#sorry lol serious post drop oops
cloudcountry · 11 months
its so weird to me how people will see us talking about reblogs and comments and how that supports people and they ignore it??? and i've even heard people telling content creators to "get over it" and its like...bro.
you are getting content for free. someone put so much love and care into something that you read and didn't even bother supporting. likes are equivalent to "hey i saw this, good job." while reblogs are "hey, i really liked this and i want other people to see it too!!"
you wonder why fanfic authors complain about engagement? it literally fuels us. i've also heard people say that authors wanting more feedback from readers is a "red flag" and i just know those people have never written a fic in their life.
we're not holding you hostage or anything man, we just want you to talk to us. tell us what you think. have fun with fics. show them to your friends and talk to the author about them and even if they don't respond, know that they saw your feedback and are holding it close to their heart.
its a give and take. all creators want is interaction. and i hate to say it but its literally the bare minimum. i actually stopped writing for a fandom entirely because nobody would comment on any of the oneshots i posted. they just read it and left. and then when i left the fandom and stopped writing for them entirely, people were saying they'd miss me. they acted disappointed that i was leaving. like, you didn't act like you'd miss me at all when i was still making content. so why should i stay?
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers :D
Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4
FT. Hinata, Bokuto, Suna, and Kenma. (If you guys want other characters lmk, i'm just not in the mood to do a bunch rn)
This is the first thing I've written on tumblr pls spare me...
Warnings: Indication of relationships and marriage and some angst (mentions of abortion) for a few characters (just put that there just in case) Enjoy lovelies <33
Also sorry for any typos or grammar errors. I'm too lazy to reread through it and check lol.
Hinata Shoyo:
He was quite surprised at the announcement of your pregnancy that he passed out
He was soooo excited none the less, being a father sounded pretty fun
He definitely started reading books to try to help him figure things out
He was a terrible diaper changer (like no fucking joke, I think he'd be scared to change another one), he'd seen you do it so many times but for some reason he could never avoid getting peed on
Would brag to everyone about how cute his little baby is, "My baby just got their first tooth, and they're learning how to crawl! They've also got the cutest little chubby cheeks."
If the baby looks like you he would literally talk about it all the time. "Beautiful, just like your mama."
He's had experience with babies because well... Natsu <3
He got the baby a matching jersey so you two could watch his games :)
Bokuto Kotaro:
After finding out you were pregnant he would tell EVERYBODY The two of you were walking together to get ramen and you guys walked into the restaurant and got seats. The waiter came to you two and asked what'd you like to drink. "Hey, guess what? My wife is pregnant! Isn't that amazing?! We're gonna have a baby!" You had to hide your face from embarrassment but the waiter just giggled, Bokuto is def a himbo, your himbo.
He enjoyed decorating the room for your baby
He would dead ass miss practice to go to your appointments for the baby
The first time he held your little bundle of joy he cried like a damn baby, he couldn't help it. It made him so happy that the two of you brought a life into the world.
He didn't let Kenma hold your child for awhile because he was scared he'd drop the baby :')
Very protective of your little one
He wanted the baby's first word to be "Volleyball" but it was "da da" which still made him very happy
Bo is very proud of the baby you two have created so I'm 100% sure he takes a bunch of himself with the baby to post on his social media
He was scared to change diapers but he soon got the hang of it
100% would get up in the middle of the night when the baby is crying, just to let you sleep. "The baby." You sigh loudly as you hear your little one cry over the baby monitor. "I'll go check on them. You get some rest." You turn your head to face him, "You sure?" He just smiled at you and kissed your temple. "100%"
Suna Rintaro: (ofwhuowghwoqrwq do i need to say anything else?)
He thought you were joking when you said you were pregnant (oops) "That's a good one." He turned his attention back to his phone. "Rin... I'm serious. Do you wanna see the ultrasound?"
A little more on the hesitant side. He didn't want to believe it, but you had the proof so like...
He was low key scared to fuck up, his father was not a very good father so he was scared to be the same way his father was.
He didn't even hold the baby for the first few months. "Rin, come on. You aren't your father. You have me to guide you through the process. Come hold our little one." He stalked up the stairs, "no."
After awhile you finally convinced him to have physical contact with the baby "The baby.. i-is smiling at me?" You giggle at him, "of course they're smiling at you. They love their daddy of course."
After he finally started being around the baby, you literally could not tear him away from that child.
Some days he'd take the baby to practice, to the grocery store, everywhere.
You had to pry the child from his arms most days. "Rin, give the baby here.." He looked at you like you just told him to give away his prized possession. "Hell no." You sighed. "Rin you have to go to work!" He shrugged his shoulders, "the baby can come with me, Komori enjoys taking pics of them during practice." Jeez.. this man truly is something.
Overall he was scared for nothing. He was a great father ;)
Somehow he convinced you to have another one... (weren't you the same one who didn't hold your baby for months?) he wanted to make up for the few firsts that he missed
Kozume Kenma: (oh Lord)
He asked "Are you sure it's mine?" (yeah... virtual slap rn)
He told you he wasn't ready and asked if you'd consider an abortion or adoption, it made you really sad but you realized Kenma wasn't ready
It really hurt him to hear you cry about giving up your child which made him wanna try for you
Did not know how to hold the baby for the life of him "Umm.. am I like- holding it right..?" You burst into laughter at the sight. "Ken, you gotta support their head." He looked down at his baby. "Oh..."
He decided that he needed to do research before he ventured further down the path of fatherhood.
Kenma was confused with diapers. "You... you want me to change its diaper?" You scoffed at him handing him a fresh diaper. "Our baby is not an 'it' Kenma!" He groaned as he took the diaper from you. "Why can't you change it?" You rolled your eyes as if it was obvious. "Because I won't always be there to do it myself, duh."
You were out with a friend one day which meant Kenma was on babysitting duty, he was tempted to call Kuro to come watch his child but he'd say something like, "Kenma, it's your responsibility as a father, blah blah blah.." So he and the baby just kind of sat there staring at each other. "What do you wanna do?" He asked the baby, knowing they can't talk. The baby proceeded to poke Kenma's cheek and yell out, "DA DA DA DA." Kenma thought it was cute and laughed softly. "Yep, that's me." The baby repeated saying 'da' for awhile until they tired themselves out. "You're a lot like me." That day it clicked, he finally understood what it was to be a father
He wasn't very affectionate but he tried to show his baby that he cared the best way he knew how
You saw the changes and it made you happy
You caught him cuddling the baby once, when you accused him of being affectionate he rolled his eyes half awake and said, "M'not being affectionate! Go awayyyy."
Doesn't want to admit to being soft for his baby :)
That's a wrap! If you want more characters lmk! I'd be happy to do a part two, this was fun for me :)
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tasteofgummies · 1 year
🌼hiii can i have a (separate) matchup with mista and jonathan, sfw and nsfw for both pls? if u can’t do both then just mista is fine 🫶🏻
i’m a cis girl (afab) and my pronouns are she/her, i’m 5’2” w long brown hair and i’m on the chubbier side LOL oops!!!
i’m a v introverted/shy person so i don’t have a wide variety of irl friends but instead a few close knit friends. however i do try to go out of my way to be nice to people whether that be like…picking up something they dropped, asking if they need help with anything, idk im just a people pleaser and one of my biggest fears is coming off as “mean”
i’m into watching anime, reading, crafting, and also musicals! i’m such a broadway nerd it’s not even funny lmao it’s probably my #1 fandom
i feel like the way i would act around my f/o would be lovey dovey without laying it on tooo thick. like i love giving/receiving cutesy nicknames like “honey, sweetheart, my love” as opposed to the regular ole “babe” 😪 my love language is gift giving so i’ll def spoil them with little things that make me think of them, like their favorite candies, maybe a new game we can play together, or just anything that catches my eye hehehe🤭
tysm in advance you’re the best!! ❤️
I really tried to do Jonathan, but inspiration just wasn't on my side, I hope you like it anyway:( but I like the dynamic between you and Jonathan, so as soon as I can put it on paper, I'll edit this post, or post Jonathan's part separately
Mista x you ✨
>Guido definitely is the "excuse me, she asked for no pickles" to your "really, it's fine (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ"
>Even though he's an extrovert, and certainly not shy, he doesn't have many friends apart from the Bucci-gang, so he can relate to you, and is happy to know you choose your friends wisely
>Adores you kindness, he thinks you're such a cute little thing, helping people wherever you go
>But he realizes that your insecurity plays a part on that, he'll encourage you to set healthy boundaries and cherish yourself the way he cherishes you
>You're so awesome!!! Please listen to him
>If you're with him in Naples, it's likely you will get scammed frequently by people who claim to need help. He can recognize these scams easily, but if you're on your own, you may fall for it
>After you tell him about it, he'll pepper little kisses to your face, and tell you it's not your fault for being nice, all you have to do know is tell him who did that to you, and they'll never bother you anymore
>There's perks to your boyfriend being in the mafia and being able to intimidate people easily
>If you apologize and say something like "I'm sorry that came off mean" he'll tell you it's okay to not make every single sentence you say sound nice, sometimes you're talking about something serious, or something you're passionate about, and you get emotional, that's okay
>Canonically both his favorite movies are romance ones, so you can be sure he's getting into romance animes and plays
>On the surface, Mista is the "I don't get why they sing all of a sudden" but internally he's belting to every song
>He gets into musicals as soon as you introduce them to him
>His favorite musicals are Legally Blonde and Anything Goes
>Calls you chickadee afterwards tho 💀
>Cries to Burn from Hamilton every single time
>I think he has a thing for reverse harem, it's just so cute! The protagonist has so many options, and still chooses his true love over princes, millionaires, models, you name it
>This is also powered by the fact that he has literally no clue what you see in him, yet he can still be sure you would always pick him
>He's so glad you're affectionate, he's soooo touch starved
>He's good with the rougher part of crafts, he can build you a table, but he can't do origami to save his life
>He probably calls you "babe" at the start of your relationship, but then realizes he gets a better reaction out of you when he says something more classically romantic
>Calls you bambolotta, which means "little doll"
>He deadass stops functioning when you give him a gift
>He'll get teary eyed and kiss you out of excitement, but then will try to unsuccessfully play it cool (he's just like me fr)
>He tries to repay all of your love during sex
>He's dedicated to make you feel just as good as you make him feel
>Loves to leave marks on the fat of your hips and chest
>Speaking about chest, he pays special attention to your boobs, making sure you're getting extra stimulation
>Not gonna lie, he's into some raunchy stuff, but I think your doting nature will soften him up, he's not vanilla either, but focuses way more in your pleasure
>He does get excited and lose some common sense, but you have a safe sign/word for those cases
>Gets addicted to fucking you silly, you're so overstimulated you can't protest when he's pampering you, cleaning you and whispering sweet nothings in your ear
>"Please, please let me do this, bambolotta, let me spoil you the same way you do with me"
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softrozene · 3 years
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@luna-hatake-uchiha​ requested: Hi. First of all, I want to wish you a happy new year. I read on Archiv of your Own that your request box is open... Soo could you please write a scenario where Law and his s/o are having a daughter and after a few years their daughter shows symptoms of the Amber Lead poisoning? And Law doing everything he can to heal her? (This is my first time doing this and I'm sorry if I sound rude somewhere.)
You were perfect in requesting Hon! Apologies for how late this is (I hope you had a good start to the new year!) but omg- That would be so heartbreaking ahhhhh. This came out pretty angsty but I tried to give it a neutral ending! I hope you enjoy it!
This turned into a one-shot oops.
Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff/Angst- Spoilers of Law’s past. Can be considered a good or sad ending! Uhh Post-Pirating au? Law is retired from the pirate life lol, grammar
*Instead of 2nd pov I wrote this in 3rd pov for a change. : )
Also, yeah- I am pretty sure that Law would be able to cure his daughter of this because of his Devil Fruit and it’s “Miraculous” abilities but I went for the more angsty side, so I made it more complicated than that lol. I just love the idea of protective dad Law.
Words: 1983
The smell of coffee is usually a scent that brings the pregnant woman, (Name), a comfort since that means she can sneak a sip from her husband’s cup but right now… It is too early for coffee. He should be in bed with her, but the sun is not even up. With exhaustion evident on her face and the goal of finding Law and bringing him back to bed- She regretfully leaves the warm bed.
The house they have is a decent-sized home. Two bedrooms- The one they share together, and the guest room, a nursery that Law and (Name) have been working on and of course, Law’s office to store his medical books and journals, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small cozy living room.
It felt like bliss living here.
Even more so with the bun in the oven. Law was in shock when he realized his wife was indeed pregnant, but it made the joy of retiring from piracy to enjoy a domestic life with her all the better. It most certainly eases his thoughts that most of his crew also retired here on this peaceful island.
Things could not have turned out more perfect for them.
Though… That was about to change as (Name) walks into his office- The light from it leaking out into the hallway. The smell of coffee gets stronger, and she smiles upon seeing how serious her husband is looking through some of his books.
No matter what he is doing, he looks so handsome.
Something he got used to arguing with her saying how she is crazy for thinking his eyebags are attractive. It was all jokes sure but (Name) was serious and proud to say he was handsome. His personality definitely that too. She can rely on him and him on her and that is something hard to do for the both of them.
Law is too in the zone in the book so (Name) uses that to her advantage. She sneaks up behind him and is quick to wrap her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. His tense body immediately relaxes within her hold and he turns to offer her a tired smile.
“Did I wake you?” He asks softly as a hand comes up to meet her swollen belly.
(Name) laughs and holds his hand to her stomach. “Yes, but it is fine. I just got cold without your warmth. That and the beautiful smell of coffee. I think our daughter wants a sip.”
Law’s face turns into a scolding one immediately making his wife laugh as she continues, “Hey! You said I could have some in moderation! I think a tiny sip is less than that and yes, I know we do not know if our child will be a girl, but I just have this feeling…”
Law sighs but… Then smiles as he just shakes his head. He gives in knowing full well that his wife’s point was mainly about getting her daily sip of coffee in. He pulls away from his wife’s loving hand to reach for his mug of coffee. Being careful of the still-hot contents in it. He hands it to her and watches as she smiles and takes her desired sip. Handing it back to him he puts it on the desk and immediately pulls the pregnant woman onto his lap earning himself a giggle from her.
“Anyway, what are you doing up, my love?” She asks as she nuzzles her face into his neck the best she can.
At this question, Law turns tense. His sigh comes out stressed as he hesitates to speak. He thinks it would be better now to share his concern, especially when it is such a valid one.
“I… Fear that our child may get Amber Lead Poising. It is a hereditary disease,” Law mumbles.
This makes his wife freeze up. She knows his pain with that. The fear of it. He must have been bottling it up until he just could not ignore the possibility. With a gentle sigh, (Name) places a tender kiss on his lips, momentarily distracting him from his painful thoughts.
“My love, please come back to bed. After a few more hours of sleep, you can come back in here… And no matter what happens with our child- I have faith that you will find a cure. Until then, try not to worry. Otherwise, you are going to send yourself into an early grave by putting all that stress on your heart,” (Name) says as a yawn escapes her.
Law can only smile now. She truly is his best friend. His other half. She knows how to ease his worries even if it is temporarily, but what she said… It also rings true. He vows to find a cure in the case that their child will get that stupid disease.
The rest of the pregnancy goes by quickly and as soon as the baby, a girl, is in their arms it feels like total bliss for them. It is everything they never imagined having but makes their lives totally complete. Her middle name is in memory of Law’s younger sister. The full name being Trafalgar Lami Lin.
“She looks like you already- Look at those wide (eye color) eyes,” Law says with a gentle smile on his face.
He never imagined he could allow himself to be this soft and vulnerable. To share it with (Name). His wife laughs as she leans against his arm as he holds their little girl in his arms. Both (Name) and the baby are exhausted.
“Thank the gods she does not look like a mini sleep-deprived version of you. Well, if she takes my looks, I only hope she gains your intelligence,” (Name) jokes.
Law smirks at the playful tone and as if he remembers sighs- “I forgot to tell you. What is left of the crew will be coming here tomorrow. They were even more excited than us combined.”
“Looks like we got a couple of free babysitters… I trust Bepo with her. Sachi and Penguin might drop her.”
Law sweatdrops at this and wishes he could argue back but… His wife is right. He makes a mental note to have Bepo be their go-to babysitter.
Days pass by fast when you feel joy and they pass even faster when you feel like the world suddenly has a time limit on it. Law promised his wife to enjoy the days with them and he did, but he spent countless nights trying to find a cure- Getting so close to finding something that can help in the case his daughter gets the disease.
The baby grows quickly into a child, but it was the age of five when Law realizes that she has those stupid white spots on her skin- Meaning she has Amber Lead Poisoning. He felt like he was suffocating. She was not supposed to get it. He paid his dues during his piracy. His loss of Rosinante. His loss of family. He paid whatever the hell life thought he owed it, so she was supposed to be in the clear.
She was not.
He knows that is just wishful thinking. His whole family got it and Amber Lead is a hereditary disease. He was supposed to die at age thirteen. He did not all because he ate a fruit thanks to Rosinante. Just because he ate a fruit and cured himself does not mean he could actually cure Amber Lead with his fruit.
He could try and cure Lin as he did himself. Using the fruit’s "miraculous" properties which is having the ability to cure any kind of illness. However, this requires some extent of medical knowledge in order to be utilized effectively. He has that knowledge, but he does not have the full knowledge to cure others of this disease. He cured himself because he ate the fruit.
He needs a real cure. One to ensure that this disease does not follow into the genes anymore. He wants to ensure that if his daughter wants a family of her own- If she makes it to that age, he wants her to be able to not have to think about her own children having the disease.
He estimated she would only have a few years left. Until those white spots grow big enough to almost devour her. His blissful life turned into a nightmare for him. He always could not stand the thought of losing (Name) and the feeling was deeper with their daughter Lin since she was only a child.
She deserved a long and happy life.
He was going to sacrifice his time to ensure that.
It was during one of these nights when he cursed out life for being cruel that Law had an epiphany. Something in his research began to make sense for a cure- It was uncertain, but it was something and it was this night that his wife was woken up when he got up out of excitement to begin writing on a large board he put together. He accidentally dropped a book nothing too alarming, so he was surprised to see his wife checking on him.
Her large eyes watching the board- Trying to decipher his valid obsession of finding a cure. He could not contain his excitement as he pauses briefly to place a kiss on his wife’s lips.
“Whoa. You are super cheery for once,” She notes.
Law can only smile. “I think I am close to finding something. A cure. It would still be a while before I have something solid but… This is it. It has to be it.”
Hearing this fills (Name) up with excitement too. Only to see Law experience a crash. He is at his limit for tonight since he spent all day shopping with his daughter and wife to go to Penguin’s birthday (definitely an alcohol) party. He should be totally spent after today.
(Name) only hugs him feeling his body immediately relax into hers and he freezes upon remembering something. Pulling back slightly he looks at his darling wife and places a kiss on her forehead.
“Hey… I do need to tell you something. If this lead goes nowhere. I am going to use the Ope Ope no Mi fruit on her,” Law states.
(Name) freezes in his grip. Understanding these words. That means he is going to sacrifice his life for their daughter if he can’t make a cure. He is willing to use the fruit’s powers for what others have wanted it for. Immortality.
He is willing to grant their daughter “eternal youth” if it means she can experience life without the disease affecting her.
His mind is dead set on that backup plan so all (Name) Can do is nod. He smiles at her though as to reassure her.
“That is just a backup plan. We still have a few years left but as of now, I do believe it is time to get in contact with that crazy pirate- Luffy. I need him to bring Chopper here. With Chopper’s help this should work,” Law murmurs more to himself.
He is exhausted.
“Alright Love- I will go get in contact with them. I will send a letter. Though… I think you should head to bed. You did well. You are such a good father,” (Name) murmurs.
Hearing this… Law really feels like he might break. All of these restless nights are going to be worth something. He is going to do what his dad almost did for his younger sister. He will cure his daughter and be able to watch her grow.
“Law… You are getting my hair wet with your snot and tears.”
“Shut up,” He mumbles as he holds his partner.
She laughs and the two stay like that- Content that there is hope for their daughter.
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sinkix · 4 years
~ Haikyuu!! Boys baking with reader - Ft. Ushijima, Tendou, Oikawa, Hinata & Nishinoya ~
YO! SO UHHHH... I’M BACK??? I GUESS?? MAYBE??? After a little break I had this in my drafts for a while and realllyyy wanted to complete it since it’s such a cute concept. Honestly at this point my posting frequencies are so sporadic and random pls forgive me lmao.
@deathcab4daddy​ gave me the inspo to include Ushi and it was so funny coming up with ideas for him, he is no.1 country boi chef 
Dude I’m listening to the Mario Kart soundtrack ‘Coconut Mall’ while I continue writing this someone save me. Like u think I’m joking. UR WRONG.
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The most straightforward yet idiotic baker you will ever come across.
Before you even THINK about performing step 1, he will read the entire fucking leaflet like it’s a Shakesperean monologue.
I’m surprised he doesn’t count every single particle in the brownie mix.
You bought him a frilly cupcake-printed apron stating ‘best wife’ not expecting him to actually wear it
But since he’s secretly a big softie and treasures anything you buy he wears it proudly.
His stoic and dignified disposition is a comical contrast to the words printed on the front lmao.
Ushi best wifey bro.
The tight fit of the apron is pretty hot since it outlines every ridge of his pecs and tightly toned torso.
Gotta resist groping your mans while stirring the brownie batter.
tbh he’s more likely to grope you, he can’t resist that a$$.
And let’s face it he’s def an ass/thigh kinda guy.
Can and will try to casually initiate some form of unholy activities by lifting you up onto the kitchen counter, goading you to slowly lick the spoon and locking gazes before pulling you in for a deep, open-mouthed kiss to get a taste of the incomplete creation himself.
Ushi’s lips and brownie batter are a knock-out combo js.
Literally has the most serious face when he’s cracking the eggs into the bowl
The amount of concentration is equivalent to that of when he’s performing a serve at match-point.
HAS to set the temperature to the EXACT degree stated on the box
Everything is done by the book if you do one thing out of place he will pull you up on it lol.
“(Y/N) you were supposed to stir it for 5 minutes, not 7.”
When its done you feed him some and he can’t help but smile its so ADORBALE AHHH.
You end up eating most of it since Ushi doesn’t strike me as much of a chocolate/junk food lover.
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The complete opposite of Ushi
Does everything wrong and the unconventional way.
Absolute disaster but doesn’t even sweat it since Tendou basically thrives in chaos and the disorderly.
To him instructions are purely equivocal, will read them for five seconds then toss them away.
Step aside Gordon Ramsey, Chef Tendou is here.
Despite doing everything the unorthodox way it still comes out amazing.
Like??? how???
Will cheekily place a dollop batter on your nose then lick it off fh3jkeffefds
Or if he’s feelin’ a lil freaky, he’ll swipe it off with his long ass finger and make you suck it clean, smirking at your submission as you coat his finger with your saliva.
Constantly cracking jokes and shitty food puns, pretending to drop the bowl to make you go into preemptive cardiac arrest before you can swat him with the spatula.
While you’re waiting for the timer to ping, Satori being the schemer he is will use this as an opportunity to pull some fuckery and tease you in any way he can.
u better be praying like bodhisattva TanaNoya rn because he is MERCILESS.
Suggestive comments, the brush of his fingers against your thigh, it’ll leave you A C H I N G in frustration by the end of it.
Unholy activities aside, once your baking session is completed you finish it off by feeding PHAT forkfuls of brownie to each other and giggling like dorks when it gets all over your mouth.
The jackass actually got a fingerful and SMEARED it over your cheek and forehead, drawing a little cross and snickering when the crumbs fall onto your nose.
Tendou was smart to draw a cross bc he gonna need jesus with the ATTACK you launch on him after that, which promptly leads to an all out food war in your kitchen that neither of you want to clean up after ward.
Don’t worry though it’s Tendou, he’ll somehow find a way to make such a mundane activity fun.
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You best believe he will try and eat some of the batter and you have to swat the spoon away from his mouth since he has NO REGARD FOR THE FACT HE COULD GET SALMONELLA.
Plus you know what Noya’s like once he starts eating something the whole thing will be gone in a matter of milliseconds.
He somehow managed to get Baking powder EVERYWHERE and even gave him self a little moustache with it.
The white substance kinda looked like something else but you didn’t really wanna say lmaooo.
could explain why he has so much energy all the time oK ILL STOP-
While you’re putting the mix on the tray he is SO extra and will do fancy lil swirls and over extend his arm like a swan to gracefully spread the batter
until he nearly fucking knocks it over.
During processing time since he is so excitable and impatient you best believe he’s gonna suggest a game of ping pong or something because my guy can well and truly never sit still.
ping pong match with the spatulas, kitchen island and a hard boiled egg.
Pls be careful he will rolling thunder that egg and pimp slap it so hard with the spatula it’ll damn near give you a concussion, not intentionally, but like protect your noggin. Wear a helmet.
For the remaining 5 minutes of baking time y’all just sit like kids in front of the oven and watching it rise like starved hyena’s observing it’s pray before demolishing it into sad particles of cocoa.
And lemme tell u, once the timer pings, that baking tray is free real estate for Noya. Half of your creation will be devoured before you can even put it on a plate and marvel at your handiwork. 
He kicked your ass at spatula ping pong btw I’m sorry sweaty but short kings stay winning.
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Such a dramatic bitch like he got the whole she-bang going on.
Strapped with a pink apron, a whisk at his side and standing proudly with both hands on his hips.He is prepared like a greek gladiator going into battle.
You better believe he gonna make some snarky remarks and tease your method of doing things. 
“Ah-ah-ahhh (Y/N)-chan you’re doing it all wrong, let me show you how a PRO does it.”
Proceeds to drop entire bowl on his foot and yelp like a little girl in pain.
Well and truly embarrassed with himself, you put a band-aid on his toe and he piped down after that.
Shattered big toe and mixing bowl aside, actually a really good baker??
He is a PRO at decorating, y’all decided on cupcakes since its literally his forte to make them look aesthetic and pretty.
You almost don’t wanna eat them from how good they look.
jk almost
You take it in turns breaking bits off and placing pieces into each others mouth with a loud “aaaaaahhh!”
Places a piece in your mouth, leans forward and locks lips with you in a soft, passionate kiss before pulling away and uttering the words “It tastes even better coming from your mouth ;)”
You both whine and bicker over who cleans up after.
