#sorry for the big delay on AR
i know its been like a year since you've updated and this is very off topic but i really liked the way you characterized merla 😭😭😭 yep thats actually it haha i think your ar fic is the only one shes in from the vld fandom so. yeah thats all i wanted to say. u write hot girlboss woman well. have a nice day.
Hi anon, thanks for your note and your kind words! I appreciate it. And ahhhh Merla is such a fascinating character, haha. She’s just one of those that you grab a bowl of popcorn for and watch, like, what is she gonna do next XD It’s been fun to reimagine her archetype for the purpose of AR. Thanks so much for checking out that crazy story! 
Which on that note, more AR content coming soon! 
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writeroutoftime · 2 months
how to make an entrance
pairing: rhysand x pregnant!reader (requested by: @vixemi)
summary: on a trip with Rhys to visit Helion and the Day Court for dinner, you and your mate find yourself in a rather unexpected situation so far away from home
warnings: little bit of angst, pregnancy, semi-vague mentions of childbirth
word: 1.9k
a/n: again, I'm so so sorry for the delay in getting your request out, lovely, but here you are! kinda nervous to post this, but I really hope enjoy!! if everyone else would like to request a story for our favorite fae, let me know!
The glittering, gold opulence of the Day Court greeted you like an old friend as you walked into the ballroom, arm resting in the crook of Rhys's elbow. No matter how many times you visited Helion's home, you knew you would never grow tired of the sight. While it might not have exactly riveled the beauty of Velaris, it was a close second.
Despite your joy of getting to see the High Lord of the Day Court, physically you felt extremely fatigued. Thankfully, Rhys had noticed the moment you winnowed into day. Your mate hadn't hesitated to wrap his arm around your waist, a comforting and protective hand against the swell of your stomach. Both of you smiled as your child sent a rather energetic kick your way.
"High Lord and Lady of the Night Court!" Helion greeted, his warm smile greeting you and your mate.
"It's wonderful to see you again, Helion." you smiled, untangling yourself from Rhys to hug the High Lord of the Day Court as much as your stomach would allow.
He pulled away, shaking Rhys' hand. "How much longer until the babe arrives?" he asked, nodding towards your stomach.
"Two and a half more months left."
"I'll make sure my gifts arrive before the newest member of the Night Court does." he said before making his way to other members of the party.
Looking around the room, you saw it was a small, intimate dinner, with most, but not quite all, rulers of the seven courts present, along with other close friends. The rest of the Inner Circle had stayed behind, allowing you and Rhys at least one more time being alone before the babe arrived.
As though they sensed your thoughts, you felt a particularly sharp kick which sent you doubling over, letting out a low moan on the way. In an instant, Rhys' scent invaded your senses as his large hands hovered over your body, not sure where it hurt or how to act. 
"What's wrong, darling?" Rhys asked, ready to fetch or do whatever you requested to ease your burden.
"Nothing, I'm fine. Just a big kick that caught me off guard." you assured your mate with a gentle smile.
Rhys's eyes looked at you in disbelief. "Don't lie to me." he voiced in your mind, knowing you wouldn't want to cause a scene around those in attendance.
"I'm fine, the baby's fine, we're all fine. I promise." you reassured him.
Though Rhys still had his doubts, he nodded his head and pulled you close. Pressing a light kiss against your head, he let the matter drop.
As the evening passed, you enjoyed yourself greatly. It was nice to have an evening "off" and spend time amongst friends and not be analyzing every action through a diplomatic lens. However, the further along in the night it got, the more your discomfort grew.
You dulled your side of the bond slightly so as to not worry Rhys. But before you could let him know the full extent of your pain, a blaring alarm sounded from within the palace. Immediately, guards rushed into the room, closing the door behind them. Two guards went straight to Helion and whispered in his ear. The normally joyous High Lord's features grew stony, and his fists clenched by his side. He dismissed the guards with a swift nod before turning back to the table.
"There are soldiers outside launching an attack on the castle." he said, straight to the point. "They are suspected to be Hybern supporters. We've sealed entrances, and there is to be no one that enters or exits this wing of the palace."
Gasps and murmurs erupted around you as guests worried what could be done. While the majority planned a strategy with Helion, a rush of anxiety washed over you, freezing you in place. So preoccupied, Rhys felt your worry and pain down the bond and was at your side in seconds.
"Darling, it's going to be alright. We're going to be alright." he whispered, wrapping his arm once more around your stomach.
Your mouth opened to respond, but before you could speak, you bent over in agony, unable to keep your scream at bay. Silence fell over the room as all eyes turned towards you and Rhys, but you couldn't care less. Aimlessly, your hand grasped for Rhys's, finding it and squeezing as tightly as you could.
"Breath, breath." he instructed, demonstrating the slow, deep breathes you should have been taking.
A minute or so passed and the pain subsided. "I'm scared." you admitted in your mind, not wanting to appear any weaker among the High Lords, Ladies, and other distinguished citizens of Prythian.
"Is it the babe?" Rhys questioned, his voice sounding stern.
Before you could answer, you felt your water break and your eyes widened exponentially. "No, no, no." you muttered to yourself as the panic inside rose tenfold.
Even Rhys's typically, cool and calm demeanor faltered as he understood the severity of the situation. "Okay, okay." he said, trying to keep himself calm. There was no room to freak out now, not when he had to look out for you, look out for your babe.
"I can't do this, Rhys. Not here, not now." you cried out through your sobs.
This moment wasn't supposed to come for two more months. You had a plan. You were supposed to be in Velaris, surrounded by your family. Surrounded my Madja who knew everything there was to know about giving birth. She had your plan - your plan which now laid in shards in front of you.
"Unfortunately, I don't think we have a choice, darling." he chuckled, trying to diffuse the situation. When that didn't work, he towards Helion, eyes desperate. "Please tell me there's a bedroom or some kind of private room in this wing."
The Day Court High Lord nodded and stepped into action. "Here, I'll show you." he offered, grabbing your left arm while Rhys held your right. "You Night Court Fae sure do know how to make an entrance, eh?" he teased.
If looks could kill, Helion surely would have been six feet under. "Do not joke with me." you growled.
It wasn't long before your trio reached said room and Helion mentioned something about see what he could gather before racing away. Now, finally alone with your mate, you let the pain and worry of the situation take over. "Why is this happening now?" you whined to Rhys.
Your mate looked down at you, his face brokenhearted. "I don't know my dear. I don't know." he whispered, kneeling beside you and grasping your hands in his. "But I swear to you it will all be alright." he said, peppering kisses against your hands.
A moment of silence passed, and you turned to look at Rhys, but found his violet eyes glazed over. You could only hope he was sending word to the rest of your family and Madja.
"y/n has gone into labor here in the Day Court, but the castle is under lockdown." Rhys communicated with Cass and Azriel from afar.
"What?" Azriel sounded in Rhys's mind. "How is she fairing?"
"Not well, I'm afraid. I need to speak with Madja immediately, but I needed you to know this situation."
"We'll see what we can do." Cass promised, then added. "Give y/n all of our love."
Rhys then turned his mind to find Madja within Velaris. "Madja, please I need your help." Rhys pleaded in the old healer's mind. "The High Lady has gone into labor and we are trapped here in Day. You have to help me."
"I'll do what I can, High Lord. But you also must trust that our High Lady can make it through this ordeal on her own. With your support, of course."
Before Rhys left Madja's mind, she gave him instructions on what materials needed to be gathered and what the two of you should expect over the course of the next few hours. Thankfully, Helion seemed to be somewhat well versed on what was needed when he dropped off blankets a few other necessities without being asked.
"Everyone sends their love, darling. And Madja is here to support us in any way she can. But, I know you are strong, and you can do this."
You nodded your head, scrunching your face as another contraction washed over you. "I think it's almost time, Rhys." you informed him, squeezing his hand tighter than either of you thought possible. "I'm scared." you whispered for the second time. "I love you, Rhys. You know that right?"
Rhys could feel your anguish rushing down the bond, and he shut down the concrete walls of his mind for the moment to try and collect himself. What if this was it? The moment he lost you, his precious mate? Or the babe? Or worst of all, both of you?
His mind moved at the speed of light as he began to spiral. Perhaps, his good luck had run out. What if you having to bring your babe into the world away from the care and safety of home was his punishment for all his wrongdoings? Maybe his good luck had finally run out.
No. Rhysand thought to himself, bringing his thoughts back to the present - back to you. He couldn't lose sight of what was important now. Rhys knew his duty now laid in being present with you.
"I love you too, dear. But you do not get to say goodbye, not yet. I am here with you every step of the way." he vowed, looking at you determinedly. "Now, you tell me what you need from me."
"Hold me." you requested, grasping both of his hands as he settled in behind you. The next hour passed by as the urge the push only grew with each passing contraction. "Rhys, you have to go and be ready to catch them." you instructed through your pants.
Rhys nodded and moved away from your upper half, but not without leaving a kiss to your sweaty forehead. Madja had mentally prepared him over the past hour to help you reach the finish line. And so, he steeled himself for the final time and encouraged you to keep going until he finally hold your babe in his arms - your baby girl.
"I-it's a girl, darling." Rhys said, in a breathy voice, barely being able to hear himself above the beautiful sounds of his daughter's cries.
"A girl?" you cried in disbelief. After so many months, so much pain, she was finally here. "C-can I see her?"
Wordlessly, Rhys stood up, gently cradling the newborn before he set her against your chest. Your hands immediately came to hold her against your skin. At the warmth you provided, her cries subsided into quietness, and you took the opportunity to truly take a look at her.
"She's perfect." you whisper, not wanting to startle the peace that has fallen over your newly expanded family.
Rhys nodded, holding you and his daughter carefully, for the first time. "Just like her mother I imagine." he preened, already wrapped around the babe's finger. "Thank you, y/n. Thank you so much."
Wordless, you sent waves of love in return down the bond, content to snuggle with your family for a little while longer. The new princess of the Night Court new how to make an entrance indeed.
a/n: look, sorry to nyx, but like rhys as a girl dad? does things to me lol, so I just had to include that here!
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
ok so idk what a Drabble is I’m new here 😅 but I want Percy Jackson x sister who’s a year or something younger than him and she gets hurt in camp while training so he worries about her and calls will over at the Poseidon cabin to check on her and stuff ( platonic and fluff ) is that anything close to requesting a Drabble? 😂 if it isn’t sorry totally ignore this, sorry if I bothered you <3
❝ –🌊 lady l: sorry for the delay, I had little free time but now that it's the weekend I'll be more active bbys. A drabble is basically a very short imagine, so it's not big ¯_(ツ)_/¯
❝tw: mention of injury and a bit of non-descript violence.
❝🌊word count: 706.
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''(Y/N) got hurt!''
The moment this news reached the demigod's ears, Percy dropped what he was doing and ran to where you was being tended to. He ran at full speed to Poseidon's cabin and pushed whoever was in front of you and knelt beside your bed.
''(N/N)? Are you listening to me?! What happened?'' He yelled and you mumbled something.
''Don't yell, Percy.'' You mumbled and sat up in bed, facing your brother who was on his knees for you. ''Don't be exaggerated, brother. I just got hurt a little in sword practice with Clarisse.''
Percy growled furiously.
''Clarisse? Was she the one who hurt you then?''
You regretted it the moment the words left your mouth. Your brother's furious gaze and clenched fists told you enough that you should have kept yourself quiet. He was so overprotective of you that it was disturbing. You were grateful to have a brother who cared deeply for you, but you weren't blind to Percy's absurd overprotection of you.
You knew the look on his face all too well. He would get into a fight with Clarisse. Maybe even all the children of Ares.
By Zeus, you need to calm him down before he does something like that. Again.
''But nothing happened!'' You tried to argue but you knew you couldn't convince your brother. He was too focused on his own anger.
''Even so!'' Percy let go of your hands and kissed your forehead lovingly, ''I'll handle this in the right way.''
In the right way...
You swallowed hard when you realized what it was about.
''Percy, no! I'm fine, I swear, it was just an accident...'' You mumbled, ''Please... Don't do anything you'll regret!''
Percy smirked, "I won't regret a thing, (N/N)." His green eyes sparkled and you cringed at the sight.
''But you can be punished!''
''I don't mind. I'll be right back, lie down and drink some water. I'll be back in a heartbeat, sister.'' He winked at you and walked out of Poseidon's cabin.
Your heart sank at the knowledge of what Percy would do.
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The sound of screaming was pleasurable and the son of Poseidon found himself grinning sadistically as he wielded Riptide against Clarisse's aching, bruised body.
He didn't care if he was punished for it. All he felt was anger, anger that she had dared to hurt you and he was going to make that bastard pay for it.
Nobody can hurt you and get away with it.
He kicked her in the shin and Clarisse fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. She was weak, weak because of something Percy had done.
Percy put the tip of Riptide against Ares's daughter's neck, and her eyes widened. He wouldn't kill her, at least not today, but he could always torment her a little.
''Next time you hurt my sister again…'' He whispered, his eyes shining with satisfaction, ''I won't spare you.''
Percy stood there for a few minutes with his sword at Clarisse's throat before he decided to remove it and crouched down next to the demigoddess's bruised face. He whispered, "Consider yourself lucky I didn't kill you."
The son of Poseidon got up and started walking slowly back to his cabin. His mind was empty and his thirst for blood tried to control him, but he wouldn't give in this time. For you.
Your brother will always care and protect you, at any cost.
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quickspinner · 1 year
Indelible - Ch 22 Foot
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | ?? | AO3
Luka hugged Renée, grinning as they both stepped back to look at each other. “It’s good to see you,” he said, “Sorry it has to be a business lunch. They’re really packing my schedule lately.”
“I bet they are, but I’m not complaining,” Renée laughed as they sat down at the cafe table. “You’re really making a mark these days, and a scoop with you will feed me for months.” 
“I’m just a mealticket to you,” Luka sighed dramatically, and Renée laughed.
“A girl’s gotta eat,” she teased, waving the menu at him. “And so do you. Have you lost weight?”
“A little,” Luka admitted, with a tired smile. It was nice, not to have to put up a front for Renée. “We’re just busy. Our tour manager makes sure I eat regularly, though, I promise. Nobody wants their mealticket wasting away.” He winked as Renée grinned at the joke. 
“Well, shall we get the work talk out of the way?” she asked, flipping open her notebook, and Luka settled back with a sigh.
“Can’t we order first?” he complained.
“I already ordered,” Renée told him, and grinned when he gave a half-hearted glare. “No more delays, let’s get into it.” 
“If we must,” Luka sighed, and let Renée grill him about the expansion of the tour, the new cities they had added, and the rumors about a second album. The food was good; Renée still remembered what he liked, so at least he enjoyed the meal while he endured the questions. 
Finally, she closed her notebook, and Luka relaxed a little. There was still something about Renée’s bloodhound mode that put him on edge, even though he trusted her.
“So, I have a question about Marinette,” Renée said suddenly, leaning forward and putting her elbows on the table. 
Luka looked up, surprised, and met her gaze.
“Rumor is she’s dating Felix Graham de Vanily,” Renée continued, watching his face. “Is it true?” 
Luka blinked, and then shrugged. “Maybe. I haven’t talked to her for a while, actually.” At the quirk of Renée’s eyebrow, he felt compelled to add, “We’ve both been busy. We talked on her birthday, but not much since.” 
“Hm.” Renée eyed him. “And you’re okay with that?”
“I’m okay with whatever makes Marinette happy,” Luka replied, not looking away. “I always have been.” “What was all that business at New Year’s, then?”
Luka winced. Of course she knew about that. She’d been there, after all, and she was observant. “Just a little too much champagne, that’s all. I got a little carried away. I care a lot about Marinette but she’s never been interested in me that way. I accepted that a long time ago. I just had a little…slip in judgment that night. We talked it out afterwards and life goes on.” 
Renée frowned, tapping her fingers on the table. “Life goes on, so she decides to date a guy that’s practically her ex’s twin? Don’t you find that a little weird?”
Luka snorted. “I’ve known Marinette a long time. It doesn’t seem like that big of a stretch to me. I don’t think it will last, though.” He closed his mouth on the rest of what he might have said. He didn’t want to be talking about Marinette behind her back. He already felt guilty enough about talking to Adrien about her, even though Adrien’s reassurance that Felix, while self-absorbed and pretentious, wasn’t really a bad guy, had eased Luka’s mind considerably. There was still a niggling suspicion in the back of his mind that Marinette’s infatuation with Felix was more about a second chance at the life she thought she was getting with Adrien, but that wasn’t something he intended to discuss with Renée. 
“Well, I hope she knows what she’s doing,” Renée said, finally leaning back into her seat with a slight slouch. “Her reputation’s taking a hit. ‘Gold digger,’ is one of the nicer things people are calling her.” 
“She’s a big girl,” Luka sighed, although those headlines had bothered him too. “She can make her own choices.” 
Renée shot him one more short glance. “But she hasn’t told you she was dating him?” 
  Luka shook his head, hands tightening on the arms of his chair. He didn’t want to admit how much that bothered him. At least when Marinette had started dating Adrien she’d had the decency to call him herself. 
Not that he was entitled to priority news updates on her love life. Of course not. It just…would have been nice if she had let him know. Or, you know. Talked to him literally at all. He couldn’t seem to get through to her at all these days, and her text responses were long delayed and short. It hurt more than he wanted to admit, when he had the time to think about it. Fortunately time was not something he had a lot of lately. 
“So what’s your mom up to these days?” Renée asked abruptly, and Luka smiled, appreciating the change in conversation, though he paused to check the time before leaning back in his chair and picking up his cup of tea. 
“You’re gonna love this one,” he said dryly, “So I’m three countries away and I suddenly get a call from Juleka—” 
Luka had to give his label credit, they didn’t sleep on an opportunity. He rubbed his tired eyes and leaned his chin on his elbow as he handed the freshly signed paper back to Lucille. “What’s next?”
“That’s it,” said Lucille with a smile, squaring the stack of paper in her hands. “Congratulations, you’re officially signed for a second album and a headline tour to promote it. Now all you have to do is write and record it.” 
  Luka grinned weakly. “You make it sound so easy, while I’m still in the middle of this tour’s circus.” 
“You’re doing a great job, Luka,” Lucille told him, leaning forward to squeeze his shoulder. She looked at him closely, and Luka tried to pull himself together and look a little more alert. “You’re sure you’re up for all this? We’ve just put an awful lot on your plate with these extra shows.” 
Luka nodded, straightening up. “I’ll be glad when it’s over,” he admitted, “and I don’t think I’ll be able to get too much writing done until it is, so I’ll have to buckle down over the break to get everything written, demoed, and recorded, but it’ll be worth it.” 
“Your one-on-one interview go okay? The one with your friend?”
Luka blinked for a moment. His talk with Renée seemed like it was months ago but in reality it had only been a few weeks. “Yes, I think so. She should be about ready to release, so I was going to call her and let her confirm the new album now that the ink’s on paper.”
Lucille nodded slowly and sat back. “How’s the new kid working out?”
Luka’s grin was a little more genuine. “Yann? He’s great. You wouldn’t expect anyone as quiet and shy as he is to be able to get shit done like he does, but he’s amazing. I’d definitely like to have him for the next tour if he’s willing.” 
Lucille nodded. “I’ll talk to him and get a contract worked up. The label’s finally waking up to how awesome you are,” she grinned as Luka ducked his head, “So I should be able to get some concessions to make the next bit easier.” She stood and bopped Luka lightly on the head with the stack of her papers. “Just don’t overdo it. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Every rockstar is a human being who needs to eat and sleep and gets hung over if they drink too much.”
Luka bit back the yes, mom that wanted to escape and just nodded. “Thanks for flying out, Lucille. It really helps to do all this contract crap in person. Too many distractions when you’re not here to chase people away.” 
Lucille laughed. “Of course. I’d be here more often if I could.” She sighed with a touch of frustration, and then smiled at him. “Looking forward to the show tonight. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to see you play live.”
“I’ll try to make you proud.” 
Every day felt like a whirlwind now, with publicity events and signings in addition to the extra tour stops. Road days were almost a relief, when Luka could finally sit down, put on his headphones and let his brain wander for a while. They usually stopped being a relief by the seventh or eighth hour, when he was ready to get up and move a little bit, but Yann was observant and generally knew when one of them needed a break. He usually found them a rest stop before they went for each other's throats. Still, by the time they got to their hotel at night they were all glad to pile out of the van, find something to eat, and separate to their own rooms for a while. 
It was their last scheduled show with Jagged and predictably, everything in proximity to Jagged was a madhouse. Luka brought his dinner back up to the room, hoping for some peace, and found Dingo was sitting on his bed. Dingo frowned down at some slightly crumpled sheets in his hands. Luka froze for an instant, knowing immediately what those papers were, but he covered it as well as he could, shutting the door behind him and walking past Dingo. 
“You been working on this again?” Dingo asked, looking up and waving the pages at him. “This is the one you started at the beginning of the year, right?” He hummed a bit of the tune, and Luka winced a little.
