#so mission accomplished but i gotta go now lol
actuallyitsstar · 2 months
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell + 21, 24 and 25?
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i actually already answered this question here, so i will give an honorary mention for this ask, in addition: i am a big fan of the whole tgm-mav-lowkey-being-the-daggers'-friends'-cool-dad trope. like. the idea that they get to know him after the mission and he's obviously taken a genuine interest in all of them and their wellbeing so they all just...stay in touch. the idea that the call and check up on him when they know rooster is deployed, that they start to leave a few extra things at mav's place because he usually hosts their squad movie nights and it's just easier to crash there sometimes, that they realize he doesn't have many people to spend the holidays with now outside of obviously bradley, and they all come together and drag him to a surprise christmas party with them before they go on their own leave for their respective family christmases. that's their emotional support old navy captain and if u wanna mess w him u gotta get thru 11 daggers and 1 son first so good luck!!!
that being said, tho, it can go too far i think, if we're not careful. barring a couple specific circumstances (jake and whatever fucked up childhood/non-existent parental relationships he has had comes to mind) the daggers all have families of their own, and entire lives before meeting mav. i don't think he's like. their DAD per se. he's their friends' cooler than expected dad ('your dad is an ace? that's so cool! i wonder if he has any stories to tell us! he once flipped off a mig while inverted? THATS SO COOL') that they can become friends with and look out for too, and i KNOW he'll be looking out for them. if they need anything he's right there, because that is within his nature. but for the most part, they're all adults who have friendships, and not like. Extra Children. if you know what i mean. except for jake idk i think he needs a role model or something but i guess that makes mav a secret third thing to him idk
24. what other character from another fandom reminds you of them?
oof that is tough!! i think that on most levels, mav is very different from the characters in other fandoms that i have imprinted on the most, so i'm not going to be able to do a 1:1 comparison here. but believe it or not the very first character that came to mind for me is ezra standish from the magnificent seven tv series, and it's not an exact match but i'm just going to provide my presentation on the matter (i am specifically comparing tg86 mav with ezra bc i have no one to compare tgm mav with lol):
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horrible quality images (yes i did make these gifs but theyre very old so lets not talk about it lol) bc this is an obscure 1990s b-budget tv show shot on vhs probably. but this guy right here is either the second or third youngest member of his found family group (the seven ~lawmen~ a local circuit judge hires to manage an old west territory because it's so dangerous the sheriff and deputy he'd previously appointed ran out on the job). he's very accomplished at what he does, for his age, and has had way too many shitty life experiences and is much too world-weary already. everyone who works with him comes into it with a preconceived notion of how he's going to be. and how could they not? it isn't that the other six guys are short-sighted in assuming, exactly. ezra is direct about who he is and what he stands for, downright in your face about it, actually. you expect him to be kind of an arrogant asshole, and he tells you he's gonna be one. and then, for a while anyway, he kind of is.
loner type, doesn't need anyone, he's going to do everything his way because he knows best, needlessly theatrical about it in the process. they expect him to run out on them during their battle, and he does.... kind of. but he also comes through for them in a critical moment when he's needed most and they least expect him to do it, single-handedly taking out multiple enemies to save their lives. immediately, he adopted into the group, essentially, but ezra doesn't know enough about really having friends to recognize that it's happening until much later. additionally, his entire life and livelihood is overshadowed by his mother (who can be seen sitting in the bg of the larger gif), who is still very much alive, in his case, but whose actions and words define him, whether he wants them to or not. he had a shitty childhood bouncing between a hundred strangers' and distant family members' homes alike and is just overflowing with abandonment issues, and he expects the other six to give up on him at the drop of a hat, but they never do.
25. what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
the very first time i ever saw top gun was before tgm was ever a thing. i remember my favorite character being goose (isnt he always tho <3) and thinking mav was kind of a bland action hero guy with a story arc i did not understand at all or care about. i was like fifteen, tho, and hadn't seen hardly any movies or tv shows at the time because i had a kind of weird sheltered from media sort of childhood, so i don't think i had rly learned HOW to watch and interpret media and characters yet, tbh. when the sequel was coming out i rewatched top gun with my partner in preparation bc my parents were making me watch the new one, and they had never seen it. i was like oh !!! he's smol and traumatized. i bet there's fic about him and that blonde guy. i should look that up later. and then we watched tgm and that was it for me. i was like never mind him and that blonde guy i need to know if hIS RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS SON TURNS OUT OK......MY HEART..... and that was that lol. my dna has not been the same since <3
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
While I’m here, have some incoherent glass thoughts, cuz I just cannot do a proper analysis. So I’m just going to point out things I noticed.
First some chapter 14 things I’m not sure I pointed out. Tommy is fine with Wilbur touching him, but he flinches when Phil or Techno does it. That’s gotta sting for them. Also, Wilbur got goosebumps when walking past Kristin’s statue. Though make that always happens. I do feel like that’s a sign that she’s watching him.
Then chapter 15. So in my head, the cafeteria was a lot bigger than it probably is. Either that or they were a lot closer to the wall. For context in my head Niki and Jack were in the middle of the room. In reality, they were apparently very close to a wall. Rip Wilbur. Thought it was possible it was the momentum of the push. Either way, very unfortunate, but probably the best outcome for Tommy and Jack’s relationship since Tommy didn’t stab anyone. So Wilbur accomplished his mission at the cost of a head wound and blood loss.
It’s also important to point out that neither Jack nor Niki seem to have beef with Wilbur. In chapter 14 we saw that Niki and Wilbur are similar in their devotion to their friendship. So Niki and Jack do seem to understand that Wil is just siding with Tommy because it’s Tommy. Though Niki seems to be dead said on ignoring Wilbur’s existence until he gets hurt. Then she wants to make sure he’s alright. So I’ll take my rainduo crumbs when I get them.
I do think this will make sure that next time Wilbur steps in between Tommy and Jack, no one pushes him. Which doesn’t mean that no one else will try to get him away for his own safety. It is interesting how we do continue to get characters hurting each other without actually meaning any harm. Tommy kidnaps Wilbur but doesn’t actually want to hurt him. Wilbur tries to kill Tommy because he had a vision even though he doesn’t actually want him dead. Tommy pushes Jack of a roof with the intend to kill him because in his mind that’s better then death by the cops. Jack accidentally get Wilbur a head wound by pushing him away to get to Tommy.
A lot of actions and varying different consequences. As in. Tommy pushing Jack is kind of the only action to get proper consequences. Like Wilbur being kidnapped still has consequences, a lot of them, you could argue that everything that happens after is a consequence of the kidnapping. Wilbur trying to kill Tommy gets Tommy better lungs (at least Sam is working on it). Then Tommy pushing Jack sort of directly resulted in Jack pushing Wilbur, which then results in the hair washing scene and wilbur letting Tommy see his face and telling him he’s 22.
Speaking of which. HE’S 22?!? I knew you afed him down, but for some reason I thought he’d just been the Pythia for longer. But nope. He’s just 22. No longer 24. That’s only 4 years older than Tommy. And so much younger than everyone else thinks him to be. And Wilbur is right, for him and Tommy a 4 year age difference is a lot, but for someone like Phil who probably in his thirties, both of them are very young. I do also wonder how Phil is going to react to Wilbur’s injury.
Tommy doesn't normally flinch when Phil or Techno touch him, but he's just very jumpy after everything and since Wilbur immediately showed him nothing but worry and care he's the one person he knows he can trust right now :(
yeah the cafeteria has this very specific layout in my head that's really hard to put into words?? but there's kind of two halves to the room, with tubbo and ranboo and aimsey usually sitting near the left wall when you walk in, and jack and niki sitting near the right wall, with an open path in the middle for people to walk down to get their food. I could draw out a blueprint at some point if it would help lol but yeah jack and niki were near the wall
unfortunately yes the best outcome to that entire situation was wilbur getting knocked in the head instead of either jack or tommy getting injured bc that would've just made things way worse.
exactly! niki and jack don't have beef with wilbur. jack didn't want to hurt wilbur and was horrified by what happened. niki was scared for wilbur's safety and wanted to make sure he was okay. they're on opposing sides, but wilbur himself did nothing to wrong them. niki understands why he's standing by tommy, but unfortunately that puts them at odds.
actions have consequences :) even if you don't mean harm, that doesn't negate the hurt you did to someone
well, I wanna point something out. sure, the only proper consequences, as in a punishment, happened to tommy after he pushed jack. but I'd argue the entire development of crimeboys relationship is a consequence. sure, it doesn't seem like a negative thing, and in a lot of ways it's helping wilbur. but at the same time, they are already extremely attached to one another and it's only growing stronger. codependence isn't healthy. I think it's an interesting dynamic to explore, but it's not the healthy direction for either wilbur or tommy to take. so many actions have had consequences of pushing their relationship further in this direction. so yeah, the only thing that got a proper punishment was tommy pushing jack. but there are consequences to what's been happening. just less obvious ones.
lmao yup he's only 22. tbh I was debating heavily between 22 and 23 but I ultimately decided to make him 22 more so for tommy's perspective than anything to do with wilbur because there isn't a huge difference between being 22 and 23. the difference lies in how tommy perceives wilbur. to an 18 year old, a single year DOES make a difference. they're only 4 years apart. to tommy, that puts him on a much closer level with wilbur than if he was, say, 24.
meanwhile for phil who is in his late thirties/early forties (haven't decided specifically but leaning towards forties), and for techno who is in his early to mid thirties, 22 and 18 are definitely young.
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thegeminisage · 11 months
a teensy bit of zelda...i played day before yesterday but didn't document it so:
i went to those craters at the edge of the world and barely recognized them, even tho i know ive been there in botw. it's wild how time will soften those spatial memories when it's someplace remote
also - there was a crystal shrine there - it struck me how comical it is that the crystals ARE the shrines. those rauru and sonia statues getting shaken and stirred while i bounce these bad boys all over hyrule
adn finally. i finally beat that FUCKING stalnox. the one that kicked my ass so bad at the beginning of the game. and THEN!!! RIGHT AFTER I BEAT IT. blood moon. what was i going to do? it killed ME multiple times. i turned right back around and went back to kill it again lol
the secret to stalnoxes i think - and this is annoying - is to wait for nightfall. wait a little longer. and THEN fast travel as close to one as you can. and hope you make it there and kill it before dawn :/
i'm only here to play for a bit (20 minutes, i can't get invested in anything crazy) so i think i'll go see if i can nab the one in hanu pond before the sun rises
got his ass!! i love how fast i can kill minibosses now, it's sooo nice and so much better than always getting my ass kicked like i was before
ok i took a break but before that i warped to kakariko to get two korok seeds i missed AND NOW THERES A SHOOTING STAR. 315am. ill never make it but i have to try!!!!
ok, i actually DID get it but barely...i couldnt see where it was bc it landed behind a hill. now i see that it landed right next to a shrine lol. so im gonna reload & try again (risky) to see if i can save all my stamina food i just used
mission accomplished, back to kakariko. geez lol
the reason i planned this trip was to snag a ylnel. back when i only had 15m to play. unfortunately this was a huge waste of time because there's so much i wanna do before pikmin comes out but i never have any TIME...
2 shrines left in the hebra region...maybe i can knock them out before bed
found a BEAUTIFUL cave with glowing ice and full of colorful mushrooms. map fatigue is one of my biggest critiques for totk so it's always nice to come across something like this
ok i am 2sleepy and i have the dentist tomorrow, so i gotta quit. UGH i'm not gonna have enough time!!!
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
These two are literally the most chaotic of dumb*sses and I seriously wonder how they ever accomplish anything sometimes, but I love them anyways. XD <3
Like, for starters, I love that Scott's first call is always Stiles. The fact that his immediate reaction to "f*ck I messed up" is always "Stiles help" is just so wholesome and also so funny and high-key so necessary sometimes.
Absolutely CACKLING at all of Stiles's judgement of Scott and his horrible plan (which, like, in Scott's defense, what was he SUPPOSED to do? They barely know Liam, and explaining the whole "hey you're a werewolf now" thing right then and there and hoping that wouldn't incredibly backfire (though, clearly it backfired regardless lol) probably wouldn't have been much better), especially considering that, as Scott so beautifully points out later, Stiles's plan is also horrible. XD
But seriously, that whole freaking sequence.
Like, the way that Scott is just avoiding telling Stiles exactly what happened (which is ridiculous, because you have to tell him regardless or you're not gonna get anywhere, bud XD), and then the FACE Stiles makes when he sees Liam in the bathtub is just pure gold. And then the way he keeps looking at Scott with this almost parental "what am I gonna do with you?" look as Scott is just going "I'm sorry, I panicked, just help me fix it please". XD
"As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck." "I know. Which is why I called you. So what do we do?"
And then...what was the plan, exactly??
To...scare him even more? To make him feel like you're threatening him? To let him get away?
Because...mission accomplished. XD (Though, as an aside, Liam did such a good job with that manipulation with the crying to escape, so...full pointers, and he is gonna make a great addition to the pack. <3)
Like, the "plan" literally just gets MORE chaotic and just gets EVEN WORSE and I CANNOT with these two. XD XD
Scott: Liam, what happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you….it’s gonna change you. Stiles: Unless it kills you. ...shouldn’t have said that. Liam: ...what? Stiles: Uh... Liam: *starts tearing up* Stiles: Uh oh. Uhhhhh oh. Is he...is he crying? Scott: Liam, it's okay. You're gonna be alright. You're not gonna die. Stiles: Probably not. Scott: Stop it. Stiles: K possibly not. Scott: Would you just help me untie him? Stiles: Yep.
Wait so now you're just gonna untie him??
They, to paraphrase Stiles, said some very confusing things that only got more confusing because of those confusing things that were already said, without ever really explaining anything, and at this point, Liam probably just thinks he REALLY pissed off the wrong upperclassmen, when really, Scott and Stiles are just complete dumb*sses who have no idea how to handle this new problem they've been presented with and I just... (Though, as an aside, we gotta appreciate that Liam doesn’t pull a Jackson and tell the cops that the boys kidnapped him lol.)
And THEN! When Liam escapes, they're, like, sooo flabbergasted ("Liam what the hell is your problem?") that he's trying to run away as if he should just trust them for some reason.
And then the way they, like, stumble out into the hallway and Stiles just, like, screams to get him (I've seen that gif before sooo many times and seeing it in context is even better) and then just TACKLE him, like...WHAT?!
And then all three of them go tumbling down the stairs, and Stiles is all proud, because he thinks he has him, but then he sees he's just grabbing Scott, and Liam is gone, and Scott is glaring at him, and they just scramble to sit up and stare at the open door and I just...
"Your plan sucked, too."
And the way Stiles just gives him that little “touche" nod because YAH NO SH*T SHERLOCK!!
The DUMBEST of dumb*sses.
I absolutely CANNOT with these two.
I love them both so much. XD <3
Things really do tend to go a lot better and a lot smoother when these two have each other, but also....they sometimes play off of each other's chaotic energy a LITTLE too much, and this is the result.
And frankly, between Liam's own screaming and sliding across the hallway in his socks, I get the feeling he's gonna fit right in.
I am so ready to see even more of this trio. XD <3 <3
Anyways here's a gif series of Sciles's dumb*ssery because oh boys... XD <3 <3
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(THESE TWO (these three, frankly XD) I CANNOT WITH THEM!!! XD <3)
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smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Supergirl Season 1 Episode 2 Review and Thoughts
*Bluey Voice* This episode is called “Let's all make Kara Cry”
Kara: Is this because I'm a-
J’onn: Woman?
Kara: I was gonna say Alien
Yes this is how painful it is every time the writers try being “allies”
*The news anchor talking about Supergirl being a fuck up*
Me: IS that The word with PERDD?????
I do love Kara flashbacks actually aiding her knowledge of aliens on earth
Slightly uncomfortable with how much kryptonite the DEO has just on hand. Also regardless of the dilution/percentage used wouldn’t the rock still like make Kara super ill and in pain??
Yes, let's take the girl who's never been in a fight before and just kick her ass instead of teaching her. Because that’ll make her learn faster?? Instead of just making her feel stupid and isolated. OH but its fine because they weren’t trying to teach her anything other than she sucks at fighting and needs to be careful. Mission accomplished!
This writing is lazy for having 45 mins to achieve something. Especially when it’s obvious Alex didn’t want to tackle it that way. And apologized for it anyways like 20 mins later.
I understand conflict resolution. What I can’t forgive is just writing characters however is convenient to your episodic plot
Wow episode two is all about lets make Kara fucking cry huh? Thats it thats the title of this review
Okay so Cat Grant’s speech was actually really good. I’d say probably one of the best parts of the episode actually
Like it bit. It was painful to hear and to watch Kara hear. But it was actually informative and motivating. And more helpful than anyone else has been so far to Kara’s journey. Alex has mostly been unsupportive, making Kara feel bad about the whole thing, and trying to push her back into normalcy. Winn and James have been supportive for sure helping her with the costume, talking her feelings out, and even helping her find crimes to handle. But no one has given her any advice. I’m looking at you Clark. No one has jumped in to say “Hey you know what would be a good idea? Or what you should do?” She’s been very isolated in her decision making. Which I dunno, maybe thats just normal adulthood. But it certainly feels lonely.
I like that Ms.Grant is Kara’s irritable fairy godmother/voice of reason character. It’s actually interesting because it contrasts Kara’s sunshine nature so hard. You expect Ms.Grant to put her down or to try to diminish her ambitions. But on some level you can see the genuine care she has for her assistant. And how she does uplift her and give her advice quite often. So far she’s one of the only people to put something into Kara not take away.
Gotta love Winn and James meeting in the alley and treating each other like an awkward hook up you’d rather not talk to right now
Not a huge fan of Kara's only friends both being dudes who are into her and are probably going to end up competing with each other. I’d really love for the girl to just have some regular friends who care about her and don’t want anything in return.
Which kind of adds to my thoughts on the writer's attempts at being feminist allies. Why spend all that time writing bad “is it because I’m a girl” one liners when you’re just going to make her just a girl anyways. Why try so hard to be like “We’re doing it! We’re writing a show about Supergirl a woman!!!” When you’re going to take the only two friends she has and make them romantically interested in her just because they’re both men?
It’s eye rolling
I appreciate the boys tag teaming to help her though
Not bicurious Winn lol
“I ahhhh helped make that outfit” Looking into James eyes with like 3 inches between them
“I got some mad sewing skills” awkward flirting noted
Ohhhh more super hero montages to hit me with your best shot!
I love all the classic crimes from bank robbery to car chase to rescuing a pet from a tree
Autism headcanon is holding up
Baby Kara scared of the popcorn maker. Thats audio sensitivity bitchhh
Can we talk about the fact that the DEO has government possession of the craft that got Kara here? And like how weirdly invading that is. Clarks ship had message crystals in his. Information and wisdom to help him on Earth. It was the first contact he really had with his heritage.
