#so I feel slightly bamboozled
This is the third time a strange (not stray, has collar) cat (different cat each time) has come into my apartment uninvited (but not unwanted), and unfortunately I don't have any pet stuff (don't want them to piss on anything or scratch my stuff) and my apt complex doesn't allow pets so I have been unable to let them stay the night (😥😭)
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keikiri-kitten · 1 year
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leon x reader, infinite darkness!leon x fem reader, being a good girl for leon, VERY smut adjacent, fluff
I keep seeing comments like ‘he’s so lana del rey’ in reference to Leon so I will indulge in that for a brief moment. Just think about being a good girl for Leon. Putting your hands on his knees as your bum is planted on your heels while you sit in between his legs. Imagine just being a pretty little doll for Leon as he adores the sweet look you give him. He stares at you in pure adoration, pupils blown wide. He’s just so in love with you and the fact you’re so sweet that you make his teeth ache.
Imagine a rough hand of his caressing your cheek as you both sit in silence. The only sounds that can be heard is the rocky breaths you both share. He’s doing everything in his power not to rip your clothes to shreds. Instead, he forces his body to keep its composure; he’s resting on the couch with his back comfortably on the cushions and his legs spread wide enough to give you a bit of wiggle room.
You’re perched like a little bird. Pretty and waiting for him to make a move. Your hands run up and down his upper thighs, trickling your fingertips along the insides of them and over his denim jeans before placing gentle kisses on their inner hem. He watches you with a flushed face— absolutely in love with you. He prioritizes this kind of contact with you so much that moments like this have formed some sort of routine recently.
He sighs out with a mix of emotions plaguing him. A part of him feels loved. A part of him feels as if he’s been bamboozled. He thought he found a sweet, gentle girl, but instead he’s found a minx who does as she pleases and preys on his weaknesses. He can feel your plush kisses over his jeans, working closer to his hips. His hands reach for your hair, using his fingers to toy with it while he takes in each kiss you give.
You wouldn’t call yourself a minx but your playful antics were something you prided yourself in. Allowing the tip of your nose to lift the bottom of his shirt up, kisses dance against his happy trail. From this, you provoke him to choke on the air he breathes in. The grip he has in your hair helps him tilt your face upwards and off of his skin. You take the lead from him, watching his eyes quiver. His lips are trembling and his chest is rising and falling faster than before.
Leon’s body nearly throbs feeling your hands dig into the meat of his thighs to lift yourself up and become face to face with him. Blue eyes study your lips, contemplating whether or not to taint you with his kiss. That’s when he hears you whisper, “kiss me.” It’s a request laced in heat and a lack of patience.
Leon still thinks about it for a few seconds before pecking your lips quickly, soon spotting your eyes hooded in lust. Another kiss. This one is a bit deeper and feverish. You accept each of his smooches by giving him one in return but it’s not enough. “Give me another one,” you coo, feeling his hands fall from your hair. His fingers slowly wrap around the base of your neck to keep you up before melting his lips against yours. This kiss is hotter than the other two. It’s eager and hungry. Leon’s lips tangle with yours like a famished man.
Letting him take the lead this time, you can feel him bite your bottom lip gently before diving in again. With a slightly parted mouth, his lips drag down your chin to your neck. The hand on your neck partners with his other to pull you onto his lap. Oh how he’s in love with you. There’s a gentle stripe left on the center of your neck with his tongue before his lips meet yours for a final kiss. “I love you,” he mumbles honestly.
You don’t speak, but wrap your arms around his neck and squirm a bit in his hold. With a peck on his cheek, you soon rest your head on his shoulder and relish in proper quality time with him.
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band--psycho · 1 year
Harvey Specter x Reader- Comforting Cuddles
For the lovely anon who requested this a few days ago!
I hope you all enjoy this! 💛
Warnings-Periods, period pain, pain medication
Today was one of those days where I just wanted to stay snuggled up in bed; with a hot water placed on my stomach and an infinite amount of chocolate by my side whilst I binged watched an entire tv show. 
But that couldn’t happen.
I had a job to do.
And no matter how much pain I was in, no matter how much I just wanted to stay in bed, I couldn’t. 
“Good morning,” Harvey beamed, gently kissing on the top of her head as he placed a coffee on my desk along with my favourite bagel. 
He knew what today was. 
It was the first day of my period; and he knew that, he also knew that the first day of my cycle was always the worst.
“Morning,” a weak smile formed on my lips as I leaned into Harvey; letting the warmth of his body somewhat soothe me. 
“You don’t have to be here,” he whispered; stroking my back soothingly, knowing how much pain I was in. 
“I have to work, Harv,” I sighed, trying to ignore the dull ache in my lower belly. In all honesty, I was hoping work would somewhat take my mind off of the pain.  
“Just take it easy,” I could see the worry in his eyes, so I just nodded my head, a silent promise that I would try. 
But being a female lawyer meant working twice as hard and dealing with the sexist remarks clients made. Even now, in this day and age, powerful men didn’t like being told what to do by a woman. 
So taking it easy, unfortunately was not in my repertoire for today, as much as I wanted it to be.  
Pain meds had done practically nothing to ease the pain my ovaries were giving to me, all they were doing was making me tired. 
And it was only midday, there was still so much more I needed to do today. 
“Your schedule is now clear for the rest of the afternoon,” Donna stated as she entered my office. 
“What?” I asked, completely and utterly bamboozled by what she had said. 
I knew my schedule certainly wasn’t clear for the rest of the afternoon. 
“I can see how much pain you’re in,” a sympathetic smile grew on her face, “go home, get some rest,”
“Donna, I appreciate it, but if Harvey-”
“He didn’t,” she interrupted me; and there was no hint of a lie in her voice or her eyes, nor did I think Donna would lie to me. 
“Donna you are a lifesaver,” I breathed, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. 
Tomorrow will be different, better. I just needed to get through today. 
And that was certainly going to be a lot easier now that I could just go home, get changed into my pjs and go to bed. 
As soon as I got home; I changed into the coziest pajamas I owned; made myself a hot water bottle and snuggled up in my bed. 
I was just dozing off to sleep when I heard my front door open; quickly followed by my bedroom door. 
I knew it was Harvey. He was the only person besides me who had a key to my flat. 
“How you feeling sweetheart?” He asked; pulling his trousers up slightly at his thigh so that he could lean down by the side of the bed I was lying on. 
He placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb began to rub small circles onto my cheek. I was exhausted and his touch was so gentle and soothing, I could’ve fallen asleep that very minute. 
“Like shit,” I mumbled; leaning into his touch. 
He leaned forward slightly, placing a delicate kiss on my lips before pulling away from me; the loss of his touch made my eyes snap open in confusion. 
A small smirk tugged at Harvey’s lips, obviously finding humor in my confusion, as he shrugged off his suit jacket; undid his tie and his white buttoned shirt. He then quickly undid his belt and pulled his suit trousers down; before grabbing his joggers that were draped over a chair from this morning. 
Before finally joining me in bed; where he made quick work of wrapping his arms around me, pulling me into his warm embrace. 
“Don’t you have work?” I didn’t want him to leave; but I also didn’t want him getting in trouble with work or losing or angering big clients because of me. 
“My only job for the rest of the day is looking after you,” he whispered; his lips placing a light kiss just under my ear. 
“Shhh, sweetheart, just relax,” he soothed; placing  another kiss under my ear. 
I could have argued with him; but I didn’t want to. I wanted him here. 
So for once; I was going to listen to Harvey, and just relax, with him by my side.