“Yeah,” Luka said, keeping his back to his friend as he set his to-go container down and checked his phone. He answered yet another text message from one of Marinette’s friends, asking if he’d heard from her. Apparently he wasn’t the only one she was ghosting lately. He wasn’t sure whether to feel worried or relieved. “It's still not done though. Where’d you find those sheets, anyway? I forgot where I put them.”
“They were on the floor this morning.”
“Huh. I must’ve dropped them out of some—”
“Play it.” 
Luka looked up, brow furrowing. “What?”
“I wanna hear it,” Dingo said, holding the sheets out to him. “Play it. You weren’t near this far along with it last time I heard it.” 
Luka shrugged, taking the papers. He didn’t really need them, but it was as good an excuse as any to take them back. “It’s not ready,” he said, shoving them inside one of his bags. 
Dingo rolled his eyes. “Don’t bullshit me, mate, just play it.” 
Luka sighed, and pulled his guitar case up onto his bed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said lightly as he unzipped it, but he could see the way Dingo’s brows were furrowed above his shades and knew. Dingo wasn’t going to let it go. As much as he wanted to pretend like the song was nothing, Luka felt all his muscles tense up as he played the first few chords. His hands stilled and he shook his head.
“Keep going,” Dingo insisted, and Luka sighed. He kept playing, gritting his teeth against the feelings that were flooding back. As soon as he’d gotten as far as he could go, he stopped playing and lifted the strap over his head.
“I’m not ready to finish it,” Luka declared, shaking his head as he put the guitar on the bed. “I might not finish it at all.”
“Why not? It’d be nice to play something with some teeth to it,” Dingo asked, tilting his chin down to look at Luka over the rim of his sunglasses. Luka was tempted to tell him he looked like one of their old high school teachers, about to ask why they weren’t meeting their potential. “We could use a little more bite in our sound, if you ask me.” 
Luka just shook his head. “Not the right time. I don’t have time to think about it right now, anyway. Our schedule's insane for the next few weeks with all those big stadium shows they added.”
Dingo groaned, flopping back on the bed with his arms wide. “I’m so bored, Lu. I thought we’d have some fun playing with Jagged again but this leg has been nothing but contracts and paperwork and scheduling and blah blah blah.”
Luka huffed a laugh. “You haven’t made anything explode in months, I can see why. Tell you what,” he added, picking up a drumstick from the table and chucking it at Dingo, who managed to snatch after it bounced off him. “Grab your gear while I eat. Our stuff’s already set up for rehearsal. We'll go jam. You can lead and I’ll find something to go along with it. If we come up with anything decent, we’ll work on it in the breaks. I’ve got to start coming up with something for this next album anyway and I’m not making much progress on my own.”
“Hell yeah,” Dingo cheered, twirling the drumstick as he leaped off the bed. “Think we can make enough noise to make Jagged’s roadies complain?” He grinned wickedly. “If any of them can even hear anymore anyway.”
Luka rolled his eyes. “At the rate Jagged fires people they probably don’t have time to go deaf,” he muttered, but he was grinning as he opened his food.
Luka groaned and rolled over to answer his phone. “It’s the middle of the night here, Rose,” he grumbled, glancing at the other bed. The shadowy lump that was Dingo didn’t move, and the snores didn’t stop. Luka wasn’t surprised; they’d done three shows in a row this week and they were all exhausted. 
“Good, then you’re free. You’ve barely been answering my texts. What’s going on with Marinette? Have you seen what the papers are saying?”
“Missed you too, Rose. Where’s Juleka?” Luka asked, then cleared his throat. He was getting hoarse. He’d have to try and rest his voice tomorrow. 
“Asleep. She doesn’t want to talk about it. She thinks I should just leave it alone.”
Luka sighed through his nose. “She’s right, you know. Marinette can date who she wants.”
“But she wants you !”
“Apparently she doesn’t.” 
“I can’t accept that. I’ve seen you two together. How am I supposed to leave this alone ?” Rose hissed. “You’ve been in love with Marinette your whole life! The last time I saw the two of you together you might as well have been married the way you acted! Not just you, her too!”
“Well, she met someone else,” Luka sighed, rubbing at his eyes. “It happens.”  
“Luka! You need to go see her. Go—go do something about it!”
“Do what, Rose?” Luka asked. “Even if I could leave, which I really can't right now, what do you expect me to do? Beg?” 
Rose sighed like he was the dumbest person alive. “Not right away. Sweep her off her feet first! Show her how romantic you can be and that you're just as much her fantasy prince as this, this Felix guy!”
“I'm not though,” Luka muttered. 
“ Then you tell her you can't live without her and beg her to come back with you?”
Luka snorted. “And do what?”
“Luka if you don't know what to do after that we need to have a whole different talk.”
  “You know what I mean.” Luka rolled his eyes. “I get her back here and what? Cram her and her sewing machine in the back of the van where she can spend all her time on the phone with her lawyer trying to explain why she broke her contract.”
“You're being very unCouffaine right now.”
“Well somebody in this family had to grow up eventually,” Luka snapped. “Rose, do you know how many people’s paychecks I'm responsible for right now? 
Rose was quiet for a moment, and when she spoke, she sounded almost hurt. “Don't you want to fight for her?”
“ No ,” Luka replied, with unexpected force, and then he softened his voice. “No, Rose, I don't want to fight for her. I don't want to argue, I don't want to beg. I want to be enough, just like I am.” The words rang in his head and he rolled over, blindly grabbing at the notepad and pen on his nightstand. He flipped on the lamp, blinked against the light, and scribbled the words down quickly. He had enough time to finish, turn off the light, and lay back again before Rose had processed what he said enough to reply.
“Oh, Luka,” Rose sighed. “But she does love you. I'm sure she does. You guys were getting so close again, I was sure—”
“I know,” Luka muttered. “We were wrong, though, Rose.”
“Well it was a shitty thing to kiss you like that and then freak out,” Rose griped, and Luka has to laugh at the unexpected curse.
“Rose—” he began, but she cut him off.
“No!” Rose snapped, and Luka could picture her stamping her foot. “No, I don't have to be okay with this. It's not fair and it's not fine and you deserve better.”
Luka couldn't help smiling, though weakly. “Thanks, Rose. I love you, okay?”
Rose sighed. “I love you too.” 
“Are you going to be there for the Paris show?”
“Luka,” Rose said, again as if he were stupid, “Your first headline show at the Eiffel Tower? Of course we’re going to be there. All three nights in fact. Then I’m going to make sure you sleep for a week and feed you your weight in—in food,” she finished lamely, and Luka laughed. 
“I’ll see you guys in a couple weeks, then,” he promised. “Now good night, Rose.”
It felt like a dream when he got out of the van and looked up at the tower that had been a daily sight in his childhood. It was lit up, and the grandstands were being set up in front of it. He’d watched his first Jagged Stone concert here.
And now it was his name up there on the banner. It didn’t feel real. 
The concert personnel swept in and Luka followed Yann’s murmured directions almost in a daze. They ushered everyone to the trailers set up for the performers to get ready. Sound check, hair, makeup, it was was a madhouse, but one that had become routine. 
The first two shows went by in a blur, the high of performing mixed with worry that something would go wrong, and the jangling dissonance of both knowing the whirl and rush of the tour would soon be over, and feeling like it would never end. 
Luka still wasn’t used to having his own dressing room, but as they started booking larger shows, Lucille had begun stipulating for one, and Yann made sure he got at least five minutes to himself, without dressers and makeup people and coordinators running in and out. Luka appreciated having a space of his own where he could, for at least a little bit, shut out the world and breathe, and appreciated even more that the people supporting him realized he needed it. Luka’s heart sped up even at the thought of an entire tour with this much spectacle. He hoped he would get used to it.
Luka was in the middle of those five quiet minutes, sitting with his eyes closed and counting his breaths, when the door swung open, making him jump. He opened his eyes, and then blinked them in astonishment at the woman standing in the doorway. “Kagami.”
“Luka.” She stepped inside and shut the door behind her, then turned to face him, ramrod straight and businesslike as always in a pants suit with sharp lines, white over a red shirt. Luka got to his feet, fidgeting with his rings, feeling very aware of his stage clothes and makeup. 
“This is unexpected,” he said, unable to think of anything else. Outside of the occasional congratulatory text, probably prompted by Marinette, he hadn’t seen or heard from Kagami in years. 
As casual acquaintances brought together by a mutual friend, they’d always been cordial, but never really friendly. Kagami had never been comfortable around him, and he understood. She presented a poised, perfect, carefully curated version of herself to the world, and his presence upset her balance.  That he would never tell her secrets was irrelevant; he could read them, and that was already too much. Luka had always tried to respect her reticence, but she was perceptive in her own way. 
“I know,” Kagami replied crisply. “I came to talk about Marinette.”
Luka’s eyebrows shot up. “Now?”
“Yes, now,” Kagami said a little sharply, crossing her arms, a slightly irritated expression cracking her mask. Oddly, it made Luka feel a little better, since it reminded him of the suffering expression she’d often worn when they were out with Marinette as kids. “I’m worried about her,” Kagami added stiffly, when Luka said nothing. “I’m sure you are too.” 
“Some,” Luka admitted, and sat back down on the couch, gesturing Kagami to the makeup chair. She eyed it for a moment, and then sat down in it, careful not to lean back. “I don’t see that there’s anything I can do, though. I can barely get her to text me back, let alone pick up the phone.”
“Don’t you find that concerning?” Kagami asked, eyes narrowing slightly as she looked him over again. “It’s not like Marinette not to keep in touch.”
Luka tilted his head slightly. “She’s not talking to you either.”
Kagami looked away. 
They were silent for a moment. 
“What exactly are you planning to do?” Luka asked.
“I’m going to get her,” Kagami said flatly, giving him a look like it should have been obvious. “I want you to go with me.”
Luka choked on the “Now?” that wanted to come out. Of course now. That was how Kagami was. Never mind that he had a stadium full of people waiting for him. 
Well….after the show. If she was willing to wait until after the show, he could go. Technically, after tonight, he was free. There'd be meetings to reschedule and all that corporate bullshit, but...he could go.
Except, there was the new album he'd promised, which he'd barely made a start on. He was on a deadline to get everything witten, demoed, and cut for the album, and if that didn't get done on time then all the plans they had made for next season would come crashing down, and where would that leave him? Him, and the bandmates that trusted him to fulfill his obligations, and the producers who took a chance on him, and Lucille who'd worked so hard to get him the independence he wanted, and Yann, who was already on contract for the next tour...Luka had caught Dingo looking at engagement rings on his phone last night. 
“I talked to Adrien,” Luka said finally. “He said that Felix is all right. A bit sharp, but not cruel. Dedicated to the ones he loves.”
Kagami snorted softly, rolling her eyes. “You trust Adrien’s judgment?”
“Not entirely,” Luka admitted. “You know he tends to think the best of people. I do think there’s probably some malice on Felix’s side, dating Adrien’s ex-girlfriend.”
“Undoubtedly. Felix is a much more aggressive opponent than Adrien, and more ruthless. Whether that is his primary motivation or not, Felix will be aware of the effect it has on Adrien, and he will enjoy it.”
“You’ve met him?” 
“Briefly, once or twice, when Adrien and I were dating. Not for very long at a time, and it was many years ago,” Kagami admitted. “He won’t be good for Marinette. He won’t be good to her. He is selfish and insular and…and he likes to win.”
Luka let that sink in for a moment. “Adrien doesn’t think Felix would hurt her.”
“Not physically,” Kagami agreed grudgingly. 
“What are you afraid he is doing to Marinette?” Luka asked, deciding to go straight to the point. He had a show to put on, after all. 
“I…don’t know,” Kagami admitted, standing abruptly and walking across the room, folding her hands behind her back. “I only know that she won’t talk to me, she won’t see me, and it all started when she took this job with Felix. She wouldn’t just get too busy to talk to m—us. She never has been before, no matter what was going on.”
Luka shrugged. “If she’s in love with Felix then she might just not be thinking about anyone else. Caught up in the pink sparkles, or whatever.” 
Kagami’s hand went to a place high on her thigh. “She wouldn’t just forget us.” Her voice was tight and trembling.
Luka found his own hand resting on his side, and tore his thoughts away from washed out colors and blurred lines. He forced his hand down and sighed, trying to be gentle. “I think we both know that neither of us is exactly objective in this situation, Kagami.” 
“That is irrelevant,” Kagami insisted. “She’s our friend. Shouldn’t we protect her?”
“From what?” Luka asked, and the words betrayed his frustration. He stood up and paced the small room himself. “Making stupid choices? If she wanted our opinions, she knows where to find us. If she hasn’t asked by now, it’s because she doesn’t want to hear what I—what either of us have to say about it.” 
“She listens to you,” Kagami said stiffly, uncomfortable with his emotion. She looked away from him. “If you went there she’d see you. She’d talk to you.” 
“You don’t know that, and this time neither do I.” Luka stared at his toes. If only he hadn’t kissed her. If only she hadn’t kissed him , and tangled everything up. Maybe she would still feel safe to talk to him. Maybe he would feel safe asking her to. “You go, if you think you need to,” he said softly, after a moment. “She might not listen to you, but she’ll see you, and at least you can make sure she’s all right. I trust you to recognize…if anything else is going on.” He knew even the strongest women could end up in bad situations, but he still couldn’t imagine anyone lifting a hand against Marinette unopposed and unpunished. Certainly he couldn’t imagine Felix doing it. Manipulative and ambitious Felix might be, but if there had ever been a time when Felix had to resort to physical coercion, it must have been a deep disappointment to him. It wasn’t the kind of victory he would savor. It would be no kind of victory over Adrien if Marinette stayed with him out of fear, after all.
Luka shook his head. No, Felix would have to make her love him to be satisfied. Luka knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if he went and confronted Marinette about Felix, that regardless of Luka’s intentions, it wouldn’t be a conversation about what Marinette really wanted, about whether this was really the best choice for herself. One way or another, it would become him or me , a choice between Felix and Luka, with the loser shut out for life. 
Luka had never been her choice, and he had always respected that. He shook his head. It wasn’t that he was cutting his losses, but…
“I think I’ve given enough,” he said, very quietly, and he heard Kagami sigh.
“Maybe you have,” she agreed. “And yet, I’m disappointed.” 
Silence fell, and neither of them moved. 
Finally another huff of air left Kagami, and he heard the slide of her shoes and the whisk of her pantsuit as she turned to leave. The door opened, but then she paused.
“Should I call you if anything happens?”
“Of course.” It didn’t have the vehemence, the conviction it would have had a year ago, but it was still an unalterable truth. He would be there if she needed him. If Marinette needed him. 
She needs you now , a voice whispered in his mind as the door shut behind Kagami, and Luka shook his head to clear it. Maybe she did, and maybe she didn’t, and the fact that he didn’t know the answer was unsettling all by itself. Wasn’t that proof enough that she was pushing him away? How could he, with all his tangled feelings, ever hope to go into a situation like that with anything like neutrality? How could he possibly be anything besides a complication? 
Let her choose first. Then he would be there for her, if he needed to be. 
Yann threw the door open, pale and clearly flustered. Luka would have to have a word with Kagami about frightening his staff, apparently. “We’re running late now, are you ready?”
“Yeah,” Luka said, shaking his arms out in an attempt to settle his nerves. “Guess I’ll have to be.”
Fiction Master Post
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bop-pipeguy · 2 years
GunCon 2022 After Action Report Day2
Sorry for the delay, it’s been quite a week.
Day two at GunCon started at Big Springs Shooting Complex, just outside Searsboro Iowa and maybe a ten or twelve minute drive from Brownell’s HQ. While not the largest range I’ve ever seen, it certainly is one of the nicest. Four bays with 50, 100 and 500 yard targets, and sheltered by large tent looking structures. MUCH nicer than the lean-to style range shelters I’m familiar with.
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After walking the line, getting my bearings and taking everything in I decided it was time to do some shooting. And was immediately distracted by a coffee tent. Don’t mind if I do! I forget the name of the roast that Doc of Blackout Coffee had that day but I gotta say it was fantastic. Generally speaking I use a fair amount of French vanilla creamer and no sugar. Out there I use one of the single serving things of creamer you’d find in a diner and two sugars. Closest to black I’ve ever had and actually enjoyed. Suffice to say I’m going to be getting some of Blackout’s coffee for home.
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Caleb aka @baron_von_savant also seemed to enjoy @doc_blackout_coffee ‘s offerings
Now, properly caffeinated, off to the first bay. The two tables that caught my eye were New Frontier Armory and HK. NFA’s offering that had my attention was an AR style PCC that took MP5 mags called the C5-P. Having never messed with a 9mm AR of any sort I decided to put a few rounds through this one and was pleasantly surprised. I likely won’t get one of these guns simply because I prefer a 5.56 but the C5 was definetly a neat gun and I now better understand why people like them. Moving on to HK, there it was, in all its FDE glory….the MP7. That unicorn of a PDW that is hyped to no end and is always a letdown in video games. Due to limited ammo I was only given 5 rounds, two sing shots and a three round burst. BUT I can say with complete honesty that the first HK I ever fired was an MP7, so that’s pretty cool. Overall it’s a super neat gun, but after shooting it I believe the stories about it taking half a mag to put someone down with it.
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Around this time lunch showed up, a local joint called Smokin’ J’s Barbeque. Rather than jumping in the line as everyone in attendance descended upon the trailer, I moved up the line to get some time talking to vendors without a crowd. I ended up speaking with a rep from Elevated Silence about a prototype 9mm suppressor they had attached to an MP5. So naturally that was the second HK I ever fired, as well as my first time shooting suppressed. I GET IT NOW! I’ve seen the light and am putting away for a suppressor as we speak.
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The most interesting (to me) product I saw at the range, was from Law Tactical. We all know their folding mechanism, and how it will let you fire a round that’s already chambered while folded. Well let me introduce you to the AR Integral Carrier or ARIC. This drop in bolt carrier has two guide rods and recoil springs, allowing the bolt to cycle while the stock is folded. In essence, turning any AR into a poor man’s MCX. I’m eagerly awaiting their release and fully plan to install the folders and ARIC in several of my rifles.
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After the range went cold for the day we returned to Brownell’s for dinner and social hour, meeting new people, drinking more Cherry Bomb hard cider and much like this blog entry, wrapping up way too quickly. Thanks for reading, Day 3 will be up soon!
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Hello, do you still do requests? If so, could I get a cc!SBI x GN!Reader (platonic ofc) at TwitchCon? If requests aren't open feel free to ignore btw
Thank you, and remember to drink water and eat something!
a/n: hiii!! sorry for the long wait and delay, I forgot to post this a month ago😭😅. school is just making me busy but requests are open <3  also im pretty sure theres a similar fanfic plot w this but imma hope mine has a bit of twist and difference to it 😭. Another thing, I have no idea how TwitchCon works or what it looks like from the inside so please bare with the lack of TwitchCon knowledge in this fanfic. Anyways,  i hope u enjoy this short one :))
P.S. Sorry if u live in the USA or near it, the location where the reader lives is for plot purposes :))
READER PRONOUNS: They/them (Gender neutral)
TwitchCon is coming in a few days and [Y/N] is beyond excited. Not only it was their first-ever TwitchCon, but they also get to finally meet Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, and Techno.
However, those 4 don't know [Y/N] will be joining TwitchCon in San Diego since [Y/N] literally lives on the other side of the world and the SBI thinks their parents didn't allow them to travel just for TwitchCon.
But [Y/N]'s parents literally said yes once they told them about TwitchCon💀
Even though telling the SBI beforehand would be a great start to plan the things they would do and have fun but then again, where's the thrill and excitement into seeing their shocked faces once they see [Y/N].
They are currently anxious at the moment, tapping their feet on and on. What if one of them sees [Y/N] on the airport or on the way to the TwitchCon?? That will definitely ruin the surprise.
[Y/N] hopes that the Marvel disguise, which consist of the cap and a sunglasses, will work.
As soon as they finally landed at the San Diego Internationally Airport, they received a text message from the group chat.
orphan obliterator: at the hotel rn
wilby: tommy, im literally beside you
cawcaw man: ^
big man child: WISH U WERE HERE [N/N]!!
[n/n]: also dw abt it theres always next time ig 😩
orphan obliterator: want me to convince the government to let you fly here for free???
[n/n]: thanks for the thought, Techno but im prettyyyy sure ur way of convincing isn't in a peaceful way🤪
big man child: really sucks uR NOT HERE
wilby: I'm pretty sure [Y/N] is a lucky gal or else they will have to endure your presence Tommy
big man child: WHAT THE FUCK WILBUR
orphan obliterator: GO GO ! GHOSTBUR IN REAL LIFE LETS GO
wilby: I'm calling my lawyer on you guys
[Y/N] quietly laughed and placed their phone back in their bag. They better hurry back to the hotel and get ready to surprise the four of them.
A few hours later, they have finally gotten ready for TwitchCon in which will start in like an hour and the excitement is increasing.
[Y/N] have gotten over the plan once again: use the MCU disguise, pull a You Joe Goldberg, snap a picture of the SBI together from afar and watch the four of them freak out. [Y/N] chuckled evilly and looked for a ride to the TwitchCon.