For Kara it's like the last thing her family gave her. I mean Alex brought that message from her mother in ep 1, where do you think she got it? Karas ship obviously
Like you don’t think Kara would have loved to here that message like 10 fucking years ago? Would have loved to hear her mothers voice again 10 years ago? Would have cried herself asleep with at least evidence of her home.
The fact that the DEO just confiscated her shit and hasn’t even relinquished it back to her as an adult is sickening to me.
Gotta love the government “shoot it shoot it now with lots of guns” that'll get that alien done in just fine
I really love this common ground between Kara and James about being in Clark’s shadow. That's a really good place to start for their relationship, and I’m curious to see them relate more over it
“Growing up, I was taught that to accept help from people is not a shame, it’s an honor” - Kara 
I have a feeling this is something that will be ignored or something she will struggle with in the future
AHHH “El Meyarah” Stronger Together
Okay I get it. Shes different from Clark. She wants super friends. I gotcha I gotcha
Not Kara educating James on Krypton when Clark don't know shitttttt
Alex dont fucking reveal you know shit holy fuck dude thats like first rule of secret ops. Bitch really just started running her mouth immediately 
I love this idea of Twins being rare on Krypton because of the matrix. Why would it make a copy when it already made what it needed?
Fight scene between Kara and her Aunt was good, but that was some bullshit about Kara actually learning from Alex and their “training” session earlier in the episode. You can’t act like she learned something when no one taught her anything!
I don’t like how quick to adapt Kara is about the whole Aunt Astra thing. That's a pretty big deal wtf
Alex: My parents had me prepared to deal with you being really sad and fucked up because your whole planet got destroyed. But then you were like super happy and not sad at all! You’ve always been like that tee hee
Sounds like Kara was really good at hiding all her sadness as a kid dude. Big oof
I like that Alex and Kara are going to work on defense stuff in the future and it's a mutual decision
I just realized that Clark never took Kara to the Fortress of Solitude  >:[
Love Alex introducing Kara to her Living Memory mother. But fuck this is torturesome. Again Clark has his crystal ai Dad. But it's like that's obviously not his father, that's not Jonathan. Jor-El is there to help him learn about Krypton. To understand the history, ability, and nature of his people. A people he doesn’t know. Jor-El isn’t a parent he goes to for comfort or advice. He’s an informant, a wise man.
For Kara that living memory is like a reminder. A reminder of everything she's lost. Of something that she will never have again. It's almost cruel. To come to it seeking guidance and affection, and not being able to receive that. Only information and calculations. 
You may say “But her foster parents! Her sister!” I’m not saying they aren’t her family, but if you’ve never had your family taken from you in some way, you won’t understand that it's just not the same. 
That's totally general Zod isnt it
Gotta love Kara picking Cat Grant's car up for her interview
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Baeeeeeeeek hey hi hello, sorry for disappearing, but I had crazy couple of days, I got better, now I'm sick again I HAVE C-WORD 🤡🤡🤡 I had some shitty moments, but I also saw Sunmi twice, I travelled a lot and attended two kpop parties. I wrote you a message last week when I had some time and shit got deleted CAN YOU BELIEVE so I gave up 😭💀
ANYWAYS SO MUCH ATEEZ CONTENT SO MUCH SEONGHWA TOO?!?! I consumed so much kpop offline I have no clue what's going on online tbh
ROCKSTAR SEONGHWA I'M ON MY KNEES I'M BAWLING MY EYES OUT. And it's DV Seonghwa GOODBYE (alexa play Sayonara Hitori) I'm here to remind you who you belong to. School boy delinquent Hwa, baker Hwa, farmer Hwa... the material here...*faints* so many AUs
ALSO BESTIE I HAD NO TIME TO SAY BUT I WON TWO MORE FAN CALLS I finally scored another OT8 one, I caaaaaaaaant, I need to wait until this weekend since they were busy with KCON. But the other call with Seonghwa has already happened, but let me tell you about the first call - it's long overdue 😭:
First he greeted me so sweetly and said he missed me 🥴 I told him I missed him as well and sadly couldn't see them perform recently, so he told me he was sorry, but we will definitely meet again and "noona we go way back, if I can say this now, I'm happy whenever I see fans who have been with us for a long time and didn't leave, thank you so much for your kind words, you're always very lovely to me. I hope you can rely on me and all of us in the times of sadness!" and I stopped functioning for a moment, almost teared up then thanked him and congratulated on a successful comeback and sprinkled some compliments in the middle and Hwa went "now I'm gonna cry" so I quickly showed him my Lego flowers, he was really happy and told me about the SW set he pre-ordered then asked if there's a set I really want to get and I was like "Real Madrid stadium" hahahha (gotta spread the Madridista agenda) and we talked about his time in Madrid for a moment.
Then I asked about his fave outfit during Guerrilla comeback and this man... he went "uh I'm showing a lot of *gestures to his bicep and proceeds to show it off* this time round, I think it's a bit scandalous" (side note but, man literally showed us his stomach and nipples before yet somehow his arms feel more illegal lol) and I was like "y-yeah... we can see, we like it" which definitely pleased him. Last thing was me asking about his fave moments from this year apart from touring and Seonghwa said "we get to film a lot of cool variety, seniors invited us to their shows, it's such an honour, like Sunmi sunbaenim - I was so nervous and happy" then I mentioned seeing Sunmi soon and Hwa got jealous lol, I also said I've been a fan of hers for almost 14 years and he went "wow noona has a lot of kpop experience, in 2008 I was...10" and I went "yeah, are you calling me old?" and boy went "😳" - flustering Seonghwa again mission accomplished. 💞
Yeah so that's basically it, he told me to have fun at the concert, but also "come and see Seonghwa soon" (he promised to come to me lol, I'll sue him if he doesn't). The fan call was actually 3 minutes??!?! I didn't know and at some point I wanted to wrap it up and Hwa told me we still had one minute to go, lmao.
I'll report about the other ones soon, but for now let's go back to dying! Hope you're doing well ❤ - DV 💖
the way i logged in and saw ur ask and screamed bc i was like where did dv anon go 😭😭
Baeeeeeeeek hey hi hello, sorry for disappearing, but I had crazy couple of days, I got better, now I'm sick again I HAVE C-WORD 🤡🤡🤡 I had some shitty moments, but I also saw Sunmi twice, I travelled a lot and attended two kpop parties. I wrote you a message last week when I had some time and shit got deleted CAN YOU BELIEVE so I gave up 😭💀
omg??? HOW ARE U ITS BEEN SO LONG BFFB NAUR NAURRRRR 😭😭😭😭 RIGHT AFTER THE BRONCHITIS???? bestie are u okay 😭😭 OOOOOOOO HOW WAS SUNMI i also travelled a lot !! visited the oldest china town in canada and then went to a haunted inn <3 LMFAOOOO NO WAY DBDBDB IT WASNT MEANT TO BE THEN I was not gonna respond either way bc i had bare to no time last two weeks but i do now!! for a week or two!
ANYWAYS SO MUCH ATEEZ CONTENT SO MUCH SEONGHWA TOO?!?! I consumed so much kpop offline I have no clue what's going on online tbh
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ROCKSTAR SEONGHWA I'M ON MY KNEES I'M BAWLING MY EYES OUT. And it's DV Seonghwa GOODBYE (alexa play Sayonara Hitori) I'm here to remind you who you belong to. School boy delinquent Hwa, baker Hwa, farmer Hwa... the material here...*faints* so many AUs
LMFAOOOO NOT SAYONARA HITORI DBDBD did u just say school delinquent hwa. bc. BAKER HWA??? STOP I JUST IMAGINED HIM IN THOSE FRILLY APRONS TOO 😭😭 bestie have u watched the way of househusband, is that not mafia hwa / mingi 🔫
delinquent hwa?? u say??
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ALSO BESTIE I HAD NO TIME TO SAY BUT I WON TWO MORE FAN CALLS I finally scored another OT8 one, I caaaaaaaaant, I need to wait until this weekend since they were busy with KCON. But the other call with Seonghwa has already happened, but let me tell you about the first call - it's long overdue 😭:
First he greeted me so sweetly and said he missed me 🥴 I told him I missed him as well and sadly couldn't see them perform recently, so he told me he was sorry, but we will definitely meet again and "noona we go way back, if I can say this now, I'm happy whenever I see fans who have been with us for a long time and didn't leave, thank you so much for your kind words, you're always very lovely to me. I hope you can rely on me and all of us in the times of sadness!" and I stopped functioning for a moment, almost teared up then thanked him and congratulated on a successful comeback and sprinkled some compliments in the middle and Hwa went "now I'm gonna cry" so I quickly showed him my Lego flowers, he was really happy and told me about the SW set he pre-ordered then asked if there's a set I really want to get and I was like "Real Madrid stadium" hahahha (gotta spread the Madridista agenda) and we talked about his time in Madrid for a moment.
HOW TO BE U WHEN IS IT OUT TURN FHWNFJWHDJW the call sounds so sweet and wholesome 😭😭😭🤚🏼 he’s so nice pls fbwndjke his wide ass eyes too 😭😭🤚🏼 FHWKDJWK AS U SHOULD, SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE but manchester won yesterday?? 🤌🏼
Then I asked about his fave outfit during Guerrilla comeback and this man... he went "uh I'm showing a lot of *gestures to his bicep and proceeds to show it off* this time round, I think it's a bit scandalous" (side note but, man literally showed us his stomach and nipples before yet somehow his arms feel more illegal lol) and I was like "y-yeah... we can see, we like it" which definitely pleased him. Last thing was me asking about his fave moments from this year apart from touring and Seonghwa said "we get to film a lot of cool variety, seniors invited us to their shows, it's such an honour, like Sunmi sunbaenim - I was so nervous and happy" then I mentioned seeing Sunmi soon and Hwa got jealous lol, I also said I've been a fan of hers for almost 14 years and he went "wow noona has a lot of kpop experience, in 2008 I was...10" and I went "yeah, are you calling me old?" and boy went "😳" - flustering Seonghwa again mission accomplished. 💞
“y-yeah..we can see”
it reminds me of this 😭
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Yeah so that's basically it, he told me to have fun at the concert, but also "come and see Seonghwa soon" (he promised to come to me lol, I'll sue him if he doesn't). The fan call was actually 3 minutes??!?! I didn't know and at some point I wanted to wrap it up and Hwa told me we still had one minute to go, lmao. I'll report about the other ones soon, but for now let's go back to dying! Hope you're doing well ❤ - DV 💖
GO !!! SEE !!! SEONGHWA !!! SOON !!! i might also!! if i get the tickets tmr and convince my parents for a flight 📉📉📈📉 LMFAOOOO SUE HIM DO IT FBFBF ADD SOME EXTRA BICEP EXPOSING CHARGES ON HIM TOO,,, LMFAOOOO I HOPE U GET BETTER SOON!! keep cleaning ur nose bc that’ll literally save u from pain 😭😭😭 have a tissue box w u at all times and drink warmer water!!! watch some show’s while ur at it too! big mouth, extraordinary attorney woo and model family!! get loads of rest !!!
sorry?? & a uquiz bc it’s been way to long <3
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Safe Haven: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader - Chapter One
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Chapter One: The Other Wilson Sister - chapter two
Series Masterlist
Plot: Y/n grew up with Sam and Sarah Wilson in the bayou of Delacroix. During the Blip she stayed with Sarah to help run the family business. With Sam back and trying to save the day, Y/n’s perfect opportunity to confess her long-kept secret to her best friend presents itself.
Warnings: tfatws ep.1 spoilers, language, suicide mention, undertones of racism, lots of Wilson sibling arguments, tragic backstory
Word Count: 5.9k
A/N: As I wrote this first chapter out I realized it’s most definitely also a Sam Wilson x platonic fic. Bucky doesn’t come in till next chapter but rest assured, it’s gonna be a wild ride...Also I didn’t know till now how difficult it is to plan out a series in its entirety when the show isn’t completed lol. Hope you enjoy! (I may or may not change the title depending on how I feel about it later today lol)
Delacroix, LA 2024
One of the only things I was certain of in life was that blood didn’t make a family.
I had no official tie to Wilson family, I wasn’t a daughter or some distant cousin sent to live with them. We shared no DNA and they had no reason to love me as much as they did. But throughout my life I had known no kinder people than them and I doubted that would change. As I stood on the family boat helping to unload the catch of the day, I thought of how our corner of the Louisiana bayou felt more like home than any place I’d ever been.
“Hey,” Sarah said from the dock, “Head out of the clouds and down here helping me.” “Sorry,” I shook myself out of my thoughts and hopped off the boat, “Not a bad catch if you ask me.”
Sarah sighed as she bent over a large bucket of fish, “It could’ve been better.” I came to stand in front of her and held my hands out for a bucket, “Take the wins where you can get ‘em, Sar. Lord knows we don’t get enough of them.” Sarah Wilson was the only superhero I’d ever aspire to be like. She was a widow who had raised two kids and run a business all by herself with no family for support. The past five years had been challenging with so many people gone and while I had moved in with her to help however I could, I could take no credit. She was one of the strongest women I’d ever known.
“You had that look on your face again,” she said as we worked.
“What look?”
“That look that lets me know you were thinking real hard about something,” Sarah imitated the expression in question by thinning her eyes slightly and furrowing her brows, “Like this.” I laughed heartily at her impression, “So what was it?” I gazed out at the bayou waters before turning to the boat and finally Sarah, “Family.”
She nudged me with her hip, something we’d done when we were young and an affectionate gesture we’d carried into adulthood. A half hour went by with us and the boys unloading and sorting the fish we’d caught. I was too wrapped up in the task to notice the sound of a vehicle approaching until AJ and Cass announced the arrival. 
“Blue for the snapper, orange for the whitefish.”
“Uncle Sam!”
My head shot up upon hearing his name, as did Sarah’s. I used my hand as a visor against to sun to spot the familiar rusted truck parked a few hundred feet away, with my best friend standing outside it hugging his nephews.
“That’s right, Uncle Sam,” Sarah called, “You’re back early.”
I grinned as I shucked my gloves off and made a beeline for him, slamming my body into his for a tight embrace. It had been a few weeks since I’d seen him, having spent the only weekend he was off away, and I’d naturally been worried sick about him. My best friend and un-biological brother may have been an Avenger for years, but after losing him in the Blip I didn’t think I’d ever stop worrying about him.
“Every time I come home, you act like I’ve been gone for five years,” he joked over my shoulder, resulting in me pulling away and slapping his bicep.
“Not even a little funny,” I pointed a finger in his smug face, he slung an arm around my neck as we walked over to Sarah.
“What’s goin’ on? You got Mom’s sneaky look on your face.” “How you gonna try to read me when you know I’m the one that reads you?” Sam smiled, passing by and greeting a long time customer of ours. “That look is permanently glued to his face, Sar,” I chuckled, “I learned that in grade school.” Sam shook his head at me and laughed before making his way up the dock to the Wilson family boat. “You gotta marvel at it, baby’s being held together by duct tape and prayers.” I leaned into Sarah, “Are you telling him or am I?” She took the initiative, “It just needs to float long enough for me to sell it.” “I thought we were gonna discuss if we were selling it,” Sam replied as he helped unload another bucket of fish. “We did, and then you were off fighting Doctor Space Cape or whatever while we,” Sarah gestured between us, “Were holdin’ it together for five long years. Now that the world is going back to normal, this thing’s gotta go.”
Sam looked to me with a look of displeasure, “Were you in on this?” “Don’t drag me into this,” I waved my hands as if wiping my involvement away, “This is a Wilson sibling discussion.” “Uh-uh,” Sam called me out, wagging his finger, “Don’t do that. Dad said every chance he got that you were one of his own, you’ve got a say in this too. What is it?” I scrunched my face up, dreading the argument that was knocking on our door, “It’s dead weight, Sam. The money we could get for it would be enough to keep us comfortable for a little longer without having to worry.” “We grew up on this thing. It’s not just Mom and Dad’s name on it. This thing is a part of our family.”
I sighed as Sarah stepped forward, “You know the situation we’re in. This is why I prefer not to dwell on it in front of everybody.” “Well what if we don’t need to sell it?” Sam said. “Can we talk about this in private?” I suggested, tiring of having to convince Sam that we were in the right when he hadn’t been around to witness our struggles. A long time friend of ours called out to Sam and he willingly took the distraction, opting out of having the inevitable difficult conversation. Sarah and I trudged back, totes of fish in hand and tried to get through the rest of the work day without worrying if we were approaching our last.
During golden hour, when the clock had struck five and we’d started packing it up for the day was the only time to get Sam to actually listen. I knew how much the boat meant to him, it meant something to us all, but he wasn’t living in the reality that Sarah and I were.
“Sam, the boat’s gotta go,” Sarah finally said, breaking the silence we were working in on the vessel. “Wait-“ “No, let me finish,” she said, “Y/n and I are doin’ everything I can to keep this business afloat and every day we’re making $5 and spending $10.” Sam looked between the two of us, “So why won’t you let me help?” 
“Sam, don’t…” I winced, knowing Sarah’s reaction would be strong.
“No, don’t start with that. We made a deal before Daddy died,” Sarah carried a few buckets to the center of the deck, “You’re out there, I do things my way here. Y/n agreed to it too when she went off to school.” “Right, but you tangled the house into this when you took those loans,” Sam finished tying off one of the ropes, turning around and giving Sarah the perfect opportunity to punch his chest, “Forgot how hard you hit.” I sighed as I passed him by to follow Sarah, “Low blow, you deserved it.” 
“Sarah, Y/n, c’mon,” he chased after us, “Look, and don’t hit me again…What if you had money to fix it up? Make it nice so you can charter it when you’re not out working the waters?” “Sam, do you think this was an easy decision for us?” I faced him, leaning against the doorway next to him, “I tried every tactic I learned in business school and got nowhere. Anything I thought up, we needed more money to do. This is our only option.” As he always did with the things he cared about, he fought. “We can take a loan and consolidate everything, it’ll take down your monthly,” he looked confused as he watched Sarah laugh, “What?” “You think I didn’t try the banks? They’re in with all that big business now.” I followed them like the little sister I’d always been as they moved their fight towards the cockpit of the boat. Sam blocked another doorway, “Yeah, but now you have me.”
“Don’t, Sam,” Sarah shook her head, “I just got good with this.”
“All right…”
“Maybe it is time for us to move on,” Sarah sighed. “Either way, just let me help,” Sam offered, “I’ll set the appointment. Look, I won’t let you guys down. We can turn this shit around. Trust me.” I peered over at Sarah, wishing I could see the calculations going on in her brain. It seemed pointless, but any shot at changing our luck was an avenue worth pursuing.
“It can’t hurt to try,” I shrugged.
Sarah finally relented, “To the rescue, huh?”
