#so like main party + el and steve. or anyone else
rockfact · 2 years
hi. stranger things mutuals/followers. what emoji do you associate with each main character .
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will80sbyers · 1 year
It probably won't happen like this at all but... idea n°18464872648 of what could happen in season 5:
First part of the season:
Will is having dreams about Max and he finds out those are not dreams but she's talking to him and she explains she's still here and asks for help...
So the whole party + Jonathan and Nancy decide to go to the upside down together to find Vecna and finish him
Jopper is dealing with the government, Owens betrayed El and Hopper punches him... Joyce shuts up Sullivan screaming at him and explaining to him that he's an idiot and she convinces him lol
They were meant to go too but they are being detained and questioned about El... while Hawkins is currently being invaded by all types of monsters
Owens gets killed
In the end the government + Jopper, Steve, Robin and Vickie ( rovickie happens at one point and they kiss) and Argyle and the other adults and the citizens of the town stay in Hawkins to fight there all together
The others go through a gate opened by El into the upside down and at one point they all get split up because they are attacked by various monsters...
First group: Mike and Will and Nancy
Mike gets hurt to one arm like in the s3 campaign at one point and byler things (almost) happen during all this time, it's now kinda (?) clear Mike has a crush on Will...it's explicit for bylers at least lol
Also at one point Nancy and Mike talk while they are in the woods and Mike asks her about feelings and stuff and being confused and she tells him her experience with Steve and Jonathan and this relates to byler obv and she says that she thought she loved Steve at one point but now that she has Jonathan she knows what's the real thing etc etc
He doesn't explain why he asked...
Second group: Lucas, El, Dustin and Jonathan
Lucas is the one that finds Vecna and they attack him and fight, Nancy, Mike and Will arrive when the fight is already on and help out and save some of them... In this fight Jonathan gets killed by Vecna in very cruel way, he rips out his heart in front of everyone
This makes El be so angry that she immobilizes him and Lucas chops his head off...
It's all tragic and raw and bloody
The upside down is still as it is around them but the battle is over
we see that Max wakes up in the hospital, Erica is with her and was defending her body from the demodogs being badass with some weapon, her parents + Murray are there too and they are fighting together and Murray dies protecting her
The party goes back to Hawkins where they won against all the monsters because they die when Vecna dies, and they bring Jon's body back, they show Joyce's pain and Will's pain and Nancy's
Time skip:
second part of the season
A few years pass and when we're back we find out what the characters are doing now and how they all changed, the gates have closed on their own, El and Mike are broken up, Max is back but she can't see from one eye... Life is goin on
The party is hanging out, drinking and partying together and Mike tries to kiss Will... Will rejects Mike and runs away!
The day after this night we find out that Mike went missing.
The adults are looking for him in the normal world and they are all worried about him
Will has a dream, Vecna is still alive somehow in this dream and he talks to him and tells him that if he wants Mike back he has to bring El to him because he still wants to have revenge on her and kill her and if he tells anyone else he kills Mike
He tells El and they decide to go alone
Dustin, Lucas and Max somehow find out and follow them
They all go to the upside down again because they think Vecna is still alive there somehow
In reality Vecna's conscience is still alive inside the mind flayer and he's trying to take over Mike's body and possess him
Mike is fighting mental visions in a loop in his mind - We see that the baby boy is in love with Will Byers and terribly afraid of being abandoned by everyone
So the main party goes in the UD to save Mike and they all get attacked with psychic torture and visions...
Lucas and Dustin and Max have their own visions
Lucas feels guilty for Max and trusting Jason
Dustin feels responsible for Eddie's death and sees Steve being killed too
Max gets tortured again but this time Vecna fails miserably with her, she's a survivor now, she wants to live and is not going to let anyone stay inside her mind again
As soon as they win in their visions they go back and find each other again
Meanwhile El decides to connect her and Will's mind to Mike's mind before Vecna can take over...
They find Mike in his loop but vecna takes over him and he has powers because he's being controlled by Vecna so in this mindspace they all fight... Mike.
but El gets trapped because she doesn't want to hurt Mike and all seems lost...
But Vecna doesn't want to kill them yet, he wants to torture them before...
He explains the upside down to Will, tries to make him give up his own body in Mike's place and makes him see visions of Jonathan... at this point Will overcomes these visions mentally thinking about his love for Jonathan and everyone else and understands that the key is love...
Then he starts talking about his own feelings for Mike because he knows love is the key to free him and this love confession gives so much power to Mike that he gets free from the mind flayer and Vecna's conscience is out of Mike's mind
Vecna tries to attack with the mind flayer and Will then uses his imagination powers by making a freaking dragon that fights the mind flayer!!!!!
El gets free too and Willel uses their now joined powers to finish Vecna's mind
They all go back into their bodies in the real world where Dustin and Lucas and Max were waiting for them to wake up
They all hug El
Mike kisses Will in front of everyone... the upside down fills up with light around them!!!!!!
because Vecna is dead and it is now free from him too and the mind flayer goes away opening a portal to Dimension X because it is a freaking alien that was controlled by Vecna
They won!
Back to Hawkins...
One year later
All happy scenes of the characters, lumax movie date, Erica is playing d&d with her friends, Steve and Dustin are leaving for a roadtrip together in a van, Robin and Vickie are still together cuddling on the couch while watching fast times, Argyle is hanging out with Eden and we see random recurring characters doing things
Nancy is talking on the phone with her mom and asks her how her and Holly are doing in their new apartment... she is in her ( very small) office! She's officially working as a journalist, she hangs up the phone and looks at her name tag on the desk, a picture of Jonathan right next to it...
Byler is making out in Will's new room and El tells them dinner is ready and to keep the door open 3 inches to make fun of them but Will uses his powers to shut the door... Yeah they both have powers now!
After this they all go to have a New year dinner party together with Joyce and Hopper!
Mike and Will kiss at midnight 😌
*sound of people cheering in the background*
*transition from the Byers TV to the Wheeler's TV*
The season ends with Ted Wheeler watching the people celebrate on TV and shutting it off to go to bed
hard cut to black with the effect of the TV shutting off
stranger things main theme starts playing 🫡
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
Thinking about how much Steve loves his original kiddos SO much.
Like he loves all of the kids and would absolutely die for every single one of them, but Dustin, Max, and Lucas are his.
They’re the first ones he protected, the first ones he risked his life for, the first ones he met and connected with.
Mike pretty much refused to get to know Steve because of their history, he never had a chance to connect with Will and El on his own, but Dustin, Max, and Lucas?
those were his kids from the absolute beginning of everything.
Dustin saw him walking towards the Wheeler's house, he could have gone anywhere else, but he saw Steve and said "i pick him", and Lucas and Max did the EXACT same thing, watching him go up against the demodogs with nothing but a nail bat, shoving Max back and putting himself in front of a trio of kids he barely knew inside of the bus.
Steve literally knew Max for a few hours, and he didn't know she was Billy's sister until he showed up, but he heard the fear in her voice, and did not hesitate to step up against the man who had been making his own life a living hell.
Steve probably knew he couldn't win against Billy, but the second he saw him going after Lucas, an innocent kid who was just trying to befriend the newest arrival in town? I firmly believe that's the moment where Steve said "those are my kids, and nobody fucks with my kids"
and when Erica gets involved the following summer? Yeah, Steve knows she can handle herself, but she's also younger than any of the Party was when they got involved, so he's a little extra protective of her, checking in on her when he goes over to help Lucas practice for basketball tryouts
and don't even get me STARTED on Lucas and Steve bonding with each other post-season 3. I think Steve and Dustin get a little separated when the Party got to high school, because Dustin became so excited about being part of Hellfire, and as much as he tries to help Max, she's moving away from everyone, so Steve absolutely feels like he's losing his kids a little. But then Lucas shows up, and tells him he's going to try out for basketball, and all of a sudden, Steve's got special time to spend with Lucas, where they just talk to each other. Lucas talks about struggling with school, and worrying about Max, and finding his place, and Steve gets it all.
just... special movie nights that consist of Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Erica, and Robin.
Arcade afternoons what have Max surrounded by her favorite people as they cheer her on at whatever game she's playing.
Basketball games post-everything where Lucas looks at the stands and sees them screaming and cheering for him.
Erica and Dustin going to the gym one afternoon to help with the relief efforts and seeing Steve being held back by Robin, Jonathan, AND Argyle as he screams at Andy for touching HIS little sister (and if Erica gives Steve the biggest hug she's ever given anyone after that... well, that's her business).
the way they form a little second found family within the main Party?? how they all love each other so much and tell each other things they'd never tell another soul???
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Long Rest and a Level Up | Hawkins Crew
Prompt: Promise
Words: 1518
Fandom: Stranger Things
A/N: Something sweet to start of Writer's Month. Would have gone longer, but then I won't be able to finish it on time. Background Steddie, The Party is the main focus in this one.
Summary: Steve surprises the kids with a road trip to California to visit the Byers.
Saving up money for a used RV was hard when he worked at a video store and had to drive teenagers around town every week, but Steve managed. Well, it was more like he saw the kids needing a break from everything and were also missing Will and El, so he made a promise to do something special for them. It was then they decided to pool in their money and a little borrowing from the Wheelers to be able to afford it. Steve didn’t want to even attempt to ask his parents. They had cut him off and were only allowing him to stay at the house in case they felt like coming back. 
Before he bought the RV, he called Joyce, wanting it to be a surprise for Jonathan, Will, and El. She agreed and even offered to help pay the gas money. The plan was all coming together, now they just need to tell the kids.
“Oh, my god!” Dustin screeched, practically bouncing off the walls of his house once Steve broke the news. “We’re doing it! We’re finally doing it!”
“Jesus, Henderson,” Steve said, wincing. Good thing Dustin’s mom was out or else he’ll have to explain why her son was going wild. “I haven’t told the others yet, so you need to help me surprise them. The Wheelers know, but not Mike. None of the Byers kids know, either. Oh, and Hopper might come with us.”
Dustin froze, collapsing on his couch as he gaped up at him. “Why?” he asked incredulously.
“He’s using his paid vacation time?” Steve said with uncertainty, “Can the Chief of Police do that?”
“I think he can because he’s Jim Hopper.”
“Who else is going? Can Eddie come with us? I want him to meet Will so bad, I can’t even wait for him to move back to Hawkins.”
“Breathe, dude. Of course he’s coming. So is Robin and Nancy. Do you think the Byers house will be able to fit nine more people? I guess some of us can just stay in the RV.”
“We’ll figure it out. How bad can it be?”
Dustin helped him clear up and stock the RV to make it ready for the trip. Steve called their parents ahead of time, asking permission to drive them to California. 