“You cleaaannnnn!”
“no Toru YOU clean!”
“but I made the cupcakes look pretty :(”
“not as pretty as you <3″
He did the cleaning after that.
Like just stroke his ego with some compliments and he’s whipped with a smug grin on his face for the next 30 minutes.
You decide to save the rest and bring them to his next practise.
Literally on the verge of tears when he sees you beaming and holding the platter of treats, Kiyotani mauls half of them in a matter of seconds to which Oiks gets salty over LMAO.
Tumblr media
So excited oh my god he’s so precious please protect him I will CRY-
Yes you decided on cookies bc he goes rabid for some choc chip biccies.
You have to guide him v carefully because of how easily confused and clumsy he is.
Cannot for the life of him crack the eggs without getting a quarter of the shell in the bowl so you have to do it instead.
Has a surprising amount of strength and forearm power bc holy shit boy can stir FAST.
Hums a little tune while he does it and bobs up and down with a wide grin on his face it’s so adorable, he has such a gentle singing voice I can’t-
Attempts different shapes with the batter when pouring it onto the tray but fails pretty miserably lol.
he tried ok???
Once they’re done he takes the tray out of the oven and since it was heavy, subconsciously propped it with his knee and nearly dropped the entire tray from the pain. (I’ve actually done this before when making chicken nuggets I do not advise being that brain dead)
Had to put some burn cream on the bbies knee :’((
When you decided to dig in, he handed you a cookie that looked like a crooked circle and said he tried to make that one a heart and insisted he feed it to you.
Blushed VERY hard at the moment of silence and intense eye contact while he fed it to you.
Nearly short circuited when his fingers brushed against your lips.
Moe moe x100000000000000000000000000000
You offer to do the cleaning after because he hurt himself and you didn’t wanna make him do any work, but he still offered to wipe the surfaces for you bc he’s an angel <333
literally just wanna marry him.
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Okay that's it I NEED to gush about my c! Wilbur timeline under the cut because it's so canon divergent but my memories are so so vivid I gotta gush somewhere
Man I haven't had a kin with mems this vivid in a while so it feels weird but here we go!
Leading up to the war with Pogtopia, I was like most other Aliveburs, and p canon compliant. Philza was my dad, Tommy was my younger brother, and Techno was my twin but only older by like, five minutes. I don't know how he got so much more of the Piglin traits than I did(I remember having pointy ears tho) but... Fratenal twins I guess lol. We were close as kids, but kinda grew apart when we got older. He went off to do his own thing, I stuck around with Tommy. I missed Techno and Phil a lot in early DSMP days. But I had Tommy! Tubbo was sorta like a little brother but moreso in the "hey this is my little bro's best friend so he's over for dinner all the time" way than the "guess I have another sibling" way.
Don't have much to say on the L'manburg revolution or the election arc or anything, those were pretty much just lined up with canon.
Pogtopia arc though... Whew. Here we go. Tommy and I got exiled, we fled to our ravine, yadda yadda it followed canon. I'll admit, I quickly fell into my paranoia and delusions. I think I was alone with my thoughts for too long, and with everything Schlatt was doing and such a delicate balance on the people of Manburg being with us or against us, especially after Eret betrayed us in the past, I just. I couldn't trust anyone. Except maybe Tommy, he was my lifeline of sorts, and especially when he called Technoblade. Having Tommy and Techno really grounded me: helped me remember that I was fighting for the people I care about, not just some presidency.
And then. Well. Techno and I were talking about Manburg's destruction, Tommy was more against it but still wanted to help take Schlatt down and get Tubbo back. But Techno and I started preparing for the worst. That's when I met with Dream about the TNT thing.
Now Dream kinnies, ily, but you might wanna skip this paragraph because I'm gonna rant about my Dream for a lil bit. Not you, you're valid and I love you lots, but this is a rant against my Dream. He wasn't just going to give his TNT to me for nothing, he needed something in return. So we went back to a temporary base he set up and did our deal there. He made me sit down in a chair, bound my wrists and ankles, and made me watch... something. It was almost like a TV screen? I don't know what it was, but it took a hold of my consciousness. Whatever this was, it was hypnotism. I don't remember much about it, Dream tried to make sure I'd forget, but I remember Dream using hypnosis to plant this idea in my head that I was the villain of the story. That no matter what I had to destory Manburg because thats what a villain would do. I. Really hate him for that. He just used me. But what's done was done, he gave me my TNT and sent me back to Pogtopia.
You know where the story goes from there- my corruption, the war on Manburg, Schlatt's death... and me blowing it sky high. I remember Philza shielding us with his wings. I missed Philza so much. But I couldn't get over the hypnosis I was under. I was still the villain, and heroes have to slay the villains, right? Philza stabbed me, and he held me... and then he was gone.
Now uh... Hehe, serious canon divergence time...
I didn't die. I don't know how I didn't, but I didn't. I remember waking up in a cold room on a single bed, no windows. Couldn't leave because it was an iron door. My chest was bandaged up, and it ached like hell. Eventually someone came in, someone new: Ranboo. He kinda freezes and goes "Oh. You're awake. Uh." And just leaves and shuts the door behind him.
Shortly thereafter, Tubbo and Quackity came in. We started talking(as much as we could, I had trouble staying awake for long) about what happened. Big Q found me while going through the rubble, and realized I was still breathing, so they brought me to a secret room under L'manburg. I was in a coma, for at least a few weeks, I don't remember the exact time. I lost a lot of blood, I was very pale... and I think it messed with my brain. I couldn't really.... remember anything in the weeks leading up to the war: my exile, my hypnosis, my unfinished symphony, none of it. They looked... unsure of what to do with me. Tbh looking back I don't blame them, I did a LOT of crime. But they decided to keep me in this room for now. They didn't tell Tommy or Philza or any of them yet. Apparently only Tubbo Quackity and eventually Ranboo knew about me.
One day though, I was sleeping when I feel someone shake my shoulder. I wake up and I realize it's Dream. I ask what he's doing here and he goes "It's time to go, Wilbur." And I don't really know what to do, but I take his hand and start following him out of the building and back to the surface. They were setting up for Techno's execution. Dream sent Punz in to distract the Butcher Army, but I call out for Techno. His eyes lock with mine and I've never seen him look like that before. Such- genuine confusion and relief? Looking back, I can see why. He must've thought he was seeing a ghost(hehe ghostbur kinnies I love you)
The anvil drops, and Techno lives thanks to his totem, but before I can call out to him again Dream grabs me and starts running off with me. I think Techno saw us because he yelled for me and ran after us. Dream took us down a random tunnel and let Techno follow, because once they got far enough from the fray, Dream just... shoved me to Techno and walked away without saying anything else. Before we could really do much else, Quackity showed up. He was confused that Techno lived, he was mad that Dream just helped him, and he was furious that Techno had me. Techno made sure he was between Quackity and I and they both fought, Big Q losing a canon life(sorry Quackity kinnies ily!!!)
Techno then just grabbed me and ran. He lead me back to his house and we had a long, long conversation about what happened. I missed him so much.
I'm still piecing together memories post-execution, but I know I spent a lot of time with Techno after that, including when Tommy was with us.
I'd try to remember more but I just realized how long this post got OOPS anyways if u read all this thank u, I just needed to share my Comabur timeline
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jiminrings · 4 years
cabin pressure
pairing: taehyung x y/n
glimpse: pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
wordcount: 17k
notes: this is my first bts fic im gonna post and for sentimentality’s sake, im paying homage to the bullet-point format™️ because this is the same thing i use for my reviewers and it’s v effective in making me focus and not lose interest!!! 
jimin really misses you :((
you’re his longtime friend!! someone who’s stuck with him even before he was famous!!
unlike tHose who suddenly appeared claiming that “aHHHHH jimin from bts aha actually we were friends even tho i have never spoke to him once hE’s actually asking me out and-“
and he loves u to death even the both of you fond each other annoying at times
like that one time he pretended he was sick with a bug just to get u out of your very important meeting just bECAUSE he wanted u to cook up a meal he missed
“hey why are u crying and also can you pls still cook why you’re crying”
“jimin i fucking hate you”
and needless to say he really made up for it because he may have screwed up your job bc he wanted you to drop EVERYTHING to cook cheesy tonkatsu for him
so yes he really went up and above just to get you to forgive him
and u know what
jimin misses his best friend so much that he’s thinking of you in the middle of a meeting
and literally at the mention of bon voyage, the gears in his head start spinning!!!!
basically his thought process was:
bon voyage = abroad = y/n = oH DAMN OH RIGHT Y/N’S A PILOT = airplane whoosh = abroad = BON VOYAGE!!!!
and he’s really gonna make a leap for this because it’s given that him and the boys ride in private jets and first-class and all
literally everyone is looking at him now because his previous outburst of a call was surely attention-grabbing and it makes him shrink a bit because aha :D oops lol okay so what i was saying
“i-i was thinking uhm like since, abroad, right?? my friend y/n y/l/n is a pilot!! and the airline she-...”
“you know y/n y/l/n??” bang si-hyuk literally asks with his eyes wide and everyone could tell that it was the positive type of shock
everyone in the room is like divided with some nodding and some clapping excitedly and some just with their mouths agape
and that confuses jimin because
“you know y/n??”
bang si-hyuk, ceo of big hit entertainment, his boss,,,, knows you, his childhood best friend-
and it’s not like jimin is territorial when it comes to his best friends and most esp you!!!! but yeah he realizes that he is now, especially because everyone in the room apparently knows you??? and he’s only ever introduced you to the boys???? briefly?? hope and jin have yet to meet you in person???
“how could we not?” jungkook interjects with a bunny smile on his face and everything is seriously confusing jimin rn because honestly
“do you like live under a rock” yoongi has the most confused face ever to jimin’s cluelessness, the situation being ironic because normally the hyung is slower when it comes to these type of things
“y/n went viral all over the news like last week!! up to now even” it’s no joke that namjoon knows everyone that his members know but for jimin to hear joon speak about you in THIS degree offends him
because wait he’s your closest friend he should know these things
he’d like u to know that he isn’t bitter :)
and his eyes go wide at that because oH GOD WHAT DID YOU DO
everyone agrees to what namjoon said, still a bit dumb-founded as taehyung practically yanks jimin’s chair to sit closer near his and almost shoves his phone to his face
it’s you
in your pilot uniform with your luggage at tow
sunglasses at the top of your head and phone on-hand
your id still worn around your neck and
jimin basically deduced all of these things with a couple swipes:
a) ok you look ethereal in those pics
b) it was supposed to be a stolen picture of this dude but you were in the background and you cOMPLETELY stole the show
c) someone zoomed in on you and edited so now basically your ethereal being got even more magnified
d) someone zoomed in on your id (he got a lil bit mad at that)
e) aha the internet loves you
f) edits and i have thirty minutes i am free this saturday retweets and digging into your images in social media EVERYTHING!!! the whole nine yards!!!!
when you woke up to that frenzy though
you literally couldn’t function for five minutes and then you started catching up and digging in on what was happening
“but i don’t look ethereal!! my skin is dry n oily at the SAME time because of cabin air and my eyes are stinging!!! i look ghastly and only a little bit fresh because of the air u get when you’re 50,000 feet up in the air!! but im-...”
oh that’s it you went viral completely on accident
you were just waiting for the free service back home your airline offers it pilots, because you brought your car to work but you were too tired to drive back home
but now you are viral in the worldwide interwebs with articles and twitter threads about you and multiple multiple DMs that make your phone freeze and
wait did your airline just email you about that :D
oh lol did beyoncé just follow you :D
basically jimin got his brothers giving him a three-minute crash course each about what happened with their managers even stepping in to gush
he basically can’t believe that he didn’t know that!! even if you didn’t mention it to him, he should’ve known because it was practically everywhere!!!!
bang si-hyuk is well-pleased and even got jimin to tell how he knew you and what you were like and he was very much :O when he got into the word that aish!!! his employee has really been living under a rock lmao
by then, the conversation about bon voyage has been slightly derailed to talk about you
who knew that jimin simply mentioning your name (lol he didn’t need to because the conversation about you was nearing anyway) would land the meeting to
“oh! actually! the airline y/n works at reached a couple of weeks ago about a proposal to get bts to star in a commercial for them!!”
and now they’re hyped because yes they endorsed clothes and food and malls and establishments but never did they endorse an AIRLINE!!! a damn airline!!!!
okay so now not only did they tackle that you would pilot for them in bon voyage
“ah! you could like also play games on the way there with y/n!!”
“wHO WILL PILOT THE PLANE THEN??? we’re gonna crash!!!”
“you’re thick, jungkook, and not in the way you think so lmao”
“maybe we could extend their vacation! shoot a skit or two with them being flight attendants for run!! one week for shooting, two weeks for resting!! two birds with one stone, really”
an airline commercial
a couple run bts! episodes
a whole season of bon voyage (with a longer production because they have longer vacation days)
more traction for them
more time than he ever wished for to be with you!! :D
soon enough the meeting is finished and it went so good that the boys were gonna be treated to a beef dinner so
everyone’s scattered and dispersed, some making small talk w him about you that makes him smile
taehyung’s lingering behind him with his hands on his back
“what is it, tae?”
the younger boy is just giggling and fiddling with his hands, a careless shrug to his shoulders
“can i have y/n’s number :D”
“aish!! if jungkook were to ask for her number, you would’ve given it to him in a heartbeat because he’s the youngest!! and-...”
“ya!! thanks for reminding hyung! jimin-hyung may i also pls have y/n’s number :D”
jin had to drag jimin with him bc he wasn’t done shooting the both of them glares and his cheeks were practically pink with how annoyed he was at the younger two
needless to say taehyung and jungkook didn’t have any extra portions of beef from him
he is very protective of you and even if he’s become closer with his brothers more than he’s been close with you he jUST can’t help it!!
not that he doesn’t trust them or anything
not that he doesn’t trust you either
but he doesn’t want figurative blood on his figurative ledger because he feels that it would be his responsibility if ever yOu and someone became a thing and HE was the one who inteoduced you both :(
it’s not just a him thing :( he can’t put it into words but he’s just looking out for both parties!!!
kinda figured out that taehyung may or may not have a shy little crush on you
spoiler alert: it was HUGE
for their entire dinner, every single time your name was brought up, tae instinctively has his ears perk up at the mention
simultaneously he shrinks to his seat and purses his lips and looks around to what’s being said
why are u mentioning y/n’s name?? what is happening??
and taehyung having a serious case of sweater paws doesn’t help him from jimin’s observing gaze
and yes he feels a bit sorry because taehyung kinda looks a bit upset; that little “oh :((“ on his face when jimin snapped at him so quick
he’s not gonna force him to tho,, out of respect since someone else is involved (and in this case it’s you and your number)
jimin nudges him by the shoulder to get his attention
everyone’s passed out at this point because the beef was so damn good
tae kinda looks spaced out so he turns his head immediately and he forgot for a second that he was supposed to be cold with jimin
“..... do you still want y/n’s number?”
taehyung almost fALLS out of his chair as he nods eagerly, making jimin shake his head to himself as he hesistantly takes out his phone from his pocket
oh god jimin’s phone is on his hand now oh god that’s your picture oh god that’s your number oH-
“i’m not gonna text her tonight if that’s you’re worried about?? i mean we barely know each other!! consider me asking for her number to be used for future references only :D”
“what does future references even mean?”
“... luggage. i want y/n’s luggage bag.”
“i also want y/n’s-...”
when you open up your company’s email to you, you really can’t help but to feel nervous
today was your off-day and they specifically requested that you come to the main office at 10 AM sharp
and in your off-day, you aren’t even awake at that time of the morning!!
it wss both a blessing and a curse that you slept early the night before so your body clock just went “lol u wake up early today get up at 6”
and not to mention the fact that it was the same day you learned that you went viral last night when you were peacefully asleep
so the last few hours have been WILD and it kinda put you into shock
the closest you’ve ever been to fame was having your pictures leaked with jimin when you were still kids!!
if you were lucky enough, your face would be covered by every possible animal emoji that was ever released
apart from that, it was the occassional mention of your name in stan twitter and that was it
but THIS type of fame is on a whole another level!! higher than being tagged as jimin’s best friend outside of bts!! higher than having your face covered with animal emojis
when you thought that you were gonna be fired over being viral for some reason unbeknownst —
even if you know that you haven’t violated anything and if anything, you were the one who got violated because someone uploaded a picture of you without your consent!!!
so when you learn that they aren’t mad at all and ecstatic in fact
because your airline basically got free publicity and promotion just because you looked so good in pictures that weren’t even intentional
and that there is a more than noticeable spike in the bookings of flights
and that people were cALLING to ask if you would be the one to pilot that flight
and that said rival airlines were pitching in salaries that competed with your paycheck now aND THAT THEY WERE EVEN higher
needless to say that your day was more than eventful
you don’t know how to cope up with it either so while the meeting drags on to talk about your newfound fame you’re just :O the entire time
“i believe that park jimin from bts is a close friend of yours, correct?”
wAIT what
you shouldn’t be shocked by now because practically everyone’s familiar with him and the rest of the boys
but it still takes you off-guard because as much as he is your friend
and as much you admit that you miss jimin :(
or that you haven’t talked to him as much these past few days
you genuinely don’t see the connection of why jimin would be brought up into this conversation that doesn’t involve him in the first place
there’s a self-pitying realization in between that it seems like your only determining factor these days was to be known as a best friend of a kpop idol and nothing else
that’s a sad topic you’d rather not delve in at the moment
“prior to you being catapulted into fame suddenly — we reached out to their company for them to become our endorsers. a commercial and a billboard and some other things.”
“and this is just the pERFECT timing because you’re famous now and people love you!!!”
this was it
the stars were aligning for you
not only do you get to hang out with jimin, but now you’re launched into much more job opportunities!!
when the meeting concluded, you narrow it down to the conclusions that:
a) you’re most likely to film a commercial and some adverts and perhaps be included in a billboard with them (their company has yet to confirm within the week but your ceo ji-eun is damn sure at this point or else she will flip
b) you’re now getting an agent :D because apparently offers have been waiting for you left and right and they already got you one before you even said “yeah sure i guess???”
c) you’re getting a RAISE
d) sooner or later you’re gonna do this photoshoot so your own company could post about you this time
e) interviews. you’re gonna be asked to chat your heart out intentionally. i n t e r v i e w s
and it’s a humbling moment for sure because it’s like 
oh. you didn’t mean for this to happen but it’s here now and you can make the most of this while it’s still here!! you get to do what you love and be with the people you love and basically get paid for it!!
oh is this what jimin feels like all the time then??
maybe you should apply as the 8th member of bts
it’s during an intentionally cold night in your apartment that your phone basically vibrates itself off the table
right when you were still in the bathroom taking your time because you were getting PR!! and the mask you just put on happens to be something you’ve been curious about but it was too expensive for you to be curious about lol
also: curiosity that leads you to buy either new skincare products or makeup are either a godsend or a godforsaken situation because 6 out of 10 times you do that, you breakout!!! 
the sound of something clattering to the ground immediately makes you scramble towards your living room, phone flipped over to see jimin up close, eyes even in a picture enough to intimidate you for not answering immediately
the both of you put each other on speaker mode because while you didn’t want to risk ruining your mask, the rest of the boys wanna listen in
the entire phone call was so intense because even in speaker mode you were still yelling at each other
and it was spent with so much enthusiasm on trying to catch up with the past days and jimin apologizing profusely because he’s been living under a rock
“... jimin what do you mean”
because as far as you knew, the airline commercial would be done with a green screen to ensure that it’s of the best quality
not a gopro type of thing because ur flight attendants would yell real-time to the camera crew and the boys when they try to do something and the seatbelt sign is still on!!!
“wait jimin i think y/n wasn’t supposed to know that yet”
you hear a voice in the background and it’s very much familiar and it’s now hitting you that there’s an audience for your entire call
“namjoon, is that you???”
and then you hear this scuffle over the line and a very slight commotion
it’s jimin holding his phone away with his arm and the other fending off namjoon while hobi scrambles to steal it back
jin is helplessly saying hello to you in the background while jungkook is hopping around going all “miss y/n i am a fan of you!!!”
taehyung is going all sweater paws again while yoongi is desperately trying to shut them up because he’s still listening into yours and jimin’s conversation and he’s genuinely engrossed ok
and now everyone’s calm and collected especially since jimin gives them a death glare each and nobody admits but angry jimin scares the shit out of them
he’s back to being soft-spoken now because he realizes that he may have slipped in saying information he probably shouldn’t have yet, a sheepish scratch at the back of his head
“uhm well you see you’re gonna fly us over for bon voyage and uhm kinda stick around for some pieces here and there?? uhm that’s from what i know hehe”
right now you’re just blanking out and staring into the distance and you’ve suddenly gone awfully quiet
yoongi’s on the background like “yo i think you just broke her”
“is y/n’s cell broken? i’m gonna get her a new one”
“jimin-hyung you said y/n sometimes forgets to lock her door right??”
it’s once again another frenzy and once you realize that you’ve blanked out, you immediately shush them and they miraculously do
it’s a feeling of being overwhelmed and disbelief because this is more than you’ve ever asked for
to think that just last week you were tired and was about to pull off an AWOL because your off-day couldn’t have come nearer
“i certainly didn’t know that”
and there’s a nervous chuckle and a nervous silence that encompasses and for a moment, jimin frowns because he thinks that this is all too much for you and you’re gonna turn down the offer even before it’s gonna be officially pitched to you at a meeting tomorrow (you have yet to know that there’s gonna be another meeting tomorrow)
“oh my god i get to be with the lot of you!!!”
one excited shriek from you and that’s all it takes for hell to break loose
“i can fINALLY meet jin and hope!!”
“where’s namjoon?? this old lady from one of my flights own a stall at the airport and she’s afraid of riding in airplanes! and i was apparently so good and she wasn’t scared and that she waited for me outside the cockpit! she gave me a written note saying that i could come to her stall anytime and the bOOKS I’M GONNA CHOOSE WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE EVERY SINGLE TIME”
“yoongi if you’re hearing this; i heard kyle kuzma’s gonna fly first class next week and i fly that same aircraft do u want me to ask for an autograph”
“we have a boatload of dog treats we give for lil ones we have onboard so they stay behaved!! taehyung can have them for yeontan”
“tell jungkook that he can finally have my walkie-talkie he’s been bugging me about!! i have a new one anyway”
it’s official
they love you
they are practically swooning right now and are mad at jimin because wHY DIDN’T YOU LET US KNOW Y/N SOONER 
they only met you a couple times in the past and hobi and jin are jealous because atleast they got to meet you :((
and all of them are willing to take a splinter for you no doubt 
everyone goes to sleep that night all warm and fuzzy and content
not to mention taehyung being so giddy about what you said
not only did you think of him you also thought about yeontan aNd you haven’t even met the little devil yet!!
and he isn’t the only one who thinks of this but
there’s just something about you that is so warm and so genuine
like you could be as introverted as yoongi and be as much of a team player and and extrovert as taehyung is when needed be
but the point is that there’s always something about you for everyone that makes them gravitated towards you
of course jimin explains this to you and you basically shut him off
“aish don’t put me in a pedestal because i swear that i’m not that special”
“why won’t you believe me??”
“because it isn’t true now eat your cereal jimin i will pinch you thru the screen”
the meeting comes soon enough and you have to pretend that this was your first time hearing this bit of information
the pilot you were helping learn the ropes, hyunjin, will take over your normal workload for the meantime!!
in less than one week’s time, you have to pack your bags for three-ish weeks!! because as from what you can tell, things are gonna be a bit more hectic for you because you’re not only gonna fly planes
for a run episode, the boys are gonna be your flight attendants in a mock flight with the passengers as staff members
but the plane being in the air and them wearing flight attendant uniforms will be very much real
and then another episode to be squeezed in with them trying out flight simulators and quizzed with aviation facts 
and whether u did the best or the worst with the two-part episode
they’re still gonna go skydiving :)
they’re really milking out the sky motif but ok it wasn’t your show anyway and you were just gonna guest so they can go off by all means
after all that work, you’re gonna fly them off again but it’s for bon voyage this time!!
they basically res for two-ish weeks and you can tag along behind the scenes because i mean like you’re flying them home too so might as well
get some clips in between to be used for the commercial
and said commercial would be shot a few days after you all get back from said vacation!!
that’s it narrowed down and as you were taking notes, you can’t help but to feel very excited and nervous at the same time
a few days pass and it’s finally time!! yeah sure run episode but JIMIN AND THE BOYS CAN FINALLY SEE YOU NOW
you were supposed to reunite in the aircraft itself but jimin is an impatient baby which is why he’s called you insistently to say some excuse of “you have to go back to the empty boarding gate u need to meet your camera director”
lol but in truth you really don’t need to and where they are now is what you need to pass to get to said boarding gate
so when jimin sees you by the jet bridge they were all at, he sprints
like actually SPRINTS to get to you 
and he attacks you with a massive bear hug and sprinkles you with noisy cheek kisses
“Y/N *kiss* I *kiss* MISSED *kiss* YOU *kiss* SO *kiss* MUCH *kiss*”
no lie you really did miss him too
and once you get him to calm down because he was crushing your bones and you return his cheek kisses
the boys are all just looking at the scene in front of them with awe
jungkook’s looking at namjoon with his eyes saying “lol imma do that too” and namjoon’s staring back going “NO”
taehyung’s extra pouty right now
he didn’t conisder the fact that maybe you and jimin were an unspoken thing and that his crush on you is now something he shouldn’t hold onto
he got discouraged very quickly
hobi is waddling to you at full-speed and goes for a hug which is wild move for someone who he’s just met (but u don’t mind)
“you’re adorable your uniform is so cute omg”
jin goes in for a hug too and you say something along the lines of “i could see the handsomeness they were talking about” and he goes absolutely rED
he’s laughing uncontrollably like a seal 
namjoon was about to go in for a hug but then he sees your wrist and-
you are now being wrapped with namjoon’s long arms 
he doesn’t seem to be letting go of you soon
yoongi just has his arms wide and his eyes in a faux irritated manner
“what are you looking at”
and then his gummy smile appears when you just cave into his hug and jin is like??? “aH! y/n’s power is unparalleled”
jungkook immediately goes in for an embrace and even twirls you around
“ooh!! you have more piercings now than the last time i saw you!”
“i can pierce ears now!!”