@xacatalepsyx @little-diable @rebelwrites @wild-rose-35 @withmyteeth @yn-ymn-yln @munsinner @maximoff-xmen @vintagecarsandrecordplayers @giraffescooler @stylesann @camilyb @book-dragon03 @bookworm1767 @wretchedmo @mayans-mc @dana-is-snax @happilysparklyunknown @samanthaofanarchy @mrsamerica @navs-bhat @tinystudentmiracle @that-one-enthusiast @malfoys-demigod
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sixeyescurseuser · 1 month
part 2
“Satoru? What color are your eyes?” Geto asks one day, when they’re sprawled on the couch together. Gojo’s head is pillowed on Geto’s chest, where the snakes happily nestle in Gojo’s fluffy hair. 
“Hm, blue.”
Geto is silent for a long moment. 
“I bet they’re magnificent,” Geto says, then startles when Gojo lifts up slightly, one hand tugging underneath the blindfold. “Satoru, whatever you’re planning to do, stop it.”
“Darling, I’ll keep my eyes closed, I promise,” Gojo solemnly swears. He waits until Geto gives his consent before lifting the blindfold off, diligently keeping his eyes glued shut.
Geto observes the shape of his lover’s closed lids, how his eyes contribute to his facial structure, and the white color of his lashes. 
“Pretty, right?”
Geto nods. “Hn.”
Geto still doesn’t trust himself without the trusty barrier of the blindfold.
Thus, he brings a hand up to cover Gojo’s closed eyes, and leans in for a kiss.
Gojo buys Geto a pair of his own special-grade glasses that block Geto’s entire field of vision, ensuring he can see perfectly fine while others will never make direct eye contact with him. 
It’s certainly an adjustment for Geto because the glasses, shaped like visors, feel very restricting. His snakes hiss at the glasses because they don’t don’t like not being able to see Geto’s eyes. 
But the glasses do give Geto more confidence in leaving the cottage to prevent him from freezing any innocent bypassers. 
Once, when Geto is out on his own, he spots a couple kids wearing the same style uniform as Gojo often does. Jujutsu Tech!
Geto decides to watch over them. 
Thank fucking god he did, because there’s no way in hell whoever the fuck is in charge just let these kids walk straight into a curse’s domain. 
Before Yuji switches with Sukuna, Geto intercepts and annihilates the other special grade, even without the powers of his eyes. Once the job is done, Yuji jogs up to his side.
Yuji: “Hey, thank you so much-GAH?“
At the speed of light, Geto pulls Yuji out of the crumbling domain and disappears.
The first years are completely bamboozled by what happened!
(Yuji: “Gojo-sensei, that special curse showed up again today! Well it didn’t need to help because Kugisaki and Fushiguro and I had everything handled, but I could feel it watching. Isn’t that weird?”
Gojo: “Huh, that is strange indeed.”)
Afterward, Geto presents Sukuna’s finger to Gojo. Gojo realizes Geto was looking after his students, and falls even deeper in love with him. 
Yuuta learned early on who Geto was because once Geto was watching over him but Rika was not having it! 😭
She was like “Who is this beetch?” and tries to off Geto, who flees and never looks back. 
The snakes want to pick a fight with Rika so badly, but Geto has to shush them because he’s not sure even HE could take on this kid’s curse. 
Also, Geto is technically supposed to be exorcized. That’s what Gojo told the higher-ups, that he had successfully defeated the infamous curse Geto Suguru. 
Gojo has to do damage control, of course. 
“You have Rika, and I have Suguru,” Gojo says with a shrug. “Simple as that.”
Beside him, Geto’s jaw drops open from the total lack of explanation by the fool that owns his heart. From behind his glasses, Geto pities the way the wheels furiously turn in Yuuta’s mind. 
Rika pops out jus to growl at Geto. 
Great. Good talk everyone. 
Yuuta: “You’re telling me you’re in love with THE special grade, Geto Suguru, who’s been alive for centuries and has been constantly compared to the king of curses, SUKUNA??”
Gojo gives him a thumbs up while Geto smiles with sharp teeth. 
Gojo Satoru is known as the strongest sorcerer alive, but that doesn’t stop Geto from being incredibly protective of him. While out on a date, Geto brings up the higher ups that clearly do not give a shit about overworking his beloved.
“Say the word and I’ll kill them.”
“I thought you didn't like killing?” Gojo asks with a cheeky smile. He takes a sip of his milkshake, then bumps his foot against Geto’s under the table. 
“Satoru, I’m a curse and they are assholes. It’s the natural order of things,” Geto sniffs. His snakes hiss in agreement, very excited at the prospect of killing for Gojo. 
Gojo extends his hand out, palm facing up. Geto slides his hand on top. Interlocking their fingers, Gojo conveys all the adoration he can through his uncovered eyes, hoping it penetrates through the special-grade glasses Geto wears.
“I love you too. My one and only.”
w/ @no-one-says-hi
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some-beans · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to request dormleaders with a reader like Millie from helluva boss?
yes 100% yes but god i'm bad at answering these fast 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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✎...pairing: twst dorm leaders x millie!reader ✎...themes: hints to murder, mentions of blood, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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ngl a little freaked out
given your horns and tail, and the vague/slightly tad bits of what your line of work is, it's safe to say riddle was very weary of you
but, i suppose that lessens up when he sees you respecting the queen of hearts' rules
lowkey loves that fact you fit in with the red aesthetic tho
also loves when you easily whip Ace and Deuce into shape
riddle feels surprisingly comfortable with you after the overblot incident due to the fact you simply held onto him and allowed him to cry, and get it out of his system
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he laps up ALL the love and affection you give him
such a smug bastard [ affectionate ]
also kind of "he asked for pickles" but it's more that he's just lazy
definitely respects the shit out of tho
girlboss over here
is so impressed when he witnessed you take down, like, 15 of his housemates like it was riding a bike
did i mention cuddles??
cuz you are now his fav pillow
yeah nah, you're not moving until he's awake
well, i mean, you can cuz not gonna stop you, but ready to then deal with a grumpy lion later on
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flustered yet intrigued
you said you did some bodyguard work and know how to deal with problematic customers??
. . . do you need a job??
but in all seriousness, very much becomes your malewife
man legit folds at any and all affection you give him, big and small
very surprised when you help him get more contracts for him and he swoons lowkey
something to do with the fact you're from hell or something
he didn't really pay attention cuz azul's brain had crashed from the smile you sent him
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oh our sweet sunshine baby
you honestly end up taking over jamil's job at this point
jamil cried tears of joy over this
you can easily calm kalim down and divert his attention back on track
and easily dispose of any hitmen *ahem*
he definitely buys jewellery to decorate your horns
you casually mentioned your, uh, job once, and let's say kalim is grateful that he's on your good side
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you're like a slightly more violent cheerier version of rook in a sense
but also somehow less intense too??
ugh whatever
your bright red skin does intrigue him
and your makeup is quite impressive
. . .
what do you mean you have naturally smooth skin?? had no acne too??
vil may kind of reprehend you for your country accent, but quickly shuts the fuck up from the wicked glare you give him
epel snickered to himself when say that happen
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you are intense
but in a good way??
you have successfully bamboozled idia shroud
it confuses
he has heard of imps before bc duh ofc he has
he's watched too many manga and shit to not know what those are
you two very much give "he asked for pickles" and "girlboss + malewife" vibes
gets spooked when you don't bat an eye to the gore when watching horror series with him
may have prayed once or twice
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at first, he mistook you for another dragon fae cuz of ya horns and got really fuckin excited
tho lowkey sad once you explained you're actually an imp from hell
still jazzed about the horns and tail tho
loves to share stories and whatnot
. . . kinda concerned when you mentioned a job that left your leg in a bear trap
malleus may have almost asked to . . . talk to your boss
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gayometer · 1 year
Hi! Sooo, I was browsing the # of snv/ror x reader and found your blog. - I loved! I was wondering if I could get some headcanons for Gods and Humans w/ a strong personality y/n? Like the idfg y/n, pls. Sorry for my bad english & kisses from Brazil! ^ - ^ [ btw, could you please tag me if you do? My Tumblr aren't showing me notifications those days T v T ]
Not tired, just doesn't care
Glad you like my blog! Your english is fine! Kisses from P.R. ❤
💚 @msnightmare777 💚
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POSEIDON who tries his best to not show his frustration, how dare a mere human like you be so casual about him? It takes him a while to understand it's not disrespect it's friendship and you just have a strong personality, tough love if you will.