The gremlins were having DnD in the Wheeler basement when Steve rolled up with the RV. They were deeply immersed in a heavy roleplaying moment that they didn’t notice Steve making his way downstairs. He paused for a moment, watching the kids lean in as Eddie described the scene so vividly that even someone like Steve who doesn’t have much imagination could picture it. Eddie looked up for a brief moment and winked at him before turning his attention back to the game.
Steve sat next to Max on the couch, playfully nudging to make room. She rolled her eyes and smiled, scooting over and continued to read her Wonder Woman comic. He eyed the small pile of comics on the coffee table, then at his watch. He’ll give them fifteen minutes to wrap it up, then he’ll take them home. He picked up an X-Men comic, not really knowing each of the characters, but it wasn’t a bad way to pass the time.
When time was up, he clapped his hands, gathering everyone’s attention. “Okay, shitheads, time to go!”
There was a collection of groans from the boys while Max sighed, packing up her things silently before holding her hand out to Steve.
“What?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.
“What do you think? Keys,” she said, smirking.
He sighed, fishing them out from his pocket. “Yeah, I was afraid about that.”
He dropped the keys into her palm and held a finger to his lips. Her eyes widened, fingers quickly clutching them tightly. “Hurry up or we’re leaving without you guys!” she shouted, running up the stairs before anyone could respond.
Lucas stood there in confusion, wondering why she was so eager to leave. Sure, DnD wasn’t her thing, but she said she liked hanging out in the basement no matter how nerdy she thinks it is. Steve clapped his shoulder and snapped his fingers.
“Chop, chop, guys. If you’re late again, your parents will ruin my plans,” he said.
“What plans?” Erica asked, because of course she’d be the one to catch onto that.
Steve ignored her scrutiny and walked over to Eddie to help him pack away his things, the two of them moving around each other seamlessly. With the DM divider the last to pack, Eddie zipped up his bag and grinned at Steve.
“Well, aren’t you a gentleman,” he teased, leaning in until their noses brushed and a pink tint dusted Steve’s cheeks.
Dustin rolled his eyes. “You act as if he doesn’t do that every time we have DnD.”
“Shh, your parents are having a moment right now, Dusty.”
Erica mimicked a barfing motion before stomping up the stairs to find Max. Lucas followed his sister closely behind with Mike by his side. While the latter got used to Steve’s presence, it was still awkward to be in a room with just him and Eddie. Dustin’s already used to it and as much as the group joked about them being a family, they sure do act like it.
The kids were already ransacking the RV by the time Steve and Eddie walked out the house. Karen and Nancy were standing by the door, shaking their heads fondly at the group. Mike turned to his mom with wide eyes.
“Really? We’re going on a road trip? You’re letting me go?” he rapidly spat out.
“Nancy is coming with,” his mom said, smiling when Mike’s face turned into a look of disgust.
“Face it, loser,” Nancy said, “It’s either I go with you guys or you don’t go at all.”
Mike groaned, hitting his head on the side of the van. Max was already at the driver’s seat, hands gripping the wide steering wheel as her and Lucas pretended that they were racing down the streets and out of Hawkins. Dustin was double checking their snack and water supply, factoring in the stops and the weather and everything in between while preventing Erica from eating their candies before they could even leave.
“I’m starting to regret this if it’s going to be like this the entire trip,” Steve muttered.
The trip was so far so good. Their initial excitement as they climbed into the RV with their bags  knocked them out cold two hours after passing the ‘Leaving Hawkins’ sign. Steve knew that it was a good idea to leave first thing in the morning. Five AM was too early for them. The older kids relished this time to talk amongst themselves, discussing the routes they planned for the trip, along with occasional sightseeing and rest stops.
“I’m glad that this one is bigger than the van we stole,” Robin said, stretching her legs out as she sat at the table with Nancy.
“Oh, yeah. How did Hopper manage to sort that one out?” Eddie asked. Fortunately, Hopper had said that he was going to join the group later after something came up at the station, so there weren't any adults monitoring them.
“We had to clean the entirety of the van to make up for it. You weren’t there because you were sitting in jail.”
“Yes, thank you for reminding me, Buckley.” 
“You’re welcome.”
It was nice seeing the kids being carefree, as if the air in Hawkins was as dense and stuffy as the Upside down and that once they left they could finally breathe. Even Nancy seemed to be more open and talkative than usual. Steve doubted that any of them ever had a road trip like this and he worried that they would get bored or impatient before they were halfway to California. Dustin had helped with the itinerary, knowing exactly what his friends would enjoy seeing.
“Hey. let me switch on the next stop,” Eddie said, his round eyes watching him like a hawk. Twice he had caught his head jerking up as he tried to stay awake. “We’re almost there.”
Steve stifled a yawn and nodded. “Thanks, Ed.”
“Don’t forget, this trip is for you, too. Take time to relax. The evil has been defeated, the world is saved. We did it, big boy. Long rest and XP points all around.”
Steve sat up straighter at the nickname, eyes focused on the road but he just knew that Eddie was smiling widely. He shook his head, waving a hand over to the radio. Eddie quickly twisted the knob, leaning close to listen for any familiar guitar riffs. Once he found the right station, he immediately recognized the song, bursting into an air guitar solo with as much energy as he would when performing at The Hideout with Corroded Coffin despite the volume being low enough to not wake the kids. Steve smiled, his fingers tapping along with the rhythm. 
Even if he had to tolerate the Wheelers bickering and Dustin’s nagging, seeing Eddie like this made it all worth it.
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chestharrington · 1 year
No fr. Finn just said the Duffers want to give everyone the ending they deserve, they will give the kids a happy ending. It's so important because Dustin can't get his happy ending without Steve. It's confirmed he'll grieve Eddie in s5, taking away Steve from him would be way too cruel like cmon. And despite him being my main boy, he still serves more as a minor character in the overall plot. Will and El will be at the center so the people around them, aka Jonathan or Mike, are in more danger than Steve is atm. But again, I don't think main characters will die. Netflix will milk this franchise dry, I know Joe is probably done rn, but I still think Netflix wants to have options for potential spin-offs, especially because the Steve and Robin one is highly popular.
I think the character I see as most likely to die is Hopper tbh, I can’t even really imagine them killing off anyone else. I think the fact that he’s legally pronounced dead following the starcourt fire means his integration back into Hawkins and society in general is unlikely.
Other than that, I don’t think they’ll kill any members of the party, except maybe max. I think her death will be a moment to teach el about letting go and accepting that not everything is in her control.
I think the “teenagers” are pretty much safe. I think Eddie will stay dead and won’t return (if he does, it’ll be as like an upside down creature and he’ll die again), and Robin and Steve will be perfectly fine. Idk where the idea of them dying in each other’s arms came from but tbh that’s kind of dog water LMFAO. If I saw that corny ass shit I’d turn my tv off. Anyways. That’s just my 2 cents 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
Send me more opinions and season 5 thoughts I’m begging so hard rn
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occasionallykettle · 2 years
stranger things 5 wishlist
stranger things 5 wishlist – in no particular order
max waking up from her coma, but still being blind. i hope they don't just brush her literally dying and coming back to life off and continue like nothing ever happened (that kind of happened with will in season 1 and 2 but i can't blame anyone since it was important for the storyline that everything was kept a secret and stuff) because having a blind character would be interesting, since she could prove that she can still be helpful to the party despite now having a disability.
dimitri (enzo) coming back for season 5. i am honestly kind of hoping that the whole russia storyline is over, since it was painful (a bit boring tbh) to see joyce, murray and hopper doing totally their own thing for the entire season, however i still want dimitri to come back. he was a pretty interesting character, in that he didn't backstab hopper, joyce and murray after they escaped and stuck with hopper the entire time. he couldn't have gone back to russia (at least i don't think so) because he must be considered a pariah/fugitive, so is he somewhere in america now? i guess i wouldn’t mind yuri coming back as well, i just think he fulfilled his role in the series and isn't needed anymore (that's where he differs from dimitri).
mike and will (possibly argyle and jonathan as well) having a much greater role in season 5. i was kind of disappointed when will and mike, who are supposed to be part of the og party, were on a road trip for half the season, so the fact that they are getting a bigger role in season 5 makes me ecstatic.
byler happening. if there is one season that is perfect for byler, it will be season 5. i mentioned this in a previous post but 4 and a half seasons of build-up will make byler incredibly satisfying when in inevitably happens.
it would also be great if they were to address the painting. like mike has this "oh my god" moment about the painting and the last letter that el sent to mike. mike could find the letter on the ground and read it again and then connect the dots.
more scenes with murray, joyce and hopper working as a team (and, as previously mentioned, dimitri). they are a pretty intelligent group and fun to watch. great dynamics between all of them.
robin and vickie. need i say more?
will shoots a gun and saves someone as a result of it. we know that he knows how to load and shoot a gun (and most likely done it before with his father), and no one has seen him do anything to harm someone in order to save someone else (something like smashing billy's head with a pipe, which mike did, or threatening to hurt billy with steve's bat, which max did) and we all know that he is far more capable than he seems. will shooting a gun is the bare minimum, for me.
if and when max wakes up from her coma, i really want erica to be there. i think it was really sweet when she stayed at the hospital with her brother despite barely knowing max, because her brother was there. i believe and hope that she will have a greater purpose in season 5, since she is a part of this vecna mess now.
robin and will finally meet (for real this time) and have a good talk about something they share in common. being different. i'm pretty sure robin has come to terms with her sexuality and has accepted it far better than will has. and jonathan is great, but he is most likely straight (he hasn't shown signs of being otherwise) and he can never relate to the struggle that his brother faces every day like robin can, and thus cannot help him as much as robin can. i am aware that the duffer brothers stated that they wouldn’t be doing smaller storylines in season 5 (for example, getting steve a girlfriend) like they did in the previous seasons, however this is not a small storyline. it's will byers' identity, one of the main characters of season 5. and when he does eventually get with mike, it will have been worth it to have a chat with robin, and make a lot more sense.
i was originally not planning to post this one publically because i know that a lot of people strongly disagree, but i am kind of hoping that eddie doesn't return for season 5. his character was great, but he did seem like a one season character. like bob, alexei and barb. and if eddie does come back, then literally none of the important characters (maybe papa but he was destined to die from the beginning anyway) died. eddie died at the perfect time (writing wise – not so much for the characters) and if he were to be brought back to life, then i would personally just be confused and a little disappointed. joseph quinn did say, however, that he would be returning for season 5 (or something similar), so eddie might come back in flashbacks or something. or at least, that's what i hope. also, if eddie were to come back, then that just adds another character that needs an important role in the storyline, or what would have been the use in bringing him back? there's already will, mike, dustin, lucas, el, possibly max, joyce, hopper, jonathan, nancy, steve, robin and probably some more that i forgot, that need to play an important role in season 5 for all the build-up to be worth it. and besides, did the duffer brothers not say that it would be down to the core 4 to defeat vecna? that means that all of the young adults (that includes eddie) will not be involved in the final blow to vecna, and so that kind of disproves the kas theory (there is the possibility that i am misinterpreting what the duffer brothers said about the core 4).