“jungkook can you really”
“lmao no”
and now that it seems like hugging is the new norm, and taehyung being the last in line for you to greet, that kinda burns your nerves becauseif you were to “admit, you may or may not have a little crush on taehyung ever since the first time jimin introduced the both of you to each other
so you do the sensible thing and don’t think about it
no thoughts head empty head first
“aha y/n :D”
you hug him and well
taehyung blanked at that and panicked internally
the stark difference of your enthusiasm and his timid response was cringeworthy and it makes you screw your eyes shut as you hug him
but the moment tae realizes this, he holds on as you were trying to let go of him as qUICK as possible because it was too awkward for you to bear
and a little crushing if you were being honest
taehyung now takes first place for wanting to be reincarnated as a rock in the next life
after yoongi seeing that interaction he was just like ᵒᵒᶠ
before it goes anymore awkward though and tae starts squawking, jimin thankfully whisks you away 
“you look so badass in your uniform will u let me wear it”
“let me wear your hoops and i’ll let u borrow”
“lol forget that i even asked”
no matter what, jimin doesn’t let you borrow his earrings!!
like even if the boys borrow some from him time to time
he absolutely does not let you borrow and when you ask why, he just rolls his eyes and smacks his lips and goes N-O
and then eventually he has to shoo you out because they have to film the intro at the jet bridge and you’re not supposed to be there really
jungkook excitedly squeezes you again and goes “see you later!!”
jeon jungkook knows what he’s doing
so right before the cameras start rolling, he’s just staring at the side of taehyung’s face in close proximity with a teasing smile on his face and then wiggles his eyebrows in the slightest when tae finally returns his stare with a knowing glare
“what was that awhile ago, hyung?”
“one more word out of ur mouth and i’m ratting you out to-...”
“i was just kidding hehe don’t rat me out to namjoon that i accidentally stained his precious table hehe pls”
and he blinks at that and is taken aback
because that was supposed to be an empty threat
and now that jungkook realizes he’s fallen smack-dab into the trap, he now wants to ignite himself
taehyung now has blackmail material :D
jungkook is now held captive by said blackmail material :D
they eventually get done with their intro and into the aircraft itself!! jimin is the one to introduce you and throughout the whole ordeal they’re just hyped-up bc it’s the first time they get to do this type of episode
and they’re doing it with you so that’s a plus
and they get changed into their custom flight attendant attire
snug pink get-up with a silk navy blue scarf tied around as the uniform’s collar 
and golden nameplates engraved with their names on it
and AIR BANGTAN embroidered into the breast pocket!!
they looked absolutely good
your work would be lighter if only they were your actual flight attendants
you’d work every single day
even though they could be tiresome at times bc they could be all over the place
taehyung was admittedly swooning the whole time
the production staff made you alter your speech a bit so you could insert air bangtan and introduce all seven of them individually for the skit
and then everyone’s briefed with what they have to do and how safety should be the no. 1 priority
and then it’s takeoff time!!!!
jimin is really really proud of you
he takes advantage of this as his bragging rights
“aha that’s my best friend who’s flying the plane we are in right now :)”
“lol i love y/n i was best friends with her first :)”
“best take-off ever in your life amirite :)”
“i’m friends with a pilot in case you didn’t know :) no big deal”
“technically that’s captain jimin to you too now :)”
it was a fun and a chaotic episode
a bit unsafe? yes
but then the icing at the top was taehyung swooning at everything you did and cussing at himself every time he remembers how he screwed up earlier
he is the most behaved person in this flight and he wants you to know that :((
yoongi’s mercilessly teasing him
“y/n’s gonna come out to do her landing speech soon; you should pretend reading the safety manual now”
“somebody give taehyung a barf bag and a pen he’s gonna ask for an autograph from y/n”
“ey jimin do they sell y/n’s perfume in this flight?? someone just wants to ask”
and there’s just this innate feeling everyone feels every once in a while
that everything feels so right and so complete
it’s like complete nirvana
and before you know it, bon voyage is already happening
a vacation with seven best friends (jimin insists that he has the superlative best when you’re talking about them as friends) 
(and maybe one of them you don’t see as a best friend and perhaps something more and that person really doesn’t show much enthusiasm for you as you do for him)
(it’s taehyung)
and it’s not like taehyung isn’t fond of you
in fact, he very much is!! believe him!!
it’s just that he’s paralyzed over his crush on you and the fact that he sees you often because of these circumstances and he can’t believe it
too paralyzed over the fact that he might and may have already made a fool out of himself
and that he’s afraid to make moves on you with the boys here because jESUS CHRIST
he knows he would be teased mercilessly or he would be teased mercilessly while they help him out but they would never let him live this down
and jimin
oh god jimin
because as much as jimin loves him, he knows that one wrong move on you and he knows he’s gonna yeet him to the han river
he doesn’t know either what would be jimin’s reaction if he knew of his crush on you!! will he flip? will he be happy? wILL HE FORBID HIM FROM SEEING YOU EVER AGAIN????
at times he could be very overbearing
and he admits that
but all for good cause as he tries to explain
oh and jungkook
damn jungkook
he’s caught on pretty quickly about tae’s crush on you
and kook likes you but not in the way tae likes you
it’s just a fuzzy, warm, and platonic type of like like what the other boys have for you
but with fLIRTINESS
jimin’s the same but it was natural since you’ve been friends for absolutely ages
jungkook’s however was very fresh and very aBRUPT
it’s him trying to get a rise from taehyung and urging him to just make a damn move on you
he hopes that his flirtiness with you would just intimidate his hyung to the point that “open your eyes!!! oh what am i doing?? don’t you feel that i’m trying to steal y/n away from you?? MAKE A MOVE!!” gets across
taehyung has yet to realize that though
bon voyage doesn’t really include you (as you also try to remove yourself out of the picture as much as possible)
the cameras aren’t always turned on and not all hours of the day are spent on filming
so they can still get to do things and activities without staff members flooding the house!!
the house you’re all staying at is a gigantic one
so it got divided into two wings and you can even close it off!!
one wing solely for the boys and the other for you and the production staff
you were at their wing more often than you are in yours though
and during these past few days that turned into weeks, you’ve been closer to them more than you could imagine
they were easy to get around with!! them knowing that jimin knows you is a plus factor if you think about it
and even if not for that fact, they still think not much would’ve changed in your present friendship dynamic right now
it was comforting to be with them, really
the other way around!!
and you could also hang out with them either individually or as a group and it wouldn’t be awkward!!
.. taehyung may or may not be a slight issue though
you honestly think that he hates you :(
and you’re trying to backtrack your actions to see if you may have done something to him
you always try to keep up with his energy
jungkook was fooling around with a drone and trying to experiment flying it
and then he suddenly had this idea of “tae do you think you could outrun my drone”
and kook’s whipping his head around for you as if in a silent question to ask “wait is that possible”
and you’re just over there narrowing your eyes like “jungkook just because i’m a pilot,,,,, it doesn’t mean i know every flying object in the air and how to operate it,,,,,”
“but y/n can you outrun my drone tho”
it’s the sudden challenge that takes you aback and makes your eyebrow raise
and then it’s become a cHALLENGE
taehyung’s competitiveness making him forget that you’re even there and that he’s not acting all conscious
so it’s literally all fun and laughter
and the both of you may or may not be so caught up into this stupid challenge you stupidly both participated to
you’re not even sure if there was a rEWARD for this
so stupidly caught up to the point that jungkook’s already led the both of you to the beach that you were overlooking from the house you all stayed at
(jungkook’s running with the drone and that completely destroys the purpose of the drone but he’s having fun too ok)
before you knew it, both you and tae are crashing full-speed into the beach and it takes a collective second for you to realize that you both were indeed wet when you’re hip-deep into the water
and it sends another burst of laughter and you’re just looking at him helplessly and out of breath
“oh my god i didn’t even-...”
it hits taehyung now that he’s having full-on eye contact with you on what the fuck is he doing
he just immediately tenses and all the alarms in his head are going off
‘hahahaha yes :)”
and there it is again
that noticeable shift in the air that makes your mouth dry at what could you have possibly done
he’s quick on walking himself out of the water, quite literally leaving you there
jungkook’s by the shoreline laughing himself to death and sees taehyung waddling himself out
ok what was that
what the fuck was that
he only gets a blank laugh in return and it’s a dampener for his mood right now
and it only sinks in now that why is taehyung returning by himself
“y/n did you drown????”
no you didn’t drown
but the idea did seem enticing because you felt so embarrassed and down with what just happened
so right now jungkook just has his arm around your shoulders as he’s trying to figure everything out
“did i -- did i do something wrong?”
and even if the context isn’t clear. he immediately says no
the both of you are just walking back to the house while the sun sets and he still isn’t sure of what happened but he knows that it’s enough to make you sad and most probably has something to do with taehyung
he just wants to cheer you up :(
so mid-way he kinda picks you up wordlessly and you don’t fight him about it
you’re completely drained of your energy both physically and emotionally
you melt into jungkook’s grasp on you as your way of thanks and he acknowledges it with a squeeze on your arm
by the time you get back, everyone’s just doing their own thing because it’s nearing dinner
kook kinda plops you into the couch yoongi’s sitting on
his eyes question that something’s kinda off but he doesn’t question it
and you just crawl the short distance so that you’re laying on his lap and be sad in peace there
all he does it just past your head once and that’s it
and he’s just watching a replay of a basketall game because he hasn’t had time to catch up with those championship games (even if he knows who won and who lost)
and out of the blue yoongi just hears you softly pipe in
“my ex is a professional basketball player”
and you shush him bc you don’t want anybody else to know
“omg jimin doesn’t know this?? and i’m like the first one to know?”
oh and he kinda huddles because after all, this is a secret and it does have something to do with basketball
“professional as in he played in this show you’re watching rn”
“is he in this game????”
“lol no from what i know, he got injured even before championship but yeah his team’s playing right now”
“what’s his name???”
“theo. i call him theo”
and then that name sounds awfully familiar and he’s specifically requesting to see what he looked like and even tries to get hobi to look for your phone
but your pictures with him are all deleted now so you just make yoongi search up his name and he’s like :O
“....... why did you break up then..,,.,”
and then you just gently explain that it was a mutual decision and that both your jobs were demanding
so yeah it was impossible to happen
and yoongi forgot that fifteen minutes ago, jungkook just plopped you here because you wanted to lie down and were too sad to function
and he made you retell what happened to you and your ex that only he knows about
so he feels a little guilty
“you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to :(”
and you just wave him off that catches him off-guard
“nah it’s all okay :)”
man were u selfless
yoongi now loves you more
jin and namjoon finish dinner soon enough and everybody goes down to eat
even taehyung who’s with jimin
and it doesn’t even look like something’s wrong
but jimin’s counting all the heads in the room and was like ‘wAit where’s y/n???”
he sees you getting yourself out from lying in yoongi’s lap and he’s there with you in a heartbeat cooing at you
“y/n baby what happened”
and you’re back to lying down again but this time it’s jimin pushing you to lie on his shoulder as he’s stroking your hair
you said “nothing”, you know...,,., like a liar
jimin throws yoongi a questioning look and the older boy just shrugs his shoulders because he doesn’t know either
taehyung’s abandoned at the edge of the stairs
and you were about to scoff but that obviously doesn’t hurt as much when he abandoned you hip-deep into the water
“mhmmm i see :D”
jimin most definitely knows you’re lying but he doesn’t want to prod into it because it’s obvious that you weren’t in the mood to be questioned
at this point he’s just trying to cheer you up but in the same time give you sustenance
he’s literally feeding you right now
jin cooked up a lot of box mac n’ cheese (he transferred it into actual bowls) from the conveniece store and you know what
he wanted to try it out
it is not the healthiest thing in the world but atleast it’s somehow foreign right???? 
as much as jimin loves you, he does want to eat though
so he asked jungkook to get him a big-ass bowl with a portion big enough for the both of you and he did just that 
but you aren’t that much cooperative because you’re not eating that much and jimin is really really enticed with the smell of the food rn and jungkook senses that
“i’ll feed her, hyung!! go get another spoon for you or something”
he is really thankful for that so he just pushes the bowl to kook and scrambles for a utensil and perhaps even his own bowl
jungkook’s feeding you now and without jimin sending you a questioning glance every two seconds, you’re more cooperative 
taehyung is sitting by the far corner of the couch parallel to yours and he is CLENCHING
and he’s groaning to his mac n’ cheese and namjoon is ??? why are you like this ???
“good. it tastes so good.”
he nods but he’s still sending tae a questioning look
you eventually gained the appetite to eat
but jungkook was in charge of the dishes tonight and he doesn’t want to wash one more spoon so he insisted that you just share one instead
taehyung is gonna COMBUST
he is now practically yelling into his mac n’ cheese
everyone is now ??? at him and he makes a show of just shoving the bits of pasta to his mouth
“jin-hyung :) namhoon-hyung :) this is so delicious :) how did you do this :)”
“...... taehyung that’s instant,,,, boiled water and the cheese powder...,.,”
“aHA so that’s why :)”
his actions are v fishy and v funny 
but deep down he is boiling angry and frustrated both at himself and a jungkook
kook is giggling to the bowl right now that you had to pry it away from him
you’re not even LOOKING at taehyung’s direction
usually you did
but your will to treat him like how he treats you is stronger
that’s it that’s gonna be the rest of the trip
if there’s any personality trait you’re gonna pick up from jimin from having been his friend for so long
it would be the stubbornness
you avoid taehyung like the flu
jimin is the one most on-guard about that 
and he is whispering to everyone except taehyung 
“if you see something that relates to y/n and taehyung tell me ok tELL ME!!!”
and even tae feels sad about it to the point that he’s trying to make a conscious effort in making conversation with you
when you’re on the floor with your laptop turned on and they’re surrounding you trying to help you out with your emails
emails that don’t relate to aviation work and more-on to the viral side of things such as designer !!! brands !!! reaching out to you personally instead of your agent!!!
“mhmm they have really good shoes. what’s your favorite color anyway?”
and he says that in the midst of voices overlapping bUt the boys realized that taehyung gave input into the conversation and wAS LIKe wait wait tae’s speaking shut up shut up
but jimin answers for you in a heartbeat and hobi pinches his arm and he was laughing suddenly
he’s looking around trying to say something with eyes
“lol i’m sorry did i ruin his move on y/n”
and his subconscious-
it takes all four of his hyungs to plead him to shut up with their glares and don’t make this anymore awkward as tae wants to be swallowed wholly by the ground
your resolute will doesn’t crumble until jimin makes it his ultimate mission to find a drink that’s gonna sink you
because your alcohol tolerance was brought up again when they were talking about buying drinks
and jimin tells the story of how you outdrank him one night and didn’t wake up with a deadlier hangover than he did aNd he was still curious to how you did it
you don’t know either but you’re as interested as them in finding a drink that’s gonna sink you
hobi’s random pick in the grocery store did JUST that
you finally sunk
you finally got as drunk as jimin’s level
as in a shit-faced type and not just a happy buzz you usually felt
you and jin have been laughing without end for five minutes now
no one even joked
you just made eye contact with each other and you both immediately started to wheeze 
he was starting to get so red he looked borderline pURPLE if you were still seeing clearly
yoongi was laughing by seeing the two of you laugh because it was starting to get contagious at the point 
by now namjoon’s back was being slapped carelessly by yoongi who’s pleased with himself
taehyung has a grin on his face because you were so adorable
as if his cheeks weren’t warm enough just by seeing you so happy and bubbly
and the heat in his chest isn’t just because of the alcohol nor the warmth his sweater provided
maybe this isn’t a little crush anymore :((
while he’s ignoring that possibility, everyone else is considering it
everyone besides you :((
jimin’s on his feet at the moment because oh my god it’s happening!!!
good news because you’re drunk out of your mind
and bad news that you’re drunk out of your mind
so he’s tending to you with a glass of water and you won’t drink it
he’s trying harder this time by putting the glass to your lips but you were flailing around so much by laughing that it spilled some to you and jimin himself
he’s now looking for a straw
this one’s for boba but he has to settle for this now
and he’s trying to coax you into drinking it
“but water tastes like nothing :((”
“which is exactly what you need”
“but i want it to taste like something”
he’s about to groan but then he sees your eyes glossing 
and oh god did he hear a whimper
he’s now looking for an ice cold chocolate drink that isn’t overly sweet
namjoon has made it his personal decision to follow jimin around
and with his twofold clumsiness at this state, yoongi follows him but not without holding on to the back of jooni’s shirt so he could be slid around
jin stands up and follows them but he’s not sure why
“why are you all -- this is NOT a conga line!!!”
hobi’s staring into the distance turned into snoring
taehyung isn’t all that drunk
but you, on the other hand, are very much drunk
tae’s not sure to why you’re approaching him
maybe it’s because the hoodie he’s wearing now is jungkook’s
maybe it’s because jimin’s scent is on his hair from having borrowed his shampoo
maybe it’s because you’re drunk and your first thought is him even if drunk
but all his thoughts fly out the door when you’re squeezing yourself into the couch he’s lying on at the very moment
one that’s too small for the two of you and that he had to grab you split-second because you were about to fall out of the couch so hard if not for his strong grip that holds you
taehyung’s not sure either to what his tone contained
whether it was for warning or for reprimanding, literally all his thoughts are crushed once again the moment you speak
“you’re voice is very deep.”
he’s not sure if you know this either but you were unconsciously cuddling up to his side, filling in the gap at the couch that just made you barely fit
“a-and it’s very calming.”
he’s not sure to why but the moment you put your hand on his chest because you were basically almost lying on top of him
his first instinct was to put his hand on the small of your back
and the moment and the feelings were so warm that fuck this isn’t the alcohol anymore
nor the sweater
so warm to the point that the both of you don’t notice jimin’s :O and everyone else’s :D
because the make-shift conga line has arrived right in front of where you are and hobi just woke up
and right when everything feels surreal 
taehyung watches a split-second decision happen right in your eyes
you just kissed the tip of his nose
taehyung thinks he’s gonna ascend to heaven
it’s the softest moment ever because you pull away trying to gauge his reaction
he’s all red with his bottom lip in between his teeth and oh my god his eyes are so expressive
jimin steps in tho
and he clears his throat and taehyung iS SUDDENLY BACK TO EARTH
oh my god oh my god that just happened oh my god
this is a bit more scary and intimidating now
because jimin doesn’t look neither thrilled nor angry
he looks neutral
neutral blank-faced on the verge of who knows what jimin is the most frightening jimin
“hey baby here’s your chocolate drink you asked for :)”
and with just a head rub you immediately come to your senses and are already making grabby hands to the cold mug (with a straw!!) and you’re scrambling to stand up and jimin’s helping you to stay stable because you’re attached to him now
taehyung is now looking at his hands as if they were the most entertaining things in the world “wow look at my rings i have never seen them before so shiny so silver”
and he knows jimin can see right through him
jimin has the tiniest hands out of all of them while he has the largest
and u know what
he could be still strangled with those same hands 
and u know what too
maybe he’ll accept that wrath because he kinda deserves it  
he’s sent a brief look that’s enough to let him know that the both of them will talk
that taehyung shouldn’t leave this couch
nor leave this house
nor this country
you know what maybe tae better start timing his record on how long he can go without breathing
he can do that for a minute and a half underwater
soon enough jimin finally tucks you in with not much protest
much force from him tho but much more apologies and coos when he apologizes and you do as asked
got to make u brush your teeth and change into a fresh set of pajamas
he has to trick you into “seokjin would be mad at u when he learns that you went to sleep with dirty clothes on”
and him being the good friend that he is
since he also achieved of getting to sink you with a drink
he’s gonna go the extra mile
went so far as to wipe you with a wet towel and dry you off since you didn’t want to shower and he’s afraid ur probably gonna fall asleep not even midway
he even does your skincare routine for you
you kept giggling when he was patting your face so he did it more but now you were in the verge of tearing because in your drunk state you tHOught he was slapping you over and over again with both palms at the same time
and after all that
jimin finally gets around with taehyung on the couch and the younger boy just immediately straightens his posture
“...,.,., so you and y/n.,.”
there are literally no words in his mouth
“aha yes me and y/n :D”
and it’s a habit of tae’s to be incoherent whenever he’s flustered
that kinda doesn’t help his case because jimin needs ALL of his brainpower and coherence
“what are your intentions?”
“uhm i uhm aha :D great pilot. no jet lag.”
he’s nodding even there isn’t something to nod at
god he didn’t even drink much but he feels just as floaty and as spent
“calm down, taehyung.”
he SOBERS at that
jimin even pats at his knee to try and ground him
“y-you’re not mad at me??”
“lol i kinda am to be honest”
“but i’m only mad because you treated her from the start as if you didn’t like her!!”
“but hyung you knOw it’s hard and -- wait was it really obvious??”
“there’s a difference between being shy AND being an insensitive ass that leaves the room whenever she enters!!!”
“and i know that people cope with things differently but your mechanism with your little crush on y/n was just kinda off for her, y’know? like this is the time she genuinely gets to know you and not just a five-second introduction by me!! and it’s just kinda a ballsy move because she just got to know you in this level and you’re acting like an ass and she doesn’t know why!!”
“ok but-...”
“and ok the boys and i aren’t mad that you kept from us because it was pretty obvious but i mEAN like you could have just went to us, ya know?? even if some would give poor advice, it’s the thought that counts!!”
“oH also what if y/n fell for jungkook instead of you, huh??? he has balls and he doesn’t even like her in that way!!”
this effectively shuts tae up because he hasn’t really considered that possibility
and it’s a dunk at sobering reality that each one of these days he let pass could have been the moment but it was just him hindering himself
because he is a shy boi for you and the crippling fear of rejection just always paralyzes him
with his nose still tingling and his cheeks still flushed because of that kiss
with somehow permission from jimin
with you in the picture now and everything in place
taehyung really can’t help but pout adorably and cry up tears of happiness a bit
jimin hugs him for that with a pat on his back
they both know though that even without any verbal warning that jimin will give taehyung hell if ever he breaks your heart
tae kinda pales at the realization because it may be a conflict of interest
and jimin would be like
lol :) why would you be afraid of me when you have no intention of hurting her :) 
tae SWEARS he could hear jimin in his head and he was about to reply but he realizes that he’s just a little bit worried and much more overwhelmed
needless to say that things really did do change overnight
you were trashed yet thankful that you remembered most of how the night went including that bit in which you were drunkenly topping and cuddling taehyung then pressing a soft little kiss to the tip of his nose
you could still hear your internal monlogue of “boop :D” when you kissed him
you’re woken up by the boys (yoongi included because it turned out you slept in for much longer) since today was a no-film day and they basically get to do anything in this vacation without it being documented and such
it was just a never-ending warm feeling with tae
throughout the whole day he was just grinning at you and maintaining eye contact and at times when you’re not even doing anything
(he’s glued to your side much to the grumpiness of jimin)
it was a slow burn at most
bumping shoulders and squeezing of wrists 
having his hand casually on the small of your back and around your shoulders
taehyung scrunching his nose SO MUCH
hobi is genuinely concerned
“tae do u have a cold??”
yoongi is fucking relentless
“what? what? what did the good boy smell???”
seokjin keeps pursing his lips intentionally after trying to gain tae’s attention and he = would shrug his shoulders excessively
“i saw that u little punk i SAW that”
namjoon would be on tune with how yoongi just won’t stop
“tie that bandana around your neck instead and sTOP sniffling”
jungkook would roll his eyes and scoff playfully whenever taehyung would glance at him
“do i need to kiss y/n so you’d be jealous enough to do so??”
jimin would be the mediator with all the teases but that doesn’t exactly mean he’s on tae’s side either bc the one time taehyung bragged that jimin was protecting him, he got whacked on the side of the head
“lol no this isn’t for u taehyung,, i’m just doing this because y/n’s cheeks are so hot and they’re burning a hole on my shoulder”
as much as your relationship was slowly but surely blossoming with taehyung
it happened for the boys as well!! even with jimin who you didn’t even think was possible to get closer to
bonding with jin was spontaneity and strict adherance to plans combined
“jin do u know milktpapi on twitter”
“bubble would have been a better name for that puppy”
following twitter recipes that are fast-paced and a little vague became a big hit for the both of you
he went on a watching binge one night and the morning after there were just paper bags on the counter of ingredients upon ingredients that he so sweetly asked the staff to get for him
he liked that there has to be some type of drama between those two sisters
jin would just be ranting to you with no end
“they were on CONEy island,,, C O N E ,,,, and she made cupcakes in cONES but they still chose the sister who thought hAMBURGERS,,, in C O N E y island,,,, was a good idea!!!”
another inside game was to guess the personification of inanimate things but to food
“what must sadness taste like”
jin and you and the never-ending bickering between the two of you almost always fills in as white noise
yoongi and you are rather a quite dynamic duo
and as hobi explains that you could just really really catch on with his tempo
like at times they would just catch the two of you lying on the same couch but at the opposite ends with your feet meeting in the middle
awake and in complete silence
jungkook has his eyes squinted
“why are you texting each other????”
and it has him genuinely baffled but he’s just answered with a grumble and he CAN’T tell whether it’s from you or yoongi
just like with jin, there’s also a food approach
“that dumpling kinda looks like namjoon”
“i was JUST about to say that”
it wasn’t a showy type of friendship with yoongi; rather a more silent concern type of thing and the occasional hug
love language with him seems to be the both of you having a drum-off because he has a nervous habit of tapping his fingers
and he’s v thankful because oh :) you’ve just distracted me from that thing i was nervous about :)
also likes snoozing off so whenever you can, you squeeze in a pillow when his neck’s in an awkward position and when he wakes up and realizes he’s just like :) gummy smile :)
hobi is a force to be reckoned with
asking “hey r u ok” out of the blue even if you weren’t particularly sure how the other one felt and sometimes one of your heads would just whip and go “you noticed???? :(”
hanging with him whenever he scrolls at his phone and online shops
the only difference is that he buys what he wants
“you’re telling me that we scrolled for like an hour and you’re not buying any of the things you saw????”
and you just pass it off every time because although a pilot’s wage is above average salary, your future and earning isn’t as sECURED and SOLID as his was
that doesn’t stop him peeking at your cart when you aren’t looking and adding it to his and perhaps checking out :) i mean it’s definitely not from him when you see some parcels in your doorstep by the time you get home :) not from him :)
it’s become a constant thing to link your arms together!!!
even if you’re not necessarily walking, it is essential to link arms with you as he argues
one time jimin tried getting in between your linked arms with hobi bc he wanted to join
hobi IMMEDIATELY glares at him and jimin backed off like sheesh ok but u don’t get to do the things i do with y/n either
writing on each other’s forearms is a thing too
sometimes it’s to conversate when you’re not in the mood to talk verbally
sometimes it’s just about talking shit but don’t tell jin he has his coat on backwards he looks laughable
“can u choreograph something for twinkle twinkle little star”
“y/n i-...”
nAMJOON however feels like he should’ve met you earlier like WAY WAY EARLIER
he gets on with you so well and sometimes he just sulks to jimin
“why didn’t you introduce y/n earlier to me god what was life like before y/n”
brain talk is more prevalent than ever because there are thoughts that delve deep into your mind that sometimes only namjoon could get
noah fence but if you were to rant about this to jimin, he would just drone off and grumble and he’d turn to sleeping because he just can’t help it
movie symbolisms????? count that to him and jungkook
after watching parasite for the nth time, you’re sure all three of you had all bases covered but nO it was somehow bottomless
“isn’t it ironic and somehow oxymoronic that...”
he is eternally grateful for you because one night the boys wanted to have a seafood night and u may or may not have had some recipes sent in your airline gc with how your airplane food was made
(surprisingly it didn’t suck)
and you considered him since he hates it and you know what,, he gets something else cooked for him
god namjoon gets why taehyung is smitten with you
also joonie is a bit oblivious to this fact but the other boys notice that you always bring him back a trinket of some sort
you noticed (and jimin might have pointed out one time) that he tended to fiddle with things and do small tasks whenever he was ticked off or stressed out
you keep note that you should gift him one of those fun kiddie entertainment packs when you’re back to regular programming as a pilot
it’s also a constant thing for you to bury your head to his chest
for no reason at all
it’s really comforting to say the least
he could be preparing breakfast and you’re just trudging down the stairs still not fully awake
“hey. i’m making-...”