HADES who sees so many similarities between you two yet so many differences, you're not mean you can be pretty caring. But the way you so casually talk and even slap gods is amusing to him.
ADAMAS who tried to be all angry and grumpy with you but ended up being the biggest puppy. He comes to you when Hades isn't available, he doesn't know what it is but you kinda remind him of his big brother.
ZEUS who pokes fun at you just cause he knows you won't do anything, he doesn't try to "break" your facade and annoys you the same way he does Odin....by making you babysit him and essentially give him scary dog privileges.
APHRODITE who tries to get any reaction out of you, she isn't used to someone looking at her and not at least smiling.
HERMES who pokes you just for fun, he says it's to get a reaction out of you but we all know he does it for the funsies.
HERACLES who rants to you about anything that comes to his mind, he likes your strong personality and how you so casually talk to him, it's a breathe of fresh air.
ARES who started off with seeing you as a disrespecting mortal to then come to the conclusion that you're a glorified babysitter taking care of beings much older then yourself, including him.
LOKI who bugs you on a daily to try and get a reaction out of you, he obviously fails miserably but at least give him points for effort. He hasn't had this much trouble with a mortal since Jack bamboozled him about tea.
THOR who doesn't pay much attention to you, he doesn't mind your "attitude", high chance it's Forseti causing more noise about respect then Thor himself.
ODIN who much like Thor doesn't mind all that much about hoe indifferent you are however, unlike Thor he has limits. His crows are still the ones causing way too much noise about respect and shit, but if he does eventually get bothered by the "disrespect" he'll just get up and leave. He's not a child and can leave places if he feels like it, so shut up you two bird brains.
SHIVA who can and will make you join him and Rudra dance. He also tries to break your facade but that doesn't work. Shiva is pretty chill about most things but is still slightly irked that you have absolutely no reaction to being face to face with a god that uses the earth as his animal crossing island.
BUDDHA who just vibes under a tree with you, you both don't talk and just enjoy being close to each other.
ZERO who is basically your unofficial child, he's the only one who can make you break away from the tough love and "indifference" just by being himself.
BEELZEBUB who tries to keep his distance from you since he's afraid he'll get attached. He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't want to kill his new friend.
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SASAKI who's normal cheery and laid-back attitude made you gravitate to him. His grandpa vibes give you more then enough comfort.
QIN who is adamant in making you his friend, no you can't escape him and the power of friendship shall be blasted upon thou.
ADAM who has the same nature and therefore doesn't mind, you're his child and that's that.
TESLA who took your silence as the greenlight to go on a rant about science and his latest inventions, you two have an odd friendship, he rants and you listen.
LU BU who normally wouldn't go out of his way to befriend some, but he hasn't had someone who doesn't run or worship him immediately in a while. Can you fight? Cause he wants to fight you.
RAIDEN who takes his time to stare at you, he yaps your ear off but he's also staring at you without blinking to make sure you don't "make a cute face" without him seeing....apparently it's not fair Thrud can see you crack a smile or giggle.
JACK who would normally stick to himself will try to socialize with you, he ended up enjoying you silent company and is one of the few who managed to get a smile and full sentence out of you.
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lesbiandanhowell · 2 months
Sam reacts to: Phantasy Mocktails with Daniel and Philippe
- Whole alcohol cupboard is so unlike them, like I know they are adults and don't leave the house so it makes sense but also feels so, not them.
- Love the new corner of the phouse and that I was correct about them having a PC/ office corner in the kitchen I feel so validated. (I literally predicted this months ago from one single clip)
- Wait I kind of fuck with elderflower and lavender I would drink that because I love me a slightly sweet but strange cocktail.
- Spicy water sucks HOWEVER in a cocktail it does work I am not opposed to it.
- Vanilla syrup for the cocktail is a no, but in a coffee THAT I approve of thank you Phil. His gay little coffee syrup.
- Dan being scared of Phil shaking that thing is SOOOO real, he is so right for that because Phil is the type of clumsy to just drop it.
- Don't pour it into the sink?! Drink it mf
- Dan pouring it out for Phil like... he could give done that himself but Dan is very 'doing everything for Phil'.
- "Tastes fully like grandma Phils words not mine" HAHAHA
- Dan's eye crinkles while he stirs the boba? Yeah he is a cutie.
- THEY WHAT. They have dragons that represent them and Dan says they need to breed, feeling normal.
- Dan's drink looks SO good but I am not a fan of the boba, everything else makes me want to order it asap but I hate boba pearls.
- Dan helping Phil literally kills me they are so fond of each other it is violent.
- THE WAY HE PULLED A "here is what I prepared earlier" I FEEL AS BAMBOOZLED AS PHIL
- Fun fact: I own a candy floss machine and it is actually the most brilliant thing to ever own, it is so much fun and the best thing for a party. Phil will fucking adore that machine ones he learns how to use it.
- NOT THE THREESOME JOKES AGAIN. Is it number 4 and counting now?
- I love Dan's weird "wooooo" it makes me laugh so hard every time and I wonder how often he does it in a day.
- "Mine's lovely as fuck" Most Dan compliment ever.
- Dan trying and failing to spin a straw while watching Phil sip his drink is such a gay panic moment.
- Dan shooting Phil with the Boba, sobbing they are kids.
- "Dip and Pips Scaley Sips" I would 10/10 go to that bar unironically.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
may i request for smut with wanderer where afab reader is insecure about their physical appearance and worries that one day he would stop loving them?
a/n: Of course you can! I hope reading this will make anyone who is down about themselves feel better❤️ I constantly struggle with insecurities.
Wanderer x fem!reader who is insecure about her body. Smut. Comfort. Soft, slow sex.
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You were crying. And Wanderer hated it. Questions rang in his head as he watched you cover your face with your hands. Were you hurt? Did someone make you cry? Who was it? Please tell him what to do, he is very apprehensive.
"How have you not left me yet? I mean, look at me. I'm not all that pretty," tears dotted the palms of your hands. You hated that you looked so weak, crying in front of him.
Wanderer was stunned. He didn't understand why you would think that way about yourself. He could do nothing stare at you, bamboozled as he listened to you rattle off everything you didn't like about yourself.
He took your hands off your face, his thumbs brushing away your tears. "Please, stop spouting such useless drivel."
"But it's true," you whispered.
"It's not," he was very firm in saying this. Tilting your head to look at him, he pressed a gentle kiss against your lips. Before he met you, if someone told him that someone like you would fall for a vagrant like him he would've laughed in their face, it sounded so absurd.
Wanderer wrapped his arms around you, making you melt into the kiss. The kiss soon turned opened mouthed and heated. You were trembling slightly as he removed your clothes and his.
Kissing your neck, he backed up you towards the bed, lowering you gently on it. Settling you comfortably beneath him, he told you everything he loved about your body. Everything he loved about you, soft kisses and nips accompanied each word.
Reaching between your legs, he rubbed your clit until your back was arching, soaking up each mewl, moan, and pleasured sigh you offered him. He was determined to make you feel good, to stop crying, to forget about your insecurities that shouldn't exist in the first place.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," Wanderer chanted like a mantra, slowly thrusting his cock inside of you. Your lovemaking was slow and gentle. His kisses were constant, his tongue exploring your mouth as he slowly fucked you, your orgasm building up to toe curling portions.
