#snippet of a fanfic I’ll write
eternalpassions · 1 year
Kelso: I don’t know guys, I don’t know what this feeling is. I look at her and I actually like her as a person. I like talking to her, spending time with her. I can have fun with her without having to have sex with her. I want to get to know her. I want her to trust me. When she tells me to get my hand off her ass I listen to her and don’t do it again. When I see her, my heart skips a beat, I hate seeing her sad it breaks my heart man. What could this mean?
Hyde: It means you finally love someone other than yourself you dingus
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justallihere · 4 months
“I need you to teach me how to sign something.”
“Sure,” Violet agreed easily, studying his embarrassment curiously. “Why do you—oh,” she realized softly. “It’s a sex thing.”
Sawyer’s face went even redder. Liam made a muffled sound that might have been stifled laughter.
“You don’t have to tell me exactly what it is,” Violet assured Sawyer, patting his arm briefly. “I’ll give you options.”
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wolfs-writing-den · 28 days
Snippet #1 - Aftermath
Obi-Wan and Dragon!Anakin escape, with the main casualty being Anakin’s arm. This is the late-night, unedited, rambling edition of a conversation that comes later- after the reveal that Dragon!Anakin is In Fact Vader The Sith.
Dw tho. I’m sure things go fine later. Mace is gonna be thrilled.
•Snippet Below!•
“Vader… your arm needs treatment. This ship’s kit barely has a decent strip of bacta, you need professional medical treatment-“
“Then drop me off at the next spaceport, and go home, Obi-wan.”
The Jedi seemed torn, and at that he could only growl through clenched teeth. The room swayed, another flash of pain left him almost breathless, clouding his senses and adding to the fog coating his thoughts.
Obi-Wan was shaking his head. Why was Obi-Wan shaking his head?
“I’m not going to abandon you.”
“Why not?!”
“Because you are injured! Severely!”
“That has never stopped anyone before!” Anakin’s growl turned thunderous, eyes flashing sickly golden-yellow. Obi-Wan faltered, before setting his jaw and staring back just as fiercely.
“Jedi do not just discard their allies- their friends- so easily.”
“Good, because I am neither-“ Anakin hissed, irritation and pain fueling his ire against this stubborn, stupid old man. “- I am a Monster, Jedi Knight. Worse even- a Sith Monster.” He spat, teeth sharpening into fangs even as a white-hot pounding in his bones warned against any further shift.
“I don't need your mercy or your help.”
The sad look he got from Obi-Wan in response only stoked the flames. With a bitter curse he moved to stand- only to try and brace himself with his missing hand. A guttural cry ripped from his throat as the roughly-bandaged remains of his forearm failed him, sending him to the floor in a rather inelegant heap.
Or well- he would’ve ended up there had Obi-Wan not caught him. He fell limp against the Jedi, his remaining hand clutching the other’s robes as he let himself be guided down to their knees. The gentleness and care that Obi-Wan took startled him, so abruptly different from his usual existence. It felt utterly surreal, like this was all merely a fever dream.
“No monster would’ve saved my young padawan like you did- no sith would’ve taken the care to ensure safe escape for all those slaves at the camp.”
“…” Anakin shivered, falling into the warmth of the Jedi holding him up, breathing ragged and broken. His arm burned, his senses felt muddled- the force was muted in a way it never had been before and instinctively, he knew it was associated with the loss of his arm. It would never be the same again.
“I- I am no friend of the Jedi.” His voice felt hoarse, and his words lost their bite. He was pretty sure he’d reopened something and was bleeding all over Obi-Wan. “You and Ahsoka don’t count. You’re both crazy.”
He got a quiet chuckle at that.
“But I’m serious. What do you think will happen when you bring me back to that fancy temple of yours on Coruscant?”
“You’ll get medical treatment, and proper care afterwards. You have valuable information- a deal could be struck for your safety. A sort of witness protection.”
Anakin could only blink up at the man owlishly, his sheer naivety astounding. “Obi-Wan…. I’ll be put in suppressing cuffs and thrown in the brig. They’ll torture whatever information they want out of me and then kill me if they know what’s good for them.”
Even before he was done talking, the other’s head was shaking ‘no’. Again. Damn him.
“Please- trust me. If you can’t trust the Jedi, trust in me. I won’t let your wounds go untreated- you lost your arm saving us, Vader. If you don’t get treatment now you may lose your life-“ his voice cracked, and to Anakin’s flagging consciousness, the emotion over something so trivial made absolutely no sense.