“Always,” Sam smiled, “Now, let’s get some dinner. I’m hungry.” ————
Sarah was taking AJ and Cass back home while Sam and I took his truck to go pick up food.
“So how was Tunisia?” I asked, sticking my hand out the window and letting it rise and fall with the wind.
“Hot, but the mission went well,” he answered, looking out of the corner of his eyes at me, “And that’s all you need to know.”
I snickered, “C’mon, it’s our thing. I ask you detailed questions about your confidential missions, you tell me you can’t reveal anything, I keep asking…You’ve gotta honor tradition.” “I flew, I fought, I rescued. Boom, mission explained.” “Ugh, you’re impossible, Wilson,” I waved him off, “How was the museum dedication?” The atmosphere changed as the subject of conversation changed from easy to complicated. “It was nice to see Steve’s accomplishments celebrated. Got to see Rhodes which was nice…” “You’re avoiding a red white and blue topic,” I said, trying to coax his true feelings out of their shells, “Seriously, are you really okay with this? Giving up the shield?” Sam inhaled deeply and exhaled, gathering his thoughts. “I don’t think it was ever meant to end up in my hands. I did the right thing, it belongs with Steve and the museum is the closest to Steve I can get.” I respected my friend’s choice but I knew there was so much more to his decision and I wished he would just say it. He had an enormous amount of respect for Steve Rogers and what the shield represented, but Steve Rogers never had to face the issues that Sam Wilson did. Steve Rogers could follow a government and be respected in return with no problems whatsoever. Sam Wilson couldn’t, not always. There was an elephant in the room and if neither of us wanted to talk about it, I wouldn’t push it.
“You’d have looked good in that uniform though,” I smiled as we turned into the take out place’s parking lot.
“Damn right,” Sam waggled his eyebrows and unbuckled his seatbelt. Laughter rang out in the truck sending me on waves of nostalgia. The memories that me and him had in this truck still were infamous between us. As proud as I was of the Falcon’s heroics, I was prouder to call Sam Wilson my best friend.
Just as he’d promised, Sam made the appointment with the banker. He and Sarah were already on their way as I made the hour long drive in the opposite direction to New Orleans. I’d told them I’d be back in the evening to discuss how it went, but I had my own appointment to keep.
Sam and I had met back when we were just a couple of first graders. I’d always struggled with making friends as a kid, but Sam never had an issue when it came to connecting with others. It was one of his strongest qualities. And so he used his gift on his desk neighbor, the loneliest kid in class, and pulled her out of herself. We were inseparable until college and adulthood forced us apart, but we’d never lost our bond. Even when he was a pararescue, he wrote to me as often as his work allowed him.
All the Wilsons had taken a liking to me after Sam brought me home one day after school to watch cartoons. Darlene had told me I was welcome to come over any time I wanted, an offer Sam and I accepted till I became a permanent fixture in their house. Paul and his wife had frequently tried to get the rest of my family over for a crawfish boil or a barbecue. They’d send me every few weeks with a verbal invitation to my parents and the next day I’d always come back with a polite decline and excuse as to why we couldn’t make it. Mom was busy with spring cleaning, Melanie had a recital, Dad was feeling under the weather…
The only one that had ever been true was about my dad not feeling well. He was never well. But as a child, how do you explain that your father is a ghost around his own home who drinks himself to sleep and wakes up each night screaming from nightmares? There was no polite way to phrase circumstances that dark. Sometimes I felt like my dad had never returned from the military and though there hadn’t been a war at the time of his service, he still came back with his share of trauma. Mom did everything she could to try and help him. She found support groups for veterans, she took him to the best psychiatrists, she created a safe space for him within our home to retreat to. There was no amount of help that could kill my father’s demons and that was proven the night he’d said we were out of milk and he was going to the store. A few hours later, with my sister and I fast asleep upstairs, my worried mother answered the door and was informed by the police that my father had crashed his car and was dead. After speaking to Mom about what his mood had been like before he’d left and if he suffered from any mental illnesses, it was ruled as an undoubtable suicide.
My mother didn’t get much time to mourn after the funeral, she had two children to provide for. She took three jobs just to earn enough to move us from our house in New Orleans to a dingy apartment in Delacroix by the bayou. When the Wilsons heard that Mom needed to scrape enough money in the budget to hire a baby-sitter for me and Melanie, they put a stop to her efforts immediately. The insisted that Mel and I would be happier spending the time my mom was working with them and their kids rather than a stranger. That was how the Wilsons and the Y/l/ns had ended up so tightly knit. While Sarah and Melanie had bonded as the older sisters and were often off doing their own thing, Sam and I caused havoc of our own in classic younger sibling fashion. By the time we were in high school, both parents called the other’s children their own.
When Paul and Darlene passed away, it was incredibly hard on all of us and it was equal when Mom had a fall and the doctors suggested she move into a facility. Sam, Sarah and I had worked hard to get her into one of the best nursing homes in the city and she hadn’t stopped raving about how much she loved it. Pulling into the parking lot was like muscle memory now, I never missed a weekend visit with her. This one was special because Melanie, her husband and brood of children had come too. I grabbed my visitor’s sticker at the front desk and made my way down the familiar hallways. The sound of laughter and cooing echoed out of my mom’s room, bringing a smile to my face.
I knocked on the door and heads turned, my nieces and nephews being the quickest. “Aunt Y/n!” I embraced Sophia and Max tightly, “The twin tornados! I missed you guys,” separating from them was difficult as they clung to me but I made it to Stephan, giving him a kiss on the cheek and doing the same to Mel, “You look hot, mama.” “I certainly don’t feel it,” she remarked as she cradled their newest addition, baby Alexandra, close to her chest, “I spend more hours of the day covered in glitter glue and spit up than you could imagine.” “You wear it all well,” I patted her shoulder before coming to my mother’s bedside and hugging her, “Hi, Mom.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” she kissed both of my cheeks and looked to the door, “Sarah and Sam couldn’t come?” “No, but they send their love. They had an appointment at the bank,” I set down my purse and pulled up a chair, “We’re trying to get approved for a small business loan.”
Glen took Alexandra from Mel so she could tend to the twins, “I wish we could help out, Y/n. I’ve looked at the budget over and-“ It warmed my heart that my brother-in-law cared so much about a problem that wasn’t his to bear. “Glen,” I held up a hand, “You guys are stretched thin enough. This isn’t me asking for charity, it’s our problem and Sam’s confidant we’ll find a fix.” “How does he have enough time to be a member of the Air Force, an Avenger and save the family business?” Mel asked.
“Well, the Avengers are kind of off doing their own thing right now from what I understand and he’s home for a little while from the Air Force,” I explained, “So his main job at the moment is to get us our funding and annoy the snot out of me while doing it.” After earning some giggles from Sophia and Max at the expression, Glen announced that they were going to go and grab lunch for everybody. My mom took my hand once it was just the two of us and I settled into my seat, “How are you, sweetheart?”
“Hanging in there,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair, “Tired, stressed, I smell like fish most of the time…We need this loan or else we’re going to have to sell the boat. You should’ve seen Sam’s face when Sarah told him…”
“I’m sorry, I know how much that boat means to you kids. I could’ve offered you the moon and stars and it still wouldn’t have been enough to get you off it.” I smiled at the memories of summer nights spent laying on the deck stargazing, dance parties on the stern and early mornings spent with Mr. Wilson teaching us how to fish. A childhood with so much sadness had also contained so many joys. To part with a tangible one killed me more than I’d let on to Sam.
Sensing that the topic was making me emotional, my mother was kind enough to change it. “How are things otherwise? Have you been getting out there?” I dropped my head back dramatically and groaned, “Mom…” “I’m just saying,” she dropped my hand and held up hers in surrender, “You should get out there, meet someone. There’s no shame in trying those online dating services. What’s the one…the…Tinder?” “Oh my gosh, Mom,” I buried my face in my hands and moved my fingers so she could only see my eyes, “Please stop talking.” “You know who I ran into the other day? Jack’s mom, from high school. She lives just down the next hallway, she says that he’s still single. You could get in touch with him.” “Y’know, for a woman who advocated for her daughters to lead such independent lives, you’re sure quick to try and marry us off,” I chuckled, “The second Mel started dating Glen you were practically booking the church.” “And I’m very proud of both my girls for being such strong young women,” she smiled proudly, “But finding love doesn’t mean losing your independence so long as you’re with the right man. I love that you’ve been helping out Sarah these last few years but honey…I see how lonely you are. In those big y/e/c eyes you think I still can’t read after all these years.” The y/e/c eyes in question started to fill with sadness at hearing my pain verbalized. It was true, I was lonely. More so than I would ever let on to anybody. I was a shy enough kid who only withdrew further after Dad passed away, that kind of introversion wasn’t one that you outgrew. But I’d given up the idea of finding someone to spend my life with a long time ago for a bevy of reasons.
“Sometimes it’s better to be alone, Mama,” I nodded as if to force myself to agree with my statement, “No chances of getting hurt…or hurting somebody.” “You couldn’t hurt somebody even if you tried,” my mom argued sweetly, “You couldn’t even kill spiders when you were a kid.” “And now there’s a Spiderman out there so I’m glad I didn’t,” I shot back with a laugh.
“I’m serious, honey,” she took my hand once again, “Don’t let your heart’s wounds keep you from finding someone who could help soothe them.” 
I was convinced my mother was both a poet and a therapist at some point in her life, she gave advice in the most beautifully phrased way. And while I’d loved to have taken her words to heart, tell Mel to fix me up with one of Glen’s friends and put an end to my loneliness, I feared that I was just too broken to give love to someone.
I arrived back home late, shedding my boots and bag at the doors. I’d expected to hear a triumphant chorus of Sam shouting ‘WHO DA MAN?’ as he typically would when heroically proving me and Sarah wrong, but there was only silence. When I walked into the kitchen and saw their glum faces, it wasn’t hard to guess the outcome of the meeting. “You’re kidding me…” “Said that things had tightened up,” Sam said, leaning against one side of the island and taking a swig of his beer, “Had the balls to ask me for a picture afterwards.” I groaned and grabbed the beer bottle Sarah had extended to me, “Okay, we’re out of options. It’s time to move forward-“ “Don’t say it…” Sam tiredly warned.
“Someone has to, Sam. We can’t keep searching for solutions when the right one is sitting out on our dock,” I gestured to the window that looked out on the road we took each day to work.
Sarah set her beer down and held her hands up in surrender, “I’m not having this argument again tonight, I’m going to bed. If you’re gonna kill each other, do it quietly.” She left as me and Sam silently stared each other down, waiting for the other to speak. I was too frustrated to play the game, “What’s this really about?” “It’s about the damn boat and that you and Sarah are throwing in the towel too-“ “What,” I elongated the single syllable word, “Is this really about?” Sam set his drink down and rubbed his hands over his head before looking back up at me helplessly, “You guys were on your own for five years and you’ve done an amazing job. But now nothing’s working and I just…I just want to help because I couldn’t for so long.” It all clicked as to why Sam was being so insistent on trying to eliminate the whole matter. He was used to saving the day and finally meeting one that he couldn’t save was a wall he thought he could still find a way to run through. He’d been like that ever since we were kids, always trying to help the people he loved even when it was impossible. He had the biggest heart of anyone I’d ever met.
“I love you,” I set down my bottle and crossed the island to come next to him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, “But this may be one problem that the Falcon can’t swoop in and fix. The Avengers work hard, but a business graduate helping to run a struggling seafood business works harder,” I succeeded in getting him to crack a smile, “Believe me, I’ve run all the numbers and consulted with anyone who would listen. The boat’s gotta go.”
“Yeah, well, humor me and give me a little while longer.”
“Fine, a couple more days,” I grabbed my beer once again and clinked it against his, “But it’s not my fault if Sarah smacks you again.” Sam laughed, slung an arm around my neck and kissed my temple. “You coming up soon?”
“Yeah, I’ll be up in a few minutes,” I answered, watching as he finished his drink before leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs. Once I’d heard his bedroom door open and close, I exited out to the back porch. I took in the late night sounds of the bayou, the crickets chirping and the wind rustling trees had always soothed me. I wished they could touch what I was feeling right now, but the noise didn’t do a thing to drown out my worry. For the business I feared we may lose, for Sam as he ran himself ragged trying to help and for myself and what him and Sarah would think of me once I confessed the secret I’d kept from them for so long.
I held out my hand and watched as the blue energy flowed from my fingertips. Would Sam ever forgive me for not telling him I had powers? They had manifested when I was young, my parents said. I couldn’t remember a day where my body hadn’t produced a magical energy that when harnessed incorrectly could be destructive. It had been a sad day for my mother’s garden when I’d discovered that bit…According to her, she’d wanted to take me to a school for people like me run by a man named Charles Xavier but my father had said no immediately. He’d been so insistent on keeping my powers a secret that my mother said she’d only seen that type of fear in his eyes when he had a war flashback. So I was instructed to never show my powers to anyone under any circumstances and I’d done just that. I’d thought about revealing them in 2012 after the Battle of New York, but my dad’s fear rang in my ears. Three years later when Sam became an Avenger was when I began to feel guilty that I was keeping a secret from him. I’d wanted to join him and find somewhere where I didn’t feel so out of place, but I’d decided against it again. Now with their team so broken and Sam off with the Air Force, I’d finally gathered the courage to confide in him and Sarah. I should have done it six months ago, but I’d chickened out too many times. Tomorrow, I decided. Tomorrow was the day. But would they still see me the same way once I showed them? ————
The next morning, after dressing and running over what I wanted to say three times, I hesitantly headed downstairs to face the music. With there being nobody in the kitchen, I followed the sounds of the television to find Sarah and Sam staring at the screen intently. I stood to the side of the room and watched a suited man give a speech out front of a government building. “We need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defense and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming your new Captain America.”
My jaw slackened as a man marched out in front of the gathered press, dressed in a variation of Steve Rogers’ patriotic uniform and carrying the iconic shield. The shield that had only weeks ago sat upstairs in Sam’s bedroom in a case. I dragged my gaze away from the screen to look at my best friend, hunched over in his seat with his eyes shut in sorrow. Sarah looked just as distraught, her eyes trained on her brother as well. We waited in silence until the breaking news broadcast switch back to regularly scheduled programming before Sarah switched the box off.
“I thought you said it was going to stay in the museum,” I finally spoke, my voice choked with emotion.
“It was supposed to,” Sam ground out, his grip on his own hands tightening. Without any warning, he rose from his seat and left the room. My instinct was to follow him and try to comfort him, but there was nothing I could say to ease the deep pain he was feeling. I wasn’t even sure I could form words that weren’t doused in raw shock. The two things I was sure of were that a) the government had fucked up royally and b) now was definitely not the time to tell Sam about my powers.
It was a few days later and Sam still hadn’t spoken much to Sarah and I about the situation. It was unnatural for Sam to suffer in silence especially around us, but we both gave him the space he needed. 
I was taking laundry to AJ and Cass’ room and had to pass by Sam’s, surprised to see him packing a bag. “Thought you were sticking around.” “Something big came up,” he replied as he set a stack of t-shirts in his duffle bag, “I need to go check it out.” I leaned against his doorway, “Air Force big or Avengers big?” “The second one.” “And you’re going by yourself?” I asked with raised eyebrows.
Sam looked over his shoulder at me finally, “Don’t have anybody to else to call. Besides, I can handle myself.” I hummed in response before setting down the stack of laundry, an idea forming in my head that could solve both of our problems. I folded my hands together and dug my feet into the carpet, “What if you didn’t have to go by yourself?” He looked confused, “What are you talking about?” My folded hands began to make circles in the air as I struggled for the right words, “What if I came with you?” “What, like take your family to work day something?” Sam scoffed, “That’d be fun.” “I’m serious.” “Are you crazy? Of course you can’t come.” “Hear me out,” I looked to his bag and the pair of jeans he had next to fold, “Actually watch.” He folded his arms and waited for my demonstration. I took a deep breath and extended my hand, forcing my energy outwards to levitate the jeans. “Whoa!” Sam exclaimed as he watched me maneuver the clothing inside his duffle, “W-w-what…What was that?” I shrugged and pulled my hand back to my side, “The reason why you should take me.”
“How long have you been able to do that?” “Since I was a kid,” I moved out of the doorway and closed the door, the last thing I needed was AJ and Cass knowing their aunt could move things with her mind, “My parents told me never to tell anybody. I’ve thought about telling you for years since you’re used to this kind of thing but I was scared…Then you were gone and when you came back, life was moving non-stop and I lost my courage. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Sam stood with his jaw hung for a few seconds before shaking his head back into reality, “Why are you apologizing? You never had to tell me, but I’m glad you did,” he pointed a finger towards me, “But you’re still not going.” “What are you talking about? I’d be an asset to whatever it is you’re fighting! And I love you but c’mon bird boy, you may be able to fly but I can do it without any tech.” “Oh, so that’s how you wanna play?” Sam gestured between the two of us, “You think insulting me is the way to get me to let you come?” “Come on,” I moved to sit on his bed, “Tell me what the problem is and I’ll prove that I can help.” “Alright, alright,” Sam took a stance in front of me, “You wanted to hear the tea on my missions, I’ll spill it. There’s an online group called the Flag Smashers, their MO is to get the world back to the way it was during the last five years. My military contact, Torres, went undercover in Switzerland when they robbed a bank. Knocked him unconscious when he tried to fight back.” I balanced my elbows on my knees and tapped a finger against my lip, “So kind of a Robin Hood deal, right? Stealing things from the rich and giving it to the poor. In this case, the poor being those who never disappeared.” “Exactly, except the guy that knocked Torres out was strong. Too strong. I’m thinking they could be a part of-“ “The big three.” Sam’s neck snapped back, “How do you know about the big three?” I shrugged nonchalantly, “The little you do tell me about your avenging always ties back to either androids, aliens or wizards. Though I think you’re being a little dramatic with the term ‘wizard.’”
“Are you seriously gonna correct the guy who’s actually there doing the fighting?” “Are you seriously gonna deny yourself valuable help against either an alien or an android?”
Sam sighed, I was successfully backing him into a corner. “Can you even fight?”
Extending one hand, I levitated Sam and gently slammed his back into the ceiling before reversing course and lowering him onto the carpet. He moaned as he rolled over to face me, “Could’ve given me a concussion.” “Maybe that would knock some sense into your head,” I stood and gave him my hand to pull him up, “Sam, I know that I don’t have any experience but I am more than capable of defending myself. I want to actually do something with these powers instead of sitting on my ass. I’d rather do it with you than on my own. Please?” I watched the cogs in his mind turn through his eyes, I knew he was only fighting this hard because he wanted to keep me safe. But he was in way over his head if he thought it wasn’t worth taking me with. He accepted my hand and stood to his full height, “Pack a bag, we’re leaving for the air base in an hour.” I smiled and threw my arms around him, “Thank you, you won’t regret this.” “I’d better not,” he warned, his arms stayed straightened in displeasure of my enthusiasm, “If you take some stupid risk and put yourself in jeopardy, I’m putting your ass on a plane home.” Quick footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway until the door opened to reveal Sarah, “What was all that noise? It sounded like you were throwing each other into walls.” “Busy,” I quickly dismissed her, using my energy to shut the door in Sarah’s face from a distance.