Tearing your mouth from his, you gasped loudly, sighing his name, your orgasm blanketing your senses, making you see stars.
Wanderer made it very clear that night that he desired you and only you. He would repeat this night as many times as it took, putting your insecurities to rest to the best of his abilities.
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streaminn · 9 months
Hey hope you're doing well. I know it isn't a proper au yet but I was wondering if you could expand some more on the time travel au where Enid goes back to save Wednesday but something is wrong? Maybe we could see what is odd to her as it seems to be Wednesday who is acting different. The last post made it seem like Wednesday was slightly more affectionate with enid but enid didn't quite register it
Wednesday doesn't exactly touch enid! but she's definitely hovering around alot more, just a single easy grasp away
Yoko's been acting pretty weird too, a glint in her eyes when they all meet at the quad like usual. Which is.. huh?
wait a sec, have they all sat in the quad before?
Enid doesn't exactly.. remember
But the trio begin to walk to class with Enid chats up to her vampire friend, still stuck in the high of succeeding. So she's buzzing with excitement and giving a sheepish laugh when Wednesday grasps at her tie to fix it moments before they enter, scowling about what is up with you today?
Enid shrugs, a smile still on her face. "Can't a girl be happy?" she pouts and she blinks when Wednesday's face twitches.
Wednesday smooths the tie before tucking it into Enid's vest, not answering.
"She got you there, Addams," Yoko drawls before patting at the wolf's back. "we'll be here when class ends, nid!"
Enid stares, do they not have class together? "oh okay!" she gives a wave before entering. Not needing to look twice to see that it was a class about lycan history. Huh, no wonder they didn't have class together.
The class is loud like always and Enid zooms towards her seat in the middle. As she settles, the hairs on her skin rises and she looks up with a curious look.
A few students she doesn't remember loom over her. "Didn't expect you to come in so confident sinclair."
Enid's face scrunches at those words, her smile wilting for a moment at the toxicity. Was she going deaf or did that sound like a threat?
"Guess being the freak's bitch does that to someone huh?" another sneers and immediately Enid's lips dropped. "ofcourse being someone's pet would give you some backbone."
They cackle and Enid is left wondering why no one was saying a thing.
Did this-
She was baffled, confused and quite frankly, bamboozled. The day was going so well and now she feels like she's in some kind of prank because there is no way someone would say this in school of all places.
"What did you just say?" She wonders, picking at her ear. No, surely she was hearing things. There was no way someone decided to be so brazen as to call Wednesday a freak. What were they, the normies of jericho?
"I called you the freak's bi-" Enid's hand shot out, tightly grasping their tie and bringing them close as she stood up. Her chair screeched and the class falls silent.
"say it again," she warns.
A teeth bared into a grin was their answer. "The freak's bitc-"
The sickening crunch of someone's nose was Enid's reply to that. A smile tugging at her lips as she lets go, watching as they stumble back with a string of curses. Blood pooled and spilled inbetween their fingers, it has Enid far too aware of her sharp teeth.
Her head throbbed.
Wednesday has called her thickheaded before but Enid's sure that Wednesday didn't expect her to see it as a good thing.
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ideas-4-stories · 2 months
I dunno if you like age regression topics (the coping mechanism, not the magical fictional one but either work for this concept)
But like. Buggy regressing in some way, shape or form. It's set during Cross Guild, on Karai Bari, and his closest friends know vaguely of it, maybe, or they know Something happens every once in a while where Buggy will put them in charge with strict orders to not bother him.
Crocodile and Mihawk are not beholden to those orders.
So it happens while they're there, and they decide to go look into it and find Buggy, little and small and curled up tightly with his fingers dug so tightly into his hair that it's a wonder how he hasn't yanked full handfuls out yet ((He has, his Devil Fruit just reconnects them)). Crocodile is taken aback by the Off Vibes. Mihawk is staring, head tilted slightly because the clown's energy is locked down even tighter than usual but it's juvenile, it feels like a child, a little child absolutely choked with terror.
That is what settles the matter for him, and so he sets aside Yoru, walks over and kneels on the floor before Buggy, voice soft as he tries to get the other's attention. He asks before touching, his hands are gentle when he gets consent to reach out, he is clear and broadcasting all of his movements as he goes.
Buggy is still shaking, but the mumbling has slowed. His breathing is still uneven, but it has eased up slightly.
Crocodile doesn't quite know what to do and so goes to get a cup of water. He adds a straw on a whim.
Mihawk holds the cup steady as they gently get buggy to drink, his hands still shaking, tears still flowing.
This is the first time they see Buggy small and vulnerable. This is thus the first time they ask him to come to one of them when it happens. Neither will admit to being a bit soft on the clown, let alone being soft in general, but no child should have to be scared and alone.
Buggy then breaks their hearts when he shakes his head, rubs his eyes, and says "but 'm always 'lone when 'm sad...?"
Mihawk breathes in slowly, fighting a grimace. "You shouldn't need to be, Buggy. It's okay to ask for help when you... feel like this."
"But unc'a Rayray said 's bad."
"It isn't," Crocodile says simply. "You can ask for help. Hell, come to one of us when you feel all... off, like this or otherwise. We're here, yeah? Might as well be here for this too. No big deal."
Buggy sniffles a little, then he just hums. He lets Mihawk finger brush his hair, rocking slightly in place. Crocodile makes a big show of complaining and groaning as he sits down on the floor, earning a wane smile and a teary giggle. He smirks at the success.
They sit with Buggy until he eventually does off, and then Crocodile picks him up and Mihawk helps tuck him into the bed.
They decide to keep a closer eye on the other moving forward.
The beginning of it all is rocky at best. Buggy has had decades of time to internalize that his shifts are BAD and thus not okay or acceptable. He's also surprisingly stubborn when push comes to shove, so reworking a new routine is like pulling teeth from a bear.
They make it work though.
Buggy's regression isn't all sunshine and daisies, but it's also not always stressful and tearful. Mihawk never took himself for a man who was good with children, but he secretly dubs Buggy an exception. Buggy is usually ALL of his exceptions.
Crocodile meanwhile is very much sold on Not Liking Kids. They deserve to be cared for and protected, yeah, but prolonged contact with one is exhausting. He just isn't built for that. He doesn't like kids. He will tolerate Buggy, big or little, because of his own agenda, not because he likes the brat. No, really, stop smirking Mihawk, he is SERIOUS-
Buggy is just bamboozled by it all.
I’ve heard about Age Regression a few times as in the coping mechanism, I didn’t know there was a fantasy or magical fictionalized version of age regression… is it the thing of characters turning into kids? That’s all I can think is the things it could be, I don’t know how Buggy will regress. That’s up to the writer if anyone wants to write it.
I would think Cabaji knows a lot about it, because I headcanon that he knows Buggy the longest. Mohji, Richie, and most of the original crew would know about it. I don’t know about Alvida and Galdino; they might vaguely know about it, or they do know about it.
Of course, Crocodile and Mihawk are going to ignore what Buggy asked, so they go to find him. Only to find Buggy freaking out alone. Love that Mihawk feels Buggy’s energy like a child. That’s interesting while Crocodile just feels Off-Vibes. Crocodile and Mihawk go and help the clown during this, so he can calm down and talk to them about what’s happening.
Love that both, Mihawk and Crocodile tells Buggy to come to one of them when this happens again. I wonder if someone had to tell them what was happening or do they know about this condition.
Not Rayleigh telling Buggy that it’s bad to do, I wonder the reason behind that. From what I know about the coping mechanism, it’s not really something people can control. Wondering if it’s because the crew didn’t know what to do, so Rayleigh made sure to tell Buggy to stay away from people when in this state. It's set to keep him safe from people that might exploit Buggy in this state. I don’t know, love that Crocodile tells Buggy that it’s okay to come and ask for help.