But… Obi-Wan believed it. The truth of his promise chimed out into the force, even muted as it was. He was so, so tired…..
“Fine.” He huffed, “do as you see fit.” Black spots flitted in and out of his vision- making his head hurt something fierce. He thought he may have heard his name being called as his eyes slid shut and he slumped against the warmth at his side- but he was unconscious again before it could matter.
Obi-wan was left holding his new charge- hoping desperately that he wasn’t making some horrible, horrible mistake.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
“I,” He raises a hand, barely touching the edge of the slightly mismatched part of your skull headcasing, “I like your patch here. Makes you look a little more like... you.”
He chuckled, a funny suppressed cackle, as he pulls his hand away, and you silently congratulate yourself on not shrinking away from his claws- hands- being so close to your face. The laugh is a little awkward, maybe forced, but you appreciate the effort.
And you know that he means that it makes you apart from the rest of the Staffbots. You weren’t meant to be memorable, so you used to look as carbon-copied as the others, but now you had the section of your headcasing welded on that was tinted a slightly different color. You knew he was right- it was, at least, one thing that could be used to pick you out of a crowd of other bots made of the same parts as you. You tried to look at him directly, and couldn’t quite manage it.
You wondered, if you had a voice with which to speak, you would have told him that he was the one that gave you that patch. Or... caused you to need it, maybe. 
As it was, you just nodded, giving a shuddery, static warble that went up and down quickly in cadence- an attempt at mimicking the sound a laugh would make- and moved your shoulders in time with the sound. He seemed pleased at the positive response, eyes brightening slightly. He looked a little like Sun like that, you thought.
You tried, tried so hard, to push away the looping memory file of Moon pinning you in a closet a lot like this one and pulling a handful of wires out of your shoulder so your arm hung limp and useless, with the sound of his laughter repeated and repeated and repeated like a broken record skipping on the worst part of a song as a backdrop to the clearest of retained experiences.
You knew it wouldn’t work.
You tried anyway. 
He said something else, and laughed a little again. His laugh was different than how it was back then. You clung to that knowledge, nodding to whatever he had said. This boosted him again, and you focused on the parts of him that were different than the ones in your memory.
His laugh was different. So was his manner of speaking. Even the way that he moved had become less rigid and jerky, though now at times it seemed unsure. You watched one of his hands as he described something, as expressive and mobile as a humans. You tried to keep your focus on the him that was here, and not the one in your head.
Of course it wouldn’t be so easy, but...
You wanted to try anyway.
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filthy-mudeoki · 10 months
A perfect present
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A missing moment from the two year time leap before the beach proposal
Sang Yan’s bar is already quite busy when Jiaxu arrives. But it doesn’t take him long to find his friend in their designated booth. There’s food already on the table and he’s grateful because he’s had no time to eat all day. (He’s carefully avoided having to tell Sang Zhi this knowing it would only cause her to worry more.)
“You know once she moves back here you can’t keep this up. She’ll kill you if she finds out you’ve been skipping meals again,” Sang Yan warns him.
Jiaxu smiles. “Is that why you’re feeding me, darling brother?”
Sang Yan scoffs as he always does when Jiaxu teases him like that.
“Jiaxu,” his friend sighs and Jiaxu can hear the worry in his voice.
He places his chopsticks down. “It’s okay. I just worked a little extra now so I’ll have more time available later.”
Sang Yan nods, immediately understanding. “So have you decided what you’re going to get the little demon for her graduation?”
Jiaxu smiles and it does not go unnoticed by Sang Yan.
“Well?” His friend asks impatiently and Jiaxu only smiles a little more.
“I have an idea.” Jiaxu knows he’s probably got a bit of a dopey look on his face but he doesn’t care. These days he thinks he’s always got a dopey look on his face when he thinks about his girlfriend.
As he expects Sang Yan rolls his eyes; more in habit than annoyance. Secretly, Sang Yan has been Jiaxu and Sang Zhi’s biggest fan but he wouldn’t dare let them know that. He enjoys giving them a hard time too much for that. But he also knows that he’s never seen two people more in love and no two people who are so perfect for each other. He has always wanted the best for his sister and thought his best friend deserved true happiness. He just never thought they’d find it with each other.
“Fine. Don’t tell me,” Sang Yan whines and Jiaxu laughs.
“Why don’t you wait until graduation weekend?”
Sang Yan doesn’t answer him as some of their friends come to join them.