On the way to the TwitchCon, they decided to open up Twitter to see if any other CCs or fans posted a tweet or a picture about TwitchCon already. So far, many people have tagged [Y/N] saying they’re sad that [Y/N] isn’t able to come. 
At last, they have set foot to the entryway of TwitchCon, they can feel their anticipation and eagerness increasing. Luckily, it’s a bit crowded so if the four are already there, they will have a hard time accidentally spotting [Y/N]. 
Right before entering the building, they sent a small message of, “Have fun guys ;)” to the group chat and turned off their phone. 
Although being in a crowd will have higher chance of getting not recognized, they still feel somewhat uneasy in such a big crowd. Just the amount of people being in the same room as them makes [Y/N] anxious. But they made sure they’d try to overcome the fear of crowds for now because this prank plan only happens once in a lifetime. 
‘Ohno, I didn’t get to ask where they are,’ [Y/N] thought as they observe the crowd. ‘But, that will make me suspicious.’ 
Now getting lost in the convention, they immediately tried to find a way to know where they are until a group of girls near [Y/N] age slowly passed by, seemingly talking about Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and Phil. 
“Ohhh, I can’t wait to see them in real life,” said one girl. 
“They’re just in their booths far away right?” 
“Yep! Do you guys want to solo picture with each of them or a group picture?” The other girl in a Dream merch asked. 
The conversation of the group of girls gradually died down as they are now away from where [Y/N] is just standing from. ‘Jackpot! I’ll just follow them and I hope they can lead me to where those boys are’ 
[Y/N] hurriedly tried to run after the group of girls because they almost lost track of where they are heading due to the dozens of people walking past and across.
Although they did lost track of the group of girls, they tiredly sighed. But, it was immediately turned into a lopsided grin once they heard a familiar loud-ass person they know.
"Didn't know this place is full of Americans!"
"Tommy, we're literally in America. What do you expect?"
[Y/N] tried to contain themselves from jumping into them out of nowhere because they can feel themselves being giddy and excited.
This is it. The moment they've been waiting and planning for.
[Y/N] took out their phone and immediately snapped a photo of Philza's back head. They are so lucky that the disguise worked and those 4 idiots are really convinced [Y/N] is not there with them.
As soon as they snapped the photo, they sent it to the group chat. Looking away from their phone, they can see Wilbur pulling out their phone and immediately typing on the phone. [Y/N] giggled.
[n/n]: (sent a photo)
wilby: WHAT?! HOW?
They looked again at where the SBI is standing. Wilbur hurriedly tapped on Philza's shoulder and showed him the photo.
Philza's jaw dropped and exclaimed, "[Y/N] is here!?" Tommy's and Techno's heads whipped towards Philza and went towards the two of them.
"[Y/N]??? Here? Since when??" Tehcno asked.
"They sent a photo of my head!"
"That's impossible," Tommy said, crossing their arms. "They can't be here. Their parents didn't allow them to come remember? Maybe they asked a fan to take a photo of Phil's back head."
[Y/N] tried to contain their laughter as they just watch the four go chaos. They unlocked their phone again and opened the group chat. 
orphan obliterator: explain
cawcaw man: you could've at least took a better shot at me
[n/n]: ;)
While Tommy, Techno, Phil and Wilbur are in shambles and busy texting in the groupchat. [Y/N] saw a perfect opportunity.
Still not removing any of their disguise, they hurriedly yet sneakily walked towards theme. Good thing the boys had their backs turned and they can't see [Y/N] sneaking behind them.
They kept hearing continuous text notifications as it kept buzzing in their hands.
"They just sent a winky face and never replied!"
"I swear to god, they're just probably scaring us—"
"TOMMY!" [Y/N] screamed loudly at the ear of Tommy as managed to tackle the entire group causing the five of them to fall to the ground. The five of them got startled and screamed. Tommy's scream was the loudest.
Other people looked at their direction due to how loud they all screamed. [Y/N] laughed and put their hand to their belly, trying to find support due to too much laughter. They just decided to continue laying on the floor because they're still busy laughing.
Wilbur immediately went to stand up and exclaimed, "[Y/N]?! You're really here?!"
"Holy shit." Phil laughed as he help Techno stand up from the ground. Tommy and [Y/N] are still the ones on the floor.
[Y/N] is too busy laughing while Tommy is in bewilderment and shock. "Careful, Tommy you're gonna catch a fly." Techno joked.
"His jaw dropped too hard." Tommy continued to stare at [Y/N] until he attacked and engulfed them in a big hug.
"Tommy you're crushing me."
"I don't care," Tommy replied, hugging [Y/N] even harder. "YOU FUCKER ARE REALLY HERE."
"Come up, child. It's now our turn to hug [Y/N]." Techno said as he tried to separate Tommy from them.
It took a while until Tommy got tired of hugging [Y/N] too hard so the two of them finally got the chance to stand up with the help of Phil, Wilbur and Techno. As soon as [Y/N] stood up, they were immediately greeted with Wilbur's and Philza's hug.
"You guys are really trying to crush and kill me, huh?"
“Move, it’s my turn.” Techno pushed Phil and Wilbur away and crushed poor [Y/N] as well. 
“I’m now very convinced all of you are plotting my death.” They said in between of the hugging. Techno let go and everyone’s adrenaline is still rushing. “YOOO!”
After finally getting accustomed to [Y/N] being with them, they all settled down and took a deep breath. "Man, I still can't believe you're really here, you sly motherfucker." Tommy stated.
"Yeah, me too."
Suddenly, Phil slightly nudged [Y/N]'s side and said, "Look you're number 1 trending already on Twitter."
[Y/N] let out a surprised gasp and immediately opened up Twitter. They scrolled down to see some tweets and oh boy, they really were trending that fast.
Pictures of [Y/N] sneaking behind the SBI, another one where [Y/N] tackles them to the ground, more pictures of them that just happened minutes ago.
How are people so fast????
It was a long day of meeting, greeting, signing and socializing with fans. The five of them might be tired but hey, it was an awesome day. Not only they get to go to TwitchCon and meet fans, but they also get to finally hang out in real life.
They are currently packing up their things from TwitchCon and heading out to eat dinner together. However, Tommy has other plans.
"Can you buy the cotton candy that I saw outside pleaseee??" Tommy pleaded to Techno.
He then went towards Phil but was already cutted off before Tommy even says anything. "We're going to eat dinner, save the sweets for later."
"But, PHILLLLLL." Tommy groaned.
[Y/N] laughed and sped walked beside Tommy. "Watch and learn bitch boy."
They then went towards Techno first and asked, "Can you buy that cotton candy for me?"
Tommy's jaw dropped. What the fuck ???
"That's so unfair!"
The rest of the night was spent goofing around, eating dinner together, strolling around and bullying Tommy (hj).
This was one of the best days they ever had. Wishing this all won't be over anytime soon.
Time may fly by so fast but you have to cherish and remember all the fun memories you had made.
Afterall, there are many more opportunities in which the five of you will meet up again. Who knows?
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yaomomvs · 3 years
Hellow! Love your drabbles 😳 I saw your reqs were open for Shouto-kun: so can I ask a Drabble in which the reader is crushing on Shoto but feels completely unworthy of him, notably because she's from a very lower condition, something people often remind her while telling how Momo and him would make the perfect couple, because they're both from higher condition.. While reader is admittedly a hard-working person but has always been bullied for her modest origins? If you feel inspired ;o thanks :3
if i was a rich girl, yeah gwen stefani said that too
pairing: shoto todoroki x reader
little bit of angst? fluff!
warnings: self issues?? curse words??? not a warning but bakugou is reader’s best friend. also memories are in italics
plot: you couldn’t help comparing yourself to yaomomo, and clearly, your classmates comments didn’t help at all
notes: aaaa tysm i can’t believe this is my first request hopefully i did justice you your amazing idea! sorry for the delay i was in my last week b4 holiday vacation, hope you enjoy!
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“i’m just sayin, todoroki and momo would definitely would look as an amazing couple wouldn’t they?”
it was kaminari’s words that were the final drop that broke the glass.
no, don’t misunderstand the situation, yaoyorozu was one of the sweetest, loveliest and most intelligent girls you’ve ever met.
but also one of the richest.
see, the thing is that you were not born in a “i have it all” family type of environment. you lived well, yes. but it’s for sure that your family did struggle way too many times in their way of spending money.
that’s why when you got into UA tears couldn’t stop falling through your face, you were finally able to do something about that. you always wanted to become the greatest hero, you thought that being able to rescue people from danger was the most selfless thing to do, you were familiar with that, so ever since you were little that was your goal. and besides that, you wanted to help you family so they wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.
also because of that your friendship with uraraka was a great one. you understood what was like to face little things that the others didn’t, and you suddenly became close that you almost considered her a sister.
she was the most important friend to you, well, along with other person.
your eyes started itching, currently at the common room table where you and your friends were having dinner.
kaminari was on the sofa among with bakugou and mina, but it was easy to hear them. so that comment took everyone’s attention, even shouto’s.
“i mean you are not wrong” asido agreed, excited they finally were talking about romance in that boring school. “can you imagine how rich the todomomo’s family would be?”
“todomomo?” todoroki asked visibly confused.
“a ship name! for you and yaoyorozu!” she answered
your eyes were a little bit red now, and the knot on your throat was growing more everytime you looked over to see shouto’s expression.
uraraka noticed this, so she gently placed her hand over yours. how could she handle the situation?
“she’s so fancy!” you overheared some girls in the cafeteria drooling over the way that momo seated.
“i can’t believe this is her whole house” jirou exclaimed cheerfully when you visited her to study form an exam.
“an intelligent girl is always a classy girl” you listened kirishima while he looked stunned the way yaoyorozu handled, not only professional but also gracefully, a mistaken order at the cafeteria.
you always admired the way she was because of her origin, not in a bad way but you were obviously impressed, and if you were honest with yourself, sometimes it made you feel small.
but until now you never thought about this new insecurity, one that came up with the fact that todoroki and momo would actually look great together.
you tried to take those thoughts away, but your dear classmates were not helping at all.
the rambling of momo being a super match to shouto was getting louder and louder every second to you.
“think about it!”
“so when is the first date happening uh todoroki” kaminari still teased.
“but” midoriya interrupted “you know uhm wouldn’t it matter the way todoroki-kun actually feels about momo”
you stared at him.
but you finally had it when you spotted a slight red tint on todoroki’s face.
he was blushing.
“uh..” todoroki’s face was absolutely fuzzy. what could he say?
“i have to go” you announced way more loud than you expected, with a broken voice only two people were able to decipher.
bakugou took over a glance to you, knowing well what was going to happen next, with a tired groan he yelled. “well done idiots”
you ran out of the common room and took the elevator to go you your room.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“be careful” a voice said over your shoulder while grabbing your back before you touched the ground.
you looked above just to find a pair of beautiful heterochromatic eyes. and also a half red and half white hair type of thing. you were embarrassed that being your first day at school you were already tripping with everything. but fortunately he catched you right before something disastrous happened.
“come on, on the first day? if you have something to tell me god do it right now!” you remembered saying yo the sky. “that was weird, i’m sorry, (l/n) (y/n), sorry for bothering you but thanks for saving me” you laughed.
“do you think god would take my complaints along with yours?” he asked serious, was that his way of making a joke? “todoroki shouto” you smiled.
“DON’T GIVE UP!” you remembered yelling from the bleachers at the sports festival “YOU OWE US!”
todorki heard you from above during his fight with bakugou. he saw you there, almost crying and although he did not understand why were you so invested on it, that gave him the extra strength to stand up to bakugou at least for a little more minutes.
“did you know that seahorses once they find their mate they keep it for life?” you randomly said one day while eating lunch with him. currently doing some extra work so you could be ar least on top 10 of your class “how romantic is that, right todoroki-kun?”
he glanced at you, confused but still admiring. you knew so many things that it was actually impressive to him. he didn’t know why but that day, his heart skipped a bit.
if i was a rich girl, na na na na na na na na na na na, see i’d have all the money in the world if i was a wealthy girl.
“if i was a rich girl”, yeah gwen stefani said that too you thought.
the song may seem stupid but your current mood made you put in on speaker.
if i was a rich girl i’d sure have a chance you thought too
“so i guess i do have a crush on him huh” you admitted to yourself.
“about time you made it, idiot” you heard bakugou say “was it hard playing dumb all this time? i mean it’s in your blood”
he was standing at your door arms crossed with that awfully big brother look on his face. you rolled your eyes.
“is it hard messing around being a dickhead? i mean it’s in your blood”
“well you shouldn’t be using that language in front of your lover boy” he said.
“what the fuck are you talking about-”
your body stopped working when he pulled out todoroki out of the wall letting him come out at sight.
the icyhot boy had his hands in his pockets giving that gorgeous look. you blushed, how could he do nothing and still look good?
“why are you feeling this way?” he abruptly asked.
“i’m not dumb, whenever she’s around you act so self conscious” he began “what’s worse is that i see you working so hard everyday but you are so blind that you don’t see what i see”
if anybody could hear the conversation, they would actually say that he was being rude, but you knew him he was just expressing his feelings, weird way tho.
“is it about the money? believe me, yaoyorozu is an incredible girl but you don’t have to compare yourself because how different she is to you in terms of money” your eyes were widened.
why was he talking so much all of a sudden?
“you don’t understand todo...”
“i know what it feels to mad, and seeing you this way it just does it to me over and over again. because everyone has their own opinion on perfect, but to me, you are that definition”
your heart froze at that last thing, his expression was so serious that if you weren’t listening carefully you would have thought that he was mad at you for any other reason. but that’s why you liked him so miches, deep down you understood shouto more than anyone else”
so you didn’t know any other answer that hug him in gratitude.
he was shocked, he never received some kind of display of pure love affection before.
but something in the way you did made him feel better. almost as if your hugs were some magical potion to the answer of everything he needed.
he felt so warm with you between his arms that he didn’t mind staying like this for a couple more minutes.
“wanna go out sometime?” your typical you started coming back again.
the confident and smart girl he learned to care about.
a soft smile crossed his face.
“anytime you want”
and so you thought, you did not have anything to worry about anymore.
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dream-wrecker-blog · 2 years
Dear Tumbler Diary #4.
This drill weekend has brought forth so much opportunity. I’m great full. That the Gods have answered my prayers. Fun fact about me! I’m not Christian. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I say it jokingly but! I’m not! I’m a worshiper of the 7 AFRICAN POWERS. And Eleggua has heard my prayers. And has been intending to my thoughts. My thoughts of these past weeks were. “ What the fuck! Am I going to do!?” You see I’m a soldier, a warrior. And no I’m not tooting my own horn. It’s modernized. but! Yes, I’m down to fight for all that jazz and glamour of being here in this country. I have no issues with her. Her being Bitch America.
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For she birth me and my ways of thinking. IF you haven’t read most of. My post already. i have mommy issue. I can’t seem to trust them. They always seem to fail me one way or another. With all this being said. I actually love what I do. I love being close with people who get what it’s like. The likeness of having a purpose to do! The likeness of to help and to protect and to have purpose. I know were all complicated people qt the end of the day. Even when we think that were not. We are!
America and her 2nd son Big army has employed me to do a job of helping people. Helping direct them int he direction they need to be in, in order to get the vaccine and other covid related things. I was on Covid mission for a few months an made a very pretty penny. Since then I have now a beautiful living space and a nice car to call my own. with all of this, has come a bit of an extra serving of money. Money that America and dear Uncle Sam have accidentally given me. $3,000.00 Now! I have to put that back.. Ohh wait sorry, wrong version! There taking it back and blindsidingly so!
Two months ago. I had to go to drill and I was gone for 54 whole days. In army money that makes up a big chunk of money. Money that adds onto the next week for me. So! What they givth they Takith a way. My check at that time was very close to $900.00 and they only have me $200. When usually I get $600.00 from my other job. I hate to say it like this but! What the fuck am I going o do wit $200.00 THIS SHIT BLEW MINE. Not to mention. All of my big boy bills ar will over $500.00 so i started to delay my funds. Take from one to put to another. This Fuckery of my supposed favorite Uncle. With my housing and check and all other things pushed back by two weeks. I begun to freak out and shut down. To where I watch reruns of Grey’s anatomy and analyze the faces of the actors. “ Then questions “What did I ever see in this ep” to believe in the acting? Or! I try to sleep and cant, then I have to wake up fully just to start my day.
You see I use to be a Drifter… A male Gypsy. Floating from couch to couch. Now with a place all of my own. I felt free I felt liberated. I felt or feel like I can o anything that I want to do. I NO longer feel like I’m bound by the social rules of being polite. Of feeling like if I don’t that I’ll lose out. I don’t call it fake. i call it being in survive mode. A mode that i do not like to be in.
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voidstilesplease · 3 years
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demigod au ficlet [5] | prev
Derek hastily straightens in his seat when he hears the familiar voice. His visiting little cyclops brother, Chip, who's as tall and broad as Derek, races down the front porch of the Big House, screaming to his favorite person at camp: son of Athena, Stiles.
"Stiles!" is Chip's answering cry as they meet in a bone-crushing hug. Chip picks Stiles up off his feet and twirls him around, all the while shrieking in glee. "I missed you!"
Stiles grins up at the cyclops when he brings him back down. His pale face is flushed, and the freckles on his face stand out. He looks so excited to see Chip. It's no wonder. They were instant buddies since the first time they met last summer, Stiles's first at camp. 
"Let's read Stiles!" Chip takes one of Stiles's arms, shaking it. He's bouncing on his giant feet as he continues babbling. "Can we read about Lord Pegasus? Oh, oh, I also want to read about Medusa! Oh, oh, and the other gorgons, please!" Chip draws out the last word and blinks his big eye at Stiles.
Stiles gives a hearty laugh at Chip's antics. Then his eyes widen a small fraction, "Oh," he mutters, looking down at the book his other hand is holding and back to Chip, biting his lower lip. "Oh, no. I'm mentoring today, kid."
"Yes!" Chip nods his head, not losing the broad smile. "You're men-to-ring me!" Chip giggles, swaying Stiles's arm playfully.
Stiles's expression morphs back to an open-smile after a moment of contemplation. "Of course! Anything you like."
Chip pulls Stiles up the front porch, only letting go to arrange the table and chair for their session. Derek clears his throat, standing to give his previous space to Stiles. "Do you want anything to eat?"
Stiles turns and acknowledges him for the first time. His smile tightens, and he doesn't look at Derek's eyes. "No, I’m fine."
Derek purses his lips. Well, Stiles's treatment of Derek makes sense after all his asshole business last summer, but knowing doesn't equal accepting. Derek tries again, "How about a can of diet coke?" 
Stiles looks at him, then, arching a brow. "Mr. D would castrate you on sight," he declares matter-of-factly in his deadpan tone whenever he thinks something is stupid. "Or worse, turn you into a dolphin."
Derek snorts, knowing it's the truth. "I'm not taking from his godly stash. We have some in the supply store."
Stiles squints his eyes, studying Derek in silence. Derek fidgets, feeling small despite having a few inches on Stiles and pounds of muscles. It has been their lengthiest interaction since the previous year. Derek remembers how just last summer, he was the one belittling the demigod. He wishes he knew better, then.
In the end, it's Chip who breaks their gaze with his loud, exuberant, spirited nature. It reminds Derek that Chip is still an equivalent of a ten years old in mortal years. "Stiles! The table is ready! I have a seashell to show you. I picked it up from dad's palace just for you!"
Derek lowers his eyes, face heating up, while Stiles hums awkwardly. The Athena child turns to go but rotates back eventually, less closed-off. He nods, "I would like some diet coke, Der."
Derek tries not to choke. He, especially, tries to reign his fast-beating chest at the nickname. Any other person and Derek will immediately douse them with saltwater. But today, Der sounds good, he concludes.
Derek comes back about ten minutes later, bringing two cans of diet coke and a bag of fresh strawberries from the Demeter cabin. He also includes a carton of milk for Chip that the cyclops calls Hera's mortal nectar  - courtesy of Cora’s suicidal humor, who Derek counts as lucky not to be mangled by the queen of Olympus's herd of angry cows at the disrespect.
As he nears, he pauses at the sight of the new camper, a son of Ares, charging angrily for the Big House toward Stiles and Chip. The boy looks ready to maul somebody. And judging by the flash in his eyes directed at Derek's unassuming brother, the Ares boy sets to accomplish just that.
Derek forgets the coke, fruit, and freaking milk and runs.
He comes just on time to take the boy by the back of his orange camp half-blood shirt and tackle him down to the floor before he can land a punch on Chip.
"Get off me!" The son of Ares screams, completely mad with rage that his eyes almost look like they're in flames. He grapples against Derek's hold, thrashing and attempting to bodily lift Derek off. "He's a monster! A murderer!"
The guy is unexpectedly tough, and Derek's hold on him is starting to slip. He has no choice. Derek closes his eyes and concentrates as much as he can - summoning. Quickly, he feels the familiar response, the powerful tug from the depths of his stomach to the tips of his fingers. There's a rushing noise, then metal clanking in an effort to hold, the current rumbling within them. The pressure becomes too much, and a pipe breaks in their midst. A forceful burst of water coming from every which way aims at the son of Ares.