“Um,” her muffled voice rang through, “What the hell was that?!”
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saintobio · 3 years
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underground fight club. (8)
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↳ iwaizumi hajime x f!reader
summary: gym trainer by day, underground fighter by night—Hajime Iwaizumi gives you a front row access to Tokyo’s biggest underground fight club after setting his eyes on you as his shiny new toy. little does he know, you’re there to infiltrate the illegal underground fighting scene with another purpose in mind.
genre: angst, smut, underground fighter au, 18+
warnings: strong language, references to guns, references to drugs, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, daddy kink, unprotected sex, explicit sexual content, graphic violence, blood/injuries, physical assault
a/n: this chapter is very spicy explicit — you’ve been warned lol. i feel like this is also my longest bc there’s so much happening in this chapter aaaa enjoy!
masterlist -> part nine
You saw fellow Intelligence Agent Alisa Haiba when you’ve decided to report to the headquarters that morning and unlike you, her face was completely free from any stress as you walked across her in the hallways. She enthusiastically smiled as soon as she saw you and even stopped in her tracks to greet you. You were jealous, frankly, because she seemed to have been able to close a case without having to be in a complicated situation. It was clear to the expression on her face that she accomplished her job very well and you were happy for her. “Hey, Agent Y/N. Long time no see.”
You returned her smile in acknowledgment. “Nice to see you, Agent Alisa. I heard the case was successful.”
The blonde girl nodded before answering, “Yeah. Our primary suspect’s already in jail. Both the supplier and the dealer.” You remembered that their undercover assignment was targeted against certain drug dealers in a college university—apparently, the suspected new type of drugs that were being sold caused 2 students to overdose and were later found dead in their respective dormitories. It was a buy-bust operation that went successful with the help of her teammates, Yaku and Kenma.
“Must be tough pretending to be a college student all over again,” you noted with a small smile. “But at least college life is fun.”
The change in her expression said otherwise. “Oh, God. It’s crazy dealing with a bunch of college kids. How’s the situation with you guys, though?”
You imagined what would have happened had you and Alisa switched places. What if she was the one who had to be Iwaizumi’s gym receptionist and you were the innocent college girl who wanted to try drugs for the very first time? Would she ever get involved into a sexual, or maybe romantic, relationship with Iwaizumi like you did? Would she also develop feelings for him? You were certain that the college girl role would have saved you from all this pain if it was the one appointed to you. And maybe, just maybe, Tobio wouldn’t be upset for having you as a partner. “I think I’m down bad.”
When she gave you a comforting pat on the back, you figured that she must have had an idea about what was going on with your case currently. “I heard you got into a relationship with one of the accused?”
Christ. How did word spread so fast? Keiji would never spill it to anyone so you assumed this was all from Tobio. You were beginning to feel shameful at seeing all your other colleagues knowing that they were all professional with their missions while you were out there being the complete opposite. Being in a relationship with a suspect? Shame. You weren’t sure what exact rumors were being spread about you, but it was better not knowing.
“Sorta like that,” you answered, trying to shrug it off with a smile. You gestured your hand over to the meeting room and tried to politely excuse yourself because you didn’t wish to discuss about the whole relationship you have with Iwaizumi. “I’ll catch up with you some time soon, Alisa. I gotta get going.”
You requested for a personal appointment with Chief Director Matsuda because you didn’t feel like facing Tobio or Keiji right now after the mess you’ve created for this assignment. As far as they were concerned, you were the root of the previous wrong intel and this was all your fault so you didn’t want to show up while they (or actually just Tobio) might still be upset with you. Tough luck, because you were greatly surprised when they were also inside the Chief Director’s office when you came in.
They were seated in their usual spots and you unintentionally shared a glance with Tobio whose eyes followed you with intent. You made sure to avert your gaze as quickly as you could because his words still stung and you didn’t really know how to act around him. That being said, you chose to take the seat near Keiji instead of being in the usual one close to your partner. You weren’t being petty, you were just trying to avoid being targeted by his anger again. His sharp tongue hurt you terribly and seeing his face reminded you of all the things he said. The worst part about that was how you definitely have no right to get frustrated at him because he only stated the truth.
“What’s the reason for an immediate meeting request, Agent Y/N?” Chief Director Matsuda asked, observing you from a distance. “You know that I don’t like hearing information that aren’t useful so get straight to it.”
You took a deep breath, looking down momentarily to gather all the courage you had in your body. You reminded yourself that you had to do this. You’ve chosen your mind over your heart and there was no turning back. Once the information was out, you already know the future that you would have with your relationship with Iwaizumi and it could wreck you. Could kill you inside, even. But you had to do the right thing this time, for everyone’s sake. You’ve already risked everyone’s job on the line and you ought to fix it.
It’ll be okay. Everything will be okay.
You swallowed the hesitation forming on your throat before admitting to the truth, “I-I think Hajime is the suspect.”
If only there were a thousand words that could describe the way Kageyama and Akaashi looked at your direction with great surprise. Yes, I turned him in. As much as it devastated you to do so, you were already shattered at the mere fact that Iwaizumi had an actual involvement in this. You’ve been in denial to yourself for so long believing that your boyfriend had nothing to do with this case and that you could continue loving him that way you wanted to, but reality hit you mercilessly.
“I need concrete evidences and proofs,” Chief spoke with a deadpanned voice. “I don’t want this to become an Oikawa 2.0 and have the SWAT team raid his place only to find out that he has licenses to own a gun. I need proof that he’s the dealer.”
You nodded understandingly. “Yes, Chief. I’ll get further into that. I saw intel from the suspect’s phone where Oikawa mentioned something about shipments and cops on surveillance which could mean that Iwaizumi is directly involved with Oikawa acting as his supplier and,” you hesitated, feeling Keiji and Tobio’s stare at you but you kept your eyes locked on your boss. “I saw high caliber police issue handguns in his cabinet just recently.”
Chief was in deep thought as he took all of these information into consideration. He looked like he was trying to solve the connection between Oikawa and Iwaizumi, but Keiji decided to speak up and contribute some of his knowledge.
“If Iwaizumi is the dealer, we need to find his connection with the Evo because that’s our main lead. All puzzle pieces must connect.” Keiji adjusted his glasses before continuing. “And if Oikawa claims that all of his transactions were legal, that makes Iwaizumi the licensed dealer who is illicitly selling the firearms for the black market.”
Hearing him say the possible crime that your boyfriend was committing made your chest ache painfully, but taking the investigator’s theory in mind, you made a proposal for everyone to hear, “I’ll do what I can to squeeze new intel out of him. I’ll have screenshots of their conversations sent to you, Investigator. As for the licenses and his real participation in Oikawa’s business, I promise I’ll try to obtain as much information as I can gather. I already took photos of the guns he currently owns and hopefully he...” your voice broke as you continued, “h-hopefully he trusts me enough to give me details about his future transactions.”
Despite the Chief Director’s approving nod, you heard Kageyama tapping his pen on the table before scoffing. “I think it’s fucked up that she didn’t mention all these information before. If she’s trying to save her boyfriend, then what’s the point in trusting her?”
You stayed silent and refused to turn your head to him. Not this again, your weak feelings were still raw. You knew what you’ve done wrong but he didn’t have to stick it in your face when you were already doing your best to fix it. If you were choosing Iwaizumi over your job, then you never would have said all of these facts. Kageyama has a clear mistrust with you and you were leaving it all up to him if he wanted to believe you but you were still going to do your part.
“Enough,” Chief scolded Kageyama before letting out a deep sigh as he looked at you. “Fair enough, I’d ask you to gather adequate information before we can ascertain whether or not we should move on the guy.” Chief leaned on the table, directing all of his words to you. “If whatever relationship you have with the accused is working, you can use it to your advantage. You have my trust, Agent. The PSIA is on your back.”
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Tobio followed you to the parking lot after the meeting and it was in the same spot where he yelled at you the other night after calling you names and saying hurtful words to get you to open your eyes. You didn’t turn around when he called for you, but as the sound of his footsteps got closer, you knew you couldn’t just run away from him.
“Hey, can we talk?” he asked before grabbing your arm. He made your turn around to look at his eyes and you noticed that his expression had turned less antagonistic than what he had a while ago. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
You pulled your arm away as your eyes found the floor. “It’s fine.” Really, because there was nothing else to say. He said what he said—he was upset, it was expected. You understood his intentions of yelling those words to you.
“I’m sorry about the other day, too,” he added in a softer voice. “I didn’t mean it. I was angry and I put all of the blame to you because I had to wake you up—”
“I get it,” you answered, curtly. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m just gonna work on solving this case on my own so you don’t have to see me around anymore, okay? Just bear with me a little bit more. I promise I won’t get in your way after this and that you’ll never have to work in an assignment with someone like me ever again. I’m sorry for being incompetent and unprofessional.”
And for being a ‘whore’ for becoming attached to Iwaizumi.
He tried to reach for your arm again. “Y/N...”
“I’m choosing my mind over my heart,” you declared—your glossy eyes meeting his apologetic ones. He didn’t understand how much it hurt you to finally give up your ‘delusion’ of having Iwaizumi in your life, but you hoped that he could at least see the efforts you were giving for the sake of saving your job. “I know you just wanna work with Keiji until this assignment is over but I want you to know that I’ll also work on it alone and stay out of your way while I do so. This is still my job. I may have steered away from my original intentions, but I’m not a prostitute nor a slut. I was wrong for having feelings for him and I know that. We can work on this case separately from now on, like you said.”
His grip on your arm slid down from your forearm to your hand, squeezing it as a form of apology. Tobio’s eyes glistened with regret while you were trying to hold it together. “No, I wanna work with you.”
You shook your head dismissively. “I only mess things up for you.”
“You don’t, I—shit. Listen, I really am sorry. I like working with you. It’s also my fault that I didn’t verify things after breaking into Oikawa’s home. I rushed the whole thing.”
You held your breath. He didn’t have to explain. “I’m not guilt tripping you either way.”
At that moment, Tobio’s gaze only became steadier as he looked at you with mixed emotions—you could see hesitance, pain, regret. He was also deeply apologetic as they reflected through his eyes. You were about to ask him what else he wanted to say, but you were taken aback when the guy suddenly leaned in to press his lips against yours.
The amount of shock that entered your body as soon you felt his lips made you pull away in haste. What was he thinking? It didn’t feel right.
“I-I’m sorry,” he stammered with wide eyes that mirrored yours.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated, still in utter surprise. Your heart was running laps because you couldn’t believe that Tobio Kageyama just kissed you and you were not expecting it. “I-I don’t feel that way for you, Tobio.”
It was difficult to process the very idea that Tobio liked you at all and you were now beginning to understand why he was extremely upset with your relationship with Iwaizumi more than just the aspect of unprofessionalism in it.
He was jealous.
But you didn’t feel the same way for him and you saw rejection in his eyes that also reflected a look of expectation as if he already knew what you were going to say. Even then, he wanted to reappeal the feelings you had, or lacked thereof, for him. “You can’t be with him. He’s a criminal.”
You were very much aware of that, but kissing someone else behind your boyfriend’s back didn’t feel right either. You wouldn’t like it if he did it to you and more importantly, you only craved Hajime’s lips and no one else’s. “I know that, but I still only want him. Don’t worry, I’m gonna do my job and investigate him the way I should, but while I’m still acting as his girlfriend, he has all of me,” you paused, taking a step back. He could call you delusional but your feelings were true. “I wanna give all of myself to him with all the time I still have left.”
It wasn’t your intention to hurt Tobio’s feelings after rejecting his sudden and honest display of affection towards you—in fact, that was the last thing you wanted. However, you also didn’t plan to stay and see his reaction knowing that you would only feel bad for not returning so.
He deserved better and that ‘better’ was not you.
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There were certain changes in the way Iwaizumi was acting around you since the day he became your ‘boyfriend’ and it wasn’t actually a bad thing. In fact, he only became more affectionate and was giving you all of his attention without asking for it. It was sad to see because your plan was to slowly detach yourself from him now that you’ve chosen to keep your job instead of being an accomplice to his possible crime. You wanted to keep being in love with him, however the words your dad told you the last time you met him echoed through your mind, “You’re free to see anyone you want. Just make sure you’re choosing the right man and not risking your job over it.” Surely, in another universe, you would still choose Iwaizumi. It just hurt so much that the universe you were currently in could not allow you to have the relationship you wanted with him and it was the plain truth that you had to accept.
But how could you easily detach yourself if he was beginning to show how much he cared for you?
How could you try and not fall deeper if he was starting to be a genuine boyfriend to you?
Instead of trying to form a boundary, a wall, a safe space between you and him, you were only sustaining an ache in your heart knowing that he was only going to exist in your dreams one day. One day, he would hate you so much that he couldn’t stand being in the same room as you.
For now, he adored you. He cared for you enough that when he entered the training studio that day, he surprised you with a bouquet of flowers to cheer you up from crying the other night. He really believed he was the one who made you cry and he was trying to make up for it. You were guilty for lying, but your heart also felt full because of the efforts he was trying to do to keep you by his side. His face even lit up when he saw your smile after receiving the bouquet. “They’re beautiful,” you said, kissing his lips when he leaned over the desk.
Even the small things caused your heart to do crazy somersaults, because when the usual flirty girls in his training studio tried to ask him out, you were surprised to hear his answer.
“Hey, there’s a party at my place tonight,” said a girl named Sora as you watched her from a distance and saw how she placed her hand on your boyfriend’s arm. “Maybe you wanna come hang out?”
Iwaizumi simply smiled before peeling her hand off him. “I have a girlfriend.”
That night, as any normal couple would, you found yourself naked in his bed as he hovered over you with soft kisses being placed all over your neck. Your hand was on the back of his head, pulling his hair while you restrained the moans from leaving your lips. For a split second, you recalled how Tobio kissed you earlier and you were scared that if Hajime found out, he would go berserk. You still haven’t seen the peak of his anger and you definitely weren’t looking forward to seeing it.
Tonight, however, Iwaizumi was surprisingly soft and he made sure that you were going to notice the change in his actions when he pulled away to look at you. “You don’t like me rough, princess?”
You pressed your palms on his cheeks and ran your thumb across his lower lip. “N-No, I like it when you’re rough.”
“Hm?” He left open-mouthed kisses on your lips and devoured your tongue that battled his for dominance. Kissing Hajime was addicting in itself and you couldn’t get tired of it. The way his lips moved against yours in perfect sync made the experience the best you’ve ever had. He knew you craved for more when he took a pause from all the kissing to whisper on your ear, “I’ll be gentle with you tonight.”
His deep voice sent shivers to your spine and he later found himself moving down to trail kisses on your collarbone. He kept eye contact when his hand made way to squeeze your breast, massaging the rounded mass softly before feasting on it with his mouth. You slightly arched your back as his tongue swirled around your nipple and his other hand was still kneading your tit with his index finger playing with the sensitive bud, tracing circles around your areola teasingly. He grinned when he saw your lips parting open upon watching him sucking your breast and catching your nipple between his lips. “You’re mine,” he mumbled, squeezing your mounds together and giving each boob an equal delicate suck. Suddenly, an idea must have entered his already naughty mind because he had a smirk when he looked down at you. “Wanna see how I jerk off to you, princess?”
“H-How?” you stupidly asked, caressing his hard chest down to his toned abs. Heat left your body as your boyfriend moved away to kneel in front of you and you saw how his thick member had grown an inch harder. His tip was incredibly swollen and the vein on the side of his cock was almost popping with how erect he was. You caused his arousal and it was enough to send a rush of pleasure through your body. You later slid your back just enough so you could rest it on the pillow while you gazed at how your boyfriend wrapped a hand around his cock and pumped it in front of you. Fuck. That might be one of the hottest things you’ve seen him do.
He mantained a wanton gaze down at you as he worked on his stimulation while also spreading your legs further. He was jerking himself off directly at your entrance and it was driving you absolutely crazy. He enjoyed how you reacted too and wanted you to participate. “Touch yourself,” he ordered, doing slow but consistent strokes on his dick.
Of course, you listened to him like you always did and found your fingers traveling to your clit as you performed circular strokes on your main bud of pleasure. You were getting off at the sight of your boyfriend masturbating while he was getting off to the sight of you playing with your cunt. “Mmh.. Hajime..” you moaned, slightly moving your hips as you let your fingers stretch your folds to show him the exact tight hole that he was highly addicted to. You saw Iwaizumi biting his lower lip when he watched how you touched yourself and you were excited at the fact that you satisfied him.
“Dreaming about my cock filling you in, princess?” he asked in a low, raspy voice. You nodded desperately before your slick-coated fingers found your entrance. You sunk two fingers in at once and whimpered while you grabbed your boob for a squeeze. Hajime’s jaws tightened because his impatience was running thin—he wanted nothing but to be inside of you but he wasn’t done with your little show. “Ugh, shit... You look so fucking sexy. I can’t believe you’re mine.”
You buckled your hips slowly as you started thrusting your fingers in and out at the same pace he was jacking off his length with. “I’m all yours.”
His mouth twisted into a sly grin and the next thing you knew, he held your wrist and pulled your fingers out of your vagina before placing the same fingers in his mouth. He sucked the juices from your digits while pressing his shaft in between your folds, grinding his length and allowing your slick to slide through his erect manhood. “Does my good girl deserve this cock?” He displayed a playful smirk when he started slapping his length against your clit before his hand cupped your whole genital, palming your sex with desire.
“Y-Yeah,” you answered through staggered breaths. Your heart was in absolute frenzy because this intimate moment with your boyfriend was something you never imagined yourself to be doing before. Another thing you liked about being with Hajime was how he could make you feel confident about yourself with the way he desired you.
After a moment, there was a shift of position as he carefully laid beside you. “Move a little for me, princess. I’ll finger you.” You did as told and let him lay beside you, pressing his mouth against yours for a sloppy kiss before his two fingers penetrated your tight walls and his thumb worked on pleasuring your clit. His moan vibrated through mouth as your hand reached for his hard length to give him the perfect handjob he wanted. You almost giggled at the thought of you two touching each other while tongue kissing under the red LED lights. This whole sexual experience was as erotic as it could get and it hasn’t even fully started.
“Mm—yes,” you whined, barely, because he didn’t want to stop kissing your mouth even when his fingers were busy abusing your tight cunt until he reached your g-spot. He then began to scissor his fingers inside knowing full well that you were clenching around him. “D-Daddy, that feels so good.”
He thrusted himself on your hand so you could work better on keeping up the right speed at pumping his dick, then he bit your lower lip softly. “Tongue.”
