#sexiest man alive crush
sunnymenagerie · 2 years
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munchkinmarky4life · 2 months
The most depressing thing is that out of Hollywood’s most sexiest men or actors, there’s Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Chris Hemsworth, Idris Elba, Jason Mamoa or whoever man is on that list, but not COSTSAS MANDYLOR?! The audacity! What’s even more depressing is that the only great works that Costas has been included is the Saw Franchise, this man has played in many low budget films and indie films, hallmark films and it breaks my heart because he deserves to be in a blockbuster, playing the leading man. He’s a great actor but is unfortunately not chosen for the greatest films. He deserves at least to seen under a spotlight. I’m glad he’s manage to carry the Saw Franchise and be seen by a fanbase that both enjoys and finds humor in his character and to himself. But overall, Costas Mandylor is heavily underrated.
✨Honestly they don’t make men like Costas no more, but I’m glad we have him, still alive and well🌚💝✨
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jackles010378 · 3 months
One for Man Crush Monday 😍🔥
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hopefulfangirlblr · 1 year
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Random favorites of Chris Evans!
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au-bound · 2 years
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honestly it's josh gad's comment for me
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nerdykeith · 2 years
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Well the people have spoken and I tend to agree. Chris 'Captain America' Evans is indeed one of the most attractive man. It's no surprise Chris has been trending on Tumblr for so long. There certainly is something super abut him no doubt. However I am still very partial to Chris Hemsworth. Hard to decide who is sexier. Do I really have to choose? All of these Avengers men are pretty damn fine in my opinion.
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lovesdevotion · 5 months
never a man looked so good btw
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heartthroblopez · 9 months
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Need him expeditiously 😩💦‼️
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astranva · 2 years
Sexiest Man Alive
Word Count: 1.3k
Category: Pure fluff
Warning: Nothing
Summary: In which Chris is 2022's Sexiest Man Alive, he can't stop talking about his actress!wife and son, and actress!reader already knows.
a/n: MY GOODNESS the amount of asks i received about chris’ new title, i had to come out of my shell and give you something about it! i received a lot of “how does pe!reader feel” and here you go, my lovies! 
Globally, people knew that you and Chris were the hottest couple alive. They had pictures, videos, and social media posts to prove it, and it helped that your high status was one that supported the fact as well.
“Can you hear me?” Megan, Chris’ publicist excitedly asked from his laptop screen, “Is Y/N here?” 
“Right here,” you called, carrying your 2-month-old baby boy, River, as you stood behind the couch and right behind your husband.
“What’s up?” Chris asked her.
“Chris has just got a new title!” She exclaimed with a beaming face.
“Come on, Meg, spill!” You laughed.
She laughed, “Well, say hello to 2022’s Sexiest Man Alive,” she pointed through the screen.
Chris’ eyes widened and as did yours, your jaw dropping, “No way! No way! Are you kidding?” You exclaimed excitedly, “Finally! Finally, finally, finally!” You laughed in glee.
“Oh man,” Chris laughed, blushing face looking from Megan to turning his head to peek up at you, “How can I ever compete with Paul Rudd?”
You laughed, carefully leaning down to peck his lips, “No competition needed,” you said before looking at your baby, “You hear that. Rivvy? Daddy’s the sexiest man alive,” you giggled.
It wasn’t even three days later when People magazine reached out to plan a photoshoot with Chris, your husband deciding to have it on your farmhouse where the both of you were staying for the year instead of having to travel anywhere and leave you alone.
It was no surprise that everyone from the crew was almost shaking at your presence, having already been nervous as was about being Chris but being around the one and only Y/N Y/L/N did a number on everyone, and it didn’t help that you looked like you were glowing despite having a simple outfit that everyone knew that only you could elevate. It felt like everyone was feeling lucky to witness you after your birth, especially since you had been on a hiatus ever since River was born and the world hadn’t seen you since.
“Sorry, can you wait just a second, please?” You held a finger up to the photographer, Michael Swchwartz, smiling when he nodded and gave you an “of course” before you hurried towards Chris, pushing back a piece of hair, “Know you’d hate it if you saw that little stinker,” you muttered.
Chris smiled, hand moving to your waist, “I love you.”
You smiled, moving your hand to his cheek briefly, being quick and swift as you pecked his lips, “Lucky me,” you said. 
Chris laughed, giving your hip a squeeze before you walked back to stand by the side, watching your husband pose for a few minutes before you went back inside to check on River.