“oh ok jus hang there if you want but u might get burnt by the pan but it’s ok it’s ur call”
jimin has become even much more of a precious being
gets in your nerves a bit more often than the last time but it’s normal at this point
head rubs that lull you to sleep are the best :((
taehyung sometimes looks to his hands because jimin got you to sleep instantly and he pouts
“how do you do that?? i wanna do that too pls”
jimin’s voice feels like a warm weighted comforter,, that you gotta admit
“your voice is very velvet-y and it’s unfair because i can’t stay mad at you”
“𝓲 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀“
you still make an awed face whenever jimin cracks his bones
you’re in the middle of being fond and being disgusted at the sound so it’s still a 50/50 whether you grimace or gasp at him
“can i pls borrow your hoops”
“you could ask a million times and i would still say no”
playing with his rings whenever you’re sad is a habit you would never grow out of
which is why you were attached to him by the hip,,, or rather hands ,,, when taehyung was in the verge of being an ass to you
jungkook is something ELSE
if you aren’t lingering around jimin or taehyung, you would definitely be around him
taehyung is most jealous with the two of you but no he didn’t say that :)
annoying each other is the no. 1 task 
but lately annoying feels like second nature now so it doesn’t seem like tradition anymore
you would be his audience whenever he’s drawing because you’re genuinely enthrilled with him and his work
“how are you so good at this”
you’re almost always trying to copy what he draws
“what were you attempting with this”
“i was attempting your drawing”
“lmao are you sure with that???”
jungkook likes playing with you by pretending that he’s annoyed
but when he sees that u made his art your lockscreen, he was so awed that he was literally about to BAWL
he pretends not to notice when you push your food to his plate because you either aren’t too keen with the dish or you’re just too full
when jimin calls you out for “y/n why are you putting ur food on jungkook’s plate” and jungkook with “and jungkook why are you accepting it”
kook just shrugs and comes to defend you
“nope i didn’t see anything hyung :D”
if you liked shoving your head to namjoon’s chest, you liked leaning on jungkook’s shoulder
seokjin looks most offended 
“not even half of me y/n not even H A L F of me”
this really warms taehyung’s heart
because not only are you close to him but also with his brothers!!
even if he wants to deck jungkook sometimes
and that he may need to work on his jealousy
but none of those things matter because he’s given the assurance that you’re exclusive
that he may be yours and you may be his 
as cheesy as that sounded
taehyung’s working on a plan to properly ask you out once bon voyage ends and not just steal cheek kisses from time to time
or hold your hand and avoid your gaze because he too will surely combust
or hug you from behind tenderly 
much to the teasing and the hoots of the boys
and jimin’s occasional scowls but that’s ok he’s moving on and slowly starting to accept the fact that he can’t be overbearing this much anymore
bon voyage wraps soon enough
and truth be told you didn’t want it to end because you were in such bliss!!
it was a very memorable trip that you now carry close to your heart
and the fact that they still have a commercial to be filmed with you and some billboards to be shot makes you very :D
since the commercial was to be filmed tomorrow and you lived close to the airport, jimin initiated the idea of “hey what about if we just sleep over at y/n’s place??” which was very applauded
taehyung squeals the loudest when the idea was pitched in
“lol no you don’t get to sleep in the same bed as y/n”
namjoon shoots jimin a look that he was being overbearing again
“or you could just let her decide :)”
it’s only been four days since they last saw you but needless to say that it was borderline chaos when they met you at your apartment that was more on the spacious side
“y/n’s uncle kinda owns the building” jimin explains at first because the building did look more lavish than the average complex
“d-do i get to meet y/n’s uncle??” 
taehyung is a bit nervous because he didn’t know that fact obviously and now he’s meeting the family and he is unprepared jesus christ and-
“no he probably won’t like you”
“jimin sTOP making taehyung nervous because he’s gonna start sniffling again”
the lot of them get to your apartment before you because your flight got delayed and therefore jimin just had to whip out his key you gave him as an extra
he does it fast enough before taehyung takes a deep dive to how he doesn’t have an extra key from you or something like that 
jimin does feel like he’s being a bit hard on tae so he lays off of it for now
taehyung has the ultimate heart eyes for you the moment you come home
“i missed you” in the most adorable and heartwarming tone
and there it was again
a cheek kiss and not just a quick peck!!
a tight hug to your waist and a nuzzle against your hairline!!
once jimin finally got to pry taehyung off of you because he claims that he’s hogging you all to himself, you’re met with very eager hugs and greetings
seokjin and basically everyone else are still in awe seeing you in your uniform so he squeezes in a quick pic in his phone 
you sent him a look and when you peered in, the picture turned out really cool with the nice lighting your apartment had
AND he’s really pushing it that it was good because of the app he downloaded that made pictures have a vintage film cam aesthetic to it
so you yielded and just told him to send the picture to you later 
aha ego boost :D
they insisted on cooking dinner since you did look a bit exhausted from your round of flights even if it was routine at this point (the highlight was when some people recognized you from the pics that went viral and asked to take a pic with you when you were greeting them out!!)
“are you really sure you’re gonna cook dinner, tae? i could always order-...”
“you don’t need to!! i wanna cook for you anyway!!”
that was heartwarming more than usual
jungkook clears his throat
“....,., and us”
“aha yes of course i meant for you and the boys as well :D”
you go to change clothes more than enthusiastically now
because things just seemed to be good with no complications at all
the idea of domesticity with taehyung makes you iMPLODE just by thinking about it
the thought was too soft and too fuzzy that you’ve become energized
maybe reading a couple of emails before taking a shower and cleaning up and getting yourself to look a bit more presentable isn’t a bad thing
it isn’t anything but sheer giddiness when you check your inbox and see an edited version of a run bts ep from a staff member you befriended during bon voyage!!!
you kinda get now what jimin was saying that you had the ability to have people wrapped around your finger
maybe it’s charisma you picked up from wanting to please people just so you could have extra credit???
it’s a run bts ep you get one of the first dibs on to watch so that’s always a reward
basically the context for it was that it was a hot tub confessions type of thing!! the twist was that they had to speak their heart out (their dislike is very much encouraged) over a certain someone bUT they had to rely on their ~telepathy because names wouldn’t drop
and it was a random selection to who would start the confession first and the others had to go with the flow and basically hope that they’re talking smack about the same person lol
only the name blank would be used and it for the pronoun!!
you were already making assumptions to who it would be about
it could be about jungkook because throughout the whole trip, he would literally gasp out of the blue and take the others in shock like seagulls going WHAT WHAT WHAT IS IT WHAT WHAT
or maybe jimin because he’s a lil shit and would pull chairs and that hobi fell victim and was so annoyed because he fell on his ass so hard 
last prospect was seokjin simply because,, as jungkook emphasized throughout this whole trip,, “ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ ᶦˢ ˢᵒ ᵒˡᵈ ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ” just because he complained about his lower back one time
speaking of jin, he gets chosen to open the game!!
and he buffers for a moment that gets another tease from jungkook 
“ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᵍᵒᵈ ʲᶦⁿ⁻ʰʸᵘⁿᵍ'ˢ ᵐᵉᵐᵒʳʸ ᶦˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᵃⁿʸᵐᵒʳᵉ ᵍᶦᵛᵉ ʰᶦᵐ ʰᶦˢ ᵐᶦˡᵏ“
“blank bought me an actual film camera!! bit more complicated than taehyung’s!! keeps telling me every five seconds about my settings and i!! i KNOW HOW TO WORK IT THANK U VERY MUCH!!”
although jin is a bit guilty about that because he admits that he has a more-than-sure feeling that most of his pics may or may not be either over-exposed or too dark
this reminds you of that time you bought a film camera for jin on a whim because it was on sale and you were talking about it the night before
lol what a coincidence
hobi takes second call
he is only about a quarter-percent sure to who jin was pertaining to so he trails around for a bit
“blank is like a broken kitchen timer”
he plays it safe with that one 
although there is some sort of edge with his bluntness because everyone might be a little drunk hehe 
“blank looks at things as if it was born yesterday!! literally goes :O”
even goes so far to imitate said expression and it makes everyone gIGGLE
yoongi snorts with that and now he’s a bit more feisty since he’s tipsy
“it joins me in my silence”
“texts me even if i’m in the same room like wtf i can see you”
hold on
you really didn’t like making things about you because other people doing that makes you tick
but there’s this unsteady feeling in your gut
something that makes you think deep in thought and in doubt
jimin was next to speak so that calms your nerves
he would never, right??
maybe you’re just taking things to heart!! the boys really aren’t talking smack about you, right??
your breath is just held because jimin was surely taking his time in making a show with inhaling so deeply so he could yell a bit more dramatically
your eyes flicker for a moment to the sweater that’s by your dresser
something of jimin’s that you forgot to return
“needier and whinier than jungkook”
it was the youngest’s turn to cackle
and at this point you’re only half-listening
you’re a bit too preoccupied with the hurt blooming in your chest
“i!! am!! not!! a!! baby!!”
jungkook’s meltdown makes everyone else laugh because right now he had his fists clenched and his face looking like a baby’s
“blank always wants to be included it’s not funny anymore”
there was just a little bit more hope lingering that this may no be about you at all
but god it was getting too specific 
too specific when it came to namjoon who was a bit more eloquent in speaking and wanting to get his point across
“.... trying to memorize my rap in UGH! .....”
fuck this really is about you
and it’s not just sadness that’s overtaking you
makes you more than deflated than you thought you could ever be
“at this point i sometimes avoid her”
and god there’s this more than familiar laugh that fills your ears through and through
“lol namjoon where do you hide?? i hide in the pantry”
taehyung even?
at this point you can’t even bear watching the video anymore
willing your laptop closed so forcefully that it bOUNCED back open but you can’t even begin to worry that you might have put a crack on the screen
shoving it to your desk with the screen facing anywehere instead of you being the best option
the hurt is painfully fresh and oddly felt so surreal
god were you really that intolerable?
you didn’t know how to cope with what you’ve just heard nor experienced
but the only thing you were sure about is that your situation has just been too good
perhaps this was the complication you were looking for because you weren’t used to things being so good
and you know for sure that this feeling isn’t good at all
and you hated it
at this point you’re just trying to go about your previous plans of showering and cleaning up but the eagerness isn’t there anymore
nor is the eagerness to see the boys
nor is the eagerness to see taehyung
didn’t even notice that you were taking up much time that jimin was at your door knocking, voice gentle and inquiring
“y/n did you fall asleep??”
you’re very much tempted to not go out at all because you lost your appetite for eating too
very much so that you make no move at all and actually think that jimin’s given up on knocking at your locked door
but then your phone rings and he knows for sure that you haven’t gone to sleep because it would’ve been put on silent
“are you hiding???”
you pretty much are and you don’t wanna go out at all
but you basically had no choice to
it was a pressure to wipe at stray tears and say “i’m coming” in an unwavering voice and even more-so pretend that nothing’s wrong at all
or the fact that everyone’s eyes are on you and jimin’s prodding makes everyone else wonder
“are you crying??”
the question doesn’t faze you but it does take you by surprise now that you aren’t comfortable with the situation nor the new attention
taehyung’s getting worried because now he notices the redness in your eyes and the bit of puffiness in your lips
“just sleepy. my eyes tear up when i’m sleepy, right?” you’re using jimin’s knowledge about you against him and he agrees to that almost instantly
can’t help thinking that something was fishy though
you weren’t telling him off when he was bickering to taehyung that he shouldn’t sit next to you for dinner
didn’t react either when tae let off a little victory giggle and grinned when he sat next to you not one bit of acknowledgement when a replay of cake boss was on your tv with jin’s eyes flickering over to you repeatedly but he doesn’t receive an excited glance back
even yoongi found you oddly too quiet and he was tempted to pull out his phone to text you
it’s weirdly off
there’s something missing
namjoon was starting to get worried because you aren’t really engaged in this conversation with a topic he’s direly interested about
“and something done to that degree would just be far too suspicious, right?”
“mhmm yeah”
even jungkook who’s kinda throwing himself at you and you’re just barely responding
he’s wriggling himself to fit by your side and just curl up and when he looks at you expectantly to do something, he just gets a pat on the head
a pat??????
hobi’s being over the top with his reactions right now to try and gauge a reaction from you but to no avail at all
normally he would’ve made you laugh or atleast smile at this point
but there’s nothing
just nothing
taehyung gets you alone on the couch because everyone else was just dispersed at this point and are bumping into each other asking if they knew what happened to you
jimin himself is pressured because he prides himself in being your closest friend aND HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON WITH YOU
tae is a lil bit more confident that he could coax out to why you were acting so differently
even gets far as to hold your hand and nuzzle his face to the crook of your neck
“everything okay, baby?”
god and he’s only called you baby only for a handful of times
that didn’t hurt taehyung’s ego
not at all
or make him overthink to why you’re not all that willing to open up to him nor even look interested in this conversation he’s carrying alone on his back
no not at all
not even when jimin has the most balls out of the group and is the testing point to see how the waters would go
while the night’s coming to an end and everyone’s slowly starting to settle in
“aha so where are we gonna crash anyway?”
you know what he’s trying to get at 
but seeing to it that what you just watched prior to this and perhaps for even a longer period besides that particular episode you don’t even wanna watch
you might as well not give anyone the sense of satisfaction nor pride; even if the question took you by surprise with how bluntly he addressed it
“uhm well the guest room now has two beds since some friends come over from time to time”
“yeah the huge couch could fold over as a bed”
“i could also-...”
“but y/n you have a king-sized bed!!”
jimin blurts out and almost whines out, a frown evident on his face as you keep your will not to break
“oh. just wanna sleep alone, jimin, yeah? kinda tired because of work today.”
he almost always gets what he wants and this blooming feeling inside him isn’t because of the embarrassment that you didn’t grant his wishes of just plopping beside you on your bed 
it’s because he’s thinking of why not
taehyung tries his best to just swallow the lump in his throat because he may or may not have daydreamed that he’d get to share beds with you
nothing but cuddling in his mind and the tiny bit of friskiness but that’s beside the point
he doesn’t wanna think about how there are no goodnight hugs
the closest thing to it was jungkook receiving a pat on the shoulder
because it happened that his arms were outsretched awkwardly
no cheek kiss for taehyung either
yeah it’s perhaps just fatigue as hobi tried to reason
they don’t know if they’re convincing each other or just themselves
maybe tomorrow would be better :D
aha no 
in fact at this point of morning when everyone knows that you’d be awake and it happens to be your off-day before the shoot tomorrow
and that whenever they’re around, you’d rather linger around them than to stay cooped in your room because you would be too sluggish then go back to sleep again
“blank always wants to be included it’s not funny anymore”
yeah you’d rather keep your pride at this point
jimin knocks again and you know you have no choice if you wanted this to go as discreet and as smooth as possible without raising suspicions that you knew
jin panicked for a moment because he was making french toast that he saw from damn milktpapi to try and catch your attention so when he hEARD your door click he was rapping litanies faster than the rapline ever could
they unconsciously just gravitate towards the couch and are practically hovering around you
you’re awfully quiet and the only input you give is when you’re asked a direct question
the only noise was coming from them reminiscing about their bv trip 
namjoon keeps bringing you up with “yahhh do u remember when y/n-....”
yoongi makes a point to keep laughing and have his arms protruding and therefore nudging you each time
at one point he almost shoves you but he’s barely met with a reaction
goddamn does he need to throw you off a cliff or something just to get a rise out of you
they really think that there must be something wrong 
so right when they wanted to open it up, they literally get interrupted but this time with a doorbell
you practically leap at that opportunity because quite literally were you saved by the bell
you don’t know who’s ringing your bell and why but you’re willing to take it 
jimin knows that you aren’t expecting anyone besides them as he’s made you promise
he might as well square up right now and be huffy about it
you’re bordering on confusion and curiosity as you open the door and even more-so your audience behind you who may or may not be in the same state
yoongi’s ears immediately perk up at that while his eyes go the widest
he’s toppling over as he scrambles for a vantage point that would get to see theo but without neither you nor theo seeing him
oh my god is this really your prfoessional basketball player for an ex-boyfriend
the boys are panicked to how yoongi’s acting and they even help him adjust his position even if they don’t know what it’s for
he’s racking his brain for the description you gave and the picture you showed him
tall? intimidatingly. shoulders? perhaps even broader than seokjin’s. muscles? even more defined than jungkook when he lived in the gym. fluffy and silky-looking hair? enviously so :((
oh god it is theo
is he supposed to fanboy now
what was your ex doing here anyway
“i’m just gonna be out for a second, yeah?”
you say aimlessly and yoongi catches your gaze and he pretends to eat french toast while he’s stretched out on the floor to not break his cover
no one even has a chance to question nor respond because you’re already shutting the door
“i sWEAR i saw him on tv once”
“taehyung are you ok”
yoongi’s bombarded and even if he’s shocked at the the turn of events because one second ur eating french toast with them and the next you’re out the door; he does have a bit more of an idea
“oh that was theo”
“are we supposed to automatically know who tHEO is???”
“you gonna add more context to that or????”
“even jimin doesn’t know!!!”
“theo’s a basketball player”
there are a couple of awed reactions
even namjoon’s explosive “aHHHHH so that’s where he’s from”
but there’s this question that’s begging to be asked
jimin taking front line as he asks with so much spite
“why is theo here then??”
this baffles yoongi too
most times he just doesn’t sugarcoat things and his mouth speaks the truth before he could even think of something else
“aish i don’t know i just know that she’s y/n’s ex so stop asking me if-...”
jimin’s in the corner with his mouth dropped, tongue poking at his cheek
“oh uhm i didn’t know that”
taehyung is sat on the floor with his attention not on the french toast anymore
eyes distant and not blinking as he’s nodding
“i see”
both jimin and taehyung clearly need time to process this bit of information
the conversation ends at that and everyone else staggers around
jimin’s in thought because why didn’t he know that??
shouldn’t he know that?
and what’s it with yoongi knowing instead of him?
taehyung, on the other hand, is conflicted with what he should feel
he’s jealous that’s for sure
the both of you covered masses of topics during the outing
but it never came to the topic of past flames
were you meaning not to tell him? or theo wasn’t talked about because the topic never came????
is this insecurity that he’s feeling
jungkook has to hold taehyung’s head still because he’s still nodding while deep in thought
you really weren’t expecting theo to show up at your doorstep
it’s in good intentions and you remained as friends but he was just too unexpected
“didn’t you know?? i’m gonna be one of those extras tomorrow for your airline commercial and it’s just a lil cameo but still!!! i don’t know i just wanted to visit you since i was in the area too :D”
and that’s what ended up with you coming with him to the little cafe at your complex with the promise that it was just gonna be quick and you’ll show him out
and perhaps that you don’t wanna be in the same room as them either
avoiding is good
yeah it would be good
jimin doesn’t know what he’s trying to prove either but there’s this tug on his chest that basically yelled at him that he was a shitty friend
hasn’t been an hour ever since you left but he’s kinda sitting there fazed, whatever the other was saying coming in his ear and going out the other
“i lost my charger :(((”
jimin’s mindlessly answering to a pouty namjoon
“y/n has the same laptop. you could just get the charger by her desk”
he says naturally as if it’s clockwork and only waves him off when namjoon asks if it would be okay with you
he smiles at that and practically bounces to your unlocked room
quickly finds your desk and looks for a familiar charger
oh uhm it’s still connected to your laptop
jimin already said it was no worries so namjoon sleekly takes it out of the port with little hesitation
why did your laptop turn on
is that his face??
is that
is that them in a hot tub
jimin’s wondering why namjoon is taking so long
he himself hasn’t been in your room for a long time and the thought makes him spring up
oh god
it feels like freezing cold water was just splashed onto their spines without warning
jimin immediately pales
it’s taehyung who piles in last to your bedroom with all the commotion he could hear
he wants to absolutely deck himself 
everyone’s just speechless when they clicked play on the video even when they had this underlying feel to what it was
there’s a collective intake of sharp inhales because they couldn’t even finish the episode in which they basically talk shit about you for a solid three minutes
jimin has his face on his hands and he’s visibly stressed as everyone else is
couldn’t even tell on which blow was the hardest because they were all so harsh in their own ways
basically hit where it hurts most 
they were drunk beyond their comprehension and weren’t necessarily thinking
the episode was filmed pretty much in the first day of bv 
and whatever circumstance that night was in, it was still no excuse
absolutely no excuse to how they acted
maybe they took joking and overexaggerating too far
but whatever route they took, be it honest or not, no doubt that they were sure it hurt you
god a mental breakdown is already creeping at the back for all seven of them
jimin’s shaking
jungkook’s rubbing his eyes
jin and namjoon are repeating themselves
hobi’s dead silent
yoongi’s hands are practically trembling
it’s when you go home that you’ve momentarily forgotten that everything was going downwards because you spent the last hour or two being distracted by theo in just your pajamas
but it’s when you know that they know
and some can’t even look you in the eye
jimin’s the first to shoot up from his seat and god he looks somehow wrecked
“y/n i-...”
“m’sorry for being introlerable and all of those things, yeah? won’t happen again.”
everyone tenses at that
you shouldn’t even be apologetic!!
in fact they’re the ones who fucked up and you’re the one who’s acting as if you did
this makes them even more guilty
they all pipe in and try to point that out but you just easily drown them out with a tilt of your head
taehyung who’s standing by your doorframe just buffers as if to reach out for you but he retracts it quickly
they’ve really done it this time huh
it’s all just in characteristically empty spirits
the shooting next day was painful
having to drive together and be squished in between yoongi and jungkook whose mouths were so dry and eyes glossy
“i didn’t mean it”
jungkook first says under his breath and it’s quite a hitch in his throat when he adds on to it
“we weren’t thinking at all”
it’s a quiet show as jungkook and yoongi try to apologize to you and you’re in the middle trying to just sit through it all
it’s a quick nod as you have for a response before you hurriedly go down the van in perfect timing
you did listen and the apologies were sincere and heartfelt
just not too keen on forgiving something of that gravity in an instant
even with their promise that they could work something out to have that bit cut out or even scrap the whole episode if necessary
you just couldn’t wait to get the day over
you’re rigid with them and them trying to get to talk to you in between takes
the skits required more of them than you anyway so you just sat that one out
all while they try to get genuine with the feelings and lines indicated in their script
taehyung was the most distracted
even if people expected more of him given his acting credentials
and when it’s your turn to be filmed at, he can’t help staring
you looked blank
there’s this certain hyunbin (and also to your surprise) that’s gonna act as your co-pilot that got to make you smile a time or two after making a fool out of himself
if only taehyung knew that theo’s gonna be here as an extra
he would flip and THEN bawl
and as if things wouldn’t get even more unfavorable for you, they decide to cram in the photoshoot for the billboard at this very day too
multiple shoots of you being in the middle of them with a commercial-like smile
you having a solo one
them having one too
the boys wearing your airline’s flight attendant uniforms
trying to have a candid shot but all of you should be laughing and smiling as per the director
that was painful
that was really painful for the staff to watch
most painful for the eight of you
they even had to count to three so you could laugh together even if that takes away the essence of a candid shot
jimin wants so badly to hold you and talk to you
taehyung wants to get on his knees desperately if it means earning your forgiveness
the shoot raps and you’re zooming out the set
tae breaks down yet again because they’re gonna be held up by your ceo for awhile
things feel empty and slow
everyone got around to texting you their apologies because as much as they’re desperate to apologize, they’ve done enough damage and respecting your space is the least they could do
that doesn’t stop jimin dropping in from time to time to leave something by your door
nor taehyung who doesn’t give up with all his texting and calling and sometimes waiting on your door
jimin and him coincidentially went at the same time and they just teared up and sulked together
you weren’t even home at that time
of course you’ve read their messages
trying to talk it out too as you’ve refused to succumb into your passive-aggressiveness
you don’t wanna lose what you have either
it’s only been two weeks so far
progress as you reply to texts here and there
slowly warming up again!!
namjoon earning back his partner for talking about movie symbolisms and perhaps everything wrong in this barren earth
seokjin getting to send you incorrect quotes from cake boss again left and right
hobi gaining his online shopping partner back 
yoongi making you promise that you’d hug him when he gets to see you again
jungkook vowing to teach you how to draw and makes sure to send daily content so he could make you switch wallpapers
well jimin
jimin’s going over the top as he has a lot to mend
but forgiveness was clear in the path and when you finally agreed to meet up with him after your shift
(he’s made the effort to wait for you in your lounge hours before as he got to pull some strings)
and then when you have a drink over it and talk about what happened properly, it just ends in a massive hug and some tears shed :((
“i missed u so much”
“i know”
“i could really be a fucking asshole sometimes”
“you are”
“you are none of those things and i don’t ever wanna stop having you as my friend”
“aha yes”
“you love me too much and i love you too much and this is forever now ok pls don’t get mad at me ever again”
basically everything was slowly returning back to normal
taehyung hasn’t texted you for a couple of days
even if you barely responded and miss him as much
it’s something you still have to come to terms with because his blows hit the hardest
you’re losing sleep just by thinking about him :(
you try to get on with your days with the knowledge that you get on with the six of them
things becoming more hectic for you because sometimes you forget that you’re famous now
but sometimes it was just lackluster if you were to admit
you basically sprint at the chance to pick up a normal shift again because you’ve missed flying
you liked being pampered for shoots but being tired from flying is the ache you’ve been craving for :((
it’s when you’re briefed that the plane you’d be flying isn’t your usual aircraft yet you still have the clearance for it
it’s when you just had the kick to be extra punctual and jump at the chance to greet passengers boarding
it’s these little extras in your day that you were so eager for things
that things just seem to be aligning
taehyung’s by the front-most seat
hyunbin by his side as he gets up and goes to the cockpit to do nothing but take your place
it’s oddly warm just by looking at taehyung
no apologies have been said yet and it’s when that hyunbin practically says over the mic that “y/n take a seat and put your seatbelt on jesus christ” you do beside tae
the atmosphere’s just a loving type of warm
you really can’t explain it
it’s the same type of slow burn the both of you felt in the outing
the same anticipation you had for each other even if the other was doing the bare minimum
taehyung croaks out after an eternity, a grin he tries to earnestly keep as it breaks out
“let’s talk.”
he’s nervous as he sees you relax to your seat, knowing in routine that the plane was to take off 
taehyung ever-so slightly shifts in his seat, shoulders touching with yours and hand in an armrest as he flexes them so slightly -- only supposed to be an attempt at a loving tease but it’s when you shift towards him and have your hand skim his for the slightest fraction
“let’s talk.”