It’s cute that Crocodile made a big show of complaining while Mihawk just brushes Buggy’s hair with his fingers. Mihawk and Crocodile agreeing to keep closer eye on Buggy, I like to think they just made eye-contact and nodded with each other, without saying anything.
Of course, it isn’t all sunshine and daisies, that’s not how kids are and reworking a new routine for Buggy is hard. The clown is very stubborn, I’m glad they made it work.
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i-rate-horse-games · 11 months
rating Star Stable Online
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Star Stable Online is a MMORPG! its plot seems to get pretty wild!
upon discovering that Fish was an option in the drop down name creators, i cackled with joy. this is Rusty Fishfish and Futurefish
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our goal in this world was to become Fish. one glorious leap into the ocean showed us that it would be harder than anticipated, due to having taken a ‘dangerous’ fall. luckily it doesn’t seem like horses can be injured, even though the screen flashes red if you trip while jumping. 
i joined right after the new character models became available. i think they’re pretty neat! some of the body types looked androgynous to me, but the game calls you a girl regardless. but you can still buy facial hair in the shop!
the world is a nice size! it’s scaled small enough that you feel like you’re going places even when your horse is physically moving a little slow, and the world is big enough that there’s plenty to explore while still being small enough that you see other players going about their lives pretty frequently. 
speaking of other players! shout out to @ro-sso for warning me to never open the global chat. i did! i asked how to get hay after very rapidly forgetting what i had just learned. three people told me it grew on a farm. i said Ok. when i did find the hay (in a shop) i told the chat i had been betrayed and bamboozled and they said “BAHAHAHAHAHA”. later i used the Say chat to ask for help finding a championship that was starting soon, and everyone nearby was very helpful. you win some you lose some
quests seem to be the biggest part of the game! they’re how you get player and horse exp and level up and get better stats for competing. a lot of the quests i did felt very tedious. lots of riding back and forth and delivering messages and so forth. the worst ones involved herding horses that kept splitting into smaller groups and running around a mall doing errands for a sketchy guy. my favorite quests were the ones where i got to open my backpack and drag a tool onto something, which felt like playing Nancy Drew. there was also one where we got to follow the visible smell of pumpkin pie on a trail to a little cottage, and it was nighttime so there were cricket sounds as well!
there’s so much love and soul packed into this world! there’s a pony who was elected mayor! there’s a pirate themed race that has music just similar enough to the Pirates of the Carribean music to remind you of it while also remaining distinct! there’s a riding club that “wears pink and not only on wednesdays.”! there’s a girl with a pet owl named Toby who says “Even though he blathers about it, Toby loves bugs.” there’s vague sounds of people talking in areas with lots of NPCs! there’s a kid with a hot air balloon who takes you up to the cloud kingdom! he has a pet frog who can ride on your head! there’s an emo electric violinist who was really funny! you can get a kitten for your saddlebag! the music is pretty decent!
the clothes very strongly remind me of being 12. something about the slightly awkward way the clothes fit is nostalgic. there were also lots of flower crowns for the summer solstice!
a huge point for this game is that it has its own pride festival!
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there’s just something about going to a new place and seeing rainbow flags everywhere, especially after the horrors of horse isle 3. i hear this game also has canon lesbian characters! this does make it even funnier that all players are assigned Cowgirl at login
the one thing that really surprised me is that if you play without a membership, you are apparently trapped in a demo version, and the rest of the game is locked behind a paywall. this sprang up on me after i started running out of quests. the game told me to level up to unlock more main quests, but the only way to get player exp was to do quests, and i pretty much ran out. this concept is really foreign to me, since every game like this that i’ve played before, the membership made your life much easier and more posh, but free players could still get a lot out of the game. games like club penguin, pixie hollow, animal jam, etc. it’s only about $5 a month, though, with a permanent membership option for over 50 dollars. i have not purchased it, but if I ever do, i will update my rating. :)
while googling the above problem to figure out what was going on, i learned that there's no level cap and there's seasonal events that give EXP, so even if you've finished the whole game, there can still be players more powerful than you with better stats dominating the competition. that seems ! a little rough! they also said that after you beat the game, there's not much left to do. hopefully the fun part is the journey and not the destination!
all in all, though, we did it. we became Fish.
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and that makes it all worth it.
i’m rating Star Stable Online 4.5 out of 5 stars!
please feel free to submit horse games or ask me to reevaluate! next up is Alicia Online!
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softrozene · 1 year
Dutch Gets Bamboozled
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Anon asked: The headcanons were incredible! You have skill! I'm not into men but your text made me wanna cuddle up with those sweet cowboys! 💕 Mayhaps I could request some Molly with Female!S/O? When I played through Rdr2 i saved up so much money during the gameplay i could have sponsored the Tahiti trip singlehandedly so I'd love a scenario where lady reader has tons saved up and scoops Molly from under Dutches nose and they escape together! You can write it how you like but i'd love Dutches reaction!
rdr2 masterlist
I am glad that I can make you want to cuddle soft cowboys lol and you have said something that is so damn relatable. Like c’mon Dutch- take my money Dutch- It was so painful to have all that money and not be able to get their asses in gear
Anyway, this buttered my biscuits. I hope I was able to get Molly’s character down but either way, I had so much fun writing this!
#Gotta steal Dutch’s woman
Originally published on January 12, 2020
Molly O’Shea x Female Reader
Warnings: Technical cheating of a relationship, fluff, Dutch gets bamboozled
Your blood is boiling. The scene you had just witnessed yet again is getting to you. The sweet angel you have grown to love had just tried yet again to vie for her current lover’s attention only for him to speak down on her. How the hell can Dutch ignore such a Goddess? He just left with Morgan and a few others for some “important” mission that he thinks will give him everything.
Molly O’Shea, the beautiful fiery woman just isn’t getting the attention and love she deserves. She deserves so much more, especially in this cursed, hot, and sweaty forsaken swamp that surrounds Shady Belle. In short, it’s making you angry.
However, in these times, thankfully she’s been coming to you. Out of everyone in camp she chooses you when things go wrong. It would’ve made you feel used but you can see her slowly realizing that she deserves better. That the man she loves had been using her.
That her affections are growing for you and she’s slowly yearning for it.
Your heartbeat speeds up slightly as her gaze turns your way. The frown on her lips immediately turning upside down as you give her a gentle wave her over to your tent. Her graceful steps make you want to swoon.
“Miss (Last Name),” She greets.
Her voice is a slightly teasing tone since she knows how much you hate it when she is formal with you. You ignore it though knowing she needs loving attention from you.
“Molly, Love, I got ya this beauty of a scarf if you are willing to take it.”
You go into your suitcase and reach the carefully folded scarf made of the softest and most expensive material. A small gasp escapes her when she sees it. You hand it to her and she is so gentle in grabbing the scarf.
Instead of the usual thank you, Molly, seems hesitant before looking at you with determination. “I thought about your offer and I… accept,” Molly says in a slight whisper.
You are in absolute shock. The offer you gave her was months ago at Horseshoe Overlook, just when Dutch started to be terrible to her. You had jokingly said you both could run away. You never brought it up again from how loyal to Dutch she was until she was the one to bring it up at the next temporary camp near Clemons Point. Asking why and how. That’s where your flirtations were revealed to be truthful to her. That you like her and she started to accept your advances.
Sure, the money was definitely a big thing for her. However, it turned to be more when she realized you were the only one who genuinely liked her and the way she acts. She needs to feel secure and the amount you had showed her a while back as surely tripled for this very moment. The moment where she is finally yours as you had been hers.
You lick at your lips from the small bit of anxiety you feel.
“Molly, I am so pleased to hear this but are you sure? If Dutch ever finds us after, he may kill us. Of course, I would never let him but I can’t lie to you about that possibility-“
Molly cuts you off with a quick kiss to the lips. Your brain short-circuits as she grabs your hand and leads it to wrap the scarf around her shoulders.