Derek doesn't let go as water floods the anger and aggression from the boy. A few seconds only and Derek calls off the water, which instantly dries back to the ground, leaving only small puddles in its wake and a drenched boy on the porch of the Big House. Derek remains dry, fists clenched on the wheezing Ares boy's shirt.
"What the hell's going on?" A voice shouts. When Derek raises his head, he sees that their altercation has called the attention of many. A tall boy with dark hair hurries forward. It's Fred, cabin five's head counselor. "Theo!"
Theo, the boy Derek has pinned to the floor, pushes at him, and Derek tumbles off. Theo scrambles up, wet and dripping, and even more outraged. Fred appears beside Theo in an instant. The head counselor holds him back when Theo tries to launch at Chip again. His interference causes a flailing arm to hit his nose, and Fred's fingers loosen on Theo at the impact. Before Theo can come near at the whimpering cyclops, however, Stiles puts himself between Theo and Chip, wielding a shiny dagger that kisses Theo's throat in warning.
Stiles's nostrils flare as he grits out, "I hope you have an adequate excuse for what you just did."
Theo is heaving, giving Stiles a look of disbelief, and glances at Chip with loathing. Stiles presses the blade more firmly. 
Derek gets on his feet at once and takes his brother in his arms. The poor terrified cyclops is sniffling, tucking his face on Derek's neck. He's shivering, and Derek feels his blood boil. Who would want to hurt an innocent kid? He should have drowned the Ares boy sixty seconds longer.
"He's a murderer," Theo snarls, pointing at Chip.
Stiles replies with a clenched jaw, "He's a child!"
"He's a monster,"
"He's a cyclops, Theo," Stiles grinds his teeth, "A monster is one who attacks the helpless and innocent."
Theo opens his mouth for another nonsense, but Derek cuts him off. "Fred!" Derek growls, finding the counselor's eyes and having enough of all of it. "Take your brother."
Fred, nose bleeding, steps forward cautiously, reaching to wrap a hand around his brother's arm. Theo remains immovable. Fred tugs again, "Let's go, you idiot."
Theo and Stiles are locked in a glaring match, the Ares boy not backing down despite the blade thrust to his throat. 
"Theo!" Fred hisses, hard and sharp, pulling at him harder now. The authority bleeds in his tone and touch. He's still the Head Counselor.
"We will discuss this," Derek says to Fred.
Fred cocks his head to the side in silent agreement, but Theo scoffs, finally stepping back. He slips his glare to Derek, droplets crawling down his sneering face. "You bet we will," and with one last menacing glance at Chip, he allows Fred to lead him away.
"I don't understand where his rage is coming from," Derek tells Chiron later, pacing back and forth in his office. Chiron had been away with Mr. D during the dispute and was immediately alerted on his arrival. "He just attacked Chip,"
Chiron's forehead creases with worry, a thoughtful look on his face. His lips a thin line as he asks, "How's the young cyclops?"
The question makes Derek halt, the tautness of his shoulders relaxing a little. His arms stretch to lean against the back of a chair in front of Chiron's table. "He's with Cora and Stiles," he shakes his head, closing his eyes briefly. "He's distraught, understandably so. And Cora is plotting revenge, and Stiles is angry enough not to stop her."
A soft knock brings their attention to the door. Upon Chiron's permission, it opens and admits Lori from cabin seven, daughter of Apollo. She looks sheepish, ducking her head a little as she closes the door behind her. "Sorry for interrupting."
Chiron hums kindly, waving a hand for her to state her case.
Lori steps forward, fingers tight around the hem of her shirt. "It's about Theo," she announces, getting the full attention of the trainer and director.
Derek straightens, crossing his arms. "What about him?"
Lori visibly hesitates for a moment, then clears her throat. "During his first day at camp, he had sprained a muscle on his back from training. Brett told him to stay in the medic tent for the evening to recuperate."
Chiron's brows draw together, "All right?"
She wets her lips and continues, more sure of her words now. "While Theo was asleep, he dreamt. He was sweating and muttering on the bed, obviously distressed, so I decided to call a son of Hypnos to help him sleep better." She glances back and forth between Derek and Chiron for their reactions. "He manipulated Theo's visions to calm him. But he told me before leaving that Theo wasn't dreaming. He was reliving a memory."
Dread settles in Derek's stomach. Somehow, he senses that Lori's next statements won't bode well for him - or Chip and even Cora. He breathes through his nose, prompting, "And?"
Lori swallows, "His memory was of an older girl named Tara," the daughter of Apollo delays, calculating her words. Finally, she huffs, "I didn't want to talk about this; this isn't my story to tell. But after what happened today, I think maybe this will help you approach Theo."
Chiron nods in understanding, but his expression reflects the same apprehension that Derek feels.
Lori grimaces, sending Derek an apologetic look before she finishes. "Tara was taken by a cyclops, Derek. It might be after Theo, too."
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babbushka · 4 years
MaY i amend and resubmit: Flips wife getting possessive and very publicly staking her claim because the new rookie is trying to seduce her husband? Just ignore me if the idea is garage 😂
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“Hey Jimmy, Ron!” You greet your friends upon entering the lobby of the station. “You seen my man?”
It’s lunch time at the station for Flip, or at least, coming up on the end of lunch time. Normally you’re there at the top of the hour, but there’s only twenty minutes left on his break and you’re looking around the bullpen to see if you can find him loitering around, waiting for you near the lobby in that way he sometimes does.
You’ve got the baby on your hip, who is entirely still snuggly and yawning from just having woken up from his nap, and your bag over your shoulder which holds the lunches you packed so lovingly for Flip, lunch that he’s now going to have to scarf down if he doesn’t want to get in trouble.
Jimmy comes over to you and happily takes the kid from your arms and kisses you on the cheek, letting you stretch your muscles out and re-adjust the strap of the bag over your shoulder. The baby fusses for all of two seconds at the shift from being in your arms to his, but then once he recognizes Jimmy and Ron he’s all smiles.
“Hi sweetheart, hey bud!” He’s very sweet in the way he talks to your baby, always so eager to be the best uncle he can be, before walking with you to the detective units, which operate out of a separate office in the station than the main bullpen. “He’s getting mic’d up in one of the back rooms.”
“You’re not doing it?” You ask the boys with a quirked eyebrow.
Jimmy and Flip and Ron were the three musketeers around the station, ever since the Klan case went so well. They all usually stuck together and worked together on cases, including doing all the set-up. You frowned for a moment, because you didn’t know that Flip was planning on going undercover today at all, and he’s pretty good about mentioning that.
“It’s not for real, we got a new recruit and the rookie’s gotta learn how to do it, that’s all.” Ron catches the look on your face and explains after he too kisses your cheek in greeting, making you feel ten times better.
“Oh good for him.” You smile, glad that Flip is being a good detective and being a helper.
“Her.” Ron corrects you, making your eyebrows shoot up.
“Her?” You ask in disbelief, shocked and proud in an excited way, a very happy way. The station was slowly but surely catching up with the times, and it was about fucking time that a woman was hired in a capacity other than a secretary. You wanted to take credit for it, being so annoying and badgering Bridges about pushing for more equality, but you knew this was something bigger than yourself.
Still you were smiling so wide, enough that the baby was making little happy noises and reaching for you to share in the excitement.
“Her.” Jimmy nods, patting the baby on the back and getting him to not be such a wiggle worm.
“Good for her!” You want to go meet her, want to congratulate her for being the first woman in the narcotics unit, but Ron puts a hand on your arm to stop you for a moment.
“There’s a bit of a problem though.” He says, and you frown.
“Oh yeah, what’s that?” You ask, curious.
Jimmy and Ron exchange a glance, a silent debate of who is going to be the one to tell you, when finally Ron gives in since he was the one who brought it up in the first place.
“She doesn’t seem to be able to take a hint.” He says, clearing his voice, and your good spirits drop into aggravation. 
“Which back room?” You ask, already forming a little plan.
She’s a pretty young thing, you’re annoyed to see. Long red hair feathered out like Farrah Fawcett that she keeps tossing out of her face in an attempt to catch your husband’s attention. You watch for a little while through the strip of window in the door of one of the back interrogation rooms where the detectives like to change into their undercover outfits, and your blood would be boiling.
It would be, if Flip were any level of interested at all, which bless him, he isn’t. He’s not even looking at her, he’s reaching over to fiddle with some of the tape, not making eye contact and certainly not indulging in her conversation.
You open the door quietly, hanging in the frame of it for a moment.
“Jesus you’re fit.” She says, her voice breathy and performative as she takes the tape from Flip’s reluctant hands, and presses the small mic to his chest, “You must work out like, what? Twice a week? Three times?”
“Something like that.” Your husband mutters, and you smirk because you can swear you see him rolling his eyes.
“Make sure the tape doesn’t cover the mic otherwise there’s no point.” You speak up, startling the two of them.
The rookie is defensive, and she crosses her arms, sour that you’ve interrupted the moment that will never happen.
“Who are you?” She snaps, before getting mildly pushed aside by your over-eager husband, who stands up from where he’s sitting on the table to get his arms around you.
“Hi ketsl.” He gives you a shy smile, ducks down to kiss your cheeks nose chin face.
“How’s my man?” You laugh, cupping his cheeks in your own hands, pulling him in for a proper smooch right on the lips, right in front of this girl.
“Better now that you’re here.” He hums, leaning down for another one, and another one, and another one, his hands smoothing down your back, roaming down down down to your ass to give it a good squeeze and make you giggle against his lips.
You’re both being a little mean, you know, putting on this show right in front of this girl. But Flip was your husband, and he was clearly uncomfortable by these advances, advances that she should know better – for a lot of reasons – than to try and push.
So with Flip practically glued to you and your arms looped around his neck, you spare her a glance.
“You have to go check to make sure the mic is working.” You say, and you could practically see the embarrassment and realization in her face from how she screwed up.
“How do I do that?” She asks, her arms still crossed, although now she knows better than to be so snippy with you.
“There’s a pair of headphones set up to a tape recorder, go find it and listen in. Jimmy will help you with the signal.” You answer her, returning your attention back to Flip, back to his soft brown eyes and his big nose that’s rubbing against your cheek, coaxing a dimple out of your smile.
She doesn’t say anything on her way out, and you should stop there, but you find that you don’t actually want to. Flip knows exactly what you’re doing, and he plays into it too – although he’s entirely genuine when he steadies your face in his hands and presses his forehead against yours.
“I missed you.” He says, grouchy at the time. With this additional delay, there really wasn’t much time for anything, and you wondered if you could sweet-talk Bridges into giving him an extended lunch, or at least into letting you stay for a while if you’re not too much of a distraction.
Everyone always liked to joke how it was such a wonder that you and Flip ever got anything done, with how fucking sappy and horny you are for each other, but the reality of it was that your man was much more productive when you were around because he’s a total show-off and wants to impress you with all the cool things he does at the station.
“I know, I’m sorry honey I would have come sooner but the baby went down for his nap late.” You explain, and he nods in understanding.
“You’re here now though.” He says, like this is some great relief on his tired bones, like you are the balm that soothes his soul, and you are. You know you are.
“I am here.” You nod, walking him back towards the steel table of the interrogation room. You sit on the table and spread your legs so he can step between them, knowing fully well that the rookie must be listening in now You lower your voice and spread your palms over Flip’s muscular chest, “And I am in sore need of a kiss.”
“Just a kiss?” He asks, devious, as his hands work their way into your blouse, cupping one of your breasts and making you sigh.
No one would see, if the two of you got up to anything in here. There was the window on the door yes, but no one comes back this way, and besides, everyone’s on lunch still for another couple minutes.
It wasn’t a long time, but it was enough time to indulge in one another a little bit – and to prove a point.
“Oh Flip,” You sigh, not entirely dramatically, as you push your chest into his palm more fully, expanding your rib cage with your deep breaths, “I’m so glad you’re mine.”
“All yours ketsl, only for you.” He nods, and you smile shyly at him because you can tell in his voice that’s not something he’s saying just because, that’s something he’s saying because he means it.
You kiss him then, because you have to. You simply have to kiss him and hold him close and let yourself get lost in his embrace. His tongue slides against yours slowly, purposefully, thoughtfully. He knows how to suck just enough on your lips and how to run his teeth along the edge of your kiss-swollen mouth, knows how to grip your jaw just so, how to squeeze and pinch at your tits enough to make you moan for him.
And you do, you do moan for him. Soft sounds in the back of your throat are the only things that cut through the noise of panting breaths from both your lungs, breathing into one another’s mouths making yourselves dizzy dizzy dizzy. You smile against him, can’t get enough of him, can’t stop making out with him.
His hands are busy with your body and yours wind into his hair, comb it carefully into place where you blow-dried it only a few hours ago. You could understand why this girl was fawning all over him – he’s so fucking handsome. Too handsome for his own good sometimes, you think as you chuckle to yourself and kiss him back, passionate and hot and heavy.
The firmness, the solidness of his body is so appealing. His white undershirt is just the right amount of tight to show off how sturdy he is, how his pecs are so broad and his neck is so thick. His thumb brushes over your nipple again and you gasp, the two of you chuckling against each other’s lips until he pulls his hand away, knowing that if he gets you any more worked up he’ll probably wind up fucking you right there – and that isn’t part of the free show that this girl gets.
Speaking of, the two of you slow things down, until your breathing is even once again and he’s buttoning up your blouse at the same time that you fix the buttons on his flannel. You’re both flushed and in good moods once again, and he helps you hop off the table, kisses you once more for good measure.
“How’s that signal rookie?” Flip asks right into the mic, and you bite your smile to keep from laughing right in her ear.
And when the poor girl squeaks out an, it’s good, from the other side of the thick metal door, Flip takes off the mic and unclips it from the battery pack in his pocket, and the two of you can’t help but grin at one another.
“Let’s have some lunch.” You offer, not wanting to forget about the bag left on his desk or your friends entertaining the baby.
He nods and opens the door for you, the two of you a perfect picture of composure. You pass the girl on your way to his desk, and she ducks her head in embarrassment. You don’t think you’ll be bothered with her again, hopefully now she’ll learn how to take a hint.
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Only Human
Chapter 10: Downtime
Authors note: Apologies for the long delay. Schoolwork has been burying us and stress from Covid-19 has been at an all time high.
Within three days, Marcus’s mood had significantly improved. With two new allies by his side, he felt markedly more secure in his surroundings, although he still occasionally looked above him from time to time out of instinct. 
He was in the back of Spyper’s van with Ari and Cally, quietly playing a game of Uno amongst themselves. 
Looking up at Intelligent, he said, "Yo, big guy. You look like you wanna ask us something." 
“I do, actually,” Intelligent said, setting aside his book. “You three seem really close. How long have you known each other for?” 
"Six years and 348 days," Cally answered, setting down her cards. 
"Technically, longer," Marcus added, "But we officially met during the summer." 
6 Years and 348 Days Ago… 
The rec center was alive with activity during the summer. It made sense that three random 10 year olds would be here. Marcus, Cally, and Ari were all there, going about their business. Marcus was busy taking boxing classes, Ari was attending choir lessons, and Cally intently watched a lecture on computer programming. 
The classes all ended early that day, leaving the three kids not knowing where to go. So they all ended up in an empty tennis court, sitting and waiting for their parents. 
To kill time, Ari fatefully began chatting with Marcus.
“Hi. My name’s Ari,” He greeted, waving to Marcus. “What’s your name?”
“Marcus. Aren’t you that short kid who sits in the front of the class?” 
“Yeah, that’s me. You’re the kid who’s taking boxing lessons, right?” 
“The one with anger problems,” Cally chimed in from the corner, reading a book. “Yeah, that’s him.” 
Marcus threw a candy wrapper at her. 
“Hey, be nice!” Ari frowned at Cally.
“It’s true, isn’t it? No point saying anything that isn’t true for the sake of one’s feelings.” 
“You sound really mean.” 
"I heard that once you get smart enough you stop having emotions," Marcus shrugged. 
"That's a lie," Cally hissed. "I just don't see the value in being dishonest." 
Marcus rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and the fact that I called you a loser that one time has nothing to do with it." 
"I just refuted your theory on my lack of emotions. I can hold a grudge." 
“How do you even know he has anger issues? Because he boxes?” Ari asked. 
"My mom is the school secretary. She has me do a lot of the paperwork so she can go out. Some of that paperwork got Marcus to see the school therapist." 
“Why does the secretary have a 10 year old doing her work? Isn’t that against the rules or something?”
"Not if the principal doesn't find out." 
“So you’re being mean to Marcus even though you’re the one breaking the rules?” 
“Look. Ari, right? If the people who fed and sheltered you and could kick you out if they felt so inclined and barely gave a crap about you told you to do something, would you do it?” 
“Isn’t it against the law to kick a kid out of the house?” 
“Probably. Wouldn’t stop my parents.” 
“You sound like you have issues. Maybe you should see the school therapist.” 
“I don’t want to get landed in foster care. Too much of a risk to my psyche.” 
“And being treated like sh_t by your parents isn’t?” Marcus asked. 
Ari and Cally stared at Marcus. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Cally asked. 
“Yes, actually.” 
Ari whined. “Isn’t cussing bad?” 
“Eh. Some people don’t like it, and my parents don’t let me swear when we’re in restaurants and things like that.” 
“Wouldn’t the community rec center count as a place you shouldn’t swear?” Cally asked dryly. 
“I guess, but there aren’t any adults around.” 
Cally deadpanned. Ari pouted. 
Leaning back, the intelligent kid pulled out some gum. “Want some?” 
“What flavor is it?” 
“Eh, sure.” 
“I love mint!” Ari beamed. 
“Not my favorite, but I’ll take it over 5gum,” Marcus added. 
“Ugh. 5gum.” 
“What’s wrong with 5gum?” Ari inquired, popping a piece of gum into their mouth.
“Tastes like trash,” Marcus groused. 
“It’s an insult to gum.” Cally sat. “The least horrible flavor is mint.” 
“And even then, this spearmint gum beats it by a mile,” Marcus added. “I don’t see how anyone can enjoy 5gum. It’s like eating plastic.”
“Better than nothing.” 
“I’ve never had 5gum before, but I’ll take you on your word,” Ari said. 
“So, yeah. That was fun.” 
“So you three started out arguing with each other, and now you three are basically inseparable,” Intelligent remarked, leaning back in his seat. “A lot must have happened in those six years.” 
“Yeah. For one thing, we became study partners. I had to tie Cally to a chair to keep her from doing all the work for us.” 
“I was not that bad, Marcus.” 
Ari winced. “Well...” 
3 Years Ago… 
“Cally, this is a GROUP project! That means we ALL have to work on this!” Marcus shouted, taking the papers away from Cally. 
“You guys did a lot of the research. And you know I’m a better writer than you,” Cally reasoned, reaching for the papers again. 
“Yeah, right! You were the one hogging all the research, and you’re the one who’s been doing all the writing so far! I know you’re a good writer, but you can’t just hog the entire project!” Marcus protested, holding the papers out of Cally’s reach. “Just about the only thing you haven’t tried to do yourself are the visual aids!”
"Ari can do those." 
“Exactly! That’s the only thing Ari’s been able to do with you hogging everything else!” 
“I just want us to get a good grade!” 
“And we will get a good grade! But ya gotta let us help, too!” 
Cally sighed, sitting back down. “Alright, alright.” 
“Thank you. Now let's get on with this,” Marcus said, dividing the papers equally between himself, Cally, and Ari.
"Okay, maybe I was a little too overbearing. But my grade was on the line!" 
“Cally, calm down. We got a perfect A on that assignment,” Marcus assured. 
“I know,” Cally granted. “And then you almost got suspended three months later.” 
Marcus scowled and grumbled to himself, folding his arms at the memory. 
“I still think punching that guy in the face was overkill,” whined Ari. 
“It was not!” Marcus protested.
Cally raised an eyebrow. 
2 Years and 9 Months Ago… 
“Violence was unnecessary,” Cally pointed out as she wrapped up Marcus’s hand. 
“Then that kid shouldn’t have ran off with my notebook!” Marcus snapped, wincing as Cally tightened the bandages around his hand. 
“You could have taken it back. Most everyone is scared of you anyway, given how your fight with Albert ended.” 
“That kid wouldn’t give me it back, even after I asked!” 
“And you decided to punch him in the face instead of just snatching it,” Cally added. 
“Both of those are mean,” complained Ari. 
“It was MY notebook!” 
“Still,” Cally frowned. “Your temper could get you hurt.” 
Marcus grumbled something, hissing as Cally started patching up another scratch. 
“Please stop moving.” 
“But it hurts!” 
“And?” Cally deadpanned. 
“Cally,” Ari pouted. 
“I know. Sorry, Marcus. I’m just worried, you know? I don’t want your temper getting you hurt one day.” 