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
Speech Quirks in MLQC
Archived Reddit post but this is the improved and updated version. I've linked the Reddit one though because @sharinluna made fantastic comments which I hadn't considered.
Spoilers include content up to Chapter 18 and some unreleased calls and cards. None of these are plot lines though, just snippets to support their speech quirks. Also, my eternal disclaimer is that I'm pulling from CN lines so don't be alarmed if the quotes differ.
The cutest habit this man has is defaulting into a sincere and solemn tone whenever he doesn't know how to respond to MC. He's so genuine it hurts. It's especially apparent when he goes along with weird topics.
Here are some examples of Bai Qi being an adorably confused puppy but trying to do his best. He always takes MC's concerns seriously:
[CN Soaked Heart SSR Misunderstanding Date] Context is they keep misunderstanding each other today. "Though I don't understand women's hearts, yours is the only one I don't want to get wrong. Can you give me some more time?"
[Lightbath SSR Tenderness] Context is after he excessively praises MC to her embarrassment. "I'm sorry, maybe it's because I didn't convey it well enough. But I just wanted to express all my thoughts out. Next time, I hope I can use a better way to express them to you."
[Summer Loving SSR Undo Fail Call] Context is MC having a terrible day and mis-sent her messages to Bai Qi. "If you don't want to go to work then you can take a day off. As for your hairline... how about..."
[Blaze Up SSR Age Rage Call] Bai Qi takes MC's opening extremely seriously, thinking something happened, before having a small laugh at her being called "auntie" by the boy. But he immediately regains his seriousness to talk it over with her.
It's not that Bai Qi doesn't get jokes, but his response to them tends to be serious too (which leads to unintentional killer lines). I think his humor tends towards more of the deadpan kind, like Li Zeyan (except Li Zeyan has some witty sharpness).
I've also seen people mention this phrase and I love it because it encapsulates him so well: Bai Qi is either shy and blushes or he goes straight for the kill LOL.
Here are some examples of lines that may sound sleazy or too flirty if they weren't delivered in such a straight and sincere manner LOL:
[Cold Shower R Refreshing Moments] When you pick the choice saying you thought he was going to upload a picture he goes: "Um... I can DM you." I've seen that he uses a smiley in English but it's not there in Chinese.
[Against the Light SR Sweet Bomb Moments] When you pick the choice saying that he's become cola-flavored he asks: "What do I normally taste like?"
[2018 Valentine's Text] I chose a conversation path which had me telling Bai Qi that he needs to get used to pet hair if he's going to raise a pet and that one day I'd like to raise one. He seriously promises to do his best to get used to pet hair and asks to raise one together.
[Grocery Moments] When you pick the choice that he can use his other hand to carry bags he answers simply: "My other hand is for holding yours, so I can't use it."
Honestly, the takeaway in Bai Qi's speech is the unconditional support and love he gives to MC. He never questions her feelings about things, and oftentimes vehemently objects to her thinking she's bothering him or that her problems are trivial or silly.
He wants to hear about her happy news, her sad news, and everything about her. (I joke that Bai Qi is the perfect fit for the meme where it's like "Why are you crying?" "Oh, it's just these onions" "What the hell did you say to my girlfriend!?").
He always gives a heads up before he acts, even though he generally tends to be moving already. Like going to pick up MC in the rain or at any other location.
I wouldn't be surprised if some of this came from his family life. Through his Rumors and Secrets and [Seize SSR Sad Thoughts Call] you can get an idea that his mother didn't have any standing with his father, often got cut off, and nothing she wanted or felt mattered.
Even though Bai Qi was young at that time it probably left a mark on him because he never does that with MC; he lets her express herself before he brings up any of his feelings. Her feelings are always valid, but he does tend to be a proactive fixer and provides solutions if he can (much like Li Zeyan). Bai Qi will try to solve MC's problems, but I'm sure if she just wanted to rant then he'll gladly listen (ex. [Blaze Up SSR Age Rage Call]).
One other notable thing is that, in Asian cultures, social harmony is very important and that's why there's a culture around speaking indirectly and preserving the other person's dignity.
So Bai Qi's indifference and ability to cut straight to the point probably doesn't stand out that much in the West but it's actually a bit shocking and impactful in Chinese. Especially because he doesn't shy away from expressing his feelings. He might stutter, cough, clear his throat, and be all embarrassed but then he just delivers monologues of blunt emotion (ex. [Love Of My Life SSR Goodnight Wish & Wish Calls]).
I find that Bai Qi and Li Zeyan are the most stereotypical types of masculinity among the four men.
As always, I need to thank my Luoluo-loving friend for the discussion here because I always have the least thoughts on him. Oops.
I don't think I'd be wrong in saying he has the most range among all the men. He gets to play with a pouting baby voice, his acting hero voice, his KEY voice, his Helios voice, and then his normal voice.
He has a harder speech habit to pin down because of this massive range, but I think you can catch how he leans into a sly or teasing tone. He's very quick with comebacks and jokes and I'd say he's the first to establish an inside joke with MC (both being each other's superheroes).
He and MC have a relationship where they're both building each other up. If Bai Qi provides unconditional support and acceptance then Zhou Qiluo is all about cheering her on whenever possible.
It's also interesting to point out that even though he's so emotive on the outside, when things are serious he goes deadly quiet and calm. You can see that in Chapter 8, 14, and his Helios persona in Chapter 17. They say watch out for the quiet ones, but more like watch out for the people who use their jokes and loudness to hide their quiet intensity.
I'm not sure how clear this came across in English but Luoluo notably repeats himself on several occasions in Chinese. It's sad because it's like he's reassuring the person he's talking to and himself at the same time.
[Main Story 14-20] "It'll be okay, it'll definitely be okay [...] You'll be okay."
[Main Story 14-20] "Miss Chips, wait for me... will you wait for me?"
I've also noticed that, even though he tries to be as genuine as possible, he's actually not as emotionally open as someone like Bai Qi. Luoluo tends to bring up his own emotions in a third-person or hypothetical perspective. For example:
[Call after Main Story 11-8: Important Decision] Luoluo calls and talks around the subject of an important decision he needs to make (aka. turning into Helios) and whether or not MC would be able to accept him if he changed completely into another person.
[CN ASMR Bear Cub's Troubles] He tells a story about a number of bears doing things and they're clearly supposed to represent him but he never admits that either.
We're about to hear much more from Helios but, as a start, he's extremely curt. Luoluo is definitely pulling an opposite here with his speech style, but it's neat how you can hear tones of Zhou Qiluo throughout too.
See, there's these things called modal particles in Chinese that you stick on the end of your sentences to give them meaning, emphasize meaning, strengthen meaning, or soften the meaning and tone.
Luoluo has the habit of using one 啊 (ah) which can have all these sort of meanings and other ones you just sort of pick up on:
[attached to the end of a sentence to indicate admiration]
[attached to the end of a sentence to show approval or self-protectiveness or to urge or enjoin]
[attached to the end of a sentence to indicate doubt]
[sign of pause in the middle of a sentence to draw attention to what one is going to say next]
[attached to the end of each item enumerated]
In Luoluo's case it makes his sentences sound more excited and younger and goes really well with his bright atmosphere. However, when he's Helios, this modal particle is dropped completely. Helios is flat, blunt, and basically pulling a Li Zeyan LOL.
I think I've talked way too much about how Xu Mo is a wordsmith LOL but I'm always impressed by how he can corner MC into accepting his invitations without it being creepy. But I suppose this is a point of contention due to localization decisions and voice direction.
Putting that aside, it has to be noted that Xu Mo asks for a lot of permission. His speech style is designed to get you to lower your guard as much as possible, which I've touched on in my wordsmith post.
Again, returning to modal particles, Xu Mo has ones that basically gives all his sentences a "May I?" "Could I?" "Would you...?" style.
[Sound of Silence SSR The Little Prince Call] "Would you like to hear what I have to say?"
[Call after Main Story 3-1: Movie Invitation] "Then, would this lady be willing to watch Manhattan with me this Sunday?"
[CN Archery Date] "May I ask this lady here for some assistance?"
To be more specific, he uses a lot of 吧 (ba) which has these sort of meanings (the first one especially):
[a particle used at the end of the sentence to indicate discussion, suggestion, request, or instruction]
[an indication of agreement or approval at the end of the sentence]
[an indication of doubt or guess at the end of the sentence]
[an indication of uncertainty in the sentence]
[it can express a pause, tone of assumption, difficulty in making a choice, or dilemma in the sentence]
You can imagine how much this softens his sentences right? It's why he's so good at sounding disarming LOL and then you walk away and take 5 seconds to realize he said something alarming and/or got you to accept a date.
On another note, much like Bai Qi, Xu Mo quietly accepts all of MC's feelings and doubts. But he's much more of a natural at gently refuting her points and wording things in a way that helps her mature slowly (a big theme with him).
Compared to the others, he checks more often on whether MC wants to listen to his opinion before he gives it. Or, he supports his view from an empirical standpoint (like how he's been the adviser to Miracle Finder pretty much at the beginning and seen her growth from there).
Because of how his speech habit is designed to be soft when he's Xu Mo, it makes his Ares persona really interesting. He drops his softeners and speaks in a more clipped tone but he still maintains his politeness.
At the news conference in Chapter 16 you can hear how he uses starts using rhetoric to push the MC around (as a mix between Ares and cold Xu Mo). He actively challenges her opinions, compared to before when he was just providing alternative (and supportive) views. The news conference is actually amazing because in Chinese they both become EXCESSIVELY polite to demonstrate this new distance between them after Chapter 13.
CRIES WHENEVER I THINK ABOUT XU MO AND ARES. So, Xu Mo also has a quirk that's very apparent in his ASMRs where he repeats himself because he flusters the MC so bad she's always like "Huh!?".
But as Ares he literally has a line where he coolly says that he doesn't like to repeat himself and that he won't repeat himself...
Switching gears, Xu Mo also shares a habit with Li Zeyan where they give nonverbal responses. In Xu Mo's case, he goes "Mm?" "Hm?" or "Oh?" and tends to raise the end of his sentences to soften them. Li Zeyan just grunts acknowledgements LOL but it's the hottest noise in Chinese.
Lastly, Xu Mo really, really loves nicknaming the MC and has called her kitten, sea otter, this lady, night owl, etc. It's adorable! (I'm not mentioning his use of little fool or silly girl because I'm going to go more into that in Li Zeyan's section.)
Okay, let's get the elephant out of the room. One of his speech quirks is calling MC a dummy, idiot, or moron LOL.
But there's an extremely interesting cultural difference here that people might not be aware of. In Chinese, the word he uses for "idiot" and "dummy" (笨蛋; bendan) is actually light and almost negligent. If I were to give an analogy, it's more like he's calling you "silly" all the time.
Obviously, the fact that you're being called something still hasn't disappeared. But the word Li Zeyan uses lands as a 0.1/10 on the insult scale in Chinese.
I don't have enough background in sociology to explain why this is but there's an interesting talk about the vagueness of Japanese insults vs. English ones that basically applies here to Chinese too:
One likely reason for the relatively few Japanese words for 'fool' is vagueness. In both English and Japanese, the words for 'fool' have meanings that vary along scales of friendly–hostile, or joking–serious. In English, at one end of a scale are words like silly goose and at the other end are words like stupid asshole. And in Japanese, at one end are words like kamaboko baka 蒲鉾馬鹿 'silly chump' and at the other end are words like baka-yarō 馬鹿野郎 'damn fool'. The difference is in the degree of lexical diversification along the scales of meaning. English seems to have more 'fool' words with more specificity – Japanese seems to have fewer 'fool' words with more vagueness. There are decided pragmatic and communicative advantages to such lexical vagueness. If you call me a stupid son-of-a-bitch, I know exactly what you mean. But if you call me a baka-yarō, I cannot be so sure of what you mean. The expression baka-yarō 馬鹿野郎 is one of the most insulting terms in the Japanese lexicon, but it is vague and can range in meaning from an affectionate 'silly-willy' to an abusive 'jerk-off fool'. Baka-yarō is so widely used that it has become semantically weak and vague. Such vagueness can serve to conceal hostility and thus to maintain social harmony.
Carr, Michael (1982). "Baka and Fool". The Review of Liberal Arts. 63: 1–18. Retrieved 2013-04-19.
On this note about insults, all the other guys have their own terms for the MC as well. For example, Xu Mo and Bai Qi use 傻瓜 (shagua; fool, silly melon) with Xu Mo often adding more affection with the diminuitive 小 (xiao; small, little).
I've seen Luoluo take some heat for also calling the MC "stupid" like Li Zeyan but did you know in Chinese he only uses 笨 (ben; dumb) which is even more lighter than Li Zeyan's word? It's like a 0.01/10 on the scale.
Putting this cultural difference of insults aside, I've mentioned above that Li Zeyan is also a fixer of problems like Bai Qi. Except he goes straight for it without checking with the MC (overbearing CEO style). He decides on an action, carries it out, and then tells MC after the fact.
[Marauder SSR Change Hotel Call] He switches her hotel immediately and gets her to move only after he's done it during their call.
[Chapter 11] Pretty much the entirety of this chapter and how he had her treated at the hospital, escorts her to and from work, assigns bodyguards for MC, etc.
Basically, whenever Li Zeyan receives MC's problems, he'll make a dry comment about it first, but then end up solving it.
I also think that, out of the rest of the guys, he questions MC the most on everything (remember, Xu Mo isn't naturally confrontational until he goes cold or Ares-mode). Li Zeyan can't seem to stop himself from challenging MC's views and opinions every step of the way (in his mind, he's doing it for her own good).
On a side note, I think he also has the habit of being unable to say what he truly wants to say sometimes and you can hear him swallow back a lot of words or just sigh heavily. For example:
[Call after Main Story 11-19: Routine Greeting] Granted he was really emotional due to story reasons here. But there were so many pregnant pauses and heavy silence.
[Gentle Confrontation SSR Tacit Game Call] In Chinese, when MC opens with her question you can actually hear him go "Uh..." LOL. IT'S HILARIOUSLY CUTE. But the rest just has him sighing deeply.
I mentioned above that he and Bai Qi share a similar sense of humor in being deadpan, but Li Zeyan definitely takes it to another level. He also delivers a serving of dry wit or sarcasm. I think it's cute that he mimics the MC a lot though and their inside joke is him recalling everything she's called him.
[Main Story 11-16] Same speech pattern. "Are you Li Zeyan...?" "... Are you a moron?"
[Winter Infatuation SSR Before Sleep Call] "Even though on the way back you were clearly crying, 'Ah, so tired... ah, so sleepy...', the moment you get home you have the energy to turn on the computer?"
There's too many occasions where he quotes her words about him being an unsmiling K(ing), but whenever it happens some cute back and forth ribbing gets brought up. Like how it slipped out of her mouth, but he just so happened to recall it too and it's not like he remembers this stuff on purpose or keeps it in his mind. Uh huh.
Despite how exasperated he gets though, Li Zeyan never stops participating in all the silly games MC drags him into. Is this true love--- LOL.
Lastly, I want to bring up how Li Zeyan gives nonverbal responses much like Xu Mo except his are like grunts of acknowledgment. His favorite words is probably 嗯 (ng). The sound is more like "en" with a bit of a nasal noise and just means "mm". It can be used as a question too.
But hands down I think it's the hottest noise in Chinese LOL especially when Wu Lei (Li Zeyan's Chinese voice actor) does it in his deep voice. Erm, oops, getting distracted.
My main point here is to say that Li Zeyan leans towards being brief and monosyllabic, moreso than the other men. For example, in [Main Story 18-8] Li Zeyan uses the shortest words possible to reply to Xu Mo. At one point he literally just goes "Reason?".
I actually think he uses the most Chinese idioms to get across his meaning as short as possible (but this would be impossible to carry over in English...). Xu Mo tends to use 4 character combinations too but those are for scientific theories and don't count.
A Chinese player actually compiled the majority of idioms you hear from Li Zeyan LOL and here they are. By the way, these are supposed to be said as one whole phrase but I've added spaces to make the pronunciation clearer:
少见多怪 (shao jian duo guai); lit. seldom seen very strange. It means making a fuss or being excited over something normal.
上���下跳 (shang cuan xia tiao); lit. leap up jump down. It means jumping around excitedly and being hyperactive.
当众出丑 (dang zhong chu chou); lit. public fool. It means making a fool of yourself in public or making yourself a spectacle.
差强人意 (cha qiang ren yi); lit. lacking improvement to one's expectation. It means being barely passable or barely satisfactory.
不近人情 (bu jin ren qing); lit. not close to human emotions. It means being unreasonable or inhuman, and this one was actually Li Zeyan asking if MC sees him as this.
乱七八糟 (luan qi ba zao); I don't think you can make this literal but it basically means a complete mess.
自作多情 (zi zuo duo qing); lit. self-made many feelings. It means being full of yourself, like a narcissist, or flattering yourself by thinking people love you when they don't LOL.
漏洞百出 (lou dong bai chu); lit. full of leaks. It means you're full of loopholes, inconsistencies, and all your arguments are faulty.
莫名其妙 (mo ming qi miao); I'm not sure if this can become literal either but it means baffling, ridiculous, or incomprehensible.
想都别想 (xiang duo bie xiang); It literally means don't you even think about it LOL.
笨手笨脚 (ben shou ben jiao); lit. dumb hands dumb legs. It means being clumsy.
罪加一等 (zui jia yi deng); lit. adding a cardinal sin. It basically means becoming doubly guilty or you just keep piling up wrongs.
叽叽喳喳 (ji ji zha zha); lit. chirp chirp. But it basically means you're being a chatterbox, babbling, and jibberjabbering.
Of course we can't forget 笨蛋 (bendan; dummy, idiot) and 白痴 (baichi; moron) which are the insults Li Zeyan uses the majority of the time, the former more than the latter. These aren't idioms though.
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tagged by: @indestinatus​
tagging: no one, because I am unable to think straight. But whoever is interested in doing this: I’m interested in reading it. <3 
Wow, okay, I’m getting real in this little questionnaire... read at your own risk, friends.
1. List of works published this year:
I genuinely can’t write them all out here... there are too many of them! (I’ve done so little besides writing this year!) But I keep a running list of all my projects here. I’m sorry for cheating on this one, haha. 
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
This question comes up a lot on these things, and I always put the same answer: That We May Forgive. It’s has emotional moments, silly moments, heartfelt moments where the warmth made me cry as I wrote. It was written in one sitting, and it’s the story where I felt most connected to the characters I love so much. It sums up the joy I feel knowing that these (fictional) friends of mine have finally reached peace after too many years of trauma and hardship. I began the story with a single line in mind, after which the characters took over and told the story for me:
Ziva's second pregnancy is nothing like her first.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
You Stumble, You Soar, which was written for one of my dearest friends in the world, @why-did-you-just-lie-to-mcgee​. I wanted to do so much better by her, but as I ran out of time to complete the story by the end of her birthday, I rushed the writing and I think the story suffered for it. It made her happy, though, and that’s the most important thing. She deserves all the happiness, all the time—but especially on her birthday. 
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
I can’t think of a favorite excerpt of my writing, because I’ve written so much that I can’t think back!
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
“Wow. Let me just tell you that I am absolutely in love with this story. I wake up everyday and, as I log into fanfiction, my only hope is that you've uploaded a new chapter because DAMN. The characters are so well written, the story is beautifully constructed and this last chapter just broke my heart into tiny little pieces. What a remarkable job you've done. Please, don't ever stop writing NCIS/Tiva fanfiction- specially this one story: it's one of my all time favorites. Thank you :)”
An incredibly kind and inspiring comment by a reader named Alexandra on my longest (WIP) fic, We Are an Ocean.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I’ve had two periods of NCIS hiatus this year—and actually, I’m still in the midst of the second one right now. These have periods of turmoil in my own life. When I’m upset, feeling sick, feeling sorry for myself and I’m depressed and aching... that’s when I write the best, because writing is my safety blanket. When I’m feeling numb, though, or lost... the characters are lost to me, too, and so are the words I use to wrap them (and myself) in comfort.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
I’m going to deviate here from NCIS, which is—I’m well aware—why most of my followers have chosen to follow me. But in the last month, I’ve written a single fic for Criminal Minds—it’s called In Possibility, it’s unpublished, and it’s now over 100,00 words. It’s centered on Spencer Reid, who was intimidating to me when I started writing the fic. He’s far more intelligent than I am, requiring me to do a lot of research to give him realistic lines, he’s a deep and complicated character with complicated motivations and a tangled, traumatic past. He also has a sweet, really good heart that’s been scarred by years of difficult work and an emotionally taxing personal life. 
I thought he’d be difficult to write; to my surprise, he comes as naturally to me as any of my other favorite characters ever have. He gave me my first nanowrimo win! To be frank, he’s gotten me through a lot of shit this year. That was the best surprise.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
To be honest, I wasn’t much of a writer before this year. I enjoyed writing, especially in a roleplay setting with fandom friends... but I deeply struggled with trying to write alone. I didn’t do much of it.
Then, this year, well... the concept of writing exploded into the most important distraction, escape, and joy I could imagine. 
I didn’t grow as a writer this year. I became a writer this year.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
My most recent project—the one that, as I’ve said, is (and will remain) unpublished—has given me a new perspective. It’s written for an audience of me and only me... so I’ve given myself permission to engage in the most ridiculously self-indulgent writing I’ve ever embraced and thrown myself into. 
And it has been the greatest joy I could imagine in a time of great pain.* 
Next year, I want to throw myself into every project I work on with as much reckless abandon as I’ve done in this last project. I want to stop worrying so much about what people will think and pursue the words that are bursting out of the fingers on my laptop keyboard. I want to have confidence in my ability to draw out emotions—if from no one else, at least from myself.
“If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.” —Emily Dickinson
And it’s alright if that one heart is mine.
That’s what I want to accomplish in my writing next year, and what a growth that would be!
* I’ve mentioned this in my last post, but I’m recovering from brain surgery, I also have the COVID-19 virus, and I’m working on passing a kidney stone that may be too big to pass. I’m writing 10,000 words a day to get through it—and it’s working. Distraction is everything to me right now.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Like Sof, I have to tag three people here, because I really couldn’t choose just one. My three best friends in the world all influenced my writing in their own ways! <3 (Sorry for deviating a little from the writing thing in some of the following lines, oops. I just have emotions that are all over the place this week!)
@indestinatus — One of a few best friends who has had my back every day for so long now. She listens when I need to talk things out—whether or not I’m talking about writing. She really gets me when I need to be silly, or I need to be serious, or I just really, really need a friend. Also, she inspired me to start learning Portuguese this year, and I’m actually practicing by writing a fic in Portuguese, lol. It’s slow going... but Sof encourages me (and corrects me, haha) whenever I work on it, just as she does with absolutely anything else I work on. Truly, I’ve had few friends in my life that are so special to me, and I love her. I really do. 
@why-did-you-just-lie-to-mcgee — Is there a better cheerleader on this earth? Is there a better friend? Doubtful on both counts. She thinks I’m a disaster—and, by the way, she’s absolutely right—and she sometimes has to remind me to eat and sleep, but she’s totally cool with being my internet mom. Doesn’t matter that she’s nearly a decade younger than I am, lol. All of these things have bolstered me when the writer inside of me has faltered, and she has carried my burdens as I wrote them out. Anyway, she reads everything I write, and she has requested to gain access to all of my unfinished chapters and unpublished works in the event that I die—I completely trust her with that nonsense. I’ve written it into my will. Really. Like with Sof, I genuinely love Tiz, and I’d do anything for her. 
@honeybadgerdocare — Best friend of 20 years. She doesn’t watch the same shows that I do, and my endless ranting makes very little sense to her... but she listens. She’s my sounding board for everything I write, everything I read, everything I watch, and everything that gives me big feelings. I genuinely can’t describe how much she has helped me with my writing every single day, so I’ll leave it at this: I could not do it without her. I’d drown in my own struggles and I’d stop creating the art that sustains me. She’s my soulmate—sorry to her fiancé. All of my love goes to her!
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
HAHAHAHAHA it’s cute how you think my writing is anything other than a re-organized and fictionalized version of my life and my feelings. Real life shows up in my writing, and my writing shows up in my real life. It gets crazy and obsessive, but like... I had a trip to Israel booked this year (obviously canceled due to the pandemic, but still) because Ziva comes from Israel. (Also because of my Jewish adoration for the spiritual homeland, but the thought of going and the trip planning all started with Ziva.) I went to Baltimore so I could run down an alley yelling “YOU CAN’T OUTRUN ME, I’M WEARING TUBE SOCKS!” to encourage my inner Tony DiNozzo. I nearly froze to death in Washington, D.C. and called my mom every time I saw a little red mini coop that looked like Ziva’s, or came across a place that was featured in an NCIS scene.