It was an hour and a half later when Chris was changed from the outfits that he wore in the pictures, to a cozy sweater, sitting for the interview that everyone at their homes watched.
“What went through my mind?” He repeated the question he was asked, “My wife will be so happy,” he chuckled, “She’s proud of everything I do, but this is something that she’ll really brag about, although she’ll tease me a bit about it but-but she gets it, she gets it. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world anyway. Scientists proved it,” he smiled with a small shrug.
“Ha!” He laughed, “What would my middle school self think about this?” He repeated, looking down in thought, “Um, he’d probably be pumped because this probably would be the road to the cool table,” he nodded slightly, looking at the camera, “But to be honest, he’s been pumped for a while now,” he joked, raising an eyebrow with a soft smirk on his lips.
“First crush?” Chris repeated in the video, “Was probably-maybe, like, Winnie Cooper,” he answered, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry but I can tell you my last crush in a heartbeat only because I like to brag about the fact that I married my crush,” he teased, a small smirk on his face.
“My closest friends are my wife and friends that I’ve grown up with–kids that I’ve known since I was, eight, nine years old. That’s-That’s the beauty of my youth, that a lot of kids that I grew up with kind of stayed around Massachussets and all are still incredibly tight. We’re all married and have kids, or,” he pointed at himself, “Kid in my case. My-just my little buddy, River.”
About 4 minutes into the interview, and as Chris was talking about getting to play and enjoy Captain America, a loud baby cooing sound was heard, interrupting Chris before he laughed, “Riv has a lot to say about Captain America,” he said, looking away from the camera and towards you and his son who was in your arms, a smile on his face as he stared at Chris, “Hey, buddy, hey, hey,” Chris cooed, seeming to try to stop himself from standing up and walking towards his family.
5 minutes into the interview, Chris was excited as he replied to the interviewer’s question.
“Bobby, I love woodworking,” he answered, “I made River’s baby cot,” he said, “And I’m working on making a rocking chair for my wife and I. It’s-It’s actually coming along nicely. It’s starting to look great.”
“The amount of ones I post are dwarfed by the amount of ones I have on my phone,” Chris said as he talked about pictures he had of Dodger, 7 minutes into the video, “It’s been especially more and more after we had River because Dodger is like-he’s like a big brother now. He’s protective of River, he’s always sitting by his cot, or by Y/N and I when we’re with him. He’s always alerting us when River wakes up because-I know we're lucky but River hardly cries when he wakes up. Ever since he started getting more vocal, he’s been babbling and sort of-sort of singing, that’s what I say,” he pointed at himself with a smile, “So Dodger is always alerting us when that happens, like hey, baby is awake. Get him now!” 
“Yeah, our cat, Pam has been very gentle with River,” Chris said, answering a question that viewers didn’t hear, “I think I say this all the time but she actually hates me so–my wife is rolling her eyes right now,” he laughed, “It’s true! It’s true! But I’m just glad that hatred wasn’t extended to our son.”
It was almost 8 minutes into the video when Chris got sentimental.
“My wife, my son,” he began, “Seeing them happy, making them proud, that’s absolutely something I want. I think-I think, you know, I hit the lottery with my family,” he smiled to himself, putting both hands together as he sat comfortably, “You know, the love I found, the love we share, it’s something that’s also through my experience of long fourty-one years has also rang true that those things are the most important, so yeah. I-I love the idea of tradition, of ceremony, and I had the best one I can ever dream of with my wife. So, yeah, I’m-I’m really lucky I get to share my life with someone so incredible and now that we have River, the idea of recreating that is just-I love that.”
By the end of the 10-minute interview, Chris smiled, “I feel a deep sense of contentment with my life and my career, and as a result I think that takes a lot of the weird pressure off and now that my family and I are spending this time away from everything, I’m really excited for my life as a dad. It’s a new journey, I have an incredible partner who’s walking through it with me,” he pointed slightly to the side towards where you were sitting beside the videographer and away from the camera with a proud smile on your face that only the people in the room could see, “An adorable son, my new buddy,” Chris smiled, “I’ve settled into a nicer phase where I’m just happy being at home.”