It’s not an unwelcome interruption. Jiaxu hasn’t seen his friends in a while and he’s happy to indulge them now with jokes and stories. He’s mindful of them too and notices that even Sang Yan has pulled back on the drinks tonight. At the end of the night he calls them a taxi and they rowdily get in waving their goodbyes. The bar’s quieter now, just a handful of workers, Sang Yan and himself.
His friend has been calling out instructions to his employees before joining Jiaxu at their table again.
“Sang Yan,” he says and there’s something in his tone that has his friend sitting up right almost immediately. “Are your parents free this weekend? There is something I’d like to talk to them about.”
Sang Yan raises a brow. “What is it?”
“Zhizhi’s graduation present.”
Sang Yan sits back, eyeing his friend closely. “Duan Jiaxu, what are you planning? You’re not moving back to Yihe are you?”
Jiaxu laughs. “No! Of course not. Nanwu is where we both want to be.”
“So?” And there’s a playful smirk that Sang Yan’s got that tells Jiaxu his friend might already guess at his plans.
Nevertheless he puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out the thing that has been weighing heavy in his coat all night. He places the soft grey box on the table and leans back to gauge his friends reaction.
Sang Yan looks from him to the box and back to him again. “Are you sure?”
Jiaxu doesn’t answer, merely tipping his head to the side a little. Of course they both know he’s sure but as a big brother, Sang Yan has to ask.
Eventually Sang Yan picks up the box, opening it to carefully examine the ring inside. He whistles as he brings it closer for inspection.
“I’ve always told her I’m going to be good to her and love her for the rest of my life. I’ve worked hard to settle everything here and make sure she’s going to live well when she comes back home. Everything I’ve done has been for her and ... darling brother,” he teases and Sang Yan scoffs, “I would like your blessing to continue loving her not just as my girlfriend but as my wife.”
Despite it all, Sang Yan is speechless for a moment. “You’re ... asking for my blessing too?”
Jiaxu sighs. “I told you before, I didn’t handle it properly when we first started dating. I don’t want this to be like that. I want to do this right.”
Snag Yan looks back at the ring. “I never thought anyone would ever be good enough for Sang Zhi. But I was wrong ... and I’m glad it’s you... so yes.”
Jiaxu looks momentarily surprised and Sang Yan huffs. “Ya! Did you really think I’d say no?”
Jiaxu does his best not to grin too wide. “I just didn’t think you’d agree so quickly.”
“It’s for Zhizhi and I’m not going to stop her from being happy like she deserves.” He leans forward and says his final piece. “Besides, I know your character Duan Jiaxu. I trust you with her.” He looks over at his friend who is grinning like a fool and it’s almost entirely too much bromance for him to handle.
Sang Yan hands him the box back, ring carefully tucked inside.
Jiaxu smiles as he looks down at it and Sang Yan knows these two are going to be unbearably sappy come post-engagement.
“You’ll be there when I ask her.”
Sang Yan pauses. “You want me there?”
“Hhm, and your parents.”
“Are you sure?” And because he can’t help but tease his friend he adds, “It’ll be so embarrassing for you if she says no and we’re all there to see it.”
Jiaxu laughs. “You think she’ll say no?”
“You think she’ll say yes?”
“Of course she will.”
Sang Yan laughs. “I hope your proposal is as great as your confidence.” An idea comes to mind and he leans forward, mockingly fearful as he says, “I hope you don’t plan to have us dress up in weird costumes or whatever.”
Jiaxu rubs at his jaw thoughtfully. “Actually I had a whole song and dance in mind for you.”
Sang Yan scowls and waves his friend off.
Jiaxu shakes his head. “Relax, darling brother. All you have to do is be there. I thing Zhizhi would love that the most.”
Sang Yan nods his head but can’t bring himself to say that he wholly agrees because once again, Jiaxu has proven just how well he knows his sister.
“So what do you have in mind?”
“Snag Zhi likes the beach and I -“ he’s cut off by his cellphone ringing. He glanced down and immediately grins. He can practically feel Sang Yan’s eye roll as he tells him to answer it.
“Wei Jiaxu,” comes her soft reply and as it always does, it fills his heart with warmth.
“Did you eat?” She asks and Sang Yan gives him a knowingly look but doesn’t say anything. He sighs, and leaves the table as Jiaxu and Sang Zhi talk.