And to answer the actual question here, because I obviously flipped it around like the moron I am... when the pandemic canceled things I was desperately looking forward to, I wrote a fic where Tali’s excitedly anticipated dance recital got canceled because of the pandemic. I lost my appendix (last year, but the fic was written this year — does that count?) and wrote a fic where Tali loses hers, too. (I swear, I don’t always write things that torture Tali, lol, these are just my best examples!) When I lost a couple of loved ones this year, I wrote a funeral scene where Tony and Tali remembered Ziva. Writing is definitely free therapy, y’all.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Write for yourself—write what you love, and you’ll love what you write. That’s all. That’s it. That’s my advice, something I’ve learned this year.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I’ve been working on We Are an Ocean for roughly a year now, and 2021 needs to see it finished. I’ve got a number of lovely, dedicated readers who deserve to see the story play out as it’s intended to be played out. 
Also, my greatest love right now, In Possibility, will probably write itself to an end in 2021. Or... who knows? Maybe it will worm its way into 2022, too. :-)
14. If you could recommend only one work from yourself published this year:
Since I already went into detail about my favorite fic of mine from this year (That We May Forgive), I’ll recommend a different one: The Stars Always Make Me Laugh. It has some of the darkest moments I’ve ever written, but it also has some of the lightest moments I’ve ever written. It was an answer to two different challenges, and if I can say this without sounding arrogant, I think I met the challenges beautifully. It gave me comfort, catharsis, and closure for a few things in my own life... and I hope it comforts my readers, too. 
15. Year word count: 
HOLY FUCKING SHIT (excuse my French). I just added up my AO3 word count + my current unpublished project, and... my word count is:
I nearly just fell out of my chair. Goodbye, friends. I am deceased.
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justanotherblonde · 4 years
Excerpt: Art is a Blast
hi. “Art is a Blast” is mayhaps my most controversial chapter to date? it’s not an easy one. yes there’s fun Deidara art, but there’s also Sasori dealing with some serious issues. read it if you’re up for that. if not, that’s cool too, friends ❤
i’ll be posting a new piece tomorrow. thanks for reading 🌹
following on from the last teaser (just a bit of exploding art, lol):
“What did you bring for breakfast, mn?” Deidara asked, unzipping the insulated bag and disrupting Sasori’s train of thought.
Sasori moved to unpack hot pumpkin rice porridge, homemade pickles and hard-boiled eggs, laying them out on a corner of the table Deidara hastily cleared. One of the unbaked sculptures fell to the floor with a dull smack, flattening the bird’s beak into its head.
“Oops, haha,” Deidara giggled. “I’ll fix him up after breakfast. I’m going to work until I run out of clay, mn.”
Lips pursed so tightly they were a thin line, Sasori pulled a thermos of coffee out of the bag and poured two cups.
“You’re filthy. Go wash your hands at least before we eat,” he said in a soft yet somehow sinister voice.
“It’s fine! Gonna eat a pound of dirt before you die, mn.”
Sasori glared. “Wash your goddamn hands or I’m taking all of it back. You can go scrounge something from the dumpsters you love so much!”
“Gee, sorry Mom, mn,” Deidara retorted, rolling his eye. If it had been anyone else, he would have goaded them further, but Deidara knew that Sasori really would take all the food back and leave him to starve. He’d suffered Sasori’s wrath throughout the first semester, like the first time he turned up late to one of Sasori’s sculpture tutorials. Sasori had refused to give him any materials to work with and forced him to sit on his hands for an hour. I guess I shouldn’t have expected him to lose the temper just because we’re dating… mn, Deidara thought with a pout.
The only tap was outside the warehouse, a public faucet on the side of the building used (presumably) by sanitation workers to scrub the canal-side pavement and the floor around the dumpsters. Deidara had never seen anyone use it. He briskly sloughed the dirt and clay from his hands, spending a moment to pick what he could out from under his fingernails. He would have to redo his nail-polish later…
At the door to his workshop, he twisted the handle with dripping wet hands, pushed the door open and then—
The bird by the door exploded, flinging shards of clay in every direction; one caught Deidara on the arm and another on the cheek before tinkling to the ground.
“Haha!” he clapped his hands and exclaimed gleefully. “It worked! I don’t need to test any more. We’ll pack them tonight when it’s dark and cool, and set them out after midnight. Should get results by mid-morning, mn!”
He looked to Sasori, not expecting to see such a furious expression on his face. A bowl of porridge and the coffee thermos were splattered across the floor and work table, the former because Sasori had dropped it in shock, the latter because it had been knocked over by a shard of clay.
Sasori threw the spoon in his hand down to the floor with a clatter and stormed over to Deidara. With his face so close their noses were nearly touching, he fumed:
“You. Are. Going. To. Hurt. Someone. With this pointless installation!” He stepped back and waved an arm at all of the statues, then brought his hand back to Deidara’s face, reaching for the cut but pulling back at the last minute. “I’m having no part of this! I’ll see you at home tonight for dinner if you want it, but I’m out. Bye.”
He roughly pushed past Deidara and disappeared before Deidara could even begin to process what had just happened.
“What a big baby, mn,” he muttered.
After a moment Deidara became aware of his stinging arm and the blood trickling down his cheek. He wiped it, looked at his hand—more blood than he was expecting, actually—then rubbed it into his trousers with a shrug. His phone alarm went off, meaning the statues in the kiln were done. He strode to the worktable, knocked back one of the remaining cups of coffee, and then went back to work.
Continue reading on AO3 from Chapter 1
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Just One Date? ~Part 1
A/N: Anon you spoke and I listened. Here is part one of this really cute Alex Tuch series. I hope you guys enjoy and especially you anon, I hope I can do this justice for you! 
it’s also almost 4000 words so it’s pretty long oops
It was a Monday afternoon and like always I was putting away the camera equipment from the post-practice interviews. I only got to do help and really participate on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays. The rest of the time I spent editing or shadowing people elsewhere. The days I got to be around everyone and be around the boys, the knights, were always my favourite. I had ended up becoming pretty good friends with a few of them like William, Shea, Ryan and Fleury. I guess I was sort of friends with Alex too if you could call it a friendship. It was weird. Well not so much weird as he flirted with me and asked me out every week and I didn’t think he was serious about it at all, just teasing me for my very obvious crush on him.
I was almost done deconstructing and putting away the camera when I saw someone walk up out of the corner of my eye. I knew who it was without looking up and the blush on my face appeared as soon as he did. I hated that I blushed so easily around him. It always made him smirk and God I’d like to just kiss that dumb smirk off his face but alas.
“Hi Tuch.”
“Hi gorgeous.” he said making me blush even redder.
“How are you today?”
“I was doing pretty good. But I’m doing really good now that I’m here talking to you.”
“Oh.” I said dumbly rolling my eyes. If it was for what he said or I said who knows. Maybe it was a bit of both.
“How are you?”
“Oh um..I’m okay?”
“You don’t sound so sure.” he said with a small chuckle making me glare up at him making him actually laugh.
“I’m sure.”
“Are you? You’re awfully red. Maybe you’ve got a fever or something.” he put emphasis on the ‘or something’ and winked at me making me blush more. “God you’re so cute.”
“Alex come on shut up you don’t mean that.”
“Of course I mean it. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.” he said with a serious tone. I looked into his eyes trying to find any hint that he was joking around but couldn’t find one so I just shrugged.
“If you say so.”
“I do. Now onto the real reason I came over here. Go on a date with me?”
“There it is.” I said rolling my eyes. “Tuch how many times are you gonna ask?”
“As many times as it takes for you to say yes.” he said with a confident smile.
“You’re insufferable.” I said rolling my eyes as I latched the camera case closed and started bringing it to the closet where it lived. Alex stopped me though.
“Let me.” he said, taking it.
“Alex you’re not supposed to touch that! Stop.”
“Calm down (y/n/n) it’s fine. I just want to help.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Okay fine. I like calling you gorgeous way better anyway.” he said with his dumb smirk making me blush and groan as he put the camera away. “So what do you say? Date?”
“Alex I’ve said no a million times why are you still doing this?” I tried walking out of the room but he boxed me in with his arms.
“(y/n) have you ever considered that I might just maybe want to date you?” he said sarcastically.
“Noooo come on, you’re putting me on. Gee golly gosh, I never thought of that even one time.” I said just as sarcastically putting one hand on my hip and the other on my forehead. He ducked his head down and laughed which made me laugh.
“The real question is why do you say no every time? You always get all blushy and cute whenever we’re in a room together. Especially when I talk to you. And I catch those beautiful eyes looking at me all the time.”
“Alex this is all just a game to you. As soon as you get what you want you’ll be gone again.”
“How do you know that?” he asked looking a little offended.
“I’m sorry Alex, that came out worse than I meant for it to..” I said looking down blushing worse and scratching my arms anxiously.
“Hey stop that.” he said bringing one of his arms down and laying his hand on mine to stop it. “I don’t want you to be nervous around me.”
“A little late for that if you couldn’t tell already from like, every encounter we’ve ever had.”
“Why do you keep turning me down (y/n)?”
“I don’t want to look stupid okay? I don’t want to be the sad dumb end of a joke or a bet or just be used. I just can’t get it out of my head that this is one of those things.” I answered quietly looking at the ground.
“My god no. That’s not what this is at all. Beautiful, look at me.” I shook my head but he gently grabbed the sides and tilted my face to look up at his. “I want to date you because I like you. Is that so hard to believe?”
“Yes.” I said even more quietly.
“Just give me a chance? One date?” he asked quietly matching my volume.
“What about work?”
“There’s nothing against it. We work for two different companies.”
“Okay one date.”
“Really?” he asked, letting go of my face with a big smile.
“Only one. Make it good Tuch.” I said jabbing my finger into his chest making him laugh.
“I will. It’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on.”
“Well that really won’t be hard to do but okay I guess I’ll try to look forward to it.” I said sarcastically making him laugh.
“Okay I gotta go but I’ll text you later with details.”
“Alex you’ve got a game later!” I said laughing.
“Yeah well priorities.” He said winking.
“Your priorities are fucked.” I laughed making him laugh too.
“Okay well I would love to stay here and chat but I’ve got a midday nap I need to take so I’ll see you later.”
“Oh one more thing Alex.” I said when he was in the doorway.
“What is it, gorgeous?”
“If this is all a joke and you stand me up for this date I will absolutely destroy you. I’ll literally tear you a new asshole.”
“Kinky.” he said with a smirk.
“I’m not kidding Tuch, I refuse to be treated that shitty.”
“Good thing I’m never going to treat you that shitty then huh?” he gave me another smile before waving bye and exiting the room.
It didn’t really click that I had agreed to go on a date with him until I was curled up in my bed with pajamas on getting texts from him. I was panicking, not gonna lie. All sorts of thoughts were running through my head. What if he didn’t actually want to date me? What if he wasn’t going to show up and I would have to move back to Canada just to get away from the embarrassment that being stood up by him would cause? What if this is all just a sick joke like before? 
I let the what ifs work me up until I was crying. It wasn’t the first time I cried over a date and it probably wouldn’t be the last. I just got so nervous about myself as a person that I just turned into a mess. I didn’t know what kind of person I needed to be or that they were expecting me to be. I really didn’t want Alex to go out on this date with me and then realize I was different than he thought and he didn’t want to have me around anymore at all.
The reasonable side of my brain countered that completely. I had hung out with the boys so much. Going out to bars, hanging out at their houses, even sometimes hanging around the rink on my days off. Tuch had been around me enough that he should know at least a little bit of what my personality was. But my anxious brain overpowered that and I stayed awake half the night worrying. Tossing and turning until I was just too exhausted to keep my eyes open.
I woke up to my alarm and groaned loudly at the sound. I set another alarm for a few hours later and went back to sleep for a bit. I set it so I’d still have enough time to shower and let my hair air dry as well as get dressed. Alex had decided our date would be today because apparently he just couldn’t wait. He offered to come pick me up so I wouldn’t be as worried that he wouldn’t show up and I honestly really appreciated that he compromised with me instead of just canceling. 
Once the alarm went off again I still felt like I hadn’t slept at all but that’s what anxious sleeps will do to a person. I got up anyway and was even more nervous than before. I showered and towel dried my hair a little bit before trying to figure out what to wear. I looked over his text again.
Tuch: wear something light that you won’t be too hot in but bring something warmer for later just in case.
What the fuck did that mean? What were we even doing? I sent him a text asking me if he could tell me what we were doing and he said no again. I rolled my eyes but I wasn’t really expecting anything different from him. He sent me another text not too long after.
Tuch: how would you feel about an overnight adventure?
Me: I don’t know, what are we doing?
Tuch: Beautiful, if I tell you it won’t be a surprise. I promise it’ll be lots of fun.
Me: I dunno Alex..
Tuch: Will and Shea think that you’ll love it if that helps convince you more lol
Me: wow gee yes. I am convinced now.
Tuch: I promise it’ll be a lot of fun.
Me: okay fine. If I end up dead though I’m so haunting your ass.
Tuch: so aggressive. I like it.
I left it at that and went back to trying to figure out what to wear. I decided on shorts with a comfy crewneck. No point in really dressing up, I didn’t want his expectations for how I look to be too high from normal. I also didn’t want him to think I was trying too hard by wearing a dress or something. I put on some flip flops to go with it and looked in the mirror. I didn’t look drop dead gorgeous or anything but I looked pretty good, cute I thought. No model by any means but I was happy with how it looked. I moved on to packing an overnight bag. Packing up extra clothes, pajamas, medications, a brush, and anything else I could think of that I might need. Once I was done it was almost time for Alex to pick me up so I just waited around downstairs. I got a snapchat from him a little while before he was supposed to be there. It was a video of traffic and then it switched to his pouting face as he said, “It’s like they don’t know I’m trying to get to the cutest girl in the world right now. It’s rude. I’ll be there soon gorgeous. I promise.”
I blushed like mad and smiled really big. I tried to get myself under control before answering but I was still blushing so I knew he’d know he got to me. I couldn’t really bring myself to care though. He only ended up being like 5 minutes late and when I let him in be just apologized a million times.
“Alex stop you’re okay.” I exclaimed laughing as he apologized again for being late. “You told me what was happening. I wasn’t worried about you being a little late.”
“I just feel bad. I should’ve left earlier.”
“Tuch cut it out, it’s fine I promise. As long as you communicate with me we’re good.” 
“You’re sure?”
“Yes Alex.” I said touching his arm lightly. “Calm down a little yeah?”
“Okay. Do you have everything you need?”
“Yeah I think so. Do I need to bring food or anything?”
“No I’ve got it covered. Snacks too. Will helped me.” he said with a small smile.
“That was nice of him. Well that’s it then I’m ready to go if you are.”
“Cool let’s go.” he said with a smile taking my beg from me.
“Oh my goood Aleex I can carry my own shit.” I groaned with a smile.
“Yeah well maybe I’m a gentleman and don’t want you to.”
“Beautiful, you could just say thank you, ya know?” he said with a smirk that made me blush and him laugh. “There’s that blush.” he poked my cheek and I glared at him.
“Now I’m really not saying thank you.”
“Wow grumpy.” he said still with a smile on his face.
“I’m just kidding. Thank you for carrying my bag, you didn’t have to.”
“You’re welcome (y/n). Buckle up, we’ve got a bit of a drive ahead of us.”
“Oh? How long?”
“About 20 minutes? Maybe 30?”
“Man you really are planning on killing me.” I teased as I got situated in the car. 
“I would never.” he said giving me a smile. He handed me his phone and I just kinda stared at it like an idiot making him laugh. “Put some music on you dork.”
“Oh fuck yeah okay.” I slid it open and was surprised to find no passcode on it. I went to his spotify app and saw a playlist that was called ‘stuff (y/n) will like hopefully’. “Quite the playlist you got here Tuch.”
“The guys helped me make it. Some of it is songs you like but some of it is stuff you might not have heard before..I dunno I just wanted to make something that you’d hopefully like.” he said a slight red colour coming to his cheeks.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you Alex.” I said, giving him a smile back. I put on the playlist and it was pretty quiet in the car besides the music. I was really just listening to what he thought I’d like. I was interested to know if it would be stuff I liked. Turns out most of it was really good. I lot of it I didn’t know but he got it pretty spot on with my all over the place music taste. We weren’t very far into the playlist though when we got to where we were going so I didn’t hear the whole playlist but from what I did hear it was good.
“Okay you’re actually going to have to grab your stuff this time.”
“But my arms will fall off. Alex how will I ever go on?”
“You’re a little shit.” he said laughing.
“Your little shit.” I said before immediately turning red as he raised an eyebrow. “Hey where even are we anyway?”
“Nice try cutie but I’m not forgetting about what you just said. We’re at lake Mead though.”
“Really? I’ve always wanted to come here!”
“I know you have. Now get out and grab your stuff so we can get this date started and I can sweep you off your feet.” he said giving me a wink before jumping out of the car. I followed soon after to the trunk to get my bag.
“I dunno man, you’re gonna have to try awfully hard to sweep me off my feet.”
“I’m up for the challenge.” 
“You always do like a challenge.” I said as we walked down a dock. “Where are we going?”
“Right about here.” he said walking in front of me and stopping making me bump into him. He grabbed my arms to steady me making me laugh.
“You did that on purpose.”
“Maybe.” he said smirking. “Anyways here is where we will be staying tonight. Well I mean not right here but on the boat.”
“What really?”
“Yes really! Now come aboard and I’ll give you the tour.” he reached his hand out and I grabbed it getting onto the boat. He climbed up after me and put his stuff down on the deck. “So here is upstairs, I drive here and you get to sit and do whatever you want.”
“I like that.”
“And if we go downstairs,” he said, opening the door for me to go down. I climbed in and he came in after. “We’ve got a little kitchen here, a bathroom right beside us with no shower unfortunately and through here we have the bedroom.”
“Comfy.” I said throwing myself onto the bed. “But where will you sleep?”
“Wherever. I don’t really care. I can sleep on one of the benches upstairs or on the little couch for the kitchen table or something.”
“Tuchy I was kidding. You can sleep here, I don’t care.”
“I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.” he said with a serious look on his face.
“You won’t. And if you do I’ll let you know. Communicating remember?” I asked kicking his leg.
“Yeah okay.” he gave me a sweet smile before it turned mischievous and he pulled me by the leg off the bed a bit. “But come on now we’re gonna go boating for a bit if that’s cool with you?”
“Yeah for sure.” we went back up on the deck and he started untying things. A man from the dock helped us get going and with that we were off. Alex was a good driver so I wasn’t too worried about the boat. He followed all the rules and it was really nice to let go for a bit and feel the wind in my hair and have the water splash my face. Once it was almost dinner time we were just slowing down when Alex decided to ask me, “Do you want to drive the boat?”
“Alex I’m not qualified to drive a boat and you know it.” I said crossing my arms. “So much for you following the rules today huh?”
“Come here, I’ll help you.” he offered with a smile. It looked pretty fun so I just rolled my eyes and walked over to him sitting on his lap. He explained a few things to me but then just gave up when I didn’t understand. “I’ll control the speed and you can steer with a little bit of help, deal?”
“Sounds good to me.” I said as he started up the boat again. It took a little while but we finally got to a point where he was barely steering anymore. He just had his hands balancing on the steering wheel and his chin was resting on my shoulder as he watched me laugh and have fun ‘driving’ the boat. After a little while we stopped and anchored the boat, which he let me help with. We went down to the underside of the boat and he started taking out some cold cuts and pasta salads and stuff for dinner. We sat close together so our legs were touching and shoulders were bumping just joking around and eating. Once we were done we went back up to the deck and were watching the sunset listening to music again. 
We spent the time talking about childhood memories, embarrassing stories, our favourite things. Really we just talked about everything. I was really comfortable with him and the stories just kept pouring out of me. Even traumas and private stuff I was talking about. I don’t know at what point he held my hand or at what point I laid my head on his shoulder. What I did know though was that I was having an amazing time and I didn’t want to move anytime soon. We talked well past when the stars came out. Eventually though we had to call it a night. Alex let me go in first to change then he got changed in the other room before coming in and joining me on the bed.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me sleeping in here with you?” he asked quietly draping a warm blanket over the two of us.
“I’m positive Alex. As long as you know that this is absolutely not leading to sex. If you were hoping it was, I’m going to disappoint you.”
“Hey, hey no.” he said turning me over to face him. “That’s not what I wanted here at all. That wasn’t the intention.”
“Okay. I just wanted you to know so you didn’t get the wrong idea.”
“You deserve so much better than that beautiful.” he said brushing my hair out of my eyes.
“Yeah well..” I said shrugging.
“I’m gonna show you better than that.”
“Hmm pretty cocky that this first date went well huh?” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
“Alright fine then, tell me you don’t want to see me again.” he challenged with a grin making me laugh.
“I can’t tell you that.”
“So does that mean I move on to date 2?” he asked, leaning over me.
“I guess.” I sighed out sarcastically. He was smiling at me and biting his lip which made my insides really just turn into jello.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked suddenly breaking the short bit of silence. I didn’t answer verbally, instead I just pulled him down to me and kissed him. It felt incredible. I could kiss him for hours, days even, without getting bored at all. He broke away too soon for my liking. “I wanted to do that since you were driving the boat.”
“Alex that was so long ago.” I said laughing, hitting his arm.
“I know. You were just so cute I couldn’t help it but then I didn’t want to over step but I just never stopped thinking about it.”
“You fucking sap.” I said with a smile bringing his lips to mine again. We broke apart and he just laid down beside me on the bed with a smile on his face. I traced his cheek with my finger. “Cute.”
“Now who’s a sap?”
“Fuck off Tuch, we were having a sweet moment!”
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shannie-writes · 5 years
I have a question, #1 Seth fan! I don't have any of Seth's voiced cards, so I've only ever heard a few of his lines. I was wondering, does his voice change?? I've heard his higher, cheerful (almost a little over the top?) voice but also a lower, more natural voice, once. Does his voice reflect his multiple personalities? =O
tl;dr Chief goes on a fucking tangent and maybe actually answers the ask oops
Little piglet, you honor me with that #1 spot omg
To be honest, I have only been able to pull Seth’s regular 4* and 5* cards from the gacha. (Lancelot/Sirius/Ray, pls go home thanks) But what I have been able to listen to with his card quotes have been extremely telling of his character, in my opinion!
Unfortunately, with Cybird’s (totally fair) content restrictions, I am unable to post recordings of the quotes, but I will do my best to explain them without! I’m putting a bunch of photos under the cut and I hope this remotely answers your question because the VA for Seth plays him so good and I get really mushy and by the end of all the repeated listenings of these quotes, I was a melty cheesy puddle on the floor.
> = volume drop
[ ] = falsetto voice
| = hard pause
I could go on about every single one of his voiced quotes, but I’m only going to touch on the quotes that aren’t completely falsetto, like you hear on his character selection page or the intro login page as these are a little more related to the question.
4* quotes w/ Seth’s assumed natural voice
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One of his fully natural-voiced lines for his 4* card. A good example of his natural voice, actually. He sounds super casual in the beginning and his voice is closer to tenor than bass, but not as high as Edgar’s. When he hits [But don’t forget], it becomes slightly chastising, slowly dropping in volume as he gives his ”light-hearted” warning.
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Another full natural-voiced line. The “Whew” is more like a sigh, but not a negative one. The first line is said fairly quickly. Then he slows down for the second line, and his voice turns to teasing for the third. Then (!!!) he gives this cute laugh that slays me (!?) and is absolutely flirting by the end.
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A mixed line. He starts with his higher-pitched falsetto, though it’s nothing crazy. Then he transitions into his natural voice for the second line and I can just imagine his eyes going all hooded and promising as it deepens before he picks up his voice again at the end. What a fucking tease!
5* quotes w/ Seth’s assumed natural voice
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This one is short and sweet. He starts with the falsetto, a light compliment and nothing more--until he follows up with his natural voice, pushing his compliment with true sincerity.
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This one is playful and serious. I can imagine him having a genuine smile before leaning closer to your ear to whisper the last part, a half-confession though he will likely refuse he said anything if you ask him outright about it.
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This one walks the border between falsetto and normal for its entirety. A bit higher pitched than most of his natural voiced lines, but not a full falsetto. He starts off somewhat breathy with this one and goes quieter and more promising for the second part of the line. He then enunciates each word in a staccato to wrap up the final question.
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Then there’s this line. This one line. The holy grail of Seth quotes. If anybody has this card, I beg you to listen to his morning quote. I’m not always in a position to listen to the game, so unless I specifically go out of my way to do it, I miss the nuances of the voiced cards. I only recently listened to this for the first time and I wish I could go back to that time when I could hear it for the first time again! ;A;
Deep. Deeper than any of his other voiced lines. Sleepy. Dreamy. Steamy. The hard pauses to give each section of this quote emphasis. The content of it, spoken with that deep, breathy, tired, amazing voice. The slow realization with each word as he slowly wakes. His double gasp--the first one catching himself, the second one forcing his voice to his highest falsetto. Panicked and flailing and trying to cover his dark wishes.
I guess I should stop lollygagging and answer the second part of your ask lol 
I think a lot of people misinterpret Seth. He doesn’t have multiple personalities. He only wears a mask. He plays a part for an agenda that is still currently unknown and he plays it well. But it’s just a mask. He can’t always keep his real self hidden behind it.
His birthday story last year made it abundantly clear. In his POV, he chastises himself for thinking of MC as anything more than a friend and even refers to his own lust as “greedy desire” and he understands how the world runs--that it’s harsh on the innocent and takes what it wants.
[”It’s okay to be innocent, but--it’s like you really don’t understand anything.” She stopped in her tracks, so I reached out and took her hand gently. She squeezed my hand back and I hooked a finger under her chin. “You really need to protect yourself when it comes to interacting with men.” My own voice shook as I talked about the reality of the world. “If it’s just the two of us together until morning what do you think will happen? Did you even realize what you were suggesting?”] 
He covers his dirty parts with lighthearted teasing and a cheery demeanor, but he really does have more to him beneath that outer layer--much, much more. So I would disagree that it’s multiple personalities and more that he’s a sweet and sour and savory trifle that I am more than happy to dig into.