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devilishchaos · 1 year
Heyy idk if u take requests but can u do where the reader have a girl with ruben and they’re celebrating the ucl win on the pitch etc and the their child starts playing with ronny and they assume that the girl and ronny have a tiny crush on eachother yk cute moments etc🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Moments like this | Rúben Dias Imagine
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Rating / genre: pure fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Warnings: use of pet names "babe", "baby"
Word Count: 1 059 words
AN: Hello! idk if I take requests, I received this one and this is my first ever request, I loved it and thank you so much. <3 I unfortunately don't speak portuguese so I used google translate, if you find any mistakes don't hesitate to let me know. On another note - I absolutely love Ronnie and everybody from City! I kind of added a little bit more plot so I hope it is okay and I also made it kinda long, like why am I like this? but hey I loved working on this, so I hope you enjoy it :) x
p.s. while I was working on this Mr. The Sexiest Man Alive posts this picture..like sir, are you trying to unalive me or sth..respectfully tho..Rúben stop playing with me and let me have your kids <3 :p x
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
“Is your missus here tonight?” John asked his best mate Rúben, from across the room, as all Manchester City players were getting dressed in their kits and were preparing to attend the Uefa Champions League final tonight. Rúben turns away from his locker, trying to brush out a crease that had formed in his shorts. 
“Yes, she flew with the kids. They landed, like two hours ago.” He tells him, going to the mirror to begin fussing with his hair, even though he would just be pushing it back out of his face anyway. “This puts even more pressure. I’m basically obliged to perform well.” 
“She flew alone with two kids for what four hours?” Bernardo joins the conversation, grinning at Rúben. “She is a wonder woman.” 
“She definitely is!” John agrees, walking over to pat Rúben's shoulder comfortingly but he shakes his head, already nervous at the idea of his kids watching him. After the loss in the final 2021 and in the semi’s in 2022, Rúben promised his family to win the next time around. And now it was hitting him hard - he never breaks his promises. The pressure was definitely skyrocketing through the roof. 
It all happened very fast. You needed a couple of seconds to process that Rodri in fact had scored a beautiful goal. Which meant that City took the lead 1-0. There were approximately 20 more minutes and if City were able to handle the tension, that meant that the guys would complete a treble. You knew what that meant to them, to Rúben. Everything was at a very high stake. Your stomach was in knots and your leg bobbed up and down with anxiousness as you were looking at the clock, counting down the seconds until the end of the match, until the referee's final whistle. 
After what felt like the longest extra time that you’ve experienced in a match it was finally over, when the end of the match was announced everybody in the VIP sector (the families of the players) stood up and raised their arms in joy, cheering in excitement. 
“George. Azlia. Come on! Let’s go congratulate daddy!” you took them by their hands and somehow managed to get down to the pitch. 
The three of you push your way through the crowd on the soccer field. It was hard for you to see the way in the ocean of bodies. Then John taps lightly on your shoulder and points at a gap you can pass through. That’s when you see him. He has his back turned to you, engaged in conversation with a staff member. He doesn’t see you, but it’s like he feels you coming, and turns around, his gaze landing to you. Without looking back at the man behind him, he excuses himself and starts making his way over to you. 
“Papai!” George screams as he breaks away from your hand and runs to your husband, obviously he can't contain his excitement anymore. Rúben kneels down to be on the same level as him and he runs straight in his arms. You picked up Azlia as she was struggling to keep up with your pace with her little feet, because you wanted to get to Rúben faster. 
As you finally reach him you walk right into his open arms, your hands fisting his jersey. It feels so good to be holding him. 
“You did it! I’m so, so, so proud of you, amor! You did so good! I’m so happy for you! A treble, wow..unbelievable!” you said quite loudly in his ear with a smile that hurt your cheeks. 
You raised your head a little and he bent down a little, so you could share a kiss. As you pulled away, you gave him a kiss to the side of his mouth and ran your fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Eu te amo, meu amor.” he said to you, looking directly into your eyes wanting to look into them forever. 
Not breaking eye contact you replied just a heartbeat later “Te amo mais.” 
“Da-da,da-..” Azlia babbled in your arms, reminding you guys of her existence. 
“Eu também te amo, princesa.” Rúben said as he kissed her chubby cheeks. 
The awarding took place very quickly. You moved away with the rest of the wives, girlfriend and family members of the players and found yourself jumping from conversation to conversation. Everyone was so excited. Except the kids. They didn’t understand what was happening and just ran away the second the ceremony was done. 
You were frantically looking for Azlia when you felt two big, strong hands on your waist, bringing you into a hug from behind. 
“What are you doing, love?” Rúben asked with amusement. 
“I’m looking for Azlia! I can’t find her! George ran away with Roman and Riaan, and I swear Azlia was standing right beside me and now she is gone.” you said while turning in his arms, to face him. 