el gets some independent badass moments. i think she already established that we was capable of doing great things by herself but now we need it to be explicit. and also, more centred around her personality – how her compassion, loyalty and bravery helps in the time of battle.
mike or will to get vecna'd. i feel kind of mean saying that, but it could be very beneficial to the plot. think about it, if one or the other were to get vecna'd, that would allow for a very emotional scene directed by the person that doesn't get vecna'd. i actually made a post about this here already.
we see more of jonathan and will being brothers. they were shown to be quite close in season 1 and 2, but then they started drifting apart after that. it's still very clear, though, that they both care for each other very much, and i would like to see a lot more of that in season 5.
similarly, more scenes with el and hopper. i think they were awesome in season 2, like they could both teach each other things. and el needs a proper father figure, since she has literally never had one before in her life. i liked how hopper was there for el in season 2 when she was closing the gate, since that really shows that even the strongest and most independent of characters need other people to help them sometimes.
this list is unfinished, but these are the ones that i think are most likely and/or my top ones. this post is also mainly for my documentation purposes so that when season 5 comes out i can find this list easily, so if i was unclear on some things, i apologise!
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dating robin headcannons?
Dating Robin Buckley Would Include
request: dating robin headcannons?
prompts: none
warnings: stealing, mentions of homophobia, kissing, this is so long i kinda got carried away, not proofread
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she would be super overprotective of you
especially if your family was homophobic
if you weren’t comfortable being out, Robin would gladly date you in secret
she just wants to make you happy
she would constantly give you free ice cream
she almost got fired when her boss found out
luckily Steve covered for her and managed to make their boss give her another chance
she didn't stop giving you ice cream
if you were comfortable being out, the two of you would go to pride parades together all month long during June
and she would go all out, covering you both in rainbows
it was one of your favorite dates
you loved dragging her around the mall to go shopping together
you would pick out outfits for her to try on and she would do the same for you
you went into a changing room together to show each other the clothes
you got kicked out because you started making out in the changing room
after the mall burned down, you came to the movie rental place she worked at all the time
she always hid your favorite movies so no one else would rent them 
her boss found out and she got in trouble
so she just stole them so you could watch them together
almost got fired
Steve had to cover for her again
Steve thinks that you guys are the cutest couple
he always lectures you to make sure you never hurt Robin
lectures Robin to make sure she never hurts you
he’s super overprotective of the both of you
if anyone made a homophobic comment about you guys, Steve would immediately attack them
he would get horribly beat up, but its the thought that counts
Dustin would lecture Steve about fighting with words instead because he can’t win a physical fight
Steve would argue back and say that he could
Robin would then remind him that it happened one time
Robin teaches you how to play D&D
the two of you play with the party all the time
they all really like you
even Mike started to like you eventually
but he was usually pouting about how El was in Maine
couples costumes every halloween
but they're always super cheesy ones
last year you guys were ketchup and mustard
Steve wanted to join and dressed up as Mayo
you two tried to avoid him that night
he found you anyways
cute romantic surprise dates all the time
Robin loves seeing how happy you get when she surprises you
you guys are the cutest couple in Hawkins
you guys even got voted as prom queens
Robin absolutely adores you and would never let anything happen to you
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Who do u think is gonna die in s4???
I'm hoping that Stranger Things doesn't go the modern, edgy route by killing off main characters for shock value. The whole "don't get attached because anyone can die" trend is really cheap, if you ask me. There might be some narrative purpose to killing some characters off, but I think a story like this is begging for a happy ending, which would be hindered by major character deaths.
I think new secondary characters are a tossup, as they've always been.
Don't get attached to any B-names, either.
As far as we can tell, Hawkins basically descends into hell in this season. This means anyone in town is more or less fair game. It's fair to say that the Party will be better prepared for this than the rest of the town since they're more likely to catch on early and more experienced with the dangers. The rest of the town, though... Well, let's just say I wouldn't want to be one of the new Hawkins residents we've never seen before.
I think there will be plenty of death teases, though. Several characters might have extremely close calls. The ones I think who might get teased with deaths the most are Steve, Jonathan, and Karen. All three have narrowly avoided being killed off already, which is sometimes used as foreshadowing. They better not kill off Steve, though.
Mike has been all too willing before to put himself in harms way to protect or save El and Will, so this might make things dangerous for him. I can't see it actually happening, though. El and Will would both completely lose it, making any happy ending impossible. He might take a beating, though.
I also think that Will might try to sacrifice himself out of guilt and despair. If he indeed is responsible for creating the Upside Down, and he finds out about it, then he might think it's only fair that he die to stop anyone else from dying. He'll either "succeed" as the cliffhanger leading to season 4, or someone (like Mike) will stop him and convince him that it's not his fault.
Extreme, but unlikely prediction: The heroes fail in season 4. All of Hawkins is completely engulfed by the Upside Down. The entire town is effectively "killed." Saving Hawkins and ending the threat once and for all would ultimately be the plot of season 5.
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the-weeping-author · 4 years
Secrets are forbidden Ch. 3
A/N: so before I start this authors note let me say some of y’all will not like how I wrote hopper so please don’t @ me lol. But finally done with chapter 3 I’m so happy.
Tag list: @ahoy-stevieboy @thehair-ington @linkispink1995 @harringtown @violet-dahlia @gardeniasandwhiskey @lxvesickreality @bluebellbrooke @thenameishayley248 @pappydaddy @simplesammyx @didyouputyournameinthegob @lenassaviorsblog @wolphielautz
Warnings: cussing, parent issues.
Wordcount: 2,592
Parings: Oc hopper x Steve Harrington.
Please enjoy 🙂
I woke up to the sound of the A/C kicking on, I threw my covers off of me. I rubbed the sleep from my face, I got undressed walking into my bathroom. I turned on the cold water, went to find clothes to wear for the first day back at school. I grabbed a pair of my black overalls, I grabbed a white t-shirt walking over to my dresser and I grabbed a bra, underwear. I walked back into the bathroom, turned the hot water all the way up, turned the cold down about halfway.
After my shower I put my clothes on, I grabbed my car keys walking out into the kitchen. I saw my father, I walked to the cabinet, grabbed a coffee mug. I poured myself a cup of coffee, I sat at the kitchen table drinking it while my father sat across from me. It was awkward, I didn’t know what to say. I knew my father didn’t hate me, but he didn’t care to talk to me either. I never knew my father’s issue with me, but I think it had to do with the fact that Sara and I didn’t share the same mother.
I wanted to believe it wasn’t true, but I didn’t have time to sit and ponder on the thought. If I were to bring it up it might make matters worse between us, I didn’t want it to get worse. That’s why I was getting a job, it was sad. Not because I had to work, but because I’d rather have all my time taken up by work, school than spend more than an hour with my father. It was too late to try and get to know me. It was 17 years too late, I didn’t care if he wanted me in his life or not anymore.
After I finished my coffee I put my mug into the sink, I walked out the front door. I got into my car, drove to school. When I got there I got out of my car, walked into the school. Eyes were on me as soon as I opened the main doors, as soon as I entered the building I left the stress of my home life at the front doors. My grades weren’t going to be affected by my crush on Steve, my father, but definitely not by the upside down. I walked to my locker, I twisted my combination perfectly because as soon as I finished the last number it popped off.
Now my lock has a love hate relationship with me, it can wait in line just like the rest of the lovely people who love but hate me. I grabbed a few textbooks out of my locker, out the corner of my eye I saw a dude. Now I knew everyone, but I didn’t know this dude. I could tell just from looking at him he was troubled from the brown boots on his feet to his curly blond hair. I knew just from looking at him once I Wasn’t going to like him, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to get to know the guy.
All it took was for us to lock eyes, he was on his way over to me. I quickly shut my locker, nearly ran into the guy. When he got closer the more I could smell his aftershave, just the aroma made me nauseous. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as he approached, I leaned up against my lockers as he halted to a stop right in front of me.
“So you’re the queen of Hawkins huh?”
I looked up at him, confidently nodded my head at him.
“Yep that’s me, and how may I help you?”
He smirked slightly, ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair.
“Names Billy Hargrove, you’re going to give me a tour of Hawkins high.”
I let out a slight amused laugh, I looked right into his eyes.
“In your dreams Blondie.”
I smiled, walked away from him. There was one thing on my mind, that was to find Steve. I mean I was sure since Billy approached me he would approach harrington. If he hadn’t already done it. He’s intentions were clear, that was to put everyone on guard here. Everyone had a target on Steve's back, but I had a feeling Billy was going to knock a few of those guys out of his way. I mean after all this was high school, guys cared about their reputation. Girls were Way different, we didn’t care who was popular. It's why I loved Robin.
Robin didn’t care that I was popular, but she didn’t like crowds so that’s why she only hung out with me at lunch. I always sat with her, only because my “friends” bothered her the whole time. So I decided that we’d only hang out at lunch and after school. It was a regular lunch day, I was sitting in my usual spot. Next thing I knew that Billy guy was sitting next to me, Robin immediately stopped talking. I turned my head a little bit to look at him, smiled.
“Hey There Bobby how can I help you this time?”
He looked at me, the corner of his mouth twitched.
“My name is Billy, But I didn’t have anyone to sit with so I thought I’d sit with you.”
I looked behind Billy, then looked back at him.
“Well according to the group of people looking over here you found somewhere to sit.”
“Huh? I don’t know what your-.”
I put my hand up, he stopped talking immediately.
“Look Benny, why don’t you just save yourself the time. I wasn’t Interested earlier and I’m not now. So save yourself the embarrassment.”
He stood up, grabbed his lunch. I could tell he was seething but It didn’t phase me, I didn’t care he definitely needed to back off. He turned his head as he walked away, stopping not too far from us.
“The name is Billy by the way.”
I turned to Robin, she smirked slightly at the conversation that just happened. She drank some of her milk, the bell rang. I walked to my locker to get some of the things that I needed for the rest of the day.
I grabbed my last book when I turned, numbed right into Steve Harrington.
“Hey Steve.”
He smiled at me, nudged me with his shoulder.
“Hey hopper how are you?”
I shut my locker, looked at him.