“I know, I know. But I’ve got it covered, alright? I’ll be fine. I can handle it,” Marcus assured. He grunted and rolled his shoulders once Cally was done bandaging his wounds. “F_ck, I’m gonna be sore in the morning…” 
“Yeah, you are,” Cally sighed. “And try not to swear in front of Ari. You know he hates it.” 
“Sorry Ar, force of habit,” Marcus apologized. 
Ari hugged Marcus. “It’s okay.” 
“And now here we are. Honestly, I wish all our problems were that I was a control freak over grades and Marcus punched people out.” 
Marcus nodded. “Preach.” 
“But they aren’t. Superbeings want to rip our guts out because we apparently can stop a world-ending event,” Cally sighed. 
Marcus folded his arms and thought for a moment. “What are we even supposed to do to stop it, anyways? Is there a superweapon we have to stop? Do we have to go to space and bring down a spaceship or something?” 
“I dunno.” 
“Hmmm...Hey, big guy! Do you know?”
“Sorry, I have no idea what the others are planning. Me and Spyper have barely heard anything about this whole situation,” Intelligent sighed.
“Well, what have you heard?” Ari asked earnestly.
Intelligent paused for a moment and closed his book. “I don’t know if it’ll help much, but I have heard that the Freaks found something they could use to turn everyone on the planet into Freaks. What that thing is, where it’s being kept, or if it can be destroyed, I don’t know.” 
"Sh@t. Anyone you know who may know something?" 
Spyper glanced to the back of his van. “We do know someone who may know. She works for HECU.” 
"I count four who fit that description," Cally said, eyes taking on a pink tint. 
Spyper paused. “Is Rudra included in that count?” 
"Yes. So is the scientist everyone is scared of for some reason." 
“Oh. Yeah, that would be Anita.” 
"What's her deal?" 
Ari shifted. “Is she evil?” 
“Well...I wouldn’t say she’s evil, but she is crazy,” Spyper shrugged. 
“How crazy?” 
“She builds weapons of mass destruction for fun.” 
“And wants to dissect us for ‘science.’” 
“Hmm… don’t like that,” Marcus winced. 
“Don’t worry, she’s not as evil as Brutal and his pals.” 
“That’s good,” Ari nodded. 
“But enough about that. We need information. And to get to safety. Spyper?” Intelligent turned to his buddy, who grinned and started his van.
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star-spangled-eyes · 4 years
Winner Take All: Part 12: The Date
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This alternate universe fan fiction uses characters created and owned by Pixelberry Studios. Character names, descriptions and likenesses are owned by Pixelberry Studios. The MC, Bragnae Bennett, and story is created and owned by this author.
Book: The Royal Romance (Alternate Universe)
Alternate Universe Theme: Senior Year of College for Drake, Leo, Bragnae and Madeleine in the United States  
Pairing: Drake Walker x MC / Leo Reese x MC (Bragnae Bennett – *pronounced Brawn-yah)
Warnings for this series: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, sex
Series Description: Bragnae Bennett sought adventure when she first went off to college. Now, navigating through her senior year, she finds herself befriending two gorgeous guys, Drake Walker and Leo Reese, who engage in a seemingly innocent bet with her during a game of pool that leads to a surprising threesome.
Their intimate evening prompts deeper feelings than they all expected to arise, and Bragnae is suddenly swept up in both of their charms, unique to each man himself. Through the pressures of college, work and maintaining a social life, which man will prevail and win Bragnae's heart?
Master List
A/N: Hi there! I want to apologize for the LONG delay! My business has taken off lately as well as I’ve felt less than well with a crohn’s flare up, so I couldn’t do much writing. This chapter is really important, and I didn’t want to rush it or just post it without really being happy with it. The chapter after this one will be the FINAL chapter in this series! I hope you enjoy this, and thank you so much for your patience in waiting to read it.
Warnings for this chapter: NSFW, Adult content, suggestive and strong language, sex
Word Count for this chapter: 8107 (it’s a long one, but I didn’t think you’d mind since there was such a long time gap since my last one)
Setting for this chapter: Drake and Bragnae have a chat after his hockey practice.  
Permatags: @burnsoslow​​​​ @cora-nova​​ @dcbbw​​​ @thorfosterlove​​​​ @emceesynonymroll​​​​ @edgiestwinter​​​​ @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld​​ @msjr0119​​​​ @notoriouscs​​​​ @drakewalker04​​​​ @pedudley​​​​ @desiree-0816​ @choices-lurker​​ @kingliam2019​​ @loveellamae​​​ @drakexnadira @flutistbyday2020​​ @indiana-jr​​ @moonlightgem7​​
Series Tags: @yukinagato2012​​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​ @nomadics-stuff​​ @ravenpuff02​​ @texaskitten30​​ @themadhatter1029​​ @randomfandomteacher​ @queenjilian​ @princessleac1​ @seriouslybadchoices
Part 12: The Date
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“Great,” Drake said. “I’ll meet you out front in twenty minutes.”
“Sounds good.” Bragnae stepped away from the open door to the rink, so Drake could shut it again. Once the boards were secure, he offered her a flash of a smile before skating off in the opposite direction.
Bragnae made her way outside the complex towards the front entrance. Autumn was finally here. The air was cool and crisp with beautiful red, yellow and orange leaves starting to make their way off the trees. There was a concrete bench near the entrance, so she took a seat. She responded to a few texts, and flipped through her social media apps on her phone to fill the time.
True to his word, Drake walked out of the complex twenty minutes later. She looked up from her phone to see him sauntering towards her with an athletic duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Sliding the phone back in her purse, Bragnae stood up as he approached her.
“I’m going to throw this in my truck quickly, and then we can head over to a less crowded area. Wanna walk with me?”
“Sure.” They started down the paved path towards the parking lot. “So, I see you made team captain?” Bragnae remembered seeing a big “C” on Drake’s uniform earlier.
“Yeah. The guys voted on that. I guess they like me.” He kept his head facing forward as he responded.
“Can’t blame them for that.” She smiled in his direction, finally prompting him to look at her. The corner of his mouth lifted.
Drake opened the door to his truck and threw his hockey bag on the seat. After locking it back up, he turned to her and pointed to an area with trees and a few picnic tables. “Let’s go over there.”
The area was beautiful. Colorful leaves littered the ground, and there were three white tables with bench seating placed conveniently for visitors. Luckily, it seemed they had the area to themselves. Bragnae set her purse down on the bench and took a seat. Drake sat opposite her.
He looked at her for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Look, I’m sorry it’s been a while since we last spoke. I got really busy with school and hockey, and well, I just wasn’t ready yet.”
Bragnae dropped her gaze to her fidgeting fingers. “It wasn’t easy not hearing from you, but I understood you needed time to think about everything.” She brought her eyes up to his again. “I didn’t come here today to rush you into talking to me, though. I just… wanted to see you, and watch you play.”
“I’m glad you did. I’ve been wanting to call you, but I talked myself out of it every time.”
“Does that mean you don’t want to see me anymore?” Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she waited for his answer.
“Quite the opposite actually.” A wistful expression filled his face. “I’ve done a lot of thinking. I can’t exactly be upset that you have feelings for both of us. It makes sense. All of this started because we had that threesome.”
“Do you regret it?”
“I’d like to say I do, but if it wasn’t for that night, I might never have told you how I felt. I may never have even asked you out.” Drake sighed. “Have you seen Leo lately?”
“Just once. He said you punched him.”
“Yeah, well, he fucking deserved it… for more than one reason.” He averted his gaze for a moment. “I’ve missed you, Bragnae.”
“I’ve missed you, too.” Her voice was weighted down by the sadness she felt. “So, why did you talk yourself out of calling if you missed me?”
Drake worked his jaw in thought. His brow furrowed making his brown eyes look more intense. “I really like you, and I know you care about me. I want to be with you in the worst way, but if you want to be with me, then I want you to choose me for me. Not because I asked you out and treated you nicely after Leo ditched you. If you tell me that I’m the one, I want it to be because you want just me without anything standing in your way.”
“That’s fair,” she squeaked out.
Drake exhaled a harsh breath, shaking his head in frustration. He kept his eyes trained on the table. “So, I want you to be with Leo.”
“You want me to be with Leo?” Bragnae was shocked, but more so confused.
“Go out with him. Kiss him. Whatever you need to do to find out who you’re drawn to the most.” It looked as if it pained Drake to say it. “In my mind, it’s the only the way you’ll know for sure. I don’t want to hold you back if he’s who you really want to be with.”
She was stunned. “Drake, I don’t know what to say.”
He reached a hand out to cover hers. “This is why I didn’t want to call you. I was pushing it out as long as I could. I knew this was what needed to happen, and believe me, I hate to have to say it. But if you do this, and find that you still want to be with me, then I’ll know for certain that it’s me you want. And I’d rather have that than wonder if you’re still thinking about him as we move on in our relationship.” Squeezing her hand, he implored her. “Will you do this for me?”
The courage it took for him to have to offer up this suggestion blew her away. She felt so guilty for having put him through this, but there was a part of her that was curious about seeing Leo again with nothing holding her back. She didn’t feel right kissing or touching Leo when her relationship with Drake was up in the air, but now that he was giving her permission to explore the idea, it made her want to do it.
“Okay.” She watched as both relief and sadness crossed over his face. “I’m sorry that I’m putting you through this. I feel awful about it.”
“Thank you for saying that, but we’ll get it figured out.” He stood from the bench, prompting Bragnae to do the same. Drake walked over to her, gently grabbing her by the shoulders. “And in case it isn’t me who you choose…” He interrupted himself by drawing her into a tender, yet purposeful kiss that left her feeling lightheaded.
Whether or not it was his intention to persuade her decision with a final kiss, or just have one last chance to take her in that way, the strong connection they shared couldn’t be ignored. Anytime Drake touched her or pressed his lips against hers was earth shattering. And after two weeks of no contact, she missed him desperately.
When he pulled back, he cupped her face looking affectionately into her eyes. “I’ll look forward to hearing your decision.” Drake leaned in once more for a brief, sweet kiss.
Not knowing the words to say, she pulled him into an embrace, and luckily, he returned it. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
Later that day, Bragnae was a few hours into cleaning her apartment, thinking about what Drake said. The guilt she felt made her want to run back to Drake’s arms and tell him she didn’t need anyone else to make her decision, but she knew that was the wrong way to go about it. Even though she cared a lot about Drake, she knew she owed it to herself to experience a date with Leo, especially after everything they’d been through. If she didn’t take this opportunity, it might haunt her forever.
Peeling off her disposable gloves, Bragnae picked up her phone and called Leo. She was elated when he answered.
“Hello, Bragnae.” His voice was smooth and had a hint of heat to it that sent a shiver down her spine. “It’s been a while.”
“Hi, Leo. Yes, it has, and I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it. You’re worth the wait. So, what’s up?”
She smiled. “Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime.”
He chuckled. “Like a date?”
“Yeah, like a date.” She bit her lower lip waiting for his response.
“Hell yeah, I’ll go out with you.” He said it as if she should have known the answer. “But let me handle the details, alright? When are you free?”
She twirled a lock of hair around her finger. “Um, I don’t work Wednesday. Does that fit your schedule?”
“Wednesday’s perfect. I’ll pick you up at your place at six o’clock. Sound good?”
Excited nerves filled her body. “Yes, sir. Can’t wait.”
“Great. See you then.”
Bragnae ended the call with an overwhelming sense of happiness surrounding her. That alone told her she needed to do this, and Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough.
There was plenty of time between classes and meeting Leo for Bragnae to finish all of her homework and get ready for the evening. She had showered, fixed her hair in long loose curls, and applied neutral tones of make-up to her face, save for the deep crimson lipstick. Not wanting her outfit to entirely scream sex, she found a long-sleeved, green sweater and paired it with black skinny jeans.
Even though she and Leo had been intimate before, she didn’t want this date to be focused around that, but still wanted to look nice. Stepping into a pair of black knee-high boots, she heard a knock at the front door. Bragnae grabbed her clutch for the evening, and answered it.
Leo stood before her in dark jeans and a plain black V-neck shirt. He wore a brown leather jacket over it adding to his smooth attitude, and his dirty blonde hair was styled in his charmingly messy way. She gave herself a moment to take him in before returning her gaze to his sparkling blue eyes. He leaned casually against the doorframe with his own debonair smile.
“Well, hello there.” His eyes remained on hers.
“Don’t you look nice,” she commented.
“Thank you. Not quite as nice as you, though.” With a warm grin, he presented a long-stemmed single flower from behind his back, holding it out to her. “For you.”
She gasped in surprise. “Leo, this is gorgeous. Is that a Calla Lily?” She accepted the magenta flower, bringing it up to her nose to smell.
“Yes, it is. I’ve always thought those were beautiful, and when I saw it today, I was reminded of you.”
Bragnae felt herself blush. “That’s so sweet. Thank you very much. Just let me put this in some water and then we can go.” Dashing off to the kitchen, she found a tall cup and filled it partially with water. She had a vase it would fit in, but she’d find it later. “Okay, ready?”
“Absolutely,” he replied as she shut the door to the apartment. “I hope you’re hungry. There’s a new Greek place I thought we could try out.”
Her mouth watered at the thought. “That sounds amazing. I love Greek food.” They headed to the complex’s parking lot, but instead of walking to his bike, Leo led Bragnae to a sleek, blue Ford Mustang with two thick, white stripes stretching the length of the car. “Oh, I thought we were taking your bike tonight. That’s why I wore pants this time,” she joked.
“I thought the Mustang would be more comfortable for you.” Leo took her hand and walked her over to the passenger side, opening her door. “After you.”
She smiled at him before stepping into the immaculately clean car. Even though his sports car was an older model, he kept it washed and free of clutter. She settled into the leather seats as Leo climbed in on the other side. As he turned the key, the engine immediately purred. Bragnae wasn’t into cars, but she could appreciate the thrilling and erotic growl of a sports car. And like the Mustang, she was turned on.
As Leo drove out of the parking lot and onto the street, Bragnae admired his stick shift handling. There was something about a man who knew how to drive a manual vehicle. It took patience to learn the extra skills, and it was sexy as hell to witness. She leaned back against her seat biting her lip as she watched Leo rest his wrist on the top of the steering wheel, while his other hand curled around the gear shift between them. He moved it with ease between the gears as he drove.
Leo must have felt her eyes on him, so he glanced her way. “Whatcha lookin’ at?” He smirked as he turned his attention back to the road.
“I’m just enjoying watching you drive. It’s hot.” She slid her hands down her thighs, feeling a tingle between her legs.
“Hotter than the bike? I remember you appreciating seeing me on it.” He continued to steal glances her way.
“Hmmmm,” she thought aloud. “That’s a tough choice. While you looked especially sexy straddling the bike, I think I'm partial to watching you shift gears seeing as I have a front row seat to the action. Then again, I was able to wrap my arms around your waist on the bike, and that’s proving to be a little more difficult here. So, really it’s a toss-up.”
As he pulled up to a stop light, he turned to look at her. “Good thing I have both then, huh?” Leo picked up her hand and let it drape over the stick shift before covering it with his own. The light turned green, and Leo moved the gear with her hand under his while he drove. When his hand relaxed between gears, his fingers playfully entwined with hers. She had to lean closer to the center console to keep her hand on the stick, but she didn’t mind. It was fun to let him include her this way.
Before long, they arrived at the restaurant. Being a Wednesday night, they were seated immediately. The Greek taverna was decorated in white and blue colors with a large mural of the Parthenon and the city of Athens. It was a smaller restaurant, but the atmosphere was inviting and warm.
They asked for two shots of Ouzo and placed their orders for an appetizer and a variety platter of Greek specialties to split.
“So, Bragnae,” Leo said as he stretched his arms beneath the table. “What made you want to ask me out tonight?”
She flashed a brief smile at him before straightening her posture. “Well, I had a talk with Drake last weekend.” She paused as the waitress brought over their Ouzo. Leo’s eyebrows perked up – she had his full attention. “He told me that I should go out with you.”
Leo drew back in surprise. “He did? Why would he say that?”
“It was actually very gracious of him. He wanted me to go out with you so I could figure out who I truly wanted to be with. For his sake and mine, he wanted me to explore this with you so I’d know for sure.”
“Oh,” he said, looking a bit disappointed.
Bragnae immediately rest a hand on his forearm. “I want you to know that this is something I wanted to do anyway, but having Drake’s permission made it easier. He’s given me the choice, and while I have feelings for him, I couldn’t ignore how I felt about you. And after everything, I really wanted to know what it was like to go out with you.” With a gentle squeeze of his arm, she looked deeply into his eyes. “I hope this doesn’t make you feel inferior in any way because that is definitely not how I see you.”
He took a moment to search her face before a soft smile lifted his mouth. “I don’t.”
“Good. And there’s no pressure to impress me tonight. You already have. I just want to enjoy this time with you.”
Leo looked down at his lap. “Actually, there is some pressure, but not from you.” He peered back up at her exhaling a deep breath. “I didn’t do it right last time. Everything I did when I took you to Inferno was solely in my own self-interests.
Bragnae made a disagreeable face. “No, it wasn’t.”
“Yes, it was – trust me. My goal that night was to sleep with you, and I made it so I could get to the finish line as quickly as possible.” He spoke with both regret and confidence. “I picked you up on my bike, not taking into consideration what you wore or even if you’d be comfortable on the back of a motorcycle. Then, I took you to a place I knew well, got us both in for free and led you straight to the bar to lower your inhibitions with alcohol. I didn’t even buy you dinner, Bragnae.” Leo shook his head at himself before continuing. “Then, we danced and I took you upstairs – a place I knew I could get you alone and seduce you.”
Her gaze fell to the table as her mind scanned through the memories of that night. “I don’t remember it that way.”
“That’s because I made it seem like it was all about you.” Leo averted his eyes again. “I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve learned techniques on how to make women feel comfortable and desired enough that they melt as soon as I touch them.” A remorseful expression filled his face as he looked at her again. “I knew I’d have you that night before we even left the bar to dance.”
Bragnae drew in an inaudible gasp, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in her own skin. She was embarrassed that she could be so easily manipulated that way and was apparently predictable. “You make yourself sound like some sort of predator.”
“I was.” Leo leaned toward her and covered her hand with his. “I’m not proud of it. And I’m not telling you this to remind you of why you should still hate me. I just wanted you to see how I used to do things, and how I’ll never do it again. You helped heal my past, Bragnae, but it hurt so badly knowing you wanted nothing to do with me. I could have turned it all around, but I let my fear of heartbreak get in the way. I really screwed things up.”
Turning her hand over, she stroked his palm before weaving her fingers with his as she spoke. “You worked really hard to unscrew it, though. I admired your persistence. In the back of my mind, I knew you were genuine about feeling bad, but I was still so mad and hurt from what you did that I didn’t want to see the good in you.” She stared at their joined hands in thought. The night at the club was where a lot of her deep feelings for Leo stemmed from.
Her eyes found his again. “Leo, do you think my feelings for you are real? Is it possible they aren’t since so much of that night was controlled to fit your agenda?”
He opened his mouth to reply, but then closed it while he considered her words. “I was able to seduce you, Bragnae, but it was still me. The things we talked about earlier that day, the connection we both felt that night… it was all me.” Leo swallowed. A hint of fear flashed in his eyes. “Did you like me before that night? Before the threesome even?”
“Yes, I did. I always thought you were funny, and I liked how you always brought me out of my comfort zone when we hung out.” She offered him a flirty grin. “Not to mention, I always found you devilishly handsome.”
Leo chuckled as his tense body relaxed. “Well, there ya go. I hope you can see your feelings for me are true.”
Taking a second to consider it all, she looked at him. “I do. I think I would’ve been able to see past them if they weren’t. It would’ve been so much easier to get over you had they been based on a lie.”
“I think so, too.” The corner of his mouth lifted as he reached for the shot glass on the table. “How about a toast?”
Bragnae picked hers up as well, and waited for him to speak.
“Here’s to acknowledging and forgiving the past,” he paused to look at her more fondly. “And to a fresh start, and hopefully a promising future.”
She smiled, clinking her glass against his before they both tossed the strong alcohol down their throats. Bragnae blew out a quick breath as the liquid burned on its way down.
The waitress dropped off their food a moment later, and as they tasted their way through Greece on a plate, Bragnae and Leo got to know each other more with real first date questions. It was very pleasant, and made her feel even more connected to him.
Later on after dinner, Leo brought them back to her place. Bragnae unlocked the door to her apartment, and stepped inside.
“Do you want to come in for some coffee or something?” She asked, not ready for the night to end.
Leo hesitated as his eyes raked down her body. “I better not. It’s a school night, young lady,” he said in a teasing tone.
She knew Leo was trying to make this better than the first time they went out, and she wanted to respect that. “Okay, then can I see you again soon when it’s not a school night?”
He smirked. “Friday or Saturday?”
“Friday. I’m off that night.” She lightly tugged on his shirt to bring him closer.
“I’ll make sure I am too.” Leo braced a hand on the open door, standing mere inches away from her.
“Great, then why don’t you come over here on Friday night, and this time, I’ll handle the details.” He nodded at her suggestion. “I had a really nice time with you tonight. Thank you for dinner.”