“Baby she is a one-and-a-half-year-old, with tiny little legs. How far can she go?” he chuckled, as you continued to search for her with your eyes. 
“Oh, there she is. Taking pictures with the other kids.” you finally spotted her, taking a picture with Kyle, his sons and Ronnie. 
“Baby, chill. These kids are having the time of their lives. They can’t stay in the same position for more than 10 seconds. Look at them running around!” Rúben assured you. That made you smile, but not as much as when you watched Ronnie chasing Azlia around and the two pig tails on top of her hair were bouncing with every step she took.
“Aww, look babe, Ronnie is showing Azi his medal. How cute!” you pointed at them for Rúben to see. 
“He is now putting his medal on her..” Rúben stated quite shook “Yo, Foden, watch your son!” he then shouted in Phil’s direction, who stood all the way to the other side of the pitch. 
“Rúben! Oh my God! Baby..they are kids..” you hit his chest lightly, bursting into a fit of giggles. 
“I have a medal, too..I’m gonna go show it to her.” and with that he left you watching him attempt to come close to Ronnie and Azlia, but when they saw him approaching them - they ran away laughing.
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blkgirl-writing · 7 months
Helloo! so I know you can romance the companions with any appearance, but I have a hard time imagining them actually choosing to being with a plus size person like myself.
Very indulgent, but do you have any thoughts about them being with a chubby partner? Perhaps a bit of fluff and spice?
Love what you do. writing for the ppl that fanfics often leave forgotten. You're awesome & I hope you have a great day today <3
I’m so happy you asked this, because actually, most of the companions I see loving thicker people and a few fairly exclusively liking bigger women (it’s Wyll) but here’s my headcanons for the baldurs gate 3 companions being interested in a chubby/fat tav!
Astarion is actually the only character I see maybe not loving chubby bodies all that much, but that's really for acended Astarion, since he becomes such a despicable and unapethetic person
But Astarion once he breaks free of cazador?
learns to be accepting and....kind?
He was always drawn to a very conventional type of beauty as he had to be fit into that mold for so so many years, so he kinda felt like he needed people to fit in that mold for him as well
He would start to find beauty in the smaller things in life that he was never able to before
Including bigger chubbier bodies
the comforts of plushness and something extra very much opposes his more thin and sharp body
like he actually likes hugging, he would ASK for a hug
to him hugging you is the embodiment of his freedom and enjoying non sexual things simply, without any motivation
I think Gale would find comfort in your body
Using as much of you as a pillow, cuddling and being able to be the big and little spoon
Any skimpy outfit would drive him wild, he'd get all flustered and kinda just be more near you?
Since he loves thighs the bigger the better, he won’t complain. He lowkey wants to be crushed by your thighs
Gale would find so much joy in so much ass and thighs in his face, his personal horny heaven
(TW E.D) If you have trouble eating he would cook for you and sit away from camp if it made you more comfortable. He'd take so much joy in making something you wanted to eat (END OF TW)
Gale stars at you a lot
And when you ask why he's staring, he always has a different reason
Somehow he always knows when to compliment you when you're feeling down
he will always find the best way to make you feel better and it's unique and special
"I love how your shoulders look when you're reading" or like "I just can't take my eyes off you when you smile, it lights up your whole face. All I want to do is make you smile til the end of our days" etc etc
Lovely person but I do think she’d learn to love bigger bodies, I like to think Karlach was her sexual awakening to big women
But honestly I think it would only take some good titties for her to be convinced
I think she would love being smaller than you, and would absolutely wear your shirt/blouse around camp as a baggy dress
Especially to kind of brag about sleeping with you and you being hers and hers alone
She would basically exclusively want to sleep with her head resting on your thighs
many many nights were spent like that looking at the stars
honestly you'll need to ask her for compliments but she never fails to make you smile with them
"What? You want me to tell you how perfect you are? Or how beautifully your body looks in that tight dress? How much I want to take you to bed right now? I thought you already knew those things, but if you ask I'll say them a million times, til you believe it, and a few more times for good measure."