Sang Yan is back as the bar, checking with his employees when he glances over at his friend. His best friend who is sitting with the happiest look on his face as he talks quietly into his phone. He knows then that no matter what they’ll always be happy. They’ve already proved that things like age and time and distance are no problems for their love. He catches Jiaxu playing with the ring box as he talks to Sang Zhi, that smile on his face that is reserved strictly for Jiaxu’s Zhizhi.
He returns to the table when he sees that Jiaxu is die with his phone call.
“Did the little demon give you a hard time?”
Jiaxu laughs and says no. Sang Yan knows it’s the truth - at least in Jiaxu’s eyes. Because nothing is too much or hard or impossible for Jiaxu when it comes to Sang Zhi.
“Do you think she’ll like the present?” Jiaxu asks him.
For a moment Sang Yan is surprised. Mostly because Jiaxu never doubts himself when it comes to dotting on Sang Zhi. He does it so instinctively that there is never any room for complaint or doubt. But he understands that maybe this is a little different.
“Yes. I think she’s gonna love it. It’s a perfect present for the little demon,” he tells his friend.
Jiaxu visibly relaxes at that as he looks back down at the ring box. He sees the excitement in Jiaxu’s eyes and Sang Yan finds he shares some of that as he imagines what his sister’s reaction will be.
He knows what Sang Zhi’s answer will be. Despite what he told Jiaxu earlier, he has no doubt that Sang Zhi will say yes because he is quite certain he doesn’t know any two people more perfect for each other.
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bisamwilson · 2 years
Sam bustles around the kitchen, cleaning off counters he’d deep cleaned two days ago, grabbing dishes out of the dishwasher that really could wait until tomorrow morning, putting some elbow grease into trying to get out the stubborn spot on their stove that’s been there since they moved in and that Bucky’s not sure will ever go away. They’ve been home from their last mission about a sum total of fifteen minutes, and Sam’s still in frenzy mode.
If there’s anything Bucky’s learned in all the years he’s been around his partner, it’s that Sam’s never really quite figured out how to slow it down.
Good thing Bucky’s always happy to help.
He straightens up from where he’s leaning against their kitchen’s entryway and walks over towards Sam, purposefully making his footfalls a little louder than normal so he doesn’t sneak up behind him.
“We’ve been awake for almost thirty-six hours, sweetheart,” Bucky almost croons, cozying up behind Sam and wrapping his hands around his front. Bucky himself doesn’t really need the sleep—not the way that Sam does—but he’s found Sam’s a little bit more willing to be pulled into slumber if they’ve both gone without for a while.
Just a little, though.
“I’m so close to getting this grease stain out,” Sam says, huffing a bit between words, his metaphorical feathers ruffled up, trying his best to resist Bucky’s attempts to get him to sleep.
Bucky knows Sam isn’t getting that stain out, knows that vibranium wool wouldn’t be enough to get that stain out, but Sam’s working at it like he’ll get it out if it’s the last thing he ever does, Bucky’s soft crooning be damned.
Time to bring out the big guns, Bucky thinks, nuzzling at Sam’s neck before peppering soft kisses all over it.
It slows Sam down enough that Bucky knows he’s at least got an opportunity here, so he kisses a little slower, a little more sensual.
They’re both too tired to do anything tonight, but neck kisses have always been Sam’s kryptonite; they might be the only thing capable of distracting him when he’s this wound up.
The mission hadn’t exactly been a pretty one, after all.
“Wanna snuggle up to you tonight, angel,” he whispers in between kisses, voice soft and adoring. “Hold you all night long, keep you warm.”
That’s the last push Sam needs to relax his shoulders, setting his cleaning supplies over to the side and breathing in deeply as Bucky places one last kiss on his neck.
“Ready for bed, angel?” Bucky asks, as quiet as he can, and Sam just turns around in his arms in answer, wrapping his own arms around Bucky’s back and tucking his face into the crook of Bucky’s neck instead.
“Shower first?” he mumbles, the already quiet question muffled by the words being spoken into his neck, but Bucky hears him anyway, bending down just enough to pick Sam up, wrapping his legs around his waist and carrying him off to the shower.
Sam doesn’t take his face out of the crook of Bucky’s neck until he’s placed back on his feet, the warm spray at his back still cooler than the feeling of Bucky’s hands on his abdomen, sudsing him up.
It’s a quick shower, warm but mostly utilitarian, a few kisses when Bucky just can’t help himself aside. They dry off only enough to not be uncomfortable between the sheets, and Bucky picks an already almost asleep Sam up one last time to carry him over to bed.