You stuck half of your tongue out and felt his own tongue playing with yours while he playfully smiled through it. You didn’t even know that his eyes were open and were carefully watching the expression off your face as you closed your eyes with the amount of multitasking happening all over your body—your tongue to tongue, your hand jerking off his cock, your vagina being fingered. It didn’t take long until he could no longer bear the agony of waiting. He gently turned you sideways—your back on him with his forearm resting underneath your head and his other hand lifting your thigh so his tip could meet your soaking entrance. “F-Fuck me, Hajime. Please.”
“Pleasure’s mine,” he teased, kissing your cheek affectionately before he slowly sunk himself inside of you. Both of you shared guttural moans after the first penetration because it was so damn good to finally feel him inside. His movements against your cunt were nice and slow, stretching you out until he was balls deep in your cavern. Were you ever going to feel this good with any other man? Never. Only Hajime could fill you in so perfectly and hit the right spot while doing so. His hips were meeting yours with a slam that delivered squelching noises from the wetness of your core. He would’ve had no idea how pleasuring it was to have his deep, passionate thrusts if not for your loud cries of pleasure that echoed through his bedroom. He relished himself from the sound of it and tilted your chin so he could kiss you again and again. “Don’t ever forget this night, Y/N.”
No, there was no chance of ever forgetting this night, especially not when he just called you by your name for the first time. You didn’t know if you were going to cry from how good he was fucking you or from how your name rolled of his tongue. You wanted more of this with Hajime and you suddenly remembered how this night was one of the last moments you’d have with him as his girlfriend after the case was over—after he’d be imprisoned once proven guilty. Perhaps it was such a wrong timing to think about these intrusive thoughts that greatly sent waves of pain through your heart, because then your tears started running through the corner of your eyes.
“I-I won’t,” you faltered, later whimpering when he started catching up to a faster pace as his hard cock penetrated you deeper. Your walls were tightening, your legs were shaking, and your lower abdomen was aching—this meant one thing and only one thing. “Mmh... H-Haji! I’m gonna cum so hard.”
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” His mouth was on your ear while he fucked you sideways and started drilling his member inside your cunt to reach his own orgasm. You would have cried from the words that left his lips and the fact that he was in love with you but the current sexual activity caused your mind to only think about wanting to reach your climax. “Cum for me, princess. Let it out.”
Because of the insane speed, your stomach suddenly twitched knowing that your thick cream have already coated his dick while he continued to fuck you through your overstimulation. Your tightness was milking him just enough as his thrusts became faster and deeper. At that point, your cries were defeaning. “A-Ahh, mmh... H-Hajime!”
“Uhh, fuck. That feels so fucking good...” With a tight grip on your hip and his thrusts becoming unsteady, his warm seed then exploded inside of you, leaving you breathless, weak, and completely wrecked by the man you could only ever offer yourself to.
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“So, how did you start the training studio?” you inquired as you sat on the counter while your boyfriend drank his protein shake. You two woke up pretty late after a very tiring and passionate night and you found yourself in the kitchen today in an almost domestic set up.
After drinking all of the content, he placed his tumbler back on the counter and let you cling to his broad shoulders. “You mean how I got the money to start the business?” he asked, placing his hand on the marbled surface beside your thigh. “I used some of my own money from the fight club but I mostly borrowed the funds from Oikawa until I was able to return all of it in a year.”
So it was initially a shared business between him and Oikawa. Your inquisitiveness had another intention behind it and that was to get him to spill his involvement on the illegal gun selling. You were feeling terrible for using your boyfriend like this despite having an amazing night with him, but you had to get back to your undercover assignment just as you promised. “I didn’t know Oikawa lent you the capital money.”
Iwaizumi nodded and continued giving a few more information about their connection, “He’s rich enough that he doesn’t know what to do with his money, but I really am grateful for that trash that’s why I help him around with his business, too.”
“Oh, the guns and ammos?” you replied, hoping that you didn’t sound too eager. “I honestly don’t get why the SWAT raided his place.”
Iwaizumi’s face became stern and emotionless. You always found him intimidating when his expression turned like this so you had to press your lips on his cheek while hugging him tighter. His whole body relaxed before he spoke again, “He kinda expected it would happen.”
Really? You kissed his jaw, feigning innocence with your questions. “How come?”
“His business is already dangerous in itself,” he replied as he placed his hands on your hips. You couldn’t stop yourself from touching his cheek. “Oikawa’s dad is a an army veteran and they supply military grade guns. Imagine how many people would try to purchase those types of guns. It ranges, you know—there could be syndicates, VIPs, or secret agents. When they buy in bulk, he gives them a price, and when they’re not satisfied, that’s how the problem starts. He’s careful with every transaction so I help him around sometimes.”
Is he basically confirming that he’s dealing guns to help Oikawa?
There was a certain look on Iwaizumi’s green orbs when he stared straight to your eyes with the corner of his lips upturned. For a moment, it felt like he was also playing the exact game you were playing right now. It looked as if he was mocking the curiosity in your face while answering all of your questions.
“Anything else you wanna know?” he asked in concealed smug. “Go on and ask while I’m still feeling generous with my answers.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you shook your head quickly. “N-No. I just wanna make sure you’re safe, like I said,” you lied, cupping his cheek to peck his lips. “Baby, I don’t want you to be doing things that could risk your life.”
With your foreheads pressed together, his expression softened. “I already am at high risk. You think some of the people I defeated in the fight club aren’t running after me? I have a lot of enemies, princess.”
Ironically, you were one of them.
“Don’t you think you should maybe stop attending the fight club?” you inquired, hiding the hint of nervousness in your tone. “It’s unsafe and illegal, technically.”
He simply dismissed the thought and pulled away. “I don’t know. Maybe when we start a family. For now, I wanna keep doing fights. Being undefeated is thrilling, you know?”
Did you just hear that right? Did he just mention something about starting a family?
You felt a pang of guilt on your chest. You were about to ask if he meant it but he had already changed the topic.
“Hey, I’ll be goin’ out today and be back probably at midnight. I have something important to do,” he said, as if you were a wife he needed to inform to. “Just stay here and wait for me, okay? You can text Becca if there’s an emergency.”
Something told you that he would be pissed if you ask him what he was about to do so you didn’t pry any further and just nodded obediently.
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10PM on a Saturday, you wondered what Iwaizumi was doing to be staying out so late. He did leave just as he told you earlier and you spent the whole day inside his apartment waiting for him to come back. You had a feeling that he might be doing something dangerous right now but you couldn’t really follow him without having your cover busted.
Instead of pursuing an action scene, you just decided to do what you had to as an Intelligence Agent, and that was to gather necessary information that could further prove Iwaizumi’s involvement in the illegal sale of firearms.
Since you were alone in his apartment, you decided to search through all of his cabinets. You weren’t able to find much except the three guns in his closet but there was another drawer under his bed that you never knew was there.
You had to work on the lock with a hairpin until you were able to open the drawer where you found some of his documents. Almost all of his personal documents were in there—passport, IDs, copy of the dojo’s business certificate, his California driver’s license, and surprisingly, his Concealed Firearm Permit. You couldn’t find any Federal Firearms License (or FFL) to prove that he was a licensed dealer but you decided to verify his personal gun ownership permit by dialing the right department.
“NPA Firearms Licensing Team, please state your full name,” the phone agent answered.
“Yeah, um, this is Intelligence Agent Y/N L/N,” you spoke professionally through the phone, sitting on the floor while you looked at your boyfriend’s gun license. “PSIA Division 2-2. Serial number 01127. We’re currently running an investigation for Case 747 under Chief Director Matsuda.”
“Okay. How can I assist you, Agent L/N?”
You drew in a heavy breath before answering, “Yes, I need to verify a gun license obtained by Tokyo resident Hajime Iwaizumi. Are you able to confirm the validity of the said license?”
After providing more of Iwaizumi’s personal information, the officer stationed on the phone was able to verify and confirm that Hajime did legally register his guns. They were even able to confirm that all three guns were purchased from Route 01 Guns and Ammos which was the shop owned by Oikawa’s father.
You were confused. Did you perhaps get the wrong guy again?
But considering Keiji’s theory, Iwaizumi could be a licensed dealer who was illegally trafficking the guns to the black market. That was the only conclusion to this because all three of his guns were licensed. Once proven that he did sell to unlicensed purchasers, that would make him the confirmed suspect. The only problem was, where the hell was his gun dealership license? Sure, you couldn’t question his gun ownership, but his right to sell was questionable.
You released a loud, exasperated sigh as you found it difficult to figure this investigation out. You reached for your phone again to inform Investigator Akaashi about the intel but it surprised you when his caller ID was already on your screen.
“Keiji?” you answered through the phone. “It’s good that you called, I have—”
“Y/N, listen. Kageyama is in the fight club right now,” he informed, worriedly. “Don’t say this to anyone but we still tapped Oikawa’s phone because Kageyama wanted to keep an eye on him. He doesn’t think he’s fully innocent.”
There was nothing wrong with that. “So, what’s up?”
You heard him take a deep breath from the other end of the line. “They’re planning to beat up Kageyama at the fight club tonight. They already suspect him of being a cop so they set him up. I-I can’t contact him to warn him since he’s not answering and—”
“Shit,” you cussed as your heart stopped. “I’m on it. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
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Your heart was thumping loud and fast by the time you reached the warehouse and the neon Tokyo Fight Night signage wasn’t lit which meant that there was no actual fight going on and that they simply invited Kageyama to set him up.
You couldn’t think straight because you were scared, frightened, for your partner knowing that his life was in danger and that you might be too late. He was going up to be ganged up by some of the best fighters in the underground fight club and the fact that Iwaizumi had an intense hatred for the police had your heart pounding in your chest.
There were two outcomes—Kageyama could get beaten into a pulp and Iwaizumi would be convicted for physical assault. That would make him an even worse criminal! You couldn’t let that happen and you didn’t want for Tobio to be in that scale of danger so you had to break the fight before it could even start.
However, as you were running through the dark parking space in outside fight club, your arms were suddenly grabbed by two men who carried you further away from the warehouse. You couldn’t see their faces in the dark but you were thrashing around while sending violent kicks.
“Who are you?! Let me go! Help!” you yelled, jerking your arms away from their tight grip before sending another kick to their leg. The men were too big that they weren’t even flinching from all of your self-defense attempts. It was futile to try and fight because the tight hold they had on your arm was unbreakable. “I said let me go you fucking—”
“I think we’re good here, boys.”
Your chest heaved after hearing the familiar voice.
The man stood in front of you, looking down at your face with his cunning smile and his piercing snake-like eyes. You saw a bandage wrapped around his shoulder as his silhouette became clearer from the moonlight.
“What’s up, gorgeous? Miss me?” he scornfully chuckled before holding your chin up. “You’re really beautiful, huh? No wonder Iwa’s crazy about you.”
You clenched your jaws. “D-Daishou, what the fuck are you doing?” You tilted your head to the warehouse and realized that you were way too far from it now. “Help!”
He didn’t answer, instead he slowly paced back and forth while doing his own narration. “It’s pretty useless to scream, you know? Your boyfriend’s probably too busy beating up the narc. I’d say Oikawa should be the one to do all the work after he ratted him out but that guy’s a pussy.”
How did they figure it out? You didn’t expect that they accused Tobio for snitching on them but you were able to realize how Oikawa surely must have recognized his eyes during the SWAT raid.
“What do you want?” you spoke through gritted teeth, scowling at Daishou. “Just let me go.”
He broke into a sarcastic laugh. “Why should I? Your boyfriend owes me.”
You couldn’t explain the amount of terror you had in your veins because you were afraid of what this guy was about to do to you. You remembered the last fight he had with Iwaizumi and how they argued over Mika. You recalled the threat he told your boyfriend saying that he was going to get back at him, but at the time, none of you took him seriously.
However, thinking of the words Iwaizumi said to you earlier about him having many enemies, this seemed to be one of those instance.
“You know what we should do with this pretty face?” Daishou asked, lifting your chin again as you took a hard swallow. “We should ruin it.”
He was quick to send a hard, violent slap across your cheek that sent your head whipping to the side from the harsh impact. You cried out of pain before looking back at Daishou with rage entering your body. “Y-You’re gonna pay for this!”
The guy merely grinned while throwing another hard smack—once, twice, they were continuously being thrown to your face until you could taste blood on your mouth and on the corner of your lips. You spit them out and tried to break free but Daishou’s men were too strong and you were getting weaker each second.
“Can’t fight back now, huh? You were so brave last time you saw me,” he taunted, forcefully pulling your hair so you could look at his disgusting face. “Crying?”
You winced from the pain on your head before spitting on his face. He flinched from your retaliation and threw another smack—no, it was a punch, that hit you squarely on the jaw. At that point, you were getting dizzy from all the hard blow that your head was receiving. “H-Hajime’s... gonna... kill... you.”
“He already tried to,” the guy claimed. “It’s a pleasure doing business with him and Oikawa but Iwa specifically gotta mind his own business sometimes.”
You couldn’t figure what the fuck he was talking about because your mind was only processing the pain you had all over your face. Blood was forming on your busted lip and the metallic taste was mixing in with your saliva. Soon enough, you felt Daishou locking your jaw with his hand.
“He also has to pay back for sleeping with Mika but I don’t really plan on fucking you. I don’t want his cum residue anywhere near me.” Daishou bursted into a cruel laugh while forcing you to look at him. “Aren’t you some kind of an espionage? A federal agent, maybe?”
Your eyes widened. How did he—
“No,” you denied. “Why would you even think so?!”
He merely shrugged before ordering his men to let you go. They threw you to the ground just as Daishou used his foot to step on your shoulder. “Hey, don’t tell Iwa about this or it’s a gunshot to his head. Clear?”
You could barely respond because you were trying to get his foot off you while you struggled with your breathing. Your eyes were barely open to watch him walk away from a distance before he got inside a familiar black car that brought another wave of shock throughout your body.
It was the Evo.
The car sped off leaving you faintly extending your arm after realizing that Daishou was the Evo’s true owner and you had to catch him before he escaped but your mind had already shut itself off as pain took over you completely.
The last thing you could remember was Becca and Issei screaming for your name from a distance.
general taglist: @x-cloudyyyy @iwazubean @elianetsantana @cottonheadedninnymugggins @centvry @kageyamakock @sunnsettee @bluesylveon2 @tsukkisfatsimp @cuddlesslut @mysteriousparker @asdfghjkl7things @02hhsailor @anejuuuuoy @minswags-posts @chemnerdkuroo @misssugarless @deeznutss @tanakax123 @oikawa-bubs @lust4keiji @black-kuroover @stel9 @tsumuuwu @daylghits @semibaby @crescenttooru @ems1des @the-golden-jhope @wonyoschubs @bakus-stuff
ufc taglist: @uwubby-1 @afire24 @lovingcupcakeavenue @lore-olympian @bongofrito @winunk @tsukkiswifeey @toumie @alltimeluw @nxynxy @agaashesmilktea @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @kuroosacchi @idiomaticpunk @s4ilor-m4rs @bokutosleftsock @ssrated1volleyballplayer @kuroosbb @cherriechurros
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getofy · 3 years
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bakugo as your boyfriend would include...
request: what would dating bakugo be like?
gn!reader (but there are slight fem themes if you squint); fluff; headcanons; no spoilers
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character: bakugo katsuki
a/n: this goes out to my one & only <333. ilysm deku kinnie pls enjoy! also, @ bakugo simps i hope this feeds u well. he’s sm fun to write for. headcanons + a short playlist are under the cut.
*ty to my bakugo kinnie/simp friend for helping me write this. i appreciate u. A LOT of these ideas r hers!!
04. IN TOO DEEP by SUM 41
katsuki is a very emotional person. he feels incredibly deep and profound things, but has trouble expressing it in a healthy manner. this being so, him as your s/o would consist of a lot of subtle displays of affection! such as...
he’ll teach you small things about his hobbies. will 100% show you how to play the drums, mountain climb, etc.
literally you learn so much with him it’s insane. he claims it’s because he couldn’t stand dating an incapable person, but in reality it’s just because he likes feeling useful/needed HAHA.
this man is lowkey super clingy...so he will always find a way to be physically close to you.
a BIG fan of putting his arm around your shoulder fs. don’t mention it to him though because he’ll IMMEDIATELY stop doing it.
if you’re comfortable with it, he’d adore it if you sat on his lap!! like fr if you walked up to him when he was lounging on the couch and did it this is how it would go...
“what’re you doing?”
“sitting down, why?”
he just stares and then grunts before going back to whatever he was doing
don’t let his indifference fool you, he is very pleased.
probably looked up at the ceiling and thought about it for an hour once you left
he thinks about you a lot
he pretends like it’s a nuisance, but it genuinely makes his day when you eat the stuff he prepares. literally if you’re hungry just ask him to make you smth and he’ll do it. he actually gets angry if you decide to cook without him.
one time, katsuki seemed really tired because of training and school. so you tried to make something for the both of you guys to enjoy together. it uh...didn’t go well...
“what are you doing?!”
“cutting vegetables...”
“no. you’re doing it all wrong. give me the knife.”
“excuse me??”
you ended up giving him the knife
the meal was great!?? but he scolded you for like 30 minutes after PLS.
he’s proud that you’re his s/o, so of course he’s gonna brag about you to EVERYONE.
it’s not overbearing or in an annoying way either. it’s moreso him talking about your accomplishments and stuff like that.
he literally only shows you off for his own benefit. NEEDS everyone to know how cool you and him both are.
it’s an ego thing.
i take back what i said abt it not being annoying. it’s a nuisance to everyone who ain’t you.
like i said before, he needs to be close to you at all times. sooo he always sits next to you. no questions asked.
expect to see a pouting, petty katsuki if you decide to sit next to somebody that isn’t him.
“are you seriously mad that i sat next to deku and not you on the bus?!”
“you’re impossible.”
you took his hoodie without asking ONE TIME and now he’s hooked on seeing you in his clothing.
he’ll always pretend like he’s doing you a favor though.
gotta love how annoying he is! 
i wouldn’t go as far to say that gift giving is his love language, but he’ll buy things that you bring up in causal conversation a whole lot.
he just kinda bashfully shoves the gift in your hands and watches as you fawn over it.
“awww! how’d you know??”
“you wouldn’t shut up about it.”
he loves seeing your pleased expression!! +100 boost to katsuki’s confidence.
we ALL know how smart this man is.
he will 100% help you study for school if you’re struggling!
don’t expect him to go easy on you though.
if anything, he’ll probably be harder on you because he really wants to see you succeed.
he basically carries you through math
i can see him knowing EVERYTHING about you. your birthday, your morning routine, your favorite snacks, your favorite songs, etc.
it doesn’t take a lot for him to remember this stuff either???
like, he thinks you’re unforgettable, so he just knows
he wants you to know how cool he is so bad it’s laughable.
he’ll show off during training exercises FOR SUREEEE
bakusquad teases him abt it when he does lol they ALLL know how whipped he is for you
kirishima: wow, you’re really into it today bakugo!
denki: well (y/n) IS watching
bakugo: SHUT UP.