Wyll is so sweet and so nice, he always compliments you and always hugs you in the best ways
he notices your insecurities and makes sure to compliment them and tell you how much he loves and appreciates those parts of you
He also just finds you the sexiest thing alive
he loves his partners bigger
I mean I've already said he's an ass man and he fully wants to be engulfed in that ass if possible and that just don't happen with skinner people
Wyll loves his comforts and his comforts is just ass on face tbh
he'd get real wild and very flirty drunk too
"Give me all of that ass" and "sit on my face and ride it like you mean it til the dawn breaks"
is also in love with your stomach and kisses it whenever your closing rides up or is exposed from the clothing itself being revealing or just short
when he's next to you he will always have his hand around your waist
no matter what size you are Karlach can pick you up and swing you around like she's picking up a pillow so
she treats you absolutely no differently than a skinnier person, maybe she picks you up and swings you around more actually
she'd treat you kinda as a princess it's adorable
In my head, Karlach is obviously super muscley but also kinda chubby so like there'd be no reason to see you as anything but perfect and so beautiful
She is always snackin' on stuff, so she'd ask if you wanted any of the nibbles she found on the way
Karlach would wanna just sleep face down on your stomach so like you can decide if she actually does every single night or short rest or nah
and she'd randomly kiss your tummy while she laid on it just cause she wants to and she finally can kiss you and lay on you, and all the fun things she wanted to do for what felt like forever
she sees someone as the bigger, the more strength
so immediately she'd be like ah yes, a worth lover able to take all intensities i give
She's definitely go harder on you in combat (during a certain romance scene) because of your size, and definitely give more during sex
Especially if you have bigger arms? she's a suckers for big arms
Lae'zel would cuddle like it was fucking wrestling
like you'd wake up with bruises and if you asked she'd be like, you can take all I give, therefore I will give you even more than I have
everything she does is intense of course but she will never baby you like she may someone smaller
she sees you so much as an equal and a strong fighter it's actually very cute and everyone is kind of shocked how much she likes you
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sunnymenagerie · 2 years
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antiwhores · 2 years
Sensitive - Bakugou x reader
Bakugou is almost 30 and he’s never gotten frisky. Hes been waiting for toy and now he finally gets you. But hes so damn sensitive and can’t last for shit!
Smut, virginity loss, sensitivity, over stimulation, masturbation, foreplay, not proof read - fuck yall, male moaning, handjobs, intercourse, multiple orgasms, creampie, established relationships.
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The heavy breathing against your ear after you licked a stripe up his neck was hypnotizing to you. You had only made out with him prior and he was already a hot mess.
A sharp intake of breath was pulled out of him when you put your hand up his shirt. You giggled, “So sensitive Katsuki.” He clicked his tongue, turning his red face away. “Shut the hell up.” He forced through his teeth.
It wasn’t his fault he was so damn sensitive! He’s a virgin, this is all new.
And yeah, it sounds crazy but he is. The man who was voted one sexiest man alive, the number 2 hero has never gotten laid? He was sure if he were to tell the public they’d call bullshit. He was a sex symbol, built like a fucking god. He had several whole pages dedicated to “Dynamite x reader” posts. He knows, he had to read them as a dare during a party once!
Even crazier, he hasn’t even done anything with anyone - not even a quick handjob. Sure, he got desperate once or twice and made out with an irrelevant bitch from a party but he always felt wrong when they reached for his belt. He’d grab their hand and excuse himself.
He’s been waiting for you. The only thing thats lasted him this far is his hand and his love for you. He couldn’t even count the amount of times he’d find himself with his hand stroking his cock with a tab of your photos open. He would imagine that his hand was yours and he would finish all over your chest instead of his own.
Speaking of chest, when did his shirt come off? And his belt? Was it hot in here or was it just him? Your hands felt so fucking good as they touched along his abs. You leaned in for another kiss which he greedily accepted. His breath hitched when you’d touch too low.
You didn’t want him at first- well, you definitely did but you couldn’t. By the time he realized that he wanted to peruse a relationship and his 9th grade crush isn’t so seventh grade anymore, you you were in a committed relationship with some scumbag who did nothing but make you cry.
Then he got too involved with work and couldn’t check on you as often. You practically disappeared for 2 years. But he found you again and you were back to the childhood friends attitude you both originally had.
After another year you guys broke up. You were heartbroken and scared for another relationship for another 3 years. Then you disappeared for another 1 year. Then he found you again after patiently waiting. And for the last 3 years you two have been catching up until eventually he asked you out and you agreed.
It took you a while to involve sexual stuff into the relationship. You were scared, he could wait longer. He’d wait to the end for you.
But todays the day and his heart couldn’t be pounding any louder.
You traced your fingers along his v line, caressing the happy trail on your way. He couldn’t handle your soft touches, he was gonna cum just from that.