“Thank you for going out with me. It was nice to have a second chance.” Leo’s eyes dropped to her lips – his still curled up in a tempting grin.
His intoxicating scent delightfully overwhelmed her. It had been so long since they last kissed, and Bragnae was more than ready for it. She ran her hands up his chest until they reached the base of his neck. Pulling him towards her, she raised up on her toes to meet his soft, full lips. The kiss immediately sent a bolt of energy throughout her body. It was gentle and amazing, but it wasn’t enough. She pulled back just long enough to take a breath, and then went in for more.
Leo moved his body more squarely against hers, holding her face as he deepened the kiss. He groaned as his mouth hungrily feasted on hers. His tongue slid across her bottom lip before sinking into her. As her hands slipped down his body to cling to him more, Leo broke the kiss.
“Friday, then?” He asked, slightly out of breath.
Still reeling from the kiss, it was all she could do not to pull him back in. “Mmhmm. Friday.”
“Goodnight, Bragnae,” he said softly, gazing into her eyes.
He gave her another desirous look before forcing himself away from her. Bragnae watched him until he was out of sight, and even then she felt breathless and weak in the knees. She finally shut the door, and walked to her bedroom. Plopping onto her bed, she stared at the ceiling with a fixed smile on her face. Leo was all that filled her mind, and she couldn’t wait for Friday to see him again.
The next day and a half went excruciatingly slow. As soon as Bragnae was out of class on Friday, she stopped at the grocery store to get a few snacks and beer for the night ahead. She told Leo to come over around seven o’clock for a game night, so she had a few hours left to shower and get the food ready.
After getting her hair and make-up just right, Bragnae set a game on the small and round kitchen table. She grabbed the vegetable and cheese and sausage trays out of the fridge, and displayed them on the counter. No sooner had she done that did she hear a knock at the door before it opened.
“Bragnae?” Leo asked as he slipped into the apartment.
She walked around a wall in the kitchen to the foyer to greet him. “Hey there.”
A bright smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw her. “Hi, beautiful.” Leo pulled her to him, connecting them both in a sensual kiss. Pleasant tingles collected between her legs while his lips and firm hands held her body to his. When he drew back, she had to ground herself again.
“Would you like a beer?” She asked.
“I’d love one.”
Bragnae went to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of beer, and removed their caps before handing one to him.
“So, what game are we playing tonight?” He asked, taking off his leather jacket.
“Yahtzee!” She said emphatically as she walked over to the table.
Leo laughed. “Alright, I like that game.” He took a drink from the bottle, and plunged a stick of celery into the dip before taking a bite.
They both plated some snacks before taking a seat at the table. Bragnae set out the dice, cup and their score sheets, and retrieved two pens for them. As Leo indulged in a piece of sausage between cheese and a cracker, she gave him a playful look.
“What are you planning over there?” He asked, chewing his food.
“What do you say we make this game interesting?”
He threw his head back chuckling. “I should have known. What are the stakes?”
“Not so much stakes as it is the way the game is played. I propose that we play strip Yahtzee.” She arched an eyebrow to accompany her smirk.
He smiled. “And what are the rules to this?”
“Well, if you roll the big ticket items like a three or four of a kind, a full house, or a small or large straight, the other person has to take off a piece of clothing of their choice.”
“And what if someone rolls a Yahtzee?” He asked, taking a swig of beer.
“The person who rolls a Yahtzee gets to choose which article of clothing comes off the other person.” She watched as Leo gave an appreciative nod to the rules. “So, what do you say? Are you up for it?” With Madeleine at work for the rest of the night, she knew they’d be able to have fun without any interruptions.
Leo looked at her with uncertainty. “I don’t know. Are you sure we should do this?”
Her confident expression fell when she realized he was still hung up on ‘making things right’. Normally, he’d jump all over an opportunity like that. “Look, Leo. I appreciate that you’re trying to be better this go around, but I don’t want you to have to change who you are. I know you want to have sex with me again.” She wet her lips, showing off a soft smile. “Honestly, that’s what I want, too. You’ve already proved that things are different now, but I don’t want you to walk on eggshells with me, and hide who you are or what you want just because you’re worried you’ll screw it up like before. I trust you. I know you won’t hurt me.”
After a moment of searching her face, Leo accepted what she had to say with a relieved sigh. “You saying that means a lot to me. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
A wicked smirk transformed his lips. “Well, on that note, I accept your challenge for Strip Yahtzee.” He leaned back in his chair with a new found arrogance about him. “You better say goodbye to those clothes because they’ll be flying off of you once I get my hands on those dice.”
“I love how cocky you can be. You’re on.” She smiled, passing him the cup of dice.
He shook his head. “Ladies first.”
Bragnae reclaimed the cup, giving it a good shake before scattering the five dice across the table. At the end of her third roll, she had only accumulated two of a kind, so she resigned to taking the two 1’s.
“Aww, too bad. My turn.” Leo grabbed the cup and spilled out three 6’s. He put the other two dice back, and rolled again. Another 6. “One more to go.” He shook the cup while smirking at her, then popped the last dice on the table. “Yahtzee!” He shouted as another 6 appeared before them.
Bragnae stared at the dice with her mouth open. “Already? My God!”
Leo folded his arms across his chest. “Oh, didn’t I mention it? I’m pretty good at this game. Go ahead and take off that shirt for me.”
Playfully narrowing her eyes at him, she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. “This isn’t going to fluster you is it? As I recall from the game of pool that night you were very easily distracted by me.”
“Oh, no. Not this time. I’m even more determined for my prize, and we’re not quite there yet.” His eyes sparkled with excitement as they danced across her chest. She wore a black bra with rhinestones along the wire – one she specifically picked out knowing it would most likely be seen that night.
She reached for the cup of dice, giving it a healthy shake making her breasts do the same. Relishing in his attention, she spilled the dice on the table.
“Look at that! A small straight just for me.” Before marking her scoresheet, she cocked an eyebrow in his direction. “Take off something. Preferably your shirt.”
Leo fumble with his legs under the table, and reached down before bringing his shoe into view. “How’s that?”
“Your shoe? Really?” She didn’t hide her playful attitude.
He fumbled again. “Okay, I’ll give you both shoes.”
“Gee, thanks.” She rolled her eyes.
“You should go for those Yahtzees, and then you can dictate what comes off of me. Now, gimme those dice.” Leo scooped them up and took his turn. Astoundingly, he rolled an immediate Yahtzee. He threw his hands victoriously into the air. “Yes!”
“What?!” Bragnae asked in shock.
Leo leaned over to look under the table. “Oh, good. You’re not wearing shoes. Take off those pants.”
Bragnae still stared at his dice roll with a stunned expression. “How are you doing this? It’s a game of chance!”
He laughed. “Not when you have my skills. Go ahead, take ‘em off.”
Heaving a sigh, Bragnae stood from her chair and hooked her thumbs beneath the waistband of her leggings. Remembering how much he appreciated her backside, she turned away from him as she pushed down the spandex to reveal her bare skin covered only by the lacy fabric of her thong. Keeping her gaze on him over her shoulder, she watched his eyes widen with pleasure while a broad grin covered his face.
Leo blew out a low whistle while she removed the rest of the pants from her legs. “Looking good, sweetheart.”
What was a thrilling moment suddenly turned into an uncomfortable one. Bragnae winced at the generic pet name as she sat in her seat again.
“What’s that look for?” Leo asked. His brow now pinched with concern.
“You called me ‘sweetheart’.” Disappointment was evident in her eyes.
Confusion spread across his face. “Yeah… what’s wrong with that?”
“Did you mean it or is it just something you say?” Sitting there in only her bra and panties was not what was making her feel vulnerable in the conversation.
“Of course I meant it. Why would you question that?” Leo sat forward with intent to listen.
Bragnae took a deep breath and looked at him meekly. “I had a serious boyfriend once who used to use all of those pet names, and I loved it. I really felt like I was in a grown-up, caring relationship.” She looked down at her lap to muster the courage to finish her story. “Then, I found out that my boyfriend was seeing two other women apart from me. And he was using those generic nicknames so he wouldn’t use the wrong name when he was with each of us.”
Leo gave her a sympathetic look as he reached over to cover her hand with his. “I’m sorry that happened to you. That guy was clearly a greedy asshole who didn’t appreciate what he had.” He squeezed her hand gently to get her attention back on him. “When I say it, it’s a term of endearment. I’ve always been the type of guy who enjoys saying those things, but it’s never been because I think I’m going to slip up and call you a different name. When I say it, it comes from my heart.”
She could hear the sincerity in his voice, and realized she was being unfair by assigning baggage from a past relationship to Leo even though he didn’t deserve it.
“And Bragnae, there’s no one else. I haven’t even thought about being with another woman since we were together that night. Even though I tried to push you away from me, I knew what I felt with you was strong and deep, and I couldn’t deny it.”
Laying her other hand on top of his, she gave him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry I assumed you were doing the same thing. When we went out to the club, I enjoyed hearing you call me those things. I thought it was a good time to move on from what my ex did. But then…”
“But then,” Leo stepped in to finish her sentence. “I made you feel cheap and unwanted – ruining those pet names for you again. I can’t blame you for thinking that you meant nothing to me. But it’s actually quite the opposite.” He poured his heart into her as his eyes searched hers. “If you prefer that I not call you those things, I won’t.”
“No,” she protested. “It sounds wonderful when you say them, especially knowing what I know now.”
“Okay,” he smiled. Leo brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on her skin. “I’m glad we talked about this. I don’t want anything standing in our way.”
“Me neither.” The words flowed out of her naturally. It felt so wonderful being open with Leo about this, and instantly felt closer to him.
He slid the cup of dice in her direction. “It’s your turn. Better make this roll count. You are literally hanging on by a few threads over there.” He smirked while admiring what he could see of her above the table.
Bragnae took the cup and shook it a few times, silently praying for five of a kind to appear. She sprawled the dice on the table to find her prayer was answered. “Hell yes! Yahtzee!” She clapped her hands excitedly. “Okay, mister! Take off that shirt!”
Leo laughed at her emphatic display as he stood to remove his t-shirt. Bragnae watched as the fabric lifted to reveal his taut abs and defined pecs. His body was beautifully sculpted.
“I’m very happy right now.” She beamed at him as she drank in the sight of him.
“Not as happy as I’m about to be,” he said, grabbing the dice. Leo shook the cup, and spilled them onto the table. “Three 4’s. I’m going for that Yahtzee.” He replaced the other two dice, and shook them again. Out came two more 4’s. Leo placed the cup down hard on the table and sat back with his arms folded across his chest. A big, cocky grin lit up his face.
Bragnae’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my God! How is that possible?”
He chuckled. “I told you. I mean business.”
Sighing, Bragnae shook her head. “Okay, which one do you want?” With only two pieces of clothing left on her, his choices were limited, but tempting nonetheless.
Leo looked at her for another moment with a triumphant smile on his face, and then leaned over to look at his score sheet. “Well, since I’ve pretty much annihilated you with my score, I should probably put you out of your misery.” He stood from his chair, and knelt in front of her. “I’m going to need those panties, but since I’m such a good sportsman, I’ll take them off of you myself.”
She smiled as he ran his smooth hands up her legs until he reached the straps of her thong. As he pulled the lace down her skin, she lifted slightly in her seat to help him. Leo kept his eyes on his task as he lifted each of her legs to clear the panties completely.
“You know, there’s a prize for second place,” he told her, returning his gaze to hers.
“And what is it?”
“A kiss. Would you settle for that?” A certain heat burned in his eyes making her tingle with anticipation.
Smiling, Leo moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her lower half forward in the seat. She was slouched in the chair comfortably as she watched him gently widen her legs.
Leo picked up her ankles and placed them over his shoulders before cupping her hips with his hands. He laid soft kisses on her inner thigh causing her to squirm with need. And then she felt his tongue draw a sensual line from her silky entrance to her throbbing clit. A moan immediately escaped her as her eyes fluttered closed.
Leo paid extra attention to her sensitive skin as he continued flicking his tongue against her clit at a rapid pace. The warmth in her loins climbed as she concentrated on the precise movements of his tongue hitting the right spot. As one hand gripped his sandy blonde hair, the other crinkled the Yahtzee score sheet while he brought her closer to the edge.
He sucked her swollen bud into his mouth letting his tongue meet her skin again. Bragnae’s head hung over the back of the chair as whimpering moans left her body. His mouth dropped to tease her entrance before returning to the place that would unlock the incredible release she sought. Leo licked with intention for another moment rendering her tense with anticipation.
Bragnae’s breath caught in her throat as Leo’s consistent effort made her come. She writhed and screamed. Grasping for something to hold as the pleasure overwhelmed her, Bragnae swiped the game’s contents onto the floor. As her screams subsided, Leo drew back slowly, kissing the inside of her thighs once more. Her long black hair hung like a waterfall over the back of the chair.
“Wow,” she said breathlessly. Bragnae slowly picked her head up so her eyes could meet his. “That was incredible.”
Leo smiled up at her. “That was just the opening act. There’s much more to come.”
Bragnae sat up and pulled Leo’s lips to hers. “Stand up,” she whispered when she broke the kiss. He did as she requested while Bragnae worked on unbuckling his belt, and then his jeans. Sliding both his boxers and pants down, she sprung free his giant erection that stood eye level with her. Her eyes darkened at the sight of him. She wanted to touch him, wrap her fingers around him, take him in her mouth. She wanted to feel him inside of her again. His glorious cock was the key to her undoing, and she was ready for it.
Encircling her fingers around the base of his shaft, she stroked her hand up to his engorged tip as she watched him take a shuddering breath. His crystal blue eyes appeared like the midnight sky as he looked down at her with desire. She used her other hand to pull his hips toward her as she allowed her mouth to consume his length. Tightening her lips around his steel-hard cock, Bragnae moved against him letting her tongue glide over his most sensitive area.
Leo braced his hands on the back of her chair, exhaling a groan. “You’re going to need to stop, Bragnae.” He waited for her to detach herself from him before lifting her to her feet. “You are really good at that, but I want to do this the right way.” Before she could respond, Leo hoisted Bragnae up by her thighs. She looped her arms around his neck sinking her lips against his.
“I want you so bad, Leo,” she said, staring at his full lips.
Leo started walking towards her bedroom. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m going to give you what you want.” In between kisses, he was able to navigate them to her room where he sat on the bed, keeping Bragnae on top of him.
Bragnae readjusted so her primed clit sat against his hard-on. The anticipation was overwhelming. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted to be with him again since the night they were together until it was staring at her in the face.
Leo brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. “Last time we did this, it was so cheap – on a couch in a public place. You deserve better than that.”
This was interesting. Up until Leo explained his perspective more thoroughly from the night at Inferno, she had enjoyed her time with him then. Yes, they were on a couch in a private room above a night club, but he had made her feel wanted and special. Now was their chance to make up for that night, but it wasn’t just for Bragnae’s sake. Leo didn’t allow himself to have the passionate and caring sex they both craved that night due to his past, but tonight would be different. He was finally free of the hold his ex’s past actions had over him, so he could truly enjoy what sex was meant to be between two people who cared about each other.
Bragnae framed his face, looking deeply into his eyes. “You deserve better than that, too. You’ve let go of your past and the protective wall that made sex meaningless for you since then. It’s time for you to really indulge in it… with me.”
“I’m dying to,” he replied in a desperate, hoarse whisper.
Their mouths connected in a deep, wanting kiss that was full of emotion. They held each other tightly – their chests pressed against one another. Leo’s fingers found the clasp of her bra, and freed her of it with a quick pinch of the fabric. After slipping her arms out of the straps, Bragnae grinded her hips against his throbbing cock making them both shudder.
She captured his lips once more, drawing back slowly while she raised up on her knees to hover over him. His eyes followed hers as she began to ease herself onto his stiff cock. A trembling gasp left her as Leo’s length filled her up.
Groaning, Leo closed his eyes in relief. “You feel so good.” After another savoring moment, his eyes shot open with concern. “Shit, I forgot to put on a condom.”
“It’s okay,” she dismissed quickly. Her hips rolled up and down his length as she barely managed to speak. “I’ve got that covered,” she told him, knowing she consistently took her birth control pills. The passion and excitement of the moment disallowed her from delving deeper into an explanation. Leo accepted her response hastily as he too was caught up in the pleasing gyration of her hips above him.
Bragnae pressed her palm into Leo’s shoulder to guide him down to the mattress. She followed after him with a tender-locking kiss. His hands slid down her back and onto her ass where he cupped and squeezed her skin helping to move her with him. She placed her hands on the bed, propping herself up. Looking down at his handsome face, Bragnae increased her pace feeling every inch of him slide in and out of her.
“Leo,” she moaned before biting her bottom lip. His cock was warm and firm inside her beckoning the pleasure that lay just beyond a sensual door. He was already knocking, and all he needed to do was open it for her. “Ohmigod.”
“You’re too far away. I need you closer,” he said, arching his neck so he could meet her with a searing kiss. Their uneven mouths moved against one another as gasps and moans filled the spaces between. Leo pulled her down with him, so they were both horizontal again. Bragnae kept her speed consistent, feeling the bliss grow inside.
As Leo hungrily devoured her lips, his hands squeezed her backside. While one kept a handful of her cheek, the other started to massage her puckered skin. The additional stimulation prompted an agreeable moan from Bragnae. And then, one of his fingers slipped inside her back door. She gasped surprisingly, breaking their kiss.
He slowly moved his finger back and forth watching her reaction. She already knew what it felt like to be penetrated by two men at once, and she remembered enjoying it. This was not exactly the same caliber of tools, but it was certainly a welcomed experience.
“How’s that feel, baby?” He asked, sliding his entire finger inside her. There was a warm, delightful pressure that filled her, which was different than what his dick was making her feel. The two combined made her mind spiral in many directions knowing an epic orgasm was about to release.
“Fucking great,” she sputtered out in a breathy tone before burying her face in the crevice of his neck. Leo kept his finger in place and moved her hips back and forth. She gripped the blanket on the bed and squeezed his shoulder as an explosive pleasure filled her body. She called to God over and over as new bursts of ecstasy rained down on her with Leo’s consistent efforts.
“Oh, Bragnae, you’re squeezing the shit out of my cock. I’m gonna to come.” Leo’s breathing grew ragged as he moved her faster against him.
Bragnae recovered enough to meet his gaze and use her own strength to move their bodies together. She watched as his mouth dropped open, and a fire blazed in the depths of his eyes. His body tensed as a low, satisfying groan rumbled in his throat, then he exhaled a few sharp breaths before letting himself completely relax. Bragnae sweetly kissed his neck and jaw giving him a few moments to regain his composure.
“Holy shit,” he said breathlessly before rolling Bragnae onto her back. “That was fucking awesome.” He smirked before diving down to seize her lips.
She giggled. “It sure the hell was.”
“I can’t remember the last time it felt that good.” His expression was more serious now. “I mean, besides the first time we were really together. But this was much better.” His eyes never left hers as he hovered above her.
“I feel the same way.” The single lamp that was on in her room offered a soft, amber glow against the rigid lines of his body. Looking up at him, she saw an intensity of affection that poured out of his eyes – similar to the moment after they came the first time they slept together. But there was something more this time.
Leo dipped down to place a few soft kisses on her chest. She ran her fingers through his feathery hair, enjoying the tender moment. When his eyes found hers again, they were relaxed, peaceful – loving even. “Can I stay the night?”
His question pleasantly surprised her. Even though she knew he had changed, this was a drastically different ending than the first time they had sex when he couldn’t get away from her quick enough. Looking back on the threesome and even the time she slept with Drake, none of those times ended in a cuddle session or anyone spending the night. This was a treat in and of itself.
“I’d love for you to stay.” The corners of her mouth lifted into a gentle smile, which he returned before sinking against her in a deep and warm embrace.
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the-darklings · 4 years
this is an annoying ask but i've been rereading coa and the extras and im kinda confused abt hector. i was wondering if u could explain when he was where and what his feelings towards v are?? sorry ♡
Not annoying at all.
So (as mentioned in ch11 when he first appears in the story) Hector was recruited young (age 8) by Giovanni. More of his history will be revealed later on so I don’t want to give too much away now. He always served as Giovanni’s right hand (like Ares is to Santino) and has been the head of his Elite guard since he turned 18. Something no none-Italian has ever done or one that young.
I originally planned to bring in Hector into the story much sooner but could not find a good place to do so. So like with Santino, there was a delay in his appearance.
Hector’s feelings towards V and vice versa are....more complex than quantum physics lmao. The big thing with them is that they both only know the “surface” level of each other. This means that they really only know “The Vipress” and “The Devil” oppose to the way V knows, for example, Ares. He respects her skill and her his but they don’t like each other very much. The relationship between them will be pretty important going forward into Part 2, but I should say that there is no romantic feelings between them as things stand in canon.
People just be thirsting for Hector and their power dynamic (namely the tension and how they constantly challenge each other) so he gets requested often. I always said that Hector is a “could be” ship for V in a sense that if John or Santino weren’t around it would be a possibility. (And no, this is not some subtle foreshadowing that I’m gonna kill one of them lmao)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Pure Blood 13 (Sirius Black x F!Oc)
Words: 2,630
Chapter 12// Chapter 14
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Christmas Eve.
