How did you get rid of it?”
“We squeezed a bottle of holy water down its throat.”
“That would certainly destroy its earthly body. It isn’t dead, but it is incapable of doing much. You two need to get back home. Whatever made Sam break out… must have been traumatizing.”
“Yeah.” I watched Sam untie the last hostage. He received a hug from a young woman. His eyes widened, but he smiled. “Thanks, Z.”
“You’re very welcome.” Hunter Z hung up. I motioned for Sam and I to leave.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“What did you see?”
“In your nightmare. What did you see?”
“....... I saw you.”
“What did you see?”
“I saw… you too.”
We didn’t speak to each other until the next morning.
I was taking notes in biology. The teacher was drawing pictures on the board and lecturing.
“... the centromeres are connected to the aster fibers. As they move to opposite ends of the cell, the nucleolus decondenses and the chromosomes become visible. This is called prophase… ”
As I took notes about prophase, another thought crossed my mind. When that fallen angel had sentenced both of us to our worst nightmares, Sam had seen something. Something that made him act. Something that made him so angry that he fought back against the fallen angel. Something about his parents. And something about me.
“No one takes away my sister! You can take away my friends, you can take away my home, but NO ONE takes away my family all over again!”
Did he secretly have memories of his parents’ death? But what did I have to do with it? I wasn’t even in the car when it happened. I was hundreds of miles away. I didn’t even know Sam.
Brid flipped through the pages of her notes. I saw the page without the note. I guess I’d have to figure out what I can without it-
I saw it fall out of her notebook. The same letter. The same signature.
I couldn’t help but read.
Above the scrambled letters were more letters. Off to to the side, there was a series of letters equaling other letters, in no particular order. Brid had decoded the note. And above each V was the letter E.
“Dearest Bridget,
I recognize that you have an interest in the wings I bear. I could see it the last time we met. You seem almost afraid of touching them. I myself am interested in your mental capacity. You seem to be interested in engineering. Perhaps you would like to use your knowledge in the field with me? Contact me if you are interested.
He wanted to teach her how to engineer? What?
“Are you all right?” I asked.
“Just fine.” Brid said back to me. “Oh.” She grabbed the scrap of paper, stared at it, and then stuffed it deep into her notes.
(TL:DR- Sam has had a very bad past. Angel is a piece of shit.)
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by @vanene20)
Kai Parker x Reader word count : 4 462 summary : Kai finds Reader (who is pregnant) bleeding (way down there) in an alley after her boyfriend left her there. note : I added a few things to the request + a slight plot change from TVD events.  * gif by winifredwevansedits ____________________________     “ ‘Tyler bit Stefan , we need you to siphon the werewolf bite.’  Sure Damon , I’ll help you — as if.” muttered Kai to himself , typing a message to his least favourite person of the Mystic Falls gang. “That’s going to happen…” A sigh left his lips as he turned down the street stopping in his tracks just as he was about to click send. There was a very familiar smell in the air - blood , only not a stranger’s blood. The smell wasn’t coming from that street , it was coming from a few metres almost in the opposite direction and if it hadn’t been for the breeze blowing in that moment he probably would’ve missed it. Kai put his phone in his pocket and ran towards one of the small dark alleys. What he found there made his heart stop and turned his life upside down. On the ground with her back against the building wall sat his best friend Y/N. Her eyes were a little unfocused and her hands were wrapped around her pregnant belly , rubbing her palms against it in slow circles. There were no visible wounds on her body but it was definitely her blood that had brought him to her. Kai could never mistake the scent.     “Y/N ? Wh-whats happened ? Are you okay?”  said Kai kneeling on the ground next to his best friend. “Did someone hurt you ?” Y/N didn’t answer him just looked up at him with a look of fear , terror and shock in her eyes , holding onto her pregnant belly with one of her hands and covering her mouth with the other trying to muffle the sobs, gripping on Kai’s forearm when pain cut through her stomach.     “The baby -“     “You are in shock.”     “He ran.” she said , tears rolling down her cheeks. “He freaked out and bolted  –”     “Who?”     “J-Josh–”     “What ?!” wondered Kai with a look of confusion and shock on his face. “Can you stand ? You know what –  I’ll carry you and take you to the hospital. Then I will go break your boyfriend.” Kai couldn’t understand how her boyfriend would just leave — specially when something is wrong with their child. He was still new at emotions but was pretty sure that was not the right reaction in a situation like this. Her boyfriend hadn’t even called an ambulance or anything. What kind of a person does that ?!  