-> you enable him so much...like way too much. please get on that. someone needs to hold this stupid man accountable. he probably likes it when you scold him despite his protests so don’t be afraid to tell him off baby.
-> your approval makes his heart go $$/!/?!!!error??77776. like, even before you two started dating, he would ALWAYS feel flustered whenever you would compliment his outfits, fighting style, etc. now that you guys are dating, he still feels extremely dazed when you dote on him.
he’ll probably act super cocky about it though
“ ‘course i look good, idiot.” 
he’s trying his best to suppress the stupid smile trying to take over his face. eventually, he lets it out, and tbh everyone in 1A knows that it’s because of smth cheesy you told him.
he is SUCH a softie for you it HURTTSSSS GAHHHH!!
-> katsuki is a very protective boyfriend.
this goes for everything, but especially applies during intense situations.
will literally lay his life down for you without thinking twice about it. don’t fight me on this. it’s canon.
if you’re going on a dangerous mission, you BEST believe this man is tagging along with you.
if for some reason he can’t go, he’ll make it a point to stay up way past his bed time waiting for you to come back.
when katsuki chooses you over sleep just know that you’ve won at life.
he doesn’t see you as inferior in any way. he knows you can handle yourself, but he really wants to keep you safe bc if something bad happened to the love of his life he would be in shambles.
on a lighter note, if mineta bugs you, he’ll absolutely wreck him. will literally punt that grape boy into the next stratosphere.
also!! he’s not the type to care about what you wear. if you’re wearing smth a bit more revealing, the most he’ll say is that you look hot. literally is so unbothered.
he trusts you a lot so it’s like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
protective ≠ possessive
-> dates w/ him are super all over the place! one weekend, you guys will just chill in his dorm and the next he’ll be laughing maniacally as he chases you down during an intense round of laser tag.
-> he’s big fan of competition, so he’ll turn everything into one.
let him win.
-> his hands are really sensitive because of his quirk, so if you kissed them he’d turn to mush.
im literally begging you to touch this man. help him. he is so touch-starved it’s not funny.
-> he runs hot so cuddles w him are so nice and comforting :(. will pull you in close and tight and NEVER let go.
in short, while dating katsuki definitely comes with it’s quirks, it’s a beautiful relationship. he respects you endlessly and will do anything to ensure your happiness. treat him right and he’ll do the same!!
have fun dating explosion boy!
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission
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lofitojii · 4 years
REACTION: I Think I Love You
Summary: You just told him how you felt after holding back feelings for what seemed like an eternity. This is how it went.
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A/N: Soooo I have these feelings for a friend that I didn’t think were real and after I finally sat down and thought about it, turns out this shit real. Here’s another imagine for ya based on the things i’m feeling lol. enjoy xx
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You had been friends since your training days, he was quite literally your number one everything; friend, support, hero. You went to him for everything, anywhere between personal issues, relationship problems, all the way to the little things like what sweater to order from your favorite artist. The time came where you could no longer hold back your feelings, you had to tell him. The night you decided to express yourself was a night that you had already made plans to watch movies and play video games at your house. It was normal, so you knew you would feel comfortable finally telling him how you felt, knowing that if he rejected you, you’d still be okay. You knew he loved you for who you were, and if he doesn’t feel the same, you could at least thank the universe for bringing you two together. 
“Keigo,” you started, fiddling with the controller in your hands. Your palms were sweaty, mainly from gaming for so long but also from how nervous you were. “I gotta tell you something.” 
“What’s up?” He asked, giving you his full attention. You had fallen in love with those eyes, the way they were so soft and gentle when he interacted with you. His expression was innocent, completely ready for whatever it was you had to tell him.  
“Fuck…” you cursed, trying to spit it all out. It felt as if you were visibly choking on your own words. 
“Well come one now, spit it out! The anticipation is killing me!”
“I don’t want this to ruin anything…” You started, hoping he would catch the hint at where this conversation was going. 
“Nothing can ruin anything if you really think about it.” 
“What?” That was actually the most confusing statement that could be made right now. 
“I mean, like nothing can be ruined if I don’t let it be ruined, ya know? To be honest, you can’t ruin anything for me. Unless you’re about to tell me what happened in the new Attack on Titan chapter, then I might actually have to commit a crime.” You rolled your eyes at his statement, taking the opportunity to just kiss him instead of telling him how you felt. This way you were able to get your point across without actually having to tell him. 
You pulled away, your cheeks hot to the touch, Keigo’s mirroring your own actions. “Wow,” he breathed, placing his fingers to his lips. You pulled your own bottom lip in between your teeth, biting down so you could numb your nervous feelings. 
Keigo reacted before speaking, pulling your head again, his lips caressing yours. When he pulled away, he placed small kisses on your cheeks, noise, lips again. “I’ve felt this way for a very long time so thank god you kissed me first.” 
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He was unreadable most of the time, and honestly it’s been quite the mission to get him to open up to you. It’s been years since you first met him and within those years, you had slowly broken down the walls he had built so high around his heart. You felt like you were closer to him than any other friend he had, which in itself was a personal accomplishment. The only trial left was to express to him how you’ve felt all these years. You saw a side of Dabi that he refused to share with others, a side you found beautiful. The night you told him, you hadn’t really planned on it panning out the way it did. It was just you two, walking home from a bar together, drunk, clumsy, emotional. 
“Dabi,” you slurred, resting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re amazing, you know that?” 
“Shut up,” he laughed, wrapping his arm around your waist. “No other person in the world will compare to you when it comes to being drinking buddies. You’re amazing!” 
“I think I love you,” you blurted out, only after realizing what you had said. “Emphasis on think,” you tried to save yourself, but you knew you were already too far deep, there was no going back. 
“Well I know I love you,” he responded, stopping in his tracks. You looked up to see he was already looking down at you, his smile visible due to the illuminating street lamps. “I literally hate everyone. You’re the only person I’ve ever felt comfortable opening up to. I’m surprised you were the person to admit it though. You hate confronting your feelings.” 
“So do you! If I didn’t do it, who knows how long we would’ve held back.” 
“Probably forever.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours. You could feel his chapped lips intertwine with yours, the kiss feeling like everything you had imagined it to be; warm, comforting, exciting. “I’ve been loving you.” 
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You would say you and Bakugou are friends, despite the fact he refuses to admit he’s friends with anyone. You were the one person he honestly enjoyed hanging out with, even though he would never tell you that to your face. You were always the first person he would call when he wanted to do something or to just talk. He also would yell about how stupid everything was in front of you, immidatly shutting down if someone else were to walk in. No one understood that about him, they all thought he was just angry and yelling for no reason. But there was a reason and you were the person Bakugou had chosen to express himself to, even if it didn’t make sense. When you had decided to tell him how you felt, it was something that you had to force out of yourself due to the fact you had grown distant, trying to avoid your feelings. 
“You owe me an explanation. You’ve been quiet and distant and you have me fucking worried. What the fuck is wrong?” He bursted out, confronting the uneasy feelings in front of you. 
“I can’t.” 
“Like hell you can’t! Why is it that when I’m having trouble, you force me to tell you but the minute you have something to say, you shut the hell up! It’s not fair Y/N!” 
“Want to know what’s not fair?” You finally spat, choking on threatening tears. “The fact that every day, I watch from afar and see that the man I’m in love with completely ignores the feelings I have for him! I know you know and you haven’t done shit about it! That’s why I decided to stay quiet! I can’t take rejection from you because I know it’s going to fucking hurt!” Your breathing became uneven, the tears you had so desperately wanted to hold back finally exposing themselves. “You’re a piece of work Bakugou. I can’t fucking stand you sometimes.” 
“Then come here.” He yanked at your arm, embarrassing you into his chest. He rested his head on top of yours, letting out a deep exhale before pulling away to look at you. “I know you feel this way because I feel this way too. I don’t know how to express feelings like that so I just waited until you did. When you shut down and stopped coming around, I knew something was up.”
You pressed your head against his chest, hiding your tears from the man standing in front of you. “Why do we have to be so difficult?” He placed his hand under your chin, lifting your head so you were looking into his eyes. He swiped his thumb across your cheek, catching a tear before it had a chance to fall. 
“You’re difficult as hell. Super moody, bossy, sometimes bitchy. But I love those things about you.” He pressed his lips to yours, the taste of salt lingering from your tears. “You taste like salt.” 
“Shut the hell up.”
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 327 Spoiler Analysis: Home Sweet Home
OH MY GOD, GUYS!!!  DEKU GETS A BATH!!!! 🎉🛁 🧼   My broccoli boy finally gets squeaky clean, gets some sleep, and we finally get some R&R time with the Class 1-A kids.  It’s not close to the happy-go-lucky days of old, but it’s some time with the kids nonetheless.  I’m glad Horikoshi put some heart and humor in this chapter because god knows we needed it.  But, let’s be real, this is the calm before the storm:
The chapter starts off with what everyone and Horikoshi has been wanting for Deku since he went on his mission: A motherfuckin’ bath 🛀 🧼🛁!   Kaminiari and Kirishima lead the Class 1-A boys to carry Deku into their side of the UA Alliance bathhouse (looks real nice btw) and give him a good power-wash.  The whole sequence is very comical!  The boys are rushing in and poor Deku has this O_O face on him like “what is happening?” 😂 We also see some of the boys butt naked 😳  It’s clear that Horikoshi had fun drawing this thing and it was fun to read 💚
Bakugo is with them of course and you can actually see his scars from when Shigaraki stabbed him.  He’s not bleeding, but you can see those scar patches on his skin.  I’m curious of how fan artist are going to draw him from now on.  I would like to see that fan art 👀
There’s also some bubble sfx coving Bakugo’s crotch and a translator said it might say dick or penis.  I’m curious what the officials will say.
But, Bakugo being Bakugo is still aggressive towards his classmates.  More playfully than before, but still.  He reminds everyone that he still intends on being the best there is and that everyone is still his rivals (also friends, Bakugo).  HE EVEN MAKES AN ATTEMPT TO CALL DEKU IZUKU!  LIKE HE ALMOST SAID “DEKU” BUT HE CHANGED IT TO IZUKU AT THE LAST MINUTE!  AND DEKU SAYS THAT CALLING HIM DEKU IS JUST FINE LIKE THAT ANGER THAT ORIGINATED FROM THE NICKNAME ISN’T THERE ANYMORE AND IT’S A FREINDLY NICKNAME BKDK FRIENDSHIP GROWTH YOU LOVE TO SEE IT 🧡💚  
After Deku’s bath, he’s sitting in the commons talking to the rest of Class 1-A.  Well, most of them.  Mina tells Deku that Ochako and a few other students went to bed after everything became ok again.  So, I definitely didn’t see Tsuyu, and it looks like Shoji, Aoyama, and Hagakare weren’t in this chapter either.  Ochako I understand; her speech must’ve been emotionally taxing.  Aoyama and Hagakare are the top suspects for being the traitor in the fandom and this isn’t helping their cases.  I don’t know about Tsuyu and Shoji though.  They’re both mutant-types, but characters like Ojiro or mutant-like people like Jiro, Mina or Tokoyami didn’t get outcasted.  Horikoshi did hint that Shoji would be getting something soon.  But, I really am just speculating here.
Now that Deku’s back, everyone has questions for him.  Though I understand why, this has gotta be overwhelming for Deku.  At least they’re not mad at him for hiding OFA.  They seem very understanding actually.
Then my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto Todoroki, comes in all handsome right out of the baths 💙  He’s drying his right side while you can see a steam cloud on his left.  So, it is canon that Shoto drys himself naturally with his heat. His entrance is so pretty that even Mineta’s questioning it (shut up, Mineta, you’ll never be as beautiful as him).  And yes, I might be a Shoto simp, don’t judge me I see y’all too 👀
Anyway, Shoto asks everyone to let Deku sleep since that was pretty much the whole reason they brought him back.  Problem is, Deku can’t because he really needs to apologize to All Might for abandoning him.  AND AFTER HE SAYS THAT THERE’S A DETAILED PANEL OF SHOTO POINTING TO ALL MIGHT LIKE “UH, MIDORIYA? HE’S RIGHT THERE” AND ALL MIGHT LOOKING FROM THE WINDOW LIKE A HORROR VILLAIN WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE 😭
All Might comes in and apologizes to Deku for not being able to support him when he needed it, but Deku says that All Might support him more than enough.  Mina also scolds All Might for not saying anything when he left.  She wants All Might to apologize to everyone for that.  Though I’m glad Deku and All Might have reconciled (I honestly thought that last convo between them was going to be THE LAST for a hot minute), Mina has a point.  All Might did bail on all of them without any warning.  Kinda messed up in general.
All Might apologizes and he is going to fight with everyone regardless of his physical state so that he can see that flame continue to shine.  However, he warns the kids that they got info on the villains and that the final decisive battle is coming soon.  If the whole “Final Arc” thing hasn’t been hammered into your head, there you go.  I’m also glad that Stain’s speech did end up motivating All Might further.  Who knew?
So, All Might is off to help Endeavor since he’s got unfinished business to take care of.  But, the kids are wondering why Endeavor (and probably Hawks) isn’t entering UA entirely yet.  Shot reminds them that Endeavor is still connected to Dabi and that his presence alone would cause more discourse.  People’s minds can’t change that easily.  Shoto of all people would know.  
As Deku FINALLY SLEEPS 💤 and Shoto puts a blanket over him (possibly warmed by his left side 🔥) 💙💚 Shoto acknowledges how his presence might be making people anxious too even though it’s not his fault at all (thank you, Kirishima for doubling down on this btw ❤️🪨).  But, things are different and Shoto’s going to show that so that everyone can be at ease like he wants as a hero.  There’s even this sweet small smile on his beautiful face as he says this.  He’s grown so much and he’s pretty to boot I love him so much *HANDS IN FACE* 💙❄️🔥 
And now Jiro steps up and says her piece.  That she knows how hard it is to convince everyone to change their minds for the better.  Like with those two critics from the Culture Fest.  Even so, they accomplished this before, so she thinks they can do it again.  She even gathers all the band members to emphasize on this.  I love how Jiro uses her earphone jacks to rally the band and how she literally drags Bakugo by the shirt for a cute group shot.  None of these kids are afraid of Bakugo anymore LOL 😂!  Also, Momo is the tallest out of all of them in this line up shot (except for Bakugo who’s still being dragged on the ground).  I think she’s roughly 5ft 6-7 inches?  She’s the tallest of the girls I know that, but damn.  She towers all of them.  Even me...  She’s also very pretty in this shot and it’s her birthday as I’m posting this, so happy b-day Momo ❤️
And we get a beautiful panel of Jiro leading everyone to make sure that they’ll go beyond with making everything better than it was before.  We get a nice group shot of the rest of the class agreeing with her with a smile including Shoto with a small one (did I mention that I love him?) 💙💙💙 And Deku’s in the center still sleeping away.  I hope he has good dreams *kisses forehead*💚  And go Jiro for stepping up to the plate too 💜!  All these kids have grown so much.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel. 
Finally, the last pages show Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist going somewhere, maybe Tartarus.  They got info out of Dr. Ujiko via polygraph and the Nomu Research Group at Central Hospital.  They predict that they have 2 months until Shigaraki’s ready to go again, so they’ll need 1 month of preparation.  But, the info Stain gave All Might gave them more info.  His letter ended up being a personal letter to All Might (Stain really is that nuts...), but there was a microchip in the blade Stain left containing the security records from Tartarus.  It’s not stated how this info affected the mission at hand, but it sounds like it has to do something with the time frame.  So, I’m curious if they have less time to prepare or more?  Given how this is the Final Arc, Imma say less.
Finally, the teaser asks “How are the villains moving?”  I wonder if that means we’re switching to the villain’s next week.  I would love to hang out with the kids more, but I would also like to know what our villains are up to.  Like, where the hell is Himiko Toga?  Is Spinner still questioning shit?  What happened to Mr. Compress after he mauled himself to help Shigaraki and the others escape?  Also I think we need more info on this dude’s backstory given he’s the grandson of the famous Robin Hood villain who’s name definitely didn’t escape me... 😐  Is Dabi laughing his ass off from the utter chaos he started?  Is AFO still smiling like the evil mastermind he is?  Is Shigaraki as crispy as he was earlier?  I was going to ask about Twice but... 😭
So, yeah!  Love this chapter.  Really good transition chapter into whatever happens next.  I’m kinda sad we didn’t see Deku fight off more past villains during his vigilante days.  We got Muscular and Overhaul and I think that’s it?  Didn’t see any of Overhaul’s minions or that teeth-blade villain (Fish-something?; he broke out, but we haven’t seen him since) or Re-Destro or his goons.  I don’t count as Gentle or LaBrava as villains anymore and they were never truly evil to begin with.  Regardless, it was a really cool arc to see a more dark side of Deku.  I’m really glad Horikoshi made great use of his bunny hood and metal mask finally.  Deku really did look demonic for some time.  Also, seeing Deku badass is always a plus.  And seeing the deconstruction of hero society and the possible reconstruction of it was really good too.  Not everything is sunshine and rainbows, unfortunately, but we can do our best to make it that way.
I’m also glad that we finally got our kids back in top form.  Not just being heroes, but being teenagers too.  They all had great moments especially Iida, Ochako, and now Shoto as they should.  But, Bakugo’s apology was peak for me.  Over 320 chapters of development and build-up lead to that moment and it really is one of the best in the series.  It lives in my head rent free.
So, we got 1-2 months in-manga-time until what is probably the final battle of the series.  God, I can’t believe we’re actually nearing the end of this series.  I started reading it back in 2018 when shit was rough for me. I found this series after listening to the music and reading the hype around it.  I watched the show then I read the manga and it really helped me.  Saved me from a dark place actually.  I will miss this series when it’s done and I will be greatly for the joy Horikoshi has gifted us.  I’ll try to save the farewells for later.  I’d say this series has at least 1-1 1/2 years to go.
Me @ the kids and All Might:
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hiii, congrats for the 500 followers!! could you do a soft 'can we be alone for a bit?' please w Anakin? Maybe like there's so much shit going on everyone's gotta chill lol Thank youuu have a nice dayyy
Thank you so much! Of course! You’re welcome, and I hope you have a nice day too! 
Bottling up your emotions wasn’t something that you did on purpose. You didn’t like hiding everything that you were feeling behind a mask until you wanted to scream or pass out from exhaustion. It was just the way that you were, and it was the way you handled things. Was it healthy? No, of course not, but your family had never been a great source of coping mechanisms. You had never learned how to deal with stress, and it was taking its toll on your body, especially tonight when you were forced to make nice with countless politicians hoping to gain their favor so your father could use it in the future. 