After bathing, I return to my room wearing only a robe.
"I left you a dress on your bed, you must wear it,” I jump when my mom enters. I turn to my bed where a black dress is. "I'll help you."
The dress reached a little above the knees, it’s loose from the bottom and it fits just below my breasts, it’s also long-sleeved. My mother combs my hair leaving it loose and molded, falling down to my shoulders. Despite my protests, it gives me lip gloss and a little blush on my cheeks. Finally, the black flat shoes complete the outfit.
"We will wait for you downstairs, the guests will arrive at any moment," I bite my lower lip.
"Mum," I say before I go, she waits at the door. "Can't you do something? I don't want to get married so young, please…”
Everyone knows that I'm not my mother's favorite, that's Juno. But I never had problems with her, we had a good relationship, however, I always noticed that if I got in trouble, she never supported me, she just kept quiet, like what happened during summer.
"I know you're scared," She says, coming closer. "I was too when they told me that I had to marry your father, but I don't regret it."
She puts a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"You will get used to it, Sirius and you will create a beautiful family,” I frown and she leaves my room.
I don't want to create a beautiful family with Sirius!
"Merlin, I hope the plan works," I whisper.
After a few minutes, I go downstairs, only a few people had arrived. The appetizers floated from one side to the other, the Christmas lights and all the decorations were perfectly arranged throughout the mansion, there is even a huge tree in one corner. I play with the sleeves of the dress as I watch the adults laugh with each other.
"You look beautiful," I turn to meet Jenna. She smiles a little nervously. Her blonde hair is in a bun and she wears a green dress that highlights her blue eyes.
"You too…”
"I know we're not on good terms yet, but I brought you a Christmas present." She holds out a small red box. I shake my head. “You don't have to say anything, just... open it"
I obey and see a silver-colored bracelet with a small charm of a crown. I chuckle and look up. Jenna smiles and her eyes water. I bite my lower lip.
"Why didn’t you tell me before?"
“I was afraid of… absolutely everything, P. Before I thought you were going to react badly, but… now I know that he only made a lot of silly excuses just to delay it. I'm so sorry, you have to believe it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Hide to my best friend the person I love…”
I look surprised and she laughs a little.
"So I was right? You're in love.” I smile sideways and she nods.
"I have never felt this way with another person,” I sigh and surround her body in a hug, she corresponds, hiding her face in my hair
"Don't you hide something like that from me again, damn idiot,” We both laugh.
Jenna helps me put the bracelet on and we start talking about what happened at Hogwarts while we weren't together, again Jenna is my gossip collector.
Omniscient narrator
While the two girls talk, the Black brothers arrive at the Singh's mansion. Both dressed in a shirt and dress pants, Sirius in a white shirt, Regulus in a blue one. The older one is moving uncomfortably and pulling the collar of his neck.
"Sirius, stop," His father scolds him.
"I can't, this shirt is choking me!” His heart rages desperately and he undoes the first button.
"One more button and you forget about spending the rest of the Holidays with the Potters,” Walburga sentences.
Sirius sighs and adjusts his hair, which is perfectly combed back, something very unusual in him.
The four enter the mansion, the adults greet Persephone's parents, shake hands and kiss cheeks, then Orion approaches Sirius.
"It's good to see you again, young Sirius,” says Ares shaking hands with the boy, who just nods with a grimace. Amelia pulls her hair back and smiles.
"As handsome as ever, Sirius. We’re excited about the commitment and I’m sure that my daughter is too ”
Yeah right. He thinks, after a few words, it’s Regulus' turn, so the older one sees an opportunity to escape. He sees so many elegant people, laughing at adult things. He walks around the room until he reached the huge Christmas tree in the background. He puts his hands in his pockets.
"Come here, it seems that that shirt wants to strangle you,” says Alphard, arriving at his nephew's side. His hands undo two other buttons. Sirius lets out a big sigh, like it's the first time he's breathing well since he arrived.
"Thank you,” He smiles at his uncle.
"No problem," He winks at him, in that a tray with Champaign floats next to him. Alphard takes three glasses and holds two out to his nephew, who looks at him strangely.
"I want to go slow tonight, man,” The boy jokes, making the adult laugh.
"Boy, if you think I want to clutch you, you're wrong," He patted his shoulder carefully. "I will give you some advice- one drink is for you, nobody will care that you’re a minor, they’re all busy being ‘important’- and the other is for you to offer it to a certain girl your age with a nice black dress and beautiful raven hair,” He says gesturing towards one of the windows, in which Persephone is leaning.
Sirius tenses at the sight of her. He looks at what she’s wearing. The black dress fits her body like a glove, her hair falls on her shoulders as she laughs with Jenna, at that moment she looks calm and happy, causing Sirius to smile a little, he hadn't noticed that Persephone could be… pretty.
His thoughts are interrupted by a small push from Alphard.
"Can't be pretty? Boy, are you stupid or blind?” Sirius blushes when he realizes that he’d said that out loud.
"Leave me alone," He groans, making him laugh.
"Just go with her. After all, you have to be good tonight.” Sirius looks confused, the adult winks again.
The boy sighs and walks among the people careful not to throw the drink until he reaches the girl who has her back to him. Jenna stops telling a story.
"I'd better go back to my mother,” She leaves without waiting for an answer, Persephone frowns.
"That wasn't subtle."
She turns to find Sirius holding two glasses and sighs in relief. The boy clears his throat and offers her a drink, she accepts uncomfortably.
"We shouldn't drink this," She says.
"No one will notice," The girl takes a sip of the drink and he does too.
They both sit in awkward silence for a few minutes, looking anywhere else. In the distance Alphard hits his forehead while Jane laughs beside him.
“They’re idiots,” Jane shares her head.
"They are children, don’t tell me that you were quite a ‘Casanova’ when you met Endora," Alphard thinks for a few seconds.
"You're right, I was an idiot, but–" He points to the kids. “Come on, they're so close!" He says.
"Leave them, if we press it’ll be worse. Sirius hurt Persephone, she won't forgive him that easily. "
"It wouldn't be bad to help them,” He says looking at the blonde, she nods. They both walk towards the two teenagers.
The silence is interrupted by Alphard putting an arm around Sirius' shoulders and Jane standing next to Persephone.
"Nephew, Persephone looks really beautiful tonight, doesn't she?" The both of them blush.
“I-I guess," says Sirius.
Wait, what? Sirius Black does not stutter or get nervous with any girl!
Although at Hogwarts he’s quite the heartbreaker, his life back home is totally different, he changes his personality as soon as he doesn’t feel the security of his best friends.
"Thanks," Percy replies embarrassed.
Jane adjusts Sirius's shirt and he smiles at her gratefully. She puts her hand on his cheek.
“I haven't seen you in a long time, darling. As handsome as ever…”
"Thanks, Jane. You also look beautiful,” He looks down at her belly. “Boy or girl?”
“Boy,” She answers. "Oh, you are not going to believe this, but he has chosen his favorite aunt!" She says, looking at Persephone who laughs amused. Alphard and Sirius wait for some story.
"He just likes my voice, doesn't mean I’m his favorite," Jane clicks her tongue.
"Oh, don't be like that. The baby kicks every time he hears her voice. Obviously there’s a lot of noise now, but I can say that he gets excited when he listens to her.”
Sirius sees Persephone and notices a certain sparkle in her eyes at the words of her sister-in-law.
The conversation is interrupted by the Singh’s call. All the guests turn to them.
"We want to thank everyone for coming to our Christmas meeting, but we have to give news"
Both of their bodies tense, Persephone's hands start to tremble as Sirius feels a lump in his throat, the two leave the glasses elsewhere and look directly into their eyes with fear.
"We want to announce the engagement of my youngest daughter Persephone to the Blacks' oldest son, Sirius."
All eyes turn to the two teenagers. The guests begin to applaud and smile at them.
"I think you should go with them," Alphard whispers, concerned about their reactions.
Her breath catches, and she feels like she can't move her body, but she knows that if she doesn't walk soon, her father will be upset. Thereupon she feels a warm hand take hers, Sirius gives it a gentle squeeze and walks with Persephone close to him.
Walburga and Orion walk up to them as well. The applause continues and the children confront the guests.
The next hour was all about congratulations for both the teens and their parents. The comments were immediate.
"They are both attractive, they’ll have beautiful children"
"My daughter is a better choice for Sirius…”
"I don't understand why they didn't choose my son, he's better than that Black…”
"I hope they invite us to the wedding!”
Adults are divided between men and women, but they all talk about the future union. Sirius and Persephone take advantage of this to flee to the courtyard of the mansion, while Regulus and Jenna agree to know all the details of the plan. Reg is well received by the men and Jenna goes unnoticed by the women.
"This is crazy," says Sirius, releasing the girl's hand and walking towards one of the trees in the courtyard.
"A lady asked me how many children we plan to have," She squealed in horror. “Shit"
They both walk back and forth in despair.
After a few minutes, they manage to calm down a bit and finally look at each other. An idea comes to the girl's mind.
“Sirius,” He raises his eyebrows. “If… if the plan doesn't work," She starts nervously. "If we don't have any other option and... we end up married, you... uh-” The boy waits for her. "You would hate me? Would you blame me?”
Neither of them had thought of that. If everything failed and they were both married. Everyone’s comments made her mind think too fast and the fear of all possibilities came. Sirius sighs.
"I don't hate you, Persephone," He says and she looks at him incredulously.
“Yeah, right."
"I don’t.“
"You lie!”
“No," He shakes his head, ruining the hairstyle. "This whole circus has given me time to think things through,” He grimaces, "in addition to thinking that my life would be ruined, I remembered your words, what Remus said and my talk with Regulus. I'm not the only one who’s in trouble.”
The last few nights, the boy had been unable to sleep well, but unlike her, Sirius changes to his animagus form and gets distracted in the forbidden forest, where only the sounds of other animals surround him.
Of all the people who they could marrying him to, they did it with the one who was once his best friend.
Most of her childhood and adolescence had been on trial for Persephone Singh and she played along. He admits that he has replaced her by three boys who have become his family, but he has left her behind. He never stopped to think about what would have happened if they hadn't separated.
Sirius can act like a complete idiot sometimes, he makes jokes with his best friends, goes out with some girls and always changes them for others, but what not everyone sees is the boy's broken interior.
The truth is that he’s one of the best students at Hogwarts, but his antics have given him a reputation among teachers. In his love life he always tells the girls that he doesn’t want a stable relationship, that it’ll only be one night and they accept, he has never forced anyone, but when they see him with yet another different girl, they’ve branded him as a womanizer, heartbreaker, insensitive idiot among many others.
In all those nights, he thinks that the only person who has a good reason to hate him is Persephone. He hurt her, she has every right to hate him, insult him and not trust him.
But he doesn’t want to accept it, he has suffered for his family, and he has realized that it is not worth following his traditions and seeing that she thought the same way blinded him. He compared his family to her and was quickly swayed by need to always oppose Walburga and Orion and get away from anything that could bring them closer.
The boy doesn’t want to accept that he was wrong to let her go, he does not want to see that the girl will also be forced, to be tied to him forever.
"I don't hate you, I-" He touches his chin and then desperately covers his face. “You are not my favorite person but I would never hate you completely. We were best friends when we were kids. You were the person I always went with.”
"But that's all over," She adds with a lump in her throat. He nods.
“I’m not asking for your forgiveness or making any excuses. All of this-” He gestures with his hands, “It's driving me crazy and I don't have time to deal with... with you.”
She nods while her eyes water. He steps back crossing his arms.
"I don't understand how you do it," She says, laughing ironically.
"I didn't mean that-" He stutters "It's not like you're in the way," She raises her eyebrows. "No! Wait. You see it? This is what I mean!” He points out. “We are supposed to do something to avoid the wedding, but these thoughts come, and you... and Ahhh! " He yells to the sky startling the girl.
"I don't know what happens to me and you only make things worse!"
"Hey!" She exclaims offended.
"Stop it!”
"I haven't done anything wrong, you're the crazy one!" They both raise their voices.
"You drive me crazy!"
“It's not true!"
"I'm sorry to interrupt your early marriage discussion," says Jenna mockingly with an awkward Regulus at her side. Persephone looks at her annoyed and Sirius sighs wearily. "But we have news about the organization of the wedding…”
“…Perhaps we have a chance to stop everything," adds Regulus, suddenly in a brighter mood.
@treestarrrrrrrr @siriuslysirius1107 @thagreenmoon @madmaiden2890 @bloodorangemoonlight   @ren-ela​  @avipshamitra @auroraawrites    @findzelda @lizlil @siriusmuch   @mey-rapp​  
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “John Wick” Part 1
Y/N left The Organization 3 years ago for the one reason strong enough to make her settle down: love. But after tragedy crushed her to pieces, she decided to leave The Joker and seek refuge with an old friend and mentor - John Wick. Needless to say The King of Gotham can’t accept his wife running away without a word, especially since he didn’t have a chance to tell her things she might want to hear.
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Part 2     Part 3
Your high heels click on the marble floor, numerous conversations stopping in the hotel’s lobby since you haven’t been seen around in the past 3 years. The concierge can’t hide a smile and you take your sunglasses off, finally making it to the front desk after driving for hours.
“Welcome to the Continental, Miss Y/N. Such a pleasure to see you.”
“Thank you Charon,” you remove 7 gold coins out of your purse and slide them on the counter towards him. “It’s good to see you too.”
“For how long will we have the pleasure of your company?” the man inquires, taking a peek at the computer’s screen to make sure he can shuffle things if needed.
“One night.”
“That will only be 4 coins,” Charon informs and you point out at the tiny pile:
“The rest is for you.”
“Thank you, Miss Y/N,” he smiles again, typing on the keyboard. “Your old room is available; it will be a couple of minutes for us to add a few finishing touches.”
“Sure. Is the manager here?” you ask because you texted him this morning to announce your arrival.
“He’s waiting at the bar,” Charon gestures towards the elevator and you take a deep breath, excited and a bit nervous about the upcoming encounter. “Also, if I may… Allow me to express my deepest condolences.”
You bite on your lip and can’t utter a sound besides nodding your head instead of a reply: although it’s a genuine declaration, it caught you off-guard.
You slowly walk towards the elevator and once inside you press the B button when a hand halts the doors from closing; you know whom those tattooed knuckles belong to. Ares squeezes inside looking like she wants to kill everyone. What else is new?
“I thought that was you,” the woman uses the sign language and you silently gaze at her.
“Which floor?” you sign back.
“10th,” her thumb indicates the number.
The elevator’s doors shut and she analyzes Y/N, deciding to continue the conversation:
“Remember I told you next time we bump into each other I’m going to kill you?” the mute assassin’s threat brings a faint smirk on your lips.
“Shut up,” you elbow her and the smartass response doesn’t fail:
“I’m always as quiet as a mouse.”
You chuckle and Ares grins at her own cleverness, having a nice suggestion for the evening.
“I have the night off; wanna meet later for dinner?”
You are tired as hell but a distraction doesn’t hurt.
“Will 7pm work?” you accept the invitation.
“Awesome!” she signs, delighted you two can catch up. “They have new items on the menu you would enjoy,” Ares winks then her enthusiasm gradually dies out. “I’m sorry about…,” the discussion takes a serious tone and you sniffle, trying hard not to cry.
“Thank you,” you touch your chin and the ding sound reveals its first destination. “I have to bail; I’ll see you soon,” you step out of the elevator and she remains inside.
“It’s a date!” she signs, concerned you’ll burst out in tears as soon as she’s gone.
Yet after the elevator’s door close, Y/N manages to pull herself together; God knows it’s not easy to pretend she’s fine following the tragedy of losing someone she loved with all her heart.
The individual waiting for her at one of the tables at the bar can definitely notice the struggle behind the tired eyes; Winston sipps from his martini and gets up, opening his arms in anticipation.
“There you are,” he gives you a hug, then invites you to sit down.
“Hello Winston,” you place your purse on the floor and Continental’s owner is attempting to small talk:
“Please make an old man happy and confirm your return.”
“You’re anything but old,” you emphasize while he snorts, amused. “I’m not sure; I have to figure out some personal stuff…”
“Of course,” Winston agrees right away given the situation. “Mmmm… I’m terribly sorry for your loss,“ he addresses the heartbroken Y/N.
“Thank you…” you mumble, avoiding eye contact since the painful subject hurts more than any physical wound you ever sustained.
“I wanted to come attend the funeral yet I was out of the country,” the man underlines.
“No worries. I appreciate the flowers you sent… …”
Moments of complete stillness before Winston changes the topic; he knows better than to prolong your agony. A manager with his flair can at least guess the extenuating circumstances that led to your presence on the premises.
“Any plans for the near future?”
“I’m going to stay with Jonathan until I decide.”
Winston wishes to suggest a couple of options but he’s interrupted by your warning:
“Someone might come searching for me.”
He taps his fingernails against the martini glass, the weak echo dissipating in the background noise.
“Is that someone…somebody’s husband?” his furrowed eyebrows prompt an answer not difficult to estimate:
“More like… ex-husband…”
The manager inhales, debating on your confession.
“Nothing we can’t handle,” he reassures without any hesitation; heaven knows a domestic dispute is the last kind of mess Continental needs but it will probably pass undetected. “Would you care for a drink?”
Suddenly, Winston’s cell goes off and he retrieves it out of his suit’s pocket, apologizing for the delay.
“I’m sorry, I really have to get this,” he slides the screen, attentively listening to the person speaking. “Are you kidding me?!” the man raises his voice with contempt. “Damn…,” he rubs his forehead, annoyed. "Well, he brought it upon himself! Transfer me,” the manager passes the sentence without hesitation after his call reaches the correct department. ”Accounts payable: 11111. Effective immediately: Magnus Stonnenberg, excommunicado. Open contract: 2 million dollars. Distribution: international,” and he hangs up. “Work never ends,” Winston adds even if it’s not necessary; you are perfectly aware how the company works and what it means to run it.
“What happened?” you curiously investigate.
“Trouble on the 15th floor: Magnus murdered Anuscka Volovdya on the hotel grounds, thus I have to implement punitive measures. This is neutral environment and the rules are clear: no killing. Cocktail?” he lifts his glass up and you politely decline.
“No, thank you.  If it’s all the same, I will retreat to my quarters. It was a very long drive and I can’t wait to freshen up. I will come see you in the morning before I leave; would that be ok?”
“Of course,” Winston stands up in the same time with you, a faint smile lingering on his face as he watches you distancing yourself from the bar. He didn’t see you in a long time and he can tell that although you look pretty much the same, something has certainly changed.
Everyone’s cells start chiming and ringing, including yours: the text messages keep on popping up with the manager’s most recent order regarding Stonnenberg.
You wander along the small corridor leading the stairs when at the corner Magnus almost crashes into you; he seems distressed and no big surprise due to his present predicament.
“Are you back?” he hisses while quickening the pace in the opposite direction because he wants to get the hell out of there.
“No,” the short acknowledgement triggers his cockiness mixed with relief.
“Great! One less to worry about!”
You frown at the unnecessary statement: pursuing a bounty is not financial gain you are momentarily interested in; you have more important problems on your plate and chasing a persona non grata isn’t on your list.
Next evening, 7:13pm
“There you are!” John exclaims as soon as he sees you. “Come on in,” he grabs the two suitcases out of your hands, leading the way around the house. “Did you get stuck in traffic?”
“Yes,” you close the door and follow him into one of the bedrooms downstairs already prepared for your visit. “Traffic was terrible, took me one hour to pass Lincoln Avenue.”
“Well…” he places the luggage by the bed, “I’m glad you made it.”
“Me too… Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Jonathan.”
Despite having his hair in a ponytail, the shorter strands slide out and John blows them off his cheeks, irritated.
“Yeah, absolutely. Plenty of space.”
“What’s that smell?” you sniff the air, intrigued.
“I cooked chicken Alfredo.”
“Oh no,” you crinkle your nose and he laughs at your despair. “Are your skills as bad as I remember?”
“Worse,” he admits. “Helen is not here to guide… me…”, John swallows the last word and you feel compelled to soothe his grief.
“I’m sorry she’s gone… You had a terrific partner…”, you sadly smile and continue . “We pay such a heavy price for leaving the organization… I must say you got a better deal than I did.”
He’s quiet for a few seconds and you could swear there’s no trace of Baba Yaga inside him; I suppose this is John Wick’s greatness: his ability to switch from an apparent normal guy to the deadliest assassin in a blink of an eye.
“Umm… do you want me to help you unpack?” he breaks the silence and you lift the first suitcase on the bed, opening the metal clasps.
“I don’t have a lot; just some basic necessities,” you explain and gulp when you take out the device you use on a regular basis. “I… I still pump the milk and… and throw it away since I don’t have my baby to feed anymore…”
Jonathan exhales, sensitive to the mother’s sorrow: he knows a thing or two about losing a loved one and Y/N uncontrollably sobbing triggers emotions he kept bottled up for weeks. He pulls you in his arms and you hug him back, hopelessly crying on his shoulder after displaying such restraint in the past days.  