“Well besides some guy named Baxter Hargrove coming up to me today I’m good. How about you?”
Steve's eyebrows furrowed, he cracked a smile at me.
“You mean Billy?”
I gasped dramatically, I put my finger on my Chin.
“Oh is that his name I was wondering why he kept popping up every time I turned around?”
Steve let out a laugh, shook his head at me then he looked down at me his smile dropping some at my last statement.
“He came up to you? What did he say?”
I shook my head, let out a laugh.
“He was basically trying to get me to give him a tour of Hawkins, but it definitely wasn’t happening. He probably just wanted to get alone with me so he could lie about some false sexual encounter.”
I barely saw steves faces drop, but I could tell just by mentioning Billy probably lying about something stupid made him upset. Which was weird cause we weren’t a thing, but I guess he was just being protective. For some odd reason, trust me it wasn’t like Steve to be protective Steve and I never had the best anything really. I mean we were always making fun of each other even in elementary school.
I shrugged it off though, I continued with the rest of my day. The last period of school went by like a blink of an eye, it was time for me to return to my Castle in the woods. I walked to my car, I saw Steve standing near my car. I guess Nancy was somewhere else at the time because they were always together, I walked to my car opening my door.
“What’s up Harrington?”
Steve smiled, moved off the side of my car.
“Nothing just wanted to come see if the queen of Hawkins high was going to Tina’s party.”
I let out a laugh, looked at him.
“Steve you know just as well as anyone else I’m going.”
He smiled then looked at me, nodded his head. I looked through my purse for my keys, When I finally found them he responded.
“Alright cool I guess I’ll see you then?”
I threw my purse in my car, looked at him.
“Okay Harrington what’s your damage?”
He cocked a brow at me, shrugged.
“What do you mean?”
I shook my head at him, let out a sarcastic laugh.
“You know exactly what I mean Steve. We totally aren’t friends, now all of a sudden you’re being nice to me and making sure I’m going to a party so like what’s your damage?”
Steve looked at me, put his hands up in defense.
“Jenna I was just trying to be nice, maybe I want us to actually have a friendship instead of being at each other's throats.”
I nodded my head, looked at him.
“Okay Steve but we need to hang out more if I’m going to consider you a friend.. so here’s my number. You can call when you want to hang out. I have to go.”
I smiled at him while I grabbed a bubble gum wrapper along with a pen, I jot down my number. I handed him the wrapper, got into my car, buckled up then drove away from the parking lot.
After I pulled into my driveway I stepped out of my car, over the fishing line that was totally invisible. I sighed when I finally got inside the house, called out.
“El I’m home.”
She came out of her room with a smile on her face, she looked at me.
“How was school?”
I laughed at her, ruffled her hair.
“Well we have some new guy at school named Billy but he’s a dick, but don’t tell Hopper I said that.”
She smiled, crossed her heart then held out her pinky which I gladly accepted. I wrapped my pinky around hers, She told me about her day at the house and I told her about my day. I started dinner, after it was done my dad finally came home. I sat his plate in front of him, I sat Eli’s in front of her then I sat down.
“Hey dad, how was work?”
He poked his food with his fork, then shrugged.
I looked at him then smiled.
“Anything exciting happen today?”
He shrugged again, took a bite.
I looked at him, smiled.
“School was good, we got a new guy but he’s totally bogus.”
This time he didn’t reply. I knew he just got in from work, but he could at least indulge in the conversation. I sighed, quickly ate my food then stood up from the table.
“Alright El come see me before you go to bed I have something for you.”
She nodded, continued to eat. After I washed my plate, fork off I walked into my room. I sat on my bed, stared doing homework. About thirty minutes later the phone rang, I heard my dad pick it up, a few minutes later he knocked on my door.
“Jenna telephone.”
I cocked my eyebrow, I closed my folder, and got off my bed. I walked to the phone, I put it up to my ear.
“Jenna it’s me Steve.”
I smiled slightly, I walked into a more secluded area of the cabin.
“Hey Steve what’s up?”
I heard him take in a breath then exhale.
“Nothing just wanted to hang out so I thought I’d call and see if you wanted to hang out.”
I furrowed my brows together, looked at my clock.
“Steve it’s ten thirty. There’s no way my dad’s going to let me go out.”
Steve went silent for a minute then he decided to speak again.
“You can’t sneak out?”
I sighed, put my palm against my forehead.
“Yeah I’ll get my shoes on, where should I go?”
“Come to my house duh.”
“Okay Steve see you in about fifteen minutes bye.”
After hanging up with Steve I slid on my shoes, grabbed my car keys. I walked out into the living room, my dad was watching tv so I decided to ask him just to let him know where I would be.
“Dad Steve wants me to go over to his house is that okay?”
He didn’t even look away from the tv, I barely heard him answer me.
“Mhm yeah have fun.”
I sighed, shook my head. Most kids my age would kill to have a parent who let them do whatever, but honestly it wasn’t everything expected it to be. He didn’t just let me do whatever I wanted, but he didn’t even acknowledge my presence.
After I got to my car safely I put the key in the ignition, turned it. After it started up I pulled out of the woods, headed to the Harrington house hold. The sky was beautifully lit, the moon was full. It was a beautiful night to be out, but I assume Steve wasn’t one for stargazing. I mean come on he could barely hold a conversation.
The drive to Steve's house was quick, when I got there his porch light was on. I knocked on the door, he opened it smiling at me.
“I’m glad you could make it.”
I nodded my head at him, he opened the door.
“Did you think I wasn’t coming?”
He looked at me, rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well uh I honestly didn’t know.”
I smiled, looked at him.
“Are your parents home?”
He quickly shook his head no, let out a scoff.
“No they aren’t, they’re never here.”
I looked at him, looked around.
“Yeah I can definitely relate to that.”
His brows furrowed, he looked at me walking over to the couch sitting on it.
“What do you mean, isn’t your dad home like all the time?”
I let out a soft sigh, then sat beside him pushing my hair behind my ear.
“He is but he doesn’t really pay me any kind it’s a total drag.”
He pressed his lips together for a quick moment, then he rubbed his hands on his jeans. Since when did Steve Harrington get nervous?
“I’m sorry to hear that Jenna, would you like a beer?”
I probably should have said no, but I decided against that thought.
“Sure Steve I’d love one.”
He stood off the couch, walked towards the kitchen.
“Okay I’ll be right back, oh and Jenna.”
I looked up at him, arched my eyebrow at him.
“Yes Steve?”
“You can always talk to me if you need to.”
I smiled at him, nodded my head at him.
“Same here harrington.”
The rest of the evening was spent laughing, talking about everything really. School, parents, his relationship, and we even went for a swim which quickly escalated into a playful splash fight. I don’t know what changed between Steve and I but something did, I saw myself developing a crush on Steve, but I didn’t know how or when it happened.
A/N: thank you guys and gals so much for reading chapter 3 I hope y’all liked it. Sorry hopper fans but his attitude isn’t gonna change for a few chapters.
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whookami · 4 years
Which characters in ST do you think are the most overrated and who do you think are underrated? And why?
First of all, thank you anon! I love questions, I love deep discussion about characters, plots, motivations, etc of the shows and media I love, so my warmest thanks for this!
Next, allow me to start off in the most predictable manner I can: Billy. Billy billy billy. Oh my god is he overrated. Currently in my drafts however I have an essay that is almost 2500 words of why Billy’s character is terribly written, used, and how his entire point in the plot has been largely ignored. So yeah, if you also don’t get why he’s so beloved, stay tuned for that.
I honestly don’t feel any other characters are really overrated. I’m more likely to argue that the idea of them compared to how they are used in the show is the problem. For instance: Will Byers. Man oh man, in theory, he is an amazing character. However, within the show his function is...the PKE meter from ghostbusters. It is such a disappointment. With all of his trauma and internalized hate and guilt, he could be such an interesting character to actually spark off action, rather than just mildly react to it. His problem with not wanting to grow up yet compared to his friends is just...it is a gold mine of material! I hated seeing Will pushed to the side by himself in s3, it hurt so much. A better conflict would have still had Dustin in the mix, who I feel would be more on Will’s side, still interested in the same things, but he would also understand Lucas and Mike’s position. Some deep conversations between Dustin and Will could be excellent right now. Throw in some big brother Steve to tell him that all that chasing girls and stuff is ultimately pretty empty and doesn’t get you anywhere, and bam! Perfect path to giving Will a confidence boost and opening him up. This is regardless of whether you see him as gay or ace, it helps him in both situations. (Personally, I want ace. We have....like, do we even have any representation?? They even took Jughead away from us in Riverdale!!)
So yeah, most characters are just poorly utilized, not overrated.
Now, underrated? Top most is Lucas. He has legitimate skills, he’s brave, smart, independent, and willing to go looking for answers! Honestly, he’s a mini-Nancy. They share a lot of traits. In s1, while I don’t think Lucas was right in not trusting El and fighting with the Party and going off on his own, I understood his reasons clearly, I could respect them, and he turned his anger and disappointment into action! What a guy!! Unfortunately, season 2 and 3 made his plot line completely about romance. I hate this trend with shows. Not everyone needs a romantic plot! Max didn’t need to be anyone’s girlfriend, she could’ve just been a friend, another party member! I am really pissed that pretty much every character gets paired off romantically. Hell, even Steve and Robin were supposed to go down that path (Praise be to Maya and Joe for averting that catastrophe!) Lucas has shown himself to be really self reliant and incredibly determined, and yet in the show he just tags along ninety percent of the time. It is a misuse of the great character we met in season 1.
Another character I feel is underrated is actually Mike. Okay, I think it’s safe to say in s1 we all loved Mike, he was super sweet, and then in s2 he was angry and angsty, but I still really loved him and I understood where he was coming from, and his support of Will was amazing. Now, s3 has some rocky moments, yes. I don’t like him and El pretty much existing only for each other, but some things I like to keep in mind: they were separated for a long time with Mike thinking she was dead, and now he knows that Hopper had her hidden away. Of course he has anger and resentment issues towards Hop, that’s natural! And as for Mike trying to ‘control’ El and her using her powers, etc...I really never saw it like that. From my perspective the one more in the wrong was Max. Mike didn’t want to just be using El’s powers to solve their problems and do whatever they liked, treating her like a tool to be used, because he knows there is an unknown risk possibly associated with those powers. I don’t think we the audience should ignore the fact she always gets a nosebleed. There is potentially a major danger to her brain if she keeps pushing her powers. Max also was encouraging El to use them in a way that...while I can understand the appeal to a young girl, actually spying on people like that is pretty damn disgusting. It is clearly wrong. They’re perhaps a bit too young to fully understand, but the adults watching should be able to pick up that this isn’t good behaviour. Yes, Mike isn’t giving El enough credit, letting her set her own limits, but he also recognizes that she still doesn’t fully understand the regular world and the moral implications of using her powers, as well as the possible health risks. I don’t like how broody and such Mike gets, but a lot of fans gave him the shaft in season 3 for not supporting El in the same way Max was, but both kids were in the wrong.