“Stop teasing me.” He groaned out through his gritted teeth. You giggled, music to his ears, “Sorry Katsuki, you’re just so pretty.”
You reached for his sweatpants, the already hard bulge catching your eye. “Wait,” He accidentally yelled. You flinched your hand back and looked up wt him. “What-“ “Take off your clothes too.”
It was a bold remark and you loved it. You smiled that smile that makes his knees buckle as you reached to take off your top. He practically drooled at the sight of your bra. “Can I feel them?” You took of the bra, letting the girls free so that he could see everything. You nodded, “Of course, my love.”
He was mesmerized by the look of them. Absolutely everything he imagined and more. Like a dream come true. He couldn’t wait to see your cunt and ass.
He lightly squeezed your chest, too scared of hurting you to go harder. Your face contorted into a look of pleasure. He squeezed harder then began to full on fondle your boobs.
You grabbed his hand as you cursed through a moan. You could feel yourself getting wetter by the moment. His hand slipped down your abdomen and hesitantly hung at your waistband. This isn’t how it was supposed to go!
You grab his hand and force it off you. He flinches like he just accidentally stabbed you. Before he could freak out too much you spoke. “No, I’m taking care of you tonight. Don’t.”
“I want to touch you too though!” He argued. You shook your head, he pouted. “Can you at least take off your pants? I don’t wanna be the only one only in underwear.” You snickered at his request but still pried your shorts off to reveal your black panties with white heart designs.
He didn’t get much time to oogle before he practically jumped out of his skin at the feeling of your fingers gracing his clothed cock. “Off.” You demanded.
He carefully took off his pants, revealing the plain black underwear he wore. His bulge was constricting hard against the fabric. He was fucking big. You could tell just by looking at it through the underwear. It squeezed around him in a way that couldn’t be anything less than painful.
“Stop starin’” He groaned. You gave him an apologetic look before moving your hand to lightly outline the bulge. He breathed sharply through his teeth, his abs twitching ever so slightly.
You felt bad for teasing him, he was being so nice. So you cut to the chance and palmed him hard.
It caught him so off guard that he couldn’t stop the moan that flew out of his mouth. His hand shot up to grab your arm to stable himself. You palmed at him again before trying to move your hand away. He kept it in place, trying to make contact once more to cure the raging heat he felt in his body.
You used the hand to pull down his boxers.
You were right, he was huge. Thick and long with prominent veins running down the sides. An angry red tip that leaked precum like a broken faucet. His balls hung tight, filled to the brim with his seed and desperate to share. You almost came just looking at it. How would that thing comfortably fit inside you?
You swallowed, wrapping your hands around it and doing your first test pump. “Fuccckk” He moaned, tilting his head back. His hips thrusted into your hand to prevent the stillness you obtained. “Move it y/n” Bakugou whined. So you did.
Sloppy noises filled the room as you fisted him up and down. You listened carefully to his directions of “faster” and “harder”. He had to put a hand around his mouth to cover his desperate whines and moans.
You couldn’t stop yourself from beginning to rub your clit at his noises and reactions. He was just so hot.
You were nearly 2 minutes in and he was ready to bust everywhere.
Your hands felt even better than he imagined. Your soft skin wrapped around his cock held him in chokehold. He wouldn’t last much longer.
You could tell he was close by the way he balls constricted, readying his load for you. His body tensed and untensed rapidly. His hips began to thrust up into your hands uncontrollably. His moans became silent and he dove into your mouth to indulge in a sloppy, aggressive kiss.
When he finally came he moaned loud into your mouth, “Nghhhuhnnnmmm” His cum shot up out of his cock in explosive groups. He tensed up so hard you were surprised he didn’t get a charley horse. His heads heated up against the bruising grip he hand on your waist. You winced from the combination of burn and bruise.
When he came down from his high he couldn’t breath steady. He was huffing on what looked like a limited supply of air. His elbow rested over his eyes to hide his look of relief and lust.
His cum was hot, hotter than normal. It burned the skin of your chest like hot wax.
You whispered praises for Katsuki as you reached for his already spent cock again. His whole body jerked when you grabbed him and started to jerk him awake. “What nghh the fufkknn?” He moaned. His nails dug into the skin of you thigh as you removed your panties.
“Did you think we were done?” You said as you climbed into his lap. He wasn’t looking at you so he didn’t see you line his cock up to your entrance. Just from a few strokes he was already rock hard.
You both practically screamed as you sunk yourself down onto his long, girthy cock.