“I’m sure (Name). I… Want to live an extravagant life with you,” Molly replies with the certainty you needed to hear.
You nod your head and smile at the view before you. She sure does look lovely in the scarf you picked out. Yes, a queen meant to be.
“If you truly accept go pack your things, Darling. We’ll leave before they get back and I promise you, in a couple of weeks we’ll be living that beautiful life you deserve.”
“Where the goddamn hell are they?!” Dutch screeches waking up quite a few people in the dark hours.
Arthur, John, and Hosea race into the house towards Dutch’s sleeping chambers. They all share a look with each other before they glance at their boss who is shaking with rage. The room was empty before but it appears emptier upon coming back from their mission.
“What’s up Dutch?” Arthur calls a bit hesitant.
Dutch turns around and points to his empty tent, “It would appear that Miss O’shea and (Last Name) took my goddamn books!”
Hosea glances into the tent and goes to pick up a singular paper on a dresser. He reads it out loud, “Should’ve appreciated the treasure you had and should’ve taken my own money when I offered. If fate is kind we’ll never see each other again. Thanks for the adventure so far Boss. Yours truly, (Name).”
They couldn’t help it. They really couldn’t. Arthur and John had to leave the building in order to have a good laugh at their boss who couldn’t keep the one woman who was ready to die for him, taken away by a true lady lover.
   Bonus headcanons:  
Seriously though this would’ve bruised Dutch’s ego big time
The betrayal of this act would’ve made him even madder
Like he considers himself a casanova, so a lady stealing his own woman from him would’ve been absolutely mind blowing to him
He probably thought you liked him as well if you were that close to Molly to begin with
And that would’ve made him feel cheated/made a fool but he’ll try and play it off hence the “My books!”
Molly was the one who took the books since he always had his nose buried in one
Molly would be petty enough to steal that and much more and I am living for that idea
If he knew where they were I think he would’ve gone after them because no one messes with Dutch and gets away with it, but considering how much was already on his plate he wouldn’t
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gatefleet · 1 year
Girlfriends and Confusion
Scorpion: Walter O'Brien, Paige Dineen, Tobias Curtis. WordCount: 610 T(W): Threat of violence Request: Yes; "for the Walter O’Brien x reader, if you could make it like the team finds out Walter has a girlfriend. use your imagination for it, but I want to see Toby confused. 😆" – Anon A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for, apologies it took so long. Apologies for the GIF choice, I couldn't find one of Toby being speechless.
When it came to light that you were, not only a real human being, but also that you were involved with Walter, shocked was the understatement of the garage. You had heard so much about the team and were nervous to meet them all, you weren’t exactly sure what to expect from each of the team. You had heard about all of them, in great detail according to Walter’s interpretation of them. You couldn’t figure out whether to let mess with them and switch their name’s around or suppress your sarcastic nature and just go with the flow. You sat in the booth at Nemo’s fidgeting with anything in front of you, from the ends of your hair to the napkin you had twisted apart. You jumped slightly as Walter returned to the booth with drinks and a portion of fries to share. He answered his phone and gave brief responses to whoever was on the other end of the call. Then relayed that the team would be there soon. You took a deep breath and looked to the table as you released the breath. Walter looked at you clearly trying hard to work out the right response. He was ‘saved’ from the effort by the bell above the door ringing signalling someone entering. Walter looked to the door, stood up holding the bottom of his tie and greeted the newcomer allowing them to take a seat in the booth next to him, you looked up when you heard your name. You looked up and apologised for not greeting them when they first arrived. You could tell from how the person interacted with you that this was clearly Paige, but your brain was focussed on the earlier conversation with yourself and you, jokingly, assumed this was Happy. The look of confusion on both faces fuelled your fear of embarrassing yourself in front of his friends. Thankfully, Paige didn’t seem to be too offended, but it didn’t prevent the now heightened emotion you were feeling regarding meeting the rest of the team. You mentally scolded yourself and Paige assured you there was no offense taken and that she hoped you could both be friends.
You heard the door go again and felt yourself tense up again. This time you stood up with Walter to greet the newcomer, “Hey Walter, I got your message, why’d you wanna meet he- damn, who’s this?” From the hat and erratic speed of speech you could only assume this was Dr. Curtis. When Walter introduced the speedy doctor, confirming your suspicion, and introduced you to Toby as his girlfriend. The speechless look on the good doctor’s face was amusing to say the least. He couldn’t figure out the words to use and was just looking between the two of you and pointing with his index finger. You weren’t too sure if the doctor had broken or not and looked nervously towards Walter. He looked stoic as he waited for Toby’s brain to engage again and crossed his arms adjusting his stance to stare him out until he had re-engaged and the information settled with him. “What the- how the? Walter!” Toby went back and forth like that for a while, and even when he had sat down, he was still in a state of shock, even when the others arrived, and couldn’t believe that he hadn’t figured out that Walter had a girlfriend. Happy became increasingly annoyed at Toby’s return to the fact that you existed and threatened physical violence on more than one occasion which Gabe tried to diffuse. On the whole, you thought that the meeting went well, even if Toby was completely bamboozled.
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@lastwandastan, @lollipopsandlandmines
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welcometololaland · 10 months
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thank you everyone for the tags (@reyesstrand @rmd-writes @three-drink-amy @statueinthestone @lemonlyman-dotcom and if there was someone else i'm so sorry i went back through my mentions and bamboozled myself). i wasn't gonna do this, and then i saw the potential to actually get myself back in the zone for unreleased stuff and rolled with it, so thank you!
rules (that I slightly bent): pick your 5 most recent fics and list the first and last lines, no context.
(i'm leaving (Un)Professional Services, Fifty First Dates and Cause of Action because they're currently being posted :))
“You know we’re going to a fundraiser, right?” Carlos asks, eyeing off the cinnamon doughnut and large coffee in his father’s hand as Gabriel opens the car door and settles into the passenger seat.
His Carlos. A marshmallow.
(2) living at the centre of a wound still fresh
Four-thirty in the morning is a peaceful time, Carlos thinks as he blinks up at the ceiling and watches the dust motes settle. 
Grief has made nothing in their lives feel completely right, but somehow, everything is still okay.
(3) all is near and can't be touched
It feels like a dream. A really bad one, actually. A nightmare, to be more specific. A very realistic, very vivid vision that clings to TK like a second skin.
Carlos hums softly and hugs him tighter. “Exactly,” he says. “For as long as we both shall live.”
(4) (Fl)oral Arrangements
“You got a key?” TK asks, trailing Carlos as he walks briskly out of the elevator and towards the loft.
TK licks his lips. "Maybe," he concedes, thinking of the sounds he can draw out of Carlos and the way they’ll echo off the shower tiles. "But I'm also right."
(5) Like Gravity
Bradley is twenty minutes late and he’s kind of stressed about it.
Jake sighs. “Guess not,” he replies, a little pleased sound echoing from the back of his throat as Bradley rests their foreheads together. “But that’s your reward for making an honest man out of me.”
I know this has done the rounds so consider this an open tag (please tag me if you do this!) and i'll also rope in @strandnreyes @stutteringpeach @basilsunrise @chicgeekgirl89 @goodways @ladytessa74 @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @catanisspicy @beautifulhigh and @carlos-in-glasses just in case they haven't done it :)
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daeyeol4you · 10 months
The Chay Rewatch ep 7
Ep 1 & 2, Ep 3, Ep 4, Ep 5, Ep 6
Ep 7 - Of course this is how Kim falls in love
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Time: 16:27 -17:27 – Macau Spotting!
Macau’s Outfit: he is literally wearing the same school uniform as Chay. This could have opened so many plotlines, especially if the show wanted to place Chay in a love triangle mirroring Porsche’s.