Sam immediately turns over to lay half on top of him, burying his face in Bucky’s neck once again, like it’s a barrier to keep out everything else. Bucky knows it won’t be long until Sam moves—knows Sam sleeps like a hurricane when he feels safe enough to, always looking for the cool spot—but it’s enough to warm Bucky all over for now.
“Good night, sweetheart,” he says, wrapping his arm in tighter around Sam. “I love you.”
All he gets is Sam’s soft, slow breathing in reply, but he knows Sam falling asleep next to him that easily is an “I love you” in its own right.
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dimorphodon-x · 1 year
Sparkplug's Garage
Raoul has no idea how he got here, or why he's no longer human. No time for him to panic though, and these strangers might at least help him stay grounded so he can try to figure out what's going on.
“Hey! Wake up!”
Raoul lifted his head with a jolt, eyes snapping open to bright white. He winced and blinked a few times, his eyes readjusting, “huh?”
“Did you get drunk or somethin’?” He turned his attention up to the stranger’s voice, seeing a cybertronian he didn’t recognize. A boxy older looking individual was holding his hand down to him. Huh. He didn’t seem all that tall, Raoul noted, as he reached for the other’s hand. He’d never seen one of these guys up close before, only on T.V., and he didn’t see any red or purple badges. Was he safe?
Metal clanged against metal as Raoul took the mech’s servo, his eyes widening in surprise as he was pulled up.
Raoul stared at his hand for a moment, flexing his fingers as he turned his wrist over. Metal, painted a pale shade of brown similar to his leather gloves. He could see the joints in his knuckles turn as he flexed his fingers.
“You’re not hurt, are ya?” right, the other guy was still there.
“Um… no,” he shook his head. He could hear the faint groan and shift of metal as he did so, “I think I’m fine.”
The old cybertronian raised a brow, “ya sure?”
Raoul nodded, “yeah, you’re right, I must’ve overindulged the drinks last night or something, heh.”
Again, the old mech gave him an odd look, but shrugged, “alright, I’ll take your word for it. I’m guessin’ you’re here for the job?”
“Yeah, Sparkplug’s Garage,” the old mech tilted his head to the ground, “I’m guessin’ that’s why I found you passed out in front o’ my shop, yeah?”
Raoul turned his attention to his surroundings. Oh. This was not New York. This was definitely a city, but it was not one he recognized. Tall buildings with unique structures, billboards advertising strange alien machines and writing he had never seen before, but his mind seemed to be able to translate and read. 
And of course there were the many cybertronians roaming the streets and sky pin either bot or vehicle mode. Wild.
Raoul curled his fingers as he then turned his attention to the mech’s shop, barely taking note of the small sign saying ‘now hiring’ and instead staring straight into his own reflection on the glass doors, both familiar and foreign.
Blank yellow eyes stared back at him, his face a deep silvery color, with just a hint of his previous skin tone. His body was boxy but looked fast and athletic, and he still had his ponytail, though instead of hair it was made up of black metal fibers of some kind, “huh…”
“Kid?” The old mech frowned, a mixture of worry and annoyance in his tone, “your eyes are goin’ white.”
“Uh…” Raoul scratched at his jaw, trying to cover the sudden surge of panic, “I think I need to sit down.”
The older mech grabbed his arm, his grip firm but gentle as he led him towards the doors of his workshop, “alright, let’s go inside and get ya calmed down.”
Raoul simply nodded a silent thanks as they walked into the building. He idly looked about at all the tools and neat piles of metal and more stuff he didn’t quite understand as he was led to the back of the shop towards a break room.
“Here, sit down,” the stranger pulled out a stool from under the table and stepped back to give Raoul some space.
“Thanks, mister, em…?” He cast the old mech a questioning glance. He hadn’t gotten his name yet. The mech perked as he seemed to catch onto his silent question.
“Ah, th’ name’s Sparkplug,” he introduced himself, then waved a hand out vaguely to the room, “s’just me an’ my charge, Spike runnin this place. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make any jokes about his name by the way, kid goes through enough.”
“No problem,” Raoul didn’t know why anyone would poke fun at the name ‘Spike’ anyway, “I’m Raoul.”
“Interestin’ name,” Sparkplug tilted his head, eyes dimming for a brief moment, “nice to meet you, Raoul.”
He simply nodded, eyes turning to another door at the back of the break room as he heard footsteps approach. Soon a mech smaller and slightly sleeker than Sparkplug stepped in. His colors and some of his shapes were rather similar to Sparkplug, so he could probably assume this was Spike. (So by ‘charge’ Sparkplug might’ve meant something akin to ‘son’). In his hands he balanced three glassy cubes, each filled with a pink liquid.