You gave yourself a few seconds to prepare, you had to. You’d die if you didn’t. His hands shot to your hips, revealing his face. He was flushed a deep red, sweat dripping down his forehead. His eyes were blown so wide you had to really focus to see the red you’ve come to adore. You looked down at you with heart eyes, like you were a descendant of a god coming to bless him.
After you adjusted you began to bounce yourself on his cock. He whined and moaned against you with his mouth leaking saliva. “Haaauhhh, fuck, just like that baby nhghh.” He let out a high pitched whine when you squeezed around his girth.
He was hitting all the right spots inside you. You had never been this full before. He pushed himself into your cervix with each trust at this angle. You quickly became dunk off of him too.
Too drunk to notice that he was already prematurely cumming into you with a loud cry. His seed inside you burned at your walls in such a good way. You couldn’t be bothered to listen to his overstimulated pleads begging for a break. Tears started to bundle down his cheek as his mouth hung open. His moans were silent now, painful. The pleasure of your walls was unimaginable. He couldn’t handle it. It was too much.
You moaned loudly against him when you came. It was such an intense orgasm you couldn’t help but to force yourself into his neck and bite him hard enough to draw blood.
You squeezed so hard around Bakugou that he blanked out. Stars filling his vision to match yours. And as soon as you’re done riding out your high, he cums everything he has left into you.
He practically shoves you off of his cock after he’s freed from his painful orgasm. He still twitches and shakes. He mumbled curses under his breath to calm his racing heart.
You lay down under the covers of his bed, dragging him with you down. He snuggles into your neck, hugging you so tight it hurts.
“You’re perfect.” He mumbles through pants. You give a kiss to his swollen bite, “I love you too, Katsuki.”
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ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys · 3 months
hawthorne headcannons
~ max leaves bows all around the house for no reason
~ nash had an emo phase in middle school (libby found photos)
~ jameson was on the school gymnastics team
~ libby wears nash’s cowboy hats even though he buys her her own
~ to sleep jameson has about 200000 pillows, a fan and a sound machine
~ grayson still sleeps with a teddy bear and nash is the only one who knows about it
~ nash plays candy crush
~ oren took ballet for the better part of his life
~ all of the brothers have/will won people’s sexiest man alive at some point
~ xander has glasses but barely wears them
~ libby makes and posts baking tutorials
~ jameson keeps a photo of him and his brothers in his wallet along with one of avery
~ jameson has dimples
~ thea takes avery shopping but with literally go stress cry over avery’s fashion choices
~ xander is allergic to almonds
some of these are really random but i hope you liked them <3
-zoey ☆
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hopefulfangirlblr · 1 year
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Chris Evans
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bellaturner · 11 months
I Wanna Be Yours
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I suck at titles, sorry 🥹
i'm not sure what this is, it doesn't have smut but its also not fluff (?)
Summary: you always had a crush on Alex, but he's your big brother's friend so you try to hide your feelings.
Warnings: none? (soft dom Alex if you squint a lot)
1,1k words (it was supposed to be a blurb, help)
Part 2 ✧ Masterlist
The final verses of "R U Mine?" reverberated through the venue, creating an electric atmosphere. As the lights dimmed, you joined the rest of the band at the side of the stage, soaking in the energy of the crowd.
"Hey, Bear!" you exclaimed, jumping into your brother's arms and giving him a tight hug. "Congrats, Matt. You killed it!"
"Thanks, little demon," he chuckled, hugging you back. Matt, your older brother, was always close to you.
Having graduated from high school the previous year, you were still figuring out your path in life. So when Matt offered you the opportunity to join the Arctic Monkeys on their AM tour, you jumped at the chance. Who could say no to traveling the world, experiencing new places, and immersing yourself in live music almost every night? It was a dream come true, and the best part was being close to Alex, the man who made your heart skip a beat.
"You guys rocked it too!" you yelled, offering a smile to Nick and Jamie, who were enjoying a well-deserved break with cans of beer from the minibar in the corner.
You noticed Alex was missing. It was his habit to disappear for a good twenty minutes after shows, needing time to decompress.
Matt led you to the private rooms at the back of the venue. "Come on, trouble," he grinned, guiding you. "We need to gather our stuff. The bus leaves in an hour."
"Roger that, Captain!" you playfully responded, eagerly following him. Every second of this experience felt like a thrill, and you were grateful to Matt for bringing you along. The entire journey was incredible, but being able to spend time close to Alex was undoubtedly the highlight for you.