You found yourself standing, more like leaning, against the wall, sipping on some of the wine and hoping that it would help keep the yawns at bay, because Maker knows, if your mother saw you looking the least bit tired, you’d never hear the end of it. Any moment one of your parents or siblings would show up, demanding all your attention, but what you wanted was a few seconds to breathe. Closing your eyes, you imagined you were somewhere else, perhaps by an ocean or in the quiet of the mountains. Anywhere but here - 
“Good evening,” A quiet voice whispered in your ear. 
You almost jumped, whirling around to face the smirking man as tension seemed to melt away from your body at the sight of him. “Anakin Skywalker. I had heard you were out on a mission tonight?” You asked, keeping your tone neutral in case anyone was listening, but if anyone looked at your eyes right now, they would be able to see you practically beaming with happiness. 
“Well, it’s easy to get things accomplished when you have somewhere to be.” He replied, and you knew, without a doubt, where that somewhere to be was. “Can we be alone for a bit?” He asked, nodding towards the stairs that led to a private balcony. 
There wasn’t anything you’d like to do more, and after glancing around to make sure that no one would notice your absence, you nodded. 
As soon as you stepped out into the cool, night air, Anakin didn’t hesitate for one moment to wrap you in his arms and pull you against his chest. In response, you slipped your arms into his robes, your arms circling his waist and melting into the warmth of his body as he rocked you back and forth. “You look exhausted,” He said after a few moments, his hand rubbing up and down your back in a soothing motion. 
“Aren’t you supposed to tell me I look beautiful?” You mumbled into his robes. 
He let out a soft laugh into your ear. “You look beautiful every day, Angel,” Anakin assured you, his lips pressing against your cheek in a way that made you smile. “Right now though, I can tell you’ve been overexerting yourself. I can feel it.” 
You let out a sigh. Of course he could. You weren’t sure how the Force worked, but Anakin seemed especially in tune with it, and could always sense your moods, sometimes even before you had realized you were experiencing them. With how tired you felt, there was no doubt that he could feel that exhaustion as well. That realization made the last of your mask fall from your face, and you felt tears starting to come to your eyes. “I’m so tired, Ani,” You whispered, tightening your grip around him. “I want to leave and go somewhere else. Somewhere I don’t have to do anything but be who I am and love who I love.” 
Anakin kissed the top of your head then, lingering there for a moment, and then pulling away enough so he could look in your eyes. “Soon. Soon this War with the Separatists will be over, and we can go wherever you want. Big cities, the country, even the outer rim.” 
“Promise?” You asked, biting your lip as you looked up at him. 
“I swear,” He replied, and there was such conviction in his voice, you couldn’t doubt him for one second. 
A small smile formed on your face then, and you rested your head against his chest again, closing your eyes as he began stroking your hair. “Will you sneak in and stay with me tonight, Ani?” You asked, hoping that he would say yes. You could think of no better way to end this stressful night than being wrapped up in Anakin’s arms. 
“Getting to sleep in a soft bed with you instead of the hard ground with Obi-Wan and Rex with Snips’s snoring? I wouldn’t miss it.” He replied, putting what felt like the first genuine smile on your face all night.
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caguaydreams · 4 years
A thorough analysis on why Vah Medoh’s dungeon theme makes me want to cry
Yep, that’s an accurate title. Hi there! do you have a moment to hear about Breath of The Wild soundtrack? posting for yet a third time in hopes that tumblr won't hide it. I'm so tired
What started as a quick and harmless post, pretending to simply point out a couple of things, rolled downhill, out of my grasp and turned into a massive snowball of a short essay. How and why did this happen? Well, I assume a lot of people know about this song, and know what I’m talking about when I say that it makes me tear up and sob uncontrollably with every change in key as the seconds tick by and I spiral down into a dwell of misery from where I struggle to find the exit and to later recover.
……No?…..At the VERY LEAST it makes you a little uncomfortable. And I state this with much certainty, because after reading hundreds of comments everywhere online where this song is present, I picked up on a vast majority of people who expressed to feel the same way I did when it came down to our current music subject. See, statistics don’t lie… normally. So, naturally, my intrigue got the best of me. I wanted to find out exactly why this soundtrack was mercilessly stirring up everyone’s emotions, so I caved in and we ended up with this.
Buckle in, fellas.
Out of all Divine Beasts’ dungeon themes, Vah Medoh’s is the one that I can’t sit through. Not without growing antsy and wanting to turn it off as soon as possible. I find it genuinely difficult to listen to, and it’s not only because Revali is my favorite character and the song is just, plainly put, depressing, mind you.
We’ll start from 0 terminals activated.
It opens up similar to the other three dungeon themes; the pace is slow but eerie, gives off the impression that it sounds broken somehow. Something is off here, and it’s easy to figure out what that is from the get go: you’re basically entering a majestic, ancient, mechanical mausoleum, where everything went terribly wrong a century ago. Someone is gone, someone you knew, someone who was probably close to you, but it’s impossible to be sure. You don’t remember a thing, and this entire ordeal is confusing at best, and terrifying at worst. It’s your duty to make things right again.
It’s the same for all four Divine Beasts upon entering, save for the obvious little differences that separates them from each other and make them unique. Ruta’s is played on a major key, adhering to a sense of hopefulness. Naboris’s begins with a startling smashing of the piano keys, much like thunder of a sudden lighting strike. And Rudania’s theme starts threatening, dangerous, like scalding lava.
But now, back to Vah Medoh. The tone here is… alienating. The dissonant chords are all over the place, and feel disconnected, cold. It’s almost as if someone doesn’t want us to be here, or just like the elusive key, our presence is unexpected. Fitting, for a Divine Beast that’s high above the land, impossible for most to reach, yet we somehow made it. Apart from the piano, we have the occasional hint to rito culture, in the shape of a short, synthetic version of the rolled chords at the very beginning of Rito Village. A quiet reminder of where we come from. There is also, of course, the morse code distress signal, but we’ll talk more about that later.
As soon as this formal introduction is over, we finally get to the more, say, intimate stuff. Oh, and wouldn’t you know, it’s just tragic.
One terminal activated.
There’s no better short way I can describe this passage, other than anxiety-inducing. Especially when the strings come into play, and there’s two reasons I can think of why I feel this is an important thing to point out:
1- Characters and Symbolism.
I tend to associate stringed instruments, all of those which compose the violin family, with rito culture. And Revali, most specifically. In Creating a Champion we can see the early concept art and designs for all or most major characters in the game, and Revali’s highlighted rough design might be the one that changed the most throughout proper development of the character, out of all champions. He looks quite different from our usual depiction of him, it’s fascinating. What truly catches my eye, however, is the design of his bow.
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You thought bird puns were bad? Oh boy, how do you feel about Revali having a bow that looks like a violin/cello/viola??? And do you need a bow to play it also??? Like, is it even an instrument or it’s nothing more than a mere fashion statement?-
Anyway. I believe this was originally going to be a not-so-subtle wink to rito culture, being heavily musically inclined as we can see and conclude for ourselves. Perhaps Revali was going to be a musician as well, now how cool it that!
Needless to say, the idea was eventually scrapped. But one detail I am CERTAIN carried over to the character we know and love today(okay not all of us love him but seriously if you dislike him why are you still here lol): strings. The association between bows(weapon) and stringed instruments, aside from being a quite clever and creative one, goes beyond the concept art and remains strong as part of Revali’s character, settling for having a presence via score. After all, Revali is a master of archery, so in that way it makes sense to keep strings as symbolism to reinforce the idea and drive it home.
But can you guess what other thing Revali excels at? That’s right: flying. He’s the only rito we know of who successfully managed to take advantage of wind currents and bend them to his will. And do you know what musical instruments are often used to evoke the feeling of flight and gale? If you thought of bowed strings, you’re correct! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find much support on this topic online, so you’ll have to take my word for it. I am most certain that this is fact, although not something worth discussing on the Internet, by the looks of it.
Anyhow, violins/cellos/etc are ever-present whenever we’re close to Rito Village or dealing with a rito related mission. Attack on Vah Medoh, for example, features a sequence of strings that is meant to evoke the strong winds we’re fighting against in that particular moment(*). Another great example is The Final Trial, the song that plays at the shrine of resurrection nearing the end of the Champions’ Ballad. Preceding the activation of each terminal, you’ll notice that a new instrumental element joins the crowd: the first one corresponds to the tambourines, related to the zora and Mipha; the second one are strings, referencing the rito and Revali, etc. I tell you, the moment I heard this during the trial I almost started crying like a baby. And, although strings have a lot to do with Rito culture in general, they tie most strongly to Revali, since he was the champion of his people, and his legacy carried over throughout the years. His accomplishments became material of folk tale, a legend, a source of pride and inspiration for the village. And let’s not forget that, at the end of the day, Revali is the crucial and foremost connection Link has to this place. Other than appeasing Vah Medoh, Link’s responsibility here is to free his past fellow champion’s spirit from Ganon’s malice. The soundtrack is referencing Revali first, and by extension his devotion to his home.
With all that in mind, let’s move on to our next point:
2- Nowhere to Go.
You shoot the canons, land on top of the Divine Beast, do what you gotta do, activate the first terminal and the soundtrack goes off unannounced. Like some sort of surprise anxiety bomb. The rhythm turns fast, the melody erratic, incredibly desperate in its execution. There’s this sheer despair, fear, this feeling of suffocation almost, which are so well achieved in this particular piece.
And that is, partially, because a quite familiar resource is used here as well; one that we’ve heard before in songs such as Rito Village or Revali’s theme. You could even think of it as a motif: two notes are played in an semitone interval, repeatedly and in quick succession. For the sake of later convenience, we’ll call this the Flight Motif, now let me explain why. In Breath of The Wild, this semitone loop is often followed up by some form of resolution. In Rito Village, formerly known as Dragon Roost Island(**), that resolution consists of a graceful descent of the melody, from a high that was built up previously during the motif. On the other hand, if you listen to Revali’s theme, you’ll notice that the interval repeats itself for a couple of times as thought charging up, to then rise fast and determined into a triumphal reprise of Revali’s distinctive assigned melody. This juxtaposition supposes the difference that lays between common rito flight and Revali’s trademark ability; both musical sequences are speaking of flight, albeit in two different languages depending on the way to achieve it. While the rito traditionally use their wings to glide and let themselves get swayed by the air currents Buzz Lightyear style, Revali takes full advantage of his flying capabilities to somehow create an updraft of his own, rising meters above the ground whenever he likes or needs to.
So, now that I layed out my base of thought when focusing on the strings, this’ll be much easier to explain. We’ve settled what the instruments themselves are a symbolic representation of Revali, in this scenario specifically. He was the only one inside Vah Medoh, and the score is, in a way, a retelling of what we can vaguely assume went down here during the Great Calamity, as much as it is what sets the tone and ambience for Link’s mission. But what are we hearing exactly? What we talked about, the Flight Motif, is being repeated nonstop. And that’s the thing, remember how I mentioned that this sequence usually finds resolution at the end? Well. Inside Vah Medoh,… it never does. The melody picks up in numerous occasions, but it’s not nearly as graceful, or calculated, as we’ve grown used to by now. It gets tangled and lost, and then inevitably falls to the ground in disarray. The pattern repeats itself, reaching higher after a handful of failed attempts, but no matter how much it tries, the cycle never ends. What used to tell us about flying and freedom in the skies, has morphed into an almost sinister musical incarnation of a tornado, and there is no way out of this trap. What do you think it must feel like to mindlessly flap your wings against wind currents so strong and violent, that it is impossible to get anywhere nearby, let alone take off every time you lose your balance. Or every time you’re shot down. On top of that, trying to aim and fight back in whatever short breaks and opportunities you get, at an enemy that’s much more powerful and relentless, who’s using your own element as a weapon to destroy you… it’s a risk Revali surely had to take in order to put up a fight. Even knowing full well that the odds were not in his favour, that he was most likely going to lose this battle, that he was going to die. Let that sink in. I’ll skip the activation of the second terminal, since there’s barely any change registered in the theme in general. So-
Three terminals activated.
I know this post is supposed to be a breakdown of the song purely, but that doesn’t mean there’s no place for a little theorising, and the following scrutiny is also quite relevant for our discussion. Bear with me for a bit. I’ve read almost everywhere about people’s most common interpretations on the Divine Beasts SOS signals, and how everyone thinks that Revali’s coming in last (a few seconds later than the other champions) has to do with him holding on for longer. Or, also, overconfident as he was, it means that the idea of calling out for additional support didn’t cross his mind until it was too late, and that’s why the beeping sounds more frantic and panicked than the others’ when it does appear. After giving it some thought myself, I’m betting on the latter option holding more ground, and that’s not all. I want to touch upon a detail of the piece that I never acknowledged was there until very recently(after seeing myself obliged to listen to this song fully and a handful of times, suffering every minute of it for the sole purpose of this analysis. It’s okay I didn’t need my heart anyway). Soon after activating the third terminal, the SOS signal disappears, or grows distant and faint enough that we can’t make it out from the background anymore. In its place, we’re confronted by this… shrill, piercing and painfully slow tune. It sounds synthetic, artificial, devoid of life. And it’s funny, because you know what it reminds me of? I’ll tell you:
A heartbeat flatline sound.
And I want to highlight that this doesn’t happen in any of the other Divine Beasts themes. All their SOS signals carry on, but Medoh’s is no more. This abrupt stop, followed by this bone-chilling tune…. makes me believe that Revali was the first of the champions to fall. A few days ago I came across SuperZeldaGirl’s video on a similar topic, theorising that this could very much be the case. There is not much evidence to support this claim other than some visual cues that could be suggesting to it, but after I found this in the soundtrack, and if we’re to rely on it for anything, I believe Revali was either the first champion to be ambushed by Ganon, or well…. the first to be killed. It is plausible, because short after Calamity Ganon unleashes his power, Revali parts from the group and flies directly to Vah Medoh, and he very well could’ve been the first pilot to arrive.
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On this note…. we’ll have to wait and see for ourselves, when Age of Calamity provides long-awaited answers to many of our questions.
Four terminals activated.
An interesting melody is being played on what, for me, would qualify as a glockenspiel or a celesta, which are keyboard based instruments that produce a sound similar to that of a music box(***). If you want to pay more attention to it, I suggest listening to Vetrom’s Instrumental Mix Cover of the theme, where they practically zoom in on this part of the song (keep in mind that it uses the All Terminals’ time signature so it’s being played faster). For some reason, this particular addition makes me feel profound empathy. The sound of this instrument could be described as cute or childlike, magical, even. It is more often than not used to represent innocence, but I highly doubt that’s specifically the intention here. Much like the leading strings’ melody, the melodic contour of this one is trapped in a loop of going up and down constantly, but the difference is that this time around it sounds more under control. And much more uniform too. It doesn’t lose focus or takes risky, fruitless leaps, but rather chooses to stay on a path of waves that consistently rises and falls without taking detours. Like a determined battle strategy, giving it your all. You fall, but get back up again, and try again, and again. It reminds me of Revali’s approach to training, being persistent to the point of overworking himself. He had discipline nailed down to a tee, which I also think served him well in combat. It’s not just about being hard on yourself, either, but being confident and having complete faith in your abilities; believing that you’ll make it.  For this to appear now, that the SOS signal is almost completely gone, is significant because it means that by this point, being so close to success on Link’s behalf, the music is sparing genuine encouragement for once, in spite of the tragic outcome of the past and the danger of the current situation. But, in all honesty, this is probably just me reading too much into it. Perhaps the composer just thought this addition sounded pretty bitching and there’s not much else to it, which is completely fine. Although, intentional or not, sometimes coincidences do happen, and at the end of the day, interpretations like this are a form of appreciation for an artist’s work and for what they can unknowingly accomplish.
All terminals activated.
This is the moment when the song finally lightens up. Notice how the strings abandon the wave pattern for a more even contour. The beat quickens, the melody stabilizes. At first I thought, coming from our flight analogy, that this meant a cease in movement entirely, and it was partly one of the reasons why the song in general makes me anxious. But thinking about it now, …there is something different going on here. The strings are playing on a steady rhythm. It resembles a march, it’s like a pounding heart. It’s a lively, hopeful statement. And what’s interesting is that, up until this point, there was so much fear and helplessness present in the score, even going as far as to reach a dead end when we activate the third terminal. But that’s it, isn’t it? the music just keeps going further. 
It’s saying: this isn’t over yet. Even after complete and utter defeat, there’s still hope and an underlying wish to overcome this predicament, and we started to hear this as soon as a fourth terminal is activated. The melody we previously talked about? it’s here as well, and its beat is much more daring and confident.
And I just want to say… this is so powerful. Because this sentiment is deeply tied to the game’s story and Revali’s character arc. You see, he is introduced as someone who resents Link for being the manifestation of his failure, in a way, because Revali has trained arduously his whole life to be where he is, to be recognised. And yet… this hylian gets chosen by a magic sword and some tale of divine destiny and, apparently, that’s all it takes for him to be deemed the hero that will save the land. In Revali’s eyes, Link has done nothing to prove his worth before him, so it is easy to see why he despises the silent knight so much; he is yet another individual that was born into their destiny. Meanwhile, Revali has had to build his reputation from the ground up, earning him a place among the greatest warriors of Hyrule, and even then he finds himself surrounded by people who grew up praised for being born gifted.  We can see how Revali is the odd one out, and can map out the reason for him acting so antagonistic towards Link.
But once we’re on Medoh, things start to change. When Link enters the Divine Beast, Revali greets him with disdain, as per usual. Of course, Link has no recollection of whatever happened a hundred years ago, other than a small glimpse of the rito champion talking down to him, a memory that came and went in a flash. So as Link, we more than expect Revali to act cold and mocking, which he does. He provides us with as little help as needed in order to free Medoh, reluctantly, shielding his wounded pride over having to wait for Link, of all people, to come to their rescue. But you can hear him starting to open up bit by bit(I wish I could translate his dialogue directly from Japanese but I’ll make do with a couple of dubs and other numerous sources from translators online). With each little step Link takes towards success, activating the terminals, the perception Revali has of him shifts from one of resentment to one of genuine admiration and respect. By the end of it all, he is willing to not only cheer on Link during the boss battle, but to trust him with his life’s worth achievement. And once left alone, he admits defeat and lets go of his bitterness, realising that he was wrong to underestimate Link, and later wishes he could’ve had a chance to measured up to him. To take all of this into consideration and work with it in the soundtrack I think it’s genuinely splendid. And for once, I am grateful that it ends in somewhat of a positive note that puts my soul to rest. I still have a hard time listening to the first two thirds of the entire thing, but now I can look forward to a hopeful and earnestly heartening conclusion for all the pain that this composition puts me in. I must admit that it’s beautifully and brilliantly crafted, and that I am enamoured of it regardless.