“Got the energon,” Spike looked towards Sparkplug and then glanced over at the newcomer, “hi.”
“Hi,” he waved his hand in a casual greeting.
“Thank you, Spike,” Sparkplug grabbed the cube from the top of the stack, briefly turning his attention back to Raoul, “I commed him to bring an extra for ya. Figured you might need it.”
“Oh, um, thanks,” Spike shot a friendly smile as he offered the third cube to Raoul. He stared at it for a moment, glancing at the other two as they started to take sips from their cubes. It didn’t look… bad, but he had never drunk anything that glowed bright pink. Though he supposed with his… current appearance, he would be fine.
With slight hesitation, he slowly lifted the cube up to his lips and tilted his head back, drinking in just a tiny bit. It wasn’t bad. It was thicker than water and left a slightly static sensation on the tip of his tongue. Not in a bad way, strangely, and it was mildly sweet.
Raoul internally shrugged and drank more, finishing off the cube in a few seconds. He sighed as he set the cube down, “s’good. Thanks again.”
“It’s no trouble,” Spike nodded his head.
“Feelin’ better, kid?” Sparkplug set his empty cube onto the table. Raoul nodded.
“Glad to hear it. Although, mind if I ask you how you ended up passed out in front o’ my shop?”
Raoul felt his brain stall. Honestly he had no idea how he got there. One minute he was in New York and the next he was waking up here.
“I, uh…” he paused, staring at the table in thought. He briefly recalled the sign out by the doors, “I was on my way to apply for a job here. I… guess some goons jumped me or something, I can’t remember much.”
“You were attacked?” Sparkplug frowned. Raoul just shrugged.
“I guess. Probably wanted to try and rob me or something,” he averted his gaze, “would’ve left pretty empty handed though. I don’t got much.”
Sparkplug hummed in thought, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I don’t have any papers or files on me,” Raoul still looked himself over, trying to find pockets or something to look through, “but I do have experience with working on machines and repairing stuff. I really need this job, man.”
Though he conveniently left out the part where he had never worked on alien tech before. 
Spike looked between Sparkplug and Raoul, his fingers nervously tapping against his legs. Sparkplug’s deep blue eyes narrowed as he studied Raoul.
“Alright, I’ll let you have a shot at it,” he said after a moment. Raoul felt his frame relax in relief, “we’ll show ya around the place and you can watch us work for the first few cycles to see how we do things before you join in.”
“Thanks!” Raoul smiled. He honestly wasn’t sure what he’d do if he couldn’t stick around. He didn’t know this place, and chances were he wouldn't run into others who were as nice as Sparkplug and Spike seemed to be, even if he were still on Earth.
At least, he was pretty sure he wasn’t on Earth anymore. And if he wasn’t, he had no idea how he’d get back, if he could at all.
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gh0stz404 · 6 months
rahhh i hate writing it’s always either “write a million and one drafts but never get to the actual writing portion” or “HAHA FUCK THE DRAFT WHATS A PLOT I AM GOING TO BULLSHIT THIS ENTIRE THING AND YOUR GONNA LOVE IT (and i’ll hate it after like a week)”
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petesbubblebutt · 1 year
Fandom: Kinnporsche the series
Pairing: Vegaspete
BABYGIRL PETE AU: VEGASPETE crack fic in which Pete gets a “trophy husband” crop top from Porsche as a gift, wears it, & Vegas loses his mind.
Snippet is some general set up, no content warnings.
✨ pathetic Vegas ✨
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liathgray · 1 year
So if you havent noticed, i have been dragged into Rise of the TMNT. I dont know how this happened. It wasnt on purpose.
Several turtle fics incoming. Take cover.
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headfullof-ideas · 2 months
Here’s a snippet from the second part of my The Deep fanfic ‘Let Sleeping Beasts Lie’ which I talked about in a few earlier posts/reblogs. Essentially, it takes place in an original world of mine, where Ant shapeshifts into something called a Vareekla. This snippet doesn’t provide much context to what’s going on in the story, but I think the second part of it is just really funny, so here you go
Ant had blearily woken up, his head pounding with the headache that came from crying for over an hour and a half, and getting not enough sleep afterwards. Not fully remembering what had happened a handful of hours before, Ant had reflexively gone through the motions of shifting and sneaking out of his window and down the tree next to the house to head in whichever direction that tug led him to. He hadn’t even thought about anything that might have happened prior to then, body on autopilot at this point. Sneaking out of his room in the middle of the night was something Ant had gotten really good at, being the only normal stereotypical teenage activity that he took part in.