Kai helped her up , looking around the alley - there was a car near by on the main street. His arms wrapped around Y/N and in a flash they got to the car.  A flick of his wrist later the doors opened and Kai helped her get onto the back seat.     “I’m sure whoever this car belongs to wouldn’t mind us borrowing it right?” he laughed nervously , getting in the car placing his hands on the steering wheel muttering a spell to start the engine. “Alright , that’s it. It’s going to be fine Y/N. Everything is going to be fine. I’m not going to let anything happen to you or the tiny human inside you.” Kai pulled down the street , glancing in all directions while his foot kept hitting the gas. Every time Y/N groaned in pain , he felt as if he was dying. It would’ve been easier to feed her vampire blood, but he had no idea how that would affect the baby. What if something happens to the child ? Over the past few months whenever they talked , she’d would always say how much this baby means to her. How it’s the best thing that has ever happened to her in her entire life. Kai knew if something happened she wouldn’t be able to survive the pain. His phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket , seeing the caller ID - DAMON.     “Damn it.” he muttered to himself , swiping his finger across the screen. “Damon , now its not a good time.”     “Funny. Where are you? My brother is dying.”     “Well , my pregnant best friend is dying right now. Guess for which one of those I care more. Call your friend in New Orleans.” said Kai ending the call. Y/N semi laid on the back seat of the car , rubbing her pregnant belly with her hands. How can Josh just leave like this ?! When she had told him about the baby , he had been so excited. Talking to the unborn child saying how much he loves both of them and now all of the sudden in their biggest time of need - he bolts , ignoring her pleads not to leave her there alone. Who was the person she had been living with the past few months ? A tear rolled down her cheek , unable to feel the baby move inside her anymore. All of those months being happy and excited about her baby boy’s birth — and now if something happened to her child.     “Kai ?”     “Yes? Just hold on , we are almost there.” he said turning back towards her.     “Kai listen — if it comes to this. Tell the doctors to save the child not me.”     “What ? No ! Y/N -”     “Promise me.” she insisted. “Please Kai — you know how much this baby means to me. If something happens to him , I wont be able to survive it. You will take care of him if I am gone. Promise me that you will.”     “Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby. ” replied her best friend. “I am not losing you and you are not losing that child. I don’t care what I have to do or who I have to go through to make that happen okay.”     “Promise me.” Kai glanced at the review mirror and sighed. No matter what he says Y/N  would keep insisting and he knew there was no talking her out of it. Kai knew why she was asking him to tell the doctors to save the child over her - it was because she loved the baby just as much as he loved her. He was going to do whatever he could to make sure nothing happens to either of them because for him there was no life without her. This brave human girl had been the only one to accept  him , to care and love him even though he had been turned into a monster by his own family. Y/N saw good in him since the first moment they met and what he feels for her was the strongest thing he has ever felt in his life and if Y/N died , he’d die too.     “Y/N I – I can’t…” The car took another turn and a few short moments later they were at the hospital’s parking lot. Kai vamp-ran inside getting one of the doctors who grabbed a few nurses on their way out. Carefully they moved Y/N onto a gurney and headed inside the hospital. Y/N held onto his hand refusing to let go, squeezing it tightly the closer they got to the operating room. Kai couldn’t take his eyes off her or make himself let go off her. Her heart was beating a little uneven and her eyes were filled with tears and a silent plea. There was no way he’d say no to her in that moment.     “Promise me.”     “I promise -” he said as the doctors took her into the operating room.   Kai watched through the small windows on the doors for about a minute. He couldn’t possibly wait outside and leave her alone in there with a bunch of strangers. What if something happens to her and they lose her. No , he had to be there with her by her side no matter what. So he rushed inside grabbing the doctor’s shoulders , compelling him.     “You will save them both, do you understand me ? You will do whatever is necessary to make that happen – and you are going to let me stay here with her.” Kai walked over to where Y/N’s head was , carressing her face. They had already sedated her and her eyes had started to close as she drifted off.     “It’s going to be okay Y/N. I’ll be here and I won’t let anything happen to you or the baby.” he smiled at her. What she had said to him in the car kept repeating on a loop in his head. ’You will take care of him if I am gone.’ Why would she ask him that if her boyfriend is the father ? It didn’t made sense to him or maybe his emotions were clouding his ability to think clearly in that moment. Kai knew one thing for sure - there was no way he’d lose her , not in that moment not ever and if it came to it - he was going to feed her vampire blood. It would be better having her hate him for the rest of his life for making that choice for her, than not having her in it at all. Feelings. he thought. Why do they have to be so hard ? Kai never left her side - not in the operating room while the doctors made the emergency c-section , and not after. He compelled the doctors to take priority in taking care of her baby and not let it out of their sights or any harm come to him. Damon had called , strangely not upset about Kai denying his request which the young heretic found a little odd but didn’t mind much. All he cared about right now was the girl he loved. He held her hand until she woke up almost an hour and a half later. When her eyes opened Kai felt a sense of relief like he had never knew existed.     “Hey sweetheart.” he smiled. “How are you feeling ? Good ? Cuz if not , there would be a doctor loosing his head or heart. Or both.” Y/N laughed , wincing in pain right after. “Wow , it hurts to laugh. T-the baby ? Is he okay ?” Kai smiled at her. “He is at the baby ward and he is so tiny and huggable. They wouldn’t let me take him to the room with us though or the little one would’ve been here right now waiting with me for you to open your eyes. I didn’t want to object to their medical opinion — you would’ve killed me if I had.”     “Never … I could never do that.” she said serious. “I’ll die without you in my life.” Kai tilted his head a little trying to figure out what those words meant. Y/N was looking at him with wide eyes filled with happiness and –something else he couldn’t figure out in that moment. A small smile spread across her face and she placed her other hand over their hands , not taking her eyes off him. They gazed at each other for a few minutes before he spoke.     “You know , a little vampire blood would speed up  your recovery -”     “I know. I just don’t know how it would affect me feeding the baby afterwards.” she smiled at her best friend. “I am so happy you are here. Don’t know what I would do without you in my life.”     “Yeah. Me too.” he smiled at her , brushing his fingers against her cheek. “Hey are you hungry ? I can go get you something to eat because that hospital food is just — yuck so disgusting. What do you want ? Tell me – I’ll run to China if I have to. Or Mexico. Just tell me.” Y/N smiled , slightly wincing in pain as she pulled herself up in the bed a little.     “Curly fries from the Grill ? But like – two servings ? No , three ? I’m starving.” Kai laughed under his breath, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “You got it. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”     “No one says ‘jiffy’ anymore.” she teased him , gripping his wrist before he had left. “Thank you – if it wasn’t for you —-” said Y/N gazing longingly in his eyes. Kai smiled. “It’s what best friends do right. Get some rest and – fix your hair or you will scare the baby when they will bring him over in an hour. Apparently when you are born between the 7th and the 8th month there are a lot of tests to do , but don’t worry. He is healthy , I am 100% sure of it.”     “Can’t you just poof my hair normal ?” she asked laughing.     “This is not a Disney movie.” he laughed ,watching her run her fingers through her hair , trying not to laugh while attempting to fix her hair.     “Are you sure ? Because you seem a lot like a handsome prince always coming to my rescue.” After Kai left , Y/N spent a couple of minutes smiling to herself. Her son was born , he was already somewhere in the hospital and she couldn’t wait to see him. Kai was there with her , brightening up her world with his smile. Fate or destiny had intervened and he had found her. Y/N made a note to herself never to leave her phone in the car ever again. A sigh left her lips and placed her hands on her face thinking. The baby still had no name. Sure she and Josh had thought of names but that hadn’t been exactly his choice to make and there was no way she names the child a name her (now) ex-boyfriend had suggested.     “Y/N ?” Her hands dropped to her sides and her gaze locked on the surprise visitor. An avalanche of emotions came over her - the strongest one among them being anger. How dare he show up after everything?!     “H-how are you? I - I’m sorry about … leaving you in that alley. I don’t know what came over me. I panicked.”  he sighed trying to take her hand , but she pulled away.     “Get out.” she said as calmly as possibly , barely able to contain her anger and hurt. “Get out now or I swear I will find a way to break you.”     “Y-you are mad. I deserve it , I know it but Luke is our son -”     “My son and his name is not Luke.” she hissed.     “I am his father ,you can’t deny me my rights.” Y/N scoffed. “Watch me. Get out.” she said through gritted teeth , tears gathering in her eyelids. “You are not ev-” In that moment the door opened and Kai walked in , holding a large paper bag in his hands, his eyes widening when he saw who was there. Y/N could see him visibly starting to shake from anger even though there was a smile on his face. Her best friend left the paper bag at the end of the bed turning towards her boyfriend with raging fire burning in his eyes.     “Hey Kai. How are you ? Tha-” Kai grabbed his shirt lifting him off the chair by it. He couldn’t control his anger even if he wanted in that moment. Josh , her boyfriend , someone who multiple times told her he loves her and would do anything for her – he had left her alone ,  not caring about her or the baby. And now he has the nerve to show up and act as if it he had any rights over Y/N’s child after that stunt he pulled?! Hell would freeze over before Kai lets that guy anywhere near his family.     “Wh-what –”     “Stop talking.” he compelled him , wrapping his hand around the guy’s neck lifting him off the ground. “How dare you show  your face here after what you did? You left her and the baby. And people call me a monster. God I’ve never felt this angry in my life. I can’t even decide what to do with you – should I rip your head off or break every bone in your body , heal you and do it all over again? Or maybe I should tear you apart limp from limp –”     “Kai – Kai let him go.” said Y/N calmly.     “No. No , Y/N. I am not going to let him go.” said Kai not turning around to look at her. He knew once their eyes meet he’d let go that idiot and there was no way he’d do that.“Because of him you almost died. Your child almost died. This idiot doesn’t deserve to get away.”     “You are right. He is an idiot , an idiot who’s going to leave town today and never come back.” she continued calmly. Kai understood what she wanted but he just couldn’t let go off the grip. Josh was starting to turn blue-ish and Y/N was starting to get a little worried. However badly he had screwed up , he had realised his mistake. Too late but it had been something. “Kai , please do it for me.” Y/N moved on the bed , reaching out to touch Kai’s other hand. The moment their hands met and their fingers intertwined he started to calm down a little and let her boyfriend down. He couldn’t believe after everything Y/N still cared about that idiot enough to save his life. Kai turned towards her.     “What do you want him to know?”     “Nothing. Compell him to forget he ever met me , to leave town for good and never come back.” she said calmly and Kai did just as she asked. When Josh left Kai turned towards her and his anger had been replaced with so many emotions at once , somehow bringing tears in his eyes. A single one of them rolled down his cheek  and he sighed sitting on the bed next to her , reaching for her hand. Y/N’s kind heart had been the reason why he had fallen for her among so many other reasons.     “I am going to take care of you. Both of you.” he said quietly , sitting on the bed. “You will never be alone. Never.”     “Kai -”     “I should’ve told you months ago , but when I got back you looked so happy with — and the baby showed up in the picture.” he said gazing longingly into her eyes. “You are so much more than my best friend Y/N. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life and the reason why I didn’t promise you straight away I’d tell the doctors to save the baby over you is because  — I love you. I fell in love with you and now – I am going to take care of you and the little one as if he is my child.”     “What if I told you he is your son?” she said smiling nervously.     “W-what?”     “Remember that party we went to at Whitmore before you got trapped in 1903?”     “W-what about it?” he asked confused. Y/N sighed. Two days before Damon and Bonnie had ditched Kai in 1903 she and her best friend had been at a party at Whitmore dancing , having fun and then they had had a moment on the dance floor and had kissed. After that he had taken her home to his apartment and things had happened. They had one night and a couple of weeks later Josh had asked her to be his girlfriend and she had said yes , mostly because Kai had been trapped with no way out. Or so everyone had thought.     “I should’ve told you right when you got back.” she said looking at her hands. “I was already pregnant when Josh and we got together. I didn’t know it at first - he and I —-  we , you know and the next morning I got this morning sickness and then again and again and I went to the doctors - ”     “Wow.”     “When you got back I wanted to tell you but I wasn’t sure how you’d react and now — I’ve only made things worse. Practically destroyed our friendship. I know I should’ve told you months ago , I just — I didn’t know how.” said Y/N wiping a tear from her cheek. Kai wiped his face with his hands trying to wrap his mind around the her words. Now it made sense to him why she had asked him to take care of the baby.  Could it even be true ? He was a human back then so technically it was possible. Part of him was angry for not telling him straight away , the other was strangely happy and understanding. How could she tell him when he had just massacred his entire family ? Y/N had been at the wedding when his coven had started to chant trying to save the future of the coven - the unborn children. His screwed up family had saved not only his sister’s twinsies but his unborn child as well. Kai wondered what his father would’ve done if he had known his least favourite son was about to become a parent.     “Were you ever going to tell me about this?” he wondered.     “Yes.” she said. “I tried so find a way to tell you so many times , I – Kai ? Where are you going?”     “To the baby ward. I’ll be right back.” he smiled at her. Kai practically ran to the baby ward, thoughts swarming in his head like crazy. There was a chance the child wasn’t his after all but he hoped and wanted what Y/N said to be true. All his life he hadn’t ever thought he’d want to be a father until this moment. A few moments later he was at the baby ward looking through the large glass window trying to find his son. He compelled one of the nurses to let him get in. Kai  walked through all the babies looking for Y/N’s son — his son and then he found him. Sleeping on his back with his arms on either side of his small head.  There was a way for him to find out if it’s true. Siphon or not siphon , if the baby was his he’ll feel it. Magic had its own signature and he knew the moment he touches the baby he’ll know for sure.     “Hi , little one.” whispered Kai smiling , poking his finger in the little one’s hand. A moment later an almost white yellowish glow showed up from where he touched the baby and Kai jumped a step backwards. “Oh my God…” Kai grinned seeing the little baby boy open his eyes , his blue eyes just like his. The baby yawned and giggled for a few seconds seeing his dad hovering over him. He was about to take the baby in his arms when another nurse walked inside , her eyes widening seeing him there.     “You can’t be in -”     “Forget I was here. Can I take my son to his mother ? Now ?” he asked smiling widely.Y/N glanced at the door every time there was someone passing by on the other side wondering what was taking Kai so long. Thinking maybe he had left her too ,but … No. Kai wasn’t like that. Not with her. They’ve had their fights and even then he never left. Just as she was about to push the button on her bed to call for a nurse and ask them to look for him at the baby ward  the door opened.     “Look who is here.” said Kai smiling like never before , holding a little bundle of joy in his hands. Y/N’s eyes lit up when he shortened the distance between them and leaned in giving the baby boy to his mother , to see him for the first time. The young heretic wrapped his arm around her shoulder kissing her head gently unable to find the right words to say in that moment. Kai sat lightly on the bed unable to look away from his son for more than a second. Y/N glanced up at him , seeing her best friend smiling widely while playing with the baby.     “I never thought I wanted to be a father.” he said suddenly. ‘Thats going to take some time to get used to. Our son is so beautiful , just like his mother but if you look into his eyes - there is this mischievous spark in them. He got that from me.“     “O-our son?” her eyes widened. Kai hummed in response. “S-so you are not mad at me for not telling you sooner?”     “How can I be mad when you have given me the best gift there is ? Y/N , I know – I know you probably don’t feel the same way about me , and that’s fine but I want to take care of you both. There is nothing you can say to stop me so don’t even try.”     “Who said I don’t feel the same way about you or that I am going to stop you?” she smiled. SIX AND A HALF YEARS LATER      "I don’t want to go.“ said Jake. “Can’t I stay home?” Kai knelt down to his son , pulling the zipper of his sweatshirt up , trying his shoes right after. His son was all grown up now , getting ready to go on his first day of school. At first the little boy had been super excited but the past few days he had been complaining how he will miss his mom and dad. Kai didn’t want to let him out of his sight either and planned on sneaking into the high school using a cloaking spell to make sure his son is alright his first day of school.     “You say that now because you are nervous. I was nervous on my first day of school too.” his dad said smiling reassuringly. Y/N placed her hand on his shoulder , kneeling down too.    "You will love it there and then we will be asking you to stay home and play with us.“ she said brushing her fingers against Jake’s cheek , then whispered in Kai’s ear. “I love you.” Kai turned towards Y/N with a smile on his face , taking her left hand playing with the ring on her finger. He still couldn’t believe how his life had turned out to be. Not once he had imagined there would be one person who loves him unconditionally, let alone two. He had never expected he’ll ever love two people as much either. Y/N and Jake were his entire world and he would do whatever was necessary to protect them.     “Will you come with me ?” asked Jake , playing with his fingers.     “Of course. We will come with you every day.” said Kai smiling. Jake took a step towards his dad , wrapping his small hands around his father’s neck while Kai pulled him closer , closing his eyes for a moment.     “I love you daddy.” said little Jake.     “I love you too , trouble.” replied Kai. Y/N folded her hands on her chest starring at them.     “What about me? I feel ignored.” she teased. Kai started laughing , wrapping one arm around his wife hugging the two most important people in his life.     “Ahh I love you both so much.” he said quietly. _____________________________ MASTERLIST - SMUT MASTERLIST - FLUFF
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