Those are my main answers, I hope you found them interesting and worth the ask, anon! Feel free to ask anything else you’d like to know or talk about! Thanks again, and lots of love!
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hawkinslibrary · 4 years
i love hearing what you have to say about season 4!! i promise it’s not too long lol, anyway i have a question for you: what do you think the next season holds for mike & el? i’m a little worried tbh
ahhh thank you !! same rules apply: spoilers ahead, so please read no further and blacklist/filter out the ‘s4′, ‘st4′, ‘spoilers’ tags if you don’t want to see anything !! 
i’m going to talk about them both as individuals and as a pair but first, i have to say that i don’t personally feel like you have to worry about them breaking up or anything again this season. i think s4 is really going to establish romantic jopper and once that happens, i don’t see them, mileven, or jancy not being endgame unless someone actually dies. which -- i’m not going to think about the possibility of anyone dying until i’m forced to confront it, so. this is fiction and it’s already unrealistic and i’m gonna take my ‘everyone survives, happiness all around, time to relax’ endings and go. anyway, i would love to add lumax to this list but i honestly think it could go either way depending on what happens in s4. that’s a different essay, though.
i tend to think that the most important dynamic on the show is the one between the whole group and i just don’t really see them spending much more time trying to develop romantic relationships outside of the ones set up since s1/2. maybe steve, robin, and will get love interests, maybe they decide to develop dustin and suzie more, maybe suzie is never even mentioned again, idk. but these will probably all be secondary -- as in less screen time, not less important than the main romances, but probably still less developed. unless it happens to be a new person added to the main cast. which, as of now, the only new mains are brett and priah who has gone from recurring to regular. so.  
i think s3 showed how messy and complicated romantic relationships (or, really just relationships in general) can be. everyone was arguing, there was miscommunication all around, everyone thought they knew what was best, no one was seeing eye to eye. but when it comes down to it, they would do anything for each other. they understand each other better than anyone else ever could. i can’t see them spending another season on breakups and romance drama after the ending of s3.  
mike and el have already been separated once before. this time, mike knows for sure that she’s alive and that’s she’s with the byers. this time, el won’t be kept completely isolated away from everyone else. they’ve made plans to meet for the holidays. they can still call and talk to each other as much as they want. i’m hoping they handle being separated this time better than they did in s2. i don’t want mike to be moping and i don’t want el to spend a lot of the season thinking about how much she misses him. in fact, i think in their case that some distance could be good for them. the same for jancy and jopper, too, honestly. it’ll be nice to see them existing outside of these relationships while still acknowledging how important they are.   
as far as i know, the byers and el stuff has not started filming yet so all there is to speculate on are rumors, the audition tapes, and logical guesses about where the story goes after s3. el obviously moves away with the byers. we still don’t know where. she’ll still be mourning hopper and trying to figure out life without her powers. and, of course, she’ll be in a long distance relationship with mike. i think she’ll be having a hard time and she’ll wish that mike was around, but she’ll realize she’s got a pretty good support system around her now with the byers, too. i’m very, very excited for more joyce and el content particularly, but there’s gotta be some great scenes with her and will and jonathan as well. 
there’s only one audition tape that i can confidently tie into the byers + el plot(s?) and it’s the queen bee/mean girl character ‘angela’. if we’re running with the whole ‘there may be some truth to the audition vids’ thing, then this one teases that el will be going to school and that angela will be bullying her. this is something she would probably want to talk about with mike (b i g troy s1 vibes) but i don’t know if she actually would ? so this is probably more a thing that el and will could bond over or that she could talk about with joyce or maybe jonathan. i do think there will be at least a few calls between the two of them before the action really hits and the whole group is (hopefully...) reunited.
so, el -- at least in the beginning of s4 -- will be going to school where ‘angela’ bullies her, forming a bond with joyce + will + jonathan and becoming part of the family, mourning hopper (+ hopefully having conversations about him + his past with joyce), missing her friends back in hawkins, continuing to learn how to navigate life without her powers, and trying to maintain a long distance relationship with mike. 
mike... i’ve been seeing some wild theories about him today but they aren’t really that far-fetched i think. first, going back to the audition tapes, the ‘eddie’ audition i saw makes it seem like mike is going to be part of the hellfire club with dustin. i’ve recently learned that there’s another version of the scene where ‘eddie’ is only talking to dustin and mike might not be a part of the club after all. if he isn’t part of the club, then the basketball v. hellfire, jocks v. nerds thing turns into lucas v. dustin and mike’s probably there just caught in the middle while max is off distancing herself from everyone.
at this point, i really want mike and max to become good friends. i think the end of s3 gave them the perfect opportunity. s4 max has s2 mike vibes. it’s not the same situation at all, but he knows kinda what she’s feeling and they could connect through that + the fact that they’ll both be missing el. i also just really want... some wheeler siblings content. i’m hopeful that s4 gives us good nancy and mike scenes bc there’s no reason not to give us good nancy and mike scenes (+holly!). however...
while there’s proof that gaten and sadie and natalia and priah have all been filming since production restarted, and while i have reason to believe that caleb has been filming a lot inside/at the studio recently... there’s no evidence that finn has been on set. there’s none for maya and joe, either, but people have said that finn isn’t even in atlanta right now. maybe he is and maybe he just hasn’t been seen and maybe he’ll pop back up tomorrow. or, maybe he already filmed whatever he needed to film for hawkins before production stopped.  
the wild theory that’s popped up today is that everything gets to be too much for him in hawkins and he just... hops on a train to go visit el + the byers. i don’t know if i buy it, but it is interesting to note that he was sitting with them at the table read. and since we can guess that steve and robin will still be working at the video store, robin and nancy will be investigating pennhurst together, lucas and max may have some angst, joyce and murray are probably teaming up for the finding/saving hopper plot, and el is going to bond with will and jonathan, it seems like the order might mean a little something. i’d even bet that dustin and erica have scenes with them bonding over d&d.    
now this theory pretty much only exists because no one’s seen finn on set and one of the paps posted some pics of some trains. there’s also always theories about how there will be issues at home with the wheeler fam and if that’s going to happen, what better time than in s4 when all of his friends are pulling away and el’s gone again. so if he is missing el (and will) that much, and if he has any reason to worry about her and how she’s doing, or if the party becoming distant and issues at home are weighing on him and he feels like he needs to get away, he’s absolutely the type to venture off on a train by himself. i don’t know how it would work since he’s definitely supposed to still be in school and his friends/nancy at least would notice he’s gone, but.. it’s fun to think about and we’ve got zero actual content to go off of right now.  
another way i could see mike’s plot going is that he’s the one trying to keep the party together this season. playing mediator with lucas and dustin, becoming better friends with max, being the connection between the hawkins plot and the byers plot (along with nancy). 
there was also talk of him joining the track team bc the track has been set up with hawkins high colors for filming. but mike ‘this isn’t a stupid sports game’ wheeler? i don’t think so... basically, no one knows at the moment what’s happening with mike wheeler in s4 lol.
s4 mike is just like s4 byers fam -- a complete mystery to me currently. i don’t personally think that he’ll be leaving school and hopping on a train to visit el. i think he’ll be a part of the hellfire club with dustin, or that he won’t and instead will be attempting to keep the party from completely disbanding. i hope that we get wheeler siblings scenes and that max and mike have a breakthrough and become better friends. i also feel like he’ll be having some complicated feelings about hopper, the last interaction they had, etc. and, again, the whole long distance thing with el. 
so... mike and el broke up in s3. it was messy. but then they reconciled. and then hopper “died”. s3 ended with them at this weird place where she’s heard him say that he loves her and she’s told him that she loves him back. things are a little awkward in the scene bc everything has changed at this point, but a kiss, an ‘i love you’, planning to meet up on the holidays, and promising to call frequently all sounds like they’re back together and going to try making the long distance thing work to me. 
i think they’ll be together when s4 starts. i think that we’ll probably only see them talking on the phone or their radios for the first few eps. maybe we’ll see flashbacks or something to them being together on the holidays. the distance might be hard and they’re definitely going to be missing each other. like... el doesn’t have mike or hopper with her now and i’m thinking the party is going to be drifting apart, plus they’re both probably going to have other personal issues that have nothing to do with each other or the party. maybe they’ll be experiencing some emotional distancing of their own while dealing with the aftermath of hopper’s “death”, the move, and whatever’s going on with them at home and at school. i think that once they reunite (probably not until the last half of the season), they’re likely to be stronger than ever. 
now, onto personal theories that have zero basis. for some reason, i can’t get it out of my head that this season might dive into psychological horror a little bit ? like a greatest fears type of thing ?? and i keep thinking about brenner popping back up and using the people el loves to get to her or something and 👀👀 
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babygirlizz · 4 years
Movies and TV shows of 2019
Okay so a couple or few years ago I did a review of movies that had released that year because I was super into movies that year. I am still into movies, but I have been watching a lot more shows this year. So, I will be reviewing movies and tv shows. Furthermore, I will be including stuff released this year, that I found this year, or that has a new season this year. Basically just anything that I have loved this year. Also, I don’t feel like ranking, so no particular order. Also, SPOILERS AHEAD - if you see a title of something you have not seen, and don’t want spoilers, please feel free to skip that section. Also, some of these I haven’t seen in a hot minute so if I get a detail messed up, we won’t speak on it. And finally, trigger warning - if you have struggled with sexual assault and may have an issue reading about it, either skip this post entirely or skip over the review of “Unbelievable.”
1. After
I have been waiting for this since middle school. I read the after books on wattpad because what teenager in love with harry styles didn’t. Now I will be real with y'all. The acting could use some work in specific scenes, and some of the actors aren't MY favorite picks for certain roles, but I’m not gonna hate on actors. Ok so, Tessa (Josephine Langford) is an incoming freshman in college and is rooming with an upperclassmen, Steph (Khadijha Red Thunder) who has a friend named Hardin (Hero Fiennes-Tiffin). Steph wants Tessa to branch out and do new things, so she invites her to a party, where they play the stereotypical games, and thats when Hardin is kind of dared to make Tessa fall in love with him. ALSO, Tessa has a high school boyfriend named Noah (Dylan Arnold). She starts seeing Hardin, her boyfriend finds out, she falls in love with Hardin, and finds out it was all a dare. Buuuuuuut, pLoT tWiSt he actually loves her.