Granted it was usually to go find and occasionally fight ODO’s in parking lots, but Ant watched a group of his sisters classmates meet in the same parking lot he’d gone to one time for a pre-meditated smack down with plastic lightsabers, so Ant could safely say not every teenager was sneaking out to go to parties.
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starr-ofthevoids · 3 months
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I’m writing angst :)
I love writing angst :))
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sexynetra · 1 year
@lady-assnali tagged me in this fun little tag game as a sneaky little tactic to get more peeks at the chapter before I post and guess what? It worked 💕 (love you mon bien-aimé, nobody loves rawnsyf like you none of this would happen without you xxoo)
1. Share the premise (as much or as little as you’d like) of the WIP that’s been haunting you lately.
RAWNSYF CHAPTER 6 MY MORTAL ENEMY MY BELOVED I have been stuck with her for so long I think my brain is made of jell-o.
We left off with a steamy drunken makeout, but how will Marcia react when there’s no alcohol to blame her decisions on? How will Marcia and Anetra’s friends react to the news of their kiss? Will Anetra ever catch a goddamn break??? Tune in next week* to find out ;)
*hopefully this week
2. Share the last line of your latest WIP
Anetra’s decision was made for her before she could think about anything.
3. ctrl + f for any of these words: hand, gold, bed, brown, money, tea, smile, water. if any of those are in your wip, share those sentences too.
Here’s the tea, bestie. I cannot do that because hand alone has 62 hits. But I can pick and choose an assortment for y’all
She was trying to be a gentleman. To keep her hands and teeth to exclusively PG-13 areas
It felt like ages before Marcia moved, raising her hands slowly as if she was worried Anetra would flee out the window
She felt her breath catch in her throat as she straightened the towel, running a hand through her damp hair
She broke off and Sasha squeezed both her hands encouragingly
“So… about Marcia…” Anetra began, half-wishing she had ordered a drink just so she would have something to do with her hands
“But my bed is available for cuddling, if you want.”
“That bad,” Anetra sighed, pushing off her bed to sit at her desk chair
Anetra smiled in spite of herself, sending a half a dozen hearts so she didn’t have to think of a real response, and groaned when she saw the message below
Anetra traced a pattern of water stains on the wooden table with two fingers, wondering if she could drown on dry land from the absurdity of the situation
4. No pressure tags:
@eyeslikewatercoolers @marciax3-appreciator @goodemethyd
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seaquestions · 5 months
heya! i hope youre doing well! i just wanted to say that i know it has been a reeaally long time since you wrote your fic w/ transfem ambulon being a helicopter, but it is one of my absolute FAVORITE tf fanfics. i go back and read it so often, and it has such a dear place in my heart. genuinely such a wonderful piece of writing, and the art you've made for it is just as beautiful. im not sure how to ask this, but i was wondering if it would be alright if i wrote a fic somewhat inspired by that one? it's absolutely fine if not! i just thought i'd ask before i did anything. again, your fic was wonderful and i absolutely adore it to pieces; just having that fic alone is more than enough. thank u for taking the time to read this, and i hope you're having a good day when this message gets to you -🌟
gosh this is so sweet and wonderful to hear, i’d like to thank you first of all for such a lovely message and yes, of course you can write a fic inspired by it!
i also reread that fic from time to time. the writing reads kinda clunky to me now, but it still holds up if nothing else as an extremely personally significant work. writing it genuinely helped me work through my thoughts and feelings with being transgender as i was becoming an adult. i literally would not be half as confident in myself as i am today if i hadn’t written that! it’s a work that lives deep in my heart. and i’m so glad that it lives in your heart too.
as an artist there’s really nothing more fulfilling than when someone tells you that your work touched them in some way. so im very happy and very grateful that you took a moment of your time to send this to me!