Macau looks so bored at the table until Vegas shows up, and Vegas looks so excited to see him! I know this whole scene is an act put on by the minor family to lure Porsche away, but that’s the one time we see Vegas’ true feelings. He’s genuinely so happy to see his little brother. Macau, in turn, is so happy to see him because no one else was acknowledging him. Though the second Porsche sits next to him and he sees the act Vegas is putting on, he's over it.
I do wonder if Porsche clocked Macau’s uniform and wondered if this was a threat against his brother. Probably not, love Porsche, but Porchay definitely took most of the puzzle-solving abilities (I’m not calling it smarts because it's not. It’s the ability to connect dots, and Porsche is canonically incapable of doing that)
Time: 17:51 – 19:12 – Theerapanyakul Courting Habits
I SEE TRINKETS! Y’all know I love to analyze trinkets.
The Nefertiti bust makes a reappearance as does the white bird statue
A tiny microscope like one from a child’s play science set.  Was this Porchay’s as a kid or Porsche’s? Those sets aren’t exactly cheap, and I don’t think Porsche could have afforded one when they were kids. Which means it could be something their parents bought for Porsche. Interesting.
An ornate hourglass with black and gold details, including wings on top that look Ancient Egyptian in design from the half second the camera pans over it.
This is the first episode to show both Macau and Chay
Do you all think it’s a genetic trait for Theerapanyakul boys to show up unannounced at the Kittisawat house to bamboozle the person they’re obsessively in love with? Kinn did it, Kim did it, and Korn (& Gun) did it
Chay’s outfit: a pale blue/purple (Depending on the light I couldn’t really tell) shirt with the word Vendredi on it and cream-colored shorts. Vendredi is French for Friday, and I honestly don’t think it has anything to do with the scene outside of the color looking cute. His hair is also extra fluffy in this scene.
The absolute panic Porchay goes through when he sees how messy the house is, I felt that
Kim just going Oh, but I’m already here. Why don’t you let me help with that problem? With his little bitchy lean (I love him) as he watches Chay THROUGH THE OPEN WINDOW
Chay’s little wave! Baby boy he just saw you panic cleaning and lying about it! You can’t dissolve that embarrassment by being cute!
Kim’s outfit: a muddy olive green shirt with leather pants and the usual silver accessories. This is the first time we see his safety pin necklace though I’m pretty sure.
Time: 22:01 – 22:52 – Macau Spotting 2.0
Macau gets to be slightly evil and manipulative without judgment, as a treat
The way Porsche should have one hundred percent said oh my brother goes to your school; it would be so in character for him to just blurt that out here. He still finds Vegas marginally trustworthy, and it’s the kind of segue that Porsche would think of.
Time: 23:29 - 31:31 - Chay please clean your house
You can see the freakout Chay is having in his eyes. Also, the way he is clutching his dirty laundry because he was so panicked he forgot to put it down before scampering to let Kim in.
Not Kim wearing full-on leather pants to a ‘tutoring session,’ sir.
Not me accidentally pausing and getting a great shot of Kim holding the guitar (23:35, the veins my dudes the veins)
Chay, I need you to stop being so Baby while Kim looks like That. My heart can’t take the two opposing forces
“It's not a mess.” – Kim I know you’re lying to Chay in general but don’t lie about that
the fucking gong when they show the mess! Chay lying about it being Porsche! Kim’s little laugh!
Not the back shot of Kim exposing him for having literally no ass, made even worse by the fact that he’s in leather pants
The matter-of-fact way Chay talks about his parents’ death. He’s not broken by it the same way Porsche is because he doesn’t remember them. And I’m not saying that’s bad! It's just a detail that strikes me. Chay grieves the idea of parents while Porsche grieves the real people. Chay’s also gotten through it in a way I doubt Porsche ever could.
Kim actually has a flicker of emotion on his face just before he says sorry. He knows what it's like to lose a parent (because his mom is def dead, Korn wouldn’t allow a divorce)
This whole ep is full of manipulative gift-giving. Vegas with the bike and Kim with the guitar. Kim impatiently cuts off Chay’s refusal so he can go snoop. At least allow Chay to be grateful before you go searching Kim!
Okay the more I look at this shirt the more purple it seems to me, am I the only one?
Chay’s little thank you and the jump! The panic he goes through when he remembers his Wik shrine!
The interest growing in Kim’s eyes as Chay frantically guards his bedroom. Internally happy screaming because he’s gonna find a clue! (Sike! You catch feelings instead)
How the hell have Porsche and Chay afforded their big house? No joke, that place is huge for two orphans
Kim, getting food after a tutoring session can be considered a date. Please be aware of that when you are thinking of ways to get the kid with an obvious crush on you out of the house. I adore the cute manipulative scrunched up face he makes though
Chay, please stop swinging your brand-new guitar around! You are giving me anxiety!
The switch from Wik to Kim is so subtle but so real. Jeff is such a great actor
Chay really likes collages, he has a few in his room (yes I’m counting the Wik Shrine) very art kid of him
Are those baseball helmets on top of his bookshelf? He also has another hourglass and a pic of his parents alongside a ton of trophies
Not Kim literally falling for Chay only after seeing his stalker shrine, bro get off of the floor! This is freak for freak behavior Kim!
The music in this scene kills me because it's so dramatic and meant to invoke horror at seeing this insane stalker side of Chay, but then the music shifts to WDYS and the camera turns to Kim and he’s literally bashfully smiling! He’s practically kicking his feet going he likes me!
Kim saying thank you in his suddenly deep ass voice, the seduction of Chay has begun I see
“I’ll let you try writing a love song.” – Yeah so he can serenade you
“Don’t tell me you’ve never been in love?” “Do you like anyone?” – Chay 100% sees Kim’s intentions with that one and runs with it. Kim, you opened a door, and now Chay is in your house, he's redecorating
The head pat – once again hate to see others living your dream!!
I could write a billion words about the facial expressions in this scene but Tumblr has character limits. Kim is just so soft staring at Chay now while Chay has this knowing look on his face
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating): A+
This episode was so good on the Chay content even though we only got one Chay outfit. Chay’s genuinely a really happy kid (which often gets mistaken for naivety), and it's really nice seeing him so happy. Kim falling for him was inevitable because they are Freak for Freak, and it's so in character for Kim to actually develop feelings after seeing the stalker board. We even got to see Macau twice in this episode, so not only was this a great Chay ep but also a great little bro ep
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some-beans · 1 year
Howdy! i was wondering if I could request twisted wonderland x gyomei!reader(gender doesn’t matter). Cause that man is the definition of gentle giant and I feel like he needs more love.
YES YES AND YES !! HE IS MY FAV HASHIRA I LOVE HIM !! also sorry if it took a hot minute, life do be crazy
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✎...pairing: twisted wonderland x gyoumei!reader ✎...themes: chaos, gentle giant reader, can be seen as platonic or romantic, ace slander [ affectionately ] ✎...notes: can you tell which characters are easier to write for, male implied reader !! ✎...enjoy !!