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2. Avengers: Endgame
Ok listen, Infinity War was heartbreaking bc Bucky duh, but y'all are really gonna take Tony (RDJ) and Steve (Chris Evans) away from me? Shut up. Still, this was a really good movie and I’m not just saying that because I’m a marvel hoe. FRICK Thanos and thats on Ant Man. Thats literally all I have to say.
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3. Annabelle Comes Home
I am a whore for scary movies. I love them so much and this one was *chefs kiss*. I love Mckenna Grace, she's such a good young actress and she fits so well in scary moves. There’s not much to say about the plot in this one, and ya really need to see it. Also, Bob (Michael Cimino) is so heckin cute what the heck.
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4. Let It Snow
Ok this is a lot to unpack so grab ya snacks. Let’s talk about couple number 1 (of 3), Tobin (Mitchell Hope) and Angie (Kiernan Shipka) who are best friends. Tobin is in love with Angie but doesn’t know how to tell her, and gets lots of unwanted encouragement from his best friend Keon (Jacob Batalon) who just wants to throw a heckin good party, is that too much to ask for? So Angie gets invited to a party by some cute guy, JP (M and Tobin is jealous but goes with her anyways and they steal a keg for Keon’s party and run from the scary hosts of the party and end up stranded in a church after his car spins out of control. They finally make it to the party and kiss on the roof with the waffle town sign shining bright behind them. NEXT - we have Julie (Isabela Merced) and Stuart (Shameik Moore). This is kind of really cliche with the whole “he’s-famous-she-doesn’t-care-he-finds-that-attractive-lets-fall-in-love” aspect, but its also hella cute uwu. They meet on a train and the train stops so they go eat at the waffle town and go sledding and do a bunch of cute coupley shit. His manager comes to get him and basically tells her that nothing will ever really happen between them and he leaves. Then, he shows up at the party and they fall in love. NEXT- we have Dorrie (Liv Hewson) who is a lesbian that constantly struggles with the gay panic. Her best friend Addie (Odeya Rush) doesn't help much either because she's having her own relationship problems. Dorrie works at Waffle Town and when she's working the girl she's talking to, Kerry (Anna Akana) comes in with her dance team, and she's not out of the closet. A bunch of shit goes down, but they end up together and Dorrie learns that she’s worth more than she thinks and that’s all that matters. Also, Billy (Miles Robbins) and Tin Foil Woman (Joan Cusack) make wonderful additions to this movie.
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5. The King
First of all - Timothée Chalamet and Robert Pattinson in the same movie? Sign me the HECK up. But they’re also historical, frick yea. Not too much to say about this movie other than it’s good. Super graphic (don’t watch if you don’t like decapitation lol) and super long, but good nonetheless.
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6. Falling Inn Love
This movie is super freaking cute. Gabriela (Christina Milian) decides that she needs a change and enters a contest to win an Inn in New Zealand. She wins the Inn and is shocked when she realizes the Inn needs a LOT of work. She goes around town to get stuff to fix up the Inn and constantly runs into Jake (Adam Demos) and they have this flirty but we don’t like each other relationship, but then ya know, they fall in(n) love. 
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1. The Society
I could talk about this show for hours, literally. I love it so much it’s insane. Ok, so lets start from the beginning. A town called West Ham is being plagued by a disgusting smell. Due to this, the town decides to send busloads of teenagers to the mountains while they try and resolve the smell situation. All of the teenagers fall asleep on the bus and wake up to the announcement that they had to go back home due to road blocks. When they get off the buses, its late and no one is there to pick them up. They think that it may just be a sense of miscommunication, so they head home, only to find that none of their families are there, and they can’t get ahold of any of them over the phone. They finally decide to investigate and find that all exits out of town are completely blocked off. They then decide to find a way to survive without their families. This causes a lot of tension within the town including the death of a main character. This shows also includes gay representation!!!! This is my favorite couple, Sam (Sean Birdy) and Grizz (Jack Mulhern). Sam is deaf and gay and his brother, Campbell (Toby Wallace), makes fun of him for both reasons, and when the whole issue with the town happens, he believes he will never find love because he doesn’t think anyone else is gay, until Grizz comes along, and tries to learn ASL and loves him for him.
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2. Roswell New Mexico
Alright, to be completely honest, I did not want to watch this. I have no idea why I just didn’t. I saw an edit on like instagram or something of the couples in the show and I was like, alright I can give it a chance. And spoiler alert I loved it. The series starts off with Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason) comes back to her hometown of Roswell around the time of her the anniversary of her sister, Rosa’s (Amber Midthunder), death. She gets pulled over on her way in and the officer that pulled her over was Max Evans (Nathan Parsons), who has had a crush on her since they first met, and just so happens to be an alien. After Liz gets shot in her families restaurant, Max uses his healing powers to save her, but leaves behind a hand print on her that makes her suspicious. She continues to investigate until he tells her the truth. She also finds out that her sister was actually murdered, and has the same hand print on her that she did when Max healed her. Turns out, his sister, Isobel (Lily Cowels) killed her, but it was actually another alien possessing her (which they didn’t know was possible when she killed her). When they landed on earth they also landed with their “brother” Michael (Michael Vlamis) who starts off the series with an on and off relationship with Alex (Tyler Blackburn) and I love them together. Alex is the son of one of the guys trying to find and take down the aliens and he also went to war and lost his leg. Anyways, towards the end of the season Alex starts seeing Maria (Heather Hemmens), which is a couple I don’t really like, but also bi representation is good! Anyways I don’t really wanna spoil this one too much I just love it a lot.
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3. Elite
This is a show that came out in 2018, but they released a second season this year. All I’m saying is please watch the original version, not the dubbed over version. Elite is a spanish show about a few students that get a scholarship to the private school after their school gets demolished. This shows is in the fashion of present and past which includes a lot of flashbacks leading up to the the murder of one of the students. My favorite part of this show is the relationship between Ander (Arón Piper) and Omar (Omar Ayuso). Ander is the son of the head of the school and Omar is the brother of one of the students that got a scholarship. Not only are they of different socioeconomic status’, but Omar is also Muslim, and his family would not approve of him being gay. He finally finds the courage to tell his family, but thats not until season 2. Also, his sister Nadia (Mina El Hammani) falls in love with the “bad boy” of the school, Guzmán (Miguel Bernardeau) and starts going against her parents wishes as well.
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4. The Umbrella Academy 
Y’all mind if I confuse y'all real quick. So, a bunch of women all of the sudden give birth out of nowhere at the same time even tho none of them were pregnant? Yea I know weird. Anyways, so this dude tries to adopt as many of them as possible and ends up adopting like 7. They all have powers and they try and stop the apocalypse. That’s literally all I can tell y'all. 
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5. Unbelievable
I swear I didn’t mean to get y’all upset right now. This show made me angry and sad and so many other feelings all at once. So the show beings with a girl named Marie (Kaitlyn Dever) getting raped in her home. When she reports it, they can’t find any evidence, as he cleaned the apartment and made her shower. This mixed with the fact that she struggles remembering parts of her experience (which is common with sexual assault), the police don’t believe her and force her to retract her statement. This in itself is awful, but they also charge her with false statement, which adds on to the fact that people already believe that she is a liar. Years later, two female detectives, Karen and Grace, piece together rapes in their precincts and once they find the rapist, they find Marie’s picture in with his belongings, proving that she was telling the truth the entire time.
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6. Sailor Moon
I just got into anime and all I have to say is that I love this. That is all.
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morkhan · 5 years
Will Byers is Gay: The Evidence So Far
With the release of Stranger Things 3, there has been a lot of discussion kicked up about the character of Will Byers and his sexuality (or lack thereof). I've seen a lot of takes about what "it's not my fault you don't like girls" was intended to mean, many of which seem to take it in isolation, so I wanted to make a post putting it into what I think is its proper context; not an isolated incident, but the latest carriage in veritable train of queer themed language and imagery that has followed Will Byers since episode one of season one, and before that. You ready? Alright, let's go.
Season Zero: the Montauk Files
Before Stranger Things became Stranger Things, it was called Montauk. Like many would-be show makers, the Duffer Bros put together a "show bible" describing the premise, setting, tone, and characters of the show they intended to make. Like many shows, a lot of these ideas changed or were lost on their way to the screen, but it's always worth looking into their original concepts. Here is their description of Will Byers in the Montauk show bible:
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Obviously, the major whammy there is in the first line "sexual identity issues." But there are some other interesting notes, like his "colorful clothes" that you might want to keep a lookout for on your next rewatch. Now, onto...
Season 1
The thing to pay attention to regarding Will in season 1 is in the language used to refer to him when he is not present (which he isn't for most of the season).
Episode 1: the subject of bullying comes up right away in the conversation between Joyce and Hopper. "The kids, they're mean. They laugh at him, laugh at his clothes, call him names." "What's wrong with his clothes?" "I don't know!" This harkens back to the Montauk show bible, but it's arguable, since it's never made clear what about his clothes draws ire.
She also mentions that he is "sensitive," "not like most," and that his dad said he was "queer" and called him a "fag." Hopper asks "is he?" to which she replies "He's missing is what he is!"
Episode 3: Troy says he's not missing, he's dead. "Probably killed by some other queer."
Episode 4: Troy, again "Will's in fairyland, flying around with all the other little fairies, all happy and gay."
Sensitive, queer, fag, fairy, and gay are all used to describe Will in season 1, but perhaps more notable is the fact that they aren't used to describe anyone else. If the show were truly period accurate, let's be real; the whole party would've been called queers on a pretty regular basis, because "queer" doubled as a generic insult back then. But in season 1, these words are only ever used in relation to Will, with one exception; in episode 6, Steve says to Will's brother, "I used to think you were queer." So it's not even an active accusation in that moment; it's used in the negative.
Hell, Troy walked up to Lucas mockingly proposing to Mike and proclaiming his love for him, and he still didn't call them queers. That language is reserved for Will.
Now granted, most of these are used as insults by characters who don't like Will, but still; as a writer, if you want your audience to remember something, repetition is an excellent way to embed it in their minds. There's a reason for the specificity of language surrounding Will, and a reason that language keeps coming up over and over and over again.
Season 2
Season 2 retires much of the homophobic language used to insult Will, replacing it with "Zombie Boy." The only homophobic language used in season 2 is the word "faggot," used by Billy's father to refer to Billy, who expresses a clear interest in women (and an arguable interest in one particular man, but that's the subject of another post).
Still, there is an arguable bit of queer theming in Will's conversation with Jonathan regarding the benefits of being a "freak" and how normal people never accomplish anything. Jonathan even invokes bisexual icon David Bowie to make Will feel better about his "freakishness."