That is why I wrote roughly 4k words about it! I hate myself!
If you’re as crazy as me about the soundtrack of this game, I recommend you read the published cd interview with the composers themselves! if you haven’t already. I just found it yesterday(unbelievable but it’s true) and… after writing all of this and checking it out, I felt validated. It sure is a one of a kind feeling. 
Alright folks, we’ve made it to the end. Congratulations for sticking around and thanks being interested in my nonsensical rambling! 
I also hope that you, like me, will now be unable to listen to bowed strings without being reminded of Revali. Good luck!
————– Annotations/Sidenotes/Whatever
(*)The Flight Motif(in point number 2) is also present in this track. We can hear it in the background right after the Rito leitmotif, as per usual. It starts with a clarinet, I think, before the strings take the lead. (**) Note that the Flight Motif only comes into play in the Breath of The Wild rendition of the song. (***)I strongly associate this instrument with Mipha, given that it is used in her theme, in every “response” to the initial melody. It can be heard in Attack On Vah Ruta, as well, it enters the scene when the notes Mi(E) and Fa(F) are played. The initial tune, Si and Do(B and C) are played on a clarinet or oboe, wind instruments just like the flute that leads Sidon’s respective theme. The celesta can also be heard inside Vah Ruta, activating the first terminal…. when the song really takes a turn just like Medoh’s. Mipha has nothing to do with the song of this analysis, however. We must understand that instruments, although they are attached to characters/various story elements in some cases, can always be used outside of that context, for that is the nature of an orchestral soundtrack. If you have this many tools at your disposal, you will make good use of them.
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minijenn · 3 years
KH Writing Comm #2
Hey hey my first writing comm of the bunch! This one is for @whump-bunny, who wanted a short "what if" schenario for what would have happened in Keys if Marluxia had successfully managed to take Sora back to Xehanort after capturing him in the Tangled chapters. Gotta say this was fun to work on, though I do kinda feel a little bit bad for Marlulu here... oh, and also Sora I guess, but he doesn't suffer nearly as much here as you might expect lol. Anyway, here it is!
There are no words to describe the sheer terror Sora feels when Marluxia drags him away. He only barely hears Donald and Goofy’s horrified cries as he’s pulled into the darkness, his arms still bound by unbreakable chains, his own screams muffled by the gag still covering his mouth. He tries pulling back against Marluxia’s firm hold, but his resistance falls to pieces when the corrupting shadows of the dark corridor start lancing through his body, pouring pain straight into it. But that pain is immediately laced with even more fear when he’s suddenly shoved onto solid ground, the shaded tower they’d just been in seconds before now replaced with a pristine white room.
And, standing on the far side of that room is none other than Master Xehanort himself.
Sora freezes up the moment he sees him, his next scream caught in his throat as Marluxia takes a small step past him, the other end of his chains still clenched tightly in his grip. Xehanort’s back is turned to them, and at first it seems as though he hasn’t noticed their arrival. At least until Marluxia speaks up to announce it.
“Master,” he inclines his head in respect. He pauses briefly, his broad grin widening as he spares a small glance over at his frightened captive. “I have returned, with both a Key… as well as a special ‘gift’ that I’m sure you’ll appreciate. I have brought your precious thirteenth vessel home early.”
Xehanort finally glances over his shoulder, his expression initially bored, until his golden gaze falls upon Sora. The master strangely seems caught off guard, as if he truly is surprised by Marluxia’s “gift”. His expression darkens when he turns around fully, his dark Keyblade flashing into his hand as he walks toward the pair. Each slow step he takes fills Sora with a new wave of dread, his heart pounding and his entire body trembling as he realizes there is no escaping this. No escaping from the awful man who’s already well on his way to destroying him completely.
Xehanort finally stops a few feet away, pulling his deadly Keyblade back for a heavy strike. Sora closes his eyes, already anticipating the untold pain that’s about to come his way. And yet, surprisingly, it doesn’t come, at least not to him. Instead, Xehanort’s Keyblade soundly strikes Marluxia instead.
His startled cry echoes through the room as he’s thrown across it. His back hits the far wall, and within seconds, Xehanort bridges the gap between them, leaving Sora exactly where he is to watch this bewildering twist unfold.
“You traitorous fool!” Xehanort snaps, infuriated. He keeps Marluxia pinned in place by positioning the edge of his dark weapon dangerously close to his neck, and Sora is shocked to see just how shaken he is by his master’s ire. A rare look on someone who, mere seconds ago, had been so calm and collected in light of his supposed triumph. “Have you learned nothing from your past failures? Are you really so impetuous and incompetent that you would bring him here now, far before he’s ready to join our ranks?”
“I-I simply assumed that you-” Marluxia is swiftly cut off as Xehanort presses his Keyblade even closer to him, to the point that its edge is all but skimming the skin of his throat.
“Never take it upon yourself to assume what my intentions are, Number Seven,” the master warns him, his voice quiet yet incredibly threatening. “The task I gave you was a fundamentally simple one: to go into the worlds and retrieve a Key for our cause. Nothing less, and certainly nothing more. And yet you couldn’t even do that much right. Perhaps you thought that you were going a step beyond the station of your duty with this ‘ingenious’ plan of yours, but instead, all you have accomplished is the exact opposite. You have disgraced me, my seventh; you have disgraced me, you have disgraced your Organization, and most of all, you have disgraced yourself.”
Marluxia pales at this, his jaw dropped as he tries to futilely fish for words he can’t seem to find. When he does speak, his voice is small, subdued, something that barely sounds like it could come out of any Organization member at all as far as Sora is concerned. “M-my… apologies, master,” he starts, clearly treading as carefully as he can now. “But… if the boy is here now, then you could finish carrying out your plans for him far sooner. He could be of use to us now instead of-”
He’s cut off as a sharp, agonized cry escapes him, echoing through the white room. Xehanort’s hand is held up, darkness enshrouding it as he forces that silencing pain onto his seventh vessel’s heart. “You understand nothing of my plans,” he sneers coldly. “I am the one who is meant to guide our thirteenth to his proper place among us, not you. Your role is to do as you’re told, and if memory serves correctly, I never told you to bring Sora to me prematurely, did I, my seventh?”
“N-no, master,” Marluxia barely manages to say above the pain relentlessly clinging onto his heart. “You did not…”
“I don’t believe you realize just how grave of a mistake you’ve made here,” Xehanort finally backs away, his Keyblade disappearing. “Perhaps this will prove enough to remind you to never act against my wishes again.” At this, Xehanort clenches his darkness-shrouded hand into a tight fists, pressing his devastating power upon Marluxia even further. He collapses to his knees, another anguished scream tearing out of his throat as he helplessly writhes at his master’s feet.
The most Sora can do is watch this entire horrific display from afar, his eyes wide with apt fear. He can’t deny he’d feel sorry for Marluxia… if Marluxia hadn’t been the one to chain him up, steal him from his friends, and drag him straight into the lion’s den. Right into Xehanort’s cruel, cunning hands to no doubt face the very same kind of horrific torment as soon as he’s done with the current target of his hatred.
This bout of twisted torture goes on for what seems like ages. It finally ends when Marluxia finally fully falls to the ground, barely conscious, a small bit of blood trickling out of his mouth to stain the otherwise flawless floor. Xehanort stands over him, absolutely sympathetic as he offers his seventh vessel one final warning. “If you ever dare to disobey me again, I can promise you that your next punishment will be far worse than you can imagine,” he says simply before turning away, allowing Marluxia to finally slip into the void completely.
When Xehanort looks back at him, the most Sora can manage to get out underneath his gag is a small, anxious whine. He pulls back away as much as he’s able as the master approaches him, his expression an icy mask of stern authority. “Let this… display be a lesson to you as well, my thirteenth,” he says calmly, as if he hadn’t just put someone through such immense suffering. “It is the same law each of your fellow members are made to follow: if you ever decide to rebel against the role I have planned for you, then you must be prepared to face the consequences of your own insolent actions. And all of the pain that futile insubordination is bound to bring to you.”
Sora’s barely listening by this point, as overwhelmed by terror as he is. His Keyblade won’t come to him, won’t appear to free him from the chains around his wrists, from this awful situation as a whole. And yet, much to his surprise, he soon finds that he doesn’t need it to at all.
“Even so, I feel inclined to apologize for my seventh’s ignorant haste,” Xehanort finally smiles, slipping a finger under Sora’s chin to guide his haunting gaze. “As I said, you aren’t meant to be here, not yet. There’s still so much more you need to do, so many more Keys yet for you to claim. Far be it from me to detract you from such an essential mission. With that mission in mind, you may return to the light that you’re so accustomed to… for the time being.”
With a wave of the master’s hand, a dark corridor forms directly underneath Sora, its shadows already starting to swallow him, his chains and gags suddenly disappearing as they do. Sora gasps, immediately trying to escape the dangerous darkness devouring him, only to be overwhelmed by it almost immediately. The last thing he hears before it carries him somewhere far away is his master’s voice, echoing one last sinister promise through the empty void. “But don’t forget, my thirteenth, that no matter where you go from here, no matter what path you take, each and every one will ultimately lead you back here in the end. Back to the darkness, to your Organization, to your master… to where you truly belong…”
Commissions are still open! PM me if interested!
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2022 Resolutions!
Write your RPer Resolutions for 2022! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.)
-Plot with more members. Definitely this one! I think I do a good job rping with everyone, but I do a lot of one-offs, or spontaneous interactions if that makes sense. I could definitely improve on widening who I reach out to for specific plots. 
-Post more plot calls. That being said…maybe this is just one way to get at that second goal! Normally if I have an idea, I think about who could fit and then approach that person directly. Which is perfectly fine haha. But in the future I’d like to throw more ‘open plot calls’ out. I’ve definitely written more opens in general this year and loved what came out of it, so I think using the plot call discord will be super helpful to energizing my RP! 
-Post more one shots. I think I say this every year lol. And I mean, I did write a couple of things last year…but it’s an important goal of mine to have since writing long form is definitely a muscle I don’t want to lose. So yes, definitely want to do even more and not let my good ideas just remain in my head. 
-Get a character with super weird magic. This really might not happen this year– in fact I’m pretty sure it won’t, though I guess never say never lol. I’ve had this thought while watching MHA and also Clem mentioned the other day in a tag that we have a lot of the same magick types– which is totally fine btw and I find fascinating because I like exploring different facets of magic, like fairies or sorcerers. But I am kinda curious about getting a ‘gifted’ with a super off the wall power and examine THAT now. I have no solid idea about it at all lol but it’s just something I want to keep in mind while going forward! 
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
I feel like I usually write broad goals here like, idk, confront your trauma lol, so I am going to be super specific in my goals, very plot centric and actionable 
Berlioz: Do. The. Opening. Of. The. Groove. Room. please god. 
Hades: Make one (1) new relationship/friendship (??????) this year! 
Merida: Get her on TINDER!!! That sounds insane but fun lmfao
Ashleigh: Write Ashleigh her own one-shot :) 
Nemo: I want to do this London audition arc so I really gotta make moves on that lmfao so the resolution is london audition arc
Jun: Write two (2) new petitions! :) 
Olaf: I’d like for him to be put into a difficult spot as an RA. This feels like an open plot call opportunity. It would be cool if he has to be stern/be bad cop etc. 
Atta: I’d like to rp her at more events, specifically town hall ones. 
Pip: Write a pip one-shot too. I literally have it in my brain and i just keep not doing it and he deserves better ://////// 
Chip: Fail at one RAS mission. Succeed at one RAS mission! 
Amity: Complete the plot I have in mind by prom. Also, kiss a girl. WHOOPS i said it. 
Snow: Do a cool ass necromantic ritual hollaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Berlioz: he wants to cook more! This is kind of surprising but tbh the ask lins sent me made me think about Ber’s growth in this aspect and it’s kind of cute??? I think he’s starting to enjoy not being as useless and wants to be able to cook Simba some meals. 
Hades: Be The Best Mayor Ever lmfao. 
Merida: hang out with her friends more. This is very sweet of her i think she really does wanna make up for lost time. 
Ashleigh: Punish her enemies. This is very sweet of her also, in her own way. 
Nemo: Like always Nemo has lots of goals: 
Get into Uni!
Work on his spring solo! 
Treat his boyfriends to something nice (bc he likes doing this now i have learned)
Work on arch 
Jun: jun is way too tired to think of these. Probably something generic like ‘make family proud’ or something tbh. ‘Make eomma happy’ :/ 
Olaf: Improve the social events on the hall! ^.^ 
Atta: don’t fuck up lmfao this was funny atta you’re a hoot 
Get into uni! (This is where Pip and Nemo as foils really shines) 
Get the lead in the summer play! 
Improve the Spill’s numbers and engagement 
Help Tad get into uni (oof) 
Chip: Get assigned to a real RAS case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it cradle to grave! 
Amity: don’t fuck up lmfao glad you and atta are on the same page haha my poor women 
Make new friends, dead or undead. :) 
Double the inn’s bookings! 
Start hosting small events! 
Keep working on her necromantic rituals! Practice makes perfect! 
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so
Nimble! Ashley and I have talked about Nimble/Ashleigh we just havent gotten around to it. But he seems dope and I would love to also rp him with Snow probably! 
Dian! Would also like to rp him with Snow. Sorry that a lot of these are going to be like this. 
Jessica Rabbit. See above! They can be friends and I think Snow can help her also. 
Toby Determined– i have actually interacted with him sorry but i just really love him and think he could be super funny to keep throwing at Jun and also maybe Snow as she tries to drum up interest in the inn
Isaac Morey– again snow!!! Yeesh sorry its where my brain has been most immediately but to be fair I really have rped with most of these characters before lmfao BUT NOT ISAAC! His magic is also SUPER cool i just think he’s neat. 
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it. Here’s an example.
Nemo’s Audition Arc: 
Nemo gets his invitation to audition for the The Dance Academy in London!! Nemo x one of his friends just to bring some diversity here. 
Nemo goes to London with Appa: The Baes. Might be two paras. No spoilers. 
Aftermath of audition: Nemo/ashlee.
That was sooooo easy it was cheating basically i just know i have to do it like NOW lmfao so i wanted to get it on paper. Ok i’ll do another one 
Chip Mission: 
Chip x Barbie: talks about the Sora thing 
Chip x Roxas x Soft: gathers more information 
Chip x Gil: officially assigned the case 
Chip x Dale: plots their plan 
Chip x Dale: executes plan and it doesnt work! 
Chip x Gil x Barbie: debrief for lessons learned
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browneyedhimbo · 4 years
Right Mind II: What Have I Done?
Summary: After Steve realizes his mistake, Hydra decides to wipe it and make sure he hits his next target. But will he be able to accomplish this next mission?
Warnings: mentions of death, torture, choking, angst
Word Count: 646
Pairing: Dark!Steve x Reader
A/N: I'm literally balling at the fact people have given this so much love 😭😭💖💖 THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! Also huge shoutout to my bro Laura (@justmebeingtheweirdmeiam) for helping start the intro, love you bro! 💞 Also, I've been thinking making this a series so there will be a cliffhanger at the end, sorry not sorry lol. Hope y'all enjoy it!
▪︎Part 1▪︎ Part 3▪︎Right Mind Masterlist ▪︎《Masterlist》
(Pic found it on pinterest under ArtStation_HQ)
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He couldn't help but stare at the blackened wall. Images flashing in his mind, moments played out like a movie. 
Your smile on display as you look at him, donning a white dress making you look like an angel. Your laugh echoing in his ears. His heart rate picked up a little bit as his stare got more intense. 
"I do." You giggled with tears in your eyes. A bright flash of white shone and he flinched, pain radiated in his body as if a lightning bolt had struck him and he sees you again, pinned against the wall with his hand on your neck restricting your airways and those same tears in your eyes. His jaw clenches as his hands ball into fists. 
"You love me."
"I did." He squeezes his eyes shut as the memory floods his brain. A hand flew up clutching his chest, a silent sob wracking his entire body.
They lied. They lied to him. You did love him, and he loved you. He killed you over a lie. A lie they fed him over and over, until he believed it.
They said you didn't love him anymore. They said you never loved him to begin with, that you were using him. And he believed it.
Hot tears ran down his cheeks and landed on his - no, their suit. The tight black leather holding him down, holding him hostage. The blood red hydra logo on his chest, burning a hole him. The whole suit burned him, who he was. 
A man, the same one from the apartment, stood in front of him. A cold look adorning his hard feathers. 
"You are weak, soldat. When you are weak you are useless. Do you know what I do to useless soldiers like yourself?" It was a rhetorical question. The man walked to the door of the room, Steve trailing behind. He already knew what was going to happen.
The moment the metal came into contact with his skin he felt pain shoot throughout him. All he ever felt now was pain. The metal detached and he was left breathless and heavy.
"Your target," the man gave him a file, "Sergeant James Barnes. Eliminate him at any costs." Steve looked down at the file. The man in the picture seemed familiar. 
Two days later and he was face to face with his target after taking out an entire shield facility with a little help from the man's goons.
"Stevie? Jesus Christ! Where've you - why are you wearing that stupid suit? Nevermind, people are dying! C'mon we gotta save 'em!" Bucky rambled off, tuning his back and walking towards the burning part of the building.
Bucky's mind was in overdrive. How did Steve get here so fast? Why was Steve here to begin with? He was captured by hydra during their last mission together about four months ago. And now he was- wait the logo on his chest, that was-FUCK! He turned around and was met with a pistol being aimed at his head.
"Steve, what are you doing?" Bucky gulped. There's no telling what hydra did to him. This wasn't his best friend. This wasn't his brother anymore. 
"You're my target, my mission." Cold steel blue eyes met softer ocean ones. Steve took a few steps forward, the pistol resting on Bucky's forehead.
"You're not in your right mind Stevie. I don't know what they did but-"
"Why does everyone keep saying that!" Steve cut him off with a growl, the gun pressing further into Bucky's skull. 
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut tight, the metal pressed against his forehead bringing back too many nightmares at once.
"Steve this isn't you." Bucky slowly opened his eyes, his breath shuddering when he swore he saw a quick reflection of himself in the man before him. 
A shot rang out before anymore words could be said.
Right Mind tags: @captainchrisstan @heyiamthatbitch @kawairinrin @thefandomplace @coveredinthemessimade @jazzzhargrove @cheeseburgersstuff @riwinski19 @princessdancingonthesunshine @abbyalee @polarcrystall @sebbbystaaan @disaffectedbarnes @stuckonjbbarnes @iheartsebastianstan
Permanent tags: @becausewhyknotme @katbtracy @imma-new-soul @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad @theladyoffangorn @itsunclebucky @mushyjellybeans @writing-for-hours-on-end  @this-kitten-is-smitten @agentpeggybarnes @fangirl-introvert @ninjabucky @cosmicbucky
Steve Rogers tags: @wemisshim3000 @dianadov @nerdy-bookworm-1998
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