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a11eya · 10 months
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jess 💖 30 💖 she/her, they/them
hi friends! if you’re reading this, it means you’ve managed to stumble upon my little writing tumblr, so welcome!
please bear with me, as i desperately need to update this pinned post and make a proper masterlist... in the meantime, i hope you enjoy my silliness ✨ feel free to chat with me!! ✨💞
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blog info
minors dni, 18+ blog
you might see me interact (asks, likes, etc.) using my main, a11eya-chats
i don't do any tags/tag lists 🥺 see this ask for why
please do not repost or translate my work, and please do not feed it into AI
frequently used tags
____ spoilers ➝ fandom tag + spoilers (ex - bnha spoilers) - like the label, i'll tag any spoilers
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lights will guide you home (bakugou katsuki x reader)
Soul-lights aren’t as common in this day and age as they were in the past, before quirks, but they’re common enough that people do still find their soulmates.
At thirteen, you meet Bakugou Katsuki, and he lights up for you in orange and gold. You tell him he's your soulmate. He sneers and tells you that you aren't his. He makes your adolescence miserable until you part ways.
You meet again as adults, late at night, in a grocery store, over a pile of bok choy. He apologizes for how he treated you when you were children.
(In which you have a choice—to reject Bakugou's apology, reject him, or to let him show you the man he's become, to learn with him what it means to love and forgive.)
Series Masterlist 1/27/2024 Update: Chapter Ten
do you still think about me? (bakugou katsuki x reader)
Okay, so you had the biggest, most embarrassing crush on Bakugou when you were both in high school. He was kind of your first love, if you believe in those kinds of things. But you got over it. It's fine.
You see Bakugou sometimes at hangouts, at get-togethers. He's in your orbit, or you're in his, because of your mutual friends. You're all adults now, so it's fine. It's a little weird, but fine.
You're supposed to be on vacation, at a place that's hours away from Musutafu. You're not sure what you've done to deserve it, but Bakugou's here too. And instead of both of you pretending the other doesn't exist, as usual, he's talking to you. He's everywhere. It's fine.
(It's not fine.)
Series Masterlist 5/26/2024 Update (Completed): Chapter Three
unfiltered (bakugou katsuki x reader)
in one kiss, you'll know all i haven't said (kirishima eijirou x reader)
snippet & scribbles
bakugou works out listening to your voice (bakugou katsuki x reader)
bakugou's grumpy and possessive at the beach (bakugou katsuki x reader)
izuku's your soulmate, and it hurts (midoriya izuku x reader)
bakugou sleeps shirtless at night (bakugou katsuki x reader)
you're a big fan of pro hero dynamight (bakugou katsuki x reader)
roommate bakugou is an absolute menace once he catches you checking him out (bakugou katsuki x reader)
cupping his face in your hand (bakugou/kirishima/midoriya x reader)
katsuki's so into you (bakugou katsuki x reader)
a dragon's treasure (bakugou katsuki x reader)
kiri doesn't get jealous (kirishima eijirou x reader)
kiri always thinks you're beautiful (kirishima eijirou x reader)
kiri untitled wip 1 2 (kirishima eijirou x reader)
fanfic trope mashup game
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kometqh · 2 months
Just a little snippet of a fanfic I’ll be posting within the next two days🫣 turns out it’s going to be a 3-4 parter as I’m incapable of writing 2 part stories :) (it’s gonna get angsty before it gets smutty)
It’s a Rex x reader x fives because they’re my baby girls <3
It still needs to be edited (for the 50th time) but it will be out soon !!
He moved the strand away, gently tucking it behind your ear, as best as it would go anyway.
"You're gorgeous, cyar'ika." His words came out as a whispered prayer, his gaze so tender and loving and devoted as he caressed your cheek with his knuckles.
It was as if your brain short-circuited again; your mouth parted, your eyes widened just the slightest, and your heartbeat was now racing a thousand miles per hour. Your breath was caught in your throat, and your mouth suddenly felt dry. Was this normal? Were you panicking or were you blushing? Were you going crazy? What was happening?
"F- Fives..." You whispered, your grip on his chest tightening. You never expected those words to come from him, or anyone at all. They weren't meant for you. But if so, why did they make you so happy? So ecstatic and why did he make you swoon so hard?
He leaned his face a tad closer, just enough for you to feel his breath fanning over your lips.
You could feel his warmth, it was comparable to the sun itself. It rode in your veins, searing into every nook and cranny of your being, it had your blood bubbling up in excitement the longer he looked at you. You were just a small planet orbiting his sun, being pulled in closer and closer until all you could feel was the heat and the burn of him.
His tongue darted out to lick at his bottom lip, ridding it of dryness and discomfort.
But that small action had you going wild, absolutely wild. Feral, even. In that split moment, your gaze flickered to his lips, eagerly watching the muscle before it flickered back, his eyes watching you intently.
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