(Also his second birthday story should hopefully be releasing in less than 24 hours and I am beyond ecstatic hhhhh)
I hope my rambling answered your question and so sorry for going on a Seth spiel, I really can’t contain myself lol
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James & Ava
James: [okay so we all know the mood is that he sees whatever she's posted and literally goes there immediately with no thought of who else could also be cos he NEEDS to check that she's alright. The drama of it all] Ava: [but luckily no one is there and she'd be so shocked but also grateful 'cos no one wants to be alone and feeling unwell, esp. not in hospital] James: [when he'd have to say he was her brother so he can take her #awkward] Ava: [lollol finding that more amusing than you would otherwise 'cos concussion breaking your awks] James: [oh she'd be so cute I can't] Ava: [just hugging him so hard] James: [we all need that moment but sadly it cannot last forever because he'd have some driver doing circles endlessly cos there's nowhere to park at hospitals ever] Ava: [seriously, and it's so expensive] James: [when you were so desperate to get in there you didn't think about how long it could have taken like she could've been admitted and that driver is just lowkey out there for the rest of time] Ava: [lmao i wonder how long he'd wait for that bag before getting bored, luckily they'd low-key be ready to get rid 'cos too busy and overcrowded] James: [practically pushing her out the door as soon as they saw someone show up for her so he doesn't even have time to give her a feelsy speech lol] James: [just help her out to the car boy, you've had a lot of practice with drunk girls in heels and it'd be the same vibe] Ava: [just saying thank you over and over] James: [meanwhile he's asking her if she's okay over and over like every step they trying to take here] Ava: ['Oh God, you must think I'm so stupid, I swear, they came out of nowhere'] James: ['We both know you're not stupid, Ava' shout out to that text cleverness 5ever tbh 'I'm just glad you weren't seriously hurt'] Ava: ['How have you been, I've been so worried' shoutout to this concussion giving me shameless freedom lol] James: [when you can only shake your head because 1. you ain't been good 2. you don't wanna tell her any of it and 3. you don't think you deserve her worry/ want her to worry about you] Ava: [sad face] James: [stopping to stroke said face, don't fall over girl, he's got you] Ava: ['James-' and then just looking 'cos what can you say] James: [looking back at her cos likewise but then you gotta drop them eyes cos so sad] Ava: ['you look tired' and making more of an actual effort to get into this car] James: ['I am tired' but helping her in and doing her seatbelt for her because not gonna see her struggle ever, telling the driver her address because there's nowhere else you can take her but home even though you have no idea if as soon as you get there someone is gonna show up for her and you obviously don't want that] Ava: [patting your shoulder like 'you can come sleep' like no no one can babe] James: ['no' but a little smile cos she's cute af 'I'm supposed to keep you awake'] Ava: [when you make a face like 😏] James: ['by which, of course, I mean, you've got a 8 hour date with Edward Cullen ahead of you'] Ava: [grinning like a fool but then being like, wait 'you'll stay though, can you?'] James: ['I'm not going to leave you alone' oh the heavy unspoken implication that she might not be if the friends or fam descend 💔] Ava: [resting your head on him as a silent thank you but then lifting it like 'so awake, promise'[ James: [stroking her hair and keeping an eye like] Ava: [being like let me tell YOU a story and honestly God knows but it'd be cute and she'd be trying to match his storyteller energy] James: [when that's lowkey the moment he falls in love with her bye] Ava: [asking the driver to play the new moon soundtrack] James: [loling and honestly when was the last time he did that, we all know it was when they were together] Ava: [live the emo life and love it babes] James: [he's GOTTA dance in his seat to keep her awake, no other reason #notanerd lol] Ava: [just clapping and cheering him on like nothing to see here driver God bless] James: [so not what that man was expecting to 👀 or 👂] Ava: [freaking out drivers is low-key a fave] James: [the one time you're happy about London traffic tbh] Ava: [even though we ain't gonna interrupt, you don't know that boy] James: [speaking of, probably send a text or something to check on the kids because you just ran like assumedly they at their grandparents but] Ava: [never leaving 'em with Chlo we all know] James: [lord her and Jay would kill each other] Ava: [I'd genuinely be worried for her safety so don't blame you remotely boy, least her parents are invested] James: [literally though & you can have those grandparents forever babs we ain't taking them away from you] Ava: [awkward that your mum never shows but that's just that on that] James: [lbr that's for the best stick with your dads kiddos] Ava: [we all know it, even if Matty might not end up remembering much] James: [Ava lowkey her mum now oops] Ava: [and Jay's actual auntie...lol what a tangled web we weave boo] James: [at least they can all stay connected] Ava: [true facts] James: [makes my heart happy even if it's weird] Ava: [lean in to how weird this family is James] James: [they weird af but they're better than the one he's got #noshadetoTeddythough] Ava: [all the shade to you Chlo, sort it out] James: [her poor future children & husband] Ava: [honestly, good luck] James: [he'd have to be about everything she is or else what the fuck] James: [anyway we've been sidetracked get to Baze's house you two] Ava: [movie marathon awaits, what else do we vibe or shall we just try and see what comes out, like] James: [let's just run with it and see what happens because we extra and anything could be said and done tbh] James: [imagine how awkward it'd be when they get there because he'd have to send her in first and just be shitting himself in the car like is anyone there or no] Ava: [at least you know full well no one is there 'cos business trips forever so you're just at the door shaking your head and doing the 'come on' gesture] James: [he'd just help her to the sofa like immediately & get her blankets and pillows and painkillers (even though it wouldn't touch a concussion headache) and a phone charger and everything else she could possibly need cos Chloe's got him trained like a dog] Ava: [low-key pulling at him, gently, like boy sit down] James: [when you are then looking at her like what did I forget/ do wrong before you realise] Ava: [squeezing his hand because you can only say thank you so many times, putting the film on but then pausing and gasping so dramatically 'coffee, I promised you coffee' and going to get up like can you be careful please] James: [thinking she's in pain or something because of that gasp so being at her side like 0-1000 and slowing her down cos they can do it together thank you] Ava: [making a face at herself like ffs when she catches on 'I'm not trying to age you' and touching his non-grey hair and wrinkles like totally necessary yep] James: ['but you're offering me coffee, what's next red meat or red wine?' but no actual shade cos we both know he doesn't care and none of that is what's aging him anyway, taking her hand from his face and gently kissing said hand before handholding to lead her to her own kitchen like let's do this] Ava: ['I don't know where my cigarettes are' shrugs and smiles like sorry not sorry, smiles even harder but lowkey stops breathing when, kissing ontop of where he just kissed her hand, then getting to this all-singing all-dancing coffee machine 'you have to pick the most daring option, one you've never, ever tried before, okay?' and waggling her finger like so serious about this] James: [takes his own cigarettes out of his pocket and slides the pack over to her 'okay' and does pick, really concentrating on the decision even though there'd be so much shit he hasn't tried and we all know he could just pick option 1 and be done] Ava: [takes one out and puts it behind her ear for later 'cos no need to light up in your parents home, just watching him 'cos so cute and then nodding like yes, good choice and picks the same, setting up this machine 'cos they're always more confusing and/or time-consuming than they need to be I swear] James: [where's the lie you gotta have the knack I swear, his turn to watch her now though because she's beautiful doing anything ever and he missed her so bad] Ava: [ahh coffee goodtimes forever] James: [he needs it cos he is tired af so thanks Ava you babe] Ava: ['do we talk about what happened, or do we write it off?' when you just saying this casually whilst waiting for your coffees] James: ['I don't know' because he is genuinely torn between wanting to and also not] Ava: ['Wait and see how we feel' 'cos no rush or pressure here 'you better carry these though' 'cos we don't need burns as well ty] James: ['wait here a minute for me' because carries the drinks through and then comes back for her because why not carry her though as well obvs] Ava: [does and loves it 'I've missed you, you know'] James: ['I know now' just giving her 😍 casually 'I've missed you too'] Ava: [😍 right back 'Ask anyone' when you're talking about your mood but you realize that sounds like you been telling the world lol 'I mean, I've been a delight' 🙄] James: [when you shake your head like no it's okay 'I overreacted about your cousin, I'm sorry' takes a deep breath remembering that whole sad ending moment 'And I'm sorry for fucking up the start of your summer' because she loves it and he knows] Ava: ['I understand why, understood, whatever. And I am still sorry, I was just too excited and-' sighs like, you know, squeezing his hand again 'I promise, that's all sorted now though' 'cos clearly told her it's over by now, 'cos thought it was anyway; she nods like thanks but shrugs like it's okay too, don't worry 'Sure even I can't be grumpy in the Seychelles, like'] James: [blatantly almost kissing her because he understands the whole being too highkey thing because he was (*cough* is) too but doesn't because she's going away 'when are you going?'] Ava: [sad face like you didn't just say you aren't gonna be grumpy 'when my parents get back, couple of days'] James: [strokes her face again like he did earlier 'you'll feel better by then' because someone's meant to watch you for 48 hours actually NHS website says] Ava: [😈 me 😇 her looking at him 'how did you even- why- I-' continuously cutting herself off 'cos you know he was checking in on you now and you know he came without hesitating so it doesn't need to be said 'Oh, James'] James: ['Ava' saying her name with SO MUCH feeling that I cannot 'I had to' when you mean so many things by that like you had to go but you have to stay now and you had to make sure she was okay today but also you had to keep checking on her the whole time] Ava: [definitely gonna go in to kiss him can't stop that soz] James: [we all know it was only a matter of time and that this is gonna turn into a not at all casual make out session] Ava: [you honestly deserve it lads] James: [that coffee gonna be cold and they won't even notice] Ava: [the movies are also not being watched lmao but no one cares rn] James: [on pause forever sorry not sorry] James: [but eventually like after AN AGE one of them should lean on the remote or whatever so it starts playing and they're like wtf] Ava: [when you shit yourself like who is here but then loving 'cos hi Edward] James: [we all shitting ourselves and all loling] Ava: ['he's very possessive' no lie] James: [looking at Edward and then kissing her again like when you're trying to make someone jealous] Ava: [when you're loling too hard into his mouth like 'scuse me] James: [kissing her neck instead so she can have her adorable lol] Ava: [reacting to that in a v different way] James: [we back at it again at krispy kreme soz twilight saga] Ava: [i swear to god the ily curse is so real] James: [this always happens to us, don't talk for a bit lads, wink wonk] Ava: [its because we give them such high-pressure situations but yes, you should fully hook up 'cos haven't yet] James: [I wonder if the orgasm headache thing would work for a concussion one or not] Ava: [my boo says #experiment] James: [imma google it but I don't expect an answer] James: [nobody is telling me but if it can help a migraine I don't see why it wouldn't] Ava: [you'll be fine bitch, just a shameless excuse that he needs to hang around longer] James: [we should totally also do the shameless thing when he falls asleep and then wakes up immediately but is like oh no how long was I asleep because not only worried about her we know] Ava: [for sure, just there chilling like 🥰 'not long, but you looked peaceful'] James: ['I was' and more 😍 'I am' just snuggling happily because deserved af] Ava: [kissing the top of his head 'good' then lying down and snuggling harder 'I'm so glad you're here, that you're okay'] James: ['I'm glad that I'm here & that you're okay' kissing her forehead and holding her so tightly because he was so worried that something much worse had happened to her] Ava: ['It was kinda scary how much I missed you- like I said I WAS extra but I think, no, I still am, I can't lie to you'[ James: [when you are just falling so hard for her rn smiling like look at this perfect 😇 'you don't have to miss me any longer, minus however long you're spending in the Seychelles, of course'] Ava: ['Yeah?' trying but failing not to sound so hopeful 'And two weeks, so not as long as it has been, not that I was definitely counting or anything'] James: ['I was afraid, no, I am afraid but very few things have ever scared me as much as when I saw you were in hospital & I thought-'] Ava: [just holding him back even tighter like you could not be closer 'I'm so sorry I scared you, I won't ever do it again, even if I get hit by something more substantial than a 90lbs mum on a lightweight bike' and shaking her head with a lil lol 'cos it is funny even though it can be as bad as a car crash actual sometimes] James: ['You scare me in the best ways, you don't have to stop, I don't want you to' because think of the new things he's already done and the new things he's already felt, it makes me emosh goodbye] Ava: [when that's the hottest thing you've ever heard like 'scuse me round two] James: [you've actually got all night for once so make the most of it lads] Ava: [like literally no one needs it more than him so I'm allowing it, there's enough shit happened, happening and still to come] James: [amen to that] Ava: [happy bubble forever] James: [if only like, he is NOT gonna wanna leave in the morning but maybe we could say that like Jay has a playdate with friends or something cos soz babe you can't keep a secret so he just gets the baby and comes back] Ava: [that would be a moment] James: [just casually meet each other how cute] Ava: [have a normal, happy day like you're meant to oh] James: [you all deserve it truly] Ava: [meet your potential future stepchild babe] James: [do we wanna have them go out or stay in?] Ava: [🤔 obvs really want them to go to Kensington Park 'cos Peter Pan and like obvs I doubt anyone who would be bothered to report to Chloe is gonna be there but it is risky so maybe save it idk] James: [we will bookmark that for the future because MUST but they could take Frank on a walk somewhere cos we ain't referenced that sweet sir even if it's just through the streets like] Ava: [that's a good shout, you better be a good boy lol] James: [and don't cockblock them rn please] James: [they'd look like a little fam, I am FINE] Ava: [and lowkey behave more like one in one day like the bar is so low tah Chlo] James: [the scolding tea] James: how are you feeling? Ava: 😊 So happy Ava: Only a bit tired from the whole staying awake thing and you keeping me awake, like 😏 Ava: oh, and Frank said you've redeemed yourself so well done there too Ava: how're you and the girls? James: I'm happy to hear all of that James: has your dizziness gone? James: we're fine, but tired too Ava: Yeah Ava: barely a headache Ava: and my parents get in early AM so I should be all set to go when they do get here James: how much packing is there left to do? Ava: All of it but deciding which 14 bikinis I wanna take shouldn't take too long James: are you sure? I think it would take me a really long time to decide Ava: I'll put some stories up Ava: You can help me Ava: I reckon I need your clearly more considered opinion James: of course you do James: you wouldn't want to spend the entirety of your holiday wishing you'd chosen differently Ava: so true Ava: especially as I'm not allowed to pack my pout James: everyone is well aware of how important the pursuit of a tan is to you, darling, anything that jeopardises that, well, it's bound to be very pout inducing James: you'll be forgiven Ava: I don't know if my family is as forgiving as you Ava: perhaps they don't like my pout as much Ava: they definitely aren't as supportive in bikini related decision making James: I'll dedicate paragraphs to both James: multiple lengthy ones Ava: It'll seem gratuitous in the movie but nothing is too much for the book James: as long as it remains included in the director's cut James: or else I will be devastated Ava: I'll demand it in my contract Ava: I think it'll be a first in favour of taking your clothes off instead of keeping 'em on James: thank you James: you do deserve a multitude of firsts, honestly Ava: you deserve so much Ava: much more than I'm allowed to give you Ava: that reminds me Ava: as I can't give you anything as a thank you, I've had to get creative James: so much of what I deserve is negative & there is nothing you owe to me in any capacity, thanks included James: but I'd never want to discourage creativity Ava: Shh sh Ava: in the spirit of firsts and trying new things Ava: when you're all less worn out, go to [a sassy but kid-friendly cafe/restaurant that's a bit out there and exotic and definitely nowhere Chloe has ever made you take her] and tell 'em you're eating on me, yeah Ava: then when I get back and you're free, you're coming over and I'm cooking James: Ava Ava: It's already arranged, I go there all the time, it's the 2nd best Brazilian food I've had James: you've been to Brazil for the 1st, haven't you? I can tell Ava: Actually no, mores the pity Ava: but my Uncle is Brazilian and a chef, my cousin too Ava: having a big weird family has unexpected perks Ava: if you like it, I already have a recipe lined up that's meant to be 🔥 but even a novice like me can master it James: you'll have to wait patiently for my review because I regrettably can't send you a picture of my face after the 1st mouthful to serve as one, but okay Ava: I'll do my best Ava: though having any patience when it comes to you doesn't seem to be my strong suit Ava: arguably not a virtue I'm known for, ever, but especially now James: I'll do my best not to miss you so hard that it's physically painful but that doesn't appear to be my strong suit either & as previously agreed, I won't make any promises I'm forced to immediately break Ava: Oh Ava: Knowing it wasn't just me finding out that painful cliche is painfully real is somehow a comfort, to know you'll want to avoid the feeling as much as I do from now on but it also hurts me even more, the idea of you having to feel it at all in the first place Ava: but there is no conflict in just how hard I'm looking forward to seeing you again after this ill-timed holiday James: I don't ever want you to be in pain because of me, I have to insist on only the good cliches going forward James: devastatingly a postcard can't be included in that Ava: Hmm, got any long-lost great aunties I can pretend to be? 🤔😂 James: If I do my wife is bound to be aware of them, their current financial situation & any possible health concerns they are facing Ava: Valid Ava: Don't need to give her any more reason to 💀💀💀 me Ava: At least no holiday is complete without the obligatory narcissistic poolside shoot James: suffice to say I've never had a complete holiday, in that case Ava: I bet you've had to be cameraman plenty though Ava: so rude when you're so nice to look at James: & yet I've never been trusted to pick a filter Ava: 🙄 Ava: does she not know that you're an artiste James: no, it's our secret Ava: 😊 I like that James: I like you Ava: I like that more James: I wish I could see you again before you go Ava: Me too Ava: I kinda wish I weren't going James: how early are your parents getting back exactly? Ava: like 4am kinda early James: I won't make you stay awake again James: I know how tired you must be Ava: 🥺 James: I'm so relieved that I can't see that look on your actual face Ava: It's 💔 Ava: but I'll survive Ava: about James: you're a very strong person Ava: You James: I'm not Ava: You are though Ava: you put up with so much shit James: is that strength or is it weakness? Ava: I think it's strength Ava: You can't necessarily stop shit happening or get shit out of your life Ava: no matter how strong Ava: and you manage to do all the shit you have to regardless James: I'd like to think you're right Ava: Then you should Ava: I encourage it Ava: 🤓 me James: you are undeniably clever Ava: Try to be Ava: when I'm not standing in the middle of cycle paths, obviously James: I heard you say that bike came out of nowhere Ava: Yeah Ava: I miss you already Ava: Frank is not as good a nurse, like at all James: if you can fall asleep now, I'd feel less guilty about the prospect of asking you not to later James: should I hypothetically be able to get away Ava: 🛌🏃 Ava: Promise James: I can't give you a promise back Ava: I know Ava: but this way, I either stay asleep and that's that Ava: or I get the best surprise to wake me up James: what did I do to deserve you? Ava: This is the part where I say something very bad but Ava: you don't seem capable Ava: you're just James: whatever it was, I need to know so I can keep doing it Ava: just be you Ava: another cliche you've proven to be true and real James: this fortnight without you is going to be really cliche James: there's no chance of it existing beyond the 1st draft Ava: not even for my eyes only? James: well James: maybe Ava: Please please please James: okay James: you are my fairest critic & you do have beautiful eyes Ava: Yours are better Ava: but I won't be too jealous if I get to look at them more James: I definitely can't promise not to be envious of everyone in the Seychelles who will get to look at you more than I can Ava: Do you ever get a decent lunchbreak? Ava: we could facetime James: I'll figure something out James: because my dad takes the longest lunch breaks, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's the 80s Ava: 😏 we love a throwback 🙄 James: I'll take Matty to work with me, she'll distract whoever I need her to Ava: She is very cute Ava: I see it James: I won't be saying anything the like of that if she won't sleep tonight though Ava: 🤞 for you and her Ava: shame she's not yet at the walking stage Ava: Frank is so 💤 James: I can't keep her in any kind of routine, it's frustrating for both of us Ava: That's hard James: it's harder for her than it is for me, she never knows what's happening Ava: She'll get there Ava: I was the worst baby Ava: hopefully before you totally lose your mind, 'course James: I find it impossible to believe you weren't 😇 Ava: I was pretty premmie so my poor parents were confined to perpetual bright light for ages when I got home James: both the girls were so late James: that was an entirely different struggle Ava: I can imagine how delightful Ava: usually excusable but when you set the bar low to begin with 😬 James: the last thing I want to do is badmouth her to you, but as we know, sometimes things write themselves Ava: I feel you Ava: not a cliche I particularly wanna be either James: of course not Ava: but you can vent, you know Ava: I don't even have to reply, just if you need to put it somewhere James: no, I can't Ava: okay, just a suggestion James: so much of this is already not fair to you, Ava Ava: I don't think it is Ava: you've never lied about any of it, you're always realistic about what you can and can't give me Ava: and I'd like to help, in any tiny way I'm able James: you don't know what she's like & I'd rather you didn't have to know James: let's keep it at you don't do sympathy Ava: I know very little but that's not positive so it doesn't take your author level of imagination if I wanna go there without your guidance Ava: and it isn't sympathy but okay Ava: I won't mention her and you don't have to either James: I just can't have you seeing me differently because Ava: I'd never see you differently because of what she's like as a person James: it's too big of a risk for me to take, that you'll end up thinking less of me than you do now Ava: You can trust me Ava: but you don't have to Ava: I won't push anything, I don't need to Ava: as much as I want to take things fast in so many respects, I'm never going to take it where you don't want it James: it isn't you I don't trust James: I'm not a reliable narrator, she's made sure I'm not Ava: However...intertwined and diluted you feel your story got, because of her, because of whatever Ava: it's always gonna be your story to tell, if you want it Ava: and I'll always listen to how you tell it James: Ava Ava: James James: if it was a story I was in control of I'd come to the airport & tell you not to go James: cliche or not Ava: and I'd stay Ava: but that's far too much like a happy ending and we've only just begun James: you're right again Ava: don't sound so surprised 😉 James: I was actually trying to decide where it falls on the scale of ideas & habits, good, bad or somewhere in between James: that you always seem to be Ava: Have you drawn a conclusion yet? James: I couldn't possibly tell you James: you're supposed to be asleep Ava: damn Ava: you'll tell me in the morning? James: yes Ava: Okay, I'll go, as long as you know it is so reluctantly it's practically under protest James: & I won't stay here hoping you don't, as long as you know it's under identical conditions Ava: Noted Ava: Goodnight and sweet dreams for whenever that happens for you then, love James: thank you
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riskeith · 3 years
hi bb!
oh rip... the ol’ laptop fan situation. it must sound like a plane when you play genshin right? yes, we’re more prepared now. i remember the first few years there were so many fires and stuff to the point where they even made bbq illegal. such a mess, but it took away a fire hazard which is good. i believe aus had the same situation right?
awwww sounds so cute! pokémon go? no i don’t! i dropped it after that summer sjsksjdk. do you play while you’re walking that’s so adorable. wait bakudeku zine??? you’ve peeked my interest.
ooh that makes sense! i thought about the gold seelie too actually! the babie might bring you mora which is always good to have. also there’s fanart of the gold seelie being aether and those are sooo cute. have you seen any?
help i hope xiao knows how lucky he is to have such a devoted fan as yourself!! you’re really pulling all the strings for him i applaud your patience and determination. dude albedo is like... easily one of the prettiest animated character i’ve seen! he’s gorgeous! also i like his elevator move that could be so handy. and for the dancing videos, just search on yt baron bunny dancin or something hehe.
WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WHAT THE FUCK? wait are you serious? venti’s jpn va is HINATA? I HAD NO IDEA WTF???? god..,. that’s it i’m switching to jpn dub that’s insane... i was actually gonna ask you once if you could apply haikyuu characters to the game who would they be and the only one i was sure about was that hinata would be venti.... 😭 you’re so talented for knowing that hehe.. also you can say that you’re studying when you’re gaming then lmao. study smart not hard. god i’m still in shock over venti. this made my morning ngl.
i have no idea how fic collabs work either. i had a friend that did it once and she said they each wrote a chapter but i feel like that might be confusing if the writers use different writing styles..? idk it seems fun but kind of scary too..
ilytttttt little blushing girl.. <3
it always goes back to dragonspine does it not... 😶 but damn it’s been about a month and you’ve saved 12k that’s super solid. since xiao will be coming around feb that means you’ll have another month-ish to save up as well... so girl you’re def getting him sjdksjdk.. <3 and so much other goodies as well. unless you don’t pull him on the first try you might get some other great characters and weapons/artifacts as well. you need to force me to start saving up too bc if venti is really coming back.. i /have/ to get him esp now that i know about the va..
they’re adorable! i don’t know much about their story but i think they’re best friends, right? which makes it even more adorable. and there’s so much fanart of them as well. dude speaking of, genshin stans make the BEST fanart. i spend hours just looking at them and it’s perfect. i imagine there’s so much on twitter too, right?
god. remember shiro and adam. dreamworks would def not do that.. lmao...
your bravery for even considering posting wip. i’m taking my hat off for you. also, one writer to another; how does your writing process usually go? i’m always interested in seeing how other fic writers work bc it varies so much.
oh!! i was all over the place but i really liked sm groups. and loona! you don’t like slow songs? like even slow indie? aksjjdhdkdhf im gonna keep asking to find a middle group bc right now i’m super lost help...
i don’t really like sleeping in so it’s fine HEHE it’s 9 am now and i woke up about an hour ago which was perfect. 10 hour sleep? immaculate. not yikes. sleeping is always good never stress about it shjdhdjd, think about when you go back to school and have to pull all nighters etc.
kiss <3
yeah HAHAAH it gets so hot omg.. and my laptop is supposed to have pretty good specs so i can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if i tried to play on my old one yikes 😬 oh shoot! yeah we have a fire danger rating too, the second lowest one is “high” and it goes beyond “extreme” to “code red”/“catastrophic” lollll. and we’ve regularly got fire bans in the summer to try and prevent anything! 
hfsdkjfhs summer 2016? god i remember that time so clearly... iconic 😩 i do play sometimes! normally if there are any mystic gyms around me to join, otherwise i’m kinda lazy about actually catching the pokemon HAHA oops. https://twitter.com/kotatsutomikan1 here!! does that mean 👀 you main bkdk 👀👀👀
oooo i thought the seelies were actually just there for decoration? AHAH. yessss I saw one with a whole lineup! https://twitter.com/icedkappe/status/1347555831831699457 look how cute 🥺 ugh but that reminds me of something i was thinking of earlier today, i hope they’ll introduce skins or something later down the line? fshdk like think of the potential. it always upsets me when i click the hanger icon and it only lets me change their glider fhsjfskfjsdjkf
god when i saw albedo’s hair... <3333333 and also his eyes??? um chief alchemist? more like PRETTIEST alchemist. yesss i’ve been doing plunge attacks a lot more recently (preparing for xiao?) and honestly ugh if i had albedo.. I LOOKED THOSE VIDEOS UP!!! THEY ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE WHAT EHE FSUCJK!!!!!!  my god. fancam for characters who? ? from now on only fancams of baron bunny are allowed 😤😤😤
AHAHAH YEAH HE IS!!!! wait have you finished the world quest with him tho?? either way i’m sure you’ll be able to find clips of it in japanese dub online... his ‘ehe’ is so cute my god.. study smart not hard my motto!!!! <3 
yeah I feel like chapters is confusing which is why separating by POV might work better? definitely scary tho lol .... such uncharted territory for me
IM DEF GETTING HIM!!! xiao i am patiently waiting for you to come home 👐🙇‍♀️ yes!! i really hope the four stars on his banner are good bc i’m def gonna be pulling it a lot AHAHHA i hope hm.... i wanna get xingqiu to match with chongyun but beido seems so cool too 😩 tho i already have so many claymore users fsdhfksdfhsjd. oh that also reminds me venti’s elemental burst dialogue ‘kaze da!’ is so cute... like his voice is so melodic??? omg.... WAIT lemme send you this interview i found https://youtu.be/g3floaU41Uc !! AND START SAVE UP MARRIAGE ANON!!!!! tho i think he’s like 5 banners away so you still have time if you do wanna pull now... fhdsfkjds
they are!!! chongyun has this line in his story profile “Who could he possibly trust, if not his fine friend Xingqiu?” 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 how cute is he i love him so much :((((((((((((( yeah there are so many on twitter!! i don’t see much on tumblr tbh bc i don’t look at my dash too often AHHAHA but it’s all over my twitter timeline~ 
my writing process depends!! but typically i type out the outline of a fic/write out certain scenes, then fill in everything around that ahaha. usually my ideas come from a line i thought up that i really like or just a concept. i usually also type out my plans in all caps LOL. i hope that makes sense lmaooo how about you? do you just go for it or plan everything out first?
ooo yeah sm have some really nice stuff... and nice! i never gave loona a shot FJKDHFKSJ. i don’t think so?? the slow songs i do like are usually exceptions rather than the rule LMAO but i like hozier’s stuff even tho they’re slow (but who doesn’t? AHAH) honestly i couldn’t even give you examples bc i can’t think of any FHSDKFJS like i guess for example, lovely by billie eilish and khalid, i like the song but on a normal day if it came up on shuffle i’d skip it? FHSFKSD im so sorry legit i am no help at all fhskdfhsjdfjsdkfhsdhkfhk but what are some artists you listen to often?
i never pull all-nighters!! it’s kinda like my rule, even if i’m absolutely fucked i’ll deal with it later rather than not sleep fhskjfsdf. (or maybe i just haven’t reached that stage yet... i hope not!). also wait a second i just registered what you wrote.. YOU WOKE UP AT 8AM????????? my goodness... legit i don’t think i did that a single time in 2020. there was a week i woke up at 8:30 every day but very quickly i started sleeping in again omg... that energy! i’m also gonna try start waking up early but it’s hard when i go to bed then read fic 😩
kisses!!! hope your day has been swell so far xoxo
0 notes
jubesy · 6 years
2017 Writing Round-Up
Total year-long word count:
only counting what’s posted on AO3
Word count by fandom: 
Yowamushi Pedal - 4232 Free! - 5126 Haikyuu!! - 10,750 Kuroko no Basuke - 18,953 Voltron - 71,180 (plus 64k waiting to post) Yuri!!! on Ice - 191,981
The math isn’t adding up...I think I messed up somewhere, lol. But you get the gist.
Fics completed:
65 (plus tumblr-only drabbles)
3 or 4...or 7...?
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I guess I felt like I hadn’t written very much. But looking at those numbers, I definitely contributed to my fandoms!
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Voltron, for sure. I was definitely avoiding it, since I’d seen/heard such negative things about the fandom. But I’ve met so many wonderful people who enjoy it (as well as other fandoms I’m in) so it was definitely worth it!
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Uninhibited (OtaYuri - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) It was so much fun to write and it felt complete when I finished. The scenes I had in mind worked out just as I imagined and that hardly ever happens, heh.
I also really liked Anastasis (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) because I love Hybrid Child and I will continue writing that AU for my favorite pairings until its creator comes after me, lol.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote in a lot of languages I don’t fully understand. Not full works, but parts of works were written in Italian, Czech, and Russian - like dialogue - and, if not for the wonderful friends I’ve met on tumblr, I think I would have butchered those beautiful languages.
Your best story of this year:
I think Swept Away (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) was probably my best because it had the most responses and reader interaction. I wrote it as I went (not much planning involved, lol) and the support for the pairing and au was just wonderful!
Your most popular story of this year:
Definitely Back to You (Klance - Voltron - Rated T) It might just be because Klance is very popular, but it also has the kudos and comment to go along with those hits, so I think it’s safe to say that it’s pretty popular (in comparison, of course)
Story of yours most under-appreciated by the universe, in your opinion:
Probably a tie between Red Koi (SouRin - Free! - Rated T) any of my non-Klance Voltron fics. That’s not to say that the vld fics don’t get love and appreciation (They do! And I’m so thankful for it!) but Klance is so popular, it sort of takes the attention away when people peruse my work.
As for Red Koi. Free! as a fandom was pretty dead at that time, so that’s probably part of it. I was so happy with how it turned out and it was my first time writing something based on an artist’s lovely creation. I was kind of bummed people didn’t really check it out. (But it’s all good) :)
Most fun story to write:
Either Return to the Space Mall (Klance - Voltron - Rated T) or Gym Dates (Shklance - Voltron - Rated T) Both were fun for different reasons. RttSM felt like I was writing an episode of the show, tbh. Not one they’d air (because there’s a pairing in it) but one that the writers might get a good laugh out of reading. Gym Dates is my ‘I don’t feel like doing work, so let me write for my fun au’ fic.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Hmmm...that’s a tough one. I’d have to go with Oral Exam (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated M) It’s more implied, but sometimes that’s sexier. Maybe? Idk. But I liked it, hehe.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
Okay, so...I went through a thing where I could write nsfw stuff. Like...I wanted to, but it wasn’t coming out right. I’ve been a real “T-Rated” writer for a lot of this year. So, I’d have to say my one and only nsfw voltron fic. Bath Bomb (Lance Solo - Voltron - Rated E) I just felt forced. The sfw parts are great (imo) and I love them. But the actual nsfw bit seems...lack-luster. You could tell I wasn’t comfortable or happy with it.
Story that shifted your own perceptions of the characters:
I’m going to go with Boundaries (KuroKen - Haikyuu!! - Rated M) because it was my first time really delving into sexuality for the two of them together.
Hardest story to write:
Definitely True Heroes (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T) Not only was it a cover for someone who dropped out of the EmiMike Exchange, but, as much as I love Super Hero movies...I know nothing about writing them, lol. This was before I watched BNHA or Tiger & Bunny, so I was mostly going off of what I remembered from X-Men AU, haha. I did have a lot of help, though. Thank goodness!
Biggest disappointment:
More Of You (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated E) This was a continuation of Rhinestone Chucks - which I loved!! - but it just...I dunno. People wanted more and I wrote it, but I didn’t feel like it was my best work. This was the start of my inability to write nsfw this year, lol.
Biggest surprise:
I don’t think I planned on writing an Inch-High Samurai AU - Sanzun-bōshi: Shirogane Takashi (Shance - Voltron - Rated G) - but I’m so glad I did. It doesn’t have a lot of hits, but people seem to like it (and senpai noticed me, so...) Yeah. That one was really fun.
Most unintentionally telling story:
Boundaries (KuroKen - Haikyuu!! - Rated M)
Favorite opening line(s):
Opening and Closing lines are hard, okay? But I really liked the way I started Among the Stars (Klance - Voltron - Rated T) - even though I totally abandoned it to write my bb and I haven’t come back yet... oops. Anyway, here’s the line:
“I really don’t think this is a good idea, Your Highness,” Hunk said nervously, gaze darting from side to side before settling on his prince, who was tugging on the rope of knotted bedsheets tied to the heavy desk by his window.
“First of all,” he began, seeming suitably pleased with the makeshift rope’s strength, “It was my idea, so, of course it’s a good one. Secondly,” he lifted the pile of sheets and threw them out the window, watching as they unfurled, creating the perfect escape route. “You’ve known me for, like, my whole life, Hunk. Just call me Lance.”
Favorite closing line(s):
Gosh, these are even more difficult than Opening lines. Wow, um... How about the ending of Peaceful Negotiations (Klance line, but it’s really Shance/Sheith with future Shklance - Voltron - Rated T):
Seeming to mistake his distress for misunderstanding, Keith continued. “Lance, he’s not bigger th-”
But Lance just held a hand up, silencing him. Then he sunk down into the couch, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring up at the other man. “I fucking hate you.”
So much for peaceful negotiations.
Favorite 5 line(s) from anywhere:
Most of these will be Lance because I love writing him and I’ve written him most often, so...
From Return to the Space Mall (Klance - Voltron - Rated T):
Lance’s brows rose to his hairline. “Uh, if you’re asking why I saved us back there-”
“Why didn’t you correct him?” He frowned. “Now he thinks we’re…” Keith lowered his voice to a whisper, “Dating.”
“No.” Lance held a hand up, gesturing between them. “He thinks Lanzo McCool and Fangs are dating.”
Keith groaned. “Stop calling me that. And Lanzo McCool? Are you serious?”
From Back to You (Klance - Voltron - Rated T):
“...we were chasing Lotor through the wormhole he created while trying to keep it open with what turned out to be a wormhole of our own.”
“So, it’s like…wormception?” Lance offered and Pidge gave him a look.
“If that helps you…”
From Lotor Baby (Lancelot - Voltron - Rated T):
“You thought…”
“You were singing your list,” Lotor finished for him. “Odd, but, then again,” he smirked, “You’ve always been a little different.”
“Oh, Baby, no, I-” Lance cut himself off with a nervous little laugh. “Are you telling me you’ve never heard that song before?” he asked and Lotor – looking rather unimpressed – shook his head. “Eartha Kitt? Madonna?” he questioned and received the same response. “Sweet plantains…”
Lotor pursed his lips. “I’m beginning to think I’ve misinterpreted something,” he mused.
From Uninhibited (OtaYuri - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T):
“Ah, Yuuri,” Victor began, wrapping an arm around his fiancé’s waist. “Remember when I dropped everything and flew out to see you?”
“Yes,” the other man said with a snort. “But at least Otabek gave Yurio a heads up, as opposed to waiting completely naked in the onsen.”
“Good times, good times,” the older man sighed happily.
“Ugh, will you two shut it!” Yuri stamped his foot, chipping the ice. “This isn’t about you.”
“That’s right,” Mila said and before Yuri could thank her, she continued. “This is about Otabek and this extreme gesture of love for our little Yura.”
“I hate this freaking family,” the blond muttered under his breath.
From Swept Away (EmiMike - Yuri!!! on Ice - Rated T)
“But I don’t want you to die,” he sobbed, his face twisted in agony.
“Emil,” he breathed, reaching up to brush some of his tears away. His gaze fell to Emil’s lips, a little chapped but looking just as soft as ever. Just once, he thought. There was no reason to feel embarrassed now. “I’m sorry,” he whispered and then kissed him softly.
He was surprised when Emil wrapped his arms tightly around him, pressing their lips together more firmly and pulling him close to his chest. The kiss tasted salty, but still oh so sweet. And when they broke apart, Michele’s chest felt lighter. He smiled up at Emil, who returned the sentiment, albeit sadly, and touched his forehead to Michele’s. “Don’t go,” Emil murmured against his lips.
“I-” but Michele gasped, a searing pain weaving its way up his legs. He gripped the front of Emil’s shirt to steady himself and whipped his head to the side.
The sun was setting.
Top 5 scenes from anywhere you would choose to have illustrated:
Literally any of them. I would just explode with joy, tbh. I’ve had a few beautiful works of art based on my fics and I’m still screaming internally about them.
Fic-writing goals for next year:
Write more and also less. Don’t stress about it and don’t crank things out like a machine. Also, write what you enjoy. This is for me and everyone reading~
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justonehappyvictory · 7 years
Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo shamelessly stolen Prompt Request: “me and your roommate share a class together and help each other study weekly and you’re an annoying twat who thinks its funny to keep interrupting us and wait what do you mean they’re running late? no im not waiting here alone with you for two hours are you insane” au 
@theflowergirl: I’m so bad at titles sometimes, so this one doesn’t have one. unless you can come up with something lol <3
EDIT: Now posted on AO3
The water fell with a splat on her carefully written notes. The ink bled into the paper and the words blended together, making it indecipherable. Soo looked up to glare at the man leaning over her shoulder, Wang So. He held his drink high over her, his eyes perusing over her work, and she watched as the condensation drip, drip, dripped onto her papers, onto her hand, and onto her shoulder. The cup tipped perilously in his hand and more water threatened to descend upon her notebooks. “Are you serious right now? You’re getting my notes all wet.”
He looked down at her notebook, saw where the pages wrinkled with moisture. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize,” he said. He took his shirt and wiped the sides of the glass, leaving uneven and dark wet spots across it.
She rolled her eyes, trying to push him away as he came over to dry the table with the hem of his shirt. “Obviously you didn’t realize or my notes wouldn’t be soaked right now. Can you just leave me and Baek Ah to study in peace? We have an exam coming up.”
He chuckled. “Right, Baek Ah is studying peacefully alright.”
He gestured to him, using his distraction to clean the mess he inadvertently caused when she looked away from him. Soo's annoyance transferred to her study buddy when she saw he was sleeping. A soft snore escaped and Soo pushed on the arm propping his head up. The action caused him to jolt awake momentarily. “Gwangjong regularized tax rates in year 949,” Baek Ah said sleepily.
“I asked you for that answer thirty minutes ago. What’s the point of studying with you if you’re just going to sleep through it?” she admonished. It was no use, though, Baek Ah had already leaned back into the couch, deep in the throes of slumber. She shook her head at him and began closing all of her books.
“Wait,” So said, his arm half stretched out like he was going to grab her arm and had decided against it at the last moment. His hand balled into a half-hearted fist. “You’re leaving? You’re going to leave?”
She picked up her books, ignoring his questions and the fact that he seemed to be following her out the door. Just as her hand brushed against the door handle, she turned back around quickly, not realizing just how close So had been to her. Her unexpected action caused So to walk right into her and she dropped her books on the floor. She hopped up and down on her toes while simultaneously pushing So away from her, trying to avoid the heavy books from falling onto their feet. She had wanted to say something to him, but the words she had carefully crafted in her mind escaped her and she just sighed while bending down to pick up her books. He bent down to do the same.
“Look,” she said. “There’s no point in me staying here when I came to get help for class. Baek Ah’s sleeping, and you’re just spilling water over everything, so, yes, I’m going to leave and study elsewhere.”
“I—,” he began, trying to help her with her books. She yanked her things from him. One of fingers brushed against her, sending a spark through her. She shook it away.
“Save it.” And she was out the door.
A loud snort from the couch pulled So’s lingering attention from the door. “He built Yongjusa Temple,” Baek Ah said again and fell over.
She couldn’t concentrate. Why did she keep coming back to Baek Ah’s apartment to study when she never actually got in studying done? The words in front of her danced on the page, wiggled and swirled and twirled before her. It was mocking and she deliberately blamed Wang So. The door to his room was wide open and she could hear his hearty laughter as he watched television. From the sound of it, he was watching variety shows. With every guffaw and wheeze and foot stomping laugh, she felt her pulse quicken and her lips purse and her knees vigorously jiggle.
“Are you okay?” Baek Ah asked when he heard her sigh one too many times.
“I’m fine,” she retorted.
“Right,” he said, not convinced at all. “Um, what did you write for number five?”
He leaned to scan over her work and she pushed her notebook to him, all of her focus completely lost. “I’m going to grab a juice from your fridge.”
She grabbed a cold glass bottle from the fridge and leaned against the counter. Pressing the bottle to her forehead, she could feel the heat of her frustration begin to cool. It slowed her agitation and relaxed her tensed muscles. “He’s allowed to watch tv in his room. He lives here and you do not,” she said to herself. “He’s not that bad.” The image of his face, with crinkled and squinty eyes and a smile that displayed every one of his perfect teeth, flashed in her mind. She blinked it away. When she settled down back on the couch, she found that So’s laughter had died. She breathed a sigh of relief and gently rubbed at her temples before pulling her notebook back to her. Her pen had just touched the page when a solid mass plunked down beside her. The force of him jostled her arm and caused her to leave a long pen stroke down the length of her paper. “Are you kidding me right now?”
“No?” So said, confused.
“Look what you did!” She pointed indignantly at the pen mark.
“Oh, oops. Sorry.” And he did look apologetic, complete with a half-turned grin and a small wrinkle between his brows. She wanted to flatten it with her finger.
Instead, she tore the sheet from her notebook, crumpled it up and threw it at his head. He could have easily dodged it — she had terrible aim — but he leaned slightly so that it hit him square in the forehead. “Do you feel better now?” he asked, pocketing the crumpled paper. She didn’t notice.
“Hmm, yes, actually.”
She bent back over her notebook and he smiled as he watched her small hand move across the paper. He looked up to see Baek Ah looking at him, his eyebrows cocked high like he just discovered something he shouldn’t have. So cleared his throat and left the two to their studying.
She winced every time she heard the crunch of kimchi slowly chewed between his teeth. She cringed when he sucked in his breath, trying to cool his tongue from the heat of his ramen. She clicked her pen furiously every time he banged his chopsticks against the table, lining them up perfectly in his hand before dipping them back into his bowl. Everything he did seemed to linger in her system and he was not easily removed. Outside this apartment, he would still flutter in her mind and swim through her veins. He’d show up in her dreams and behind her lids every time she blinked.
“Must you eat?” Soo asked, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Wang So looked at her, ramen dangling from his lips. He slurped it up messily, bits of his orange-red broth splattering across her books. “Yes. Because I want to live,” he replied. His cheeks bulged with food, like a cute chipmunk readying his stash for the winter.
She ran her tongue over her teeth and bit her lip, pressing back a smile. “Are you trying to be cute right now?”
He beamed at her, scooping up more noodles. “Only if you want me to be.”
“Whatever,” she sighed, bending low over her notes so he wouldn’t catch the flush in her cheeks.
“Can’t you guys get along already?” Baek Ah whined, not even looking up from his books. “I’m so tired of always playing peacemaker.”
So slurped noisily again in reply and Soo growled at the noise, at the droplets that splashed on her arm. “Stop eating those stupid noodles! I’m trying to study.” She grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him, this time he ducked and it soared over his head.
“Alright, already, I’m going.” He stood and left for his room. He wanted to shut the door behind him, but couldn’t. Instead, he peeked through the crack, watching as she rubbed at her eyes and ran her fingers through her head. He banged his head gently on the door frame and, when he looked through the crack again, she was looking in his direction. Panicked, he let the door click shut, but he missed the soft apology in her eyes. He look down at this bowl, the remaining noodles swirling in the cooling broth. “This is all your fault,” he said to it.
He already knew it was Hae Soo at the door before he even opened the door. Her knock was always hurried but soft. He bounced on his toes, trying to find tranquility within his center, and failed. Another quick knock on the door and he squared his shoulders, breathing deeply before swinging the door open for her. A large smile graced her face but he saw it falter slightly at the sight of him and he deflated a bit. “Hey,” he said, trying to sound cool and not flustered at all. She gave a slight nod of the head and walked through the threshold, giving him as wide a birth as she could. Silently, she strolled over to their coffee table, already in the routine habit of setting everything up for her study session.
“He’s not here, you know,” So said and she stopped lining up her various pens and highlighters.
She looked up at him, both desperate and confused. “What? He told me he’d be here.”
He furrowed his brows. “He has a lunch date with his mom today, he won’t be back for another couple hours.”
She surveyed her things in front of her forlornly, taking a deep heart-heavy sigh before beginning to pack up her things. “Well, then, I guess I’ll come back in a couple hours.”
“That doesn’t make sense. You should stay and wait until he comes back,” he said, walking over and sitting on the couch next to her.
She stopped putting things in her bag when he sat next to her, very aware of his close proximity. The hairs on her arm lifted, an electric charge festering in the air that she couldn’t ignore. “I-I guess I could study until he gets here.”
“No,” So said and he took her bag from her. With one giant sweep of his arm, he carelessly pushed the rest of her things into her bag and set it aside, ignoring the look of anguish on her face. “Never study when you can have fun,” he said with a giant grin on his face. “Let’s do something.”
She pouted at the table now free of her things. “You want to do something… fun with me?”
“Why not?” He leaned closer to her and wiggled his eyebrows. She pressed her lips together and scooted away from him, but he noticed the smile she was trying to suppress. It made him feel bolder. “Come on, let’s play a game. Do you like Jenga? And, if you’re really intent on studying, I’ll ask you study questions while we play.”
She had never been alone with him like this, always had Baek Ah as a barrier to his antics. The charge in the air filtered into her fingers and her toes, tingling with frustration? Panic? Excitement? She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about it, but she also knew she didn’t really want to leave either. She didn’t know what to make of him. She rubbed her hands against her legs, ridding her palms of the sudden dampness. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to play a game, but, uh, let’s not do the study questions.”
“Alright,” he said, getting up and going to the bookshelf to grab the game, “this is going to be fun, I promise.” He jumped back over the couch this time in one graceful motion, and she knew that it was something he did often. As he began setting up the tall tower of blocks, he said, “How about this? For every block I successfully remove, you have to answer one of my questions and, for every block you successfully remove, I have to answer one of your questions.”
He looked at her incredulously. “Why?? Because it’s my game. So, my rules. Also, you come here at least once a week, shouldn’t we get to know each other? For, uh, for Baek Ah’s sake.”
She contemplated it, swaying her head from side to side as she did so, her lips in a slight pucker. “Hmm, okay, I guess that makes sense.”
“Alright, you want to go first?” he asked when the tower was complete.
She eyed the tower, trying to find the best one to remove, and opted for one at the very top in the middle. She grinned at his shaking head. “Okay, hmm, why… are… you so annoying?”
He fell back against the couch and placed a hand over his heart like she had shot him. “Ouch,” he said. “I don’t think I’m annoying. I think you just have a low threshold for tolerance. Many people go out of their way to tell me just how annoying I am not.”
She puffed air out of her nose. “I doubt that, but it’s your turn.”
He poked out a block from somewhere in the middle, a gleeful smile on his face when he was successful. His face turned serious as he asked his question. “Do you like Baek Ah?”
“Oh, my god,” she snorted. “Of course not. Baek Ah’s a nice enough guy, but not my type. He’s too pretty and," she paused to search for the right word, "whiny?”
“Hmm, too pretty. Do you think I’m too pretty?” he said, the smile returning to his face and the tips of his ears turning bright red.
“Ah, ah, ah, that’s another question, and it’s my turn.” He scrunched his nose at her, but she was paying attention to the blocks in front of her. When she pulled one out, she thoughtfully pondered her next question. “Hmm, what to ask, what to ask…,” she rested her chin in her hand and tapped her finger against her lip. He could see the exact moment a light bulb went off in her head. “Oh, I know! What is your favorite animal?”
“You want to know my favorite animal?”
“Yes, you can learn a lot about someone from their likes and dislikes,” she responded.
He scratched at his neck. “Uh, I like wolves. Those are cool animals.”
“I like it. Wolves are loyal and smart and intuitive, also very fluffy and cute,” she smiled.
“Many people say they are fierce, not cute,” he said, searching for another block to pull.
“I said what I said.”
He pulled a block out easily from the side and lightly banged it against her head. “Now, back to my previous question, do you think I’m too pretty?”
Soo felt her cheeks burn as he stared at her. His eyes were shining and expectant and she swallowed thickly as he leaned his face closer to hers. Her eyes scanned the length of his features, his smoky brown eyes and the way they dipped and curved elegantly at the corners, his perfectly straight and delicately set nose, his lips that were rosy and firm and slightly chapped. “You’re definitely not too pretty,” she said and he pouted, leaning back into the couch. She scanned the Jenga blocks, trying not to look at him as she finished her answer. “You’re the perfect amount of pretty.” She shakily pulled out a block, almost toppling the tower in her nervousness.
“You have to ask a question,” he said with a huge grin on his face.
She still refused to make eye contact with him, instead picking at her nails. “D-do you think I’m pretty?”
He gently curled his finger underneath her chin, turning her face to him, and she was hooked. His eyes locked onto her luminescent eyes that he had wanted to lose himself in so many times before. He brought his other hand forward and stroked her cheek, not ashamed of the heat he brought to them. He released her chin and tucked her hair behind her ear and she shivered as his fingers trailed through her hair to the very end before he curled the ends around his finger. “You’re prettier every time I see you.”
She forgot how to breathe. It stoppered at the very back back of her throat. She felt the pressure of her breath building and building and aching for release. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered.
He was leaning closer and closer, his gaze soft and desirous. She felt herself leaning towards him but, when his lips were a hair’s breadth from hers, she found herself saying, “You’re supposed to pull a block out first.” Without looking away from her, he reached for the tower and plucked a block from the top, but, in his hastiness, his hand hit the side of the tower and all the blocks tumbled across the table. The moment scattered from them. “I guess that’s a question that will remained unanswered,” he said. He hung his head in defeat as she leaned away from him. He had been so close.
Soo cleared her throat and stood from couch, inching away from him and trying to regain her judgment and senses. She kicked at a random block that had fallen on the floor. “I’m not really sure what just happened.”
He looked up at her and, there it was, that grin that always managed to quicken her pulse. “Really? I thought it was pretty clear that I was about to kiss you.”
A nervous laugh escaped from her lips. She sat back down on the couch and began collecting the various blocks by her feet and scooting across the couch until her leg was almost pressed against his. When she had piled all the blocks together on the table, she let herself look at him again. His smile had faded a bit, but it was still there, still eager and hopeful. “Do you want to play again?” she ventured.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to him. “Absolutely.”
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