“Why didn’t he drive the car? Why?” you keep on repeating the question and John understands what you’re referring to:
Two months ago The Joker was supposed to bring his three weeks old son from the beach house to The Penthouse and didn’t; he had a meeting and instead he sent one of his henchmen to drive Kase back to you and they never made it. There was a horrible accident on Glissan Street: the car was smashed to pieces by a huge truck, both driver and the baby dying on impact. You couldn’t stop blaming your husband for his indifference regarding the safety of his own child. I supposed the meeting and making money was infinitely more critical than driving his son home.
Maybe if J navigated the vehicle, he would have taken another route and you would still have your tiny treasure right now. 
You’re calming down a bit and John wipes your tears, upset to see you broken beyond anything he could ever fix.
“Do you want to lie down?”
“No,” you whimper and fight to regain your composure. “I’m a little bit hungry…”
“Well,” your friend puckers his lips, “depending on how bad it is we might have to order something. Shall I…call anybody for you?” he hints and surely didn’t predict the reply:
“My anybody is probably too busy with his mistress or planning a heist, can’t be bothered with any type of insignificant matters.”
Your friend seems shocked and you enlighten the mystery for him:
“I followed J so I know… That’s why I decided enough is enough. I packed minimum necessary in a hurry and left… … …I should have killed him… …” your voice dies out and your attitude proves Jonathan that you most than likely tried to. “Can we eat now please?”
“Should I actually order Italian?” he plays along for your sake.
“I’ll try the chicken Alfredo first.”
“Shit! You’re brave,” his brutal honesty makes you giggle and whimper in the same time. “C’mon then, food’s on the stove.  Hopefully we’ll survive,” he smirks and you nod in agreement, grateful to have a soul to talk to since your husband’s lack of empathy made it so much harder to cope with your son’s demise.
Same evening, 7:30pm – Continental Hotel
“Mister Joker,” Winston greets The King of Gotham. “Welcome to New York!”
The gush of wind sweeping the terrace on top of the building messes J’s locks and for once he couldn’t care less.
“Hello Winston,” your spouse growls, barely able to concentrate after he slept a couple of hours the previous night.
“Grape juice on ice?” the manager’s hospitality emerges out of necessity because The Clown isn’t exactly the easiest character to accommodate.
“Is my wife here?” J quizzes, ignoring Winston’s cordiality.
“Walk with me,” the hotel owner persuades your husband; they move alongside the concrete path bordered by decorative shrubs as information is shared. “Y/N was here.”
“She’s gone?”
“Where did she go?” The Joker sneers.
Winston fails to spill the beans and J is aware he can’t push for a disclosure, not with a high ranking member of the organization. So he attempts a different strategy.
“Imagine my surprise when I returned home after a meeting just to find out my wife abandoned the nest,” he shows management a post-it with your handwritten note:
Do what you want with the rest.
“She just took a few things, thus I have to personally discuss with her a very crucial dilemma: what am I supposed to do with the baby’s items? I have a room full of them. So I’m asking: WHERE.IS.MY.WIFE?”
“Mister Joker, you forget that in my line of business I am good at reading people and I can tell when they lie,” Winston elegantly throws it out there for the heck of it.
The King of Gotham halts and cracks his neck, displeased with the comment.
“Then tell me, am I lying?!”
The manager sighs, carefully analyzing J’s features: although he looks pretty much the same, something has certainly changed.
“Maybe she’s staying with a friend,” he insinuates and your husband articulates a sentence rarely spoken aloud:
“Thank you,” J stomps away, already having a few ideas about your whereabouts.
Winston huffs, intrigued to have discerned a crazy detail while reading The Clown’s reactions: besides the fact he wasn’t lying, something else stood out. 
“He loves her…” management mumbles to himself. “I bet he doesn’t even know it.”
10:34 pm
John softly knocks at the cracked bedroom’s door, unsure if you’re awake or not.
“Y/N, do you need anything before I go to sleep?”
There’s no answer and he creeps inside only to see you passed out with your hand hanging over the side of the bed. Jonathan tucks you in, feeling awkward about your unresponsiveness.
“Hey, are you ok?” he gently shakes you and freezes when he realizes there’s an empty pill bottle on the nightstand.
“Oh God!” he panics and reads the label. “Trazodone 300 mg: Take 1 tablet by mouth nightly for depression/insomnia.” That’s the highest dose for the medication and he taps on your cheeks, concerned you took a bunch of them at once. “Y/N, Y/N! Can you hear me?!”
You moan and open your eyes, unhappy to be woken up in such a hasty fashion.
“Jesus, lemme sleep... would you?!...” you grumble and turn on the other side, groggy from the drug.
“How many sleeping pills did you take?” John doesn’t give up and you yawn:
“One…my last one…” you adjust your body on the comfortable mattress, not comprehending why your host is agitated. “I’m exhausted…” you close your eyes and he lingers next to your bed, relieved the situation was a misinterpretation from his part.
11:32am, New York
“Oh my…”The Bowery King deciphers a missive a dove flew in 10 minutes ago; he got a whiff of some valuable data yesterday and the new documentation is by far the best conspiracy and revenge scheme he stumbled upon this year. “Would you look at that,” the man grins, caressing the bird’s feathers. “What do you think?” he addresses the winged companion. “Should we be nice and tell Y/N and Mister Joker their son is not dead?”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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The Simulation Hypothesis: Some Bits & Pieces
One might try and think of our Universe as just a big version and variation of “Star Trek’s” Holodeck but programmed from the outside like a computer simulation or a computer / video game. Perhaps like in the “Star Trek” Holodeck, the characters who did the programming can also enter their creation and interact with their creations much like our relatively primitive (in comparison) virtual reality setups. This is known as “The Simulation Hypothesis”. Is there any evidence at all for this scenario? The Simulation Hypothesis: The Eight-Fold Way of Reasons *Probability. The Reason: Really real reality is a one-off / a one-and-only. Really real reality can however contain multi-millions / billions of virtual realities / simulations. Place your bets. *The Accelerating Universe (and associated notation that the energy density of the Universe remains constant thought the Universe is expanding). The Reason: This implies a free lunch / getting something from nothing. Simulations can of course create this illusion. *The “Observer Effect” (especially the delayed Double-Slit experiment). The Reason: There’s no known, natural, or rational explanation or mechanism apart from introducing virtual reality’s special effects. *Radioactive Decay. The Reason: No causality. Again, this is an illusionary effect that can be programmed into computer software. *Mathematical Equations. The Reason: If you were to ask one of our video game characters what their ultimate reality was, they would, on reflection, and being smart little buggers, have to answer “mathematics”. Now fast-forward to your reality, which is ultimately what? Mathematics. All of physics – the bedrock in thinking about and describing reality – is describable as or in mathematics. Now the really interesting thing is when you examine the mathematical equations that describe the laws, principles and relationships of the physical sciences, against all expectations, the exponents and coefficients nearly always tend to be low value whole numbers and simple fractions. These equations are not human inventions. Mother Nature dictates what they must be – or perhaps they are written into the software that determines those laws, principles and relationships of the physical sciences. *Fine-Tuning. The Reason: Now it is not enough to design and give properties to each of the bits and pieces that collectively make up the Standard Model of Particle Physics. They have to be fine-tuned to fit together. Just like Lego Blocks, you can intelligently design thousands of types of Lego Blocks, but if they can’t or fail to snap / fit together then what’s the point? Simulations and the software that programs them into existence have to be fine-tuned in order to make any sense of the simulations in and of themselves. *Mind – Body / Brain Dualism. The Reason: The physical is affecting the non-physical and vice versa. This defies common sense as well as any sort of explanatory mechanism. Again, one can call on special effects to create this illusion. *There’s also the category of things seen but always elusive and never substantiated: ghosts; UFOs; Bigfoot / Sasquatch; Loch Ness Monster (and other lake / sea monsters). They tend to all fall under the category of “It can’t be therefore it isn’t” versus “I know what I saw”. The reason for the paradox: This contains inherent inconsistencies and contradictions. And there are numerous examples as suggested above: UFOs, alien abductions and ancient astronauts; mind over matter from ESP to telekinesis to remote viewing to the placebo effect; accepted miracles (by the Catholic Church for example); supernaturally themed visions; ghosts, hauntings and poltergeist; phantom objects (i.e. – trains); anomalous disappearances; OBEs and NDEs; past lives and reincarnation; alternative medicine from copper bracelets to acupuncture to use of crystals to the power of positive thinking; the wee-folk like leprechauns, elves and fairies; the not so wee-folk as in the Amazons or those Biblical giants in the earth as well as Goliath; and one should honestly also include quantum physics here. There almost seems to be way more things to disagree on than agree on. [See also section on “Cryptozoology” below.] It would appear that since the dawn of recorded history, in all cultures and societies, across the gender, age, racial, etc. boards, multi-millions of people have had “it can’t be therefore it isn’t, but I know what I saw” experiences. However, as you would be well aware, Hollywood’s special effects can create all sorts of things that can’t be yet things that you see! The Simulation Hypothesis and Cryptozoology Can the Simulation Hypothesis help explain the ins and outs of cryptozoology? Crypotzoology itself is the investigation of anomalous animals that have been witnessed, yet which remain outside of the realm of normal zoology. *Cryptozoology is yet another example of [Con] “It can’t be therefore it isn’t” versus [Pro] “I know what I saw”. [Pro] The sightings of anomalous animals are geographically unique and pretty consistent. [Con] These animals shouldn’t / couldn’t exist. [Pro] But ordinary people with no ulterior motive have reported seeing them. [Con] There are however no bodies and by now there should have been bodies found. So why just plesiosaurs at Loch Ness? Why not other extinct ‘marine’ reptiles like the ichthyosaurus, or the tylosaurs or even the mosasaurs? And why just a very select few of Scotland’s lochs are home to plesiosaurs? And why is a marine reptile in fresh water anyway? In Africa there’s the ‘dinosaur’ Mokele-mbembe. But why not the Dodo or Pink Elephants? So why just huge hairy man-apes in the Pacific Northwest? Why not woolly mammoths or sabre-tooth cats? In Australia we have the Yowie. But why not killer koalas or moas? In the Himalayas you have the Yeti. Why not dragons or the wooly rhinoceros? In Mexico / Latin America there’s the Chupacabra. Why not unicorns or centaurs? Then there’s the Jersey Devil; Mothman; the Beast of Exmoor and on and on it goes. “It can’t be therefore it isn’t” versus “I know what I saw” is easily resolved as noted above by special effects technologies, like programmed software. The Simulation Hypothesis and the Hard-Wiring of the Brain *When you were conceived there was no neural you; no brain, no hard-wiring. Hard-wiring fell into place as you developed in order to successfully carry out the physiological functions that would keep you alive and kicking over after you were hatched. However, in the absence of learning and experiencing your environment, either formally or just through living day-to-day, it’s difficult to explain where your visions of immaterial concepts – those Carl Jung “collective unconscious” archetypes for example – come from. If you do come pre-equipped with innately derived immaterial concepts then there is programming separate and apart from your initial genetic programming that’s going on. Concepts like Carl Jung’s “collective unconscious” archetypes cannot be hardwired into the brain from conception on down the line unless they were actually programmed by external influences to be there. I’m just going to substitute Jung’s “collective unconscious” – which has no real explanatory mechanism – for programmed software. The Simulation Hypothesis and Consciousness / Free Will *An interesting question is, how can you simulate consciousness? How can you give a simulated virtual reality character free will? Now if we are virtual reality does that mean it is possible to create Artificial Life with consciousness and free will? Will Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) have free will and consciousness by our design? Probably not in both cases. Take one of our space probes that lands and roves around and explores the surface of a distant planet. That space probe cannot rely on instructions from say NASA’s Command Centre back on Earth due to the time lag in communications. The space probe has to make its own decisions in an emergency; when crunch comes crunch. But does the space probe – with limited A.I. – really have free will? No. It has been pre-programmed to do A, B or C whenever X, Y or Z arises. Even if it could be done – not a given – the last thing we’d probably want to do is give A.I. free will and the keys to the city – just saying. Better to be safe than sorry. You probably wouldn’t want to create a video / computer game where the characters had free will / consciousness as that would spoil the fun of playing the game. The point is that you are in control, not your simulated characters. So in the Simulation Hypothesis, your apparent consciousness is just programming and of course you have no free will. You can program a computer to display “I think, therefore I am”, but the computer doesn’t really have consciousness nor free will. The Simulation Hypothesis and Mind Over Body / The Placebo Effect *The ordinary run-of-the-mill Placebo Effect is one thing (one mind; one body), but when mind-over-body gets taken to extreme and even ludicrous lengths (many minds; one body) then special effects programming seem like a logical requirement. Now you would no doubt believe that if a body has a medical condition then that body has that medical condition. But one body can have more than one mind and such a condition is often referred to as multiple personality disorder. Now each mind will have in the same body its own unique set of medical conditions which will come and go; appear and disappear as that personality comes and goes. So say you have this body and personality A has associated with it medical condition X (but not Y or Z); personality B has medical condition Y (but not X or Z); and personality C has medical condition Z (but not X or Y). But as personality A becomes personality B, malady X disappears and malady Y appears then in turn disappears as personality C comes to the fore along with malady Z. This is totally crazy but also totally verified. There are of course some limits (like death – see below). One’s body doesn’t become pregnant then not-pregnant then pregnant again as the body’s personalities come and go. Bones aren’t broken for one personality and unbroken when there’s a change to the next personality. But any medical condition that the real Placebo Effect can have on a body just inhabited by one mind equally works for any one mind (at a time and in turn) that’s part of a multiple collective of minds – dual personalities in one body. Here’s another extreme illustration of the Placebo Effect. We’ve all seen pictures of those rather strange and unique individuals who can embrace all manner of self-inflicted tortures without pain or suffering or experiencing injury; individuals who survive (even thrive) being hung by meat hooks through their flesh, who seem to be nearly immune to intense heat or who have swords run through them – no blood; no medical condition results. Then too we’ve seen karate experts who can punch through solid bricks and boards without flinching or even feeling a thing – as in severe bruising or broken bones. Initiation ceremonies in lots of tribal cultures are another example of mind-over-body – the Placebo Effect. But if the Placebo Effect is so effective, then why do we ultimately die? Even if you took a daily anti-death pill that you were 100% convinced would prevent your demise, you will still eventually kick-the-bucket. It seems as if not even the Placebo Effect can overcome death and therefore might there be something else going on behind the scenes – like programming. The Simulation Hypothesis and Death Either there is an immaterial / non-physical component to the human species or there is not. If there is not, there can’t be any such thing as an afterlife, near death experiences, out of the body experiences, death bed visions, reincarnations, past lives, etc. Yet these aspects part and parcel to the death and dying process have been postulated and recorded by nearly all societies / cultures over nearly all of recorded history (and probably well before that at least in terms of the afterlife concept – grave goods found in very ancient burial sites). How does that make any sense? If there is an immaterial / non-physical component, even after your death (or the death of others), for there to be such things as an afterlife, death bed visions, reincarnations, past lives, etc. that immaterial / non-physical component has got to operate and navigate around in space and in time in the absence of any sensory apparatus (eyes, ears, etc.) and an organ (i.e. – the brain) that can perceive and interpret those sensory aspects we call vision / sight, hearing / sound, taste, touch and smell. How does that make any sense? There seems to be another case here of “It can’t be therefore it isn’t” relative to one of “I know what I saw / experienced.” No matter what side of the fence you’re on, you’re damned if you’re on one side and you’re damned if you are on the other side. That said, the obvious alternative explanations are 1) experiences are all in the mind and just mental delusions, or 2) people are deliberately perpetrating frauds and hoaxes. IMHO I don’t think either one of these explanations are entirely credible. Let’s examine each of the death-related categories in turn and ask whether or not special effects might be in play here. Death Bed Visions: It seems highly improbable that someone, especially a quite elderly someone just hours away from the finality of death is going to hoax death bed visions. Delusional mental states are far more probable an explanation except you’d think that death bed visions would cover or incorporate a very wide, wide, wide variety of visions, not just visions of already dead relatives and friends. Near Death Experiences (NDEs): The eyes may be the visual organs but it’s the brain that does the actual seeing. Neither eyes nor brains are present and accounted for in NDEs. Nor are any other sensory organs. So how can a person relate an NDE if that person in that immaterial state can’t experience anything external reality, being 100% deaf, blind, etc.? Out of Body Experiences (OBEs): As with NDEs, and closely enough related to NDEs to include them here, OBEs suffer from the exact same sort of impossibilities that NDEs suffer from. In an OBE you are in a non-physical state and lack any and all of the sensory organs and sensory processing abilities that would give you the ability to actually relate your OBE to others after-the-fact. Reincarnations: If you have been reincarnated, that implies that some sort of immaterial part of you survived death, wafted around the Cosmos for a spell, then got incorporated into another biological body. What would be the ultimate purpose I know not since it would seem logical to have the concept of just one immaterial part inhabiting one and only one material body. If the immaterial part of you survives your body’s death, all fine well and good, but why not just enjoy the immaterial afterlife instead of coming back for another round(s) of enduring physical existence? But like all things immaterial, the best explanation is the Simulation Hypothesis explanation. Past Lives: There is no possible way that you can go from a past life to your present life without going through an immaterial / non-physical stage. If you remember a past life then this immaterial “you” that went from past body to present body contained memories which suggests that memory is immaterial. Yet can you really conceive of having an immaterial basis for your memory since your memories can obviously be affected by physical mechanisms – disease, injury, drugs, lack of sleep, the ageing process, etc. So in this case the more obvious explanation or conclusion is that people recalling past lives; past memories are delusional or outright hoaxing. Special effects to the rescue? Afterlife: To start things off, the concept of an afterlife is a nearly universal one, and when concepts cross nearly all cultures and societies, and all eras, then one has to sit up and take notice, for there’s some explaining required. Since there is no solid or actual knowledge that people possess regarding an afterlife (belief / faith – yes; knowledge – no), we can neither conclude the afterlife is real or just wishful thinking and a self-imposed delusion reinforced by the collective wishful thinking by the rest of humanity. What probably can be said is this: if there is an afterlife you’d have to experience it in an immaterial / non-physical state without any sensory apparatus or the means to process any sensory data. That’s a concept that makes no logical sense at all. But all is not lost in you invoke simulated special effects. If your life is just virtual reality then your afterlife can also be just virtual reality. The Simulation Hypothesis and Religion *Is the Simulation Hypothesis up to explaining theological themes? Consistent themes in religions include: Concept of the Supernatural: The concept that there is a supernatural almost (but maybe not quite) seems to be written / programmed / hard-wired into the psyche even before the dawn of civilisation that is during the hunter-gatherer stages and prior to numeracy / literacy and the rise of agriculture and farming. This has resulted in near compulsory if not downright obsessive behaviours, ritualistic and otherwise. However, immaterial concepts cannot just be hard-wired into the brain without external input. There’s no gene for the supernatural. Thus, I have to go along with the idea that this is a form of special effects programming. Concept of Creation: Why the concept of creation at all is a big mystery (to me at least) since we’ve never witnessed the creation of the Cosmos, of the Sun, or of Planet Earth, or of the origin of life or of basically anything. What we observe tends to be cyclic and so we have no real need to conceive of any creation on the grounds that it makes a lot more sense to just think that all we see has always been here, and our ancestors would back up that idea since they had to deal with the same cyclic stuff that we do. No one has ever known anything different. Again, the concepts central to creation are perhaps hard-wired and thus programmed software. Concept of Supernatural Deities: There’s hardly any religion anywhere, that existed at any time, that didn’t include the concept of supernatural deities, usually many (covering all the bases and the basics); someone just a loner god. The reasons why aren’t too surprising. You need an agency to explain the unexplained; the good shit and the bad shit. That too appears to be a hard-wired need. However, since there aren’t any supernatural deities, any actual evidence for them and knowledge of them must be the result of programming. Concept of Anomalies / Miracles: All religious texts are full of unnatural anomalies. The best way to explain the unexplained is to look at those special effects generated by the film / TV industries. There’s nothing so miraculous that programmed special effects can’t create. Concept of the End Times: Much like the idea that there was an origin; a creation, there tends to be a near universal belief that all things will come to termination, either in fire or in ice; either with a bang or with a whimper. Again why, I’m not sure. There seems to be little logic in assuming this. Maybe it is because we ourselves terminate that we think it only fair that everything comes to a grinding and deadly stop. Still, all good computer simulations / software programs have to end sometime, and this inkling of that finite duration is what we envision as the End Times – the end of days; the end of the computer program. More About the Concept of an Afterlife: The only part of you that could in any way survive into an afterlife would have to be an immaterial part of you since when you snuff it, your material remains go nowhere. But any immaterial part of you would have no sensory apparatus so how could you enjoy an afterlife when you couldn’t experience it? On the other hand, if your life is but a computer simulation, then equally so could your afterlife be another simulation. One software program ends (death) and another begins (afterlife).
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