Your heart had always belonged to him, but you knew the boundaries that existed. Alex Turner, the charismatic front man and sexiest man alive, was older than you and one of your brother's closest friends. In reality, he was unattainable, being your only in dreams.
As you opened the door to the room, ready to gather your belongings for the next destination, you froze. There, seated on the sofa, was Alex. He appeared lost in thought, his hair styled back with a single strand teasingly falling on his forehead, adding to his undeniable appeal.
"Oh, fuck! I'm so sorry, Alex," you stammered, preparing to leave and give him his space.
"Don't worry about it, Y/N," he reassured you with a warm smile.
"I'll just grab my things and be out of your way in a second," you said, hurrying to pack up your makeup, which had been scattered during the band's final rehearsal.
"Well, take your time. You've already ruined my night," he joked, breaking the tension in the room.
That had become your dynamic over the years. Playful banter and teasing served as a mask for the feelings that simmered beneath the surface. It was a coping mechanism, a way to hide your emotions and maintain a sense of normalcy.
"That's for not playing my favorite tonight, mister," you shot back, a mischievous grin forming on your lips.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Is the little Helders' princess upset?" he retorted, mockingly pouting.
"Shut up, Turner!" you laughed, attempting to finish packing your makeup bag. However, your clothes were scattered all around the room.
You plopped down on the floor, gathering the articles of clothing and stuffing them into your bag. Your eyes wandered the room, searching for the dress you had worn earlier.
"Alex, have you seen my dress?" you asked.
"This one?" he said, holding up the fabric from the sofa beside him.
"Yep, that's the one," you replied, extending your arms toward him. "Throw it over, will ya?"
He playfully balled up the dress and tossed it in your direction, making you giggle.
"Found this as well," Alex whispered, his voice low and filled with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine and made you look up.
Your eyes widened as you saw him holding your bra by the strap in his hand. Heat rushed to your cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and arousal. You got up and reached for it.
"Not so fast, miss," he teased, pulling his hand back.
You let out an exasperated sigh, trying to regain your composure. "Alex, seriously? Can you just give it back?" you muttered.
His gaze held a mischievous glint as he got up and closed the distance between you, his hand still holding your bra captive. You could feel his breath on your face, sending a tingling sensation down your spine.
"Beg for it," he whispered playfully, his voice filled with a seductive undertone.
Rolling your eyes, you decided to play along. "Oh, please, dear sir, may I have my undergarment back?" you exaggeratedly pleaded, adding a touch of theatricality to your request.
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, since you asked so nicely," he said, relinquishing your bra and handing it over with a flourish.
You snatched it from him, attempting to maintain a composed facade. "Thanks," you mumbled, turning away to pack it into your bag, hoping to hide the flustered expression on your face.
Alex's playful nature always sparked a connection between you, blurring the lines of your friendship. Though you enjoyed the light-hearted banter, it sometimes made you question the true nature of your relationship.
With your belongings finally in order, you glanced at Alex, who was standing there with a lopsided grin. The tension between you was palpable, a mixture of unspoken desires and hidden emotions.
"Are you done teasing me now?" you quipped, trying to regain your composure.
He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, husky tone. "Teasing you? Oh, love, you have no idea what I'm capable of."
"Come on, Alex, cut it out," you said, flustered.
"Baby, I've noticed the way you look at me when you think I'm not watching," he confessed, his breath warm against your skin. "All this playful rudeness? Do you think you can fool me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, Alex," you protested, your hands trembling slightly.
"But I think you do, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice filled with desire.
"Alex, I can't. You're Matt's friend and…" your words trailed off as Alex's lips crashed onto yours.
His lips were soft yet demanding, and without hesitation, his tongue explored the depths of your mouth. You responded eagerly, letting all the suppressed feelings for him surge to the surface. There was no denying your desire.
Caught up in the moment, Alex's grip tightened, his fingers tangling in your hair. A soft moan escaped your lips as the kiss deepened, and all rational thought faded away.
"Hey, Y/N, have you seen my—"
Matt's voice abruptly cut through the air, freezing both you and Alex in your tracks. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as Matt's gaze locked onto the scene before him. His expression turned from confusion to anger in a matter of seconds.
"What the fuck is going on here?" his voice was filled with disbelief.
Sorry for taking forever to post a new fic, I've been having a rough time lately (I have a thousand drafts but can't finish any of them lol).
This was a request by 💐anon, I hope you like it babee 💕
~ Bella
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