The clearest piece of queer theming for Will in season 2 comes in episode 8, in this beautiful speech from Joyce to Possessed Will:
"When you turned eight, I gave you that huge box of crayons, do you remember that? It was 120 colors. And all your friends got you Star Wars toys, but all you wanted to do was draw with all your new colors. And you drew this big spaceship, but it wasn't from a movie. It was YOUR spaceship; a RAINBOW Ship, that's what you called it. And you, you must have used every color in the box. I took that with me to Melvald's, and I put it up. I told everyone who came in, 'My son drew this.' And you were so embarrassed, but I was so proud. I was so, so proud."
This is one of the most powerful memories of her son that Joyce has, an image so strong and distinct that she uses it to invoke his true identity against the monster that is slowly subsuming him. She notes very specifically that it's not something he copied, but something that came entirely from Will himself, an image that she felt represented him so perfectly that she took it with her to work and proudly touted it as his to everyone she knew. The Rainbow Ship is Joyce's picture of her son's very heart, and surely I don't need to explain to you how powerful a piece of queer imagery the rainbow is.
Some subtextual stuff; in episode 9, when the girl asks Will to dance, he stammers "I... I don't..." and only goes to dance with her when Mike literally pushes him towards her.
During the final montage, the scene cuts to different characters in time with appropriate lines from the song: "every move you make" cuts to Mike and El (as he is teaching her to dance), "every vow you break" cuts to Nancy dancing with Dustin (as she technically cheated on Steve with Jonathan), "I'll be watching you" cuts to Lucas dancing with Max (as she has playfully called him 'stalker' all season). What line cuts to Will? "Every smile you fake," specifically on the word fake, while Will dances with a girl wearing this expression:
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That is not a real smile, that is not a comfortable boy, and that is not an accident; Noah Schnapp is one of the best actors in the entire show, and of the young boys, he is the one the Duffers trust most to do dramatic heavy lifting.
Do you want it to be a little more explicit? Okay, here is that scene in the script:
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I mean, that pretty much speaks for itself. It's less explicit in the actual show, but it's still there, you know?
Season 3
And now, the biggest and most explicit thing to date; The Scene. I mean, you could discuss the obvious subtext in the simple fact that Will is the only male main character who has yet to find a girlfriend or express any interest in girls whatsoever, but that pales in comparison to The Scene.
The setup for The Scene is pretty simple; after declaring "a day free of girls" in order to get his friends to run the D&D campaign he's probably spent a significant amount of time creating, his friends have blown him off to continue bemoaning their girl troubles, so Will has decided to leave. Mike, realizing too late that he has genuinely upset his friend, chases after him to try and get him to come back.
A back-and-forth argument ensues, where Will accuses Mike of ruining the party and abandoning his friends in favor of girls, and Mike, in the heat of the moment, responds with "It's not my fault you don't like girls!" After which, everything stops. There is a full second of silence, and a close up on Noah Schnapp's face so you can take in his reaction.
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There is a lot to unpack here. Now, acting is up to interpretation to a degree, but to me, that expression conveys two primary emotions; shock, and betrayal. That face says "how could you?" Because here's the thing; regardless of what Mike does or doesn't know about Will's sexuality, Mike knows for a fact that Will has been called a queer all his life by everyone from his school bullies to his own fucking dirtbag father. By invoking even the specter of that, Mike has crossed a fucking line, and he knows it. And we know he knows it, because he immediately backtracks and tries to mitigate the damage. But it's too late. The damage has been done.
I also think there is a tinge of fear in that image. Just a moment of soul raking panic that pretty much every closeted queer person knows intimately. It's very brief. But I think it's there, if you look.
This scene sends Will into an emotional tailspin that culminates in him tearing down the literal last bastion of his childhood in a fit of sorrow and rage. His innocence has been destroyed. He cannot regain what he has lost, and he can never go back to the way things were before. This is the emotional climax of his arc for season three. It's a powerful one-- shame it comes in the third of eight episodes, but that's neither here nor there.
And that's pretty much it for now. Any one of these things taken in isolation could be very easily dismissed, but here's the thing; they aren't isolated incidents. They are part of a clear and consistent pattern, one that goes all the way back to the show's inception, before even one minute of footage was filmed. And this pattern points to one very obvious conclusion; the Duffer Brothers have always intended, and continue to intend, for Will Byers to be gay.
Now, for the obvious question; why haven't they made it explicit yet?
The answer is as unfortunate as it is obvious; I don't know.
It's entirely possible that there is some external force that the Duffers have to answer to that is preventing them from actively pursuing this particular storyline. This happens all the time in Hollywood, and it could be anything from Netflix to Noah Schnapp's parents to Noah Schnapp himself just being uncomfortable with it. Many are the creators who dream Big Gay Dreams only to run into the horrors of our Forced Hetero Reality. If the Duffers ultimately submit to these pressures, I hope you won't be too hard on them. This shit is harder than you think to get to the screen sometimes.
But it's also possible that they just aren't ready for it yet. That they have been saving this for a future storyline, that they just want their characters (and the actors) to get a little older before they pursue this particular storyline explicitly, but they've been busily laying groundwork for it so that anyone paying attention will know it's coming.
I don't know. Only time will tell for sure.
For now, I can tell you this; I see a great deal of evidence that the Duffers still intend for Will to be gay, and precisely zero that they have changed their minds.
I hope that holds true.
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tending-the-hearth · 7 months
(ST "S5" story idea part 2)The main supernatural side of things comes from the fact that creatures from the upside down are climbing out of the fissures from the earthquake and are terrorizing the town. The government is trying to cover it up but it is getting to wide spread to contain. This exasperates El's fear of being taken again and proves a bit of a trigger for Hopper's prison camp PTSD.
Another element is that at some point they realize Vecna is using someone to spy on the Party. They originally think it could be El because of her powers or Max because she has recently woken up from a Vecna induced coma. Nancy and Hopper also come under suspicion. They eventually realize it is Steve. I have this scene in my head of Lucas frantically screaming into the walkie-talkie that "Code Red! Steve's the Mole!" and Dustin being in the car with Steve when he hears it. Dustin slowly turns to look at Steve in the driver's seat in horror. Steve turns to look at him, black veins appearing around his eyes and then he gives a creepy smile "He wants to see you." he says and then the scene fades to black.
I'm not sure whether Dustin jumps out of the car and is able to escape or whether Steve takes him to one of the fissures and tries to take him to the Upside Down and the rest of the Party have to scramble to rescue him.
Either way Dustin is able to rejoin the Party. Dustin is panicking about what just happened and everyone comes together. It is assumed that there must have been something in the Demobat bites that connected Steve to Vecna and that the best way to save him would be to kill Vecna. At some point Mike accuses Dustin of not really being committed to ending Vecna and they fight. Dustin eventually confesses that he is more invested in saving Steve because he can't lose anyone else and has a bit of a meltdown over his fear of losing Steve just like Eddie. There is a big group hug between the four boys, Max and El.
ohhhhhhhhh i can fully imagine lucas just screaming in the walkie and everything zooming in on dustin as he realizes. that'd be so terrifying but also OUCH THE STEVE ANGST AND THE DUSTIN ANGST
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
Braving the Elements
Chapter 20: Another Party
Part 1/2
Tw: Swearing, sex in pt2
Authors note: TWO IDIOTS IN LOVE, yes this was inspired by moulin rouge dont @ me. love u all❤️❤️
Both versions r so good they both get included!
“He really thinks he’s James Bond doesn’t he?” Wanda laughs
“He sure does, much better ass though.” you respond the other two nodding in agreement as you head into the board room for the briefing. Everyone gathers in and Tony pulls up an infographic on the main targets, who they were, how they may be contributing, and the best way to get information out of them.
“So, Nat and Sam, we want you to engage with those I’ve identified as “salespeople”, act as if you, as non-mutants, are interested in obtaining temporary powers. I’ll be with the investors, acting as though I’m hoping to get in on the ground floor. Wanda if you wouldn’t mind, pretend like you’re interested in the genetic side, say you would be willing to donate some DNA but you need to know how it’s being used and processed first. Y/N you’ll help Wanda but see if you can get to the seedier parts of their operation. Based on your dubious past and ties to Roman they may be more inclined to share any less than legal aspects with you. Everyone else you’re there to keep up appearances, don’t interfere, play along. The most important thing is that we do not reveal what we know already. Everyone needs to pick a target and latch on for the night”
“ (y/n) you get the hot one!” Wanda exclaims
“Why?” you ask, forgetting that people didn’t know about you and Bucky.
“Cause you're single and hot so it should be easy for you to seduce him.” Tony says.
“Well put Tony thanks for the objectification” you say, rolling your eyes. The guy was hot and rich, and probably full of himself, used to getting what he wanted. Getting information out of him would be a breeze.
“Fine i'll use my womanly wiles” you say making some spooky hand gestures.
You quickly look to Bucky to see if he’s appreciated your joke, but he’s avoiding your gaze. You notice his jaw is clenched and his body seems tense, you wonder what’s got him in such a mood. You go to ask him but he’s gone by the time you stand up. Shrugging you follow Wanda into Nat’s room to get ready. Sitting down on her bed you feel something poke you in the butt. Reaching under the sheet you pull out a whip.
“Oh my god do you use this on Steve?” you ask throwing it at Wanda
“Wait what??” Wanda exclaims, tossing it onto the ground in disgust and surprise.
“Shit sorry Nat!” You exclaim.
“How long!” Wanda asks. Nat goes on to explain about that night you all went out together and then again in Russia and how they’ve talked about dating but didn’t want to have it fully out in the open yet because of the press and all the paperwork that would go into it, but they were very much exclusive.
“How long have people known?”
“Well Y/N and Barnes saw us in the kitchen and he told Sam immediately. Literally the second he could, and I was going to tell Wanda and Vision tonight but” she gestures to you.
“Sorry! So what, you going steady now?” You ask giggling
“Ya, how does it feel to date someone who can get a senior discount?” Wanda riffs off of you. Nat jumps on the bed hitting you two with pillows, instigating an all-out war only calling a parlay when you realize you were all going to be late if you didn’t get dressed. Unlike last time you actually had a dress procured for you, one of the benefits of being a hero, people sent you free stuff now. Your dress was a deep forest green. The off the shoulder top was decorated in overlying fabric leaves lined with gold beading. It cinched at the waist and gently flowed out with a slit going up the right side. You wear your hair down in waves and you finish it off with a headpiece. It’s a crown made of gold branches twisted together with a few gold leaves and flowers scattered throughout.