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first, he has floyd's lanky ass to worry about aND NOW YOUR GAINT ASS??
riddle cannot catch a break from these tall ass people
but he'd much rather have you around considering you're not trying to squeeze the ever-loving shit out of him
also, you're very gentle and respectful about the queen of heart's rules, which riddle appreciates greatly
he may or may not had ー what cater calls a 'moe moment' ー when he saw you being so cautious and gentle with the hedgehogs
riddles heart = doki doki
however, very much a tsundere about it
trey is bamboozled
first of all, how can someone be that tall??
second, how can you be so gentle and considerate of others??
cuz yk. . . nrc is full of assholes
now because you're built like a goddamn semi-truck, you eat a lot and with trey always baking something new, you kinda get stuck with tasting whatever he makes
not that you mind, obviously
this is trey's baking we're talking about
did a double take ngl
100% gets meme-worthy pictures of you from interacting with other students who are short ー especially, riddle, ortho and epel
pls don't tell riddle that
or epel
ortho doesn't mind tho cuz idia loves them
but those photos came at a price
what?? cater was not gonna let the opportunity ー with your consent and cut ー to make a profit when he discovered how popular you became from a selfie he took with you
yes, there was a struggle
and yes it was funny
did try to get to join the light music club when he found you playing the shakuhachi, which is a type of flute
a high-pitched scream left his mouth as soon as your giant shadow covered him
almost pissed himself too
definitely uses you as a shield whenever he bites off more than he can chew when fighting someone
sometimes you allow him to do that, but when you're not in a good mood, you will be making sure ace learns his lessons
almost had his head beat into the ground because of stupid shit he did
may or may not have pissed himself a little
a nervous wreck
but plays cool cuz he knows not to judge a person by their looks, even though you like the type of dude to easily smash his skull in
easily sees you as someone who should be respected
would do any errand or favour you ask of him
no if's, and's or buts, or questions asked
homeboy really out here being a
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leona isn't really gonna bother with you unless you bother him
but then again, you do slightly put this lion on edge
you're 7'2 tall and 130kgs of muscle
leona was not gonna fuck with that
despite the muscle you have, you make a fantastic pillow/cuddle buddy
but don't tell anyone that, got it??
almost shat himself
cuz he tried to snag something from grim and you quickly intervened by grabbing his arm
lowkey almost snapped it clean in half
ruggie swears that you're blind but ig he underestimated your other senses
is very cautious around you
but overtime ー and with the gifting of food ー ruggie slowly warmed up to you
i mean, you're a b i g guy and ruggie is definitely going to use that to his advantage if he finds himself in any trouble
straight up bolting to you
what's this??
a new training buddy??
of course, jack doesn't show how he really feels about seeing your stature, however, his tail betrays him greatly
*cue tsundere wolf noises*
considering his the oldest sibling in the family, he felt a weird sense of comfort from you
which was like he was being protected, leading him to ask his siblings who said that's how they felt around him
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just nope
even tho you're human, azul can't help but imagine you as a big ass shark or orca merfolk, and scares the shit out of him
once he saw you cry over something small ー which was simply stepping on grim [ which was the greatest crime ever ] ー he knew you were kinda like a crybaby just like him
this did lead him to try and make a contract with you
. . .
that didn't work
and almost got his ass scrambled
maybe don't try to make a deal with a dude that can easily crush your skull
. . . jk unless?? 👀👀
finds you to be an anomaly
you have this intimidating height, bulky muscle and strength greater than most non-humans on sage island
and yet, you cry
at everything??
he does also try to get you to eat his. . . food ー more like hazardous concoctions ー and tries to pull you along to go hiking
emphasis on tries
you won't fucking budge
great seven
you're his jungle gym
sorry not sorry
whenever you're around his focus is on you and trying to climb you
you're his favourite thing to squeeze because you don't really get affected by it
however, he did try to nom on you and quickly learnt his lesson
he got his ass handed to him
so don't tell jade
or azul
or anyone for that matter
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sure, was kalim initially terrified of you?? yes
but did that change when he saw you happily crying while surrounded by cats?? yes, yes it did
kalim tends to buy you a lot of cat-themed items and such
definitely cried a waterfall when he found out he couldn't really help with your blindness
you also cried but that was from how sad kalim was about not being able to help you with your sight
jamil definitely had to calm both of you down ー though it was mostly kalim
finally, someone who he doesn't have to babysit
is secretly grateful when you take kalim off his hands so he can get other shit done
he kinda suspects that you've taken care of kids before but you deny it every time
he gets angry-flustered when you're the one taking care of him or kalim, and doing his chores out of the goodness of your heart
he's not used to it, at all
he kind of wonders if his unique magic would on you cuz yk you're blind
but seeing as rumours went around about someone seeing you easily push a boulder around for strength training
jamil would rather not face any consequences of involving his unique magic
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vil was initially indifferent towards you ー because he saw you sitting down at first ー but that very much changed
seeing your height and. . . muscles, vil knew you'd be a hit amongst a certain group of fans
he definitely does try to find lotions and whatnot to help with your scar along your forehead and to help with how rough your hands are
not that vil actually minds how rough they were
also when you two end up going shopping somehow, you are most definitely holding all the bags
every. single. one.
but you don't really mind as you're more of a minimalistic person compared to vil's standard
rook was vibrating with excitement
you'll be his biggest hunt yet !!
and even though you're blind you could easily sense him, and rook enjoyed that thrill of being caught
he was having a field day
tbh he really sees you as a challenge
and a beautiful soul, no less
you most definitely cry at any poems rook spouts and rook swears cupid repeatedly hits him with his arrows at the sight
epel = jealous
like how dare you take all the height and muscle, and yet cry at just about everything??
man's angy
that does not stop epel from trying to train with you and jack
*cue an angry vil*
of course, you don't anyone to be upset, so you came to a compromise that you'd teach epel total concentrating breathing help with being faster and such without 'ruining his adorable demeanour' as vil put it
epel grumbled but complied after he noticed he could run a little longer and lift slightly heavier things
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ngl he fainted when he first saw you
both you and ortho panicked
and you, well, you cried
after the whole fainting fiasco, idia very much kept an eye out on you through various cameras and ortho
look, with a dude, your size, of course, idia was going to be suspicious ー he may have faltered a little when found out you were blind, but he wasn't going to take any chances
that all changed when he found you surrounded by cats ー grim and lucius included
idia was fuming with jealously
*arthur fist*
but overall, i feel like idia would still have some hesitancy around just because of your height alone
don't get him started on your muscles
got him reminding him that you're like an anime character or something
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quite frankly thrilled to have someone like you that was taller than him and probably just as feared ー even if you were a magicless human
you two would 100% go on nightly walks with malleus spitting facts about gargoyles and grotesques, and their differences
once malleus really warms up to you, much like leona, you are his pillow and cuddle buddy
but only when he manages to escape the watchful eyes of sebek, sliver and lilia
his tail has managed to pop out whenever he receives any level of praise from you
he's like a giant puppy
being as old as lilia has been, it's been a rare sight to see someone even remotely close to your stature ー let alone a human of this height
but does that stop him from being the chaotic lil shit he is??
no, absolutely not
he loves to teleport behind and gauge your reaction
fyi it always ends with you swinging a fist
have you almost knocked lilia out before?? on multiple occasions
but over time you got used to lilia's jumpscares
*cue sulky bat fae noises*
but doesn't stop lilia from inviting himself over to where ever you are and chatting up a storm
you two also trade stories, from raising kids ー which only lilia knows about ー to various battles you two have respectfully fought
he was startled out of his nap when you sat next to him
was so ready to through a punch but stopped
cuz you wanted to pet the animals that surrounded him
and seeing your figure softly smiling as you gently pat all of the animals made silver's heart just warm
a.k.a doki doki
like sebek, he would love to train with you but is more confident to say so
even if he's a little shy
doesn't really try total concentration breathing after seeing what happened to sebek, instead focuses on becoming physically stronger
sebek being sebek, shouted obviously
may have tried to fight you
backed down when he saw you fold floyd like an omelette
you now have some of sebek's respect
good job !!
100% asks to train with you, especially strength training ー but is a tsundere about it
also wants you to teach him this stone breathing of yours, which he believes is magic and you're lying about being magicless
that thought comes crashing down when he dies from trying to copy total concentration breathing
swear he hack up a lung
though he's persistent and tries again and again
you praise him for it and he has to physically will himself not to blush and have a squiggly, dopey smile on his face
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