“You look like a goddess.” Nat says, looking at you as she puts in a diamond earring. She’s in a scoop back mermaid black dress with a high neck, simple, elegant and gorgeous.
“Well you’ll fit Sam’s need for a bond girl!” you say, linking your arm in hers and heading out to meet Wanda and Vision in the lobby. Wanda’s in a satin hi-lo plum colored dress that matches Vision tie, it has a halter top, and her hair’s twisted up. Vision escorts Wanda into the venue and you and Nat go in behind them. Nat nods her head towards the bar, she’s spotted your target. You let go of her arm, straighten your dress and pull your hair forward. You make your way over to the bar, stopping next to him and pushing your hair to the side to expose your neck leaning over in an attempt to get the bartender's attention. You can feel your target staring at you.
“Hey aren’t you that mutant girl,?” he asks, you turn to look back at him, biting your lip as you do so.
“How often does that line work out for ya?” you laugh
“Rarely, but for someone as pretty as you I figured it was worth the risk.” he smirks
“Well flattery will get you everywhere, Y/N.” you say extending your hand
“Pleased to meet you, Max Van Der Bilt, what are you drinking?” he asks, kissing it.
“Whatever you’re having” you say smiling at him. He beckons to the bartender and orders two double vodka sodas. Bucky’s standing near the bar, trying to get an optimal vantage point on you. You looked beautiful, statuesque, he'd never seen anything like it. You looked like something out of a Greek tale. He wanted to tell you that, he wanted everyone to know that you had chosen him, but instead he’s stuck watching you flirt with another man. He feels his heart ache. He tried to calm himself and stop the feelings he was having, but he can’t fight against them. He reminds himself that it was all just an act, but he can’t help but fear for the worst. Why had you agreed to go for the only attractive target. Why did he suddenly feel like he was being deceived by you? Everything you did when you were alone with him, you were doing with this other guy, was this just some big game to you? He’s pulled out of his thoughts by Nat elbowing him in the ribs lightly.
“I said, god what’s got your panties in a knot?”
“Nothing.” He grunts out. Following his eyeline Nat notices he’s burning a hole in the back of your head.
“Fuck Barnes relax she’ll be fine she can handle herself. Besides what’s he gonna do to charm her to death?”
“Where’s Steve?” He asks, downing another drink.
“Oh somewhere playing his part.” She says, handing him her drink saying he looked like he needed it more.
“How are things with you two?”
“Good. It’s actually really nice to have someone amongst all the chaos, someone who gets it, ya know. Also doesn’t hurt that he’s a snack with an ass that won’t quit and superhuman stamina.” She responds.
“Alright didn’t need to hear that.” He cringes.
Nat laughs “C’mon Barnes there’s plenty of hot girls here go after one maybe you’ll finally relax.”
“Go after one? When have I ever needed to do that?” he says smiling.
“There’s the lady killer I’ve heard so much about.” She says, patting his arm and heading off towards the bar. Well, if he was supposed to keep up appearances he shouldn’t be standing alone in a corner should he. He makes his way over to a nearby group of women who had tried to approach him earlier. Apologizing for his abruptness he begins conversing with them, hoping to get a rise out of you. You’ve moved into a booth and Max is droning on about genetics, which are super interesting but not when they’re being condescendingly explained to you. I mean seriously you were a literal mutant, you’ve known the basics of genetics since middle school thanks to Charles. You tilt your head trying to get a look out into the rest of the party. You see Bucky with a group of women laughing letting them feel his metal arm up, amongst other things. You feel hurt, no let down. Why was he doing this? Did he always act this way when you weren’t around? Have you been played for a fool?
“It’s a shame you know,” Max says loudly, catching your attention once again.
“Pardon.” you respond, turning the charm back on.
“That all mutants aren’t beautiful like you then society wouldn’t be so afraid.”
You’ve never wanted to punch anyone more, but you don’t have the information you need yet so you force a laugh and gently touch his arm.
“So this genetic coding, how do you extract the gene?”
“It’s a simple process using DNA from hair, nails, teeth or bone. We don't need much, just one strand of hair is enough to create an entire dose.” He touches your hair moving it behind your shoulder.
“And where do you get your samples from?” you ask allowing your leg to cross slightly over his.
“That is classified information, but you may just get it out of me” he laughs, placing his hand on your thigh, rubbing it gently. You know you’re close to getting what you need.
“I think I may know a few ways to do that.” you smile
“Let’s dance” he says “They say private conversations are best had on the dance floor.”
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willel · 5 years
For the people that wanted the whole convo
What would you say where are[sic] Jonathan’s and Lucas’s character arcs in season 3[sic]. They’re side characters. They don’t get big arcs.
Jonathan and Lucas aren't meant to be side characters, that's the point. They are not Bob or Barb or Hopper's officers or Terry or all the other side characters.
Lucas is one of the original 4 boys and Jonathan is Will's brother and one of the original teens.
They are though. They’re not minor characters like the other cops, but they clearly aren’t as important as El or Mike or Hopper or Joyce.
It’s been like this for two of the three seasons. It’s not an accident. The Duffer brothers didn’t just forget about them. They’re just not the focus of the story, and that’s okay.
It's not about being the focus of the story, it's about writing their characters period.
In season 1 and season 2, Jonathan was depicted as a caring family man, going out of his way to support his family even though he's just a teenager. He has trust issues and didn't trust authority figures, but slowly came to trust Hopper to help him protect his family. In season 1 and season 2, they stressed this idea Jonathan regretted not being there for his brother when he needed him.
But guess what? Jonathan and Will didn't even have 1 proper conversation in season 3. They're finally together fighting the evil and yet they don't even have 1 or 2 scenes together like the previous seasons.Two brothers on the same team with not even 1 scene together?? How did Dustin and Steve manage to seem more like brothers than the actual brothers in the show? (the answer is memes about mom Steve)
In season 1, Jonathan and Joyce's relationship was so heartfelt and they were both trying to save their third family member in their own way. Jonathan and Joyce have 1 5 second scene in season 3 where she tries to wipe lipstick off his face. That's it. She doesn't hug him goodbye before breaking into the Russian facility. Jonathan doesn't come rushing up to her at the end to hug her after a deadly situation. Slowly but surely over the course of the seasons, the Duffers are dropping this plot thread as if they aren't mother and son. You don't find that weird, at all?
Then we have Lucas. Lucas is the tried and true loyal friend. They did a good job displaying that this season actually. He was trying to help Mike out with his romantic issues AND he even tried to personally apologize to Will whereas Mike didn't. But in season 1 and in season 2, Lucas had his own mini plot. In season 1, he went off to save Will by himself and was able to connect the dots that they were being followed and spied on by Hawkins Lab. In season 2, he had a MikexEl kind of plot where he slowly introduced Max into the party and gave her the emotional support she was looking for because her family is whack.
Just as we started seeing hints of that in season 3 (Where Lucas was trying to apologize to Will for example), it stopped and we got nothing else. We didn't get the pleasure of seeing Lucas make up with Max whereas in the previous seasons, we definitely would have. I feel like in the previous seasons, Lucas would've continued trying to talk to Will and got through to him and made up properly. (in fact, if you listen hard enough in some cut away scenes, Lucas repeatedly addresses Will and goes out of his way to include him in their conversations) Wouldn't it have been neat to see Lucas and Will setting up the fireworks together or something??
I'm not asking for a fully fleshed out season all about certain characters over others. I want the Duffers to at least keep the few character threads these characters do have going instead of dropping them in favor of others. It's not good writing and feels off. It's not that hard to write in Will and Jonathan talking to each other. It's not that hard to write Joyce caring about her eldest son. It's not that hard to show Max and Lucas having a more serious conversation like last season. And it's definitely not hard to show Lucas trying to straighten out the party after the big blow up that happened instead of pretending like nothing happened.
I just don’t feel that the show needs to repeat itself. We’ve seen Jonathan being a caring brother. Do we need to see it again and again each season as a reminder? I’d much rather see new things, rather than just tick off boxes. That doesn’t make the show “poorly written meme material.”
This should've been Jonathan's opportunity to be there for his brother. We should've gotten a "This time I'm actually here right next to you to protect you." acknowledgement from the show. We have never seen Jonathan and Will acting as a team because Will was missing or out of commission. That is completely new and unseen before.
Will was going through so much emotional turmoil this season and for the last 2 season, we witnessed Jonathan being one of the few people who can get through to Will and make him feel a bit better but we couldn't even get that kind of conversation. This would just be consistent character writing which is GOOD.
Lucas helping set the party straight? Or having his own interactions with Will separate from Mike and Dustin? New. We've never seen Lucas and Will interactions outside of the group. Heck, we haven't gotten to see Will interact with much of anyone at all because of what happened to him so almost any interactions with Will, whether it's Jonathan or Lucas or El or Max, would be brand new and never seen before in full.
The problem I'm seeing with the writing lately is they put more effort into memeable moments than fleshing out plot threads they already started and suddenly dropped.
We spent a good 2 or 3 minutes listening to Suzie and Dustin sing, time that could've been spent on something more valuable because it offers nothing to the story but memes. Ever since S3's release, the Stranger Things twitters post about it meme after meme after meme. (not to mention their mom Steve posts and abundance of other fandom memes).
How about that bit with Lucas advertising New Coke? That time could've been spent elsewhere, an opportunity to build character instead of product placement. Coke, Burger King, Slushies, just everywhere.
The entire plot line with Steve and Dustin. Steve and Dustin were separated from the main crews and got their own little band of peeps because the mom Steve meme is too popular for the writers to ignore. They went full in on the mom Steve meme just like they did for the Justice for Barb meme.
Imo, the show suffers when they do that.
You know what I didn't want? Steve and Dustin spending the majority of the season together because MOM STEVE. You know what I didn't need last season? Nancy and Jonathan separated from most of the cast for most of the season because people wouldn't shut up about Justice for Barb.
Sprinkle a twinkle of comedy in the show and move on. Mix up the cast, place them with new people entirely, that's how the whole Steve and Dustin situation happened. They shuffled and voila, surprise new relationship. The only shuffle that happened this season was El and Max and that's a shame.
They should feel more comfortable shuffling characters up. Lucas and Will. El and Will. Nancy and Mike. Mike and Max. Dustin and Will. Dustin and El. Jonathan and Will. Jonathan and Mike. Jonathan and El. So many other cool interactions could've sprouted this season, but the teams felt more restrictive than usual because they needed their comedy team (Dustin + Steve and the others), the less memeable characters (Jonathan, Lucas, Mike, El, Will, etc etc), and then they shoved unnecessary drama into Joyce and Hopper like some kind of soap opera. And memes.
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